Mami Tanaka
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
Job title
  • 博士(工学)(東北大学)

  • 修士(工学)(東北大学)

Committee Memberships 105

  • 日本機械学会 理事

    2018/04 - Present

  • 社団法人日本機械学会 日本機械学会フェロー

    2011/05 - Present

  • 社団法人日本機械学会 日本機械学会フェロー

    2011/05 - Present

  • 日本機械学会表彰部会 委員

    2009/04 - Present

  • 日本設計工学会 評議員

    2009/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会東北支部 商議員

    2009/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会表彰部会 委員

    2009/04 - Present

  • 日本設計工学会 評議員

    2009/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会東北支部 商議員

    2009/04 - Present

  • 機械学会 医工学テクノロジー分科会 幹事

    2008/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会 理事

    2008/04 - Present

  • 機械学会 医工学テクノロジー分科会 幹事

    2008/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会 理事

    2008/04 - Present

  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2007 (ROBOMEC 2007), 広報委員会委員長

    2007/04 - Present

  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2007 (ROBOMEC 2007), 広報委員会委員長

    2007/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御 部門常設委員会 総務委員会幹事

    2006/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門運営委員会 委員

    2006/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御 部門常設委員会 総務委員会幹事

    2006/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門運営委員会 委員

    2006/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 第6回部門講演会実行委員 実行委員

    2005/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会 編集委員会 委員

    2005/04 - Present

  • 設計工学東北支部 幹事

    2005/04 - Present

  • 第1回 複合医工学シンポジウム プログラム委員 委員

    2005/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 第6回部門講演会実行委員 実行委員

    2005/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会 編集委員会 委員

    2005/04 - Present

  • 設計工学東北支部 幹事

    2005/04 - Present

  • 第1回 複合医工学シンポジウム プログラム委員 委員

    2005/04 - Present

  • 科学研究費補助金審査部会特定領域研究委員会(アクチュエータ専門委員会) 委員

    2004/04 - Present

  • SICE先端医療福祉システム調査研究会 委員

    2004/04 - Present

  • 科学研究費補助金審査部会特定領域研究委員会(アクチュエータ専門委員会) 委員

    2004/04 - Present

  • SICE先端医療福祉システム調査研究会 委員

    2004/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会 委員

    2003/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会 委員

    2003/04 - Present

  • 精密工学会 評議委員

    2002/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会・企画運営 委員

    2002/04 - Present

  • 精密工学会 評議委員

    2002/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会・企画運営 委員

    2002/04 - Present

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 地域コンソーシアム研究開発事業研究会開発推進員会 委員

    2001/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 論文編集委員会 校閲委員

    2001/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能。精密機器部門 知能情報メカトロニクス分科会 委員

    2001/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会年次大会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2001/04 - Present

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 地域コンソーシアム研究開発事業研究会開発推進員会 委員

    2001/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 論文編集委員会 校閲委員

    2001/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能。精密機器部門 知能情報メカトロニクス分科会 委員

    2001/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会年次大会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2001/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門 東北地区ダイナミクス&コントロール研究会 委員

    1997/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会 電磁力関連の振動・騒音制御に関する調査研究分科会 委員

    1997/04 - Present

  • 日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門 東北地区ダイナミクス&コントロール研究会 委員

    1997/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会 電磁力関連の振動・騒音制御に関する調査研究分科会 委員

    1997/04 - Present

  • 知能ロボットコンテスト競技会 実行委員会 実行委員

    1995/04 - Present

  • 知能ロボットコンテスト競技会 実行委員会 実行委員

    1995/04 - Present

  • 日本AEM学会 理事

    2012/04 - 2014/03

  • 日本AEM学会 理事

    2012/04 - 2014/03

  • 日本機械学会編集委員会 トピックス委員

    2005/04 - 2008/03

  • 日本機械学会編集委員会 トピックス委員

    2005/04 - 2008/03

  • 日本機械学会 IIP’00情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2002/04 - 2008/03

  • 日本機械学会 IIP’00情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2002/04 - 2008/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 編集委員会 委員

    2006/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会副委員長

    2006/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 編集委員会 委員

    2006/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会副委員長

    2006/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 表彰委員会 委員

    2003/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 表彰委員会 委員

    2003/04 - 2007/03

  • 精密工学会 広報委員会 委員

    2002/04 - 2007/03

  • 精密工学会 広報委員会 委員

    2002/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本AEM学会電磁力関連のダイナミックスシンポジウム セッション オーガナイザー

    2001/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本AEM学会電磁力関連のダイナミックスシンポジウム セッション オーガナイザー

    2001/04 - 2007/03

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会 幹事

    2005/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 設計工学 システム部門 運営委員会 委員

    2005/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会 幹事

    2005/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 設計工学 システム部門 運営委員会 委員

    2005/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本ロボット学会・編集委員 委員

    2003/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本ロボット学会・編集委員 委員

    2003/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門「医療福祉機器における計測制御研究分科会 主査

    2002/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門「医療福祉機器における計測制御研究分科会 主査

    2002/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 代議員

    2001/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 代議員

    2001/04 - 2006/03

  • 日本機械学会 バイオエンジニアリング部門 バイオフロンティア講演会実行委員 委員

    2003/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 運営委員 委員

    2003/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 バイオエンジニアリング部門 バイオフロンティア講演会実行委員 委員

    2003/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 運営委員 委員

    2003/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 広報・情報部会 委員

    2002/04 - 2005/03

  • 精密工学会東北支部 事業幹事

    2002/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 広報・情報部会 委員

    2002/04 - 2005/03

  • 精密工学会東北支部 事業幹事

    2002/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 運営委員 運営委員

    2001/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 運営委員 運営委員

    2001/04 - 2005/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 編集委員会 委員

    2003/04 - 2004/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門 編集委員会 委員

    2003/04 - 2004/03

  • 日本機械学会 メカライフ編集委員会 委員

    2001/04 - 2004/03

  • 日本機械学会 メカライフ編集委員会 委員

    2001/04 - 2004/03

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 地域コンソーシアム研究開発事業研究会開発推進員会 委員

    2000/04 - 2002/03

  • 日本機械学会第13回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 実行委員会 委員

    2000/04 - 2002/03

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 地域コンソーシアム研究開発事業研究会開発推進員会 委員

    2000/04 - 2002/03

  • 日本機械学会第13回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 実行委員会 委員

    2000/04 - 2002/03

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 地域コンソーシアム研究開発事業研究会開発推進員会 委員

    1998/04 - 2002/03

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 地域コンソーシアム研究開発事業研究会開発推進員会 委員

    1998/04 - 2002/03

  • 第11回知能ロボットコンテストフェスティバル 実行委員会 実行委員長

    1998/04 - 2000/03

  • 第11回知能ロボットコンテストフェスティバル 実行委員会 実行委員長

    1998/04 - 2000/03

  • 科学技術庁市行き流動研究「先端機能材料を用いた柔構造機械システムに関する基礎研究」研究開発推進委員会 委員

    1995/04 - 1998/03

  • 科学技術庁市行き流動研究「先端機能材料を用いた柔構造機械システムに関する基礎研究」研究開発推進委員会 委員

    1995/04 - 1998/03

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門企画講習会 講師

    2006/05 -

  • 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門企画講習会 講師

    2006/05 -

  • 電気学会北陸支部専門講習会 講師

    2005/11 -

  • 電気学会北陸支部専門講習会 講師

    2005/11 -

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Professional Memberships 6

  • 日本ロボット学会

  • 日本設計工学会

  • 日本感性工学会

  • 精密工学会

  • 日本AEM学会

  • 日本機械学会

︎Show all ︎Show first 5

Research Interests 5

  • Medical and Welfare instruments

  • Sensor and Actuator

  • Functional materials

  • Active sensing

  • Biomechatronics

Research Areas 3

  • Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics /

  • Informatics / Robotics and intelligent systems /

  • Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics /

Awards 23

  1. 平成28年度女性のチャレンジ支援賞

    2016/06/27 内閣府

  2. 日本学術振興会賞

    2015/02/24 日本学術振興会

  3. NEXTライフ・イノベーション・ポスターセッション金賞

    2014/02/28 FIRSTシンポジウム公開活動実行委員会 触覚・触感に基づくQOLテクノロジーの創出に関する研究

  4. 日本AEM学会 功労賞

    2012/11/21 日本AME学会

  5. 日本AEM学会技術賞(2010)

    2011/03 日本AEM学会 触覚・触感計測に関するセンサシステムの開発

  6. 第19回日本工学教育協会賞業績賞

    2010/08/20 (社)日本工学教育協会 「輝く女性の機械系」を目指した教育の取り組み

  7. 日本機械学会船井賞

    2010/03/30 (社)日本機械学会

  8. 第18回MAGDAコンファレンス優秀講演論文集

    2009/11 日本AEM学会

  9. 日本機械学会東北支部技術研究賞

    2009/03/13 日本機械学会東北支部 2008年度生体組織硬さ計測センサ

  10. 財団法人 手島工業教育資金団 工業技術研究賞

    2009/02 財団法人 手島工業教育資金団

  11. 第17回MAGDAコンファレンス優秀講演論文賞

    2008/11/21 日本AEM学会

  12. 平成20年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞

    2008/04/15 文部科学大臣 若手科学者賞

  13. 平成19年度日本機械学会賞

    2008/04/08 日本機械学会 論文

  14. Best Poster Award

    2006/10/19 The 3rd Asia International Conference on Tribology Study on the relationship between hari surface property and tactile perception

  15. Best Student Paper

    2006/03/20 BioRob 2006 The first IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomecatoronics Development of a Wearable Braille Sensor with a Bobust Recognition System

  16. 第16回(平成17年度)トーキン科学技術振興財団 研究奨励賞

    2006/03/13 トーキン科学技術振興財団 機能性材料を用いた医療福祉機器の開発

  17. Final for Best Conference Paper Award

    2005/06/30 IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition Tactile Sensor System for Detection of prostate Cancer and Hypertrophy

  18. 第14回MAGDAコンファレンス優秀講演論文賞

    2005/03/15 MAGDAコンファレンス 触覚感性測定用センサシステムの開発

  19. 日本AEM学会技術賞

    2003/03/26 日本AEM学会 PVDF圧電ポリマーセンサを用いた睡眠時呼吸・心拍の無拘束無侵襲計測(センサの基本原理と動作確認)

  20. 日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)

    2002/04/08 日本機械学会 機能性材料を用いた能動触覚センシングの研究

  21. (社)精密工学会東北支部 優秀講演奨励賞

    2002/04 (社)精密工学会東北支部 前立腺癌・肥大症判別用アクティブセンサの開発

  22. 日本機械学会情報・知能・精密機器部門優秀講演論文賞

    2000/03/27 日本機械学会情報・知能・精密機器部門 皮膚表面形態計測用センサの開発(第1報 センサの基本特性)

  23. 日本AEM学会論文賞

    2000/03/21 日本AEM学会 皮膚表面性状計測用センサの開発(第1報 センサの基本特性)

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Papers 263

  1. Position of compression garment around the knee affects healthy adults’ knee joint position sense acuity Peer-reviewed

    Li Yin Zhang, János Négyesi, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka, Tibor Hortobágyi, Ryoichi Nagatomi

    Human Movement Science 67 2019

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2019.102519  



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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Athletes use compression garments (CGs) to improve sport performance, accelerate rehabilitation from knee injuries or to enhance joint position sense (JPS). The position of CGs around the knee may affect knee JPS but the data is inconsistent. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of CG position on healthy adults’ knee joint position sense acuity. In a counterbalanced, single-blinded study, 16 healthy young adults (8 female, age: 25.5 y) performed an active knee joint position-matching task with and without (CON) a below-knee (BK), above-knee (AK), or whole-knee (WK) CG in a randomized order on the dominant (CompDom) or the non-dominant leg (CompNon-Dom). We also determined the magnitude of tissue compression by measuring anatomical thigh and calf cross sectional area (CSA) in standing using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Subjects had less absolute repositioning error (magnitude of error) in BK compared with CON condition. On the other hand, the analysis of the direction of error (constant error) revealed that in each condition subjects tended to underestimate the target position (AK, BK and CON: 75%; WK: 94%). In WK condition there was a significantly larger negative error (−2.7 ± 3.4) as compared with CON (−1.6 ± 3.7) condition. There also was less variable error, in WK compared to BK and CON conditions, indicating less variability in their position sense using a WK CG, regardless of the underestimation. CG reduced thigh CSA by 4.5 cm2 or 3% and calf CSA by Δ1.3 cm2 or 1%. The position of CG relative to the knee modifies knee JPS. The findings helps us better understand how the application of a WK CG may support athletic activities.

  2. Softness measurement system for biological object by using balloon catheter Peer-reviewed

    Sho Saito, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 59 (3) 1127-1134 2019

  3. Study on Fingertip Force Sensor Based on Measurement of Tendon Tension Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Kouhei Kobayashi, Mami Tanaka

    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 59 (3) 1119-1126 2019

  4. The effect of surface roughness on human stiffness feeling Peer-reviewed

    Semin Kang, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 59 (3) 1103-1110 2019

  5. Human scratching motion analysis method by using three-dimensional motion measurement system Peer-reviewed

    Keisuke Watanabe, Takao Abe, Goushiro Isozaki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 59 (3) 1111-1118 2019

  6. Study on evaluation of mechanical characteristics by the indentation test for detection of lump in soft object

    武内大樹, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第26回MAGDAコンファレンス in 金沢―電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス― 281-284 2017/10/26

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  7. Fundamental study for detecting of scratch sound-Distinction of rubbing sound and skin scratching sound-

    渡邉圭裕, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第26回MAGDAコンファレンス in 金沢―電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス― 285-288 2017/10/26

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    講演論文集P-A20、285-288pp、2017年10月26-27日、金沢<br />

  8. Study on Evaluation of Puncture Force for Artificial Skin Model

    田村亮磨, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第26回MAGDAコンファレンス in 金沢―電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス― 387-390 2017/10/26

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    講演論文集P-B21、387-390pp、2017年10月26-27日、金沢<br />

  9. Development of Ball Roller Scanning Type Palpation Sensor System Invited

    Mami Tanaka, Jin Oizumi, Takeshi Okuyama

    18th Int. Symp. On Applied electoromagnetics and Mechanics 2017/09/03

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    ISEM2017(18th Int. Symp. On Applied electoromagnetics and Mechanics),Chamonix Mont-Blanc(France), 3-6 Sept 2017.<br /> 応用電磁工学と機械工学に関するシンポジウム<br />

  10. Softness Measurement System for biological Object by Using Balloon Catheter. Peer-reviewed

    Sho Saito, mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama

    ISEM2017(18th Int. Symp. On Applied electoromagnetics and Mechanics) 2017/09/03

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    (バルーンカテーテルを用いた生体硬さに関する研究)<br />

  11. Study on Fingertip Force Sensor Based on Measurement of Tendon Tension.

    Takeshi Okuyama, kouhei Kobayashi, Mami Tanaka

    ISEM2017(18th Int. Symp. On Applied electoromagnetics and Mechanics), 2017/09/03

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    Chamonix Mont-Blanc(France), 3-6 Sept 2017.<br />

  12. The effect of surface roughness on human stiffness feeling.( Peer-reviewed

    Semin Kang, Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama

    ISEM2017(18th Int. Symp. On Applied electoromagnetics and Mechanics) 59 (3) 1103-1110 2017/09/03

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    硬軟感知覚に対する表面粗さ効果に関する研究)<br />

  13. Human scratching motion analysis method by using three-dimensional motion measurement system.

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka, Keisuke Watanabe, Takao Abe, Goushiro Isozaki

    ISEM2017(18th Int. Symp. On Applied electoromagnetics and Mechanics) 2017/09/03

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    (三次元動作測定装置を用いた引っ掻き動作解析手法)<br /> Chamonix Mont-Blanc(France), 3-6 Sept 2017.<br />

  14. ボールローラ接触子を有する触診センサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 大泉仁, 奥山武志

    第29回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD29 in 倉敷)講演論文集 391-392 2017/05/18

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    講演論文集 3-5-05<br />

  15. 指輪型指先力計測センサの開発

    奥山武志, 小林晃平, 田中真美

    第29回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD29 in 倉敷)講演論文集 393-394 2017/05/18

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    講演論文集 3-5-06<br />

  16. (Development of artificial soft finger system for palpating prostate gland

    奥山武志, 岡前雄大, 田中真美

    ROBOMECH 2017 in FUKISHIMA 2017/05/11

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    ROBOMECH 2017 in FUKISHIMA、2017年5月10~13日、ビックパレットふくしま,講演論文集CD(1P1-L05)<br />

  17. 柔軟物に対する軟骨感評価時の指先接触状態の計測に関する研究

    渡邉慎也, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    IIP2017情報・知能・精密機器部門講演論文集CD(F7) 2017/03/14

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    IIP2017情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会、2017年3月14~15日、東洋大学(東京)<br /> <br />

  18. 嚥下計測用センサシステムに関する研究

    橋本博和, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    IIP2017情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集CD(F8) 2017/03/14

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    IIP2017情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会、2017年3月14~15日、東洋大学(東京)<br />

  19. Measurement of Living-Body Tissue Hardness by Using Ballloon Catheter

    齋藤 翔, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第25回 MAGDAコンファレンス in Kiryu 399-402 2016/11/24

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    2016年11月24~25日、桐生(群馬)<br />

  20. Hardness measurement by using the bimorph sensor unit

    長井 裕, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第25回 MAGDAコンファレンス in Kiryu 484-489 2016/11/24

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    2016年11月24~25日、桐生(群馬)<br />

  21. ウェアラブル指先力計測センサシステムの開発

    奥山武志, 小林晃平, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2016年次大会DVD論文集 2016/09/11

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    日本機械学会2016年次大会(DVD論文集-J1640302)、2016年9月11~14日、福岡(九州大学)<br />

  22. ボールローラ型触診センサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 大泉仁, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2016年次大会DVD論文集 2016/09/11

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    日本機械学会2016年次大会(DVD論文集-J1640201)、2016年9月11~14日、福岡(九州大学)<br />

  23. Development of wearable sensor using microphone for evaluation of human scratch motion

    磯崎剛志郎, 奥山武士, 田中真美

    Life2016講演集論文 2016/09/04

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    Life2016講演集論文(USBメモリ)3A2-D02(第32回ライフサポート学会大会、第16回日本生活支援工学会大会、日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2016)2016年9月4-6日、仙台<br />

  24. Study on evaluation of contact stimulus by diaper using pressure distribution sensor Peer-reviewed

    田中真美, 谷口雄紀, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会第28回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集 18B3-4 176-179 2016/05/18

  25. Study on measurement of motion and sound during scratching skin Peer-reviewed

    田中真美, 阿部貴夫, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会第28回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集 18B4-5 200-203 2016/05/18

  26. 硬軟感知覚に対する表面粗さ効果に関する研究(第2報 触動作解析)

    カン セミン, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会IIP2016 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP 部門)講演会, in CD-ROM, F-2-1, (2016). 2016/03/14

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    (2016年3月14-15日東京)15日発表<br />

  27. タッチパネル表面の触感計測に関する研究

    片桐 卓哉, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会IIP2016 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP 部門)講演会, in CD-ROM, F-2-2, (2016). 2016/03/14

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    2016年3月14-15日東京)15日発表<br />

  28. 上肢屈伸運動中の筋音計測による筋状態評価に関する研究

    熊谷 光, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会東北支部第51回総会・講演会講演論文集, in USB, 145-146 2016/03/11

  29. 硬軟感知覚に対する表面粗さ効果に関する研究(第1報 官能評価)

    カン セミン, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会東北支部第51回総会・講演会講演論文集, in USB, 147-148 2016/03/11

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    (2016年3月11日仙台)<br />

  30. Measurement of palpation motion using prostate examination simulator and motion capture system. Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Shota Yokoyama, Yoshikatsu Tahanashi, Mami Tanaka

    Mechanical Engineering Journal 13 (1) 2016/01/07

    DOI: 10.1299/mej.15-00539  

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    Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol3, No.1, 2016 <br /> Paper No.15-00539, J-STAGE Advance Publication date: 7 January, 2016<br />

  31. 手背マイクによる引掻き動作計測に関する研究

    奥山武志, 阿部貴夫, 田中真美

    日本機械学会第7回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム講演論文集, in CD-ROM, 28pm1-E-3, (2015). 2015/10

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    (2015年10月28日~30日新潟)28日発表<br />

  32. Reciprocating Roller Scanning Type Palpation Sensor System for Evaluating Mobility of Lumps.

    Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Tetsuharu Ube

    The 17th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2015), 2015/09/15

  33. Measurement of Finger Joint angle using a Flexible Polymer Sensor. Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Shouhei Kobayashi, Manabu Otsuki, Mami Tanaka

    The 17th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2015), 2015/09/15

  34. Development of a Sensor for Measuring Tactile Sensation of Hair by Using Artificial Hair.

    Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Sho Otsuka, Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Takafumi Kono, Atsushi Horihata

    The 17th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2015) 2015/09/15

  35. Study on evaluation of contact stimulus by diaper considering pressure distribution

    田中真美, 谷口雄紀, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会 2015/09/13

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    J1630305、2015.9.13~16、北海道大学<br />

  36. Fundamental analysis of human scratch motion using three dimensional motion capture system and three axis load cell

    奥山武志, 阿部貴夫, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会 2015/09/13

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    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会、J2410106、2015.9.13~16、北海道大学<br />

  37. 様々な硬さの柔軟物を計測可能な小型硬さセンサの開発に関する研究

    Development of the compact hardness sensor for sensing, various hardness of soft objects

    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会、プログラム&アブストラクト集 37-37 2015/09/04

  38. 指先力計測用ウェアラブルセンサの開発に関する研究

    小林晃平, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    Study on development of wearable sensor for finger force measurements 45-45 2015/09/04

  39. Development of a Robot Finger System for Palpation of Prostate

    岡前雄大, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会、プログラム&アブストラクト集 46-46 2015/09/04

  40. Measurement of palpation motion using prostate examination simulator and motion capture system

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克

    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015 2015/06/14

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemipe.2015._TuD-1-3-1  

  41. Usability evaluation of compact Braille reading sensor

    奥山武士, 坂口飛鳥

    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015 2015/06/14

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemipe.2015._TuD-1-4-1  

  42. Usability evaluation of compact Braille reading sensor.

    田中真美, 坂口飛鳥, 奥山武志

    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015 2015/06/14

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemipe.2015._TuD-1-4-1  

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    Usability evaluation of compact Braille reading sensor.<br /> IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015, June 14-17, 2015, Kobe, Japan<br /> 情報と精密機器用マイクロ・メカトロニクスに関する国際会議<br /> 小型点字読み取りセンサのユーザビリティ評価<br />

  43. Measurement of palpation motion using prostate examination simulator and motion capture system.

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015 2015/06/14

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemipe.2015._TuD-1-3-1  

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    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015, June 14-17, 2015, Kobe, Japan<br /> 情報と精密機器用マイクロ・メカトロニクスに関する国際会議<br /> 前立腺触診シュミレータおよび動作解析システムを用いた前立腺触診動作計測<br /> <br />

  44. Study on evaluation of mobility of lump in soft objects

    大泉仁, 宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第27回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD27)講演論文集 379-382 2015/05/14

  45. Measurement of Finger Joint Angle using a Soft Polymer Sensor

    小林晃平, 大槻学, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第27回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD27)講演論文集 383-386 2015/05/14

  46. Study on the measurement of palpation motion for prostate gland using 3D motion capture system

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    第27回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD27)講演論文集 387-391 2015/05/14

  47. Study on an Evaluation of Human Scratching Motions by Measuring Scratch Sounds

    奥山武志, 畠山一樹, 田中真美

    Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and mechanics 23 (1) 80-85 2015

  48. Study on an Evaluation of Human Scratching Motions by Measuring Scratch Sounds

    奥山武志, 畠山一樹, 田中真美

    Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and mechanics 23 (1) 80-85 2015

  49. Frequency Response of Polymer Sensor for Measuring Finger Scratching Motion. Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Kazuki Hatakeyama, Mami Tanaka

    APSAEM14 Journal of the Japan Society of Applied electromagnetics and Mechanics 23 (3) 2015

    DOI: 10.14243/jsaem.23.618  

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    APSAEM14 Journal of the Japan Society of Applied electromagnetics and Mechanics Vol.23,No.3(2015)<br />

  50. 硬さ感知覚メカニズム解明のための指接触状態計測に関する研究

    成井涼, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松 2014/12/04

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    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松、PS45(545-548pp)、2014.12-4~12.5<br />

  51. 三次元動作計測システムを用いた引掻き動作解析

    阿部貴夫, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松 2014/12/04

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    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松、PS46(549-552pp)、2014.12-4~12.5<br />

  52. 体表面振動計測による下腿状態評価システムの開発に関する研究

    池田翔平, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松 2014/12/04

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    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松、PS47(553-555pp)、2014.12-4~12.5<br />

  53. Measurement of contact stimulus by diaper using contact stimulus sensor

    谷口雄紀, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    2014年度精密工学会東北支部 学術講演会(Ⅱ―15) 2014/11/29

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    2014年度精密工学会東北支部 学術講演会(Ⅱ―15)、2014.11.29、弘前<br />

  54. Measurement of Finger Joint Angle using a Soft Polymer Sensor

    大槻 学, 小林晃平, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会年次大会2014 2014/09/07

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    日本機械学会年次大会2014(J1620105、2014.9.7-10、東京)<br /> <br />

  55. Study on evaluation of mobility of lump in the flexible object

    大泉仁, 宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会年次大会2014 2014/09/07

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    日本機械学会年次大会2014(J2410206、2014.9.7-10、東京)<br />

  56. Study on measurement of palpation motion for prostate gland

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    日本機械学会年次大会2014 2014/09/07

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    日本機械学会年次大会2014(J2410207、2014.9.7-10、東京)<br />

  57. Study on an evaluation of human scratching motions by measuring scratch sounds

    奥山武志, 畠山一樹, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集 22Ba1 492-496 2014/05/21

  58. Study on anevaluation of lump mobility using a reciprocating roller scanning type palpation sensor.

    日本AEM学会第, 回, 電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集

    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集 22Ba2 497-500 2014/05/21

  59. Measurement on palpation motions for discriminating lump shapes

    田中真美, 横山翔太, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克

    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集 22Ba3 501-504 2014/05/21

  60. Measurement on palpation motion for discriminating the lump shape

    横山翔太, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    日本機械学会 IIP2014 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 講演論文集 F-2-5 2014/03/18

  61. Study on an evaluation of lump mobility using a reciprocating roller scanning type palpation sensor.

    宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会 第26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 63-64 2014/01/11

  62. Study on a usability evaluation of a Braille sensor

    Study on a, usability evaluation of, a, Braille sensor

    日本機械学会 第26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 65-66 2014/01/11

  63. 柔軟ポリマーセンサを用いた指関節角度計測による把持動作評価

    大槻学, 奥山武志

    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎、講演論文集 541-546 2013/12/02

  64. Development a Sound for Controlling Food Texture by Sound

    成井涼, 奥山武志

    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎、講演論文集 547-550 2013/12/02

  65. Quantification of contact stimulus caused by disposable diapers to infants

    谷口雄紀, 野俣拓哉, 奥山武志

    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎、講演論文集 551-554 2013/12/02

  66. カメラおよび力センサによる触診動作計測

    横山翔太, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会講演論文集(No.13-1) 2013/09/08

  67. 多点筋音計測による筋状態評価に関する研究

    荒井辰也, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会講演論文集(No.13-1) 2013/09/08

  68. 往復走査式ローラ型触診センサシステムの開発

    宇部哲玄, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会講演論文集(No.13-1) 2013/09/08

  69. ロール型触刺激計測システムの開発

    奥山武志, 野俣拓也

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会講演論文集(No.13-1) 2013/09/08

  70. Study on a roller scanning type palpation sensor

    Makoto Tamura

    ISEM2013第16回電磁気と機械力学に関する国際会議 31-32 2013/07/31

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    July31st-August 2nd, 2013, Ouebec City (Canada), 31-32pp

  71. Passive haptic perception mechanism of softness

    Daisuke Tsuchimi

    ISEM2013第16回電磁気と機械力学に関する国際会議 159-160 2013/07/31

  72. Analysis of the pressure on the fingers and palms of midwife during second stage of labor

    Miu Kudo, Maki Hojo

    ISEM2013第16回電磁気と機械力学に関する国際会議 181-182 2013/07/31

  73. Measurement of human scratch behavior using compact microphone

    Takeshi Okuyama

    ISEM2013第16回電磁気と機械力学に関する国際会議 2013/07/31

  74. Study on the Mechanisms of Human Haptic Perception for Evaluating Softness

    土見大介, 佐々木香菜, 奥山武志

    第25回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD25) 講演論文集 224-225 2013/05/15

  75. 化粧水の塗布触感評価システムの開発に関する研究

    奥山武志, 榎並翔太, 川副智行, 柿崎みのり

    第25回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD25) 講演論文集 226-227 2013/05/15

  76. Development of a Haptic Sensor System for Simultaneously Measuring Roughness and Stiffness.

    久保 大, 土見大介, 奥山武志

    IIP2013情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 講演論文集 140-142 2013/03/21

  77. F-2-3 Analysis of the pressure on the fingers and palms of midwife during second stage of labor

    KUDO Miu, OKUYAMA Takeshi, TANAKA Mami, HOJO Maki, YOSHIZAWA Toyoko, NAKAMURA Yasuka

    The Proceedings of the Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment : IIP 2013 (0) 143-145 2013

    Publisher: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeiip.2013.143  

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    In Japan,midwives perform Japanese hands-on(perineal support),which is important to prevent perineal tears and to deliver safely.However,it is difficult for trainee midwives to acquire the procedures.Therefore,the advanced delivery simulator that enable the midwives to evaluate the skill objectively is demanded.In this paper,for realizing the delivery simulator,we focus on the pressure of midwives' fingers and palms during Japanese hands-on.Fundamental experiments were carried out using flexible pressure sensors.In experiments,six experts perform the Japanese hands-on using normal delivery phantom.From the analysis of pressure profile,the cooperation between the left and right hand was investigated.

  78. 小型マイクを用いた引っ掻き動作計測に関する研究

    畠山一樹, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集 31-32 2012/10/05

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    日本機械学会、バイオエンジニアリング部門<br /> 2012年10月5~6日、弘前文化センター<br />

  79. 筋音・筋電センサを用いた筋状態評価用センサシステムに関する研究 Peer-reviewed

    荒井辰也, 神藤将士, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集 2012/10/05

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    日本機械学会、バイオエンジニアリング部門<br /> 第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集、pp.173-174<br /> 2012年10月5~6日、弘前文化センター<br />

  80. ヒトの硬軟感知覚メカニズムに関する研究 Peer-reviewed

    佐々木香菜, 土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集 175-176 2012/10/05

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    日本機械学会、バイオエンジニアリング部門<br /> 第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集、pp.175-176<br /> 2012年10月5~6日、弘前文化センター<br />

  81. 触診動作計測システムの開発に関する研究 Peer-reviewed

    村上健太郎, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2012年度年次大会論文集 2012/09/09

  82. Fundamental Characterization of Diaper Friction by Disposable Diapers. Peer-reviewed

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment 17-19 2012/06/18

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    (紙おむつによる擦れの基礎な特性解析)<br />

  83. Measurement of contact stimulus by disposable diapers considering motion of infants. Peer-reviewed

    Yuta Iseki, Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012) 26-28 2012/06/18

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    (幼児の動作を検討した紙オムツによる触刺激の測定)<br />

  84. Measurement of f midwife motion during second stage of labor. Peer-reviewed

    Maki Hojo, Takeshi Okuyama, Toyoko Yoshizawa, Fumi Atogami, Yasuka Nakamura, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012) 32-34 2012/06/18

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    (分娩の第二ステージの助産師の動きの測定)<br /> 2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012), June 18-20, 2012, Santa Clara, CA, USA,32-34 pp<br />

  85. Development of bending sensor for monitoring of scratch motion using polymer sensor. Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Kazuki Hatakeyama, Manabu Otsuki, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012) 38-39 2012/06/18

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    (ポリマーセンサーを使った引っ掻き動作のモニタリングのための曲率センサの開発)<br /> 2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012), June 18-20, 2012, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 38-39pp<br />

  86. Time response properties on deformation velocity for a flexible curvature sensor Peer-reviewed

    大槻 学, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24)), 607-608 2012/05/16

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    2012年5月16~18日、富山国際会議場(The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24))、607-608 pp.<br />

  87. Measurement of Vibration Induced By Scratch Motion Peer-reviewed

    畠山一樹, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24)) 609-610 2012/05/16

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    2012年5月16~18日、富山国際会議場(The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24))、609-610 pp.<br />

  88. Development of scanning tactile sensor of scanning Peer-reviewed

    田中真美, 田村誠, 奥山武志

    The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24)) 611-612 2012/05/16

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    2012年5月16~18日、富山国際会議場(The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24)) 、611-612 pp.<br />

  89. Measurement of Assisted Delivery Motion Peer-reviewed

    奥山武志, 北條真紀, 吉沢豊子, 田中真美

    The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24) 613-614 2012/05/16

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    2012年5月16~18日、富山国際会議場(The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD24)) 、613-614 pp.<br />

  90. Study on the measurement of human scratch motion using nail mounted sensor. Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Kazuki Hatakeyama, Mami Tanaka

    9th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators 2012(IWPMA2012) 23-25 2012/04/23

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    9th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators 2012(IWPMA2012)23-25 April 2012 in Hirosaki, Japan<br />

  91. Mechanism of Haptic Perception: Influence of Amplitude and Frequency for Smoothness

    Mami Tanaka, Daisuke Tsuchimi, Takeshi Okuyama

    Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Center of Excellence Programme, 368-377 2012

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    In Takami Yamaguchi (ED.), NANO-BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 2012 :<br />

  92. Evaluation of Chafing by Diapers as a Contact Stimulus


    Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Center of Excellence Programme, 442-447 2012

  93. Development of Palpation Sensor Using Two PVDF Films


    Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Center of Excellence Programme, 461-471 2012

  94. Curvature Sensor Using a Solid Polymer Electrolyte


    Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Center of Excellence Programme, 472-479 2012

  95. Evaluation of contact stimuli by diapers for infants: Relationship between contact stimuli and walking motion Peer-reviewed

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: IOS PRESS

    DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2012-1499  


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    This paper describes the investigation of a relationship between contact stimulus and walking movements. Until now, a sensor system for measurement of contact stimulus applied to infants by diapers has been developed. The sensor comprises a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film and a strain gauge. A dummy infant fitted with the sensor has been designed and built for measuring the contact stimuli during walking movement. Using this system, contact force and diaper friction against the skin are measured as the contact stimuli. The features of obtained data are extracted by performing signal processing in order to investigate the feature of the contact stimuli during the walking movements. From the results of signal processing, time variation of the contact stimuli was obtained. The experimental results show that the feature of contact stimulus in relation to the walking movements can be evaluated.

  96. Haptic perception mechanism of softness Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: IOS PRESS

    DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2012-1576  


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    A palpation is convenient and it is a useful method to detect a cancer and to evaluate softness of skin. However, the palpation is skillful method, and the mental/physical conditions of the experts affect the result of the palpation easily. The result of palpation is subjective and it is hard to share the result with the other people. Therefore, the development of the sensor that can measure the softness of the body is demanded. In this paper, a relationship between physical properties of measured objects and the softness that human feel are investigated for a development of a tactile sensor system. At first, the relationship between tactile softness and stiffness of the measured objects is investigated. As a result, tactile softness decreases with the increase of stiffness of the objects. Next, the relationship between tactile softness and size of contact area of human finger are investigated. These results lead to the conclusion that there is a possibility that tactile softness of the objects are not only related to the contact force or displacement of a finger and the objects but also to the contact area of the finger and the measured objects.

  97. Time response properties on deformation velocity for a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mehcanics 479-485 2012

    DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2012-1579  

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    39(2012)479-485<br /> DOI 10.3233/JAE-2012-1499, IOS Press,<br />

  98. Study on Developing a Sensor System for Measuring Tactile Sensation

    八木喜久, 奥山武志, 横幕敦司, 田村明日香

    電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス講演論文集 563-566 2012

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  99. A compact sensor system for reading Braille

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    Proceedings of The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 736-740 2011/10/09

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6083729  

  100. Evaluation and Measurement of Assisted Delivery Motion

    北條真紀, 奥山武志, 吉沢豊子, 田中真美

    日本機械学会東北支部第47期秋季講演会、講演論文集 2011 (2) 72-73 2011/09/22

  101. Measurement of vibration induced by scratch motion

    畠山一樹, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会東北支部第47期秋季講演会、講演論文集 2011 (2) 74-75 2011/09/22

  102. Time response properties on deformation velocity for a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    Proceedings of The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 39-40 2011/09/07

    DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2012-1579  

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    JSME Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 14.<br /> (ISBN 978-4-931455-19-1, ISSN 1343-2869)<br />

  103. Hapic Perception Mechanism of Softness Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama

    Proceedings of The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 261-262 2011/09/07

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    JSME Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 14.<br /> (ISBN 978-4-931455-19-1, ISSN 1343-2869)

  104. Evaluation of Contact Stimuli by Diapers for Infants –Relationship between contact stimuli and walking motion- Peer-reviewed

    Takuya Nomata, Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama

    Proceedings of The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 577-578 2011/09/07

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    JSME Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 14.<br /> (ISBN 978-4-931455-19-1, ISSN 1343-2869)<br />

  105. 紙オムツによる乳幼児への触刺激の定量化に関する研究-歩行動作と触刺激の 関連性の検討-

    野俣拓也, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会誌 19 (2) 330-335 2011/06/10

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    日本AEM学会誌, Vol.19(2), pp. 330-335, (2011-6)

  106. Development of tactile sensor for measuring hair touch feeling Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Makoto Hariu, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Minori Kakizawa, Hideki Shimizu, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: SPRINGER

    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-011-1267-1  


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    In this paper, a tactile sensor system for evaluation of human hair under dry and wet conditions is developed. The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film is used as the sensory material. The sensor consists of an acrylic base, a silicone rubber, a PVDF film. A surface projection is put on the PVDF film as the contacting part. The sensor output is obtained by contacting and scanning objects. Panels imitating the physical and chemical properties of human hair surface are fabricated and used as measuring objects for stable measurement. Panels cleaned down with several kinds of hair-care products are measured by the sensor. By comparison between the sensor output and human sensory evaluation, it was confirmed that the sensor outputs have a good correlation with human sensory evaluation. It was found that the sensor system is available for monitoring hair conditions in both dry and wet conditions.

  107. Characteristic evaluation of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: SPRINGER

    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-011-1285-z  


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    This paper describes a development of a curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) film. The SPE film has good flexibility, and can be used in air. In previous research, we clarified output response to deformation of the SPE sensor and the relationship between sensor output and sensor curvature. In this paper, output characteristics of the SPE sensor are investigated in detail. Four sensors with different length and width are prepared. And the influence of the SPE sensor on the sensor element shape is investigated. As a result, it is confirmed that there are a several sensors which cause a slight reduction of the sensor output because it is difficult to place the whole sensor element on the sample curve exactly. Concerning with the large sensor, it was confirmed that the reduction of the sensor output is not occurred.

  108. Development of tactile sensor for measuring hair touch feeling Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Makoto Hariu, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Minori Kakizawa, Hideki Shimizu, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: SPRINGER

    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-011-1267-1  


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    In this paper, a tactile sensor system for evaluation of human hair under dry and wet conditions is developed. The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film is used as the sensory material. The sensor consists of an acrylic base, a silicone rubber, a PVDF film. A surface projection is put on the PVDF film as the contacting part. The sensor output is obtained by contacting and scanning objects. Panels imitating the physical and chemical properties of human hair surface are fabricated and used as measuring objects for stable measurement. Panels cleaned down with several kinds of hair-care products are measured by the sensor. By comparison between the sensor output and human sensory evaluation, it was confirmed that the sensor outputs have a good correlation with human sensory evaluation. It was found that the sensor system is available for monitoring hair conditions in both dry and wet conditions.

  109. Characteristic evaluation of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: SPRINGER

    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-011-1285-z  


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    This paper describes a development of a curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) film. The SPE film has good flexibility, and can be used in air. In previous research, we clarified output response to deformation of the SPE sensor and the relationship between sensor output and sensor curvature. In this paper, output characteristics of the SPE sensor are investigated in detail. Four sensors with different length and width are prepared. And the influence of the SPE sensor on the sensor element shape is investigated. As a result, it is confirmed that there are a several sensors which cause a slight reduction of the sensor output because it is difficult to place the whole sensor element on the sample curve exactly. Concerning with the large sensor, it was confirmed that the reduction of the sensor output is not occurred.

  110. Study on evaluation of muscle conditions using a mechanomyogram sensor

    Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Kazuhiro Saito


    Publisher: IEEE

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6083730  


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    In this study, a mechanomyogram (MMG) sensor system for monitoring muscle conditions is developed. The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film is used as the sensory material of the MMG sensor. The mean power frequency (MPF) of the sensor output, which is related to firing rate of action potential of muscle, and the variance of the sensor output, which is related to the activity of fast fibers and complete recruitment, are calculated from the MMG signal. The fundamental experiments were conducted. First, MMG signal are measured for muscular injury of upper arm. From the results, MMG sensor is available to estimate the recovery of muscle. Next, muscle activities of isometric contraction are studied using the developed MMG sensor before and after muscle fatigue. Experimental results show that contraction of fast fibers is occurred earlier and fast fibers activity increase earlier due to muscle fatigue. Focusing on the time shift of local maximum point in MPF and decrease of growth rate in variance, parameters for evaluation of muscle fatigue degree are proposed.

  111. A compact sensor system for reading Braille Consideration of operation performance Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: IEEE

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6083729  


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    This paper is concerned with the development of the wearable sensor system for recognizing Braille. We have developed a compact wearable sensor using a Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) film. The sensor output is obtained with the sensor mounted onto a fingertip moving over Braille manually. The operation examination for visually-impaired and healthy subjects who are blindfolded is carried out. From the results, it is clarified that they can't use the sensor easily. In order to solve this problem, the structure of sensor is improved based on the opinions of the visual impaired persons. Then the operation examination with improved sensor is carried out again. The obtained results show that the improved sensor has the advancement of operability.

  112. Study on evaluation of muscle conditions using a mechanomyogram sensor Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Kazuhiro Saito


    Publisher: IEEE

    DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6083730  


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    In this study, a mechanomyogram (MMG) sensor system for monitoring muscle conditions is developed. The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film is used as the sensory material of the MMG sensor. The mean power frequency (MPF) of the sensor output, which is related to firing rate of action potential of muscle, and the variance of the sensor output, which is related to the activity of fast fibers and complete recruitment, are calculated from the MMG signal. The fundamental experiments were conducted. First, MMG signal are measured for muscular injury of upper arm. From the results, MMG sensor is available to estimate the recovery of muscle. Next, muscle activities of isometric contraction are studied using the developed MMG sensor before and after muscle fatigue. Experimental results show that contraction of fast fibers is occurred earlier and fast fibers activity increase earlier due to muscle fatigue. Focusing on the time shift of local maximum point in MPF and decrease of growth rate in variance, parameters for evaluation of muscle fatigue degree are proposed.

  113. Advanced Hapic Sensor System Based on Mechanism of Haptic Perception

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    ICAST 2010 2010/10/04

  114. Time response property of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    ICAST 2010 2010/10/04

  115. Development of a Palpation Sensor using bimorph cells -Signal processing for smoothness measurement-

    Hiroshi Nagai, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    ICAST 2010 2010/10/04

  116. Study on an evaluation of crural muscle activity using a mechanomyogram sensor

    Hirokazu, Sato, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2010 Japan (MECJ-10) 5 107-108 2010/09/06

  117. Development of hair touch feeling sensor using an plate imitating a scalp hair surface

    Takeshi OKUYAMA, Yusuke Kon, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Naruhito Toyoda, Tanemasa Nagano, Minori Kakizawa, Masashi Nakatani, Mami Tanaka

    Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2010 Japan (MECJ-10) 5 105-106 2010/09/06

  118. 固体高分子電解質を用いた曲率センサの特性評価 Peer-reviewed

    大槻学, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会誌 18 (3) 239-244 2010/09

  119. Quantification of Contact Stimuli by Diapers During Walking Motion Peer-reviewed

    T. Nomata, T. Okuyama, H. Teraoka, Y. Murakami, K. Miazawa, M. Tanaka

    20th Annual Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems,Santa Clara, CA, USA 280-282 2010/06/14

  120. Development of Tactile Sensor for Measuring Hair Touch Feeling Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Makoto Hariu, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Minori Kakizawa, Hideki Shimizu, Mami Tanaka

    20th Annual Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems, (2010), June 14-15, Santa Clara, CA, USA 283-285 2010/06/14

  121. Characteristic evaluation of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    20th Annual Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems, (2010), June 14-15, Santa Clara, CA, USA 319-321 2010/06/14

  122. Study on evaluation of muscle conditionsusing a mechanomyogram sensor Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Kazuhiro Saitou, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryoichi Nagatomi

    The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22) 312 (313) 2010/05/19

  123. Development of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryota Komiya, Nozomu Sugoh, Mami Tanaka

    The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22) 546-547 2010/05/19

  124. A study on quantifying a contact stimulus of diapers to infants

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Kiyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka

    The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22) 348-349 2010/05/19

  125. Development of nail mounted palpation sensor

    Takeshi Okuyama, Otaki Takuo, Tanahashi Yoshikatsu, Mami Tanaka

    The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22) 310-311 2010/05/19

  126. Characteristic evaluation of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    Proceedings of Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment (IIP2010) 169-170 2010/03/16

  127. Study on the identification of special characters by Braille sensor

    Takeshi Okuyama, Hirokazu, Sato, Mami Tanaka

    Proceedings of Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment (IIP2010) 171-172 2010/03/16

  128. Fundamental characterization of a contact stimulus by diapers

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Koyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka

    IIP2010情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集(日本機械学会) 173-174 2010/03/16

  129. Development of a Sensor for Monitoring Hair Conditions Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Makoto Hariu, Yusuke Kon, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Minori Kakizawa, Hideki Shimizu, Mani Tanaka

    日本機械学会論文集 76 (763) 127-134 2010/03

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.76.595  

  130. 毛髪手触り感計測用センサの開発に関する研究 Peer-reviewed

    奥山武志, 針生誠, 近雄介, 川副智行, 柿澤みのり, 清水秀樹, 田中真美

    日本機械学会論文集(C編) 76 (763) 595-602 2010/03

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.76.595  

  131. A curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Manabu Otsuki, Ryota Komiya, Nozomu Sugoh, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: IOS PRESS

    DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2010-1191  


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    This paper describes a development of a polymer sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) film. The sensor has a basic structure that an SPE film is sandwiched between thin carbon films, and conductive tapes are attached on each carbon film. The SPE film has a good flexibility and it is one of the most promising electroactive polymers (EAP) with capability to be used as an actuator and a sensor in air. First a displacement sensor using the SPE film was fabricated. The response to deformation was investigated. Then a curvature sensor using the SPE film is proposed. In experiments, it was found that the proposed sensor is available to measure curvature directly without complex calculations.

  132. Palpation Sensor Using Two PVDF Films Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mikiko Sone, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Mami Tanaka



    DOI: 10.1117/12.858316  


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    In this work, a prototype polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) palpation sensor has been developed. The sensor aims to measure stiffness, which is one of the information of biomedical tissue by palpation. The sensor is composed of two PVDF films, a silicone cylindrical column, and an aluminum cylinder. And the classification of hardness is concerned with the ratio of these PVDF outputs. In this paper, the output behavior of the palpation sensor was evaluated in detail by the experimental and numerical approach, and the suitable design to diagnose by the stiffness of tissue was investigated. Using the finite element analysis, the sensor output behavior was predicted. It is confirmed that the analysis is available for investigation of the dimension and the limitation of the sensor against the measuring object.

  133. Development of a Palpation Sensor by Using Multi Signal Processing - Fundamental characteristics of the prototype sensor system Peer-reviewed

    Hiroshi Nagai, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka



    DOI: 10.1117/12.858453  


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    The human finger tip is the most useful tactile sensor part for distinguishing textures. It is possible for fingers to recognize not only surface textures of objects but also the information inside object. "Palpation" in the medical field is an example of techniques utilizing the ability. This study aims to develop a palpation sensor that can obtain both surface and inside information of objects. The palpation sensor that several bimorphic piezoelectric elements are used as sensory receptors is proposed. The output from each element with the position and the velocity information is acquired. Using the position information, it is possible to remove the noise by adjusting time phase of the signals from each bimorphic piezoelectric element. Furthermore, we aim to obtain the information of the sample surface and inside objects by applying additional signal processing to sensor outputs. In this paper, the fundamental characteristics of the prototype sensor system were investigated. First, the signal processing to convert the time history information from the sensor into the positional information was investigated in order to eliminate the influence of mobile speed. Next, the contact condition between sample surface and tip of bimorph piezoelectric element was tested. Finally, electrical cross-talk among bimorphic piezoelectric elements was examined.

  134. Advanced Haptic Sensor for Measuring Human Skin Conditions Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka



    DOI: 10.1117/12.858439  


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    This paper is concerned with the development of a tactile sensor using PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) film as a sensory receptor of the sensor to evaluate softness, smoothness, and stickiness of human skin. Tactile sense is the most important sense in the sensation receptor of the human body along with eyesight, and we can examine skin condition quickly using these sense. But, its subjectivity and ambiguity make it difficult to quantify skin conditions. Therefore, development of measurement device which can evaluate skin conditions easily and objectively is demanded by dermatologists, cosmetic industries, and so on. In this paper, an advanced haptic sensor system that can measure multiple information of skin condition in various parts of human body is developed. The applications of the sensor system to evaluate softness, smoothness, and stickiness of skin are investigated through two experiments.

  135. Characterization of a Curvature Sensor Using a Solid Polymer Electrolyte Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka



    DOI: 10.1117/12.858441  


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    This paper describes a development of a curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) film. The sensor has a basic structure that an SPE film is sandwiched between thin carbon films. Each carbon is coated with Ag paste and they are covered with polymer films. The SPE film has good flexibility, and can be used in air. In previous research, we clarified output response to deformation of the SPE sensor and the relationship between sensor output and sensor curvature. In this paper, in order to obtain the output characteristics of the curvature sensor, the influence of the position of partial deformation on the sensor output and the relationship between the sensor output and the area size of the deformed part in the SPE film were investigated. As a result, it is found that the sensor output is independent of the position where deformation is applied and that the sensor output has a proportional relation with the area size of the deformation part. Moreover these findings suggest that the sensor output is related to the average of the curvature of the measured surface.

  136. Quantification of a contact stimulus by diapers Peer-reviewed

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Kiyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka



    DOI: 10.1117/12.858310  


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    This paper describes a development of a sensor system for measurement of a contact stimulus which diapers give to infants. A polyvinyliden fluoride (PVDF) film and a strain gauge are used as the sensor receptors. The PVDF is a kind of piezoelectric material. The sensor consists of a surface contact layer, a PVDF film, a strain gauge and an aluminum plate. First, in order to investigate the sensor performance, the sensor was located on a silicone plate and the upper part of the sensor was rubbed with an acrylic artificial finger. The finger enabled the measurement to carry out at a constant speed and force. Next, the sensor was attached on an infant dummy and the sensor outputs were measured under conditions with and without diapers. By comparison of the output under two different conditions, it was confirmed that there is a clearly difference between the two conditions. It was found that the developed sensor system has the possibility to quantify a contact stimulus which diapers give infants.

  137. A curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Manabu Otsuki, Ryota Komiya, Nozomu Sugoh, Mami Tanaka


    Publisher: IOS PRESS

    DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2010-1191  


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    This paper describes a development of a polymer sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) film. The sensor has a basic structure that an SPE film is sandwiched between thin carbon films, and conductive tapes are attached on each carbon film. The SPE film has a good flexibility and it is one of the most promising electroactive polymers (EAP) with capability to be used as an actuator and a sensor in air. First a displacement sensor using the SPE film was fabricated. The response to deformation was investigated. Then a curvature sensor using the SPE film is proposed. In experiments, it was found that the proposed sensor is available to measure curvature directly without complex calculations.

  138. Advanced Haptic Sensor for Measuring Human Skin Conditions Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke TSUCHIMI, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology 283-284 2009/12/03

  139. Development of a Palpation Sensor by using Multi Signal Processing 0Fundamental Peer-reviewed

    Hiroshi Nagai, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology 331-332 2009/12/03

  140. Palpation sensor using two PVDF films Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mikiko Sone, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Mami Tanaka

    2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology 388-389 2009/12/03

  141. Study on the quantification of a contact stimulus by diaper Peer-reviewed

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Kiyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka

    2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology 412-413 2009/12/03

  142. Characteristics evaluation of a curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology 285-286 2009/12

  143. Characterization of a curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte Peer-reviewed

    Manabu OTSUKI, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Mami TANAKA

    Proceedings of MAGDA Conference in Tokyo, Conference on Electromagnetic Phenomena and Dynamics 165-170 2009/11/19

  144. Quantification of a contact stimulus applied to infants by diapers (Measurement system for the walking motion) Peer-reviewed

    Takuya NOMATA, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Hiromi TERAOKA, Yasuo MURAKAMI, Kiyoshi MIYAZAWA, Mami TANAKA

    Proceedings of MAGDA Conference in Tokyo, Conference on Electromagnetic Phenomena and Dynamics 179-182 2009/11/19

  145. A Study on quantifying a contact stimulus of diapers to infants Invited Peer-reviewed

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Kiyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka

    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集 5 171-172 2009/09

  146. Development of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Invited Peer-reviewed

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryouta Komiya, Nozomu Sugoh, Mami Tanaka

    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集 5 173-174 2009/09

  147. Development of nai mounted palpation sensor Invited Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Takuo Otaki, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Mami Tanaka

    本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集 6 207-208 2009/09

  148. Study on evaluation of muscle conditionsusing a mechanomyogram sensor Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Kazuhiro Saitou, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryoichi Nagatomi

    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集 6 209-210 2009/09

  149. A curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, manabu Otsuki, Mami Tanaka, Komiya, Noaomu Sugho

    Applied Electromagnetic and Mechanics(II) 341-342 2009/09

  150. Development of a Curvature Sensor Using a Solid Polymer Electrolyte Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Manabu Otsuki, Ryota Komiya, Nozomu Sugoh, Mami Tanaka

    MIPE 2009 315-316 2009/07

  151. Development of a haptic sensor for monitoring human skin condition: measurement of softness, smoothness, and tackiness Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    Proceeding of the 2009 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment 311-312 2009/07

  152. Development of a haptic sensor for evaluation of hair conditions Invited Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Makoto Hariu, Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Hideki Shimizu, Mami Tanka

    The 21st Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD21) 625-628 2009/05

  153. Development of a compact sensor system for reading Braille; Consideration of operation performance Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Yusuke Kon, Takeshi Okuyama

    The 21st Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD21) 633-634 2009/05

  154. Development of a Haptic Sensor System for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Peer-reviewed

    D. Tsuchimi, T. Okuyama, M. Tanaka

    8th International Symposium of 2007 Global COE Program, “Global Nano-Biomedical Engineering, Education and Research Netwerk Centre“ 86-89 2008/12/05

  155. Development of a PVDF Tactile Sensor for an Endoscopic Application Peer-reviewed

    Mikiko Sone, Takeshi Okuyama, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan, Mami Tanaka

    7th International Symposium of 2007 Global COE program “Global Nano-Biomedical Engineering Education and Research Network Centre” 92-93 2008/10/16

  156. Study on the development of a Sensor System for Measuring Tactile Sensation Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Hidemitsu Kobayashi

    Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment 107-109 2008/03/17

  157. Development of a Tactile Sensor for Detection of Endosope 3-Dimensional Bearings Peer-reviewed

    Hiroyuki Takanashi, Tadayuki Kaga, Mami Tanaka, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan

    Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment 57-60 2008/03/17

  158. Development of a Tactile Sensor for Detection of Endosope 3-Dimensional Bearings Peer-reviewed

    Makoto Hariu, Mami Tanaka, Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawazoe, Hideki Shimizu

    Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment 69-73 2008/03/17

  159. Development of a sensor for monitoring hair conditions Peer-reviewed

    Makoto Hariu, Mami Tanaka, Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawazoe, Hideki Shimizu

    Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment 69-73 2008/03/17

  160. Development of a Haptic Sensor System for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mami Tanaka

    Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment 74-76 2008/03/17

  161. Development of a sensor for medicalwelfare Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka

    Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment 153-154 2008/03/17

  162. Visualization of short-term HRV as an index for mental stress evaluation Invited Peer-reviewed

    Feng Wang, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan

    Proc. of SPIE 6 6794 2008

  163. Development of an endoscopic tactile sensor using PVDF films Invited Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mikiko Sone, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan, Mami Tanaka

    Proc. of SPIE 6 6794 2008

  164. Development of a tactile sensor for evaluation of detergents Invited Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mami Tanaka

    Proc. of SPIE 6 6794 2008

  165. Advanced palpation sensor systems using PVDF films Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mikiko Sone, Hirofumi Nesor, Yoshikatu Tanahashi

    Proceedings of 9th International symposium of 2007 Global COE program “Global Nano-Biomedial Engineering Education and Research Network Centre” 6-9 2008

  166. Measurement and evaluation of tactile sensations using a PVDF sensor

    Mami Tanaka, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Seiji Chonan



    DOI: 10.1177/1045389X06072802  


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    This study focuses on the measurement and evaluation of tactile sensations of various fabrics. First, tactile data on six pieces of underwear and seven pieces of polo shirts are collected through a questionnaire and the dominant factors of feelings of wearability are determined through factor analysis. Next, a tactile sensor with a polyvinylidene fluoride ( PVDF) film as the sensory receptor and a sensor apparatus are assembled. The base of the sensor is an aluminum cylinder, around which a rubber sponge layer, a PVDF film, a protective layer of acetate film, and lace are stacked in sequence. The sensor is set on the rotational axis of a motor and a measurement object is placed on the sensor. Then, the sensor is turned to collect tactile information on the object. Features of the collected data are extracted by calculating the average amplitude of low frequency signals, the variance of sensor output, and the power intensity in a medium frequency range. Comparison with the results shows that the PVDF sensor well describes the human tactile perception.

  167. カテーテル先端装着型三次元抗力センサの開発 Invited Peer-reviewed

    高梨宏之, 木脇聡志, 嵯峨宣彦, 棚橋善克, 長南征二

    日本AEM学会誌 16 150-155 2008

  168. 触覚センサを用いた洗い上がり感の評価に関する研究 Peer-reviewed

    土見大介, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会誌 16 178-183 2008

  169. Development of an endoscopic tactile sensor using PVDF films Peer-reviewed

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mikiko Sone, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan, Mami Tanaka

    International Conference on Mechaatromics and Information Technology 2007 2007/12/04

  170. Development of a tactile sensor for evaluation of detergents Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mami Tanaka

    International Conference on mechatronics and Information Technology 2007 2007/12/04

  171. Development of a Tactile Sensor for Evaluation of Detergents Peer-reviewed

    Tsuchimi Daisuke, Mami Tanaka

    Magnetodynamics Conference in Kyoto 99-104 2007/11/22

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    The Japan Sociery of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics

  172. 人間の触感覚と調和する触覚センサおよびデバイスの開発

    田中由浩, 佐野明人, 藤本英雄, 田中真美, 長南征二

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 97-102 2007/11/12

  173. Development of a Haptic Sensor for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Peer-reviewed

    Makoto Hariu, Mami Tankaka, Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawazoe, Hideki Shimizu

    Mechanical Engineering Congress Vol.5 331-332 2007/09/09

  174. Study on the development of a Sensor System for Measuring Tactile Sensation Peer-reviewed

    Mani Tanaka, Hidemitsu Kobayashi

    Mechanical Engineering Congress Vol.5 333-334 2007/09/09

  175. Development of haptic Sensor for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Peer-reviewed

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mami Tanaka

    Mechanical Engineering Congress Vol.6 23-24 2007/09/09

  176. A wearable Braille sensor system with a post processing Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Kaoru Miyata, Seiji Chonan



    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2007.901923  


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    This paper is a study on the development of a wearable sensor system for reading Braille. The study is intended to develop a compact tactile sensor system, which uses a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film for the sensory receptor. The sensor is mounted onto a fingertip and moved over Braille manually to obtain the output. Since the unsteady movements yield variations in the waveforms, a robust recognition system has been developed. In this study, the post processing is introduced into the recognition system for the improvement of the performance. Two different methods of post processing are developed and examined. In the first method, an appropriate letter string is generated by evaluating the connectivity of letters with information on signals. In the second method, the dictionary in which letter strings are recorded is incorporated as the prior knowledge. Finally, both the methods of post processing are combined to enhance the performance. The combined post processing is incorporated to the wearable sensor system, and the performance of the sensor system is evaluated experimentally. The results show that the sensor system is effective to recognize Braille.

  177. 触覚感性計測用センサシステムの開発~手触り感の情報化~


    繊維学会第21回感覚と計測に関するシンポジウム 59-62 2007/06/21

  178. Development of a sensor system for collecting tactile information Invited Peer-reviewed

    Yoshihiro Tanaka, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan


    Publisher: SPRINGER

    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-006-0307-8  


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    This paper presents the development of a sensor system for collecting tactile information. An active sensing system using the piezoelectric effect and the pyroelectric effect of a PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) film is proposed. The active sensing is designed with human motions for tactile perception in mind. First, as the pretest, the distinction examination of six fabrics with different textures is carried out through human tactile perception. Next, the proposed sensor system is assembled. The sensor is composed of a PVDF film and a soft rubber. The surface of the sensor can be heated through temperature control. The sensor is attached on the tip of a robot finger driven by a piezoelectric bimorph strip and the root of the finger is mounted on a linear slider. Two kinds of active sensing are introduced. First, the heated sensor is contacted with an object and pyroelectric output signals are collected in order to obtain the information on tactile warmth. Next, the heated sensor is slid over the object and piezoelectric output signals are collected in order to obtain the information on feelings of vibration. Through the discussion about each sensing, three indexes representing features of the collected data are extracted and proposed as the sensor outputs for the evaluation of tactile sensation. The measurement using the sensor system is done on the samples used in the distinction examination. Comparison with the results shows that the sensor system extracts features on feelings of vibration and warmth.

  179. Development of a sensor system for collecting tactile information Invited Peer-reviewed

    Yoshihiro Tanaka, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan


    Publisher: SPRINGER

    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-006-0307-8  


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    This paper presents the development of a sensor system for collecting tactile information. An active sensing system using the piezoelectric effect and the pyroelectric effect of a PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) film is proposed. The active sensing is designed with human motions for tactile perception in mind. First, as the pretest, the distinction examination of six fabrics with different textures is carried out through human tactile perception. Next, the proposed sensor system is assembled. The sensor is composed of a PVDF film and a soft rubber. The surface of the sensor can be heated through temperature control. The sensor is attached on the tip of a robot finger driven by a piezoelectric bimorph strip and the root of the finger is mounted on a linear slider. Two kinds of active sensing are introduced. First, the heated sensor is contacted with an object and pyroelectric output signals are collected in order to obtain the information on tactile warmth. Next, the heated sensor is slid over the object and piezoelectric output signals are collected in order to obtain the information on feelings of vibration. Through the discussion about each sensing, three indexes representing features of the collected data are extracted and proposed as the sensor outputs for the evaluation of tactile sensation. The measurement using the sensor system is done on the samples used in the distinction examination. Comparison with the results shows that the sensor system extracts features on feelings of vibration and warmth.

  180. Measurement of tactile sensation Using Sensor System for Collecting Tactile Information Invited Peer-reviewed

    Yoshihiro Tanaka, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 73 (727) 169-176 2007/03/01

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.73.817  

  181. Development of a 3D tactile sensor Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Takashi Iijima, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2006.03.059  


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    This paper is a study on the development of a sensor for detecting the catheter's contact conditions. The sensor is composed of a rubber layers, cupper plates and three strain gauges. The sensor is assumed to be mounted on the tip of a catheter, and it is hollowed for the work space of the catheter. The equations relating the sensor output with the contact conditions are formulated in the three gauges output. The obtained results show the good correspondence of the estimated contact information with the applied conditions. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  182. Unconstrained cardiorespiratory monitor for premature infants Invited Peer-reviewed

    Feng Wang, Yanhui Zou, Mami Tanaka, Tadashi Matsuda, Seiji Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS



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    The development of an unconstrained sensing technique using PVDF films as sensory material for monitoring the heart beats and respiration of premature infants is reported. A sensor consists of a 1 x 4 array of PVDF films is developed. The sensor is placed on the bed to pick up the fluctuation of the pressure on the bed caused by the respiratory movement and heart beats of a premature infant. Wavelet multi-resolution decomposition is used for simultaneous detection of heart beats and respiration. Simultaneous real-time detection of both the respiration and heartbeats has been verified through clinical experiments.

  183. 手触り感計測用センサシステムの開発 Invited Peer-reviewed

    田中由浩, 田中真美, 長南征二

    日本機械学会論文集(C) 73 (727) 169-176 2007

  184. A closed-loop transcutaneous power transmission system with thermal control for artificial urethral valve driven by SMA actuator Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Feng Wang, Kazuhiro Abe, Yoichi Arai, Haruo Nakagawa, Seiji Chonan



    DOI: 10.1177/1045389X06055832  


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    This article presents the development of an implanted artificial urethral valve that is used for the treatment of urinary incontinence, with emphasis on a transcutaneous power transmission system with closed-loop thermal control function. The valve uses a shape memory alloy (SMA) plate as the actuator, which is activated with batteries placed outside a patient's body using a transcutaneous power transmission system. The power transmission system is equipped with an implanted temperature monitor circuit and a temperature controller to prevent the SMA actuator from being overheated during a prolonged urination. Laboratory experiments and animal experiments, both in vitro and in vivo, show that the developed power transmission system can successfully control the temperature of the SMA actuator to activate the valve without excessive heating of the SMA actuator.

  185. 134.毛髪性状計測用センサの開発と触感認識に関する検討

    清水秀樹, 川副智行, 田中真美

    SCCJ研究討論会(第58回)講演要旨集 43-46 2006/06/15

  186. 手触り感計測用センサシステムの開発 Invited Peer-reviewed

    田中由浩, 田中真美, 長南征二

    日本機械学会論文集C 72 3818-3825 2006

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.72.3818  

  187. Measurment and Valuation of tactile warmth using a PVDF sensor Invited Peer-reviewed

    Yoshihiro Tanaka, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Choman

    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 23 203-215 2006

  188. Wearable tactile sensor system for reading braille Invited Peer-reviewed

    Kaoru Miyata, Mami Tanaka, Tatsuo Nishizawa, Seiji Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper is a study on the development of a wearable sensor system for reading Braille. The study is intended to develop a compact tactile sensor system which uses a PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) film as the sensory receptor. The sensor is mounted onto a fingertip and moved over Braille manually to obtain the sensor output. Since the unsteady movements yield variations in the waveforms, a robust recognition system is required. The recognition system consists of three components as follows. First, the signal inputted to the system is divided into individual signals regardless of the variations in the waveforms. Next, those signals are transformed into effective feature vectors in order to suppress the variations. Finally, those vectors are classified and the results are obtained. In the process, minimum-distance classifiers and neural classifiers are used. For the investigation of experimental verification, test signals are inputted to the recognition system and the performance of the system is evaluated. The obtained results show that the wearable sensor with the recognition system is effective to recognize Braille.

  189. Development of a Wearable Braille Sensor with a Robust Recognition System Invited Peer-reviewed

    in CD

    Proceedings of The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and 2006

    DOI: 10.1109/BIOROB.2006.1639066  

  190. Study on the relationship between hair surface property and tactile perceptio Invited Peer-reviewed

    Minori KAKIZAWA, Tomoyuki KAWASOE, Hideki SHIMIZU, Mami TANAKA

    Proceedings of the third Asia International Conference on Tribology 97-98 2006

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  191. Development of an active tactile sensor for measuring human skin conditions Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Masahiro Matsumoto, Norihito Uetake, Katsuko Kikuchi, J. L. Leveque, Seiji Chonan



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    This study concerns with the development of a sensor for measuring human skin conditions. PVDF film is used as a sensory receptor and the sensor is driven by stepping motor. Measurement is carried out while the sensor is rotated on the surface of the skin. For the investigation of the sensor output, two strain gauges are attached to the rotation axis in order to monitor the torque. The measurement samples are fabricated from rubber matrix. The torque and induced voltage of PVDF film are compared. The results show that the times of reaching the maximum are approximately equal. Furthermore it is confirmed that this sensor is effective for the evaluation of roughness and softness.

  192. Development of a tactile sensor system for reading Braille (Signal processing for robust recognition) Peer-reviewed

    Kaoru Miyata, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan, Tatsuo Nishizawa

    JOURNAL OF ADVANCED SCIENCE 17 42-43 2005/10

    DOI: 10.2978/jsas.17.42  

  193. Measurement and Valuation of Touch Sensation (Warm Feeling Compared with PVDF Sensor Output) Peer-reviewed

    Yoshihiro TANAKA, Mami TANAKA, Seiji CHONAN

    JOURNAL OF ADVANCED SCIENCE 17 126-127 2005/10

    DOI: 10.2978/jsas.17.126  

  194. Optimum design of a prostate palpation sensor system Peer-reviewed

    Mami TANAKA, Jiyoun CHO, Feng WANG, Seiji CHONAN, Hiroshi CHIBA, Yoshikatsu TANAHASHI

    JOURNAL OF ADVANCED SCIENCE 17 46-48 2005/10

    DOI: 10.2978/jsas.17.46  

  195. Development of a tactile sensor system for reading Braille: fundamental characteristics of the prototype sensor system Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, K Miyata, T Nishizawa, S Chonan

    SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 14 (4) 483-487 2005/08


    DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/14/4/004  


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    This paper is a study on the development of a tactile sensor system for reading Braille. The tactile sensor uses a PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) film as the sensory material. The sensor is attached to a slider driven by a DC servomotor and it is slid over a string of Braille with a constant speed to obtain the sensor output. A recognition system of Braille is proposed. In a recognition experiment, the sensor system is verified as to whether it has enough performance to recognize a string of letters appropriately. The obtained result shows that the proposed sensor and sensor system are effective to recognize Braille.

  196. Active haptic sensation for monitoring skin conditions Invited Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, H Sugiura, JL Leveque, H Tagami, K Kikuchi, S Chonan



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2004.07.025  


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    This paper is a study on the development of an active haptic sensor for monitoring skin conditions. The base of the tactile sensor is an aluminum cylinder, around which a polyurethane rubber, a PVDF film, a protective surface layer of an acetate film and lace are stacked in sequence. The sensor is set on the rotation axis of a stepping motor, which is driven at a constant speed. The sensor is first pressed against an object, and then it slides over the definite position. The features on the data are extracted by calculating both the variance and the time delay of the appearance of a peak in the sensor output. Experimental results show that the present sensor system works well as a haptic sensor for monitoring skin conditions. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  197. Development of a tactile sensor system for reading Braille(Signal processing for robust recognition) Peer-reviewed

    Kaoru Miyata, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan, Tatsuo Nishizawa


    DOI: 10.2978/jsas.17.42  

  198. Measurement and Valuation of Touch Sensation(Warm Feeling Compared with PVDF Sensor Output) Peer-reviewed

    Yoshihiro TANAKA, Mami TANAKA, Seiji CHONAN


    DOI: 10.2978/jsas.17.126  

  199. Optimum design of a prostate palpation sensor system Peer-reviewed

    Mami TANAKA, Jiyoun CHO, Feng WANG, Seiji CHONAN, Hiroshi CHIBA, Yoshikatsu TANAHASHI


    DOI: 10.2978/jsas.17.46  

  200. Tactile Sensor System for Detection of Prostate Cancer and Hypertrophy Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Cho Ji-Young, Seiji Chonan, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi

    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE 344-349 2005

  201. Wearable Sensor System for Reading Braille Using Neural Network Invited Peer-reviewed

    Kaoru Miyata, Mami Tanaka, Tatsuo Nishizawa, Seiji Chonan

    Proceedings of the First International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering CME2005 134-139 2005

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  202. Development of a Tactile Sensor System (Warm Feeling Compared with PVDF Sensor Output) Invited Peer-reviewed

    Yoshihiro Tanaka, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chona

    Proceedings of the First International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering CME2005 128-133 2005

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  203. Tactile Sensor System for Distinction of Prostatic Cancer and Hypertrophy Invited Peer-reviewed

    Mami TANAKA, Chihiro SHIBATA, Seiji CHONAN, Yoshikatsu TANAHASHI

    ISEM Short Paper Proceedings 346-347 2005

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  204. A Wearable Braille Reader Using a Soft Piezoelectric Film Invited Peer-reviewed

    Kaoru Miyata, Mami Tanaka, Tatsuo Nishizawa, Seiji Chonan

    Proceedings of Synergy of Informatics and Biology Grand Challenge of Bionanotechnology Based Future Biomedical Engineering 52-53 2005

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  205. Development of an electrorheological active buffer for railway vehicles - estimation of the capacity from prototype performance Peer-reviewed

    S Chonan, M Tanaka, T Naruse, T Hayase

    SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 13 (5) 1195-1202 2004/10


    DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/13/5/023  


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    This paper is a study on the development of an active buffer for railway vehicles using electrorheological (ER) fluid as a functional material. The coupler force is controlled by adjusting the electric field applied to the ER fluid. A prototype buffer, which consists of a hydraulic cylinder, an ER bypass slit valve and a PID feedback controller, is fabricated. The damping force is developed in the ER valve both through the bypass slit and at the piston-cylinder gap. In the theoretical analysis, it is assumed that the flow of the ER fluid through the bypass slit is the Bingham plastic flow-mode flow while it is in the Newtonian mixed-mode flow in the piston-cylinder gap. The force opposed by the buffer is obtained as a function of the shaft velocity and the electric field applied to the ER fluid. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental results. Further, an active control test using the PID feedback controller is carried out for the problem where the shaft reaction force is retained at a constant prescribed strength while the shaft is translating at a constant velocity. Both results show that the coupler force of the railway vehicle can be controlled effectively by using the proposed electrorheological bypass damper.

  206. Development of an Active Damper for Railway Vehicle Couplers Using Electrorheological Bypass Valve Peer-reviewed

    Feng Wang, Mami Tanaka, Naoto Nakada, Tsuyoshi Hayase, Seiji Chonan

    Fourteenth International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies 541-549 2004/05

  207. 内周刃薄肉ブレードの安定解析 Peer-reviewed

    長南征二, 我妻文博, 田中真美, 王 鋒

    日本機械学会論文集(C編) 70 1595-1601 2004/05

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.70.1595  

  208. Computer-aided design of a palpation sensor for detecting prostatic cancer and hypertrophy Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, Y Nakagawa, Y Tanahashi, S Chonan



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    This paper is a study on the optimum design of a palpation sensor for detecting prostatic cancer and hypertrophy. The recepter of the sensor is a polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF) film placed on the surface of the matrix rubber base. The sensor is pressed against the prostate gland and driven sinusoidally, with a constant amplitude. The voltage signal from the PVDF film is integrated over the sampling period and is used as the output of the sensor for evaluating the stiffness of the pressed prostate gland. The output strength of the sensor is dependent on the relative stiffness of the sensor base rubber to the stiffness of the object prostate gland. Thus, the stiffness of the base rubber is of great importance to make the sensor output maximum and achieve the best discrimination of the normality and abnormality of the organ. The FEM analysis is introduced for the optimum design of sensor, and the best fit stiffness of the matrix rubber base is determined. Verification test is also carried out and good agreement between the analysis and the experimental results is confirmed.

  209. Rating and valuation of human haptic sensation Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, Y Numazawa


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper is a study on development of a sensor system for measurement and valuation of human touch feeling. The objects measured are underwear, knitwear, sample underwear and polo shirts with total 26 sheets. First, the tactile feelings of several fabrics were/touch valued by using the paired comparison semantic differential method handed onto 5 subjects. Next, a soft tactile sensor made of a PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) file patch and rubber layers is assembled and slid over the same sample fabrics to collect the surface tactile information. The features on the collected data are then extracted by calculating the variance of output signal and the intensity of power spectrum density on medium frequency range. Comparison of the results shows that the PVDF sensor well describes the human touch feeling.

  210. Development of an ER bypass damper for railway car relief couplers Peer-reviewed

    F Wang, M Tanaka, N Nakada, T Hayase, S Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper is a study on the development of an active damper for the couplers of railway cars using electrorheological (ER) fluid as a functional material with the purpose of lowering the coupler force between a relief and a failed train set, which is a very important design factor for the structure of the super express bullet train. A prototype damper is fabricated, which consists of a hydraulic cylinder, an ER bypass slit valve and a PID controller. The buffering force is developed in the ER fluid both through the bypass slit and at the piston-cylinder gap and controlled by adjusting the applied electric field to the ER fluid. Function of the damper is tested through experiments on control the buffering force under various running conditions.

  211. Substitute Tactile Sensing Using an Artificial Two-finger System Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Nan Li, Seiji Chonan

    日本AEM学会誌 12 41-47 2004

  212. The "Haptic Finger" - a new device for monitoring skin condition Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, JL Leveque, H Tagami, K Kikuchi, S Chonan

    SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 9 (2) 131-136 2003/05


    DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0846.2003.00031.x  


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    Background/aims: Touching the skin is of great importance for the Clinician for assessing roughness, softness, firmness, etc. This type of clinical assessment is very subjective and therefore non-reproducible from one Clinician to another one or even from time to time for the same Clinician. In order to objectively monitor skin texture, we developed a new sensor, placed directly on the Clinician's finger, which generate some electric signal when slid over the skin surface. Material and methods: The base of this Haptic Finger sensor is a thin stainless steel plate on which sponge rubber, PVDF foil, acetate film and gauze are layered. The signal generated by the sensor was filtered and digitally stored before processing. In a first in vitro experiment, the sensor was moved over different skin models (sponge rubber covered by silicon rubber) of varying hardness and roughness. These experiments allowed the definition of two parameters characterizing textures. The first parameter is variance of the signal processed using wavelet analysis, representing an index of roughness. The second parameter is dispersion of the power spectrum density in the frequency domain, corresponding to hardness. To validate these parameters, the Haptic Finger was used to scan skin surfaces of 30 people, 14 of whom displayed a skin disorder: xerosis (n = 5), atopic dermatitis (n = 7), and psoriasis (n = 2). Results and conclusion: The results obtained by means of the sensor were compared with subjective, clinical evaluations by a Clinician who scored both roughness and hardness of the skin. Good agreement was observed between clinical assessment of the skin and the two parameters generated using the Haptic Finger. Use of this sensor could prove extremely valuable in cosmetic research where skin surface texture (in terms of tactile properties) is difficult to measure.

  213. Development of a PVDF piezopolymer sensor for unconstrained in-sleep cardiorespiratory monitoring Peer-reviewed

    F Wang, M Tanaka, S Chonan



    DOI: 10.1177/104538903033639  


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    This paper reports the development of an unconstrained sensing technique for monitoring the respiration and heartbeats during sleep using a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezopolymer film sensor with the aim that the sensor can be used on the ordinary bed together with the condition that the use of the sensor does not interfere the daily sleep of the patient under measurement. A PVDF film is used as the sensory material in the sensor system. The film is placed under the sheet at the location of the thorax to pick up the fluctuation of the pressure on the bed caused by the respiratory movement and heartbeats. Wavelet multiresolution decomposition analysis is used for the detection of respiration and heartbeat from the sensor output. It is shown that the respiration and heartbeats can simultaneously be detected by the sensor with the use of the wavelet multiresolution decomposition analysis.

  214. Artificial urethral valve driven by SMA actuators with transcutaneous energy transmission system Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, K Abe, F Wang, H Nakagawa, Y Arai, Y Tanahashi, S Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper presents the development of a mechanical SMA urethral valve driven by a portable transcutaneous energy transmission system, which is powered by batteries. Structure of the valve was improved by introducing a bite mechanism in order to prevent the pinch of urethra by the valve. The cycling characteristics and energy transmission efficiency were examined by laboratory tests. Experimental results show that the stable operation can be obtained by introducing a voltage regulating circuit to the energy transmission system and utilizing the sinusoidal oscillation in the energy transmission system can enhance the transmission efficiency. Furthermore, the function of the valve system was tested by the vitro and vivo animal experiments.

  215. Development of a Sensor for Monitoring Human Hair Conditions Invited Peer-reviewed

    Hirotaka HAYASHI, Mami TANAKA, Seiji CHONAN

    2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology 335-338 2003

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  216. Active Tactile Sensing Using a Two-Finger System 6th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (Eds. T.Mizuno and Y.Suda) Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, N. Li, S. Chonan


  217. Development of a PVDF piezopolymer sensor for unconstrained in-sleep cardiorespiratory monitoring Peer-reviewed

    Feng Wang, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan

    Twelfth International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, N.M.Wereley et al. eds, CRC Press 298-307 2002

  218. Measurement and valuation of touch sensation: Texture measurement on underclothes Peer-reviewed

    M. Tanaka

    Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 12 53-58 2002

  219. Haptic sensor for monitoring skin conditions Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Jun Hiraizumi, Jean Luc Leveque, Seiji Chonan

    IOS Press 14 397-404 2002

  220. A PVDF piezopolymer sensor for unconstrained cardiorespiratory monitoring during sleep Peer-reviewed

    F Wang, M Tanaka, S Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper presents an unconstrained sensing technique for the detection of the respiration and heartbeats during sleep using a piezopolymer PVDF film sensor with the aim that the sensor can be used on the ordinary bed together with the condition that the use of the sensor does not interfere the daily sleep of the patient under detection. A polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film is used as the sensory material in the sensor system. The film is placed under the sheet at the location of the thorax to pick up the fluctuation of the pressure on the bed caused by the respiratory movement and heartbeats. Fundamental principle and the functional verification of the sensor system are described in details in the paper. It is shown that the respiration and heartbeats can simultaneously be detected by the sensor with the use of the wavelet decomposition analysis.

  221. Unconstrained and noninvasive measurement of respiration and heartbeats in sleep using a PVDF piezopolymer sensor (Fundamental principle and functional verifications of sensor) Peer-reviewed

    Feng WANG, Mami TANAKA, Seiji CHONAN

    Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 9 (3) 372-377 2001/09

  222. Development of tactile sensor for monitoring skin conditions Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka

    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 108 (2) 253-256 2001/01/04

    Publisher: Elsevier Science S.A.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0924-0136(00)00765-2  


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    This paper is concerned with the development of a haptic sensor for monitoring the human skin conditions. The sensor is an assembly of layered media. The base of the sensor is a copper plate, on which a vulcanized rubber, a PVDF film with electrode patches and a protective surface layer of acetate film are stacked in sequence. The sensor is attached onto the tip of an elastic cantilevered beam and pressed against a sample fabric with a prescribed contact force. The beam is translated linearly over the sample fabric with a constant speed to collect the tactile information on the fabric by the piezoceramic sensor. The features on the data are extracted by calculating both the temporal average of the absolute output signal and the intensity of power in the mid-frequency range and plotting then two-dimensionally on the xy-plane. Further the sensor is slid over the human bare skin and the skin with a sticking plaster to see whether the sensor can discriminate the two skin conditions.

  223. Development of a Soft Tribo-Sensor for Monitoring Skin Conditions Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, H.Ichinose, K.Numagami, Z.W.Jiang, S.Chonan

    Eleventh International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Y.Matsuzaki, T.Ikeda and V.Baburaj(Eds.),IOS Press 185-192 2001

  224. Unconstrained sensing of respiration and. heartbeats during sleep using a PVDF sensor Peer-reviewed

    F Wang, M Tanaka, S Chonan




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    This paper presents the fundamental principle and the functional verification of an unconstrained sensing technique for monitoring the respiration and heartbeats during sleep using a piezopolymer PVDF film sensor. The sensor is placed under the sheet and detects the pressure fluctuation of a human body surface caused by the respiratory movement and heartbeats. It is shown that the respiration and heartbeats can simultaneously be detected by the sensor with the use of the wavelet decomposition analysis.

  225. Development of a Tactile Sensor for Detecting Catheter’s 3-Dimensional Bearings Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Yoshikatu Tanahashi, Hirotaka Hayashi, Seiji Chonan

    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 26 125-128 2001

  226. Development of a haptic sensor for measuring skin morphological features Peer-reviewed

    Mami TANAKA, Hideki ICHINOSE, Seiji CHONAN, Katsuko NUMAGAMI, Zhong Wei JIANG

    Journal of Advanced Science 12 238-244 2001

    DOI: 10.2978/jsas.12.238  

  227. Development of mechanical SMA urethral valve with transcutaneous energy transmission system Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, T Sakamoto, F Wang, T Namima, Y Tanahashi, S Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper presents the development of a mechanical SMA urethral valve driven by a portable transcutaneous energy transmission system, which is powered by batteries. Structure of the valve was improved by introducing a bite mechanism in order to prevent the pinch of urethra by the valve. The cycling characteristics and energy transmission efficiency were examined by laboratory tests. Experimental results show that the stable operation can be obtained by introducing a voltage regulating circuit to the energy transmission system and utilizing the sinusoidal oscillation in the energy transmission system can enhance the transmission efficiency. Furthermore, the function of the valve system was tested by the in vitro and in vivo animal experiments.

  228. Development of an active palpation sensor for detecting prostatic cancer and hypertrophy Peer-reviewed

    M. Tanaka, M. Furubayashi, Y. Tanahashi, S. Chonan

    Smart Materials and Structures 9 (6) 878-884 2000/12

    Publisher: IOP

    DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/9/6/319  


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    This paper is concerned with the development of an active palpation sensor for detecting prostatic cancer and hypertrophy. The receptor of the sensor is a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film placed on the surface of a sponge rubber layer. It is mounted on a linear z-translation bar and inserted into the examinee's rectum whilst being protected by a medical rubber glove. After being positioned to face the prostate gland, the sensor probe is driven sinusoidally at about 50 Hz, with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 2 mm. The voltage signal from the PVDF film is integrated over the sampling period and is used as the output of the sensor for extracting the features of the collected data. The evaluation of the stiffness by the sensor on 27 normal and unhealthy prostate glands are compared with the results of diagnosis by the doctor's palpation. It is shown that the output of the sensor becomes greater with an increase of the stiffness of the prostate gland, which has a good correlation with the doctor's evaluation on the stiffness. Further results on the laboratory test reconfirm that the present sensor well discriminates the stiffness of the prostate glands in vivo and non-invasively.

  229. Artificial Urethral Valve Using SMA Actuators(Upgrading of Valve and Introduction of Transcutaneous Transformer) Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, K.Hirano, H.Goto, T.Namima, K.Uchi, Z.W.Jiang, H.Matsuki, Y.Tanahashi, S.Orikasa, S.Chonan

    Technomic Publishing Co. Inc.(Lancaster/Base) 542-549 2000/10

  230. Functional and morphological studies of photodamaged skin on the hands of middle-aged Japanese golfers Peer-reviewed

    K Kikuchi-Numagami, T Suetake, M Yanai, M Takahashi, M Tanaka, H Tagami

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY 10 (4) 277-281 2000/06



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    The skin of golfers' hands provides a suitable model to study the effect of chronic sun exposure, because one of their hands is exposed to the outer environment, especially sunlight, while the other one is always protected by a glove during play. Our purpose was to find out the influence of photodamage on the properties of the skin surface of middle-aged Japanese by using non-invasive methods. We measured hydration state, and water barrier function of the stratum corneum (SC) and the color of the skin of the dorsum of the hands. In a separate study, we evaluated the skin surface contour by using replicas taken from the skin in a slightly stretched or relaxed position. We found a significant decrease in hydration of the skin surface of the exposed skin as compared to that of the protected skin, whereas no such difference was found with transepidermal water loss, a parameter for water barrier function of the SC. Luminance of skin color was also reduced in the sun-exposed skin. Replica analysis revealed that large wrinkles developing in a relaxed position were more prominent on the exposed than on the protected skin, while fine furrows noted in a slightly stretched position were shallower on the former than the latter. The data obtained indicate that the chronically exposed skin of golfers' hands shows morphological and functional changes resulting from long time exposure to the outer environment especially sunlight. Furthermore, bioengineering non-invasive methods are found to be useful to detect early photodamage of the skin in a more quantitative fashion which is rather difficult to demonstrate clinically.

  231. Development of soft tactile sensor for prostatic palpation diagnosis: sensor structure design and analysis Peer-reviewed

    ZW Jiang, S Chonan, Y Tanahashi, M Tanaka, T Kato

    SHOCK AND VIBRATION 7 (2) 67-79 2000

    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper is concerned with the development of a palpation probe for assessment of prostatic cancer and hypertrophy. The sensor is constructed by layering two polivinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films into soft material layers such as vulcanized rubber and sponge rubber sheets. Since the contact condition between the sensor and soft objects influences the sensor output significantly, the improvement of its sensitivity is investigated by design of an attachment covered over the sensor surface. In this report, the theoretical model of the sensor and the design of the attachment are presented and the attachment is validated for soft substances due to experimental investigation. Finally, a compact probe developed for clinical testing is presented and the data obtained from the patients are treated by the wavelet transform for de-noising. Some representative clinical data show that the sensor could be a useful tool for group medical checkup on prostatic cancer and hypertrophy.

  232. Development of artificial urethral valve with transcutaneous energy transformer Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, H Goto, T Namima, H Matsuki, S Orikasa, Y Tanahashi, S Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper is concerned with the development of an artificial urethral valve for treating urinary incontinence, which is driven by shape memory alloy actuators. The latest valve has been modified by adding the SMA for the closing, which has the effect of preventing incorrect actions. Further, a compact, non-contact induction heating system using power transmission coils is introduced, which is improved by using an oscillation and amplifier circuit. It is found that the valve shows good opening and closing functions experimentally by using the urethrae of male dog through the induction-heating system.

  233. Artificial Urethral Valve Using SMA Actuators(Verification of Opening/Closing Functions and Thermo-Metallurgical-Mechanical Model of SMA Actuators) Peer-reviewed

    S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, M.Tanaka, J.Tanikawa, K.Hirano, S.Orikasa, T.Namima, K.Uchi

    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 45-62 1999/10

  234. Development of haptic sensor for monitoring skin characteristics (1st report, fundamental characteristics of the sensor) Peer-reviewed


    Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 7 (3) 308-313 1999/09

  235. Development of Soft Tribo-Sensor Using PVDF Film for Skin Surface Contour Measurement Peer-reviewed

    Z.W.Jiang, K.Funai, M.Tanaka, S.Chonan

    Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 10 482-488 1999/06

    DOI: 10.1106/66AY-88MD-LFMP-KCU5  

  236. Shock Response of Contact Recording Head-Disk Assembly System Peer-reviewed

    Z.W.Jiang, M.Atsumi, M.Tanaka, S.Chonan

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C 65 (631) 932-939 1999/03

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.65.932  


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    This paper presents a theoretical study on the shock response of a contact recording head when a half-sine acceleration impulse is applied to the head-disk assembly system. The contact head is modeled by a cantilever beam with a concentrated mass at the tip. The surface undulation and the vibration of disk are both taken into account in the analysis. The contact force between the head and the disk is assumed to follow the Hertz theory. The head jumping height and the contact force between the head and the disk are studied in detail. The obtained results show that the maximum jumping height and contact force are significantly dependent on the amplitude and duration of the applied impulsive disturbance. © 1999, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.

  237. Measurement and Valuation of Touch Sensation(Tactile Perception of Forefinger Compared with PVDF Sensor Output) Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, H.Nakajima

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C 65 (631) 970-976 1999/03

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.65.970  


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    This paper is a study on the valuation and mathematical formulation of human touch sensation. First, the feelings of touch are collected on five natural and chemical fabrics through the SD (Semantic Differential) method questionnaires sent to twenty three examinees. The feelings are valued on each fabric by using the weigthed mean on graded factor feelings. The multiple regression analysis is then introduced to represent the overall evaluation of touch on every fabric by a linear function of the valuations on feelings of touch. Next, a soft tactile sensor made of a PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) flim patch and rubber layers is assembled and slid over the same sample fabrics to collect the surface tactile information on the fabrics. The features on the collected data are then extracted by calculating the temporal average of absolute out signal and using the intensity of power spectral density on the medium frequency range. Comparison of the results show that the PVDF sensor well describes the tactile perception of forefingers. © 1999, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.

  238. Measurement and Valuation of Touch Sensation (Tactile Perception of Forefinger Compared with PVDF Sensosr Output)Ninth International Conference on Adaptive Structures(Eds.N.W.Hagood and M.J.Atalla) Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, H. Nakajima

    Technomic Publishing Co.Inc.(Lancaster-Basel) 61-70 1999

  239. Soft Tribo-Sensor for Measuring Dermal Roughness: Fundamentals of Sensor Invited Peer-reviewed

    M. Tanaka, H. Ichinose, K. Numagami, Z.W. Jiang, S. Chona

    Digests of the Joint Seminar ’99 99-100 1999

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  240. Development of a Palpation Sensor for Detecting Prostatic Cancer and Hypertrophy (Signal Processing on Clinical Data) Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Masatomo Kamei, Mitsuyuki Furubayashi, Zhong Wei Jiang, Yoshikatu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C 65 (636) 3296-3301 1999

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.65.3296  


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    This paper is concerned with the development of a palpation sensor for possible detection of prostatic cancer and hypertrophy. The sensor is a layered medium with two polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films embedded in the matrix sponge rubber. This sensor fixed with a finger is pressed against the prostates and the output voltage signals from the polymer films are measured. The temporal mean values, I1 and I2, on the absolute signals from polymer films are calculated and their ratio I1/I2 is used as the sensor output. First, the experimental method for the clinical test is proposed. The prostate glands diagnosed by a doctor's fore finger are classified into four groups according to their stiffness and the data processing for assorting the glands into the groupes are presented. The effect of the convexes placed on the surface of sensor is examined by conparing the clinical data with that of the sensor without the convexes. © 1999, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.

  241. Artificial SMA valve for treatment of urinary incontinence: upgrading of valve and introduction of transcutaneous transformer Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, K Hirano, H Goto, T Namima, K Uchi, ZW Jiang, H Matsuki, Y Tanahashi, S Orikasa, S Chonan


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper is concerned with the development of an artificial urethral valve driven by shape memory alloy actuators, which is attached onto the urethra of a urinary incontinence sufferer for treating the involuntary micturition. Three types of compact cylindrical valves are assembled and their opening and closing functions are examined experimentally. The updated valve is heated and opened by using the transcutaneous energy transformer consisting of a pair of flexible spiral-formed copper wire coils. The experiment using the canine urinary canal verifies that the total system of the valve and the transformer works well as an artificial sphictor muscle and controls the urinary flow through the canal appropriately.

  242. Artificial Urethral Valve Using SMA Actuators(Fundamental Prenciple of Valve and the Verification of Opening/Closing Functions) Peer-reviewed

    S.Chonan, S.Orikasa, Z, W.Jiang, T.Namima, M.Tanaka, K.Uchi, J.Tanikawa, K.Hirano

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineer, Series C, 64 (620) 1229-1236 1998/04

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.64.1229  

  243. Development of a palpation sensor for detection of prostatic cancer and hypertrophy (optimum structural design of sensor) Peer-reviewed

    S Chonan, ZW Jiang, M Tanaka, T Kato, M Kamei


    Publisher: IOS PRESS


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    This paper is concerned with the development of a soft palpation sensor for detection of prostatic cancer and hypertrophy. The sensor is a layered medium with two polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films embedded in the matrix sponge rubber. It is pressed against the prostates and the output voltage signals from the polymer films are measured. The temporal mean values, I-1 and I-2, of absolute voltage signals from the films are calculated and their ratio I-1/I-2 is used as the sensor output. First, the fundamental characteristics of a rectangular sensor with a plane surface are examined. Then, the surface geometry of the sensor was designed so that it clearly indicates the nature on the stiffness of the soft material. Finally, a compact cylindrical sensor attached to the doctor's forefinger is described and experimental studies of its performance as a palpation sensor are presented. Some representative clinical data on the normal and hardened prostate glands are also presented.

  244. Development of a Palpation Sensor for Detecting Prostatic Cancer and Hypertrophy(Optimum Structural Design of Sensor) Peer-reviewed

    Seiji CHONAN, Zhong Wei JIANG, Yoshikatu TANAHASHI, Mami TANAKA, Takuji KATO

    JSMEC 64 (618) 571-576 1998/02

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.64.571  


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    This paper is concerned with the development of a palpation sensor for detecting the prostatic cancer and hypertrophy. The sensor is a layered medium with two polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films embedded in the matrix rubber block. The temporal mean values, I and I , of absolute voltage signals from the polymer films are calculated and their ratio I /I is used as the sensor output. First, the fundamental characteristics of sensor are examined on a rectangular sensor with a plane surface. Then, the surface geometry of sensor is designed so that the sensor output clearly extracts the features on the stiffness of the materials. Finally, a compact cylindrical sensor which is inset in the doctor's forefinger is presented and its characteristics as a palpation sensor are studied experimentally. Some representative clinical data on the hardened and normal prostate glands are also presented. © 1998, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved. 1 2 1 2

  245. Measurement and valuation of touch sensation (AE sensor readings compared with tactile perception of forefinger) Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, S Chonan, ZW Jiang, T Hikita


    Publisher: I O S PRESS


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    This paper is concerned with the measurement and evaluation of the human touch sensation. First, the fabrics such as crepe, velvet and corduroy are laid inside a blind box and touched and stroked by the forefingers of examiners and their feelings of touch are obtained and classified by means of questionnaires. Next, the AE sensor is pressed and slid over the same samples and the output signals from the sensor are recorded The features on the collected data are then extracted by using the auto-correlation function and the FFT analysis and compared with the valuation of forefingers. It is seen that the AE sensor readings partially correspond with the tactile perception of the forefingers.

  246. Study on Development of Soft Tactile Sensor for Palpation Diagnosis(Development of Prostatic Palpation Probe) Peer-reviewed

    Z.W.Jiang, S.Chonan, Y.Tanahashi, M.Tanaka, M.Kamei

    International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Dalian, China 662-667 1998

  247. Development of Soft Tribo-Sensor with PVDF Films Peer-reviewed

    Z.W.Jiang, K.Funai, M.Tanaka, S.Chonan

    Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Makuhari, Chiba 78-79 1998

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  248. A Soft Palpation sensor and Its Application to Measurement of the Stiffness of Prostate Gland Peer-reviewed

    S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, M.Tanaka, Y.Suga, Y.Tanahashi

    Jounal of Technical Physics 39 397-409 1998

  249. Force Controlo of an Artificial Finger With Distributed Sensors Driven by a Piezoelectric Actuator Peer-reviewed

    M,Tanaka, S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang

    Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique 43 (3) 333-342 1998

  250. Active Sening Using soft Handling Miniature Gripper(Identification of Gasped Object) Peer-reviewed

    Y.C.Kim, S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, M.Tanaka, T.Hirose

    日本AEM学会誌 6 (1) 36-43 1998/01

  251. Measurement and Valuation of Touch Sensation (Tactile Perception of Forefinger Compared with AE Sensor Readings) Peer-reviewed

    Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan, Zhong-wei Jiang, Tmohiro Hikita

    Journal of The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 5 (3) 28-34 1997/09

  252. Development of an artificial urethral valve using SMA actuators Peer-reviewed

    S Chonan, ZW Jiang, J Tani, S Orikasa, Y Tanahashi, T Takagi, M Tanaka, J Tanikawa

    SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 6 (4) 410-414 1997/08


    DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/6/4/004  


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    The development of an artificial urethral valve for the treatment of urinary incontinence which occurs frequently in the aged is described. The prototype urethral valve is assembled in hand-drum form with four thin shape memory alloy (SMA) (nickel-titanium alloy) plates of 0.3 mm thickness. The shape memory effect in two directions is used to replace the urinary canal sphincter muscles and to control the canal opening and closing functions. The characteristic of the SMA is to assume the shape of a circular are at normal temperatures and a flat shape at higher temperatures. Experiments have been conducted using a canine bladder and urinary canal.

  253. Mechanical Urethral Valve for Treating Urinary Incontinence Peer-reviewed

    S.Conan, Z.W.Jiang, J.Tani, S.Orekasa, M.Tanaka, J.Tanikawa, Y.Tanahashi

    2nd Asian Control Conference, Seoul, Korea 179-182 1997/07

  254. Palpation Probe for Detecting Prostatic Cancer and Hypertrophy Peer-reviewed

    S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, M.Tanaka, Y.Suga, Y.Tanahashi

    2nd Asian Control Conference,Seoul, Korea. 183-185 1997/07

  255. A Soft Palpation Sensor and Its Application to Measurement of the Stiffness of Prostate Glands Peer-reviewed

    S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, M.Tanaka, Y.Suga, Y.Tanahashi

    5th Polish-Japanese Joint Seminar on Electromagnetics in Science and Technology, Gdansk,Poland . 92-95 1997/04

  256. Mechanical Urethral Valve Using SMA Actuators (Verification of Opening/Closing Functions and Thermo- Metallurgical-Mechanical Model of SMA Actuators Peer-reviewed

    S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, M.Tanaka, J.Tanikawa, S.Orikasa, T.Namima, K.Uchi, Y.Tanahashi

    Japan-France Seminar on Intelligent Materials and Structures, Sendai, Japan 229-241 1997

  257. 形状記憶合金を用いた人工尿道弁の開発 Peer-reviewed

    長南征二, 江 鐘偉, 折笠精一, 谷 順二, 棚橋善克, 高木敏行, 田中真美, 谷川 淳

    JSAE 4 (4) 31-36 1996/12

  258. Development of an Artificial Urethral Valve Using SMA Actuators Peer-reviewed

    S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang, J.Tani, S.Orikasa, Y.Tanahashi, T.Takagi, M.Tanaka, J.Tanikawa

    Proceeding of the Russian-Japanese joining seminar ''The Physiscs and Modeling of Intelligent Materials,Moscow Russia'' 221-228 1996/09

  259. Force control of a flexible finger with distributed sensors and piezoelectric actuators Peer-reviewed

    M Tanaka, S Chonan, ZW Jiang





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    This paper is concerned with the theoretical and experimental study of the force control of a miniature robotic finger that grasps an object at portions other than the fingertip. The artificial finger is a uniform flexible cantilever equipped with a distributed set of compact grasping force sensors. Control action is applied by a piezoceramic bimorph strip place at the base of the finger. The mathematical model of the assembled electro-mechanical system is developed. The distributed sensors are described by a set of concentrated mass-spring systems. The formulated equations of motion are applied to the study of control problem where the finger is commanded to grasp its object with a time-constant force 0.03 N regardless of the contact position of the finger with the object. Both the PID and H-infinity regulators are tested and their control behaviours are compared with each other.

  260. Control of an Artificial Finger with Distributed Force Sensors and Piezoceramic Actuators Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, S.Chonan, Z.W.Jiang

    First Romanian-Japanese Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. (36) 1996

  261. Optimum Design of a Distributed Actuator for Active Vibration Control of Flexible Structures Peer-reviewed

    Z.W.Jiang, S.Chonan, M.Tanaka, J.Ibayashi

    JSMEC 61 (580) 57-64 1995

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.61.57  

  262. Control of an Artificial Robotic Finger with Distributed Sensors and Actuators Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, Z.W.Jiang, S.Chonan

    International Symposium on Microsystems, Intelligent Materials and Robots 366-369 1995

  263. Force Control of a Flexible Finger with Distributed Force Sensors and Piezoelectric Actuators Peer-reviewed

    M.Tanaka, Z.W.Jiang, S.Chonan

    1st International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics 237-241 1995

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Misc. 12

  1. 化粧品開発における触感測定方法の最新動向 –触感センサシステムの開発-


    COSMETIC STAGE 32-36 2009/06

  2. ヒトから学ぶ触覚感性計測用センサシステムの開発


    日本ロボット学会誌 2008/04/15

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.26.230  

  3. 医療や福祉に役立つ触覚センサ


    日本機械学会誌 110 53-56 2007

  4. 機能性材料を用いた医療福祉機器の開発

    長南征二, 田中真美

    金属 76 12-14 2006/01

  5. 皮膚性状計測用センサの開発


    日本設計工学会, Vol.39 (3) 26-29 2004/05

  6. 機能性材料を用いた能動触覚センシングシステムの開発


    豊田研究報告 57 59-63 2004

  7. 皮膚性状計測用触覚センサ


    トライボロジスト 48 (7) 536-540 2003/01

  8. スキンケアと皮膚性状計測


    日本機械学会誌メカライフ特集号 104 816-817 2001/11

  9. 前立腺触診用センサの開発


    月刊「超音波TECHNO」 12 46-49 2000/05

  10. 触覚センサの開発(感性計測と医療への応用)


    日本AEM学会誌 7 359-366 1999/01

  11. 形状記憶合金を用いた人工尿道開閉弁の開発

    長南征二, 折笠精一, 谷 順ニ, 松木英敏, 棚橋善克, 江 鐘偉, 髙木敏行, 田中真美, 浪間孝重, 内啓一郎, 谷川淳, 平野建太郎

    日本機械学会誌 101 76 1998/11

  12. 形状記憶合金を用いた人工尿道バルブの開発

    長南征二, 田中真美

    人工臓器 27 696-702 1998/10

    DOI: 10.11392/jsao1972.27.5_696  

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Books and Other Publications 10

  1. アクチュエーター研究開発の最前線


    株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2011/08/08

    ISBN: 9784860433864

  2. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

    J.Qiu, M. Tanaka

    John Wiley & Sons 2007

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    ISBN 978-0-470-04748-4

  3. Handbook of Non-Invasive Methods & Skin(2nd Edition)

    Mami Tanaka

    CRC Press LLC 2006

  4. 超五感センサの開発最前線


    NTS社出版 2005

  5. 7.ユビキタス・バイオセンシング – 健康モニタリング&日常ケアのための計測技術 –

    長南征二, 田中真美

    CMC出版 2005

  6. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Online Edition, Biomaterials, Prosthetics, and Biomedical Devices

    J. Qiu, M. Tanaka


  7. Surveying of Micro-machine Technology

    長南征二, 田中真美


  8. The Encyclopedia of Smart Materials

    Jinhao QIU, Mami TANAKA


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    Ed. J. A. Harvey

  9. (社)日本機械学会編 インテリジェント技術-材料・構造―

    長南征二, 田中真美


  10. 新材料2000

    長南征二, 田中真美


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Presentations 177

  1. Development of Ball Roller Scanning Type Palpation Sensor System International-presentation

    Jin Oizumi, Takeshi Okuyama

    ISEM2017 2017/09/03

  2. ウェアラブル指先力計測センサシステムの開発

    奥山武志, 小林晃平, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2016年次大会 2016/09/11

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  3. ボールローラ型触診センサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 大泉仁, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2016年次大会 2016/09/11

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  4. 引掻き動作評価のための装着型マイクセンサの開発に関する研究(Development of wearable sensor using microphone for evaluation of human scratch motion)

    磯崎剛志郎, 奥山武士, 田中真美

    第32回ライフサポート学会大会、第16回日本生活支援工学会大会、日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2016 2016/09/04

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  5. 圧力分布センサを用いた紙おむつの触刺激評価に関する研究

    田中真美, 谷口雄紀, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会第28回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2016/05/18

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    (Study on evaluation of contact stimulus by diaper using pressure distribution sensor)

  6. 人肌に対する引掻き音計測および動作評価に関する研究

    田中真美, 阿部貴夫, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会第28回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2016/05/18

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    (Study on measurement of motion and sound during scratching skin)

  7. 硬軟感知覚に対する表面粗さ効果に関する研究(第2報 触動作解析)

    カン セミン, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会IIP2016 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP 部門)講演会 2016/03/14

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    日本機械学会IIP2016 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP 部門)講演会, in CD-ROM, F-2-1, (2016).

  8. タッチパネル表面の触感計測に関する研究

    片桐 卓哉, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会IIP2016 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP 部門)講演会 2016/03/14

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    日本機械学会IIP2016 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP 部門)講演会, in CD-ROM, F-2-2, (2016).

  9. 上肢屈伸運動中の筋音計測による筋状態評価に関する研究

    熊谷 光, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会東北支部第51回総会・講演会 2016/03/11

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    日本機械学会東北支部第51回総会・講演会講演論文集, in USB, p.145-146, (2016).

  10. 硬軟感知覚に対する表面粗さ効果に関する研究(第1報 官能評価)

    カン セミン, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会東北支部第51回総会・講演会 2016/03/11

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    日本機械学会東北支部第51回総会・講演会講演論文集, in USB, p.147-148, (2016).

  11. 手背マイクによる引掻き動作計測に関する研究

    奥山武志, 阿部貴夫, 田中真美

    日本機械学会第7回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム 2015/10/28

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    日本機械学会第7回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム講演論文集, in CD-ROM, 28pm1-E-3, (2015).

  12. Reciprocating Roller Scanning Type Palpation Sensor System for Evaluating Mobility of Lumps. International-presentation

    Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Tetsuharu Ube

    The 17th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2015), 2015/09/15

  13. Measurement of Finger Joint angle using a Flexible Polymer Sensor.(柔軟ポリマーセンサを用いた指の関節角度計測) International-presentation

    Takeshi Okuyama, Shouhei Kobayashi, Manabu Otsuki, Mami Tanaka

    The 17th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2015), 2015/09/15

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    The 17th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2015), Awaji City , Hyogo, Japan, 15-18 Sept., 2015

  14. Development of a Sensor for Measuring Tactile Sensation of Hair by Using Artificial Hair. International-presentation

    Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Sho Otsuka, Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Takafumi Kono, Atsushi Horihata

    The 17th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM2015), 2015/09/15

  15. 圧力分布を考慮した紙おむつの触刺激評価に関する研究

    田中真美, 谷口雄紀, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会 2015/09/13

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  16. 3次元動作計測システムおよび3軸力センサによる引掻き動作の基礎的解析

    奥山武志, 阿部貴夫, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2015年度年次大会 2015/09/13

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  17. 様々な硬さの柔軟物を計測可能な小型硬さセンサの開発に関する研究(Development of the compact hardness sensor for sensing various hardness of soft objects.)

    平田正成, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会 2015/09/04

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    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会、プログラム&アブストラクト集P37、2005.9.4~9.6、 東北大学川内北キャンバス

  18. 指先力計測用ウェアラブルセンサの開発に関する研究

    小林晃平, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会 2015/09/04

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    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会、プログラム&アブストラクト集P45、2015.9.4~9.6、 東北大学川内北キャンバス

  19. 前立腺触診用ロボットフィンガシステムの開発に関する研究

    岡前雄大, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会 2015/09/04

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    2015年度 精密工学会秋季大会、プログラム&アブストラクト集P46、2015.9.4~9.6、

  20. 小型点字読み取りセンサのユーザビリティ評価 International-presentation

    奥山武志, 坂口飛鳥

    MIPE2015(Joint Int. Conf. on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment 2015/06/14

  21. 前立腺触診シュミレータおよび動作解析システムを用いた前立腺触診動作計測 International-presentation

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克

    MIPE2015(Joint Int. Conf. on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment 2015/06/14

  22. Usability evaluation of compact Braille reading sensor.小型点字読み取りセンサのユーザビリティ評価 International-presentation

    田中真美, 坂口飛鳥, 奥山武志

    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015 2015/06/14

  23. Measurement of palpation motion using prostate examination simulator and motion capture system.前立腺触診シュミレータおよび動作解析システムを用いた前立腺触診動作計測 International-presentation

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015 2015/06/14

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    IIP/ISPS JOINT MIPE 2015, June 14-17, 2015, Kobe, Japan 情報と精密機器用マイクロ・メカトロニクスに関する国際会議

  24. 柔軟ポリマーセンサによる指関節角度計測

    小林晃平, 大槻学, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第27回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2015/05/14

  25. 柔軟物内のしこりの可動性評価に関する研究

    大泉仁, 宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第27回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD27) 2015/05/14

  26. 3次元動作解析システムを用いた前立腺触診動作計測に関する研究

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    第27回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD27) 2015/05/14

  27. 硬さ感知覚メカニズム解明のための指接触状態計測に関する研究

    成井涼, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松 2014/12/04

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    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松、PS45(545-548pp)、2014.12-4~12.5

  28. 三次元動作計測システムを用いた引掻き動作解析

    阿部貴夫, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松 2014/12/04

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    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松、PS46(549-552pp)、2014.12-4~12.5

  29. 体表面振動計測による下腿状態評価システムの開発に関する研究

    池田翔平, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松 2014/12/04

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    MAGDA2014 第23回MAGDAコンファレンスin 高松、PS47(553-555pp)、2014.12-4~12.5

  30. 触刺激計測センサによる紙おむつの計測および官能評価

    谷口雄紀, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    2014年度精密工学会東北支部 学術講演会 2014/11/29

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    2014年度精密工学会東北支部 学術講演会(Ⅱ―15)、2014.11.29、弘前

  31. 柔軟ポリマーセンサによる指関節角度計測

    大槻 学, 小林晃平, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会年次大会2014 2014/09/07

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  32. 柔軟物内のしこりの可動性評価に関する研究

    大泉仁, 宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会年次大会2014 2014/09/07

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  33. 前立腺触診動作の計測に関する研究

    奥山武志, 横山翔太, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    日本機械学会年次大会2014 2014/09/07

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  34. 「引っ掻き動作計測におけるポリマーセンサの周波数応答」

    T.Okuyama, K.Hatakeyama, M.Tanaka

    電磁気と機械力学に関するアジア太平洋シンポジウム ASPEAM2014 2014/07/22

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    ASPEAM2014(8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp.63(19-1)July 22-25, 2014 Taichung, Taiwan))

  35. 「多点筋音計測による下腿筋活動状態の推定」

    S. Ikeda, T,Arai, T.Okuyama, M.Tamala

    電磁気と機械力学に関するアジア太平洋シンポジウム ASPEAM2014 2014/07/22

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    ASPEAM2014(8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp39(14-2), July 22-25, 2014 Taichung, Taiwan)

  36. 引っ掻き音計測による引っ掻き動作評価に関する研究

    奥山武志, 畠山一樹, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2014/05/21

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    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(2014.5.21-23、盛岡) 講演論文集22Ba1、492-496pp

  37. 往復走査式ローラー型触診センサを用いたしこりの可動性評価

    宇部哲玄, 大泉仁, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2014/05/21

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    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(2014.5.21-23、盛岡) 講演論文集22Ba2、497-500pp

  38. 柔軟物体内のしころ形状判別のための触診動作計測に関する研究

    田中真美, 横山翔太, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克

    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2014/05/21

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    日本AEM学会第26回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(2014.5.21-23、盛岡) 講演論文集22Ba3、501-504pp

  39. 柔軟物内のしこり形状判別動作時の触診動作計測

    横山翔太, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    日本機械学会 IIP2014 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2014/03/18

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    日本機械学会 IIP2014 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会(2014、3.18~3.19、東京) 講演論文集 F-2-5

  40. 往復走査式ローラー型触診センサを用いたしこりの可動性評価に関する研究

    宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会 第26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 2014/01/11

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    日本機械学会 第26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会(2014.1.11-12、仙台)、 講演論文集、63-64pp

  41. 点字読み取りセンサの操作性評価に関する研究

    坂口飛鳥, 横山翔太, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会 第26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 2014/01/11

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    日本機械学会 第26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会(2014.1.11-12、仙台)、 講演論文集、65-66pp

  42. 柔軟ポリマーセンサを用いた指関節角度計測による把持動作評価

    大槻学, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎 2013/12/02

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    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎、講演論文集、541-546pp -電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンスー、2013.12.2-3

  43. 音呈示による食感制御システムに開発に関する研究

    成井涼, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎 2013/12/02

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    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎、講演論文集、547-550pp -電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンスー、2013.12.2-3

  44. 紙オムツによる乳幼児への触刺激の定量化に関する研究

    谷口雄紀, 野俣拓哉, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎 2013/12/02

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    日本AEM学会 第22回MAGDAコンファレンスin宮崎、講演論文集、551-554pp -電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス-、2013.12.2-3

  45. カメラおよび力センサによる触診動作計測

    横山翔太, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会 2013/09/08

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  46. 多点筋音計測による筋状態評価に関する研究

    荒井辰也, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会 2013/09/08

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  47. 往復走査式ローラ型触診センサシステムの開発

    宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美宇部哲玄, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会 2013/09/08

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    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会講演論文集(No.13-1)、2013.9.8-11、岡山 J241025

  48. ロール型触刺激計測システムの開発

    奥山武志, 野俣拓也, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2013年度年次大会 2013/09/08

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  49. 受動触における硬軟感知覚メカニズムばね剛性と硬軟感の関係 International-presentation

    土見大介, 田中真美

    第16回電磁気と機械力学に関する国際会議 ISEM2013 2013/07/31

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    ISEM2013(The 16th Int. Symp. On Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, July31st-August 2nd, 2013, Quebec City (Canada), 159-160pp

  50. 分娩介助動作に伴う助産師の手指にかかる圧力の解析

    工藤みう, 北條真紀, 田中真美

    第16回電磁気と機械力学に関する国際会議 ISEM2013 2013/07/31

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  51. 小型マイクを用いた引っ掻き動作の計測


    第16回電磁気と機械力学に関する国際会議 ISEM2013 2013/07/31

  52. ローラ走査型触診センサに関する研究 International-presentation

    田村 誠

    ISEM2013 2013/07/30

  53. ヒトの硬軟感知覚メカニズムに関する研究―第2報:硬軟感知覚における接触面積の影響―

    土見大介, 佐々木香菜, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第25回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD25) 2013/05/15

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    (SEAD25) 講演論文集 224-225pp 2013年5月15~17日 箱根ホテル小涌園

  54. 化粧水の塗布触感評価システムの開発に関する研究

    奥山武志, 榎並翔太, 川副智行, 柿崎みのり, 田中真美

    第25回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD25) 2013/05/15

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    第25回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム(SEAD25) 講演論文集 226-227pp 2013年5月15~17日 箱根ホテル小涌園

  55. 粗さ感・硬軟感を同時計測可能なセンサシステムの開発

    久保 大, 土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    IIP2013情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2013/03/21

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    IIP2013情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 講演論文集 140-142pp Conf. on Inf., Intelligence and Precision Equipment(IIP2013) 2013年3月21-22日 東洋大学白山キャンパス

  56. 分娩介助動作における助産師の手指にかかる圧力分析

    工藤みう, 北條真紀, 奥山武志, 吉沢豊子, 跡上富美, 中村康香, 田中真美

    IIP2013情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2013/03/21

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    IIP2013情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 講演論文集 143-145pp Conf. on Inf., Intelligence and Precision Equipment(IIP2013) 2013年3月21-22日 東洋大学白山キャンパス

  57. 触感計測用センサシステムの開発に関する研究

    八木喜久, 奥山武志, 横幕敦司, 田村明日香, 田中真美

    日本AEM学会、第21回MAGDAコンファレンスin仙台 2012/11/01

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    日本AEM学会、第21回MAGDAコンファレンスin仙台 (電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス)講演論文集、563-566pp

  58. 小型マイクを用いた引っ掻き動作計測に関する研究

    畠山一樹, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会、バイオエンジニアリング部門 2012/10/05

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    日本機械学会、バイオエンジニアリング部門 第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集、pp.31-32. 2012年10月5~6日、弘前文化センター

  59. 筋音・筋電センサを用いた筋状態評価用センサシステムに関する研究

    荒井辰也, 神藤将士, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会、バイオエンジニアリング部門 2012/10/05

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    第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集、pp.173-174 2012年10月5~6日、弘前文化センター

  60. ヒトの硬軟感知覚メカニズムに関する研究

    佐々木香菜, 土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会、バイオエンジニアリング部門 2012/10/05

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    205. 第23回バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集、pp.175-176 2012年10月5~6日、弘前文化センター

  61. 筋音図スペクトル解析による筋活動状態評価に関する研究(J165054)

    土見大介, 神藤将士, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2012年度年次大会 2012/09/09

  62. 毛髪手触り感計測センサによる人工毛髪の手触り感計測に関する研究(J165056)

    八木喜久, 奥山武志, 近雄介, 大塚翔, 柿澤みのり, 仲谷正史, 豊田成人, 川副智行

    日本機械学会2012年度年次大会 2012/09/09

  63. 走査型触診センサの開発(J241022)

    奥山武志, 田村誠, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2012年度年次大会 2012/09/09

  64. 触診動作計測システムの開発に関する研究(J241023)

    日本機械学会2012年度年次大会 2012/09/09

  65. Fundamental Characterization of Diaper Friction by Disposable Diapers International-presentation

    Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012) 2012/06/18

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  66. Measurement of contact stimulus by disposable diapers considering motion of infants. International-presentation

    Yuta Iseki, Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012) 2012/06/18

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  67. Measurement of f midwife motion during second stage of labor. International-presentation

    Maki Hojo, Takeshi Okuyama, Toyoko Yoshizawa, Fumi Atogami, Yasuka Nakamura, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012) 2012/06/18

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  68. Development of bending sensor for monitoring of scratch motion using polymer sensor. International-presentation

    Takeshi Okuyama, Kazuki Hatakeyama, Manabu Otsuki, Mami Tanaka

    2012 ASME-ISPS/JSME-IIP Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(MIPE2012) 2012/06/18

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  69. Project ARTFINGER: Bioengineering of tactile perception, Haptic tribometry. International-presentation

    Simon TUPIN, Manabu OTSUKI, Takuya NOMATA, Daisuke TSUCHIMI, Mami TANAKA

    2012 Annual ElyT Workshop 2012/03/11

  70. Vibration Signature of Human Hair during Friction Test International-presentation

    Mehdi DJAGHLOIL, Takuya Nomata, Daisuke Tsuchimi, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    2012 Annual ElyT Workshop 2012/03/11

  71. A Compact Sensor System for Reading Braille International-presentation

    Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama

    18th International Symposium of Tohoku University Global COE Programme Global 2012/03/05

  72. Study on an Evaluation Method for Contact Stimulus during Walking Movements International-presentation

    Takuya NOMATA, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Mami TANAKA

    18th International Symposium of Tohoku University Global COE Programme Global 2012/03/05

  73. Time Response Properties on Deformation Velocity for a Soft Curvature Sensor International-presentation

    Manabu Ostuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    18th International Symposium of Tohoku University Global COE Programme Global 2012/03/05

  74. Development of an evaluation system for contact stimuli by diapers during walking motion International-presentation

    Takuya NOMATA, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Mami TANAKA

    5th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2011/12/12

  75. Characteristic Evaluation of a Soft Curvature Sensor using a Solid Polymer Electroyte International-presentation

    Manabu Ostuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    5th East Asian Pacific Student Workshop on Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2011/12/12

  76. A compact sensor system for reading Braille International-presentation

    Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2011/10/09

  77. Study on evaluation of muscle conditions using a mechanomyogram sensor International-presentation

    Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama, Kazuhiro Saito

    The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2011/10/09

  78. Time response properties on deformation velocity for a solid polymer electrolyte sensor International-presentation

    Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka

    The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2011/09/07

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    JSME Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 14. (ISBN 978-4-931455-19-1, ISSN 1343-2869)

  79. Hapic Perception Mechanism of Softness International-presentation

    Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama

    The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2011/09/07

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    JSME Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 14. (ISBN 978-4-931455-19-1, ISSN 1343-2869)

  80. Evaluation of Contact Stimuli by Diapers for Infants –Relationship between contact stimuli and walking motion- International-presentation

    Takuya Nomata, Mami Tanaka, Takeshi Okuyama

    The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2011/09/07

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    JSME Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 14. (ISBN 978-4-931455-19-1, ISSN 1343-2869)

  81. ユーザビリティを考慮した点字読み取りセンサの開発に関する研究

    関宏記, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第23回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2011/05/18

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    (Study on usability of Braille sensor) 第23回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 講演論文集、2011年5月18-20日、 名古屋、日本AEM学会、433-436pp

  82. 皮膚の硬軟感知覚に対する剛性の影響調査

    土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第23回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2011/05/18

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    (Effect Stiffness for Evaluation of Skin Hardness) 第23回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 講演論文集、2011年5月18-20日、 名古屋、日本AEM学会、124-126pp

  83. 爪装着型硬さ計測用センサに関する研究

    大瀧拓雄, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    第23回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2011/05/18

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    (Study on a nail-mounted sensor for measuring hardness) 第23回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 講演論文集、2011年5月18-20日、 名古屋、日本AEM学会、127-128pp

  84. 皮膚の硬軟感知覚に対する剛性の影響調査

    土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    IIP2011 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2011/03/22

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    IIP2011 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 講演論文集、2011年3月22-23日、東京電機大学(東京)、243-244 pp Effect Stiffness for Evaluation of Skin Hardness Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment(IIP2011)

  85. 爪装着型硬さ計測用センサに関する研究

    大瀧拓雄, 奥山武志, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    IIP2011 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2011/03/22

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    IIP2011 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 講演論文集、2011年3月22-23日、東京電機大学(東京)、245-246pp Study on a nail-mounted sensor for measuring hardness Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment(IIP2011)

  86. ユーザビリティを考慮した点字読み取りセンサの開発に関する研究

    関宏記, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    IIP2011 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2011/03/22

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    IIP2011 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 講演論文集、2011年3月22-23日、東京電機大学(東京)、247-248pp Study on usability of Braille sensor Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment(IIP2011)

  87. 紙オムツによる乳幼児への触刺激の定量化に関する研究-歩行動作と触刺激の関連性の検討―

    野俣拓也, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第19回MAGUDAコンファレンス 2010/11/22

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    第19回MAGUDAコンファレンスin札幌、電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス講演論文集 2010年11月22~23日,189-194pp Quantification of a contact stimulus applied to infants by diapers –Relationship between Walking motion and contact stimuli – Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka Proceedings of MAGDA Conference in Sapporo Conference on Electromagnetic Phenomena and Dynamics

  88. 触診動作計測用指力センサに関する研究

    奥山武志, 田村誠, 田中真美

    第19回MAGUDAコンファレンス 2010/11/22

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    第19回MAGUDAコンファレンスin札幌、電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス講演論文集 2010年11月22~23日,195-196pp Study on finger force sensor for measuring palpation motion Takshi Okuyama, Makoto Tamura, Mami Tanaka Proceedings of MAGDA Conference in Sapporo Conference on Electromagnetic Phenomena and Dynamics

  89. 触知覚メカニズムを応用した粗さ感計測用触覚センサの開発―粗さ知覚に対する振動振幅および振動周波数の影響調査

    土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第19回MAGUDAコンファレンス 2010/11/22

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    第19回MAGUDAコンファレンスin札幌、電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス講演論文集 2010年11月22~23日,203-204pp Development of t Tactile Sensor for Smoothness based o Mechanism of Tactile Sense Effectiveness of Amplitude and Frequency of Smoothness Daisuke Tsuchimi, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka Proceedings of MAGDA Conference in Sapporo Conference on Electromagnetic Phenomena and Dynamics

  90. 毛髪表面模倣パネルを用いた毛髪手触り感計測用センサシステムの開発

    奥山武志, 近雄介, 川副智行, 豊田成人, 長野種雅, 柿澤みのり, 仲谷正史, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会 2010/08/05

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    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集Vol.5、105-106pp (2010.8.5-8名古屋市) Development of hair touch feeling sensor using an plate imitating a scalp hair surface Takeshi OKUYAMA, Yusuke Kon, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Naruhito Toyoda, Tanemasa Nagano, Minori Kakizawa, Masashi Nakatani, Mami Tanaka. Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2010 Japan (MECJ-10), Vol.5, 105-106pp

  91. 筋音センサを用いた下腿筋状態評価に関する研究

    佐藤広和, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会 2010/08/05

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    日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集Vol.5、107-108pp (2010.8.5-8名古屋市) Study on an evaluation of crural muscle activity using a mechanomyogram sensor Hirokazu, Sato, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2010 Japan (MECJ-10), Vol.5, 107-108pp

  92. 爪装着型触診センサの開発

    奥山武志, 大瀧拓雄, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム 2010/05/19

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    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム講演論文集、310-311(2010)、日本機械学会 (2010年5月19-21日、門司港) Development of nail mounted palpation sensor Takeshi Okuyama, Otaki Takuo, Tanahashi Yoshikatsu, Mami Tanaka The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22)

  93. 筋音センサを用いた筋状態評価に関する研究

    田中真美, 齋藤一博, 奥山武志, 永富良一

    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム 2010/05/19

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    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム講演論文集、312-313(2010)、日本機械学会 (2010年5月19-21日、門司港) Study on evaluation of muscle conditionsusing a mechanomyogram sensor Mami Tanaka, Kazuhiro Saitou, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryoichi Nagatomi The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22)

  94. 固体高分子電解質を用いたセンサの開発に関する研究

    大槻学, 奥山武志, 小宮良太, 須郷望, 田中真美

    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム 2010/05/19

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    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム講演論文集、546-547(2010)、日本機械学会 (2010年5月19-21日、門司港) Development of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryota Komiya, Nozomu Sugoh, Mami Tanaka The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22)

  95. 乳幼児に対する紙オムツによる触刺激の定量化に関する研究

    野俣拓也, 奥山武志, 寺岡裕美, 村上康郎, 宮澤清, 田中真美

    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム 2010/05/19

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    第22回電磁力関連のダイナミクスシンポジウム講演論文集、348-349(2010)、日本機械学会 (2010年5月19-21日、門司港) A study on quantifying a contact stimulus of diapers to infants Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Kiyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka The 22nd Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD22)

  96. 固体高分子電解質センサの特性評価

    大槻学, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    IIP2010情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2010/03/16

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    IIP2010情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集、169-170(2010)、日本機械学会 (2010年3月16-17、東京電機大学) Characteristic evaluation of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Mami Tanaka Proceedings of Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment (IIP2010)

  97. 点字読み取りセンサによる特殊文字の識別手法に関する研究

    奥山武志, 佐藤広和, 田中真美

    IIP2010情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2010/03/16

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    IIP2010情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集、171-172(2010)、日本機械学会 (2010年3月16-17、東京電機大学) Study on the identification of special characters by Braille sensor Takeshi Okuyama, Hirokazu, Sato, Mami Tanaka Proceedings of Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment (IIP2010)

  98. 紙オムツによる触刺激の基礎的な特性解析に関する研究

    野俣拓也, 奥山武志, 寺岡裕美, 村上康郎, 宮澤清, 田中真美

    IIP2010情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会 2010/03/16

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    IIP2010情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集、173-174(2010)、日本機械学会 (2010年3月16-17、東京電機大学) Fundamental characterization of a contact stimulus by diapers Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Koyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka Proceedings of Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment (IIP2010)

  99. 固体高分子電解質を用いた曲率センサの特性評価

    大槻 学, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第18回MAGUDAコンファレンスin 東京 2009/11/19

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    第18回MAGUDAコンファレンスin 東京、電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス講演論文集, 165-170(2009)、日本AEM学会(2009年11月19-20、東京都市大学) Characterization of a curvature sensor using a solid polymer electrolyte Manabu OTSUKI, Takeshi OKUYAMA and Mami TANAKA Proceedings of MAGDA Conference in Tokyo, Conference on Electromagnetic Phenomena and Dynamics, 165-170(2009)

  100. 紙オムツによる乳幼児への触刺激の定量化に関する研究―歩行動作時用計測システムの構築と検討―

    野俣拓也, 奥山武志, 寺岡裕美, 村上康郎, 宮澤清, 田中真美

    第18回MAGUDAコンファレンスin 東京 2009/11/19

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    第18回MAGUDAコンファレンスin 東京、電磁現象及び電磁力に関するコンファレンス講演論文集, 179-182(2009)、日本AEM学会 Takuya NOMATA, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Hiromi TERAOKA, Yasuo MURAKAMI, Kiyoshi MIYAZAWA, Mami TANAKA Quantification of a contact stimulus applied to infants by diapers –Measurement system for the walking motion. Proceedings of MAGDA Conference in Tokyo, Conference on Electromagnetic Phenomena and Dynamics, 179-182(2009)

  101. 乳幼児に対する紙オムツによる触刺激の定量化に関する研究

    野俣拓也, 奥山武志, 寺岡裕美, 村上康郎, 宮澤清, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会 2009/09/13

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    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集Vol.5, 171-172(2009) A Study on quantifying a contact stimulus of diapers to infants Takuya Nomata, Takeshi Okuyama, Hiromi Teraoka, Yasuo Murakami, Kiyoshi Miyazawa, Mami Tanaka

  102. 固体高分子電解質を用いたセンサの開発に関する研究

    大槻学, 奥山武志, 小宮良太, 須郷望, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会 2009/09/13

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    固体高分子電解質を用いたセンサの開発に関する研究 日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集Vol.5, 173-174(2009) Development of a solid polymer electrolyte sensor Manabu Otsuki, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryouta Komiya Nozomu Sugoh, Mami Tanaka

  103. 爪装着型触診センサの開発

    奥山武志, 大瀧拓雄, 棚橋善克, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会 2009/09/13

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    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集Vol.6, 207-208(2009) (2009年9月14、岩手大学) Development of nai mounted palpation sensor Takeshi Okuyama, Takuo Otaki, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Mami Tanaka

  104. 筋音センサを用いた筋状態評価に関する研究

    田中真美, 斉藤一博, 奥山武志, 永富良一

    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会 2009/09/13

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    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会講演論文集Vol.6, 209-201(2009) Study on evaluation of muscle conditionsusing a mechanomyogram sensor Mami Tanaka, Kazuhiro Saitou, Takeshi Okuyama, Ryoichi Nagatomi

  105. 毛髪手触り感計測用センサシステムによるヘアケア効果の評価に関する研究

    奥山武志, 針生誠, 柿澤みのり, 川副智行, 清水秀樹, 田中真美

    第21回「電磁力関連のダイマミクス」シンポジウム 2009/05/20

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    講演論文集p.625-628 Development of a haptic sensor for evaluation of hair conditions Takeshi Okuyama, Makoto Hariu, Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawasoe, Hideki Shimizu, Mami Tanka The 21st Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD21)

  106. 操作性を考慮した小型点字読み取りセンサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 近雄介, 奥山武志

    第21回「電磁力関連のダイマミクス」シンポジウム 2009/05/20

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    講演論文集p.633-634 2009年5月20-22日 メルパルク長野 Development of a compact sensor system for reading Braille; Consideration of operation performance Mami Tanaka, Yusuke Kon, Takeshi Okuyama The 21st Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics(SEAD21)

  107. 新たなQOLテクノロジーの創出を目指して―PVDFを用いた医療福祉機器の開発

    東北大学大学院医工学研究科創立一周年記念シンポジウム 2009/03/26

  108. 二層型PVDF小型生体硬さ評価用センサに関する研究

    奥山武志, 曽根美紀子, 長南征二, 田中真美

    第17回MAGDAコンファレンス 2008/11/20

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    第17回MAGDAコンファレンスin 日立、電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス、講演論文集「電磁現象の正体応用」P185-186(2008) Study of the compact tactile sensor using two PVDF films Takeshi Okuyama, Mikiko Sone, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan, Mami Tanaka.

  109. 筋状態評価用筋音センサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 斉藤一博, 田中真美

    第17回MAGDAコンファレンス 2008/11/20

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    第17回MAGDAコンファレンスin 日立、電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス、講演論文集「電磁現象の正体応用」P187-188(2008) Development of a Mechanomyogram Sensor system ofe monitoring Muscle Conditions Mami Tanaka, Kazuhiro Saito, Takeshi Okuyama

  110. 医用システムの研究開発事例

    弘前大学「医用システム開発マイスター」養成塾 開設記念 記念講演会「ものづくり技術と医用システム」 2008/11/17

  111. 医用システムの研究開発事例~触覚・感性に関連するQOLテクノロジーの創出~

    (社)精密工学会 創立75周年記念 国立大学法人 弘前大学「医用システム開発マイスター」養成塾 開設記念 記念講演会「ものづくり技術と医用システム開発」 2008/11/17

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    田中 真美 (社)精密工学会 創立75周年記念 国立大学法人 弘前大学「医用システム開発マイスター」養成塾 開設記念 記念講演会「ものづくり技術と医用システム開発」 平成20年11月17日 ベストウェスタンホテル ニューシティ弘前

  112. 「医・理・工連携施設から発信する新しい医工学」

    コンピュータ外科学会「医・理・工連携施設から発信する新しい医工学」 2008/11/01

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  113. 医・理・工連携施設から発信する新しい医工学

    同志社大学 第7回 医工学研究センターシンポジウム 2008/09/20

  114. 触覚・感性に関連するQOLテクノロジーの創出

    第7回医工学研究センターシンポジウム 2008/09/20

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    田中真美 文部科学省学術フロンティア推進事業 医工学研究の新展開 -生体適合材料と福祉・介護システムの開発― 第7回医工学研究センターシンポジウム 講演要旨集13-18pp 平成20年9月20日 同志社大学

  115. 皮膚性状計測用小型センサシステムの開発―第2報硬さおよび粗さの評価手法の検討―

    土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2008年年次大会 2008/08/03

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    日本機械学会2008年年次大会 講演論文集Vol.5,257-258(2008) Development of a haptic sensor syste for monitoring human skin conditions Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2008 Japan(MECJ-08) Daisuke TSUCHIMI, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Mami TANAKA.

  116. 毛髪手触り感計測用センサシステムによるヘアケア効果の評価に関する研究

    奥山武志, 針生 誠, 柿沢みのり, 川福智行, 清水秀樹, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2008年年次大会 2008/08/03

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    日本機械学会2008年年次大会 講演論文集Vol.5,259-260(2008) Development of a haptic sensor for evaluation of hair conditions Takeshi OKUYAMA, Makoto HARIU, Minori KAKIZAWA, Tomoyuki KAWAZOE, Hideki SHIMIZU, Mami TANAKA.

  117. 操作性を考慮した小型点字読み取りセンサシステムの開発

    近 雄介, 田中真美, 奥山武志

    日本機械学会2008年年次大会 2008/08/03

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    日本機械学会2008年年次大会 講演論文集Vol.5,263-264(2008) Development of a compact sensor system for reading Braille; Consideration of operation performance Yusuke KON, Mami TANAKA, Takeshi OKUYAMA.

  118. 乾湿両状態で計測可能な毛髪手触り感センサの開発

    針生誠, 近雄介, 奥山武志, 柿沢みのり, 川福智行, 清水秀樹, 田中真美

    第20回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2008/05/21

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    日本AEM学会 第20回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集, 489-492(2008) Development of a sensor for monitoring hari conditions under dry and wet conditions Makoto HARIU, Yusuke KON, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Minori KAKIZAWA, Tomoyuki KAWAZOE, Hideki SHIMIZU, Mami TANAKA.

  119. 皮膚性状計測用小型センサシステムの開発

    土見大介, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第20回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2008/05/21

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    日本AEM学会第20回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集, 493-496(2008) Development of Haptic Sensor System for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Daisuke TSUCHIMI, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Mami TANAKA.

  120. 触覚感性計測用センサシステムの開発に関する研究~ヒトの触運動およびセンサシステムの

    小林秀光, 野俣拓也, 奥山武志, 田中真美

    第20回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2008/05/21

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    日本AEM学会第20回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集, 497-500(2008) Study on the Development of a Sensor System for Measuring Tactile Sensation ~Investigation of the human haptic action and the performance of sensor system~ Hidemitsu KOBAYASHI, Takuya NOMATA, Takeshi OKUYAMA, Mami Tanaka

  121. QOLテクノロジーの創出 ~触覚・感性の情報化から医療/福祉/健康への展開~

    第34回寺子屋せんだい 2008/04/22

  122. 触覚感性計測用センサシステムの開発に関する研究

    小林秀光, 田中真美

    日本機械学会IIP2008 2008/03/17

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    日本機械学会IIP2008 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演論文集, 107-109(2008) Study on the development of a Sensor System for Measuring Tactile Sensation Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment, 107-109(2008) Mami Tanaka, Hidemitsu Kobayashi,

  123. 内視鏡装着型三次元力センサの開発

    高梨宏之, 加賀唯之, 田中真美, 棚橋善克, 長南征二

    日本機械学会IIP2008 2008/03/17

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    日本機械学会IIP2008 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演論文集, 57-60(2008) Development of a Tactile Sensor for Detection of Endosope 3-Dimensional Bearings Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment, 57-60(2008) Hiroyuki Takanashi, Tadayuki Kaga, Mami Tanaka, Yoshikatsu Tanahashi, Seiji Chonan

  124. 毛髪手触り感計測用センサの開発に関する研究

    針生誠, 田中真美, 柿澤みのり, 川副智行, 清水秀樹

    日本機械学会IIP2008 2008/03/17

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    日本機械学会IIP2008 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演論文集, 69-73(2008) Development of a sensor for monitoring hair conditions Makoto Hariu, Mami Tanaka, Minori Kakizawa, Tomoyuki Kawazoe, Hideki Shimizu Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment

  125. 皮膚性状計測用小型センサシステムの開発

    土見大介, 田中真美

    日本機械学会IIP2008 2008/03/17

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    日本機械学会IIP2008 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演論文集, 74-76(2008) Development of a Haptic Sensor System for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment, 74-76(2008) Daisuke Tsuchimi, Mami Tanaka

  126. 医療福祉用センサ開発に関する研究

    日本機械学会IIP2008 2008/03/17

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    日本機械学会IIP2008 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演論文集, 153-154(2008) 田中真美 Development of a sensor for medicalwelfare Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment, 153-154(2008) Mami Tanaka

  127. 触覚センサを用いた洗い上がり感の評価に関する研究

    土見大介, 田中真美

    第16回MAGDAコンファレンス 2007/11/22

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    第16回MAGDAコンファレンスin 京都、電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス講演論文集、6巻、99-104(2007) Development of a Tactile Sensor for Evaluation of Detergents, Magnetodynamics Conference in Kyoto, (99-104), November(2007) The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Daisuke TSUCHIMI and Mami TANAKA

  128. 人間の触感覚と調和する触覚センサ及びデバイスの開発

    日本ロボット学会「手の巧みさ研究専門委員会」第3回研究会 2007/11/20

  129. 医療とバイオと結晶との接点を探る -高齢化社会へ向けて-

    独立行政法人日本学術振興会結晶成長の科学と技術第161委員会第56回研究会 2007/10/12

  130. 毛髪手触り感計測用センサの開発に関する研究

    針生誠, 田中真美, 柿澤みのり, 川副智行, 清水秀樹

    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会 2007/09/09

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    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会講演論文集、5巻、331-332(2007) Development of a Haptic Sensor for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Mechanical Engineering Congress, Vol.5(331-332), September(2007) Makoto HARIU, Mami TANAKA, Minori KAKIZAWA, Tomoyuki KAWAZOE and Hideki SHIMIZU

  131. 触覚感性計測用センサシステムの開発に関する研究

    田中真美, 小林秀光

    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会 2007/09/09

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    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会講演論文集、5巻、333-334pp Study on the development of a Sensor System for Measuring Tactile Sensation Mechanical Engineering Congress, Vol.5(333-334), September(2007) Mami TANAKA, Hidemitsu KOBAYASHI

  132. 皮膚性状計測用センサの開発

    土見大介, 田中真美

    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会 2007/09/09

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    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会講演論文集、5巻、23-24(2007) Development of a Haptic Sensor for Monitoring Human Skin Conditions Mechanical Engineering Congress, Vol.6(23-24), September(2007) Daisuke TSUCHIMI and Mami TANAKA

  133. 触覚感性計測用センサシステムの開発 ~手触り感の情報化~

    繊維学会 第21回感覚と計測に関するシンポジウム 2007/06/21

  134. PVDFフィルムを用いた内視鏡装着用生体硬さ測定センサの開発

    田中真美, 曽根美紀子, 長南征二, 棚橋善克

    日本機械学会 第19回電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2007/05/16

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    Development of an Endoscopic Tactile Sensor using PVDF Film 日本機械学会 第19回「電磁力関連ダイナミックス」シンポジウム講演論文集 151-154 pp (’07.5.16-18, 東京)

  135. PVDFフィルムを用いた点字認識センサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 斎藤正人, 長南征二

    日本機械学会 第19回「電磁力関連ダイナミックス」シンポジウム 2007/05/16

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    Development of a sensor for reading Braille using PVDF film 日本機械学会 第19回「電磁力関連ダイナミックス」シンポジウム講演論文集 155-158 pp (’07.5.16-18, 東京)

  136. 点字読み取り用センサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 斎藤正人, 近雄介, 長南征二

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2007/05/10

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    Development of a sensor system for reading Braille 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2007 (in CD) (08.5.10-12, 秋田) Mami Tanaka, Masato Saito, Yusuke Kon, Seiji Chonan

  137. PVDFフィルムを用いた点字認識センサシステムの開発

    田中真美, 斎藤正人, 長南征二

    日本機械学会IIIP2007 2007/03/19

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    日本機械学会IIIP2007情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集、299-302pp(’07.3.19-20,東京) Development of a sensor for reading Braille using PVDF film Mami Tanaka, Masato Saito, Seiji Chonan

  138. PVDFフィルムを用いた内視鏡装着用生体硬さ測定センサの開発

    田中真美, 曽根美紀子, 長南征二, 棚橋善克

    日本機械学会IIIP2007 2007/03/19

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    Development of an Endoscopic Tactile Sensor using PVDF Film 日本機械学会IIIP2007情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集303-306 pp(’07.3.19-20,東京)

  139. 手触り感計測用センサシステムの開発

    日本機械学会Dynamics & Design Conference 2006 2006/08/06

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    Development of a sensor for collecting tactile information 日本機械学会Dynamics & Design Conference 2006 CD-ROM論文集 およびアブストラクト集 Dynamics & Design Conference(2006.8.6~9. 名古屋), 田中由浩、田中真美、長南征二 Yoshihiro TANAKA, Mami TANAKA, Seiji CHONAN

  140. 毛髪性状計測用センサの開発と触感認識に関する検討

    清水秀樹, 川副智行, 田中真美

    SCCJ研究討論会(第58回) 2006/06/15

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    SCCJ研究討論会(第58回)講演要旨集 日本化粧品技術者会(2006.6.15.大阪国際交流センター), pp.43-46.

  141. 触覚センサの新展開 ~手触り感の情報化~

    日本機械学会 第6回機素潤滑設計部門講演会 2006/05/29

  142. PVDF脈拍センサを用いたメンタルストレス評価システムの開発

    王 鋒, 平山勇人, 田中真美, 長南征二

    第18回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2006/05/18

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    Development of a Mental Stress Evaluation System Using a PVDF Pulse Sensor 第18回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集 The 18th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics (SEAD18) (2006.5.18~19. 神戸), pp.137-139. Feng Wang, Hayato Hirayama, Mami Tanaka, Seiji Chonan

  143. 点字読み取り用触覚センサの開発

    田中真美, 宮田 薫, 長南征二

    第18回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム 2006/05/18

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    Development of a wearable sensor system for reading Braille 第18回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集 The 18th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics (SEAD18) (2006.5.18~19. 神戸), pp.141-146. Mami Tanaka, Kaoru Miyata, Seiji Chonan

  144. 衣服の快適性について ~触感センサの開発および脳機能に関する研究~

    日本繊維製品消費科学会 20周年記念第31回快適性を考えるシンポジウム~快適性研究:近未来を語る~ 2006/04/21

  145. 触覚センサの新展開-”手触り感”の情報化から医療診断への展開-

    次世代センサ協議会 センサ・アクチュエータ・マイクロマシン/ウィーク2006 総合シンポジウム 2006/04/05

  146. 毛髪の表面形状と触感認識

    清水秀樹, 川副智行, 田中真美

    第2回日本感性工学会春季大会 2006/03/24

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    The Surface Shape of Hair and Tactile Perception 日本感性工学会 第2回日本感性工学会春季大会予稿集2006 Proceedings of the 2nd Spring Conference of JSKE 2006 (2006.3.24~25. 広島),pp.163-164.

  147. 機能性材料の医療福祉工学への応用

    日本機械学会「東北地区ダイナミックス&コントロール研究会ならびに日本機械学会東北支部特別講演会」 2005/12

  148. 次世代医療福祉機器の研究開発

    東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス学術・研究公開 2005/10

  149. Study on Tactile Sensor System International-presentation

    Analytical/Microbiology CoP Summit(P & G) 2005/03/01

  150. Development of medical and welfare instruments using smart materials International-presentation

    Seminar on Intelligent materials CNAM 2004/06/01

  151. Rating and valuation of human haptic sensation International-presentation

    11th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics & Mechanics (ISEM2003) 2003/05

  152. Active haptic sensation for monitoring skin conditions International-presentation


  153. The development of a tactile sensor system for reading Braille International-presentation

    CSUN conference 2003/03

  154. Computer-aided design of a palpation sensor for detecting prostatic cancer and hypertrophy International-presentation


  155. 生体用触感センサーの開発

    第2回「東北地区ダイナミックス&コントロール研究会」特別講演会 2002/07

  156. The « Haptic Finger » a New Device for monitoring Skin Condition International-presentation

    BIOENGINEERING AND THE SKIN—Skin in health and disease the non invasive approach— 2002/06

  157. 機能性材料の医学問題への応用

    第6回日本整形外科レーザー研究会 2001/10

  158. Measurement and valuation of touch sensation (Texture measurement on polo shirts) International-presentation

    The Third Romanian - JapaneseJoint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2001/09

  159. Haptic sensor for monitoring skin conditions International-presentation

    The 10th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2001/05

  160. Measurement and valuation of touch sensation(Texture measurement on underclothes) International-presentation

    2nd Japanese-Greek Joint Workshop on Superconductivity and Magnetic Materials 2001/05

  161. Active palpation sensor for detecting prostatic cancer and hypertrophy International-presentation

    SPIE’s 2000 Symposium on Smart Materials and MEMS 2000/12

  162. Development of a Soft Tribo-Sensor for Monitoring Skin Conditions International-presentation

    11thInternational Conference Adaptive Structure and Technology 2000/10

  163. Development of a haptic sensor for measuring skin morphological features International-presentation

    3rd Japan-France Seminar on Intelligent Materials 2000/09

  164. 機能性材料の生体工学への応用

    第12回「電磁力関連のダイナミックス」シンポジウム 2000/06

  165. Artificial Urethral Valve Using SMA Actuators (Upgrading of Valve and Introduction of Transcutaneous Transformer) International-presentation

    The 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics 1999/12

  166. 17.Development of Haptic Sensor for Monitoring Skin Conditions(1st Report, Fundamental Characteristics of the Sensor) International-presentation

    International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic System 1999/05

  167. Development of tactile sensor for monitoring skin conditions International-presentation

    1st Japanese-Greek Joint Workshop on Superconductivity and Magnetic Materials 1999/05

  168. 16.Measurement and Valuation of Touch Sensation (Tactile Perception of Forefinger Compared with PVDF Sensor Output) International-presentation

    Second Romanian-Japanese Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 1998/11


    KSEEE’98 1998/08


    MOVIC’98 1998/08

  171. Artificial Robotic Fingers Driven by Piezoelectric Actuators International-presentation

    Third ARO Workshop on Smart Structures 1997/08

  172. A Soft Palpation Sensor and its Application to Measurement of the Stiffness of Prostate Glands International-presentation

    5th Polish-Japanese Joint Seminar on electromagnetics in science and technology 1997/05/19

  173. Measurement and Valuation of Touch Sensation ( Tactile Perseption of Forefinger Compared withAE Sensor Readings) International-presentation

    International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic System 1997/05/12

  174. A Soft Palpation Sensor and its Application to Measurement of the Stiffness of Prostate Glands International-presentation

    Finnish-Japanese Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 1997/05

  175. Force control of an artificial finger with distributed sensors driven by a piezoelectric actuator International-presentation

    First Romanian-Japanese Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 1996/09

  176. Force Control of a Flexible Finger with Distributed Force Sensors and Piezoelectric Actuators International-presentation


    1st International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics 1995/12/05

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    (プロシーディング) 1995 237

  177. Control of an Artificial Robotic Finger with Distributed Sensors and Actuators International-presentation


    International Symposium on Microsystems , Intelligent Meterials and Robots 1995/09

Show all Show first 5

Industrial Property Rights 9

  1. 触刺激測定装置

    田中真美, 奥山武志

    Property Type: Patent

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    発明整理番号 P20050481(特願2008-48430)

  2. 硬さ測定装置

    田中真美, 奥山武志

    Property Type: Patent

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    発明整理番号 P20080459

  3. 3次元抗力センサ

    Property Type: Patent

  4. 接触温冷感測定方法および接触温冷感測定装置

    田中真美, 長南征二, 田中由浩

    Property Type: Patent

  5. 点字読取装置

    Property Type: Patent

  6. 点字読取装置

    Property Type: Patent

  7. レーザーを用いた体内留置器具加温治療器

    Property Type: Patent

  8. 表面性状測定装置および方法

    Property Type: Patent

  9. 毛髪性状計測装置

    田中真美, 清水秀樹, 川副智行


    Property Type: Patent

Show all Show first 5

Research Projects 2

  1. Study on acitve palpation sensor system Competitive

    System: The Other Research Programs

    2000/04 - Present

  2. Development of a tactile sensor with a PVDF Film Competitive

    System: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    1997/04 - Present

Social Activities 30

  1. 女性研究者支援システム改革プログラム 事業合同シンポジウム

    2010/10/04 - 2010/10/06

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    事業合同シンポジウム「未来を気付く女性研究者の飛翔に向けて」へ、本学杜の都ジャンプアップ事業for 2013の事業実施者として参加した。

  2. The 2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment(IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE’03)

    2002/04 - 2007/03

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  3. The First International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering-CME2005

    2004/04 - 2006/03

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  4. International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (5thInternational Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics)

    2002/04 - 2003/03

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  5. E-tech International Conference

    2001/04 - 2002/03

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  6. International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (4thInternational Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics)

    2001/04 - 2002/03

    More details Close


  7. The Third Romanian – Japanese Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics

    2001/04 - 2002/03

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  8. 11回目を迎えた、日本学術振興会賞25名の優れた若手研究者に!

    2015/03/26 -

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  9. 女性研究者支援 メンタリングに関するセミナー

    2010/11/11 -

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  10. 「杜の都ジャンプアップ事業 for 2013」シンポジウムー今何が必要か 各大学の取り組みに学ぶー

    2010/09/13 -

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  11. 東北大学ーセイコーエプソン講演会・第7回技術交流会

    2010/09/03 -

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    講演会題目「触覚を科学する~触覚感性を最先端技術で計測する~」 技術交流会題目「触覚・触感に基づくQOLテクノロジーの創出」

  12. 女性研究者育成支援事業「4th Engel Seminai」(東京医科歯科大学)

    2010/06/10 -

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  13. 「先輩に学ぶ女性研究者支援~東北大学の取り組みから~」(金沢大学)

    2010/05/28 -

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  14. 男女共同参画フォーラム基調講演(山形大学工学部)

    2010/05/10 -

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    フォーラム「女性研究者にとって魅力ある山大工学部とは」において、杜の都ジャンプアップ事業for 2013取り組みについて講演発表をした。

  15. 日本物理学会(岡山大学)

    2010/03/20 -

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    物理と社会シンポジウム 主題:ポジティブ・アクションー加速する女性研究者育成事業と今後の展望ー

  16. 千葉大学男女共同参画推進室ポジティブ・アクション(積極的採用)に向けての勉強会

    2009/12/17 -

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  17. 東北大学・東北大学男女共同参画委員会主催 第8回 東北大学 男女共同参画 シンポジウム 「男女共同参画の現状~本音で語る課題と展望~」杜の都ジャンプアップfor2013

    2009/11/28 -

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    東北大学・東北大学男女共同参画委員会主催 第8回 東北大学 男女共同参画 シンポジウム 「男女共同参画の現状~本音で語る課題と展望~」杜の都ジャンプアップfor2013の紹介およびパネルディスカッション

  18. 女性研究者支援システム改革プログラム 事業合同シンポジウム「女性研究者支援の新時代を迎えて」

    2009/11/25 -

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    女性研究者支援システム改革プログラム 事業合同シンポジウム「女性研究者支援の新時代を迎えて」での発表およびパネルディスカッション

  19. 「女性研究者支援モデル育成」事業、富山大学男女共同参画推進室の主催女性研究者育成事業

    2009/11/13 -

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  20. 科学者の卵養成講座 科学技術振興機構「QOLテクノロジーの創出」

    2009/11/07 -

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  21. 名古屋大学男女共同参画推進専門委員会主催「女性研究者のキャリア深化のためのシステム改革」

    2009/10/30 -

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  22. 東北大学サイエンスカフェ

    2009/02/27 -

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  23. 東北大学男女共同参画シンポジウム

    2008/11/22 -

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  24. 東北大学女性研究者交流フォーラム

    2008/05/25 -

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    コーディネーター ならびにパネルディスカッションのパネラー

  25. 「東北大学における男女共同参画推進と女性研究者育成・支援の取り組み」

    2008/02/15 -

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  26. 山形県「高校生への女性科学者からのメッセージ」

    2006/11/21 -

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  27. 日本機械学会

    2006/05 -

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  28. 電気学会北陸支部専門講習会

    2005/11 -

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  29. 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門企画講習会

    2000/05 -

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  30. 日本機械学会東北支部講習会

    1999/11 -

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Media Coverage 26

  1. 「触覚メディア リアリティを増幅する最新技術 」



    Type: TV or radio program

  2. 医学と工学をむすぶ-超高齢化時代に向けて-



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

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  3. 発見!こんなところに学問の力

    ベネッセの高2My Vision 2011年6月号 53~55ページ


    Type: Newspaper, magazine

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  4. 理系女子を増やせ



    Type: TV or radio program

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  5. 研究開発最前線ー手触り感を定量化



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  6. 東北大学サイエンスカフェ 「人超える人工の指を」



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  7. 筋肉疲労、速く簡単測定



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  8. 第35回国際福祉機器展「点字読み取り装置」など



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  9. 触って感じる機械の指(「快適製品」開発や介護ロボに応用



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  10. 点字読み取り用センサ



    Type: Other

  11. 点字読み取り用センサの開発



    Type: TV or radio program

  12. 「指型センサー」で点字読み取り開発



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  13. 点字読み取り用センサーの開発(河北)



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  14. 点字読み取り用センサの開発(共同通信)



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  15. 髪触感センサーでピタリ

    朝日新聞(宮城版 先端を見る)


    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  16. 毛髪触感センサーの開発

    化学工業日報,Fuji Sankei Business I


    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  17. 機能性材料を用いた医療福祉機器の開発



    Type: Other

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  18. マイコロファイバ・エネルギー伝送型先進的治療システムの開発



    Type: Other

  19. 全方位診断スマートカテーテルの研究開発



    Type: Other

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    新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 地域コンソーシアムエネルギー研究

  20. ダヴィンチの予言



    Type: TV or radio program

  21. 人工臓器の最前線(4)尿失禁,機械で食い止める 形状記憶合金で尿道開閉



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  22. New Type of Artificial Urethral Canal Valve

    New Technology Japan Jetro Vol.28, No2.


    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  23. Skin Sensor for Objective Evaluation of Diagnosis by Palpation

    TecnoJapan, Vol.28, No.2


    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  24. 形状記憶合金をアクチュエータとして動作する人工尿道バルブの開発

    第19回モータ技術展 産学交流プラザ


    Type: Other

  25. 肌ざわりの評価もこれでバッチリ!(皮膚計測とトライボロジー)



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

  26. 皮膚センサーの開発



    Type: Newspaper, magazine

Show all Show first 5

Other 40

  1. 人工毛髪を用いた毛髪仕上がり感の定量化に関する研究

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  2. 『点字を自動認識し音声化するサービスロボットの試作開発に関する技術指導』

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  3. 『触刺激の定量化と肌刺激指標の研究』

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  4. 『ラバーサンプルの表面粗さの測定』

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  5. 毛髪触感センサの開発と仕上がり感の指標化に関する研究

    More details Close


  6. 触刺激の定量化と肌刺激指標の研究

    More details Close


  7. 毛髪触感センサの開発に関する研究

    More details Close


  8. ポリマーアクチュエータを用いたセンサ素子の開発

    More details Close


  9. 触刺激の定量化と肌刺激指標の研究

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  10. 触感計測用センサシステムの開発

    More details Close


  11. 使用感を計測できる毛髪触感センサの開発

    More details Close


  12. 触覚感性計測用装置の開発に関する研究』

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  13. 触覚センサを用いた入出力デバイスの開発および評価

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  14. 手触り感計測装置および手触り感計測方法に関する研究

    More details Close


  15. 触覚感性計測に関する研究

    More details Close


  16. 毛髪触感センサの開発と触感認識メカニズムに関する研究

    More details Close


  17. 触覚センサを用いた洗剤のすべり感の定量化に関する研究

    More details Close


  18. Haptic Finger に関する共同研究

    More details Close

    Haptic Finger に関する共同研究

  19. 日本学術振興会重点国際協力事業共同研究

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  20. 皮膚測定用触覚センサに関する研究

    More details Close


  21. 何処でも誰でも使えるウェアラブルな点字読み取りシステムの開発(センサ,認識アルゴリズムの検討)

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  22. 機能性材料を用いた能動触覚センシングシステムの開発

    More details Close


  23. マイクロファイバ・エネルギー伝送型先進的治療システムの開発

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  24. 点字読み取りセンサシステムの開発

    More details Close


  25. 能動触覚センシング用ロボットフィンガシステムの開発

    More details Close


  26. 皮膚計測用センサの開発

    More details Close


  27. 能動触覚センシング用ロボットフィンガシステムの開発

    More details Close


  28. 全方位診断スマートカテーテルの研究開発

    More details Close


  29. 人の接触感性の計測,分布センサーを備えた人工指の開発に関する研究

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  30. 皮膚表面形態計測用能動センサの開発

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  31. 点字センサーの研究

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  32. PVDF圧電フィルム触覚センサの開発

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  33. 形状記憶合金を用いた人工尿道バルブの開発

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  34. 早期前立腺癌診断用触診センサの開発研究

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  35. 超高密度情報ストレージコンポーネント(高速書きこみ・読み出し用能動型磁気ヘッドアームの開発:ア

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  36. 海外派遣援助金

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  37. 形状記憶合金を用いた人工尿道バルブの開発

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  38. 管腔臓器の人工開閉弁の開発

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  39. 分布センサによる柔軟人工指の微細力制御に関する研究

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  40. 先端機能材料を用いた柔構造機械システムに関する基礎研究(マイクロ分布センサ・アクチュエータの創

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