
イマムラ フミヒコ
今村 文彦
Fumihiko Imamura
災害科学国際研究所 災害評価・低減研究部門 津波工学研究分野
  • 工学博士(東北大学)

経歴 18

  • 2023年4月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学副理事(復興新生担当) グリーン未来創造機構副機構長

  • 2023年4月 ~ 継続中
    中央大学 客員研究員(機構教授)

  • 2019年8月 ~ 継続中
    一般財団法人3.11伝承ロード推進機構 代表理事

  • 2012年4月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学 災害科学国際研究所 教授

  • 2020年4月 ~ 2023年3月
    関西大学客員教授 (社会安全学部)

  • 2020年4月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 2014年4月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 2011年4月 ~ 2020年3月
    日本映画大学 非常勤講師

  • 2007年6月 ~ 2020年3月
    政策研究大学院大学 非常勤講師

  • 2000年8月 ~ 2012年3月
    東北大学 教授(工学研究科)

  • 2007年4月 ~ 2007年12月
    大阪市立大学理学研究科 非常勤講師

  • 2002年4月 ~ 2004年12月
    東京工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 非常勤講師

  • 2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月
    上智大学 非常勤講師(理工学部)

  • 2000年4月 ~ 2001年3月

  • 1998年4月 ~ 2000年7月
    東北大学 助教授(工学研究科)

  • 1997年6月 ~ 2000年7月
    京都大学 客員助教授(防災研究所)

  • 1992年12月 ~ 2000年7月
    東北大学 助教授(工学部)

  • 1993年9月 ~ 1995年8月
    アジア工科大学院 助教授(土木工学部)

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学歴 3

  • 東北大学 大学院工学研究科 土木工学専攻 博士後期課程

    1986年4月 ~ 1989年3月

  • 東北大学 大学院工学研究科 土木工学専攻博士前期課程

    1984年4月 ~ 1986年4月

  • 東北大学 工学部 土木工学科

    1980年4月 ~ 1984年3月

委員歴 20

  • 国土交通省 国土交通省国立研究開発法人審議会委員

    2023年7月 ~ 継続中

  • 土木学会 理事・副会長

    2023年6月 ~ 継続中

  • 内閣府 南海トラフ巨大地震対策検討ワーキンググループ 座長代理

    2023年3月 ~ 継続中

  • 復興庁 復興推進委員会委員長

    2023年3月 ~ 継続中

  • 国土交通省 社会資本整備審議会河川分科会臨時委員

    2013年4月 ~ 継続中

  • World Scientific, Journal of earthquake and tsunami ,編集委員会 委員

    2007年3月 ~ 継続中

  • International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards council member

    2002年10月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本地震学会 代議委員

    2002年5月 ~ 継続中

  • 土木学会、原子力土木委員会津波評価部会 委員

    1999年10月 ~ 継続中

  • International Award Committee (IAC), American Geophysical Union 委員

    2013年4月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 内閣府 総合海洋政策本部 参与

    2020年6月 ~ 2022年6月

  • 内閣府 本海溝・千島海溝沿いの巨大地震対策検討WG副主査

    2020年4月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 土木学会,地震工学委員会・海岸工学委員会委員合同小委員会,津波被害推定ならびに軽減技術研究小委員会 小委員長

    2003年10月 ~ 2020年6月

  • Committee on International Participation (CIP), American Geophysical Union 委員

    2008年12月 ~ 2012年12月

  • 日本自然災害学会 会長

    2008年4月 ~ 2011年4月

  • 土木学会,スマトラ島沖地震・インド洋津波災害調査特別委員会 委員長

    2005年10月 ~ 2009年10月

  • 土木学会,海岸工学委員会委員 幹事

    2002年4月 ~ 2008年5月

  • 日本自然災害学会 副会長

    2005年6月 ~ 2008年4月

  • IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), Tsunami committee secretary

    2002年7月 ~ 2007年6月

  • 土木学会、大学土木教育委員 委員

    1994年4月 ~ 1997年1月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 5

  • 米国地球物理学会

  • The Tsunami Society

  • 日本自災害学会

  • 地震学会

  • 土木学会

研究キーワード 4

  • 津波工学

  • 災害科学

  • 海岸工学

  • 防災科学

研究分野 4

  • 自然科学一般 / 地球人間圏科学 /

  • 自然科学一般 / 固体地球科学 /

  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 防災工学 / 津波工学

  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 水工学 / 海岸工学

受賞 39

  1. 第2回村上處直記念災害研究賞

    2023年12月 Journal of Disaster Research

  2. 特別市政功労者表彰

    2023年7月 仙台市彰

  3. 濱口梧陵国際賞(国土交通大臣賞)

    2020年11月 国土交通省

  4. 平成28年防災功労者内閣総理大臣表彰

    2016年9月 内閣府

  5. NHK放送文化賞受賞

    2014年3月14日 NHK

  6. 土木学会論文賞

    2010年5月28日 土木学会

  7. 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(科学技術振興部門)

    2021年4月 文部科学省 リアルタイム災害避難支援システムの市民参加型研究の振興

  8. 復興政策賞

    2020年12月 復興デザイン会議

  9. 日本地震工学会(論文賞)

    2020年5月 日本地震工学会 2011年東北地方太平洋沖震の津波断層モデルの再検討-津波関連観測データをフル活用した推定

  10. 日本デジタルアーカイブ学会学術賞(研究論文)

    2020年4月 デジタルアーカイブ学会 東日本大震災の事例から見えてくる震災アーカイブの現状と課題

  11. 河北文化賞

    2018年1月 河北文化財団 東日本大震災からの復興支援と実践的防災学の創生

  12. ジャパン・レジリエンス・アワード(強靭化大賞)2017最優秀レジリエンス賞

    2017年3月 レジリエンスジャパン 生きる力」市民運動化プロジェクト・みんなの防災手帳

  13. 「ジャパン・レジリエンス・アワード(強靭化大賞)2016」優秀賞

    2016年3月15日 社団法人レジリエンスジャパン推進協議会 電気自動車(以下EV)およびポータブル蓄電池を非常用電源とした災害対応訓練

  14. Best Paper award from SUSTAIN 2015

    2015年11月19日 SUSTAIN 2015 Preference for Information during Flood Disasters: A Study of Thailand and Indonesia

  15. 国土地理院功労者表彰

    2015年6月7日 国土地理院

  16. 平成27年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(科学技術振興部門部門)

    2015年4月15日 文科省 東日本大震災アーカイブ開発および利活用技術の振興

  17. PRアワードグランプリ」ソーシャル・コミュニケーション部門優秀賞

    2014年12月8日 日本パブリックリレーションズ協会

  18. ルミエール・ジャパン・アワード 2014 受賞(作品賞 ドキュメント/ライブ部門)

    2014年12月4日 国際3D先進映像協会

  19. Hazard2000国際賞

    2013年9月25日 日本自然災害学会 Damage and reconstruction after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami

  20. 平成25年防災功労者防災担当大臣表彰

    2013年9月3日 内閣府

  21. 日本自然災害学会学術賞

    2012年10月19日 日本自然災害学会 地質学的データを用いた西暦869年貞観地震津波の復元について

  22. 日本水大賞国際貢献賞

    2012年6月26日 日本河川協会 津波減災のための数値解析技術の世界展開

  23. 平成22年度土木学会東北支部技術開発賞

    2012年5月18日 土木学会 津波避難時の住民の走行特性を考慮した避難シミュレーションモデルの検討

  24. The 2010 Coastal Engineering Journal Award

    2011年11月9日 土木学会 Effects of the runpture velocity of fault motion, ocean current and initial sea level on the transoceanic propagation of tsunami

  25. 第1回気象文化大賞金賞

    2010年11月13日 (財) WNI気象文化創造センター 津波災害軽減を目指す新たな防災文化 (TIMING)の創成

  26. 日本地質学会論文賞

    2010年9月18日 日本地質学会

  27. 日本地質学会論文賞

    2010年9月18日 日本地質学会 優秀な論文に対して

  28. 平成21年度土木学出版文化賞

    2010年5月28日 土木学会 TSUNAMI, World Scientific Publishing Company

  29. 平成21年度土木学会論文賞

    2010年5月28日 土木学会 優秀な論文に対して

  30. 第5回中曽根康弘賞奨励賞

    2009年6月26日 (財)世界平和研究所 2004年スマトラ沖地震インド洋大津波の学術的調査と復興支援

  31. 土木学会国際活動奨励賞

    2008年5月30日 日本土木学会

  32. 土木学会海岸工学論文賞

    2006年11月7日 土木学会 2004年インド洋大津波によるバンダ・アチェ市街地の津波氾濫解析と被害評価

  33. 土木学会東北支部技術開発賞

    2006年5月16日 土木学会 沖合い津波観測による宮城県沖を想定した減災シナリオに関する基礎的検討

  34. 欧州デカルト賞 入賞

    2003年11月20日 European Commission for research 津波の解明 欧州での沿岸域を守るために

  35. ビジュアル・サイエンス・フェスタ優秀賞

    2001年9月29日 (株)日経サイエンス社 1771年明和津波の再現計算ー巨大津波石の移動の謎を探るー

  36. The 1999 Coastal Engineering Journal Award

    2000年11月7日 (社)土木学会 Propagation of Obliquely Incident Tsunamis on a Slope

  37. 日本自然災害学会学術賞

    1999年10月15日 日本自然災害学会 津波監視システムの現状と広域ネットワークの提案

  38. CVC(Computer Visualization Contest)入賞

    1997年11月27日 日経サイエンス K/T-impactによる津波の発生・伝播シミュレーション

  39. 日本雪工学会学術奨励賞

    1996年1月19日 日本雪工学会 流雪溝の閉塞条件と送雪能力に関する基礎研究

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 676

  1. Resonance characteristics and impact of the 2006 Pingtung tsunami in southern Taiwan

    An Chi Cheng, Anawat Suppasri, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geoscience Letters 10 (1) 2023年12月

    DOI: 10.1186/s40562-023-00271-0  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tsunami resonance excitation induces tsunami amplification, persistent oscillation, and strong current velocities, which may enlarge coastal hazards in tsunamigenic areas. Historically, the 2006 Pingtung earthquake doublet triggered tsunamis that affected the south Taiwan coast. Studying the resonance features based on past tsunamis is important for assessing tsunami hazards and obtaining critical disaster mitigation information. Here, we elucidate the tsunami resonance oscillation and its impacts along the south Taiwan coast based on synthetic assessment of tsunamis induced by the 2006 Pingtung earthquake doublet. A numerical simulation was performed to replicate the 2006 Pingtung earthquake doublet tsunamis. Then, spatially integrated spectra were obtained via spatiotemporal analysis. The results were compared to tsunami spectra at tide gauges to identify the main oscillation modes, suggesting the main oscillation modes had 13–50 min periods during the 2006 Pingtung earthquake doublet tsunamis. The tsunami resonance oscillations were analyzed based on the main oscillation modes. In the 2006 Pingtung earthquake doublet tsunamis, edge waves occurred along the south Taiwan west coast in most oscillation modes. The Hengchun Peninsula prevents tsunami oscillation transmission, and only part of the oscillation energy at certain periods propagates to the east coast. Furthermore, the spectral amplitude distribution migration across the period domain revealed that energy amplification is a frequency-dependent phenomenon and is responsible for the large tsunami heights and strong tsunami-induced current velocities distributed along the south Taiwan coast during this past tsunami.

  2. 時短型災害語り部学習プログラム「ツナミリアル」の効果検証に関する実験的研究

    若木 望, 佐藤 翔輔, 渡邉 勇, 邑本 俊亮, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 43 95-104 2023年11月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 地域安全学会

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.43.95  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the areas affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, storytelling has been widely practiced. In this study, we conducted a four-group comparison experiment to examine the learning effects of "TSUNAMI-REAL," a shorttime disaster storytelling program, by changing the duration (long/short) and the format (TSUNAMI-REAL/normal lecture) of the storytelling. The results showed that the following three points: in TSUNAMI-REAL, 1) the amount of information that can be conveyed and the change in the listener's emotions are slightly lower, 2) listeners can more easily feel the reality of the disaster, and 3) listeners can remember more contents that the storyteller considers important than in regular storytelling.

  3. A Numerical Modeling Approach for Better Differentiation of Boulders Transported by a Tsunami, Storm, and Storm‐Induced Energetic Infragravity Waves

    Masashi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Goto, Volker Roeber, Hironobu Kan, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 2023年9月

    DOI: 10.1029/2023JF007083  

  4. Tsunami Wave Characteristics from the 1674 Ambon Earthquake Event Based on Landslide Scenarios

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geotechnics 2023年7月24日

    DOI: 10.3390/geotechnics3030038  

  5. Tsunami Wave Characteristics from the 1674 Ambon Earthquake Event Based on Landslide Scenarios

    kwanchai pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geotechnics 2023年7月

    DOI: 10.3390/geotechnics3030038  

  6. Urban structure reinforces attitudes towards tsunami evacuation

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Yusuke Oishi, Fumihiko Imamura

    Scientific Reports 13 (1) 2023年5月17日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-33562-9  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract Evacuation is a critical life-saving action, especially in devastating natural hazards such as near-field tsunamis. However, the development of effective evacuation measures remains challenging to the extent that a successful example has been referred to as a ‘miracle’. Here we show that urban structures have the potential to reinforce attitudes towards evacuation and significantly influence the success of tsunami evacuation. Agent-based evacuation simulations revealed that a distinctive root-like urban structure formed in ria coasts reinforces positive evacuation attitudes by effectively gathering evacuation flows and leads to higher evacuation rates compared to typical grid-like urban structures, which can explain the regional differences in the number of casualties in the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. Although a grid-like structure reinforces negative attitudes under low evacuation tendencies, with leading evacuees, its dense feature helps to propagate positive attitudes and drastically improve evacuation tendencies. These findings pave the way for making successful evacuation inevitable through harmonised urban and evacuation plannings.

  7. For establishment of the healthcare information booklet after Turkey-Syrian earthquake based on the past disaster

    Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Yoshimi Suzukamo, Tatsuma Okazaki, Yoshihito Furusawa, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura


    出版者・発行元:Research Square Platform LLC

    DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2742385/v1  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract After a natural disaster, it is important to maintain the health of the victims, but after the Turkey-Syria earthquake, this information has not yet been provided. Tohoku University has compiled information on maintaining health care after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011 into a booklet, which is available to the public. The purpose of this study is to investigate user satisfaction with this booklet. A total of 505 organizations participated in this study by completing questionnaires and evaluating the booklet. Quantitative responses were analyzed and coded by theme. Open-ended responses indicated that it was difficult for the general public to understand the data in the booklet. This study shows the need to keep in mind the ease of understanding for the general public when providing information on post-disaster care. We hope that this study will lead to better health care information for the victims of the Turkey-Syria earthquake.

  8. Proposal of a Recommended Correspondence Method for Companies and Organizations in Case of Partial Rupture of the Nankai Trough Earthquake

    Hiroaki Maruya, Tetsuya Torayashiki, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 2023年4月1日

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2023.p0217  

  9. Personality Traits and Types of Housing Recovery after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

    Akio Honda, Shosuke Sato, Motoaki Sugiura, Tsuneyuki Abe, Fumihiko Imamura

    Sustainability 15 (7) 2023年3月24日

    DOI: 10.3390/su15075679  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami struck the northeastern coastal area of Japan on 11 March 2011, resulting in the relocation of 329,000 households and the repair of 572,000 houses. Previous studies predominantly addressed the impact of demographic factors on housing recovery. However, the types of housing recoveries and the impact of individual psycho-behavioral factors have been poorly addressed. This study examined the impact of survivors’ demographic and personality-trait factors using a discriminant analysis of five types of housing recovery among 573 survivors in the five years after the disaster. The results revealed two important axes. One axis discriminated self-procured (rebuilt, repaired, and chartered housing) houses from those that were publicly available (emergency temporary and public disaster housing) affected by three personality traits (stubbornness, problem-solving, and active well-being) and survivors’ age. The other axis represented rebuilt houses affected by household size. These results demonstrate that personality traits and not just demographic factors impact three types of self-procured housing recoveries. Further exploration of personality traits that impact housing recovery can improve post-disaster reconstruction and recovery practices.

  10. Characteristics of consecutive tsunamis and resulting tsunami behaviors in southern Taiwan induced by the Hengchun earthquake doublet on 26 December 2006

    An Chi Cheng, Anawat Suppasri, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Fumihiko Imamura

    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (2) 447-479 2023年2月3日

    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-23-447-2023  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Consecutive ML 7.0 submarine earthquakes occurred offshore of the Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan, on 26 December 2006. A small tsunami was generated and recorded at tide gauge stations. This important event attracted public interest, as it was generated by an earthquake doublet and produced a tsunami risk for Taiwan. This study analyzed tide gauge tsunami waveforms and numerical simulations to understand the source characteristics and resulting behaviors of tsunamis. The maximum wave heights at the three nearest stations were 0.08g€¯m (Kaohsiung), 0.12g€¯m (Dongkung), and 0.3g€¯m (Houbihu), and only Houbihu recorded the first wave crest as the largest. The tsunami duration was 3.9g€¯h at Dongkung and over 6g€¯h at Kaohsiung and Houbihu. Spectral analyses detected dominant periodic components of spectral peaks on the tsunami waveforms. The period band from 13.6-23.1g€¯min was identified as the tsunami source spectrum, and the approximate fault area for the consecutive tsunamis was estimated to be 800g€¯km2, with central fault depths of 20g€¯km (first earthquake, Mw 7.0) and 33g€¯km (second earthquake, Mw 6.9). The focal mechanisms of the first earthquake, with a strike of 319, dip of 69, and rake of-102, and the second earthquake, with a strike of 151, dip of 48, and rake of 0, could successfully reproduce the observed tsunami waveforms. Numerical simulations suggested that the tsunami waves were coastally trapped on the south coast of Taiwan during the tsunami's passage. The trapped waves propagated along the coast as edge waves, which repeatedly reflected and refracted among the shelves, interfered with incoming incident wave, and resonated with the fundamental modes of the shelves, amplifying and continuing the tsunami wave oscillation. These results elucidated the generation and consequential behaviors of the 2006 tsunami in southern Taiwan, contributing essential information for tsunami warning and coastal emergency response in Taiwan to reduce disaster risk.

  11. Derivation, Validation, and Numerical Implementation of a Two-Dimensional Boulder Transport Formulation by Coastal Waves

    Masashi Watanabe, Takumi Yoshii, Volker Roeber, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 17 (1) 2023年2月1日

    DOI: 10.1142/S179343112250018X  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Numerical computations for boulder transport have become a state-of-the-art tool for hindcasting the hydraulic processes associated with past storm wave and tsunami events. Since most previously developed two-dimensional formulations cater to boulders with symmetric outlines, they can consequently reproduce the transport distance and the velocity of boulders of cubic shape or similar structured geometries reasonably well. However, the formulations exhibit limitations when applied to rectangular- and flat-shaped boulders. The presently available formulations have difficulties reproducing the variations of frictional drag force due to the changes of the boulders' contact time with the ground. We have developed an extended boulder transport formulation and derived a new empirical roughness coefficient by considering the shape of boulders that accounts for the changes of the boulders' contact time with the ground. In comparison to other existing transport formulations, the present method provides superior accuracy of block velocity and transport distance in most cases - especially for boulders of rectangular geometry. Even by neglecting the full three-dimensional processes, numerical computations extended with the proposed boulder transport formulation can help explaining historic wave regimes, which were responsible for the transport of a variety of coastal boulders reported around the world.

  12. Life and Stress of Japanese Children and Adolescents During the Prolonged Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic

    Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Funakoshi, Shin-Ichi Izumi

    Journal of Disaster Research 18 (1) 48-56 2023年1月20日

    出版者・発行元:Fuji Technology Press Ltd.

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2023.p0048  



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    This study surveyed adult web monitor enrollees about the lives of and stress experienced by Japanese children and adolescents during the prolonged coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The survey was conducted on February 10, 2022 (after the sixth wave) and August 19, 2022 (during the seventh wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan), with 231 and 217 survey participants, respectively. The questionnaire was designed so that adults could assess the frequency of exercise, and difficulties experienced by children and adolescents around them. Regarding exercise opportunities, 22% of parents of middle and high school children reported that children’s exercise opportunities “stayed the same” or “increased considerably” in the first survey. Whereas, in the second survey, all parents of middle and high school children reported that children’s exercise opportunities “decreased.” Regarding stress, 17% of parents of adolescents 18 years and older responded that the stress experienced was the “same as before” or “a little less than before” in the first survey, but all of these parents responded “quite a bit” to the same question in the second survey. The findings suggest that the life changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may have a significant impact on children and adolescents and may increase stress. The long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents should be further investigated.


    Ryota TAKEI, Shuji SETO, Anawat SUPPASRI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Japanese Journal of JSCE 79 (17) n/a-n/a 2023年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejj.23-17179  



    Kosei SHINODA, Shuji SETO, Anawat SUPPASRI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Japanese Journal of JSCE 79 (17) n/a-n/a 2023年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejj.23-17049  


  15. 阪神・淡路大震災,新潟県中越地震,想定首都直下地震の先進事例と比較した東日本大震災の震災伝承施設の学習効果と有用性—:利用者視点による災害伝承ミュージアムの類型化による評価の試み

    渡邉 勇, 佐藤 翔輔, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 41 83-93 2022年11月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 地域安全学会

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.41.83  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study tries to investigate the effects and usefulness of disaster memorial museums in the affected area by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE): Iwate and Miyagi, compared with museums in other affected areas: Hyogo, Niigata, and Tokyo. We conducted an internet survey of the people (N=137) visiting the five disaster memorial museums. The five museums could be classified into four categories based on three axes. It is suggested that the two museums of GEJE would be more effective in improving visitors’ ability of disaster risk reduction and more intention to pass them on to others and less in learning response, recovery, and reconstruction, preparedness than those in other regions. Finally, three measures/factors could be proposed to utilize the museums of GEJE more effectively.

  16. 津波災害時における車渋滞の抑制を目的とする基礎的研究:—2021年3月20日宮城県沖地震における宮城県石巻市の住民に見られた避難行動の分析を通して

    川合 将矢, 佐藤 翔輔, 新家 杏奈, 渡邉 勇, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 41 229-239 2022年11月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 地域安全学会

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.41.229  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey and analysis of the tsunami evacuation behavior associated with the Miyagi earthquake that occurred on March 20, 2021 in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. The results are summarized as follows ; 1)51.3% of evacuees by a car are "people who can convert to evacuation on foot" assuming the 2021 Miyagi earthquake. 2) It is suggested that while promoting evacuation on foot saves many lives, it may be increase that the amount of property damage of automobiles. 3) Measures to promote walking evacuation include reviewing evacuation drill methods and contents, building relationships that praise walking evacuation within the community of residents, and promoting community development that does not require the use of cars in everyday life.

  17. Factors affecting worriedness: A study of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan

    Penpichaya Lertsakornsiri, Passarawan Sritanawatkul, Alfan Kurnia Yudha, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Anawat Suppasri, Miwako Kitamura, Haruka Tsukuda, Sebastien P. Boret, Yasuaki Onoda, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Fumihiko Imamura, Syamsidik

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 82 103322-103322 2022年11月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103322  


  18. People’s Perception of Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Japan

    Daisuke Sasaki, Anawat Suppasri, Haruka Tsukuda, David N. Nguyen, Yasuaki Onoda, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (19) 12146-12146 2022年9月25日

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912146  


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    This study aims to examine people’s perception of well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan and quantitatively clarify key factors towards realizing evidence-based policymaking. In March 2022, 400 participants responded to a survey conducted through Rakuten Insight. The authors applied an ordinal logistic regression (OLR), followed by principal component analysis (PCA), to create a new compound indicator (CI) to represent people’s perception of well-being during the pandemic in addition to ordinary least squares (OLS) regression with a forward-backward stepwise selection method, where the dependent variable is the principal component score of the first principal component (PC1), while the independent variables are the same as the abovementioned OLR. Consequently, while analyzing OLR, some independent variables showed statistical significance, while the CI provided an option to grasp people’s perception of well-being. Furthermore, family structure was statistically significant in all cases of OLR and OLS. Moreover, in terms of the standardized coefficients (beta) of OLS, the family structure had the greatest impact on the CI. Based on the study results, the authors advocate that the Japanese government should pay more attention to single-person households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  19. Supporting adolescents’ mental health during COVID-19 by utilising lessons from the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Junko Okuyama, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Shunichi Funakoshi, Shuji Seto, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Mayumi Willgerodt, Yu Fukuda

    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 (1) 2022年9月23日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1057/s41599-022-01330-1  


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    Abstract Historical data can determine how adolescents recover from difficult situations such as the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study analysed 3 years of data obtained from high-school students who had been affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and consequently evidenced the importance of increasing resilience among affected adolescents. This involved identifying factors contributing to resilience through a model that assessed for each tsunami disaster. This model was determined by assessing the correlation between survivors’ resilience scores and their measured psychological and lifestyle scores. This approach showed that, in all tsunami damage models, resilience was most affected by the depressed emotions. Thus, our approach suggests that interventions for improving the depressed mood may improve resilience in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  20. The near-field tsunami generated by the 15 January 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano and its impact on Tongatapu, Tonga

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Scientific Reports 12 (1) 2022年9月7日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-19486-w  


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    Abstract On 15 January 2022 at 04:15 UTC, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcano in Tonga produced a massive eruption that triggered a transoceanic tsunami generated by the coupled ocean and atmospheric shock wave produced during the explosion. The tsunami first reached the coast of Tonga and eventually reached many coasts around the world. This volcano previously underwent a massive eruption in 1100 AD, and an eruption occurs approximately every 1000 years. The 2022 HTHH event provides an opportunity to study a major volcanically generated tsunami that caused substantial damage. In this study, we present a numerical simulation of a tsunami with a state-of-the-art numerical model based on a submarine explosion scenario. We constrain the geometry and magnitude of the explosion energy source based on analyses of pre- and post-event satellite images, which demonstrate that the explosion magnitude varied from 1 to 90 megatons of trinitrotoluene (Mt). Estimated submarine explosion geometries result in a suitable explosion magnitude of approximately 25 Mt, as determined with the waveform from the tide gauge in the time and frequency domains. The tsunami wave first reached the northwestern part of Tonga’s Tongatapu within 10 min, with a maximum runup height of approximately 15 m, and covered the whole of Tongatapu within 30 min. Finally, the numerical simulation provides deep insights into the physical volcanic explosion processes and improves our understanding and forecasting capabilities of frequent and catastrophic tsunamis caused by submarine volcanic explosions.

  21. 被災体験が新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下における心的外傷後成長の経時変化に及ぼす影響

    奥山 純子, 門廻 充侍, 福田 雄, 伊藤 潔, 出江 紳一, 今村 文彦

    精神神経学雑誌 124 (9) 660-660 2022年9月



  22. The probability of community-scale building damage and economic loss in Thailand increased after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Panon Latcharote, Pongsak Suttinon, Pongsun Bunditsakulchai, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103171  


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    Understanding the impacts of tsunamis, especially in terms of damage and losses, is important for disaster mitigation and management. This study aims to estimate the building damage and economic loss (direct and indirect) changes for two periods before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) on Patong Beach in Phuket Province, Thailand. We begin to produce the tsunami hazard map using the TUNAMI-N2 model and examine the change in buildings during the two periods. Next, the fragility curve established from the 2004 IOT was applied with the hazard map and construction unit cost to estimate the damage losses as direct losses. Then, we adopt the exogenous multiregional input-output (MRIO) table method to distinguish the indirect regional economic losses throughout the country. Finally, the indirect losses are estimated by using the economic structure based on the MRIO table. Our results show that over a 15-year period, the number of buildings in Patong Beach increased by approximately 30% since the 2004 IOT. The greatest increase was observed for hotels/restaurants (18%), followed by houses (10%). The increase in building density affected the water level, increasing in the area close to the coastline while decreasing in the area far from the coastline. This impact reveals that the mean inundation in the whole area is reduced by 4%. Buildings show higher damage in the area close to the coastline, which increased by approximately 10%. Based on the 2004 IOT, the direct damage losses also increased by approximately 58%, in which the highest direct loss was in hotel/ restaurant buildings, followed by stores/warehouses. The indirect losses of the inundated building increased by approximately 55% compared with the direct losses from the 2004 IOT. Among the impacted sectors in the MRIO table, the hotel/restaurant sector suffered the highest losses; within this sector, the fishery sector was most affected, followed by the food production sector and then the crop sector. On the regional scale, Bangkok has the highest impact, with the second-highest impact in the east and the next highest impact in the west. To consider the difference between the two periods, the indirect loss increased by 48% and 43% on the sector and regional scales, respectively. Approximately 55% of the overall economic losses were indirect, including the economic impacts of increased construction in the coastal risk area of Phuket Island on Thailand's economy. This approach could be useful for stakeholders and policymakers for future tsunami mitigation in cases at the community scale.

  23. The probability of community-scale building damage and economic loss in Thailand increased after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Panon Latcharote, Pongsak Suttinon, Pongsun Bunditsakulchai, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 79 2022年9月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103171  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Understanding the impacts of tsunamis, especially in terms of damage and losses, is important for disaster mitigation and management. This study aims to estimate the building damage and economic loss (direct and indirect) changes for two periods before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) on Patong Beach in Phuket Province, Thailand. We begin to produce the tsunami hazard map using the TUNAMI-N2 model and examine the change in buildings during the two periods. Next, the fragility curve established from the 2004 IOT was applied with the hazard map and construction unit cost to estimate the damage losses as direct losses. Then, we adopt the exogenous multiregional input–output (MRIO) table method to distinguish the indirect regional economic losses throughout the country. Finally, the indirect losses are estimated by using the economic structure based on the MRIO table. Our results show that over a 15-year period, the number of buildings in Patong Beach increased by approximately 30% since the 2004 IOT. The greatest increase was observed for hotels/restaurants (18%), followed by houses (10%). The increase in building density affected the water level, increasing in the area close to the coastline while decreasing in the area far from the coastline. This impact reveals that the mean inundation in the whole area is reduced by 4%. Buildings show higher damage in the area close to the coastline, which increased by approximately 10%. Based on the 2004 IOT, the direct damage losses also increased by approximately 58%, in which the highest direct loss was in hotel/restaurant buildings, followed by stores/warehouses. The indirect losses of the inundated building increased by approximately 55% compared with the direct losses from the 2004 IOT. Among the impacted sectors in the MRIO table, the hotel/restaurant sector suffered the highest losses; within this sector, the fishery sector was most affected, followed by the food production sector and then the crop sector. On the regional scale, Bangkok has the highest impact, with the second-highest impact in the east and the next highest impact in the west. To consider the difference between the two periods, the indirect loss increased by 48% and 43% on the sector and regional scales, respectively. Approximately 55% of the overall economic losses were indirect, including the economic impacts of increased construction in the coastal risk area of Phuket Island on Thailand's economy. This approach could be useful for stakeholders and policymakers for future tsunami mitigation in cases at the community scale.

  24. Giant tsunami monitoring, early warning and hazard assessment

    Nobuhito Mori, Kenji Satake, Daniel Cox, Katsuichiro Goda, Patricio A. Catalan, Tung-Cheng Ho, Fumihiko Imamura, Tori Tomiczek, Patrick Lynett, Takuya Miyashita, Abdul Muhari, Vasily Titov, Rick Wilson

    Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 2022年8月23日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s43017-022-00327-3  


  25. Quantifying tsunami impact on industrial facilities and production capacity in ports: An application to Sendai Port, Japan

    Anawat Suppasri, Tomoki Nishida, Kwanchai Pakoksung, An-Chi Cheng, Constance Ting Chua, Tomoya Iwasaki, Gianluca Pescaroli, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103141  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and subsequent tsunami is one of the costliest natural hazards to date. Losses were not only from physical damage alone. Indirect losses due to business interruptions and their consequential impacts on the rest of the economy and supply chain account for most losses. In this study, 12 companies across five industrial sectors in Miyagi Prefecture were interviewed to gain a better understanding about the damage that were sustained by their factories during the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami as well as subsequent earthquake and tsunami events. The study investigates (i) the vulnerability of mechanical structures to tsunami impacts, and (ii) the recovery rates of production capacity for various industrial sectors through interviews with companies from various industrial sectors. In addition, tsunami risk assessment is performed for future tsunami scenarios using Sendai Port as a case study. Results from this study indicate that only 1-2 m of flow depth is enough to cause damage to mechanical structures in most industries, which disrupts operations. In addition, recovery rates of production capacity vary at different tsunami inundation levels. Full recovery of production capacity can occur as quickly as 1-2 months later and as late as 10-12 months later depending on the situation. Tsunami risk assessment demonstrates that using structural fragility functions alone might underestimate the actual loss of industries and that most industries in Sendai Port are potentially capable of recovering within eight months after large future tsunami.

  26. Quantifying tsunami impact on industrial facilities and production capacity in ports: An application to Sendai Port, Japan

    Anawat Suppasri, Tomoki Nishida, Kwanchai Pakoksung, An Chi Cheng, Constance Ting Chua, Tomoya Iwasaki, Gianluca Pescaroli, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 78 2022年8月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103141  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and subsequent tsunami is one of the costliest natural hazards to date. Losses were not only from physical damage alone. Indirect losses due to business interruptions and their consequential impacts on the rest of the economy and supply chain account for most losses. In this study, 12 companies across five industrial sectors in Miyagi Prefecture were interviewed to gain a better understanding about the damage that were sustained by their factories during the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami as well as subsequent earthquake and tsunami events. The study investigates (i) the vulnerability of mechanical structures to tsunami impacts, and (ii) the recovery rates of production capacity for various industrial sectors through interviews with companies from various industrial sectors. In addition, tsunami risk assessment is performed for future tsunami scenarios using Sendai Port as a case study. Results from this study indicate that only 1–2 m of flow depth is enough to cause damage to mechanical structures in most industries, which disrupts operations. In addition, recovery rates of production capacity vary at different tsunami inundation levels. Full recovery of production capacity can occur as quickly as 1–2 months later and as late as 10–12 months later depending on the situation. Tsunami risk assessment demonstrates that using structural fragility functions alone might underestimate the actual loss of industries and that most industries in Sendai Port are potentially capable of recovering within eight months after large future tsunami.

  27. A study on hypothermia and associated countermeasures in tsunami disasters: A case study of Miyagi Prefecture during the 2011 great East Japan earthquake

    Hirokazu Kamata, Shuji Seto, Anawat Suppasri, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Shinichi Egawa, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 81 103253-103253 2022年8月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103253  


  28. Modeling of sediment transport in rapidly-varying flow for coastal morphological changes caused by tsunamis

    Kei Yamashita, Yoshiki Yamazaki, Yefei Bai, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Fumihiko Imamura, Kwok Fai Cheung

    Marine Geology 449 2022年7月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106823  


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    Tsunamis can cause significant coastal erosion and harbor sedimentation that exacerbate the concomitant flood hazards and hamper recovery efforts. Coupling of the non-hydrostatic model NEOWAVE and the sediment transport model STM provides a tool to understand and predict these morphological changes. The non-hydrostatic model can describe flow fields associated with tsunami generation, wave dispersion as well as shock-related and separation-driven coastal processes. The sediment transport module includes non-equilibrium states under rapidly-varying flows with a variable exchange rate between bed and suspended loads. A previous flume experiment of solitary wave runup on a sandy beach provides measurements for a systematic evaluation of sediment transport driven by shock-related processes. The extensive impacts at Rikuzentakata, Iwate, Japan and Crescent City Harbor, California, USA from the 2011 Tohoku tsunami provide pertinent case studies for model benchmarking. We utilize a self-consistent fault-slip model to define the tsunami source mechanism and field survey data to determine the characteristic grain sizes and morphological changes. The near-field modeling at Rikuzentakata gives reasonable fits with observed large-scale erosion and sedimentation associated with transition of the incoming wave into a surge and formation of a hydraulic jump in the receding flow. The non-hydrostatic module becomes instrumental in resolving tsunami waves at the far-field shore of Crescent City. The results show good agreement with local tide-gauge records as well as observed scour around coastal structures and deposition in basins resulting from separation-driven processes. While the erosion patterns in the laboratory and field cases can be explained by suspended sediment transport in the receding flow, bed load transport can be a dominant mechanism in sediment laden flows and scour around coastal structures.

  29. Preliminary Observations and Impact in Japan of the Tsunami Caused by the Tonga Volcanic Eruption on January 15, 2022

    Fumihiko Imamura, Anawat Suppasri, Taro Arikawa, Shunichi Koshimura, Kenji Satake, Yuichiro Tanioka

    Pure and Applied Geophysics 179 (5) 1549-1560 2022年5月

    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-022-03058-0  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The tsunami caused by the Tonga submarine volcanic eruption that occurred at 13:15 Japan Time (JST) on January 15, 2022, exposed a blind spot in Japan’s tsunami monitoring and warning system, which was established in 1952 for local tsunamis and expanded to distant tsunamis after the 1960 Chile tsunami. This paper summarizes how the warning system responded to the unprecedented tsunami, the actual evacuation process, and the damage it caused in Japan. Initially, the tsunami from the volcanic eruption was expected to arrive at approximately midnight with amplitudes of less than 20 cm. However, a series of short waves arrived at approximately 21:00, a few hours earlier than expected. The early arrival of these sea waves coincided with a rapid increase in atmospheric pressure; then, the short-period component was predominant, and the wave height was amplified while forming wave groups. After a 1.2 m tsunami was observed in Amami City in southern Japan at 23:55 JST, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning/advisory. The tsunami continued, and all advisories were cleared at 14:00 JST on January 16. Information about this tsunami and the response to it are summarized here, including the characteristics and issues of the actual tsunami evacuation situation in each region. There were no casualties, but the issues that emerged included difficulty evacuating on a winter night and traffic congestion due to evacuation by car and under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the coastal area, damage to fishing boats and aquaculture facilities was reported due to the flow of the tsunami. In addition, damage to aquaculture facilities, including those producing oysters, scallops, seaweed and other marine products, decreased the supply of marine products, and the economic impact is likely to increase in the future.

  30. COVID-19パンデミック時の心理状態に対する都道府県別分析 全国規模のWebアンケートによる横断調査

    奥山 純子, 門廻 充侍, 伊藤 潔, 今村 文彦, 出江 紳一

    精神神経学雑誌 124 (4付録) S-537 2022年4月



  31. COVID-19パンデミック時の心理状態に対する都道府県別分析 全国規模のWebアンケートによる横断調査

    奥山 純子, 門廻 充侍, 伊藤 潔, 今村 文彦, 出江 紳一

    精神神経学雑誌 124 (4付録) S-537 2022年4月



  32. Submarine landslide source modeling using the 3D slope stability analysis method for the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi, tsunami

    Chatuphorn Somphong, Anawat Suppasri, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Tsuyoshi Nagasawa, Yuya Narita, Ryunosuke Tawatari, Shohei Iwai, Yukio Mabuchi, Saneiki Fujita, Shuji Moriguchi, Kenjiro Terada, Cipta Athanasius, Fumihiko Imamura

    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 (3) 891-907 2022年3月17日

    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-22-891-2022  



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    Studies have indicated that submarine landslides played an important role in the 2018 Sulawesi tsunami event, damaging the coast of Palu Bay in addition to the earthquake source. Most of these studies relied on observed coastal subaerial landslides to reproduce tsunamis but could still not fully explain the observational data. Recently, several numerical models included hypothesized submarine landslides that were taken into account to obtain a better explanation of the event. In this study, for the first time, submarine landslides were simulated by applying a numerical model based on Hovland's 3D slope stability analysis for cohesive-frictional soils. To specify landslide volume and location, the model assumed an elliptical slip surface on a vertical slope of 27ĝ€¯m of mesh-divided terrain and evaluated the minimum safety factor in each mesh area based on the surveyed soil property data extracted from the literature. The soil data were assumed as seabed conditions. The landslide output was then substituted into a two-layer numerical model based on a shallow-water equation to simulate tsunami propagation. The tsunamis induced by the submarine landslide that were modeled in this study were combined with the other tsunami components, i.e., coseismal deformation and tsunamis induced by previous literature's observed subaerial coastal collapse, and validated with various post-event field observational data, including tsunami run-up heights and flow depths around the bay, the inundation area around Palu city, waveforms recorded by the Pantoloan tide gauge, and video-inferred waveforms. The model generated several submarine landslides, with lengths of 0.2-2.0ĝ€¯km throughout Palu Bay. The results confirmed the existence of submarine landslide sources in the southern part of the bay and showed agreement with the observed tsunami data, including run-ups and flow depths. Furthermore, the simulated landslides also reproduced the video-inferred waveforms in three out of six locations. Although these calculated submarine landslides still cannot fully explain some of the observed tsunami data, they emphasize the possible submarine landslide locations in southern Palu Bay that should be studied and surveyed in the future.

  33. 地震発生時間の違いがもたらす津波避難行動の実態事例:2つの地震における宮城県亘理町での比較分析

    佐藤 翔輔, 藤田 崇宏, 遠藤 匡範, 岩崎 雅宏, 皆川 満洋, 高橋 里佳, 南城 真佐英, 渡邉 勇, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 78 (2) I_325-I_330 2022年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.78.2_i_325  



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  34. 東日本大震災の復興支援調査アーカイブで明らかにされた危険方向移動の実態と提案

    成田 峻之輔, 佐藤 翔輔, 渡邉 勇, 新家 杏奈, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 78 (2) I_361-I_366 2022年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.78.2_i_361  



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    Yusuke OISHI, Arata HIROKAMI, Takamasa SHINDE, Kazuya TAKANO, Daisuke MATSUMOTO, Ryo OHOKA, Takashi FURUMURA, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 78 (2) I_319-I_324 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.78.2_i_319  




    Tatsuhiko TOKUTA, Taro ARIKAWA, Tomohiro TAKAGAWA, Yu CHIDA, Anawat SUPPASRI, Naotaka CHIKASADA, Nobuhito MORI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 78 (2) I_145-I_150 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.78.2_i_145  




    Kosei SHINODA, Shuji SETO, Anawat SUPPASRI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 78 (2) I_355-I_360 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.78.2_i_355  



  38. Situation of death due to injury and its influencing factors in Miyagi Prefecture in the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Hirokazu KAMATA, Shuji SETO, Anawat SUPPASRI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 78 (2) I_349-I_354 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.78.2_i_349  



  39. Life Alterations and Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Two-Time Comparison

    Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Funakoshi, Shin-Ichi Izumi

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 17 (1) 43-50 2022年1月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2022.p0043  



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    No other infectious disease that has had a long-lasting impact on humanity in recent times has caused as much hardship as the coronavirus disease, COVID-19. While several cross-sectional surveys have reported the effects of the pandemic on daily life, there have been very few longitudinal reports from Japan. Therefore, we conducted web-based questionnaire surveys 131 and 610 days after the first case of COVID-19 infection was reported in Japan. There were 244 and 220 participants in the first and second surveys, respectively. The percentage of participants who felt stressed increased from 76 to 97% from the first to the second survey, while the frequency of going out and playing sports/exercising did not change. Regarding the problems faced due to COVID-19, the number of people who mentioned the word "stress" increased significantly in the second survey. The changes in perceived stress under difficult circumstances over a period of time can aid prediction and support during the COVID-19 pandemic in the future.

  40. Mechanism of an evacuation cascade during the 2011 Tohoku tsunami inferred from an evacuation simulation incorporating communications in social networks

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Yusuke Oishi, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 71 102810-102810 2022年1月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier {BV}

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102810  


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    Existing empirical surveys have indicated that communications in social networks often play an important role in determining evacuation behaviours and can even greatly affect the evacuation trend in local communities. However, the dynamic mechanisms of how individual evacuation attitudes affect community-wide evacuation trends are still largely unexplored due to the lack of observations and empirical surveys. To investigate the importance of social networks in understanding evacuation behaviours and the feasibility of evacuation cascades, an integrated evacuation simulation method that combines a numerical communication model on social networks and a detailed physical evacuation simulation is developed in this paper. In a simple simulation setting, we first show the capability of the model to simulate comprehensive evacuation processes, from the formation of social networks and communications for evacuation decision making to physical evacuation movements. The simple simulation results demonstrate that biased communications and different evacuation attitudes among individuals lead to different evacuation tendencies. We apply the developed model to Ishinomaki city to investigate the mechanism of the reported evacuation cascade during the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. The results of controlled numerical experiments suggest that the formation of a larger social network induced by temporal gathering behaviour at a local elementary school and the existence of an evacuation leader at the school are the main factors responsible for the evacuation cascade. These results highlight the importance of social networks for understanding evacuation behaviours, support the existence of evacuation cascades, and emphasise the significance of evacuation leaders for improving evacuation trends in local communities.

  41. Perception of earthquake risks and disaster prevention awareness: A comparison of resident surveys in Sendai, Japan and Seattle, WA, USA

    Alicia Y. E. Ahn, Hiroki Takikawa, Elizabeth Maly, Ann Bostrom, Shinichi Kuriyama, Hiroko Matsubara, Takako Izumi, Tetsuya Torayashiki, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102624  


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    Both Sendai City in Japan and Seattle-King County (hereafter referred to as "Seattle") in Washington State in the United States are in seismically active areas with high earthquake risks. An Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system has been publicly available in Japan since 2007. The ShakeAlert system on the U.S. West Coast is still being developed and was at the time of this study being rolled out to provide earthquake early warning to institutional and public users. Given the high costs, concomitant need for public funding, and protective behavior aims of EEW systems, a better understanding of how society and individuals perceive the system and how they react to alerts is crucial to maximize the benefits of EEW. In this study, we compared how Sendai and Seattle residents perceived earthquake risk and EEW effectiveness, as well as their willingness to pay (WTP) for an improved (Sendai) or newly adopted (Seattle) EEW system. Similarities in the risks of megaquakes and the differences in recent events and earthquake early warning implementation enabled us to test the extent to which associations between earthquake risk perceptions, risk preparedness, and support for government policies to reduce earthquake risks can be generalized across these contrasting conditions. We found that risk perceptions and perceived effectiveness of EEW in personal protection were significant determinants of WTP for an (improved) EEW system in both regions. However, the association of "fear" with earthquakes was a significant predictor of WTP only in the Seattle survey. One possible explanation for this is that emotional reactions to earthquakes were more varied in the Seattle sample than Sendai, likely due to the much milder earthquakes that have occurred in the Pacific Northwest of the US in recent decades than in Japan. In contrast, most Sendai respondents reported that they felt danger and fear in their recent earthquake experiences.

  42. Cascading disasters triggered by tsunami hazards: A perspective for critical infrastructure resilience and disaster risk reduction

    Anawat Suppasri, Elizabeth Maly, Miwako Kitamura, Syamsidik, Gianluca Pescaroli, David Alexander, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102597  


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    Although many studies have investigated relationships between tsunami characteristics and the impact on physical property and infrastructure, such information cannot explain how the damage to each object or type of infrastructure can trigger failures of other facilities. To understand these connections and the cascading impacts, this article reviewed several recent damaging tsunami events in Japan and Indonesia, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. A proposed cascading magnitude scale was applied to each tsunami event to determine and categorize causes, effects, and escalation points. Large tsunamis tend to be associated with earthquakes, liquefaction, and landslides that multiply the scale of impact. The main escalation points for tsunami related disasters were found to be failures of tsunami warnings, power plants, medical facilities, educational facilities, and infrastructure. From the perspectives of critical infrastructure resilience and disaster risk reduction, analysis of cascading impacts of multiple recent tsunami events could contribute to greater understanding of economic, political, and social impacts that stem from technical decisions regarding infrastructure management. Detailed examples of tsunami cases demonstrate the potential scale and extent of damage from cascading events, and by identifying the roles and examples of escalation points, disaster managers and decision-makers can better mitigate cascading impacts by targeting and preventing escalation points. However, more detailed investigation on tsunami characteristics and their impact on failures of each type of facility is still needed to develop tools to support decision-making for better emergency management to address short- and long-term social impacts.

  43. Early forecasting of tsunami inundation from tsunami and geodetic observation data with convolutional neural networks

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Yusuke Oishi, Takashi Yamazaki, Takashi Furumura, Fumihiko Imamura

    Nature Communications 12 (1) 2021年12月


    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22348-0  



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    Rapid and accurate hazard forecasting is important for prompt evacuations and reducing casualties during natural disasters. In the decade since the 2011 Tohoku tsunami, various tsunami forecasting methods using real-time data have been proposed. However, rapid and accurate tsunami inundation forecasting in coastal areas remains challenging. Here, we propose a tsunami forecasting approach using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for early warning. Numerical tsunami forecasting experiments for Tohoku demonstrated excellent performance with average maximum tsunami amplitude and tsunami arrival time forecasting errors of similar to 0.4m and similar to 48s, respectively, for 1,000 unknown synthetic tsunami scenarios. Our forecasting approach required only 0.004s on average using a single CPU node. Moreover, the CNN trained on only synthetic tsunami scenarios provided reasonable inundation forecasts using actual observation data from the 2011 event, even with noisy inputs. These results verify the feasibility of AI-enabled tsunami forecasting for providing rapid and accurate early warnings.

  44. 東日本大震災の震災伝承施設の実態把握と効果的な利活用のための提案:来訪者の目的と防災行動変容への効果に着目して 査読有り

    渡邉 勇, 佐藤 翔輔, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 39 267-277 2021年11月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 地域安全学会

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.39.267  



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    This study investigates how to utilize Disaster Memorial Facilities in the affected area by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake to pass on the disaster effectively. We conducted an Internet survey among visitors and non-visitors to the affected area (N=1,775). The results can be summarized as follows. 1) Visitors who have never visited the affected area for learning purposes also visit Disaster Memorial Facilities. 2) Visitors expect to learn about disaster response, recovery, and reconstruction after the disaster, but these expectations have not been fully met. 3) The 46 facilities can be classified into four groups based on the visitor’s purpose and the effect on promoting disaster preparedness. Some facilities are effective in promoting disaster preparedness even though many of visitors are non-learning visitors.

  45. コロナ禍での災害医療 繰り返す災害による心理的影響と心的外傷後成長の検討 過去の被災体験とCOVID-19流行下において

    奥山 純子, 門廻 充侍, 福田 雄, 伊藤 潔, 今村 文彦, 出江 紳一

    日本職業・災害医学会会誌 69 (臨増) 別72-別72 2021年11月



  46. Self-help and mutual assistance in the aftermath of a tsunami: How individual factors contribute to resolving difficulties

    Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Tsuneyuki Abe, Rui Nouchi, Akio Honda, Shosuke Sato, Toshiaki Muramoto, Fumihiko Imamura

    PLOS ONE 16 (10) e0258325-e0258325 2021年10月7日

    出版者・発行元:Public Library of Science (PLoS)

    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258325  



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    Self-aid and mutual assistance among victims are critical for resolving difficulties in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, but individual facilitative factors for such resolution processes are poorly understood. To identify such individual factors in the background (i.e., disaster damage and demographic) and personality domains considering different types of difficulty and resolution, we analyzed survey data collected in the 3-year aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. We first identified major types of difficulty using a cluster analysis of 18 difficulty domains and then explored individual factors that facilitated six types of resolution (self-help, request for help, help from family, help from an acquaintance, help through cooperation, and public assistance) of these difficulty types. We identified general life difficulties and medico-psychological difficulties as two broad types of difficulty; disaster damage contributed to both types, while some personality factors (e.g., neuroticism) exacerbated the latter. Disaster damage hampered self-resolution and forced a reliance on resolution through cooperation or public assistance. On the other hand, some demographic factors, such as being young and living in a three-generation household, facilitated resolution thorough the family. Several personality factors facilitated different types of resolution, primarily of general life difficulties; the problem-solving factor facilitated self-resolution, altruism, or stubbornness resolutions through requests, leadership resolution through acquaintance, and emotion-regulation resolution through public assistance. Our findings are the first to demonstrate the involvement of different individual, particularly personality, factors in survival in the complex social dynamics of this disaster stage. They may contribute to disaster risk mitigation, allowing sophisticated risk evaluation and community resilience building.

  47. 都道府県ごとの新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染症による心理的影響と心的外傷後成長(PTG)に関する縦断研究

    奥山 純子, 門廻 充侍, 福田 雄, 伊藤 潔, 今村 文彦, 出江 紳一

    ストレス科学 36 (2) 116-116 2021年10月



  48. 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の流行下における心理状態と心的外傷後成長に関する研究

    奥山 純子, 門廻 充侍, 福田 雄, 伊藤 潔, 今村 文彦, 出江 紳一

    精神神経学雑誌 (2021特別号) S613-S613 2021年9月



  49. The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: A Message from Japan to Thailand

    Natt Leelawat, Ampan Laosunthara, Jing Tang, Anawat Suppasri, Anat Ruangrassamee, Prasert Akkharaprathompong, Fumihiko Imamura

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 16 (6) 908-913 2021年9月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2021.p0908  



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    Thailand was among the countries that suffered losses and damage as a result of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. Ten years have passed since the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. The various lessons learned and research on the 2011 disaster in Japan have reached Thailand. This can be seen in the numerous interactive activities associated to the World Tsunami Awareness Day, as well as several tsunami-related research and development programs applied to the country. This article summarizes those activities and highlights key examples. It also acts as a conduit for related communication between the two countries, Japan and Thailand.

  50. Importance of Psychological Support for Disaster-Affected Adolescents: 10 Years After the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Junko Okuyama, Shunichi Funakoshi, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Shin-Ichi Izumi

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 16 (6) 914-921 2021年9月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2021.p0914  



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    Introduction: Adolescents affected by disasters need mental health support because they tend to be at risk of developing psychiatric disorders and stress as grown-ups. However, it is difficult to develop and validate a support system for adolescents affected by disasters because it is unknown when and where disasters occur, and there is inadequate data related to this in Japan. Methods: To address these issues, we present a mental health support system for high school students affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. We hypothesized that mental health support could be provided by classroom teachers and school nurses, who are familiar with high school students. We investigated the psychological state of the affected high school students for three years after the earthquake, and the students in psychological crises received interventions from their class teachers and school nurses. Results: The intervention resulted in improvements in depression and post-traumatic stress reaction (PTSR). Conclusion: These results suggest that our high school-based intervention is a feasible solution for mental health support for adolescents affected by the disaster.

  51. SB8-4 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行が社会に与えた心理的影響に対する因子の分析—予測モデルによる寄与率の測定

    奥山 純子, 門廻 充侍, 福田 雄, 伊藤 潔, 出江 紳一, 今村 文彦

    日本行動計量学会大会抄録集 49 202-203 2021年8月30日


    DOI: 10.20742/pbsj.49.0_202  


  52. Characteristics of building fragility curves for seismic and non-seismic tsunamis: case studies of the 2018 Sunda Strait, 2018 Sulawesi-Palu, and 2004 Indian Ocean tsunamis

    Elisa Lahcene, Ioanna Ioannou, Anawat Suppasri, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Ryan Paulik, Syamsidik Syamsidik, Frederic Bouchette, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-21-2313-2021  



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    Indonesia has experienced several tsunamis triggered by seismic and non-seismic (i.e., landslides) sources. These events damaged or destroyed coastal buildings and infrastructure and caused considerable loss of life. Based on the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) guidelines, this study assesses the empirical tsunami fragility to the buildings inventory of the 2018 Sunda Strait, 2018 Sulawesi-Palu, and 2004 Indian Ocean (Khao Lak-Phuket, Thailand) tsunamis. Fragility curves represent the impact of tsunami characteristics on structural components and express the likelihood of a structure reaching or exceeding a damage state in response to a tsunami intensity measure. The Sunda Strait and Sulawesi-Palu tsunamis are uncommon events still poorly understood compared to the Indian Ocean tsunami (IOT), and their post-tsunami databases include only flow depth values. Using the TUNAMI two-layer model, we thus reproduce the flow depth, the flow velocity, and the hydrodynamic force of these two tsunamis for the first time. The flow depth is found to be the best descriptor of tsunami damage for both events. Accordingly, the building fragility curves for complete damage reveal that (i) in Khao Lak-Phuket, the buildings affected by the IOT sustained more damage than the Sunda Strait tsunami, characterized by shorter wave periods, and (ii) the buildings performed better in Khao Lak-Phuket than in Banda Aceh (Indonesia). Although the IOT affected both locations, ground motions were recorded in the city of Banda Aceh, and buildings could have been seismically dam- aged prior to the tsunami's arrival, and (iii) the buildings of Palu City exposed to the Sulawesi-Palu tsunami were more susceptible to complete damage than the ones affected by the JOT, in Banda Aceh, between 0 and 2 m flow depth. Similar to the Banda Aceh case, the Sulawesi-Palu tsunami load may not be the only cause of structural destruction. The buildings' susceptibility to tsunami damage in the waterfront of Palu City could have been enhanced by liquefaction events triggered by the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake.

  53. 研究者の最新動向 改正災害対策基本法の現状と社会的懸念

    坪内 暁子, 内藤 俊夫, 佐藤 健, 佐々木 宏之, 今村 文彦, 仲田 悦教, 范 家坤, 丸井 英二, 奈良 武司

    Precision Medicine 4 (7) 687-693 2021年7月



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  54. Longitudinal Study of Psychological Status during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kanako Taku, Mayumi Willgerodt, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Shinichi Izumi


    出版者・発行元:Research Square Platform LLC

    DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-601473/v1  

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    <title>Abstract</title> Researchers believe that the impact of repeated trauma on mental health is incrementally more significant than the simple additive effect of one event. This study questioned whether this repetition only further worsens people's mental health. We found that they may report more positive changes than those who haven’t. Thus, we hypothesized that repeatedly experiencing difficult situations and suffering might increase post-traumatic growth (PTG). PTG can be defined as "positive psychological changes experienced due to coping with very difficult life situations," leading to positive outcomes and feelings of well-being. We found that those who experienced a disaster in the past were more depressed, anxious, and stressed than those who had never experienced a disaster and now experienced the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, past disaster experience led to a more psychological response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which, in turn, led to an increase PTG. Globally, we found that supportive social interactions, including those with family members, could develop PTG during the COVID-19 pandemic and achieve better well-being during the continuation of the pandemic in the future.

  55. Identification of Coastal Sand Deposits From Tsunamis and Storm Waves Based on Numerical Computations

    Masashi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Goto, Volker Roeber, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1029/2021JF006092  



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    Tsunami and storm deposits can be utilized for estimating inundation zones and recurrence intervals of extreme waves in modern, historic, and prehistoric times. However, the distribution of these deposits is extremely complex and affected by various factors such as the size of the waves, topography, bathymetry, and the supply of sediment and its properties. Here, we use numerical computations to identify the key factors affecting the inundation extent of tsunamis and storm waves, and which subsequently govern the distribution of the corresponding coastal sand deposits. The results demonstrate that the overall topography slope has the most significant impact on the inundation extent of tsunamis and storm waves and subsequently the inland distribution distance of the transported deposits. The existence of onshore sediment sources is crucial for estimating the maximum extent of storm deposits because only a limited amount of sediment is carried inland by the storm waves. In contrast, the presence of onshore sediment sources is less critical for the delineation of the maximum distribution envelope of tsunami deposits compared to other parameters. The parameters that mainly control the sediment deposit volume over land under tsunami and storm wave conditions are the grain size and wave height, respectively. Our computed results are summarized using the Dean number, Shields number, and Iribarren number showing an inter-connectivity between topography, input wave characteristic, and onshore distributions of both types of deposits. Despite some simplifications, this approach can efficiently lead to an identification and reconstruction of past catastrophic wave events.

  56. Consideration of submarine landslide induced by 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami within Palu Bay

    Kaori Nagai, Abdul Muhari, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Masashi Watanabe, Anawat Suppasri, Taro Arikawa, Fumihiko Imamura

    COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 63 (4) 446-466 2021年6月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/21664250.2021.1933749  



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    On September 28 2018, an Mw 7.5 strike-slip earthquake occurred to the north of Palu Bay on the Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. This triggered a destructive tsunami within the bay, which reached Palu city. Simulation have been conducted to investigate the landslide source. However, the tsunami should be investigated considering a physical model in the area where detailed bathymetric survey had not been conducted. In this study, we investigated the impact of coastal landslides on the southern part of the bay using a two-layer model. Owing to the increasing collapse volume, the southern west coastal landslide could approximately explain the observations in Palu city. However, the calculated mass volume of the source largely overestimated the bathymetric survey data. Hence, we considered the possibility of submarine landslide in the southern part of the bay and the simulation results could approximately explain the maximum tsunami heights in the southern part of the bay. These results suggest that more detailed multibeam data will be required to investigate the possible submarine landslide in the southern area which could induce a destructive tsunami reaching Palu city within a few minutes after the collapse.

  57. Revealing complex tsunami evacuation process patterns induced by social interactions: A case study in Ishinomaki

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Yusuke Oishi, Masaharu Nakagawa, Shosuke Sato, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102182  


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    Compared to evacuation behaviours, behaviours preceding evacuation including milling during tsunamis remain unclear. This study developed an analysis approach that evaluates the similarities in behaviour sequences throughout the evacuation process and investigated both the preceding behaviours and evacuation behaviours in Ishinomaki during the 2011 tsunami. The developed method was first applied to 101 detailed evacuation interview data and identified 16 major evacuation trip patterns in the study area during the 2011 tsunami. Then, we characterised the major patterns based on narratives and found key behavioural characteristics during tsunamis that both expanded and mitigated human loss. The analysis only considered the different destinations visited by people during evacuation processes; however, the proposed method successfully distilled evacuation processes with not only similar behavioural patterns but also similar thoughts or intentions. The collected behaviours revealed the complex evacuation processes during the tsunami, i.e., nearly half of the interviewees had two or more destinations in their evacuation trips. Evacuating alone was rarely observed, and many local residents first attempted to perform safety or damage confirmations, which caused evacuation delays. On the other hand, the results also indicated that this tendency of unification along with immediate school evacuation promoted evacuations in the study area by triggering household movements towards a hill, which unintentionally worked as a tsunami evacuation trip. We inferred that such secondary household movements potentially triggered other evacuation movements as tertiary effects by being sighted by other people. The findings of this study provide evidence suggesting that evacuation processes are largely affected by social structures or ties and highlight the importance of evacuation preparedness considering the revealed behaviour characteristics.

  58. Perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan with respect to cultural, information, disaster and social issues

    Anawat Suppasri, Miwako Kitamura, Haruka Tsukuda, Sebastien P. Boret, Gianluca Pescaroli, Yasuaki Onoda, Fumihiko Imamura, David Alexander, Natt Leelawat, Syamsidik

    Progress in Disaster Science 10 100158-100158 2021年4月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pdisas.2021.100158  


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    A questionnaire survey was distributed via the Internet to 600 respondents. Preliminary results revealed that most Japanese people regularly washed their hands and had low resistance to wearing masks even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Internet news was the most common source of information. Half of the respondents said they would "stay at home evacuation" if a disaster occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting the strategy promoted to reduce crowding in evacuation shelters. If a state of emergency must be reinstated, one-third of respondents said they could bear it for a few months and another one-third for a few weeks.

  59. People’s Response to Potential Natural Hazard-Triggered Technological Threats after a Sudden-Onset Earthquake in Indonesia

    Fatma Lestari, Yasuhito Jibiki, Daisuke Sasaki, Dicky Pelupessy, Agustino Zulys, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (7) 3369-3369 2021年3月24日

    出版者・発行元:{MDPI} {AG}

    DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18073369  


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    (1) Background: We aim to examine whether people activate initial protection behavior, adopt evacuation behavior, worry about the possibility of a tsunami, and consider natural hazard-triggered technological (Natech) situations in a sudden-onset earthquake. The literature suggests that risk perception is a significant predictor of people's response to potential Natech threats. We aim to empirically verify the variables relating to people's responses. (2) Methods: We conducted a household survey following a January 2018 earthquake in Indonesia. (3) Results: Immediately after the earthquake, almost 30% of the respondents assembled at the evacuation point. However, sequential steps of people's response were not observed: evacuation immediately after the earthquake was due to worry about the possibility of a tsunami, but this worry was not related to Natech damage estimation. The relevant factors for evacuation behavior were information access, worry about the possibility of a tsunami, and knowledge of groups and programs related to disaster risk reduction (DRR). The survey location (two villages), perceived earthquake risk, and DRR activity participation are less relevant to the behavior of assembling at the evacuation point. (4) Conclusions: Contrary to the existing literature, our results do not support that higher risk perception is associated with evacuation behavior, or that immediate evacuation is related to foreseeing cascading sequential consequences.

  60. Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis of Inundated Buildings Following a Subaqueous Volcanic Explosion Based on the 1716 Tsunami Scenario in Taal Lake, Philippines

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geosciences 11 (2) 2021年2月16日


    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences11020092  


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    A probabilistic hazard analysis of a tsunami generated by a subaqueous volcanic explosion was performed for Taal Lake in the Philippines. The Taal volcano at Taal Lake is an active volcano on Luzon Island in the Philippines, and its eruption would potentially generate tsunamis in the lake. This study aimed to analyze a probabilistic tsunami hazard of inundated buildings for tsunami mitigation in future scenarios. To determine the probabilistic tsunami hazard, different explosion diameters were used to generate tsunamis of different magnitudes in the TUNAMI-N2 model. The initial water level in the tsunami model was estimated based on the explosion energy. The tsunami-induced inundation from the TUNAMI-N2 model was overlaid on the distribution of buildings. The tsunami hazard analysis of inundated buildings was performed by using the maximum inundation depth in each explosion case. These products were used to calculate the probability of the inundated building given the occurrence of a subaqueous explosion. The results from this study can be used for future tsunami mitigation if a tsunami is generated by a subaqueous volcanic explosion.

  61. 福祉の現場から 国際都市新宿区の成城学校避難所地域住民にむけた新型肺炎COVID-19予防策(No.3)

    坪内 暁子, 内藤 俊夫, 佐藤 健, 佐々木 宏之, 今村 文彦, 仲田 悦教, 范 家坤, 奈良 武司

    地域ケアリング 23 (2) 42-45 2021年2月



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  62. Different vantage points amongst different stakeholders in NATECH (NAtural hazard-triggered TECHnological) disasters: A case from the 2018 Mt. Anak Krakatau eruption and tsunami

    Dicky Pelupessy, Yasuhito Jibiki, Fatma Lestari, Agustino Zulys, Fumihiko Imamura

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 630 012024-012024 2021年1月13日

    出版者・発行元:IOP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/630/1/012024  



    Tomoki SERIKAWA, Shuji SETO, Anawat SUPPASRI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 77 (2) I_1069-I_1074 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.77.2_i_1069  




    Hirokazu KAMATA, Shuji SETO, Anawat SUPPASRI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 77 (2) I_1075-I_1080 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.77.2_i_1075  



  65. Numerical Simulations of December 22, 2018 Anak Krakatau Tsunami and Examination of Possible Submarine Landslide Scenarios

    Gozde Guney Dogan, Alessandro Annunziato, Rahman Hidayat, Semeidi Husrin, Gegar Prasetya, Widjo Kongko, Andrey Zaytsev, Efim Pelinovsky, Fumihiko Imamura, Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 178 (1) 1-20 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-020-02641-7  



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    On December 22, 2018, a destructive tsunami related to the phenomena caused by the volcanic eruption of Gunung Anak Krakatau (GAK) was generated following a partial collapse of the volcano that caused serious damage and killed more than 400 people. This recent event challenged the traditional understanding of tsunami hazard, warning and response mechanisms and raised the topic of volcanic tsunami hazard. The complex mechanism of this tsunamigenic volcano collapse still needs further investigation as Anak Krakatau is one of the potentially tsunamigenic volcanoes in the world. This study investigates the possible source mechanisms of this phenomenon and their contribution to explaining the observed sea level disturbances by considering the impacts of this destructive event. We configured a flank collapse scenario with a volume of 0.25 km(3) as a combination of submarine and subaerial mass movement as the possible source scenarios to the December 22, 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami. A two-layer model is applied to simulate the tsunami generation by these landslides up to 420 s. The tsunami propagation and inundation are then simulated by NAMI DANCE model in GPU environment. The simulation results suggest that this scenario seems capable of generating such a tsunami observed along the coast of Sunda Strait. However, the contribution of the possible submarine mass movements in the close area between GAK and the surrounding islands either to this event or potential tsunami threat in the region is still questionable. We employed a bathymetric dataset through pre- and post-event analyses, which demonstrate submarine slope failures in the southwestern proximity of GAK. Hence, additional two scenarios of elliptical landslide sources on the slopes of bathymetry change area (could be triggered by seismic motion/volcanic eruption) are considered, searching for the possible effects of the tsunami that might be generated by these submarine landslides. The study may also provide some perspective for potential tsunami generation by combined sources and help to elucidate the extent of volcanic tsunami hazard in the region due to potential future eruptions of Gunung Anak Krakatau.

  66. Mental Health and Physical Activity among Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Shunichi Funakoshi, Shintaro Amae, Jun Onobe, Shinichi Izumi, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura

    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 253 (3) 203-215 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Tohoku University Medical Press

    DOI: 10.1620/tjem.253.203  



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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is causing disruptions in the global social system. Japanese children and adolescents have had their schools closed, government-mandated activity restrictions imposed, and interactions outside the home reduced. These restrictions can have a considerable psychological impact on children and adolescents. This review aims to describe the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and psychological status of this population. The review was conducted by searching PubMed for information on the impact of COVID-19-related activity restrictions on children and adolescents. The search identified 11 articles, three of which contained data on anxiety and psychological problems due to physical inactivity. Next, a PubMed search was conducted about physical activity and psychological status in children and adolescents under psychological stress. The search identified 368 articles, 28 of which were included in the review. For children, data that revealed a correlation between physical activity and psychological health and sedentary time leading to mood disorders were included. For adolescents, there were nine studies that reported a correlation between physical activity and psychological health and four studies that reported no correlation between physical activity and psychological health. Of the studies that reported a correlation, seven reported that physical activity improves psychological health. The impact of psychologically stressful situations such as COVID-19 on children and adolescents has been experienced worldwide. Physical activity has been correlated with psychological health, and it may improve psychological status; physical activity should be recommended to better support the psychological health of children and adolescents under the influence of COVID-19.

  67. Ten years after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami: Geological and environmental effects and implications for disaster policy changes

    Kazuhisa Goto, Takashi Ishizawa, Yuichi Ebina, Fumihiko Imamura, Shosuke Sato, Keiko Udo

    Earth-Science Reviews 212 103417-103417 2021年1月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103417  



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    Although the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami were devastating to coastal environments, many of their effects have not lasted: over several years they have generally recovered naturally and artificially. Some environments have not fully recovered or have become stable with some different status. By contrast to the short-lasting tsunami impact, long-lasting crustal movement and reconstruction projects, together with the nuclear power plant accident in the area have strongly affected human society and local coastal environments in a long-term. Investigation reveals that damage outlooks adopted before the 2011 event differed at the prefectural level based on limited knowledge and awareness of the prior 400 years (mainly 120 years). Knowledge, awareness, and reconstruction work undertaken after the 1896, 1933, and 1960 tsunamis were effective to a certain degree during the 2011 tsunami, especially in northern Tohoku. However, past memories of large tsunami disasters in southern Tohoku such as the 869 and 1611 events were lost to the public to a degree that tsunami awareness and countermeasures were insufficient. Although post-2011 governmental policy has been designed to prepare for maximum possible earthquake and tsunami occurrence in the future, no consensus exists of how to forecast such events. Remarkable post-seismic crustal movement has continued. Seismologic and paleotsunami studies have projected a high risk of future large earthquakes and tsunamis surrounding the 2011 source region along the Japan Trench. Considering that low-frequency but large tsunamis have caused extraordinarily intensive and extensive damage, studies based on geology, archaeology, and history are invaluable for elucidating tsunami phenomena and forming accurate risk assessments. In fact, although many historical and geological studies have been conducted along the many coasts of Japan after the 2011 event, no evidence has been provided about extremely large tsunami waves, which greatly exceeded the knowledge available before 2011. Ten years is an extremely short period on a geologic timescale, but it is sufficiently long for the general public to lose their disaster memories gradually. How can we continuously remind public people about such low-frequency tsunami events? How can we foster a social consensus to prepare for them? These issues, which were crucially important before the 2011 event, remain unsolved today.

  68. Predictive Analysis of the Building Damage From the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami Using Decision Tree Classification Related Algorithms

    Kumpol Saengtabtim, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Wanit Treeranurat, Narunporn Wisittiwong, Anawat Suppasri, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Fumihiko Imamura, Noriyuki Takahashi, Ingrid Charvet

    IEEE Access 9 31065-31077 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3060114  


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    When considering a tsunami disaster, many researchers have considered the tsunami's flow depth and velocity as the primary contributors to the building damage. Additionally, the majority of these studies have used the maximum value as the measure of each of these two factors. However, building damage may not occur when the maximum flow depth and the maximum flow velocity of the tsunami are reached. This study addressed two objectives based on the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Firstly, to find out whether the maximum values of the flow depth and flow velocity are the same as their critical values and, secondly, to verify which combination of the parameters is the best predictor of the building damage level. The data from 18,000 buildings in Ishinomaki City, Japan, with the cooperation of the Japanese joint survey team, were analyzed using the decision tree related algorithms. The critical variables were the simulated data at the time when the buildings collapsed. The analysis showed the accuracy of the prediction based on the group of variables. Finally, the findings showed that the combination of the critical flow depth and maximum flow velocity provided the highest accuracy for classifying the level of building damage.

  69. Volcanic eruption-induced tsunami at anak krakatau volcano, Sunda Strait, Indonesia

    Kaori Nagai, Taro Arikawa, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Fumihiko Imamura, Masashi Watanabe, Pan Huang

    Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference 36 (2020) 2020年12月31日


  70. Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the research environment and motivation of researchers in Japan

    Yasuhiro Miki, Natsuko Chubachi, Fumihiko Imamura, Nobuo Yaegashi, Kiyoshi Ito

    Progress in Disaster Science 8 2020年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.pdisas.2020.100128  



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    © 2020 The Authors The environment surrounding researchers has changed significantly in the face of COVID-19 restrictions. An online self-reported questionnaire was completed by 10,557 participants between June 15 and 19, 2020. The impact on work/research activities and harassments under COVID-19 conditions was higher among researchers (1963) compared to non-researchers (8572). We further examined the effect of COVID-19 restrictions on 300 researchers. Women were significantly more likely to report being harassed than males. The overall “decrease in research motivation” was higher in women. The restrictions on research activities because of COVID-19 restrictions caused future anxiety and a decrease in research motivation.

  71. WBF-2019 Core Research Cluster of Disaster Science Planning Session as Disaster Preparedness: Participation in a Training Program for Conductor-Type Disaster Healthcare Personnel

    Junko Okuyama, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Toshiki Iwasaki, Toru Matsuzawa, Kiyoshi Ito, Takako Izumi, Hiroki Takakura, Fumihiko Imamura, Tadashi Ishi

    Journal of Disaster Research 15 (7) 900-912 2020年12月1日

    出版者・発行元:Fuji Technology Press Ltd.

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0900  



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    Introduction: Health professionals and support staff need to be prepared for disasters and know how to respond. This study aimed to examine a one-day “Conductor-type disaster healthcare management personnel” training course and its effect among healthcare professionals. Tohoku University and Fukushima Medical University are experienced in disaster response preparedness and they conducted the one-day course comprising multiple sessions at the World Bosai Forum-2019 (WBF-2019). Method: The course introduced the recent activities of four groups: the Practical Disaster Risk Reduction Research Group; the Natural Science Research Group; the Disaster Humanities Research Group; and the Disaster Medicine Research Group. Unifying four scientific areas based on the theory of the disaster cycle, the research field “disaster science” has been created through interdisciplinary cooperation. The participants completed reports, which were then analyzed using the KJ method. Discussion: The program participants wanted to gain practical knowledge about disasters and have a multifaceted perspective on disaster response. Participants who attended other sessions had an interest in comparing their training with the training provided by other sessions on disaster preparedness. Comparisons included determining the effectiveness of high-level disaster medical preparations from a multilateral viewpoint and involving an interdisciplinary research team in disaster medical preparations to prepare for future disaster events. Conclusion: The participants identified that interdisciplinary activities lead to an improvement in knowledge, skills, or attitudes toward disaster preparedness. There needs to be a greater focus on disaster medicine care teams, including research on both past and future disasters.

  72. Experiences of perinatal women and public healthcare providers in a community affected by the great east Japan earthquake and tsunami: Concerns that must be considered for the mental healthcare of perinatal women in postdisaster settings

    Natsuko Kobayashi, Harumi Nemoto, Moe Seto, Shosuke Sato, Saya Kikuchi, Nami Honda, Tomomi Suzuki, Kineko Sato, Junichi Sugawara, Kiyoshi Ito, Ryoma Kayano, Norio Ozaki, Charles W. Beadling, Ilan Kelman, Fumihiko Imamura, Hiroo Matsuoka, Hiroaki Tomita



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101767  


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    Particular support needs of perinatal women in a disaster have been difficult to grasp through preexisting quantitative epidemiological studies. This study aimed to extract concerns that must be considered for perinatal women's mental healthcare in postdisaster settings based on lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Narrative messages regarding protective and risk factors for mothers' mental health from a representative population of mothers who had given birth and all official maternal caregivers, in a coastal town devastated by the catastrophe were subjected to qualitative analyses. Eight concerns were extracted as specific support needs: (1) improve information pathways, (2) maintain access to medical services, (3) sufficiently equip necessary items for perinatal women and children, (4) implement hygienic facilities, (5) prevent mothers from feeling diffidence, (6) encourage mothers to focus on positive aspects of being pregnant or taking care of their babies, (7) provide dedicated paths for relief supply distribution and dedicated rooms for mothers and children in shelters, and (8) resume usual healthcare activities as soon as possible. The comprehensive survey of the affected community presented concerns that needed to be considered for perinatal women's mental health in postdisaster settings.

  73. Spatial Distribution of Causes of Death in the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami at Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture

    Tomoki Serikawa, Shuji Seto, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 15 (7) 943-958 2020年12月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0943  



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    To predict and suppress human casualty in a future tsunami disaster, it is crucial to analyze victim information from past disasters and clarify the causes of human casualty. Examining the causes of human casualty requires analyses that combine various hazard information and victim information in subregional units. This study aims to grasp the factors that caused human casualty during the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 using Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters' victim information. Therefore, at Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, we researched the spatial distribution of causes of death based on the victims' addresses and the corpse location, as well as the occurrence factor of each cause of death. As a result, we obtain the following results. (1) The spatial distribution of victims based on the corpse location is more clearly related to the hazard than the victim's address. In other words, it is proved that the detection site of the body is significant when examining the relationship between human casualty and hazards. (2) The hypothesis of each cause of death is verified based on the spatial distribution of each cause of death, hazard information, the victim's age, and the date of detecting the body. As a result, it is suggested that drowning, death due to fire, and hypothermia are causes of death related to external forces. It is also suggested that hypothermia and heart disease are causes of death related to individual fragility. (3) Such a possibility showed that the cause of death could not be identified for death from unknown origin due to the bodies' decay resulting from taking time to detect the dead bodies. (4) We propose a diagram of relationship between the causes of death and the occurrence of factors of death at Ishinomaki City. In the future, to generalize the relationship, it is considered that the same analysis will be required in the coastal municipalities of Miyagi Prefecture.

  74. Classification of tsunami deaths by modifying ICD-10 categories in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami - A case study in Miyagi prefecture

    Shuji Seto, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101743  


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    The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake had a tremendous impact in terms of human suffering in Japan. To date, drowning has been considered the primary cause of death in the context of tsunami disasters. According to Japan's National Police Agency [9], causes of death other than drowning were also indicated, including due to fire and traumatic shock. Given the reports of deaths from causes other than drowning in the 2011 GE JE, a need to summarize these deaths in a statistical manner and systematize them according to the actual situation was perceived. To that end, in this study, we examined victim data from the 2011 GEJE provided by the Miyagi Prefecture Police Headquarters with reference to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems to investigate a classification method that would reflect the actual situation of this event. Using this classification method, we attempted to analyze the actual situation with regard to causes of death in all of Miyagi Prefecture during the 2011 GEJE. Consequently, the following five classification methods were proposed: (1) aggregate a cause of death into one higher category in the ICD-10, (2) aggregate what can be forensically determined to be the same cause of death, (3) aggregate a cause of death by combining the two methods above, (4) aggregate unknown causes, and (5) aggregate causes that do not fall into other categories. As a result of classification by these five methods, we classified the causes of death in Miyagi Prefecture into the twelve distinct categories.

  75. Tsunami evacuation processes based on human behaviour in past earthquakes and tsunamis: A literature review

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Fumihiko Imamura, Yusuke Oishi

    Progress in Disaster Science 7 100113-100113 2020年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pdisas.2020.100113  


  76. Investigating beach erosion related with tsunami sediment transport at Phra Thong Island, Thailand, caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

    Ryota Masaya, Anawat Suppasri, Kei Yamashita, Fumihiko Imamura, Chris Gouramanis, Natt Leelawat

    NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 20 (10) 2823-2841 2020年10月


    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-20-2823-2020  



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    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami caused large-scale topographic changes in coastal areas. Whereas much research has focused on coastlines that have or had large human populations, little focus has been paid to coastlines that have little or no infrastructure. The importance of examining erosional and depositional mechanisms of tsunami events lies in the rapid reorganization that coastlines must undertake immediately after an event. A thorough understanding of the pre-event conditions is paramount to understanding the natural reconstruction of the coastal environment. This study examines the location of sediment erosion and deposition during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami event on the relatively pristine Phra Thong Island, Thailand. Coupled with satellite imagery, we use numerical simulations and sediment transportation models to determine the locations of significant erosion and the areas where much of that sediment was redeposited during the tsunami inundation and backwash processes. Our modeling approach suggests that beaches located in two regions on Phra Thong Island were significantly eroded by the 2004 tsunami, predominantly during the backwash phase of the first and largest wave to strike the island. Although 2004 tsunami deposits are found on the island, we demonstrate that most of the sediment was deposited in the shallow coastal area, facilitating quick recovery of the beach when normal coastal processes resumed.

  77. Justification of Possible Casualty-Reduction Countermeasures Based on Global Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Tsunami-Prone Regions over the Past 400 Years

    Takuro Otake, Constance Ting Chua, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 15 (4) 490-502 2020年6月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0490  



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    Tsunami hazards can be considered as multiregional in their impacts, as transoceanic waves can propagate beyond local areas, as evidenced in recent tsunami events, e.g., the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Great East Japan tsunamis. However, in a single event, the characteristics of a tsunami (wave amplitude and arrival time) can differ from location to location, due to a myriad of reasons including distance from the source, bathymetry of the seafloor, and local effects. Tsunami countermeasures cannot be similarly applied globally. It is prudent to investigate tsunami hazard characteristics at a regional scale in order to evaluate suitable tsunami countermeasures. On this basis, approximately 300 major historical tsunamis have been reproduced in this study based on seismic records over the last 400 years. In this study, numerical analysis was performed to reproduce tsunami waveforms at each global tidal station, and numerical results were verified by comparing them with the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami record data. Non-structural tsunami countermeasures were proposed and selected for each region based on two main criteria - wave amplitudes and arrival times. Evaluation of selected countermeasures indicate that planning for evacuation processes (such as evacuation route mapping, signage and evacuation drills) are important in all situations. For local large tsunamis, evacuation drills are essential to ensure a community is well prepared for self-evacuation due to the short amount of time available for evacuation. Early warning systems were most effective where tsunamis are of large and distant origins. On the other hand, it would be more appropriate to invest in public alert systems for tsunamis of smaller magnitudes. Using these selection criteria, combinations of countermeasures were proposed for each region to focus their attention on, based on the simulated results of the historical tsunami events. The end-goal of this study is to inform decision-making processes and regional planning of tsunami disaster management.

  78. 海底基盤データを利用した津波移動床解析の改善の試み-気仙沼湾での事例-

    山下 啓, 菅原 大助, 有川 太郎, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 76 (2) I_427-I_432 2020年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.76.2_i_427  



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  79. 東日本大震災の教訓は伝わっているのか:ー東北大学MOOC受講者を事例対象にした評価の試みー

    渡邉 勇, 佐藤 翔輔, 八木 秀文, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 37 197-207 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 地域安全学会

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.37.197  


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    <p>This study aims to clarify how Japanese people understand lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and how understanding the lessons influence their disaster preparedness. We conducted a questionnaire survey of Tohoku University MOOC participants. The results are summarized as follows. 1) "Don't put all your faith in hazard maps" is the best well-known lesson. Respondents understand lessons regarding tsunami hazard itself and evacuation shelter less than regarding tsunami evacuation. 2) In the group of those who have not experienced any disasters, those who have visited affected areas by the Great East Japan Earthquake understand more lessons learned than those who have not yet, and understanding the lessons learned is a significant predictor of disaster preparedness.</p>

  80. Statistical analysis of building damage from the 2013 super typhoon haiyan and its storm surge in The Philippines

    Tanaporn Chaivutitorn, Thawalrat Tanasakcharoen, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Carl Vincent C. Caro, Alfredo Mahar Francisco A. Lagmay, Anawat Suppasri, Jeremy D. Bricker, Volker Roeber, Carine J. Yi, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 15 (7) 822-832 2020年


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0822  



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    In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) hit the Philippines. It caused heavy loss of lives and extensive damages to buildings and infrastructure. When collapsed buildings are focused on, it is inter-esting to find that these buildings did not collapse for the same reasons after the landfall of the typhoon and storm surge. The objective of this study is to develop a statistical model for building damage due to Super Typhoon Haiyan and its storm surge. The data were collected in collaboration with Tanauan Municipality, the Philippines. The data for the inundation map were ob-tained by field surveys conducted on-site to determine the cause of the damages inferred from satellite data. The maximum wind speed was derived from the Hol-land parametric hurricane model based on the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) typhoon track data and the inundation depth of storm surge was calculated using the MIKE model. Multinomial logistic regression was used to develop a model to identify the significant factors influencing the damage to buildings. The result of this work is expected to be used to prepare urban plans for preventing damage from future storms.



    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 76 (2) I_709-I_714 2020年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.76.2_i_709  



  82. Tsunami damage characteristics and cause-of-death tendency: A case study on the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami in Miyagi Prefecture’s municipalities

    Hirokazu KAMATA, Shuji SETO, Tomoki SERIKAWA, Anawat SUPPASRI, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 76 (2) I_379-I_384 2020年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.76.2_i_379  



  83. Survival-oriented personality factors are associated with various types of social support in an emergency disaster situation. 国際誌 査読有り

    Motoaki Sugiura, Rui Nouchi, Akio Honda, Shosuke Sato, Tsuneyuki Abe, Fumihiko Imamura

    PloS one 15 (2) e0228875 2020年


    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228875  


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    Mutual help is common in human society, particularly during a disaster. The psychological processes underlying such social support are of interest in social and evolutionary psychology, as well as in the promotion of community resilience. However, research in terms of personality factors or support types is sporadic and has yet to address actual emergency situations. In this study, we analyzed survey data from survivors of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. The data included five types of social support occurring during the evacuation from a potential tsunami area: providing and receiving actual help and oral encouragement, as well as perceived support. The personality factor items included the Big Five dimensions and eight "power to live" factors, which were identified as advantageous for survival during this disaster. While none of the Big Five dimensions were associated with social support, six of the power to live factors were. Altruism, problem solving, etiquette, and self-transcendence contributed to the provision of actual help. Leadership and active well-being contributed to oral encouragement with the latter contributing also to perceived support. The findings were largely consistent with the literature in a non-emergency context. The relevance of the majority of these pro-survival personality factors to social support appeared to support the view that the propensity to cooperate in service of human survival in a disaster situation is primarily a social, rather than an individual, phenomenon, and encourages research on the mechanisms underlying how personality factors provide a benefit to both the individual and their community.

  84. A Platform for Multidisciplinary Research in Disaster Science Through Experiences from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

    Fumihiko Imamura, Hiroki Takakura, Toru Matsuzawa, Kiyoshi Ito

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 14 (9) 1318-1322 2019年12月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p1318  



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    Recent natural disasters, including the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, have caused tremendous widespread damage and disruption around the world, and disaster risk reduction (DRR) has become a global priority. Tohoku University established a core research cluster, thus creating a new area of "disaster science" that consolidates four different science areas - practical, natural sciences, humanities, and social science - by adopting the disaster management cycle concept. It takes an inventory of research needs for science and technology applications in DRR and serves as a platform for discussions on strengthening multidisciplinary research on disaster science. This paper introduces the central idea driving the project and offers strategies to contribute to existing academic science and international society.

  85. The December 2018 Anak Krakatau Volcano Tsunami as Inferred from Post-Tsunami Field Surveys and Spectral Analysis

    Abdul Muhari, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Harjo Susmoro, Haris D. Nugroho, Estu Kriswati, Supartoyo, Antonius B. Wijanarto, Fumihiko Imamura, Taro Arikawa

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 176 (12) 5219-5233 2019年12月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-019-02358-2  



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    We present analysis of the December 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami in Sunda Strait, Indonesia, from a combination of post-tsunami field surveys, bathymetric changes and spectral analysis of the tsunami tide gauge records. Post-tsunami surveys revealed moderate tsunami height along the coast of Sumatra and Java with maximum surveyed runup of 13.5 m and maximum inundation distance of 330 m. At small islands located close to the volcano, extreme tsunami impacts were observed indicating not only a huge tsunami was generated by large amounts of collapse material which caused notable changes of seafloor bathymetry, but also indicates the role of those small islands in reducing tsunami height that propagated to the mainland of Indonesia. Our spectral analysis of tide gauge records showed that the tsunami's dominant period was 6.6-7.4 min, indicating the short-period nature of the 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami.

  86. Challenge to build the science of human survival from disaster starting from analysis for the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami 査読有り

    Shuji Seto, Fumihiko Imamura, Anawat Suppasri

    Journal of Disaster Research 14 (9) 1323-1328 2019年12月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p1323  



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    © 2019, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reserved. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami caused the loss of 20,000 lives in Japan. According to the National Police Agency (2012), 90% of deaths in the Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures were due to drowning. On the other hand, this report also showed that the remaining 10% died from circumstances other than drowning, as suggested by the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine (2012). A new solution is needed to propose practical measures against a tsunami. In this paper, the authors suggest the science of human survival from disaster as one of the solutions and illustrate the research design implemented to build it. Constructing the science of human survival shall be important to mitigate human damages in future tsunami disasters.

  87. Disaster Emergency Response Plan of the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo, Japan: A Review

    Patcharavadee Thamarux, Anawat Suppasri, Natt Leelawat, Masashi Matsuoka, Fumihiko Imamura

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 14 (7) 959-971 2019年10月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p0959  



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    Compared to other countries, Thailand has fewer seismic hazards. Hazardous experiences greatly influence the expertise and abilities of actors that implement and execute public disaster responses. In domestic disaster situations, there are protocols and resources that facilitate a national disaster response. However, in overseas responses, disaster response becomes more challenging as more responsibilities with limited authorities and resources are required. In this research, the public disaster response of the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo was explored and evaluated on the basis of several disaster scenarios. This research was developed to understand the state of disaster response, enhance the effectiveness of disaster response protocols, and reduce unnecessary resource consumption. This study intended to fulfill organizational needs and responsibilities. The study converts existing protocol that is written in document form into a time series disaster response plan for disaster drills based on a possible worst-case scenario, i.e., the Kumamoto Earthquake scenario in 2016 and the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011. The plan was used in a disaster drill to evaluate organizational responses. The results from drills and discussions and comments from participant information flow primarily manage communications, cooperation, and connections, which are dependent on experiences and expertise in disaster management. This further affects information flow management and assistance capabilities. The outputs and outcomes from this research can be used as a guideline for application to other embassies in Japan, the Royal Thai Embassy in other countries, and general overseas organizations. This work may apply to other public disaster responses aside from natural disasters.

  88. Estimating Tsunami Economic Losses of Okinawa Island with Multi-Regional-Input-Output Modeling 査読有り

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, Kazuyo Matsubae, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geosciences 9 (8) 349-349 2019年8月9日

    出版者・発行元:{MDPI} {AG}

    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences9080349  


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    Understanding the impacts of tsunamis, especially in terms of damage and losses, is important for disaster mitigation and management. The aim of this study is to present our estimations of the potential losses from tsunami damage on Okinawa Island. We combine the use of a tsunami hazard map and our proposed economic loss model to estimate the potential losses that would be sustained by Okinawa Island in the event of a tsunami. First, to produce the tsunami hazard map, we calculated tsunami flow characteristics using the mathematical model TUNAMI-N2 and incorporating 6 earthquake fault scenarios around the study area. The earthquake scenarios are based on historical records along the Ryukyu Trench and the Okinawa. The resulting inundation map is overlaid with economic land use type and topography maps to identify vulnerable regions, which are then employed to compute potential economic losses. Second, we used our proposed economic model for this study area to calculate the potential losses that would be sustained in these vulnerable regions. Our economic model extends the multi-regional-input-output (MRIO) model, where the economic values of industrial sectors are scaled to correlate with land use and topography types (coastal and inland areas) to calculate losses through the Chenery-Moses estimation method. Direct losses can be estimated from the total input of the MRIO table, while indirect losses are computed from the direct losses and interaction parameter of the MRIO table. The interaction parameter is formed by linear programming and calculated using the Leontief methodology. Our results show that the maximum total damaged area under the 6 earthquake scenarios is approximately 30 km(2). Inundation ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 m in depth covers the largest area of approximately 10 km(2) and is followed by areas with inundation depths of 1.0-2.0 m and >5.0 m. Our findings show that direct losses will occur, while indirect losses are only approximately 56% that of direct losses. This approach could be applied to other areas and tsunami scenarios, which will aid disaster management and adaptation policies.

  89. Simulation of the Submarine Landslide Tsunami on 28 September 2018 in Palu Bay, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, Using a Two-Layer Model

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Surrasri, Fumihiko Imamura, Cipta Athanasius, Amalfi Omang, Abdul Muhari

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 176 (8) 3323-3350 2019年8月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-019-02235-y  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The strike-slip earthquake on 28 September 2018 (Mw 7.5) along the Palu-Koro fault on Sulawesi Island has raised concerns about the potential impact of tsunamis generated by submarine landslides in Palu Bay, Indonesia. The horizontal displacement of the Palu-Koro fault generated landslide tsunamis that covered Palu Bay, creating wave-related hazards along the coastal area. Based on the unusual amount of information on this tsunami, this study investigated possible sources using the available preliminary data. The generation of comparatively small tsunamis by coseismic seafloor deformation is omitted, and only tsunamis generated by submarine/subaerial landslides are analyzed in this study. Two-layer modeling (soil and water) based on the shallow-water equation was used to simulate the tsunami propagation in the bay with severe, moderate, and minor impacts. The accuracy of the model was validated based on the waveform at the Pantoloan tidal gauge and trace data. The tsunami heights from a combination of small to large submarine landslides could reach up to 3.0-7.0 m along the Palu shores. This model focused on studying the effects of the tidal level on coastal inundation in Palu Bay, using the 2018 Palu tsunami event as a benchmark scenario, to demonstrate the capabilities of the model. One result shows that, regardless of the tidal level, the 2018 Palu tsunami, which occurred during high tide, will always result in flooding, with a maximum tsunami height of up to 7.0 m above mean sea level. The main results suggest two causes for this tsunami event: the tsunami source and the topography. First, the model requires one large source at the bay entrance to reproduce the arrival time (approximately 5 min) and the large wave observed at the Pantoloan gauge. To reproduce the later waves, small sources in the bay (S1-S6) and minor large sources (L2 and L3) are needed. Second, the datum correction for the terrain is changed to improve the accuracy of the water level. Additionally, the removal of buildings from the topography is important to achieve highly accurate flow depths and to obtain an inundation area close to the real situation. The impacts along the coastline of Palu Bay from peak waves can be used to identify tsunami hazards in the area in the future.

  90. Load-resistance analysis: An alternative approach to tsunami damage assessment applied to the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Ingrid Charvet, Constance Chua, Noriyuki Takahashi, Teraphan Ornthammarath, Panon Latcharote, Natt Leelawat, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (8) 1807-1822 2019年8月


    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-19-1807-2019  



  91. Psychological Processes and Personality Factors for an Appropriate Tsunami Evacuation 査読有り

    Motoaki Sugiura, Shosuke Sato, Rui Nouchi, Akio Honda, Ryo Ishibashi, Tsuneyuki Abe, Toshiaki Muramoto, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geosciences 9 (8) 326-326 2019年7月25日

    出版者・発行元:{MDPI} {AG}

    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences9080326  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Although various factors related to the environment (perception of earthquake and warning) and knowledge (oral history and scientific knowledge) affect individual differences in evacuation behavior before a tsunami, the roles of psychological processes and personality factors in such relationships are poorly understood. We addressed this research gap by applying hierarchical regression analyses to survey data from survivors of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster. Previously-known contributions of environmental and knowledge factors were mostly replaced by the perception of a tsunami risk and threat, and these background factors were shown to facilitate these psychological processes. Several personality factors directly contributed to voluntary evacuation, particularly leadership and active well-being in the Power to Live scale, and extraversion in the Big Five scale. Overall, these results seem to indicate the need for formulating two independent targets when developing measures to enhance appropriate tsunami evacuation. Facilitation of the perception of a tsunami risk and threat may basically be pursued by developing existing approaches. Addressing the relevant personality factors may be done in a broader context of disaster or general education and sociocultural activities.

  92. Archiving Disaster Remains: The Case of "sasanao Factory" in Yuriage Village, Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture

    S. Sato, A. Suppasri, S. P. Boret, M. Nakagawa, F. Imamura

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 273 (1) 2019年7月16日

    DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/273/1/012044  



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    In the areas affected by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami, some damaged buildings were proposed to be preserved as "Disaster Remain" to share this experience and educating future generations. However, many these potential buildings were eventually demolished. This study aims to provide an alternative and eventually a consensus among communities that faced conflicts over the preservation or destruction of such disaster buildings. The methodology consists of 3D building modelling, tsunami numerical simulation and recording tsunami evacuation behaviour with interview survey. In sum, this practical study of "Sasanao Factory" demonstrates that the archiving of disaster remain can offer a compromise between those who wish to preserve disaster ruins, here the owner of the building, and those who want or need their destruction, here local government.

  93. An effect of tsunami to hotel occupancy: A case of Phuket, Thailand

    J. Tang, N. Leelawat, A. Suppasri, F. Imamura

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 273 (1) 2019年7月16日

    DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/273/1/012033  



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    As a popular city for global tourists, more than one third of the Phuket GPP depends on the hotel and restaurant sector. The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami caused a serious physical damage to hotels and a high cancellation of bookings in the post disaster period, which, in turn, led to most THB 3 billion drop of the hotel and restaurant sector income in 2005 in Phuket. In addition, many tourism facilities in Phuket suffered bankruptcy or a slump, because they started their business again immediately after the reconstruction phase, while tourists did not really come back. This paper is an initiative study of our research project to evaluate the effects of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on Hotel Occupancy, with a focus on the speed for the physical reconstruction and tourism market recovery. We collected the physical reconstruction period and the hotel occupancy recovery data of six hotels that located in the Patong Beach of Phuket from 2003 to 2017. Through calculation, the average of damage rate (i.e., unavailability of the rooms in this study) is 55.89%, with an average speed for the physical reconstruction to rebuild the rooms about 6.07% of the overall rooms per month. The quotient of these two values indicates that the reconstruction period is around 9.2 months. However, the average period for reconstruction and tourism recovery is about 20 months. There is an about 11 months' delay between that hotel and resorts have finished the reconstruction and the tourists start to visit Phuket as usual. Therefore, the local government, local tourist authority, and hotel entrepreneurs can consider these findings in order to prepare the recovery plan for tourism industry in the future tsunami.

  94. Modeling boulder transport by coastal waves on cliff topography: Case study at Hachijo Island, Japan 査読有り

    Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (15) 2939-2956 2019年6月


    DOI: 10.1002/esp.4684  




    Yusuke OISHI, Takashi FURUMURA, Fumihiko IMAMURA, Yoshiteru MIHARA, Fumiyasu MAKINOSHIMA, Kei YAMASHITA, Takao HIGASHIYAMA, Tomonori GOTO, Makoto OHMURA, Mitsuyuki NAGAYAMA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 75 (2) I_1381-I_1386 2019年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.75.i_1381  



  96. 震災体験の「語り」が生理・心理・記憶に及ぼす影響:語り部本人・弟子・映像・音声・テキストの違いに着目した実験的研究 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 邑本俊亮, 新国佳祐, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 35 115-124 2019年

  97. 東日本大震災での想定浸水域外におけるハザードマップおよびリスク認知と避難実態 査読有り

    芹川 智紀, Anawat SUPPASRI, 門廻 充侍, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 75 (2) I_1363-I_1368 2019年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.75.I_1363  


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    <p> 今後の巨大津波災害において人的被害を軽減するためには,過去の巨大津波災害におけるハザードマップの活用評価が不可欠である.特に,想定を上回る災害に対する有効性と限界性の検討が必要である.本研究では,東日本大震災時の宮城県のハザードマップの整備および利用状況を整理し,想定浸水域外におけるハザードマップの認知と避難行動を検討した.津波への時間的意識変化を用いて避難状況を整理した結果,ハザードマップの認知は避難行動と有意な関連はなく,津波リスク認知と関連することが定量的に示された.また,気仙沼では「災害イメージの固定化」が発生し,石巻では津波への意識と避難行動が結びつかないという課題が明らかになった.本分析より,外力条件の不確かさを考慮したマルチシナリオ型ハザードマップが有効であると考えられた.</p>

  98. Special Issue on the First World Bosai Forum

    Fumihiko Imamura, Yuichi Ono, Daisuke Sasaki

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 13 (7) 1233-1233 2018年12月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p1233  



  99. Analysis of Complexities in Natech Disaster Risk Reduction and Management: A Case Study of Cilegon, Indonesia

    Fatma Lestari, Dicky Pelupessy, Yasuhito Jibiki, Fiori Amelia Putri, Ahmad Yurianto, Gama Widyaputra, Sony Maulana, Cynthia Febrina Maharani, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 13 (7) 1298-1308 2018年12月1日

    出版者・発行元:Fuji Technology Press Ltd.

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p1298  



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    Complex disasters may occur as a result of a natural disaster combined with an industrial or a technological disaster. These are also called “natural-hazard triggered technological (natech) disasters.” Currently, there is increasing awareness of the hazards of these natech disasters. Natural disasters could trigger a technological disaster including oil spills and the release of hazardous and flammable materials and toxic chemicals, causing cascading events. The impact of the damage on public health and safety could be catastrophic, as it may result in massive loss of life, environmental destruction, and asset and property loss. Moreover, it could cause business disruptions and affect a country’s reputation. This paper describes a case study on the application of disaster risk reduction and management for natech disasters in Cilegon, Indonesia. We introduce the analysis of risk assessment conducted in Cilegon, the preparedness of the Cilegon City government, a contingency plan that has been developed, and the state of disaster preparedness in industrial zones. Natural and technological disaster risks as well as several emergency preparedness efforts are discussed and multiple stakeholders are identified. The paper serves as a foundation for future research to address natech disasters.

  100. Overview of the world bosai forum public cultural event: “Pre-wbf festival – learning from the disaster, bridging to the future: Held in partnership with the science agora”

    Natsuko Chubachi, Yuichi Ono, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 13 (7) 1234-1246 2018年12月

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p1234  



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    © 2018, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reserved. This study overviews “the Pre-WBF Festival – Learning from the disaster, bridging to the future: held in partnership with the Science Agora” (the Pre-WBF Festival), and recounts its achievements. This was a cultural, admission-free public event, held as the opening event of the first “World Bosai Forum/International Disaster Risk Conference in Sendai” (WBF). The Pre-WBF Festival was planned primarily by academics with a view towards “pass-ing on experiences of the Great East Japan Earth-quake,” “bridging the divide between academia and society,” “success of the WBF,” and so on. Parties in-volved in media provided advice on onstage presen-tations and public relations activity. The event, which had 662 participants from inside and outside of Japan, was a success. An analysis of the results of a question-naire demonstrates that the participants understood the intentions of the event and reacted very favor-ably. Although participation of younger generations remains an issue, the Pre-WBF Festival is thought to be an effective method to connect academia and citi-zens. In addition, if such an event is held regularly, it can successfully pass on disaster experience in the future.

  101. Global Tsunami Risk Assessment: Collaboration Between Industry and Academia in the Willis Research Network (WRN)

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, Panon Latcharote, Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 13 (7) 1272-1287 2018年12月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p1272  



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    We present outcomes of our collaborative research between tsunami engineering laboratory, Tohoku University and the Willis Research Network (WRN) on global tsunami risk assessment since 2010. First we assessed tsunami hazards in Indian Ocean and west Pacific from major earthquakes based on historical records. After the 2011 Japan tsunami, various kind of fragility functions were developed for human casualty, buildings, marine vessels, etc based on the actual data. Especially, detailed tsunami hazard assessments were performed in many areas using fine bathymetry and topography data all over Japan including hazards from the worst case tsunamigenic earthquakes provided by central government and local governments in Hokkaido, Japan Sea and Nankai Trough. These results from the detailed hazard and vulnerability assessment were used for detailed tsunami risk in Japan. The Willis's Japan tsunami model was then first released in December 2014. The model have been updating based on the updated or revised tsunami sources model and fragility functions. Detailed tsunami hazards from potential tsunami events in the Bay of Bengal, South China Sea and some parts of Indonesia were also performed in 2014. In October 2016, our contribution on the historical and future tsunami hazard assessment in global scale based on historical records over the last 400 years was conducted as an activity to increase tsunami awareness as part of World Tsunami Awareness Day. The current activities are to extend the target areas in Japan to Okinawa and assessing disaster risk reduction based on the present and planned tsunami countermeasures. We present the outcomes of the collaborative research done since 2010 by the Tsunami Engineering Laboratory of Tohoku University and the Willis Research Network (WRN) on global tsunami risk assessment. First, we assessed, based on historical records, the tsunami hazards in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific from major earthquakes. Since the 2011 Japan tsunami, various kinds of fragility functions have been developed for human casualties, buildings, marine vessels, etc., based on the actual data. Detailed tsunami hazard assessments have been performed in many areas of Japan using fine bathymetry and topography data from all over Japan, including data on hazards from the worst-case tsunamigenic earthquakes. These data have been provided by the Cabinet Office, Japan. The results from the detailed hazard and vulnerability assessments were used for detailed tsunami risk assessments in Japan. The Willis Japan tsunami model was then released in December 2014. The model has been updated based on the updated or revised tsunami source model and fragility functions. Detailed tsunami hazards from potential tsunami events in the Bay of Bengal, South China Sea, and some parts of Indonesia were also performed in 2014. In October 2016, our contribution to the historical and future tsunami hazard assessment on a global scale based on historical records over the last 400 years was conducted as an activity to increase tsunami awareness as part of World Tsunami Awareness Day. The current activities are to extend the target areas in Japan to Okinawa and to assess the disaster risk reduction based on the present and planned tsunami countermeasures.

  102. Vulnerability Characteristics of Tsunamis in Indonesia: Analysis of the Global Centre for Disaster Statistics Database

    Anawat Suppasri, Abdul Muhari, Syamsidik, Ridwan Yunus, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura, Ryan Paulik

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 13 (6) 1039-1048 2018年11月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p1039  



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    Regional disaster data are important for understanding the characteristics of disasters and for identifying potential mitigation measures. However, many countries have no official disaster database that includes information such as numbers of deaths or damaged buildings for each disaster event. The Global Centre for Disaster Statistics (GCDS) was established to assist countries and organizations in the collection of disaster data. At present, a significant amount of tsunami disaster data are available from Indonesia, which will be used to demonstrate its application for analyzing vulnerability characteristics of historical tsunamis. There are 53 data points covering 13 tsunami events between the year 1861 and 2014. Based on data availability, five tsunami events, namely the 1977 Sumba, the 2004 Indian Ocean, the 2006 Java, the 2010 Mentawai, and the 2011 Great East Japan, were selected. Numbers of deaths and damaged buildings were used in combination with hazard data to estimate vulnerability, defined as the ratio between maximum flow depth against death and building damage ratios. Numbers of evacuees were initially used to estimate actual numbers of exposed population but it was later discovered that this parameter overestimated the exposed population in certain cases. As a result, this study presents the vulnerability characteristics of people and buildings in Indonesia, exposed to unusual or extreme tsunamis, mostly in a condition without or with limited access to official warnings. In brief, a maximum flow depth of 5 m caused an approximate 100% death ratio in the majority of Indonesian tsunamis in this study. On the other hand, death ratio in the 2011 Japan tsunami was limited to 10% because of the early warning and high disaster awareness. Effective disaster risk reduction activities such as official warnings, evacuations, and tsunami education were observed for certain locations. Lastly, adding hazard and population data at the village level is recommended for improving the collection of future tsunami disaster data for the GCDS database.

  103. New Building Damage Assessment Method based on Numerical Tsunami Simulation and Analytical Force Estimation: Case Study of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami 査読有り


    Journal of JSCE B2(Coastal Eng.) 74 (2) I_451-I_456 2018年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.74.I_451  

  104. 1局の海洋レーダを用いた津波波峰推定法の検討とその適用例 査読有り

    門廻充侍, 高橋智幸, 日向博文, 藤良太郎, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 74 2018年11月

  105. A Prototype Seismic Loss Assessment Tool Using Integrated Earthquake Simulation

    Panon Latcharote, Kenjiro Terada, Muneo Hori, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 1354-1365 2018年10月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.03.026  


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    This study develops a seismic loss assessment (SLA) tool incorporated with the Integrated Earthquake Simulation (IES) program for urban risk evaluation due to a scenario earthquake. This proposed SLA-IES tool uses a cost-effectiveness performance of physics-based models in IES, such as site amplification analysis and nonlinear structural response analysis, with soil boring and GIS data. In this study, Sendai City was selected as a case study for a prototype of the SLA-IES tool. For pre-processing, the tool was used to couple available raw data, such as building shape, building attribute, and soil boring data, and then generate input data for IES. For post-processing, this tool was used to translate output data from IES in order to obtain inter-story drift of each floor of each building. From inter-story drift, the SLA-IES tool evaluates damage state of a building, such as level I (none), level II (slight), level III (moderate), level IV (extensive), and level V (complete), for a scenario earthquake. Then, direct economic loss, such as repair cost, was estimated based on damage state and construction cost. The results of the SLA-IES tool were stored as a database of all individual buildings including damage level, repair cost, structural type (wooden, steel, reinforced concrete, and steel frame and reinforced concrete structures), and building occupancy (private, ordinary, office, and landmark buildings).

  106. New research project on the fatality process in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake for survival study from tsunami disaster


    Global Conference on the International Network of Disaster Studies in Iwate 2018年7月

  107. Exploring Community Preparedness for Complex Disaster: A Case Study in Cilegon (Banten Province in Indonesia) 査読有り

    Y Jibiki, D Pelupessy, I H Susilowati, F A Putri, F Lestari, F Imamura

    KnE Life Sciences 4 (5) 237-237 2018年6月19日

    出版者・発行元:Knowledge E

    DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i5.2556  


  108. Effect of tsunami drill experience on evacuation behavior after the onset of the Great East Japan Earthquake 査読有り

    Nakaya Naoki, Nemoto Harumi, Yi Carine, Sato Ayako, Shingu Kotomi, Shoji Tomoka, Sato Shosuke, Tsuchiya Naho, Nakamura Tomohiro, Narita Akira, Kogure Mana, Sugawara Yumi, Yu Zhiqian, Gunawansa Nicole, Kuriyama Shinichi, Murao Osamu, Sato Takeshi, Imamura Fumihiko, Tsuji Ichiro, Hozawa Atsushi, Tomita Hiroaki



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.02.037  


  109. Barriers towards hotel disaster preparedness: Case studies of post 2011 Tsunami, Japan 査読有り

    Nguyen, David, Imamura, Fumihiko, Iuchi, Kanako

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 585-594 2018年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.01.008  


  110. Systematic evaluation of different infrastructure systems for tsunami defense in sendai city 査読有り

    Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geosciences (Switzerland) 8 (5) 2018年5月1日

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences8050173  



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    The aim of this study is to assess the performances of different infrastructures as structural tsunami countermeasures in Sendai City, based on the lessons from the 11 March 2011, Great East Japan Tsunami, which is an example of a worst-case scenario. The tsunami source model Ver. 1.2 proposed by Tohoku University uses 10 subfaults, determined based on the tsunami height and the run-up heights measured for all tsunami affected areas. The TUNAMI-N2 model is used to simulate 24 cases of tsunami defense in Sendai City based on a combination of 5 scenarios of structural measures, namely, a seawall (existing and new seawall), a greenbelt, an elevated road and a highway. The results of a 2D tsunami numerical analysis show a significant difference in the tsunami inundations in the areas protected by several combinations of structures. The elevated road provides the highest performance of the single schemes, whereas the highest performance of the 2-layer schemes is the combination of an existing seawall and an elevated road. For the 3-layer scenarios, the highest performance is achieved by the grouping of an existing seawall, a new seawall, and an elevated road. The combination of an existing seawall, a new seawall, a greenbelt and an elevated road is the highest performing 4-layer scenario. The Sendai City plan, with a 5-layer scenario, reduces the tsunami inundation area by 20 sq. km with existing structural conditions. We found that the combination of an existing seawall, a greenbelt, an elevated road and a highway (a 4-layer scheme) is the optimum case to protect the city against a tsunami similar to the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami. The proposed approach can be a guideline for future tsunami protection and the evaluation of countermeasure schemes.

  111. Enhancing a tsunami evacuation simulation for a multi-scenario analysis using parallel computing

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Fumihiko Imamura, Yoshi Abe



    DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2017.12.016  



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    The numerical investigation of tsunami evacuation is becoming a major way to assess the potential evacuation risks and consider countermeasures, but it has been mostly limited to GIS-based static analysis or macroscopic agent-based modelling due to the costs of large-scale simulations. In this paper, we propose a simplified force-based evacuation simulation model and an easy-to-implement parallelization strategy for a large-scale microscopic tsunami evacuation simulation and demonstrate its applications in an actual urban environment. First, the simulation performance was verified and validated against experimental and observational results regarding basic pedestrian movement. The test results qualitatively and quantitatively showed good agreement with real pedestrian movements. The model was then applied to a case of tsunami evacuations in Kesennuma City, where the 2011 Tohoku tsunami caused devastating damage. The model was successfully scaled up to provide urban-scale characterization. In this application, the developed simulator was implemented by a hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelized computing technique. By utilizing the proposed model with parallel computing, we achieved an urban-scale microscopic evacuation simulation five times faster than real-time and a stochastic simulation to evaluate the uncertainty in the evacuation simulation. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  112. Development and Evaluation of a Search Support Portal for Public Videos Related to the Great East Japan Earthquake: "3.11 Video Portal - Great East Japan Earthquake Public Footage Finder"

    Shosuke Sato, Toru Okamoto, Fumihiko Imamura

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 13 (2) 313-320 2018年3月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p0313  



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    Copious footage of the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) was obtained during the disaster, and much of it is still available for viewing on the Internet. This makes up part of the big data that is important for grasping the reality of the GEJE. We aimed to help mainstream users reflect on what happened during the GEJE through video data that would help them visualize the situations, types, timing, and locations of associated damage to obtain correct knowledge and awareness about tsunamis and their associated damage, and to investigate evacuation actions. To this end, we developed a portal system called "3.11 Video Portal - Great East Japan Earthquake Public Footage Finder," which can be used to search publicly available online videos of the GEJE and the consequent damage. This article reports the results of an access analysis following the launch of this system and an analysis of user surveys. Much of the footage is not linked to metadata on location, so this was added manually. We have seen a lot of access since launch, and have achieved a certain evaluation of the meaning or operability of this system. Furthermore, users commented about incorrect locational information, and tagging was accomplished through a collaborative effort. Based on the respondents' feedback, we made a lot of technical revisions and confirmed the necessity of further refinement.

  113. Comparative Analysis of Mobile Space Statistics Data and Questionnaire Survey Data to Detect Tsunami Evacuation Behavior: Case of Fukushima Earthquake Tsunami in Ishinomaki City and Watari Town, Miyagi Prefecture

    Naoki Togawa, Shosuke Sato, Fumihiko Imamura

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 13 (2) 358-366 2018年3月


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p0358  



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    This paper investigates whether it is possible to determine shelter locations and congestion spots at the time of an event, by resorting to the recently anticipated use of mobile space data at the time of a disaster. This study focused on the earthquake and the resulting tsunami that occurred off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture on November 22(nd), 2016. We verified whether it is possible to identify congestion spots and shelter locations by comparing with the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in a previous study on evacuation behavior at the time of the occurrence of earthquakes and tsunamis. As a result, we found that it is difficult to determine evacuation behaviors from the data, as raw mobile space data extracted several hours after the tsunami event only gave information on where spots' populations ordinarily converge to. We were able to determine the locations where populations gather by taking into consideration time-based differences between the raw data obtained. It, however, proved difficult to obtain a good determination of congestion spots.

  114. 気仙沼市における過去の震災伝承の実態把握-津波による人的被害軽減に向けて-

    新家杏奈, 佐藤翔輔, 川島秀一, 今村文彦

    平成29年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2018年3月

  115. 津波避難における水平移動と避難誘導サインの視認性に関する検討 -宮城県名取市閖上地区の事例-

    馬場亮太, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成29年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2018年3月

  116. 住民による総合防災訓練の経験と実災害における対応-宮城県亘理町における事例-

    戸川直希, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 遠藤匡範

    平成29年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2018年3月

  117. Quantitative assessment of epistemic uncertainties in tsunami hazard effects on building risk assessments 査読有り

    Yo Fukutani, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geosciences (Switzerland) 8 (1) 2018年1月10日

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences8010017  



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    Based on the definition of tsunami risk, we quantitatively evaluated the annual expected tsunami loss ratio (Tsunami Risk Indeand clarified the quantitative effects of epistemic uncertainties in tsunami hazard assessments on the tsunami risk of buildings by combining probabilistic information regarding tsunami inundation depths at target points and tsunami fragility assessments of buildings. For the risk assessment, we targeted buildings with four different structures (reinforced concrete, steel, brick, woolocated in three different areas (Soma, Sendai, Kesennuma). In conclusion, we demonstrated that the expected tsunami risk could vary by approximately two orders of magnitude when considering tsunami hazard uncertainties between the 95th percentile and the 5th percentile. In addition, we quantitatively clarified the fact that we cannot properly understand the tsunami risk by evaluating the tsunami fragility alone. For example, the analysis results indicate that the tsunami risk of a wood building located in Kesennuma is lower than that of a reinforced concrete building located in either Soma or Sendai.

  118. Coastal Subsidence Induced Several Tsunamis During the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake 査読有り

    J. Disaster Res. 13 (Sci. Comm.) sc20181204 2018年

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.sc20181204  

  119. The role of tsunami engineering in building resilient communities and issues to be improved after the GEJE

    Fumihiko Imamura, Anawat Suppasri, Shosuke Sato, Kei Yamashita

    Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 47 435-448 2018年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58691-5_25  



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    Twenty five years have passed since the Tsunami Engineering Laboratory (TEL) was founded in 1991 after the re-establishment of the Disaster Research Group at Tohoku University, Japan. The TEL contributes to the safety of society and coastal communities by improving tsunami knowledge and technology and reducing damage, particularly in tsunami-prone regions. In 2010, the Japanese government reported an earthquake and tsunami probability of 99 % within 30 years at Miyagi in the Tohoku region. The TEL initiated a collaboration between residents, the local government and experts regarding tsunami engineering, forming the group who established countermeasures such as evacuation drills based on hazard maps, disaster planning, structural construction countermeasures and offshore tsunami observations using GPS sensors for the targeting earthquake and tsunami. Nevertheless, eastern Japan, particularly the Tohoku region, was hit by a massive M = 9.0 earthquake in 2011. The earthquake named the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) generate a huge tsunami that caused large-scale damage to the eastern coast of Japan and resulted in an inundation area of more than 500 km due to destructive wave forces. The Sanriku area was considered to be well prepared for tsunami disasters based on past damage experiences. However, following the 2011 tsunami, several issues need to be addressed. Researchers must determine why the large destruction occurred, what unrecognized factors contributed to the high vulnerability of the exposed area that must be reconstructed, and how the tsunami risk can be reduced in each region in the future. Reconstruction safety levels 1 and 2, which include comprehensive countermeasures related to creating tsunami-resilient communities, are just one example discussed in this study. The findings and issues also noted in this study will be valuable in improving future damage assessments in other high-risk areas throughout Japan such as the Nankai trough, and other tsunami-exposed coastal areas in the world. 2

  120. 東日本大震災の事例から見えてくる震災アーカイブの現状と課題

    柴山 明寛, 北村 美和子, ボレー セバスチャン, 今村 文彦

    デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 2 (3) 282-286 2018年


    DOI: 10.24506/jsda.2.3_282  


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  121. 大規模避難シミュレーションによる臨海都市部の津波避難リスク分析と低減方策の検討

    牧野嶋 文泰, 大石 裕介, 今村 文彦, 古村 孝志

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 74 (2) I_409-I_414 2018年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.74.I_409  


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  122. Evaluation of the ability of lines of trees to trap tsunami flotsam

    Kentaro Imai, Akihiro Hayashi, Fumihiko Imamura

    COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 60 (3) 308-317 2018年


    DOI: 10.1080/21664250.2018.1520795  



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    Following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, coastal forests dissipated the energy of the tsunami and trapped flotsam. Although studies have shown how trees dissipate flow energy and are damaged in the process, the factors determining the trapping of flotsam by lines of trees or their capacity to do so have not been quantitatively examined. Quantitative evaluation of these factors may lead to tree-based strategies for suppressing the secondary damage caused by tsunami flotsam. To increase the ability of trees to mitigate damage, their physical limitations need to be identified. Field surveys revealed that integrated clusters of flotsam were caught by trees even if individual floating objects were smaller than the distance between the trees. Hydraulic experiments revealed relations between physical factors and the capture of flotsam. From these relations, we derived a simple formula for evaluating the trapping capacity of lines of trees. The estimates from our model were consistent with the actual results of the 2011 tsunami in Tagajo city, Miyagi prefecture, where trees did not topple under the forces applied by trapped flotsam.

  123. Solving the Puzzle of the September 2018 Palu, Indonesia, Tsunami Mystery: Clues from the Tsunami Waveform and the Initial Field Survey Data

    Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura, Taro Arikawa, Aradea R. Hakim, Bagus Afriyanto



    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2018.sc20181108  



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    On September 28, 2018, following a magnitude 7.5 strike-slip fault earthquake, an unexpected tsunami inundated the coast of Palu bay, Sulawesi, Indonesia, causing many casualties and extensive property damage. However, the earthquake's mechanism rarely generates a destructive tsunami. The tidal record at Pantoloan, located along the coast of Palu bay, indicates that the tsunami arrived 6 min after the earthquake and generated 2 m of receding water. It had a maximum wave height of 2 m and arrived approximately 2 min later. The tsunami had a relatively short period and caused devastation as far inland as 300 m. Additionally, 8 m high watermarks were observed near the coast; the flow depth decreased to 3.5 m inland (Fig. 1). Amateur videos and eyewitness accounts indicate that the tsunami did not enter the bay through its mouth but obliquely from an area inside the bay. Our hypothesis, therefore, is that the killer tsunami was most likely generated by an underwater landslide occurring inside Palu bay. While detailed bathymetric data are still needed to confirm this hypothesis, in this article we provide a preliminary analysis of the available data, supported by the results of a field survey, to strengthen this hypothesis and provide direction for further post-tsunami surveys and analysis.

  124. 津波で被災した現地再建者の地震・津波に対するリスク認知・防災リテラシー・備えの実態 -東日本大震災で被災した名取市の事例- 査読有り

    馬場 亮太, 佐藤 翔輔, 今村 文彦, 立木 茂雄

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 74 (2) I_487-I_492 2018年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.74.I_487  


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  125. 海岸林の分布・地形条件を考慮した家屋の津波被害に関する定量評価手法の提案 査読有り

    林 晃大, 山下 啓, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 74 (2) I_235-I_240 2018年

  126. 南海トラフ巨大地震による津波の東京湾周辺での振動特性 査読有り

    大石裕介, 古村孝志, 今村文彦, 山下 啓, 菅原大助

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) 74 (2) I_205-I_210 2018年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.74.I_205  


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  127. Systematic evaluation of multilayered infrastructure systems for tsunami disaster mitigation in Sendai City 査読有り

    Pakoksung, K, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    Geosciences 8 (5) 173 2018年

  128. Global tsunami risk assessment: Industry-academic collaboration under Willis Research Network (WRN) 査読有り

    Pakoksung, K, Suppasri, A, Panon Latcharote, Abdul Muhari, Imamura, F

    Journal of Disaster Research 2018年

  129. Tsunami evacuation experiment using a mobile application: A design science approach 招待有り 査読有り

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Latcharote, P, Abe, Y, Sugiyasu, K, Imamura, F

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 29 63-72 2018年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.06.014  


  130. Estimation of Fatality Ratios and Investigation of Influential Factors in the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami 招待有り 査読有り

    Latcharote, P, Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Thamarux, P, Imamura, F

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 29 37-54 2018年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.06.024  


  131. Tsunami hazard evaluation for Kuwait and Arabian Gulf due to Makran Subduction Zone and Subaerial landslides 査読有り

    Latcharote, P, Al-Salem, K, Suppasri, A, Pokavanich, T, Toda, S, Jayaramu, Y, Al-Enezi, A, Al-Ragumand, A, Imamura, F

    Natural Hazards 93 127-152 2018年


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-017-3097-7  



  132. Developing fragility functions for aquaculture rafts and eelgrass in the case of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Fukui, K, Yamashita, K, Leelawat, N, Hiroyuki, O, Imamura, F

    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (1) 145-155 2018年


    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-18-145-2018  


  133. Development of a Tsunami Inundation Analysis Model for Urban Areas Using a Porous Body Model 査読有り

    Kei Yamashita, Anawat Suppasri, Yusuke Oishi, Fumihiko Imamura

    GEOSCIENCES 8 (1) 12 2018年1月


    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences8010012  


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    To evaluate tsunami hazards with strong locality in urban areas, this study developed a novel tsunami inundation model based on nonlinear shallow water wave equations and a porous body model (PBM). By applying a kinematic boundary condition that includes both porosity and surface permeability of the porous medium, the proposed model could accurately incorporate geometric effects such as the flow anisotropy caused by the distributions of buildings. The proposed PBM demonstrated as good accuracy for the inundation heights around buildings near the coastline as with a conventional three-dimensional simulation with high resolution. In addition, the model showed its capability to reproduce a tsunami's essential behaviors in urban areas. In particular, the amplification effect of flow velocity along straight roads surrounded by buildings was reasonably reproduced. It can be expected that the present model can become a useful tool to accurately evaluate the tsunami risks in urban areas.

  134. Quantitative assessment of epistemic uncertainty in tsunami hazard effecting on building risk assessment 査読有り

    Yo Fukutani, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geosciences 8 (1) 17 2018年

  135. 事前の備え・リスク認識・災害伝承と津波避難行動の関係-陸前高田市における事例調査-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成29年度東北地区災害科学研究集会講演予稿集 2018年1月

  136. Are inundation limit and maximum extent of sand useful for differentiating tsunamis and storms? An example from sediment transport simulations on the Sendai Plain, Japan 査読有り

    Masashi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Goto, Jeremy D. Bricker, Fumihiko Imamura

    Sedimentary Geology 364 204-216 2018年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.12.026  



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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. We examined the quantitative difference in the distribution of tsunami and storm deposits based on numerical simulations of inundation and sediment transport due to tsunami and storm events on the Sendai Plain, Japan. The calculated distance from the shoreline inundated by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami was smaller than that inundated by storm surges from hypothetical typhoon events. Previous studies have assumed that deposits observed farther inland than the possible inundation limit of storm waves and storm surge were tsunami deposits. However, confirming only the extent of inundation is insufficient to distinguish tsunami and storm deposits, because the inundation limit of storm surges may be farther inland than that of tsunamis in the case of gently sloping coastal topography such as on the Sendai Plain. In other locations, where coastal topography is steep, the maximum inland inundation extent of storm surges may be only several hundred meters, so marine-sourced deposits that are distributed several km inland can be identified as tsunami deposits by default. Over both gentle and steep slopes, another difference between tsunami and storm deposits is the total volume deposited, as flow speed over land during a tsunami is faster than during a storm surge. Therefore, the total deposit volume could also be a useful proxy to differentiate tsunami and storm deposits.

  137. Possible Factors Promoting Car Evacuation in the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Revealed by Analysing a Large-Scale Questionnaire Survey in Kesennuma City

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Yoshi Abe, Fumihiko Imamura, Gaku Machida, Yukimi Takeshita

    GEOSCIENCES 7 (4) 2017年12月


    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences7040112  


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    Excessive car evacuation can cause severe traffic jams that can lead to large numbers of casualties during tsunami disasters. Investigating the possible factors that lead to unnecessary car evacuation can ensure smoother tsunami evacuations and mitigate casualty damages in future tsunami events. In this study, we quantitatively investigated the possible factors that promote car evacuation, including both necessary and unnecessary usages, by statistically analysing a large amount of data on actual tsunami evacuation behaviours surveyed in Kesennuma, where devastating damage occurred during the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami. A straightforward statistical analysis revealed a high percentage of car evacuations (approx. 50%); however, this fraction includes a high number of unnecessary usage events that were distinguished based on mode choice reasons. In addition, a binary logistic regression was conducted to quantitatively evaluate the effects of several factors and to identify the dominant factor that affected evacuation mode choice. The regression results suggested that the evacuation distance was the dominant factor for choosing car evacuation relative to other factors, such as age and sex. The cross-validation test of the regression model demonstrated that the considered factors were useful for decision making and the prediction of evacuation mode choice in the target area.

  138. 2016年11月22日福島県沖地震津波発生時の宮城県亘理町における避難行動の実態-東日本大震災の経験や津波避難訓練との関係-

    戸川直希, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 遠藤匡範, 岩崎雅宏, 皆川満洋

    地域安全学会梗概集 41 177-180 2017年11月

  139. 地区津波避難計画の作成手法と特徴に関する調査・分析

    馬場亮太, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 41 181-184 2017年11月

  140. 災害伝承は津波避難行動を誘引したのか-陸前高田市における質問紙調査を用いた事例分析- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 平川雄太, 新家杏奈, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 31 69-76 2017年11月

  141. Developing fragility functions based on aquaculture raft and eelgrass due to tsunami damage: A case study of Mangokuura Lake 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Kentaro Fukui, Kei Yamashita, Hiroyuki Ohira, Natt Leelawat, Fumihiko Imamura

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_409-I_414 2017年10月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_409  

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    The 2011 Great East Japan tsunami caused large scale devastated damage in both offshore and inland areas. There are many previous researches that were focusing on the relationship between tsunami characteristics and damage or loss such as human loss, building damage and fishing boat damage. Similarly, great damage and loss of aquaculture and marine ecosystem was also caused by the 2011 tsunami. However, relationship between the tsunami and their damage has not been studied. To understand such relationship, this study has mainly three components namely 1) Reproduction of the 2011 tsunami, 2) Damage investigation and 3) Developing fragility functions. The source models of the 2011 tsunami were verified and adjusted so that the tsunami characteristics were able to accurately reproduce in the target area. Damage ratios of the aquaculture raft and eelgrass were investigated using satellite images taken before and after the 2011 tsunami through visual inspection and binarization. The tsunami fragility functions were then developed based on the relationship between the simulated maximum flow velocity and the calculated damage ratio. It was found that the damage ratio of higher than 0.5 is equal to the maximum flow velocity of 0.8 m/s (aquaculture raft) and 1.0 m/s (eelgrass). Whereas, the damage ratio of higher than 0.9 is equal to the maximum flow velocity of 1.3 m/s (aquaculture raft) and 3.0 m/s (eelgrass). It was found in this study that the tsunami amplitude had no relationship with the damage ratio. In addition, the proposed fragility functions for the aquaculture raft are getting along well with the previously proposed damage criteria. The proposed fragility curves will be useful for marine product and environmental damage assessment but also suggestion for the zoning of aquaculture raft to mitigate impact from tsunamis in the future.

  142. 宮城県・東日本大震災復興検証に向けた事前調査

    佐藤翔輔, 井内加奈子, 松本行真, 今村文彦

    日本災害復興学会2017年度神戸大会予稿集 55-56 2017年10月

  143. 東日本大震災に関する公開動画検索システムの構築: 「動画でふりかえる3.11-東日本大震災公開動画ファインダー-」

    佐藤翔輔, 岡元徹, 今村文彦

    日本災害情報学会 第19回研究発表大会予稿集 204-205 2017年10月

  144. 2016年熊本地震災害におけるウェブ報道の量的傾向:それ以前の地震災害報道と比較して

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    日本災害情報学会 第19回研究発表大会予稿集 48-49 2017年10月

  145. 津波避難訓練が実際の津波避難行動に及ぼす効果ー宮城県石巻市2016年11月22日福島県沖地震津波時の事例ー 査読有り

    戸川直希, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 岩崎雅宏, 皆川満洋, 佐藤勝治, 相澤和宏, 横山健太

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1531-I_1536 2017年10月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_1531  

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  146. 津波伝承知メディアによる人的被害低減効果の統計的分析-東日本大震災で被災した岩手県・宮城県における津波碑と津波由来地名に着目して- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 平川雄太, 奥村誠, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1525-I_1530 2017年10月


    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.i_1525  



  147. 東日本大震災発生前における津波碑に対する岩手県陸前高田市の住民の認知・認識 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 平川雄太, 白幡勝美, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1537-I_1542 2017年10月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_1537  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本稿では岩手県陸前高田市の住民を対象とした質問紙調査を実施することで,東日本大震災発生前における津波碑の認知・認識状況を把握し,その特性および課題を定量的に明らかにした.その結果,以下4つの主要な結論が得られた.1) 回答者全体の津波碑の認知度は35.0%に留まっており,町・大字単位ごとに認知度は大きく異なっていた.2) 地域住民の津波碑の存在認知には,津波碑の建立場所と形状が特に大きく影響する要素である.3) 津波碑の存在を認知している人でも,碑文内容を覚えているのは4割以下であり,津波碑を通じて具体的な教訓を後世に伝えるには限界がある.4) 津波碑が過去の津波災害に関連するものであることを認識するのは子ども世代にとっては難しく,さらに年齢が若い世代ほど日常生活上の津波碑との関わりが希薄であった.

  148. 宮城県石巻市における2016年11月22日福島県沖の地震津波による避難行動実態 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 相澤和宏, 横山健太, 佐藤勝治, 岩崎雅宏, 皆川満洋, 戸川直希

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1603-I_1608 2017年10月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_1603  

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  149. 東松島市震災復興伝承館の利用実態と利用者ニーズの把握

    新家杏奈, 佐藤翔輔, 押切一哲, 今村文彦

    第36回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 23-24 2017年9月

  150. 2016年11月22日福島県沖地震に伴う津波避難の実態:石巻市と亘理町の住民を対象にした調査から

    佐藤翔輔, 相澤和宏, 横山健太, 佐藤勝治, 遠藤匡範, 高橋大輔, 岩崎雅宏, 皆川満洋, 戸川直希, 今村文彦

    第36回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 13-14 2017年9月

  151. 効果的かつ無理のない地区防災計画の作成方法-宮城県石巻市と亘理町における実践と評価- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 相澤和宏, 伊妻伸之, 遠藤匡範, 高橋大輔, 平間雄, 岩崎雅宏, 皆川満洋, 高橋里佳, 今井健太郎, 阿部利江, 戸川直希, 今村文彦

    自然災害科学・特別号 36 (特別号) 69-89 2017年9月



  152. Evacuation Behavior caused by the 2016 Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami: Comparative Analysis in Ishinomaki City and Watari Town, Miyagi Prefecture 査読有り

    Shosuke Sato, Fumihiko Imamura, Naoki Togawa, Masahiro Iwasaki, Mitsuhiro Minakawa

    The 27th International Tsunami Symposium 2017年8月

  153. 被災地大学における「復興」を題材にした科目の実践と事例分析-受講者の事後変化に着目して- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 杉浦元亮, 邑本俊亮, 今村文彦

    日本災害復興学会論文集 11 1-7 2017年8月

  154. Public-private collaboration for disaster risk management: A case study of hotels in Matsushima, Japan 査読有り

    David N. Nguyen, Fumihiko Imamura, Kanako Iuchi

    TOURISM MANAGEMENT 61 129-140 2017年8月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2017.02.003  



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    This research paper focuses on public-private collaboration for disaster risk management in coastal destinations, particularly between the hotel industry and local government. To guide its research, this paper applies collaborative planning theory in developing a research framework to discover gaps between stakeholders attitudes towards collaboration, its outcomes, and obstacles preventing the adoption of specific hotel-based disaster management actions. A case study is used on Matsushima, Japan, a popular coastal destination in the Tohoku Region, which was devastated by the 2011 tsunami. Through surveys and interviews, this study found that hotels can play a key role in working together with the local government towards disaster risk management of coastal destinations. However collaboration gaps between the stakeholders limited the extent of the adoption of hotel-based disaster risk management initiatives. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  155. 漁業地域における防災減災機能の向上に関する研究

    土屋詩織, 加藤広之, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成29年度日本沿岸域学会研究討論会(第30回) 2017年7月

  156. The evacuation of thai citizens during Japan’s 2016 kumamoto earthquakes: An ICT perspective

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Panon Latcharote, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 12 (Special Issue) 669-677 2017年6月

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2017.p0669  



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    In April 2016, the Kumamoto earthquakes in Japan killed 50 people and injured more than 3,000. Because Japan is a primary tourist destination for Thai citizens, due in part to the current visa relaxation policy, many Thai people were visiting Japan when these earthquakes occurred. However, while a variety of public information related to the imminent danger and disaster response was broadcast and published, foreigners sometimes had little access to or understanding of local notices or instructions because of language barriers. This study researches the evacuation process for Thai citizens – including tourists, students, and residents from Thailand – in the disaster-affected areas during the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes. Through prompt collaboration among the relevant organizations, particularly the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo, the evacuation of Thai citizens was successfully completed within a few days. Moreover, some other foreigners were also assisted by the Thai embassy. This paper presents an overview of the evacuation process, including the critical role of information and communication technology (ICT) in disseminating information, transmitting rescue requests, and providing emergency communications. The lessons learned from these efforts can be applied in future natural disasters, especially for foreign organizations working in similar capacities overseas. In addition, this study suggests disaster preparedness and response guidelines for tourists when traveling overseas.

  157. 東日本大震災における「津波による犠牲者ゼロ」の地域を対象にした探索的調査

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 40 181-182 2017年6月

  158. 災害情報行動の訓練と実際の比較と課題に関する考察-宮城県石巻市における事例分析-

    佐藤翔輔, 岩崎雅宏, 皆川満洋, 今村文彦

    電子情報通信学会・安全・安心な生活とICT研究会講演論文集 2017年5月

  159. Factors responsible for the limited inland extent of sand deposits on Leyte Island during 2013 Typhoon Haiyan 査読有り

    M. Watanabe, J. D. Bricker, K. Goto, F. Imamura

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS 122 (4) 2795-2812 2017年4月


    DOI: 10.1002/2016JC012023  



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    Previous geological studies suggest that the maximum inland extent of storm-induced sand deposits is shorter, but their thickness is larger, than those of tsunami-induced sand deposits. However, factors that determine the maximum extent and thickness of storm deposits are still uncertain. We conducted numerical simulations of storm surge, waves, and sediment transport during Typhoon Haiyan in order to understand the distribution and sedimentary processes responsible for storm deposits. Numerical results showed that wave-induced currents slightly offshore were strong, but attenuated rapidly in the inland direction after wave breaking. Therefore, sediments were not transported far inland by waves and storm surge. Consequently, the maximum inland extent of storm deposits was remarkably shorter than the inland extent of inundation. We also revealed that vegetation (roughness coefficient) and typhoon intensity greatly affect the calculation of maximum extent and thickness distribution of storm deposits. As the duration of wave impact on a coast is relatively long during a storm (hours, compared to minutes for a tsunami), sediments are repeatedly supplied by multiple waves. Therefore, storm deposits tend to be thicker than tsunami deposits, and multiple layers can form in the internal sedimentary structure of the deposits. We infer that limitation of the sand deposit to within only a short distance inland from the shoreline and multiple layers found in a deposit can be used as appropriate identification proxies for storm deposits.

  160. Possible Failure Mechanism of Buildings Overturned during the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami in the Town of Onagawa 査読有り

    Panon Latcharote, Anawat Suppasri, Akane Yamashita, Bruno Adriano, Shunichi Koshimura, Yoshiro Kai, Fumihiko Imamura

    Frontiers in Built Environment 3 2017年3月

    出版者・発行元:Frontiers Media {SA}

    DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2017.00016  

  161. The 2016 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami: Local tsunami behavior and recommendations for tsunami disaster risk reduction 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Natt Leelawat, Panon Latcharote, Volker Roeber, Kei Yamashita, Akihiro Hayashi, Hiroyuki Ohira, Kentaro Fukui, Akifumi Hisamatsu, David Nguyen, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2016.12.016  


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    The 2016 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami presented several new issues of tsunami generation mechanism and propagation, as well as of organizational responses such as evacuation procedures and dissemination of tsunami warning. This study focuses on explanations to issues of public interest based on the experiences during the 2016 tsunami: (1) Despite Fukushima Prefecture's proximity to the earthquake's epicenter, why was the largest wave observed in the neighboring Miyagi Prefecture? (2) Why was the second wave of the tsunami larger than the first? (3) Why was the tsunami advisory elevated to a tsunami warning in Miyagi Prefecture? (4) Why did tsunami intrusions into rivers occur? (5) And why were local tsunami runup values much higher than the broadcasted tsunami amplitudes from local tide gauges? In the wake of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, this study also points out remaining problems and new perspectives related to tsunami disaster risk reduction. These include tsunami warnings and advisories by emergency management agencies, the fact that tsunami waves are higher near the coast than in the open ocean, and refraining from being close to rivers in case of a tsunami. Based to Japan's experiences with disaster mitigation, lessons were learned from numerous events that could lead to revisions and improvements of current warning systems and provide useful guidelines for other countries.

  162. 住まいの再建のための復興情報に関する調査-宮城県の被災者を対象として-

    馬場亮太, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成28年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2017年3月

  163. 災害対応訓練を行うこととによる「生きる力」の変化に関する研究

    戸川直希, 佐藤翔輔, 杉浦元亮, 今村文彦

    平成28年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2017年3月

  164. 津波碑の存在認識に関する基礎研究-岩手県陸前高田市の事例-

    平川雄太, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成28年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2017年3月

  165. 石巻市民を対象にした災害情報の認知度および収集手段に関する調査

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成28年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2017年3月

  166. 災害デジタルアーカイブを利活用した被災地における防災教材の作成過程に関する実態分析-多賀城市防災教育副読本資料集作成業務の参与観察とインタビュー調査をもとに- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    災害情報 15 41-51 2017年3月

  167. 土砂移動が及ぼす津波ハザード及び建物被害への影響-東日本大震災の宮城県気仙沼市における津波氾濫・土砂移動・船舶漂流の統合計算-

    山下 啓, 鴫原 良典, 菅原 大助, 有川 太郎, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_355-I_360 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.i_355   10.20965/jdr.2021.p1045_references_DOI_7SXqLFNp3AF7qbdA57XejQHBmTV   10.20965/jdr.2021.p1030_references_DOI_7SXqLFNp3AF7qbdA57XejQHBmTV  



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  168. 東日本大震災での津波による被害実態に基づく推計曝露人口と人的被害の関係

    長谷川 夏来, サッパシー アナワット, 牧野嶋 文泰, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1543-I_1548 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_1543  

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  169. 多数シナリオ津波避難シミュレーションによる確率論的避難安全性の評価

    牧野嶋 文泰, 今村 文彦, 安倍 祥

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1513-I_1518 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_1513  

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  170. 最新400年間の地震記録に基づく過去と将来のグローバル津波ハザード評価

    大竹 拓郎, SUPPASRI Anawat, LATCHAROTE Panon, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1609-I_1614 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_1609  

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  171. [A02] 近年の震災アーカイブの変遷と今後の自然災害アーカイブのあり方について

    柴山 明寛, 北村 美和子, ボレー セバスチャン, 今村 文彦

    デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 1 13-16 2017年


    DOI: 10.24506/jsda.1.Pre_13  

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  172. Increasing tsunami risk awareness via mobile application 査読有り

    N. Leelawat, A. Suppasri, P. Latcharote, F. Imamura, Y. Abe, K. Sugiyasu



    DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/56/1/012001  


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    In the information and communication technology era, smartphones have become a necessity. With the capacity and availability of smart technologies, a number of benefits are possible. As a result, designing a mobile application to increase tsunami awareness has been proposed, and a prototype has been designed and developed. The application uses data from the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami. Based on the current location determined by a GPS function matched with the nearest point extracted from the detailed mesh data of that earlier disaster, the application generates the inundation depth at the user's location. Thus, not only local people but also tourists visiting the affected areas can understand the risks involved. Application testing has been conducted in an evacuation experiment involving both Japanese and foreign students. The proposed application can be used as a supplementary information tool in tsunami evacuation drills. It also supports the idea of smart tourism: when people realize their risks, they possess risk awareness and hence can reduce their risks. This application can also be considered a contribution to disaster knowledge and technology, as well as to the lessons learned from the practical outcome.

  173. Developing estimating equations of fatality ratio based on surveyed data of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami 査読有り

    P. Latcharote, N. Leelawat, A. Suppasri, F. Imamura



    DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/56/1/012011  


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    The 2011 Great East Japan tsunami caused a wide range of devastating tsunami with maximum tsunami height of 40 m and 19,000 casualties especially along the Tohoku coast of Japan. The purpose of this study is to develop estimating equations of fatality ratio from tsunami arrival time for future tsunami loss assessment and investigate the effect of two coastal topography types namely, Sanriku-ria coast and Sendai plain. In this study, fatality ratio was defined as number of fatality divided by total number of people in a small scale of towns along the shoreline and tsunami arrival time was calculated from TUNAMI modelling with nesting-grids of 1350 m, 450 m, 150 m, and 50 m. Then, linear and nonlinear regression analysis were performed to develop a relationship model between fatality ratio and tsunami arrival time. Based on the results, a strong correlation that fatality ratio decreases with longer arrival time was found in both Sanriku-ria coast and Sendai plain. For different coastal types, different distributions of fatality ratio with tsunami arrival time are observed, in which fatality ratio of Sendai plain is higher than that of Sanriku ria-coast at the same arrival time generally.

  174. 円錐型断層モデルによる2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震のすべり分布と津波波形の再現

    久松 明史, 今村 文彦, 松浦 律子

    海岸工学論文集 73 (2) I_295-I_300 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_295  


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  175. 海岸林の空間的設計手法の提案-宮城県岩沼市を対象として- 査読有り

    大平浩之, 山下 啓, 林 晃大, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_397-I_402 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_397  

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  176. 2016年福島県沖地震津波の数値解析と現地調査 査読有り

    Anawat SUPPASRI, 山下 啓, Panon LATCHAROTE・Volker ROEBER, 林 晃大, 大平浩之, 福井謙太朗, 久松明史, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) 73 (2) I_1597-I_1602 2017年

  177. 東日本大震災の建物被害実績に基づく海岸林の建物被害程度への影響に関する研究 査読有り

    林 晃大, 山下 啓, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 73 (4) I_1021-I_1026 2017年

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejhe.73.I_1021  

  178. 遠地津波での津波注意報発表時の登校時学校対応とその課題-2016年9月チリ中部沖の地震・津波にともなう亘理町の事例-

    佐藤翔輔, 戸川直希, 今村文彦

    津波工学研究報告 33 (33) 79-81 2017年1月



  179. The Roles of Archiving in Earthquake Studies: The Case of the Great East Japan Earthquake 査読有り

    Akihiro Shibayama, Sebastien Boret Penmellen, Shosuke Sato, Fumihiko Imamura

    16th. World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2017年1月

  180. Online Information as Real-Time Big Data About Heavy Rain Disasters and its Limitations: Case Study of Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, During Typhoons 17 and 18 in 2015 査読有り

    Shosuke Sato, Shuichi Kure, Shuji Moriguchi, Keiko Udo, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 12 (2) 335-346 2017年


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2017.p0335  



  181. Behavior from Tsunami Recorded in the Multimedia Sources at Kesennuma City in the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami and Its Simulation by Using the Evacuation Model with Pedestrian-Car Interaction 査読有り

    Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Fumihiko Imamura, Yoshi Abe



    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563416400234  



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    The evacuation behavior observed in Kesennuma City, Tohoku, Japan during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and a corresponding evacuation simulation are presented. We first organized the damage and evacuation behaviors observed in the target area using the results of previous studies and official surveys. In addition, we compiled all available multimedia sources recording evacuation behavior during the 2011 event to identify the precise temporal and spatial details of the evacuation behavior. Then, a tsunami evacuation simulation was developed based on all compiled evacuation data, considering the tendencies regarding the use of main roads for evacuation, residents' shelter preferences, and pedestrian-car interactions. The developed simulation was validated against the compiled evacuation behaviors by inputting the estimated initial conditions of the 2011 event. The traffic scenarios calculated in the simulation closely reproduced the actual traffic flow as observed from the evacuation data. The evacuee populations at several shelters in the simulation also quantitatively reproduced the trend of the real numbers of evacuees reported by Kesennuma City. The results of the simulation exhibited a better capability to estimate the actual evacuation behavior during the 2011 event than that achieved in previous studies.

  182. Possible worst-case tsunami scenarios around the Marmara Sea from combined earthquake and landslide sources 査読有り

    Panon Latcharote, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura, Betul Aytore, Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 173 (12) 3823-3846 2016年12月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-016-1411-z  



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    This study evaluates tsunami hazards in the Marmara Sea from possible worst-case tsunami scenarios that are from submarine earthquakes and landslides. In terms of fault-generated tsunamis, seismic ruptures can propagate along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), which has produced historical tsunamis in the Marmara Sea. Based on the past studies, which consider fault-generated tsunamis and landslide-generated tsunamis individually, future scenarios are expected to generate tsunamis, and submarine landslides could be triggered by seismic motion. In addition to these past studies, numerical modeling has been applied to tsunami generation and propagation from combined earthquake and landslide sources. In this study, tsunami hazards are evaluated from both individual and combined cases of submarine earthquakes and landslides through numerical tsunami simulations with a grid size of 90 m for bathymetry and topography data for the entire Marmara Sea region and validated with historical observations from the 1509 and 1894 earthquakes. This study implements TUNAMI model with a two-layer model to conduct numerical tsunami simulations, and the numerical results show that the maximum tsunami height could reach 4.0 m along Istanbul shores for a full submarine rupture of the NAF, with a fault slip of 5.0 m in the eastern and western basins of the Marmara Sea. The maximum tsunami height for landslide-generated tsunamis from small, medium, and large of initial landslide volumes (0.15, 0.6, and 1.5 km(3), respectively) could reach 3.5, 6.0, and 8.0 m, respectively, along Istanbul shores. Possible tsunamis from submarine landslides could be significantly higher than those from earthquakes, depending on the landslide volume significantly. These combined earthquake and landslide sources only result in higher tsunami amplitudes for small volumes significantly because of amplification within the same tsunami amplitude scale (3.0-4.0 m). Waveforms from all the coasts around the Marmara Sea indicate that other residential areas might have had a high risk of tsunami hazards from submarine landslides, which can generate higher tsunami amplitudes and shorter arrival times, compared to Istanbul.

  183. Improvement of Tsunami Countermeasures Based on Lessons from The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami - Situation After Five Years 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Panon Latcharote, Jeremy D. Bricker, Natt Leelawat, Akihiro Hayashi, Kei Yamashita, Fumiyasu Makinoshima, Volker Roeber, Fumihiko Imamura

    COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 58 (4) 164001-1-164001-30 2016年12月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563416400118  



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    The 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami exposed many hidden weaknesses in Japan's tsunami countermeasures. Since then, many improvements have been made in both structural measures (numerical simulations, coastal defense structures, building damage assessment and control forests) and nonstructural measures (warning/observation and evacuation). This review summarizes the lessons and improvements in the five-year time period after the 2011 event. After five years, most of the lessons from the 2011 tsunami have been applied, including more realistic tsunami simulations using very fine grids, methods to strengthen coastal defense structures, building evacuations and coastal forests, improved warning content and key points to improve evacuation measures. Nevertheless, large future challenges remain, such as an advanced simulation technique and system for real-time hazard and risk prediction, implementation of coastal defense structures/multilayer countermeasures and encouraging evacuation. In addition, among papers presented at the coastal engineering conference in Japan, the proportion of tsunami-related research in Japan increased from 15% to 35% because of the 2011 tsunami, and approximately 65-70% of tsunami-related studies involve numerical simulation, coastal structures and building damage. These results show the impact of the 2011 tsunami on coastal engineering related to academic institutions and consulting industries in Japan as well as the interest in each tsunami countermeasure.

  184. Coupled Tsunami Simulations Based on a 2D Shallow-Water Equation-Based Finite Difference Method and 3D Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics 査読有り

    Mitsuteru Asai, Yoshiya Miyagawa, Nur'ain Idris, Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 10 (5) 2016年12月1日

    DOI: 10.1142/S1793431116400194  



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    © 2016 World Scientific Publishing Company. In 2011, the tsunami generated by the Great East Japan Earthquake devastated infrastructure along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. In particular, the collapse of bridges resulted in much disruption to traffic, which led to delays in recovery after the disaster. We are developing a multi-scale and multi-physics tsunami disaster simulation tool to evaluate the safety and damage of infrastructure from huge tsunami. Multistage zooming tsunami analysis is one of the possible methods for implementing a high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) tsunami inundation simulation for a city. In this research, a virtual wave source that includes transition layers is proposed for a coupled simulation based on 3D particle simulation. The zooming analysis has been undertaken using the same particle method and a two-dimensional (2D) finite difference simulation. The 3D particle coupled simulation has been examined and validated.

  185. 津波碑前で行われる慰霊祭の実態調査とその効果に関する研究

    平川雄太, 佐藤翔輔, 川島秀一, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 39 125-128 2016年11月

  186. 津波避難訓練を繰り返すことによる効果の検証―宮城県亘理町の事例― 査読有り

    戸川直希, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 平間雄

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 72 (2) I_1585-I_1590 2016年11月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.72.I_1585  

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  187. 津波碑と津波浸水域の位置・対応関係と人的被害に関する考察-岩手県沿岸の事例- 査読有り

    平川雄太, 佐藤翔輔, 白幡勝美, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 72 (2) I_1621-I_1626 2016年11月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.72.I_1621  

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    本稿では,岩手県沿岸に存在する176基の津波碑を対象に,過去の津波の浸水域と津波碑の位置関係を整理し,さらに東日本大震災を事例に,人的被害の軽減効果について検討した.その結果,4つの結論が得られた; 1)岩手県沿岸の津波碑のうち3.11津波の浸水を免れたものが約75%あり,これらは津波避難の際の目標地点としての機能を期待できる.2)明治三陸津波および3.11津波の浸水域内に位置している昭和三陸津波碑には,建立の際に明治三陸津波の影響を考慮していれば,3.11津波の浸水を免れた可能性のある碑も存在する.3)津波の浸水域外に津波碑が存在する地域ほど,津波ハザードに対して人的被害がやや軽減された傾向にある.4)教訓型津波碑の中には,過去に津波が浸水したエリアを避難地点に指定しているものもあり,人的被害を拡大させる恐れがある.

  188. ウェブからリアルタイムで収集できる大雨情報とその限界に関する事例分析-2015年台風17・18号における宮城県内の場合-

    佐藤翔輔, 呉修一, 森口周二, 有働恵子, 今村文彦

    日本災害情報学会 第18回研究発表大会予稿集 8-9 2016年10月

  189. 震災伝承を行うフィールド型デバイスのユーザー評価とその比較分析-東日本大震災における石巻・東松島・名取の事例-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 中川政治

    日本災害情報学会 第18回研究発表大会予稿集 214-215 2016年10月

  190. An Attempt of Extraction and Sharing Lessons Learned from Experiences of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Based on Viewpoints of Experts on Disaster Science: 3.11 Lessons Learned Web Database System 査読有り

    Shosuke Sato, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 11 (5) 881-888 2016年10月

    出版者・発行元:Fuji Technology Press

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2016.p0881  


  191. 洪水を想定した避難訓練前後における「生きる力」の変化の評価―宮城県亘理町中泉地区の事例-

    戸川直希, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 杉浦元亮

    第35回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 2016年9月

  192. 遠地津波と大雨に伴う複合災害対応の分析-2015年9月チリの地震による遠地津波と大雨に対する石巻市役所の事例- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    自然災害科学・特別号 35 (3) 39-47 2016年9月

  193. Numerical identification of tsunami boulders and estimation of local tsunami size at Ibaruma reef of Ishigaki Island, Japan 査読有り

    Masashi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura, Chuki Hongo

    ISLAND ARC 25 (5) 316-332 2016年9月


    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12115  



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    Tsunami boulders deposited along the coast constitute important geological evidence for paleotsunami activity. However, boulders can also be deposited by large storm waves. Although several sedimentological and theoretical methods have been proposed to differentiate tsunami and storm wave affected boulders, no appropriate numerical method exists for their differentiation. Therefore, we developed a new numerical scheme to differentiate tsunami and storm wave boulders for coastal boulders on Ishigaki Island, Japan. In this area, tsunami and storm waves have emplaced numerous boulders on the reef and the coast. By conducting numerical calculations of storm waves in this region, we estimated the size of a storm wave that can explain the maximum clast size distribution of boulders on the reef. Consequently, we showed that a wave with a combination of 8m in initial wave height and 10s period can satisfy the above conditions when we assume mean sea level. In contrast to the boulders on the reef, all boulders deposited along the shore are heavier than the calculated possible maximum clast size distribution by the storm wave. Therefore, we confirmed these boulders as being of tsunami origin. Results of previous studies showed that they were most likely deposited or reworked by the 1771 Meiwa tsunami. Then, using the tsunami boulders, we numerically estimated the wave period and amplitude of the 1771 Meiwa tsunami, which should have had a 4-5min period and 5.6-5.9, 6.3-7.0m amplitude, respectively. Using the proposed scheme, it is possible to differentiate tsunami and storm wave boulders and estimate the size of past storm waves and tsunami waves, although it is noteworthy that there are exceptions for which the scheme cannot be applied.

  194. Numerical Evaluation of Effect of Using UTM Grid Maps on Emergency Response Performance - A Case of Information-Processing Training at an Emergency Operation Center in Tagajo City, Miyagi Prefecture 査読有り

    Shosuke Sato, Rui Nouchi, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1587/transfun.E99.A.1560  


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    It is qualitatively considered that emergency information processing by using UTM grids is effective in generating COP (Common Operational Pictures). Here, we conducted a numerical evaluation based on emergency information-processing training to examine the efficiency of the use of UTM grid maps by staff at the Tagajo City Government office. The results of the demonstration experiment were as follows: 1) The time required for information propagation and mapping with UTM coordinates was less than that with address text consisting of area name and block number. 2) There was no measurable difference in subjective estimates of the training performance of participants with or without the use of UTM grids. 3) Fear of real emergency responses decreased among training participants using UTM grids. 4) Many of the negative free answers on a questionnaire evaluation of participants involved requests regarding the reliability and operability of UTM tools.

  195. 災害伝承活動に関する先進事例からの学びと石巻地方における課題-「震災学習協働事業体制づくり」コンファレンスの取組み-

    佐藤翔輔, 中川政治, 浅利満理子, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会東日本大震災特別論文集 5 15-18 2016年8月

  196. Digital archive for the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami compiling the experiences and lessons

    Fumihiko Imamura





  197. 東日本大震災の被災地における震災遺構の保存・解体の議論に関する分析-震災発生から5年の新聞記事データを用いて- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    日本災害復興学会論文集 9 11-19 2016年7月

  198. 2015年台風17・18号災害における宮城県内自治体によるソーシャルメディア発信の内容分析

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    電子情報通信学会・第1回安全・安心な生活とICT研究会講演論文集 35-37 2016年6月

  199. Think Geopark on Stricken Area: Disaster and Gift of Geo 査読有り

    Shosuke Sato, Fumihiko Imamura, Mari Yasuda, Motoaki Sugiura, Rui Nouchi

    Journal of Disaster Research 11 (3) 425-436 2016年6月

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2016.p0425  

  200. 津波由来地名の整理・分類と空間分布に関する考察ー東日本大震災の被災地を対象にしてー 査読有り

    平川雄太, 佐藤翔輔, 鹿島七洋, 今村文彦

    災害情報 14 128-139 2016年6月

  201. Developments of Tools to Survive the Disasters - Civil Empowerment of "Zest for Living in Disaster" - 査読有り

    Sato Shosuke, Imamura Fumihiko, Yasuda Mari, Sugiura Motoaki, Nouchi Rui

    JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH 11 (3) 443-453 2016年6月

    出版者・発行元:Fuji Technology Press

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2016.p0443  


  202. 津波避難訓練における繰り返しと参加者の多層化の効果-宮城県亘理町の事例-

    戸川直希, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成27年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2016年3月

  203. 宮城県沿岸部の津波由来地名と3.11津波浸水域との対応関係

    平川雄太, 佐藤翔輔, 鹿島七洋, 今村文彦

    平成27年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2016年3月

  204. A Study on the Influential Factors on Building Damage in Sri Lanka During the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 査読有り

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Murao, O, Imamura, F

    Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 10 (2) 1640001-1-1640001-11 2016年3月


    DOI: 10.1142/S1793431116400017  



  205. Uncertainty in tsunami wave heights and arrival times caused by the rupture velocity in the strike direction of large earthquakes 査読有り

    Yo Fukutani, Suppasri Anawat, Fumihiko Imamura

    NATURAL HAZARDS 80 (3) 1749-1782 2016年2月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-2030-1  



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    In tsunami risk assessments, understanding the uncertainties involved in numerical simulations of tsunami wave heights and arrival times is important. However, few studies have been conducted to determine the effects of dynamic parameters (i.e., rupture velocity and rise time) in the simulation of tsunami wave heights and arrival times, although numerous studies have been conducted on the uncertainties that result from static parameters (i.e., top depth, strike, dip, rake, and fault slip). In this study, we calculated the variability in tsunami wave heights and their arrival times as a result of the uncertainties in the along-strike rupture velocity of faults. Specifically, numerical simulations of tsunamis were conducted with various rupture velocities and starting points within a large fault. The numerical analyses considered hypothetical bathymetry and dynamic effects and indicated that the uncertainties in the maximum wave height and its arrival time are greater as the water depth increases. The number of sub-faults affected the wave heights and suggested that we should consider these effects in numerical simulations of tsunamis. The results of the numerical analyses using the actual bathymetry of the Tohoku region in Japan showed that the spatial uncertainty in the maximum wave height at a 50 m depth had a 0.04 log-normal standard deviation based on a distribution of ratios between the calculated wave heights from numerical simulations with and without considering dynamic effects. The results of this study are practical for probabilistic tsunami hazard assessments for which we must evaluate the quantitative value of the spatial uncertainty in wave heights. This study is a basis for similar research in terms of offering a technique for evaluating wave height uncertainty due to the rupture velocity.

  206. 視点 東日本大震災のアーカイブ「みちのく震録伝」の立ち上げと今後

    今村 文彦

    情報管理 59 (2) 123-127 2016年

    出版者・発行元:国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構

    DOI: 10.1241/johokanri.59.123  


  207. Effect of Breakwaters on Reduction of Fatality Ratio during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

    LATCHAROTE Panon, SUPPASRI Anawat, HASEKAWA Natsuki, TAKAGI Hiroshi, IMAMURA Fumihiko

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 72 (2) I_1591-I_1596 2016年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.72.I_1591  

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    &nbsp;Based on lesson learned from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami, tsunami height is the most influential factor on fatality of people living in coastal area. This paper proposes effect of breakwaters on fatality ratio of people and investigate a reduction of fatality ratio due to the existence of breakwaters. For preliminary study, 24 fishery ports equipped with breakwaters were selected to study how breakwaters affect to loss of fatality ratio along Sanriku ria-coast from Taro to Ishinomaki. The port area behind breakwaters was considered to calculate fatality ratio from number of fatality divided by total number of people and then fatality ratio was linearly correlated with observed tsunami height. In order to estimate fatality ratio in case of ports without breakwaters, simulated tsunami height was calculated by TUNAMI modeling with nesting grids of 1350 m, 450 m, 150 m, and 50 m. For the overall image, breakwaters could reduce fatality ratio of people in the port area with a percentage of reduction approximately 30%. Considering the effect of breakwaters at each port, it was found that fatality ratio of ports equipped with breakwaters is less than those in case of ports without breakwaters for most of ports. In addition to these 24 ports, 18 additional ports equipped with breakwaters were conducted to additional study and compared with 24 ports having no breakwaters. For the overall image, the percentage of reduction became 1%, which is much lower than the reduction in the preliminary study. Focusing on each port, two third of them still provided the reduction of fatality ratio.

  208. 浸水深と建物被害率を考慮した東日本大震災における石巻市での人的被害要因の分析

    長谷川 夏来, サッパシー アナワット, 牧野嶋 文泰, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 72 (2) I_1627-I_1632 2016年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.72.I_1627  

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  209. Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the Arabian Gulf from Earthquakes and Surface Landslides

    Anawat SUPPASRI, Panon LATCHAROTE, Tanuspong POKAVANICH, Khaled AL-SALEM, Abdullah Al-Enezi, Shinji TODA, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 72 (2) I_1675-I_1680 2016年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.72.i_1675  



  210. Collaborative, science-based, public disaster communication – The NHK media technology 3D documentary movie on Japan’s 2011 Tsunami event

    Natsuko Chubachi, Michihiro Chikata, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 11 (3) 413-420 2016年

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2016.p0413  



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    © 2016, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reserved. A 3D documentary movie, “The Great Tsunami in Japan: Reflecting on the 2011 Disaster,” was produced and screened as a collaboration between the academic community and the media in order to communicate lessons from the tsunami that accompanied the Great East Japan Earthquake. The movie was first shown in March 2015 at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. This article discusses issues and outcomes of the collaboration in terms of the publicity activities of disaster research. An analysis of comments from viewers, Japanese and overseas guests alike, revealed a generally high evaluation of the film. The following outcomes were noted: 1) a large and varied audience, 2) the communication of academic information to members of the general public with no apparent resistance from them, and 3) an impressive presentation of the event, the subsequent reconstruction works, and the importance of keeping the memory of the disaster alive. Future issues will include deeper collaboration between the academic community and the media for disaster risk reduction purposes as well as studies on how such 3D images and movies can affect the passing down of memories of the disaster.

  211. Disaster Management in Coastal Tourism Destinations: The Case for Transactive Planning and Social Learning

    David Nguyen, Fumihiko Imamura, Kanako Iuchi



    DOI: 10.14246/irspsd.4.2_3  


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    Due to its intrinsic scenery, many tourism destinations are located in areas that are exposed to various natural hazards such as tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and high winds. In particular, coastal tourism presents numerous risks unique to the tourism sector due to differences in the type of vulnerabilities faced by tourists compared to other types of communities. Tourists are transient, may lack knowledge of local hazards, perceive risks differently, and may present various communication barriers. Physical mitigation may also be limited as local communities rely on the preservation of the area's natural assets. Research on the effects of disasters in tourism destinations have generally fallen into the categories of emergency management, which is focused on the preparedness and response phases, or solutions, adopting a structural engineering approach. Long-term solutions that utilize non-structural approaches have been acknowledged as vital towards mitigation in various literatures, but in reality, have been scarcely applied. As disasters can constitute a wicked rather than tame problem, long-term solutions should include the input of multiple stakeholders striving towards a working solution that is constantly updated through feedback loops. Urban planning can provide such theoretical backgrounds that are missing from tourism planning studies, but have thus far, been limited to the needs of the permanent communities and not the transient community. This paper examines literature on disaster management planning in coastal destinations and bridges the gap between the fields of urban planning, disaster management and tourism planning, by suggesting the utilization of social learning to address disaster management gaps found in existing literature.

  212. 宮城県岩沼市における海岸林を活用した多重防御の津波被害軽減効果 査読有り

    大平浩之, 林 晃大, 山下 啓, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) 72 (2) I_1459-I_1464 2016年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.72.I_1459  

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  213. An Analysis of Fatality Ratios and the Factors That Affected Human Fatalities in the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami 招待有り 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Hasegawa, N, Makinoshima, F, Imamura, F, Latcharote, P, Simon, D

    Frontiers in Built Environment 2 (32) 1-13 2016年

    DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2016.00032  


  214. 地震津波と大雨にともなう複合災害対応の事例分析-2015年9月チリの地震にともなう津波と大雨に対する石巻市役所の参与観察-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成27年度東北地域災害科学研究集会講演予稿集 2016年1月

  215. Disaster and Education Toward a Sustainable and Safety Society: Disaster Education Programs in Thailand and the Philippines

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Yasuda, M, Nouchi, R, Yi, C. J, Imamura, F, Iijima, J

    The Fourth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science 2015年12月10日

  216. Disaster education for elementary school students using the disaster prevention pocket notebooks and quizzes 査読有り

    Rui NOUCHI, Shosuke SATO, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Disaster Research 10 (6) 1117-1125 2015年12月

    出版者・発行元:Fuji Technology Press

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2015.p1117  


  217. A multivariate generalized linear tsunami fragility model for Kesennuma City based on maximum flow depths, velocities and debris impact, with evaluation of predictive accuracy 査読有り

    I. Charvet, A. Suppasri, H. Kimura, D. Sugawara, F. Imamura

    NATURAL HAZARDS 79 (3) 2073-2099 2015年12月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-1947-8  



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    The recent losses caused by the unprecedented 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami disaster have stimulated further research efforts, notably in the mechanisms and probabilistic determination of tsunami-induced damage, in order to provide the necessary information for future risk assessment and mitigation. The stochastic approach typically adopts fragility functions, which express the probability that a building will reach or exceed a predefined damage level usually for one, sometimes several measures of tsunami intensity. However, improvements in the derivation of fragility functions are still needed in order to yield reliable predictions of tsunami damage to buildings. In particular, extensive disaggregated databases, as well as measures of tsunami intensity beyond the commonly used tsunami flow depth should be used to potentially capture variations in the data which have not been explained by previous models. This study proposes to derive fragility functions with additional intensity measures for the city of Kesennuma, which was extensively damaged during the 2011 tsunami and for which a large and disaggregated dataset of building damage is available. In addition to the surveyed tsunami flow depth, the numerically estimated flow velocities as well as a binary indicator of debris impact are included in the model and used simultaneously to estimate building damage probabilities. Following the recently proposed methodology for fragility estimation based on generalized linear models, which overcomes the shortcomings of classic linear regression in fragility analyses, ordinal regression is applied and the reliability of the model estimates is assessed using a proposed penalized accuracy measure, more suitable than the traditional classification error rate for ordinal models. In order to assess the predictive power of the model, penalized accuracy is estimated through a repeated tenfold cross-validation scheme. For the first time, multivariate tsunami fragility functions are derived and represented in the form of fragility surfaces. The results show that the model is able to predict tsunami damage with satisfactory predictive accuracy and that debris impact is a crucial factor in the determination of building collapse probabilities.

  218. A decade after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami – The progress in disaster preparedness and future challenges in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Maldives 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Goto, K, Muhari, A, Ranasinghe, P, Riyaz, M, Affan, M, Mas, E, Yasuda, M, Imamura, F

    Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (12) 3313-3341 2015年12月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-015-1134-6  



  219. Preference for Information during Flood Disasters: A Study of Thailand and Indonesia 査読有り

    Leelawat, N, Muhari, A, Srivichai, M, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Bricker, J. D

    SUSTAIN2015 2015年11月19日

  220. 学校・地域・行政の連携による全町一斉学校避難訓練手法の設計・実践-宮城県亘理町における試み- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 平間雄, 渡辺英明, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 71 (2) I_1633-I_1638 2015年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_1633  


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  221. 来街者の津波避難誘導をねらいにした避難行動・誘導実験とその分析-石巻市中心市街地における事例- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 阿部紀代子, 大塚友子, 中川政治, 皆川満洋, 岩崎雅宏, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 71 (2) I_1639-I_1644 2015年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_1639  


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  222. Observations and Modeling of Environmental and Human Damage Caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura, Shunichi Koshimura, Hideaki Yanagisawa, Hideaki Yanagisawa

    Extreme Events: Observations, Modeling, and Economics 137-152 2015年11月

    DOI: 10.1002/9781119157052.ch11  

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    © 2016 by the American Geophysical Union. All rights reserved. This chapter have specifically introduced our studies of local inundation of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and show how to quantitatively estimate tsunami damage based on field observations, satellite image analyses, and high-resolution numerical modeling results. We investigated damage to coastal morphology, marine ecosystems, and mangroves at Pakarang Cape, Thailand, and to structures, humans, and mangroves at Banda Aceh city, Indonesia. We produced 17 and 23 m grid digital bathymetric/topographic datasets, respectively for those areas, with grid cell resolutions sufficiently fine for comparison with field observation data. From these datasets, we produced a nested grid system spanning the Indian Ocean to the Pakarang Cape coast and Banda Aceh city and calculated tsunami inundation. Such high-resolution numerical modeling is useful to elucidate processes of (1) local tsunami inundation, (2) damage generation, and (3) quantitative damage associated with tsunami hydrodynamics: flow depth, hydraulic force, and current velocity. We clarified that the occurrence of substantial morphological change, especially the deposition of huge boulders, was dependent upon the initial wave form and coastal profile. This fundamental idea is also applicable to the damage incurred by the coral communities. Fragility functions of mangroves, structures, and tsunami casualties estimated in our studies enable us to express the relation between the damage and hydrodynamic features of the tsunami inundation flow, quantitatively. Such quantitative damage estimation based on lessons from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami is an important step for tsunami-risk assessment for high-risk countries.

  223. Rail Reconstruction in Miyako City, Japan: How Financial Policies and Government Frameworks Rooted in Rational Planning Influence Rail Reconstruction and Disaster Resiliency 査読有り

    David N. Nguyen, Fumihiko Imamura

    The Journal of the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies 6 (2) 50-63 2015年11月

  224. Global Tsunami Model (GTM) initiative

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    UK-Japan seminar on disaster risk reduction 2015年10月23日

  225. A practical application of a children’s disaster education program in the Philippines

    Yasuda, M, Yi, C. J, Nouchi, R, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    11th Research Symposium on Multi-Hazards around the Pacific Rim 160 145-153 2015年10月10日

    DOI: 10.2495/SUSI16141  



  226. 東日本大震災の経験を踏まえた「教訓」のオンライン発信-その1:研究者の見解にもとづく教訓抽出・共有の試み-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会東日本大震災特別論文集 4 75-78 2015年10月

  227. An Evaluation of Tsunami Tradition Media for Human Casualties Reduction - Case of Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures on the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 査読有り

    Shosuke Sato, Yuta Hirakawa, Makoto Okumura, Fumihiko Imamura

    Proceedings of The 6th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM)2015 2015年10月

  228. Stochastic analysis and uncertainty assessment of tsunami wave height using a random source parameter model that targets a Tohoku-type earthquake fault 査読有り

    Yo Fukutani, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1007/s00477-014-0966-4  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We created a fault model with a Tohoku-type earthquake fault zone having a random slip distribution and performed stochastic tsunami hazard analysis using a logic tree. When the stochastic tsunami hazard analysis results and the Tohoku earthquake observation results were compared, the observation results of a GPS wave gauge off the southern Iwate coast indicated a return period equivalent to approximately 1,709 years (0.50 fractile), and the observation results of a GPS wave gauge off the shore of Fukushima Prefecture indicated a return period of 600 years (0.50 fractile). Analysis of the influence of the number of slip distribution patterns on the results of the stochastic tsunami hazard analysis showed that the number of slip distribution patterns considered greatly influenced the results of the hazard analysis for a relatively large wave height. When the 90 % confidence interval and coefficient of variation of tsunami wave height were defined as an index for projecting the uncertainty of tsunami wave height, the 90 % confidence interval was typically high in locations where the wave height of each fractile point was high. At a location offshore of the Boso Peninsula of Chiba Prefecture where the coefficient of variation reached the maximum, it was confirmed that variations in maximum wave height due to differences in slip distribution of the fault zone contributed to the coefficient of variation being large.

  229. 災害対応におけるUTMグリッド地図情報の定量的効果-多賀城市総合防災訓練における情報処理訓練を事例にして-

    佐藤翔輔, 野内類, 今村文彦

    2015年電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会講演集 2015年9月

  230. 津波伝承知メディアが人的被害の軽減に及ぼす影響に関する一次的分析-津波碑と津波由来地名に着目した東日本大震災の事例検討-

    佐藤翔輔, 平川雄太, 鹿島七洋, 奥村誠, 今村文彦

    第34回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 125-126 2015年9月

  231. 被災地大学での講義を通した復興人材育成の試み-石巻専修大学講義科目の2015年度「復興の社会学」-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    日本災害復興学会2015年度東京大会予稿集 60-61 2015年9月

  232. Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: A Business Process Management Perspective 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1007/s13753-015-0066-1  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Tohoku Regional Bureau (TRB) of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) performed various actions in response to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The total disaster recovery and reconstruction period is expected to last for 10 years, of which the first five years are regarded as the concentrated reconstruction period. As of 2013, a majority of the mega projects that involved restoration actions have been completed, which indicates a more effective rate of completion compared with the MLIT projects performed in normal non-disaster situations. This short article explains the management process of the recovery and reconstruction utilized by the TRB-an inter-organizational process-from a business process management (BPM) perspective and creates a simple organization construction diagram of the entire process. The study focused on the transactions and actor roles to identify their strengths. The findings indicate the utilization of different operational procedures in some parts of the process, the importance of liaison role, as well as some obstacles. The lessons learned from this analysis can assist managers and researchers in designing and managing restoration processes for future disasters.

  233. Assessment of tsunami hazards in ports and their impact on marine vessels derived from tsunami models and the observed damage data 査読有り

    Abdul Muhari, Ingrid Charvet, Futami Tsuyoshi, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    NATURAL HAZARDS 78 (2) 1309-1328 2015年9月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-1772-0  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents a detailed study of tsunami hazard in ports and its correlation with the damage suffered by marine vessels. The study aims to develop a new loss function to estimate the potential damage of marine vessels due to tsunami attack based on a novel multivariate statistical modeling method, which used several explanatory variables simultaneously to estimate an outcome or the probability of such outcome. In the first part of the paper, tsunami heights and velocities are numerically modeled by using high-resolution bathymetry and topography data for the southern part of Honshu Island. We apply statistical methods to the complete sequence of spatially distributed time series of tsunami parameters in order to obtain the best fit with the observed damage data. In the second part, we develop loss functions for marine vessels by using ordinal regression, which uses simultaneously several explanatory variables. We perform several statistical tests to determine the appropriate model variables to be used in developing three-dimensional loss estimation surfaces, which provide probability of loss for each combination of measured or simulated values of tsunami parameters. The main feature of the developed loss functions presented in this study is their capability to integrate the key factors influencing the damage probability, such as tsunami parameters, characteristics of marine vessels and the impact of collision experienced by the vessels during the tsunami. Such a robust method, therefore, is crucially important to understand the tsunami impact on ports and, particularly on marine vessels.

  234. A Survey on the Audible Quality of Outdoor Public Address Speakers for the Disaster Reduction Broadcasting System in the Central Area of Ishinomaki City 査読有り

    Shosuke Sato, Masaharu Nakagawa, Masahiro Iwasaki, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1587/transfun.E98.A.1671  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the case of a disaster such as an earthquake or a tsunami, the city, town, and village administration usually issues an evacuation advisory and other information through the Outdoor Public Address Speakers for the disaster reduction broadcasting system covering its area of jurisdiction. However, in areas those have previous experience of a disaster, people frequently voice the lack of audibility of the disaster reduction broadcast. In this research, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the residents in the central area of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, who are the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, on the audible quality of outdoor public address (PA) speakers of the disaster reduction broadcasting system so as to understand the current state of such broadcasts and to propose ideal methods of sending and receiving information at the time of a future disaster.

  235. Eight Personal Characteristics Associated with the Power to Live with Disasters as Indicated by Survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster 査読有り

    Motoaki Sugiura, Shosuke Sato, Rui Nouchi, Akio Honda, Tsuneyuki Abe, Toshiaki Muramoto, Fumihiko Imamura

    PLOS ONE 10 (7) e0130349 2015年7月


    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130349  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    People perceive, judge, and behave differently in disasters and in a wide range of other difficult situations depending on their personal characteristics. The power to live, as captured by characteristics that are advantageous for survival in such situations, has thus far been modeled in arbitrary ways. Conceptualizing such characteristics in more objective ways may be helpful for systematic preparations for future disasters and life difficulties. Here, we attempted to identify the major factors of the power to live by summarizing the opinions of survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake disaster. We conducted personal interviews with 78 survivors about their survival experiences and elicited their opinions about the power to live as relevant to those experiences. We then incorporated these opinions into a questionnaire that was completed by 1400 survivors. Factor analysis identified eight factors related to the power to live: leadership, problem solving, altruism, stubbornness, etiquette, emotional regulation, self-transcendence, and active well-being. All factors had sufficient internal construct validity, and six of them showed significant associations with one or more measures of survival success in the disaster, including immediate tsunami evacuation, problem solving in refugee situations, recovery during reconstruction, physical health, and mental health. Overall, the personal characteristics described by the eight factors largely overlap with those described in previous arbitrary models. Further research should investigate the domains, phases, and contexts in which each factor contributes to survival, address whether the factors are rooted in nature or in nurture, and explore their psychological or physiological bases.

  236. Emergency mapping roles in disaster risk management in case of Typhoon Haiyan, Philippines 査読有り

    Yi, C. J, Yasuda, M, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    The society for risk analysis Europe 2015年6月17日

  237. A study on influential factors on building damage in Kesennuma, Japan from the 2011 great East Japan Tsunami 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Ingrid Charvet, Takayuki Kimura, Daisuke Sugawara, Fumihiko Imamura

    Engineering Journal 19 (3) 105-115 2015年6月5日

    出版者・発行元:Chulalongkorn University 1

    DOI: 10.4186/ej.2015.19.3.105  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A number of buildings were damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami in the Tohoku area. The research objective is to determine the significant predictor variables of the level of building damage. This paper used detailed data on damaged buildings in Kesennuma City, Japan, collected by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). The tested explanatory parameters included the inundation depth, number of floors, volume of the building, debris flow, structural material, and function of the building. Through multinomial logistic regression, the results found that the number of floors was significantly associated with the damage level the inundation depth, structural material (reinforced concrete and masonry), and function of the building (commercial facility, transportation/storage facility, and public facility) were partially associated with the damage level. This study can contribute to academic research by assessing the contribution of different variables to observed damage data by applying statistical analysis, as well as the practical contribution of providing an examination of the predominant factors driving tsunami damage to buildings.

  238. Comparison of building damage caused by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami and the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan storm surge 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Natt Leelawat, Ingrid Charvet, Carine J. Yi, Fumihiko Imamura

    26th IUGG General Assembly 2015 2015年6月

  239. Survey of school damages and the initial stage recovery after the 2013 typhoon Haiyan, Leyte province, the Philippines 査読有り

    Yi, C. J, Yasuda, M, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering 160 63-70 2015年5月8日

    DOI: 10.2495/SUSI16071  



  240. Disaster information and awareness: A study on typhoon and storm surge in the Philippines 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Mari Yasuda, Carine J. Yi, Cherry May, R. Mateo, Sandy Mae Gaspay, Fumihiko Imamura

    The Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015 2015年5月

  241. 東日本大震災の発生から4年間における生活復興過程の評価-宮城県の被災者を対象にした東北大・河北新報合同継続調査から-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 古関良行

    地域安全学会梗概集 36 45-46 2015年5月

  242. Fragility Curves Based on Data from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami in Ishinomaki City, with Discussion of Parameters Influencing Building Damage 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Ingrid Charvet, Kentaro Imai, Fumihiko Imamura

    EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 31 (2) 841-868 2015年5月


    DOI: 10.1193/053013EQS138M  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 63,605 damaged buildings from the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in Ishinomaki were used to develop 52 fragility curves using linear regression. The data comprise the damage level and the measured inundation depth for each building. In agreement with previous studies, the present results indicate that reinforced concrete and steel buildings with three stories or more perform better under tsunami loading. Performance with respect to their intended function was found to depend mainly on structural material. Moreover, based on Japan's design code for earthquake-resistant buildings, buildings constructed after 1981 do not display a better performance compared to more recent constructions. Finally, the results show that for the same inundation depth, a higher damage probability exists along a ria coast due to higher flow velocities, confirmed by numerical simulation and survivor videos. These new findings are useful for building damage assessment, town reconstruction, and comparison of vulnerability functions in future studies.

  243. Recent Advances in Agent-Based Tsunami Evacuation Simulations: Case Studies in Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and Peru 査読有り

    Erick Mas, Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura, Anawat Suppasri, Abdul Muhari, Bruno Adriano

    Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (12) 3409-3424 2015年5月

    出版者・発行元:Springer Nature

    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-015-1105-y  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    As confirmed by the extreme tsunami events over the last decade (the 2004 Indian Ocean, 2010 Chile and 2011 Japan tsunami events), mitigation measures and effective evacuation planning are needed to reduce disaster risks. Modeling tsunami evacuations is an alternative means to analyze evacuation plans and possible scenarios of evacuees' behaviors. In this paper, practical applications of an agent-based tsunami evacuation model are presented to demonstrate the contributions that agent-based modeling has added to tsunami evacuation simulations and tsunami mitigation efforts. A brief review of previous agent-based evacuation models in the literature is given to highlight recent progress in agent-based methods. Finally, challenges are noted for bridging gaps between geoscience and social science within the agent-based approach for modeling tsunami evacuations.

  244. Fragility Curves Based on Data from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami in Ishinomaki City, with Discussion of Parameters Influencing Building Damage 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Ingrid Charvet, Kentaro Imai, Fumihiko Imamura

    EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 31 (2) 841-868 2015年5月


    DOI: 10.1193/053013EQS138M  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 63,605 damaged buildings from the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in Ishinomaki were used to develop 52 fragility curves using linear regression. The data comprise the damage level and the measured inundation depth for each building. In agreement with previous studies, the present results indicate that reinforced concrete and steel buildings with three stories or more perform better under tsunami loading. Performance with respect to their intended function was found to depend mainly on structural material. Moreover, based on Japan's design code for earthquake-resistant buildings, buildings constructed after 1981 do not display a better performance compared to more recent constructions. Finally, the results show that for the same inundation depth, a higher damage probability exists along a ria coast due to higher flow velocities, confirmed by numerical simulation and survivor videos. These new findings are useful for building damage assessment, town reconstruction, and comparison of vulnerability functions in future studies.

  245. 東日本大震災における津波伝承知の減災効果

    鹿島七洋, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成26年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2015年3月

  246. Near-field tsunami inundation forecast using the parallel TUNAMI-N2 model: Application to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake combined with source inversions 査読有り

    Yusuke Oishi, Fumihiko Imamura, Daisuke Sugawara

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 42 (4) 1083-1091 2015年2月


    DOI: 10.1002/2014GL062577  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To contribute to tsunami early warning systems, we investigated the currently achievable speed of tsunami inundation simulations on a parallel computer as well as the benefits of high-resolution and faster than real-time inundation predictions. We found that a 5 m resolution inundation simulation can be 75 times faster than real time, requiring only 1.5 min to overview the inundation situation in Sendai City for the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. We developed a novel parallel tsunami model based on the well-known TUNAMI-N2 model and achieved 9.17 tera Floating-point Operations Per Second (FLOPS) on 9469 CPU cores. The present model can accurately hindcast the observed inundated regions of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami using tsunami source estimations of the tFISH and tFISH/RAPiD algorithms, which can be instantly derived from real-time observation data. The present high-resolution predictions can provide clear images of imminent hazards/disasters and can provide guidance for appropriate evacuation actions.

  247. Lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami and present practical disaster- reduction related activities in Tohoku region 招待有り 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Fukutani, Y, Yasuda, M, Abe, Y, Imamura, F

    2015 International conference on building resilience and developing sustainability 2015年1月14日

  248. 地殻変動即時推定と津波浸水予測データベースの併用による高精度津波浸水予測の検討

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 71 (2) I_1705-I_1710 2015年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_1705  


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  249. 歩車混在を考慮した津波避難シミュレーションの開発 -2011年東日本大震災での気仙沼市での検証-

    牧野嶋 文泰, 今村 文彦, 安倍 祥

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 71 (2) I_1645-I_1650 2015年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_1645  


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  250. Tsunami signs, memorials and evacuation drills in Miyagi prefecture after the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Abe, Y, Yasuda, M, Fukutani, Y, Imamura, F

    Handbook of coastal disaster mitigation engineers and planners 599-614 2015年

    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801060-0.00028-9  

  251. International forum on disaster reduction for children-Activity on disaster reduction awareness in 2014

    Yasuda, M, Imamura, F, Suppasri, A

    Tsunami Engineering Technical Report 32 293-299 2015年

  252. Offshore evacuation of fishing boats -Lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami and its future challenge

    Suppasri, A, Nguyen, D, Abe, Y, Yasuda, M, Fukutani, Y, Imamura, F, Shuto, N

    Tsunami Engineering Technical Report 32 33-45 2015年



  253. Field survey and analysis of damaged school buildings by the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan and storm surge 査読有り

    サッパシー アナワット, イ ケリーン チョンヨン, リーラワット ナット, 渡部 真史, ブリッカー ジェレミー, ディビッド, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 71 (2) I_1669-i_1674 2015年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_1669  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    School buildings are important facilities due to their capacity as evacuation shelters. In 2013, Typhoon Haiyan and its storm surge damaged most schools in the affected area because they were one story structures built using weak material. Therefore, school buildings used as evacuation shelters did not function effectively. Thus, more studies on vulnerability of school buildings to coastal disasters in terms of damage and use as evacuation shelters are needed. A field survey was conducted from 26 May to 2 June 2014 to observe damage to school buildings in Tacloban, Palo and Tanauan. One-third of the schools were damaged by a combination of both typhoon winds and storm surge, and the rest by typhoon winds only. Detailed damage data on 166 school buildings in 39 school districts was directly obtained from Tananuan. The data for each building contain economic damage, building area and percentage damage to building structure, namely roofing, roof frame, ceiling, wall, window and door. Economic damage ratio is calculated as the ratio of loss to building area. The data was then overlaid on the storm surge inundation map created by field surveys and the distance of each building from the sea measured. Numerical simulations were applied to obtain the maximum storm surge flow depth and flow velocity, with wind speed derived from JMA data and a parametric hurricane model. The percentage of damage, distance from the sea and other disaster-related parameters were plotted in order to compare damage between the buildings inside and outside the storm surge inundation zone. Results show the damage ratio to walls is 0.3-1.0 in the storm surge inundation zone and decreases to about 0.5 or less for buildings outside the inundation zone. The average loss ratio is about 5,500 Philippine Peso (PhP) per m<sup>2</sup> due to the strong wind speed of 50-60 m/s.

  254. Building damage assessment and implications for future tsunami fragility estimations 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Ingrid Charvet, Joshua Macabuag, Tiziana Rossetto, Natt Leelawat, Panon Latcharote, Fumihiko Imamura

    Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners 147-178 2015年

    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801060-0.00009-5  

  255. エネルギー保存則による浸水評価を用いた広域に亘る施設群の津波リスク評価 査読有り

    福谷陽, 徳永英, 佐藤一郎, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 71 (2) 1549-1554 2015年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_1549  


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  256. Lessons learned from two villages in the tsunami most affected area of Banda Aceh city; A review of the housing reconstruction and the current state of village development 査読有り

    Affan, M, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F, Sofyan, H, Agustina, S, Nizamuddin, Fadli, N

    Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 44 59-72 2015年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10202-3_5  

  257. 中小規模の災害対応組織の活動過程に対する体 系的な記録手法の提案-東日本大震災における七ヶ浜町ボランティアセンターの災害対応を例にして- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 永村美奈, 今村文彦

    自然災害科学 34 (3) 225-241 2015年



  258. Disaster warning system in the Philippines through enterprise engineering perspective: A study on the 2013 super Typhoon Haiyan 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Shuichi Kure, Carine J. Yi, Cherry May R. Mateo, Fumihiko Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 10 (6) 1041-1050 2015年

    出版者・発行元:Fuji Technology Press

    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2015.p1041  

    ISSN:1883-8030 1881-2473


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this research on disaster warning systems, the Philippines was selected to be a case study. The Philippines was hit by a particularly bad storm in 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan. Here we focused on warning system process management from an enterprise engineering perspective. In understanding warning systems, it is necessary to know the essence of overall processes. The objective of this qualitative study is to determine the system’s essential components by using the Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO). This involves both assigning responsibility levels and utilizing both traditional means such as broadcast vehicles with speakers and radios and newer means such as Internet channels to disseminate warning information. The findings provide a simple model explaining the disaster-related organization and communication structure. They also contribute a practical aspect in the form of suggestions to planners and decision makers that may assist them in preparing mitigation plans for projected natural disasters.


    Hideharu SUGINO, Yoko IWABUCHI, Norihiko HASHIMOTO, Kazuyuki MATSUSUE, Katsumi EBISAWA, Hiroyuki KAMEDA, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering 15 (3) 114-133 2015年


    DOI: 10.5610/jaee.15.3_114  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake which exceeds the maximum magnitude of historical earthquake records could not be predicted. Which means, in the probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for the future prediction, it is necessary to apply a different concept from the existing scenario tsunami assessment based on the maximum magnitude of historical earthquake tsunami. As a new modeling method for scenario tsunami, we propose a characterized tsunami source model which indicates setting method of the area of tsunami source and slip distribution by the inter-plate earthquake.

  260. A New Proposal for Tsunami Hazard Map Explicitly Indicating Uncertainty of Tsunami Hazard Assessment

    Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    American Geophysics Union meeting 2014年12月15日

  261. Empirical fragility analysis of buildings and boats damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami and their practical application

    Suppasri, A, Charvet, I, Leelawat, N, Fukutani, Y, Muhari, A, Futami, T, Imamura, F

    American Geophysics Union meeting 2014年12月15日

  262. Development and importance of fragility functions in the last decade 招待有り

    Suppasri, A, Charvet, I, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    14th Japan earthquake engineering symposium 2014年12月4日

  263. Mechanism and stability analysis of overturned buildings by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami in Onagawa town 査読有り

    Latcharote, P, Suppasri, A, Yamashita, A, Adriano, B, Koshimura, S, Kai, Y, Imamura, F

    14th Japan earthquake engineering symposium 2014年12月4日

  264. Regional tsunami warning systems: A study on Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Patchanok Srivihok, Fumihiko Imamura

    Proceedings of the Third International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science 2014年12月

  265. 東日本大震災の発生から3年間の被災者の心情-宮城県の被災者を対象にした東北大・河北新報合同継続調査から-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成26年度東北地域災害科学研究集会講演予稿集 2014年12月

  266. Analysis of Influential Factors on Building Damage from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: A case study of Sri Lanka

    Leelawati, N, Suppasri, A, Murao, O, Imamura, F

    Proceedings of The 14th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium 14 1633-1638 2014年12月

  267. Local paleo-tsunami size evaluation using numerical modeling for boulder transport at Ishigaki Island, Japan 査読有り

    Akifumi Hisamatsu, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura

    Episodes 37 (4) 265-276 2014年12月

    DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2014/v37i4/006  


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    In this study, we simulated the transport of a large coralline boulder on southern Ishigaki Island of the Sakishima Islands, Japan, to evaluate local paleotsunami size in comparison to a well-known historical event (the 1771 Meiwa tsunami). According to the geological evidence, the boulder was deposited at 10 m elevation by two paleo-tsunami events. We assumed two types of fault models and eight dislocations for each fault. Then we investigated whether there are any combinations of the fault models that can satisfy the movement of the boulder from its presumed initial position to the present position by two tsunamis. Results show that several combinations of tsunami source models can satisfy the geological constraints. Our results revealed that at least one tsunami event during the prehistoric age was equivalent to or even larger than the 1771 tsunami in terms of the flow depth at the southeastern coast of the Ishigaki Island. Although the accuracy of this method depends strongly on the available geological evidence, we infer that the numerical modeling for boulder transport will have great value for evaluation of the local tsunami size, which is important for local tsunami risk assessment.

  268. Analysis of influential factors on building damage from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami using multinomial logistic regression 査読有り

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Charvet, I, Kimura, T, Sugawara, D, Imamura, F

    Thailand–Japan International Academic (TJIA) Conference 2014年11月22日

  269. Stochastic tsunami inundation assessment and quantification of tsunami risk 査読有り

    Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Abe, Y, Imamura, F

    Journal of JSCE B2(Coastal Eng.) 2014年11月12日

  270. 災害時における子どもの「生きる力」に関する一考察-東日本大震災を経験した宮城県立多賀城高校生徒を対象にしたワークショップ調査から-

    佐藤翔輔, 小野敬弘, 岡田正己, 小林由夏, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 35 2014年11月

  271. プレート間地震による津波の特性化波源モデルの提案 査読有り

    杉野英治, 岩渕洋子, 橋本紀彦, 松末和之, 蛯澤勝三, 亀田弘行, 今村文彦

    日本地震工学会論文集 14 (5) 1-5 2014年11月

    DOI: 10.5610/jaee.14.5_1  

  272. 東日本大震災における「見える復興」を目指した復興広報 活動に関する実態調査・分析-宮城県内の被災自治体を対象にして- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 24 171-181 2014年11月

  273. 非線形長波モデルと流体粒子法による津波シミュレータの開発 査読有り

    諏訪多聞, 今村文彦, 菅原大助

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 70 (2) 16-20 2014年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.70.I_16  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We develop a tsunami simulator integrating a 3-D fluid simulation technology that runs on large-scale parallel computers using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, together with a 2-D tsunami propagation simulation technique using a nonlinear shallow water wave model. We use the 2-D simulation to calculate tsunami propagation of scale of about 1000km from epicenter to near shore. The 3-D SPH method can be used to calculate the force that a tsunami can exert on a building, and to simulate flooding patterns in urban area of at most km scale. By applying the processing power of computers to the technologies resulting from this research, we seek to contribute to improved disaster preparedness and disaster mitigation through a better understanding of tsunami's mechanisms.

  274. 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震津波における日本列島太平洋沿岸の津波減衰過程 査読有り

    今井健太郎, 田野辺睦, 林豊, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 70 (2) 276-280 2014年11月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.70.I_276  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We analyzed the process decay of tsunami waveform based on the observed one due to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. The observed waveforms at 31 stations along the Pacific coast of Japan were divided into four domains with periods and were evaluated respectively for each physical parameter such as the arrival time, the amplification time of tsunami of the later phase, the maximum tsunami amplitude of the later phase and the decay time. We found out that the decay time of the long period component is generally longer than the short period, but in some cases the time of short period component becomes longer than the others, which may be affected by radiation wave due to large scale bathymetric structure such as the Emperor seamount.

  275. 徒歩と自動車を組み合わせた津波避難計画の策定-宮城県亘理町における実践- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今井健太郎, 大野晋, 齋正幸, 松尾敏彦, 板原大明, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 70 (2) 1371-1375 2014年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.70.I_1371  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In case of tsunami evacuation, on foot is principle in Japan based on several lessons from the past. However, there is a tremendous need for tsunami evacuation by a car in coastal area where no high ground including high building is found. This paper aims to design a new tsunami evacuation plan with combination of walking and cars in Watari town. The major reasons of car evacuation need is no high safe zone and far out of inundation area in coast. As a result of primary simulation, it is found that 46.0 % people in tsunami inundation area of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake disaster cannot escape from tsunami on foot. We propose a flowchart which select tsunami evacuation transportations (walk or car) and suggest directions (horizontal or vertical) for each district, and suggest an evacuation plan combination of walking and cars.

  276. 確率論的津波遡上評価と津波リスクの定量化 査読有り

    福谷陽, Suppasri Anawat, 安倍祥, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 70 (2) 1381-1385 2014年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.70.I_1381  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We performed a stochastic evaluation of tsunami inundation by using results of stochastic tsunami hazard assessment at the Soma port in the Tohoku coastal area. Eleven fault zones along the Japan trench were selected as earthquake faults generating tsunamis. The results show that estimated inundation area of return period about 1200 years had good agreement with that in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. In addition, we evaluated quantitatively tsunami risk for four types of building; a reinforced concrete, a steel, a brick and a wood at the Soma port by combining the results of inundation assessment and tsunami fragility assessment. The results of quantitative estimating risk would reflect properly vulnerability of the buildings, that the wood building has high risk and the reinforced concrete building has low risk.

  277. 震災アーカイブコンテンツの英語化と震災学習の両立をねらいにしたワークショップ手法の設計と試行

    佐藤翔輔, Elizabeth MALY, 櫻井敬佑, 日置友智, Leo J.CHE, 柴山明寛, 今村文彦

    日本災害情報学会・日本災害復興学会合同大会in長岡 116-117 2014年10月

  278. Empirical fragility analysis of building damage caused by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami in Ishinomaki city using ordinal regression, and influence of key geographical features 査読有り

    I. Charvet, A. Suppasri, F. Imamura



    DOI: 10.1007/s00477-014-0850-2  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tsunamis are disastrous events typically causing loss of life, and extreme damage to the built environment, as shown by the recent disaster that struck the East coast of Japan in 2011. In order to quantitatively estimate damage in tsunami prone areas, some studies used a probabilistic approach and derived fragility functions. However, the models chosen do not provide a statistically sound representation of the data. This study applies advanced statistical methods in order to address these limitations. The area of study is the city of Ishinomaki in Japan, the worst affected area during the 2011 event and for which an extensive amount of detailed building damage data has been collected. Ishinomaki city displays a variety of geographical environments that would have significantly affected tsunami flow characteristics, namely a plain, a narrow coast backed up by high topography (terrain), and a river. The fragility analysis assesses the relative structural vulnerability between these areas, and reveals that the buildings surrounding the river were less likely to be damaged. The damage probabilities for the terrain area (with relatively higher flow depths and velocities) were lower or similar to the plain, which confirms the beneficial role of coastal protection. The model diagnostics show tsunami flow depth alone is a poor predictor of tsunami damage for reinforced concrete and steel structures, and for all structures other variables are influential and need to be taken into account in order to improve fragility estimations. In particular, evidence shows debris impact contributed to at least a significant amount of non-structural damage.

  279. A proposal of practical tsunami damage estimation approach for human and building loss reduction 査読有り

    Imai, K, Imamura, F, Iwama, S, Suppasri, A

    Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science academic conference 2014年9月

  280. Inspection of educational programs to assist the development cognition, judgment, the ability to take action in order to survive from natural disasters 査読有り

    Yasuda, M, Imamura, F, Suppasri, A

    Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science academic conference 2014年9月

  281. A proposal of tsunami hazard map representing uncertainties 査読有り

    Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science academic conference 2014年9月

  282. 中小規模の災害対応プロジェクトに対する活動過程の体系的な記録手法の開発-七ヶ浜町ボランティアセンターの活動を事例として-

    永村美奈, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    第33回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 2014年9月

  283. わが国における災害伝承に関する量的分析の試み

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 川島秀一, 今井健太郎, 首藤伸夫

    第33回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 2014年9月

  284. Empirical fragility assessment of buildings affected by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami using improved statistical models 査読有り

    I. Charvet, I. Ioannou, T. Rossetto, A. Suppasri, F. Imamura

    NATURAL HAZARDS 73 (2) 951-973 2014年9月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-014-1118-3  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tsunamis are destructive natural phenomena which cause extensive damage to the built environment, affecting the livelihoods and economy of the impacted nations. This has been demonstrated by the tragic events of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, or the Great East Japan tsunami in 2011. Following such events, a few studies have attempted to assess the fragility of the existing building inventory by constructing empirical stochastic functions, which relate the damage to a measure of tsunami intensity. However, these studies typically fit a linear statistical model to the available damage data, which are aggregated in bins of similar levels of tsunami intensity. This procedure, however, cannot deal well with aggregated data, low and high damage probabilities, nor does it result in the most realistic representation of the tsunami-induced damage. Deviating from this trend, the present study adopts the more realistic generalised linear models which address the aforementioned disadvantages. The proposed models are fitted to the damage database, containing 178,448 buildings surveyed in the aftermath of the 2011 Japanese tsunami, provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure Transport and Tourism in Japan. In line with the results obtained in previous studies, the fragility curves show that wooden buildings (the dominant construction type in Japan) are the least resistant against tsunami loading. The diagnostics show that taking into account both the building's construction type and the tsunami flow depth is crucial to the quality of the damage estimation and that these two variables do not act independently. In addition, the diagnostics reveal that tsunami flow depth estimates low levels of damage reasonably well; however, it is not the most representative measure of intensity of the tsunami for high damage states (especially structural damage). Further research using disaggregated damage data and additional explanatory variables is required in order to obtain reliable model estimations of building damage probability.

  285. Building damage from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami: quantitative assessment of influential factors A new perspective on building damage analysis 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Ingrid Charvet, Fumihiko Imamura

    NATURAL HAZARDS 73 (2) 449-471 2014年9月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-014-1081-z  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Based on the classification provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the damage level of buildings impacted by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami can be separated into six levels (from minor damage to washed away). The objective of this paper is to identify the significant predictor variables and the direction of their potential relationship to the damage level in order to create a predicting formula for damage level. This study used the detailed data of damaged buildings in Ishinomaki city, Miyagi prefecture, Japan, collected by MLIT. The explanatory variables tested included the inundation depth, number of floors, structural material, and function of the building. Ordinal regression was applied to model the relationship between the ordinal outcome variable (damage level) and the predictors. The findings indicated that inundation depth, structural material, and function of building were significantly associated with the damage level. In addition to this new type of model, this research provides a valuable insight into the relative influence of different factors on building damage and suggestions that may help to revise the classification of current standards. This study can contribute to academic tsunami research by assessing the contribution of different variables to the observed damage using new approaches based on statistical analysis and regression. Moreover, practical applications of these results include understanding of the predominant factors driving tsunami damage to structures, implementation of the relevant variables into the proposed, or alternative model in order to improve current damage predictions by taking into account not only inundation depth, but also variables such as structural material and function of building.

  286. 東日本大震災復興交付金事業に関する分析-発災から3年間に岩手県・宮城県の沿岸市町村に適用された事業について-

    佐藤翔輔, 坪田亜由子, 今村文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 379-389 2014年8月

  287. Ten Years After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami – Recovery and Future Challenges

    Suppasri, A, Goto, K, Yasuda, M, Imamura, F

    Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting 2014 (AOGS2014) 2014年7月28日

  288. Disaster warning system process management: A comparison study between Japan and Thailand 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    The 11th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2014年7月

  289. A summary of the rapid response and analysis of tsunami on April 1st, 2014

    Makinoshima, F, Watanabe, M, Tanobe, A, Suppasri, A, Muhari, A, Imai, K, Imamura, F

    Tsunami Engineering Technical Report 31 105-109 2014年6月

  290. Spatial zoning of regional tsunami hazard and exposure in the Indian Ocean using scenario-based numerical tsunami simulation and global population data

    Suppasri, A, Futami, T, Sanders, R, Imamura, F

    Tsunami Engineering Technical Report 31 75-91 2014年6月

  291. A Possible Submarine Landslide and Associated Tsunami at the Northwest Nile Delta, Mediterranean Sea 査読有り

    Ahmet C. Yalciner, Andrey Zaytsev, Betul Aytore, Isil Insel, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Rozita Kian, Fumihiko Imamura

    OCEANOGRAPHY 27 (2) 68-75 2014年6月


    DOI: 10.5670/oceanog.2014.41  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A hypothetical landslide tsunami at the Nile Delta in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea is modeled in order to study hazards it would pose to the region. The methodology used is based on numerical simulation of the generation and propagation of a realistic landslide scenario. The volume of the landslide source is 41 km', located offshore northern Egypt. The maximum simulated wave heights along the northern, southern, and eastern coasts in the region are in the range of 1-12, 1-6.5, and 0.5-3 m, respectively. The maximum tsunami current velocity along the coasts reaches 2-5 m s(-1). Simulations show that bathymetric features in the region and the coastal morphology focus the maximum tsunami waves into some specific paths along which the largest tsunami runup heights occur. The semi-enclosed nature of the eastern Mediterranean causes wave reflections, which result in wave trains arriving at every coastal site. In some CO Ae largest simulated wave belongs to the second wave reflection is responsible for this wave. Based on the results, deployment of a netwosiEc cola- v ater pressure gauges may help in detection. and ear warning of possible landslide-generated tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean.

  292. Hydrodynamics of impact-induced tsunami over the Martian ocean 査読有り

    Yasutaka Iijima, Kazuhisa Goto, Koji Minoura, Goro Komatsu, Fumihiko Imamura

    PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE 95 33-44 2014年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2013.09.014  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Large bodies of liquid water ranging from lakes to oceans have been hypothesized to have occupied the surface of ancient Mars episodically. Such inferences have been founded largely on geomorphological observations of putative shoreline features during the period ranging from the 1980s to the early 2000s. High-resolution satellite images obtained during various Mars missions conducted since the early 2000s have enabled detailed sedimentological studies. One phenomenon that might leave sedimentological traces of the purported Martian paleo-oceans is a bolide impact and consequent generation of large tsunami waves. Numerical modeling of impact-induced tsunami waves on a hypothesized northern plains paleo-ocean was performed to elucidate their potential propagation characteristics on Mars, including the ranges of wave height and velocity. When considering a tsunami triggered by a 50 km-diameter impact cratering event, the offshore and shore-zone wave heights respectively reached 40-50 m and 120 m. In the same test scenario, the tsunami wave velocity reached 20 m/s near the crater and 16 m/s at the shore zone. The wave height and velocity in highly cratered regions, such as Arabia Terra, tend to be relatively low because tsunami inundation is diffused by impact crater rims existing along the tsunami passage. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  293. Evacuation response of fishermen during the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami and present recovery status

    Suppasri, A, Yasuda, M, Abe, Y, Fukutani, Y, Imamura, F

    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU2014) 2014年4月28日

  294. Disaster Warning System in Thailand through Enterprise Engineering Perspective

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU2014 2014年4月28日

  295. 岩手県・宮城県沿岸市町村を対象とした東日本大震災復興交付金事業の内容分析

    坪田亜由子, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成25年度土木学会東北支部技術研究発表会講演概要集 2014年3月

  296. Reviewing evacuation response of fishermen during the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami

    Suppasri, A, Yasuda, M, Abe, Y, Fukutani, Y, Imamura, F

    Tohoku research group for natural disaster science 2014年1月7日

  297. Process analysis of Tohoku’s first motion to secure the routes of rescue

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    Proceeding of the Tohoku research group for natural disaster science 2014年1月7日

  298. Residents’ behavior in tsunami evacuation drill and their intention

    Abe, Y, Suppasri, A, Fukutani, Y, Yasuda, M, Imamura, F, Kimura, H, Suzuki, Y

    Tohoku research group for natural disaster science 2014年1月7日

  299. Practical education program for improving response capability to survive from tsunami

    Yasuda, M, Imamura, F, Suppasri, A

    Tohoku research group for natural disaster science 2014年1月7日

  300. Tsunami-deck: A new concept of tsunami vertical evacuation system 査読有り

    Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura

    Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 35 335-345 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Springer Netherlands

    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-7269-4_18  

    ISSN:2213-6959 1878-9897

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We introduce the concept of a new type of vertical evacuation shelter. It combines the function of pedestrian bridge and tsunami tower, which are then installed at intersection. The idea provides the ease of constructing and maintenance in addition to the loss of required land acquisition. We first evaluate the performance of pedestrian bridges during the 2011 tsunami in Japan by taking into account the exposure component in term of their position from the shoreline and the susceptibility component in term of the tsunami height around the bridge as the influencing parameters in determining damage probability. We developed fragility curves to show that pedestrian bridges lay on an area less than 500 m from the coastline (around 0.1 of the maximum inundation extent), or in the area where the tsunami flow depth are 1.5 of the height of the bridge’s deck have more than 50 % probability to be damaged by the tsunami. If the function of pedestrian bridge will be expanded into ‘Tsunami-deck’, the information about tsunami behavior at the intersection therefore becomes important. For that reason, we performed a set of numerical experiment of tsunami flow at the intersection to determine conditions that will allow the installation of tsunami-deck with a height similar to the average height of the existing pedestrian bridge. By doing so, we attempted to determine preliminary placement criteria for Tsunami-deck in order to ensure the safety of evacuee. The results gave an opportunity to have more distributed vertical evacuation shelter in flat and densely populated areas.

  301. Damage and Reconstruction after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Muhari, A, Ranasinghe, P, Mas, E, Shuto, N, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned: Environmental and Societal Significance 35 321-334 2014年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-7269-4_17  



  302. Tsunami evacuation simulation – Case studies for tsunami mitigation at Indonesia, Thailand and Japan 査読有り

    Mas, E, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F, Muhari, A, Adriano, B, Suppasri, A

    SIMULTECH2014 2014年

  303. The tsunami warning system in Thailand: A part of the reconstruction process after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami 査読有り

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    Reconstruction and Restoration Works in Post Tsunami Events 44 111-119 2014年

  304. Relocation after tsunamis in the Sanriku area and the condition of fishing villages two years after the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Yasuda, M, Abe, Y, Fukutani, Y, Imamura, F, Shuto, N

    Reconstruction and Restoration Works in Post Tsunami Events 44 47-58 2014年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10202-3_4  



  305. Filipinos' views on the disaster information for the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Cherry May, R. Mateo, Sandy Mae Gaspay, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    International Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security 2 (2) 16-28 2014年


  306. 復興期における被災自治体の人的資源運用の実態分析-東日本大震災で被災した宮城県石巻市を対象にして-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成25年度自然災害科学研究東北地区部会概要集 2014年1月

  307. Estimating the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami wave height and period from boulders’ distribution at Pakarang Cape, Thailand 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kiyohiro Okada, Kiyohiro Okada, Fumihiko Imamura

    Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 35 215-223 2014年1月

    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-7269-4_11  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. We propose a numerical method to estimate the local wave height and period of a tsunami from the distributions of boulders. The method was applied to boulders (&lt;23 t) at Pakarang Cape, Thailand that were displaced from the reef slope onto the tidal bench by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. They were deposited characteristically below the high-tide line, irrespective of size and no boulders were deposited on land. These features were used as the constraint of the calculation. We conducted over 10,000 cross-sectional calculations to satisfy above mentioned constraints, showing that the wave height and period at the shoreline were calculated to be 4–6 m and 18–37 min, respectively, which well concur with observed values. The input parameters for this calculation are the sizes and initial positions of boulders with seaward/landward limits, which are obtainable through the geological survey for historical and pre-historical tsunamis. This method is useful to estimate the local wave height and period of historical and pre-historical tsunamis from boulders reported throughout the world.

  308. .Loss Functions for Small Marine Vessels Based on Survey Data and Numerical Simulation of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Abdul Muhari, Tsuyoshi Futami, Fumihiko Imamura, Nobuo Shuto



    DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000244  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Data for approximately 20,000 small marine vessels damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami, including information on motor types and tonnage, were collected and used to develop loss functions. The observed maximum tsunami heights from the field survey were used, and the maximum tsunami flow velocities from numerical simulation were obtained. Damage ratios were calculated, and loss functions were fit using linear regression analysis and log-normal distributions. The damage probability was significantly increased when the tsunami height was more than 2 m or when the flow velocity was more than 1 m/s. The results show that small vessels (weighing less than 5 t) with outboard motors were the most vulnerable. In addition, vessels at locations farther from the tsunami source had less damage because they were hit by smaller tsunamis with slower arrival times, which most likely gave them a chance to evacuate to deep sea. The results of this study, including the loss functions, will be useful for macroscale tsunami hazard and loss predictions involving small marine vessels.

  309. 人的・物的被害軽減に向けた実用的な津波ハザード・被害予測評価手法の提案 査読有り

    今井健太郎, 今村文彦, 岩間俊二, サッパシー アナワット

    自然災害科学 33 1-12 2014年



  310. 東日本大震災で発生した津波火災における地形的影響の考察と津波火災危険度評価指標の提案 査読有り

    今津 雄吾, 野竹 宏彰, 北後 明彦, 今村 文彦

    自然災害科学 33 (2) 127-143 2014年



  311. Investigation of hydrodynamic parameters and the effects of coastal protection structures during the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami in Kamaishi Bay 査読有り

    Sozdinler, C. O, Yalciner, A. C, Zaytsev, A, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (12) 3473-3491 2014年


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-014-0947-z  



  312. Building damage from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami: Quantitative assessment of influential factors: A new perspective on building damage analysis 査読有り

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Ingrid Charvet, Fumihiko Imamura

    Natural Hazards 73 (2) 449-471 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Kluwer Academic Publishers

    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-014-1081-z  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Based on the classification provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the damage level of buildings impacted by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami can be separated into six levels (from minor damage to washed away). The objective of this paper is to identify the significant predictor variables and the direction of their potential relationship to the damage level in order to create a predicting formula for damage level. This study used the detailed data of damaged buildings in Ishinomaki city, Miyagi prefecture, Japan, collected by MLIT. The explanatory variables tested included the inundation depth, number of floors, structural material, and function of the building. Ordinal regression was applied to model the relationship between the ordinal outcome variable (damage level) and the predictors. The findings indicated that inundation depth, structural material, and function of building were significantly associated with the damage level. In addition to this new type of model, this research provides a valuable insight into the relative influence of different factors on building damage and suggestions that may help to revise the classification of current standards. This study can contribute to academic tsunami research by assessing the contribution of different variables to the observed damage using new approaches based on statistical analysis and regression. Moreover, practical applications of these results include understanding of the predominant factors driving tsunami damage to structures, implementation of the relevant variables into the proposed, or alternative model in order to improve current damage predictions by taking into account not only inundation depth, but also variables such as structural material and function of building. © 2014 The Author(s).

  313. 災害時の「生きる力」に関する探索的研究:-東日本大震災の被災経験者の証言から- 査読有り

    佐藤 翔輔, 杉浦 元亮, 野内 類, 邑本 俊亮, 阿部 恒之, 本多 明生, 岩崎 雅宏, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 23 (0) 65-73 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 地域安全学会

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.23.65  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports on an exploratory study of "Zest for Living in disaster" to propose a hypothesis based on a qualitative survey and analysis on the text data of personal interviews with 78 victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake disaster. The main results are as follows: 1) Correspondence and handling cases are divided into four categories of Emergency response immediately after a disaster, First response, Recovery response and Common phases. 2) Appropriate response is classified into Personal character, Attitude and habit, Social capital, Individual capability and resources, and Disaster experiences of "Zest for Living in disaster" in the past.

  314. Analyzing the Essence of the Disaster Warning System in Japan 査読有り

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    Second International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science 2013年12月17日


    Anawat Suppasri, Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura, Anat Ruangrassamee, Piyawat Foytong



    DOI: 10.1142/S179343111350036X  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Although the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami occurred several years ago and all the building repair and infrastructure reconstruction needed in Thailand to repair the damage caused by the tsunami are complete, there is still a need for damage assessment methods that can be used in future tsunami damage assessments in Thailand and that can possibly be applied to other countries. This study summarizes three methods for assessing tsunami damage, "tsunami damage criteria," "tsunami damage ratios" and " tsunami fragility curves," based on damage data from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Thailand, and these methods are compared using other tsunami events. Using the data from a field survey of damaged buildings, tsunami damage criteria were summarized for each degree of damage as a function of inundation depth for different building types. Tsunami damage ratios were summarized using building damage data obtained from surveys in the field and reconstruction cost estimates provided by the Thai government. The fragility curves developed were validated based on building performance data obtained from full-scale experiments on buildings and columns. Despite differences in the tsunami characteristics (inundation depth, current velocity and hydrodynamic force), the damage probabilities were nearly the same. The summarized methods might be useful for future tsunami damage assessments and loss estimation in Thailand and serve as guidelines for tsunami damage assessment in other countries.


    Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura



    DOI: 10.1142/S1793431112500285  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Assessing the hazard and damage of a potential tsunami is an ongoing challenge in tsunami research. This study begins by simulating tsunami hazards using historical events. A tsunami propagation model is used to obtain the estimated maximum tsunami height along the west coast of Thailand for a rough return period, and rupture locations that have the potential to generate catastrophic tsunamis in Thailand for a specific return period are proposed. A tsunami inundation model is then performed to quantify each building's maximum inundation depth, using high-resolution satellite images to extract each building's location for the areas of interest located in southern Thailand. Nam Khem village and Patong beach are selected as study areas to represent village communities and tourist attractions, respectively. The model results are then used to obtain the numbers of exposed inhabitants and buildings for each earthquake return period. The developed tsunami fragility curves are applied to these figures to determine the number of potentially damaged buildings. The analysis suggests that the propagation model can be used to obtain rough estimations because it provided results similar to those of the inundation model. However, material type must be considered when fragility curves are used in a different country (i.e. reinforced concrete buildings in Thailand from the 2004 tsunami and wooden houses in Japan from the 2011 East Japan tsunami).

  317. Measuring fragility of ships based on numerical model of the 2011 East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Muhari, A, Suppasri, A, Murakami, H, Futami, T, Imamura, F

    Coastal engineering conference (JSCE) 2013年11月14日

  318. Comparison between linear least squares and GLM regression for fragility functions: Example of the 2011 Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Charvet, I, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Rossetto, T

    Coastal engineering conference (JSCE) 2013年11月14日

  319. Fragility analysis based on damage data of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imai, K, Muhari, A, Charvet, I, Fukutani, Y, Abe, Y, Murakami, H, Futami, T, Imamura, F

    Coastal engineering conference (JSCE) 2013年11月14日

  320. Behind the Tohoku’s operation comb mission to secure the routes of rescue: An enterprise engineering perspective 査読有り

    Leelawat, N, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    6th Thailand–Japan International Academic (TJIA) Conference 2013年11月9日

  321. 東日本大震災における被災自治体の人的資源運用に関する分析-宮城県石巻市を対象にして- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 林春男

    地域安全学会論文集 21 169-177 2013年11月

  322. 避難先を指定しない新しい津波避難訓練手法の提案-宮城県石巻市における実践と検証- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今井健太郎, 岩崎雅宏, 二上洋介, 熊谷雅之, 平松進, 亀井一彦, 鈴木聡一郎, 山内智, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 60 (2) 1361-1365 2013年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.69.I_1361  


  323. Localized tsunamigenic earthquakes inferred from preferential distribution of coastal boulders on the Ryukyu Islands, Japan 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kunimasa Miyagi, Fumihiko Imamura

    GEOLOGY 41 (11) 1139-1142 2013年11月


    DOI: 10.1130/G34823.1  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The occurrence of large earthquakes and tsunamis along the Ryukyu Trench is a subject of continuing interest, the key to which is the long-term geological record. Here we describe the clast size and spatial distributions of similar to 2900 boulders on the reefs of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, as markers of paleotsunamis and causative tsunamigenic earthquakes. Boulders of tsunami origin were observed only at a specific island group at the southern end, suggesting the local occurrence of tsunamigenic earthquakes there. In contrast, in the central to northern Ryukyu Islands, no evidence exists of tsunamis larger than those at the southern end of the Ryukyu Islands during the past 2000-3000 yr. These islands have numerous boulders deposited by storm waves during the past 2300 yr or earlier. Their spatial distribution has not been disturbed by large tsunamis. This suggests that large tsunamis did not strike this area during that period; nevertheless, these regions are seismically active. Our study shows that coastal boulder deposits present great potential to not only ascertain the histories and effects of paleotsunamis but also to constrain fault models of the causative earthquakes.

  324. Localized tsunamigenic earthquakes inferred from preferential distribution of coastal boulders on the Ryukyu Islands, Japan 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kunimasa Miyagi, Fumihiko Imamura

    GEOLOGY 41 (11) 1139-1142 2013年11月


    DOI: 10.1130/G34823.1  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The occurrence of large earthquakes and tsunamis along the Ryukyu Trench is a subject of continuing interest, the key to which is the long-term geological record. Here we describe the clast size and spatial distributions of similar to 2900 boulders on the reefs of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, as markers of paleotsunamis and causative tsunamigenic earthquakes. Boulders of tsunami origin were observed only at a specific island group at the southern end, suggesting the local occurrence of tsunamigenic earthquakes there. In contrast, in the central to northern Ryukyu Islands, no evidence exists of tsunamis larger than those at the southern end of the Ryukyu Islands during the past 2000-3000 yr. These islands have numerous boulders deposited by storm waves during the past 2300 yr or earlier. Their spatial distribution has not been disturbed by large tsunamis. This suggests that large tsunamis did not strike this area during that period; nevertheless, these regions are seismically active. Our study shows that coastal boulder deposits present great potential to not only ascertain the histories and effects of paleotsunamis but also to constrain fault models of the causative earthquakes.

  325. Numerical assessment of bathymetric changes caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Kirinda Fishery Harbor, Sri Lanka 査読有り

    D. Prasanthi Lanka Ranasinghe, Kazuhisa Goto, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Jun Takahashi, Janaka J. Wijetunge, Takeshi Nishihata, Fumihiko Imamura

    COASTAL ENGINEERING 81 67-81 2013年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.07.004  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Thus far various numerical models have been developed and improved to aid understanding of the sediment transport process due to tsunamis. However, the applicability of these models for the field-scale bathymetric change remains a major issue due to the scarcity of measured bathymetric data immediately before and after tsunamis. This study focuses on assessing the applicability of the sediment transport model by comparing the model results with measured bathymetry data obtained one month before and two months after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Kirinda Fishery Harbor, Sri Lanka. Obtained model results were compared with measured data along four different transects. In particular, similar to the measured data, the model reproduced the bed level change at the harbor mouth well, although it shows some discrepancy on bathymetric change along the shoreline, which is directly affected by littoral drift. Therefore, it is noted that the divergence of reproducing the local bathymetry change is due to the normal wind wave effect on measured data and the model limitations. Hence we included the wind wave effect in modeled data and the discrepancy between measured and modeled data was reduced. Furthermore, the modeled bed level change indicates a dynamic behavior in terms of the net variation during the tsunami flow, such that deposition dominates in the inflow and erosion dominates in the backflow. Both bed level variation and the suspended load concentration reveal that the large amount of eroded sediment attributable to tsunami waves was in suspended form and was deposited in the nearshore area after the water fluctuation had abated. The model results further indicate that eroded sediment at the initial depth deeper than 11 m might be brought by the incoming tsunami waves and deposited in the nearshore area where the depth is shallower than 7 m. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  326. Estimating Tsunami Inundation Height Based on the Empirical Relationship and Regression Analysis of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami Data 査読有り

    Miyamoto, R, Sato, I, Hayashi, T, Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    International Tsunami Symposium (ITS2013) 2013年9月25日

  327. A Quasi Probabilistic Method for Tsunami Hazard and Risk Prediction in Japan

    Muhari, A, Suppasri, A, Tabuchi, S, Tsuyoshi, F, Imamura, F

    International Tsunami Symposium (ITS2013) 2013年9月25日

  328. A Proposal of Evaluation for Regional Tsunami Hazard Index Based on Historical Tsunami Database

    Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Abe, Y, Imamura, F

    International Tsunami Symposium (ITS2013) 2013年9月25日

  329. Coastal Damage and Fragility Curves of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami

    Suppasri, A, Imai, K, Muhari, A, Fukutani, Y, Abe, Y, Murakami, H, Futami, T, Charvet, I, Imamura, F

    International Tsunami Symposium (ITS2013) 2013年9月25日

  330. Evaluation of present tsunami evacuation situation in Thailand 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Mas, E, Srivihok, P, Sawatdiraksa, S, Abe, Y, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F

    4th National Convention on Water Resource Engineering, Thailand (WRECON2013) 2013年9月5日

  331. 東日本大震災の対応組織が発行した災害対応記録の内容分析

    永村美奈, 佐藤翔輔, 柴山明寛, 今村文彦

    第32回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 15-16 2013年9月

  332. 東日本大震災における震災アーカイブ検索システムの構築

    柴山明寛, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    第32回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 35-36 2013年9月

  333. 地域主導による被災証言記録誌の作成手法の設計と実装-仙台市七郷市民センターでの試み-

    岩崎雅宏, 佐藤翔輔, 柴山明寛, 今村文彦, 阿部冨雄, 丹野由美

    第32回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 37-38 2013年9月

  334. Digital archive for the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami - Michinoku Shinrokuden 査読有り

    Fumihiko IMAMURA, Akihiro SHIBAYAMA, Shosuke SATO

    International Tsunami Symposium (ITS) 2013年9月

  335. 震災復興支援に関する震災記録の利活用について

    柴山明寛, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    平成25年度電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会 2013年9月

  336. Impacts of the 2011 East Japan tsunami in the Papua region, Indonesia: field observation data and numerical analyses 査読有り

    Subandono Diposaptono, Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura, Hideaki Yanagisawa

    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 194 (3) 1625-1639 2013年9月


    DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggt175  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents post-tsunami survey results describing the impacts of the 2011 East Japan tsunami in Yos Sudarso Bay, Papua, Indonesia. Although the far-field tsunami had a height of 0.8 m measured at a tide gauge inside the small U-shaped bay, it severely damaged four villages scattered along the bay. Detailed numerical analysis was carried out to explain the damages. We used a well-verified source model in the near- and far-field cases to model the propagation of the tsunami southward in the Pacific until reaching Papua Island, Indonesia. The numerical analyses demonstrate two causes of damage in the bay: the maximum tsunami velocity (3.5 m s(-1)) floated the houses in the villages of Tobati and Enggros and caused them to collapse, and water trapped by the hook-shaped peninsula amplified the tsunami height at the Holtekamp and Hanurata.

  337. Damages, source model and fragility function of the 1771 Meiwa Tsunami 査読有り

    Goto, K, Miyazawa, K, Imamura, F, Shimabukuro, N, Shimabukuro, A, Miyagi K, Masaki, Y, Suppasri, A

    IGU (International Geographical Union) Regional Conference 2013年8月4日

  338. Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami: Performance of Tsunami Countermeasures, Coastal Buildings, and Tsunami Evacuation in Japan 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Nobuo Shuto, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura, Erick Mas, Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 170 (6-8) 993-1018 2013年6月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-012-0511-7  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In 2011, Japan was hit by a tsunami that was generated by the greatest earthquake in its history. The first tsunami warning was announced 3 min after the earthquake, as is normal, but failed to estimate the actual tsunami height. Most of the structural countermeasures were not designed for the huge tsunami that was generated by the magnitude M = 9.0 earthquake as a result, many were destroyed and did not stop the tsunami. These structures included breakwaters, seawalls, water gates, and control forests. In this paper we discuss the performance of these countermeasures, and the mechanisms by which they were damaged we also discuss damage to residential houses, commercial and public buildings, and evacuation buildings. Some topics regarding tsunami awareness and mitigation are discussed. The failures of structural defenses are a reminder that structural (hard) measures alone were not sufficient to protect people and buildings from a major disaster such as this. These defenses might be able to reduce the impact but should be designed so that they can survive even if the tsunami flows over them. Coastal residents should also understand the function and limit of the hard measures. For this purpose, non-structural (soft) measures, for example experience and awareness, are very important for promoting rapid evacuation in the event of a tsunami. An adequate communication system for tsunami warning messages and more evacuation shelters with evacuation routes in good condition might support a safe evacuation process. The combination of both hard and soft measures is very important for reducing the loss caused by a major tsunami. This tsunami has taught us that natural disasters can occur repeatedly and that their scale is sometimes larger than expected. © 2012 The Author(s).

  339. The 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Tsunami: Similarities and Differences to the 869 Jogan Tsunami on the Sendai Plain 査読有り

    Daisuke Sugawara, Fumihiko Imamura, Kazuhisa Goto, Hideaki Matsumoto, Koji Minoura

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 170 (5) 831-843 2013年5月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-012-0460-1  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A post-tsunami field survey following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Tsunami was carried out to asses inundated area in Sendai Plain, Northeast Japan. The type of inundation was classified into two categories (major and minor) according to the amount of accumulated debris, garbage and sediment. Major and minor inundations were identified up to 4 and 5 km from the coastline, respectively. Many artificial geomorphological features, such as roadway embankments and canals, were believed to have affected the run-up process of the tsunami. The inundation area of the 2011 tsunami on the Sendai Plain is compared with that of the 869 Jogan tsunami, which was reconstructed using numerical modeling based on available historical and geological records. The inundation area of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami is comparable to that of the 869 Jogan tsunami, although a direct comparison is difficult due to differences in geomorphological contexts between the paleo period and the present.

  340. スリランカ共和国での津波復興・リスク評価と地域防災活動の支援

    今村 文彦, 後藤 和久, 保田 真理, 庄司 和弘, 塚原 武士

    津波工学研究報告 30 87-91 2013年3月30日



  341. Developing fragility curves based on surveyed data of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami in Ishinomaki city

    Suppasri, A, Imai, K, Imamura, F

    Annual Meeting of the Tohoku Branch Technology Research Conference (JSCE) 2013年3月9日

  342. Proposal of a quantitative evaluation index of tsunami hazard based on tsunami trace data

    Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Abe, Y, Imamura, F

    Annual Meeting of the Tohoku Branch Technology Research Conference (JSCE) 2013年3月9日

  343. Feasibility of evacuation at the Pakarang Cape in Thailand based on tsunami inundation model and human evacuation simulation 査読有り

    Mas, E, Suppasri, A, Srivihok, P, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F

    10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering 2013年3月2日

  344. 東日本大震災における震災復興計画の巨視的分析-岩手県・宮城県の沿岸市町村を対象にして- 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    自然災害科学 19 (4) 305-315 2013年3月




    ABE Ikuo, IMAMURA Fumihiko

    Journal of JSCE 1 (1) 516-520 2013年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/journalofjsce.1.1_516  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Before the occurrence of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, a tsunami inundation forecast system and a GPS buoy were installed in Tohoku. The huge tsunami generated by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake was observed with the GPS buoy, and the data were used to revise the tsunami warning. However, the tsunami inundation forecast system was not able to help in the evacuation. The tsunami inundation forecast system was a system that displayed an inundation forecast map corresponding to the tsunami height observed in the GPS buoy in real-time. We thought that the damage would have been mitigated if the information from these systems were used for evacuation. Especially, the tsunami reached Sendai around 36 minutes after the tsunami was observed in the Kesennuma-oki GPS buoy. We thought that damage might have been mitigated if the information was conveyed during these 36 minutes. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake was generated in Tohoku where such a system was constructed. Therefore we thought that we must report the process of constructing these systems, the effects of the systems and the problems encountered.

  346. 海洋への隕石落下に伴う津波リスク評価(特集「チェリャビンスクイベントと天体衝突リスク」) 査読有り

    後藤 和久, 飯嶋 耕崇, 和田 浩二, 今村 文彦, 常 昱

    日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 22 (4) 207-213 2013年


    DOI: 10.14909/yuseijin.22.4_207  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  347. 心理的作用を考慮した津波避難開始における意思決定モデルの開発

    佐藤太一, 河野達仁, 越村俊一, 山浦一保, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 D3, 69 64-80 2013年

  348. Building damage characteristics based on surveyed data and fragility curves of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Erick Mas, Ingrid Charvet, Rashmin Gunasekera, Kentaro Imai, Yo Fukutani, Yoshi Abe, Fumihiko Imamura

    Natural Hazards 66 (2) 319-341 2013年


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-012-0487-8  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A large amount of buildings was damaged or destroyed by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami. Numerous field surveys were conducted in order to collect the tsunami inundation extents and building damage data in the affected areas. Therefore, this event provides us with one of the most complete data set among tsunami events in history. In this study, fragility functions are derived using data provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation of Japan, with more than 250,000 structures surveyed. The set of data has details on damage level, structural material, number of stories per building and location (town). This information is crucial to the understanding of the causes of building damage, as differences in structural characteristics and building location can be taken into account in the damage probability analysis. Using least squares regression, different sets of fragility curves are derived to demonstrate the influence of structural material, number of stories and coastal topography on building damage levels. The results show a better resistant performance of reinforced concrete and steel buildings over wood or masonry buildings. Also, buildings taller than two stories were confirmed to be much stronger than the buildings of one or two stories. The damage characteristic due to the coastal topography based on limited number of data in town locations is also shortly discussed here. At the same tsunami inundation depth, buildings along the Sanriku ria coast were much greater damaged than buildings from the plain coast in Sendai. The difference in damage states can be explained by the faster flow velocities in the ria coast at the same inundation depth. These findings are key to support better future building damage assessments, land use management and disaster planning. © 2012 The Author(s).

  349. 東日本大震災に関する記録・証言などの収集活動の現状と課題 査読有り

    永村美奈, 佐藤翔輔, 柴山明寛, 今村文彦, 岩崎雅宏

    レコード・マネジメント,記録管理学会 64 49-66 2013年


    DOI: 10.20704/rmsj.64.0_49  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  350. 日本大震災における被災地外からの人的支援量 の関連要因に関する分析 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 林春男

    地域安全学会論文集 19 2013年

  351. Building damage characteristics based on surveyed data and fragility curves of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Erick Mas, Ingrid Charvet, Rashmin Gunasekera, Kentaro Imai, Yo Fukutani, Yoshi Abe, Fumihiko Imamura

    Natural Hazards 66 (2) 319-341 2013年


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-012-0487-8  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A large amount of buildings was damaged or destroyed by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami. Numerous field surveys were conducted in order to collect the tsunami inundation extents and building damage data in the affected areas. Therefore, this event provides us with one of the most complete data set among tsunami events in history. In this study, fragility functions are derived using data provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation of Japan, with more than 250,000 structures surveyed. The set of data has details on damage level, structural material, number of stories per building and location (town). This information is crucial to the understanding of the causes of building damage, as differences in structural characteristics and building location can be taken into account in the damage probability analysis. Using least squares regression, different sets of fragility curves are derived to demonstrate the influence of structural material, number of stories and coastal topography on building damage levels. The results show a better resistant performance of reinforced concrete and steel buildings over wood or masonry buildings. Also, buildings taller than two stories were confirmed to be much stronger than the buildings of one or two stories. The damage characteristic due to the coastal topography based on limited number of data in town locations is also shortly discussed here. At the same tsunami inundation depth, buildings along the Sanriku ria coast were much greater damaged than buildings from the plain coast in Sendai. The difference in damage states can be explained by the faster flow velocities in the ria coast at the same inundation depth. These findings are key to support better future building damage assessments, land use management and disaster planning. © 2012 The Author(s).

  352. Tsunami disaster prevention plan based on consideration of far-field tsunami-Example from recent tsunamis

    Abe, Y, Suppasri, A, Fukutani, Y, Imamura, F

    Tohoku research group for natural disaster science 2012年12月7日

  353. Damage and reconstruction after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Muhari, A, Ranasinghe, P, Mas, E, Shuto, N, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    Journal of Natural Disaster Science 34 (1) 19-39 2012年12月

    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.34.19  

  354. Agent based simulation of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami evacuation. An integrated model of tsunami inundation and evacuation 査読有り

    Mas, E, Suppasri, A, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F

    Journal of Natural Disaster Science 34 (1) 41-57 2012年12月

    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.34.41  

  355. Tsunami arrival time characteristics of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami revealed from eyewitness, evidences and numerical simulation 査読有り

    Muhari, A, Imamura, F, Suppasri, A, Mas, E

    Journal of Natural Disaster Science 34 (1) 91-104 2012年12月

    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.34.91  

  356. 「被災者」ツィートに見る東日本大震災発生1週間の災害対応過程の分析

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 水野淳太, 岡崎直観, 乾健太郎

    平成24年度東北地域自然災害科学研究集会 2012年12月

  357. Assessing the magnitude of the 869 Jogan tsunami using sedimentary deposits: Prediction and consequence of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami 査読有り

    Daisuke Sugawara, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura, Hideaki Matsumoto, Koji Minoura

    Sedimentary Geology 282 14-26 2012年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2012.08.001  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, the spatial distribution and sedimentological features of the 869 Jogan tsunami deposit along the Pacific coast of Japan are reviewed to evaluate deposit-based estimates of the magnitude of the Jogan tsunami and the use of tsunami deposits in the prediction of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami. Inundation of the Sendai Plain and the offshore wave sources of both tsunamis are compared. The Jogan tsunami deposit is ubiquitous on the coastal plains of Sendai Bay, whereas, to date, it is only identified in a few locations along the Sanriku and Joban Coasts. This resulted in an underprediction of the size of the wave source of the Tohoku-oki tsunami. The inland boundary of the inundation area of the Tohoku-oki tsunami on the Sendai Plain is approximately equivalent to that of the Jogan tsunami, although many sedimentological and geomorphologic factors make a direct comparison of the tsunamis complicated and difficult. The magnitude of the Jogan earthquake (Mw = 8.4), which was derived from the tsunami deposit inland extent and numerical inundation modeling, was too small to predict the magnitude of the Tohoku-oki earthquake (Mw = 9.0-9.1) and tsunami. Additional research is needed to improve deposit-based estimates of the magnitudes of past tsunamis and to increase the ability to use tsunami deposits, in conjunction with inundation modeling, to assess future tsunami hazards. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.

  358. Near- and far-field characteristics of the 2011 East Japan tsunami and their impacts 査読有り

    Muhari, A, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    2nd International Conference on Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering 2012年11月

  359. Mapping of historical tsunamis in the Indian and Southwest Pacific Oceans 査読有り

    Anawat Suppasri, Tsuyoshi Futami, Shigeko Tabuchi, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2012.05.003  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Asia and Southwest Pacific Oceans experienced considerable effects due to tsunamis, including the Indian Ocean event in 2004, many local events along the Indonesian coast in 2005, 2006 and 2010, and the tsunami in Japan in 2011. This study started by collecting an assessment of the earthquake return periods and their tsunamigenic ratios. Previous studies show that recurrence of M-w 7.5, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.0 earthquakes are 20-50, 60-120, 200-300 and 450-650 years and M-w 7.5 and M-w 8.0 earthquake has potential of 0.5 and 0.8 to generate a tsunami. Historical tsunamis were selected to characterize the tsunami hazards in this region. A total of 30 tsunami scenarios were selected from 110 possible historical events that occurred within the last 400 years for a far-field tsunami simulation. The simulation calculated the maximum tsunami heights along shoreline that were subsequently evaluated based on reported survey data. Simulated results showed that Japan faced the highest levels of local tsunami impacts, followed by Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Local tsunamis were not observed in Thailand, Sri Lanka and India, although these areas were greatly affected by the devastating event in 2004. China and Taiwan were affected by local tsunamis and tsunamis that occurred in Japan. Other countries in the South China Sea, such as Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore, had comparatively small impacts due to their geographical locations. The maximum tsunami height map developed here will improve our understanding of the general impacts of historical tsunamis in Asian and Southwest Pacific countries. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  360. Tsunamigenic ratios of the Pacific earthquakes 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    8th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-hazards around the Pacific Rim 2012年9月21日

  361. Review of tsunami fragility curves developed for countries around the Pacific Rim 査読有り

    Mas, E, Suppasri, A, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F

    8th APRU Research Symposium on Multi-hazards around the Pacific Rim 2012年9月21日

  362. Relationship between tsunami trace height, earthquake magnitude and return period based on tsunami trace data 査読有り

    Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Abe, Y, Imamura, F

    31st Japan Society of Natural Disaster Science conference 2012年9月

  363. 東日本大震災の発生1年間に見るウェブ報道の内容分析-地域性と「復興」という文脈に着目して-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 柴山明寛, 伊藤なほみ

    第31回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 103-104 2012年9月

  364. 宮城県沿岸15市町における東日本大震災の現地情報収集活動の試み-「みちのく.いまをつたえ隊」の活動-

    岩崎雅宏, 人見俊介, 佐藤翔輔, 柴山明寛, 今村文彦

    第31回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 121-122 2012年9月

  365. 東日本大震災に関する記録・証言などの収集活動の現状把握

    永村美奈, 佐藤翔輔, 柴山明寛, 今村文彦, 岩崎雅宏

    第31回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 144-145 2012年9月

  366. 東日本大震災アーカイブの収集から利活用までのモデル構築に関する研究

    柴山明寛, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    第31回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 195-196 2012年9月

  367. Modeling tsunami hazard and risk based on historical Asian and Oceanian earthquakes 招待有り

    Suppasri, A, Futami, T, Tabuchi, S, Imamura, F

    AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012 2012年8月15日

  368. Lessons learned and reconstruction from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 2012 2012年8月15日

  369. Comparison of decay features of the 2006 and 2007 Kuril Island earthquake tsunamis 査読有り

    Yutaka Hayashi, Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05466.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Characteristics of the tsunami decay processes are examined following the definition and discussion of the major terms involved: moving root mean squared amplitude, tsunami coda and non-dimensional tsunami amplitude (NDA). Tsunami waveform data observed at tidal stations in Japan during two Kuril Island earthquake tsunamis in 2006 and 2007 are analysed. The tsunami codas of these events showed the following characteristics. (1) The decay process determined by the tsunami coda of the 2006 tsunami implies that the decay time constant at a tidal station depends on which ocean the station is facing. (2) Fluctuations of the NDAs in the tsunami codas are stochastically approximated by either the Rayleigh distribution or the normal distribution and the distributions of the NDAs at most tidal stations are similar. (3) Differences in the decay processes between these two tsunami events were small with regard to the averaged decay time constants and the distributions of the NDAs. These findings may be the first step towards improved forecasting of the tsunami decay process.


    Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura

    JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI 6 (2) 1250100 2012年6月


    DOI: 10.1142/S1793431112500108  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, many hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost due to tsunami events, and almost half of the lives lost occurred following the 2004 Indian Ocean event. Potential tsunami case scenarios have been simulated in these regions by a number of researchers to calculate the hazard level. The hazard level is based on a variety of conditions, such as the tsunami height, the inundation area, and the arrival time. However, the current assessments of the hazard levels do not focus on the tsunami risk to a coastal population. This study proposes a new method to quantify the risk to the coastal population in the region that includes the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. The method is simple and combines the use of readily available tsunami data, far-field tsunami simulation models to determine the regional risk and global population data. An earthquake-generated tsunami was simulated, following an earthquake that had a magnitude larger than 8.5 M-w and occurred along a potential subduction zone. The 2004 Indian Ocean event seemed to be a "worst case scenario"; however, it has been estimated that a potential tsunami, occurring in a coastal region with a high population density, could cause significantly greater casualties.

  371. Disaster reduction effort and reconstruction after the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 招待有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    Japan Geoscience Union meeting (JpGU2012) 2012年5月

  372. Social Web in Disaster Archives 査読有り

    Michiaki TATSUBORI, Akihiro SHIBAYAMA, Shosuke SATO, Fumihiko IMAMURA

    WWW 2012 Workshop on Social Web Disaster Management(SWDM) 715-716 2012年5月

    DOI: 10.1145/2187980.2188190  

  373. Damage due to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami and its lessons for future mitigation 査読有り

    Imamura, F, Suppasri, A

    International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake 2012年3月

  374. Experience from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and damage and reconstruction from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Muhari, A, Ranasinghe, P, Mas, E, Shuto, N, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering and 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2012年3月


    Anawat Suppasri, Erick Mas, Shunichi Koshimura, Kentaro Imai, Kenji Harada, Fumihiko Imamura

    COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 54 (1) 1250008 2012年3月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563412500088  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Japan was hit by the tsunami generated by the greatest earthquake in the history of Japan. The authors conducted the post-tsunami field survey in Miyagi prefecture immediately after the event to measure the inundation depth and investigate damaged buildings. Most of the buildings surveyed were wooden houses and could be classified into 4 damage levels. The primary data of inundation depth and damage levels obtained from the field survey were used to create the tsunami fragility curves, which described the degree of structural damage as a function of the hydrodynamic characteristics of tsunami inundation. The developed fragility curves show that damage with more than a 50% chance of occurring is classified as minor damage, moderate damage, major damage and complete damage when the tsunami inundation depth is between 2.5-3.0 m, 3.0-4.0 m and 4.0-4.5 m and greater than 4.5 m, respectively. By comparing the developed tsunami fragility curves, wooden houses in the studied area have higher structural performance than those obtained from historical events in other areas. The new curves suggest that wooden houses will be severely damaged if the inundation depth is greater than 3 m and collapse if the depth is greater than 4 m while wooden houses from historical data can resist only 1-2 m. Moreover, wooden walls in Japan reduce the overall failure of a structural member because a wooden wall is easier to destroy (compared to brick walls in Thailand and Indonesia) and allows the tsunami to pass through, which reduces the pressure at the attacking front of the tsunami. The fragility curves are very important for the loss estimation and reconstruction plans of the city; they are also crucial for reducing the disaster damage from a future tsunami.

  376. Tsunami waveform inversion incorporating permanent seafloor deformation and its application to tsunami forecasting 査読有り

    Hiroaki Tsushima, Ryota Hino, Yuichiro Tanioka, Fumihiko Imamura, Hiromi Fujimoto



    DOI: 10.1029/2011JB008877  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a method of tsunami waveform inversion to accurately estimate a tsunami source by incorporating the effect of permanent seafloor deformation recorded by ocean-bottom pressure gauges (OBPGs) within the source region. We developed a general expression of water-depth fluctuation recorded at an OBPG following seafloor deformation of arbitrary spatiotemporal distribution. By assuming that coseismic rupture propagates with infinite velocity, the general expression can be reduced to an equation relating observed OBPG waveforms to initial sea-surface displacement at the source by using a Green's function consisting of two terms: the Green's function used in regular tsunami inversion and a correction term to account for water-depth change in response to permanent seafloor deformation. By using the two-term Green's functions, the effect of seafloor deformation can be taken into account in tsunami source estimation. We applied the revised inversion method to observations of coseismic seafloor deformation and tsunami during the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M-w 8.3) at two OBPG stations near the Kuril Trench. The tsunami source model we estimated is consistent with models previously derived using various other geophysical data sets. Furthermore, the coastal tsunami waveforms we modeled match the observed tsunami well. Forecasts of tsunami arrival times and first peak amplitudes by our method can be obtained 20 min after an earthquake, and can be provided to the coastal communities nearest to the source with a lead time of similar to 10 min.


    Anawat Suppasri, Shunichi Koshimura, Kentaro Imai, Erick Mas, Hideomi Gokon, Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura

    COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 54 (1) 1250005 2012年3月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563412500052  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    On March 11th, 2011, the Pacific coast of Japan was hit by a tsunami generated by the largest earthquake (M9.0) in the history of the country and causing a wide range of devastating damage. Using preliminary reported data from many sources, some topics such as tsunami fatality ratio and tsunami fragility curves for structural damage are discussed and compared with other countries. This paper aims to discuss the damage characteristics of this tsunami as well as its mechanism, as observed through field surveys conducted over the 4 months following the tsunami. The field survey covers 13 areas in the Miyagi prefecture from Kesennuma city in the northernmost region to Yamamoto town in the southernmost region. The arrival time of the first tsunami along the coastal areas in the Miyagi prefecture was confirmed by stopped clocks found during the survey. The damage mechanism of coastal structures such as breakwaters, seawalls, tsunami gates, and evacuation buildings was investigated and discussed. Damage characteristics for each area, i.e., urban areas, port, coastal structures, fisheries, and agricultural areas, were also summarized. The conclusions drawn from the data analysis suggest that experience and education (soft countermeasures) are important to reduce the loss of life, as shown for example in the Sanriku area. The field surveys indicate that wood and reinforced-concrete (RC) structures should be balanced to survive both earthquake and tsunami forces, and the structural design for buildings should be reconsidered after the example in Onagawa town. In addition, coastal structures for tsunami countermeasures (hard countermeasures) should be more properly designed for survival instead of becoming floating debris upon being overturned by a tsunami. The combination of both hard and soft measures is especially necessary for optimizing the outcomes following a great disaster. These recommendations should be taken into consideration in the reconstruction efforts for better tsunami countermeasures in the future.

  378. 東北地方太平洋沖地震による津波発生のメカニズム

    今村 文彦

    学術の動向 17 (7) 7_12-7_23 2012年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Science Support Foundation

    DOI: 10.5363/tits.17.7_12  


  379. 表紙の画:宮城県仙台市若林区沿岸周辺

    今村 文彦

    学術の動向 17 (7) 7_3-7_3 2012年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Science Support Foundation

    DOI: 10.5363/tits.17.7_3  


  380. Study on Tsunami Evacuation Building Demand through the Agent Based Simulation of Tsunami Evacuation in La Punta , Peru 査読有り

    Mas Erick, Imamura Fumihiko, Koshimura Shunichi

    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012 2012年

  381. Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis and risk to coastal populations in Thailand 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 6 (2) 1250011 2012年


    DOI: 10.1142/S179343111250011X  



  382. Tsunamigenic ratio of the Pacific Ocean earthquakes and a proposal for a Tsunami Index 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 12 (1) 175-185 2012年

    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-12-175-2012  



  383. Re-evaluation of the 1771 meiwa tsunami source model, Southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan 査読有り

    Keitaro Miyazawa, Kazuhisa Goto, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura

    Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences - 5th International Symposium 31 497-506 2012年1月


    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2162-3_44  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 1771 Meiwa Tsunami, which was generated on 24 April 1771, struck the Miyako-Yaeyama Islands located in the southern part of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It was one of the most devastating tsunamis ever to hit Japan. Based on historical documents and recent field surveys, the run-up heights at some areas of the Miyako-Yaeyama Islands were estimated as up to 30 m at Ishigaki Island, although it is noteworthy that the extremely high run-up heights were only observed at the southeastern coast of the island and those in other areas were generally lower than 10-15 m. Based on these run-up heights, several tsunami source models have been proposed. However, the model remains controversial because the actual fault, the putative tsunami source, has not been identified. For this study, we conducted numerical calculations to test the tsunami source models. We used reliable observed run-up heights including newly available data around the Miyako Islands as well as the high-resolution bathymetric data with reef topography. By comparing estimated and calculated run-up heights, we tested the validity of the previously proposed models as well as that of our own. Results showed that the tsunami generated by the reverse dip-slip intraplate fault plus the subsequent occurrence of a submarine landslide offshore from southeastern Ishigaki Island is the preferred model because it reproduces the historically documented run-up heights well. In particular, this model explains unusually high run-up heights at the southeastern coast of Ishigaki Island as a result of the local effect of the submarine landslide. Possible evidence of some landslides has been found in this area, but a detailed submarine survey is necessary to confirm the source model and to find evidence of the submarine landslide generated by the 1771 earthquake. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012.

  384. Preface

    Kazuhisa Goto, Yuichiro Tanioka, Yuichi Nishimura, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura, Giuseppe Mastronuzzi

    Earth, Planets and Space 64 (10) 785 2012年1月1日

    DOI: 10.5047/eps.2012.08.007  



  385. Developing Tsunami fragility curves using remote sensing and survey data of the 2010 Chilean Tsunami in Dichato 査読有り

    E. Mas, S. Koshimura, A. Suppasri, M. Matsuoka, M. Matsuyama, T. Yoshii, C. Jimenez, F. Yamazaki, F. Imamura



    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-12-2689-2012  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    On 27 February 2010, a megathrust earthquake of M-w = 8.8 generated a destructive tsunami in Chile. It struck not only Chilean coast but propagated all the way to Japan. After the event occurred, the post-tsunami survey team was assembled, funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), to survey the area severely affected by the tsunami. The tsunami damaged and destroyed numerous houses, especially in the town of Dichato. In order to estimate the structural fragility against tsunami hazard in this area, tsunami fragility curves were developed. Surveyed data of inundation depth and visual inspection of satellite images of Dichato were used to classify the damage to housing. A practical method suitable when there are limitations on available data for numerical simulation or damage evaluation from surveys is presented here. This study is the first application of tsunami fragility curves on the South American Pacific coast and it might be of practical use for communities with similar characteristics along the west Pacific coast. The proposed curve suggests that structures in Dichato will be severely damaged - with a 68 % probability - already at 2 m tsunami inundation depth.

  386. Tsunami Disaster Mitigation by Integrating Comprehensive Countermeasures in Padang City, Indonesia 査読有り

    Fumihiko IMAMURA, Abdul MUHARI, Erick MAS, Mulyo Haris, PRADONO, Joachim POST, Megumi SUGIMOTO

    Journal of Disaster Research 7 (1) 48-64 2012年

  387. Evaluation of tsunami evacuation building demand through the multi-agent system simulation of residents’ behavior 査読有り


    Proc. Of Costal Engineering, JSCE 3 61-65 2012年

  388. Tsunami-deck; a new concept of tsunami vertical evacuation system 査読有り

    Abdul Muhari, F.Imamura, S.Koshimura

    Proc. Of Costal Engineering, JSCE 3 71-75 2012年

  389. Comparosion of casualty and building damage between Sanriku Ria Coast and Sendai Plain coast based on the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami 査読有り

    A. Suppasri, K.Imai, F.Imamura, S.Koshimura

    Proc. Of Costal Engineering, JSCE 3 76-80 2012年

  390. 東北太平洋沖地震におけるGPS波浪計を利用したリアルタイム津波浸水予測の検証 査読有り

    阿部郁男, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 68 (2) I_367-I_380 2012年

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_376  

  391. 東北地方太平洋地震津波における沿岸鉄道での列車被害メカニズムの検討 査読有り

    島村宗一郎, 阿部郁男, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 68 (2) I_181-I_185 2012年

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_181  

  392. 津波避難施設の立地計画及び設計に関する検討 査読有り

    伊藤一教, 横田華奈子, 橋本貴之, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 68 (2) I_271-I_275 2012年


    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_271  


  393. 津波からの避難車両のモデル化と渋滞等の評価 査読有り

    西畑剛, 森谷洋一, 安野浩一朗, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 68 (2) I_1316-I_1320 2012年


    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_1316  


  394. 並木の津波漂流物補足機能に関する基礎的研究 査読有り

    今井健太郎, 林晃大, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 68 (2) I_401-I_405 2012年

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_401  

  395. Introduction to tsunami in Japan: Past, present and future 招待有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    ASEAN-Japan Academic Forum (AJAF2011) 2011年12月11日

  396. Field survey on the coastal impacts of March 11, 2011 great east Japan tsunami

    Yalciner, A.C, Suppasri, A, Mas, E, Kalligeris, N, Necmioglu, O, Zaytsev, A, Imamura, F, Ozer, C, Zaytsev, A, Ozel, N. M, Synolakis, C, Tomita, T, Takahashi, S, Yon, G

    AGU fall meeting 2011 2011年12月

  397. The 2011 East Japan tsunami: Performance of tsunami countermeasures and lesson learned for Thailand 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Shuto, N, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    4th Thailand–Japan International Academic (TJIA) Conference 2011年11月26日

  398. Tsunami risk assessment for building using numerical model and fragility curves 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F

    Coastal engineering conference (JSCE) 2011年11月11日

  399. 東日本大震災後の沿岸リスク認知と情報収集に関するアンケート調査-宮城県沿岸15市町を対象にして-

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 古関良行

    第30回日本自然災害学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 69-70 2011年11月

  400. 遠地地震津波の減衰予測のためのMRMS振幅の時間減衰モデル 査読有り

    林豊, 越村俊一, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) 67 (2,Pt.1) I.216-I.220-I_220 2011年10月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.67.I_216  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to evaluate and forecast the decay process of far-field tsunamis, we have constructed a time-dependent decay model of MRMS tsunami amplitudes. This model is based on the decay features of near- and far-field earthquake tsunamis around Japan and on the assumption that the propagation of tsunami energy is expressed by convolution operations with three effects (source, path, and site effects) and some parameters. Computed examples show that with suitable parameters, this model has the potential to duplicate various real MRMS tsunami waveforms. Through this study, we successfully mitigated issues related to the timely cancellation of tsunami warnings; the problem we are still facing on the issue is to determine parameters and functions of three effects for the proposed decay model of MRMS tsunami amplitudes.

  401. Tsunami generation by a rapid entrance of pyroclastic flow into the sea during the 1883 Krakatau eruption, Indonesia 査読有り

    Fukashi Maeno, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1029/2011JB008253  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 1883 eruption of Krakatau volcano in Indonesia was one of the most explosive volcanic events in history. It was a marine caldera-forming eruption that resulted in voluminous ignimbrite deposits and huge tsunamis. We have used numerical simulations to investigate three major mechanisms for tsunami generation: caldera collapse, phreatomagmatic explosion, and pyroclastic flow, and have constrained the source parameters. Computed tsunami characteristics for each hypothesis are compared with observations at locations along the coasts of the Sunda Strait, where tsunami data were obtained immediately after the eruption. For the pyroclastic flow hypothesis, two types of two-layer shallow water models, dense- and light-type models, were used under different initial conditions. Pyroclastic flows are erupted from a circular source following a sine function that assumes waning and waxing phases. Caldera collapse was performed using a simple piston-like plunger model, in which collapse duration was assumed to be up to 1 h. The phreatomagmatic explosion hypothesis was examined using simple empirical models for underwater explosions in shallow water, with explosion energy between 10(16) and 10(17) J. The results show that when a pyroclastic flow with a volume of &gt;5 km(3) and an average discharge rate of the order of 10(7) m(3)/s enters the sea, the computed tsunami heights are broadly consistent with historical records in coastal areas, including a tide gauge record at Batavia (now Jakarta). We conclude that a pyroclastic flow entering the sea is the most plausible mechanism of the 1883 Krakatau tsunami.

  402. Historical tsunami impact and potential tsunami exposure for coastal areas in Thailand 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    4th National Convention on Water Resource Engineering, Thailand 2011年8月18日

  403. The 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Damage 招待有り 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    4th National Convention on Water Resource Engineering, Thailand 2011年8月18日

  404. Amplifications of Nearshore Tsunami Parameters during Great East Japan Tsunami 査読有り

    Yalciner, A.C, Ozer, C, Supprasri, A, Mas, E, Kalligeris, N, Necmioglu, O, Zaytsev, A, Imamura, F, Synolakis, C

    International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2011年7月3日

  405. Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment for Coastal Population in the Indian Ocean 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Asada, T, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2011年7月2日

  406. Emplacement and movement of boulders by known storm waves - Field evidence from the Okinawa Islands, Japan 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kunimasa Miyagi, Toshio Kawana, Jun Takahashi, Fumihiko Imamura

    Marine Geology 283 (1-4) 66-78 2011年5月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2010.09.007  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Field observations from previous studies of boulder movements were compiled to augment our own work on boulders that have been displaced by storm waves during recent typhoon events in the Okinawa Islands, Japan to elucidate the ability of storm waves to move boulders. Our observations reveal that recent storm waves displaced by sliding and overturning 100-ton boulders emplacing them on the reef or high cliff tops and that storm waves might also be capable of displacing 200. ton boulders on the reef. The weights of storm wave boulders at the Okinawa Islands are of comparable order to those boulders displaced by historical tsunami origins. Consequently, boulder weight alone is an inappropriate parameter to discriminate between tsunami or storm wave processes. However, these heavy storm wave boulders are close to the reef and cliff edges, while tsunami boulders can be deposited much further inland. Hence, horizontal displacement distance of boulders could be a useful parameter to discriminate boulders deposited by the tsunami and storm waves on the wide fringing reef. The storm wave boulders were characteristically concentrated on the southeastern (Pacific Ocean) sides of each island but large boulders are rarely found on the northwestern (East China Sea) side. This is probably because the storm wave intensities are generally stronger at the southeastern side than at the northwestern side, although differences of reef strength and initial condition of boulders should also be taken into account. Consideration of the high frequency of typhoons at the area suggests that effects of the storm waves and the consequent displacement of boulders on the reef might have contributed to the formation of the reef-moat framework that typifies the Okinawa Islands especially, if the moat is located within the transport limit of the storm wave boulders (approximately 300. m from the reef edge at the islands). © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  407. Remarkable bathymetric change in the nearshore zone by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Kirinda Harbor, Sri Lanka 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Jun Takahashi, Jun Takahashi, Takayuki Oie, Takayuki Oie, Fumihiko Imamura

    Geomorphology 127 (1-2) 107-116 2011年4月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.12.011  


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    We investigated bathymetric data obtained at Kirinda Harbor, Sri Lanka one month before and 2 and 11. months after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Our bathymetric surveyed data and numerical modeling results suggest that the first run-up tsunami wave transported huge amounts of offshore sea bottom sediment and deposited it in a layer up to 4. m thick along the shoreface slope. In some places, this accreted sediment was not eroded by the backwash because of the particular arrangement of artificial structures and sand dunes. Especially, the sedimentation process and the volume of the sediment transported by the run-up waves can be examined where the influence of the backwash flow was very minor. Remarkable sedimentation attributable to the run-up wave would have occurred mainly by the deposition of the sediment particles along the slope by the run-up waves; the slope was developed toward the stoss side rather than by the settlement of the sediment from the suspension load. We estimated that considerable amounts of sediment were transported by the tsunami from the offshore sea bottom, but most were deposited not on land but in the sea. Eleven months after the tsunami, the harbor bathymetry had almost undergone complete reversion to its pre-tsunami condition, implying that the tsunami impact on permanent geomorphological landforms was limited at this harbor. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  408. Performance of coastal building in case of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F

    Coastal Engineering, Tohoku branch (JSCE) 2011年3月5日

  409. Characteristics of Tsunami Damage on The 2011 off Tohoku Oki Earthquake Tsunami along the South Coast of Miyagi prefecture, Survey report about the Off Pacific earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku region

    Imai, K, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S, Sugawara, D, Suppasri, A, Sato, S

    Tsunami Engineering Technical Report 28 141-145 2011年3月

  410. A simple numerical model for the damage of corals by Tsunami 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura

    Coral Reefs: Biology, Threats and Restoration 239-249 2011年2月

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Recent studies suggested that damage of corals by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami may have been related to the characteristics of corals (shape, size, and fixed strength to the sea floor), coastal profiles, and tsunami wave properties. However, no systematic study has yet clarified the relationships among these factors. To provide basic knowledge of tsunami effects on coral reefs and to aid in the future evaluations of coral damage by tsunami, we describe the variation of tsunami inundation patterns depending on the incident wave properties and coastal profiles based on a cross-sectional numerical model. We assume the period and amplitude of the incident wave (sine wave) as 30 min and 3 m, respectively. Five coastal profiles of a reef with different slope inclinations (1/100, 1/50, 1/20, 1/10, and 1/5) are used in this calculation. Our results indicate that there is a significant difference in the tsunami inundation pattern depending on whether the first arrival is a crest-start wave (crest propagates first) or trough-start wave (trough propagates first). The maximum current velocity of the trough-start wave is higher than that of the crest-start wave for each slope inclination. In the case of a crest-start wave, the point where the maximum current velocity in the computational region is generated occurs on land. In contrast, the point occurs offshore in the case of a trough-start wave, because of the receding seawater. Moreover, the point shifts toward deeper areas at gentler slopes. Under the assumption that wave amplitude and period are the same, our findings indicate that the damage to corals would be greater in an area where a trough-start wave arrives first rather than a crest-start wave. Moreover, within the region where a trough-start wave arrives first, greater damage to corals would be expected even in deeper areas in case of a gentle slope rather than a steep slope. © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

  411. 巨大津波の被害と被災地域の復興

    今村 文彦

    日本不動産学会誌 25 (2) 75-79 2011年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本不動産学会

    DOI: 10.5736/jares.25.2_75  

  412. Examination of three practical run-up models for assessing tsunami impact on highly populated areas 査読有り

    A. Muhari, F. Imamura, S. Koshimura, J. Post



    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-11-3107-2011  


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    This paper describes the examination of three practical tsunami run-up models that can be used to assess the tsunami impact on human beings in densely populated areas. The first of the examined models applies a uniform bottom roughness coefficient throughout the study area. The second uses a very detailed topographic data set that includes the building height information integrated on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM); and the third model utilizes different bottom roughness coefficients, depending on the type of land use and on the percentage of building occupancy on each grid cell. These models were compared with each other by taking the one with the most detailed topographic data (which is the second) as reference. The analysis was performed with the aim of identifying how specific features of high resolution topographic data can influence the tsunami run-up characteristics. Further, we promote a method to be used when very detailed topographic data is unavailable and discuss the related limitations. To this purpose we demonstrate that the effect of buildings on the tsunami flow can be well modeled by using an equivalent roughness coefficient if the topographic data has no information of building height. The results from the models have been utilized to quantify the tsunami impact by using the tsunami casualty algorithm. The models have been applied in Padang city, Indonesia, which is one of the areas with the highest potential of tsunami risk in the world.

  413. Developing tsunami fragility curves based on the satellite remote sensing and the numerical modeling of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Thailand 査読有り

    A. Suppasri, S. Koshimura, F. Imamura



    DOI: 10.5194/nhess-11-173-2011  


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    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami damaged and destroyed numerous buildings and houses in Thailand. Estimation of tsunami impact to buildings from this event and evaluation of the potential risks are important but still in progress. The tsunami fragility curve is a function used to estimate the structural fragility against tsunami hazards. This study was undertaken to develop fragility curves using visual inspection of high-resolution satellite images (IKONOS) taken before and after tsunami events to classify whether the buildings were destroyed or not based on the remaining roof. Then, a tsunami inundation model is created to reconstruct the tsunami features such as inundation depth, current velocity, and hydrodynamic force of the event. It is assumed that the fragility curves are expressed as normal or lognormal distribution functions and the estimation of the median and log-standard deviation is performed using least square fitting. From the results, the developed fragility curves for different types of building materials (mixed type, reinforced concrete and wood) show consistent performance in damage probability and when compared to the existing curves for other locations.

  414. 質学的データを用いた西暦869年貞観地震津波の復元について 査読有り

    菅原大助, 今村文彦, 松本秀昭, 後藤和久, 箕浦幸治

    自然災害科学 29 (4) 501-516 2011年



  415. 東日本大震災について報じられたウェブニュースコーパスの基礎的解析 査読有り

    佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦, 林春男

    地域安全学会論文集 15 (15) 303-311 2011年



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    The web information, especially mass media and social media information, have a more increasing role in create operational picture about a crisis since the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami disaster. In this paper, we have developed and basically analyze web news corpus of the earthquake and tsunami disaster with text mining method intended to clear the whole picture. The corpus consists of over 60,000 web news articles which tagged its topic name. Sub corpora about Nuclear power plant accident, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Aomori, Ibaraki, and Chiba from original corpus, and analyzed by comparison of extracted keywords and their chronological behaviors.


    Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura, Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, Subandono Diposaptono, Hamzah Latief, Joachim Post, Febrin A. Ismail

    JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI 4 (4) 341-368 2010年12月


    DOI: 10.1142/S1793431110000790  



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    This paper describes tsunami disaster mitigation in the West Sumatra region with participatory technology assessment (pTA), which promotes direct interaction among member and experts to discuss issues and reach consensus for mitigation through provision of information and knowledge of science and technology. Two areas were examined: Padang, the capital city; and Painan city, a town in southern West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Tsunami have damaged these areas at least three times: in 1797, a 5-10-m-high tsunami wave height hit the area; in 1833, a 3-4-m-high tsunami came; and in 2007, an 8.4 Mw earthquake generated a local tsunami with maximum wave height of 1.5 m, as observed near Painan. Because of the high level of tsunami risk resulting from its flat topographic conditions, their respective populations of 820,000 people and 15,000 people are developing tsunami mitigation efforts with support of national institutions and international experts. These cities had different starting points and approaches. Efforts were introduced to produce official tsunami hazards maps. Insights from these lessons and ideas arising from the ongoing process after the 2007 South Sumatra and 2009 Padang earthquakes are discussed herein.

  417. Tsunami Fragility and damage ratio of building along the Thailand coast 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Koshimura, S, Imamura, F

    The 3rd Thailand–Japan International Academic Conference 2010年11月19日

  418. 2010年チリ沖地震津波の数値解析と人口統計データに基づく被災地の探索 査読有り

    越村俊一, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2 66 (1) 1356-1360 2010年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.66.1356  


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    The present paper reports a preliminary result of searching tsunami-affected area using recent advances of GIS analysis and remote sensing combined with a numerical modeling of tsunami propagation/inundation and world population database. Applying the method of searching tsunami affected area to the 2010 Chilean earthquake tsunami, the potential tsunami affected area have been detected at some coastal cities/communities from Biobio to Maule regions.

  419. Tsunami fragility curves and structural performance of building along the Thailand coast

    Suppasri, A, S. Koshimura, F. Imamura

    Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Disaster Management 2010年9月

  420. Historical and geological evidence of boulders deposited by tsunamis, southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Toshio Kawana, Fumihiko Imamura

    EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 102 (1-2) 77-99 2010年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2010.06.005  



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    Sedimentary features and identification criteria of boulders deposited by tsunamis and storm waves are highly controversial because of the lack of detailed studies of boulders that are known to have been deposited by tsunami or storm waves. The coastal boulder fields of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan are one of the few places where comparisons can be made between the distribution and characteristics of boulders deposited by a known historical tsunami and storm waves. The 1771 Meiwa Tsunami struck the southern Ryukyu Islands (Miyako-Yaeyama Islands) and reliable historical documents describe run-up heights of up to 30 m. The displacement of specific boulders by the tsunami is also described in detail. Some of the islands away from the Miyako-Yaeyama Islands were unaffected by this tsunami, but they have been extensively affected by typhoon-generated storm waves. On these islands, the boulders were commonly deposited on the reef flat within 300 m of the reef edge as an exponentially fining landward deposit. This provides a useful indication of the transport limit for storm waves on the Ryukyu Islands. In the tsunami-affected islands, boulders of different types have been deposited both on the reef crest and along the shoreline. The reef crest boulders are identified as storm wave emplaced, whereas those along the shoreline are interpreted as tsunami boulders ("tsunami-ishi" in Japanese) because they are exceedingly heavy and are deposited well beyond (ca. 1.5 km from the reef edge) the transport limit for storm waves. Their 1771 Meiwa Tsunami origin is supported by C-14 age results, although prior tsunami(s) may have deposited some of the boulders. Based on these results, we infer that the difference between the wave periods of tsunami and storm waves is crucial to differentiating tsunami boulders from other enigmatic boulder deposits around the world. Differences in wave period are reflected in differences between the spatial and clast size distributions of boulder deposits. The distribution and sedimentary characteristics of tsunami boulders therefore provide useful data for estimating possible tsunami sources. The boulders on the Ryukyu Islands are also useful for differentiating between tsunami and storm wave emplacement and for estimating their hydrodynamic properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.

  421. Distribution of boulders at Miyara Bay of Ishigaki Island, Japan: A flow characteristic indicator of tsunami and storm waves 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Tetsuya Shinozaki, Koji Minoura, Kiyohiro Okada, Daisuke Sugawara, Fumihiko Imamura

    ISLAND ARC 19 (3) 412-426 2010年9月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2010.00721.x  


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    This study investigates the distribution of boulders at Miyara Bay of Ishigaki Island, Japan. These boulders were deposited on a reef flat extending approximately 400-1300 m in width. Most boulders were rectangular to ellipsoidal, without sharp broken edges. They are reef and coral rock fragments estimated as &lt; 335 m3 (&lt; 633 t). Locally in the bay, the relationship between the boulder weight and position shows that boulders of a given weight have a clear limit on seaward distribution on the reef flat. For example, more than 1, 10, and 100 tons of boulders were deposited, respectively, more than 500, 300, and 100 m from the reef edge. The line is consistent with the possible landward transport limit by maximum storm waves at the Ryukyu Islands, suggesting that the line was formed by the reworking of some boulders by maximally strong storm waves, although we can not exclude the possibility that the line was formed by tsunamis. Furthermore, 68% of boulders at the bay are deposited beyond this line. Therefore, the presence of these boulders at their present positions is difficult to explain solely by storm waves, implying the possible tsunami origin of these boulders. The boulders are characteristically concentrated along the high-tide line, suggesting the drastic reduction of the tsunami hydraulic force along the line. Previous studies using radiocarbon age dating, as well as our study, imply that at least 69 boulders at Miyara Bay were probably deposited at their present positions by the 1771 Meiwa tsunami, although some of these boulders might have been emplaced and displaced on the reef flat by prior tsunami or storm surges.


    Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura

    COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 52 (2) 107-132 2010年6月


    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563410002142  


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    Numerical simulation of tsunami is an effective method to reproduce what has occurred in the past and to predict future events for many tsunami-related research issues including warning systems. However, some real phenomena have not been fully integrated into numerical simulations for transoceanic tsunamis such as fault dynamics of rupture velocity, ocean currents, and the initial sea level. Considering the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami event, this study evaluates the consequences of rupture velocity. Subsequently, numerical experiments were conducted to normalize the effects as represented by non-dimensional parameters. The rupture velocity, ocean current, and initial sea level were simplified to be uniform and common among simulations. Results of the experiment show that the sea depth along the propagation direction, distance from the tsunami source, rupture velocity, and initial sea level impart some considerable effects on a tsunami&apos;s arrival time and wave height. Nevertheless, ocean currents have almost no importance for the arrival time or wave height of oceanic propagation of tsunamis.

  423. Tsunami damage reduction performance of a mangrove forest in Banda Aceh, Indonesia inferred from field data and a numerical model 査読有り

    H. Yanagisawa, S. Koshimura, T. Miyagi, F. Imamura



    DOI: 10.1029/2009JC005587  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Since the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the role of mangrove forests as natural defenses protecting coastal communities from tsunami disaster has been highlighted. However, some mangrove forests were destroyed by that tsunami. They are expected to have lost their protective functions. In this study, we develop a fragility function to assess the mangrove trees&apos; vulnerability, expressed as the damage probability of mangrove trees, based on field surveys and numerical modeling of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Based on the fragility function, we reconstruct a numerical model of tsunami inundation including the performance of mangrove forests in terms of reducing tsunami damage. The model reveals that a 10 year old mangrove forest in a 500 m wide area can reduce a tsunami&apos;s hydrodynamic force by approximately 70% for an incident wave of 3.0 m inundation depth and a wave period of 40 min at the shoreline. The model also shows, for a tsunami inundation depth of greater than 4 m, that a 10 year old mangrove forest would be mostly destroyed and that it would lose its force reduction capacity. Moreover, approximately 80% of a 30 year old mangrove forest would survive a 5 m tsunami and absorb 50% of the tsunami&apos;s hydrodynamic force.

  424. Tsunami casualty estimation method and risk to coastal population along the Indian Ocean and South China Sea coast

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    Japan Geoscience Union meeting 2010年5月24日

  425. Estimating impact of historical tsunamis in Asian/Oceanian and their mapping 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Iwasaki, T, Asada, T, Imamura, F

    The 3rd International Tsunami Field Symposium 2010年4月11日

  426. Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis in Thailand perspective 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    The 3rd International Tsunami Field Symposium 2010年4月10日

  427. 過去の津波像の定量的復元 : 貞観津波の痕跡調査と古地形の推定について

    菅原 大助, 今村 文彦, 松本 秀明, 後藤 和久, 箕浦 幸治

    津波工学研究報告 27 (27) 103-132 2010年3月30日



  428. Recognition on tsunami evacuation in Southern Thailand at present

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    Coastal Engineering, Tohoku branch (JSCE) 2010年3月10日

  429. Discrimination of boulders deposited by tsunamis and storm waves at Ishigaki Island, Japan 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kunimasa Miyagi, Hideki Kawamata, Fumihiko Imamura

    Marine Geology 269 (1-2) 34-45 2010年2月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.12.004  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Ryukyu Islands, Japan, where numerous boulders are deposited on the reef and on land, might be ideal research fields of boulders deposited by tsunami and storm waves because many typhoons and several tsunamis attacked the same area during its history. This study investigates the size, position, and the long axis orientation of 626 boulders at Ibaruma and Shiraho Reefs at Ishigaki Island, Japan to elucidate the sedimentary differences of boulders deposited by tsunamis and storm waves in one area. Two distinct groups of boulders were found at these reefs: boulders on the reef crest (group 1) and along the shoreline (group 2). Boulders in group 1 (&lt; 47 t) included reef and coral boulders originating from the reef slope and reef crest. They were deposited within a band from 50 to 210-240 m from the reef edge with an exponentially fining landward trend. They were deposited within the transport limit of the storm waves at the Ryukyu Islands and were deposited at their present locations by storm waves, as inferred from aerial photographs. No boulders were observed on the reef crest from 210-240 to 350 m from the reef edge, suggesting that no storm wave in the past (since the 1771 Meiwa Tsunami) had sufficient energy to displace large boulders more than 240 m from the reef edge at eastern coast of Ishigaki Island. Boulders in group 2 include abundant microatoll-shaped large colonies of massive Porites sp. of moat origin. The group 2 boulders were remarkably heavier (&lt; 216 t) than those in group 1. Boulders were scattered randomly along the shoreline, 390-1290 m from the reef edge, which is far beyond the transport limit of boulders by the storm waves. Hydrodynamically, the source, size, and horizontal displacement distance of boulders in group 2 cannot be explained by storm wave action, which suggests their tsunami origin (probably 1771 Meiwa Tsunami according to14C age). Based on results of this study, we infer that tsunami boulders in these islands, so-called &quot;tsunami-ishi&quot;, can be discriminated from boulders of storm wave origin based on their sedimentary differences. This sedimentological approach is expected to be applicable to other boulder fields throughout the world. Our results further suggest that the spatial and grain size distribution of tsunami boulders are very useful to elucidate local flow characteristics of the tsunami. For example, the group 2 tsunami boulders were deposited below the high tide line irrespective of size. Some were split into several pieces. They were probably deposited below the high tide line by the remarkable reduction of the current velocity of the tsunami because of the local topography. The reduction of the current velocity must have been drastic to have made the boulders hit the ground with sufficient force to split them. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  430. 津波浸水予測データベースによるリアルタイム津波浸水予測の精度と評価

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 66 (1) 261-265 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.66.261  


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    We propose the system to estimate the tsunami inundation in real time by collecting seismic and tsunami information and selecting suitable cases from all in the database, in which we assume possible faults model as scenario. In addition, the system includes the process to re-select suitable one by referring the tsunami observed data by GPS buoy. Some checkpoints that compared the height of the tsunami were determined for re-select. We propose a database for Kamaishi city of Sanriku Coast. And the 1896 Meiji Sanriku tsunami is used to discuss its accuracy of the tsunami heights and inundation area in each process for real time. As a result, we obtained a good accuracy of the result by using the system at the target area before tsunami arrival at the coast.

  431. Tsunami damage reduction performance of a mangrove forest in Banda Aceh, Indonesia inferred from field data and a numerical model 査読有り

    H. Yanagisawa, S. Koshimura, T. Miyag, F. Imamura

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (6) 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    DOI: 10.1029/2009JC005587  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Since the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the role of mangrove forests as natural defenses protecting coastal communities from tsunami disaster has been highlighted. However, some mangrove forests were destroyed by that tsunami. They are expected to have lost their protective functions. In this study, we develop a fragility function to assess the mangrove trees' vulnerability, expressed as the damage probability of mangrove trees, based on field surveys and numerical modeling of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Based on the fragility function, we reconstruct a numerical model of tsunami inundation including the performance of mangrove forests in terms of reducing tsunami damage. The model reveals that a 10 year old mangrove forest in a 500 m wide area can reduce a tsunami's hydrodynamic force by approximately 70% for an incident wave of 3.0 m inundation depth and a wave period of 40 min at the shoreline. The model also shows, for a tsunami inundation depth of greater than 4 m, that a 10 year old mangrove forest would be mostly destroyed and that it would lose its force reduction capacity. Moreover, approximately 80% of a 30 year old mangrove forest would survive a 5 m tsunami and absorb 50% of the tsunami's hydrodynamic force. Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.

  432. The 2016 Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami: Preliminary research and new considerations for tsunami disaster risk reduction 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Leelawat, N, Latcharote, P, Roeber, V, Yamashita, K, Hayashi, A, Ohira, H, Fukui, K, Hisamatsu, A, Nguyen, D, Imamura, F

    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 21 323-330 2010年

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2016.12.016  

  433. 2010年チリ中部地震による日本での津波被害に関する広域現地調査

    都司嘉宣, 大年邦雄, 中野晋, 西村裕一, 藤間功司, 今村文彦, 柿沼太郎, 中村有吾, 今井健太郎, 後藤和久, 行谷佑一, 鈴木進吾, 城下英行, 松崎義孝

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 66 (1) 1346-1350 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.66.1346  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An earthquake of Mw 8.8 struck off the coast of central Chile on Feb. 27, 2010. A tsunami due to the earthquake propagated on the Pacific Ocean and attacked Japan on the next day. JMA issued a major tsunami warning for many coastal regions, however severe damage occurred in many ports especially for fishery. To understand the tsunami disaster, the filed investigation was carried out to record tsunami heights such as run-up heights and inundated heights along the comprehensive coastal region. In cooperation with many institutes, eyewitnesses interview, measurement of tsunami trace and analysis of tide records were conducted. Then the tsunami height distribution from Hokkaido to Okinawa is reported here. The tsunami was higher in the northern part of Japan and it exceeded 2 meters in the Tohoku district especially.

  434. Numerical analysis of boulder transport by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Pakarang Cape, Thailand 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kiyohiro Okada, Fumihiko Imamura

    MARINE GEOLOGY 268 (1-4) 97-105 2010年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.10.023  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    At Pakarang Cape, Thailand, we conducted field observations and numerical modeling of the spatial and grain size distributions and sources of boulders deposited by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami; the boulders are a very rare example of boulders for which a tsunami origin is well confirmed. Numerical modeling of the tsunami&apos;s boulder transport revealed that the grain size and spatial distributions of boulders are explainable by the initial distribution of boulders at the source and the tsunami&apos;s local behavior, which is controlled strongly by the tsunami hydrodynamic features and local topography. Soon after the bore front reached at the beach, the tsunami&apos;s hydraulic force on the tidal bench decreased suddenly below the critical force necessary to displace the boulder because of the seaward propagation of the reflected wave that had been generated at the beach slope. Consequently, all boulders were deposited below the high-tide line and subsequently concentrated at the western coast of the cape. Absence of boulders that had been originally deposited deeper than 10 m water depth is also explained by this reflected wave because the wave passed over boulders that had been originally deposited at 10 m water depth before the boulder crossed the reef edge. Our well-tuned model elucidates how the tsunami was able to deposit large boulders on the tidal bench at the cape. The results demonstrate that, theoretically, up to 250 tons of boulders might have been emplaced on the tidal bench by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at the cape (approximately 7 m wave height). The calculated maximum weight is of comparable order to that of boulders around the world that are inferred to be of tsunami origin, although we infer that the weight is determined based on the sensitive balance of the local topography, hydrodynamic features of the tsunami, and the initial distribution of boulders at the source. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  435. 沿岸発電所における津波ハザードとリスク評価手法 査読有り

    松山昌史, 今村文彦

    電力土木 347 (347) 9-18 2010年



  436. 津波来襲時における住民の避難過程を考慮した人的被害評価手法の検討 査読有り

    宍戸直哉, 宇川弘朗, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-66 (1) 1311-1315 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.66.1311  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to estimate human loss caused by tsunamis, we proposed the method in consideration of resident's evacuation process that affected human behaviors and loss greatly. The process can be divided into three steps after earthquake, which could be modeled in this study. Factors affecting the evacuation can be statically clarified through the questionnaire survey of the evacuation process. And we evaluated the effective method and proposed the developed human loss evaluation method considering a local evacuation characteristic. Finally we applied it and carried out the evaluation of human loss in the target area

  437. 非線形分散波理論に基づく実用的な津波の河川遡上モデルの開発 査読有り

    村嶋陽一, 越村俊一, 岡秀行, 村田泰洋, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-66 (1) 201-205 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.66.201  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The aim of this study is to develop the practical numerical analysis model of tsunami to reproduce run-up soliton fission waves in the river. We verify accuracy and the computing time about the developed model by using the large-scale flume experiment. It has been understood that scheme of advective term and evaluation of space grid size have an effect on numerical result. We study the evaluation of space grid size and the computing time necessary for the calculation of the run-up tsunami with a soliton fission waves in the river. In this study, numerical algorithm of the soliton fission waves proposed by Shigihara and Fujima(2007) is very useful to calculate practically.

  438. 非線形分散理論モデルによる十勝川津波遡上の再現計算と空間分解能の検討 査読有り

    村嶋陽一, 越村俊一, 岡秀行, 村田泰洋, 鈴木崇之, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-66 (1) 206-210 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.66.206  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study calculated the numerical simulation of Tsunami on Tokachi river with a soliton fission waves and examined the spatial resolution whichi is necessary for it. The soliton fission waves were recorded on video in Tokachi river at 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. We analyzed this video and obtained the continuous location information of soliton fission waves. The numerical simulation of Tsunami run-up using nonlinear dispersive wave equations model was able to reproduce the soliton fission waves. It is necessary to use the space grid size of 1/20 or less of the wavelength of soliton fission waves to calculate the amplification of the wave height by soliton fission.

  439. 波減衰過程のトレンドとばらつきの性質の遠地津波予測への活用可能性 査読有り

    林 豊, 今村文彦, 越村俊一

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-66 (1) 211-216 2010年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.66.211  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to evaluate the decay process of far-field tsunamis, we have revised the definition of tsunami coda and related measures - moving root mean squared amplitude (MRMS amplitude), and non-dimensional tsunami amplitude (NDA) - in this paper. We applied these measures to the tsunami waveform data of 2006 and 2007 Kuril Island earthquake tsunamis observed by tidal stations located in Japan. Analytical results of tsunami coda of these events indicate that decay time constants obtained at tidal stations along the Pacific coast of Japan have only small differences. Further we confirmed that the NDA seldom exceed three times of MRMS amplitude. Then we show the possible application of utilizing these characteristics of tsunami decay process to realize appropriate cancelation of tsunami warnings.

  440. Developing the tsunami fragility courves for structural destruction along the Thailand coast 査読有り

    Anawat S, S.Koshimura, F.Imamura

    Proc. Of International session in Conference of Coastal Engineering JSCE 1 16-20 2010年

  441. Tsunami hazard potential to coastal population in Thailand 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    The 2nd Thailand–Japan International Academic Conference 2009年11月20日

  442. Tsunami casualty estimation in coastal area neighboring the Indian Ocean and South China Sea 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    3rd International Conference on Estuaries & Coasts 2009年9月13日

  443. Developing fragility functions for tsunami damage estimation using numerical model and post–tsunami data from Banda Aceh, Indonesia 査読有り

    Koshimura, S, T. Oie, H. Yanagisawa, F. Imamura

    Coastal Engineering Journal 51 (3) 243-273 2009年9月


    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563409002004  



  444. Foraminiferal evidence of submarine sediment transport and deposition by backwash during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami 査読有り

    Daisuke Sugawara, Koji Minoura, Naoki Nemoto, Shinji Tsukawaki, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura

    ISLAND ARC 18 (3) 513-525 2009年9月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2009.00677.x  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Micropaleontological analysis of nearshore to offshore sediments recovered from the southwestern coast of Thailand was performed to clarify the submarine processes of sediment transport and deposition during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The distribution pattern of benthic foraminifers showed seaward migration after the tsunami event. Agglutinated foraminifers, which are characteristic of an intertidal brackish environment, were identified in the post-tsunami samples from foreshore to offshore zones. These suggest that sediments originally distributed in foreshore to nearshore zones were transported offshore due to the tsunami backwash. On the other hand, the distribution pattern of planktonic and benthic species living in offshore zones showed slight evidence of landward migration by the tsunami. This suggests that landward redistribution of sediments by the tsunami run-up did not occur in the offshore seafloor of the study area. Our results and a review of previous studies provide an interpretation of submarine sedimentation by tsunamis. It is possible that tsunami backwashes induce sediment flows that transport a large amount of coastal materials seaward. Thus, traces of paleotsunami backwashes can be identified in offshore sedimentary environments as the accumulation of allochthonous materials. This can be recognized as changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages.

  445. Hazard potential from tsunami sources surrounding Thailand 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    3rd National Convention on Water Resource Engineering, Thailand 2009年8月6日

  446. Characteristics and hydrodynamics of boulders transported by storm waves at Kudaka Island, Japan 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Kiyohiro Okada, Fumihiko Imamura

    Marine Geology 262 (1-4) 14-24 2009年7月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.03.001  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study investigates the size, position and the long axis orientation of 210 boulders at Kudaka Island, Japan. These boulders were deposited from the reef crest to the slope of the back reef moat, distributed within 275 m from the reef edge. Most boulders were rectangular to ellipsoidal, without sharp broken edges. They are reef rock fragments estimated as &lt; 63 m3(&lt; 127 t). The second largest boulder (54 t) was not observed in aerial photographs taken in 1977 and 1993, although it appears in photographs taken in 2005 and 2007. Considering that no large tsunami event occurred during 1993-2005, the second largest boulder is expected to have been emplaced by typhoon-generated storm waves. Moreover, the positions of many boulders were found to have shifted after 1977. These boulders were highly likely to have been repositioned by the storm waves. Results showed that boulders&#039; motion follows an exponential fining trend shoreward. This trend fits well with the distribution of the height of the storm wave after breaking on the reef flat. The largest storm waves after 1977 (typhoon 0704 in 2007) were probably responsible for the current boulder distribution. Using the relation between the distributions of boulders and the significant wave height of typhoon 0704, the approximate transport distance of boulders by an arbitrary storm wave at the island can be estimated. The storm wave boulders&#039; distribution is also useful to estimate the storm wave properties: we estimated the maximum current velocity distribution of waves generated by typhoon 0704 on the reef flat as up to 6.5 m/s using the boulder distribution. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  447. A web-based online Tsunami Warning system for Thailand’s Andaman Coastline 査読有り

    Srivichai,M, F.Imamura, S.Supharatid

    Journal of earthquake and Tsunami 3 (2) 101-111 2009年6月


    DOI: 10.1142/S1793431109000500  



    Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1142/S1793431109000457  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Three steps taken to obtain information, make the decision to escape and complete safe evacuation were identified from field investigations and interviews of survivors of the 2004-2007 tsunamis in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Three kinds of knowledge gaps among the people and experts caused a delay in evacuation even though they received warnings of the tsunamis. The response to such a disaster should be related to a balance between recognition of the tsunami warning and evaluation of individual risk bias. For an appropriate tsunami warning, the tsunami information in the system should be selected and modified to overcome risk bias, which should be reduced and unified by public awareness and education, including creation of hazard maps designed by both natural and social scientists.

  449. Near-field tsunami forecasting from cabled ocean bottom pressure data 査読有り

    Hiroaki Tsushima, Ryota Hino, Hiromi Fujimoto, Yuichiro Tanioka, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1029/2008JB005988  



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    We propose a method for near-field tsunami forecasting from data acquired by cabled offshore ocean bottom tsunami meters (OBTMs) in real time. We first invert tsunami waveforms recorded at OBTMs to estimate the spatial distribution of initial sea-surface displacements in the tsunami source region without making any assumptions about fault geometry and earthquake magnitude. Then, we synthesize the coastal tsunami waveforms from the estimated sea-surface displacement distribution. To improve the reliability of the tsunami forecasting, we use updated OBTM data to repeat the forecast calculation at 1-min intervals. We tested our method by simulating the 1896 Sanriku tsunami earthquake, which caused a devastating tsunami with maximum runup height of 38 m along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. Instead of real OBTM records, proxies were used. The simulation demonstrated that our method provided accurate estimations of coastal arrival times and amplitudes of the first peak of the tsunami more than 20 min before the maximum amplitude wave reached the coastal site nearest to the source. We also applied the method to real data of a small tsunami that was caused by a local earthquake and successfully forecasted the tsunami at coastal tide stations. We found that accuracy of our estimated coastal tsunami amplitudes can be affected by the spatial relationship between the tsunami source and the offshore observation stations. Our numerical simulation showed that even more accurate tsunami amplitude forecasts would be achieved by deployment of additional offshore stations separated by a distance comparable to the trench-parallel length of the tsunami source.

  450. B45 1883年クラカタウ火山噴火における火砕流と津波の数値実験(堆積メカニズム,口頭発表)

    前野 深, 今村 文彦

    日本火山学会講演予稿集 2009 95-95 2009年

    出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2009.0_95  

  451. Study on the Evaluation Method of Human Loss for Making Tsunami Risk Map

    宍戸 直哉, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 65 (1) 1346-1350 2009年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.65.1346  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The map showing Tsunami risk on geographic information is very important to let the people become aware of it as well as to promote the tsunami disaster countermeasure. The evaluation of risk given by the probability of occurrence and damage is during discussion. In this paper, we focus on damage evaluation of human loss through reviewing previous studies and proposing a new method to estimate the tsunami casualty by using fragility function and evacuation. Then we compare the results of evaluated casualty by using them to know their differences and applicability at city of Higashi Matsushima in Japan.

  452. Influence of Initial Conditions on Local Real-time Tsunami Forecast and its Setting up

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 65 (1) 336-340 2009年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.65.336  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The quantitative tsunami forecasting system by JMA is in operation on the data base, in which the initial condition of tsunamis are assumed with less consideration of the earthquakes property in the region and with uncertainty. Since the initial condition for a tsunami simulation each local area is the most important to ensure the accuracy, the present study evaluates its effects on the tsunami heights in the data base. As a result, it is concluded that we should carefully select a strike, a dip angle, width and length by considering the characteristic of the focal mechanism, and especially that the influence of the dip angle affecting on the tsunami height is large.

  453. A study for the sediment transport by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami along the Natural coast of Hamantota, Sri-Lanka 査読有り

    Takeshi Nishihata, Kazuhisa Goto, Yoshimitsu Tajima, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Fumihiko Imamura

    Proc. Coastal Dynamics 2009 2009年


  454. The reduction effects of mangrove forest on a tsunami based on field surveys at Pakarang Cape, Thailand and numerical analysis 査読有り

    Hideaki Yanagisawa, Shunichi Koshimura, Kazuhisa Goto, Toyohiko Miyagi, Fumihiko Imamura, Anat Ruangrassamee, Charlchai Tanavud



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2008.10.001  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Using an integrated approach including satellite imagery analysis, field measurements, and numerical modeling, we investigated the damage to mangroves caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Pakarang Cape in Pang Nga Province, Thailand. Comparing pre- and post-tsunami satellite imagery of the study area, we found that approximately 70% of the mangrove forest was destroyed by the tsunami. Based on field observations, we found that the survival rate of mangroves increased with increasing stem diameter. Specifically, we found that 72% of Rhizophora trees with a 25-30 cm stem diameter survived the tsunami impact, whereas only 19% with a 15-20 cm stem diameter survived. We simulated the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami using the nonlinear shallow-water wave theory to reproduce the tsunami inundation flow and investigated the bending moment acting on the mangrove trees. Results of the numerical model showed that the tsunami inundated areas along the mangrove creeks, and its current velocity reached 5.0 m s(-1). Based on the field measurements and numerical results, we proposed a fragility function for mangroves, which is the relationship between the probability of damage and the bending stress caused by the maximum bending moment. We refined the numerical model to include the damage probability of mangrove forests using the obtained fragility function to investigate the tsunami reduction effect of mangrove forest. Under simple numerical conditions related to the mangrove forest, ground level, and incident wave, the model showed that a mangrove forest of Rhizophora sp. with a density of 0.2 trees m(-2) and a stem diameter of 15 cm in a 400 m wide area can reduce the tsunami inundation depth by 30% when the incident wave is assumed to have a 3.0 m inundation depth and a wave period of 30 min at the shoreline. However, 50% of the mangrove forest is destroyed by a 4.5 m tsunami inundation depth, and most of the mangrove forest is destroyed by a tsunami inundation depth greater than 6 m. The reduction effect of tsunami inundation depth decreased when the tsunami inundation depth exceeded 3 m, and was mostly lost when the tsunami inundation depth exceeded 6 m. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  455. Importance of the Initial Waveform and Coastal Profile for Tsunami Transport of Boulders 査読有り

    K. Goto, K. Okada, F. Imamura




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami transported large boulders shoreward at Pakarang Cape, Thailand. To elucidate boulder transport processes using their original locations, initial tsunami waveform, and coastal profiles, we conducted a cross-sectional calculation. Our results indicate that the tsunami (trough arrives first) might have displaced boulders and cast some on the tidal bench. However, if the wave crest arrives first, only some reef-edge boulders are displaced and emplaced on the tidal bench. More and larger boulders are displaced and deposited on the tidal bench when the reef slope is gentle, as at Pakarang Cape, than for a steep slope case.

  456. Damage to Mangrove Forest by 2004 Tsunami at Pakarang Cape and Namkem, Thailand 査読有り

    H. Yanagisawa, S. Koshimura, K. Goto, T. Miyagj, F. Imamura, A. Ruangrassamee, C. Tanavud




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We investigated damage to mangroves from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Pakarang Cape and Namkem, Thailand. Visual inspection of remotely sensed images revealed that 12 and 20 ha of mangrove forests were damaged, respectively, at Pakarang Cape and Namkem. Field surveys revealed that mangrove trees were destroyed particularly around the river mouths and channels. Numerical simulation indicated that the flow concentrated at the river mouth and inundated mangrove forests through river channels. We concluded that the tsunami flow pattern was largely affected by local river Mouth and channel topography Damage to mangroves might be severe in such areas.

  457. The 1775 Lisbon Tsunami: Tsunami source determination and its validation 査読有り

    Santos, A, S.Koshimura, F.Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 4 (1) 41-52 2009年

  458. Characteristics and mitigation measure for tsunamis generated along the Nankai trough 査読有り

    Imamura,F, K.Imai

    Journal of Disaster Research 4 (2) 127-134 2009年


    DOI: 10.20965/jdr.2009.p0127  



  459. 1945年パキスタン・Makran地震津波に基づくパキスタン沿岸域での津波ハザードの検討 査読有り

    柳澤英明, 越村俊一, 今村文彦, 渡部弘之, 江頭達郎

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-65(1) (1) 306-310 2009年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.65.306  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tsunami hazard assessment along the coast of Pakistan was carried out based on modeling of the 1945 Makran tsunami. We first modeled the 1945 Makran tsunami, which is the largest recorded tsunami in Pakistan, to examine its hydrodynamic feature. As a result, we found that the arrival time of maximum tsunami wave at Pakistan coast is prone to be late because tsunami waves are trapped and duplicated on continental shelf with a gentle slope. We further simulated potential tsunami hazard in Pakistan coast developing the scenarios based on historic earthquakes. The results showed that 5 -10 m tsunami would strike Ormara and Gwadar city, which are populated areas in Pakistan coast.

  460. 津波のコーダとエンベロープの遠地津波予測への活用可能性 - その定義と2006年千島列島沖地震津波への適用 - 査読有り

    林 豊, 越村俊一, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-65(1) (1) 276-280 2009年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.65.276  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    As the first step toward forecasting the decay process of far-field tsunamis, we have introduced the concept of using "tsunami envelopes" and "tsunami codas" as measures in this paper. We applied these measures to the tsunami waveform data of the 2006 Kuril Island earthquake tsunami observed using tide gauges located in Japan. Analytical results indicate that the tsunami coda envelopes decayed exponentially with time and that the fluctuation in the nondimensional wave amplitude was interpreted by the Rayleigh distribution. Further, we found that these characteristics were commonly observed in the region facing the Pacific Ocean. Thus, the two measures can be used to reveal the characteristics of the tsunami decay process, and applying them to tsunami waveforms in realtime might realize appropriate cancelation of tsunami warnings.

  461. 地域ごとのリアルタイム津波予測における初期条件設定の影響 査読有り

    阿部郁男, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-65(1) 335-340 2009年

  462. 2004年インド洋大津波によるタイ・シミラン諸島での サンゴ被害の数値的評価 査読有り

    川俣秀樹, 後藤和久, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-65(1) 331-335 2009年


    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.65.331  


  463. 海山列に着目した遠地津波の最大遅延要因の分析と予測精度向上に向けて 査読有り

    宗本金吾, 越村俊一, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-65(1) 286-290 2009年


    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.65.286  


  464. Distribution and Significance of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Deposits. Initial Results from Thailand and Sri Lanka 査読有り

    K. Goto, F. Imamura, N. Keerthi, P. Kunthasap, T. Matsui, K. Minoura, K. Minoura, A. Ruangrassamee, D. Sugawara, S. Supharatid

    Tsunamiites - Features and Implications 105-122 2008年12月

    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-51552-0.00007-2  

  465. Comparison among the proposed source models for the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami 査読有り

    Suppasri, A, Imamura, F, Koshimura, S

    The 1st Thailand–Japan International Academic Conference, 2008年11月21日

  466. 津浪遡上計算におけるメッシュ分割の影響に関する基礎検討 査読有り

    村嶋陽一, 今村文彦, 越村俊一

    海岸工学論文集 55 236-240 2008年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.55.236  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Mesh division of geographic model effects on results of run-up tsunami simulation. Recently, approximate accuracy ofgeographic models increase with using LIDAR (airborne laser). And run-up tsunami simulation using mesh of severalmeters came to be done. In this study, we study effects of mesh division on inundation area of run-up tsunami simulation.To exclude the effects of various conditions of the tsunami simulation, we designed the simplified probability calculationmodel. The calculation model determines the reaching probability of tsunami inundation area. As a result, the tendencythat inundation area of run-up tsunami simulation decreases as mesh size decrease was theoretically confirmed.

  467. スリランカ・キリンダ漁港を対象とした2004年インド洋大津波による土砂移動過程の解析 査読有り

    高橋潤, 後藤和久, 大家隆行, 柳澤英明, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 55 251-255 2008年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.55.251  


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    Tsunami can yield extensive topographic change, which causes secondary damages such as collapse of coastal structures.Therefore, it is important to analyze the topographic change due to the tsunami. In this study, we investigated spatialvariation of sedimentation and erosion due to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at the Kirinda port, Sri Lanka by using thebathymetric data before (Nov, 2004) and after (Feb, 2005) the tsunami. We also conducted numerical analysis of tsunamipropagation and sediment transport. The results show that the tsunami caused approximately 5m erosion or deposition, and the shoreline was moved approx. 100m toward the offshore. Morever, backwash that was redirected by coastal structuresplayed a main role of significant erosion around the wave breaker.

  468. 2004年インド洋津波におけるマングローブ林のフラジリティー関数と津波減衰効果 査読有り

    柳澤英明, 越村俊一, 宮城豊彦, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 55 286-290 2008年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.55.286  

  469. 千島海溝で発生する津波の後続波の特性に関する研究 査読有り

    宗本金吾, 越村俊一, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 55 296-300 2008年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.55.296  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We discuss the characteristics of the later-phase tsunamis accompanied with earthquakes along the Kuril trench, based on the numerical modeling of trans-oceanic tsunamis and the analysis of observed tsunami waveforms. The model results suggest that the later-phase tsunami is caused by edge waves or scattering waves from the seamounts, depending on the tsunami source location; tsunami energy radiated from south of 46° N can result edge waves andnorth of 46° N to 49°N can be scattering waves. Also, we found that analyzing the time evolution of Fourier spectra of observed tsunami waveforms can identify the cause of later-phase tsunamis and can be used to decide the timing of tsunami warning cancellation after it's issued.

  470. 自然海岸における津波による土砂移動調査 査読有り

    西畑剛, 後藤和久, 田島芳満, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 55 446-450 2008年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.55.446  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, we investigated the sediment transport due to the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami along the natural coast at Hambantota, Sri-lanka. Bathymetry and topography surveys before and after the tsunami were conducted and the results showed significant erosion by the tsunami, especially around the places where shoreline discontinuations were observed. We conducted a numerical simulation of tsunami propagation as well as the bathymetry change induced by the tsunami. Furthermore, we also estimated the bathymetry change due to the usual sea waves at the coast. Our numerical results suggested that the tsunami has strong bottom shear stress at specific landform such as a river mouth and a cape. We also found that the sediment erosion and accumulation due to the tsunami had been mitigated by usual sea waves after the tsunami.

  471. A50 水より軽い火砕物密度流により津波は発生するか?(火山の物質科学(4),日本火山学会2008年秋季大会)

    前野 深, 今村 文彦

    日本火山学会講演予稿集 2008 50-50 2008年

    出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2008.0_50  

  472. 認知的不協和を考慮した津波避難行動モデルの開発-避難シミュレーションへの心理的要素の導入- 査読有り

    佐藤太一, 河野達仁, 越村俊一, 山浦一保, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 10 (10) 393-400 2008年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Many evacuation simulation models have been developed. However, all the models exogenously set the rate of evacuation and the evacuation route which are inherently determined by residents. With the exogenous settings, these models can not follow the change in the residents' behavior according to changes in policies. Therefore, it is necessary to model residents who evacuate based on their individual rationality. And now, it is known in particular that residents will not evacuate by some psychological factors (e.g. cognitive dissonance). This paper, focusing on cognitive dissonance as psychological factors, constructs an evacuation model incorporating individual rationality and cognitive dissonance. As a result, we show the effects of cognitive dissonance on the residents' evacuation.

  473. Effect of the Emperor seamounts on trans-oceanic propagation of the 2006 Kuril Island earthquake tsunami 招待有り 査読有り

    S. Koshimura, Y. Hayashi, K. Munemoto, F. Imamura



    DOI: 10.1029/2007GL032129  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The effect of tsunami wave scattering by the Emperor seamounts on the propagation of the 2006 Kuril Island earthquake tsunami is demonstrated, using the finite difference method. The model results indicate that the contribution of the Emperor seamounts on the maximum tsunami energy along the Pacific coast of Japan is found to be as much as 50% or more. Also, analysis of the spectral evolution of observed tsunami records in Japan suggests that the scattering waves from the Emperor seamounts possibly dominate the wave components at periods of 4 to 17 minutes.

  474. Numerical simulation of the tsunami generated by the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake and implications for unusual tidal surges observed in Toyama Bay 査読有り

    Ikuo Abe, Kazuhisa Goto, Fumihiko Imamura, Katsuyoshi Shimizu

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 60 (2) 133-138 2008年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We conducted a numerical analysis of the tsunami generated by the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake (M-j = 6.9) that occurred on 25 March 2007 near the Noto Peninsula on the northwest coast of Honshu Island, Japan. Our numerical simulation reproduced well the behaviors of the tsunami as recorded at the Wajima tidal observatory and showed that the computed tsunami arrived in Toyama Bay more than 1 h after the earthquake. However, a crew of a small boat in the bay felt the shock and, despite calm weather conditions, their boat capsized just 3 min after the earthquake. Although abnormal tidal surges were recorded at several locations around Toyama Bay, the timing of these is inconsistent with the surges being a direct result of the tsunami generated at the source area of the earthquake. We used "backward wave propagation analysis" to estimate the likely source area of the abnormal tidal surges in the bay and carried out the a simulation of landslide-induced tsunami. Our conclusion is that these abnormal tidal surges were likely caused by a submarine landslide on the steep sea floor on the western side of Toyama Bay.

  475. A numerical model for the transport of a boulder by tsunami 査読有り

    Fumihiko Imamura, Kazuhisa Goto, Shigeki Ohkubo



    DOI: 10.1029/2007JC004170  



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    We have conducted hydraulic experiments in an open channel with cubic and rectangular shaped solid blocks on the slope for investigating the boulder transport process by tsunami. In our experiments, the block was mainly seen to be transported by a bore due to rolling or saltation rather than by sliding. Previous models for the boulder transport by tsunamis assumed sliding as a mode of transport for the boulder. Therefore, these models underestimated the distance of the boulder moved by the tsunami when it was transported due to rolling or saltation. In this study, we have developed a practical model for the transport of a boulder by tsunami, which takes into account the various transport modes. We introduce an empirical variable coefficient of friction by assuming that the coefficient decreases with decrease in ground contact time when the block was transported by rolling or saltation. With the aid of this parameter, the model can explain various modes of transport, i.e., sliding, rolling, and saltation, and reproduces the experimental results well. We further applied this improved model to a tsunami boulder at Inoda area in Ishigaki Island, Japan, which was transported by the 1771 Meiwa tsunami. The calculated distance of transport of the boulder was approximately 650 m, which is consistent with the description in the historical document. Based on our calculations, we estimated hydraulic values of the tsunamis. Estimation of such hydraulic values is important for understanding the behavior and power of the historical tsunamis, besides aiding future disaster mitigation efforts.

  476. 津波による土砂・ブロック移動モデルの現状と課題 査読有り

    後藤 和久, 今村 文彦

    第四紀研究 = The Quaternary research 46 (6) 463-475 2007年12月


    DOI: 10.4116/jaqua.46.463  


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  477. Numerical investigations of tsunamis generated by pyroclastic flows from the Kikai caldera, Japan 査読有り

    Fukashi Maeno, Fumihiko Imamura



    DOI: 10.1029/2007GL031222  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tsunamis generated by a voluminous pyroclastic flow entering the sea during a caldera-forming eruption at the Kikai caldera, Japan, were investigated by using a two-layer shallow water model which is limited to the source conditions and their impact on coastal areas. Volume flux of the dense component of the pyroclastic flow was controlled by a sine function. Results showed that the maximum height of the tsunami was largest in models with the largest volume flux of the flows. The approximate source conditions of the tsunami, which can stir sediment particles on the sea floor, were investigated using the non-dimensional boundary shear stress. Results from our simulation showed that the shear stress to initiate movement of sediment particles was not easily achieved in areas where there was evidence of a tsunami. A caldera collapse is thought more likely to have generated the huge tsunami rather than a pyroclastic flow.

  478. Distribution, origin and transport process of boulders deposited by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Pakarang Cape, Thailand 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Goto, Suchana A. Chavanich, Fumihiko Imamura, Passkorn Kunthasap, Takafumi Matsui, Koji Minoura, Daisuke Sugawara, Hideaki Yanagisawa

    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 202 (4) 821-837 2007年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.09.004  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean transported thousands of meters-long boulders shoreward at Pakarang Cape, Thailand. We investigated size, position and long axis orientation of 467 boulders at the cape. Most of boulders found at the cape are well rounded, ellipsoid in shape, without sharp broken edges. They were fragments of reef rocks and their sizes were estimated to be &lt; 14m(3) (22.7t). The distribution pattern and orientation of long axis of boulders reflect the inundation pattern and behavior of the tsunami waves. It was found that there is no clear evidence indicating monotonous fine/coarse shoreward trends of these boulders along each transect line. On the other hand, the large boulders were deposited repeatedly along the three arcuate lines at the intertidal zone with a spacing of approximately 136m interval. This distribution pattern may suggest that long-lasting oscillatory flows might have repositioned the boulders and separated the big ones from small. No boulders were found on land, indicating that the hydraulic force of the tsunami wave rapidly dissipated on reaching the land due to the higher bottom friction and the presence of a steep slope. We further conducted numerical calculation of tsunami inundation at Pakarang Cape. According to the calculation, the sea receded and the major part of the tidal bench (area with boulders at present) was exposed above the sea surface before the arrival of the first tsunami wave. The first tsunami wave arrived at the cape from west to east at approximately 130min after the tsunami generation, and then inundated inlands. Our calculation shows that tsunami wave was focused around the offshore by a small cove at the reef edge and spread afterwards in a fan-like shape on the tidal bench. The critical wave velocities necessary to move the largest and average-size boulders by sliding can be estimated to be approximately 3.2 and 2.0m/s, respectively. The numerical result indicates that the maximum current velocity of the first tsunami wave was estimated to be from 8 to 15m/s between the reef edge and approximately 500m further offshore. This range is large enough for moving even the largest boulder shoreward. These suggest that the tsunami waves that were directed eastward, struck the reef rocks and coral colonies, originally located on the shallow sea bottom near the reef edge, and detached and transported the boulders shoreward. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  479. 2006年千島列島沖地震津波の伝幡特性における天皇海山列の影響評価 査読有り

    越村俊一, 宗本金吾, 大家隆行, 柳澤英明, 阿部郁男, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 54 171-175 2007年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.171  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Focusing on the scattering of tsuanmi energy by the seamounts, this study aims to discuss the effect of Emperor seamounts on the tsunami propagation of the 2006 Kuril Island tsunami, using a finite difference method. The model results suggest that the contribution of Emperor seamounts on the maximum tsunami energy along the Pacific coast of Japan is as much as 50 % or more. Also, the spectral analysis of the observed tsunami records in Japan indicates that the scattering waves from Kinmei seamount dominate the wave components of 8-20 minutes in its wave period, which is consistent with the theory of Longuet-Higgins (1967).

  480. 2004年インド洋大津波に伴う津波石移動現象その実態調査と水理実験に基づく数値モデルの適用限界の把握- 招待有り 査読有り

    岡田清宏, 福田祐司, 後藤和久, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 54 231-235 2007年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.231  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Sometimes tsunami transports large boulders (tsunami boulders). The movement of tsunami boulders could have directly related to the hydraulic force of tsunami. Our field observations clarified that long axes of boulders at Pakarang Cape, Thailand, which had been transported by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, were likely to be vertical against the tsunami flow direction. Moreover, our hydraulic experiment revealed that boulder movement is affected by their initial long axes orientations, suggesting that shapes and long axes orientations of boulders must be considered in the numerical simulation.

  481. 津波来襲時の海上ハザードマップ作成要件の検討 査読有り

    橋太郎, 越村俊一, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 54 1351-1355 2007年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.1351  

  482. 津波防災施設計画への高精度地形モデルの利用と必要精度 査読有り

    村嶋陽一, 今村文彦, 越村俊一, 中村茂, 北沢良之, 並川和敬

    海岸工学論文集 54 1371-1375 2007年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.1371  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, run-up tsunami simulation with high-resolution topographic model is applied for design of tsunami countermeasure such as sea wall and breakwater in the case of coastal area in Sanriku. The topographic model of 10m grid DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is made by LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. Theresolution of the altitude of LiDAR data is 15 cm. The behaviors of tsunami on the land with three plans of the countermeasure in the coast are carried out using tsunami simulation and compared. The effect to reduce the inundation area and damage, and the coast to construct them for each plan are discussed.

  483. 津波防災に対する住民・海岸利用者の意識と対策立案者の認識との相違に関する調査 査読有り

    岡 安章夫, 武若 聡, 中野 晋, 村上啓介, 荒木進歩, 森 信人, 青木伸一, 今村文彦, 越村俊一, 佐藤愼司

    海岸工学論文集 54 1336-1340 2007年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.1336  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Questionnaire surveys were conducted to investigate discrepancies between consciousness of citizens for tsunami disaster prevention assumed by administrations and actual consciousness of residents and visitors in tsunami vulnerable areas. It was found that the residents expect hardware measures (structures) against tsunami attacks, whereas visitors prefer software measures for evacuation. It is important to guide citizens toward software measures and give appropriatei nstructionsf or effectivee vacuation. Citizenws ho have experienceo ft sunamia ttack orlivingn ear the coastlineh ave clear images for threat of tsunamis.Goodc ommunicationb etween administrationsa nd citizensc an restrain the reduction of efficiencyf or tsunamip rotectionm easures.

  484. 津波データベースを利用した簡易的な津波減衰指標の提案 査読有り

    阿部郁男, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 54 186-190 2007年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.186  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    As tsunami information, not only issuing but also canceling is important for emergency management. Although tsunami database and real time observation data recorded at stations are available, those are not used for canceling to estimate the tsunami attenuation. This study evaluate the attenuation for 6 hours by using the tsunami database in Sanriku coast with the 394 faults models assumed. The index of the tsunami attenuation for 6 hours is proposed and estimated along the coast and sea regions, which can be used for canceling of tsunami warning after the tsunami wave heights are predicted.

  485. 2004年インド洋大津波におけるインドネシア・バンダアチェでのマングローブ林の潜在的減災効果 査読有り

    柳澤英明, 越村俊一, 宮城豊彦, 大家隆之, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 54 246-250 2007年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.246  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We investigated the damage of mangroves by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Banda Aceh, Indonesia. We clarified that no mangroves could have survived in the west of Banda Aceh affected by more than 10m height of tsunami, although more than 50% of mangroves with 20-25cm stem diameter could have survived in the east of Banda Aceh affected by 5-7m height of tsunami. We simulated the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami to investigate the impact on mangroves. Based on our field observation and numerical simulation, we estimated the destruction limit of mangroves using the relationship between the stem diameter and computed-tsunami bending moment. Furthermore, we evaluated the potential mitigating effect of mangroves at Banda Aceh using the numerical model with the destruction limit considered.

  486. 1964年新潟地震時における地盤沈下・液状化を考慮した津波浸水・油流出の再現 査読有り

    岩 渕 洋 子, 越 村 俊 一, 今 村 文 彦

    海岸工学論文集 54 1356-1360 2007年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.54.1356  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The destruction of storage of flammable materials by the hydrodynamic force of tsunami may result spread of large fires, flammable materials such as spilled oiland ignited material advected and diffused by the tsunami current in a harbor oron inundation land. To prevent damage from spreading in tsunamis and oil spills and functional decline in harbors, we carried out numerical simulation for oil spreading in the 1964 Niigata Earthquake Tsunami, in which the initial conditionsof land, water level, and oil are carefully given by considering the fault motion, liquefaction, and storage of oil. We proposed some conventional method to estimate each initial condition in the tsunami simulation.

  487. Hydraulic function of mangroves in relation to tsunamis 査読有り

    Mazda,Y, F.Parish, F.Danielsen, F.Imamura

    Mangrove Science 48 57-67 2007年10月

  488. 古地震・津波研究と地震・津波防災 査読有り

    藤原 治, 後藤和久, 平川一臣, 池原 研, 今村文彦

    第四紀研究 46 (6) 445-450 2007年4月


    DOI: 10.4116/jaqua.46.445  


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  489. 過去の災害を復元し将来を予測するためのアプローチ-津波研究を事例に- 査読有り

    今村文彦, 後藤和久

    第四紀研究 46 (6) 445-450 2007年4月


    DOI: 10.4116/jaqua.46.491  


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  490. 2006年千島列島沖地震津波による宮城県内での漁船被害の現地調査

    大橋 太郎, 後田 紘一, 後藤 和久, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 24 33-37 2007年3月30日



  491. 延宝房総沖地震津波の千葉県沿岸から福島県沿岸での痕跡高調査 査読有り

    竹内仁, 藤良太郎, 三村信男, 今村文彦, 佐竹健治, 都司喜宣, 宝地兼次, 松浦健郎

    歴史地震 22 (22) 53-59 2007年3月



  492. A survey of discrepancies between assumed and actual demands and knowledge of citizens for tsunami disaster prevention 査読有り

    Akio Okayasu, Satoshi Takewaka, Susumu Nakano, Keisuke Murakami, Susumu Araki, Nobuhito Mori, Shin-ichi Aoki, Fumihiko Imamura, Shun-ichi Koshimura, Shinji Satoo

    ASIAN AND PACIFIC COASTS 2007 303-306 2007年


  493. Recovery Process in Thailand after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 査読有り


    J.Natural Disaster Science 29 (1) 3-12 2007年1月


    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.29.3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Tsunami generated by the Sumatra earthquake on December 26, 2004 affected many countries around the Indian Ocean and Thailand also suffered severely from this event, i.e. 6 provinces along the Andaman coastline. More than 8,000 people perished or went missing, 4,500 houses were totally destroyed, and economic losses were estimated at more than 14 billion baht. Since it bore the brunt of the tidal wave at its peak, Phang Nga experienced the largest number of fatalities or missing (more than 65%) as well as property damage (about 50%). The Government was prominent in several short- and long-term measures following the disaster management cycle, including the development of a tsunami resilient community. This paper discusses several measures implemented by the government, private sectors, and international organizations.

  494. Toward an Integrated Tsunami Disaster Mitigation: Lessons Learned From Previous Tsunami Events in Indonesia 査読有り

    Abdul Muhari, Subandono Diposaptono, Fumihiko Imamura

    J.Natural Disaster Science 29 (1) 13-19 2007年1月


    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.29.13  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the last two years, the tsunami phenomenon has become a very serious issue in Indonesia. The 2004 Sumatra tsunami caused 130,000 casualties with another 37,000 missing, presumed dead, and financial loss suffered reached $4.3 billion. A tsunami struck the Pangandaran area again, West Java Province, on July 17, 2006, which caused 668 casualties with another 45 missing and financial loss reaching $44.7 million. The damage to these infrastructures and lives clearly shows that disaster mitigation and disaster countermeasure efforts are still not running well. This is becoming the background to the urgent need for integrated tsunami disaster mitigation to build a well-prepared coastal disaster community in the near future.


    A H R Ratnasooriya, a, d, S P Samarawickrama, Fumihiko Imamura

    J.Natural Disaster Science 29 (1) 21-28 2007年1月


    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.29.21  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Indian ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 was the biggest natural disaster in the history of Sri Lanka. Unlike many other countries affected by this tsunami, the damage in Sri Lanka was so widespread that about two thirds of the coastline from the northern Jaffna peninsula, along the eastern coast down to the southern tip of Dondra Head, as well as the relatively sheltered southwestern and western coasts, were subjected to inundation. More than 35,000 people died, 100,000 houses were damaged and 500,000 people were displaced, while the severe damage caused to infrastructure and environment exceeded US $ 900 million. It has been estimated that 3 to 5 years will be needed to complete the rehabilitation and reconstruction task at a cost of nearly US $ 2.2 billion. The recovery program has made some significant progress in certain areas and actions have also been initiated to improve the disaster mitigation capability in the country. This paper reviews the issues, problems associated with and progress of the recovery process as well as the work carried out to mitigate potential future disasters in Sri Lanka.

  496. Tsunami assessment for risk management at nuclear power facilities in Japan 査読有り

    Ken Yanagisawa, Fumlhiko Imamura, Tsutomu Sakakiyama, Tadashi Annaka, Tomoyoshi Takeda, Nobuo Shuto

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 164 (2-3) 565-576 2007年


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-006-0176-1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The present study focuses on evaluation of the maximum and minimum water levels caused by tsunamis as risk factors for operation and management at nuclear power facilities along the coastal area of Japan. Tsunamis generated by submarine earthquakes are examined, basing literature reviews and databases of information on historical tsunami events and run-up heights. For simulation of water level along the coast, a numerical calculation system should be designed with computational regions covering a particular site. Also the calculation system should be verified by comparison of historical and calculated tsunami heights. At the beginning of the tsunami assessment, the standard faults, their locations, mechanisms and maximum magnitudes should be carefully estimated by considering historical earthquake-induced tsunamis and seismo-tectonics at each area. Secondly, the range of errors in the model parameters should be considered since earthquakes and tsunamis are natural phenomena that involve natural variability as well as errors in estimating parameters. For these reasons, uncertainty-induced errors should be taken into account in the process of tsunami assessment with parametric study of the tsunami source model. The element tsunamis calculated by the standard fault models with the errors would be given for the design. Then, the design tsunami can be selected among the element tsunamis with the most significant impact, maximum and minimum water levels, on the site, bearing in mind the possible errors in the numerical calculation system. Finally, the design tsunami is verified by comparison with the run-up heights of historical tsunamis, ensuring that the design tsunami is selected as the highest of all historical and possible future tsunamis at the site.

  497. 災害時要援護者に対する津波避難支援意識の評価と体制確立に向けての地域展開 査読有り

    神尾 久, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会 (8) 315-322 2006年12月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    It is recently recognized that effective disaster prevention schemes for vulnerable people is highly required. Hawever, roles of residents as members of an autonomous community to play have not been well cleared. The present study aims to investigate the role of individuals for supporting elderly people's evacuation activity from the tsunami hazard using a questionnaire survey with AHP analysis. Also, SWOT analysis is deployed to find out the roles for residents to play in a practical way.

  498. リアルタイム観測情報を利用した津波予報の段階的修正法 査読有り

    大垣圭一, 安間友輔, 越村俊一, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 53 216-220 2006年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.216  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    気象庁の量的予報は即時性に優れるものの, 震源情報の推定誤差や予報に用いる数値モデルの地形解像度, 予報区自体の広さなどが原因で, その予報精度に課題を抱えている. これらの問題を打開するために, 本研究では, 現在検討が進められているARENAやGPS津波計などの沖合津波観測計画を想定し, リアルタイム観測データを利用して津波予測値を段階的に修正する手法を開発した.

  499. 2004年インド洋津波によるバンダアチェ市街地の津波氾濫解析と被害推定 査読有り

    大家隆行, 越村俊一, 柳澤英明, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 53 221-225 2006年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.221  

  500. マングローブ林内を遡上した津波の挙動と樹木の破壊条件—2004年インド洋津波による鯛Khao Lakでの被害調査 査読有り

    柳澤英明, 越村俊一, 後藤和久, 今村文彦, 宮城豊彦, 林一成

    海岸工学論文集 53 226-230 2006年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.231  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    タイ南西部Khao Lakを対象に, 2004年インド洋大津波に関する樹木の被害調査および津波の数値解析を行い, 津波の挙動と倒木の関連性について検討した. 被害調査では, まず津波による倒木形態を五つに分類し, その状況について整理した. また, 河川周辺のマングローブ林における調査では, 倒木の方向や漂流物の状況より, 津波が河川を遡上する流れを確認した. 数値解析では, 津波高, 浸水域および流動状況と観測記録を比較し, 妥当性を検証した. その後, 津波の計算流速を利用し倒木状況と比較した結果, 流速と樹径の関係から倒木の有無が明瞭に分かれ, 破壊限界線を示すことができた.

  501. 遡上津波力に関する大規模実験 査読有り

    有川太郎, 大坪大輔, 中野史丈, 下迫健一郎, 高橋重雄, 今村文彦, 松冨英夫

    海岸工学論文集 53 796-800 2006年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.796  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    巨大津波の破壊力は, 2004年末のスマトラ沖地震津波において目の当たりにしているが, 陸地に遡上した津波の持つ力の性質については未解明な部分が多く, 避難ビルの耐津波評価をする際の基準や人に対する危険度は明確ではない. そこで, 構造物・人体に対して大規模実験を行い, サージフロント波圧特性や破壊特性を調べた. その結果, 衝撃津波力が発生する場合は既存の式では過小評価につながること, 少なくとも斜流でないと衝撃津波波圧は生じないことがわかった. さらに, 遡上津波と人体に作用する津波力の関係を示し, 成人男性ならびに女性に対する滑動・転倒する目安を示した.

  502. 1964年新潟地震津波にみる港湾域での複合災害の実態と今後の課題 査読有り

    岩渕洋子, 今村文彦, 越村俊一

    海岸工学論文集 53 1326-1330 2006年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.1326  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    エネルギー施設, 物流拠点として高度利用されている我が国の港湾の津波被災が社会に与える影響は甚大である. しかし, 船舶・漂流物の衝突による危険物流出や大規模延焼火災といった, 津波の氾濫に伴って複合・連鎖的に発生する被害の実態は十分解明されておらず, 対策が急務であるにも関わらず被災シナリオさえも明らかになっていない. 1964年新潟地震津波では, 地震動による液状化や地盤沈下および津波遡上の複合による大規模延焼火災といった被害も報告されており, 本研究では, 港湾の複合津波災害の被災シナリオ作成のために, この被災事例に着目し文献調査および数値計算の双方から複合災害の実態を整理するとともに, 対策の課題をまとめる.

  503. 津波浸水予測における航空機搭載レーザーデータの適用性 査読有り

    村嶋陽一, 今村文彦, 竹内仁, 鈴木宋之, 吉田健一, 山崎正幸, 松田健也

    海岸工学論文集 53 1336-1340 2006年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.1336  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    航空機に搭載したレーザープロファイラー (LiDAR) のデータを用いて格子間隔5m~40mの地形モデルを作成し, 数値解析による津波浸水予測結果を比較した事例を報告する. 広域で高密度, 高精度なLiDARの計測データを用いた地形モデルは, 数mの起伏を表現でき, このことが市街地での津波による浸水範囲の予測結果に与える影響が大きいことが確かめられた. また, 堤防・盛土などを考慮した津波浸水予測に適した詳細な地形モデルの作成手法と, 防潮堤, 堤防等の構造物の形状を表現した5m格子の地形モデルを用い, 陸間の開閉による浸水範囲への影響を検討した事例について報告する.

  504. 津波の陸上遡上域における油,水輸送問題の数値実験 査読有り

    岩渕洋子, 今村文彦, 越村俊一

    海岸工学論文集 53 1361-1365 2006年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.1361  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    津波の被害は, 海水の氾濫によるものに加え, 港での可燃物流出が大規模延焼火災を引き起こすといった複合的な被害も報告されている. しかしながら従来は, 過去の事例や, 津波氾濫特性と港湾施設の状況から, 被害を概略的かつ定性的に類推するにとどまっており, 実際に可燃物の流出を動的に考慮した被害推定法は少ない. 著者らは, 水と油の相互作用を考慮した2層流モデルを開発し, 津波によって運ばれる重油の動的解析の基礎的検討をおこなった. 具体的には, 津波遡上域での油層の移流状況について, 水・油の界面抵抗や2層の密度比を変化させて観察し, 実現象を安定かつ良好に再現するための課題と展望を示した.

  505. Hydraulic and numerical study on the generation of a subaqueous landslide-induced tsunami along the coast

    Yoshinori Shigihara, Daichi Goto, Fumihiko Imamura, Yuichi Kitamura, Takayuki Matsubara, Kazuaki Takaoka, Kazuhiko Ban

    NATURAL HAZARDS 39 (2) 159-177 2006年10月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-006-0021-y  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    By carrying out the hydraulic experiments in a one-dimensional open channel and two-dimensional basin, we clarified the process of how a landslide on a uniform slope causes the generation of a tsunami. The effect of the interactive force that occurs between the debris flow layer and the tsunami is significant in the generation of a tsunami. The continuous flow of the debris into the water makes the wave period of the tsunami short. The present experiments apply numerical simulation using the two-layer model with shear stress models on the bottom and interface, and the results are compared. The simulated debris flow shows good agreement with the measured results and ensures the rushing process into the water. We propose that the model use a Manning coefficient of 0.01 for the smooth slope and 0.015 for the rough slope, and a horizontal viscosity of 0.01 m(2)/s for the landslide; an interactive force of 0.2 for each layer is recommended. The dispersion effect should be included in the numerical model for the propagation from the shore.

  506. 2004年インド洋大津波によって運搬されたタイ,パカラン岬の津波石 査読有り

    後藤和久, 今村文彦, 松井孝典, 箕浦幸治

    地質学雑誌(日本地質学会誌) 112 (8) XV-XVI 2006年10月

  507. 津波による土砂移動の水理実験と数値解析の現状 (総特集 堆積物から紐解く自然災害)

    福田 裕司, 後藤 和久, 今村 文彦

    月刊地球 28 (8) 563-567 2006年8月



  508. 2004年インド洋大津波によって運搬された"津波石"の起源 (総特集 堆積物から紐解く自然災害)

    後藤 和久, Chavanich Suchana, 今村 文彦

    月刊地球 28 (8) 553-557 2006年8月



  509. Investigation of tsunami-induced damage and fragility of buildings in Thailand after the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami 査読有り

    Anat Ruangrassamee, Hideaki Yanagisawa, Piyawat Foytong, Panitan Lukkunaprasit, Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura

    EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 22 (3) S377-S401 2006年6月


    DOI: 10.1193/1.2208088  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused human loss and devastating damage to civil engineering structures along the west coast of southern Thailand. This damage was investigated to evaluate the vulnerability of structures. Criteria for post-tsunami investigation were developed, and a database system was established to manage and present the data. The database of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings was then analyzed to find the relationship between the damage level and (a) the distance from the shoreline or (b) the inundation height. A representative RC column's capacity to resist lateral forces was measured by a full-scale loading test to gain insight into the relationship between the observed damage and the actual structural performance.

  510. Damage caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka 査読有り

    Takashi Tomita, Fumihiko Imamura, Tard Arikawa, Tomohiro Yasuda, Yoshiaki Kawata

    Coastal Engineering Journal 48 (2) 99-116 2006年6月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563406001362  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Indian Ocean Tsunami on 26 December 2004 affected Sri Lanka, which is located 1.700 km from the epicenter. A field investigation was conducted along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka to measure tsunami trace heights, investigate the damage, and obtain correct information on the tsunami. The results of the field survey showed that the tsunami arrived on the southwest coasts two and a half hours or more after the earthquake. The average tsunami height was 5 m along the southwest coast and tsunami trace heights of 10 m were found locally. The tsunami destroyed a number of wooden and brick houses, damaged port and harbor facilities and coastal railways, washed away many vessels, and scoured the foundations of coastal structures. The port and harbor facilities such as the breakwaters, and rigid coastal houses continuing along the coast reduced the tsunami and lessened the damage that it caused. Hydraulic experiments were conducted to investigate the characteristics of tsunami flooding on flat or declining ground, since it was clarified by the field survey that the severer tsunami damage was caused at the place where the coastal land inclines inland. The experimental results show that the pressure acting on the structure on the sloping bottom was at least twice that of the flat bottom under the experimental conditions. © World Scientific Publishing Company and Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

  511. オープンフォーラムでの防災マップコンテストの企画

    今村 文彦, 越村 俊一, 後藤 和久

    自然災害科学 25 (1) 32-34 2006年5月31日



  512. 2004年インド洋大津波によって形成された津波堆積物の特徴 : タイ・バンサックビーチの研究例

    後藤 和久, 今村 文彦, Kunthasap P, 松井 孝典, 箕浦 幸治, 菅原 大助

    津波工学研究報告 23 51-56 2006年3月30日



  513. 沿岸防災―復旧から津波防災都市へ―:復旧から津波防災都市へ

    今村 文彦, 富田 孝史, 水谷 法美, 森屋 陽一, 木村 克俊, 大塚 夏彦

    海洋開発論文集 22 69-72 2006年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/prooe.22.69  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper summarizes the special session "Coastal Disaster Prevention -- Rehabilitation and Disaster Preventing City Against Tsunamis--. " This session has been planned to understand the tsunami disasters and there rehabilitations. Presentations include the experiences in Okushiri Island which had severe damages in the 1993 Hokkaido Nanseioki Earthquake Tsunami and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Also, countermeasures against huge tsunami disaster have been introduced by Miyagi Prefecture and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportations. After presentations, the countermeasures against tsunami disasters have been discussed. Throughout the presentations and discussions, many important issues have been pointed out.

  514. P19 鬼界カルデラ7.3ka噴火における大規模火砕流の海域流入とそれに伴う津波の発生過程(ポスターセッション,日本火山学会2006年秋季大会)

    前野 深, 谷口 宏充, 今村 文彦

    日本火山学会講演予稿集 2006 133-133 2006年

    出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2006.0_133  

  515. マングローブ林内を遡上した津波の挙動と樹木の破壊条件:2004年インド洋大津波によるタイKhao Lakでの被割調査 査読有り

    柳澤 英明, 越村 俊一, 後藤 和久, 今村 文彦, 宮城 豊彦, 林 一成

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 53 231-235 2006年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.53.231  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    タイ南西部Khao Lakを対象に, 2004年インド洋大津波に関する樹木の被害調査および津波の数値解析を行い, 津波の挙動と倒木の関連性について検討した. 被害調査では, まず津波による倒木形態を五つに分類し, その状況について整理した. また, 河川周辺のマングローブ林における調査では, 倒木の方向や漂流物の状況より, 津波が河川を遡上する流れを確認した. 数値解析では, 津波高, 浸水域および流動状況と観測記録を比較し, 妥当性を検証した. その後, 津波の計算流速を利用し倒木状況と比較した結果, 流速と樹径の関係から倒木の有無が明瞭に分かれ, 破壊限界線を示すことができた.

  516. Grobal Disaster due to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 査読有り

    Fumihiko Imamura, S. Koshimura, K. Goto, H. Yanagisawa, Y. Iwabuchi

    Journal of Disaster Research 1 (1) 131-135 2006年

  517. Study on oil spread caused by the 1964 Niigata earthquake tsunami 査読有り

    Y. Iwabuchi, S. Koshimura, F. Imamura

    Journal of Disaster Research 1 (1) 157-168 2006年

  518. 津波災害を生き延びるための教育の現状と課題 招待有り

    越村俊一, 後田紘一, 今村文彦

    自然災害科学 24 (4) 369-376 2006年



  519. Numerical simulation of tsunamis generated by caldera collapse during the 7.3 ka Kikai eruption, Kyushu, Japan 査読有り

    Fukashi Maeno, Fumihiko Imamura, Hiromitsu Taniguchi

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 58 (8) 1013-1024 2006年


    DOI: 10.1186/BF03352606  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The relationship between tsunamis and scales of caldera collapse during a 7.3 ka eruption of the Kikai volcano were numerically investigated, and a hypothetical caldera collapse scale was established. Wave height, arrival time, and run-up height and distance were determined at some locations along the coastline around Kikai caldera, using non-linear long-wave equations and caldera collapse models using parameters showing the difference in geometry between pre- and post-collapse and the collapse duration. Whether tsunamis become large and inundations occur in coasts is estimated by the dimensionless collapse speed. Computed tsunamis were then compared with geological characteristics found in coasts. The lack of evidence of tsunami inundation at Nejime, 65 km from the caldera, suggests that any tsunamis were small; indicating that the upper limit of dimensionless caldera collapse speed was 0.01. On the other hand, on the coast of the Satsuma Peninsula, 50 km from the caldera, geological characteristics suggests that tsunamis did not inundate, or that even if tsunamis inundated the area, the traces of a tsunami have been eroded by a climactic pyroclastic flow or the tsunami itself and they have not been left. In numerical computations, when a dimensionless caldera collapse speed is more than 0.003, tsunami can inundate this area.

  520. インド洋における巨大地震津波災害ポテンシャルの評価 招待有り 査読有り

    越村俊一, 高島正典, 鈴木進吾, 林春男, 今村文彦, 河田惠昭

    海岸工学論文集 52 1416-1420 2005年11月10日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.52.1416  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    インド洋のプレート境界に沿った地震空白域で発生し得るマグニチュード9クラスの巨大地震を想定して津波の数値シミュレーションを実施し, 得られたシミュレーション結果とリモートセンシングにより得られた都市光の分布や沿岸の人口統計データとを統合し, 沿岸の土地利用状況や津波災害の社会的影響の大きさも考慮したインド洋沿岸諸国の津波脆弱性を評価する指標を提案し, インド洋において発生する津波災害による被害のポテンシャルを明らかにした.

  521. インド洋大津波のスリランカ南西部における津波実態・被害調査報告 招待有り 査読有り

    富田孝史, 有川太郎, 安田誠宏, 今村文彦, 河田惠昭

    海岸工学論文集 52 1406-1410 2005年11月10日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.52.1406  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    2004年12月26日スマトラ島西方を震源地としてM9.0の地震が生じ, インド洋沿岸の広範囲で津波災害が生じた. スリランカは, 震源から1600kmも離れ, 遠地津波としての特徴を有している. 地震発生から2時間を経て津波が到達したものの3万人を超す命が失われ, 列車事故や道路・港湾など交通・インフラにも多大な被害を出した. 現地調査および実験を通して, 被害の実態を明らかにすることが目的である. スリランカ南西部での被害実態について, 現地調査ならびに実験を行い, 列車事故被害, 港湾被害等, 人的被害について詳細に検討し, それぞれの特徴を明らかにした.

  522. 津波来襲による原油週流素・拡散問題の整理と解析手法の提案 招待有り 査読有り

    岩渕洋子, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 52 301-305 2005年11月10日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.52.301  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    浸水計算による被害推定は, 「人・家屋被害」の推定に限定されており, 港湾の高度な生産活動地域 (工業製品の輸送拠点, エネルギー貯蔵施設) での被害は十分に推定されていない. 1964年のアラスカ地震津波, 新潟地震津波では, タンクから漏洩した油が津波遡上によって拡がり, その油が火災を助長したため, 津波被災地は壊滅状態となった. 本研究では, 津波遡上域における油流出被害の実態を整理し, 数値モデルとしての課題と適用条件をまとめた. その上で, 時間及び空間スケールを考慮した適応性の高い各種モデルの分類を行い, 現状の精度と課題を検討した. さらに, 遡上流れによる漏洩油の拡がりを予測する2層流モデルの基礎的な検討を行なった.

  523. 護岸・陸上構造物に対する津波力の大規模実験 招待有り 査読有り

    有川太郎, 池辺将光, 山田文則, 下迫健一郎, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 52 746-750 2005年11月10日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.52.746  


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    比較的周期が長く波高の大きな波を造波できる水槽がなかったため, 巨大津波においては, 一部の設計には用いられているものの汎用的な耐津波設計にまで至っていない. そこで, 大規模波動地盤総合水路を用い, 周期20s以上で波高0.5m程度までの津波を造波させ, 斜面勾配が1/50もしくは1/30に続く護岸および陸上構造物に作用する津波力の計測を行った.護岸・陸上構造物に作用する最大津波波圧は, 構造物前面の波高に比例すること, さらに, 本実験条件内では, 構造物の前面に強固な構造物がある場合は, 無い場合の7割程度に波高および津波波圧が減衰することがわかった.

  524. ワークショップ手法による沿岸地域の津波避難計画案の提案と展開 招待有り 査読有り

    安倍祥, 神尾久, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 52 1271-1275 2005年11月10日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.52.1271  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    住民参加のワークショップ手法により, 地図上の作業やまち歩きによる地域理解と津波対応の議論を通じて沿岸住民の津波避難計画を立案した. ワークショップでは図上演習の中で安全な避難場所を探し, 避難経路を検討する. 自助のための津波対応を検討し共同作業の中で議論を進め, 参加者らには共助の視点で津波対応を考え連携して地域防災に取り組む姿勢が見られた. 釜石市根浜地区では住民, ライフセーバらが連携して観光客の避難誘導を検討した. 志津川町新井田川地区では津波防災サインの設置を検討する中で, 来訪者への啓発や情報提供の重要性を認識した. ワークショップ手法による避難計画の立案が津波防災対策に有効であることが示された.

  525. A tsunami generated by a possible submarine slide: Evidence for slope failure triggered by the North Anatolian Fault movement 招待有り 査読有り

    K Minoura, F Imamura, U Kuran, T Nakamura, GA Papadopoulos, D Sugawara, T Takahashi, AC Yalciner

    NATURAL HAZARDS 36 (3) 297-306 2005年11月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-005-0319-1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A tsunamigenic sediment layer has been discovered in fluvio-alluvial sequences on the northern coast of the Marmara Sea, northwestern Turkey. The layer consists of unsorted silty coarse sand including terrestrial molluscs and charcoal fragments. The AMS radiometric ages of the shells have been estimated at around BC 400, AD 300, AD 400, and AD 1000. We propose that a tsunami occurred in the Marmara Sea in the middle of 11th century and invaded the fluvial plains. The older fossils were derived from the underlying horizons, and it is probable that buoyant materials such as terrestrial molluscs and charcoals were isolated from liquefied sediments during submarine sliding. Slope failure of coastal blocks triggered by fault movement generated tsunamis, which might have transported floating materials to the backshore.

  526. Tsunami Numerical model for a propagation passing through an obstacle 招待有り 査読有り

    Imamura,F, T.Arikawa, T.Tomita, T.Yasuda, Y.Kawata

    Asian and Pacific Coasts 2005 93-106 2005年9月

  527. Three-deimensional Tsunami Numerical model for a propagation passing through an obstacle 招待有り 査読有り

    Hong.S.J, F.Imamura, B.H.Chioi

    Asian and Pacific Coasts 2005 1018-1030 2005年9月

  528. Study on the oil spread and fire caused by a tsunami 招待有り 査読有り

    Iwabuchi,Y, F.Imamura

    Asian and Pacific Coasts 2005 1193-1207 2005年9月

  529. Workshop making regional tsunami hazard map with coastal residents 招待有り 査読有り

    Abe,Y, F.Imamura

    Asian and Pacific Coasts 2005 1231-1243 2005年9月

  530. 沿岸防災―来るべき大地震,津波に備えて―:来るべき大地震, 津波に備えて 査読有り

    今村 文彦, 富田 孝史, 水谷 法美, 森屋 洋一, 木村 克俊, 大塚 夏彦

    海洋開発論文集 21 95-98 2005年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/prooe.21.95  

    ISSN:0912-7348 1884-8265

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper summarizes the special session &quot;Coastal Disaster Prevention -for huge earthquakes and tsunami hazards-.&quot; This session has been planned to understand the tsunami hazards and current status of countermeasures, simulation technique, measuring system and international network system. In the session, details of each topic have been presented. After presentations, discussions on the countermeasures against tsunami hazards have been done. In the discussions, safety of residents was one of the main topics. Also importance of education for disaster prevention and provision of adequate information have been pointed out.

  531. 2004年インドネシア・スマトラ沖地震津波の被害―我が国の防災対策への教訓―:我が国の防災対策への教訓

    今村 文彦

    海洋開発論文集 21 31-37 2005年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/prooe.21.31  


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    The 2004 Sumatra earthquake, occurred at 00: 58: 53 UTC on December 26, 2004, followed by the Indian oceanic tsunami was the largest earthquake in magnitude of M 9.0 in the world since the 1960 Chilean earthquake. The epicenter was located west off Sumatra Island, but the aftershocks extended through Nicobar to Andaman Islands; the total length is more than 1, 000 km. The number of casualties, death and missing together, is the largest in Indonesia (220, 000), followed by Sri Lanka (35, 000), India (16, 000) and Thailand (8, 300). About 300 fatalities are reported from Somalia, east coast of Africa. In total, nearly 300, 000 lives were lost by the tsunami. The information on the media and the result from the field investigation are introduced in the new disaster's point of view. The frame work to mitigate the tsunami disaster in the future is discussed in the paper.

  532. インド洋大津波の被害と教訓-現地調査と映像から分かってきたこと

    今村 文彦

    地震工学研究発表会 報告集 28 232-232 2005年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.11532/proee2005.28.232  


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    2004年12月26日に発生したスマトラ沖地震・インド洋大津波は甚大な被害を出した. この時, 残された衝撃的な映像が世界に発信され, 予想を上回る実態を知ることが出来た. 被災後, 各地で現地調査も実施され, 状況も整理されつつある. 本文は, 現地調査と映像から分かる津波の実態をや被害を紹介し, 我々の教訓となるであろう項目を整理した.

  533. 2004年紀伊半島沖地震津波に関する現地調査と防災上の課題

    小池 信昭, 越村 俊一, 高橋 智幸, 河田 恵昭, 今村 文彦, 原田 賢治, 藤間 功司, 鴫原 良典, 谷岡 勇市郎, 西村 裕一, 加藤 照之, 寺田 幸博, 鈴木 進吾, 奥村 与志弘

    海岸工学論文集 52 1336-1340 2005年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.52.1336  


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    2004年9月5日に紀伊半島沖で発生した地震津波について, 津波打ち上げ高および痕跡高に関する現地調査, 津波来襲状況に関する住民のヒアリング調査, 自治体の津波情報の伝達状況に関する調査, およびリアルタイム観測と数値シミュレーションによる解析を実施した. その結果, 本震により発生した津波は伊豆諸島から四国太平洋岸に来襲し, 伊豆諸島で1m未満, 静岡県から和歌山県の太平洋岸にかけて2m程度の津波打ち上げがあったことを確認した. また, 高知県室戸岬沖のGPS津波計では津波のリアルタイム観測に成功し, 数値シミュレーションによる予測結果と良好な一致を示した. 沖合での津波のリアルタイム観測と即時的津波予測の有効性が実証された.

  534. 2004年インド洋大津波の被害とわが国の貢献と課題

    今村 文彦

    学術の動向 10 (6) 52-57 2005年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Science Support Foundation

    DOI: 10.5363/tits.10.6_52  


  535. 住民意識・行動を考慮した津波避難シミュレーションモデル 招待有り 査読有り

    鈴木介, 今村文彦

    自然災害科学 23 (4) 521-538 2005年



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    The purpose of the present study is to develop and improve the simulation model of tsunami attack evacuation by including the experience, recognition, and knowledge of the people in each area affected by tsunamis. Firstly, we carried out two field surveys to clarify various factors that influence selection of evacuation routes for making a synthetic judgment model. We determined regional knowledge, altitude, road information, road signs, following process, and functions on the route to be major factors in the route selection. A comparison with results of a field survey in the case of a tsunami evacuation drill at the coastal village in Sendai city shows that with the improved model, we obtained more than 80% agreement on selection of evacuation routes and time to the safety area. Secondly, we designed a questionnaire to be distributed at the time of the drill, which provided us with information to determine route selection process, parameters and initial conditions of the evacuations. Furthermore, the improved model, including means of evacuation, such as by foot or in vehicles, is developed and applied to this area. In the case assuming that all residents evacuate at the almost same time in the night, it is suggested that most traffic congestion occurs on the major roads, which long time it takes people to complete the evacuation.

  536. Model of tsunami generation by collapse of volcanic eruption: The 1741 Oshima-Oshima tsunami 招待有り 査読有り

    K Kawamata, K Takaoka, K Ban, F Imamura, S Yamaki, E Kobayashi

    Tsunamis: Case Studies and Recent Developments 23 79-96 2005年


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    Tsunamis generated by landslides are less studied than those caused by fault motion because of the low frequency of such events and the complexity of the generating mechanism. We carried out hydraulic experiments that simulated a debris flow rushing into water. Using parameters obtained from those experiments, we revised a numerical two-layer model to take into account three kinds of shear stress-bottom friction, horizontal viscosity, and interactive force-and the form drag of the debris flow. We then compared our model results with those from the hydraulic experiments. Then, the improved two-layer model was applied to the 1741 Oshima-Oshima tsunami to reproduce the tsunami height along the Hokkaido coast and the Korean Peninsula in the Japan Sea.

  537. Effects of coastal forest on tsunami hazard mitigation - A preliminary investigation 招待有り 査読有り

    K Harada, F Imamura

    Tsunamis: Case Studies and Recent Developments 23 279-292 2005年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to utilize coastal forest as tsunami countermeasures, quantitative evaluation for hydrodynamic effect of coastal forest and the clarification of prevention functions against tsunamis were examined in this paper. Field survey and review and summary on the control forest conditions were carried out to evaluate the effect of coastal forest and to find the condition of coastal forest. A relation between the forest density and the diameter of trunk is obtained through the field survey of control forest and some previous researches, which is useful information for the evaluation of the tsunami reduction effects. Numerical simulation including the control forest effect is performed for evaluating the quantitative effect for tsunami reduction and damage. It is found that an increase of forest width can reduce not only inundation depth but also current and hydraulic force behind the coastal forest. By using these results, effects of reducing tsunamis can be quantitatively evaluated in a relation to the tsunami and forest conditions. Finally, review and summary is done to recognize the mitigation effect of tsunami disaster by the coastal forest in the past. Four main functions to reduce tsunami disaster are found; 1) to stop drifts or ships carried by a tsunami, 2) to reduce tsunami energy, 3) to form sand dune protecting tsunamis as well as high waves, and 4) to catch persons carried back by a tsunami to the sea. However, it should be reminded that the coastal forests would be destroyed by a huge tsunami and floating material would cause secondary damage.

  538. 東南海・南海地震津波対策に向けての広域連携情報ネットワークの提案 査読有り

    越村俊一, 鈴木進吾, 大利桂子, 村田行泰, 寺田幸博, 河田惠昭, 加藤照之, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 6 (6) 139-148 2004年11月



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    Metropolitan areas and coastal communities along the Pacific coast and the Inland Sea in Japan are under the threat of gigantic tsunamis accompanied with possible megathrust earthquakes along the Nankai Trough within 30 to 40 years. The authors propose a cooperative network for tsunami disaster management, that consists of the integrated system of real-time tsunami modeling techniques and real-time tsunami observation system. This system will be in public at "http://trust.dri.ne.jp/".

  539. 2003年十勝沖地震津波調査報告 : (1)はじめに、(2)津波遡上高調査結果、(3)津波波形記録(検潮記録)、(4)津波被害、(5)津波写真記録

    谷岡 勇市郎, 西村 裕一, 平川 一臣, 今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男, 安部 祥, 進藤 一弥, 松冨英夫, 高橋智幸, 今井 健太郎, 大沼 康太郎, 神 昭平, 村上 哲朗, 都司 嘉宣, 行谷 佑一, 藤間 功司, 真坂 誠一, 長谷川 洋平, 林 豊, 吉川 章文, 上川 明保, 志賀 透, 小林 政樹, 小田 勝也, 富田 孝史, 柿沼 太郎, 佐竹 健治, 七山 太, 鎌滝 孝信, 平田 賢治, 河田 恵昭, 深澤 良信, 越村 俊一, 秦 康範, 東井 裕介

    津波工学研究報告 21 [調査報告]1-200 2004年3月30日



  540. 環太平洋での津波対策の過去と現状―我が国の防災対策への教訓―:我が国の防災対策への教訓

    今村 文彦

    海洋開発論文集 20 15-19 2004年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/prooe.20.15  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The paper introduces the activity for disaster mitigation of tsunami in Pacific ocean after the 1960 Chilean tsunami, which should be lessons to improve the research and public work for the mitigation in Japan. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) failed to issue an effective tsunami warning for the tsunamis of the 1960 Chile Earthquake, being aware that international cooperation is essential. Through the experience of the 1960 tsunami, the two international cooperation organizations; ICG/ITSU and PTWC were started to establish the far-field tsunami warning system in the Pacific ocean. JMA also exchanges of tidal data with the United States of America and other states, monitoring the data of foreign eighteen stations in this area. DART, TIME in US, and Pacific museum are introduced for the early time warning system with high accuracy, making hazards maps to increase people awareness and evacuation system, and public education by providing documentation, exhibition, workshops, and lectures.

  541. 現地データを利用した2003年十勝沖地震津波の数値解析と特性の把握

    大垣 圭一, 今村 文彦

    海岸工学論文集 51 271-275 2004年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.51.271  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    2003年十勝沖地震津波に対し, 津波遡上高記録, 検潮記録を融合的に利用して数値解析を行い, 津波波源と規模を推定した. また, 不均一断層モデルを用いて滑り量の詳細な分布を解析した.その結果, 不均一性は比較的小さいが, 断層の東側で滑り量は大きいことが分かった. 検潮記録に残された津波の初動や波形は, 本数値モデルで十分再現できていることが確認出来た. この結果を用いて長時間の再現計算を実施し, 境界波としての特性が北海道太平洋沿岸で顕著であったことが示された. 最後に, 養殖施設被害を検討した結果, チリ津波の際と同様に被害発生の条件が流速1.0m/s程度であることが示された.

  542. 並列計算によるリアルタイム津波 (浸水) 計算の高速化

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    海岸工学論文集 51 251-255 2004年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.51.251  


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    本研究では, より詳細な津波情報を迅速に提供できるようにするため, 負荷均等割付手法による津波数値計算アルゴリズムの改良よって並列化効率を高め, コンパイラによる自動並列化だけでは解決ることができなかった津波数値計算の高速化を実現することができた. その結果, 50×27km (格子間隔50m) の領域での30分間の浸水予測計算を4分完了できることが分かった. また, 新しい計算環境 (ITBL) の利用により, 更なる広域化が可能であることが分かった. この結果は, 気象庁の量的津波予報の詳細化と高速化に貢献できると考える.

  543. 臨海都市域に来襲する津波の統合シミュレーション開発

    今村 文彦, 藤原 誠, 進藤 一弥, 市村 強

    海岸工学論文集 51 291-295 2004年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.51.291  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究は, 地震発生から臨海都市部を襲う津波に対して, 被害を推定できる統合型シミュレーションの開発を目指したものである. レーザ・プロファイラーを利用して現在入手可能な最小分解の陸上地形データを作成し, 地震動, 津波の浸水, 人間行動をシミュレーションできるモデルを開発した. このモデルは, 複合利用された臨海都市域である仙台港周辺に適用し, 対象領域の陸上構造物の地盤からの高さの頻度分布解析からメッシュサイズの違いによる浸水範囲の違いを説明できることが分かった. また, 避難開始時間を変化させたシミュレーションを実施し, 僅か6分の違いが避難率がゼロから100%まで変化する事が示された.

  544. 2003年十勝沖地震津波に関する現地調査

    高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦, 谷岡 勇市郎, 西村 裕一, 松冨 英夫, 長谷川 洋平, 小林 政樹, 上川 明保, 七山 太, 眞坂 精一, 藤間 功司, 原田 賢治, 越村 俊一, 富田 孝史

    海岸工学論文集 51 1356-1360 2004年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.51.1356  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    2003年9月26日早朝に北海道十勝沖を震源とするマグニチュード8.0の地震が発生し, それに伴う津波が北海道から東北地方の太平洋沿岸の広い範囲に来襲して各地に人的及び物的被害を与えた.そこで, 発災直後に津波に関する合同現地調査を実施し, 被害の発生過程や来襲状況等について調べた.この調査結果及び検潮記録や各種の映像資料等を合わせて今回の津波災害の特徴を明らかにした.また, 1952年に発生した津波との比較を行うことにより, 今回の津波の波源が西方に位置している可能性を示した.

  545. Giant landslides, mega-tsunamis, and paleo-sea level in the Hawaiian Islands 査読有り

    GM McMurtry, P Watts, GJ Fryer, Smith, JR, F Imamura

    MARINE GEOLOGY 203 (3-4) 219-233 2004年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0025-3227(03)00306-2  


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    Landslide tsunami simulations have advanced to the point where the tsunamigenic potential of giant submarine landslides (GSL) can be affirmed, while the subsidence history of different Hawaiian Islands is still subject to debate. We show that mega-tsunamis are a sufficient explanation for the observed pattern of debris height of calcareous marine deposits on some of the Hawaiian Islands. Further, our tsunami simulations, using the Alika GSL as example, can be used to reduce the considerable uncertainty in subsidence history of the different Hawaiian Islands, a current obstacle to interpreting the deposits from large waves. We also show that the onset of interglacials provides a probable explanation for the timing of these giant landslides over at least the last five million years. The climate change mechanism both explains the confusion with eustatic sea-level rise and provides a reasonable triggering mechanism for giant landslides from oceanic island volcanoes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  546. Tsunami run-up heights of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake 査読有り

    Tanioka, Y, Nishimura, Y, Hirakawa, K, Imamura, F, Abe, I, Abe, Y, Shindou, K, Matsutomi, H, Takahashi, T, Imai, K, Harada, K, Namegawa, Y, Hasegawa, Y, Hayashi, Y, Nanayama, F, Kamataki, T, Kawata, Y, Fukasawa, Y, Koshimura, S, Hada, Y, Azumai, Y, Hirata, K, Kamikawa, A, Yoshikawa, A, Shiga, T, Kobayashi, M, Masaka, S

    Earth, Planets and Space 56 (3) 359-365 2004年

    出版者・発行元:The Seismological Society of Japan, Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Volcanological Society of Japan , The Geodetic Society of Japan , The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences

    DOI: 10.1186/BF03353065  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquakeTsunami height survey was conducted immediately after the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. Results of the survey show that the largest tsunami height was 4 m to the east of Cape Erimo, around Bansei-onsen, and locally at Mabiro. The results also show that the tsunami height distribution of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake is clearly different from that of the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake, suggesting the different source areas of the 1952 and 2003 Tokachioki earthquakes. Numerical simulation of tsunami is carried out using the slip distribution estimated by Yamanaka and Kikuchi (2003). The overall pattern of the observed tsunami height distribution along the coast is explained by the computed ones although the observed tsunami heights are slightly smaller. Large later phase observed at the tide gauge in Urakawa is the edge wave propagating from Cape Erimo along the west coast of the Hidaka area.

  547. Re-examination of the source mechanism of the 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake and tsunami 査読有り

    F Imamura, K Hashi

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 160 (10-11) 2071-2086 2003年10月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-003-2420-2  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Simulation of tsunami propagation and runup of the 1998 Papua New Guinea (PNG) earthquake tsunami using the detailed bathymetry measured by JAMSTEC and adding bathymetric data at depths less than 60 m is carried out, reproducing the tsunami energy focus into Warapu and Arop along the Sissano Lagoon. However, the computed runup heights in the lagoon are still lower than those measured. Even if the error in estimating the fault parameters is taken into consideration, computational results are similar. Analysis by the wave ray method using several scenarios of the source size of the tsunami and location by the wave ray method suggests that a source characterized by small size in water 1,000-m deep approximately 25 km offshore the lagoon, best fits the arrival determined from the interviews with eyewitnesses. A two-layer numerical model simulating the interaction of the tsunami with a landslide is employed to study the behavior of a landslide-generated tsunami with different size sand depths of the initial slide just outside the lagoon. A landslide model with a volume of 4-8x10(9) m(3) is selected as the best in order to reproduce the distribution of the measured tsunami runup in the lagoon. The simulation of a tsunami generated in two stages, fault and landslide, could show good agreement with the runup heights and distribution of the arrival time, but a time gap of around 10 minutes remains, suggesting that a tsunami generated by the mainshock at 6:49 PM local time is too small for people to notice, and the following tsunami triggered by landslide or mass movement near the lagoon about ten minutes after the mainshock attacked the coast and caused the huge damage.

  548. Far-field tsunami potential and a real-time forecast system for the Pacific using the inversion method 査読有り

    N Koike, Y Kawata, F Imamura

    NATURAL HAZARDS 29 (3) 423-436 2003年7月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Estimating tsunami potential is an essential part of mitigating tsunami disasters. We proposed a new method to estimate the far-field tsunami potential by assuming fault models on the Pacific Rim. We find that a tsunami that generates in the areas where there is no tsunami in the history can damage the Japanese coast. This shows that it is important to estimate tsunami potential by assuming fault models other than the past earthquake data. Another important activity to mitigate tsunami disasters is to provide appropriate warnings to coastal communities when danger from a tsunami is imminent. We applied a new inversion method using wavelet transform to a part of the real-time tsunami forecast system for the Pacific. Because this inversion method does not require fault location, it is possible to analyze a tsunami in real time without all seismic information. In order to check the usability of the system, a numerical simulation was executed assuming an earthquake at sea off Taiwan. The correlation coefficient for the estimated initial waveform to the assumed one was calculated to be 0.78. It takes 90 min to capture time-series waveform data from tsunami gauges and 5 sec to estimate the 2-D initial waveform using the inversion method. After that, it takes 2 minutes to forecast the tsunami heights at the Japanese coast. Since the sum of these times is less than the 105 minutes transit time of the tsunami from Taiwan to Japan, it is possible to give a warning to the residents before the tsunami attacks the Japanese coast. Comparing the tsunami heights forecasted by this system with those calculated by the fault model, the average error was 0.39 m. The average error of the arrival time was 0.007 min.

  549. 豪雨時の自治体における防災情報の利用

    牛山 素行, 今村 文彦, 片田 敏孝, 越村 俊一

    水工学論文集 47 349-354 2003年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/prohe.47.349  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The purpose of this paper is an investigation of how to collect and use heavy rainfall disaster information by local governments. Questionnaire data were gathered from 230 municipalities within Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Gifu, and Mie prefectures. They were struck by typhoon No.0206 in July 2002. 32 municipalities issued evacuation counsel for disaster. A half of it answered that the decisive factor of evacuation counsel was occurrence of damage. The result indicated that it was difficult to issue evacuation counsel in advance of damage. Respondenfs ratios of rainfall information received on real time were as follows: The rainfall data by Meteorological Agency (JMA) was 92 percent, the rainfall and water revel data by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MLIT) was 72 percent, the rainfall and water revel data by prefecture was 78 percent Respondent's ratios of actually used information were as follows: The data of JMA was 74 percent, the data of MLIT was 38 percent, the data of prefecture was 51 percent It is necessary that the information of JMA and other information is unified. 58 percent municipalities had own raingauge on their office and 87 percent of raingauge data were used in this event. Self-administrated raingauge was relied. Flood hazard maps were made in 10 percent of municipalities. But municipalities of actually used hazard map in this event were a half of those. It is important that practicality of hazard map was verified.

  550. Study on the effect in reducing tsunami by the coastal permeable structures 査読有り

    K Harada, F Imamura, T Hiraishi



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents the experimental and numerical analysis to understand and evaluate the tsunami reduction effect by the coastal permeable structures as costal forest and artificial wave dissipating structures. The hydraulic experiment for the tsunami of two different amplitudes with five kinds of models; mangrove, coastal forest, wave dissipating block, rock breakwater, houses, with different structure and porosity was carried out in order to measure an effectiveness in reducing tsunami disaster. Wave height, the horizontal current velocity, and wave pressure were measured for each model. The measuring points are arranged by considering the impact of the tsunami due to the existence of permeable structure, and the change of tsunami at the front and rear side of a model, and the reduction effect by model conditions was compared. Comparing with the forest case and the artificial structure case, the quantity of reduction on the forest case is smaller than the artificial structure. Although there is the reduction effect by the forest existence and the coastal forest is effective in the damage mitigation by tsunami. Experimental results suggest that the tsunami reduction effect in the water level, the flow velocity and fluid force in the structure back by the permeable structures was fully expectable. The numerical simulation model in considering with these reduction effects was adapted to hydraulic experiment. This model can estimate the tsunami reducing effect quantitatively.

  551. Experimental study on the effect in reducing tsunami by the coastal permeable structures 査読有り

    K Harada, F Imamura, T Hiraishi




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In Order to understand the tsunami reduction effect of the coastal permeable structures as the coastal forest and the artificial wave dissipating structure, the hydraulic experiment is carried out. The hydraulic experiment for the tsunami of two different amplitudes with five kinds of models; mangrove, coastal forest, wave dissipating block, rock breakwater, houses, with different structure and porosity was carried out in order to measure art effectiveness in reducing tsunami disaster. Wave height, the horizontal velocity, and wave pressure were measured for each model case. The measuring points are arranged by considering the impact of the tsunami due to the existence of permeable structure, and the change of tsunami at the front and rear side of a model, and the reduction effect by model conditions was compared. Comparing with the forest case and the artificial structure case, the quantity of reduction on the forest case is smaller than the artificial structure. Although there is the reduction effect by the forest existence and the coastal forest is effective in the damage mitigation by tsunami. Experimental results suggest that the tsunami reduction effect in the water level, the flow velocity and fluid force in the structure back by the permeable structures was fully expectable.

  552. Analytical solution and numerical model for the interface in a stratified long wave system 査読有り

    M.A.Imteaz, F.Imamura

    Science of Tsunami Hazards 19 (1) 39-54 2001年2月

  553. 市街地への津波遡上・氾濫に関する数値解析

    劉 暁東, 堺 茂樹, 小原 忠和, 三上 勉, 岩間 俊二, 今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 48 341-345 2001年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.48.341  


  554. 津波災害 : 予測と対策(<特集>地震災害を考える-予測対策-)

    今村 文彦

    地學雜誌 110 (6) 828-837 2001年


    DOI: 10.5026/jgeography.110.6_828  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tsunami has caused heavy damage to the coastal areas in Japan where the activitive countermeasure have been carried out to reduce the possibility of disaster. Tsunami warnings that provide with the arrival time and tsunami heights before the attack was started in 1952 and recently improved incorporating a database using computer simulation, in which the initial of a tsunami is estimated from only just seismic information. Combined numerical simulation together with observation in real time is proposed to improve estimation of the initial tsunami conditions. Simulation used to evaluate the damage caused by tsunami such as casualties, destroyed houses, and so on has been developed with the GIS data and a model of human behavior for evacuation. Study on historical tsunami using the sedimentrological approach is introduced to understand the detailed behavior of recent and historical events on land.

  555. 口絵3 : 1996年Irian Jaya地震津波の伝播計算結果例

    今村 文彦

    地学雑誌 110 (6) Plate4a-Plate4a 2001年

    出版者・発行元:Tokyo Geographical Society

    DOI: 10.5026/jgeography.110.6_Plate4a  


  556. Experimental study on the resistance by mangrove under the unsteady flow 査読有り

    K Harada, F Imamura



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents the resistance model by the hydraulic experiment to understand the dynamic and unsteady behavior of a tsunami passing through a green-belt (mangrove) forest and the effectiveness of such a tsunami control forest in reducing its impact. A mangrove with a complex system consisting leaves, trunks and roots is simplified to the artificial model in the hydraulic experiment and put in an open channel. The water level, current and pressure at front and rear of the model are measured to clarify change of tsunami propagation due to the existence of a mangrove forest. Furthermore, the force act on the model was calculated by using the measured pressure. The drag coefficient, C-D, and the inertia coefficient, C-M, averaged over the model are estimated by using the Morison's equation and separating the experimental data to the quasi-steady and the un-steady flow section. We find that the drag coefficient is proportional to essentially the volume occupied ratio. In the other experimental case, the results of numerical model for the tsunami propagation with the resistance model show good agreement with the measured wave profile at front and rear of the mangrove model, which shows that the effect on Tsunami of mangrove forest could be evaluated quantitatively by the resistance model depending on volume occupation ratio. It can make possible to calculate a tsunami inundation area in consideration of the mangrove green belt, which provides information on the mitigation plan and land-use management for reducing tsunami disaster without artificial constructions.

  557. Characteristics of On-Slope Tsunami Propagation and the Accuracy of the Numerical Model 査読有り

    Koshimura, S, F. Imamura, N. Shuto

    Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 18 163-178 2001年

    出版者・発行元:Kluwer Academic Publishers

  558. Characteristics of Tsunamis Propagating over Oceanic Ridges: Numerical Simulation of the 1996 Irian Jaya Earthquake Tsunami 査読有り

    Koshimura, S, Imamura, F, Shuto, N

    Natural Hazards 24 (3) 213-229 2001年

    DOI: 10.1023/A:1012038121972  

  559. Flow Strsngth on Land and Damage of the 1998 Papua New Guinea Tsunami 査読有り

    Matsutomi, H, Kawata, Y, Shuto, N, Tsuji, Y, Fujima, K, Imamura, F, Matsuyama, M, Takahashi, T, Maki, N, S.S.Han

    Tsunami Research at the End of a Critical Decade (Advances in Natural and Techno) 179-195 2001年

  560. Comparing model simulations of three benchmark tsunami generation cases 査読有り

    P.Watts, F.Imamura, S.Grilli

    Science of Tsunami Hazards 18 (2) 107-123 2000年11月

  561. パプアニュ-ギニア地震津波被災から1年後の活動―PARTIC会議を通じた復興と今後の対策への模索― 査読有り

    今村文彦, 日下太一

    自然災害科学 16 (2) 61-68 2000年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The paper aims to report the activity of Papua New Guinea and Region Tsunami Conference (PARTIC) held one year after the enormous disaster due to earthquake and tsunami of 17 July 1998,consisting of three components; Public Awareness (PA), Tsunami Science (TS), and Disaster Management (DM). In PA, the expert team was drawn together and sent into the field to talk with survivors with the object of (a) giving at first hand the very latest findings of the scientific community to the survivors and (b) demonstrating that there is a clear consensus that the tsunami was a natural event triggered by an earthquake, and not the mischievous work of miscreants or a man-made power. The objective of TS sessions were (a) to bring together some of the scientists who are currently researching into the cause of the tsunami and (b) to inform PNG-based geo-scientists about tsunami science in general and about the Aitape tsunami in particular. In DM, representatives of the affected villages, disaster management officials from the central and local governments and various experts from NGOs and other organizations reported their findings, reviewed the prevention, response and relief activities, and discussed better ways to prepare for any future tsunamis expected to arrive on the coasts of PNG.

  562. 津波のサイエンスと防災のためのテククノロジ- 査読有り


    ながれ(日本流体力学会誌) 19 (2) 96-104 2000年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics

    DOI: 10.11426/nagare1982.19.96  


  563. Wavelet変換による津波初期波形の推定とリアルタイム予警報への応用 査読有り

    小池信昭, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 47 356-360 2000年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.47.356  


  564. 段波波力の実験的研究 査読有り

    水谷将, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 47 946-950 2000年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.47.946  


  565. 1999年8月トルコ・コジャエリ地震に伴って発生した津波の現地調査と数値解析 査読有り

    今村文彦, 越村俊一, Ahmet C.Yalciner

    海岸工学論文集 47 331-335 2000年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.47.331  


  566. 防潮林の津波に対する減衰効果の検討 査読有り

    原田賢治, 油屋貴子, Latief Hamzah, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 47 366-370 2000年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.47.366  


  567. 複合型津波発生メカニズムの解明-1998年パプアニュ-ギニア津波を例として- 査読有り

    橋和正, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 47 346-350 2000年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.47.346  


  568. Modeling sediment transport due to tsunamis with exchange rate between bed load layer and suspended load layer 査読有り

    T.Takahashi, N.Shuto, F.Imamura, D.Asai

    Coastal Engineering 2000 1508-1519 2000年

  569. Discovery of Minoan tsunami deposits 査読有り

    K Minoura, F Imamura, U Kuran, T Nakamura, GA Papadopoulos, T Takahashi, AC Yalciner

    GEOLOGY 28 (1) 59-62 2000年1月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Hellenic are is a terrane of extensive Quaternary volcanism. One of the main centers of explosive eruptions is located on Thera (Santorini), and the eruption of the Thera volcano in late Minoan time (1600-1300 B.C.) is considered to have been the most significant Aegean explosive volcanism during the late Holocene. The last eruptive phase of Thera resulted in an enormous submarine caldera, which is believed to have produced tsunamis on a large scale. Evidence suggesting seawater inundation was found previously at some archaeological sites on the coast of Crete; however, the cause of the tsunami and its effects on the area have not been well understood. On the Aegean Sea coast of western Turkey (Didim and Fethye) and Crete (Gouves), we have found traces of tsunami deposits related to the Thera eruption. The sedimentological consequences and the hydraulics of a Thera-caused tsunami indicate that the eruption of Thera volcano was earlier than the previous estimates and the tsunami did not have disruptive influence on Minoan civilization.

  570. Tsunami catalog and zones in Indonesia 査読有り

    L.Hamzah, N.T.Nanang, F.Imamura

    Journal of Natural Science 22 (1) 25-43 2000年


    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.22.25  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Based on data compiled during the period 1600-1999,105 tsunami have occurred in Indonesia. Ninety-five events (90%) of them were caused by earthquakes in a shallow region at subduction and plate boundaries, 9 (8%) by volcanic eruption, and one (1%) by a landslide. To clarify the regional characteristics of tsunami, we defined 6 zones ; West and East Sunda, Banda, Makassar, Molucca and Irian Jaya, and made the histograms of earthquakes and tsunami by region by decade from 1600 to 1999. Seismic activities were found in East Sunda, Banda and Makassar are high and tsunami activities in West Sunda, Banda, and Molucca. An interval of about 100 years was found for high earthquake and tsunami activities in the period 1800-1999. The percentages of earthquakes accompanied by tsunami to all earthquakes in Banda and Molucca exceed 50%. In terms of human loss due to tsunami, West Sunda is the worst zone because of the devastating damage done by the 1883 Karakatau volcanic eruption. The tsunami potentials in Banda and Molucca in terms of both frequency and damage are very high. Tsunami activity in Banda since 1960 has been remarkably high.

  571. 1998年パプアニュ-ギニア・シッサノ津波の数値的解析 査読有り

    松山昌史, 今村文彦, 橋和正, 都司嘉宣

    海岸工学論文集 46 386-390 1999年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.46.386  

  572. 1998年パプアニュ-ギニア地震津波の現地調査 査読有り

    河田恵昭, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦, 松冨英夫, 藤間功司, 都司嘉宣, 松山昌史

    海岸工学論文集 46 391-395 1999年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.46.391  

  573. 1998年パプアニュ-ギニア地震津波の陸上での流勢と被害 査読有り

    松冨英夫, 河田恵昭, 首藤伸夫, 都司嘉宣, 藤間功司, 今村文彦, 松山昌史, 高橋智幸, 牧紀男, 韓世エン

    海岸工学論文集 46 376-380 1999年11月


    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.46.376  


  574. 掃流砂層・浮遊砂層間の交換砂量を考慮した津波移動床モデルの開発 査読有り

    高橋智幸, 首藤伸夫, 今村文彦, 浅井大輔

    海岸工学論文集 46 606-610 1999年11月

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.46.606  

  575. 南本州海嶺の津波道波特性 査読有り

    越村俊一, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 46 331-335 1999年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.46.331  


  576. 1998年8月末の豪雨に対する阿武隈川上流部での流出解析 査読有り

    吉田功, 市毛輝和, 真野明, 今村文彦

    地球環境シンポジウム 7 61-66 1999年7月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proge.7.61  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Heavy rain that began to fall from the beginning of August 26, 1998 wasespecially intense in the boundary region of Fukushima and Tochigi Prefectures. The total rainfall in six days reached more than 1200mm. This paper deals with the runoff analysis in the Abukuma River basin for this rain. The model based on the channel network with the mesh size of 500m and the kinematic wave approximation for the dircct runoff component was applied. The comparison between analysis and observation in the discharge gives the runoff rate of 0.73 which is about twice for the usual floods in the basin. The long duration of the previous rain is supposed to affect the high efficiency of the runoff.

  577. Tsunami generation in Izmit Bay by the Izmit earthquake 査読有り

    AC Yalciner, CE Synolakis, J Borrero, Y Altinok, P Watts, F Imamura, U Kuran, S Ersoy, U Kanoglu, S Tinti



  578. 境界波の挙動特性に関する理論的研究 査読有り

    越村俊一, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    月刊海洋ー津波研究の最前線 105-109 1999年

  579. Propagation of obliquely incident tsunamis on a slope part I: Amplification of tsunamis on a continental slope 査読有り

    Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura, Nobuo Shuto

    Coastal Engineering Journal 41 (2) 151-164 1999年

    出版者・発行元:World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd

    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563499000103  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new analytical solution of tsunami which is obliquely incident on a continental slope is derived based on the linear shallow water wave theory. The model of a continental slope consists of a finite constant slope and a bottom of uniform depth and has a vertical wall at the shoreline. Because of the existence of the vertical wall, another function can be taken as one of the fundamental solutions on a slope in addition to the confluent hypergeometric function M. Based on the solution obtained, the characteristics of tsunami amplification on a continental slope are discussed in terms of the conditions of the incidence. The magnitude of the amplification can be predicted with several parameters of wave incidence, such as, the incident angle and the relative incident-wave length to the topography. Especially, when a tsunami is incident almost parallel to the slope, we found that there exists distinctive amplifications for particular parameters characterizing the incident wave. The effect of the existence of the vertical wall is also discussed. The characteristics of amplification also depend much on the position of the vertical wall.

  580. Propagation of obliquely incident tsunamis on a slope part II characteristics of on-ridge tsunamis 査読有り

    Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura, Nobuo Shuto

    Coastal Engineering Journal 41 (2) 165-182 1999年

    出版者・発行元:World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd

    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563499000115  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Fundamental characteristics of tsunamis propagating over an oceanic ridge are investigated analytically based on the linear shallow water wave theory. The oceanic ridge model used has a triangular shape which is formed by the combination of a constant slope and a bottom of uniform depth. Wave pattern of on-ridge tsunamis varies depending on the obliquity of incident waves. Especially, standing waves are formed when the incident wave angle to the ridge exceeds the critical angle. Then no transmitted waves exist because of the evanescent waves. The present study is applied to the 1996 Irian Java tsunami which propagated over the South-Honshu ridge. The characteristics of on-ridge tsunamis observed at Chichijima and Hachijojima. which are close to the South-Honshu ridge, can be partly explained by using the solution derived in the present study.

  581. 津波発生・伝播の数値モデルの現状と課題 査読有り

    今村文彦, 李昊俊

    沿岸海洋研究論文 36 (1) 91-101 1998年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  582. 伊豆半島入間における安政東海地震津波の波高と土砂移動 査読有り

    浅井大輔, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫, 高橋智幸

    海岸工学論文集 45 371-375 1998年

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.45.371  

  583. 三陸沖での新しい監視方法による津波情報提供の可能性 査読有り

    石田祐介, 今中剛, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 45 386-390 1998年

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.45.386  

  584. 土石流による津波発生・伝播モデルの開発 査読有り

    松本智裕, 橋和正, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 45 346-350 1998年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.45.346  


  585. GISを利用した津波遡上計算と被害推定法 査読有り

    小谷美佐, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 45 356-360 1998年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.45.356  


  586. Numerical Simulation of the 1994 East Java Tsunami, Indonesia 査読有り

    Hamzah,L, F.Imamura

    11th Congress of the IAHR-APD 385-394 1998年

  587. Sequence of sedimentation processes caused by the 1992 Flores tsunami: Evidence from Babi Island 査読有り

    K Minoura, F Imamura, T Takahashi, N Shuto

    GEOLOGY 25 (6) 523-526 1997年6月


    DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0523:SOSPCB>2.3.CO;2  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Sedimentation processes caused by a modern tsunami have been discussed from the point of view of geologic and numerical investigations of the 1992 Flores tsunami in Indonesia. Geologic evidence on Babi Island shows an invasion of two waves of different direction and magnitude, which resulted in widespread deposition of marine sand on the north and south-southwest shores. On the latter, coarse and well-sorted carbonate sand containing molluscan shells suggests that much more destructive waves swept across the southern coast, as compared with the northern coast, where the deposit included medium carbonate sand with a silty component. A physical explanation for such destructive waves on the southern coast of Babi is provided by a numerical simulation of the tsunami generation and propagation. The geologic and numerical results indicate that an isolated island surrounded by a circular shoreline or reef edge will be subject to the most destructive waves on the coast on the hack side of the island relative to the tsunami source.

  588. 385 地中海文明と津波

    箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 首藤 伸夫

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨 1997 291-291 1997年


    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1997.0_291_1  

  589. 秋田県熊沢川土石流災害に関する速報 査読有り


    自然災害科学 16 (2) 101-106 1997年

  590. 津波監視システムの現状と広域ネットワ-クの提案 査読有り


    自然災害科学 16 (2) 143-151 1997年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Interview, questionnaire and field investigation are carried out to clarify technical and operational problems on Tsunami Detection System recently installed at tsunami prone areas in Japan. Although technical problems of observing unusual sea level change due to coastal phenomena including tsunamis have been almost solved, a criteria to detect tsunami and a transmission system of tsunami information to local people are still not established, causing confusions in issuing tsunami warning and advisory instructions. The RTNS(Regional Tsunami Network System)interchanging information among each area is proposed through utilizing observations such as ultr asonic/ pressure type sensors and buoy-type gauges, which solves the problem in insufficient time to transfer information before a tsunami attack because most of tsunami gauge stations are located at fishery port near a residential area. For efficient interchange of information, the stations in the RTNS should be selected by referring travel time estimated by numerical simulations and a wave amplification at each area around stations should be known.

  591. Flood and typhoon disasters in Viet Nam in the half century since 1950 査読有り

    F Imamura, D VanTo

    NATURAL HAZARDS 15 (1) 71-87 1997年1月


    DOI: 10.1023/A:1007923910887  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Disasters in Viet Nam are discussed by compiling recent data on the geophysical and social environments, the frequency of disasters, and the values of human and financial losses in 1953-1991. Examinations of yearly frequency and damages caused by typhoons indicate a relatively increasing value of losses in spite of a constant or decreasing frequency in the decade of the 1980s, meaning inadequate prevention programs. The two successive typhoons in 1985 are described as the most catastrophic disaster for 100 years, in which high waves combined with high tides destroyed the dike system and flooded a large area in the central part of Viet Nam, which suggests some serious deficiencies in prevention efforts, especially in coastal areas. Disasters on the coast have been significant because of the rapid growth of the population in the low lands and the destruction of coastal environments, such as coastal erosion caused by a deforestation of mangroves and a short supply of sand. As an example, coastal erosion at Ha Nam Nimh province in the northern part of Viet Nam at an average receding speed of around 15 m/year is described.

  592. Stagnation of snow at a bend in a snow drain channel 査読有り

    F Imamura, N Shuto, J Yamamoto, A Kamiyama


    出版者・発行元:A A BALKEMA

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Experiments were carried out for different angles of bend, and various water and snow discharge rates to clarify the stagnation mechanism. Stagnation at a bend is associated with three parameters: speed, density, and size of snow lumps. Considering the kinetic energy of broken lumps of snow, we propose a critical condition of stagnation. Given the angle of bend, discharge rate of water, and the slope and width of the channel, the critical speed of the snow and the required distance between the point of dropping and the bend can be estimated to avoid stagnation.

  593. 紀元前1400年サントリ-ニ島火山性津波の再現計算 査読有り

    青木克彦, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 44 326-330 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.44.326  


  594. K/T-Impactによる津波の発生 査読有り

    藤本浩介, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 44 315-319 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.44.315  


  595. 屈折現象に注目した津波数値計算の精度 査読有り

    李昊俊, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 44 276-280 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.44.276  


  596. 日本海での津波の挙動特性 査読有り

    李昊俊, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 44 281-285 1997年

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.44.281  

  597. 海嶺により励起される境界波に関する研究 査読有り

    越村俊一, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 44 306-310 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.44.306  


  598. エ-ゲ海における歴史津波堆積物に関する現地調査 査読有り

    今村文彦, 高橋智幸, 箕浦幸治, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 44 321-325 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.44.321  


  599. Numerical Model for wave generation due to subaqueous landslide along a coast - A case of the 1992 Flores tsunami, Indonesia- 査読有り

    F.Imamura, E.C.Gica

    Science of Tsunami Hazards 14 (1) 13-28 1996年

  600. フィリピン・ミンドロ島地震津波の現地調査 査読有り


    自然災害科学 15 (1) 3-10 1996年



  601. 1996年2月17日Irian Jaya地震津波の現地調査 査読有り

    倉吉一盛, 今村文彦, 高橋智幸, 松富英夫, Subandono, Diposaptono, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 43 1306-1310 1996年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.43.1306  


  602. 1992年フロ-レス島地震津波による堆積作用に関する現地調査 査読有り

    今村文彦, 箕浦幸治, 高橋智幸, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 43 686-690 1996年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.43.686  


  603. 境界波としての津波の挙動特性とその数値解析 査読有り

    越村俊一, 今村文彦, 高橋智幸, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 43 276-280 1996年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.43.276  


  604. 1996年イリアンジャヤ地震津波とその被害 査読有り

    松富英夫, 今村文彦, 高橋智幸, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 43 311-315 1996年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.43.311  


  605. Introduction to "tsunamis: 1992-94" 査読有り

    Kenji Satake, Fumihiko Imamura

    Pure and Applied Geophysics PAGEOPH 144 (3-4) 373-379 1995年9月

    DOI: 10.1007/BF00874373  





    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 144 (3-4) 839-854 1995年8月


    DOI: 10.1007/BF00874397  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A field survey of the June 3, 1994 East Java earthquake tsunami was conducted within three weeks, and the distributions of the seismic intensities, tsunami heights and human and house damages were surveyed. The seismic intensities on the south coasts of Java and Bali Islands were small for an earthquake with magnitude M 7.6. The earthquake caused no land damage. About 40 minutes after the main shock, a huge tsunami attacked the coasts, several villages in East Java Province were damaged severely, and 223 persons perished. At Pancer Village about 70 percent of the houses were swept away and 121 persons were killed by the tsunami. The relationship between tsunami heights and distances from the source shows that the Hatoris tsunami magnitude was m = 3, which seems to be larger for the earthquake magnitude. But we should not consider this an extraordinary event because it was pointed out by HATORI (1994) that the magnitudes of tsunamis in the Indonesia-Philippine region generally exceed 1-2 grade larger than those of other regions.



    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 144 (3-4) 875-890 1995年8月


    DOI: 10.1007/BF00874399  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This is a report of the field survey of the November 15, 1994 Mindoro Island, Philippines, tsunami generated by an earthquake (M = 7.0) with a strike-slip motion. We will report runup heights from 54 locations on Luzon, Mindoro and other smaller islands in the Cape Verde passage between Mindoro and Luzon. Most of the damage was concentrated along the northern coast of Mindoro. Runup height distribution ranged 3-4 m at the most severely damaged areas and 2-4 in neighboring areas. The tsunami-affected area was limited to within 10 km of the epicenter. The largest recorded runup value of 7.3 m was measured on the southwestern coast of Baco Island while a runup of 6.1 m was detected on its northern coastline. The earthquake and tsunami killed 62 people, injured 248 and destroyed 800 houses. As observed in other recent tsunami disasters, most of the casualties were children. Nearly all eyewitnesses interviewed described the first wave as a leading-depression wave. Eyewitnesses reported that the main direction of tsunami propagation was SW in Subaang Bay, SE in Wawa and Calapan, NE on Baco Island and N on Verde Island, suggesting that the tsunami source area was in the southern Pass of Verde Island and that the wave propagated rapidly in ail directions. The fault plane extended offshore to the N of Mindoro Island with its rupture originating S of Verde Island and propagating almost directly south to the inland of Mindoro, thereby accounting for the relatively limited damage area observed on the N of Mindoro.



    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 144 (3-4) 555-568 1995年8月


    DOI: 10.1007/BF00874383  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Numerical analysis of the 1999 Flores Island, Indonesia earthquake tsunami is carried out with the composite fault model consisting of two different slip values. Computed results show good agreement with the measured runup heights in the northeastern part of Flores Island, except for those in the southern shore of Hading Bay and at Riangkroko. The landslides in the southern part of Hading Bay could generate local tsunamis of more than 10 m. The circular-are slip model proposed in this study for wave generation due to landslides shows better results than the subsidence model, It is, however. difficult to reproduce the tsunami runup height of 26.2 m at Riangkroko, which was extraordinarily high compared to other places. The wave propagation process on a sea bottom with a steep slope, as well as landslides, may be the cause of the amplification of tsunami at Riangkroko. The simulation model demonstrates that the reflected wave along the northeastern shore of Flores Island, accompanying a high hydraulic pressure, could be the main cause of severe damage in the southern coast of Babi island.



    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 144 (3-4) 747-767 1995年8月


    DOI: 10.1007/BF00874393  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A source model for the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki tsunami must satisfy certain conditions. Such conditions are presented in this paper, and two methods are used to determine the best source model for this event. A trial-and-error method selects DCRC-17a as the best among 24 different models. This model has three fault planes dipping westward. To reproduce well the tide gauge records at two locations, an inversion analysis is used to modify the dislocation of DCRC-17a.

  610. 近年のベトナムにおける台風・洪水被害の特徴 査読有り

    Dang Van To, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 42 1261-1265 1995年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.42.1261  


  611. 1994年東ジャワ地震津波の現地調査 査読有り

    松富英夫, 今村文彦, 都司嘉宣, 韓_世燮, G.S.Prasetya

    海岸工学論文集 42 346-350 1995年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.42.346  


  612. An investigation of the propagation of tsunamis in the Aegean sea by mathematical modeling 査読有り

    A.C.Yalciner, U.Kuran, A.Akyarli, F.Imamura

    Tsunamis: Progress in prediction, disaster prevention and warning 55-84 1995年

  613. Tsunamis: Seismological and disaster prevention studies 査読有り

    K Satake, F Imamura

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS OF THE EARTH 43 (3) 259-277 1995年


    DOI: 10.4294/jpe1952.43.259  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Japanese tsunami studies in the 1980&apos;s are reviewed. Because of the multi-disciplinary nature of the phenomenon, tsunamis are studied by researchers from various fields, including seismologists, geologists, oceanographers and coastal engineers. The tsunami from the 1983 Japan Sea earthquake caused 100 fatalities, and stimulated tsunami research, cooperation of workers from various fields for comprehensive work, and development of a quick tsunami warning system. Recent research developments include descriptive studies of the size and location of past tsunamis, tsunami observational systems, the generation and propagation of tsunamis, coastal effects, and a tsunami warning system.

  614. 1994ジャワ東部地震津波の調査 査読有り

    今村文彦, 高橋智幸

    自然災害科学 14 (3) 213-218 1995年



  615. Long waves in two-layers: Governing equations and numerical model 査読有り

    F.Imamura, M.M.A.Imteaz

    Science of Tsunami Hazards 13 (1) 3-24 1995年

  616. Generation Mechanism of the First Wave of the 1983 Nihonkai-Chubu Earthquake Tsunami 査読有り

    N.Shuto, K.Chida, F.Imamura

    Tsunami: Progress in Prediction, Disaster Prevention and Warning 4 37-53 1995年

    出版者・発行元:Kluwer Academic Publishers

  617. Numerical Simulation of the 1992 Flores Tsunami in Indonesia,Discussion on large runup heights in the northeastern Flores Island 査読有り

    F.Imamura, T.Takahashi, N.Shuto

    Proc. International Conference on Coastal Engineering 1994 821-831 1995年

  618. THE Measured and computed Hokkaido Nansei-oki Earthquake tsunami of 1993 査読有り

    T.Takahashi, N.Shuto, F.Imamura, H.Matsutomi

    Proc. International Conference on Coastal Engineering 1994 886-899 1995年

  619. 津波の発生・被害.数値シミュレ-ション

    今村文彦, 都司嘉宣

    ,「自然災害と防災」学術新書 126-140 1995年

  620. 津波はなぜ起こる?


    Physical Science Magazine パリティー,丸善出版 9 (3) 4-8 1994年3月

  621. Moment Release of the 1992 Flores Island Earthquake Inferred from Tsunami and Teleseismic Data 査読有り

    F. Imamura, M. Kikuchi

    Science of Tsunami Hazard 12 67-76 1994年

  622. The 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki earthquake tsunami 査読有り

    T.Takahashi, N.Shuto, M.Ortiz, F.Imamura

    Proc. of the International Symposium:Waves-Physical and numerical modelling 456-465 1994年

  623. 津波を説明するための北海道南西沖地震断層モデル 査読有り

    高橋智幸, 首藤伸夫, 今村文彦, Modesto Ortiz

    海岸工学論文集 41 251-255 1994年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.41.251  


  624. Analysis of Coastal Lines by Multi-Fractals 査読有り

    F. Imamura

    FORMA , Society for Science on Form 9 (2) 83-90 1994年

  625. Study on some problem of the 1992 Indonesia Flores Island Tsunami 査読有り

    F. Imamura

    9th Congress of APD-IAHR 9 217-277 1994年

  626. 津波数値解析からみた津波地震の実態-1992年ニカラグア津波-


    月刊地球「津波地震」,海洋出版 16 (2) 97-101 1994年

  627. 地震断層は西下がりか東下がりか-津波デ-タからの解釈-

    今村文彦, 高橋智幸, 高橋武之

    月刊海洋号外「北海道南西沖地震と津波」、海洋出版 7 179-184 1994年



    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 20 (14) 1515-1518 1993年7月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Nicaraguan earthquake of September 2, 1992 excited large tsunamis which caused significant damage along the Nicaraguan coasts. Some of the inhabitants felt only minimal shock before the tsunami arrived, indicating that excitation of short-period seismic waves was very small. Numerical simulation with the initial tsunami source estimated by the seismic data is carried out to study the characteristics of the tsunami source by comparing the calculated data with the measured data along the Nicaraguan coast. Finding of the comparison shows that the dislocation of the fault estimated from the measured data is 5.6 to 10.0 times larger than that from seismic data. The tsunami source area, which is 200km in length x 100km in width, is used to explain the distribution of measured tsunami heights along the coast and the wave period as shown in the tide record at Corinto. The effect of rise time on tsunami excitation indicates a slow process, which corresponds with the seismic waves. This event falls under the tsunami earthquake category to produces anomalously large tsunamis relative to earthquake magnitude.

  629. Source characteristics of the Nicaraguan Tsunami Earthquake of September 2, 1992 査読有り

    Satoshi Ide, Fumihiko Imamura, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Katsuyuki Abe

    Geophysical Research Letters 20 (9) 863-866 1993年5月7日

    DOI: 10.1029/93GL00683  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A large, Ms = 7.2, shallow earthquake took place off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua on September 2, 1992, and set off large tsunamis. The ground motion of the main shock was very weak along the whole Nicaraguan coast. A tsunami as high as 10 m was observed at El Transito, whereas a height of about 2 m is empirically expected for an earthquake of Ms 7.2. The tsunami magnitude Mt is estimated to be 7.9 from tide gage data. The Nicaraguan event is a tsunami earthquake which generates unusually large tsunamis for its earthquake magnitude. The source mechanism is studied in detail by using waveforms of body waves and surface waves recorded on global broadband seismographs. The possibility of single force source is ruled out from radiation patterns and the amplitude ratio of Rayleigh and Love waves. The main shock is interpreted as a low‐angle thrust fault with strike = 302°, dip = 16° and slip = 87°, the Cocos plate underthrusting beneath the Caribbean plate. The seismic moment from surface wave analysis is 3.0 × 1020 Nm (Mw = 7.6). The source dimension is estimated to be 200 km × 100 km from the aftershock area. The inversion results of body waves suggest bilateral rupture with rupture velocity as low as 1.5 km/s and duration time of about 100 s. The source process time is unusually long, indicating that the associated crustal deformation has a long time constant. Copyright 1993 by the American Geophysical Union.

  630. Tsunami field survey of the 1992 Nicaragua earthquake

    Kenji Satake, Joanne Bourgeois, Kuniaki Abe, Katsuyuki Abe, Yoshinobu Tsuji, Fumihiko Imamura, Yoshihisa Lio, Hiroshi Katao, Evelyn Noguera, Francisco Estrada

    Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 74 (13) 145-157 1993年3月30日

    DOI: 10.1029/93EO00271  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An earthquake with surface magnitude (Ms ) 7.0 occurred 100 km off the Nicaraguan coast on September 2, 1992 (GMT). Despite its moderate size, this earthquake generated a sizable tsunami, which caused extensive damage along the coast of Nicaragua. In late September, about 170 people, mostly children, were listed dead or missing; 500 were listed injured; and over 13,000 were listed homeless, with more than 1500 homes destroyed. Damage was the most significant since the 1983 Japan Sea earthquake tsunami, which killed 100 people in Japan. The Flores (Indonesia) earthquake and tsunami of December 12, 1992, were more destructive than the Nicaragua or Japan Sea events. ©1993. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.

  631. インドネシア・フロ-レス島地震による津波の特性とその教訓 査読有り

    河田恵昭, 都司嘉宣, 松山昌史, Syamsudin,A.R, 松富英夫, 今村文彦, 高橋智幸

    海岸工学論文集 40 191-195 1993年


    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.40.191  


  632. 津波移動床モデルの適用性と再現性の検討 査読有り

    高橋智幸, 今村文彦, 首籐伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 40 171-175 1993年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.40.171  


  633. 1992年インドネシア・フロ-レス島津波の現地調査とその解析 査読有り

    今村文彦, 松富英夫, 松山昌史, 河田恵昭, 高橋智幸

    海岸工学論文集 40 181-185 1993年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.40.181  


  634. Generation Mechanis of 1983 Nihonkai-chubu Earthquake tsunami 査読有り

    N.Shuto, K.Chida, F.Imamura

    Proceedings of the IUGG/IOC International Tsunami Symposium 9-21 1993年

  635. Numerical Simulation of Movement of large rocks Transported by tsunamis 査読有り

    M.Noji, F.Imamura, N.Shuto

    Proceedings of the IUGG/IOC International Tsunami Symposium 189-197 1993年

  636. Numerical Simulation of Topography change due to Tsunamis 査読有り

    T.Takahashi, F.Imamura, N.Shuto

    Proceedings of the IUGG/IOC International Tsunami Symposium 243-255 1993年



    TSUNAMIS IN THE WORLD 1 95-105 1993年


  638. Visualization of Nicaraguan tsunami in September, 1992 査読有り

    F.Imamura, N.Shuto, B.H. Choi, H.J.Lee

    Proceedings of the IUGG/IOC International Tsunami Symposium 647-656 1993年

  639. Computer Animation of Marine Process, -Tsunami Events- 査読有り

    B.H.Choi, H.J.Lee, F.Imamura, N.Shuto

    The Journal of the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers 5 (1) 19-24 1993年

  640. Numerical Simulation of the 1883 Krakatau Tsunami 査読有り

    S.Kawamata, F.Imamura, N.Shuto

    Proceedings of XXV Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Reserch IV 24-31 1993年

  641. 津波石移動計算法の開発 査読有り

    野路正浩, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 40 176-180 1993年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.40.176  


  642. 1992年ニカラグァ地震による津波の解析 査読有り

    松山昌史, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 40 196-200 1993年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.40.196  


  643. 成層構造を有する内湾での水温急変についての現地観測 査読有り

    長尾正之, 今村文彦, 張旭紅, 渡辺健二, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 40 991-995 1993年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.40.991  


  644. 現在の津波研究とその課題-1992年に発生した2つの津波を対象として-


    岩波書店「科学」 8 1993年

  645. フロ-レス津波の数値計算-巨大津波の発生機構とその破壊力-


    月刊海洋「インド ネシア・フローレス地震津波」 25 (12) 771-775 1993年

  646. 1992年インドネシア、フロ-レス島地震津波の被害


    地震ジャーナル 16 44-50 1993年

  647. 流雪溝屈曲部での閉塞と送雪能力に関する基礎研究 査読有り

    山本潤, 今村文彦

    日本雪工学会誌 8 (4) 3-11 1992年10月

  648. 1883年Krakatau島噴火による津波の数値計算 査読有り

    川俣奨, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 39 226-230 1992年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.39.226  


  649. 土砂移動を伴う津波計算法の開発 査読有り

    高橋智幸, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 39 231-235 1992年

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.39.231  

  650. 衛星デ-タを用いた湾内海水交換予測の可能性について 査読有り

    長尾正之, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 39 921-924 1992年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.39.921  


  651. A numerical model for far-field tsunamis and its application to predict damages done to aquaculture 査読有り

    Osami Nagano, Fumihiko Imamura, Nobuo Shuto

    Natural Hazards 4 (2-3) 235-255 1991年6月

    出版者・発行元:Kluwer Academic Publishers

    DOI: 10.1007/BF00162790  

    ISSN:0921-030X 1573-0840

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 1960 Chilean tsunami which traveled the Pacific Ocean and caused much damages to Japan is simulated from its generation to the terminal effects on coastal areas. In the computation of ocean propagation by the linear longwave theory, a new technique is introduced to keep the same accuracy as the linear Boussinesq equation and reduce the CPU time as well as the computer memory. In the coastal transformation computation, the energy dissipation due to sea-bottom scouring is suggested to be included, particularly in the case of long bays. To obtain accurate results, the current velocity requires finer spatial grids than the water surface elevation. Damage done to pearl culture rafts are explained in terms of the computed current velocity. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  652. Hydraulic and numerical experiments of non-linear dispersive long waves in a two-dimensional wave basin

    F.Imamura, N.Shuto

    Proc. 2nd UJNR Tsunami Workshop, Honolulu 117-121 1991年5月

  653. Numerical Simulation as a Means of Warning for Near-Field Tsunamis

    N.Shuto, C.Goto, F.Imamura

    Proc. 2nd UJNR Tsunami Workshop, Honolulu 133-153 1991年5月

  654. 津波による流れと海底変動に関する研究-1960年チリ津波の気仙沼での場合- 査読有り

    高橋智幸, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 38 161-165 1991年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.38.161  


  655. 海底津波計による1990年マリアナ地震津波の観測及びその解析 査読有り

    今村文彦, 首藤伸夫, 岡田正実, 永井孝志

    海岸工学論文集 38 166-170 1991年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.38.166  


  656. 断層パラメ-タ即時的推定法による津波数値予報の精度 査読有り

    今村文彦, 泉谷恭男, 首藤伸夫

    地震第2輯 44 (3) 211-219 1991年


    DOI: 10.4294/zisin1948.44.3_211  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Rapid estimation method of fault parameters is proposed for the 1944 Tonankai earthquake, which has two fault planes with different stress drop in Aida's model. The strong motion accelerograms calculated from the stochastic propagating rupture model are used as the pseudoobserved data. The fault length estimated from them is shorter than that of the Aida's model because of neglected effect of fault with the smaller stress drop. Comparison of results by the tsunami simulation on Aida's and rapid estimation models shows that the tsunami height along the shoreline is affected not by this estimated error but the difference of total amount of sea bottom deformation. The real time forecasting of tsunami warning is performed in the eastern coast of the Kii peninsula very closed to the source region. The time available for numerical computation is thus severely limited. However, the numerical forecasting is possible in time at least by the arrival of maximum tsunami waves.

  657. 急拡部を通過する津波の水理特性 査読有り

    富澤大, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 37 131-134 1990年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.37.131  


  658. 大型2次元水槽での非線形分散波の伝播 査読有り

    今村文彦, 富澤大

    海岸工学論文集 37 135-139 1990年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.37.135  


  659. 拡張フラクタル次元を用いた海岸線形状の解析 査読有り

    今村文彦, 西山英影

    海岸工学論文集 37 299-304 1990年

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.37.299  

  660. Numerical Simulation as a Means of Warning for Near-field Tsunami 査読有り

    N.Shuto, C.Goto, F.Imamura

    Coastal Engineering in Japan 33 (2) 173-193 1990年

  661. 遠地津波の数値計算に関する研究その2 太平洋を伝播する津波の挙動 査読有り

    今村文彦, 首藤伸夫, 後藤智明

    地震第2輯 43 (3) 389-402 1990年


    DOI: 10.4294/zisin1948.43.3_389  


  662. Tsunami Propagation by use of Numerical dispersion 査読有り

    F.Imamura, N.Shuto

    Proc. of Int. Symp. on Comp. Fluid Dynamics-Nagoya 390-395 1990年

  663. Computer Graphics for the Study of Transoceanic Propagation of Tsunamis

    F.Imamura, T.Nagai, H.Takenaka, N.Shuto

    Proc. of PACON90 118-123 1990年

  664. Numerical simulation of the 1960 Chilean tsunami 査読有り

    F.Imamura, N.Shuto

    Proc. of Japan-China Joint Seminar on Natural Hazard Mitigation 515-524 1989年

  665. 津波高さに及ぼす断層パラメ-タ推定誤差の影響 査読有り

    今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 36 178-182 1989年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.36.178  


  666. 数値計算による沿岸域でのチリ津波の再現 査読有り

    永野修美, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学論文集 36 183-187 1989年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.36.183  


  667. 洪水氾濫の数値計算および家屋被害について-8610号台風による吉田側の場合- 査読有り

    佐藤智, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    水理論文集 331-336 1989年

    DOI: 10.2208/prohe1975.33.331  

  668. 津波予警報に対する数値シミュレ-ションの利用 査読有り

    首藤伸夫, 後藤智明, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 393 (2) 181-189 1988年9月

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.1988.393_181  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Possibility of quantitative forecasting of local tsunamis sufficiently before their arrivals, by use of a super computer, is examined. Provided that the initial tsunami profile can be determined within a few minutes after an earthquake by such a method as proposed by lzutani and Hirasawa, the tsunami numerical simulation based upon the linear long wave theory can be finished within two minutes and give practically accurate tsunami heights at every 200m along the castline of the Sanriku district extending from 41&deg;30&prime;N. to 36&deg;20&prime;N.

  669. Numerical Simulations of the Transoceanic Propagation of Tsunamis

    F.Imamura, N.Shuto, C.Goto

    Proc. of 6th Congress APD-IAHR 4 265-272 1988年

  670. Truncation Error in Numerical Tsunami Simulation by the Finite Difference Method 査読有り

    F.Imamura, C.Goto

    Coastal Engineering in Japan 31 (2) 245-263 1988年

  671. 遠地津波の数値計算に関する研究 その1 支配方程式と差分格子間隔 査読有り

    後藤智明, 今村文彦, 首藤伸夫

    地震第2輯 41 (4) 515-526 1988年


    DOI: 10.4294/zisin1948.41.4_515  


  672. 1960年チリ津波に対する外洋伝播計算 査読有り

    今村文彦, 永野修美, 後藤智明, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学講演会論文集 34 172-176 1987年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1970.34.172  


  673. 外海域における津波の高精度計算法に関する検討 査読有り

    佐山順二, 今村文彦, 後藤智明, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学講演会論文集 34 177-181 1987年

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1970.34.177  

  674. 差分法による津波数値計算の打ち切り誤差 査読有り

    今村文彦, 後藤智明

    土木学会論文集 375 (6) 241-250 1986年

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.1986.375_241  

  675. 1964年アラスカ津波の外洋伝播計算 査読有り

    今村文彦, 後藤智明, 首藤伸夫

    海岸工学講演会論文集 33 209-213 1986年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1970.33.209  


  676. Boundary Condition in the Computation of Tides on a Beach of Straight Shoreline 査読有り

    F.Imamura, C.Goto, N.Shuto

    Coastal Engineering in Japan 29 241-251 1986年

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

MISC 340

  1. Effects of Self-Affirmation on Mental Status During the Prolonged COVID-19 Pandemic

    Shuji Seto, Junko Okuyama, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Fumihiko Imamura

    Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 38 (S1) s123-s123 2023年5月

    出版者・発行元:Cambridge University Press (CUP)

    DOI: 10.1017/s1049023x23003266  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Introduction: Self-affirmation is known to buffer the development of anxiety symptoms into depressive symptoms, and a study during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed a role for this self-affirmation. In Japan, the COVID-19 pandemic has occurred repeatedly, and at this point (November 16, 2022), prior to an eighth wave. The possibility of ameliorating the psychological effects of this prolonged COVID-19 pandemic through efficient interventions targeting self-affirmation will be examined. Method: Study dates: June 25, 2020; September 25, 2020; February 10, 2021; November 24, 2021; February 7, 2022; August 31, 2022 Survey participants: Registered monitors of the research company (Neo Marketing Co., Ltd.) Each 1,000 respondents Questionnaire:1)Attributes: gender, age, region, number of family members 2)DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale-21) 3)LSNS-6 (the Lubben Social Network Scale-6) 4)Self-affirmation CIPS (Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale) Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Japanese version) The self-affirmation scale (CIPS; Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale) was measured from the 4th to the 6th survey. Contribution of each factor to depressive symptoms: The DASS-21 Depressive Symptom Scores from the 4th through 6th surveys were examined using Prediction One with the DASS-21 Anxiety Symptom Score, DASS-21 Stress Score, Connections Score, Rosenberg, and CIPS score as factors to determine their contribution. Results: At the time of the second survey (September 25, 2020), DASS-21 scores peaked and then declined. CIPS and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale scores showed no change from the 4th to the 6th session. The result of contribution of each factor to depressive symptoms by Prediction One showed anxiety symptoms contributed the most to depressive symptoms. Conclusion: A model in which self-affirmation prevents anxiety symptoms from progressing to depressive symptoms is reasonable until the 7th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan.

  2. 来訪者視点での震災伝承施設の特徴の布置:東日本大震災の65施設を対象とした試み

    渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集(CD-ROM) (52) 2023年

  3. Consequences of COVID-19 on Health, Economy, and Tourism in Asia: A Systematic Review

    Kumpol Saengtabtim, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Anawat Suppasri, Fumihiko Imamura

    Sustainability (Switzerland) 14 (8) 4624-4624 2022年4月

    出版者・発行元:{MDPI} {AG}

    DOI: 10.3390/su14084624  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 situation, academic and disaster-related organizations have focused on the severity of COVID-19 and how to prevent the infection. The side effects of COVID-19 also created serious impacts on human lives from multiple perspectives. This study primarily aims to conduct a systematic review on the COVID-19 impacts from the aspects of health, economy, and tourism, focusing on Asia. We use the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses as the main tool in conducting the systematic review analysis. The keywords related to the focused aspect are searched based on the two prominent academic journal databases: Web of Science and PubMed. In each aforementioned aspect, the consequences and the main stakeholders who were directly and indirectly affected are explained. Moreover, the connection between the three aspects based on the impact of COVID-19, which still continues to intensify, and strategies to prepare for future pandemic situation are also presented.

  4. 阪神・淡路大震災,新潟県中越地震,想定首都直下地震の先進事例と比較した東日本大震災の震災伝承施設の学習効果と有用性 : 利用者視点による災害伝承ミュージアムの類型化による評価の試み—Learning Effects and Usefulness of Disaster Memorial Facilities of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Compared with Other Cases of the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the 2004 Niigata-Chuetsu Earthquake, and the Assumed Metropolitan Earthquake : An Attempt of Evaluation by Categorizing Disaster Memorial Museums from the Visitors' Point of View 査読有り

    渡邉 勇, 佐藤 翔輔, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会論文集 (40・41) 83-93 2022年

    出版者・発行元:東京 : 地域安全学会事務局



    成田 峻之輔, 佐藤 翔輔, 渡邉 勇, 新家 杏奈, 今村 文彦

    海岸工学講演会 = Coastal Engineering Conference / 土木学会海岸工学委員会 編 I_361-366 2022年

    出版者・発行元:東京 : 土木学会

  6. 地震発生時間の違いがもたらす津波避難行動の実態事例:2つの地震における宮城県亘理町での比較分析

    佐藤翔輔, 藤田崇宏, 遠藤匡範, 岩崎雅宏, 皆川満洋, 高橋里佳, 南城真佐英, 渡邉勇, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 78 (2) 2022年


  7. 東日本大震災の復興支援調査アーカイブで明らかにされた危険方向移動の実態と提案

    成田峻之輔, 佐藤翔輔, 渡邉勇, 新家杏奈, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 78 (2) 2022年


  8. マイ・タイムライン講習会の講習内容と受講者の学習効果・主観的有用性の関係:宮城県大郷町を事例として

    渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 41st 2022年

  9. 津波災害時における車渋滞の抑制を目的とする基礎的研究: 2021年3月20日宮城県沖地震における宮城県石巻市の住民に見られた避難行動の分析を通して

    川合将矢, 佐藤翔輔, 新家杏奈, 渡邉勇, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集(CD-ROM) 41 2022年

  10. 発災10年間にみる被災地来訪者の「期待」の推移:東日本大震災被災地における震災学習への関心

    渡邉勇, 渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集(CD-ROM) (50) 2022年

  11. 語り部学習におけるオンライン形式と対面形式の比較-時短型・災害疑似体験プログラム「ツナミリアル」の事例-

    若木望, 佐藤翔輔, 渡邉勇, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 41st 2022年

  12. 阪神・淡路大震災,新潟県中越地震,想定首都直下地震の先進事例と比較した東日本大震災の震災伝承施設の学習効果と有用性 :利用者視点による災害伝承ミュージアムの類型化による評価の試み

    渡邉勇, 渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集(CD-ROM) 41 2022年

  13. 福祉の現場から 国際都市新宿区の成城学校避難所地域住民にむけた新型肺炎COVID-19予防策(No.3)

    坪内 暁子, 内藤 俊夫, 佐藤 健, 佐々木 宏之, 今村 文彦, 仲田 悦教, 范 家坤, 奈良 武司

    地域ケアリング 23 (2) 42-45 2021年2月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  14. 東日本大震災の教訓の理解が防災行動に及ぼす効果の定量評価

    渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 39th 2021年

  15. 東日本大震災の被災地訪問学習が災害時の「生きる力」に与える効果

    渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 40th 2021年

  16. 東日本大震災の震災伝承施設の実態把握と効果的な利活用のための提案:来訪者の目的と防災行動変容への効果に着目して

    渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会論文集(CD-ROM) 39 2021年

  17. 東日本大震災の震災伝承施設への支払意思額と施設での学習・体験内容の関連分析

    渡邉勇, 佐藤翔輔, 今村文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集(CD-ROM) (48) 2021年

  18. Global optimization of a numerical two-layer model using observed data: a case study of the 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami

    K. Pakoksung, A. Suppasri, A. Muhari, Syamsidik, F. Imamura

    Geoscience Letters 7 (1) 2020年12月1日

    DOI: 10.1186/s40562-020-00165-5  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Following the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau, a considerable landslide occurred on the southwestern part of the volcano and, upon entering the sea, generated a large tsunami within the Sunda Strait, Indonesia, on December 22, 2018. This tsunami traveled ~ 5 km across the strait basin and inundated the shorelines of Sumatra and Java with a vertical runup reaching 13 m. Following the event, observed field data, GPS measurements of the inundation, and multibeam echo soundings of the bathymetry within the strait were collected and publicly provided. Using this dataset, numerical modeling of the tsunami was conducted using the two-layer (soil and water) TUNAMI-N2 model based on a combination of landslide sources and bathymetry data. The two-layer model was implemented to nest the grid system using the finest grid size of 20 m. To constrain the unknown landslide parameters, the differential evolution (DE) global optimization algorithm was applied, which resulted in a parameter set that minimized the deviation from the measured bathymetry after the event. The DE global optimization procedure was effective at determining the landslide parameters for the model with the minimum deviation from the measured seafloor. The lowest deviation from the measured bathymetry was obtained for the best-fitting parameters: a maximum landslide thickness of 301.2 m and a landslide time of 10.8 min. The landslide volume of 0.182 km estimated by the best-fitting parameters shows that the tsunami flow depth could have reached 3–10 m along the shore with a K value of 0.89, although the simulated flow depths were underestimated in comparison with the observation data. According to the waveforms, the general wave pattern was well reproduced at tide gauges during the event. A large number of objective function evaluations were necessary to locate the minimum with the DE procedure to fix the grid cell size to 20 m; this limited the accuracy of the obtained parameter values for the two-layer model. Moreover, considering the generalizations in the modeling of landslide movements, the impact landslide time and thickness must be carefully calculated to obtain a suitable accuracy. 3

  19. 福祉の現場から 国際都市新宿区の成城学校避難所地域住民にむけた新型肺炎COVID-19予防策(続報)

    坪内 暁子, 内藤 俊夫, 佐藤 健, 佐々木 宏之, 今村 文彦, 仲田 悦教, 范 家坤, 奈良 武司

    地域ケアリング 22 (6) 72-75 2020年6月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  20. 福祉の現場から 国際都市新宿区の成城学校避難所地域住民にむけた新型肺炎COVID-19予防策 査読有り

    坪内 暁子, 内藤 俊夫, 佐藤 健, 佐々木 宏之, 今村 文彦, 仲田 悦教, 范 家坤, 奈良 武司

    地域ケアリング 22 (4) 68-73 2020年4月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  21. 高知県における最大クラスの津波による地形変化と潜在的影響の評価

    山下啓, 菅原大助, 門廻充侍, 有川太郎, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) Vol.75, No.2, pp.I_685-I_690 (2) I_685-I_690 2019年10月17日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.75.I_685  



  22. インドネシアスンダ海峡で発生した火山性津波について

    今村 文彦, Abdul Muhari, 有川 太郎

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering = research report of tsunami engineering / 東北大学災害科学国際研究所(津波工学研究分野) 編 (36) 27-31 2019年7月



  23. Recent occurrences of serious tsunami damage and the future challenges of tsunami disaster risk reduction

    Fumihiko Imamura, Sébastien Penmellen Boret, Anawat Suppasri, Abdul Muhari

    Progress in Disaster Science 1 2019年5月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.pdisas.2019.100009  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    With a total of 251,770 casualties and US$280 billion in damages, the loss inflicted by tsunamis between 1998 and 2017 was one hundred times higher than that experienced during the previous decade (1978–1997). The processes of disasters following tsunamis have also become more complex with global impacts. The broad economic and political consequences of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami encouraged the global community to consider the problem of “cascading disasters”. We can categorized the cause and damage due to the 2011 tsunami with incentive and predisposing factors, impact as compound disaster. We also proposed and developed various tsunami fragility functions as essential tools to assess and mitigate damage such as casualties, house/building, marine vessels, pedestrian bridges, road bridges and aquaculture rafts. The process of cascading disasters still remains as major issue and should be studied together with the factors of interdependencies, vulnerabilities, amplification, secondary disasters and critical infrastructure and spin-off effects. Another important issue concerns non-seismic tsunamis, such as those that impacted Palu and Sunda Straight in Indonesia in 2018. These events demonstrated the difficulties and remaining problems regarding tsunami warning and evacuation and the difficulties of real time monitoring and detection. Since tsunamis are low-frequency, high-impact natural hazards, interdisciplinary research on risk perception, awareness, memory and lessons becomes critically important. The process of sharing tsunami experiences underwent a transformation in the form of digital archives and new media in response to the needs and opportunities for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the 21st century. Last but not least, this paper highlights the roles of museum and memorial halls in order to share the experiences of natural hazard-related disasters necessary to inform disaster mitigation.

  24. 東日本大震災による津波避難訓練の有効性

    中谷直樹, 根本晴美, YI Carine J, 佐藤文子, 新宮古都美, 庄子朋香, 佐藤翔輔, 土屋菜歩, 中村智洋, 成田暁, 小暮真奈, 菅原由美, 兪志前, GUNAWANSA Nicole, 栗山進一, 村尾修, 佐藤健, 今村文彦, 富田博秋

    宮城県公衆衛生学会会誌 (51) 12 2019年3月


  25. スマートフォンアプリによるリアルタイム災害情報を活用した津波避難の有効性と課題

    大石裕介, 古村孝志, 今村文彦, 三原宜輝, 牧野嶋文泰, 山下啓, 東山孝生, 後藤知範, 大村誠, 永山実幸

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 75 (2) 2019年


  26. リアルタイム防災情報を活用した効率的な津波避難の検討

    大石裕介, 大石裕介, 大石裕介, 古村孝志, 今村文彦, 三原宜輝, 牧野嶋文泰, 山下啓, 東山孝生, 後藤知範, 大村誠, 永山実幸

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2019 2019年

  27. 強い非定常流れにおける飽和浮遊砂濃度を考慮した津波土砂移動モデルの改善

    山下啓, 菅原大助, 有川太郎, 鴫原良典, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) Vol.74, No.2, pp.I_325-I_330 (2) I_325-I_330 2018年11月10日

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.74.I_325  



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  28. 南海トラフ巨大地震による津波の東京湾周辺での振動特性

    大石裕介, 古村孝志, 今村文彦, 山下啓, 菅原大助

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 74 (2) 2018年


  29. MOOCによる防災教育の実践~「東日本大震災の教訓を活かした実践的防災学へのアプローチ-災害科学の役割」を事例に~

    八木秀文, 今村文彦, 後藤和久, 佐藤翔輔, 安倍祥

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 37th 2018年

  30. 大規模避難シミュレーションによる臨海都市部の津波避難リスク分析と低減方策の検討

    牧野嶋 文泰, 大石 裕介, 今村 文彦, 古村 孝志

    土木学会論文集. B2, 海岸工学 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. 土木学会海岸工学委員会 編 74 (2) I_409-414 2018年


  31. 湾水振動が励起された湾内の運河における津波挙動

    大石裕介, 古村孝志, 今村文彦, 山下啓, 菅原大助

    日本地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2017 ROMBUNNO.S17‐P03 2017年10月6日

  32. 紀伊半島南岸における宝永地震津波(1707),安政南海地震津波(1854)及び安政東海地震津波(1854)の津波高現地調査

    矢沼 隆, 都司 嘉宣, 石塚 伸太朗, 上野 操子, 松岡 祐也, 小田桐(白石) 睦弥, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering = research report of tsunami engineering (34) 135-182 2017年7月



  33. Green-Naghdi方程式に基づく津波伝播計算モデルと種々の理論モデルの比較(第2報)

    山下 啓, 柿沼 太郎, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering = research report of tsunami engineering (34) 25-31 2017年7月



  34. 徳島県の太平洋海岸をおそった歴史地震津波の高さ分布

    都司 嘉宣, 岩瀬 浩之, 鈴木 隆宏, 松岡 祐也, 小田桐(白石) 睦弥, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering = research report of tsunami engineering (34) 75-133 2017年7月



  35. 古代・中世を対象とする歴史津波発生の有無の検討方法 : 元暦二年(1185年)京都地震を事例として

    松岡 祐也, 小田桐(白石) 睦弥, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering = research report of tsunami engineering (34) 59-68 2017年7月



  36. 八丈島における巨礫群の崖上への打ち上げ過程の数値的検討

    渡部真史, 後藤和久, 今村文彦, 菅原大助, 中村教博, 外崎貴之

    日本堆積学会大会プログラム・講演要旨 2017 6‐7 2017年3月10日

  37. 東松島市ヒアリングレポート (研究戦略センター発足記念特別号) -- (特集 調査研究最前線 東日本大震災の復興検証(復興庁委託事業))

    今村 文彦, 井内 加奈子, 佐藤 翔輔

    21世紀ひょうご : 公益財団法人ひょうご震災記念21世紀研究機構研究情報誌 43-51 2017年



  38. Green-Naghdi方程式に基づく津波伝播計算モデルと種々の理論モデルの比較

    山下 啓, 柿沼 太郎, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 27-38 2017年1月



  39. 百井塘雨著「笈埃随筆」に記された海嘯記事について

    都司 嘉宣, 松岡 祐也, 小田桐(白石) 睦弥, 佐藤 雅美, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 131-147 2017年1月



  40. 2015年チリ・イヤペル沖津波での緊急時対応の記録と課題の整理

    久松 明史, 林 晃大, Suppasri Anawat, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 55-77 2017年1月



  41. 寛保元年(1741)渡島大島の噴火に伴う津波の北海道江差,松前地方の海岸での浸水標高

    都司 嘉宣, 畔柳 陽介, 成田 裕也, 木南 孝博, 小田桐(白石) 睦弥, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 149-207 2017年1月



  42. 天保4年(1833)出羽沖地震津波の新潟県海岸での津波高さ

    都司 嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 畔柳 陽介, 木南 孝博, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 295-331 2017年1月



  43. 寛保元年(1741)渡島大島噴火,寛政4年(1793)西津軽地震,および天保4年(1833)出羽沖地震に伴う津波の,青森県津軽海岸での高さ分布

    都司 嘉宣, 畔柳 陽介, 成田 裕也, 木南 孝博, 小田桐(白石) 睦弥, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 209-250 2017年1月



  44. 能登半島および若狭湾海岸を襲った寛保元年(1741)渡島大島噴火津波および天保四年(1833)出羽沖地震津波の浸水高

    都司 嘉宣, 岩瀬 浩之, 森谷 拓実, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 251-294 2017年1月



  45. 天保四年(1833)出羽沖地震津波の隠岐諸島,および島根半島での津波高

    都司 嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 岩瀬 浩之, 森谷 拓実, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 = Tsunami engineering (33) 333-356 2017年1月



  46. 津波統合モデルによる津波複合被害の再現シミュレーション―東日本大震災の宮城県気仙沼市で起こった津波に伴う土砂移動と船舶漂流―

    山下啓, 鴫原良典, 菅原大助, 有川太郎, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦

    海洋工学シンポジウム講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 26th ROMBUNNO.OES26‐059 2017年

  47. 土砂移動が及ぼす津波ハザード及び建物被害への影響‐東日本大震災の宮城県気仙沼市における津波氾濫・土砂移動・船舶漂流の統合計算‐

    山下啓, 鴫原良典, 菅原大助, 有川太郎, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 73 (2) I_355‐I_360(J‐STAGE)-I_360 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_355  


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  48. 引き波増大に及ぼす津波土砂移動及び沖合津波波形の影響評価

    山下啓, 今村文彦, 岩間俊二, 菅原大助, 高橋智幸

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 73 (2) I_361‐I_366(J‐STAGE)-I_366 2017年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_361  


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    東日本大震災の岩手県陸前高田市では,破堤によって市街地全域の水位が約1 m上昇し,砂丘と河床の侵食により,市街地西部と奥部の水位が増大したことが数値解析に基づきわかった.また,破堤や地盤侵食により津波の流入・流出が容易となり,海岸線付近の戻り流れは約2倍に増大した.一方,沖合津波波形を用いた引き波影響度<i>M</i><sub>RF</sub>を提案し,南海トラフ巨大地震津波の<i>M</i><sub>RF</sub>の評価を試みた.その結果,土佐清水周辺や東海地方の<i>M</i><sub>RF</sub>は,東日本大震災の陸前高田市や女川町と同程度,または,それ以上の引き波を伴う可能性を有することがわかった.また,東日本大震災の三陸地方における被害実態を踏まえると,<i>M</i><sub>RF</sub> > 0.0003は,特に注意を要する参考値になると考えられるため,今後の引き波対策が重要である.

  49. Numerical simulations of large-scale sediment transport caused by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami in Hirota Bay, Southern Sanriku Coast

    Kei Yamashita, Daisuke Sugawara, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Fumihiko Imamura, Yuichi Saito, Yoshiyuki Imato, Tadashi Kai, Hitoshi Uehara, Toshihiro Kato, Kazuto Nakata, Ryotaro Saka, Asao Nishikawa

    Coastal Engineering Journal 58 (4) 2016年12月1日


    DOI: 10.1142/S0578563416400155  



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    © 2016 The Author(s). A numerical sediment transport model (STM) was used to investigate coastal geomorphic changes that resulted from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami in Rikuzentakata City and Hirota Bay on the southern Sanriku Coast of Japan. The simulation was verified using observed inundation processes and heights, measured topographic changes and sediment deposition. Aerial video footage recorded by the Iwate Prefectural Police was also used. The results show that the numerical model was able to predict the spatial distribution and volume of erosion and deposition in Hirota Bay, as well as sediment transport processes. The effects of sediment transport on tsunami inundation were also investigated. Numerical results revealed that the majority of the sand dunes were eroded by the first wave, especially during the strong return flow of the receding wave. Large flows and sand dune erosions can occur elsewhere if tsunamis inundate a plain with a limited shore-normal width. These events could cause large-scale morphological changes comparable to those that occurred in Rikuzentakata City.

  50. 南海トラフ巨大地震による津波の東京湾と相模湾における波形類似性

    大石裕介, 古村孝志, 今村文彦, 山下啓, 菅原大助

    日本地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集 2016 214 2016年9月16日

  51. A proposed methodology for deriving tsunami fragility functions for buildings using optimum intensity measures

    Joshua Macabuag, Tiziana Rossetto, Ioanna Ioannou, Anawat Suppasri, Daisuke Sugawara, Bruno Adriano, Fumihiko Imamura, Ian Eames, Shunichi Koshimura

    Natural Hazards 84 (2) 1257-1285 2016年8月11日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Nature

    DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2485-8  



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    © 2016, The Author(s). Tsunami fragility curves are statistical models which form a key component of tsunami risk models, as they provide a probabilistic link between a tsunami intensity measure (TIM) and building damage. Existing studies apply different TIMs (e.g. depth, velocity, force etc.) with conflicting recommendations of which to use. This paper presents a rigorous methodology using advanced statistical methods for the selection of the optimal TIM for fragility function derivation for any given dataset. This methodology is demonstrated using a unique, detailed, disaggregated damage dataset from the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami (total 67,125 buildings), identifying the optimum TIM for describing observed damage for the case study locations. This paper first presents the proposed methodology, which is broken into three steps: (1) exploratory analysis, (2) statistical model selection and trend analysis and (3) comparison and selection of TIMs. The case study dataset is then presented, and the methodology is then applied to this dataset. In Step 1, exploratory analysis on the case study dataset suggests that fragility curves should be constructed for the sub-categories of engineered (RC and steel) and non-engineered (wood and masonry) construction materials. It is shown that the exclusion of buildings of unknown construction material (common practice in existing studies) may introduce bias in the results; hence, these buildings are estimated as engineered or non-engineered through use of multiple imputation (MI) techniques. In Step 2, a sensitivity analysis of several statistical methods for fragility curve derivation is conducted in order to select multiple statistical models with which to conduct further exploratory analysis and the TIM comparison (to draw conclusions which are non-model-specific). Methods of data aggregation and ordinary least squares parameter estimation (both used in existing studies) are rejected as they are quantitatively shown to reduce fragility curve accuracy and increase uncertainty. Partially ordered probit models and generalised additive models (GAMs) are selected for the TIM comparison of Step 3. In Step 3, fragility curves are then constructed for a number of TIMs, obtained from numerical simulation of the tsunami inundation of the 2011 GEJE. These fragility curves are compared using K-fold cross-validation (KFCV), and it is found that for the case study dataset a force-based measure that considers different flow regimes (indicated by Froude number) proves the most efficient TIM. It is recommended that the methodology proposed in this paper be applied for defining future fragility functions based on optimum TIMs. With the introduction of several concepts novel to the field of fragility assessment (MI, GAMs, KFCV for model optimisation and comparison), this study has significant implications for the future generation of empirical and analytical fragility functions.

  52. SPH法による津波シミュレーションの解像度依存性

    諏訪多聞, 風間正喜, 今村文彦, 菅原大助, 菅原大助, 山下啓

    計算工学講演会論文集(CD-ROM) 21 ROMBUNNO.B‐7‐2 2016年5月31日



  53. 不意打ちの津波来襲時の住民の対応とその教訓 (特集 1992年インドネシア津波)

    河田 恵昭, 都司 嘉宣, 松山 昌史, Syamusudin A. R., 松富 英夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    月刊地球 = Chikyu monthly : カラー版 38 (4) 234-239 2016年4月



  54. ポテンシャル場とSocial Forceモデルを用いた群衆避難行動の検討

    牧野嶋 文泰, 今村 文彦, 安倍 祥

    東北地域災害科学研究 = Tohoku journal of natural disaster science 52 223-228 2016年3月


  55. 仮想造波板による平面2次元解析と3次元粒子法の連成型津波遡上解析

    宮川欣也, 浅井光輝, MUHARI Abdul, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 A1(構造・地震工学)(Web) 72 (4) 2016年


  56. DamageEstimateApp: A mobile application that estimates building damages from tsunami disasters

    Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Jaehyun Park, Ingrid Charvet, Panon Latcharote, Fumihiko Imamura, Junichi Iijima, Yoshi Abe

    ICUR2016 Proceedings 267-274 2016年

  57. 津波解析における信頼性の高い市街地浸水モデルに関するスパコンを用いた検討

    大石裕介, 今村文彦, 菅原大助, 古村孝志

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 72 (2) I_409‐I_414(J‐STAGE)-I_414 2016年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.72.I_409  


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    東北地方太平洋沖地震で被害のあった実環境での解析に基づいて,平面2次元津波解析における信頼性の高い,市街地での建物影響のモデル化手法の検討を行った.個々の建物を地形起伏として与え,スパコンを用いて,3種類の解像度5 m, 1.67 m, 55.6 cmで解析を実施したところ,解像度の増加に対して収束した解を得るためには1.67 m程度が必要であった.また,より実用的な解像度である5 mで,解像度55.6 cmの解析と同様の結果を得るための手法を検討した.その結果,建物の影響を建物位置での抗力として考慮する手法が有効であり,適切な抗力係数を与えることで流況が異なるケースに対しても普遍的に適用可能であることが分かった.

  58. 津波氾濫・土砂移動・漂流物移動の平面2次元統合モデルによる津波複合被害の再現計算―東日本大震災の宮城県気仙沼市への適用―

    山下啓, 鴫原良典, 菅原大助, 有川太郎, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 35th 113‐114 2016年

  59. 原子力安全のための耐津波工学(その4)津波の作用と津波防御に関する工学的手法

    今村 文彦, 越村 俊一

    Ατομοσ : journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan = アトモス : 日本原子力学会誌 57 (11) 720-724 2015年11月



  60. 沿岸湖沼に突入する津波の水理特性に関する実験的検討

    今井健太郎, 平川雄太, 会田俊介, 三戸部佑太, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. I_229-I_23 (2) I_229-I_234 2015年11月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_229  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    沿岸湖沼では保存状態の良い津波堆積物を採取できることが多い.津波堆積物に含まれている情報を活用するためにはその形成メカニズムを理解することが重要である.一方で,沿岸湖沼に突入する津波の水理特性には不明な点が多い.本研究では,これらの水理特性を定量的に検討することを目的として,理想地形おける固定床実験を実施した.<br> 本検討により,津波氾濫流が湖沼に突入するとともに移動跳水が発生し,時々刻々と流況が変化すること,その水位や底面流速の変化は湖沼規模に依存することを示した.さらに,湖沼内における水位や流速は浜堤背後付近で最大になることや,湖沼水深が深くなるにつれて底面の最大流速は急激に減衰する傾向あることを明らかにした.これらの湖沼に突入する津波の水理学的特徴は,湖沼内の津波堆積物形成過程を考察する上で重要な知見を与え得る.

  61. 沿岸津波波形の高精度評価に基づく津波浸水の高解像度再現計算

    大石裕介, 今村文彦, 菅原大助, 古村孝志

    日本地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集 2015 238 2015年10月5日

  62. 参加型防災学習の新教材「減災アクションカードゲーム」の開発と普及

    久松 明史, 山田 修司, 渡邉 俊介, 金子 亮介, 牧野嶋 文泰, 秋戸 優花, 望月 達人, 吉田 奈央, 三嶋 葵, 久利 美和, 今村 文彦, 湯上 浩雄

    津波工学研究報告 32 301-317 2015年9月30日



  63. 歴史津波の痕跡記録に対する文献信頼度の判断基準について

    松岡 祐也, 都司 嘉宣, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 241-249 2015年9月30日



  64. 和歌山県西岸における昭和南海地震津波(1946)及びチリ地震津波(1960)の津波高現地調査

    矢沼 隆, 都司 嘉宣, 門田 寛, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 349-375 2015年9月30日



  65. 文化元年(1804)象潟地震,および天保四年(1833)出羽沖地震による津波の秋田,山形,及び新潟県海岸での高さ分布

    都司 嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 畔柳 陽介, 木南 孝博, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 181-220 2015年9月30日



  66. 1586年天正地震における伊勢湾沿岸の津波の再検討

    松岡 祐也, 都司 嘉宣, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 251-257 2015年9月30日



  67. 宝永地震(1707),および安政南海地震(1854)の津波の大分県,および宮崎県海岸での高さ分布

    都司 嘉宣, 岩瀬 浩之, 森谷 拓実, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 111-180 2015年9月30日



  68. 北海道の地方新聞記事から拾い集めた近代津波の記録

    都司 嘉宣, 堀江 岳人, 工藤 圭太, 橋本 佳祐, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 327-347 2015年9月30日



  69. 宝永地震(1707),安政南海地震(1854)の津波の愛媛県海岸での高さ分布

    都司 嘉宣, 岩瀬 浩之, 森谷 拓実, 今井 健太郎, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 77-109 2015年9月30日



  70. 減災こども国際フォーラムの開催-2014年度減災意識啓発の活動

    保田 真理, 今村 文彦, サッパシー アナワット

    津波工学研究報告 32 293-299 2015年9月30日



  71. 嘉祥三年(850)出羽地震に関する論点の整理-「海水漲位」をどう解釈するか

    松岡 祐也, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 32 259-262 2015年9月30日



  72. 津波火災の被害予測モデルの開発

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 50 15-16 2015年4月1日



  73. 沖合での津波観測データを用いた津波浸水予測範囲の推定に関する検討

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 50 11-13 2015年4月1日



  74. 組み合わせ最適化手法を利用した歴史津波の波源推定法―1611年慶長奥州地震の事例―

    今井健太郎, 前田拓人, 飯沼卓史, 蝦名裕一, 菅原大助, 今村文彦, 平川新

    東北地域災害科学研究 51 139-144 2015年3月1日


  75. 実測に基づいた土佐清水港内外の海面変動に関する一考察

    田野邊睦, 今井健太郎, 林豊, 阿部邦昭, 今村文彦

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2015 2015年

  76. 岩手県陸前高田市における2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震津波による大規模土砂移動の再現計算

    山下啓, 菅原大助, 高橋智幸, 今村文彦, 齋藤友一, 今任嘉幸, 甲斐恭, 上原均, 加藤季広, 中田一人, 坂良太郎, 西川朝雄

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 71 (2) I.499-I.504 (J-STAGE)-I_504 2015年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_499  


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  77. 宮城県岩沼市における東北地方太平洋沖地震津波の海岸林による津波減衰効果に関する数値的検討

    林晃大, 山下啓, 菅原大助, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 34th 123‐124 2015年

  78. リアルタイム津波浸水予測精度向上に向けた波源逆解析手法の検討(2)

    大石裕介, 今村文彦, 菅原大助, 古村孝志

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2015 ROMBUNNO.HDS27‐05 (WEB ONLY) 2015年

  79. 避難範囲に及ぼす道路平面構造の影響の分析手法について

    木村裕行, 菅原大助, 今村文彦, 渡邉真悟

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2015 ROMBUNNO.MTT42‐P07 (WEB ONLY) 2015年

  80. A method to determine the level 1 and level 2 tsunami inundation areas for reconstruction in Eastern Japan and possible application in pre-disaster areas

    Abdul Muhari, Kentaro Imai, Daisuke Sugawara, Fumihiko Imamura

    Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 44 133-155 2015年1月1日

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10202-3_10  


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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. After the 2011 tsunami, a new approach to land use planning was introduced and is starting to be applied in some areas of Japan. Depending on the characteristics of the tsunami hazard, an area that is likely to be affected by highfrequency but low-impact tsunamis is identified as a ‘Level 1’ tsunami inundation area. An area that is likely to be affected by low-frequency but high-impact tsunamis is identified as a ‘Level 2’ tsunami inundation area. The countermeasures adopted in the two areas are different. The improved design of physical structures will be used to minimize the medium-to-low impact of tsunamis on people and properties in tsunami inundation Level 1 areas. Because the coverage of the flooded area is much wider in tsunami inundation Level 2 areas, improvements to the evacuation facilities and better education are the major efforts to save lives because man-made structures may not be able to significantly reduce the potential risks. This paper proposes a method to distinguish the boundaries between tsunami inundation Level 1 and 2 areas. We first use numerical simulations to establish a framework that classifies areas as Level 1 or Level 2 in a post-disaster area. Next, we examine the possibility of applying similar techniques to a pre-disaster area. We demonstrate that distinguishing areas of tsunami inundation Level 1 and Level 2 is not only important for the reconstruction of the post-disaster areas but also necessary to mitigate future tsunamis in pre-disaster areas.

  81. Sediment transport due to the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami at Sendai: Results from numerical modeling

    Daisuke Sugawara, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Fumihiko Imamura

    Marine Geology 358 18-37 2014年12月1日


    DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.05.005  



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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. Numerical modeling of sediment transport on the Sendai Plain in northeast Japan, which was caused by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami, was performed to investigate why onshore tsunami deposits included small amounts of marine materials and to explain the gap between the maximum inland extent of the recognizable sand layer and the limit of inundation. The simulation results generally corresponded with the thicknesses of the deposits observed in the field by previous studies. The simulation revealed that the tsunami caused a significant amount of erosion on the beach and in the coastal forest; however, erosion was significantly limited on the offshore seafloor. In addition, the bore of the highest tsunami wave offshore limited the amount of suspended sediment due to a steep bathymetric profile of the shoreface and a moderate initial drop in water level prior to the arrival of the bore. This resulted in limited suspension and shoreward advection of the sediments and a minor contribution of the seafloor sediments to the onshore tsunami deposit. Visualization of the onshore sediment transport indicated that the sediment transport was significantly affected by artificial topographic features. The flow speed and height varied across the topographic highs, and sediments were trapped on the seaward side of these highs. In coastal areas, the sediment supply was limited due to the presence of engineered dikes along the coast. In inland areas, embankments of paved roadways caused increased deposition on the seaward sides of the embankments and less deposition on the leeward sides of the embankments. Although some aspects of the relevant physics were not fully implemented in the model, in which uncertainties exist, the results may explain the processes and consequences of sedimentation from a tsunami event.

  82. リアルタイム津波浸水予測精度向上に向けた波源逆解析手法の検討

    大石裕介, 今村文彦, 菅原大助

    日本地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集 2014 173 2014年11月1日

  83. 東日本大震災記録のアーカイブの現状と課題

    今村文彦, 柴山明寛, 佐藤翔輔

    情報の科学と技術「震災アーカイブ」特集 64 (9) 338-342 2014年9月


    DOI: 10.18919/jkg.64.9_338  


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  84. 屋外危険物貯蔵施設の津波対策技術の開発

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 49 13-14 2014年4月1日



  85. 東北地方津波防災支援システムの信頼性向上検討に関わるデータ作成・整理

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 49 15-19 2014年4月1日



  86. 北海道における津波被害状況及び潮位観測所情報の整理

    堀江 岳人, 工藤 圭太, 橋本 圭祐, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 329-344 2014年3月30日



  87. 東北地方における津波痕跡の信頼度判定に関る検潮所情報の調査

    馬淵 幸雄, 岡田 清宏, 畔柳 陽介, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 345-359 2014年3月30日



  88. 天保4年11月26日(1833年12月7日)出羽沖地震津波の山形県沿岸での津波高分布

    都司 嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 馬淵 幸雄, 岡田 清宏, 畔柳 陽介, 大家 隆行, 栗本 昌志, 木南 孝博, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 253-275 2014年3月30日



  89. 種子島、および長崎での宝永地震津波(1707)の浸水高

    都司 嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 松岡 祐也, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 201-214 2014年3月30日



  90. 天保14年3月26日(1843-IV-25)根室沖地震の津波高分布

    都司 嘉宣, 橋本 佳祐, 堀江 岳人, 佐々木 崇之, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 277-292 2014年3月30日



  91. ハワイでの減災教育出前授業 : 内発的な教育プログラム開発

    保田 真理, サッパシー アナワット, ヌグン デイビッド, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 41-47 2014年3月30日



  92. 歴史津波研究における誤解されやすい地名について : その2

    松岡 祐也, 都司.嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 123-138 2014年3月30日



  93. 寛保元年(1741)渡島大島噴火、宝暦12年(1762)佐渡近海地震、および天保4年(1833)出羽沖地震に伴う津波の佐渡での浸水標高

    都司 嘉宣, 岩瀬 浩之, 原 信彦, 久保田 徹, 吉田 剛次郎, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 215-252 2014年3月30日



  94. 愛知県伊勢湾岸(名古屋市〜知多半島西岸)及び三重県尾鷲における歴史津波の痕跡調査

    矢沼 隆, 都司 嘉宣, 平畑 武則, 松岡 裕也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 361-378 2014年3月30日



  95. 延宝5年(1677)北三陸沖地震, 宝暦12年12月(1763年1月)八戸沖地震、天保14年(1843)根室沖地震、および、安政3年(1856)北三陸沖地震の各津波による東北地方北部沿岸での浸水高分布

    都司 嘉宣, 馬淵 幸雄, 岡田 清宏, 畔柳 陽介, 木南 孝博, 松岡 祐也, 佐藤 雅美, 芳賀 弥生, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 149-199 2014年3月30日



  96. 自然災害から生延びる判断力向上のための減災学習ツールの開発と効果の検証 : 減災ポケット「結」と災害模擬体験ブック

    保田 真理, 今村 文彦, サッパシー アナワット

    東北地域災害科学研究 = Tohoku journal of natural disaster science 50 269-273 2014年3月


  97. Disaster warning broadcasting process management: A case study of landslide from Typhoon Wipha at Izu-Oshima in 2013

    リーラワット ナット, サッパシー アナワット, 保田 真理, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 31 49-57 2014年3月



  98. 震災ビッグデータの活用 ~ 2011年東日本大震災での事例と今後の期待

    今村文彦, 佐藤翔輔

    「季刊大林」,特集:ビッグデータ 55 28-34 2014年3月

  99. 緊急津波避難情報システムの開発

    大保直人, 大保直人, 今村文彦, 寺田賢二郎, 有賀義明, 堀宗朗, 山内芳朗, 高田史俊, 稲垣幸子

    東濃地震科学研究所報告 (33) 2014年

  100. Identifying evacuees’ demand of tsunami shelters using agent based simulation

    Erick Mas, Bruno Adriano, Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura, Julio H. Kuroiwa, Fumio Yamazaki, Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada

    Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 35 347-358 2014年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-7269-4_19  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. In plain areas prone to tsunami, finding a way to shelter and escape from the inundation becomes a difficult task for residents. The 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami has shown that the horizontal evacuation using cars can compromise the safety of people. Another alternative is the vertical evacuation. In many cases, not only the capacity of these shelters plays an important role, but the spatial distribution and the evacuee preference for the nearest shelter. Such preference and location creates a conflict between capacity offer and demand. In this paper, we used an agent based model to simulate the evacuation of pedestrians and cars in La Punta, Peru. Twenty designated buildings for vertical evacuation are available for sheltering and escape from tsunami. The stochastic simulation of population spatial distribution and their refuge preferences revealed the over demand of some shelters. Finally, a capacity-demand map was created to share results with local authorities as a first step for future countermeasures in the district.

  101. Fragility curves based on data from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami in Ishinomaki city with discussion of parameters influencing building damage

    Anawat Suppasri, Ingrid Charvet, Kentaro Imai, Fumihiko Imamura

    Earthquake Spectra 2014年

  102. 津波漂流物の捕捉機能を有する植栽の設計に関する研究

    林 晃大, 今井 健太郎, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 70 (4) 1141-1146 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejhe.70.I_1141  


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    Trapping mechanism of floating objects during tsunami due to aligned trees was investigated through field surveys and hydraulic experiments. From the hydraulic experiment, the physical factors related to roadside trees and explaining the capture of floating objects were obtained. In addition, we show the maximum momentum limit at which trees fall when floating objects were trapped. Using the floating objects capture evaluation method of the trees that considered falling of trees, a verification case was performed knowing the specifications of the trees and floating objects in Tagajo city in case of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. We proved that the trees in Tagajo city did not fall even if it trapped floating objects during tsunami, generally agreeing on the quantity of the trapping ratio.

  103. HFA IRIDeS Review Preliminary Report Focusing on 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake

    Fumihiko Imamura


  104. 宮城県女川湾における東北地方太平洋沖地震津波の挙動の数値解析

    山下啓, 菅原大助, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 33rd 133-134 2014年


    MAS Erick, MUHARI Abdul, ADRIANO Bruno, KOSHIMURA Shunichi, IMAMURA Fumihiko

    Proceedings of International Sessions in Conference on Coastal Engineering, JSCE 4 85-89 2013年11月

  106. Leap‐frog差分法による津波浸水シミュレーションの「京」コンピュータ上での実装

    大石裕介, 今村文彦, 菅原大助

    日本地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集 2013 167 2013年10月1日

  107. 場と時を超える「みちのく震録伝」-東北大学による東日本大震災アーカイブプロジェクト-

    今村文彦, 佐藤翔輔, 柴山明寛

    月刊IM(Journal of Image & Information Management) 51 (5) 13-15 2013年4月

  108. 東日本大震災の経験・教育を伝承する取組

    保田 真理, 今村 文彦, SUPPASRI Anawat

    津波工学研究報告 30 117-122 2013年3月30日



  109. 『谷陵記』の記載に基づく宝永地震津波(1707)の高知県における津波浸水標高

    都司 嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 30 143-158 2013年3月30日



  110. A summary of the rapid response and analysis of tsunamis in 2012(from April 2012 to march 2013)

    Suppasri Anawat, Muhari Abdul, Affan Muzailin, Imamura Fumihiko

    津波工学研究報告 30 3-17 2013年3月30日



  111. 北海道釧路地方における歴史津波の浸水記録および浸水高分布とその信頼度

    都司 嘉宣, 堀江 岳人, 野々山 浩介, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 30 159-171 2013年3月30日



  112. 津波を観測した西日本地区における検潮所情報の収集・整理とその活用

    岩瀬 浩之, 今村 文彦, 芳賀 弥生, 佐藤 雅美

    津波工学研究報告 30 207-219 2013年3月30日



  113. 市街地における実用的な津波氾濫解析手法の提案

    今井 健太郎, 今村 文彦, 岩問 俊二

    土木学会論文集. B2, 海岸工学 69 (2) 311-315 2013年



  114. 地震断層は西下がりか東下がりか : 津波データからの解釈 (総特集 津波災害)

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 高橋 武之

    月刊地球 35 (1) 53-58 2013年1月



  115. 市街地における実用的な津波氾濫解析手法の提案

    今井健太郎, 今村文彦, 岩間俊二

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 69 (2) 431-435 2013年

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.69.I_311  


  116. 波源推定における津波痕跡高分布の依存性に関する検討

    今井 健太郎, 堀内 滋人, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集. B2, 海岸工学 69 (2) 431-435 2013年


    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.69.I_431  


  117. Study on countermeasures against distant tsunami for disaster prevention plan

    安倍 祥, Suppasri Anawat, 福谷 陽, 今村文彦

    Tohoku journal of natural disaster science 49 231-234 2013年

  118. Relationship between earthquake magnitude and tsunami height along the Tohoku coast based on historical tsunami trace database and the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami

    Anawat Suppasri, Yo Fukutani, Yoshi Abe, Fumihiko Imamura

    津波工学研究報告 30 37-49 2013年

  119. Uncertainties of tsunami wave height and flow velocity in the tsunami simulation due to dynamic fault rupture effects

    Fukutani, Y, Suppasri, A, Imamura, F

    2013 AGU fall meeting Abstract NH53A-05 2013年

  120. 災害時の「生きる力」に関する探索的研究―東日本大震災の被災経験者の証言から―

    佐藤翔輔, 邑本俊亮, 野内類, 今村文彦, 杉浦元亮, 阿部恒之, 本多明生, 岩崎雅宏

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 32nd 9-10 2013年

  121. Geological evidence of tsunamis and earthquakes at the Eastern Hellenic Arc: correlation with historical seismicity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

    Gerassimos Papadopoulos, Koji Minoura, Fumihiko Imamura, Ugur Kuran, Ahmet Yalciner, Anna Fokaefs, Tomoyuki Takahashi

    Research in Geophysics Vol.2, No.2 e12 2012年12月

  122. 震災経験を後世に伝える震災アーカイブプロジェクト「みちのく震録伝」

    今村文彦, 柴山明寛, 佐藤翔輔

    電子情報通信学会誌 95 (10) 921-926 2012年10月



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  123. みちのく震録伝:産学官民の力を結集して東日本大震災のアーカイブに挑む

    今村文彦, 佐藤翔輔, 柴山明寛

    情報管理 55 (4) 241-252 2012年7月

    出版者・発行元:国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構

    DOI: 10.1241/johokanri.55.241  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  124. 基幹論文 東日本大震災における津波災害と鉄道安全について (防災特集)

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男, 島村 宗一郎

    日本鉄道施設協会誌 50 (6) 447-450 2012年6月



  125. 1596年豊後地震における「かみの関」の津波被害

    松岡 祐也, 今村 文彦, 都司 嘉宣

    津波工学研究報告 29 225-232 2012年3月30日



  126. 宮古市田老地区での2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震津波に関する現地調査

    今村 文彦, 保田 真理, 堀川 亮祐

    津波工学研究報告 29 21-27 2012年3月30日



  127. 東日本大震災における震災復興計画の巨視的分析 : 岩手県・宮城県の沿岸市町村を対象にして

    佐藤 翔輔, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 29 29-35 2012年3月30日




    SUPPASRI Anawat, KOSHIMURA Shunichi, IMAI Kentaro, MAS Erick, GOKON Hideomi, MUHARI Abdul, IMAMURA Fumihiko

    Coastal Engineering Journal 54 (1) 1250005.1-1250005.30 2012年3月


  129. 津波特定テーマ委員会活動報告

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 有川 太郎, 藤間 功司

    土木學會誌 97 (1) 42-52 2012年1月15日



  130. 緊急津波避難情報システムの開発

    大保直人, 大保直人, 今村文彦, 寺田賢二郎, 有賀義明, 堀宗朗, 山内芳朗, 高田史俊, 稲垣幸子

    地域安全学会梗概集 (31) 2012年

  131. 2010年チリ中部地震津波に関する日本での現地調査の報告

    朝倉塁, 阿部郁男, 安藤亮輔, 池間仁子, 石倉覚, 石辺岳男, 今井健太郎, 今井健太郎, 今村文彦, 大年邦雄, 小笠原敏記, 奥村与志弘, 柿沼太郎, 後藤和久, 小松原純子, 小松原琢, 近藤誠司, 佐々木幹夫, 佐竹健治, 鴫原康子, 鴫原良典, 柴山知也, 城下英行, 杉本卓司, 鈴木進吾, 鈴木介, 高橋重雄, 高橋智幸, 高畠知行, 都司嘉宣, 中野晋, 中村有吾, 行谷佑一, 西村裕一, 西山昭仁, 橋本貴之, 原田賢治, 原田智也, 藤井雄士郎, 藤間功司

    津波工学研究報告 (29) 2012年


  132. 並木の津波漂流物捕捉機能に関する基礎的検討

    今井健太郎, 林晃大, 今村文彦

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 68 (2) 2012年


  133. 信頼度を考慮した津波痕跡データベースの構築

    岩渕洋子, 杉野英治, 今村文彦, 今井健太郎, 首藤伸夫

    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web) 68 (1) 1326-1330 2012年

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_1326  


  134. 津波痕跡データに基づく痕跡高と地震マグニチュード・再現期間の関係

    福谷 陽, Suppasri Anawat, 安倍 祥, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 31 79-80 2012年

  135. 津波痕跡と史料から解釈した1611年慶長地震

    今井健太郎, 菅原大助, 今村文彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 31st 151-152 2012年

  136. 生きる力とは何か~3.11震災経験の認知科学的分析―被災者・復旧復興当事者の困難克服事例の定性的分析―

    杉浦元亮, 野内類, 佐藤翔輔, 邑本俊亮, 今村文彦, 阿部恒之, 本多明生, 岩崎雅宏

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 31st 53-54 2012年

  137. 津波地震で発生した津波--環太平洋での事例 (総特集 津波)

    今村 文彦

    海洋 43 (4) 194-198 2011年4月



  138. 岩手県を対象とした慶長16年三陸地震津波の痕跡調査

    都司 嘉宣, 馬淵 幸雄, 大家 隆行, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 28 173-180 2011年3月30日



  139. 静岡県下における1707年宝永地震津波の痕跡調査

    矢沼 隆, 都司 嘉宣, 今井 健太郎, 行谷 佑一, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 28 93-103 2011年3月30日



  140. 宮城県南部沿岸域における津波被害の特徴

    今井健太郎, 今村文彦, 越村俊一, 菅原大助, サッパシー アナワット, 佐藤翔輔

    津波工学研究報告 (28) 141-145 2011年3月30日


  141. 西暦869年貞観津波による堆積物に関する現地調査 (総特集 津波研究(2))

    菅原 大助, 箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦

    月刊地球 33 (3) 132-139 2011年3月



  142. 32. 東北における津波防災支援システムの構築と活用の課題

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 (29) 95-98 2011年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The advanced tsunami disaster mitigation system was constructed in the Tohoku district. The system displays an inundation range corresponding to the high tsunami observed in a GPS buoy. When the tsunami of 11 March 2011 was generated in Tohoku, the tsunami was observed in those GPS buoy. However, this advanced system did not operate by the blackout of the computer. We studied about the information to be supplied to the case which this system operated. As a result, we were able to judge that the information of this system might mitigate of tsunami disaster.

  143. Reconstruction of the AD 869 Jogan earthquake induced tsunami by using the geological dat

    Daisuke SUGAWARA, Fumihiko IMAMURA, Hideaki MATSUMOTO, Kazuhisa GOTO, Koji MINOURA

    J. JSNDS 29 (4) 501-516 2011年

  144. 地質学的データに基づく津波像の数値復元:西暦869年貞観津波の例

    菅原大助, 今村文彦, 松本秀明, 後藤和久, 箕浦幸治

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨 117th 274-546 2010年9月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2010.0.546.0  


  145. 1992年インドネシア国フローレス島地震津波 (総特集 津波研究)

    都司 嘉宣, 今村 文彦, 河田 恵昭

    月刊地球 32 (9) 505-514 2010年9月



  146. 1-211 東北大学工学部創造工学研修における海外大学との共同研修 : 米国ワシントン大学,中国北京科技大学との交流プログラム((19)国際化時代における工学教育-II,口頭発表論文)

    今村 文彦, 長坂 徹也

    工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集 22 220-221 2010年8月19日


  147. 仙台港における津波外力の解析業務

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 45 17-19 2010年4月1日



  148. 三陸国道道路防災対策に関する資料作成業務

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 45 21-23 2010年4月1日



  149. 量的津波予測と津波浸水計算の比較

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 27 63-72 2010年3月30日



  150. 久慈湾口防波堤の整備による津波浸水低減効果

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 27 59-62 2010年3月30日



  151. 2010年チリ津波による被害に関する気仙沼での現地調査報告書

    橋本 貴之, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 27 91-95 2010年3月30日



  152. 2010年チリ地震津波のチリ沿岸での現地調査

    今村 文彦, 藤間 功司, 有川 太郎

    津波工学研究報告 27 83-89 2010年3月30日



  153. 津波数値計算 : リアルタイム津波予測の可能性(シンポジウム:沿岸域の数値モデリング-海洋関連各分野での取り組み)

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    沿岸海洋研究 47 (2) 125-132 2010年



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  154. 2010年チリ地震津波の被害調査速報

    今村 文彦, 藤間 功司, 有川 太郎

    自然災害科学 29 (1) 97-103 2010年



  155. 津波予測の最先端技術と人的被害軽減への活用

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    日本機械学會誌 = Journal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers 112 (1091) 794-797 2009年10月5日



  156. 地域ごとのリアルタイム津波予測における初期条件の影響評価と設定

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    海岸工学論文集 56 336-340 2009年10月



  157. 津波リスクマップ作成のための人的被害評価手法の検討

    宍戸 直哉, 今村 文彦

    海岸工学論文集 56 1346-1350 2009年10月





    Coastal engineering journal 51 (3) 243-273 2009年9月1日


  159. 津波防災技術の普及にかかる資料作成業務

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 44 49-50 2009年4月1日



  160. 岩手県内の国道45号線における津波外力の解析業務

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 44 45-47 2009年4月1日



  161. 我が国の津波警報システムの現状と高度化への試み : 2006年千島列島沖地震津波と2008年福島沖地震津波の事例

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    津波工学研究報告 26 97-111 2009年3月30日



  162. 2004年インド洋大津波によるマングローブ林と沿岸微地形の破壊状況に関する調査

    宮城豊彦, 馬場繁幸, 柳沢英明, 今村文彦, 斉藤綾子, 林一成, TANAVUD Charlchai, AFFAN Muzailin

    津波工学研究報告 26 (26) 27-60 2009年3月30日



  163. 津波警報の住民認識と課題について : 避難できない実態

    今村 文彦

    電子情報通信学会誌 = The journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 92 (3) 198-202 2009年3月1日



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  164. 実地形における海岸林を利用した津波減勢策-仙台湾岩沼・名取海岸を例として-

    今井健太郎, 今井健太郎, 原田賢治, 渡辺修, 江刺拓司, 島貫直樹, 八木智義, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 56 (1) 2009年


  165. 広域地方計画の作成 : 日本の将来像の議論

    今村 文彦

    日本雪工学会誌 : journal of snow engineering 25 (1) 1-2 2009年1月1日


  166. Tsunami Hazard Mitigation by Using Coastal Forest in a Practical Field - Case Study of Iwanuma-Natori Coast in Sendai Bay -

    今井 健太郎, 原田 賢治, 渡辺 修, 江刺 拓司, 島貫 直樹, 八木 智義, 今村 文彦

    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) B2-65 (1) 326-330 2009年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 土木学会

    DOI: 10.2208/kaigan.65.326  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The purpose of this study is to discuss design of mitigation by using coastal forest in a practical field, and to evaluate the role and effect of coastal forest. In this study, Iwanuma-Natori coast in Sendai Bay was selected as the research site. The field investigation was carried out to measure the topography inside of coastal forest and the forest condition. To evaluate the effect of coastal forest, one-dimensional numerical simulation was carried out based on the field investigation. And the effect of several plan of countermeasure including the afforestation of forest and the stabilized dune was examined and discussed for implementation in the field.

  167. Tsunamis and Tsunami Sedimentology

    D. Sugawara, K. Minoura, K. Minoura, F. Imamura

    Tsunamiites - Features and Implications 9-49 2008年12月1日


    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-51552-0.00003-5  

  168. 津波による被災メカニズム

    今村 文彦

    地盤工学会誌 = / the Japanese Geotechnical Society 56 (11) 5-7 2008年11月1日



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, characteristics of tsunami propagation and runup are briefly introduced by giving examples of near and far-field tsunamis that are not well known. The evidence of tsunami's impact such as stones and rocks carried on the land by the tsunami is very helpful to understand its power and wave force. Finally, the type of tsunami disasters, and their mechanisms and criteria are summarized referring to the past disasters due to the tsunamis in Japan.

  169. S-9 数値計算技術を用いた津波堆積物研究の新たな展開と防災への貢献((1)地震・津波堆積物研究の最先端と防災への貢献,口頭発表,シンポジウム)

    後藤 和久, 今村 文彦

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨 115 6-6 2008年9月15日


  170. 津波予測技術の高度化に向けたリアルタイム津波シミュレーションの評価

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦, 越村 俊一

    計算工学講演会論文集 13 (2) 893-896 2008年5月19日



  171. 東松島市防災マップ(津波)作成業務

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 43 35-36 2008年4月1日



  172. GPS波浪計PR用コンテンツ作成業務

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 43 31-32 2008年4月1日



  173. 2007年9月12日インドネシア南スマトラ地震とその津波による被害調査速報

    今村 文彦, アイダン オメル, 鈴木 友治

    津波工学研究報告 25 123-144 2008年3月30日



  174. 津波防災情報に関する防災担当者のニーズ調査報告

    阿部 郁男, 富田 孝史, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 44 85-90 2008年3月


  175. 東北大学 : 津波工学研究室

    今村 文彦, 村嶋 陽一, 大家 隆行, 岡田 清宏, 高橋 潤, 田邊 晋, 松永 光示

    土木学会誌 92 (12) 30-31 2007年12月15日


  176. マングローブ林の津波減衰効果に関する定量的な評価例 2004年インド洋大津波の調査を総括して

    宮城豊彦, 柳沢英明, 馬場繁幸, 今村文彦, TANAVUD Charlchai, AFFAR Muzailin

    植生学会大会講演要旨集 12th B5 2007年10月7日

  177. 住民参加型防災マップガイドライン作成

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 42 25-26 2007年4月1日



  178. 宮古湾における即時浸水想定区域システム検討調査

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 42 20-21 2007年4月1日



  179. 市民防災教育コンテンツ開発等業務

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 42 13-14 2007年4月1日



  180. 宮城県北部沿岸における津波防災対策検討調査業務

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 42 17-19 2007年4月1日



  181. 沖合津波観測網及び浸水予測システム検討に基礎資料作成

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 42 22-24 2007年4月1日



  182. 津波シミュレ-ションモデル構築に関する資料収集整理

    今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 42 15-16 2007年4月1日



  183. 漁船利用者の人的被害軽減を目的とした海上津波ハザードマップの開発

    大橋 太郎, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 24 125-130 2007年3月30日



  184. 1964年新潟地震津波と油流出災害の数値実験

    岩渕 洋子, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 24 119-123 2007年3月30日



  185. 2006年7月17日ジャワ島南西沖地震における津波被害および情報について

    今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 24 15-22 2007年3月30日



  186. 2006年11月15日千島列島津波を事例としたリアルタイム津波予測の可能性

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 24 23-28 2007年3月30日



  187. 2006年千島列島沖地震津波の我が国への伝播特性

    宗本 金吾, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 24 29-32 2007年3月30日



  188. タイNamkemでのマングローブ林の津波被害調査と破壊率評価

    柳澤 英明, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦, 宮城 豊彦, 佐藤 博幸, Charlchai Tanavud

    津波工学研究報告 24 71-76 2007年3月30日



  189. Marmara海における走向移動断層運動と海底地滑り:海岸後退の1要因

    菅原大助, 箕浦幸治, 今村文彦, 高橋智幸

    津波工学研究報告 24 (24) 91-99 2007年3月30日



  190. 津波石分布に基づく2004年インド洋大津波の流動特性

    後藤和久, CHAVANICH S. A, 今村文彦, KUNTHASAP P, 松井孝典, 箕浦幸治, 菅原大助, 柳澤英明

    日本堆積学会例会プログラム・講演要旨 2007 46-47 2007年3月27日

  191. 1755年ポルトガル・リスボン地震による津波の数値解析

    Santos Angela, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 43 121-126 2007年3月


  192. 1964年新潟地震津波と油流出災害の数値実験

    岩渕 洋子, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 43 97-102 2007年3月


  193. 2006年千島列島津波から見たリアルタイム津波予測の可能性

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 43 103-108 2007年3月


  194. タイNamkemでのマングローブの津波被害と衛星画像による生存率評価

    柳澤英明, 越村俊一, 今村文彦, 宮城豊彦, 佐藤博幸, TANAVUD Charlchai

    東北地域災害科学研究 43 127-132 2007年3月1日

  195. 視点・消防防災 ジャワ島における津波被害について

    今村 文彦

    消防防災 6 (1) 52-59 2007年



  196. 津波数値解析ソースコードの並列化実行に伴う通信性能の影響(津波・海岸災害,一般講演)

    阿部 郁男, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    日本流体力学会年会講演論文集 2007 256-256 2007年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have developed the two different systems of the communication performance to estimate the influence that communication performance on parallel of the tsunami numerical analysis. The one of systems is a PC cluster that connected with an internal high-speed switch, and another is the system that connected a PC on a network. On two systems with different communication performance, we were able to clarify parallel processing of the tsunami numerical analysis and relations of the communication performance. We are going to use these systems for the tsunami numerical analysis in real-time, however, the effect of the parallel one is not enough when the grids exceeds 900x300.

  197. インドネシア・バンダアチェにおけるマングローブ林の津波被害軽減効果に関する定量的予測手法の提案

    柳澤英明, 越村俊一, 大家隆行, 今村文彦, 宮城豊彦

    日本自然災害学会学術講演会講演概要集 26th 91-92 2007年

  198. 2004年インド洋大津波とマングローブ林域の破壊に関する総括的な報告

    宮城 豊彦, 柳沢 英明, 馬場 繁幸, 今村 文彦, チャルチャイ タナブッド, ムザイリン アッファー

    日本地理学会発表要旨集 2007 (0) 106-106 2007年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本地理学会

    DOI: 10.14866/ajg.2007s.0.106.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    &lt;BR&gt;はじめに&lt;BR&gt; 2004年12月26日にスマトラ島沖で発生した巨大地震における津波災害は極めて激烈なものであった。この中で、沿岸の森林生態系であるマングローブ林とその土地は、どのように破壊され、あるいは如何なる防災機能を発揮したのだろうか。最大波高が10mを超えるような巨大津波の経験を踏まえて、今や、マングローブ林とその土地が有する防災機能を適切に理解し、沿岸域の防災林整備に資する指針を作り上げることが必要とされている。&lt;BR&gt; マングローブ生態学・津波工学・地形学などの専門からなる演者らは、地震直後から、文科省振興調整費、科研費、国土地理協会、林業技術協会などの助成を得てタイとスマトラの各地でマングローブ林がどのように破壊された森と土地に関する詳細なデータを作成し、津波伝播に関するシミュレーションを実施し、現地での適合性を評価し、これらをもとにマングローブ構成種の津波破壊に対する抵抗力を評価してきた。昨年末までで、各地の実態調査と一連の評価もほぼ終了する段階までこぎつけ、今後は破壊された生態系の修復を考察する段階に移る。そこで、これまでに調査し、解析して得た知識の概要を報告し、今後展開される防災機能としてのマングローブ林の有効活用や植林活動の展開に少しでも役立てることを期待したい。&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;津波に対するマングローブ林の応答タイプ&lt;br&gt;:熱帯の広域で津波が襲来したために、極めて多様な応答の例を現場で検証する機会に恵まれた。マングローブ林と言えども、限定的な立地位置(潮間帯の上半部)、多様な植生・生活形(樹種・森林規模・樹木サイズなど)、微地形と堆積物(砂質・泥質など)の相違があり、これらの条件と津波のエネルギーとの関係が整理されて理解されることが必要である。その際、マングローブ樹木の破壊は、強い破壊から順に抜根流亡、侵食流亡、曲げ折れ、せん断破壊、倒壊、傾動、枯死、生存と類型化できる。なお、侵食流亡・枯死は波力と樹木の力関係の次元とは異なる。また、抜根流亡とせん断破壊は波力の評価が困難である。&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;地形変化に伴うマングローブ林の破壊&lt;br&gt;:浜堤など砂質の微地形が津波で容易に侵食されることで、樹木が大量に流亡する事態が波高3m以上の箇所で広く発生した。マングローブの根は発達深度がごく浅く、地盤の侵食に極めて弱い。一方で粘土質の干潟などは侵食に強く、波高が5mを越えても堆積物の侵食は軽微であった。バンダアチェの一部では波高が10mを超え、泥質・泥炭質の地盤が大規模に侵食された。津波に伴った堆積が行われた場所では流亡が発生しなかった。&lt;BR&gt; 河口部や澪など微地形的な低所は、津波が集中し、周囲に比べて強い破壊が発生したが、一方で比高1~2m程度の浜堤は越流する津波の波力を減衰することには余り寄与しなかったようである。&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;マングローブは、津波でどう破壊されたか&lt;br&gt;:湾口で波高3-5m程度の遡上が見られたナムケム、河口部を中心に6m内外の波高に達したカオラック、河口や沿岸低地で波高10m+~5m程度の津波を蒙ったバンダアチェを対象に、利用しうる最良のデータを用い、現地計測を重ねて津波伝播のシミュレーションを行い、同時に破壊状況の計測を行った。この結果、特にリゾフォラは、津波エネルギーと樹木破壊の関係に極めて明瞭な関係式を導くことが出来、エネルギー分布と破壊状況の空間的な適合性の相応の相関が見出された。&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;もし、マングローブ林が&lt;br&gt;:直径が30cm程度の(樹齢数十年?)樹木からなる森がエビ養殖池が開発される前の状態で、バンダアチェに存在していたら、7万人に及んだ死者行方不明者の数がこれ程に達することは無かったのではないかと思われる。現在、その評価のための最終的な作業を実施している。

  199. 海岸植生帯の津波防災への機能―減災か被害拡大か

    今村文彦, 柳澤英明

    自然災害科学 25 (3) 264-268 2006年11月30日



  200. 津波による人的被害推定--2004年インド洋大津波のバンダ・アチェでの事例

    今村 文彦, 越村 俊一, 大家 隆行

    月刊消防 28 (8) 11-15 2006年8月



  201. 地震による津波の発生と伝播特性

    今村 文彦

    日本音響学会誌 62 (7) 516-519 2006年7月1日



  202. 津波観測システム広域ネットワーク化基本計画策定

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 41 33-35 2006年4月1日



  203. 東北地方の港湾における津波対策基礎データ収集業務

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 41 38-39 2006年4月1日



  204. 「インド洋津波の数値計算」ワークショップ報告

    今村 文彦, 藤間 功司, 松本 浩幸

    津波工学研究報告 23 1-2 2006年3月30日



  205. 2005年8月16日宮城地震による津波の波源域推定と再現計算

    大垣 圭一, 今村 文彦, 越村 俊一, 阿部 郁男

    津波工学研究報告 23 63-67 2006年3月30日



  206. インド洋大津波から1年 : 津波被害からの復興の課題と我が国への教訓、警報システムの動き

    今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 23 41-49 2006年3月30日



  207. 都道府県防災情報ホームページの評価システムの検討

    小山 正剛, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 23 97-113 2006年3月30日



  208. 2005年8月16日宮城地震による津波の波源域推定と再現計算

    大垣 圭一, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 42 185-189 2006年3月


  209. 都道府県防災情報ホームページの評価システムの検討

    小山 正剛, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 42 179-184 2006年3月


  210. 津波避難に着目した地域防災力評価と課題解決に関する研究

    神尾 久, 越村 俊一, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 42 191-196 2006年3月


  211. A huge sand dome formed by the 1854 earthquake tsunami in Suruga bay, central Japan

    Daisuke Sugawara, Koji Minoura, Fumihiko Imamura, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Nobuo Shuto

    ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology 42 147-158 2005年12月1日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The 1854 Ansei-Tokai earthquake brought massive destruction to Suruga Bay, central Japan. The earthquake triggered a large-scale tsunami, which surged over the Pacific coast of Japan. Waves exceeding 13.2 m in height attacked Iruma, southeastern coast of Suruga Bay, and provoked peculiar types of tsunami sedimentation. On the coast of Iruma, a huge mound of shoreface sand, reaching more than 11.2 m above sea level, appeared after the tsunami run-up. We performed a historical and sedimentological survey to clarify the origin of the mound. Result of a field excavation and submarine investigation suggests that the sand came from the seafloor with a water depth of 20 to 30 m, and historical data illustrates a dramatic change of the landform by the tsunami run-up. Numerical examination of the tsunami implies that the coastal topography played an important role in excitation of the tsunami, and it induced the characteristic tsunami sedimentation.

  212. 2004年紀伊半島沖地震津波に関する現地調査と防災上の課題

    河田 惠昭, 小池 信昭, 越村 俊一, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦, 原田 賢治, 藤間 功司, 鴫原 良典, 谷岡 勇市郎, 西村 裕一, 加藤 照之, 寺田 幸博, 鈴木 進吾, 奥村 与志弘

    海岸工学論文集 52 1336-1340 2005年10月



  213. 津波減災のための植生帯の利用 (テーマ 防災対策と公園緑地)

    今村 文彦, 柳澤 英明

    公園緑地 66 (4) 12-17 2005年10月



  214. 津波被害とその対策 (特集 まさかの災害)

    今村 文彦

    建築/保全 27 (1) 38-41 2005年7月



  215. スマトラ島沖巨大地震・インド洋津波の発生状況と今後の課題 (特集 スマトラ島沖巨大地震・インド洋津波(2))

    今村 文彦

    近代消防 43 (6) 17-21 2005年5月



  216. スマトラ沖大地震及びインド洋津波災害と現地調査報告 (特集:スマトラ沖大地震及びインド洋津波における国際緊急援助隊の活動)

    今村 文彦

    月刊消防 27 (4) 17-24 2005年4月



  217. 大規模集客施設および観光地における避難体制に関する調査研究業務

    阿部 郁男, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 40 17-20 2005年4月1日



  218. 海域での観測データを用いた津波波源域の推定

    大垣 圭一, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 22 23-27 2005年3月30日



  219. 住民と防災担当者を対象とした防災力評価と課題抽出

    神尾 久, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 22 73-86 2005年3月30日



  220. 津波数値計算における砕波モデル

    岩瀬 浩之, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 22 15-21 2005年3月30日



  221. 災害情報の提供内容・方法に関する研究紹介と基礎研究

    小山 正剛, 今村 文彦, 牛山 素行

    津波工学研究報告 22 87-92 2005年3月30日



  222. インド洋津波災害とスリランカ現地調査報告 (スマトラ沖地震・インド洋大津波関係)

    今村 文彦, 河田 恵昭, 富田 孝史, 有川 太郎, 安田 誠宏

    津波工学研究報告 22 93-102 2005年3月30日



  223. 地域での津波ハザードマップ作成の動き (総特集 津波予測)

    今村 文彦

    月刊地球 27 (3) 216-222 2005年3月



  224. 緊急記事 : スマトラ地震により甚大な津波被害(インド洋大津波) : 三陸津波以来のわが国の津波防災対策への期待

    今村 文彦, 越村 俊一, 河田 恵昭

    土木学会誌 90 (2) 5-7 2005年2月15日



  225. 巻頭論文 スマトラ沖大地震及びインド洋津波災害と現地調査報告

    今村 文彦

    消防防災 4 (2) 2-10 2005年



  226. 十勝沖地震津波の挙動と被害 (総特集 2003年十勝沖地震) -- (5章 津波)

    今村 文彦

    号外地球 (49) 152-161 2005年



  227. 住民と防災担当者を対象としたアンケートによる防災力評価と課題抽出(C.防災計画と対策)

    神尾 久, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 (16) 21-24 2005年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Although the activity to evaluate the disaster reduction capacity at each area by the interviews and the questionnaire has been started, the target is limited into the local government and autonomy. The present study aims to add residents for the evaluation focused on the tsunami mitigation and evacuation system at the coastal area, which is Shizugawa in Miyagi prefecture, one of the tsunami prone area in Japan. The gap of recognition and awareness between residents and autonomy should suggest us the disaster reduction capacity as well as issues for mitigation at the community. The request for improvement value (RIV) is introduced to define the issues for disaster mitigation especially tsunami evacuation, which results are valuable to discuss the countermeasure among the residents, leaders, and autonomy at the community.

  228. 実験学習による地震・津波防災教育と中学生の災害理解・認識の検討(G.一般セッション)

    安倍 祥, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 (16) 107-110 2005年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Sendai Science Museum gives the opportunity for all Junior high school students in the city to take science experiment, one of which is the topics of natural disaster in the geology. The present study aims to know the efficiency how students could learn about the disaster through using the educational material, which can demonstrate an earthquake, liquefaction and a tsunami. The course tries to simplify a phenomenon by models in the laboratory, and to let them be interested in the contents by adding computer simulation, internet, and video. We found by the questionnaires before and after that the experiment course is very practical to understand the mechanism of natural hazards, and to let some students renewed fear of the disaster The free answer in the questionnaires suggests that the consciousness of the evacuation for tsunamis become high when students understand die fearfulness of the tsunami.

  229. 被害軽減のための海上津波ハザードマップの作成(C.防災計画と対策)

    大橋 太郎, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 (16) 17-20 2005年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The fishery boast damage and its damage reduction plan are discussed in the present study in the coast region of Miyagi where an probability of an earthquake occurrence within 30 years is expected to be 99% probability. Although the countermeasure on the land against the tsunami attack have been stared by constructing the wall and wave-break and making hazard map, less one on the sea is carried out at the present. The evacuation flow for fishery boast is discussed by the process of issuing warning, decision, and making action, depending on the location and conditions. A hazard map on the sea tried to be made by adding the information of arrival time, maximum water level and velocity and an area to cause the boat damage.

  230. Field Survey of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake Tsunami and Simulation at the Ootsu Harbor Located at the Pacific Coast of Hokkaido, Japan

    Yuichiro Tanioka, Yuichi Nishimura, Kazuomi Hirakawa, Fumihiko Imamura, Ikuo Abe, Yoshi Abe, Kazuya Shindou, Hideo Matsutomi, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Kentaro Imai, Koji Fujima, Kenji Harada, Yuichi Namegaya, Yohei Hasegawa, Yutaka Hayashi, Akifumi Yoshikawa, Toru Shiga, Akiyasu Kamikawa, Masaki Kobayashi, Seiichi Masaka, Takanobu Kamataki, Futoshi Nanayama, Kenji Satake, Yoshiaki Kawata, Yoshinobu Fukasawa, Shunichi Koshimura, Yasunori Hada, Yusuke Azumai, Kenji Hirata

    Tsunamis Case Studies and Recent Developments, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research Vol.23, pp.135-156 135-156 2005年

    DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3331-1_8  



  231. 津波堆積物の形成に関する水理学的実験―特に浮遊砂の卓越する条件での水槽実験―

    菅原大助, 箕浦幸治, 今村文彦, 広田剛志, 菅原正宏, 大窪滋生

    地質学論集 (58) 153-162 2004年12月20日


  232. 最近の津波災害の教訓と今後の対策 (総特集 1944年東南海地震と1945年三河地震(下)60周年)

    今村 文彦

    月刊地球 26 (12) 862-868 2004年12月



  233. 地震津波イベント堆積物に残された情報を被害軽減に (地震イベント堆積物--深海底から陸上までのコネクション)

    今村 文彦

    地質学論集 (58) 45-50 2004年12月



  234. 住民参加による津波対策の取り組み (特集 地震・津波対策)

    今村 文彦, 安倍 祥, 牛山 素行

    河川 60 (10) 39-45 2004年10月



  235. 沖縄周辺のチリ沖津波数値計算

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 39 45-49 2004年4月1日



  236. 2003年5月26日「三陸南地震」時の住民と防災情報 : 基礎資料

    牛山 素行, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 21 57-82 2004年3月30日



  237. 地域型防災マップ作成ワークショップに関する基礎資料

    牛山 素行, 安倍 祥, 金田 資子, 今村文彦

    津波工学研究報告 21 83-91 2004年3月30日



  238. 2002年Stromboli火山性津波の現地調査

    藤間功司, 今村文彦, 箕浦幸治, 鴫原良典, 安倍祥, 前野深, ARMIGLIATO A, TINTI S, PAPADOPOULOS G A

    津波工学研究報告 21 (21) 1.33-1.39-39 2004年3月30日



  239. 高度防災情報時代における豪雨災害時の住民行動 : 2002年7月台風6号豪雨災害を事例として

    牛山 素行, 今村 文彦, 片田 敏孝, 吉田 健一

    水文・水資源学会誌 17 (2) 150-158 2004年3月5日



  240. 2003年十勝沖地震津波調査報告

    谷岡 勇市郎, 西村 裕一, 平川 一臣, 今村 文彦, 阿部 郁男, 安部 祥, 進藤 一弥, 松冨英夫, 高橋智幸, 今井 健太郎, 大沼 康太郎, 神 昭平, 村上 哲朗, 都司 嘉宣, 行谷 佑一, 藤間 功司, 真坂 誠一, 長谷川 洋平, 林 豊, 吉川 章文, 上川 明保, 志賀 透, 小林 政樹, 小田 勝也, 富田 孝史, 柿沼 太郎, 佐竹 健治, 七山 太, 鎌滝 孝信, 平田 賢治, 河田 恵昭, 深澤 良信, 越村 俊一, 秦 康範, 東井 裕介

    津波工学研究報告 (21) 1-237 2004年3月



  241. 20. 津波対応防災マップ作成ワークショップの実施手法に関する検討(G.大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクトなど,口頭発表)

    安倍 祥, 牛山 素行, 今村 文彦

    地域安全学会梗概集 (14) 73-76 2004年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study aims to investigate the technique and problems to organize manage the workshop on regional tsunami hazard map with the participants of residents, organaizer and tsunami / disaster mitigation experts. Problem on disaster prevention was discussed and clarified by them and the various information, knowledge and experiences could be shared through the workshop, increasing their consciousness and supporting regional planning for disaster mitigation. Effect of it such as change of consciousness and understanding the potential disaster hasbeen measured by the questionnaire before and after the workshop, which provide us important information to improve the management of it and suggest its potential effect.

  242. 2003年十勝沖地震津波に関する現地調査

    高橋智幸, 今村文彦, 谷岡勇市郎, 西村裕一, 松冨英夫, 長谷川洋平, 小林政樹, 上川明保, 七山太, 眞坂精一, 藤間功司, 原田賢治, 越村俊一, 富田孝史

    海岸工学論文集 第51巻, pp.1356-1360 2004年

  243. 津波により一様斜面上を移動する土砂および津波石に関する水理実験

    菅原正宏, 大窪慈生, 菅原大助, 箕浦幸治, 今村文彦

    海岸工学論文集 50 (1) 266-270 2003年10月10日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Civil Engineers

    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.50.266  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究では, 一様斜面上を津波に伴って移動する津波堆積物 (土砂・津波石) について水理実験を実施し, 津波水理量と堆積物形成との関係を調べた.土砂移動実験では浮遊砂状態を作り出すため, 砂投入装置より段波の先端に上方から豊浦標準砂を投下した.水理量としては流速の積分値を用い, 各点での押し波の積分値と堆積砂量, 引き波の積分値と侵食砂量の関係を調べ, 両者の関係を表す回帰式を得た.津波石については立方体ブロックを移動させ, 水路上方からビデオ撮影を行った.転動により動摩擦係数μ (t) が時間的に変化するものとして, 測定結果から逆算し, μ (t) を密度やサイズの異なるブロックに対して一つの回帰式で表した.

  244. 長崎大水害から20年 : その教訓と現況

    高橋 和雄, 橋本 晴行, 今村 文彦, 北村 良介, 清野 純史, 立木 茂雄

    自然災害科学 22 (2) 125-147 2003年8月31日



  245. 津波地震で発生した津波--環太平洋での事例 (総特集 三陸〜房総沖津波地震--今後30年間に起る確率20%)

    今村 文彦

    月刊地球 25 (5) 401-405 2003年5月



  246. 沿岸災害に対するリスク評価とマップ作成について : 津波を中心として

    今村 文彦, 金田 資子, 早川 哲史

    津波工学研究報告 20 1-11 2003年3月



  247. 2003年9月26日十勝沖地震津波の発生と残された教訓 (特集 津波災害(2))

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    消防科学と情報 (75) 7-20 2003年



  248. Tsunami Hazards Associated With Explosion-Collapse Processes of a Dome Complex on Minoan Thera

    Koji Minoura, Fumihiko Imamura, Ugur Kuran, Toshio Nakamura, George A. Papadopoulos, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

    Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis, NATO Science Series Vol.21, pp.229-236 2003年

  249. 津波により一様斜面上を移動する土砂および津波石に関する水理実験

    菅原正宏, 大窪慈生, 菅原大助, 箕浦幸治, 今村文彦

    堆積学的手法による地滑り津波の発生機構の解明 平成12-14年度 No.12574016 34-38 2003年

  250. 南海トラフ巨大地震に伴う津波 : 東海, 東南海, 南海道地震津波

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    自然災害科学 21 (3) 199-204 2002年11月30日



  251. 津波発生時における避難行動開始モデルの提案とその適用

    早川 哲史, 今村 文彦

    自然災害科学 21 (1) 51-66 2002年5月31日



  252. 北上川河口域環境調査業務

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 37 49-52 2002年4月1日



  253. 三陸沿岸での津波解析手法の開発

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 37 53-57 2002年4月1日



  254. 1771年明和地震津波の可視化に関する研究

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 37 58-61 2002年4月1日



  255. 津波情報伝達システム整備調査の検討

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 37 46-48 2002年4月1日



  256. 日本海沿岸に発生する地震に伴う津波の波源と伝播 : 1704年岩館地震,1793年鯵ヶ沢地震,および1804年象潟地震による津波

    樋渡 康子, 佐藤 魂夫, 今村 文彦

    地震. 2輯 54 (4) 431-440 2002年4月1日



  257. 環太平洋でのリアルタイム津波データを使用した波源推定法の提案

    樋渡 康子, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 19 85-90 2002年3月



  258. 越流を考慮した津波段波の波圧算定式の提案

    水谷 将, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 19 91-96 2002年3月



  259. 家屋による抵抗を考慮した津波遡上計算

    油屋 貴子, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 19 79-83 2002年3月



  260. 津波研究の最前線 II 過去の津波の事例研究 3章 津波痕跡遺物による物証研究 西暦869年貞観津波による堆積物に関する現地調査

    菅原大助, 箕浦幸治, 今村文彦

    月刊海洋 110-117 2002年2月1日


  261. The 869 Jogan tsunami deposit and recurrence interval of large-scale tsunami on the Pacific coast of northeast Japan

    Minoura K, Imamura F, Sugawara D, Kono Y, Iwashita T

    Nat. Dis. Sci. 23 83-88 2002年

  262. Numerical analysis on Johgan tsunami by using fault model in consideration of the origin of Miyagi-Ken-Oki earthquake.

    Kono, Y, Takada, S, Imamura, F, Minoura, K

    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hydro -Science and -Engineering. CD-ROM Warsaw, Poland 2002年

  263. 西暦869年貞観津波による堆積物に関する現地調査 (総特集 津波研究の最前線(2)過去の津波の事例研究) -- (津波痕跡遺物による物証研究)

    菅原 大助, 箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦

    号外海洋 28 (28) 110-117 2002年



  264. 津波災害とシミュレーション

    今村 文彦

    計算工学 6 (3) 311-315 2001年7月31日



  265. 島根県周辺での津波解析手法の開発

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 36 76-79 2001年4月1日



  266. 石垣島における1771年明和大津波と津波石移動の数値解析

    今村 文彦, 吉田 功, ムーア アンドリユー

    津波工学研究報告 (18) 61-72 2001年3月



  267. Wavelet変換を用いた津波初期波形推定方法

    小池 信昭, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 (18) 141-150 2001年3月



  268. 2000年5月IndonesiaのSulawesi島沖で発生した地震による津波の現地調査と数値解析

    小池 信昭, 平石 哲也, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 (18) 151-158 2001年3月



  269. 西暦869年貞観津波による堆積作用とその数値復元

    菅原大助, 箕浦幸治, 今村文彦

    津波工学研究報告 18 (18) 1-10 2001年3月



  270. 津波避難数値シミュレーション法の開発と北海道奥尻島青苗地区への適用

    今村 文彦, 鈴木 介, 谷口 将彦

    自然災害科学 20 (2) 183-195 2001年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A well-designed system for evacuations after warning issues is essentially necessary to reduce human loss. A lack of tools to evaluate an evacuation system lets such problem remain for long time. The objective of the present study is to develop the evacuation model simulating the behavior of human and vehicle by using the network model in the case of a tsunami attack. One of important functions in the model is to include route self-selecting/alternative model at several crossings by interacting and compiling human behaviors and tsunami impact, road condition, and people recognition of geometry. And walking and vehicle speed with function of density and condition on a road can be also included into a model. The validity of the model is examined in the case of the 1993 Hokkaido nansei-oki tsunami at the Aonae area, Okushiri, Hokkaido. The number of survivors and casualties estimated by the model shows good agreement with the reported and the main routes for evacuation to the hill simulated by the model are same as those by the eyewitness accounts.

  271. はじめに(特集記事2000年鳥取県西部地震 : 被災地日野町でのシンポジウムから)

    松波 孝治, 今村 文彦, 北村 良介, 清野 純史, 立木 茂雄, 橋本 晴行

    自然災害科学 20 (3) 235-236 2001年



  272. Field Survey of the 1996 Irian Jaya Earthquake Tsunami in Biak Island

    Hideo Matsutomi, Nobuo Shuto, Fumihiko Imamura, Tomoyuki Takahashi

    Natural Hazards Vol.24, No.3, pp.199-212 2001年

  273. チリ津波40周年一何をもたらし,何がかわったか?-

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 大和 則夫, 橋本 晴行, 林 春男, 松波 孝治

    自然災害科学 19 (3) 275-304 2000年11月30日



  274. 都市水害

    橋本 晴行, 今村 文彦, 大和 則夫, 林 春男, 松波 孝治

    自然災害科学 19 (2) 139-163 2000年8月31日



  275. 災害時における避難行動シミュレーション検討業務委託

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 35 1-4 2000年4月1日



  276. 環太平洋での高度津波解析モデルの開発

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 35 5-7 2000年4月1日



  277. 流体解析関連の文献調査および分析業務

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 35 8-10 2000年4月1日



  278. 1999年8月トルコ・コジャエリ地震に伴って発生した津波の現地調査と数値解析

    今村 文彦, 越村 俊一

    津波工学研究報告 (17) 65-77 2000年3月



  279. 情報伝達・避難開始時間に着目した防災力評価法の提案

    永川 賢治, 今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 (17) 79-94 2000年3月



  280. 貞観津波と海底潜水調査

    河野 幸夫, 村上 弘, 今村 文彦

    東北地域災害科学研究 (36) 115-122 2000年


  281. The August 1998 Flood disaster in the Abukuma River basin

    Mano Akira, Takahashi Michio, Imamura Fumihiko, Nagabayashi Hisao

    Journal of Natural Disaster Science 22 (1) 1-10 2000年


    DOI: 10.2328/jnds.22.1  


  282. 1999年バヌアツ地震津波とその特徴・課題

    松冨英夫, 越村俊一, 高橋智幸, Andrew L. Moore, 今村文彦, 河田恵昭, 松山昌史

    海岸工学論文集 第47巻, pp.336-340 336-340 2000年


    DOI: 10.2208/proce1989.47.336  


  283. パプアニューギニア・シッサノ津波から分かったこと

    今村 文彦

    地震ジャ-ナル (27) 8-17 1999年6月



  284. 島根県周辺での津波解析手法の開発

    今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 34 1-3 1999年4月1日



  285. 歴史津波の痕跡確認調査

    今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 34 4-6 1999年4月1日



  286. 津波による海底地形変化評価技術に関する研究

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 34 7-9 1999年4月1日




    Kawata Yoshiaki, Tsuji Yoshinobu, Matsutomi Hideo, Fujima Koji, Imamura Fumihiko, Matsuyama Masashi, Takahashi Tomoyuki

    津波工学研究報告 16 61-86 1999年3月



  288. 1998年7月パプアニューギニア・シッサノ津波の現地調査から

    今村 文彦

    海岸 38 (2) 30-33 1999年3月



  289. 海嶺上を伝播する津波の挙動特性に関する理論的研究

    越村 俊一, 今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    津波工学研究報告 (16) 99-117 1999年3月



  290. 地震津波による大量土砂移動の可能性--安政東海沖地震津波における伊豆半島入間での場合

    浅井 大輔, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    津波工学研究報告 (16) 119-130 1999年3月



  291. 東日本での集中豪雨による洪水・土砂災害

    真野 明, 今村 文彦

    土木学会誌 83 (12) 44-46 1998年11月15日



  292. 3.6.1 日本海東縁部における地震発生ポテンシャル評価に関する研究(3.6 科学技術振興調整費による研究,3. 研究業務)

    岩崎 伸一, 首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    防災科学技術研究所年報 9 39-39 1998年10月30日



  293. パプアニューギニア・シッサノ津波の被害と発生メカニズムの謎

    今村 文彦

    土木学会誌 83 (11) 42-43 1998年10月15日


  294. 1998年7月17日パプアニューギニア Aitape 地震津波の現地調査

    都司 嘉宣, 河田 恵昭, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦, 松富 英夫, 藤間 功司, 松山 昌史

    日本地震学会講演予稿集 = Programme and abstracts, the Seismological Society of Japan 1998 (2) 1998年10月9日

  295. 津波による海底地形変化評価技術に関する研究

    首藤 伸夫, 田中 仁, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 33 54-59 1998年4月1日



  296. 二次元氾濫解析 : 理論波形も用いた先端部での安定条件

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 33 50-53 1998年4月1日



  297. 津波の数値解析及びCG化手法の開発 : GISを利用した新しい津波計算手法

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 33 60-62 1998年4月1日



  298. 三陸沖地震予知総合観測計画

    松澤暢, 日野亮太, 岡田知己, 小菅正裕, 今村文彦

    月刊地球, 号外 (20) 85-89 1998年4月



  299. 3.7.1(4) 日本海東縁部の地震発生ポテンシャル評価に関する研究(3.7.1 総合研究,3.7 科学技術振興調整費による研究,3. 研究業務)

    岩崎 伸一, 首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    防災科学技術研究所年報 8 47-48 1998年3月25日



  300. 昭和8年津波と住宅移転--岩手県下閉伊郡山田町船越・田ノ浜地区の事例

    北原 糸子, 今村 文彦, 関 桂昭

    津波工学研究報告 (15) 51-76 1998年3月



  301. 津波被害調査のマニュアル

    今村 文彦

    津波工学研究報告 (15) 107-118 1998年3月



  302. Irian Jaya Earthquake and Tsunami Cause Serious Damage

    Fumihiko Imamura, Subandono Diposaptono, Gary Watson, Andrew L. Moore, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Hideo Matsutomi, Hidayat Rahman

    Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union Vol.78, No.19, pp.197-201 1998年

  303. 融雪に関連した地滑り・土石流被害と避難行動について -長野県小谷村と秋田県鹿角八幡平の例-

    今村 文彦

    日本雪工学会大会論文報告集 14 133-138 1997年11月


  304. 日本海東縁部の津波ポテンシャル評価

    小谷 美佐, 今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    日本地震学会講演予稿集 = Programme and abstracts, the Seismological Society of Japan 1997 (2) 1997年9月15日

  305. 地中海文明と津波 (総特集 最近地質時代の地球環境)

    箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    月刊地球 19 (9) 574-581 1997年9月



  306. 津波の数値解析及びCG化手法の開発

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 32 56-59 1997年4月1日



  307. 二次元氾濫解析 : 先端部での安定条件

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 32 50-55 1997年4月1日



  308. 仙台湾域津波伝播計算

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 32 48-49 1997年4月1日



  309. i. 津波危険度予測に関する研究(3.8.1(3) 日本海東縁部の地震発生ポテンシャル評価に関する研究,3.8.1 総合研究,3.8 科学技術振興調整費による研究,3. 研究業務)

    岩崎 伸一, 首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    防災科学技術研究所年報 7 46-47 1997年3月28日



  310. 最近の津波による土砂移動に関する現地調査

    今村 文彦, 箕浦 幸治, 高橋 智幸, 首藤 伸夫

    津波工学研究報告 14 89-100 1997年3月



  311. エ-ゲ海における歴史津波堆積物に関する現地調査

    今村 文彦, 箕浦 幸治, 高橋 智幸

    津波工学研究報告 (14) 33-49 1997年3月



  312. 津波の数値シミュレーションと可視化技術

    今村 文彦

    ながれ : 日本流体力学会誌 15 (5) 376-383 1996年10月31日



  313. 津波の数値シミュレーションと可視化技術

    今村 文彦

    年会一般講演 15 307-312 1996年7月


  314. i. 津波危険度予測に関する研究(3.8.1(6) 日本海東縁部の地震発生ポテンシャル評価に関する研究,3.8.1 総合研究,3.8 科学技術振興調整費による研究,3. 研究業務)

    岩崎 伸一, 首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸

    防災科学技術研究所年報 6 50-50 1996年3月29日



  315. 1995年10月喜界島地震津波に関する調査報告

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 越村 俊一

    津波工学研究報告 (13) 53-80 1996年3月



  316. 1996年2月17日Irian Jaya地震津波の現地調査

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 松富 英夫

    津波工学研究報告 (13) 81-99 1996年3月



  317. 38 津波・海震の浮体に対する影響評価

    都司 嘉宣, 高橋 智幸, 松冨 英夫, 今村 文彦, 馬場 栄一, 安田 哲也, 粟島 裕治, 森川 正夫, 平石 哲也

    日本造船学会論文集 (180) 779-781 1996年


  318. 1994年11月15日フィリピン・ミンドロ島地震津波の現地調査

    今村 文彦, Gica Edison, Lee Ho Jun, Synolakis Costas, Vasily Titov, Listanco Eddie, Kawashima Seiichi, Esplanada Delfin

    津波工学研究報告 12 19-33 1995年3月



  319. 1994ジャワ東部地震津波の調査

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 松冨 英夫, 都司 嘉宣, 荒井賢一, Han Seh Sub, 河田 恵昭, 原田 智, 松山 昌史

    津波工学研究報告 12 35-44 1995年3月



  320. Damage Condition of the East Java Tsunami of 1994

    Synolakis C, F.Imamura, Y.Tsuji, H.Matsutomi, S.Tinti, B.Cook, Y.P.Chandra, M.Usman

    EOS(Trans. Am. Geophys. Union) 76 (26) 257-262 1995年

  321. Damage to Coastal Villages due to the 1992 Flores Island Earthquake Tsunami

    Yoshinobu Tsuji, Hideo Matsutomi, Fumihiko Imamura, Minoru Takeo, Yoshiaki Kawata, Masafumi Matsuyama, Tomoyuki Takahashi, Sunarjo, Prih Harjadi

    Pure and Applied Geophysics Vol.144, pp.481-524 (3) 481-524 1995年

  322. Response of residents at the moment of tsunamis - The 1992 Flores Island earthquake tsunami, Indonesia

    Yoshiaki Kawata, Yoshinobu Tsuji, A. R. Syamsudin, Sunarjo, Masafumi Matsuyama, Hideo Matsutomi, Fumihiko Imamura, Tomoyuki Takahashi

    Tsunami: Progress in Prediction, Disaster Prevention and Warning, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research Vol.4, pp.173-185 1995年

  323. 巨大津波の発生・被害・数値シミュレ-ション (自然災害と防災-1-)

    今村 文彦, 都司 嘉宣

    学術月報 47 (4) p329-333 1994年4月



  324. Field Survey of the Nicaragua Earthquake and Tsunami of September 2, 1992.

    阿部邦昭, 阿部勝征, 都司嘉宣, 今村文彦, 飯尾能久, 佐竹健治, BOURGEOIS J, NOGUERA E, ESTRADA F

    東京大学地震研究所い報 68 (1) 23-70 1993年6月


  325. スーパーコンピューターによる津波の解析 : 1883年Krakatau島火山爆発による津波の数値解析

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 28 68-75 1993年4月1日



  326. 1833年Krakatau島火山爆発による津波の数値解析 : 水塊急流入の発生条件の適用

    川俣 奨, 今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    津波工学研究報告 10 43-50 1993年3月



  327. 1992年12月12日インドネシア・フローレス島地震津波の調査速報

    河田 惠昭, 都司 嘉宣, 今村 文彦, 松富 英夫, 渋谷 純一, 伯野 元彦, 武尾 実, 松山 昌史, 高橋 智幸

    地震学会ニュースレター 4 (6) 4-8 1993年



  328. 1992年12月12日インドネシア・フローレス島地震による津波災害の特性とその教訓

    河田恵昭, 都司嘉宣, 松富英夫, 今村文彦, 松山昌史, 高橋智幸

    自然災害科学 Vol.12, No.1, pp.63-72 (1) 63-71 1993年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    On December 12,1992,5 : 29 a.m. UTC (1 : 29 p.m. local time), a magnitude M7.5 (USGS) earthquake struck the eastern region of Flores Island, Indonesia. A highly cooperative international survey team was formed, consisting of twenty scientists and engineers. Our Japanese team visited Indonesia on December 25,1992 to January 10,1993 and managed the field survey on earthquake and tsunami disasters. The first tsunami was reported to reach the shore of Flores Island within five minutes after the earthquake, because it is characterized as an extremely near-source event. About 1,000 people were killed by the tsunami. The maximum runup height measured is 26.2m at Kroko. Through the questionnaire the human behavior at the moment of tsunami attacking was studied. The lessons from the tsunami disaster will be useful for the Tokai tsunami prepardness in Japan.

  329. 非線形分散波の数値計算における分散項中の斜面効果について

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 27 111-114 1992年4月1日



  330. スーパーコンピューターによる津波の解析 : 津波による流れ再現計算

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 27 106-110 1992年4月1日



  331. 流雪溝の構造的原因による閉塞に関する基礎研究

    今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 27 126-127 1992年4月1日



  332. 津波による流れと海底変動に関する研究 : 1960年チリ津波の気仙沼湾での場合

    高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    津波工学研究報告 9 185-201 1992年3月



  333. 遠地津波の数値計算手法の開発 : 領域の接続及び分割計算方法

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 26 49-53 1991年4月1日



  334. スーパーコンピューターによる津波解析 : コンピューターグラフィックスについて

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 26 54-65 1991年4月1日



  335. 釜石市唐丹本郷での津波による高地移転の歴史と移転後の住宅移動調査

    今村 文彦, 伊藤 秋彦, 高橋 智幸, 長尾 正之, 首藤 伸夫

    津波工学研究報告 8 145-164 1991年3月



  336. 急拡部を通過する津波の水理特性

    富澤 大, 今村 文彦, 首藤 伸夫

    津波工学研究報告 8 83-103 1991年3月



  337. 遠地津波の解析 : 1952年カムチャッカ津波の場合

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 25 56-63 1990年4月1日



  338. 遠地津波の解析手法の研究

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 24 24-28 1989年4月1日



  339. 津波予警報システム開発 : 誤差と速度

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 23 40-42 1988年4月1日



  340. 遠地津波の解析手法の研究

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報 23 43-45 1988年4月1日



︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

書籍等出版物 27

  1. 絆 : 津波からいのちを守るために


    ウェイツ 2021年3月

    ISBN: 9784904979334

  2. 逆流する津波 : 河川津波のメカニズム・脅威と防災

    今村, 文彦

    成山堂書店 2020年3月

    ISBN: 9784425514618

  3. 災害記録を未来に活かす



    ISBN: 9784585202820

  4. 行動・安全・文化BeSeCu,緊急時,災害時の人間行動と欧州文化相互調査


    フォーラムエイト(株) 2014年11月8日

  5. 「東日本大震災を分析する」震災と人間・まち記録

    平川新, 今村文彦

    明石書店 2013年6月

    ISBN: 9784750338248

  6. 「東日本大震災を分析する」地震・津波のメカニズムと被害の実態

    平川新, 今村文彦

    明石書店 2013年6月

    ISBN: 9784750338231

  7. 津波の発生メカニズムと被害『今を生きる—東日本大震災から明日へ!復興と再生への提言— 5 自然と科学』


    東北大学出版会 2013年2月

  8. 測地・津波 (現代地球科学入門シリーズ 8)

    藤本 博己, 三浦 哲, 今村 文彦, 大谷 栄治

    共立出版 2013年1月

    ISBN: 4320047168

  9. 防災教育の展開


    東信堂 2011年3月

  10. Tsunami to survive from Tsunami, Advanced series on ocean engineering Vol.32

    Susumu Murata, Fumihiko Imamura, Kazumasa Katoh, Kazumasa Katoh, Shigeo Tahashi, Tomotsuka Takayama

    World Scientific 2009年10月

    ISBN: 9789814277471

  11. 噴火メカニズムの解明と火山災害の軽減

    今村文彦, 前野深

    東大出版会 2009年

    ISBN: 9784130607537

  12. Disaster Management- Global challenges and local solutions

    Imamura, F

    Universities Press 2009年

    ISBN: 9788173716560

  13. The Sea : Tsunamis


    Harvard Univ.Press 2008年12月

    ISBN: 9780674031739

  14. TSUNAMI –津波から生きのびるために

    財, 沿岸技術沿岸センター「TSUNAMI, 出版編集委員会編

    丸善プラネット(株) 2008年

  15. 津波の事典

    首藤伸夫, 今村文彦, 越村俊一, 佐竹健治, 松冨英夫

    朝倉書店 2007年

    ISBN: 9784254160505

  16. スマトラ沖地震とインド洋津波/2004

    金沢敏彦, 今村文彦

    月刊地球 2006年

  17. 天災・人災ーよりよい災害の分析と防災対策


    生物研究社 2006年

  18. Landslide tsunamis: recent findings and research directions

    Jean^Pierre Bardet, Costas E. Synolakis, Hugh L Davies, Fumihiko Imamura, Emile A.Okal


  19. 防災学ハンドブック



  20. 地震防災の辞典


    朝倉書店 2000年

  21. 海岸施設設計便覧



  22. 流れの科学-生物から宇宙まで-

    社, 日本機械学会編


  23. 地震の科学



  24. 阪神・淡路大震災と地震の予測



  25. Tsunamis: 1992-94, their generation, dynamics, and hazards

    K.Satake, F.Imamura


  26. 自然災害と防災



  27. 今だから知りたい東海地震



︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

講演・口頭発表等 41

  1. 仙台大会記念講演


    感情心理学会仙台大会 2013年5月12日

  2. Damage due to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, and utilization of computers for mitigation 国際会議


    7th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance(WSSP) 2013年3月12日

  3. One Year after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake 国際会議


    International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the Giant Earthquake 2012年3月3日

  4. 日本建築学会 津波の恐ろしさと人々の対応

    日本建築学会 2012年3月1日

  5. 創立30周年記念オープンフォーラム


    日本自然災害学 2011年11月18日

  6. Analysis of Tsunami and Disaster Control 国際会議

    2nd International VR Symposium 2008年11月18日

  7. 津波の発生と被害の実態

    消防庁 全国危険物安全大会 2007年6月4日

  8. 防災情報の課題とあり方

    FNN防災会議 2006年8月18日

  9. Global disaster- Lessons from the 2004 Sumatra earthquake and Indian ocean tsunami 国際会議

    14th International Symposium on National Land Development and Civil Engineering in Asia 2005年10月24日

  10. Tsunami disaster 国際会議

    APEC and Eqtap Seminar on earthquake and tsunami disaster reduction 2005年9月27日

  11. 津波や地震の破壊力の実態

    第32回海洋工学パネル 2005年7月27日

  12. インド洋大津波から学ぶ

    気象庁地震・津波フォーラム 2005年6月1日

  13. スマトラ沖地震とインド洋大津波

    地球惑星合同大会,アウトリーチ講演会 2005年5月22日

  14. Lessons from the 2004 Indian Ocena tsunami 国際会議

    Science and prevention of Tsunamis 2005年5月19日

  15. Predicting the damage ; tsunami risk assessment 国際会議

    International Coordination Meeting for the Development of a Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for the Indian Ocean within a global framework UNESCO/IOC 2005年3月3日

  16. 防災・危機管理の計算力学

    第54回理論応用力学講演会 2005年1月26日

  17. 来るべき大地震,津波に備えて

    第29回海洋開発シンポジウム 2004年7月7日

  18. 津波予測の今後

    海洋理工学会平成16年度春季シンポジウム 2004年5月13日

  19. 津波シミュレーションと被害予測 津波の人的被害は避けられる

    国立科学博物館,地震の科学シリーズ特別講演 2003年8月16日

  20. Tsunami research its state of arts 国際会議

    International Workshop on Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Kobe 2005 2003年1月17日

  21. Research for Tsunami Disaster reduction in Japan - Past, Present & Future 国際会議


  22. 津波について知っておくべきこと

    歴史地震研究会 2001年9月7日


    International Tsunami Symposium 2001年8月8日

  24. Coastal Engineering 国際会議

    12th APD-IAHR congress 2000年11月13日

  25. The 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake and tsunami 国際会議

    Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting 2000年6月27日

  26. Sedimentological and Numerical Analysis on Minoan Tsunami 国際会議

    1st Conference, Advances on Natural Hazards Mitigation, Experiences from Europe and Japan 1999年11月3日

  27. tsunami generation and seismotectonics 国際会議

    1999 IUGG International conference 1999年7月29日

  28. 津波の防災技術 国際会議

    南海トラフの巨大地震―次の南海地震にいかに備えるかー 1999年1月19日

  29. Special session of the 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake and tsunami 国際会議

    1998 AGU fall meeting 1998年12月6日

  30. Study on historical tsunamis caused by the volcanic eruptions in the Aegean sea 国際会議

    7th Int.Conference on Natural and Man-made hazards 1998 1998年5月20日

  31. 津波を可視化する

    災害を観る 1998年3月4日

  32. Tsunami session 国際会議

    29th IASPEI 1997年8月18日

  33. 津波の数値シミュレーションと可視化技術

    第一回環境流体シンポジュウム 1996年7月29日

  34. Utilization of numerical simulation to mitigate tsunami disaster 国際会議

    Tsunami modeling and its application for coastal zone development 1995年11月27日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    (プロシーディング) Proc. of Workshop Tsunami 1995

  35. Utilization of numerical simulation to mitigate tsunami disaster 国際会議

    Tsunami Modeling and its application for Coastal Zone development 1995年11月27日

  36. Review of tsunami simulation with a finite difference method 国際会議

    Int. Long Wave Runup Workshop 1995年9月12日

  37. The 1883 tsunami in Sunda stait and its generation in the future 国際会議

    Seminar on Disaster Mitigation for Sunda Starits 1995年4月11日

  38. Tsunamis: Generation, propagation and mitigation 国際会議

    19th annual convention of Indonesia Association of Geophysics 1994年10月11日

  39. Tsunami generation and propagation 国際会議

    International Tsunami Symposium 1993年8月23日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    (プロシーディング) TSUNAMI '93 1993

  40. Numerical simulation for currents and sedimentation due to Tsunami 国際会議

    Annual meeting of Korea Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineering 1992年8月15日

  41. 津波の数値予報

    気象講演会、気象庁 1992年2月4日

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 47

  1. 避難行動に関する研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Contract Research

    1993年4月 ~ 継続中

  2. 巨大津波後の長期的地形変化を考慮した沿岸防災機能強化

    今村 文彦, サッパシー アナワット, 後藤 和久, 小岩 直人, 原口 強

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2017年4月1日 ~ 2022年3月31日

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  3. 東日本大震災における復興の総合的研究―まちの復興、生活の再建、生業の復活を中心に

    五百籏頭 真, 御厨 貴, 廣田 純一, 牧原 出, 佐藤 翔輔, 林 昌宏, 今村 文彦, 砂原 庸介, 手塚 洋輔, 楠 綾子, 井内 加奈子, 丹波 史紀, 村井 良太, 井上 正也, 室崎 益輝, 飯尾 潤

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute

    2016年4月1日 ~ 2019年3月31日

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    本研究では東日本大震災の復旧・復興プロセスを総合的に検証し、今後の災害における「創造的復興」の実現に向けた知見を示し、政策提言を行った。 我が国の復興思想の変遷と地震津波のメカニズムを踏まえた上で、被災・復興類型を行い、住まい・まち、生業と雇用、学校教育・子育て環境、原子力災害、人と資金の制度、記憶と伝承の各分野の施策について考察を行った。その結果を「防災・減災を基盤とした復興思想」、「被災特性に応じた復興政策」、「住民による自律的復興と復興政策の役割」、「復興政策を展開する市町村の能力強化、「国や県による被災市町村への支援」、「次なる災害に向けての記憶と伝承」の6テーマ、43の提言を行った。

  4. 南海トラフ広域地震防災研究プロジェクト 競争的資金

    制度名:The Other Research Programs

    2014年4月 ~ 2019年3月

  5. デリバリーサイエンスにより転換する児童を通して拡散させる減災社会システムデザイン

    保田 真理, 今村 文彦, 邑本 俊亮, サッパシー アナワット, 野内 類

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2015年4月1日 ~ 2018年3月31日

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    防災教育の効果が児童から家庭にまで広く波及するために、従来の手法から、災害事象を自然災害科学の視点から紐解き、サイエンスデリバリーの形式で紹介する出前授業の形を確立した。この出前授業は3部で構成されている。1部は座学で学習する。2部は実際に災害が起こり、自分がその現場にいたらどのように行動するのかを考える補助ツールを用いたゲームを数人のグループで体験させる。3部では体験したゲームの結果をグループ内でディスカッションし発表した。 このプログラム実施の前後と約1ヶ月後に質問紙による調査を実施したところ、児童の減災意識が向上し、家族と家庭で話し合い減災への対策を多くの児童が実施したことがわかった。

  6. 「次世代スーパーコンピュータ戦略プログラム」分野3 防災・減災に資する地球変動予測 「地震・津波の予測精度の高度化に関する研究」 競争的資金

    制度名:The Other Research Programs

    2012年4月 ~ 2018年3月

  7. 学際連携による三陸地方の古地震・古津波の実態解明

    今村 文彦, 後藤 和久, 遠田 晋次, 菅原 大助, 石村 大輔, 丹羽 雄一

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2014年4月1日 ~ 2017年3月31日

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  8. 大域的津波伝搬解析から防災に資する局所情報を抽出するマルチスケール津波遡上解析

    浅井 光輝, 笠間 清伸, 一色 正晴, 伊津野 和行, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Kyushu University

    2014年4月1日 ~ 2017年3月31日

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  9. 「国難」となる最悪の被災シナリオと減災対策

    河田 恵昭, 岡 二三生, 片田 敏孝, 福和 伸夫, 田村 圭子, 鈴木 進吾, 今村 文彦, 目黒 公郎, 牧 紀男, 浦川 豪, 中林 一樹, 永松 伸吾, 高橋 智幸

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

    研究機関:Kansai University

    2012年5月31日 ~ 2017年3月31日

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  10. 津波による重力流の発生機構と堆積作用の解明

    箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2011年4月1日 ~ 2014年3月31日

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  11. ミレニアム津波ハザードの総合的リスクと被災後の回復過程の評価

    今村 文彦, 後藤 和久, 松本 秀明, 越村 俊一, 牧 紀男, 高橋 智幸, 小岩 直人, 菅原 大助, 都司 嘉宣, 都司 喜宣

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2010年4月1日 ~ 2014年3月31日

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    千年に一度程度発生する低頻度巨大津波災害であるミレニアム津波ハザードの事例を取り挙げ,災害史学から明らかにされる史実に加え,地質学・堆積学・地形学・地震学など科学的な手法に基づいて補完することで,沖縄および東北地方でのミレニアム津波ハザード評価を検討した.まず,八重山諸島において津波で打ち上がったサンゴ化石(津波石)の分布調査および解析により,1771年明和津波に加え,850,1100 yrBPの2期存在する可能性が示された.さらに,仙台平野でも学際的な調査を行い,869年貞観地震津波に加え,1260や2050yrBPされた.2011年東日本大震災で得られた津波被害関数などの検討も実施した.

  12. 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震に関する総合調査

    篠原 雅尚, 藤本 博己, 金田 義行, 小平 秀一, 平田 賢治, 村井 芳夫, 植平 賢司, 八木原 寛, 佐竹 健治, 谷岡 勇市郎, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 纐纈 一起, 堀 宗朗, 安田 進, 源栄 正人, 小長井 一男, 佐藤 愼司, 風間 基樹, 境 有紀, 日野 亮太, 佐藤 利典, 塩原 肇, 石山 達也, 岡村 眞, 都司 嘉宣, 中原 恒, 本多 亮, 浅野 公之, 高橋 良和, 後藤 浩之, 盛川 仁

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究機関:The University of Tokyo

    2011年 ~ 2011年

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  13. 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震に関する総合調査

    篠原 雅尚, 村井 芳夫, 藤本 博己, 日野 亮太, 佐藤 利典, 平田 直, 小原 一成, 塩原 肇, 飯尾 能久, 植平 賢司, 宮町 宏樹, 金田 義行, 小平 秀一, 松澤 暢, 岡田 知己, 八木 勇治, 纐纈 一起, 山中 佳子, 平原 和朗, 谷岡 勇市郎, 今村 文彦, 佐竹 健治, 田中 淳, 高橋 智幸, 岡村 眞, 安田 進, 壁谷澤 寿海, 堀 宗朗, 平田 賢治, 都司 嘉宣, 高橋 良和, 後藤 浩之, 盛川 仁

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究機関:The University of Tokyo

    2010年 ~ 2010年

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  14. 津波の引き波による堆積作用の解明と古津波検出法の確立

    箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦, 後藤 和久

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2008年 ~ 2010年

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    砂の堆積現象が最も広範囲に現われた869年貞観仙台沖地震津波による堆積物運搬の様式を粒度組成及び堆積相から類推し, 津波による流れの水理学的実体を理解するための初期条件を求める堆積学的検討を行った。砂層の明瞭な陸側細粒化現象が検出され、この現象は堆積物の移動と集積を試行する水槽実験装置の再現結果と調和しており, 溯上津波のエネルギー散逸を反映する重要な基準として扱い得る可能性が明らかとなった。

  15. 2004年インド洋大津波の被害実態を考慮した新しい津波工学の展開

    今村 文彦, 箕浦 幸治, 宮城 豊彦, 松本 秀明, 越村 俊一, 牧 紀男, 高橋 智幸, 後藤 和久, 小岩 直人, 菅原 大助, 柳沢 英明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2006年 ~ 2009年

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  16. 貞観地震による津波災害の定量的評価

    箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦, 今泉 俊文

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2005年 ~ 2007年

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  17. 火山爆発にともなう地表現象に対する新研究手法の開発と適用

    谷口 宏充, 今村 文彦, 佐宗 章弘, 後藤 章夫, 山田 功夫, 齋藤 務, 大島 弘光

    2002年 ~ 2006年

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  18. 災害情報による認知・学習機能と避難行動に関する基礎研究

    今村 文彦, 片田 敏孝, 牛山 素行, 越村 俊一

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2003年 ~ 2005年

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  19. 津波・高潮・洪水氾濫の複合ハザードマップ

    河田 惠昭, 片田 敏孝, 今村 文彦, 滝川 清

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


    2003年 ~ 2005年

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  20. 大規模水害に対する都市の危機管理のための総合シナリオ・シミュレータの開発

    片田 敏孝, 真野 明, 今村 文彦, 賤田 純作, 越村 俊一

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Gunma University

    2003年 ~ 2005年

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    本研究では、洪水氾濫解析、災害情報伝達、避難行動の3つのサブモデルが連動することによって機能する災害総合シナリオシミュレータの開発を目指した。上記のサブ・モデルは、GISをベースとしたシミュレーションシステムでその入力情報を管理すると同時に、計算結果もGISに格納し連携させることで、サブ・システム間のデータ受け渡しや計算結果のビジュアル化を実現している。 都市施設や土地利用にシナリオ想定を可能にした市街地洪水氾濫解析システムの構築については、東海豪雨解析システム構築のための基礎情報の収集を行う一方で、関連する基礎技術を開発するためレーダーアメダスを用いた流出解析技術の開発や破堤氾濫の大きな要因となるパイピングの発達過程の検討を行った。また、洪水氾濫流と家屋被害の関係構造について、平成16年新潟豪雨災害を事例として検討を行った。 情報収集・伝達体制と住民の情報伝達行動にシナリオ想定を可能にした情報伝達解析システムの構築については、台風の接近過程での住民や行政の情報取得実態、利用実態を明らかにし、それらの行動について形成メカニズムを明らかにした。また、住民の情報取得実態、利用実態については、新潟豪雨災害を事例として、流域認識とそれによるリスク認知との関係を明らかにした。 洪水氾濫,情報伝達と連動した避難行動シミュレーション・システムの構築については、その前提として必要になる避難意思決定を中心に研究を遂行し、プロトタイプの意思決定モデルの構築を行った。 災害シナリオシミュレータは、従来の研究で蓄積を有していた津波災害を対象に先行的に開発し、それを河川洪水について適用を試みた。また、システム開発に際しては、データフォーマットや計算処理の効率化、住民の対応行動についての調査結果の反映を図った。

  21. 遠地津波の特性を考慮した津波予報の抜本的改良

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 越村 俊一

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Iwate Prefectural Uriversity

    2002年 ~ 2004年

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    大洋を伝播して沿岸部に来襲する遠地津波の予報精度向上を目指し,本研究グループは,(1)外洋から大陸棚に入射した遠地津波の多重反射と津波エネルギーの捕捉・減衰特性の解明,(2)リアルタイム観測情報を用いた津波波源域の推定,(3)津波伝播途上における波数分散効果の解明の3点について,研究を行った. (1)では,外洋から陸棚斜面に入射した津波の伝播・減衰特性を理論的に解析した.岸沖方向に有限な陸棚斜面を想定し,沖合からの任意の入射波形に対する斜面上の津波伝播を表す理論解を求め,さまざまな入射条件において得られた理論解を整理し,特に斜面上における津波の多重反射現象に着目し,津波の捕捉・増幅・減衰特性に関する知見を得た. (2)では,従来からの地震波解析から得られる震源過程の情報に加えて,観測される津波の波形から津波波源域の空間的な諸量をリアルタイムで推定する手法を開発した.地震波解析から即時的に得られる震源要素は,震央位置,震源深さ,マグニチュード,メカニズム解である.これらの情報に加え,津波の解析を行うためには断層面の空間的な広がりを知る必要があった.従来までは余震観測により断層面の空間スケールを決定していたが,これでは津波の量的な予報には間に合わない.断層の空間スケールが発生する津波の波形に反映されることに着目し,津波の観測波形から断層面の幅と長さをリアルタイムで推定することにより,最大でも20%以内の誤差で波源推定が可能であることを示した. (3)では,特に遠地津波の予測に重要な波数分散効果を,津波発生域から遡上までのすべての伝播過程において評価できる数値モデルを開発し,日本海中部地震津波の再現を試みた結果,従来では困難であったソリトン分裂による津波増幅を良好に再現できることが分かった.

  22. 津波による物質移動過程の堆積学的研究

    箕浦 幸治, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2001年 ~ 2003年

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    これまでの内外の津波痕跡研究では,堆積層の発見と年代推定に注目されてきた。しかし,津波による物質の移動機構に関しては多くが不明であり,科学的な説明は得られていない。また,平野を埋め立てる広範な砂の堆積や丘陵をなす膨大な土砂の集積に関しても,具体的な解釈は与えられていない。本研究では,物質の移動機構に注目し,運搬される物質をミクロ的(粒子表面観察,粒子形状測定,粒度測定)及びマクロ的(堆積相解析,水槽実験,数値実験)に検討し,津波による物質運搬メカニズムの学際的な解明を試みている。砂の堆積現象が最も広範囲に現われた869年貞観仙台沖地震津波による堆積物運搬の様式を粒度組成及び堆積相から類推し,津波による流れの水理学的実体を解明する目的で,堆積物に含まれる石英粒子表面の削打痕の観察を進めてきた。一方で,水槽実験により分級現象と削打現象を再現し,堆積情報と媒質流体の速度と密度の関係の数値的な対応を試みた。これらの堆積学的・水理学的結果に基づき数値実験を行った結果,堆積物運搬の現象が次第に明らかになりつつある。 申請設備備品であるレーザー超深度形状測定顕微鏡装置による粒子形状解析結果からは,堆積層の厚さが擦痕の形状(深度及び規模)と対応関係にある事実が見出された。堆積物の移動と集積を試行実験する水槽実験装置の結果では,堆積層の厚さが水流の規模を反映している。従って,削打痕の形状から,津波の規模と土砂運搬の運動学的特性を明らかにした。

  23. アジア諸国における海岸ネットワークの構築と海岸工学上の諸問題の整理

    喜岡 渉, 岡安 章夫, 柴山 知也, 今村 文彦, 浅野 敏之, 山下 隆男

    2002年 ~ 2002年

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    本企画調査では,アジア諸国の連携を目指したアジア太平洋ネットワークおよび国際的組織を短期間で構築し,国際ネットワークへ発展させるための基盤作りを進めるとともに,アジア諸国の海岸工学上の諸問題を掘り起こし,多国間での研究が必要な課題の抽出を行った.研究成果は以下のように要約される. 1.キーパンスンの選出と各国ネットワークとの連携 (1)イランのKNT工科大学および港湾海運庁,スリランカのルフナ大学工学部,モラトワ大学工学部およびペラデニヤ大学工学部を訪問し,今後の日本(土木学会海岸工学委員会)とのネットワークを確立するために,研究者情報交換を活発に行うことで合意した.(2)インドネシアのハサヌディン大学およびジャカルタ市の海務・水産省を調査し,東南アジアの海岸資源の有効利用,総合管理を進展させるための支援機関として,「インドネシア海岸管理研究センター」の設立計画を進めることとなった.(3)トルコの中東工科大学を尋ね,ネットワーク作成のための意見交換を行った.(4)中国,韓国,台湾については,それぞれの国のネットワークと連携していくことについて合意を得た. 2.海岸工学上の諸問題の整理 (1)イランにおいては,カスピ海は河川からの流入量が増加した結果,水位が上昇しており,侵食対策が必要である.(2)スリランカでは,南西部海岸においては波浪による海岸侵食が顕在化しており,南部地域においては活発な沿岸漂砂により一部堆砂が著しい漁港があった.(3)韓国,成均館大学(水原市)と関東大学(襄陽市)を調査し,韓国海岸海洋学会との共同研究,共同事業等の連携,韓国東海岸の海浜保全に関する日本の海岸工学研究者の支援,共同研究体制を進めることになった.(4)インドネシア全国レベル,島嶼レベルおよび地域レベルの研究プロジェクトに関して支援することになった.(5)トルコにおいては,漂砂・海岸侵食,湾内汚染・環境問題,沿岸・海洋構造物などが問題となっており,津波に関する被害・メカニズム調査の報告もあった.

  24. 近地津波の早期検知手法の開発

    大町 達夫, 平石 哲也, 岩崎 伸一, 今村 文彦, 山田 伸之, 築山 洋

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tokyo Institute of Technology

    2001年 ~ 2002年

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    本研究は,地震発生から短時間で津波が来襲する近地津波を早期に検知する手法を開発することを目的としている.そのために,津波の発生要因を検討すると同時に,津波に比べ格段に早く伝播するレイリー波やそれによって励起される海面変動(以後,津波先行波と呼ぶ)を積極的に利用する方法を検討した.これまでの研究成果として以下のことが挙げられる. 1.動的津波解析によるレイリー波・津波先行波・津波の相互関係の解明 研究代表者らが開発した動的津波解析手法を用いて,断層運動による時々刻々の地盤変位を流体底部に与えることで津波を発生させ,支配方程式にナビエ・ストークス方程式を用いた厳密解法で津波伝播解析を行った.この解析を用いてレイリー波・津波先行波・津波の相互関係を求めた. 2.レイリー波・津波先行波の伝播特性 断層運動を考慮した津波解析の結果からレイリー波・津波先行波の振幅が断層正面,特に断層の破壊伝播方向で大きくなることが推察された.そこで,実際の現象と比較し本推察の妥当性を検証するため,1993年北海道南西沖地震津波の検潮記録や1999年台湾集集地震時に観測された多数の地震記録を用いてレイリー波・津波先行波の振幅の大きさや伝播方向を調べるとともに動的解析結果との比較を行い,上記の推察は妥当であることを確認した. 3.ネスティングとVOF法を用いた津波の遡上解析 本動的解析手法の流体解析にはSOLA-SURF法[C.W.Hirt他,1975]が用いられてきたが,手法上の制約から流体端部は鉛直壁のみの扱いであった.そこで,SOLA-SURF法を発展させたVOF法[B.D.Nichols,1980]を導入し,さらにネスティング手法と組み合わせることで端部鉛直壁の制約を取り払い,津波の発生・伝播・遡上解析を統一的に扱えるようにした.

  25. 堆積学的手法による地滑り津波の発生機構の解明

    今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 箕浦 幸治

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2000年 ~ 2002年

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    本研究では、地滑り津波の発生機構の解明および解析手法の確立を目的とし、非地震性津波の発生する可能性のある地域を評価する手法を提案することを目指している。今年は、現地調査、水理実験、数値モデルの開発を行ったので、異化に実績を報告する。まず、現地調査の対象地域は地中海沿岸であり、ここでは非地震性津波の多くがエーゲ海を中心とし歴史的なイベントが多い。昨年の1999年トルコ・イズミットおよびマーマラ海での調査に引き続き、トルコ共和国エーゲ海沿岸での調査を実施した。ダラマンにおいては、津波の堆積物を発見し、3層構造、各層の中にも2から3の異なる構造を持つことが分かった。これは、地震による液状化、津波の数波の来襲を示唆している。 その他の地域では、津波による堆積物を確認することは出来なかった。次に地滑り津波発生モデルの基礎検討として、地滑りが流下し水表面に突入し、津波を発生する状況の水理実験も実施し、既存のモデルとの比較を継続して実施した。斜面角度、底面粗度、乾湿状態などを変化させ、土石流の流下状況と津波の発生過程を観測し、モデル化を行った。 実験で明らかになった点として、押し波に続く引き波の存在があり、これは土砂の先端波形勾配に最も関係していることが分かった。さらに2層流のモデルの適用性を検討し、抵抗のモデル化(底面摩擦、拡散項、界面抵抗)をさらに改良した。最後に移動床の水理実験も同時に実施しており、陸上部に堆積する土砂のトラップ条件と水理量との比較検討を行った。 津波の遡上後、引き波で砂が戻る前に、トラップ装置を落下させ、砂の移動がないように工夫し、陸上部において、詳細に体積量を測定することが出来た。流速の積分値と堆積量がもっとも関係あることが分かった。

  26. 貞観津波と低剛性地殻破壊による巨大地震津波の再来周期

    箕浦 幸治, 今村 文彦

    2000年 ~ 2001年

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    東北日本の近海で発生する大規模な津波は,主に沈み込み領域で起きる大地震により引き起こされると考えられている.一般的な地震とは異なり,数100年間隔で発生する大地震は,空間的に広大な広がりを持つ地殻破壊により起きると考えられる.歴史資料を紐解くと,津波をともなう大地震は周期的に発生している可能性が強く示唆される.更に,東北日本弧の日本海側と太平洋側では,歴史的に巨大規模津波の発生周期が大きく異なっている可能性がみえてきた.本研究では,青森県の日本海沿岸と宮城県の太平洋沿岸で巨大津波の発生周期を歴史的・地史的に明らかにし,両地域の島弧地殻構造の違いを考察した.巨大規模津波の発生周期を実際に求める試みは世界的に例が無く,またこの周期現象に基づき島弧地殻の構造と成り立ちを評価する試みは,非常にユニークであると言える. 本研究の目的は,東北日本太平洋沿岸の各地域で,巨大地震津波の再来周期を歴史的・地史的に明らかにすることである.研究費交付の初年度(平成12年度)には,歴史記録を再検討し,併せて,保存されている堆積物試料から地震津波痕跡を堆積学的及び水理工学的に検討した.数値的津波評価には,申請者らにより開発された計算プログラムを使用した.実際の計算は申請備品であるコンピューターを用いて行ない,データの集積と解析も併せて本備品を用いた.2年度(平成13年度)も同様の作業を行い,正確な大地震津波の再来周期を求め,これに基づき東北日本弧の地殻構造の成り立ちを日本海側と太平洋側で比較検討を試みた.巨大地震の再来周期を求める試みは極めてユニークで,これに基づく地殻構造の評価は非常に独創的であると考えられる.地震津波の再来に関する周期性が求まれば地震・津波災害への備えが得られ,島弧地殻のレオロジカルな特性がこれまでと異質の情報源から評価されることにより,東北日本地殻構造の成り立ちの理解に立って太平洋沿岸域の地震構造の解明も期待できる. 本研究の成果を平成13年トルコ・イスタンブールで開催されたNatural Hazards Mitigation国際ワークショップで発表し,災害科学関係者の注目を得た.

  27. 次世代レーザー津波計測ネットワークシステムの開発研究

    伊藤 弘昌, 日野 亮太, 今村 文彦, 中村 孝一郎, 原 武文, 土橋 孝治

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1999年 ~ 2001年

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    本研究では光学式海底津波計のための周波数シフト帰還型ファイバレーザを光源とした光学式水圧計を開発した.これは光ファイバセンサの光学長の水圧による変化を光周波数領域リフレクトメトリ技術を用いて高精度に計測するものである.センサはアルミニウム合金製のボビンに長さ870mの分散シフトファイバを巻線したもので,水圧感度-2.34 10^<-11>/Paが得られた.周波数シフト帰還型ファイバレーザは波長1.55μmで発振し,距離計測精度は10-<-9>であった.本システムの水圧計測精度は62Paを達成できた.これは水位変化に換算すると6.2mmとなり,津波警報に十分な計測精度であった. また逆伝播手法解析により面的広がりのある津波波源の推定を行った.これは2つの海底津波計それぞれについて津波の第一波の最高水位点およびゼロクロス点に対する波峰線を描き,その交点を波源域として推定するものである.今回,環太平洋を対象とした津波ネットワークについてシミュレーションした結果,ハワイ諸島周辺沖合に海底津波計を追加することにより20%以内の誤差で波源を推定できることが判った. わが国沿岸ではたびたび津波によって人命が奪われ、甚大な物的被害を被っている。津波による被害軽減には,確実な情報をいち早く提供することが必要不可欠であり,そのようなシステムが待ち望まれている.周波数シフト帰還型レーザーを光源とするレーザー水圧計は,その多重化によりリアルタイム多点計測が可能であり,本研究成果にもとづいた広域の海底津波計による計測ネットワークが実現されれば,津波数値シミュレーションによって津波の規模・到達予定時刻を正確に把握し,正確な津波警報を発令することができる.そして津波による被害を最小限にとどめることが可能になるものと期待される.

  28. 断層運動に伴う動的地盤変位を考慮した高精度津波解析

    大町 達夫, 築山 洋, 岩崎 伸一, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).

    研究機関:Tokyo Institute of Technology

    1999年 ~ 2000年

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    本研究では、津波解析手法(動的解析手法と呼称)の精度を信頼性の高い観測データを使用して検証するとともに、水圧観測記録から津波成分を抽出する方法を考案した。まず、動的解析によって津波シミュレーションを行い、海底での水圧を計算した。続いて、東京大学、東北大学より提供された三陸沖の海底津波計データの記録には短周期成分が多く含まれることから、フィルタリングに適した周期を水深ごとに求めて短周期成分を除去し津波成分だけを鮮明に抽出し、解析結果と比較した。その結果、津波の到達時刻と振幅は両者でよく一致すること、実記録には動的解析で得られた津波に先行する海面変動も観測されていることなどを確認し、動的解析が十分な精度を有することを確認した。 次に、不整形な海底地形を考慮できるように解析プログラムを改良し、奥尻島周辺の240km×360kmの領域の数値モデルを作成して、1993年北海道南西沖地震の三次元津波シミュレーションを行った。シミュレーションでは地震学的に推定された断層モデルと破壊過程を採用した。解析結果は、津波第1波の到達時刻は北海道の大成町から岩内町に至る沿岸の多数地点で目撃された時刻とほぼ符合した。また、江差港と岩内港で得られた検潮記録と比較すると、波高に関しては数値モデルと実際の水深の違いを考慮して補正すれば比較的よく再現できるものの、到達時刻には有意差が認められ、今後の課題が明らかになった。

  29. 津波による土砂堆積過程の解明とモデル化

    今村 文彦, MOORE A. L.

    1999年 ~ 2000年

  30. 都市巨大地震災害の社会科学的研究

    林 春男, 宮野 道雄, 田中 哮義, 河田 惠昭, 今村 文彦, 立木 茂雄

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).


    1998年 ~ 2000年

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    昨年度から本格的に推進してきた米国空軍の気象衛星DMSP/OLSの夜間可視画像データを用いた被災地の早期推定システムのプロトタイプの開発を完了した. 被災地の早期推定システムは、1999年8月17日に発生したトルコマルマラ地震災害に際して、地震発生前後の2日間の夜間可視画像を比較し、地震発生後に有意な光量の低下が見られた地域を地震による被災地と判定することに成功した.その後の見地踏査でも、判定結果と実被害との間に高い一致が見られ、推定の妥当性が検証された.その後、1999年9月21日に発生した台湾集集地震に関しても、同様な推計を行ったが、地震発生当日に台湾を襲った台風の雲の影響によって、連続した2日間に見られる優位な光量の差にもとづいて正確な推定を行うことができなかった. 本年度の研究は、雲、月齢、ジオリファレンスの誤差といった地震以外の要因による光量への影響を排除する手法の開発、および災害発生から推定結果をインターネットを通じて世界に発信するまでの所要時間の短縮という2つの目標の達成をめざした.前者については多数日の観測結果を用いて偶然誤差を極小化することによって、上記の諸要因の影響を取り除いた比較画像を用いることで、できるだけ正確な推定を行う手法を開発した.また、推定に要する時間関しては、トルコ地震の3週間から、2001年1月27日に発生したインド・グジャラ地震の場合には、地震発生から24時間以内に推定結果をインターネットで配信するに至った. 今後の課題は、推定の自動化システムの開発である.

  31. 津波による物質移動と環境改変の解明

    箕浦 幸治, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).


    1998年 ~ 2000年

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    本研究では,海岸域に劇的な堆積作用の効果をもたらす津波に関して,物質運搬と環境改変の現象をより精密且つ高精度に理解すべく,理学と工学の立場から検討する試みを企てた.国内ではこれら両現象が最も顕著に現われた仙台(貞観三陸津波)と南伊豆(天保駿河湾津波)でトレンチ掘削を含めた野外調査を行い,津波堆積物の存在を確認すると伴に,それらが放射性炭素年代的に両歴史津波に一致することが確認できた.津波堆積物の分布と堆積相を把握し,当時の海岸を埋め立てた物質の起源と運搬様式を堆積学的に検討した.含まれる化石と堆積物粒子組成から津波堆積物の起源が地球科学的に特定でき,購入設備備品である粒度分析装置を用いた粒径分布解析により,堆積物の運搬様式が明確に理解された.これらの堆積学的知識と測地情報を初期条件として,計算機シュミレーションを行っており,両歴史津波の地球科学的実態の解明を通して津波による破局的運搬堆積作用が明らかになった.一連の成果は,今後予測される津波溯上域の具体的被害評価を可能ならしめるばかりでなく,現海岸とその後背平野の成立過程を理論的に理解する基準を与えたと結論される. 日本に於ける津波堆積物の解析と並行して,堆積学的・水理学的見地から,3500年前にエーゲ海で発生した歴史津波の検証を行ってきた.現地調査で津波発生の痕跡を認め,化石に含まれる微量の放射性炭素(^<14>C)を名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センターの加速器質量分析装置(AMS)を用いて年代測定を行い,津波の歴史年代と堆積年代に極めて良い一致をみた.エーゲ海に面する西トルコ海岸での堆積学的な津波溯上の推定が,計算機シュミレーションの結果と非常に調和的であった. 本研究の成果を,外国旅費を利用して箕浦が平成10年度全米地球物理学会秋季大会(12月6-10日)に出席して報告し,今村は平成11年ギリシア・アテネで開催されたNatural Hazards Mitigation国際ワークショップで発表した.発表の場で共に好評を得る一方,平成12年1月にGEOLOGY誌に研究結果が掲載され,地中海地域をフィールドとする災害・考古学関係者の注目を得ている.

  32. 危険認識における知覚機能の役割と仮想現実感システムへの応用

    今村 文彦, 平石 哲也

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1998年 ~ 2000年

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  33. 水災害に関する防災技術 競争的資金

    制度名:Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Program

    1989年3月 ~ 1999年3月

  34. 津波災害の地域性と変貌に関する総合的研究

    首藤 伸夫, 松富 英夫, 河田 恵昭, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 都司 嘉宣, ORTIZ Modest, MEYER Hnsjur, PAPADOPOULOS, YALCINER A.C, HEINRICH Phi, TINTI Stefan, PELINOVSKY E, GUSIAKOV V.K, 後藤 智明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).


    1998年 ~ 1999年

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  35. 1998年パプアニューギニアの北西部沿岸域の津波災害に関する調査研究

    河田 恵昭, 松冨 英夫, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦, 松山 昌史, 都司 嘉宣

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


    1998年 ~ 1998年

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    1998年7月17日,パプアニューギニアの西Sepik州沖でマグニチュード7の地震が発生し,それに伴う津波が同州のAittape付近へ来襲した.この津波の沿岸部での高さは10mを越え,死者2,500名にもおよぶ大被害をもたらした.地震規模を考えると異常な巨大津波であり,津波地震と推定された.そこで,被災後まもなく,津波災害の実態解明のための現地調査を実施した. 7月31日にはパプアニユーギニアヘ入国して情報収集を行い,同国研究者と打ち合わせ後,被災地へ移動した.被災地への陸路は断たれていたため,ヘリコプターやボートで移動し,レーザー距離計やGPSを用いて徒歩での調査を行った.調査後,災害対策本部の依頼により,復興支援を目的として,津波災害についての講演を被災者に対して行った.また,現地の研究者との研究会を催し,調査結果を全て公開すると同時に,今後の研究の展開についての議論を行った. 津波高分布はSissanoラグーン付近で最も高く,そこから遠ざかるにしたがい低くなる傾向を示している.さらに5mを越えいている範囲は約20kmで,10mを越えいている範囲にいたってはわずか10km程度である.すなわち,極めて局所的に大きな津波が来襲していることが判明した. 津波に流された生存者の証言なども加味すると津波は次の様な挙動を示したと推定される.砂州上ではフルード数1の限界流が出現し,さらに砂州背後のラグーン側に落ち込み縮流してフルード数が1以上となり,射流としてラグーンを横断した.そして,非定常流の波状跳水の形で対岸のジャングルまで及んだ.第1波の津波で水位が上昇したラグーンでは,開口部から急流となって海側に流出したが,これが第2波に対して逆流となったために,この開口部付近で津波が高くなったと思われる.調査結果でも,開口部周辺では,津波の高さが12mを越えている.

  36. エーゲ海における古代文明滅亡に影響した歴史津波の科学的検証

    今村 文彦, PAPADOPOULOS G.V., YALCINER A.C, 高橋 智幸, 箕浦 幸治, 首藤 伸夫, PAPADOPOULOS ジー ブイ

    1997年 ~ 1998年

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  37. 津波による大規模土砂移動の解析と評価方法の開発

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦, 高橋 智幸, 田中 仁, 箕浦 幸治

    1996年 ~ 1998年

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  38. 堆積学的アプローチによる歴史津波の検証手法の開発

    首藤 伸夫, SHI S., DAWSON A.G., 箕浦 幸治, 高橋 智幸, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1994年 ~ 1996年

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    従来より津波災害のアセスメントを行うとき,その発生頻度を推定することはきわめて重要であるが、既存の歴史資料はその年代の限界と確実性において問題が残される。また、ほとんどの場合に、来襲中の挙動や形態などの詳細な情報はない。その中、津波堆積層は陸上に残された津波石と共に,文献には残されていない歴史津波をも推定できる可能性を示している。地学的アプローチと数値計算技術を融合させ、その発生頻度及び規模や特徴を推定する手法の開発が、本研究の目的である。 インドネシアでの最近発生した津波(1992年フローレス、1994年東ジャワ)を対象に、現地での調査と数値計算を実施し、津波による堆積作用の過程を詳細に検討した。特に、1992年インドネシア・フローレス島地震津波の際には、来襲方向および運動エネルギーの異なる二波がBabi島南西部沿岸を襲ったことが、堆積相および粒子径組成の解析結果から判別した。また、沿岸から230m付近まで軟体動物殻分布を含む石灰砂の急激な堆積が見られ、南西方向からの進入が推定できた。これらは、非線形浅水理論のモデルによる数値計算により再現されており、調査結果の有効性を示している。従来、津波の来襲方向は、1つの方向に仮定し、流体エネルギーや物質の運搬・堆積作用を議論されていたが、本研究により、この問題点が指摘され、今度の解析手法の発展につながるものと期待される。 さらに、地質学的手法を用いて、トルコ及びギリシアのエ-ゲ海沿岸部における津波痕跡の調査を行った。エ-ゲ海では地震が頻繁に発生しており、それに伴う津波は大きな被害を与えてきている。また現在、地震の空白域も指摘されており、津波の危険度は極めて高い。その結果、Dalamanで、3層の堆積層を発見した。特に、第2と3層の間には、液状化現象の後である噴砂を確認し、この堆積層が、地震に関連した津波であることが分かった。年代測定が難しいケースなどに対しては、このような液状化現象は、津波による堆積であることを特定するために重要になる。他の地域でも、堆積層が発見されており、本地域で津波の頻度が大きいことを裏付けている。エ-ゲ海では、地震だけでなく火山噴火による規模の規模の大きい津波も記録されており、津波数値モデルの新たな改良を行った。現在、サントリ-ニ島の噴火に適用され、カルデラ周辺での津波の伝播などの現象を把握出来た。

  39. 地震動を伴わない津波発生に関する研究

    首藤 伸夫, 三浦 哲, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)


    1993年 ~ 1994年

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    標準的には、津波は海底地震にともなって発生するものとされており、その初期波形を断層パラメーターに基づいて計算するのが現在の一般的な手法である。しかし、断層運動と海底地盤の変動の大小とに一定の関係が存在するという保証はない。 (1)2枚の断層からなる1983年の日本海中部地震では、断層運動から推定される津波と現実の津波の間に矛盾があった。その最大の難点は、現実の津波が深浦地点で約2分、能代辺りで約10分早く到達することである北断層では主断層と共役である方向に副断層の存在した可能性があり、これを考慮すると深浦への到達時間は説明できた。南断層では、通常の地震計では記録できない地盤変動が生じたとすると能代周辺の津波到達時間を説明できた。しかし、この時、何故この第1波が能代の検潮記録に記録されなかったかの疑問が残る。当時の写真から第1波のソリトン波列への発達が確認され、検潮所の水理特性により記録されないことが確認された。 (2)1992年のニカラグァ津波では、陸地で感じられた地震動が震度2(気象庁震度階)であった。津波発生のメカニズムを検討した結果、地震動を伴ってはいたが、津波地震とするのが適当であることが判った。 (3)1993年の北海道南西沖地震で発生した津波の内、北海道西岸を襲った津波第1波は、その襲来が早かった。断層位置から発生した津波は、現実の津波より5分ほど到達が遅い。断層と海岸の間で、地震とは直接関係の無い津波発生機構があった事が強く示唆された。 (4)地震動を伴わない津波発生の内、犠牲者3万人を越えると言われている1883年クラカトア島陥没による津波発生を再現した。発生箇所での急激な陥没を不安定を起こさずに計算できる手法を開発した。

  40. 災害情報の認知と避難 競争的資金

    制度名:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    1993年4月 ~

  41. 1992年ニカラグマにおける地震とその津波に関する調査研究

    阿部 邦昭, 飯尾 能久, 片尾 浩, 今村 文彦, 都司 嘉宣, 阿部 勝征

    1992年 ~ 1992年

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  42. 1992年インドネシア国フローレス島地震と,その津波に関する調査研究

    都司 嘉宣, 伯野 元彦, 渋谷 純一, 武尾 実, 今村 文彦, 河田 恵昭

    1992年 ~ 1992年

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  43. 津波波源の再検討-不均質断層運動の津波初期波形への影響-

    首藤 伸夫, 今村 文彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)


    1991年 ~ 1992年

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    津波発生原因の多くは地震による海底地殻変動に起因していると言われ、津波波源形状を地震より推定した断層モデルで与える方法が提案されてから、地震津波の再現計算に多くの成果が上げられている。しかし、この断層モデルは一様なすべり量をもつ単一もしくは2個程度の矩形断層で近似されており、大規模断層運動を説明するには不十分であることが最近指摘されている。そこで本研究では、まず、過去のイベントを例に不均質な効果が津波初期波形に及ぼす影響を把握し、従来の波源モデルでは説明できなかった津波挙動解明の基礎とした。特に証言や映像が数多く残っている1983年日本海中部地震津波を扱い、その実際の証言と数値モデルとの矛盾点を明らかにし、証言を説明できる新たな波源モデルを提案した。北断層には副断層を仮定し、南断層には非地震性の変位過程を設けた点に特徴がある。これは地震学で注目されているAseismic Eventの解明に貢献できるものである。また、不均質断層が津波波形に及ぼす影響を分散性や検潮記録分解能の点に注目して評価した。地震以外の原因による津波の発生として1883年クラカタウ噴火津波を例に、その発生機構を解明した。これは予想される最大規模の噴火による津波である。ここではカルデラ形成を仮定し、その発生時の数値振動除去や初期波形などの問題点を解決し、最も可能性のある発生メカニズムであることを示した。以上、いずれも現在の津波波源モデルの見直しとその改善方法を主眼としたものである。

  44. 流雪溝の設計方法

    佐々木 幹夫, 高橋 弘, 今村 文彦

    1991年 ~ 1992年

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    (1)流雪構および融雪溝の布設路線数・延長距離は年々増加傾向にある。青森県では年平均8箇所、約5kmの布設距離となっている。 (2)近年、融雪溝の設置が増大している。 (3)幅、底勾配の急変箇所、急曲部箇所数が年々増加傾向にある。特に、急曲部の箇所の増加が著しい。 (4)流雪溝や融雪溝の送雪能力よりもその能力に応じた運用方法の確立が重要となる。 (5)曲がりや勾配変化等は町域の形、流雪溝の配置形状、地形等によって定まり、どうしても避け難い状況にある。こうした弱点箇所が、全体の作業能率を落とさない為に、どの様に設計されなくてはならないかは極めて重要な問題となっている。 (6)現地調査により、構造的原因に関して流雪溝の閉塞状況を3箇所について把握し、勾配により閉塞箇所が異なることが示された。 (7)室内実験により、流雪溝屈曲部の閉塞の有無を雪塊の接近速度・硬さ・大きさの3項目により分類した。雪塊が屈曲部を通過するときに破壊される体積に着目し、雪塊の持つ運動エネルギとの関係から流雪溝屈曲部での閉塞条件を用いて、条件を1つにまとめることができた。連続して流れる雪塊を考え、その送雪能力を導きQ_W/Q_S≒4〜5であることを示した。 (8)流雪溝内の雪混じり流れをダイレタント性の流れとしてモデル化し、平均流速式を導いた。 (9)雪水二相流の流動現象についての観測をポリスチレン粒子を用いて行った結果、断面内の速度分布は水平方向にはほぼ一様となっているが、鉛直方向には大きく変化する分布となっていることが明らかとなった。

  45. 流雪溝の設計方法

    佐々木 幹夫, 高橋 弘, 今村 文彦

    1991年 ~ 1991年

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    1、北海道から北陸に至る7市2町をモデル都市として選定し,現行流雪溝の運用状況と問題点を整理した。青森県内の各市町村の流雪溝諸元(流量,水路勾配,幅,急変箇所数,運用状況)調査を実施し、現行流雪溝の特性を抽出した。この結果、利用条件が気象、水理,地形,街区都市化進行状況でまとめられることが明らかとなり,流雪溝の設計条件の分類をした。 2、水路屈折部の雪塊流動現象および停滞・閉塞現象を室内実験で観測し,水路屈曲部における雪塊流動機構を検討した。これにより、屈折部を有する流雪溝の送雪能力推定式を提案した。 3、雪水二相流管内流動の観測を室内実験により行った。その結果、以下の点が明らかとなった。(1)乱流による圧力変動は低速域では清水の圧力変動とほぼ同じであり,高速域では清水の圧力変動よりも小さくなる。(2)雪塊の代わりにポリスチレン粒子(比重0.97,1.04)を用いての流動観測により,低速域では上層に浮遊集積層、下層に、沈降集積層ができるためにエネルギ-損失は清水時よりも大きく,高速域では固体粒子が断面全体に広がるために清水時のエネルギ損失とほぼ同一となる。また、この観則により、管内混相流の固体粒子速度の分布形が解明された。 4、排雪限界と流雪溝の設計条件に関する検討の結果,街区の条件によっては、水路の高さが排雪限界量を決めてしまう場合があり,この点の設計条件を明確にする必要があることがわかった。 本研究の目的達成には、今後,(1)曲部・断面変化部の流雪能力の推定式およびその実験的検討,(2)雪水混相の乱流抵抗則,(3)直線部排雪限界と必要最低水深および雪塊投雪時の抵抗則を明らかにする必要がある。

  46. スペクトル法による非線形相互作用の解析に関する研究

    今村 文彦

    1991年 ~ 1991年

  47. 伊豆七島における島世界の民俗学・文化人類学的研究ー空間(海・島・山)と儀礼をめぐってー

    牛島 巌, 今村 文彦, 飯島 吉晴, 高桑 守, 佐野 賢治, 関 一敏, 宮本 袈裟雄, 北見 俊夫

    1987年 ~ 1989年

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    伊豆諸島の島世界に関する3か年の調査研究によって明かになったのは、次の諸点である。 まず、生業、儀礼、祭祀などに見られる民俗的対称性は、島修験や神官の関与を経ながら、七島を束として捉えうる島世界を形成してきた。それは、各島にある山を中心としたコスモロジ-を描いており、島全体の小世界である村落においても重層的に展開している。これは海上他界を設定する南西諸島のいわば「開かれた」島社会に対して、山中他界を設定する「閉じた」島社会としての性格を持つ。具体的には儀礼の執行者や村内の神仏、山と海への観念などに如実に表れている。 次に、生産の諸活動についての調査に際して、島のさまざまな場所に関する人々の意識が明かになった。それによって、民俗的世界の集落・境界・異界といった空間のカテゴリ-は、生産・社会・儀礼などの諸側面と深くかかわっていることが、具体的に判明した。いわば、「語られた」「記憶された」空間を提示できたと考える。例えば、生計活動を中心とした多岐にわたる空間での活動を反映して、不思議な場所に関する伝承が生み出されたり、歴史認識の差異が空間認識の異なった伝承として記憶されることなどが挙げられる。 さらにこれらの空間認識が、祭祀の構成を規定することによって、逆に空間に対する記憶を新たにしていく。 一方、伊豆諸島の民俗的世界の組み立てを超越するような存在として、海からの来訪神をめぐる儀礼の存在を指摘することができる。これらは南西諸島に卓越した神霊観とは明かに異なっている。 空間と儀礼の関係によって描き出される島世界の民俗的組み立ては、以上のように、伊豆諸島全般の民俗的対称性とともに、民俗文化間の「ずれ」をも示しているのである。

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

社会貢献活動 2

  1. 一般財団法人3.11震災伝承ロード推進機構代表理事

    2019年8月1日 ~ 継続中

  2. 国立歴史民俗博物館共同研究員

    2001年4月 ~ 2003年12月

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その他 3

  1. 連動性を考慮した強震動・津波予測及び地震・津波被害予測研究

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  2. 津波遡上解析手法の高度化

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  3. スマトラ島沖大地震及びインド洋津波被害に関する緊急調査研究

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