
ニシハラ ヒロトモ
西原 洋知
Hirotomo Nishihara
高等研究機構材料科学高等研究所 デバイス・システムグループ
  • 博士(工学)(京都大学)

  • 修士(工学)(京都大学)

経歴 7

  • 2020年4月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学 材料科学高等研究所 教授

  • 2011年8月 ~ 2020年3月
    東北大学 多元物質科学研究所 准教授

  • 2017年4月 ~ 2018年3月
    University of Calgary 客員教授

  • 2013年10月 ~ 2017年3月
    JST さきがけ 研究員(兼任)

  • 2016年9月 ~ 2016年9月
    Kasetsart University 特別招聘教授(兼任)

  • 2007年4月 ~ 2011年7月
    東北大学 多元物質科学研究所 助教

  • 2005年4月 ~ 2007年3月
    東北大学 多元物質科学研究所 助手

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学歴 2

  • 京都大学 工学研究科 化学工学専攻 博士後期課程修了

    ~ 2005年3月

  • 京都大学 工学部 工業化学科 卒業

    ~ 2000年3月

委員歴 21

  • 日本吸着学会 理事

    2023年4月 ~ 継続中

  • Carbon Research (Springer), Editorial Board

    2022年1月 ~ 継続中

  • New Carbon Materials (Elsevier), Editorial Board Member

    2021年9月 ~ 継続中

  • 炭素材料学会 副編集委員長

    2021年1月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会専門委員

    2020年12月 ~ 継続中

  • Energy Storage Materials誌 Editorial Board

    2019年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本吸着学会 運営委員

    2019年4月 ~ 継続中

  • Scientific Reports誌 Editorial Board

    2015年5月 ~ 継続中

  • 酸化グラフェン研究会 運営委員

    2014年5月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本化学会東北支部 代議員

    2023年1月 ~ 2024年12月

  • 日本化学会東北支部 代議員

    2023年1月 ~ 2024年12月

  • 九州大学客員教授

    2023年10月 ~ 2024年3月

  • 九州大学 客員教授

    2023年10月 ~ 2024年3月

  • 日本吸着学会 評議員

    2020年4月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 日本学術振興会 炭素材料第117委員会

    2020年4月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 日本化学会 東北支部 幹事長

    2018年1月 ~ 2018年12月

  • 炭素材料学会 運営委員

    2016年1月 ~ 2016年12月

  • 炭素材料学会 次世代の会 幹事長

    2016年1月 ~ 2016年12月

  • 炭素材料学会 編集委員

    2012年1月 ~ 2016年12月

  • Asian Scientist Magazine アジアの科学者100人 国際アドバイザリー委員会

    2024年1月 ~

  • 第34回日本吸着学会研究発表会 実行委員長

    2021年10月 ~

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 6

  • アメリカ電気化学会

  • フラーレン・ナノチューブ学会

  • 日本吸着学会

  • 炭素材料学会

  • 化学工学会

  • 日本化学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

研究キーワード 7

  • ナノカーボン

  • 炭素材料

  • 蓄電池

  • キャパシタ

  • グラフェン

  • 吸着

  • 多孔質材料

研究分野 3

  • ナノテク・材料 / 複合材料、界面 /

  • ナノテク・材料 / ナノ構造化学 /

  • ナノテク・材料 / 有機機能材料 /

受賞 24

  1. 炭素材料学会学術賞

    2023年11月 炭素材料学会 単層グラフェン多孔体に関する研究

  2. 花王科学賞

    2023年6月 花王芸術・科学財団 カーボン新素材グラフェンメソスポンジの研究

  3. 炭素材料科学会論文賞

    2022年12月 炭素材料学会 Adsorption properties of templated nanoporous carbons comprising 1-2 graphene layers

  4. 第3回物質・デバイス共同研究賞

    2021年10月 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点 中空炭素を担体と し たナノ 構造触媒材料 の開発と 効率的資源変換反応への応用

  5. ディープテックグランプリ2021「最優秀賞」と「Real Tech Fund賞」

    2021年9月 株式会社リバネス 未来を拓くカーボン新素材 グラフェンメソスポンジ

  6. リアルテックファンド賞

    2021年5月 仙台市、サムライインキュベート 電池の性能を向上させるカーボン新素材

  7. 第17回日本学術振興会賞

    2020年12月 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 第17回日本学術振興会賞を受賞

  8. 2020年アジアの科学者100人

    2020年12月 Asian Scientist Magazine 「2020年アジアの科学者100人」に選ばれる

  9. 2020新化学技術研究奨励賞ステップアップ賞

    2020年10月 公益社団法人新化学技術推進協会 柔軟に変形する多孔体のマルチスケール応用展開

  10. 第2回 物質・デバイス共同研究賞

    2020年4月 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点、ダイナミック・アライアンス事業本部 グラフェン多孔体の分子モデリングに基づく物性の解明

  11. 炭素材料学会論文賞

    2019年11月28日 炭素材料学会 メタン貯蔵材料開発を指向したゼオライト鋳型炭素合成の分子シミュレーション

  12. 第11回ドイツ・イノベーション・アワード「ゴットフリード・ワグネル賞2019」

    2019年6月 在日ドイツ商工会議所 機能性カーボン材料調製を可能とする新規鋳型法の開発

  13. 炭素材料学会論文賞

    2018年12月 炭素材料学会 Formation mechanism of zeolitetemplated carbons

  14. Publons Peer Review Awards 2018

    2018年9月 Publons

  15. 第6回新化学技術研究奨励賞

    2017年6月 新化学技術推進協会 弾性変形するナノ多孔体を利用した水の相転移に基づく革新的ヒートポンプの開発

  16. 日本吸着学会奨励賞

    2016年11月 日本吸着学会 カーボン系材料のナノ空間制御と応用に関する研究

  17. BCSJ

    2014年2月 日本化学会 Large Pseudocapacitance in Quinone-Functionalized Zeolite-Templated Carbon

  18. BCSJ賞

    2014年2月 日本化学会 Large Pseudocapacitance in Quinone-Functionalized Zeolite-Templated Carbon

  19. 平成23年度トーキン科学技術振興財団研究奨励賞

    2012年3月 トーキン科学技術振興財団 カーボン系ナノマテリアルの構造制御と新機能発現

  20. 研究奨励賞(2010)

    2010年12月 炭素材料学会 ナノカーボンの合成とエネルギー貯蔵への応用に関する研究

  21. Vest Poster Award

    2009年1月16日 2009 Gordon Research Conference on Hydrocarbon Resources Fabrication of high power electrochemical capacitor using zeolite templated carbon

  22. The Japan Carbon Award for Young Researcher

    2008年7月14日 Carbon 2008 Understanding of the Electrochemical Process in Supercapacitor by using Zeolite Templated Carbon as a Model Material

  23. Vest Poster Award Finalist

    2007年1月11日 2007 Gordon Research Conference on Hydrocarbon Resources Carbon-coated ordered mesoporous silicas with hydrophobicity and electrical conductivity

  24. 籏野奨学基金研究奨励賞

    2006年12月8日 東北大学多元物質科学研究所 氷晶を鋳型とする機能性材料合成に関する研究

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 164

  1. Chemistry of zipping reactions in mesoporous carbon consisting of minimally stacked graphene layers 査読有り

    Tian Xia, Takeharu Yoshii, Keita Nomura, Keigo Wakabayashi, Zheng-Ze Pan, Takafumi Ishii, Hideki Tanaka, Takashi Mashio, Jin Miyawaki, Toshiya Otomo, Kazutaka Ikeda, Yohei Sato, Masami Terauchi, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Chemical Science 14 (32) 8448-8457 2023年8月


    DOI: 10.1039/d3sc02163g  



  2. Edge-Site-Free and Topological-Defect-Rich Carbon Cathode for High-Performance Lithium-Oxygen Batteries. 国際誌 査読有り

    Wei Yu, Takeharu Yoshii, Alex Aziz, Rui Tang, Zheng-Ze Pan, Kazutoshi Inoue, Motoko Kotani, Hideki Tanaka, Eva Scholtzová, Daniel Tunega, Yuta Nishina, Kiho Nishioka, Shuji Nakanishi, Yi Zhou, Osamu Terasaki, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Advanced Science 10 (16) e2300268 2023年4月7日


    DOI: 10.1002/advs.202300268  


  3. Nanoporous Membrane Electrodes with an Ordered Array of Hollow Giant Carbon Nanotubes 査読有り

    Hongyu Liu, Zheng-Ze Pan, Alex Aziz, Rui Tang, Wei Lv, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Advanced Functional Materials 2023年

    DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202303730  

  4. Synthesis of graphene mesosponge via catalytic methane decomposition on magnesium oxide 査読有り

    Shogo Sunahiro, Keita Nomura, Shunsuke Goto, Kazuya Kanamaru, Rui Tang, Masanori Yamamoto, Takeharu Yoshii, Junko N. Kondo, Qi Zhao, Azeem Ghulam Nabi, Rachel Crespo-Otero, Devis Di Tommaso, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (25) 14296-14308 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1ta02326h  



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    <p>MgO has specific catalysis for CH<sub>4</sub>-to-C conversion, and functions as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly template to produce graphene mesosponge with developed porosity, excellent stability, and super soft and elastic properties.</p>

  5. pH‐Dependent Morphology Control of Cellulose Nanofiber/Graphene Oxide Cryogels 国際誌 査読有り

    Zheng‐Ze Pan, Aleksandra Govedarica, Hirotomo Nishihara, Rui Tang, Cong Wang, Yi Luo, Wei Lv, Fei‐Yu Kang, Milana Trifkovic, Quan‐Hong Yang

    Small 17 (3) 2005564-2005564 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1002/smll.202005564  



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    The precise control of the ice crystal growth during a freezing process is of essential importance for achieving porous cryogels with desired architectures. The present work reports a systematic study on the achievement of multi-structural cryogels from a binary dispersion containing 50 wt% 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl, radical-mediated oxidized cellulose nanofibers (TOCNs), and 50 wt% graphene oxide (GO) via the unidirectional freeze-drying (UDF) approach. It is found that the increase in the sol's pH imparts better dispersion of the two components through increased electrostatic repulsion, while also causing progressively weaker gel networks leading to micro-lamella cryogels from the UDF process. At the pH of 5.2, an optimum between TOCN and GO self-aggregation and dispersion is achieved, leading to the strongest TOCN-GO interactions and their templating into the regular micro-honeycomb structures. A two-faceted mechanism for explaining the cryogel formation is proposed and it is shown that the interplay of the maximized TOCN-GO interactions and the high affinity of the dispersoid complexes for the ice crystals are necessary for obtaining a micro-honeycomb morphology along the freezing direction. Further, by linking the microstructure and rheology of the corresponding precursor sols, a diagram for predicting the microstructure of TOCN-GO cryogels obtained through the UDF process is proposed.

  6. Carbon-rich materials with three-dimensional ordering at the angstrom level 国際誌 査読有り

    Shixin Fa, Masanori Yamamoto, Hirotomo Nishihara, Ryota Sakamoto, Kazuhide Kamiya, Yuta Nishina, Tomoki Ogoshi

    Chemical Science 11 (23) 5866-5873 2020年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d0sc02422h  



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    Carbon-rich materials, which contain over 90% carbon, have been mainly synthesized by the carbonization of organic compounds. However, in many cases, their original molecular and ordered structures are decomposed by the carbonization process, which results in a failure to retain their original three-dimensional (3D) ordering at the angstrom level. Recently, we successfully produced carbon-rich materials that are able to retain their 3D ordering at the angstrom level even after the calcination of organic porous pillar[6]arene supramolecular assemblies and cyclic porphyrin dimer assemblies. Other new pathways to prepare carbon-rich materials with 3D ordering at the angstrom level are the controlled polymerization of designed monomers and redox reaction of graph. Electrocatalytic application using these materials is described.

  7. Force-driven reversible liquid–gas phase transition mediated by elastic nanosponges 査読有り

    Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Masanori Yamamoto, Atsushi Gabe, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Yuta Nishina, Hideki Tanaka, Minoru T. Miyahara, Takashi Kyotani

    Nature Communications 10 (1) 2019年12月

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10511-7  



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    Nano-confined spaces in nanoporous materials enable anomalous physicochemical phenomena. While most nanoporous materials including metal-organic frameworks are mechanically hard, graphene-based nanoporous materials possess significant elasticity and behave as nanosponges that enable the force-driven liquid-gas phase transition of guest molecules. In this work, we demonstrate force-driven liquid-gas phase transition mediated by nanosponges, which may be suitable in high-efficiency heat management. Compression and free-expansion of the nanosponge afford cooling upon evaporation and heating upon condensation, respectively, which are opposite to the force-driven solid-solid phase transition in shape-memory metals. The present mechanism can be applied to green refrigerants such as H2O and alcohols, and the available latent heat is at least as high as 192 kJ kg(-1). Cooling systems using such nanosponges can potentially achieve high coefficients of performance by decreasing the Young's modulus of the nanosponge.

  8. 4.4 V supercapacitors based on super-stable mesoporous carbon sheet made of edge-free graphene walls 査読有り

    Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Naoya Kobayashi, Toshihiro Asadab, Takashi Kyotani

    Energy & Environmental Science 2019年

    DOI: 10.1039/c8ee03184c  

    ISSN:1754-5706 1754-5692

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    &lt;p&gt;Super-stable mesoporous carbon sheet made of edge-free graphene walls enabled the assembly of symmetric supercapacitors with excellent stability under 3.5 V@60 °C and 4.4 V@25 °C conditions, even with a conventional electrolyte.&lt;/p&gt;

  9. Insight into the origin of carbon corrosion in positive electrodes of supercapacitors 査読有り

    Rui Tang, Kaishi Taguchi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takafumi Ishii, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayashi, Yasuji Muramatsu, Takashi Kyotani

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (13) 7480-7488 2019年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})

    DOI: 10.1039/C8TA11005K  


  10. A Nacre-Like Carbon Nanotube Sheet for High Performance Li-Polysulfide Batteries with High Sulfur Loading 査読有り

    Zheng-Ze Pan, Wei Lv, Yan-Bing He, Yan Zhao, Guangmin Zhou, Liubing Dong, Shuzhang Niu, Chen Zhang, Ruiyang Lyu, Cong Wang, Huifa Shi, Wenjie Zhang, Feiyu Kang, Hirotomo Nishihara, Quan-Hong Yang

    Advanced Science 5 (6) 2018年6月1日

    出版者・発行元:John Wiley and Sons Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/advs.201800384  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries are considered as one of the most promising energy storage systems for next-generation electric vehicles because of their high-energy density. However, the poor cyclic stability, especially at a high sulfur loading, is the major obstacles retarding their practical use. Inspired by the nacre structure of an abalone, a similar configuration consisting of layered carbon nanotube (CNT) matrix and compactly embedded sulfur is designed as the cathode for Li-S batteries, which are realized by a well-designed unidirectional freeze-drying approach. The compact and lamellar configuration with closely contacted neighboring CNT layers and the strong interaction between the highly conductive network and polysulfides have realized a high sulfur loading with significantly restrained polysulfide shuttling, resulting in a superior cyclic stability and an excellent rate performance for the produced Li-S batteries. Typically, with a sulfur loading of 5 mg cm−2, the assembled batteries demonstrate discharge capacities of 1236 mAh g−1 at 0.1 C, 498 mAh g−1 at 2 C and moreover, when the sulfur loading is further increased to 10 mg cm−2 coupling with a carbon-coated separator, a superhigh areal capacity of 11.0 mAh cm−2 is achieved.

  11. Graphene-based ordered framework with a diverse range of carbon polygons formed in zeolite nanochannels 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Hiroyuki Fujimoto, Hiroyuki Itoi, Keita Nomura, Hideki Tanaka, Minoru T. Miyahara, Patrick A. Bonnaud, Ryuji Miura, Ai Suzuki, Naoto Miyamoto, Nozomu Hatakeyama, Akira Miyamoto, Kazutaka Ikeda, Toshiya Otomo, Takashi Kyotani

    Carbon 129 854-862 2018年4月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.12.055  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    With the aim of understanding three-dimensional graphene-based frameworks in detail, a realistic structure model of zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) is constructed by using computer simulation, and its simulated physical properties are compared with experimental data. The proposed structure model provides the insight into a unique X-ray diffraction pattern of ZTC: disordered building units comprised of curved and non-stacked graphene fragments are connected along the ordered zeolite nanochannels, forming a long-range structure order derived from zeolite (111) and (220) planes. Though ZTC is one of the superporous carbons with a very large Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area (3935 m2 g−1), the simulation study indicates a possibility to achieve further higher BET surface area up to 4845 m2 g−1. Moreover, the presence of carbon polygons other than hexagon in graphene matrices is analyzed by a high-resolution pair distribution function obtained from neutron diffraction measurement. The comparison between experimental data and simulation suggests that ZTC framework contains a diverse range of carbon polygons such as hexagons, heptagons and octagons, while pentagons are minor. Such distribution of carbon polygons demonstrates interesting similarity between the real three-dimensional graphene-based framework and imaginary ones like Mackay crystals and carbon Schwarzites.

  12. Synthesis of ordered carbonaceous frameworks from organic crystals 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Tetsuya Hirota, Kenta Matsuura, Mao Ohwada, Norihisa Hoshino, Tomoyuki Akutagawa, Takeshi Higuchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Yoshitaka Koseki, Hitoshi Kasai, Yoshiaki Matsuo, Jun Maruyama, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Hisashi Konaka, Yasuhiro Yamada, Shingi Yamaguchi, Kazuhide Kamiya, Takuya Kamimura, Hirofumi Nobukuni, Fumito Tani



    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00152-z  


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    Despite recent advances in the carbonization of organic crystalline solids like metal-organic frameworks or supramolecular frameworks, it has been challenging to convert crystalline organic solids into ordered carbonaceous frameworks. Herein, we report a route to attaining such ordered frameworks via the carbonization of an organic crystal of a Ni-containing cyclic porphyrin dimer (Ni-2-CPDPy). This dimer comprises two Ni-porphyrins linked by two butadiyne (diacetylene) moieties through phenyl groups. The Ni-2-CPDPy crystal is thermally converted into a crystalline covalent-organic framework at 581 K and is further converted into ordered carbonaceous frameworks equipped with electrical conductivity by subsequent carbonization at 873-1073 K. In addition, the porphyrin's Ni-N-4 unit is also well retained and embedded in the final framework. The resulting ordered carbonaceous frameworks exhibit an intermediate structure, between organic-based frameworks and carbon materials, with advantageous electrocatalysis. This principle enables the chemical molecular-level structural design of three-dimensional carbonaceous frameworks.

  13. Cellulose Nanofiber as a Distinct Structure-Directing Agent for Xylem-like Microhoneycomb Monoliths by Unidirectional Freeze-Drying 査読有り

    Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Takafumi Sekiguchi, Akihiro Sato, Akira Isogai, Feiyu Kang, Takashi Kyotani, Quan-Hong Yang

    ACS NANO 10 (12) 10689-10697 2016年12月


    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b05808  



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    Honeycomb structures have been attracting attention from researchers mainly for their high strength-to-weight ratio. As one type of structure, honeycomb monoliths having microscopically dimensioned channels have recently gained many achievements since their emergence. Inspired by the microhoneycomb structure that occurs in natural tree xylems, we have been focusing on the assembly of such a structure by using the major component in tree xylem, cellulose, as the starting material. Through the path that finally led us to the successful reconstruction of tree xylems by the unidirectional freeze-drying (UDF) approach, we verified the function of cellulose nanofibers, toward forming xylem-like monoliths (XMs). The strong tendency of cellulose nanofibers to form XMs through the UDF approach was extensively confirmed with surface grafting or a combination of a variety of second components (or even a third component). The resulting composite XMs were thus imparted with extra properties, which extends the versatility of this kind of material. Particularly, we demonstrated in this paper that XMs containing reduced graphene oxide (denoted as XM/rGO) could be used as strain sensors, taking advantage of their penetrating microchannels and the bulk elasticity property. Our methodology is flexible in its processing and could be utilized to prepare various functional composite XMs.

  14. Oxidation-Resistant and Elastic Mesoporous Carbon with Single-Layer Graphene Walls 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoya Simura, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Keita Nomura, Raul Berenguer, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Hiroshi Iden, Kazuki Arihara, Atsushi Ohma, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Takashi Kyotani

    ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 26 (35) 6418-6427 2016年9月


    DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201602459  



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    An oxidation-resistant and elastic mesoporous carbon, graphene mesosponge (GMS), is prepared. GMS has a sponge-like mesoporous framework (mean pore size is 5.8 nm) consisting mostly of single-layer graphene walls, which realizes a high electric conductivity and a large surface area (1940 m(2) g(-1)). Moreover, the graphene-based framework includes only a very small amount of edge sites, thereby achieving much higher stability against oxidation than conventional porous carbons such as carbon blacks and activated carbons. Thus, GMS can simultaneously possess seemingly incompatible properties; the advantages of graphitized carbon materials (high conductivity and high oxidation resistance) and porous carbons (large surface area). These unique features allow GMS to exhibit a sufficient capacitance (125 F g(-1)), wide potential window (4 V), and good rate capability as an electrode material for electric double-layer capacitors utilizing an organic electrolyte. Hence, GMS achieves a high energy density of 59.3 Wh k g(-1) (material mass base), which is more than twice that of commercial materials. Moreover, the continuous graphene framework makes GMS mechanically tough and extremely elastic, and its mean pore size (5.8 nm) can be reversibly compressed down to 0.7 nm by simply applying mechanical force. The sponge-like elastic property enables an advanced force-induced adsorption control.

  15. Hollow carbon sphere featuring highly dispersed Co-N sites for efficient and controllable syngas electrosynthesis from CO2

    Kaining Li, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara, Hiromi Yamashita

    Chemical Engineering Journal 150952-150952 2024年4月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.150952  


  16. Thermodynamically Favorable Route to the Synthesis of Nanoporous Graphene Templated on CaO via Chemical Vapor Deposition

    Kritin Pirabul, Qi Zhao, Shogo Sunahiro, Zheng-Ze Pan, Takeharu Yoshii, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Eddie Hoi-Sing Pang, Rachel Crespo-Otero, Devis Di Tommaso, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Green Chemistry 2024年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d4gc00116h  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Template-assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a promising approach for fabricating nanoporous materials based on graphene walls. Among conventional metal oxide templates, CaO, produced through the thermal decomposition of CaCO3,...

  17. Prominent Structural Dependence of Quantum Capacitance Unraveled by Nitrogen‐Doped Graphene Mesosponge

    Rui Tang, Alex Aziz, Wei Yu, Zheng‐Ze Pan, Ginga Nishikawa, Takeharu Yoshii, Keita Nomura, Erin E. Taylor, Nicholas P. Stadie, Kazutoshi Inoue, Motoko Kotani, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Small 2023年12月6日


    DOI: 10.1002/smll.202308066  



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    Abstract Porous carbons are important electrode materials for supercapacitors. One of the challenges associated with supercapacitors is improving their energy density without relying on pseudocapacitance, which is based on fast redox reactions that often shorten device lifetimes. A possible solution involves achieving high total capacitance (C<sub>tot</sub>), which comprises Helmholtz capacitance (C<sub>H</sub>) and possibly quantum capacitance (C<sub>Q</sub>), in high‐surface carbon materials comprising minimally stacked graphene walls. In this work, a templating method is used to synthesize 3D mesoporous graphenes with largely identical pore structures (≈2100 m<sup>2</sup> g<sup>−1</sup> with an average pore size of ≈7 nm) but different concentrations of oxygen‐containing functional groups (0.3–6.7 wt.%) and nitrogen dopants (0.1–4.5 wt.%). Thus, the impact of the heteroatom functionalities on C<sub>tot</sub> is systematically investigated in an organic electrolyte excluding the effect of pore structures. It is found that heteroatom functionalities determine C<sub>tot</sub>, resulting in the cyclic voltammetry curves being rectangular or butterfly‐shaped. The nitrogen functionalities are found to significantly enhance C<sub>tot</sub> owing to increased C<sub>Q</sub>.

  18. Hierarchically Porous and Minimally Stacked Graphene Cathodes for High‐Performance Lithium–Oxygen Batteries 査読有り

    Wei Yu, Zhaohan Shen, Takeharu Yoshii, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Manai Ono, Shoichi Matsuda, Makoto Aoki, Toshihiro Kondo, Shin R. Mukai, Shuiji Nakanishi, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Advanced Energy Materials 2023年11月10日


    DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202303055  



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    Abstract Although lithium–oxygen batteries have attracted attention due to their extremely high energy densities, rational design, and critical evaluation of high‐energy‐density cathode for practical Li–O<sub>2</sub> batteries is still urgently needed. Herein, the multiscale, angstrom‐to‐millimeter, precisely controllable synthesis of binder‐free cathodes with minimally stacked graphene free from edge sites is demonstrated. The proposed Li–O<sub>2</sub> battery, based on a hierarchically porous cathode with a practical mass loading of &gt;4.0 mg cm<sup>−2</sup>, simultaneously exhibits an unprecedented specific areal (&gt;30.0 mAh cm<sup>−2</sup>), mass (&gt;6300 mAh g<sup>−1</sup>), and volumetric (&gt;480 mAh cm<sup>−3</sup>) capacities. The battery displays the optimal energy density of 793 Wh kg<sup>−1</sup> critically normalized to the total mass of all active materials including electrolytes and even discharge products Li<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. Comprehensive in situ characterizations demonstrate a unique discharge mechanism in hierarchical pores which contributes to competitive battery performance. Superior rate performance in a current density range of 0.1 to 0.8 mA cm<sup>−2</sup> and long‐cycle stability (&gt;260 cycles) at a current density of 0.4 mA cm<sup>−2</sup>, outperforming state‐of‐the‐art carbon cathodes. This study yields insight into next‐generation carbon cathodes, not only for use in practical Li–O<sub>2</sub> batteries, but also in other metal–gas batteries with high energy densities.

  19. Enzyme-immobilized Screen-printed Sensor for One Drop of Sample Using Porous Silica Spheres

    Shunsuke Fujii, Akiko Yoshida, Tracy T Chuong, Yuka Minegishi, Yuta Nishina, Hirotomo Nishihara, Kouji Masumoto, Tetsuji Itoh

    Sensors and Materials 35 (10) 4769-4769 2023年10月25日

    出版者・発行元:MYU K.K.

    DOI: 10.18494/sam4473  



  20. Cathode Chemistries of Lithium–Oxygen Batteries in Nanoconfined Space 査読有り

    Hongyu Liu, Zhaohan Shen, Zheng-Ze Pan, Wei Yu, Hirotomo Nishihara

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 17 40397-40408 2023年8月17日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c05944  



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    Inlithium-oxygen batteries, although the porouscarboncathodes are widely utilized to tailor the properties of dischargedLi(2)O(2), the impact of nanopore size on the Li2O2 formation and decomposition reactions remainincompletely understood. Here, we provide the straightforward elucidationon the effect of pore size in a range of 25-200 nm, using ahighly ordered porous cathode matrix based on the carbon-coated anodicaluminum oxide membrane formed on an Al substrate (C/AAO_Al). Whenthe nanopore size is 25 nm, film-like Li2O2 witha thickness of 2-5 nm is formed, possibly via a surface-drivenmechanism. When the nanochannel becomes larger, the Li2O2 film thickness saturates at ca. 10 nm, along with crystallineLi(2)O(2) particles possibly formed by a solution-mediatedmechanism.

  21. Stereolithography 3D Printed Carbon Microlattices with Hierarchical Porosity for Structural and Functional Applications 査読有り

    Akira Kudo, Kazuya Kanamaru, Jiuhui Han, Rui Tang, Kazuaki Kisu, Takeharu Yoshii, Shin‐ichi Orimo, Hirotomo Nishihara, Mingwei Chen

    Small 2023年8月2日


    DOI: 10.1002/smll.202301525  



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    Abstract Hierarchically porous carbon microlattices (HPCMLs) fabricated by using a composite photoresin and stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing is reported. Containing magnesium oxide nanoparticles (MgO NPs) as porogens and multilayer graphene nanosheets as UV‐scattering inhibitors, the composite photoresin is formed to simple cubic microlattices with digitally designed porosity of 50%. After carbonization in vacuum at 1000 °C and chemical removal of MgO NPs, it is realized that carbon microlattices possessing hierarchical porosity are composed of the lattice architecture (≈100 µm), macropores (≈5 µm), mesopores (≈50 nm), and micropores (≈1 nm). The linear shrinkage after pyrolysis is as small as 33%. Compressive strength of 7.45 to 10.45 MPa and Young's modulus of 375 to 736 MPa are achieved, proving HPCMLs a robust mechanical component among reported carbon materials with a random pore structure. Having a few millimeters in thickness, the HPCMLs can serve as thick supercapacitor electrodes that demonstrate gravimetric capacitances 105 and 13.8 F g<sup>−1</sup> in aqueous and organic electrolyte, reaching footprint areal capacitances beyond 10 and 1 F cm<sup>−2</sup>, respectively. The results present that the composite photoresin for SLA can yield carbon microarchitectures that integrate structural and functional properties for structural energy storages .

  22. Water‐Dispersible Carbon Nano‐Test Tubes as a Container for Concentrated DNA Molecules 査読有り

    Yasuto Hoshikawa, Yasuyuki Kanno, Hanako Tawata, Takuya Sagae, Takafumi Ishii, Shuhei Imoto, Shinya Hagihara, Takehiko Wada, Fumi Nagatsugi, Alex Aziz, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Tetsuji Itoh

    Chemistry – A European Journal 29 (53) e202301422 2023年8月2日


    DOI: 10.1002/chem.202301422  



  23. Structural Engineering of Nanocarbons Comprising Graphene Frameworks <i>via</i> High-Temperature Annealing 査読有り

    Kritin Pirabul, Zheng-Ze Pan, Rui Tang, Shogo Sunahiro, Hongyu Liu, Kazuya Kanamaru, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 96 (6) 510-518 2023年6月15日


    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20230053  



  24. Quantitative study on catalysis of unpaired electrons in carbon edge sites 査読有り

    Keigo Wakabayashi, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Carbon 210 118069-118069 2023年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2023.118069  



  25. Development of Microdrip Enzyme Device Using Carbon-Coated Porous Silica Spheres 査読有り

    Shunsuke Fujii, Akiko Yoshida, Tracy T. Chuong, Yuka Minegishi, Kritin Pirabul, Zheng-Ze Pan, Yuta Nishina, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara, Kouji Masumoto, Galen D. Stucky, Tetsuji Itoh

    ACS Applied Engineering Materials 1 (5) 1426-1435 2023年5月10日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acsaenm.3c00103  



  26. Sequential Catalysis of Defected-Carbon and Solid Catalyst in Li–O<sub>2</sub> Batteries 招待有り 査読有り

    Zhaohan Shen, Wei Yu, Alex Aziz, Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (13) 6239-6247 2023年3月26日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c01042  



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    Lithium-oxygen batteries show great promise as energy storage devices but suffer from high overpotential, which is a major cause of poor cycle stability. To reduce the overpotential, catalysis on a carbon-based cathode is crucial. This work examines the sequential catalysis of a carbon-based cathode containing basal defects and Ru nanoparticles. A new type of carbon cathode is fabricated by dispersing Ru nanoparticles onto a highly mesoporous carbon framework of mainly single-walled curved graphene, which has abundant basal defects but few edge sites. This novel cathode exhibits unique sequential catalysis by forming two distinct morphologies of lithium peroxide in the discharge process. These two morphologies are decomposed at different potentials during charging. A comprehensive analysis, including in situ differential electrochemical mass spectrometry, reveals that the low and high-potential charging plateaus are induced by two different catalytic mechanisms derived from basal defects and Ru nanoparticles, respectively. Interestingly, these two mechanisms do not interfere with each other but act sequentially, reducing the overpotential and thus enhancing the cycle stability.

  27. Critical impact of nanocellulose on the synthesis of porous cellulose monolith with oriented microchannels: Structure control, mechanics, and mass transport 査読有り

    Rui Tang, Zheng-Ze Pan, Minghao Liu, Mao Ohwada, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Nano Rerearch 16 (5) 8018-8024 2023年2月


    DOI: 10.1007/s12274-023-5414-7  



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    Nanocellulose harvested from biomass has attractive properties that have promoted research on its practical applications. Herein, we investigated nanocellulose-based porous monoliths with oriented microchannels that can be fabricated via a unidirectional freezing method. In this method, water-dispersed cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) were immersed into a cold source at a controlled speed, followed by subsequent freeze-drying. The structure of porous cellulose monoliths mainly depends on two factors: the freezing conditions and properties of the dispersed CNFs. The former has been investigated previously. However, the effects of the latter remain unclear. In this study, CNF suspensions prepared by 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-mediated oxidation cellulose nanofibers (TOCNs) with different aspect ratios and concentrations were used. The effects of these variables on the resulting structure, including the pore shape, size, and wall thickness, were examined. Based on the results, the impact of TOCNs on the structure of porous cellulose monoliths was investigated. Our findings suggested that depending on their structure, the porous cellulose monoliths exhibit different mechanical strengths and mass transport properties. In particular, porous cellulose monoliths synthesized from 5.1 wt.% short TOCNs exhibited a low density (55.9 mg & BULL;cm(-3)), high mechanical strength (8687 kPa), and fast mass transport.

  28. Preferred Catalysis Distinctly Determined by Metals Doped with Nitrogen in Three-dimensionally Ordered Porous Carbon Materials 査読有り

    Jun Maruyama, Hirofumi Sato, Yuko Takao, Shohei Maruyama, Shintaro Kato, Kazuhide Kamiya, Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara, Fumito Tani

    Nanoscale 15 (23) 9954-9963 2023年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d3nr01359f  



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    Three-dimensionally ordered nanoporous structures were generated in carbon materials doped with metals and nitrogen as catalytically active sites for electrochemical reactions. Free-base and metal phthalocyanines with a strategically designed molecular...


    Robert K. Szilagyi, Nicholas P. Stadie, Stephan Irle, Hirotomo Nishihara

    CARBON 203 896-896 2023年1月




  30. Pore-size control of soft mesoporous carbon by hot pressing 査読有り

    Kazuya Kanamaru, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Yasushi Ichikawa, Kazuki Sone, Ami Ikura, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Carbon Reports 1 (4) 214-222 2022年12月1日

    出版者・発行元:The Carbon Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.7209/carbon.010402  


  31. The carbon chain growth during the onset of CVD graphene formation on gamma-Al2O3 is promoted by unsaturated CH2 ends 査読有り

    Qi Zhao, Masanori Yamamoto, Kaoru Yamazaki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Rachel Crespo-Otero, Devis Di Tommaso

    PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 24 (38) 23357-23366 2022年10月


    DOI: 10.1039/d2cp01554d  



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    Chemical vapor deposition of methane onto a template of alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticles is a prominent synthetic strategy of graphene meso-sponge, a new class of nano porous carbon materials consisting of single-layer graphene walls. However, the elementary steps controlling the early stages of graphene growth on Al2O3 surfaces are still not well understood. In this study, density functional theory calculations provide insights into the initial stages of graphene growth. We have modelled the mechanism of CH4 dissociation on the (111), (110), (100), and (001) gamma-Al2O3 surfaces. Subsequently, we have considered the reaction pathway leading to the formation of a C6 ring. The gamma-Al2O3(110) and gamma-Al2O3(100) are both active for CH4 dissociation, but the (100) surface has higher catalytic activity towards the carbon growth reaction. The overall mechanism involves the formation of the reactive intermediate CH2* that then can couple to form CnH2n* (n = 2-6) intermediates with unsaturated CH2 ends. The formation of these species, which are not bound to the surface-active sites, promotes the sustained carbon growth in a nearly barrierless process. Also, the short distance between terminal carbon atoms leads to strong interactions, which might lead to the high activity between unsaturated CH2* of the hydrocarbon chain. Analysis of the electron localization and geometries of the carbon chains reveals the formation of C-Al-sigma bonds with the chain growing towards the vacuum rather than C-Al-pi bonds covering the gamma-Al2O3(100) surface. This growth behaviour prevents catalyst poisoning during the initial stage of graphene nucleation.

  32. Capacitance of edge-free three-dimensional graphene: New perspectives on the design of carbon structures for supercapacitor applications 査読有り

    Rui Tang, Keita Nomura, Kazutoshi Inoue, Motoko Kotani, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Electrochimica Acta 429 141009-141009 2022年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2022.141009  


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    The current target for expanding the application scope of supercapacitors is to increase their energy density (E) beyond 20 Wh kg−1. In this regard, edge-free carbon materials show considerable potential because of their high working voltage (U) in organic electrolytes; however, their capacitance (C) remains limited. In this study, we synthesized edge-free three-dimensional (3D) graphene materials with different numbers of graphene stacking layers (nstack). These carbon materials have similar pore morphologies and an edge-free structure because a template method and annealing at 1800 °C were applied, respectively. These features allowed C to remain unaffected by the pore size effect, wettability, parasitic side reactions, and pseudocapacitance. Our results suggested that increasing nstack slightly enhances the areal C; however, such an increase cannot compensate for the decrease in C attributed to the decrease in the specific surface area. We also confirmed that the C of 3D graphene materials has a quantum origin, which results in a “butterfly shaped” cyclic voltammetry curve; we also successfully quantified the quantum capacitance (CQ) for the complete understanding of the origin of C. Based on this knowledge, we estimated that this 3D graphene material can yield a high E of 43 Wh kg−1 once CQ is optimized.

  33. Coordination chemistry for innovative carbon-related materials 招待有り 査読有り

    Ryota Sakamoto, Ryojun Toyoda, Guan Jingyan, Yuta Nishina, Kazuhide Kamiya, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoki Ogoshi



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2022.214577  



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    With the emergence of energy and environmental problems and the deepening of devices to solve these problems, the demand for carbon materials is increasing and higher performance is required. While a variety of scientific knowledge has been poured into the creation of innovative carbon materials, coordi-nation chemistry also makes a significant contribution to the creation of innovative carbon materials, especially for metal-containing carbon materials. In this review, we summarize the new carbon and related materials opened up by complex chemistry. In the first chapter, the prospect of this review is mentioned as an introduction. There are various methods for synthesizing carbon materials mediated by complex chemistry, and these are listed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, we summarize the various appli-cations of coordination-chemistry-based carbon materials. In Chapter 4, we discuss the potential of con-ductive molecular frameworks as new materials that can replace or surpass carbon materials. Chapter 5 summarizes this review and presents the future challenges and prospects of coordination-chemistry-based carbon and related materials. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  34. Bimetallic ordered carbonaceous frameworks from Co- and Cu-porphyrin bimolecular crystals 招待有り 査読有り

    Chida, Koki, Yoshii*, Takeharu, Hiyoshi, Norihito, Itoh, Tetsuji, Maruyama, Jun, Kamiya, Kazuhide, Inoue, Masataka, Tani, Fumito, Nishihara*, Hirotomo

    201 338-346 2022年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2022.09.017  


  35. Synthesis of hexa-aminated trinaphtho[3.3.3]propellane and its porous polymer solids with alkane adsorption properties 国際誌 査読有り

    Kato, Kenichi, Seto, Nobuyoshi, Chida, Koki, Yoshii, Takeharu, Mizuno, Motohiro, Nishihara, Hirotomo, Ohtani, Shunsuke, Ogoshi, Tomoki

    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (95) 1296-1302 2022年7月13日


    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20220180  



  36. Synthesis and electrocatalysis of ordered carbonaceous frameworks from Ni porphyrin with four ethynyl groups 招待有り 査読有り

    Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Mao Ohwada, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Joe Komeda, Ryota Sakamoto, Jun Maruyama, Kazuhide Kamiya, Masataka Inoue, Fumito Tani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Catalysis Today 113830-113830 2022年7月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2022.06.045  


  37. Giant Carbon Nano-Test Tubes as Versatile Imaging Vessels for High-Resolution and In Situ Observation of Proteins 査読有り

    Tracy T. Chuong, Toshihiko Ogura, Norihito Hiyoshi, Kazuma Takahashi, Sangho Lee, Keita Hiraga, Hiroki Iwase, Akira Yamaguchi, Kiyoto Kamagata, Eriko Mano, Satoshi Hamakawa, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Galen D. Stucky, Tetsuji Itoh

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (23) 26507-26516 2022年6月15日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c06318  



  38. Regulating Li-ion Flux through a Dense yet Highly Ionic Conductive Interlayer for Stable Li Deposition

    Zhijia Huang, Zhiyuan Han, Baozheng Jiang, Yunbo Zhang, Sichen Gu, Chen Zhang, Zhengze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara, Quan-Hong Yang, Wei Lv



    DOI: 10.1002/admi.202200457  


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    The practical use of Li metal anode is severely hindered by the uncontrollable dendrite growth, and the main cause is the uneven deposition of Li metal. In the liquid electrolyte, the Li-ion distribution on the electrode surface is difficult to be regulated, which largely affects the Li deposition behavior. The authors design a dense Li-ion flux regulating layer on the separator to well guide the Li-ion transport that is composed of metal/lithium oxide (Li2O). Such a layer is generated from the in situ lithiation of transition metal oxide nanoparticle (TMO NP) coating, in which the lithiation-induced volume expansion of TMO NPs makes the coating very dense yet highly ionic conductive due to the rich boundaries between the formed metal/Li2O. Such a layer enables the redistribution of Li ions on the surface of the electrode to effectively suppress the dendrite growth. The symmetric cells with such layers maintain stable cycling over 400 h under 3 mA cm(-2), and the full cell coupled with LiFePO4 presents a highly stable cycling performance with high-capacity retention of 85.2% after 350 cycles at 0.5 C with a low N/P ratio, promising a potential application in next-generation Li metal batteries.

  39. Synthesis of microporous polymers with exposed C-60 surfaces by polyesterification of fullerenol 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Akio Harigaya, Alberto Castro-Muniz, Mao Ohwada, Takashi Kyotani, Yuta Nishina

    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 58 (50) 7086-7089 2022年6月


    DOI: 10.1039/d2cc00728b  



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    Microporous polymers with exposed C-60 surfaces have been synthesized by a new pathway of crosslinking fullerenol and terephthaloyl chloride or 1,3,5-benzenetricarbonyl trichloride via esterification. The resulting polymers are insoluble solids containing a large ratio of C-60 with hydroxy groups and possess micropores with high specific surface area up to 657 m(2) g(-1). The microporous polymers thus obtained exhibit enhanced hydrogen spillover, which is a unique property of the C-60 surface.

  40. Nanoscale characterization of the site‐specific degradation of electric double‐layer capacitor using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy 査読有り

    Yusuke Kawabe, Yosuke Miyakoshi, Rui Tang, Takeshi Fukuma, Hirotomo Nishihara, Yasufumi Takahashi

    Electrochemical Science Advances 2 (3) 2022年6月


    DOI: 10.1002/elsa.202100053  



  41. Aligned Macroporous Monoliths by Ice-Templating 招待有り 査読有り

    Zheng-Ze Pan, Wei Lv, Quan-Hong Yang, Hirotomo Nishihara



    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20220022  



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    The ice-templating (IT) approach has become a popular way to prepare macroporous monoliths due to environmental friendliness and low cost, as well as the controllability of the macroporosity and exterior structures. In particular, a directional freezing process induces the formation of aligned icecrystals that afford a brand-new material genre: aligned macroporous monoliths (AMMs). This short review gives an overview of the IT technique and the preparation of AMMs, with a subsequent unfolding of two representative AMMs, i.e., aligned micro-honeycomb monoliths and aligned microlamellar monoliths. These AMMs are characterized with their structural anisotropy and regularity, which imparts potentials towards various applications. We particularly highlighted the utilization of these AMMs in the context of thermal insulation, filtration, energy storage and structural engineering. Finally, future directions within this research field are also discussed.

  42. Ordered carbonaceous frameworks: a new class of carbon materials with molecular-level design 招待有り 査読有り

    Takeharu Yoshii, Koki Chida, Hirotomo Nishihara, Fumito Tani

    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 58 (22) 3578-3590 2022年3月


    DOI: 10.1039/d1cc07228e  



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    Ordered carbonaceous frameworks (OCFs) are a new class of carbon materials with a three-dimensional ordered structure synthesized by simple carbonization of metalloporphyrin crystals with polymerizable moieties. Carbonization via solid-state polymerization results in the formation of graphene-based ordered frameworks in which regularly aligned single-atomic metals are embedded. These unique structural features afford molecular-level designability like organic-based frameworks together with high electrical conductivity, thermal/chemical stability, and mechanical flexibility, towards a variety of applications including electrocatalysis and force-driven phase transition. This feature article summarizes the synthetic strategies and characteristics of OCFs in comparison with conventional organic-based frameworks and porous carbons, to discuss the potential applications and further development of the OCF family.

  43. In-Depth Analysis of Key Factors Affecting the Catalysis of Oxidized Carbon Blacks for Cellulose Hydrolysis 査読有り

    Atsushi Gabe, Akira Takatsuki, Masahiko Hiratani, Masato Kaneeda, Yoshiaki Kurihara, Takayuki Aoki, Hiroki Mashima, Takafumi Ishii, Jun-ichi Ozaki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    ACS Catalysis 12 (2) 892-905 2022年1月21日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c04054  



  44. The Onset of CVD Graphene Formation on γ-Al2O3 is Promoted by Unsaturated CH2 End

    Qi Zhao, Masanori Yamamoto, Kaoru Yamazaki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Rachel Crespo-Otero, Devis Di Tommaso

    ChemRxiv 2022年


    DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-78cvz  



  45. Adsorption properties of templated nanoporous carbons consisting of 1-2 graphene layers 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Hong-Wei Zhao, Kazuya Kanamaru, Keita Nomura, Mao Ohwada, Masashi Ito, Li-Xiang Li, Bai-Gang An, Toshihide Horikawa, Takashi Kyotani

    Carbon Reports 201 1241-1241 2022年

    出版者・発行元:The Carbon Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.7209/carbon.010301  



  46. Porous nanographene formation on γ-alumina nanoparticles <i>via</i> transition-metal-free methane activation 査読有り

    Masanori Yamamoto, Qi Zhao, Shunsuke Goto, Yu Gu, Takaaki Toriyama, Tomokazu Yamamoto, Hirotomo Nishihara, Alex Aziz, Rachel Crespo-Otero, Devis Di Tommaso, Masazumi Tamura, Keiichi Tomishige, Takashi Kyotani, Kaoru Yamazaki

    Chemical Science 13 (11) 3140-3146 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1sc06578e  



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    Oxygen vacancies on the (100) surface of γ-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> nanoparticles catalyse CH<sub>4</sub>-CVD for single-layered nanoporous graphenes with no transition metal reaction centre. The rate-limiting step is the proton transfer (PT) in the activation of CH<sub>4</sub> on them.

  47. Synthesis of microporous polymers with exposed C<sub>60</sub> surfaces by polyesterification of fullerenol 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Akio Harigaya, Alberto Castro-Muñiz, Mao Ohwada, Takashi Kyotani, Yuta Nishina

    Chemical Communications 58 (50) 7086-7089 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d2cc00728b  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Fullerene-based microporous polymers synthesized by polyesterification of fullerenol possess excellent stability against solvents and exposed C<sub>60</sub> surfaces confirmed by enhanced hydrogen spillover.

  48. Helically aligned fused carbon hollow nanospheres with chiral discrimination ability 査読有り

    Jun Maruyama, Shohei Maruyama, Yukiyasu Kashiwagi, Mitsuru Watanabe, Tsutomu Shinagawa, Toru Nagaoka, Toshiyuki Tamai, Naoya Ryu, Koichi Matsuo, Mao Ohwada, Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara, Fumito Tani, Hiroshi Uyama

    Nanoscale 14 (10) 3748-3757 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1nr07971a  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Helically aligned fused carbon hollow nanospheres on multiwalled carbon nanotubes are formed as a new form of helical structure with optical activity and chiral spaces showing chiral discrimination ability without the attachment of chiral compounds.

  49. The carbonization of aromatic molecules with three-dimensional structures affords carbon materials with controlled pore sizes at the Ångstrom-level 査読有り

    Tomoki Ogoshi, Yuma Sakatsume, Katsuto Onishi, Rui Tang, Kazuma Takahashi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Yuta Nishina, Benoît D. L. Campéon, Takahiro Kakuta, Tada-Aki Yamagishi

    Communications Chemistry 4 (1) 2021年12月

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s42004-021-00515-0  


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    <title>Abstract</title>Carbon materials with controlled pore sizes at the nanometer level have been obtained by template methods, chemical vapor desorption, and extraction of metals from carbides. However, to produce porous carbons with controlled pore sizes at the Ångstrom-level, syntheses that are simple, versatile, and reproducible are desired. Here, we report a synthetic method to prepare porous carbon materials with pore sizes that can be precisely controlled at the Ångstrom-level. Heating first induces thermal polymerization of selected three-dimensional aromatic molecules as the carbon sources, further heating results in extremely high carbonization yields (&gt;86%). The porous carbon obtained from a tetrabiphenylmethane structure has a larger pore size (4.40 Å) than those from a spirobifluorene (4.07 Å) or a tetraphenylmethane precursor (4.05 Å). The porous carbon obtained from tetraphenylmethane is applied as an anode material for sodium-ion battery.

  50. Edgeless porous carbon coating for durable and powerful lead-carbon batteries 査読有り

    Jae-Hyung Wee, Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Doo-Won Kim, Seungki Hong, Go Bong Choi, Sang Young Yeo, Jin Hee Kim, Ho-Young Jung, Yoong Ahm Kim

    Carbon 185 419-427 2021年11月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.09.046  



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    A systematic study considering the microstructural effect of carbon materials on the electrochemical or electrocatalytic performance is essential for developing carbon electrode materials of electric vehicles and smart grids that require durable and robust energy supply. In this study, the edge sites within activated carbons (ACs) were physically modified via thermal treatment to clarify the relationship between the edge density and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Moreover, their dominant contribution to the electrochemical performance of lead-carbon batteries was demonstrated. The ACs exhibited decreased defect density and enhanced crystallinity due to the merger of micro-domains during a high-temperature thermal treatment (HTT). In contrast to the specific surface area, the edge area of the ACs, which was quantified via temperature programmed desorption up to 1800 degrees C, decreased significantly with increasing HTT temperature. We have confirmed a close relationship between the edge densities and HER parameters. The lead-carbon battery unit cell employing HTT1600 with the lowest edge ratio (0.81%) exhibited a higher charging efficiency, higher cycling stability, and lower water loss than the cell employing pristine AC with a high edge ratio (8.42%). The edge ratio of carbon materials can be considered an important parameter in designing electrode materials for electrochemical energy storage. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  51. Nano-Confinement of Insulating Sulfur in the Cathode Composite of All-Solid-State Li–S Batteries Using Flexible Carbon Materials with Large Pore Volumes 査読有り

    Masanori Yamamoto, Shunsuke Goto, Rui Tang, Keita Nomura, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Youichi Yoshioka, Masashi Ito, Masahiro Morooka, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (32) 38613-38622 2021年8月9日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c10275  



  52. Scalable nanoporous carbon films allow line-of-sight 3D atomic layer deposition of Pt: towards a new generation catalyst layer for PEM fuel cells 査読有り

    Marwa Atwa, Xiaoan Li, Zhaoxuan Wang, Samuel Dull, Shicheng Xu, Xia Tong, Rui Tang, Hirotomo Nishihara, Fritz Prinz, Viola Birss

    Materials Horizons 8 (9) 2451-2462 2021年8月

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1mh00268f  



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    A self-supported, binder-free and scalable nanoporous carbon scaffold serves as an excellent host for the efficient and uniform atomic layer deposition of Pt nanoparticles, showing exemplary performance as a cathode catalyst layer in a PEM fuel cell.

  53. Pillar[6]quinone: facile synthesis, crystal structures and electrochemical properties 査読有り

    Tomoki Hirohata, Naoki Shida, Hidehiro Uekusa, Nobuhiro Yasuda, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoki Ogoshi, Ikuyoshi Tomita, Shinsuke Inagi

    Chemical Communications 57 (52) 6360-6363 2021年6月

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1cc02413b  



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    <p>Pillar[6]quinone has been synthesized for the first time by oxidation of pillar[6]arene, showing hexagonal columnar stacking in the solid state.</p>

  54. Force-responsive ordered carbonaceous frameworks synthesized from Ni-porphyrin 国際誌 査読有り

    Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Kazuma Takahashi, Masanori Yamamoto, Kazuya Kanamaru, Mao Ohwada, Varisara Deerattrakul, Jun Maruyama, Kazuhide Kamiya, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Masataka Inoue, Fumito Tani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Chemical Communications 57 (49) 6007-6010 2021年5月

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1cc01618k  



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    <p>We have succeeded in the synthesis of a new type of ordered carbonaceous framework (OCF) with developed microporosity and a non-stacked graphene-based framework, which led to exhibition of unique flexibility.</p>

  55. Lamellar MXene Composite Aerogels with Sandwiched Carbon Nanotubes Enable Stable Lithium–Sulfur Batteries with a High Sulfur Loading 査読有り

    Bin Zhang, Chong Luo, Guangmin Zhou, Zheng‐Ze Pan, Jiabin Ma, Hirotomo Nishihara, Yan‐Bing He, Feiyu Kang, Wei Lv, Quan‐Hong Yang

    Advanced Functional Materials 31 (26) 2100793-2100793 2021年4月18日


    DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202100793  



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    Realizing long cycling stability under a high sulfur loading is an essential requirement for the practical use of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries. Here, a lamellar aerogel composed of Ti3C2Tx MXene/carbon nanotube (CNT) sandwiches is prepared by unidirectional freeze-drying to boost the cycling stability of high sulfur loading batteries. The produced materials are denoted parallel-aligned MXene/CNT (PA-MXene/CNT) due to the unique parallel-aligned structure. The lamellae of MXene/CNT/MXene sandwich form multiple physical barriers, coupled with chemical trapping and catalytic activity of MXenes, effectively suppressing lithium polysulfide (LiPS) shuttling under high sulfur loading, and more importantly, substantially improving the LiPS confinement ability of 3D hosts free of micro- and mesopores. The assembled Li-S battery delivers a high capacity of 712 mAh g(-1) with a sulfur loading of 7 mg cm(-2), and a superior cycling stability with 0.025% capacity decay per cycle over 800 cycles at 0.5 C. Even with sulfur loading of 10 mg cm(-2), a high areal capacity of above 6 mAh cm(-2) is obtained after 300 cycles. This work presents a typical example for the rational design of a high sulfur loading host, which is critical for the practical use of Li-S batteries

  56. A volatile redox mediator boosts the long-cycle performance of lithium-oxygen batteries 査読有り

    Wei Yu, Xinbin Wu, Sijie Liu, Hirotomo Nishihara, Liangliang Li, Ce-Wen Nan

    Energy Storage Materials 38 571-580 2021年4月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2021.04.003  


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    To improve the performance of lithium-oxygen (Li-O-2 ) batteries with an extremely high theoretical energy density, redox mediators (RMs) are usually added to liquid electrolytes to assist with the charge process and reduce the overpotential. However, the shuttle effect and the instability of RMs towards a Li metal anode degrade the cycle performance of Li-O-2 batteries. Herein, we report a volatilization-dissolution strategy to supply RMs by introducing 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) into the O-2 atmosphere (TEMPO-O-2 ) outside an assembled cell. Due to not directly adding RMs to liquid electrolytes, the parasitic reactions between the Li metal anode and TEMPO, including the TEMPO's shuttle effect, are alleviated. TEMPO-O-2 mediates the formation-decomposition of lithium peroxide (Li2O2 ) in Li-O-2 batteries and shows a uniform catalytic effect towards commercial Li2O2 . Thanks to the continuous redox mediation of volatile TEMPO and the suppression of the RM's shuttle effect, the Li-O-2 battery demonstrates an ultra-long cycle life of 400 cycles (1600 h) at 250 mA g(-1). Our strategy to supply volatile RMs shows a universal adaptability towards different kinds of cathodes and electrolytes, which may trigger broad applications in various gas-involved Li metal batteries.

  57. One-Step Fabrication of Homogeneous Ta3N5 Crystal Photoanodes Using TaF5 Evaporation Supply for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting 査読有り

    Yusaku Matsui, Tetsuya Yamada, Sayaka Suzuki, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara, Katsuya Teshima

    ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (3) 2690-2695 2021年3月22日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.0c03231  



  58. High-density monolithic pellets of double-sided graphene fragments based on zeolite-templated carbon 査読有り

    Atsushi Gabe, Mohammed Ouzzine, Erin E. Taylor, Nicholas P. Stadie, Naoki Uchiyama, Tomomi Kanai, Yuta Nishina, Hideki Tanaka, Zheng-Ze Pan, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (12) 7503-7507 2021年3月12日

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d0ta11625d  



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    <p>High-density and highly porous graphene-based pellets with anomalous gas densification property and glass-like hardness have been fabricated by using zeolite-templated carbon and reduced graphene oxide.</p>

  59. Iron porphyrin-derived ordered carbonaceous frameworks 招待有り 査読有り

    Masanori Yamamoto, Kazuma Takahashi, Mao Ohwada, Yuxin Wu, Kazuyuki Iwase, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Hisashi Konaka, Henry Cove, Devis Di Tommaso, Kazuhide Kamiya, Jun Maruyama, Fumito Tani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Catalysis Today 364 164-171 2021年3月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.07.003  


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    Iron-incorporated ordered carbonaceous frameworks (OCFs) have been synthesized by the pyrolysis of iron porphyrin with ethynyl groups as polymerizable/carbonizable moieties at a temperature higher than 600 °C. The pyrolysis behavior is analyzed by thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis-mass spectrometry, and the obtained carbon materials are characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption fine structure, and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy. The introduction of ethynyl groups at the meta positions of the peripheral phenyl groups is essential for efficient cross-linking upon thermal polymerization. The thermally stable polymer thus obtained can be transformed into OCFs with high carbonization yield of 93 % at the subsequent carbonization. OCFs possess periodic structural regularity and porphyrin Fe-N coordination structure, and exhibit electrocatalysis for the conversion of CO into CO. 4 2

  60. Elucidation of oxygen reduction reaction and nanostructure of platinum-loaded graphene mesosponge for polymer electrolyte fuel cell electrocatalyst 査読有り

    Atsushi Ohma, Yoshihisa Furuya, Tetsuya Mashio, Masashi Ito, Keita Nomura, Tomohiko Nagao, Hirotomo Nishihara, Hiroshi Jinnai, Takashi Kyotani

    Electrochimica Acta 370 137705-137705 2021年2月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.137705  


  61. Pyrene‐Thiol‐modified Pd Nanoparticles on Carbon Support: Kinetic Control by Steric Hinderance and Improved Stability by the Catalyst‐Support Interaction 査読有り

    Takeharu Yoshii, Daiki Umemoto, Masanori Yamamoto, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Hirotomo Nishihara, Kohsuke Mori, Takashi Kyotani, Hiromi Yamashita

    ChemCatChem 12 (23) 5880-5887 2020年12月4日


    DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202000987  



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    Aerobic oxidative dehydrogenation of amines to imines by thiol‐modified Pd nanoparticle (NP) catalysts on carbon supports is reported herein. Whereas conventional non‐modified Pd NP catalysts are nearly inactive, the carbon‐supported Pd catalysts modified with thiol ligands efficiently catalyze the reaction with high selectivity. Kinetic studies and DFT calculations reveal that the rate‐limiting imine product desorption step is significantly boosted on the thiol ligands‐modified Pd surface compared to the non‐modified Pd surface due to the steric hindrance of the ligands. Furthermore, the catalytic activity is dramatically enhanced in the presence of both pyrene‐functionalized thiol modifiers and graphene‐based carbon supports; 96 % conversion is attained after 4 h at 110 °C. The π–π interactions between pyrene groups and the highly crystallized carbon surface suppress the leaching of ligands, which offers improved catalyst stability even under O2 atmosphere at 110 °C, thereby resulting in high activity.

  62. Development of a simple NLDFT model for the analysis of adsorption isotherms on zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) 国際誌 査読有り

    Jacek Jagiello, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Carbon 169 205-213 2020年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.06.032  


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    In this study, we present a systematic search for a simple geometrical pore model relating the N2 adsorption data on zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) to its pore size distribution (PSD). Based on the known genesis of the templated carbon and the literature studies suggesting its curved pore structure, we explore possible applicability of simple geometrical pore models for the PSD analysis of the ZTC N2 adsorption isotherm. The isotherm analysis is performed using the models based on the two-dimensional version of the non-local density functional theory (2D-NLDFT). We consider finite and continuous curved cylindrical pores. In agreement with XRD results showing no stacked graphene sheets in the calculations, we assume pore walls to be constructed by single-layer graphenes. In the PSD analysis of the ZTC nitrogen adsorption isotherm using NLDFT models assuming different shapes and length of finite pores as well as continuous curved pores of various curvatures. Based on these analyses, we selected an optimal NLDFT adsorption model that is consistent with the ZTC structure described by the atomistic structural model. The periodicity of this optimal model practically coincides with the periodicity of the ZTC lattice that was uncovered by the TEM image reported in the earlier study.

  63. Quantifying Carbon Edge Sites on Depressing Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity 国際誌 査読有り

    Go Bong Choi, Seungki Hong, Jae-Hyung Wee, Doo-Won Kim, Tae Hoon Seo, Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Yoong Ahm Kim

    Nano Letters 20 (8) 5885-5892 2020年8月12日


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01842  



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    To understand the effect of microstructural characteristics of carbon materials on their electrochemical or electrocatalytic performance, an in-depth study of the edges in carbon materials should be carried out. In this study, catalytically grown platelet-type carbon nanofibers (CNFs) with fully exposed edges were physically and chemically passivated to clarify the relationship between the edge density and the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity. Due to the aligned structure along the fiber axis, the edges on the outer surface of the CNFs were easily modified without using a complex process. The edges on the surface of the CNFs were inactivated by sequentially forming single, double, and multiple loops as the heat treatment temperatures increased. The number of edges within the CNFs was quantitatively measured using temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) up to 1800 °C. The surviving edges on the surface of thermally treated CNFs were identified by chemical functionalization via an amination reaction. We identified a close relationship between the HER activity and the edge density. When evaluating the electrochemical and electrocatalytic activity of carbon materials, it is important to know the portion of the edge surface area with respect to the total surface area and edge ratio.

  64. Unusual Redox Behavior of Ruthenocene Confined in the Micropores of Activated Carbon 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Itoi, Takeru Ninomiya, Hideyuki Hasegawa, Shintaro Maki, Akihiro Sakakibara, Ryutaro Suzuki, Yuto Kasai, Hiroyuki Iwata, Daiju Matsumura, Mao Ohwada, Hirotomo Nishihara, Yoshimi Ohzawa

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (28) 15205-15215 2020年7月16日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c02965  



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    We demonstrate reversible charge/discharge in ruthenocene, RuCp2 (Cp = η5-C5H5), using activated carbon (AC) as a support. RuCp2 is supported in the micropores of AC as clusters consisting of multiple RuCp2 molecules via gas-phase adsorption. Upon subsequent electrochemical oxidation using an aqueous H2SO4 electrolyte, the clusters are disassembled and the RuCp2 molecules are finely dispersed in the micropores. The resulting RuCp2 has a large contact area with conductive carbon surfaces, thereby realizing rapid charge transfer at the contact interface. Consequently, rapid charge storage occurs via the reversible redox reaction of the supported RuCp2 in aqueous H2SO4 without dimerization or disproportionation reactions, which is confirmed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Since hybridization can produce different properties of the host and guest materials, their infinite combinations would have the possibility to yield properties far surpassing those of existing materials.

  65. Synthesis of Ordered Carbonaceous Framework with Microporosity from Porphyrin with Ethynyl Groups 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Kenta Matsuura, Mao Ohwada, Masanori Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Matsuo, Jun Maruyama, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Shingi Yamaguchi, Kazuhide Kamiya, Hisashi Konaka, Masataka Inoue, Fumito Tani

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 49 (6) 619-623 2020年6月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.200141  



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    One of the challenging targets in materials synthesis is a direct conversion of molecular based crystalline substances into crystalline ordered carbonaceous frameworks (OCFs). Though we have discovered the first example of the direct conversion with Ni-cyclic porphyrin dimer bridged by diacetylene moieties, such dimer requires a multi-step synthesis procedure with low yield and the resulting OCFs are not highly porous. Herein, we report the direct conversion of Ni-porphyrin monomer with ethynyl groups into OCF with developed microporosity. Upon heat-treatment, Ni-porphyrin monomer is thermally polymerized via ethynyl groups and the resulting polymer is successively converted into OCF at 873 K. Thus, ordered microporous material with conductive carbonaceous framework is obtained. The porphyrin Ni-N-4 coordination structure is well retained after the carbonization and the microporous OCF exhibits specific electrocatalysis for CO2 conversion into CO with high selectivity.

  66. Effect of carbon surface on degradation of supercapacitors in a negative potential range 査読有り

    Rui Tang, Masanori Yamamoto, Keita Nomura, Emilia Morallon, Diego Cazorla-Amoros, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228042  



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    The stability of supercapacitors is the key factor for their use under high temperature, high voltage and long-term durability. To improve the supercapacitor stability, there is a need to understand the degradation mechanism. In this work, the degradation sites in a carbon electrode at negative potential range are investigated in two common organic electrolytes: 1 M Et4NBF4 dissolved in propylene carbonate and in acetonitrile. To elucidate the common factor over a wide range of carbon materials, we examined eight kinds of carbon materials including activated carbons, carbon blacks, zeolite-template carbon (high surface area and a large amount of carbon edge sites) and graphene mesosponge (high surface area and a little amount of carbon edge sites). Their surface structures are distinguished into two regions: carbon basal planes and edge sites by nitrogen physisorption and high-sensitivity temperature-programmed desorption up to 1800 degrees C. Unlike the degradation at positive potential range, initial degradation reactions at negative potential range occur mainly on the carbon basal planes rather than the edge sites. This finding is corroborated by the theoretical calculation.

  67. A Simple "Nano-Templating" Method Using Zeolite Y Toward the Formation of Carbon Schwarzites 査読有り

    Boonyoung Pawan, Kasukabe Takatoshi, Hoshikawa Yasuto, Berenguer-Murcia Angel, Cazorla-Amoros Diego, Boekfa Bundet, Nishihara Hirotomo, Kyotani Takashi, Nueangnoraj Khanin


    DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2019.00104  


  68. A Directional Strain Sensor Based on Anisotropic Microhoneycomb Cellulose Nanofiber-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Aerogels Prepared by Unidirectional Freeze Drying 査読有り

    Wang Cong, Pan Zheng-Ze, Lv Wei, Liu Bilu, Wei Jie, Lv Xiaohui, Luo Yi, Nishihara Hirotomo, Yang Quan-Hong

    SMALL 15 (14) 2019年4月


    DOI: 10.1002/smll.201805363  



  69. メタン貯蔵材料開発を指向したゼオライト鋳型炭素合成の分子シミュレーション 招待有り 査読有り

    田中秀樹, 瀬戸樹, 西原洋知, 京谷隆, 宮原稔

    炭素 285 197-203 2018年11月

  70. Enhanced hydrogen chemisorption and spillover on non-metallic nickel subnanoclusters 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Fumihide Ohtake, Alberto Castro-Muniz, Hiroyuki Itoi, Masashi Ito, Yuuichiroh Hayasaka, Jun Maruyama, Junko N. Kondo, Ryota Osuga, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 6 (26) 12523-12531 2018年7月


    DOI: 10.1039/c8ta02561d  



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    Very fine Ni nanoparticles including subnanoclusters are dispersed in zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC), by thermal decomposition (573 K) of nickelocene pre-loaded on ZTC which functions as a high-surface area support. X-ray absorption fine structure reveals that the Ni species formed by the thermal decomposition is in a unique oxidized state. It is different from nickelocene, Ni metal, or any other inorganic Ni species. The unique Ni species can dissociatively adsorb H-2, and enhance the following spillover even under ambient conditions. The spillover activity of the non-metallic Ni subnanoclusters is superior to that of Ni-metal nanoparticles and even comparable to that of Pt nanoparticles.

  71. Microhoneycomb Monoliths Prepared by the Unidirectional Freeze-drying of Cellulose Nanofiber Based Sols: Method and Extensions 査読有り

    Pan Zheng-Ze, Nishihara Hirotomo, Lv Wei, Wang Cong, Luo Yi, Dong Liubing, Song Houfu, Zhang Wenjie, Kang Feiyu, Kyotani Takashi, Yang Quan-Hong



    DOI: 10.3791/57144  


  72. Structural Coloration of a Colloidal Amorphous Array is Intensified by Carbon Nanolayers 査読有り

    Yukikazu Takeoka, Masanori Iwata, Takahiro Seki, Khanin Nueangnoraj, Hirotomo Nishihara, Shinya Yoshioka

    Langmuir 34 (14) 4282-4288 2018年4月10日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00242  

    ISSN:1520-5827 0743-7463

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    In this study, we introduce the possibility of applying a colloidal amorphous array composed of fine silica particles as a structural-color material to invisible information technology. The appearance of a thick filmlike colloidal amorphous array formed from fine silica particles is considerably influenced by incoherent light scattering across the entire visible region. Therefore, regardless of the diameter of the fine silica particles, the thick colloidal amorphous array exhibits a white color to the naked eye. When carbon is uniformly deposited in the colloidal amorphous array by a pressure-pulsed chemical vapor deposition method, incoherent light scattering in the colloidal amorphous array is suppressed. As a result, coherent light scattering due to the short-range order in the colloidal amorphous array becomes conspicuous and the array exhibits a vivid structural color. As structures, such as letters and pictures, can be drawn using this technology, the colloidal amorphous array as a structural-colored material may also be applicable for invisible information technology.

  73. Ultraporous nitrogen-doped zeolite-templated carbon for high power density aqueous-based supercapacitors 査読有り

    María José Mostazo-López, Ramiro Ruiz-Rosas, Alberto Castro-Muñiz, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós

    Carbon 129 510-519 2018年4月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.12.050  


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    Two zeolite templated carbons (ZTC) with comparable structure and different surface chemistry have been synthesized by chemical vapor deposition of different precursors, producing a non-doped and a N-doped carbon material (4 at. % XPS) in which most of the functionalities are quaternary N. A larger specific capacitance (farads per surface area) has been measured in acid electrolyte for the N-doped ZTC, that can be related to an improved wettability due to the presence of nitrogen and oxygen. The capacitance of N-doped ZTC is lower in alkaline electrolyte, probably due to the loss of electrochemical activity of certain oxygen functionalities. Interestingly, the electro-oxidation process of N-ZTC implies lower irreversible currents (providing higher electrochemical stability) than for ZTC. The presence of quaternary nitrogen greatly improves the electric conductivity of N-ZTC, which shows a superior rate performance. ZTC and N-ZTC capacitors were constructed using 1 M H2SO4. Under the same conditions, N-doped ZTC based capacitor has higher energy density, 6.7 vs 5.9 W h/kg. The power density of N-ZTC is four times higher, producing an outstanding maximum power of 98 kW/kg. These results provide clear evidences of the advantages of doping advanced porous carbon materials with nitrogen functionalities.

  74. Microsphere Assemblies via Phosphonate Monoester Coordination Chemistry 査読有り

    Kamila J. Bladek, Margaret E. Reid, Hirotomo Nishihara, Farid Akhtar, Benjamin S. Gelfand, George K. H. Shimizu

    Chemistry - A European Journal 24 (7) 1533-1538 2018年2月1日

    出版者・発行元:Wiley-VCH Verlag

    DOI: 10.1002/chem.201705985  

    ISSN:1521-3765 0947-6539

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    By complexing a bent phosphonate monoester ligand with cobalt(II), coupled with in situ ester hydrolysis, coordination microspheres (CALS=CALgary Sphere) are formed whereas the use of the phosphonic acid directly resulted in a sheet-like structure. Manipulation of the synthetic conditions gave spheres with different sizes, mechanical stabilities, and porosities. Time-dependent studies determined that the sphere formation likely occurred through the formation of a Co2+ and ligand chain that propagates in three dimensions through different sets of interactions. The relative rates of these assembly processes versus annealing by ester hydrolysis and metal dehydration determine the growth of the microspheres. Hardness testing by nanoindentation is carried out on the spheres and sheets. Notably, no templates or capping agents are employed, the growth of the spheres is intrinsic to the ligand geometry and the coordination chemistry of cobalt(II) and the phosphonate monoester.

  75. Enhanced hydrogen spillover to fullerene at ambient temperature 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoya Simura, Takashi Kyotani

    Chemical Communications 54 (27) 3327-3330 2018年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry

    DOI: 10.1039/c8cc00265g  

    ISSN:1364-548X 1359-7345

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Enhanced hydrogen spillover on molecular fullerene C60, which represents extremely curved graphene sheets, is experimentally demonstrated around ambient temperature. Since the spillover hydrogen is strongly attracted by C60, the increase of C60 mass can be directly confirmed by mass spectroscopy.

  76. Central metal dependent modulation of induced-fit gas uptake in molecular porphyrin solids 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Mao Ohwada, Takuya Kamimura, Masato Nishimura, Hideki Tanaka, Shotaro Hiraide, Minoru T. Miyahara, Katsuhiko Ariga, Qingmin Ji, Jun Maruyama, Fumito Tani

    Chemical Communications 54 (56) 7822-7825 2018年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/c8cc03646b  



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    <p>Porphyrin-based supramolecular architectures exhibit induced-fit gas uptake, and moreover, the on–off porosity switching can be modulated simply by changing the central cation of porphyrin.</p>

  77. Boron and nitrogen co-doped ordered microporous carbons with high surface areas 査読有り

    Alberto Castro-Muniz, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tetsuya Hirota, Mao Ohwada, Li-Xiang Li, Tetsuya Tsuda, Susumu Kuwabata, Jun Maruyama, Takashi Kyotani

    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 53 (100) 13348-13351 2017年12月


    DOI: 10.1039/c7cc08390d  



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    Boron and nitrogen co-doped ordered microporous carbons with high surface areas are obtained by using NaY zeolite as a hard template and an ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetracyanoborate (EMIT), as a BN source. An acetylene-gas supply during a pyrolysis is effective to avoid the unfavourable reaction of zeolite and EMIT.

  78. Formation mechanism of zeolitetemplated carbons 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Katsuaki Imai, Hiroyuki Itoi, Keita Nomura, Kazuyuki Takai, Takashi Kyotani

    Tanso 280 169-174 2017年11月

    DOI: 10.7209/tanso.2017.169  

  79. 微生物由来鞘状酸化鉄を利用した多孔質炭素材料および炭素-酸化鉄複合材料の作製 査読有り

    西村維心, 後藤和馬, 日浦登和, 川村仁美, 橋本英樹, 松本修治, 高田 潤, 粕壁隆敏, 西原洋知, 後藤秀徳, 大久保貴広, 石田祐之

    炭素 280 188-197 2017年11月

    DOI: 10.7209/tanso.2017.188  

  80. Fabrication of Si nanopowder from Si swarf and application to high-capacity and low cost Li-ion batteries 査読有り

    Taketoshi Matsumoto, Katsuya Kimura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takatoshi Kasukabe, Takashi Kyotani, Hikaru Kobayashi

    JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 720 529-540 2017年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.05.228  



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    Si nanopowder is expected as a high capacity anode active material for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) due to its superior theoretical capacity of similar to 3600 mA h/g, which is approximately one order of magnitude higher than that of conventional graphitic materials. We have succeeded in fabrication of Si nanopowder from Si swarf using the cost-effective beads milling method. The Si nanopowder consists of Si nano-crystals having flake-like shape with two largely different sizes, i.e., several hundred nm sizes and sizes less than 15 nm. The mode diameter of Si crystallites fabricated from Si swarf is 6.3 nm. The performance of the nano-Si electrode for Li-ion batteries is greatly improved by carbon-coating on Si nanomaterials and addition of fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) in an electrolyte solution. By addition of 10-15 wt% FEC, a stable and thin (10-20 nm) solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer is formed on the electrode, and the number of cracks on the electrode surfaces after the 100th cycle greatly decreases. Addition of FEC improves the cyclability and decreases the SEI resistance (R-SEI) and the charge transfer resistance (R-ct). However, excess FEC (25 wt%) suppresses free volume expansion of Si nanopowder due to formation of thick SEI, leading to smooth Si surfaces, and resulting in an increase in Rct. Carbon-coating on Si nanopowder greatly improves the cyclability even with the low C/Si ratio of 0.1. In the case of excess carbon-coating, Si nanopowder agglomerates during carbon-coating, which causes peeling-off of a part of carbon-coated Si nanopowder during lithiation, resulting in a decrease of the capacity. The delithiation capacity higher than 1600 mA h/g after the 100th cycle with the current density of 1800 mA/g is achieved by setting the C/Si ratio at 0.1 and the FEC concentration at 10 wt%. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  81. Fine Dispersion of Pt4–5 Subnanoclusters and Pt Single Atoms over Porous Carbon Supports and Their Structural Analyses with X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Itoi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Syunsuke Kobayashi, Somlak Ittisanronnachai, Takafumi Ishii, Raúl Berenguer, Masashi Ito, Daiju Matsumura, Takashi Kyotani

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (14) 7892-7902 2017年3月

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society ({ACS})

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b00422  


  82. Beads-Milling of Waste Si Sawdust into High-Performance Nanoflakes for Lithium-Ion Batteries 査読有り

    Takatoshi Kasukabe, Hirotomo Nishihara, Katsuya Kimura, Taketoshi Matsumoto, Hikaru Kobayashi, Makoto Okai, Takashi Kyotani

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 42734 2017年2月


    DOI: 10.1038/srep42734  


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    Nowadays, ca. 176,640 tons/year of silicon (Si) (&gt;4N) is manufactured for Si wafers used for semiconductor industry. The production of the highly pure Si wafers inevitably includes very high-temperature steps at 1400-2000 degrees C, which is energy-consuming and environmentally unfriendly. Inefficiently, ca. 45-55% of such costly Si is lost simply as sawdust in the cutting process. In this work, we develop a cost-effective way to recycle Si sawdust as a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries. By a beads-milling process, nanoflakes with extremely small thickness (15-17 nm) and large diameter (0.2-1 mu m) are obtained. The nanoflake framework is transformed into a high-performance porous structure, named wrinkled structure, through a self-organization induced by lithiation/delithiation cycling. Under capacity restriction up to 1200 mAh g(-1), the best sample can retain the constant capacity over 800 cycles with a reasonably high coulombic efficiency (98-99.8%).

  83. Improvement of Cyclability of Li-Ion Batteries Using C-Coated Si Nanopowder Electrode Fabricated from Si Swarf with Limitation of Delithiation Capacity 査読有り

    Katsuya Kimura, Taketoshi Matsumoto, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takatoshi Kasukabe, Takashi Kyotani, Hikaru Kobayashi



    DOI: 10.1149/2.0361706jes  



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    We have fabricated Si nanopowder from Si swarf using the simple ball milling method, and applied to Li-ion battery electrodes. Limitation of the delithiation capacity after deep lithiation at 0.01 V is the most effective to achieve a constant high capacity for long cycles. The delithiation capacity keeps constant at 1500 mAh/g until the 290th cycle, and it slightly decreases to 1480 mAh/g at the 300th cycle. However, without limitation of the lithiation and delithiation capacities in the voltage range between 1.5 and 0.01 V, the delithiation capacity monotonically decreases with the cycle number, and it becomes 950 mAh/g at the 300th cycle. With limitation of the lithiation capacity at 1500 mAh/g after deep delithiation at 1.5 V, the delithiation capacity keeps 1470 mAh/g until the 137th cycle, and then decreases monotonically with the cycles to 860 mAh/g at the 300th cycle. With limitation of the delithiation capacity, the overvoltage estimated from the lithiation and delithiation curves is the lowest, and peeling-off of Si nanopowder from the Si electrode is suppressed because of limited size changes of Si nanopowder during lithiation and delithiation of Si nanopowder. (C) The Author(s) 2017. Published by ECS.

  84. Nuclear magnetic resonance study of zeolite-templated carbon 査読有り

    Alexander M. Panich, Vladimir Yu. Osipov, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    SYNTHETIC METALS 221 149-152 2016年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.synthmet.2016.08.021  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We report on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study of zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) material. Analysis of C-13 and H-1 NMR spectra shows that its structure includes a condensed aromatic ring system and reveals hydrogen atoms bound to aromatic carbons. Small amount (similar to 3%) of sp(3) carbons is also detected. The proposed ZTC structure consists of large conductive graphene units connected by carbon hexagons and rare sp3 carbon links. Such structure keeps electrical conduction throughout the carbon network by means of conductive sp(2) carbon bridges and a charge hopping through the short nonconductive sp(3) carbon links. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  85. Effect of Heteroatoms in Ordered Microporous Carbons on Their Electrochemical Capacitance 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Itoi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    LANGMUIR 32 (46) 11997-12004 2016年11月


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b02667  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Micropores play a more important role in enhancing the electrochemical capacitance than mesopores and macropores; therefore, the effect of heteroatom doping into micropores on the electrochemical behavior is interesting. However, heteroatom doping into porous carbon materials would potentially change their pore structures and pore sizes, which also affect their electrochemical capacitive behaviors. To gain insight into the intrinsic effects of heteroatoms on the electrochemical capacitive behaviors, zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) may be the most suitable candidate. ZTC is an ordered microporous carbon with a uniform micropore size of 1.2 nm, a high surface area, and a large micropore volume. In this work, a series of ZTCs containing oxygen, nitrogen, or boron as heteroatoms, with an ordered pore structure and the same pore size, are prepared. By examining their electrochemical capacitive behaviors in an organic electrolyte, the effect of heteroatom doping can be isolated and discussed without considering the effects of pore structure and pore size. Acid anhydride groups are found to generate pseudocapacitance in two potential ranges, -1.0 to -0.3 V (vs Ag/AgClO4) and -0.2 to 0.4 V. B is introduced into the ZTC framework solely as -B(OH)(2), which is found to be an electrochemically inert species. N is introduced as pyridine (3.0%), pyridone/pyrrole (23.8%), quaternary (66.6%), and oxidized N (6.6%), and these species exhibit noticeable pseudocapacitance in the microporous carbon.

  86. An organic proton battery employing two redox-active quinones trapped within the nanochannels of zeolite-templated carbon 査読有り

    Khanin Nueangnoraj, Takaaki Tomai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Itaru Honma

    CARBON 107 831-836 2016年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.06.096  



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    For the first time, we present in this work a simple method to achieve high energy density device by functionalizing zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) with quinone molecules. Two types of quinone, anthraquinone and tetrachlorohydroquinone, which have different redox potential, were introduced into ZTC framework by a wet impregnation method, and were characterized in a sulfuric acid. An organic proton battery was assembled from two different functionalized-ZTC electrodes in the sulfuric acid, where the energy is stored by a proton-rocking-chair mechanism resulting from a quinone couple trapped inside the nanopores of ZTC with a less crystalline or nanocrystalline structure. The assembled device possesses an energy density as high as 30.6 Wh kg(-1), which is superior to the activated-carbon-based capacitors working in the organic electrolytes and lead batteries. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  87. Remarkable performance improvement of inexpensive ball-milled Si nanoparticles by carbon-coating for Li-ion batteries 査読有り

    Takatoshi Kasukabe, Hirotomo Nishihara, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 319 99-103 2016年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.04.050  



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    Si nanoparticles prepared by ball-milling (BM-Si) are expected as practical negative-electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries, but their performance is much lower than those of more expensive Si nano materials, such as chemical-vapor-deposition derived Si nanoparticles (CVD-Si) having a tight network structure. It is found that carbon-coating of aggregations of BM-Si forms a quasi-network structure, thereby making the performance comparable to that of CVD-Si under capacity restriction (to 1500 mAh g(-1)). In this case, the structural transition of BM-Si during charge/discharge cycling is characterized by the formation of a specific 'wrinkled structure', which is very similar to that formed in CVD-Si. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  88. Synthesis and Photoproperties of Edge-functionalized Zeolite-templated Carbon with Bromine or Carbazole Groups 査読有り

    Haruko Goto, Tomoyuki Tajima, Kazumasa Kobayashi, Yutaka Takaguchi, Khanin Nueangnoraj, Hirotomo Nishihara

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 45 (6) 601-603 2016年6月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.160123  



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    We succeeded in synthesizing edge-brominated zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC-Br) as the key intermediate of edge-functionalization of ZTC via an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction using dibromoisocyanuric acid. ZTC-Br was easily converted into carbazole-modified ZTC (ZTC-Cz) using Suzuki-Miyaura coupling. Interestingly, solvent-dependent changes of the fluorescence intensity of ZTC-Cz owing to its swelling shrinking behavior were observed.

  89. Successful functionalization of superporous zeolite templated carbon using aminobenzene acids and electrochemical methods 査読有り

    Carolina Gonzalez-Gaitan, Ramiro Ruiz-Rosas, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Emilia Morallon, Diego Cazorla-Amoros

    CARBON 99 157-166 2016年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.12.006  



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    A novel and selective electrochemical functionalization of a highly reactive superporous zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) with two different aminobenzene acids (2-aminobenzoic and 4-aminobenzoic acid) was achieved. The functionalization was done through potentiodynamic treatment in acid media under oxidative conditions, which were optimized to preserve the unique ZTC structure. Interestingly, it was possible to avoid the electrochemical oxidation of the highly reactive ZTC structure by controlling the potential limit of the potentiodynamic experiment in presence of aminobenzene acids. The electrochemical characterization demonstrated the formation of polymer chains along with covalently bonded functionalities to the ZTC surface. The functionalized ZTCs showed several redox processes, producing a capacitance increase in both basic and acid media. The rate performance showed that the capacitance increase is retained at scan rates as high as 100 mV s(-1), indicating that there is a fast charge transfer between the polymer chains formed inside the ZTC porosity or the new surface functionalities and the ZTC itself. The success of the proposed approach was also confirmed by using other characterization techniques, which confirmed the presence of different nitrogen groups in the ZTC surface. This promising method could be used to achieve highly selective functionalization of highly porous carbon materials. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  90. Vanadium-Ion Redox Reactions in a Three-Dimensional Network of Reduced Graphite Oxide 査読有り

    Jun Maruyama, Tsutomu Shinagawa, Akihiro Hayashida, Yoshiaki Matsuo, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    CHEMELECTROCHEM 3 (4) 650-657 2016年4月


    DOI: 10.1002/celc.201500543  


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    A three-dimensional (3D) fine network structure of thin carbon microflakes inside a loosely entangled carbon-fiber matrix was formed by applying an ice-template method to a graphite oxide (GO) dispersion in the matrix and thermal reduction of the GO. Vanadium-ion redox reactions were investigated in the network of reduced GO (RGO) for potential application as electrodes in vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB). The development of the fineness, the degree of graphitization, the structural disorder, and the surface composition were characterized. The interaction between the carbon surface species and the vanadium ions was implied by the X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). The structure of the 3D RGO network was clearly correlated to the activity for the VRFB positive electrode reactions, and the development of the fine network structure effectively enhanced the reactions due to increased exposure of the edge planes and sufficient dispersion of the active sites.

  91. Easy fabrication of superporous zeolite templated carbon electrodes by electrospraying on rigid and flexible substrates 査読有り

    Juana M. Rosas, Ramiro Ruiz-Rosas, Raul Berenguer, Diego Cazorla-Amoros, Emilia Morallon, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Jose Rodriguez-Mirasol, Tomas Cordero

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 4 (12) 4610-4618 2016年


    DOI: 10.1039/c6ta00241b  



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    Electrospraying of colloidal suspensions of superporous zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) nanoparticles in ethanol is herein proposed for the controlled deposition of continuous carbon coatings over different substrates, both rigid and flexible. By simple tuning of the concentration, feed rate, voltage and treatment time, different electrode thicknesses can be obtained avoiding the difficult manipulation of ZTC nanopowder formed by around 200 nm size particles. The addition of sulfonated tetrafluoropolyethylene (Nafion) in low amounts into the ZTC suspension improves the adhesion, increases the allowable surface loading and enhances the electrochemical performance of ZTC electrodes. ZTC/Nafion coatings from 0.1 to 1.5 mg cm(-2) have been successfully arranged over graphite sheet and conductive carbon paper substrates. The obtained electrodes have been electrochemically characterized in 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte, demonstrating the unique and well-known pseudocapacitive features of ZTC, while showing capacitances as high as 700 mF cm(-2) and outstanding rate performance thanks to the improved arrangement and connectivity of the ZTC nanoparticles. A supercapacitor using electrosprayed ZTC electrodes is constructed, showing specific capacitance higher than 60 F g(-1), capacitance retention of 63% when the current density is raised from 2.5 to 80 A g(-1), energy density of 6.6 W h kg(-1) and maximum deliverable power greater than 240 kW kg(-1). These are promising results that make feasible the use of electrospraying for processing nanostructured carbon materials into electrodes of tunable thickness and deposited on substrates of different compositions and morphologies.

  92. Enhanced electro-oxidation resistance of carbon electrodes induced by phosphorus surface groups 査読有り

    R. Berenguer, R. Ruiz-Rosas, A. Gallardo, D. Cazorla-Amoros, E. Morallon, H. Nishihara, T. Kyotani, J. Rodriguez-Mirasol, T. Cordero

    CARBON 95 681-689 2015年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.08.101  



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    The electro-oxidation of carbon materials enormously degrades their performance and limits their wider utilization in multiple electrochemical applications. In this work, the positive influence of phosphorus functionalities on the overall electrochemical stability of carbon materials has been demonstrated under different conditions. We show that the extent and selectivity of electroxidation in P-containing carbons are completely different to those observed in conventional carbons without P. The electro-oxidation of P-containing carbons involves the active participation of phosphorus surface groups, which are gradually transformed at high potentials from less- to more-oxidized species to slow down the introduction of oxygen groups on the carbon surface (oxidation) and the subsequent generation of (C*OOH)-like unstable promoters of electro-gasification. The highest-oxidized P groups (-C-O-P-like species) seem to distribute the gained oxygen to neighboring carbon sites, which finally suffer oxidation and/or gasification. So it is thought that P-groups could act as mediators of carbon oxidation although including various steps and intermediates compared to electroxidation in P-free materials. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  93. Formation of Foam-like Microstructural Carbon Material by Carbonization of Porous Coordination Polymers through a Ligand-Assisted Foaming Process 査読有り

    Kanokwan Kongpatpanich, Satoshi Horike, Yu-ichi Fujiwara, Naoki Ogiwara, Hirotomo Nishihara, Susumu Kitagawa

    CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 21 (38) 13278-13283 2015年9月


    DOI: 10.1002/chem.201501988  



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    Porous carbon material with a foam-like microstructure has been synthesized by direct carbonization of porous coordination polymer (PCP). In situ generation of foaming agents by chemical reactions of ligands in PCP during carbonization provides a simple way to create lightweight carbon material with a foam-like microstructure. Among several substituents investigated, the nitro group has been shown to be the key to obtain the unique foam-like microstructure, which is due to the fast kinetics of gas evolution during carbonization. Foam-like microstructural carbon materials showed higher pore volume and specific capacitance compared to a microporous carbon.

  94. Characterization of a zeolite-templated carbon by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance and in situ Raman spectroscopy 査読有り

    S. Leyva-Garcia, K. Nueangnoraj, D. Lozano-Castello, H. Nishihara, T. Kyotani, E. Marallon, D. Cazorla-Amoros

    CARBON 89 63-73 2015年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.03.016  



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    Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance was used to monitor the mass changes during the electrochemical characterization of a zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) in 1 M H2SO4 medium. Under electrochemical oxidation conditions, a high anodic current and a net mass increase were recorded, resulting in the increase of the specific capacitance owing to the contribution of the pseudocapacitance, mainly derived from the hydroquinone-quinone redox couple. Under more severe electrochemical conditions, a net mass loss was observed, revealing that electrochemical gasification took place. Surface chemistry, before and after the electrochemical treatments, was analyzed through temperature programmed desorption experiments. Furthermore, in situ Raman spectroscopy was used to further characterize the structural changes produced in ZTC under the electrochemical conditions applied, supporting that high potential values produce the electrochemical oxidation and degradation of the carbon material. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  95. Porous Carbon Fibers Containing Pores with Sizes Controlled at the angstrom ngstrom Level by the Cavity Size of Pillar[6]arene 査読有り

    Tomoki Ogoshi, Kumiko Yoshikoshi, Ryuta Sueto, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tadaaki Yamagishi



    DOI: 10.1002/anie.201501854  



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    We report a new synthesis method of fibrous carbon material with pores sizes that are precisely controlled at the angstrom ngstrom level, by carbonization of two dimensional (2D) porous sheets of pillar[6]arenes. The 2D porous sheets were prepared by 2D supramolecular polymerization induced by oxidation of hydroquinone units of pillar[6]arenes. Owing to the hexagonal structure of pillar[6]arene, the assembly induced by 2D supramolecular polymerization gave hexagonal 2D porous sheets, and the highly ordered structure of the 2D porous sheets formed regular fibrous structures. Then, carbonization of the 2D porous sheets afforded fibrous carbon materials with micropores. The micropore size of the fibrous porous carbon prepared from pillar[6]arene was the same size as that of the starting material pillar[6]arene assembly.

  96. Innenrücktitelbild: Porous Carbon Fibers Containing Pores with Sizes Controlled at the Ångstrom Level by the Cavity Size of Pillar [6] arene (Angew. Chem. 22/2015) 査読有り

    Ogoshi Tomoki, Yoshikoshi Kumiko, Sueto Ryuta, Nishihara Hirotomo, Yamagishi Tada-aki

    Angewandte Chemie 127 (22) 6751 2015年

    出版者・発行元:WILEY-VCH Verlag

    DOI: 10.1002/anie.201501854  

  97. Li-Rich Li-Si Alloy As A Lithium-Containing Negative Electrode Material Towards High Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries 査読有り

    Shinichiroh Iwamura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Yoshitaka Ono, Haruhiko Morito, Hisanori Yamane, Hiroki Nara, Tetsuya Osaka, Takashi Kyotani



    DOI: 10.1038/srep08085  


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    Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are generally constructed by lithium-including positive electrode materials, such as LiCoO2, and lithium-free negative electrode materials, such as graphite. Recently, lithium-free positive electrode materials, such as sulfur, are gathering great attention from their very high capacities, thereby significantly increasing the energy density of LIBs. Though the lithium-free materials need to be combined with lithium-containing negative electrode materials, the latter has not been well developed yet. In this work, the feasibility of Li-rich Li-Si alloy is examined as a lithium-containing negative electrode material. Li-rich Li-Si alloy is prepared by the melt-solidification of Li and Si metals with the composition of Li21Si5. By repeating delithiation/lithiation cycles, Li-Si particles turn into porous structure, whereas the original particle size remains unchanged. Since Li-Si is free from severe constriction/expansion upon delithiation/lithiation, it shows much better cyclability than Si. The feasibility of the Li-Si alloy is further examined by constructing a full-cell together with a lithium-free positive electrode. Though Li-Si alloy is too active to be mixed with binder polymers, the coating with carbon-black powder by physical mixing is found to prevent the undesirable reactions of Li-Si alloy with binder polymers, and thus enables the construction of a more practical electrochemical cell.

  98. Control of pore distribution of porous carbons derived from Mg2+ porous coordination polymers 査読有り

    Yu-ichi Fujiwara, Satoshi Horike, Kanokwan Kongpatpanich, Takashi Sugiyama, Norio Tobori, Hirotomo Nishihara, Susumu Kitagawa



    DOI: 10.1039/c5qi00019j  


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    We have developed porous carbons with various pore sizes from porous coordination polymers (PCPs) with Mg2+ and benzene carboxylate linkers. The pore sizes of the porous carbons were tuned systematically according to the dimensionality of inorganic building blocks and the metal-oxygen-metal connectivity of the PCP frameworks.

  99. Pseudocapacitance of zeolite-templated carbon in organic electrolytes 招待有り 査読有り

    Nueangnoraj, K., Nishihara, H., Ishii, T., Yamamoto, N., Itoi, H., Berenguer, R., Ruiz-Rosas, R., Cazorla-Amorós, D., Morallón, E., Ito, M., Kyotani, T.

    Energy Storage Materials 1 35-41 2015年

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2015.08.003  


  100. Selective Hydrogenation of Phenylacetylene by Pt Catalyst Supported on Zeolite-templated Carbon 査読有り

    C. Jiang, K. Hara, K. Namba, H. Kobayashi, S. Ittisanronnachai, H. Nishihara, T. Kyotoni, A. Fukuoka

    Chemistry Letters 43 (11) 1794-1796 2014年11月5日

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.140699  

    ISSN:0366-7022 1348-0715

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2014 The Chemical Society of Japan. Zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) was utilized to prepare Pt nanoparticles as a support by using a simple impregnation method. The choice of a cationic Pt precursor led to the formation of highly and uniformly dispersed Pt nanoparticles on ZTC, which afforded high conversion in the catalytic hydrogenation of phenylacetylene.

  101. Preparation of Highly Dispersed Pt Nanoparticles Supported on Zeolite-templated Carbon and Catalytic Application in Hydrogenation Reaction 査読有り

    Chuanxia Jiang, Kenji Hara, Kotaro Namba, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Somlak Ittisanronnachai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Atsushi Fukuoka

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 43 (11) 1794-1796 2014年11月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.140699  



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    Zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) was utilized to prepare Pt nanoparticles as a support by using a simple impregnation method. The choice of a cationic Pt precursor led to the formation of highly and uniformly dispersed Pt nanoparticles on ZTC, which afforded high conversion in the catalytic hydrogenation of phenylacetylene.

  102. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Hydrogen/Deuterium Spillover on Pt-Loaded Zeolite-Templated Carbon 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Somlak Ittisanronnachai, Hiroyuki Itoi, Li-Xiang Li, Kimichi Suzuki, Umpei Nagashima, Hiroshi Ogawa, Takashi Kyotani, Masashi Ito

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 118 (18) 9551-9559 2014年5月


    DOI: 10.1021/jp5016802  


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    Hydrogen storage in metal-doped carbons through a spillover mechanism has attracted a great attention. However, the data reported so far are lacking in consistency among different research groups, and the mechanism has not been fully revealed yet. In this work, we prepare a model Pt-loaded carbon by a simple and reproducible method in which already-synthesized Pt-nanocolloid is directly doped on zeolite-templated carbon. The Pt-loaded carbon thus obtained provides reliable data as for the temperature effects (273-353 K) on hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) adsorption isotherms, which contain the contributions of H-2/D-2 physisorption, H/D chemisorption on Pt surface, and H/D storage by the spillover mechanism. We extracted the last contribution (spillover HID) from the isotherms, and found that the amount of the spillover H/D increases with increasing pressure (up to 100 kPa) and temperature (273-353 K). Detailed analysis of the number of H/D atoms stored by the spillover mechanism reveals that H/D radicals spilling from the Pt surface migrate on the carbon surface. The path integral molecular dynamics simulation also demonstrates the migration of atomic H/D on a model fragment of the zeolite-templated carbon, and suggests the enhancement of migration at higher temperature.

  103. Carbon tubules containing nanocrystalline SiC produced by the graphitization of sugar cane bagasse 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Fujimoto, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Masaaki Hisa

    CARBON 68 814-817 2014年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.09.084  



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    Sugarcane bagasse was milled using a high-pressure (100 MPaG) homogenizer and then graphitized in the temperature range 1800-2400 degrees C. The samples obtained were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Carbon tubules containing nanocrystalline SiC were discovered. Their diameter and length were ca. 50-200 nm and 2-30 gm, respectively. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  104. Carbon-carbon asymmetric aqueous capacitor by pseudocapacitive positive and stable negative electrodes 査読有り

    Khanin Nueangnoraj, Ramiro Ruiz-Rosas, Hirotomo Nishihara, Soshi Shiraishi, Emilia Morallon, Diego Cazorla-Amoros, Takashi Kyotani

    CARBON 67 792-794 2014年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.10.011  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An asymmetric aqueous capacitor was constructed by employing zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) as a pseudocapacitive positive electrode and KOH-activated carbon as a stable negative electrode. The asymmetric capacitor can be operated with the working voltage of 1.4 V, and exhibits an energy density that is comparable to those of conventional capacitors utilizing organic electrolytes, thanks to the large pseudocapacitance of ZTC. Despite relatively thick electrode (0.2 mm) configuration, the asymmetric capacitor could be well operated under a current density of 500 mA g(-1). (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  105. Large pseudocapacitance in quinone-functionalized zeolite-templated carbon 査読有り

    Itoi, H., Nishihara, H., Ishii, T., Nueangnoraj, K., Berenguer-Betrián, R., Kyotani, T.

    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 87 (2) 250-257 2014年

    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20130292  


  106. Conversion of silica nanoparticles into Si nanocrystals through electrochemical reduction 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Itoi, Bai-Gang An, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Raul Berenguer, Takashi Kyotani

    NANOSCALE 6 (18) 10574-10583 2014年


    DOI: 10.1039/c4nr01687d  



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    The precise design of Si-based materials at the nanometer scale is a quite complex issue but of utmost importance for their present and potential applications. This paper reports the first attempt to address the electrochemical reduction of SiO2 at the nanometer scale. SiO2 nanoparticles are first covered with a uniform carbon layer with controlled thickness at an accuracy of a few nanometers, by pressure-pulsed chemical vapor deposition. With appropriate thickness, the carbon layer plays significant roles as a current path and also as a physical barrier against Si-crystal growth, and the SiO2 nanoparticles are successfully converted into extremely small Si nanocrystals (&lt;20 nm) inside the shell-like carbon layer whose morphology is derived from the original SiO2 nanoparticles. Thus, the proposed electroreduction method offers a new synthesis strategy of Si-C nanocomposites utilizing the morphology of SiO2 nanomaterials, which are well known for a wide variety of defined and regular nanostructures. Owing to the volume difference of SiO2 and the corresponding Si, nanopores are generated around the Si nanocrystals. It has been demonstrated that the nanopores around the Si nanocrystals are effective to improve cycle performance of Si as a negative electrode for lithium-ion batteries. The present method is in principle applicable to various SiO2 nanomaterials, and thus, offers production of a variety of Si-C composites whose carbon nanostructures can be defined by their parent SiO2 nanomaterials.

  107. Photocatalytic performance of TiO2-zeolite templated carbon composites in organic contaminant degradation 査読有り

    Waleeporn Donphai, Takashi Kamegawa, Metta Chareonpanich, Khanin Nueangnoraj, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Hiromi Yamashit

    PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 16 (45) 25004-25007 2014年


    DOI: 10.1039/c4cp03897e  



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    TiO2 composites with zeolite templated carbon (TiO2-ZTC) and activated carbon (TiO2-AC) were prepared and used as the photocatalysts for comparative studies with pure TiO2. TiO2-ZTC exhibited the highest rate of methylene blue degradation with a rate approximately 4 and 400 times higher than those of TiO2-AC and pure TiO2, respectively. Moreover, the highest catalytic performance of TiO2-ZTC in gas-phase degradation of acetone was approximately 1.1 and 12.9 times higher than TiO2-AC and pure TiO2, respectively. These outstanding performances could be attributed to high surface area, pore volume, and hydrophobic surface properties, leading to improvement in the adsorption properties of organic molecules.

  108. Reversible Pore Size Control of Elastic Microporous Material by Mechanical Force 査読有り

    Masashi Ito, Hirotomo Nishihara, Kentaro Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Itoi, Hideki Tanaka, Akira Maki, Minoru T. Miyahara, Seung Jae Yang, Chong Rae Park, Takashi Kyotani

    CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 19 (39) 13009-13016 2013年9月


    DOI: 10.1002/chem.201301806  



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    Nanoporous materials, such as zeolites, activated carbons, and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), are peculiar platforms in which a variety of guest molecules are stored, reacted, and/or separated. The size of the nanopores is essential to realize advanced functions. In this work, we demonstrate a very simple but innovative method for the control of nanopore size, that is, reversible and continuous control by mechanical force loaded to soft nanoporous materials. The elastic properties of several microporous materials, including zeolites, zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC), activated carbon, and MOFs (e.g., ZIF-8), are examined and it is found that ZTC is a material that is suitable for the aforementioned idea thanks to its extraordinary soft properties compared to the others. The original pore size of ZTC (1.2nm) can be contracted to 0.85nm by using a relatively weak loading force of 135MPa, whereas the other microporous materials barely contracted. To demonstrate the change in the physical properties induced by such artificial deformation, in situ gas adsorption measurements were performed on ZTC with and without loading mechanical force, by using CO2, CH4, and H-2, as adsorbates. Upon the contraction by loading 69 or 135MPa, CO2 adsorption amount is increased, due to the deepening of the physisorption potential well inside the micropores, as proved by the increase of the heat of adsorption. Moreover, the adsorption amount is completely restored to the original one after releasing the mechanical force, indicating the fully reversible contraction/recovery of the ZTC framework against mechanical force. The experimental results are theoretically supported by a simulation using Grand Canonical Monte Carlo method. The similar adsorption enhancement is observed also on CH4, whereas H-2 is found as an exception due to the weak interaction potential.

  109. Production of colored pigments with amorphous arrays of black and white Colloidal particles 査読有り

    Yukikazu Takeoka, Shinya Yoshioka, Atsushi Takano, Shigeo Arai, Khanin Nueangnoraj, Hirotomo Nishihara, Midori Teshima, Yumiko Ohtsuka, Takahiro Seki

    Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 52 (28) 7261-7265 2013年7月8日

    DOI: 10.1002/anie.201301321  

    ISSN:1433-7851 1521-3773

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    Sprayed: Pigments with various angle-independent colors were prepared by a spray method (see picture), which is a remarkably simple method using submicrometer-sized silica particles and carbon black. The use of a polyelectrolyte that adheres to the particles can stabilize the structure of the colloidal amorphous arrays to create highly stressable, nonfading pigments. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &amp Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  110. Amorphous water in three-dimensional confinement of zeolite-templated carbon 査読有り

    Haruka Kyakuno, Kazuyuki Matsuda, Yusuke Nakai, Tomoko Fukuoka, Yutaka Maniwa, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 571 54-60 2013年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2013.04.016  


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    A newly developed nano-structural material, zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC), adsorbs a large amount of water, up to 120-170 wt.% with respect to the dry ZTC. Here, we investigated this nanoconfined water by several experimental methods, including specific heat and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements, and molecular dynamics simulations. The water was highly mobile down to 200 K and its rotational correlation time followed an apparent non-Arrhenius behavior. With decreasing temperature, it was suggested that the water freezes into a low-density amorphous ice with a possible glass transition temperature of around 150 K. ZTC provides a new platform to study three-dimensional 'supercooled' water. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  111. Electrochemical generation of oxygen-containing groups in an ordered microporous zeolite-templated carbon 査読有り

    Berenguer, R., Nishihara, H., Itoi, H., Ishii, T., Morallón, E., Cazorla-Amorós, D., Kyotani, T.

    Carbon 54 94-104 2013年

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2012.11.007  

  112. Binderless thin films of zeolite-templated carbon electrodes useful for electrochemical microcapacitors with ultrahigh rate performance 査読有り

    Angel Berenguer-Murcia, Ramiro R. Ruiz-Rosas, Jaime Garcia-Aguilar, Khanin Nueangnoraj, Hirotomo Nishihara, Emilia Morallon, Takashi Kyotani, Diego Cazorla-Amoros

    PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 15 (25) 10331-10334 2013年


    DOI: 10.1039/c3cp51945g  


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    Controlled nanozeolite deposits are prepared by electrochemical techniques on a macroporous carbon support and binderless thin film electrodes of zeolite-templated carbon are synthesized using the deposits as templates. The obtained film electrodes exhibit extremely high area capacitance (10-12 mF cm(-2)) and ultrahigh rate capability in a thin film capacitor.

  113. Fast and reversible lithium storage in a wrinkled structure formed from Si nanoparticles during lithiation/delithiation cycling 査読有り

    Shinichiroh Iwamura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 222 400-409 2013年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.09.003  


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    Though silicon (Si) is expected as a high capacity negative electrode for lithium-ion batteries, its drastic structure change during lithiation/delithiation cycling hampers its stable cyclability. In this work, we report that a specific structure, a wrinkled structure, is temporarily formed from Si nanoparticles (particle size was ca. 82 nm) at relatively early numbers of lithiation/delithiation cycling, and that the wrinkled structure thus formed shows a good performance. Though this structure soon transforms into a different one, resulting in fading of the performance, such transformation of the Si framework can be frozen at the state of the wrinkled structure by restricting lithiation degree. Interestingly, when Si nanoparticles are covered with a carbon nanolayer (thickness was ca. 10 nm) beforehand, the carbon layer is also deformed together with Si and is taken in by the wrinkled structure. Such carbon-coating improves the rate performance of Si nanoparticles; the carbon-coated Si nanoparticles show a constant discharge capacity of 1500 mAh g(-1)-composite over 100 cycles and exhibit an excellent rate performance (1500 mAh g(-1)-composite even at a rate of 3.3 C). (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  114. Formation of crosslinked-fullerene-like framework as negative replica of zeolite y 査読有り

    Nueangnoraj, K., Nishihara, H., Imai, K., Itoi, H., Ishii, T., Kiguchi, M., Sato, Y., Terauchi, M., Kyotani, T.

    Carbon 62 455-464 2013年

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.06.033  


  115. Towards ultrahigh volumetric capacitance: Graphene derived highly dense but porous carbons for supercapacitors 査読有り

    Tao, Y., Xie, X., Lv, W., Tang, D.-M., Kong, D., Huang, Z., Nishihara, H., Ishii, T., Li, B., Golberg, D., Kang, F., Kyotani, T., Yang, Q.-H.

    Scientific Reports 3 2975 2013年

    DOI: 10.1038/srep02975  


  116. Magnetic properties of host-guest material using network of curved nanocarbon sheet 査読有り

    Kazuyuki Takai, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Toshiaki Enoki

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 73 (12) 1436-1439 2012年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2012.02.032  



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    The magnetic properties of host-guest systems composed of a nanoporous network of curved sp(2)-nanocarbon sheets are investigated by using zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) as a host material with focus on the effects of aging after synthesis, the presence of the template, and guest adsorption. There are two kinds of localized magnetic moments originating from a radical state at a curved part and an edge state at an edge part of the individual nanocarbon sheet. The ZTC sample just after synthesis shows an antiferromagnetic transition at 13 K, which disappears through aging process under ambient gas species such as oxygen. On the other hand, the template removing process during synthesis by using non-oxidizing reagent does not influence the magnetism of ZTC. The results of bromine adsorption reveal that a curved part responsible for the radical state in ZTC is destroyed through chemical reactions with the electron-accepting species. Potassium adsorbed into the nanopores in ZTC, forms magnetic clusters which undergo a ferromagnetic transition at 24 K. The ZTC spins well decoupled with the potassium spins act as a probe in observing the magnetic behavior of the guest potassium. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All tights reserved.

  117. Magnetic properties of host-guest material using network of curved nanocarbon sheet 査読有り

    Kazuyuki Takai, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Toshiaki Enoki

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 73 (12) 1436-1439 2012年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2012.02.032  



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    The magnetic properties of host-guest systems composed of a nanoporous network of curved sp(2)-nanocarbon sheets are investigated by using zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) as a host material with focus on the effects of aging after synthesis, the presence of the template, and guest adsorption. There are two kinds of localized magnetic moments originating from a radical state at a curved part and an edge state at an edge part of the individual nanocarbon sheet. The ZTC sample just after synthesis shows an antiferromagnetic transition at 13 K, which disappears through aging process under ambient gas species such as oxygen. On the other hand, the template removing process during synthesis by using non-oxidizing reagent does not influence the magnetism of ZTC. The results of bromine adsorption reveal that a curved part responsible for the radical state in ZTC is destroyed through chemical reactions with the electron-accepting species. Potassium adsorbed into the nanopores in ZTC, forms magnetic clusters which undergo a ferromagnetic transition at 24 K. The ZTC spins well decoupled with the potassium spins act as a probe in observing the magnetic behavior of the guest potassium. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All tights reserved.

  118. Production of L-theanine using glutaminase encapsulated in carbon-coated mesoporous silica with high pH stability 査読有り

    Tetsuji Itoh, Yasuto Hoshikawa, Shun-ichi Matsuura, Junko Mizuguchi, Hiroyuki Arafune, Taka-aki Hanaoka, Fujio Mizukami, Akari Hayashi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2012.07.012  


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    A new enzymatic process for production of L-theanine was presented using glutaminase combined with immobilization technique on carbon-coated mesoporous silica (carbon/SBA-15). For the attempt to enhance the durability against high pH conditions, the pore surface of mesoporous silica SBA-15 was coated with a thin layer of carbon. Carbon coating was done by addition of 2.3-dihydroxynaphthalene (ON) on the pore surface, followed by a dehydration reaction between surface silanol groups in SBA-15 and hydroxyl groups of DN molecules, and further carbonization of DN. A glutaminase was confined in nanospace (about 5 nm) of carbon/SBA-15. The resulting product, glutaminase/carbon/SBA-15, successfully catalyzed the reaction for production of L-theanine under high pH conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  119. General Relationship between Hydrogen Adsorption Capacities at 77 and 298 K and Pore Characteristics of the Porous Adsorbents 査読有り

    Seung Jae Yang, Ji Hyuk Im, Hirotomo Nishihara, Haesol Jung, Kunsil Lee, Takashi Kyotani, Chong Rae Park

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 116 (19) 10529-10540 2012年5月


    DOI: 10.1021/jp302304w  


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    The hydrogen adsorption isotherms of six metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and three microporous carbons, measured at 77 K (up to 1 bar) and 298 K (up to 100 bar), have been systematically examined for correlations with their pore characteristics. From the obtained correlations, H-2 adsorption was found to occur preferentially in ultrafine pores at both 77 K (&lt;= 1 bar) and 298 K (100 bar), irrespective of the adsorbent. This represents the first experimental evidence that ultrafine pores in MOFs improve the efficiency of H-2 adsorption at 298 K and at high pressures, indicating that that the low H-2 storage capacities of reported ultrahigh microporous MOFs at 298 K result from the prominence of micropores with diameters 1-2 nm, which are inadequate at 298 K and high pressures. Furthermore, these correlations suggest strong links between the H-2 storage capacities at 77 and 298 K, which offer an easy method for predicting H-2 adsorption capacities under unapproachable conditions. This study provides guidance in the development of new MOFs or other adsorbents with an optimized H-2 storage capacity at near-ambient temperatures and a swift screening method of newly synthesized porous adsorbents.

  120. Effect of Buffer Size around Nanosilicon Anode Particles for Lithium-Ion Batteries 査読有り

    Shinichiroh Iwamura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 116 (10) 6004-6011 2012年3月


    DOI: 10.1021/jp2093669  


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    Si nanoparticle/carbon composites in which each Si nanoparticle was embedded in a spherical nanospace were synthesized by a newly established hard-template pathway. A series of composites having different nanospace sizes were prepared, and their lithium insertion/extraction behaviors as an anode for lithium-ion batteries were examined. The nanospace which surrounds each Si nanoparticle can be a buffer against the Si expansion during its lithiation. By using the series of composites, the effect of the buffer size around nanosilicon was systematically investigated. The cyclability became better with increasing the buffer size up to about 3 times larger than the Si volume, i.e., the size which allows Si to expand up to 4 times larger than its original volume. Indeed, the structure of the porous carbon matrix was well retained even after 20 charge-discharge cycles in the Si/carbon composite with this appropriate buffer size, whereas a composite with a smaller buffer size was totally destroyed. The further increase of the buffer size, however, gave rise to the decline of the charge-discharge cyclability, probably because a larger buffer space makes it easier for Si nanoparticles to drop out from the carbon matrix during cycling. In addition, too large a buffer size in principle lowers the volumetric energy density of anode materials. It is thus concluded that the minimum necessary buffer size for Si is about 3 times larger than the Si volume, and this is also the best size to achieve a good cyclability as well as a high volumetric energy density.

  121. Zeolite-Templated Carbon - Its Unique Characteristics and Applications 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    Novel Carbon Adsorbents 295-322 2012年

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097744-7.00010-7  

  122. Isotope effect of proton and deuteron adsorption site on zeolite-templated carbon using path integral molecular dynamics 査読有り

    Kimichi Suzuki, Masanori Tachikawa, Hiroshi Ogawa, Somlak Ittisanronnachai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Umpei Nagashima

    THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS 130 (4-6) 1039-1042 2011年12月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00214-011-1031-8  


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    To analyze the proton/deuteron (H/D) isotope effect on the stable adsorption sites on zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC), we have performed path integral molecular dynamics simulations including thermal and nuclear quantum effects with the semi-empirical PM3 potential at 300 K. Here, for the adsorption sites of additional proton (H*) and deuteron (D*), we chose different five carbon atoms labeled as alpha-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-, gamma-, and delta-carbons from edge to bottom for inside of buckybowl (C(36)H(12) and C(36)D(12)). The stable adsorption sites of D* are observed on all carbon atoms, while those of H* are not observed on delta-carbon atom, but only on alpha-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-, and gamma-carbon atoms. This result is explained by the fact that H* can easily go over the barrier height for hydrogen transferring from delta- to beta(2)-carbons at 300 K, since the zero-point energy of H* is greater than that of D*.

  123. Path integral molecular dynamics for hydrogen adsorption site of zeolite-templated carbon with semi-empirical PM3 potential 査読有り

    Kimichi Suzuki, Megumi Kayanuma, Masanori Tachikawa, Hiroshi Ogawa, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Umpei Nagashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.comptc.2010.12.028  


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    To evaluate the adsorption sites of hydrogen atom on buckybowl-like molecule (C(36)H(12)), which is a model fragment structure of zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC), we have performed path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) simulation including thermal and nuclear quantum fluctuations under the semi-empirical PM3 potential. Here we have picked up ten carbons as the adsorption sites of additional hydrogen atom (H*), which are labeled as alpha-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-, gamma-, and delta-carbon from edge to bottom carbon for inside and outside of C(36)H(12), respectively. In the static PM3 calculation and conventional MD simulation the ten stable adsorption sites of H* are obtained both inside and outside of C(36)H(12). In PIMD simulation, on the other hand, the nine stable adsorption sites are obtained, except for delta-carbon for inside of C(36)H(12). This result is due to the fact that the thermal effect and zero point vibration of delta-carbon and FP stretching motion make adsorbed hydrogen atom go over potential barrier from delta- and beta(1)-carbon for inside of C(36)H(12) more readily. The thermal and nuclear quantum effects are important to evaluate the hydrogen adsorption site on carbon materials. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  124. Path integral molecular dynamics for hydrogen adsorption site of zeolite-templated carbon with semi-empirical PM3 potential 査読有り

    Kimichi Suzuki, Megumi Kayanuma, Masanori Tachikawa, Hiroshi Ogawa, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Umpei Nagashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.comptc.2010.12.028  


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    To evaluate the adsorption sites of hydrogen atom on buckybowl-like molecule (C(36)H(12)), which is a model fragment structure of zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC), we have performed path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) simulation including thermal and nuclear quantum fluctuations under the semi-empirical PM3 potential. Here we have picked up ten carbons as the adsorption sites of additional hydrogen atom (H*), which are labeled as alpha-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-, gamma-, and delta-carbon from edge to bottom carbon for inside and outside of C(36)H(12), respectively. In the static PM3 calculation and conventional MD simulation the ten stable adsorption sites of H* are obtained both inside and outside of C(36)H(12). In PIMD simulation, on the other hand, the nine stable adsorption sites are obtained, except for delta-carbon for inside of C(36)H(12). This result is due to the fact that the thermal effect and zero point vibration of delta-carbon and FP stretching motion make adsorbed hydrogen atom go over potential barrier from delta- and beta(1)-carbon for inside of C(36)H(12) more readily. The thermal and nuclear quantum effects are important to evaluate the hydrogen adsorption site on carbon materials. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  125. Nuclear quantum effect on hydrogen adsorption site of zeolite-templated carbon model using path integral molecular dynamics 査読有り

    Kimichi Suzuki, Megumi Kayanuma, Masanori Tachikawa, Hiroshi Ogawa, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Umpei Nagashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.10.066  


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    To settle the hydrogen adsorption sites on buckybowl C(36)H(12), which is picked up from zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC), we have performed path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) simulation including thermal and nuclear quantum fluctuations under semi-empirical PM3 method. In the static PM3 calculation and classical simulation the five stable adsorption sites of hydrogen atom are optimized inside a buckybowl C(36)H(12), which are labeled as alpha-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-, gamma-, and delta-carbons from edge to innermost carbon. In PIMD simulation, meanwhile, stable adsorption site is not appeared on delta-carbon, but on only alpha-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-, and gamma-carbons. This result is due to the fact that the adsorbed hydrogen atom can easily go over the barrier for hydrogen transferring from delta- to beta(1)-carbons by thermal and nuclear quantum fluctuations. The thermal and nuclear quantum effects are key role to settle the hydrogen adsorption sites on carbon materials. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  126. Fabrication of a Highly Conductive Ordered Porous Electrode by Carbon-Coating of a Continuous Mesoporous Silica Film 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Taeri Kwon, Yu Fukura, Wataru Nakayama, Yasuto Hoshikawa, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Norikazu Nishiyama, Tetsuji Itoh, Takashi Kyotani

    CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 23 (13) 3144-3151 2011年7月


    DOI: 10.1021/cm103388y  



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    A mesoporous silica film (MSF, 20 x 20 mm in size) with 3D accessible Thin carbon layer mesopores (Fmmm symmetry) was synthesized on a current collector substrate, and then the entire pore surface was coated with an extremely thin carbon layer. The resulting carbon-coated mesoporous silica film (C/MSF), which well retains the continuous silica phase with its ordered mesopore network intact, has many advantages over conventional MSFs, porous carbons, or carbon electrodes. Thanks to the continuous carbon-coated layer, C/MSF is electrically conductive, and besides, it has remarkably better stability in an aqueous solution than MSFs. These features enable C/MSF to be used as a stable electrode in aqueous electrolyte solutions. In addition, C/MSF exhibits a much higher rate of performance as an electrode of an electric double layer capacitor than conventional powdery electrodes, indicating that the C/MSF electrode has excellent electrical conductivity, which can be ascribed to the continuous film shape of C/MSF. Another noticeable feature of C/MSF is light transmittance (67.9% at a wavelength of 1000 nm). Thus, C/MSF can be a transparent porous electrode unlike any porous carbon electrodes ever reported. Furthermore, due to the uniform mesopores (2 nm diameter), C/MSF showed a large capability of immobilizing a giant active species such as iron-porphyrin molecules. Indeed, a much larger current was detected for the charge transfer from C/MSF to the iron-porphyrin than in the case of the iron-porphyrin loaded on a conventional graphite electrode. C/MSF is therefore a promising candidate as an effective electrode in various fields.

  127. 鋳型でつくるカーボン系均一ナノ多孔性材料のエネルギー貯蔵研究への応用 査読有り

    西原洋知, 糸井弘行, 伊藤 仁, Somlak Ittisanronnachai, Kwon Taeri, Khanin Nueangnoraj, 岩村振一郎, 京谷 隆

    炭素 248 (248) 89-95 2011年6月


    DOI: 10.7209/tanso.2011.89  


  128. Phase Diagram of He-4 Film in 3D Nanopores of ZTC 査読有り

    Yuna Nakashima, Taku Matsushita, Mitsunori Hieda, Nobuo Wada, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 162 (5-6) 565-572 2011年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-010-0321-1  



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    In the study to examine effects of three-dimensional (3D) film connectivity on superfluid He-4 film in the pore network, we have measured heat capacities of He-4 film adsorbed in zeolite templated carbon (ZTC), which is an assembly of graphene fragments and has network of 1.2 nm pore with the 3D period of 1.4 nm, shorter than those of nanoporous materials studied so far. From the heat of desorption, the He-4 film adsorbed in ZTC was observed to be formed up to about 1.4 atomic layers. Heat capacities of the He-4 film are rather similar to those on SiO2-based porous materials than those on graphite, except for large heat capacities of monolayer He-4 film. At low coverages, the heat capacity rapidly decreases below a temperature T (L), suggesting a localized state of He-4 at T &lt; T (L). The T (L) almost monotonically lowers with increasing the coverage. Heat capacity isotherms show maxima around 1.1 layers, which suggests quantum degenerate fluid (Bose fluid) above the coverage. From these results, the phase diagram of He-4 film adsorbed in ZTC has been determined.

  129. Three-Dimensionally Arrayed and Mutually Connected 1.2-nm Nanopores for High-Performance Electric Double Layer Capacitor 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Itoi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Taichi Kogure, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 133 (5) 1165-1167 2011年2月


    DOI: 10.1021/ja108315p  


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    Zeolite-templated carbon is a promising candidate as an electrode material for constructing an electric double layer capacitor with both high-power and high-energy densities, due to its three-dimensionally arrayed and mutually connected 1.2-nm nanopores. This carbon exhibits both very high gravimetric (140-190 F g(-1)) and volumetric (75-83 F cm(-3)) capacitances in an organic electrolyte solution. Moreover, such a high capacitance can be well retained even at a very high current up to 20 A g(-1). This extraordinary high performance is attributed to the unique pore structure.

  130. Assembling of nanoparticles using ice crystals 査読有り

    Shin R. Mukai, Kazuhiro Mitani, Shinya Murata, Hirotomo Nishihara, Hajime Tamon

    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 123 (2-3) 347-350 2010年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2010.05.025  


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    This article introduces a method to assemble nanoparticles into the form of fibers and monolithic micro-honeycombs using unidirectional freezing. The nanoparticles used were of TiO(2), high SiO(2) Y-type zeolite, and graphite. A silica hydrogel was used as the binder, and an array of needle-shaped ice crystals formed during the unidirectional freezing of the particle-hydrogel complex was used as the template. It was found that such particle-hydrogel complexes can be easily molded into the form of fibers and monolithic microhoneycombs like hydrogels which do not include particles. The morphology can be changed by adjusting the firmness of the silica hydrogel. The strength of the microhoneycombs was found to decrease with the inclusion of nanoparticles, but could be recovered through calcination. The fibers and monolithic microhoneycombs are expected to have the combined functions of the particles and binder included within them. They are also equipped with a network of nanopores and macropores which reach to the surface of the nanoparticles, therefore various fluids can gain access to the surface of the nanoparticles quite easily. Due to this high accessibility, it is expected that the included nanoparticles can show their maximum performances. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  131. Adsorption and diffusion of atomic hydrogen on a curved surface of microporous carbon: A theoretical study 査読有り

    Megumi Kayanuma, Umpei Nagashima, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Hiroshi Ogawa

    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 495 (4-6) 251-255 2010年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2010.06.077  



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    The interaction between atomic hydrogen and microporous carbon is investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. To reveal how the nanographene structures affect the atomic hydrogen uptake, which is caused by hydrogen spillover, chemisorption energies of a hydrogen atom on four graphene-like fragments are compared: a condensed hexagonal plane, two buckybowls, and a heptagon-containing curved structure. It is shown that hydrogen atoms adsorb strongly at the edge sites and on convex surfaces. Two hydrogen diffusion paths on the carbon surface are examined: hydrogen migration along the C-C bond and hydrogen desorption. The results suggest that a probable path depends on the nanographene structure. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  132. Carbon-coated mesoporous silica as an electrode material 査読有り

    Taeri Kwon, Hirotomo Nishihara, Yu Fukura, Kouta Inde, Norihiko Setoyama, Yoshiaki Fukushima, Takashi Kyotani



    DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2010.03.022  


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    The entire pore surface of FSM-16 type mesoporous silica was uniformly coated with a thin carbon layer by carbonizing pre-doped organic-alcohol molecules onto the pore surface. The thickness of the carbon layer was estimated to be extremely thin, i.e., it corresponds to only 1-2 graphene layers. Even after the carbon-coating, FSM-16 preserves its intrinsic ordered pore structure (hexagonal array of cylindrical pores) and still possesses high surface area of 530 m(2) g(-1), but its pore nature was completely converted into a hydrophobic one, which was revealed from a very small amount of water-vapor adsorption. We characterized the electrochemical properties of the carbon-coated FSM-16 together with the carbon-coated SBA-15 synthesized by using the same coating method. Both of them exhibited electric double-layer capacitance in 1 M H(2)SO(4) and 1 M NaCl, and the values of the capacitance per surface area are comparable to those of conventional activated carbons. We can thus conclude that the present carbon-coating changes the nature of mesoporous silicas from an insulator to an electrical conductor with their ordered pore structures unchanged, and the carbon-coated mesoporous silicas can be used as electrode materials with uniform pores. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  133. Structure and magnetic properties of curved graphene networks and the effects of bromine and potassium adsorption 査読有り

    Kazuyuki Takai, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Toshiaki Enoki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (20) 2010年5月12日

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.205420  

    ISSN:1098-0121 1550-235X

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    The structure and magnetic properties of nanoporous zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) and its guest-adsorbed systems are investigated using potassium and bromine as guest species. In ZTC, nanopores formed by a three-dimensional curved-graphene network, whose structure is transcribed from the zeolite nanopore structure, are regularly arranged (periodicity: 1.4 nm). The regularity of the nanopore structure is preserved during vacuum heat treatment (&lt 380°C) and potassium adsorption, though it is destroyed by bromine adsorption. The pristine ZTC has localized spins, whose origin is attributed to those created in the region having a negative curvature in the graphene network, as well as to the contribution of an edge state. The spin concentration is estimated as 1 spin/nanopore and is independent of the heat-treatment temperature up to 380°C. In potassium-adsorbed ZTC, potassium atoms forming networked clusters in the nanopores are magnetic and undergo a weak ferromagnetic transition at 24 K. The ZTC spins, which are not directly coupled with the potassium spins through exchange interaction, accurately mirror the magnetic behavior of the potassium spins. © 2010 The American Physical Society.

  134. Structure and magnetic properties of curved graphene networks and the effects of bromine and potassium adsorption 査読有り

    Kazuyuki Takai, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Toshiaki Enoki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81 (20) 205420 2010年5月


    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.205420  



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    The structure and magnetic properties of nanoporous zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) and its guest-adsorbed systems are investigated using potassium and bromine as guest species. In ZTC, nanopores formed by a three-dimensional curved-graphene network, whose structure is transcribed from the zeolite nanopore structure, are regularly arranged (periodicity: 1.4 nm). The regularity of the nanopore structure is preserved during vacuum heat treatment (&lt;380 degrees C) and potassium adsorption, though it is destroyed by bromine adsorption. The pristine ZTC has localized spins, whose origin is attributed to those created in the region having a negative curvature in the graphene network, as well as to the contribution of an edge state. The spin concentration is estimated as 1 spin/nanopore and is independent of the heat-treatment temperature up to 380 degrees C. In potassium-adsorbed ZTC, potassium atoms forming networked clusters in the nanopores are magnetic and undergo a weak ferromagnetic transition at 24 K. The ZTC spins, which are not directly coupled with the potassium spins through exchange interaction, accurately mirror the magnetic behavior of the potassium spins.

  135. Fabrication and characterization of magnetic nanoporous zeolite templated carbon 査読有り

    K. Takai, T. Suzuki, T. Enoki, H. Nishihara, T. Kyotani



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2009.12.037  


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    The effects of heat-treatment and guest adsorption on the structure and electronic/magnetic properties were investigated for zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) by using potassium, bromine, and helium as guest species. ZTC consists of a curved graphene network, which has regularly arranged nanopores with a periodicity of 1.4 nm. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectra reveal that the regular nanopore structure is preserved during vacuum heat-treatment (&lt;380 degrees C) and potassium adsorption process. On the other hand, bromine adsorption is found to destroy the nanopore structure. Helium atoms adsorbed in the nanospace participate in the energy dissipation of the radical spins in ZTC through collisions with the spins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  136. Preparation of titania-silica cryogels with controlled shapes and photocatalysis through unidirectional freezing 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Shin R. Mukai, Seiji Shichi, Hajime Tamon

    MATERIALS LETTERS 64 (8) 959-961 2010年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2010.01.073  


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    Homogeneous titania-silica binary hydrogels were molded into various shapes, microhoneycomb, self-standing bundle, microfibers, and powder, by a unidirectional freezing method. Moreover, by freeze-drying the unidirectionally frozen samples, the honeycomb walls or microfibers obtained were converted into mesoporous cryogels which possessed considerable high surface areas (up to 1057 m(2) g(-1)) and large mean pore diameters of 2-6 nm. Thanks to the high porosity and well-dispersed titania, the titania-silica binary cryogels exhibited very high photocatalytic activity in the decomposition of salad oil under ultraviolet irradiation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  137. Helium Film Formed in 1.2 nm Pore in Zeolite Templated Carbon 査読有り

    Yusuke Kinosita, Ryo Toda, Taku Matsushita, Mitsunori Hieda, Nobuo Wada, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 158 (1-2) 275-280 2010年1月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10909-009-0007-8  



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    We have measured the vapor pressure of (4)He adsorbed in zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) at 4.2 K, in order to examine (4)He film growth in the nanopore. ZTC has a framework made of non-stacked graphene, and has a relatively uniform 1.2 nm pore with three-dimensional (3D) periodicity of 1.4 nm. The nanoporous substrate is a candidate to realize superfluid (4)He film with closer 3D connectivity than those studied so far. From the vapor pressure, coverage dependences of the thickness and the two-dimensional (2D) isothermal compressibility of (4)He film were derived using thermodynamic equations. The 2D compressibility indicates the onset coverage n(1) of the second adsorption layer around 20 mu mol/m(2). It is confirmed that the (4)He film in the 1.2 nm pores grows uniformly at least up to 1.3-1.5 n(1).

  138. Enhancement Mechanism of Electrochemical Capacitance in Nitrogen-/Boron-Doped Carbons with Uniform Straight Nanochannels 査読有り

    Taeri Kwon, Hirotomo Nishihara, Hiroyuki Itoi, Quan-Hong Yang, Takashi Kyotani

    LANGMUIR 25 (19) 11961-11968 2009年10月


    DOI: 10.1021/la901318d  


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    Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) with uniform straight nanochannels was completely coated with pure, N-doped, or B-doped carbon layer. Their electric double layer capacitances are measured in aqueous (I M sulfuric acid) and organic (1 M Et(4)NBF(4)s/polypropylene carbonate) electrolyte solutions in order to investigate the capacitance enhancement mechanisms caused by N- or B-doping. Since the three types of carbon-coated AAOs (pure, N-doped, or B-doped) have exactly the same pore structure, the observed capacitance enhancement was ascribable to only the following factors: (i) better wettability, (ii) the decrease of equivalent series resistance, (iii) the contribution of space-charge-layer capacitance, and (iv) the occurrence of pseudocapacitance. From the measurements of the wettability and the electrical resistance of the coated AAOs together with the electrochemical investigation (the cyclic voltammetry, the galvanostatic charge/discharge cycling, and the impedance analysis), it is concluded that the pseudocapacitance through faradic charge transfer (factor iv) is the most important factor to enhance tile capacitance by N- or B-doping. This can be applied to not only the present carbon-coated AAOs but also any other porous carbons.

  139. A possible buckybowl-like structure of zeolite templated carbon 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Quan-Hong Yang, Peng-Xiang Hou, Masashi Unno, Seigo Yamauchi, Riichiro Saito, Juan I. Paredes, Amelia Martinez-Alonso, Juan M. D. Tascon, Yohei Sato, Masami Terauchi, Takashi Kyotani

    CARBON 47 (5) 1220-1230 2009年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2008.12.040  


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    Ordered microporous carbon that was synthesized in the nanochannels of zeolite Y is characterized by an extremely large surface area, surprisingly uniform micropores and a long-range periodicity originating from the parent zeolite. However, the molecular structure of this zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) has been completely unknown. In this study, an attempt was made to construct a possible molecular model for ZTC. The proposed model is made up of buckybowl-like nanographenes assembled into a three-dimension ally regular network, which reflects all the experimental results obtained from Raman spectroscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, and previously obtained analyses with several other means. Starting from this idealized model, possible forms of defects that would be included in the actual ZTC were also investigated. Moreover, the amount and the type of oxygen functional groups were analyzed and, as per the results, some functional groups were bound to the edge sites of each buckybowl unit in the molecular model. The elemental composition, pore curvature, pore size and pore volume and surface area estimated from such oxygen-containing model agree well with the corresponding experimentally obtained results. The present model can be considered as a reasonable starting point for future refinements of the structure of this quite novel carbon material. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  140. High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage in Zeolite-Templated Carbon 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Peng-Xiang Hou, Li-Xiang Li, Masashi Ito, Makoto Uchiyama, Tomohiro Kaburagi, Ami Ikura, Junji Katamura, Takayuki Kawarada, Kazuhiko Mizuuchi, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 113 (8) 3189-3196 2009年2月


    DOI: 10.1021/jp808890x  


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    High-pressure hydrogen storage in zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) was investigated at room temperature (30 degrees C). Several types of ZTCs with different surface areas and a nitrogen-doped ZTC were prepared. Their hydrogen storage performance at room temperature was examined and the results were compared with those of commercial activated carbons. At pressures below 10 MPa, the hydrogen uptake capacity was simply proportional to specific surface areas of the carbons, and both ZTCs and activated carbon showed almost the same heat of adsorption (6 similar to 8 kJ mol(-1)). On the other hand, at pressures above 10 MPa, uniform micropores with a diameter of 1.2 nm in ZTCs played a more important role in capacity increase than the specific surface area. As a result, the ZTC with the largest surface area (3370 m(2) g(-1)) exhibited hydrogen uptake as high as 2.2 wt % at 34 MPa. This value is much larger than that of the activated carbon, and such a difference in the capacity between ZTC and activated carbon cannot be explained by the difference in specific surface area alone. Moreover, by loading only a small amount of Pt nanoparticles (ca. 0.2 wt %) onto ZTC, hydrogen uptake capacity was increased from 0.87 to 0.95 wt % at 10 MPa. The increase of hydrogen uptake capacity by Pt loading can be ascribed to hydrogen spillover through the supported Pt nanoparticles to the carbon surface.

  141. Investigation of the Ion Storage/Transfer Behavior in an Electrical Double-Layer Capacitor by Using Ordered Microporous Carbons as Model Materials 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Hiroyuki Itoi, Taichi Kogure, Peng-Xiang Hou, Hidekazu Touhara, Fujio Okino, Takashi Kyotani

    CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 15 (21) 5355-5363 2009年


    DOI: 10.1002/chem.200802406  



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    An ordered microporous carbon, which was prepared with zeolite as a template, was used as a model material to understand the ion storage/transfer behavior in electrical double-layer capacitor (EDLC). Several types of such zeolite-templated carbons (ZTCs) with different structures (framework regularity, particle size and pore diameter) were prepared and their EDLC performances were evaluated in ail organic electrolyte solution (1 M Et4NBF4/propylene carbonate). Moreover, a simple method to evaluate a degree of wettability of microporous carbon with propylene carbonate was developed. It was found that the capacitance was almost proportional to the Surface area and this linearity was retained even for the carbons with very high surface areas (&gt;2000 m(2)g(-1)). It has often been pointed out that thin pore walls limit capacitance and this usually gives rise to the deviation from linearity, but such a limitation was not observed in ZTCs, despite their very thin pore walls (a single graphene, ca. 0.34 nm). The present study clearly indicates that three-dimensionally connected and regularly arranged micropores were very effective at reducing ion-transfer resistance. Despite relatively small pore diameter ZTCs (ca. 1.2 nm), their power density remained almost unchanged even though the particle size was increased up to several microns. However, when the pore diameter became smaller than 1.2 rim, the power density was decreased due to the difficulty of smooth ion-transfer in such small micropores.

  142. Water-dispersible "carbon nanopods" with controllable graphene layer orientation 査読有り

    Li-Xiang Li, Bai-Gang An, Hirotomo Nishihara, Toshifumi Shiroya, Hiroyuki Aikyo, Tatsushi Isojima, Masaki Yamamoto, Takashi Kyotani

    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (30) 4554-4556 2009年


    DOI: 10.1039/b904759j  


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    A pod-like form of a hollow nanocarbon "carbon nanopod&apos;&apos; with controllable graphene layer orientation and good water-dispersibility has been synthesized with extremely high selectivity and without any impurities.

  143. Control of Acid-Site Location of MFI Zeolite by Catalytic Cracking of Silane and its Application to Olefin Synthesis from Acetone 査読有り

    Teruoki Tago, Mariko Sakamoto, Kazuyuki Iwakai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Shin R. Mukai, Tsunehiro Tanaka, Takao Masuda



    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.08we174  


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    Selective de-activation of acid sites located near the outer surface of zeolite was examined using the catalytic cracking of silane (CCS) method. From FT-IR analysis, adsorption species of silane compounds on the acid sites of zeolite during calcination were investigated. Moreover, the effects of types of silane compounds on the changes in zeolite properties, including the amounts of adsorbed ammonia and benzene within zeolite, prior to and after CCS treatment, were examined. The CCS method using diphenylmethylsilane (DPM-silane) was effective in de-activating the acid sites located near the outer surface of ZSM-5 zeolite. Olefin synthesis from acetone was carried out using ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts. The ZSM-5 zeolite after the CCS treatment using DPM-silane exhibited high olefin selectivity as well as low aromatic selectivity.

  144. Morphology maps of ice-templated silica gels derived from silica hydrogels and hydrosols 査読有り

    Shin R. Mukai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Hajime Tamon

    MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 116 (1-3) 166-170 2008年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2008.03.031  


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    Ice-templated silica gels with various shapes were prepared through the unidirectional freezing of silica hydrogels and silica hydrosols that were synthesized from aqueous sodium silicate solutions. The relationship between the characteristics of the precursors (hydrogels and hydrosols) and the resulting shape was investigated. The dominant factor which governs the shape of the resulting gel was found to be the mobility of silica. From hydrogels, porous monoliths with straight channels (microhoneycombs), fibers with polygonal cross-sections, and powders were obtained. On the other hand, from hydrosols, lamellas, flat fibers, and microhoneycombs were obtained. For both hydrosols and hydrogels, we attempted to establish morphology maps which allow us to easily predict the resulting shape from the adjustable parameters of the precursors. in the case of hydrogels, the map could be divided into individual regions which correspond to each type of shape according to the elapsed time between gelation and freezing, and the gelation time of the hydrogel. On the other hand, in the case of hydrosols, the map could be divided into individual regions which correspond to each type of shape according to the relaxation time of the hydrosol at the time of freezing and the gelation time of the hydrosol. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  145. Electronic structure studies of carbon materials by high energy-resolution carbon K-emission spectroscopy measurements

    M. Terauchi, H. Nishihara, T. Kyotani

    Microscopy & Microanalysis 14 (2) 796-797 2008年8月

    DOI: 10.1017/S1431927608084353  

  146. Submicron mesoporous carbon spheres by ultrasonic emulsification 査読有り

    N. Tonanon, W. Intarapanya, W. Tanthapanichakoon, H. Nishihara, S. R. Mukai, H. Tamon

    JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS 15 (3) 265-270 2008年6月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10934-006-9082-2  


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    In this work submicron mesoporous carbon spheres with the BET surface area of 510-610 m(2)/g and the mesopore volume of 0.86 cm(3)/g can be firstly obtained from carbonization of resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) submicron spheres which are prepared from water-in-oil emulsification with span80 and ultrasonic dispersion followed by freeze drying and pyrolysis. Moreover, surface texture and mesoporous properties can be obviously changed by ultrasonic emulsification. By using ultrasonic emulsification, more number and much smaller size submicron carbon spheres can be observed compared to homogenized and mechanically stirred emulsifications.

  147. Carbon-coated mesoporous silica with hydrophobicity and electrical conductivity 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Yu Fukuraa, Kouta Inde, Katsuyuki Tsuji, Masataka Takeuchi, Takashi Kyotani

    CARBON 46 (1) 48-53 2008年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2007.10.024  


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    The pore surface of mesoporous silica SBA-15 was coated with 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DN) through a dehydration reaction between the surface silanol groups in SBA-15 and the hydroxyl groups of the DN molecules. By the carbonization of DN in the SBA-15 pores, the pore surface was uniformly covered with an extremely thin carbon layer, which comprised only 1-2 graphene sheets. The resulting carbon-coated SBA-15 still possessed the characteristics of the original SBA-15-large surface area and pore volume, long-range ordered structure, and sharp mesopore size distribution. In addition, the carbon-coated SBA-15 showed marked hydrophobicity and high electrical conductivity, both of which are not intrinsic properties of SBA-15. The appearance of these features can be explained from the almost perfect carbon coating on the pore surface. Newly developed graphene coating technique can donate characteristic carbon properties to mesoporous silica. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  148. Synthesis of silica-based porous monoliths with straight nanochannels using an ice-rod nanoarray as a template 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Takashi Kyotani

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 18 (31) 3662-3670 2008年


    DOI: 10.1039/b806005c  


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    An attempt was made to synthesize a large-size silica porous monolith with straight and parallel nanochannels using an ice-rod nanoarray as a template. Since the previously reported ice templating methods allowed only the formation of micrometer-sized channels, special efforts were made to decrease the channel size down to the nanometer scale. Furthermore, such nanoporous silica monoliths were prepared not from an often-used and unstable hydrogel but from a stable colloidal silica solution. By increasing both the ice growing rate and the temperature gradient in the ice-water interface as much as possible, the channel size was reduced to 530 nm. Moreover, with the addition of the water-soluble polymers such as gamma-cyclodextrin and dextran, the channel size was further decreased. Finally, using dextran polymer, the channel size reached as small as 180 nm, which is close to the theoretical lower limit ( 120 nm) in the present silica solution. This noticeable effect of the polymers may be explained from their strong interaction with water molecules through hydrogen bonding, but the most necessary condition for the polymers is that they never induce the aggregation of the silica particles in the solution. The methodology of obtaining much narrower channels using the ice templating method was discussed on the basis of the present results.

  149. Densification of ordered microporous carbons and controlling their micropore size by hot-pressing 査読有り

    Peng-Xiang Hou, Hironori Orikasa, Hiroyuki Itoi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    CARBON 45 (10) 2011-2016 2007年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2007.05.029  


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    Ordered microporous carbons synthesized by the template method using zeolite Y were hot-pressed at 573 K up to 147 MPa, aiming at densification of the templated carbons for the future use as energy storage media. Upon the hot-pressing, the powdery templated carbons were easily pelletized without any binder and the bulk density was significantly increased from 0.2 g/cm(3) to 0.7-0.9 g/cm(3). As a result, both the surface area and micropore volume per unit volume were increased. Surprisingly, it was found that the hot-pressing treatment reduced the average micropore size and it was tunable by simply adjusting a pressure in the treatment. In contrast, such changes in the density and the pore structure were not observed for commercial KOH-activated carbons when they were hot-pressed under the same conditions. The observed peculiar behavior of the templated carbons upon the hot-pressing can be explained by their unique molecular structure as compared to the conventional activated carbons. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  150. Porous microfibers and microhoneycombs synthesized by ice templating 査読有り

    Shin R. Mukai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Hajime Tamon

    CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA 10 (3-4) 161-171 2006年12月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10563-006-9015-8  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Recently we introduced the "ice templating" method, a new method which allows the synthesis of nanoporous materials with unique morphology, such as microfibers and microhoneycombs. In this method, materials are synthesized by freezing their parent hydrosols or hydrogels unidirectionally. Ice crystals which grow within the precursor during freezing act as the template. Therefore, the template can be easily removed through simple thawing and drying, which is a unique and beneficial feature of this method. This paper will first describe the outline of this new method and next, the details about methods to control the dimensions of the materials obtained through it. Comments about the range of applicability of this method will also be provided.

  151. Preparation of resorcinol formaldehyde (RF) carbon gels: Use of ultrasonic irradiation followed by microwave drying 査読有り

    Nattaporn Tonanon, Yunyong Wareenin, Adisak Siyasukh, Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon, Hirotomo Nishihara, Shin R. Mukai, H. Tamon

    JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 352 (52-54) 5683-5686 2006年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2006.09.017  


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    In this work, ultrasonic irradiation (with suitable reactant ratios) during gelation of RF solution is a promising technique for maintaining porous properties of carbon gels prepared by microwave drying. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  152. コークスの炭素基質構造の解析 -分子レベルからのアプローチ- 査読有り

    折笠広典, 西原洋知, 楊 全紅, 松岡浩一, 京谷 隆, Atul Sharma, 松井啓太郎, 藤本宏之, 深田喜代志, 加藤健次

    鉄と鋼 92 (3) 137-144 2006年


    DOI: 10.2355/tetsutohagane1955.92.3_137  


  153. Preparation of monolithic SiO2-Al2O3 cryogels with inter-connected macropores through ice templating 査読有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Shin R. Mukai, Yusuke Fujii, Teruoki Tago, Takao Masuda, Hajime Tamon

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 16 (31) 3231-3236 2006年


    DOI: 10.1039/b604780g  


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    Macroporous monoliths of SiO2-Al2O3 cryogels were prepared. Macropores were generated by using ice crystals as the template, while the walls which surround the macropores were tailored as porous cryogels by freeze drying. Macropores and walls formed honeycomb-like structures, which were confirmed from scanning electron microscopy images of cross-sections of the samples. It was confirmed that the sizes of the macropores and the wall thicknesses were respectively in the ranges of 10-20 mu m and 200-500 nm. Al mapping analysis by energy dispersive X-ray diffractometry showed that Al atoms were homogeneously dispersed throughout the samples without local aggregation. Moreover, Raman spectroscopy and Al-27 NMR spectroscopy indicated that Al atoms were incorporated into the silica framework by forming an Al-O-Si polymeric network. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption measurements indicated that the walls were micro/mesoporous with high BET surface areas (>700 m(2) g(-1)) and large pore volumes (>0.45 cm(3) g(-1)). Moreover, NH3-TPD measurements revealed that the samples had acid sites, which allowed this material to be used as a solid acid catalyst.

  154. 3D interconnected macroporous carbon monoliths prepared by ultrasonic irradiation 査読有り

    N Tonanon, A Siyasukh, Y Wareenin, T Charinpanitkul, W Tanthapanichakoon, H Nishihara, Mukai, SR, H Tamon

    CARBON 43 (13) 2808-2811 2005年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2005.05.026  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new method in preparation of 3D interconnected macroporous carbon monolith has been introduced. Ultrasonic irradiation (ultrasonic intensity 78 W/cm(2)) and low catalyst concentration (C/W = 10 mol/m(3)) of RF solution are used as an interesting and unique preparation method for 3D interconnected macroporous sonogel (get irradiated by ultrasound at gelation stage) and/or 3D interconnected macroporous carbon monolith without using templates. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  155. Preparation of mesoporous carbon gels from an inexpensive combination of phenol and formaldehyde 査読有り

    Mukai, SR, C Tamitsuji, H Nishihara, H Tamon

    CARBON 43 (12) 2628-2630 2005年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2005.05.004  


  156. Morphology of resorcinol-formaldehyde gels obtained through ice-templating 査読有り

    Mukai, SR, H Nishihara, T Yoshida, K Taniguchi, H Tamon

    CARBON 43 (7) 1563-1565 2005年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2004.12.029  


  157. Ordered macroporous silica by ice templating 査読有り

    H Nishihara, Mukai, SR, D Yamashita, H Tamon

    CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 17 (3) 683-689 2005年2月


    DOI: 10.1021/cm048725f  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Ordered macroporous silica, a silica gel microhoneycomb (SMH), has been prepared through a method which uses micrometer-sized ice crystals as a template. Template ice crystals, which have a continuous rod shape. a polygonal cross section, and ordered diameters, were grown inside precursor silica hydrogels Under a condition where the pseudo-steady-state growth of them continues. Besides their ordered macroporosity, micro-/mesopores develop inside the honeycomb walls through the freeze-drying of SMHs soaked in tert-butyl alcohol. SMHs have straight and polygonal macroporous voids, which are created and retained through the formation and removal of the ice crystals. Micromorphology including macropore size and wall thickness, micro-/mesoporosity inside the honeycomb walls, and thermal stability of SMHs were investigated in detail through scanning electron microscopy observation, nitrogen adsorption-desorption measurements, and thermogravimetric analysis. It was found that the macropore size of the SMHs can be controlled by changing the immersion rate into a cold bath and the freezing temperature without changing the micro-/mesoporosity of their honeycomb walls. It was also found that the thickness of the honeycomb walls was affected by the SiO2 concentration and the macropore size. On the other hand, the porosity of the honeycomb walls could be controlled to be microporous as well as mesoporous by hydrothermal treatment of as-prepared SMHs in basic aqueous Solutions. Moreover, it was found that SMHs with developed mesopores showed a higher stability against heat treatment.

  158. Improvement of mesoporosity of carbon cryogels by ultrasonic irradiation 査読有り

    N Tonanon, A Siyasukh, W Tanthapanichakoon, H Nishihara, Mukai, SR, H Tamon

    CARBON 43 (3) 525-531 2005年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2004.10.015  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Mesoporous carbon gels are usually obtained by pyrolyzing resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) gels, which are synthesized via the sol-gel polycondensation of resorcinol with formaldehyde in a slightly basic aqueous solution followed by drying. However, meso-porous carbon gels cannot be prepared under the conditions of high catalyst concentration or high pH of RF solution even by using supercritical drying or freeze drying. In this work, mesoporosity of carbon cryogels is improved by ultrasonic irradiation to RF solution. It is found that the gelation time of RF solution becomes greatly short by ultrasonic irradiation and that ultrasonic can improve mesoporosity of carbon cryogels prepared at high catalyst concentration (C/W). Although the carbon cryogels prepared from C/W = 80mol/m(3) have no mesopores, the carbon sonogels prepared by ultrasonic irradiation under the same catalyst condition have sharp mesopore size distribution. The utilization of ultrasonic in the preparation of RF gel is an interesting way in improving mesoporosity of carbon gels prepared at high C/W or pH. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  159. Preparation of porous TiO2 cryogel fibers through unidirectional freezing of hydrogel followed by freeze-drying 査読有り

    Mukai, SR, H Nishihara, S Shichi, H Tamon

    CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 16 (24) 4987-4991 2004年11月


    DOI: 10.1021/cm0491328  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Porous titania cryogel fibers (TCFs) were prepared through the unidirectional freezing and subsequent freeze-drying of titania hydrogels, which were synthesized by sol-gel polymerization of titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) using dialysis. By adjusting the concentrations of TTIP, and using freeze-drying after replacing the water included in the titania hydrogel fibers with tert-butyl alcohol, mesoporous TCFs which maintained their unique fiber morphology were successfully prepared. The as-dried TCFs were transparent, contained anatase structure, and had BET surface areas over 400 m(2)/g. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption measurements, powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning laser microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to characterize the physical properties of TCFs. The effect of heat treatment after freeze-drying on the porous properties and crystal structures of TCFs was examined. It was found that BET surface areas and mesopore volumes of TCFs decrease with the increase in heat treatment temperature. On the other hand, the XRD peak intensity corresponding to anatase structure increases with the increase in heat treatment temperature in the range below 773 K. Photocatalytic decomposition activities of large organic molecules on TCFs was also measured and the results were compared with those from a commercial photocatalyst, Degussa P-25. Moreover, photocatalytic decomposition of methylene blue was examined by using TCF-packed columns.

  160. Formation of monolithic silica gel microhoneycombs (SMHs) using pseudosteady state growth of microstructural ice crystals 査読有り

    Mukai, SR, H Nishihara, H Tamon

    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (7) 874-875 2004年4月


    DOI: 10.1039/b316597c  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Monolithic silica gel microhoneycombs, which have an array of straight macropores within their structure and developed micro/mesopores inside their walls, were prepared using pseudosteady state growth of ice crystals which occurs during the unidirectional freeze-gelation of freshly gelled aqueous silica hydrogels, followed by a pore-protecting drying method, freeze drying.

  161. Preparation of resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon cryogel microhoneycombs 査読有り

    H Nishihara, Mukai, SR, H Tamon

    CARBON 42 (4) 899-901 2004年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2004.01.075  


  162. Formation of unique nanowhiskers on carbon gels 査読有り

    N Tonanon, W Tanthapanichakoon, T Yamamoto, H Nishihara, Mukai, SR, H Tamon

    CARBON 42 (10) 2119-2121 2004年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2004.03.031  


  163. Porous properties of silica gels with controlled morphology synthesized by unidirectional freeze-gelation 査読有り

    Mukai, SR, H Nishihara, H Tamon



    DOI: 10.1016/S1387-1811(03)00430-X  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this work, the unidirectional freezing method was applied to a wide variety of silica gel precursors; from silica sols which do not readily gel, to thoroughly aged silica hydrogels. It was found that in addition to the well-known structure of fibers with polygonal cross-sections which are commonly obtained in the unidirectional freezing method, porous silica gels having unique morphologies such as honeycomb, lamellar and flat fiber structures could also be obtained by changing the state of the precursor sol or gel. The obtained silica hydrogels were freeze-dried after exchanging the water included in its structure to t-butanol, and finally dry samples maintaining their wet state structures were obtained. The morphology and the porous properties of the obtained silica gels were systematically analyzed and the influences of preparation conditions, including pH, aging time before freezing, SiO2 concentration, freezing temperature, and storage time at the frozen state on both factors were examined in detail. It was found that the simultaneous controlling of both factors could be easily conducted by simply adjusting preparation conditions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  164. Influence of Surfactants on Porous Properties of Carbon Cryogels Prepared by Sol–Gel Polycondensation of Resorcinol and Formaldehyde 査読有り

    Nattaporn Tonanon, Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon, Takuji Yamamoto, Hirotomo Nishihara, Shin R. Mukai, Hajime Tamon

    Carbon 41 (15) 2981-2990 2003年


    DOI: 10.1016/S0008-6223(03)00422-6  


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示


  1. Structural control of nanoporous frameworks consisting of minimally stacked graphene walls 招待有り 査読有り

    Kritin Pirabul, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Frontiers in Materials 10 2024年1月10日

    出版者・発行元:Frontiers Media SA

    DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2023.1345592  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This mini-review provides an in-depth analysis of the formation and post-processing of nanoporous graphene materials via methane chemical vapor deposition (CH<sub>4</sub>-CVD) using nanostructured metal oxide templates, including Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, MgO, and SiO<sub>2</sub>. Initially, the formation of graphene sheets is discussed in terms of the role of CH<sub>4</sub>-CVD, the influence of templates, and the underlying mechanism for tailoring the structures of the graphene-based materials. Following this, the discussion extends to the post-graphene formation process. We focus on key steps, including template removal and graphene repair via zipping reactions at high temperatures. Additionally, we evaluate the conditions to prevent undesired structural transformations. The correlation between the structural features and transformations occurring during post-processing is also examined. The materials fabricated through these methods exhibit impressive properties of high porosity, minimal edge sites, superior oxidation resistance, and elasticity, positioning them as promising materials in various applications.

  2. 湾曲グラフェンから成るメソ多孔体「グラフェンメソスポンジ」の特長と応用 招待有り 査読有り

    西原洋知, 伊藤仁, 黒田拓馬

    粉体技術 15 (6) 13-19 2023年6月

  3. カーボンの中に金属が規則配列した触媒 招待有り

    吉井丈晴, 千田晃生, 西原洋知, 谷文都

    触媒 65 16-22 2023年1月

  4. Coordination chemistry for innovative carbon-related materials

    Ryota Sakamoto, Ryojun Toyoda, Guan Jingyan, Yuta Nishina, Kazuhide Kamiya, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoki Ogoshi

    Coordination Chemistry Reviews 466 214577-214577 2022年9月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2022.214577  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    With the emergence of energy and environmental problems and the deepening of devices to solve these problems, the demand for carbon materials is increasing and higher performance is required. While a variety of scientific knowledge has been poured into the creation of innovative carbon materials, coordination chemistry also makes a significant contribution to the creation of innovative carbon materials, especially for metal-containing carbon materials. In this review, we summarize the new carbon and related materials opened up by complex chemistry. In the first chapter, the prospect of this review is mentioned as an introduction. There are various methods for synthesizing carbon materials mediated by complex chemistry, and these are listed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, we summarize the various applications of coordination-chemistry-based carbon materials. In Chapter 4, we discuss the potential of conductive molecular frameworks as new materials that can replace or surpass carbon materials. Chapter 5 summarizes this review and presents the future challenges and prospects of coordination-chemistry-based carbon and related materials.

  5. Aligned Macroporous Monoliths by Ice-Templating

    Zheng-Ze Pan, Wei Lv, Quan-Hong Yang, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 95 (4) 611-620 2022年4月15日

    出版者・発行元:The Chemical Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20220022  



  6. 新しい物質群「3Dカーボン構造体」の創成

    坂本良太, 仁科勇太, 神谷和秀, 西原洋知, 生越友樹

    化学 77 (3) 29-33 2022年3月

  7. Ordered carbonaceous frameworks: a new class of carbon materials with molecular-level design

    Takeharu Yoshii, Koki Chida, Hirotomo Nishihara, Fumito Tani

    Chemical Communications 58 (22) 3578-3590 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1cc07228e  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Ordered carbonaceous frameworks are a new class of carbon materials, which comprise graphene-based three-dimensional ordered frameworks with regularly aligned single-atomic metal species.

  8. カーボン電極の劣化機構と高耐食性電極材料の開発


    キャパシタ技術 28 (1) 1-23 2021年1月

  9. 単層グラフェンナノ多孔体


    化学と工業 73 (10) 878-878 2020年11月


  10. 単層グラフェンを構成要素とするナノ多孔質材料 査読有り


    Colloid & Interface Communication 45 (2) 23-26 2020年


  11. カーボンナノチューブに勝る高耐久のEDLC電極カーボン材料 招待有り

    野村啓太, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング 4 246-251 2019年

  12. 有機結晶の構造を維持したカーボン材料の創製 招待有り


    高分子 68 301-302 2019年

  13. Zeolite-templated carbons-three-dimensional microporous graphene frameworks

    H. Nishihara, T. Kyotani

    Chemical Communications 54 (45) 5648-5673 2018年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry

    DOI: 10.1039/c8cc01932k  

    ISSN:1364-548X 1359-7345

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Zeolite-templated carbons (ZTCs) are ordered microporous carbons synthesized by using zeolite as a sacrificial template. Unlike well-known ordered mesoporous carbons obtained by using mesoporous silica templates, ZTCs consist of curved and single-layer graphene frameworks, thereby affording uniform micropore size (ca. 1.2 nm), developed microporosity (∼1.7 cm3 g-1), very high surface area (∼4000 m2 g-1), good compatibility with chemical modification, and remarkable softness/elasticity. Thus, ZTCs have been used in many applications such as hydrogen storage, methane storage, CO2 capture, liquid-phase adsorption, catalysts, electrochemical capacitors, batteries, and fuel cells. Herein, the relevant research studies are summarized, and the properties as well as the performances of ZTCs are compared with those of other materials including metal-organic frameworks, to elucidate the intrinsic advantages of ZTCs and their future development.

  14. 水素のふるまいを解き明かす最先端研究 ゼオライト鋳型炭素上での水素のスピルオーバー~水素吸蔵材料を目指して~

    糸井弘行, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    触媒 59 (5) 263‐267-267 2017年10月10日



  15. カーボン系材料のナノ空間制御と応用に関する研究


    Adsorption News 31 (1) 3‐7 2017年5月15日


  16. ゼオライト鋳型炭素上での水素のスピルオーバー~水素吸蔵材料を目指して~ 招待有り

    糸井弘行, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    触媒 59 (5) 263-267 2017年



  17. Analysis of carbon plygons by high-resolution pair distribution function obtained from neutron diffraction

    MLF Annual Report 2017 2 34-36 2017年

  18. Study on electrochemical capacitance using templated carbons

    H. Nishihara, H. Itoi, K. Nueangnoraj, R. Berenguer, A. Berenguer-Murcia, R. Ruiz-Rosas, D. Cazorla-Amoros, E. Morallon, T. Kyotani

    Boletin del Grupo Espanol del Carbon37 37 6-8 2015年4月

  19. Hybrid redox capacitor with high energy density derived from quinone-functionalized zeolite templated-carbon

    Khanin Nueangnoraj, Takaaki Tomai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Itaru Honma




  20. 炭素材料の電気化学的耐性とエッジサイトの関係

    田口海志, 西原洋知, 京谷隆, 石井孝文, 村松康司, CAZOLRA-AMOROS Diego

    炭素材料学会年会要旨集 42nd 2015年

  21. 応力で変形する柔軟多孔性材料


    Adsorpt News 28 (1) 9-13 2014年4月30日


  22. 黒鉛及び高温処理炭素のエッジ面の分析に基づく構造解析とその応用

    石井孝文, 柏原進, 大谷尚史, 小林俊介, 干川康人, 西原洋知, 京谷隆, 鏑木裕, 吉田明, 菱山幸宥, 神成尚克, 尾崎純一, 高井和之, 榎敏明

    化学系学協会東北大会プログラムおよび講演予稿集 2014 2014年

  23. 積層型電気化学アクチュエータへの応用を志向したイオン液体コンポジット材料の創成

    岩崎悠紀, 津田哲哉, 西原洋知, 京谷陸, 山縣雅紀, 石川正司, 桑畑進

    電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集 2013 277 2013年9月27日

  24. ゼオライト鋳型を利用したユニークな構造の炭素の合成とその特異な性質

    京谷隆, 西原洋知

    触媒 55 (6) 376-381 2013年6月

  25. 26aXH-2 ナノ構造炭素に束縛された水の研究(26aXH 領域11,領域12合同 ガラス合同セッション1,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))

    客野 遥, 松田 和之, 中井 祐介, 福岡 智子, 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 68 (1) 315-315 2013年3月26日



  26. 26aPS-22 核磁気共鳴法によるゼオライト鋳型炭素(ZTC)の研究II(26aPS 領域3ポスターセッション,領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))

    山田 健介, 中井 祐介, 松田 和之, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆, 真庭 豊

    日本物理学会講演概要集 68 (1) 503-503 2013年3月26日



  27. 29aPS-4 ZTC(ゼオライト鋳型炭素)の幾何学的束縛効果による、吸着物質のアモルファス転移(29aPS 領域12ポスターセッション,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))

    光山 遼, 客野 遥, 中井 祐介, 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 68 (1) 447-447 2013年3月26日



  28. ゼオライト鋳型炭素の有機電解液における酸化還元反応

    山本格久, 西原洋知, ROSAS Ramiro Rafael Ruiz, NUEANGNORAJ Khanin, 石井孝文, 京谷隆

    炭素材料学会年会要旨集 40th 2013年

  29. Tailoring the Surface Chemistry of Zeolite Templated Carbon by Electrochemical Methods 招待有り

    R. Berenguer, E. Morallon, D. Cazorla-Amoros, H. Nishihara, H. Itoi, T. Ishii, T. Kyotani

    Boletin del Grupo Espanol del Carbon 28 10-14 2013年

  30. Li<sub>22</sub>Si<sub>5</sub>合金のリチウム放出・再吸蔵特性

    小野良貴, 岩村振一郎, 西原洋知, 奈良洋希, 逢坂哲彌, 森戸春彦, 山根久典, 京谷隆

    電池討論会講演要旨集 53rd 206 2012年11月13日

  31. ゼオライトの配列ナノ空間で合成された3次元規則性炭素

    京谷隆, 西原洋知

    固体物理 47 (9) 429-436 2012年9月



  32. 18pPSA-39 核磁気共鳴法によるゼオライト鋳造炭素(ZTC)の研究(18pPSA 領域3ポスターセッション(スピントロニクス・薄膜・人工格子・表面・スピングラス・磁気共鳴・実験技術・磁性一般),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))

    山田 健介, 中井 祐介, 松田 和之, 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 67 (2) 408-408 2012年8月24日



  33. 20aAF-1 ゼオライト鋳型炭素(ZTC)内の水の構造と相挙動II(20aAF 領域11,領域12合同 ガラス合同セッション1,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))

    客野 遥, 松田 和之, 中井 祐介, 福岡 智子, Takabe Y., 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 67 (2) 284-284 2012年8月24日



  34. Templated Nanocarbons for Energy Storage

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    ADVANCED MATERIALS 24 (33) 4473-4498 2012年8月


    DOI: 10.1002/adma.201201715  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The template carbonization method is a powerful tool for producing carbon materials with precisely controlled structures at the nanometer level. The resulting templated nanocarbons exhibit extraordinarily unique (often ordered) structures that could never be produced by any of the conventional methods for carbon production. This review summarizes recent publications about templated nanocarbons and their composites used for energy storage applications, including hydrogen storage, electrochemical capacitors, and lithium-ion batteries. The main objective of this review is to clarify the true significance of the templated nanocarbons for each application. For this purpose, the performance characteristics of almost all templated nanocarbons reported thus far are listed and compared with those of conventional materials, so that the advantages/disadvantages of the templated nanocarbons are elucidated. From the practical point of view, the high production cost and poor mass-producibility of the templated nanocarbons make them rather difficult to utilize; however, the study of their unique, specific, and ordered structures enables a deeper insight into energy storage mechanisms and the guidelines for developing energy storage materials. Thus, another important purpose of this work is to establish such general guidelines and to propose future strategies for the production of carbon materials with improved performance for energy storage applications.

  35. 27aPS-50 ゼオライト鋳型炭素による幾何学的閉じ込め効果を用いた希ガスの物質相探索(27aPS 領域12ポスターセッション,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))

    高部 陽介, 客野 遥, 中井 祐介, 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 67 (1) 435-435 2012年3月5日



  36. 25aAH-2 ゼオライト鋳型炭素(ZTC)内の水の構造と相挙動(25aAH 領域12,領域11合同 ガラス合同セッション2,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))

    客野 遥, 松田 和之, 中井 祐介, 福岡 智子, 高部 陽介, 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 67 (1) 403-403 2012年3月5日



  37. 22aTD-8 水を吸着したゼオライト鋳型カーボン(ZTC)の研究(22aTD ゼオライト系,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))

    客野 遥, 松田 和之, 福岡 智子, 高部 陽介, 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 66 (2) 857-857 2011年8月24日



  38. カーボンのナノ構造制御と機能化

    京谷隆, 西原洋知, 干川康人

    マテリアルインテグレーション 24 (4) 236-241 2011年4月



  39. 28pGV-2 ゼオライト鋳型カーボンに吸着した水の挙動 : X線回折とNMRによる研究(28pGV 化学物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))

    松田 和之, 福岡 智子, 高部 陽介, 客野 遥, 真庭 豊, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 66 (1) 421-421 2011年3月3日



  40. 白金錯体担持炭素の水素吸蔵特性

    糸井弘行, 西原洋知, 石井孝文, ITTISANRONNACHAI Somlak, 伊藤仁, 伊藤仁, 松村大樹, 京谷隆

    炭素材料学会年会要旨集 38th 2011年

  41. 規則性ナノグラフェン構造体による超高容量電気化学キャパシタ

    糸井弘行, 西原洋知, 石井孝文, BERENGUER-BETRIAN Raul, 京谷隆

    化学系学協会東北大会プログラムおよび講演予稿集 2011 2011年

  42. Siナノ粒子への炭素被覆による超高性能リチウムイオン電池負極材料の作製

    岩村振一郎, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会講演予稿集 11th 2011年

  43. 鋳型でつくるナノカーボンネットワーク


    パリティ 25 (6) 48-52 2010年6月1日



  44. ナノシリコン/炭素複合体からなるリチウム二次電池用負極材料の合成

    西原洋知, 岩村振一郎, 鈴木崇史, 京谷隆

    化学系学協会東北大会プログラムおよび講演予稿集 2010 2010年

  45. 27aYH-2 TEM-XESによるゼオライトカーボンの価電子状態の研究II(27aYH グラフェン・グラファイト関連,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))

    寺内 正己, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 64 (1) 811-811 2009年3月3日



  46. 明らかとなったゼオライト鋳型炭素の分子構造 ~規則性バッキーボウル連結体~

    西原洋知, 京谷 隆

    化学工業 60 (5) 329-335 2009年



  47. 構造規則性ミクロ~メソ多孔質炭素の合成と応用

    西原洋知, 京谷 隆

    触媒 51 14-19 2009年

  48. ゼオライト鋳型炭素による水素吸蔵

    西原洋知, 京谷 隆, 伊藤 仁, 内山 誠

    燃料電池 9 (1) 97-102 2009年



  49. 構造規則性ミクロ~メソ多孔質炭素の合成と応用

    西原洋知, 京谷隆

    触媒 51 14-19 2009年1月

  50. 鋳型法によるナノカーボンの合成法

    京谷隆, 折笠広典, 西原洋知

    炭素 235 307-315 2008年11月

    DOI: 10.7209/tanso.2008.307  

  51. 20aTA-3 TEM-XESによるゼオライトカーボンの価電子状態の研究(20aTA グラフェン・グラファイトの形成と評価I,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))

    寺内 正己, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    日本物理学会講演概要集 63 (2) 726-726 2008年8月25日



  52. 鋳型法によるカーボンナノ構造の精密制御と機能化

    京谷隆, 折笠広典, 西原洋知

    2008年 CPC研究会研究報 炭素素原料科学と材料設計X 27-38 2008年5月

  53. 生体物質に温和な条件下でのハニカムモノリスの鋳型合成

    岩村振一郎, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    化学系学協会東北大会プログラムおよび講演予稿集 2008 2008年

  54. 鋳型法によるナノカーボンの合成法

    京谷 隆, 折笠広典, 西原洋知

    炭素 235 307-315 2008年

    DOI: 10.7209/tanso.2008.307  

  55. 鋳型合成した構造規則性カーボンの電気二重層キャパシタ特性 招待有り


    キャパシタ技術 14 (3) 95-106 2007年10月

  56. サブミクロンサイズの細孔を有する多孔質シリカの一方向凍結による合成

    岩村振一郎, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    化学系学協会東北大会プログラムおよび講演予稿集 2007 2007年

  57. CVD法によるナノ空間への炭素堆積

    西原洋知, 折笠広典, 京谷 隆

    炭素 230 (230) 345-351 2007年


    DOI: 10.7209/tanso.2007.345  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    It has been recognized that it is difficult to achieve uniform carbon depostion into nanospace such as micropores and mesopores by using CVD. However, we have recently demonstrated that, even in molecular-scale and labyrinthine pores like the nanochannels of zeolites, uniform carbon deposition is possible if CVD conditions are carefully selected and optimized. This review article introduces several examples of the carbon deposition into micro- and mesopores and shows key factors that impact the uniform deposition into such nanospace.

  58. 26aZB-2 ゼオライト鋳型カーボン(ZTC)へのカリウムドープとその磁気的性質(26aZB グラファイト,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))

    鈴木 豪, 高井 和之, 榎 敏明, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知

    日本物理学会講演概要集 61 (2) 708-708 2006年8月18日



  59. 整然と配列したカーボンの細孔が電気を蓄える

    西原洋知, 京谷 隆

    化学 61 68-69 2006年4月

  60. Assembling of nanoparticles using ice crystals

    Shin R. Mukai, Kazuhiro Mitani, Hirotomo Nishihara, Hajime Tamon

    Topical Conference on Applications of Micro-Reactor Engineering 2006, Held at the 2006 AIChE Spring National Meeting 240-246 2006年1月1日

  61. 純粋なシリカのA型ゼオライトが合成された!


    化学 60 (12) 64-65 2005年12月

  62. Controlling the hierarchical pore structure of resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon cryogel microhoneycombs

    Shin R. Mukai, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Yoshida, Ken ichi Taniguchi, Hajime Tamon

    ACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts 229 2005年8月3日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new processing method, ice-templating method, for the preparation of ordered macroporous materials using sol-gel transformation is developed. When precursor hydrogels are unidirectionally frozen, pseudosteady state growth of ice crystals occurred inside their matrices. Such ice crystals were regularly aligned parallel to the freezing direction, and played the role of a template. A microhoneycomb morphology was formed at this freezing stage. After removal of the ice crystals by thawing and drying, organic/inorganic gel microhoneycombs with micro/mesopores inside their honeycomb walls could be obtained. Carbon cryogel microhoneycombs (CMH) preparation succeeded by applying this new method to resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) hydrogels. The relationship between the preparation conditions and the morphology of the resulting RF cryogels is compared, and the preparation of fine CMH is presented. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 229th ACS National Meeting (San Diego, CA 3/13-17/2005).

  63. 一方向凍結ゲル化法を用いたマイクロハニカム状シリカアルミナの創製

    西原 洋知, 志知 星児, 藤井 勇佑, 向井 紳, 田門 肇, 多湖 輝興, 増田 隆夫

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集 2003 (0) 498-498 2003年

    出版者・発行元:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2003f.0.498.0  

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

書籍等出版物 15

  1. 新しい物質群「3Dカーボン構造体」の創成

    坂本 良太, 仁科 勇太, 神谷 和秀, 西原 洋知, 生越友樹


  2. 鋳型ポーラス炭素", 固体表面のキャラクタリゼーション 機能性材料・ナノマテリアルのためのスペクトロスコピー,

    西原洋知, 吉井丈晴

    講談社 2022年3月

  3. セルロースナノファイバーの自己組織化能を利用したハニカム構造体の調整

    潘 鄭澤, 西原 洋知

    株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2021年11月

  4. 炭素材料の研究開発動向2019

    西原洋知, 野村啓太, 京谷隆

    CPC研究会 2019年

  5. 電気化学・インピーダンス測定のデータ解析手法と事例集

    岩村振一郎, 西原洋知


  6. 炭素材料科学の進展

    西原 洋知

    日本学術振興会 炭素材料 第117委員会 2018年10月

  7. ナノ空間材料ハンドブック

    西原洋知, 京谷隆

    株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2016年4月

  8. 水素の事典

    西原洋知, 京谷 隆, 伊藤 仁, 内山 誠

    (水素エネルギー協会編), 朝倉書店 2014年4月

  9. リチウムイオン電池活物質の開発と電極材料技術

    西原洋知, 京谷 隆, 岩村振一郎

    サイエンス&テクノロジー 2014年1月

  10. カーボン材料実験技術(製造・合成編)-クラシックカーボンからナノカーボンまで-

    京谷 隆, 折笠広典, 西原洋知, 干川康人

    株式会社国際文献社 2013年11月

  11. Novel Carbon Adsorbents

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, edited by Jua, M.D. Tasc

    Elsevier 2012年10月

  12. 触媒調製ハンドブック

    西原洋知, 京谷隆

    エヌ・ティー・エス 2011年4月

  13. 水素製造・吸蔵・貯蔵材料と安全化

    西原洋知, 京谷隆, 伊藤仁, 内山誠

    サイエンス&テクノロジー社 2010年8月

  14. 高性能蓄電池 : 設計基礎研究から開発・評価まで


    エヌ・ティー・エス 2009年

    ISBN: 9784860432638

  15. 鋳型法によるカーボンナノ構造の精密制御と機能化

    京谷隆, 折笠広典, 西原洋知


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

講演・口頭発表等 379

  1. カーボン材料に関する研究あれこれ 招待有り


    特別講演 in 東京農工大学次世代キャパシタセンター 2023年12月14日

  2. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of hydroxyl groups in zeolites using advanced temperature-programmed desorption

    Shimizu*, Shunsuke, Yoshii, Takeharu, Osuga, Ryota, Nishihara, Hiromoto

    National Taipei University of Technology & Tohoku University 2023 Joint Symposium 2023年12月11日

  3. Biocompatible honeycomb monolith containing β-tricalcium phosphate for bone tissue engineering scaffold

    Mengli, Tian, Hirotaka, Nakatsuji, Hirotomo, Nishihara

    第23回多元研究発表会 2023年12月7日

  4. カーボン新素材グラフェンメソスポンジとその応用 招待有り


    特別セミナー in 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 2023年12月6日

  5. 3次元規則性多孔質炭素材料に窒素とともにドープされた金属種により決定される触媒能

    丸山 純, 佐藤博文, 高尾優子, 丸山翔平, 加藤慎太郎, 神谷和秀, 千田晃生, 吉井丈晴, 西原洋知, 谷 文都

    第50回炭素材料学会年会 2023年12月1日

  6. Enhanced Structural Integrity of Porous Carbon Monoliths with Aligned Microchannels

    Minghao, Liu, Rui, Tang , Mao, Ohwada, Hirotaka, Nakatsuji, Zheng-Ze, Pan, Hirotomo, Nishihara

    第50回炭素材料学会年会 2023年11月29日

  7. Biocompatibility of size-controllable giant hollow carbon tubes

    Peng, Wang, Hirotaka, Nakatsuji, Hitoshi, Kasai, Hirotomo, Nishihara

    第50回炭素材料学会年会 2023年11月29日

  8. キチンを用いた含窒素ゼオライト鋳型炭素の合成と構造評価

    佐伯 銀河, 岩村 振一郎, 若林 佳吾, 吉井 丈晴, 西原 洋知, 糸井 弘行, 大澤 善美

    第50回炭素材料学会年会 2023年11月29日

  9. High-voltage supercapacitors using three dimensional graphene frameworks 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    ICGET-Tw 2023年11月27日

  10. Elucidation of Carbon Corrosion in Lithium-Oxygen Batteries

    Yu*, Wei, Aziz, Alex, Yoshii,Takeharu, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    The 7th Symposium on Challenges fr Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials 2023年10月20日

  11. Advanced temperature-programmed desorption: a new characterization method for heteroatoms in carbon

    Yoshii*,Takeharu, Nishikawa, Ginga, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    The 7th Symposium on Challenges fr Carbon-Based Nanoporous Materials 2023年10月19日

  12. Unique templated carbons for cutting edge supercapacitor research 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    7th International Conference on Advanced Capacitors 2023年9月27日

  13. Nanoscale Characterization of the Degradation Reaction in the Carbon Electrode of Electric Double-layer Capacitors

    Kawabe Yusuke, Tang Rui, Nishihara, Hirotomo, Takahashi Yasufumi

    Workshop on Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy and Related Techniques 2023年9月25日

  14. 1600 ℃昇温脱離法を用いたゼオライト水酸基の定性・定量分析

    清水俊介, 吉井丈晴, 大須賀遼太, 西原洋知

    第132回触媒討論会 2023年9月24日

  15. 炭素材料の表面工学に基づく束縛効果の検証

    岸本玲奈, 岩村振一郎, 西原洋知, 長谷川貴洋, 丸山 純, 滝本大裕

    関東支部 第102回若手講演会 in 琉球大学 2023年9月20日

  16. 単原子遷移金属が規則配列した触媒による電気化学的CO2およびCO還元反応

    吉井丈晴, 千田晃生, 井上真隆, 神谷和秀, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    第132回触媒討論会 2023年9月14日

  17. Model cathodes with aligned one-dimensional nanochannels for the analysis of chemical conversion reactions

    Liu*, Hongyu, Pan, Zheng-Ze Yu, Wei, Shen, Zhaohan, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    23電気化学秋20季大会 2023年9月11日

  18. Crystal Facet-Based Catalysis in Lithium-Oxygen Batteries

    Shen*, Zhaohan, Yu, Wei, Aziz, Alex, Yoshii, Takeharu, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    2023電気化学秋季大会 2023年9月11日

  19. The understanding of a novel force-driven power generation system based on carbon materials

    Xia*, Tian, Yoshii, Takeharu, Yamabe, Saoki, Aziz, Alex, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    2023電気化学秋季大会 2023年9月11日

  20. 束縛効果に対する炭素材料の表面および細孔構造の影響

    岸本玲奈, 岩村振一郎, 西原洋知, 長谷川貴洋, 丸山 純, 滝本大裕

    2023電気化学秋季大会 2023年9月11日

  21. Biocompatible honeycomb monoliths with micro-meter-scale straight channels

    Mengli, Tian, Hirotaka, Nakatsuji, Hirotomo, Nishihara

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月10日

  22. Mechanically Tough Carbon Monoliths with Aligned Micro-Channels

    Minghao, Liu, Rui, Tang, Mao, Ohwada, Hirotaka, Nakatsuji, Zheng-Ze, Pan, Hirotomo, Nishihara

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月10日

  23. Origin and catalysis of unpaired electrons in porous carbon materials

    Wakabayashi, Keigo, Yoshii, Takeharu, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    Origin and catalysis of unpaired electrons in porous carbon materials 2023年9月10日

  24. Insight into a novel Mechanical-to-Electrical energy conversion system utilizing carbon materials

    Xia Tian, Yoshii, Takeharu, Yamabe, Saoki, Aziz, Alex, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月10日

  25. Functionalization of Graphene-coated Porous Silica Sphere with Prussian Blue for Electrode Application

    Yoshida*, Akiko, Pirabul, Kritin, Fujii, Shunsuke Pan, Zhengze Ito, Mutsuhiro, Noguchi, Yukinori, Itoh, Tetsuji, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    Functionalization of Graphene-coated Porous Silica Sphere with Prussian Blue for Electrode Application 2023年9月10日

  26. Controllable graphene growth on ceria via low-temperature acetylene decomposition

    Zhang, Mengxuan, Yoshii, Takeharu Nishihara, Hirotomo

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月10日

  27. Face-Centered Cubic Structured Ru Catalyst in Lithium Oxygen Battery

    Shen Zhaohan, Yu, Wei, Aziz, Alex, Yoshii, Takeharu, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月10日

  28. Porous Carbons using Metal–Organic Framework as Precursors for High Adsorption Capacity

    Matsutaka, Hiroshi, Kashifuku, Aya, Inukai, Manabu, Orii, Takaaki, Nishihara,Hirotomo, Uchiyama, Naoki, Miyajima, Daigo

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月10日

  29. Innovative EDLC Electrodes: Exploring the Potential of Mesoporous Nanoplates with Seamless Graphene Frameworks

    Liu Tianshu, Rikuto, Kaku, Pan, Zheng-Ze, Ohwada, Mao, Pirabul, Kritin, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月10日

  30. Aqueous dispersion stability and biocompatibility of size-controllable giant hollow carbon tubes modified by surfactant

    Peng, Wang, Hirotaka, Nakatsuji, Hirotomo, Nishihara

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月8日

  31. Advanced temperature programmed desorption for quantification and qualification of hydroxyl groups in zeolite

    Shimizu*, Shunsuke, Yoshii, Takeharu, Osuga, Ryota, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月8日

  32. Advanced temperature programmed desorption for quantification;qualification of hydroxyl groups in zeolite

    Shimizu Shunsuke, Yoshii, Takeharu, Osuga, Ryota, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    International Syposium for the 80th Anniversary of Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2023年9月8日

  33. Template carbonization for functional materials 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Conference LCC Eq. C 2023年9月7日

  34. Porous and Durable Graphene MesoSponge for Battery Cathodes 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2023年9月5日

  35. Biocompatibility of size-controllable giant hollow carbon tubes modified by surfactant

    Peng, Wang, Hirotaka, Nakatsuji, Hirotomo, Nishihara

    第60回炭素材料夏季セミナー 2023年9月4日

  36. Low-temperature acetylene decomposition on ceria for controllable graphene growth

    Zhang, Mengxuan, Yoshii, Takeharu, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    第60回炭素材料夏季セミナー 2023年9月4日

  37. 真空昇温脱離法を用いたゼオライト中の水酸基の定性・定量分析

    清水俊介, 吉井丈晴, 大須賀遼太, 西原洋知

    第30 回ゼオライト夏の学校 2023年9月4日

  38. Template carbonization for functional materials 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Special lecture at University of Szeged 2023年9月1日

  39. Synthesis of ordered carbonaceous frameworks with single-atomic metal species from octaethynyl metalloporphyrin

    Yoshii*, Takeharu, Chida, Koki, Nishihara, Hirotomo, Tani, Fumito

    15th European Congress on Catalysis 2023年8月28日

  40. リチウム空気電池を長寿命化するカーボン新素材 招待有り


    リチウム空気二次電池セミナー 2023年8月28日

  41. Development of Biosensors based on Graphene-Coated Porous Silica Spheres containing Prussian Blue

    Yoshida*, Akiko, Pirabul, Kritin, Fujii, Shunsuke Pan, Zhengze Ito, Mutsuhiro, Noguchi, Yukinori, Itoh, Tetsuji, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    The Second Workshop on Catalytic Reactions with Ion Transfer through Interfaces (ITICAT2023) 2023年8月24日

  42. Mesoporous graphene with high durability and sponge-like flexibility 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Special seminar at Kasetsart University 2023年8月11日

  43. Graphitized and highly mesoporous graphene with high durability and sponge-like flexibility 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Special lecture at Chulalongkorn University 2023年8月9日

  44. カーボン材料の不対電子の起源と触媒作用に関する定量的検討

    若林佳吾, 吉井丈晴, 西原洋知

    第43回触媒学会若手会 夏の研修会 2023年8月4日

  45. Graphitized and highly mesoporous graphene with high durability and sponge-like flexibility 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    2023 Exploring Thailand’s Electrochemical Opportunity 2023年7月26日

  46. Template carbonization for functional materials 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Carbon2023 2023年7月21日

  47. Observation of puffing phenomenon of needle coke by temperature-programmed desorption

    Yoshii*, Takeharu, Nishikawa, Ginga, Takatani, Kouhei, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    Carbon 2023 2023年7月19日

  48. Free-standing hierarchical porous carbon cathode for practical Li-O2 batteries

    Yu Wei, Yoshii Takeharu, Matsuda Shoichi, Aoki Makoto, Kondo Toshihiro, Nishihara Hirotomo

    Carbon 2023 2023年7月19日

  49. Conductive substrate-supported ordered porous membranes as a universal model electrode for exploring electrochemical systems

    Liu, Hongyu, Pan, Zheng-Ze, Aziz, Alex, Tang, Rui, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    Carbon 2023 2023年7月19日

  50. 非平衡物質群の宝庫であるsp2カーボン系材料の新展開 招待有り


    第1回東北大学材料科学世界トップレベル研究拠点産学連携フォーラム 2023年7月1日

  51. 応力誘起型ヒートポンプのシステム体積低減に向けた検討

    篠塚亮輔, 西原洋知

    第25回先端研究発表会 2023年6月17日

  52. 真空昇温脱離法を用いたゼオライト水酸基における新規分析手法の開発

    清水俊介, 吉井丈晴, 大須賀遼太, 西原洋知

    第25回先端研究発表会 2023年6月17日

  53. Nanoscale Characterization of the Degradation Reaction in the Carbon Electrode of Electric Double-layer Capacitors

    Kawabe Yusuke, Tang Rui,Nishihara Hirotomo, Takahashi Yasufumi

    Workshop on Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy and Related Techniques 2023年5月25日

  54. Quantitative study on unpaired electrons in carbon edge sites

    Wakabayashi Keigo, Yoshii, Takeharu, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    AtomDeC 3rd International Symposium 2023年5月24日

  55. Multi-functional ordered carbonaceous frameworks synthesized from octaethynyl metalloporphyrin

    Chida Koki, Yoshii Takeharu, Nishihara Hirotomo, Tani Fumito

    AtomDeC 3rd International Symposium 2023年5月24日

  56. Consolidation of GMS powder with aluminium via hot-pressing-processing and mechanical properties

    Bochenek Kamil, D. Jarzabek, Nishihara, Hiromoto, Jain,Amrita

    AtomDeC 3rd International Symposium 2023年5月24日

  57. TMO nanorods for supercapacitor applications

    Jain Amrita, Michalska Monika, Nishihara Hiromoto

    AtomDeC 3rd International Symposium 2023年5月23日

  58. Progress in atomic-level analysis and synthesis of sp2-carbon materials 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    AtomDeC 3rd International Symposium 2023年5月23日

  59. Graphitized and highly mesoporous graphene with high durability and sponge-like flexibility 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    IPPT Seminar on Mechanics 2023年5月22日

  60. Analysis and design of sp2 carbon materials 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    ORACLE Consortium Meeting 2023年5月18日

  61. sp2炭素材料の分析と立体造形 招待有り


    日本学術会議 無機化学分科会 春の勉強会2023 2023年4月27日

  62. Catalysis of Ru-loaded curved graphene cathode in Li-O2 batteries

    Shen*, Zhaohan, Yu, Wei, Aziz, Alex, Yoshii, Takeharu, Chida, Koki, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    産学連携炭素材料研究会令和4年度第3回ABCD合同研究会 2023年4月14日

  63. Challenge of building three-dimensional frameworks using graphene 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Emerging platforms for quantum computing 2023年4月10日

  64. Ordered nanoporous membrane probing nanoconfined effects on non-Faradic and Faradic processes

    Liu, Hongyu, Pan, Zheng-Ze, Yu, Wei, Shen, Zhaohan, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    電気化学会第90回大会 2023年3月29日

  65. プルシアンブルー内包グラフェン被覆シリカゲルを用いたバイオセンサの開発

    東條朗子, Kritin Pirabul, 藤井俊輔, 潘鄭澤, 伊藤睦弘, 野口幸紀, 伊藤徹二, 西原洋知

    電気化学会第90回大会 2023年3月29日

  66. カーボンエッジサイトにおける不対電子スピンの触媒作用に関する定量的検討

    若林佳吾, 吉井丈晴, 西原洋知

    産学連携炭素材料研究会令和4年度第2回ABCD合同研究会 2023年3月17日

  67. High Capacity and Highly Durable Cathode for Rechargeable Lithium-Oxygen Batteries

    Yu, Wei, Nishihara*, Hirotom

    Japan-US Joint Seminar on Fundamentals of Next Generation Batteries 2023年3月16日

  68. 3次元化した単層グラフェンの蓄電デバイスへの応用 招待有り


    第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2023年3月15日

  69. Catalytic effect of unpaired spins in carbon edge sites

    Keigo Wakabayashi, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第64回 フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン総合シンポジウム 2023年3月3日

  70. Graphene mesosponge: Graphitized and highly mesoporous graphene with high durability and sponge-like flexibility 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    2023 1st International Symposium on Carbon Materials (2023 ISCM-1) for Energy, Environment, Sustainability, and Bio-applications with the 6th Taiwan Carbon Conference 2023年2月1日

  71. 新素材シーズ「微小開口ハニカムモノリス」 招待有り


    マルチマテリアル第5回シンポジウム 2023年1月30日

  72. Advanced carbon-based porous materials and analysis technique 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Special seminar at Chulalongkorn University 2023年1月24日

  73. Advanced carbon-based porous materials and analysis technique 招待有り

    Nishihara Hiromoto

    Special seminar at Silpakorn University 2023年1月23日

  74. Advanced porous materials synthesized by template method 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    PACCON 2023 2023年1月21日

  75. 機能性カーボン材料の紹介 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    東北大学リアルツアー 2022年12月16日

  76. カーボン構造体を柔軟にする骨格構造の検討

    佐山裕美, 潘 鄭澤, 黒田拓馬, 西原洋知

    第22回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2022年12月8日

  77. High Gas-Throughput and PM-Removal Efficient Microhoneycombs Towards Next-Generation Hygienic Masks

    Minghao Liu, Zheng-Ze Pan, Mao Ohwada, Rui Tang, Masashi Ito, Ami Ikura, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第22回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2022年12月8日

  78. CoおよびCuポルフィリンより得られる規則性カーボンアロイの電気化学的活性評価

    千田晃生, 吉井丈晴, 日吉範人, 伊藤徹二, 神谷和秀, 井上真隆, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    第49回炭素材料学会 2022年12月7日

  79. 昇温脱離法によるパッフィング現象の観測

    西川銀河, 吉井丈晴, 高谷公平, 西原洋知

    第49回炭素材料学会 2022年12月9日

  80. In pursuit of high-performance carbon cathodes for Li-O2 batteries

    Wei Yu, Takeharu Yoshii, Alex Aziz, Rui Tang, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第49回炭素材料学会 2022年12月9日

  81. Carbon cathode functionalized by basal defects and solid catalysts for Li-O2 batteries

    Zhaohan Shen, Wei Yu, Takeharu Yoshii, Koki Chida, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第49回炭素材料学会 2022年12月7日

  82. Uniform graphene coating on TMS-modified nanoporous SiO2 by self-derived radical assisted CVD and its mechanisms

    Kritin Pirabul, Zheng-Ze Pan, Mutsuhiro Itoh, Kenichi Izawa, Makoto Kawai, Qi Zhao, Rachel Crespo Otero, Devis Di Tommaso, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第49回炭素材料学会 2022年12月7日

  83. Carbon-Coated Anodic Aluminum Oxide with In-Position Current Collector: Preparation and Applications

    Hongyu Liu, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第49回炭素材料学会 2022年12月7日

  84. Stereolithography 3D Printed Carbon Microlattices with Hierarchical Porosity

    Akira Kudo, Kazuya Kanemaru, Jiuhui Han, Rui Tang, Takeharu Yoshii, Kazuaki Kisu, Shin-ichi Orimo, Hirotomo Nishihara, Mingwei Che

    第49回炭素材料学会 2022年12月

  85. Robust Microhoneycomb Filters with High Gas Permeability and Micro-Particle Removal Efficiency

    Minghao Liu, Zheng-Ze Pan, Mao Ohwada, Rui Tang, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Tohoku University & National Taipei University of Technology 2022 Online Joint Symposium 2022年11月28日

  86. Advanced temperature programmed desorption: a new analytical method for carbon materials for energy applications 招待有り

    Takeharu Yoshii

    Tohoku University & National Taipei University of Technology 2022 Online Joint Symposium 2022年11月28日

  87. 高温真空昇温脱離分析法の開発


    第2回マテリアル・計測ハイブリッド研究センター若手フォーラム 2022年11月16日

  88. Graphitized and highly mesoporous graphene with high durability and sponge-like flexibility for high-performance supercapacitors 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    2022 ICGET 2022年11月12日

  89. Ordered carbonaceous frameworks: carbon materials with regularly-aligned single-atomic metals based on molecular-level design 招待有り

    Takeharu Yoshii

    Special Seminar at Eindhoven University of Technolog 2022年11月11日

  90. Microhoneycomb Filters for Efficient Fluid Passage and Particulate-Matter Separation

    Minghao Liu, Zheng-Ze Pan, Mao Ohwada, Rui Tang, Masashi Ito, Ami Ikura, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第35回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2022年11月10日

  91. 柔軟性多孔体を利用した蒸気/液体回収技術の検討

    金丸和也, 伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 市川靖, 曽根和樹, 伊倉亜美, 西原洋知

    第35回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2022年11月10日

  92. Advanced temperature-programmed desorption as a new characterization method for heteroatoms 招待有り

    Takeharu Yoshi

    IPPT Seminar on Mechanics, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences 2022年11月7日

  93. Underpinning Factors for Structural Evolution of Graphene-Based Nanocar-bons up to 1800 ºC

    Kritin Pirabul, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hiromoto Nishihara

    AtomDeC 2nd International Symposium 2022年11月3日

  94. AtomDeC project: the renaissance of carbon-material research 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    AtomDeC 2nd International Symposium 2022年11月4日

  95. Advanced temperature-programmed desorption as a new characterization method for N-doped carbons

    Takeharu Yoshii, Ginga Nishikawa, Rui Tang, Eva Scholtzová, Robert Szilagyi, Hirotomo Nishihara

    AtomDeC 2nd International Symposium 2022年11月2日

  96. Functional carbon materials: new synthesis approaches and analysis method 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    Invited lecture at Slovak Academy of Sciences 2022年10月31日

  97. 鋳型法によるナノカーボン材料の合成 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    2022年炭素材料学会基礎講習会 2022年10月28日

  98. Electrically Conductive Membrane with Ordered Nanochannels: A Universal Platform Material for Probing Electrochemical Systems

    Hongyu Liu, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    6th CRCs-5th GP-MS Symposium 2022年10月25日

  99. 3次元グラフェンの合成技術と応用展開 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    サイエンス&テクノロジー社セミナー 2022年10月26日

  100. High-Temperature Vacuum TPD: A New Highly Sensitive Analytical Method for Carbon and Oxide Materials 招待有り

    Takeharu Yoshii

    Special Seminar at University of Szeged 2022年10月24日

  101. 電池性能をUPさせるグラフェンメソスポンジ 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    第2回ナノカーボン未来技術講演会 2022年10月5日

  102. Functional carbon materials: new synthesis approaches and analysis method 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    Special seminar at Thammasat University 2022年9月23日

  103. Functional carbon materials: new synthesis approaches and analysis method 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    Special seminar at Kasetsart University 2022年9月23日

  104. Functional carbon materials: new synthesis approaches and analysis method 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    Special seminar at Chulalongkorn University 2022年9月22日

  105. 有機金属錯体の炭素化による異種単核金属を含有した規則性多孔質炭素材料の調製

    吉井 丈晴, 千田, 晃生, 日吉 範人, 伊藤 徹二, 神谷 和秀, 井上 真隆, 谷 文都, 西原 洋知

    第130回触媒討論会 2022年9月21日

  106. 昇温脱離法を用いた窒素ドープカーボン材料の定性・定量分析

    吉井 丈晴, 西川, 銀河, 西原 洋知

    第130回触媒討論会 2022年9月20日

  107. Power generation system by compression of flexible porous carbon materials

    Tian Xia, Takeharu Yoshii, Saoki Yamabe, Hirotomo Nishihara

    産学連携炭素材料研究会 第二回研究会 2022年9月16日

  108. Functional carbon materials: new synthesis approaches and analysis method 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    Special seminar at VISTEC 2022年9月12日

  109. 前駆体の分子骨格に基づく構造を制御したポーラスカーボンの創成

    千田 晃生, 祖父江健貴, 大谷 俊介, 吉井 丈晴, 西原 洋知, 加藤 研一, 生越 友樹

    第71回高分子討論会 2022年9月7日

  110. 常温気相酸化を駆動する炭素担持有機ラジカル触媒の開発;

    若林佳吾, 吉井丈晴, 笹野裕介, 岩渕好治, 平澤典保, 瀬川良佑, 金野智浩, 伊藤仁, 伊倉亜美, 内村允宣, 西原洋知

    第59回炭素材料夏季セミナー 2022年9月1日

  111. 柔らかいカーボン構造体の設計指針

    佐山裕美, 潘 鄭澤, 黒田拓馬, 西原洋知

    第59回炭素材料夏季セミナー 2022年9月1日

  112. Ordered Functional Macro-Assemblies from Biomass-Derived Nanocellulose", Waste-to-Value 招待有り

    ZhengZe Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Towards Green and Circular Economy (WAVE2022) 2022年8月26日

  113. Design and synthesis of ordered carbonaceous frameworks from metalloporphyrins for electrocatalytic application

    Takeharu Yoshii, Koki Chida, Hirotomo Nishihara

    12th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2022) 2022年8月1日

  114. Synthesis and electrocatalysis of ordered carbonaceous frameworks from metalloporphyrins with four ethynyl groups

    Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Mao Ohwada, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Joe Komeda, Ryota Sakamoto, Jun Maruyama, Kazuhide Kamiya, Masataka Inoue, Fumito Tani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Post Symposium of TOCAT9, 60th Aurora seminar, The 9th International Symposium of Institute for Catalysis 2022年8月1日

  115. Synthesis of ordered carbonaceous frameworks with single-atomic metal species from metalloporphyrin molecular crystals

    Takeharu Yoshii, Koki Chida, Hirotomo Nishihara

    The 9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT9) 2022年7月25日

  116. Microhoneycomb Membranes with High Permeability towards Practical Mask Application

    Minghao Liu, Zhengze Pan, mao Ohwada, Rui Tang, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第24回先端研究発表会;講演会 2022年7月9日

  117. Influence of Carbon Cathode Edge Sites on Li-O2 Batteries

    Wei Yu, Takeharu Yoshii, Rui Tang, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Carbon 2022 2022年7月4日

  118. "High-temperature vacuum TPD analysis of nitrogen-doped carbon materials

    Takeharu Yoshii, Ginga Nishikawa, Rui Tang, Eva Scholtzová, Róbert Szilágyi, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Carbon 2022 2022年7月4日

  119. Octaethynyl metalloporphyrin as a versatile precursor for functional carbon materials

    Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Norihito Hiyoshi, Tetsuji Ito, Kazuhide Kamiya, Masataka Inoue, Fumito Tani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Carbon 2022 2022年7月6日

  120. Ordered carbonaceous frameworks: a new class of carbon materials with single-atomic metals based on molecular-level design 招待有り

    Takeharu Yoshii

    Special Seminar at Imperial College London 2022年7月1日

  121. GO/mesoporous Carbon Composite Membrane for Durable Cathode of Li;Batteries

    Wei Yu, Takeharu Yoshii, Rui Tang, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第17回酸化グラフェン学会 2022年6月17日

  122. Multi-functional nanoporous carbon based on single-walled graphene walls 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    2022 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2022年5月31日

  123. Graphenemesosponge: A New Carbon Material with High Porosity and High Durability for Battery Applications 招待有り

    Hiromoto Nishihara

    241st ECS Meeting 2022年6月1日

  124. Enhanced Methane Binding on Nitrogen-Doped Zeolite-Templated Carbons

    Erin E. Taylor, Cullen Quine, Dalton Compton, Seth Putnam, Channing Ahn, Brent Fultz, Hirotomo Nishihara, Nicholas P. Stadie

    FOA14 2022年5月27日

  125. Optimizing Methane Storage in Pelletized Zeolite-Templated Carbons

    Cullen M. Quine, Channing Ahn, Erin E. Taylor, Atsushi Gabe, Hirotomo Nishihara, Nicholas P. Stadie, Brent Fultz

    FOA14 2022年5月27日

  126. 金属ポルフィリン錯体を前駆体とした規則性多孔質炭素材料の調製と電極触媒応用

    吉井 丈晴, 千田 晃生, 日吉 範人, 伊藤 徹二, 神谷 和秀, 井上 真隆, 谷 文都, 西原 洋知

    第129回触媒討論会 2022年3月30日

  127. テンプレートロジーに基づく高機能カーボン材料 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    日本化学会第102春季年会 2022年3月24日

  128. カーボン新素材で、未来を切り拓く 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    Sendai New;Public デモデイ2021 2022年3月25日

  129. Enhanced Methane Binding on Nitrogen-Doped Zeolite-Templated Carbons

    Erin E. Taylor, Cullen Quine, Dalton Compton, Seth Putnam, Channing Ahn, Brent Fultz, Hirotomo Nishihara, Nicholas P. Stadie

    ACS Spring 2022 2022年3月20日

  130. Optimizing Methane Storage in Pelletized Zeolite-Templated Carbons

    Cullen M. Quine, Channing Ahn, Erin E. Taylor, Atsushi Gabe, Hirotomo Nishihara, Nicholas P. Stadie, Brent Fultz

    ACS Spring 2022 2022年3月20日

  131. Effects of methane-methane interactions in increasing the volumetric delivery of adsorbed natural gas

    Dalton Compton, Seth Putnam, Erin E. Taylor, Cullen Quine, Channing Ahn, Brent Fultz, Hirotomo Nishihara, Nicholas P. Stadie

    ACS Spring 2022 2022年3月20日

  132. カーボン新素材で、未来を切り拓く 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    サイエンスキャッスル2021 2022年3月20日

  133. 単層グラフェン多孔体の圧縮変形を用いた新規発電機構の検討

    山部 咲知, 吉井 丈晴, 野村 啓太, 伊藤 仁, 塚田 佳子, 西原 洋知

    電気化学会第89回大会 2022年3月15日

  134. Design of Co/g-C3N4-Au Nanorod Hybrid Catalyst for Boosting CO2 Reduction by Surface Plasmon Resonance

    Kenjirou Tamaki, Takeharu Yoshii, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Kohsuke Mori, Hiromi Yamashita

    International Symposium on Energy/Environmental Catalysis (ISEEC 2022) 2022年1月25日

  135. Defect engineering in cathode carbon materials for Li-air batteries

    Wei Yu, Takeharu Yoshii, Kiho Nishioka, Rui Tang, Zheng-Ze Pan, Shuji Nakanishi, Hirotomo Nishihara

    AtomDeC 1st International Symposium 2022年1月19日

  136. Ordered carbonaceous frameworks: A new class of metal/carbon materials based on atomic design

    Takeharu Yoshii, Koki Chida, Hirotomo Nishihara, Fumito Tani

    AtomDec 1st International Symposium 2022年1月19日

  137. Areal capacitance of mesoporous carbons with a few‐layer graphene walls

    Rui Tang, Keita Nomura, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    AtomDec 1st International Symposium 2022年1月19日

  138. Microhoneycomb monoliths prepared by ice‐templating approach

    Zhengze Pan, Minghao Liu, Hiromoto Nishihara

    AtomDec 1st International Symposium 2022年1月19日

  139. TPD: A new analytical method for N‐containing carbons

    Ginga Nishikawa, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara

    AtomDec 1st International Symposium 2022年1月19日

  140. Force-responsive nanoporous carbons consisting of single-layer graphene walls 国際会議 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    Pacifichem 2021 2021年12月19日

  141. Direct conversion of porphyrin-based crystals into crystalline carbons 国際会議 招待有り

    Nishihara*, Hiromoto

    Pacifichem 2021 2021年12月19日

  142. A perspective into the thermal stability of nanoporous carbons with few-layer graphene walls

    炭素材料第117委員会第340回 2021年12月10日

  143. Hydrophobic and Elastic Microhoneycombs for Efficient Filtration

    Minghao Liu, Zhengze Pan Rui Tang, Mao Ohwada, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第21回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2021年12月9日

  144. Controlled Preparation of Highly Conductive, Ordered Porous Membranes

    Hongyu Liu, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第21回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2021年12月9日

  145. 異種の単核金属を含有した規則性ポーラスカーボンアロイの調製

    千田 晃生, 吉井 丈晴, 日吉 範人, 伊藤 徹二, 神谷 和秀, 井上 真隆, 谷 文都, 西原 洋知

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月1日

  146. ホットプレスによる柔軟メソ多孔体の細孔径制御

    金丸 和也, 西原 洋知, 伊藤 仁, 内村 允宣, 市川 靖, 曽根 和樹, 伊倉 亜美

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月2日

  147. セルロースの加水分解反応における酸化カーボンブラックの触媒作用の解明

    我部 篤, 高月 瑛, 平谷 正彦, 金枝 雅人, 栗原 祥晃, 青木 崇行, 間嶋 寛紀, 石井 孝文, 尾崎 純一, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月2日

  148. 柔軟な多孔質炭素材料の圧縮による新規発電機構

    山部 咲知, 吉井 丈晴, 野村 啓太, 伊藤 仁, 塚田 佳子, 西原 洋知

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月2日

  149. Simultaneous enhancement of capacitance and electrochemical stability in 3D-graphene

    唐 睿, 西川 銀河, 吉井 丈晴, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月1日

  150. 昇温脱離法による炭素材料中の窒素種の高感度定性・定量分析

    西川 銀河, 吉井 丈晴, 西原 洋知

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月1日

  151. Topological defect-rich and edge site-free graphene mesosponge cathode for the lithium-oxygen battery

    Yu Wei, 吉井 丈晴, 唐 睿, 潘 鄭澤, 西岡 季穂, 中西 周次, 西原 洋知

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月1日

  152. Structural Variation of 3D Graphene Materials Templating Diverse Metal Oxides

    Pirabul Kritin, 潘 鄭澤, 唐 睿, 砂廣 昇吾, 刘 宏宇, 西原 洋知

    第48回炭素材料学会年会 2021年12月1日

  153. Synthesis of single-site metal species immobilized in ordered carbonaceous frameworks from metalloporphyrins 国際会議

    Takeharu Yoshii, Koki Chida, Hirotomo Nishihara

    18th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis 2021年11月24日

  154. 電池の性能を向上させるカーボン新素材 招待有り


    電気化学会東北支部第34回東北若手の会 2021年11月23日

  155. 電池性能を向上させるカーボン新素材「グラフェンメソスポンジ」 招待有り


    関西二次電池展 2021年11月19日

  156. 超空間カーボン材料の展開


    第3回超空間ミーティング 2021年11月17日

  157. 電池の性能を向上させるカーボン新素材 招待有り


    SuMi TRUST Innovation Pitch 2021年10月15日

  158. 二元分子結晶より得られる単核CoおよびCu含有規則性ポーラスカーボンの調製

    千田晃生, 吉井丈晴, 日吉範人, 伊藤徹二, 神谷和秀, 井上真隆, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    第34回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2021年10月14日

  159. 柔軟性多孔体の構造が応力誘起型の吸脱着に及ぼす影響の検討

    金丸和也, 西原洋知, 伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 市川靖, 曽根和樹, 伊倉亜美

    第34回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2021年10月14日

  160. 昇温脱離法による炭素材料中の窒素種の定量・定性分析

    西川銀河, 吉井丈晴, 西原洋知

    第34回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2021年10月14日

  161. Robust Microhoneycombs for Efficient Filtration

    第34回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2021年10月14日

  162. Synthesis of ordered carbonaceous frameworks from metal porphyrin 国際会議

    Koki Chida, Takeharu Yoshii, Hirotomo Nishihara


  163. 真空昇温脱離法による窒素ドープカーボンの分析

    吉井 丈晴, 西川 銀河, 西原 洋知

    炭素材料第117委員会 第339回委員会 2021年10月1日

  164. 大学発新素材の社会実装への取り組み 招待有り


    第10回MaSC技術交流会“Real Exchange 2021年9月29日

  165. 多孔性と耐久性を両立した新規電極カーボン材


    イノベーション・ジャパン2021~大学見本市Online 2021年8月30日

  166. 未来を拓くカーボン新素材グラフェンメソスポンジ 招待有り


    ディープテックグランプリ 2021年9月11日

  167. Highly Conductive and Ordered Porous Membranes with Controlled Dimensions

    2021年電気化学秋季大会 2021年9月9日

  168. Atomically designed carbon materials for electrochemical applications" 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    The 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2021年9月1日

  169. Enhancement of electric double-layer capacitance from the perspective of a three-dimensional graphene structure 国際会議

    Rui Tang, Keita Nomura, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    72nd Annual ISE Meeting 2021年9月1日

  170. Graphene Mesosponge Cathode with Few Edge Sites and High Surface Area for Lithium-Oxygen Batteri 国際会議

    Wei Yu, Takeharu Yoshii, Rui Tang, Zheng-Ze Pan, Hirotomo Nishihara

    72nd Annual ISE Meeting 2021年8月31日

  171. ポルフィリンの炭素化による機械的柔軟性を有した規則性炭素構造体の調製

    千田晃生, 金丸和也, 吉井丈晴, 丸山純, 井上真隆, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    第58回炭素材料夏季セミナー 2021年8月26日

  172. セルロースの加水分解反応における酸化カーボンブラックの触媒作用の解明

    我部篤, 高月瑛, 平谷正彦, 金枝雅人, 栗原祥晃, 青木崇行, 間嶋寛紀, 石井孝文, 尾崎純一, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    炭素材料117委員会第338回委員会 2021年7月30日

  173. 窒素ドープ炭素材料における昇温脱離法を利用した新規分析手法の開発

    西川銀河, 吉井丈晴, 西原洋知

    第23回先端研究発表会 2021年7月17日

  174. Advanced carbon materials 国際会議

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    invited talk at Department of Chemical Engineering 2021年6月30日

  175. Graphene Oxide/Cellulose Nanofiber Cryogels with Controlled Micro-Morphologies

    第15回酸化グラフェン研究会 2021年6月25日

  176. 金属酸化物上のコーク堆積を利用したカーボン材料の調製


    2021年度ゼオライトフォーラム 2021年6月8日

  177. 電池の性能を向上させるカーボン新素材 招待有り


    SENDAI NEW PUBLIC 2021年5月19日

  178. 有機金属錯体の炭素化による規則性多孔質炭素の調製

    千田晃生, 吉井丈晴, 金丸和也, 丸山純, 神谷和秀, 井上真隆, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    CREST「革新的反応」第4回領域会議 2021年4月24日

  179. グラフェンを利用した機能性多孔体の調製と応用 招待有り

    西原 洋知

    新化学技術推進協会 エネルギー・資源技術部会 エネルギー分科会 2021年4月23日

  180. Atomically designed functional carbon materials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    International Forum on Graphene in Shenzhen 2021年4月10日

  181. ポルフィリンの炭素化により合成される規則性多孔質炭素の比表面積向上と金属種拡張

    千田晃生, 高橋和馬, 金丸和也, 山本雅納, 吉井丈晴, 丸山純, 井上真隆, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    炭素材料第117委員会 第336回委員会 2021年3月5日

  182. Synthesis of graphene mesosponge using HCl-dissolvable materials as a template 国際会議

    Sunahiro, shogo, Nomura, Keita, Goto, Shunsuke, Yamamoto, Masanori, Tang, Rui, Yoshii, Takeharu, Nomura Kondo, Junko, Takashi,Kyotani, Nishihara, Hirotomo

    Fossil & Renewable Energy 2021年3月3日

  183. カーボン電極の劣化機構と高耐食性電極材料の開発 招待有り


    キャパシタ技術委員会 令和3年度第1回研究会 2021年1月14日

  184. The effect of defects and graphene stacking on electrochemical capacitance in graphene-based model frameworks

    Rui Tang, Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第47回炭素材料学会年会 2020年12月11日

  185. Electrochemical capacitance in graphene based model frameworks: the effect of defect amount and graphene stacking number

    Rui Tang, Keita Nomura, Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    第20回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2020年12月3日

  186. 有機金属錯体を前駆体とする規則性ポーラスカーボンの調製

    千田晃生, 高橋一馬, 山本雅納, 吉井丈晴, 神谷和秀, 丸山純, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    第20回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2020年12月3日

  187. 従来に無い機能をもつハイブリッド炭素ナノ材料の創製


    第20回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2020年12月9日

  188. Carbon-based functional porous materials


    東北大-メルボルン大ワークショップ 2020年11月9日

  189. 多形なカーボン材料開発 招待有り


    第10回CSJ化学フェスタ2020 2020年10月22日

  190. 電解液に接触した柔軟グラフェン多孔体の変形に伴う電荷移動

    山部咲知, 吉井丈晴, 野村啓太, 西原洋知

    高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 2020 PHyM シンポジウム 2020年10月19日

  191. ポルフィリン類を前駆体とした規則性炭素構造体の調製

    千田晃生, 高橋和馬, 山本雅納, 吉井丈晴, 神谷和秀, 丸山純, 谷文都, 西原洋知

    高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 2020 PHyM シンポジウム 2020年10月19日

  192. 鋳型法によるナノカーボン材料の合成 招待有り


    2020年炭素材料学会基礎講習会 2020年10月16日

  193. Template synthesis for functional carbon materials with drawable frameworks 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Research seminar in School of Biological and Chemical Sciences 2020年9月23日

  194. 比表面積、導電性、耐食性、柔軟性に優れる新素材「グラフェンメソスポンジ」


    第1回 東北大学材料科学ウェビナー 2020年9月7日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  195. Functional Porous Materials Based on Single-layer Graphene Walls 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    International webinar on “Advanced Materials for Functional & Sustainable Application” 2020年6月30日

  196. Functional nonporous materials with single-graphene walls


    日本化学会第100春季年会 2020年3月24日

  197. Nanoporous frameworks with single-layer graphene walls towards gyroid graphenes


    日本化学会第100春季年会 2020年3月25日

  198. 走査型電気化学セル顕微鏡を用いた電気二重層キャパシタ材料の局所電気化学計測

    河邉佑典, 唐睿, 西原洋知, 福間剛士, 高橋康史

    電気化学会第87回大会 2020年3月17日

  199. 電極カーボン材料における高耐食性と高比表面積の両立 招待有り


    電気化学会第87回大会 2020年3月17日

  200. Functional Porous Materials Using Advantages of Graphene 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    The 3rd Symposium for the Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics 2020年2月11日

  201. Effect of Carbon Surface on Electrochemical Degradation of Organic Electrolyte-Based Supercapacitors

    Rui Tang, Yusuke Kawabe, Yasufumi Takahashi, Masanori Yamamoto, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    The 3rd Symposium for The Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics 2020年2月10日

  202. グラフェンナノスポンジ形成における熱処理温度の影響の解明

    野村啓太, 西原洋知, 田中秀樹, 宮脇仁, 寺内正己, 大友季哉, 池田一貴, 京谷隆

    第19回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2019年12月12日

  203. Development of ordered carbonaceous materials retaining coordination structure of Fe porphyrins

    Kazuma Takahashi, Masanori Yamamoto, Hiromoto Nishihara, Mao Ohwada, Takashi Kyotani, Kazuyuki Iwase, Kazuhide Kamiya, Jun Maruyama, Fumito Tani

    第19回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2019年12月12日

  204. グラフェンメソスポンジ 招待有り


    炭素材料第117委員会 令和元年度特別講演会 2019年12月12日

  205. 熱処理によるグラフェンナノスポンジ形成機構の解明

    野村啓太, 西原洋知, 田中秀樹, 宮脇仁, 寺内正己, 大友季哉, 池田一貴, 京谷隆

    第46回炭素材料学会年会 2019年11月30日

  206. 塩酸に可溶な鋳型と化学気相蒸着を用いたメソ多孔性炭素の開発

    砂廣昇吾, 野村啓太, 後藤駿輔, 山本雅納, 干川康人, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第46回炭素材料学会年会 2019年11月28日

  207. 様々な金属ポルフィリン類を前駆体とした規則構造性カーボンアロイの作製

    高橋和馬, 山本雅納, 西原洋知, 大和田真生, 京谷隆, 岩瀬和至, Varisara Deerattrakul, 神谷和秀, 丸山純, 谷文都

    第46回炭素材料学会年会 2019年11月28日

  208. アルミナナノ粒子を用いたグラフェンメソスポンジの作製および炭素成長機構の解明

    後藤駿輔, 野村啓太, 山本雅納, 西原洋知, 伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 京谷隆

    第46回炭素材料学会年会 2019年11月28日

  209. 電気二重層キャパシタの電極表面構造と劣化反応の関係

    唐睿, 山本雅納, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第33回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2019年11月15日

  210. 応力で変形する柔軟なナノ多孔体を利用した吸脱着制御 招待有り


    第29回吸着シンポジウム 2019年11月13日

  211. アルミナナノ粒子への化学気相蒸着によるカーボン堆積機構の検討

    後藤駿輔, 野村啓太, 山本雅納, 西原洋知, 伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 京谷隆

    高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 2019 PHyM シンポジウム 2019年11月12日

  212. 様々な条件で酸化処理した炭素粉末を触媒としたセルロースの加水分解

    我部篤, 高月瑛, 西原洋知, 平谷正彦, 金枝雅人, 栗原祥晃, 京谷隆

    高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 2019 PHyM シンポジウム 2019年11月12日

  213. 高温・高電圧で安定な電気二重層キャパシタ電極の開発 招待有り


    第50回 中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会 2019年11月9日

  214. Reversible Liquid–Gas Phase Transition by the Force-driven Deformation of Elastic Nanostructured Carbon Materials

    Masanori Yamamoto, Keita Nomura, Hiromoto Nishihara, Atsushi Gabe, Takashi Kyotani

    Okinawa Colloids 2019 2019年11月5日

  215. Nanoporous materials with single-layer graphene walls 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Okinawa Colloids 2019 2019年11月4日

  216. High-surface area zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) materials for methane storage

    Mohammed Ouzzine, J. P. Marco, Hiromoto Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    CESEP'19 2019年10月21日

  217. Force-driven reversible liquid-gas phase transition mediated by elastic nanoporous carbon materials 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Keita Nomura, Masanori Yamamoto, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Hideki Tanaka, Minoru T. Miyahara, Takashi Kyotani

    CESEP'19 2019年10月21日

  218. やわらかいナノ多孔性カーボン材料 招待有り


    第8回MaSC技術交流会“Real Exchange” 2019年10月15日

  219. 単層グラフェン多孔体の新機能開拓 招待有り


    人・環境と物質をつなぐイノベーション創出ダイナミック・アライアンス~環境エネルギー物質・デバイス・プロセス(G2)グループ分科会 2019年10月3日

  220. Development and applications of nanoporous materials consisting of single-layer graphene walls 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    The 17th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth 2019年9月26日

  221. Reactants and reaction sites in degradation reactions of supercapacitors using organic electrolytes 国際会議

    Rui Tang, Hirotomo Nishihara, Keita Nomura, Masanori Yamamoto, Takashi Kyotani

    The 17th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth 2019年9月25日

  222. Development of carbon alloys retaining the coordination structure of fe porphyrins

    〇Kazuma Takahashi, Masanori Yamamoto, Hiromoto Nishihara, Mao Ohwada, Takashi Kyotani, Kazuyuki Iwase, Kazuhide Kamiya, Jun Maruyama, Fumito Tani

    2019年度 化学系学協会東北大会 2019年9月21日

  223. Template synthesis of graphene mesosponges using different types of alumina nanoparticles

    〇Shunsuke Goto, Keita Nomura, Masanori Yamamoto, Hiromoto Nishihara, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Takashi Kyotani

    2019年度 化学系学協会東北大会 2019年9月21日

  224. 弾性変形する炭素ナノ多孔体を利用した気液相転移と冷凍システムへの展開

    西原洋知, 野村啓太, 山本雅納, 伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 田中秀樹, 宮原稔, 京谷隆

    日本学術振興会117委員会第331回会議 2019年9月13日

  225. 応力で自在に変形する超空間をもつグラフェン系柔軟多孔性材料の調製と機能開拓


    第2回超空間ミーティング 2019年8月31日

  226. Challenge to overcome carbon corrosion in supercapacitors 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Keita Nomura, Rui Tang, Takashi Kyotani

    Workshop on Catalytic Reactions with Ion Transfer through Interfaces 2019年8月16日

  227. Mesoporous carbon sheets made of edge-free graphene walls for ultra-stable supercapacitors 国際会議

    Hiromoto Nishihara, Keita Nomura, Naoya Kobayashi, Toshihiro Asada, Takashi Kyotani

    Carbon2019 2019年7月17日

  228. Understanding the effect of carbon structure on the degradation of organic electrolyte-based supercapacitors

    〇Rui Tang, Kaihsi Taguchi, Hiromoto Nishihara, Takafumi Ishii, Keita Nomura, Masanori Yamamoto, Emilia Morallon, Diego Cazorla-Amoros, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayashi, Takashi Kyotani

    学振第117委員会第330回委員会 2019年7月5日

  229. 一種類のポルフィリン金属錯体から得られる二種類の機能性高秩序構造体

    谷文都, 西原洋知, 丸山純, 松尾吉晃

    第9回 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点活動報告会及び平成30年度 ダイナミック・アライアンス成果報告会 ~進化し続ける共同研究拠点組織~ 2019年7月1日

  230. New refrigeration systems based on forced desorption/readsorption of refrigerants in elastic nanoporous materials 国際会議

    Hiromoto Nishihara, Keita Nomura, Masanori Yamamoto, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Hideki Tanaka, Minoru T. Miyahara, Takashi Kyotani

    FOA13 2019年5月28日

  231. 錯体とカーボンの融合 招待有り


    分子研研究会「錯体化学を基盤とした階層構造制御と機能発現」 2019年3月4日

  232. エッジフリーなグラフェン構造の電気化学的な安定性と高耐電圧性スーパーキャパシタへの応用

    野村啓太, 西原洋知, 志村智也, 浅田敏広, 小林直哉, 京谷隆

    第11回酸化グラフェンシンポジウム 2018年12月21日

  233. 酸化グラフェンと酸化しないグラフェン 招待有り


    第11回酸化グラフェンシンポジウム 2018年12月21日

  234. 酸化処理したカーボンブラックを触媒としたセルロースの加水分解

    高月瑛, 西原洋知, 平谷正彦, 金枝雅人, 栗原祥晃, 京谷隆

    第11回酸化グラフェンシンポジウム 2018年12月21日

  235. Understanding the origin of electrochemical oxidation in positive electrodes of supercapacitors

    〇Rui Tang, Hiromoto Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    第11回酸化グラフェンシンポジウム 2018年12月21日

  236. 炭素系多孔体-鋳型法と新しいアプローチ- 招待有り


    2018年度第7回CPC研究会 2018年12月14日

  237. Insight into the origin of carbon corrosion in positive electrodes of supercapacitors

    〇Rui Tang, Hiromoto Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    第18回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2018年12月13日

  238. エッジフリーなグラフェンメソスポンジの高耐電圧キャパシタ電極への応用

    野村啓太, 西原洋知, 志村智也, 浅田敏広, 小林直哉, 京谷隆

    第45回炭素材料学会年会 2018年12月7日

  239. 酸化処理した炭素粉末を触媒としたセルロースの加水分解

    高月瑛, 西原洋知, 平谷正彦, 金枝雅人, 栗原祥晃, 京谷隆

    第45回炭素材料学会年会 2018年12月7日

  240. Control of gas-liquid phase transition of green refrigerants on nanostructured porous carbon materials

    〇Masanori Yamamoto, Keita Nomura, Hiromoto Nishihara, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Takashi Kyotani

    第45回炭素材料学会年会 2018年12月7日

  241. Understanding the origin of carbon anodic oxidation in supercapacitors from a molecular point of view

    〇Rui Tang, Kaihsi Taguchi, Hiromoto Nishihara, Takafumi Ishii, Emilia Morallon, Diego Cazorla-Amoros, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayashi, Takashi Kyotani

    第45回炭素材料学会年会 2018年12月7日

  242. 酸化処理したカーボンブラックを触媒としたセルロースの加水分解

    高月瑛, 西原洋知, 平谷正彦, 金枝雅人, 栗原祥晃, 京谷隆

    炭素材料第117委員会 第328回委員会 2018年11月16日

  243. Graphene mesosponge for ultra-stable supercapacitor electrode 国際会議 招待有り

    The Second International Conference on Energy Storage Materials 2018年11月10日

  244. The role of carbon edge sites on electrochemical stability of supercapacitors

    〇Rui Tang, Kaihsi Taguchi, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayashi, Hiromoto Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    平成30年度化学系学協会東北大会 2018年9月21日

  245. 化学構造が見える3次元カーボン構造体 招待有り


    第69回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会 2018年9月18日

  246. 電子顕微鏡を用いた燃料電池向け電極触媒層の構造観察と解析

    長尾知彦, 磯野弘明, 野村啓太, 西原洋知, 京谷 隆, 古谷佳久, 伊藤 仁, 大間敦史, 陣内浩司

    第67回高分子討論会 2018年9月12日

  247. New refrigeration systems based on elastic nanosponges consisting of graphene

    Hiromoto Nishihara, Keita Nomura, Masanori Yamamoto, Masashi Ito, Masanobu Uchimura, Takashi Kyotani

    第55回フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン総合シンポジウム 2018年9月11日

  248. Extraordinarily stable supercapacitor electrodes based on 3D mesoporous carbon consisting of edge-free graphene walls

    Keita Nomura, Hiromoto Nishihara, Tomoya Shimura, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayashi, Takashi Kyotani

    第55回フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン総合シンポジウム 2018年9月11日

  249. ポルフィリン類から調製される構造規則性カーボンアロイ触媒

    丸山純, 西原洋知, 松尾吉晃, 谷文都

    第15回 SPring-8産業利用報告会 2018年9月6日

  250. Direct conversion of porphyrin crystals into ordered carbonaceous frameworks 国際会議

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Kenta Matsuura, Mao Ohwada, Yoshiaki Matsuo, Jun Maruyama, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Shingi Yamaguchi, Kazuhide Kamiya, Fumito Tani, Takashi Kyotani

    43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2018) 2018年7月30日

  251. Understanding the effect of carbon edge sites on the stability of supercapacitors in an organic electrolyte 国際会議

    〇Rui Tang, Kaishi Taguchi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    International Seminar on Chemistry 2018 2018年7月18日

  252. 構造が見える3次元のカーボン構造体 招待有り


    GIC平成30年度第57回研修セミナー 2018年7月9日

  253. Hydrolysis of cellulose catalyzed by oxidized carbon powder 国際会議

    〇Akira Takatsuki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Masahiko Hiratani, Masato Kaneeda, Yoshiaki Kurihara, Takashi Kyotani

    Carbon2018 2018年7月1日

  254. Hydrogen storage on high-surface area carbon pellets 国際会議

    〇Mohammed Ouzzine, Mao Ohawada, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    Carbon2018 2018年7月1日

  255. Conversion of organic crystals into ordered carbonaceous frameworks with microporosity 国際会議

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Kenta Matsuura, Mao Ohwada, Yoshiaki Matsuo, Jun Maruyama, Yuichiro Hayasaka, Shingi Yamaguchi, Kazuhide Kamiya, Fumito Tani, Takashi Kyotani

    Carbon2018 2018年7月1日

  256. カーボン系材料のナノ空間制御とエネルギー分野への応用


    高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター2018年度シンポジウム 2018年6月19日

  257. 化学構造が見える3次元カーボン構造体 招待有り


    第124回黒鉛化合物研究会 2018年5月17日

  258. 化学構造が見える3次元カーボン構造体 招待有り


    理工学部講演会・関学有機化学セミナー 2018年4月16日

  259. 計算科学と中性子回折を援用したゼオライト鋳型炭素の構造解析

    西原洋知, 藤本宏之, 糸井弘行, 野村啓太, 田中秀樹, 宮原稔, 池田一貴, 大友季哉, 京谷隆

    日本学術振興会炭素材料第117委員会第325回委員会 2018年4月13日

  260. 3次元架橋ビルディングブロックの構造を維持した炭素化手法の一般化

    西原洋知, 谷文都, 淺川雅, 平尾一

    さきがけネットワーク第1回キックオフミーティング 2018年1月21日

  261. Chemistry of ordered carbonaceous frameworks 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    International mini-symposium on molecular and hybrid materials 2018年1月19日

  262. 化学構造が見える3次元カーボン構造体 招待有り


    名古屋大学伊丹ERATOセミナー 2018年1月18日

  263. 乾式粉砕した炭素粉末を触媒としたセルロースの加水分解

    高月瑛, 西原洋知, 平谷正彦, 金枝雅人, 栗原祥晃, 京谷隆

    PHyM若手フォーラム2017 2017年12月11日

  264. 乾式粉砕した炭素粉末を触媒としたセルロースの加水分解

    高月瑛, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第44回炭素材料学会年会 2017年12月6日

  265. Preparation of high-surface area carbon pellets for hydrogen storage

    〇Ouzzine Mohammed, 佐藤耀介, Alberto Muniz Castro, 大和田真生, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第44回炭素材料学会年会 2017年12月6日

  266. 有機金属錯体からの金属担持多孔質炭素の合成と水素貯蔵への応用

    佐藤耀介, 糸井弘行, Mohammed Ouzzine, Alberto Castro Muniz, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第44回炭素材料学会年会 2017年12月6日

  267. Effect of chemical modification on the electrochemical stability of activated carbon as an electrode of supercapacitor

    唐睿, 田口海志, 浅田敏広, 小林直哉, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第44回炭素材料学会年会 2017年12月6日

  268. グラフェンからなる多孔質材料の電気化学キャパシタへの応用と高温・高電圧下における耐久性

    野村啓太, 西原洋知, 浅田敏広, 小林直哉, 京谷隆

    第44回炭素材料学会年会 2017年12月6日

  269. Design and development of functional porous materials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    CAESR-Tech seminar 2017年11月29日

  270. High Pressure Hydrogen Storage in Zeolite-Templated Carbon 国際会議

    Mohammed Ouzzine, Yosuke Sato, Mao Ohwada, Alberto Castro Muniz, Hiroyuki Itoi, Hirotomo Nishihara, 〇Takashi Kyotani

    2017 French – Japanese Seminar on Carbon Materials 2017年10月27日

  271. Analysis of Electrochemical Degradation of Carbon Materials from a Molecular Point of View 国際会議

    Rui Tang, Kaihsi Taguchi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takafumi Ishii, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayashi, 〇Takashi Kyotani

    CESEP’2017 2017年10月23日

  272. Unique properties of graphene-based mesoporous carbon 国際会議

    Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoya Shimura, Toshihiro Asada, Naoya Kobayashi, Takashi Kyotani

    CESEP’2017 2017年10月23日

  273. Silicon-based anode materials for lithium-ion batteries 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Second Japan-Canada Symposium: Energy Production and Storage 2017年10月18日

  274. 高い耐久性をもつグラフェンメソ多孔体の電気化学キャパシタへの応用 招待有り

    野村啓太, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第66回高分子討論会 2017年9月20日

  275. Synthesis of microporous fullerene polymers

    〇Akira Takatsuki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Takashi Kyotani

    平成29年度化学系学協会東北大会 2017年9月16日

  276. Prato反応によるミクロ多孔性フラーレンポリマーの合成

    高月瑛, 道信 剛志, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    第55回炭素材料夏季セミナー 2017年8月28日

  277. Template synthesis of graphene-based nanocarbons for energy applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    XXVI International Materials Research Congress 2017年8月20日

  278. High Pressure Hydrogen Adsorption In Zeolite Templated Carbon 国際会議

    〇Mohammed Ouzzine, Yosuke Sato, Alberto Castro Muniz, Hiroyuki Itoi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    XXVI International Materials Research Congress 2017年8月20日

  279. Synthesis of Ordered Carbonaceous Frameworks from Porphyrin-Based Crystals 国際会議

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Mao Ohwada, Yoshiaki Matsuo, Jun Maruyama, Takuya Kamimura, Hirofumi Nobukuni, Fumito Tani

    XXVI International Materials Research Congress 2017年8月20日

  280. Synthesis of microporous fullerene polymers by Prato reaction 国際会議

    〇Akira Takatsuki, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Takashi Kyotani

    International ERATO Itami Molecular Nanocarbon Symposium 2017 2017年8月3日

  281. Unique Properties of Sponge-Like Mesoporous Carbon with Coalesced Graphenes 国際会議

    Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoya Shimura, Takashi Kyotani

    International ERATO Itami Molecular Nanocarbon Symposium 2017 2017年8月3日

  282. Graphene-based nanoporous carbons for energy applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    CBNM6 2017年7月19日

  283. Design and development of functional porous materials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Conferences de Chimie Hiver 2017 2017年7月17日

  284. Design and development of functional porous materials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Special Seminar at McGill University 2017年7月14日

  285. 切粉由来のSiナノ粒子のリチウムイオン電池負極材料への応用

    粕壁隆敏, 西原洋知, 松本健俊, 小林光, 京谷隆

    学振第117委員会第322回委員会 2017年7月14日

  286. Elastic Graphene Mesosponge with Large Surface Area and Minimal Edge Sites 国際会議

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Keita Nomura, Takashi Kyotani

    Nanoporous Materials VIII 2017年7月9日

  287. Design and development of functional porous materials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    WIN Seminar 2017年7月6日

  288. ミクロ多孔性フラーレンポリマーの合成

    高月瑛, 道信 剛志, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    2017PHyMシンポジウム 2017年6月16日

  289. 弾性変形するナノ多孔体を利用した水の相転移に基づく革新的ヒートポンプの開発 招待有り


    第6回新化学技術研究奨励賞受賞記念講演会 2017年6月15日

  290. Tough and elastic graphene-based nanoporous material 国際会議

    Keita Nomura, Hirotomo Nishihara, Tomoya Shimura, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Takashi Kyotani

    International Forum on Graphene 2017 2017年4月9日

  291. Si切粉から創製したSiナノ粒子負極の充放電容量制限とサイクル特性の関係

    喜村勝矢, 松本健俊, 西原洋知, 粕壁隆敏, 京谷隆, 小林光

    電気化学会第84回大会 2017年3月25日

  292. シリコン切粉由来のシリコンナノ粒子負極を用いたリチウムイオン電池:初期充放電容量のサイクル特性への効果

    松本健俊, 喜村勝矢, 西原洋知, 粕壁隆敏, 京谷隆, 小林光

    電気化学会第84回大会 2017年3月25日

  293. 応力で自在に変形する超空間をもつグラフェン系柔軟多孔性材料の調製と機能開拓 招待有り


    日本化学会第97春季年会 2017年3月16日

  294. 炭素コート酸化鉄マイクロチューブの導電率の湿度応答性

    西村維心, 後藤和馬, 後藤秀徳, 高田潤, 西原洋知, 粕壁隆敏, 石田祐之

    日本化学会第97春季年会 2017年3月16日

  295. 単層グラフェン多孔体 招待有り


    第17回ナノテク高機能テキスタイル基盤技術研究会 2017年3月10日

  296. Synthesis of Ordered Carbonaceous Frameworks from Porphyrin-Based Crystals 国際会議

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Symposium on chemistry and materials 2017 2017年3月7日

  297. カーボン系材料のナノ空間制御とエネルギー貯蔵への応用 招待有り


    室蘭工業大学若手研究者会拡大勉強会 2017年3月1日

  298. 粉砕法で調製したSiナノ粒子のリチウムイオン電池負極材料への応用と高性能化

    粕壁隆敏, 西原洋知, 喜村勝矢, 松本健俊, 小林光, 京谷隆

    PHyM若手フォーラム2016 2017年2月27日

  299. Elastic carbon nanosponges 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    CBNM5 2017年2月22日

  300. 応力で自在に変形する超空間をもつグラフェン系柔軟多孔性材料の調製と機能開拓 招待有り


    nanotech2017 2017年2月15日

  301. Template synthesis of graphene-based carbons for energy applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    International Symposium on Materials for Chemistry and Engineering 2017年2月3日

  302. Li ion battery with Si nanopowder fabricated from Si swarf 国際会議 招待有り

    Taketoshi Matsumoto, Katsuya Kimura, Hikaru Kobayashi, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takatoshi Kasukabe, Takashi Kyotani

    Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces 2016 2016年11月21日

  303. 炭素材料の構造と電気化学的劣化との相関 招待有り


    電気化学セミナー4 「研究・開発のための電気化学測定法」エネルギーデバイスの解析・評価技術 2016年11月15日

  304. グラフェン多孔体による高耐電圧キャパシタ 招待有り


    第6回CSJ化学フェスタ2016 2016年11月14日

  305. カーボン系材料のナノ空間制御とエネルギー貯蔵への応用 招待有り

    新化学技術推進協会, 東京西原洋知

    第30回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2016年11月10日

  306. 新素材“グラフェンメソスポンジ”の開発とエネルギー変換デバイスへの展開 招待有り


    新化学技術推進協会 エネルギー分科会講演会 2016年11月2日

  307. Nanoporous frameworks consisting of single graphene layer 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Seriese lecture on new energy and nanotechnology science No 71 2016年10月25日

  308. Graphene-based porous electrode materials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    VISTEC Seminar 2016年9月22日

  309. Graphene-based porous electrode materials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Thammasat University Special Lecture 2016年9月14日

  310. Nanoporous materials with single-layer graphene walls 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    KU-GCG Forum 2016 -Green Innovation for Future 2016年9月9日

  311. グラフェン系多孔体電極 招待有り


    第12回スキルアップセミナー 2016年9月2日

  312. グラフェン多孔体電極 招待有り


    名古屋大学グリーン自然科学国際教育研究プログラム IGERシンポジウム 2016年8月18日

  313. Oxidation-resistant and elastic mesoporous carbon with single-layer graphene walls 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    The 3rd CWRU-Tohoku Joint workshop 2016年8月9日

  314. Graphene-based porous frameworks for supercapacitors 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    5th International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N2016) 2016年6月26日

  315. Graphene-based 3D frameworks for energy storage 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    The International Conference on Small Science (ICSS 2016) 2016年6月25日

  316. Graphene-based 3D frameworks for electrochemical capacitors 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    2016 International Conference on Advanced Capacitors (ICAC2016) 2016年5月23日

  317. 応力で弾性変形する超柔軟性グラフェン系多孔体 招待有り


    日本化学会第96春季年会 2016年3月24日

  318. Graphene-based elastic nanoporous carbons and their in situ pore-size control 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Special Seminar at National Carbon Institute 2016年1月29日

  319. Graphene-based elastic nanoporous carbons and their in situ pore-size control 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Special Seminar at University of Alicante 2016年1月26日

  320. Force-induced in situ control of adsorptivity in extremely elastic zeolite-templated carbon 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Special Seminar at Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica 2016年1月25日

  321. Preparation of carbon-based fusion materials and their applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    Pacifichem2015 2015年12月15日

  322. シリコン系負極材料の設計指針とSiナノ粒子の充放電に伴う構造変化 招待有り


    サイエンス&テクノロジーセミナー「リチウムイオン電池における安全性向上と耐久性評価」 2015年11月30日

  323. Zeolite-templated carbons for supercapacitors 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    GRAPHCHINA2015 2015年10月28日

  324. Nanocarbons and composite materials for energy storage 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Special Seminar at University of Chile 2015年8月28日

  325. Nanocarbons and composite materials for energy storage 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Special Seminar at University of Concepcion 2015年8月25日

  326. グラフェンから成る多孔体とその酸化特性 招待有り


    第4回酸化グラフェン研究会 2015年6月26日

  327. 物理吸着とスピルオーバーによる水素吸蔵 招待有り


    兵庫県立大学大学院工学研究科物質系工学専攻物質制御計測科学研究グループ主催招待講演会 2015年2月4日

  328. Nanocarbons and composite materials for energy storage 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2015 (PACCON2015) 2015年1月21日

  329. Templated Carbons and Carbon Composite Materials with Their Remarkable Potential in Energy Storage 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    Special Seminar at Kasetsart University 2015年1月20日

  330. Synthesis of Novel Carbon Materials by Using Porous Inorganic Templates 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, 〇Takashi Kyotani

    10th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced MaterialsI (ICPMAT 2015) 2015年1月17日

  331. Zeolite-Templated Carbons and Their Applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    International Symposium on Zeolites and MicroPorous Crystals 2015 (ZMPC2015) 2015年

  332. Templated nanocarbons and carbon-coated materials for energy storage 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    MANA semimar at NIMS 2014年10月24日

  333. Templated nanocarbons and carbon-coated materials for energy storage 招待有り

    Hiromoto Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    第41回炭素材料学会年会 2014年9月24日

  334. Preparation of Elastic Artificial Xylem with Water Resistance by Ice-Templating 招待有り

    〇Zheng-Ze Pan, Hiromoto Nishihara, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Takafumi Sekiguchi, Akihiro Sato, Takashi Kyotani

    第63回高分子討論会 2014年9月24日

  335. Pseudocapacitance of zeolite-templated carbon in organic electrolytes 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    2nd Spain-Japan Joint Symposium for Advanced Supercapacitors 2014年9月17日

  336. Nanocarbons and composite materials for energy applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    Special Seminar at UNIST 2014年7月4日

  337. Siナノ粒子の充放電機構と高性能化 招待有り


    情報機構Liイオン電池負極セミナー 2014年6月24日

  338. Si系リチウムイオン電池負極材料の充放電特性と高性能化 招待有り


    大阪大学産業科学研究所主催招待講演会 2014年3月24日

  339. 鋳型ナノカーボンの合成とエネルギー貯蔵への応用 招待有り


    研究会:グラフェンを「作る・測る・使う」技術開発の将来 2014年3月14日

  340. Si/C系負極材料のナノ構造制御による高性能化 招待有り


    炭素材料学会1月セミナー 2014年1月24日

  341. シリコン/炭素複合体負極のナノ構造制御による高性能化 招待有り


    サイエンス&テクノロジー セミナー 2014年1月17日

  342. 炭素材料の官能基の分析と電気化学特性への影響 招待有り


    JSR株式会社主催 招待講演会 2013年12月13日

  343. Pseudocapacitance of zeolite-templated carbon 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    The 7th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources (ACEPS-7) 2013年11月24日

  344. Electrochemical actuator with ionic liquid-graphene-polymer composite flexible electrodes 国際会議 招待有り

    〇Tetuya Tshuda, Yuki Iwasaki, Masaki Yamagata, Hirotomo Nishihara, Masashi Ishikawa, Susumu Kuwabata

    The 7th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources (ACEPS-7) 2013年11月24日

  345. Template carbonization for advanced nanomaterials 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    4th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC4) 2013年11月4日

  346. Electrochemical behavior of activated carbons with phosphorous surface groups 国際会議 招待有り

    Aurora Gallardo-Fuentes, Ramiro Ruiz-Rosas, 〇Raul Berenguer, Emilia Morallon, Diego Cazorla-Amoros, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Jose Rodriguez-Mirasol, Tomas Cordero

    XII Meeting of the Spanish Carbon Group (GEC13) 2013年10月20日

  347. Energy storage in nanocarbons and nanocomposites 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2013年9月28日

  348. Unique Electrochemical Capacitance of Zeolite-Templated Carbons 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    2013 International Conference on Advanced Capacitors 2013年5月27日

  349. Synthesis of Ordered Porous Carbon and Its Application to Energy Fields 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, 〇Takashi Kyotani

    8th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS 2013) 2013年5月20日

  350. 鋳型を利用した多孔性材料の合成と応用 招待有り


    新学術領域研究「融合マテリアル」 第7回 若手スクール 2013年1月29日

  351. カーボン材料の調製、評価、応用:ナノカーボン材料の調製とエネルギー貯蔵への応用、超高精度TPD分析法の開発 招待有り


    JSR株式会社主催 招待講演会 2012年12月18日

  352. 配列ナノ空間をもつカーボン系多孔性材料の調製と応用 招待有り


    2012 年度 触媒学会北海道支部 札幌講演会 2012年12月7日

  353. Unique Structure of Zeolite Templated Carbon and Its Performance as an Energy Storage Medium 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, 〇Takashi Kyotani

    The International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials 2012年10月22日

  354. Reversible Hydrogen Storage by Spillover 国際会議 招待有り

    〇Masashi Ito, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani

    International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems 2012 (MH2012) 2012年10月21日

  355. 氷晶を鋳型とするセルロース系ハニカム材料の調製 招待有り

    西原洋知, 岩村振一郎, 関口尊文, 宮本和也, 磯貝明, 京谷隆

    第61回高分子討論会 2012年9月19日

  356. 炭素ナノ被覆を利用したハイブリッドマテリアルの創製と応用 招待有り

    西原洋知, 京谷隆

    日本セラミックス協会第25回秋季シンポジウム 2012年9月19日

  357. Nanocarbons for energy storage applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Hiroyuki Itoi, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Takashi Kyotani

    ISPlasma 2012 2012年3月4日

  358. 高表面積ナノグラフェン構造体「ゼオライト鋳型炭素」のキャパシタ特性 招待有り


    キャパシタ技術委員会 平成24年度第1回研究会 2012年1月27日

  359. 超多孔性炭素の製造、構造、応用 招待有り


    活性炭技術委員会 第145回講演会 2012年1月25日

  360. ナノカーボンによるエネルギー貯蔵 招待有り


    第11回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2011年12月8日

  361. Energy Storage in Nano-Structured Carbons 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, 〇Takashi Kyotani

    The 6th ICF and 2011 Fall Meeting of the Korean Carbon Society 2011年11月2日

  362. Synthesis of Si/C Composites with Buffer Space around Each Si Nanoparticle and their Performance of Li insertion/extraction 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Itoi, Shinichiroh Iwamura, Raul Berenguer, 〇Takashi Kyotani

    4th International Conference on Carbons for Energy Storage/Conversion and Environment Protection (CESEP'11) 2011年9月25日

  363. ナノシリコン/炭素複合体からなるリチウム二次電池用負極材料の合成 招待有り

    西原洋知, 岩村振一郎, 鈴木崇史, 京谷隆

    平成22年度化学系学協会東北大会 2010年9月25日

  364. Theoretical Study on Hydrogen Adsorption and Diffusion in Spillover Process on Curved Surface of Microporous Carbon 国際会議 招待有り

    〇Megumi Kayanuma, Umpei Nagashima, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Hiroshi Ogawa

    3rd French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry 2010年6月18日

  365. Nuclear quantum effect on hydrogen adsorption site of zeolite-templated carbon model using path integral molecular dynamics 国際会議 招待有り

    Kimichi Suzuki, Megumi Kayanuma, Masanori Tachikawa, Hiroshi Ogawa, Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Umpei Nagashima

    3rd French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry 2010年6月18日

  366. High Pressure Hydrogen Storage in Zeolite Templated Carbon 国際会議 招待有り

    Somlak Ittisanronnachai, Li-Xiang Li, 〇Hirotomo Nishihara, Takashi Kyotani, Masashi Ito

    CIMTEC 2010 5th Forum on New Materials 2010年6月13日

  367. Understanding of Energy Storage Mechanism Using Templated Carbons 国際会議 招待有り

    Takashi Kyotani, Hirotomo Nishihara

    Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection 2009 (CESEP' 09) 2009年10月25日

  368. 高容量と高出力を両立する電極材料〜ゼオライト鋳型炭素 招待有り


    技術情報協会, セミナーNo 907417 2009年7月31日

  369. Template Synthesis of Nanoporous Carbons with Uniform Pores and Their Applications 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara

    1st Japanese-German Joint Symposium Development and Technology of Carbon Materials 2009年6月13日

  370. 多孔性炭素材料を作る 招待有り


    炭素材料学会先端科学技術講習会「電気二重層キャパシタを指向した多孔性炭素材料の基礎と応用」 2009年6月5日

  371. 鋳型法によるナノ多孔体の合成とその応用 招待有り


    九大先導研・北大電子研・東北大多元研 研究所間連携研究交流会 2008年10月30日

  372. ゼオライト鋳型炭素を電極とした高容量・高出力キャパシタ 招待有り


    技術情報協会, セミナーNo 809272 2008年9月29日

  373. Understanding of the Electrochemical Process in Supercapacitor by using Zeolite Templated Carbon as a Model Material 国際会議 招待有り

    Hirotomo Nishihara, Hiroyuki Itoi, Taichi Kogure, Peng-Xiang Hou, Takashi Kyotani

    Carbon2008 2008年7月13日

  374. 規則性ミクロ多孔質炭素を電極としたスーパーキャパシタ 招待有り


    第1回ナノマテリアルコロキウム 2007年9月21日

  375. 鋳型合成した構造規則性カーボンの電気二重層キャパシタ特性 招待有り


    2007年電気化学秋季大会 2007年9月19日

  376. 鋳型法による炭素ナノ材料の合成とその新展開 招待有り


    第44回 炭素材料夏季セミナー 2006年9月6日

  377. 氷晶成長を利用した特異なモルフォロジーを有する多孔質炭素の合成 招待有り


    日本学術振興会117委員会第275回会議 2005年7月28日

  378. Conformal Graphene Coating onto TMS-grafted Nanoporous SiO2

    Kritin Pirabul, Zheng-Ze Pan, Mutsuhiro Ito, Kenichi Izawa, Makoto Kawai, Hirotomo Nishihara

    6th CRCs-5th GP-MS Symposium 2022年10月25日

  379. 柔軟性多孔体を利用した蒸気/液体回収技術の検討

    金丸和也, 伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 市川靖, 曽根和樹, 伊倉亜美, 西原洋知

    第35回日本吸着学会研究発表会 2022年11月10日

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

産業財産権 74

  1. 熱交換装置

    伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 野村啓太


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  2. 多孔性ポリマーの製造方法

    仁科 勇太, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆, 大和田 真生, 針谷 明夫


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  3. キャパシタ及びキャパシタ用電極

    小林直哉, 磯田綾乃, 河合清行, 志水利彰, 川口祐介, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 野村啓太


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  4. キャパシタ及びキャパシタ用電極

    小林直哉, 浅田敏広, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 野村啓太


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  5. アノード電極触媒ならびに当該触媒を用いる電極触媒層、膜電極接合体および燃料電池

    内村 允宣, 伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 糸井 弘行


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  6. 多孔質炭素材料およびその製造方法

    生越 友樹, 吉越 久美子, 山岸 忠明, 西原 洋知


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  7. 多孔質炭素材料およびその製造方法

    生越友樹, 吉越久美子, 山岸忠明, 西原洋知


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  8. 多孔質炭素材料およびその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 干川 康人, 小林 俊介, 野村 啓太


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  9. 多孔質炭素材料およびその製造方法

    伊藤仁, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 干川康人, 小林俊介, 野村啓太


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  10. 電気化学キャパシタ用電極およびその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, ヌーアンノラド カニン, 糸井 弘行, ベレンガー-ベトリアン ラウル


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  11. Si/C複合材料及びその製造方法並びに電極

    京谷隆, 西原洋知, 岩村振一郎


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  12. 属担持炭素材料およびその製造方法

    伊藤仁, 糸井弘行, 西原洋知, 京谷隆


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  13. ゼオライトナノチャンネル内への炭素充填

    京谷隆, 西原洋知, ヌーアンノラド カニン, 伊藤仁


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  14. 水素吸蔵材料

    伊藤 仁, 糸井 弘行, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  15. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法及びミクロポーラス系炭素材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤仁, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 侯鵬翔, 李莉香, 秦恭平, 水内和彦


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  16. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法

    西原洋知, 京谷隆, 伊藤仁


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  17. 炭素材料およびこれを利用した金属担持炭素材料、ならびにその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 糸井 弘行, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  18. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法、吸着材及びミクロポーラス炭素系材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 侯 鵬翔, 林 愼治, 水内 和彦


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  19. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法、吸着材及びミクロポーラス炭素系材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤仁, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 侯鵬翔, 林愼治, 水内和彦


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  20. ポーラスシリカの製造方法

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 岩村 振一郎


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  21. 多孔体及びその製造方法並びにその用途

    京谷隆, 西原洋知, 福良優, 武内正隆, 辻勝行


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  22. 多孔質炭素材料の製造方法

    砂廣昇吾, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 野村啓太

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  23. 硫黄活物質含有電極組成物、並びにこれを用いた電極および電池

    吉岡洋一, 伊藤仁, 諸岡正浩, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 野村啓太, 山本雅納

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  24. 熱交換装置

    伊藤仁, 内村允宣, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 野村啓太, 山本雅納

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  25. キャパシタ

    小林直哉, 浅田敏広, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 野村啓太


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  26. 水溶性多糖類の製造方法

    栗原祥晃, 金枝雅人, 平谷正彦, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 高月瑛

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  27. 加水分解用触媒

    栗原祥晃, 金枝雅人, 平谷正彦, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 高月瑛

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  28. 加水分解用触媒

    栗原祥晃, 金枝雅人, 平谷正彦, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 高月瑛

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  29. 電極触媒およびその製造方法

    内村 允宣, 伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 糸井 弘行

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  30. リチウムイオン二次電池用負極活物質、およびリチウムイオン二次電池

    岡井 誠, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 粕壁 隆俊

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  31. 金属担持炭素材料およびその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 糸井 弘行, 大嶽 文秀

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  32. 電気化学キャパシタ用電極およびその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, ヌーアンノラド カニン, 糸井 弘行, ベレンガー-ベトリアン ラウル

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  33. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 侯 鵬翔, 李 莉香, 秦 恭兵, 水内 和彦

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  34. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法、吸着材及びミクロポーラス炭素系材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 侯 鵬翔, 林 愼治, 水内 和彦

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  35. 金属担持炭素材料およびこれを用いた水素吸蔵材料

    伊藤 仁, 糸井 弘行, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  36. 金属担持炭素材料およびその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 糸井 弘行, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  37. 金属担持炭素材料およびその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 糸井 弘行, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  38. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 伊藤 仁

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  39. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 伊藤 仁


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  40. Si/C複合材料及びその製造方法並びに電極

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 岩村 振一郎

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  41. 炭素材料およびこれを利用した金属担持炭素材料、ならびにその製造方法

    伊藤 仁, 糸井 弘行, 西原 洋知, 京谷 隆

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  42. ゼオライトナノチャンネル内への炭素充填

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, ヌーアンノラド カニン, 伊藤 仁

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  43. ゼオライトナノチャンネル内への炭素充填

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, ヌーアンノラド カニン, 伊藤 仁


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  44. 耐アルカリグルタミナーゼ複合体

    伊藤 徹二, 花岡 隆昌, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 干川 康人

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  45. 微小管集合構造体及びその製造方法

    宮本 和也, 関口 尊文, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 岩村 振一郎

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  46. 電極材料および電極材料の製造方法

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 安 百鋼, 糸井 弘行

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  47. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法、吸着材及びミクロポーラス炭素系材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 侯 鵬翔, 林 愼治, 水内 和彦

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  48. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法、吸着材及びミクロポーラス炭素系材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 侯 鵬翔, 林 愼治, 水内 和彦


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  49. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法及びミクロポーラス系炭素材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 侯 鵬翔, 李 莉香, 秦 恭兵, 水内 和彦

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  50. ミクロポーラス炭素系材料、ミクロポーラス炭素系材料の製造方法及びミクロポーラス系炭素材料を用いた水素吸蔵方法

    伊藤 仁, 京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 侯 鵬翔, 李 莉香, 秦 恭兵, 水内 和彦


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  51. ナノポーラスシリカとその製造方法

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 岩村 振一郎

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  52. 多孔体及びその製造方法並びにその用途

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 武内 正隆, 辻 勝行

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  53. 多孔体及びその製造方法並びにその用途

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 福良 優, 武内 正隆, 辻 勝行


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  54. シリカゲルおよびその製造方法

    田門 肇, 向井 紳, 西原 洋知

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  55. 熱交換装置

    曽根和樹, 伊藤仁, 市川靖, 伊倉亜美, 内村充宣, 宮原護, 西原洋知, 金丸和也

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  56. 多孔質炭素膜、電極、リチウム空気電池および多孔質炭素膜の製造方法


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  57. マスク用フィルタ、当該フィルタを有するマスクおよび当該フィルタの再生方法

    伊倉亜美, 伊藤仁, 内村充宣, 川野哲郎, 松永智昭, 秋葉信一, 西原洋知, 潘鄭澤

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  58. 揮発性有機化合物の回収装置および回収方法

    曽根和樹, 伊藤仁, 市川靖, 内村充宣, 西原洋知, 金丸和也

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  59. 多孔質炭素材料及びその製造方法

    西原洋知, 黒田拓馬

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  60. 新規複合材料、複合材料の製造方法、及びコンポジット

    西原洋知, 吉田栄吉, 内田健

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  61. 多孔質炭素材料の製造方法

    砂廣昇吾, 西原洋知

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  62. 触媒担持体、並びにこれを用いた有機化合物の気相酸化用触媒および気相酸化方法

    伊藤仁, 伊倉亜美, 内村充宣, 西原洋知, 吉井丈晴, 若林佳吾, 岩渕好治, 笹野裕介, 平澤典保, 瀬川良佑, 金野智浩

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  63. 炭素材料

    西原洋知, 潘鄭澤, 黒田拓馬

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  64. 電磁干渉抑制材料

    西原洋知, 吉田栄吉, 内田健

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  65. 電磁干渉抑制材料又は電波吸収体

    西原洋知, 吉田栄吉, 内田健

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  66. 多孔質炭素材料及びその製造方法

    青海亜美, 伊藤仁, 内村充宣, 市川靖, 曽根和樹, 西原洋知, 金丸和也

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  67. 発電体

    塚田佳子, 伊藤仁, 西原洋知, 吉井丈晴, 山部咲知

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  68. リチウム空気電池用正極およびリチウム空気電池

    西原洋知, 余唯

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  69. 加水分解用触媒及び水溶性糖類の製造方法

    栗原祥晃, 金枝雅人, 平谷正彦, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 高月瑛

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  70. 炭素触媒、及び水溶性糖類の製造方法

    栗原祥晃, 金枝雅人, 平谷正彦, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 高月瑛

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  71. リチウムイオン二次電池用負極活物質、およびリチウムイオン二次電池

    岡井誠, 京谷隆, 西原洋知, 粕壁隆俊

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  72. Si/C複合材料及びその製造方法並びに電極

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 岩村 振一郎


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  73. 金属担持炭素材料およびこれを用いた水素吸蔵材料

    伊藤仁, 糸井弘行, 西原洋知, 京谷隆

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  74. ハニカム構造体およびその製造方法

    西原洋知, 大和田真生, 唐睿

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 20

  1. 柔軟ナノ多孔体への応力印加による強制的吸着の発現

    西原 洋知

    2021年7月9日 ~ 2023年3月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究の主たる目的は、応力によりスポンジのように柔軟に変形するナノ多孔体を利用し、応力印加により細孔径を微小化させ、水蒸気の吸着を誘起することである。この目的を達成するためには、疎水性のカーボン多孔体の細孔径を2 nm付近に調節する必要がある。疎水性のカーボン多孔体は細孔径が2 nm以上と大きい場合には低圧で水蒸気を殆ど吸着しないが、応力を印加して細孔径を2 nm以下の領域にまで微小化すると、細孔内部の物理吸着ポテンシャルが深くなり水蒸気吸着が生じると期待される。 我々のグループでは、鋳型法を用いて細孔径が5~8 nmのカーボン多孔体「カーボンメソスポンジ(CMS)」とこれを1800℃でn熱処理した「グラフェンメソスポンジ(GMS)」を開発している。CMSは細孔壁がグラフェン約1層から成り、グラフェン周囲のエッジサイトは水素や含酸素官能基で終端された構造を持つ。これを1800℃で熱処理するとグラフェン境界のジッピング反応によりエッジサイトが消滅するが、元の細孔構造は殆ど変化しない形でGMSが得られる。すなわし、CMSとGMSは同一の細孔構造をもちつつも、エッジサイトがある・無いという違いを持ったユニークな材料である。本年度は、CMS、GMSの基本的な水蒸気吸着特性を把握するため、種々の温度における吸着等温線の測定を行い、アルコールや他の有機蒸気の吸着挙動との比較を行った。また、狙いとしている細孔径と柔軟性を達成するため、カーボン材料の微細構造と柔軟性を系統的に調べ、カーボンの構造因子で多孔体の体積弾性率を予想する経験式を導出できた。さらに得られた知見に基づき、CMSをホットプレスすることで、柔軟性を維持しつつ細孔径を微小化する検討も行った。

  2. 単層グラフェン多孔質電極を用いた高容量・高電圧型電気二重層キャパシタの開発

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2019年4月1日 ~ 2022年3月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究では、単層グラフェン多孔質電極を用いた高容量・高電圧型電気二重層キャパシタの開発に関する検討を行った。劣化の原因となるエッジサイトを排除し、なおかつ単層グラフェンから成る高比表面積の多孔質電極は、一般的な有機電解液を用いても室温で4.4 Vの高い耐電圧を発揮するが、面積比容量が小さい欠点があった。本研究ではグラフェン網面に窒素を導入することでこの問題を解決できることを見出した。また、本研究で得られた知見に基づき、単層グラフェン多孔質電極の他の電池応用についても先進的な成果が得られた。さらに、社会実装に向けた材料の量産化技術の開発にも成功した。

  3. 単層グラフェン多孔体の展開研究 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2017年4月 ~ 2022年3月

  4. ゼオライト鋳型炭素のリチウムイオン二次電池用正極材料への応用

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2015年4月1日 ~ 2019年3月31日

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    ゼオライト鋳型炭素(zeolite-templated carbon: ZTC)は大量のエッジサイトをもつ。本研究では、このエッジサイトに酸化還元能を有するキノン基等の官能基を化学修飾することで、ZTCをリチウムイオン二次電池の高容量高出力正極材料にしようと試みた。ZTCへのキノン基の効率的な導入には成功したが、キノン基は酸化還元サイトにはならないことが判明した。その代わりに、高電位でZTC中のフラン環が酸化還元サイトになることを明らかにした。さらに、この研究を通じて、炭素表面化学と電気化学的劣化の関係を明らかにするとともに、エッジサイトの極めて少ない大表面積多孔質炭素の鋳型合成にも成功した。

  5. 有機化学的手法による結晶性3次元カーボン構造体の合成 競争的資金


    2017年4月 ~ 2019年3月

  6. 自然に倣った樹木組織ミミックの開発 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2015年4月 ~ 2017年3月

  7. イオン液体を用いた異元素含有ゼオライト鋳型炭素の合成と応用 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2014年4月 ~ 2017年3月

  8. 応力で自在に変形する超空間をもつグラフェン系柔軟多孔性材料の調製と機能開拓 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2013年10月 ~ 2017年3月

  9. 鋳型を利用したナノカーボン融合マテリアルの調製と機能開拓 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2013年4月 ~ 2015年3月

  10. 超高性能EDLC電極材料「カーボンナノジャングルジム」の創製とデバイス化 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2011年4月 ~ 2014年3月

  11. 有機半導体/無機透明ナノ多孔性電極から成る新規有機薄膜太陽電池の開発 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2011年4月 ~ 2013年3月

  12. Li-Si融液を経由する超高容量リチウムイオン電池負極材料の合成 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2010年10月 ~ 2013年3月

  13. 細孔壁がグラフェンシート1枚で構成された規則性メソポーラスカーボンの合成 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2009年4月 ~ 2011年3月

  14. 圧縮による炭素ミクロ孔径の可逆的変化とオングストロームオーダーの制御

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 干川 康人, 干川 康人

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2010年 ~ 2011年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    均一なサイズのミクロ孔(約1. 2nm)を有し柔軟な分子構造をもつミクロポーラスカーボンであるゼオライト鋳型炭素(Zeolite Templated Carbon)を単に機械的に圧縮するだけでその細孔径を連続的かつ可逆的に変化させることができた。さらにミクロ孔サイズの変化によりガスの吸着能が実際に変化することを実験的に明らかにした。細孔径を「応力印加」という外部刺激に対しガス吸着量が応答する今回の原理は、センサーや分子ふるい等へ応用できる。

  15. 配列ナノ空間をもつカーボン構造体を利用したエネルギーデバイス

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 干川 康人, 干川 康人, 折笠 広典

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2007年 ~ 2011年

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  16. 世界最大の水蒸気吸着容量を有するヒートポンプ用「多孔質炭素」の開発 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  17. 生体に優しい条件下における超低圧力損失の生体物質包括ハニカムの合成 競争的資金

    西原 洋知

    2007年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  18. 規則性メソポーラスシリカ全表面のグラフェン単分子層による完全被覆

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知

    2008年 ~ 2009年

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  19. 世界最大の表面積とミクロ孔容積をもつナノカーボンによるエネルギー貯蔵材料創製

    京谷 隆, 西原 洋知, 折笠 広典

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2006年 ~ 2009年

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  20. 多層カーボンナノチューブ中での多様で構造制御されたナノp-n接合の構築

    京谷 隆, 折笠 広典, 西原 洋知

    2004年 ~ 2005年

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    アルミニウム陽極酸化皮膜の直線状ナノ細孔に炭化水素ガスのCVDによりカーボンを均一に堆積させた後に、陽極酸化皮膜を酸処理にて溶解除去すれば、サイズの揃った開口構造の多層CNTを合成できる。さらに,異なる原料を逐次的にCVDすることにより、外側と内側で組成の異なる二重構造など特異な構造のナノチューブの合成が可能である。前年度までは、外側あるいは内側がそれぞれ純炭素層あるいはNドープ炭素層の二重構造のナノチューブの合成を行った。XPSで合成したナノチューブのN元素の分布状態を調べたところ,純炭素層あるいはNドープ炭素層の二重構造になっていることが明らかとなった。さらに,N元素をドープすることでナノチューブの電気伝導度が向上することがわかった。 本年度はRaman分光法により同心円状の二重構造ナノチューブの詳細な構造解析を行った。その結果、NあるはB元素を炭素層にドープすることで、炭素の典型的なRaman散乱であるGおよびDバンドがドーピング量によりシフトしていくことが明らかとなった。さらに、Gバンドのシフトとナノチューブの電気伝導度との間に明らかな相関があることを見出した。ドーピングにより炭素の電子構造が変化し、そのため電気伝導度が飛躍的に向上するとともに炭素骨格全体の振動モードであるGバンドが幾分シフトしたと考えられる。しかし、Nドープ炭素層にBドープ炭素層が二重になったナノチューブでは上記のGバンドのシフトと電気伝導度との間の相関直線に乗らず、このような特異な二重構造がシナジー的な効果をもつことが示唆された。

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

社会貢献活動 1

  1. 水素吸着の炭素物質

    2009年3月9日 ~

メディア報道 38

  1. グラフェンメソスポンジ(GMS)が、リチウム空気電池の有望な正極材料

    日経電子版、日本経済新聞 (全国版)朝刊


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  2. 東北大発新興3DC 長寿命電池素材に挑む 年内に試験工場建設 EV向け 量産めざす



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  3. リチウム空気電池用カーボン正極の 高容量とサイクル寿命の両立に成功 ~重さがリチウムイオン電池の数分の1になる 次世代畜電池実用化に期待~



  4. 車体や建物への充電を可能にする3Dカーボン材料、東北大ら開発



  5. 車体や建物への充電を可能にする3Dカーボン材料、東北大ら開発



  6. 車体や建物自体に蓄電できる3Dカーボン材料を開発

    EETimes Japan


  7. 車や建物自体を蓄電池に 新しい3Dカーボン材料開発 東北大

    livedoor news


  8. 車や建物自体を蓄電池に 新しい3Dカーボン材料開発 東北大



  9. 車や建物全体にエネルギーを貯蔵できるようにする、3D構造のカーボン材料を開発

    fabcross for エンジニア


  10. 車体や建物を充電に使う3Dカーボン材料を開発 3Dプリンタで強度と機能性を融合し、全く新しいエネルギー貯蔵へ貢献



  11. 東北大など、車体や建物を充電に使う3Dカーボン材料を開発



  12. 車体や建物を充電に使う3Dカーボン材料を開発 3Dプリンタで強度と機能性を融合し、全く新しいエネルギー貯蔵へ貢献



  13. 3次元グラフェン造形のキープロセスを解明 6員環のエッジに5員環や7員環が組み込まれてジッピング



  14. Elucidating a unique sequential catalytic mechanism



  15. ナノ細孔内部の現象解明に最適なモデル多孔電極



  16. 東北大発カーボン新素材「GMS」、蓄電・発電デバイスに的



  17. カーボン新素材を発見、Li 空気電池を長寿命化

    Tech Eyes Online


  18. 17. リチウム空気電池の長寿命化実現へ 東北大などがカーボン新素材を発見



  19. カーボン新素材を発見、Li空気電池を長寿命化

    EE Times Japan


  20. 15. リチウム空気電池を長寿命化するカーボン新素材の正極を発見――グラフェンメソスポンジを採用 東北大ら

    fobcross forエンジニア


  21. 東北大、リチウム空気電池長寿命化、カーボン新素材



  22. 「リチウム空気電池」実用化へ一歩、東北大がGMS採用で寿命6倍に成功



  23. リチウム空気電池」実用化へ一歩、東北大がGMS採用で寿命6倍に成功



  24. 東北大、リチウム空気電池の寿命6倍 正極にGMS採用



  25. リチウム空気電池正極の高容量化と長寿命化に成功。岡山大ら研究



  26. リチウム空気電池の長寿命化実現へ 東北大などがカーボン新素材を発見



  27. 6. リチウム空気電池を長寿命化するカーボン新素材 従来のカーボン正極の劣化をグラフェンメソスポンジで克服



  28. 6. リチウム空気電池を長寿命化するカーボン新素材 従来のカーボン正極の劣化をグラフェンメソスポンジで克服



  29. 6. リチウム空気電池を長寿命化するカーボン新素材 従来のカーボン正極の劣化をグラフェンメソスポンジで克服



  30. リチウム空気電池を長寿命化するカーボン新素材を発見 従来のカーボン正極の劣化をグラフェンメソスポンジで克服



  31. 3DC×東北大学 カーボン新素材GMSで「世界を変える」共創研究ラボ』の設置



  32. カーボン材料の化学

    現代化学 PP.22-27


  33. ゼオライト鋳型炭素



  34. リアルテックファンド 東北大発ベンチャー「株式会社3DC」



  35. 「【ディープテックを追え】次世代電池でシェアを狙う、炭素材料「GMS」とは?」



  36. 「3Dグラフェン」は電池を変えるか? 東北大発3DCの挑戦」



  37. 東北大発の素材開発が資金調達



  38. 東北大発の素材新興、リアルテックファンドから資金調達



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