
ヨシオカ トシアキ
吉岡 敏明
Toshiaki Yoshioka
大学院環境科学研究科 先端環境創成学専攻 自然共生システム学講座(資源再生プロセス学分野)
  • 博士(工学)(東北大学)

  • 工学修士(東北大学)

経歴 11

  • 2005年4月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学大学院環境科学研究科 教授

  • 2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月
    東北大学環境保全センター 助教授

  • 2002年4月 ~ 2004年3月
    東北大学超臨界溶媒工学研究センター/環境保全研究施設(兼) 助教授

  • 2000年10月 ~ 2002年3月
    東北大学大学院工学研究科 助教授

  • 2001年3月 ~ 2001年5月
    ドイツ・ハンブルグ大学 文部科学省在外研究員

  • 1997年4月 ~ 2000年9月
    東北大学大学院工学研究科 講師

  • 2000年1月 ~ 2000年2月
    オランダ・アイトフォーヘン工科大学 NEDO海外派遣研究員

  • 1992年4月 ~ 1997年3月
    東北大学工学部分子化学工学科 助手

  • 1990年4月 ~ 1992年3月

  • 1988年4月 ~ 1990年3月

  • 1984年4月 ~ 1988年3月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学歴 2

  • 東北大学 工学研究科 応用化学

    ~ 1990年3月

  • 東北大学 工学部 応用化学

    ~ 1988年3月

委員歴 101

  • プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会 副会長

    2020年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 大学等環境安全協議会 常任理事

    2008年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌編集委員会 委員

    2006年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 宮城県 環境審議会 会長

    2022年8月 ~ 2024年7月

  • 日本環境衛生センター 理事

    2020年6月 ~ 2024年6月

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 NEDO 技術委員

    2022年7月 ~ 2024年3月

  • 科学技術振興機構(JST) 創発的研究支援事業アドバイザー

    2020年9月 ~ 2024年3月

  • 自動車リサイクル高度化財団 理事

    2021年11月 ~ 2023年6月

  • 青葉工学振興会 評議員

    2021年7月 ~ 2023年6月

  • 自動車リサイクル高度化財団 理事

    2019年11月 ~ 2023年6月

  • 無機マテリアル学会 評議員

    2019年6月 ~ 2023年6月

  • 環境省 災害廃棄物対策東北ブロック協議会 会長

    2022年8月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 経済産業省 令和3年度補正廃プラスチックの資源循環高度化事業評価審査委員会 委員

    2022年7月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構(JST) 未来社会創造事業 外部専門家

    2022年5月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 未来社会創造事業 外部専門家

    2022年5月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 東北大学生活協同組合 理事

    2022年5月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 一般社団法人産業環境管理協会 リサイクル技術開発本多賞審査委員会 委員

    2022年5月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 中間貯蔵・環境安全事業株式会社 令和4年度中間貯蔵事業技術検討会 委員

    2022年5月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 環境省 令和4年度脱炭素社会を支えるプラスチック等資源循環システム構築実証事業審査委員会委員

    2022年4月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 環境省 代替素材等評価審査委員会およびリサイクル等評価審査委員会 委員長

    2022年4月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 四日市市 四日市コンビナートのカーボンニュートラル化に向けた検討委員会 委員

    2022年3月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 科学技術振興機構(JST) 〈CREST〉分解・劣化・安定化の精密材料科学 領域アドバイザー

    2021年6月 ~ 2023年3月

  • みちのくEMS認証機構 幹事

    2019年5月 ~ 2023年3月

  • 塩ビ工業・環境協会 塩ビリサイクル支援制度・評価委員会委員

    2020年8月 ~ 2022年7月

  • 農林水産省 バイオマス活用推進専門家会議 委員

    2022年4月 ~ 2022年6月

  • 廃棄物資源循環学会 会長

    2018年6月 ~ 2022年5月

  • 農林水産省 バイオマス活用推進専門家会議 委員

    2022年1月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 令和3年度災害廃棄物対策推進検討会 委員

    2021年12月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 地方公共団体等におけるバイオプラスチック製ゴミ袋導入ガイドライン検討会 座長

    2021年10月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 令和3年度廃棄物処理システムにおける脱炭素・省CO2対策普及促進方策検討会 座長

    2021年9月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 令和3年度脱炭素社会を支えるプラスチック等資源循環システム構築実証事業審査委員会 委員長

    2021年8月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO) 3R技術ロードマップ作成に係る検討会 座長

    2021年7月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 対策地域内廃棄物処理業務等(減容化処理)に係るアドバイザリー委員会委員

    2021年6月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 科学技術振興機構(JST) 未来社会創造事業 外部専門家

    2021年6月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 日本環境協会 エコマーク「植物由来プラスチックの取扱方針改定検討会」座長

    2021年6月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 令和3年度中間貯蔵事業技術検討会委員

    2021年5月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 代替素材等評価審査委員会およびリサイクル等評価審査委員会

    2021年4月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 脱炭素社会構築のための資源循環高度化設備導入促進事業 審査委員会委員

    2021年3月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 宮城県教育委員会 宮城県石巻西高等学校の地域との協働による高等学校教育改革推進事業運営指導委員会 委員長

    2019年5月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 宮城県 公害審査会委員

    2019年4月 ~ 2022年3月

  • 環境省 廃棄物・資源循環分野の2050年カーボンニュートラル・脱炭素社会の実現に向けた検討会委員

    2021年5月 ~ 2021年8月

  • 大学等環境安全協議会 会長

    2019年7月 ~ 2021年7月

  • 東北大学生活協同組合 理事

    2020年5月 ~ 2021年5月

  • 宮城県 総合計画審議会委員

    2019年5月 ~ 2021年5月

  • 環境省 令和2年度脱炭素社会を支えるプラスチック等資源循環システム構築実証事業審査委員会委員

    2020年5月 ~ 2021年3月

  • 環境省 バイオプラスチック導入ロードマップ検討委員会 座長

    2020年5月 ~ 2021年3月

  • 日本化学会 東北支部 支部長

    2020年3月 ~ 2021年2月

  • 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会専門委員

    2019年12月 ~ 2020年11月

  • 環境省 レジ袋有料化検討小委員会 委員

    2019年9月 ~ 2020年3月

  • 環境省 循環型社会部会所属臨時委員

    2019年9月 ~ 2020年3月

  • 環境省 中央環境審議会臨時委員

    2019年9月 ~ 2020年3月

  • 日本環境衛生センター 焼却灰の再生利用に係る技術検討委員会

    2019年7月 ~ 2020年3月

  • 環境省 環境再生・資源循環局 令和元年度災害廃棄物対策推進検討委員会

    2019年6月 ~ 2020年3月

  • 脱炭素社会を支えるプラスチック等資源循環システム構築実証事業審査委員会 委員長

    2019年4月 ~ 2020年3月

  • 無機マテリアル学会 北部支部 支部長

    2015年6月 ~ 2019年5月

  • 廃棄物学会年会委員会 委員

    2005年4月 ~ 2018年5月

  • 日本化学会東北支部 平成27年度化学系学協会東北大会 大会実行委員

    2015年5月 ~ 2016年9月

  • 高分子学会 グリーンケミストリー研究会運営委員

    2014年4月 ~ 2016年3月

  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会 専門委員

    2014年12月 ~ 2015年11月

  • 平成26年度「アジア太平洋3R白書作成のためのプロジェクト」 プロジェクト委員

    2014年12月 ~ 2015年3月

  • 第23回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会実行委員会 実行委員長

    2012年7月 ~ 2012年10月

  • プラスチック化学リサイクル研究会 幹事長

    2004年4月 ~ 2012年3月

  • プラスチック化学リサイクル研究会 幹事長

    2004年4月 ~ 2012年3月

  • 廃棄物学会東北支部 庶務幹事事務局長

    2003年4月 ~ 2012年3月

  • 社団法人 日本化学会 代表正会員

    2009年3月 ~ 2011年2月

  • 大学等環境安全協議会 理事

    2007年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • The 3rd International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics, National Committee National Committee & Secretary General

    2005年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 廃棄物学会年会実行委員会 総務委員長

    2005年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • The 3rd International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics, National Committee 事務局,国内組織委員

    2005年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 大学等環境安全協議会大学等における化学物質等環境安全対策の手引作成検討プロジェクト委員会 委員

    2004年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 大学等環境安全協議会大学等における化学物質等環境安全対策の手引作成検討プロジェクト委員会 委員

    2004年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 第109回無機マテリアル学会学術研究発表会現地実行委員会 実行委員

    2004年3月 ~ 2005年4月

  • 第109回無機マテリアル学会学術研究発表会現地実行委員会 実行委員

    2004年3月 ~ 2005年4月

  • 化学系学協会東北大会プログラム編集委員会 委員

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • 21世紀を拓く「水」と「CO2」の利用技術国際シンポジウム実行委員会 副オーガナイザー

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • 化学系学協会東北大会プログラム編集委員会 委員

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • 21世紀を拓く「水」と「CO2」の利用技術国際シンポジウム実行委員会 副オーガナイザー

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • 第3回環境フォーラム「紙のリサイクル」 運営委員:事務局

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 第21回大学等環境安全協議会総会・研修会 実行委員

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 第3回環境フォーラム「紙のリサイクル」 運営委員:事務局

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 第21回大学等環境安全協議会総会・研修会 実行委員

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 高分子学会「高分子辞典」編集委員会 編集委員

    2001年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 高分子学会「高分子辞典」編集委員会 編集委員

    2001年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • プラスチック化学リサイクル研究会 事務局担当幹事

    1998年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • プラスチック化学リサイクル研究会 事務局担当幹事

    1998年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • The 2nd International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics National Committee

    2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • The 2nd International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics 国内組織委員

    2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • 日本化学会環境・安全推進委員会 委員

    2000年4月 ~ 2001年3月

  • 日本化学会環境教育推進委員会 委員

    2000年4月 ~ 2001年3月

  • 日本化学会環境・安全推進委員会 委員

    2000年4月 ~ 2001年3月

  • 日本化学会環境教育推進委員会 委員

    2000年4月 ~ 2001年3月

  • 日本化学会東北支部 幹事長

    2000年2月 ~ 2001年1月

  • 日本化学会東北支部 幹事長

    2000年2月 ~ 2001年1月

  • 7学協会連合東北地方大会 プログラム編集委員

    1999年3月 ~ 2000年4月

  • 7学協会連合東北地方大会 プログラム編集委員

    1999年3月 ~ 2000年4月

  • The 5th International Symposium on East Asian Recycling Technology 国内組織委員

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • The 1st International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics 事務局・国内組織委員

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • The 5th International Symposium on East Asian Recycling Technology 国内組織委員

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • The 1st International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics 事務局・国内組織委員

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • 社団法人 日本化学会 副議長

    2009年4月 ~

  • 廃棄物資源循環学会 英文誌特集号 編集責任者

    2008年4月 ~

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 13

  • 石油学会

  • 研究実験施設・環境安全教育研究会

  • 大学等環境安全協議会

  • 日本鉄鋼協会

  • 無機マテリアル学会

  • 高分子学会

  • 資源・素材学会

  • 環境科学会

  • 化学工学会

  • 日本セラミックス協会

  • 廃棄物資源循環学会

  • プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会

  • 日本化学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

研究キーワード 4

  • 資源循環

  • 廃棄物処理・管理

  • プラスチック

  • リサイクル

研究分野 3

  • ナノテク・材料 / 無機・錯体化学 /

  • ナノテク・材料 / グリーンサステイナブルケミストリー、環境化学 /

  • 環境・農学 / 環境材料、リサイクル技術 /

受賞 7

  1. 環境大臣表彰(中央推薦)

    2019年10月 環境省 廃棄物・浄化槽分野の研究開発

  2. 文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞

    2014年4月 文部科学省 プラスチック廃棄物の化学資材への再資源化に関する研究

  3. Best Paper Award

    2012年5月 廃棄物資源循環学会 Feedstock recycling of waste polymeric material

  4. プラスチック化学リサイクル研究会

    2008年6月2日 プラスチック化学リサイクル研究会 触媒を用いたポリエチレンテレフタレート(PET)の化学原料化

  5. Best Poster AWARD

    2007年10月31日 East Asian Resources Recycling Technology

  6. 第11回リサイクル技術開発本多賞

    2007年2月 財団法人クリーン・ジャパン・センター 「Selective production of benzene and naphthalene from poly(butylene terephthalate) and poly(ethylene naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate) by pyrolysis in presence of carcium hydroxide(消石灰存在下におけるポリブチレンテレフタレート及びポリエチレンナフタレートの熱分解によるベンゼン及びナフタレンの選択的生成)」

  7. 日本化学会第78春季年会講演奨励賞

    1999年4月 日本化学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 401

  1. Synthesis of an Mg–Fe–Al layered double oxide with a high arsenic anion adsorption capacity and the establishment of an arsenic anion desorption process

    Itsuki Takanashi, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Yasuyuki Nomura, Daiki Kawamura, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 190 112017-112017 2024年7月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2024.112017  


  2. Effective conversion of CO2 to ethylene urea using zirconium-containing Mg-Al layered double hydroxide

    Farzana Rahman, Yota Kunii, Tomohito Kameda, Mir Tamzid Rahman, Yuko Saito, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Inorganic Chemistry Communications 163 112391-112391 2024年5月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.inoche.2024.112391  


  3. Into the Nanograms─Sensitive Detection of Microplastics in Passively Sampled Indoor Air Using F-Splitless Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

    William Pipkin, Masumi Sato, Shogo Kumagai, Chuichi Watanabe, Atsushi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    ACS ES&T Air 2024年3月25日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acsestair.3c00035  



  4. Latest trends and challenges in PVC and copper recovery technologies for End-of-Life thin cables

    Harendra Kumar, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Waste Management 174 400-410 2024年2月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2023.12.012  


  5. Characteristics of the steam degradation of poly(lactic acid) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)

    Zhuze Shao, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Polymer Journal 2024年1月24日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41428-024-00883-z  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract The introduction of biodegradable plastics is considered a practical approach to reducing plastic waste accumulation in the environment. Regardless of their biodegradability, plastics should be recycled to effectively utilize and circulate carbon as a resource. Herein, the use of pyrolysis was examined as a method for recycling two common biobased/biodegradable plastics: PLA and PHBH. The pyrolysis of PLA produced lactides (10.7 wt% at 400 °C), but the yield was decreased when the pyrolysis temperature was increased. The presence of steam promoted the hydrolysis of PLA: a steam concentration of 25 vol % increased, the production of lactides at 400 °C to 17.4 wt%. The pyrolysis of PHBH primarily yielded crotonic acid (30.1 wt% at 400 °C), and the yield increased with increasing pyrolysis temperature (71.8 wt% at 800 °C). Steam injection increased the hydrolysis of oligomers, resulting in a 76.1 wt% yield of crotonic acid at 600 °C with a steam concentration of 25 vol %. Thus, we determined that hydrolysis and pyrolysis progress simultaneously under a steam atmosphere, increasing the chemical feedstock recovery from PLA and PHBH. These findings may lead to the proposal of effective degradation methods for treating biobased/biodegradable plastic wastes and ways to maximize the conversion efficiency and target product yields.

  6. Recent Advancements in Pyrolysis of Halogen-Containing Plastics for Resource Recovery and Halogen Upcycling: A State-of-the-Art Review

    Chuan Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Xin Huang, Yunlin Shao, Jingyu Ran, Lushi Sun

    Environmental Science & Technology 58 (3) 1423-1440 2024年1月10日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c09451  



  7. Extraction and enrichment of lead from contaminated soil using chelation reactions

    Tomohito Kameda, Rena Suto, Mir Tamzid Rahman, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Yasuyuki Nomura, Daiki Kawamura, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Results in Chemistry 7 101473-101473 2024年1月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rechem.2024.101473  


  8. Thermal and catalytic fast hydropyrolysis of lignin: Optimization for selective production of aromatics using high-pressure tandem μ-reactor – gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

    Chuan Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Young-Min Kim

    Chemical Engineering Journal 479 147524-147524 2024年1月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.147524  


  9. Effective synthesis of ethylene urea from CO2 adsorbed cerium doped Mg–Al layered double hydroxide

    Farzana Rahman, Xinyi Yang, Fiona Motswaiso, Itsuki Takanashi, Tomohito Kameda, Mir Tamzid Rahman, Yuko Saito, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Cleaner Production 140191-140191 2023年12月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140191  


  10. Adsorption of l-lactate from cell culture media by layered double hydroxide and evaluation of its cytotoxicity to cell lines

    Valentina Podolinnaia, Tomohito Kameda, Itsuki Takanashi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Masayuki Kondo, Yoichi Jimbo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    JCIS Open 12 100099-100099 2023年12月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jciso.2023.100099  


  11. Synthesis of layered double oxide with high specific surface area by innovative sol-gel method through its application to arsenate anion adsorption

    Itsuki Takanashi, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Yasuyuki Nomura, Daiki Kawamura, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 960 170865-170865 2023年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.170865  


  12. Fluorine recovery through alkaline defluorination of polyvinylidene fluoride

    Yoshinori Morita, Yuko Saito, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshikazu Shiratori, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 2023年7月25日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-023-01749-x  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract The establishment of technological approaches for the defluorination of waste fluoropolymers and recovery of eliminated F<sup>–</sup> may contribute to the development of fluorine recycling routes. In this study, we investigated the effects of alkalinity, phase transfer catalyst (PTC) concentration, reaction temperature, and solvent types on the defluorination of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) by alkaline wet processing. The rate of defluorination of PVDF in 4.0 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and 50 mM tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) under aqueous conditions reached 89.2%. In addition, the defluorination reaction proceeded faster in solvents such as diethylene glycol (DEG) and triethylene glycol (TEG) than in water because of the high affinity between PVDF and these diols. To investigate the feasibility of developing a fluorine recycling route, the defluorination of a photovoltaic (PV) backsheet and subsequent CaF<sub>2</sub> precipitation from the eliminated F<sup>–</sup> was examined. A total of 88.3% of F contained in the PV backsheet was recovered as CaF<sub>2</sub>, which satisfied the quality standards of commercial fluorspar. This study demonstrated that alkaline wet processing is effective for the defluorination of PVDF and that the establishment of a F recycling route along the F supply chain may be feasible.

  13. Host–guest interactions in biocompatible anion-intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxides and their influence on L-lactate uptake

    Valentina Podolinnaia, Tomohito Kameda, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Masayuki Kondo, Yoichi Jimbo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Nano-Structures &amp; Nano-Objects 35 100984-100984 2023年7月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoso.2023.100984  


  14. Enrichment of carbon dioxide using Mg–Al layered double hydroxides

    Tomohito Kameda, Satoru Nagano, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Research and Design 194 318-324 2023年6月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2023.04.065  


  15. Neural network based prediction of the efficacy of ball milling to separate cable waste materials

    Jiaqi Lu, Mengqi Han, Shogo Kumagai, Guanghui Li, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Communications Engineering 2 (1) 2023年5月19日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s44172-023-00079-y  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract Material recycling technologies are essential for achieving a circular economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, most of them remain in laboratory development. Machine learning (ML) can promote industrial application while maximising yield and environmental performance. Herein, an asynchronous-parallel recurrent neural network was developed to predict the dynamic behaviour when separating copper and poly(vinyl chloride) components from the cable waste. The model was trained with six datasets (treatment conditions) at 3600 epochs. High accuracy was confirmed based on a mean-square error of 0.0015–0.0145 between the prediction and experimental results. The quantitative relationship between the input features and the separation yield was identified using sensitivity analysis. The charged weight of cables and impact energy were determined as the critical factors affecting the separation efficiency. The ML framework can be widely applied to recycling technologies to reveal the process mechanism and establish a quantitative relationship between process variables and treatment outputs.

  16. Alkaline hydrolysis of photovoltaic backsheet containing PET and PVDF for the recycling of PVDF

    Yoshinori Morita, Yuko Saito, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshikazu Shiratori, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 25 (2) 674-683 2023年2月20日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-023-01609-8  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract Recovering fluorine from end-of-life products is crucial for the sustainable production and consumption of fluorine-containing compounds because fluorspar, an important natural resource for fluorine, is currently at a supply risk. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of chemically recycling a fluorine-containing photovoltaic (PV) backsheet for fluoropolymer recycling. Herein, a PV backsheet consisting of laminated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) was treated with different concentrations of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to hydrolyze the PET layer to water-soluble sodium terephthalate (Na<sub>2</sub>TP) and to separate pure PVDF layer as a solid material. Optimized alkaline conditions (up to 10 M NaOH at 100 °C for 2 h) were determined, under which 87% of the PET layer could be decomposed without any significant deterioration of the PVDF layer. The hydrolysis kinetics of PET layer in NaOH could be explained by the modified shrinking-core model. Considering that the mass of end-of-life PV panels in Japan is estimated to increase to approximately 280,000 tons per year by 2036, PV backsheets are attractive candidates for fluoropolymer recycling, which can be effectively achieved using chemical recycling approach demonstrated in this study.

  17. Carbon footprint analysis and carbon neutrality potential of desalination by electrodialysis for different applications

    Na Xue, Jiaqi Lu, Dungang Gu, Yuhang Lou, Yuan Yuan, Guanghui Li, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Nan Zhang

    Water Research 119716-119716 2023年2月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.119716  


  18. A novel strategy for rapid identification of pyrolytic synergy and prediction of product yield: Insight into co-pyrolysis of xylan and polyethylene

    Shengyu Xie, Shogo Kumagai, Naomichi Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Journal 453 139958-139958 2023年2月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.139958  


  19. Effects of heating rate and temperature on product distribution of poly-lactic acid and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate 国際誌 査読有り

    Zhuze Shao, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 2022年12月20日


    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-022-01573-9  



  20. Kinetic studies on the uptake of phenols by linear and cyclic organic sulfonic acid-modified Cu-Al layered double hydroxides

    Tomohito Kameda, Kie Waizumi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Inorganic Chemistry Communications 146 110194-110194 2022年12月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.inoche.2022.110194  


  21. Structure-activity relationship in hydrogenolysis of polyolefins over Ru/support catalysts

    Masazumi Tamura, Shuhei Miyaoka, Yosuke Nakaji, Mifumi Tanji, Shogo Kumagai, Yoshinao Nakagawa, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Keiichi Tomishige

    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 318 121870-121870 2022年12月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2022.121870  


  22. A comprehensive study into the thermo-oxidative degradation of sulfur-based engineering plastics

    Shogo Kumagai, Masumi Sato, Chuan Ma, Yumi Nakai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 168 105754-105754 2022年11月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2022.105754  


  23. Production of BTX via Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Printed Circuit Boards and Waste Tires Using Hierarchical ZSM-5 Zeolites and Biochar

    Chuan Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry &amp; Engineering 2022年10月28日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c04031  



  24. Adsorption of bisphenol A by TiO2-based organic–inorganic hybrid materials

    Ukyo Suzuki, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 103081-103081 2022年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103081  


  25. Synthesis of linear and cyclic organic sulfonic acid-modified Cu-Al layered double hydroxides and their adsorption properties

    Kie Waizumi, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 918 165537-165537 2022年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.165537  


  26. Evaluation of Keratin–Cellulose Blend Fibers as Precursors for Carbon Fibers

    Hilda Zahra, Julian Selinger, Daisuke Sawada, Yu Ogawa, Hannes Orelma, Yibo Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Michael Hummel

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry &amp; Engineering 10 (26) 8314-8325 2022年7月4日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c00976  



  27. Effect of MnO2/Mg–Al layered double hydroxide preparation method on the removal of NO

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuriko Takahashi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Satoshi Fujita, Ichirou Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Results in Chemistry 100414-100414 2022年6月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rechem.2022.100414  


  28. 動画を活用した安全教育教材の作成:研究活動を始める学生向けの化学薬品・廃液・高圧ガスの取り扱い編 査読有り

    田中信也, 三上恭訓, 本間誠, 服部徹太郎, 吉岡敏明

    環境と安全 2022年5月

    DOI: 10.11162/daikankyo.21H0901  

  29. An integrated utilization strategy of printed circuit boards and waste tire by fast co-pyrolysis: Value-added products recovery and heteroatoms transformation

    Chuan Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Hazardous Materials 430 128420-128420 2022年5月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128420  


  30. Synergistic effects during co-pyrolysis of milled wood lignin and polyolefins at the gas phase and liquid/solid phase contacting modes

    Chuan Ma, Shengyu Xie, Shogo Kumagai, Yusuke Takahashi, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Journal 431 134030-134030 2022年3月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.134030  


  31. Exhaust gas treatment using MnO2/Mg–Al layered double hydroxide: Assessment of its mixed gas removal performance and regeneration

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuriko Takahashi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Satoshi Fujita, Ichirou Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Research and Design 178 602-608 2022年2月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2022.01.003  


  32. Improving levoglucosan and hydrocarbon production through gas-phase synergy during cellulose and polyolefin co-pyrolysis

    Shengyu Xie, Chuan Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Yusuke Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d1se01836a  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A novel pyrolysis reactor configuration improves the production of valuable chemicals during co-pyrolysis of cellulose and plastic.

  33. Thermal decomposition behavior of MnO2/Mg-Al layered double hydroxide after removal and recovery of acid gas

    Tomohito Kameda, Tanya Kurutach, Yuriko Takahashi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Satoshi Fujita, Ichirou Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Results in Chemistry 4 100310-100310 2022年1月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rechem.2022.100310  


  34. Estimation of recoverable resources used in lithium-ion batteries from portable electronic devices in Japan

    Yoshinori Morita, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Toshikazu Shiratori

    Resources, Conservation and Recycling 175 105884-105884 2021年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105884  


  35. Chemical Feedstock Recovery from Hard-to-Recycle Plastics through Pyrolysis-Based Approaches and Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography

    Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 94 (10) 2370-2380 2021年10月15日

    出版者・発行元:The Chemical Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20210219  



  36. Bench-scale PVC swelling and rod milling of waste wire harnesses for recovery of Cu, PVC, and plasticizers

    Harendra Kumar, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 24 (1) 12-23 2021年10月13日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-021-01312-6  



  37. Sustainable Advance of Cl Recovery from Polyvinyl Chloride Waste Based on Experiment, Simulation, and Ex Ante Life-Cycle Assessment

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Siqingaowa Borjigin, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021年10月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c04067  



  38. Investigation of the mechanism of Cu(II) removal using Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with carbonate: Equilibrium and pH studies and solid-state analyses

    Xinyi Yang, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Inorganic Chemistry Communications 132 108839-108839 2021年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.inoche.2021.108839  


  39. Prediction of pyrolyzate yields by response surface methodology: A case study of cellulose and polyethylene co-pyrolysis 査読有り

    Shengyu Xie, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Bioresource Technology 337 125435-125435 2021年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125435  


  40. Removal of sulfate from wastewater via synthetic Mg-Al layered double hydroxide: An adsorption, kinetics, and thermodynamic study

    Mir Tamzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Takao Miura, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 100185-100185 2021年9月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jics.2021.100185  


  41. Evolution of carbon nanostructure during pyrolysis of homogeneous chitosan-cellulose composite fibers

    Hilda Zahra, Daisuke Sawada, Shogo Kumagai, Yu Ogawa, Leena-Sisko Johansson, Yanling Ge, Chamseddine Guizani, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Michael Hummel

    Carbon 2021年9月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.08.062  


  42. Enhanced production of phenol and debromination by co-pyrolysis of the non-metallic fraction of printed circuit boards and waste tires 査読有り

    Chuan Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Green Chemistry 23 (17) 6392-6404 2021年9月


    DOI: 10.1039/d1gc01176f  



  43. Combined UV-irradiation and pyrolysis-GC/MS approach for evaluating the deterioration behavior of ethylene vinyl acetate 査読有り

    Kanako Yamada, Shogo Kumagai, Toshikazu Shiratori, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Polymer Degradation and Stability 190 109623-109623 2021年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2021.109623  


  44. Ammonia adsorption by L-type zeolite and Prussian blue from aqueous and culture solutions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hanako Kikuchi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Masayuki Kondo, Yoichi Jimbo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 622 126595-126595 2021年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126595  


  45. Kinetics and adsorption isotherm of ammonia uptake by cation exchange resins and treatment of mixed aqueous lactate–ammonia by Mg–Al layered double oxide and the resins 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuya Horikoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Masayuki Kondo, Yoichi Jimbo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Water Process Engineering 41 102027-102027 2021年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2021.102027  


  46. Synthesis of MnO2/Mg-Al layered double hydroxide and evaluation of its NO-removal performance 査読有り

    Yuriko Takahashi, Hiroki Uchida, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Keiichi Mizushina, Ichiro Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 867 159038-159038 2021年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.159038  


  47. Quantification of Cellulose Pyrolyzates via a Tube Reactor and a Pyrolyzer-Gas Chromatograph/Flame Ionization Detector-Based System 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Yusuke Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    ACS Omega 6 (18) 12022-12026 2021年5月11日


    DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c00622  



  48. Low-temperature catalytic upgrading of waste polyolefinic plastics into liquid fuels and waxes 査読有り

    Yosuke Nakaji, Masazumi Tamura, Shuhei Miyaoka, Shogo Kumagai, Mifumi Tanji, Yoshinao Nakagawa, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Keiichi Tomishige

    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 285 119805-119805 2021年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.119805  



  49. Mitigation of bromine-containing products during pyrolysis of polycarbonate-based tetrabromobisphenol A in the presence of copper(I) oxide 国際誌 査読有り

    Sylwia Oleszek, Shogo Kumagai, Mariusz Grabda, Kenji Shiota, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Masaki Takaoka

    Journal of Hazardous Materials 409 124972-124972 2021年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124972  


  50. Preparation of Zn–Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin by anion exchange method and its Ni2+ adsorption property 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Mao Takaizumi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Soft Materials 19 (2) 139-147 2021年4月3日


    DOI: 10.1080/1539445x.2020.1779088  



  51. Continuous treatment of abandoned mine wastewater containing As and Fe using Mg–Al layered double hydroxides with flocculation 査読有り

    X. Yang, H. Osawa, T. Kameda, Y. Masaki, Y. Saito, S. Kumagai, T. Yoshioka

    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2021年3月4日


    DOI: 10.1007/s13762-021-03232-2  



  52. Lactate adsorption by layered double hydroxides in aqueous solution and cell culture medium 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hanako Kikuchi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Masayuki Kondo, Yoichi Jimbo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 612 125975-125975 2021年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2020.125975  


  53. One-pot wet ball-milling for waste wire-harness recycling 査読有り

    Harendra Kumar, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 23 (2) 461-469 2021年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-020-01163-7  



  54. Kinetic and equilibrium analyses of lactate adsorption by Cu-Al and Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (Cu-Al LDH and Mg-Al LDH) and Cu-Al and Mg-Al layered double oxides (Cu-Al LDO and Mg-Al LDO) 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuya Horikoshi, Hanako Kikuchi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Masayuki Kondo, Yoichi Jimbo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 25 100656-100656 2021年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoso.2020.100656  


  55. Latest Trends in Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography for Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis of Plastics 査読有り

    Shogo KUMAGAI, Toshiaki YOSHIOKA

    Analytical Sciences 37 (1) 145-157 2021年1月10日


    DOI: 10.2116/analsci.20sar04  



  56. Desorption of Cl− from Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with Cl− using CO2 gas and water

    Tomohito Kameda, Hiroki Uchida, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Keiichi Mizushina, Ichirou Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 29 131-134 2021年1月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2020.07.015  


  57. Synthesis of layered double hydroxide nanosheets in an aqueous solvent and their Ni2+ uptake characteristics 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Daichi Ikeda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Applied Clay Science 200 105911-105911 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105911  


  58. Removal of cesium ions from A-type zeolites using sodium tetrakis(4-fluorophenyl)borate and sodium tetraphenylborate 査読有り

    Yuko Saito, Shota Shimizu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 327 (1) 337-344 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10967-020-07514-w  



  59. Regeneration of carbonate-intercalated Mg–Al layered double hydroxides (CO3·Mg–Al LDHs) by CO2-induced desorption of anions (X) from X·Mg–Al LDH (X = Cl, SO4, or NO3): A kinetic study 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hiroki Uchida, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Keiichi Mizushina, Ichirou Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Research and Design 165 207-213 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2020.10.032  


  60. Simultaneous recovery of high-purity Cu and poly(vinyl chloride) from waste wire harness via swelling followed by ball milling 査読有り

    Harendra Kumar, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Scientific Reports 10 (1) 2020年12月1日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-67795-9  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2020, The Author(s). Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) swelling coupled with ball milling was employed for the simultaneous recovery of high-purity Cu and PVC from waste wire harness under ambient conditions. The experimentally determined performances of 15 organic solvents for PVC swelling and phthalate plasticiser extraction were compared with those predicted considering Hansen solubility parameters. As a result, n-butyl acetate and acetone were identified as the two best solvents for adequate PVC swelling without PVC dissolution and almost complete plasticiser extraction within 60 min. The swelling was concluded to contribute to the control of phthalate plasticisers, the use of which in wire harness has recently been limited by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive. Cables swollen with n-butyl acetate or acetone were subjected to dry ball milling for ~ 60 min to completely separate PVC and Cu and achieve the quantitative recovery of these components from 20-cm-long cables. Thus, this work unveils the high potential of recycling the otherwise non-recyclable long and non-uniform waste wire harness cables and is expected to impact the related (e.g., automotive, electrical, and electronics) industries, contributing to the establishment of a more sustainable society.

  61. Direct Gas-Phase Derivatization by Employing Tandem μ-Reactor-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Case Study of Trifluoroacetylation of 4,4′-Methylenedianiline

    Yuya Nishiyama, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Analytical Chemistry 92 (22) 14924-14929 2020年11月17日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c01830  



  62. Combined Experiment, Simulation, and Ex-ante LCA Approach for Sustainable Cl Recovery from NaCl/Ethylene Glycol by Electrodialysis 査読有り

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (45) 20112-20122 2020年11月11日


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c03565  



  63. ポリオレフィンのケミカルリサイクルの研究開発動向とチャレンジ 招待有り 査読有り

    熊谷将吾, 中谷隼, 齋藤優子, 福島康裕, 吉岡敏明

    63 (6) 345-364 2020年11月1日


    DOI: 10.1627/jpi.63.345  



  64. Machine learning-based discrete element reaction model for predicting the dechlorination of poly (vinyl chloride) in NaOH/ethylene glycol solvent with ball milling

    Jiaqi Lu, Siqingaowa Borjigin, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 100025-100025 2020年11月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ceja.2020.100025  


  65. Combining pyrolysis–two-dimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry with hierarchical cluster analysis for rapid identification of pyrolytic interactions: Case study of co-pyrolysis of PVC and biomass components 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Asami Matsukami, Fumie Kabashima, Masafumi Sakurai, Michiko Kanai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Process Safety and Environmental Protection 143 91-100 2020年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2020.06.036  


  66. Close Packing of Cellulose and Chitosan in Regenerated Cellulose Fibers Improves Carbon Yield and Structural Properties of Respective Carbon Fibers

    Hilda Zahra, Daisuke Sawada, Chamseddine Guizani, Yibo Ma, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Herbert Sixta, Michael Hummel

    Biomacromolecules 21 (10) 4326-4335 2020年10月12日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.0c01117  



  67. Influence of CO2 gas on the rate and kinetics of HCl, SO2, and NO2 gas removal by Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with CO32− 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hiroki Uchida, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Keiichi Mizushina, Ichirou Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Applied Clay Science 195 105725-105725 2020年9月15日


    DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105725  


  68. Investigation of Sludge Volume from Abandoned Mine Wastewater Treatment by Layered Double Hydroxides: A Case Study Targeting As and Fe 査読有り

    Xinyi Yang, Mir Tamzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Yusei Masaki, Yuko Saito, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Mine Water and the Environment 39 (4) 881-887 2020年6月19日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1007/s10230-020-00697-4  



  69. Treatment of NO by a combination of MnO2 and a CO32−-intercalated Mg–Al layered double hydroxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hiroki Uchida, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2 (6) 2020年6月


    DOI: 10.1007/s42452-020-2893-y  



  70. Practical dehalogenation of automobile shredder residue in NaOH/ethylene glycol with an up-scale ball mill reactor 査読有り

    Jiaqi Lu, Siqingaowa Borjigin, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 22 (5) 1620-1629 2020年5月19日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-020-01052-z  



  71. Impact of Ni/Mg/Al Catalyst Composition on Simultaneous H2-Rich Syngas Recovery and Toxic HCN Removal through a Two-Step Polyurethane Pyrolysis and Steam Reforming Process 国際誌 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Ryosuke Yabuki, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (19) 9023-9033 2020年4月


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c00931  



  72. Enhancement of gasification and liquefaction during fast co-pyrolysis of cedar wood and polyethylene through control of synergistic interactions 国際誌 査読有り

    Koyo Kasataka, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Bioresource Technology Report 11 100431-100431 2020年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.biteb.2020.100431  


  73. Effect of the specific surface area of MgO on the treatment of boron and fluorine 国際誌 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yusuke Yamamoto, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Applied Water Science 10 (5) 2020年4月

    DOI: 10.1007/s13201-020-01198-z  

  74. Surveying WEEE Amounts and Evaluating the Recyclability of WEEE Plastics: A University Cooperation Project in Miyagi Prefecture 国際誌

    Yuko Saito, Toshikazu Shiratori, Kentaro Takeyama, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  75. Catalytic Transformation of Polyolefines to Valuable Liquid Fuels over Heterogeneous supported Ru Catalyst 国際誌

    Masazumi Tamura, Yosuke Nakaji, Shuhei Miyaoka, Yoshinao Nakagawa, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Keiichi Tomishige

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  76. Impacts of pyrolytic interactions during the co-pyrolysis of plastics/cellulose 国際誌

    Shogo Kumagai, Miki Yamamoto, Yusuke Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  77. Production of pyrolytic liquid with low bromo-organic content frompyrolysis of polycarbonate based tetrabromobisphenol A 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Sylwia Oleszek, Shogo Kumagai, Mariusz Grabda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Masaki Takaoka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  78. Uptake of Nd3+ and Sr2+ from aqueous solutions by layered double hydroxides intercalated with triethylenetetramine-hexaacetic acid 国際誌 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  79. Continuous Treatment of Abandoned Mine Waste Water containing As and Fe by Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxidecombining flocculant 国際誌

    Xinyi Yang, Hikaru Osawa, Tomohito Kameda, Yusei Masaki, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  80. Separation of PVC and Cu via deplasticization-ball milland swelling-mechanicalstirring: comparativeanalysis 国際誌

    Harendra Kumar, Jing Xu, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  81. Adsorption of urea, creatinine, and uric acid from three solution types using spherical activated carbon and its recyclability 国際誌 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuya Horikoshi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2020年3月

  82. Heavy metal removal from municipal solid waste fly ash through chloride volatilization using poly(vinyl chloride) as chlorinating agent 国際誌 査読有り

    Kenta Kurashima, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 22 (4) 1270-1283 2020年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-020-01021-6  



  83. Adsorption of various metals by carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin-modified Zn Al layered double hydroxides 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Mao Takaizumi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Applied Clay Science 187 105479 2020年3月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105479  

  84. Facile method for treating Zn, Cd, and Pb in mining wastewater by the formation of Mg–Al layered double hydroxide 査読有り

    M. T. Rahman, T. Kameda, T. Miura, S. Kumagai, T. Yoshioka

    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2020年2月24日

    DOI: 10.1007/s13762-020-02689-x  

  85. 廃家電由来の臭素系難燃剤を事例とした臭素市中賦存量推計

    齋藤 優子, 中村 希, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 白鳥 寿一, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 31 (0) 155-155 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.31.0_155  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  86. Highly efficient recovery of high-purity Cu, PVC, and phthalate plasticizer from waste wire harnesses through PVC swelling and rod milling

    Harendra Kumar, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 5 (9) 1805-1813 2020年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    DOI: 10.1039/d0re00303d  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Schematic pathways of dry and wet rod milling processes.</p>

  87. A new strategy for CO2 utilization with waste plastics: conversion of hydrogen carbonate into formate using polyvinyl chloride in water 査読有り

    Lihui Lu, Heng Zhong, Tianfu Wang, Jianeng Wu, Fangming Jin, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Green Chemistry 22 (2) 352-358 2020年1月


    DOI: 10.1039/c9gc02484k  



  88. Catalytic Pyrolysis of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) in the Presence of Metal Oxides for Aromatic Hydrocarbon Recovery Using Tandem µ-Reactor-GC/MS 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Ryota Yamasaki, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Energy & Fuels 34 2492-2500 2020年

  89. Simultaneous treatment of HCl-SO2-NOx gas with Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with CO32- and its recycling process 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahito Tochinai, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 17 1179-1184 2020年

  90. Treatment of HCl gas by cyclic use of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with CO32- 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahito Tochinai, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 290-295 2020年

  91. Adsorption of urea, creatinine, and uric acid onto spherical activated carbon 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuya Horikoshi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Separation and Purification Technology 237 116367 2020年

  92. Temperature-dependent pyrolysis behavior of polyurethane elastomers with different hard- and soft-segment compositions 査読有り

    Yuya Nishiyama, Shogo Kumagai, Suguru Motokucho, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Hisayuki Nakatani, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 145 104754-104754 2019年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2019.104754  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The pyrolysis behaviors of seven kinds of polyurethane elastomers (PUEs) with different ratios between the hard segment (HS) and soft segment (SS) were investigated for both fast pyrolysis (300, 350, 450, 850 °C) and slow pyrolysis at the heating rate of 10 °C min-1. These PUEs were synthesized from 4,4’-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), 1,4-butane diol (BD), and poly(oxytetramethylene glycol) (PTMG). Atomic force microscopy measurements found that the HS domains were formed in PUEs containing HS, and these domains were aggregated at extremely high HS ratio. The main pyrolysate derived from HS was MDI under all conditions. In fast pyrolysis tests, the decomposition of SS proceeded sufficiently at 450 °C, and a lot of low molecular weight compounds were produced at 850 °C. In slow pyrolysis tests, three-step degradation was observed and the behavior of which was influenced by the HS domain and SS matrix structures. The first step degradation is the HS pyrolysis inside the HS domain, then the HS surrounded by SS is pyrolyzed. Finally, the SS matrix is pyrolyzed. The HS pyrolysates changed from isocyanate to amine with increasing temperature. We believe that the newly found pyrolysis behavior of PUEs with different ratios between the HS and SS reported herein will be helpful to promote future studies on the characterization of PUE materials and recovery of chemical feedstock from PUE wastes by pyrolysis.

  93. Practical dechlorination of polyvinyl chloride wastes in NaOH/ethylene glycol using an up-scale ball mill reactor and validation by discrete element method simulations 査読有り

    陸嘉喜, 欺琴高娃, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    Waste Management 99 31-41 2019年11月

  94. 動脈産業と静脈産業の協働による持続可能なプラスチックリサイクルシステムの構築 招待有り

    吉岡敏明, 齋藤優子, 熊谷将吾

    環境情報科学 48 (3) 39-44 2019年10月

  95. Uptake of heavy metal cations by chitosan-modified montmorillonite: Kinetics and equilibrium studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Reina Honda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Materials Chemistry and Physics 236 121784 2019年10月

  96. Deducing targets of emerging technologies based on ex ante life cycle thinking: Case study on a chlorine recovery process for polyvinyl chloride wastes 国際誌 査読有り

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Yasuhiro Fukushima

    Resources, Conservation and Recycling 151 104500 2019年9月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104500  


  97. Adsorption of Cu²⁺ and Ni²⁺ by tripolyphosphate-crosslinked chitosan-modified montmorillonite 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Reina Honda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Solid State Chemistry 277 143-148 2019年9月

  98. Degradation of PVC waste into a flexible polymer by chemical modification using DINP moieties 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Lihui Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Ligang Luo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    RSC Advances 9 (49) 28870-28875 2019年8月

    DOI: 10.1039/c9ra05081g  

  99. Separation mechanism of polyvinyl chloride and copper components from swollen electric cables by mechanical agitation 査読有り

    Jiaqi Lu, Jing Xu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Waste Management 93 54-62 2019年6月

  100. Uptake of Ni2+ and Cu2+ by Zn–Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with carboxymethyl-modified cyclodextrin: Equilibrium and kinetic studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Mao Takaizumi, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Materials Chemistry and Physics 233 288-295 2019年5月

  101. Separation of copper and polyvinyl chloraide from thin waste electric cables:A combined PVC-swelling and centrifugal approach 査読有り

    Jing Xu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Kenshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Hayashi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Waste Management 89 27-36 2019年4月

  102. Simultaneous recovery of H2-rich syngas and removal of HCN during pyrolytic recycling of polyurethane by Ni/Mg/Al catalysts 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Ryosuke Yabuki, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Journal 361 408-415 2019年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2018.12.099  


  103. A combined kinetic and thermodynamic approach for interpreting the complex interactions during chloride volatilization of heavy metals in municipal solid waste fly ash 査読有り

    Kenta Kurashima, Kaho Matsuda, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Waste Management 87 204-217 2019年3月

  104. H2-rich syngas recovery and HCN removal via catalytic reforming of product gas from thermal degradation of polyurethanes over Ni/Mg/Al catalyst

    Shogo Kumagai, Ryosuke Yabuki, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    5th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2019年2月

  105. Beech Wood Pyrolysis in Polyethylene Melt as a Means of Enhancing Levoglucosan and Methoxyphenol Production 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Kohei Fujita, Yusuke takahashi, Yumi Nakai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9 (1955) 2019年2月

  106. 太陽光パネル用封止材に用いられるエチレン-酢酸ビニル共重合体の紫外線劣化

    山田 加奈子, 熊谷 将吾, 白鳥 寿一, 渡辺 壱, 亀田 知人, 齋藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 30 (0) 481-481 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.30.0_481  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>2012年の再生可能エネルギーの固定価格買取制度(FIT)の導入により太陽光パネルの導入量は急激に増加した。しかし、先行した住宅用FITの買取期間は終了を迎えるものもあり、今後はパネルの廃棄にも配慮が必要となる。よって、廃棄予測のためにもパネルの寿命や劣化度合いを知ることが重要となる。本研究では、エチレン-酢酸ビニル共重合体(EVA) 封止材を用いた加速劣化試験を実施し、紫外線照射中に発生するガスの分析、劣化後試料のキャラクタリゼーションおよび熱分解を行いEVAの劣化挙動を検討した。本研究の結果より、紫外線照射中に生じる光酸化反応による揮発生成物の同定が可能となった。また、EVAの光酸化反応によってラクトンおよびケトンが主に形成されること、劣化によりエチレン主鎖が切断されEVAが低分子量化することが示唆された。また、劣化度の違いによる熱分解特性の変化も明らかとなった。</p>

  107. 宮城県内の二次資源賦存量推計-パソコンを事例として-

    齋藤 優子, 武山 健太郎, 白鳥 寿一, 三橋 正枝, 熊谷 将吾, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 30 (0) 177-177 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.30.0_177  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  108. Adsorption of Cu2+ and Ni2+ by Oxalic Acid Crosslinked Chitosan-modified Montmorillonite 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Reina Honda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Soft Materials 2019年

  109. Mg−Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with CO32− and its recyclability for treatment of SO2 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahito Tochinai, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Applied Clay Science 183 105349 2019年

  110. Hydrogen and steam injected tandem μ-reactor GC/FID system: phenol recovery from bisphenol A and alkylphenols using Ni/Y zeolite 査読有り

    S. Kumagai, M. Asakawa, T. Kameda, Y. Saito, A. Watanabe, C. Watanabe, N. Teramae, T. Yoshioka

    Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 4 2099-2107 2019年

  111. Impact of common plastics on cellulose pyrolysis 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Miki Yamamoto, Yusuke Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Energy & Fuels 33 6837-6841 2019年

  112. Effects of Acetic Acid Pretreatment and Pyrolysis Temperatures on Product Recovery from Fijian Sugarcane Bagasse 査読有り

    Viliame Savou, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Waste and Biomass Valorization 2019年

  113. Treatment of NOx using recyclable CO32--intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahito Tochinai, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Atmospheric Pollution Research 10 1866-1872 2019年

  114. Impacts of pyrolytic interactions during the co-pyrolysis of biomass/plastic: Synergies in lignocellulose-polyethylene system 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Kohei Fujita, Yusuke Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 98 202-219 2019年

  115. Removal of Mn and Cd contained in mine wastewater by Mg–Al‑layered double hydroxides 査読有り

    Mir Tamzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Takao Miura, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21 1232-1241 2019年

  116. Mechanism and kinetics of aqueous boron removal using MgO 査読有り

    Tomohito Kamada, Yusuke Yamamoto, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Jounal of Water Process Engineering 26 237-241 2018年12月

  117. Validation of a deplasticizer-ball milling method for separating Cu and PVC from thin electric cables:A simulation and experimental approach 査読有り

    Jing Xu, Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Kenshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Hayashi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Waste Management 82 220-230 2018年12月

  118. Analysis of F-removal from aqueous solutions using MgO 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yusuke Yamamoto, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Water Process Engineering (25) 54-57 2018年10月

  119. Application of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide for treating acidic mine wastewater: a novel approach to sludge reduction 査読有り

    Mir Tamizd Rahman, Tomohito Kamada, Takao Miura, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemistry and Ecology 35 (2) 128-142 2018年10月

  120. Alkaline hydrolysis of PVC-coated PET fibers for simultaneous recycling of PET and PVC 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Suguru Hirahashi, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Hiroshi Toyoda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 20 439-449 2018年10月

  121. A novel method to delaminate nitrate-intercalated Mg–Al layered double hydroxides in water and application in heavy metals removal from waste water 査読有り

    Mir Tamzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemosphere 203 281-290 2018年7月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.03.166  

    ISSN:1879-1298 0045-6535

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Nitrate-intercalated Mg–Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) was successfully delaminated in water by a facile and effective method upon reflux at 120 °C for 24 h followed by sonication at 40 °C for 5 h. This process is environmentally friendly since water is the only solvent used. The delaminated nanosheets were characterized by microscopic, spectroscopic, and particle size analyses. The delamination process successfully produced octahedron-shaped single-layer nanosheets 50–150 nm in size. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data confirmed that the surface elements and their chemical status are consistent with the basic layer of Mg–Al LDH. The delaminated nanosheets displayed higher adsorption capacity for removing heavy metals from waste water than the original powdered LDH. After treating the waste water, a sharp and intense peak in the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) pattern of the precipitate confirms the restacking of the LDH nanosheets.

  122. Diagnosing chlorine industrial metabolism by evaluating the potential of chlorine recovery from polyvinyl chloride wastes—A case study in Japan 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Jiaqi Lu, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Resources, Conservation and Recycling 133 354-361 2018年6月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.07.007  

    ISSN:1879-0658 0921-3449

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A case study was conducted in Japan in 2012 using material flow analysis (MFA) over a series of processes (salt import, chlor-alkali industry, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production, PVC waste management, and advanced chlorine recovery process) that are steps in the chlorine life cycle, to reveal the potential of Cl recovery from PVC wastes. This study indicated that 335 kt of the Cl exist in PVC waste are targeted for Cl recovery because almost all the Cl fraction in this waste is undesired during its recycling and disposal. Cl recovery potential was estimated to be 293 kt, which corresponds to 40% of Cl demand in PVC resin production, 9% of Cl2 production in the chlor-alkali industry, and 7% of the imported salt. Advanced chlorine recovery process from PVC waste makes it possible to dechlorinate PVC and to recover Cl as a salt (NaCl). This process reduces risks accompanying Cl removal during PVC waste treatment, and it improves the value of PVC waste as a hydrocarbon source. Recovered NaCl can replace part of the imported salt in the chlor-alkali industry. This will reduce salt supply problems that occur because salt is produced in a limited number of countries. This advanced process will link the PVC industry with the chlor-alkali industry in what can be called the “chlorine circulation system.” It is an efficient system that can create a win–win situation for both industries while reducing the environmental burdens.

  123. Pyrolysis gases produced from individual and mixed PE, PP, PS, PVC, and PET—Part II: Fuel characteristics 査読有り

    Stanislav Honus, Shogo Kumagai, Gabriel Fedorko, Vieroslav Molnár, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Fuel 221 361-373 2018年6月1日


    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.075  


  124. Pyrolysis gases produced from individual and mixed PE, PP, PS, PVC, and PET—Part I: Production and physical properties 査読有り

    Stanislav Honus, Shogo Kumagai, Gabriel Fedorko, Vieroslav Molnár, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Fuel 221 346-360 2018年6月1日


    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.074  


  125. Identification of number and type of cations in water-soluble Cs+ and Na+ calix[4]arene-bis-crown-6 complexes by using ESI-TOF-MS 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Kotaro Hayashi, Tomohito Kameda, Naoya Morohashi, Tetsutaro Hattori, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemosphere 197 181-184 2018年4月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.01.040  

    ISSN:1879-1298 0045-6535

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    The treatment of cesium-contaminated wastewater has become one of the biggest issues. The selective Cs+ removal from wastewater containing competitive alkali metal ions such as Na+ is desired to reduce the volume of sludge. Therefore, the present work focused on water-soluble calix[4]arene-bis-crown-6 (W-BisC6) to selectively capture Cs+. For characterization of the complex, UV–vis spectroscopy is commonly used, however, due to the limited availability of information it can be hard to quickly identify the specific structures of some complexes. In this work, the electrospray ionization time of flight spectrometry (ESI-TOF-MS) is successfully utilized to identify the number and type of cations in W-BisC6-cation complexes. ESI-TOF-MS accurately recognized 4 types of complex (W-BisC6–Na+, W-BisC6–Cs+, W-BisC6–2Na+, W-BisC6–Na+–Cs+), and the experimental and simulated results were almost perfectly matched. It also revealed the difficulty of W-BisC6–2Cs+ complex formation under the present conditions. Thus, this technique is significantly helpful for rapid identification of the specific structures of complexes during Cs+-contaminated wastewater treatment.

  126. Equilibrium studies of the adsorption of aromatic disulfonates by Mg–Al oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Mami Umetsu, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 114 129-132 2018年3月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.11.024  


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    The removal of m-benzenedisulfonate (BDS2−) and 2,6-naphthalenedisulfonate (NDS2−) anions by Mg–Al oxide was investigated. Langmuir model best describes the adsorption of both aromatic disulfonate anions, with the maximum amount of uptake higher for BDS2−. Mg–Al oxide reacts easier with the aromatic disulfonate anion with higher charge density, a trend that is the opposite of that observed in aromatic sulfonate anions. After increasing the charge from −1 to −2, the removal of aromatic disulfonates by Mg–Al oxide is controlled by electrostatic interactions, instead of hydrophobic interactions that are dominant for aromatic sulfonate anions.

  127. Effectiveness of Mg–Al-layered double hydroxide for heavy metal removal from mine wastewater and sludge volume reduction 査読有り

    M. Tamzid Rahman, T. Kameda, S. Kumagai, T. Yoshioka

    International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 15 (2) 263-272 2018年2月1日


    DOI: 10.1007/s13762-017-1385-0  

    ISSN:1735-2630 1735-1472


  128. Pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse pretreated with sulfuric acid 査読有り

    Viliame Savou, Guido Grause, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of the Energy Institute 92 (4) 1149-1157 2018年

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2018.06.003  

    ISSN:1746-0220 1743-9671

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    Pyrolysis is a promising technique for the recovery of useful gas, tar, and solid products from biomass waste. However, the low tar yields obtained from lignocellulosic biomass are a significant drawback. To enhance tar yields, sugarcane bagasse, which is the most abundant agricultural waste in Fiji, was pretreated at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure using various sulfuric acid (H2SO4) concentrations. Here, the ether bonds of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin were partially hydrolyzed. The pretreated samples were then pyrolyzed at 500 °C, and it was confirmed that H2SO4-pretreatment disrupted the bagasse cell structure, with the thermogravimetry and differential thermogravimetry results confirming that decomposition occurred at lower temperatures after pretreatment. In addition, tar yields were significantly enhanced from 5.6 wt% to 13.4 wt% for the untreated and 3 M H2SO4-pretreated samples respectively. The main components detected in this tar product were levoglucosan, andcellulose-and hemicellulose-derived products, whose proportions were increased following pretreatment. Thus, our work demonstrates that dilute acid pretreatment enhances tar production from sugarcane bagasse due to the production of shorter chain components via the partial hydrolysis of ether bonds.

  129. Aromatic Hydrocarbon selectivity as a function of CaO basicity and aging during CaO-catalyzed PET pyrolysis using tandem μ-reactor-GC/MS 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Ryota Yamasaki, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemical Engineering Journal 332 169-173 2018年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2017.09.077  



  130. Selective phenol recovery via simultaneous hydrogenation/dealkylation of isopropyl- and isopropenyl-phenols employing an H2 generator combined with tandem micro-reactor GC/MS 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Masaki Asakawa, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Chuichi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Scientific REPORTS 8 (13994) 2018年


    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-32269-6  


  131. Simultaneous recovery of high-purity copper and polyvinyl chloride from thin electric cables by plasticizer extraction and ball milling 査読有り

    Jing Xu, Naoki Tazawa, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    RSC Advances 8 (13) 6893-6903 2018年

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry

    DOI: 10.1039/c8ra00301g  


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    Herein, we introduce a combination of plasticizer extraction from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and ball milling for the simultaneous, effective recovery of PVC and copper (Cu) from thin electric cables. PVC coverings typically contain plasticizers for flexibility. As such, PVC cables become brittle after plasticizer extraction, causing them to be easily crushed by physical impact. Hence, we extracted the plasticizers from the PVC coverings of electric cables using organic solvents, and then crushed the obtained cable samples by ball milling. The influences of the plasticizer extraction yield and PVC morphologies before and after extraction on separation by ball milling were investigated. After a series of treatments to PVC coverings including quantitatively de-plasticizing for 5 h by Soxhlet-extraction in diethyl ether, 6 h ball milling and 1 h shaking in the sieve shaker, a maximum separation rate of 77% was achieved and the purity of the obtained separated Cu reached &gt 99.8%.

  132. リサイクルが直面する課題と将来展望ー二次原料としての使用済みプラスチックの価値とハロゲン対策ー 査読有り

    齋藤優子, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 29 (2) 152-162 2018年

  133. Treatment of Zn, Cd, Pb from mine waste water by Mg-Al layered double hydroxide aiming to reduction of sludge volume

    Mir Tamzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Jasim Uddin Ahmad, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. 7th International Conference on Solid Waste Management (IconSWM 2017) 1538-1547 2017年12月

  134. Tandem μ-reactor-GC/MS for online monitoring of aromatic hydrocarbon production via CaO-catalysed PET pyrolysis 査読有り

    S.Kumagai, R.Yamasaki, T.Kameda, Y.Saito, A.Watanabe, N.Teramae, T.Yoshioka

    Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 2 (5) 776-784 2017年10月


    DOI: 10.1039/c7re00097a  


  135. Effects of hard-and soft-segment composition on pyrolysis characteristics of MDI, BD, and PTMG-based polyurethane elastomers 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Suguru Motokucho, Ryosuke Yabuki, Airi Anzai, Tomohito Kameda, Atsushi Watanabe, Hisayuki Nakatani, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.05.012  



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    A study of the morphology changes in polyurethane elastomers (PUEs) containing different hard- and soft segment ratios during ramped-heating pyrolysis revealed that selectivity of urethane bond cleavage is controlled by only the segment composition. Several PUEs were synthesized using 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate, 1,4-butanediol, and poly(oxytetramethylene glycol) (PTMG) to examine the influence of segment composition on pyrolysis characteristics by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, evolved gas analysis-mass spectrometry, and isoconversional kinetic studies. Soft-segment-rich PUEs tended to undergo urethane bond cleavage via a 4-membered-ring transition state, while the linkages in other compositions were selectively cleaved via a 6-membered-ring transition state. The reaction selectivity can be explained by the different conformations of the urethane bonds: in the hard-segment domains by H-bonds between urethane unit N-H and C=O groups, and in soft-segment-rich environments by H-bonds between urethane N-H groups and PTMG -O-linkages. The mechanism of PTMG pyrolysis was the same for all PUEs.

  136. Fate of bisphenol A pyrolysates at low pyrolytic temperatures 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Shunsuke Ono, Shun Yokoyama, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.04.002  



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    Pyrolysis is an important method for breaking down organic waste to obtain useful low molecular weight compounds. To investigate the pyrolysis behavior of bisphenol A (BPA) and BPA pyrolysates at low pyrolytic temperatures, BPA and p-isopropenyl phenol (IPP) were pyrolyzed at 240-320 degrees C using a batch reactor. BPA decomposition was strongly enhanced at temperatures higher than 240 degrees C, and was almost complete after 30 min at 320 degrees C. Theoretically, pyrolysis of BPA gives phenol (PhOH) and IPP in a 1:1 molar ratio, corresponding to yields of 41 wt% PhOH and 59 wt% IPP. However, an unexpectedly low IPP yield (10 wt%) was obtained experientially, with a simultaneous increase in the yields of high molecular weight compounds. Compounds resulting from IPP polymerization were detected using electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI-TOF-MS), suggesting that IPP was rapidly polymerized into high molecular weight compounds via radical propagation. On the other hand, a maximum PhOH yield of 62 wt% was obtained after 30 min at 320 degrees C, which is higher than the theoretical yield. As direct dealkylation of IPP is difficult, the excess PhOH is likely derived from thermal decomposition of the IPP polymerization products. Thus, the present work revealed the high reactivity of IPP for polymerization at pyrolytic temperatures, which facilitates increased recovery of PhOH from BPA.

  137. Solubility parameters for determining optimal solvents for separating PVC from PVC-coated PET fibers 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Suguru Hirahashi, Hiroshi Toyoda, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-015-0457-9  



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    Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) in PVC-coated poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) fabrics can be separated through dissolution in a suitable solvent, leaving only the PET fibers. We investigated the solubility of PVC in 30 solvents using swelling tests. The results were compared with those obtained using the Hansen, Gutmann, Swain, ET(30), and Kamlet-Taft parameters. For this purpose, Gaussian plots of the PVC swellability versus solubility parameter were used to decide the applicability of the solubility parameter system. Only Gutmann's electron acceptor-donor parameter (AN + DN) and the Kamlet-Taft parameters beta and pi* could describe the PVC-solvent system satisfactorily. Tetrahydrofuran (THF), methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF), cyclohexanone, and cyclopentanone were tested for separating PVC from PET at different temperatures. THF dissolved PVC at 20 degrees C, while cyclohexanone and cyclopentanone did so at 40 degrees C. Traces of PVC remained on the PET fibers when DMF was used. Complete dissolution of PVC was not achieved at any temperature with MEK. The present work shows that solubility parameters are a helpful tool for the search for suitable solvents. It shows also that solubility parameters have to be selected carefully, since their usefulness depends strongly on the polymer properties.

  138. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics of arsenic removal from aqueous solution by Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with nitrate ions 査読有り

    Mir Tamzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s11144-016-1116-4  



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    Arsenic contamination in groundwater is an environmental problem that affects large populations on the global scale. The anion exchange material, Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) intercalated with NO3 (-), is an effective adsorbent for removing As(V) from aqueous solutions. In this study, we prepared Mg-Al LDH with a high anion exchange capacity by the co-precipitation method, and investigated its adsorption isotherm and reaction kinetics with As(V). The adsorption process is well described by the Langmuir model. The maximum adsorption capacities were determined to be 142.86 and 76.92 mg/g for LDHs synthesized with initial Mg/Al molar ratios of 2 and 4, respectively. The reaction kinetics of As(V) with Mg-Al LDH is demonstrated to be pseudo-second order, which indicates that chemisorption (i.e., anion exchange of HAsO4 (2-) with the intercalated NO3 (-)) is the rate determining step. The values of the activation energy also indicate that anion exchange is the predominant adsorption mechanism.

  139. Kinetics and equilibrium studies on the uptake of Nd³⁺ by Zn-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with triethylenetetramine-hexaacetic acid 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Materials Chemistry and Physics 191 96-98 2017年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2017.01.050  



  140. Simultaneous removal of Cl⁻ and SO₄²⁻ from seawater using Mg-Al oxide: kinetics and equilibrium studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Applies Water Science 7 (1) 129-136 2017年3月

  141. Removal of boron and fluoride in wastewater using Mg-Al layered double hydroxide and Mg-Al oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.11.057  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with NO3- and Mg-Al oxide were found to remove hazardous materials such as B and As, as well as Cl- and SO42-, from artificial and real hot spring wastewater. However, compared with the mixture of Al-2(SO4)(3) and Ca(OH)(2), both adsorbents were inferior for the removal of B from real hot spring wastewater. Both adsorbents were also found to remove F- and PO43- from artificial semiconductor plant wastewater. Both adsorbents have the same ability to remove B from landfill wastewater as the mixture of Al-2(SO4)(3) and Ca(OH)(2); furthermore, both remove Cl-, Br-, and SO42-. The benefit of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with NO3- is that it does not require neutralization after the treatment. Overall, it can be stated that among the materials tested, Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with NO3- is the most suitable adsorbent for the treatment of hot spring and landfill wastewater. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  142. 3-3-3 セルロース-ポリプロピレン混合物の共熱分解挙動

    高橋 佑輔, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 齋藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 26 82-83 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.26.0_82  

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    <p>Pyrolysis is a promising method to convert biomass and plastic mixture to useful materials. In this work, we investigated the co-pyrolysis behavior of cellulose and polypropylene(PP) mixture. In the presence of PP, yield of levoglucosan was diminished, and the char yield was enhanced. Cellulose did not influence on the results of PP pyrolysis. These findings differ from co-pyrolysis behavior of beech wood and polyethylene(PE) carried out, previously which might be due to the lower thermal conductivity of PP than that of PE and the presence of tertiary carbon atom of PP.</p>

  143. Effects of sulfuric acid pretreatment on the gasification of sugarcane bagasse

    Savou Viliame, Kumagai Shogo, Kameda Tomohito, Yoshioka Toshiaki

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 28 569-569 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.28.0_569  

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    The effects of sulfuric acid pretreatment on the gasification of sugarcane bagasse were investigated in this work. Previously, we have conducted pyrolysis experiments without steam at 500 &ordm;C and we noticed the increase in the amount of tars and gases, as an effect of acid hydrolysis of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The amount of char was also increased after acid pretreatment, mainly due to cross-linking and poly-condensation reactions that we enhanced by acid preteatment. &nbsp;In this work, pyrolysates from the pyrolysis chamber were further reacted in a gasification chamber with the introduction of steam at 800 &ordm;C. The similar increase in tars and gases was observed, and the gas obtained was increased drastically with steam. Steam encourages the removal of volatiles which was proven by the rise in gaseous yield from 15.5 to 35.9 per sample wt% for untreated bagasse without and with steam respectively. The high temperature also influences water-gas shift reactions which favoured the increase in H<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> gas yields.&nbsp;

  144. A Separation Method Combined Plasticizer Extraction and Ball Milling for Recycling Copper and Polyvinyl Chloride from Thin Electric Cables

    Xu Jing, Tazawa Naoki, Kumagai Shogo, Kameda Tomohito, Yoshioka Toshiaki

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 28 560-560 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.28.0_560  

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    The present work developed a novel process to separate polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Cu from electric cables by the combination of de-plasticizer from PVC and ball milling processes. The covering PVC commonly includes plasticizer to obtain flexibility, and de-plasticized PVC cables were improved to be brittle, which can be easily crushed by physical impact. In this work, plasticizers in the electric cables, which of sizes were 0.3 and 1.25 mm<sup>2</sup>, were extracted by soxhlet and dipping methods using diethyl ether, then the extracted samples were crushed by using a ball-mill. The influences of extraction method and extraction rate on the ball milling separation were investigated.<b> </b>The highest separation rates of 100% and copper separation accuracy of 99.6% were achieved with de-plasticized 0.3mm<sup>2</sup> cable sample, while those of 1.25mm<sup>2</sup> cable sample were little lower as 83% and 98.3%.

  145. アルカリ金属塩を用いたA型ゼオライトからのCsの脱着

    大平 早希, 熊谷 将吾, 齋藤 優子, 亀田 知人, 横塚 享, 田邉 大次郎, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 28 465-465 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.28.0_465  

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  146. Identify energy consumption and CO2 emission benchmark for the assessment of chlorine recovery from PVC wastes

    Lu Jiaqi, Kumagai Shogo, Fukushima Yasuhiro, Ohno Hajime, Kameda Tomohito, Yoshioka Toshiaki

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 28 533-533 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.28.0_533  

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    In Japan, about 72% of chlorine contained in PVC wastes is discharged back to the environment. As a result, there is a large potential to recycle chorine from PVC wastes to reduce dependency in salt importation meanwhile it will avoid the formation of corrosive HCl and dioxin. Authors have developed a chlorine recovery (Cl-R) process for PVC wastes to suggest a sustainable chlorine cycle. High dechlorination yield and considerable chlorine recovery potential have been determined by previous works. In this study, the Energy consumption and CO<sub>2</sub> emission balance of current PVC waste treatments were researched to shed light on the benchmark for the new process. Through modification based on the data of mixed plastic waste treatment, we conclude that the net energy balance is -14.5 MJ/ kg PVC waste and the net CO<sub>2</sub> emission is -0.03 kg/ kg PVC waste. This result reveals that energy could be saved through PVC recycling but current PVC waste treatment doesn&rsquo;t help too much in CO<sub>2</sub> reduction. Therefore, the application of advanced PVC waste treatment may be more desirable. The energy consumption and corresponding CO<sub>2</sub> emission of the potential cycle are excepted to lower than the current situation.

  147. Feasibility study for a virtuous material cycle in Indonesia - A cooperation between Tohoku University and the Institute of Technology Bandung

    Ryuzo Furukawa, Daisuke Komori, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Mochammad Chaerul, Emenda Sembiring, Enri Damanhuri, Hadi Kardhana, Mohammada Farid, Herto Dwi Ariesyady, Yuichiro Fujioka

    14th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, EARTH 2017 2017年

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    The recent economic development of developing countries did not only increase the overall wealth of these countries, but also the environmental problems related to production and consumption of goods. For this reason, the Future Earth program was established at the UN Conference of Sustainable Development in 2012 in Rio. The purpose of this program is to bring together scholars and stakeholders from various disciplines for finding solutions in a changing world. In a joint project between Tohoku University and the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), we investigated how society and technology can adapt to changes that lead to a sustainable development on Java Island. Such a concept requires the implementation of the 3R principles Re-duce, Re-use, Re-cycle and the enhancement of these principles to a virtuous 3R system in which all waste materials are considered valuable resources. However, it is not sufficient to look out only for technological solutions. It is also necessary to include the society into this process. The idea of co-creation in which stakeholders from national and local authorities, industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) together decide about the direction to sustainability leads to a circulating economy. We formed three groups for the investigation of certain aspects of the research object. The Nature-Society-Group explored the impact of human activities on the environment; the Society-Culture-Group elaborated the basics of lifestyle; and the Technology-Society-Group investigated the technological status of the region. We found that the cooperation between universities having the related technology and methodology and universities with contact to the involved stakeholders provide a better chance to promote progress in the Future Earth program. The project was concluded with a symposium hosted by ITB, where stakeholders from all the relevant groups joint and discussed the present situation and the future path.

  148. Feasibility study for a virutous material cycle in Indonesia

    Ryuzo Furukawa, Daisuke Komori, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Mochammad Chaerul, Emenda Sembiring, Enri Damanhuri, Hadi Kardhana, Mohammada Farid, Herto Dwi Ariesyady, Yuichiro Fujioka

    Shigen Sozai Koenshu 4 No.2 2017年

  149. Removal of toxic HCN and recovery of H₂-rich syngas via catalytic reforming of product gas from gasification of polymide over Ni/Mg/Al catalysts 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Tomoyuki Hosaka, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 123 (123) 330-339 2017年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2016.11.012  



  150. Kinetic and equilibrium studies of urea adsorption onto activated carbon: Adsorption mechanism 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Saya Ito, Toshiaki Yoshioka


    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2016.1219953  



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    We found that activated carbon effectively removed urea from solution and that urea adsorption onto activated carbon followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. We classified the urea adsorption on activated carbon as physical adsorption and found that it was best described by the Halsey adsorption isotherm, suggesting that the multilayer adsorption of urea molecules on the adsorption sites of activated carbon best characterized the adsorption system. The mechanism of adsorption of urea by activated carbon involved two steps. First, an amino (-NH2) group of urea interacted with a carbonyl (-CO) group and a hydroxyl (-OH) group on the surface of activated carbon via dipole-dipole interactions. Next, the -CO group of the urea molecule adsorbed to the activated carbon interacted with another -NH2 group from a second urea molecule, leading to multilayer adsorption. [GRAPHICS]

  151. New principals on the adsorption of alkyl compound by Mg-Al oxide: Adsorption kinetics and equilibrium studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Mami Umetsu, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.10.063  



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    The uptake of ethylsulfate (ES-), hexylsulfate (HS-), and dodecylsulfate (DS-) anions by Mg-Al oxide in aqueous solution was examined through adsorption equilibrium and kinetic modelling. The removal of ES-, HS-, and DS- by Mg-Al oxide proceeded as diffusion-controlled reactions exhibiting Langmuir-type adsorption isotherms. The maximum amounts of adsorption are ordered as DS-&gt;HS-&gt;ES-. Mg-Al oxide preferentially reacts with the organic anion with lower charge density, because the effect of hydrophobic interactions in these cases is stronger than that of electrostatic interactions. In the first stage of reaction, Mg-Al oxide, which is prepared by the thermal decomposition of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) intercalated with CO32- (CO3 Mg-Al LDH), rehydrates and combines with alkylsulfate to reconstruct the LDH structure. Then the alkylsulfate anions intercalated in the interlayer of the LDH attracted other anions in the solution via hydrophobic interactions, thereby promoting their removal by Mg-Al oxide. DS- was removed with the highest efficiency followed by HS-, because the hydrophobic attraction between DS- anions is stronger than that between HS-, which is stronger than that between ES-. At low initial concentrations (C-0), the intercalated alkylsulfates are likely oriented parallel to the brucite-like host layers of Mg-Al LDH. With increasing C-0, pairs of alkyl chains in DS- and HS- may overlap due to the hydrophobic interaction, while the alkyl chains in DS- are likely arranged perpendicular to the host layers to form bilayers. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  152. Thermal decomposition of tetrabromobisphenol-A containing printed circuit boards in the presence of calcium hydroxide 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-015-0417-4  



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    Recycling of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is complicated by the presence of flame retardants containing halogen and phosphorus, as the degradation products of these retardants reduce the quality of the produced gases and liquids. Moreover, during thermal treatment, corrosive and toxic compounds are released and the volatilization of undesirable metals incorporated in the PCB matrix is enhanced. To combat this problem, we investigated the effects of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)) on the thermal decomposition of both phenol and epoxy resin paper-laminated PCBs containing tetrabromobisphenol-A. Pyrolysis experiments revealed a maximum removal of 94 % HBr, 98 % brominated phenols, and 98 % phosphorus from the gaseous and liquid pyrolysis products. In addition, Br-induced metal volatilization was inhibited, improving the recovery amount in the solid fraction. Thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry revealed that Ca(OH)(2) enhanced the evolution of phenolic compounds produced from the PCB matrix, mainly below 300 A degrees C, while the fixation of brominated compounds took place primarily above 300 A degrees C.


    Tomohito Kameda, Tomomi Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka





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    Mg-Al and Cu-Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) intercalated with 1-naphthol -3,8-disulfonate (1-N-3,8-DS2-), i.e., 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Mg-Al LDH and 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Cu-Al LDH, and Mg-Al LDH intercalated with benzenesulfonate (BS-), i.e., BS center dot Mg-Al LDH, show preferential uptake of 1-nitronaphthalene (NN), 1-chloronaphthalene (ClN), and 2,7-dimethoxynaphthalene (DMN) over naphthalene (N) from solutions. In the case of NN and ClN uptake, pi-pi stacking interactions are considered to occur between the electron-poor naphthalene ring of NN and ClN and the electron-rich naphthalene and benzene cores of intercalated 1-N-3,8-DS2- and BS- in the LDHs. In the case of DMN uptake, CH/pi interactions are considered to occur between the electron-poor CH of the OCH3 groups in DMN and the electron-rich naphthalene and benzene cores of intercalated 1-N-3,8-DS2- and BS- in the LDHs. On the other hand, the uptake of N is attributed to hydrophobic interactions between the naphthalene ring of N and the naphthalene and benzene cores of intercalated 1-N-3,8-DS2- and BS- in the LDHs. Thus, pi-pi stacking and CH/pi interactions are a stronger driving force than hydrophobic interactions, resulting in preferential uptake of substituted naphthalenes by 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Mg-Al LDH, 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Cu-Al LDH, and BS center dot Mg-Al LDH.

  154. Interactions of beech wood-polyethylene mixtures during co-pyrolysis 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Kohei Fujita, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2016.08.012  



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    To investigate the interactions between beech wood (BW) and polyethylene (PE) during co-pyrolysis, they were pyrolyzed both individually and as their mixtures from ambient temperature to 650 degrees C at a heating rate of 10 degrees C min(-1) using a thermogravimetric analyzer and a tube reactor. In the presence of PE, the production of levoglucosan (LG) and methoxyphenols with unsaturated alkyl side chains from BW was enhanced, resulting in maximum 1.65 and 1.55 times higher yields comparing with their expected yields from BW:PE (w:w)= 40:60 mixture, respectively. It was due to the stabilization of the radical species of those by H-abstraction from the PE pyrolysates in the vapor phase. According to this, CO, CO2, C-2-C-3 compounds, and 5-membered ring compounds, which are LG decomposition products, showed 0.86, 0.85, 0.58, and 0.68 times smaller yields comparing with their expected yields. Methoxyphenols with saturated alkyl side chains, phenols, and catechols, also showed 0.77, 0.66, and 0.87 times smaller yields because they are mainly derived from methoxyphenols with unsaturated alkyl side chains. On the other hand, it was suggested that hydrogen radicals produced during the polyaromatization of BW stabilized PE radical species, resulting in products from PE with higher carbon numbers. Thus, the present work reveals that the interactions between BW and PE mainly involve H-exchange to stabilize radical species. These findings increase our understanding of the operative mechanism in the co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and synthetic polymers, which will be useful in future for achieving pyrolysis reaction control and recovering desirable products from difficult-to-separate initial mixtures. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  155. 化成処理スラッジをリン源とした二次電池正極材の合成および電極特性評価 査読有り

    熊谷将吾, 佐々木薫, 亀田知人, 本間格, 吉岡敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌 27 188-195 2016年11月

  156. Feedstock Recycling via Waste Plastic Pyrolysis 招待有り 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1627/jpi.59.243  


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    Recycling of waste plastics is essential for reducing environmental degradation and ensuring future resource security. The quantity of domestic plastic waste recycled is increasing yearly, reaching 83 % in 2014. However, only 26 % and 4 % of the recycled waste plastic is treated by mechanical and feedstock recycling, respectively, whereas 70 % is treated by energy recovery (incineration). Therefore, the mechanical and feedstock recycling rates must be improved. This review examines the pyrolysis of waste plastics, which is a treatment method classed as feedstock recycling. Pyrolysis can convert waste plastics, which cannot be treated by mechanical recycling, into oils and gases. However, polyvinylchloride (PVC) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) produce corrosive gases and sublimating substances during pyrolysis, resulting in reduced quality of pyrolysis products, and damage to the treatment plant. Dehydrochlorination and dechlorination of PVC, in addition to catalytic pyrolysis of PET using Ca-based catalysts, have been developed. Recent studies into the pyrolysis of major plastics such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS) are summarized here, together with research on the dry and wet treatment of PVC and the catalytic pyrolysis of PET.

  157. Replacing conventional fuels in USA, Europ, and UK with plastic pyrolysis gases-Part Ⅱ:Multi-index interchangeability methods 査読有り

    Stanislav Honus, Shogo Kumagai, Ondrej Nemcek, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Energy Conversion and Management 126 1128-1145 2016年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.08.054  



  158. Replacing conventional fuels in USA, Europ, and UK with plastic pyrolysis gases-Part Ⅰ:Experiments and graphical interchangeability methods 査読有り

    Stanislav Honus, Shogo Kumagai, Ondrej Nemcek, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Energy Conversion and Management 126 1118-1127 2016年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.08.055  



  159. テトラフェニルホウ酸イオンによる水相セシウムの捕捉および有機イオン会合体相への濃縮 査読有り

    熊谷将吾, 林航太郎, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    環境放射能除染学会誌 4 (3) 239-245 2016年9月28日



  160. Production of bio-oil from fixed bed pyrolysis of bagasse pretreated with sulphuric acid and acetic acid 国際誌

    Viliame Savou, Guido Grause, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    9th International Conference on: Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate change 2016年9月21日

  161. Pyrolysis and hydrolysis behaviors during steam pyrolysis of polyimide 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Tomoyuki Hosaka, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2016.04.011  



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    Kapton film, which is a typical aromatic polyimide (PI) film, exhibits excellent thermal stability and flexibility. Therefore, it is used widely for flexible printed circuit boards in combination with other resins and metals. However, this makes it difficult to recycle it. In this work, we focused on the steam pyrolysis technique, which is a method of depolymerizing condensation polymers without solvents, catalysts, or high pressure, as a way of overcoming this issue. The steam pyrolysis of Kapton film was carried out using a thermogravimetric (TG) analyzer equipped with a steam generator. In addition, the TG results were evaluated further using model fitting techniques. It was found that steam enhanced the hydrolysis of the imide ring, which occurred on the surface of the PI film. The hydrolysis selectivity was as high as 89% at 528 degrees C. However, steam did not significantly enhance the Kapton decomposition rate, owing to rapid carbonization, which took place because of the simultaneous occurrence of pyrolysis. Thus, the obtained results implied that high-yield monomer recovery can be achieved by lowering the temperature to prevent pyrolysis and by improving the steam contact efficiency to enhance hydrolysis within the material. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  162. Treatment of hydrochloric acid using Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with carbonate 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahito Tochinai, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.04.018  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with CO32- (CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) was found to take up only low amounts of Cl- during the treatment of hydrochloric acid. Low pH promotes the removal of Cl-. HCl is considered to react with CO32- in the interlayers of Mg-Al LDH as a result of which Cl- is probably intercalated in the interlayers. High pH of the Mg-Al LDH suspension leads to a lower extent of reaction between HCl and Mg-Al LDH, owing to the neutralization of the acid. We can state that the adsorption of Cl- on Mg-Al LDH is best described by the Dubinin-Radushkevich adsorption isotherm. The maximum adsorption amounts were calculated to be 1.4 and 0.6 mmol/g for CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH with Mg/Al molar ratios of 2 and 4, respectively, whereas the adsorption energies were calculated to be 82 and 124 kJ/molt respectively. In summary, the removal of Cl- is caused by both the reaction between hydrochloric acid and CO32- in the interlayers of Mg-Al LDH as well as anion exchange between the HCO3- produced and a different Cl- ion in hydrochloric acid. This explains why the adsorption is best expressed by the D-R adsorption isotherm, which assumes a heterogeneous surface and non-constant adsorption potential. (C) 2016 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  163. Uptake of Nd³⁺and Sr²⁺by Li-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with ethylenediaminetraacetate 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Materials Chemistry and Physics 177 8-11 2016年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.04.015  



  164. Equilibrium and kinetics studies on the adsorption of substituted phenols by a Cu-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with 1-naphthol-3,8-disulfonate 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tomomi Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 670 322-328 2016年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.02.046  



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    Cu-Al layered double hydroxides (Cu-Al LDHs) intercalated with 1-naphthol-3,8-disulfonate (1-N-3,8-DS2) were confirmed to easily take up substituted phenols with electron-poor benzene rings from aqueous solution. The uptake of the substituted phenols by the 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Cu-Al LDH was better expressed by the Langmuir-type than the Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR) adsorption model. The negative values of Delta G for all substituted phenols indicate that the adsorption process is spontaneous regardless of the temperature. The vertical bar Delta H vertical bar values for all substituted phenols are less than 20 kJ mol(-1), indicating that the phenol uptake by this LDH can be considered a physical adsorption process caused by pep stacking interactions. Although the uptake of the substituted phenols by the 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Cu-Al LDH can be considered a physical adsorption process caused by pep stacking interactions, it is closely related chemically to Langmuir-type adsorption. The uptake of various substituted phenols by 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Cu-Al LDH followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. By fitting the results of phenol uptake by 1-N-3,8-DS center dot Cu-Al LDH to the Eyring equation, it was found that positive values of Delta H double dagger and Delta G double dagger indicated the presence of an energy barrier in the adsorption process. Furthermore, the positive value of Delta H double dagger confirmed that the process was endothermic. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  165. Kinetics and equilibrium studies on the uptake of Nd³⁺ and Sr²⁺ by Li-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with 1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 36 96-101 2016年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.01.023  



  166. Synthesis of Li-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) and kinetic and equilibrium studies of the uptake of Nd3+ and Sr2+ ions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 366 523-528 2016年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.01.064  



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    A Li-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) (AMP Li-Al LDH) was synthesized by the drop-wise addition of an Al-containing solution to a Li-AMP solution at a constant pH of 8.0. The AMP Li-Al LDH was found to take up Nd3+ and Sr2+ ions from aqueous solutions; this phenomenon was attributable to the metal-chelating functionality of the AMP ions in the interlayers of the AMP Li-Al LDH. Further, the AMP Li-Al LDH was found to take up Nd3+ ions preferentially than Sr2+ ions. This was attributable to the stability of the Nd-AMP complex being higher than that of the Sr-AMP complex. The mass-transfer-controlled shrinking-core model could describe the uptake behavior better than the surface-reaction-control model. The AMP ions in the AMP Li-Al LDH interlayers rapidly formed chelate complexes with the Nd3+ or Sr2+ ions. As a result, the transfer of Nd3+ and Sr2+ ions through the product layer was the rate-limiting step. Furthermore, this reaction could be explained by a Langmuir-type adsorption mechanism, indicating that it involved chemical adsorption; this was consistent with the formation of chelate complexes between Nd3+ and Sr2+ ions and the AMP ions in the interlayers of the AMP Li-Al LDH. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  167. Thermogravimetric Investigation of the Lead Volatilization from Waste Cathode-Ray Tube Glass 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Kenshi Takahashi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Recycling 1 (1) 111-121 2016年2月6日

    DOI: 10.3390/recycling1010111  

  168. 3-3-3 低温ガス化温度域におけるブナ/ポリエチレン混合物の共熱分解機構

    藤田 航平, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 25 72-73 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会

    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.25.0_72  

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    <p>Interactions between woody biomasses and plastics during co-pyrolysis of these mixtures have been investigated to recover useful materials. In this work, we researched co-pyrolysis behavior of beech wood (BW) and polyethylene (PE) mixtures at 650 °C. The present work revealed that yield of levoglucosan (LG) and products generated from LG increased because LG condensation was physically suppressed by melted PE. In addition, products generated from PE by BW radical species have lower molecular weight. Furthermore, it implied that PE decomposition was enhanced by water produced from BW.</p>

  169. Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies on the Removal of Borate and Fluoride in Aqueous Solution using Mg-Al oxide

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCS) 145-148 2016年

  170. Use of Mg-Al oxide for boron removal from an aqueous solution in rotation: Kinetics and equilibrium studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.09.035  



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    Mg-Al oxide prepared through the thermal treatment of CO32- intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) was found to remove boron (B) from an aqueous solution. B was removed by the rehydration of Mg-Al oxide accompanied by combination with B(OH)(4)(-). When using twice the stoichiometric quantity of Mg-Al oxide for Mg/Al = 4, the residual concentration of B dropped from 100 to 2.8 mg/L in 480 min, and for Mg/Al = 2, it decreased from 100 to 2.5 mg/L in 240 min. In both cases, the residual concentration of B was highlighted to be lower than the current Japanese effluent standards (10 mg/L). The removal of B can be explained by way of pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics. The apparent activation energy of 63.5 kJ mol(-1), calculated from the Arrhenius plot indicating that a chemical reaction dominates the removal of B by Mg-Al oxide (Mg/Al = 2). The adsorption of B acts upon a Langmuir-type phenomena. The maximum adsorption (q(m)) and equilibrium adsorption constants (Kt) were 7.4 mmol g(-1) and 1.9 x 10(3), respectively, for Mg-Al oxide (Mg/Al = 2)center dot B(OH)(4)(-) in B(OH)(4)(-)center dot Mg-Al LDH produced by the removal of B was observed to undergo anion exchange with CO32- in solution. Following regeneration, the Mg-Al oxide maintained the ability to remove B from an aqueous solution. This study has clarified the possibility of recycling Mg-Al oxide for B removal. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  171. テトラフェニルホウ酸イオンによる水相セシウムの補足および有機イオン会合体相への濃縮 査読有り

    熊谷将吾, 林航太郎, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    環境放射能除染学会誌 4 (3) 239-245 2016年



  172. Hydrothermal synthesis of hardened diatomite-based adsorbents with analcime formation for methylene blue adsorption 査読有り

    Yi Zhang, Zhenzi Jing, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    RSC ADVANCES 6 (32) 26765-26774 2016年


    DOI: 10.1039/c5ra18948a  


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    A facile hydrothermal method has been developed to synthesize natural diatomite into hardened diatomite-based adsorbents with zeolite (analcime) formation for methylene blue (MB) adsorption. The results showed that the initial and final strengths were provided with the formed C-S-H gel and zeolite (analcime), respectively. Due to the low temperature synthesis, the formed analcime and retained diatomite were also found to exert a synergistic effect on MB adsorption. The NaOH concentration had a significant effect on the C-S-H and analcime formations, and a lower NaOH concentration (&lt;= 9 M) was favorable for C-S-H gel formation, while analcime formed readily at a higher NaOH concentration (&gt;= 12 M). The curing temperature and time also influenced the formation of analcime, a long curing time (&gt;= 12 h) or a high temperature (&gt;= 473 K) was favorable for analcime formation, while an over-long time (&gt;= 24 h) or over-high temperature (&gt;= 493 K) had a negative effect on the strength of the specimens. The adsorption of MB in this study followed pseudo-second-order kinetics, with a maximum adsorption capacity of 129.87 mg g(-1) at 308 K, according to the Langmuir model. Thermodynamic studies also showed that the adsorption process was spontaneous and endothermic. As such, tough diatomite-based adsorbents with analcime formation could be synthesized hydrothermally, and could be used to capture MB in wastewater efficiently.

  173. Continuous treatment of boron and fluoride in aqueous solutions using a column loaded with granulated Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with nitrates 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Water Process Engineering 8 (8) 195-201 2015年12月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2015.10.009  


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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with NO3- (NO3·Mg-Al LDHs) were mixed with various amounts of epoxy resin to obtain granulated NO3·Mg-Al LDH samples. The granulated NO3·Mg-Al LDH samples were shown to be capable of adsorbing B from aqueous solutions and the experimental adsorption isotherm data fit well to the Langmuir model. In order to evaluate the continuous treatment of B and F- in aqueous solutions, a chromatographic column was loaded with granulated NO3·Mg-Al LDH with an LDH/epoxy resin ratio of 1:0.5 and H3BO3 and NaF solutions were passed through the columns under various conditions. The concentrations of B and F- in the elutions were found to increase with time. In addition, the concentrations of B and F- in the elutions also increased with increase in the flow rates and initial concentrations of H3BO3 and NaF, respectively, which were attributed to the flow of large amounts of B and F- into the column in a short duration. The experimental data from the column experiments were fit to the Thomas model. The relatively high R2 values under all the conditions suggest that the Thomas model adequately represents the results of the adsorption experiments. For the adsorption of both B and F-, the calculated qT from the Thomas model showed good agreement with the experimental qE values, confirming the validity of the Thomas model for the column experiments.

  174. Recyclable Mg-Al layered double hydroxides for fluoride removal: Kinetic and equilibrium studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 300 475-482 2015年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.07.023  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) intercalated with NO3- (NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) and Cl- (Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH) were found to adsorb fluoride from aqueous solutions. Fluoride is removed by anion exchange in solution with NO3- and Cl- intercalated in the LDH interlayer. In both cases, the residual F concentration is lower than the effluent standards for F in Japan (8 mg/L). The rate-determining step in the removal of F using NO3 center dot Mg-Al and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH is chemical adsorption involving F-anion exchange with intercalated NO3- and Cl- ions. The removal of F is described by pseudo-second-order reaction kinetics, with Langmuir-type adsorption. The values obtained for the maximum adsorption and the equilibrium adsorption constant are respectively 3.3 mmol g(-1) and 2.8 with NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH, and 3.2 mmol g(-1) and 1.5 with Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH. The F in the F center dot Mg-Al LDH produced in these reactions was found to exchange with NO3- and Cl- ions in solution. The regenerated NO3 center dot Mg-Al and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDHs thus obtained can be used once more to capture aqueous F. This suggests that NO3 center dot Mg-Al and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDHs can be recycled and used repeatedly for F removal. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  175. Capture of cationic metal ions from aqueous solutions by layered double hydroxides intercalated with organic acid anions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 6th International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANOTECHNOLOGY’15) 41-46 2015年11月7日

  176. Steam Pyrolysis of Polyimides: Effects of Steam on Raw Material Recovery 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Tomoyuki Hosaka, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 49 (22) 13558-13565 2015年11月


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03253  



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    Aromatic polyimides (PIs) have excellent thermal stability, which makes them difficult to recycle, and an effective way to recycle PIs has not yet been established. In this work, steam pyrolysis of the aromatic PI Kapton was performed to investigate the recovery of useful raw materials. Steam pyrolysis significantly enhanced the gasification of Kapton at 900 degrees C, resulting in 1963.1 mL g(-1) of a H-2 and CO rich gas. Simultaneously, highly porous activated carbon with a high BET surface area was recovered. Steam pyrolysis increased the presence of polar functional groups on the carbon surface. Thus, it was concluded that steam pyrolysis shows great promise as a recycling technique for the recovery of useful synthetic gases and activated carbon from PIs without the need for catalysts and organic solvents.

  177. Development of a recycling method for composite materials consisting of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and poly(vinyl chloride)

    S. Hirahashi, G. Grause, S. Kumagai, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (8th ISFR 2015) 2015年9月9日

  178. Chemical modification of chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) by nucleophilic substitution

    S. Endo, Y. Nagasaki, G. Grause, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (8th ISFR 2015) 2015年9月8日

  179. Interaction of plasticizer and poly(yinyl chloride) degradation in the presence of steam

    G. Grause, J. D. Fonseca, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (8th ISFR 2015) 2015年9月8日

  180. 東日本大震災における災害廃棄物処理のアーカイブ化および律速要因の検討 査読有り

    浅利美鈴, 多島良, 吉岡敏明, 千葉実, 千葉幸太郎, 遠藤守也

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 26 (5) 382-396 2015年9月



  181. New treatment method for boron in aqueous solutions using Mg-Al layered double hydroxide: Kinetics and equilibrium studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.03.015  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) intercalated with NO3- (NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDHs) and with Cl- (Cl center dot Mg-Al LDHs) were found to take up boron from aqueous solutions. Boron was removed by anion exchange of B(OH)(4)(-) in solution with NO3- and Cl- intercalated in the interlayer of the LDH. Using three times the stoichiometric quantity of NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH, the residual concentration of B decreased from 100 to 1.9 mg L-1 in 120 min. Using five times the stoichiometric quantity of Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH, the residual concentration of B decreased from 100 to 5.6 mg L-1 in 120 min. It must be emphasized that, in both cases, the residual concentration of B was less than the effluent standards in Japan (10 mg L-1). The rate-determining step of B removal by the NO3 center dot Mg-Al and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDHs was found to be chemical adsorption involving anion exchange of B(OH)(4)(-) with intercalated NO3- and Cl-. The removal of B was well described by a pseudo second-order kinetic equation. The adsorption of B by NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH followed a Langmuir-type adsorption. The values of the maximum adsorption and the equilibrium adsorption constant were 3.6 mmol g(-1) and 1.7, respectively, for NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH, and 3.8 mmol g(-1) and 0.7, respectively, for Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH. The B(OH)(4)(-) in B(OH)(4)center dot Mg-Al LDH produced by removal of B was found to undergo anion exchange with NO3- and Cl- in solution. The NO3 center dot Mg-Al and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDHs obtained after this regeneration treatment were able to remove B from aqueous solutions, indicating the possibility of recycling NO3 center dot Mg-Al and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDHs for B removal. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  182. Effects of steam on the thermal dehydrochlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) resin and flexible poly(vinyl chloride) under atmospheric pressure 査読有り

    Juan Diego Fonseca, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka


    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2015.03.011  



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    A steam-based treatment for the dehydrochlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) at atmospheric pressure was evaluated. Temperatures ranging from 170 to 250 degrees C and steam concentrations of up to 75 vol% were applied to PVC resin and flexible PVC. Overall, the addition of steam increased the dehydrochlorination ratios for both sample types, regardless of temperature. PVC resin reached a maximum dehydrochlorination ratio of 76% after 1 h of treating at 250 degrees C and at a steam concentration of 50 vol%; this compares favorably to the 61% achieved under nitrogen. Higher steam concentrations reduced the maximum dehydrochlorination ratio for PVC resin; this was shown to be the result of a shielding effect due to rapid, superficial dehydrochlorination. This effect was not observed for flexible PVC, which reached a maximum dehydrochlorination ratio of 69% after 1 h of treating at 250 degrees C and at a steam concentration of 75 vol%; again, this is a significant improvement over the 51% value obtained under nitrogen. Moreover, the loss of plasticizer was shown to account for the majority of the flexible PVC weight loss. The reaction kinetics was also investigated. The proposed treatment is of special interest for the treatment of PVC medical equipment, since it could fulfill the needs for both sterilization and dehydrochlorination which the disposal of this waste requires. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  183. Kinetics and equilibrium studies on Mg-Al oxide for removal of fluoride in aqueous solution and its use in recycling 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.03.043  



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    Mg-Al oxide obtained by the thermal decomposition of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) intercalated with CO32- (CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) was found to take up fluoride from aqueous solution. Fluoride was removed by rehydration of Mg-Al oxide accompanied by combination with F-. Using five times the stoichiometric quantity of Mg-Al oxide, the residual concentration of F was decreased from 100 to 6.3 mg/L in 480 min, which was below the effluent standard in Japan (8 mg/L). Removal of F- can be represented by pseudo-second-order reaction kinetics. The apparent rate constants at 10 degrees C, 30 degrees C, and 60 degrees C were 23 x 10(-3), 2.2 x 10(-2), and 2.5 x 10(-1) g mmol(-1) min(-1), respectively. The apparent activation energy was 73.3 kJ mol(-1). The rate-determining step for F removal by Mg-Al oxide was consistent with chemical adsorption involving intercalation of F- into the reconstructed Mg-Al LDH due to electrostatic attraction. The adsorption of F by Mg-Al oxide follows a Langmuir-type adsorption. The values of the maximum adsorption and the equilibrium adsorption constant were 3.0 mmol g(-1) and 1.1 x 10(3), respectively, for Mg-Al oxide. The F- in the F center dot Mg-Al LDH thus produced was found to be anion-exchanged with CO32- in solution. The Mg-Al oxide after regeneration treatment had excellent properties for removal of F in aqueous solution. In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that Mg-Al oxide has potential for use in recycling to remove F in aqueous solution. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  184. Steam pyrolysis of Poly(4,4-Oxydiphenylene-Pyromellitimide) using Ni-based catalyst

    Shogo Kumagai, Tomoyuki Hosaka, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2015年5月22日

  185. Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution on analcime synthesized from diatomite

    Zhang Yi, Jing Zhenzi, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2015年5月21日

  186. Novel Ni-Mg-Al-Ca catalyst for enhanced hydrogen production for the pyrolysis-gasification of a biomass/plastic mixture 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Jon Alvarez, Paula H. Blanco, Chunfei Wu, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Martin Olazar, Paul T. Williams



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2014.09.012  



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    A Ni-Mg-Al-Ca catalyst was prepared by a co-precipitation method for hydrogen production from polymeric materials. The prepared catalyst was designed for both the steam cracking of hydrocarbons and for the in situ absorption of CO2 via enhancement of the water-gas shift reaction. The influence of Ca content in the catalyst and catalyst calcination temperature in relation to the pyrolysis-gasification of a wood sawdust/polypropylene mixture was investigated. The highest hydrogen yield of 39.6 mol H-2/g Ni with H-2/CO ratio of 1.90 was obtained in the presence of the Ca containing catalyst of molar ratio Ni:Mg:Al:Ca = 1:1:1:4, calcined at 500 degrees C. In addition, thermogravimetric and morphology analyses of the reacted catalysts revealed that Ca introduction into the Ni-Mg-Al catalyst prevented the deposition of filamentous carbon on the catalyst surface. Furthermore, all metals were well dispersed in the catalyst after the pyrolysis-gasification process with 20-30 nm of NiO sized particles observed after the gasification without significant aggregation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  187. Thermal decomposition of individual and mixed plastics in the presence of CaO or Ca(OH)(2) 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Itaru Hasegawa, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2015.04.004  



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    Individual and mixed plastics consisting of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) were decomposed at 600 degrees C in the presence and absence of either calcium oxide (CaO) or calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)) under a steam atmosphere. In the presence of CaO, steam cracking was enhanced, increasing gas and liquid yields and decreasing the wax content derived from PE and PP. The production of sublimating substances from PET was also reduced. However, the presence of CaO and steam had a negative influence on PS degradation, reducing the oil yield. In addition, synergistic effects were observed in plastic mixtures. PET enhanced gasification, PS and PET reduced wax production from PE and PP, and mixing all four plastics enhanced oil production in the presence of CaO and steam. Both CaO and Ca(OH)(2) enhanced the total gas and oil yield of mixed plastics, achieving a maximum oil yield of 52.2 wt% in the presence of steam. Furthermore, solids were almost completely decomposed at 700 degrees C, with only 0.2 wt% of residue remaining. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  188. Novel Ni-Mg-Al-Ca catalyst for enhanced hydrogen production for the pyrolysis-gasification of a biomass/plastic mixture 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Jon Alvarez, Paula H. Blanco, Chunfei Wu, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Martin Olazar, Paul T. Williams



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2014.09.012  



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    A Ni-Mg-Al-Ca catalyst was prepared by a co-precipitation method for hydrogen production from polymeric materials. The prepared catalyst was designed for both the steam cracking of hydrocarbons and for the in situ absorption of CO2 via enhancement of the water-gas shift reaction. The influence of Ca content in the catalyst and catalyst calcination temperature in relation to the pyrolysis-gasification of a wood sawdust/polypropylene mixture was investigated. The highest hydrogen yield of 39.6 mol H-2/g Ni with H-2/CO ratio of 1.90 was obtained in the presence of the Ca containing catalyst of molar ratio Ni:Mg:Al:Ca = 1:1:1:4, calcined at 500 degrees C. In addition, thermogravimetric and morphology analyses of the reacted catalysts revealed that Ca introduction into the Ni-Mg-Al catalyst prevented the deposition of filamentous carbon on the catalyst surface. Furthermore, all metals were well dispersed in the catalyst after the pyrolysis-gasification process with 20-30 nm of NiO sized particles observed after the gasification without significant aggregation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  189. Chemical modification of poly(vinyl chloride) using sodium trisulfide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Makoto Yoshihara, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10965-015-0718-2  



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    Chemically modifying after-life PVC may be a useful way of reducing plastic waste. In this work, we modified PVC using a solution of Na2S3 in ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol at temperatures of 150-190 degrees C. Substitution ratios as high as 89 % were observed, especially at high temperatures. Against our expectations, only monosulfide bridges were present in the modified PVC; polysulfides were absent. This can be explained by the fission of S-3(2-) into highly reactive anion radicals. Using a lower-polarity solvent (triethylene glycol) accelerated the dechlorination but also enhanced elimination.

  190. Equilibrium studies of the uptake of aromatic compounds from an aqueous solution by montmorillonite modified with tetraphenylphosphonium and amyltriphenylphosphonium 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Shuko Shimamori, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 625 8-12 2015年3月15日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.11.093  


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    Montmorillonite (MMT) modified with tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP·MMT) and amyltriphenylphosphonium (AmylTPP·MMT) was shown to adsorb 1,2-dimethoxybenzene (DMB) and 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) from an aqueous solution. The adsorption of DMB could be expressed by Langmuir-type adsorption isotherms. The adsorption of DMB by TPP·MMT and AmylTPP·MMT was spontaneous because the ΔG values in both cases were negative. The uptake of DMB by TPP·MMT and AmylTPP·MMT could be considered a physical adsorption process caused by π-π stacking interactions, because the ΔG values were in the range of -20 to 0 kJ mol-1. The uptake of DNB by TPP·MMT was expressed by the Halsey and Henderson models, which explained the multilayer adsorption.

  191. Equilibrium and kinetics studies on As(V) and Sb(V) removal by Fe2+-doped Mg-Al layered double hydroxides 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Eisuke Kondo, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.12.050  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (Mg-Al LDHs) doped with Fe2+ adsorbed As(V) (AsO43-) and Sb(V) (Sb(OH)(6)(-)) from an aqueous solution through anion exchange with Cl- intercalated in the LDH interlayer. Fe2+-doped Mg-Al LDH exhibited superior As(V) removal compared with Mg-Al LDH. The oxidation of Fe2+ doped in the Mg-Al LDH host layer to Fe3+ increased the positive layer charge of the LDH, thus increasing the anion-uptake capacity owing to stronger electrostatic attractive force between the positively charged layer and the anion. However, Fe2+-doped Mg-Al LDH was not superior to Mg-Al LDH in terms of Sb(V) removal. This was attributed to the preferential intercalation of OH- over Sb(OH)(6)(-). The As(V) and Sb(V) removal by LDH followed Langmuir-type adsorption, which proceeded via a pseudo-first-order reaction. The equilibrium and kinetics studies confirm that the adsorption of As(V) and Sb(V) by Fe2+-doped Mg-Al LDH was the result of chemical adsorption, involving the anion exchange of AsO43- and Sb(OH)(6)(-) with the intercalated Cl-. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  192. A novel process for the removal of bromine from styrene polymers containing brominated flame retardant 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Juan Diego Fonseca, Hisatoshi Tanaka, Thallada Bhaskar, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka


    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2014.12.017  



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    High-impact polystyrene (HIPS) is one of the main plastic fractions of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE). Although recycling of this material is desirable, the presence of brominated flame retardants requires the removal of bromine prior to further treatment steps in order to avoid deterioration. In this study, a new method was developed for the removal of bromine from the polymer without destroying the polymer matrix. Organic bromine from the flame retardant (decabromodiphenyl ethane) was converted into inorganic bromide using a solution of NaOH in ethylene glycol (NaOH(EG)). Using a stirred flask as the reaction vessel, a debromination ratio of 42% was obtained at 190 degrees C regardless of the NaOH concentration. The same reaction in a ball mill reactor reduced the bromine content in the HIPS to 0.02 wt%. The conversion of organic bromine into inorganic bromide reached 98%. Degradation products from the flame retardant were identified using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. In both the flask and ball mill reactor, the reaction was diffusion controlled with an activation energy of about 205 kJ mol(-1). The thermal stability of the residual plastic was enhanced during the treatment, which opens up the possibility of reusing waste HIPS by mechanical recycling. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  193. Enhancement of bio-oil production via pyrolysis of wood biomass by pretreatment with H2SO4 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Ryo Matsuno, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 178 76-82 2015年2月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.09.146  



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    In this work, a Japanese cedar wood sample was treated during the first step at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure using several concentrations of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in a stirred flask. During this pretreatment C-O bonds of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin were cleaved. The second step involved the pyrolysis of the pretreated wood sample at 550 degrees C in a quartz glass tube reactor. A maximum oil yield of 46.8 wt% with the minimum char yield of 10.1 wt% was obtained by the treatment with 3 M H2SO4, whereas untreated wood samples resulted in a 30.1 wt% yield of oil. The main components in the oils were levoglucosan and tar. These results suggest that moderate acid pretreatment produced shorter chain units of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, thereby facilitating the conversion into oil by pyrolysis. The results of thermogravimetry-mass spectroscopy supported the presence of shorter chain units in the pretreated wood samples. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  194. Effect of H₂O₂ on the treatment of NO and NO₂ using a Mg-Al oxied slurry 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Aki Kodama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Chemosphere 120 378-382 2015年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.08.025  



  195. 溶媒抽出によるA型ゼオライトからのCs脱着

    清水 翔太, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 26 523-523 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.26.0_523  

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    <sup>137</sup>Csは半減期が約30年と長い放射性物質であり、福島第一原発事故により多量に放出された。これまで水からのCsの除去についてはゼオライトやイオン会合体を用いた研究がある。一方、この事故により発生した廃棄物の種類や状態は様々であり、例として汚染土壌等からCsを脱着することも重要となる。本研究では、ゼオライトにCsを吸着させ、その後抽出剤を用いてCs脱着を行い、その効果を検討した。吸着実験により、A型ゼオライトのCs最大吸着量は270 mg/gと求められた。抽出剤としてSodium tetraphenyl<br>borate(NaTPB)を用いた際の最大Cs脱着率は7.4%、Sodium tetrakis(4-fluorophenyl) borate(NaTFPB)を用いた際は70.3%となった。脱着前後のX線回折結果からNaTFPBはゼオライトの構造を破壊することなく、Csを脱着することが示唆された。NaTFPBを用いることでCsを強く吸着する物質であるゼオライトからCsを脱着できたことから、他のCsを吸着している物質に対してもNaTFPBを用いることでその構造を破壊せずにCsを脱着できる可能性が示唆された。

  196. ビスフェノールAの熱分解挙動の解析

    小野 俊輔, 熊谷 将吾, ギド グラウゼ, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 26 335-335 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.26.0_335  

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    ポリカーボネート(PC)は幅広い用途に使用されているが、リサイクル率が低く、多くが埋立て又は焼却処分されている。当研究室では、PCの熱分解により、MgO及び水蒸気を添加することでビスフェノールA(BPA)を73 wt%回収可能であることを報告している。しかし、PC原料に資する純度のBPAを回収することは困難であるため、フェノールまで分解する方が工業的に効果的であると考え、BPAからフェノールの生成における熱分解挙動の解析を行った。BPAは早い段階で熱分解し、フェノールを生成するが、260&ordm;C、280 &ordm;Cにおいて一定量のBPAが残存した。これはBPAがIPPと反応して、高分子量化合物を生成する反応が優位的に進むためである。これによりフェノールの収率は低くなった。310&ordm;Cの場合、BPA及び高分子量化合物は効果的に分解が進み、フェノールの収率は増大することが明らかとなった。

  197. 熱分解における木質系バイオマスとプラスチックの相互作用

    藤田 航平, 熊谷 将吾, ギド グラウゼ, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 26 333-333 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.26.0_333  

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  198. 3-12-3 ブナ/ポリエチレン混合物の熱分解における相互作用(Session 3-12 熱分解II)

    熊谷 将吾, 藤田 航平, GRAUSE Guido, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 24 152-153 2015年


    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.24.0_152  

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    Interactions between beech wood (BW) and polyethylene (PE) during co-pyrolysis under a heating ramp was investigated. Tar derived from BW and oil derived from PE increased in the presence of PE while gas decreased. It is considered that PE radical species stabilized vapor levoglucosan as H-donor, resulting in inhibition of the fragmentation reaction into CO, CO_2, and CH_4 etc. Additionally, it was expected that PE radical species would enhance homolysis of lignin and stabilize lignin monomers. Radical species derived from BW could enhance PE decomposition, resulting in an increased yield of oil from PE.

  199. Recycling of waste plastics 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Guido Grause

    Topical Themes in Energy and Resources: A Cross-Disciplinary Education and Training Program for Environmental Leaders 195-214 2015年1月1日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Japan

    DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-55309-0_11  

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    Society produces more plastics than steel every year, and these pose major challenges in resource recycling. The principles of 3R are introduced and their application to plastics. Obtaining high-value products from recycling of the many different varieties of plastics in the waste stream is a major challenge for collection, separation and chemical processing. The main processes used for the major plastics (including PET, PVC composites etc.) are introduced and the legal and administrative framework for plastics recycling in Japan described. For instance, PET can be recycled as raw material for reprocessing PET, but other types of plastics pose major challenges and are often recycled for only low value uses such as a source of heat. This chapter looks at current approaches to recycling plastics and how it may be possible to convert them into higher-value raw materials.

  200. Kinetics and equilibrium studies on the removal of aromatic sulfonates from aqueous solution by Mg-Al oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Mami Umetsu, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 39 (5) 4078-4085 2015年


    DOI: 10.1039/c5nj00187k  



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    Mg-Al oxide, which was obtained via the thermal decomposition of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) intercalated with CO32- (CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH), was confirmed to take up benzenesulfonate (BS-) and 2-naphthalenesulfonate (NS-) in aqueous solution. The removal of BS- or NS-, which can be described by pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics, proceeded under chemical reaction control. This process followed a Langmuir-type adsorption; the maximum and equilibrium adsorption constants for NS- were larger than those for BS-. Our results suggests that the Mg-Al oxide reacts more favorably with aromatic sulfonates with lower charge density and that the effect of hydrophobic interactions is larger than that of electrostatic interactions. In the initial reaction stage, Mg-Al oxide rehydrates and combines with an aromatic sulfonate to reconstruct the LDH structure; then, the aromatic sulfonates interact in aqueous solution through hydrophobic interactions, facilitating their removal by the Mg-Al oxide. Because the attraction of NS- molecules is stronger than that of BS- molecules, the removal of NS- by the Mg-Al oxide was found to be more efficient than that of BS-.

  201. Pyrolysis versus Hydrolysis behavior during steam decomposition of pyrolysters using ⒙O-labeled steam 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Yuto Morohoshi, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    RSC Advances 5 (76) 61828-61837 2015年


    DOI: 10.1039/c5ra08577b  


  202. Cu-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with 1-naphthol-3,8-disulfonate and dodecyl sulfate: adsorption of substituted phenols from aqueous media 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tomomi Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 39 (8) 6315-6322 2015年


    DOI: 10.1039/c5nj00743g  



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    Cu-Al layered double hydroxides (Cu-Al LDHs) intercalated with 1-naphthol-3,8-disulfonate (1-N-3,8-DS2-) and dodecyl sulfate (DS-) were prepared by coprecipitation. Based on X-ray diffraction patterns, 1-N-3,8-DS2- and DS- are most probably oriented perpendicularly to the brucite-like Cu-Al LDH layers. The 1-N-3,8-DS.Cu-Al LDH was able to adsorb substituted phenols from aqueous solution, with the degree of uptake decreasing in the following order: 3-nitrophenol (N-phe) &gt; 3,5-dichlorophenol (DCl-phe) &gt; 4-chlorophenol (Cl-phe) &gt; 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol (MM-phe) approximate to 4-methoxyphenol (Me-phe). The preferential uptake of the substituted phenols by 1-N-3,8-DS.Cu-Al LDH is attributed to pi-pi stacking interactions between the phenolic aromatic ring and the naphthalene core of the intercalated 1-N-3,8-DS2-. The DS.Cu-Al LDH also adsorbed substituted phenols from aqueous solution, albeit randomly. This random uptake is attributed to hydrophobic interactions between the alkyl groups of the DS- intercalated in the interlayer and the aromatic rings of the aqueous adsorbates.

  203. Uptake of Nd³⁺and Sr²⁺by Li-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with triethylenetetramine-hexaacetic acid:kinetic and equilibrium studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    RSC Advances 5 (97) 79447-79455 2015年


    DOI: 10.1039/c5ra12807b  


  204. Thermal decomposition of tetrabromobisphenol-A containing printed circuit boards in the presence of calcium hydroxide 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 11 1-12 2015年


    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka





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    The effects of calcination time and temperature of CO32--intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) on the removal of Cl- and SO42- from seawater were investigated. The degree of Cl- removal increased with the increase of calcination time from 2 to 8 h at 500 degrees C, suggesting increasing decarbonation of CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH. However, the calcination time of CO3. Mg-Al LDH hardly affected the SO42- removal. The thermal decomposition of CO3. Mg-Al LDH at 500-800 degrees C for 2 h caused the production of Mg-Al oxide. However, MgO and MgAl2O4 were also obtained at 900-1000 degrees C. The degree of SO42- removal was over 90% at 500-800 degrees C. The product obtained by the calcination of CO3. Mg-Al LDH at 900-1000 degrees C could absorb SO42- from seawater. MgO and MgAl2O4 did not have any uptake ability, but the remaining Mg-Al oxide could take up SO42- from seawater. The degree of Clremoval was in the following order: 500 degrees C &lt;600 degrees C &lt; 700 degrees C &lt; 800 degrees C &lt; 900 degrees C. The increase in Cl- removal suggested the increasing decarbonation of CO3 -Mg-Al LDH with increasing temperature. The highest degree of Cl- removal at 900 degrees C was attributed to the high Mg/A1 molar ratio of the remaining Mg-Al oxide in the product.

  206. Treatment of Cr(Ⅵ) in aqueous solution by Ni-Al and Co-Al layered double hydroxides: Equilibrium and kinetic studies 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Eisuke Kondo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Jounal of Water Process Engineering 8 e75-e80 2015年

  207. Lead removal from cathode ray tube glass by the action of calcium hydroxide and poly(vinyl chloride) 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Kenshi Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 596 49-55 2014年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2014.09.019  



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    With the development of flat screen technology, the cathode ray tubes (CRTs) used in TV sets became obsolete, leaving huge amounts of lead-containing CRT glass for disposal. We developed a novel lead volatilization process in which PbCl2 was generated in the presence of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) as a chlorination agent and Ca(OH)(2) as an HCl absorber. PVC was incinerated in air atmosphere and the resulting HCl was captured by Ca(OH)(2) before exiting the reactor with the air flow. CaCl2 and Ca(OH)(2) reacted with the lead glass forming volatile PbCl2 and crystalline Ca-silicates. Since the reactivity of lead glass with gaseous HCl is negligible, the presence of Ca(OH)(2) was essential for the success of this method. At a temperature of 1000 degrees C, a molar Cl/Pb ratio of 16, and a molar Ca/Si ratio of about 2, approximately 99.9% of the lead was volatilized, leaving a residue with a lead content of 140 mg kg(-1). The residual calcium silicate, with its low lead level, has the potential to be repurposed for other uses. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  208. Hydrogen production from biomass and plastic mixtures by pyrolysis-gasification 査読有り

    Jon Alvarez, Shogo Kumagai, Chunfei Wu, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Javier Bilbao, Martin Olazar, Paul T. Williams

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 39 (21) 10883-10891 2014年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.04.189  



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    The addition of plastics to the steam pyrolysis/gasification of wood sawdust with and without a Ni/Al2O3 catalyst was investigated in order to increase the production of hydrogen in the gaseous stream. To study the influence of the biomass/plastic ratio in the initial feedstock, 5, 10 and 20 wt.% of polypropylene was introduced with the wood in the pyrolysis reactor. To investigate the effect of plastic type, a blend of 80 wt.% of biomass and 20 wt.% of either polypropylene, high density polyethylene, polystyrene or a mixture of real world plastics was fed into the reactor. The results showed that a higher gas yield (56.9 wt.%) and a higher hydrogen concentration and production (36.1 vol.% and 10.98 mmol H-2 g(-1) sample, respectively) were obtained in the gaseous fraction when 20 wt.% of polypropylene was mixed with the biomass. This significant improvement in gas and hydrogen yield was attributed to synergetic effects between intermediate species generated via co-pyrolysis. The Ni/Al2O3 catalyst dramatically improved the gas yield as well as the hydrogen concentration and production due to the enhancement of water gas shift and steam reforming reactions. Very low amounts of coke (less than 1 wt.% in all cases) were formed on the catalyst during reaction, with the deposited carbonaceous material being of the filamentous type. The Ni/Al2O3 catalyst was shown to be effective for hydrogen production in the co-pyrolysis/gasification process of wood sawdust and plastics. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  209. Nucleophilic substitution of poly(vinyl chloride) with iminoacetic acid and n-dodecanethiol 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Takahisa Hosoya, Kazumi Hashimoto, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-013-0202-1  



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    The modification of poly(vinyl chloride) was carried out with iminodiacetic acid (IDA, C4H7NO4) and iminodiacetic acid dimethylester (IDADM, C6H11NO4), as well as with n-dodecanethiol (DT, C12H26S) in the presence of K2CO3. The reaction was carried out at different temperatures below 100 A degrees C with dimethyl formamide (DMF) and cyclohexanone as solvents. IDA did not show any reactivity, probably due to the dipolar character of the molecule. IDADM caused the elimination of HCl, while only substitution ratios of about 3 % were observed. However, the modification of PVC with DT resulted in a substitution rate of 18 % without elimination. DT-PVC showed excellent thermal properties, comparable with those of the unmodified polymer.

  210. Catalytic Degradation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) for Benzene-rich Oil Recovery Using Metal Hydroxides 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 43 (5) 637-639 2014年5月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.131109  



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    Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) was pyrolyzed in the presence of several metal hydroxides for the high-yielding recovery of benzene in one benzene-rich fraction. The highest benzene yield of 80.7% and a purity of 90.2 wt % were achieved in the presence of Ca(OH)(2) and Ba(OH)(2), respectively. In addition, thermogravimetric mass spectroscopic (TG-MS) measurements of metal terephthalates as the benzene precursors suggested a mechanism of benzene formation from metal terephthalates.

  211. Removal of lead from cathode ray tube funnel glass by chloride volatilization 査読有り

    G. Grause, N. Yamamoto, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s13762-013-0286-0  



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    Cathode ray tube funnel glass is an environmentally problematic relict of old television sets. In particular, landfilling of this material is strongly discouraged because of its high lead content. However, recovery of this toxic lead could prevent its release into the environment and allow its reuse. In this research, lead was separated from the glass matrix by a chloride volatilization process. Melting of the funnel glass together with CaCl2 resulted in the volatilization of 80 % of lead at 1,000 A degrees C. The use of NaCl as a chlorination agent yielded less volatile lead, while poly(vinyl chloride) and gaseous HCl proved to be ineffective chlorination agents. The differences in the chlorination agent efficiencies could be attributed to differences in the corresponding formation of silicates. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed that diffusion plays an important role in the volatilization of PbCl2.

  212. Recovery of benzene-rich oil from the degradation of metal- and metal oxide-containing poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-013-0194-x  



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    Pure poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) resin and metal-/metal oxide-containing PET composites were thermally decomposed in the presence of Ca(OH)(2) using a tube reactor. The effects of batch and continuous processing, the presence of Ca(OH)(2), and PET size on benzene production were investigated. A maximum benzene yield and purity of 82.9 % and 78.8 wt%, respectively, were obtained at 700 degrees C in the presence of Ca(OH)(2) when using small PET particles; further, a continuous feed reactor was favored over a batch reactor. Effective contact between PET and Ca(OH)(2) was important in the PET degradation, which promoted hydrolysis of PET and decarboxylation of terephthalic acid, whereas pyrolysis was suppressed. Furthermore, the results of thermal decomposition of PET-based waste-PET-based X-ray films, magnetic tape, and prepaid cards-indicated that the metal and metal oxides contained in the waste had no significant catalytic effect on PET degradation or on the recovery of benzene-rich oil in the presence of Ca(OH)(2).

  213. Benzene-Rich Oil Recovery by Thermal Degradation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in the Presence of Calcium Catalysts

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management and 13th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands 2014年3月12日

  214. Regeneration of Ethylene Glycol used for the Dehydrochlorination of Poly(vinyl chloride) by Electrodialysis with an AgCl membrane

    Guido Grause, Kento Yamada, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management and 13th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands 2014年3月11日

  215. Uptake of Borate and Fluoride Ions from Aqueous Solution by Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide

    Jumpei Oba, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management and 13th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands 2014年3月11日

  216. Steam Hydrolysis of Poly(bisphenol A carbonate) in a Fluidized Bed Reactor 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Rikard Kaerrbrant, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1021/ie404263a  


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    Poly(bisphenol A carbonate) (PC) was hydrolyzed in a benchtop fluidized bed reactor and compared with the pyrolysis of PC. Hydrolysis resulted in bisphenol A (BPA) and the cleavage of BPA in the formation of phenol and p-isopropenylphenol (IPP). Experiments were carried out using MgO or quartz sand (SiO2) as bed materials in a temperature range between 350 and 500 degrees C. It was found that the combination of bed material and temperature has a significant impact on the product distribution. High BPA yields between 40% and 45% were obtained with MgO at 400 degrees C and with SiO2 at 500 degrees C. Moreover, the reaction in the presence of SiO2 at 400 degrees C led to phenol and IPP yields of 34% and 32%, respectively. Compared with pyrolysis at 480 degrees C, residue and high-boiling-fraction quantities were reduced. The reaction pathway is also discussed.

  217. Simultaneous Recovery of Benzene-Rich Oil and Metals by Steam Pyrolysis of Metal-Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Composite Waste 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 48 (6) 3430-3437 2014年3月


    DOI: 10.1021/es405047j  



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    The possibility of simultaneous recovery of benzene and metals from the hydrolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)-based materials such as X-ray films, magnetic tape, and prepaid cards under a steam atmosphere at a temperature of 450 degrees C was evaluated. The hydrolysis resulted in metal-containing carbonaceous residue and volatile terephthalic acid (TPA). The effects of metals and additives on the recovery process were also investigated. All metals were quantitatively recovered, and silver, maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3), and anatase (TiO2) were recovered without any changes in I their crystal structures or compositions. In a second step, TPA was decarboxylized in the presence of calcium oxide (CaO) at 700 degrees C, producing benzene with an average yield of 34% and purity of 76%. Maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3) incorporated in magnetic tape and prepaid cards could decarboxylate TPA. Aluminum present in the prepaid cards produced hydrogen by the reaction with steam. However, the presence of metals had no adverse influence on the recovery of benzene-rich oil in the presence of CaO. Therefore, this method can be applied to PET-based materials containing inorganic substances, which cannot be recycled effectively otherwise.

  218. Preparation of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide doped with Fe2+ and its application to Cr(VI) removal 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Eisuke Kondo, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2013.10.033  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) doped with Fe2+ was prepared by dropwise addition of a mixed solution of MgCl2, FeCl2, and AlCl3 to NaOH solution at a constant pH. The Fe2+-doped LDH was found to be able to remove Cr(VI) from an aqueous solution through the anion exchange of Cr2O72- with the intercalated Cl-, the production of Cr(OH)(3), and the adsorption of Cr2O72- on the surface of the produced FeO(OH). The excellent performance of this LDH for Cr(VI) removal is caused by both the anion exchange properties of Mg-Al LDH and the reducing activity of the Fe2+ doped into the Mg-Al LDH. This process can be considered to occur through Langmuir-type adsorption, and the maximum adsorption amount and equilibrium adsorption constant are 12.5 mmol g(-1) and 242.1, respectively. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  219. 7-3-3 ニッケル系触媒を用いたプラスチック/バイオマス混合物のガス化(Session 7-3 リサイクル1)

    熊谷 将吾, 吉岡 敏明, ALVAREZ Jon, OLAZAR Martin, BLANCO Paula H., WU Chunfei, WILLIAMS Paul T.

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 23 272-273 2014年


    DOI: 10.20550/jietaikaiyoushi.23.0_272  

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    Hydrogen production from mixtures consisting of 80wt% wood saw dust (WS) and 20wt% plastics (HDPE, PP, PS, and real waste plastics (RP)) were carried out in the presence of NiO-supported Al_2O_3 (NiO/Al_2O_3), and different molar ratios of Ni-Mg-Al-Ca complex oxides using a two-step tube reactor. Among these WS/plastics combinations, the highest hydrogen yield of 27.3 mmol H_2/g sample was obtained from WS/PP mixture in the presence of NiO/Al_2O_3. In addition, a novel concept catalyst Ni-Mg-Al-Ca complex oxide was prepared in order to accelerate both steam reforming and water-gas shift reaction simultaneously. Increase of Ca content in the catalyst with a lower calcination temperature enhanced the water-gas shift reaction through CO_2 adsorption by CaO in the catalyst, improving H_2 yield with invisible coke deposition on the catalyst surface.

  220. Kinetics of Cr(VI) removal by Mg-Al layered double hydroxide doped with Fe2+ 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Eisuke Kondo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Water Process Engineering 4 (C) 134-136 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2014.09.011  


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    The removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by a Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) doped with Fe2+ increased with time and temperature. Cr(VI) removal could not be described by first-order reaction kinetics, but it was well represented as a pseudo second-order reaction. The apparent rate constants at 10, 30, and 60°C were 0.9×10-3, 1.2×10-3, and 2.2×10-3gmmol-1min-1, respectively, and the apparent activation energy was 14.5kJmol-1. This value confirms that the rate-determining step for Cr(VI) removal is chemical adsorption involving the anion exchange of Cr2O72- with intercalated Cl- and the adsorption of Cr2O72- on the surface of the produced FeO(OH).

  221. Removal of arsenic from an aqueous solution by coprecipitation with manganese oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Youhei Suzuki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2 (4) 2045-2049 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2014.09.004  


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    The removal of arsenic (As) from wastes is important to ensure good environmental practice within the nonferrous metallurgical industry. In the present study, the coprecipitation of As and manganese was investigated as a possible means of achieving such removal. As(V) was found to be removed from a Mn-As(V) aqueous solution during stirring. Such removal of As(V) from an aqueous solution is likely caused by coprecipitation with Mn3O4 and Mn(OH)2, both of which are assumed to have isoelectric pH of 10.9. Higher removal of As(V) from an aqueous solution was found at pH of 6-10, and can be attributed to the adsorption of H2AsO4- and HAsO42- onto the positively charged surface of Mn3O4 and Mn(OH)2, which is caused by electrostatic interaction. Conversely, the lower removal of As(V) from an aqueous solution at a pH of 11 can be attributed to the electrostatic repulsion between As(V) species and the negatively charged surfaces of Mn3O4 and Mn(OH)2.

  222. Equilibrium and kinetic studies of Se(VI) removal by Mg-Al layered double hydroxide doped with Fe2+ 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Eisuke Kondo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    RSC ADVANCES 4 (106) 61817-61822 2014年


    DOI: 10.1039/c4ra11645c  


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    MgAl layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) doped with Fe2+ was found to be superior to undoped Mg-Al LDH in the removal of Se(VI) from aqueous solutions. For both systems, Se(VI) as SeO42- was removed through anion exchange with intercalated Cl-. In the Fe2+-doped Mg-Al LDH, however, some of the Se(VI) was reduced to Se(IV) upon oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in the LDH host layer to produce SeO32-, which was also adsorbed by the Fe2+-doped Mg-Al LDH through anion exchange. The reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) is advantageous for Se(VI) removal by Fe2+-doped Mg-Al LDH due to the larger charge density of SeO32-. The Fe2+-doped Mg-Al LDH effectively removed Se(VI) from an aqueous solution because of the anion exchange properties of Mg-Al LDH and activity of Fe2+ as a reducing agent. Se(VI) removal occurs through Langmuir-type adsorption, where the maximum adsorption and equilibrium adsorption constant were 1.4 mmol g(-1) and 1.6, respectively. Se(VI) removal is well expressed as a pseudo second-order reaction. The apparent rate constants at 10, 30, and 60 degrees C were 1.2 x 10(-3), 1.5 x 10(-3), and 2.2 x 10(-3) g mmol(-1) min(-1), respectively, and the apparent activation energy was 10.0 kJ mol(-1). The rate-determining step is chemical adsorption through anion exchange of SeO4 (2-) and SeO3 (2-) with intercalated Cl-.


    Tomohito Kameda, Tomomi Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka





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    Magnesium-aluminum layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) intercalated with 1-naphthol-3-sulfonate (1-N-3-S-) was prepared by coprecipitation. The 1-naphthol-3,8-disulfonate (1-N-3,8-DS2-)-intercalated Mg-Al LDH could selectively take up nonionic aromatic compounds from aqueous solution. This was attributed to pi-pi stacking interactions between the benzene ring of the compounds and the naphthalene ring of 1-N-3,8-DS2- intercalated within the interlayer spaces of Mg Al LDH. However, the 1-N-3-S--intercalated Mg-Al LDH could hardly realize the selective uptake of aromatic compounds since its naphthalene ring is more polarized and does not easily participate in pi-pi stacking interactions with the phenyl groups of target aromatic compounds.


    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuaki Hoshi, Toshiaki Yoshioka





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    A Cu-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with edta ions (edta center dot Cu-Al LDH) was able to take up rare earth ions from an aqueous solution. To determine the reaction mechanism, we have conducted kinetics and equilibrium studies on the uptake of rare earth ions such as Y3+, Sc3+, and La3+ from aqueous solution using edta center dot Cu-Al LDH. The uptake is more adequately described by the mass-transfer-controlled shrinking core model than by the surface-reaction-controlled model. The apparent activation energies were 19.6, 28.8, and 36.0 kJ mol(-1) for Sc3(+,) Y3+, and La3+, respectively, confirming that the reaction involved in the uptake of M3+ by edta center dot Cu-Al LDH proceeds under mass transfer control. This reaction can also be expressed by Langmuir-type adsorption, suggesting the formation of a 1:1 chelate complex between rare earth ions and edta ions in the edta center dot Cu-Al LDH interlayer. The equilibrium adsorption constants were 4.4, 0.89, and 0.41 and the maximum adsorption amounts were 1.4, 0.3, and 0.5 mmol g(-1) for Sc3+, Y3+, and La3+, respectively.

  225. Preparation of Zn-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with triethylenetetramine-hexaacetic acid by coprecipitation: uptake of rare-earth metal ions from aqueous solutions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shimmyo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    RSC ADVANCES 4 (86) 45995-46001 2014年


    DOI: 10.1039/c4ra06795a  


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    A Zn-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with triethylenetetramine-hexaacetic acid (TTHA.Zn-Al LDH) was prepared by the dropwise addition of a Zn-Al nitrate solution to a TTHA solution at a constant pH value of 10.0. The TTHA.Zn-Al LDH could uptake rare-earth metal ions such as Nd3+ ions from aqueous solutions. This can be attributed to the chelating ability of the TTHA ions in the interlayer, i.e., Nd-TTHA complexes could be formed in the interlayer. However, the TTHA.Zn-Al LDH could hardly uptake Sr2+ ions from aqueous solutions, indicating that the TTHA ions in the interlayer did not function as effective chelating agents for Sr2+ ions. Therefore, TTHA.Zn-Al LDH could uptake Nd3+ ions selectively from an aqueous mixture of Nd3+ and Sr2+ ions. This was confirmed by the fact that the uptake amount after 120 min was 0.078 and 0.007 mmol g(-1) for Nd3+ and Sr2+, respectively, when TTHA.Zn-Al LDH was added to a 1 : 1 mixed nitrate solution of Nd3+ and Sr2+ ions. In this case, the degree of selectivity, i.e., the Nd/Sr molar ratio, was 10.7. Furthermore, TTHA.Zn-Al LDH was superior to ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA).Zn-Al LDH for the uptake of Nd3+ ions, which can be attributed to the order of the stability of the metal-chelate complexes: Nd-TTHA complex &gt; Nd-EDTA complex.

  226. Desorption of rare earth ions from ethylenediaminetetraacetate-intercalated Cu-Al layered double Hydroxide using Fe3+ 査読有り

    Tomohito Kemada, Kazuaki Hoshi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Research and Reviews in MaterialsScience and Chemistry 2 (2) 61-69 2013年12月

  227. Simultaneous removal of SO2 and NO2 using a Mg-Al oxide slurry treatment 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Aki Kodama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 93 (11) 2889-2893 2013年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.08.089  



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    SO2 and NO2 were simultaneously removed from a mixed gas using a Mg-Al oxide slurry treatment. Both adsorption to the oxide material itself and dissolution of the gases in the aqueous slurry contributed to the removal. A comparison was made between removal of the two gases separately and the simultaneous process. The removal of SO2 using both the simultaneous and individual process was similar; however, the removal of NO2 was lower for the simultaneous process. For the individual treatments, SO2 and NO2 were separately dissolved in the Mg-Al oxide slurry to produce SO32-, NO2-, and NO3-, which were subsequently removed by the Mg-Al oxide. However, when the simultaneous process was employed, the dissolved gases were seen to have a significant effect on each other. It was speculated that the production of NO2- was increased by the reduction of NO2- by SO32-. On increasing the quantity of the Mg-Al oxide, or on raising the temperature of the system, the removal of SO2 increased, with a concurrent decrease in NO2 removal. The increase in removal of SO32- was speculated to hinder the conversion of NO2 to NO2-, therefore decreasing the removal of the nitrogen species. The results demonstrate that the Mg-Al oxide slurry was highly effective for simultaneously removing NO2 and SO2 from a mixed gas. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  228. Evaluation of the Dehydrochlorination of Polyvinyl Chloride in Steam Atmosphere

    J. D. Fonseca, G. Grause, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2013) 2013年10月24日

  229. Simultaneous Recovery of Organic and Inorganic Materials by the Thermal Decomposition of Plastic-Metal Composites

    S. Kumagai, G. Grause, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2013) 2013年10月24日

  230. Determination of the proportion between hydrolysis and pyrolysis during Poly (ethyleneterephthalate) degradation in O-labeled steam

    Y. Morohoshi, S.Kumagai, G. Grause, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2013) 2013年10月24日

  231. Modification of PVC with long alkyl chains by nucleophilic substitution

    Y. Nagasaki, K. Hashimoto, G. Grase, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2013) 2013年10月24日

  232. Recovery of Phenols from Bisphenol A Polycarbonate in the Presence of MgO

    G. Grause, R. Kaerrbrant, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2013) 23 625-625 2013年10月23日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.23.0_625  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Poly(bisphenol A carbonate)(PC) was degraded in a fluidized bed reactor filled with catalytically active magnesium oxide. Two sets of conditions were investigated, hydrolysis using steam at 500 &deg;C and pyrolysis at 480 &deg;C. The hydrolysis reaction yielded 7.8 wt% gaseous products, 87.5 wt% solid products, and 4.8 wt% solid residue in the reactor. No liquid products were obtained. The yield of the pyrolysis was 14.4 wt% gas, 29.9 wt% low boiling oil, 16.7 wt% high boiling oil, and 39 wt% solid residue. The degradation was also studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to obtain the apparent kinetic parameters of the reaction. The TGA experiments were performed at four different conditions: He atmosphere, He atmosphere and MgO as a catalyst mixed with the PC, 75% steam atmosphere (balance: He), and 75% steam atmosphere and MgO as a catalyst. The activation energies were found to be 240 kJ&nbsp;mol<sup>-1</sup> in He atmosphere, 170 kJ&nbsp;mol<sup>-1</sup> in He atmosphere and MgO as a catalyst. Under hydrolytic conditions, the values obtained were 69 kJ&nbsp;mol<sup>-1</sup> in steam atmosphere, and around 20 kJ&nbsp;mol<sup>-1</sup> for steam and MgO.

  233. Elucidation of the Mechanism of Reaction between S₂O₈²⁻,Selenite and Mn²⁺ in Aqueous Solution and Limestone-Gypsum FGD Liquor 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Akiho, Shigeo Ito, Hiromitsu Matsuda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Enviromental Science & Technology 47 (19) 11311-11317 2013年10月1日

    DOI: 10.1021/es3042302  

    ISSN:0013-936X 1520-5851

  234. Strategy for separation and treatment of disaster waste: a manual for earthquake and tsunami disaster waste management in Japan 査読有り

    Misuzu Asari, Shin-ichi Sakai, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Yasumasa Tojo, Tomohiro Tasaki, Hidetaka Takigami, Kohei Watanabe



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-013-0154-5  


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    Shortly after the March 11th earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan, a Task Team for Disaster Waste Management and Reconstruction was established within the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM). One of the major tasks undertaken by the team was to create a manual entitled, Strategies for Separation and Treatment of Disaster Waste. In this paper, this JSMCWM manual is introduced, followed by a review of existing guidelines for disaster waste management in various countries. We identify useful guidelines created by international agencies, national and local governments. The JSMCWM manual adds our new experiences, especially characterized by a huge scale of disaster and tsunami information, to the existing knowledge with an emphasis on separation and subsequent treatment options. It should be desirable to share our knowledge and experiences, not only domestically but also with other countries in the world, especially regions that could be affected by large earthquake and tsunami events.

  235. Removal of chloride from ethylene glycol solution using alumina/zeolite membrane as a physical boundary between the organic and aqueous phases 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Chisato Shoji, Shoko Fukushima, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-013-0119-8  


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    The permeation of Cl- ions from a NaCl/ethylene glycol (EG) solution during electrodialysis was investigated using alumina and alumina/zeolite membranes. Voltage changes had very little effect on Cl- permeation through the alumina membrane, suggesting that the driving force for the permeation was concentration-gradient-induced diffusion, and not the electric field. Solvation of the Na+ ions by EG resulted in EG migration through the membrane. Replacement of the deionized water (electrolyte) in the anodic cell with NaOH resulted in increased Cl- permeation, although a greater amount of EG migrated into the NaOH solution as well. No notable difference was observed in Cl- permeation through the alumina and alumina/zeolite membranes, but EG migration decreased when using the latter membrane, suggesting that EG migration was prevented by the zeolite layer. The proposed alumina/zeolite membrane is, hence, useful for solvent recovery by electrodialysis, but its mechanical stability must be improved for industrial applications.

  236. Metal recovery from wire scrap via a chloride volatilization process: Poly(vinyl chloride) derived chlorine as volatilization agent 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Shoko Fukushima, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Thermochimica Acta 562 (562) 65-69 2013年6月20日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2013.03.012  


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    After Cu is separated from discarded wires, the flexible PVC wire scrap still contains detectable amounts of Cu. This residual Cu can be recovered by employing a chloride volatilization process. In this study, the chlorine contained in PVC was used to recover more than 80% of Cu as CuCl at 900 C when the HCl content in the atmosphere was sufficiently high. The flexible PVC waste itself contained various metal ions from stabilizers and other additives. More than 90% of Sn and Zn could be recovered at 500 C, followed by lead, together with some iron impurities at 700 C, while some iron and magnesium reduced the purity of Cu recovered at 900 C. Therefore, the volatilization of metal chlorides from PVC wire scrap makes it possible to separate various metals at different temperatures. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  237. Thermodynamic equilibrium analyses of the uptake of aromatic compounds from an aqueous solution by magnesium-aluminum (Mg-Al) layered double hydroxide intercalated with 1-naphthol-3,8-disulfonate 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Tomomi Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    SOLID STATE SCIENCES 20 (20) 75-79 2013年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2013.03.012  


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    Magnesium-aluminum layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) intercalated with 1-naphthol-3,8-disulfonate (1-N-3,8-DS2-) was prepared by coprecipitation. Thermodynamically, the prepared Mg-Al LDH showed greater preferential uptake of 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) than of 1,2-dimethoxybenzene (DMB). This preferential uptake of aromatic compounds, which is adequately expressed by the Dubinin-Radushkevich adsorption isotherm, was attributed to the pi-pi stacking interactions between the benzene ring of the aromatic compounds and the naphthalene core of 1-N-3,8-DS2- intercalated in the interlayer spaces of Mg-Al LDH. Negative values of Delta G for DNB and DMB indicate that the adsorption process is spontaneous at all temperatures. The value of Delta S for DNB was much lower than that for DMB. This implies that DNB was far more strongly adsorbed to 1-N-3,8-DS2- than was DMB, resulting in a lower degree of freedom for and higher uptake of DNB than those in the case DMB. The absolute values of vertical bar Delta H vertical bar for DNB and DMB were less than 20 kJ mol(-1), indicating that the uptake of DNB or DMB by 1-N-3,8-DS Mg-Al LDH can be considered a physical adsorption process caused by pi-pi stacking interactions. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  238. Recovery of glass fibers from glass fiber reinforced plastics by pyrolysis 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Tomoyuki Mochizuki, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-012-0101-x  


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    Fiber-reinforced plastic sheets containing unsaturated polyester cross-linked with styrene, CaCO3 and glass fibers as fillers were pyrolyzed in a helium and steam atmosphere in order to recover glass fibers and valuable organic pyrolysis products. Glass fibers were separated from CaCO3 and CaO by dissolving calcium salts in hydrochloric acid. Residual organic material was burnt afterwards. Best results were obtained at a pyrolysis temperature of 600 and 700 A degrees C, resulting in a large liquid fraction high in styrene, leaving little residual organic material on the surface of the glass fibers. At a pyrolysis temperature of 500 A degrees C, the degradation of the polymer matrix was incomplete, and at 900 A degrees C, glass fibers were destroyed in the presence of CaO, leaving CaSiO3 as a product.

  239. Preparation of Cu-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with ethylenediaminetetraacetate by coprecipitation and its uptake of rare earth ions from aqueous solution 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuaki Hoshi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    SOLID STATE SCIENCES 17 (17) 28-34 2013年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2012.12.010  


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    A Cu-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with ethylenediaminetetraacetate (edta center dot Cu-Al LDH) was prepared by the dropwise addition of a Cu-Al nitrate solution to an edta solution at constant pH values of 8.0, 9.0, and 10.0. The edta center dot Cu-Al LDH had Hedta(3-) in the interlayer. Furthermore, the preparation at pH 8.0 resulted in the intercalation of Cu(edta)(2-). The edta center dot Cu-Al LDH was found to take up rare earth ions from aqueous solution. The uptake of Sc3+ and Y3+ by edta center dot Cu-Al LDH was attributed to both the chelating functions of the edta ion in the interlayer and the chemical properties of Cu-Al LDH itself. The uptake of La3+ by edta center dot Cu-Al LDH was primarily caused by the chelating function of edta ions in the interlayer. The edta ions in the edta center dot Cu-Al LDH interlayer formed chelate complexes in the order Sc3+ &gt; Y3+ &gt; La3+ due to their relative stabilities, Sc(edta)(-) &gt; Y(edta)(-) &gt; La(edta)(-). Thus, edta ions retain their chelating function even when intercalated in a Cu-Al LDH interlayer. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  240. A Novel Approach for Determining the Proportions of Pyrolysis and Hydrolysis in the Degradation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in O-18-Labeled Steam 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Yuto Morohoshi, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 42 (3) 212-214 2013年3月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2013.212  



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    The proportions of pyrolysis and hydrolysis in poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) degradation were determined from the decomposition of PET in O-18-labeled steam, producing labeled and unlabeled terephthalic acid. At a 100 vol % steam concentration at 400 degrees C, 74% of the ester bonds were pyrolyzed and 26% were hydrolyzed, as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In addition, thermogravimetric analysis revealed the activation energy to be 199 kJ mol(-1) under pyrolytic conditions, decreasing with increasing steam concentration, and reaching a minimum of 132 kJ mol(-1) at 75 vol %.

  241. Feedstock Recycling of Organic and Inorganic Materials by Thermal Decomposition of Metal-Containing Plastics

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (12th SWAPI) 169-172 2013年2月27日

  242. Removal of Brominated Flame-Retardants from High-Impact Polystyrene by Extraction in an Alkaline Organic Medium

    Guido Grause, Hisatoshi Tanaka, Thallada Bhaskar, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (12th SWAPI) 177-180 2013年2月27日

  243. Electrodialysis for NaCl/EG solution using ion-exchange membranes 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Shoko Fukushima, Chisato Shoji, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-012-0098-1  


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    A new concept for the recycling of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) has been introduced, including the dehydrochlorination of PVC in ethylene glycol (EG) with NaOH as a reactant, the subsequent separation of NaCl from EG by electrodialysis, and the recovery of chlorine for the synthesis of new PVC. In this work, the separation of NaCl by electrodialysis was investigated. About 98 % of the salt were recovered from EG, with less than 10 % of the EG permeating the membranes after 5 h.

  244. Impact of brominated flame retardants on the thermal degradation of high-impact polystyrene 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Daiki Karakita, Jun Ishibashi, Tomohito Kameda, Thallada Bhaskar, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 98 (1) 306-315 2013年1月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.09.011  


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    The degradation of flame retarded high impact polystyrene (HIPS) was examined by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectroscopy (TG-MS) and compared with that of polystyrene (PS). While the fate of the flame retardant draws a lot of attention, its impact on polymer degradation has been the focus of very little investigation. Temperature change was shown not to affect the product distribution of the thermal induced PS degradation. However, the presence of a brominated flame retardant resulted in changes in the HIPS degradation mechanism, with a larger variation of by-products formed and changes in the product distribution over the investigated temperature range. The early release of a large quantity of bromine radicals from the flame retardant caused the polymer backbone to break at various points (radical induced degradation). While the thermal degradation of PS was inhibited by the recombination of macro radicals (the cage-effect), the recombination of macro radicals induced by bromine radicals was prevented by the fast diffusion of HBr. Pure PS produced mainly styrene by the depolymerisation of the polymer chain after the formation of macro radicals and some oligomers from backbiting/beta-scission. Flame retarded HIPS produced various oligomers, many of which were not produced from pure PS. It is assumed that after backbiting, the tertiary radical was terminated by recombination with other radicals, and dimers and trimers were formed from styrene during secondary reactions. One important source of hydrogen for this process was the formation of aromatic compounds, which kept the residual char small. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  245. Treatment of NO and NO 2 with a MgAl oxide slurry 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Aki Kodama, Yuki Fubasami, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 48 (1) 86-91 2013年1月1日

    DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2012.707853  

    ISSN:1093-4529 1532-4117

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    A selective catalytic reduction process is generally used to treat NO x however, this approach results in the leakage of ammonia and requires expensive catalysts. In light of these issues, the specific objective of this study was to develop a new treatment method for a NO x gas stream with a MgAl oxide slurry. In this study, we examined the ability of a MgAl oxide slurry to treat NO and NO 2 gas streams. The MgAl oxide slurry only partially removed the NO and NO 2. The ability of MgAl oxide to remove NO is based on the adsorption of NO molecules onto the surface of the MgAl oxide rather than the formation of an MgAl layered double hydroxide (MgAl LDH) intercalated with NO - 2. NO 2 removal was greater than NO removal because of the higher solubility of NO 2. For NO 2 removal, the MgAl oxide adsorbed NO - 2 and NO - 3 onto the surface and formed MgAl LDH intercalated with NO - 2 and NO - 3. Based on these results, we conclude that the MgAl oxide slurry is an effective treatment for NO x. © 2013 Taylor &amp Francis Group, LLC.

  246. Thermal decomposition behavior of Cu-Al layered double hydroxide, and ethylenediaminetetraacetate-intercalated Cu-Al layered double hydroxide reconstructed from Cu-Al oxide for uptake of Y3+ from aqueous solution 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuaki Hoshi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN 47 (12) 4216-4219 2012年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2012.09.030  


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    CO32--intercalated Cu-Al layered double hydroxide (CO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH) was calcined to yield Cu-Al oxide, and then ethylenediaminetetraacetate-intercalated Cu-Al LDH (edta center dot Cu-Al LDH) was prepared by reconstructing Cu-Al oxide in edta solution. Decomposition of CO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH occurred in four stages. The production of Cu-Al oxide was caused by the thermal decomposition of CO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH until the third stage. The first stage was the elimination of adsorbed surface water and interlayer water in CO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH. The second and third stages were the dehydroxylation of the brucite-like octahedral layers and the elimination of CO32- intercalated in the interlayers. The edta center dot Cu-Al LDH was found to take up Y3+ in aqueous solution. The uptake of Y3+ was caused not only by the chelating function of Hedta(3-) in the interlayer but also by the chemical behavior of Cu-Al LDH itself. The edta center dot Cu-Al LDH was found to selectively take up rare earth ions from a mixed solution. The degree of uptake was high, in the order Sc3+ &gt; Y3+ &gt; La3+ for all time durations, which was attributable to differences among the stabilities of Sc(edta)(-), Y(edta)(-) and La(edta)(-). (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  247. Thermal decomposition of SO42--intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide Elimination behavior of sulfur oxides 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuki Fubasami, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10973-011-1843-8  



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    The thermal properties of SO4 (2-)-intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH) were investigated using simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and the elimination behavior of sulfur oxides from this double hydroxide was examined. The TG-MS results showed that SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH decomposed in five stages. The first stage involved evaporation of surface-adsorbed water and interlayer water in SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH. In the second, third, and fourth stages, dehydroxylation of the brucite-like octahedral layers in SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH occurred. The fifth stage corresponded to the elimination of SO4 (2-) intercalated in the interlayer of Mg-Al LDH, producing SO2 and SO3. The thermal decomposition of SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH resulted in the formation of SO2 and SO3 at 900-1000 degrees C, which then reacted with H2O to form H2SO3 and H2SO4. The elimination of sulfur oxides increased with the decomposition time and temperature. Almost all of the intercalated SO4 (2-) was desulfurized from SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH at 1000 degrees C; however, Mg-Al oxide was not formed due to the production of MgO and MgAl2O4.

  248. Lactic acid as a substrate for fermentative hydrogen production 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Masashige Igarashi, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 37 (22) 16967-16973 2012年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.08.096  


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    Soil was used as seed without pretreatment for the fermentation of lactate in order to produce H-2. When the pH was kept at a constant level, H-2 production occurred in three steps. The first was the production of small amounts of H-2 during the initial growth of the microflora. Then, after a reasonably long period of inactivity during the cultivation stage, a large amount of H-2 was produced in additional two steps. It was found that the reduction of the pH after the initial growth phase had a positive effect on the H-2 yield. After cell growth at pH 6 and cultivation at pH 5, a total H-2 yield of 154 mmol l(-1) was achieved. It was found that acetate was essential for the rapid H-2 formation. On the other hand, even small initial concentrations of butyrate impeded the H-2 formation. Copyright (c) 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  249. Effect of heating rate on the pyrolysis of high-impact polystyrene containing brominated flame retardants: fate of brominated flame retardants 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Daiki Karakita, Tomohito Kameda, Thallada Bhaskar, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-012-0067-8  


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    In the case of plastics containing brominated flame retardants, various brominated organic compounds, including polybrominated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans, are yielded when they are degraded. In order to reduce the hazard that might be generated during after-live treatment, the behaviour of flame retarded high-impact polystyrene containing decabromo diphenylether and antimony oxide (Sb2O3), was investigated using several heating programs. It was found that the separation of the thermal process into two steps divided at 330 A degrees C makes it possible to obtain an oil fraction rich in brominated compounds at low temperatures and an oil fraction depleted in brominated compounds at high temperatures. The low temperature oil contained a high concentration of SbBr3 and dibromodibenzofurans. Various brominated compounds with a low volatility and 1-bromo-1-phenylethane from the reaction of HBr with styrene were among the substances in the high temperature oil. The concentration of brominated compounds was reduced from 6 wt% for degradation in a single step to below 1 wt% in the high temperature oil in the two step process.

  250. Removal of brominated flame-retardants from high-impact polystyrene by extraction in an alkaline organic medium

    Guido Grause, Hisatoshi Tanaka, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Thallada Bhaskar

    Proc. Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM’12) 460-463 2012年8月27日

  251. Removal of SO2 with a Mg-Al oxide slurry via reconstruction of a Mg-Al layered double hydroxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Aki Kodama, Yuki Fubasami, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 88 (2) 250-254 2012年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.03.045  


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    Although effective treatments of SOx are essential for preventing air pollution, current methods pose other environmental problems such as increased amounts of desulfurized gypsum and reduced landfill lifetimes. We report a process for removing SO2 from waste streams using a Mg-Al oxide slurry. The ability of the mixed oxide to remove SO2 increased with slurry quantity and temperature but decreased with time. SO2 was removed through the reconstruction of a Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) intercalated with SO32-, which was derived from the dissociation of H2SO3 upon dissolution of SO2 in the slurry. SO2 was not adsorbed onto the surface of the Mg-Al oxide. These results suggest that SO2 removal using a Mg-Al oxide slurry may be possible without the concomitant problems of conventional treatment methods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  252. Treatment of waste H2SO4 with Mg-Al oxide obtained by calcination of NO3--intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide: Kinetics and equilibrium 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuki Fubasami, Toshiaki Yoshioka


    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2012.660080  


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    Mg-Al oxide obtained by calcination of NO3--intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) was used to treat H2SO4, acting as both a neutralizer of the acid and a fixative for SO42-. The fraction of SO42- removed increased with time and with increasing Mg-Al oxide quantity and temperature. The rate of SO42- removal followed first-order kinetics with apparent rate constants of 2.0 x 10(-3), 4.4 x 10(-3), and 5.3 x 10(-2) min(-1) at 10, 30, and 60 degrees C, respectively. The apparent activation energy was 52.1 kJ mol(-1), confirming that the SO42- removal by Mg-Al oxide proceeded under chemical reaction control. Furthermore, the adsorption isotherm of SO42- by Mg-Al oxide obeyed the Langmuir equation. The maximum adsorption amount was 2.0 mmol g(-1), or 4.0 meq g(-1), indicating that Mg-Al oxide has a large capacity for uptake of SO42- from H2SO4.

  253. Removal of Lead from Cathode Ray Tube Glass by Chloride Volatilization

    Grause Guido, Yamamoto Takahisa, Kameda Tomohito, Yoshioka Toshiaki

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 23 651-651 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.23.0_651  

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    Cathode ray tubes (CRT) are considered as hazardous material due to the high content of lead incorporated in the glass. In this work, lead was removed from CRT glass using a chloride volatilization process. For this purpose several chlorination agents were added to the glass, which was then heated to temperatures between 600 and 1000 &ordm;C. Best results were obtained with CaCl<sub>2</sub> as chlorination agent. A lead removal rate of 80% was achieved after 1 h of heating at 1000 &ordm;C with a Cl/Pb ratio of 14.2. Less efficient was NaCl. The lead volatilization started at a higher temperature resulting in 53% at 1000 &ordm;C. A very low efficiency was observed with PVC as a chlorination agent.<br>High viscosity of the glass melt, thermodynamic equilibria between glass and chloride species, and in the case of PVC the limited reactivity of HCl at the glass surface were observed as the most important factors influencing the lead volatilization.

  254. Evaluation of the steam decomposition process for the recycling of polyvinyl chloride

    Fonseca Juan Diego, Grause Guido, Kameda Tomohito, Yoshioka Toshiaki

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 23 629-629 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.23.0_629  

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    Polyvinyl&nbsp;chloride (PVC)&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;versatile&nbsp;material.&nbsp;However&nbsp;the&nbsp;disposal&nbsp;of&nbsp;PVC-based&nbsp;waste&nbsp;is&nbsp; problematic because&nbsp;of&nbsp;its&nbsp;high&nbsp;content&nbsp;of&nbsp;chlorine.&nbsp;When&nbsp;incinerated,&nbsp;it&nbsp;is&nbsp;prone&nbsp;to&nbsp;produce<br>hydrochloric acid&nbsp; which corrodes&nbsp;equipment,&nbsp;and&nbsp;is&nbsp;also&nbsp;a&nbsp;precursor&nbsp;for&nbsp;dioxin&nbsp;formation. This&nbsp;results<br>in&nbsp;the&nbsp;release&nbsp;of dangerous pollutants&nbsp;into&nbsp;the&nbsp;atmosphere.&nbsp;Among&nbsp;the&nbsp;many&nbsp;applications&nbsp;of&nbsp;PVC, <br>flexible&nbsp;PVC medical&nbsp;tubing&nbsp;is&nbsp;of interest&nbsp;for&nbsp;this&nbsp;research.&nbsp;A&nbsp;process&nbsp;using&nbsp;steam&nbsp;that could&nbsp;be <br>implemented&nbsp;to fulfill&nbsp;both&nbsp;the&nbsp;need&nbsp;of&nbsp; sterilization&nbsp;and&nbsp;dehydrochlorination&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;waste was evaluated. The results indicate that the presence&nbsp;of&nbsp;steam&nbsp;during&nbsp;the dehydrochlorination under atmospheric&nbsp;pressure conditions&nbsp;improved performance in both&nbsp;the&nbsp;maximal dehydrochlorination degree achieved by around 15%, and&nbsp;the reaction&nbsp;rate became around 50% faster in comparison to the dry process in only helium atmosphere. The reaction could be modeled as an apparent first order reaction with an activation energy of 120 kJ mol<sup>-1</sup>. It can&nbsp;be&nbsp;assumed&nbsp;that&nbsp;the&nbsp;steam&nbsp;improved&nbsp;the dehydrochlorination by acting&nbsp;as&nbsp;an effective heat&nbsp;and mass&nbsp;transfer&nbsp;medium.

  255. 化成処理スラッジを原料としたリン酸鉄リチウム合成および電極特性

    佐々木 薫, 亀田 知人, 本間 格, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 23 253-253 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.23.0_253  

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    世界的な穀物需要の増加やバイオ燃料の生産等に伴い、リン鉱石の価格は急騰している。特に国内需要の全量を輸入に頼る日本にとって、リン資源のリサイクルは急を要する課題である。金属表面の塗装時には、処理物表面に非金属皮膜を形成させ、耐食性と塗料の密着性を向上させる化成処理が行われる。このとき、処理剤としてリン酸亜鉛を主とするリン酸塩を用い、処理後にリン酸鉄を主成分とするスラッジが排出される。このスラッジは現在殆どが埋め立て処分されており、再利用方法の開発が望まれる。一方、リチウムイオン二次電池の正極材料として、リン酸鉄リチウムLiFePO4 がある。LiFePO4は発生電位と電子伝導性がやや低いものの熱安定性に優れ、経済的視点からも電気自動車用途への大型電池への活用が期待されている。本研究では、化成処理スラッジを原料としてリン酸鉄リチウムを合成、電極特性を測定し、リサイクルの可能性を検討した。<br>

  256. ポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)の脱塩素廃液からの塩素回収

    庄司 知里, ギド グラウゼ, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 23 277-277 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

    DOI: 10.14912/jsmcwm.23.0_277  

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  257. Preparation of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R anion and its uptake of aromatic compounds from aqueous solutions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Syunsuke Sato, Toshiaki Yoshioka


    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2012.695635  


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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the capacity of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) intercalated with organic dye to adsorb aromatic compounds in aqueous solutions. Mg-Al LDH intercalated with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R anion (BB-) was prepared by coprecipitation. The BB--intercalated Mg-Al LDH was able to adsorb aromatic compounds from an aqueous solution, despite the electron density in the benzene ring of the aromatics. This uptake is caused by pi-pi stacking interactions, either between the electron-rich benzene rings of intercalated BB- and the benzene rings of aromatics with a low electron density or between the electron-poor benzene rings of intercalated BB- and the benzene rings of the aromatics with a high electron density.

  258. Removal of antimonate ions from an aqueous solution by anion exchange with magnesium-aluminum layered double hydroxide and the formation of a brandholzite-like structure 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Mami Nakamura, Toshiaki Yoshioka


    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2012.668121  


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    A magnesium-aluminum layered double hydroxide intercalated with NO3- (NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) removed Sb(V) in solution. The antimony (Sb) removal increased with time and with an increasing molar ratio of Al/Sb, i.e., the quantity of NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH. The removal of Sb(V) in solution by NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH was not due to the reaction of Sb(V) with dissolved Mg2+ but was rather caused by anion exchange between Sb(V), i.e., Sb(OH)(6)(-), in an aqueous solution and NO3- in the interlayer of the Mg-Al LDH. The intercalation of Sb(OH)(6)(-) in the interlayer of Mg-Al LDH is thought to result in the formation of a brandholzite-like structure. Some Sb(OH)(6)(-) was likely adsorbed on the surface of the NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH. The efficiency of the Sb removal decreased in the following order, irrespective of the reaction time: NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH approximate to Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH &gt; SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH &gt; CO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH. The removal of Sb by SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH and Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH was also caused by anion exchange between Sb(V), i.e., Sb(OH)(6)(-), in an aqueous solution and SO42- and Cl- in the interlayer of Mg-Al LDH, which formed a brandholzite-like structure due to the intercalation of Sb(OH)(6)(-) into the interlayer. In the case of SO4 center dot Mg-Al LDH, hydrogen bonds between the Mg-Al LDH-positive host layer and Sb(OH)(6)(-) were probably stronger than the electrostatic force of attraction between the Mg-Al LDH-positive host layer and SO42-. The results suggested that Cl center dot Mg-Al LDH was as effective as NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH for the treatment of Sb(V) in aqueous solutions.


    Tomohito Kameda, Mami Nakamura, Toshiaki Yoshioka




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    Copper-aluminum layered double hydroxide intercalated with NO3- (NO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH) removed Sb(OH)(6)(-) [Sb(V)] in solution. The removal of antimony (Sb) increased with increasing NO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH, regardless of reaction time. The pH increased from 4 to about 6, and then remained constant due to the buffering action of Cu2+. The removal of Sb by NO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH occurred due to anion exchange between Sb(V) (i.e., Sb(OH)(6)(-) in aqueous solution) and NO3- in the interlayer of Cu-Al LDH. Some Sb(OH)(6)(-) was likely adsorbed on the surface of NO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH. Conditions were difficult for intercalated OH- to contribute to anion exchange with Sb(OH)(6)(-). The removal efficiency of Sb decreased as follows: NO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH &gt; Cl center dot Cu-Al LDH &gt; CO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH &gt; SO4 center dot Cu-Al LDH, regardless of reaction time. CO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH acted as an adsorbent for Sb(V) in aqueous solution. This reaction occurred around pH 6 when CO32- in the interlayer of Cu-Al LDH reacted with H+ to produce HCO3-. Therefore, HCO3- in the interlayer of Cu-Al LDH was exchanged with Sb(V) in aqueous solution. Among four types of Cu-Al LDHs, NO3 center dot Cu-Al LDH was superior for the treatment of Sb(V).

  260. Specific uptake of aromatic compounds from aqueous solution by montmorillonite modified with tetraphenylphosphonium 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Shuko Shimamori, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2011.10.018  


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    Montmorillonite (MT) modified with tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP . MT) had specific uptake behavior for aromatics in aqueous solution. This is attributed to the extent of it it stacking interactions between the benzene rings of intercalated TPP(+) and the benzene rings of aromatics with different electronic states. The uptake order of aromatics by TPP . MT was in contrast to that by layered double hydroxide (LDH) intercalated with 2,7-naphthalene disulfonate. The selective uptake of target aromatic compounds from aqueous solution can be achieved by combining appropriate inorganic layered compounds and modified aromatic ions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  261. Feedstock recycling of waste polymeric material 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Alfons Buekens, Yusaku Sakata, Akitsugu Okuwaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-011-0031-z  


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    The first International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR) was hosted in 1999 in Sendai, Japan. Since then, the ISFR has been held five times in different places in Asia and Europe. Each of these conferences focused on special issues covered by the Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. The topics included thermal processes with and without catalysts, wet processes in various solvents, the dehydrochlorination of PVC, mechanical recycling and separation techniques, as well as the treatment of biomaterials. This review is a compilation of the most interesting and important developments discussed at the ISFR during the last decade.

  262. Treatment of Gaseous HCl using Mg-Al Oxide

    Tomohito Kameda, Naoya Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka


  263. Dehydrochlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) with Ca(OH)(2) in ethylene glycol and the effect of ball milling 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Shintaro Wachi, Guido Grause, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH 18 (6) 1687-1691 2011年11月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10965-011-9574-x  


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    The dehydrochlorination behavior of pure and flexible PVC in ethylene glycol was studied in the presence of Ca(OH)(2) at temperatures between 170 A degrees C and 190 A degrees C. Although the dehydrochlorination proceeded slower in Ca(OH)(2) than in NaOH, similar dehydrochlorination yields were obtained. It was assumed that the slower reaction rate was a result of the low solubility of Ca(OH)(2) and the larger solvation shell of the Ca(2+) ion. The dehydrochlorination rate and yield were improved by employing a ball mill. Additionally, diisononyl phthalate and CaCO(3) were quantitatively separated from flexible PVC during the ball-milling process. The maximum dehydrochlorination yield of pure PVC after 7 h at 190 A degrees C was 74%. After 8 h at the same temperature, a comparable dehydrochlorination yield of 77% was achieved for flexible PVC, which could be increased by ball milling to 86%.

  264. Carbonate catalyzed nucleophilic substitution of poly(vinyl chloride)

    G. Grause, T. Hosoya, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 6th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2011) 115-116 2011年10月7日

  265. Simultaneous silver and benzene recovery from X-ray film

    S. Kumagai, G. Grause, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 6th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2011) 129-130 2011年10月6日

  266. Debromination of high impact polystyrene containing decabromodiphenyl ethane

    H. Tanaka, G. Grause, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 6th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2011) 143-144 2011年10月6日

  267. Evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of different wet dehydrochlorination processes

    J. D. Fonseca, G. Grause, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    Proc. 6th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2011) 187-188 2011年10月6日

  268. TG-MS investigation of brominated products from the degradation of brominated flame retardants in high-impact polystyrene 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Daiki Karakita, Jun Ishibashi, Tomohito Kameda, Thallada Bhaskar, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 85 (3) 368-373 2011年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.06.104  


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    The thermal degradation of flame retardant containing high-impact polystyrene (HIPS-Br), one of the most commonly employed plastics in electric and electronic appliances, was examined by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectroscopy (TG-MS) in order to understand the threat that is posed by the release of hazardous brominated compounds. The HIPS samples contained decabromodiphenylether (DPE) and decabromodibenzyl (DDB) as the flame retardants as well as Sb(2)O(3) as the synergist. The largest number of brominated compounds was obtained in the presence of DPE and Sb(2)O(3) and DDB without Sb(2)O(3). From the degradation of DPE, brominated benzenes, phenols, diphenylethers, and dibenzofurans were identified, and from the degradation of DDB, brominated benzenes, dibenzyls, and phenanthrenes were formed. The interaction between the flame retardant and the polymer matrix resulted in alpha-bromoethylbenzene. The formation of brominated dibenzodioxins was not observed, probably, due to the low phenol concentration in the polymer melt. No other report has, to our knowledge, ever reported on the formation of brominated phenanthrenes from flame retardants. Because they share similar steric features, it may well be that brominated phenanthrenes are similar in their carcinogen and mutagen potential to dibenzofurans and dibenzodioxins. A plausible mechanism for the formation of the observed compounds is presented, and the role of the synergist is considered. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  269. Kinetics and equilibrium studies on the treatment of nitric acid with Mg-Al oxide obtained by thermal decomposition of NO3 ̄-intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuki Fubasami, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 362 (2) 497-502 2011年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2011.06.065  


  270. Treatment of gaseous hydrochloric acid with magnesium-aluminum oxide using batch operation 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Naoya Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    DESALINATION 280 (1-3) 424-427 2011年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2011.06.049  


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    We have examined the treatment of gaseous hydrochloric acid (HCl) generated from industrial waste incinerators by using magnesium-aluminum (Mg-Al) oxide obtained from Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH). The HCl removal behaviors with Mg-Al oxide and MgO were found to be similar. HCl removal with Mg-Al oxide increased until 3 h due to the production of MgCl(2) by the reaction of HCl with MgO property in the Mg-Al oxide, while it decreased from 3 to 12 h due to the production of Mg(2)(OH)(3)Cl with the release of HCl. Further, from 12 to 72 h, the HCl removal progressed due to Mg-Al LDH reconstruction and Mg(2)(OH)(3)Cl production. The Mg-Al LDH reconstruction was found to be slower than the MgCl(2) production. The reaction of gaseous HCl with the Mg-Al oxide surface is probably easier than its diffusion into Mg-Al oxide. In this study, we have obtained basic data for our proposed treatment method to remove gaseous HCl from incinerated waste in batch reactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  271. Antibacterial effect of thiocyanate substituted poly(vinyl chloride) 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahiko Ono, Guido Grause, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH 18 (5) 945-947 2011年9月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10965-010-9492-3  


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    Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) modified in different solvents by nucleophilic substitution with thiocyanate was exposed to Gram-negative bacteria of the strain Staphylococcus capitis. All modified pieces reduced the adhesion of bacteria by between 67 and 79%. More important for the bacteria suppression than the substitution rate was the ratio between thiocyanate and isothiocyanate groups. The best result was obtained with PVC modified in tetrahydrofuran/dimethylsulfoxide, containing only antibacterial active isothiocyanate groups, while inactive thiocyanate groups were absent.

  272. Removal of antimonate ions and simultaneous formation of a brandholzite-like compound from magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masaaki Honda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2011.04.032  


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    Magnesium-aluminum oxide (Mg-Al oxide), obtained by thermal decomposition of a Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH), was found to remove Sb(OH)(6)(-) (Sb(V)) in solution because of rehydration, and to combine with Sb(V) to form a brandholzite-like structure. Although the Sb concentration decreased with increasing amounts of Mg-Al oxide, differences in the Mg/Al molar ratio had little effect on this relationship. The removal of Sb(V) in solution by Mg-Al oxide was partially prevented by coexistent anions with high charge densities (SO(4)(2-) and CO(3)(2-)). In this case, Mg-Al oxide likely rehydrates and competitively combines with Sb(V) in solution to construct a brandholzite-like structure or with anions to reconstruct the LDH structure. However, in the case of coexistent anions with low charge densities (Cl(-) and OH(-)), Mg-Al oxide likely rehydrates and preferentially combines with Sb(V) in solution to construct the brandholzite-like structure. A high concentration of Cl(-) and SO(4)(2-) had little effect on the decrease in sb concentration, whereas a high concentration of CO(3)(2-) had a large effect. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  273. Hydrolytic Degradation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in a Pyrolytic Two Step Process to Obtain Benzene Rich Oil 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Tomohiko Handa, Tomohito Kameda, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 120 (6) 3687-3694 2011年6月


    DOI: 10.1002/app.33575  


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    Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) was degraded in a two step process to obtain a valuable oil, consisting mainly of benzene. First, PET was hydrolyzed in a steam atmosphere at 450 degrees C, and the resulting terephthalic acid was decarboxylized in the presence of CaO. By separating the two fundamental reactions of this degradation process, the hydrolysis reaction and decarboxylation, the amount of residue was reduced, and the amount of benzene obtained increased. It was found that the best results were obtained at a decarboxylation temperature of 700 degrees C, with a yield of 48% benzene. At lower temperatures, the terephthalic acid was adsorbed at the catalyst without decarboxylation; at higher temperatures, large amounts of char were formed due to pyrolytic reactions. Unlike solvolysis processes, no solvent is used in this process; in effect eliminating the expense of processing waste liquids. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 120: 3687-3694, 2011

  274. Effect of the Nucleophilicity and Solvent on the Chemical Modification of Flexible Poly(vinyl chloride) by Substitution 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuuzou Fukuda, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 51 (6) 1108-1115 2011年6月


    DOI: 10.1002/pen.21693  


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    The chemical modification might become an alternative to the thermal degradation of waste polyvinylchloride (PVC). Therefore, the nucleophile substitution of chlorine from flexible PVC by hydroxide (OH(-)), thiocyanate (SCN(-)), azide (N(3)(-)), and iodide (I(-)) was investigated in ethylene glycol (EG) at 190 degrees C. With the exception of I(-), all nucleophiles used resulted in substitution yields of about 20%. However, also high elimination yields were observed. When SCN was used as the nucleophile, the substitution/elimination ratio increased with decreasing temperature. The product at 150 degrees C contained a mixed structure of thiocyanate and isothiocyanate groups, while at 190 degrees C, only the structure of isothiocyanate was present the product, due to the isomerization of the -S-C=N group under the formation of -N=C=S at elevated temperatures. The substitution and dehydrochlorination yields increased with an increasing molar SCN/CI ratio. When EG was replaced by diethylene glycol (DEG) or triethylene glycol (TEG), the dehydrochlorination was found to proceed more rapidly. The use of a solvent with a lower polarity improved the contact between the solvent and the polymer; however, solvents with a lower polarity favor the elimination over the substitution. Therefore, the substitution-elimination ratio increased in the order EG &gt; DEG &gt; TEG. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 51: 1108-1115, 2011. (C) 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers

  275. Improvement of the Benzene Yield During Pyrolysis of Terephthalic Acid Using a CaO Fixed-Bed Reactor 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Tatsuo Takano, Hideki Horiuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1021/ie102423m  


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    Effects of pyrolysis temperature and terephthalic acid (TPA) gas concentration on TPA degradation as a model substance for poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) degradation products were investigated with emphasis on benzene yield and decrease of carbonaceous residue. TPA was decarboxylated using a spiral tube reactor filled with CaO. The best results were achieved at 600 degrees C and TPA gas load of 28 mg L(-1) yielding 84% benzene. Of the initial carbon, 29% remained in the reactor, consisting of carbonate and carbonaceous residue. Benzene purity was more than 97 wt % under all reaction conditions. Low TPA gas loads and high gas velocities resulted in good benzene yields and purities because TPA gas deeply penetrated the CaO fixed bed before adsorption. This resulted in lower TPA concentration at the CaO surface, reducing the interference between neighboring TPA molecules and limiting carbonaceous residue formation.

  276. Ni-Al layered double hydroxides modified with citrate, malate, and tartrate: Preparation by coprecipitation and uptake of Cu2+ from aqueous solution 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hidenori Takeuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2011.03.003  


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    We report on aqueous Cu2+ uptake by Ni-Al layered double hydroxides (Ni-Al LDHs) modified with citrate (C6H5O73-), malate (C4H4O52-), and tartrate (C4H4O62-) anions via coprecipitation. Dropwise addition of a mixed aqueous solution of Ni(NO3)(2) and Al(NO3)(3) to the respective organic acid solutions at a constant pH of 7.0-9.0 afforded LDHs with intercalated C6H5O73- and Ni(C6H5O7)-, C4H4O52-, and C4H4O62- in their interlayers. The anions were also likely adsorbed on the LDH surface. Citrate. Ni-Al LDH could rapidly take up Cu2+ at a constant pH of 5.0, mainly via chelation by the intercalated and adsorbed anions, rather than coprecipitation with dissolved Al3+ to form Cu-Al LDH. By contrast, malate and tartrate were not active as chelating agents, probably because they formed bridges between brucite-like layers by direct coordination of the two -COO- groups with Al3+ in those layers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  277. Pyrolysis of Mixed Plastics in a Fluidized Bed of Hard Burnt Lime 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Shotaro Matsumoto, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1021/ie102412h  


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    A mixture consisting of 45 wt % polyethylene, 20 wt % polypropylene, 20 wt % polystyrene, and 15 wt % poly(ethylene terephthalate) was pyrolyzed in the presence of steam as well as nitrogen, using a fluidized bed reactor with hard burnt lime (HBL) as bed material. The experiments were carried out at 600 and 700 degrees C. Unlike soft burnt lime, HBL exhibited good fluidizing properties, with negligible attrition. The impact of HBL on the product distribution and the ability of HBL to support the degradation of PET under certain conditions were investigated. Compared with experiments done in the presence of quartz sand, the gas yield increased, while the wax fraction was significantly reduced. In the presence of HBL, the benzene yield rose sharply due to the decarboxylation of PET. While terephthalic acid was present in the wax fraction derived from experiments with quartz sand, it was not detected as a part of the wax fraction when HBL was used.

  278. Decomposition of Gaseous Terephthalic Acid in the Presence of CaO 査読有り

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Tatsuo Takano, Hideki Horiuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1021/ie101457k  


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    The decomposition of PET during thermal treatment of municipal waste results in the formation of sublimating substances such as terephthalic acid (TPA) and benzoic acid, causing blockage and corrosion of pipes in the treatment facilities. To prevent these effects, TPA can be decarboxylated in the presence of calcium oxide (CaO) to obtain benzene as the main product. However, high concentrations of TPA cause the formation of large char fractions, reducing the yield of desired products. In this investigation, TPA Was decarboxylated using a fixed bed reactor filled with CaO. To increase the yield of benzene and reduce the carbonaceous residue, the effects of pyrolysis temperature and TPA feed rate were investigated. The best results were achieved at 500 degrees C and a TPA feed rate of 51 mg L(-1), yielding 67% benzene with a purity of 99.2%. and a carbonaceous residue containing 18% of the initial carbon.

  279. Uptake of Sc3+ and La3+ from aqueous solution using ethylenediaminetetraacetate-intercalated Cu-Al layered double hydroxide reconstructed from Cu-Al oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Kazuaki Hoshi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    SOLID STATE SCIENCES 13 (2) 366-371 2011年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2010.11.037  


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    A Cu-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with ethylenediaminetetraacetate (edta center dot Cu-Al LDH) was prepared by suspending Cu-Al oxide, obtained by the calcination of CO32--intercalated Cu-Al LDH, in edta solution. It was found that the reconstruction of Cu-Al oxide to Cu-Al LDH was promoted with an increase in the temperature and time. The reaction in the pH range of around 8 suggests that Hedta(3-) was intercalated in the interlayer of Cu-Al LDH. Edta center dot Cu-Al LDH was found to take up rare metal ions such as Sc3+ and La3+ in an aqueous solution at a pH of around 6-6.5. The uptake of Sc3+ was caused not only by the chelating function of Hedta(3-) in the interlayer but also by the chemical behavior of Cu-Al LDH itself. On the other hand, the uptake of La3+ was caused only by the chelating function of Hedta(3-) in the interlayer. The Hedta(3-) in the interlayer of edta center dot Cu-Al LDH had the potential to form a chelate complex more preferentially with Sc3+ than with La3+ . (c) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  280. Removal of HCl, SO2, and NO by treatment of acid gas with Mg-Al oxide slurry 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Naoya Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 82 (4) 587-591 2011年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.11.020  


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    Although effective treatment of acid gases such as HCl, SOx, and NOx is essential for preventing air pollution, current methods pose other environmental problems such as CaCl2 leaching, reduced landfill lifetimes, and solid waste production. Here we show that acid gases can be treated simply with a Mg-Al oxide slurry. The contribution of Mg-Al oxide to HCl and SO2 removal increased as a function of the quantity and temperature of Mg-Al oxide. HCl was removed by the reconstruction of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) intercalated with Cl- dissociated from HCl in the slurry. SO2 was oxidized into SO3 by oxygen in the air flow, dissolved in an aqueous solution, and removed by the reconstruction of Mg-Al LDH intercalated with dissociated SO42-. Although less pronounced because of surface adsorption. NO was nonetheless removed by Mg-Al oxide. Our results suggest that simultaneous removal of HCl. SO2, and NO using a Mg-Al oxide slurry may be possible without the concomitant problems of conventional treatment methods. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  281. Effect of temperature management on the hydrolytic degradation of PET in a calcium oxide filled tube reactor 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Tomohiko Handa, Tomohito Kameda, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 166 (2) 523-528 2011年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2010.11.010  


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    Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) was hydrolysed and decarboxylised, using a calcium oxide filled column under several thermal conditions, in order to obtain high yields of high purity benzene. The reactions of the hydrolysis of PET and the subsequent decarboxylation of the resulting terephthalic acid were successfully separated by a sophisticated temperature management. While hydrolysis proceeded well at temperatures below 500 degrees C, the decarboxylation proceeded with a sufficient velocity at about 500 degrees C. The yield and purity was strongly determined by the extent to which hydrolysis and decarboxylation were separated. At temperatures higher than the optimal temperature for hydrolysis, the resultant side reactions led to both a lower yield and purity of the product, while few by-products were observed when the hydrolysis was completed before the decarboxylation started. The best results were achieved at a heating rate of 2 K min(-1) between 300 degrees C and 500 degrees C, with a benzene yield of 74% and a purity of 97 wt.%. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  282. Sodium hydroxide-assisted dechlorination of a poly(vinylidene chloride)-containing wrapping film in ethylene glycol solution 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masashi Ieshige, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 95 (12) 2663-2665 2010年12月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2010.08.026  


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    Poly(vinylidene chloride) (PVDC) wrapping film was dechlorinated using solutions of NaOH in ethylene glycol (EG) at temperatures between 150 and 190 degrees C. The reaction was comparable to that for PVDC powder; however, it occurred at a lower NaOH concentration, which can be explained by the dissolution of additives present in the wrapping film. Therefore, the best results for the dechlorination of the wrapping film were obtained at a temperature of 190 degrees C and NaOH concentrations of 0.1 M and 0.5 M, resulting in dechlorination yields of almost 90% after 135 min. For the dechlorination reaction, the activation energy of the PVDC wrapping film (185 kJ mol(-1)) was determined to be higher than that of PVDC powder; this finding could be attributed to the presence of a stabilizer and the smaller surface area of the PVDC wrapping film. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  283. Chemical modification of flexible and rigid poly(vinyl chloride) by nucleophilic substitution with thiocyanate using a phase-transfer catalyst 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuuzou Fukuda, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 124 (1) 163-167 2010年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2010.06.011  


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a phase-transfer catalyst on the chemical modification of flexible and rigid poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) by substituting chloride with thiocyanate (SCN) in order to develop a new process for recycling PVC. The effects of temperature and time on the reaction of a SCN/ethylene glycol (EG) solution on PVC were investigated in the presence and absence of tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) as a phase-transfer catalyst. TBAB was found to accelerate the dehydrochlorination of both flexible and rigid PVC, thus allowing the reaction to take place over shorter reaction times. The substitution yield and substitution/dehydrochlorination ratio were higher in the presence of TBAB than in its absence. By reducing the reaction temperature, the substitution/dehydrochlorination ratio increased, and substitution occurred more rapidly when TBAB was present. The differences between flexible and rigid PVC were negligible. Together, these results indicate that the phase-transfer catalyst TBAB is effective in accelerating the substitution of chloride by SCN. This two-phase reaction allows for the easy separation of the polymer from the solvent without using other chemicals or thermal processes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  284. Treatment of gaseous hydrogen chloride using Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with carbonate ion 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Naoya Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 81 (5) 658-662 2010年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.07.066  


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    It is important to treat gaseous HCl from incineration streams efficiently to avoid adverse environmental consequences. In this paper, a new treatment method for gaseous HCl is presented-the application of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) intercalated with CO(3)(2-) (CO(3)center dot Mg-Al LDH) to treat gaseous HCl continuously. The degree of HCl removal without water vapor is higher than that with water vapor; further, this reaction does not require H(2)O. In addition, the degree of HCl removal increases with increasing temperature, CO(3)center dot Mg-Al LDH quantity, HCl concentration, and improved contact between CO(3)center dot Mg-Al LDH and HCl gas. The treatment of HCl gas by CO(3)center dot Mg-Al LDH leads to the production of Mg-Al LDH intercalated with CI(-). Further, HCl is also absorbed on the surface of CO(3)center dot Mg-Al LDH. Our proposed treatment method works effectively for the treatment of gaseous HCl from incinerator streams. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  285. Upgrading of poly(vinyl chloride) by chemical modifications using sodium sulfide 査読有り

    Makoto Yoshihara, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-010-0275-z  


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    The recycling of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) is one of the most important issues in the treatment of waste plastics. To improve PVC recycling, it is necessary to develop new recycling techniques, including new techniques for the dechlorination of chlorine-containing polymers. It has been established that wet dechlorination of PVC in NaOH/ethylene glycol solution is more effective than dry dechlorination. In this study, the wet process was used, and the chemical modification of PVC by nucleophilic substitution was considered for upgrading waste PVC. Chlorine was substituted in solution by several nucleophilic reagents, thus changing the properties of PVC. The reaction of PVC in Na2S/ethylene glycol solution at 170A degrees C resulted in the formation of a mixture comprising 32% elimination and 26% substitution products. The scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy mappings and elementary analysis of PVC indicated that this chlorine-substitution process led to cross-linking by sulfur.

  286. Effect of compatibility between solvent and poly(vinyl chloride) on dechlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tomohito Kameda, Guido Grause, Shogo Imai, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH 17 (4) 489-493 2010年7月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10965-009-9335-2  


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    In this study, the use of diethylene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TEG), n-C(10)H(21)OH, and ethylene glycol (EG) as solvents for NaOH in the dechlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) was investigated. In the early reaction time, the degrees of dechlorination for DEG, TEG, and n-C(10)H(21)OH were notably higher than that for EG. Further, the high compatibility between PVC and the solvents was considered to result in the easy penetration of the solvent and OH(-) into PVC particles, leading to the acceleration of dechlorination in the early reaction stage. An improvement of the dechlorination was actually observed for DEG and TEG compared with EG. The solvent with the best compatibility to PVC, n-C(10)H(21)OH, however, showed little improvement due to the formation of a protective polyene layer on the surface of the PVC particles.

  287. Effect of intercalated aromatic sulfonates on uptake of aromatic compounds from aqueous solutions by modified Mg-Al layered double hydroxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Takashi Yamazaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN 45 (6) 751-753 2010年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2010.03.004  


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    In this study, we utilized Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) modified by intercalation with three aromatic sulfonates-2,7-naphthalene disulfonate (2,7-NDS(2-)). benzenesulfonate (BS(-)), and benzenedisulfonate (BDS(2-))-for the uptake of two aromatics-1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) and anisole (AS)-from aqueous solution and determined the effect of the aromatic sulfonates on the uptake of these aromatics. We found that the electron-rich aromatic ring of the intercalated aromatic sulfonates such as 2,7-NDS(2-) undergoes strong pi-pi stacking interactions with the electron-poorer benzene ring of DNB in aqueous solution, and these interactions result in a higher uptake of DNB by the modified Mg-Al LDHs In contrast, the electron-poor aromatic ring of the aromatic sulfonates such as BDS(2-) undergoes weak pi-pi stacking interactions with the election-poorer benzene ring of DNB, and these interactions result in a lower uptake of DNB by the modified Mg-Al LDHs (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved

  288. High-value products from the catalytic hydrolysis of polycarbonate waste 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Norihiro Tsukada, William J. Hall, Tomohito Kameda, Paul T. Williams, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER JOURNAL 42 (6) 438-442 2010年6月


    DOI: 10.1038/pj.2010.21  


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of additives on the recycling of waste polycarbonate (PC) by hydrolysis in a steam atmosphere. PC containing a variety of additives was obtained from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and was hydrolyzed at 300 and 500 degrees C in a semibatch reactor in the presence of MgO and CaO. Valuable phenolic products were obtained at high yield, with a product distribution that was strongly dependent on temperature. Bisphenol A (BPA) was the major product formed from the hydrolysis of waste PC at 300 degrees C and was obtained in a maximum yield of 91%, and degradation products of BPA such as phenol and 4-isopropenyl phenol were obtained at 500 degrees C. The presence of polystyrene and triphenyl phosphate in waste PC reduced the rate of the reaction by preventing steam from interacting with the surface of PC. Although pure PC was completely hydrolyzed within 15 min, hydrolysis of waste PC took 30-60 min. However, the hydrolysis of PC in a steam atmosphere is an appropriate method for materials that cannot be treated by solvolysis. Polymer Journal (2010) 42, 438-442; doi:10.1038/pj.2010.21; published online 31 March 2010

  289. Kinetic studies of the decomposition of flame retardant containing high-impact polystyrene 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Jun Ishibashi, Tomohito Kameda, Thallada Bhaskar, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 95 (6) 1129-1137 2010年6月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2010.02.008  


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    The thermal decomposition of flame retardant free high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) and four HIPS samples containing brominated flame retardants has been studied using TGA at different heating rates between 2.5 and 10 K min(-1). Decabromodiphenyl ether (DPE) and decabromodibenzyl (DDB) were used as flame retardants, and two of the samples contained antimony trioxide (Sb(2)O(3)) synergist besides the brominated additives. The activation energies (E(A)) and frequency factors (k(0)) were calculated by the methods of Kissinger and Ozawa. A compensation effect was observed and used for the identification of changes in the degradation kinetics. In a third step, the kinetic model of the reaction was determined. Both Kissinger and Ozawa showed that the HIPS degraded with an E(A) of 200 kJ mol(-1). The choice of the flame retardant had, however, little impact on the TGA plot. The addition of a flame retardant as well as the addition of Sb(2)O(3) reduced the E(A). Fire retardant free HIPS degraded mainly by power-law kinetics, while the addition of a flame retardant caused the mechanism to change to a phase-boundary controlled mechanism after a weight loss of 80 wt%. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  290. Formation and decomposition of tetrafluoroborate ions in the presence of aluminum 査読有り

    Junya Katagiri, Siqingaowa Borjigin, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tadaaki Mizoguchi



    DOI: 10.1007/s10163-009-0281-1  


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    The formation and decomposition of tetrafluoroborate ions (BF (4) (-) ) in H(3)BO(3)-Al(3+)-F(-) solutions were investigated via experiments and thermodynamic calculations. The concentration of the formed BF (4) (-) increased with decreasing pH, raising the total fluoride concentration and lowering the total aluminum ion concentration. Once formed, BF (4) (-) was stable under neutral and alkaline conditions. Fluoride in the form of BF (4) (-) was converted to fluoroaluminate ions by adding an aluminum compound under acidic conditions. A method for removing fluoride in the form of BF (4) (-) is proposed whereby fluoroaluminate ions formed by the reaction of BF (4) (-) with aluminum are decomposed with calcium ions. This process was applied to the treatment of wastewater from flue gas desulfurization plants, and resulted in a satisfying level of reduction in the range of the fluoride emission limit of 8 mg/l.

  291. Determination of Total Fluoride in Boron-containing Solutions 査読有り

    Siqingaowa Borjigin, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tadaaki Mizoguchi

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 26 (5) 603-606 2010年5月


    DOI: 10.2116/analsci.26.603  


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    We describe a pretreatment method before determining the total fluoride in solutions containing tetrafluoroborate ion (BF(4)(-)) with ion-selective electrodes (ISEs). BF(4)(-) was quantitatively converted to free fluoride by reacting with aluminum ions. The total fluoride concentration was then determined by ISE analysis without preliminary steam distillation using a tartrate- and tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamine (TRIS)-based total ionic strength adjustment buffer (TISAB). We investigated the effects of various factors on the decomposition of BF(4)(-) with aluminum ions, including the concentration of aluminum, pH, reaction temperature, and reaction time. The quantitative decomposition of BF(4)(-) was complete after 2 h at 50 degrees C or 1 h at 70 degrees C.

  292. Preparation of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with 1,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonate and 3-amino-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate and assessment of their selective uptake of aromatic compounds from aqueous solutions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Takashi Yamazaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    SOLID STATE SCIENCES 12 (5) 946-951 2010年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2010.01.026  


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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (Mg-Al LDHs) intercalated with 1,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonate (NTS(3-)) and 3-amino-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonate (ANDS(2-)) ions were prepared by coprecipitation and were characterized by X-ray diffraction and chemical analyses. Based on X-ray diffraction patterns, the naphthalene rings of NTS(3-) and ANDS(2-) were most likely oriented parallel to the brucite-like host layers of the Mg-Al LDH, midway between layers. The prepared Mg-Al LDHs were able to selectively take up aromatics from aqueous solutions, and the order of percentage uptake was as follows: 1,3-dinitrobenzene &gt; nitrobenzene &gt; benzaldehyde &gt; N,N-dimethylaniline &gt; anisole &gt; 1,2-dimethoxybenzene. The differences in the extent of pi-pi stacking interactions occurring between the benzene rings of the aromatics and the naphthalene ring of the intercalated NTS(3-) and ANDS(2-) probably resulted in these differences among the absorbed quantities of the various aromatics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  293. Chemical Modification of Rigid Poly(vinyl chloride) by the Substitution with Nucleophiles 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuuzou Fukuda, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 116 (1) 36-44 2010年4月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC

    DOI: 10.1002/app.31452  


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    The reaction of rigid poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) with iodide, hydroxide, azide, and thiocyanate as nucleophiles (Nu) in ethylene glycol (EG) resulted in the substitution of Cl by No additional to the elimination of HCl, leading to the dehydrochlorination of the rigid PVC. High substitution rates were observed for hydroxide, azide and thiocyanate, while the addition of iodide accelerated predominately the elimination of HCl. The substitution by thiocyanate resulted at 150 degrees C in both thiocyanate and is othiocyanate structures, whereas at 190 degrees C, only isothiocyanate was observed in the polymer. The dehydrochlorination yield increased with an increasing molar SCN/Cl ratio, resulting in a maximum substitution at high molar SCN/Cl ratios. When EG was replaced by diethylene glycol (DEG) as solvent, the dehydrochlorination was found to be accelerated. It was assumed that DEG has a higher compatibility with PVC, making it easier to penetrate the rigid PVC particle. For triethylene glycol (TEG), the rapid dehydrochlorination resulted probably in the coverage of the surface of the PVC particle by methyl methacrylate/butadiene/styrene (MBS), preventing the penetration by the solution. The substitution/dehydrochlorination ratio decreased in the order of EG &gt; DEG &gt; TEG because of the declining polarity of the solvent, stabilizing the activated S(N)2 complex. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 116: 36-44, 2010

  294. Kinetics of uptake of Cu2+ and Cd2+ by Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with citrate, malate, and tartrate 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hidenori Takeuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2009.12.005  


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    In this study, kinetics of the uptake Of Cu2+ and Cd2+ by Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (Mg-Al LDHs) intercalated with citrate(3-) (C6H5O73-), malate(2-) (C4H4O52-), and tartrate(2-) (C4H4O62-) ill the interlayer were examined. When the Mg-Al LDHs were added to Cu2+ and Cd2+ solutions of a constant pH of 5.0. the concentrations Of Cu2+ and Cd2+ decreased with increasing temperature. The uptake was shown to occur as chelation between the heavy metal ions and the organic acid anions. The uptake rate equation was found to be dependent on the type of chelate formed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  295. Elimination behavior of nitrogen oxides from a NO3--intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide during thermal decomposition 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuki Fubasami, Naoya Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 499 (1-2) 106-110 2010年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2009.11.009  


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    The thermal properties of NO3--intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH) were investigated using simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and the elimination behavior of nitrogen oxides from this double hydroxide was examined. The TG-MS results showed that NO3 center dot Mg-Akl LDH decomposed in four stages. The first stage involved evaporation of surface adsorbed water and interlayer water in NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH. In the second and third stages, dehydroxylation of the brucite-like octahedral layers in NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH occurred. The fourth stage mainly corresponded to the elimination of NO3- intercalated in the Mg-Al LDH interlayers to afford NO2. Thermal decomposition of NO3 center dot Mg-Al LDH at 400-600 degrees C resulted in the formation of Mg-Al oxide, and the produced NO2 reacted with H2O and O-2 to form HNO3 and HNO2. The elimination of nitrogen oxides was found to increase with time and decomposition temperature. The synthesized Mg-Al oxide mixture could be used to remove nitric acid from aqueous solutions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  296. Chemical Modification and Dechlorination of Polyvinyl Chloride by Substitution With Thiocyanate as a Nucleophile 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahiko Ono, Guido Grause, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 50 (1) 69-75 2010年1月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC

    DOI: 10.1002/pen.21512  


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    This study examined the chemical modification of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by substitution with SCN (thiocyanate) as a nucleophile. The effects of temperature, molar SCN/Cl ratio, and solvent on the substitution by SCN and the elimination of HCl were investigated. In SCN/EG (ethylene glycol) solution, the substitution/dechlorination ratio increased with decreasing temperature. The dechlorination yield increased with an increasing molar SCN/Cl ratio, favoring the substitution over the elimination. When N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solutions were used as solvents, DMF favored the substitution, whereas DMSO favored the elimination. In the SCN/DMF solution, the substitution yield and the substitution/dechlorination ratio increased with increasing temperature. Higher temperatures favored the substitution over the elimination in SCN/D MF. Furthermore, the reaction of PVC in SCN/tetrahydrofuran (THF)-DMSO (1:2) proceeded at room temperature, favoring the substitution over elimination. The isomerization of SCN was observed, resulting only in -N=C=S (isothiocyanate) at room temperature and -S-C N (thiocyanate) at 190 degrees C. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 50:69-75, 2010. (C) 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers

  297. Determination of Fluoride Using Ion-selective Electrodes in the Presence of Aluminum 査読有り

    Siqingaowa Borjigin, Yuuta Ashimura, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tadaaki Mizoguchi

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 25 (12) 1437-1443 2009年12月


    DOI: 10.2116/analsci.25.1437  


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    We describe a method for determining fluoride with ion-selective electrodes (ISEs). Tartrate and Tris-based total ionic strength adjustment buffers (TISABs) were found to lower the interference from aluminum to a greater extent than conventional citrate-based TISABs. We adopted a solid TISAB addition method that is simple to perform, and can be carried out without lowering the level of fluoride. The apparent recovery of fluoride was 95% or higher, even at 500 mg L(-1) of Al(3+) when a tartrate and Tris-based TISAB was used. Interferences from common ions were not observed at 100 mg L(-1) levels. We determined the fluoride content in solid silicate samples with ISEs without preliminary steam distillation after alkali fusion processing. Adding a solid TISAB mixture consisting of tartaric acid, sodium tartrate, and Tris, however, eliminated any interference from high levels of aluminum and sodium and potassium carbonates. The proposed analytical method was also applied to the determination of fluoride in geochemical reference samples.

  298. Preparation of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with alkyl sulfates and investigation of their capacity to take up N,N-dimethylaniline from aqueous solutions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuuichi Tsuchiya, Takashi Yamazaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    SOLID STATE SCIENCES 11 (12) 2060-2064 2009年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2009.09.008  


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    This study examined the effect of the interlayer spacing of a Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) on the ability of the Mg-Al LDH to take up a nonionic organic material. Mg-Al LDHs, intercalated with 1-propanesulfonate (PS(-)), 1-hexanesulfonate (HS(-)), and 1-dodecanesulfonate (DS(-)), were prepared by coprecipitation, yielding PS center dot Mg-Al LDH, HS center dot Mg-Al LDH, and DS center dot Mg-Al LDH, respectively. The increase in the alkyl chain lengths of the Mg-Al LDHs (PS(-) &lt; HS(-) &lt; DS(-)) resulted in the perpendicular orientation of the organic acid anions in the interlayer of Mg-Al LDH, which in turn resulted in more organic acid anions being accommodated in the interlayer space. An organic acid anion with a large molecular length was more easily intercalated in the interlayer of Mg-Al LDH than one with a small molecular length. This was attributed to the hydrophobic interaction between the alkyl chains, affecting the intercalation of the organic acid anions. The uptake of N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA) by Mg-Al LDHs increased in the order PS center dot Mg-Al LDH &lt; HS center dot Mg-Al LDH &lt; DS center dot Mg-Al LDH. The uptake was attributed to the hydrophobic interactions between DMA and the intercalated PS(-), HS(-), and DS(-). Thus, Mg-Al LDH, which has a lot of large interlayer spacings when intercalated with organic acid anions, can take up a large number of DMA molecules from an aqueous solution. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  299. Effect of a phase-transfer catalyst on the chemical modification of poly(vinyl chloride) by substitution with thiocyanate as a nucleophile 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahiko Ono, Guido Grause, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 118 (2-3) 362-366 2009年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2009.07.066  


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    This study examined the effect of the phase-transfer catalysts tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB), tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate (TBAHS) on the chemical modification of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) by ubstitution with thiocyanate as a nucleophile. TBAB accelerated the clechlorination of PVC SCN/ethylene glycol (EG) solution. Furthermore, the addition of TBAB to SCN/EG solution improved substitution of the C1 in PVC with SCN in solution. The addition of TBAB or TBAHS to SCN/H(2)O solution promoted the clechlorination of PVC, whereas clechlorination did not occur without the catalyst. catalysts preferred substitution to the elimination of HCI in SCN/H(2)O solution, and TBAB was slightly superior to TBAHS in terms of the degree and selectivity of the substitution. The addition of nitrobenzene to SCN/H(2)O solution with TBAB increased the degree of substitution. Consequently, phase-tran catalysts, particularly TBAB, were very effective at promoting the substitution of Cl in PVC with SCN/H(2)O solution. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  300. Recovery of metal from scrap of wire via a chloride volatilization process using polyvinyl chloride

    Shoko Fukushima, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 10th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology (EARTH2009) 623-626 2009年11月3日

  301. Preparation of Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalated with 2,7-Naphthalene Disulfonate and Its Selective Uptake of Aromatic Compounds from Aqueous Solutions 招待有り 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Takashi Yamazaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 82 (11) 1436-1440 2009年11月


    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.82.1436  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with 2,7-naphthalene disulfonate ion (2,7-NDS center dot Mg-Al LDH) was prepared by coprecipitation and was found to selectively take up aromatic compounds from aqueous solutions. The amount of material absorbed by 2,7-NDS-Mg-Al LDH depends on the electron-donating or -withdrawing properties of the functional groups on the molecules to be absorbed. The absorption mechanism is dependent on pi-pi stacking interactions between the aromatic ring of the molecules to be absorbed and the naphthalene moiety of 2,7-NDS2-.

  302. Recovery of indium from In2O3 and liquid crystal display powder using dehydrochlorination of poly(vinyl chloride)

    Tomohito Kameda, Kye-Sung Park, Wakao Sato, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 5th International Symposium on Feedstock and Mechanical Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2009) 1-4 2009年10月12日

  303. Determination of the activation energy of the decomposition of flame retarded HIPS under special consideration of the compensation effect

    Guido Grause, Jun Ishibashi, Tomohito Kameda, Thallada Bhaskar, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 5th International Symposium on Feedstock and Mechanical Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2009) 5-9 2009年10月12日

  304. Chemical modification of PVC using Na2S

    Makoto Yoshihara, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 5th International Symposium on Feedstock and Mechanical Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2009) 15-20 2009年10月12日

  305. Pyrolysis of mixed plastics in the fluidized bed using hard burnt lime as bed material

    Shotaro Matsumoto, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. The 5th International Symposium on Feedstock and Mechanical Recycling of Polymeric Materials (ISFR2009) 47-51 2009年10月12日

  306. Kinetics of the dehydrochlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) in the presence of NaOH and various diols as solvents 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Katsuaki Imai, Guido Grause, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 94 (9) 1595-1597 2009年9月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2009.05.006  


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    The dehydrochlorination of PVC in the presence of NaOH was investigated in different diols. Diethylene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TEG), and propylene glycol (PG) were found to be effective in accelerating the dechlorination of PVC. The dehydrochlorination was promoted in the order TEG &gt; DEG &gt; PG, which was in agreement with the compatibility between PET and the diol. Compatibility resulted in an improved penetration of the PVC particle by the solvent, leading to the acceleration of the dehydrochlorination. The dehydrochlorination of PVC in NaOH/diol followed first-order kinetics, confirming the progress of the reaction under chemical reaction control. The apparent activation energies were 82 kJ mol(-1), 109 kJ mol(-1), and 151 kJ mol(-1) for TEG, DEG, and PG. respectively. The lower the activation energy became the faster the dehydrochlorination of PVC proceeded. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  307. Recovery of indium from In2O3 and liquid crystal display powder via a chloride volatilization process using polyvinyl chloride 査読有り

    Kye-Sung Park, Wakao Sato, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 493 (1-2) 105-108 2009年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2009.03.003  


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    Indium (In) was recovered from indium oxide (In2O3) and liquid crystal display (LCD) powder via a chloride volatilization process using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as the chlorination agent. The recovery of In from In2O3 increased with an increasing molar Cl/In ratio in N-2 and air atmospheres. The degree of In recovery at a Cl/In molar ratio of 11 and a temperature of 350 degrees C was 98.7% and 96.6%, for N-2 and air, respectively. The In recovery also increased notably with increasing temperature in N-2 atmosphere. In both atmospheres, the In recovery increased with an increasing degradation temperature of PVC. However, the In recovery from LCD powder was lower than that from In2O3. For LCD powder, the degree of In recovery at a Cl/In molar ratio of 11 and a temperature of 350 degrees C was 66.7% and 54.1%, for N-2 and air, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  308. Preparation of organic acid anion-modified magnesium hydroxides by coprecipitation: A novel material for the uptake of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hidenori Takeuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2009.06.006  


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    New layered magnesium hydroxides whose brucite layers had been bridged with malate(2-) and tartrate(2-) were prepared by dropwise addition of Mg(NO(3))(2) to malate and tartrate solutions at a constant pH of 10.5. Malate(2-) and tartrate(2-) may have been also absorbed on the surfaces of hydroxides. In the case of using citrate solution, Mg(OH)(2) absorbed with citrate(3-) was produced. These materials were found to take up Cu(2+) rapidly from an aqueous solution at pH 5.0. Copper uptake by precipitates is attributed to the formation of chelate complexes of Cu(2+) with citrate(3-), malate(2-), and tartrate(2-). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  309. Pyrolytic hydrolysis of polycarbonate in the presence of earth-alkali oxides and hydroxides 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Katsuya Sugawara, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 94 (7) 1119-1124 2009年7月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2009.03.014  


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    The rise in the use of polycarbonate (PC) calls for the development of after-use treatments. In this work, we describe a process for obtaining bisphenol A (BPA), phenol and isopropenyl phenol (IPP) from PC by hydrolysis at temperatures between 300 and 500 degrees C. The experiments were carried out in a steam atmosphere in the presence of MgO, CaO, Mg(OH)(2) or Ca(OH)(2) as catalysts, respectively. The results were compared with the hydrolysis of PC in the absence of any catalysts. All of these catalysts accelerated the hydrolysis of PC drastically, with MgO and Mg(OH)(2) being more effective than their Ca counterparts. The differences between oxides and hydroxides were negligible indicating the same mechanism for both, oxides and hydroxides. BPA was the main product at 300 degrees C, with a yield of 78% obtained in the presence of MgO. At 500 degrees C, BPA was mainly degraded to phenol and isopropenyl phenol (IPP). It can be shown that a combined process involving PC hydrolysis at 300 degrees C and BPA fission at 500 degrees C leads to high yields of phenol and IPP and the drastic decrease of residue. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  310. Selective Uptake of Aromatic Compounds from Aqueous Solutions by Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalated with 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonate 招待有り 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Takashi Yamazaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 38 (6) 522-523 2009年6月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2009.522  



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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with 2,7naphthalenedisulfonate ions (2,7-NDS center dot Mg-Al LDH) selectively absorbs aromatic compounds from aqueous solutions. The amount of material absorbed by 2,7-NDS center dot Mg-Al LDH depends on the electron-donating or electron-withdrawing properties of the functional groups on the molecules to be absorbed. The absorption mechanism is dependent on the pi-pi stacking interactions between the aromatic ring of the molecules to be absorbed and the naphthalene moiety of 2,7-NDS2-.

  311. Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of microbial community structure in landfill leachate 査読有り

    Miho Uchida, Haruna Hatayoshi, Aoi Syuku-nobe, Takefumi Shimoyama, Toru Nakayama, Akitsugu Okuwaki, Tokuzo Nishino, Hisashi Hemmi

    JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 164 (2-3) 1503-1508 2009年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.09.074  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The structures of microbial communities in water samples obtained from a landfill site that had been a source of environmental pollution by emitting hydrogen sulfide were elucidated using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. The microbial communities. which consisted of a limited number of major microorganisms, were stable for several months. Microorganisms capable of degrading such chemical compounds as 2-hydroxybenzothiazole and bisphenol A were observed in landfill leachate. Microorganisms responsible for the production of hydrogen sulfide were not the primary microbes detected, even in water samples obtained from the site of gas emission. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  312. Hybrid inorganic/organic composites of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with citrate, malate, and tartrate prepared by co-precipitation 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hidenori Takeuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN 44 (4) 840-845 2009年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2008.09.003  


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    Inorganic/organic composite materials composed of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (Mg-Al LDHs) intercalated with citrate (C(6)H(5)O(7)(3-)), malate (C(4)H(4)O(5)(2-)), or tartrate (C(4)H(4)O(6)(2-)) anions were prepared by a co-precipitation technique and characterized by X-ray diffraction and compositional analyses. The molecular orientation of the organic component in the interlayer space was determined. At low intercalation levels, citrate ion was inclined at an angle of 26 degrees relative to the brucite-like layers of Mg-Al LDH. At higher solution concentrations, both the Mg(C(6)H(5)O(7))(-) complex and free C(6)H(5)O(7)(3-) were isotropically oriented in the interlayer space. For both malate-Mg-Al LDH and tartrate-Mg-Al LDH, the organic anions were inclined at 26 degrees relative to the Mg-Al LDH layers regardless of anion concentration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  313. Chemical modification of poly(vinyl chloride) by nucleophilic substitution 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahiko Ono, Guido Grause, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 94 (1) 107-112 2009年1月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2008.10.006  


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    The reaction of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) in nucleophile (Nu)/ethylene glycol (EG) or Nu/N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solution was found to result in the substitution of Cl in PVC with Nu from solution, in addition to the straight elimination of HCl, both of which led to the dechlorination of PVC. Examined Nu were I, SCN, OH, N(3), and the phthalimide anion. For the Nu/EG solution, elimination was favoured over Substitution for all Nu. The ratio of substitution to dechlorination was notable, descending in the order OH &gt; SCN = N(3) &gt; phthalimide anion &gt; I. For the Nu/DMF solution, the ratio of substitution to dechlorination was high, in the order SCN &gt; N3 &gt; I(-) &gt; phthalimide anion. In both cases, the orders of the ratios were similar to those of the nucleophilic reactivity constant, I &gt; SCN &gt; N(3) &gt; phthalimide anion, except for I. The low ratio for I was attributable to the elimination of HI after the substitution of Cl in PVC with I in solution, because I is a strong nucleophile, as well as an excellent leaving group. Comparing the effect of EG and DMF on the substitution of Cl in PVC with Nu in solution, the ratio of substitution to dechlorination was higher for I, SCN, N3, and the phthalimide anion in DMF than in EG. The substitution of Cl in PVC with Nu in solution was found to occur preferentially in DMF versus EG. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Tomohito Kameda, Noritoshi Yagihashi, Kye-Sung Park, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka




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    Fe-Al layered double hydroxide (Fe-Al LDH) was prepared from a mixed solution of FeCl(2) and AlCl(3) at a constant pH by co-precipitation. Simultaneously, amorphous FeO(OH) and AI(OH)(3) precipitated. A lower solution pH for the preparation resulted in more Fe-Al LDH in the precipitate, and the precipitate was able to effectively remove antimonate [Sb(V)] from an aqueous solution. This was attributable to the anion exchange properties of Fe-Al LDH contained in the precipitate, and the adsorption of SbO(3)(-) on the surface of the FeO(OH) contained in the precipitate.

  315. Efficient dehalogenation of automobile shredder residue in NaOH/ethylene glycol using a ball mill 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuuzou Fukuda, Kye-Sung Park, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 74 (2) 287-292 2009年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.09.009  


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    We investigated the effectiveness of sodium hydroxide/ethylene glycol (NaOH/EG) for dehalogenation of automobile shredder residue (ASR) using a ball mill. Efficient dehalogenation was achieved at atmospheric pressure by combining the use of EG (196 degrees C b.p.) as a replacement solvent for NaOH with ball milling, which improved contact between ASR and OH(-) in solution. Moderate NaOH concentrations and increased ball mill rotation speeds produced high dechlorination that was not significantly affected by the weight ratio of ASR to EG. NaOH/EG dechlorination increased with temperature with an apparent activation energy of 50 kJ mol(-1) confirming that the reaction proceeded under chemical reaction control. The modified shrinking-core model was appropriate to explain the dechlorination process. Low chloro levels in our NaOH/EG-treated ASR Suggested that this material could be used for feedstock recycling and the wet process may be applicable for dehalogenation of other, important waste streams. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  316. The effects of KI/Se(VI) molar ratio and initial concentration of Se(VI) on the reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) by KI 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yuuna Ishiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 6 (4) 247-249 2008年11月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10311-007-0130-1  


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    In this study, potassium iodide (KI) was found to be capable of reducing selenium(VI) to selenium(IV). When KI was added to Se(VI) solution, the Se(VI) concentration rapidly decreased with an increase in the KI/Se(VI) molar ratio. By using the potential-pH equilibrium diagram for the selenium/water system, we confirmed that Se(VI) reduced to Se(IV) because the potential of the solution shifted to the stable Se(IV) region upon the addition of KI. This reduction accompanies the oxidation of I- to I-3(-). The reduction of Se(VI) by KI was found to be effective for concentrated Se(VI) solutions.

  317. Ball Mill-Assisted Dechlorination of Flexible and Rigid Poly(vinyl chloride) in NaOH/EG Solution 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Masahiko Ono, Guido Grause, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1021/ie8006819  


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    Both flexible and rigid forms of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) were effectively dechlorinated in NaOH/ethylene glycol (EG) solution during ball mill pulverization. The high degree of dechlorination obtained was attributed to the increased surface area of the crushed PVC particles and the resulting enhancement of contact between the PVC and dissolved hydroxide ions. The common additives diisononyl phthalate and CaCO3 were easily separated from the PVC bulk during the dechlorination reaction. The reaction proceeded under chemical control, with degrees of dechlorination for both flexible and rigid PVC increasing with temperature with apparent activation energies of 110 and 80 kJ/mol, respectively. This reaction was accurately represented by a modified shrinking-core model.

  318. Removal of hydrogen chloride from gaseous streams using magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Naoya Uchiyama, Kye-Sung Park, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 73 (5) 844-847 2008年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.06.022  


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    Magnesium-aluminum oxide (Mg-Al oxide) obtained by thermal decomposition of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) effectively removed HCl from gaseous streams. HCl removal was greater in the presence of added water vapor at all temperatures examined and increased with decreasing temperature in both the presence and absence of added water vapor. Wet and dry removal of gaseous HCl were attributed to the production Of MgCl(2) center dot 6H(2)O and MgCl(2) center dot 4H(2)O, respectively. For the wet scrubbing process, the reconstruction reaction of Mg-Al LDH from Mg-Al oxide was the primary mechanism for increased HCl removal. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  319. Dechlorination behaviour of flexible poly(vinyl chloride) in NaOH/EG solution 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tomohito Kameda, Masashi Ieshige, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 93 (10) 1822-1825 2008年10月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2008.07.009  


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    Flexible poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) was found to be dechlorinated in NaOH/ethylene glycol (EG) solution at moderate temperature and at atmospheric pressure. The degree of dechlorination increased over time with all particle sizes and with decreasing particle size. Decreased particle size resulted in an increased effective surface area, increasing the contact between the material and OH in the NaCH/EG solution, which contributed to the high degree of dechlorination. The dechlorination of flexible PVC in NaOH/EG solution was expressed as a first-order reaction and proceeded under chemical reaction control. Diisononyl-phthalate (DINP) in the flexible PVC powder decomposed readily into phthalic acid and isononyl alcohol in a short time. For the dechlorination of the flexible PVC, the substitution (S(N)2) of chloride by the hydroxyl group was considered to be preferential to the elimination (E2) of hydrogen chloride. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  320. Dechlorination of poly(vinylidene chloride) in NaOH/ethylene glycol as a function of NaOH concentration, temperature, and solvent 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Imai, Masahiko Noritsune, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 93 (10) 1979-1984 2008年10月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2008.06.008  


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    The wet dechlorination treatment of poly(vinylidene chloride) (PVDC) was evaluated at atmospheric pressure in a solution of NaOH in ethylene glycol (EG), as a function of NaOH concentration, temperature, and solvent. Hydroxide ion from NaOH was required for dechlorination with EG acting solely as a solvent. The wet treatment exhibited significantly enhanced dechlorination efficiency over traditional thermal techniques, with a reaction efficiency as high as 92.8% in 1.0 M NaOH at 190 degrees C. Dechlorination reactions of PVDC in both NaOH/EG and NaOH/H2O were expressed by an apparent first-order reaction. At 190 degrees C, the apparent rate constant in 1.0 M NaOH/EG was approximately 1.4 times larger than in 1.0 M NaOH/ H2O, with an apparent activation energy of 82.8 kJ mol(-1), indicating that the reaction proceeded Linder chemical control. The degree of dechlorination increased with increasing reaction temperature, favouring the elimination of HCl over the hydroxyl Substitution of chloride. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  321. Dehalogenation of Automobile Shredder Residue in NaOH/EG solution using a ball mill

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Yuuzou Fukuda, Tomohito Kameda, Kye-Sung Park, Guido Grause

    Proc. The International Symposium on Eco-Management of Auto-Parts and Eco-Recycling of End of Life Vehicles 98-106 2008年9月25日

  322. Dehydrochlorination behavior of polychloroprene during thermal degradation 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Yousuke Watanabe, Guido Grause, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 476 (1-2) 28-32 2008年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2008.07.004  


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    The thermal degradation behavior of polychloroprene (PCP) is analyzed by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis and simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry (TG-MS). The weight loss in PCP during the thermal degradation is found to occur in four stages. The apparent activation energies are 70-90, 120-180, 250-340, and 290-300 kJ mol(-1) in the first, second, third, and fourth stages, respectively. Furthermore, the degradation products are analyzed in situ by mass spectrometry. HCl is mainly produced in the first and second stages. Chlorinated organic compounds such as 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene and chlorobenzene are produced in the second stage. Aromatics, particularly the polycyclic compounds such as naphthalene, are produced in the third and fourth stages. in addition, the effect of temperature on the dehydrochlorination of PCP during isothermal degradation is also examined. Among select temperatures, the degree of dehydrochlorination of PCP is the highest at 500 degrees C. It is more difficult to recycle the Cl in PCP as HCl as compared to the Cl in poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) due to the production of chlorinated organic compounds. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  323. Uptake of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution using Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with citrate, malate, and tartrate 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Hidenori Takeuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka



    DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2008.02.001  


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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) was modified with organic acid anions using a coprecipitation technique, and the uptake of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution by the Mg-Al LDH was studied. Citrate.Mg-Al LDH, malate.Mg-Al LDH, or tartrate.Mg-Al LDH, which had citrate(3-) (C6H5O73-), malate(2-) (C(4)H(4)o(5)(2-)), or tartrate(2-) (C4H4O62-) anions intercalated in the interlayer, was prepared by dropwise addition of a mixed aqueous solution of Mg(NO3)(2) and Al(NO3)(3) to a citrate, malate, or tartrate solution at a constant pH of 10.5. These Mg-Al LDHs were found to take up Cu2+ and Cd2+ rapidly from an aqueous solution at a constant pH of 5.0. This capacity was mainly attributable to the formation of the citrate-metal, malate-metal, and tartrate-metal complexes in the interlayers of the Mg-Al LDHs. The uptake of Cu2+ increased in the order malate.Mg-Al LDH &lt; tartrate.Mg-Al LDH &lt; citrate.Mg-Al LDH. The uptake of Cd2+ increased in the order malate.Mg-Al LDH &lt; tartrate.Mg-Al LDH = citrate.Mg-Al LDH. These differences in Cu2+ and Cd2+ uptake were attributable to differences in the stabilities of the citrate-metal, malate-metal, and tartrate-metal complexes. These results indicate that citrate(3-), malate(2-), and tartrate(2-) were adequately active as chelating agents in the interlayers of Mg-Al LDHs. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  324. Preparation and characterization of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with benzenesulfonate and benzenedisulfonate 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Takashi Yamazaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 114 (1-3) 410-415 2008年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2008.01.029  


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    Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (Mg-Al LDHs) intercalated with benzenesulfonate (BS-) and benzenedisulfonate (BDS2-) ions were prepared by coprecipitation and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR spectroscopy, and chemical analyses. The intercalated BS- and BDS2 maintained their intrinsic molecular structures within the Mg-Al LDH interlayers. At low intercalation levels, the benzene ring of BS- in BS. Mg-Al LDH was inclined at 30 degrees relative to the plane of the brucite-like layers of Mg-Al LDH. With increasing BS content, the benzene ring adopted an additional configuration perpendicular to the Mg-Al LDH layers. In BDS-intercalated Mg-Al LDH, the benzene ring of BDS2 was tilted at 26 degrees relative to the plane of the Mg-Al LDH layers. Intercalation levels of BDS2- were smaller than those of BS- despite the greater charge density of BDS2, which was likely attributable to a greater degree of electrostatic repulsion between intercalated anions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  325. Effects of pH and concentration on ability of Cl- and NO3- to intercalate into a hydrotalcite-like compound during its synthesis 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Fumiko Yabuuchi, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 31 (4) 625-629 2008年8月


    DOI: 10.1007/s12034-008-0099-9  


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    In this study, we confirmed that the characteristics of anion intercalation into the interlayer of a hydrotalcite-like compound (HT) during synthesis are similar to those of the anion- exchange reaction of HTs as well as the reconstruction reaction of HTs from Mg - Al oxide. We demonstrated that (i) Cl-, which has a higher charge density than NO3- more easily reacted with Mg and Al species to form HT structure, resulting in greater intercalation of Cl- into the HT interlayer; and (ii) for HTs with lower Mg : Al molar ratios, OH-, which has a higher charge density than Cl- and NO3-, was more likely to interact with Mg and Al species to form HT structure, blocking the intercalation of Cl- and NO3-. Furthermore, we showed that high concentrations of Cl- and NO3- in solution regulated their intercalation into the HT interlayer. The high activity of Cl- and NO3- in solution would facilitate the anions' reactions with Mg and Al species to form HTs, resulting in a high degree of anion intercalation into the interlayer of HTs.

  326. Dechlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) using NaOH in ethylene glycol under atmospheric pressure 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Imai, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 93 (6) 1138-1141 2008年6月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2008.03.007  


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    A solution of NaOH dissolved in ethylene glycol (EG) was effective in the dechlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) at atmospheric pressure. The degree of dechlorination increased with increasing temperature, reaching a maximum of 97.8% at 190 degrees C. The dechlorination proceeded under chemical control and exhibited first-order kinetics with an apparent activation energy of 170 kJ mol(-1). The apparent rate constant for dechlorination in 1.0 M NaOH/EG was approximately 150 times greater than that in 1.0 M NaOH/H2O. In addition, dechlorination was faster at atmospheric pressure in NaOH/EG than under high pressure in NaOH/H2O. The dechlorination reaction occurs via a combination of E2 and S(N)2 mechanisms. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  327. Dechlorination of Polychloroprene During Thermal Degradation

    Guido Grause, Yousuke Watanabe, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Proc. 18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 211 2008年5月20日

  328. Pyrolysis of tetrabromobisphenol-A containing paper laminated printed circuit boards 査読有り

    Guido Grause, Masaaki Furusawa, Akitsugu Okuwaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    CHEMOSPHERE 71 (5) 872-878 2008年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.11.033  


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    Tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBA) is the most common brominated fire retardant. In this study, a TBBA containing paper laminated printed circuit board (PCB) prepared from novolac was pyrolysed by both TGA and in a quartz glass reactor between 40 and 1000 degrees C. The products were online detected by MS. It was found that the PCB degraded in three steps. Step one (&lt;270 degrees C) consisted of the evolution of water and CO2 from the paper laminate. In the second step, between 270 and 370 degrees C, the fire retardant decomposed, releasing HBr and brominated aromatics. In the third step, at temperatures above 370 degrees C, the phenol resin decomposed and char was formed. Compared to pure TBBA, which mainly produces brominated phenols, the brominated products enclosed in the char released HBr during the last degradation step as well as during the second step. Most of the bromine left the resin in the form of HBr, with about 14% of the bromine being fixed in brominated aromatics and less than 2% remaining in the residue. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  329. Fermentative hydrogen production from food waste without inocula

    S. Shimizu, A. Fujisawa, O. Mizuno, T. Kameda, T. Yoshioka

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 171-+ 2008年



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    The kind of seed microorganisms and its growth conditions are important factors for the hydrogen fermentation. However, there are many kinds of bacteria in food waste, and it is necessary to know their behavior if it is used as a substrate. Therefore, hydrogen fermentation of food waste was investigated in the absence of inocula with an initial pH varying from 5 to 9 and in a temperature range between 22 to 50 degrees C. Hydrogen production occurred when the initial pH of the solution containing the food waste was adjusted to 7-9 and the temperature was adjusted to 22 or 35 degrees C (maximum production was 40 ml-H-2/g-TS at an initial pH of 9 and a temperature of 35 degrees C). However, the hydrogen production stopped when the pH decreased due to the accumulation of organic acids. In the next step, the pH was controlled by the addition of a NaOH solution between 5.0 and 9.0. When the pH was controlled between 5.0-6.0, the hydrogen production increased to a maximum of 90 ml-H-2/g-TS at a pH of 5.5 and a temperature of 35 degrees C; more than 4 times more than for the sample without pH adjustment, due to the acceleration of butyrate fermentation.

  330. Removal of tetrafluoroborate ion from aqueous solution using magnesium–aluminum oxide produced by the thermal decomposition of a hydrotalcite-like compound. 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tomohito Kameda, Motoya Miyahara, Miho Uchida, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Chemosphere 69 (5) 832-835 2007年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.05.009  


  331. プラスチックフィードストックリサイクル研究開発の動向 査読有り


    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 86 848-853 2007年9月

  332. Dehydrochlorination and recovery of hydrochloric acid by thermal treatment of a chloride ion-intercalated hydrotalcite-like compound 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Kouji Watanabe, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 37 (1-2) 215-219 2007年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2007.02.002  


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    We examined the dehydrochlorination of a chloride ion-intercalated hydrotalcite-like compound (Cl--HT) on thermal treatment under water vapor, and the subsequent recovery of hydrochloric acid. The degree of dehydrochlorination increased with increasing temperature, partial pressure of water vapor, and time, whereas the hydrochloric acid concentration decreased with increasing partial pressure of water vapor and time. Greater than 90% dehydrochlorination and greater than 20 wt.% recovery of hydrochloric acid could be obtained by thermal treatment of Cl--HT in the conditions as follows; temperature: 550 degrees C, time: 0.5 h, water vapor: 7%. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  333. Synthesis and sulfate ion-exchange properties of a hydrotalcite-like compound intercalated by chloride ions 査読有り

    Akino Tsujimura, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 143 (1-2) 582-586 2007年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.09.073  


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    To reduce the generation of hydrogen sulfide gas from sulfate ions, we synthesized a layered double hydroxide hydrotalcite-like compound intercalated with chloride ions in the interlayer (HT-Cl) using a coprecipitation reaction. The resultant HT-Cl material had a Mg/Al molar ratio of approximately 2, and the molar fraction of the chloride ions on the intercalated anion layer of the HT was 0.90. A higher molar fraction of chloride ions can be inserted into the interlayers of the HT by increasing the initial concentration ratio of chloride ions to aluminum ions [Cl-]o/[AI3(+)](0) in the solution. Approximately 98% of the sulfate ions in the solution were removed within 10 min after adding 1.12 times the stoichiometric quantity of synthesized HT-Cl, which contained a Mg/A1 molar ratio of 2 equal to a solution containing a 12 mM calcium sulfate solution. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  334. 木材チップを用いた硝酸性窒素含有排水の生物学的脱窒処理 査読有り

    溝口忠昭, 惟村奈生, 佐藤彩, 吉岡敏明

    環境技術 vol.36 (No.4) 264-272 2007年4月


    DOI: 10.5956/jriet.36.264  


  335. Preparation of a hydrotalcite-like compound using calcined dolomite and polyaluminum chloride 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Fumiko Yabuuchi, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 42 (6) 2194-2197 2007年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-007-1543-8  


  336. 有機酸を用いた都市ごみガス化溶融飛灰からの重金属浸出 査読有り

    斎藤千愛, 岡田治樹, Minica Joy Titus, 吉岡敏明, 溝口忠昭

    廃棄物学会論文誌別冊 Vol.18 (NO.3) 157-166 2007年2月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management

    DOI: 10.3985/jswme.18.157  


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    都市ごみガス化溶融飛灰 (「飛灰」という) からの亜鉛, 鉛, 銅の浸出特性をpHスタット法によって検討した。飛灰の水浸出残渣を対象に, 塩酸単独溶液を用いて浸出を行った場合, pH2における浸出率は, いずれの金属に対しても10%程度に過ぎなかった。有機酸の添加効果が顕著であり, クエン酸の場合, 濃度0.001M, pH4の条件における亜鉛, 鉛および銅の浸出率は, それぞれ64, 64および91%であった。クエン酸が浸出剤として有効である理由は, 錯体を形成して重金属を溶液中に安定化するのではなく, 触媒的に重金属の溶出を促進するためであると考えられる。反応温度を25℃から50℃に上げると亜鉛, 鉛, 銅およびケイ素の浸出率はいずれも低下した。pHスタット法を用い, クエン酸存在下で浸出する方法には, 低有機酸濃度で高い重金属浸出率が得られるだけでなく, 難ろ過性のゲル状ケイ酸が生成しないという特徴もある。

  337. Dehydrochlorination behavior of a chloride ion–intercalated hydrotalcite-like compound during thermal decomposition 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Kouji Watanabe, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Applied Clay Science 35 (3-4) 173-179 2007年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2006.08.010  


  338. 植物性固体物質による窒素除去技術 査読有り

    吉岡敏明, 溝口忠昭

    排水・汚水処理技術集成 662-675 2007年

  339. Up-grade Recycling of PVC by Cheminal Modified 招待有り 査読有り

    M.Ono,T.Kameda, G.Grause, T.Mizoguchi, T.yoshioka

    The 9th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology 530 (532) 2007年

  340. Recovery of Phenolic Products from Waste Polycarbonate in the Presence of MgO and CaO by Pyrolysis. 査読有り

    G.Grause, N.Tsukada, W.J.Hall, T.Kameda, P.T.Williams, T.Yoshioka

    The 4th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics & Other Polymeric Materials 129-136 2007年

  341. Advanced Dechlorination of Poly(Vinyl Chloride) and its Chemical Modification by Nucleophilic Substitution. 査読有り

    M.Ono, T.Kameda, G.Grause, T.Mizoguchi, T.Yoshioka

    The 4th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics & Other Polymeric Materials 315-318 2007年

  342. Uptake of fluoride and borate ions from aqueous solution by magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tomohito Kameda, Motoya Miyahara, Miho Uchida, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Akitsugu Okuwaki




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    Magnesium-aluminum oxide (Mg-Al oxide), which was prepared by the thermal decomposition of a hydrotalcite-like compound, was found to take up fluoride and borate ions in low concentrations in aqueous solution. The degree of fluoride and borate removal increased with the quantity of Mg-Al oxide and temperature. When Mg-Al oxide with a Mg/Al molar ratio of 4.0 was added to 1 mM NaF or H3BO3 solution at five times the stoichiometric amount, the degree of fluoride and borate removal at 60 degrees C for 1 h reached 92.8 and 95.7%, respectively. The fluoride and borate concentrations decreased from 20 and 10 mg L-1 to 1.4 and 0.5 mg L-1, respectively. Borate was thought to be removed from the solution via combination of the Mg-Al oxide and orthoborate ion, i.e., H2BO3 produced with increasing pH. The fluoride and borate removal reactions could be described as first-order for the fluoride and borate concentrations. The apparent activation energies for the fluoride and borate removal were 33.8 and 51.2 kJ mol(-1), respectively, indicating that the reaction proceeded under chemical reaction control. The apparent activation energy for borate removal was higher than that for fluoride removal, indicating that the combination of H2BO3- with Mg-Al oxide was more difficult than that of the fluoride ion. This was attributable to the lower charge density of H2BO3- compared to the fluoride ion.

  343. Treatment of hydrochloric acid with magnesium-aluminum oxide at ambient temperatures 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tatsunosuke Hoshi, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki



    DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2006.02.008  


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    Our results demonstrate that magnesium-aluminum oxide (Mg-Al oxide) can be advantageous in treating hydrochloric acid waste at temperatures between 10 and 30 degrees C, by acting as both a neutralizer and fixative for Cl-. The Mg-Al oxide was prepared by the thermal decomposition of a hydrotalcite-like compound. The extent of Cl- removal by Mg-Al oxide increased with increases of temperature, oxide quantity and Mg/Al molar ratio. The initial pH had little effect on Cl- removal; the pH increased rapidly from the start of the reaction and attained a nearly constant value. The reaction involved in Cl- removal from HCl by Mg-Al oxide proceeded under surface chemical reaction control, with apparent activation energy of 65.6 kJ mol(-1). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  344. Feedstock Recycling of PET 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Guido Grause

    Feedstock Recycling and Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics: Converting Waste Plastics into Diesel and Other Fuels 641-661 2006年6月7日


    DOI: 10.1002/0470021543.ch25  

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    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Physical Recycling (Mechanical Recycling) Solvolysis (Chemolysis) Pyrolysis and Other Hot Processes References.

  345. The Liquefaction of Plastic Containers and Packaging in Japan 査読有り

    Akitsugu Okuwaki, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Masao Asai, Hideaki Tachibana, Keiji Wakai, Kazuhiko Tada

    Feedstock Recycling and Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics: Converting Waste Plastics into Diesel and Other Fuels 663-708 2006年6月7日


    DOI: 10.1002/0470021543.ch26  

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    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Niigata Waste Plastic Liquefaction Process Sapporo Waste Plastics Liquefaction Process Mikasa Waste Plastic Liquefaction Plant The Scope of Liquefaction in Japan References.

  346. Basic study on the determination of total boron by conversion to tetrafluoroborate ion (BF4-)followed by ion chromatography 査読有り

    J Katagiri, T Yoshioka, T Mizoguchi

    ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 570 (1) 65-72 2006年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2006.03.084  


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    The basic study on the determination of tetrafluoroborate ion (BF4-) by ion chromatography, and total boron by conversion of boric acid to BF4- followed by ion chromatography of BF4- has been carried out. The results of thermodynamic calculations for the system of boric acid (H3BO3)-F--H+ showed that the mole fraction of BF4- was higher than 99% at pH lower than 3.5 and 4.5 when the total free fluoride concentration (2[H2F2] + 2[HF2-] + [HF] + [F-]) was as high as 0.1 and 1.0 M, respectively. The fraction of BF4- increased with increasing total free fluoride concentration. BF4- fraction values were higher than 99% at pH 0.75 and at total free fluoride concentration of 0.05 M or higher. BF4- was hardly formed at pH &gt; 7 even when the total free fluoride concentration was as high as 1.0 M. According to the experimental results, the fraction of BF4- at pH 0.7-0.8 was 51.2, 95.6 and 96.7% when the total fluoride concentration (2[H2F2]+ 2[HF2-] + [HF] + [F-] + 3[BF3OH-] + 4[BF4-]) was 0.2, 1.0 and 3.3 M, respectively. The formation reaction of BF4- from boric acid reached an equilibrium state within 20 min regardless of reaction temperature, in the range of 20-50 degrees C, when the total boron and total fluoride concentrations were 66.7 mM and 1.0 M, respectively. Although BF4- was formed only under acidic conditions, BF4-, once formed, was very stable under alkaline conditions at least for several hours. We have concluded that BF4- could be analyzed by ion chromatography using sodium hydroxide solution as an eluent because BF4- was stable under chromatographic conditions. BF4- solution prepared from boric acid could be used as a standard solution in the ion chromatographic analysis of BF4- instead of the sodium tetrafluoroborate (NaBF4) reagent available commercially, if a discrepancy of about 4-5% was allowed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  347. Selective production of benzene and naphthalene from poly(butylene tereplithalate) and poly(ethylene naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate) by pyrolysis in the presence of calcium hydroxide 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, G Grause, S Otani, A Okuwaki

    POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 91 (5) 1002-1009 2006年5月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2005.08.010  


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    Poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) and poly(ethylene naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate) (PEN) were pyrolysed in a fixed bed reactor in the presence of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)) in order to obtain benzene and naphthalene, respectively. In these experiments different ratios of polymer and Ca(OH)(2) were used. Also the temperature was varied in a range between 600 degrees C and 800 degrees C. It was found that the highest yield of benzene (67%) was obtained at a temperature of 700 degrees C and a molar Ca(OH)(2)/PBT ratio of 10. The amount of carbon, fixed in the reactor residue after the experiment, was reduced from 56% for pure PBT to 38% under these conditions. Aromatic byproducts were reduced, as well, while the amount of 1,3-butadiene increased. Tetrahydrofuran was just formed under the influence of Ca(OH)(2). For PEN, the optimal conditions were found at a temperature of 600 degrees C and a molar Ca(OH)(2)/PEN ratio of 5. A naphthalene yield of 80% from PEN was obtained. The rise of the naphthalene yield was caused by a more effective decomposition of the polyester by Ca(OH)(2), which led to the reduction of carbon in the reactor residue after the experiment from 59% for pure PEN to 10% under optimised conditions. The part of aromatic byproducts changed just slightly. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  348. 浄水汚泥の電気濃縮に関する基礎研究 査読有り

    藻垣俊明, 吉岡敏明, 溝口忠昭

    廃棄物学会論文誌 17 (1) 42-49 2006年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management

    DOI: 10.3985/jswme.17.42  


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    浄水汚泥の電気泳動濃縮法について基礎検討した。浄水汚泥に電圧を印加すると, 汚泥粒子が陰極側に電気泳動して電極上に付着・濃縮した後, 濃縮物が剥離・沈降して反応器底部に濃縮層が, 上部に清澄層が形成された。電極を不織布で被覆し, また装置内に蓄積した濃縮汚泥を適宜抜き出すことにより汚泥を連続的に電気泳動濃縮することができた。滞留時間16min, 電位勾配25V/cmの条件で連続処理を行った場合, 固体濃度は1wt%から6.2wt%に上昇した (脱水率84%) 。電気泳動濃縮法は, 緻密な汚泥濃縮層を通過することなしに水の除去が可能であり, したがって, 従来の真空ろ過法などと異なり, 脱水ケーキの強制剥離やろ布の洗浄などの工程が不要である。また, 高分子電解質等の薬品を添加する必要もない。電力消費量および装置サイズに関する概略試算結果より, 本電気泳動濃縮法は浄水場に対して有望な技術であると考えられる。

  349. Preliminary Investigation of the Supply of Chemical Species to an Aqueous Solution Using a Hydrogen−Oxygen Flame 査読有り

    Miho Uchida, Takahiro Sogabe, Tadaaki Ikoma, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Environmental Science & Technology 39 (15) 5851-5855 2005年8月

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/es048299z  



  350. Conversion of Poly(ethylene Terephthalate) to Syngas by Nickel oxide 査読有り

    Guido Grausee, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tadaaki Mizoguch

    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2005年7月

  351. Effects of metal oxides on the pyrolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, T Handa, G Grause, ZG Lei, H Inomata, T Mizoguchi



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2005.01.004  


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    Metal oxides as Ca(OH)(2), NiO, Fe2O3 or TiO2 showed different effects on the pyrolysis of PET. The experiments were carried out at 700 &DEG; C in a heliurn atmosphere using a laboratory equipment. Ca(OH)(2) led to the hydrolysis of the PET and the following decarboxylation of the resulting terephthalic acid to benzene in a high amount up to 31 wt.%. By this means a yield of 77% related to the terephthalic acid content in the PET. The addition of Fe2O3 led to a similar but weaker effect. Nickel oxide showed less influence on the pyrolysis products of PET. With titanium dioxide considerably less gaseous products were obtained. When a mixture of Ca(OH)2 and NiO was used PET was converted to synthesis-gas with a high hydrogen and carbon monoxide content and a gas amount of about 70%. The experiments with mixtures of Fe2O3 Or TiO2 with Ca(OE)(2) showed little differences to the experiments with pure Ca(OH)(2). &COPY; 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  352. Chemical recycling of polycarbonate to raw materials by thermal decomposition with calcium hydroxide/steam 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, K Sugawara, T Mizoguchi, A Okuwaki

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 34 (3) 282-283 2005年3月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2005.282  



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    We investigated the influence of the decomposition conditions (temperature: 500, 700, 900 degrees C, steam concentration: 0, 35, 86 vol%, Ca(OH)(2)/PC molar ratio: 0 or 5) on polycarbonate (PC). Without steam and Ca(OH)2 the liquefaction yield was 57 wt% (low and high boiling products 14, 43 wt%, respectively), the gasification yield 12 wt%, and the carbonization yield 31 wt% at 500 degrees C. At a steam concentration of 86 vol%, 84 wt% liquids (low and high boiling products 17, 67 wt%, respectively), 1 wt% gases and 15 wt% residues were observed. The amount of low boiling products increased from 17 to 31 wt%, and the amount of high boiling products decreased from 67 to 49 wt% when Ca(OH)(2) was added at a steam concentration 86 vol%. At this time, the yield of phenol in the low boiling fraction increased from 15 to 74 mol% (20 wt% of all products).

  353. The removal of chloride from solutions with various cations using magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    T Kameda, T Yoshioka, T Hoshi, M Uchida, A Okuwaki



    DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2004.05.010  


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    We investigated the removal of chloride from various solutions (NaCl, HCl, MgCl2, AlCl3, CaCl2, and NH4Cl) at 60 degrees C for 3h using magnesium-aluminum oxide, Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10, prepared by the thermal decomposition of a hydrotalcite-like compound, Mg0.80Al0.20(OH)(2)(CO3)(0.10)center dot 0.78H(2)O. The degree of Cl- removal from solution increased with the amount of Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10 used. When Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10 was added to 0.5 M Cl- solutions of HCl, MgCl2, AlCl3, and NH4Cl in a Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10/Cl- molar ratio of 8.75, the degree of Cl- removal exceeded 95%. The degree of Cl- removal from NaCl and CaCl2 solutions was slightly lower, approximately 80 and 90%, respectively. These results reveal that both the amount of Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10 added to chloride solution and the nature of the cations in the solution affect the efficiency of Cl- removal from solution. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  354. Temperature dependence on the activation energy of dechlorination in thermal degradation of polyvinylchloride 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, N Saitoh, A Okuwaki

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 34 (1) 70-71 2005年1月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2005.70  



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    The dechlorination of polyvinylchloride (PVC) powder initially progressed on an apparent zero order reaction, and proceeded in higher dechlorination range by an apparent first order reaction. The apparent activation energies indicate that the rate of the dehydrochlorination is controlled by the chemical reaction at low temperature, but that from 300 to 400degreesC is controlled by heat transfer rate.

  355. High selective conversion of poly(ethylene terephthalate) into oil using Ca(OH)2 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Eisaku Kitagawa, Tadaaki Mizoguchi, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Chemistry Letters 33 (3) 282-283 2004年3月

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2004.282  


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    It is a well known fact that sublimation substances, such as benzoic acid and terephthalic acid, are produced in the thermal decomposition of PET, and this causes problems in plastic recycling plants. However, it is clear that the addition of Ca(OH)2 affects the high selectivity of benzene without producing sublimation substances. The yield of benzene was 35.85 wt % at 700°C and a 10.0 Ca(OH)2/PET molar ratio. This value means that the selectivity of benzene is 78.8% for liquid products, and 85.1 wt % for aromatic ring in input PET.

  356. Pyrolysis of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) by Fluidized Bet Plant 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Guido Grause, Christian Eger, Walter Kaminsky, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Polymer Degradation and Stability 86 499-504 2004年1月

  357. Development of Civic Model on Materials Technology for Recycling-Based Society 査読有り

    O.Umezawa, H. Ohya, T. Yoshioka, S, Kumai, C. Nishimura

    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 29 (5) 1829-1832 2004年1月

  358. Use of Plastic Wastes as a Substitution Coal for the Optimization of Carbon Dioxide Reduction 査読有り

    T. Yoshioka, A. Okuwaki

    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 29 (5) 1807-1811 2004年1月

  359. The simultaneous removal of calcium and chloride ions from calcium chloride solution using magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    T Kameda, T Yoshioka, T Mitsuhashi, M Uchida, A Okuwaki

    WATER RESEARCH 37 (16) 4045-4050 2003年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0043-1354(03)00311-7  


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    We investigated the removal of Ca2+ and Cl- from CaCl2 solution at 20-60degreesC, using magnesium-aluminum oxide, Me0.80Al0.20O1.10, prepared by the thermal decomposition of a hydrotalcite-like compound, Mg0.80Al0.20(OH)(2) (CO3)(0.10) (.) 0.78H(2)O. The degree of Ca2+ and Cl- removal from the solution increased with increasing initial CaCl2 concentration. temperature, and quantity of Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10 added. When Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10 was added to 0.25 M CaCl2 solution in a Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10/CaCl2 molar ratio of 20, the degree of Ca2+ and Cl- removal from the solution at 60degreesC after 0.5h was 93.0% and 98.2%, respectively. These results reveal that Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10 has the capacity to remove Ca2+ and Cl- simultaneously from aqueous solution. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  360. New method of treating dilute mineral acids using magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    Tomohito Kameda, Fumiko Yabuuchi, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Water Research 37 (7) 1545-1550 2003年4月

    DOI: 10.1016/S0043-1354(02)00374-3  


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    Mineral acids, such as H3PO4, H2SO4, HCl, and HNO3, were treated with magnesium-aluminum oxide (Mg-Al oxide), which behaved as a neutralizer and fixative of anions. Anion removal increased with increasing Mg-Al oxide quantity, time, Mg/Al molar ratio, and initial acid concentration. Up to 95% removal of anions was achieved in 0.5N acids using a stoichiometric quantity of Mg0.80Al0.20O1.10 for H3PO4, 1.75 stoichiometric quantities for H2SO4, or 2.5 stoichiometric quantities for HCl or HNO3 at 20°C over a period of 6h. The final solutions were found to have a pH in the range of 8-12. Selectivity of acid removal was found to follow the following order: H3PO4&gt H2SO4&gt HCl&gt HNO 3. The equivalent of acid removal per 1g of Mg-Al oxide decreased as the Mg/Al molar ratio of Mg-Al oxide increased. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  361. Conversion of a used poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottle into oxalic acid and terephthalic acid by oxygen oxidation in alkaline solutions at elevated temperatures 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, M Ota, A Okuwaki



    DOI: 10.1021/ie010563z  


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    Chemical recycling of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) flakes to terephthalic acid (TPA) and oxalic acid was investigated by simultaneous hydrolysis and oxygen oxidation in concentrated NaOH. PET flakes were hydrolyzed to sodium terephthalate and ethylene glycol (EG) in NaOH solutions before oxygen introduction. Because sparingly soluble sodium terephthalate in concentrated NaOH solutions was stable to the oxidation, the TPA yield was approximately 100 mol % under all conditions. In contrast, EG was oxidized to oxalate and CO2, and the maximum oxalic acid yields were 60.7 mol % using flakes from the bodies of transparent bottles and 65.9 and 71.4 mol % using commercial transparent flakes and a mixture of transparent and green flakes from PET, respectively. If the gate fee (83.3 cent/kg of PET) can be obtained as a waste PET recycling subsidy from the Japanese government, this process will generate a profit of $1,134.20 for the treatment of 1000 kg of PET as a net profit for 70 mol % of oxalic acid yield.

  362. Hydrotalcite synthesis using calcined dolomite as a magnesium and alkali resource 査読有り

    T Kameda, T Yoshioka, M Uchida, A Okuwaki

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 21 (22) 1747-1749 2002年11月


    DOI: 10.1023/A:1020956301203  


  363. Synthesis of hydrotalcite from seawater and its application to phosphorus removal 査読有り

    T Kameda, T Yoshioka, M Uchida, A Okuwaki


    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/10426500290093469  


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    10.0 wt% milk of lime was added to seawater containing AlCl3 at Mg/Al molar ratio of 3.0 until pH 10.5 with stirring, and kept at 25degreesC for 1 h. Hydrotalcite (HT) was precipitated as a single phase, and Mg2+ and Al3+ were quantitatively precipitated. The chemical composition was [Mg0.75Al0.25(OH)(2)][(SO4)(0.06)(Cl)(0.02)(OH)(0.11*)].0.27H2O* (*Balance). A 100 mg-P/L Na2HPO4 solution and the HT were shaken at 25degreesC. Phosphate removal increased with increasing time and the HT quantity, and was the highest at pH 7-9. Phosphate ion could be quantitatively removed, adding 8 times the stoichiometric quantity of the HT at pH 8.7 for 6 h.

  364. New treatment method for dilute hydrochloric acid using magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    T Kameda, T Yoshioka, M Uchida, Y Miyano, A Okuwaki



    DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.75.595  



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    Magnesium-aluminum oxide (Mg-Al oxide) was shown to be superior to CO32- intercalated hydrotalcite (CO3-HT) for removing dilute hydrochloric acid. Cl- in a 0.5 M HCl solution could be quantitatively removed by adding 1.75-times the stoichiometric quantity of Mg0.70Al0.20O at 60 degreesC for 1 h. The solution after the reaction was weakly alkaline. This reaction could be adequately described as being first order for the HCl concentration, and the apparent activation energy was 49.3 kJ mol(-1). The amount of Cl- removal per 1 g of Mg-Al oxide in the first use was 3.08 meq at a Mg/Al molar ratio of 2.0 and 2.89 meq at a ratio of 3.5.

  365. TG-MS analysis of dehydrochlorination of poly(vinylidene chloride) 査読有り

    T Akama, T Yoshioka, T Suzuki, M Uchida, A Okuwaki

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS (6) 540-541 2001年6月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2001.540  



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    Poly(vinylidene chloride) (PVDC) was decomposed by thermal treatment to 800 degreesC under inert atmosphere, using themogravimetry-mass spectrometry (TG-MS). The evolvement of hydrogen chloride was still observed at 800 degreesC for the degradation of PVDC. The dehydrochlorination process was divided into two stages according to difference in the formation rate of hydrogen chloride and trichlorobenzene. Dehydrochlorination was accompanied by the evolvement of trichlorobenzene during the first stage below 380 degreesC, but trichlorobenzene was not observed during the second stage above 380 degreesC.

  366. Morphology of barium sulfate synthesized with barium(II)-aminocarboxylate chelating precursors 査読有り

    M Uchida, A Sue, T Yoshioka, A Okuwaki

    CRYSTENGCOMM (5) 1-6 2001年


    DOI: 10.1039/b009571k  


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    The morphology of barium sulfate (BaSO4), synthesized using the hydrothermal reaction of Ba-II- aminocarboxylate chelating precursors, was investigated. The precursors ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), bis(2-aminoethyl)ethyleneglycoltetraacetic acid (EGTA) and nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) were dissolved by heating, resulting in the formation of BaSO4 with rod-like, rhombohedral and spindle-shaped morphologies, respectively. Changing the chelating reagent resulted in the formation of BaSO4 with differing morphologies. There was a correlation between the morphology of BaSO4 and the dissociation constant of the Ba-II- aminocarboxylic acid complexes. When the dissociation constant was small, BaSO4 formed rhombohedral morphologies, when it was large, spindle-shaped morphologies were formed. N 1s XPS measurements indicated that the aminocarboxylic acid was adsorbed on the surface of the precipitated particles. Comparison of the peak intensity X-ray diffraction patterns of EDTA and EGTA showed growth of the {101} face when EDTA was used.

  367. Kinetics of hydrolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) powder in sulfuric acid by a modified shrinking-core model 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, T Motoki, A Okuwaki



    DOI: 10.1021/ie000592u  


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    Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) powder from waste bottles was degradated at atmospheric pressure in 3-9 M sulfuric acid below 150-190 degreesC for 12 h to clarify the mechanism for a feedstock recycle process. Terephthalic acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG) were produced by the acid-catalyzed heterogeneous hydrolysis of PET in sulfuric acid. The TPA yield agreed with the degree of hydrolysis of PET, but the EG yield decreased with increasing sulfuric acid concentration because of carbonization of EG. The kinetics of hydrolysis of PET in sulfuric acid could be explained by a modified shrinking-core model for the chemical reaction control, in which the effective surface area is proportional to the degree of hydrolyzed PET, x, affected by formation and growth of pore and crack on PET powder. The apparent rate constant was proportional to the reciprocal of the particle size and the activity of sulfuric acid, and the activation energy was 88.7 kJ/mol.

  368. Study for recycling of ceria-based glass polishing powder II-recovery of hydroxysodalite from the alkali waste solution containing SiO2 and Al2O3 査読有り

    K Kato, T Yoshioka, A Okuwaki



    DOI: 10.1021/ie000319s  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The recovery of SiO2 and Al2O3 from the alkali waste solution of the glass polishing powder-recycling process was investigated. The effects of seed crystal, stirring speed, and temperature were also studied. Hydroxysodalite was obtained from the waste solution by heating to 80-100 degreesC. Addition of seed crystal shortened the reaction time and made easy the recovery of hydroxysodalite. The hydroxysodalite deposition process was rate-determined by the chemical reaction step, and increased temperature was also effective in shortening a reaction time.

  369. New treatment methods for waste water containing chloride ion using magnesium-aluminum oxide 査読有り

    T Kameda, Y Miyano, T Yoshioka, M Uchida, A Okuwaki

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS (10) 1136-1137 2000年10月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2000.1136  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The removal of hydrochloric acid utilizing magnesium-aluminum oxide (Mg-Al oxide), as prepared by the thermal decomposition of hydrotalcite (HT), was investigated. Cl- in hydrochloric acid can be removed almost 100% by adding 1.75 times the stoichiometric quantity of Mg0.70Al0.20O at 60 degreesC for 1 h. Mg2+ and Al3+ in solution after the reaction were not recognized, because the solution was weakly alkaline.

  370. 水酸化ナトリウムを用いる酸化セリウム系ガラス研磨剤のリサイクル工程 査読有り

    加藤和裕, 吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    日本化学会誌 (10) 725-731 2000年10月


    DOI: 10.1246/nikkashi.2000.725  


  371. Hydrothermal synthesis of needle-like barium sulfate using a barium(II)-EDTA chelate precursor and sulfate ions 査読有り

    M Uchida, A Sue, T Yoshioka, A Okuwaki

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 19 (15) 1373-1374 2000年8月


    DOI: 10.1023/A:1006761401595  


  372. Study for recycling of ceria-based glass polishing powder. (vol 39, pg 944, 2000) 査読有り

    K Kato, T Yoshioka, A Okuwaki



    DOI: 10.1021/ie990622x  


  373. Analysis of two stages dehydrochlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) using TG-MS 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, T Akama, M Uchida, A Okuwaki

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS (4) 322-323 2000年4月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2000.322  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Degradation behavior of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) was analyzed by means of simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry (TG-MS). Weight loss and the production behavior of hydrogen chloride and organic materials with PVC degradation was clearly divided into three stages at lower heating rate. Dehydrochlorination was occurred mainly in the first and second stages. Benzene was formed mainly in the first stage with dehydrochlorination.

  374. Synthesis of hydrotalcite using magnesium from seawater and dolomite 査読有り

    T Kameda, T Yoshioka, M Uchida, A Okuwaki




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Three methods of synthesizing hydrotalcite(HT) have been developed using magnesium from seawater and dolomite(MgCa(CO3)(2)). In the first process, 1.0M Na2CO3 solution was added to calcium ion free artificial seawater containing AlCl3 with an initial Mg/Al molar ratio of 2.0 similar to 3.7 until a pH of 10 was obtained. The solution was then continuously stirred for 1 h at 60 degrees C. CO32--HT was precipitated as a single phase, and the initial Mg/Al molar ratio, which each recovery of Mg2+ and Al3+ from the solution was above 98%, was 2.0-2.3. In the second process, a Ca(OH)(2) slurry was added to artificial seawater containing AlCl3 with an initial Mg/Al molar ratio of 1.0 similar to 5.0 until a pH of 10.5 was obtained, and thm was stirred for 1 h at 60 degrees C. HT was also precipitated as a single phase with initial Mg/Al molar ratio 2.0 similar to 4.0. The initial Mg/Al molar ratio, which each recovery of Mg2+ and Al3+ from the solution was above 98%, was 2.2 similar to 3.3, but SO42- and Cl- were contained in the precipitated HT. When HT was produced using initial Mg/Al molar ratio of 3.0 at 25 degrees C, SO42- and Cl- in the HT were ion-exchanged with CO32- in a 0.05M Na2CO3 solution for 24 h at 25 degrees C, and SO42- and Cl- content of the HT were decreased to 0.5 and 0.05wt%, respectively. In the third process, dolomite calcined at 1000 degrees C was added to an AlCl3 solution with an initial Mg/Al molar ratio of 1.0 similar to 2.0, and the solution was stirred for 1 similar to 4 h at 25 similar to 90 degrees C. HT was precipitated with the smallest amount of MgO and Mg(OH)(2) when the initial Mg/Al molar ratio was 1.5 and the solution was stirred for 4 h at 90 degrees C.

  375. Chemical recycling of rigid-PVC by oxygen oxidation in NaOH solutions at elevated temperatures 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, K Furukawa, A Okuwaki


    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/S0141-3910(99)00128-7  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Oxidative degradation of rigid-PVC pellets (R-PVC) with oxygen was carried out in 1-25 mol/kg-H2O (m) NaOH solutions, at 150-260 degrees C and Po-2 of 1-10 MPa in order to investigate the chemical recycling of PVC materials. The apparent rate of oxidative degradation of R-PVC progressed as a zero order reaction, and the apparent activation energy was 38.5 kJ mol(-1). The major products were oxalic acid, a mixture of benzenecarboxylic acids, and CO2. The tin in R-PVC was extracted completely. This paper reports the possibility of converting PVC materials into raw materials such as carboxylic acids by chemical recycling. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  376. 酸性雨中和剤としてのカキ殻の溶解特性 査読有り

    内田美穂, 金善英, 亀田知人, 脇本崇, 吉岡敏明, 山口勝三, 奥脇昭嗣

    水環境学会誌 22 (12) 997-1000 1999年


    DOI: 10.2965/jswe.22.997  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Acidification of forest soils by acid rain is one of the most crucial topics today. On the other hand, the disposal method of waste oyster shell as industrial waste have not been detected. Here, we tried to reuse the oyster shell as neutralizer for acid rain. Dominant component of oyster shell is calcite (CaCO3, wt%>98) which is able to be dissolved easily in neutral or weak acidic aqueous solutions. Acid rain was collected and analyzed the components in order to investigate the neutralization effects by waste oyster shell.

  377. Potentiometric Determination of the First Hydrolysis Constant of Gallium(III) in NaCl Solution to 100 °C 査読有り

    Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    J. Solution Chem. 27 (11) 965-978 1998年11月


    DOI: 10.1023/A:1022631803191  


  378. Chemical recycling of flexible PVC by oxygen oxidation in NaOH solutions at elevated temperatures 査読有り

    T Yoshioka, K Furukawa, T Sato, A Okuwaki

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 70 (1) 129-135 1998年10月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC

    DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4628(19981003)70:1<129::AID-APP13>3.0.CO;2-2  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Oxidative degradation of a flexible PVC pellet (F-PVC) with oxygen was carried out in 1-25-mol/kg(m)-H2O NaOH solutions, at 150-260 degrees C and P-o2 1-10 MPa. Dehydrochlorination of F-PVC occurred first, followed by oxidation. The major products were oxalic acid, a mixture of benzenecarboxylic acids, and CO2. We obtained 320 g of oxalic acid and 130 g of benzenecarboxylic acids las phthalic acid) from 1 kg of F-PVC under conditions of a 15-m NaOH solution at 250 degrees C and a P-o2 of 5 MPa for 5 h. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 70: 129-135, 1998.

  379. Dehydrochlorination behavior of flexible PVC pellets in NaOH solutions at elevated temperature 査読有り

    Shun-Myung Shin, T. Yoshioka, A. Okuwaki

    Journal of Applied Polymer Science 67 (13) 2171-2177 1998年3月28日

    出版者・発行元:John Wiley and Sons Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4628(19980328)67:13<2171::AID-APP7>3.0.CO;2-B  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Flexible PVC pellets were treated at 150-250°C in 0-7M NaOH solutions for 0-12 h. The degree of dehydrochlorination of flexible PVC pellets increased with increasing reaction temperature and was about 100% at 250°C over 5 h. A porous char, 2-16 μm pore size, was produced. The dehydrochlorination of PVC in the flexible PVC was proceeded by a first-order reaction in alkaline solution. The maximum rate of the dehydrochlorination for flexible PVC was reached at 5M NaOH. The apparent activation energies were 22-35 kcal/mol in 1-7M NaOH for flexible PVC. © 1998 John Wiley &amp Sons, Inc.

  380. Dehydrochlorination behavior of rigid PVC pellet in NaOH solutions at elevated temperature 査読有り

    SM Shin, T Yoshioka, A Okuwaki


    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/S0141-3910(97)00221-8  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Rigid PVC pellet was treated at 150-250 degrees C in 0 similar to 7 M NaOH solutions for 0 similar to 12 h. The degree of dehydrochlorination increased with increasing reaction temperature and reached about 100% at 250 degrees C over 3 h. A porous char, 2 mu m pore size, was produced. The dehydrochlorination proceeded by a first order reaction in the alkaline solution. Maximum rate of the dehydrochlorination for rigid PVC was at 3 M NaOH. The apparent activation energy was 96 kJ mol(-1) in 3 M NaOH for rigid PVC. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Limited. All rights reserved.

  381. 農業用ポリ塩化ビニルフィルムの高温水溶液処理における分解挙動と生成する炭素質の特性 査読有り

    申宣明, 渡辺修一, 吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    廃棄物学会誌 9 (5) 141-148 1998年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management

    DOI: 10.3985/jswme.9.141  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ポリ塩化ビニル (以下PVCと略) 64.5%, フタル酸ジオクチル (以下DOPと略) 32.2%, ステアリン酸カルシウム-亜鉛安定剤と界面活性剤からなる農業用ポリ塩化ビニルフィルム (以下農ビフィルムと略) をNaOH濃度0~7M, 150~250℃, 0~12時間処理し, その分解挙動と生成する炭素質の特性を調べた。<BR>農ビフィルムの分解による重量減少率は時間の経過と温度の上昇に伴い増加した。3MNaOH, 225℃以上では, 昇温過程で重量減少率は31%に達し, この値はDOPの含有率にほぼ一致した。また, この条件でDOPはアルカリによりフタル酸とイソオクタノールに定量的に加水分解した。この水熱処理では, まず, DOPの加水分解・抽出によって10~12μmの細孔が生成し, さらに併発的に進む脱塩化水素によって, より小さい細孔の生成と, 農ビフィルムの収縮が進み, 時間が長いほど細孔径は小さくなった。12時間で, 細孔径は1~8μm程度であった。

  382. Kinetics of Hydrolysis of PET Powder in Nitric Acid by a Modified Shrinking-Core Model 査読有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Nobuchika Okayama, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 37 (2) 336-340 1998年

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society

    DOI: 10.1021/ie970459a  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) powder from waste bottles was degraded at atmospheric pressure in 7-13 M nitric acid at 70-100°C for 72 h, to clarify the mechanism of a feed stock recycling process. Terephthalic acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG) were produced by the acid-catalyzed heterogeneous hydrolysis of PET in nitric acid, and the resulting EG was simultaneously oxidized to oxalic acid. The kinetics of the hydrolysis of PET in nitric acid could be explained by a modified shrinking core model of chemical reaction control, in which the effective surface area is proportional to the degree of unreacted PET, (1 - X), affected by the deposition of the product TPA. The apparent rate constant was inversely proportional to particle size and to the concentration of the nitric acid. The activation energy of the reaction was 101.3 kJ/mol.

  383. リン酸 トリメチルの加水分解を利用して合成したリン酸ランタンの形態と生成過程 査読有り

    鳥居一義, 塩谷朋弘, 吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    日本化学会誌 (11) 763-768 1997年11月


    DOI: 10.1246/nikkashi.1997.763  


  384. Solubility of Hematite in LiOH, NaOH and KOH Solutions 査読有り

    Kanji Ishikawa, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Tsugio Sato, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Hydrometallurgy 45 (1-2) 129-135 1997年6月

    DOI: 10.1016/S0304-386X(96)00068-0  

  385. 湿式ボ-ルミル中の鉛粒子による硝酸ナトリウム溶液の還元速度 査読有り

    菊池和世, 内田美穂, 吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    化学工学論文集 23 (4) 548-554 1997年4月

    出版者・発行元:The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan

    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.23.548  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    NaNO<SUB>3</SUB>含有排水の処理を目的として, 湿式ボールミル中で鉛粒子によるNaNO<SUB>3</SUB>の還元を検討した. 本法では, 回転する鉛粒子同士の接触により, 表面に生成する酸化被膜を連続的に除去してNO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>を還元できる特徴がある.<BR>5~80℃, NaNO<SUB>3</SUB>初濃度0.05~0.1M, 回転速度 ω80~180rpmにおいて, NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>は速やかにNO<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>に還元され, その後に徐々にN<SUB>2</SUB>又はNH<SUB>3</SUB>へ還元された. 10hでNO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>は32~100%NO<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>に還元されたが, NO<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>還元速度は小さくN<SUB>2</SUB>又はNH<SUB>3</SUB>生成率は最大で6%及び10%であった.そのときの沈殿物はPbOであり, 金属鉛は含まれなかった.<BR>温度が高いとNO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>還元速度は増加した. 40℃以上ではNO<SUB>3</SUB>『濃度は0次的に減少し, 対照的にNO<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>濃度が増加した. 還元速度がω<SUP>1/2</SUP>に比例したことから, 回転による鉛粒子上の被膜剥離が律速していると考えられる. 25℃以下ではNO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>還元速度は小さく, 未反応の鉛表面が残るため, 時間と共にNO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>濃度が低下すると小さくなった.

  386. Solubility of gallium(III) oxyhydroxide in aqueous NaCl solutions at 100°C 査読有り

    Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Journal of Solution Chemistry 26 (7) 699-708 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

    DOI: 10.1007/BF02767622  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The hydrolysis-precipitation equilibrium reaction of aqueous gallium(III) solution was investigated in 0-3 mol-kg-1 NaCl media at low pH at 100°C using a pressure-tight glass vessel. All precipitates were identified as GaOOH. The results were analyzed with a nonlinear least-squares computer program to obtain the solubility product Kso for gallium(III) oxyhydroxide using a single-parameter type of Debye-Hückel equation. The value of log Kso for GaOOH(s) + 3H+ ⇄ Ga3+ + 2H2O was -0.60 at 100°C. The solubility product calculated from thermodynamic data was compared with the experimental result.

  387. 高温アルカリ水溶液中における農業用ポリ塩化ビニル系ポリマーフィルム中のPVCの脱塩化水素挙動 査読有り

    申宣明, 渡辺修一, 吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    日本化学会誌 (1) 64-68 1997年


    DOI: 10.1246/nikkashi.1997.64  


  388. Photochemical reduction of nitrate to ammonia using layered hydrous titanate/cadmium sulphide nanocomposites 査読有り

    T Sato, KI Sato, Y Fujishiro, T Yoshioka, A Okuwaki


    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD

    DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4660(199612)67:4<345::AID-JCTB586>3.0.CO;2-#  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The photocatalytic activity of H2Ti4O9/CdS nanocomposites incorporating CdS particles, less than 0.8 nm thick, in the interlayer of H2Ti4O9 was evaluated for the reduction of NO3- with and without methanol. NO3- was photochemically reduced by bandgap illumination in the presence of H2Ti4O9/CdS nanocomposites with and without methanol although unsupported CdS showed no noticeable photocatalytic activity for NO3- reduction. The oxidation of CdS in H2Ti4O9/CdS to SO42- was accompanied by NO3- reduction without methanol, whereas addition of methanol was useful to promote the NO3- reduction and depress the oxidation of CdS. The catalytic activity of H2Ti4O9/CdS greatly increased with doping Pt particles in the interlayer.

  389. Synthesis of titanium nitride by a spark-discharge method in liquid ammonia 査読有り

    T Sato, S Yasuda, K Usuki, T Yoshioka, A Okuwaki

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 31 (9) 2495-2499 1996年5月


    DOI: 10.1007/BF01152967  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Titanium nitride powders were synthesized by the spark-discharge method in liquid ammonia at -78 to 130 degrees C and 3.5-10.5 kV discharge voltage using titanium pellets as the starting materials. Titanium nitride possessing nitrogen defect, TiN1-x(x similar or equal to 0.5), was obtained as the main product, together with small amounts of alpha-Ti alloyed with nitrogen. The increase in temperature of the liquid ammonia resulted in an increase in the titanium nitride content in the product but a decrease in the powder production rate. By calcining the mixed powders of TiN1-x and alpha-Ti in a nitrogen atmosphere around 1200 degrees C, stoichiometric TiN was obtained as single phase.

  390. Synthesis of New Rhabdophane-Type Lanthanide orthphoshates (Ln = Tm, Yb, and Lu) and their crystal chemistry 査読有り

    S.Ishikawa, K.Mineya, T.Yoshioka, A.Okuwaki, Y.Fujishiro

    Phosphorous Research Bulletin 6 273-276 1996年

  391. Synthesis of γ-iron by a spark discharge method in Liquid Ammonia 査読有り

    T.Sato, S.Yasuda, T.Yoshioka, A.Okuwaki

    J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 14 (20) 1430-1432 1995年10月


    DOI: 10.1007/BF00462205  




    BRITISH CERAMIC TRANSACTIONS 94 (5) 205-208 1995年

    出版者・発行元:INST MATERIALS


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Titanium carbide powders were synthesised by the spark discharge method in several hydrocarbons, i.e. benzene, toluene, n-pentane, n-heptane, and cyclohexane, at 0-160 degrees C and 1.5-11.5 kV discharge voltage using titanium pellets as the starting material. The resulting powders contained significant amounts of alpha-Ti and carbon. The alpha-Ti and free carbon in the as prepared powders could be converted to TiC by calcination in argon at 1000-1150 degrees C.

  393. 塩化ビニリデン-塩化ビニル共重合体の液相酸化法によるケミカルリサイクリング 査読有り

    吉岡敏明, 古川慶一, 佐藤次雄, 奥脇昭嗣

    エネルギー・資源 16 (2) 165-169 1995年




    ADVANCED MATERIALS '93, I - A & B 14 (A & B) 3-6 1994年


  395. Hydrolysis of Waste PET by Sulfuric Acid at 150℃for a chemical Recycling 査読有り

    T.Yoshioka, T.Sato, A.Okuwaki

    J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 52 (9) 1353-1355 1994年

    DOI: 10.1002/app.1994.070520919  

    ISSN:1097-4628 0021-8995




    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Semiconductor particles composed of CdS and mixed CdS-ZnS were incorporated into the interlayers of layered compounds such as H4Nb6O17, H2Ti4O9, montmorillonite and layered double hydroxides, [M(II)1-xM(III)x(OH)2](CO3)x/2.nH2O (M(II) = Mg2+, Zn2+, M(III) = Al3+, x = 0.33), by the chemical reactions between S2- and Cd2+-Zn2+ and/or Cd(edta)2--Zn(edta)2- in the interlayers. The incorporated particles seemed to be very small, less than 1 nm thick. The band gap energies of CdS and CdS-ZnS mixtures in the interlayer were significantly larger than those of normal-crystalline ones. The CdS-ZnS mixtures incorporated into the interlayers were capable of efficient hydrogen evolution following irradiation with visible light in the presence of Na2S, Na2SO3 and/or 2-aminoethanol as a sacrificial donor. The hydrogen production activities of the CdS-ZnS mixtures incorporated into the interlayers were superior to those of unsupported CdS-ZnS. The incorporation of the CdS-ZnS mixtures in the interlayer of a semiconductor such as H2Ti4O9 and H4Nb6O17 was much more efficient in enhancing the hydrogen production activity than when an insulator such as montmorillonite and layered double hydroxide was used.




    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The causticization behaviour of Na2CO3 with rock-salt type oxide, Mg2(1-x)/(2+x)M2x/(2+x)O (M = Al3+ and Fe3+, x = 0.2 and 0.33), produced by the thermal decomposition of hydrotalcite-like layered double hydroxide was investigated at 30-60-degrees-C. The degree of causticization increased with increasing the molar ratio of [rock-salt type oxide]/[Na2CO3] and increasing the temperature but decreased with increasing the initial concentration of Na2CO3. The causticization behaviour could be adequately described by the equation of anion exchange equilibria between CO32- and OH- for layered double hydroxide.

  398. 高温アルカリ水溶液中におけるポリ塩化ビニル粉末の酸素酸化 査読有り

    吉岡敏明, 安田真也, 川村邦男, 佐藤次雄, 奥脇昭嗣

    日本化学会誌 (5) 534-541 1992年5月


    DOI: 10.1246/nikkashi.1992.534  





    出版者・発行元:AMER CERAMIC SOC

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1992.tb07841.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Amorphous CeO2-ZrO2 gels were prepared by coprecipitation in ammonia solutions. The onset of crystallization of the gels, from calcining in air, was 420-degrees-C, while 200-degrees to 250-degrees-C in the presence of water and organic solvents such as methanol and ethanol. The sintering behaviors of CeO2-ZrO2 powders were sensitive to the crystallizing conditions, since hard agglomerates formed when the precipitated gels were crystallized by normal calcination in air, whereas soft agglomerates formed when they were crystallized in water or organic solvents. CeO2-ZrO2 powders crystallized in methanol and water at 250-degrees-C were sintered to full theoretical density at 1150-degrees and 1400-degrees-C, respectively, whereas that crystallized by calcination in air at 450-degrees-C was sintered to only 95.2% of theoretical density, even at 1500-degrees-C.




    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD

    DOI: 10.1002/jctb.280550414  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The behaviour of uptake of the benzenecarboxylate ions, C6H6-n(COO)nn- (n = 1-6), in aqueous solutions by rock-salt type magnesium aluminium oxide, Mg(1-x)/2+x)Al2x/2+x)O (x = 0.17, 0.30, 0.33) was investigated at 0-70-degrees-C. All the benzenecarboxylate ions were taken up from solution competitively with OH- to form the hydrotalcite-like layered double hydroxides. The uptake rate could be adequately described by a surface chemical reaction controlled shrinking core model, and the apparent activation energy was c. 60 kJ mol-1. The selectivity of anion uptake increased with increasing the charge density of the benzenecarboxylate ions. The amount of benzenecarboxylate ions incorporated in the interlayer of hydrotalcite and the selectivity of uptake for benzenecarboxylate possessing higher electric charge increased with increasing aluminium content in the magnesium aluminium oxide.




    出版者・発行元:CHAPMAN HALL LTD

    DOI: 10.1007/BF00720779  


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

MISC 102

  1. プラスチックリサイクルから見えるカーボンニュートラルに貢献する既存技術展開の可能性

    吉岡 敏明

    都市清掃 76 (374) 339-343 2023年7月

  2. 熱分解法によるプラスチックのケミカルリサイクルが繋ぐ動静脈連携

    吉岡敏明, 熊谷将吾

    高分子 72 (1) 8-10 2023年1月

  3. 動静脈産業連携によるプラスチックリサイクルと炭素循環

    吉岡 敏明

    環境管理 58 (12) 2022年12月

  4. 炭素循環を可能とする動静脈連携の手立て

    吉岡 敏明

    環境技術会誌 (189) 1-2 2022年10月

  5. プラスチックケミカルリサイクルにおける炭素循環とハロゲン循環


    JACI NEWS LETTER (81) 2-3 2022年5月

  6. プラスチックの資源循環社会を支える炭素循環


    生活と環境 67 (3) 1-1 2022年5月

  7. プラスチック資源循環に向けて~ハロゲン循環・制御の必要性と方策

    吉岡敏明, 齋藤優子, 熊谷将吾

    ビニリデン協だより (83) 1-11 2022年3月

  8. 大規模災害時における災害廃棄物処理の備え

    吉岡 敏明, 遠藤 守也

    消防防災の科学 (146) 17-20 2021年11月

  9. プラスチックリサイクルで活躍する熱分解分析法

    熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    マテリアルステージ 20 (5) 52-58 2021年8月

  10. 複合材料・製品の化学的手法によるリサイクルの可能性

    吉岡敏明, 熊谷将吾

    機能材料 41 (1) 4-11 2021年1月

  11. 海洋プラスチック問題とリサイクル


    生活と環境 (766) 61-67 2021年1月

  12. プラスチック問題の解決に果たす化学産業の役割と期待

    吉岡 敏明

    化学と工業 73 (7) 535-537 2020年7月

  13. プラスチックケミカルリサイクルを進める動脈産業の役割と期待 招待有り

    吉岡敏明, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子

    PETROTECH~石油学会情報誌~ 43 (4) 250-257 2020年4月

  14. 難リサイクル性プラスチックのリサイクルに向けた研究開発 招待有り

    熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    えねるみくす 99 17-21 2020年1月

  15. 球核体を用いたポリ塩化ビニルの化学修飾 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    月刊ファインケミカル 48 (6) 49-59 2019年6月

  16. 熱分解法による太陽光パネル用封止材の紫外線劣化解析

    山田加奈子, 熊谷将吾, 白鳥寿一, 渡辺壱, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会(FSRJ)討論会予稿集 22nd 2019年

  17. プラスチックリサイクルが直面する課題と将来展望‐二次原料としての使用済みプラスチックの価値とハロゲン対策‐

    齋藤優子, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 29 (2) 152-162 2018年3月

  18. プラスチックリサイクルの現状と展望:化学資源化の観点から 招待有り

    齋藤優子, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    環境浄化技術 17 51-59 2018年

  19. プラスチックリサイクルの現状と展望 =化学資源化の視点から=

    齊藤優子, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    プラスチックス 68 (11) 32-38 2017年11月



  20. プラスチックリサイクルの展望<化学資源化の観点から>

    齊藤優子, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明


  21. プラスチックリサイクルの研究開発動向と課題⁻フィードストックリサイクルを中心として-

    齊藤優子, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    43 (4) 178-184 2017年7月


    DOI: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu.43.178  


  22. 木質バイオマス/廃プラスチック混合物の共熱分解による化学原燃料化

    熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 28 (1) 4-12 2017年4月



  23. 材料と原料としてみた無機マテリアルの環境対策

    吉岡 敏明

    Journal of the Society of INORGANIC MATERIALS, JAPAN 24 55-56 2017年3月1日

  24. 難循環ガラス素材廃製品の適正処理に関する研究

    吉岡 敏明

    生活と環境 61 (1) 61-64 2016年1月1日



  25. 環境リスク回避と平時からの取組みー東日本大震災におけるエコラボの役割ー


    環境研究 (179) 5-12 2015年8月31日



  26. 日本人のこころとリサイクル


    生活と環境 (702) 1-1 2014年10月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般財団法人 日本環境衛生センター

  27. 大学研究室における室内物品地震対策ガイドラインの策定

    本間誠, 三上恭訓, 吉岡敏明, 斉藤宏秋, 久保百司, 源栄正人

    環境と安全 5 (3) 131-141 2014年9月30日

    DOI: 10.11162/daikankyo.14C0801  

  28. 災害廃棄物処理の新しいコンセプトとその効果


    環境システム計測制御学会誌「EICA」 19 (1) 2-5 2014年7月15日



  29. プラスチックの化学原燃料化に関する研究動向

    熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    化学経済 61 (7月) 51-61 2014年7月1日



  30. 層状複水酸化物の酸性ガス処理への応用

    亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    Journal of Society of Inorganic Materials 21 (370) 197-203 2014年5月1日



  31. プラスチックの特性と今後のプラスチックリサイクル

    熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 25 (2) 124-132 2014年3月



  32. リサイクル産業創生につながる震災廃棄物処理


    月刊廃棄物 39 (1) 1-1 2013年1月


  33. 宮城県における災害廃棄物処理の現状と課題

    吉岡敏明, 宮城英徳

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 23 (6) 421-428 2013年1月


  34. 廃プラスチックの化学的手法を用いたリサイクル

    吉岡 敏明

    GSCN newsletter (46) 2-2 2013年1月


  35. 講演 震災廃棄物を資源化する取組み (第25回:震災廃棄物の処理・リサイクルと課題)

    吉岡 敏明, 浅利 美鈴, 酒井 伸一

    環境資源工学会シンポジウム「リサイクル設計と分離精製技術」発表資料集 25 20p 2012年9月6日


  36. ポリ塩化ビニルの置換反応

    橋本和美, 吉岡敏明

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング 57 (5) 71-77 2012年5月


  37. 災害廃棄物分別・処理戦略マニュアルの概要と今後の課題

    浅利美鈴, 吉岡敏明, 酒井伸一

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌/論文誌 23 (1) 10-10 2012年4月


    DOI: 10.3985/mcwmr.23.10  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    東日本大震災に際して,廃棄物資源循環学会内に立ち上げられたタスクチームでは, 「災害廃棄物分別・処理戦略マニュアル」 (JSMCWMマニュアル) の作成と発信を進めた。その概要を整理すると同時に,今後の展開を検討することを目的に,既存の国内外の指針類をレビューした後,JSMCWM マニュアルの概要を紹介した。<br>海外では,米国のガイド類が充実しており,情報が体系化されている。国際機関もガイドラインを出しており,要点が簡潔に整理されている。しかし,アジアを含む各国との情報共有に向けて,取組体制や幅広い選択肢の検討等が必要と考えられた。<br>JSMCWMマニュアルは,東日本大震災を受けて,現地での対応を記録しつつ,全国の専門家等から知見を集約し,解決策や選択肢を提示することを目的としたものだ。分別・リサイクルを基軸とし,具体的な選択肢を詳細に示したものとなっている。しかし,事前の計画立案を支援するためには,さらなる知見が必要と考えられた。

  38. 仙台市における震災廃棄物処理対応

    吉岡敏明, 遠藤守也

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 23 (1) 31-39 2012年4月


    DOI: 10.3985/mcwmr.23.31  

  39. 特集 震災廃棄物処理特集(Ⅰ)

    平山修久, 河田惠昭, 奥村与志弘, 浅利美鈴, 吉岡敏明, 酒井伸一, 岡山朋子, 神本裕樹, 遠藤守也, 佐々木秀幸, 颯田尚哉, 東條安匡, 鈴木拓也, 寺園淳, 遠藤和人山本貴士, 小口正弘, 大迫政浩, 滝上英孝, 東博紀, 遠藤和人, 水谷千亜紀

    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 23 (1) 3-71 2012年4月


    DOI: 10.3985/mcwmr.23.3  

  40. リサイクルの視点を重視した災害廃棄物処理


    青葉工業会ニュース (48) 9-9 2012年4月


  41. リサイクルを主とした震災廃棄物処理対応

    吉岡 敏明

    環境工学総合シンポジウム講演論文集 22 5-9 2012年


  42. 水溶液からの有機化合物の補足を目的とした層状複水酸化物の有機修飾による機能化

    亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    粘土科学 50 (3) 175-181 2012年


    DOI: 10.11362/jcssjnendokagaku.50.3_175  


  43. 有機修飾層状複水酸化物による重金属イオンの補足

    亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    Journal of Society of Inorganic materials,Japan 19 (357) 126-132 2012年


  44. 災害廃棄物を災害資源物と捉える施策


    青葉工業会報 55 17-17 2011年12月15日


  45. 大震災、復興への道ー災害廃棄物リサイクルで仙台市支援


    PVCニュース 79 6-8 2011年12月


  46. 戦略的災害廃棄物分別・処理マニュアルの世界標準化


    東北大学Annual Review 2011 16-16 2011年10月

  47. 東日本大震災に果たした学会の役割と今後の方向性


    廃棄物資源循環学会誌 22 (4) 261-262 2011年9月

  48. 震災復興につながる災害廃棄物処理の方向性


    生活と環境 56 (9) 20-24 2011年9月1日

    出版者・発行元:財団法人 日本環境衛生センター


  49. 震災による災害廃棄物処理の現状と方向性-被災地の視点から-


    環境技術会誌 (144) 24-28 2011年7月


  50. 災害廃棄物処理の現状と問題点


    東北大学大学院環境科学研究科ニュースレター (12) 8-8 2011年7月

  51. 震災による災害廃棄物処理課題と方向性


    まなびの杜 (56) 2011年6月30日


  52. B04 アルキルスルホン酸型Mg-Al系層状複水酸化物の合成と水溶液からの芳香族化合物の捕捉に及ぼす層間隙の影響(口頭発表,一般講演)

    亀田 知人, 土屋 勇一, 山崎 貴司, 吉岡 敏明

    粘土科学討論会講演要旨集 (54) 84-85 2010年9月7日


  53. 廃プラスチックの現状と資源循環


    応用物理 79 (7) 622-627 2010年7月

  54. 廃プラスチックの化学原料化(フィードストックリサイクル)

    吉岡 敏明

    翠巒 (24) 2010年3月


  55. リサイクルと化学そしてトランスファーテクノロジー


    化学と工業 62 (9) 988-989 2009年9月1日


  56. プラスチックのリサイクル

    吉岡 敏明

    まなびの杜 (47) 4-5 2009年3月31日

  57. 「化学していますか?リサイクルしていますか?」

    吉岡 敏明

    高分子 58 (6月) 2009年

  58. 水素発酵における基質濃度及びpH制御の影響

    清水 哲, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 19 38-40 2008年11月19日


  59. 廃プラスチックの地域循環型リサイクルシステム

    吉岡 敏明

    機械の研究 60 (8) 821-825 2008年



  60. NaOH/エチレングリコールを用いたシュレッダーダストの脱ハロゲン処理

    福田 裕三, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 18 315-317 2007年11月19日


  61. ここまで来た プラスチックリサイクル


    日本プラスチック工業連盟誌 プラスチックス11 58 (11) 18-22 2007年11月1日



  62. プラスチックフィードストックリサイクル研究開発の動向


    日本エネルギー学会誌 86 848-853 2007年9月

  63. 天然のキレート剤及びベンゼンスルホン酸をインターカレートした層状複水酸化物による水溶液からの重金属及び芳香族有機化合物の除去

    亀田 知人, 竹内 秀範, 山崎 貴司, 吉岡 敏明

    春季大会講演集. I, 資源編 19 (2) 11-12 2007年3月29日


  64. 水溶性物質を用いた6価セレンの還元

    亀田 知人, 石山 優奈, 吉岡 敏明

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 17 1160-1162 2006年11月20日


  65. 無機・有機複合廃プラスチックのフィードストックリサイクル


    環境資源工学 第53 (第4号) 216-221 2006年11月



  66. ハイドロタルサイトの水環境保全・浄化への応用

    亀田知人, 吉岡敏明, 梅津良昭, 奥脇昭嗣

    THE CHEMICAL TIMES 195 (1) 10-16 2005年

  67. 東北大学大学院環境科学研究科 吉岡研究室紹介


    日本エネルギー学会 84 (7) 554-556 2005年

  68. 塩素のこれから : 塩素工業の流れから

    吉岡 敏明

    ペトロテック = Petrotech 27 (3) 201-204 2004年3月1日



  69. 塩素のこれから・・塩素工業の流れから・・


    ペテロテック 27 13-16 2004年

  70. B23 水田土壌中のカドミウムの浸出

    宿野部 葵, 内田 美穂, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    粘土科学 42 (3) 181-181 2003年3月28日



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  71. B2 塩化物型ハイドロタルサイトを用いた浸出水中の硫酸イオン除去

    辻村 秋乃, 内田 美穂, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    粘土科学 42 (3) 178-178 2003年3月28日



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  72. 東北大学環境保全研究施設が社会に発信することと社会から求められること


    環境安全 29 17 2003年

  73. B2 塩化物型ハイドロタルサイトを用いた浸出水中の硫酸イオン除去

    辻村 秋乃, 内田 美穂, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    粘土科学討論会講演要旨集 (46) 98-99 2002年9月19日


  74. B23 水田土壌中のカドミウムの浸出

    宿野部 葵, 内田 美穂, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    粘土科学討論会講演要旨集 (46) 140-141 2002年9月19日


  75. Debromination Behavior of Paper-based Print Circuit Board Under He Atmosphere

    Masaaki Furusawa, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    The Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics & Other Innovative Plastics Recycling Techniques A32 2002年9月

  76. 9.海水及び焼成ドロマイトを利用するハイドロタルサイトの新規合成プロセスの開発とその排水処理への応用

    亀田知人, 吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    化学工業 52 (10) 810-814 2001年



  77. プラスチックリサイクルの現状と将来


    分離技術 31 (3) 130-134 2001年



  78. 使用済みPET製プリペイドカードからのTiO_2の回収

    吉岡 敏明, 松井 言永, 内田 美穂, 奥脇 昭嗣

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts 11 (1) 451-453 2000年10月10日


  79. ハイドロタルサイト焼成物を利用した塩化物イオン含有排水の新規処理方法

    亀田 知人, 宮野 仁賢, 吉岡 敏明, 内田 美穂, 奥脇 昭嗣

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts 11 (2) 1049-1051 2000年10月10日


  80. PET製プリペイドカードからのTiO^2の回収

    松井 言永, 吉岡 敏明, 内田 美穂, 奥脇 昭嗣

    資源・素材 2000 (3) 186-187 2000年10月3日


  81. Reaction Behavior of Chlorophenols and Dihydroxybenzenes in High Temperature Aqueous Solutions

    Miho Uchida, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions & Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions 101-104 2000年7月

  82. ケミカルリサイクルの動向と将来展望(1st International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics (ISFR’99)を中心にして)

    吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    プラスチックエージ 臨時増刊号 57-60 2000年



  83. Leaching of Plasticizer and Chlorine from Mixed Waste Plastics in NaOH Solutions at Elevated Temperatures

    Syogo Sotoma, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Shun-Nyung Shin, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics 243-246 1999年10月

  84. Oxygen-Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol in NaOH Solutions at Elevated Temperatures

    Masaki Ota, Toshiaki Yoshioka,, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics 239-242 1999年10月

  85. Kinetics of Polyvinyl Chloride Degradation using TG-MS

    Tetsuhiro Akama, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proceedings of theFirst International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics 177-180 1999年10月

  86. Thermal Degradation of Polyvinyl Chloride

    Miho Uchida, Nobuo Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics 201-204 1999年10月

  87. New Processes for Hydrotalcite using Magnesium in Seawater and Dolomite

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proccedings of 10th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds 29 1999年5月

  88. New Processes for Hydrotalcite using Seawater

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Miho Uchida, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proceedings JSPS International Workshop on Design and Soft Solution-Processing for Advanced Inorganic Materials, 72-75 1998年8月

  89. 塩ビの化学(フィードストック)リサイクル技術

    吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    プラスチック 49 (9) 34-40 1998年



  90. 希土類金属 edta 錯体を前駆体とする複合希土類リン酸塩の合成及び特性評価

    石川 諭, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    希土類 = Rare earths (30) 126-127 1997年5月22日


  91. Chemical Recycling of Rigid-PVC by Oxygen-oxidation in NaOH Solutions at Elevated Temperatures

    T. Yoshioka, K. Furukawa, T. Sato, A. Okuwaki

    Proceedings of The 4th International Symposium on Supercrical Fluids 595-596 1997年

  92. Rate of Deuterium Replacement of Hydrogens on Benzenecarboxylic Acids in NaOD-D<SUB>2</SUB>O Solutions at Elevated Temperatures

    A. Okuwaki, H. Kaneko, T. Yoshioka, T. Sato

    Proceedings of The 5th International Symposium Hydrothermal Reactions 45-50 1997年

  93. 廃プラスチックの原燃料への転換技術

    吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    化学工業 48 (4) 313-324 1997年



  94. 産業系廃棄プラスチックの具体的な再生法とその利用法は?


    化学工学 61 452 1997年

  95. 希土類 -edta 錯体を前駆体とした複合希土類リン酸塩の合成

    石川 諭, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    希土類 = Rare earths (28) 74-75 1996年5月16日


  96. 廃プラスチックのケミカルリサイクル

    吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    いんだすと 10 36-41 1995年

  97. (2) 水熱処理によるプラスチックのケミカル・リサイクリング(主題 : 二次資源処理の現状と展望)(第 5 回難処理希少資源研究センター研究懇談会)(素材工学研究会記事)

    吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣, 東北大学工学部, 東北大学工学部

    東北大学素材工学研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University 50 (1) 220-220 1994年12月1日


  98. Chemical Recycling of Used PET Bottles by Oxygen-Oxidation in NaOH Solutions at Elevated Temperatures

    T. Yoshioka, Y. Kamiya, T. Sato, A. Okuwaki

    Proceedings First International Conference on Solve-Thermal Reactions 76-79 1994年

  99. PETボトルのリサイクル

    吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    硫酸と工業 47 (2) 21-29 1994年



  100. ポリ塩化ビニルの化学原料への再資源化

    吉岡敏明, 奥脇昭嗣

    化学工業 45 563-570 1994年

  101. 高温水溶液中における廃プラスチックのケミカルリサイクリング

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明

    資源処理技術 41 (3) 124-129 1994年


    DOI: 10.4144/rpsj1986.41.124  


  102. Chemical Recycling of Polyvynyl Chloride to Oxalic Acid and Benzenecarboxylic Acids by Oxygen Oxidation in Alkaline Solutions at High Temperature

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Shinya Yasuda, Keiichi Furukawa, Tsugio Sato, Akitsugu Okuwaki

    Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. East Asian Resources Recycling Tech. 100-115 1993年

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

書籍等出版物 17

  1. カーボンニュートラルを目指す最新の触媒技術

    室井 高城

    ㈱シーエムシー・リサーチ 2022年2月26日

  2. プラスチックのケミカルリサイクル技術

    吉岡敏明, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子

    シーエムシー出版 2021年9月30日

  3. プラスチックの資源循環に向けたグリーンケミストリーの要素技術

    澤口, 孝志

    シーエムシー出版 2019年11月

    ISBN: 9784781314440

  4. リンの事典

    大竹久夫, 小野寺真一, 黒田章夫, 佐竹研一, 他多数

    朝倉出版 2017年11月15日

  5. 最新 材料の再資源化技術事典

    吉岡敏明, 熊谷将吾

    株式会社産業技術サービスセンター 2017年8月10日

  6. 東日本大震災合同調査報告 土木編3 ライフライン施設の被害と復旧


    丸善出版 2015年3月31日

  7. Topical Themes in Energy and Resources

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Guido Grause

    Springer 2015年

  8. Layered Double Hydrooxides(LDHs)

    Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Nova Science Publishers,Inc 2015年

  9. 高分子における劣化・破壊現象の写真・データ事例集

    熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明, 他

    ㈱技術情報協会 2014年3月24日

  10. 地球マテリアルブック デザイン×科学のダイアローグ


    株式会社BCCKS 2013年7月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    2010年に日本科学未来館が行った「デザイン×科学 地球マテリアル会議」の内容をもとにまとめられた。2011年にiPad版の電子書籍が発行され、2013年BCCKS版として発行された。

  11. 災害廃棄物分別・処理実務マニュアル

    東條安匡, 中村恵子, 西川光善, 西島亜佐子, 橋本治, 長谷川誠, 林里香, 久田真, 平山修久, 黄仁姫, 藤原健史, 皆川浩, 山川肇, 山本攻, 吉岡敏明

    株式会社ぎょうせい 2012年5月10日

  12. Feedstock Recycling and Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics, Wiley Series in Polymer Science, Edited by John Scheirs and Walter Kaminsky

    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Grause Guido

    John Wiley (UK), 2006年

  13. 「環境・安全・衛生」大学のアピール,伊永隆史編

    吉岡敏明, 池知彦, 安田啓司

    三共出版 2006年

  14. プラスチックの化学再資源化技術 監修プラスチック化学リサイクル研究会

    吉岡敏明, 半田智彦

    シーエムシー出版 2005年

  15. ぼくもノーベル賞をとるぞ!!高分子学会編著


    朝日新聞社 2000年

  16. 「化学装置」別冊 環境・リサイクル技術ハンドブック

    吉岡敏明, 申宣明, 奥脇昭嗣

    工業調査会 1999年

  17. エコマテリアルシリ-ズ 高分子材料のリサイクル

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

講演・口頭発表等 378

  1. 代替素材やリサイクルシステム 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    環境省主催 令和5年度海洋プラスチックごみ問題に関するシンポジウム 2024年3月19日

  2. 動静脈連携を志向したプラスチックリサイクル 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    23-1 グリーンケミストリー研究会講演会 2024年3月15日

  3. カーボンニュートラルのための環境と経済が両立するプラスチック資源循環 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    資源循環分野における脱炭素・循環経済に係るシンポジウム 2024年3月6日

  4. 炭素循環に資するプラスチックリサイクルの可能性と課題 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    日本生産性本部 循環経済生産性ビジネス研究会 2024年1月17日

  5. サーキュラーエコノミーに関する欧州の動向について 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第4回サーキュラーエコノミーサロン「プラスチック資源循環に関する情報共有・意見交換会」 2023年12月21日

  6. ハロゲン含有ポリマーのリサイクルに向け たプロセス開発 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    日本化学会「第17回 技術開発フォーラム」 2023年11月22日

  7. 動静脈連携を進める物質循環 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    循環経済型の資源活用セミナー~サステナブル経営への展開~(埼玉県産業振興公社) 2023年11月20日

  8. 廃プラスチックのサーキュラーエコノ ミー性の期待と課題 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第 25 回レアメタル資源再生技術研究会 2023年11月16日

  9. これからのプラスチックとの付き合い方 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第9回美しい地球環境講座(山形県理化学分析センター) 2023年10月22日

  10. Plastics Material Cycle Strategy Supporting Carbon Neutrality 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    令和5年度化学系学協会東北大会及び日本化学会東北支部80周年記念国際会議 2023年9月10日

  11. プラスチックリサイクルからみる炭素循環 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    JASISトピックセミナー「プラスチックリサイクルの最新動向と機器分析」 2023年9月6日

  12. 動静脈連携を志向したプラスチックリサイクル研究開発事例 招待有り


    近畿化学協会 重合工学部会 令和4年度 重合工学レクチャーシリーズ No.9 「プラスチックのケミカルリサイクル」 2023年1月12日

  13. 炭素循環に資するプラスチックリサイクルと動静脈産業連携の可能性 招待有り


    SPE(Society of Plastics Engineers)日本支部講演会「環境に配慮したプラスチックを目指して~資源 循環・リサイクル~」 2022年12月9日

  14. ケミカルリサイクル技術の展望とバイオプラの開発動向 招待有り


    プラ推進協 2022年度 第1回 3R推進セミナー 2022年11月24日

  15. 動静脈産業を繋ぐプラスチックリサイクルと炭素循環 招待有り


    京都工芸繊維大学 繊維科学センター主催「未来環境を考える講演会」 2022年11月15日

  16. 炭素循環から見るプラスチックとの付き合い方 招待有り


    日本学術会議公開シンポジウム「カーボンニュートラル化と資源循環に向けた高分子化学のチャレンジ」 2022年11月8日

  17. 資源循環戦略を支えるケミカルリサイクルとバイオプラスチックの新技術展望 招待有り


    食品ニューテクノロジー研究会 2022年9月例会 2022年9月16日

  18. Recycle Processes Waste Plastic to Chemical Feedstock 招待有り


    2022年台湾化学工業サミットフォーラム 2022年9月5日

  19. Ideas and strategies for making plastic a sustainable material 招待有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka

    OECD Workshop on Flexible Food Grade Packing-Economic, Regulatory or Technical Barriers to Sustainable Design from Chemicals Perspective- 2022年5月12日

  20. Status of technological development of waste recycling towards carbon neutrality(TBC) 招待有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka

    韓日国際シンポジウム 2022年5月12日

  21. プラスチックリサイクルと炭素循環 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    東北大学グリーン・ゴールズ・パートナー第3回研究会 2022年4月21日

  22. プラスチックの環境対応について 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    東洋紡・サーキュラーエコノミー講演会 2022年1月24日

  23. Recycle processes waste plastic to chemical feedstock 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    30th Annual Saudi-Japan Symposium-2021 2021年12月13日

  24. プラスチック資源循環とバイオプラスチック導入の現状と意識 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    公益社団法人石油学会 第36回東北支部講演会 2021年11月10日

  25. 炭素循環に資するプラスチックリサイクル 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    分離技術会 分離技術会年会 2021年11月4日

  26. プラスチック3R+Renewableの意義 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    地域未来学 2021年10月30日

  27. プラスチックケミカルリサイクルへの期待と可能性 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    有機デバイス研究会 第126回研究会 2021年9月24日

  28. プラスチック問題から見るSDGs等、身近なごみ問題から環境問題を考察する 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    宮城県柴田高校環境講話 2021年9月15日

  29. プラスチックのケミカルリサイクルの動向とバイオプラスチックの位置付け 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    食品流通包装懇話会 2021年9月9日

  30. プラスチック問題に取組む化学技術の役割 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    新化学技術推進協会(JACI)高選択性反応分科会勉強会 2021年8月4日

  31. プラスチック問題解決に期待される化学・バイオ工学の役割 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    高大連携事業に係る地域公開講座「令和3年度 Sanuma Summer University」 2021年7月20日

  32. 持続可能な社会に向けたプラスチックとの付き合い方 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第31回INS環境リサイクル研究会 2021年7月10日

  33. 3R+におけるバイオプラスチック導入の意義 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    日本有機資源協会 第97回バイオマスサロン 2021年6月25日

  34. 動脈産業と静脈産業を繋ぐプラスチック資源循環 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    フォーラム環境塾 第20期 環境技術講座 2021年6月17日

  35. プラスチック資源循環に向けて~ハロゲン循環・制御の必要性と方策 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    塩化ビニリデン技術協議会セミナー 2021年6月17日

  36. 環境と調和するプラスチックの好循環を考える 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第81回分析化学討論会 2021年5月22日

  37. 静脈産業と動脈産業を繋ぐ高分子材料のケミカルリサイクル 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    高分子同友会 2021年5月21日

  38. プラスチック資源循環の現状と将来 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    海洋プラスチック対策議員連盟会議 2021年5月18日

  39. 有機スルホン酸修飾層状複水酸化物によるフェノール類の吸着特性

    和泉 希恵, 亀田 知人, 熊谷 将吾, 齋藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    日本化学会第101年会 2021年3月20日

  40. 熱分解-ガスクロマトグラフ/マルチ検出器を用いたポリマー熱分解物の同時検出

    生田大地, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第101年会 2021年3月19日

  41. Screening survey of plastics used in WEEE for conversion to secondary raw materials

    Yuko Saito, Toshikazu Shiratori, Yoshinori Morita, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2021年3月19日

  42. Upscaling and Advanced Evaluation of Wet and Dry Rod-Milling Processes for Recovering of Cu, PVC, and Plasticizer from Waste Wire Harnesses

    Harendra Kumar, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2021年3月18日

  43. Removal and recovery of NO by MnO2/Mg-Al layered double hydroxide

    Tanya Kurutach, Yuriko Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Keiichi Mizushina, Ichiro Itou, Tianye Han, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2021年3月17日

  44. Co-pyrolysis of cellulose and polyethylene: Prediction of pyrolyzate yields using response surface methodology

    Shengyu Xie, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 7th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2021年3月15日

  45. 我が国のプラスチック技術の最新動向 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    循環・3Rリレーセミナー 2021年2月8日

  46. 化学サミット「Science to Enable Sustainable Plastics」の概要とプラスチック廃棄物の化学資材への再資源化 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    20-5ポリマーフロンティア21 地球と共循環する高分子 2021年1月18日

  47. 持続可能プラスチックケミカルリサイクルの期待と可能性 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    MRM Forum 2020 2020年12月9日

  48. 8th Chemical Sciences & Society Symposium (CS3)におけるプラスチックリ サイクルの位置付け 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第1回FSRJ講演会 2020年11月13日

  49. 熱分解-ガスクロマトグラフ/マルチ検出器によるポリマー熱分解物の分析

    生田大地, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    第25回高分子分析討論会 2020年11月5日

  50. 紫外線照射下におけるエチレン-酢酸ビニル共重合体の劣化因子の解析

    山田加奈子, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第25回高分子分析討論会 2020年11月5日

  51. 直鎖および環状スルホン酸修飾 Mg-Al 系層状複水酸 化物の合成とその吸着特性

    和泉希恵, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第10回CSJ化学フェスタ2020 2020年10月21日

  52. 有機修飾 TiO2 によるビスフェノール A の吸着

    鈴木佑京, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第10回CSJ化学フェスタ2020 2020年10月21日

  53. Synthesis of Linear and Cyclic Sulfonic Acid Modified Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides and Their Adsorption Properties

    和泉希恵, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    令和2年度 化学系学協会東北大会 2020年9月26日

  54. Adsorption of Bisphenol A by Organic Acid Modified TiO2

    鈴木佑京, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    令和2年度 化学系学協会東北大会 2020年9月26日

  55. Synergistic effects during co-pyrolysis of polyethylene and vacuum residue

    久須美諒, 博吉汗斯琴高娃, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    令和2年度 化学系学協会東北大会 2020年9月26日

  56. Removal of polymer additives from polyethylene by solvent extraction

    丹治聖史, 熊谷将吾, 田村正純, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    令和2年度 化学系学協会東北大会 2020年9月26日

  57. Analysis of polymer pyrolyzates by employing a pyrolysis-gas chromatograph/multi-detector

    生田大地, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    令和2年度 化学系学協会東北大会 2020年9月26日

  58. スギとポリエチレンのシナジー効果増強によるガス化促進および炭化抑制

    笠高宏洋, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2020年9月18日

  59. 汚染土壌からの鉛除去に及ぼすキレート剤の影響

    須藤れな, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 長洲亮佑, 横塚享, 田部智保, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2020年9月17日

  60. PVCの熱分解-塩化揮発二段プロセスによる一般廃棄物焼却飛灰からの重金属除去

    藤田尚輝, 熊谷将吾, 亀田智人, 斎藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2020年9月17日

  61. 廃家電由来の臭素系難燃剤を事例とした臭素市中賦存量推計

    齋藤優子, 中村希, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 白鳥寿一, 吉岡敏明

    第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2020年9月16日

  62. ポリエチレンからの酸化防止剤および紫外線吸収剤の除去

    丹治聖史, 熊谷将吾, 田村正純, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2020年9月16日

  63. 原油蒸留残渣油の熱分解におけるプラスチック添加の効果

    久須美諒, 博吉汗斯琴高娃, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2020年9月16日

  64. MnO2/Mg-Al系層状複水酸化物による酸性ガス処理

    高橋由莉子, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 斎藤優子, 山田亮一, 藤田聡, 伊藤一郎, 韓田野, 吉岡敏明

    第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2020年9月16日

  65. Suitable flocculant selection and continuous wastewater treatment using Mg-Al layered double hydroxides – a case study targeting mine wastewater containing As and Fe

    Xinyi Yang, Hikaru Osawa, Tomohito Kameda, Yusei Masaki, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    31th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, online 2020年9月17日

  66. Recycling of copper, PVC, and plasticizer from waste wire harnesses by wet ball milling

    Harendra Kumar, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    31th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, online 2020年9月17日

  67. Expectation and possibility of plastic recycling for the circular economy 招待有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2020 The 4th International Conference on Integrated and Innovative Solutions for Circular Economy 2020年9月8日

  68. フィードストックリサイクルの現状と将来展望について 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    令和2年度 地域循環共生圏形成における資源循環分野の果たす役割と可能性 第2回シンポジウム 2020年8月5日

  69. 資源循環戦略を支える新技術の展望ーケミカルリサイクル&バイオマスプラスチックへの新たな期待ー 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    2020年度 第1回 3R推進セミナー 2020年7月30日

  70. Integration of the arterial and venous industries for plastic recycling 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    The 15th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology 2020年6月30日

  71. Surveying WEEE Amounts and Evaluating the Recyclability of WEEE Plastics: A University Cooperation Project in Miyagi Prefecture

    Yuko Saito, Toshikazu Shiratori, Kentaro Takeyama, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  72. Catalytic Transformation of Polyolefines to Valuable Liquid Fuels over Heterogeneous supported Ru Catalyst

    Masazumi Tamura, Yosuke Nakaji, Shuhei Miyaoka, Yoshinao Nakagawa, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Keiichi Tomishige

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  73. Impacts of pyrolytic interactions during the co-pyrolysis of plastics/cellulose

    Shogo Kumagai, Miki Yamamoto, Yusuke Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  74. Production of pyrolytic liquid with low bromo-organic content frompyrolysis of polycarbonate based tetrabromobisphenol A

    Sylwia Oleszek, Shogo Kumagai, Mariusz Grabda, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Masaki Takaoka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  75. Uptake of Nd3+ and Sr2+ from aqueous solutions by layered double hydroxides intercalated with triethylenetetramine-hexaacetic acid

    Tomohito Kameda, Tetsu Shinmyou, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  76. Separation of PVC and Cu via deplasticization-ball milland swelling-mechanicalstirring: comparativeanalysis

    Harendra Kumar, Jing Xu, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  77. Continuous Treatment of Abandoned Mine Waste Water containing As and Fe by Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxidecombining flocculant

    Xinyi Yang, Hikaru Osawa, Tomohito Kameda, Yusei Masaki, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 6th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2020年3月

  78. キレート剤を用いた汚染土壌からの鉛除去

    須藤れな, 熊谷将吾, 長洲亮佑, 横塚亨, 田部智保, 齋藤優子, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第12回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部・第7回日本水環境学会東北支部合同研究発表会 2020年2月1日

  79. MnO2/Mg-Al系層状複水酸化物によるHCl、SO2およびNOの処理

    高橋由莉子, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 水品恵一, 伊藤一郎, 韓田野, 吉岡敏明

    第12回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部・第7回日本水環境学会東北支部合同研究発表会 2020年2月1日

  80. 飛灰からの重金属塩化揮発に及ぼすPVCの添加効果

    藤田尚輝, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第12回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部・第7回日本水環境学会東北支部合同研究発表会 2020年2月1日

  81. スギ/ポリエチレン混合物の共熱分解における試料混合条件の影響

    笠高宏洋, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第12回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部・第7回日本水環境学会東北支部合同研究発表会 2020年2月1日

  82. 紫外線照射/熱分解-GC/MSを用いた太陽電池用封止材の劣化解析

    山田加奈子, 熊谷将吾, 白鳥寿一, 渡辺壱, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第12回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部・第7回日本水環境学会東北支部合同研究発表会 2020年2月1日

  83. Integration of arterial and venous industries & promotion of chemical (feedstock) recycling 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    国際化学サミット 2019年11月12日

  84. 廃棄物の資源価値を高める化学プロセス 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    地球環境技術推進懇談会 研究会 2019年10月8日

  85. Halogen Cycle through Recycling of Waste Materials 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    2019年度化学系学協会東北大会 2019年9月22日

  86. 静脈産業と動脈産業の協働によるプラスチックリサイクル 国際会議 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第30回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2019年9月19日

  87. Chemical Recycle Processes of Plastics based on Chemical Reactions 国際会議 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    サウジアラムコ-JCCP 国際石油・ガス協力機関 合同シンポジウム 2019年9月18日

  88. 災害廃棄物処理コンセプトー東日本大震災を例としてー 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    東北緑化安全大会 2019年9月12日

  89. 廃プラスチックのフィードストックリサイクルの最新技術動向と将来展望 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    新化学技術推進協会プラスチックリサイクルWG 2019年7月29日

  90. 湿式プロセスによる自動車シュレッダーダスト(ASR)の脱ハロゲン化技術 招待有り


    自動車技術会2019年春季大会学術講演会 2019年5月22日

  91. Chemical Processing for Feedstock Recycling of Waste Plastics 国際会議 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    Knowledge Round Table 2019 2019年5月14日

  92. MDI、BD、PTMG組成の異なるポリウレタンエラストマーの熱分解

    西山雄也, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 渡辺壱, 本九町卓, 中谷久之, 吉岡敏明

    第11回 廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部 & 第6回 日本水環境学会東北支部 合同研究発表会 2019年2月9日

  93. 吸着剤による乳酸及びアンモニウムイオン除去と反応解析

    菊池晴菜子, 堀越和也, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 北川文彦, 近藤昌幸, 神保陽一, 吉岡敏明

    第11回 廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部 & 第6回 日本水環境学会東北支部 合同研究発表会 2019年2月9日

  94. 水溶媒中でのMg-Al系層状複水酸化物ナノシートの創成とそのアニオン吸着挙動

    池田大地, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第11回 廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部 & 第6回 日本水環境学会東北支部 合同研究発表会 2019年2月9日

  95. 硫黄を含むスーパーエンジニアリングプラスチックの熱分解および熱酸化分解の解析

    佐藤眞純, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 渡辺壱, 吉岡敏明

    第11回 廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部 & 第6回 日本水環境学会東北支部 合同研究発表会 2019年2月9日

  96. Novel feedstock recycling of polyvinyl chloride with chemical modification using aromatic and aliphatic reagents 国際会議

    魯麗慧, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    The 5th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory 2018年11月21日

  97. 乳酸およびアンモニアの吸着剤の選定

    菊池晴菜子, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 北川文彦, 近藤昌幸, 神保陽一, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第137回学術講演会 2018年11月15日

  98. 水溶媒中でのMg-Al系層状複水酸化物ナノシートの創成と応用

    池田大地, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第137回学術講演会 2018年11月15日

  99. Mg-Al系層状複水酸化物による鉱山廃水中のヒ素、鉄の除去

    楊心怡, 亀田知人, 正木悠聖, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第137回学術講演会 2018年11月15日

  100. 持続可能な社会の実現に向けた新しい環境価値の創造 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    タスクフォース活動 講演会 「 異分野融合研究の潮流 ~東北大学 “ 社会にインパクトある研究 ”~ 」 2018年10月12日

  101. GC×GC-TOFMSによるcellulose/PVCの共熱分解生成物の網羅的解析

    松神麻美, 横島文恵, 金井みち子, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    第23回高分子討論会 2018年10月11日

  102. ポリエーテルサルフォンの熱分解・熱酸化分解の複合解析

    熊谷将吾, 佐藤眞純, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 中井由実, 渡辺壱, 吉岡敏明

    第23回高分子討論会 2018年10月11日

  103. Deducing the sustainability criteria of advanced PVC wastes recycling technology for Cl circulation system at its early stage of development 国際会議

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Yasuhiro Fukushima

    The 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance 2018 2018年10月11日

  104. Removal of ammonium using zeolite and prussian blue

    菊池晴菜子, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 北川文彦, 近藤昌幸, 神保陽一, 吉岡敏明

    平成30年度化学系学協会東北大会 2018年9月15日

  105. Novel method for delamination of Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide in water solvent

    池田大地, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    平成30年度化学系学協会東北大会 2018年9月15日

  106. In-situ analysis of pyrolysis and thermal oxidative degradation products from polyimide

    佐藤眞純, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 渡辺壱, 吉岡敏明

    平成30年度化学系学協会東北大会 2018年9月15日

  107. Pyrolysis behavior of polyurethane elastomers with different hard- and softsegment ratios

    西山雄也, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 渡辺壱, 本九町卓, 中谷久之, 吉岡敏明

    平成30年度化学系学協会東北大会 2018年9月15日

  108. 酸性ガス処理後のMg-Al系層状複水酸化物の再生法の開発

    内田 大貴, 亀田 知人, 熊谷 将吾, 齋藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    第29回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2018年9月12日

  109. 速度論及び熱力学計算による焼却飛灰中重金属の塩化揮発挙動解析

    倉島 健太, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 齋藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    第29回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2018年9月12日

  110. Mg-Al 系層状複水酸化物を用いたAs,Fe含有鉱山廃水処理及び殿物減容化

    楊 心怡, 亀田 知人, 熊谷 将吾, 齋藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    第29回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2018年9月12日

  111. Separation of copper and PVC from thin electric cables by PVC swelling with centrifugal force 国際会議

    Xu Jing, Kumagai Shogo, Kameda, Saito Yuko, Takahashi Kenshi, Hayashi Hiroshi, Yoshioka Toshiaki

    第29回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2018年9月12日

  112. Cs捕捉物質及びイオン会合体を用いた水相 中のCs濃縮

    大平早希, 熊谷将吾, 齋藤優子, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第7回環境放射能除染研究発表会 2018年7月3日

  113. 有機系廃棄物リサイクルの可能性と価値 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    日本液体清澄化技術工業会 第22期環境・エネルギー委員会見学講演会 2018年6月29日

  114. Effects of CH3COOH pretreatment and steam addition on the gasification of bagasse 国際会議

    Viliame Savou, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2018年6月3日

  115. Impact of PE and PP addition on cellulose pyrolysis 国際会議

    Yusuke Takahashi, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshiok

    22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2018年6月3日

  116. Tandem ȝ-reactor-GC/MS for screening of zeolite catalysts for dealkylation of alkylphenols 国際会議

    Masaki Asakawa, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Atsushi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshiok

    22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2018年6月3日

  117. Impacts of acetic acid pretreatment on gas production from the pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse 国際会議

    2018 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2018年5月10日

  118. Removal of heavy metals from MSW fly ash by chloride volatilization 国際会議

    Kenta Kurashima, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2018 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2018年5月10日

  119. Separation of copper and polyvinyl chloride from waste electric cables by swelling PVC coverings with stirring in organic solvents 国際会議

    Jing Xu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2018 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2018年5月10日

  120. Sustainability strategy for developing advanced recycling technologies - case study on a Cl circulation system by Cl recovery from PVC wastes 国際会議

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2018 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2018年5月10日

  121. ゼオライト触媒を用いたアルキルフェノールのフェノール転換反応挙動の評価におけるタンデムμ-リアクターの応用

    浅川 将輝, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 齊藤 優子, 渡辺 壱, 寺前 紀夫, 吉岡 敏明

    日本化学会第98回春季年会 2018年3月21日

  122. セルロース及びキシランの熱分解におけるPE混合の影響

    髙橋 佑輔, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 齊藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    日本化学会第98回春季年会 2018年3月20日

  123. 化学プロセスが有するリサイクル価値の概念 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    日本セラミックス協会2018年年会 2018年3月16日

  124. イオン会合体を用いた水溶液中からのセシウム濃縮

    大平 早希, 齊藤 優子, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 吉岡 敏明

    第10回 廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部 & 第5回 日本水環境学会東北支部 合同研究発表会 2018年1月27日

  125. 焼却飛灰中Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, Crの塩化揮発挙動

    倉島 健太, 松田 佳歩, 熊谷 将吾, 亀田 知人, 齊藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    第10回 廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部 & 第5回 日本水環境学会東北支部 合同研究発表会 2018年1月27日

  126. 炭酸型Mg-Al系層状複水酸化物を用いた二酸化炭素共存下での酸性ガス処理

    内田 大貴, 亀田 知人, 熊谷 将吾, 齊藤 優子, 吉岡 敏明

    第10回 廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部 & 第5回 日本水環境学会東北支部 合同研究発表会 2018年1月27日

  127. 災害廃棄物処理における官民学連携 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    名古屋大学減災連携研究センター 防災アカデミー 2018年1月19日

  128. 木質バイオマスとプラスチックの共熱分解

    熊谷将吾, 藤田航平, 高橋佑輔, 亀田知人, 齋藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第13回バイオマス科学会議 2018年1月17日

  129. カルボキシメチル-シクロデキストリン修飾Zn-Al系層状複水酸化物によるニッケルの吸着

    高泉真央, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齊藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第135回学術講演会 2017年11月16日

  130. キトサン修飾モンモリトナイトによる重金属の吸着に及ぼす架橋剤の影響

    本田玲奈, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齊藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第135回学術講演会 2017年11月16日

  131. 球状活性炭を用いた窒素化合物除去プロセスの開発

    堀越和也, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齊藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第135回学術講演会 2017年11月16日

  132. CO2ガスを用いたMg-Al系層状複水酸化物からのアニオン脱着反応

    内田大貴, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 齊藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第135回学術講演会 2017年11月16日

  133. 資源循環を通して見えてくる新しい環境価値 招待有り

    第46回産業技術フォーラム 2017年11月7日

  134. Evalution of emerging technology by materialflow analysis-case study on a potential Cl circulation system with PVC wastes recycling 国際会議

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    4th International Conference on Final Sinks 2017年10月25日

  135. タンデムμ⁻リアクター-GC/MSによるPET熱分解/CaO改質二段プロセスの反応機構解析

    熊谷将吾, 山崎僚太, 亀田知人, 渡辺壱, 寺前紀夫, 吉岡敏明

    第22回高分子分析討論会 2017年10月12日

  136. 持続可能な社会に向けて~新たな価値創造と資源循環のあり方~

    容器包装3R推進フォーラム 2017年10月4日

  137. 環境価値としてのリサイクル 招待有り

    賢材研究会 第2回学術技術交流会 2017年9月26日

  138. タンデムμ⁻リアクター-GC/MSによるアルキルフェノールの脱アルキル化に向けたゼオライト触媒のスクリーニング

    浅川将輝, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 渡辺壱, 寺前紀夫, 吉岡敏明

    日本分析化学会第66回年会 2017年9月10日

  139. Identifyenergy consumprion and CO2 emission benchmark for the assessment of chlorine recovery from PVC wastes

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    第28回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2017年9月6日

  140. A separation method combined plasticizer extraction and ball milling for recycling copper and polyvinyl chloride from thin electric cables

    Xu Jing, Naoki Tazawa, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    第28回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2017年9月6日

  141. Effect of sulfuric acid pretreatment on the gasification of sugarcane bagasse

    Savou Viliame, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    第28回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2017年9月6日

  142. 焼却飛灰に含まれる重金属の塩化揮発挙動の熱力学的検討

    倉島健太, 松田佳歩, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第28回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2017年9月6日

  143. アルカリ金属塩を用いたA型ゼオライトからのCs脱着

    大平早希, 熊谷将吾, 齊藤優子, 亀田知人, 横塚亨, 田邉大二郎, 吉岡敏明

    第28回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2017年9月6日

  144. Selective conversion of isopropyl phenol into phenol

    Masaki Asakawa, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Atsushi Watanabe, Norio Teramae, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    平成29年度化学系学協会東北大会 2017年9月6日

  145. Pyrolysis of cellulose in the presence of polyethylene

    Yusuke Takahashi, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    平成29年度化学系学協会東北大会 2017年9月6日

  146. Desorption of cesium from zeolite using typical chelating agents and alkali metal salts

    Saki Ohira, Shogo Kumagai, Yuko Saito, Tomohito Kameda, Jun Yokotsuka, Daijiro Tanabe, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    平成29年度化学系学協会東北大会 2017年9月6日

  147. Desorption of Anions from Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide by Co2

    Hiroki Uchida, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    平成29年度化学系学協会東北大会 2017年9月6日

  148. Heavy metal removal from flyash by chloride volatization

    Kenta Kurashima, Kaho Matsuda, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    平成29年度化学系学協会東北大会 2017年9月6日

  149. 東日本大震災における震災がれきのリサイクルの問題点 招待有り

    第6回グリーンケミストリー研究会シンポジウム 2017年8月3日

  150. セルロース-ポリプロピレン混合物の共熱分解挙動

    髙橋佑輔, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 齊藤優子, 吉岡敏明

    第26回日本エネルギー学会大会 2017年8月1日

  151. Waste Material Recycling: Aiming the Future 国際会議 招待有り

    4th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory 2017年7月26日

  152. アルカリ金属塩を用いた粘土鉱物からのCs脱着

    大平早希, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 横塚亮, 田邉大二郎, 吉岡敏明

    環境放射能除染研究発表会 2017年7月19日

  153. H2-rich syngas recovery and toxic HCl removal from N-containing plastics using Ni catalysts 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Tomoyuki Hosaka, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    9th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2017年7月10日

  154. Syngas recovery during steam gasification of polyurethane using Ni/Mg/Al catalysts 国際会議

    Ryosuke Yabuki, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 21th Korea-Japan International Symposium onof Korea Society of Waste Management 2017年5月10日

  155. Benzene recovery from(ethylene terephthalate)using CaO with different activities 国際会議

    Ryota Yamasaki, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 21th Korea-Japan International Symposium onof Korea Society of Waste Management 2017年5月10日

  156. Novel Ball Mill-Assisted Separation of Electric Cable for Simultaneous Recovery of Copper and Polyvinyl Chloride 国際会議

    Jing Xu, Naoki Tazawa, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    International Symposium on Chemical -Environmental-Biomedical Technology 2017年4月24日

  157. Tars Enhancement from pyrolysis of H2SO4 pretreated sugarcane bagasse 国際会議

    Viliame Savou, Kumagai,Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    International Symposium on Chemical -Environmental-Biomedical Technology 2017年4月24日

  158. Ex-ante assessment of a new process-case study on chlorine recovery from PVC wastes in Japan 国際会議

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    International Symposium on Chemical -Environmental-Biomedical Technology 2017年4月24日

  159. 球状活性炭による窒素化合物同時除去プロセスの開発

    堀越和也, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第97回春季年会 2017年3月16日

  160. トリポリリン酸で架橋したキトサン修飾モンモリトナイトへの重金属の吸着

    本田玲奈, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第97回春季年会 2017年3月16日

  161. シクロデキストリン修飾Zn-Al系双方複水酸化物によるNi²⁺吸着とその反応解析

    高泉真央, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第97回春季年会 2017年3月16日

  162. Ni/Mg/Al触媒を用いたポリウレタンの水蒸気ガス化における窒素化合物の生成挙動

    矢吹良介, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第97回春季年会 2017年3月16日

  163. 生石灰を用いたポリエチレンテレフタレートのベンゼン化挙動のオンライン分析

    山崎僚太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 渡辺壱, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第97回春季年会 2017年3月16日

  164. Removal of Fe,Zn,Cu,Pb from mine waste water by Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxied and sludge volume reduction 国際会議

    Mir Tanzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    4th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2017年3月8日

  165. Co-Pyrolysis Behaviors of Beech Wood and Polyethylene Mixture 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Kohei Fujita, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    4th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2017年3月8日

  166. 架橋キトサン修飾モンモリトナイトによる重金属の吸着に関する反応解析

    本田玲奈, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    第9回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2017年2月11日

  167. シクロデキストリンで修飾したZn-Al系層状複水酸化物によるNi²⁺の吸着

    高泉真央, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    第9回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2017年2月11日

  168. 球状活性炭による尿素・クレアチニン・尿酸の除去

    堀越和也, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    第9回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2017年2月11日

  169. Ni/Mg/Al触媒を用いた水蒸気ガス化によるポリウレタンからの合成ガス回収

    矢吹良介, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第9回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2017年2月11日

  170. タンデムμ⁻リアクター-GC/MSによるPETベンゼン化挙動のオンライン分析

    山崎僚太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第9回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2017年2月11日

  171. Production of bio-oil from fixed bed pyrolysis of bagasse pretreated by sulfuric acid and acetic acid 国際会議

    Viliame Savou, Guido Grause, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    9th International Conference on: Combusion Incineration/Pyrolysis , Emission and Climate change 2016年10月21日

  172. 工業化学におけるプラスチックリサイクルの位置付け 招待有り

    第10回日本電磁波エネルギー応用学会シンポジウム 2016年10月13日

  173. Changing chlorine metabolism of nation - case study on chlorine recovery from PVC waste in Japan 国際会議

    Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance 2016年10月3日

  174. Separation of Copper and Polyvinyl Chloride from Electric Cables by means of Plasticizer Extraction and Ball Milling

    Xu Jing, Naoki Tazawa, Shogo Kumagai, Kenshi Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    廃棄物資源循環学会第27回研究発表会 2016年9月27日

  175. モルデナイトに対するCs吸着挙動及びイオン会合体を用いたCs脱着

    清水翔太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    廃棄物資源循環学会第27回研究発表会 2016年9月27日

  176. Potential of chlorine recovery from PVC waste s and its implication on national chlorine flow

    陸嘉麒, 熊谷将吾, 福島康裕, 大野肇, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成28年度化学系学協会東北大会 2016年9月10日

  177. Effect of lime activity on the formation of benzene from polyethylene terephthalate

    山崎僚太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成28年度化学系学協会東北大会 2016年9月10日

  178. Effect of Ni-based catalysts on steam gasification of polyurethane

    矢吹良介, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成28年度化学系学協会東北大会 2016年9月10日

  179. Adsorption of urea, creatinine ane uric acid on shericalactived carbon

    堀越和也, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成28年度化学系学協会東北大会 2016年9月10日

  180. Adsorption of copper and nickel by chitosan modified montmorillonite

    本田玲奈, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成28年度化学系学協会東北大会 2016年9月10日

  181. Preparation of carboxymethyl- β- cycrodextrin intercalated Zn-Al layered double hydroxide for uptake of Ni(Ⅱ)

    高泉真央, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成28年度化学系学協会東北大会 2016年9月10日

  182. 活性の異なる生石灰を用いたポリエチレンテレフタレートのベンゼン化

    山崎僚太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第19回プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会 研究討論会 2016年9月1日

  183. ニッケル系触媒を用いたポリウレタンの水蒸気ガス化

    矢吹良介, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第19回プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会 研究討論会 2016年9月1日

  184. Recycling of poly(vinyl chlorine) by chemical modification using hydroxybenzenethiols

    魯麗慧, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第19回プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会 研究討論会 2016年9月1日

  185. 低温ガス化温度域におけるブナ/ポリエチレン混合物の共熱分解機構

    藤田航平, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第25回日本エネルギー学会大会 2016年8月9日

  186. 化学プロセスを用いる廃棄物リサイクル 招待有り

    「コンクリートにおける未利用資源の利用拡大に関する特別委員会」報告会 2016年8月4日

  187. Desorption of cesium from zeolite using ionic associate 国際会議

    Shota Shimizu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2016 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2016年5月11日

  188. Phenol recovery through the pyrolysis of bisphenol A 国際会議

    Shunsuke Ono, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2016 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2016年5月11日

  189. Pyrolysis of cellulose in the presence of polyethylene 国際会議

    Kohei Fujita, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2016 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2016年5月11日

  190. Uptake of heavy metal oxyanions by Mg-Al layered double hydroxides doped with Fe²⁺ 国際会議

    Tomohito Kameda, Eisuke Kondo, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2016 Spring Scientific Conference by Korea Society of Waste Management 2016年5月11日

  191. Co-Pyrolysis Behaviors of Beech Wood and Polyethylene Mixture 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Kohei Fujita, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    21st Internationals Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2016年5月8日

  192. Chemical processing for feedstock recycling of waste plastics 国際会議 招待有り

    21st Internationals Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2016年5月8日

  193. ビスフェノールA熱分解生成物の二次反応挙動

    小野俊輔, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会弟96回春季年会 2016年3月24日

  194. 熱分解におけるセルロースとポリエチレンの相互作用

    藤田航平, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会弟96回春季年会 2016年3月24日

  195. HCL,SO₂およびNOx処理におけるCO₃型Mg-Al系層状複水酸化物の適用評価

    栩内優仁, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会弟96回春季年会 2016年3月24日

  196. Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies on the Removal of Borate and Fluoride in Aqueous Solution using Mg-Al oxide 国際会議

    Tomohito Kameda, Jumpei Oba, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2016年3月7日

  197. The Role of 3R action visible through the experiment of disaster waste treatment 国際会議 招待有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management 2016年3月7日

  198. ポリ塩化ビニルのケミカルリサイクルによる塩素循環プロセスの評価

    熊谷将吾, 福島康裕, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第11回日本LCA学会研究発表会 2016年3月2日

  199. イオン会合体を用いた溶媒抽出法によるゼオライトからのCs脱着

    清水翔太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第8回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2016年2月8日

  200. 種々の粘土・鉱物を用いた尿素の吸着

    伊藤沙耶, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    第8回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2016年2月8日

  201. Enhancement of bio-oils produced from pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse pretreated with sulphuric acid at ambient and elevated temparatures

    Viliame Savou, Guido Grause, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    第8回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2016年2月8日

  202. Application of Mg-Al layered double hydroxied to reduce sludge for removal of heavy metals from mine waste water

    Mir Tanzid Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    第8回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2016年2月8日

  203. 東日本大震災での災害廃棄物処理からみた民間の役割 招待有り

    廃棄物資源循環学会セミナー「災害廃棄物処理」における民間セクターの役割ー世界的な災害増大に対応してー 2016年1月29日

  204. Reaction analysis on the removal of aromatic sulfonates from aqueous solution by Mg-Al oxide 国際会議

    Mami Umetsu, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies(PACIFICHEM 2015) 2015年12月18日

  205. Effectiveness of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide to remove arsenic from waste water 国際会議

    M.T.Rahman, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies(PACIFICHEM 2015) 2015年12月18日

  206. Removal of boron and fluoride by means of adsorption process with magnesium oxide:Availability assessment 国際会議

    Yusuke Yamamoto, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies(PACIFICHEM 2015) 2015年12月18日

  207. Interactions between beech wood and polyehylene during co-pyrolysis 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Kohei Fujita, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies(PACIFICHEM 2015) 2015年12月18日

  208. Ganaration behaivioe of nitrogen compounds during steam pyrolysis of polymide film using Ni-based catalysts 国際会議

    Tomoyuki Hosaka, Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies(PACIFICHEM 2015) 2015年12月18日

  209. Capture of cationic metal ions from aqueous solutions by layered double hydroxises intecalated with organic acid anions 国際会議

    The 6th International Conference on Nanotechnology 2015年11月7日

  210. desorption od cesium from zeolite A and mordenite by solvent extraction

    清水翔太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成27年度化学系学協会東北大会 2015年9月12日

  211. Mg-Al layered doublw hydroxide as effective adsorbent for as removal from mine waste water

    Rahman Mir Tamzit, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    平成27年度化学系学協会東北大会 2015年9月12日

  212. Removal of urea with activated carbon

    伊藤沙耶, 亀田知人, 熊谷将吾, 吉岡敏明

    平成27年度化学系学協会東北大会 2015年9月12日

  213. HCI Removal Using CO₃ type Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide 国際会議

    Masahito Tochinai, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2015 International Symposium on Chemical and Polyscale Technologies for Biochemical Application and Environmental Sustainability 2015年9月7日

  214. Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies on the Adsorption of Urea on Activated Carbon 国際会議

    Saya Ito, Tomohito Kameda, Shogo Kumagai, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    2015 International Symposium on Chemical and Polyscale Technologies for Biochemical Application and Environmental Sustainability 2015年9月7日

  215. Chemical modification of chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)by nucleophilic substitution 国際会議

    Shuji Endo, Yuko Nagasaki, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2015年9月7日

  216. Interaction of plasticizer and poly(vinyl chloride)degradation in the presence of steam 国際会議

    Guido Grause, J.D.Fonseca, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2015年9月7日

  217. Development of a recycle method for composite materials consisting of poly(ethylene terephthalate)and poly(vinyl chloride) 国際会議

    Suguru Hirahashi, Guido Grause, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2015年9月7日

  218. Thermal decomposition of tetrabromobisphenol-A containing printed circuit boards in the presence of calcium hydroxide 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    8th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2015年9月7日

  219. 溶媒抽出によるA型ゼオライトからのCs脱着

    清水翔太, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第26回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2015年9月2日

  220. 熱分解における木質系バイオマスとプラスチックの相互作用

    藤田航平, 熊谷将吾, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第26回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2015年9月2日

  221. ビスフェノールAの熱分解挙動の解析

    小野俊輔, 熊谷将吾, ギド グラウゼ, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第26回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2015年9月2日

  222. The use of waste plastics as chemicals and fuel 国際会議 招待有り

    6th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific 2015年8月16日

  223. ブナ/ポリエチレン混合物の熱分解における相互作用

    熊谷将吾, 藤田航平, Guido Grause, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第24回日本エネルギー学会大会 2015年8月4日

  224. Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution on analcime synthesized from diatomite 国際会議

    Zhang Yi, Jing Zhenzi, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Management 2015年5月21日

  225. Steam Pyrolysis of Poly(4,4'-Oxydiphenylene-Pyromellitimide)using Ni-Based Catalyst 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Tomoyuki Hosaka, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 2nd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Management 2015年5月21日

  226. ポリエチレンテレフタレート/ポリ塩化ビニルターポリンの化学リサイクル

    平橋賢, 熊谷将吾, Guido Grause, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第95回春季年会 2015年3月27日

  227. システインを求核体とした塩素化ポリ塩化ビニルの化学修飾

    遠藤秋志, Guido Grause, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第95回春季年会 2015年3月27日

  228. 水蒸気を用いたポリイミド熱分解における窒素化合物の生成挙動

    保坂朋志, 熊谷将吾, Guido Grause, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第95回春季年会 2015年3月27日

  229. マグネシウム-アルミニウム酸化物によるアルキル硫酸イオンの吸着に関する反応解析

    梅津まみ, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第95回春季年会 2015年3月27日

  230. フッ素処理における酸化マグネシウムの適用可能性評価

    山本裕介, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第95回春季年会 2015年3月27日

  231. Preparation of Cu-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with 1-naphtol-3,8-disulfonate,and their uptake behavious for substituted phenols in an aqueous solution 国際会議

    Tomohito Kameda, Tomomi Uchiyama, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    Fourth International Conferences on Multifunctional,Hybrid and Nanomaterials 2015年3月

  232. 求核置換反応による含塩素高分子樹脂の化学修飾

    長崎裕子, Guido Grause, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第7回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2015年2月14日

  233. 錯形性物質を用いたCsの濃縮

    林航太郎, 諸橋直弥, 服部徹太郎, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第7回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2015年2月14日

  234. ホウ素処理における酸化マグネシウムの適用可能性評価

    山本裕介, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第129回学術講演会 2014年11月20日

  235. マグネシウム-アルミニウム酸化物による芳香族スルホン酸の吸着に関する速度解析

    梅津まみ, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    無機マテリアル学会第129回学術講演会 2014年11月20日

  236. 酸化マグネシウムによるホウ素除去

    山本裕介, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成26年度化学系学協会東北大会 2014年9月20日

  237. 貧溶媒添加法によるNaCl含有ジオールからの塩素回収

    遠藤秋志, グラウゼ・ギド, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成26年度化学系学協会東北大会 2014年9月20日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ポスター賞 受賞(遠藤秋志)

  238. マグネシウム-アルミニウム酸化物による芳香族スルホン酸の吸着

    梅津まみ, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成26年度化学系学協会東北大会 2014年9月20日

  239. 水蒸気を用いたポリイミドの加水分解速度解析

    保坂朋志, 熊谷将吾, グラウゼ・ギド, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成26年度化学系学協会東北大会 2014年9月20日

  240. ポリエチレンテレフタレート/ポリ塩化ビニルターポリンの有機溶媒を用いた材料リサイクル

    平橋賢, グラウゼ・ギド, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    平成26年度化学系学協会東北大会 2014年9月20日

  241. ポリエチレンテレフタレート/ポリ塩化ビニルターポリンの有機溶媒を用いた材料リサイクル

    平橋賢, グラウゼ・ギド, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第25回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2014年9月15日

  242. 貧溶媒添加法によるNaCl含有ジオールからの塩素回収

    遠藤秋志, グラウゼ・ギド, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第25回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2014年9月15日

  243. Future of Plastic Recycling with Adapting to the haracteristics of Plastic 国際会議

    第25回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 International Symposium "Plastic recycling" 2014年9月15日

  244. Evaluation of the concentration of cesium by using ionic associates in water solution 国際会議

    Kotaro Hayashi, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    International Symposium on Chenucak-Environmental-Bioneducak technology(isCEBT2014) 2014年9月11日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Exellent in poster award(優秀ポスター賞)

  245. Uptake of Nd3+ and Sr2+ from aqueous solution using Li-Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid 国際会議

    Tetsu Shinmyo, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    International Symposium on Chenucak-Environmental-Bioneducak technology(isCEBT2014) 2014年9月11日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Exellent in poster award(優秀ポスター賞)

  246. 求核置換反応による塩素含有プラスチックの化学修飾

    長崎裕子, Grause Guido, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会(FSRJ)第17回研究討論会 2014年9月11日

  247. ¹⁸O同位体標識水を用いたポリエステルの水蒸気分解における熱分解および加水分解の解析

    熊谷将吾, 諸星勇翔, Grause Guido, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会(FSRJ)第17回研究討論会 2014年9月11日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    若手研究者賞 受賞(熊谷将吾)

  248. Determination of the decomposition products from the debromination process of decabromodiphenyl ethane containing HIPS in NaOH/EG solution

    Fonseca J.D, Tanaka H, Grause G, Kameda T, Yoshioka T

    プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会(FSRJ)第17回研究討論会 2014年9月11日

  249. 水蒸気を用いたポリイミドの熱分解挙動

    保坂朋志, 熊谷将吾, グラウゼ・ギド, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会(FSRJ)第17回研究討論会 2014年9月11日

  250. Deveropment of an AgCl/Al2O3 membrane for the recovery of chloride from NaCl/EG solvents 国際会議

    K.Yamada, G.Grause, T.Kameda, T.Yoshioka

    4th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management(CRETE2014) 2014年9月2日

  251. Lead removal from cathode ray tube glass in the presence of PVC and HCl absorber 国際会議

    K.Takahashi, G.Grause, T.Kameda, T.Yoshioka

    4th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management(CRETE2014) 2014年9月2日

  252. Hydrogen production from biomass/plastic mixture using novel bi-function Ni-Mg-Al-Ca catalyst for gasification and in-situ Co₂ adsorption 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Jon Albarez, Paula H.Blanco, Chunfei Wu, Toshiaki Yoshioka, Martin Olazar,Paul T.Williams

    20th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2014年5月19日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    PYRO2014 Young Scientist Award(Frontier Laboratories Award)

  253. Effect of the bed material on the reaction pathway of polycarbonate steam hydrolysis in a fludized bed reactor 国際会議

    G.Guid, R.Karrbrandt, T.Kameda, T.Yoshioka

    2nd Symposium on Urban Mining 2014年5月19日

  254. PVC及びHCl捕捉剤添加による廃ブラウン管ガラスからの鉛除去

    高橋憲史, Grause Guido, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第94回春季年会 2014年3月27日

  255. 錯形成物質を用いたイオン会合対によるCs濃縮の評価

    林航太郎, Grause Guido, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第94回春季年会 2014年3月27日

  256. 有機溶媒からの塩素回収のためのAgCl/Al2O3膜の開発

    山田健人, Grause Guido, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第94回春季年会 2014年3月27日

  257. 求核置換反応による塩素化ポリ塩化ビニルの化学修飾

    長崎裕子, Grause Guido, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第94回春季年会 2014年3月27日

  258. トリエチレンテトラミン6酢酸で修飾した層状複水酸化物によるレアメタル捕捉とその反応解析

    新名哲, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    日本化学会第94回春季年会 2014年3月27日

  259. Uptake of Borate and Fluoride Ions from Aqueous Solution by Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide 国際会議

    Junpei Oba, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management and 13th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Island 2014年3月10日

  260. Regeneration of Ethylene Glycol used for the Dehydrochlorination of Poly(vinyl Chloride)by Electrodialysis with an AgCl membrane 国際会議

    Guido Grause, Kento Yamada, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management and 13th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Island 2014年3月10日

  261. Benzene-Rich Oil Recovery by Thermal Degradation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)in the Presence of Calcium Catalysts 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda, Toshiaki Yoshioka

    The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management and 13th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Island 2014年3月10日

  262. Recycling of Waste Materials using Chemical Reaction 国際会議

    The China-Japan International Conference on Enviroment and Health 2014年2月21日

  263. 種々の錯形性物質を用いたイオン会合対による金属濃縮の評価

    林航太郎, Guido Grause, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第6回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2014年2月4日

  264. アミノカルボン酸系キレート財で修飾した層状複水酸化物によるレアメタルの捕捉

    新名哲, 亀田知人, 吉岡敏明

    第6回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2014年2月4日

  265. 巨大地震発生時における災害廃棄物対策 招待有り

    日本学術会議主催シンポジウム「南海トラフ地震に学界はいかに向き合うか」 2013年12月2日

  266. 東北大学の室内物品地震対策 招待有り

    災害と労働・環境安全に関する講演会 2013年11月30日

  267. トリエチレンテトラミン6酢酸で修飾した層状複水酸化物によるNd3+およびSr2+の捕捉

    新名哲, 亀田知人

    無機マテリアル学会第127回学術講演会 2013年11月14日

  268. Fluidized bed hydrolysis of poly(bisphenol-A)carbonate

    Grause Guido,Karrbrant Rikard, Tomohito Kameda

    第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2013年11月2日

  269. PVCおよび水酸化カルシウム添加による廃ブラウン管ガラスからの鉛除去

    高橋憲史, Guido Grause, 亀田知人

    第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2013年11月2日

  270. イオン会合体を用いた水溶液中からの金属濃縮

    林航太郎, Guido Grause, 亀田知人

    第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2013年11月2日

  271. AgCl/Al2O3膜を用いた電気透析によるNaCl含有有機溶媒の処理

    山田健人, Guido Grause, 亀田知人

    第24回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会 2013年11月2日

  272. 災害廃棄物処理の新しいコンセプトとその効果 招待有り

    第25回 環境システム計測制御学会 2013年10月31日

  273. Removal of heavy oxyanions by ferrous iron-doped Mg-Al layered double hydroxides 国際会議

    Eisuke Kondo, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium on Inorganic and Enviromental Materials 2013年10月27日

  274. Preparation of Cu-Al layered double hydroxied intercalated with 1-naphtho-3,8-disulfonate ions and its adsorption mechanisms of substituted phenols 国際会議

    Tomomi Uchiyama, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium on Inorganic and Enviromental Materials 2013年10月27日

  275. Treatment of SO2 with Mg-Al oxide slurryvia the reconstruction of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide 国際会議

    Tomohito Kameda, Aki Kodama, Yuki Fubasami

    International Symposium on Inorganic and Enviromental Materials 2013年10月27日

  276. Uptake of fluoride ion from aqueous solution by Mg-Al layered double hydroxide 国際会議

    Junpei Oba, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium on Inorganic and Enviromental Materials 2013年10月27日

  277. Recovery of Phenols from A Polycarbonate in the Presence of MgO 国際会議

    G.Grause, R.Kaerrbrant, T.Kameda

    7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2013年10月23日

  278. Evalution of the Dehydrochlorination of Polyvinyl Chloride in Strem Atmosphere 国際会議

    J.D.Fonseca, G.Grause, T.Kameda

    7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2013年10月23日

  279. Simultaneous Recovery of Organic and Inorganic Materials by the Thermal Decomposition of Plastic-Metal Composites 国際会議

    S.Kumagai, G.Grause, T.Kameda

    7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2013年10月23日

  280. Determination of the proportion between hydrolysis and pyrolysis during Poly(ethyleneterephthalate) degradation 国際会議

    Y.Morohoshi, G.Grause, T.Kameda

    7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2013年10月23日

  281. Modification of PVC with long alkyl chains by nucleophilic substitution 国際会議

    Y.Nagasaki, G.Grause, T.Kameda

    7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2013年10月23日

  282. Feedstock Recycling Situation in Japan and its Future View 国際会議 招待有り

    7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials 2013年10月23日

  283. Development of an AgCl/Al2O3 membrane for the removal of chloride from organic liquids 国際会議

    Kento Yamada, Grause Guido, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2013年9月28日

  284. Uptake of Nd3+ and Sr2+ from aqueous solution using Zn-Al layered double hydroxied intercalated with triethylenetetraminehexaacetic asid 国際会議

    Tetsu Shinmyo, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2013年9月28日

  285. Concentration of Cs+ using ionic associate and organic solvent 国際会議

    Kotaro Hayashi, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2013年9月28日

  286. Upgrade recycling of PVC by nucleophilic substitution with long carbon chains 国際会議

    Yuko Nagasaki, Kazumi Hashimoto, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2013年9月28日

  287. Removal of lead cathode ray tube glass using dehydrochlorination of PVC 国際会議

    Kenshi Takahashi, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2013年9月28日

  288. Treatment and Recycling of Disaster Waste after the Great East Japan Earthquake 国際会議

    The National Seminar on Public Cleansing 2013年9月11日

  289. Uptake of Borate Ion Aqueous Solution by MG-Al oxide 国際会議

    Junpei Oba, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  290. Development of an AgCl/Al2O3 Membrane for the Removal of Chloride from Solution of NaCl in Ethylene Glycol 国際会議

    Kento Yamada, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  291. Lead Removal from Cathode Ray Tube Glass in the Presence of PVC and Calcium Hydroxide 国際会議

    Kenshi Takahashi, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  292. Selective Adsorption of Substituted Phenols by Cu-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalated with 1-Naphthol-3,8-disulfonate 国際会議

    Tomomi Uchiyama, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  293. Concentration of Cs+using Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Nitrobenzene 国際会議

    Kotaro Hayashi, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  294. Uptake of Nd3+ and Sr2+ from Aqueous Solution using Zn-Al Layered Double Hydroxide intercalated with Aminocarboxylic Acid 国際会議

    Tetsu Shinmyo, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  295. Removal of Heavy Metals in Solution by Fe2+ Doped Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides 国際会議

    Eisuke Kondo, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  296. Simultaneous Hydrolytic and Thermal Decomposition of Poly(ethlene terephthalate)using 18O isotope-labeled Water 国際会議

    Yuto Morohoshi, Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  297. Thermal Decomposition of Printed -Circuit Boards Based on Thermoset Resin 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    International Symposium of Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2013 2013年9月8日

  298. 長炭素鎖求核体を用いたポリ塩化ビニルの化学修飾

    長崎裕子, 橋本和美, Grause Guido, 亀田知人

    プラスチック化学研究会 第2回夏季討論会 2013年6月10日

  299. 貧溶媒添加法による含塩素樹脂処理液からのNaCl 回収

    山田健人, 庄司知里, Grause Guido, 亀田知人

    プラスチック化学研究会 第2回夏季討論会 2013年6月10日

  300. Novel process for the removal of bromine from styrene polymers containing brominated flame retardants 国際会議

    Grause Guido, Hisatoshi Tanaka, Thallada Bhaskar, Tomohito Kameda

    Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium on Enviromental Science and Technology 2013年6月4日

  301. Uptake of Borate ion from aqueous solution by MG-Al Layered Double Hydroxides 国際会議

    Junpei Oba, Tomohito Kameda

    17th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds 2013年5月12日

  302. Uptake of Metal Ions from an Aqueous Solution Using Layered Double Hydroxide Modified with Chelating Agent 国際会議

    Tomohito Kameda, Hidenori Takeuchi, Kazuaki Hoshi

    17th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds 2013年5月12日

  303. Removal of Chromium and Selenium by Fe2+ Doped Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides 国際会議

    Eisuke Kondo, Tomohito Kameda

    17th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds 2013年5月12日

  304. Adsorption Mechanisms of Substituted Phenols onto a Organically Modified Layered Double Hydroxide 国際会議

    Tomomi Uchiyama, Tomohito Kameda

    17th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds 2013年5月12日

  305. Employing Poly(vinil chloride) as Chlorination Agent for the Removal of Lead from Cathode Ray Tube Glass in the Presence of Calcium Hydroxide 国際会議

    Guido Grause, Kenshi Takahashi, Tomohito Kameda

    Proceedings of the 2013 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management 2013年5月8日

  306. Recovery of Phenols by Steam Hydrolysis of Poly(bisphenol-A-carbonate) in a Fluidized Bed Reactor 国際会議

    Rikardo Karrbrant, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    Proceedings of the 2013 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management 2013年5月8日

  307. Evalution of the Steam Assisted Thermal Dehydrochlorination of Poly(vinyl chloride) 国際会議

    Juan Fonseca, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    Proceedings of the 2013 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management 2013年5月8日

  308. 熱硬化性樹脂プリント基板の熱分解挙動

    熊谷将吾, Grause Guido, 亀田知人

    日本化学会第3春季年会 2013年3月22日

  309. Fe2+をドープしたMg-Al系層状複水酸化物によるSeの除去

    近藤瑛佑, 亀田知人

    日本化学会第3春季年会 2013年3月22日

  310. Mg-Al系層状複水酸化物を用いたフッ素除去

    大場淳平, 亀田知人

    日本化学会第3春季年会 2013年3月22日

  311. 有機修飾層状複水酸化物を用いた置換フェノールの吸着挙動

    内山知美, 亀田知人

    日本化学会第3春季年会 2013年3月22日

  312. MgOの存在下におけるビスフェノールAポリカーボネートの水蒸気加水分解

    Kaerrbrant Rikard, Grause Guido, 亀田知人

    日本化学会第3春季年会 2013年3月22日

  313. ポリ塩化ビニルリサイクルのための水蒸気分解プロセス評価

    Fonseca Juan, Guido Grause, 亀田知人

    日本化学会第3春季年会 2013年3月22日

  314. ポリエチレンテレフタレートの水蒸気熱分解における加水分解の解析

    諸星勇翔, 熊谷将吾, Grause Guido, 亀田知人

    日本化学会第3春季年会 2013年3月22日

  315. 被災地のがれき処理状況の現状と課題

    アスベスト被害のない被災地の復興を 2013年3月20日

  316. Uptake of Aromatic Compounds from Aqueous Solution by Montmorillonite Modified with Tetraphenyphosphonium 国際会議

    Tomohito Kameda, Shuko Shimamori

    Third International Conference on Multifunctional,Hybrid and Nanomaterials 2013年3月3日

  317. Planning of the Disaster Waste Treatment in the Miyagi Prefecture and its Present Status 国際会議

    Hidenori Miyagi

    The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands 2013年2月26日

  318. Feedstock Recycling of Organic and Inorganic Materials by Thermal Decomposistion of Metal-Containing Plastics 国際会議

    Shogo Kumagai, Guido Grause, Tomohito Kameda

    The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands 2013年2月26日

  319. Removal of Brominated Flame-Retardants from High-Impact Polystyrene by Extraction in an Alkaline Organic Medium 国際会議

    Guido Grause, Hisatoshi Tanaka, Thallada Bhaskar, Tomohito Kameda

    The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands 2013年2月26日

  320. 含塩素樹脂処理排水からのNaCl回収

    庄司知里, Guido Grause, 亀田知人

    第5回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2013年2月8日

  321. マグネシウム-アルミニウム酸化物を用いたSO2とNO2の同時除去

    児玉暁, 亀田知人

    第5回廃棄物資源循環学会東北支部研究発表会 2013年2月8日

  322. 容リ制度の将来~容リプラを中心に

    第7回容器包装3R推進フォーラムin仙台 2012年11月1日

  323. Nuclephilic substitution with layered double hydroxides for upgrading PVC during recycling 国際会議

    K.Hashimoto, G.Grause, T.Kameda

    2012 Iternational Symposium on Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2012年9月2日

  324. Capture of asid gas with magnesium-aluminum oxide slurry 国際会議

    A.kodama, T.Kameda

    2012 Iternational Symposium on Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2012年9月2日

  325. Adsorption characteristics of aromatic compounds from aqueous solutions by organically modified montmorillonite 国際会議

    S.Shimamori, T.Kameda

    2012 Iternational Symposium on Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2012年9月2日

  326. Recovery of chlorine from waste fluid after dechlorination treatment of polyvinyl chloride(PVC) 国際会議

    C.Shoji, G.Grause, T.Kameda

    2012 Iternational Symposium on Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2012年9月2日

  327. Electrochemical properties of LiFePO4 recycled from conversion treatment sludge 国際会議

    K.Sasaki, G.Grause, T.Kameda

    2012 Iternational Symposium on Chemical-Enviromental-Biomedical Technology 2012年9月2日

  328. Removal of brominated flame-retardants from high-impact polystyrene by extraction in an alkaline organic medium 国際会議

    Guido Grause, Hisatoshi Tanaka, Tomohito Kameda, Thallada Bhaskar

    Advance in Civil,Enviromental,and Materials Research 2012年8月26日

  329. 震災廃棄物を資源・エネルギーとするための取組み

    第21回日本エネルギー学会大会 2012年8月6日

  330. リサイクルを主とした震災廃棄物処理対応

    第22会環境工学総合シンポジウム2012 2012年7月5日

  331. 震災廃棄物処理プロセスとリサイクル

    資源・素材学会東北支部総会 2012年6月22日

  332. リサイクルを主眼とした災害廃棄物処理から見える地域・まちづくり

    日本学術会議連続シンポジウム第5回「大震災を契機に地域・まちづくりを考える」 2012年6月21日

  333. 災害廃棄物処理と再資源化

    北関東地区化学技術懇話会 記念講演会 2012年6月7日

  334. Kinetic Investigation of Pyrolysis and Hydrolysis of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) 国際会議

    Guido Grause, Yuto Morohoshi, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda

    19th international Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2012年5月21日

  335. 仙台市を中心とする震災廃棄物処理の取り組みと災害廃棄物対策・復興タスクチームの対応

    素材プロセシング69委員会 2011年11月13日

  336. Present Status of the Disaster Waste Management after the Great East Japan Earthquake in Sendai 国際会議

    The 11th International Symposium on East Asia Resources Recycling Thechnology 2011年10月31日

  337. 災害現場で直面した課題、復興に向けて!

    廃棄物の適正処理を推進するためのシンポジウム 2011年10月26日

  338. 災害廃棄物、行政施策のポイント整理と課題の検証、今後の展望

    東日本大震災 災害廃棄物の現状と今後 2011年9月22日

  339. 東日本大震災で発生した災害廃棄物の処理

    化学系学協会東北大会 2011年9月17日

  340. 仙台市における災害廃棄物処理の取り組みについて

    環境資源工学会シンポジウム「リサイクル設計と分離精製技術」 2011年9月16日

  341. 東日本大震災について報告

    平成23年度ゼロエミッション推進セミナー~環境経営・ゼロエミッションを考える 2011年8月5日

  342. 災害廃棄物処理について

    廃棄物処分場全国交流会in徳島 2011年7月16日

  343. 災害廃棄物処理の課題と対策

    東北大学大学院環境科学研究科震災フォーラム いま、そしてその次へ 2011年6月25日

  344. 災害廃棄物に対する学会活動紹介

    東日本大震災に関する現地セミナーおよび現地視察 2011年6月22日

  345. 仙台市を中心とした現状報告

    東日本大震災の災害廃棄物に関する緊急報告会 2011年4月30日

  346. 置換型脱塩素化反応によるポリ塩化ビニルのケミカルリサイクル

    塩ビフォーラム 2010年12月3日

  347. プラスチックのリサイクル

    容器包装3R推進フォーラムinさいたま 2010年10月25日

  348. Feedstock recycle of waste plastics 国際会議

    Energy Recycling Technology for Waste and Exhaust Heat 2010年8月30日

  349. Dehalogenation of Automobile Shredder Residue in NaOH/EG Solution using a ball-mill 国際会議

    2010 International Symposium on Resources Recycling and Green Growth 2010年3月18日

  350. 地域活性化に向けた循環型リサイクルシステムの構築

    東経連事業化センター 第14回宮城事業化コーディネーター・ミーティング 2010年2月26日

  351. 地域活性化に向けた循環型リサイクルシステムの構築

    2010年容器包装3R連携市民セミナーin仙台 2010年2月2日

  352. 「リサイクルの化学」

    財団法人東北産業活性化センター主催 出前講座「IVICTユニバーサイエンス」 2009年6月22日

  353. NaOH/エチレングリコールを用いたシュレッダーダストの脱ハロゲン化

    環境資源工学会シンポジウム「リサイクル設計と分離精製技術」 2009年2月13日

  354. 「廃プラスチックの脱塩素処理と応用」

    環境・エネルギー工学部会 資源循環フォーラム シンポジウム「鉄鋼業における廃プラリサイクルの到達点と今後の展望」 2009年1月16日

  355. 「地域特性を活かしたリサイクルのあり方」

    財団法人 宮城県公害衛生検査センター 技術講習会 2008年11月7日

  356. 「地域循環型リサイクルシステム構築による活性化」

    亘理名取地区広域行政研修会 講演 2008年10月30日

  357. 「環境に配慮した企業経営の実践について」

    平成20年度仙南産業経済セミナー~環境対策と経営戦略~ 2008年10月29日

  358. 触媒を用いたポリエチレンテレフタレート(PET)の化学原料化

    プラスチックリサイクル化学研究会(FSRJ)第11回討論会 2008年9月16日

  359. 湿式脱塩素反応を利用した塩化ビニールのリサイクル

    ビニル部会平成20年度第1回例会 2008年6月10日

  360. PETリサイクルの動向

    無機マテリアル学会第17回講習会 2008年3月14日

  361. 地域産業特性を活かしたプラスチックリサイクル

    廃棄物学会東北支部 岩手地区講演会 2007年10月27日

  362. 廃棄PETからのベンゼン、カーボン生成ケミカルリサイクル技術

    東北大学イノベーションフェア2007in仙台 2007年10月5日

  363. Determination of fluoride using ion-selective electrodes in the presence of aluminum 国際会議

    Siqingaowa Borjigin, Tomohito Kameta, Tadaaki Mizoguchi

    Chemical-Environmental International Student Workshop 2007 2007年8月5日

  364. 廃プラスチックの地域循環型フィードストックリサイクル

    第21回環境工学連合講演会 2007年4月25日

  365. 素材構成と地域性を活かしたポリエステル廃棄物からのBTX転換処理技術の開発

    平成18年度廃棄物対策研究発表会 2006年10月31日

  366. 容器包装リサイクル法は地域活性化の糧となるか?

    廃棄物学会東北支部・廃棄物学会企画委員会シンポジウム 2005年2月22日

  367. プラスチックリサイクルの将来

    化学工学会東北支部第19回プロセス設計技術講演会 2004年7月1日

  368. PET製品のケミカルリサイクル

    資源・素材学会関東支部講演会 2002年11月18日

  369. 廃プラスチックのリサイクルを目指した脱ハロゲン化

    化学系7学協会連合東北地方大会弘前大会 2002年10月5日

  370. プラスチックのリサイクルプロセス

    化学工学東北支部第10回若手の会セミナー 2002年7月6日

  371. 廃プラスチックの化学原料への再資源化

    第9回エネルギー工学研究会 1998年6月4日

  372. 廃プラスチックのケミカルリサイクル

    日本化学会第73秋季大会 1997年9月26日

  373. 高温アルカリ水溶液中酸素酸化を用いた塩ビ材料のカルボン酸類へのケミカルリサイクリング

    環境調和型PVC研究会 1996年5月17日

  374. 資源・物質循環型社会に資する化学プロセス 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    テクノブリッジフェア in 東北 2023年12月6日

  375. 炭素循環をめざした動静脈連携と石油化学 工場のカーボンニュートラル化 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    CO2分離回収・資源化コンソーシアム 第6回講演会 2023年6月7日

  376. バイオマス製品とリサイクルの今後 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    第10回バイオマス製品普及推進功績賞表彰式・記念講演会・交流会 2020年10月27日

  377. プラスチックの循環について 招待有り

    吉岡 敏明

    令和2年度第1回ふくしま環境・リサイクル関連産業研究会 2020年10月23日

  378. Chemical Processing for Feedstock Recycling of Waste Materials 招待有り

    Toshiaki Yoshioka

    「京大ーBASFアゴラ」講演会 2020年10月16日

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

産業財産権 20

  1. ハロゲン含有プラスチック回収物の処理方法及び処理装置

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 長田文夫, 八名純三

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  2. 植物性固体物質を用いた排水中窒素の除去方法

    溝口忠昭, 吉岡敏明

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  3. 芳香族炭化水素の製造方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 溝口忠昭, 吉岡敏明, 内田美穂, 北川英作

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  4. ハイドロタルサイトの製造方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 亀田知人, 在田洋, 渡辺高行

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  5. 排水の処理方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 亀田知人

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  6. 排水の処理方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 亀田知人

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  7. 酸化チタン含有プラスチック中の酸化チタンの回収方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 内田美穂, 松井言永

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  8. プラスチック混合廃棄物の処理方法

    佐藤次雄, 奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 堂坂健児


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  9. プラスチック混合廃棄物の処理方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 申宣明, 内田美穂


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  10. 亜リン酸含有廃液の処理方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 鳥居一義

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  11. 硝酸アンモニウムを含む排水の処理方法

    奧脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 内田美穗, 南方紀之

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  12. 水の光分解触媒及びそれを用いた水素の製造方法

    佐藤次雄, 奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 正木克彦, 吉田清英

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  13. 水の光分解触媒及びそれを用いた水素の製造方法

    佐藤次雄, 奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 正木克彦, 吉田清英

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  14. ポリエステル樹脂から二塩基酸成分及び/又はグリコール成分を回収する方法

    奥脇昭嗣, 佐藤次雄, 吉岡敏明

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  15. セリア固溶正方晶ジルコニア微粉末の製造方法

    佐藤次雄, 奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 堂坂健児


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  16. セリア固溶正方晶ジルコニア微粉末の製造方法

    佐藤次雄, 奥脇昭嗣, 吉岡敏明, 堂坂健児


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  17. 被処理液の再生方法

    吉岡敏明, 亀田知人, 堀越和也, 北川文彦, 神保陽一, 近藤昌幸

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  18. ガラスからの重金属の分離方法

    門木秀幸, 成岡朋弘, 居藏岳志, 吉岡敏明, 藤森崇


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  19. 乳酸吸着剤および乳酸の除去方法

    吉岡敏明, 亀田知人, 北川文彦, 神保陽一, 近藤昌幸

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  20. アンモニア吸着剤およびアンモニアの除去方法

    吉岡敏明, 亀田知人, 北川文彦, 神保陽一, 近藤昌幸

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 30

  1. プラスチックの持続可能な資源循環と海洋流出制御に向けたシステム構築に関する総合的研究

    2021年4月 ~ 2026年3月

  2. 環境インパクト低減に向けたハロゲン制御技術の体系化

    吉岡 敏明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2020年8月 ~ 2025年3月

  3. 共熱分解制御によるプラスチック/木質バイオマス混合廃棄物の高度化学原燃料転換

    熊谷 将吾, 吉岡 敏明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2019年4月1日 ~ 2022年3月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  4. プラスチックの化学原料化再生プロセス開発

    2019年7月 ~ 2021年7月

  5. 塩素循環システム創出に向けた塩ビ廃棄物からの塩素回収プロセスの開発

    吉岡 敏明, 福島 康裕, 亀田 知人, 熊谷 将吾, 大野 肇

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2017年4月 ~ 2021年3月

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    塩素はありふれた元素であるが、その利用(ソーダ工業)には莫大なエネルギーを要する。塩素の大口需要先である塩化ビニル(PVC)の廃棄には、塩素を原因とする環境リスクが常に付きまとう。そこで、本研究では、PVC廃棄物から塩素を回収しソーダ工業原料とする「塩素循環」という新概念を打出す。塩素循環は、PVC廃棄物の塩素問題解消および資源化、ソーダ工業への塩素供給を可能とし、環境インパクト低減および資源・エネルギーの高効率利用実現が期待される。その実現に向け本研究は、新規塩素回収プロセス(湿式脱塩素法+電気透析法)を開発する。本プロセスの開発段階からMFAおよびLCAによる環境影響評価を同時に進め、環境負荷低減効果を考慮した塩素回収条件の最適化を実施し、我が国における塩素循環のポテンシャルを明確化する。 平成29年度は、塩素のマテリアルフロー解析による国内塩素フローの解明に注力した。塩素フローの解明に当たり、塩素に関連する素材および製品の輸出入、生産、加工、使用、塩ビ廃棄物リサイクルの各段階における原単位データを様々な統計から収集した。統計により得られない情報、例えば、塩ビ廃棄物中の軟質製品および硬質製品の割合は、軟質・硬質塩ビ樹脂の生産量から推算することに成功した。本研究で開発していく塩素回収プロセスの湿式脱塩素法による脱塩素率は、軟質塩ビ製品と硬質塩ビ製品で異なることを確認している。よって、軟質・硬質塩ビ製品の割合を推算したことにより、国内塩素フローを詳細に可視化した。材料リサイクルされていない塩ビ廃棄物を塩素回収の対象廃棄物と想定した場合、293 kt-Cl/年の塩素回収ポテンシャルがあり、塩ビ製造の約40%の塩素需要に相当することが明らかとなった。

  6. 汚染土壌からのCs脱着及び濃縮手法の開発

    吉岡 敏明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究種目:Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2017年6月 ~ 2020年3月

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    フッ素化合物であるNaTFBの代わりにテトラフェニルホウ酸ナトリウム(NaTPB)を用い、使用削減傾向にある物質であるPFOA-に代わる代替イオン会合体を用いてCs-TPBのイオン会合体相への濃縮を検討した。代替イオン会合体は、水相中のカドミウムをBenzethonium ion(Ben+)とp-Phenolsulfonic ion(PS-)を用いたイオン会合体相への濃縮例を踏まえ、有機陽イオンとしてBen+を選択した。また、PS-はヒドロキシ基を持ち実験系が塩基性になるため不適とし、有機陰イオンとしてp-Toluenesulfonate(TS-)及び4-Ethylbenzenesulfonate(EBS-)を選択した。代替イオン会合体を用いたCs-TPBのイオン会合体相への濃縮について検討した。 TPB-量の増加とともにCs抽出率は増加した。初期水相モル比TS-/Ben+を変化させてもCs抽出率はほとんど変化しなかった。pHを変化させた結果、pH 7.0で最大Cs抽出率を示した。一方、有機イオン存在率はどの条件においてもほとんど変化なく、Ben+とTPB-はすべてイオン会合体相に存在していた。またTS-はほとんど水相に存在し、イオン会合体相中にはBen+のモル量と同等のTS-が含まれることから、イオン会合体相TS-Ben+の構成モル比TS-/Ben+=1が維持されていることが分かった。相分離後の静置時間経過とともにCs抽出率は減少したが、存在率の結果から、静置時間経過とともにCs抽出率が減少しても、TPB-はすべてイオン会合体相に存在していた。これから、静置時間経過により、一度イオン会合体相に抽出されたCs-TPBが静置時間経過とともに解離し、水相中にCs+を放出することが示唆される。

  7. 海洋プラスチック問題解決に資するプラスチック資源循環システム構築調査研究

    2020年 ~ 2020年

  8. 電気電子機器廃棄物からの新規有機・無機原料リサイクルプロセスの開発

    吉岡 敏明, 亀田 知人, Grause Guido

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2013年4月 ~ 2017年3月

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  9. 錯体・イオン会合体化によるCs濃縮法の開発

    吉岡 敏明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2014年4月1日 ~ 2016年3月31日

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    スラッジの発生量が少ないセシウム汚染水の処理方法の開発を目的として、種々の錯形成物質を用い、イオン会合体相へセシウムを濃縮する手法を検討した。錯形成物質として用いた物質の中で、tetraphenylborate(TPB-)が水相から高度にセシウムを抽出可能であることを明らかにした。さらに、イオン会合体としてn-pentyl amine (PA+)とperfluoro octanoic acid (PFOA-)を組み合わせた系において、TPB-を用いることで、水相からイオン会合体相への抽出率及び分配比の向上が可能であることを確認した。

  10. 持続可能社会を支援する代替型資源供給システムの分析と政策提言

    馬奈木 俊介, 長坂 徹也, 吉岡 敏明, 土屋 範芳, 松八重 一代, 堀江 進也, 伊藤 豊, 田中 健太

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2012年4月1日 ~ 2014年3月31日

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  11. 複合材料からの無機・有機原料の同時フィードストックリサイクル

    吉岡 敏明, 亀田 知人, グラウゼ ギド

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2009年 ~ 2012年

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  12. 素材産業をプラットホームとした再生可能エネルギー・資原の創成

    長坂 徹也, 横山 一代, 吉岡 敏明, 加河 茂美, 梅澤 修, 中村 愼一郎

    2005年 ~ 2005年

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    本研究では、我国における物質フローのひとつの巨大ハブとみなせる製鉄所を中心に、その周辺地域をひとつのユニットと捉え、ユニットトータルでの資源エネルギー流入量極少化、廃棄物流出量ミニマムを目指したシステム設計を目指した。すなわち、単なる「廃棄物処理」から「ある地域内での物質やエネルギー循環の有効利用、再生可能エネルギー・資源の創成」へとターゲットを高度化し、他産業や民生・運輸業を包含した各種産業間の連携・融合による「エコ・タウン化」設計を行う場合、鉄鋼等素材産業をメインプラットホームとすることが、エネルギー・マテリアルフローおよび技術・インフラの点から最も合理的であると言える。 このような観点から、本研究では、素材産業をプラットホームとした再生可能エネルギー・資源の創成を目指し、製鉄所を中心とした特定地域内における未利用中低温排熱および再資源化可能な難処理廃棄物に関する実態調査を行い、学際的にエコ・タウン実現のための要素技術開発やそのゴールイメージの具体化を試みた。まず製鉄所などの素材産業をプラットホームに据えた周辺地域内をエコ・タウンとして設定し、その内外でのマテリアルフロー、エネルギーフローを精査した。その上で再生可能な資源・エネルギーを抽出し、具体的な再生可能プロセス・システム設計を、(1)技術的可能性と要素研究必要項目の検討、(2)需給バランスの適正化、(3)経済性およびリスク評価、の3つの観点から調査・検討した。その結果、粗鋼年産800万トンクラスの製鉄所を中心に、産業間リンクを適切に設定できれば、膨大な量が見込まれる未利用中低温排熱(スラグ顕熱、コークス、スラブ冷却熱等)、現状では低価値でしか利用されていない有価物(ダスト、スラグ、廃木材バイオマス等)、不規則に大量発生が予想される難処理廃棄物(マットレス、肉骨粉、廃船等)を再生可能エネルギー、資源として受け入れ可能であることが示された。以上の成果を踏まえ、本年度は「特定領域研究」の新規発足研究領域として応募することを計画している。

  13. 素材製造工程で使用される還元剤代替としての廃プラスチック利用に関する研究

    吉岡 敏明, 溝口 忠昭, 水野 修, 中村 修, 内田 美穂, 奥脇 昭嗣

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2003年 ~ 2005年

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    素材産業からの炭酸ガス排出抑制に寄与することを目的として、本課題では、年間1000万トン排出されるプラスチックを石炭代替材として、様々な金属精錬において行われている炭素還元に利用するための基礎研究を行った。本年度は、クロム鉱さいの還元処理に、廃プラスチックを脱塩素した炭素質の固形燃料を用い、クロムの還元特性について検討するとともに、油化およびガス化が困難なPETについて、還元剤および化学原料として有用な合成ガス(一酸化炭素、水素)へのガス化の検討、およびこれらのシステムを使った場合の炭酸ガス抑制効果について検討を行った。実験では、脱塩素処理した混合廃プラスチックを粉砕したもの、クロム鉱さい、ケイ砂を混合したものを試料とした。この試料をアルミナ製ボートに入れ、種々の条件で加熱(還元)処理した後、環境庁告示第46号に従って、塩酸浸出による6価クロム溶出試験を行なった。また、NiOを触媒として消石灰とともにPETを熱分解することで合成ガス(一酸化炭素、水素)へのガス化率を求めた。さらに、これらの結果を基本に、現在石炭等化石資源を材料としている分野において、廃プラスチックを代替としたときの炭酸ガス抑制効果について評価した。 クロム鉱さいからの6価クロムの溶出試験をするために、廃プラスチックを脱塩素した炭素質の固形燃料とともにクロム鉱さいの還元処理を行なった。酸素雰囲気下では、1000℃とすると未処理の場合の1.6%以下に低減でできることがわかった。また、He雰囲気下、600〜1000℃において、約0.5%まで低減できることが明らかとなり、現在行なっているクロム鉱さいの処理においてオイルコークスの代替として脱塩素した混合廃プラスチックを利用できることが明らかとなった。また、PETなどのポリエステル類やPCを消石灰とともにNiOを触媒として熱分解することによって効果的に還元剤として作用するCOを含む合成ガスに転換できることを明らかとした。

  14. 黒鉛添加による塩と材料の高度脱塩素処理と廃プラスチックのゼロエミッション化

    奥脇 昭嗣, 内田 美穂, 吉岡 敏明

    2000年 ~ 2000年

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    塩ビを含む廃プラスチックのゼロエミッション化のためには,脱塩素を化学反応支配として処理できる技術開発が必要である.本研究では,試料への伝熱速度を高めるため,PVCに黒鉛を添加し,脱塩素速度におよぼす影響について検討した. 純粋PVCと黒鉛の混合比に対する速度定数の比は,伝熱支配の温度域である350℃においては,脱塩素速度は1.4〜1.5倍になり,伝熱係数の高いものを混合した方が効果的であった. 黒鉛添加により脱塩素処理された残留物は石炭代替燃料として用いることができる.石炭を用いる電力・鉄鋼・セメントなどのエネルギー・素材産業は,それぞれ国内の主要CO_2排出源であるとともにエネルギー多消費産業である.これらの産業において,石炭の代替燃料として廃プラスチックを用いた場合には,CO_2削減とともに,エネルギーの有効利用の観点からもその有効性が期待できる.国内で埋立ておよび単純焼却された廃プラスチック984万tを全て熱エネルギーとして換算すると約8.61×10^<13>kcalにもなる.国内の石炭火力発電所,製鉄所,セメント工場および製油所の全設備から半径100km圏内の地域は,北海道東部,中部,東海,九州南部を除く国内のほとんどをカバーしていることから,これらの廃プラスチックを石炭の代替燃料に用いた場合のCO_2削減率は電力産業においては約7.5%,製鉄業においては約3.6%,セメント産業においては約23.5%のCO_2削減率となり,廃プラスチックを石炭の代替燃料として用いることは,期待される手段の一つである.

  15. 塩素化合物のゼロエミッション化を目指した廃プラスチックの脱塩素技術の評価と高度化

    奥脇 昭嗣, 内田 美穂, 吉岡 敏明

    1999年 ~ 1999年

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    PVCの脱塩化水素はいずれの温度でも初期において脱塩化水素は時間に対して0次的に進んだが、高脱塩化水素率になるに従い速度は徐々に低下した。反応初期における脱塩化水素率を0次で整理したときの見かけの活性化エネルギーは28kcal/molであった。脱塩化水素反応が速度を支配するため、それが実験条件に依存しないことを明快に示す結果である。しかし、300℃以上では、活性化エネルギーは5kcal/molであった。これは300℃以上においては試料への伝熱速度が反応を支配することを示唆する。0次で整理した脱塩化水素率より高い領域を新たに1次で整理し、得られた見かけの活性化エネルギーは300℃を境に大きく変化し、300℃以下は19.3kcal/mol,300℃以上は3.8kcal/molとなり、低脱塩化水素率領域と同様の傾向を示した。以上より、脱塩化水素率の高低によらず、300℃以上においては試料への伝熱速度が反応を支配していることが示唆された。 純水PVC粉末、260℃で21.8%および67.6%まで脱塩化水素した残留物のFT-IRスペクトルには、脱塩化水素の進行とともにポリエン構造が発達、C-H伸縮振動(2800〜3000cm^<-1>)およびC-H変角振動(1200〜1450cm^<-1>)など脂肪族による吸収強度が低下、その一方でC=C-H伸縮振動(3000〜3030cm^<-1>)、C=C伸縮振動(1600cm^<-1>)、架橋や環境によって形成される芳香環C-H伸縮振動(3000〜3030cm^<-1>)や芳香環C-H面外変角振動(750〜900cm^<-1>)による吸収が認められた。これは、脱塩化水素反応が進むほどPVCの構造に不飽和結合や芳香環が多く形成され、また、未反応の塩素は分散して存在することを示す。そのため、zipper機構で連続的に脱塩化水素する部位が減少し、脱塩化水素が進むほど速度が小さくなったと考えられる。

  16. 脱塩化水素廃プラスチックの電力-素材産業利用によるゼロエミッションの効果

    奥脇 昭嗣, 内田 美穂, 吉岡 敏明

    1998年 ~ 1998年

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    エネルギー多消費産業である電力,鉄鋼,セメントなどの基盤産業は,それぞれ国内の主要CO_2排出源であるが,極限近くまで合理化された各産業におけるCO_2排出量の削減は極めて困難である。そのため、これらのCO_2エミッションを削減するためには,業種を越えた産業間で資源,廃棄物や廃棄エネルギー利用のネットワークの形成が有効な手法のひとつである。廃プラスチックのリサイクルにおいては,現在,油化や燃料化によるエネルギー回収が検討され,2010年には廃プラスチックの90%をリサイクルすることを目標としている。本研究では,廃プラスチックリサイクル有効利用のモデルを作るため、そのフローを解析し,業際間のネットワーク形成により新しい業際間リサイクルシステムを構築した場合の、CO_2排出削減効果の検討を目的とする。 今回は特に、代替石炭として脱塩化水素廃プラスチックを業際的リサイクルによりエネルギー・素材産業において利用し、ゼロエミッション化を図るため、各産業における石炭利用の物質フローを解析し,新しい廃プラスチックリサイクルシステム構築によるゼロエミッションの効果を検討した。 ゼロエミッションの要求を満たしつつ廃プラスチックのリサイクル率を高めるための対象は,製鉄業、石炭火力、セメント工業の3つのプロセスである.上記3つの基盤産業で石炭消費量とCO_2排出量の現状を把握し、脱塩化水素した廃プラスチックの利用可能量を概算した。代替石炭として混合廃プラスチックを炭素源に利用した場合の単位重量あたりの発熱量を概算したところ混合廃プラスチックと脱塩素混合廃プラスチックの単位重量発熱量はそれぞれ9148,9774kcal/kgとなる。脱塩素混合廃プラスチックの発熱量を脱塩素操作前の重量あたりに換算するとその発熱量は9195kcal/kgとなった。 1996年現在、廃プラスチックの総排出量は884万トンであり、そのうち37%が単純焼却、38%が埋立されており、あわせて663万トンが未利用のままとなっている。このうち未利用分を代替石炭として、電力、鉄鋼、セメントの3産業で利用した場合、二酸化炭素削減率は電力、鉄鋼、セメントの各産業においてそれぞれ、9,4,および29%程度であると推定される。

  17. 高温水溶液を用いた廃プラスチックの再資源化とPVCの脱塩化水素処理

    奥脇 昭嗣, 吉岡 敏明

    1997年 ~ 1997年

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    内容積1lのハステロイC製分取式オートクレーブに水又はNaOH水溶液450mlを仕込み,密閉後窒素置換しモノマー換算0.005mol)を容器内に圧入して温度安定後反応開始とし,NaOH濃度0〜2M,200〜250℃,1200rpmでかきまぜた.所定時間毎に分取した反応溶液中の塩化物イオン濃度を測定して脱塩化水素率を求め,残留物は,減圧乾燥後SEM観察およびFT-IR測定した. 水中,200〜250℃でのPVC粉末の脱塩化水素反応は見掛け上0次反応で進み,活性化エネルギーは約46kcal/molであった.一方,NaOH水溶液中では脱塩化水素は見掛け上1次反応で進み,速度は0.01〜0.5Mの範囲では濃度の増加と伴に大きくなった.活性化エネルギーは0.1M,0.5Mでも各々46kcal/molであり,濃度による違いはなかった.また,残留物の化学構造もFT-IR測定では,大きな変化はなかった.しかし,水中における残留物は凝集しており,表面には比較的大きい細孔が生成したのに対し,NaOH水溶液中ではほとんど凝集せず,球状で,細孔は表面上にはなく,粒子内部に認められた.以上より,水中とNaOH水溶液中では脱塩化水素そのものの機構は大きく変化せず,NaOH濃度は形状に大きく影響すると考えられる.つまり,水中では脱塩化水素速度が小さいため溶融PVC粉末が凝集して細孔が多く生成する.それに対し,NaOH水溶液中では,PVCが球状になり,濃度に比例して急速に表面の脱塩化水素が進み,膨張しにくい脱塩化水素PVCの殻が表面に形成され,これが粒子の凝集を防ぎ,球状の粒子内では生成する塩化水素によって内部の脱塩化水素が一層触媒されるため見掛け上1次で進むように見えるものと推定した.また,脱塩化水素率の高い残留物には,水酸基による吸収が存在することから,この場合は,一部HとClの置換により脱塩素が起きるとことを明かにした.

  18. 鉛化合物を用いる再資源化による新しい硝酸塩廃水処理技術の開発

    吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1996年 ~ 1997年

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    鉛化合物を用いる再資源化による新しい硝酸塩廃水処理技術の開発をすべく基礎研究を行い以下の結果を得た。 [1]酸化鉛(II)を用いた水蒸気蒸留にによる硝酸アンモニウム成分の再資源化 ・硝酸アンモニウム水溶液に、酸化鉛(II)を加え、水蒸気蒸留することによりアンモニアと塩基性硝酸鉛(II)を短時間でほぼ100%回収し、再資源化できることを明らかにした。アンモニアと塩基性硝酸鉛(II)の回収率は酸化鉛/硝酸イオンモル比とpHに大きく依存することがわかった。 硝酸ナトリウム溶液中では鉛の表面に皮膜が生成し、硝酸イオンの還元が妨げられるため効率的に還元を進めるためには金属鉛表面上の皮膜の剥離が有効であると考えられる。そこで、金属円板の表面を研磨材入りバフで連続的に回転研磨するバフ研磨型装置、鉛粒子をボールミル中で回転させ、粒子同士の接触により粒子表面上に生成した酸化皮膜を剥離させる湿式ボールミル型装置を試作し、鉛による硝酸イオンの還元について、亜硝酸イオンへの還元速度、還元剤としての鉛の還元効率および還元生成物である亜硝酸イオン、アンモニアおよび窒素の選択性に及ぼす回転数、反応温度、硝酸イオン初濃度の影響等を検討し、以下の結果を得た。 [2]鉛板のその場バフ研磨で生成する微粉による硝酸ナトリウム溶液の還元 ・12時間で硝酸イオンは20〜100%亜硝酸イオンに還元されたが、亜硝酸イオンから窒素、アンモニアへの還元速度は小さく、生成率は最大でもそれぞれ14%,6%であった。 ・硝酸イオン還元速度は、バフが粗く、回転数が高く、温度が高いほど増加したが、還元効率は低下した。 ・還元効率は、バフが細かく、回転数が小さい場合に増加したが、逆に、硝酸イオン還元速度は低下した。 [3]湿式ボールミル中の鉛粒子による硝酸塩溶液の還元 ・回転速度、反応温度が高いと還元速度は増大し、硝酸イオン除去率、亜硝酸イオン生成率は増大した。 ・40〜80℃において初期から中期における硝酸イオンから亜硝酸イオンへの還元は0次反応であり、生成する酸化鉛皮膜の剥離が律速過程と思われる。 ・25℃以下では、反応速度は小さく、鉛粒子表面における還元反応が律速過程となった。

  19. 液相酸化法による廃プラスチックの化学原料への再資源化と地球インパクトの評価

    奥脇 昭嗣, 吉岡 敏明

    1996年 ~ 1996年

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    PVC粉末(粒径0.1mm)3gを電気炉内の石英反応管中でで200℃、7時間脱塩化水素した試料(脱塩化水素率81.56%、DH-PVC)と、硬質塩ビ及び軟質塩ビのペレット(3φ×3mm)3gを試料に用い、テフロン内張りの300mlオートクレーブに試料と15mol NaOH/kg 50mlを仕込み、250℃、酸素圧5MPaで5時間酸素酸化した。500mlに希釈したベンゼンカルボン酸類の反応生成液を50ml分取し、MEKで抽出した後、これをメチルエステル化しGCで定量し、以下の結果を得た. 本反応における主な酸化生成物はシュウ酸、ベンゼンカルボン酸類(BCAs)を主とする水可溶芳香族酸(WSAA)とCO_2であった。軟質塩ビではシュウ酸収率が低かったがWSAA収率が高かった。これは可塑剤フタル酸ジイソノニルアルコール(DINP)の加水分解によってフタル酸が生成したためである。予め熱分解による脱塩化水素処理を行った場合(DH-PVC)、BCAsの全収率は26.14C%と高く、トリメリット酸、テトラカルボン酸、フタル酸の収率が高かった。これは熱分解による脱塩化水素処理により、直接酸化の場合と比べてDH-PVCの構造中に芳香環が多く形成されるためと考えられる。さらに各塩ビ材料のガスクロマトグラムを比較すると、DH-PVCのものにはBCAs以外に芳香環由来のものと思われる小さなピークが多数認められた。これらは多環カルボン酸などの水可溶芳香族酸であると考えられる。また、このことから、DH-PVCの液相酸素酸化生成物には、ダイオキシンなどの含塩素化合物の生成が懸念されるが、分析の結果、それは全く認められなかった。

  20. 廃PETのアルカリ加水分解・酸化によるTPAとシュウ酸への再資源化プロセスの開発

    奥脇 昭嗣, 齋藤 秀史, 吉岡 敏明, 齊藤 秀史, 斉藤 秀史

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1995年 ~ 1996年

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    PETフレークをNaOH溶液中で酸素酸化し、テレフタル酸及びシュウ酸収率に及ぼすNaOH濃度、酸素圧、反応温度の影響を調べた。テレフタル酸成分は、NaOH濃度に影響されずほぼ定量的に回収されたが、シュウ酸は塩基触媒酸素酸化によって生成するため収率はNaOH濃度が高いほど増加し、27.5mol/kgで最高60%に達した。酸化速度の制御に、アルカリ濃度が重要であることを示し、また酸素圧もシュウ酸収率高めた。 マテリアルリサイクル用として調製された市販の透明および着色フレークでは、シュウ酸収率は71%にまで向上した。これは、結晶化度の高い口金及び底の部分や有機顔料を含むためと考えられる。本法では、全ての有機物を酸化できるので、前処理は簡便な破砕のみで、高度な洗浄、乾燥などはしなくてよい点が特徴である。 以上の結果を基に、廃PETボトルをテレフタル酸とシュウ酸に再資源化するプロセスを検討した。まず、PETボトルをシュレッダ-によってフレーク状にし、50%NaOH水溶液で加水分解する。ナトリウム塩として沈殿するテレフタル酸は硫酸を加えて遊離酸に転換し、同時にNa_2SO_4(芒硝)を副生する。一方、エチレングリコール成分は酸素加圧により70%をシュウ酸塩として回収し、これに硫酸を加えてシュウ酸と芒硝を得る。 このプロセスでは、苛性ソーダと硫酸の薬品消費量が大きいが、生成物を燃料より高価な高純度テレフタル酸とシュウ酸にすることより経済性が期待できる。

  21. EDTAを用いるバライト(BaSO_4)の新しい湿式処理

    奥脇 昭嗣, 吉岡 敏明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1995年 ~ 1996年

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    バライト(BaSO_4、重晶石)はバリウム(Ba)の主要原料鉱石であり、現在、その処理法としては1000℃以上で炭素還元する乾式法が用いられている。また、この方法は副生する硫化物の処理が必要なことから、より省エネルギーで環境負荷の小さな新しい処理法の開発が望まれている。本研究はこれらの問題を解決するため、EDTAを用いてバライトからBaを直接浸出し、Ba-EDTA錯体の解離反応を利用して、Baを形態及び粒径を制御した高付加価値の原料粉末として回収することを目的とし、浸出及び回収実験を行った。 〈2段法〉pH12に調製した0.08M EDTA浸出駅に国産バライトを投入して得たBa浸出液に0〜1.2MのNa_2SO_4あるいはNa_2CO_3を加え、封管中90〜200℃で0〜20時間反応させ、生成した沈殿物をSEM観察し、XRDにより同定した。 Na_2SO_4を添加した場合には針状あるいは柱状粒子が生成し、180℃以上では比較的単分散であったが、90℃では多分散となった。180℃以上では反応開始時にすでに粒径の小さな針状粒子が生成し、昇温途中で均一核形成が起こることが分かった。また、Na_2SO_4濃度が低下するとアスペクト比の高い針状のBaSO_4粒子が生成したことから長軸方向の成長速度大きいことが示唆された。[Ba^<2+>]=0.012M、[SO^<2->_4]/[Ba^<2+>]=17.7、180℃、4時間ではほぼ均一な針状BaSO_4粒子が生成し、Ba回収率は95.4%に達した。 Na_2CO_3の場合は多分散のBaCO_3柱状粒子が生成し、[Ba^<2+>]=0.012M、[SO^<2->_4]/[Ba^<2+>]=17.7、180℃、4時間でBa回収率は77.5%に達した。 〈1段法〉中国産バライト、0〜0.02M EDTA及び0.4〜1.2M Na_2CO_3を封管中で混合し、2段法と同様に実験を行った。生成粒子はEDTA共存下では柱状であり、Na_2CO_3濃度が増加すると六角柱状粒子が生成した。また、かき混ぜにより粒径のそろった六角柱状粒子が得られた。しかし、EDTA非共存下では不定形あるいは斜方晶形状粒子が生成した。残さはBaCO_3と未反応バライトとの混合相であった。

  22. 廃プラスチックの液相酸化法による化学原料への再資源化

    奥脇 明嗣, 吉岡 敏明

    1995年 ~ 1995年

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    PVCは燃焼により塩化水素を発生し、焼却炉を腐食し、ダイオキシン等の微量な有害物質を副生するため、エネルギー回収率を高めることが困難である。本研究では、農業用ポリ塩化ビニル(農ビ)フィルムをの化学原料への再資源化を目的とし、高温アルカリ水溶液中における分解挙動を検討した。 その結果、150〜250℃、1〜7M NaOHにおいて農ビフィルムを処理することにより、フタル酸、イソオクタノールとチャー化した残留物が得られた。フタル酸のイソオクタノールは、フイルム中32.4%含まれる可塑剤のジオクチルテレフタレート(DOP)加水分解によって生成し、フタル酸収率は、DOPに対して定量的であり、再資源化が可能であったが、イソオクタノールは一部が揮発生成物に分解されるか、チャー化した残留物に取り込まれるため収率は45%であった。 また、フィルム中のPVCの脱塩化水素率は3、5及び12時間で各々67、83及び95%であり、脱塩化水素は1次反応で進行した。この時150〜250℃において求めた見掛けの活性化エネルギーは29kcal/molであった。チャー化した残留物は、PVCの脱塩化水素により生成したものであり、1-5μmの細孔が見られ、時間とともに細孔径は小さくなった。この細孔は、塩ビフィルムマトリックスからDOPが加水分解したために生成したと考えられ、時間とともに孔径が小さくなったのは、PVCの脱塩化水素によって炭素-炭素間の架橋が発達したためと考えられる。

  23. 層状化合物/半導体3次元ナノ複合体による人工光合成型光-化学エネルギー変換

    佐藤 次雄, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    1994年 ~ 1994年

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  24. 廃プラスチックの液相酸化法による化学原料への再資源化

    奥脇 昭嗣, 吉岡 敏明, 佐藤 次雄

    1994年 ~ 1994年

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    現在、種々の環境問題が緊急に解決を要する大きなテーマとなっており、廃棄物問題としてはその減量化やエネルギーの高効率利用と結びついて、廃プラスチックの有効利用が重要な課題となっている。廃プラスチックは燃焼によるエネルギー利用のみでなく、化学原料への再資源化(ケミカルリサイクリング)技術の確立により、一層、有効利用することが要求されている。 本研究では、処理の難しいポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)と今後大量のケミカルリサイクリングの不可欠なホリエチレンテレフタレート(PET)を液相酸化法によって付加価値の高い化学原料へ転換するための化学プロセス設計指針を得ることを目的とした。 その結果、硬質ポリ塩化ビニル(硬質塩ビ)、軟質塩ビは250℃以下の濃厚アルカリ水溶液中酸素酸化により、脱塩化水素と同時にシュウ酸とフタル酸等のベンゼンカルボン酸類に転換することができた。特に、軟質塩ビに含まれるDINP等の可塑剤は同時に加水分解されるため、フタル酸としての再資源化が可能であった。またPETについては、飲料用ボトルの再資源化を試みた。その結果、PET分子内のエステル結合が加水分解されることでPET中のTPAunitとEGunitがそれぞれTRAとEGに分解され、EGはさらにシュウ酸に酸化された。この時、TPAはナトリウム塩として沈殿するため、温度、酸素圧によらず定量的に生成した。一方、シュウ酸収率は加水分解で生成したEGが、一部気相中でCO_2にまで酸化されるため60〜70C%であった。

  25. 超臨界非水溶媒を用いるセラミックス粉末の合成とその特性評価

    佐藤 次雄, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    1994年 ~ 1994年

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  26. ポリ塩化ビニルの脱塩化水素処理によるケミカルリサイクリングの高効率化

    吉岡 敏明

    1993年 ~ 1993年

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    廃プラスチックの化学原料への再資源化(ケミカルリサイクリング)を目的として、特に、ポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)のアルカリ水溶液中酸素酸化によるシュウ酸やフタル酸等のベンゼンカルボン酸類へのケミカルリサイクリングについて検討した。 市販のPVC粉末15mol/kg-H_2ONaOH水溶液中で液相酸素酸化すると、12時間で完全に分解し、シュウ酸、ベンゼンカルボン酸とCO_2が生成した。シュウ酸やベンゼンカルボン酸はアルカリ溶液中における塩基触媒酸素酸化により生成すると考えられる。さらに、市販のPVC粉末を予め窒素及び酸素雰囲気下、200℃で脱塩化水素処理し、これを液相酸素酸化した。脱塩化水素処理なしのPVC粉末は5時間の液相酸素で78%の分解率に留まったが、脱塩化水素処理したPVC(DHC-PVC)は5時間の液相酸素酸化でも100%分解した。また、酸素雰囲気で脱塩化水素処理したDHC-PVCを液相酸素酸化するとシュウ酸とベンゼンカルボン酸収率は向上し、CO_2収率は低下した。これは、脱塩化水素によってDHC-PVC中にポリエン、芳香環や含酸素官能基が形成され、DHC-PVCがシュウ酸やベンゼンカルボン酸を生成しやすい構造を取っているためと考えられる。 以上より、PVCを化学原料に転換する液相酸素酸化において、脱塩化水素処理は反応時間の短縮、シュウ酸やベンゼンカルボン酸収率の向上の面で有効であることが分かった。

  27. 金属キレートを利用する金属表面への無機皮膜の新規形成法の開発

    奥脇 昭嗣, 吉岡 敏明, 佐藤 次雄

    1993年 ~ 1993年

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    高温水溶液中における金属キレートの錯体安定度の低下および金属塩の溶解度の低下を利用すると、水熱条件下における均一沈殿反応が可能であり、種々の金属塩結晶の合成が可能である。本研究では、Ca(edta)^<2->-NaH_2PO_4水溶液(edta:エチレンジアミン四酢酸)をアルミニウム、チタン、鉄および銅プレート存在下で水熱処理し、均一沈殿反応による金属表面へのCa_5OH(PO_4)_3(水酸アパタイト:HAp)皮膜の形成について検討した。HAp皮膜の性状は反応条件および金属プレートの種類により異なり、0.04M Ca(edta)_2-0.04M NaH_2PO_4水溶液中の直接反応では鉄表面には140〜200℃、pH4.7以上で針状HApの均一皮膜が形成されたが、アルミニウム、チタンおよび銅表面にはHApの凝集粒子が析出した。なお、アルミニウム、チタンおよび銅を用いた場合は一度pH5, 150℃付近の0.04M Ca(edta)^<2->-0.04M NaH_2PO_4水溶液で処理し、CaHPO_4の皮膜を形成させた後、PH6以上の溶液で再処理するとHAp皮膜を形成できることがわかった。

  28. 液相酸化法による廃プラスチックの化学原料への再資源化

    奥脇 昭嗣, 吉岡 敏明, 佐藤 次雄

    1993年 ~ 1993年

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    市販のPVC粉末を200℃で窒素または酸素流通下で脱塩化水素し、さらにこの脱塩化水素したPVC(脱塩化水素PVC)を1〜25mol/kg-H_2OのNaOH水溶液中でオートクレーブを用いて250℃で液相酸素酸化した。生成物はシュウ酸、ベンゼンカルボン酸とCO_2であった。窒素流通下で生成した脱塩化水素PVCを液相酸素酸化すると、脱塩化水素率が高くなるにつれてシュウ酸収率とCO_2収率は僅かに増加し、ベンゼンカルボン酸収率は減少した。一方、酸素流通下で生成した脱塩化水素PVCの液相酸素酸化では、シュウ酸収率が減少し、ベンゼンカルボン酸収率が増加した。これは脱塩化水素が進むほど、脱塩化水素PVC中にポリエン構造が増し、さらに酸素流通下では窒素流通下の時よりも芳香環構造が多く形成されるためと考えられる。また、脱塩化水素PVC中に-OH/-OOH、C=O/-COOHやC-O-C/C-O-O-H等の含酸素官能基が増すにつれて、シュウ酸収率とベンゼンカルボン酸収率は増加し、CO_2収率は減少した。本実験の最適条件下ではPVC1tからシュウ酸600kgとベンゼンカルボン酸300kgがケミカルリサイクリングされる。 また、PET樹脂を250℃、酸素圧5MPa、1〜25mol/kg-H_2Oで液相酸素酸化すると、PET中のテレフタル酸(TPA)unitとエチレングリコール(EG)unitがそれぞれTPAとEGに加水分解され、さらにEGはシュウ酸に酸化された。TPAはナトリウム塩としてNaOH濃度に関係なく100unit%生成したのに対し、シュウ酸はNaOH濃度の増加とともに増加し、25mol/kg-H_2Oで55unit%生成した。

  29. 超臨界アルコールを用いる希土類酸化物固溶ジルコニア基高強度セラミックスの合成

    佐藤 次雄, 吉岡 敏明, 奥脇 昭嗣

    1993年 ~ 1993年

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    セリア固溶正方晶ジルコニアの焼結性を向上させ焼結体の破壊強度を改善することを目的として、原料粉末の凝集状態を制御することを試みた。セラミックス粉末の凝集は、表面張力の小さな有機溶媒で洗浄することや超臨界乾燥により抑制できることから、非晶質12mol%CeO_2-ZrO_2ゲルを300℃の超臨界メタノール中で結晶化するとともに超臨界乾燥を行い、得られたセリア固溶正方晶ジルコニア粉末の焼結性と焼結体の特性評価を行った。結晶化は200℃以上で進行し、反応が未反応芯モデルに適合したことから溶解-再析出機構により進行すると思われる。得られた粉末は平均凝集粒子径2μmで粒度分布が狭く軟らかな凝集状態にあり、空気中仮焼により結晶化したものより400℃低い1100℃の常圧焼結で緻密化でき、500MPa程度の3点曲げ強度を示した。なお12mol%CeO_2-ZrO_2に0.3mol% MnO,10wt% Al_2O_3,5wt% CeMnAl_<11>O_<19>を分散すると焼結性を損なうことなく3点曲げ強度を700-900MPaまで向上させることができた。

  30. 廃プラスチックの再資化に関する研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    1990年4月 ~

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

社会貢献活動 17

  1. 第47回国立七大学総合体育大会

    2008年4月1日 ~ 2009年3月31日

  2. 化学展01総務委員

    2000年10月 ~ 2001年10月

  3. 化学展'97 総務委員

    1997年1月 ~ 1997年10月

  4. 東北大学・DOWAホールディングス株式会社 技術者交流会

    2015年10月27日 ~

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  5. 科学技術振興機構-中国科学院共催「第2回日中環境ワークショップ」

    2015年4月18日 ~

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    国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構からの依頼により「第2回日中環境ワークショップ」において、“Possibility of Chemical Processes for PVC Recycling”とのタイトルで講演を行なった。

  6. 読売新聞「中学生新聞制作ワークショップ」

    2014年8月4日 ~

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  7. がれき処理1~3割 被災3県 津波堆積物が難題

    2013年1月11日 ~

  8. 栃木県足利高校放課後SSH講習会

    2012年11月12日 ~

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  9. みやぎ県民大学「環境の化学と生態学~環境理解入門~」

    2012年9月14日 ~

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  10. 特集「焦点」

    2012年3月4日 ~

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  11. 【特集企画】災害廃棄物対策・復興タスクチームの取り組み

    2011年11月2日 ~

  12. 東北大学地域復興プロジェクトHARU

    2011年4月 ~

  13. 廃棄物資源循環学会災害廃棄物対策・復興タスクチーム

    2011年3月 ~

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  14. 平成22年高等学校理科実験研修会

    2010年7月13日 ~

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  15. 仙台明治青年大学

    2010年7月7日 ~

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  16. 茨城県立竜ヶ崎第一高等学校「大学研究会」

    2010年6月23日 ~

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  17. 2010年 容器包装3R連携市民セミナーin仙台

    2010年2月2日 ~

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    基調講演「地域活性化に向けた循環型リサイクルシステムの構築」 吉岡 敏明

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

メディア報道 12

  1. 資源循環を支える廃棄物資源循環 執筆者本人

    日報ビジネス株式会社 週刊 循環経済新聞 第4面


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  2. ケミカルリサイクルへの期待

    一般社団法人 プラスチック循環利用協会 プラスチック循環利用協会 50年史 インタビュー記事:P21~23 座談会記事:P57~62


    メディア報道種別: 会誌・広報誌

  3. 新しい生活様式に向けた廃棄物対策と資源循環 執筆者本人

    日報ビジネス株式会社 循環経済新聞


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  4. 仙台市震災廃棄物 搬入場と処理の記録 「絆」



    メディア報道種別: その他

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  5. 河北新報


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

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    【中間貯蔵施設 専門家はこう見る】 「情報開示が課題」除染廃棄物を仮置き場で保管するより、計画設計がしっかりしている中間貯蔵施設に搬入したほうが安心できるのではないか。当初は県が主体となるべき点と、国が対応すべき点との役割が明確ではなかった。技術的には安全に配慮した設計ができる。今後の課題の一つは、運用・管理上の情報を住民の安心につなげる形で開示するかだ。

  6. 東北大学の新世紀「がれきの資源化」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  7. ナビゲーション 「なぜ進まない?がれきの広域処理」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  8. ゆうどきネットワーク



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  9. NEWS FINE 金曜特集



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

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  10. 週刊ニュース深読み「どうなる?がれき撤去」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

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    東日本大震災から2か月。宮城県仙台市では4月後半からがれきの撤去作業が本格的に始まっています。 作業員1100人、重機220台がフル稼働していますが、作業は思うように進んでいません。 住民たちの思い出の品々を慎重に取り除きながらの作業だからです。けれども、梅雨や本格的な夏を前に、がれきを撤去しなければ健康被害も心配されます。 膨大な量のがれきは、どこに運び、誰が、どのように処理していけばよいのでしょうか。




    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

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    被災地では肺炎にかかる人が急増している。医師は津波が運んできた汚泥が乾いて粉塵となり飛んだものを吸引して発症した肺炎だと話す。震災後肺炎で入院する患者が去年の同時期の4~5倍に増加している。 この粉塵について専門家は、細かい微粒子で病原菌や化学物質などがくっついている。まずは吸い込まないことが重要と話す。 被災地で発生している肺炎についてスタジオトーク。

  12. 東北大学100年物語「大学と企業が連携・廃棄PETのリサイクル技術」


    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

その他 23

  1. 尿素吸着による共同研究

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  2. 医療廃棄物(ポリ塩化ビニル)の分離・脱塩処理に関する研究

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  3. 難循環ガラス素材廃製品の適正処理に関する研究

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    ・ブラウン管ガラスからの鉛の分離回収に関する研究 ・パネルガラスからのヒ素等の分離回収に関する研究 ・ブラウン管および液晶・プラズマパネルのマテリアルフロー解析

  4. 医療廃棄物(ポリ塩化ビニル)の脱塩処理に関する研究

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  5. 廃棄金属複合樹脂からの金属・油分の回収技術開発

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  6. PETフィルムのナノカーボン化

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  7. 廃棄金属複合樹脂からの金属・油分の回収技術開発(その2)

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  8. 廃棄PETからのベンゼン、カーボン生成ケミカルリサイクル技術の開発

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  9. 廃棄金属複合樹脂からの金属・油分の回収技術開発

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  10. 紙のリサイクル及びPS灰の無害化に関する研究

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  11. 塩素系プラスチック製品の置換型脱塩素によるアップグレードリサイクルと有価金属回収

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  12. 「環境・安全・衛生」大学のアピール

  13. 湿式法による塩素系プラスチックの脱塩素処理

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  14. 木材を利用した排水中窒素分の微生物除去

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  15. 素材構成と地域性を活かしたポリエステル廃棄物からのBTX転換処理技術の開発

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  16. 都市・地域構造に適合した資源循環型社会システムの構築

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  17. ハイドロタルサイトを利用した埋立場浸出排水中塩化物イオン除去と塩素回収

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  18. 湿式法による混合プラスチックの脱塩素処理及び用途開発の可能性評価

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  19. 廃棄物最終処分場浸出水からの高濃度塩化物イオン含有排水処理プロセスの開発

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  20. 排水中のフタル酸エステル及び塩化物イオンの除去と無害化処理に関する研究

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  21. 高分子事典

  22. 固体廃棄物からの外因性内分泌撹乱化学物質の化学的溶出挙動と無害化処理

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  23. 1995環太平洋国際化学会議参加助成

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︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示