
ツジモリ タツキ
辻森 樹
Tatsuki Tsujimori
東北アジア研究センター 基礎研究部門 地球化学研究分野
  • 博士(理学)(金沢大学)

  • 修士(理学)(金沢大学)

e-Rad 研究者番号
Researcher ID

1972年石川県山中温泉生まれ。1999年金沢大学博士 (理学)、地質学者。岡山理科大学・蒜山地質年代学研究所博士研究員、スタンフォード大学博士研究員、岡山大学助教・准教授などを歴任し2015年より現職 (東北大学東北アジア研究センター、同大学院理学研究科地学専攻を兼務)。世界の原生代・顕生代造山帯の地質と変成岩などの研究を行い、過去のプレート境界岩を直接解析することで固体地球の変動の歴史と地球内部のダイナミックな振る舞いの解読に挑戦している。2006年日本地質学会柵山賞 (第1号)、2013年アメリカ鉱物学会フェロー、2014年アメリカ地質学会フェロー、2021年日本鉱物科学会賞 (第25号)。2007年~現在アメリカ自然史博物館リサーチアソシエイト。現在10つの国際学術雑誌の編集委員を担当。2020年~現在Island Arc誌編集長。
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0HUWtWoAAAAJ
- ORCID: 0000-0001-9202-7312
- Scopus Author ID: 6603495714
- Web of Science Researcher Profile: D-2677-2009
- J-Global ID: 201801011522141291
- Researcher Name Resolver ID: 1000000436833
- ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tatsuki_Tsujimori
- Kudos: https://www.growkudos.com/profiles/53931
- ScienceOpen: https://www.scienceopen.com/user/tatsukix
- Academia: https://tohoku.academia.edu/tatsukix
- Research.com: https://research.com/u/tatsuki-tsujimori

経歴 9

  • 2015年9月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学 東北アジア研究センター 教授

  • 2009年1月 ~ 2015年8月
    岡山大学 地球物質科学研究センター 准教授

  • 2006年12月 ~ 2008年12月
    岡山大学 地球物質科学研究センター 助手/ 助教(職制変更による)

  • 2006年4月 ~ 2006年11月
    金沢大学 ベンチャー・ビジネス・ラボラトリー 講師(非常勤機関研究員)

  • 2004年4月 ~ 2006年3月
    スタンフォード大学 地球科学部 客員研究員/ JSPS海外特別研究員

  • 2001年4月 ~ 2004年3月
    岡山理科大学 自然科学研究所 JSPS特別研究員(PD)

  • 2002年7月 ~ 2003年7月
    スタンフォード大学 地球科学部 客員研究員

  • 2000年4月 ~ 2001年3月
    岡山理科大学 自然科学研究所 研究員(株式会社蒜山地質年代学研究所研究員)

  • 1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月
    金沢大学 大学院自然科学研究科 JSPS特別研究員(PD)

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学歴 3

  • 金沢大学 自然科学研究科 物質科学専攻

    1996年4月 ~ 1999年3月

  • 金沢大学 理学研究科 地学専攻

    1994年4月 ~ 1996年3月

  • 島根大学 理学部 地質学科

    1990年4月 ~ 1994年3月

委員歴 21

  • Discover Minerals (Springer Nature) Editorial Board

    2023年11月 ~ 継続中

  • Geological Journal (John Wiley & Sons) Associate Editor

    2022年10月 ~ 継続中

  • Geosystems and Geoenvironment (Elsevier) Associate Editor

    2022年7月 ~ 継続中

  • 国際エクロジャイト会議 (IEC) 調整委員会委員会 (IECCC) 委員

    2022年7月 ~ 継続中

  • 国際エクロジャイト会議 (IEC) 科学委員会 委員

    2021年11月 ~ 継続中

  • Geosciences Journal (Springer Nature) Editorial Board

    2021年1月 ~ 継続中

  • Island Arc (John Wiley & Sons) Editor-in-Chief

    2020年1月 ~ 継続中

  • 一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会 理事

    2018年9月 ~ 継続中

  • PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science) Academic Editor

    2018年8月 ~ 継続中

  • Russian Geology and Geophysics (Publishing House SB RAS) Editorial Board

    2018年7月 ~ 継続中

  • 公益社団法人 日本地球惑星科学連合 代議員

    2018年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 一般社団法人 日本地質学会 執行理事

    2016年6月 ~ 継続中

  • Geologica Acta (Biblioteca de Geologia: UB-CSIC) Managing Scientific Editor

    2013年1月 ~ 継続中

  • International Geology Review (Taylor & Francis) Editorial Board

    2013年1月 ~ 継続中

  • Journal of Metamorphic Geology (John Wiley & Sons) Editorial Review Board Member

    2012年1月 ~ 継続中

  • 国際鉱物学連合 IMAメダル選考委員会 委員

    2019年1月 ~ 2022年12月

  • Minerals (MDPI) Editorial Board

    2019年11月 ~ 2022年8月

  • 日本地質学会東北支部 支部長

    2020年4月 ~ 2022年3月

  • アメリカ鉱物学会 MSAフェロー選考委員会 委員長

    2021年1月 ~ 2021年12月

  • アメリカ鉱物学会 MSAフェロー選考委員会 委員

    2019年1月 ~ 2020年12月

  • Island Arc (John Wiley & Sons) Associate Editor

    2016年1月 ~ 2019年12月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 6

  • アメリカ地球物理連合

  • アメリカ鉱物学会

  • アメリカ地質学会

  • 日本地球惑星連合

  • 日本鉱物科学会

  • 日本地質学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

研究キーワード 14

  • カーボナタイト

  • 造山帯

  • 原生代

  • 顕生代

  • プレート沈み込み帯

  • ひすい輝石岩・翡翠

  • 蛇紋岩

  • 青色片岩・藍閃変成岩

  • 高圧・超高圧変成作用

  • 変成岩

  • 地球化学

  • 岩石学

  • 地質学

  • 固体地球科学

研究分野 1

  • 自然科学一般 / 固体地球科学 /

受賞 11

  1. 日本鉱物科学会賞(第25回)

    2021年9月 日本鉱物科学会

  2. Publons Peer Review Awards 2019

    2019年9月 Publons The top 1% of reviewers in Geosciences

  3. Publons Peer Review Awards 2018

    2018年9月 Publons The top 1% of reviewers in Geosciences

  4. Publons Peer Review Awards 2017

    2017年9月 Publons The top 1% of reviewers in Earth and Planetary Sciences

  5. Publons Sentinels of Science Awards 2016

    2016年2月 Publons The top 10% of reviewers in Earth and Planetary Sciences

  6. GSAフェロー

    2014年4月 アメリカ地質学会

  7. MSAフェロー

    2013年10月 アメリカ鉱物学会

  8. The Top 50 Most-Cited Articles from Lithos (2006-2011)

    2011年3月 Elsevier

  9. 日本地質学会柵山雅則賞(第1号)

    2006年9月 日本地質学会

  10. 日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会研究奨励賞(第47回)

    2006年7月 日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会(現、日本鉱物科学会)

  11. 日本地質学会研究奨励賞(第167号)

    1999年3月 日本地質学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 152

  1. Regional-scale Paleoproterozoic heating event on Archean Acasta gneisses in Slave Province, Canada: Insights from K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar chronology 国際誌 査読有り

    Sato, M., Hyodo, H., Sugiura, K., Tsujimori, T., Itaya, T.

    Minerals 14 (4) 397 2024年4月

    DOI: 10.3390/min14040397  

  2. Methane genesis within olivine-hosted fluid inclusions in dolomitic marble of the Hida Belt, Japan 国際誌 査読有り

    Harada, H., Tsujimori, T.

    Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 11 6 2024年2月

    DOI: 10.1186/s40645-024-00609-y  

  3. Progressive lawsonite eclogitization of the oceanic crust: Implications for deep mass transfer in subduction zones 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Hernández-Uribe, D., Tsujimori, T.

    Geology 51 (7) 678-682 2023年7月

    DOI: 10.1130/G51052.1  

  4. In-situ argon isotope analyses of chondrule-forming materials in the Allende meteorite: a preliminary study for 40Ar/39Ar dating based on cosmogenic 39Ar 国際誌 査読有り

    Takeshima, Y., Hyodo, H., Tsujimori, T., Gouzu, C., Itaya, T.

    Minerals 13 (1) 31 2023年1月

    DOI: 10.3390/min13010031  

  5. Editorial for the thematic issue, "Orogens, Ophiolites, and Oceans: A Snapshot of Earth's Tectonic Evolution" 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Iryu, Y., Tsujimori, T., Hrano, N., Ichiyama, Y.

    Island Arc 31 (1) e12468 2022年11月


    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12468  



  6. Editorial of the special issue, "Evolution and tectonic correlations of East and South Asia: A geochemical, petrological and tectonic perspective" 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Oh, C.-W., Zhai, M., Sajeev, K., Tsujimori, T., Whattam, S. A.

    Lithos 428-429 106842 2022年11月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106842  

  7. Editorial: Seeing convergent margin processes through metamorphism 国際誌 国際共著

    Chen, Y, Li, Q, Zhang, G, Tsujimori, T, Palin, R. M

    Frontiers in Earth Science 10 989889 2022年8月

    DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.989889  

  8. Age, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications of the late Permian magmatic rocks in the Middle Gobi volcanoplutonic Belt, Mongolia 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Ganbat, A, Tsujimori, T, Miao, L.-C, Safonova, I, Pastor-Galán, D, Anaad, C, Baatar, M, Aoki,S, Aoki, K, Chimedsuren, M.

    Island Arc 31 e12457 2022年8月


    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12457  



  9. プレート境界岩総合解析によるオロゲン地質記録と変成プロセスの研究 招待有り 査読有り

    辻森 樹

    岩石鉱物科学 51 gkk.220310 2022年6月

    DOI: 10.2465/gkk.220310  

  10. In-situ Raman spectroscopic analysis of dissolved silica structures in Na2CO3 and NaOH solutions at high pressure and temperature 国際誌 査読有り

    Takahashi, N., Tsujimori, T., Kamada, S., Nakamura, M.

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 177 (3) 36 2022年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00410-022-01892-y  



  11. Neoproterozoic eclogite-to granulite-facies transition in the Ubendian Belt, Tanzania, and the timescale of continental collision 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Morita, I., Tsujimori, T., Boniface, N., Flores, K.E., Aoki, S., Aoki, K.

    Journal of Petrology 63 (3) egac012 2022年2月


    DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egac012  



  12. Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic granitoids in the Khangay–Khentey basin, Central Mongolia: Implication for the tectonic evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean margin 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Ganbat, A., Tsujimori, T., Miao, L.-C., Safonova, I., Pastor-Galán, D., Anaad, C., Baatar, M., Aoki, S., Aoki, K., Savinskiy, L.

    Lithos 404-405 106455-106455 2021年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106455  


  13. Nature and timing of anatectic event of the Hida Belt (Japan): Constraints from titanite geochemistry and U-Pb age of clinopyroxene-bearing leucogranite 国際誌 査読有り

    Harada, H., Tsujimori, T., Kon, Y., Aoki, S., Aoki, K.

    Lithos 398-399 106256-106256 2021年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106256  


  14. Various antiphase domains in garnet-hosted omphacite in low temperature eclogite: A FIB–TEM study on heterogeneous ordering processes 国際誌 査読有り

    Fukushima, R., Tsujimori, T., Miyajima, N.

    American Mineralogist 106 (10) 1596-1605 2021年10月

    DOI: 10.2138/am-2021-7784  

  15. New tectonic model and division of the Ubendian–Usagaran Belt, Tanzania: A review and in-situ dating of eclogites 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Boniface, N., Tsujimori, T.

    GSA Special Paper 552 2021年9月

    DOI: 10.1130/2021.2552(08)  

  16. Cretaceous to Miocene NW Pacific Plate kinematic constraints: Paleomagnetism and Ar-Ar geochronology in the Mineoka Ophiolite Mélange (Japan) 国際誌 査読有り

    Ganbat, A., Pastor-Galán, D., Hirano, N., Nakamura, N., Sumino, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Tsujimori, T.

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (5) e2020JB021492 2021年5月

    DOI: 10.1029/2020JB021492  



  17. Evidence for crustal removal, tectonic erosion and flare-ups from the Japanese evolving forearc sediment provenance 国際誌 査読有り

    Pastor-Galán, D., Spencer, C.J., Furukawa, T., Tsujimori, T.

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 564 116893 2021年4月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116893  


  18. Trace-element zoning patterns in porphyroblastic garnets in low-T eclogites: Parameter optimization of the diffusion-limited REE-uptake model 国際誌 査読有り

    Fukushima, R., Tsujimori, T., Kunugiza, K., Yamashita, K., Aoki, S., Aoki, K.

    Island Arc 30 (1) e12394 2021年2月


    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12394  



  19. The δ13C–δ18O variations in marble in the Hida Belt, Japan 国際誌 査読有り

    Harada, H., Tsujimori, T., Kunugiza, K., Yamashita, K., Aoki, S., Aoki, K., Takayanagi,H., Iryu, Y.

    Island Arc 30 (1) e12389 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12389  



  20. Temporal and spatial mineralogical changes in clasts from Mariana serpentinite mud volcanoes: Cooling of the hot forearc mantle at subduction initiation 国際誌 査読有り

    Ichiyama, Y., Tsujimori, T., Fryer, P., Michibayashi, K., Tamura, A., Morishita, T.

    Lithos 384-385 105941 2021年1月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105941  



  21. Crustal evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian Belt (SW Tanzania) western margin: A Central African Shield amalgamation tale 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Ganbat A., Tsujimori T., Boniface N., Pastor-Galán D., Aoki S., Aoki S.

    Gondwana Research 91 286-306 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2020.12.009  


  22. Reappraisal of the oldest high-pressure type schist in Japan: New zircon U-Pb age of the Kitomyo Schist of the Kurosegawa Belt 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Matsunaga S., Tsujimori T., Miyashita A., Aoki S., Aoki K., Pastor-Galán D., Yi K.

    Lithos 380–381 105898-105898 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105898  


  23. Eclogites in different tectonic settings 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Tsujimori, T., Mattinson, C.

    Encyclopedia of Geology 2nd Edition: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences 561-568 2021年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-08-102908-4.00104-1  

  24. Evidences for multistage and polychronous alkaline-ultrabasic Mesozoic magmatism in area of alluvial diamondiferous placers of the Anabar river basin (eastern slope of the Anabar shield) 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Malkovets, V.G., Shatsky, V.S., Dak, A.I., Gibsher, A.A., Yakovlev, I.V., Belousova, E.A., Tsujimori, T., Sobolev, N.V.

    Doklady Earth Sciences 496 (1) 48-52 2021年1月

    DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X21010141  

  25. Retrograde phases of former bridgmanite inclusions in superdeep diamonds 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Zedgenizov, D., Kagi, H., Ohtani, E., Tsujimori, T., Komatsu, K.

    Lithos 105659 2020年6月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105659  

  26. Editorial of the special issue “Subduction and continental collision processes: Petrologic, geochemical and structural perspectives” 査読有り

    Rehman, H.U., Tsujimori, T., Tsai, C.-H., Chung, S.-L.

    Lithos 360-361 105430 2020年3月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105430  

  27. The Tekturmas ophiolite belt of central Kazakhstan: Geology, magmatism and tectonics 査読有り

    Khassen, B.P., Safonova, I.Y., Yermolov, P.V., Antonyuk, R.M., Gurova, A.V., Obut, O.T., Perfilova, A.A., Savinskiy, I.A., Tsujimori, T.

    Geological Journal 55 (3) 2363-2382 2020年3月

    DOI: 10.1002/gj.3782  

  28. The Itmurundy Pacific-type orogenic belt in northern Balkhash, central Kazakhstan: Revisited plus first U-Pb age, geochemical and Nd isotope data from igneous rocks 査読有り

    Safonova, I., Savinskiya, I., Perfilova, A., Gurova, A., Maruyama, S., Tsujimori, T.

    Gondwana Research 79 49-69 2020年3月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2019.09.004  

  29. Revisiting Pb isotope signatures of Ni-Fe alloy hosted by antigorite serpentinite from the Josephine Ophiolite, USA 査読有り

    Kakefuda, M., Tsujimori, T., Yamashita, K., Iizuka, Y., Flores, K.E.

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 115 (1) 21-28 2020年2月

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.190731a  

  30. Oceanic-arc subduction, stagnation, and exhumation: zircon U-Pb geochronology and trace-element geochemistry of the Sanbagawa eclogites in central Shikoku, SW Japan 査読有り

    Aoki, S., Aoki, K., Tsujimori, T., Satake, S., Tsuchiya, Y.

    Lithos 358-359 105378-105378 2020年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105378  


  31. Greetings from the new Editors‐in‐Chief 招待有り

    Kano, A., Tsujimori, T.

    Island Arc 29 e12335 2020年1月

    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12335  

  32. Sr-Pb isotope compositions of lawsonites in a Pacheco Pass metagraywacke, Franciscan Complex, California 査読有り

    Hara, T., Tsujimori, T., Flores, E.K., Kimura, J.-I.

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 114 (6) 206-301 2019年12月

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.190727  

  33. Two groups of fluid inclusions in the Yunotani eclogite from the Hida-Gaien Belt: Implications for changes of fluid salinity during exhumation 査読有り

    Shinji, Y., Tsujimori, T., Kawamoto, T.

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 114 (6) 302-307 2019年12月

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.190729  

  34. Boron isotope compositions of antigorite-grade serpentinites in the Itoigawa–Omi area of the Hida-Gaien Belt, Japan 査読有り

    Yamada, C., Tsujimori, T., Chang, Q., Kimura, J.-I.

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 114 (6) 205-209 2019年12月

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.190726  

  35. Pillow lava basalts with back-arc MORB affinity from the Usagaran Belt, Tanzania: Relics of Orosirian ophiolites 査読有り

    Boniface, N., Tsujimori, T.

    Journal of the Geological Society, London 176 (5) 1007-1021 2019年6月

    DOI: 10.1144/jgs2018-205  

  36. Boron isotope variations of Franciscan serpentinites, northern California 査読有り

    Yamada, C., Tsujimori, T., Chang, Q., Kimura, J.-I.

    Lithos 334-335 180-189 2019年3月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.02.004  

  37. Retrograde pumpellyite in the Yunotani garnet blueschist of the Omi area, Japan: An update on the cooling path 査読有り

    Shinji, Y., Tsujimori, T.

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 114 (1) 26-32 2019年2月

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.180716  

  38. Finding of talc- and kyanite-bearing amphibolite from the Paleoproterozoic Usagaran Belt, Tanzania 査読有り

    Mori, K., Tsujimori, T., Boniface, N.

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 113 (6) 316-321 2018年12月

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.180713  

  39. In-situ Sr-Pb isotope geochemistry of lawsonite: A new method to investigate slab-fluids 査読有り

    Hara, T., Tsujimori, T., Chang, Q., Kimura, J.-I.

    Lithos 320-321 93-104 2018年11月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.09.001  

  40. In-situ lithium isotope geochemistry for a veined jadeitite from the New Idria serpentinite body, California: Constraints on slab-derived fluid and fluid-rock interaction 査読有り

    Takahashi, N., Tsujimori, T., Chang, Q., Kimura, J.-I.

    Lithos 318-319 376-385 2018年10月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.08.015  

  41. Gem sparkles deep: Preface of the special issue on ‘Jadeite and jadeitite’ 招待有り 査読有り

    Tsujimori, T., Miyajima, H., Miyawaki, R.

    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 112 (5) 181-183 2017年10月


    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.171006  



  42. Jadeitite (jadeite jade) from Japan: History, characteristics, and perspectives 招待有り 査読有り

    Tatsuki Tsujimori, George E. Harlow



    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.170804  



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    Jadeitite, known as 'hisui' in Japan, has been esteemed as sacred stone in both ancient and modern Japanese cultures. Although it was thought that the source material of Japanese jadeitite was brought from China, the identification of jadeite in 1939 changed this interpretation. Japanese jadeitites and jadeite-rich metasomatic rocks are found in Paleozoic and also Mesozoic geotectonic units. All localities are situated in serpentinite melange with high-pressure metamorphic rocks and/or serpentinite lenses within a high-pressure metamorphosed complex. Outcrop exposures of contact between jadeitite and host serpentinite are extremely rare. Normally the jadeitites show lithological heterogeneity in the same locality due to multiple deformation, recrystallization, and metasomatic fluid infiltration. Studies over the last two decades have interpreted jadeitite in worldwide either as the direct aqueous fluid precipitate (P-type) from subduction channel into the overlying mantle wedge, as the metasomatic replacement (R-type) by such fluids of oceanic plagiogranite, graywacke, or metabasite along the channel margin, or a combination of these two processes. Japanese jadeitites are classified into one or the other type. Multiple stable isotope characterization analyses for jadeitite and related metasomatic rocks and serpentinite become increasingly important to decode fluid behaviors in past subduction zone. However, available geochemical data on Japanese jadeitite are very limited in comparison with other studied localities. More systematic research will unlock new insights about fluid flow and its impacts at the bottom of forearc mantle where jadeitites form. Chemical differentiation and transportation of the fluids involved in jadeitite-formation are crucial topics requiring further research. Nevertheless, the designation of jadeite (and jadeitite) as the national stone of Japan by the Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences in 2016 should bolster education of the public about this revered stone and its role in subduction zone processes.

  43. Early Paleozoic jadeitites in Japan: An overview 招待有り 査読有り

    Tatsuki Tsujimori



    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.170406a  



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    Paleozoic jadeitite-bearing serpentinite-matrix melange represents the oldest mantle wedge record of a Pacific-type subduction zone of proto-Japan. Most jadeitites are fluid precipitates (P-type), but some jadeitites are metasomatic replacement (R-type) which preserve relict minerals and protolith textures. The beauty and preciousness of some gem-quality, semi-translucent varieties of jadeitites in the Itoigawa-Omi area led to the designation of jadeitite as the national stone of Japan by the Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences. Zircon geochronology indicates jadeitite formed prior to Late Paleozoic Renge metamorphism that formed blueschist and rare eclogite. For example, in the Itoigawa-Omi and Osayama localities, older jadeitites and younger high-pressure/ low-temperature metamorphic rocks in a single melange complex imply different histories for the subduction channel and jadeite-bearing serpentinite-matrix melange. This suggests that the jadeitite-hosted melange (or serpentinized peridotite) can stay within the mantle wedge for a considerable time; thus recrystallization, resorption, and re-precipitation of jadeitite can continue in the mantle wedge environment. Therefore, studies of Paleozoic jadeitites in Japan have great potential to elucidate the earliest stages of orogenic growth (oceanward-accretion and landward-erosion) associated with the subduction of the paleo-Pacific oceanic plates, and to test geophysical observations of modern analogues from a mixture of fossilized mantle wedges and subduction channels.

  44. Cathodoluminescence petrography of P-type jadeitites from the New Idria serpentinite body, California 査読有り

    Naoko Takahashi, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Masahiro Kayama, Hirotsugu Nishido



    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.170403  



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    Jadeitite from the New Idria serpentinite body of California is a fluid precipitation-to-metasomatic product. Optical cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy of the jadeitite revealed that vein-filling 'pure' jadeites (mostly 97-99.9 mol% jadeite) exhibit bright luminescence, whereas 'impure' jadeites (mostly 75-95 mol% jadeite) in pale-greenish matrix show dark luminescence. The 'pure' jadeites in the veins are composed of mixtures of red, blue and dull blue CL-colored domains, showing growth textures (oscillatory bands). The 'impure' jadeites in the pale-greenish matrix with dark luminescence have a higher augite component (up to 5.37 wt% FeO), implying that the CL property is due to significant amount of Fe2+ to act as a quencher. CL spectra of the blue CL-colored domains of the vein-filling 'pure' jadeite have a doublet broad emission peak centered at similar to 320 and similar to 360 nm in the ultraviolet (UV) to blue region. In the red CL-colored domains, a broad asymmetric emission peak at similar to 700 nm is also recognized together with the doublet UV-blue emission peak. Comparing monochromatic CL images in the UV-blue (300-400 nm) and red (650-750 nm) emission regions with X-ray elemental maps, luminescence centers contributing the UV-blue and red CL emission peaks were assigned. The red emission peak of the 'pure' jadeite with subtle augite component would be attributed to lattice defects related to Ca2+, Fe2+ (or Fe3+) and Mg2+ deficiency and/or excess centers in M1 or M2 sites. Alternatively, transition metal ions (Mn2+ and Fe3+) or rare earth elements in the M1 and M2 sites as impurity centers, might contribute to the red emission peak. As the UV-blue emissions correlate with Al3+ content, i.e. purity of jadeite component, they might be related to Na+ and/or Al3+ defect centers.

  45. Eclogite varieties and petrotectonic evolution of the northern Guatemala Suture Complex 査読有り

    Uwe Martens, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Juhn G. Liou

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 59 (5-6) 721-740 2017年4月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2016.1245592  



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    Field and petrologic characteristics of two new eclogite localities within the Guatemala Suture Complex (GSC) north of the Motagua Fault are presented. The Tuncaj Hill locality exposes a coherent body of retrogressed eclogite hundreds of metres long that is associated with serpentinite of the North Motagua Unit. The Tanilar River locality exposes numerous bands and lenses of eclogite hosted in sialic gneisses of the Chuacus Complex. The Tuncaj eclogite has a two-stage prograde evolution containing the peak assemblage Grt + Omp + Ttn + Czo + Zo +/- Am, formed at temperatures <720 degrees C. In contrast, eclogites of the Tanilar unit are characterized by the paragenesis Omp + Grt + Rt +/- Phg +/- Qtz +/- Ep giving higher peak conditions of T=720-830 degrees C and P=2.1-2.7 GPa, near the stability field of coesite. Previously obtained data and our thermobaric calculations suggest distinct petrotectonic evolutions for the various types of eclogites within the suture. The lawsonite eclogites south of the Motagua Fault were probably produced in a mature Farallon subduction zone during the Early Cretaceous. The northern high-pressure (HP) blocks in serpentinite melange and coherent amphibolite bodies with eclogite relics were generated by the Early Cretaceous subduction of the proto-Caribbean lithosphere under the Great Caribbean Arc. A continental block, the North American passive margin, reached the arc's trench in the Campanian and was subducted to ca. 80km depth, producing the eclogites of the Chuacus Complex. As the slab was delaminated and partially exhumed, the continental Chuacus became tectonically juxtaposed with HP blocks of the proto-Caribbean that had been accreted to the Caribbean plate forming the North Motagua Unit. The juxtaposed group migrated to mid-crustal level and was contemporaneously retrogressed under epidote-amphibolite facies conditions.

  46. Kimberlites and the start of plate tectonics REPLY 査読有り

    R. J. Stern, M. I. Leybourne, T. Tsujimori

    GEOLOGY 45 (1) E406-E406 2017年1月


    DOI: 10.1130/G38725Y.1  



  47. Relict chromian spinels in Tulu Dimtu serpentinites and listvenite, Western Ethiopia: implications for the timing of listvenite formation 査読有り

    Ayano Sofiya, Akira Ishiwatari, Naoto Hirano, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 59 (13) 1621-1631 2017年

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2016.1213142  



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    Serpentinites (massive and schistose) and listvenite occur as tectonic sheets and lenses within a calcareous metasedimentary melange of the Tulu Dimtu, western Ethiopia. The massive serpentinite contains high-magnesian metamorphic olivine (forsterite [fo] similar to 96mol%) and rare relict primary mantle olivine (Fo(90-93)). Both massive and schistose serpentinites contain zoned chromian spinel; the cores with the ferritchromite rims preserve a pristine Cr/(Cr+Al) atomic ratio (Cr#=0.79-0.87), suggesting a highly depleted residual mantle peridotite, likely formed in a suprasubduction zone setting. Listvenite associated with serpentinites of smaller ultramafic lenses also contain relict chromian spinel having identical Cr# to those observed in serpentinites. However, the relict chromian spinel in listvenite has significantly higher Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) atomic ratios. This suggests that a nearly complete metasomatic replacement of ultramafic rocks by magnesite, talc, and quartz to prevent Mg-Fe2+ redistribution between relict chromian spinel and the host, that is, listvenite formation, took place prior to re-equilibration between chromian spinel and the surrounding mafic minerals in serpentinites. Considering together with the regional geological context, low-temperature CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids would have infiltrated into ultramafic rocks from host calcareous sedimentary rocks at a shallow level of accretionary prism before a continental collision to form the East African Orogen (EAO).

  48. Plate-tectonic evolution of the Earth: bottom-up and top-down mantle circulation1 招待有り 査読有り

    W. G. Ernst, Norman H. Sleep, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 53 (11) 1103-1120 2016年11月


    DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2015-0126  



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    Intense devolatilization and chemical-density differentiation attended accretion of planetesimals on the primordial Earth. These processes gradually abated after cooling and solidification of an early magma ocean. By 4.3 or 4.2 Ga, water oceans were present, so surface temperatures had fallen far below low-pressure solidi of dry peridotite, basalt, and granite, similar to 1300, similar to 1120, and similar to 950 degrees C, respectively. At less than half their T solidi, rocky materials existed as thin lithospheric slabs in the near-surface Hadean Earth. Stagnant- lid convection may have occurred initially but was at least episodically overwhelmed by subduction because effective, massive heat transfer necessitated vigorous mantle overturn in the early, hot planet. Bottom-up mantle convection, including voluminous plume ascent, efficiently rid the Earth of deep-seated heat. It declined over time as cooling and top-down lithospheric sinking increased. Thickening and both lateral extensional + contractional deformation typified the post-Hadean lithosphere. Stages of geologic evolution included (i) 4.5-4.4 Ga, magma ocean overturn involved ephemeral, surficial rocky platelets; (ii) 4.4-2.7 Ga, formation of oceanic and small continental plates were obliterated by return mantle flow prior to similar to 4.0 Ga; continental material gradually accumulated as largely sub-sea, sialic crust-capped lithospheric collages; (iii) 2.7-1.0 Ga, progressive suturing of old shields + younger orogenic belts led to cratonal plates typified by emerging continental freeboard, increasing sedimentary differentiation, and episodic glaciation during transpolar drift; onset of temporally limited stagnant-lid mantle convection occurred beneath enlarging supercontinents; (iv) 1.0 Ga-present, laminar-flowing asthenospheric cells are now capped by giant, stately moving plates. Near-restriction of komatiitic lavas to the Archean, and appearance of multicycle sediments, ophiolite complexes +/- alkaline igneous rocks, and high-pressure-ultrahigh-pressure (HP-UHP) metamorphic belts in progressively younger Proterozoic and Phanerozoic orogens reflect increasing negative buoyancy of cool oceanic lithosphere, but decreasing subductability of enlarging, more buoyant continental plates. Attending supercontinental assembly, density instabilities of thickening oceanic plates began to control overturn of suboceanic mantle as cold, top-down convection. Over time, the scales and dynamics of hot asthenospheric upwelling versus lithospheric foundering + mantle return flow (bottom- up plume-driven ascent versus top-down plate subduction) evolved gradually, reflecting planetary cooling. These evolving plate-tectonic processes have accompanied the Earth's thermal history since similar to 4.4 Ga.

  49. Kimberlites and the start of plate tectonics 査読有り

    R. J. Stern, M. I. Leybourne, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    GEOLOGY 44 (10) 799-802 2016年10月


    DOI: 10.1130/G38024.1  



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    We want to know when plate tectonics began and will consider any important Earth feature that shows significant temporal evolution. Kimberlites, the primary source of diamonds, are rare igneous features. We analyze their distribution throughout Earth history; most are young (similar to 95% are younger than 0.75 Ga), but rare examples are found as far back as the Archean (older than 2.5 Ga). Although there are differing explanations for this age asymmetry (lack of preservation, lack of exposure, fewer mantle plumes, or lack of old thick lithosphere in the Archean and Proterozoic), we suggest that kimberlite eruptions are a consequence of modernstyle plate tectonics, in particular subduction of hydrated oceanic crust and sediments deep into the mantle. This recycling since the onset of modern-style plate tectonics ca. 1 Ga has massively increased mantle CO2 and H2O contents, leading to the rapid and explosive ascent of diamond-bearing kimberlite magmas. The age distribution of kimberlites, combined with other large-scale tectonic indicators that are prevalent only in the past similar to 1 Ga (blueschists, glaucophane-bearing eclogites; coesite-or diamond-bearing ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks; lawsonite-bearing metamorphic rocks; and jadeitites), indicates that plate tectonics, as observed today, has only operated for <25% of Earth history.

  50. Petrology and Geochemistry of an Upper Crustal Pluton: a view into Crustal-scale Magmatism during Arc to Retro-arc Transition 査読有り

    Calvin G. Barnes, W. G. Ernst, Ryan Berry, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY 57 (7) 1361-1388 2016年7月


    DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egw043  



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    The Late Jurassic English Peak plutonic complex was emplaced in an upper crustal retro-arc setting in the central Klamath Mountains province, northern California. Emplacement of the main, central pluton was preceded by intrusion of two satellite bodies: the Uncles Creek pluton crystallized from H2O-rich quartz dioritic magma with hornblende as the liquidus mafic phase; in contrast, the Heiney Bar pluton is a c. 2.5km diameter body zoned from gabbro to granodiorite. Al-in-hornblende barometry from these two plutons indicates a stage of magma storage at c. 600-500 MPa. The central English Peak pluton is a c. 15km diameter body composed of early and late stages. Early stage rocks range from gabbro to tonalite, with variable proportions of augite, orthopyroxene, hornblende and biotite. The early stage lacks discernible zoning and rock types vary at the outcrop scale. This diversity is reflected in bulk-rock compositions, which do not form a compositional array. The late-stage intrusion consists of three concentric units that are zoned from outer, more mafic rocks (quartz diorite, tonalite, quartz monzodiorite) to inner, compositionally evolved rocks (granodiorite and granite). Late-stage samples plot in smooth, typically linear arrays for most major and trace elements. Al-in-hornblende pressures indicate that late-stage hornblende cores grew in a reservoir at c. 400MPa and that rims grew at the level of final emplacement (c. 250 MPa). The mid-crustal reservoir was the site of late-stage magma evolution, including episodic magma mixing. Oxygen and Sr isotopes indicate initial evolution of English Peak pluton magmas in a deep crustal region of mixing, assimilation, storage, and homogenization (MASH zone), where they were contaminated by metasedimentary rocks. Thus, the English Peak pluton represents a crustalscale system, with mantle-derived magmas that differentiated near the Moho, storage and crystallization of satellite-pluton magmas in the middle crust (c. 600-500 MPa), development of a large, episodically recharged, magma chamber in the upper middle crust (c. 400 MPa) and final emplacement in the upper crust.

  51. Chapter 2b. Pre-Cretaceous accretionary complexes 査読有り

    Kojima, S., Hayasaka, Y., Hiroi, Y., Matsuoka, A., Sano, H., Sugamori, Y., Suzuki, N., Takemura, S., Tsujimori, T., Uchino, T.

    The Geology of Japan 61-100 2016年

    DOI: 10.1144/GOJ.3  

  52. Chapter 2b. Palaeozoic basement and associated cover 査読有り

    Ehiro, M., Tsujimori, T., Tsukada K., Nuramkhaan, M.

    The Geology of Japan 25-60 2016年

    DOI: 10.1144/GOJ.2  

  53. Influence of laser parameters on isotope fractionation and optimisation of lithium and boron isotope ratio measurements using laser ablation-multiple Faraday collector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 査読有り

    Jun-ichi Kimura, Qing Chang, Tsuyoshi Ishikawa, Tatsuki Tsujimori



    DOI: 10.1039/c6ja00283h  



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    We report the origin of isotope fractionation induced by the choice of laser parameters and a method for accurate in situ determination of lithium (delta Li-7) and boron (delta B-11) isotope ratios in glasses and minerals using laser ablation multiple Faraday collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MFC-ICPMS). Laser ablation parameters were examined using 266 nm femtosecond (266FsLA) and 193 nm nanosecond excimer (193ExLA) laser ablation systems for crater diameters of 30-200 mu m. We found that higher laser repetition rates and larger crater diameters have led to enhanced fractionation of lighter isotopes, as much as -8 parts per thousand for both delta Li-7 and delta B-11. Fractionation was primarily affected by the ICP aerosol loading and secondly by the thermal fractionation at the LA site. The former was accounted for by mass loading effects, which lowered the plasma temperature and led to insufficient aerosol vaporisation. The latter was related to the molten layer on the crater walls, which resulted in coarser and heavier delta Li-7 and delta B-11 aerosols that did not reach the ICP. Both processes can result in Rayleigh fractionation during aerosol formation and vaporisation. Controlled ablation using a constant crater size, repetition rate, and high laser fluence of 193ExLA enabled reproducible ablation for the standard NIST SRM 61X glasses and unknown basalt glasses. Based on the principles of isotopic fractionation deduced from our experiments, we propose a novel ablation volume correction (AVC) protocol for accurate isotopic analyses of various samples with different matrices. Both the repeatability and the laboratory bias of the delta Li-7 and delta B-11 measurements using the new AVC protocol were better than 1 parts per thousand for samples containing a few tens to a few tens of thousands ppm Li and B. We also report significant local heterogeneity of up to several parts per thousand found in some basalt glasses, but not in NIST SRM 612 and 610.

  54. White mica K-Ar geochronology of Sanbagawa eclogites from Southwest Japan: implications for deformation-controlled K-Ar closure temperature 査読有り

    Tetsumaru Itaya, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 57 (5-8) 1014-1022 2015年6月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2014.973915  



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    White mica (phengite and paragonite) K-Ar ages of eclogite-facies Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks (15 eclogitic rocks and eight associated pelitic schists) from four different localities yielded ages of 84-89Ma (Seba, central Shikoku), 78-80Ma (Nishi-Iratsu, central Shikoku), 123 and 136Ma (Gongen, central Shikoku), and 82-88Ma (Kotsu/Bizan, eastern Shikoku). With the exception of a quartz-rich kyanite-bearing eclogite from Gongen, white mica ages overlap with the previously known range of phengite K-Ar ages of pelitic schists of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt and can be distinguished from those of the Shimanto metamorphic belt. The similarity of K-Ar ages between the eclogites and surrounding pelitic schists supports a geological setting wherein the eclogites experienced intense ductile deformation with pelitic schists during exhumation. In contrast, phengite extracted from the Gongen eclogite, which is less overprinted by a ductile shear deformation during exhumation, yielded significantly older ages. Given that the Gongen eclogite is enclosed by the Higashi-Akaishi meta-peridotite body, these K-Ar ages are attributed to excess Ar-40 gained during an interaction between the eclogite and host meta-peridotite with mantle-derived noble gas (very high Ar-40/Ar-36 ratio) at eclogite-facies depth. Fluid exchange between deep-subducted sediments and mantle material might have enhanced the gain of mantle-derived extreme Ar-40 in the meta-sediment. Although dynamic recrystallization of white mica can reset the Ar isotope system, limited-argon-depletion due to lesser degrees of ductile shear deformation of the Gongen eclogite might have prevented complete release of the trapped excess argon from phengites. This observation supports a model of deformation-controlled K-Ar closure temperature.

  55. Convergent plate margin processes and their rock record INTRODUCTION 査読有り

    John Wakabayashi, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Yujiro Ogawa, John Shervais

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 57 (5-8) 5-9 2015年6月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2015.1026415  



  56. Jadeitites and Plate Tectonics 招待有り 査読有り

    George E. Harlow, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Sorena S. Sorensen


    出版者・発行元:ANNUAL REVIEWS

    DOI: 10.1146/annurev-earth-060614-105215  


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    Jadeitite is a relatively rare, very tough rock composed predominantly of jadeite and typically found associated with tectonic blocks of high-pressure/low-temperature metabasaltic rocks (e.g., eclogite, blueschist) in exhumed serpentinite-matrix melanges. Studies over the past similar to 20 years have interpreted jadeitite either as the direct hydrous fluid precipitate from subduction channel dewatering into the overlying mantle wedge or as the metasomatic replacement by such fluids of oceanic plagiogranite, graywacke, or metabasite along the channel margin. Thus, jadeitites directly sample and record fluid transport in the subduction factory and provide a window into this geochemical process that is critical to a major process in the Earth system. They record the remarkable transport of large ion lithophile elements, such as Li, Ba, Sr, and Pb, as well as elements generally considered more refractory, such as U, Th, Zr, and Hf. Jadeitite is also the precious form of jade, utilized since antiquity in the form of tools, adornments, and symbols of prestige.

  57. 東北日本に産する高圧変成岩類のK-Ar年代値データベース 査読有り

    辻森 樹, 八木 公史

    地質技術 5 (5) 73-76 2015年



  58. Recycling of crustal materials through study of ultrahigh-pressure minerals in collisional orogens, ophiolites, and mantle xenoliths: A review 招待有り 査読有り

    Juhn G. Liou, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Jingsui Yang, R. Y. Zhang, W. G. Ernst

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 96 386-420 2014年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.09.011  



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    Newly recognized occurrences of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) minerals including diamonds in ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) felsic granulites of orogenic belts, in chromitites associated with ophiolitic complexes, and in mantle xenoliths suggest the recycling of crustal materials through deep subduction, mantle upwelling, and return to the Earth's surface. This circulation process is supported by crust-derived mineral inclusions in deep-seated zircons, chromites, and diamonds from collision-type orogens, from eclogitic xenoliths in kimberlites, and from chromitities of several Alpine-Himalayan and Polar Ural ophiolites; some of these minerals contain low-atomic number elements typified by crustal isotopic signatures. Ophiolite-type diamonds in placer deposits and as inclusions in chromitites together with numerous highly reduced minerals and alloys appear to have formed near the mantle transition zone. In addition to ringwoodite and inferred stishovite, a number of nanometric minerals have been identified as inclusions employing state-of-the-art analytical tools. Reconstitution of now-exsolved precursor UHP phases and recognition of subtle decompression microstructures produced during exhumation reflect earlier UHP conditions. For example, Tibetan chromites containing exsolution lamellae of coesite + diopside suggest that the original chromitites formed at P > 9-10 GPa at depths of >250-300 km. The precursor phase most likely had a Ca-ferrite or a Ca-titanite structure; both are polymorphs of chromite and (at 2000 degrees C) would have formed at minimum pressures of P > 12.5 or 20 GPa respectively. Some podiform chromitites and host peridotites contain rare minerals of undoubted crustal origin, including zircon, feldspars, garnet, kyanite, andalusite, quartz, and rutile; the zircons possess much older U-Pb ages than the time of ophiolite formation. These UHP mineral-bearing chromitite hosts evidently had a deep-seated evolution prior to extensional mantle upwelling and partial melting at shallow depths to form the overlying ophiolite complexes. These new findings together with stable isotopic and inclusion characteristics of diamonds provide compelling evidence for profound underflow of both oceanic and continental lithosphere, recycling of surface 'organic' carbon into the lower mantle, and ascent to the Earth's surface through mantle upwelling. Intensified study of UHP granulite-facies lower crustal basement and ophiolitic chromitites should allow a better understanding of the geodynamics of subduction and crustal cycling. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  59. Petrogenesis and chemogenesis of oceanic and continental orogens in Asia: Current topics, Part I Preface 査読有り

    Hafiz Ur Rehman, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Kazuaki Okamoto, Dirk Spengler

    ISLAND ARC 23 (4) 251-253 2014年12月


    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12097  



  60. Oxygen isotopes in Indian Plate eclogites (Kaghan Valley, Pakistan): Negative delta O-18 values from a high latitude protolith reset by Himalayan metamorphism 査読有り

    Hafiz Ur Rehman, Ryoji Tanaka, Patrick J. O'Brien, Katsura Kobayashi, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Eizo Nakamura, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Tahseenullah Khan, Yoshiyuki Kaneko

    LITHOS 208 471-483 2014年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.09.007  



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    Oxygen isotope compositions are reported for the first time for the Himalayan metabasites of the Kaghan Valley, Pakistan in this study. The highest metamorphic grades are recorded in the north of the valley, near the India-Asia collision boundary, in the form of high-pressure (HP: Group I) and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP: Group II) eclogites. The rocks show a step-wise decrease in grade from the UHP to HP eclogites and amphibolites. The protoliths of these metabasites were the Permian Panjal Trap basalts (ca. 267 +/- 2.4 Ma), which were emplaced along the northern margin of India when it was part of Gondwana. After the break-up of Gondwana, India drifted northward, subducted beneath Asia and underwent UHP metamorphism during the Eocene (ca. 45 +/- 1.2 Ma). At the regional scale, amphibolites, Group I and II eclogites yielded delta O-18 values of +5.84 and +5.91 parts per thousand, +1.66 to +424 parts per thousand, and -2.25 to +0.76 parts per thousand, respectively, relative to VSMOW. On a more local scale, within a single eclogite body, the delta O-18 values were the lowest (-2.25 to-1.44%.) in the central, the best preserved (least retrograded) parts, and show a systematic increase outward into more retrograded rocks, reaching up to +0.12 parts per thousand. These values are significantly lower than the typical mantle values for basalts of + 5.7 +/- 0.3 parts per thousand. The unusually low or negative delta O-18 values in Group II eclogites potentially resulted from hydrothermal alteration of the protoliths by interactions with meteoric water when the Indian plate was at southern high latitudes (similar to 60 degrees S). The stepwise increase in delta O-18 values, among different eclogite bodies in general and at single outcrop-scales in particular, reflects differing degrees of resetting of the oxygen isotope compositions during exhumation-related retrogression. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  61. Rare earth element–SiO2 systematics of island arc crustal amphibolite migmatites from the Asago body of the Yakuno Ophiolite, Japan: a field evaluation of some model predictions 査読有り

    Pu, X.-F., Brophy, J.G., Tsujimori, T.

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 168 (3) 2014年9月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00410-014-1060-0  



  62. Lawsonite blueschists and lawsonite eclogites as proxies for palaeo-subduction zone processes: a review 招待有り 査読有り

    T. Tsujimori, W. G. Ernst

    JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY 32 (5) 437-454 2014年6月


    DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12057  



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    Lawsonite-bearing metamorphic/metasomatic rocks form at high-pressure-ultrahigh pressure (HP-UHP) and low-temperature (LT) conditions, commonly in Pacific-type subduction zones. The P-T stability fields of lawsonite blueschists and lawsonite eclogites represent subfacies of the blueschist and eclogite facies, respectively. Although the lawsonite-epidote transition boundary has a positive Clapeyron (dP/dT) slope, the blueschist-to-eclogite transformation within the lawsonite stability field in metabasaltic rocks is gradual and cannot be defined by a specific discontinuous reaction in P-T space. The oldest occurrences of lawsonite-bearing blueschists are latest Neoproterozoic, suggesting that subduction-zone thermal structures evolved towards the necessary LT conditions for lawsonite formation only by the late Neoproterozoic. A clear difference in frequency between Phanerozoic lawsonite and epidote blueschists does not exist, but our new compilation found a global lawsonite hiatus in the Permian that is a robust indication of relatively warm subduction-zone thermal regimes. Lawsonite eclogites have been confirmed from at least 19 localities; they are classified as L- (lawsonite only), E- (lawsonite+epidote), and U-type (lawsonite+coesite). Complete preservation of L-type lawsonite eclogites attending their return to the surface is uncommon. Rare evidence of progressive eclogitization within the lawsonite stability field is preserved in some zoned garnets, as growth isolates a significant volume of precursor phases and textures during incipient eclogitization. Brittle fracturing and fluid infiltration are common during prograde eclogite facies metamorphism. Certain lawsonite-bearing metasomatic rocks record multiple fluid-infiltration events. Significant cooling and continuous H2O supply from the dehydrating oceanic plate to exhuming HP serpentinite melange may cause lawsonite blueschist facies overprinting and prevent breakdown of lawsonite during decompression. The subduction records of lawsonite blueschists and eclogites agree with numerical modelling of subduction zones.

  63. 西南日本に産する高圧変成岩類のK-Ar年代値データベース 査読有り

    辻森 樹, 八木 公史

    地質技術 4 (4) 29-53 2014年



  64. Metamorphic history of glaucophane-paragonite-zoisite eclogites from the Shanderman area, northern Iran 査読有り

    H. Omrani, M. Moazzen, R. Oberhaensli, T. Tsujimori, R. Bousquet, M. Moayyed

    JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY 31 (8) 791-812 2013年10月


    DOI: 10.1111/jmg.12045  


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    The Shanderman eclogites and related metamorphosed oceanic rocks mark the site of closure of the Palaeotethys ocean in northern Iran. The protolith of the eclogites was an oceanic tholeiitic basalt with MORB composition. Eclogite occurs within a serpentinite matrix, accompanied by mafic rocks resembling a dismembered ophiolite. The eclogitic mafic rocks record different stages of metamorphism during subduction and exhumation. Minerals formed during the prograde stages are preserved as inclusions in peak metamorphic garnet and omphacite. The rocks experienced blueschist facies metamorphism on their prograde path and were metamorphosed in eclogite facies at the peak of metamorphism. The peak metamorphic mineral paragenesis of the rocks is omphacite, garnet (pyrope-rich), glaucophane, paragonite, zoisite and rutile. Based on textural relations, post-peak stages can be divided into amphibolite and greenschist facies. Pressure and temperature estimates for eclogite facies minerals (peak of metamorphism) indicate 15-20kbar at similar to 600 degrees C. The pre-peak blueschist facies assemblage yields <11kbar and 400-460 degrees C. The average pressure and temperature of the post-peak amphibolite stage was 5-6kbar, similar to 470 degrees C. The Shanderman eclogites were formed by subduction of Palaeotethys oceanic crust to a depth of no more than 75km. Subduction was followed by collision between the Central Iran and Turan blocks, and then exhumation of the high pressure rocks in northern Iran.

  65. Deformation fabrics of natural blueschists and implications for seismic anisotropy in subducting oceanic crust 査読有り

    Daeyeong Kim, Ikuo Katayama, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Tatsuki Tsujimori



    DOI: 10.1016/j.pepi.2013.06.011  


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    Investigations of microstructures are crucial if we are to understand the seismic anisotropy of subducting oceanic crust, and here we report on our systematic fabric analyses of glaucophane, lawsonite, and epidote in naturally deformed blueschists from the Diablo Range and Franciscan Complex in California, and the Hida Mountains in Japan. Glaucophanes in the analyzed samples consist of very fine grains that are well aligned along the foliation and have high aspect ratios and strong crystal preferred orientations (CPOs) characterized by a (1 00)[001] pattern. These characteristics, together with a bimodal distribution of grain sizes from some samples, possibly indicate the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization for glaucophane. Although lawsonite and epidote display high aspect ratios and a strong CPO of (001)[010], the occurrence of straight grain boundaries and euhedral crystals indicates that rigid body rotation was the dominant deformation mechanism. The P-wave (AV(P)) and S-wave (AV(S)) seismic anisotropies of glaucophane (AV(P) = 20.4%, AV(S) = 11.5%) and epidote (AV(P) = 9.0%, AV(S) = 8.0%) are typical of the crust; consequently, the fastest propagation of P-waves is parallel to the [001] maxima, and the polarization of S-waves parallel to the foliation can form a trench-parallel seismic anisotropy owing to the slowest V-S polarization being normal to the subducting slab. The seismic anisotropy of lawsonite (AV(P) = 9.6%, AV(S) = 19.9%) is characterized by the fast propagation of P-waves subnormal to the lawsonite [001] maxima and polarization of S-waves perpendicular to the foliation and lineation, which can generate a trench-normal anisotropy. The AV(S) of lawsonite blueschist (5.6-9.2%) is weak compared with that of epidote blueschist (8.4-11.1%). Calculations of the thickness of the anisotropic layer indicate that glaucophane and lawsonite contribute to the trench-parallel and trench-normal seismic anisotropy beneath NE Japan, but not to that beneath the Ryukyu arc. Our results demonstrate, therefore, that lawsonite has a strong influence on seismic velocities in the oceanic crust, and that lawsonite might be the cause of complex anisotropic patterns in subduction zones. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    Juhn G. Liou, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    ELEMENTS 9 (4) 248-250 2013年8月


    DOI: 10.2113/gselements.9.4.248  


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    Newly recognized occurrences of ultrahigh-pressure minerals in ultrahigh-temperature felsic granulites and in chromitite associated with ophiolite complexes lead to speculation about the recycling of supracrustal materials through deep subduction, mantle upwelling, and return to the Earth's surface. This idea is supported by possible "organic" light carbon isotopes observed in diamond and moissanite in kimberlite xenoliths and chromitite. These findings, presage another renaissance in the study of UHP granulite fades lower-crustal basement and ophiolites and in our understanding of the geodynamics of continental subduction and mantle cycling.

  67. Plate tectonic gemstones 査読有り

    Robert J. Stern, Tatsuki Tsujimori, George Harlow, Lee A. Groat

    Geology 41 (7) 723-726 2013年7月

    DOI: 10.1130/G34204.1  

    ISSN:0091-7613 1943-2682

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    The gemstones jadeite and ruby generally form as a result of the plate tectonic processes subduction and collision. Jade made of jadeite (jadeitite) forms when supercritical fl uids released from subducting oceanic crust condense in the overlying mantle wedge, 20-120 km deep in the Earth. Jadeitite deposits thus mark the location of exhumed fossil subduction zones. Ruby, the red gem variety of corundum, forms during amphibolite- and granulite-facies metamorphism or melting of mixed Al-rich and Si-poor protoliths, 10-40 km deep in the crust. Suitable conditions generally exist where passive-margin carbonates and shales are involved in continental collision. Most ruby deposits formed during Ediacaran-Cambrian (ca. 550 Ma) collisions that produced the East African-Antarctic orogen and the supercontinent Gondwana, or during Cenozoic collisions in south Asia. Ruby is thus a robust indicator of continental collision. As a result of these diagnostic properties, we propose the term "plate tectonic gemstones" (PTGs) for jadeitite and ruby. The PTGs are a new type of petrotectonic indicator that are mostly found in Neoproterozoic and younger rocks. The PTGs as petrotectonic indicators that form deep in the Earth have the added advantage that their record is unlikely to be obliterated by erosion, although the possibility of destruction via retrogression needs to be further assessed. Recognition of the PTGs links modern concepts of plate tectonics to economic gemstone deposits and ancient concepts of beauty, and may aid in exploration for new deposits. © 2013 Geological Society of America.

  68. Rheological contrast between glaucophane and lawsonite in naturally deformed blueschist from Diablo Range, California 査読有り

    Daeyeong Kim, Ikuo Katayama, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    ISLAND ARC 22 (1) 63-73 2013年3月


    DOI: 10.1111/iar.12003  


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    Deformation microstructures for a lawsonite blueschist from the New Idria serpentinite body, Diablo Range, are investigated to clarify rheological behaviors of glaucophane and lawsonite, which are main mineral assemblages of subducting oceanic crust at relatively cold geotherm. Developments of crystal-preferred orientations (CPOs) with small grain size, irregular grain boundary and high aspect ratio of glaucophane indicate deformation mechanism as recovery and dynamic recrystallization possibly accommodated by dislocation creep, while lawsonite deforms by rigid body rotation based on euhedral grains with angular or straight grain boundaries. Higher aspect ratios, lower angle to foliation, and stronger CPOs of both minerals in the glaucophane-rich layer rather than those in the lawsonite-rich layer suggest the strain localization into the glaucophane-rich layer. Additionally fabric strength (the degree of crystal alignment) and seismic anisotropy are higher in the glaucophane-rich layer than that of the lawsonite-rich layer, which is consistent with the microstructural analyses. All our results imply, therefore, the dominant role of glaucophane rather than lawsonite for rheological behavior and seismic anisotropy of blueschist.

  69. Ion microprobe U-Th-Pb geochronology and study of micro-inclusions in zircon from the Himalayan high- and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites, Kaghan Valley of Pakistan 査読有り

    Hafiz Ur Rehman, Katsura Kobayash, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Tsutomu Ota, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Eizo Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Kaneko, Tahseenullah Khan, Masaru Terabayashi, Kenta Yoshida, Takao Hirajima

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 63 (2) 179-196 2013年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.04.025  



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    We report ion microprobe U-Th-Pb geochronology of in situ zircon from the Himalayan high- and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites, Kaghan Valley of Pakistan. Combined with the textural features, mineral inclusions, cathodoluminescence image information and the U-Th-Pb isotope geochronology, two types of zircons were recognized in Group I and II eclogites. Zircons in Group I eclogites are of considerably large size (>100 mu m up to 500 mu m). A few grains are euhederal and prismatic, show oscillatory zoning with distinct core-rim luminescence pattern. Several other grains show irregular morphology, mitamictization, embayment and boundary truncations. They contain micro-inclusions such as muscovite, biotite, quartz and albite. Core or middle portions of zircons from Group I eclogites yielded concordant U-Th-Pb age of 267.6 +/- 2.4 (MSWD = 8.5), have higher U and Th contents with a Th/U ratio > 1, indicating typical magmatic core domains. Middle and rim or outer portions of these zircons contain inclusions of garnet, omphacite, phengite and these portions show no clear zonation. They yielded discordant values ranging between 210 and 71 Ma, indicating several thermal or Pb-loss events during their growth and recrystalization prior to or during the Himalayan eclogite-facies metamorphism. Zircons in Group II eclogites are smaller in size, prismatic to oval, display patchy or sector zoning and contain abundant inclusions of garnet, omphacite, phengite, quartz, rutile and carbonates. They yielded concordant U-Th-Pb age of 44.9 +/- 1.2 Ma (MSWD = 4.9). The lower U and Th contents and a lower Th/U ratio (<0.05) in these zircons suggest their formation from the recrystallization of the older zircons during the Himalayan high and ultrahigh-pressure eclogite-facies metamorphism. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  70. Tectono-metamorphic evolution of high-P/T and low-P/T metamorphic rocks in the Tia Complex, southern New England Fold Belt, eastern Australia: Insights from K-Ar chronology 査読有り

    Shiro Fukui, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Teruo Watanabe, Tetsumaru Itaya

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 59 (1) 62-69 2012年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.05.022  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Tia Complex in the southern New England Fold Belt is a poly-metamorphosed Late Paleozoic accretionary complex. It consists mainly of high-P/low-T type pumpellyite-actinolite facies (rare blueschist facies) schists, phyllite and serpentinite (T = 300 degrees C and P = 5 kbar), and low-P/high-T type amphibolite facies schist and gneiss (T = 600 degrees C and P < 5 kbar) associated with granodioritic plutons (Tia granodiorite). White mica and biotite K-Ar ages distinguish Carboniferous subduction zone metamorphism and Permian granitic intrusions, respectively. The systematic K-Ar age mapping along a N-S traverse of the Tia Complex exhibits a gradual change. The white mica ages become younger from the lowest-grade zone (339 Ma) to the highest-grade zone (259 Ma). In contrast, Si content of muscovite changes drastically only in the highest-grade zone. The regional changes of white mica K-Ar ages and chemical compositions of micas indicate argon depletion from precursor high-P/low-T type phengitic white mica during the thermal overprinting and recrystallization by granitoids intrusions. Our new K-Ar ages and available geological data postulate a model of the eastward rollback of a subduction zone in Early Permian. The eastward shift of a subduction zone system and subsequent magmatic activities of high-Mg andesite and adakite might explain formation of S-type granitoids (Hillgrove suite) and coeval low-P/high-T type metamorphism in the Tia Complex. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  71. Minerals, rocks, and mountains: Linking petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology 査読有り

    Hafiz Ur Rehman, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Chin-Ho Tsai

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 59 (1) 1-2 2012年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.07.015  


  72. Introduction —Jadeitite: new occurrences, new data, new interpretations— 査読有り

    Harlow, G.E., Tsujimori, T., Sorensen, S.S.

    European Journal of Mineralogy 24 (2) 197-198 2012年3月


    DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2196  


  73. Space environment of an asteroid preserved on micrograins returned by the Hayabusa spacecraft 査読有り

    Eizo Nakamura, Akio Makishima, Takuya Moriguti, Katsura Kobayashi, Ryoji Tanaka, Tak Kunihiro, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Chie Sakaguchi, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Tsutomu Ota, Yusuke Yachi, Toru Yada, Masanao Abe, Akio Fujimura, Munetaka Ueno, Toshifumi Mukai, Makoto Yoshikawa, Jun'ichiro Kawaguchi



    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1116236109  


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    Records of micrometeorite collisions at down to submicron scales were discovered on dust grains recovered from near-Earth asteroid 25143 (Itokawa). Because the grains were sampled from very near the surface of the asteroid, by the Hayabusa spacecraft, their surfaces reflect the low-gravity space environment influencing the physical nature of the asteroid exterior. The space environment was examined by description of grain surfaces and asteroidal scenes were reconstructed. Chemical and O isotope compositions of five lithic grains, with diameters near 50 mu m, indicate that the uppermost layer of the rubble-pile-textured Itokawa is largely composed of equilibrated LL-ordinary-chondrite-like material with superimposed effects of collisions. The surfaces of the grains are dominated by fractures, and the fracture planes contain not only sub-mu m-sized craters but also a large number of sub-mu m-to several-mu m-sized adhered particles, some of the latter composed of glass. The size distribution and chemical compositions of the adhered particles, together with the occurrences of the sub-mu m-sized craters, suggest formation by hypervelocity collisions of micrometeorites at down to nm scales, a process expected in the physically hostile environment at an asteroid's surface. We describe impact-related phenomena, ranging in scale from 10(-9) to 10(4) meters, demonstrating the central role played by impact processes in the long-term evolution of planetary bodies. Impact appears to be an important process shaping the exteriors of not only large planetary bodies, such as the moon, but also low-gravity bodies such as asteroids.

  74. Petrogenetic relationships between jadeitite and associated high-pressure and low-temperature metamorphic rocks in worldwide jadeitite localities: a review 査読有り

    Tatsuki Tsujimori, George E. Harlow

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY 24 (2) 371-390 2012年3月


    DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2012/0024-2193  


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    Jadeitite-bearing serpentinite-matrix melange is distributed in the Caribbean (Guatemala, Cuba, and Dominican Republic), circum-Pacific (Japan, Western USA, and Papua New Guinea), Alpine-Himalayan (Italy, Iran, Greece, and Myanmar), and Caledonian (Russia and Kazakhstan) orogenic belts, and always contains high-pressure, low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphic rocks. There are also jadeitite xenoliths in kimberlitic pipes in the Colorado Plateau (USA). The oldest occurrences of jadeitite are Early Paleozoic in Japan, Russia, and Kazakhstan, suggesting subduction-zone thermal structures evolved the necessary high pressure/temperature conditions for jadeitite formation since Early Paleozoic; the youngest occurrence is a xenolith from the Colorado Plateau. Major occurrences consist principally of fluid precipitates (P-type) that infiltrated the mantle wedge; fewer occurrences document metasomatic replacement (R-type) of plagiogranite, metagabbro and eclogite, and both types may be possible in the same occurrence or system. The P-T conditions for jadeitite formation can be extended beyond the previously argued limits of blueschist-facies conditions. Some jadeitite formed at epidote amphibolite and others at eclogite facies conditions. Available geochronological data of both jadeitite and associated HP-LT rock show temporal discrepancies between jadeitite formation and HP-LT metamorphism at some localities. The close association between older jadeitite and younger HP-LT rock in a single melange complex implies different histories for the subduction channel and jadeitite-bearing melange. Jadeitite-bearing serpentinite melange can stay at the mantle wedge for a considerable time and, as a result, experience multiple fluid-infiltration events. The subduction channel can occasionally incorporate overlying serpentinized mantle wedge material due to tectonic erosion. With time, the disrupted mantle wedge containing jadeitite veins is mixed with younger blueschists, exhumed eclogites and various fragments of suprasubduction-zone lithologies. Consequently, recrystallization and re-precipitation of jadeitite are reactivated along a slab-mantle wedge interface. All these possible scenarios and their combinations yield a complicated petrological record in jadeitite. With further investigation, the rock association of jadeitite-HP-LT metamorphic rocks-serpentinite has the potential to yield a greater understanding of subduction channels and overlying mantle wedge.

  75. Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope geochemistry of the Himalayan high- and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites, Kaghan valley, Pakistan 招待有り 査読有り

    Rehman, H.U., Kobayashi, K., Tsujimori, T., Ota, T., Yamamoto, H., Nakamura, E., Kaneko, Y., Khan, T.

    Geochemistry - Earth's System Processes 105-126 2012年

    DOI: 10.5772/32859  

  76. 「はやぶさ」回収試料の初期分析に至るまで:地球惑星物質総合解析システムの構築 招待有り 査読有り

    中村 栄三, 牧嶋 昭夫, 森口 拓弥, 小林 桂, 田中 亮吏, 国広 卓也, 辻森 樹

    表面科学 33 (12) 681-686 2012年


    DOI: 10.1380/jsssj.33.681  


  77. 東アジアの250Ma大陸衝突帯と日本−八重山プロモントリー説再考− 査読有り

    石渡 明, 辻森 樹

    地学雑誌 121 (3) 460-470 2012年

    出版者・発行元:Tokyo Geographical Society

    DOI: 10.5026/jgeography.121.460  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Maruyama <i>et al.</i> (2011) noted; "Some researchers insist that the Dabie-Su Lu metamorphic belt, which was formed by the North China-South China collision, and the Sangun metamorphic belt of Japan were generated along the same trench, based on their similar radiometric ages (Ishiwatari and Tsujimori, 2003; Ernst <i>et al.</i>, 2007). This idea is completely wrong." Omori and Isozaki (2011) also criticized these papers as "a synthesis that misleads to cause confusion" and "a strange paleogeographic reconstruction" using the same logic. These criticisms are based on the idea that the continental collision-type (A-type) and oceanic subduction-type (B-type; also called Cordilleran-type or Pacific-type) orogenic belts are different and exclusive of each other. However, it is evident that both A- and B-type processes took place simultaneously along each of the Appalachian-Caledonian and Hercynian belts (Maruyama <i>et al.</i>, 1996), and the Himalayan continental collision and Indonesian oceanic subduction are currently occurring along the same plate boundary. We provide an objective discussion to counter those criticisms, and point out some discrepancies in the large-scale superficial nappe model of Omori and Isozaki (2011) for the geology of Korea. We believe that our "Yaeyama promontory" hypothesis has inspired constructive international discussions about the configuration of the Earliest Mesozoic collision belt in East Asia, and we think our sinuous configuration model still persists.

  78. Geochronology of the Sanbagawa belt in SW Japan

    Itaya, T., Tsujimori, T.

    Bulletin of the Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 38 21-38 2012年

  79. In situ ion-microprobe determination of trace element partition coefficients for hornblende, plagioclase, orthopyroxene, and apatite in equilibrium with natural rhyolitic glass, Little Glass Mountain Rhyofite, California 査読有り

    Brophy J.G., Ota T., Kunihiro T., Tsujimori T., Nakamura E.

    96 (11-12) 1838-1850 2011年11月

    DOI: 10.2138/am.2011.3857  


  80. Evolution of the Sanbagawa and Shimanto high-pressure belts in SW Japan: Insights from K-Ar (Ar-Ar) geochronology 招待有り 査読有り

    Itaya, T., Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G.

    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (6) 1075-1090 2011年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.06.012  


  81. Multiple origins of zircons in jadeitite 査読有り

    Bin Fu, John W. Valley, Noriko T. Kita, Michael J. Spicuzza, Chad Paton, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Michael Broecker, George E. Harlow



    DOI: 10.1007/s00410-009-0453-y  


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    Jadeitites form from hydrothermal fluids during high pressure metamorphism in subduction environments; however, the origin of zircons in jadeitite is uncertain. We report ion microprobe analyses of delta(18)O and Ti in zircons, and bulk delta(18)O data for the jadeitite whole-rock from four terranes: Osayama serpentinite m,lange, Japan; Syros m,lange, Greece; the Motagua Fault zone, Guatemala; and the Franciscan Complex, California. In the Osayama jadeitite, two texturally contrasting groups of zircons are identified by cathodoluminescence and are distinct in delta(18)O: featureless or weakly zoned zircons with delta(18)O = 3.8 +/- A 0.6aEuro degrees (2 SD, VSMOW), and zircons with oscillatory or patchy zoning with higher delta(18)O = 5.0 +/- A 0.4aEuro degrees. Zircons in phengite jadeitite from Guatemala and a jadeitite block from Syros have similar delta(18)O values to the latter from Osayama: Guatemala zircons are 4.8 +/- A 0.7aEuro degrees, and the Syros zircons are 5.2 +/- A 0.5aEuro degrees in jadeitite and 5.2 +/- A 0.4aEuro degrees in associated omphacitite, glaucophanite and chlorite-actinolite rinds. The delta(18)O values for most zircons above fall within the range measured by ion microprobe in igneous zircons from oxide gabbros and plagiogranites in modern ocean crust (5.3 +/- A 0.8aEuro degrees) and measured in bulk by laser fluorination of zircons in equilibrium with primitive magma compositions or the mantle (5.3 +/- A 0.6aEuro degrees). Titanium concentrations in these zircons vary between 1 and 19 ppm, within the range for igneous zircons worldwide. Values of delta(18)O (whole-rock) a parts per thousand... delta(18)O (jadeite) and vary from 6.3 to 10.1aEuro degrees in jadeitites in all four areas. These values of delta(18)O and Ti are higher than predicted for hydrothermal zircons, and the delta(18)O values of most zircons are not equilibrated with the coexisting jadeite at reasonable metamorphic temperatures. We conclude that while some zircons may be hydrothermal in origin, a majority of the zircons studied are best explained as relic igneous crystals inherited from precursor rocks; they were not precipitated directly from hot aqueous fluids as previously assumed. Therefore, U-Pb ages from these zircons may date magmatic crystallization and do not establish the timing of high pressure metamorphism or hydrothermal activity.

  82. 日本列島に記録された古生代高圧変成作用−新知見とこれから解決すべき問題点− 査読有り

    辻森 樹

    地学雑誌 119 (2) 294-312 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Tokyo Geographical Society

    DOI: 10.5026/jgeography.119.294  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Japanese islands were formed during a long-sustained active Pacific-type orogen resulting from subduction, oceanward-accretion, and landward-erosion, which began in the early-Paleozoic. The earlier stage of the accretion of oceanic and continental materials took place between 500-300 Ma, reflecting the convergence of two or more paleo-Pacific plates and the stable, non-subducted Middle and Late Proterozoic continental lithosphere. In Japanese Paleozoic geo-tectonic units, two different high-pressure metamorphic rocks with the Pacific-type protoliths are associated with serpentinite bodies of Early Paleozoic Oeyama ophiolite: blueschist-facies pelitic and mafic schists with phengite K-Ar ages of 350-280 Ma (Renge) and high-pressure epidote-amphibolite-facies amphibolite and pelitic schist with 480-400 Ma hornblende and phengite K-Ar age (Kitomyo-Fuko Pass). The Early Paleozoic Kitomyo-Fuko Pass high-pressure metamorphic rocks provide a petrotectonic constraint on the earliest subduction event in the Japanese orogen. The presence of Middle to Late Paleozoic Renge lawsonite-blueschist and glaucophane-eclogite provides evidence of a cold geotherm in the paleo-subduction zone. Metamorphic and geochronologic data provide important constraints on tectonic development during the earliest stages of orogenic growth associated with the subduction of the paleo-Pacific oceanic plates. The lack of Paleozoic batholith belt and fore-arc sediments coeval with either Renge or Kitomyo-Fuko Pass metamorphism and the presence of blueschist-facies metamorphosed fore-arc ophiolititic materials (fragments of the Oeyama ophiolite) in the Renge metamorphic rocks suggest that a significant landward subduction erosion has occurred since early-Paleozoic time; the eroded material must have been recycled back into the mantle during subduction of the paleo-pacific plate. Thus, the early history of subduction-related orogenesis—after the dramatic tectonic conversion from a passive to active convergent margin—in the Japanese islands is comparable to the modern island arc system occurring worldwide. To further our understanding of the continuous paleo-subduction record in the Japanese Paleozoic geotectonic units, a more detailed and comprehensive approach to geology, petrology, and geochronology of high-pressure metamorphic rocks and associated rocks is required than that documented in previous studies.

  83. 造山帯中の高圧低温変成岩を伴う蛇紋岩メランジュ

    辻森 樹

    月刊地球 32 (3) 189-195 2010年



  84. Metamorphic P-T conditions and thermal structure of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling main hole eclogites: Fe-Mg partitioning thermometer vs. Zr-in-rutile thermometer 査読有り

    R. Y. Zhang, Y. Iizuka, W. G. Ernst, J. G. Liou, Z. -Q. Xu, T. Tsujimori, C. -H. Lo, B. -M. Jahn

    JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY 27 (9) 757-772 2009年12月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00831.x  


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    Core rocks recovered from the main hole (5158 m deep) of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD-MH) project, southern Sulu UHP terrane, east-central China, consist of eclogites, various gneisses and minor metaperidotite cumulates; this lithological section underwent subduction-zone UHP metamorphism. Coesite-bearing eclogites are mainly present between the depths of 100-2000 m, but below 2000 m, mafic eclogites are rare. Selected elements (Zr, Nb, Cr, Fe, Si, Mg, Al & Ti) in rutile from 39 eclogite cores from 100 to 2774 m, and major elements of minerals from representative eclogites were analysed by electron microprobe. Zirconium and Nb concentrations of rutile cluster similar to 100-400 and 200-700 ppm respectively. However, Zr and Nb contents in rutile from strongly retrograded eclogites show larger variations than those of fresh or less retrograded eclogites, implying that somehow fluid infiltration affected rutile chemistry during retrograde metamorphism. Zr contents in rutile inclusions in garnet and omphacite are slightly lower than those of the matrix rutile, suggesting that the rutile inclusions formed before or close to the peak temperature. The P-T conditions of the CCSD-MH eclogites were estimated by both Fe-Mg exchange and Zr-in-rutile thermometers, as well as by the Grt-Cpx-Phn-Ky geothermobarometer. The maximum temperature range of 700-811 degrees C calculated at 40 kbar using the Zr-in-rutile thermometer is comparable with temperature estimates by the Fe-Mg exchange thermometer. The temperature estimates of eclogites in a similar to 3000 m thick section define a continuous gradient, and do not show a distinct temperature gap, suggesting that the rocks from 100 to 3000 m depth might belong to a single, large-scale UHP slab. These data combined with P-T calculations for CCSD-MH peridotites yield a low geotherm (similar to 5 degrees C km-1) for the Triassic subduction zone between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons; it lies similar to 30-35 mW m-2 conductive model geotherm.

  85. Ultrahigh-pressure minerals and metamorphic terranes - The view from China 査読有り

    J. G. Liou, W. G. Ernst, R. Y. Zhang, T. Tsujimori, B. M. Jahn

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 35 (3-4) 199-231 2009年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.10.012  


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    Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism refers to mineralogical modifications of continental and oceanic crustal protoliths +/- associated mafic-ultramafic rocks initially formed or emplaced in shallow levels of the lithosphere, but which subsequently have experienced P-T conditions within or above the coesite stability field (&gt;similar to 2.7 CPa, similar to 700 degrees C). Typical products include eclogite, garnet peridotite, and UHP varieties of metapelite, quartzite, marble, paragneiss, and orthogneiss. UHP metamorphic assemblages require relatively cold lithospheric subduction to mantle depths; some recrystallization even occurs under "forbidden" P-T conditions, characterized by a geotherm of &lt;5 degrees C/km. In appropriate bulk compositions, UHP metamorphism produces coesite, microdiamond and other indicator phases such as majoritic garnet, TiO(2) with alpha-PbO(2) structure, supersilicic clinopyroxene, high-P clinoenstatite, K-cymrite and stishovite. Globally, at least 20 coesite-bearing eclogitic, eight diamond-bearing, and five majoritic garnet-bearing UHP regions have been documented thus far; they are mostly of Phanerozoic ages. The presence of majoritic garnet, and even apparent stishovite pseudomorph in supracrustal rocks suggests continental subduction to mantle depths exceeding 300 km; such UHP metamorphic terranes should be distinguished from deep-seated mantle xenoliths that contain UHP minerals. Cold subduction zones may be sites of major recycling of H(2)O back into the mantle; high-P experiments on mafic-ultramafic bulk compositions reveal that many important hydrous and formally anhydrous phases are stable under such UHP conditions. The current explosion of research on continental UHP terranes reflects their significance for mantle dynamics and the tectonics of continental subduction, collision, exhumation, mantle-slab interactions, and geochemical recycling. A further characterization of UHP phases and positive identification of UHP minerals requires new experimental studies coupled with state-of-the-art analyses. For example, the very rare occurrence of microdiamond inclusions in zircons from Dabie-Sulu UHP rocks may reflect high f(O2) attending recrystallization inasmuch as epidote is rather common. Rutile needles within garnets from Sulu UHP eclogitic rocks may not be the result of exsolution, so in such cases the apparent UHP pressure may have been over estimated. Hadean igneous microdiamond inclusions in Jack Hills detrital zircons could have originated from mantle xenoliths whereas abundant detrital Phanerozoic diamonds containing inclusions of coesite and other eclogitic minerals from New South Wales might have been derived from unexposed UHP metamorphic terranes. Micro-mineral intergrowth and nano-size minerals may hold important key to deciphering the actual P-T paths of subduction and mantle return flow. Although most exhumed terranes have returned surfaceward relatively rapidly after short time of UHP condition, the long duration of storage at great depth and slow exhumation for the largest UHP terranes remain as major problems. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  86. Metamorphic reworking of a high pressure-low temperature melange along the Motagua fault, Guatemala: A record of Neocomian and Maastrichtian transpressional tectonics 査読有り

    Hannes K. Brueckner, Hans G. Ave Lallemant, Virginia B. Sisson, George E. Harlow, Sidney R. Hemming, Uwe Martens, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Sorena S. Sorensen

    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 284 (1-2) 228-235 2009年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.04.032  


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    The Guatemala suture zone is a major east-west left-lateral strike slip boundary that separates the North American and Caribbean plates in Guatemala. The Motagua fault, the central active strand of the suture zone, underwent two major collisional events within a system otherwise dominated by strike-slip motion. The first event is recorded by high-pressure/low temperature (HP/LT) eclogites and related rocks that occur within serpentinites both north and south of the Motagua fault. Lawsonite eclogites south of the fault are not significantly retrograded and give Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of 125-116 Ma and Sm-Nd mineral isochrons of 144-132 Ma. Eclogites north of the fault give similar Sm-Nd isochron ages (131-126 Ma) but otherwise differ in that they are strongly overprinted by a lower pressure assemblage and, along with associated HP/LT rocks, give much younger Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of 88-55 Ma indicating a later amphibolite facies metamorphic event. We propose therefore that all serpentinite hosted eclogites along the Motagua fault formed at essentially the same time in different parts of a laterally extensive Lower Cretaceous forearc subduction system, but subsequently underwent different histories. The southern assemblages were thrust southwards (present coordinates) immediately after HP metamorphism whereas the northern association was retrograded during a later collision that thrust it northward at ca. 70 Ma. They were subsequently juxtaposed opposite each other by major strike slip motion. This model implies that the HP rocks on opposing sides of the Motagua fault evolved along a plate boundary that underwent both dip slip and strike slip motion throughout the Late Cretaceous as a result of oblique convergence. The juxtaposition of a convergent and strike slip system means that HP/LT rocks within serpentinites can be found at depth along much of the modern Guatemala suture zone and its eastward extension into the northern Caribbean. Both sets of assemblages were exhumed relatively recently by the uplift of mountain ranges on both sides of the fault caused by movement along a restraining bend. Recent exhumation explains the apparently lack of offset of surface outcrops along a major strike slip fault. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  87. Regional-Scale Excess Ar wave in a Barrovian type metamorphic belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau 査読有り

    Tetsumaru Itaya, Hironobu Hyodo, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Simon Wallis, Mutsuki Aoya, Tetsuo Kawakami, Chitaro Gouzu

    ISLAND ARC 18 (2) 293-305 2009年6月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2009.00668.x  



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    Laser step heating Ar-40/Ar-39 analysis of biotite and muscovite single crystals from a Barrovian type metamorphic belt in the eastern Tibetan plateau yielded consistent cooling ages of ca. 40 Ma in the sillimanite zone with peak metamorphic temperatures higher than 600 degrees C and discordant ages from 46 to 197 Ma in the zones with lower peak temperatures. Chemical Th-U-Total Pb Isochron Method (CHIME) monazite (65 Ma) and sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) apatite (67 Ma) dating give the age of peak metamorphism in the sillimanite zone. Moderate amounts of excess Ar shown by biotite grains with ages of 46 to 94 Ma at metamorphic grades up to the high-grade part of the kyanite zone probably represent incomplete degassing during metamorphism. In contrast, the high-grade part of the kyanite zone yields biotite ages of 130 to 197 Ma. The spatial distribution of these older ages in the kyanite zone along the sillimanite zone boundary suggests they reflect trapped excess argon that migrated from higher-grade regions. The most likely source is muscovite that decomposed to form sillimanite. The zone with extreme amounts of excess argon preserves trapped remnants of an 'excess argon wave'. We suggest this corresponds to the area where biotite cooled below its closure temperature in the presence of an elevated Ar wave. Extreme excess Ar is not recognized in muscovite suggesting that the entrapment of the argon wave by biotite took place when the rocks had cooled down to temperatures lower than the closure temperature of muscovite. The breakdown of phengite during ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism may be a key factor in accounting for the very old apparent ages seen in many UHP metamorphic regions. This is the first documentation of a regional Ar-wave spatially associated with regional metamorphism. This study also implies that resetting of the Ar isotopic systems in micas can require temperatures up to 600 degrees C; much higher than generally thought.

  88. Orogeny and metallogenesis along the margin of eastern Asia: Permo-Triassic subduction-zone metamorphism, crustal accretion, and exhumation 査読有り

    Ernst, W.G., Tsujimori, T., Zhang, R., Liou, J.G.

    Ores and orogenesis: Arizona Geological Society Digest 22 151-180 2008年

  89. Petrology and U-PbSHRIMP geochronology of a garnet peridotite, Sulu UHP terrane, east-central China 査読有り

    Ruixuan Zhao, Juhn G. Liou, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Ru Y. Zhang

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 49 (8) 732-752 2007年8月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.49.8.732  



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    Garnet clinopyroxenite at Rizhao occurs as a lens 1.00 x 225m(2) within a serpentinized peridotite body, in fault contact with felsic gneiss. Minor dunite also occurs within the same peridotite. The clinopyroxenite consists of porphyroblastic Grt-bearing (type 7), megacrystic Grt-bearing (type 2), porphyroblastic Cpx-bearing (type 3), and equigranular (type 4) garnet clinopyroxenite. Lamellae-rich, coarse-grained Cpx occurs as inclusions in megacrystic Grt from type 2 clinopyroxenite, and as porphyroblasts in a matrix of Cpx + Grt + Ilm from type 3 clinopyroxenite; these clinopyroxenes contain abundant exsolution lamellae of Grt (Prp(16-19)Grs(62)Alm (19-21)Sps(1)) + Ilm +/- Mag +/- Amp (Mg#: 0.88-0.98; Na2O: 0.5-3.3 wt%; K2O: 0.7-1.0 wt%; TiO2: 0.1-0.2 wt%). Megacrystic and porphyroblastic garnet (Prp(35-42)Grs(34-45),Alm (19-24) Sps(1)) also occurs in a matrix of fine-grained Cpx + Grt + Ilm; spinel (Mg#: 0.60-0.62) is present as inclusions in both porphyroblastic Grt and lamellae-rich Cpx. Petrochemical data support a mantle origin involving crystallization of majoritic garnet. We propose that the protolith of the Rizhao clinopyroxenite initially was a spinel clinopyroxenite, and was convected to great depths (&gt; 450 km) to form a majoritic garnet that contains high CaO and considerable amounts of FeO and TiO2. During later decompression, the majoritic garnet broke down to form intergrowths of Cpx + Grt + Ilm Mag Amp at T = 700-800 degrees C, P &lt;= 3 GPa. It was then emplaced into a subduction zone and experienced UHP metamorphism at 620-880 degrees C, 3 GPa (luring Triassic continental collision. Megacrystic/porphyroblastic garnet formed during this stage, and lamellaerich Cpx recrystallized to the matrix assemblage of Cpx + Grt + Ilm subsequently. The clinopyroxenite also experienced later retrogression during exhumation. Zircon U-Pb geochronology yields 215 +/- 2 Ma for the Rizhao garnet clinopyroxerute; occurrence of garnet and clinopyroxene inclusions in zircon suggests that this age reflects the UHP metamorphism.

  90. Significance of the Ca-Na pyroxene-lawsonite-chlorite assemblage in blueschist-facies metabasalts: An example from the renge metamorphic rocks, Southwest Japan 査読有り

    T. Tsujimori, J. G. Liou

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 49 (5) 416-430 2007年5月

    出版者・発行元:V H WINSTON & SON INC

    DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.49.5.416  


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    Paleozoic lawsonite-bearing low-grade metabasalts with rare flattened pillow structures occur in the Chugoku Mountains, Southwest Japan. The nieta-mafic rocks are divided into nieta-pillow basalt core (PBC), meta-pillow basalt rim (PBR), and irietabasaltic breeeia (1313). The PBC have MORBlike major and trace element concentrations, contain 5 wt% water, and a Na-amphibole-free mineral assemblage: Ca-Na pyroxene (maximum 29% jadeite component) + lawsonite + chlorite + quartz. In contrast, the PBR and BB contain a lawsonite-blueschist-facies mineral assemblage: Na-amphibole +/- lawsonite +pumpellyite +/- chlorite + albite + quartz. Parageneses and compositions of minerals yield equilibrium P-T conditions of T&lt; 280 degrees C and P = 0.6-0.7 GPa for all three rock types. Phase relations in the 2Al-Ca-2Fe(3+)-(Fe+Mg) tetrahedron suggest that the Na-amphibole-free mineral assemblage in PBC occurs only under relatively oxidized conditions. This mineral assemblage has been described from low-grade nietabasalts in several high-P-low-T terranes, and might be a low-T equivalent of the lawsonite eclogite mineral assemblage. We propose that interaction of fluids with subducting old occanic crust first produces the Ca-Na pyroxene + lawsonite + chlorite assemblage by hydration reactions at shallow depths in a cold subduction zone. With subduction to greater depths, such intensely hydrated inetabasalts with the Na-amphibole-free mineral assemblage transforms to lawsonite eclogite below 300 degrees C.

  91. High-pressure belts of central Guatemala: the Motagua suture and the Chuacús complex

    Martens, U., Solari, L., Sisson, V.B., Harlow, G.E., de León, R., T., Ligorria, J.P., Tsujimori, T., Ortega, F., Brueckner, H., Giunta, G., Avé, Lallemant, H

    2007 Field Workshop of IGCP 546 "Subduction Zones of the Caribbean" 1-32 2007年

  92. Permo-Triassic collision, subduction-zone metamorphism, and tectonic exhumation along the east Asian continental margin 招待有り 査読有り

    W. G. Ernst, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Ruth Zhang, J. G. Liou


    出版者・発行元:ANNUAL REVIEWS

    DOI: 10.1146/annurev.earth.35.031306.140146  


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    Convergent plate motion at similar to 320-210 Ma generated the Tongbai-Dabie-Sulu (east-central China)-Imjingang-Gyeonggi (central Korea)-Renge-Suo (Southwestern Japan) -Sikhote-Alin orogen along the paleo-Pacific edge of cratonal Asia. This amalgamated belt reflects collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons on the SW portion, and accretion of outboard oceanic arcs sialic fragments against the NTE margin. Subducted Proterozoic-Palcozoic continental and oceanic crustal complexes underwent high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism at low to moderate temperatures. Tectonic slices of sialic crust episodically disengaged from the down-going plate and, driven by buoyancy, ascended rapidly to midcrustal levels from depths exceeding 90-200 km after continental collision in east-central China plus or minus Korea, and from similar to 30-50 km after arrival of far-traveled oceanic terranes in SW Japan and the Russian Far East. On achieving neutral buoyancy and stalling out at 10-20 km depth, later doming, gravitational collapse, and erosion exposed parts of the high- and ultrahigh-pressure complexes. This curvilinear orogen has been segmented and offset by major and minor transverse faults. Also, regional backarc spreading opened marginal basins behind the Permo-Triassic convergent suture zone, further disturbing portions occanward.

  93. On-going orogeny in the outer-arc of the Timor-Tanimbar region, eastern Indonesia 査読有り

    Yoshiyuki Kaneko, Shigenori Maruyama, Ade Kadarusman, Tsutomu Ota, Masahiro Ishikawa, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Akira Ishikawa, Kazuaki Okamoto

    GONDWANA RESEARCH 11 (1-2) 218-233 2007年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2006.04.013  


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    The Timor-Tanimbar islands of eastern Indonesia form a non-volcanic arc in front of a 7 km deep fore-arc basin that separates it from a volcanic inner arc. The Timor-Tanimbar Islands expose one of the youngest high P/T metamorphic belts in the world, providing us with an excellent opportunity to study the inception of orogenic processes, undisturbed by later tectonic events. Structural and petrological studies of the high P/T metamorphic belt show that both deformation and metamorphic grade increase towards the centre of the 1 km thick crystalline belt. Kinematic indicators exhibit top-to-the-north sense of shear along the subhorizontal upper boundaries and top-to-the-south sense in the bottom boundaries of the high P/T metamorphic belt. Overall configuration suggests that the high P/T metamorphic rocks extruded as a thin sheet into a space between overlying ophiolites and underlying continental shelf sediments. Petrological study further illustrates that the central crystalline unit underwent a Barrovian-type overprint of the original high P/T metamorphic assemblages during wedge extrusion, and the metamorphic grade ranged from pumpellyite-actinolite to upper amphibolite facies. Quaternary uplift, marked by elevation of recent reefs, was estimated to be about 1260 m in Timor in the west and decreases toward Tanimbar in the east. In contrast, radiometric ages for the high P/T metamorphic rocks suggest that the exhumation of the high P/T metamorphic belt started in western Timor in Late Miocene time and migrated toward the east. Thus, the tectonic evolution of this region is diachronous and youngs to the east. We conclude that the deep-seated high P/T metamorphic belt extrudes into shallow crustal levels as a first step, followed by doming at a later stage. The so-called 'mountain building' process is restricted to the second stage. We attribute this Quaternary rapid uplift to rebound of the subducting Australian continental crust beneath Timor after it achieved positive buoyancy, due to break-off of the oceanic slab fringing the continental crust. In contrast, Tanimbar in the east has not yet been affected by later doming. A wide spectrum of processes, starting from extrusion of the high P/T metamorphic rocks and ending with the later doming due to slab break-off, can be observed in the Timor-Tanimbar region. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Association for Gondwana Research.

  94. Finding of high-grade tectonic blocks from the New Idria serpentinite body, Diablo Range, California: Petrologic constraints on the tectonic evolution of an active serpentinite diapir 査読有り

    Tatsuki Tsujimori, Juhn G. Liou, Robert G. Coleman

    Special Paper of the Geological Society of America 419 67-80 2007年

    DOI: 10.1130/2007.2419(03)  


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    Three high-grade tectonic blocks, including jadeite-bearing retrograded eclog-ite, pumpellyite-rich retrograded eclogite, and clinopyroxene-bearing garnet-amphibolite, are newly described in the jadeitite-bearing New Idria serpentinite body. Petrologic analyses reveal two contrasting peak metamorphic stages-eclogite-facies metamorphism (M1E) characterized by garnet + omphacite (∼48 mol% jadeite) + rutile ± epidote + quartz, and amphibolite-facies metamorphism (M1A characterized by garnet + hornblende + augite (∼14 mol% jadeite) + rutile + quartz. Both peak metamorphic events are overprinted by very low-T blueschist-facies minerals (M2), which include glaucophane, lawsonite, pumpellyite, jadeitite (up to 94 mol% jadeite), chlorite, and titanite. Garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometry yields T = ∼580-620 °C at P &gt 1.3 GPa for the M 1E stage and T = ∼630-680 °C at P = ∼0.8-1.0 GPa for the MJ1A stage. The jadeite-and lawsonite-bearing phase equilibria constrain metamorphic conditions of P &gt 1.0 GPa at T = ∼250-300 °C for the M2 stage that is probably synchronous with the formation of nearby jadeitite within serpentinite. The presence of eclogite blocks suggests that the New Idria serpentinite diapir was initiated at mantle depths. The wide range of P-T conditions of tectonic blocks supports the idea that the New Idria serpentinite diapir rose from mantle depths and enclosed tectonic blocks at various mantle-crustal levels during diapiric upwelling and extrusion. ©2007 Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.

  95. Very-low-temperature record of the subduction process: A review of worldwide lawsonite eclogites 査読有り

    Tatsuki Tsujimori, Virginia B. Sisson, Juhn G. Liou, George E. Harlow, Sorena S. Sorensen

    LITHOS 92 (3-4) 609-624 2006年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2006.03.054  



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    Lawsonite eclogites preserve a record of very-low-temperature conditions in subduction zones. All occur at active margin settings, typically characterized by accretionary complexes lithologies and as tectonic blocks within serpentinite-matrix melange. Peak lawsonite-eclogite facies mineral assemblages (gamet+omphacite+lawsonite+rutile) typically occur in prograde-zoned garnet porphyroblasts. Their matrix is commonly overprinted by higher-temperature epidote-bearing assemblages; greenschist- or amphibolite-facies conditions erase former lawsonite-eclogite relics. Various pseudomorphs after lawsonite occur, particularly in some blueschist/eclogite transitional facies rocks. Coesite-bearing lawsonite-eclogite xenoliths in kimberlitic pipes and lawsonite pseudomorphs in some relatively low-temperature ultrahigh-pressure eclogites are known. Using inclusion assemblages in garnet, lawsonite eclogites can be classified into two types: L-type, such as those from Guatemala and British Columbia, contain garnet porphyroblasts that grew only within the lawsonite stability field and E-type, such as from the Dominican Republic, record maximum temperature in the epidote-stability field. Formation and preservation of lawsonite eclogites requires cold subduction to mantle depths and rapid exhumation. The earliest occurrences of lawsonite-eclogite facies mineral assemblages are Early Paleozoic in Spitsbergen and the New England fold belt of Australia; this suggests that since the Phanerozoic, secular cooling of Earth and subduction-zone thermal structures evolved the necessary high pressure/temperature conditions. Buoyancy of serpentinite and oblique convergence with a major strike-slip component may facilitate the exhumation of lawsonite eclogites from mantle depths. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  96. Protolith and metamorphic ages of the Haiyangsuo Complex, eastern China: a non-UHP exotic tectonic slab in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane 査読有り

    J. G. Liou, T. Tsujimori, W. Chu, R. Y. Zhang, J. L. Wooden

    MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY 88 (1-2) 207-226 2006年9月

    出版者・発行元:SPRINGER WIEN

    DOI: 10.1007/s00710-006-0156-2  



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    The Haiyangsuo Complex in the NE Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane has discontinuous, coastal exposures of Late Archean gneiss with amphibolitized granulite, amphibolite, Paleoproterozoic metagabbroic intrusives, and Cretaceous granitic dikes over an area of about 15 km(2). The U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons indicates that the protolith age of a garnet-biotite gneiss is &gt; 2500 Ma, whereas the granulite-facies metamorphism occurred at around 1800 Ma. A gabbroic intrusion was dated at similar to 1730 Ma, and the formation of amphibolite-facies assemblages in both metagabbro and granulite occurred at similar to 340-46OMa. Petrologic and geochronological data indicate that these various rocks show no evidence of Triassic eclogite-facies metamorphism and Neoproterozoic protolith ages that are characteristics of Sulu-Dabie HP-UHP rocks, except Neoproterozoic inherited ages from post-collisional Jurassic granitic dikes. Haiyangsuo retrograde granulites with amphibolite-facies assemblages within the gneiss preserve relict garnet formed during granulite-facies metamorphism at similar to 1.85 Ga. The Paleoproterozoic metamorphic events are almost coeval with gabbroic intrusions. The granulite-bearing gneiss unit and gabbro-dominated unit of the Haiyangsuo Complex were intruded by thin granitic dikes at about 160 Ma, which is coeval with post-collisional granitic intrusions in the Sulu terrane. We suggest that the Haiyangsuo Complex may represent a fragment of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Paleoproterozoic terrane developed at the eastern margin of the Sino-Korean basement, which was juxtaposed with the Sulu terrane prior to Jurassic granitic activity and regional deformation.

  97. Franciscan eclogite revisited: Reevaluation of the P-T evolution of tectonic blocks from Tiburon Peninsula, California, USA 査読有り

    T. Tsujimori, K. Matsumoto, J. Wakabayashi, J. G. Liou

    MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY 88 (1-2) 243-267 2006年9月

    出版者・発行元:SPRINGER WIEN

    DOI: 10.1007/s00710-006-0157-1  


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    High-grade blocks in the Franciscan complex at Tiburon, California, record relatively low temperature eclogite-facies metamorphism and blueschist-facies overprinting. The eclogite-facies mineral assemblage contains prograde-zoned garnet + omphacite + epidote +/- hornblende (katophoritic and barroisitic Ca-Na amphibole) +/- glaucophane + phengite (similar to 3.5 Si p.f.u.) +/- paragonite + rutile + quartz. The blueschist-facies mineral assemblage contains chlorite + titanite + glaucophane + epidote +/- albite +/- phengite (similar to 3.3 Si p.f.u.). Albite is not stable in the eclogite stage. New calculations based on gamet-omphacite-phengite thennobarometry and THERMOCALC average-P-T calculations yield peak eclogite-facies P-T conditions of P = 2.2-2.5 GPa and T=550-620 degrees C; porphyroclastic omphacite with inclusions of garnet and paragonite yields an average-P-T of 1.8 +/- 0.2 GPa at 490 +/- 70 degrees C for the pre-peak stage. The inferred counterclockwise hairpin P-T trajectory suggests prograde eclogitization of a relatively "cold" subducting slab, and subsequent exhumation and blueschist-facies recrystallization by a decreasing geotherm. Although an epidote-garnet amphibolitic assemblage is ubiquitous in some blocks, P-T pseudosection analyses imply that the epidote-garnet amphibolitic assemblage is stable during prograde eclogite-facies metamorphism. Available geochronologic data combined with our new insight for the maximum pressure suggest an average exhumation rate of similar to 5 km/Ma, as rapid as those of some ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terranes.

  98. Non-ultrahigh-pressure unit bordering the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, eastern China: Transformation of Proterozoic granulite and gabbro to garnet amphibolite 査読有り

    Ru Y. Zhang, Juhn G. Liou, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Shigenori Maruyama



    DOI: 10.1130/2006.2403(10)  


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    The Haiyangsuo area of the NE Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, eastern China, consists of gneisses with minor granulite and amphibolite layers, metagabbros, and granitic dikes. The peak-stage assemblages of the granulites (garnet + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase +/- pargasite +/- biotite +/- quartz) formed at &gt; 750 degrees C and 9-11 kbar and were overprinted by amphibolite-facies phases characterized by well-developed corona layers of vertical bar garnet vertical bar amphibolite + quartz vertical bar at contacts between plagioclase and clinopyroxene or orthopyroxene, as well as by the exsolution of (orthopyroxene + ilmenite + amphibole) from clinopyroxene. These textures indicate a near-isobaric cooling history of the granulite-bearing gneiss terrane. The metagabbro preserves a relict igneous assemblage (orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + pargasite +/- ilmenite +/- quartz) in its core, but in its margins has a metamorphic corona texture similar to the granulite that formed at similar to 600-700 degrees C and 7-10 kbar. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircons indicates that the protolith age of the garnet-biotite gneiss is older than 2500 Ma, whereas the granulite-facies metamorphism (the first regional metamorphic event) occurred at 1846 +/- 26 Ma. Gabbro intrusion took place at 1734 +/- 5 Ma, and the formation of amphibolite assemblages in both metagabbro and granulite occurred at ca. 340-370 Ma. Both gneiss and metagabbro were intruded by granitic dikes, with one dated at 158 +/- 3 Ma. These data, together with a lack of eclogitic assemblages, suggest that this granulite-amphibolite-facies complex is exotic relative to the Triassic Sulu high-pressure-ultrahigh-pressure terrane; juxtaposition took place in Jurassic time.

  99. [口絵] グアテマラ中央部の地質調査 査読有り

    辻森 樹, マルテンス ウヴェ

    地質学雑誌 112 (2) III-IV 2006年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.112.2.III_IV  


  100. 青海蛇紋岩メンランジュ産の藍閃石-緑れん石エクロジャイトの圧力温度シュードセクション:予報 査読有り

    辻森 樹, 松本 啓作

    地質学雑誌 112 (6) 407-414 2006年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.112.407  


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    青海蛇紋岩メランジュ産の藍閃石-縁れん石エクロジャイト(Tsujimori, 2002)について,Na_2O-CaO-FeO-MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-H_2O系(NCFMASH系)の圧力温度シュードセクションをTHERMOCALC2.75プログラムを使って計算した.その結果,既存の圧力温度見積もり(温度=約550-600℃,圧力>約1.8GPa)に近い条件に,実際に観察される鉱物組み合わせの安定領域が存在することを確認した.現在の沈み込み帯の推定地温勾配を仮定する限り,藍閃石-縁れん石エクロジャイトは若く暖かいスラブの沈み込み変成作用を記録しているのであろう.

  101. 青色片岩相からローソン石エクロジャイトへ

    辻森 樹

    地質技術 1 59-67 2006年

  102. Honvang serpentinite body of the Song Ma fault zone, Northern Vietnam: A remnant of oceanic lithosphere within the Indochina-South China suture 査読有り

    NM Trung, T Tsujimori, T Itaya

    GONDWANA RESEARCH 9 (1-2) 225-230 2006年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2005.06.012  


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    The Honvang serpentinite body in the Song Ma fault zone consists mainly of massive serpentinite, altered gabbro and rare chromitite. The serpentinite preserves relict chromian spinel with rare olivine inclusions. The compositional relationship between the Fo content of olivine (Fo(90-92)) and Y-Cr [atomic ratio Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.43-0.44] of chromian spinel suggests that the original peridotite was spinel-bearing Iherzolitic harzburgite. Chromitite is typically a high-Al type, consisting of chromian spinel with Y-Cr=0.43-0.44. Saussuritized fine-grained gabbros display nearly flat rare earth element patterns, suggesting MORB-like affinity. Considering this petrotectonic information, we suggest that the serpentinite body of the Song Ma fault zone represents a remnant of paleo-oceanic lithosphere between the Indochina and South China blocks. The Iherzolitic harzburgite may have formed in an environment with low degrees of melt depletion in a slow-spreading setting similar to some Tethyan paleo-oceanic lithospheres. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Association for Gondwana Research.

  103. Triassic paragonite- and garnet-bearing epidote-amphibolite from the Hida Mountains, Japan 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, JG Liou, WG Ernst, T Itaya

    GONDWANA RESEARCH 9 (1-2) 167-175 2006年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2005.03.001  


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    Paragonite- and gamet-bearing high-grade epidote-amphibolite (PGEA) in the Ise area of the Hida Mountains, Japan is characterized by the high-pressure (HP) epidote-amphibolite facies parageneses (M-1), gamet+hornblende+clinozoisite+paragonite+quartz+rutile. Paragonite and garnet of the peak M-1 stage are locally replaced by retrograde albite (+oligoclase) and chlorite (M-2), respectively. Phase equilibria constrain peak metamorphic conditions of P=1.1-1.4 GPa and T=530-570 degrees C, and a decompressional P-T path for this rock. Mineral parageneses of prograde epidote-amphibolite facies are comparable to some HP rocks from the Hongan region of western Dabie, but differ from other HP mafic schists with cooling ages of c. 330 Ma in the Hida Mountains. New paragonite K-Ar dating for the PGEA yields a Triassic cooling event at 210 Ma that is coeval with regional cooling and exhumation of the Sulu-Dabic-Qinling (SDQ) belt. Both petrological and geochronological data of the Triassic HP epidote-amphibolite in Hida Mountains support our earlier hypothesis that the SDQ belt extends across the Korean Peninsula to SW Japan. (c) 2005 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  104. Petrologic characterization of Guatemalan lawsonite eclogite: Eclogitization of subducted oceanic crust in a cold subduction zone 査読有り

    Tatsuki Tsujimori, Virginia B. Sisson, Juhn G. Liou, George E. Harlow, Sorena S. Sorensen



    DOI: 10.1130/2006.2403(09)  


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    Early Cretaceous lawsonite eclogites and related high-pressure rocks occur as tectonic inclusions within serpentinite melange south of the Motagua fault zone, Guatemala. Petrologic and microtextural analyses of mafic high-pressure rocks reveal three metamorphic stages linked to several deformational textures. The prograde stage represents an incipient eclogitization and is preserved in prograde garnet, along with an older S-1-S-2 foliation. The prograde assemblage is garnet (X-Mg = similar to 0.22) + omphacite (similar to 52 mol% jadeite) or jadeite (similar to 83 mol % jadeite) + lawsonite + chlorite + rutile + quartz +/- phengite (3.6 Si p.f.u.); some rocks also have ilmenite and rare ferroglaucophane. Lawsonite in garnet of some lawsonite eclogites contains rare pumpellyite inclusions. The presence of synmetamorphic brittle deformation, inclusions of pumpellyite, Fe2+-Mg distribution coefficients between omphacite inclusions and adjacent garnet with Ln(K-D) = 2.7-4.5, and garnet-clinopyroxene-phengite thermobarometry suggest that eclogitization initiated at temperature (T) = similar to 300 degrees C and pressure (P) &gt; 1.1 GPa, and continued to T = similar to 480 degrees C and P = similar to 2.6 GPa. In contrast, the retrograde eclogite-facies assemblage is characterized by reversely zoned garnet rims and omphacite +/- glaucophane + lawsonite + rutile + quartz +/- phengite (3.5 Si p.f.u.) along the S-3 foliation. Garnet-phengite-clinopyroxene thermobarometry yields P = similar to 1.8 GPa and T = similar to 400 degrees C. The youngest, blueschist-facies assemblage (glaucophane + lawsonite + chlorite + titanite + quartz +/- phengite) locally replaces earlier mineral assemblages along S-4 crenulations. The inferred prograde P-T trajectory lies near a geotherm of similar to 5 degrees C km(-1), comparable to the calculated thermal and petrologic structure of the NE Japan subduction zone. These petrologic characteristics indicate: (1) the basalt-eclogite transformation may occur at T = similar to 300 degrees C in cold subduction zones, (2) glaucophane-bearing prograde assemblages are rare during incipient eclogitization in cold subduction zones, and (3) the chlorite-consuming reactions that form Fe-Mg-Mn garnet are more effective than the lawsonite-consuming reaction that forms a grossular component. At depths of similar to 100 km in cold subduction zones, dehydration embrittlement may be caused by such chlorite-consuming reactions.

  105. Low-pressure and low-temperature K-bearing kosmochloric diopside from the Osayama serpentinite melange, SW Japan 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, JG Liou

    AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 90 (10) 1629-1635 2005年10月


    DOI: 10.2138/am.2005.1749  


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    Kosmochloric diopside with high K content up to 0.56 wt% (0.026 K atom per formula unit) was discovered from the Osayama serpentinite melange in the Chugoku Mountains, SW Japan. K-bearing clinopyroxene fills microcracks (5-150 mu m in wide) together with uvarovite within albite vein of a tremolite rock. Compositions of analyzed clinopyroxene consist mainly of kosmochlor + augite (92-98 mol%; Ko(19-38)Aug(56-76)) components and minor amounts of jadeite (0-6 mol%), aegirine (0-5 mol%), Ca-Tschermak (0-3 mol%), and K-kosmochlor (0-2 mol%). Although the K content in clinopyroxene is also variable and heterogeneous even in a single vein, clinopyroxene with higher K content occurs in Ko-rich part. Higher magnification secondary electron images confirmed that exsolution and inclusion are essentially absent in the analyzed clinopyroxenes. The good negative correlation between Cr + Na + K and Ca + Mg + Fe2+ indicates the Cr incorporation into the octahedral site. Furthermore, K correlates with Na and Cr, indicating a simultaneous enrichment of K for Na and Cr during pyroxene growth. Textual relations, and parageneses and compositions of minerals suggest that the K-Cpx precipitated together with uvarovite in brittle microcracks directly from a Ca- and Cr-rich hydrothermal fluid at approximately P &lt; 0.3 GPa and T &lt; 400 degrees C. Although it has been experimentally concluded that only ultrahigh-P (&gt; 4 GPa) environment permits to host relatively large K+ cation into the clinopyroxene structure, our finding indicates that the incorporation of K into the kosmochlor-diopside series solid solution with at least 0.2 Cr cation p.f.u. is possible even at low P conditions.

  106. U-pb dating of large zircons in low-temperature jadeitite from the Osayama serpentinite melange, Southwest Japan: Insights into the timing of serpentinization 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, JG Liou, J Wooden, T Miyamoto

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 47 (10) 1048-1057 2005年10月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.47.10.1048  


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    Crystals of zircon up to 3 mm in length occur in jadeitite veins in the Osayama serpentinite melange, Southwest Japan. The zircon porphyroblasts show pronounced zoning, and are characterized by both low Th/U ratios (0.2-0.8) and low Th and U abundances (Th = 1-81 ppm; U = 6-149 ppm). They contain inclusions of high-pressure minerals, including jadeite and rutile; such an occurrence indicates that the zircon crystallized during subduction-zone metamorphism. Phase equilibria and the existing fluid-inclusion data constrain P-T conditions to P &gt; 1.2 GPa at T &lt; 350 degrees C for formation of the jadeitite. Most U/Pb ages obtained by SHRIMP-RG are concordant, with a weighted mean (206)Pb/(238)U age of 472 +/- 8.5 Ma (MSWD = 2.7, n = 25). Because zircon porphyroblasts contain inclusions of high-pressure minerals, the SHRIMP U-Pb age represents the timing of jadeitite formation, i.e., the timing of interaction between alkaline fluid and ultramafic rocks in a subduction zone. Although this dating does not provide a direct time constraint for serpentinization, U-Pb ages of zircon in jadeitite associated with serpentinite result in new insights into the timing of fluid-rock interaction of ultramafic rocks at a subduction zone and the minimum age for serpentinization.

  107. Coexisting retrograde jadeite and omphacite in a jadeite-bearing lawsonite eclogite from the Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, JG Liou, RG Coleman

    AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 90 (5-6) 836-842 2005年5月


    DOI: 10.2138/am.2005.1699  


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    Coexisting jadeite and omphacite were found as retrograde minerals in a jadeite-bearing lawsonite-eclogite from the Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala. The lawsonite-eclogite is characterized by the occurrence of garnet porphyroblasts up to 2.5 cm in size, and the eclogite-facies parageneses, almandine-rich garnet + impure jadeite + lawsonite + rutile + quartz; garnet contains inclusions of impure jadeite, phengite, ferroglaucophane, chlorite, lawsonite, rutile, ilmenite, and quartz. Textural relations and parageneses and compositions of minerals indicate that the lawsonite-eclogite experienced two stages of metamorphism: prograde eclogite-facies stage (M-1) and retrograde stage (M-2). The impure jadeite (Jd-I) of the M-1 eclogite-facies occurs in both the matrix and as inclusions in garnet, and contains considerable amounts of augite and aegirine components (Jd(61-75)Aug(16-24)Aeo(0-18)). It is partly recrystallized to retrograde M-2 jadeite (Jd-II) (Jd(74-87)Aug(9-16)Aeo(0-11)) and omphacite (Jd(42-50)Aug(36-46)Ae(7-16)); some of these two sodic pyroxenes may have crystallized from fluids. Both M-2 jadeite and omphacite show textural equilibrium and are believed to have grown concurrently. Based on the observed compositions and the phase relations of sodic pyroxenes from Carpenter (1980), the M, impure jadeite (Jd-I) may have had a disordered C2/c symmetry at T = ca. 450 degrees C and P = ca. 1.8-2.4 GPa, and was subsequently crystallized into jadeite (Jd-II) plus ordered P2/n omphacite during retrogression with infiltration of fluids at &lt; ca. 300 degrees C and P = ca. 0.7 GPa (M-2). The extreme low-T conditions during retrogression may have prevented reaction between eclogitic jadeite and adjacent minerals. Instead, eclogitic impure jadeite (plus fluid) has recrystallized into the retrograde jadeite + omphacite pair with a wide compositional gap.

  108. Eclogite-facies mineral inclusions in clinozoisite from Paleozoic blueschist, central Chugoku Mountains, southwest Japan: Evidence of regional eclogite-facies metamorphism 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, JG Liou

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 47 (3) 215-232 2005年3月

    出版者・発行元:V H WINSTON & SON INC

    DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.47.3.215  


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    An eclogite-facies assemblage garnet + omphacite + rutile + glaucophane + quartz occurs as inclusions in clinozoisite porphyroblasts in a high-grade blueschist block in the Paleozoic Osayama serpentinite melange of the Chugoku Mountains, southwest Japan. Textual relations, and parageneses and compositions of minerals, indicate that the high-grade block experienced peak eclogite-facies metamorphism (M-1) and subsequent blueschist-facies overprinting (M-2). Moreover, low-P amphibolite-facies minerals (M-0) that may represent remnants of pre-subduction conditions are locally preserved in the protolith. Omphacite + adjacent garnet inclusion pairs in clinozoisite give a minimum P = 1.1-1.3 GPa at T = similar to 480-550 degrees C. Many petrologic similarities between the Osayama eclogite and the Hida Mountains eclogile provide evidence for a regional eclogile-facies metamorphism in Paleozoic terranes of southwest Japan. Considering available petrotectonic information regarding eastern Asia, we suggest two alternative models: (1) Japanese Paleozoic eclogiles may represent "Paeffic-type" subduction prior to collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze blocks. which occurred on both western and eastern sides of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu belt; or (2) Japanese Paleozoic eclogites may represent part of a Paleozoic "Pacific -type" subduction chain, which is continuous from the China-Russia border through Japan southward to North Korea.

  109. 白山弥陀ヶ原から発見されたアルカリ岩質テフラ

    東野 外志男, 辻森 樹, 板谷 徹丸

    石川県白山自然保護センター研究報告 32 1-7 2005年

  110. UHP metamorphism and continental subduction/collision 招待有り 査読有り

    Liou, J.G., Tsujimori, T., Katayama, I., Maruyama, S.

    Metamorphism and Crustal Evolution 285-313 2005年

  111. [口絵] カリフォルニア州Hollisterにみられる断層クリープ 査読有り

    高木 秀雄, 辻森 樹

    地質学雑誌 110 (4) XI-XII 2005年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.111.4.XI_XII  


  112. Epidote-rich talc-kyanite-phengite eclogites, Sulu terrane, eastern China: P-T-f(O2) estimates and the significance of the epidote-talc assemblage in eclogite 査読有り

    CG Mattinson, RY Zhang, T Tsujimori, JG Liou

    AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 89 (11-12) 1772-1783 2004年11月


    DOI: 10.2138/am-2004-11-1224  


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    Eclogites interlayered with gneiss and minor quartzite in the Qinglongshan near Donghai are characterized by unusually abundant (15-40 vol%) hydrous phases including talc, phengite, and epidote; many also contain kyanite. Garnet hosts both prograde (paragonite, amphibole, epidote) and peak stage (omphacite, epidote, phengite, kyanite) mineral inclusions. Several eclogites contain talc rimmed by barroisite; optically and compositionally similar coarse-grained amphibole in other samples indicates that the reaction Omp + Tlc = Amp has completely consumed talc. Estimated peak conditions of 30-35 kbar, 600-700 degreesC, are consistent with polycrystalline quartz pseudomorphs after coesite included in garnet, omphacite, epidote, and kyanite, and LIP to 3.6 Si pfu (110 atom basis) in phengite. Garnet-epidote oxygen barometry on the peak metamorphic assemblalge indicates oxygen fugacities above the Hem-Mag buffer, consistent with the epidote + talc assemblage and 5-20 mol% aegerine component in omphacite. The high oxygen fugacity calculated in this study as well as previously documented negative oxygen isotope values recorded by these rocks may both reflect alteration by oxidizing, meteoric water in a hydrothermal system. Oxidized conditions during peak metamorphism may explain the extreme scarcity of microdiamond in this area. The Ep + Tlc assemblage is stabilized by high oxygen fugacity, and demonstrates that talc-bearing eclogites are not restricted only to unusually Mg-rich bulk compositions.

  113. Metamorphic evolution of kyanite-staurolite-bearing epidote-amphibolite from the Early Palaeozoic Oeyama belt, SW Japan 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, JG Liou

    JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY 22 (4) 301-313 2004年5月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2004.00515.x  


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    Early Palaeozoic kyanite-staurolite-bearing epidote-amphibolites including foliated epidote-amphibolite (FEA), and nonfoliated leucocratic or melanocratic metagabbros (LMG, MMG), occur in the Fuko Pass metacumulate unit (FPM) of the Oeyama belt, SW Japan. Microtextural relationships and mineral chemistry define three metamorphic stages: relict granulite facies metamorphism (M1), high-P (HP) epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphism (M2), and retrogression (M3). M1 is preserved as relict Al-rich diopside (up to 8.5 wt.% Al2O3) and pseudomorphs after spinel and plagioclase in the MMG, suggesting a medium-P granulite facies condition (0.8-1.3 GPa at &gt; 850 degreesC). An unusually low-variance M2 assemblage, Hbl + Czo + Ky +/- St + Pg + Rt +/- Ab +/- Crn, occurs in the matrix of all rock types. The presence of relict plagioclase inclusions in M2 kyanite associated with clinozoisite indicates a hydration reaction to form the kyanite-bearing M2 assemblage during cooling. The corundum-bearing phase equilibria constrain a qualitative metamorphic P-T condition of 1.1-1.9 GPa at 550-800 degreesC for M2. The M2 minerals were locally replaced by M3 margarite, paragonite, plagioclase and/or chlorite. The breakdown of M2 kyanite to produce the M3 assemblage at &lt; 0.5 GPa and 450-500 degreesC suggests a greenschist facies overprint during decompression. The P-T evolution of the FPM may represent subduction of an oceanic plateau with a granulite facies lower crust and subsequent exhumation in a Pacific-type orogen.

  114. Electron-microprobe analyses of Allende chondrules and CAIs: Implication to the argon isotope study of carbonaceous chondrite

    Takeshima, Y., Tsujimori, T., Hyodo, H.

    Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 30 51-60 2004年



  115. Global UHP metamorphism and continental subduction/collision: The Himalayan model 査読有り

    JG Liou, T Tsujimori, RY Zhang, Katayama, I, S Maruyama

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 46 (1) 1-27 2004年1月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.46.1.1  


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    Continental crust (density similar to2.8 g(.)cm(-3)) resists subduction into the earth&apos;s mantle (similar to3.3 g(.)cm(-3)) because of buoyancy. However, more than 20 recognized ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes have been documented; these occurrences demonstrate that not only is continental crust subducted to depths as great as 150 km, but also that some supracrustal rocks were then exhumed to the earths surface. UHP terranes are composed of mainly supracrusial rocks that contain minor amounts of minerals such as coesite or diamond, indicative of P &gt; 2.5 GPa. to general, quartzofeldspathic units are thoroughly back reacted, and only mafic eclogite lenses and boudins retain scattered UHP phases. These index minerals are restricted to micron-scale inclusions in chemically and mechanically resistant zircon, garnet, and a few other strong container minerals, and are difficult to identify by conventional petrologic studies. The continental rocks were subjected to UHP metamorphism at T ranging from similar to700 to 950degreesC and P &gt; 2.8 to 5.0 GPa, corresponding to depths of similar to100 to 150 km. These UHP units were subsequently exhumed to crustal depths and subjected to intense hydration and amphibolite-facies overprint. Widespread Barrovian-type metamorphism in many collisional orogens may mask an earlier, higher-pressure metamorphic history. We suspect that coesite-bearing UHP rocks were once generated in the majority of exhumed collisional orogens. The recent finding of coesite inclusions in rare Himalayan eclogites and country rock gneisses is a typical example. We use the Himalayan model to illustrate UHP metamorphism and subduction of continental crustal rocks to mantle depths and later Barrovian-lype overprint during exhumation. Himalayan UHP eclogites and adjacent gneisses were formed at mantle depths &gt;100 km at 46 to 52 Ma. These rocks were exhumed to crustal depths and subjected to Barrovian amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism; associated magmatism occurred at 30 to 15 Ma. The Himalayan metamorphic belt was domally uplifted and the mountain-building process initiated since 11 Ma, when underthrusting of the Indian tectosphere beneath the Lesser Himalayas occurred.

  116. Coexisting chromian omphacite and diopside in tremolite schist from the Chugoku Mountains, SW Japan: The effect of Cr on the omphacite-diopside immiscibility gap 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, JG Liou

    AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 89 (1) 7-14 2004年1月


    DOI: 10.2138/am-2004-0102  


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    Chromian clinopyroxenes with exsolution textures were found in high-pressure (HP) tremolite schist from the Osayama serpentinite melange in the Chugoku Mountains, Southwestern Japan. Chromian omphacite [jadeite (Jd)(23.3-41.4) diopside (Di)(46.7-60.7) kosmochlor (Ko)(4.5-19.6) aegirine (Ae)(&lt;7.0)] with up to 6.6 wt% Cr2O3 occurs as neoblastic crystals in a foliated tremolite-rich matrix, or as pseudomorphs after relict chromian spinel, and contains irregular-shaped thin lamellae of chromian diopside (Jd(3.8-18.2)Di(72.5-93.6)Ko(1.1-13.9)Ae(&lt;3.4)). Chromian omphacite contains roughly constant jadeite plus kosmochlor components at 38.2-51.6 mol%; this is equivalent to the jadeite component of ordered P2/n omphacite. Systematic analyses of coexisting chromian pyroxenes yield a clear immiscibility gap between "omphacite" and "diopside." The compositional gap becomes much narrower with increasing Ko component; addition of only 10 mol% Ko component narrows the omphacite-diopside gap by an order of magnitude. Such an effect is similar to, but more effective than, the introduction of Fe3+ on the omphacite-diopside immiscibility gap. Chromian pyroxenes replacing relict chromian spinel are associated with other chromian silicates including phengite, chlorite, and pumpellyite. The wide compositional gap of chromian pyroxenes and the presence of chromian pumpellyite and Si-rich chromian phengite indicate T &lt; 300-400 degreesC and P &gt; 0.8 GPa. This P-T estimate is consistent with parageneses of minerals in the host serpentinite. The variation of Cr content in chromian silicates reflects the extent of Cr &lt;----&gt; Al substitution, and may be related to a chemical heterogeneity of the Cr-bearing fluid.

  117. [口絵] A pictorial introduction to coarse-grained symplectites in low-temperature jadeitite from Guatemala 査読有り

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Coleman, R.G.

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 110 (9) XVII-XVIII 2004年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.110.9.XVII_XVIII  


  118. [口絵] 九州,天草下島の含藍晶石緑れん石角閃岩類 査読有り

    武田 賢治, 辻森 樹, 板谷 徹丸

    地質学雑誌 110 (7) XIII-XIV 2004年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.110.7.XIII_XIX  


  119. 組成累帯クロムスピネルからみた青海蛇紋岩メランジュを構成する蛇紋岩の起源 査読有り

    辻森 樹

    地質学雑誌 110 (10) 591-597 2004年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.110.591  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    飛騨山地,青海蛇紋岩メランジュを構成する超苦鉄質岩は著しく蛇紋岩化し,その起源や変成作用を明らかにするための情報に乏しかった.しかし,塊状のアンチゴライト蛇紋岩と,それに伴うクロミタイト脈から,初生的なCr/(Cr+Al)原子比(0.70-0.77)をコアに保持した組成累帯クロムスピネルと,包有物としての初生的なパーガス閃石(〜3.8wt.% Na_2O)を初めて見出した.蛇紋岩の源岩は変成作用を被っており,クロムスピネルのコアは低Mg#(0.20-0.43)で特徴づけられる.さらに,リムにおいて初生鉱物包有物のドロマイト化とTiの付加が部分的に認められる.これらの特徴から,青海蛇紋岩メランジュを構成する蛇紋岩は,沈み込み帯のマントルかんらん岩を起源とした低〜中程度の温度の変成かんらん岩が,より低温で蛇紋岩化したものと推測される.

  120. Cenozoic and Mesozoic metamorphism in the Longmenshan orogen: Implications for geodynamic models of eastern Tibet 査読有り

    S Wallis, T Tsujimori, M Aoya, T Kawakami, K Terada, K Suzuki, H Hyodo

    GEOLOGY 31 (9) 745-748 2003年9月


    DOI: 10.1130/G19562.1  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    New zircon U-Pb and mica Ar-40/Ar-39 dating combined with structural studies in the Longmenshan orogen confirm that most of the upper crustal deformation in the eastern margin of Tibet is Mesozoic. However, at lower structural levels, apatite U-Pb and monazite electron microprobe dating reveals a previously unknown domain of Cenozoic (ca. 65 Ma) Barrovian-type metamorphism and deformation. This discovery shows that the crust in the eastern margin of Tibet was already a substantial thickness around the time of the India-Asia collision. Associated deformation has a N-S-oriented stretching lineation, implying that deformation was not driven by topographic gradients in the Tibetan Plateau. The observed moderate amounts of distributed postmetamorphic E-W shortening can probably explain the present thickness of the continental crust in the area. These results do not support models of crustal thickening caused by solid-state lateral flow of midcrustal metamorphic rocks.

  121. Paleozoic ophiolites and blueschists in Japan and Russian Primorye in the tectonic framework of East Asia: A synthesis 査読有り

    A Ishiwatari, T Tsujimori

    ISLAND ARC 12 (2) 190-206 2003年6月


    DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1738.2003.00390.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Ophiolites and high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks are studied to test continuation of Paleozoic and early Mesozoic geological units from Japan to Primorye over the Japan Sea. The early Paleozoic ophiolites are present on both sides, and the late Paleozoic ophiolite of south-western Japan may also have its counterpart in Primorye. The Shaiginskiy HP schist and the associated Avdakimov gneiss in Primorye, both tectonically underlying the early Paleozoic ophiolitic complex, yield a 250-Ma phengite and hornblende K-Ar age, which is intermediate between those of the Renge (280-330 Ma) and Suo (170-220 Ma) blueschists in south-western Japan. This age also coincides with that of the coesite-bearing eclogites in the Sulu-Dabie suture in China and several medium-pressure metamorphic rocks in East Asia. On the basis of these results and other geological data, the authors propose the 'Yaeyama promontory' model for an eastward extension of the Sulu-Dabie suture. The collision suture warps southward into the Yellow Sea and detours around Korea, turns to the north at Ishigaki Island in the Yaeyama Archipelago of Ryukyu, where it changes into a subduction zone and further continues toward south-western Japan and Primorye. Most ophiolites from this area represent crust-mantle fragments of an island arc-back-arc basin system, and the repeated formation of ophiolite-blueschist associations may be due to the repetition of the Mariana-type non-accreting subduction and Nankai-type accreting subduction.

  122. Extremely Fe-rich metamorphic sekaninaite in a sillimanite-grade schist clast from the Middle Jurassic conglomerate, Hida Mountains, Japan

    Tsujimori, T.

    Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 29 51-56 2003年



  123. 炭素質コンドライトに40Ar-39Ar法を適用するための基礎研究(その1):アエンデ隕石中の含塩素物質の重要性

    竹島 裕子, 郷津 知太郎, 辻森 樹, 兵藤 博信

    岡山理科大学自然科学研究所研究報告 29 43-50 2003年



  124. Prograde and retrograde P-T paths of the late Paleozoic glaucophane eclogite from the Renge metamorphic belt, Hida Mountains, southwestern Japan 査読有り

    T Tsujimori

    INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 44 (9) 797-818 2002年9月

    出版者・発行元:V H WINSTON & SON INC

    DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.44.9.797  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Late Paleozoic glaucophane eclogite and garnet glaucophane schist ate intercalated with pelitic schist from the Omi eclogitic unit in the Renge metamorphic belt, Hida Mountains, southwestern Japan. Eclogite and garnet glaucophane schist have MORB-like bulk compositions (major and trace), but garnet glaucophane schist is free from omphacite, reflecting a higher Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratio bulk-rock composition. In the eclogite, three different. metamorphic stages (stages I to III) are defined on the basis of microstructures and mineral zoning. In particular, prograde-zoned porphyro-blastic garnet preserves the transition from blueschist to eclogite facies. The inclusion trails in-the rims of garnet are parallel to a penetrative foliation S, in the matrix, and consist of eclogite-facies minerals (omphacite, glaucophane, epidote, rutile, and quartz). Its core contains the preceding epidote blueschist-facies minerals (glaucophane, epidote, titanite, albite, and quartz) instead of eclogite-facies minerals, and has an internal fabric So at a high angle to the surrounding S-1 foliation. In the foliated matrix, the eclogite-facies mineral assemblage garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + epidote + rutile + quartz + phengite is partly replaced by secondary minerals such as chlorite, titanite, albite, and calcite, which coexist with recrystallized glaucophane. These petrographic features show a "hair-pin"-like P-T path that passes from the epidote blueschist facies (stage 1) through the eclogite facies (stage II), and then is retraced on a nearly coincident path to epidote blueschist facies (stage III). The systematic decrease from core to rim in K-D value between garnet and omphacite, and a significant increase in jadeite component of omphacite suggest a rise in both temperature and pressure during prograde eclogitization. The host pelitic schist contains the primary mineral assemblage of quartz + paragonite + phengite + garnet + ferroglaucophane + clinozoisite + rutile, and is strongly replaced by secondary albite, chlorite, and titanite. Pseudomorphs after omphacite and possible kyanite are also found in host pelitic schist. Using geothermolyarometry for eclogite and a petrogenetic grid for the host pelitic schist, conditions of peak eclogite-facies metamorphism are estimated to be around 550-600degreesC and at least 1.8 GPa, indicating an apparent paleo-geothermal gradient of similar to10degreesC/km. The eclogite-bearing Renge metamorphic belt in southwestern Japan may be a new candidate for the eastern extension of a suture zone in east-central China. Late Paleozoic blueschist and eclogite metamorphism may be related to subduction of oceanic crust between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze blocks, prior to their collision.

  125. Granulite Facies Relics in the Early Paleozoic Kyanite-bearing Ultrabasic Metacumulate in the Oeyama Belt, the Inner Zone of Southwestern Japan 査読有り

    Tatsuki Tsujimori, Akira Ishiwatari

    Gondwana Research 5 (4) 823-835 2002年

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Inc.

    DOI: 10.1016/S1342-937X(05)70916-3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Granulite facies relics are found in the early Paleozoic kyanite-bearing melanocratic metagabbro from the Fuko Pass metacumulate mass of the Oeyama belt, southwestern Japan. The granulite facies assemblage consists of relict Al-rich clinopyroxene (up to 8.5 wt.% Al2O3) and pseudomorphs of spinel and plagioclase. The spinel pseudomorphs consist mainly of symplectic intergrowth of corundum and magnetite with minor gahnitic spinel. The plagioclase pseudomorphs are composed mainly of clinozoisite with minor kyanite. The symplectite suggests oxidation and Mg-depletion of the original spinel: hercynite (3FeAl2O4)+(O) = corundum (3Al2O3)+magnetite (Fe3O4). This oxidation reaction may have taken place at 700-900°C temperature. The melanocratic metagabbro has later been hydrated to form the epidote amphibolite assemblage represented by clinozoisite+kyanite+paragonite. The clinozoisite+kyanite assemblage has further reacted to form margarite at a lower temperature. The first granulite facies assemblage implies that the metacumulate has originally constituted a basal part of thick oceanic crust, and then has experienced the high-P/T type metamorphism in a subduction zone. This indicates that the thick oceanic crust has been formed and accreted to the Circum-Pacific orogenic belt in the early Paleozoic time.

  126. Phlogopite in jadeitite from the Osayama serpentinite melange, Chugoku Mountains, Southwest Japan

    Tsujimori, T.

    Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 28 31-35 2002年



  127. 中国山地,大佐山産ローソン石青色片岩中のスティルプノメレンK-Ar年代測定:予報

    辻森 樹, 板谷 徹丸, 岡田 利典

    岡山理科大学自然科学研究所研究報告 28 25-30 2002年



  128. Developments of the Hida and Hida marginal belts

    Kunugiza, K., Tsujimori, T., Kano, T.

    ISRGA Field Guidebook for Major Geologic Units of Southwest Japan: Excursion Guidebook for the Field Workshop of ‘International Symposium on the Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia and Gondwana, and Growth of Asia’ 75-131 2001年9月

  129. Database on rock-forming minerals (1): Na amphibole from Renghe schist at Osayama, Wakasa, Oya, Hakogase and Omi areas, SW Japan

    Tsujimori, T.

    Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 27 37-92 2001年



  130. 糸魚川−青海地域の古生代高圧変成岩

    辻森 樹, 宮島 宏, 竹之内 耕

    日本地質学会第108年学術大会見学旅行案内書 157-177 2001年

  131. Late Paleozoic High-Pressure Metamorphic Belts in Japan and Sikhote-Alin: Possible Oceanic Extension of the Chinese Dabie-Su-Lu Suture Detouring Korea 査読有り

    Akira Ishiwatari, Tatsuki Tsujimori

    Gondwana Research 4 (4) 636-638 2001年

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Inc.

    DOI: 10.1016/S1342-937X(05)70439-1  


  132. Eclogite and related metamorphism in the Sanbagawa belt, Southwest Japan

    Wallis, S., Takasu, A., Enami, M., Tsujimori, T.

    Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 26 3-17 2000年9月

  133. Pictorial —Discovery of eclogitic glaucophane schist from the Omi area, Renge metamorphic belt, the Inner Zone of southwestern Japan— 査読有り

    Tsujimori T., Ishiwatari A., Banno S.

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 106 (1) I-II 2000年1月

    出版者・発行元:The Geological Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.106.I  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Eclogitic glaucophane schist has been discovered as a boulder (about 4m diameter) from the Yunotani valley in the western Omi area of the late Paleozoic Renge metamorphic belt (Fig.1). The eclogitic glaucophane schist (Fig.2) occurs as a mafic layer (1.2m wide) intercalated within pelitic schist (garnetparagonite-phengite schist), and is characterized by the mineral assemblage garnet (modal volume: 21%)+omphacite (19%)+ glaucophane (37%)+epidote (19%)+rutile+phengite+albite+quartz (Fig.3). This is the first finding of the late Paleozoic eclogite facies metabasite, which is almost devoid of retrogression and preserving textural evolution (Fig.4) and mineral zoning (Fig.5) during progressive metamorphism. This rock provides an evidence for the eclogite facies metamorphism in the late Paleozoic Western-Pacific margin. More detailed description will appear in Tsujimori et al. (in press).

  134. Illustrated Introduction to Eclogite in Japan

    Tsujimori, T., Tanaka, C., Sakurai, T., Matsumoto, M., Miyagi, Y., Mizukami, T., Kugimiya, Y., Aoya, M.

    Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 26 18-40 2000年



  135. [口絵] 大陸衝突の現場:南チベットの地質調査 査読有り

    ウォリス サイモン, 青矢 睦月, 河上 哲生, 辻森 樹

    地質学雑誌 106 (12) XXV-XXVI 2000年

    出版者・発行元:The Geological Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.106.XXV  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    平均標高5,000m,「世界の屋根」チベット(Fig.1)はインドーアジア両大陸の衝突現場である(Fig.2). そして, その南縁のヒマラヤ山脈までを合わせた地域は面積・標高ともに地球上で比類のない規模を持つ. この異常にぶ厚い地殻は造山運動における重力の役割を際立たせる. 造山運動に対して重力がいかなる影響を与えるかを知るのに, チベットーヒマラヤは最適の地域なのである. この重要性にも関わらず, チベット高原とヒマラヤ山脈という2地域の関連性や相違点については未だ不明な点が多い. 特にチベットとヒマラヤの境界である南チベットは両者の成因上の関係を知る鍵となる地域の1つであるが, その地質はほとんどわかっていない. この夏, 私達はこの関係を知るべく, 南チベットのTethyan Himalayan Sequenceを3週間に渡って調査した(Figs. 2and 3). この調査でわれわれはチベット調査の難しさを実感した. 一つの問題は高山病, もうひとつは道路の悪さである(Fig.4). とはいえ, 大陸衝突を研究する上で, チベット高原は世界でも最高級にやりがいがあり, かつ潜在的に成果を期待できる地域である. さまざまな困難を押してでも挑戦する価値がある.

  136. 西南日本内帯大江山地域の普甲峠変成沈積岩に産する4〜4.4億年含藍晶石緑れん石角閃岩 査読有り

    辻森 樹, 仁科 克一, 石渡 明, 板谷 徹丸

    地質学雑誌 106 (9) 646-649 2000年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.106.646  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科The Fuko Pass metacumulate is a tectonic block (4.5×1.5 km in size) within the Oeyama peridotite body in the Inner Zone of southwestern Japan. It was metamorphosed under the high-pressure and moderate-temperature condition to form a mineral assemblage hornblende+clinozoisite+kyanite+paragonite+albite+rutile. K-Ar ages were determined on hornblende separates from four epidote amphibolite samples, yielding 443-403 Ma. This suggests a Siluro-Ordovician subduction-related metamorphic event for the Fuko Pass metacumulate, which is distinct from the Late Paleozoic high-P/T type metamorphic events of the Renge metamorphic belt in the Inner Zone of southwestern Japan. The Fuko Pass metacumulate is correlated, in age, with the Early Paleozoic high-P/T type schists (445-402 Ma) of the Kurosegawa klippe in the Outer Zone.

  137. 西南日本内帯蓮華変成帯,青海町湯ノ谷のエクロジャイト質藍閃石片岩について 査読有り

    辻森 樹, 石渡 明, 坂野 昇平

    地質学雑誌 106 (5) 353-362 2000年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.106.353  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    蓮華変成帯, 新潟県青海町上路(あげろ)地区湯ノ谷にエクロジャイト質藍閃石片岩が産する.この岩石は主として藍閃石(37%), ざくろ石(21%), オンファス輝石(19%), 緑れん石(19%)と少量の石英, 曹長石, フェンジャイト, 緑泥石, ルチル, チタン石から構成される.エクロジャイト相鉱物組み合わせ 'ざくろ石+オンファス輝石+藍閃石+緑れん石+石英+ルチル' はマトリクスの片理(S_1)を構成し, わずかに二次的な緑泥石, 曹長石, 方解石に置換され, S_1片理形成以前の緑れん石青色片岩相の鉱物組み合わせ '藍閃石+緑れん石+チタン石+石英+曹長石' の包有物列(S_0)がざくろ石のコアに観察される.蓮華変成帯では, これまでにも残存エクロジャイト相鉱物の報告はあったが, 今回, 岩石組織と鉱物化学組成・累帯構造から, 初めて, 緑れん石青色片岩相からエクロジャイト相への累進変成作用を読みとることができた.

  138. Blueschist-facies metamorphism during Paleozoic orogeny in southwestern Japan: Phengite K-Ar ages of blueschist-facies tectonic blocks in a serpentinite melange beneath early Paleozoic Oeyama ophiolite 査読有り

    T Tsujimori, T Itaya

    ISLAND ARC 8 (2) 190-205 1999年6月


    DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1738.1999.00231.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Blueschist-bearing Osayama serpentinite melange develops beneath a peridotite body of the Oeyama ophiolite which occupies the highest position structurally in the central Chugoku Mountains. The blueschist-facies tectonic blocks within the serpentinite melange are divided into the lawsonite-pumpellyite grade, lower epidote grade and higher epidote grade by the mineral assemblages of basic schists. The higher epidote-grade block is a garnet-glaucophane schist including eclogite-facies relic minerals and retrogressive lawsonite-pumpellyite-grade minerals. Gabbroic blocks derived from the Oeyama ophiolite are also enclosed as tectonic blocks in the serpentinite matrix and have experienced a blueschist metamorphism together with the other blueschist blocks. The mineralogic and paragenetic features of the Osayama bluesehists are compatible with a hypothesis that they were derived from a coherent blueschist-facies metamorphic sequence, formed in a subduction zone with a low geothermal gradient (similar to 10 degrees C/km). Phengite K-Ar ages of 16 pelitic and one basic schists yield 289-327 Ma and concentrate around 320 Ma regardless of protolith and metamorphic grade, suggesting quick exhumation of the schists at ca 320Ma. These petrologic and geochronologic features suggest that the Osayama blueschists comprise a low-grade portion of the Carboniferous Renge metamorphic belt. The Osayama blueschists indicate that the &apos;cold&apos; subduction type (Franciscan type) metamorphism to reach eclogite-facies and subsequent quick exhumat;ion took place in the northwestern Pacific margin in Carboniferous time, like some other circum-Pacific orogenic belts (western USA and eastern Australia), where such subduction metamorphism already started as early as the Ordovician.

  139. 口絵3 : ロシア沿海州の古生代青色片岩

    石渡 明, 辻森 樹

    地学雑誌 108 (2) Plate6-Plate6 1999年

    出版者・発行元:Tokyo Geographical Society

    DOI: 10.5026/jgeography.108.2_Plate6  


  140. Boninite–ophiolite assemblages: The specific formations of ensimatic island arc systems

    Vysotskiy, S.V., Shcheka, S.S., Tsujimori, T.

    Geodynamics and Metallogeny (Monograph) 93-108 1999年

  141. Petrogenesis of the Fuko Pass high-pressure metacumulate from the Oeyama peridotite body, southwestern Japan: Evidence for Early Paleozoic subduction metamorphism 査読有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan 52 287-302 1999年



  142. [口絵] ロシア沿海州の古生代藍閃変成帯 査読有り

    石渡 明, 辻森 樹

    地学雑誌 108 (2) III-IV 1999年

  143. [口絵] 西南日本内帯古〜中生代付加型造山帯のナップ境界の衝上断層 査読有り

    石渡 明, 辻森 樹, 早坂 康隆, 杉本 孝, 石賀 裕明

    地質学雑誌 105 (2) III-IV 1999年

    出版者・発行元:The Geological Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.105.III  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    日本列島は古生代から新生代にかけて形成された典型的な付加型造山帯であり, その基本構造は衝上断層で境されたナップの重なりであって, ナップに含まれる地層や岩石の形成年代は一般に構造的上位のナップほど古い. ナップには基盤岩(火成岩・変成岩)を含むものと, 堆積岩のみよりなるものがあるが, 日本列島の付加体の場合, 含まれる基盤岩の多くはオフィオライトや海山の断片である. 大陸地殻の断片と考えられる隠岐帯・飛帯を除くと, 西南日本内帯の古生代付加体には, 古生代前期以前に形成された大江山オフィオライトが構造的最上位を占め, その下に三郡-蓮華ナップ, 秋吉ナップ, 舞鶴ナップ(古生代後期以前の夜久野オフィオライトを含む), 超丹波ナップ, 三郡-周防ナップ(一部は中生代前期の付加体)があり, これら全体がジュラ紀付加体(美濃・丹波ナップ)を構造的に覆っている(Fig. 1)<BR>最近20年間に, これらのナップを境する衝上断層の露頭が次々に発見されてきた. ここにそれらの代表例をまとめて示す. Fig. 2は若桜地域において, 大江山オフィオライトの蛇紋岩化したマントルかんらん岩が蓮華ナップ(志谷層)の泥質片岩に衝上する露頭である(上村ほか, 1979, p.28). Fig.3 は新見地域で, 大江山オフィオライトの同岩が秋吉帯の石灰岩に衝上する露頭である(早坂ほか, 1995, Stop 1). この断層は3km以上にわたって追跡できる(Fig.4). Fig.5 は大屋地域において大江山オフィオライト(関宮岩体)の同岩が夜久野オフィオライトの玄武岩質凝灰角礫岩に衝上する露頭で, ここでは時代も岩石学的性質も異なる2つのオフィオライトが重なっている(Fig.6; Ishiwatari and Hayasaka, 1992のStop 14(中瀬地窓)の2km南方). Fig, 7は高浜地域で夜久野オフィオライトが超丹波帯の砂岩, 泥岩, 凝灰岩に衝上する露頭である(Ishiwatari and Hayasaka, 1992;Stop 6). Fig.8 とFig.9 は, 小浜地域および青垣地域において, 超丹波帯の二畳系氷上砂岩が丹波帯II型地層群のジュラ系泥質岩に衝上する露頭である(石賀ほか, 1987;Stop 2, 3).

  144. ロシア極東,タイガノス半島のエリストラートバ・オフィオライト:海洋底マントルに貫入する島弧オフィオライト 査読有り

    齋藤 大地, 石渡 明, 辻森 樹, 宮下 純夫, ソコロフ S. D

    地質学論集 52 303-316 1999年



  145. Electron microprobe element image of zoned chromian spinel with hydrous mineral inclusions in a chromitite from Elistratova ophiolite, Far East Russia

    Tsujimori, T., Saito, D., Ishiwatari, A., Miyashita, S., Sokolov, S.D.

    Science Reports of Kanazawa University 43 (2) 1-110 1998年

    出版者・発行元:the Faculty of Science Kanazawa University

  146. [口絵] ロシア極東タイガノス半島の付加体とオフィオライト 査読有り

    石渡 明, 宮下 純夫, 齋藤 大地, 辻森 樹

    地質学雑誌 104 (1) I-II 1998年


    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.104.I  


  147. 中国山地中央部,大佐山蛇紋岩メランジュの地質:大江山オフィオライトの下に発達した320Ma青色片岩を含む蛇紋岩メランジュ 査読有り

    辻森 樹

    地質学雑誌 104 (4) 213-231 1998年

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.104.213  

  148. Omphacite-diopside vein in an omphacitite block from the Osayama serpentinite melange, Sangun-Renge metamorphic belt, southwestern Japan 査読有り

    T Tsujimori

    MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE 61 (6) 845-852 1997年12月


    DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1997.061.409.07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Omphacite (Jd(46.1-52.0)Ae(0-8.4)Aug(48.0-51.2)) and diopside (Jd(4.3-6.3)Ae(0.04)Aug(93.6-95.6)) coexist in a vein cutting an omphacitite block in a serpentinite melange of the Oeyama ophiolite, central Chugoku Mountains. The compositional gap between omphacite and diopside is significantly wider than for other omphacite-diopside pairs reported in the literature. The intergrowth texture of the omphacite-diopside vein suggests that the clinopyroxene pair was contemporaneously crystallized in the fracture from a Ca-bearing, alkali-rich fluid in a sub-solvus condition. Such a fluid may have been introduced from the surrounding serpentinized clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgite. The stability of omphacite and Al-rich pumpellyite in the matrix and the omphacite-diopside vein indicate that the earlier matrix recrystallization and later fracture filling may have both taken place under high-P-T condition during the melange-forming stage.

  149. Quantitative analysis of common rock-forming minerals by a modern wavelength-dispersive type EPMA: A preliminary report

    Tsujimori, T., Esaka, N., Abimbola, A.F., Nishido, H., Ninagawa, K., Itaya, T.

    Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science 23 51-60 1997年

  150. 中国山地中央部,320Ma青色片岩を含む蛇紋岩メランジュのメランジュ・マトリクスの初生かんらん岩

    辻森 樹

    付加体における緑色岩の意義:総合研究(A)07304039・研究報告第2号 2 31-38 1997年

  151. Staurolite-bearing sillimanite schist cobble from the Upper Jurassic Tetori Group in the Kuzuryu area, Hida Mountains, central Japan 査読有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 101 (12) 71-977 1995年

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.101.971  

  152. 1995年2月18日落下「根上隕石」概報 査読有り

    石渡 明, 笹谷 啓一, 田崎 和江, 坂本 浩, 中西 孝, 小村 和久, 辻森 樹, 大浦 泰祠, 宮本 ユタカ, 赤羽 久忠, 渡辺 誠, 布村 克志

    地球科学 49 (2) 71-76 1995年


    DOI: 10.15080/agcjchikyukagaku.49.2_71  


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示


  1. 地質の連続性を紐解く:中国科学院研究者らとの西南日本縦断地質巡検

    辻森 樹

    東北大学東北アジア研究センター ニューズレター 100 5-5 2024年3月

  2. [プレスリリース] 沈み込む海洋地殻の水の保持能力とその変化の一端を解明~沈み込み帯の成熟が地球深部への水の輸送を促進~

    辻森 樹

    東北大学東北アジア研究センター ニューズレター 98 6-6 2023年9月

  3. 地質学的に見た研究対象としての蛇紋岩 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    埼玉県立自然の博物館令和4年度特別展「The 蛇紋岩」展示解説書 16-19 2022年10月

  4. Age, petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the late Permian peraluminous and metaluminous magmatic rocks in the middle Gobi volcanoplutonic belt, Mongolia

    Ganbat, A, Tsujimori, T, Miao, L.-C, Safonova, I, Pastor-Galán, D, Anaad, C, Baatar, M, Aoki,S, Aoki, K

    EarthArXiv 31 (1) 2021年9月

    出版者・発行元:California Digital Library (CDL)

    DOI: 10.31223/x5r321  



  5. [報告] 日本地質学会第1回・第2回ショートコース開催報告《第1回 2020年9月19日》

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会News 24 (6) 6-6 2021年7月

  6. Nature and timing of anatectic event of the Hida Belt (Japan): Constraints from titanite geochemistry and U-Pb age of clinopyroxene-bearing leucogranite

    Harada, H., Tsujimori, T., Kon, Y., Aoki, S., Aoki, K.

    EarthArXiv 2021年5月

    出版者・発行元:California Digital Library (CDL)

    DOI: 10.31223/x59c81  

  7. Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic granitoids in the Khangay–Khentey basin, Central Mongolia: Implication for the tectonic evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean margin 国際共著

    Ganbat, A., Tsujimori, T., Miao, L.-C., Safonova, I., Pastor-Galán, D., Anaad, C., Baatar, M., Aoki,S., Aoki, K., Savinskiy, I.

    EarthArXiv 2021年4月

    出版者・発行元:California Digital Library (CDL)

    DOI: 10.31223/X57S5D  

  8. Revising estimates of antiphase domain size in eclogite-facies omphacites

    Fukushima, R, Tsujimori, T, Miyajima, N

    BGI (Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Experimentelle Geochemie und Geophysik) Annual Report 2020 127-127 2021年3月

  9. Evidence for crustal removal, tectonic erosion and flare-ups from the Japanese evolving forearc sediment provenance

    Pastor-Galán D., Spencer C., Furukawa T., Tsujimori T.

    EarthArXiv 2021年2月

    出版者・発行元:California Digital Library (CDL)

    DOI: 10.31223/x55p64  

  10. Cretaceous to Miocene NW Pacific Plate kinematic constraints: Paleomagnetism and Ar-Ar geochronology in the Mineoka Ophiolite Melange (Japan)

    Ganbat A., Pastor-Galán, D., Hirano, N., Nakamura, N., Sumino, H., Tsujimori, T., Yamaguchi, Y.

    Earth and Space Science Open Archive (ESSOAr) 2020年12月


    DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10505222.1  

  11. [論点] 国内拠点の国際学術ジャーナルは必要か? 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    東北アジア学術交流談話会ニューズレター「うしとら」 79-80 1-2 2020年8月

  12. Reappraisal of natural omphacite: To see a world in a nanoscale domain

    Tsujimori T., Fukushima R., Miyajima N.

    BGI (Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Experimentelle Geochemie und Geophysik) Annual Report 2019 78-79 2020年3月

  13. [Island Arc] 世界に誇れる国産ジャーナルをめざして 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会News 22 (1) 9-9 2020年1月

  14. [会員の声] Eldridge M. Moores名誉教授を慎む

    小川 勇二郎, 辻森 樹

    日本地質学会News 21 (11) 10-10 2019年11月

  15. [TOPICS] 一家に1枚 日本列島7億年 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    日本地球惑星科学連合ニュースレター 15 (3) 1-3 2019年8月

  16. [巻頭言] 加速の時代に 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    東北大学東北アジア研究センター ニューズレター 79 1-1 2018年12月

  17. [国際交流] 大韓地質学会創立70周年記念国際シンポジウム参加報告

    井龍 康文, 辻森 樹

    日本地質学会News 21 (1) 9-9 2018年1月

  18. [論点] 改めて国際交流について考える 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    東北アジア学術交流談話会ニューズレター「うしとら」 69 1-2 2016年6月

  19. [活動風景] タンザニア再訪、ダルエスサラーム便り2016 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    東北大学東北アジア研究センター ニューズレター 68 8-8 2016年3月

  20. [学協会・研究会報告] GSA Annual Meeting 2005に参加して

    高木 秀雄, 辻森 樹, 後藤和久

    日本地質学会News 8 (12) 12-13 2005年12月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

書籍等出版物 19

  1. 平凡社「最新 地学事典」43収録項目

    辻森 樹

    平凡社 2024年3月

    ISBN: 9784582115086

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    43 entries: Oeyama belt (Oeyama ophiolite); Renge belt; eclogitization; epidosite; Osayama serpentinite mélange; diffusion halo; Cycladic metamorphic belt; global lawsonite hiatus; subduction zone metamorphism (subudction metamorphism); serpentinite diapir (serpentinite diaprism); Suo belt; slab breakoff (slab break-off); slab melting; Western Gneiss Region; Tauern Window; Chizu belt; Zermatt−Saas meta−ophiolite (Zermatt−Saas ophiolite zone); New England Fold Belt; Franciscan metamorphic belt (Franciscan complex); metamorphic sole; lawsonite blueschist facies (lawsonite glaucophane schist facies); lawsonite eclogite facies; Rhodope metamorphic belt (Rhodope metamorphic complex); retrograde metamorphism (retrogressive metamorphism); diaphthoresis; Alpine orogen (Alpine orogenic belt); Ise schist; Omi schist; Omi–Renge belt; Ohachimori amphibolite; ophiolite; Gamata schist; Komori metamorphic rock; Shitani Formation; Joetsu metamorphic belt; Sesia–Lanzo zone (Sesia zone); Nishiya Group; Hida metamorphic rocks; Penninic belt (Penninic nappe); Motai metamorphic rocks; Yakuno basic rock; epidote blueschist facies (epidote glaucophane schist facies); jadeitite; Inishi rock (Inishi migmatite)

  2. 『地球史マップ 誕生・進化・流転の全記録』(クリスティン・グラタループ 原著、藤村奈 緒美・瀧下 哉代 翻訳、日経ナショナルジオグラフィック 編集、辻森 樹 監修)

    辻森 樹

    日経ナショナルジオグラフィック 2024年1月

    ISBN: 9784863135932

  3. 第3章 科学教育イニシアチブ(SEI)による変革の過程 (カール・ワイマン 著、大森不二雄・杉本和弘・渡邉由美子 監修『科学立国のための大学教育改革−エビデンスに基づく科学教育の実践−』)

    辻森 樹

    玉川大学出版 2021年7月

    ISBN: 9784472405983

  4. Eclogites in different tectonic settings, in 'Encyclopedia of Geology, 2nd Edition'

    Tsujimori, T., Mattinson, C.

    Elsevier 2020年12月

    DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102908-4.00104-1  

    ISBN: 9780081029084

  5. 変成岩の分類 (日本鉱物科学会 編集『鉱物・宝石の科学事典』§1 鉱物 [地球編:表層] 056)

    小山内 康人, 平島 崇男, 辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2019年9月

  6. Chapter 4 日本の「国石」ひすい (土'山 明 著・日本鉱物科学会 監修『日本の国石「ひすい」ーバラエティに富んだ鉱物の国ー』)

    宮島 宏, 辻森 樹

    成山堂書店 2019年1月

    ISBN: 9784425956210

  7. Ophiolite, in 'McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 11th Edition'

    Liou, J.G., Maruyama, S., Tsujimori, T., Ogasawara, Y.

    McGraw-Hill Education 2012年9月

    ISBN: 9780071792738

  8. Glaucophane, in 'McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 11th Edition'

    Liou, J.G., Corona, J.C., Tsujimori, T.

    McGraw-Hill Education 2012年9月

    ISBN: 9780071792738

  9. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.8.5

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  10. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.3.2

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  11. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.3.1

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  12. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.3.3

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  13. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.4.2

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  14. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.5.7

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  15. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.5.8

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  16. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.5.11

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  17. 日本地方地質誌6「中国地方」§4.5.12

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2009年9月

    ISBN: 9784254167863

  18. 日本地方地質誌4「中部地方」§2.2.3

    辻森 樹

    朝倉書店 2006年1月

    ISBN: 9784254167849

  19. 日本海学研究叢書7「日本海及びその周辺域の岩石」

    石渡 明, 辻森 樹

    富山県日本海政策課 2001年3月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

講演・口頭発表等 69

  1. 前弧域蛇紋岩のB同位体比傾向:グローバルリファレンス値提案のための取り組み

    辻森 樹, 小橋 知佳, 山田 千夏, 常 青

    日本地質学会第130年学術大会 2023年9月18日

  2. ひすい輝石岩の時間スケール問題:どれくらい前弧含水マントルウェッジに滞留できるか?

    辻森 樹, 古俣利明, 岡 紘希, 常 青, 青木 翔吾, 青木 一勝

    日本鉱物科学会2022年年会 2022年9月18日

  3. オルドビス紀以降の東北日本の地殻進化:U-Pb年代−Hf同位体組成同時分析を駆使したジルコン学による新知見 国際共著

    辻森 樹, パストルガラン ダニエル, ガンバット アリアンセッセグ

    日本地質学会第129年学術大会 2022年9月6日

  4. 変成作用に関する境界、そのスケール問題 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会第129年学術大会 2022年9月5日

  5. Boron isotope mapping of jadeitite-bearing serpentinite mélange complex, Southwest Japan 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Yamada, C., Aoki, S., Aoki, K., Chang, Q., Kimura, J.-I.

    The 23rd General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 2022年7月18日

  6. Timescale of continental collision: Neoproterozoic eclogite-to granulite-facies transition in the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian Belt (SW Tanzania) 国際会議 国際共著

    Tsujimori, T., Morita, I., Ganbat, A., Boniface, N.

    The 14th International Eclogite Conference 2022年7月12日

  7. Plate convergence and gems 招待有り

    Tsujimori T.

    The 38th Annual Technical Sessions and Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka 2022年2月25日

  8. Boron isotope mapping of serpentinites in the Osayama Serpentinite Mélange, SW Japan

    Tsujimori, T., Yamada, C., Aoki, S., Aoki, K., Chang, Q., Kimura, J.-I.

    日本地質学会第128年学術大会 2021年9月4日

  9. 四国中央部三波川帯の南北横断線に沿ったフェンジャイトの酸素・水素同位体比バリエーション

    辻森 樹, 原田 浩伸, 板谷 徹丸, パストルガラン ダニエル, アルバレスバレロ アントニオ

    日本地質学会第128年学術大会 2021年9月4日

  10. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes compositions of circum-Pacific blueschist-facies phengites: Insights into slab-derived fluid signatures 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Pastor-Galán, D., Álvarez-Valero, A.M.

    2019 AGU Fall Meeting 2019年12月12日

  11. Dating a 'princess': Reactivation of fluid-related metasomatic process in Japanese Paleozoic serpentinite mélange 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T., Hara, T., Ishizaka, T., Miyajima, H., Kimura, J.-I., Aoki, S., Aoki, K.

    The 74th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Korea and 2019 Fall Joint Conference of the Geological Sciences 2019年10月24日

  12. 大佐山蛇紋岩メランジュ産ひすい輝石岩中のジルコンHf同位体比が記憶する初期プロトジャパン火成活動

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会第126年学術大会 2019年9月

  13. プレート境界岩の未読情報抽出:プロセスと経年変化の理解に向けて 招待有り

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会第126年学術大会 2019年9月

  14. 安定陸塊の底が記録する東北アジアの進化史 招待有り

    辻森 樹, 新堀 希望, 奥村 聡, 渡邉 了, レーマン H.U., マリコベッツ V.G.

    日本鉱物科学会2019年年会 2019年9月

  15. Timescale of eclogite-to-granulite transition in continental collision zones 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T., Morita, I., Boniface, N., Aoki, K., Aoki, S.

    The 13th International Eclogite Conference 2019年6月24日

  16. Asian Jade sources: Petrological diversity of jadeite jade 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    The 1st Jade Workshop 2019年6月3日

  17. Dating a 'princess': U-Pb age determination of 'nunakawaite' (strontio-orthojoaquinite)

    Tsujimori, T., Hara, T., Ishizaka, T., Miyajima, H., Kimura, J.-I., Aoki, S., Aoki, K.

    日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会 2019年5月29日

  18. Geological knowledge about jadeite jade (jadeitite) for the study of jadeitite artifacts 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology 2019年4月

  19. 大佐山ひすい輝石岩の熱水性ジルコンのリチウム濃度累帯構造:沈み込み帯流体の実像を探る

    辻森 樹, 青木 一勝, 青木 翔吾

    日本鉱物科学会2018年年会 2018年9月

  20. In-situ boron isotope geochemistry of forearc serpentinites in the California Coast Ranges 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T., Yamada, C., Chang, Q., Kimura, J.-I.

    XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA2018) 2018年8月

  21. Jadeitite ('jadeite jade') in Japan: An overview 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    International Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology 2018年6月9日

  22. Nature of slab-derived fluids in Pacific-type subduction zone: Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of phengites from Renge and Sambagawa metasedimentary rocks, Japan 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T., Yagi, K., Pastor-Galán, D., Álvarez-Valero, A.

    日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会 2018年5月24日

  23. Early Paleozoic jadeitites in Japan 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    2017 Annual Fall Joint Geology Meeting; International Symposium Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Geological Society of Korea 2017年10月

  24. P-type jadeitite (veined jadeitite) and jadeite-bearing retrograded eclogite from California: Implications for subduction-zone fluid integration 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Takahashi, N., Kimura, J.-I.

    The 12th International Eclogite Conference 2017年8月

  25. Recycling of crustal materials through study of ultrahigh-pressure minerals in collisional orogens, ophiolites, and xenoliths 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    International Symposium "Advances in High-pressure Research III: Towards Geodynamic Implications 2016年8月

  26. Petrotectonic indicators for distinctive modern-style subduction zone 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Stern, R.J.

    International Workshop on the Origin and Evolution of Plate Tectonics 2016年7月

  27. Petrotectonic indicators for distinctive modern-style subduction zone

    Tsujimori, T., Stern, R.J.

    日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会 2016年5月

  28. Petrographical records of multiple fluid-infiltration during HP-LT metamorphism 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    2013 AGU Fall Meeting 2013年12月

  29. Ophiolites and blueschists: Current petrologic image of the Pacific-type subduction zones 50 years after Coleman's 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    日本地質学会第120年学術大会 2013年9月

  30. Petrogenetic relationships between jadeitite and associated high-pressure and low-temperature metamorphic rocks in worldwide jadeitite localities 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Harlow, G.E.

    2011 AGU Fall Meeting 2011年12月

  31. Initial analysis of the Hayabusa recovery materials: Petrographical characterization 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T., Kunihiro, T., Kobayashi, K., Tanaka, R., Moriguti, T., Ota, T., Kitagawa, H., Sakaguchi, C., Makishima, A., Nakamura, E., Abe, M., Fujimura, A., Mukai, T.

    日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 2011年6月

  32. Eclogites and related metamorphism in the North America-Caribbean plate boundary: An example from the Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala 国際会議 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T., Hernandez-Pineda, G.A.

    2009 AGU Fall Meeting 2009年12月

  33. Paleozoic subduction metamorphism in Japan: A review and more 招待有り

    Tsujimori, T.

    日本地球惑星科学連合2009年大会 2009年6月

  34. Large-scale fluid flow in a cold subduction-zone: SIMS Li-isotope study of jadeitite veins in Franciscan metagraywacke 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Moriguti, T., Kunihiro, T., Kobayashi, K., Nakamura, E.

    Goldschmidt Conference 2007年8月

  35. Multiple stages of fluid infiltrations in HP-LT lawsonitite (lawsonite-rich rock) from the Motagua fault zone, Guatemala 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Harlow, G.E.

    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2006年10月

  36. Windows to the very–low-temperature subduction process: a Review of worldwide lawsonite eclogites 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Sisson, V.B., Harlow, G.E., Sorensen, S.S.

    The 19th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 2006年7月

  37. Franciscan eclogite revisited: Reevaluation of P-T evolution of tectonic blocks from Tiburon Peninsula, California 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Matsumoto, K., Wakabayashi, J., Liou. J.G.

    2005 AGU Fall Meeting 2005年12月

  38. Petrologic characterization of Guatemalan lawsonite eclogite: Eclogitization of subducted oceanic crust in a cold subduction zone 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Sisson, V.B., Harlow, G.E., Sorensen, S.S.

    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2005年10月

  39. Incipient eclogitization below 300°C preserved in Guatemalan lawsonite-eclogite 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Sisson, V.B., Harlow, G.E., Sorensen, S.S.

    The 7th International Eclogite Conference 2005年7月

  40. High-grade tectonic blocks from New Idria serpentinite body, Diablo Range, California: Two-stage exhumation 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Coleman, R.G.

    Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting 2005年5月

  41. Unusual garnet-clinopyroxenite core from the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project in Donghai 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Zhang, R.Y., Liou, J.G., Xu, Z.Q., Yang, J.S.

    2004 AGU Fall Meeting 2004年12月

  42. Comparison of two contrasting eclogites from the Motagua fault zone, Guatemala: Southern lawsonite eclogite versus Northern zoisite eclogite 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Coleman, R.G.

    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2004年11月

  43. REE-bearing epidote in Sulu amphibolitized UHP eclogite from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project in Donghai 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Zhang, R.Y., Xu, Z.Q.

    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2004年11月

  44. SHRIMP U/Pb age of unusually large zircon in jadeitite from the Osayama serpentinite melange, SW Japan 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Wooden, J.L.

    2003 AGU Fall Meeting 2003年12月

  45. Eclogitization of a cold subducting slab: Prograde evolution of lawsonite-eclogites from the Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Coleman, R.G., Rohtert, W., Cleary, J.G.

    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2003年11月

  46. 'Forbidden Zone'環境(超低地温勾配域)への窓:広域ローソン石エクロジャイトの研究

    Tsujimori, T., Liou, J.G., Coleman, R.G., Liou J. G

    日本地質学会第110年学術大会 2003年9月

  47. Origin and metamorphism of ultramafic rocks associated with Paleozoic eclogite in the Hida Mountains, SW Japan 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T.

    2002 AGU Fall Meeting 2002年12月

  48. In-situ electron microprobe Th-U-total Pb dating of Precambrian detrital zircon in Late Paleozoic blueschist, SW Japan 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T., Itaya, T.

    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2002年11月

  49. 飛騨山地,青海地域の高Crクロミタイトとダナイト:蓮華帯の高度高圧型片岩に伴われる超マフィック岩の起源

    辻森 樹

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 2002年5月

  50. 中国山地蓮華帯、ローソン石青色片岩中の砕屑性ジルコンのin-situ CHIME年代測定:岡山理大からの初CHIME年代

    辻森 樹, 板谷 徹丸

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 2002年5月

  51. Contrasting pressure-temperature evolutions of eclogitic and non-eclogitic units from the Paleozoic Renge (Renghe) metamorphic belt, Hida Mountains, SW Japan 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T.

    The 6th International Eclogite Conference 2001年9月

  52. Polymetamorphic evolution of an eclogitic garnet-glaucophane schist from the Paleozoic Renge (Renghe) metamorphic belt, Chugoku Mountains, SW Japan 国際会議

    Tsujimori, T.

    The 6th International Eclogite Conference 2001年9月

  53. 三波川エクロジャイトの広域K-Ar(Ar-Ar)年代測定プロジェクト:冷却年代の解像度と地域差について

    辻森 樹, 青矢 睦月, Wallis S, 榎並 正樹, 兵藤 博信, 板谷 徹丸

    日本地質学会第108年学術大会 2001年9月

  54. 蓮華変成帯,湯ノ谷エクロジャイトの上昇年代:フェンジャイト40Ar/39Ar年代測定の取り組み

    辻森 樹, 板谷 徹丸, 兵藤 博信

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 2001年6月

  55. ロシア沿海州の250-230Ma藍閃変成帯は中朝地塊−揚子地塊衝突帯の東方延長か?

    辻森 樹, 石渡 明, Vysotskiy, S.V., Kovalenko, S.V., Khanchuk, A.I.

    日本地質学会第105年学術大会 1999年9月

  56. 大江山かんらん岩体に産する普甲峠高圧変成沈積岩の高圧(2GPa)変成作用

    辻森 樹

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 1999年5月

  57. Granulite-facies relics in high-pressure metacumulate of Oeyama ophiolite: Evidence for isobaric cooling beneath 35 km depth

    辻森 樹, 石渡 明

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 1998年5月

  58. クロミタイト中の含水鉱物包有物を含む組成累帯クロムスピネル

    辻森 樹, 齋藤 大地, 石渡 明, 宮下 純夫, Sokolov, S.D.

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 1998年5月

  59. Phengite K-Ar ages of the tectonic blocks within the Osayama serpentinite melange: 320 Ma blueschist metamorphism of the Sangun-Renge metamorphic belt

    Tsujimori, T., Itaya, T.

    三鉱学会連合学術講演会 1997年9月

  60. 大江山オフィオライトの(中圧型?)変成沈積岩類の変成作用:パラゴナイト、マーガライトを含む鉱物共生

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会第104年学術大会 1997年9月

  61. 飛騨山地九頭竜地域、上部ジュラ系手取層群中の中圧-低圧型泥質変成岩礫

    辻森 樹

    三鉱学会連合学術講演会 1997年9月

  62. 上昇中の藍閃型変成帯にみるそのテクトニクス(3)Timor-Tanimbar諸島に分布する藍閃変成帯の岩石と変成作用

    辻森 樹, 金子 慶之, Kadarusman A, 丸山 茂徳

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 1997年5月

  63. 中国山地大江山帯/蓮華帯、320Ma青色片岩を含む蛇紋岩メランジュ(大佐山蛇紋岩メランジュ)のメランジュ・マトリクスの初生かんらん岩

    辻森 樹

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 1997年4月

  64. 中国山地の三郡-蓮華帯:古生代後期のフランシスカン型高圧変成帯

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会第103年学術大会 1996年9月

  65. 中国山地三郡-蓮華帯、大佐山蛇紋岩メランジュ中のオンファス輝石岩を貫くオンファス輝石−Na普通輝石脈

    辻森 樹

    日本地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会 1996年4月

  66. 中国地方三郡-蓮華帯大屋地域のアルカリ輝石を含む低変成度塩基性岩

    辻森 樹

    日本地質学会第102年学術大会 1995年9月

  67. 中国山地三郡-蓮華帯、大佐山蛇紋岩メランジュ中のトレモラ閃石片岩ブロックに含まれるクロムオンファス輝石とクロム透輝石

    辻森 樹

    三鉱学会連合学術講演会 1995年2月

  68. 中国地方三郡-蓮華変成帯からエクロジャイトの発見

    辻森 樹

    日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会学術講演会 1995年2月

  69. 岡山県北西部、三郡変成帯の大佐山超苦鉄質岩体に伴われる高圧型テクトニック・ブロック

    辻森 樹, 高須 晃

    日本地質学会第101年学術大会 1994年9月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 15

  1. 含水マントルウェッジ流体の化学組成と化学的性質:高圧実験併用型の地質試料解析

    辻森 樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:KAKENHI Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2021年4月 ~ 2024年3月

  2. プレート境界岩の未読情報総合解析:局所同位体比分析によるプロセスと経年変化の理解 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2018年4月 ~ 2021年3月

  3. 超海洋パンサラッサ-古テチス海インタフェイスのテクトニクス復元


    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2016年10月7日 ~ 2019年3月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  4. 現行型沈み込み帯出現の地質学的証拠:古原生代、高圧中間群変成帯の総合研究 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:KAKENHI Scientific Research (B)

    2015年4月 ~ 2018年3月

  5. キンバレー岩産E型ダイヤモンド巨晶の超高圧包有物とジルコンから再生地殻物質を読む 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2014年4月 ~ 2017年3月

  6. 大陸地殻の改変と構造侵食の実像:タンザニア地塊外縁造山帯約15億年間の変遷解読 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2012年4月 ~ 2015年3月

  7. オンファス輝石地質速度計の実用化:ナノスケール微細組織解析による時間情報の抽出 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2010年4月 ~ 2013年3月

  8. 太古代安定地塊の根の進化:下部地殻-マントル捕獲岩と地塊内高圧変成帯の総合研究 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2009年4月 ~ 2012年3月

  9. 希ガス同位体を用いた「Old Rock Geochemistry」の展開

    松本 拓也, 松田 准一, 辻森 樹, 太田 努, 山下 勝行, 宮川 千絵

    2009年 ~ 2012年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  10. 沈み込み帯での脱水・加水作用と固体地球プロセスの解明

    森口 拓弥, 辻森 樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Okayama University

    2008年 ~ 2010年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  11. 極微小領域ジルコン年代測定法の開発と変成岩ダイナミクスへの応用

    小林 桂, 辻森 樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Okayama University

    2008年 ~ 2010年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  12. 超低地温勾配域の形成過程と沈み込みメタソマティズムの総合研究 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2007年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  13. 禁制帯(超低地温勾配域)における流体循環機構とスラブ−流体−マントル相互作用 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2004年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  14. 太平洋型造山帯の初期沈み込み帯形成場の環境と40Ar/39Arスポット年代学 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    2001年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  15. 環太平洋地域におけるロジニア大陸分裂後約3億年の沈み込みテクトニクス 競争的資金

    辻森 樹

    1998年4月 ~ 2000年3月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

担当経験のある科目(授業) 5

  1. 造山帯地質学 (旧 岩石地質学) 東北大学

  2. 造岩鉱物学 東北大学

  3. 変成岩特論 東北大学

  4. フィールドセミナー Ⅰ ※隔年担当 東北大学

  5. 地球物質科学 東北大学

Works(作品等) 3

  1. 第11回地球惑星フォトコンテスト入選作品「混成の美」

    辻森 樹

    2020年4月 ~

    作品分類: 芸術活動

  2. 第7回地球惑星フォトコンテスト入選作品「ハート型の礫」

    辻森 樹

    2016年4月 ~

    作品分類: 芸術活動

  3. 第1回地球惑星フォトコンテスト入選作品「北米−カリブプレート境界の蛇紋岩」

    辻森 樹

    2010年4月 ~

    作品分類: 芸術活動

社会貢献活動 14

  1. ヒスイを科学する~ヒスイの起源とその探求~


    2023年2月23日 ~

  2. タンザニア、原生代造山帯の地質調査

    2020年度総会・講演会代替企画「プレコロナ時代のフィールドワークなどを振り返る」 YouTube (一般社団法人日本地質学会)

    2021年3月31日 ~

  3. 日本列島7億年: そのダイナミックな歴史を読み解く


    2021年2月26日 ~

  4. 英国王立地理学会アーカイブ収録の古地質図からよみとく近代地質学史


    2020年11月18日 ~

  5. 東北アジア及び日本列島の地体構造発達史

    日本地質学会 第1回ショートコース

    2020年9月19日 ~

  6. 日本鉱物科学会 一般普及講演「日本の国石・ひすい」

    日本鉱物科学会 一般普及講演会 福岡県博多市

    2019年9月23日 ~

  7. 一家に1枚ポスター「日本列島7億年」をよみとく:足もとの「石」からよみとく

    トークセッション 一家に1枚ポスター「日本列島7億年」をよみとく ~第60回科学技術週間 関連イベント~ 東京都

    2019年4月21日 ~

  8. 日本鉱物科学会 一般普及講演「日本の国石・ひすい」

    日本鉱物科学会 一般普及講演会 山形県山形市

    2018年9月22日 ~

  9. 東北アジア研究センター公開講演会『―その起源と東北アジア先史の「石」文化―』

    CNEAS公開講演会 宮城県仙台市

    2018年2月10日 ~

  10. 地球史研究所(岡山県赤磐市)開設記念講演

    地球史研究所開設記念「オープニング・フェスタ in 吉井」 岡山県赤磐市

    2017年10月14日 ~

  11. 第138回 東北大学サイエンスカフェ「プレートテクトニックな宝石 ~美しく輝ける「石」と地球史~」

    東北大学サイエンスカフェ 宮城県仙台市

    2017年3月17日 ~

  12. 「ふしぎ発見!鳥取砂丘」講演会

    「ふしぎ発見!鳥取砂丘」 鳥取県鳥取市

    2017年1月21日 ~

  13. 特別講演会「はじまり:地球の起源・生命の起源」

    加賀市山中児童センター特別講演会 石川県加賀市

    2016年8月7日 ~

  14. 加賀市文化講演会

    市民文化講演会 石川県加賀市

    2016年8月6日 ~

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

メディア報道 18

  1. Water Storage Capacity In Oceanic Crust Slabs Increases With Age, Researchers Find

    Water Online


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  2. Subduction Zone's Age Affects Water Recycling



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  3. Water storage capacity in oceanic crust slabs increases with age, researchers find

    Smart Water Magazine


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  4. Water storage capacity in oceanic crust slabs increases with age, researchers find

    The National Tribune Australia


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  5. Water storage capacity in oceanic crust slabs increases with age, researchers find

    Asia Research News


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  6. Water storage capacity in oceanic crust slabs increases with age, researchers find



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  7. Water storage capacity in oceanic crust slabs increases with age, researchers find



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  8. 東北大とイリノイ大、沈み込む海洋地殻の水の保持能力とその変化の一端を解明

    日本経済新聞 電子版


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  9. Flare ups and crustal removal in northeast Japan



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  10. Flare Ups and Crustal removal in North East Japan

    Asia Research News


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  11. A Central African defend amalgamation story: Earth’s subsequent supercontinent



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  12. A Central African shield amalgamation tale: Earth's next supercontinent



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  13. 東北大、中央アフリカ楯状地の地史を復元

    日本経済新聞 電子版


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  14. New timeline proposed for plate tectonics

    Geology Page


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  15. New timeline proposed for plate tectonics



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  16. In Glittering Gems, Reading Earth’s Story

    The New York Times


    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  17. Jade Sheds Light On Guatemala's Geologic History



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

  18. Jade sheds light on Guatemala's geologic history



    メディア報道種別: インターネットメディア

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学術貢献活動 1

  1. 「一家に1枚 日本列島7億年」平成31年度(第60回)科学技術週間配布用理解増進資料(「一家に1枚」ポスター)

    2019年4月 ~

    学術貢献活動種別: その他

その他 1

  1. 研究業績目録(辻森 樹)2024年2月版