
タドコロ サトシ
田所 諭
Satoshi Tadokoro
大学院情報科学研究科 応用情報科学専攻 応用情報技術論講座(人間-ロボット情報学分野)
  • 博士(工学)(神戸大学)


1984年,東京大学工学系大学院修士課程修了.1993年,神戸大学助教授,2002年〜,国際レスキューシステム研究機構会長.2005年〜,東北大学教授,2014年,同副研究科長,2019年〜,同タフ・サイバーフィジカルAI研究センター長.2014〜18年,内閣府ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジプログラムマネージャー.2016〜2017年,国際学会IEEE Robotics and Automation Society President.科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞他受賞.レスキューロボットの研究に従事.博士(工学).IEEE Fellow.

経歴 7

  • 2002年 ~ 継続中
    特定非営利活動法人国際レスキューシステム研究機構 会長

  • 2006年 ~ 2011年
    東北大学 情報科学研究科 教授

  • 2005年 ~ 2009年
    東北大学 大学院・情報科学研究科 教授

  • 2005年 ~ 2006年
    東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 教授

  • 1994年 ~ 2005年
    神戸大学 工学部 助教授

  • 1986年 ~ 1992年
    神戸大学 工学部 助手

  • 2008年 ~
    東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 教授

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学歴 2

  • 東京大学 工学系研究科 精密機械工学専門課程

    ~ 1984年3月29日

  • 東京大学 工学部 精密機械工学科

    ~ 1982年3月27日

委員歴 163

  • Advisory Board Member of emergenCITY

    2021年 ~ 継続中

  • 日本機械学会 理事(企画), 部門協議会議長 , 分野連携委員会委員長

    2020年 ~ 継続中

  • 復興庁、福島浜通り地域の国際教育研究拠点に関する有識者会議 委員

    2019年 ~ 継続中

  • 福島イノベーションコースト構想推進機構 理事

    2018年 ~ 継続中

  • 日本機械学会出版センター委員

    2007年 ~ 継続中

  • Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics Editor

    2007年1月 ~ 継続中

  • Journal of Field Robotics Editor

    2006年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 文部科学省大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発フィールド評価タスクフォースリーダー

    2004年 ~ 継続中

  • 福岡市 ロボスクェア運営委員

    2003年 ~ 継続中

  • 関西経済連合会 関西次世代ロボット推進会議幹事会・企画委員会,委員

    2003年 ~ 継続中

  • 文部科学省大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発プロジェクトマネージャ(研究代表者)

    2002年 ~ 継続中

  • 特定非営利活動法人国際レスキューシステム研究機構 会長

    2002年 ~ 継続中

  • The RoboCup Federation , RoboCupRescue Robot League Co-Chairman

    2002年 ~ 継続中

  • 特定非営利活動法人ロボカップ日本委員会理事

    2001年 ~ 継続中

  • 神戸市政策提言会議委員

    2001年 ~ 継続中

  • The RoboCup Federation Executive Committee Member

    2001年 ~ 継続中

  • 文部科学省科学技術・学術審議会 研究開発・評価委員会 防災の研究開発に関する委員会 委員

    2001年 ~ 継続中

  • 日本ロボット学会 欧文誌編集委員

    2001年 ~ 継続中

  • 日本ロボット学会 論文賞選考委員

    1999年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本ロボット学会 研究奨励賞選考委員

    1999年4月 ~ 継続中

  • The RoboCup Federation RoboCupRescue Technical Committee Chairman

    1999年 ~ 継続中

  • IEEE Technical Activity Board Strategic Planning Committee Member

    2020年 ~ 2022年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Senior Past President

    2020年 ~ 2021年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Award Committee Chair

    2020年 ~ 2021年

  • IEEE Technical Activity Board Nominations and Appointment Committee Member

    2018年 ~ 2019年

  • IEEE Technical Activity Board Award and Recognition Committee Member

    2018年 ~ 2019年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Nomination Committee, Chair

    2018年 ~ 2019年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Junior Past President

    2018年 ~ 2019年

  • 経産省,プラントにおけるドローン活用に関する安全性調査研究会 委員

    2018年 ~ 2019年

  • IEEE Technical Activities Board Member

    2016年 ~ 2017年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society President

    2016年 ~ 2017年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Long Range Planning Committee, Chair

    2014年 ~ 2015年

  • IEEE TAB Strategic Planning Committee Member

    2014年 ~ 2015年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society President-Elect

    2014年 ~ 2015年

  • 日本機械学会 A-TS 15-21ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門防災ロボット研究会 主査

    2012年 ~ 2014年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Technology Review Committee, Chair

    2012年 ~ 2014年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Vice President for Technical Activities

    2012年1月 ~ 2014年

  • ICRセンサシステム研究会主査

    2011年 ~ 2012年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Vice President Elect for Technical Activities

    2011年1月 ~ 2011年12月

  • The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2011) Program Co-Chair

    2011年1月 ~ 2011年12月

  • The 8th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR 2011) General Co-chair

    2011年1月 ~ 2011年12月

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society AdCom Member

    2008年1月 ~ 2010年12月

  • (社)日本機械学会 第87期ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 部門長

    2009年4月 ~ 2010年3月

  • 東北産業活性化センター ロボット技術を活用した産業振興調査委員会委員長

    2009年 ~ 2010年

  • 神戸市, 神戸RT構想産業化検討会議委員長

    2009年 ~ 2010年

  • 文部科学省 私立大学等研究設備整備費等補助金等に係る選定委員会委員

    2008年 ~ 2010年

  • 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2009) 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2009)

    2007年1月 ~ 2009年5月

  • (社)日本機会学会 第86期出版センター 委員

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • (社)日本機械学会 第86期機素潤滑設計部門アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会 委員長

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • (社)日本機械学会 Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing編修委員会(機素潤滑設計部門) 編修委員

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • (社)日本機械学会 第86期ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 副部門長

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • (社)日本機会学会 第86期ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門表彰委員会 委員長

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会 理事

    2007年3月 ~ 2009年2月

  • 文部科学省 私立大学等研究設備整備費等補助金等に係る選定委員会,委員

    2005年 ~ 2009年

  • The RoboCup Federation Trustee Member

    2004年 ~ 2009年

  • 2008 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SI International 2008) General Vice-Chair

    2007年1月 ~ 2008年12月

  • 2008 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2008) General Chair

    2007年1月 ~ 2008年11月

  • 計測自動制御学会・国際委員会 副委員長

    2007年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門表彰委員会 副委員長

    2007年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 日本機械学会・機素潤滑設計部門・アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会 副委員長

    2007年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会・国際委員会 副委員長

    2007年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 日本機械学会・ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門・出版委員会 委員長

    2007年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2008) Program Co-Chair

    2007年1月 ~ 2008年3月

  • ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2007 実行委員会 企業展示委員会 委員長

    2006年3月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 神戸市政策提言会議メンバー

    2006年 ~ 2008年

  • 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門将来検討委員会 委員長

    2006年4月 ~ 2007年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会 国際委員会委員

    2005年4月 ~ 2007年3月

  • 経済産業省 「今年のロボット」大賞(表彰制度)推進委員会,委員

    2006年 ~ 2007年

  • 文部科学省RR2002大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト III.被害者救助等の災害対応戦略の最適化,4.レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発,プロジェクトマネージャ

    2002年 ~ 2007年

  • SICE-ICCAS Exhibition Chair

    2005年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 日本機械学会 基礎潤滑設計部門アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会委員

    2005年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • ICRA2005 Program Committee Member

    2004年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2005実行委員長

    2003年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Chair

    2004年1月 ~ 2005年12月

  • 日本ロボット工業会 ロボットプロジェクト検討会委員

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • 日本ロボット学会 評議員

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会・システムインテグレーション部門財務委員会 委員長

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • ロボティクスシンポジア 運営委員会幹事

    2004年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Organized Session Chairman

    2003年4月 ~ 2005年3月

  • システム制御情報学会 レスキューシステム工学へのロボティクスからのアプローチ研究会委員

    1998年8月 ~ 2005年3月

  • RoboCup 2005 Osaka Organizing Chairman

    2003年 ~ 2005年

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Technical Committee on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics Co-Chair

    2001年1月 ~ 2004年12月

  • 日本ロボット学会 欧文誌編集委員会委員長

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門事業担当運営委員

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • CIRA2003 Workshop on Advanced Robots and Information Systems for Disaster Response Co-Organizer

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 日本ロボット学会 欧文誌担当理事

    2002年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • AIM2003 現地委員長,プログラム委員

    2001年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • CIRA2003 現地委員長,プログラム委員

    2001年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 東京消防庁 消防活動RT化意見交換会委員

    2003年 ~ 2004年

  • NIRO,兵庫県産学官連携ビジネスインキュベート事業レスキュー技術民生利用研究会 委員長

    2003年 ~ 2004年

  • 日本原子力研究所 防災ロボット評価専門部会委員

    2003年 ~ 2004年

  • 神奈川県,IRC世界の救助センター具体化検討会 会長

    2003年 ~ 2004年

  • 経済産業省 次世代ロボットビジョンワーキンググループ委員

    2003年 ~ 2004年

  • 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門運営委員会 委員

    2000年 ~ 2004年

  • 計測自動制御学会 レスキュー工学部会主査

    2000年1月 ~ 2003年12月

  • IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Program Committee Member

    1998年1月 ~ 2003年12月

  • 日本ロボット学会 電子化運営委員会委員

    2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • 日本ロボット学会 国際化検討委員会委員

    2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • 日本ロボット学会 表彰委員会委員

    2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会SI2002実行委員長

    2001年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter, Vice-chairman

    2002年 ~ 2003年

  • NHKアイデア対決ロボットコンテスト高専部門近畿大会 審査委員長

    1998年 ~ 2003年

  • 日本ロボット学会 評議員

    2000年4月 ~ 2002年3月

  • 文部科学省研究開発局防災科学技術推進室 文部科学省研究開発局防災科学技術推進室主催,防災分野の研究開発に関する懇談会委員

    2001年4月 ~ 2001年5月

  • ロボット創造国際競技会技術部会 委員

    1999年4月 ~ 2001年3月

  • The RoboCup Federation, RoboCupRescue Simulation League Chairman

    2000年 ~ 2001年

  • ロボティクスシンポジア 実行副委員長

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Special Session Chairman

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • 2000 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation Program Committee Member, Organizing Committee Member

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • ICMA2000 実行委員

    1999年4月 ~ 2000年3月

  • つくば科学万博記念財団 調査・企画委員会 委員

    1999年 ~ 2000年

  • IFToMM TC Computational Kinematics 委員

    1998年1月 ~ 1999年12月

  • ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会99 実行委員

    1998年8月 ~ 1999年7月

  • ロボティクスシンポジア プログラム委員長

    1998年6月 ~ 1999年5月

  • ロボット教育問題研究会 委員

    1998年4月 ~ 1999年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会ロボティクス部会 委員

    1993年4月 ~ 1999年3月

  • システム制御情報学会IFA研究分科会 幹事

    1992年4月 ~ 1998年3月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門総務委員会幹事

    1996年4月 ~ 1997年3月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門運営委員会委員

    1996年4月 ~ 1997年3月

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 出版委員長

    1995年4月 ~ 1997年3月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門第5技術委員会副委員長

    1995年4月 ~ 1997年3月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門レスキューロボット機器研究会幹事

    1995年10月 ~ 1996年11月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門幹事

    1995年4月 ~ 1996年3月

  • Japan-USA Symposiun on Flexible Automation 1996 プログラム委員

    1995年4月 ~ 1996年3月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門部門賞学会賞推薦委員会副委員長

    1995年4月 ~ 1996年3月

  • 大阪科学技術センター 熟達マシンシステム開発研究委員会幹事会委員

    1994年4月 ~ 1996年3月

  • 日本ロボット学会 会誌編集委員

    1994年4月 ~ 1996年3月

  • 精密工学会 校閲委員

    1994年4月 ~ 1996年3月

  • 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門第5技術委員会 幹事

    1993年4月 ~ 1995年3月

  • 日本ロボット学会 学会誌査読委員

    1992年10月 ~ 1995年3月

  • 計測自動制御学会関西支部 幹事

    1992年2月 ~ 1995年1月

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'94 実行副委員長

    1993年9月 ~ 1994年8月

  • Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation 実行委員

    1993年1月 ~ 1994年6月

  • 熟達マシンシステム研究 タスクフォース委員

    1993年4月 ~ 1994年3月

  • 日本ロボット学会パラレルメカニズム研究専門委員会 委員

    1991年1月 ~ 1992年12月

  • IMACS/SICE International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 実行委員、会計・受付登録委員長

    1991年1月 ~ 1992年12月

  • (財)京都高度技術研究所メカトロニクス研究会 インテリジェント・マシン・システム研究部会委員

    1990年11月 ~ 1991年10月

  • IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems 実行委員・プログラム委員

    1990年10月 ~ 1991年9月

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems Award Committee Chair

    2013年 ~

  • 最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム審査委員

    2010年 ~

  • 総務省(三菱総合研究所) 災害低減戦略フォーラム専門委員会(DiMS),社会・文化リスクマネジメント専門委員会,委員

    2008年 ~

  • 日本機械学会 船井賞選考委員

    2007年 ~

  • 日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会審査委員

    2007年 ~

  • 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構(JOGMEC) 業際型石油天然ガス開発技術動向研究会,委員

    2007年 ~

  • 日本機械学会 ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門企画委員会委員

    2007年 ~

  • 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構(JOGMEC) 石油天然ガス探鉱開発長期技術動向研究会,委員

    2006年 ~

  • 特許庁(三菱総合研究所受託), 平成18年度特許出願技術動向調査(ロボット)委員会,委員

    2006年 ~

  • ロボット工業会 次世代ロボット技術環境構造化調査研究専門委員会,委員

    2006年 ~

  • ロボット工業会 安全・安心のためのセキュリティロボットシステムに関する調査研究専門委員会,委員

    2006年 ~

  • 日本国際問題研究所 化学剤による特殊災害に対応するための装備等に関する検討プロジェクト検討委員会,委員

    2006年 ~

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems, PC Co-Chair PC Co-Chair

    2006年1月 ~

  • ロボット工業会 RTアーキテクチャオープン化調査研究専門委員会・アプリケーション検討WG委員

    2005年 ~

  • 製造科学技術センター 次世代ロボット技術戦略マップローリングワーキンググループ,特殊環境ロボット委員長

    2005年 ~

  • 製造科学技術センター 次世代ロボット技術戦略マップ検討委員会,委員

    2004年 ~

  • 神戸21世紀サロン委員

    2003年 ~

  • 総務省消防庁,消防・防災ロボットあり方研究会 委員

    2003年 ~

  • 福岡市,科学技術振興ビジョン委員会 委員

    2002年 ~

  • 特定非営利活動法人国際レスキューシステム研究機構 神戸ラボラトリーリーダー

    2002年 ~

  • 神戸市ブレインセンター研究会委員

    2002年 ~

  • 神奈川県,国際レスキューコンプレックス構想検討ワーキンググループ 委員長

    2002年 ~

  • 神奈川県,国際レスキューコンプレックス構想検討委員会 委員

    2002年 ~

  • NHKアイデアロボットコンテスト 大学部門 審判

    1995年9月 ~

  • NHKアイデアロボットコンテスト 大学部門 審判

    1994年9月 ~

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 11

  • 日本地震工学会

  • 日本自然災害学会

  • 精密工学会

  • 日本ロボット学会

  • 計測自動制御学会

  • IEEE

  • 地域安全学会

  • 人工知能学会

  • 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会

  • 日本機械学会

  • 日本災害情報学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

研究キーワード 31

  • レスキューロボット

  • ロボット

  • ICPFアクチュエ-タ

  • 高分子ゲルアクチュエ-タ

  • メカトロニクス

  • アクチュエータ

  • 冗長駆動

  • マニピュレータ

  • 触感ディスプレイ

  • ワイヤ駆動

  • バーチャルリアリティ

  • モデリング

  • 分布駆動

  • 機構設計

  • ケーブル駆動

  • パラレルメカニズム

  • ソフトメカニクス

  • 災害救助

  • 分布型アクチュエ-タ

  • 超高速ロボット

  • 能動索状体

  • 探査ロボット

  • マイクロマニピュレ-ション

  • 都市直下地震災害

  • 制御系設計

  • 再構成可能

  • 振動駆動

  • 人間

  • アクティブテザー

  • テンドン駆動

  • IPMC

研究分野 4

  • 情報通信 / 機械力学、メカトロニクス /

  • 情報通信 / ロボティクス、知能機械システム /

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 計測工学 /

  • 情報通信 / 知能情報学 /

受賞 80

  1. The Robotics Society of Japan 2016 Best Parper Award

    2016年9月8日 The Robotics Society of Japan Advanced Robotics Vol.29.No.1,2015に掲載された論文「Posture estimation of hose-shaped robot by using active microphone array」に対して

  2. ICIRA2016 Best Student Paper Award

    2016年8月24日 The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications(ICIRA 2016) ICIRA2016で発表した「Can Haptic Feedback Improve Gesture Recognition in 3D Handwriting Systems?」に対して

  3. SI2015優秀講演賞

    2015年12月16日 第16回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2015発表論文「連結差動切り替え機構を有する球形ケーブル移動体の開発」に対して

  4. SI2015優秀講演賞

    2015年12月16日 第16回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2015発表論文「全方向なじみ変形グリッパ機構」に対して

  5. SI2014優秀講演賞

    2014年12月14日 第15回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 「空気噴射機構を搭載した能動スコープカメラの開発」に対して

  6. SI2014優秀講演賞

    2014年12月14日 第15回公益社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 「歩行時の下肢に伝播する振動を用いた瞳接地とつま先離地の検出」に対して

  7. RSJ/SICE AWARD for IROS2014 BEST PAPER Finalist

    2014年9月17日 IEEE/RSJ IROS 2014 IROS2014で発表した「Remote Vertical Exploration by Active Scope Camera into Collapsed Buildings」に対して

  8. 2014 IEEE Haptics Symposium Best Demo Award

    2014年2月26日 2014 IEEE Haptics Symposium "Presenting Virtual Stiffness with Suction Pressure," D05, 2014 IEEE Haptics Symposium, Houston, Feb. 23-26, 2014に対して

  9. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門賞学術業績賞

    2013年12月16日 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 「災害対応ロボティクス技術の発展に対する寄与」に対して

  10. ロボカップ世界大会レスキューロボットリーグ5位

    2013年6月30日 RoboCupFederation

  11. RoboCupRescue Innovation Award

    2013年6月30日 RoboCupFederation

  12. SI2012優秀講演賞

    2012年12月20日 計測自動制御学会 SI2012で発表した「被災建物内探査ロボットのための薄型で耐衝撃性を有する接触力センサの開発」に対して

  13. 日本ロボット学会Fellow

    2012年9月 日本ロボット学会

  14. 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門ROBOMEC表彰

    2012年5月28日 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門 能動スコープカメラのためのインチウォーム駆動と振動区道の走行性能評価,日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011)A2-J07, に対して

  15. 第7回競基弘賞特別賞

    2012年1月21日 特定非営利活動法人国際レスキューシステム研究機構 競基弘賞委員会

  16. SI2011優秀講演賞

    2011年12月25日 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 (第12回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会発表論文「人体の振動伝播に基づくインピーダンス知覚仮説 第1報:筋活動が振動伝播に及ぼす影響」に対して)

  17. SI2011優秀講演賞

    2011年12月25日 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 第12回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会発表論文「振動刺激の重畳を用いた表面形状呈示」に対して

  18. 感謝状

    2011年12月2日 東京電力 レスキューロボットQuinceによる福島原発対応に対して

  19. SSRR2011 Best Paper Finalist

    2011年11月 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011) Use of Remotely Operated Marine Vehicles at Minamisanriku and Rikuzentakata Japan for Disaster Recovery, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011),2011)に対して

  20. SSRR2011 Best Paper Finalist

    2011年11月 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011) Robotic Control Vehicle for Measuring Radiation in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011),2011)に対して

  21. 計測自動制御学会Fellow

    2011年9月15日 計測自動制御学会

  22. 日本ロボット学会ロボット活用社会貢献賞

    2011年9月8日 日本ロボット学会

  23. 日本ロボット学会研究奨励賞

    2011年9月 日本ロボット学会 第15回ロボティクスシンポジアで発表した「3次元環境地図を用いた自由空間観測モデルによる未知物体にロバストな自己位置推定に対して

  24. 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門功績賞

    2011年5月27日 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門

  25. 感謝状

    2011年5月 経済産業大臣 経済産業大臣海江田万里より,東日本大震災への災害支援に対して

  26. 日本機械学会基礎潤滑設計部門業績賞

    2011年4月26日 日本機械学会基礎潤滑設計部門

  27. ロボティクスシンポジア優秀論文賞

    2011年3月14日 計測自動制御学会 力の錯覚:指先への振動触刺激による質量・粘性知覚のバイアス,第16回ロボティクスシンポジアに対して

  28. SI2009優秀講演賞

    2010年12月26日 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 - 第14報:屋外自律移動システムのRT-Middlewareによる分散処理-,第10回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2009)に対して

  29. SII2010 Best Paper Award Finalist

    2010年12月22日 SICE System Integration Division, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Vision-based localization using active scope camera - Accuracy evaluation for structure from motion in disaster environment-, Proc. 2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2010に対して

  30. SII2010 Best Paper Award Finalist

    2010年12月22日 SICE System Integration Division, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Real-time prediction of fall and collision of tracked vehicle for remote-control support, Proc. 2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2010に対して

  31. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics優秀論文賞

    2010年4月26日 IEEE Takemura,Ciliary Vibration Drive Mechanism for Active Scope Cameras, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.20, No.3, pp. 490-499, 2009 に対して

  32. 2010インタラクティブ発表賞(Vib-Touch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション,に対して)

    2010年3月2日 情報処理学会 インタラクション2010における展示発表「Vib-Touch: 指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション」に対して

  33. RTミドルウェアコンテストロボットビジネス推進協議会奨励賞ベストコンセプト賞

    2009年12月24日 RTミドルウェアコンテストロボットビジネス推進協議会 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発第16報 iPhone を用いた移動ロボットの地図上ナビゲーションに対して

  34. つくば市長賞(つくばチャレンジ完走に対して)

    2009年11月21日 つくば市 (つくばチャレンジ完走に対して)

  35. SSRR2009 Best Paper Finalist

    2009年11月 SSRR Rollover Avoidance Using a Stability Margin for a Tracked Vehicle with Sub-tracks, Proc. SSRR 2009, に対して

  36. ケルン市長感謝状(ケルン公文書館倒壊事故における能動スコープカメラの出動に対して)

    2009年10月16日 ドイツケルン市 (ケルン公文書館倒壊事故における能動スコープカメラの出動に対して)

  37. 日本ロボット学会ロボット活用社会貢献賞

    2009年9月16日 日本ロボット学会

  38. RoboCup Rescue Robot League Mobility Challenge世界優勝

    2009年7月 The Robocup Federation

  39. RoboCup Rescue Robot League Autonomous Challenge世界2位

    2009年7月 The Robocup Federation

  40. RoboCup Rescue Robot League総合世界2位

    2009年7月 The Robocup Federation

  41. RoboCup Rescue Robot League Manipualtion Challenge世界優勝

    2009年7月 The Robocup Federation

  42. 日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門優秀講演賞

    2009年6月25日 (社)日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門 (第8回機素潤滑設計部門講演会における発表「単一の揺動振動機構を用いた能動索状体の駆動法」に対して)

  43. 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門ロボメック表彰

    2009年5月25日 (社)日本機械学会 皮膚感覚提示における時間遅れの影響調査と検知限の同定,第13回ロボティクスシンポジア,に対して

  44. RoboCup日本大会Rescue Robot League総合3位

    2009年5月 ロボカップ日本委員会

  45. American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholary Excellence (PROSE) Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics

    2009年2月5日 Professional&Scholarly Publishing Division Assocication of American Publishers, Inc. (Springer Handbook of Robotics, Ed. Bruno Siciliano and Oussama Khatibに対して)

  46. American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholary Excellence (PROSE) Award for Engineering & Technology

    2009年2月5日 Professional&Scholarly Publishing Division Assocication of American Publishers, Inc. (Springer Handbook of Robotics, Ed. Bruno Siciliano and Oussama Khatibに対して)

  47. IEEE Fellow, for leadership in the development and deployment of rescue robotics

    2009年1月1日 IEEE

  48. 経済産業省「今年のロボット大賞」優秀賞

    2008年12月18日 経済産業省 (能動スコープカメラの開発・実用化に対して、国際レスキューシステム研究機構と共同)

  49. SI2008優秀講演賞

    2008年12月7日 第9回(社)計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2008での発表「自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発ー第8報:安全な長距離自律移動を目的とした能動的センシングシステムー」に対して

  50. SI2008優秀講演賞

    2008年12月7日 第9回(社)計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2008での発表「能動スコープカメラの建設現場倒壊事故への適用」に対して

  51. 平成20年度建設施工と建設機械シンポジウム優秀ポスター賞

    2008年10月17日 社団法人 日本建設機械化協会 (ポスター展示「能動スコープカメラ:狭路空間の品質検査のために」に対して)

  52. 自治体消防制度60周年記念事業「消防防災ロボット・高度な資機材等」消防庁長官表彰最優秀賞

    2008年6月27日 消防庁 (能動スコープカメラの研究開発・実用事例に対して, 代表者 田所 諭)


    2008年6月13日 Euro Haptics 2008 (技術展示「Alternative Display of Friction Presented by Tactile Stimulation Without Tangential Force」に対して)

  54. 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門ROBOMEC表彰

    2008年6月6日 (社)日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 (第12回ロボティクスシンポジア論文「表面波長の実時間推定に基づく粗さ感伝達システムの研究」に対して)

  55. 第13回ロボティクスシンポジア優秀論文賞

    2008年3月16日 (共同主催:日本ロボット学会,日本機械学会(ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門),計測自動制御学会 (発表論文「皮膚感覚呈示における時間遅れの影響調査と検知限の同定」に対して)

  56. 第三回競基弘賞学術貢献賞

    2008年1月16日 NPO法人国際レスキューシステム研究機構

  57. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文賞

    2007年9月20日 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 昆陽雅司,中本雅崇,前野隆司,田所諭,ICPFアクチュエータを用いたヒト指腹部への分布振動刺激に基づく把持力調整反射の誘発,日本バーチャルリアリティー学会論文誌11巻1号,pp. 3-10, 2006,に対して

  58. RoboCup 2007 Atlanta Rescue Robot League Mobility Challenge Champion

    2007年7月8日 The RoboCup Federation

  59. RoboCupRescue Robot League SICE International Award

    2007年7月8日 Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineers

  60. RoboCup 2007 Atlanta Rescue Robot League 2nd Place

    2007年7月8日 The RoboCup Federation

  61. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門一般表彰(ROBOMEC表彰)

    2007年5月11日 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門 「人指模倣型触覚センサを用いた触感因子の実時間抽出法」, ROBOMEC2006に対して

  62. 日本機械学会船井賞

    2007年3月22日 日本機械学会 レスキューロボットの学術分野創成,に対して

  63. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and Region 10, Cetrificate of Appreciation

    2007年1月1日 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Notable services and contributions as Chair of Robotics and Automation Chapter Japan Council 2004-2005

  64. SI2006優秀講演賞

    2006年12月16日 SI2006プログラム委員会 「HELIOS Carrier連結用受動関節アームの開発」に対して

  65. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門研究奨励賞

    2006年12月15日 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 前野隆司,昆陽雅司,中本雅宗,田所諭,どのような閾下分布触覚刺激がヒト指の把持力調整反射を誘発するか?,第11回ロボティクスシンポジアに対して

  66. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会学術奨励賞(技術展示部門)(「低周波振動刺激を用いた圧覚ディスプレイの開発」展示,に対して)

    2006年12月11日 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会

  67. 日本AEM学会著述賞(アクチュエータ工学,養賢堂,の執筆に対して)

    2006年11月1日 日本AEM学会

  68. IEEE Senior Member

    2006年8月16日 IEEE

  69. 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門部門貢献表彰(ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'05(ROBOMEC2005)実行委員長としての貢献について)

    2006年5月27日 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門

  70. ロボカップジャパンオープンレスキューロボットリーグ2位

    2006年5月3日 ロボカップ日本委員会

  71. 第11回ロボティクスシンポジア優秀論文賞

    2006年3月16日 共同主催:日本ロボット学会,日本機械学会(ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門),計測自動制御学会

  72. 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門学術業績賞

    2005年6月10日 日本機械学会 レスキューロボットの学術分野創成に対して

  73. 日本機械学会フェロー

    2005年4月1日 日本機械学会 機械工学に関する業績に対して

  74. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門貢献表彰

    2003年12月20日 計測自動制御学会 SI2002の実行委員長として講演会の成功(発表者,参加者数の拡大)に貢献

  75. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文賞

    2002年9月19日 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた布の手触り感覚を提示する触感ディスプレイ

  76. 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門ROBOMEC賞

    2001年6月8日 日本機械学会 第5回ロボティクスシンポジア論文「布の手触り感覚を対象とした触感ディスプレイの研究」

  77. 人工知能学会奨励賞

    2000年7月4日 人工知能学会 ロボカップレスキューに対して

  78. RoboCup Japan Open 2000, JSAI賞

    2000年6月25日 人工知能学会 ロボカップレスキューシミュレータの研究開発に対して

  79. 第5回ロボティクスシンポジア優秀論文賞

    2000年3月26日 ロボティクスシンポジア 「布の手触り感覚を対象とした触感ディスプレイの研究」

  80. 油空圧技術振興財団賞

    1993年7月20日 油空圧技術振興財団 直動型空気圧アクチュエータのタイム・ディレイ・コントロール、油圧と空気圧, Vol. 23, No. 4

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 645

  1. Hyperboloidal Pneumatic Artificial Muscle with Braided Straight Fibers

    Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1-8 2024年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2024.3377565  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  2. Development of a remotely controllable 4 m long aerial-hose-type firefighting robot

    Yu Yamauchi, Yukihiro Maezawa, Yuichi Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10 2023年12月22日

    出版者・発行元:Frontiers Media SA

    DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2023.1273676  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In a fire outbreak, firefighters are expected to rapidly extinguish fires to stop the spread of damage and prevent secondary disasters. We proposed the concept of a dragon firefighter (DFF), which is a flying-hose-type firefighting robot. We developed a 3.6 m long DFF equipped with two nozzle units and achieved stable flight. However, the system was not yet completed because the root of the robot, which should have been operated remotely, was operated manually. In addition, the system’s reliability was insufficient to successfully repeat the demonstration several times. The development of a robot demonstration system is crucial for the practical application of such a firefighting robot. In this study, we developed a demonstration system for a remotely controllable 4 m flying firehose robot for demonstration at the World Robot Summit 2020 (WRS 2020) opening ceremony in Fukushima as a milestone. This paper focuses on the following issues: 1): installation of the remotely controllable mobile base, 2): redesign of the water channels (the sizes of nozzle outlets) to get enough thrusts to fly with a fire engine, 3): development of nozzle units with a larger movable range (1.5 times larger than the conventional nozzle) in addition to waterproofing technique to improve system reliability, and 4): redesign of a passive damping mechanism to ensure better stability. Thus, a firefighting demonstration was successfully conducted at the opening ceremony of the World Robot Summit 2020 in Fukushima, Japan, and we discuss the lessons learned through the demonstration. We found that the developed DFF system incorporating a mobile base could achieve remote fire extinguishing.

  3. Air-Jet Levitation of Continuum Robots: Stable Head Floating by Passive Thrust Vectoring for Enhancing Mobility

    Yuichi Ambe, Shuta Kamio, Yu Yamauchi, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Shigenao Maruyama, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 109 (2) 2023年9月30日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1007/s10846-023-01964-6  



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    Abstract Flexible, continuum-type robots can access narrow spaces in debris areas during search-and-rescue missions. However, their current problem is the lifting capability of the head, which is necessary to surmount the rubble. This study proposes a passive-thrust vectoring method to stabilize head levitation for air-jet-actuated, long, continuum robots, and thus enhance their step-climbing abilities. An air jet can generate a thrust force that is sufficient for head levitation. A critical issue in levitation involves the backward bending of the head without using any air-jet control; however, thrust control is inappropriate because of the delay caused by the long channel. Therefore, the proposed method maintains the thrust direction constant. Sufficient conditions for global stability are derived and confirmed via dynamic simulations. The proposed method is simple and can be mechanically realized with a passive head-bending mechanism, thus contributing to a lightweight design. Experiments demonstrated that the developed air-floating-type, 7-m long robot, can achieve stabilized head levitation, and that the robot can climb a step with a height of 250 mm. Robot demonstrations in rubble justify the robot’s capacity to surmount the rubble. This passive-thrust vectoring method is expected to contribute to the future enhancement of the mobility of continuum robots owing to its simplicity and practicality.

  4. Permanent-Magnetically Amplified Robotic Gripper With Less Clamping Width Influence on Compensation Realized by a Stepless Width Adjustment Mechanism

    Tori Shimizu, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Kazuki Abe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 (2) 736-743 2023年2月

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2022.3224664  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  5. Anomaly Detection in LiDAR Data Using Virtual and Real Observations

    Keiichiro Hattori, Ranulfo Bezerra, Shotaro Kojima, Yoshito Okada, Kazunori Ohno, Shintaro Ishihara, Kenji Sawada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2023 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2023 191-198 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/ICAR58858.2023.10406443  

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    With the constant progress of robot integration within society, security remains a paramount concern, particularly due to the increasing potential for damage arising from malicious attacks. However, the inherent challenges of preventing every potential attack vector require innovative security measures. This study presents a unified anomaly detection method employing a virtual environment mirroring real-world observations. By focusing on the discrepancies between real and virtual observational data, anomalies can be effectively detected, the types of which are further identified through a time-series analysis of these discrepancies. Results demonstrated the capacity of our method to successfully detect and categorize anomalies arising from various sources including environmental noise, robotic malfunctions, and communication-based attacks. Furthermore, our anomaly detection method consistently achieved precision, recall, and F1 scores higher than 90%, underscoring its effectiveness.

  6. Fast and Accurate Simulation of Mecanum Wheels with Passive Rollers Emulated by Fixed Joints and Anisotropic Friction

    Yoshito Okada, Kazuya Oguma, Kenta Gunji, Yoshiki Yokota, Hanif Aryadi, Shotaro Kojima, Ranulfo Bezerra, Masashi Konyo, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2023 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2023 592-598 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/ICAR58858.2023.10406382  

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    Simulating mecanum wheels, ubiquitous in robotics and industry, is a critical tool for advancing research and development on robots equipped with these wheels. This study proposes a fast and accurate simulation model for mecanum wheels, where passive rotating rollers attached to the wheel's outer circumference are represented with fixed joints and anisotropic friction links. The simulation is fast because the constraints on the rotation axis of the roller do not need to be explicitly considered in the physics calculation. The barrel shape of the roller is approximated using multiple spherical links placed along the axis of the roller. As this approach replicates the shape with fewer polygons, simulation accuracy is maintained, and collision detection during the physics calculation can be accelerated. Comparison experiments with conventional models and an actual vehicle confirm that a simulation accuracy close to that of the actual vehicle can be achieved at a calculation speed more than three times those of conventional models. The proposed simulation model may aid in the development of transportation vehicles for factory applications, and it may replace labor-intensive experiments on swarm vehicles to expedite research and development therein.

  7. MoCArU: Low-Cost Wireless Portable Robot Localization System Using IoT

    Rawin Assabumrungrat, Ranulfo Bezerra, Iuri Barros, Shotaro Kojima, Yoshito Okada, Masashi Konyo, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 3458-3465 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/SMC53992.2023.10394661  


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    Localization is crucial for various automation systems to provide awareness of the robot's position and orientation. Additionally, a localization system that offers portability, flexibility, and low computational and economic costs is required by a variety of robotics applications. However, no existing system can offer all the aforementioned features suitable for motion capture tasks involving ground swarm robots. In this study, we propose MoCArU, a novel Motion Capture system based on odometry and ArUco, robustly recognized through image data with low computational cost. We have evaluated the system's performance by comparing it with the ground truth trajectory and adopting different numbers of cameras. The results show that MoCArU can achieve a root mean square error of 0.1345±0.0065 m using ten cameras. Our findings add to previous knowledge by presenting a robust and cost-effective alternative to existing localization methods. Here, we show that MoCArU's use of lightweight camera stands and wireless communication ensures ease of installation, portability, and low computational cost, making it suitable for tracking swarm ground robot systems. We anticipate this system to be used in various applications, such as robot position control, navigation, and obstacle avoidance control. Overall, MoCArU provides a reliable and cost-effective solution for the real-time localization of robots, so its wider applicability in various environments is a significant advantage in robotics. An open-source implementation of MoCArU, as well as its related details, is open for public use at https://www.rm.is.tohoku.ac.jp/MoCArU.

  8. Redundant Voronoi Roadmap Graph Using Imaginary Obstacles for Multi-Robot Path Planning

    Hanif A. Aryadi, Ranulfo Bezerra, Kazunori Ohno, Kenta Gunji, Shotaro Kojima, Masao Kuwahara, Yoshito Okada, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1772-1779 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/SMC53992.2023.10393983  


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    Roadmap-based path planning is a well-established method for multi-robot systems, where the free space of the environment is represented as a roadmap graph. The Voronoi diagram is known for its efficiency in creating roadmaps for single-robot systems due to its ability to generate paths with high clearance from obstacles. However, the design of the Voronoi diagram does not allow for redundant paths, as only one path is obtained between each pair of obstacles. In contrast, multi-robot path planning requires multiple path options for efficient solutions. Therefore, we propose redundant Voronoi roadmap graph, which incorporates multiple paths computed from the Voronoi diagram. In this approach, we introduce imaginary obstacles to modify the costmap and obtain a roadmap with more paths. Our proposed roadmap retains the high clearance feature of the Voronoi diagram and is suitable for multi-robot systems due to the availability of alternative route options. We demonstrate that our method can generate roadmaps in various simulated environments with different levels of redundancy. Additionally, we verify the efficiency of our proposed roadmap graph through graph analysis and multi-robot path planning experiments. Comparative analysis shows that the use of the proposed roadmap increases the success rate and solution quality compared to the roadmap obtained directly from the conventional Voronoi diagram.

  9. Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery in Transformable Production

    Hanif A. Aryadi, Ranulfo Bezerra, Kazunori Ohno, Kenta Gunji, Shotaro Kojima, Masao Kuwahara, Yoshito Okada, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2023-August 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260587  



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    This paper focuses on multi-agent pickup and delivery (MAPD) in the context of the transformable production system. With the increasing demand for personalized products in today's globalized world, manufacturers are providing customers with the option to purchase items with specific details. Transformable production is a solution to manufacture customized products, which involves both static agents responsible for manufacturing and mobile agents responsible for pickup and delivery tasks. Numerous works in the literature have studied the MAPD problem. However, these works consider pickup-and-delivery tasks to be independent of each other. In the transformable production system, a delivery task can only start if the corresponding manufacturing process is finished. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the task dependencies when addressing MAPD in transformable production. To tackle this challenge, we propose a framework to solve this problem. We employ a heuristic algorithm to assign tasks to static and mobile agents and introduce a parameter that adjusts the expected pickup and delivery duration. Additionally, we introduce heuristic cost functions for path finding tailored to our problem. Through comparative analysis using synthetic test sets, we highlight the significance of the parameter used in pickup-and-delivery task scheduling in obtaining improved results. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our proposed algorithm and cost functions achieve slightly better performance than the baseline algorithm.

  10. LayoutSLAM++: Simultaneous Estimation of Layout and Object Map Based on Geometric Features of Object Placement

    Kenta Gunji, Kazunori Ohno, Ranulfo Bezerra, Shotaro Kojima, Hanif Aryadi, Yoshito Okada, Masao Kuwahara, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2023-August 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260535  



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    Managing production systems in a dynamic environment is a challenging task. As demand and worker utilization change in a factory, the number of work units must be adjusted, which can interfere with efficient component picking and delivery by transfer robots. If the robots could recognize the type of work unit, they could automatically update their maps of picking delivery points to avoid delays. However, this requires a flexible and autonomous method to recognize work units. In this paper, we propose a new approach, LayoutSLAM++, which estimates work units as layout information from sensor data collected by a robot. This method enables adding work unit information to the conventional object map information by simultaneously performing layout estimation and SLAM, considering object confidence and sensor data errors. Layout information can be extracted even when the same object appears in different work units. We validated the method using 15 environments with various geometric constraints and found that the layout information was estimated with 73.0%f-value. Even on a dataset with low geometrical constraints of the object placement, the layout class corresponding to the type of work unit was estimated with 100% precision. Although the recall of layout constraints estimation was as low as 77.7%, the map construction accuracy was improved by 10.6%, showing that the false negatives in layout estimation did not affect the map construction accuracy. By extracting work units as layout information, it is possible to determine the principal object for pick and delivery even when the object's position changes slightly or things belonging to a chair have different appearances. The proposed method can improve the efficiency of transfer robots in dynamic plant environments.

  11. Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Task Allocation for Garment Transformable Production using Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Ranulfo Bezerra, Kazunori Ohno, Shotaro Kojima, Hanif A. Aryadi, Kenta Gunji, Masao Kuwahara, Yoshito Okada, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2023-August 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260437  



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    This paper addresses the need for a more practical, flexible and scalable approach to garment manufacturing amidst the fashion industry's current shift towards transformable production. The current trend for personalized, on-demand orders has resulted in a need for greater involvement of static units capable of carrying out certain tasks (e.g. assembly, cutting, ironing) and mobile robots during the garment production process. Previous research has dealt with the development of a scheduler for these types of robots once all orders have been received. Although meaningful, this model remains impractical in realistic production settings. This paper introduces TransPRES (Transformable Production REsource Scheduler), a deep reinforcement learning-based scheduler that assigns three different kinds of static and mobile robots to individual tasks based on demand. This newly proposed method uses a tailor-made state to represent the transformable production, and an action that schedules the corresponding resource based on its type. To evaluate this approach, we developed a transformable production simulator that generates garment manufacturing orders with varying numbers of tasks, processing times, hierarchy, and resources required to complete them. Furthermore, we extended a heuristic-based approach and an additional reinforcement learning-based approach for comparison within a transformable production environment. Results show that our method outperforms previous approaches by being able to schedule 11% more tasks using 2 ms per flop which, in turn, demonstrates its effectiveness for the future of transformable production.

  12. Wearable High-Resolution Haptic Display Using Suction Stimuli to Represent Cutaneous Contact Information on Finger Pad.

    Natsumi Morita, Akio Ichijo, Masashi Konyo, Haruki Kato, Kazuya Sase, Hikaru Nagano, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Transactions on Haptics 16 (4) 687-694 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2023.3280391  

  13. Folded, Articulated Manipulator with Inflatable Skin Enabling Bending and Extension Using a Tension Cutoff Mechanism.

    Yuto Yoshimoto, Tomoya Takahashi, Kazuki Abe, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Syunsuke Sano, Satoshi Tadokoro

    CASE 1-8 2023年

    DOI: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260421  

  14. Translational Disturbance Rejection for Jet-Actuated Flying Continuum Robots on Mobile Bases

    Yukihiro Maezawa, Yuichi Ambe, Yu Yamauchi, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1-8 2023年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2023.3318189  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  15. Tube Mechanism with 3-axis Rotary Joints Structure to Achieve Variable Stiffness Using Positive Pressure

    Issei Onda, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Kazuki Abe, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1-8 2023年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2023.3234767  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  16. Development of a continuum robot enhanced with distributed sensors for search and rescue

    Yu Yamauchi, Yuichi Ambe, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Yoshiaki Bando, Eisuke Ito, Solvi Arnold, Kimitoshi Yamazaki, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Takayuki Okatani, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ROBOMECH Journal 9 (1) 2022年12月

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1186/s40648-022-00223-x  


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    Abstract Continuum robots can enter narrow spaces and are useful for search and rescue missions in disaster sites. The exploration efficiency at disaster sites improves if the robots can simultaneously acquire several pieces of information. However, a continuum robot that can simultaneously acquire information to such an extent has not yet been designed. This is because attaching multiple sensors to the robot without compromising its body flexibility is challenging. In this study, we installed multiple small sensors in a distributed manner to develop a continuum-robot system with multiple information-gathering functions. In addition, a field experiment with the robot demonstrated that the gathered multiple information has a potential to improve the searching efficiency. Concretely, we developed an active scope camera with sensory functions, which was equipped with a total of 80 distributed sensors, such as inertial measurement units, microphones, speakers, and vibration sensors. Herein, we consider space-saving, noise reduction, and the ease of maintenance for designing the robot. The developed robot can communicate with all the attached sensors even if it is bent with a minimum bending radius of 250 mm. We also developed an operation interface that integrates search-support technologies using the information gathered via sensors. We demonstrated the survivor search procedure in a simulated rubble environment of the Fukushima Robot Test Field. We confirmed that the information provided through the operation interface is useful for searching and finding survivors. The limitations of the designed system are also discussed. The development of such a continuum robot system, with a great potential for several applications, extends the application of continuum robots to disaster management and will benefit the community at large.

  17. Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of a Spherical Parallel Link Mechanism With Arc Prismatic Pairs

    Naoto Saiki, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Kazuki Abe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4) 11221-11227 2022年10月1日

    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3192760  


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    A two-degrees-of-freedom spherical parallel link mechanism (2-DOF SPM) was designed to ensure that it only has rotational degrees of freedom in two directions around a fixed center. In general, 2-DOF SPM includes passive rotating pairs, and at least two actuators are needed to change the end-effector posture. The arrangement of the links and pairs determines the characteristics and performance of SPM, so 2-DOF SPMs were designed considering various requirements, such as output torque, accuracy, and space constraints for applications. To satisfy these requirements, arc prismatic pairs can be used in SPMs. In order to use in SPMs, as for arc prismatic pairs, the concrete configuration and design methods for arc prismatic pairs have been studied. Furthermore, in order to compensate for the influence of friction on the positioning error, the control model considering the friction has been proposed by constructing a feedback loop containing experimentally found parameters. However, the conventional model is not a mechanical model of friction. Therefore, it is not suitable for calculating the friction force and understanding how the limit of the workspace changes due to the influence of friction. In this study, we construct a mechanical friction model considering the intersection angle change between the input and the rail slide direction. In addition, using the friction model, we clarify the influences of friction on the workspace and driving the SPM to realize high-performance 2-DOF SPM. First, we theoretically clarified the influence of friction on the workspace by considering the case of a slider-type differential-drive 2-DOF SPM. Second, the driving torque was experimentally measured, and the influence of friction on driving was examined.

  18. Heterogeneous robots coordination for industrial plant inspection and evaluation at World Robot Summit 2020

    Shotaro Kojima, Tomoya Takahashi, Ranulfo Bezerra, Takaaki Nara, Masaki Takahashi, Naoto Saiki, Kenta Gunji, Pongsakorn Songsuroj, Ryota Suzuki, Kotaro Sato, Zitong Han, Kagetora Takahashi, Yoshito Okada, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Advanced Robotics 36 (21) 1-18 2022年8月26日

    出版者・発行元:Informa UK Limited

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2022.2111230  



  19. Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Task Scheduling Heuristics for Garment Mass Customization

    Ranulfo Bezerra, Kazunori Ohno, Shotaro Kojima, Hanif A. Aryadi, Kenta Gunji, Masao Kuwahara, Yoshito Okada, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2022年8月20日


    DOI: 10.1109/case49997.2022.9926509  

  20. Electrocardiogram Measurement and Emotion Estimation of Working Dogs

    Kazunori Ohno, Kotaro Sato, Ryunosuke Hamada, Takatomi Kubo, Kazushi Ikeda, Miho Nagasawa, Takefumi Kikusui, Sandeep Kumar Nayak, Shotaro Kojima, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2) 4047-4054 2022年4月

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2022.3145590  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  21. Highly Articulated Tube Mechanism With Variable Stiffness and Shape Restoration Using a Pneumatic Actuator

    Issei Onda, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Kazuki Abe, Tetsuyou Watanabe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2) 3664-3671 2022年4月

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2022.3147246  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  22. LayoutSLAM: Object Layout based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Reducing Object Map Distortion

    Kenta Gunji, Kazunori Ohno, Shotaro Kojima, Ranulfo Bezerra, Yoshito Okada, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2022-October 2825-2832 2022年

    DOI: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981492  



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    There is an increasing demand for robots that can be substituted for humans in various tasks. Mobile robots are being introduced in factories, stores, and public facilities for carrying goods and cleaning. In factories and stores, desks and shelves are arranged such that the work and movement of personnel are reduced. The surrounding furniture is also set to ensure that a single task can be performed in the same place. It is essential to study the intelligence of robots using information from such layouts, wherein human labor and movements are optimized. However, There is no method of map construction or location estimation that uses the characteristics of furniture arrangements that facilitate human work in a work space. Therefore, this study proposes a method for object mapping using layouts in crowded workspaces. Graphically represent the characteristics of furniture placement that make it easy for people to work in a workspace. The links in the graph represent the connections between the objects in the layout property. The nodes are the objects, and the weights of the links represent the strength of the layout properties. This graph is optimized by GraphSLAM to construct a map that considers the arrangement's characteristics. Using the graph structure improves the map's accuracy while allowing for relative changes in placement. The results show a 50.44% improvement in accuracy in a space with 18 desks, followed by two variations of similar desk layouts. The same improvement in accuracy was also observed when the relative positioning of objects changed significantly in each variation, such as a change to the left or right on the same side.

  23. Autonomous Human Navigation Using Wearable Multiple Laser Projection Suit

    Sandeep Kumar Nayak, Kazunori Ohno, Ranulfo Bezerra, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    SSRR 2022 - IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 53-60 2022年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR56537.2022.10018708  

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    Ahstract- Light projection-based visual feedback navigation systems are advantageous in easily conveying direction. It also shifts the mental attention of the user from the screen to the environment, which increases safety. However, building an autonomous navigation system for fast navigation using light projection has the challenge of human motion sensitivity and tuning of navigation parameters based on human needs. In this paper, we present an autonomous wearable multiple laser projection stimulus (mLPS) based navigation system. The mLPS consists of three discrete laser lights for representing directional cues. This enables very quick switching for high-speed movements and precise navigation by visual cues. We designed a chest-based wearable suit for minimizing the sensitivity of light projection to human motion. Furthermore, we present a waypoint-based human navigation system and tuning of its navigation parameters based on both navigation performance and perceived human stress. Finally, a successful demonstration of the concept is presented.

  24. シミュレータを利用した異なる土砂の種類と積み下ろし位置による土砂山形状の解析

    横山 慈, 西條 達慶, 大野 和則, 小島 匠太郎, 明河 哲, 鈴木 太郎, 小松 智広, 宮本 直人, 鈴木 高宏, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2022 1P1-B02 2022年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2022.1p1-b02  


  25. 後付運転口ボットを利用した積載量40tの大型6輪ダンプトラックの自動土砂運搬

    大野 和則, 明河 哲, 小島 匠太郎, 横山 慈, 鈴木 太郎, 小松 智広, 宮本 直人, 鈴木 高宏, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2022 1P1-B03 2022年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2022.1p1-b03  


  26. Loading an Autonomous Large-Scale Dump Truck: Path Planning Based on Motion Data from Human-Operated Construction Vehicles

    Tetsu Akegawa, Kazunori Ohno, Shotaro Kojima, Naoto Miyamoto, Taro Suzuki, Tomohiro Komatsu, Takahiro Suzuki, Yukinori Shibata, Kimitaka Asano, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2022-October 6577-6584 2022年

    DOI: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981828  



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    A large-scale dump truck that automatically transports earth and sand in cooperation with a human-operated backhoe is of interest to the construction industry. A human-operated dump truck generally drives slightly past the desired loading position and then backs up to it for loading the sediment. The turning and loading positions are subjectively decided according to the working posture of the backhoe and the surrounding environment, and the safety margin of cooperative works. Backhoe operators want to perform the same maneuvers for human-operated/automated dump trucks. The movements of the autonomous vehicle should be similar to those of a human-operated one. However, it is difficult to derive a human-like path that does more than minimize costs. This study proposes a path-planning method that generates a path including a turning back, according to the changing backhoe position and surrounding conditions. We modeled the positional relationship during loading between a backhoe and dump truck, determining the loading and turning positions and related parameters from operational data collected in trials with human-operated construction vehicles. The proposed method allowed the autonomous dump truck path to resemble a human-like one. The authors have retrofitted an existing large-scale six-wheeled dump truck for automatic operation. Automatic loading in cooperation with a human-operated backhoe was realized all 17 times using the retrofitted dump. The average stopping accuracy was 0.57 m and 9.7°.

  27. Radio-Map-Based Flight Planning of Autonomous Repeater Drones for Bridge Inspection.

    Yuichi Ambe, Yoshito Okada, Yoshiki Yokota, Satoshi Abe, Fumihide Kojima, Toshiyuki Miyachi, Hiroaki Harai, Hirokazu Sawada, Takeshi Matsumura, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    PIMRC 1-6 2022年

    DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC54779.2022.9977921  

  28. Fluid Jet Actuated Flying Continuum Robots

    Yuichi Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan 40 (4) 310-314 2022年

    出版者・発行元:The Robotics Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.40.310  



  29. 指腹部高解像吸引触覚ディスプレイによる把持感覚の再現―第2報:吸引刺激による2点弁別閾の同定―

    森田 夏実, 昆陽 雅司, 永野 光, 佐瀬 一弥, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2022 2P1-N07 2022年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2022.2p1-n07  


  30. 張力調整型先端折返しベルト付き柔剛切替ヘラ機構

    髙橋 優太, 釼持 優人, 髙橋 景虎, 佐野 峻輔, 金田 侑, 荒木 秀和, 戸島 亮, 池内 宏樹, 阿部 一樹, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2022 2A2-J05 2022年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2022.2a2-j05  


  31. Organic Fluid Actuator

    Yuto KEMMOTSU, Kegetora TAKAHASHI, Kazuki ABE, Masahiro WATANABE, Kenjiro TADAKUMA, Masashi KONYO, Satoshi TADOKORO

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec) 2022 2A2-J07 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2022.2a2-j07  


  32. Fluidic Variable Resistance Mechanism that Memorizes Fluid Flow

    Yuto KEMMOTSU, Kagetora TAKAHASHI, Kazuki ABE, Masahiro WATANABE, Kenjiro TADAKUMA, Masashi KONYO, Satoshi TADOKORO

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec) 2022 2A2-J10 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2022.2a2-j10  


  33. A Study on Estimation Methods of Spring Constants and Bending Tendency Parameters in a Pseudo Rigid Body Model of a Continuum Robot.

    Yukihiro MAEZAWA, Yu YAMAUCHI, Yuichi AMBE, Masashi KONYO, Kenjiro TADAKUMA, Shigenao MARUYAMA, Satoshi TADOKORO

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec) 2022 1A1-I06 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2022.1a1-i06  


  34. Extreme High Step Climbing: Nonlinear Analysis of a Highly-Deformable-Tracked Robot

    Yu Ozawa, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 1-11 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/tmech.2022.3216714  



  35. Inflated Bendable Eversion Cantilever Mechanism with Inner Skeleton for Increased Stiffness

    Tomoya Takahashi, Masahiro Watanabe, Kazuki Abe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Naoto Saiki, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1-8 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2022.3221340  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  36. Local Sensory Feedback Generates Various Wave Gaits in Multi-legged Robots via Embodied Sensorimotor Interaction.

    Yuichi Ambe, Shinya Aoi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ASCC 1379-1383 2022年

    DOI: 10.23919/ASCC56756.2022.9828259  

  37. Realizing Large Shape Deformations of a Flying Continuum Robot With a Passive Rotating Nozzle Unit That Enlarges Jet Directions in Three-Dimensional Space.

    Yu Yamauchi, Yuichi Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Access 10 37646-37657 2022年

    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3162835  

  38. World Robot Summit 2020 福島大会の概要と成果

    田所 諭, 木村 哲也, 大金 一二, 大坪 義一, 奥川 雅之, 佐藤 徳孝, 清水 優, 鈴木 壮一郎, 青木 岳史, 岡田 佳都, 筑紫 彰太, 戸田 雄一郎, 永野 光, 蓮實 雄大, 山口 大介, 村田 美香, 高橋 みつる, 森田 由美, Elena Mary Rooney

    日本ロボット学会誌 40 (6) 475-483 2022年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.40.475  



  39. Path Planning of the Turning Back of an Autonomous Large-Scale Six-Wheeled Dump Truck for Loading/Leaving Sediment Based on Backhoe Work

    Tetsu Akegawa, Kazunori Ohno, Shotaro Kojima, Kento Yamada, Wiru Go, Taro Suzuki, Seiga Kiribayashi, Tomohiro Komatsu, Naoto Miyamoto, Takahiro Suzuki, Yukinori Shibata, Kimitaka Asano, Keiji Nagatani, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII52469.2022.9708879  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    There is an urgent need to automate earthmoving activities for large-scale six-wheeled dump trucks using retrofitted sensors and driving robots. A dump truck stops at a loading position with its bed facing the backhoe to fill the bed with sediment quickly. It also stops with its bed facing the leaving position. Therefore, it is necessary to plan ahead to safely and accurately enter and exit those working positions. However, existing path planners did not generate a path with a turning point that is suitable for large-scale six-wheeled dump truck loading sediment. In this paper, we propose an online path-planning method with the following main features. First, a path is planned to move the dump truck forward and/or backward to the working position to load and/or leave sediment. Second, when a new working position is designated, a path from the turning position to the new goal position is automatically established. We verified the proposed method using a simulator of the dump truck (3.5 m x 11 m), showing that it is possible to properly account for the turning radius of the dump truck. The result reveals that it is possible to replan with a working position shift of 4.8 m or 33 degrees from a 25 m distance and that the time required for replanning can be shortened to <= 7.56 s. We also confirmed that the large-scale autonomous dump truck can automatically stop at the loading position in cooperation with a human-operated backhoe 10 out of 10 times with a stopping accuracy of 0.57 m and 5.29 degrees.

  40. Permanent-magnetically Amplified Brake Mechanism Compensated and Stroke-Shortened by a Multistage Nonlinear Spring

    Tori Shimizu, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Kazuki Abe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1-1 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2022.3143231  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  41. Design and Control Method of a Planar Omnidirectional Crawler Mechanism

    Eri Takane, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Journal of Mechanical Design 144 (1) 2022年1月1日

    出版者・発行元:ASME International

    DOI: 10.1115/1.4051354  



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    Abstract Omnidirectional mobility is a popular method of moving in narrow spaces. In particular, the planar omnidirectional crawler previously developed by the authors can traverse unstable and uneven terrain with a large contact area. A novel point is that the proposed system is unique in its ability to carry heavy loads in all directions without getting stuck because of the large pressure-receiving area between the crawler and the ground. This work will facilitate omnidirectional motion, which has important implications for the use of robots in spaces such as not only factories, distribution centers, and warehouses but also soft soil in disaster sites. The objective of the present study was to establish a design and control method for an omnidirectional crawler mechanism that can conduct holonomic and two-axis cross-driving. Only two motors are set on the crawler base for translation in the X- and Y-directions, and two large crawler units are arranged for turning. We design a small crawler that has higher traversing ability with a derailment prevention mechanism and tapered track. Further, the relationship between the motor rotational speed as input and crawler velocity as output was verified for control. In addition, it was demonstrated experimentally that the proposed crawler could travel across various types of rough terrain in a target direction.

  42. Stabilized Controller for Jet Actuated Cantilevered Pipe Using Damping Effect of an Internal Flowing Fluid

    Yuichi Ambe, Yu Yamauchi, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Access 10 5238-5249 2022年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3140760  


  43. An individual prediction model of the pre-loading motion for operator and backhoe pairs

    Kento Yamada, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto, Naoto Miyamoto, Shotaro Kojima, Taro Suzuki, Takahiro Suzuki, Keiji Nagatani, Yukinori Shibata, Kimitaka Asano, Tomohiro Komatsu, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 35 (23) 1388-1403 2021年12月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2021.1980101  



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    The autonomous dump truck must judge whether the backhoe is ready for loading the sediment for smooth and safe cooperation with the human-operated backhoes. Analyzing time-series data of the human-operated backhoe loading motion is an effective method to build a prediction model. The transition of several primitive motions enables us to predict the timing when the backhoe starts loading. However, in transition modeling, manually selecting the appropriate primitive motions in the pre-loading motions requires considerable effort. In addition, a robust loading prediction is required for sensor layout changes in the installations of them. Here, we propose a BP-HMM-based prediction method of the pre-loading motion. The algorithm automatically finds the transition of several primitive motions from time-series data and its annotation labels. The selection of three angular velocities as features of the BP-HMM increases the robustness of the prediction method. The proposed method built a suitable prediction model for three different combinations of operators and backhoes. The prediction method was robust for sensor layout changes, and showed an accuracy of 100%. The proposed prediction method contributes to the automation of earthmoving work by enabling smooth cooperation between autonomous dump trucks and human-operated backhoe.

  44. Lateral Skidding Motion of Tracked Vehicles using Wall Reaction Force

    Shotaro Kojima, Yuki Harata, Kazunori Ohno, Takahiro Suzuki, Yoshito Okada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2021 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) 2021年10月25日


    DOI: 10.1109/ssrr53300.2021.9597863  

  45. Two-Sheet Type Rotary-Driven Thin Bending Mechanism Realizing High Stiffness

    Tomoya Takahashi, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Eri Takane, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (4) 8333-8340 2021年10月

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/lra.2021.3105744  

    eISSN:2377-3766 2377-3774

  46. Region Recognition Based on HMM Using Primitive Motion Transitions

    Ranulfo P.Bezerra Netol, Kazunori Ohno, Shotaro Kojima, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC 2021-September 1437-1444 2021年9月19日

    DOI: 10.1109/ITSC48978.2021.9564906  

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    Automated Driving Systems (ADSs) are being proposed as a promising technology that will help drivers avoid accidents, as well as reduce driving-related stress. To enhance the driving performance of ADSs, driving log data from human drivers is being used to teach these systems how to behave in different traffic regions. Visual information from the driving log data is an easy method to identify traffic regions. However, due to space constraints or lack of visual sensors, most of the driving log data has no visual information. Therefore, another solution is necessary to identify traffic regions using only spatial information. To address this challenge, the paper proposes a region recognition method using key primitive transitions obtained from vehicle trajectory information. To obtain the motion primitives, we employed a hierarchical similarity clustering that combines hierarchical clustering and HDP-HSMM. The vehicle behavior from the region of interest was extracted by analyzing the motion primitives transitions located within close range (50 m) of the region. We assessed the behavior of vehicles when approaching two regions: traffic lights and entrances. Three environments were used to evaluate the proposed method, with two different drivers and distinguished layouts. This study shows that the proposed classification method can identify traffic light and entrance regions with an average 89% precision and 86% f-score. Additionally, the hierarchical similarity clustering and window observation approach developed in this study is responsible for increasing the system's precision by 9%.

  47. Knowledge Acquisition from Pedestrian Flow Analysis using Sparse Mobile Probe Data

    Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto, Kazunori Ohno, Thomas Westfechtel, Shotaro Kojima, Kento Yamada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications 102 (4) 2021年8月

    DOI: 10.1007/s10846-021-01419-w  



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    Autonomous vehicles require high-level semantic maps, which contain the activities of pedestrians and cars, to ensure safe navigation. High-level semantics can be obtained from mobile probe sensor data. Analyzing pedestrian trajectories obtained from mobile probe data is an effective approach to avoid collisions between autonomous vehicles and pedestrians. Such analyses of pedestrian trajectories can generate new information such as pedestrian behaviors in violation of traffic regulations. However, pedestrian trajectories obtained from mobile probe data significantly sparse and noisy, making it challenging to analyze pedestrian activity. To address this issue, we propose multiple daily data and graph-based approaches to treat sparse and noisy data for estimating the flow of pedestrians based on mobile probe data. To improve the sparseness of the data, multiple daily data are fused. After that, a pedestrian graph is created to enhance the region’s coverage by connecting the sparse data indicating the flow of pedestrians. This proposed approach successfully obtained pedestrian trajectory data from the sparse and noisy data. Moreover, it was possible to identify the potential locations where pedestrians tend to cross the street by analyzing the pedestrian flow. The results indicate that 83% of well-known regions where pedestrians tend to cross the street corresponded with those extracted using the proposed approach. Furthermore, a high-level semantic map of the regions where pedestrians tend to cross the street along a 1-km road is presented. The trajectory information obtained using the proposed approach is expected to be essential for understanding different scenarios of the interactions between individuals and autonomous vehicles.

  48. Eversion Robotic Mechanism With Hydraulic Skeletonto Realize Steering Function

    Tomoya Takahashi, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Eri Takane, Natsumi Hookabe, Hiroshi Kajiahara, Takeshi Yamasaki, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 6 (3) 5413-5420 2021年7月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3073653  



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    For rescue or endoscope applications, snake-like robots have been extensively studied to access and explore confined spaces, such as small-diameter holes or complicated debris. Among them, eversion robot which can evert their flexible surface membrane to extend, exhibit high-mobility performance, even in fragile or soft ground, because they can move without friction or slippage. However, the steering mechanism of these flexible robots require a rigid environment or complex mechanisms to maintain their curved shape. In this study, we realize a long eversion robot with a selectable extension direction and with a retractable function using an "unsealed" liquid-driven system that takes advantage of a high-density liquid. It comprises a container whose upper-part is open, an eversion robot, and a hollow steering mechanism inserted within the robot. The theoretical analysis of the steering is presented, and the generated friction and required tension under several conditions are measured. Experimentally, we determine the minimum diameter of the steering mechanism, which can minimize friction and enable retraction. The inner tubular mechanism can be operated independently during eversion of the outer membrane structure; therefore, the steering mechanism can be replaced with other structures, such as cameras and inspection sensors.

  49. Passive Orientation Control of Nozzle Unit With Multiple Water Jets to Expand the Net Force Direction Range for Aerial Hose-Type Robots

    Yu Yamauchi, Yuichi Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 6 (3) 5634-5641 2021年7月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3082019  



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    Fluid injection has promising potential as a novel actuation approach for robots to enable the rapid switching of large forces. We have proposed a nozzle unit with multiple active rotating nozzles for controlling the magnitude and direction of the net force simultaneously. However, a new fundamental challenge arises when multiple nozzle units are connected to a long flexible robot, hence addressing the need to expand the injection range caused by twisting. The proposed nozzle unit can drastically expand the injection range using a passive rotation mechanism to automatically follow the intended injection direction. Concretely, the nozzle unit consists of the passive joint to rotate and two active rotating nozzles to realize the net force. If the unit emits the jets inwardly, the nozzle posture converges to the direction of net force without any additional control. By modeling the proposed nozzle unit, we theoretically validate the global stability of the proposed unit and derive sufficient conditions for geometric parameters. Moreover, we demonstrate that some geometrical parameters could modify the responsiveness of the posture. The developed nozzle unit experimentally verifies that the nozzle unit can direct the net force direction in the range of 180 degrees from the upward to the downward direction. In addition, we observe the step responses of the posture for several gains and confirm that responsiveness could be tuned by geometrical parameters. The results of the experiments agree well with the model trends.

  50. 2-DOF Spherical Parallel Mechanism Capable of Biaxial Swing Motion with Active Arc Sliders

    Naoto Saiki, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Eri Takane, Masashi Nobutoki, Shintaro Suzuki, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 6 (3) 4680-4687 2021年7月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3064187  



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    Most articulated robots comprise multiple joints and links that control the position and posture of the end effector. The kinematic pair arrangement determines characteristics such as output force. The link configurations can be classified as serial link and parallel link mechanisms. A typical parallel link mechanism is the spherical parallel mechanism (SPM), designed to ensure that the end effector has only rotational degrees of freedom. However, the kinematic pair arrangement has not been sufficiently examined in two degrees of freedom (2-DOF) SPMs. Herein, we present a basic design method for the proposed 2-DOF SPM curved biaxial swing mechanism, with inputs comprising arc sliders. The swinging area of the passive link was small, and infinite rotation around a certain axis was achieved without collision or transfer to a singular posture. Using the kinematics of this mechanism, we clarified the linear roll output and non-linear pitch output. Moreover, we fabricated a prototype and measured its basic drive characteristics. The results revealed that the output performance was greatly dependent on the rotation angle, high movable range in the roll axis, and low movable range in the pitch axis.

  51. Internally-Balanced Displacement-Force Converter for Stepless Control of Spring Deformation Compensated by Cam With Variable Pressure Angle

    Tori Shimizu, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Eri Takane, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 6 (3) 4576-4583 2021年7月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3060383  



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    The force required to drive a mechanism can be compensated by adding an equivalent load in the opposite direction. By reversing the input and output of the load compensation, we proposed the concept of a displacement-force converter that enables the deformation of the elastic element to be controlled steplessly by a minimal external force. Its principle was proved in our previous study, but challenges arose owing to the use of a wire and pulley. Here, we introduce a new compensation method using a noncircular cam that generates a compensation torque due to the contact force from the follower, which is split in the tangential direction of the cam by the pressure angle varying at rotation. Using a prototype for proof of concept, the maximum control force required for the extension of the spring was successfully reduced by 23.2%. Furthermore, uniform forces were obtained between extension and compression so that the difference between them decreased from 543% to 49% relative to compression. Thus, actuators and current supplies requiring less power could be selected. Moreover, the prototype model was incorporated into a variable stiffness mechanism of a soft robotic gripper as a wire tensioner to show the expandability of the displacement-force converter.

  52. Model of human actions by a Petri net and prediction of human acts (for generation of home robots movement based on prediction of human actions)

    Yasuhiro Manabe, Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C 63 (609) 1693-1700 2021年5月

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.63.1693  


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    A home robot (a robot used in the home) must recognize the intention of a person in the home, in order to support that person. It is important to construct intelligence with which a robot can predict the person's next act and help him or her if required. In this paper, a robust system which predicts vague human actions is proposed. Human actions can be modeled by a stochastic process in digital time and discrete states: this stochastic process is visualized using a Petri net. A series of human actions is a chain of states and acts. A human state is expressed as a place, and a human act as a transition. A stochastic act is described as a predicting transition, and transition probability to plural states is given. If the system makes a wrong prediction, the transition probability is renewed. As time progresses, the level of this intelligence increases, and the prediction will be accurate with high probability.

  53. Semantic Mapping of Construction Site From Multiple Daily Airborne LiDAR Data

    Thomas Westfechtel, Kazunori Ohno, Tetsu Akegawa, Kento Yamada, Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto, Shotaro Kojima, Taro Suzuki, Tomohiro Komatsu, Yukinori Shibata, Kimitaka Asano, Keji Nagatani, Naoto Miyamoto, Takahiro Suzuki, Tatsuya Harada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 6 (2) 3073-3080 2021年4月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3062606  



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    Semantic maps are an important tool to provide robots with high-level knowledge about the environment, enabling them to better react to and interact with their surroundings. However, as a single measurement of the environment is solely a snapshot of a specific time, it does not necessarily reflect the underlying semantics. In this work, we propose a method to create a semantic map of a construction site by fusing multiple daily data. The construction site is measured by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a LiDAR. We extract clusters above ground level from the measurements and classify them using either a random forest or a deep learning based classifier. Furthermore, we combine the classification results of several measurements to generalize the classification of the single measurements and create a general semantic map of the working site. We measured two construction fields for our evaluation. The classification models can achieve an average intersection over union (IoU) score of 69.2% during classification on the Sanbongi field, which is used for training, validation and testing and an IoU score of 49.16% on a hold-out testing field. In a final step, we show how the semantic map can be employed to suggest a parking spot for a dump truck, and in addition, show that the semantic map can be utilized to improve path planning inside the construction site.

  54. Robotics Responds to the COVID-19 Outbreak

    Lino Marques, Robin Murphy, Kaspar Althoefer, Satoshi Tadokoro, Cecilia Laschi

    IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE 28 (1) 16-17 2021年3月


    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2020.3048866  



  55. 能動自己修復性ロボット血管機構:— 吸水性表面による修復能力の向上 — 招待有り 査読有り

    猪股 翔平, 古川 英光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 山﨑 裕太, 志賀 郁也, 亀岡 将成, MD Nahin, Islam Shiblee, 恩田 一生, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2021 (0) 2P3-H08 2021年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2021.2P3-H08  


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    <p>Soft robots, made of elastomers and gels tend to easily break, punctured, or torn by contact with sharp and thin objects. To deal with this problem, we had proposed a robotic blood vessel mechanism that has a self-healing function by inserting liquid-filled blood vessels in the body. their bodies themselves. The liquid flows out and is cured which makes the would heal when the body breaks. In this research, we have improved the healing performance by attaching a liquid-absorbent material on the robot surface. Through experiment, it has confirmed that the self-healing ability can be improved by attaching the absorbent material.</p>

  56. Causal Analysis for Understanding Vehicle Behavior Affected by Multiple Factors

    Ranulfo Bezerra, Kazunori Ohno, Shotaro Kojima, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2021 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2021 441-448 2021年

    DOI: 10.1109/ICAR53236.2021.9659455  

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    Nowadays, autonomous vehicles rely on machine learning approaches to achieve a higher level of automation and improve driving performance. Machine learning approaches, in turn, learn vehicle behavior through the observation of other drivers and the environment, the latter being a key factor that influences vehicle behavior. However, the amount of influence of the environment on vehicle behavior cannot be grasped by uniformly analyzing the entire driving route. Thus, this paper proposes a range-based causal analysis to inspect the effects that specific locations have on vehicle behavior. In other words, to use range or distance from a target to concentrate the analysis of vehicle behavior on a particular location. To interpret vehicle behavior, we employed a semantic primitive motion clustering that combines Hierarchical clustering and HDP-HSMM. Common causes for vehicle behavior change were then extracted by tracking the traffic participants, and the environment was segmented by region and ranges of each region, comparing three different types of regions: crosswalks, traffic lights, and entrances. The results show valuable insight into vehicle behavior by highlighting key primitive motions that take place only in a particular region depending on the range of proximity. Moreover, a comparison of the three studied regions shows that they present singular patterns of behavior if analyzed by range. For instance, vehicles heading to an entrance tend to drastically reduce velocity when being close to an entrance and pedestrians. The same does not happen in proximity to other vehicles, in which case the vehicle comes to a complete stop. Moreover, it was observed that the vehicle behavior changes according to each of the three traffic regions considered in the study. This insight into the key primitives obtained using the proposed approach can be key to understanding different scenarios of interaction between the environment and autonomous vehicles.

  57. Magnetic Pin-Array Gripper Mechanism that Propagates Magnetic Flux to MR Fluid in Pouches


    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec) 2021 1A1-A06 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2021.1a1-a06  


  58. 大型ダンプトラックの土砂運搬作業に適した経路計画法の確立

    明河 哲, 大野 和則, 小島 匠太郎, 山田 健斗, 郷 初瑠, 鈴木 太郎, 桐林 星河, 小松 智広, 宮本 直人, 鈴木 高宏, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 永谷 圭司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2021 2P1-A11 2021年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2021.2p1-a11  


  59. バックホウの土砂積み込み姿勢にもとづく大型ダンプトラックの自動停車

    郷 初瑠, 大野 和則, 小島 匠太郎, 山田 健斗, 明河 哲, 鈴木 太郎, 桐林 星河, 小松 智広, 宮本 直人, 鈴木 高宏, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 永谷 圭司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2021 2P3-B01 2021年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2021.2p3-b01  


  60. Toward Enabling a Hundred Drones to Land in a Minute

    Daiki Fujikura, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Yoshito Okada, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2020年10月24日


    DOI: 10.1109/iros45743.2020.9341360  

  61. Bundled Rotary Helix Drive Mechanism Capable of Smooth Peristaltic Movement

    Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 5 (4) 5537-5544 2020年10月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.2986993  



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    Herein, we focus on the design method of a robot, named Wave Wheel, capable of generating a smooth continuous peristaltic wave, which is driven by a bundled rotary helix drive mechanism. Wave Wheel mainly consists of a braided mesh tube, multiple helices that are arranged on the circumference, and spur gears. When a single motor rotates the helices, the wheel generates peristaltic waves. The proposed mechanism has some unique characteristics: (i) In principle, smooth peristalsis can be generated with a simple structure. (ii) It can be driven by a single motor and can propagate waves at high speed by infinite rotation of the shaft. (iii) The structure is a circle in the transversal plane and can be used as an omnidirectional drive wheel. The basic design method, such as waveform, velocity, and the collision condition are discussed from a geometrical point of view. Based on the model accounting for the mechanical constraints, we have designed and fabricate a prototype robot and experimentally tested it. The prototype (diameter of 57 mm) reached the top speed of the peristaltic locomotion of 43 mm/s when angular velocity of the helix was 60 rad/s. We obtained the trajectory of the mesh surface by motion capture, and the result showed that the velocity was not constant on the whole surface but periodically changed with time due to the sliding between the mesh and the helix.

  62. Retraction Mechanism of Soft Torus Robot With a Hydrostatic Skeleton

    Tomoya Takahashi, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 5 (4) 6900-6907 2020年10月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.3019736  



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    Soft robots have attracted much attention in recent years owing to their high adaptability. Long articulated soft robots enable diverse operations, and tip-extending robots that navigate their environment through growth are highly effective in robotic search applications. Robots that extend from the tip can lengthen their body without friction from the environment. However, the flexibility of the thin membrane inhibits the retraction motion of the tip due to buckling. Two methods have been proposed to resolve this issue; increasing the pressure of the internal fluid to reinforce rigidity, and mounting an actuator at the tip. The disadvantage of the former is that the increase is limited by the membrane pressure resistance, while the second method leads to robot complexity. In this letter, we present a tip-retraction mechanism with a hydrostatic skeleton that can prevent buckling and takes advantage of the friction from the external environment. Water is used as the internal fluid to increase ground pressure with the environment, which is different from the conventional methods that use pneumatic. We explore the failure pattern of the retraction motion and propose solutions by using a hydrostatic skeleton robot. Additionally, we develop a prototype robot that successfully retracts by using the proposed methodology. Our solution can contribute to the advancement of mechanical design in the soft robotics field with applications to soft snakes and manipulators.

  63. Stable Autonomous Spiral Stair Climbing of Tracked Vehicles Using Wall Reaction Force

    Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno, Takahiro Suzuki, Yoshito Okada, Thomas Westfechtel, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 5 (4) 6575-6582 2020年10月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.3015463  



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    In this letter, an autonomous spiral stair climbing method for tracked vehicles using the reaction force from side walls has been proposed. Spiral stairs are one of the most difficult terrains for tracked vehicles because of their asymmetrical ground shape and small turning radius. Tracked vehicles are expected to be used in industrial plant inspection tasks, where robots should navigate on multiple floors by ascending the stairs. Spiral or curved stairs are installed as part of inspection passages for cylindrical facilities, such as boilers, chimneys, or large tanks. Previously, the authors have experimentally demonstrated that the wall-following motion is effective for stabilizing and accelerating spiral stair climbing. However, the complete automation of climbing motion or the analysis of why the same motion is generated even if a disturbance exists in the initial entry angle to the wall should be investigated. In this study, the authors developed an autonomous spiral stair climbing method using the wall reaction force and clarified the applicable limitations of this method using a geometrical model. Autonomous spiral stair climbing is realized by attaching passive wheels on its collision point and automating the motions of main tracks and sub-tracks. The geometrical model shows the expected trajectory of the robot on the spiral stairs, which suggests that the robot' s rotation radius converges to a specific value; this is experimentally confirmed by measuring the robot's motion. The wall-following motion of robots is equivalent to human inspectors grasping handrails while climbing stairs. Through collisions with surrounding objects, motion is stabilized and certainty is guaranteed.

  64. Radial-Layer Jamming Mechanism for String Configuration

    Rio Mukaide, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Yu Ozawa, Tomoya Takahashi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 5 (4) 5221-5228 2020年10月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.2983679  



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    In the soft robotics field, soft structures are required for safe human interactions, adaptive shape grippers, and haptic interfaces. Conversely, rigid structures are necessary for high force transmission devices and precise position control applications. The tunable stiffness mechanism is a crucial technology in such areas, and various methods were proposed. Extant studies examine fixing the segments of the string by the tension of a tendon to instantly stiffen the structure and they can be constituted with rigid materials. However, the conventional wire tensioning mechanism exhibits a limitation in the holding torque, and the optimum segment morphology and stiffening performance are not clear. In the study, we demonstrate a new tendon-driven jamming mechanism referred to as a "radial-layer jamming" with multiple layered joints that can realize high holding torque. Three basic segment structures are presented, and the design method is demonstrated. We measured the holding torque of the joints and compared the torque between three different designs. The results indicate that all three structures can control the holding torque by the pulling force of the wire. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the radial layer jamming can maintain the joints as fixed even if it has an extended structure. The holding force of the radial layer jamming did not significantly decrease when compared to other structures even if the number of joints increased. These layered approaches can contribute to the performance improvement of various variable stiffness mechanisms that utilize friction.

  65. Fire extinguishment using a 4 m long flying-hose-type robot with multiple water-jet nozzles

    Hisato Ando, Yuichi Ambe, Tomoka Yamaguchi, Yu Yamauchi, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Shigenao Maruyama, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 34 (11) 700-714 2020年6月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2020.1769723  



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    Several ground-based robots have been developed to support dangerous fire extinguishing activities; however, in such cases, it is difficult to access the fire sources directly. The concept of a hose-type robot called 'dragon firefighter' (DFF) is proposed herein; it emits high-pressure water from a fire hose and floats it for direct transmission to the fire point. A stable levitation with 2 m length was realized; however, for practical use, we must extend the floating length of the robot. This study was aimed at extending the floating length of a hose-like body. Two primary issues need to be addressed for achieving this aim: lack of a sufficient reaction force for flying and torsion along the longitudinal direction of the body. Therefore, our robot was first extended using a middle nozzle. A flow channel model was constructed, and an injection hole was designed to achieve a cross-sectional area that could generate a sufficient reaction force. An adjustable jet direction nozzle was designed with four degrees of freedom to control the net force and torsion torque. Finally, a simple proportional-derivative control was incorporated to adjust the twist angle, float the DFF (3.6 m length), surmount a wall, and subsequently, extinguish the fire.

  66. Tactile feedback system of high-frequency vibration signals for supporting delicate teleoperation of construction robots

    Hikaru Nagano, Hideto Takenouchi, Nan Cao, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 34 (11) 730-743 2020年6月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2020.1769725  



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    This study proposes a methodology to deliver contact information on construction robots to the remote operator by transmitting measured collision vibrations, which are often beyond the human-perceivable range. We focus on the human capacity to discriminate the envelope of high-frequency vibrations as an essential cue to perceive contact materials and collision conditions. The proposed method preserves the envelope shapes with amplitude-modulated waves with a single carrier frequency in the human sensitive range. In the preliminary experiments, a miniature shovel digging experiment confirmed that the proposed method improves the discriminability of the contact materials and sliding velocities. A psychophysical experiment also showed that the participants could discriminate the envelope differences irrespective of the carrier frequency. The proposed method was applied to the tactile transmission system for a construction robot developed in the ImPACT program. A vibration sensor was attached on the robot arm, and the vibrotactile feedback was applied to the operator's wrist. Performance evaluations under a delicate teleoperated task (insertion of a bar into bricks) showed that the peak force was reduced by the proposed method significantly for two out of the three participants. The results show that our proposal could improve the maneuverability of teleoperation.

  67. Cyber-enhanced canine suit with wide-view angle for three-dimensional LiDAR SLAM for indoor environments

    Chayapol Beokhaimook, Kazunori Ohno, Thomas Westfechtel, Hiroyuki Nishinoma, Ryoichiro Tamura, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 34 (11) 715-729 2020年6月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2020.1772104  



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    Understanding the topographical information of the disaster site can enhance the efficiency and safety of search and rescue missions. This study describes the development of a cyber-enhanced canine suit for three-dimensional (3D) simultaneous localization and mapping within indoor environments. The suit's weight was approximately 3.0 kg and was compatible with large dogs (>30.0 kg). It could collect dense, wide view-angle, and long-range 3D point clouds. The collected point clouds were processed offline to create 3D maps. The suit was equipped with a protective cover that could prevent physical damage to the light imaging detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor from collision. The protective cover was designed to (a) eliminate any effects on the performance of the 3D LiDAR and (b) sustain the stress from the impact at the velocity of 20.0 m/s with no physical damage. Additionally, the canine suit was also modified for better fitting and stability of the LiDAR on a wider range of dog bodies. The performance of the suit was demonstrated on real dogs in four different scenarios in areas with different space sizes, dog gait patterns, and ground layouts. The space size and position errors observed did not exceed 0.80% and 1.13%, respectively.

  68. Haptic Exploration During Fast Video Playback: Vibrotactile Support for Event Search in Robot Operation Videos

    Daniel Gongora, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS 13 (2) 436-447 2020年4月


    DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2019.2957792  



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    Fast playback allows quick video exploration, but it also decreases the saliency of short events. We propose a haptic exploration for detection of short events during fast video playback, considering that event-related information in vibrotactile feedback can be preserved during fast playback using Time Scale Modification (TSM) methods developed for audio. We evaluate our proposal in two collision detection experiments using first-person view (FPV) videos. In the first experiment, viewers watched at a fixed playback speed, i.e., 1x or 2x, videos recorded with a camera mounted on a platform cart. In this experiment, event-related vibrations were measured at the back of the camera. In the second experiment, viewers used a media controller to adjust the playback speed in videos simulating an exploration with a mobile robot. In this experiment, event-related vibrations were generated from the measurements used in the first experiment. We show that a haptic exploration improves collision awareness under either constant or adjustable playback speed. In both experiments, the number of collisions reported without vibrotactile feedback deviated the greatest from the actual number of collisions in a video. Moreover, collision detection performance with vibrations time-scaled without Time Scale Modification (TSM) methods was not significantly different from performance without vibrations.

  69. Wall Deadlock Evasion Control Based on Rotation Radius Adjustment

    Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno, Takahiro Suzuki, Yoshito Okada, Thomas Westfechtel, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 5 (2) 1358-1365 2020年4月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2020.2967332  



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    This letter describes a wall deadlock evasion method for tracked vehicles. Wall deadlock is a phenomenon where the robot cannot rotate to the commanded direction when it collides with a wall, because the motion is restricted by the wall. The key idea behind solving this problem involves an adjustment of the rotation radius to generate sufficient rotational moment. There are several approaches to generate a rotational moment; however, no previous solution has been established to address this problem by adjusting the rotation radius based on the dynamics of wall deadlock. In this letter, the authors propose a new wall deadlock evasion method based on the sufficient rotation radius estimation. Experimental results show that the robot can generate rotational motion that satisfies conditions expected by the model. The wall deadlock evasion method is implemented and shows improved performance in terms of reproducibility of motion compared with the different approach proposed in our previous work. Wall deadlock evasion provides more choices of motion such as being as close to the obstacles as possible and ensures that the robot can continue locomotion after such motion. By handling wall deadlock, the robots can utilize surrounding walls for motion in situations such as relative positioning or driving in fixed lanes.

  70. Retraction Mechanism of Soft Torus Robot with a Hydrostatic Skeleton.

    Tomoya Takahashi, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    CoRR abs/2003.05120 2020年

  71. Design and Control of Parallel Gripper with Linear and Curved Trajectory Consisting of Only Revolute Pairs

    Tomoya Takahashi, Yoshito Okada, Shotaro Kojima, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Masaki Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII46433.2020.9025997  


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    A parallel gripper that can grasp an object not just between the fingers, using the linear trajectory, but also in front of the fingers, using the curved trajectory, is proposed. With an aim to make it dust-and-waterproof, the link structure is designed to combine two mechanisms consisting of only revolute pairs, called the Chebyshev's lambda mechanism and double parallel link. The former constrains the fingertips on the trajectory and the latter always keeps the gripping face of the fingertip vertical. As a trigger of grasping motion, it is also possible to detect contact between the fingertip and grasping target on the basis of the actuators' backdrive, without any sensors on the fingertip. Kinematic analysis, control methods, and experiments with a fabricated gripper are also presented.

  72. Attachable Sensor Boxes to Visualize Backhoe Motion

    Kento Yamada, Kazunori Ohno, Naoto Miyamoto, Taro Suzuki, Shotaro Kojima, Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto, Takahiro Suzuki, Keiji Nagatani, Yukinori Shibata, Kimitaka Asano, Tomohiro Komatsu, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII46433.2020.9026227  


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    Sensing position and orientation of construction vehicle is an important issue for automation of construction process. We aim to develop sensing and visualization technologies for construction vehicles. Our target construction vehicle is backhoes. Construction vehicles are usually rented in construction fields. However, construction vehicles that can be rented do not have the sensing function. It is too hard to obtain backhoe position and manipulator pose without sensing information. This paper proposes an attachable sensor box that can measure backhoe position and orientation and the manipulator pose. The sensor boxes can be attached on backhoe metal surface by magnetic force without any additional manufacturing on the construction vehicle surface. By using Wi-Fi communication and mobile battery the sensor box can be easily attached on large-size backhoe without wiring. After the work is done, it is easily detached by changing magnetic force power. At loading and scooping motion, backhoe arm and boom have large force exceeding 16 G. To attach the sensor boxes to the arm and boom, we designed an additional magnetic frame that can generate force of 1960 N. The sensor boxes were firmly attached to each joint and prevented to drop by any force from backhoes movement. We also measured the behavior of the backhoe in loading works in hot conditions over 30 degrees C and visualized backhoe pose and tip manipulator position.

  73. Fire-Resistant Deformable Soft Gripper Based on Wire Jamming Mechanism

    Kenjiro Tadakuma, Toshiaki Fujimoto, Masahiro Watanabe, Tori Shimizu, Eri Takane, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/RoboSoft48309.2020.9116036  

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    Able to grasp objects of any shape and size, universal grippers using variable stiffness phenomenon such as granular jamming have been developed for disaster robotics application. However, as their contact interface is mainly composed of unrigid and burnable silicone rubber, conventional soft grippers are not applicable to objects with sharp sections such as broken valves and glass fragments, especially on fire. In this research, the authors proposed a new method of variable stiffness mechanism using a string of beads that can be composed of cut-resistant and incombustible metals, arrange the mechanism to form a torus gripper, and conducted experiments to show its effectiveness.

  74. Real-time Simulation of Non-Deformable Continuous Tracks with Explicit Consideration of Friction and Grouser Geometry.

    Yoshito Okada, Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 948-954 2020年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9196776  


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    In this study, we developed a real-time simulation method for non-deformable continuous tracks having grousers for rough terrain by explicitly considering the collision and friction between the tracks and the ground. In the proposed simulation method, an arbitrary trajectory of a track is represented with multiple linear and circular segments, each of which is a link connected to a robot body. The proposed method sets velocity constraints between each segment link and the robot body, to simulate the track rotation around the body. To maintain the shape of a track, it also restores the positions of the segment links when required. Experimental comparisons with other existing real-time simulation methods demonstrated that while the proposed method considered the grousers and the friction with the ground, it was comparable to them in terms of the computational speed. Experimental comparison of the simulations based on the proposed method and a physical robot exhibited that the former was comparable to the precise motion of the robot on rough or uneven terrain.

  75. Internally-Balanced Magnetic Mechanisms Using a Magnetic Spring for Producing a Large Amplified Clamping Force.

    Tori Shimizu, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Eri Takane, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1840-1846 2020年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9197151  


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    To detach a permanent magnet with a controlled force much smaller than its original attractive force, the Internally-Balanced Magnetic Unit (IB Magnet) was invented and has been applied to magnetic devices such as wall-climbing robots, ceil-dangling drones, and modular swarm robots. In contrast to its drastic reduction rate on the control force, the IB Magnet has two major problems on its nonlinear spring which cancels out the internal force on the magnet: complicated design procedure and trade-off relationship between balancing precision and mechanism volume. This paper proposes a principle of a new balancing method for the IB Magnet which uses a like-pole pair of magnets as a magnetic spring, whose repulsive force ideally equals the attractive force of an unlike-pole pair exactly. To verify the proposed principle, the authors realized a prototype model of the IB Magnet using magnetic spring and verified through experiments its reduction rate is comparable to those of conventional IB Magnets. Moreover, the authors discussed and realized a robotic clamp as an application example containing proposed IB Magnets as its internal mechanism.

  76. Prediction of Backhoe Loading Motion via the Beta-Process Hidden Markov Model.

    Kento Yamada, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Thomas Westfechtel, Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto, Naoto Miyamoto, Taro Suzuki, Takahiro Suzuki, Keiji Nagatani, Yukinori Shibata, Kimitaka Asano, Tomohiro Komatsu, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2663-2670 2020年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9340697  



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    Backhoe loads sediment onto the bed of dump trucks during earthmoving work. The prediction of backhoe loading time is essential for ensuring safe cooperation between the backhoe and dump trucks. However, it is difficult to predict the instant at which the backhoe is ready to load sediment, because of the similarity in motions observed during gathering sediment. Moreover, since operators have different skill levels, the prediction requires a unique model for each operator. In this study, we attempt to predict the instant at which the backhoe is ready to load sediment into the dump truck. For this purpose, the beta-process hidden Markov model (BP-HMM) is employed to build a backhoe motion model for a specific operator. Time series data of backhoe loading motions for crushed rocks and wood chips, which were measured using 6-axis inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors equipped at the cab, boom, and arm of the backhoe, were used for modeling with the BP-HMM. Several primitive motions of the backhoe, which occur at the completion of preparation before the loading process begins, were discovered as a result of the motion modeling based on the BP-HMM. We developed the prediction of the instant using three primitive motions. At best, the proposed method could predict the instant with a probability of 67% and 100%, at 6.0 s and 0.7 s before the loading motions began, respectively. This phased prediction can be used to reduce the idle time and risk for dump trucks during earthmoving work with the backhoe.

  77. Mono-Wheeled Flexible Track Capable of Climbing High Steps and Adapting to Rough Terrains

    Yu Ozawa, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Eri Takane, Giancarlo Marafioti, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR50563.2020.9292576  


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    In regions prone to disasters, the instability of the ground and risk of collapse are the primary factors limiting rescue operations. For ensuring the safety and effectiveness of these operations, a remotely controlled search robot is desired. Accordingly, projects are being conducted for exploring rapid and comprehensive rescue response by deploying a mass of small searching robots from aerial drones. As the payload of drones is limited, the robots must be small and lightweight; however, mobile robots with high mobility on rough terrain typically possess complex structures and tend to be heavy. In this study, we propose a novel mobile mechanism with a simple structure and high mobility that is composed of an elastic track belt, which deforms to adapt to irregular obstacles and is driven by a single sprocket. The system was evaluated and compared with a general wheel robot on the basis of its performance in step-climbing tests. The ratio of the maximum height climbed by the proposed mechanism to its wheel diameter is 145%, and its maximum height is 2.9 times than that achieved by the conventional robot. Furthermore, the results are superior when compared to those of the conventional continuous-track-type mechanisms. Overall, our method can be applied to any miniaturized robot that is required to possess high mobility on rough terrains.

  78. Stable haptic feedback generation for mid-air gesture interactions: a hidden Markov model-based motion synthesis approach

    Dennis Babu, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Ryunosuke Hamada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ROBOMECH Journal 6 (1) 2019年12月1日

    DOI: 10.1186/s40648-019-0130-5  


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    Generation of stable and realistic haptic feedback during mid-air gesture interactions have recently garnered significant research interest. However, the limitations of the sensing technologies such as unstable tracking, range limitations, nonuniform sampling duration, self occlusions, and motion recognition faults significantly distort motion based haptic feedback to a large extent. In this paper, we propose and implement a hidden Markov model (HMM)-based motion synthesis method to generate stable concurrent and terminal vibrotactile feedback. The system tracks human gestures during interaction and recreates smooth, synchronized motion data from detected HMM states. Four gestures—tapping, three-fingered zooming, vertical dragging, and horizontal dragging—were used in the study to evaluate the performance of the motion synthesis methodology. The reference motion curves and corresponding primitive motion elements to be synthesized for each gesture were obtained from multiple subjects at different interaction speeds by using a stable motion tracking sensor. Both objective and subjective evaluations were conducted to evaluate the performance of the motion synthesis model in controlling both concurrent and terminal vibrotactile feedback. Objective evaluation shows that synthesized motion data had a high correlation for shape and end-timings with the reference motion data compared to measured and moving average filtered data. The mean R2 values for synthesized motion data was always greater than 0.7 even under unstable tracking conditions. The experimental results of subjective evaluation from nine subjects showed significant improvement in perceived synchronization of vibrotactile feedback based on synthesized motion.

  79. A Mechanical Approach to Suppress the Oscillation of a Long Continuum Robot Flying With Water Jets

    Tomoka Yamaguchi, Yuichi Ambe, Hisato Ando, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Shigenao Maruyama, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 4 (4) 4346-4353 2019年10月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2932582  



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    Flexible continuum robots exhibit a strong potential for approaching narrow and intricate spaces. However, such long flexible bodies often experience oscillations, making them unstable. To enhance their performance in order to realize rapid and precise movements, unnecessary vibrations should be suppressed. The authors have proposed a new type of continuum robot, aimed for firefighting; this robot, Dragon Firefighter (DFF), can fly using water jets. The DFF suffers from the same problem of body oscillation. In particular, a more challenging issue for the DFF is the use of limited number of actuators owing to the constraints of weight and water flow. Discrete locations of the actuators on the long body of a robot can generate uncontrollable resonant modes. This letter proposes a mechanical approach to suppress the oscillation passively without actuation control. The proposed mechanism is composed of wires threaded along the body and connected to rotary dampers to restrict the deformation of the body. First, a numerical model to simulate the oscillation and damping behavior was reported. A basic experiment with a 1-m-long flexible tube shows that the damping mechanism suppresses the vibration appropriately, which also corresponds well with the simulation. Second, a stability analysis of the simulation of the flying motion shows that the passive damping mechanism can improve the stability, with the convergence time becoming approximately 2.4 times shorter than that in the case without the mechanism. Finally, we apply the damping mechanism to a 3.6-m-long flying robot. The demonstration shows that the robot can float stably and that the damping mechanism works correctly.

  80. The World robot summit disaster robotics category - achievements of the 2018 preliminary competition

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Tetsuya Kimura, Masayuki Okugawa, Katsuji Oogane, Hiroki Igarashi, Yoshikazu Ohtsubo, Noritaka Sato, Masaru Shimizu, Soichiro Suzuki, Tomoichi Takahashi, Shin'ichiro Nakaoka, Mika Murata, Mitsuru Takahashi, Yumi Morita, Elena Mary Rooney

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 33 (17) 854-875 2019年9月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2019.1627244  



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    The World Robot Summit is a robot Olympics and aims to be held in a different country every four years from 2020. The concept of the Plant Disaster Prevention challenge is daily inspections, checks, and emergency response in industrial plants, and in this competition, robots must carry out these types of missions in a mock-up plant. The concept of the Tunnel Disaster Response and Recovery challenge is emergency response to tunnel disasters, and is a simulation competition whereby teams compete to show their ability to deal with disasters, by collecting information and removing debris. The Standard Disaster Robotics challenge assesses, in the form of a contest, the standard performance levels of a robot that are necessary for disaster prevention and emergency response. The World Robot Summit Preliminary Competition was held at Tokyo Big Sight in October 2018, and 36 teams participated in the Disaster Robotics Category. UGVs and UAVs contended the merits of new technology for solving complex problems, using core technologies such as mobility, sensing, recognition, performing operations, human interface, autonomous intelligence etc., as well as system integration and implementation of strategies for completing missions, gaining high-level results.

  81. Canine Motion Control Using Bright Spotlight Devices Mounted on a Suit

    Hiroyuki Nishinoma, Kazunori Ohno, Takefumi Kikusui, Miho Nagasawa, Naoko Tsuchihashi, Shohei Matsushita, Tomoha Mikayama, Sakiko Tomori, Maaya Saito, Mikuru Murayama, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics 1 (3) 189-198 2019年8月

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    DOI: 10.1109/tmrb.2019.2930343  


  82. Enhanced path smoothing based on conjugate gradient descent for firefighting robots in petrochemical complexes*

    Naoki Mizuno, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Hiroyoshi Kojima, Jun Fujita, Hisanori Amano, Thomas Westfechtel, Takahiro Suzuki, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 33 (14) 687-698 2019年7月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2019.1632221  



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    The firefighting robot system (FFRS) comprises several autonomous robots that can be deployed to fire disasters in petrochemical complexes. For autonomous navigation, the path planner should consider the robot constraints and characteristics. Specifically, three requirements should be satisfied for a path to be suitable for the FFRS. First, the path must satisfy the maximum curvature constraint. Second, it must be smooth for robots to easily execute the trajectory. Third, it must allow reaching the target location in a specific heading. We propose a path planner that provides smooth paths, satisfy the maximum curvature constraint, and allows a suitable robot heading. The path smoother is based on the conjugate gradient descent, and three approaches are proposed for this path planner to meet all the FFRS requirements. The effectiveness of these approaches is qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated by examining the generated paths. Finally, the path planner is applied to an actual robot to verify the suitability of the generated paths for the FFRS, and planning is applied to another type of robot to demonstrate the wide applicability of the proposed planner.

  83. Development and Experimental Validation of Aeria Vehicle With Passive Rotating Shell on Each Rotor

    Carl John Salaan, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Yoshito Okada, Yusuke Sakai, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 4 (3) 2568-2575 2019年7月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2894903  



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    Aerial robotics is a fast-growing field of robotics and has been successfully used in various applications. Still, it faces many challenges, such as dealing with unavoidable obstacles in a cluttered environment. Recently, a flying robot with a protective shell that can rotate passively was introduced. The passive rotating mechanism is intended to reduce the impact force on the attitude of the UAV. However, such a system also has some limitations. Because the shell rotates passively, the ability to physically interact outside the shell is limited, and the onboard camera and other remote sensors are constantly obstructed. In this letter, a new idea is introduced in response to the limitations of the previous system while retaining the protective shell and maintaining some degrees of passive rotation of the shell. It is proposed to position two passive rotating hemispherical shells in each rotor to directly protect the propeller. This letter presents the concept, discusses the design and proof of concept, and validates the concept through experiments. Various experiments are conducted to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed flying robot, resolve the problem of physical interaction and camera obstruction, and introduce new advantages.

  84. Non-Parametric Bayes Hidden Markov Modelによるバックホウの積込み動作予測

    山田 健斗, 宮本 直人, 鈴木 太郎, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 水野 直希, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 小松 智広, 鈴木 高宏, 永谷 圭司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P2-D08 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P2-D08  

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    <p>The objective of this paper is to model and predict the behavior of backhoe when working cooperatively with autonomous dump trucks. Specifically, this paper focuses on predicting when the backhoe operator is ready to load sand or gravel onto the dump truck. We employ Non-Parametric Bayes Hidden Markov Model to model the behavior of a human backhoe operator using data from sensors attached to the backhoe. This paper proposes a method to model the behavior of backhoe operators. Additionally, state transition of the constructed model is studied to discover a key transition that indicates that the backhoe operator is ready for loading.</p>

  85. 片持ち送水管の水噴射による安定浮上

    安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    Dynamics & Design Conference 2019 621-621 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmedmc.2019.621  

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    <p>A cantilevered pipe conveying fluid causes unsuitable motion as flow speed increases, such as fluttering and divergence because of fluid structure interactions. On the other hand, although continuum flying robots actuated by expelling fluid jets are developed by several researchers, they have not taken the interactions into account to design the controller. This study proposes controller for the cantilevered pipe to fly stably, whose tip emits water jets to gain controllable net force, by taking the fluid structure interactions into account. First, the pipe model with nozzles on the head is designed based on some assumptions. Then, the proportional derivative controller to the head position is proposed to dissipate an energy function regardless of the flow speed. If there is no gravity, the controller ensures Lyapunov stability of the system regardless of the flow speed. Finally, the simulation with the proposed controller verifies that the pipe can keep stable even when the flow speed increases. In addition, the stability analysis with various control parameters shows that the stability of the system can be improved by tuning the control parameters.</p>

  86. Internally-Balanced Magnetic Mechanisms Using Magnetic Spring for Producing Large Amplified Clamping Force.

    Tori Shimizu, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Eri Takane, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    CoRR abs/1912.01292 2019年

  87. Radial-Layer Jamming Mechanism for String Configuration.

    Rio Mukaide, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Watanabe, Yu Ozawa, Tomoya Takahashi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    CoRR abs/1912.01291 2019年

  88. Disaster Robotics - Results from the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge

    Disaster Robotics 128 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5  

  89. Floating Displacement-Force Conversion Mechanism as a Robotic Mechanism.

    Kenjiro Tadakuma, Tori Shimizu, Sosuke Hayashi, Eri Takane, Masahiro Watanabe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    CoRR abs/1907.09955 2019年

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    To attach and detach permanent magnets with an operation force smaller than their attractive force, Internally-Balanced Magnetic Unit (IB Magnet) has been developed. The unit utilizes a nonlinear spring with an inverse characteristic of magnetic attraction to produce a balancing force for canceling the internal force applied on the magnet. This paper extends the concept of shifting the equilibrium point of a system with a small operation force to linear systems such as conventional springs. Aligning a linear system and its inverse characteristic spring in series enables a mechanism to convert displacement into force generated by a spring with theoretically zero operation force. To verify the proposed principle, the authors realized a prototype model of inverse characteristic linear spring with an uncircular pulley. Experiments showed that the generating force of a linear spring can be controlled by a small and steady operation force.

  90. Journal of Field Robotics special issue on MBZIRC 2017 Challenges in Autonomous Field Robotics

    Jorge Dias, Pedro U. Lima, Lakmal Seneviratne, Oussama Khatib, Satoshi Tadokoro, Paolo Dario

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 36 (1) 3-5 2019年1月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21851  



  91. Simulator for Disaster Response Robotics.

    Fumio Kanehiro, Shinichiro Nakaoka, Tomomichi Sugihara, Naoki Wakisaka, Genya Ishigami, Shingo Ozaki, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 453-477 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_9  



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    This chapter presents a simulator for disaster response robots based on the Choreonoid framework. Two physics engines and a graphics engine were developed and integrated into the framework. One physics engine enables robust contact-force computation among rigid bodies based on volumetric intersection and a relaxed constraint, whereas the other enables accurate and computationally efficient computation of machine–terrain interaction mechanics based on macro and microscopic approaches. The graphics engine allows simulating natural phenomena, such as rain, fire, and smoke, based on a particle system to resemble tough scenarios at disaster sites. In addition, wide-angle vision sensors, such as omnidirectional cameras and LIDAR sensors, can be simulated using multiple rendering screens. Overall, the simulator provides a tool for the efficient and safe development of disaster response robots.

  92. WAREC-1 - A Four-Limbed Robot with Advanced Locomotion and Manipulation Capabilities.

    Kenji Hashimoto, Takashi Matsuzawa, Xiao Sun 0005, Tomofumi Fujiwara, Xixun Wang, Yasuaki Konishi, Noritaka Sato, Takahiro Endo, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Naoyuki Kubota, Yuichiro Toda, Naoyuki Takesue, Kazuyoshi Wada, Tetsuya Mouri, Haruhisa Kawasaki, Akio Namiki, Yang Liu 0126, Atsuo Takanishi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 327-397 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_7  



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    This chapter introduces a novel four-limbed robot, WAREC-1, that has advanced locomotion and manipulation capability with versatile locomotion styles. At disaster sites, there are various types of environments through which a robot must traverse, such as rough terrain filled with rubbles, narrow places, stairs, and vertical ladders. WAREC-1 moves in hazardous environments by transitioning among various locomotion styles, such as bipedal/quadrupedal walking, crawling, and ladder climbing. WAREC-1 has identically structured limbs with 28 degrees of freedom (DoF) in total with 7-DoFs in each limb. The robot is 1,690 mm tall when standing on two limbs, and weighs 155 kg. We developed three types of actuator units with hollow structures to pass the wiring inside the joints of WAREC-1, which enables the robot to move on rubble piles by creeping on its stomach. Main contributions of our research are following five topics: (1) Development of a four-limbed robot, WAREC-1. (2) Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) using laser range sensor array. (3) Teleoperation system using past image records to generate a third-person view. (4) High-power and low-energy hand. (5) Lightweight master system for telemanipulation and an assist control system for improving the maneuverability of master-slave systems.

  93. User Interfaces for Human-Robot Interaction in Field Robotics.

    Robin R. Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 507-528 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_11  



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    This chapter proposes thirty-two guidelines for pro-actively building a good human-robot user interface and illustrates them through case studies of two technological mature ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge (TRC) systems: the cyber K9 and construction robot projects. A designer will likely have to build three notably different interfaces at different points in the development process: a diagnostic interface for developers to monitor and debug the robot using their expert knowledge, an end-user interface which is tailored to the tasks and decisions that operator and knowledge workers must execute, and an explicative interface to enable the public to visualize the important scientific achievements afforded by the robot system. The thirty-two guidelines are synthesized from the human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, and computer supported coordinated work (CSCW) groups communities are clustered around four general categories: roles, layout appropriateness, the Four C’s (content, comparison,l coordination, color), and general interaction with, and through, the display.

  94. Recent R&D Technologies and Future Prospective of Flying Robot in Tough Robotics Challenge.

    Kenzo Nonami, Kotaro Hoshiba, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Makoto Kumon, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Yasutada Tanabe, Koichi Yonezawa, Hiroshi Tokutake, Satoshi Suzuki, Kohei Yamaguchi, Shigeru Sunada, Takeshi Takaki, Toshiyuki Nakata 0002, Ryusuke Noda, Hao Liu 0016, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 77-142 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_3  



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    This chapter contains from Sects. 3.1 to 3.5. Section 3.1 describes firstly the definition of drones and recent trends. The important functions of the search and rescue flying robot are also generally described. And, Sect. 3.1 consists of an overview of R&D technologies of flying robot in Tough Robotics Challenge and a technical and general discussion about a future prospective of flying robot including the real disaster survey and technical issues. Namely, drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) should be going to real and bio-inspired flying robot.

  95. New Hydraulic Components for Tough Robots.

    Koichi Suzumori, Hiroyuki Nabae, Ryo Sakurai, Takefumi Kanda, Sang-Ho Hyon, Tohru Ide, Kiyohiro Hioki, Kazu Ito, Kiyoshi Inoue, Yoshiharu Hirota, Akina Yamamoto, Takahiro Ukida, Ryusuke Morita, Morizo Hemmi, Shingo Ohno, Norihisa Seno, Hayato Osaki, Shoki Ofuji, Harutsugu Mizui, Yuki Taniai, Sumihito Tanimoto, Shota Asao, Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi, Yohta Yamamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 401-451 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_8  



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    Hydraulic components have tremendous potential for realizing “tough robots” owing to their “tough features,” including high power density and shock resistance, although their practical robotic usage faces some challenges. This chapter explains a series of studies on hydraulic robot components, focusing on high output density, large generative force, shock resistance, and environmental resistance to investigate reducing size, increasing intelligence, lowering weight, achieving multiple degrees of freedom, and lowering sliding friction. The studies are based on past hydraulics technologies with the aim of permitting hydraulic actuator technologies to take important roles in achieving tough robots to operate at disaster sites and under other extreme environments. The studies consist of research and development of compact, lightweight, and high-output actuators; rotating high-torque motors; low-sliding cylinders and motors; power packs; high-output McKibben artificial muscles; particle-excitation-type control valves; hybrid boosters; and hydraulic control systems to be undertaken along with research on their application to tough robots.

  96. Cyber-Enhanced Rescue Canine.

    Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Tatsuya Hoshi, Hiroyuki Nishinoma, Shumpei Yamaguchi, Solvi Arnold, Kimitoshi Yamazaki, Takefumi Kikusui, Satoko Matsubara, Miho Nagasawa, Takatomi Kubo, Eri Nakahara, Yuki Maruno, Kazushi Ikeda, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Takeshi Tokuyama, Ayumi Shinohara, Ryo Yoshinaka, Diptarama Hendrian, Kaizaburo Chubachi, Satoshi Kobayashi, Katsuhito Nakashima, Hiroaki Naganuma, Ryu Wakimoto, Shu Ishikawa, Tatsuki Miura, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 143-193 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_4  



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    This chapter introduces cyber-enhanced rescue canines that digitally strengthen the capability of search and rescue (SAR) dogs using robotics technology. A SAR dog wears a cyber-enhanced rescue canine (CRC) suit equipped with sensors (Camera, IMUs, and GNSS). The activities of the SAR dog and its surrounding view and sound are measured by the sensors mounted on the CRC suit. The sensor data are used to visualize the viewing scene of the SAR dog, its trajectory, its behavior (walk, run, bark, among others), and its internal state via cloud services (Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Maps, and camera server). The trajectory can be plotted on an aerial photograph captured by flying robots or disaster response robots. The visualization results can be confirmed in real time via the cloud servers on the tablet terminal located in the command headquarters and with the handler. We developed various types of CRC suits that can measure the activities of large- and medium-size SAR dogs through non-invasive sensors on the CRC suits, and we visualized the activities from the sensor data. In addition, a practical CRC suit was developed with a company and evaluated using actual SAR dogs certified by the Japan Rescue Dog Association (JRDA). Through the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge, tough sensing technologies for CRC suits are developed to visualize the activities of SAR dogs. The primary contributions of our research include the following six topics. (1) Lightweight CRC suits were developed and evaluated. (2) Objects left by victims were automatically found using images from a camera mounted on the CRC suits. A deep neural network was used to find suitable features for searching for objects left by victims. (3) The emotions (positive as well as negative) of SAR dogs were estimated from their heart rate variation, which was measured by CRC inner suits. (4) The behaviors of SAR dogs were estimated from an IMU sensor mounted on the CRC suit. (5) The visual SLAM and inertial navigation systems for SAR dogs were developed to estimate trajectory in non-GNSS environments. These emotions, movements, and trajectories are used to visualize the search activities of the SAR dogs. (6) The dog was trained to search an area by controlling the dog with the laser light sources mounted on the CRC suit.

  97. Field Evaluation and Safety Management of ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge.

    Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori, Raymond Sheh, Yoshio Murao, Hiroki Igarashi, Yudai Hasumi, Toshiro Houshi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 481-506 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_10  



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    This chapter describes the development and the safety management of the facilities used in the field evaluation of the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge (TRC) in order to accelerate the technology and market innovation. Several evaluation fields have been developed in the TRC, e.g., a plant mock-up, a UAV evaluation facility, and a rubble field. In Sect. 10.1 (corresponding author: T. Takamori), the development of the rubble field is described. The other evaluation fields are developed almost in the same manner, and the experience and knowledge of the developments will be carried through to the development of Fukushima RTF, which will be opened in 2020 as one of the largest field evaluation facilities for the response robots in the world. In Sect. 10.2 (corresponding author: T. Kimura), the safety management associated with the rubble field is explained based on international safety standards. Two safety principles, the separation principle and the stop principle, are mainly used for risk reduction. In Sect. 10.3 (corresponding author: R. Sheh), the application of the Standard Test Method (STM) for response robots performance to the TRC is discussed for performing quantitative assessment of the robot performance. Related STMs for the TRC are introduced and Visual Acuity is identified as the most broadly relevant to all robots in the TRC. The new Automated Visual Acuity test method is introduced and described here. Each topic is written by the corresponding authors individually.

  98. Development of Tough Snake Robot Systems.

    Fumitoshi Matsuno, Tetsushi Kamegawa, Wei Qi, Tatsuya Takemori, Motoyasu Tanaka, Mizuki Nakajima, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Fujita, Yosuke Suzuki, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Yoshiaki Bando, Tomofumi Fujiwara, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 267-326 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_6  



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    In the Tough Snake Robot Systems Group, a snake robot without wheels (nonwheeled-type snake robot) and a snake robot with active wheels (wheeled snake robot) have been developed. The main target applications of these snake robots are exploration of complex plant structures, such as the interior and exterior of pipes, debris, and even ladders, and the inspection of narrow spaces within buildings, e.g., roof spaces and underfloor spaces, which would enable plant patrol and inspection. At the head of each robot, a compact and lightweight gripper is mounted to allow the robot to grasp various types of objects, including fragile objects. To measure the contact force of each robot, a whole-body tactile sensor has been developed. A sound-based online localization method for use with the in-pipe snake robot has also been developed. To enable teleoperation of platform robots with the sensing system and the gripper, a human interface has also been developed. The results of some experimental demonstrations of the developed tough snake robot systems are presented.

  99. Overview of the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge and Strategy for Disruptive Innovation in Safety and Security.

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 3-22 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_1  



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    The ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge (ImPACT-TRC) is a national project of the Japan Cabinet Office (2014–2018, 62 PIs and 300 researchers, 30 MUSD/5 years) that focuses on tough robotic technologies to provide solutions to disaster response, recovery, and preparedness. It consists of sub-projects of six types of robot platforms and several component technologies integrated with the robots. One of them is the Cyber Rescue Canine suits for monitoring dogs’ behavior and commanding their movement, which has shown high effectiveness in regular exercises of the Japan Rescue Dog Association. Another platform is a new serpentine robot, Active Scope Camera, which can crawl and levitate in gaps of a few cm to search in rubble piles. Structural assessment and radiation measurement were performed by this robot in Fukushima-Daiichi from December 2016 to February 2017. The other serpentine robots showed high mobility in ducts, in and out of pipes, on uneven terrain, and on vertical ladders, and climbed a 1-m-high step by a 1.7-m-long body. The Omni Gripper can grasp a wide variety of targets, even with sharp edges, without the need for precise control by using the jamming phenomenon. The robust flight of a new drone, PF-1 under difficult conditions contributed to the response operations in the Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain Disaster by gathering high-resolution images of inaccessible areas in July 2017. The WAREC-1 can move on four legs or on two legs, or crawl, and can climb vertical ladders as well. The Construction Robot has a double-swing dual-arm mechanism, operator assistance by bird’s-eye view images created by a drone and multiple cameras, and assistance by force and touch feedback. It can perform both high-power tasks and precise tasks remotely. All of these technologies have been demonstrated at the Field Evaluation Forums, which have been organized twice a year since the beginning of the project. These forums have promoted the communication between researchers, production companies, service providers, and users in order to achieve disruptive innovation not only in technology but also in industry and society.

  100. Development of a Lightweight Cyber-enhanced Rescue Canine Suit with Heat Protection and Anti-slip Countermeasures

    Hiroyuki Nishinoma, Beokhaimook Chayapol, Kazunori Ohno, Ayumi Shinohara, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2019.8848938  


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    A cyber-enhanced rescue canine (CRC) suit was developed to collect and share information such as real-time video, location of the search and rescue (SAR) dog, and behavior analysis, which are important in rescue operation and help enhance the search and rescue performance. Although the CRC suits successfully served its purposes in aiding the rescue team in field tests, some issues regarding the CRC suit were identified: overheating of the CRC suit and change in suit inclination on the back of the SAR dog. These issues prevent the full utilization of the CRC suit and thus needed to be improved. Here, we propose a lightweight CRC suit with heat protection and anti-slip countermeasures as an improvement over the original CRC suit. With the countermeasures for the Wi-Fi dongle and the camera heating issues, the CRC suit can now be operated at temperatures over 40 degrees C, whereas the CRC suit inclination problem on the dog was solved by adjusting the length of the chest belt. Further, the proposed CRC suit is lighter (1.2 kg, 18.3% decrease from the old suit in weight) and smaller, which helps reduce the burden on the SAR dog. Furthermore, the performance of the CRC suit was verified by employing the suit in actual scenarios; the CRC suits were provided to SAR dog teams in the eastern and western areas of Japan for training and preparing for actual disasters in the future, respectively.

  101. Fusion of Camera and Lidar Data for Large Scale Semantic Mapping

    Thomas Westfechtel, Kazunori Ohno, Ranulfo Plutarco Bezerra Neto, Shotaro Kojima, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2019.8917107  


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    Current self-driving vehicles rely on detailed maps of the environment, that contains exhaustive semantic information. This work presents a strategy to utilize the recent advancements in semantic segmentation of images, fuse the information extracted from the camera stream with accurate depth measurements of a Lidar sensor in order to create large scale semantic labeled point clouds of the environment. We fuse the color and semantic data gathered from a round-view camera system with the depth data gathered from a Lidar sensor. In our framework, each Lidar scan point is projected onto the camera stream to extract the color and semantic information while at the same time a large scale 3D map of the environment is generated by a Lidar-based SLAM algorithm. While we employed a network that achieved state of the art semantic segmentation results on the Cityscape dataset [1] (IoU score of 82:1%), the sole use of the extracted semantic information only achieved an IoU score of 38:9% on 105 manually labeled 5x5m tiles from 5 different trial runs within the Sendai city in Japan (this decrease in accuracy will discussed in section III-B). To increase the performance, we reclassify the label of each point. For this two different approaches were investigated: a random forest and SparseConvNet [2] (a deep learning approach). We investigated for both methods how the inclusion of semantic labels from the camera stream affected the classification task of the 3D point cloud. To which end we show, that a significant performance increase can be achieved by doing so - 25:4 percent points for random forest (40:0% w/o labels to 65:4% with labels) and 16:6 in case of the SparseConvNet (33:4% w/o labels to 50:8% with labels). Finally, we present practical examples on how semantic enriched maps can be employed for further tasks. In particular, we show how different classes (i.e. cars and vegetation) can be removed from the point cloud in order to increase the visibility of other classes (i.e. road and buildings). And how the data could be used for extracting the trajectories of vehicles and pedestrians.

  102. Fire Fighting Tactics with Aerial Hose-type Robot "Dragon Firefighter"

    Hisato Ando, Yuichi Ambe, Tomoka Yamaguchi, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Shigenao Maruyama, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ARSO46408.2019.8948716  



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    We herein propose the method for developing an "aerial hose type robot" called the "Dragon Firefighter (DFF)" that can fly along with the water jet. We focus on realizing a novel concept through which obstacles can be avoided and fire spots can be accessed from a distance, thereby enabling direct firefighting, and evaluating fire suppression ability from a close distance of fire source for practical useage. Using robotics, we aim to extinguish the fire from a distance, simultaneously guaranteeing firefighters' safety. We were able to realize stable floating of a hose of length 2.8 m (total length of 3.6 m), which is twice that of a conventional one, overcoming the height gap of approximately 1.5 m and the size of frontage 1.0x2.5 m. We demonstrated a fire extinguishing, however the ability of fire extinguishing about DFF was unknown. Hence, we conducted a mist spray experiment from a close distance to validate the cooling effect of water. Considering the aerial nature of our robot, we concluded that a mist spray from its nozzle module will be more effective for extinguishing fires. Finally, we presented the consideration of firefighting tactics using the proposed DFF for practical implementation.

  103. Pedestrian Flow Estimation Using Sparse Observation for Autonomous Vehicles

    Ranulfo P. Bezerra Neto, Kazunori Ohno, Thomas Westfechtel, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ICAR46387.2019.8981587  

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    One of the major challenges that autonomous cars are facing today is the unpredictability of pedestrian movement in urban environments. Since pedestrian data acquired by vehicles are sparse observed a pedestrian flow directed graph is proposed to understand pedestrian behavior. In this work, an autonomous electric vehicle is employed to gather LiDAR and camera data. Pedestrian tracking information and semantic information from the environment are used with a probabilistic approach to create the graph. In order to refine the graph a set of outlier removal techniques are described. The graph-based pedestrian flow shows an increase of 61.29% of coverage zone, and the outlier removal approach successfully removed 81% of the edges.

  104. Nemertea Proboscis Inspired Extendable Mechanism.

    Kenjiro Tadakuma, Tomoya Takayashi, Natsumi Hookabe, Masahiro Watanabe, Yu Ozawa, Tori Shimizu, Eri Takane, Hiroshi Kajihara, Takeshi Yamazaki, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    MHS 2019 - 30th 2019 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 1-4 2019年


    DOI: 10.1109/MHS48134.2019.9249086  

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    In this research, we aim to establish a design theory and implementation method for an inflatable robot mechanism that can branch and divide freely based on the core technology that a robot freely shapes its structure with a shape memory function. As a first step of our investigation, we present an initial prototype model of branched torus mechanism using inflatable structure inspired by the nemertea proboscis We developed the basic prototype mechanical model of this proboscis structure and did some experiments to understand the basic performance of this configuration. As explained above, we confirmed the basic performances of the first prototype mechanical models based on nemertea proboscis and this mechanical configuration can be used for the expandable gripper, the branched stent graft, the distributer of the tiny mobile robots into the real fields.

  105. 1次元柔剛切替メカニズムを活用した耐火性トーラスグリッパ機構 査読有り

    清水 杜織, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 林 聡輔, 藤本 敏彰, 向出 陸央, 猪股 翔平, 緑川 俊貴, 鉄井 光, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2P1-E08 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P1-E08  


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    <p>Able to grasp objects of any shape and size, universal grippers using variable stiffness phenomenon such as granular jamming have been developed for disaster robotics application. However, as their contact interface is mainly composed of unrigid and burnable silicone rubber, conventional soft grippers are not applicable to objects with sharp sections such as broken valves and glass fragments, especially on fire. In this research, the authors proposed a new method of variable stiffness mechanism using a string of beads that can be composed of cut-resistant and incombustible metals, arrange the mechanism to form a torus gripper, and conducted experiments to show its effectiveness.</p>

  106. 柔剛切替えが可能なジャミング膜グリッパ機構:― 構造の洗練化の過程とこれまでの取り組みの総括 ― 査読有り

    多田隈 建二郎, 林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 鉄井 光, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2P1-E07 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P1-E07  


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    <p>This research relates to the device and realization of tufted jamming membrane gripper and expansion of the gripper function. Our team have developed and realized jamming membrane gripper which can push a button and pick up a complex shape object. We carried out basic characteristic evaluating experiment of the gripper to confirm that the gripper can turn the valve handle and push a button. From the experiment, we confirmed the validity of the gripper mechanism. In this paper, we report the process of sophistication of the structure and the research outline.</p>

  107. 吸引捕食を生物抽能した劣駆動グリッパ機構:― 負圧生成式引寄せ機能の実現 ― 査読有り

    林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 郡司 芽久, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2A2-Q05 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-Q05  


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    <p>"Biomimetics" or "Biomimicry" that imitates the function and structure of living organisms has attracted attention. It is thought that the living organisms got a kind of optimum structure and form in natural selection. Engineering imitation of this points is an effective method for realizing things with certain ability and performance from nature.</p><p>In this paper, the authors focus not on the appearance and structural imitation of living things but on the work and abilities of the structure, and pursue the engineering essence. In other words, we propose " Function Extraction " that develops into development of new mechanism by extracting functions. As an example of this research, we focus attention on Suction Feeding found in fish and whales and try to extract its function. We will utilize it for the gripper mechanism and verify the effectiveness of the function in the experiment using prototype one.</p>

  108. 2次元ファスナ機構 査読有り

    林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 緑川 俊貴, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2P1-B08 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P1-B08  


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    <p>Conventional fasteners can be easily bent passively, however, the connection part itself cannot draw a free curve trajectory. Recently, self-restoring materials have been studied, that the separated material can reach the same strength as the material which was not cut by contact with each other. Able to cut and restoring the material in a free curve by moving and cutting, two parts can be easily separated and connected in a two-dimensional shape. In this paper, we focused on the function to move and cut, as the 2-dimensional fastener mechanism. As the primary prototype of the mechanism, we report the effectiveness of principle devising, design and trial manufacture, and experiments.</p>

  109. 面状全方向クローラ機構:― 第9報:方向切替進行時の路面乱動抑制効果 ― 査読有り

    髙根 英里, 清水 杜織, 林 聡輔, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 鏡 慎吾, 永谷 圭司, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2A2-D09 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-D09  


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    <p>We propose a planar omnidirectional crawler mobile mechanism for the mobile basis of search and rescue robots. One of the advantages of the planar omnidirectional crawler mechanism is that it allows the robot to move in any direction without causing large slippage on soft ground because it does not require a turning motion when the robot switches its traveling direction. This study realized a configuration with two left and right unit crawlers that enables a turning motion. By using this prototype machine, we investigated how the turning and translational motions of the crawler mechanism exert influence on the imitating soft ground by measuring the flow of sand on the horizontal surface. As a result, the translational motion was quantitatively shown to switch the travel direction with less degree of disturbance to the road surface than the turning motion.</p>

  110. 軸方向推進の観点からの全方向駆動メカニズム:― 第2報 軸方向波動伝播ホイール機構およびスクリュー式差動回転機構の車両化 ― 査読有り

    林 聡輔, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 清水 杜織, 野村 陽人, 西村 礼貴, 緑川 俊貴, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 多田隈 理一郎

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 1P2-M03 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P2-M03  


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    <p>The omnidirectional motion can move any direction without changing the direction of its own. The authors have developed Wave-wheel mechanism and Screw-type differential rotating mechanism. Also, the stepping performance were improved by extending the ground point from point to line. In addition, we have evaluated the motion characteristics of one unit and made high rigidity. In this paper, we examined the composition for vehiclization. In the vehicle configuration, the minimum necessary two units are arranged in parallel, and these are actually realized. We conducted experiments using actual mechanisms and confirmed that the inventive principle is also effective for vehicle construction, omnidirectional motion.</p>

  111. 交差型ヘリカル歯車機構に基づく能動双リング式全方向駆動車輪:― 斜め方向移動の高円滑化 ― 査読有り

    緑川 俊貴, 林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 理一郎, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 1P2-L03 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P2-L03  


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    <p>In this paper, the control method which can move in the diagonal direction for active omni-directional wheel mechanism with dual-rings is proposed. Active dual-ring wheel with high performance on step traverse had been developed. However, it was difficult for this mechanism to move in the diagonal direction because a rotation direction of the ring wheel is reversed at constant period of the wheel. Thus, the authors proposed a control method for diagonal direction movement. Next, the wheel path was simulated to confirm the validity of the proposed method. Finally, the effectiveness of proposed control method was verified by experiments.</p>

  112. 微小操作力での弾性体圧縮が可能な永電IBマグネット跳躍機構:- 第1報:基本構成と動作モデルの検証 - 査読有り

    清水 杜織, 林 聡輔, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 1P1-K07 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P1-K07  


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    <p>Jumping mechanisms have been developed mainly for ground vehicles that need to traverse steps larger than their wheel diameter. However, as typical jumping mechanisms require a strong force to compress elastic body for jumping, conventional jumping mechanisms must load powerful actuators which tend to consume a large amount of electricity and be heavy, resulting in shorter operation time of the robot. In this research, the authors proposed a new method of compressing and releasing a spring using the Internally-Balanced Magnetic Unit, a mechanism that enables a permanent magnet to be controlled by a much smaller force than its attraction force. They realized its prototyping model and conducted experiments to show its effectiveness.</p>

  113. 伸展分岐可能な柔軟トーラス駆動機構 査読有り

    林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 渡辺 将広, 緑川 俊貴, 髙根 英里, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 1P1-H04 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P1-H04  


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    <p>There are behaviors on the roots and branches of plants that extend and branch the torus structure. From the viewpoint of engineering, the authors aim to realize a branched extension torus as found in proboscis of Nemertea that extends and branches at a much faster rate than the plant. In this paper, we focused on the function to move and cut, as the 2-dimensional fastener mechanism, necessary for realizing this branched extension torus. As the primary prototype of the cutting and moving mechanism, we report on the effectiveness of principle devising, design and trial manufacture, actual machine experiments.</p>

  114. 履帯上での進行波生成により全方向移動可能なクローラ機構 査読有り

    渡辺 将広, 林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 高根 英里, 多田隈 理一郎, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2P2-A14 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P2-A14  


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    <p>In this paper, we proposed a planar omnidirectional crawler mechanism for the mobile basis of search and rescue robots. Several omnidirectional mechanisms have been proposed, however, few planar omnidirectional tracks have been studied. To realize these tracks, two types of mechanisms are proposed by using a crawler belt generating traveling waves. The prototype mechanisms were fabricated, and the effectiveness of the proposed principle of the omnidirectional transmission was verified.</p>

  115. Basic Performance of Planar Omnidirectional Crawler during Direction Switching using Disturbance Degree of Ground Evaluation Method 査読有り

    Eri Takane, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Tori Shimizu, Sosuke Hayashi, Masahiro Watanabe, Shingo Kagami, Keiji Nagatani, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8968507  



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    We introduced the disturbance degree of ground and proposed an evaluation method to measure the mobile performance of a crawler on soft ground during direction switching. First, we developed a planar omnidirectional crawler, which had a configuration with two left and right unit crawlers for performing turning motion, as the target for evaluation. Second, by utilizing the proposed disturbance degree of ground evaluation method, we investigated how the turning and translational motions of the crawler mechanism affected soft ground by measuring the flow of sand on a horizontal surface. It was quantitatively shown that translational motion switched the travel direction with lesser disturbance to the road surface compared to turning motion. We confirmed that ground disturbance could be evaluated during direction switching using the proposed method.

  116. WRSインフラ・災害対応カテゴリーの概要と成果 査読有り

    田所 諭, 高橋 友一, 中岡 慎一郎, 村田 美香, 高橋 みつる, 森田 由美, Elena Mary Rooney, 木村 哲也, 奥川 雅之, 大金 一二, 五十嵐 広希, 大坪 義一, 佐藤 徳孝, 清水 優, 鈴木 壮一郎

    日本ロボット学会誌 37 (3) 224-234 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.37.224  


  117. Enhancing Haptic Experience in a Seat with Two-DoF Buttock Skin Stretch

    Arata Horie, Akito Nomura, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3194-7_30  



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    We propose a buttock skin stretch device that adopts a two-degree-of-freedom horizontal movement mechanism. We have confirmed that an acceleration sensation of self-motion can be induced by a buttock skin stretch device with one degree of freedom. In this paper, we propose a two-degree-of-freedom buttock skin deforming device that extends the direction of skin deformation, which was only in the left and right directions, to the forward and backward directions. We focused on the range of motion, position accuracy, and driving speed, and evaluated the performance of the device as a buttock skin-deforming device.

  118. Exciting but Comfortable: Applying Haptic Feedback to Stabilized Action-Cam Videos

    Daniel Gongora, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3194-7_64  



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    Videos recorded with action cameras let viewers experience extreme activities from a safe environment. Unfortunately, these videos can be uncomfortable to watch due to intense camera shaking, and video stabilization limits the experience of motion. Here we propose using vibrotactile feedback to preserve the feeling of motion in first-person view videos that have been stabilized. First, we created vibrations from camera motion estimates for two vibrotactile actuators that emphasize the feelings of turns and jumps. Then, we conducted a pilot user study to assess viewers perception of motion in stabilized videos with and without vibrotactile feedback. We observed that motion vibrations added to a stable video did not preserve the motion intensity ratings of a raw video without vibrations. We also observed that motion vibrations had a significant effect on comfort and satisfaction, and that video stabilization did not have a significant effect on the perceived synchronization between a stable video and vibrations generated from the original video.

  119. Dependence of the Perceptual Discrimination of High-Frequency Vibrations on the Envelope and Intensity of Waveforms

    Nan Cao, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ACCESS 7 20840-20849 2019年


    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2898029  



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    Humans perceive and discriminate high-frequency tactile vibrations based on the intensity and envelope of the stimuli. However, no studies have investigated exactly how the envelope and intensity each affect the ability to discriminate. The objectives of this paper are to identify the boundary at which the envelope begins not to strongly affect the ability to discriminate vibrations and to investigate the effects of the carrier frequency and intensity on the discrimination ability. The results of our testing showed that the ability to discriminate was dependent on the envelope frequency and that the ability to discriminate sinusoidal and amplitude-modulated (AM) vibrations in which the envelope frequency ranged from 12 to 50 Hz was higher than that required to discriminate sinusoidal and AM vibrations in which the envelope frequency was above 80 Hz. When the envelope frequency of an AM vibration was 125 Hz, the ability to discriminate sinusoidal and AM vibrations was found to be low and no significant difference was noted in comparison to discriminating AM vibrations with the same envelope frequency. These results suggest that the boundary for envelope perception was at an envelope frequency of around 80-125 Hz at low intensities and that the carrier frequency had little effect on the discrimination, although the discrimination ability tended to increase as the intensity increased.

  120. Wearable Suction Haptic Display with Spatiotemporal Stimulus Distribution on a Finger Pad

    Hikaru Nagano, Kazuya Sase, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2019 IEEE WORLD HAPTICS CONFERENCE (WHC) 389-394 2019年


    DOI: 10.1109/WHC.2019.8816156  

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    Stimulus distribution on a finger pad dynamically changes during dynamic interactions such as manipulation or handling of an object. This is caused by the magnitude and direction of the applied force on the linger pad and the elasticity of materials handled. Several past studies proposed wearable tactile systems. However, generation of distributed stimuli on a finger pad (multiple degrees of freedom stimulation) has not yet been achieved. Herein, we propose a rendering system for stimulus distribution on a finger pad. The proposed system consists of a display using multi-channel suction that presents distributed stimuli to a finger pad skin, and a real-time simulator that calculates dynamic pressure distribution on the finger pad when in contact with an elastic object. The developed display has good wearability as lightweight (5 g) and compact because it does not have an actuator on the fingertip in spite of multiple outputs (16 suction ports). We performed two different experiments using the proposed system. These experiments proved that it is possible to present different stimulus distribution depending on the contact posture between a finger and an object (experiment 1) and to present the softness of the virtual material with different elasticity values (experiment 2).

  121. Development of Practical Air-floating-type Active Scope Camera and User Evaluations for Urban Search and Rescue

    Takumi Fujikawa, Yu Yamauchi, Yuichi Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2019.8848966  


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    Flexible serpentine robots have high potential in the exploration of narrow spaces inside debris. To use these robots in actual search and rescue missions, they should not only have sufficient mobility but also exhibit various characteristics, such as information-gathering ability, operability, and durability. However, only a few robots have been developed focused on operability and durability. Therefore, this paper presents a flexible serpentine robot that realizes mobility, operability, and durability; further, it is capable of gathering information. The robot was evaluated in field experiments and feedback was obtained from rescue workers. In particular, we improved the mobility of a conventional Active Scope Camera (ASC) by installing a developed active air jet nozzle on the head. The thrust from the nozzle enables the ASC to move over a step of 22 cm height and quickly changes the head direction (580 mm in 0.4 s). In addition, a high operability is ensured by compacting the system components using an air cylinder. The entire robot system can be carried and operated by 2 people and the time for setup is approximately 3 min. The field experiments in a simulated disaster site showed that the developed ASC was able to explore a wider rubble environment in a shorter time than a conventional ASC. In addition, we confirmed that the system enables three operators to search for and locate a hidden object inside an unknown debris environment. Furthermore, 14 members of a rescue party operated the robot system and evaluated the system through a survey. The survey reveals which situations the proposed system was able to work properly in, which revealed the aspects in which the robot can be improved.

  122. Small Swarm Search Robot System with Rigid-Bone Parachute Rapidly Deployable from Aerial Vehicles

    Tori Shimizu, Sosuke Hayashi, Toshiki Midorikawa, Takumi Fujikawa, Eri Takane, Masahiro Watanabe, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2019.8848955  


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    In this research, the authors aim to construct a system of the small swarm search robot dropped from aerial vehicles to realize the efficient wide area exploration for rapid disaster response. The authors propose a jumping mechanism using an internally balanced magnet unit and a rigid bone parachute mechanism that can prevent entanglement and move effectively on rough terrains such as rubbles or narrow spaces. For this purpose, the platform of the robot requires small dimensions and mass to transport by aerial vehicles and enter confined spaces. However, if the diameter of the wheel is reduced, the height of the step that can be overcome decreases, and the mobility performance on a rough train would also decrease. For that reason, the authors propose a mechanism that can jump over the debris and a parachute mechanism that does not get caught by the debris, the environment, and itself. In this paper, the authors first show the basic concept and requirements of the swarm search robot. Next, the basic design of the mechanical structure and electrical system are shown, and the prototype of the two-wheeled robot is fabricated as a platform. Finally, experiments using the prototypes are conducted to verify the principle of the jumping mechanism and parachute mechanism and to discuss their effectiveness.

  123. ImPACT-TRC Thin Serpentine Robot Platform for Urban Search and Rescue. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Yuichi Ambe, Hikaru Nagano, Yu Yamauchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Takayuki Okatani, Kanta Shimizu, Eisuke Ito

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 25-76 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_2  



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    The Active Scope Camera has self-propelled mobility with a ciliary vibration drive mechanism for inspection tasks in narrow spaces but still lacks necessary mobility and sensing capabilities for search and rescue activities. The ImPACT-TRC program aims to improve the mobility of ASC drastically by applying a new air-jet actuation system to float ASC in the air and integrate multiple sensing systems, such as vision, auditory and tactile sensing functions, to enhance the searching ability. This paper reports an overview of the air-floating-type Active Scope Camera integrated with multiple sensory functions as a thin serpentine robot platform.

  124. Consistent map building in petrochemical complexes for firefighter robots using SLAM based on GPS and LIDAR

    Abu Ubaidah Shamsudin, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Shotaro Kojima, Thomas Westfechtel, Takahiro Suzuki, Yoshida Okada, Satoshi Tadokoro, Jun Fujita, Hisanori Amano

    ROBOMECH Journal 5 (1) 2018年12月1日

    DOI: 10.1186/s40648-018-0104-z  


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    The objective of this study was to achieve simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) of firefighter robots for petrochemical complexes. Consistency of the SLAM map is important because human operators compare the map with aerial images and identify target positions on the map. The global positioning system (GPS) enables increased consistency. Therefore, this paper describes two Rao-Blackwellized particle filters (RBPFs) based on GPS and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) as SLAM solutions. Fast-SLAM 1.0 and Fast-SLAM 2.0 were used in grid maps for RBPFs in this study. We herein propose the use of Fast-SLAM to combine GPS and LIDAR. The difference between the original Fast-SLAM and the proposed method is the use of the log-likelihood function of GPS; the proposed combination method is implemented using a probabilistic mathematics formulation. The proposed methods were evaluated using sensor data measured in a real petrochemical complex in Japan ranging in size from 550–380 m. RTK-GPS data was used for the GPS measurement and had an availability of 56%. Our results showed that Fast-SLAM 2.0 based on GPS and LIDAR in a dense grid map produced the best results. There was significant improvement in alignment to aerial data, and the mean square root error was 0.65 m. To evaluate the mapping consistency, accurate 3D point cloud data measured by Faro Focus 3D (± 3 mm) was used as the ground truth. Building sizes were compared; the minimum mean errors were 0.17 and 0.08 m for the oil refinery and management building area and the area of a sparse building layout with large oil tanks, respectively. Consequently, a consistent map, which was also consistent with an aerial map (from Google Maps), was built by Fast-SLAM 1.0 and 2.0 based on GPS and LIDAR. Our method reproduced map consistency results for ten runs with a variance of ± 0.3 m. Our method reproduced map consistency results with a global accuracy of 0.52 m in a low RTK-Fix-GPS environment, which was a factory with a building layout similar to petrochemical complexes with 20.9% of RTK-Fix-GPS data availability.

  125. High-speed sliding-inchworm motion mechanism with expansion-type pneumatic hollow-shaft actuators for in-pipe inspections

    Tomonari Yamamoto, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    MECHATRONICS 56 101-114 2018年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2018.10.010  


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    Conventional mechanisms for in-pipe locomotion involved difficulties with high-speed movement in narrow pipes. Previously, we introduced a new mechanism that used a single device to produce both impellent and holding forces via a sliding-inchworm motion. This involved cyclical impelling and holding movements, producing longer strokes and higher speeds than those of previous techniques. This study built on our previous work by presenting a detailed discussion, model, and advanced evaluation of this new technique. The robot locomotion was re-conceptualized to highlight why it was significantly fast. Two different sliding-inchworm motion patterns, called single- and dual-drive, were also theoretically analyzed, indicating that the single-drive pattern should be three times faster than the dual-drive pattern. Rolling resistance, key to improving the actuator performance, was evaluated with a friction model via experiments. The major factors affecting the rolling resistance were identified, and the main cause of the rolling resistance was concluded to be elastic hysteresis loss. The results of the rolling resistance investigation were integrated into a static model that considered force generation, and the range of the optimal roller radius was determined to be larger than 1.83 mm. Finally, the propulsion performance of a prototype mechanism for horizontal, vertical, and bent pipes with diameters of 53 mm was evaluated. The results exhibited that the proposed mechanism was able to achieve average speeds of 100 mm/s and 40 mm/s for horizontal and vertical pipes, respectively, and to facilitate passage through a 90-degree bent pipe. These experimental results agreed well with the motion models presented in this study.

  126. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ(ImPACT-TRC)

    田所 諭

    日立ソリューションズ東日本技報 = Hitachi Solutions East Japan technical report (24) 2-5 2018年11月



  127. Robust stairway-detection and localization method for mobile robots using a graph-based model and competing initializations

    Thomas Westfechtel, Kazunori Ohno, Baerbel Mertsching, Ryunosuke Hamada, Daniel Nickchen, Shotaro Kojima, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1177/0278364918798039  



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    One of the major challenges for mobile robots in human-shaped environments is navigating stairways. This study presents a method for accurately detecting, localizing, and estimating the characteristics of stairways using point cloud data. The main challenge is the wide variety of different structures and shapes of stairways. This challenge is often aggravated by an unfavorable position of the sensor, which leaves large parts of the stairway occluded. This can be further aggravated by sparse point data. We overcome these difficulties by introducing a three-dimensional graph-based stairway-detection method combined with competing initializations. The stairway graph characterizes the general structural design of stairways in a generic way that can be used to describe a large variety of different stairways. By using multiple ways to initialize the graph, we can robustly detect stairways even if parts of the stairway are occluded. Furthermore, by letting the initializations compete against each other, we find the best initialization that accurately describes the measured stairway. The detection algorithm utilizes a plane-based approach. We also investigate different planar segmentation algorithms and experimentally compare them in an application-orientated manner. Our system accurately detects and estimates the stairway parameters with an average error of only 2.5 mm for a variety of stairways including ascending, descending, and spiral stairways. Our method works robustly with different depth sensors for either small-or large-scale environments and for dense and sparse point cloud data. Despite this generality, our system's accuracy is higher than most state-of-the-art stairway-detection methods.

  128. Parking Spot Estimation and Mapping Method for Mobile Robots

    Thomas Westfechtel, Kazunori Ohno, Naoki Mizuno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Shotaro Kojima, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 3 (4) 3371-3378 2018年10月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2849832  



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    Self-driving vehicles rely on detailed semanticmaps of the environment for operating. In this letter, we propose a method to autonomously generate such a semantic map enriched with knowledge of parking spot locations. Our method detects and uses parked vehicles in the surroundings to estimate parking lot topology and infer vacant parking spots via a graph-based approach. We show that our method works for parking lot structures in different environments, such as structured parking lots, unstructured/unmarked parking lots, and typical suburban environments. Using the proposed graph-based approach to infer the parking lot structure, we can extend the estimated parking spots by 57%, averaged over six different areas with ten trials each. We also show that the accuracy of our algorithm increases when combining multiple trials over multiple days. With ten trials combined, we managed to estimate the whole parking lot structure and detected all parking spots in four out of the six evaluated areas.

  129. Close visual bridge inspection using a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell

    Carl John O. Salaan, Yoshito Okada, Shoma Mizutani, Takuma Ishii, Keishi Koura, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 35 (6) 850-867 2018年9月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21781  



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    Today, robots are expected to be used for the inspection of infrastructures such as bridges. One important task in bridge inspection is to acquire clear images of its various parts for further damage evaluation. However, this task has not yet been completely realized because of the complexity of bridge structures. For this situation, a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell (PRSS) that can easily maneuver while protecting itself is introduced. In this paper, we explain the development of the PRSS unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based on the design strategy. We then analyze its performance through simulated bridge inspection. Finally, we discuss the results of actual bridge experiments. The spherical shell has a size (D = 0.95 m) and structure (fullerene) that is well-suited for bridge inspection applications. It can also handle an impact equivalent to 2 m/s, which is more than the UAV's maximum flight speed. Test flight experiment also validated the characteristic of PRSS that shows a stable flight during disturbances. The image test also shows that the visual system can provide a full overhead view of the bridge. Likewise, it can detect a 0.1-mm wide line that replicates the damage (e.g., a crack) from a position 0.5 m away and while the camera moves at 0.3 m/s. These characteristics have yielded a system that can acquire inspection images from critical parts of the bridge. An evaluation by third parties confirmed the effectiveness of the system. Further, the system satisfies the mandatory requirements of the Next Generation Robots for Social Infrastructure (NGRSI) program.

  130. Introducing Whole Finger Effects in Surface Haptics: An Extended Stick- Slip Model Incorporating Finger Stiffness

    Dennis Babu, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS 11 (3) 417-430 2018年7月


    DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2018.2806458  



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    The kinematic serial chain configuration of a finger modulates the frictional properties during tactile exploration tasks. This paper analyzes and subsequently models the effects of the entire finger during sliding operations on a surface. Qualitative and quantitative study of finger movement patterns with postures, sliding directions, and contact angles first indicate the effect of finger stiffness on contact mechanics. A "stiffness ellipse" is subsequently modeled to incorporate finger pose effects, and then coupled with the lumped mass-spring-damper model of the finger pad to estimate resultant contact forces. The performance of the proposed model is verified by comparing with experimental results obtained from 10 subjects. The proposed model could estimate the general tendencies of contact forces with change in postures (Extended and Flexed), sliding directions (proximal and distal), and contact angles (20 degrees, 40 degrees, and 60 degrees). The experimental results indicates that finger stiffness significantly modulates the contact forces, stick-slip frequency, preloading duration, and initial spike during sliding. Introduction of finger posture effects could explain the change in finger normal force during tactile exploration tasks. The proposed haptic rendering model can be used to give a more natural user feedback in virtual fingertip-surface interactions.

  131. Aerial Hose Type Robot by Water Jet for Fire Fighting 査読有り

    Hisato Ando, Yuichi Ambe, Akihiro Ishii, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Shigenao Maruyama, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 3 (2) 1128-1135 2018年4月


    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2792701  



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    Disaster response, especially fire-fighting and rescue, is highly risky for firefighters engaged in action. As a result, many robots intended for fire-fighting have been proposed. However, it is difficult for them to directly access fire sources because their mobility is limited. Specifically, existing robots are large and heavy. Therefore, we propose a novel hose-type robot, which can fly directly into the fire source via a water jet. First, to control the reaction force for stable flying, we developed a nozzle module. By combining two nozzles whose outlet direction can be controlled, the resultant reaction force can be controlled. Finally, we developed a robot with a nozzle module and conducted an experiment. The experiment demonstrates that a robot with a length of approximately 2 m can fly stably in the air by leveraging the water jet. In addition, the head direction can also be controlled.

  132. Speech Enhancement Based on Bayesian Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Multichannel Magnitude Spectrograms 査読有り

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Tatsuya Kawahara, Hiroshi G. Okuno



    DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2017.2772340  


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    This paper presents a blind multichannel speech enhancement method that can deal with the time-varying layout of microphones and sound sources. Since nonnegative tensor factorization (NTF) separates a multichannel magnitude (or power) spectrogram into source spectrograms without phase information, it is robust against the time-varying mixing system. This method, however, requires prior information such as the spectral bases (templates) of each source spectrogram in advance. To solve this problem, we develop a Bayesian model called robust NTF (Bayesian RNTF) that decomposes a multichannel magnitude spectrogram into target speech and noise spectrograms based on their sparseness and low rankness. Bayesian RNTF is applied to the challenging task of speech enhancement for a microphone array distributed on a hose-shaped rescue robot. When the robot searches for victims under collapsed buildings, the layout of the microphones changes over time and some of them often fail to capture target speech. Our method robustly works under such situations, thanks to its characteristic of time-varying mixing system. Experiments using a 3-m hose-shaped rescue robot with eight microphones show that the proposed method outperforms conventional blind methods in enhancement performance by the signal-to-noise ratio of 1.03 dB.

  133. Control of Canine's Moving Direction by Using On-suit Laser Beams

    Kazunori Ohno, Shumpei Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Nishinoma, Tatsuya Hoshi, Ryunosuke Hamada, Satoko Matsubara, Miho Nagasawa, Takefumi Kikusui, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/CBS.2018.8612258  

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    Animal behavior can be controlled with noninvasive stimuli. Sounds, vibration, and lights are major noninvasive stimuli to lead animals such as canines, cats, and cows. Among them, a laser beam can be used to control motions of cats and canines without advance trainings. Previous studies reported that cats and canines responded motions of laser beam moved by human or electric devices. However, it has been still unknown whether a canine responds a laser beam from a device equipped on a canine suit (hereafter we call it on-suit laser beam). Here, we show that a canine's moving direction can be controlled with on-suit laser beams. We found that the high bright laser beam (1 mW) is suitable for the canine motion control at indoor environment. Brightness of laser beam was more important than color, and color difference (red, green, and blue) did not make a great difference in the canine's motion. We could control canine to move to left, right and forward direction using three laser beams that face to different direction. In our control system, a human operator can change the moving direction of the canine with a joy-pad. Our result demonstrates that the human operator guide the canine to the place where the canine can watch the target by using the on-suit laser beams. We consider that the on-suit laser beam based canine motion control is a starting point for expanding canine's working ability. Canines that wear the laser beam suit will explore the damaged building and capture photos of the damages instead of humans in search and rescue mission in the near future.

  134. Disruptive Innovation of Disaster Robots - The ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge

    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ARSO.2018.8625783  



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    The ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge is a national project of Japan Cabinet Office (period: 2014-18, members: 62 PIs and 300 researchers, budget: 30 M USD) that focuses on 'tough' technologies of robotics to give solutions to disaster response, recovery and preparedness. This paper presents the research outcome and application to actual disasters as well as its management to achieve disruptive innovations of technology, industry and society.

  135. 浮遊式変位・力変換メカニズム-平衡点の移動を活用した増力機構- 査読有り

    藤本敏彰, 清水杜織, 藤田政宏, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2018 (0) 2P1-G14 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2P1-G14  


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    <p>To attach and detach permanent magnets with an operation force smaller than their attractive force, Internally-Balanced Magnetic Unit (IB Magnet) has been developed. The unit utilizes a nonlinear spring with an inverse characteristic of magnetic attraction to produce a balancing force for canceling the internal force applied on the magnet. This paper extends the concept of shifting the equilibrium point of a system with a small operation force to linear systems such as conventional springs. Aligning a linear system and its inverse characteristic spring in series enables a mechanism to convert displacement into force generated by a spring with theoretically zero operation force.</p><p>To verify the proposed principle, the authors realized a prototype model of inverse characteristic linear spring with an uncircular pulley. Experiments showed that the generating force of a linear spring can be controlled by a small and steady operation force.</p>

  136. 面状全方向クローラ機構:― 第8報:テーパ状履帯版における段差・雪上走行実験および左右2ユニット履帯構成 ― 査読有り

    髙根 英里, 藤本 敏彰, 清水 杜織, 藤田 政宏, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 (0) 2A2-L04 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A2-L04  


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    <p>This research relates to "planar omnidirectional crawler mechanism" by moving to any direction holonomically without turning motion. By omnidirectional motion, it is possible to achieve a smooth movement in a narrowed road. In addition, by making the surface contact with the ground, it is possible to increase the pressure receiving area. It is a structure capable of load distribution, there is an advantage of improving the ability to move on unstable place. In this report, we designed and prototyped crawlers attached to along circumference by tapered small diameter tracks for improving performance on the step. We verified the prototype moved on the step and on snow by some experiments. Furthermore, we explain the structure for turning motion consists of two large diameter units.</p>

  137. 浮遊式変位・力変換メカニズム:― 平衡点の移動を活用した増力機構 ― 査読有り

    藤本 敏彰, 清水 杜織, 藤田 政宏, 髙根 英里, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 (0) 1P2-I12 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1P2-I12  

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    <p>To attach and detach permanent magnets with an operation force smaller than their attractive force, Internally-Balanced Magnetic Unit (IB Magnet) has been developed. The unit utilizes a nonlinear spring with an inverse characteristic of magnetic attraction to produce a balancing force for canceling the internal force applied on the magnet. This paper extends the concept of shifting the equilibrium point of a system with a small operation force to linear systems such as conventional springs. Aligning a linear system and its inverse characteristic spring in series enables a mechanism to convert displacement into force generated by a spring with theoretically zero operation force.</p><p>To verify the proposed principle, the authors realized a prototype model of inverse characteristic linear spring with an uncircular pulley. Experiments showed that the generating force of a linear spring can be controlled by a small and steady operation force.</p>

  138. 房状ジャミング膜グリッパ機構 査読有り

    藤田 政宏, 藤本 敏彰, 清水 杜織, 高根 英里, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 (0) 2P1-J06 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2P1-J06  


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    <p>This research relates to the device and realization of tufted jamming membrane gripper and expantion of the gripper function. Our team have developed jamming membrane gripper which can push a button and pick up a complex shape object. We carried out basic characteristic evaluating experiment of the gripper. In addition, we have developed shape and size changing type jamming membrane gripper and underwater gripper. In this paper, we report about the basic characteristics of jamming membrane gripper and realazaiton of new type jamming membrane grippers.</p>

  139. Planar Omnidirectional Crawler Mobile Mechanism-Development of Actual Mechanical Prototype and Basic Experiments 査読有り

    Kenjiro Tadakuma, Eri Takane, Masahiro Fujita, Akito Nomura, Hirone Komatsu, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2017.2739101  



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    This letter proposes a planar omnidirectional crawler mobile mechanism. This mechanism is the basis for the mobility of search and rescue robots. A planar omnidirectional crawler aims to facilitate penetration into a narrow path and soft or fragile ground. In this letter, the effectiveness of the proposed transmission mechanism is experimentally determined. In addition, a planar omnidirectional crawler equipped with a transmission mechanism was developed, and its characteristics were investigated through experiments for the pressure applied to the ground.

  140. Design of Aerial Manipulator Suitable for a UAV with Two Passive Rotating Hemispherical Shells. 査読有り

    Kenjiro Tadakuma, Carl John Salaan, Eri Takane, Yoshito Okada, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2018 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2018 1-6 2018年


    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2018.8468654  

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    Aerial manipulation has been a very active area of investigation in the field of robotics due to its huge potential for use in various applications especially for disaster response. A manipulator together with an aerial platform can perform the necessary manipulation tasks such as turning off valves and retrieving sample objects in disaster sites where it is too dangerous for a humans to enter. However, it is very difficult for the system to perform manipulation tasks due to the complexity of the environment. Recently, a new concept of a UAV with a protective shell mechanism that allows physical interaction was proposed. Although several manipulators have been proposed, they have not been found suitable for an aerial platform with a protective mechanism. In this study, a new concept for a manipulator that is suitable for a UAV with two passive rotating hemispherical shells is proposed. The design of the manipulator, which is based on the requirements of the abovementioned aerial platform is discussed. An initial prototype is fabricated to actualize the concept. Several tests are performed to demonstrate the capability of the proposed manipulator. Finally, the proposed manipulator is attached to the aerial platform and a preliminary test flight is conducted. The testing of the manipulator validated its capability to grip and grab objects. Likewise, satisfying the stipulated requirements made it suitable for use with the UAV having two passive rotating hemispherical shells.

  141. Vibrotactile Feedback Improves Collision Detection in Fast Playback of First-Person View Videos 査読有り

    Daniel Gongora, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93399-3_54  



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    Fast playback of First-Person View (FPV) videos reduces watching time but it also increases the perceived intensity of camera trembling and makes transient events, such as collisions, less evident. Here we propose using camera vibrations as vibrotactile feedback to support collision detection in fast video playback. To preserve camera vibrations pitch during fast playback, we use Time-Scale Modification (TSM) methods developed for audio. We show that camera vibrations delivered to the palm of the dominant hand improved collision detection performance in a pilot study. We found that reducing the levels of terrain vibrations is beneficial for collision detection. Furthermore, we found that without vibrotactile feedback participants are likely to underestimate the number of collisions in a video. Our results suggest that vibrotactile feedback has potential to support the detection of transient events during fast playback of FPV videos.

  142. Buttock Skin Stretch: Inducing Shear Force Perception and Acceleration Illusion on Self-motion Perception 査読有り

    Arata Horie, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93399-3_13  



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    This study presents a new concept of buttock skin stretch to induce the perception of shear force while sitting. Skin stretch is a potential approach to deliver kinesthetic information by cutaneous stimuli with a compact and portable device. We first introduce the buttock skin stretch approach for a virtual motion platform to enhance the experience of self-motion acceleration. We developed a single degree-of-freedom skin stretch device to deform the buttock skin in the lateral direction of the frontal plane. To deal with the shape difference of buttocks, the initial position of the sliding contactors was calibrated with the buttock pressure distribution on the seat. We investigated the relationship between the contactor displacement and the perceived shear force on each lateral side. The estimated magnitudes of the perceived force showed a monotonically increasing trend corresponding to the skin stretch displacement on each side. The observed similarity between the left and right sides suggests the good reproducibility of the proposed method. We also investigated the bias effect of the buttock skin stretch to the perceived acceleration of self-motion, which was induced by the vection illusion presented with an optical flow. The results of the magnitude estimation suggest that skin displacement of 9mm biased the perceived acceleration more than that of 3mm displacement. These findings suggest that the shear force induced by the buttock skin stretch can enhance the perception of self-motion.

  143. A Robotic Thruster that Can Handle Hairy Flexible Cable of Serpentine Robots for Disaster Inspection

    Yu Yamauchi, Toshiaki Fujimoto, Akihiro Ishii, Shingo Araki, Yuichi Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2018.8626018  


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    Snake-like robots are useful for exploring narrow spaces such as in collapsed buildings after a severe disaster. Two people are usually required for operating serpentine robot, one for pushing and twisting, and the other for controlling the tip. In this paper, we propose a way to control a snake robot with a single operator, by the use of robotic thruster. Further, a robotic thruster has the advantage of improving the estimation of tip position and shape, by measuring the inserted length of the cable. In this study, the focus is on "hairy" robots, so called because an Active Scope Camera (ASC) is covered by inclined cilia acting as a self-propelling mechanism. When operating a snake robot, the most difficult challenge is to insert it without damaging the cilia. First, opposed flexible rollers are proposed to push the robot whose cylindrical surfaces are covered by tensed flexible wires. The wires sandwich the robotic body between the hairs to avoid damage. Then, by using the rollers, a thruster is proposed which can push and twist the ASC, and measure both the inserted length and twisting angles. Basic performance experiments showed that the thruster could successfully push and twist an ASC of approximately 5 m. The accuracy of the inserted length and twisting angle were less than 10% and 45%, respectively. The thruster was able to push and twist the ASC on flat environments with obstacles, and in a three-dimensional rubble environment.

  144. Sound reduction of vibration feedback by perceptually similar modulation

    Nan Cao, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2018.8525571  


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    The transmission of high-frequency collision vibration can effectively deliver tactile characteristics in teleoperation of remote robots and the virtual environment. However, high-frequency vibrations also introduces audible noise. To address this issue, we modulated the frequency and amplitude of collision vibration to keep the perceptually similar while reducing the sound of the vibrations. Our experimental results showed that the sound pressure level of the collision vibrations (f = 675 Hz and 1012 Hz) is higher than the perceptual similar collision vibrations (f = 300 Hz and 450 Hz). These results suggest that our modulation method is able to reduce the sound level of the collision vibrations while maintaining the perceptual similarity.

  145. Design and Development of Biaxial Active Nozzle with Flexible Flow Channel for Air Floating Active Scope Camera

    Akihiro Ishii, Yuichi Ambe, Yu Yamauchi, Hisato Ando, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2018.8594437  



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    Long flexible continuum robots have a high potential for search and rescue operations that explore deep layered debris. A general problem of these robots is in the control of the head motion because their thin bodies limit the space available to mount multiple actuators. This paper develops a biaxial active nozzle which can rotate the air jet direction along a roll and pitch axis in order to control the direction of reaction force and the head motion of a long flexible robot. A major challenge is how to change the air jet direction without a large resistance to the flow, which reduces the reaction force induced by the air jet. We propose a nozzle whose outlet is connected with a flexible air tube. The direction of the air jet is controlled by the smooth shape deformation of the tube. The nozzle should be compact enough to be installed on a thin robot, although the shape deformation of the tube may cause buckling. The flexible tube is modeled and simulated by a multiple link model used to derive the geometric parameters of the nozzle so that the nozzle is compact and the tube does not buckle. Based on the derived parameters, the biaxial active nozzle was developed. A basic performance experiment shows that the nozzle can change the reaction force direction by deforming the tube shape, while the magnitude of the reaction force is almost constant. We integrated the proposed nozzle with a conventional Active Scope Camera (ASC). The range where the robot can look around in a vertical exploration was significantly improved, which was three times larger than the previous ASC whose head was controlled by pneumatic actuators. The rubble field test demonstrates that the integrated ASC could move over rubble (maximum height of 200 mm) and steer the course.

  146. Stable Haptic Feedback Generation During Mid Air Interactions Using Hidden Markov Model Based Motion Synthesis

    Dennis Babu, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Ryunosuke Hamada, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-4157-0_39  



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    Generation of stable and realistic haptic feedback in 3 dimensional midair interaction systems has garnered significant research interests recently. But the limitations in the sensing technologies such as unstable tracking, range limitations and occlusions occurred during interactions, along with the motion recognition faults significantly distort motion based haptic feedback. In this paper, a Hidden Markov Model based motion element synthesis for stable haptic feedback generation is proposed. The subjective evaluation experimental results using the proposed model on 3 subjects during a zooming task have shown improvements in user perception of the gestures.

  147. Whole Hand Interaction with Multi-finger Movement-Based Vibrotactile Stimulation

    Shota Iizuka, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-4157-0_27  



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    Humans usually use their multiple fingers for several types of whole hand touch interaction such as stroking and grasping. During whole hand interaction, multiple fingers show respective velocity behaviors, which may lead to respective vibrating phenomena. For realistic haptic rendering of fine roughness of surfaces during multi-finger interaction, we proposed a multi-finger vibrotactile rendering method using velocities ofmulti-fingers. For each finger, a virtual fine rough surface is represented by a sinusoidal vibratory stimulus based on velocity of the corresponding finger and a touched material. We demonstrate the proposed method through two types of application with a multi-finger vibrotactile wearable display. In a first demonstration, a subject touches a virtual surface in a computational 3-D environment and perceives fine roughness of it. In a second demonstration, a subject touches a real surface and perceives augmented fine roughness of the surface on which vibrotactile stimulation is superimposed to modulate the fine roughness of the real surface.

  148. Experiments on Two-Handed Localization of Impact Vibrations

    Daniel Gongora, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-4157-0_6  



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    Impact vibrationmeasurements were employed to determine which signal parameters serve as cues to localize impacts on a bar held with both hands. We considered three types of materials: Aluminum, polyoxymethylene (POM) and wood. Impact localization was better when the vibrations obtained from the wood bar were presented to the participants. We observed that to estimate the impact point participants relied primarily on amplitude and duration differences in the vibrations delivered to their hands. When short sine-wave bursts of varying amplitude and duration were used instead of impact vibrations, participants' capacity to localize the impacts improved. The goal of this submission is to further assess this observation with data obtained from the conference attendees.

  149. Jamming layered membrane gripper mechanism for grasping differently shaped-objects without excessive pushing force for search and rescue missions

    Masahiro Fujita, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Hirone Komatsu, Eri Takane, Akito Nomura, Tomoya Ichimura, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 32 (11) 590-604 2018年

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2018.1451368  



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    A gripper comprising a jamming membrane was developed with the capability of grasping collapsible, soft, and fragile objects without applying heavy pressure. In disaster sites, it is necessary for robots to grab various types of objects, such as fragile objects. Deformable grippers that contain bags filled with powder cannot handle collapsible or soft objects without excessive pressure. Changing powder density relatively by changing inner volume is one approach to overcome this problem. By expanding the concept and simplifying the variable inner volume of the gripping mechanism, we developed a jamming membrane comprising the following three layers: outer layer and inner layer made of rubber and a powder layer in between the outer and inner rubber layer. This jamming membrane allows collapsible, soft, or fragile objects to be held securely without applying too much pressure. We designed and developed a prototype of the jamming membrane gripper. Our experiments confirmed the validity of the proposed jamming membrane mechanism.

  150. A Pilot Study: Introduction of Time-Domain Segment to Intensity-Based Perception Model of High-Frequency Vibration 査読有り

    Nan Cao, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93445-7_28  



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    The intensity of a high-frequency vibration is the primary cue to convey vibrotactile information perceived by the Pacinian system. However, the conventional intensity-based spectral power model is not sufficient to interpret a relatively slow time-variant pattern of vibration such as amplitude-modulated (AM) vibrations. This paper introduced a time-domain segment to the intensity-based model such that a long-term vibration pattern is divided into multiple short-term sinusoidal vibrations that maintain the same energy. We expected that such short-term segmentation could deliver the similar perception if the energy of each segment of the reproduced vibration is the same as the original waveform even though the time-segmented reproduced waveform has a step-wise envelope shape. We conducted a pilot psychophysical experiment in which the participants discriminated between the original AM vibrations and the time-segmented vibrations by changing the segment size from 1/6 to 1/2 of the AM period. The experiment is conducted under different combinations of the carrier frequencies (300 Hz and 600 Hz) and envelope frequencies (15 Hz, 30Hz, and 45Hz) frequencies. The results showed that the participants had low discrimination ratios (the mean values are less than 0.6) at the segment size from 1/6 to 1/3 of the AM period and the participants could discriminate easily between the flat sinusoidal vibration and the original AM vibration (the mean discrimination ratios are larger than 0.90) even if the energies of the two vibrations were maintained. The results suggest that the time-segmented intensity-based model could reproduce perceptually-similar vibrations for AM vibrations at the segment size from 1/6 to 1/3 of the AM period.

  151. Cationic liposomes suppress intracellular calcium ion concentration increase via inhibition of PI3 kinase pathway in mast cells

    Yoshikazu Inoh, Aki Haneda, Satoshi Tadokoro, Satoru Yokawa, Tadahide Furuno



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2017.09.025  



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    Cationic liposomes are commonly used as vectors to effectively introduce foreign genes (antisense DNA, plasmid DNA, siRNA, etc.) into target cells. Cationic liposomes are also known to affect cellular immunocompetences such as the mast cell function in allergic reactions. In particular, we previously showed that the cationic liposomes bound to the mast cell surface suppress the degranulation induced by cross-linking of high affinity IgE receptors in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This suppression is mediated by impairment of the sustained level of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) via inhibition of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). Here we study the mechanism underlying an impaired [Ca2+], increase by cationic liposomes in mast cells. We show that cationic liposomes inhibit the phosphorylation of Akt and PI3 kinases but not Syk and LAT. As a consequence, SOCE is suppressed but Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is not. Cationic liposomes inhibit the formation of STIM1 puncta, which is essential to SOCE by interacting with Orail following the Ca2+ concentration decrease in the ER. These data suggest that cationic liposomes suppress SOCE by inhibiting the phosphorylation of PI3 and Akt kinases in mast cells.

  152. Diversity: the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Culture

    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2017.2732098  



  153. IEEE Society Review Committee Lists 18 Best Practices

    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2017.2691078  



  154. Robotics Leads Social Innovation Without Borders for the Future of Humanity

    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2017.2672158  



  155. Deadline for RAS Local Chapter Development Grants

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 24 (1) 6 2017年3月

    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2017.2672158  


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    Presents information of interest to RAS Society chapter members.

  156. Low Latency and High Quality Two-Stage Human-Voice-Enhancement System for a Hose-Shaped Rescue Robot 査読有り

    Yoshiaki Bando, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Nobutaka Ono, Shoji Makino, Katustoshi Itoyama, Daichi Kitamura, Masaru Ishimura, Moe Takakusaki, Narumi Mae, Kouei Yamaoka, Yutaro Matsui, Yuichi Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiroshi G. Okuno



    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2017.p0198  



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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a two-stage human-voice enhancement system for a hose-shaped rescue robot. When a microphoneequipped hose-shaped robot is used to search for a victim under a collapsed building, human-voice enhancement is crucial because the sound captured by a microphone array is contaminated by the ego-noise of the robot. For achieving both low latency and high quality, our system combines online and offline human-voice enhancement, providing an overview first and then details on demand. The online enhancement is used for searching for a victim in real time, while the offline one facilitates scrutiny by listening to highly enhanced human voices. Our online enhancement is based on an online robust principal component analysis, and our offline enhancement is based on an independent low-rank matrix analysis. The two enhancement methods are integrated with Robot Operating System (ROS). Experimental results showed that both the online and offline enhancement methods outperformed conventional methods.

  157. Investigation of Collision Vibrations Depending on Attack Speed for Realistic Haptic Rendering

    GU Wenchao, NAGANO Hikaru, KONYO Masashi, TADOKORO Satoshi

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-N06 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-N06  

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    <p>Human collision perception relies on a force cue and a vibrotactile cue. However, vibrotactile feedback is still not so realistic, and current vibration feedback model still cannot explain the vibration in real collision conditions perfectly for a haptic rendering system. In this paper, we aim to investigate the brief tendency of vibration amplitude, frequency and decay rate changing with the attack speed as the first step for building the realistic vibration model. According to the results, we found that the vibration amplitude had a linear relationship with the attack speed when it was low, and the increasing tendency of vibration amplitude became slower with the increasing of attack speed. To reveal the details, we will conduct further investigation.</p>

  158. Time Constant Discrimination of Collision Vibration

    CAO Nan, NAGANO Hikaru, KONYO Masashi, TADOKORO Satoshi

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-N05 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-N05  

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    <p>When we tap on the surface of the objects, damped collision vibrations occur. We can distinguish the materials by the perception of these collision vibrations. However, the discrimination ability is limited and unclear. This study investigated Just Noticeable Difference (JND) of the time constant, which is a reasonable factor relating for discriminating collision vibrations. We conducted psychophysical experiments to evaluate JNDs for two referenced time constants (10.8 and 50 ms) among five frequencies (150, 250, 500, 800 and 1000 Hz). The results showed that there were significant differences among reference time constant and we should use large step rate at the low time constant range.</p>

  159. Two-Handed Vibrotactile Feedback for Experiencing Camera Motion in 360-degree First-Person View Videos

    GONGORA Daniel, NAGANO Hikaru, KONYO Masashi, TADOKORO Satoshi

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1A1-M04 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1A1-M04  

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    <p>Haptic interfaces that enable the perception of camera movement affect positively the quality of experience. We propose a vibrotactile rendering method for experiencing camera movement with two hands. We consider horizontal and vertical displacements represented as vibrations that move from hand to hand and transient vibrations on both hands respectively.</p>

  160. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ

    田所 諭, 内薗 豊仁

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-R01 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-R01  


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    <p>ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge is a research project of Japan Cabinet Office which aims at creating disruptive disaster robotics that has enough robustness under extreme environment of disaster situations. Five types of robot platforms, i.e. aerial vehicles, cyber rescue canine, construction robots, serpentine robots and legged robots, are being developed as well as various component technologies of sensing, actuation, robot intelligence and human interface. Research fruits are evaluated at test fields twice a year at the ImPACT-TRC Field Evaluation Meetings. It helps researchers, makers and users communicate each other to promote technical innovation as well as social innovation by implementation of robotics systems, and industrial innovation by creation of new business and services. At the November Meeting in 2016, a construction robot with high control precision, teleoperation with feedback of force and touch, visual support from arbitrary point of views, and a far-infrared camera for handling hidden objects by smoke, was demonstrated. Thin serpentine robots showed high mobility in rubble piles with integration of feedback of image, sound and touch. Cyber canine showed that a cyber suit could monitor dog's motion and find things left behind.</p>


    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1_60  

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    Rescue robots have been used in at least 28 disasters in six countries since the first deployment to the 9/11 World Trade Center collapse. All types of robots have been used (land, sea, and aerial) and for all phases of a disaster (prevention, response, and recovery). This chapter will cover the basic characteristics of disasters and their impact on robotic design, and describe the robots actually used in disasters to date, with a special focus on Fukushima Daiichi, which is providing a rich proving ground for robotics. The chapter covers promising robot designs (e.g., snakes, legged locomotion) and concepts (e.g., robot teams or swarms, sensor networks), as well as progress and open issues in autonomy. The methods of evaluation in benchmarks for rescue robotics are discussed and the chapter concludes with a discussion of the fundamental problems and open issues facing rescue robotics, and their evolution from an interesting idea to widespread adoption.

  162. Stable haptic feedback generation during mid air interactions using hidden markov model based motion synthesis: Increasing and stabilizing motion frame rate

    Dennis Babu, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Ryunosuke Hamada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 1 113-115 2017年


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    Generation of stable and realistic haptic feedback during mid-air gesture interactions has garnered significant research interests recently. The depth camera based tracking systems used for motion capture has low and non-uniform frame rates which adversely affects high fidelity haptic feedback based on motion pattern. In this paper, we propose and implement a Hidden Markov Model based motion element synthesis for stable and higher frame rate motion artifact synthesis and subsequently improve haptic feedback rendering.

  163. Vibrotactile representation of camera motion with two vibrators

    Daniel Gongora, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 1 116-119 2017年


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    Haptic effects enrich audio-visual media but their creation can be time consuming. This paper reports a method for using camera motion estimates to generate vibrotactile feedback for two vibrators. The method generates two haptics effects that emphasize the feeling of curves and bumps on the road.

  164. Real-time Emotional State Estimation System for Canines Based on Heart Rate Variability

    Ryunosuke Hamada, Kazunori Ohno, Satoko Matsubara, Tatsuya Hoshi, Miho Nagasawa, Takefumi Kikusui, Takatomi Kubo, Eri Nakahara, Kazushi Ikeda, Shumpei Yamaguchi, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/CBS.2017.8266120  

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    Search and rescue (SAR) dogs are widely used to locate victims at disaster sites. The efficiency of SAR missions can be greatly enhanced if a canine's emotional states, including their motivation to search, can be remotely estimated in real time. In this study, we developed a real-time emotion estimation system for canines based on measured electrocardiography signals. This proposed system measures a canine's heartbeat intervals using a specially developed canine suit equipped with an electrocardiography device. Using the online heartbeat interval measurements, the system calculates time domain indices of heart rate variability, which are used to classify the canine's emotional state as positive or negative. To support visualization, the system presents the heart rate and estimated emotional state graphically in real time. The real-time emotion estimation system for canines proposed in this study was evaluated using a series of experiments. Bland-Altman analysis showed that online heartbeat interval measurements were consistent with offline heartbeat interval measurements when the canine was at rest or standing still. The proposed system was confirmed operational outdoors in real time and thus has the potential to enhance the efficiency of SAR missions that use canines.

  165. UAV with two passive rotating hemispherical shells for physical interaction and power tethering in a complex environment.

    Carl John Salaan, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Yoshito Okada, Eri Takane, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3305-3312 2017年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989377  


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    For the past few years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been successfully employed in several investigations and exploration tasks such as aerial inspection and manipulations. However, most of these UAVs are limited to open spaces distant from any obstacles because of the high risk of falling as a result of an exposed propeller or not enough protection. On the other hand, a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell can fly over a complex environment but cannot engage in physical interaction and perform power tethering because of the passive rotation of the spherical shell. In this study, we propose a new mechanism that allows physical interaction and power tethering while the UAV is well-protected and has a good flight stability, which enables exploration in a complex environment such as disaster sites. We address the current problem by dividing the whole shell into two separate hemispherical shells that provide a gap unaffected by passive rotation. In this paper, we mainly discuss the concept, general applications, and design of the proposed system. The capabilities of the proposed system for physical interaction and power tethering in a complex space were initially verified through laboratory-based test flights of our experimental prototype.

  166. Two-stage Hybrid A* path-planning in large petrochemical complexes.

    Abu Ubaidah Shamsudin, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Shotaro Kojima, Naoki Mizuno, Thomas Westfechtel, Takahiro Suzuki, Satoshi Tadokoro, Jun Fujita, Hisanori Amano

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 1619-1626 2017年


    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2017.8014250  

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    In this study, we aim to achieve path-planning for firefighter robots in large petrochemical complexes. In large environments, path-planning (e.g., Hybrid A∗) requires a large computation memory and a long execution time. These constrains are not feasible for firefighter robots. In order to overcome these two challenges, we propose a two-stage hybrid A∗ path-planning. For the first stage we use a global pathplanner that makes a path using a low-resolution grid map of 2 m. The global path-planner generates a path for an area of approx. 500 m×1000 m in 10 seconds . In the second stage, we refine the path by using a local-planner that uses a local-map of 100 m×100 m size around the robot with a high resolution grid of 1 m. The local planner receives its sub-goal from the global planner and recalculates a local path at a high speed of a few hundred milliseconds. Therefore, the local-planner can react to changes of the map due to obstacles in real-Time. We evaluated our proposed method by comparing with conventional hybrid A∗ in simulated as well as real experimental data of petrochemical complexes. By employing the local-planner our method could drastically reduce the used memory and execution time for the re-planning. For a trajectory of 600 m, our method reduces the execution time by 99:2% for real data and by 94:34% for simulated data. The memory usage was likewise drastically reduced by 97:45% for real data and by 97:91% for simulated data.

  167. Evaluation of LIDAR and GPS based SLAM on Fire Disaster in Petrochemical Complexes

    Abu Ubaidah bin Shamsudin, Naoki Mizuno, Jun Fujita, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Thomas Westfechtel, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hisanori Amano



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2017.8088139  

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    Firefighter robot autonomy is important for fire disaster response robotics. SLAM is a key technology for the autonomy. We want to know if SLAM can be used in fire disasters. However, evaluating SLAM in an actual fire disaster is not possible because we cannot generate large fires in actual petrochemical complexes. In this study, we simulated a fire disaster, collected sensor data for different conditions in the fire disaster, and evaluated the accuracy of the SLAM. The fire effect for LIDAR was analyzed and the effect embedded in the LIDAR measurement simulator. Several sensor interval parameters used by a heat protection cover was also analyzed for protecting sensor from heat. The evaluation result show the best parameter is 1 s measurement and 9 s sensor cooling which the average accuracy of GPS and LIDAR based SLAM was in the range 0.2 - 0.36 m in the most difficult scenario in the petrochemical complex, has dimensions 1000 m x 600 m. Using the simulator enables us to evaluate the best interval parameter of GPS and LIDAR based SLAM at the fire disaster. The knowledge from the fire effect of the LIDAR could be used to improve LIDAR measurement in actual fire disasters.

  168. Vehicle Detection and Localization on Bird's Eye View Elevation Images Using Convolutional Neural Network

    Shang-Lin Yu, Thomas Westfechtel, Ryunosuke Hamada, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2017.8088147  

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    For autonomous vehicles, the ability to detect and localize surrounding vehicles is critical. It is fundamental for further processing steps like collision avoidance or path planning. This paper introduces a convolutional neural network-based vehicle detection and localization method using point cloud data acquired by a LIDAR sensor. Acquired point clouds are transformed into bird's eye view elevation images, where each pixel represents a grid cell of the horizontal x-y plane. We intentionally encode each pixel using three channels, namely the maximal, median and minimal height value of all points within the respective grid. A major advantage of this three channel representation is that it allows us to utilize common RGB image-based detection networks without modification. The bird's eye view elevation images are processed by a two stage detector. Due to the nature of the bird's eye view, each pixel of the image represent ground coordinates, meaning that the bounding box of detected vehicles correspond directly to the horizontal position of the vehicles. Therefore, in contrast to RGB-based detectors, we not just detect the vehicles, but simultaneously localize them in ground coordinates. To evaluate the accuracy of our method and the usefulness for further high-level applications like path planning, we evaluate the detection results based on the localization error in ground coordinates. Our proposed method achieves an average precision of 87.9% for an intersection over union (IoU) value of 0.5. In addition, 75% of the detected cars are localized with an absolute positioning error of below 0.2m

  169. Generation of Turning Motion for Tracked Vehicles Using Reaction Force of Stairs' Handrail.

    Yuto Ohashi, Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno, Yoshito Okada, Ryunosuke Hamada, Takahiro Suzuki, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics 5 65-80 2017年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67361-5_5  



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    Inspections by mobile robots are required in chemical and steel plants. The robots are required to ascend and descend stairs because equipment components are installed on different-level floors. This paper proposes turning motion for tracked vehicles on stairs. A characteristic of the proposed turning motion is that it is generated using the reaction force from the safety wall of the stairs’ handrail. The safety wall is commonly used in plants because it prevents objects from dropping down and damaging equipments. Proper turning motion is generated based on the motion model of the tracked vehicle. Experimental results show that the proposed turning motion can change the heading direction on the stairs. In addition, the proposed turning motion enables the vehicle to run with less slippage, as compared to other turning motions. The proposed method can reduce slippage by 88% while climbing up the stairs and by 44% while climbing down the stairs. The proposed method is more effective on the upward stairs than on the downward stairs. An autonomous turning motion control is implemented on the tracked vehicle, and it is evaluated on the upward stairs.

  170. Robot System for Inspection of the Inner Wall of Large Boiler - Integration and evaluation of the system prototype comprising a sensing vehicle and ground equipment

    Masaki Ozawa, Yoshito Okada, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279223  


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    In this paper, we report on the development and evaluation of an inspection system prototype for inspection of an inner wall of a large boiler. A sensing vehicle, ground equipment and a ground console were prototyped. The vehicle has a horizontal slider table for wide-range scanning by a distance image sensor. A vibration suppression mechanism reduced the inertial force during slider movement. Two winches with automatic locking mechanism for climbing and a laser displacement meter for altitude measurement were installed as ground equipment. In addition, operating software for the inspection system prototype was developed, and this enabled exchange of measurement data and transmission of commands between the vehicle and the console. We also realized autonomous wall climbing of the vehicle while remaining level. Evaluations on a large imitation wall were carried out and they confirmed successful autonomous wall climbing and remote scanning.

  171. Attempt at Climbing of Spiral Staircase for Tracked Vehicles using Reaction Force of Stairs' Handrail

    Yuto Ohashi, Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno, Yoshito Okada, Ryunosuke Hamada, Takahiro Suzuki, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279255  


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    Disaster response robots are important for the investigation of nuclear power and chemical plants. To investigate an area, robots are required to climb straight or spiral staircases because equipment components are installed on different-level floors, which are connected by stairs. Installed stairs are narrow and steep because the location of equipment components is given priority in the environment inside plants. It is considerably difficult for a tracked vehicle, which has high mobility on stairs or rough terrain, to climb spiral staircases. We propose a method for a tracked vehicle to climb spiral staircases. A characteristic of the method is that the tracked vehicle uses the reaction force from a safety wall, which is installed to prevent objects from dropping down and damaging the equipment in plants. It is shown that the climbing motion is easy to perform using the wall without complicated control, as compared to when the wall is not used. The climbing motion of a robot on a spiral staircase using a wall is analyzed by employing a dynamic model. Experimental results show that it is possible to climb without slippage and at a high speed by maintaining contact along the wall. These results show that a tracked vehicle can access areas that could not be reached earlier through contact with the environment. Furthermore, it is considered that the climbing motion using contact with the environment can be applied to an autonomous mobile robot for automating inspection because complicated control is not required.

  172. Determining Easily Avoidable Stop Position by Predicting Surrounding Vehicles' Paths

    Masahiro Kajiwara, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Takahiro Suzuki, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279324  


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    We propose a method for deciding an avoidable stop position for a vehicle to not disturb the surrounding traffic. A vehicle needs to pull over and make an autonomous emergency stop when a driver has a seizure and loses consciousness. To develop such an autonomous stop system on a narrow road, considering the surrounding vehicles and not hindering traffic are imperative to rescue a patient. We present an approach based on predicting the paths of other vehicles to avoid the ego-vehicle, a load index of a following vehicle driver for predicted paths, and an index that shows the interference between the paths of the following and oncoming vehicle. The path prediction is computed by applying a lattice path planner comprising the vehicle's position, posture, and path curvature. The load index of the following vehicle is calculated with respect to the cumulative curvature of the predicted path. The interference index of the following and oncoming vehicles is estimated by evaluating the area that both vehicles pass to avoid the ego-vehicle. The simulation results showed the ego vehicle had to pull over by 1.5 m over the road shoulder and 1.0 m ahead of a parked vehicle on the opposite lane.

  173. UAV with Two Passive Rotating Hemispherical Shells and Horizontal Rotor for Hammering Inspection of Infrastructure

    Carl John Salaan, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Yoshito Okada, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279315  


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    Infrastructure is vital for economic development and growth and the destruction of infrastructure could lead to economical losses and fatalities. Periodic inspection and maintenance must be performed to avoid such incidents. However, inspection, which was traditionally performed manually, is laborious, expensive, time-consuming, and unsafe for the human inspector. UAVs have been proposed in recent studies as an alternative for conducting infrastructure inspection.In this paper, a system comprising a quadrotor UAV, passive rotating shell mechanism, horizontal rotor, and hammering device is proposed to provide a robust solution for performing hammer test in an infrastructure - a complex-structured site. Each subsystem is responsible for a vital function. The UAV acts as the main platform for efficient and safe inspection, the passive rotating hemispherical shell mechanism ensures protection and better stability during a collision with the obstacle, the horizontal rotor helps with the hammering action, and the hammering device performs the task. The paper describes the general idea, design and analysis of main subsystems, fabricated prototype, and conducted flight experiments.The capabilities of the proposed system were verified by conducting flight experiments. The passive rotating shell mechanism is shown to be effective against obstacles while the horizontal rotor is helpful in hammering action.

  174. 可食アクチュエータ:―第3報:ベローズ状アクチュエータの具現化と基本的特性― 査読有り

    小松 洋音, 藤田 政宏, 髙根 英里, 野村 陽人, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 2A2-A05 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A2-A05  


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    <p>The authors proposes edible actuators and edible mechanical components which are made of the gelatin in previous researches. In this paper, the edible bellows which is made of gelatin and has long stroke compared with the one chamber actuator. It can be used as actuator by applying the air and it can also be used as a force sensor with high sensibility by taking out the air. Edible bellows is developed and its basic motion as actuator is confirmed by the experiment.</p>

  175. 双リング式全方向車輪機構-リング状車輪の能動化メカニズムの考案と具現化- 査読有り

    小松洋音, 藤田政宏, 高根英里, 野村陽人, 多田隈理一郎, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2017 (0) 2A1-A08 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-A08  


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    <p>In this paper, basic principle of active driving mechanism for omnidirectional wheel mechanism with a dual-rings is proposed. Active driving mechanism is composed of one outer helical gear and two dual-rings with internal helical gear. Proposed active driving mechanism is confirmed by developing basic prototype model.</p>

  176. 可食ロボット用全周開張式トーラス機構 査読有り

    多田隈 建二郎, 小松 洋音, 藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 髙根 英里, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 2A1-A09 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-A09  


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    <p>This paper discusses the edible robot with expandable torus mechanism as a core configuration. The proposed torus mechanism is mainly made of gelatin. We built the prototype of the torus configuration and proposed the reflexive motion to the torus mechanism which based on the reflexive bending motion of the arm mechanism we developed at the past. From the experiment, the mechanism needs more softness and we found the needs to develop the way to keep the edible robots in the container. We are developing the edible gear, wheel, track, gripper, leg and so on in this edible robotics researches.</p>

  177. 面状全方向クローラ移動機構:―第6報:自立走行試験および走行面への荷重分散についての計測― 査読有り

    髙根 英里, 藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P2-P12 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-P12  


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    <p>In recent years, robots are being extensively used in disaster management; therefore, they need to be equipped to operate in harsh environmental conditions. This research aims to develop a mobile mechanism with a high running performance using a planar omnidirectional crawler mechanism, and aims to improve the practicality of a disaster response robot. Examples of such site include staircases with scattered objectives, narrow passage and swamping after the tsunami.<br>In this paper, we carried out a running test to confirm that the designed mechanism has been realized and that driving to omnidirections is possible. Furthermore, we will describe the results of the experiments for confirming that load distribution is possible for the running surface thanks to the surface structure.</p>

  178. 先端テーパ型円形断面機構に基づく全方向移動メカニズム 査読有り

    小松 洋音, 藤田 政宏, 髙根 英里, 野村 陽人, 小島 匠太郎, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 2A1-A07 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-A07  


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    <p>The authors proposed the tapered circular cross section mechanism composed of the crawler and the roller and developed the first prototype model in former research. This mechanism has high step traversability because the tip of the crawler is tapered. In this paper, the authors designed and developed the second prototype model of the circular cross section mechanism to reduce running resistance compared with the first prototype model.</p>

  179. 全方向なじみ式グリッパ機構:索状ロボ搭載におけるシンプル化の過程の実際 査読有り

    多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 藤田 政宏, 藤本 敏彰, 西村 礼貴, 野村 陽人, 鉄井 光, 清水 杜織, 高根 英里, 小松 洋音

    横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 2017 (0) C-3-6 2017年


    DOI: 10.11487/oukan.2017.0_C-3-6  

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    This paper presents the variable rigid membrane mechanism based on variable inner volumemechanism. This mechanism allows to grip collapsing, soft and fragile objects without over-strong pressure.We have designed and developed the real prototype model. In addition,we confirmed validity of the proposedmechanism.

  180. 無摺動式トーラス型伸展指機構:― 密集環境内における軟弱・脆弱対象物としての幼鶏体の抱擁的把持を目的とした効果器 ― 査読有り

    藤田 政宏, 高根 英里, 野村 陽人, 小松 洋音, 西田 健, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 2P1-D07 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2P1-D07  


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    <p>This research relates to the device and realization of No Sliding Torus Type Extension Finger Mechanism. In resent year, various bag type grippers have researched and developed. Bag type gripper can grasp various objects because it is able to adapt to the target objects. However, since friction occurs between the gripper and the object, it is difficult to grasp weak or fragile objects. Therefore, we report on the principle devised, realized(design, prototype), experiment using a torus finger gripper mechanism which can grasp objects without sliding.</p>

  181. 軸方向波動伝播ホイール機構 査読有り

    藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 小松 洋音, 高根 英里, 多田隈 理一郎, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 2A1-A10 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-A10  


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    <p>In the disaster site, mechanisms which can run on uneven and soft ground, and narrow space is needed. In this paper, we study omnidirectional crawler and propose 2 mechanisms, pitching-axis helical gear transmission and yawing-axis helical gear transmission, which transmit driving force by omnidirectional crawler with surface of contact. We design and prototype them by chain and rack gear. We also report about the first trial of them. In addition, we claim that the omnidirectional crawler mechanism can be used for not only mobile robot but also other applications. For example, when the omnidirectional crawler touch one object, the crawler is manipulator.</p>

  182. 能動変形可能なジャミング膜グリッパ機構:―挿入除去作業用扁平型エンドエフェクタの索状プラットフォームとの統合― 査読有り

    藤田 政宏, 高根 英里, 野村 陽人, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P2-P08 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-P08  


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    <p>This research relates to the device and realization of active deforming jamming membrane gripper. When mount a gripper on rescue robots, it is difficult to place a heavy object on the robots. Therefore, it is difficult to mount multiple grippers on the robots. Our team have developed jamming membrane gripper which it is possible to push button and pick up a object. Other request tasks include lifting objects. So, we thought that deform the gripper thinly. After that, insert the gripper into a gap of objects. These operations allow the gripper to lift the object. In this paper, we report about the concept of the deformable jamming gripper, the realization of it and the experiment with real model.</p>

  183. スクリュー式差動回転機構:-前後方向踏破性向上のための全方向駆動車輪を直列配置した車両の具現化- 査読有り

    野村 陽人, 藤田 政広, Ozawa Masaki, 高根 英里, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 理一郎, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P1-G10 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-G10  


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    <p>This paper presents vehicle with omnidirectional driving wheels based on screw-type differential rotating mechanism. An omnidirectional driving wheel can generate a driving force in any arbitrary direction. Therefore, there are various wheel arrangements for composing the vehicle. In this paper, wheels are arranged in series configuration for improving the traversing ability in longitudinal direction. In addition, realization of this type of vehicle and evaluation of its ability is reported.</p>

  184. 剛性可視化マーカ機構:―内部低圧状態に着目した隣接室式構造の提案― 査読有り

    藤田 政宏, 高根 英里, 野村 陽人, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1A1-I12 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1A1-I12  


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    <p>Various robot hands are studied by many researchers. Complex robot hand like a human hand can grasp awkward shape objects but need very complex control. On the other hand, simple robot hands are also developed. For example, we proposed and developed the Omni-Gripper that has the torus tubular configuration. In this research, we develop the basic concept of the omni gripper into highly deformable gripper including expandable motion. This time, to realized this concept, we use the expanded polyurethane. Through the grasping experiment, we confirmed the effectivity of highly expandable bubble as a hyper deformation for grasping.</p>

  185. Competition task development for response robot innovation in World Robot Summit. 査読有り

    Tetsuya Kimura, Masayuki Okugawa, Katsuji Oogane, Yoshikazu Ohtsubo, Masaru Shimizu, Tomoichi Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    SSRR 2017 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, Conference 129-130 2017年


    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2017.8088151  

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    Japanese government plans to host a robot competition, World Robot Summit(WRS), in 2020 aiming to promote robot innovation. WRS involves three categories; (1)industrial, (2)service, and (3)disaster robotics categories. In this paper, the tasks of the disaster robotics category of WRS are introduced, and the consideration of robot innovation promotion with the WRS tasks is carried out.

  186. Wearable Gait Logging System Attached on Ankles to Estimate Foot Steps and Trajectories 査読有り

    Yoshihiro Kato, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279228  


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    Conventional pedestrian dead-reckoning systems that use shoe-mounted inertial sensors are not suitable for use in daily life. For example, such systems are not convenient because they compel individuals to wear such pairs of shoes; moreover, these systems are not suitable for use in barefoot conditions. A novel gait logging system is proposed to estimate foot steps and walking trajectories using a combination of high frequency vibration and inertial measurements from the upper part of the ankle. First, a three-step method is proposed to estimate Heel Strike and Toe Off. It is verified that the present method is suitable for estimating Midstance (MSt) time. Then, a trajectory and position estimation procedure is proposed that considers the MSt ankle velocity. A model for MSt ankle velocity is derived. The performance of the trajectory estimation is evaluated with various types of footwear. It is verified that the proposed method is suitable for estimating step lengths of each stride and total distance regardless of the footwear. Furthermore, the trajectories estimated using the proposed method approximated the actual walking path with high accuracy.

  187. Toward Multi-Finger Haptic Interaction: Presenting Vibrotactile Stimuli from Proximal Phalanges to Fingertips 査読有り

    Shota Iizuka, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279338  


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    Multiple contacts with fingers have potentials to enhance the perceived haptic information both quantitatively and qualitatively. Although it is crucial to mount a multi finger vibrator device on the fingers, it may restrict direct touch interaction with the user's hands. In this study, we propose a new approach to stimulating a fingertip with a vibrator attached on the dorsal side of the proximal phalanx. The objective of the paper is to investigate the propagation mechanism of that phenomenon and find requirements to design an effective device. The experimental results showed that the lateral clamp condition increased the fingertip vibration by 43 times compared to the vertical clamp. We also developed a prototype of the multi-finger vibrotactile display based on the hypothesized mechanism. Finger posture effects and the isolation capability were confirmed.

  188. Extracting Haptic Information from High-Frequency Vibratory signals Measured on a Remote Robot to Transmit Collisions with Environments 査読有り

    Hideto Takenouchi, Nan Cao, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2017.8279348  


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    To support the teleoperation of remote robots, this study propose a methodology for modulating vibrotactile signals to enhance human perceptual characteristics. The methodology is needed because the frequencies of the vibrotactile signals occurring on robots are often too high for humans to perceive; thus, our objective is to transmit important information, e.g., the contact characteristics contained in high-frequency vibrotactile signals, to operators. We considered that the envelope of the vibrotactile signals contains contact characteristics, e.g., the material properties and the robots' motion. Our proposed method modulates the amplitude of the sinusoidal vibration with the upper and lower envelopes of the measured vibratory signals. We propose two modulation types modulated from the original signals (option (a)), which are (b) the envelope of the original signals, and (c) the amplitude-modulated vibration, whose amplitude is modulated with the envelopes of the original vibratory signals and whose carrier frequency range is sensible by humans. Before evaluating our proposed method, we conducted an experiment to determine the carrier frequency of method (c). Finally, we conducted a discrimination experiment whose results showed that our modulation method (c) best improved the human discriminability.

  189. A Flexible In-Pipe Robot Capable of Moving in Open Spaces via a Pneumatic Rotary Mechanism

    Tomonari Yamamoto, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IFAC PAPERSONLINE 50 (1) 1050-1055 2017年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.216  



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    In this paper, we propose a flexible pneumatic robot that can move in narrow pipes and across open spaces. The development of such robots is necessary to access the insides of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's pressure containment and reactor pressure vessels via pipes and to then move around inside and investigate damage to them. The novel flexible pneumatic robot proposed here realizes both in-pipe and open-space locomotion by integrating expansion-type pneumatic hollow-shaft actuators and a pneumatic rotary steering mechanism. We first present the propulsion and steering concept of the proposed robot before detailing its design and the developed prototype. Further, we present the experimental evaluation of the characteristics and performances of the steering and propulsion mechanisms. We found that each expansion-type pneumatic hollow-shaft actuator can generate a maximum traction force of 11 N, whereas the steering mechanism generates a maximum steering force of 0.55 N. Finally, we conducted a trial to confirm the locomotion performance of the robot both in pipes and across open space. The results show that the robot can smoothly touch down into open space from high-lying pipes and subsequently move around across open spaces toward a given coordinate. (C) 2017, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  190. Envelope Effect Study on Collision Vibration Perception through Investigating Just Noticeable Difference of Time Constant

    Nan Cao, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2017 IEEE WORLD HAPTICS CONFERENCE (WHC) 528-533 2017年


    DOI: 10.1109/WHC.2017.7989957  

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    It is known that human can feel the vibratory envelope on periodic sinusoidal vibrations; however, the role of the envelope on non-periodic transient vibrations is still not clear. This study investigated Just Noticeable Difference (JND) of the time constant in the decaying sinusoidal vibration model, which is one reasonable factor relating to discrimination of tapped materials. The authors conducted psychophysical experiments to evaluate JNDs for two referenced time constants (10.8 and 50 ms) among five frequencies (150, 250, 500, 800 and 1000 Hz). The analysis showed that significant frequency effect on JNDs was only found for the lower JNDs of reference time constant 50 ms. JNDs of the time constant was lower around 250 Hz (150 to 500 Hz, average JND was 12.8%) and was higher at high frequencies (800 to 1000 Hz, average JND was 27.9%). No significant frequency effects were found in the upper JNDs of reference 50 ms (average JND was 23%) and upper JNDs of reference 10.8 ms (average JND was 65%).

  191. Collision representation using vibrotactile cues to bimanual impact localization for mobile robot operations.

    Daniel Gongora, Hikaru Nagano, Yosuke Suzuki, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 461-468 2017年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989059  


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    Unnoticed collisions compromise the success of remote exploratory tasks with mobile robots. We propose a vibrotactile stimulation method to represent frontal collisions that is based on the way people perceive impacts on a bar held with both hands. We observed that to estimate the impact point in a bimanual impact localization task people relied on amplitude and duration differences of the impact vibrations delivered to their hands. Then, to apply these results, we obtained a psychophysical function that relates impact points and vibration parameters. Finally, we used a differential drive mobile robot equipped with a high speed tactile sensor on the front bumper to evaluate our method in a simplified teleoperation task. We observed that participants required less time to complete the task when vibrotactile feedback was available.

  192. A self-locking-type expansion mechanism to achieve high holding force and pipe-passing capability for a pneumatic in-pipe robot.

    Tomonari Yamamoto, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1900-1907 2017年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989221  


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    This study proposes a self-locking-type expansion mechanism for in-pipe robots. Previously, we proposed a highspeed locomotion mechanism using pneumatic hollow-shaft actuators; however, this mechanism lacked holding force and could not pass through a bent pipe. The proposed mechanism generates a large holding force and can easily pass through a bent pipe by invoking a self-locking phenomenon. We conceptualize and design the novel expansion mechanism and introduce its associated mathematical model to formulate the holding force and mechanism design. The characteristics and capabilities of the mechanism are elucidated by experiments. From the experimental results, we optimize the applied pressure and the design of the mechanism. The proposed mechanism generates a maximum holding force of 69.7 N, which is 5.2 times higher than that of the previous mechanism, and drastically improves the robot's bent-pipe-passing capability. Finally, the performance of this mechanism is confirmed in a simulated pipe test. In this trial, a robot equipped with the proposed mechanism smoothly and steadily moves through complex pipe configurations, including the vertical and bent pipes.

  193. Vibrotactile Rendering of Camera Motion for Bimanual Experience of First-Person View Videos

    Daniel Gongora, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2017 IEEE WORLD HAPTICS CONFERENCE (WHC) 454-459 2017年


    DOI: 10.1109/WHC.2017.7989944  

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    We propose a vibrotactile rendering method for the motion of a camera in first-person view videos that enables people to feel the movement of the camera with both hands. Concretely, we consider an arrangement of two vibrotactile actuators to render panning movements on the horizontal axis as vibrations that move from hand to hand, and to represent sudden vertical displacements of the camera as transient vibrations on both hands. We investigate three representation methods for the panning motion based on the estimated velocity and acceleration of the camera and a combination of both. In a preliminary user experiment, we observed favorable effects of applying our proposed rendering method on the perceived realism and satisfaction associated with the experience of watching a video.

  194. Preface

    Auke J. Ijspeert, Kamilo Melo, Robin Murphy, Davide Scaramuzza, Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Marco Hutter, Laura Paes, Amy Wu, Iselin Frø, Sylvie Fiaux

    SSRR 2016 - International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics 2016年12月14日

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2016.7784266  

  195. Redefining the Values of Robotics and Automation

    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2016.2614372  



  196. A mechanical approach to realize reflexive omnidirectional bending motion for pneumatic continuum robots 査読有り

    Eri Takane, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Tomonari Yamamoto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ROBOMECH Journal 3 (1) 28 2016年12月1日

    DOI: 10.1186/s40648-016-0067-x  


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    A mechanism that allows a robotic arm to quickly grip various forms of objects at disaster sites will enhance the mobility of rescue robots by keeping their bodies stable and maintaining manipulability for target objects, such as debris. Such a mechanism requires the ability to quickly and omnidirectionally change arm postures toward the target and hold it in a stable manner. Continuum robots are expected to provide this functionality. Conventional continuum robots realize the function of changing arm postures and grasping objects by controlling pneumatic actuators with multiple air chambers arranged in parallel. However, conventional robots cannot be applied to potential disaster sites filled with flammable gases, gasoline, or high radiation levels because they require electronic components (e.g., solenoid valves, and sensors) to control air pressures. This study proposes a unique approach to realize reflexive omnidirectional bending motion using only mechanical components without any electrical devices. The proposed system realizes a reflexive motion to bend the arm in the target’s direction by detecting a contact location using a mechanical reactive system. The proposed simple mechanism has the advantages of high durability and easy implementation. This paper aims to confirm the proposed concept by prototyping a drive mechanism coupled with contact detection and bending motion using mechanical port valves. We report the design concept and development of this prototype. The fundamental characteristics and feasibility of the proposed mechanism are experimentally confirmed. First, a prototype is developed using a mathematical model. Its performance in the bending and omnidirectional motions is evaluated. The results show that the model has a margin of −4.9% error in the bending angle and −7.4% error in the central curvature compared with the experimental values. We also confirm that using a higher pressure could realize a smaller radius of curvature and reduce an unnecessary twisting motion. We also tested a second prototype to confirm the grasping motion and force by changing the applied pressures. The influence of the bending direction was then evaluated. We confirm that a higher pressure generated a larger grasping force. The prototype can omnidirectionally produce approximately the same forces although the generated forces depend on the number of air chambers excited by the contact pads. Subsequently, we experimentally confirm the influence of gravity. The test shows that the effect of own weight greatly influences the posture after the object is in contact. This effect should not be ignored. Furthermore, the curve became sufficiently large when its contact pad is pressed. This result experimentally proved that self-holding is possible. The experimental results show the potential of the proposed mechanism.

  197. 特別講演 災害ロボットの現状と将来 (第51回日本赤十字社医学会総会優秀演題号) -- (第51回 日本赤十字社医学会総会)

    田所 諭

    日赤医学 = The Japanese Red Cross medical journal 67 (2) 262-264 2016年9月1日



  198. Robot Competitions

    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2016.2590678  



  199. Editorial: Special Issue on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Part 2

    Alexander Kleiner, Fredrik Heintz, Satoshi Tadokoro

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 33 (4) 409-410 2016年6月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21661  



  200. Phosphorylation of syntaxin-3 at Thr 14 negatively regulates exocytosis in RBL-2H3 mast cells

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Tetsuhiro Shibata, Yoshikazu Inoh, Toshiro Amano, Mamoru Nakanishi, Naohide Hirashima, Naoko Utsunomiya-Tate

    CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 40 (5) 589-596 2016年5月


    DOI: 10.1002/cbin.10600  



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    Recent studies have revealed that soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins interact with each other, forming a SNARE complex that induces exocytosis in mast cells. Previously, we reported that syntaxin-3, a SNARE protein, regulates mast cell exocytosis and is constantly phosphorylated. In this study, we tried to identify the amino acid residue that is phosphorylated in mast cells, and to elucidate the regulatory mechanism of exocytosis by phosphorylation in syntaxin-3. We found that Thr 14 of syntaxin-3 was a phosphorylation site in mast cells. In addition, the overexpression of a constitutively dephosphorylated syntaxin-3 (T14A) mutant enhanced mast cell exocytosis. We also showed that the phosphomimetic mutation of syntaxin-3 at Thr 14 (T14E) induced structural changes in syntaxin-3, and this mutation inhibited binding of syntaxin-3 to Munc18-2. These results suggest that phosphorylated syntaxin-3 at Thr 14 negatively regulates mast cell exocytosis by impairing the interaction between syntaxin-3 and Munc18-2.

  201. Editorial: Special Issue on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Part 1

    Alexander Kleiner, Fredrik Heintz, Satoshi Tadokoro

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 33 (3) 263-264 2016年5月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21653  



  202. Effect of Complexin II on Membrane Fusion between Liposomes Containing Mast Cell SNARE Proteins

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Naohide Hirashima, Naoko Utsunomiya-Tate



    DOI: 10.1248/bpb.b15-00751  


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    Mast cells are involved in allergic responses and undergo exocytotic release of inflammatory mediators in response to antigen stimulation. Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins are involved in this membrane fusion process; some SNARE-binding proteins regulate SNARE-dependent liposome membrane fusion. SNARE-binding protein complexin II is expressed in mast cells, where it positively regulates exocytotic release after antigen stimulation. We found that complexin II suppressed SNARE-dependent membrane fusion between mast cell SNARE-containing liposomes. This inhibitory effect of complexin II was abolished when we used a structurally divergent mutant (R59H) complexin II, where Arg59 is substituted with histidine. These results suggest that complexin II negatively regulates SNARE-dependent exocytotic membrane fusion in mast cells, and this inhibitory effect is dependent upon Arg59.

  203. Robotics and Automation for Social Innovation

    Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2015.2512739  



  204. Variational Bayesian Multi-channel Robust NMF for Human-voice Enhancement with a Deformable and Partially-occluded Microphone Array

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiroshi G. Okuno




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    This paper presents a human-voice enhancement method for a deformable and partially-occluded microphone array. Although microphone arrays distributed on the long bodies of hose-shaped rescue robots are crucial for finding victims under collapsed buildings, human voices captured by a microphone array are contaminated by non-stationary actuator and friction noise. Standard blind source separation methods cannot be used because the relative microphone positions change over time and some of them are occasionally shaded by rubble. To solve these problems, we develop a Bayesian model that separates multi-channel amplitude spectrograms into sparse and low-rank components (human voice and noise) without using phase information, which depends on the array layout. The voice level at each microphone is estimated in a time-varying manner for reducing the influence of the shaded microphones. Experiments using a 3-m hose-shaped robot with eight microphones show that our method outperforms conventional methods by the signal-to-noise ratio of 2.7 dB.

  205. Fog removal using laser beam penetration, laser intensity, and geometrical features for 3D measurements in fog-filled room

    Abu Ubaidah Shamsudin, Kazunori Ohnoa, Thomas Westfechtel, Suzuki Takahiro, Yoshito Okada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 30 (11-12) 729-743 2016年

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2016.1164620  



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    Three dimension (3D) point cloud data in fog-filled environments were measured using light detection and ranging (LIDAR). Disaster response robots cannot easily navigate through such environments because this data contain false data and distance errors caused by fog. We propose a method for recognizing and removing fog based on 3D point cloud features and a distance correction method for reducing measurement errors. Laser intensity and geometrical features are used to recognize false data. However, these features are not sufficient to measure a 3D point cloud in fog-filled environments with 6 and 2 m visibility, as misjudgments occur. To reduce misjudgment, laser beam penetration features were added. Support vector machine (SVM) and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) are used to classify point cloud data into 'fog' and 'objects.' We evaluated our method in heavy fog (6 and 2 m visibility). SVM has a better F-measure than KNN; it is higher than 90% in heavy fog (6 and 2 m visibility). The distance error correction method reduces distance errors in 3D point cloud data by a maximum of 4.6%. A 3D point cloud was successfully measured using LIDAR in a fog-filled environment. Our method's recall (90.1%) and F-measure (79.4%) confirmed its robustness.

  206. Standard Rescue Tasks Based on the Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge.

    Masaru Shimizu, Masayuki Okugawa, Katsuji Oogane, Yoshikazu Ohtsubo, Tetsuya Kimura, Tomoichi Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 9776 LNAI 440-451 2016年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68792-6_37  



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    Robotic technology can be effectively used in the inspection and maintenance of aging social infrastructure. The capabilities of these robots are similar to those required for disaster response robots. This paper presents the concepts and outlines of the Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge (JVRC). The tasks in this challenge were designed based on the Sasago tunnel disaster, in which ceiling panels fell over 130 m as a result of the release of the anchor bolts from the walls over time. Lessons from JVRC indicate that service robots can function as first responders, and that disaster rescue tasks have much in common with every day maintenance tasks. Standard tasks for robots are proposed and one scenario is demonstrated to show its validity. We hope that the application of robots used for everyday maintenance can improve the availability of robots at disaster scenes.

  207. 面状全方向クローラにおける動力伝達機構の実験的検討 査読有り

    髙根 英里, 多田隈 建二郎, 山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 2A2-08a5 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.2A2-08a5  


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    <p>In the disaster site, mechanisms which can run on uneven and soft ground, and narrow space is needed. In this paper, we study omnidirectional crawler and propose 2 mechanisms, pitching-axis helical gear transmission and yawing-axis helical gear transmission, which transmit driving force by omnidirectional crawler with surface of contact. We design and prototype them by chain and rack gear. We also report about the first trial of them. In addition, we claim that the omnidirectional crawler mechanism can be used for not only mobile robot but also other applications. For example, when the omnidirectional crawler touch one object, the crawler is manipulator.</p>

  208. 外部支持シャフトを有するオフセット球状全方向車輪機構 査読有り

    多田隈 建二郎, 嵜山 勢士, 髙根 英里, 多田隈 理一郎, 小島 匠太郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 2A2-07b5 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.2A2-07b5  


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    <p>In the disaster site, mechanisms which can run on uneven and soft ground, and narrow space is needed. In this paper, we study omnidirectional crawler and propose 2 mechanisms, pitching-axis helical gear transmission and yawing-axis helical gear transmission, which transmit driving force by omnidirectional crawler with surface of contact. We design and prototype them by chain and rack gear. We also report about the first trial of them. In addition, we claim that the omnidirectional crawler mechanism can be used for not only mobile robot but also other applications. For example, when the omnidirectional crawler touch one object, the crawler is manipulator.</p>

  209. 双リング式全方向車輪機構 査読有り

    多田隈建二郎, 高根英里, 多田隈理一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2016 (0) 2A2-07b6 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.2A2-07b6  


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    <p>This paper describes the wheel Mechanism with Dual-Rings to realize the omnidirectional driving motion. In the conventional model, the distance between two wheel is larger and the supporting shaft can be contacted to outer environment, therefore, the moving ability of the conventional model is quite limited. On the mechanical configuration of the wheel mechanism with dual-rings, these problems can be solved by the small offset and large wheel diameter. The prototype model is designed and developed. The basic motion of the prototype is confirmed experimentally.</p>

  210. 面状全方向駆動クローラ機構 査読有り

    髙根 英里, 多田隈 建二郎, 山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1A2-08b5 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-08b5  


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    <p>In the disaster site, mechanisms which can run on uneven and soft ground, and narrow space is needed. In this paper, we study omnidirectional crawler and propose solution to the problem for the yawing-axis helical gear transmission we devised. The yawing-axis helical gear transmission is able to allow the deflection of the height direction because end of the crawler in transverse displacement unit is driven directly. We design to reduce imbalance of power on the rack gear and the gap between transverse displacement units. In addition, we confirm the basic principal of the mechanism and effect of solution through experiment.</p>

  211. 外部アクセス性を有する分割受動回転球殻機構:―Omni-Copter: 飛行体への適用例として― 査読有り

    多田隈 建二郎, Carl John Salaan, 髙根 英里, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1A2-08b4 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-08b4  


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    <p>A typical UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell can provide protection while keeping the UAV stablethrough gimbal mechanism. However, the passive/random rotation and gimbal mechanism have some drawbacks when applied to a real-world mission such as for search and inspection in the event of a disaster. The random rotation of spherical shell will limit any mechanism or sensor to pass outside freely. Likewise, the camera as vital equipment is continually blocked and disturbed by the spherical shells rotation. In the case of gimbal mechanism, its frame extends the size of the spherical shell. In this paper, a novel design of UAV with four degreesof-freedom (4-DOF) passive rotation of shell protector that can manipulate the outside environment is proposed to solve primarily the mentioned issues. The system is realized using two independent hemispherical shell that provides a significant gap. Through the gap, it allows any mechanism to pass outside freely unaffected. The independent passive rotation of two (2) hemispherical shell and two (2) DOF gimbal mechanism helps maintain the stability of the UAV. An offset weight is also added that maintains the posture of two hemispherical shells allowing proper position for sensing, capturing, or manipulation. An actual prototype has been developed to illustrate the concept. A laboratory-based test flight was also conducted to evaluate its performance.</p>

  212. 1自由度多変形グリッパ機構:―受動式内体積可変メカニズムの導入- 査読有り

    多田隈 建二郎, 髙根 英里, 山本 知生, 西田 健, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1A2-08b3 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-08b3  


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    <p>This paper describes the morphing omnidirectional gripper which is able to grasp various objects with the torus balloon mechanism. The deformable part of the gripper changes its shape by covering all direction of objects and makes the contacting area higher. In order to keep the high grasping force, proposed gripper does not need any additional energy thanks to the jamming effect. The design of the actual prototype model with 1 D.O.F mechanism is shown and built. In addition, the usage of functional fluids for the morphing part is proposed. The basic performance of the passive volume adjustable mechanism has been observed.</p>

  213. 双リング式全方向車輪機構 査読有り

    多田隈 建二郎, 髙根 英里, 多田隈 理一郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 2A2-07b6 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.2A2-07b6  


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    <p>This paper describes the wheel Mechanism with Dual-Rings to realize the omnidirectional driving motion. In the conventional model, the distance between two wheel is larger and the supporting shaft can be contacted to outer environment, therefore, the moving ability of the conventional model is quite limited. On the mechanical configuration of the wheel mechanism with dual-rings, these problems can be solved by the small offset and large wheel diameter. The prototype model is designed and developed. The basic motion of the prototype is confirmed experimentally.</p>

  214. 連結差動切り替え機構を有する球形ケーブル移動体の開発:―第2報:動力切り替え特性評価及び基本走行実験― 査読有り

    市村 友哉, 多田隈 建二郎, 高根 英里, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1A1-09a4 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A1-09a4  


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    <p>Tethered robots often face the entangling of the cable with obstacles in uncertain disaster environments. We have proposed a spherical tether handling device that unfastens a robot's tether during surveys by releasing the tether and carrying it aside. The device is able to move forward by driving the outer shells. When the device climbs obstacles, it alters the driving power from driving the shells to pull the tether to obtain high surmountability because of a coupled differential mechanism. Specific characteristics of the coupled differential mechanism were evaluated and experiments of basic travel motion of the device were performed in this paper. The results of the experiments show that the device can climb a height of 90.9% of its diameter. We also demonstrate a scenario to handle the tether and untangle multiple tangles in an environment with several obstacles.</p>

  215. Multipoint Vibrotactile Stimuli Based on Vibration Propagation Enhance Collision Sensation 査読有り

    Shunya Sakata, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42324-1_7  



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    This study investigated the influence of multipoint vibrotactile stimuli on the basis of propagated vibration on the perception of collision sensation through two experiments. In the first experiment, we measured the vibration waveforms generated by a tennis ball hitting at the gripped racket, wrist, and elbow. The measured vibrations on the three positions displayed different profiles and frequency spectra, which appeared to be caused by the vibration propagation. In the second experiment, participants evaluated the vibrations reproduced on the basis of the measured vibration in terms of the display conditions using subjective evaluation. The results showed that multipoint vibrotactile stimuli improve the magnitude and size of area of collision sensation compared with a single-point vibration, and the unnatural condition in which multipoint stimuli containing recorded and unrecorded waveforms degraded the reality of reproduced collision sensation.

  216. Can Haptic Feedback Improve Gesture Recognition in 3D Handwriting Systems? 査読有り

    Dennis Babu, Seonghwan Kim, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43506-0_41  



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    Current gesture interfaces accept relatively simple postures and motions for reliable inputs, which are still far from natural and intuitive experiences for the users. This paper suggests a unique idea that haptic feedback has a potential to improve not only user experiences but also gesture recognition performances. We expect haptic feedback to provide users cues for natural writing movement and accordingly generate movement easily recognized by the system. We developed a writing gesture recognition system using the K-Means clustering algorithm for writing state estimation and a haptic feedback system which involved frictional sensation during writing and impulsive sensation at the beginning and ending of writing. The experiments on five participants showed an approximately 5% and 4% improvement in the true positive and the false negative gesture recognition rate with visual-haptic feedback compared to visual feedback alone. We confirmed that the improvement was due to changes in hand motion by haptic feedback, which led to a higher correlation between reference waveform and performed motion and an increase of the finger stopping time at the end of the writing. We also confirmed the positive effects of our haptic feedback on the user experiences.

  217. Variational Bayesian multi-channel robust NMF for human-voice enhancement with a deformable and partially-occluded microphone array. 査読有り

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiroshi G. Okuno

    European Signal Processing Conference 2016-November 1018-1022 2016年


    DOI: 10.1109/EUSIPCO.2016.7760402  


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    This paper presents a human-voice enhancement method for a deformable and partially-occluded microphone array. Although microphone arrays distributed on the long bodies of hose-shaped rescue robots are crucial for finding victims under collapsed buildings, human voices captured by a microphone array are contaminated by non-stationary actuator and friction noise. Standard blind source separation methods cannot be used because the relative microphone positions change over time and some of them are occasionally shaded by rubble. To solve these problems, we develop a Bayesian model that separates multichannel amplitude spectrograms into sparse and low-rank components (human voice and noise) without using phase information, which depends on the array layout. The voice level at each microphone is estimated in a time-varying manner for reducing the influence of the shaded microphones. Experiments using a 3-m hose-shaped robot with eight microphones show that our method outperforms conventional methods by the signal-to-noise ratio of 2.7 dB.

  218. Design and analysis of a pneumatic high-impact force drive mechanism for in-pipe inspection robots 査読有り

    Ye Hua, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 30 (19) 1260-1272 2016年

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2016.1205511  



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    A pneumatic actuator is suitable and safe for in-pipe inspection robots in inflammable circumstances because of its ability to withstand explosions. However, ordinary pneumatic actuators limit driving speed because of their slow response. In this paper, we propose a novel pneumatic drive mechanism that can produce a high-impact force to move the in-pipe robot forward with sufficient speed by a catastrophic phenomenon using rapid release between a magnet and springs. We also introduce an anisotropic friction mechanism that uses a self-locking phenomenon to transmit the impact force to the pipe walls efficiently. A pin retraction mechanism that releases the self-locking condition is applied to retrieve the robot from the pipes. Optimizations of the proposed design were conducted based on a motion simulation model and verified in experiments. The experimental results obtained for maximum driving speeds in a straight pipe with different material types were approximately 90 and 50 mm/s for horizontal and vertical pipes, respectively. Stable strokes were also observed at different driving frequencies from 0.5 to 2.0 Hz.

  219. 3D Graph Based Stairway Detection and Localization for Mobile Robots 査読有り

    Thomas Westfechtel, Kazunori Ohno, Baerbel Mertsching, Daniel Nickchen, Shotaro Kojima, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759096  



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    Perception is the main key in enabling robots to react to and interact with their environment. Particularly, for multi-floor operations, the robot must robustly detect and localize stairs to allow for safe climbing. In this paper, we develop a graph-based stairway detection method for point cloud data, that can detect a large variety of stairways. Our approach first segments planar regions and extracts the stair tread-and stair riser-shaped segments. With these segments, a dynamic graph model is initialized that is used to detect stairs including the railing system in the surroundings. We show that our system can accurately detect and localize different stairways from a variety of different positions, including descending stairs. Our system's accuracy is higher than those of most state-of-the- art stairway detection methods even in case of sparse point cloud data.

  220. Use of Active Scope Camera in the Kumamoto Earthquake to Investigate Collapsed Houses 査読有り

    Yuichi Ambe, Tomonari Yamamoto, Shotaro Kojima, Eri Takane, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2016.7784272  


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    The Kumamoto Earthquake occurred in April 2016. We conducted an investigation using the active scope camera to examine the interiors of the collapsed houses. The robot video scope can move by itself to probe narrow gaps. We could safely gather information by inserting it inside houses. We further considered the future possible improvements to the robot based on the investigation. We also determined the constraints to be considered for the robot operation in disaster areas. In addition, we created a test field imitating the features of collapsed houses. We used this field to evaluate our robot mobility and related technologies that are being developed for future applications.

  221. Variable Inner Volume Mechanism for Soft and Robust Gripping― Improvement of Gripping Performance for Large-Object Gripping ― 査読有り

    Masahiro Fujita, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Eri Takane, Tomoya Ichimura, Hirone Komatsu, Akito Nomura, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics(SSRR2016) 390-395 2016年


    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2016.7784332  


  222. 吸着力を調整できる永電磁式小型軽量吸着機構の開発とマルチコプタ搭載評価 査読有り

    小浦慧視, 岡田佳都, SALAAN Carl John O., 大野和則, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 21st 2016年


  223. Development of a Spherical Tether-Handling Device with a Coupled Differential Mechanism for Tethered Teleoperated Robots 査読有り

    Tomoya Ichimura, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Eri Takane, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759405  



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    Tethered robots often experience entangling of their cables with obstacles in uncertain disaster environments. This paper proposes a spherical tether handling device that unfastens a robot's tether during surveys by releasing the tether and carrying it aside. By using a differential mechanism, the device drives shells and rollers that hold the tether. On flat surfaces, the device moves forward by driving the shells. When the device climbs over steps, the rollers are driven by the differential mechanism to pull the tether automatically. After prototyping the device, we confirm the surmountability of the proposed device against steps. The results show that the device can climb a height 90.9% of its diameter. We also demonstrate a scenario to handle the tether and untangle multiple tangles in an environment with several obstacles.

  224. Real-time Restoration of Aerial Inspection Images by Recognizing and Removing Passive Rotating Shell of a UAV 査読有り

    Yoshito Okada, Takuma Ishii, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759735  



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    This paper presents a real-time image restoration method for aerial inspection images that are degraded by the appearance of a passive rotating shell of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).Only images are required as the input. The method mainly consists of feature-based object detection for joints of the UAV shell, outlier rejection based on a sample consensus (SAC) approach and the geometrical model of the shell, reconstruction of the entire region that the shell appears in, and inpainting of the shell.Not only a pure algorithm for general UAVs with passive rotating shells but also an implementation specialized for a UAV that we have been developing are presented. The successfully implemented algorithm was evaluated for actual inspection flights under different conditions. The average rate of successful image restoration was 81.1% at 4.3 fps.

  225. Two Axes Orthogonal Drive Transmission for Omnidirectional Crawler with Surface Contact 査読有り

    En Takane, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masahiro Fujita, Hirone Komatsu, Akito Nomura, Tomoya Ichimura, Tomonari Yamamoto, Yuich Ambe, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2016.7784330  


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    In this paper, we propose an omnidirectional mobile mechanism with surface contact. This mechanism is expected to perform on rough terrain and weak ground at disaster sites. In the discussion on the drive mechanism, we explain how a two axes orthogonal drive transmission system is important and we propose a principle drive mechanism for omnidirectional motion. In addition, we demonstrated that the proposed drive mechanism has potential for omnidirectional movement on rough ground by conducting experiments with prototypes.

  226. Visuo-haptic Transmission of Contact Information Improve Operation of Active Scope Camera 査読有り

    Takahito Funamizu, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759190  



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    Disaster response robots for searching in a narrow area have limited space to mount tactile sensors, but the operators require sensory feedback to recognize contact situations with the surrounding environment. This study proposes a new approach to transmitting contact information of a remote-operated snake-like robot called Active Scope Camera (ASC) to the operator using simple configurations for the sensing and display methods. For the sensing side, we develop a contact estimation method with a limited number of tactile sensors. We establish the method to localize the contact position and the magnitude by sensing multiple propagated vibrations based on experiments and formulations. Preliminary experiments show that the developed method estimates a collision angle with high probability (93.8% at the worst condition) at several collisional situations. For the display side, we combine visual and vibrotactile feedback to provide the operator both directional and temporal cues to perceive contact events. The proposed visualization method uses colored bars, peripherally superposed on the video image, to show the estimated contact location and magnitude. A single DoF vibrotactile feedback is used for a joystick interface to control the head movement of the ASC. The effect of vibrotactile feedback on the response time to contact events is evaluated. Finally, we investigate the performance of the operation by identifying the contact behavior at simulated scenarios. Experimental results show that collision times per operation time is decreased by the developed feedback system compared with a simple video- based operation.

  227. 環境との接触力のモデルに基づくクローラロボットの軌跡追従制御 査読有り

    小島匠太郎, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 21st 2016年


  228. Motion Control of Tracked Vehicle based on Contact Force Model 査読有り

    Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno, Takahiro Suzuki, Thomas Westfechtel, Yoshito Okada, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759198  



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    In large industrial plants, the inspection of production lines is a heavy and costly task that puts human inspectors at high risk. In order to overcome these challenges, we have developed an autonomous plant inspection system using a mobile tracked vehicle. In this paper, we propose an autonomous navigation method for tracked vehicles based on a contact force model that enables the robot to compensate for collisions with obstacles. The model considers the influence of the contact force on the linear and angular motion of the robot. Using the model, the controllable velocity range is derived during collisions. The experimental results show that the robot is safely controlled by complying with velocity constraints. In addition, our method can generate motions such as leaving wall, L-shaped curve and crosswise locomotion in straight passage while navigation alongside the walls. The method allows the robot to smoothly follow a target path, despite colliding with obstacles.

  229. Improvement of UAV's Flight Performance by Reducing the Drag Force of Spherical Shell 査読有り

    Carl John Salaan, Yoshito Okada, Koichi Hozumi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759274  



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    In recent years, several researchers focused their work on the mechanisms to protect the UAV from the dangerous collision with obstacles particularly the application of a spherical shell. However, this mechanism has some drawbacks when used in real-world mission especially in an outdoor environment. In the presence of wind, the spherical shell will experience significant air drag that will affect the flight performance of the UAV.In this paper, we focused our study on improving the flight performance of the UAV by reducing the drag force caused mainly by the spherical shell. We analyzed its structure and components to minimize the unwanted drag force. We evaluated two spherical structure, namely the 2V geodesic and fullerene. We also evaluated the spherical shell's component so-called joint by applying airfoil shape and compared it to a flat-plate design. CFD simulation and wind tunnel experiment were used as an evaluation tool to obtain a quantitative result.Based on our evaluation, changing from flat-plate to airfoil shape decrease the drag force of the joints by 72.31 %. Likewise, changing the structure from 2V geodesic to fullerene reduced the drag force of the connections by 12.42 %. The combination of fullerene structure and airfoil joints reduced the overall drag force by 34.74 %.An actual flight test in the bridge in the presence of wind further verifies the performance of the system by using the spherical shell with fullerene structure and airfoil joint.

  230. Real-time Display of Onboard Spherical Images That Synchronizes Head Pose of Operator for Robotic Search 査読有り

    Yoshito Okada, Takumi Fujinami, Shotaro Kojima, Takuma Ishii, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2016.7784285  


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    This paper describes a real-time transmission and display system of a spherical image stream from a robot whose end-to-end latency is 155 ms. The proposed system contains a head mount display with an IMU so that an operator can quickly and intuitively change the display perspective. The effectiveness of the low latency and the intuitive operability are verified by multiple experiments using an actual robot.

  231. Effects of PIP2 on membrane fusion between mast cell SNARE liposomes mediated by synaptotagmin 2

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Yoshikazu Inoh, Mamoru Nakanishi, Naohide Hirashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2015.06.016  



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    Recent studies have revealed that SNARE proteins are involved in exocytotic release in mast cells. Previously, we reported that mast cell SNARE proteins induce membrane fusion between liposomes. Moreover, we found that synaptotagmin 2, a candidate Ca2+ sensor for mast cell exocytosis, enhanced SNARE-mediated membrane fusion via Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine. Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) is an acidic phospholipid like phosphatidylserine. In the present study, we investigated whether PIP2 is involved in the enhancement effect of synaptotagmin 2 on SNARE-mediated membrane fusion. PIP2 did not show any significant effect on SNARE-mediated membrane fusion by itself. In the presence of Ca2+, synaptotagmin 2 enhanced SNARE-mediated membrane fusion between liposomes containing PIP2. However, even in the presence of Ca2+, when we used 100% PC liposomes, synaptotagmin 2 did not show any significant effect on SNARE-mediated membrane fusion. These results indicated that PIP2 is involved in the enhancement effect of synaptotagmin 2 on membrane fusion between liposomes containing mast cell SNARE proteins. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  232. Challenge of disaster robotics

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2015-September 21-22 2015年9月11日

    DOI: 10.1109/ChiCC.2015.7259606  



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    The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake was the first disaster where many robotic systems were used for disaster response and recovery. It is expected that robotics becomes an essential solution in the near future. In this paper, the state of art of disaster robotics, gaps for actual use, and efforts for promoting social implementation are introduced.

  233. Special issue on disaster response robotics (2) PREFACE

    Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Nathan Michael, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 29 (3) 147-147 2015年2月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2015.1007901  



  234. Measurements of Vibration Propagation on a Forearm during Tennis Shot for Realistic Tactile Displays

    Sakata Shunya, Nagano Hikaru, Konyo Masashi, Tadokoro Satoshi

    The Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM 2015 203-204 2015年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeicam.2015.6.203  


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    In this study, we developed a tactile display method that presents a realistic hitting sensation of a tennis shot using multiple vibrotactile stimuli. We have previously measured and approximated vibration waveforms at multiple points on a forearm during a tennis shot for displaying a realistic hitting sensation. However, the influence of swing velocity during impact on vibration parameters remains to be understood. Thus, we measured and approximated vibration waveforms in relation to swing velocity. The results revealed that swing velocity influences vibration amplitudes at the racket, wrist, and elbow during a tennis shot.

  235. Rolling Resistance between Roller and Flexible Tube of Pneumatic Hollow-shaft Actuator

    Yamamoto Tomonari, Konyo Masashi, Tadakuma Kenjiro, Tadokoro Satoshi

    The Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM 2015 269-270 2015年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeicam.2015.6.269  


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    The authors propose a flexible shaft actuator whose slider has high-speed and long-stroke motion capability. However, the rolling resistance of rollers in the slider must be investigated to improve the motion performance. In this study, we identify the rolling resistance and optimize the roller design. First, possible factors causing rolling resistance are investigated. We found that the elastic hysteresis loss was the main factor to approximate the resistance. Finally, we optimized the roller radius using the experimental results.

  236. Omnidirectional Curving Arm Mechanism with Passive Touch Detection

    TAKANE Eri, TADAKUMA Kenjiro, SAKIYAMA Seiji, YAMAMOTO Tomonari, OHNO Kazunori, KONYO Masashi, TADOKORO Satoshi

    The Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM 2015 119-120 2015年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeicam.2015.6.119  


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    In this paper, a mechanical arm with no distinction between hand part and arm part is presented. Additionally, an omnidirectional curving mechanism with passive touch detection is proposed.

  237. Challenge of Disaster Robotics

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    2015 34TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC) 21-22 2015年



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    The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake was the first disaster where many robotic systems were used for disaster response and recovery. It is expected that robotics becomes an essential solution in the near future. In this paper, the state of art of disaster robotics, gaps for actual use, and efforts for promoting social implementation are introduced.

  238. Disaster Response Robot.

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Encyclopedia of Systems and Control 2015年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_181-1  

  239. Path planning with observation prediction to avoid collisions with unknown dynamic obstacles.

    Eijiro Takeuchi, Naoki Sugawara, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2015 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration(SII) 629-633 2015年


    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2015.7405052  

  240. RAS Strategic Planning Meeting [Society News].

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag. 22 (2) 101-102 2015年

    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2015.2419138  


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    The application area of robotics is drastically expanding, and a wide variety of robotic services are being launched. The robot business is changing from a small market of industrial and military robots to a huge market of home, office, and outdoor field applications for robotics. Robotics was a singular technical curiosity before, but now it is becoming one of the most important fundamental technologies in day-to-day activities. Prior to a brainstorming session, an introduction was given where the goals of the meeting were outlined and the current activities and direction of the IEEE and RAS were shared. Entrepreneurship should be promoted to create and fund new business. Local IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation events should be held to invite local researchers and students to the RAS.

  241. Proposal of inspection and rescue tasks for tunnel disasters - Task development of Japan virtual robotics challenge.

    Masayuki Okugawa, Katsuji Oogane, Masaru Shimizu, Yoshikazu Ohtsubo, Tetsuya Kimura, Tomoichi Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    SSRR 2015 - 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 1-2 2015年


    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2015.7443005  

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    For aging social infrastructure, robot technology is effective for the inspection and maintenance. Such capabilities are similar to those required in the disaster response robots. The application of response robot technology to frequently-used maintenance robots for infrastructure accelerate the social implementation of the response robots. In the paper, the concept and outlines of Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge (JVRC) task development have been introduced, in which ordinal inspection tasks and disaster response tasks of tunnel are carried out by an identical robot. In the paper, we propose a test scenario for robotic operations for inspection and rescue tasks. The tasks will be checked in Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge that will be held in October 2015.

  242. Proposal and Experimental Validation of a Design Strategy for a UAV with a Passive Rotating Spherical Shell 査読有り

    Shoma Mizutani, Yoshito Okada, Carl John Salaan, Takuma Ishii, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7353532  



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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) such as multicopters are expected to be used for inspection of aged infrastructure or for searching damaged buildings in the event of a disaster. However, in a confined space in such environments, UAVs suffer a high risk of falling as a result of contact with an obstacle.To ensure an aerial inspection in the confined space, we have proposed a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell (PRSS UAV); The UAV and the spherical shell are connected by a 3DOF gimbal mechanism to allow them to rotate in all directions independently, so that the UAV can maintain its flight stability during a collision with an obstacle because only the shell is disturbed and rotated.To apply the PRSS UAV into real-world missions, we have to carefully choose many design parameters such as weight, structure, diameter, strength of the spherical shell, axis configuration of the gimbal, and model of the UAV. In this paper, we propose a design strategy for applying the concept of the PRSS mechanism, focusing on disaster response and infrastructure inspection. We also demonstrate the validity of this approach by the successful result of quantitative experiments and practical field tests.

  243. A High-speed Locomotion Mechanism Using Pneumatic Hollow-shaft Actuators for In-pipe Robots 査読有り

    Tomonari Yamamoto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7354050  



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    This study proposes a high-speed locomotion mechanism for a pipe-inspection robot. As a result of the narrow and complex structures of pipeline networks, it is difficult for robots to move quickly within the pipes. The new pneumatic mechanism proposed here realizes high-speed locomotion along with advantageous features for pipe inspection including a small diameter, flexibility, and low weight. First, we present the design concept of the novel locomotion mechanism using pneumatic flexible hollow-shaft actuators, which was previously developed by the authors. The prototype constructed to realize this concept and the associated mathematical model are then introduced. Second, the basic characteristics of the proposed mechanism are evaluated in terms of the holding force (generated by an expansion mechanism against the pipe wall) and the impellent force that induces forward motion in the robot. Finally, the in-pipe movement performance is confirmed. The experimental results show that the designed robot can be propelled inside a 53-mm-diameter pipe at a maximum speed of 250 mm/s, which is exceedingly faster than conventional designs.

  244. Environmental Sensing using Millimeter Wave Sensor for Extreme Conditions 査読有り

    Shakeel Muhammad, Daniele Nardi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2015.7442947  

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    The aim of this work is to investigate rotational millimeter wave sensor for autonomous navigation in extreme environmental and weather conditions. The proposed research describes the development and deployment of efficient millimeter wave radar system for mobile robotics as a primary range sensor to allow for localization and mapping. In fact, in highly demanding weather conditions, conventional sensors for outdoor navigation, like ultrasound, lasers and optical sensors have known limitations, that may be at least overcome using the Millimeter Wave Radars. Specifically, our contribution focuses on the extraction of range and velocity information from the data collected by rotating the antennas of a millimeter wave radar at different speed profiles: 360 degrees rps, 180 degrees rps and 36 degrees rps. Experimental validation was performed in foggy conditions to test the robustness of the proposed sensor in a realistic scenario, showing that distances can be acquired in the range of 1 to 40m, at a suitable rate.

  245. Precise Velocity Estimation for Dog Using Its Gait 査読有り

    Naoki Sakaguchi, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    FIELD AND SERVICE ROBOTICS 105 515-528 2015年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07488-7_35  



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    We aimed to record and visualize the investigation activities of search and rescue dogs. The dog's trajectory is required to create this visualization, and the dog's velocity needs to be determined to estimate its trajectory. In this study, we examined a method for velocity estimation that uses a dog's gait. We measured a Labrador dog's gaits (walk and trot) and analyzed the gait data. From the gait data, we found that there are cyclic moments when the dog's velocity vector faces its heading direction. This fact enables the reconstruction of the velocity vector v = (v(x), v(y), v(z))(T) from the dog's speed Ivy and pose. We devised a precise estimation method for a dog's velocity and evaluated its accuracy. From the evaluation results, we confirmed that the gait-based velocity estimation was more accurate than velocity estimation based on the extended Kalman filter when v was obtained at 1, 5, and 10 Hz. This result can pave the way for using a mobile phone to estimate a dog's trajectory.

  246. Microphone-Accelerometer Based 3D Posture Estimation for a Hose-shaped Rescue Robot 査読有り

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiroshi G. Okuno



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7354168  



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    3D posture estimation for a hose-shaped robot is critical in rescue activities due to complex physical environments. Conventional sound-based posture estimation assumes rather flat physical environments and focuses only on 2D, resulting in poor performance in real world environments with rubble. This paper presents novel 3D posture estimation by exploiting microphones and accelerometers. The idea of our method is to compensate the lack of posture information obtained by sound-based time-difference-of arrival (TDOA) with the tilt information obtained from accelerometers. This compensation is formulated as a nonlinear state-space model and solved by the unscented Kalman filter. Experiments are conducted by using a 3m hose-shaped robot with eight units of a microphone and an accelerometer and seven units of a loudspeaker and a vibration motor deployed in a simple 3D structure. Experimental results demonstrate that our method reduces the errors of initial states to about 20 cm in the 3D space. If the initial errors of initial states are less than 20 %, our method can estimate the correct 3D posture in real-time.

  247. Evaluating Human Motor Function of Lower Limbs in Periodic Motion during Pedaling Exercise 査読有り

    Tomohiro Miyazaki, Fumi Seto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7353674  



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    The purpose of this study is to establish a quantitative method that can evaluate the motor function of human lower limbs in dynamic situations. As an index of motor function, we focus on the mechanical impedance characteristics of the lower limbs. By controlling these characteristics, humans can improve motion stability and adapt their movement to disturbances in the environment. In this paper, we propose a method that can estimate the impedance characteristics of the lower limbs of a human subject applying torque perturbations during a pedaling exercise. To improve the accuracy of the proposed estimation method, the effects of inertia and gravity in the measurement data were considered by representing the lower limbs by a multi-link model. Experiments were performed in two participants to estimate the stiffness and viscosity at different phases of the periodic movement. The distributions of these parameters showed symmetric properties for both legs in a pedaling cycle-a tendency that was observed in both participants. This agreement suggests that our method could extract a component of human motor control strategy that adjust mechanical impedances during pedaling exercises.

  248. Haptic 3D canvas: haptic assistance of 3d writing and drawing with vibrotactile feedback for gesture interfaces. 査読有り

    Seonghwan Kim, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Haptic Media and Contents Design 8-2 2015年


    DOI: 10.1145/2818384.2818400  

  249. Posture estimation of hose-shaped robot by using active microphone array 査読有り

    Yoshiaki Bando, Takuma Otsuka, Takeshi Mizumoto, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi G. Okuno

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 29 (1) 35-49 2015年1月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2014.981291  



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    Hose-shaped rescue robots have been developed for searching narrow spaces such as under collapsed buildings. The posture estimation independent of the past history is critical, because conventional inertial-sensor-based posture estimation has two main problems; a cumulative error problem peculiar to inertial sensors, and a sudden posture change problem caused by external forces. For coping with the two problems, we developed a novel posture estimation method by putting an active microphone array, a set of microphones and loudspeakers, on the robot. The method calculates the time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the reference signal emitted from one loudspeaker, and estimates the posture from the distance obtained by TDOA. This concise method still has three problems: (1) external noise, (2) reverberation and reflection, and (3) obstacles. These problems are tackled by (1) TSP signal, (2) GCC-PHAT and a threshold-based onset detection, and (3) rejecting incorrect onset times, respectively. Experiments with simulated sounds and actual recordings demonstrate that the method attains the performance of estimation comparable to that of conventional methods, that is, less than 20cm of the tip position error. Even without historical data, the method attains the similar performance while conventional methods fail.

  250. Detection of Continuous Barking Actions from Search and Rescue Dogs’ Activities Data 査読有り

    Yuichi KOMORI, Kazuaki OHNO, Takuaki FUJIEDA, Takahiro SUZUKI, Satoshi TADOKORO

    2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2015-December 630-635 2015年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7353438  



  251. Appearance-based Person Identification Algorithm to Search for Persons using a Flying Robot 査読有り

    Toru Yonezawa, Eijirou Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2015.7442995  

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    This paper proposes a person identification algorithm that can be used when searching for persons from multiple images captured by flying robots. The images taken by such robots have low resolution and contain various viewing angles of people because they fly at a safe distance from and often move around people. The proposed person identification algorithm is based on appearance and can identify a person from low-resolution images of the upper body. In appearance-based person identification, the accuracy is low when a single image is used. Therefore, the accuracy is improved by accumulating the score. Experimental results obtained using 40 subjects show that the identification accuracy based on images having different view angles is better than that based on images having similar view angles. Further, the identification accuracy increase even when rear images of the person that are barely distinguishable from those of another person are added to the input images. In addition, it can identify persons even when the size of the upper body image is as small as 15 pixels. We performed the identification experiment using images taken by an aerial-robot while it was actually flying and proved the effectiveness of the algorithm.

  252. Human-Voice Enhancement based on Online RPCA for a Hose-shaped Rescue Robot with a Microphone Array 査読有り

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiroshi G. Okuno



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2015.7442949  

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    This paper presents an online real-time method that enhances human voices included in severely noisy audio signals captured by microphones of a hose-shaped rescue robot. To help a remote operator of such a robot pick up a weak voice of a human buried under rubble, it is crucial to suppress the loud ego-noise caused by the movements of the robot in real time. We tackle this task by using online robust principal component analysis (ORPCA) for decomposing the spectrogram of an observed noisy signal into the sum of low-rank and sparse spectrograms that are expected to correspond to periodic ego-noise and human voices. Using a microphone array distributed on the long body of a hose-shaped robot, ego-noise suppression can be further improved by combining the results of ORPCA applied to the observed signal captured by each microphone. Experiments using a 3-m hose-shaped rescue robot with eight microphones show that the proposed method improves the performance of conventional ego-noise suppression using only one microphone by 7.4 dB in SDR and 17.2 in SIR.

  253. Path-creation Method to Search for Persons using a Flying Robot 査読有り

    Toni Yonezawa, Eijirou Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2015.7418973  

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    This paper proposes a path-creation method for flying robots to search for persons. The method is based on an appearance-based identification algorithm applied to the images obtained from the sky. A flying robot is a holonomic mobile; it can move in all directions, and the number of paths is infinite. The person identification was performed effectively by choosing the path suitable for the identification from within those combinations. The proposed method can create an efficient path to identify multiple persons accurately. All of the candidate paths that the flying robot can fly were estimated, then the evaluation scores of candidate paths were calculated by cumulating the identification results of multiple persons. The candidate path with the maximum evaluation score was selected. The effectiveness of the method was confirmed via simulation. The path for 1-3 persons who were within a zone of 50 m x 50 m was obtained. The time for one path segment was five seconds. Simulation of multiple path creations for the same persons was performed. Obtaining a result when there was a prior simulation was confirmed. In the simulation, the flying robot flew at a constant height of 3 m and moved at a constant speed of 30 km/h. During movement, the orientation of the camera mounted on the robot was assumed to be fixed. The camera was assumed to be a generic camera with VGA and 1 frame per second. One path creation required approximately one minute (Intel Core i7 CPU).

  254. HelloHapticWorld: A Haptics Educational Kit for Interacting with Robots 査読有り

    Dennis Babu, Daniel Gongora, Shunya Sakata, Seonghwan Kim, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2015.7404971  

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    User interactions with the recent smartphones and tablets are visually rich but poor in the sense of touch and thus is not fully immersive. We propose HelloHapticWorld: a haptics educational kit which uses the variable friction of the TPad to virtually simulate the haptic sensation of tele-operated robot onto the fingertips of the user. The kit contains a mobile robot controlled by TPad and a reconfigurable field consisting of obstacles and road slopes of different sizes and shapes. The frequency and amplitude of the signals are modulated for representing slope and distance informations. Psychophysical analysis on 5 adult subjects for the signal excitation of haptic feedback were conducted using the method of constant stimuli based on which sinusoidal waveform rendering was selected for haptic slope and distance rendering. Methods of magnitude estimation and Confusion matrix analysis was further used to evaluate the linearity of haptic obstacle perception and discriminability of haptic slope perception respectively. The result shows 81.2% slope discrimination and 90% linear obstacle perception during robot teleoperation using HelloHapticWorld.

  255. Special issue on disaster response robotics PREFACE

    Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Nathan Michael, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 28 (23) 1545-1545 2014年12月

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2014.986840  



  256. Editorial-Special Issue on Field and Service Robotics

    Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 31 (5) 729-730 2014年9月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21544  



  257. Orai-2 is localized on secretory granules and regulates antigen-evoked Ca2+ mobilization and exocytosis in mast cells

    Miho Ikeya, Kiyoshi Yamanoue, Yuji Mochizuki, Hirofumi Konishi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Tanaka, Ryo Suzuki, Naohide Hirashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.07.060  



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    The increase in intracellular Ca2+ through the Ca2+ channel is an indispensable step for the secretion of inflammatory mediators by mast cells. It was recently reported that Orai-1 is responsible for the Ca2+ influx that is activated by depletion of stored Ca2+. There are three isoforms of Orai: orai-1, Orai-2, and Orai-3; however, isoforms other than orai-1 are poorly understood. We found that Orai-2 is expressed and localized on secretory granules in RBL-2H3. Ca2+ release from Ca2+ store, induced by antigen stimulation, was significantly attenuated by knockdown of Orai-2, while that induced by thapsigargin was not affected. Furthermore, exocytotic release induced by antigen stimulation was inhibited in knockdown cells. This observation suggests a new role of orai isoforms in secretory cells. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  258. Presenting virtual stiffness with suction pressure.

    Lope Ben Porquis, Daiki Maemori, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Haptics Symposium(HAPTICS) 1-1 2014年


    DOI: 10.1109/HAPTICS.2014.6775534  

  259. Smart Building Technology [TC Spotlight].

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag. 21 (2) 18-20 2014年

    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2014.2314033  


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    Buildings contribute to a significant amount of the total energy consumption in many developed and developing countries. For example, on an annual basis, buildings consume ~40% of the energy and 70% of the electricity in the United States. In China, the energy consumption of buildings has risen from 10 to 25% of the overall energy consumption of the country since 1978 and is predicted to increase by 35% every year in the coming years. © 1994-2011 IEEE.

  260. Haptic Assistance of Spatial Pointing with Simple Vibrotactile Feedback for Gesture Interfaces. 査読有り

    Seonghwan Kim, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 277 37-39 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Springer Verlag

    DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-55690-9_7  



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    Gesture input with body motion has an operating limitation due to a lack of human precise positioning capability of the hand in the air. This study proposes simplified vibrotactile feedback methods to assist spatial pointing performances. The proposed methods demonstrated simplified tactile feedbacks, which were just non-directional vibratory intensity or a few vibration patterns.

  261. Pseudo-Haptic Interface Using Multipoint Suction Pressures and Vibrotactile Stimuli. 査読有り

    Daiki Maemori, Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 277 131-133 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Springer Verlag

    DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-55690-9_24  



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    Dexterity for fine manipulation requires information from multiple skin contacts to detect the external forces applied on a tool. In this study, we developed a haptic interface to represent the external forces or stiffness of objects so that the pressure distributions at the contact pads can be controlled by using suction stimuli. The original interface had the drawback of being unable to represent high-frequency force sensations such as friction and collision because of air stimuli have large-scale characteristics. Thus, we integrated vibrotactile stimuli into the interface to represent high-frequency force sensations.

  262. Sensor Observation Area Compensating Path Planning for Avoiding Collisions with Unknown Obstacles 査読有り

    Naoki Sugawara, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2014.7090437  

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    In this paper, we propose a path-planning algorithm for mobile robots having sensors with a limited field of view. The proposed method predicts the observable region in the planning phase and minimizes incursions into unobservable regions. The path-planning process of the proposed method not only involves the actions required for reaching a destination but also the actions required for obtaining information about obstacles on the path depending on the sensor's viewing angle. Using the proposed method, robots can detect obstacles before collision. In this paper, the effectiveness of the method is confirmed by simulated and real-world experiments.

  263. A Multi-DOF Haptic Representation Using Suction Pressure Stimuli on Finger Pads 査読有り

    Daiki Maemori, Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44196-1  



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    Humans can perceive external forces applied on a grasping tool based on skin pressure distribution at multiple contact areas during grasp. We had tried to represent external forces and torques by controlling the skin pressure distributions using suction stimuli and confirmed the potential but in a heuristic manner. In this time, we improve the heuristic method by combining psychophysical experiments and mechanical simulation of skin deformations. Especially, we focus on a simplification method to represent the complex strain energy density (SED) distribution, which is associated with the activity of the mechanoreceptors, at the contact areas. As a result, the improved method can express the diagonal force in between a pair of the orthogonal axes. In this demonstrations, we prepare two types of demonstration to show the improved effect. The first is a passive type that expresses virtual external force applying to the multi-DoF direction in a virtual space. The second is an active type that expresses augmented force on the pen during physical interactions.

  264. A Precise Gait Phase Detection Based on High-Frequency Vibration on Lower Limbs 査読有り

    Shuhei Kadoya, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2014.6907102  



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    A novel gait phase detection method that can extract the timing of foot contact conditions (Heel Strike and Toe Off) by a single piezo film sensor attached on each leg is proposed. We focused on the occurrence of high-frequency vibrations (> 100 Hz) in the beginning and the end of stance phases during gait. After the features of vibration waveforms during gait were confirmed, we proposed the phase detection method. The optimal parameters were investigated to detect the phases robustly despite the walking speed and the shoe types. Experimental results showed that the detected ground contact events had high accuracy of timing. Finally, we confirmed the feasibility with the prototype wearable device in usual environments.

  265. Estimation of Ground Surface Radiation Sources from Dose Map Measured by Moving Dosimeter and 3D Map 査読有り

    Gaku Minamoto, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2014.6942811  



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    The Fukushima nuclear power plant accident that occurred in 2011 eastern Japan has created local spots with a high dose level in residential areas in eastern Japan. It is necessary to build a map of the distribution of radiation activities that shows the locations and intensities of radiation sources to assist in decontamination work. The proposed method estimates the intensities of point-like sources from the radiation dose measured by moving a dosimeter in three dimensions and 3D map of the environment, assuming that the radioactive sources are located on the ground surface. The radiation dose is measured as a few counts including a wide variability because in the proposed method, low levels of radiation are measured by moving a dosimeter. For estimating the intensities, the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation is computed on the basis of the radiation characteristics of attenuation and stochastic counts. Experiments of estimation in real environments were conducted. The experimental results showed that using the proposed method, it is possible to estimate the distributions of radiation sources using the radiation dose measured by a dosimeter and the measured 3D shape of the ground and building surface.

  266. Hovering of MAV by Using Magnetic Adhesion and Winch Mechanisms 査読有り

    Kazuaki Yanagimura, Kazunori Ohno, Yoshito Okada, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2014.6907781  



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    We propose a method by which a micro air vehicle (MAV) can hover without propulsion power. In this paper, we describe the design of a magnetic adhesion mechanism and a winch mechanism for an MAV that is used to perform search operations inside buildings. AnMAV equipped with these mechanisms can adhere to an iron ceiling and search for a long time from an appropriate position. We designed a magnetic adhesion mechanism with an adhesion force of over 20 N. The magnetic adhesion mechanism comprises a magnet, dual coil springs, and a switching mechanism. Using models of MAV and the adhesion mechanism, we determined the parameters of the mechanism. The magnetic adhesion mechanism can be detached easily by a force less than the magnetic adhesion force. The winch mechanism comprises a structure to retriev the adhesion mechanism, a strong, lightweight tether and a servo-motor that produces enough torque to lift the MAV by the tether. We confirmed that the MAV can hover without propulsion power by using these mechanisms.

  267. Presenting Virtual Stiffness by Modulating the Perceived Force Profile with Suction Pressure 査読有り

    Lope Ben Porquis, Daiki Maemori, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2014 IEEE HAPTICS SYMPOSIUM (HAPTICS) 289-294 2014年


    DOI: 10.1109/HAPTICS.2014.6775469  



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    This paper reports a study on modulating the perceived stiffness by controlling the perceived force evoked from suction pressure stimuli. It demonstrates an early attempt of using suction pressure stimuli for augmenting the perceived stiffness of a spring. The purpose of this work is twofold; 1) to validate a requirement needed for the device in force enhancement applications, 2) to tentatively explore the effect of suction pressure stimuli on stiffness perception. In this study, we used physical springs for the stiffness stimuli, and a tool (tactile interface) was used for stiffness exploration. Human subjects were requested to explore and estimate the stiffness of a spring sample. Suction pressure stimuli were applied on the contact areas between the finger the tool during stiffness exploration. The amount of suction stimuli adjusts correspondingly with the measured force, but it is regulated by a psychophysical function. We introduced the gain to scale the measured force, thereby adjusting the profile of the pressure stimuli. We found that the perceived stiffness of the spring appears to increase with higher gain. The result seems to suggest that stiffness augmentation is feasible by modulating the stiffness perception using multipoint suction pressure stimuli.

  268. Remote Vertical Exploration by Active Scope Camera into Collapsed Buildings 査読有り

    Junichi Fukuda, Masashi Konyo, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2014.6942810  



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    Remote robotic explorations for collapsed buildings in a severe disaster are demanded. However, rescue robots cannot approach the rubble due to safety risks. This study proposes a remote vertical exploration system for collapsed buildings with a robotic inspection system hoisted by a crane. An Active Scope Camera (ASC) has many advantages for the vertical exploration such as a light and flexible continuum body to produce distributed driving forces. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the feasibility of the vertical exploration system with the ASC. The vertical explorations have proper problems related to contact and hanging conditions of the scope cable. We developed a new ASC that has a two-step bending mechanism to produce larger head movement in multi-DOF. We also evaluated the performances of the prototype when the contact areas were small. Finally, we conducted a remote vertical exploration experiments at the simulated collapsed building in 6 m height. The robot could explore in six different pathways by changing head directions and running the rubbles within seven trials. The experimental results showed that the proposed system has high potential to get inserted in the deep area in the rubble.

  269. A sound-based online method for estimating the time-varying posture of a hose-shaped robot. 査読有り

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiroshi G. Okuno

    12th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2014 - Symposium Proceedings 1-6 2014年

    出版者・発行元:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2014.7017665  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents an online method that can accurately estimate the time-varying posture of a moving hose-shaped robot having multiple microphones and loudspeakers. Sound-based posture estimation has been considered to be promising for circumventing the cumulative error problem of conventional integral-type methods using differential information obtained by inertial sensors. Our robot emits a reference signal from a loud-speaker one by one and estimates its posture by measuring the time differences of arrival (TDOAs) at the microphones. To accurately estimate the posture of the robot (the relative positions of the microphones and loudspeakers) even when the robot moves, we propose a novel state-space model that represents the dynamics of not only the posture itself but also its change rate in the state space. This model is used for predicting the current posture by using an unscented Kalman filter. The experiments using a 3m moving hose-shaped robot with eight microphones and seven loudspeakers showed that our method achieved less than 20 cm error at the tip position even after the robot moved over a long time, whereas the estimation error obtained by a conventional integral-type method increased monotonically over time.

  270. A Multi-DOF Haptic Representation Using Suction Pressure Stimuli on Finger Pads 査読有り

    Daiki Maemori, Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44196-1_35  



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    Humans can perceive external forces applied on a grasping tool based on skin pressure distribution at multiple contact areas during grasp. The authors have tried to represent external forces and torques by controlling the skin pressure distributions using suction stimuli and confirmed the potential but in a heuristic manner. In this paper, we investigate an improved method of skin stimulation based on a combination of psychophysical experiments and mechanical simulation. We focus on a simplification method of the complex strain energy density (SED) distribution at the contact areas with four quadrant values (SED index). The relationship between suction pressure and SED index was achieved by connecting the experiment and the mechanical simulation. We confirmed that a suitable SED index could represent the magnitudes of forces in multiple directions with a linear function. Experimental results also showed that the proposed method could represent arbitrary directions between pairs of the orthogonal axes.

  271. Inhibitory effects of a cationic liposome on allergic reaction mediated by mast cell activation

    Yoshikazu Inoh, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroki Tanabe, Makoto Inoue, Naohide Hirashima, Mamoru Nakanishi, Tadahide Furuno

    BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY 86 (12) 1731-1738 2013年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.bcp.2013.09.023  



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    Several studies have shown that cationic liposomes exert immunomodulatory effects with low immunogenicity and toxicity, and offer advantages such as easy preparation and targeting. Cationic liposomes not only transport DNA to immune cells but also enhance the function of antigen presenting cells such as dendritic cells and macrophages. Here, we investigated the effect of a particular cationic liposome on mast cell function during allergic reaction. We found that the cationic liposomes bound to the mast cell surface suppressed degranulation induced by cross-linking of high affinity immunoglobulin E receptors in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The suppression of degranulation was mediated by impairment of the sustained level of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) derived from the inhibition of store-operated Ca2+ entry. The decrease in sustained elevation of [Ca2+](i), led to the suppression of phosphorylation of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor proteins such as SNAP-23, syntaxin-4, which are necessary for membrane fusion between secretory granules and the plasma membrane during degranulation. Furthermore, the cationic liposomes suppressed vascular permeability elevation induced by mast cell activation in mice. These results showed that cationic liposomes possess the novel property of inhibiting mast cell activation, suggesting the possibility of developing cationic liposomes as anti-allergic effectors. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  272. 各機関の動向 がれきの中を無人で探査 被災建物内探査システム「ロボ・スコープ」

    田所 諭, 廣瀬 豊

    保全学 12 (3) 21-23 2013年10月



  273. 防災ロボットの未来 (特別小特集 東北から明るい未来を創るICT技術)

    田所 諭

    電子情報通信学会誌 : The Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 96 (10) 765-767 2013年10月



  274. Emergency response to the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants using mobile rescue robots 査読有り

    Keiji Nagatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Yoshito Okada, Kazuki Otake, Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Nishimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Mineo Fukushima, Shinji Kawatsuma

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 30 (1) 44-63 2013年1月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21439  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake (magnitude 9.0) and accompanying tsunami hit the Tohoku region of eastern Japan. Since then, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants have been facing a crisis due to the loss of all power that resulted from the meltdown accidents. Three buildings housing nuclear reactors were seriously damaged from hydrogen explosions, and, in one building, the nuclear reactions became out of control. It was too dangerous for humans to enter the buildings to inspect the damage because radioactive materials were also being released. In response to this crisis, it was decided that mobile rescue robots would be used to carry out surveillance missions. The mobile rescue robots needed could not be delivered to the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) until various technical issues were resolved. Those issues involved hardware reliability, communication functions, and the ability of the robots' electronic components to withstand radiation. Additional sensors and functionality that would enable the robots to respond effectively to the crisis were also needed. Available robots were therefore retrofitted for the disaster reponse missions. First, the radiation tolerance of the electronic componenets was checked by means of gamma ray irradiation tests, which were conducted using the facilities of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The commercial electronic devices used in the original robot systems operated long enough (more than 100 h at a 10% safety margin) in the assumed environment (100 mGy/h). Next, the usability of wireless communication in the target environment was assessed. Such tests were not possible in the target environment itself, so they were performed at the Hamaoka Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants, which are similar to the target environment. As previously predicted, the test results indicated that robust wireless communication would not be possible in the reactor buildings. It was therefore determined that a wired communication device would need to be installed. After TEPCO's official urgent mission proposal was received, the team mounted additional devices to facilitate the installation of a water gauge in the basement of the reactor buildings to determine flooding levels. While these preparations were taking place, prospective robot operators from TEPCO trained in a laboratory environment. Finally, one of the robots was delivered to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants on June 20, 2011, where it performed a number of important missions inside the buildings. In this paper, the requirements for the exploration mission in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants are presented, the implementation is discussed, and the results of the mission are reported. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  275. レーザスキャナで計測した3次元点群から霧によって生じた計測点の除去 査読有り

    鈴木貴広, 大野和則, 東和幸, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 18th 600-607 2013年


  276. An introduction to Japanese R&amp;D activity and political direction on special environment robots 査読有り

    Yushi Segawa, Yasuyuki Nanamori, Shinichiro Sanji, Takayoshi Kitada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2013 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, R10-HTC 2013 29-34 2013年

    DOI: 10.1109/R10-HTC.2013.6669009  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Japan has involved several social problems, e.g., large scale disasters and aging of infrastructures, and the robots working in a related special environment have been expected for the countermeasures. In order to accelerate the utilization of the robots, we need not only the development of technology but also the enforcement of comprehensive social system. In this aim, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), had launched 'Research Project on Standardization, Safety Standards and Consolidation of Competitiveness of Special Environment Robots(SERs) and Systems' in FY2012. The final report of the research published on March 2013, which contains the three parts as: 1) clarification of political positioning of SERs, 2) clarification of mid-long term issues that Japan should pursue, and 3) strategic planning of standardization, safety standards and the competitiveness. In this paper, a summary of the first part of the report is described, which includes 1)R&D and in-Practice Activity, 2)political positioning, 3)operational framework for further practical use of SERs. © 2013 IEEE.

  277. 三次元地図を用いたGPS衛星の可視性に基づく複数測位解生成による移動体の位置推定 査読有り

    荒川尚吾, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 18th 155-162 2013年


  278. Haptic Cue of Forces on Tools: Investigation of Multi-point Cutaneous Activity on Skin using Suction Pressure Stimuli 査読有り

    Lope Ben Porquis, Daiki Maemori, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2013.6696626  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents an initial data that could show a possible contribution of mechanoreceptor activity to the perception of forces applied on grasped objects. Here, we obtained detailed psychophysical characteristics of perceived force-magnitude in multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF) using multi-point suction pressure stimuli. To obtain such data, we developed a multi-point stimulation method that can represent MDOF perceived force on a tool. We characterized the perceived force response of human subjects to suction pressure stimuli through psychophysical experiments. Moreover, we analyzed the strain energy density (SED) on the finger pads considering the force applied through finite element simulation. The results of the psychophysical experiments showed that multi-point stimulation method is effective for evoking MDOF perceived force on a tool. Interestingly, we found that the results of the finite element analysis agree with those of the psychophysical data. Therefore, we have verified that it is possible to use multi-point suction pressure stimulation for representing perceived force on objects held in a hand. In addition, a preliminary insight into the role of SED for perceiving force on tools is provided.

  279. Pneumatic Flexible Hollow Shaft Actuator with High Speed and Long Stroke Motion 査読有り

    Kazuhito Wakana, Hiroaki Namari, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2013.6630600  



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    A novel flexible pneumatic linear actuator is proposed in this paper. The proposed actuator realizes highspeed reciprocating motion by the moving part which has multiple rollers moves smoothly along the flexible hollow shaft. An effective application of this actuator is its use in endoscope robots and tether robots because cables of cameras or sensors can be passed inside the actuator by using the hollow structure. First, we discuss the physical model of the actuator pressurized in the resting state, and we provide an analysis of the generated force of the actuator. The model relates the generated force to the relevant design parameters such as the applied pressure, the material of the pressure chamber, the size of the moving part, etc. Second, we describe the measurement experiment of the generated force, and we show the validity of our model by comparing the experimental results with the analysis results. Third, we present the motion evaluation using a prototype of the actuator. We found that the maximum velocity of the moving parts is 9 m/s and that the moving parts can move smoothly even if the actuator is curved. Finally, we present the drive mechanism that uses the actuator, as an application example.

  280. Priority issues of disaster robotics in Japan 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shuji Seki, Hajime Asama

    2013 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, R10-HTC 2013 41-46 2013年

    DOI: 10.1109/R10-HTC.2013.6669011  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the phases of mitigation, response and recovery of disaster, robots are needed for remote/automatic reconnaissance and task execution in inaccessible/dangerous area as agents of human. This paper presents proposed priority issues of disaster robotics for reducing risks, which were discussed at committees of NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) and COCN (Council on Competitiveness-Nippon). © 2013 IEEE.

  281. 計測範囲の限られた移動ロボットのための走行予定経路を観測可能な経路計画 査読有り

    菅原直樹, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 18th 567-573 2013年


  282. Research on standardization, safety standards and competitiveness enhancement of special environment robots in Japan 査読有り

    Tetsuya Kimura, Makiko Okamoto, Koji Oga, Shinji Okuda, Toshihiro Matsuda, Tsutomu Nagi, Shoichi Hamada, Yoshitada Hata, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2013 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, R10-HTC 2013 176-181 2013年

    DOI: 10.1109/R10-HTC.2013.6669037  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Japan has the several social problems in which the robots working in the related special environment could provide some solutions, e.g., large scale disasters mitigation and aging of infrastructures maintenance. In order to accelerate the utilization of the robots, we need not only to develop technology but also to enforce comprehensive social system. According to this, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), had launched 'Research Project on Standardization, Safety Standards and Consolidation of Competitiveness of Special Environment Robots(SERs) and Systems' in FY2012. The final report of the research published on March 2013, which contains the three parts as: 1) clarification of political positioning of SERs, 2) clarification of mid-long term issues that Japan should pursue, and 3) strategic planning of standardization, safety standards and the competitiveness. In this paper, a summary of the third part of the report is described, which includes 1)an analysis of the state of art and problems of standardization and safety standards of SERs and 2)strategic enhancement of standardization and safety standards of SERs and international competitiveness. © 2013 IEEE.

  283. Collaborative mapping of an earthquake-damaged building via ground and aerial robots 査読有り

    Nathan Michael, Shaojie Shen, Kartik Mohta, Yash Mulgaonkar, Vijay Kumar, Keiji Nagatani, Yoshito Okada, Seiga Kiribayashi, Kazuki Otake, Kazuya Yoshida, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 29 (5) 832-841 2012年9月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21436  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We report recent results from field experiments conducted with a team of ground and aerial robots engaged in the collaborative mapping of an earthquake-damaged building. The goal of the experimental exercise is the generation of three-dimensional maps that capture the layout of a multifloor environment. The experiments took place in the top three floors of a structurally compromised building at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan that was damaged during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. We provide details of the approach to the collaborative mapping and report results from the experiments in the form of maps generated by the individual robots and as a team. We conclude by discussing observations from the experiments and future research topics. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  284. Marine heterogeneous multirobot systems at the great Eastern Japan Tsunami recovery 査読有り

    Robin R. Murphy, Karen L. Dreger, Sean Newsome, Jesse Rodocker, Brian Slaughter, Richard Smith, Eric Steimle, Tetsuya Kimura, Kenichi Makabe, Kazuyuki Kon, Hisashi Mizumoto, Michinori Hatayama, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Osamu Kawase

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 29 (5) 819-831 2012年9月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21435  



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    This field report describes two deployments of heterogeneous unmanned marine vehicle teams at the 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake response and recovery by the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue (USA) in collaboration with the International Rescue System Institute (Japan). Four remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) were fielded in Minamisanriku and Rikuzentakata from April 18 to 24, 2011, for port clearing and victim recovery missions using sonar and video. The ROVs were used for multirobot operations only 46% of the time due to logistics. The teleoperated ROVs functioned as a dependent team 86% of the time to avoid sensor interference or collisions. The deployment successfully reopened the Minamisanriku New Port area and searched areas prohibited to divers in Rikuzentakata. The IRS-CRASAR team planned to return from October 18 to 28, 2011, with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), and an ROV to conduct debris mapping for environmental remediation missions. The intent was to investigate an interdependent strategy by which the UAV and AUV would rapidly conduct low-resolution scans identifying areas of interest for further investigation by the ROV. The UAV and AUV could not be used; however, the ROV was able to cover 80,000 m2 in 6 h, finding submerged wreckage and pollutants in areas previously marked clear by divers. The field work (i) showed that the actual and planned multirobot system configurations did not fall neatly into traditional taxonomies, (ii) identified a new measure, namely perceptual confidence, and (iii) posed five open research questions for multirobot systems operating in littoral regions. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  285. Discriminability-based evaluation of transmission capability of tactile transmission systems 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    VIRTUAL REALITY 16 (2) 141-150 2012年6月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10055-011-0192-z  



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    Tactile transmission systems deliver tactile information such as texture roughness to operators of robotic systems. Such systems are typically composed of tactile sensors that sense the physical characteristics of textures and tactile displays that present tactile stimuli to operators. One problem associated with tactile transmission systems is that when the system has a bottleneck, it is difficult to identify whether the tactile sensor, tactile display, or perceptual ability of the user is the cause because they have different performance criteria. To solve this problem, this study established an evaluation method that uses the discriminability index as an evaluation criterion. The method lets tactile sensors, displays, and human tactile perception be assessed in terms of the ability to transmit physical quantities; the same criterion is used for all three possible causes so that their abilities can be directly compared. The developed method was applied to a tactile-roughness transmission system (Okamoto et al. 2009), and its tactile sensor was identified as the bottleneck of the system.

  286. Endocytosis-like Uptake of Surface-Modified Drug Nanocarriers into Giant Unilamellar Vesicles

    Kohei Tahara, Satoshi Tadokoro, Yoshiaki Kawashima, Naohide Hirashima

    LANGMUIR 28 (18) 7114-7118 2012年5月


    DOI: 10.1021/la300902z  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We had previously developed surface-modified poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) for use as a cellular drug delivery system. The cellular uptake of PLGA-NPs was mediated predominantly by endocytosis, and this uptake was increased by surface modifications with polymers, such as chitosan (CS) and polysorbate 80 (P80). In the present study, we prepared a cell-sized giant unilamellar vesicle (GUV) that mimics a cell membrane to investigate the interaction between cell membranes and NPs. Endocytosis-like uptake of NPs into a GUV was observed when the NPs were modified with nonionic surfactant P80 probably due to change in viscoelasticity and enhanced fusion activity of the membrane induced by P80. In contrast, unmodified NPs and those modified with CS were not internalized into a GUV. These results suggest that surface properties of PLGA-NPs are an important formulation parameter for their interaction with lipid membranes.

  287. Detection of asymmetric distribution of phospholipids by fluorescence resonance energy transfer

    Yoko Nishimura, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Tanaka, Naohide Hirashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.03.106  


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    It is well established that the plasma membrane exhibits an asymmetric distribution of lipids between the inner and outer leaflets of the lipid bilayer. Recent studies suggest that the asymmetric distribution changes locally and temporarily, accompanied by cellular events. However, available methods to detect lipid asymmetry lack spatio-temporal resolution. As a technique of potential use for real-time imaging of lipid asymmetry, we a novel method that utilizes fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between NBD-labeled phospholipids (donor) and extracellular rhodamine (acceptor). When cell apoptosis was induced by staurosporine, the fluorescence intensity of NBD-labeled phosphatidylserine decreased owing to FRET from NBD to rhodamine. This method provides a simple way to detect lipid asymmetry and may be useful for observing dynamic changes in asymmetric distribution of lipids. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  288. The suppression of IgE-mediated histamine release from mast cells following exocytic exclusion of biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles

    Kohei Tahara, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiromitsu Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Kawashima, Naohide Hirashima

    BIOMATERIALS 33 (1) 343-351 2012年1月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.09.043  



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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) on the allergic response of mast cells that release inflammatory mediators such as histamine through exocytosis. Submicron-sized biodegradable poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) NPs were prepared by the emulsion solvent diffusion method. Here, we examined the interactions of the mast cells with two types of PLGA NPs, unmodified NPs and NPs modified with chitosan (CS), a biodegradable cationic polymer. The cellular uptake of NPs increased by CS modification due to electrostatic interactions with the plasma membrane. NPs were taken up by mast cells through an endocytic pathway (endocytic phase) and then the cellular uptake was saturated and maintained plateau level by the exclusion of NPs through exocytosis (exocytic phase). Antigen-induced histamine release from mast cells was inhibited during the exocytic phase. The extent of histamine release inhibition was related to the amount of excluded NPs. Exocytic exclusion of NPs competitively antagonize the antigen-induced exocytotic release of histamine by highjacking exocytosis machinery such as SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) proteins, since histamine release was recovered in mast cells that overexpress SNAP-23. The inhibitory effect of the allergic response by PLGA NPs was also evaluated in vivo using the mouse model for systemic anaphylaxis. The administration of NPs suppressed the antigen-induced systemic allergic response in vivo. In conclusion, PLGA NP itself has actions to inhibit the allergic responses mediated by mast cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  289. レスキューロボットの現状と未来

    田所 諭

    学士会会報 2012 (1) 70-82 2012年1月


  290. Developing a Measurement System for Improving Daily Lives of Cycling Wheel Chair Patients

    Nobutoshi Hiro, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



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    To break out of a debilitating cycle caused by his deterioration of his ability, a patient participates in rehabilitation programs and actively rehearses his degraded abilities. A Cycling Wheel Chair (CWC) provides a rehabilitation option for preventing one's legs weakening and/or nervous system atrophy. This paper discusses desired functionalities on the CWC for effectively supporting patients becoming healthier. Various sensors are attached in order to collect data. Application examples of the device are given.

  291. A Research Project on SSRR Standardization for the Enhancement of its Utilization in Japan

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Tetsuya Kimura, Shuhei Sugie, Yushi Segawa, Shinichiro Sanji, Shoichi Hamada, Yoshitada Hata



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2012.6523919  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Japan has involved several social problems, e.g., large scale disasters and aging of infrastructures, and the robots working in a special environment are expected for the countermeasures. For the development of the robots, though there are many foundmental studies, less number of proven application in actual fields in Japan. Therefore, in order to accerelate the utilization of the robots, we need not only the development of technology but also the enforcement of comprehensive social system including the robot's operation ability and management system. In the aim of this, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), had launched a research project of 'Investigation on standardization and safety regulation for the special environments robots and enhancement of their competitiveness[1]' in 2012. The project has been carried out by International Rescue System Institute (IRS) under the cooperation with Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) and Japan Robot Association (JARA). In this paper, the project will be introduced. © 2012 IEEE.

  292. Late Breaking Report - Explosion Proof Active Scope Camera

    Justin Huff, Richard Voyles, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2012.6523912  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In disaster sites the presence of explosive gas and liquid is assumed. Thus there is an immediate need for an explosion proof active scope camera in SSR. This report presents a novel explosion proof active scope camera for use in domains of inspection of critical infrastructure, disaster response and recovery. This mechanism utilizes the pressure surge inherent to the water hammer phenomenon for locomotion. The mechanism has a length of 15m and can penetrate into gaps as small as 9cm. This mechanism is designed to mitigate the risk of igniting an explosion by the presence of motors, actuators and other components commonly found in active scope cameras. Several types of tests were conducted to validate the hypothesis that a mechanism utilizing water hammer can be effective and safe in SSR as an active scope camera. The apparatus is comprised of two hoses for fluid flow, an air relief mechanism at the end as well as a small scope camera. It operates by intermittently introducing compressed air bubbles into a constant flow of pressurized water. When the air bubbles reach the air relief mechanism they escape to the atmosphere which creates a pressure surge that provides forward motion.

  293. Collaborative Mapping of an Earthquake Damaged Building via Ground and Aerial Robots.

    Nathan Michael, Shaojie Shen, Kartik Mohta, Vijay Kumar 0001, Keiji Nagatani, Yoshito Okada, Seiga Kiribayashi, Kazuki Otake, Kazuya Yoshida, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 92 33-47 2012年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40686-7_3  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We report recent results from field experiments conducted with a team of ground and aerial robots toward the collaborative mapping of an earthquake damaged building. The goal of the experimental exercise is the generation of 3D maps that capture the layout of the environment and provide insight to the degree of damage inside the building. The experiments take place in the top three floors of a structurally compromised engineering building at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan that was damaged during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. We provide details of the approach to the collaborative mapping and report results from the experiments in the form of maps generated by the individual robots and as a team. We conclude by discussing observations from the experiments and future research topics. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.

  294. Design and Running Performance Evaluation of Inchworm Drive with Frictional Anisotropy for Active Scope Camera. 査読有り

    Michihisa Ishikura, Kazuhito Wakana, Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 24 (3) 517-530 2012年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2012.p0517  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports upon the design and evaluation of an inchworm drive based on frictional anisotropy for an Active Scope Camera (ASC), which is a snake-like rescue robot used in disaster-affected areas. The conventional ASC is mounted on a ciliary vibration drive and can search under rubble. It has been found, however, that there are some situations in which the vibration drive performs weakly, such as on soft or rough road surfaces. In this paper, the authors propose an inchworm drive with an ASC. The inchworm drive developed in this research shows a running performance that resolves some of the weak points of the vibration drive. The authors focus in particular on the evaluation of driving experiments that were conducted on a variety of surfaces that might be encountered while searching inside a collapsed building or under rubble.

  295. Tactile-based torque illusion controlled by strain distributions on multi-finger contact. 査読有り

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Haptics Symposium 2012, HAPTICS 2012 - Proceedings 393-398 2012年


    DOI: 10.1109/HAPTIC.2012.6183820  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Humans experience torque when using a tool such as a stick or a stylus when exploring or manipulating an object. Forces that exert on the tool affects the pressure distribution on contact areas of the digits involved. In this paper we proposed a tactile rendering method that can elicit torque illusion by controlling the strain distribution beneath the contact areas. We assume that controlling the strain distribution on multiple fingers can affect strain energy density to a relative extent. Also, we expect that Merkel Disk response increases with the strain energy density. We control the strain distribution beneath the contact areas using a unique vacuum driven tactile interface. Six participants are requested to perform a psychophysical experiment and evaluate the torque sensation on the tactile interface. The device can move in a rotating frame with one degree of freedom. Experimental results suggest that participants felt an increasing torque sensation during strain redistribution. Point of subjective equality increases as much as 56% from lowest to highest stimuli level. This data shows an early confirmation on a method that can induce torque illusion. © 2012 IEEE.

  296. Development of Flexible Pneumatic Actuator for Active Scope Camera 査読有り

    Kazuhito Wakana, Michihisa Ishikura, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2012.6225124  



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    Active Scope Camera (ASC) using a linear inch-worm drive, which can run on various road surfaces assumed in disaster sites, have been developed as a snake-like rescue robot. However, it is difficult for the linear inchworm drive to run in crooked narrow pathways, because its rigid body actuator reduces the flexibility of the scope camera and becomes immovable when the scope camera is curved. There are many crooked narrow pathways inside collapsed houses and under rubble. ASC's search range could be vastly expanded if ASC can run in such environments.In this paper, we developed a flexible linear actuator, which has the bellows structure and the hollow structure, for ASC in order to solve these problems. The actuator was able to generate large force more than 6 N from 60 kPa of applied pressure even if it was curved at 200 mm bending radius. Moreover, we developed a flexible linear inchworm drive using this actuator. The flexible linear inchworm drive keeps the running characteristics on the various road surfaces of the conventional linear inchworm drive. The minimum width of 80 deg crooked pathway that the flexible linear inchworm drive could run through was 60 mm, which was one-thirds narrower than that of the conventional inchworm drive.

  297. Multi-contact Vacuum-Driven Tactile Display for Representing Force Vectors Applied on Grasped Objects. 査読有り

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Naohisa Nagaya, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 7283 LNCS (PART 2) 218-221 2012年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31404-9_40  



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    In this paper we demonstrate an idea of multi-point tactile stimulation for representing force illusions on hand-held objects using vacuum pressure stimuli. The device used for the demonstration is pen-based and it is held by the fingers and thumb in a precision grip. There are two types of these devices; a three degree of freedom and a five degree of freedom tactile interfaces. These degrees of freedom are essentially illusions observed from the tactile stimuli. The initial prototype is capable of displaying force-like sensations in the three basic coordinate axes and moment-like sensations along two axes. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

  298. Classification of 3-D Point Cloud Data that Includes Line and Frame Objects on the Basis of Geometrical Features and the Pass Rate of Laser Rays. 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Takahiro Suzuki, Kazuyuki Higashi, Masanobu Tsubota, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 92 527-540 2012年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40686-7_35  



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    The authors aim at classification of 3-D point cloud data at disaster environment. In this paper, we proposed a method of classification for 3-D point cloud data using geometrical features and the pass rate of laser rays. Line and frame objects often trap robots, which causes the damages of sensors, motors, mechanical parts etc. at remote operation. Using our proposed method, the line and frame objects can be classified from the 3-D point cloud data. Key-point is use of the pass rate of laser rays. It is confirm that recognition rate of line and frame objects can be increased using the pass rate of laser rays. In addition, it is confirm that the proposed classification method works in the real scene. A training facility of Japan fireman department is used for the evaluation test because it is similar to the real disaster scene comparing the laboratory's test field. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.

  299. Virtual Active Touch: Perception of Virtual Gratings Wavelength through Pointing-Stick Interface 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Takahiro Yamauchi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS 5 (1) 85-93 2012年1月


    DOI: 10.1109/ToH.2011.48  



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    Tactile feedback enhances the usability and enjoyment of human-computer interfaces. Many feedback techniques have been devised to present tactile stimuli corresponding to a user's hand movements taking account of the concept of active touch. However, hand movements may not necessarily be required for achieving natural tactile feedback. Here, we propose a virtual-active-touch method that achieves haptic perception without actual/direct hand movements. In this method, a cursor manipulated by a force-input device is regarded as a virtual finger of the operator on the screen. Tactile feedback is provided to the operator in accordance with cursor movements. To validate the translation of virtual roughness gratings, we compare the virtual-active-touch interface with an interface that involves actual hand movements. By using the appropriate force-to-velocity gain for the pointing-stick interface, we show that the virtual-active-touch method presents the surface wavelengths of the gratings, which is a fundamental property for texture roughness, and that the gain significantly influences the textures experienced by the operators. Furthermore, we find that the perceived wavelengths of objects scaled and viewed on a small screen are skewed. We conclude that although some unique problems remain to be solved, we may be able to perceive the surface wavelengths solely with the intentions of active touch through virtual-active-touch interfaces.

  300. Improvements to the Rescue Robot Quince Toward Future Indoor Surveillance Missions in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. 査読有り

    Tomoaki Yoshida, Keiji Nagatani, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Nishimura, Eiji Koyanagi

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 92 19-32 2012年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40686-7_2  



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    On March 11 2011, a huge earthquake and tsunami hit eastern Japan, and four reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were seriously damaged. Because of high radiation levels around the damaged reactor buildings, robotic surveillance were demanded to respond to the accident. On June 20, we delivered our rescue robot named Quince which is a tracked vehicle with four sub-tracks, to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) for damage inspection missions in the reactor buildings. Quince needed some enhancements such as a dosimeter, additional cameras, and a cable communication system for these missions. Furthermore, stair climbing ability and user interface was implemented for easy operation for novice operators. Quince have conducted six missions in the damaged reactor building. In the sixth mission on October 20, it reached to the topmost floor of the reactor building of unit 2. However, the communication cable was damaged on the way back, and Quince was left on the third floor of the reactor building. Therefore, an alternative Quince is requested recently. In this paper, we report the situation of the missions for Quince, and introduce enhancements of the next Quince for future missions. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.

  301. Presenting Sharp Surface Shapes Using Overlapped Vibrotactile Stimuli 査読有り

    Tatsuma Sakurai, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385975  



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    Previous surface shape presenting methods had difficulties in generating high-density tactile information owing to blurriness in tactile images caused by lateral skin deformations. In this study, a new surface shape presenting method is proposed, and it employs overlapping small-amplitude vibrations instead of a single vibration. This method represents the mechanism of stationary boundary contacts (SBCs), a vibrotactile sensitivity enhancement method proposed in a previous research. A series of psychophysical experiments showed that the vibrations overlapping method can significantly enhance the human vibrotactile sensitivity and lead to the production of sharp tactile images. Moreover, the stimuli intensity can be controlled not only by changing the vibration amplitudes but also by changing the phase deviations between vibrations; this enables the presentation of various surface shape patterns that cannot be presented by using the previous SBC method alone.

  302. Logical Winnowing Methods from Multiple Identification Candidates Using Corresponding Appearance Identification Results in Time-series 査読有り

    Kazushi Tanaka, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toro Yonezawa



    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2012.6225242  



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    This paper describes logical winnowing methods from multiple identification candidates using corresponding appearance identification results with chronological pedestrian tracking results. It is difficult to identify individual using appearance identification, because appearance identification has some properties. This research proposes two methods that logically winnow out the identification candidates as methods that effectively fuse different directional identification results without the directional information. Experiments were made to verify the validity of the proposed methods. A mobile robot equipped with a laser scanner and a camera was used in the experiments. A pedestrian tracking method uses the laser scanner. The appearance identification uses the camera. The experimental results verified the validity of the logical winnowing method taking the logical product of identification candidates determined by each round of identification. In this paper, the appearance identification properties, the proposed methods and the experiments are described.

  303. Collaborative mapping of an earthquake-damaged building via ground and aerial robots. 査読有り

    Nathan Michael, Shaojie Shen, Kartik Mohta, Yash Mulgaonkar, Vijay Kumar 0001, Keiji Nagatani, Yoshito Okada, Seiga Kiribayashi, Kazuki Otake, Kazuya Yoshida, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    J. Field Robotics 29 (5) 832-841 2012年


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.21436  


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    We report recent results from field experiments conducted with a team of ground and aerial robots engaged in the collaborative mapping of an earthquake-damaged building. The goal of the experimental exercise is the generation of three-dimensional maps that capture the layout of a multifloor environment. The experiments took place in the top three floors of a structurally compromised building at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan that was damaged during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. We provide details of the approach to the collaborative mapping and report results from the experiments in the form of maps generated by the individual robots and as a team. We conclude by discussing observations from the experiments and future research topics. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  304. Shape Estimation of Flexible Cable 査読有り

    Michihisa Ishikura, Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385700  



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    In this paper, an estimation method using the flexible multi-body dynamics model, inertial/magnetic sensor system, and probabilistic state estimation is proposed for estimating the shape of a flexible cable.Sensors mounted on flexible cables, such as endoscopes, are often picked up noise, and their size and number are restricted. The proposed method can estimate motion using the flexible dynamics model if there are few sensors. In addition, this method is robust against noise because it can integrate some types of sensor information by probabilistic state estimation.The proposed method uses the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF) as a flexible dynamics model and the Un-scented Kalman Filter (UKF) for probabilistic state estimation. It can model a greatly deformed cable at any point using ANCF, and it can fit nonlinear motion and achieve high versatility about models because of UKF.In the second half of this paper, experiments using Active Scope Camera (ASC) are conducted to evaluate the proposed method. The ASC is a snake-like rescue robot, and its sensor system picks up strong noise. In the experiments, the proposed method estimates three types of motion, and it shows the effectiveness if the number of sensors decreases.

  305. Tube-type Active Scope Camera with High Mobility and Practical Functionality 査読有り

    Hiroaki Namari, Kazuhito Wakana, Michihisa Ishikura, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6386172  



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    An active scope camera (ASC) is a special type of videoscope for search and rescue operations; the ASC has a self-propelled mechanism with a ciliary vibration drive. From an analysis of the problems encountered with the conventional ASC during applications to practical disaster environments, we propose a new tube-type ASC with enhanced mobility and practical functionality for rescue activities. We designed a smart structure to mount vibration motors on a long tubular cable without any rigid projections. A suitable tubular cable material was also selected experimentally to propagate the vibration efficiently. We integrated several practical functions such as a head bending structure, an auditory communication system, and a gravity indicator for the head orientation. We conducted several fundamental performance experiments. Finally, the enhanced performance of the tube-type ASC for practical use was demonstrated at a training site for first responders.

  306. Biosurfactant mannosyl-erythritol lipid inhibits secretion of inflammatory mediators from RBL-2H3 cells

    Yosuke Morita, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masao Sasai, Dai Kitamoto, Naohide Hirashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2011.07.002  



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    Background: Biosurfactant mannosyl-erythritol lipids (MELs) are glycolipids produced by microbes that have various biological activities. It has been reported that MELs exhibit excellent surface-activity and also various bioactivities, such as induction of cell differentiation and apoptosis. However, little is known about their action related to drug discovery or drug seeds.Methods: We investigated the effects of MELs on the secretion of inflammatory mediators from mast cells that play a central role in allergic responses. Mast cells secrete three kinds of inflammatory mediators and we quantified these secreted mediators by photometer or ELISA. The action mechanisms of MELs were studied by Ca2+-sensitive fluorescence dye and Western blotting of phosphorylated proteins.Results: MELs inhibited exocytotic release by antigen stimulation in a dose-dependent manner. We also found that MELs inhibited antigen-induced secretion of leukotriene C-4 and cytokine TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor-alpha). The inhibitory action of MELs on mediator secretion was mediated by inhibition of Ca2+ increase, phosphorylation of MAP kinases and SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) that serve as a molecular machinery for exocytotic membrane fusion.Conclusions: MELs have anti-inflammatory action inhibiting the secretion of inflammatory mediators from mast cells.General significance: MELs affects two of major intracellular signaling pathways including Ca2+ increase and MAP kinases. MELs also inhibited the phosphorylation of SNARE proteins that is crucial for not only exocytosis but also intracellular vesicular trafficking. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  307. Shared Autonomy System for Tracked Vehicles on Rough Terrain Based on Continuous Three-Dimensional Terrain Scanning 査読有り

    Yoshito Okada, Keiji Nagatani, Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 28 (6) 875-893 2011年11月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.20416  



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    Tracked vehicles are frequently used as search-and-rescue robots for exploring disaster areas. To enhance their ability to traverse rough terrain, some of these robots are equipped with swingable subtracks. However, manual control of such subtracks also increases the operator's workload, particularly in teleoperation with limited camera views. To eliminate this trade-off, we have developed a shared autonomy system using an autonomous controller for subtracks that is based on continuous three-dimensional terrain scanning. Using this system, the operator has only to specify the direction of travel to the robot, following which the robot traverses rough terrain using autonomously generated subtrack motions. In our system, real-time terrain slices near the robot are obtained using two or three LIDAR (laser imaging detection and ranging) sensors, and these terrain slices are integrated to generate three-dimensional terrain information. In this paper, we introduce an autonomous controller for subtracks and validate the reliability of a shared autonomy system on actual rough terrains through experimental results. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  308. Controlled Balance Losing in Random Step Environment for Path Planning of a Teleoperated Crawler-Type Vehicle 査読有り

    Evgeni Magid, Takashi Tsubouchi, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 28 (6) 932-949 2011年11月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.20406  



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    Rescue robotics is the application of robotics to the search and rescue domain, aimed at extending the capabilities and increasing the safety of the rescuers. Deployed on a site during a rescue mission, a mobile robot is teleoperated by a human operator from a safe place. To suggest to the operator a good direction to traverse the three-dimensional (3D) debris environment, we develop a pilot system, which requires a special path search algorithm on debris and a proper definition of a search tree. Although the main goal of the algorithm is to keep the robot maximally stable at every step of its path, in some cases we need the robot to change a 3D orientation discontinuously through losing its balance. Losing balance on purpose is an essential feature for safe climbing up and going down debris, and it is the central issue of this paper. Exhaustive simulations were used to structure and analyze data. Experiments with a real robot verified our approach to removing unsuitable search directions from the search tree and gave important feedback to the algorithm. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  309. 三次元地形情報およびGPSを用いたパーティクルフィルタによるマルチパスを考慮した自己位置推定 査読有り

    山崎 将史, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 29 (8) 702-709 2011年10月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.29.702  


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    This paper describes method to improve the accuracy of localization of mobile robot using GPS with particle filter. This method improves the accuracy of localization by removing multipath of GPS measurement data with 3D-Map. This approach analyzes area that cannot receive direct wave from GPS satellite with 3D-Map about each satellite. The particles in that area are assumed to be receiving GPS data including the multipath error. And particle's likelihood is calculated considering the multipath error. This method is useful for localization and navigation of mobile robot between buildings.

  310. Effects of synaptotagmin 2 on membrane fusion between liposomes that contain SNAREs involved in exocytosis in mast cells

    Yumiko Nagai, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroki Sakiyama, Naohide Hirashima



    DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2011.07.003  


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    Mast cells play a pivotal role in allergic responses. Antigen stimulation causes elevation of the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, which triggers the exocytotic release of inflammatory mediators such as histamine. Recent research, including our own, has revealed that SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) proteins such as syntaxin-3, -4, SNAP-23, and VAMP-8 are involved in exocytosis. Although exocytosis in mast cells is Ca(2+) dependent, the target molecule that interacts with Ca(2+) is not clear. Synaptotagmin is a Ca(2+) sensor and regulates exocytosis in neuronal cells. However, the role of synaptotagrnin 2, a member of the synaptotagmin family, in exocytosis in mast cells remains controversial. In this study, we investigated the role of synaptotagmin 2 by a liposome-based fusion assay. SNARE proteins (SNAP-23, syntaxin-3, VAMP-8) and synaptotagmin 2 were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified as GST-tagged or His-tagged fusion proteins. These SNARE proteins were incorporated by a detergent dialysis method. Membrane fusion between liposomes was monitored by fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorescent-labeled phospholipids. In the presence of Ca(2+), low synaptotagmin 2 concentration inhibited membrane fusion between SNARE-containing liposomes, while high synaptotagmin 2 concentration enhanced membrane fusion. This enhancement required phosphatidylserine as a membrane component. These results suggest that synaptotagmin 2 regulates membrane fusion of SNARE-containing liposomes involved in exocytosis in mast cells, and that this regulation is dependent on synaptotagmin 2 concentration, Ca(2+), and phosphatidylserine. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  311. Vibrotactile Stimuli Applied to Finger Pads as Biases for Perceived Inertial and Viscous Loads 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS 4 (4) 307-315 2011年10月


    DOI: 10.1109/ToH.2011.16  



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    The perception of the mass and viscosity of an object is based on the dynamic forces applied to our hands when we jiggle or lift the object [1], [2], [3]. This force is commonly assumed to be sensed by kinetic receptors [4] in our muscles or tendons. When jiggling objects, we also experience the cutaneous deformation of our finger pads. In this study, we show that the dynamic vibration on the finger pad influences our perception of mass and viscosity. We experimentally confirm that the vibration on the finger pad, that synchronizes with the hand's accelerations or velocities, enhances the perceived changes in the mass or viscosity when the vibrotactile stimuli and the changes in the mass and viscosity are in the same perceptual direction. For example, when the increased mass and an acceleration-synchronized tactile stimulus-which is a positive bias for the mass-are simultaneously presented to the experiment participants, they respond that the perceived increase in the mass is enhanced. In contrast, when the tactile and proprioceptive stimuli are in perceptually opposite directions, the vibrotactile stimuli cancel the perceived changes in the mass and viscosity. In particular, the effect of the velocity-synchronized vibration on perception is stronger than the effect of the actual viscosity.

  312. Liprin-alpha is involved in exocytosis and cell spreading in mast cells

    Hidehiro Nomura, Satoshi Tadokoro, Naohide Hirashima

    IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS 139 (1-2) 110-116 2011年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.imlet.2011.05.010  



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    The active zone is a specialized region of the presynaptic plasma membrane where the neurotransmitter release occurs by exocytosis. Mast cells also release inflammatory mediators by exocytosis resulting in induction of allergic responses. In our previous reports, we found that active zone proteins, Munc13-1 and ELKS regulates exocytosis of mast cell positively. In this study, we investigated the involvement of liprin-alpha, another active zone protein, in exocytosis in mast cells.We found that three isoforms of liprin-alpha, liprin-alpha 1, -alpha 2 and -alpha 3 were expressed. Immunocytochemical experiments revealed that liprin-alpha 1 resided both in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane. Upon stimulation with antigen, the area of a cell increased remarkably due to cell spreading and the distribution of liprin-alpha 1 became punctuated. Interestingly, knockdown of liprin-alpha 1 caused decrease in exocytotic release and cell spreading. These results suggest that liprin-alpha 1 facilitates exocytosis and cell spreading, and these events might have correlated each other in mast cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  313. 部会の活動と展望

    落合 康住, 高瀬 國克, 山北 昌毅, 田所 諭, 佐藤 滋, 足立 吉隆, 河原崎 徳之, 橋本 秀紀, 三輪 敬之, 新井 健生, 鳥居 徹, 大道 武生, 浜田 利満, 安積 欣志, 木口 量夫, 杉坂 政典, 下条 誠, 渡辺 桂吾, 岩城 敏, 山口 亨

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 50 (8) 750-761 2011年8月10日


  314. なぜ、国産ロボットは3・11に稼動しなかったのか (特集 「想定外」の虚実)

    田所 諭

    中央公論 126 (7) 114-119 2011年7月



  315. Multirobot Exploration for Search and Rescue Missions: A Report on Map Building in RoboCupRescue 2009 査読有り

    Keiji Nagatani, Yoshito Okada, Naoki Tokunaga, Seiga Kiribayashi, Kazuya Yoshida, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hidehisa Akiyama, Itsuki Noda, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi

    JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS 28 (3) 373-387 2011年5月


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.20389  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the future, mobile robots may be able to assist rescue crews in search and rescue missions that take place in the dangerous environments that result from natural or man-made disasters. In 2006, we launched a research project to develop mobile robots that can rapidly collect information in the initial stages of a disaster. One of our important objectives is three-dimensional (3D) mapping, which can be a very useful tool for assisting rescue crews in strategizing rescue missions. To realize this 3D mapping, we identified five issues that we needed to address: (1) autonomous traversal of uneven terrain, (2) development of a system for the continuous acquisition of 3D data of the environment, (3) coverage path planning, (4) centralization of map data obtained by multiple robots, and (5) fusion of map data obtained by multiple robots. We solved each problem through our joint research. Each research institute in our group took charge of solving one of the above issues according to its area of expertise. We integrated these solutions to perform 3D mapping using our tracked vehicle, Kenaf. To validate our integrated autonomous 3D mapping system, we participated in RoboCupRescue 2009 and demonstrated our system using multiple robots on the RoboCupRescue field. In this paper, we introduce our mapping system and report the mapping results obtained at the RoboCupRescue event. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  316. 18・10 将来像(18.ロボティクス・メカトロニクス,<特集>機械工学年鑑)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 114 (1113) 629-629 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.114.1113_629_2  


  317. 1A2-J15 クローラロボットの動力学モデルを用いた不整地における状態推定(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    東 和幸, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _1A2-J15_1-_1A2-J15_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._1A2-J15_1  

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    Tracked vehicle with sub-tracks has high driving performance on rubble. However, navigator cannot observe position in contact with the rubble and crawler using camera and inertial sensor mounted on the tracked vehicle. Therefore, tracked vehicle was losing a balance on rubble and sub-tracks applied overload to motor when it stacked on rubble. In this paper, we propose the way to measure the force applied to the drive system at cannot mount contact sensor and the contact position cannot observe by camera using the dynamics of the robot and the inertial sensor information. By using the proposed method, we will be able to estimate the state of tracked vehicle that it stuck on the rubble and it run upon rubble and steps.

  318. 2A2-M09 回転脚機構と柔軟ボディを用いた新型移動ロボットの開発(特殊移動ロボット)

    菅原 直樹, 坂口 尚己, 戸塚 雄介, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2A2-M09_1-_2A2-M09_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2A2-M09_1  

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    Mechanisms that overcome bumps are complicated and difficult to control. We propose a simple mechanism for getting over bumps. The authors developed a mechanism using six rotating legs and elastic body. By adjusting phase difference of six legs, the robot overcame the bumps smoothly. By using a rubber body, the robot didn't fall down when the robot lost the balance. Through experiments, verify validity of the mechanisms.

  319. Use of remotely operated marine vehicles at Minamisanriku and Rikuzentakata Japan for disaster recovery

    Robin R. Murphy, Karen L. Dreger, Sean Newsome, Jesse Rodocker, Eric Steimle, Tetsuya Kimura, Kenichi Makabe, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuyuki Kon

    9th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2011 19-25 2011年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2011.6106798  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Three underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) were used over a five day period to inspect critical infrastructure and to assist with victim search and recovery at six sites in the Iwate Prefecture following the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. Unmanned marine vehicles have been used since 2004 for disaster recovery operations but in limited applications, in single areas, and in short deployment durations. The joint IRS-CRASAR deployment matched robots for missions specified by civilian municipalities and the Japanese Coast Guard. The ROVs successfully allowed a fishing port to be re-opened and searched for victims trapped underwater in five different locations in varying areas (marinas, bridge debris, and waterfront residential areas) that could not be searched by manual divers. From a scientific perspective, the deployment provides a corpus of 15 hours of data of how rescue robots can be used. It illustrates that rescue robots are i) valuable for both economic and victim recovery, not just response, ii) that disaster robots need to be optimized for the unique missions and stakeholder needs, and iii) that human-robot interaction remains a challenge. This paper also identifies new areas for research: computer vision and cognitive engineering, cyber-physical systems, heterogeneous multi-robot coordination, human-robot interaction, simulation and geographical information systems. © 2011 IEEE.

  320. Multirobot exploration for search and rescue missions: A report on map building in RoboCupRescue 2009. 査読有り

    Keiji Nagatani, Yoshito Okada, Naoki Tokunaga, Seiga Kiribayashi, Kazuya Yoshida, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hidehisa Akiyama, Itsuki Noda, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi

    J. Field Robotics 28 (3) 373-387 2011年


    DOI: 10.1002/rob.20389  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Mobile robots may be able to aid rescue crews in dangerous environments during search and rescue missions after natural or man-made disasters. In 2006, we began a research project to realize mobile robots that can gather information rapidly at the first stage of a disaster. 3D mapping, which can be an important aid for rescue crews in strategizing rescue missions, is one of our important objectives. Some fundamental elements to enable 3D mapping have been developed. We attended RoboCupRescue 2009 to validate our integrated autonomous 3D mapping system. We demonstrated our mapping system using multiple-robots on the RoboCupRescue field. In this paper, we introduce our mapping system and report the results from the RoboCupRescue competition.

  321. Enhancement of Human Force Perception by Multi-point Tactile Stimulation 査読有り

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2011.6094762  


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    Perception of minute force through tactile feedback from a tool is an important aspect for humans to maintain dexterity during manipulation of embedded objects invisible to the naked eye, such as repairing tissues in minimally invasive surgery. Different pressure levels at finger contacts could be responsible factors concerning the perception of forces on a tool. In this paper, an experimental study was done to verify if pressure stimulation to the thumb and index fingers on a precision grip position could alter the perception of force. We requested participants to perform a psychophysical experiment by holding a grounded pen-type interface having a single degree of freedom which induces pressure sensation using air suction. Perceived force was observed to increase when pressure was applied increasingly. Experimental results suggested that vacuum pressure can be used as a complementary tactile stimulus for inducing force sensation. This study had confirmed that negative pressure stimulus can be used to augment force perception.

  322. Gamma-ray irradiation test of electric components of rescue mobile robot Quince - Toward emergency response to nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on March 2011 査読有り

    Keiji Nagatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Yoshito Okada, Kazuki Otake, Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Nishimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Mineo Fukushima, Shinji Kawatsuma

    9th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2011 56-60 2011年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2011.6106756  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit eastern Japan, particularly the Tohoku area. Since then, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has been facing a crisis. To respond to this situation, we began a project to redesign our mobile robots for disaster response missions. A key issue to be addressed was to check the radiation hardness of the electric components of our robot. Initially, no information was available in this regard. Therefore, we conducted gamma-ray irradiation tests for the electric components using cobalt-60. In this paper, we introduce the procedure for the irradiation test and report the results of the test. © 2011 IEEE.

  323. Transparent object detection using color image and laser reflectance image for mobile manipulator. 査読有り

    Zhong Lei, Kazunori Ohno, Masanobu Tsubota, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011 1-7 2011年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2011.6181253  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    It is a significant challenge to detect a transparent object using conventional visual sensors. In this paper, we show that the characteristics of transparent objects under different lighting conditions (normal light and laser light) can be exploited for improved detection accuracy. The authors analyzed the object characteristics and found a novel method for transparent object detection. GrabCut[11] method is used for the image segmentation. However, the transparent object cannot be detected from color or depth images using GrabCut, because transparent objects always shows the color of background. So, we propose a method of transparent object detection using not only color image but also laser reflectance intensity image. Highlight spots from color image can be used for detection candidate areas of transparent objects. These candidate areas is used for GrabCut as bounding rectangle input. Thereafter, segmentation by GrabCut is applied to depth images and laser reflectance intensity images. Bottle-shaped transparent objects are correctly detected within short distance by the visual sensor using the proposed method. In addition, other evaluations show the robustness and the limits of our method for different shapes, materials, distance and background. © 2011 IEEE.

  324. Remote Tactile Transmission with Time Delay for Robotic Master-Slave Systems. 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Adv. Robotics 25 (9-10) 1271-1294 2011年

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1163/016918611X574713  



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    This study develops a method to compensate for the communication time delay for tactile transmission systems. For transmitting tactile information from remote sites, the communication time delay degrades the validity of feedback. However, so far time delay compensation methods for tactile transmissions have yet to be proposed. For visual or force feedback systems, local models of remote environments were adopted for compensating the communication delay. The local models cancel the perceived time delay in sensory feedback signals by synchronizing them with the users' operating movements. The objectives of this study are to extend the idea of the local model to tactile feedback systems and develop a system that delivers tactile roughness of textures from remote environments to the users of the system. The local model for tactile roughness is designed to reproduce the characteristic cutaneous deformations, including vibratory frequencies and amplitudes, similar to those that occur when a human finger scans rough textures. Physical properties in the local model are updated in real-time by a tactile sensor installed on the slave-side robot. Experiments to deliver the perceived roughness of textures were performed using the developed system. The results showed that the developed system can deliver the perceived roughness of textures. When the communication time delay was simulated, it was confirmed that the developed system eliminated the time delay perceived by the operators. This study concludes that the developed local model is effective for remote tactile transmissions. © 2011 Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden.

  325. 力の錯覚:指先への振動触刺激による質量・粘性知覚のバイアス 査読有り

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 16th 2011年


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  326. Redesign of rescue mobile robot Quince - Toward emergency response to the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on March 2011 査読有り

    Keiji Nagatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Yoshito Okada, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Nishimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Yasushi Hada

    9th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2011 13-18 2011年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2011.6106794  

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    On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit eastern Japan, particularly affecting the Tohoku area. Since then, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has been facing a crisis. To respond to this crisis, we considered using our rescue robots for surveillance missions. Before delivering a robot to TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company), we needed to solve some technical issues and add some functions to respond to this crisis. Therefore, we began a redesign project to equip the robot for disaster response missions. TEPCO gave us two specific missions. One was to explore the inside and outside of the reactor buildings to perform dose measurements. The other one was to sample contaminated water and install a water gauge in the basement of the reactor buildings. To succeed in the above two missions, we redesigned our mobile robot, Quince, and performed repeated operational test to improve it. Finally, one of the robots was delivered to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on June 20, 2011. In this paper, we will introduce the requirements for the above two missions and report how we fulfilled them. © 2011 IEEE.

  327. GPS measurement model with satellite visibility using 3D map for particle filter. 査読有り

    Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Yamazaki, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011 590-595 2011年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2011.6181350  

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    This paper proposes a localization method using Global Positioning System(GPS) with multi-path estimation which uses 3D environment maps. Multi-path is one of the problems upon using the GPS for localization. GPS satellite visibility is one of the solutions to detect multi-path error. The challenge of the paper is to use pre-measured 3D environment map to check the satellite visibility. In order to compute the satellite visibility using 3D maps, the GPS receiver position is necessary, which is contradicted requirements to localization. The proposed method solves the problem by using particle filter. In this paper, This paper describes the GPS measurement model with satellite visibility using 3D maps, speeding up the satellite visibility check using GPS shadow maps, and experimental results in outdoor environment with multipath data. © 2011 IEEE.

  328. Unknown object modeling on the basis of vision and pushing manipulation. 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Kensuke Kurose, Eijiro Takeuchi, Lei Zhong, Masanobu Tsubota, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011 1942-1948 2011年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2011.6181575  

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    The authors aim at modeling unknown objects in human life environment using robot technologies. In this paper, the authors propose a method for modeling an unknown object on a desk using vision sensors, a manipulator, and a tactile sensor. The created model of an unknown object consists of the whole images and the 3-D point cloud with the texture. For getting the whole images, the unknown object is rotated by graspless manipulation. Pushing manipulation is used for the rotation. Pushing manipulation enables one to create models for objects that cannot be grasped by a robot hand. Tactile information is also used to confirm the pushing manipulation. The authors propose a method that decides a contact point and pushing direction for rotating the object from the fragmentary visual information. During the pushing manipulation, the object shape and the motion are measured by using a 3-D range camera and a stereo camera. The motion is estimated using 3-D flow. The model is built by combining the estimated motion and the measured 3-D shape. The method is useful for gathering objects' information in human life environment. © 2011 IEEE.

  329. Representation of Softness Sensation using Vibrotactile Stimuli under Amplitude Control 査読有り

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5980378  



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    An experimental study was done to examine the relationship between vibrotactile amplitude displacement and softness sensation. Merkel Disk behavior relative to softness sensation was studied under psychophysical experimentation of human participants. Restrictions are carefully applied on contact area spreading so that vibration will be the only factor that would induce a sensation. A vibrotactile device was excited at constant frequency and its amplitude is adjusted at different levels to alter the amount of skin displacement. Volunteers participated in a two-alternative force choice experiment were ask to compare the perceived softness difference between voice coil and silicone rubber. Statistical analysis on the responses of participants showed a decline of spring constant. It was interesting to note, that even though contact area was significantly restrained participants were still able to discriminate softness sensation form vibrotactile stimulation. Such observation possibly shows that illusion of contact area spread rate can be reproduced by vibrotactile stimulation.

  330. Running Performance Evaluation of Inchworm Drive and Vibration Drive for Active Scope Camera 査読有り

    Michihisa Ishikura, Kazuhito Wakana, Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2011.6027005  


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    This paper evaluates performance of an inchworm drive with frictional anisotropy and a ciliary vibration drive for an active scope camera, which is a snake-like rescue robot used at disaster sites. The previous type of the active scope camera is equipped with a ciliary vibration drive and can travel in rubble. However, it has been found that the vibration drive is not effective on soft or uneven roads. Therefore, the authors propose using not only a vibration drive but also an inchworm drive. The inchworm drive developed in this paper shows a running performance that is different from that of a vibration drive. Hence, complementary running performance is expected using this combination of drive mechanisms. In particular, the authors focus on carrying out running experiments on surfaces that exist at disaster sites.

  331. Enhancement of Vibrotactile Sensitivity: Effects of Stationary Boundary Contacts 査読有り

    Tatsuma Sakurai, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2011.6094758  


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    Tactile sensations experienced by humans, such as roughness and softness, require not only high-frequency (200 Hz) but also lower-frequency vibrations (< 50 Hz). However, such low frequencies are difficult to achieve with small actuators that can be integrated into mobile devices. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods for enhancing human vibrotactile sensitivity. We focused on a phenomenon whereby simultaneous contact with vibratory and stationary surfaces enhances human vibrotactile sensitivity, which we call stationary-boundary contact (SBC) enhancement. SBC produces a line sensation along the gap between the vibratory and stationary surfaces. In this study, we determined the detection thresholds for SBC-enhanced sensitivity under several conditions. Psychophysical experiments showed that the detection thresholds of SBC were reduced by more than three times at low frequencies as compared to those under normal conditions. We then investigated the mechanism behind SBC enhancement by using a finite element model for the skin. Static and dynamic deformation analyses indicated that the dynamic impact of skin against the edge of a stationary surface contributes to an increase in the vibration frequency of the skin. This hypothesis was also supported by the psychophysical experiment, which showed that an edge-rounded stationary surface had less effect on sensitivity enhancement. Finally, we investigated possible SBC arrangements for practical applications on the basis of line sensation.

  332. Robotic control vehicle for measuring radiation in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Shinji Kawatsuma, Takashi Okada, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazuyuki Higashi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    9th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2011 38-43 2011年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2011.6106792  

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    The authors developed a robotic control vehicle for measuring the radiation in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. There are a lot of hotspots in the nuclear power plant (over several tens mSv/h). Heavy radiation prevents humans from searching and reconstructing it. It is essential to measure the radiation to ensure worker safety. The developed robotic control vehicle can measure radiation using a γ-cam and TALON with a radiation sensor. A heavily shielded operation box was built for reducing the exposure of radiation to 1/3. Two operators control the TALON and the γ-cam from the shielded operation box. Because of its pinhole mechanism, the -cam needs to know the distance to the targets. The 3-D light detection and ranging (LIDAR) was built for distance measurement. It has wide measurement range of up to 20m. Using the 3-D LIDAR and the shielded operation box can reduce the exposure during radiation measurement. The use of the developed robotic control vehicle can realize safe radiation measurement. © 2011 IEEE.

  333. Latrotoxin-induced exocytosis in mast cells transfected with latrophilin

    Hiroyuki Hiramatsu, Satoshi Tadokoro, Mamoru Nakanishi, Naohide Hirashima

    TOXICON 56 (8) 1372-1380 2010年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2010.08.002  


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    alpha-Latrotoxin (alpha-LTX) is known to cause massive exocytosis from presynaptic nerve terminals. We investigated the effects of alpha-LTX on exocytotic release from mast cells, typical non-neuronal secretory cells. When we transfected mast cells with latrophilin, a specific receptor for alpha-LTX, alpha-LTX caused intracellular Ca2+ to increase and led to exocytosis in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. On the other hand, neither Ca2+ increase nor exocytosis was observed in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. These results indicate that alpha-LTX, together with latrophilin, works as a Ca2+ ionophore. However, alpha-LTX had additional effects on signal transduction in mast cells. We found that inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) partially suppressed exocytosis. Furthermore, several soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins, including SNAP-23, were phosphorylated by alpha-LTX. These results suggest that exocytosis induced by alpha-LTX can be explained by (1) elevation of intracellular Ca2+, (2) phosphorylation of SNARE proteins including SNAP-23, syntaxin-4 and VAMP-8 through PKC-dependent and -independent pathways. Our study may provide a new system to investigate the action of alpha-LTX and the mechanism of exocytosis in mast cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  334. 講演 東北地域におけるロボット技術を活用した産業振興方策に関する調査

    田所 諭

    東北活性研 2 16-21 2010年10月


  335. System Integration in R&D of Active Scope Camera 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masashi Konyo, Kazuna Sawata

    IROS 2010 Workshop on Robots and Sensors Integration in Future Rescue Information System (ROSIN'10) 2010年10月

  336. Quince: A collaborative mobile robotic platform for rescue robotw reseaqrch and development 査読有り

    Eric Rohmer, Tomoaki Yoshida, Kazunori Ohno, Keiji Nagatani, Satoshi Tadokoro, Eiji Koyanagi

    The 5th International Confrerence on Advanced Mechatronics 2010年10月

  337. Artificial Exocytotic System That Secretes Intravesicular Contents upon Ca2+ Influx

    Masao Sasai, Satoshi Tadokoro, Naohide Hirashima

    LANGMUIR 26 (18) 14788-14792 2010年9月


    DOI: 10.1021/la102737e  


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    Exocytosis is a crucial process of secreting various signaling molecules such as neurotransmitters, hormones, and other chemical mediators into the extracellular space Exocytotic release is caused by membrane fusion of intracellular vesicles with the plasma membrane triggered by an increase in intracellular Ca2+ In the present study, we developed an artificial system of exocytosis that secretes intravesicular contents upon Ca2+ influx We prepared artificial secretory cells using cell-sized giant unilamellar liposomal vesicles (GUVs) that contain small liposomes (SUVs) that correspond to secretory vesicles To observe exocytosis-like secretion in an at Diktat system, we labeled both an intra-SUV solution and an SUV membrane with a soluble fluorescent dye and a rhodamine-labeled phospholipid, respectively To induce membrane fusion between SUVs and a GUV as observed in exocytosis, the Ca2+ concentration of intra-GUV was elevated by incorporating ionomycin (a Ca2+ ionophore) into the GUV membrane We succeeded in inducing exocytosis-like secretion by Ca2+ elevation in a GUV together with the osmolarity difference between the intra-GUV and extra-GUV solutions

  338. Advanced Robotics: Preface

    Koichi Suzumori, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Advanced Robotics 24 (10) 1405-1406 2010年6月1日

    DOI: 10.1163/016918610X505710  



  339. 実用化研究進む「レスキューロボット」の世界(3)クローラ型レスキューロボット「Kenaf」

    田所 諭

    OHM 97 (2) 62-64 2010年2月



  340. 3-11 US&R訓練施設の整備と運用に関する考察 : 米国テキサスDisaster City^<[○!R]>訓練施設の調査結果から

    吉村 晶子, 田所 諭

    地域安全学会梗概集 (26) 103-106 2010年


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    Establishing a national response system for Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) is now on the way in Japan. This paper reports a survey on Disaster City^<[○!R]>, which is a world-famous comprehensive US&R training facility constructed and build and operated by TEEX (Texas Engineering Extention Service) in Texas, U.S.A. As the result, the key points of facility components, arrangements, layouts are shown with the system to run the facility, and the unique characteristic of US&R training facilities are specified. Discussions are made on the constraints and advantages of introducing such kind of training facility in Japan, and the necessity to consider training resources in a system together with the actual response resources is shown.

  341. Complexin II regulates degranulation in RBL-2H3 cells by interacting with SNARE complex containing syntaxin-3

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Mamoru Nakanishi, Naohide Hirashima

    CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY 261 (1) 51-56 2010年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2009.10.011  



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    Recent studies have revealed that SNARE proteins are involved in the exocytotic release (degranulation) in mast cells. However, the roles of SNARE regulatory proteins are poorly understood. Complexin is one such regulatory protein and it plays a crucial role in exocytotic release. In this study we characterized the, interaction between SNARE complex and complexin II in mast cells by GST pull-down assay and in vitro binding assay. We found that the SNARE complex that interacted with complexin II consisted of syntaxin-3, SNAP-23, and VAMP-2 or -8, whereas syntaxin-4 was not detected. Recombinant syntaxin-3 binds to complexin II by itself, but its affinity to complexin II was enhanced upon addition of VAMP-8 and SNAP-23. Furthermore, the region of complexin II responsible for binding to the SNARE complex, was near the central cc-helix region. These results suggest that complexin II regulates degranulation by interacting with the SNARE complex containing syntaxin-3. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  342. Preface

    Koichi Suzumori, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 24 (14) 1927-1928 2010年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/016918610X528517  


  343. Preface

    Koichi Suzumori, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 24 (10) 1405-1406 2010年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/016918610X505710  


  344. Forereaching motion generation of mobile robots for pedestrian face identification

    Kazushi Tanaka, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toru Yonezawa

    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 859-862 2010年

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    This paper describes the generation of forereaching motion using mobile robots for pedestrian face identification. The motion generation system estimates the positions and velocity of the pedestrians and generates a path that enables the robot to forereach the target pedestrian while avoiding the other pedestrians. In this paper, the pedestrian motion estimation method, forereaching path planning method, and experiment results are described. © 2010 SICE.

  345. Rescue robotics challenge

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO 92-98 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/ARSO.2010.5680049  



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    This paper discusses challenges of rescue robotics for the future research and development on the basis of the state of art of robotics to respond earthquakes and CBRNE (chemical/ biological/radiological/nuclear/explosives) disasters. The result of analysis showed that intelligence of mobility and execution performance, support for teleoperation, stable telecommunications, localization and mapping, cooperative work, reliability, performance metric, and component technologies were particularly important. ©2010 IEEE.

  346. Actuation of long flexible cables using ciliary vibration drive 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs 177-188 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Springer London

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-991-6_16  

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    Long flexible cables have difficulty in handling their movement with just pulling or pushing. We proposed an actuation mechanism for long flexible cables to get active mobility using a ciliary vibration drive. The ciliary vibration drive generates driving force on a cable by vibrating inclined thin sting or wire cilia. Ciliary bending and recovery movement during vibration makes cilia tips stick and slip rapidly and generates distributed driving force on the cable. We made observation and modeling of physical phenomena of cilia movement to design the optimal ciliary vibration drive. We also determined optimal parameters such as material, a diameter, density and an inclination angle of cilia, and interval of vibration motors on a trial basis. We also developed an active scope camera which was installed the proposed mechanism. A prototype of the active scope camera showed good performance in practical rescue activities. A prototype of a scope camera 8 m long crawls at a maximum speed of 47 mm/s, climbs slopes of 20 deg, surmounts obstacles 200mm high, follows walls, and turns on floors. Experiments at Collapsed House Simulation Facility demonstrate its practical advantage in rubble pile. © 2010 Springer-Verlag London.

  347. Field Experiment on Multiple Mobile Robots Conducted in an Underground Mall 査読有り

    Tomoaki Yoshida, Keiji Nagatani, Eiji Koyanagi, Yasushi Hada, Kazunori Ohno, Shoichi Maeyama, Hidehisa Akiyama, Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro

    FIELD AND SERVICE ROBOTICS 62 365-375 2010年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13408-1_33  



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    Rapid information gathering during the initial stage of investigation is an important process in case of disasters. However this task could be very risky, or even impossible for human rescue crews, when the environment has contaminated by nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons. We developed the information gathering system using multiple mobile robots teleoperated from the safe place, to be deployed in such situation. In this paper, we described functions of the system and report the field experiment conducted in a real underground mall to validate its usability, limitation, and requirements for future developments.

  348. Tracked-Vehicle Clutching Position Detectability on Bumps by Distributed Inclination Sensors. 査読有り

    Daisuke Inoue, Kazunori Ohno, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 22 (3) 293-300 2010年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2010.p0293  

  349. Multi-object recognition on the basis of vision and manipulation 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Peter Andersson, Zhong Lei, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings 19-24 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2010.5708295  

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    The authors aim at recognition of multiple objects by using robot vision and its manipulation. In the case where multiple objects are arranged in a shelf, front objects may conceal some objects behind them. A robot can recognize these objects if it can recognize the front objects using prior knowledge and remove them with its arm. However, it sometimes fails to recognize the objects because of the lack of good features, a bad lighting condition etc. Here, we proposed a new method of the multi-object recognition using the manipulation. Recognized objects are removed using pick-up motion. Unrecognized objects are pushed for changing the angle when the robot cannot recognize them. We show the experimental results of our proposed method. From the results, we can confirm that the manipulation is useful for improving the multi-object recognition. ©2010 IEEE.

  350. Can multiple tactile pressure stimulation in gripping position induce virtual force directions? 査読有り

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings 402-407 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2010.5708359  

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    Perception of minute force direction through tactile sensations during tool manipulation is an important factor for humans in skill acquisition. Different pressure levels on finger contacts could be responsible factors pertaining to the perception of force direction. In this paper, an experimental study was done to verify if pressure stimulation pattern applied to the thumb and fingers on a gripping position could produce a sense of force direction. Six participants performed a force direction discrimination experiment by holding a grounded pen type interface which induces pressure sensation using air suction technique. Experimental results showed that participants felt three distinct force directions from applied pressure stimulation patterns. It was verified in this experiment that the feasibility of applying different pressure levels at skin contact locations on a pen grip position can produce a sensation of force directions. ©2010 IEEE.

  351. 3次元環境地図を用いた自由空間観測モデルによる未知物体にロバストな自己位置推定 査読有り

    竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 15th 257-263 2010年


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  352. Trials of 3-D Map Construction Using the Tele-operated Tracked Vehicle Kenaf at Disaster City 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Keiji Nagatani, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida



    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509722  



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    This paper provides valuable information about 3-D map construction using a tracked vehicle at Disaster City. Disaster City is a training facility for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the United States. FEMA staff used our rescue robot Kenaf to conduct simulated emergency testing. Kenaf is a tele-operated tracked vehicle that has high mobility suitable for use in outside terrains and inside buildings. We equipped Kenaf with a 3-D laser scanner that can measure dense and wide angle 3-D shapes. We collected about 50 3-D mapping data sets during the tests. A part of these data sets can be accessed at our website. In this paper, we explain the Kenaf's tele-operation system, the 3-D mapping system, and the comments about the usability of the 3-D mapping from FEMA staff. In addition, we discuss about the limit of our mapping method on the basis of the trials at Disaster City. This information will be helpful for researchers in the robotics to improve their method of 3-D map construction and their tracked vehicles.

  353. Rescue robots at the Collapse of the municipal archive of Cologne City: A field report 査読有り

    Thorsten Linder, Viatcheslav Tretyakov, Sebastian Blumenthal, Peter Molitor, Dirk Holz, Robin Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hartmut Surmann

    8th IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR-2010 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2010.5981550  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents a field report and summarizes the problems of the appliance of rescue robots during the Collapse of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne. Two robots where on the field, ready to be applied: A shoe-box size tracked mobile robot (VGTV Xtreme) and a caterpillar like system (Active Scope Camera). Due to the special type of collapse and design limitations of the robots, both robotic systems could not be applied. Either they could not reach/fit into voids or could not be controlled from a safe distance. The problems faced have been analyzed and are described in this paper. © 2010 IEEE.

  354. Development of Motion Model and Position Correction Method using Terrain Information for Tracked Vehicles with Sub-Tracks 査読有り

    Ken Sakurada, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2010.5651673  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Gyro-based odometry is an easy-to-use localization method for tracked vehicles because it uses only internal sensors. However, on account of track-terrain slippage and transformation caused by changes in sub-track angles, gyro-based odometry for tracked vehicles with sub-tracks experiences difficulties in estimating the exact location of the vehicles. In order to solve this problem, we propose an estimation method with 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) for determining the position and pose of the tracked vehicles using terrain information. (In this study, position refers to the robot's position and pose.) In the proposed method, position are estimated using a particle filter. The subsequent position of each particle are predicted using a motion model that separately considers each contact point of the vehicle with the ground. In addition, each particle is analyzed using terrain and gravity information. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.

  355. US&R訓練施設の整備と運用に関する研究:―テキサスDisaster City®の調査を通じて- 査読有り

    吉村 晶子, 清水 秀丸, 佐藤 史明, 加古 嘉信, 田所 諭

    地域安全学会論文集 13 (12/13) 265-274 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 地域安全学会

    DOI: 10.11314/jisss.13.265  


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    <p>Establishing a national response system for Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) is now on the way in Japan. This paper reports the results of a survey on Disaster City®, a world-renowned comprehensive US&R training facility by TEEX (Texas Engineering Extension Service), and discuss what it suggests for Japan. First, problems in establishing national US&R response system in Japan are listed to draw viewpoints for the survey. Then, the survey is conducted and the results are shown. Discussions are made on perspectives of strategies for building training facility, designs to suit training needs, and ways of operating the facility to make the most of it. Finally, suggestions are made for the future.<b> </b></p>

  356. 複数の触感因子を伝えるマスタ・スレーブ型触力覚伝達システム 査読有り

    昆陽雅司, 山内敬大, 岡本正吾, 日高佑輔, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 15th 541-547 2010年


  357. Vision-based localization using active scope camera - Accuracy evaluation for structure from motion in disaster environment 査読有り

    Michihisa Ishikura, Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings 25-30 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2010.5708296  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents the evaluation results for conventional methods that can be used for vision-based localization. An Active Scope Camera is a very thin snake robot and can be used as a rescue robot for search and rescue missions. Self-position estimation of the Active Scope Camera is important for efficient search. Nevertheless, using sensors for this purpose hinders the movement and maneuvering of the camera through narrow gaps, because sensors are very big and heavy for the Active Scope Camera. Vision-based localization using a fish-eye camera is suitable technique for self-position estimation. However, the images obtained using the Active Scope Camera are not of good quality. The material of objects found in disaster environments and overexposure by light-emitting diodes embedded at the camera tip affects the matching of feature points. In this paper, properties of images of disaster sites obtained using the Active Scope Camera and the accuracy evaluation of vision-based localization are described. ©2010 IEEE.

  358. Research of conditions of stimulus for inducing grasping force control reflex 査読有り

    Tatsuma Sakurai, Masashi Konyo, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings 408-413 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2010.5708360  

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    Humans can change their grasping force before the grasped object unconsciously slips off their fingers. This reflex is called the grasping force control reflex. This paper describes the methods used to induce reflective grasping force control and presents the observed results. To clarify the stimulus conditions needed to induce reflective grasping force control, we developed an observation device with piezoelectric actuators and a force sensor. Vibration stimuli and force senses were presented to a human finger, and a change in the grasp force was observed by the force sensor. In this study, we changed the parameters of the vibration stimuli and force senses and detected the difference in the grasp force. ©2010 IEEE.

  359. Development of a laser scan method to decrease hidden areas caused by objects like pole at whole 3-D shape measurement 査読有り

    Akihiko Hata, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Ken Sakurada, Naoki Miyahra, Kazuyuki Higashi

    2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings 436-441 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2010.5708365  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors are researching about Three dimensional mapping using mobile robot and 3-D laser scanner. We developed 3-D laser scanner which can measure whole 3-D shape with a combination of 2-D laser scanner and Pan-Tilt base. However, measuring surrounding areas using the scanner on mobile robot, there are some areas where can't measure whole 3-D shape caused by overview camera and wireless LAN's aerial mounted on a robot. In this paper, 3-D laser scanner can measure uniform and whole 3-D shape, which tilts constant value around pitch axis and then rotates one revolution around yaw axis. We propose measuring method that decrease effects of hidden objects by making offset between 2-D laser scan plane and pitch axis. ©2010 IEEE.

  360. Integration of a sub-crawlers' autonomous control in Quince highly mobile rescue robot 査読有り

    Eric Rohmer, Kazunori Ohno, Tomoaki Yoshida, Keiji Nagatani, Eiji Konayagi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings 78-83 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2010.5708305  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Rapid information gathering during the initial stage of investigation is an important process in case of disasters. However this task could be very risky for human rescue crews, when the infrastructure of the building has been compromised or the environment contaminated by nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons. To be able to develop robots that can go inside the site instead of humans, several area of robotics need to be addressed and integrated inside a common robotic platform. In this paper, we described the modular interoperable and extensive hardware and software architecture of Quince, a high degree of mobility crawler type rescue robot having four independent sub-crawlers. To facilitate Quince's navigability, we developed and integrated a semi-autonomous control algorithm that helps the remote operator driving Quince while the flippers are autonomously adjusting to the environment. The robot is then able to overcome obstacles and steps without a special training of the operator. We present here the software integration and the control strategy of the flippers using the embedded basic version of Quince. ©2010 IEEE.

  361. サブクローラを有するクローラロボットのモーションモデルと地形情報を利用した位置修正 査読有り

    櫻田健, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 15th 2010年


  362. Real-time remote transmission of multiple tactile properties through master-slave robot system. 査読有り

    Takahiro Yamauchi, Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Yusuke Hidaka, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1753-1760 2010年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509926  


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    Remote transmission of high quality sense of touch requires the representation of multiple tactile properties and compensation of communication delay. We developed a real-time remote transmission system that can deliver multiple tactile properties using a master-slave robot system. First, we assessed what type of tactile properties should be transmitted and how to connect them in real time. Three tactile properties - roughness, friction, and softness - were transmitted on the basis of the real-time estimated physical properties of three main wavelengths, a kinetic friction coefficient, and spring constants, respectively. Tactile stimulations were generated in synchronization with hand exploration at the master side by using local tactile generation models to compensate for communication time delay. The transmission of multiple tactile properties was achieved by the integration and enhancement of our previously reported methods for vibrotactile displays and tactile sensors. A discrimination experiment using different materials showed the feasibility of the total system involving the three tactile properties. ©2010 IEEE.

  363. Real-time prediction of fall and collision of tracked vehicle for remote-control support 査読有り

    Ken Sakurada, Shihoko Suzuki, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Akihiko Hata, Naoki Miyahara, Kazuyuki Higashi

    2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2010 - The 3rd Symposium on System Integration, SII 2010, Proceedings 37-42 2010年

    DOI: 10.1109/SII.2010.5708298  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This thesis describes a new method that in real time predicts fall and collision in order to support remote control of a tracked vehicle with sub-tracks. A tracked vehicle has high ability of getting over rough terrain. However, it is difficult for an operator at a remote place to control the vehicle's moving direction and speed. Hence, we propose a new path evaluation system based on the measurement of environmental shapes around the vehicle. In this system, the candidate paths are generated by operator inputs and terrain information. For evaluating the traversability of the path, we estimate the pose of the robot on the path and contact points with the ground. Then, the combination of translational and rotational velocity is chosen. ©2010 IEEE.

  364. ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ

    田所 諭

    建設の施工企画 (716) 44-47 2009年10月25日



  365. レスキューロボットの最新動向 招待有り


    OHM 4-5 2009年10月

  366. ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ 招待有り


    建設の施工企画 (716) 44-47 2009年10月

  367. 都市の安全と安心を支える次世代ロボット 招待有り


    都市問題研究,特集ロボットが切り拓く未来 61 (8) 47-60 2009年8月

  368. レスキューロボットの現状と将来 招待有り


    TOYRO BUSINESS (138) 6-7 2009年7月

  369. Control Experiments of Sliding Motion of Active Flexible Cable 査読有り

    Kazuna Sawata, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Koichi Osuka

    Proc. the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing , Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT 2009) 2009年6月

  370. IPMC Based Tactile Displays for Pressure and Texture Presentation on a Human Finger 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Biomedical Applications of Electroactive Polymer Actuators 161-174 2009年4月

    出版者・発行元:John Wiley and Sons

    DOI: 10.1002/9780470744697.ch8  

  371. Detectability and Perceptual Consequences of Delayed Feedback in a Vibrotactile Texture Display 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Saga, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS 2 (2) 73-84 2009年4月


    DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2009.17  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study estimated the maximum allowable system latency for haptic displays that produce tactile stimuli in response to the hand movements of users. In Experiment 1, two types of detection thresholds were estimated for the time delay of stimuli through psychophysical experiments involving 13 participants. One was a threshold for the users to notice the existence of a time delay. The other was a threshold for the users to experience changes in the perceived textures in comparison with stimuli with no time delay. The estimated thresholds were approximately 60 and 40 ms, respectively. In interviews, the participants reported that they experienced various types of subjective changes due to the time delay. In Experiment 2, the types of subjective sensations that might be altered by the time delay were investigated. The time delays were controlled based on the acceleration of the hand motions of the participants. The participants evaluated the differences in the perceived textures between the stimuli with a controlled time delay and ones with no delay. The results indicated that the participants associated the time-delayed stimuli with changes in mechanical parameters such as kinetic friction coefficient in addition to changes in the perceived roughness of the textures.

  372. 防災・警備分野におけるロボット総論 (特集 防災・警備分野におけるロボット) 招待有り

    田所 諭

    ロボット 187 (187) 1-4 2009年3月



  373. Involvement of ELKS, an active zone protein, in exocytotic release from RBL-2H3 cells

    Hidehiro Nomura, Toshihisa Ohtsuka, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Tanaka, Naohide Hirashima

    CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY 258 (2) 204-211 2009年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2009.05.005  



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    Recent studies have indicated that SNARE proteins and their accessory proteins are involved in exocytotic release in mast cells and neurotransmitter release in neuronal cells. These data suggest that a similar molecular mechanism operates in both systems. However, mast and neuronal cells are structurally very different; an active zone is found in neuronal cells. In the present study, we examined the involvement of active zone proteins during exocytosis in mast cells. We found that several active zone proteins are expressed in RBL-2H3 cells and focused on one of those proteins called ELKS. Overexpression and knockdown of ELKS caused an increase and decrease in exocytotic activity, respectively. Immunocytochemical analysis and live imaging of the expression of YFP-conjugated ELKS showed that ELKS was translocated to the plasma membrane after antigen stimulation. These results suggest that ELKS positively regulates exocytotic release in RBL-2H3 by acting on the plasma membrane upon stimulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  374. Preface.

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Daniele Nardi, Adam Jacoff

    Adv. Robotics 23 (9) 1023-1024 2009年

    DOI: 10.1163/156855309X452458  

  375. Preface

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Daniele Nardi, Adam Jacoff

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 23 (9) 1023-1024 2009年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/156855309X452458  



  376. Summary of DDT Project, unsolved problems, and future roadmap

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 175-189 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_10  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The DDT Project has created a wide range of solutions for disaster response using robotics and related technologies (RTs) ranging from practical equipment to basic component technologies. This chapter summarizes the results obtained by this project. Problems faced by RTs for disaster response are analyzed by investigation of commercially available RT systems and those under research, including systems developed under the DDT Project. Common open problems are discussed on the basis of this investigation. This chapter also presents the RT roadmap developed by the Working Group on Special Environment RTs of the Future RT Map Committee of the MSTC. © 2009 Springer London.

  377. Earthquake disaster and expectation for robotics

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 1-16 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_1  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In Japan, research into rescue robotics was triggered by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Kobe in 1995. Statistics data show that earthquake disasters pose a serious threat to many cities in the world, therefore, it is essential to be prepared for these disasters. In order to mitigate the damage, various countermeasures and key strategies have been investigated, determined, and are being implemented. Equipment and methods of search and rescue must be improved by advanced technologies because it is most important to save human lives in any disaster. Robotics can contribute toward (1) assisting search and rescue operations that are impossible or difficult to perform by humans, (2) reducing risk of secondary damage, and (3) improving speed of operations to raise survival rate, for first responders. © 2009 Springer London.

  378. Information infrastructure for rescue systems

    Hajime Asama, Yasushi Hada, Kuniaki Kawabata, Itsuki Noda, Osamu Takizawa, Junichi Meguro, Kiichiro Ishikawa, Takumi Hashizume, Tomowo Ohga, Kensuke Takita, Michinori Hatayama, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 57-69 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_4  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In a disaster situation, it is important to quickly collect global information on the disaster area and victims buried in the debris awaiting rescue. In the DDT project (Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Urban Areas, III-4 Development of Advanced Robots and Information Systems for Disaster Response), research and development activities on rescue infrastructure for global information collection have been carried out. In infrastructure-related activities carried out by the mission unit, ubiquitous handy terminal devices and technology for forming adhoc wireless communication networks were developed. In addition, technology was developed to integrate the information collected, including communication protocol design, on a GIS system. In this paper, the current R&D activities of the mission unit with regard to infrastructure in the DDT project are overviewed, and some technologies developed thus far are introduced. © 2009 Springer London.

  379. Design guidelines for human interface for rescue robots

    Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Takashi Tsubouchi, Akichika Tanaka, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Shigeo Hirose, Hiroyuki Kuwahara, Fumiaki Takemura, Takao Inoh, Kensuke Takita, Naoji Shiroma, Tetsushi Kamegawa, Yasushi Hada, Xin Zhi Zheng, Koichi Osuka, Taro Watasue, Tetsuya Kimura, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Yukio Horiguchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazunori Ohno

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 131-144 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_7  

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    In this chapter, we summarize the findings and knowhow in the individual developments of rescue robots and attempt to establish design guidelines for the human interface for rescue robots. The guidelines for image display were established on the basis of some case studies in the DDT project and RoboCupRescue. Since the established guidelines are general and independent of the purpose of a robot, we decided to build a standardized image display prototype. After introducing some implementation examples based on our guidelines, the standardized image display prototype is presented. The established guidelines would be useful for the future development of rescue robots. Further, the prototype image display is a good example of a standardized interface testbed. © 2009 Springer London.

  380. An overview of the DDT Project

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Masahiko Onosato, Koichi Osuka, Tomoharu Doi, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Itsuki Noda, Koichi Suzumori, Toshi Takamori, Takashi Tsubouchi, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Mika Murata

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 17-31 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_2  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The DDT Project on rescue robots and related technologies was carried out in Japan's fiscal years 2002-2006 by nationwide researchers, and was organized by International Rescue System Institute. The objective of this project was to develop practical technologies related to robotics as a countermeasure against earthquake disasters, and include robots, intelligent sensors, information equipment, and human interfaces that support emergency responses such as urban search and rescue, particularly victim search, information gathering, and communication. Typical technologies are teleoperated robots for victim search in hazardous disaster areas, and robotic systems with distributed sensors for gathering disaster information to support human decision making. This chapter introduces the objective of this project, and a brief overview of the research results. © 2009 Springer London.

  381. On-rubble robot systems for the DDT Project

    Fumitoshi Matsuno, Takashi Tsubouchi, Shigeo Hirose, Iwaki Akiyama, Takao Inoh, Michele Guarnieri, Kenji Kawashima, Takahiro Sasaki, Naoji Shiroma, Tetsushi Kamegawa, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Noritaka Sato, Yoshikazu Inoue, Takahide Takeuchi, Hideyuki Tsukagoshi, Masashi Sasaki, Ato Kitagawa, Takahiro Tanaka, Yasuhiro Masutani, Haruo Soeda, Koichi Osuka, Masamitsu Kurisu, Tomoharu Doi, Tadahiro Kaneda, Xin Zhi Zheng, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Noriyuki Matsuoka, Teruaki Azuma, Masahiro Hatsuda

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 105-129 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_6  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Intelligent rescue systems with advanced information and robot technology have been expected to mitigate disaster damage, particularly in Japan after the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. It is important that the robots developed for search and rescue tasks can actually work at a real disaster site. Several robots were used for the search and detection operation in the collapsed World Trade Center building in September 2001. In 2002, the DDT Project (Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Urban Areas, III-4 Development of Advanced Robots and Information Systems for Disaster Response) was launched by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan). It was a 5-year project for 2002-2007. It aimed at developing necessary technologies for mitigating the damage caused by large-scale earthquakes of the scale of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, occurring in densely populated areas in big city regions such as the Tokyo metropolitan area and Keihanshin area. In this paper, we introduce the activities of the mission unit for the information collection by on-rubble mobile platforms. © 2009 Springer London.

  382. Demonstration experiments on rescue search robots and on-scenario training in practical field with first responders

    Takashi Tsubouchi, Koichi Osuka, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Onosato, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Tomoharu Doi, Mika Murata, Yuko Kaburagi, Ikuko Tanimura, Naoko Ueda, Ken'Ichi Makabe, Koichi Suzumori, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida, Osamu Takizawa, Toshi Takamori, Yasushi Hada, Itsuki Noda

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 161-174 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_9  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This chapter presents a process of making connections between researchers who develop rescue search devices and first responders, and presents scenario training experiments utilizing the devices operated by the responders. The development of the rescue search devices is aimed at practical deployment in the future so that the development researchers must have taken a pragmatic approach. It was crucial that researchers took every opportunity to demonstrate them in the presence of first responders and that they had contacts with several volunteer incumbent firemen who offered practical comments on the developed devices. Such comments will be used in the next stage of the development of rescue search devices. © 2009 Springer London.

  383. Sliding Motion Control of Active Flexible Cable Using Simple Shape Information 査読有り

    Kazuna Sawata, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Saga, Satoshi Tadokoro, Koichi Osuka



    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152833  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a new framework for a self-propelled flexible cable in which the freedom of lateral motion with sliding movements is increased on the basis of simple shape information. We developed a large-scale prototype of the flexible cable that has a ciliary drive mechanism and precise shape sensors to investigate our concept. We developed a kinetic model for the prototype by employing the nonlinear driving force model and the lateral friction model for representing slippages. Further, we proposed a sliding motion control method that focus on the shape and length of the straight element. We applied the method to control the running direction. The experimental results and dynamic simulations demonstrated the effectiveness of sliding motion for controlling the running direction.

  384. Disaster information gathering aerial robot systems 査読有り

    Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Kenzo Nonami, Kuniaki Kawabata, Yasushi Hada, Hajime Asama, Fumiaki Takemura, Kiyoshi Maeda, Kenjiro Miura, Atsushi Yamashita

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 33-55 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_3  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This chapter introduces R&D results for aerial robot systems for urban search and rescue (USAR). Different types of aerial robot system have been developed and effectively combined so as to offer a quick and continuous service for disaster information gathering. First, autonomous helicopters collect disaster situation data from the sky for first decision making in USAR planning. Then, a blimptype robot system and a cable-driven robot system survey victims under collapsed houses by detecting faint signs of life. As a continuous information service, a captive balloon system with a monitoring camera presents bird's-eye-views of the disaster area, and relays wireless communication among working teams on the ground. These robot systems and other developed technologies are integrated to provide a total solution for quick information gathering from the sky for USAR activity support. The availability of aerial robot systems was demonstrated in field tests conducted at Yamakoshi village. © 2009 Springer London.

  385. In-rubble robot system for USAR under debris 査読有り

    Koichi Osuka, Tomoharu Doi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Naoji Shiroma, Takashi Tsubouchi, Hideyuki Tsukagoshi, Shigeo Hirose, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Takumi Hashizume, Masamitsu Kurisu, Hiroyuki Kuwahara, Toshi Takamori, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Shugen Ma, Tatsuo Arai, Koichi Suzumori

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 71-103 2009年

    出版者・発行元:Springer London

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4_5  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper introduces the activities of the In-Rubble Robot System Mission Unit during the DDT project. The objective of the mission unit (MU) was to develop effective systems that can search for victims under debris. The main activities of the MU were as follows: (1) developing advanced search system based on IRS Souryu; (2) developing advanced tools such as jack robot, cutter robot, intelligent search cam, and KURUKURU-3; (3) developing a rescue system carrier named BENKEI-2. © 2009 Springer London.

  386. Preliminary observation of HRI in robot-assisted medical response. 査読有り

    Robin R. Murphy, Masashi Konyo, Pedro Davalas, Gabe Knezek, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuna Sawata, Maarten van Zomeren

    Proc. 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2009) 201-202 2009年


    DOI: 10.1145/1514095.1514135  

  387. Vib-Touch: Virtual Active Touch Interface for Handheld Devices 査読有り

    Sho Tsuchiya, Masashi Konyo, Hiroshi Yamada, Takahiro Yamauchi, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2009.5326160  

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    Haptic interaction with handheld devices is limited by space and size constraints that inhibit free hand exploration. We developed a compact haptic interface called Vib-Touch, which is operated by fingertip via a pointing-stick input device containing a tactile feedback. A cursor on the screen could perform virtual exploration as a substitute for the finger movement. We call this technology Virtual Active Touch. We also propose a tactile stimulation method to represent not only tactile sensations, but the whole touch experience, including kinesthetic senses and a sense of shapes perceived by a fingertip. This study reports on the first prototype of the Vib-Touch interface for handheld devices. We confirmed that the prototype could provide friction sensation and geometric shape information using the proposed friction display method.

  388. Application of Active Scope Camera to forensic investigation of construction accident 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Robin Murphy, Samuel Stover, William Brack, Masashi Konyo, Toshihiko Nishimura, Osachika Tanimoto

    Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO 47-50 2009年

    DOI: 10.1109/ARSO.2009.5587076  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A rescue robot, Active Scope Camera was applied to forensic investigation of collapse of parking building under construction in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. It could enter 7 m deep into the rubble pile through gaps 3 cm wide and gathered image data, shape and direction of cracks, and section surface of concrete flakes, which was the world's first. © 2009 IEEE.

  389. Virtual Active Touch: Perceived Roughness Through a Pointing-Stick-Type Tactile Interface 査読有り

    Takahiro Yamauchi, Masashi Konyo, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/WHC.2009.4810892  

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    For realizing a tactile display for a handheld device, active touch movement should be represented on a small interface. We propose the addition of a tactile feedback mechanism for a pointing-stick-type (PS) input device. In this study, we describe a method for enabling virtual active touch with a cursor on the screen operated by the PS-type tactile interface without actual touch movement. First, to validate our concept, we compared tactile detection capabilities of roughness information represented by the PS-type tactile interface and the interface with actual touch movement. The experimental results showed that the PS-type tactile interface exhibited almost the same ability as the interface involving actual touch movement. We also found that the force-to-velocity scaling factor of the cursor movement had a significant influence on the roughness detection capability of the interface. In addition, to apply our method to devices having small screens, such as mobile phones, we tried to restrict the cursor velocity in proportion to the object size that appears on the screen. The experimental results showed that the PS-type tactile interface can represent almost the same roughness information as the original object size.

  390. フリッパを有するクローラロボットのロール方向の転倒回避動作を含む不整地踏破手法の開発 査読有り

    湯沢友豪, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 小柳栄次, 吉田智章, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 14th 540-546 2009年


  391. Transmission of Tactile Roughness through Master-slave Systems 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152415  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, a tactile-roughness transmission system applicable to master-slave systems with a communication time delay is developed. The master-side system constructs a local model of target objects placed in the slave-side environment. Tactile feedbacks presented to an operator at the master side are produced by combining the physical properties of target objects in the local model and the kinetic information of the operator. The time delay between the operator's motion and the tactile feedback is cancelled because the stimuli are synchronized with the exploratory motions.The proposed system is applied to the transmission of tactile-roughness. The tactile stimuli presented to the operator are vibratory stimuli whose amplitude and frequency are controlled. These stimuli are locally synthesized by combining the surface wavelength of target objects and the operator's hand velocity. Using the developed tactile-roughness transmission system, an experiment for transmitting the perceived roughness of grating scales was conducted. As a result, the roughness perceived by the operators was found to highly correlate with the roughness of the scales in the slave-side environment with a coefficient of 0.83.

  392. Sliding motion control of active flexible cable using simple shape information. 査読有り

    Kazuna Sawata, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Saga, Satoshi Tadokoro, Koichi Osuka

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3736-3742 2009年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152833  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a new framework for a self-propelled flexible cable in which the freedom of lateral motion with sliding movements is increased on the basis of simple shape information.We developed a large-scale prototype of the flexible cable that has a ciliary drive mechanism and precise shape sensors to investigate our concept.We developed a kinetic model for the prototype by employing the nonlinear driving force model and the lateral friction model for representing slippages. Further, we proposed a sliding motion control method that focus on the shape and length of the straight element. We applied the method to control the running direction. The experimental results and dynamic simulations demonstrated the effectivenessof sliding motion for controlling the running direction. © 2009 IEEE.

  393. 1A1-E20 自由空間観測モデルによる未知物体にロバストな自己位置推定手法 査読有り

    竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _1A1-E20_1-_1A1-E20_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._1A1-E20_1  


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    This paper proposes robust localization method using free-space observation model based on particle filter. The proposed free-space observation model judges whether free-space of a laser beam of a sensor is proper. This paper describes the free-space observation model and several experimental results. In the experiments, the proposed localization algorithm achieves 1km localization in indoor and outdoor environments with many unkown objects.

  394. Virtual Active Touch II: Vibrotactile Representation of Friction and a New Approach to Surface Shape Display 査読有り

    Sho Tsuchiya, Masashi Konyo, Hiroshi Yamada, Takahiro Yamauchi, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2009.5354203  

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    The tactile display for handheld devices requires compact hardware and useful applications. To satisfy these points, we have proposed the concept of 'Virtual Active Touch' that implements virtual exploration with a cursor on a screen through a pointing-stick-type tactile interface. The objective of this study is to present three-dimensional shapes on a two-dimensional screen without force feedback devices. It is possible to present three-dimensional shapes such as a bump using a lateral force [1]. In order to represent human perception of geometric surface shape, instead of the lateral force, we use the cutaneous sensation of friction that occurs when a human finger strokes object surfaces. First, we confirmed that the Virtual Active Touch interface could present cutaneous sense of friction. Second, we evaluated the perception of surface height in the context of bumped shape induced by the friction display. The experimental results agreed with our expectation that faster and longer increases in friction sensation were perceived as higher bumped shapes.

  395. Rollover avoidance using a stability margin for a tracked vehicle with sub-tracks 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Valerie Chun, Tomotake Yuzawa, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi

    2009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2009 2009年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2009.5424149  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Rollover avoidance for tracked vehicles with sub-tracks is a difficult, but necessary task. In this study, rollover avoidance, specifically in the direction of the roll, is performed using a normalized energy stability margin which requires the estimation of a robot's tumble axis. However, a precise estimation of the tumble axis is very difficult because it requires accurate distributed contact information about the robot's main and sub-tracks. In this study, the authors propose a method for rollover avoidance that does not require such accurate contact information. The validity of the stability margin is shown, and it is used to realize rollover avoidance in the direction of the roll.

  396. 3-D mapping of an underground mall using a tracked vehicle with four sub-tracks 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Keiji Nagatani, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida

    2009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2009 2009年

    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2009.5424150  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors attempted to create a 3-D map of an underground mall and subway station using a tracked vehicle. This paper is a field report of the 3-D mapping of the Sendai subway station by the tracked vehicle in Dec. 2007. From the ticket barriers to the platform, the Sendai subway station consists of three floors. For the 3-D mapping, we developed a tracked vehicle named "Kenaf", a small and light-weight 3-D laser scanner called TK scanner, and a robust 3-D scan matching method. Kenaf can pass through ticket barriers and climb up and down stairs, while TK scanner has a wide view angle and can measure dense 3-D shapes. During the experiment, the robot stopped at different points and collected 3-D scan data. The 3-D shapes were recorded by the TK scanner as point clouds. These 3-D point clouds were integrated into a map on the basis of odometry data on-line. The constructed map was not correct because of the lack of robot position z and the odometry error. The 3-D map was constructed by matching these 3-D point clouds off-line. To increase the robustness of the matching, we used the iterative closest point (ICP) matching method with a gravity constraint.

  397. Development of 3D Laser Scanner for Measuring Uniform and Dense 3D Shapes of Static Objects in Dynamic Environment. 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Toyokazu Kawahara, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2009.4913337  

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    The authors aim at the development of a 3D laser scanner that can measure uniform and dense 3D shape of static objects in dynamic environment. The 3D scanner was composed of a 2D Laser Range Finder (LRF) and Pan-Tilt base. 3D shape is measured by rotating 2D LRF that is tilted around the two axes. The laser point trajectory shows cross scan. Use of cross scan achieved the wide view angular and the uniform 3D scan. The proposed 3D scanner can adjust the measurement area and the density of 3D point clouds by changing the angle and angular velocity of the pan-tilt mechanism. The 3D scanner can decrease 3D measurement time. In addition, this 3D scanner measures same area twice during one 3D scan. Comparing these two measurement distances, the moving object can be detected.

  398. Designing of online simulation environment for development control algorithms for robots operating in rough terrains

    K. Kurose, S. Saga, Shogo Okamoto, K. Ohno, S. Tadokoro

    2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2008年9月


    DOI: 10.1109/iros.2008.4650898  

  399. 災害救援のロボットシステム(レスキューロボットシステム) 招待有り


    電気評論,臨時増刊号 93 (524) 39-44 2008年6月30日

  400. 安全安心のために活用が期待されるロボット技術 (特集 レスキューロボット)

    田所 諭

    科学eyes 49 (2) 1-8 2008年3月15日



  401. Regulation of degranulation by complexin II in mast cells

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Mamoru Nakanishi, Naohide Hirashima





  402. Search and Rescue Robotics.

    Robin R. Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro, Daniele Nardi, Adam Jacoff, Paolo Fiorini, Howie Choset, Aydan M. Erkmen

    Springer Handbook of Robotics 1151-1173 2008年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30301-5_51  

  403. A semi-autonomous tracked robot system for rescue missions 査読有り

    Daniele Calisi, Daniele Nardi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2008.4655002  

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    In this paper we describe our work in integrating the results of two previous researches carried on on two different robots. Both robots are designed to help human operators in rescue missions. In the first case, a wheeled robot has been used to develop some software modules. These modules provide the capabilities for autonomously explore an unknown environment and build a metric map while navigating. The second system has been designed to face more challenging scenarios: the robot has tracks and flippers, and features a semi-autonomous behavior to overcome small obstacles and avoid rollovers while moving on debris and unstructured ground. We show how the set of software modules of the first system has been installed on the tracked robot and merged with its semi-autonomous behavior algorithm, and we discuss the results of this integration with a set of experiments.

  404. Self-Localization with Ultrasonic Sensor Array 査読有り

    Yukihiko Ono, Ryosuke Takahashi, Takayuki Takahashi, Jeong Song-Hoe, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2008.4651197  

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    We have developed a positioning system that uses a phased array sensor to measure the distance and direction of multiple landmarks relative to the position of a mobile robot so that the robot can self-localize. The positioning system can control the strength and the width of the beam from the phased array sensor and observe the multiple landmarks at the same time. By using the distance and direction of plural landmarks, our positioning system is able to use various self-localizing methods. A main part of our work has been incorporating our various techniques for making a robot positioning error smaller into a system in which the most suitable self-localizing method is selected on the basis of sensitivity, which is defined as the ratio between localizing and sensor errors. We propose using a set of indices to evaluate the accuracy of self-localizing methods. The indices are derived from the sensitivity. We used these indices to compare the accuracy of three methods for the self-localizing of a mobile robot using landmarks, and we demonstrated a rational way to minimize a localizing error.

  405. Development of On-line Simulation System for Multi Camera based Wide Field of View Display 査読有り

    Naoki Midorikawa, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Saga, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2008.4651010  

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    IRS Soryu is rescue robot which used for victim search in disaster area. We aim at development of display method for wide view angle and high definition images for controlling the rescue robots and searching for victims. In our study, we developed small size multi camera system and displayed a wide view angle and high definition image. However, it is too hard for an operator to recognize the robot and environment intuitively. We need to develop a display method of these multi camera images for intuitive recognition. In this paper, we develop the on-tine simulation system for the verification of multi camera based wide field of view display. This system has some requirements that; a. Simulation of IRS Soryu dynamics, b. Simulation of multi camera system, c. Flexibility of camera setting. We developed such simulator based on USARSim. Using the simulator, we examined some experiments for the verification of of the display methods.

  406. 実時間3次元地形計測に基づくフリッパの引っかかり回避を含むクローラロボットのための半自律3次元未知不整地踏破 査読有り

    湯沢友豪, 大野和則, 田所諭, 小柳栄次, 吉田智章

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 13th 2008年


  407. Identification of cutaneous detection thresholds against time-delay stimuli for tactile displays. 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Saga, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 220-225 2008年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2008.4543212  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tactile display is a technology that gives an artificial sense of touch to operators of information terminals or master-slave systems. The generation of tactile stimuli in response to the hand movements of the operators is associated with active touch and is considered to be one of the effective display methods, however which inevitably causes delayed tactile feedbacks from tactile displays. The knowledge of the detection threshold of system latency between the hand movements and the stimuli is helpful in designing the tactile displays. In this study, the identification of the thresholds through psychophysical experiments of 13 participants revealed two types of thresholds. One was the time-delay at which the participants observed the existence of latency. The other was the minimal time-delay that could affect the subjective feelings of the operators while they were not conscious of the latency. The means of the thresholds were 41 ms and 59 ms, respectively. The participants reported that the time-delay stimuli caused various changes in their subjective feelings. The empirical results suggest that the two types of thresholds depend on different sensory processes. This paper also proposes a design policy for tactile display systems in terms of system latency. ©2008 IEEE.

  408. Ciliary Vibration Drive Mechanism for Active Scope Cameras. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Kazuya Isaki, Kazunari Hatazaki, Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumiaki Takemura

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 20 (3) 490-499 2008年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2008.p0490  

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    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics優秀論文賞受賞

  409. Development of an Active Flexible Cable Using a Single Vibratory Source 査読有り

    M. Konyo, K. Hatazaki, S. Saga, S. Tadokoro



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    Scope cameras and fiberscopes are widely used for urban search and rescue. Its cable flexibility, however, have a difficulty in inserting the camera deep into collapsed houses. We have proposed an active scope camera using ciliary vibration drive. In this paper we propose a new activation method for the ciliary vibration drive using a single vibratory source. Swaying rotational vibration was used to drive ciliary mechanism from the end of a metal cable. This method could also control driving directions by changing the torsional speeds in half cycles. We confirmed that stick-slip friction generated driving force. We evaluated basic performances of the method.

  410. Alternative display of friction represented by tactile stimulation without tangential force 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Hiroshi Yamada, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69057-3_79  



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    A new display method of friction sensation based on tactile stimulation is proposed. In this method, no tangential force on the fingertip is required to represent friction sensation. We focus on the activities of tactile receptors in response to stick-slip contact phenomena with the fingertip. The proposed method controls the activities of FA 11 type receptors using very high frequency vibrations (at 600 Hz) in corresponding to the phase of stick-slip transition. The stick-slip transition was expressed by a single DOF model with Coulomb's friction, which represents the effects of coefficients of dynamic/static friction and hand movements. The sensory magnitudes of the perceived friction by the proposed method were evaluated in contrast with a force display. The experimental results showed that the perceived friction proposed had high correlation with that of the force display in regard to the increase tendency toward static friction coefficients. The sensory magnitudes of the tactile perceived friction were about one-seventh smaller than that of the force display.

  411. Producing Distributed Vibration by a Single Piezoelectric Ceramics for a Small Tactile Stimulator 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Yohei Motoki, Hiroshi Yamada, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takashi Maeno



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2008.4651042  

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    A small tactile display that can be attached to a mobile terminal device or a handheld game controller will enhance user experience in virtual worlds. This paper proposes an ultrasonic vibrator which has a compact mechanism to produce vibratory stimulation on human skin using a pin array driven by a single piezoelectric actuator. Amplitude modulations of the ultrasonic vibration can generate tactile sensations even if a finger is fixed on the vibrator. To generate enough stimulation to deform the skin, resonance of the piezoelectric actuator was designed. We proposed a new mechanical design method to arrange arbitrary distributions of vibration for the pin array using the principle of a dynamic vibration absorber. Detailed designs were conducted by finite element analysis. We successfully designed a smart vibrator which had a size of 17 x 17 x 3.65 mm, and a weight of about 4 g. The vibrator could mount on the joystick of the PlayStation2 controller. Trial experiments of tactile presentation showed that the prototype vibrator could generate vibratory feelings in the range of 30 - 50Hz and 200 - 300 Hz. In addition, stimulation corresponding to joystick operation generated some rubbing-like sensation.

  412. 2P2-B01 不整地移動ロボットの制御手法開発支援を目的としたオンラインシミュレーション環境構築(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス) 査読有り

    黒瀬 健介, 嵯峨 智, 岡本 正吾, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _2P2-B01_1-_2P2-B01_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._2P2-B01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes about the construction of online simulation environment with which we can develop control algorithms for the track robots, mainly for the robot named "Kenaf." As a simulator, we use USARSim that can simulate 3 dimensional space. By employing the real time simulation of USARSim, we connect the real robot controller and the simulator directly and realize the online simulation with the real robot controller. We test some validations with the created simulation system and denote the availability of the system for the development of control algorithms.

  413. 防災・災害復旧 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクトで開発されたロボット技術 招待有り


    建設の施工企画 (703) 44-49 2008年


  414. Validation of Simulated Robots with Realistically Modeled Dimensions and Mass in USARSim 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Kensuke Kurose, Satoshi Saga, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2008.4745881  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the case of simulators of mobile robots, it is necessary to clarify the similarity between actual and simulated robots in order to improve the efficiency and transparency of simulators as research tools. Because of its real-time performance, USARSim [1] has been popularly used in studies involving human-robot interactions. However, since USARSim uses approximations and abbreviations in its physical computations, there are some doubts over its computational accuracy.The objective of this study is to compare the actual and simulated robots in order to investigate whether the simulated environments can be used as a training tool. The authors modeled two types of response robots -IRS Soryu [2] and Kenaf [3]- and compared the abilities of the simulated robots and the actual robots in navigating obstacles such as steps and trenches. The dimensions such as heights, widths and lengths and total mass of the real robots were accurately modeled in the simulation and the other physical parameters were assigned default values. It was observed that the maximum error in the sizes of the traversable objects was 18 % of the body length of the robot. It was also found out that the angular velocities of the robots were significantly different for the real and simulated robots.The conclusion is that a training system can be built based on USARSim when the simulated environments involve simple obstacles because there are not significant discrepancies between the basic traversing abilities of the actual robots and those of the simulated robots. However, in terms of the dynamic motions of the robots the operators need further trainings using the real robots.

  415. クローラロボットの履板の傾斜を利用した段差接触位置の検出(傾斜計測反射面の改良と実機への実装) 査読有り

    井上大輔, 大野和則, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 13th 2008年


  416. Contact Points Detection for Tracked Mobile Robots Using Inclination of Track Chains 査読有り

    Daisuke Inoue, Masashi Konyo, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2008.4601658  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A tracked mobile robot has high mobility and stability to get over rough terrain by changing its form according to environments. However, it is hard for an operator to control the mechanism skillfully by remote control. One of the solutions of the problem is an implementation of an autonomous control system. A detection of distributed contact points between the crawlers and an environment enable the autonomous control. In this paper, the authors propose a distributed contact sensor for tracked vehicle. In order to apply touch sensors to each track shoe, a problem of electric wirings has to be solved because the crawler is rotating continuously. In our proposed method, contact points are detected by measuring inclination of track shoes optically. For optical sensing of the inclination, a special reflector is designed and evaluated. The authors developed a method for distributed contact sensing of tracked vehicle, and examined whether the sensor can detect contact point during the step climbing motion.

  417. Whole-Body Touch Sensors for Tracked Mobile Robots Using Force-sensitive Chain Guides 査読有り

    Daisuke Inoue, Kazunori Ohno, Shinsuke Nakamura, Satoshi Tadokoro, Eiji Koyanagi



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2008.4745880  

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    We aim at developing an autonomous rollover protection system for rescue robots. In this study, we propose a method for autonomous rollover protection for tracked mobile robots using distributed touch sensors. We developed touch sensors for tracked robots, and we have also installed them into our developed tracked robot having four flipper arms. We have also explained the system construction and evaluation. The energy stability margins are used for rollover protection. The autonomous rollover protection S stein was implemented in our robot. Our system can enable the robot to avoid rollovers during a step climb without the manual control of the flipper arms.

  418. 皮膚感覚呈示における時間遅れの影響調査と検知限の同定 査読有り

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 嵯峨智, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 13th 153-158 2008年


  419. 二次元測域センサを用いた動的環境下における静止物体の密な三次元計測 査読有り

    河原豊和, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 13th 2008年


  420. Dynamic conditions of reflection-type tactile sensor 査読有り

    Satoshi Saga, Satoshi Tadokoro, Susumu Tachi



    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69057-3_60  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Considering tactile sensors there are two ways to acquire object information. These are spatial sensing with two dimensional devices and fast sensing with simple devices. Because the reflection-type tactile sensor uses a reflection image, both methods can be employed. Though there exist some dynamic characteristics in these two ways. In this study, we first validate the hysteresis of the reflection-type tactile sensor. The results show the sensor can evaluate displacement less than 2 mm. Then we propose a novel interface called "fibratus tactile sensor." Secondly we construct a fast sensing device using reflection image and a combination of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodiodes (PDs), and validate the sensor's reactivity. It can distinguish 300 ms interval between two signals. Moreover the correlation between the standard deviations of the acquired outputs from the sensor and the centerline average roughness is 0.90.

  421. DDT Project: Background and Overview, Proc. Workshop on Rescue Robotics - DDT Project on Urban Search and Rescue 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Masahiko Onosato, Koichi Osuka, Tomoharu Doi, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Itsuki Noda, Koichi Suzumori, Toshi Takamori, Takashi Tsubouchi, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Mika Murata

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007) 1-22 2007年10月

  422. nformation Infrastructure for Rescue Systems 査読有り

    Hajime Asama, Yasushi Hada, Kuniaki Kawabata, Itsuki Noda, Osamu Takizawa, Junichi Meguro, Kiichiro Ishikawa, Takumi Hashizume, Tomowo Ohga, Kensuke, Takita, Michinori Hatayama, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Todokoro

    Proc. Workshop on Rescue Robotics - DDT Project on Urban Search and Rescue, 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007) 45-56 2007年10月

  423. Guidelines of Human Interface Design for Rescue Robots 査読有り

    Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Takashi Tsubouchi, Akichika Tanaka, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Shigeo Hirose, Hiroyuki Kuwahara, Fumiaki Takemura, Takao Ino, Kensuke Takita, Naoji Shiroma, Tetsushi Kamegawa, Yasushi Hada, Xin-Zhi Zheng, Koichi Osuka, Taro Watasue, Tetsuya Kimura, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Yukio Horiguchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazunori Ohno

    Proc. Workshop on Rescue Robotics - DDT Project on Urban Search and Rescue, 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007) 113-124 2007年10月

  424. On-Rubble Robot System in DDT Project 査読有り

    Fumitoshi Matsuno, Takashi Tsubouchi, Shigeo Hirose, Iwaki Akiyama, Takao Inoh, Michele Guarnieri, Kenji Kawashima, Takahiro Sasaki, Naoji Shiroma, Tetsushi Kamegawa, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Noritaka Sato, Yoshikazu Inoue, Takahide Takeuchi, Hideyuki Tsukagoshi, Masashi Sasaki, Ato Kitagawa, Takahiro Tanaka, Yasuhiro Masutani, Haruo Soeda, Koichi Osuka, Masamitsu Kurisu, Tomoharu Doi, Tadahiro Kaneda, Xin-Zhi Zheng, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Noriyuki Matsuoka, Teruaki Azuma, Masahiro Hatsuda

    Proc. Workshop on Rescue Robotics - DDT Project on Urban Search and Rescue, 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007) 82-112 2007年10月

  425. Experiments with First Responders -- Demonstrative Experiments and Trainings for Rescue Activities 査読有り

    Takashi Tsubouchi, Koichi Osuka, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Onosato, Yasuyoshi Yokokoji, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Tomoharu Doi, Mika Murata, Yuko Kaburagi, Ikuko Tanimura, Naoko Ueda, Ken'ichi Makabe, Koichi Suzumori, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida, Osamu Takizawa, Toshi Takamori, Yasushi Hada

    Proc. Workshop on Rescue Robotics - DDT Project on Urban Search and Rescue, 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007) 140-149 2007年10月

  426. Munc 18-2 regulates exocytotic membrane fusion positively interacting with syntaxin-3 in RBL-2H3 cells

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Toru Kurimoto, Mamoru Nakanishi, Naohide Hirashima

    MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY 44 (13) 3427-3433 2007年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2007.02.013  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Recent studies have revealed that SNARE proteins are involved in exocytotic granular content release in mast cells as well as in neurotransmitter release in neural cells. However, the proteins that regulate the structure and activity of SNARE proteins in mast cells are not well understood. Munc 18 is one such regulatory protein that plays a crucial role in neurotransmitter release. In this study, we investigated the role of Munc 18 and its mechanism for regulating exocytotic release (degranulation) in rat basophilic leukemia cells (RBL-2H3). We obtained RBL-2H3 cells that express a low level of Munc 18-2 and found that degranulation was remarkably inhibited in knockdown cells without any change in the expression level of syntaxins or Ca2+ mobilization. We also observed the behavior of secretory granules in a single cell, and found no significant changes in their number and distribution in Munc 18-2 knockdown cells. Using chimera proteins fused with fluorescent proteins, we demonstrated that Munc 18-2 interacted with syntaxin-3, but not with syntaxin-4, in vivo. Interestingly, this interaction occurred not only on plasma membrane but also on secretory granules, suggesting that Munc18-2 may regulate granule-granule fusion as well as granule-plasma membrane fusion. These observations suggest that Munc 18-2 together with syntaxin-3 regulate degranulation positively during the process of membrane fusion between secretory granules and plasma membrane, rather than during processes that regulate the number or behavior of secretory granules. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  427. A High Mobility 6-Crawler Mobile Robot 'Kenaf' 査読有り

    Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuya Yoshida, Keiji Nagatani, Kazunori Ohno, Takashi Tsubouchi, Shoichi Maeyama, Itsuki Noda, Osamu Takizawa, Yasushi Hada

    Proc. 4th International Workshop on Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to Mitigate Earthquake Disaster (SRMED2007) 2007年7月

  428. Studies on the region involved in the transport activity of Escherichia coli TolC by chimeric protein analysis

    Hiroyasu Yamanaka, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masaya Miyano, Eizo Takahashi, Hidetomo Kobayashi, Kemosuke Okamoto

    MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS 42 (5-6) 184-192 2007年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2007.01.006  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Gram-negative bacteria possess the outer membrane protein TolC which acts as an exit duct across the outer membrane. However, the region involved in the transport activity of TolC has remained unclear. We analyzed this region by creating chimeric TolCs. First, we expressed the genes for TolCs of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (vp-tolC) and Salmonella typhimurium (sal-tolC) in Escherichia coli. The levels of sequence identity in the mature region of VP-TolC/EC-TolC and Sal-TolC/EC-TolC with maximum matching are 43% and 90%, respectively. We found that the transport activity of VP-TolC was weak compared with that of TolC of E. coli (EC-TolC) although the transport activity of Sal-TolC was similar to that of EC-TolC. A comparison of the sequence of the three tolCs showed that the sequence around the periplasmic region covering Asn-188 to Lys-214 of EC-TolC is lowly identical to that of VP-TolC although the region of EC-TolC is almost identical to that of Sal-TolC. We think, therefore, that the region covering Asn-188 to Lys-214 of EC-TolC may have an important role to express its transport activity in E. coli. To examine the possibility, we divided the region of EC-TolC into three and exchanged the gene for each portion with that of vp-tolC. These mutant ec-tolCs were expressed in E. coli and the activity of each chimeric TolC was measured. The results showed that the portion covering Val-198 to Lys-214 of EC-TolC is deeply involved in the transport activity. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  429. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動ファイバースコープの開発 査読有り

    昆陽雅司, 畑崎計成, 伊崎和也, 田所諭

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア講演会論文集 460-465 2007年3月

  430. 表面波長の実時間推定に基づく粗さ感伝達システムの研究 査読有り

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア講演会論文集 58-63 2007年3月

  431. 2P1-L02 Qualitative Validation of a Serpentine Robot in USARSim

    岡本 正吾, ジェイコフ アダム, バラカースキ スティーブン, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _2P1-L02_1-_2P1-L02_2 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._2P1-L02_1  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    3D simulators for mobile robots serve as tools for operation training. The present paper reports on a simulated serpentine robot in a 3D simulator. A simulated robot is IRS Soryu, which is a search robot composed of three connected cars and has been expected as a search robot for narrow spaces in disaster areas. An adopted 3D simulator is USARSim, which is a high fidelity 3D simulator for mobile robots on the basis of a commercial game engine. Qualitative validation of the simulated robot was conducted in order to examine that the simulated robot is available for operation training of the real robot. The experimental results showed that the simulated robot had similar traveling performance to the real robot.

  432. Semi-autonomous control system of rescue crawler robot having flippers for getting over unknown-steps

    Kazunori Ohno, Shouich Morimura, Satoshi Tadokoro, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A rescue crawler robot with flipper arms has high ability to get over rough terrain, but it is hard to control its flipper arms in remote control. The authors aim at development of a semi-autonomous control system for the solution. In this paper, the authors propose a sensor reflexive method that controls these flippers autonomously for getting over unknown steps. Our proposed method is effective in unknown and changeable environment The authors applied the proposed method to Aladdin, and examined validity of these control rules in unknown environment.

  433. Development of artificial system of exocytotic cells

    Masao Sasai, Hiroki Sakiyama, Satoshi Tadokoro, Naohide Hirashima



    DOI: 10.1109/MHS.2007.4420837  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Regulated exocytosis is a very important process to secrete bioactive substances from cells, such as neurotransimitters, hormones, and inflammatory mediators from immune cells. Secretory cells have intracellular small vesicles called secretory vesicles or secretory granules and they contain bioactive substances. These contents are released by membrane fusion between secretory vesicles and the plasma membrane (exocytosis). Mast cells are typical non-neuronal secretory cells and secrete inflammatory mediators such as histamine. It has been shown that SNARE (soluble N-ethyl maleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) proteins play an essential role in exocytotic release in mast cells. In this study, we tried to develop an artificial system that mimics exocytotic release of mast cells, using liposomes in which purified SNARE proteins are reconstituted. To develop a such system, we try to prepare a cell-size giant liposome that contains smaller liposomes. A giant liposome and smaller liposomes correspond to the cell membrane and secretary vesicles, respectively. Preparing giant liposomes, LUVs that contain smaller liposomes inside like mast cells were formed. Diameter of inner liposomes ranged from 1 to 3 mu m and the number of inner liposomes ranged from 1 to 20. We also succeeded preparing giant liposomes that contain calcein-labeled SUV by adding SUV at the process of rehydration. These system might be useful to construct an artificial exocytotic cells.

  434. Preface

    Ning Xi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 21 (14) 1601-1601 2007年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/156855307782227381  



  435. Active polymers: An overview

    R. Samatham, K. J. Kim, D. Dogruer, H. R. Choi, M. Konyo, J. D. Madden, Y. Nakabo, J. D. Nam, J. Su, S. Tadokoro, W. Yim, M. Yamakita

    Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications: Artificial Muscles and Sensors 1-36 2007年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-372-7_1  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    It can be seen from the above reported research and the scale of the academic interest in active polymer materials, that they have the potential to become an indispensable part of future technological developments. With each polymer having its own niche applications, they are bound to be the materials of future. With growing emphasis on interdisciplinary research, different active materials can be combined to develop tailor-made, multifunctional properties, where single materials can act as sensors, actuators, structural elements, etc. To date, the robotics community has adopted only two major active polymer technologies: dielectric elastomers and ionic polymer-metal composites because the maturity of these two technologies is inevitable. However, other technologies are also quite promising and leaves one the great potentials to use them in robotic applications. Two other technologies that the robotics community is currently considering are conducting polymers and electrostrictive graft elastomers. In later chapters, we will focus on four major active polymer technologies: dielectric elastomers (Chapters 2 and 3), electrostrictive graft elastomers (Chapter 4), conducting polymers (Chapter 5), and ionic polymer-metal composites (Chapters 6-10). We all expect that the robotics community will adopt other promising active polymer materials as their maturity and availability improve. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.

  436. 被災地探査用クローラロボットAli-Babaと遠隔操縦技術の開発 査読有り

    大野和則, 小柳栄次, 吉田智章, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 326-332 2007年


  437. フリッパを有するクローラ型レスキューロボットによる未知段差の半自律踏破 査読有り

    森村章一, 大野和則, 田所諭, 小柳栄次, 吉田智章

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 334-334 2007年


  438. 遠隔操作型の移動マニピュレータによる物体の引きずりに関する研究 査読有り

    林俊輔, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 348-353 2007年


  439. 超音波振動を用いた触覚インターフェースのための小型振動子の開発 査読有り

    元木陽平, 山田浩史, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 前野隆司

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 466-471 2007年


  440. Applications of ionic polymer-metal composites: Multiple-dof devices using soft actuators and sensors 招待有り 査読有り

    M. Konyo, S. Tadokoro, K. Asaka

    Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications: Artificial Muscles and Sensors 227-262 2007年

    出版者・発行元:Springer London

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-372-7_9  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, we described several robotic applications developed using IPMC materials, which the authors have been developed as attractive soft actuators and sensors. We introduced following unique devices as applications of IPCM actuators: (1) haptic interface for virtual tactile displays, (2) distributed actuation devices, and (3) a soft micromanipulation device with three degrees of freedom. We also focused on aspects of sensor function of IPMC materials. The following applications are described: (1)a three-DOF tactile sensor and (2)a patterned sensor on an IPMC film. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.

  441. Roughness feeling telepresence system with communication time-delay 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/WHC.2007.96  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A framework of tactile telepresence systems will be proposed in the present paper which enables active touch with time-delay communication between a tactile sensor side system and a display side system. In the framework, a tactile display system can apply tactile stimuli to fingers of an operator in syncronization with touch motions based on physical parameters of objects which are estimated by a tactile sensor To verify the concepts of the framework, was developed a roughness feeling telepresence system which produces vibratory stimuli computed by estimated surface wavelength of objects and rubbing speed of an operator To implement the framework, real-time estimation of physical parameters of objects are required as core technology. System implementation and real-time estimation of surface wavelength will be also proposed.

  442. Development of small-size multi camera system for snake-like robot, and display of wide view-angle image 査読有り

    Naoki Midorikawa, Kazunori Ohno, Hiroyuki Kuwahara, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2007.4381256  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    "IRS Souryu" is snake-like robot that is used for victim search in narrow space. We aim at development of multi camera system for "IRS Souryu" and display of wide view angle image for controlling it and searching for victims by using the multi camera system. Advantages of our developed multi camera system are that 1. The number of cameras can be increased by adding multi camera module, 2. Multi camera module is small and has 4 small-size CMOS cameras, and 3. Length of cable can be extended easily because of use of Ethernet. In this paper, we describe concept of acquisition and display of wide view-angle visual information using the multi camera system. We explain composition of multi camera system and its installation on IRS Souryu. We performed an experiment of victim searching by IRS Souryu equipped with 32 cameras. An operator was able to find a victim without extra movement of the robot. Then, the operator was also able to find the next open space to move. We explain the details of the experiment.

  443. Semi-autonomous control of 6-DOF crawler robot having flippers for getting over unknown-steps 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Shouich Morimura, Satoshi Tadokoro, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2007.4399428  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A rescue crawler robot having flipper arm has high ability to get over rough terrain, but it is hard to control its flippers in remote control. The authors air at development of a semi-autonomous control system for the crawler robot. In the system, moving direction is specified by an operator at remote place. Joypad (Sony PS2 controller) is used as input devise. For increasing its stability and robustness about change of the environment, its flippers are controlled according to sensor informations which can be obtained in real-time. Concretely, the robot recognizes the environment (upward step or downward step) using its physical model, its postural information, flippers' contact and distance between the body and ground, and controls these flippers. In this movie, we show you performance of our proposed control method using "Aladdin".

  444. Roughness feeling telepresence system on the basis of real-time estimation of surface wavelengths 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2007.4399204  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tactile telepresence has been expected to be technology which encourages operators of robotic systems to remotely maneuver objects or recognize materials being touched through robotic arms. In remote environments, temporal disparity in tactile sensations is caused by temporal latency between a touch motion of the operator and a tactile stimulus applied on him. A framework of tactile telepresence systems, which is suitable in remote environments, has been proposed in the present paper. In the framework, a tactile display locally generates the tactile stimulus in synchronization with the touch motion of the operator in order to cancel communication delay. The tactile stimulus is generated by combining the motion and tactile factors, which are sensed by a tactile sensor. The factors are characteristic parameters of objects and effect on tactile sensations. In the present paper, physical parameters of the objects are selected as the factors because the tactile stimuli can be computed using physical models involving the motions and the parameters. Based on the proposed framework, a roughness feeling telepresence system was implemented and successfully transferred a roughness factor to the operator.

  445. Electroactive polymers for robotic applications: Artificial muscles and sensors 招待有り 査読有り

    Kwang J. Kim, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications: Artificial Muscles and Sensors 1-281 2007年

    出版者・発行元:Springer London

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-372-7  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Electroactive polymers (EAPs) respond to electrical stimulation with large deformations. They are dynamic actuators which have attracted attention from an interdisciplinary audience of engineers and scientists. An enabling EAP technology is emerging which attempts to imitate the properties of natural muscle and which, as a result, can perform a unique function in a variety of biologically-inspired robotics applications. Electroactive Polymers for Robotics Applications covers the fundamental properties, modelling and demonstration of EAPs in robotic applications, focusing particularly on artificial muscles and sensors. Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuators and Dielectric Elastomers are discussed within the book with chapters on their properties and their uses in robotics applications. With its concentration on devices based on EAPs and their uses, Electroactive Polymers for Robotics Applications will be of interest to researchers working within this field as well as to postgraduate students studying robotics or smart materials and structures. Practitioners working in the mechanical, electrical and materials industries will also find this book of value. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007.

  446. Electroactive polymers for robotic applications: Artificial muscles and sensors 招待有り 査読有り

    Kwang J. Kim, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications: Artificial Muscles and Sensors 1-281 2007年

    出版者・発行元:Springer London

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-372-7  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Electroactive polymers (EAPs) respond to electrical stimulation with large deformations. They are dynamic actuators which have attracted attention from an interdisciplinary audience of engineers and scientists. An enabling EAP technology is emerging which attempts to imitate the properties of natural muscle and which, as a result, can perform a unique function in a variety of biologically-inspired robotics applications. Electroactive Polymers for Robotics Applications covers the fundamental properties, modelling and demonstration of EAPs in robotic applications, focusing particularly on artificial muscles and sensors. Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuators and Dielectric Elastomers are discussed within the book with chapters on their properties and their uses in robotics applications. With its concentration on devices based on EAPs and their uses, Electroactive Polymers for Robotics Applications will be of interest to researchers working within this field as well as to postgraduate students studying robotics or smart materials and structures. Practitioners working in the mechanical, electrical and materials industries will also find this book of value. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007.

  447. Active scope camera for urban search and rescue 査読有り

    Kazunari Hatazaki, Masashi Konyo, Kazuya Isaki, Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumiaki Takemura



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2007.4399386  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A practical active scope camera for urban search and rescue is developed using ciliary vibration drive mechanism. Optimization of design parameters such as material, a diameter, density and an inclination angle of cilia, and specifications and density of vibration motors is performed on the basis of experimental evaluation of test pieces and prototypes with changing surface materials. A prototype of a scope camera 8 in long crawls at a maximum speed of 47 mm/s, climbs slopes of 20 deg, surmounts obstacles 200mm high, follows walls, and turns on floors. Experiments at Collapsed House Simulation Facility of International Rescue System Institute, Kobe Laboratory demonstrate its practical advantage in rubble piles.

  448. 未知段差の半自律踏破のためのクローラ型レスキューロボットの制御則の提案 査読有り

    森村章一, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 24th 3012-3018 2007年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2007.4399271  

  449. Applications of ionic polymer-metal composites: Multiple-dof devices using soft actuators and sensors 査読有り

    M. Konyo, S. Tadokoro, K. Asaka

    Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications: Artificial Muscles and Sensors 227-262 2007年

    出版者・発行元:Springer London

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-372-7_9  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, we described several robotic applications developed using IPMC materials, which the authors have been developed as attractive soft actuators and sensors. We introduced following unique devices as applications of IPCM actuators: (1) haptic interface for virtual tactile displays, (2) distributed actuation devices, and (3) a soft micromanipulation device with three degrees of freedom. We also focused on aspects of sensor function of IPMC materials. The following applications are described: (1)a three-DOF tactile sensor and (2)a patterned sensor on an IPMC film. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.

  450. 繊毛移動機構によって駆動する能動索状体の開発 査読有り

    伊崎和也, 新妻翔, 昆陽雅司, 武村史朗, 田所諭

    第11回ロボティクスシンポジア講演論文集 414-419 2006年3月

  451. ICPFアクチュエータを用いたヒト指腹部への分布振動刺激に基づく把持力調整反射の誘発 査読有り

    昆陽雅 司, 中本雅崇, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティー 学会論文誌 11 (1) 2006年3月

    DOI: 10.18974/tvrsj.11.1_3  

  452. Model system of exocytotic release in mast cells that cause allergic responses

    Hiroki Sakiyama, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masao Sasai, Naohide Hirashima





    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Exocytosis is a key process to secrete bioactive substances from cells, such as neurotransimitters, hormones, and inflammatory mediators from immune cells. Mast cells are typical non-neuronal secretory cells and secrete inflammatory mediators such as histamine and cause allergic responses. It has been shown that SNARE (soluble N-ethyl maleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) proteins play an essential role in exocytotic release in both neuronal cells and non-neuronal secretory cells. To mimic the exocytotic processes in mast cells, we developed an artificial membrane fusion system using liposomes that contains SNARE proteins. To prepare liposomes that contain SNARE proteins, SNARE proteins expressed in E. coli were purified and reconstituted into tiposomes by solubiltzation-reconstitution methods using octylglucoside as a detergent. The membrane fusion is monitored by FRET (fluorescent resonance energy transfer) between fluorescence labeled phospholipids in liposomes (NBD- and rhodamine- labeled phospholipids). Using this assay system, we found that SNAP23, syntaxin 3 and VAMP8 are involved in exocytotic release in mast cells.

  453. どのようなしきい下分布触覚刺激がヒト指の把持力調整反射を誘発するのか? 査読有り

    前野隆司, 昆陽雅司, 中本雅崇, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 11th 192-197 2006年


  454. ヒト指模倣型触覚センサを用いた触感因子の実時間抽出法 査読有り

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 向坊由佳, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 11th 186-191 2006年


  455. 低周波振動刺激によって起こる静的圧覚の呈示条件 査読有り

    昆陽雅司, 横田求, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 11th 179-185 2006年


  456. 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた皮膚表面刺激による3次元オブジェクトの手触りの呈示 査読有り

    昆陽雅司, 吉田晃典, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 11th 301-307 2006年


  457. Adaptation to rough terrain by using COF estimation on a quadruped vehicle 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Kaoru Konishi, Kenichi Tokuda, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 25 505-516 2006年


    DOI: 10.1007/11736592_42  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Foot groping is one way to evaluate the stability of footholds for legged locomotives on rough terrain. For further acquisition of ground information, we installed active ankles with two active joints on the experimental quadruped vehicle, RoQ2. To compensate the loss of passive adaptation of ankles to terrain, active adaptation using COF estimation is implemented. COF is a center of pressure on a sole and estimated by sole sensor, which consists of four FSRs. Sole sensors for COF can determine the sole plane when adapting to rough terrain. This paper also shows that our new proposition can detect an edge of a beam or a step on the ground without thrusting a foot to the objects. © Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 2006.

  458. Rescue MIKE: 災害シミュレーション実況システム version 0の設計と実装 査読有り

    久保長徳, 森下卓哉, 下羅弘樹, 河原林知美, 小高知宏, 小倉久和, Ian Frank, 田中久美子, 田所 諭, 松原 仁

    人工知能学会誌 21 (4) 2006年

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.21.388  

  459. A Summary of Development of Advanced Robots and Information Systems for Disaster Response 招待有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    NSF/DARPA Workshop on Robotics in Japan 2006年

  460. An Overview of Japan National Project on Rescue Robotics 招待有り 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics 2006年

  461. Open problems of RT for disaster response -- state of art and future roadmap in Japan 招待有り 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shiro Fujita, Hideo Tanaka

    Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2006) 2006年

  462. Guidelines for human interface design of rescue robots 査読有り

    Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Takashi Tubouchi, Akichika Tanaka, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Shigeo Hirose, Hiroyuki Kuwahara, Fumiaki Takemura, Takao Ino, Kensuke Takita, Naoji Shiroma, Tetsushi Kamegawa, Yasushi Hada, Koichi Osuka, Taro Watasue, Tetsuya Kimura, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Yukio Horiguchi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazunori Ohno



    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2006.315163  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, we summarize the findings and know-hows in the individual developments and try to establish guidelines of human-interface design of rescue robots. These guidelines would be useful for the future development of rescue robots. Preliminary guidelines were set from some case studies of the DDT project and RoboCup Rescue. A trial towards the standardized interface is also shown.

  463. クローラ型ロボットのための分布触覚センサの開発 査読有り

    井上大輔, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 24th 1309-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2007.355870  


  464. 1A1-C23 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動索状体の開発 : 繊毛のモデリング 査読有り

    伊崎 和也, 新妻 翔, 昆陽 雅司, 武村 史朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _1A1-C23_1-_1A1-C23_3 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._1A1-C23_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Proposed new actuation mechanism realizes active or semi-active mobility for flexible long cables such as fiber scopes. The ciliary vibration mechanism was developed by the flexible ciliary tapes that can be attached to existing cables easily. The ciliary vibration mechanism has plastic or metal thin wires called cilia and achieve driving power through cilia vibration. As the cilia are angled and planted, by adding vibration to the cables, the body can move forward through a falling-down and standing-up motion. The behavior of testpieces that were used in experiments were simulated using model. In the model, numerous cilia are treated as one linear spring and one rotational spring as a whole. In addition, to confirm the characteristics shown in experiments, experimental results were compared using calculated results.

  465. レスキューロボット (特集 生活にとけ込むロボット) 招待有り

    田所 諭

    人間生活工学 7 (1) 20-23 2006年1月



  466. Development of an active flexible cable by ciliary vibration drive for scope camera 査読有り

    Kazuya Isaki, Akira Niitsuma, Masashi Konyo, Fumiaki Takemura, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2006.281829  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Proposed new actuation mechanism realizes active or semi-active mobility for flexible long cables such as fiberscopes and scope cameras. A ciliary vibration mechanism was developed using flexible ciliary tapes that can be attached easily to existing cables. Driving characteristics of the active cables were confirmed through experiments and numerical analyses. Finally, the actuation mechanism was applied for an advanced scope camera that can reduce friction with obstacles and avoid stuck or tangled cables.

  467. Adaptation to rough terrain by using COF estimation on a quadruped vehicle 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Kaoru Konishi, Kenichi Tokuda, Satoshi Tadokoro




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Foot groping is one way to evaluate the stability of footholds for legged locomotives on rough terrain. For further acquisition of ground information, we installed active ankles with two active joints on the experimental quadruped vehicle, RoQ2. To compensate the loss of passive adaptation of ankles to terrain, active adaptation using COF estimation is implemented. COF is a center of pressure on a sole and estimated by sole sensor, which consists of four FSRs. Sole sensors for COF can determine the sole plane when adapting to rough terrain. This paper also shows that our new proposition can detect an edge of a beam or a step on the ground without thrusting a foot to the objects.

  468. Open Problems of RT for Disaster Response 招待有り 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Rescue Robotics Camp 2006年

  469. 繊毛振動駆動機構を用いた能動スコープカメラの開発 査読有り

    畑崎計成, 伊崎和也, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 24th 219-222 2006年

  470. Real-time estimation of touch feeling factors using human finger mimetic tactile sensors 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Yuka Mukaibo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2006.281648  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To realize a telepresence system with tactile feedback and force feedback, real-time estimation of various tactile sensation must be conducted. Because several types of tactile sensation consist in touch and human tactile feeling has high time resolution. A man feels active touch extraordinary with time delayed transmission of tactile information. Our proposing human finger mimetic sensor covers three tactile factors, which are roughness, softness and friction of objects to touch. Current tactile telepresence systems represent just one tactile sensation in addition to kinesthetic information. For augmented reality, wider tactile factors must be sensed at a tactile sensor system and transferred to a tactile display system with small time delay. We realized quick estimation of vibrational frequencies of the sensor and softness of objects to regenerate touch feelings to human skin by tactile displays, which usually need time-consuming samples and make it hard to address tactile telepresence system. Quick estimation of vibrational frequency was conducted by emulating impulse emission of Meissner's corpuscles. Quick estimation of Young's modulus of objects was solved by computing strain distribution in a sensor.

  471. Attitude stability of a cable driven balloon robot 査読有り

    Fumiaki Takemura, Kiyoshi Maeda, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2006.281633  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    At the time of a large-scale urban earthquake disaster, human search activities and information collection are the most important processes of rescue operations. Robots for search and rescue (e.g., aero-robots, crawler type robots) have been studied extensively recently. We have developed a cable driven balloon robot for information acquisition from the sky during disaster rescue and recovery operations.The balloon, from which hang several sensors (sensor unit, SU), uses "a natural shape balloon". Three cables connect the SU, and the balloon, with its sensors, is driven by expansion and contraction of the cable length.Cameras and several sensors or wireless relays are loaded onto the SU. The attitude stability of the SU is required to eliminate camera shaking resulting from wind. Such stability is necessary for high-precision information collection because this robot is used in the open air. This study verifies the attitude stability of an SU using a cable arrangement between the balloon and the SU; it statically calculates the movable scope of the SU at an arbitrary wind speed and direction.

  472. Real-time robot trajectory estimation and 3D map construction using 3D camera 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Takafumi Nomura, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2006.282027  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Our research objective is Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in rubble environment. The map construction requires estimation of robot trajectory in 3D space. However, it is hard to estimate it by using odometry or gyro in rubble. In this paper, the authors proposed real-time SLAM based on 3D scan match. 3D camera is used for measurement of 3D shape and its texture in real-time. 3D map and robot trajectory are estimated by combining these 3D scan data. ICP algorithm is used for the matching method. The authors modified ICP algorithm as fast and robust one for real-time 3D map construction.

  473. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクトの概要 査読有り

    田所 諭

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集 49 311-311 2006年


    DOI: 10.11511/jacc.49.0.311.0  

  474. Reflective grasp force control of humans induced by distributed vibration stimuli on finger skin with ICPF actuators 査読有り

    Nakamoto Masataka, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro



    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2006.1642299  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A method is proposed to control human grasping force unconsciously by generating small distributed vibration stimuli on a finger based on a human reflex action against detection of partial slippage of contact. Human beings can increase grasping force before the grasped object slips off the fingers based on afferent signals from tactile receptors that detect the expansion of the partial slippage area. We assumed that vibration stimuli that have an appropriate frequency and distribution generate a virtual sensation of partial slippages and induce a reflective grasping force increase. Grasping experiments with minute distributed vibration stimuli using ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer gel Film) actuators were performed. Experiments results showed that the effective vibratory frequency was 30 Hz, which is the most sensitive range for Meissner's corpuscles that are closely related to detection of partial slippage. We also found that distribution of vibration stimuli were important to produce human grasping force increase.

  475. 着実に進みつつあるレスキューロボットの研究開発 招待有り


    震災予防 12-15 2005年11月

  476. ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門ニュースレター(No.36)特集:ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2005における優秀講演のノミネーション

    田所 諭, 坪内 孝司

    日本機械学会誌 108 (1043) 830-834 2005年10月



  477. 文部科学省大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト,ロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発 査読有り


    日本ロボット学会誌 23 (5) 541-543 2005年7月

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.23.541  

  478. ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ 招待有り


    大阪消防 56 (6) 6-7 2005年6月

  479. ロボカップレスキュー 招待有り

    田所諭, 綿末太郎

    ロボット (164) 14-20 2005年5月

  480. レスキューロボット総論 (特集 災害対応ロボット) 招待有り

    田所 諭

    ロボット (164) 1-3 2005年5月



  481. 文部科学省大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト,レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発 招待有り


    大阪消防 56 (4) 8-9 2005年4月

  482. 1P2-N-084 屋外環境における三次元地図構築の試行(3次元計測/センサフュージョン3,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 109-109 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.109_1  

  483. Preface.

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Adam Jacoff

    Adv. Robotics 19 (3) 219-220 2005年

    DOI: 10.1163/1568553053583689  

  484. Preface: Advanced Robotics

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Adam Jacoff

    Advanced Robotics 19 (3) 219-220 2005年

    DOI: 10.1163/1568553053583689  


  485. Development of the balloon-cable driven robot for information collection from sky and proposal of the search strategy at a major disaster

    Fumiaki Takemura, Masaya Enomoto, Takuma Tanaka, Kazuya Denou, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 1 658-663 2005年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    At large-scale urban earthquake disaster, the human search and the information collection are the most important process of rescue activities. This research develops the balloon-cable driven robot for information acquisition from sky at crushed structures at landslide caused by huge earthquake. The balloon, which hangs up several sensors (Sensor Unit, SU), uses "a natural shape balloon". Three cables are connected with SU, and the balloon with sensors is driven by expansion and contraction of the cables length. Moreover, we propose the human search system by electromagnetic waves. Recently, a lot of people have cellphones or mobile devices. Our proposing search system is the position of a human body using this robot with the electromagnetic waves coming direction finder (ESPAR antenna). This paper describes the usefulness of the human body searching strategy by several experimental results. ©2005 IEEE.

  486. 瓦れき内探索ロボットMOIRA2の開発と実験

    大須賀公一, 原口林太郎, 牧田忍, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 498-505 2005年

    DOI: 10.1109/ICAR.2005.1507455  


  487. 距離画像センサを用いた瓦れき内探査ロボットによる三次元地図作成の試行 査読有り

    野村孝文, 大野和則, 橋本裕介, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 10th 269-274 2005年


  488. Roughness Sense Display Representing Temporal Frequency Changes of Tactile Information in Response to Hand Movements. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Akinori Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - 1st Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems; World Haptics Conference, WHC 2005 609-610 2005年

    出版者・発行元:IEEE Computer Society

    DOI: 10.1109/WHC.2005.113  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a hypothesis on mechanism of roughness perception based on temporal frequency changes of tactile information. Roughness sense can be considered as relative information to the hand velocity. Finite element analysis using human finger model showed that spatial information of the rough surface can be reflected in the temporal frequency changes at the position of tactile receptors. It should be important for roughness sense display to make a vibratory stimulation changing frequencies in response to the hand velocities.

  489. 分布型振動刺激を用いた局所滑り覚呈示による無意識下の把持力制御

    中本雅崇, 前野隆司, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 2005年


  490. A human body searching strategy using a cable-driven robot with an electromagnetic wave direction finder at major disasters 査読有り

    Fumiaki Takemura, Masaya Enomoto, Kazuya Denou, Kemalettin Erbatur, Ulrike Zwiers, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Advanced Robotics 19 (3) 331-347 2005年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/1568553053583698  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    At large-scale urban earthquake disasters, human search and information collection are the most important processes in rescue activities. This research develops a parallel cable-driven robot focusing on information acquisition from above at structures crushed by landslides caused by huge earthquakes. The tip of each cable of this robot is attached to a comparatively strong structure and this robot, mounted with several sensors, is driven by multiple cables. This paper proposes the human search system. Recently, a lot of people have acquired cell phones or other mobile devices. Our proposed search system is designed to identify the position of a human body using this robot with an electromagnetic wave direction finder (ESPAR antenna). This paper illustrates the usefulness of the human body searching strategy through several experimental results. © VSP and Robotics Society of Japan 2005.

  491. A human body searching strategy using a cable-driven robot with an electromagnetic wave direction finder at major disasters. 査読有り

    Fumiaki Takemura, Masaya Enomoto, Kazuya Denou, Kemalettin Erbatur, Ulrike Zwiers, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Adv. Robotics 19 (3) 331-347 2005年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/1568553053583698  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    At large-scale urban earthquake disasters, human search and information collection are the most important processes in rescue activities. This research develops a parallel cable-driven robot focusing on information acquisition from above at structures crushed by landslides caused by huge earthquakes. The tip of each cable of this robot is attached to a comparatively strong structure and this robot, mounted with several sensors, is driven by multiple cables. This paper proposes the human search system. Recently, a lot of people have acquired cell phones or other mobile devices. Our proposed search system is designed to identify the position of a human body using this robot with an electromagnetic wave direction finder (ESPAR antenna). This paper illustrates the usefulness of the human body searching strategy through several experimental results.

  492. レスキューシステムにおけるシステムインテグレーション,特集:社会にとけ込むシステムインテグレーション技術 招待有り 査読有り


    システムインテグレーション技術 44 (11) 2005年

    DOI: 10.11499/sicejl1962.44.765  


  493. Robot description ontology and bases for surface locomotion evaluation 査読有り

    Ranajit Chatterjee, Inoh Takao, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics 2005 242-247 2005年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The current discussion intends to outline some aspects of a robot description ontology specifically focusing on the aspects related to describing the surface locomotion capabilities. Some necessary aspects to describe the relevant limitations are identified, which would form a basis of testing facility design as well as comparative evaluation of the on-surface locomotion features of ground robots. © 2005 IEEE.

  494. A tactile synthesis method using multiple frequency vibrations for representing virtual touch. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Akinori Yoshida, Naoki Saiwaki

    2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 3965-3971 2005年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2005.1545130  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents a useful tactile display method that can control multiple tactile sensations such as roughness, pressure, and friction sensations using simple vibratory stimulations. Our concepts are based on two points: frequency range selection for making selective stimulation on different tactile receptors types and timing control of the stimulation in response to hand movements. The selective stimulations were realized by selecting reactive frequencies of vibratory stimulation based on temporal response characteristics of tactile receptors. For representing roughness sensation, vibrating frequencies were modulated in response to hand velocity considered as a temporal coding perception of FA I type receptor. Two reactive frequencies were also selected for representing pressure sensation and friction sensation corresponding to SA I and FA II type receptors respectively. A wearable tactile display using ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer gel Film) actuators verified our proposed methods. Finally, we conducted a total texture feeling display combined with our methods for roughness, pressure, and friction sensations in a parameterized manner. Comparison with real clothes showed that some combinations of multiple tactile sensations could express texture feels of the expected materials. © 2005 IEEE.

  495. Dense 3D map building based on LRF data and color image fusion. 査読有り

    Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2792-2797 2005年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2005.1545235  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Research objective of the authors is 3D map building and localization of search robot for rescue use. In this paper, the authors propose a novel method of dense 3D map building and present its trial result. For building a map, it is necessary to estimate robot motion. However, on rubble, it is difficult to estimate robot motion by using odometry or gyro. Therefore, in this framework, rough 3D map and discrete robot motions are derived using SLAM based on 3D scan matching. ICP algorithm is used for the matching method. Then, the dense 3D map is reconstructed from the rough 3D map and texture images. © 2005 IEEE.

  496. Artificial Tactile Feel Display for Textile Fablics 査読有り

    Naoki Saiwaki, Akinori Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro, Maki Taniguchi

    Proc. HCI International 2005 2005年

  497. ロボカップレスキューシミュレーション 招待有り


    大阪消防 56 (1) 2005年1月

  498. Development of advanced robots for disaster response. 招待有り 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    2005 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts 2005 66-72 2005年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2005.246382  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Natural and man-made disasters are serious problems in every country. Robotics, intelligent machines, systems and devices are highly expected as effective solutions in the future. Special Project on Development of Advanced Robots for Disaster Response (DDT Project) is focused on R&D of robotic solutions for reconnaissance of victim bodies, structural damage and environmental conditions to assist rescue parties in large-scale urban earthquake disasters. This paper introduces an overview of this project and the problem domain of earthquake disasters, search-and-rescue processes and rubble pile characteristics. © 2005 IEEE.

  499. 地震災害救助ロボットの現状と展望 招待有り

    田所 諭

    消防科学と情報 81 (81) 62-66 2005年



  500. Adaptation to Rough Terrain by Using COF Estimation on a Quadruped Vehicle. 査読有り

    Shogo Okamoto, Kaoru Konishi, Kenichi Tokuda, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 25 505-516 2005年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-33453-8_42  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Foot groping is one way to evaluate the stability of footholds for legged locomotives on rough terrain. For further acquisition of ground information, we installed active ankles with two active joints on the experimental quadruped vehicle, RoQ2. To compensate the loss of passive adaptation of ankles to terrain, active adaptation using COF estimation is implemented. COF is a center of pressure on a sole and estimated by sole sensor, which consists of four FSRs. Sole sensors for COF can determine the sole plane when adapting to rough terrain. This paper also shows that our new proposition can detect an edge of a beam or a step on the ground without thrusting a foot to the objects.

  501. Proposition of a human body searching strategy using a cable-driven robot at major disaster.

    Fumiaki Takemura, Masaya Enomoto, Kazuya Denou, Kemalettin Erbatur, Ulrike Zwiers, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2 1456-1461 2004年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2004.1389601  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    At large-scale urban earthquake disaster, human search is the most important process in rescue activities. This research develops a parallel cable-driven robot focusing on information acquisition from sky at crushed structures at landslide caused by huge earthquake. This robot is driven by multiple cables to move a sensor head with 6 degrees of freedom. This paper proposes the concept of this new search system, and illustrates usefulness of the human body searching strategy by several experimental results.

  502. Dynamic robot programming by FDNet: design of FDNet programming environment.

    Kenichi Tokuda, Jerome Jadoulle, Nicolas Lambot, Achbany Youssef, Yoshihisa Koji, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 1 780-785 2004年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2004.1389447  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports a new dynamic programming environment for FDNet. The FDNet was designed as a flexible system that can accept new functions by reforming the network itself. Another feature that the relation networks in FDNet are described by XML can help to expand the network scale easily. Our new dynamic editing system uses the feature, and communicates via TCP/IP network for editing. Some trials reported in this paper shows a capability of an automatic self-editing function in the imitating robot system.

  503. Development of compound eye camera system for searching in rubble.

    Shinobu Makita, Takumi Kishima, Masaki Minobe, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 1 431-436 2004年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2004.1389390  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The final goal of this research is to develop a mobile system to collect 3-D information and panoramic image in rubble to search human bodies and situation in the rubble. This system has abilities to collect and deliver infomation and cooperate with other robots etc. As a part of this project, multiple CMOS cameras are integrated in a sensor head, and software for generating panorama image and distance information is developed.

  504. Dynamic Programming Environment for Rescue Robots.

    Kenichi Tokuda, Jerome Jadoulle, Nicolas Lambot, Achbany Youssef, Yoshihisa Koji, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, IEEE ROBIO 2004 918-923 2004年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2004.1521907  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports a new dynamic programming environment for a rescue robot by FDNet. The FDNet was designed as a flexible system that can accept new functions by reforming the network itself. Another feature that the relation networks in FDNet are described by XML can help to expand the network scale easily. Our new dynamic editing system uses the feature, and communicates via TCP/IP network for editing. Some trials on a rescue robot reported in this paper shows a capability of an automatic self-editing function in the imitating robot system. © 2004 IEEE.

  505. Rescue Robots and Systems in Japan.

    Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proceedings - 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, IEEE ROBIO 2004 12-20 2004年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2004.1521744  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Intelligent rescue systems with high information and robot technology have been expected to mitigate disaster damages, especially in Japan after the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. In development of robots for search and rescue tasks it is important to develop a robot which can actually work in a real disaster site. Several robots were used for the search and detection operation in the collapsed World Trade Center building in September 2001. From 2002 "Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Urban Areas" (5 yeras project) launched by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. It aims at significant mitigation the earthquake disaster damage on the scale of the Great Hanshin Earthquake, in big city regions such as Tokyo metropolitan area and Keihanshin area. In this paper, the problem domain of earthquake disasters and search-and-rescue processes is clarified with introducing an overview of this project. © 2004 IEEE.

  506. Introduction of Task Force for Rescue System Infrastructure in Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Urban Areas. 査読有り

    Hajime Asama, Yasushi Hada, Tomowa Ohga, Osamu Takizawa, Satoshi Tadokoro, Itsuki Noda, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Michinori Hatayama

    Proceedings - 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, IEEE ROBIO 2004 60-64 2004年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2004.1521752  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, we describe a task force for a rescue system infrastructure for earthquake disaster mitigation in urban areas, and as a final result, its widespread social foundation for a rescue system. The results of each research group are introduced. © 2004 IEEE.

  507. Development of velocity sensor using ionic polymer-metal composites 招待有り

    Masashi Konyo, Yoshiki Konishi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takumi Kishima

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5385 307-318 2004年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.540266  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    'Soft' sensing system is extremely important for advanced applications of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC) actuators, because conventional 'solid' sensors may be cause to cancel the flexibility of IPMC. One possible sensor would be IPMC itself. IPMC can also utilized as a sensor, because an electric potential will be generated across the composite when the strip was bent suddenly. In this paper, we investigate a relationship between the sensor output and dynamic deformations, and showed that a velocity of deformation was in proportion to a sensor output voltage. We assumed that electrical charges of each capacitor, which was defined by an electrical equivalent circuit model for IPMC, were generated proportionately to the velocity of deformation. This hypothesis was confirmed by comparison between simulations results and the experimental results. Two velocity-sensing systems were also developed. One is a 3-DOF tactile sensor that has four IPMC sensor modules combined in cross shape and can detect both a velocity and a direction of the motion of center tip. The experimental results showed the amount of the velocity and the direction of the motion could be estimated by calculating four outputs of each sensor modules. Another is a patterned IPMC strip that has both actuator and sensor functions. This strip can sense a velocity of bending motion made by the actuator part. The experimental result showed that the sensor output followed closely the velocity of the bending motion.

  508. がれき内での情報収集を目的としたインテリジェントセンサヘッドの開発 査読有り

    岸間匠, 見延壮希, 田所諭, 牧田忍

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2004 1799-1804 2004年



  509. メタルカラーの時代(584)災害から人命を守るレスキューロボット最前線 携帯電話の微少電波をセンサーがキャッチ! 生き埋めになった被災者を捜索する小型メカ

    山根 一眞, 田所 諭

    週刊ポスト 35 (23) 200-203 2003年6月6日


  510. 「災害対応のためのロボティクス」特集号発刊に際して

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 106 (1019) 759-759 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.106.1019_759  


  511. 地震災害救助ロボット

    田所 諭

    予防時報 (214) 8-13 2003年



  512. Editorial: Rescue Robots.

    Koichi Osuka, Satoshi Tadokoro

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 15 (5) 473-473 2003年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2003.p0473  

  513. Wearable Haptic Interface Using ICPF Actuators for Tactile Feel Display in Response to Hand Movements. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Kazunobu Akazawa, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 15 (2) 219-226 2003年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2003.p0219  

  514. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト(<特集>災害対応のためのロボティクス) 査読有り

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 106 (1019) 803-806 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.106.1019_803  


  515. Kinematic Identification Method for Cable-Driven Rescue Robots in Unstructured Environments. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Richard Verhoeven, Ulrike Zwiers, Manfred Hiller, Fumiaki Takemura

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 15 (5) 571-578 2003年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2003.p0571  

  516. Estimation of fragile ground by foot pressure sensor of legged robot 査読有り

    K. Tokuda, T. Toda, Y. Koji, M. Konyo, S. Tadokoro, P. Alain

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 1 447-453 2003年


    DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2003.1225137  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports several results from estimation experiments by using our new foot sensor, which is composed of a sole sensor and a rubbing mechanism for rubble walking robot. The sensor can measure every ground point's reactive force by pressing robot's legs against the ground in a given angle. There is not only stable ground but klunky ground or transformable ground or breakable ground in rubble space. Some results of our experiment shows that subtle differences are expressed by using COF (center of force) and pressure changes.

  517. Test arenas and performance metrics for urban search and rescue robots. 査読有り

    Adam Jacoff, Elena Messina, Brian A. Weiss, Satoshi Tadokoro, Yuki Nakagawa

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 4 3396-3403 2003年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2003.1249681  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, we discuss the development and proliferation of robot test arenas that provide tangible, realistic, and challenging environments for mobile robot researchers interested in urban search and rescue applications and other unstructured environments. These arenas allow direct comparison of robotic approaches, objective performance evaluation, and can ultimately provide a proving ground for field-able robotic systems such as those used at the World Trade Center collapse. International robot competitions using these arenas require robots to negotiate complex and collapsed structures, find simulated victims, and generate human readable maps of the environment. A performance metric is presented which quantifies several pertinent robot capabilities and produces an overall score used to evaluate and compare robotic implementations. Future directions for the arenas and the competitions are also discussed.

  518. Flat-distributed network architecture (FDNet) for rescue robots. 査読有り

    Yoshihisa Koji, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takafumi Toda, Alain Pujol, Kenichi Tokuda, Masashi Konyo, Toshi Takamori

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3 2392-2397 2003年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2003.1249228  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper deals with the software architecture of a rescue robot, named FDNet. This architecture provides the rescue robot with intelligence and flexibility. When this architecture is used, the robot system is described using networks. These networks are composed by data and processing units. The data, referred to as "data", is a distributed component. The processing units, referred to as "relation", are a distributed and parallel-processing component, which can refer to any existing Data. We consider nodes that can formally connect to any other node, and relations that can be organized according to human's or any other network's pattern. This architecture was called "FDNet (Flat-distributed networks for rescue robots)". First, we will describe proposition of the architecture and its implementation for a robot. Then, we will report some experimental results. We provide this architecture for any intelligent rescue system.

  519. Tactile feel display for virtual active touch. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Kazunobu Akazawa, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 4 3744-3750 2003年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2003.1249737  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to display delicate touch feeling of surface of some materials, active touch of human hand movements should be considered. In this paper, a wearable stimulation device that can produce various distributed stimuli on human skin in response to hand movements was developed using ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer gel Film) actuators. Characteristics of touch feel of roughness were measured using vibratory stimulation. The results showed that the threshold amplitude under active touch were smaller than under passive touch. A stimulation method which generate selective stimuli to sense receptors in accordance with velocities and accelerations of hand motions was proposed. It was confirmed experimentally that some kinds of pattern of driving waves express touch feels in response to hand movements.

  520. Flat-distributed network architecture (FDNet) for rescue robots - FDNet and its implementation. 査読有り

    Yoshihisa Koji, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kenichi Tokuda, Alain Pujol, Takafumi Toda, Hideyuki Nobuhiro, Masashi Konyo, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, CIRA 1 235-240 2003年


    DOI: 10.1109/CIRA.2003.1222095  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper deals with flat-distributed architecture for a rescue robot. This architecture provides the rescue robot with intelligence and flexibility. When this architecture is used, the robot system is described using networks. These networks are composed by data and processing agents. The data, referred to as «data», is a distributed component. The processing agents, referred to as «relation», are a distributed and parallel-processing component, which can refer to any existing data. We consider nodes that can formally connect to any other node, and relations that can be organized according to human's or any other network's pattern. This architecture was called «FDNet(Flat-Distributed Networks for Rescue System)». First, we describe the proposition of the architecture and its implementation for a robot. Then we report some experimental results. We provide this architecture for any intelligent rescue system.

  521. RoboCupRescue A Multi-Agent Approach to Disaster Simulation 査読有り

    T. Takahashi, S. Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 34-39 2002年9月

  522. A motion base with 6-DOF by parallel cable drive architecture 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Yoshio Murao, Manfred Hiller, Rie Murata, Hideaki Kohkawa, Toshiyuki Matsushima

    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 7 (2) 115-123 2002年6月


    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2002.1011248  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes a new type of motion base for virtual sensation of acceleration by applying a parallel cable drive architecture. It has outstanding advantages in comparison with conventional Stewart platforms. Especially, 1) rotational motion range is large; 2) the motion platform can be grounded on the floor; 3) scene projection to all the walls is possible; and 4) its redundancy of cables improves safety for cut of cables. Optimal fundamental mechanical design is performed from the viewpoint of kinematics. Simulation results show that a 3-3-2 cable configuration is one of the best designs as a motion base. The prototype developed has the maximum motion range of translation ±0.45 m ±0.4 m × 1.1 m and that of rotation ±45° in roll angle, ±45° in pitch, and ±35° in yaw. It can produce acceleration 1 G for 0.8 s at its maximum, even if gravity is not used. A trajectory planning method for longer-term sensation utilizing gravity is proposed. Low-frequency component of acceleration is realized by rotational motion and high frequency is produced by translational motion. Experimental results to create virtual acceleration of a roller coaster demonstrated effectiveness of this new design.

  523. 4脚レスキューロボットRoQ:&mdash;瓦礫上歩行を模倣するシステムの構築&mdash;

    徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 戸田 崇文, 糀 幸久, 昆陽 雅司

    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料 2002 125-125 2002年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.11499/siced.si2002.0.125.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a new robotic platform for rescue mission. The platform named &ldquo;RoQ&rdquo; is performing the proposal about new Robotic Platform. RoQ is the main portion of the hardware robot system which can be changed flexibly in software not about the rescue robot itself but about a system required for a rescue mission. This paper describes a slice of the platform from the standpoint of an imitation system.

  524. 触運動に応じた触感を呈示するICPF触感ディスプレイの研究

    昆陽 雅司, 赤澤 和伸, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料 2002 419-419 2002年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.11499/siced.si2002.0.419.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to display delicate touch feeling of surface of some materials, active touch of human hand movements should be considered. In this paper, a wearable stimulation device which can produce various distributed stimuli on human skin in response to hand movements was developed using ICPF actuators. A stimulation method which generates selective stimuli to sense receptors in accordance with velocities and accelerations of hand motions was proposed. It was confirmed experimentally that some kinds of pattern of driving waves express touch feelings such as starting, stopping and sliding feel of hand motions.

  525. スキルの構造に関する一考察

    寺本 孝司, 田所 諭

    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料 2002 77-77 2002年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.11499/siced.si2002.0.77.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper deals with a framework of skill research form structural aspect. There are various researches to investigate the human skills. However, each skill research introduces its own assumptions. Relation among conventional skill researches is illustrated based on schematic representation of skill structure.

  526. 大規模災害時の消防用救助活動資機材:NY-WTCテロ災害の調査研究から

    天野 久徳, 田所 諭

    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料 2002 550-550 2002年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.11499/siced.si2002.0.550.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A terror disaster struck New York World Trade Center on September 11 2002. Rescue activity was done tried as hard as they could. It was one of typical fights against huge serious disaster in big city. Then we investigated the rescue equipment that used on the disaster, in order to learn a lesson from the experience. We introduce the outline of the equipment based on our investigation.

  527. 米国同時多発テロにおけるロボットの適用

    田所 諭

    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料 2002 551-551 2002年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.11499/siced.si2002.0.551.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    At the New York World Trade Center, robots are used for search and rescue of victims, and for reconnaissance of destroyed structures at the September 11 Terror. As a result of this first robotic rescue operation in destroyed buildings, about 11 bodies were identified. Valuable knowledge was obtained through this operation for the future research, development, preparedness, and operation. Similarity with the Kobe Earthquake problem was observed.

  528. RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V

    RoboCup 2377 2002年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45603-1  

  529. Preface

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Hisanori Amano

    Advanced Robotics 16 (6) 475-476 2002年

    DOI: 10.1163/156855302320535755  


  530. from the guest editors - rescue robotics special issue.

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Aydan M. Erkmen, Ismet Erkmen

    IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag. 9 (3) 4-4 2002年

    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2002.1035205  


  531. RoboCupRescue Robot League.

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2752 482-484 2002年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-45135-8_45  


  532. Working with robots in disasters. 査読有り

    Tomoichi Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag. 9 (3) 34-39 2002年

    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2002.1035212  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Robot World Cup Initiative (RoboCup) is an international research and education initiative started to foster artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent robotics research. The RoboCup Rescue league consists of two projects: the Simulation Project and the Robotics and Infrastructure Project.

  533. 大規模災害救助シミュレータを対象としたリアルタイム実況の自動生成 査読有り

    松原仁, 田中久美子, FRANK I, 田所諭

    人工知能学会論文誌 17 (2) 177-180 2002年

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.17.177  



  534. A dynamic model of ICPF actuator considering ion-induced lateral strain for molluskan robotics. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Fukuhara, Yosuke Maeba, Masashi Konyo, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2 2010-2017 2002年


    DOI: 10.1109/IRDS.2002.1044051  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Molluskan robots perform their tasks by freely deforming their shape like slugs and amoebas on the basis of soft actuator materials. This paper presents a new actuator model, Fukuhara-Tadokoro model of a high polymer actuator, ICPF (or IPMC) as a fundamental of design, fabrication, control and application of future mollukan robotics. Ionic migration in actuator material causes electric unbalance of sulfo groups producing lateral strain in addition to volume change by water unbalance. Simulation results show internal state change according to the motion principle.

  535. Quantitative evaluation of artificial tactile feel display integrated with visual information. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Makiko Hira, Toshi Takamori

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3 3060-3065 2002年


    DOI: 10.1109/IRDS.2002.1041738  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study presents a tactile feel display of virtual reality for subtle fine touch of clothes. The device developed using soft high polymer gel actuators could express subtle differences of touch of clothes, especially rough materials such as a towel and denim. Considering the superiority of vision in the multimodal sensational perception, a virtual tactile feel display integrated with visual information which express more real touch of cloth was proposed. In order to evaluate the influence of visual information adding to the tactile feel quantitatively, a factor analysis was performed using adjective pair scales. Factor analysis applied to the real materials showed that the roughness factor is highly correlated with the visual sensation although the softness factor is relatively independent from image information. The same analysis applied to the artificial tactile feel showed more complex results. It was confirmed that vision could help the recognition of tactile feel only when the characteristics of the material was expressed well by visual information although could also mislead tactile perception when visual information was not appropriate. The superiority of visual information was also evaluated by applying wrong visual information different from the artificial tactile feels.

  536. Robotics and AI for emergency response problems in large scale disaster 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    International Journal of Human-Friendly Welfare Robotic Systems 2 (2) 46-53 2001年11月

  537. RoboCup-Rescue

    北野 宏明, 田所 諭, RoboCup-Rescue技術委員会

    電子情報通信学会誌 84 (1) 42-48 2001年1月1日



  538. Language Design for Rescue Agents.

    Itsuki Noda, Tomoichi Takahashi, Shuji Morita, Tetsuhiko Koto, Satoshi Tadokoro

    RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V(RoboCup) 164-172 2001年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45603-1_17  

  539. Application of the nafion-platinum composite actuator

    S. Tadokoro, T. Takamori, K. Oguro

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4329 28-42 2001年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.432669  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Nafion-platinum composite (IPMC or ICPF) is one of the electro-active polymer actuators nearest to real applications. This paper introduces development of some actuation devices using IPMC. A distributed actuation device has a number of EFD (Elliptic Friction Drive) elements that give planar motion with two degrees of freedom by 2 IPMC actuators. Coordinated motion of EFDs realizes robustness of drive. A soft micromanipulator with three degrees of freedom is a parallel mechanism having 4 actuator parts enabling motion in x, y and z directions. A face actuation device is a sheet that changes its shape arbitrarily by applying electric stimuli to its grid electrode structure. In order to develop the mechanical structures and the control strategies for those applications, appropriate models are essential. It introduces a gray-box model practical for the design purpose.

  540. The description of Bunraku puppet's motion in computer based on labanotation

    Motofumi Hattori, Syun Nishizawa, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop 128-133 2001年

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2001.981890  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The transformation system between the movement score, the movement description in computer and the body movement data which are used to generate Computer Graphics animation of the humanoid's movement are discussed. As such, a method to describe humanoids' movement in computer which are developed based on Labanotation is proposed. This paper reports the results of transformation from the humanoid's motion captured data into the proposed movement description in computer.

  541. Agent Based Approach in Disaster Rescue Simulation - From Test-Bed of Multiagent System to Practical Application.

    Tomoichi Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masayuki Ohta, Nobuhiro Ito

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2377 LNAI 102-111 2001年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45603-1_11  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We apply multi-agent approach to search and rescue in a large-scale domain. The simulator is designed to simulate various domain specific simulation and human behaviors. Kobe-Awaji earthquake data is used as disaster scenarios and a prototype system was made open at RoboCup 2000. A rescue team composed of heterogeneous agents, - fire brigades, ambulances, and polices -, takes active part in the disastrous situation where about 100 civilian agents move autonomously. By comparing with rescue operations of two teams, we showed that the search and rescue in disasters can be used as a test-bed for multi-agent systems. The comparing experiments made clear that rescue task is not well defined in spite of its practical importance, and planning based on multi-perspectives on disaster losses is necessary. It points that the rescue problem is not only a test-bed for multi-agent system but also for laboratory work for practical system. © 2002 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

  542. The Tournament Results of the Different Leagues of RoboCup-2001.

    Andreas Birk 0002, Silvia Coradeschi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2377 LNAI 1-11 2001年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45603-1_1  



  543. Language Design for Rescue Agents.

    Itsuki Noda, Tomoichi Takahashi, Shuji Morita, Tetsuhiko Koto, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2377 LNAI 371-383 2001年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45636-8_29  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We are proposing a model of communication and a specification of language for civilian agents in RoboCup Rescue Simulation. Robust information systems are critical infrastructure for rescue in huge disasters. The main issue of the information system in the rescue domain is that the most of information sources are civilians who may report incomplete information. Proposed model and specification is designed to reflect natural features of human communication behaviors. The model is also designed in order to provide for researchers to implement new design of information devices in the simulation flexibly. Using the model and specification, we can evaluate information systems and behaviors of rescue specialist agents. © 2002 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

  544. EAP application to artificial tactile feel display of virtual reality 招待有り

    M. Konyo, S. Tadokoro, T. Takamori, K. Oguro

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4329 389-400 2001年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.432671  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A tactile feel display device for virtual reality was developed using Nation-platinum composite type EAP actuator (known as IPMC or ICPF). Conventional tactile displays can hardly express tactile human feeling of the fine touch of the surface of a cloth, because their mechanisms cannot excite minute distributed stimuli on human skin. We propose a new ciliary device using ICPF actuators. The ICPF has sufficient softness utilizing the passive material propert, that complex control is not required. The low drive voltage is safe enough for the touch of fingers. Its simple operation mechanism allows miniaturization for practical equipments. The developed device was designed with a number of cilia consisting of ICPF actuators, where a cilium is 2 mm wide and 5 mm long. An ICPF membrane is cut into pectination, and only the cilium part is plated and has a function of an actuator. An inclined configuration of the cilia produces variety of stimuli to human skin controlling frequencies. We tried to display both pressure and vibration at the same time using modulated low and high frequencies. The result clearly shows that over 80% of the subjects sensed some special tactile feeling. A comparison with real material samples shows that this display can present a subtle distinction of tactile feeling of cloth, especially like a towel and denim.

  545. Fire fighting and rescue robot in Japan 査読有り

    Hisanori Amano, Koichi Osuka, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proc. Intl. Fire Engineer 2001年1月

  546. 光造形法を用いた3自由度静電型アクチュエータの開発 査読有り

    大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所論, 高森年

    先端加工 20 (1) 56-62 2001年


  547. RoboCup Rescue: A Grand Challenge for Multiagent and Intelligent Systems.

    Hiroaki Kitano, Satoshi Tadokoro

    AI Mag. 22 (1) 39-52 2001年

    DOI: 10.1609/aimag.v22i1.1542  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Disaster rescue is one of the most serious social issues that involves very large numbers of heterogeneous agents in the hostile environment. The intention of the RoboCup Rescue project is to promote research and development in this socially significant domain at various levels, involving multiagent teamwork coordination, physical agents for search and rescue, information infrastructures, personal digital assistants, a standard simulator and decision-support systems, evaluation benchmarks for rescue strategies, and robotic systems that are all integrated into a comprehensive system in the future. For this effort, which was built on the success of the RoboCup Soccer project, we will provide forums of technical discussions and competitive evaluations for researchers and practitioners. Although the rescue domain is intuitively appealing as a large-scale multiagent and intelligent system domain, analysis has not yet revealed its domain characteristics. The first research evaluation meeting will be held at RoboCup-2001, in conjunction with the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2001), as part of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League and RoboCup/AAAI Rescue Robot Competition. In this article, we present a detailed analysis of the task domain and elucidate characteristics necessary for multiagent and intelligent systems for this domain. Then, we present an overview of the RoboCup Rescue project.

  548. A motion base with 6 degrees of freedom by parallel cable drive architecture 査読有り

    S. Tadokoro, R. Murata, T. Matsushima, Y. Murao, H. Kohkawa, M. Hiller

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2 1193-1198 2001年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes a new type of motion base for virtual sensation of acceleration. Its architecture is the parallel cable-driven mechanism. It expresses outstanding advantages in comparison with conventional Stewart platform architecture, especially on duration of virtual acceleration sensation. Optimal mechanism design is performed from the viewpoint of kinematics. Simulation results show that the WARP mechanism consisting of 3-3-2 cable configuration is one of the best designs as a motion base. The prototype developed has the maximum motion range of translation ± 0.45m × ± 0.4m × 1.1m, and of rotation ±45° in roll angle, ±45° in pitch, and ±35° in yaw. It can produce acceleration 1G for 0.8 second without using gravity at its maximum.

  549. A parallel cable-driven motion base for virtual acceleration. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshiyuki Matsushima, Yoshio Murao, Hideaki Kohkawa

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3 1700-1705 2001年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2001.977223  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents a new motion base design for creating virtual acceleration using a parallel cable-drive mechanism architecture, WARP. It has several advantages: 1) rotational motion range is large, 2) the traveling room can be grounded on the floor, 3) scene projection is possible for all the walls, and 4) redundancy improves safety for cut of cables. Optimal mechanism design is performed for a class of WARP mechanisms to develop a prototype. A trajectory planning method for long-term virtual acceleration is proposed. Low frequency component of acceleration is realized by rotational motion, and high frequency is produced by translational motion. Experimental results creating virtual acceleration of jet coaster trajectories demonstrated effectiveness of this new design.

  550. パラレルケーブル駆動アーキテクチャによるモーションベースの提案 査読有り

    田所 諭, 村田 理絵, 松島 俊之, 村尾 良男, 甲川 秀明, Hiller Man fred

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 6 (1) 57-63 2001年

    出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会

    DOI: 10.18974/tvrsj.6.1_57  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A motion base plays an important role in generating virtual sensation of the whole body motion such as on vehicles, horses, spacecrafts, and amusement machines. This paper proposes a new design of motion base using a parallel cable-driven mechanism. It has outstanding advantages over conventional Stewart platforms. Acceleration can last for a long period because possible distance of translation is long. Possible acceleration is larger in principle. Optimal mechanism design is performed for a class of WARP architecture having eight cables. Parameter optimization of mechanical design is performed for the motion range to maximize the acceleration duration. The prototype developed on the basis of the kinematic and dynamic analyses has the maximum motion range of translation ± 0.45m × ± 0.4m × 1.1m, and of rotation ±45° in roll angle, ±45° in pitch, and ±35° in yaw, showing acceleration 1G for 0.8 second without utilizing gravity.

  551. 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた布の手触り感覚を呈示する触感ディスプレイ 査読有り

    昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 小黒 啓介, 徳田 献一

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 6 (4) 323-328 2001年

    出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会

    DOI: 10.18974/tvrsj.6.4_323  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes a ciliary device using soft high polymer gel actuators to express fine touch as a surface of cloth. This new device is designed with a number of cilia consisting of ICPF actuators, where a cilimn is 2 mm wide and 5 mm long. The device can generate various distributed stimuli to human sense receptors. It was experimentally confirmed that combinations of vibratory stimuli of high frequency and low frequency produced complex tactile feels. Comparison of the artificial tactile feels and cloth material samples demonstrated that this device developed could display subtle distinction in the touch of cloth, especially like a towel and a denim.

  552. 文楽人形のモーション・キャブチャ・データと舞踊譜との相互変換におけるコンピュータ内での身体運動の記述形式

    服部 元史, 西澤 俊, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    じんもんこん2000論文集 2000 (17) 9-15 2000年12月15日

  553. Wavelet係数を用いた時系列の標準化手法(文楽人形の演技動作時系列の標準化への応用)

    服部 元史, 北川 智広, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    日本機械学会論文集. C編 66 (646) 1890-1897 2000年6月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.1890  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Observe same phenomena K times, then one obtain K sample paths x_1(・), x_2(・), …, x_K(・)of the time series. The graphs of these K sample paths are similar, but they do not same exactly. Although the state x_1(t_1)at time t_1 of the 1 st sample path and the state x_2(t_2) at time t_2 of the 2 nd sample path mean same events, t_1&nedot;t_2 and x_1(t_1)&nedot;x_2(t_2)in general. Time normalization between two sample paths x_1(・)and x_2(・)is the process of finding the time t_1 of the 1 st sample and the time t_2 of the 2 nd sample path, such that x_1(t_1) and x_2(t_2)show same events. Consider graphs of two sample paths. If the local form of the graph of the sample x_1 at time t_1 is similar to the one of the sample x_2 at time t_2, we can think that x_1(t_1)and x_2(t_2)mean same events. In order to evaluate the similarity of the local forms of the graphs, the wavelet coefficients of the sample paths are used. If one know x_1(t_1), x_2(t_2), …, x_K(t_K)mean same events, one can normalize these time fluctuations and obtain new average time series (x^^-)(t^^-) where (t^^-)=(t_1+…+t_K)/K and (x^^-)(t^^-)=(x_1(t_1)+…+x_K(t_K))/K. This time normalization method is applied to action time series of a Bunraku puppet, for generation of humanoid robots' actions with fertile emotions.

  554. RoboCup-Rescue プロジェクト(第1報)緊急対応問題へのAIとロボティクスのチャレンジ

    田所 諭, 北野 宏明

    第60回全国大会講演論文集 2000 (1) 325-326 2000年3月14日

  555. RoboCup-Rescue プロジェクト(第12 報)RoboCup-Rescue の戦略と展開

    北野宏明 高橋友一, 田所 諭

    第60回全国大会講演論文集 2000 (1) 347-348 2000年3月14日

  556. RoboCup-Rescue(1)プロジェクト構想

    北野 宏明, 田所 諭

    Bit 32 (2) 30-36 2000年2月



  557. Progress in RoboCup Soccer Research in 2000.

    Minoru Asada, Andreas Birk 0002, Enrico Pagello, Masahiro Fujita, Itsuki Noda, Satoshi Tadokoro, Dominique Duhaut, Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso, Tucker R. Balch, Hiroaki Kitano, Brian Thomas

    Experimental Robotics VII [ISER 2000, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, December 11-13, 2000](ISER) 363-372 2000年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45118-8_37  

  558. Challenges to the application of IPMC as actuators of planetary mechanisms

    Y. Bar-Cohen, S. Leary, A. Yavrouian, K. Oguro, S. Tadokoro, J. Harrison, J. Smith, J. Su

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3987 140-146 2000年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.387772  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Ion-exchange polymer membrane metallic composites (IPMC) are one of the electroactive polymers (EAP) that were shown to have potential application as actuators. The recent introduction of perfluorocarboxylate-gold composite with tetra-n-butylammonium and lithium cations instead of sodium made the most significant improvement of the material's electroactivity. Under less than 3 volts, such IPMC materials were shown to induce bending beyond a complete loop. The bending characteristic of IPMC offered an attractive actuation capability for a dust wiper in planetary applications and it was explored for the Nanorover's infrared camera window of the MUSES-CN mission. This joint NASA and the Japanese space agency mission, is scheduled to be launched from Kagoshima, Japan, in January 2002, to explore the surface of a small near-Earth asteroid. The application of EAP at space conditions posed a great challenge due to the harsh operating conditions that are expected and the critical need for robustness and durability. Several issues that are critical to the application of IPMC were addressed including operation in vacuum and low temperatures, as well as the effect of the electromechanical characteristics of the IPMC on its actuation capability. Highly efficient IPMC materials, mechanical modeling, unique elements and protective coatings were introduced to enhance the applicability of this EAP material. However, critical issues were identified that hamper the transition of IPMC from being considered for practical applications at this stage.

  559. CAE approach in application of Nafion-Pt composite (ICPF) actuators - analysis for surface wipers of NASA MUSES-CN nanorovers

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Fukuhara, Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Keisuke Oguro, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3987 262-272 2000年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.387785  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Nafion-Pt composite (ICPF) is one of the most practical electroactive polymer nearest to applications. In this paper, motion of ICPF was analyzed to design a dust wiper of a visual/IR window of Nanorover of NASA MUSES-CN mission by applying Kanno-Tadokoro simulation model. This is a gray-box model between input (voltage) and output (displacement) consisting of 3 stages: an electrical stage, a stress generation stage and a mechanical stage. In the electrical stage, the input is voltage and the output is distributed current through the membrane. In the stress generation stage, the input is the current and the output is internal stress. The mechanical stage is approximated by an elastic body or a viscoelastic body. Many results have shown validity of this model. As a result of analysis, the following were revealed. Strain near the electrode is larger than that at the tip. The actuator shows a rolling-up shape at the edges. The larger the aspect ratio of ICPF is, the larger the displacement is, because this spoils the actuator motion. A crosspiece at the tip prevents ICPF from rolling up and the efficiency is improved. Too long crosspiece disables ICPF from moving with a good performance.

  560. RoboCup-Rescue: An international cooperative research project of robotics and AI for the disaster mitigation problem

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano, Tomoichi Takahashi, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi Matsubara, Atsushi Shinjoh, Tetsuo Koto, Ikuo Takeuchi, Hironao Takahashi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Mitsunori Hatayama, Jun Nobe, Susumu Shimada

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4024 303-312 2000年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper introduces the RoboCup-Rescue Simulation Project, a contribution to the disaster mitigation, search and rescue problem. A comprehensive urban disaster simulator is constructed on distributed computers. Heterogeneous intelligent agents such as fire fighters, victims and volunteers conduct search and rescue activities in this virtual disaster world. A real world interface integrates various sensor systems and controllers of infrastructures in the real cities with the virtual world. Real-time simulation is synchronized with actual disasters, computing complex relationship between various damage factors and agent behaviors. A mission-critical man-machine interface provides portability and robustness of disaster mitigation centers, and augmented-reality interfaces for rescue parties in real disasters. It also provides a virtual-reality training function for the public. This diverse spectrum of RoboCup-Rescue contributes to the creation of the safer social system.

  561. Modeling of Nafion-Pt composite actuators (ICPF) by ionic motion

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3987 92-102 2000年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.387767  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, a white-box model of Nafion-Pt composite actuators considering the following physical phenomena is proposed: 1) ionic motion by electric field, 2) water motion by ion-drag, 3) swelling and contraction of the membrane, 4) momentum effect, 5) electrostatic force, and 6) conformation change. Computer simulation showed the following results. 1) The simulated motions agreed with experimental results improving the accuracy in comparison with the conventional models, especially on the time of the maximum displacement. 2) The nonlinear relation between input voltage and the maximum displacement was explained.

  562. An analysis of the amplitude factors of the Bunraku puppet's motion axis-for the description, analysis, and generation of humanoids' motions.

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Furuta, Syun Nishizawa, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2 900-905 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2000.885964  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to design emotional actions of CG characters, the authors analyzed the actions of a Bunraku puppet which is manipulated by an expert of puppet manipulation. The puppet's action is decomposed into a main part which is the motion of the puppet's axis and the accompaniment which is the relative motion with respect to the motion of the axis. The emotional actions of the puppet are explained by the phase factor and the amplitude factor of the motion of the puppet's axis. Based on this analysis, a simple method to design emotional actions are obtained.

  563. A method to generate humanoid's actions based on the phase and amplitude factors of its motion axes - An analysis of the Buntaku puppet's motion axis

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Furuta, Syun Nishizawa, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Kazuhito Yamada

    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop 388-393 2000年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to design emotional actions of humanoid (humanoido robots or CG characters), the authors analyzed the motions of the axes of a Bunraku puppet which is manipulated by an expert of puppet manipulation. The axes' motion are segmented to some phrases, and the emotional factor of the puppet's action are explained by time length and amplitude of each phrase. This knowledge is interpreted by the movement score Labanotation.

  564. Challenges to the transition to the practical application of IPMC as artificial-muscle actuators

    Y. Bar-Cohen, S. Leary, A. Yavrouian, K. Oguro, S. Tadokoro, J. Harrison, J. Smith, J. Su

    Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings 600 13-20 2000年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In recent years, electroactive polymers (EAP) materials have gained recognition as potential actuators with unique capabilities having the closest performance resemblance to biological muscles. Ion-exchange membrane metallic composites (IPMC) are one of the EAP materials with such a potential. The strong bending that is induced by IPMC offers attractive actuation for the construction of various mechanisms. Examples of applications that were conceived and investigated for planetary tasks include a gripper and wiper. The development of the wiper for dust removal from the window of a miniature rover, planned for launch to an asteroid, is the subject of this reported study. The application of EAP in space conditions is posing great challenge due to the harsh operating conditions that are involved and the critical need for robustness and durability. The various issues that can affect the application of IPMC were examined including operation in vacuum, low temperatures, and the effect of the electromechanical and ionic characteristics of IPMC on its actuation capability. The authors introduced highly efficient IPMC materials, mechanical modeling, unique elements and protective coatings in an effort to enhance the applicability of IPMC as an actuator of a planetary dust-wiper. Results showed that the IPMC technology is not ready yet for practical implementation due to residual deformation that is introduced under DC activation and the difficulty to protect the material ionic content over the needed 3-years durability. Further studies are under way to overcome these obstacles and other EAP materials are also being considered as alternative bending actuators.

  565. The Outline of the International Robot Games Festival.

    Eiji Nakano, Minoru Asada, Satoshi Tadokoro, Koichi Osuka, Kiyoshi Nagai, Yasuhiro Masutani, Hiroaki Kitano

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1 820-825 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2000.844152  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Japanese Government plans to hold the International Robot Games Festival in 2001, which is called 'RoboFesta 2001'. The RoboFesta 2001 will be held both in the Osaka area and Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan, and will consist of several authoritative robot games, an international forum, and lots of robot-related exhibitions during the summer and autumn in 2001. The Committee for the International Robot Games Festival was formed in April 1999 with the aim of ensuring that RoboFesta is held on a regular basis.

  566. Overview of RoboCup-2000.

    Peter Stone, Minoru Asada, Tucker R. Balch, Masahiro Fujita, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar, Henrik Hautop Lund, Paul Scerri, Satoshi Tadokoro, Gordon F. Wyeth

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2019 LNAI 1-28 2000年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45324-5_1  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Fourth Robotic Soccer World Championships was held from August 27th to September 3rd, 2000, at the Melbourne Exhibition Center in Melbourne, Australia. In total, 83 teams, consisting of about 500 people, participated in RoboCup-2000 and about 5,000 spectators watched the events. RoboCup-2000 showed dramatic improvement over past years in each of the existing robotic soccer leagues (legged, smallsize, mid-size, and simulation), while introducing RoboCup Jr. competitions and RoboCup Rescue and Humanoid demonstration events. The RoboCup Workshop, held in conjunction with the championships, provided a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences among the different leagues. This article summarizes the advances seen at RoboCup-2000, including reports from the championship teams and overviews of all the RoboCup events. © 2001 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

  567. RoboCup Rescue Disaster Simulator Architecture.

    Tomoichi Takahashi, Ikuo Takeuchi, Tetsuhiko Koto, Satoshi Tadokoro, Itsuki Noda

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2019 LNAI 379-384 2000年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45324-5_42  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    RoboCup-Rescue project aims to simulate large urban disasters and rescue agents' activities. The simulator must support both simulation of heterogeneous agents such as fire fighters, victims' behaviors and interface to disaster's environments in the real world. RoboCup-Rescue simulator is a comprehensive urban disaster simulator into which a new disaster simulator or rescue agents can be easily plugged. In this paper, the simulator's specification, based on the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and the simulator's architecture are described. © 2001 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

  568. A Design of Rescue Agents for RoboCup-Rescue. 査読有り

    Masayuki Ohta, Nobuhiro Ito, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 1886 804-804 2000年


    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-44533-1_93  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In a Multi-Agent System, it is important that an agent cooperate with the others appropriately. In our rescue agent team "NITRescue", each agent acts in cooperation with other kind of agent by using limited communication facility. Therefore they aim at coping with complicated disaster circumstances of Rescue simulator. © 2002 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

  569. 布の手触り感覚を対象とした触感ディスプレイの研究 査読有り

    昆陽雅司, 田所論, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 5th 170-175 2000年


  570. Rescue simulation project and comprehensive disaster simulator architecture. 査読有り

    Tomoichi Takahashi, Ikuo Takeuchi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3 1894-1899 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2000.895247  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    RoboCup - Rescue project aims to simulate large urban disasters and rescue agents' activities. The simulator must support both simulation of heterogeneous agents such as fire fighters, victims' behaviors and interface to disaster's environments in the real world. RoboCup - Rescue simulator is a comprehensive urban disaster simulator into which new disasters simulator or rescue agents can be easily plugged. In this paper, the simulator's specification based on the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the simulator's architecture are described.

  571. Artificial Tactile Feel Display Using Soft Gel Actuators. 査読有り

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 4 3416-3421 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2000.845250  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    It is difficult for the conventional tactile displays to express fine touch as a surface of cloth. A mechanical device appropriate for minute distributed stimuli on human skin does not exist. This paper proposes a ciliary device using soft high polymer gel actuators, ICPF, as a solution of this problem. This new device can generate various distributed stimuli to human sense receptors. It was experimentally confirmed that combinations of vibratory stimuli of high frequency and low frequency produced complex tactile feels. Comparison of the artificial tactile feels and cloth material samples demonstrated that this device developed could display subtle distinction in the touch of cloth.

  572. RoboCup Rescue project.

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano, Tomoichi Takahashi, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi Matsubara, Atsushi Shinjoh, Tetsuhiko Koto, Ikuo Takeuchi, Hironao Takahashi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Mitsunori Hatayama, Masayuki Ohta, Masayuki Tayama, Takeshi Matsui, Toshiyuki Kaneda, Ryosuke Chiba, Kazunori Takeuchi, Jun Nobe, Kazuhiko Noguchi, Yoshitaka Kuwata

    Adv. Robotics 14 (5) 423-425 2000年

    DOI: 10.1163/156855300741807  


  573. An Actuator Model of ICPF for Robotic Applications on the Basis of Physicochemical Hypotheses. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 1340-1346 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2000.844784  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer gel Film) actuator is a new high polymer gel actuator by which revolutionary robotic mechanisms are expected. Actuator models for CAE are essential to the robotic design. However, present black/gray-box models of ICPF cannot express its nonlinear characteristics with enough accuracy, In this paper, a white-box actuator model is proposed on the basis of physicochemical hypotheses on the motion principle which are supported at present. In this model, travel of sodium ions and water molecules in the actuator membrane is modeled. Internal stress is generated by swell and contraction of the gel by water content change, electrostatic force of fixed sulfonic acid groups, and momentum conservation effect. Simulation results show higher accuracy on transient response and nonlinear characteristics in comparison with conventional models.

  574. The RoboCup-Rescue Project: A Robotic Approach to the Disaster Mitigation Problem.

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano, Tomoichi Takahashi, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi Matsubara, Atsushi Shinjoh, Tetsuhiko Koto, Ikuo Takeuchi, Hironao Takahashi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Michinori Hatayama, Jun Nobe, Susumu Shimada

    Proc. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 4089-4094 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2000.845369  

  575. The RoboCup-Rescue: An IT challenge to emergency response problem in disaster 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano, Tomoichi Takahashi, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi Matsubara, Atsushi Shinjoh, Tetsuhiko Koto, Ikuo Takeuchi, Hironao Takahashi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Mitsunori Hatayama, Masayuki Ohta, Masayuki Tayama, Takeshi Matsui, Toshiyuki Kaneda, Ryosuke Chiba, Kazunori Takeuchi, Jun Nobe, Kazuhiko Noguchi, Yoshitaka Kuwata

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) 1 126-131 2000年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    RoboCup-Rescue is an international cooperative research project that IT, AI and robotics challenge to solve a universal social problem, search and rescue at emergency disasters. This paper describes this project from the viewpoint of technological challenge. It also presents RoboCup-Rescue Simulation Project where a prototype has been released attracting researchers worldwide. This project is open to the public and calling participation of researchers and research groups.

  576. 冗長ケーブル駆動ロボットのケーブル配置の基本設計に関する研究 査読有り

    田所 諭, 西岡 伸介, 木村 哲也, 服部 元史, 高森 年, 前田 潔

    日本機械学会論文集C編 66 (647) 2247-2254 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.2247  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Cable-driven parallel architecture is a new robot mechanism which is suitable especially for high-speed transfer of lightweight objects. In this paper, the optimal cable configurations are derived within a class of mechanisms redundantly driven by 8 cables from the viewpoint of working space. The working space is determined by conditions that the traveling plate must be able to receive arbitrary force and moment and that the cables must not contact. Heuristics on cable configurations were obtained through optimizing and analyzing isotropic configurations of actuator units. Classification and comparison of various symmetric configurations derived the 2 optimal configurations : Rod-type and T-type. Simulation results proved the validity of these designs and showed their advantages and disadvantages.

  577. Investigation report of the rescue problem at Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Kobe. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Koichi Osuka, Saburo Tsurutani

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3 1880-1885 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2000.895245  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake killed more than 6,500 on January 17, 1995. Many people barely escaped from the debris and actively saved buried lives. Rescue facilities are really important for the robust social systems. Robotics and mechatronics are effective for advanced rescue equipment and systems. However, there are only small number of research and development performed until now. In order for robotics researchers to start, analysis of the tasks and requirements is necessary. In this research, the processes of rescue activities just after the disaster were investigated. Specifications of rescue robotic facilities are proposed on the basis of the analysis.

  578. RoboCup Rescue project: challenges and benchmark. 査読有り

    Hiroaki Kitano, Satoshi Tadokoro, Koichi Osuka

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3 1886-1893 2000年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2000.895246  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Disaster rescue is one of the most serious social issue which involves very large numbers of hetergenious agents in the hostile environment. The intention of the RoboCup-Rescue project is to promote research and development in this socially significant domain by creating a standard simulator and forum for researchers and practitioners. While the rescue domain intuitively appealing as large scale multi-agent domains, it has not yet given through analysis on its domain characteristics. In this paper, we present detailed analysis on the task domain, challenges, and outline benchmark evaluations.

  579. The wearable system for the disaster mitigation problem: A mission-critical man-machine interface of the RoboCup-Resue simulator 査読有り

    Atsushi Shinjoh, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Proc. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence 1999年12月

  580. An Analysis and Generation of Bunraku Puppet's Motions Based on Linear Structure of Functional Factors, Emotional Factors and Stochastic Fluctuations for Generation of Humanoid Robots' Actions with Fertile Emotions.

    Motofumi Hattori, Masahiko Tsuji, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Kazuhito Yamada

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 11 (5) 393-398 1999年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.1999.p0393  

  581. Soft micromanipulation device with multiple degrees of freedom consisting of high polymer gel actuators

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Masahiro Ozawa, Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of the IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 37-42 1999年

    DOI: 10.1109/memsys.1999.746748  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Dexterity and softness of micromanipulators are important issues in assembly of fragile complex microstructures. This paper presents micromanipulator devices with 3 and 6 degrees of freedom intended for soft dextrous motion. The 3-DOF device moved 2 mm at the maximum with a response of 13 Hz. Experiments of microscopic teleoperation proved that the device was suitable for dynamic micromotion. The 6-DOF device could control 3 translation and 3 rotation independently. The practical frequency range was up to 3 Hz, the maximum displacement was 0.4 mm, and the maximum rotation angle was 2 deg.

  582. Analysis of the Bunraku puppet's motions based on the phase correspondence of the puppet's motion axis - for the generation of humanoid robots' motions with fertile emotions

    Motofumi Hattori, Yasunori Nakabo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Kazuhito Yamada

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2 1999年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to establish method to generate humanoid robots' motions with fertile emotions, the actions of a Bunraku puppet are measured and analyzed. Based on the motion axes of the Bunraku puppet, which represents primary part of motions, the emotional factors of the puppet's motion are represented in expansion and contraction of the puppet's motion time series. This method is applyed to design new actions of the puppet in computer graphics.

  583. RoboCup rescue: search and rescue in large-scale disasters as a domain for autonomous agents research

    Hiroaki Kitano, Satoshi Tadokoro, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi Matsubara, Tomoichi Takahashi, Atsuhi Shinjou, Susumu Shimada

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 6 1999年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Disaster rescue is one of the most serious social issue which involves very large numbers of heterogeneous agents in the hostile environment. RoboCup-Rescue intends to promote research and development in this socially significant domain by creating a standard simulator and forum for researchers and practitioners. While the rescue domain intuitively appealing as large scale multi-agent domains, it has not yet given through analysis on its domain characteristics. In this paper, we present detailed analysis on the task domain and elucidate characteristics necessary for multi-agent systems for this domain.

  584. 光ファイバを用いた平面露光型光造形装置の開発 査読有り

    大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    電気学会論文誌 E 119-E (4) 247-253 1999年

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejsmas.119.247  



  585. Development of a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Micromotion Device Consisting of Soft Gel Actuators. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 11 (4) 244-250 1999年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.1999.p0244  

  586. A portable parallel manipulator for search and rescue at large-scale urban earthquakes and an identification algorithm for the installation in unstructured environments. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Richard Verhoeven, Manfred Hiller, Toshi Takamori

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2 1222-1227 1999年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.1999.812846  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Essential points in robotic facilities for search and rescue at large-scale urban earthquakes were investigated. A parallel robot driven by multiple cables is proposed for transfer of debris. It is portable and is assembled rapidly in destroyed houses. An identification algorithm of mechanism parameters peculiar to this portable robot was studied. On the basis of identification error analysis, optimal number of measurement points and the size of an identification reference frame were obtained.

  587. On Design of a Redundant Wire-Driven Parallel Robot WARP Manipulator. 査読有り

    Kiyoshi Maeda, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Motofumi Hattori, Manfred Hiller, Richard Verhoeven

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 895-900 1999年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.1999.772403  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A redundant wire-driven parallel robot WARP manipulator is a new robot mechanism which is suitable especially for high speed assembling of lightweight objects such as semiconductors. In this paper, a WARP manipulator was designed from the view point of working space by considering conditions that the traveling plate must be able to generate arbitrary amounts of force and moment and the wires are not to be in contact. Simulation results of working space proved the validity of design procedure stated here. A prototype of WARP manipulator was manufactured. Kinematic parameters were calibrated for position control.

  588. Multi-DOF Device for Soft Micromanipulation Consisting of Soft Gel Actuator Elements. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Masahiro Ozawa, Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3 2177-2182 1999年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.1999.770429  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) micro motion devices which was developed using a soft gel actuator, ICPF. They are superior to conventional micromanipulators in softness and compactness. 3-DOF motion was realized by a parallel mechanism with 4 ICPF actuators, and 6-DOF motion was created by an 8-actuator mechanism. The 3-DOF device had a maximum displacement 2 mm and a fast response up to 13 Hz. Experiments of teleoperation using a joystick proved that the device had enough ability for micromanipulation in which dynamic condition was important.

  589. Development of a multi-degree-of-freedom micro motion device consisting of soft gel actuators 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 300-305 1998年8月

  590. A motion analysis of the bunraku puppet based on linear structure of functional factors, emotional factors and stochastic fluctuations -- for generation of home robots' actions with fertile emotions-- 査読有り

    Motofumi Hattori, M. Tsuji, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 873-878 1998年8月

  591. Time normalization of action time series using their wavelet coefficients-for generation of humanoid robots' actions with fertile emotions.

    Motofumi Hattori, Tomohiro Kitagawa, Masahiko Tsuji, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Kazuhito Yamada

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5 4268-4273 1998年


    DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.1998.727516  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Time series is composed of many pairs of values and times. The time means when the value appears. Suppose that we observe same phenomena plural times and obtain plural time series. Although the same values happen plural times, their appearing times fluctuate. The problem to correct these time fluctuation is called `time normalization'. We propose a new method of time normalization and apply it to action time series of a Bunraku puppet.

  592. 光造形法を用いた微小立体構造物の製作、第1報、内部硬化式光造形法の提案と樹脂の硬化形状のシミュレーション 査読有り

    大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    精密工学会誌 64 (8) 1181-1185 1998年1月

    DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.64.1181  

  593. Development of a Distributed Actuation Device Consisting of Soft Gel Actuator Elements. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Satoshi Fuji, Mitsuaki Fushimi, Ryu Kanno, Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3 2155-2160 1998年


    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.1998.680640  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    It is desirable that soft objects like organs are manipulated by soft actuation devices. This paper presents a newly developed device using a large number of actuator elements made of a soft gel material, which applies a distributed driving force on objects. The material used in the device is an ionic conducting polymer gel film and the structure of the elements is elliptical friction drive. Experimental results showed that an object placed on such a device could move at a speed of 0.62 mm/sec. This paper refers also to fundamental experiments and a concept for a more efficient drive.

  594. ソフトゲルアクチュエータを用いた分布型アクチュエーションデバイス

    田所諭, 藤智史, 高森年

    計測自動制御学会関西支部シンポジウム講演論文集 1998 217-235 1998年

  595. Robust stabilization of flexible structures using static output feedback

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 30 (4) 2215-2220 1997年12月

    DOI: 10.1016/S0362-546X(97)00109-0  


  596. ICPF (イオン導電性高分子ゲル膜) アクチュエータのモデル化 (第3報, 応力発生特性と線形近似アクチュエータモデル) 査読有り

    菅野 隆, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 小黒 啓介

    日本機械学会論文集. C編 63 (611) 2345-2350 1997年7月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.63.2345  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, an approximately linear dynamic model of the ICPF actuator is proposed. According to the strategy in the last paper, linear modeling was carried out. A source of the internal stress for bending is the internal current since the speeds of both the bending and the internal current were the same. Moreover the magnitudes of both curvatures and simulational current were also in agreement with each other. The further the distance from the base was, the larger the curvature and the current were. To model bending motion to the cathode under a step input, an approximation that the internal current is differentiated with time before transferring to generarive stress was taken with a 2nd-order delay. The simulation results obtained using the above model agreed with the experimental results.

  597. An Elliptic Friction Drive Element Using an ICPF Actuator 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Takahiko Murakami, Satoshi Fuji, Ryu Kanno, Motofumi Hattori, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    IEEE Control Systems 17 (3) 60-68 1997年6月


    DOI: 10.1109/37.588149  



  598. 人間と共存協調するロボットのための回避行動の生成 (第2報,移動ロボットの移動障害物回避) 査読有り

    田所 諭, 林 真樹, 真部 靖弘, 中見 至宏, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集. C編 63 (606) 499-505 1997年2月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.63.499  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents a trajectory planning method by which human cooperative mobile robots can avoid collision with human bodies. Indefinite human motion is predicted using a stochastic predictor. Evaluation of collision risk and efficiency of trajectory are taken in account in an evaluating function. Optimization using a genetic algorithm gives the robot trajectory. The mobile robots move so as to maximize safety taking into account every possible human motion. Simulation results showed that the robot could determine appropriate trajectories avoiding danger and that reasonable trajectories were generated even if human motion unexpectedly changed.

  599. Generalization of direct strain feedback control for flexible structures with spatially varying parameters and a tip body (a new example of the A-dependent operator)

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of the American Control Conference 4 2333-2336 1997年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    It is shown that the direct strain feedback is valid for flexible structures with spatially varying parameters (of stiffness and damping) and a tip body (tip mass). For this direct strain feedback strategy, both the system structure and measurement structure will be extended.

  600. Motion analysis of the Bunraku puppet for generation of emotional robot actions based on KM<inf>2</inf>O-Langevin model

    M. Hattori, M. Tsuji, Y. Nakabou, S. Tadokoro, T. Takamori

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 4 3267-3272 1997年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Human robots must have actions with fertile emotion, in order to cooperate with human being, To clarify `what is the emotional factor of actions', the actions of a Bunraku puppet are analyzed. The observed action time series are modeled by stochastic difference equations (KM2O-Langevin equations) with exogenous sources which represent the sources of functional factors, emotional factors and stochastic fluctuation factors. The identification method for KM2O-Langevin equations with exogenous sources is established. The real observed action time series are analyzed by this method.

  601. On Robotic Rescue Facilities for Disastrous Earthquakes -From the Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Saburo Tsurutani, Koichi Osuka

    J. Robotics Mechatronics 9 (1) 46-56 1997年

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.1997.p0046  

  602. ICPF(イオン導電性高分子ゲル膜)アクチュエータのモデル化(第1報,基礎的特性とブラックボックスモデリング) 査読有り

    菅野 隆, 田所 諭, 服部 元史, 高森 年, 小黒 啓介

    日本機械学会論文集. C編 62 (598) 2299-2305 1996年6月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.62.2299  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An ionic conducting polymer gel film (ICPF) atuator is a composite of a perfluoro-sulfonic acid membrane sandwiched between platinum layers. Bending motion is induced by applying voltage between the surfaces in water or in wet conditions. This phenomenon was discovered in 1992. After reaching the maximum displacement toward the anode immediately, the actuator bent back to the cathode side, and approached the initial position gradually when a step voltage was applied. Current through the actuator decreased exponentially. The maximum displacement was proportional to the magnitude of the step voltage. Motion induced by a step current was almost the same as that induced by a step voltage but was slower. Voltage induced by the current increased gradually and reached a certain value, then increased once more to a steady voltage. The motion did not depend on the direction on the surface. The bending occured in all directions. Larger displacement was observed near the electrode. Dynamics of the actuator was expressed in terms of a 4th-degree transfer function by black-box linear modeling. Simulation results were in good agrrement with the experimental results.

  603. 3-dimensional dynamic model of ionic conducting polymer gel film (ICPF) actuator

    Ryu Kanno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 3 2179-2184 1996年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, a 3-dimensional model of the ICPF actuator and its experimental verifications are investigated. The 3-dimensional model was build based on the same strategy as 2-dimensional modeling. Experiments using an actuator, that has smaller aspect ratio than that for conventional experiments, for verifications of the 3-dimensional model were carried out. As experimental results, the followings became clear. The ICPF actuator bends in all direction as expected, and it has different frequency characteristics at each points on the surface. Although displacement contours on the surface have no remarkable regularity, the point where generates the largest displacement were generally the apexes at the tip. In addition, it gave a rolling-up shape at the tip in the direction of bending at the displacement peaks. However, the simulational results did not always agree with the experimental results. More precise examinations are necessary in future to conclude the issue.

  604. Linear approximate dynamic model of ICPF (ionic conducting polymer gel film) actuator. 査読有り

    Ryu Kanno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Motofumi Hattori, Keisuke Oguro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1 219-225 1996年

    出版者・発行元:I E E E

    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.1996.503781  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The ionic conducting polymer gel film (ICPF) actuator is a perfluorosulfonic acid membrane plated with platinum on its both surfaces. It bends in water and in wet condition by applying a low voltage of 1.5 V to its surfaces. This phenomenon was discovered in 1992. The principle of the motion is still unknown. This paper discusses 2-dimensional linear approximate modeling of the ICPF actuator. The authors are proposing a dynamic model of the actuator consisting of an electrical stage, a stress generation stage and a mechanical stage. In the stress generation stage, time derivative of current generates the internal stress with a second degree delay. Expansion and contraction of each surface induce bending motion in the mechanical stage. Simulation results were in agreement with actual responses.

  605. An elliptic friction drive element using an ICPF (ionic conducting polymer gel film) actuator. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Takahiko Murakami, Satoshi Fuji, Ryu Kanno, Motofumi Hattori, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1 205-212 1996年

    出版者・発行元:I E E E

    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.1996.503596  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The ICPF (ionic conducting polymer gel film) actuator, which has advantages such as low driving voltage, high speed, and capability for underwater motion, was discovered in 1992. This paper presents a new actuator element using an ICPF which generates an elliptic motion, as used in ultrasonic motors, to drive objects by friction. A method of forming a pattern of ICPF on a membrane was developed for production of the element. Experimental elements effectively functioned as driving devices and successfully drove a rotary motor as an application. Experiments and modeling revealed the relation of the resultant elliptic motion to control signals and design parameters.

  606. An analysis of BUNRAKU puppet actions for the generation of humanlike actions of home robots. 査読有り

    Moriyoshi Teruya, Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Kazuhito Yamada

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 1 44-51 1996年

    出版者・発行元:I E E E

    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.1996.570626  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Home robots must have actions with emotion, in order to cooperate with human being, To clarify 'what is the emotional factor of actions', the actions of a Bunraku puppet are analyzed. The hypothesis that 'the action is decomposed into the functional factor, the emotional factors and the random factors' is presented. This hypothesis is examined based on the experimental data of real actions of the puppet.

  607. Note on the mathematical essence of the static output feedback control of flexible structures 査読有り

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 3 2355-3592 1996年

    出版者・発行元:I E E E


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this report, we propose theoretical essences of the stabilization of flexible structures by using the static output feedback control. This shows that not only strain outputs but also other outputs are valid in this control method for flexible structures of many boundary conditions including cantilevers, free ends, and other general boundary conditions. Sufficient conditions of structures and observation mechanisms are obtained for the closed loop systems to be asymptotically stable.

  608. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第7報 3Dモデル 査読有り

    菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol B) 692-698 1996年

  609. 人間と共存協調するロボットのための回避行動の生成 (第1報 人間の運動の確率的予測とマニピュレータの回避計画) 招待有り 査読有り

    田所 諭, 石川 裕, 武部 智全, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集C編 62 (598) 2329-2336 1996年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.62.2329  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes a control model for safety of human cooperative robots. Human motion is stochastically predicted by a Markov process model. Simulation results of the prediction corresponded to real human motion. Future dangerousness is estimated by using the predicted motion. Robot speed is changed in order to minimize the danger. Simulation results of the avoidance revealed that this control model is effective especially because prediction errors cannot cause extremely dangerous condition unlike by algorithms based on deterministic prediction.

  610. Modeling and scheduling of FMS using decentralized Petri net 査読有り

    T Maekawa, S Tadokoro, T Takamori, M Hattori



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper discusses a job-shop problem of FMS using AGVs. Jobs, machine cells and AGVs are described by decentralized timed color Petri-net modules with a communication module. This strategy simplified the net design. Priority functions solve conflicts in scheduling. Advantages of this method are 1) remodelling is easy which is necessary in the case of alternation of jobs and systems, and 2) efficient re-scheduling is automatically performed in the case of system troubles.

  611. バイメタル素子を用いた光マイクロアクチュエータの基礎特性解析 査読有り

    三明暢生, 中川裕一, 服部元史, 木村哲也, 田所諭, 高森年, LIU R

    日本機械学会通常総会講演会講演論文集 73rd (Pt 4) 516-521 1996年

  612. On fundamental design of wire configurations of wire-driven parallel manipulators with redundancy 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinsuke Nishioka, Tetsuya Kimura, Motofumi Hattori, Toshi Takamori, Kiyoshi Maeda

    Proceedings of the Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Automation 1 151-158 1996年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Wire-driven parallel architecture is a new robot mechanism which is suitable especially for high-speed transfer of lightweight objects. In this paper, the optimal wire configurations are derived within a class of mechanisms redundantly driven by 8 wires from the viewpoint of working space. The working space is determined by conditions that the traveling plate must be able to receive arbitrary force and moment and that the wires must not contact. Heuristics on wire configurations were obtained through optimizing and analyzing isotropic configurations of actuator units. Classification and comparison of all the symmetric configurations derived the 2 optimal configurations: Rod-type and T-type. Simulation results proved the validity of these designs and showed their merits and demerits.

  613. ICPF(イオン導電性高分子ゲル膜)アクチュエータのモデル化 第2報 電気的特性とその線形近似モデリング 査読有り

    菅野 隆, 田所 諭, 服部 元史, 高森 年, 小黒 啓介

    日本機械学会論文集C編 62 (601) 3529-3535 1996年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.62.3529  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An ionic conducting polymer gel film (ICPF) actuator, which is a kind of high polymer gel actuator, is a composite that has a 184-&mu;m-thick perfluoro-sulfonic acid membrane sandwiched between platinum layers. In this paper, modeling of the actuator is investigated. First, the modeling strategy of the actuator dynamics is considered because the principle of the actuator is unknown. The assumption of division of its characteristics between input (voltage) and output (displacement) into three stages: an electrical stage, a stress generation stage and a mechanical stage, is reasonable according to observation and consideration of the actuator responses. The electrical characteristic model involves surface resistances comprised of porous platinum layers, resistance of the gel membrane permeated with water, and a characteristic resembling a 1st-order delay that is expressed in terms of series connections of a resistance and capacitance. A distributed parameter system consisting of the above elements can be used to represent the electrical dynamics of the actuator.

  614. 学習による溶接ロボットのウィ-ビング動作の改善に関する実験的研究 査読有り

    田所 諭, 小林 直人, 川崎 暢一, 宮崎 典明, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集. C編 61 (590) 4021-4026 1995年10月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.61.4021  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, weaving trajectories of welding robots are improved by incorporating learning methods. Using functions for evaluating trajectory error based on data from accelerometers, a learning method of one-dimensional optimization and that based on a model of weaving amplitudes and phases were adopted. Experimental results showed that learning methods effectively improved the weaving trajectories of welding robots; accurate weaving trajectories were obtained by only 30 learning repetitions at most. It was also revealed that continuous weaving motion along welding lines was possible by interpolation of parameter values.

  615. ぺトリネットによるAGV群を用いたFMSのスケジューリングと再スケジューリング 査読有り

    李 士芳, 高森 年, 田所 /諭, 服部 元史

    システム制御情報学会論文誌 8 (10) 612-620 1995年10月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会

    DOI: 10.5687/iscie.8.612  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper deals with a scheduling and re-scheduling method for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) using automatically guided vehicles (AGVs) and input-output buffers. The purpose is to solve coordination problems of AGVs transferring jobs between machines so as to minimize idle time of each machine and the total job processing time without collision of AGVs, and quick generation of another substituting effective schedule in the case of troubles of AGVs. A hierachical timed Petri net is applied to modeling and analysis of systems. Two priority functions are defined to effectively determine job processing precedence relationships among machining orders and AGV assignment. Some scheduling simulation results are also shown in this paper.

  616. タイム・ディレイ・コントロ-ルを使用した6自由度手首関節機構の位置制御 査読有り

    前田 潔, 矢坂 功, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集. C編 61 (584) 1543-1549 1995年4月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.61.1543  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A 6-DOF direct-drive wrist joint with the mechanism of a Stewart platform which is driven by pneumatic actuators is controlled by using time delay control (to be referred as TDC). TDC is based on the idea that modeling error and disturbance are estimated and compensated for by algebraic computation. A reference model was made according to a linearized approximation model. Time delay and entimated value of input gain of the plant, which are parameters in TDC design, were determined to satisfy conditions of tracking and stability. Experimental results showed that TDC compensated changes of parameters by nonlinearity of pneumatic actuators, changes of inertia and gravity terms by platform motion, and dynamic interference between actuators. Good trajectories were achieved with TDC.

  617. Dynamic model of ICPF (ionic conducting polymer film) actuator

    Ryu Kanno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Motofumi Hattori, Toshi Takamori, Michel Costaftis, Keisuke Oguro

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1 177-182 1995年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An ionic conducting polymer film (ICPF) actuator is a filmy composite made of perfluorosulfonic acid (PFS) membrane and surface platinum layers. It has many merits of low driving voltage, quick responsiveness, high durability, possibility of miniaturizability, and distributableness. In this paper, modeling of ICPF actuator is discussed. There are three stages in the model: an electric stage, a stress generation stage, and a mechanical stage. A linear electric characteristic model was built as the first element of the model of which input is voltage. Electric current is the input for the stress generation stage. Characteristics of time derivative and second-degree delay exist in generation of internal stress. The actuator material includes mechanical internal friction in addition to hysteresis. From many experiments and analyses, a linear approximation model with identified parameters was proposed.

  618. Motion planner of mobile robots which avoid moving human obstacles on the basis of stochastic prediction

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masaki Hayashi, Yasuhiro Manabe, Yoshihiro Nakami, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 4 3286-3291 1995年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, a trajectory planning method by which autonomous mobile robots accomplish their tasks avoiding human obstacles with uncertain motions is proposed. Human motions in the near future are predicted by a motion predictor using a stochastic process model as probability maps of existence of obstacles. On the basis of these maps, time and magnitude of danger of collision are estimated Robot trajectories are determined so that a function evaluating planned trajectories becomes optimal. The characteristics of this method are that it does not need any heuristics for strategy of avoidance, and that the two problems of motion prediction and of motion determination are distinguished. Simulations were performed supposing that a man and a mobile robot coexisted and moved in a room. The results revealed that robots can determine suitable trajectories to the goals avoiding obstacles even if human motions dynamically change.

  619. A Design Method for Control Systems with Disturbance Observers Using H∞ Optimal Control 査読有り

    HsinNan Lin, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    10th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control 472-477 1995年


  620. On motion planning of mobile robots which coexist and cooperate with human. 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masaki Hayashi, Yasuhiro Manabe, Yoshihiro Nakami, Toshi Takamori

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2 518-523 1995年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.1995.526265  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, a motion planning method for mobile robots that coexist and cooperate with human being to avoid collision is proposed. Human motion, which has large uncertainty, is predicted by a motion predictor using a stochastic process model to generate probability distribution maps of human existence in near future. An evaluating function is defined considering danger of collision and efficiency of trajectories. A genetic algorithm determines the robot trajectory by optimizing the function. This procedure is repeated for each sampling time. The robot moves maintaining high safety against various possible human motion. Simulation results revealed that robots can reach goals avoiding danger along appropriate trajectories and that this method is effective especially for the case where optimal trajectories dynamically vary according to change of human motion.

  621. Modeling of ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer Film) actuator - modeling of electrical characteristics - 査読有り

    Ryu Kanno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Motofumi Hattori, Keisuke Oguro

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) 2 913-918 1995年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The ionic conducting polymer film (ICPF) actuator is a filmy composite made of a perfluorosulfonic acid (PFS) membrane sandwiched between porous platinum layers. It can be driven by direct voltage input to its surfaces in wet condition. In this study, the electrical characteristics of the actuator were investigated. The electrical characteristics of the actuator were represented by the surface resistances of the porous platinum layers, resistance of the gel membrane permeated with water, and a series connection of resistance and capacitance. The model was composed of a distributed-constant system of the above elements. Moreover, the distributed current through the series connection of resistance and capacitance was possibly concerned with the generation of internal stresses causing the actuator to bend.

  622. Time Delay Control of a 6-DOF Direct Drive Wrist Joint Using Pneumatic Actuators 査読有り

    Kiyoshi Maeda, Isao Yasaka, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    93 International Conference on Advanced Robotics 159-164 1993年11月

  623. Control of human cooperative robots based on stochastic prediction of human motion

    S. Tadokoro, T. Takebe, Y. Ishikawa, T. Takamori

    Proceedings of 1993 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, RO-MAN 1993 387-392 1993年

    DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.1993.367687  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors propose a control model for human cooperative robots. In this model, the future human position is predicted on the basis of the measured human motion by a human recognition system. Robot trajectories are modified to improve safety which is computed using the prediction result. In this paper, a prediction method of stochastic process is adopted for the control model. In a room which is divided into square cells, a human state variable (cell number, direction and speed of motion) is stochastically made transitions as a Markov process. Simulation was performed for a room where a man and a robot are working together. The results demonstrated that the stochastic prediction is very effective for planning robot trajectories against danger, by which the robot can predict danger much earlier than by using the deterministic prediction method.

  624. Stochastic prediction of human motion and control of robots in the service of human

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Tomoaki Takebe, Yutaka Ishikawa, Toshi Takamori

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1 503-508 1993年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors propose a control model for human cooperative robots. According to human motion which is measured by a human recognition system, future human position is predicted. Robot trajectories are changes by acceleration/deceleration/stop so as to minimize danger, which is computed by the predicted data. In this paper, a model of stochastic process is adopted for the prediction because it can prevent inappropriate robot motion which might be caused by prediction error. A prediction plane is divided into square cells. Each cell has probability data by which cell number, direction and speed change. They are determined by the characteristics of motion of places beforehand. Computation of stochastic state transition chain predicts probability that human exists in a cell at future time. Application to a laboratory room demonstrated that this method is effective for safe motion of human cooperative robots.

  625. マニピュレータ動作の加速度の偏りを考慮した動的可操作性の評価法 査読有り

    田所 諭, 高森 年

    計測自動制御学会論文集 29 (4) 419-428 1993年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.9746/sicetr1965.29.419  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, a new index for evaluation of dexterity is proposed on the basis of manipulator dynamics. It is called <b>Stochastic Dynamic Manipulability Measure</b>.<br>It can deal with deviation of end-effector acceleration according to the direction of motion, which is a characteristic of required manipulator motion. Therefore, it can evaluate how suitable a robot mechanism is for its objective task considering features of the motion. This ability is really important for a dexterity index because a manipulator mechanism is designed to be able to perform its objective task. It does not mean undexterity that it cannot accomplish other tasks efficiently.<br>The deviation is given by a probability density function. The evaluation is based on expected value of mean of joint torques which are necessary for stochastically described motion.<br>Applications to 2- and 3-DOF manipulators revealed the following.<br>1. It is important to consider deviation of motion in dexterity evaluation.<br>2. Stochastic dynamic manipulability always values worse when there is a direction in which it is extremely difficult for an end-effector to move.<br>3. Singular points sometimes substantially lose their singularity.<br>4. Optimal trajectory can be planned by using contour-line maps of stochastic dynamic manipulability in joint acceleration space.<br>5. Contour-line maps in task space help optimal mechanism design and installation planning of manipulators.<br>6. Maps in null space of Jacobian matrix can be used to determine configurations of redundant manipulators.




    出版者・発行元:I E E E

  627. 6自由度手首関節機構の受動的インピーダンスの解析 査読有り

    前田潔, 田所諭, 高森年

    海技大学校研究報告 (38) 39-44 1993年


    DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-444-89700-8.50010-5  


  628. ロボットマニピュレータの動作の性質を考慮した可操作性の評価法 査読有り

    田所 諭, 高森 年

    計測自動制御学会論文集 29 (6) 668-676 1993年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.9746/sicetr1965.29.668  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Dexterity is an important issue for design, installation planning, trajectory planning, etc. of manipulators.<br>Many evaluating methods have been proposed such as Yoshikawa's manipulability. They have, however, some problems, one of which is that they cannot consider characteristics of manipulator motion. It has been impossible to evaluate how efficient a manipulator mechanism is from a viewpoint of characteristics of a required task. A manipulator should be evaluated to be dexterous when it can efficiently perform its required task even if it cannot accomplish other kind of tasks very well.<br>In this paper, a new dexterity measure <b>stochastic manipulability measure</b> is presented. It can evaluate kinematic dexterity considering deviation of direction of required manipulator motion, which is one of the characteristics of a task. Stochastic manipulability is based on expected value of mean of necessary joint velocity under a stochastic interpretation of required motion. The deviation is specified using a probability density function.<br>Applications to 2-, 3- and 6-DOF manipulators revealed the following:<br>1. stochastic manipulability can evaluate dexterity considering deviation of motion, <br>2. it can be used for comparison of manipulators with different DOFs, <br>3. it is important to consider the deviation of motion in evaluation, <br>4. singular points can substantially lose their singularity, and<br>5. optimal trajectory of redundant manipulators can be obtained using maps in null space of Jacobian matrix.




    出版者・発行元:I E E E

  630. ペトリネットモデルによる複数搬送車を用いたFMSスケジューリング問題へのアプローチ 査読有り

    LI S, 高森年, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1993 145-150 1993年

  631. Applications of Petri-Net to Modeling and Scheduling Problems of Flexible Manufacturing System Using Robots. 査読有り

    Shifang Li, Toshi Takamori, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, Elsevier Sci. Publ. 955-960 1993年


    DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-444-89700-8.50156-1  

  632. 5.神戸大学工学部情報知能工学科高森研究室

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 10 (6) 759-759 1992年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.10.759  






  634. 直動型空気圧アクチュエータのタイム・ディレイ・コントロール 査読有り

    藤本 憲司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    油圧と空気圧 23 (4) 412-419 1992年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 日本フルードパワーシステム学会

    DOI: 10.5739/jfps1970.23.412  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    When PID control or optimal control is used for pneumatic servo systems, it is not always easy to get a good response under a wide range of working positions, because exact models for the pneumatic actuators cannot be obtained and because their dynamics is very nonlinear. The Time Delay Control (TDC), however, can rapidly compensate for the modeling error and nonlinearity using a simple control scheme.<BR>In this paper, TDC was applied to a pneumatic position control system consisting of a pneumatic cylinder and on-off type reed valves driven by PWM. The effectiveness of the pneumatic system controlled by TDC was confirmed with simulations and experiments. The main results are as follows : <BR>1. A simple TDC controller was designed, in which the piston position, velocity, acceleration and derivative of acceleration are used as state variables.<BR>2. TDC can rapidly compensate for the nonlinearity in dynamics due to gas compressibility.<BR>3. This system always has a good response for any reference position and for any piston moving direction.<BR>4. The system is strong against modeling errors occurring at high frequencies due to the friction effect and so on if an estimated input gain of a plant is made larger than the real value. <BR>This study utilizing TDC demonstrates that a pneumatic position control system can be designed even by rough parameter identification, and that it always has a good response under a wide range of operating conditions.

  635. A Measure for Evaluation of Dynamic Dexterity Based on a Stochastic Interpretation of Manipulator Motion

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Ichiro Kimura, Toshi Takamori

    Proc. of 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 509-514 1991年6月

  636. A human recognition system for avoidance of robot accidents

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Tanaka, Toshi Takamori

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) 3 2247-2252 1991年

    出版者・発行元:I E E E

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A recognition system for human motion is presented with which robots can autonomously avoid accidents which might be caused by human mistakes. This system is composed of a human position sensor subsystem and a motion monitor subsystem. In the human position sensor subsystem, infrared sensors and ultrasonic ones, respectively, measure human directions and distances. The motion monitor subsystem identifies human positions and obtains human trajectories using an evaluating function. Experimental results demonstrate that this system could completely recognize human motion within a radius of 3.5 m.

  637. Derivation and analysis of equations of motion for 6-DOE direct-drive wrist joint.

    Kenji Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Kinoshita, Kiyoshi Maeda, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems 779-784 1991年


    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.1991.174576  

  638. An Evaluation of Characteristics of Singular Points Based on a Stochastic Interpretation of Manipulator Motion

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Ichiro Kimura, Toshi Takamori

    Proc. of the 1st International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics D2 (2) 1-7 1990年6月

  639. Development of a 6-D.O.F. direct-drive wrist joint by pneumatic linear actuator drive

    K. Fujimoto, S. Tadokoro, T. Takamori

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) 1 427-432 1990年

    出版者・発行元:I E E E

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Consideration is given to a six-degree-of-freedom direct-drive wrist joint consisting of six bellows-type pneumatic linear actuators and two plates which have been connected like an octahedron. The static and dynamic performances of its prototype are described. The control of the wrist joint has been done by means of regulating the length of each actuator. To make the control easier, the authors introduced an approximate model of the wrist joint by assuming that each actuator is free from mutual constraints and designed a position control system according to the PID (proportional plus integral plus derivative) control law. The experimental results show that this wrist joint can be accurately controlled with this system.

  640. ロボット環境の安全性向上に関する研究 第4報: 事故回避のための制御モデルとその3Dシミュレーション

    鬼追雅年, 田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 8th (1) 559-564 1990年

  641. 上肢運動の動作解析に関する研究 手首位置と肩の回転角との関係について 査読有り

    田所諭, 相川誠, 市道和広

    人間工学 26 (1) 41-47 1990年

    DOI: 10.5100/jje.26.41  


  642. Dexterity measure for trajectory planning and kinematic design of redundant manipulators 査読有り

    S. Tadokoro, I. Kimura, T. Takamori

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) 2 415-420 1989年

    出版者・発行元:I E E E

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A novel measure for end-effector dexterity called stochastic manipulability is proposed. This index is based on a kinematic value that is invariable according to the degrees of freedom (DOFs) of manipulator mechanisms and those of task spaces. The harmonic mean manipulability index is improved by normalizing the measure through stochastic consideration of manipulator motion and by adopting the average of joint speeds in place of the sum. This measure can compare the dexterities of manipulators having various DOFs. Therefore, the measure is effective not only for trajectory planning but also for kinematic design by simulation comparisons. The application to 2-DOF and 3-DOF planar manipulators demonstrates the usefulness of the index.

  643. 関節変形モデルに基づくマニピュレータの振動シミュレーション 招待有り 査読有り

    田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年

    システム/制御/情報 33 (2) 46-53 1989年

    DOI: 10.5687/iscie.2.46  


  644. A Solution of Inverse Dynamics of Manipulators with Elasticity and Backlashes at Joints

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Ichiro Kimura, Toshi Takamori

    Proc. of Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation 37-44 1986年7月


    Gotaro Odawara, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroshi Masaki, Kazuhiko Iijima

    Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Series B 37 (4) 921-932 1984年9月


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes a gate-array layout system, LOP-ARP2, as a subsystem of Packaging Automation System (PAS), which is a total design system for digital circuits. A new placement technique is proposed: Hierarchical Force Directed Technique considering Circuit Structure, which has been proved to be efficient to large scale gate-arrays.

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

MISC 917

  1. 橋梁点検を支援する通信中継ドローンのための事前電波シミュレーションに基づく最適経路計画法

    横田将輝, 岡田佳都, 安部祐一, 児島史秀, 宮地利幸, 原井洋明, 沢田浩和, 松村武, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 28th 2023年


  2. 片持ち送水管の流体噴射による安定浮上制御

    安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 65 238-244 2021年5月26日


  3. 空飛ぶ消火ホースの遠隔操作を目指した根本台車の制御方法の検討 台車運動が安定浮上に与える影響の分析

    前澤 侑大, 山内 悠, 安藤 久人, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 圓山 重直, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 65 895-897 2021年5月26日


  4. 可変幅式滑着切替え車輪メカニズム-風力発電ブレード補修ロボットのための前縁非接触式移動機構-

    佐野(林)峻輔, 竹囲年延, 高橋知也, 恩田一生, 阿部一樹, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 22nd 2021年

  5. ドローン(球殻ヘリ)へのアンテナ取付位置に関する一検討

    沢田浩和, 松田隆志, 飯草恭一, 松村武, 児島史秀, 田所諭, 大野和則, 岡田佳都

    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2021 2021年


  6. 臀部せん断刺激による座位姿勢時の前後身体傾斜感の調査 (知覚情報研究会・力触覚提示デバイス)

    矢内 智大, 昆陽 雅司, 堀江 新, 田所 諭

    電気学会研究会資料. PI = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Perception Information", IEE Japan, 2020 (20) 13-17 2020年3月2日


  7. 空飛ぶ消火ホースロボットの特性を考慮した至近距離からの放水による火災抑制効果の検証

    安藤久人, 安部祐一, 山口智香, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 鳥飼宏之, 圓山重直, 田所諭

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集 2020 (CD-ROM) 2020年

  8. 飛行体の安定・連続着陸のための吊り下げ式ポートシステム:―離発着のロバスト性向上のための受動位置決め機構の考案―

    藤倉 大貴, 多田隈 建二郎, 渡辺 将広, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2A2-B06 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2A2-B06  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Currently, drone research and development has received significant attention worldwide. Particularly, delivery services employ drones as it is a viable method to improve delivery efficiency by using a several unmanned drones. However, regarding the takeoff and landing port of the drones, the continuous landing of multiple drones has not been realized. Here, we propose a new port system, "EAGLES Port," that allows several drones to continuously land and takeoff in a short time. Experiments verified that the landing time efficiency of the proposed port is ideally 7.5 times higher than that of conventional vertical landing systems. Moreover, the system can tolerate 270 mm of horizontal positional error, ± 40° of angular error of drones, and up to 1.9 m/s of drone's approach speed. This technology significantly contributes to the scalability of drone usage. Therefore, it is critical for the development of a future drone port for automated drone swarms.</p>

  9. 膜破損時にも柔剛切替機能を維持可能な被覆式ジャミンググリッパ機構:― 基本保持特性の評価 ―

    恩田 一生, 小澤 悠, 髙橋 知也, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2A2-I07 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2A2-I07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We have proposed a jamming membrane mechanism and a one-dimensional jamming mechanism as variable stiffness mechanism. These can be used as grippers that can firmly grasp complex shape objects. However, it is difficult for the jamming membrane gripper to grasp sharp objects, and for the one-dimensional jamming mechanism gripper to grasp fine objects. To solve these problems, we proposed a covered jamming mechanism. This mechanism encloses a striatum composed of beads in a rubber membrane. First, the basic principle of the devised mechanism was explained. Next, a basic experiment for holding an object were conducted using a covered jamming mechanism gripper based on the principle.</p>

  10. 受動回転球殻UAVによる法面点検システム:―第2報: パラレルワイヤによる法面上位置決めシステムの構築―

    韓 子瞳, 岡田 佳都, 林 聡輔, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2A2-B16 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2A2-B16  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Although slopes or cliffs are needed to be inspected every 5 years, this law is not observed now. Due to few artisans and danger of dropping down, there are demands of using robots to inspect slopes or cliffs. Because the slope or cliffs surface is usually huge, rough, uneven, sometimes not easy to access, and has occasionally steps which have 300[mm] at most, there is no robot which can inspect whole slope efficiently now. The passive rotating spherical shell multicopters which are being developed by our research team can avoid crashes by contact with some objects and can efficiently move along walls using passive rotating spherical shell as a wheel. In this paper, we propose a new inspection system for cliffs with passive rotating spherical shell UAV which can move up, down, and horizontal direction and can stay near the targets. After making the system, we confirmed these function in section 4.</p>

  11. ダイアグラムを用いた災害救助犬の捜索能力の可視化

    田村 涼一郎, 大野 和則, 西野間 洋之, 鈴木 太郎, 永澤 美保, 菊水 健史, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1A1-O07 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1A1-O07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>The purpose of this study is visualization of the search ability on different breeds and individuals for search and rescue dogs by using handler and dog behavior measurement suits. In this paper, to visualize the dog's search ability affected by multiple factors, the dog's movement speed, the amount of movement, the time spent finding victims, the number of handler commands, the relative distance to the handler, the distance from the handler is defined as six quantitative measures, and visualized search ability. In addition, to show the trade-off and tendency of the search ability in each dog, the overhead notation of search ability using diagrams is proposed.</p>

  12. ヒモムシの吻構造に基づく先端伸展型トーラス機構:―屈曲時でも先端折返し収納が可能な水力学的骨格構造の考案と動作解析―

    高橋 知也, 波々伯部 夏美, 渡辺 将広, 柁原 宏, 山崎 剛史, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1P2-J12 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1P2-J12  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Soft robots have attracted much attention in recent years owing to their high adaptability. Long articulated soft robots enable diverse operations, and tip-extending robots that navigate their environment through growth are highly effective in robotic search applications. Since the robot membrane extends from the tip, these robots can lengthen without any friction from the environment. However, the flexibility of the membrane inhibits tip retraction and causes buckling. To resolve this issue, two methods have been proposed; increase the pressure of the internal fluid to enhance the rigidity and mount an actuator at the tip. The disadvantage of the former is that the pressure is limited by the membrane strength, while the second method leads to the robot complexity. In this paper, we present a tip-retraction mechanism without buckling that takes advantage of the friction from the external environment.</p>

  13. 軸方向推進の観点からの全方向駆動メカニズム:― 繊毛振動体の実機具現化と交差型ヘリカル歯車機構による移動体化 ―

    恩田 一生, 田所 諭, 高橋 知也, 小澤 悠, 清水 杜織, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 多田隈 理一郎, 昆陽 雅司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1A1-H14 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1A1-H14  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>The omnidirectional motion can move any direction without changing the direction of its own. The authors have developed Wave-wheel mechanism and Screw-type differential rotating mechanism. Also, the stepping performance were improved by extending the ground point from point to line. In addition, we have evaluated the motion characteristics of one ciliated wheel mechanism. In this paper, we examined the composition for vehiclization. In the vehicle configuration, the minimum necessary two units are arranged in parallel. We conducted experiments using actual mechanisms and confirmed that the inventive principle is also effective for vehicle construction, omnidirectional motion.</p>

  14. 平凸レンズを利用した照射器の短尺化と光誘導スーツによるイヌの屋外誘導の検証

    西野間 洋之, 脇裕 紀乃, 田村 涼一郎, Nayak Sandeep Kumar, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 菊水 健史, 永澤 美保, 土橋 直子, 村山 未来, 飯泉 佑香, 古山 佳保里, 小野 七海

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1A1-O04 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1A1-O04  


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    <p>Our research is canine guidance using spotlights. Using dogs' habit following light, a spotlight guidance suit can remotely guide dogs by switching spotlight irradiation. The problem was that the spotlight devices were long and could get caught in the dog's surrounding environment. In this study, we considered lenses with different focal lengths and shapes using an optical simulator to shorten the length of the spotlight devices. By using a short focal length and a plano-convex lens, we succeeded in shortening the spotlight device. In addition, we verified to guide canine outdoors using a spotlight guidance suit. The difficulty of outdoor guidance is that people and animals walk around the field, and their movements and sounds attract the dog's attention. Also, we examined whether the dog could follow the spotlights even in a bright outdoor environment. As a result, we succeeded in the outdoor navigation.</p>

  15. BP-HMMによるバックホウの積込みタイミングの予測

    山田 健斗, 鈴木 太郎, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 宮本 直人, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 小松 智広, 鈴木 高宏, 永谷 圭司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2A1-L08 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2A1-L08  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Automated construction vehicles are required to compensate for the reduction of workers in construction industry. In one of construction works, earthmoving work, a dump truck and backhoe work in cooperation and some researcher have been developing the automation of a dump truck which could transport sediment. However, it is difficult for the automated dump truck to work with a backhoe which operated by a human. In leveling sediment, the dump truck must not get close to the backhoe. We build the motion model of the backhoe which is operated by a specific operator with the beta-process hidden Markov model (BP-HMM) and focus the pattern of primitive motions. The instance when the automated dump truck should move to the loading location could be predicted with the confidence by tracking each primitive motion in the pattern.</p>

  16. 可食自励振動メカニズム

    小澤 悠, 恩田 一生, 高橋 知也, 清水 杜織, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1P2-J10 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1P2-J10  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Edible materials have been utilized for soft robots and made them biodegradable and biocompatible. So far, the authors have devised and realized not only soft edible robotic elements but also hard edible materials essential to tasks such as insertion into a narrow environment. However, hard materials tend to require casting mold and thus have infeasible shapes. In this research, In this research, we have devised and devised an edible flexible rigid switching mechanism capable of switching the rigidity state, which was flexible and stiff, respectively, in the research and development of the edible robot we are working on, Characteristics were confirmed by actual experiments.</p>

  17. 信頼性を向上させた水噴射により浮上する索状ロボットの開発

    山内 悠, 多田隈 建二郎, 圓山 重直, 田所 諭, 前澤 侑大, 髙橋 優太, 郷 初瑠, Alvin Quek Ching, Anubrata Nath, 安藤 久人, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1P2-H18 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1P2-H18  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>A snake-type robot using water injection is expected to be applied to fire fighting activities of a disaster. We have developed a Dragon FireFighter (DFF), a flexible snake-like robot using water jets for fire fighting. In this research, we improve the DFF reliability for increase the length of its. In this paper, we developed a metal nozzle module, switched the flow path using a swivel joint, and developed a waterproof case for the motor. Basic experiments were performed using the developed nozzle using the swivel joint. As a result, the reaction force showed a value close to the theoretical value. In addition, it was confirmed that the frequency characteristics did not change due to the pressure change. Using the results of the basic experiment, we proposed a reliable nozzle module.</p>

  18. 石油コンビナート火災に対応可能な消防ロボットシステムの実現

    藤田 淳, 天野 久徳, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2A1-A02 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2A1-A02  


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    <p>Japan is a country with many earthquakes. So there is a risk that the petroleum complex will fire. The tank fires in petrochemical complexes are special disasters that are large and difficult to extinguish. The major issues are that the radiant heat from the flame is large and there is a risk of explosion, so that people cannot easily approach the disaster site. The Fire and Disaster Management Agency has submitted a public invitation for "R & D on a firefighting robot system for disaster response" (a five-year project starting in fiscal 2014), and has completed the world's highest-level firefighting robot system that can operate near the fire site. The challenge was to make the robot resistant to radiant heat and handle the water supply hose without human assistance. This document describes the outline of the project, and the outlines of the water cannon robot and the hose extension robot development that I developed in this project.</p>

  19. 極小剛を網羅配置した保護外皮メカニズム:― ウロコ状機構の耐穿刺性・伸縮性・耐脱鱗性の評価 ―

    鉄井 光, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1P2-J09 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1P2-J09  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Soft actuators have advantages, including large deformation, safety and adaptability to the environment, and shock absorbance. However, they are weak against sharp objects due to their soft bodies. This paper proposes a protective skin mechanism with an exhaustive arrangement of tiny rigid bodies. Small pieces were sewed on an elastic sheet by Kevlar strings. We conducted some measurements of puncture resistance, elasticity, and descaling resistance of scale mechanisms. The results showed that the proposed scale mechanism had only a 150% larger elasticity than a simple silicone sheet. Also, approximately 15 N was required for descaling, which is seven times large force compared to the glued scale. There was no puncture even when pricked with a needle.</p>

  20. 薄型化を可能にする2軸湾曲揺動メカニズム

    西城 直人, 渡辺 将広, 信時 正嗣, 鈴木 信太郎, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1A1-I08 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1A1-I08  


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    <p>Various researches are conducted to reduce the influence of winds and waves for safer work environment on offshore operations and to negate the tilt due to acceleration of vehicle for improved comfortableness. Conventional researches have adopted active mechanism like six-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism that absorbs the sway by constantly keeping its motion base horizontal to suppress such influences. However, current swing machines require vast areas to be installed since their swing mechanisms are large and their bottom structures are thick. Here, we propose a new swing mechanism "Omni-Swing" which is relatively thin and can be applied to curved surfaces. The mechanism is embodied to a real machine and experiments are conducted to verify its basic characteristic in this paper.</p>

  21. 自己修復機能を実現するソフトロボット血管機構

    猪股 翔平, 田所 諭, 飯島 哲朗, 山﨑 裕太, 恩田 一生, 高橋 知也, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 古川 英光, 昆陽 雅司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1P2-J16 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1P2-J16  


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    <p>Soft robots have a problem that they easily punctured or torn by contact with a sharp edge due to their soft bodies made of weak materials. To solve this fundamental issue, we proposed a robotic blood vessel mechanism that enables the robot to heal their bodies themselves. This mechanism realizes the self-healing function of soft robots like blood closing and healing wounds. We have created some test pieces consists of elastomer and inner blood that reacts by two-liquid mixing. In addition, we constructed a twisted helical type vascular mechanism, which is constructed by the gel produced by two-liquid mixing. In this paper, we demonstrate the concept of the robotic blood vessel mechanism and show the results of the basic experiments.</p>

  22. 交差型ヘリカル歯車機構に基づく能動双リング式全方向駆動車輪:―グローサによる不整地走破性の向上―

    緑川 俊貴, 髙根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2A2-M11 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2A2-M11  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This study was related to a holonomic omnidirectional mobile robot, particularly, a mobile robot with a wheel mechanism that can generate an omnidirectional driving force with a single unit based on Cross Helical Gear mechanism. In this paper, grousers were added to the wheel for improving step climbing ability. A vehicle using multiple active Dual-Ring types omnidirectional wheel was fabricated. From experiments, it was confirmed that the vehicle equipped with this mechanism had a high running performance.</p>

  23. 大型ダンプトラックの土砂積載・積み下ろしのための切り返しを含む経路の自動生成

    明河 哲, 宮本 直人, 鈴木 太郎, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 山田 健斗, 桐林 星河, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 小松 智広, 鈴木 高宏, 永谷 圭司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2P1-A11 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2P1-A11  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Development of autonomous construction vehicles is needed because of the shortage and aging of skilled workers. Our purpose is to realize motions of loading and unloading sand and gravel by an autonomous dump truck. This paper proposes a path with two waypoints in front of the goal to realize a switchback. As a result, an autonomous dump truck can go to the turning position first, and then go back to the goal while keeping its wheels straight. We achieved to reproduce the motion of a dump truck including switchback by the proposed method.</p>

  24. 反射強度の切り替え可能なランドマークを用いた境界線の地図構築

    山脇 雄登, 大野 和則, 小島 匠太郎, Westfechtel Thomas, 藤田 淳, 小島 弘義, 田村 佳宏, 天野 久徳, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2P1-K11 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2P1-K11  


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    <p>The purpose of this paper is to develop a method to record restricted areas as boundary line on a map. It was valuable electronically using the results measured by humans. For this reason, spherical landmarks with high and low reflection intensity are used to automatically record on the map, and even if there are surrounding objects or other objects with high reflection intensity, the target is not affected by the weather A method of writing a boundary line only when it is desired to write the locus of the center coordinates obtained for the landmark that can distinguish only the spherical landmark as a boundary line.</p>

  25. 座位時の左右臀部皮膚せん断刺激差による遠心力提示

    矢内 智大, 昆陽 雅司, 堀江 新, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2P1-M11 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2P1-M11  


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    <p>In general, a driving simulator requires a motion platform to represent the centrifugal force during curving by swaying and translation the whole body. This paper reports a new method of presenting centrifugal force by presenting virtual shear forces, which are induced illusionary by buttock skin stretch stimuli. This paper focuses on the stimulus differences on the left and right buttocks, considering the body movement caused by the centrifugal force. Psychophysical experiments showed that the skin stimuli in the asymmetric condition tend to deliver a stronger feeling than that in the symmetric condition.</p>

  26. 加圧により高剛性化するジャミング転移機構:― 流体駆動式柔剛切替メカニズムの考案と具現化 ―

    恩田 一生, 小澤 悠, 渡辺 将広, 髙根 英里, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 1P2-H10 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.1P2-H10  


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    <p>We proposed a fluid-driven jamming mechanism that realizes a variable stiffness mechanism by using pressurization. In this mechanism, a rubber tube is enclosed inside a hollow linear body. When this tube is expanded by fluid pressure, the linear body can be held in any shape. Since the fluid pressure is used, the force can be transmitted even if the deformation is large, and the holding torque can be maximized. When a joint diameter of 17.8 mm and a pressure of 0.2 MPa were applied, a maximum holding torque of 0.21 Nm was obtained. In this paper, the basic principle of the devised fluid jamming mechanism is shown, and the effectiveness of this mechanism is demonstrated by obtaining the holding torque using the prototyped machine.</p>

  27. 高速開傘と絡まり抑制を可能にする剛体棒パラシュート機構

    小澤 悠, 恩田 一生, 高橋 智也, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2P2-C05 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2P2-C05  


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    <p>We developed Rigid Bone Parachute, which avoid tangling with using rigid bone link instead of wire. It can open rapidly and start deceleration earlier with spring. We performed drop test of Rigid Bone Parachute with two-wheel rover robot and confirmed its ability of avoidance of tangling. We measured its speed transition by motion capture and confirm its ability of rapid deceleration.</p>

  28. 超薄型化と高剛性化を両立可能な能動湾曲メカニズム:-笹舟構造に着目した球状変形機構の考案-

    高橋 知也, 渡辺 将大, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020 2P2-G09 2020年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2020.2P2-G09  


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    <p>Thinning is one of the important themes in mechanism development. But it is difficult to increase the stiffness of a thin actuator. Body stiffness depends on moment of inertia of area and Young's modulus. Since the thin actuator maintains a constant cross section while bending. Even if sheet metal material with a high Young's modulus is used, its stiffness cannot be increased because its cross section is a thin rectangular shape. The purpose of this study is that the development of a thin actuator with high stiffness. We proposed a bending mechanism that improves stiffness with changing the cross-sectional shape from the initial state. We succeeded in improving stiffness by transforming two metal plates into a structure like a bamboo boat. We designed and created prototype and confirmed that the rigidity increased while bending.</p>

  29. 円状断面構造化を基本核とする全方向移動・駆動メカニズム

    高橋優太, 恩田一生, 高橋知也, 小澤悠, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈理一郎, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  30. 径方向多段構造を有する加圧式1次元ジャミング転移機構-内外相互スライドにより非接触推進を可能とする柔剛切替え索状体-

    恩田一生, 渡辺将広, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  31. 弾性履帯の形状適応により高踏破性を可能とする移動メカニズム

    小澤悠, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 高根英里, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  32. 能動多関節式径方向層状柔剛切替えメカニズム-不定形対象物への形状適応を可能とする線状機構-

    向出陸央, 渡辺将広, 高橋知也, 小澤悠, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  33. 壁反力を利用したクローラロボットの自動螺旋階段踏破

    小島匠太郎, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 岡田佳都, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  34. HueCode:色相別重畳により相対姿勢と任意情報を読出可能な汎用マーカ

    岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 藤倉大貴, 小澤悠, 多田隈建二郎, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  35. 非密閉式水圧駆動トーラス機構-先端能動首振りにより任意方向操舵を可能とする長尺伸縮メカニズム-

    高橋知也, 渡辺将広, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  36. 磁気鍵トリガ式連結分離機構

    高橋昌己, 清水杜織, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 高橋知也, 藤倉大貴, 高根英里, 大野和則, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  37. 膜破損時の内容物飛散防止・漏出抑制を可能とする柔剛切替グリッパ機構

    金田侑, 恩田一生, 渡辺将広, 西谷誠治, 戸島亮, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  38. 低リスク高積載を目指したモジュール式球殻ロータドローンの開発

    高橋昌己, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 多田隈建二郎, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  39. 受動回転球殻UAVによる法面点検システム-第3報:飛行するUAVに与える張力を最小とするパラレルワイヤ長の最適化-

    韓子瞳, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  40. ARマーカとQRコードを色相別重畳したHueCodeによる非GNSS環境でのドローンの絶対姿勢推定

    藤倉大貴, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 多田隈建二郎, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  41. 能動自己修復性ソフトロボット血管機構-螺旋状血管経路による貫通傷に対する基礎修復能力実験-

    猪股翔平, 山崎裕太, 志賀郁也, 亀岡将成, SHIBLEE MD Nahin Islam, 渡辺将広, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 古川英光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  42. GNSSの衛星選択による積込み作業時のバックホウの位置推定精度向上

    山田健斗, 大野和則, 大野和則, 鈴木太郎, 宮本直人, 柴田幸則, 浅野公隆, 小松智広, 鈴木高宏, 永谷圭司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年

  43. 臀部スキンストレッチにおける定常刺激に対する順応の調査

    矢内智大, 昆陽雅司, 堀江新, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 25th 2020年


  44. 現代の大学生の肥満度(BMI)と身長に影響を与える因子について

    齊藤夏織, 磯部千穂, 宮川桃香, 高杉希, 田所諭

    日本理学療法士協会関東甲信越ブロック理学療法士学会(Web) 38th 2020年


  45. 在宅小児理学療法の実際と今後の発展

    田所諭, 高杉希, 齊藤夏織, 宮川桃香, 磯部千穂

    日本理学療法士協会関東甲信越ブロック理学療法士学会(Web) 38th 2020年


  46. 進行波と後退波が多足歩行に及ぼす機能的相違の分析

    安部祐一, 青井伸也, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2020 2020年

  47. 分布繊毛推進機構により駆動される柔軟索状ロボットのモデルの評価と分散制御の検討

    山内悠, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2020 2020年

  48. 別のイヌの心拍データに基づくイヌの情動推定の検証

    佐藤浩太郎, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田村涼一郎, SANDEEP Nayak, 小島匠太郎, 永澤美保, 菊水健史, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  49. 知覚感度の個人差に基づく臀部スキンストレッチの補正と物理的外力知覚との比較

    矢内智大, 昆陽雅司, 堀江新, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  50. 物理シミュレーションに基づく多点振動刺激による身体材質感の提示

    菊池大輝, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  51. 柔軟スパイラル磁気歯車機構-回転及び伸縮変形の2軸交差駆動に基づく螺旋式伝達体の考案・具現化-

    高根英里, 高橋優太, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  52. イヌの誘導用の太陽光集光型スポット光装置の開発

    田村涼一郎, 大野和則, 大野和則, 小島匠太郎, NAYAK Sandeep Kumar, 佐藤浩太郎, 永澤美保, 菊水健史, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  53. 触覚刺激が瞬きの頻度に及ぼす影響の予備検討

    稲垣匠馬, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  54. 振動インテンシティ時分割法に基づく高周波振動の感覚等価変換

    山口公輔, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  55. 根本台車の遠隔操作を可能にした空飛ぶ消火ホースロボットの評価システムの開発

    前澤侑大, 山内悠, 高橋優太, 郷初瑠, CHING QUEK Alvin, ANUBRATA Nath, 安藤久人, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 圓山重直, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  56. 磁性ピンアレイ・膜袋複合グリッパ機構-柔軟膜内全域への磁気伝搬を可能とする把持メカニズム-

    釼持優人, 恩田一生, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 金田侑, 西谷誠治, 戸島亮, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  57. 断面2次モーメント式柔剛切替機構

    高橋優太, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  58. Walk-markerを利用した電子地図への複数境界線の同時描画

    山脇雄登, 大野和則, 大野和則, 小島匠太朗, 藤田淳, 藤田淳, 小島弘義, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年

  59. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ (特集 フィールドロボットの開発)

    田所 諭

    金属 89 (8) 651-657 2019年8月



  60. 剛体指モデルを用いた柔軟物接触圧分布レンダリングの評価と改善 (知覚情報研究会・力触覚提示デバイス)

    佐瀬 一弥, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    電気学会研究会資料. PI = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Perception Information", IEE Japan, 2019 (34) 17-20 2019年3月19日


  61. 臀部へのせん断力提示による起伏感覚提示 (知覚情報研究会・力触覚提示デバイス)

    堀江 新, 昆陽 雅司, 永野 光, 田所 諭

    電気学会研究会資料. PI = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Perception Information", IEE Japan, 2019 (34) 11-15 2019年3月19日


  62. 機載カメラ画像中のシーン不変特徴のみを手掛かりとするロボット映り込み領域の推定

    藤浪拓海, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 24th 2019年


  63. 石油化学コンビナートで活動する消防ロボットへのConjugate Gradient Descentスムーザの適用

    水野直希, 大野和則, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 小島弘義, 藤田淳, 天野久徳, WESTFECHTEL Thomas, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 24th 2019年


  64. AED運搬ドローンへの適用を目指した永電磁式無電力把持機構と逆起電力に基づく把持成否判定手法の開発

    加美聡哲, 原田勇希, 山口智香, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 24th 2019年


  65. 空飛ぶ消火ホースロボットによる遠隔消火

    安藤久人, 安部祐一, 山口智香, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 圓山重直, 田所諭

    日本火災学会研究発表会概要集 2019 2019年

  66. 狭隘空間を想定した災害対応ロボット用STM競技タスクの開発-World Robot Summitインフラ災害・対応カテゴリープレ大会の事例報告-

    鈴木壮一郎, 大金一二, 奥川雅之, 大坪義一, 木村哲也, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  67. 径方向層状ジャミング機構

    向出陸央, 清水杜織, 小澤悠, 高橋知也, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  68. 適応制御による受動回転球殻マルチコプタの転がり飛行

    加美聡哲, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  69. 膜破損時にも柔剛切替機能を維持可能な被覆式ジャミング機構-柔剛切替膜メカニズムと1次元ジャミング機構の統合体-

    恩田一生, 小澤悠, 高橋知也, 清水杜織, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  70. ヒモムシ吻の伸展・湾曲・分岐構造を抽能したトーラス機構

    高橋知也, 波々伯部夏美, 小澤悠, 渡辺将広, 柁原宏, 山崎剛史, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  71. Non-Parametric Bayes Hidden Markov Modelを利用したバックホウ積込み動作の解析

    山田健斗, 大野和則, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 水野直希, 柴田幸則, 浅野公隆, 小松智広, 鈴木高宏, 永谷圭司, 宮本直人, 鈴木太郎, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  72. 打撃感提示のための物理モデルによる衝突振動の再現-剛性パラメータを反映した振動生成と硬軟感の評価-

    高橋洋一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 24th 2019年


  73. イヌが気づきやすいスポット光照度の反応計測装置の開発

    西野間洋之, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田村涼一郎, CHAYAPOL Beokhaimook, 菊水健史, 永澤美保, 土橋直子, 土橋直子, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  74. AED運搬ドローンのための永電磁石を用いた無電力把持および逆起電力の計測による把持成否判定

    加美 聡哲, 原田 勇希, 山口 智香, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 37 (8) 735-743 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.37.735  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In our study, we developed AED Gripping System for AED transport UAV in order to deliver quickly to remote places. This system is structured by grippers and a gripping determination system. We introduced Permanent Electromagnets as gripper. The gripping determination system is necessary to confirm that the AED is delivered at the destination, because AED transport UAV flies to remote places which the pilot cannot see the UAV. We developed a new gripping determination system which use the difference of convergence time of counter-electromotive force between gripping or not. We conducted flight experiments and confirmed that the AED Gripping System do not drop the AED accidentally and can confirm gripping status during flight. </p>

  75. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジの概要と成果:—災害でロボットが人命を救うために—

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 37 (9) 789-794 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.37.789  


  76. 分布繊毛推進機構により駆動される柔軟索状ロボットのモデル化と分散制御の検討

    山内悠, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2019 2019年

  77. 吸引圧刺激を用いた把持型触覚インターフェイスの開発-刺激の空間分布・配置の検討とデバイスの設計-

    斉藤薫, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  78. 振動弁別実験に基づく高周波帯域におけるパチニ小体知覚モデルの同定

    高橋洋一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  79. 空飛ぶ消火ホースのための受動噴射ノズルの開発

    山口智香, 安部祐一, 安藤久人, 山内悠, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 円山重直, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  80. 交差型ヘリカル歯車機構に基づく能動双リング式全方向駆動車輪-第2報:横方向段差・溝踏破性能の定量比較-

    緑川俊貴, 恩田一生, 高橋知也, 小澤悠, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 多田隈理一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  81. 飛行輸送体から投入可能な探査用小型群ロボット-第2報:剛体棒パラシュート機構の統合機による着陸・分離実験-

    小澤悠, 清水杜織, 恩田一生, 向出理央, 猪股翔平, 山田健斗, 矢内智大, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  82. 空気浮上型索状ロボットの胴体のねじれの影響を受けない安定浮上の実現による災害現場における運用性向上

    藤川匠, 山内悠, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  83. 柔軟式流体貯蔵タンク機構

    猪俣翔平, 高橋知也, 小澤悠, 清水杜織, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  84. 大変形する柔軟送水ホースの流体力を考慮したモデル化に関する考察

    安部祐一, 山内悠, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  85. 全天球自由視点映像でイヌを遠隔操縦する光誘導スーツ

    西野間洋之, 大野和則, 大野和則, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 小島匠太郎, 小島匠太郎, 田村涼一郎, NAYAK Sandeep Kumar, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  86. オープンスカイ環境でヒトとイヌの協調連携行動を計測するスーツの開発

    田村涼一郎, 大野和則, 山田健斗, 鈴木太郎, 西野間洋之, 永澤美保, 菊水健史, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  87. 微小操作力での把持状態切替を可能とするIBマグネット式万力機構

    清水杜織, 小澤悠, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  88. 受動回転球殻UAVによる法面点検システム-第1報:吊り下げ型点検方式の提案とテザーを伴う転がり昇降動作の実現-

    HAN Zitong, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  89. 臀部皮膚せん断刺激を用いた前後傾斜感覚の提示

    矢内智大, 堀江新, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  90. 反射強度の高い素材を用いたランドマーク地図構築に関する研究

    山脇雄登, 大野和則, 小島匠太郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  91. ピッチ軸型ラックチェーン機構-実機具現化における噛合率向上のためのガイド構造の導入-

    西城直人, 清水杜織, 小澤悠, 高橋知也, 恩田一生, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈理一郎, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  92. 極小剛を網羅配置した保護外皮メカニズム-耐脱鱗性を有する伸縮自在な柔剛兼備ウロコ状機構の考案と具現化-

    鉄井光, 清水杜織, 小澤悠, 高橋知也, 恩田一生, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  93. 受動回転球殻を有するマルチコプタのダイナミクスを考慮した適応制御

    加美 聡哲, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P1-O01 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P1-O01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Our research team is developing a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell whose purpose of inspecting bridge. The UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell can avoid crashes caused by contact with some objects. This UAV have been successful in inspecting under some bridges. But for now, there is no optimal controller that can be applied to this UAV. This is because of the existence of the passive rotating spherical shell. So, the dynamics of this UAV is different from general UAVs. In this study, we propose a new dynamic model and controllers for a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell. The new dynamic model is considering the moment of inertia of the spherical shell. Because the moment of inertia is unknown, the new controller is used adaptive control via backstepping to estimate it. We conducted an experiment using simulation and confirm that a controller could be used for actual usage.</p>

  94. 実用的なサイバー救助犬スーツの開発:―― サイバー救助犬スーツの熱対策・傾き対策・軽量化・小型化 ――

    西野間 洋之, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 星 達也, CHAYAPOL BEOKHAIMOOK, 篠原 歩, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-E08 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-E08  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper describes the cyber-enhanced canine suit No. 7 revision 2 (called No. 7_r2) that improves overheating issue and suit inclination issue of the canine suit No. 7. Overheating issue was handled by applying heat countermeasures on WiFi dongle and camera. Suit inclination problem on dog was solved with the adjustment of chest belt length. Also, the suit was made lighter and smaller to reduce the burden for dogs. The weight of the suit was revised from 1.35 kg to 1.08 kg, and the size was reduced by 2-3 cm in length and breadth. With these revisions of No.7 suit, we started lending the suits to 2 rescue canine associations to be ready for next disaster.</p>

  95. 組織を三次元曲面に切離可能な能動湾曲式超薄型メス機構

    渡辺 将広, 林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 郡司 芽久, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P2-G01 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P2-G01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We propose an active bending thin scalpel mechanism capable of separating tissue into a three-dimensional curved surface. Many mechanical tools have been developed, however, it has been difficult to separate a tissue into a curved shape. In this paper, we develop a scalpel that can realize active bending motion with a thin structure. The basic principle of the bending is demonstrated, and the prototype scalpel is fabricated. The basic bending experiment is conducted, and the target tissue was separated using the proposed prototype.</p>

  96. Hot-Ice現象を活用した全方向包み込み式なじみグリッパ機構:- 第4報:微小粒子の添加による結晶化時の剛性向上 -

    清水 杜織, 林 聡輔, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P2-C05 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P2-C05  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Able to grasp objects of any shape and size, universal grippers that use jamming phenomenon to change their own stiffness have been developed. The authors have focused on the Hot-Ice phenomenon of supersaturated sodium acetate solution as a means of variable stiffness. However, since the crystallization occurs rapidly and the crystals cannot grow large, the whole solid lacks stiffness to grasp heavy objects successfully. In this research, the authors proposed a new method of enhancing the stiffness of crystalized phase of the solution by adding insoluble fine particles. They conducted experiments to show the effectiveness of filler addition on further stiffening.</p>

  97. 微小操作力での柔剛切替を可能とするIBマグネット式MR流体グリッパ機構:- 第1報:基本構成と磁石配列によるIBマグネットの小型強力化 -

    清水 杜織, 林 聡輔, 鉄井 光, 猪股 翔平, 向出 陸央, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-G03 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-G03  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Able to grasp objects of any shape and size, universal jamming grippers using magneto-rheological fluid have been developed. However, as they require magnetic flux to change the stiffness, conventional MR grippers consume electricity to attach and detach a permanent magnet, to drive a solenoid of an electromagnet, and to cancel the flux of an electro-permanent magnet. In this research, the authors proposed a new method of supplying the flux using the Internally-Balanced Magnetic Unit, a mechanism that enables a permanent magnet to be controlled by a much smaller force than its attraction force. They realized its prototyping model and conducted experiments to show its effectiveness.</p>

  98. 浮上型索状ロボットのためのワイヤを用いた受動的制振機構の性能評価

    山口 智香, 安部 祐一, 安藤 久人, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 円山 重直, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-D06 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-D06  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>The authors proposed a novel hose type robot, which can fly directly into the fire source via a water-jet and demonstrated that a robot with a length of approximately 1.8 m can fly the air by leveraging the water jet.That named Dragon Fire Fiter (DFF). However, DFF had some problems. Most important problem is that The lack of control input of the robot could not suppress several modes of body oscillation. In this study, the authors propose the passive mechanism using the wire to solve that problem.The authors also model the mechanism to evaluate the proposed mechanism.</p>

  99. 打撃感提示のための物理モデルに基づく衝突振動の実時間生成

    高橋 洋一郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P1-U01 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P1-U01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We developed a real-time waveform generation model for representing impulsive collisional sensation using the RungeKutta method based on a contact mechanics and vibration propagation model, which were proposed previously by the authors'group. The developed model can generate vibrations depending on the stiffness of hitting objects and hitting speed for VR applications. As an example of applications, we measured vibrations occurred on the drumstick when it struck a snare drum and determined the parameters. Comparisons with the measured data demonstrated that our model could reproduce similar vibration waveforms.</p>

  100. 犬の移動軌跡と地形データから土砂堆積高の推定

    星 達也, 大野 和則, 西野間 洋之, Beokhaimook Chayapol, 濱田 龍之介, 鈴木 太郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-E06 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-E06  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We aim to develop a method to measure the height of sedimentary sand from dog's moving trajectory and ground shape data. In sediment-related disasters, it is important to grasp the height of sedimentary sand for the search of victims. If we can visualize the search trajectory of rescue dog three-dimensionally, we can measure the sedimentary sand accumulated place and the depth of it comparing with the topographic map before the disaster. Therefore, we estimate the search trajectory of SAR dogs in three dimensions using the sensors, such as IMU and GNSS, which is mounted on dog. From the result of experiment, we can estimate the height of sedimentary sand from dog's running 3D trajectory.</p>

  101. 細胞シート貼付を可能にする軸方向伸展拘束型トーラス機構

    猪股 翔平, 清水 将伍, 佐野 和紀, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 鉄井 光, 林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 清水 達也, 関根 秀一, 本間 順

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-T05 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-T05  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We propose an axially-reinforced torus mechanism capable of transferring a soft cell sheet. Several soft grippers using a balloon have been proposed which consist of elastic rubber materials. However, since the traction force does not transmit efficiently due to its soft body, it had difficulty realize the tip storing motion to peel and release the cell sheet. To solve this problem, we constructed a torus balloon that is axially reinforced by inextensible fibers. The fabrication method is presented, and the stress-strain property is measured of the torus membrane. A basic grasping test was conducted to show its effectiveness.</p>

  102. 柔軟索状レスキューロボットのための空気噴射音下での単チャネル音声強調

    坂東 宜昭, 安部 祐一, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 中臺 一博, 奥乃 博

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-D07 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-D07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper presents a monaural speech enhancement method for a hose-shaped rescue robot based on a deep speech prior. Speech enhancement is crucial to make a robot operator succeed in detecting human voices because audio signals captured by a microphone on the robot are contaminated by ego-noise. We have been developed three enhancement methods: 1) a blind speech enhancement called robust nonnegative matrix factorization (RNMF), 2) an extension of RNMF with a pre-trained noise model, and 3) another extension of RNMF with a deep speech prior, i.e., a pre-trained speech model based on deep learning. In this paper, we develop a new extension of RNMF by combining the pre-trained noise and speech models as a unified model and evaluated these methods on a hose-shaped rescue robot whose ego-noise consists of vibration-motor and air-jet noise. Experimental results show that the new method outperforms the three RNMF methods when the signal-to-noise ratio is equal to or less than +5 dB.</p>

  103. アリクイ舌構造を生物抽能する連続吐出メカニズム

    林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 郡司 芽久, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P1-H05 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P1-H05  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In this paper, we developed a robot as a simplified physics simulator to elucidate the tongue of the anteater and exploit its moving principle. Furthermore, the middle term purpose of the research is to extract the functions of the soft switching bodies entering and leaving at high frequency, implement them as mechanism elements, and utilize as an application such as cleaning devices. As a long term, the major objective is to lead to an interactive academic development of both biology and robot engineering.</p>

  104. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ建設ロボット

    吉灘裕, 横小路泰義, 永谷圭司, 昆陽雅司, 淺間一, 山下淳, 鈴森康一, 田中正行, 田中正行, 大道武生, 芦澤怜史, 石上玄也, 尾崎伸吾, 田所諭, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2019 2019年


  105. 狭隘路を走行するクローラロボットのための壁デッドロック回避動作

    小島 匠太郎, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 岡田 佳都, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2P2-B06 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P2-B06  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In this paper, the authors construct a motion generation method to avoid wall deadlock problem. Wall deadlock is a phenomenon that the robot cannot leave from a wall once it collides on it because collision force inhibits the motion. The proposed method is constructed directory from a static model of the tracked vehicle colliding with a wall.</p>

  106. World Robot Summit 2018プラント災害予防チャレンジ結果報告

    奥川 雅之, 大坪 義一, 青木 岳史, 山口 大介, 木村 哲也, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2P2-Q05 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P2-Q05  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>From the viewpoint of disaster prevention, it is expected the unmanned automation of daily inspection/health assessment diagnostic work for facilities/structures in places where it is difficult to let the inspectors going such as offshore plant and dangerous places. By adopting remote controlled/autonomous robot, regarding the occurrence of abnormality due to human factors, breakage of facilities due to aging of facilities, malfunction caused by them, accidents by increasing the frequency of periodic inspection, it becomes possible to prevent it in advance. In addition, introduction of the robot makes it possible to conduct inspection work even during operation, so it is expected that the availability factor of facilities in such environment will be improved. This paper described about the plant disaster prevention challenge of the World Robot Summit 2018 disaster robotics category held in October 2018. The competition concept and the competition rule were introduced. The analysis of the competition results were shown and considered based on competition results. Finally, the lessons learned was mentioned.</p>

  107. 柔剛切替可能な連続櫛状関節機構

    向出 陸央, 藤本 敏彰, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P1-G07 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P1-G07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We proposed a variable stiffness mechanism with a cord-like structure using comb joints. To provide effective support for disaster response, grippers that can firmly grasp complex shape objects are required. However, high rigidity structure had not been realized by the conventional variable stiffness mechanism and was difficult to grasp heavy objects. For that reason, we developed an articulated cord mechanism that can change the rigidity significantly by using multiple-disc plates in the joints. First, the structure of the comb joint and the basic principle is presented.</p><p>Next, the holding torque was analyzed based on Newton's law. Finally, the characteristics of the prototype were measured, and the effectiveness of the proposed principle was verified through experiments.</p>

  108. 空飛ぶ消火ホースロボットの長尺化を考慮した流路設計

    安藤 久人, 安部 祐一, 山口 智香, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 円山 重直, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-D08 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-D08  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>災害対応,特に火災現場での消火活動や救助活動は,作業に従事する消防士にとってリスクが大きい.特に大規模な火災では消防士が消火活動を行うことは困難であり建物の外から放水して延焼を防いでいるのが現状である.消火を目的とするロボットは数多く提案されているものの,重量やサイズの問題,平地を走行する大型の消火マシンが主であるため直接火元にアクセスすることは困難である.そこで,我々は火元に直接アクセスできる消防ホースの能動化手法を提案し,ホースの反り返りやねじれ等に対する索状体を安定浮上させるための制御手法,十分な噴射反力を発揮できるノズルモジュールの開発,振動を抑制する制振機構の開発を行い,ホース長3mでの安定浮上と先端位置の左右旋回動作を実現した.しかし,実用化のためには更なる長尺化を行わなければならない.そこで,ノズル数がn個の場合で流路モデルを一般化し,ノズル数が最大20個, ホース間距離が1.0m, 最大長20mの場合でのノズル1個あたりの噴射反力とその時の噴射孔の断面積を求め検証を行ったので報告する.</p>

  109. ポリゴナル折紙駆動体:収縮動作が可能な剛体ベローズ機構:― 基本変形特性の導出 ―

    渡辺 将広, 林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A1-C14 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A1-C14  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We propose a "Polygonal Origami Actuator": rigid foldable bellows mechanisms that consist of hinges and plates and contract by fluid power. Several pneumatic artificial muscles have been proposed for a linear unidirectional motor, however, the power performance has been limited due to their dead space and the soft material. In this paper, two bellows mechanism which contracts by pressurizing the inner chambers enables high power and compactification are shown. The kinetics of the proposed two bellows actuator was studied from the geometrical point of view, and the basic characteristics of the bellows such as volume and the contraction ratio are analyzed.</p>

  110. 軸方向伸展拘束型トーラスバルーン機構

    鉄井 光, 猪股 翔平, 林 聡輔, 清水 杜織, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 1P2-G03 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.1P2-G03  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We propose an axially-reinforced torus balloon mechanism that can grasp complex shape objects by wrapping and adapting its shape. Several soft grippers using a balloon have been proposed which consist of elastic rubber materials. However, since the traction force does not transmit efficiently due to its soft body, it had difficulty in grasping heavy objects. To solve this problem, we constructed a torus balloon that is axially reinforced by inextensible fibers. The fabrication method is presented, and the stress-strain property is measured of the torus membrane. A basic grasping test was conducted to show its effectiveness.</p>

  111. エアカーテンにより内圧を高めた二自由度能動ノズルの提案

    山内 悠, 石井 昭裕, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A1-C13 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A1-C13  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Long flexible continuum robots have a high potential for search and rescue operations that explore deep layered debris. Air Floating Active Scope Camera (ASC) have been developed for search and rescue in a narrow space. However, it is confirmed the phenomenon that sticks to the ground when floating. Air jet nozzle with air curtain have been developed to solve problems. In this paper, we measure forces occurring in the direction of the ground, and determine parameters for air curtain nozzle from the measured force.</p>

  112. 壁反力を利用したクローラロボットの横滑り移動の検討

    原田 勇希, 小島 匠太郎, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2P1-A10 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P1-A10  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper proposed skidding movement method for tracked vehicle that uses the wall reaction force. There is a demand for tracked robot to inspect in the plant automatically. In the plant, usually there are many obstacles such as stairs, steps, and so on. So, tracked robot is proper for plant inspection, because crawler has high road abilities. However, tracked robot has a problem that it is difficult to adjust the position of the robot. This paper tries to solve this problem by lateral skidding movement using wall reaction force. Originally, tracked vehicle cannot move lateral direction, but if we use forces from wall, tracked vehicle can move lateral direction.</p>

  113. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジの成果

    田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-E10 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-E10  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge is a national project of Japan Cabinet Office (2014-18) that focused on tough technologies of robotics to give solutions to disaster response, recovery and preparedness. It consists of subprojects of six types of robot platforms and several component technologies integrated with the robots. Cyber rescue canine suits for monitoring dog's behavior and commanding her to move has shown effectiveness at regular exercise with Japan Rescue Dog Association. A new serpentine robot, Active Scope Camera, that can crawl and levitate in gaps of a few cm to search in rubble piles. Structural assessment and radiation measurement were performed by Active Scope Camera in Fukushima-Daiichi in December 2016 – February 2017. High mobility of serpentine robots in ducts, in/out of pipes, on uneven terrain, and on vertical ladder was shown as well as climbing a step 1 m high by a robot body 1.7 m long. Omni Gripper can grasp wide variety of targets without positioning by jamming phenomenon. Robust flight of Mini-Surveyor under difficult condition contributed response to Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain Disaster by gathering high-resolution image in inaccessible area in July 2017. WAREC-1 can move by 4 legs, 2 legs, and crawling and can climb vertical ladders. A double-swing dual-arm mechanism, operator support by bird's-eye view images, and that by sense of force and touch enabled a construction robot to perform both high-power and precise remote tasks. Field Evaluation Forum displayed these achievements in disaster scenarios.</p>

  114. Non-Parametric Bayes Hidden Markov Modelによるバックホウの積込み動作予測

    山田健斗, 大野和則, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 水野直希, 柴田幸則, 浅野公隆, 小松智広, 鈴木高宏, 永谷圭司, 宮本直人, 鈴木太郎, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2019 2019年


  115. 静的モデルによる柔軟空圧アクチュエータの位置推定と配管ロボットの推進動作生成への応用

    山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A1-C06 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A1-C06  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper presents motion generation technique for a flexible pneumatic robot based on position estimation of linear actuators. The authors previously proposed an in-pipe robot which drives in narrow pipes with flexible pneumatic linear actuators. In previous paper, a static model to estimate the position of actuator's sliding parts by applied pressure and flow rate was proposed and basics were discussed. In this paper, an effect of inflation diameter change was introduced into the model to increase estimation accuracy. The model was then integrated into a robot's motion generation logic, and automated motion generation was tested in horizontal straight pipes.</p>

  116. 双配置型構造により大変形可能な袋グリッパ機構

    渡辺 将広, 藤本 敏彰, 鉄井 光, 向出 陸央, 猪股 翔平, 金田 侑, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2P1-H03 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P1-H03  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper proposes a jamming gripper mechanism capable of large deformation by double symmetric arrangement. Several soft grippers have been proposed that can grasp complex shape objects by pressing the gripper to the object and passively deform it. However, it requires large pressing force and small deformation can be realized. Thus, we arranged the two grippers symmetrically to make the internal granular material easy to move between the grippers of each other. We conducted a grasping experiment to verify the effectiveness of the proposed gripper.</p>

  117. 可食バネ要素-型から造る螺旋状可食弾性構造-

    小澤悠, 清水杜織, 高橋知也, 恩田一生, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 37th 2019年

  118. 可食柔剛切替メカニズム

    清水 杜織, 林 聡輔, 渡辺 将広, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A1-C03 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A1-C03  


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    <p>Edible materials have been utilized for soft robots and made them biodegradable and biocompatible. So far, the authors have devised and realized not only soft edible robotic elements but also hard edible materials essential to tasks such as insertion into a narrow environment. However, hard materials tend to require casting mold and thus have infeasible shapes. In this research, In this research, we have devised and devised an edible flexible rigid switching mechanism capable of switching the rigidity state, which was flexible and stiff, respectively, in the research and development of the edible robot we are working on, Characteristics were confirmed by actual experiments.</p>

  119. スポット光を用いたイヌの誘導スーツの開発

    西野間 洋之, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, CHAYAPOL BEOKHAIMOOK, 菊水 健史, 永澤 美保, 土橋 直子, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 2A2-E09 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2A2-E09  


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    <p>In this paper, we developed a guidance suit for a dog with light sources. The dog is guided by spot light sources which can illuminate in three directions including frontal, left and right according to remote controller. First, we allowed the operator to easily adjust the irradiation angle of the light sources. Then, the mounting position of light sources are examined. Two radiators were mounted on the shoulder of the dog to irradiate in frontal direction as to prevent being blocked by dog's head, while left and right radiators were mounted on the side of the suit to easily guide the dog left and right. A board PC was also equipped with the suit so that radiators can be controlled by remote controller. Additionally, sensors including camera, GNSS and IMU were installed to monitor dog's action from a remote location. In verification of guidance, we succeeded in navigating the dog.</p>

  120. 可食反射型駆動メカニズム-反射的動作のための圧力-駆動連結機構-

    小澤悠, 高橋知也, 清水杜織, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 20th 2019年

  121. Preface

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 VII-VIII 2019年



  122. 高周波振動を用いた触覚伝達による建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援:–物体の移動・整列タスクによるパフォーマンス評価–

    齊藤 真也, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2P1-D09 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P1-D09  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We have been developed a tactile transmission system for supporting remote control of construction robots. This paper reports a task-based performance evaluation to verify the effectiveness of the tactile transmission system. The selected task was a placement and alignment of concrete blocks manipulated by an upper arm of the construction robot, which was developed in ImPACT-TRC program. We evaluated the task completion time and the applied force against walls in different four conditions; 1) vision only, 2) force feedback, 3) tactile feedback, and 4) force and tactile feedback. The experimental results showed that there is no significant difference in task completion time. However, there was a tendency that the tactile feedback condition had smaller applied integral force than those of other conditions.</p>

  123. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ 建設ロボット

    吉灘 裕, 芦澤 怜史, 石上 玄也, 尾崎 伸吾, 田所 諭, 横小路 泰義, 永谷 圭司, 昆陽 雅司, 淺間 一, 山下 淳, 鈴森 康一, 田中 正行, 大道 武生

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (0) 2P1-E02 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2019.2P1-E02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>As part of the Impulsing Paradigm Challenge through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT)'s Tough Robotics Challenge Program, a group of Japanese researchers developed a new concept construction robot for disaster relief situations. This robot has a double swing dual arm mechanism and has drastically improved operability and mobility compared to conventional construction machines using many new elemental technologies.</p>

  124. Dual-Arm Construction Robot with Remote-Control Function.

    Hiroshi Yoshinada, Keita Kurashiki, Daisuke Kondo, Keiji Nagatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Masataka Fuchida, Masayuki Tanaka 0001, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama, Takashi Shibata 0001, Masatoshi Okutomi, Yoko Sasaki, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Masashi Konyo, Hikaru Nagano, Fumio Kanehiro, Tomomichi Sugihara, Genya Ishigami, Shingo Ozaki, Koichi Suzumori, Toru Ide, Akina Yamamoto, Kiyohiro Hioki, Takeo Oomichi, Satoshi Ashizawa, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Toshi Takamori, Tetsuya Kimura, Robin R. Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 128 195-264 2019年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05321-5_5  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In disaster areas, operating heavy construction equipment remotely and autonomously is necessary, but conventional remote-controlled heavy equipment has problems such as insufficient operability, limited mobility on slopes and stairs, and low work efficiency because of difficult remote control. As part of the ImPACT-TRC Program, a group of Japanese researchers attempts to solve these problems by developing a construction robot for disaster relief tasks with a new mechanism and new control methods. This chapter presents the overview of construction robot and the details of main elemental technologies making up the robot. Section 5.1 describes the basic configuration of the robot and the teleoperation system. Section 5.2 is a tether powered drone which provides extra visual information. Sections 5.4 and 5.3 are force and tactile feedback for skillful teleoperation. Section 5.5 is visual information feedback which consists of an arbitrary viewpoint visualization system and a visible and LWIR camera system to observe surrounding of the robot in a dark night scene and/or a very foggy scene. These functions can dramatically increase construction equipment’s capacity to deal with large-scale disasters and accidents.

  125. 能動スコープカメラ挿入機を用いた自動挿入システムの構築

    山内 悠, 安部 祐一, 坂東 宜昭, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 62 4p 2018年5月16日


  126. 流体に起因する力を考慮した柔軟送水ホースの浮上方法に関する考察

    安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 62 4p 2018年5月16日


  127. 適応制御を用いたマルチコプタの位置・速度制御

    加美 聡哲, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 62 4p 2018年5月16日


  128. スクリュー式差動回転機構を活用した関節・腕メカニズム : 2入力2出力の伝達構造の観点からの駆動方法

    髙根 英里, 藤本 敏彰, 清水 杜織, 藤田 政宏, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 多田隈 理一郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 62 4p 2018年5月16日


  129. 極限グリッパ機構 : ImPACT T.R.Cにおける柔剛切替えメカニズムの変遷

    藤田 政宏, 藤本 敏彰, 高根 英里, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 62 6p 2018年5月16日


  130. ImPACT TRC索状ロボット(細)プラットフォーム : 多感覚機能を統合した空気浮上型能動スコープカメラ

    昆陽 雅司, 安部 祐一, 永野 光, 坂東 宜昭, 山崎 公俊, 岡谷 貴之, 糸山 克寿, 奥乃 博, 田所 諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 62 5p 2018年5月16日


  131. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジとワールド・ロボット・サミット

    田所 諭

    防衛技術ジャーナル 38 (3) 4-11 2018年3月



  132. 大型ボイラ内壁を検査するロボットシステムの開発 第3報-点検台車のための内部力補償型磁気吸着クローラ機構の考案・具現化

    小澤将生, 多田隈建二郎, 岡田佳都, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 23rd 2018年


  133. 高周波振動を用いた触覚提示による建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援-災害対応タスクにおける触覚伝達の適用-

    齊藤真也, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 36th 2018年

  134. 磁気復元力生成により内部補償を実現するマグネット機構-第3報:大型強力化と平行指グリッパ機構の実機具現化-

    清水杜織, 藤本敏彰, 林聡輔, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 36th 2018年

  135. 1次元柔剛切替メカニズムを活用したトーラスグリッパ機構-線状ジャミング転移機構を基軸とした構造例-

    藤本敏彰, 清水杜織, 藤田政宏, 高根英里, 林聡輔, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 36th 2018年

  136. 加圧すると“縮む“ベローズ機構-ポリゴナル折紙駆動体-

    渡辺将広, 林聡輔, 藤本敏彰, 清水杜織, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 36th 2018年

  137. バックホウのダンプトラックへの土砂積込み行動解析

    濱田龍之介, 大野和則, 水野直希, 柴田幸則, 浅野公隆, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 36th 2018年

  138. 柔剛切替式膨縮パッド循環移動体-大型ボイラ内壁検査のための壁面移動ロボット機構-

    林聡輔, 多田隈建二郎, 岡田佳都, 清水杜織, 藤本敏彰, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 36th 2018年

  139. 吸引圧力の時空間分布制御に基づく装着型触覚ディスプレイ-柔軟物接触時に生じる力分布の実時間計算法-

    佐瀬一弥, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 斉藤薫, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2018年


  140. 指腹における吸引圧力の時空間分布制御に基づく多指装着型触覚ディスプレイ-吸引圧分布による面状圧覚生起条件の調査-

    永野光, 斎藤薫, 昆陽雅司, 佐瀬一弥, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2018年


  141. 手掌部への吸引圧刺激による把持感の提示

    斉藤薫, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2018年


  142. 臀部皮膚せん断変形による座面からの突き上げ感の提示

    堀江新, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2018年


  143. 2自由度臀部皮膚せん断変形による自己運動の加速感覚の誘発

    堀江新, 野村陽人, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 永野光, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  144. 軸方向波動伝播ホイール機構 第4報 駆動基礎部の高剛性化および車両構成

    西村礼貴, 藤本敏彰, 林聡輔, 清水杜織, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  145. 浮上型索状ロボットのためのワイヤを用いた受動的制振機構の開発

    山口智香, 安部祐一, 安藤久人, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈健二郎, 円山重直, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  146. 水噴射で浮上する片持ち送水管の安定性に関する考察

    安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  147. 柔軟索状ロボットの操作支援手法の検討

    山内悠, 安部祐一, 坂東宜昭, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  148. 小型移動体投入のための高剛性骨格パラシュート機構

    林聡輔, 緑川俊貴, 藤川匠, 清水杜織, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  149. 飛行輸送体から投入可能な探査用小型群ロボット-第1報:基本概念と本体・跳躍機構の具体的構成-

    清水杜織, 藤川匠, 緑川俊貴, 林聡輔, 高根英里, 渡辺将広, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  150. 二自由度能動噴射ノズルを用いた能動スコープカメラの動作手法の提案

    石井昭裕, 安部祐一, 山内悠, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  151. スクリュー式差動回転機構-全方向サスペンション・クローラ化による不整地踏破性の向上-

    野村陽人, 藤本敏彰, 林聡輔, 清水杜織, 渡辺将広, 多田隈理一郎, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  152. 能動スコープカメラにおける長手方向の接触位置推定方法-第3報:全身での接触推定を実現するためのデータ自動収集機の構築と評価-

    荒木真吾, 永野光, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  153. 実用化を目指した空気浮上型能動スコープカメラの開発

    藤川匠, 山内悠, 石井昭裕, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  154. 球殻ロータ機構を有する車両型飛行ロボット-地上走行および壁面接近・接触維持のための並進推進力の具現化-

    坂井祐介, 多田隈建二郎, 林聡輔, 岡田佳都, 岡田佳都, SALAAN Carl John O., 大野和則, 大野和則, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  155. 複数シーンの比較のみによるロボット搭載カメラ画像からの自己検出

    藤浪 拓海, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A2-J16 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A2-J16  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We propose a method to distinguish the robot itself from the surrounding environment in the camera image mounted on the robot.In this research, we aim to detect robot itself by using only images of multiple scenes in which the robot itself and the different background are shown for comparison, and extracting similar areas by feature value. In this paper, we confirmed that the robot and background can be separated using the proposed method. Experimentally, feature points were detected with a plurality of feature values, and after matching them, a histogram was created. It was confirmed that the robot and the background can be separated roughly by setting the thresholds from this histogram.</p>

  156. 2層トーラス型グリッパ機構

    鉄井 光, 西村 礼貴, 藤本 敏彰, 清水 杜織, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 1P1-I14 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1P1-I14  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Bag-type grippers capable of grasping objects of various shapes have been developed so far. However, the conventional bag-type gripper mechanism has a problem that a large sliding resistance is generated due to contact with the surrounding environment during insertion into narrow space. This large sliding resistance causes collapse of the surrounding environment and breakage of the gripper itself. The authors propose the dual layer type torus gripper mechanism with extremely low sliding resistance in this paper. We developed the prototype model of the dual layer type torus gripper mechanism and verified its basic performance by some experiments.</p>

  157. 時系列の遅れを考慮した正則化法によるI型糖尿病患者の血糖値予測

    大貫 和也, 濱田 龍之介, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2P1-I01 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2P1-I01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In order to prevent hypoglycemic condition of type I diabetic patients, we need to predict blood glucose level. In this study, we show that blood glucose level can be predicted with low delay and high accuracy than conventional method by linear prediction model with lag weighted regularization. We also compare blood glucose prediction for diabetic patients and healthy subjects.</p>

  158. 空気噴射型索状ロボットの胴体回転によらない安定浮上を実現する受動機構の提案

    藤川 匠, 石井 昭裕, 山内 悠, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A1-L04 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-L04  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Active Scope Camera(ASC) is the robot video scope camera that can move by itself to probe narrow gaps for rescue missions. ASC has the cilia vibration drive mechanism which generates a propellant force to travel in rubble. We had proposed a method to lift up the head of ASC stably by using air jet and a flexible passive parallel mechanism. However, there are some situations that the mechanism did not work. In this paper, we improve the passive parallel mechanism and develop infinite-rotatable-nozzle to stabilize the head floating of ASC regardless of its body rotation.</p>

  159. 上方構造物の点検を目的とした受動回転球殻ヘリの改良:-推進機器の下部配置による点検用カメラ視界確保と球殻の回転を阻害しない3自由度テザー-

    藤浪 拓海, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 1P1-B09 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1P1-B09  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In this paper, we aim to inspect the upper structure using the camera mounted on the multicopter. For this purpose, we changed the placement of the propulsion equipment to prevent the aircraft from appearing on the camera , and created a 3-DOF tether that does not disturb inspections to prevent runaway. By changing the arrangement of the propulsion devices, we were able to prevent the aircraft from appearing on the camera. In the development of a 3-DOF tether, with respect to three rotation axes of the spherical shells, the rotation of the spherical shell was not disturbed for the two axes. However, with regard to one axis, the tether caught on the joint of the spherical shell and hindered the rotation of the spherical shell.</p>

  160. 消防ホースの能動化に向けた複数水噴射による索状体の安定浮上:―2連噴射ノズルによる安定浮上動作の実現―

    安藤 久人, 安部 祐一, 山口 智香, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 円山 重直, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A1-M02 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-M02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Disaster response, especially fire-fighting and rescue, is highly risky for firefighters engaged in action. As a result, many robots intended for fire-fighting have been proposed. However, it is difficult for them to directly access fire sources because their mobility is limited. Specifically, existing robots are large and heavy. Therefore, we proposed a novel hose type robot, which can fly directly into the fire source via a water-jet. In this study, we report that 3 m length body can fly stably in the air and its head direction also be controlled.</p>

  161. エアカーテンにより内圧を高めた空気噴射ノズルの提案

    山内 悠, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2P1-I16 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2P1-I16  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Long flexible continuum robots have a high potential for search and rescue operations that explore deep layered debris. A general problem of these robots is that as the robot becomes longer, the load generated by friction with the ground increases. This paper develops an air jet nozzle with increased internal pressure by air curtain which can stably float using the ground effect with only the nozzle. A major challenge is to stably float the whole long flexible continuous robot with only a nozzle. The developed nozzles got the effect that the force increases as the distance between the nozzle and the ground decreases. We developed a robot equipped with three developed nozzles, and could float the whole long flexible continuous robot.</p>

  162. 可食無限回転メカニズム

    藤本 敏彰, 清水 杜織, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2P1-J10 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2P1-J10  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Edible materials have been utilized for soft robots and made them biodegradable and biocompatible. So far, the authors have devised and realized not only soft edible robotic elements but also hard edible materials essential to tasks such as insertion into a narrow environment. However, hard materials tend to require casting mold and thus have infeasible shapes. In this research, the authors discovered outstanding characteristics of Koya Tofu for subtractive manufacturing. Koya Tofu allows the authors to carve letters on it and sculpt endlessly-rotatable mechanism out of it with the help of milling machines. Its rotation experiment confirmed the usefulness of Koya Tofu in edible robotics.</p>

  163. 浮上型索状ロボットのためのワイヤを用いた制振に関する研究

    山口 智香, 安部 祐一, 安藤 久人, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 円山 重直, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A1-L05 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-L05  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Disaster response, especially fire-fighting and rescue, is highly risky for firefighters engaged in action. As a result, many robots intended for fire-fighting have been proposed. We proposed a novel hose type robot, which can fly directly into the fire source via a water-jet and demonstrated that a robot with a length of approximately 2 m can fly the air by leveraging the water jet. However, the robot had some problems. The lack of control input of the robot could not suppress several modes of body oscillation , the body of the robot collided with the ground as the body lengthens and slacks , the drift errors of installed IMU sensors prevented the robot from flying stably over 5 minutes. In this study, we propose the mechanism using the wire to solve those three problems.</p>

  164. 運動時のイヌ心電図波形計測のためのインナーウェア開発

    星 達也, 濱田 龍之介, 大野 和則, 松原 聡子, 永澤 美保, 菊水 健史, 山川 俊貴, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A2-K02 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A2-K02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We are developing the system for estimating the motivation of search and resucue dog during their search activity to locate victims, using heart rate variability. But when measuring electrocardiogram(ECG) waveform of dog on motion with conventional method, electrodes put on dog's body surface were often detached and ECG waveform cannot be measured. So we developed innerwear for measuring ECG waveform of dog on motion. The innerwear is made by using rubber band, velcro, and sponge, which can adjust the tension of tightening electrodes on dog's body surface and attach electrodes to dog firmly. As a result, ECG waveform is being measured continuously and the motivation of search and rescue dog during search activity can be estimated.</p>

  165. 六輪ダンプトラックとバックホーの協調作業の計測

    大野 和則, 田所 諭, 濱田 龍之介, 水野 直希, 山口 竣平, 星 達也, 鈴木 太郎, 柴田 幸則, 浅野 公隆, 鈴木 高宏

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A2-B06 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A2-B06  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper proposes a measurement method of cooperative task for construction machines that do not have sensors to measure its position and pose. Many construction machines, which works in construction sites, do not have sensors because human operators have good skills to control them without sensors. It is a big problem for analysis and autonomy of the construction machines. Therefore, we have developed sensor boxes that can be fixed on the construction machines, which do not have the sensors, and measures its position and pose. It enables us to analyze the construction machine's cooperative tasks. In this paper, loading tasks are measured by using these sensor boxes, and the backhoe's loading place are visualized by using mixture Gaussian distribution.</p>

  166. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジの概要

    田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A1-J01 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-J01  


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    <p>ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge is a national project of Japan Cabinet Office (2014-18, 62 PIs and 300 researchers, 30 MUSD/5 years) that focuses on tough technologies of robotics to give solutions to disaster response, recovery and preparedness. It consists of subprojects of six types of robot platforms and several component technologies integrated with the robots. Cyber rescue canine suits for monitoring dog's behavior and commanding her to move has shown effectiveness at regular exercise with Japan Rescue Dog Association. A new serpentine robot, Active Scope Camera, that can crawl and levitate in gaps of a few cm to search in rubble piles. Structural assessment and radiation measurement were performed by Active Scope Camera in Fukushima-Daiichi in December 2016 – February 2017. High mobility of serpentine robots in ducts, in/out of pipes, on uneven terrain, and on vertical ladder was shown as well as climbing a step 1 m high by a robot body 1.7 m long. Omni Gripper can grasp wide variety of targets without positioning by jamming phenomenon. Robust flight of Mini-Surveyor under difficult condition contributed response to Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain Disaster by gathering high-resolution image in inaccessible area in July 2017. WAREC-1 can move by 4 legs, 2 legs, and crawling and can climb vertical ladders. A double-swing dual-arm mechanism, operator support by bird's-eye view images, and that by sense of force and touch enabled a construction robot to perform both high-power and precise remote tasks. Field Evaluation Forum displayed these achievements in disaster scenarios.</p>

  167. 空圧駆動柔軟索状ロボットの小曲率曲管通過性能向上のための管壁接触力低減構造

    山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A1-A06 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-A06  


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    <p>This paper proposes a slider mechanism with a elastic component for flexible pneumatic in-pipe robot to improve bend-pipe-passing capability. Inspections of narrow bending pipes are one of the difficult tasks for in-pipe robots. The robots are required to reduce a contact force against the pipe wall to pass through the bending pipes. The authors previously proposed flexible pneumatic in-pipe robot that can pass through a long-elbow pipe, which has a gentle curve The robot, however, could not pass through a short-elbow pipe, which has a sharp curve. The proposed mechanism improves pipe-passing capability by significantly decreasing the contact force. We confirmed that the proposed mechanism can decrease the contact force for 38% comparing to conventional mechanism. The mechanism is expected to improve pipe-passing capability through the short-elbow pipes.</p>

  168. 軸方向推進の観点からの全方向駆動メカニズム

    西村 礼貴, 藤本 敏彰, 清水 杜織, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 1P2-K03 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1P2-K03  


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    <p>The omnidirectional motion can move any direction without changing the direction of its own. In this paper, to achieve the omnidirectional mechanism and to systematize the omnidirectional mechanism, from the viewpoint of axial direction drive, we propose various mechanisms integrated wide-ranging drive systems (for example, wave-wheel system, impact-wheel system). Among them, the actual mechanical prototype model of wave-wheel mechanism has been built for velocity measurement experiments. In the experiment, axial direction velocity and radial velocity were measured. Consequently, with increases input velocity, output velocity is increased. In addition, to verify smoothly of axial direction movement, it was observed the velocity per 0.1sec. It was found from the result that the axial direction movement is intermittent.</p>

  169. 空気浮上型能動スコープカメラのための無限回転可能な二自由度能動ノズルの設計と開発

    石井 昭裕, 安部 祐一, 山内 悠正, 安藤 久人, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 1A1-A08 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1A1-A08  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Flexible continuum robot is useful for search and rescue operation in narrow spaces. We have proposed air jet type Active Scope Camera floating the head of the robot by air jet. The air float hose type robot can move over higher steps and change the moving direction easily. In this paper we suggest how to change the air jet direction around two axes, and how to choose the geometric parameter.</p>

  170. 磁気復元力生成により内部補償を実現するマグネット機構:― 第2報 各種応用要素例の考案と第一次具現化 ―

    清水 杜織, 藤本 敏彰, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A2-I15 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A2-I15  


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    <p>To detach permanent magnets with a control force much smaller than their attractive force, InternallyBalanced Magnetic Unit (IB Magnet) has been developed and applied to magnetic devices such as wall-climbing robots. In contrast to its drastic reduction rate on the control force, IB Magnet has two major problems on its nonlinear spring which produces a balancing force to cancel the internal force: complication of its design procedure and trade-off relationship between balancing precision and mechanism volume. This paper proposes a principle of an IB Magnet using a like-pole pair of magnets as a magnetic spring, whose repulsive force should exactly equal the attractive force of an unlike-pole pair. To verify the proposed principle, the authors realized its prototype model and found through experiments its reduction rate comparable to those of conventional IB Magnets. Moreover, the authors discussed and realized application examples containing proposed Magnetic-Spring IB Magnets as their internal mechanisms.</p>

  171. 球殻ロータ機構を有する車両型飛行ロボット:―受動全方向移動車輪とロータ保護の機能を併せ持つ球殻ロータ機構の具現化とマルチコプタ構成の提案ー

    坂井 祐介, 多田隈 建二郎, 岡田 佳都, Carl John O. Salaan, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 1P1-B11 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1P1-B11  


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    <p>There are many proposals of propeller protection mechanisms and wheel mechanisms for multi-copter which running and flying by propeller thrust. In addition to being capable of normal flight, the propeller guard can be used as a passive wheel to allow traveling on the ground, walls, ceiling, etc. As a characteristic required for such a propeller protection and wheel mechanism, narrow place applicability, propeller protection property, omnidirectional mobility, etc. But there have not been proposed mechanism that satisfy all these requirements.</p><p>In this paper, we realize a spherical shell rotor mechanism that combines rotor protection and omnidirectional movement mechanism for each rotor and propose a vehicle type multi-copter which can move in contact with the ground and ceiling.</p>

  172. Hacking COMS:オープンソースプラットフォームを使って市販電気自動車で自動運転を実現する方法

    水野 直希, Thomas Westfechtel, 小島 匠太郎, 鎌田 浩一郎, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 1P2-C07 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1P2-C07  


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    <p>The popularity of autonomous driving has significantly increased in the recent years. In this paper, the authors developed a self-driving car using COMS, a commercially available electric vehicle from Toyota Body, and the open source robotics platform ROS. Actuators were attached to the brake and steering wheel and the wires connected to the ECU are tapped to send accelerator and shift signals from mbed. The authors used Gmapping and Hybrid-State A* for SLAM and path planning, respectively, to achieve autonomous driving of the developed vehicle.</p>

  173. 屋外でイヌの誘導に利用できる光源の開発

    西野間 洋之, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 山口 竣平, 星 達也, 菊水 健史, 永澤 美保, 松原 聡子, 片山 真希

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 2A2-K03 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A2-K03  


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    <p>We propose a method for guiding dogs in an outdoor environment. By harnessing dogs' nature following light, we aim at guiding dogs outdoors with light from irradiation equipment attached to the dogs. First, we investigated which light can be used to guide dogs outdoors. We found that the suitable light is <i>Spot-Light</i>, which is condensed light of a high-brightness LED using a convex lens, special feature is the edge stand out. Subsequently, we investigated how much illuminance a dog can detect <i>Spot-Light</i> in a bright environment. We found that the illuminance difference between the ambient light (3500 lx) and <i>Spot-Light</i> (4500 lx) was only 1000 lx, a dog detected <i>Spot-Light</i>. Also, the higher the illuminance, the easier for a dog to detect <i>Spot-Light</i>. According to our experimental results, we developed a small irradiation equipment that can be mounted on a dog and can irradiate <i>Spot-Light</i> which dogs can detect in outdoor environment.</p>

  174. 高精度な地形計測に向けたイヌの歩容と慣性航法による軌跡推定

    星達也, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 西野間洋之, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 19th 2018年

  175. 能動スコープカメラにおける長手方向の接触位置推定方法の検討:―第2報: 接触推定精度の向上に向けたモデルの再検討と未知環境での試験―

    荒木 真吾, 永野 光, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 (0) 2A1-L06 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-L06  


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    <p>Active scope camera (ASC) is a horse-shaped disaster robot which can move on and explore narrow areas while contacting environments. The teleoperation of ASC is based on the tip camera information; therefore, an operator cannot understand the contact conditions surrounding the long body of ASC. For supporting the teleoperation of ASC, the authors have been developing the system for estimating contact position in longitudinal direction for ASC. This paper reconsider the feature values of SVM model by considering the rotation of ASC. The result showed that the model could estimate the contact conditions (contact and non-contact) with the estimation accuracy of 90% regardless of ASC rotation. In addition, we applied the learned model to unknown environments which was different from the contact condition for model learning. The estimation accuracy on unknown environments was 83%. These results suggest that the proposed estimation system is partly robust to unknown environments.</p>

  176. 筐体で生じる高周波振動の触覚伝達による建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援:―遠隔作業環境下での効果検証実験―

    永野 光, 竹之内 栄人, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 (0) 2A1-J04 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-J04  


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    <p>The authors have develoed a haptic transmission system for supporting the teleoperation of construction robot. Our system modulates high-frequency vibration over human sensitive range to sensitive and effective vibrotactile information to transmit occurrence of collision and properties of contact materials and environments. This paper reports a performance evaluation experiment to investigate the effect of the proposed haptic transmission system on the maneuverability of construction robot under actual teleoperation environment. The experimental task is to insert a metal bar into the holes of a brick block, which requires delicate maneuvering. The performance is evaluated with two indexes, 1) the peak collision force occurred during insertion and 2) the task completion time. Although the haptic transimission system did not decrease the task completion time, the peak force was reduced by the proposed system. The results suggest that the proposed system could improve the maneuverability of construction robot teleoperation.</p>

  177. 臀部へのせん断力提示による自己運動の加速感覚の誘発

    堀江 新, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 (0) 1A1-J17 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.1A1-J17  


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    <p>We present buttock skin stretch device to induce force perception. First of all, we investigated whether shear force can be presented by skin displacement of the buttocks. As a result, it was confirmed that the magnitude of the perceived force transitions according to the deformation amount in a substantially linear relationship. In addition to visual stimuli inducing visual induced self-motion perception, we investigated whether acceleration self-motion perception can be modulated by skin deformation of buttocks. As a result, there was a significant difference in the sense of acceleration of self motion among some skin deformation amount conditions, and the sensation of acceleration of self motion was caused by the force perceived at the buttocks.</p>

  178. 慣性・音響センサアレイを用いた柔軟索状レスキューロボットのマルチモーダル姿勢推定

    坂東 宜昭, 安部 祐一, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 吉井 和佳, 奥乃 博

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018 (0) 2A1-M01 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2018.2A1-M01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Posture estimation of a hose-shaped rescue robot is crucial for handling the flexible robot body. Conventional posture estimation based on inertial sensors gradually accumulates its errors due to unexpected posture change and temperature change. The accumulative error problem can be avoided by using a sound-based method that localizes microphones and loudspeakers on the robot by measuring time differences of arrival (TDOAs) of a reference sound. The sound-based method, however, cannot distinguish mirror-symmetric postures because of the sensors serially placed on the robot. To solve these problems, we integrate the inertial and sound measurements into a unified state-space model. The time-varying posture is estimated by using the inertial sensors while the accumulative error is estimated and corrected by using the sound sensors. Experimental results that our method suppresses the accumulative errors for more than 10 minutes whereas the inertial-based method increased monotonically.</p>

  179. 半教師ありロバスト非負値テンソル分解による柔軟索状レスキューロボットの音声強調

    坂東宜昭, 安部祐一, 山内悠, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 吉井和佳, 吉井和佳, 奥乃博

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 36th ROMBUNNO.2J2‐06 2018年

  180. 災害ロボティクス (保守検査の最前線 : 現場に適用される新検査技術)

    田所 諭

    非破壊検査 : 検査と材料評価 : journal of the Japanese Society for Non-destructive Inspection 66 (10) 464-469 2017年10月



  181. 通り抜けうぉ〜る ー全身動作と触覚フィードバックを組み合わせたエンタテイメントゲームー

    飯塚 将太, 竹之内 栄人, 加藤 佳大, Gu Wenchao, 杉本 錬, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2017論文集 (2017) 385-387 2017年9月9日

  182. 配管内とオープンスペースを走行可能な空圧駆動型柔軟索状ロボット

    山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 22nd 2017年


  183. 受動回転球殻UAVの安全性向上を目的とした機構改良と定量評価

    岡田佳都, 小澤将生, 大橋勇斗, 藤浪拓海, 石井拓麻, 多田隈建二郎, 大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 22nd 2017年


  184. 対向二輪型移動機構の壁デッドロックからの脱出-左右輪接地圧差調整による制御の提案と検討-

    小島匠太郎, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 濱田龍之介, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 22nd 2017年


  185. 生物外骨格構造・動作を活用したグリッパ機構-ダンゴムシの開閉動作を用いた把持メカニズムの考案・具現化-

    藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  186. 磁気式双キャスタ機構-薄膜柔軟シート上を転がり接触可能な3軸駆動力伝達ユニット-

    藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  187. 軸方向波動伝播ホイール機構-第2報 循環駆動方式の考案・実機具現化-

    西村礼貴, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  188. 可食アクチュエータ-可食フィルム・羊腸を用いた各バルーン機構の構成-

    藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  189. 交差型ヘリカル歯車機構-基本原理の考案と具現化-

    小松洋音, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 多田隈理一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  190. 先端テーパ型円形断面機構に基づく全方向移動車両

    小松洋音, 藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  191. 救助犬探査時系列データのクラスタリング手法の提案

    濱田龍之介, 大野和則, 山口竣平, 星達也, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  192. 消防ホースの能動化に向けた水噴射を用いた索状体の安定浮上

    安藤久人, 安藤久人, 安部祐一, 石井昭裕, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  193. 災害救助犬の呼吸音と周囲の音を同時に計測するサイバスーツの開発

    水野直希, 大貫和也, 星達也, 山口竣平, 濱田龍之介, 大野和則, 中臺一博, 奥乃博, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  194. 噴射方向能動ノズルを用いた空気浮上型能動スコープカメラによる瓦礫踏破

    石井昭裕, 山内悠, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  195. プラント災害予防を主題としたロボット競技会の提案

    奥川雅之, 木村哲也, 大金一二, 大坪義一, 清水優, 高橋友一, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  196. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジの概要

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 35 (10) 696-699 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.35.696  


  197. 足首における慣性と振動計測を利用した歩行運動の簡易ロギング手法の提案-第3報:下肢伝播振動と床反力との関係調査-

    加藤佳大, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  198. 災害救助犬用サイバースーツの開発-低遅延映像伝送技術と高精度測位技術を搭載したスーツの開発-

    山口竣平, 星達也, 源拓洋, 鈴木太郎, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  199. 交差型ヘリカル歯車機構-ウォームギア式実機の具現化と応用例検討-

    小松洋音, 藤本敏彰, 高根英里, SALAAN Carl John O., 鉄井光, 藤田政宏, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 多田隈建二郎, 多田隈理一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  200. 1次元ジャミング転移機構-線状式剛性切替えメカニズムの考案と具現化-

    藤本敏彰, 西村礼貴, 鉄井光, 野村陽人, 藤田政宏, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  201. 指腹における吸引圧力の時空間分布制御に基づく多指装着型触覚ディスプレイ-吸引面積および圧力の制御による硬軟感提示手法-

    永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  202. 時系列のラグを考慮したLasso型の正則化法によるI型糖尿病患者の運転中の血糖値予測

    大貫和也, 濱田龍之介, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  203. 軸方向波動伝播ホイール機構 第3報 波動伝播ユニットによる円形断面実機の具現化

    西村礼貴, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  204. 曲線道路における停車位置評価のための周辺車回避経路予測

    梶原正裕, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  205. 能動スコープカメラ挿入機

    石井昭裕, 藤本敏彰, 山内悠, 荒木真吾, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  206. コンタクトメカニクスを考慮した衝突振動モデル

    GU Wenchao, 杉本鎌, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  207. 手指モデルの拘束条件を考慮した多指振動触覚ディスプレイによる形状提示

    飯塚将太, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  208. 内部力補償型磁気吸着クローラ機構

    小澤将生, 多田隈建二郎, 岡田佳都, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  209. 圧力と流量に基づいた中空シャフトアクチュエータの位置推定手法の検討

    山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  210. スクリュー式差動回転機構~4輪型車輌構成における駆動力伝達メカニズムの具現化~

    野村陽人, 藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 西村礼貴, 鉄井光, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 多田隈理一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  211. 能動スコープカメラにおける長手方向の接触位置推定方法の検討

    荒木真吾, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  212. 面状全方向クローラ機構-第7報:側方向踏破性向上のための履帯脱離低減機構・テーパ状履帯構造の具現化-

    高根英里, 藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 野村陽人, 西村礼貴, 鉄井光, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  213. 光を利用したイヌ用行動誘導スーツの開発

    山口竣平, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 星達也, 松原聡子, 永澤美保, 菊水健史, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  214. 可食屈曲アクチュエータ-可食シートを用いた駆動素子の構成例として-

    小松洋音, 藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  215. 遠隔操縦ロボット操縦支援のための高周波振動変調手法-包絡線情報を表現するキャリア周波数の調査-

    竹之内栄人, CAO Nan, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  216. 遠隔操縦ロボットとの触覚共有のための筐体に生じる高周波振動の変調伝達

    竹之内栄人, CAO Nan, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 22nd 2017年


  217. 高周波振動と非対称振動の複合出力による滑り方向・滑り速度の提示

    堀江新, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 22nd 2017年


  218. 指腹における吸引圧力の空間分布制御に基づく多指装着型触覚ディスプレイ-多自由度の方向知覚の検証-

    永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 22nd 2017年


  219. 多指振動触覚ディスプレイを用いた形状識別の評価

    飯塚将太, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 22nd 2017年


  220. 2軸能動空気噴射ノズルを持つ索状体の浮上制御方法の提案

    安部祐一, 山内悠, 石井昭裕, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  221. 高周波振動と非対称振動の複合出力による滑り方向・滑り速度の提示 第2報:非同期な振動の複合出力

    堀江新, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  222. 房状ジャミング膜グリッパ機構-把持時押付力の定量評価実験-

    藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  223. 光を利用したイヌの行動誘導方法の検討

    山口 竣平, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 永澤 美保, 松原 聡子, 菊水 健史, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2A1-Q03 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-Q03  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>A novel method to guide moving direction of a dog is proposed. By using nature of dogs to pursue moving objects, we aim to develop a suit that guides the direction of movement of dogs. This guiding system is beneficial for search and rescue dogs that also investigate in places where human cannot approach easily. We investigated which light source is suitable for guidance and how to irradiate it. In an indoor experiment, a laser pointer is suitable light source. On the other hands, a dog pursued a high brightness LED light in an outdoor experiment. An optimal position to irradiate the light was estimated to be around 1.0 m front position of a dog. When the light was moving at a constant speed, optimal speeds were 0.5 and 1.0 m/s. When the light was moving with constant acceleration, the effect of acceleration was not remarkable.</p>

  224. イヌのリアルタイム情動推定システムの開発

    濱田 龍之介, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 松原 聡子, 永澤 美保, 菊水 健史, 池田 和司, 久保 孝富, 中原 英里, 山川 俊貴

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2A1-Q02 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-Q02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Search and rescue dogs are widely used in disaster situations. The efficiency of their operations can be improved if the dogs' inner states or motivation to search are estimated. We developed a real-time emotion estimation system for canines based on a measured electrocardiogram. Interval time of heart beats were measured by our canine suit equipped with an electrocardiographic device. Temporal variability of the measured intervals, i.e., heart rate variability, was calculated, then processed as input to a classifier of the canine's emotional state. An estimate of the emotional state is presented in a real-time graph, and updated in every five seconds. The proposed system was evaluated in an outdoor experiment and we confirmed that it can be operated in real-time.</p>

  225. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ

    田所諭, 田所諭, 内薗豊仁

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2017 2017年


  226. 能動スコープカメラの探査可能領域を分析するためのモデルの提案

    安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1A1-J07 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1A1-J07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Active Scope Camera (ASC) is the robot video scope that can move by itself to probe narrow gaps for rescue missions. ASC has the ciliary vibration drive mechanism which generates a propellant force to travel in rubble. Nowadays, we also propose a method to lift up the tip of the ASC stably by using air jet and a flexible passive parallel mechanism, which enabled ASC to climb over steps. However, the mobility of the active scope camera is not evaluated quantitatively. Thus, it is not clear where the active scope camera can reach depending on the environments. In this paper, we proposed a model to calculate the region where the ASC can reach.</p>

  227. 受動回転球殻マルチコプターの構造物近傍での目視外操縦の評価

    藤浪 拓海, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-F04 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-F04  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In order to inspect the structures using multicopter, it is necessary to maneuver out of sight. In this paper, we made prototype of first person view video transmission device with a small time delay using spherical camera to teleoperate the passive rotating spherical shell multicopter out of sight. The proposed system contains a head mount display with an IMU so that an operator can quickly and intuitively change the display perspective. And we extracted problems through evaluation experiments and found that it is necessary to improve the stability and operability of the multicopter.</p>

  228. 索状ロボットのためのロバストな視覚SLAMの実現

    清水 寛太, 徐 亮, 岡谷 貴之, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P2-P07 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-P07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We present a method for performing visual SLAM from a video sequence acquired by active scope cameras (ASCs). To explore the inside of debris of a house etc. ASCs go into a narrow space, which sometimes makes the camera very close to objects in the environment. This makes it hard to employ standard visual SLAM methods, since the acquired images will vary significantly between frames, incurring difficutles of tracking features stably. The employment of a high-speed camera will mitigate this difficulty by making image changes effectively small, but also make it difficult to perform visual SLAM in real-time. To cope with this, we propose a method that decimates unnecessary frames in an adaptive manner. Experiments including those conducted in the experimental field of ImPACT TRC show the effectiveness of our approach.</p>

  229. 意図的な壁との接触を利用したクローラロボットの階段での旋回中の滑落抑制

    大橋 勇斗, 小島 匠太郎, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 濱田 龍之介, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P2-D07 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-D07  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Inspections by mobile robots are required in nuclear power and steel plants. The robots need to climb and descend stairs because equipments are installed on difference levels. This paper proposes a turning motion on the stairs for tracked vehicles. A characteristic of the proposed turning motion is by using the reaction force from the safety wall. Experimental result shows that the movement direction can be changed by the proposed turning motion. In addition, the proposed turning motion enables the vehicle to run with less slippage than other turning motions.</p>

  230. 索状体の水噴射を用いた浮上制御方法に関する考察

    安部 祐一, 安藤 久人, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-P02 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-P02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We have been developing the flexible hose type robot which is filled with water and actuated by water jet. We aim to use it for the fire-fighting: the hose flies to fire sources by using water jet from the outside of a building, then extinguishes the fire directly with the water without a risk to the rescue workers' life. Previously, we have proposed a simple control method to make the hose float stably by water jet with 2 dimensional model. In this report, the flexible hose is modelled by 3 dimensional N rigid bodies. Then, we investigate the physical features of the simple control method. We find that the simple control method still has physically feasible property, the control input can be represented by potential function.</p>

  231. 中空構造を有した小型軽量な空圧回転体

    山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2P1-D01 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2P1-D01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper proposes small and lightweight pneumatic motor with a hollow structure. The fluid powered motors have advantages of explosion-proof or radiation-proof ability, and is expected to become of the main actuators for field robots. In this study, we present the new structure of in-wheel-type pneumatic motor. The rotation mechanism consists of flexible tubes and rollers realizes small and high torque rotation. We first propose the structure and mechanism of the motor, then we elucidate characteristics in terms of torque and rotational speed through experiments. We confirmed the mechanism can generate maximum torque of 89.6 mN/m at 220kPa without reduction drive.</p>

  232. 空圧駆動型柔軟索状ロボットによる配管内とオープンスペースの走行

    山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2P1-R02 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2P1-R02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This study presents a flexible pneumatic robot capable of moving both in pipes and across open spaces. For decommissioning operation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, a robot that can access to pressure containment vessels (PCV) and reactor pressure vessels (RPV) via pipes is required. The pneumatic robot mechanism proposed in this study realizes integrating in-pipe and open-space propulsion mechanism by using Expansion-type Pneumatic Hollow-shaft actuators and a pneumatic rotary steering mechanism. In this paper, locomotion ability is measured in terms of propulsion force and steering force. The results indicate that the mechanism can propel well even on grating or concrete floors.</p>

  233. 救助犬に搭載した全方位カメラを用いた視覚オドメトリ

    矢田 亮太郎, 清水 寛太, 岡谷 貴之, 大野 和則, 山口 竣平, 演田 龍之介, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2A1-Q05 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-Q05  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This article reports the development of a visual odometry for estimating 3D trajectory of a rescue dog moving in a disaster scene from a camera mounted on its back in an online manner. The major difficulty here is that camera shake occurs consistently while a dog moves (i.e, runs or even just walks), incurring significant changes in consecutive video frames. This makes it hard to employ standard visual SLAM/odometry systems. To cope with this, we use an omnidirectional camera and match feature points globally between consecutive video frames to makes the matches as accurate as possible. To achieve real-time computation, we implement the system using multiple threads on CPU and GPU. We conducted experiments in the experimental field of ImPACT TRC and confirmed the effectiveness of our approach.</p>

  234. 空気浮上型索状ロボットの噴射方向の二軸能動化手法の提案

    石井 明裕, 神尾 柊太, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2P1-E06 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2P1-E06  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Hose type robot is useful for search and rescue mission in narrow spaces. We have proposed air jet type hose type robot whose tip can float in air. The air float hose type robot can move over higher steps and change the moving direction easily. So far, we designed the mechanism to change the air jet direction around one axis. However,for better mobility,air jet direction should be controled around two axes. In this paper we suggest how to change the air jet direction around two axes.</p>

  235. 対向二輪型移動ロボットの壁デッドロック回避動作の生成

    小島 匠太郎, 大橋 勇斗, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 岡田 佳都, 濱田 龍之介, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-F12 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-F12  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In this paper, we propose a motion control method of differential-drive wheeled robot to avoid wall-deadlock. We define the wall-deadlock problem as the cases that the robot cannot rotate to the desired dirrection because of the collision force from an obstacle. The proposed method generates rotational moment to the desired direction by adjusting rotational radius though the collision force inhibits the motion. Experimental results show that the proposed method can generate rotational motion to the desired direction while the driving motor torque is limited to prevent the wheel slip.</p>

  236. イヌの移動軌跡推定のための歩容とIMUを用いた速度推定

    星 達也, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 山口 竣平, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2A1-Q01 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-Q01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>When searching victims in disaster areas, information of trajectory of search and rescue dogs is needed to access the victims. We developed a method to record and visualize the dog's trajectory that incorporates an inertial sensor to estimate the dog's velocity and position, even in environments where GPS signals are not available or accurate, such as collapsed buildings, mountain areas, etc. The dog's velocity and position are estimated by integrating accerelation signals measured with the inertial sensor. An accumulative error of the velocity estimation is corrected just when lateral or vertical velocity is zero. The timing of these zero velocity timings are estimated by using the inertial sensor data. Estimated velocity and position by the proposed method is more accurate than those estimated by the other methods without correction of velocity or position.</p>

  237. 後続車の回避経路を考慮した自車の停車位置の決定

    梶原 正裕, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2P2-D10 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2P2-D10  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>A vehicle needs to make an urgent stop during pulling over when a driver has a seizure and loses consciousness. In order to realize autonomous stop, considering following and surrounding vehicles and avoiding a rear-end collision are imperative. This paper proposes a method to decide a stop position and pull off the road. The proposed method is based on prediction of the following vehicle's paths to avoid the collision to an ego-vehicle, and a load index of the following vehicle's driver for each predicted path. The prediction of the following vehicle's paths is estimated by applying a path generation algorithm that uses state lattice, which consists of the vechicle's position, posture, and curvature of its path. The load index is calculated by using a cumulative curvature of the path. The result shows that 1.0 m is sufficient for the ego-vehicle to pull off and stop at the road shoulder.</p>

  238. 空気噴射型能動スコープカメラの性能評価実験

    神尾 柊太, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 円山 重直, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-P01 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-P01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Active Scope Camera (ASC) is the robot video scope that can move by itself to probe narrow gaps for rescue missions. ASC has the ciliary vibration drive mechanism which generates a propellant force to travel in rubble. We had proposed a method to lift up the tip of the ASC stably by using air jet and a flexible passive parallel mechanism, which enabled ASC to climb over steps. However, enough evaluation of the mobility, especially quantitative evaluation, had not been done yet. In this paper, the quantitative evaluation of the mobility in terms of turning motion and step climbing is conducted. In addition, the mobility on rubble is also evaluated through the experiments. These evaluations make It clear that the air-jet-type ASC has higher mobility than the previous non air-jet-type ASC.</p>

  239. 大型ボイラ内壁を検査するロボットシステムの開発:―上下移動機構と試作点検台車の統合による点検システムについての報告―

    小澤 将生, 岡田 佳都, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P1-B03 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-B03  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>In this paper, we report on an inspection system integrating vertically moving winches and a prototype inspection carrier in the development of the robot system that inspects the inner wall of a large boiler for power generation. We develop a mechanism that can raise and lower while maintaining the horizontal level of an inspection carrier using two vertically moving winches and integrate them with an inspection carrier. We will install inspection equipment on the inspection carrier for inspection operation and construct an inspection system. And we are planning experiments using a large imitation wall to evaluate the performance of the prototype inspection system we developed, and from now on we will confirm the behavior of an inspection carrier and identify problems.</p>

  240. 水噴射による索状体の能動化システムの開発:—単ノズルの場合での流路設計及び複数ノズルモデルの構築−

    安藤 久人, 安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 円山 重直, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P2-P02 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-P02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We are developing disaster response robots. We revealed the capability of improving robot's mobility and responding new emergency tasks by applying air and water jets as the new actuation technology. In this paper, we show the logic model of the Nozzles of Active Hose System by Waterjets and we apply the results for further development of the system.</p>

  241. 石油プラントでの火災における SLAMのロバスト性の評価

    水野 直希, Abu Ubaidah Shamsudin, 大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 田所 諭, 藤田 淳, 天野 久徳

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 2P2-A02 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2P2-A02  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>When using firefighter robots for fires in petrochemical complexes, there is a need to use Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) for navigating the robot to the location of fire. Under this kind of severe environments, often times there is lack of necessary information for SLAM such as insufficient GPS signals, overheating of the LIDAR sensor, and the LIDAR sensor's inability to observe fire. We have used Gazebo and ROS to simulate these environments in order to evaluate the accuracy of the trajectories estimated by our GPS and LIDAR-based SLAM module. We have found that the error becomes higher when the travelling speed of the robot is slower and that there is slight decrease in accuracy when the GPS signal availability is lower.</p>

  242. 可食センサ-力・変位センシング機能を有する可食メカニズム-

    小松洋音, 藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 35th 2017年

  243. 可食硬質メカニズム要素

    小松洋音, 藤田政宏, 藤本敏彰, 鉄井光, 西村礼貴, 野村陽人, 高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  244. クローラロボットによる階段の手すりの反力を利用した螺旋階段の自律踏破

    大橋勇斗, 小島匠太郎, 大野和則, 岡田佳都, 濱田龍之介, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  245. 歩容とIMUによるイヌの軌跡推定を用いた3次元地形計測

    星達也, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 山口竣平, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  246. 石油化学コンビナートでの大規模火災を再現したシミュレータの構築

    水野直希, BIN SHAMSUDIN Abu Ubaidah, 小島匠太郎, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 田所諭, 小島弘義, 藤田淳, 天野久徳

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th 2017年

  247. 足首における慣性と振動計測を利用した歩行運動の簡易ロギング手法の提案:–第 2 報: 歩行距離と歩幅の定量的評価–

    加藤 佳大, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 2P2-N08 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2P2-N08  


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    <p>We have developed a gait logging system that can estimate human walking motions with a wearable device attached to the ankles easily. We propose a method to estimate the trajectories of pedestrian accurately using an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and vibration sensor measured at the upper ankles. The estimated trajectories can provide details of gait exercise such as walking distance including the strides of each step. In this paper, we evaluate the walking stride length and velocity on each footstep quantitatively under the different types of footwear. The results demonstrated that our method works well for all footwears. The total walking distances were so accurate (within ± 1% error) that the estimated values of each step were reasonable.</p>

  248. 建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援のための高周波振動変調による接触情報の提示

    竹之内 栄人, CAO Nan, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 2A1-P07 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.2A1-P07  


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    <p>Contact information is necessary for an efficient remote operation of construction robots. We investigate display methods to deliver the contact information of the shovel by modulating high-frequency vibratory signals measured on the robot body. The proposed methods are based on an amplitude modulation (AM) with the envelope of the original vibratory signals measured because the envelopes could contain the information of contact characteristics. We also focus on the carrier waveforms of the AM to fit the human sensitive frequency range. We compared four modulation types, which are (a) the original signal without noise, (b) the envelope of the original signal, (c) AM with a constant frequency in a sensitive range, and (d) AM with a carrier waveform by the frequency-shift from the original signal. The results showed that the method (d) improved human discriminability.</p>

  249. 狭隘瓦礫を探査する能動スコープカメラのための接触情報の検出と提示:災害環境を模したフィールド実証実験の結果

    永野 光, 船水 貴仁, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P2-P03 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-P03  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Active Scope Camera (ASC) is a snake-like robot realizing the exploration in narrow space such as disaster sites. The authors have proposed the haptic/visual feedback system for representing collision information. This paper demonstrated that our developed system is effective on the exploration in the simulated disaster environment. The results clarified the effective situations such as the approach to a narrow entrance and the contact with ground.</p>

  250. 一般化粘弾性体モデルを用いた衝突感提示のための振動伝播シミュレーション

    杉本 鎌, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P1-O05 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-O05  


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    <p>For versatile tactile rendering methods of collision sensation, we propose a method of simulating wave propagation using generalized viscoelastic models. The generalized viscoelastic models enable us to control attenuation value of simulated vibration, which leads to a versatile tactile rendering method.</p>

  251. ヒト指腹部の固着・滑り運動に起因する皮膚振動の計測

    馬場 麻里奈, 永野 光, 田中 由浩, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P1-O04 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P1-O04  


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    <p>This paper showed the skin vibration caused by stick-slip phenomenon, which is useful for representing artificial frictional sensation. We conducted the experiments in which we measured skin vibration propagated from the fingertip and observed skin deformation by using a high-speed camera while stick-slip phenomenon. As a result, we confirmed that typical skin vibration occurs the status of fingerpad changes from stick to slip.</p>

  252. 多指振動触覚ディスプレイの開発とテクスチャ感提示

    飯塚 将太, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1A1-M03 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1A1-M03  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Humans use their whole hand to feel the texture of materials. Conventional vibrotactile displays mainly focus on a single finger. During the whole hand interaction, however, each finger can move in different directions and speeds so that respective tactile feedback on each finger may lead to a realistic texture display. In this paper, we develop a multi-finger vibrotactile display attached on proximal phalanxes that can deliver vibrations to the fingertip and isolate vibration propagation to the other fingers. We evaluated naturalness of the texture feeling by the multi-finger display. The result showed the potential of our approach.</p>

  253. 感覚機能統合型能動スコープカメラの改良と瓦礫フィールドへの適用

    山内悠, 安部祐一, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 坂東宜昭, 山崎公俊, 糸山克寿, 猿渡洋, 岡谷貴之, 奥乃博, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 18th ROMBUNNO.1C6‐09 2017年

  254. 多チャネル低ランク・スパース分解に基づく柔軟索状レスキューロボットのためのリアルタイム音声強調

    坂東 宜昭, 安部 祐一, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 中臺 一博, 吉井 和佳, 奥乃 博

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P2-P05 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-P05  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This paper presents a real-time human-voice enhancement method for a hose-shaped rescue robot based on multi-channel low-rank sparse decomposition. Although microphone arrays equipped on hose-shaped robots are crucial for finding victims under collapsed buildings, human voices captured by the microphone array are contaminated by environment-dependent and non-stationary ego-noise. Our method decomposes multi-channel amplitude spectrograms into sparse and low-rank components (human voice and noise) without any prior training. This decomposition is conducted with a state-space model representing the dynamics of these components in a mini-batch manner. Experimental results show that the performance difference between our method and its offline version is less than 3dB in signal-to-distortion ratio.</p>

  255. 感覚機能統合型能動スコープカメラの開発

    安部 祐一, 田所 諭, 坂東 宜昭, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 山崎 公俊, 糸山 克寿, 猿渡 洋, 岡谷 貴之, 奥乃 博

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 (0) 1P2-P01 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2017.1P2-P01  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We had developed an active scope camera: the robot video scope that can move by itself to probe narrow gaps for rescue missions. However, to investigate the interiors of collapsed houses effectively, not only the high mobility but also the sensors, such as vision, audition and haptics should be installed on the robot. According to this, we have developed an active scope camera with the sensory functions and demonstrated these functions in the test field which imitates collapsed houses. In the demonstration, we mainly showed four functions. (1)Detection of collision and it's presentation to the operator, (2)Searching operation assist with the processed vision data, (3)Shape estimation of the robot with sound and IMU data, and (4)Voice enhancement to detect victim's voice.</p>

  256. 変分ベイズ多チャネルロバストNMFに基づくマイクロホンの移動・被覆を許容する音声強調 (音声) -- (オーガナイズドセッション「あらゆる音を対象とした情報処理の実現に向けて」)

    坂東 宜昭, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 中臺 一博, 吉井 和佳, 河原 達也, 奥乃 博

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116 (189) 47-52 2016年8月24日



  257. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジの紹介 (特集 ロボットとフルードパワー)

    田所 諭, 内薗 豊仁

    油空圧技術 55 (3) 3-9 2016年3月



  258. 可食アクチュエータ-消化可能な柔軟駆動体-

    小松洋音, 高根英里, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  259. スクリュー式差動回転機構~全方向駆動車輪としての具現化~

    野村陽人, 高根英里, 藤田政宏, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  260. 双リング式全方向車輪機構における軸受内蔵モデルの具現化と基礎実験-ヨー軸周り旋回速度の連続性向上の実機実験による確認-

    小松洋音, 高根英里, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 多田隈建二郎, 多田隈理一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  261. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジの概要

    田所諭, 内薗豊仁

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  262. ワイヤーを用いた受動平行機構による空気噴型能動スコープカメラの先端浮上の安定化

    神尾柊太, 安部祐一, 安藤久人, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 圓山重直, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  263. 触覚呈示による建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援-第2報:グリッパ操作時の振動を利用した触覚呈示の検討-

    竹之内栄人, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  264. 面状全方向クローラ移動体“Omni-Board”-第4報:横方向用履帯の傾き変位許容実験と全周クローラの動作実験-

    高根英里, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 山本知生, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  265. セルフロック型配管内保持力発生機構の弾性特性を用いた印加圧力の決定

    山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  266. 救助犬行動の自動アノテーションの試み

    濱田龍之介, 大野和則, 山口竣平, 星達也, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  267. 内体積可変メカニズムを有するトーラス袋状グリッパ機構-全方向なじみグリッパにおける大型対象物の把持性の向上-

    藤田政宏, 高根英里, 野村陽人, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  268. 索状ロボット(細径)の概要

    田所諭, 昆陽雅司

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  269. 柔軟索状体の先端浮上安定化方法の提案-接地パターンが切り替わる2次元多体モデルを用いた分析-

    安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th 2016年

  270. 災害ロボットの現状と将来

    田所諭, 田所諭

    日赤医学 67 (2) 2016年


  271. 触感通信に向けた多次元空間での触感評価

    永野光, NAN Cao, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 21st 2016年


  272. 線状柔軟物の被伸展グラスピングを可能とする多段式把持機構

    藤田政宏, 高根英里, 野村陽人, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  273. 剛性可視化マーカ機構-柔剛切替把持メカニズムにおける状態の提示-

    藤田政宏, 高根英里, 野村陽人, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  274. 多指振動触覚ディスプレイに向けた基節骨への振動刺激法の検討

    飯塚将太, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  275. 有線遠隔操作ロボットのスタック解消のためのケーブル移動機構の開発-段差踏破時の受動・能動切替の比較-

    市村友哉, 高根英里, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  276. 複数の空気噴射孔を持った能動スコープカメラの開発~二方向に空気噴射可能な機構の提案~

    石井昭裕, 神尾柊太, 安藤久人, 安部祐一, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈健二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  277. 壁との接触を利用したクローラロボットの階段上の旋回動作

    大橋勇斗, 小島匠太郎, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 濱田龍之介, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  278. 先端テーパ型円形断面機構-踏破性向上のための無限軌道形状-

    小松洋音, 高根英里, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 小島匠太郎, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  279. 柔軟索状体の胴体浮上安定化手法の提案-二次元多体モデルによる分析-

    安部祐一, 安藤久人, 安藤久人, 神尾柊太, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  280. 狭隘瓦礫を探査する能動スコープカメラのための接触情報の検出と提示

    船水貴仁, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  281. 炉内壁点検装置のための水平方向カウンタウェイトによる振動抑制機構の開発

    小澤将生, 多田隈建二郎, 岡田佳都, 藤浪拓海, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  282. 柔軟配管内走行ロボットの接触力低減動作による曲管通過性の向上

    山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  283. 可変剛性膜メカニズム

    藤田政宏, 高根英里, 野村陽人, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  284. 柔軟受動平行機構を用いた空気噴射型能動スコープカメラの瓦礫乗り越え

    神尾柊太, 安部祐一, 安藤久人, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 円山重直, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  285. 受動回転球殻UAVの耐衝突性の向上を目的とした球殻の2点支持式連結固定部の開発と評価

    小澤将生, 大橋勇斗, 藤浪拓海, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  286. 先端テーパ型全方向なじみグリッパ機構-スイッチ押し動作用の円錐形状および索状プラットフォームとの統合-

    藤田政宏, 高根英里, 野村陽人, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  287. 可食アクチュエータ-第2報:バルーン式機体の基本的特性の計測および可食吸盤の具現化-

    小松洋音, 高根英里, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  288. 自車両の停車時における後方車両の回避経路の推定

    梶原正裕, 大野和則, 濱田龍之介, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  289. 飛行体を保護する受動回転球殻の空撮画像への写り込み認識率向上にむけた可視特徴追加と複数部位検出の検討

    石井拓麻, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  290. 足首における慣性と振動計測を利用した歩行運動の簡易ロギング手法の提案

    加藤佳大, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  291. 水噴射による索状体の能動化システムの開発

    安藤久人, 安藤久人, 神尾柊太, 安部祐一, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 円山重直

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  292. 面状全方向クローラ機構-金属切削化構造の検討・実施による実用性向上-

    高根英里, 藤田政宏, 野村陽人, 市村友哉, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  293. 遠隔操縦支援のためのヒト振動知覚特性を考慮した接触情報伝達システムの提案

    竹之内栄人, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  294. スクリュー式差動回転機構~入出力の観点からの応用・展開および具現化例の提示~

    野村陽人, 藤田政宏, 高根英里, 小松洋音, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 17th 2016年

  295. 空気噴射による能動スコープカメラの段差乗り越え動作の検討

    神尾 柊太, 安藤 久人, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭, 圓山 重直

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 1A2-08b1 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-08b1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Active Scope Camera (ASC) is a video scope for search and rescue operation, which has self-propulsion with the ciliary vibration drive proposed by the authors previously.It is difficult for the conventional ASC to get over a step. In this paper, we propose a method of getting over a step by air injection, and confirm the basic characteristics of air injection.</p>

  296. 後続車との衝突を回避するための判定手法の検討

    松山 昂平, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 2P2-07a1 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.2P2-07a1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>The authors aim to develop an autonomous braking system for unconscious car drivers. This paper describes a method for avoiding collision with a following car, which decreases driver's loads. Dynamics between two cars is modeled based on equation of motions. A conditional expression for collision avoidance is derived from the dynamics. We examine own car's deceleration <i>a</i><sub>p0</sub> and reaction time of the following car T for the collision avoidance, which the speeds of own car and following car are set 40 km/h and 50 km/h, respectively, and a vehicle-to-vehicle time is varied from 1.0 s to 2.0 s. Consequently, the collision is avoided at all the vehicle-to-vehicle time by setting <i>a</i><sub>p0</sub> -1.3m/s<sup>2</sup>. The collision is also avoided by setting T 0.1. Small T is better solution than <i>a</i><sub>p0</sub> because total running distance becomes small.</p>

  297. セルフロック現象を用いた配管内ロボットのための大保持力発生機構

    山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 1A1-09a3 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A1-09a3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>This study proposes an advanced holding force generating mechanism to improve performance of in-pipe locomotion mechanism. A high-speed locomotion mechanism using pneumatic hollow-shaft actuators, which is previously proposed by authors, has two challenges: lack of a holding force and inability to pass through a bend pipe. The proposed mechanism overcomes the challenges by applying new holding force generation method to the locomotion mechanism. First, design of previous locomotion mechanism is presented, and then challenges for further improvement are organized. Second, a design concept of a novel mechanism using self-locking phenomenon is proposed. Finally, characteristics of the holding force and passing performance through the bend pipe are investigated through experiments. Experimental results show that a retractable mechanism of pins can generate maximum holding force of 69.7 N, which is 5.2 times higher than the previous one, and improves passing performance through the bending pipe drastically.</p>

  298. 飛行体を保護する受動回転球殻の空撮画像への写り込みの認識と除去による被写体明瞭化

    石井 拓麻, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 2A2-09b5 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.2A2-09b5  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>We propose a realtime image restoration method for aerial inspection images that are deteriorated by the occlusion of a passive rotating shall of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). We use only one image as the input, detect joints of the UAV shell using feature-based object detection, reject outliers based on a sample consensus (SAC) approach and the geometrical model of the sell, reconstruct the entire region that the shell appears in, and inpaint the region. We evaluated the successfully-implemented proposed algorithm by actual inspection flights with different conditions. As a result of it, the average rate of the successful image restorations was 81.1 %, and the average processing frame rate was 4.3 fps.</p>

  299. 狭隘路におけるクローラロボットの走行制御

    小島 匠太郎, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 2A1-07b2 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.2A1-07b2  


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    <p>In this paper, we propose an autonomous navigation method for tracked vehicles based on a contact force model, which enables navigation in narrow space though it collides surrounding environment. The model counts on the contact force, driving force and friction force with the floor on the vehicle body. Using the model, controllable range is derived in velocity space. Experimental results shows that the robot can move in target direction with motion control based on the model if it collides with the wall, despite the navigation often fails using conventional path following in same conditions.</p>

  300. 携帯電話網とクラウドサービスを利用した災害救助犬の探査活動の共有

    山口 竣平, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 1A1-09a2 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A1-09a2  


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    <p>This paper describes a method which make sharing search and rescue (SAR) dog's investigation activities. The search and rescue activity will be operated several organizations. Therefore, it is necessary for correct decision making to share SAR dog's investigation. The authors propose a sharing method using widespread high speed communication and interface which can be operated by several operating systems. The proposed methods were evaluated by experiment. In several computers, the sharing and presentation methods were operated simultaneously. From the experiment, there were delays of displaying position data and movie data from camera. Evaluating those delays, delay of positon data is 1.5±0.85 seconds and delay of movie data is 20±6.9 seconds.</p>

  301. 水噴射による索状体の能動化装置及び手法の開発

    安藤 久人, 神尾 柊太, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 圓山 重直

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 1A2-08b2 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-08b2  


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    <p>Various Disaster response robots are developed and used for the search and rescue operations. We demand new actuation technology for such a tough field. In this paper, we propose a new actuation technology by water jets. We developed the instrument, which activate the water hose. This consists of a water pump, hoses, and jet nozzles. We observed the motion of the activated hose by water jets. The preliminary experiments were conducted to confirm the potential of new actuation technology for disaster response robots</p>

  302. 犬の歩容を利用した階段や瓦礫上の速度推定の高精度化

    大野 和則, 藤枝 卓明, 古森 雄一, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 1P1-09a2 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1P1-09a2  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>The authors aim to develop a method of dog's velocity estimation from the sensors put on the dog's vest, on rubbles and stairs. Accurate velocity data enable us to obtain dog's running distance, its pose, and its continuous trajectory. These data are important to analyze and visualize the search and rescue dog's activities. This paper describes dog's motion analysis on the rubbles and stairs and proposed a velocity estimation method based on the dog's gait. The propose method allows us to increase accuracy of the dog's velocity from the ground velocity data and estimate a dog's velocity from the sensors put on the dog's vest.</p>

  303. 人体下肢振動を利用した歩行者の自己位置推定の補正

    加藤 佳大, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1A2-12a1 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-12a1  


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    <p>This paper proposes a pedestrian self-localization system using propagated vibrations on lower limbs. The goal is to establish a navigation system with high accuracy that is convenient to use wherever we are. The system utilizes a conventional inertial navigation system (INS). In order to cancel the integration errors from inertial measurement unit (IMU), we focus on the human gait cycle. Based on the tendency that the ankle's velocity is close to zero in the mid stance, we use the zero velocity update (ZUPT). To estimate the mid stance times, we construct a new algorithm that combines the piezo sensor and the IMU. As a result of the self-localization in a short path indoor, there is an average position error of 0.88 m in the x-y plane and 1.26 m in the z direction. These errors can be reduced by constructing more accurate correction models.</p>

  304. 皮膚吸引圧刺激と筋バイアスを用いた道具を介した外力知覚メカニズムの検証

    牧角 将, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1A2-19b7 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-19b7  


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    <p>This study experimentally investigates the perceptual mechanism of the force applied to a grasping tool based on the hypothesis that perceptual force is mediated by the combination of cutaneous and kinesthetic sensation. We conduct the experiments in which, first, two participants memorize a pseudo force presented by the suction pressure display which enables cutaneous stimulation without kinesthetic bias. Then, the participants reproduce a memorized force by pressing a finger actively (with some kinesthetic sensation) and passively (without some kinesthetic sensation). Experimental results show that a reproduced force varies according to the presence of kinesthetic bias, the activity on reproducing task (active or passive) and the intensity of applied cutaneous sensation by the suction display. These results support the hypothesis that the combination of cutaneous and kinesthetic sensation is used for the perception of force.</p>

  305. 接触情報の視触覚提示による能動スコープカメラの操作性向上

    船水 貴仁, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1P1-08b5 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1P1-08b5  


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    <p>Disaster response robots for searching in a narrow area have limited space to mount tactile sensors, but the operators require sensory feedback to recognize contact situations with the surrounding environment. This study proposes a new approach to transmit contact information visually and haptically of a remoteoperated snake-like robot called Active Scope Camera (ASC) to the operator using simple configurations for the sensing and display methods. We established the system of localizing the contact position and the magnitude of measuring vibration by using multiple tactile sensors. Preliminary experiment shows that the developed system estimates a collision angle with high probability at several collisional situations. In experiment, we compared the performance of the operation. The results show that the performance of the operation improves in developed feedback system.</p>

  306. 触覚呈示による建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援:―第1報:車体振動計測システムの開発と接触対象物の振動情報の調査―

    竹之内 栄人, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1P1-09a4 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1P1-09a4  


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    <p>Recent technologies of unmanned construction machines are expected to be also applied to disaster response activities. However, the current work efficiency of remote operations is insufficient because of the lack of intuitiveness of the operation. The purpose of this study is to enhance the operability of remote construction robots by applying vibrotactile feedback. This paper reports initially a development of a vibration measurement system that can be applied to a hydraulic excavator working in a practical environment. We propose a coupled sensor unit of a piezo-type vibration sensor and a 3-DoF accelerometer. To confirm the potential of the vibration measurements, we investigate vibration properties when the bucket collides with different materials.</p>

  307. 変分ベイズ多チャネルRNMFに基づく柔軟索状レスキューロボットのための音声強調

    坂東宜昭, 糸山克寿, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 中臺一博, 中臺一博, 吉井和佳, 奥乃博

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 34th ROMBUNNO.1C2‐04 2016年

  308. 柔軟索状レスキューロボットのためのマイクロホン・加速度センサアレイを用いた3次元姿勢推定

    坂東 宜昭, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 中臺 一博, 吉井 和佳, 奥乃 博

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2016 (0) 1A2-10a6 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2016.1A2-10a6  


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    <p>This paper presents an online method that estimates a 3D posture of a hose-shaped rescue robot using a microphone and accelerometer array. Posture (shape) estimation of a self-driving hose-shaped rescue robot is crucial for handling the robot body because the unseen robot posture deforms in narrow spaces under collapsed buildings. Conventional sound-based method that uses time-differences of arrivals (TDOAs) works only on a two-dimensional surface and is often hampered by the rubble around the robot. Our method eliminates the outliers of sound-based TDOA measurements, and compensates the lack of the posture information with the tilt information measured by accelerometers. Experimental results using a 3-m hose-shaped robot that was deployed in a simple 3D structure demonstrate that our method reduces the errors of initial states to about 20cm in the 3D space.</p>

  309. UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE 22 (3) 176-177 2015年9月


    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2015.2452113  




    Shamsudin Abu Ubaidah bin, Ohno Kazunori, Suzuki Takahiro, Tadokoro Satoshi

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 "1A1-U01(1)"-"1A1-U01(4)" 2015年5月17日


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    Fire fighter robot autonomous navigation requires GPS measurements for 3-D map. However, GPS measurements are not available in all areas. Such situation, is it important to estimate sufficient GPS measurements for 3-D map. This work shows how to estimate areas of GPS measurements in petrochemicals and also how construct a 3-D map based on the fusion of LIDAR sensor with GPS measurements.

  311. 柔軟索状レスキューロボットのためのロバスト主成分分析を用いた走行雑音抑圧

    坂東 宜昭, 池宮 由楽, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 中臺 一博, 吉井 和佳, 奥乃 博

    第77回全国大会講演論文集 2015 (1) 505-506 2015年3月17日

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  312. 災害ロボットの現状と将来

    田所諭, 田所諭

    日赤医学 67 (1) 2015年


  313. 中型災害救助犬の被災者発見時の連続吠えの検出

    古森雄一, 藤枝卓明, 山口竣平, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 33rd 2015年

  314. 柔軟中空シャフトアクチュエータの弾性チューブ転がり抵抗の同定

    山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 33rd 2015年

  315. 全方向受動湾曲メカニズム-接触感応式連動バルブによる受動湾曲機能-

    高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 山本知生, 大野和則, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 33rd 2015年

  316. Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge競技タスクの概要

    奥川雅之, 木村哲也, 大金一二, 大坪義一, 清水優, 高橋友一, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 33rd 2015年

  317. テニスの打撃感を伝える触感提示手法の提案-第2報:スイング速度に応じた振動刺激の生成-

    坂田峻也, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 20th 2015年


  318. 触覚フィードバックを有する自然な空中手書き入力インタフェース-触覚情報提示タイミングを決める文字入力状態判別特徴量-

    KIM Seonghwan, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 20th 2015年


  319. レスキューロボドッグ-災害救助犬の行動計測スーツの開発と探査行動の可視化-

    大野和則, 古森雄一, 山口峻平, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    宮城県獣医師会会報 68 (4) 2015年

  320. 連結差動切り替え機構を有する球形ケーブル移動体の開発

    市村友哉, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  321. 飛行ロボットによる橋梁近接目視点検のためのカメラシステムの開発と実用性能の定量評価

    岡田佳都, 石井拓麻, SALAAN Carl John O., 大野和則, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  322. 高臨場感を有する衝突感提示のための前腕の振動伝播特性の計測

    坂田峻也, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  323. 能動スコープカメラより伝達される振動情報が接触状態知覚に及ぼす影響の調査

    船水貴仁, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  324. 形状マッチングによる配管計測における移動量推定の高精度化に関する検討

    高野一輝, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  325. 皮膚吸引圧刺激を用いた道具に加わる外力の知覚メカニズムの調査

    牧角将, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  326. 全方向なじみ変形グリッパ機構

    嵜山勢士, 多田隈建二郎, 高根英里, 山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  327. 距離画像センサを搭載した移動ロボットによる金属壁形状点検手法の提案と試行

    小島匠太郎, 神尾柊太, 高根英里, 勝田貴大, 多田隈建二郎, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  328. 全方向面状クローラ機構“Omni-Board”-動力伝達方式の提案と横方向移動ユニットの第一次試作-

    高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 嵜山勢士, 山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 16th 2015年

  329. 1P2-H05 瓦礫や階段上の犬の移動速度の高精度化に向けた歩容解析

    藤枝 卓明, 大野 和則, 古森 雄一, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _1P2-H05_1-_1P2-H05_4 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._1P2-H05_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim to develop a method of dog's velocity estimation from the sensors put on the dog's vest, on rubbles and stairs. Accurate velocity data enable us to obtain dog's running distance, its pose, and its continuous trajectory. These data are important to analyze and visualize the search and rescue dog's activities. This paper describes dog's motion analysis on the rubbles and stairs and proposed a velocity estimation method based on the dog's gait. The propose method allows us to increase accuracy of the dog's velocity from the ground velocity data and estimate a dog's velocity from the sensors put on the dog's vest.

  330. 1A1-I09 地下埋設配管の3次元形状計測にジャイロの誤差が与える影響

    高野 一輝, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _1A1-I09_1-_1A1-I09_3 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._1A1-I09_1  


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    We had developed the 3D shape measurement method using the robot technology to measure underground pipes.And we got the rough shapes of pipe. Our new aim is the accuracy improvement of the 3D shape measurement.Gyroscope on the robot is used to estimate robot position.Hence the specification of gyroscope is greatly related to accuracy of measurement.In this paper, to improve the accuracy of measurement, we propose a method to choose a gyroscope which can satisfy the target accuracy. We evaluated the measurement error caused by specification of gyroscope by simulation, and we found the index of specification of gyroscope.

  331. 1P2-H06 ぺダリング運動中における負荷変化提示による下肢運動機能評価

    宮崎 友裕, 瀬戸 文美, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _1P2-H06_1-_1P2-H06_3 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._1P2-H06_1  


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    The purpose of this study is to establish a quantitative method that can evaluate the motor function of human lower limbs in dynamic situations. As an index of motor function, we focus on the mechanical impedance characteristics of the lower limbs. By controlling these characteristics, humans can improve motion stability and adapt their movement to disturbances in the environment. In this paper, validation was performed using our proposed method to estimate the impedance, whether the impedance is adjusted by changing load during pedaling exercise. In the result, the impedance was adjusted in preparation for changing load unlike in the case of constant load. This agreement suggests that our method could extract a component of human motor control strategy that adjust mechanical impedances during pedaling exercises.

  332. 2A1-A08 テニスの打撃感を伝える触感提示手法の提案 : 第1報 : 実測値を基にした振動刺激の生成と評価

    坂田 峻也, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _2A1-A08_1-_2A1-A08_4 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._2A1-A08_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Recently, many researchers have developed tactile displays using vibrotactile stimuli. However, a tactile display method stimulating multiple positions on the body especially for representing realistic experiences have not been studied enough. This paper proposes a tactile display method for conveying realistic hitting sensations of tennis with vibrotactile stimuli to the multiple positions of forearm. At first, we reproduce vibrotactile stimuli based on the measurement data for forehand strokes. Then, we investigate the effects of stimulus parameters, which are mainly focused on a damping ratio and a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), to represent the stroke sensation. Experimental results showed strong sensations were obtained when the damping ratio became small, i.e., duration of vibration became long. We also confirmed that SOA didn't have a great effect on hitting sensations in this experimental conditions.

  333. 2A1-B09 筋活動の能動性が知覚された力覚の大きさに及ぼす影響の調査

    牧角 将, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _2A1-B09_1-_2A1-B09_2 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._2A1-B09_1  


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    This paper investigates the effects of muscle activities on human perceived forces. It is known that the activeness of force generation effects on attenuation of the perceived force. To investigate the mechanism of this phenomenon, we measured and compared the muscle activities in force generation tasks, which requires reproducing the perceived force by adjusting the force against the thumb actively or passively. Experimental results well followed the attenuation tendency reported in the past literature. We determined that main related muscle to adjust the force generation in our experiment was the ulnar extensor muscle of wrist. This muscle tends to increase the activity corresponding to the increase of the applied force only in the acive condition. This result indicates a possible connection between the muscle activities and the perceived forces in the human sensorimotor system.

  334. 1A1-G01 自動運転のための道路上の積雪の認識に関する研究

    北畑 裕貴, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _1A1-G01_1-_1A1-G01_3 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._1A1-G01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim to detect snow on the road from sensor data for autonomous driving in winter. This paper describes collection of sensor data on snow road and trials of snow detection from LIDAR data. The autonomous navigation is affected by the snow on the road and roadsides. The place and quantity of the snow is detected by comparing 3D shapes measured by LIDAR. We collected snow data by using 3 types of LIDAR sensors (FOCUS 3D, 2 mobile platform), and confirmed that snow mountains on the road-side, which are 2 and 3 m, can be detected from the comparison. We also confirmed that snow on the road, which is several cm, can be detected from FOCUS 3D data. However, it is hard to detect them from shape data measured by mobile platform because of LIDAR measurement error and its spatial resolution.

  335. 2A1-G06 永久磁石と電磁石を併用したマルチコプター用吸着装置の単体性能評価

    小浦 慧視, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _2A1-G06_1-_2A1-G06_2 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._2A1-G06_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, we proposed an adhesion mechanism using an electro permanent magnet for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We aim to realize remote fixed-point observation by UAV with the proposed mechanism, by adhering to a metal object in the environment, instead of rotating propellers that consumes large amounts of power. We introduced the principle of the proposed mechanism that theoretically make the adhesion robust against swing of the vehicle body, and enable a continuous control and an estimate of the adhesion force. Also, we performed quantitative evaluations of the actual mechanism and reported the results that demonstrated those expected advantages.

  336. 2P1-Q09 有線遠隔操作ロボットのためのケーブル移動機構の開発 : 第1報:移動機構の試作と検証

    市村 友哉, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _2P1-Q09_1-_2P1-Q09_2 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._2P1-Q09_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To survey narrow places where humans can't access like disaster area, tethered teleoperated robots are often used because wireless operations are not available in such limited spaces. A problem of tethered robots is tangling with obstacles which makes it difficult for the robots to move. This research proposes the tether handling mechanism that solve tangles. The devices are attached to the tether and move the tether to solve tangles. The proposed mechanism has two locomotive functions; longitudinal movement to move the robot along the cable and lateral movement to carry the cable aside for solving the tangles. Two prototypes for the lateral movement were developed and compared. Both of them succeeded in carrying cables. The experimental results shows the advantages and disadvantages of each prototype and suggests guidelines for further improvements.

  337. 1A1-U10 音声と慣性センサに基づく災害救助犬の吠え検出

    古森 雄一, 藤枝 卓明, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _1A1-U10_1-_1A1-U10_4 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._1A1-U10_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes audio-based and motion-based methods for detecting search and rescue (SAR) dogs' continuous barking. SAR dogs are trained to bark continuously when they find a victim. Therefore, the victim location can be detected based on using barking actions. Dynamic time warping (DTW) is used to analyze audio data. Periodic motion was happened during the dogs' barking action. The motion can be detected by an inertial measurement unit (IMU) on the vest. A fast Fourier transform (FFT) is used to analyze the dog's barking motion. The proposed detection methods were evaluated using audio and IMU data recorded during actual SAR dog trainings. The F-scores of the audio-based and motion-based barking detection methods were 0.95 and 0.90. As a trial, we marked victim locations on a map based on the body motion.

  338. 2A1-G04 飛行体の機上カメラを用いた受動回転球殻の状態推定に関する研究

    石井 拓麻, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _2A1-G04_1-_2A1-G04_4 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._2A1-G04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have been developing the MAV with a passive rotating spherical shell for bridge inspection. However, there are issues such that the spherical shell occludes the environment in the on-board camera image, and can be hit by the hammering machine. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to estimate the rotation state of the passive rotating spherical shell with a on-board camera image. To realize it, we evaluated spherical shell recognition performance of feature point detectors, and made the rotation model of spherical shell.

  339. 1A1-C01 空気圧アクチュエータを用いた高速配管内推進機構の開発

    山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _1A1-C01_1-_1A1-C01_4 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._1A1-C01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study proposes a high-speed locomotion mechanism for a pipe-inspection robot. As a result of the narrow and complex structures of pipeline networks, it is difficult for robots to move quickly within the pipes. The new pneumatic mechanism proposed here realizes high-speed locomotion along with advantageous features for pipe inspection including a small diameter and flexibility. First, we present the design concept of the novel locomotion mechanism using pneumatic flexible hollow-shaft actuators, which was previously developed by the authors. The prototype constructed to realize this concept and the associated mathematical model are then introduced. Second, the basic characteristics of the proposed mechanism are evaluated in terms of the holding force and the impellent force. Finally, the in-pipe movement performance is confirmed. The experimental results show that the designed robot can be propelled inside a 53-mm-diameter pipe at a maximum speed of 250 mm/s, which is exceedingly faster than conventional designs.

  340. 2A1-A07 応答特性の異なる2種類の振動子を用いた触刺激に対する反応時間の改善

    船水 貴仁, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 _2A1-A07_1-_2A1-A07_2 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2015._2A1-A07_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Vibration feedback is widely used in mobile information devices and video games. Improving reaction time to vibration is important for enhancing operability and usability. An eccentric rotating mass (ERM) and a linear resonance actuator (LRA) are typical vibrators in practical use and these are advantages and disadvantages in terms of stimulus magnitude and response speed. In this paper, we proposes a stimulation method to improve human reaction time using ERM and LRA to overcome the weakness of each actuator, which is especially the slowness at the starting point of ERM. The stimuli proposed realize vibration feedback that has enough magnitude and response speed at the same time. In the experiments, several types of combined vibrations were investigated for improving human reaction time and keeping naturalness of the perceived sensation. The results showed that the proposed method could improve the reaction time with 24 ms in average for a button-press task.

  341. ロバスト主成分分析を用いた動作雑音抑圧に基づく柔軟索状ロボットのための音声強調

    坂東宜昭, 糸山克寿, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 中臺一博, 中臺一博, 吉井和佳, 奥乃博

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 33rd ROMBUNNO.2D2-05 2015年

  342. 1P1-H04 能動スコープカメラの空気噴射機構による進路方向制御の検討(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス(1))

    福田 潤一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 愉

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 "1P1-H04(1)"-"1P1-H04(3)" 2014年5月24日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Active Scope Camera (ASC) is a special video scope for search and rescue operation, which has self-propulsion with the ciliary vibration drive proposed by the authors previously. Although the conventional ASC has running direction control functions, ASC still needs more stable direction control capability. In this paper, we propose a new direction control method using air blow. The preliminary experiments were conducted to confirm the potential and basic characteristics.

  343. マイクロホンアレイの位置推定によるホース型ロボットの姿勢推定

    坂東宜昭, 大塚琢馬, 糸山克寿, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 中臺一博, 奥乃博

    第76回全国大会講演論文集 2014 (1) 189-190 2014年3月11日

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  344. 防災ロボットについて我が国が取り組むべき中長期的課題

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 32 (2) 154-161 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.32.154  


  345. 犬の研究のすすめ~人間と動物とロボット技術の融合した実世界の探査システムを目指して~

    大野和則, 古森雄一, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 32nd 2014年

  346. 異方性摩擦機構を用いたカタストロフィー構造をもつ空気圧アクチュエータの開発

    華曄, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 32nd 2014年

  347. 片付け作業における物体の置き場の決定方法

    高住裕紀, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 32nd 2014年

  348. 三方向のレーザセンサーとIMUを用いた座標取得による地下構造物等の計測システムの開発

    宮崎幸, 小阪健次, 上道司, 番上勝久, 番上正人, 山根俊男, 新井智博, 大野和則, 田所諭

    建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM) 14th 2014年

  349. 1P2-J03 ジェスチャインタフェースのための触覚フィードバックによる空間指示能力の向上(触覚と力覚(2))

    金 勝煥, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _1P2-J03_1-_1P2-J03_3 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._1P2-J03_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Gesture input with body motion has an operating limitation due to a lack of human precise positioning capability of the hand in the air. This study proposes simplified tactile feedback methods to improve spatial pointing performances in a button-selecting task. The proposed methods showed that simplified tactile feedbacks, which were just non-directional vibratory intensity or a few vibration patterns, could improve the pointing performance in a nine-buttons-selecting task by utilizing human proprioceptive sensation.

  350. 3P1-P05 人体モデルを用いたペダリング運動時の下肢インピーダンス推定(感覚・運動・計測(2))

    宮崎 友裕, 瀬戸 文美, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _3P1-P05_1-_3P1-P05_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._3P1-P05_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this research, we focus on the impedance adjustment function of human to evaluate his/her mobility function in a quantitative way. We consider that pedaling exercise is suitable for measuring lower limb kinematic impedance parameters, and aim at the establishment of the method which measure lower limb kinematic impedance parameters during pedaling exercise. In this paper, we propose the method of estimating lower limb kinematic impedance parameters during pedaling exercise using a multiple joint link model to take into consideration movement of each body segment which was not taken into consideration in a previous study. As a result, it becomes possible to take into consideration the inuence of the gravity of each body segment, and it is thought that estimated accuracy improved.

  351. 2A2-C04 吸着機構を搭載したMAVの吸着性能の評価(飛行ロボット・メカトロニクス(2))

    柳村 一成, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 水谷 将馬, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _2A2-C04_1-_2A2-C04_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._2A2-C04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A battery powered MAV is used to search inside damaged building and plumbing. However, its flight time is from 10 to 15 minutes because of the limitation of battery. We proposed a MAV has adhesion mechanism to improve above problem. It can hover longer time without propelling by using adhesion mechanism and winch mechanism. In this paper, we evaluate adhesion performance of the MAV in considerable environment.

  352. 1P1-X07 TAKO-Pen:皮膚への吸引圧刺激を用いたペン型疑似力覚インタフェース : 第3報:複数皮膚刺激を用いた全方位力覚表現(触覚と力覚(1))

    前森 大貴, PORQUIS Lope Ben, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _1P1-X07_1-_1P1-X07_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._1P1-X07_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Humans can perceive external forces applied on a grasping tool based on skin pressure distribution at multiple contact areas during grasp. We have developed the TAKO-Pen, a pen-type pseudo-haptic interface using suction pressure stimulation on the each skin. In this paper, we investigate an improved method of skin stimulation based on a combination of psychophysical evaluations and mechanical simulation. We focus on a simplification method of the complex strain energy density (SED) distribution at the contact areas with a four quadrant values (SED index). The relationship between suction pressure and SED index was achieved by connecting the evaluations and the simulation. Moreover, we confirmed that an appropriate SED index could represent the magnitudes of forces in multiple directions with a linear function. Experimental results also showed that the proposed method could represent arbitrary directions between a pair of the orthogonal axes.

  353. 1P2-E08 線量計による放射線源分布推定における計測経路の評価(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス(2))

    皆本 岳, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _1P2-E08_1-_1P2-E08_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._1P2-E08_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Building a map of the distribution of radiation activities is needed to assist in decontamination work. The authors have proposed a method to estimate the intensities of point-like radiation sources from the radiation dose measured by moving a dosimeter in three-dimensions and 3-D map of the environment, and it was found that the accuracy of estimated distribution of radiation sources depended on the trajectory of dosimeter. To improve the problem we propose a method to plan a best trajectory of measurement of dosimeter in estimation of radiation sources. In this paper, the difference of likelihood distribution caused by trajectory of dosimeter is shown to evaluate the trajectory.

  354. 2A1-G01 マルチコプタを用いた打音検査の試行(飛行ロボット・メカトロニクス(1))

    矢野 浩史, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _2A1-G01_1-_2A1-G01_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._2A1-G01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Exterior wall tiles of building oat and peel off from wall by aging. In order to prevent the peeling, the tiles are inspected periodically. The inspection is performed by human hand, and it is necessary to install a scaffold when inspecting the range of reach. However, there are several problems in the installation of scaffold. In order to solve the problems, the author proposes that inspection method using multicopter. In this paper, the author describes about attempt of hammering test using multicopter.

  355. 2A2-N06 カタストロフィー構造を持つ空気圧アクチュエータの開発(アクチュエータの機構と制御(2))

    華 曄, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _2A2-N06_1-_2A2-N06_3 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._2A2-N06_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, a new type of pneumatic actuator for flexible cable robot is proposed. The proposed actuator is based on the catastrophic structure which mainly consists of an air cylinder as the power source, rubbers for energy storage, a magnet as the trigger for energy release and a weight for impact generation. Through experiments we show that the actuator moves backward under low friction conditions and forward under high friction conditions. We also built the simulation model of the actuator for design optimization in the future.

  356. 2A1-E04 錯雑した構造体中で飛行が可能な回転球殻を持つクアッドロータ(飛行ロボット・メカトロニクス(1))

    水谷 将馬, 大野 和則, 柳村 一成, 岡田 佳都, 竹内 栄二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _2A1-E04_1-_2A1-E04_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._2A1-E04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Quadrotor are expected to use in disaster investigation or infrastructure inspection. There are complex structure and narrow spaces in these field. In flight on such an environment, there is a high risk of crash due to contact with an obstacle. Therefore, this paper proposes a quadrotor with a rotating spherical shell. The shell can be rotated freely independently of the quadrotor, so it can parry the impact of collision. We designed the prototype, and it was examined experimentally.

  357. 2A2-G02 配管検査のための能動スコープカメラの挿通引抜性能の向上(極限作業ロボット)

    金谷 泰隆, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 岡村 栄二, 今野 実, 綱崎 勝, 齋藤 良裕, 和田 弘之, 枇杷友 啓郎

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _2A2-G02_1-_2A2-G02_3 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._2A2-G02_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We developed the Active Scope Camera (ASC) for pipe inspection, which promote by the Ciliary Vibration Drive mechanism. However, pipes consist of many bent pipes, so required insertion and drawing performance, which stably pass through these pipes. In this paper, we design configuration that takes into account an ease of drawing and propose the flexible tube type ASC for improvement of insertion. In addition, we propose the drawing function using a wire, and can draw in status of combination of the eight bent pipes. Finally, we valuate insertion and drawing performance by use of simulated pipe, which was assembled in three dimensions.

  358. 2A2-G08 スリップせずに自動路肩停車するための高速軌道生成(【交通・物流部門】カー・ロボティクスとITS)

    柴田 充晴, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _2A2-G08_1-_2A2-G08_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._2A2-G08_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a motion planning method that cars can automatically stop at road shoulder. This system is used in order to prevent causing a crash car runs away when the driver is unconscious. The proposed method generates paths in consideration of the car's non-holonomic restriction its deceleration, and obstacle avoidance. In addition, the proposed method can generate a path which the car run without slip by limiting the acceleration during its turn. Simulation results show that the proposed method can generate a path that pulls over a car, slowing down from 80km/h to 5km/h. It is confirmed that the proposed method can generate an appropriate path within 12〜16ms at the case of obstacle avoidance.

  359. 1P2-I06 被災者発見につながる災害救助犬の動作計測(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス(2))

    古森 雄一, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 _1P2-I06_1-_1P2-I06_4 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2014._1P2-I06_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Search and rescue (SAR) dogs show the typical motions when they find victims. The authors aimed to develop the measurement methods of the SAR dog's motions which suggest the victim locations. It can be used for making investigation maps with victim locations. The authors focused on barking and tail's wagging, and digging as the motion. We used IMU for measurement. The sensors were put on the vest for dogs, and We use no additional clothes by preference. We evaluated their locations and whether it is possible to detect the motions. For example, we can detect wagging motion by IMU directly on the tail.

  360. Preface

    Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 92 2014年



  361. Field and Service Robotics - Results of the 8th International Conference, Tohoku University / Matsushima, Japan, 16-19 July 2012

    Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 92 2014年


    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40686-7  



  362. マイクロホンアレイとスピーカをもつ柔軟索状ロボットのための動的スピーカ選択による姿勢推定の高速化

    坂東宜昭, 糸山克寿, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 中臺一博, 中臺一博, 吉井和佳, 奥乃博

    人工知能学会AIチャレンジ研究会(Web) 41st 8 (WEB ONLY) 2014年

  363. マイクロホンアレイを用いた駆動機構付ホース型ロボットの姿勢推定

    坂東宜昭, 糸山克寿, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 中臺一博, 吉井和佳, 奥乃博

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 32nd ROMBUNNO.1I2-02 2014年

  364. 災害対応ロボットと福島第一原発事故 (特集 震災復興を支える技術への挑戦)

    田所 諭

    設計工学 = Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering : 日本設計工学会誌 48 (12) 539-545 2013年12月



  365. 災害対応ロボットの技術とその課題 (特集 地震・原子力災害へのロボット技術の利用)

    田所 諭

    電気評論 98 (6) 13-21 2013年6月



  366. 1A2-E01 TAKO-Pen: Pen-type Pseudo-Haptic Interface Using Suction Pressure on the Skin : First Report: Perceiving External Force by Multipoint Suction Pressure Stimuli(Haptic Interface (2))

    PORQUIS Lope Ben, MAEMORI Daiki, NAGAYA Naohisa, KONYO Masashi, TADOKORO Satoshi

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 "1A2-E01(1)"-"1A2-E01(4)" 2013年5月22日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, we present a feasible solution to address the problem of deficiency of haptic feedback in fine manipulation. We studied the effect of skin stimulation by multipoint suction pressure on the haptic perception of external force. The subjects perceived the presented magnitude and direction of suction pressure and interpreted it, by exerting an equivalent force vector on the tactile interface. We had obtained the characteristics of perceived external force with respect to suction pressure stimuli. This relationship is used as a model for presenting the stimuli on the interface.

  367. 原子力発電所の事故対応に求められるロボット技術 (電気記念日特集)

    田所 諭

    電気協会報 (1052) 10-14 2013年3月



  368. 東北から明るい未来を創るICT技術 5.防災ロボットの未来


    電子情報通信学会誌 96 (10) 2013年


  369. 片付けロボットのための属性情報を用いた物の置き場所の推定

    高住裕紀, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 31st 2013年

  370. ペン把持時の皮膚接触面における圧力分布を考慮した疑似力覚呈示手法

    前森大貴, PORQUIS Lope Ben, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 18th 2013年


  371. 空間操作型インタフェースを用いた仮想柔軟物体との疑似力覚インタラクション

    宮崎友裕, KIM Seonghwan, 伊藤純平, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 18th 2013年


  372. 1A1-R16 鉛直降下探査のための能動スコープカメラの開発(極限作業ロボット)

    福田 潤一, 竹内 栄二朗, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 山崎 忍, 廣瀬 豊, 青木 滋, 金森 洋史

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _1A1-R16_1-_1A1-R16_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._1A1-R16_1  


  373. 2A1-R10 動的環境における既観測領域の変化の予測に基づく移動ロボットの動作計画 動的環境における衝突リスクの検討(車輪型/クローラ型移動ロボット(1))

    菅原 直樹, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _2A1-R10_1-_2A1-R10_3 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._2A1-R10_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study developed path planning algorithm that mobile robot moves safety in living environment. In the human living environment, positions of objects and people change frequently. So, Robots need to move with observing environments. But, paths with traditional path planning method have concerns about collision with unobserved object when range of observation is limited. To solve this problem, we have proposed the path planning method. This method can predict change of observable area in planning and avoid robots go into unobserved area. We confirm that Robots can arrive at the destination by using our method in static field. In this paper, we developed our method in order to use the method in dynamic environment.

  374. 1P1-P10 3次元形状と空間線量マップからの放射線減衰特性に基づいた地物表面放射線源分布推定(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    皆本 岳, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _1P1-P10_1-_1P1-P10_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._1P1-P10_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents method of building a wide range and high density radiation source map by using accessible dosemeter. Radioactivities spread across eastern Japan because of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant accident. Then they have piled up and made high dose spots in our living area. Radiation source map building is needed for streamlining decontamination work and reducing exposure. There are some problems in building radiation source map.One of the problems is that there is no way to build a high density map by accessible measure method. Our approach is to measure dose with accessible dosemeter and estimate ground surface radiation source from the dose distribution and 3D map based on radiation attenuation characteristic in order to solve a problem of low density.

  375. 1P1-P18 クローラロボット側面の接触を計測可能な可動バンパー式接触センサの開発(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    大野 和則, 東 和幸, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _1P1-P18_1-_1P1-P18_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._1P1-P18_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim at developing contact force sensors for rescue robots. When the robot explores damaged buildings, the contact force sensors are useful. By considering the contact, we can reduce the risk of trouble during the mission. In this paper, we propose a tough and thin contact force sensor for tracked vehicles.

  376. 2A1-A11 TAKO-Pen : 皮膚への吸引圧刺激を用いたペン型疑似力覚インタフェース 第2報:ペン把持部への外力負荷時の指腹部変形解析(触覚と力覚(1))

    前森 大貴, Lope Ben Porquis, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _2A1-A11_1-_2A1-A11_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._2A1-A11_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have developed the TAKO-Pen, a pen-type pseudo-haptic interface using suction pressure stimulation on the skin. This paper presents a follow up report to support the results obtained in an earlier study. In this paper, we obtain an analysis on the finger pad deformation using the finite element method. The analysis was based on the grasping condition of the finger on the pen at which external force is applied. This analysis is important for developing the guidelines for controlling pressure distribution on the skin. We found that strain energy density appears to conform to the responses we had obtained in the psychophysical experiment.

  377. 1A1-F07 クアッドロータに搭載可能な磁石を用いた吸着機構の研究開発(飛行ロボット・メカトロニクス(1))

    柳村 一成, 大野 和則, 戸塚 雄介, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _1A1-F07_1-_1A1-F07_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._1A1-F07_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    UAV driven by battery is used to search indoor of a suffering building and plumbing of plant, but it can only fly at short time because of few burdens of the battery. To solve the problem mentioned above, this paper proposes an adsorption mechanism using magnets which can be mounted on UAV. So UAV can hold its own position by using the adsorption mechanism without driving propellers. We designed the adsorption mechanism in consideration of mounting on UAV and evaluated it.

  378. 2A2-A07 下肢への振動呈示による歩行サポートに関する研究 : 第1報:歩行時における下肢伝搬振動の計測・再生装置の開発(触覚と力覚(2))

    大竹 達也, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _2A2-A07_1-_2A2-A07_2 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._2A2-A07_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Humans control their movement based on the environmental information obtained from various sensory systems. Although it is generally known that deep sensation coordinates the control of the movement, it is assumed that cutaneous sensation also has some functions on the motor control. This means that decline of cutaneous sensation can be a possible cause of fall of walking capability. Our objective is to develop a new walking support technology using vibrotactile simulations on the lower limbs. In this paper, we developed a wearable recording and reproducing equipment of vibration propagation on legs during gait.

  379. 1P1-P11 災害救助犬が長時間装着可能な探査記録装置の開発(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    坂口 尚己, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 永谷 直久, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _1P1-P11_1-_1P1-P11_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._1P1-P11_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim at recording and visualizing search results which acquired by rescue dogs. We are trying to record the motion, the position, and the image that the dogs are looking. In this paper, we develop long term usable and search recording devices for rescue dogs. We consider equipments to mount on and the attachment position because the weight may prevent the dog's motion. We also archive simple equipment to dogs by sewing the devices to the dog's vest. Devices can be equipped to dogs, only by putting the vest on. In addition, we examine the optimal position of the camera to film disaster sites that rescue dogs are searching. We evaluated the devices by the experiments with using dogs.

  380. 2A2-A08 空間操作型インタフェースを用いた表面形状呈示(触覚と力覚(2))

    伊藤 純平, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _2A2-A08_1-_2A2-A08_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._2A2-A08_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Space operation type interfaces, which use gestures and hand movement in the air, provide intuitive interaction as a human interface. Haptic feedback for such interfaces will be able to enhance the operability and the reality. In this study, we propose a surface shape display method for the space operation type interfaces. We have proposed a surface shape display method by cutaneous sensation of friction through a pointing-stick-type tactile interface called 'Vib-Touch'. In this paper, we propose a new implementation of the surface shape display method to apply the space operation type interface. We evaluated the discrimination performance with the three virtual shapes in space by comparing with the real objects.

  381. 2P1-G05 身体伝播振動を用いた歩行周期推定手法の提案(感覚・運動・計測(3))

    門谷 周平, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _2P1-G05_1-_2P1-G05_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._2P1-G05_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In recently, analysis of human gait research have been active. However there is no effective and easy method to find gait cycle without using expensive and complex device such as motion capture. Therefore, we propose the method to estimate gait cycle with body travelling vibration caused by ground collision measured at certain points. This method is using the sensor which is none expensive, small, and simple but can gain vibration precisely. The vibration can be separated to low frequency and high frequency and they are used to estimate Heel Contact and Toe Off which can indicate the gait cycle.

  382. 1P1-I01 航空測量地図を用いたGPS衛星の可視性に基づく車輌の位置推定 : 計測車輌の開発(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築(2))

    荒川 尚吾, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 _1P1-I01_1-_1P1-I01_4 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2013._1P1-I01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes a localization method for ground vehicle in urban environments using GPS. To reject GPS multipath error, the method discerns GPS satellites visibility and removes signals from invisible GPS satellites. In order to determine invisible satellite, the method uses Aerial survey Maps. GPS antenna position on the 3D-Maps is estimated by employing a particle filter. To Applying this method for ground vehicle, we developed measurement vehicle.

  383. 3次元GISに統合可能な埋設下水管の形状計測

    新井智博, 大野和則, 田所諭, 宮崎幸, 上道司, 小阪健次, 番上勝久

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 31st 2013年

  384. レスキューロボドッグ:情報技術を利用した人と動物の協調探査の高度化

    大野和則, 坂口尚己, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013 2013年

  385. ホースの伸び縮みによるマイク位置の変化を許容するマイクロホンアレイを用いたホース型ロボットの姿勢推定

    坂東宜昭, 大塚琢馬, 糸山克寿, 中村圭佑, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 中臺一博, 中臺一博, 奥乃博

    人工知能学会AIチャレンジ研究会(Web) 38th 10 (WEB ONLY) 2013年

  386. レスキューロボットと福島第一原発事故

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 30 (10) 1017-1021 2012年12月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.30.1017  


  387. 防災ロボット活用元年

    田所 諭

    情報処理 54 (1) 巻頭 2012年12月15日

  388. 災害対応ロボットのあるべき姿

    田所 諭

    建設の施工企画 (753) 23-31 2012年11月25日



  389. 2A2-T08 Semi-autonomous Steering Control for Cycling Wheelchair(Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics (3))

    LI Zhaotong, TAKEUCHI Eijiro, TADOKORO Satoshi

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2-T08(1)"-"2A2-T08(4)" 2012年5月27日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Aim at safety and maneuverability, this paper proposes a semi-autonomous control of cycling wheelchair by steering power assist. In this study, a dynamic window approach is utilized to be the theoretical basis of navigation, steering power assist by servo motor is utilized to realize the actual maneuver. The proposed control scheme is implemented oil a mobile robot, its effectiveness is assessed by experiment.

  390. 東日本大震災の教訓 : 災害対応ロボットのあるべき姿について考える (特集 災害対応ロボット)

    田所 諭

    ロボット (206) 1-8 2012年5月



  391. 複数の外界センサを用いた位置推定モジュール群による屋外環境における自己位置推定

    竹内 栄二朗, 山崎 将史, 田中 一志, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 30 (3) 296-304 2012年4月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.30.296  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes multi-sensor localization framework for an autonomous mobile robot using multiple sensor. To realize robust localization in outdoor environments, many external sensors are needed. The propoesd localization framework in the paper is to divide the localization system into modules that contains retro-active localization function for particle filter to solve computation delay of to calculate measurement models. In this paper, solutions for multi-sensor localization are illustrated and localization experimental results in outdoor environments are described.

  392. Propose an RAS Summer School

    Andreas Birk, Stefano Stramigioli, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE 19 (1) 104-+ 2012年3月


    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2012.2184205  



  393. 災害対応ロボットレスキューロボットQuince


    JACIC情報 104 (26) 63-69 2012年1月25日

  394. 18・7 レスキューロボット(18.ロボティクス・メカトロニクス,<特集>機械工学年鑑)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 115 (1125) 585-586 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.115.1125_585_4  


  395. 地上走行ロボットと飛行ロボットの協調による被災ビルの探査実験

    吉田和哉, 永谷圭司, 岡田佳都, 桐林星河, 大竹一樹, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭, MICHAEL Nathan, SHEN Shaojie, MOHTA Kartik, KUMAR Vijay

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  396. 観測による地図更新を予測する経路計画の高速化と安全走行の検証

    菅原直樹, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  397. 空気圧柔軟中空シャフトアクチュエータの発生力解析と応用

    若菜和仁, 鉛搏瑛, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  398. 搭乗型モビリティロボット向けRTCの開発

    五十嵐広希, 竹内栄二朗, 齋藤俊久, 清水正晴, 根和幸, 佐藤徳孝, 前田弘文, 秋元大, 高森年, 松野文俊, 田所論, 水川真

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  399. GPS衛星の可視性に基づいた複数測位解生成による移動体の位置推定の精度検証

    荒川尚吾, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  400. ペダリング運動を用いた人体下肢のインピーダンス調整機能の評価 第3報:ペダリング運動中のインピーダンス計測

    渡邊高広, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  401. 水蒸気が充満する室内のレーザ波形の特徴に基づく水蒸気の分類

    鈴木貴広, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  402. 災害救助犬の位置推定のための速度推定手法に関する考察

    坂口尚己, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 30th 2012年

  403. 小型3次元レーザスキャナを搭載したクローラロボットによる被災建物内部の3次元計測

    大野和則, 鈴木貴広, 東和幸, 坪田真延, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM) 13th 2012年

  404. 歩行時の人体下肢関節部における振動伝播の計測

    永谷直久, 深澤洸貴, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集 33rd 2012年

  405. レーザの通過率を用いた複数の線や網を含む3次元点群の分類

    大野和則, 大野和則, 畠彰彦, 桜田健, 竹内栄二郎, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 17th 2012年


  406. ポインティングスティック型インタフェースのための疑似形状呈示法

    伊藤純平, 大竹達也, 門谷周平, 前森大貴, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 17th 2012年


  407. 災害対応ロボット

    田所諭, 田所諭

    日本機械学会東海支部講習会資料集 117th 2012年

  408. 次世代ロボット知能化技術開発プロジェクトの成果報告「移動知能(社会・生活分野)の研究開発」の最終成果報告

    水川真, 五十嵐広希, 竹内栄二朗, 齋藤俊久, 清水正晴, 大和秀彰, 戸田健吾, 根和幸, 佐藤徳孝, 前田弘文, 高瀬弘勝, 青木利憲, 秋元大, 高森年, 松野文俊, 田所諭, 古田貴之

    ロボット (208) 2012年


  409. 歩行時の人体下肢関節部における振動伝播の比較

    深澤洸貴, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 17th 2012年


  410. 歩行時の下肢関節部への振動刺激が歩容調整に与える影響の予備的調査

    大竹達也, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 17th 2012年


  411. 足裏部から全身への振動伝搬特性に関する研究

    永谷直久, 深澤洸貴, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 17th 2012年


  412. 振動刺激によるマスキングが上肢の打撃力調整タスクに及ぼす影響

    藤田晴千, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 17th 2012年


  413. 1A1-B07 未知物体認識のためのPOMDPを用いた探り動作計画(3次元計測/センサフュージョン(1))

    大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A1-B07_1-_1A1-B07_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A1-B07_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim at finding and modeling unknown objects in human life environment using robot technologies. In this paper, the authors proposed a method of unknown object segmentation using manipulation. Partial Observation Markov Decision Process (POMDP) is used for the planning. POMDP requires states for the estimation of the unknown objects. However, it is hard to define the states of the unknown objects. Therefore, the authors used primitive shape (e.g., quadrangular prism, ball) as the states. Use of primitive shape allows the estimation of unknown objects by using POMDP. We show a simulation result of the unknown object finding.

  414. 2A2-L09 クアッドロータの配管に沿った飛行(飛行ロボット・メカトロニクス(2))

    戸塚 雄介, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2A2-L09_1-_2A2-L09_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2A2-L09_1  


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    The authors aim at developing a search system by using a Quad-rotor. Fire and leakage accident occur many times in chemical plants and oil plants etc because of pipe line troubles. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to check pipes. In this paper, the authors proposed a method of Quad-rotor flying along a pipe. We set a line which is a constant distance parallel with the pipe line as target line. The Quad-rotor can follow the target line by moving a target point aloneg the target line. Position control method proposed by Michael is used for the purpose. We have implemented the program on the dynamics simulator V-REP, and confirmed that the Quad-rotor fly along the pipe line using the proposed method.

  415. 2A1-J11 降雪を想定した屋外環境でのレーザースキャナによる位置推定(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築(1))

    福井 貴久, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2A1-J11_1-_2A1-J11_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2A1-J11_1  


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    We are developing the automatic guided vehicles for the outdoors. and studyingabout the robust localization method using a laser scanner for the stable autonomous run. Then, the influence which the climate condition containing snowfall has on observation of a laser scanner was investigated.

  416. 2A1-P09 サブクローラを有するクローラロボットの側面の接触を予測するためのセンサシステムの開発(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス(1))

    東 和幸, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2A1-P09_1-_2A1-P09_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2A1-P09_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The remote control support by the generation of robot's motion which considers the robot's activity environment and a manipulator's operation input is effective in improvement in practicality of a teleoperated robot. The validity of operation support improves by measuring positively the range of the robot's lateral aspect which tends to serve as a dead angle for a manipulator especially. It is because many of failures in remote control originate in contact of the robot's lateral aspect and some obstacles. Then, in order to realize generation of operation according to the teleoperated robot's activity environment, the sensor system which used the three-dimensional distance sensor of the large area and the short-time measurement was developed. By this sensor system, the generation of operation which predicted the contact relation between the robot's sides and an obstacle is attained.

  417. 2P1-C06 ペダリング運動を用いた人体下肢のインピーダンス調整機能の評価 : 第2報 : ペダリング運動の足先軌道予測のための検討(感覚・運動・計測(3))

    渡邊 高広, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2P1-C06_1-_2P1-C06_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2P1-C06_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Humans perform movements with adjusting their body impedance to environmental impedance. A Lack of such adjustment ability decreases human performance for optimal movement control to adapt changing environments and contact events. The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluation method for human impedance adjustment ability on lower limbs. In this paper, as the second report, we proposed an estimation method of impedance parameter, especially on stiffness, during pedaling exercise. An experiment system for measuring the impedance was developed. We evaluated the changes in endpoint trajectories during the pedaling exercise under a discontinuous velocity-dependent force field in order to predict an actual trajectory correctly.

  418. 1A1-N10 安全化に基づく足漕ぎ車椅子の屋内利用と操縦能力評価(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス(1))

    廣 信利, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A1-N10_1-_1A1-N10_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A1-N10_1  


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    Patients with walking difficulties often rely on mobility aids for moving around by themselves. A Cycling Wheel Chair has been developed as an option in order to provide such patients an opportunity to fully utilize their bodies, including lower limbs and nerves. This paper presents the enhanced indoor safety concept, where the Cycling Wheel Chair warns the patient as he blindly approaches static objects, rather than completely taking over their controls. Also, quantitative evaluation of the driving ability with warning levels allows a patient to perform a rehabilitation exercise away from hospitals. The results of such evaluation can later be used by doctors for further driving ability assessments.

  419. 1A2-A02 疑似筋骨格機構を用いたインピーダンス調整評価法の提案 第2報 : 振動刺激によるインピーダンス調整への影響(触覚と力覚(2))

    藤田 晴千, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A2-A02_1-_1A2-A02_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A2-A02_1  


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    Humans can adjust own impedance with environment impedance. This study has a hypothesis that humans use impact vibrations generated by hitting environments with a part of body for adjusting own impedance. Although the relationship between muscular activities and perceived impedance should be evaluated to investigate the hypothesis, it is hard to control muscle activities voluntary. So we propose an evaluation method for human impedance adjustment ability using an artificial musculoskeletal mechanism which has variable stiffness function to substitute a part of body. This device contributes to investigate relationships between perceived impedance and motion control under several stiffness conditions. We developed a prototype device. We confirmed that instantaneous vibrotactile stimuli which interrupt impact vibrations could affect the human impedance adjustment ability.

  420. 1A2-A01 人体振動伝播に基づくインピーダンス知覚仮説 第3報 : 下肢関節部振動刺激のための基礎的検討(触覚と力覚(2))

    大竹 達也, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A2-A01_1-_1A2-A01_2 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A2-A01_1  


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    Efficient human movement requires to adjust both environment impedance and biological impedance. We suggest that cutaneous sensation contributes this impedance adjustment. Our objective is to develope movement support technology by vibrating leg joint parts. In this paper, as a preliminary step, we evaluated vibrotactile threthold of the leg joint and effects of stimulus locations and simultaneous stimuli.

  421. 1A2-B10 レーザー反射強度を用いた煙の充満した屋内の3次元計測(3次元計測/センサフュージョン(2))

    鈴木 貴広, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A2-B10_1-_1A2-B10_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A2-B10_1  


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    The authors aim to make 3-D map in rooms filled with smoke by removing smoke effects. Because the laser scanner is able to measure the shape of the smoke, the smoke is show up in the generated 3-D map. This paper attempts to recognize the smoke using laser reflection intensity, remove the smoke from the 3-D map, and correct the measuring distance if the laser measures 3-D shape of the smoke. The 3-D point cloud is divided into voxels. Smoke is characterized with an eigenvalue and laser reflection intensity in each voxel. In addition, the 3-dimensional shape warped by smoke effects is corrected both distance and angle of incidence.

  422. 2A1-A05 移動に伴う局所障害物地図の更新の予測による移動ロボットの動作計画(動作計画と制御の新展開)

    菅原 直樹, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2A1-A05_1-_2A1-A05_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2A1-A05_1  


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    This study developed path planning algorithm that mobile robot moves safety. For safety move, it is important for preventing incursion into unmapped region. However, existing path planning algorithm has to invade unmeasured space when destination is located in unmapped space. This paper describes about path planning algorism which minimalize incursion into unmapped region by predicting update of unmapped region with action.

  423. 1A2-A03 人体下肢の振動伝播に基づくインピーダンス知覚仮説 第2報 : 振動計測システムの評価(触覚と力覚(2))

    深澤 洸貴, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A2-A03_1-_1A2-A03_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A2-A03_1  


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    Human motion is performed by adjusting their impedance to environmental impedance. However mechanism behind the human impedance perception is still unclear. Therefore, our goal is to clarify the mechanism behind the human impedance perception from a view of cutaneous sense involvement. In this paper, we developed acoustic vibration sensor, and evaluated Vibrational Characteristics of it, and investigated the relationship between muscle activity and vibration propagation of human body. The involvement of cutaneous sense in impedance perception is suggested in the result of experiment.

  424. 2A1-E08 大ストロークかつ高速運動可能な柔軟空気圧リニアアクチュエータの開発(アクチュエータの機構と制御(1))

    若菜 和仁, 鉛 搏瑛, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2A1-E08_1-_2A1-E08_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2A1-E08_1  


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    We propose a novel pneumatic actuator for applying to inspection robots in narrow spaces. This actuator is 25 mm in maximum diameter and has unlimited stroke length and high speed motion by converting expansive power of pressurized tube to rolling motion. The maximum generating force of it is more than 20 N at 500 kPa pressure and the maximum linear motion velocity is more than 9 m/s. In this paper, we established a dynamic model of this actuator and simulated the generating force to applied pressure. Furthermore, we carried out the measurement experiment of the generating force in order to verify the validity of the dynamic model and optimize the actuator.

  425. 2A2-M03 高走行性と実用的機能を搭載したチューブ型能動スコープカメラの開発(特殊移動ロボット(2))

    鉛 博瑛, 若菜 和仁, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2A2-M03_1-_2A2-M03_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2A2-M03_1  


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    Active Scope Camera (ASC) is a special video scope for search and rescue operation, which has self-propelled mechanism with a ciliary vibration drive proposed previously. Based on the problem analysis of the conventional ASC for applying practical disaster environments, we propose a new tube-type ASC to enhance mobility in the terrain and practical functionality for rescue activities. We designed a smart structure to mount vibrators on the long tubular cable without any rigid projections. We integrated several practical functions such as a head bending structure, an auditory communication system, and a gravity indicator for the head orientations. We conducted several fundamental performance experiments. Finally, enhanced performances of the Tube-type ASC for a practical use were shown at the training site for first responders.

  426. 2A1-J10 GPS衛星の可視性に基づいた複数測位解生成による移動体の位置推定(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築(1))

    荒川 尚吾, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _2A1-J10_1-_2A1-J10_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._2A1-J10_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes a localization method for vehicles using GPS. To reject multipath error, the method discern GPS satellite visibility and remove signals from invisible GPS satellites using 3D-Map. GPS antenna position on the 3D-Map is estimated by using a particle filter. Each particle has different visibility of GPS satellites. Therefore, every particle has different positioning solutions. The method is useful for localization and navigation of vehicles between buildings.

  427. 1A1-B08 動きに基づく物体のセグメンテーション(3次元計測/センサフュージョン(1))

    坪田 真延, 大野 和則, 田所 諭, 竹内 栄二朗

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A1-B08_1-_1A1-B08_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A1-B08_1  


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    The authors aim at developing a tele-operated mobile manipulation that can autonomously take an unknown target object specified by an operator. The robot needs to identify the target object in the cluttered environment on the basis of the human input. We propose a method for the identification of the target objects using robot not only vision but also motion. In this paper, we propose one of the most simplest designation way from human to the robot and a framework to understand motions of the object which is come out during the robot motion, such as whether the object separated vertically or horizontally, and failure for the robot motion like a falling of a stacked object.

  428. 1A1-B06 計測方向が変更可能な測域センサによる障害物検知のための計測動作計画(3次元計測/センサフュージョン(1))

    竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A1-B06_1-_1A1-B06_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A1-B06_1  


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    This paper proposes observation planning algorithm for running in living space. In living spaces, layout of the environments will be change by human. Therefore, robots need abilities to sense and avoid the environment changes. Sensors for mobile robots have limitation, these are measuring time, field of view, measurement error, and so on. Therefore, robots need to move the sensors to measure sweeping region. In this paper, planning algorithm for path and measuring are proposed. The proposed algorithm optimizes path and sensing direction of the robot for safety and fast navigation in living environments. The paper describes problem settings for measuring planning in living environments and planning algorithms to solve the problem.

  429. 1A2-B11 災害救助犬の動作計測(3次元計測/センサフュージョン(2))

    坂口 尚己, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 _1A2-B11_1-_1A2-B11_4 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2012._1A2-B11_1  


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    The authors aim at constructing a three-dimensional map by rescue dogs. Rescue dogs can search large scaled disaster sites quickly, because of its keen nose and its high physical ability. To construct a three-dimensional map, it is necessary to measure the position and posture of the dog. The authors propose a dog motion estimation method using Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) and Global Positioning System(GPS). It is hard to measure the dog motions because the measuring devices cannot be directly fixed on the dogs. In addition, it is necessary to consider the balance of the measuring devices because the weight prevents the dog's motion. Therefore, the authors arrange the layout of the measuring devices on the dog's vest. We evaluated the measurement system by the experiments of the dog walks and runs. We also estimated the velocity and posture from the sensor information obtained from the measurement system.

  430. Performance metrics for response robots

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Adam Jacoff

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 18 (3) 12-14 2011年9月

    DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2011.942482  


  431. レスキュー工学部会


    SICE50周年史 2011年9月

  432. レスキューロボットの実像と展望 (「動き・かたち」と「思考」のサイエンス ロボットイノベーション) -- (人間の代わりに何ができるか)

    田所 諭

    別冊日経サイエンス (179) 18-24 2011年6月



  433. レーザスキャナと移動ロボットを用いた被災空間の密な3次元計測 (コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM) Vol.2011-CVIM-176)

    大野 和則, 竹内 栄二郎, 永谷 圭司, 田所 諭, 小柳 栄次, 吉田 智章

    情報処理学会研究報告 2010 (6) 1-8 2011年4月



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    著者らは,レーザ距離計と移動ロボットを用いた3次元計測に関する研究開発を行っている.本稿では,著者らがNEDOのプロジェクト「閉鎖空間内高速走行探査群ロボット」で開発した,遠隔操縦のクローラロボットを用いた不整地の3次元地図構築と,最近の研究動向に関して説明する.サブクローラを有するクローラロボットを用いることで階段や瓦礫を踏破しつつ探査を行うことができる.ロボットの全周囲の均一で密な3次元形状を計測できるReticulate方式のレーザスキャナを開発し,クローラロボットに搭載した.開発したレーザスキャナは止まった状態でも周囲の詳細な3次元形状を計測することができる.また,ジャイロベースドオドメトリを用いて移動中のロボットの位置と姿勢を計測し,計測した3次元点群をつなぎ合わせることで,3次元地図を構築する.ジャイロベースドオドメトリを用いることで,クローラロボットの旋回時の滑りによる誤差を考慮して,ロボットの位置と姿勢を推定できるようになった.計測した3次元点群を,重力の制約付きのICPマッチングや,GUIを用いて手動でつなぎ合わせることで詳細な3次元地図の構築を行っている.また,最近は,各ボクセルのレーザの通過率と点群の固有値を用いて3次元点群を壁,地面,瓦礫,細い構造材に分類する研究,レーザスキャナで計測した3次元地形を用いたクローラロボットの推定誤差の修正や,位置推定精度の向上に関する研究,複数台ロボットが計測した地図データを統合する研究を行っている.これらに関しても説明する.The authors have studied 3-D shape measurement by using 3-D laser scanners and tracked vehicles. The authors explain the overview of 3-D measurement system by a remotely-operated tracked vehicle in a rubble environment. The tracked vehicle with sub-tracks can get over stairs and rubbles. The tracked vehicle was equipped with a 3-D laser scanner. The authors proposed a reticulate scan that enables to measure detailed 3-D point cloud data even if the tracked vehicle stopped. 3-D map was constructed by using these 3-D point cloud data and robot's position and posture. The position and posture were estimated using gyro-based odometry. The gyro-based odometry reduced estimation errors caused by slips of tracks during the rotation motion. 3-D map was also constructed by using ICP matching with the restriction of gravity, or manually. In addition, the author introduces our recent researches. The authors develop a method of classifying 3-D points cloud data into "wall", "ground", "rubble", and "pole" by using the pass rate of laser and eigen vector in each voxel. In addition, the authors develop the methods of robot's position estimation using 3-D measurement data, and the method of integrating 3-D measurement data that collected by several robots.

  434. 複数参照座標系の点群データからの半自動統合地図生成システム

    秋山英久, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭, 下羅弘樹, 野田五十樹

    第73回全国大会講演論文集 2011 (1) 339-340 2011年3月2日

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    地理情報システムへ集約された複数参照座標系の3次元点群データからひとつの統合地図を半自動で生成するシステムを提案、開発する。災害時の救助活動をより安全に遂行するために、遠隔操縦型探査用レスキューロボットによる環境情報の収集が期待されている。本研究では、複数台のロボットが収集する環境情報から救助活動に必要な情報を統合・整理する情報システムの構築を目指している。本報告では、複数参照座標系から統合参照座標系への座標変換情報を生成するためにSLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)技術を利用し、統合地図作成作業を半自動化するシステムについて述べる.

  435. クローラの摩擦とグローサの力学モデルにもとづく転倒や滑落防止を目的とした階段踏破動作の考察

    宮原直紀, 大野和則, 竹内栄二郎, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 29th 2011年

  436. 能動的な視点変更を取り入れたレスキューロボットの3次元操縦インタフェース

    東和幸, 鈴木貴広, 坪田真延, 大野和則, 大野和則, 竹内栄二郎, 田所諭

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM) 2011 2011年


  437. 災害対応ロボット レスキューロボットQuince (特集 ロボット技術(RT)) -- (各方面の取組み)

    田所 諭

    JACIC情報 26 (4) 63-69 2011年



  438. レスキューロボットとその技術課題

    田所諭, 田所諭

    ViEWビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2011 2011年

  439. 静止面と振動面の同時接触がヒトの振動知覚を向上するメカニズムの解明

    櫻井達馬, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 16th 2011年


  440. 疑似力覚を用いた情報の重みの呈示:携帯端末のための視覚に頼らない操作手法の提案

    大竹達也, 樋口篤史, 櫻井達馬, BEN Porquis Lope, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM) 2011 2011年


  441. 2A2-J08 能動スコープカメラのための柔軟性を有する直動アクチュエータの開発(アクチュエータの機構と制御)

    若菜 和仁, 石倉 路久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2A2-J08_1-_2A2-J08_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2A2-J08_1  


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    We developed the Active Scope Camera by the Ciliary Vibration Drive as a snake type Rescue Robot. Moreover, to make it possible for Active Scope Camera to run on the soft road and intense ruggedness road where the it cannot run by the Ciliary Vibration Drive, we also developed the Inch-worm Drive used frictional anisotropy. However, the flexibility of the Active Scope Camera decreases because it uses the hard Pneumatic Cylinder as a Linear Actuator. In this paper, we propose a Flexible Cylinder to solve this problem. In addition, we made the prototype of Flexible Inch-warm Drive used the Flexible Cylinder and valuate driving performance of it by comparing with the past, Active Scope Camera.

  442. 2A2-J07 能動スコープカメラのためのインチウォーム駆動と振動駆動の走行性能評価(アクチュエータの機構と制御)

    石倉 路久, 竹内 栄二朗, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2A2-J07_1-_2A2-J07_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2A2-J07_1  


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    This paper evaluates a inchworm drive and a ciliary vibration drive for Active Scope Camera which is a snakelike rescue robot used in disaster environments. The conventional Active Scope Camera already mounts the ciliary vibration drive. In this paper, the authors propose the mounting not only the vibration drive but also the inchworm drive. The inchworm drive developed in this paper is effective on soft roads, uneven roads and inclined roads. The authors especially focus on the running experiments on the road-surfaces which exist in disaster environments.

  443. 1A2-I01 探査型レスキューロボットのためのタッチ操作を用いた携帯可能な遠隔操縦GUIの開発(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    納冨 辰大, 前山 祥一, 渡辺 桂吾, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _1A2-I01_1-_1A2-I01_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._1A2-I01_1  


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    Recently, rescue robots to search disaster sites are actively developed. In order to reduce the risk of the secondary disaster, information collection should be safely and quickly realized in the polluted environment stricken by the NBC terrorism. Therefore, remote control of rescue robots for the information collection is very important. A current remote control interface for rescue robots most commonly used is a gamepad. However, there are some problems, such as the complexity of the control technique, the guarantee of a steady place for setting up a monitor display, etc. The aim of this study is to develop a portable and easily controllable GUI by using a touch panel. The usability of the GUI is veri ed by comparing the GUI with a gamepad in a testing environment.

  444. 2P1-P02 VibTouch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション : 第5報:物理接触モデルを考慮した表面形状の呈示(触覚と力覚(2))

    土屋 翔, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2P1-P02_1-_2P1-P02_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2P1-P02_1  


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    We have proposed the concept of 'Virtual Active Touch' that implements virtual exploration with a cursor on a screen through a pointing-stick-type tactile interface called Vib-Touch. We have also proposed a new approach for representing surface shape induced by cutaneous sensation of friction. This paper enhances the previous surface shape display method in order to apply to arbitrary surface shapes. A proxy-based physical collision model was applied to calculate horizontal forces corresponding to contact reaction forces with virtual surface shapes.

  445. 2A2-O10 静止面と振動面の同時接触によるヒトの振動知覚向上に関する研究(触覚と力覚(1))

    櫻井 達馬, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2A2-O10_1-_2A2-O10_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2A2-O10_1  


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    Vibratory stimuli lower than 50 [Hz] are perceived as roughness and/or softness sensation by human. However such low frequencies are difficult to achieve in small actuators loaded on mobile devices, and therefore, it is necessary to develop methods for enhancing human vibrotactile sensitivity. We focused on a phenomenon that human vibrotactile sensitivity is enhanced when a vibratory surface is touched with a stationary surface simultaneously. We call this phenomenon stationary-boundary-contact (SBC) enhancement. In this paper, we determined the performance of SBC-enhanced sensitivity by achieving the detection thresholds in several conditions.

  446. 2A2-O02 歩行支援のための下肢関節部振動伝播の計測(触覚と力覚(1))

    深澤 洸貴, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2A2-O02_1-_2A2-O02_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2A2-O02_1  


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    Walking support technologies are required in our aging society. An unconsidered reason for loss of motor functions in the aging is loss of sensory functions, which are detected not only by proprioceptive receptors but also by cutaneous receptors. In this study, we focus on the cutaneous receptors which are located at leg joints and perceive vibratory stimuli generated by walking steps. We expected that emphasizing the vibratory stimuli at the leg joints can support motor functions. In this paper, we measured vibration propagation on leg joints; an ankle and a knee, using small acoustic microphones when walking steps were performed under three different kinds of floor materials.

  447. 1A2-I09 サブクローラの動力伝達系モデルを用いた柔らかい接触の実現(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    宮原 直紀, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _1A2-I09_1-_1A2-I09_3 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._1A2-I09_1  


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    For tracked vehicles with "sub-crawler" moving over rough terrain,it is important to control the contact force between sub-crawler and environment(Soft-contact-system). However,there are some problem to achieve Soft-contact-system. For example , we have to estimate friction torque come from gear reducer to estimate the contact force. In this paper, the authors propose a Soft-contact-system and solve some problem.

  448. 2P1-P03 Vib-Touch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション : 第6報:疑似力覚を用いた情報の重みの表現(触覚と力覚(2))

    大竹 達也, 荒川 尚吾, 樋口 篤史, 櫻井 達馬, Porquis Lope Ben, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2P1-P03_1-_2P1-P03_2 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2P1-P03_1  


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    We have proposed a handheld haptic interface called Vib-Touch, which produces pseudo-haptic feedbacks induced by vibrotactile stimulations through a pointing-stick operated by a fingertip. Pseudo-haptic display methods have been developed for representing friction, inertia, and viscosity sensations. In this study, we proposed a potential application of Vib-Touch toward an intuitive GUI, which represents weight of information using the pseudo-haptic feedbacks. We developed an image viewer application, which interprets the favorite rating of photographs as weight of information with pseudo-haptic feedbacks.

  449. 2A1-M02 3次元地図を用いた回折波を考慮したGPS衛星の可視性判別(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築)

    竹内 栄二朗, 山崎 将史, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2A1-M02_1-_2A1-M02_4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2A1-M02_1  


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    This paper proposes accurate outlier detection method for GPS using 3D environment maps. Main topic of the paper is analysis of diffraction wave of GPS radio waves. GPS is major localization method for outdoor environments. In urban environments, localization results by GPS have large error caused by diffraction and reflection of radio waves. This paper describes the analysis of distance error of radio wave by diffraction, and outlier detection method for GPS with diffraction wave effects.

  450. 2P1-O04 振動刺激を用いた弾性感呈示に関する研究(触覚と力覚(2))

    樋口 篤史, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 _2P1-O04_1-_2P1-O04_3 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2011._2P1-O04_1  


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    This study developed the method of elastic representation on the force input type pointing stick. We proposed to present the elasticity feeling by perceiving displacement that passed sense of touch information to the power that the user had added to the pointing stick. And, we use the friction representation method that we developed as tactile sensation for perception of displacement. In experiment, we asked participants to report how long and how strength they feel while they control virtual object. We had confirmed that this proposed method can represents operation feeling near to elastic physical model.

  451. F112004 レスキューロボット・レスキューシステム([F11200](機素潤滑設計部門企画),アクチュエータ技術の最前線)

    田所 諭

    年次大会 2011 _F112004-1-_F112004-2 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2011._F112004-1  


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    Robotic systems were used for responses to the Great East-Japan Earthquake. ROVs were used for victim search and port inspection in Minami-Sanriku Town and Rikuzen Takada City. An UGV called Quince was applied in Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant for radioactivity monitoring and dust sampling at the 2nd & 3rd floor in the second reactor building, and for installation of water level meter and water sampling at the B1 floor. This presentation introduces major robotic activities there, and considers future challenges to be studied.

  452. S151012 生活環境走行のための観測動作計画([S15101]人の生活を支援するロボットシステム(1))

    竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    年次大会 2011 _S151012-1-_S151012-4 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2011._S151012-1  


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    This paper proposes observation planning algorithm for running in living space. In living spaces, layout of the environments will be change because humans that living in the environments moves it. Therefore, robots need abilities to sense and avoid the environment changes. Sensors for mobile robots have limitation, these are measuring time, field of view, measurement error, and so on. Therefore, robots need to move the sensors to measure sweeping region. In this paper, planning algorithm for path and measuring are proposed. The proposed algorithm optimizes path and sensing direction of the robot for safety and fast navigation in living environments. The paper describes problem settings for measuring planning in living environments and planning algorithms to solve the problem.

  453. S151024 複数人物見守りのための移動ロボットの観測計画([S15102]人の生活を支援するロボットシステム(2))

    田中 一志, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭, 米澤 亨

    年次大会 2011 _S151024-1-_S151024-5 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2011._S151024-1  


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    This paper describes a pedestrians tracking method with laser scanners and appearance identification. Monitoring where they are and who they are is efficient to automatic looking for persons system, because the system can find target persons using the monitoring information. Pedestrians tracking and appearance identification are valuable methods for monitoring. Appearance identification has uncertainness and no time relationship. Pedestrians tracking can reduce the uncertain and complement identification by relating appearance identification results temporally. Mobile robots with laser scanner and cameras can track pedestrians and identify efficiently using the mobility. The mobile robots need to plan observation. Planning observation requires complementing appearance identification by pedestrian tracking as a basic technique. In this paper, the complementing method and experimental results are described.

  454. S151014 車椅子操縦者のモデル定義と同定([S15101]人の生活を支援するロボットシステム(1))

    廣 信利, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    年次大会 2011 _S151014-1-_S151014-5 2011年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2011._S151014-1  


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    When directing rehabilitation for a patient, it would be more effective to give the appropriate minimal assistance that avoids the patient becoming completely dependent to assistive devices. The objective of our research is to provide a quantitative evaluation method for a patient that can precisely determine which ability factor of the patient needs to be assisted. The defined wheelchair driver model can be used to focus on the outlying parameter that a certain patient possesses, by comparing the model identified as the patient and other drivers. As a first step in attempt to define the driver model, we implemented a measurement system on a pedal-powered wheelchair in order to observe paths that a driver would take. A reverse S-shaped slalom course was constructed as the measurement environment, and six healthy test drivers were selected for three trials each. In this report, we analyze the measurement data focusing on the driving time and velocity in order to observe how first-time drivers improve throughout the trials as well as comparison to the experienced driver.

  455. 機械工学年鑑 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス

    横井一仁, 平井成興, 新井健生, 菅野重樹, 瀬戸文美, 稲葉清右衛門, 水川真, 大隅久, 松本治, 田所諭

    日本機械学会誌 114 (1113) 626-629 2011年


  456. 季節の変化や人ごみにロバストな自己位置推定による屋外公道の自律移動

    竹内 栄二朗, 山崎 将史, 田中 一志, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 49 (9) 612-615 2010年9月10日



  457. 被災建造物内移動RTシステムについて (特集 NEDOプロジェクトの開発推進状況の報告)

    田所 諭

    ロボット (195) 14-17 2010年7月



  458. 災害現場で救助作業を支援するロボットの技術動向

    田所 諭

    自動車技術 64 (5) 48-51 2010年5月1日



  459. ロボット技術を活用した産業振興方策


    アイビクト情報 89 2-3 2010年4月

  460. レスキューロボットの技術チャレンジ

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 28 (2) 134-137 2010年3月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.28.134  


  461. レスキューロボットの技術チャレンジ

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 28 (2) 134-137 2010年3月15日



  462. ロボットが拓く活き生き社会


    東北産業化研究センター機関誌 1 44-45 2010年3月

  463. 車間通信用いた予防安全運転アプリケーションのための自律分散TDMAプロトコル向け送信周期制御方式の提案


    情報処理学会論文誌,テクニカルノート 51 (3) 945-990 2010年

  464. 実用化研究進む「レスキューロボット」の世界 第2回 狭い瓦礫内を探査 ヘビ型レスキューロボット「Hyper-蒼龍4」

    田所論, 田所論

    OHM 97 (1) 2010年


  465. 実用化研究進む「レスキューロボット」の世界 第3回 高い走破能力で地下街や高層ビル内で要救助者を捜索 クローラ型レスキューロボット「Kenaf」

    田所諭, 田所諭

    OHM 97 (2) 2010年


  466. 局所領域の形状特徴とレーザの通過率を利用した災害現場の3次元環境認識

    畠彰彦, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 28th 2010年

  467. 視覚特徴と動作をもちいた隠れを含む複数物体の認識

    大野和則, 大野和則, ANDERSSON Peter, LEI Zhong, 竹内栄二郎, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 28th 2010年

  468. サブクローラを有するクローラロボットの位置推定手法と瓦礫環境における評価

    櫻田健, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 28th 2010年

  469. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第19報:外界センサの追加変更が可能な移動ロボット用ナビゲーションRTC群

    竹内栄二朗, 山崎将史, 田中一志, 大野和則, 田所諭, 五十嵐広希, 齋藤俊久, 高森年, 松野文俊

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 28th 2010年

  470. ヒトの触運動における指腹部接触面の動的挙動解析 第2報:動摩擦の速度依存性を考慮した摩擦振動モデル

    石井優希, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 28th 2010年

  471. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第18報 移動ロボットのための簡易デバッグコンポーネント

    佐藤徳孝, 安野俊幸, 松野文俊, 齋藤俊久, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 28th 2010年

  472. 把持力調整反射を誘発する触刺激条件に関する研究

    櫻井達馬, 昆陽雅司, 岡本正吾, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 15th 2010年


  473. Vib-Touch:仮想能動触を利用した直感的操作

    樋口篤史, 櫻井達馬, 土屋翔, 石井優希, PORQUIS Lope Ben, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 15th 2010年


  474. NEDOプロジェクトの開発推進状況の報告 搭乗型モビリティロボット用ソフトウェアの開発進捗状況の報告

    五十嵐広希, 齋藤俊久, 竹内栄二朗, 前田弘文, 佐藤徳孝, 秋元大, 田所諭, 高森年, 松野文俊

    ロボット (195) 2010年


  475. Vib-Touch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション

    土屋翔, 昆陽雅司, 岡本正吾, 田所諭

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集 2010 (4) 2010年


  476. 1P1-E13 ロボットテクノロジを用いた環境中の未知物体のモデリングに関する研究

    大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1P1-E13_1-_1P1-E13_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1P1-E13_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim at modeling of unknown objects in human life environment using robot technologies. The proposed method can be used by service robots to find an unknown object and to collect the information. In this paper, we explain about a method for detecting unknown objects using an environmental sensor mounted on a ceiling and a method for modeling an unknown object using a robot manipulator. Areas where unknown objects exist are detected from 3-D shapes and camera images measured by the environmental sensor. Advantage of the detection method is to find these areas without any prior knowledge. In addition, an unknown object on a desk is modeled using vision sensors, a manipulator, and a pressure sensor mounted on the robot. Pushing motion enables one to create a object model that cannot be grasped by a robot hand. During pushing motion, the object shape and the motion are measured. Combining the estimated motion and the measured 3-D shape, the model is built.

  477. 1A1-B21 直動型推進機構を用いた能動スコープカメラの踏破性能の向上

    澤田 雅俊, 石倉 路久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A1-B21_1-_1A1-B21_3 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A1-B21_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have developed an active scope camera driven by cilia vibration mechanism. However, it could not run over rough surfaces like a carpet. We need to enhance the mobility for use in practical search and rescue activities. In this paper we proposed a new driving method using a linear actuation mechanism and developed a prototype. Finally, we conducted mobility performance tests and confirmed the effectiveness.

  478. 1A1-C04 閉鎖空間内探査移動ロボットのための操縦インタフェースの開発

    大坪 義一, 高森 年, 田所 諭, 川邉 慶久, 宇田 宏, 小林 滋, 小林 泰弘, 山本 祥弘, 梅田 栄, 海藻 敬之, 前田 弘文

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A1-C04_1-_1A1-C04_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A1-C04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have developed various search and rescue robots, such as a series of Utility Mobile Robot for Search (UMRS). This paper is described about specification of UMRS-2009 and its control interface to reduce the operator's load. The UMRS-2009 is a crawler type robot with flipper arms and is able to carrying a manipulator unit for door-knob opening. The control interface provides semi-autonomously functions of stairs or step climbing up/down and compensation of going-straight to drive easily in confined space. The efficiency of control interface is verified by some experiments.

  479. 1A2-E15 遡及的位置推定可能なパーティクルフィルタとそのモジュール化

    竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A2-E15_1-_1A2-E15_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A2-E15_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes retroactive particle filter method and modularization of the method. Retroactive localization is one of problems of localization. If the localization system corrects current position using past measurement data, then the localization results may estimate wrong position. In the case, localization system needs to estimate position retroactively. This paper discusses retroactive localization problem on partile filter, and proposes modularized retroactive particle filter that estimates position using multiple sensor with time delay.

  480. 1P1-E14 環境認識に必要な点密度を考慮した移動しながらの逐次3次元地図構築

    畠 彰彦, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1P1-E14_1-_1P1-E14_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1P1-E14_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Obtaining surrounding environment information using mobile rescue robots is important for search and rescue missions where have a risk of secondary disaster. In such case, three dimensional information is very useful to figure out surrounding environment and to navigate in unknown environments. This paper descirbes about constructing a three dimensional map with moving. The three dimensional map is displayed by point clouds, but it is hard to figure out complicated surrounding environment. To improve conspicous map, the three dimensional map need to divide into some parts. We propose a moving scan method which considers point cloud density for classification. Finally, we present results from field tests using rescue robots and classification results.

  481. VibTouch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション 第3報:振動刺激による錯覚を用いた慣性の呈示

    土屋翔, 岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2010 2010年


  482. 1A2-C11 動力伝達系の摩擦モデルに基づくサブクローラ機構への接触力の推定

    宮原 直紀, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A2-C11_1-_1A2-C11_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A2-C11_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    For tracked vehicles with "sub-crawler" moving over rough terrain, it is important to measure the contact force between sub-crawler and environment. However, in case of using gear reducer to drive sub-crawler, it is too hard to estimate the contact force, we have to estimate friction torque come from gear reducer to estimate the contact force. In this paper, the authors propose a method of the contact force estimation on the basis of motor current and friction model.

  483. 1A1-D08 指腹への振動触刺激による力覚の誘発

    岡本 正吾, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A1-D08_1-_1A1-D08_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A1-D08_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study has developed vibrotactile presentation methods that are applied to a human finger while operating the object, and influence the perceived mass and viscosity of the object in an illusory manner. First, the vibrotactile stimuli are developed based on the analysis of the skin deformation model. Then, it was confirmed that the developed stimuli affect the perceived mechanical parameters through experiments. The stimuli increased and decreased the perceived parameters of a robotic arm of which impedance was controlled.

  484. 1A2-E01 ヒトの触運動における指腹部接触面の動的挙動解析 : 第1報:観察装置の設計と製作

    石井 優希, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A2-E01_1-_1A2-E01_2 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A2-E01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Measurement of dynamic skin deformation during hand exploration is important to reveal the mechanism of tactile perception because tactile receptors just detect skin deformation. We have developed an observation system arranged with a high speed camera for recording fingertip deformations and force sensors for recording grip and load force. We have also observed stick-slip vibration on fingertip. However, the measured force data was affected by a mechanical resonance. This study reports an improved system that has high resonant frequency for measuring grip and load force. The resonant frequency of the developed system was about 440 Hz.

  485. 1A1-D17 サブクローラを有するクローラロボットの地形情報を用いた位置推定手法と地形の影響評価

    櫻田 健, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A1-D17_1-_1A1-D17_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A1-D17_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Gyro-based odometry is an easy-to-use localization method for tracked vehicles because it uses only internal sensors. However, on account of track-terrain slippage and transformation caused by changes in sub-crawler angles, gyro-based odometry for tracked vehicles with sub-crawlers experiences difficulties in estimating the exact location of the vehicles. In order to solve this problem, we propose an estimation method with 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) for determining the position and pose of the tracked vehicles using terrain information. In the proposed method, 6-DOF are estimated using a particle filter. The subsequent position and pose of each particle are predicted using a motion model that separately considers each contact point of the vehicle with the ground. In addition, each particle is analyzed using terrain and gravity information. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.

  486. 1A2-E24 パーティクルフィルタでの位置推定によるジャイロオフセットおよび車輪径の推定

    竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A2-E24_1-_1A2-E24_3 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A2-E24_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes gyro-offset and wheel radius estimation method using estimation results obtained by particle filter. Wheel radius and gyro-offset are important parameters of localization methods. One of solutions to estimate these parameters is to add these parameters as probabilistic variables to a probabilistic localization method. However, computation time of particle filter is depend on particle number and that number is incleased by degrees of freedom of parameters. This paper describes simple solutions of wheel radius and gyro-offset estimation based on particle filter and several experimental results.

  487. 1A2-D21 把持力調整反射を誘発する皮膚刺激の解明 : 第一報:振動刺激と力覚刺激を同時呈示可能な装置の開発

    櫻井 達馬, 昆陽 雅司, 岡本 正吾, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A2-D21_1-_1A2-D21_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A2-D21_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Humans can change the grasping force before the grasped object slips off the fingers unconsciously. This reflex is called inducing reflective grasping force control. This paper describes the method of inducing reflective grasping force control and the observation result. To clarify the conditions of stimuli for inducing reflective grasping force control, we developed the observation equipment with piezoelectric actuators and force sensor. Vibration stimuli and force senses are presented to a human finger, and change of the grasp force are observed by the force sensor. In this paper, we change the parameters of the vibration stimuli and force senses and detect the difference of grasp force.

  488. 1A1-B12 分布傾斜センサを用いたクローラの段差かみ合い位置の検出性能

    井上 大輔, 大野 和則, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A1-B12_1-_1A1-B12_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A1-B12_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We develop distributed inclination sensors (DISs) to measure the distributed inclination of track shoes, i.e., determining where a tracked vehicle clutches road bumps using the reflection-intensity inclination of track shoes due to dead weight. We confirmed in experiments that dead weight on a slope is a major factor in measurement error.

  489. 2A2-E26 能動スコープカメラの自己位置推定 : 災害模擬環境におけるStructure from Motionの精度評価

    石倉 路久, 竹内 栄二朗, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _2A2-E26_1-_2A2-E26_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._2A2-E26_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Active scope camera is a very small robot and one of the rescue robots for search. Self-position estimation of active scope camera is needed for efficient search. Nevertheless, added sensors disturb inserting into narrow space and running by itself because sensors are too big and too heavy for active scope camera. Thus, vision-based odometry using fish-eye camera of tip is good way. However, images gotten from active scope camera are unusual. For example, particular pattern of material in disaster environment and over exposure by LED lights embedded camera tip will affect matching of feature points. Therefore, this paper introduces the method of vision-based odometry and evaluate effects of disaster environment by experiments.

  490. 3次元地形情報及びGPSを用いたパーティクルフィルタによるマルチパスを考慮した自己位置推定

    山崎将史, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 28th 2010年

  491. 2A2-C03 移動ロボットの歩行者正面への回り込み動作生成

    田中 一志, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭, 米澤 亨

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _2A2-C03_1-_2A2-C03_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._2A2-C03_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes the generation of motion forereaching a pedestrian using mobile robots. When robots act in living space to various purposes, various motions are necessary. For example, forereaching motion is effective in seeing eye to eye to talk to pedestrians. The motion generation system estimates the positions and velocity of moving objects as the pedestrians and generates a path that enables the robot to forereach the target pedestrian while simultaneously avoiding the other pedestrians. In this paper, the pedestrian motion estimation method, forereaching path planning method, and experimental results obtained from the forereaching motion generated by the proposed system are described.

  492. 1A1-D20 3次元地図を用いたマルチパス除去を含むGPSによる移動体の位置推定 : 衛星の影を用いたGPS測位の高精度化

    山崎 将史, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 _1A1-D20_1-_1A1-D20_4 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2010._1A1-D20_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes a method to improve the accuracy of localization of the mobile robot using GPS. This method improves the accuracy of localization by removing multipath of the GPS with 3D-Map. At first, this approach demand the area that cannot receive the radio signal from the GPS satellite with 3D-Map about each satellite. And if there is a robot in the area, an invisible satellite is rejected to improve positioning accuracy of the GPS. At this time, the assumption of the robot position is generated by using a particle filter. This method is useful for localization and navigation of the mobile robot between buildings.

  493. Next-generation actuators leading breakthroughs

    Toshiro Higuchi, Koichi Suzumori, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs 1-438 2010年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-991-6  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Actuators, which move and manipulate objects, are the key technological components for all modern science and technologies. The advent of new, outstanding actuators will bring innovation to a range of different areas ? such as basic science, industry, medicine, welfare, and the global environment ? and in this way will provide us with a better quality of life. Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs is the proceedings of the final symposium of MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas: Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs, held in January 2010. This project pursues the realization of next-generation actuators and accumulates the common basic technologies for actuators, with a view to possible future applications. Since the realization of next-generation actuators requires an interdisciplinary approach, the research has been organized according to a broad technological perspective that consists of: actuators for small motion of nano-meters; small-size actuators of micro-meters structures; intelligent actuators for functional motions; power actuators for large force/torque; and actuators for special environments. Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs also deals with common fundamental technologies for these actuators, such as intelligent materials, machining processes, control technologies, evaluation methods, and system integration. It provides cutting-edge research for researchers, postgraduates, and practitioners in mechanical, electrical, and materials industries. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010.

  494. 18・1 総論(18.ロボティクス・メカトロニクス,<特集>機械工学年鑑)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 113 (1101) 646-646 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.113.1101_646_1  


  495. 閉鎖空間内高速走行探査群ロボット

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 27 (10) 1107-1110 2009年12月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.27.1107  


  496. 閉鎖空間内高速走行探査群ロボット

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 27 (10) 1107-1110 2009年12月15日



  497. 実用化研究進む「レスキューロボット」の世界(新連載・1)レスキューロボットとは何か

    田所 諭

    OHM 96 (12) 62-64 2009年12月



  498. ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 27 (9) 983-986 2009年11月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.27.983  


  499. ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 27 (9) 983-986 2009年11月15日



  500. ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ


    建設の施工企画 (716) 44-47 2009年10月25日

  501. 都市の安全と安心を支える次世代ロボット (特集 ロボットが切り拓く未来)

    田所 諭

    都市問題研究 61 (8) 47-60 2009年8月



  502. レスキューロボットの現状と未来

    田所 諭

    電子情報通信学会誌 = The journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 92 (3) 203-208 2009年3月1日



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  503. クローラロボットの遠隔操縦支援のための3次元地形計測に基づく不整地踏破姿勢の推定と評価

    鈴木志穂子, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 27th 2009年

  504. 交流の広場/agora-crosstalking- ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ


    建設の施工企画 (716) 2009年


  505. 地形情報を利用したサブクローラを有するクローラロボットの3次元自己位置推定手法の提案

    櫻田健, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 27th 2009年

  506. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第9報:Segway-RMP200におけるデッドレコニングの精度向上

    前田弘文, 西谷幸久, 高森年, 大坪義一, 五百井清, 田所諭, 松野文俊, 齋藤俊之, 五十嵐広希

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 27th 2009年

  507. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第11報:自由空間観測モデルによる未知物体にロバストな自己位置推定RTC

    竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭, 五十嵐広希, 齋藤俊久, 高森年, 松野文俊

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 27th 2009年

  508. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第12報 ロボット操縦用iPhone通信モジュール

    佐藤徳孝, 根和幸, 松野文俊, 齋藤俊久, 田所論, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 27th 2009年

  509. 横滑りを利用した能動スコープカメラの運動制御

    澤田一奈, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 27th 2009年

  510. 能動スコープカメラ

    田所諭, 昆陽雅司, 澤田一奈

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 27th 2009年

  511. マスタ・スレーブ型触感伝達システムの開発 第4報:粗さ・摩擦・硬軟を含む多様なテクスチャ感の遠隔伝達

    山内敬大, 昆陽雅司, 岡本正吾, 日高佑輔, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 14th 2009年


  512. Vib-Touch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション 第2報:携帯型触覚インタフェースのコンセプトと試作

    土屋翔, 昆陽雅司, 山内敬大, 岡本正吾, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 14th 2009年


  513. ロボカップレスキューロボットリーグ

    田所諭, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 27 (9) 2009年


  514. 1A1-E05 3次元形状と全周囲画像を用いた未知物体が存在する領域の検出

    大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _1A1-E05_1-_1A1-E05_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._1A1-E05_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We aim at development of a real world search engine using robot technologies and information science. This task includes a lot of research topics. In this paper, we would like to explain about a method of area detection for unknown objects using the fixed sensors. The sensor fixed in the environment consists of a wide view angle camera and a 3-D laser scanner. We detect areas where are unknown objects from 3-D shapes and all round view images.

  515. 2A2-K05 振動刺激を用いた摩擦感呈示法 : 皮膚によって知覚する摩擦感と固着・滑り振動の関係

    昆陽 雅司, 山田 浩史, 岡本 正吾, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _2A2-K05_1-_2A2-K05_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._2A2-K05_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The relationship between cutaneous sensation of friction and skin dynamic deformation is not investigated enough. We conducted observations of stick-slip phenomena using a high-speed camera for representing friction sensation, which could be delivered by the proposed vibratory stimulation method. We confirmed the relationships of stick-slip vibration frequencies with normal forces and hand velocities. We also confirmed the relationships of normal force with kinematic friction coefficients and the spring coefficient of the stick-slip model. The parameters of the stick-slip model were identified based on the observations. Finally, friction display using vibratory stimulation based on the identified stick-slip model showed improvements in representing realistic friction sensation.

  516. 2P1-K07 VibTouch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション : 第1報:皮膚刺激による運動錯覚を用いた3次元形状の呈示

    土屋 翔, 昆陽 雅司, 山田 浩史, 山内 敬大, 岡本 正吾, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _2P1-K07_1-_2P1-K07_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._2P1-K07_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tactile display for handheld devices requires compact hardware and useful applications. We have proposed the concept of 'Virtual Active Touch' that implements virtual exploration with a cursor on a screen through a pointing-stick-type tactile interface. The first objective was to confirm that our previously proposed friction display method could be applied in virtual active touch. The second objective was to develop a new approach to haptic display of surface shape induced by cutaneous sensation of friction. First, we compared friction sensations perceived through the pointing-stick-type tactile interface with those through a linear-slider-type tactile interface, which allowed actual hand movement. Psychophysical experiments showed that the proposed friction display method could deliver perceived friction corresponding to the friction coefficient as well as the linear-slider-type with slightly less sensitivity to changes in friction coefficient. Second, we evaluated the perception of surface height in the context of bumped shape induced by the friction display. The experimental results agreed with our expectation that faster and longer increases in the magnitude of friction sensation were perceived as higher bumped shapes.

  517. 2P1-B04 簡易な形状情報を用いた能動スコープカメラの滑り運動制御

    澤田 一奈, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _2P1-B04_1-_2P1-B04_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._2P1-B04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a new framework for a self-propelled flexible cable in which the freedom of lateral motion with sliding movements is increased on the basis of simple shape information. The motion control method focused on the shape and length of the straight element and used sideslip of active flexible cable. We applied the method to control the running direction. We developed a large-scale prototype of the flexible cable that has a ciliary drive mechanism and precise shape sensors to investigate our concept. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of sliding motion for controlling the running direction. Further, we developed a kinetic model for the prototype by employing the nonlinear driving force model and the lateral friction model for representing slippages. We implemented and analzed the model with Open Dynamics Engine (ODE). By experimental of simulation and actual equipment, we evaluated the parameter used in shape information handling for optimizing the motion control. Getting the shape information by the feature point tracking, we consider for applying this motion control method to actibe scope camera.

  518. 移動ロボットによる障害物検出のための3次元観測計画

    竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 2009年


  519. 1A1-F01 地形情報を利用したクローラロボットの3次元自己位置推定

    櫻田 健, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _1A1-F01_1-_1A1-F01_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._1A1-F01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Gyro-based odometry is a robust and easy-to-use localization method for mobile robots. However, the Gyro-based odometry for tracked vehicles with flippers has difficulties to estimate its exact localization because of track-trrain slippage. To solve these problem, we propose three-dimensional self-position estimation of crawler robot using terrain information.

  520. 三次元計測と物体操作に基づく実環境中からの未知物体領域の抽出

    黒瀬健介, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 2009年


  521. 1A2-H09 クローラロボットの遠隔操縦支援のための3次元地形計測に基づく経路評価

    鈴木 志穂子, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _1A2-H09_1-_1A2-H09_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._1A2-H09_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes a local path planning and its evaluation method for tracked mobile robots. A tracked vehicle has high ability of getting over rough terrain. However, it is difficult for operator in remote place to control its moving direction and shape. We propose a new path evaluation system based on measurement of environmental shapes. In this system, the candidate paths are generated from operator inputs and terrain information. These paths are evaluated by the robot model. Finally, the combination of translational and rotational velocity is chosen. In this paper, we present a method for detecting the area where the robot cannot pass through and selecting safe paths.

  522. 1A1-F15 分布触覚クローラを用いた路面粗さ推定と路面環境マップ構築手法の提案

    井上 大輔, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _1A1-F15_1-_1A1-F15_2 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._1A1-F15_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes a concept of the "Road Condition Map" that is an environmental map with road condition. This map improves an efficiency in activities for search and rescue by considering rough road and slippy road. The authors developed tactile crawlers, the distributed contact sensing system suited for tracked vehicle. This system senses inclination distribution and contact force distribution. The authors propose a method for estimating a roughness of unknown off-road by using the system.

  523. 2P1-K04 マスタ・スレーブ型触感伝達システムの開発 : 第3報:多様な触感伝達のためのシステム設計

    山内 敬大, 昆陽 雅司, 岡本 正吾, 日高 佑輔, 前野 隆司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 _2P1-K04_1-_2P1-K04_4 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2009._2P1-K04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We aim at development of a master-slave system which can convey multiple tactile properties. This paper presents a system design to correspond with multiple tactile properties. There are three main problems to solve. The first problem is the display methods of multiple tactile sensations such as roughness, friction and pressure sensations. We propose tactile synthesizing methods based on physical parameters of objects and hand movement. The second is the tactile sensor for multiple properties. We propose a finger-pad-type tactile sensor that can estimate spatial wavelengths, friction coefficients and Young's moduli. The third problem is the time-delay between the master side and the slave side. We propose time-delay compensation methods that have local tactile generation models at the master- side.

  524. 高速で密な形状計測を行う小型3次元スキャナーの開発

    大野和則, 大野和則, 桜田健, 竹内栄二朗, 小山順二, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 2009年


  525. 「自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発」(第6報:グリッドマップに基づく広域エリア内のハザード回避走行)

    前田弘文, 八木秀樹, 高森年, 大坪義一, 五百井清, 田所諭, 松野文俊, 金城隆也, 五十嵐広希

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 14th 2009年


  526. 災害対応のためのレスキューロボット技術

    田所諭, 田所諭

    日本集団災害医学会誌 14 (3) 2009年


  527. Rescue robotics: DDT project on robots and systems for urban search and rescue

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 1-192 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Rescue Robotics presents the most significant products of the DDT Project on robots and systems for urban search and rescue. This project was launched by the Japanese government in 2002 with the aim of applying a wide variety of robotics technologies to find a solution to the problem of disaster response, especially urban search and rescue in large-scale earthquakes. From 2002 to 2007 more than 100 researchers took part in the DDT Project, coming from a wide spectrum of research and development to make up four research groups: Aerial Robot Systems MU (Mission Unit), Information Infrastructure System MU, In-Rubble Robot System MU, and On-Rubble Robot System MU. This book discusses their development and testing of various robotic systems and technologies such as serpentine robots, tracked vehicles, intelligent human interface and data processing, as well as analysing and verifying the results of these experiments. Rescue Robotics will be of interest to researchers and students, but will also prove useful for emergency response personnel. It offers an insight into the state of the art of rescue robotics and its readers will benefit from a knowledge of the advanced technologies involved in this field. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009.

  528. Preface

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 2009年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-474-4  

  529. 14・3 アクチュエータ(14.機素潤滑設計,<特集>機械工学年鑑)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 112 (1089) 659-660 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.112.1089_659_4  


  530. K1101 レスキューロボットに関するアクチュエータ技術(基調講演)

    田所 諭

    年次大会講演資料集 2009 (Vol.9) 99-100 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjsm.2009.9.0_99  

  531. ロボティクスと関連技術による災害対応(<特集>自然災害と機械工学)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 112 (1091) 821-824 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.112.1091_821  


  532. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクトで開発されたロボット技術

    田所 諭

    建設の施工企画 (703) 44-49 2008年9月25日



  533. 災害救援のロボットシステム--レスキューロボットシステム (特集 ロボット技術の現状と展望)

    田所 諭

    電気評論 93 (臨時増刊号) 39-44 2008年6月



  534. わが国のロボット開発の現状と今後の展望


    IVICT(アイビクト)情報 81 36-41 2008年4月

  535. 単一の揺動振動機構を用いた能動索状体の駆動法

    昆陽雅司, 畑崎計成, 嵯峨智, 田所諭

    日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集 8th 2008年


  536. レスキューロボティクス


    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2008 (Vol.9) 2008年

  537. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第2報:障害物回避用モジュール群

    竹内栄二朗, CALISI Daniele, 大野和則, 田所諭, 五十嵐広希, 金城隆也, 高森年, 松野文俊

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 26th 2008年

  538. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第1報:プロジェクトの概要と開発するモジュール

    五十嵐広希, 金城隆也, 高森年, 松野文俊, 田所論

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 26th 2008年

  539. 遠隔環境のためのマスタ・スレーブ型触感伝達システム-表面波長に基づく粗さ感伝達実験とシステムの性能評価-

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 13th 2008年


  540. 2A1-G10 形状情報を用いた能動索状体の運動制御(フレキシブルロボット・メカニズム)

    澤田 一奈, 昆陽 雅司, 嵯峨 智, 田所 諭, 大須賀 公一

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _2A1-G10_1-_2A1-G10_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._2A1-G10_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have proposed an active flexible cable driven by a ciliary vibration mechanism. The active cable could enter a narrow space. Motion control, however, was difficult because a curved cable cannot move straightly due to force direction difference. This paper proposes a motion control method of the active cable using shape information. We made a test model using Flexible Sensor Tube. Frictional driving force and side slipping friction were modeled. We compared between kinetics simulations and real motions. We proposed a motion control method based on cable shape parameters focused on straight elements. Simulation and experiment results showed the effectiveness of the method.

  541. 1A1-H08 反射型触覚センサの動的特性評価(触覚と力覚)

    嵯峨 智, 田所 諭, 舘 [ススム]

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _1A1-H08_1-_1A1-H08_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._1A1-H08_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Considering tactile sensors there are two ways to acquire object information. These are spatial sensing with two dimensional devices and fast sensing with simple devices. Because the reflection-type tactile sensor uses a reflection image, both methods can be employed. Though there exist some dynamic characteristics in these two ways. In this study, we first validate the hysteresis of the reflection-type tactile sensor. The results show the sensor can evaluate displacement less than 2 mm. Then we propose a novel interface called "fibratus tactile sensor." Secondly we construct a fast sensing device using reflection image and a combination of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodiodes (PDs), and validate the sensor's reactivity. It can distinguish 300 ms interval between two signals. Moreover the correlation between the standard deviations of the acquired outputs from the sensor and the centerline average roughness is 0.90.

  542. 1A1-H21 Stick-Slip現象に基づく振動刺激を用いた摩擦感呈示法(触覚と力覚)

    山田 浩史, 昆陽 雅司, 岡本 正吾, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _1A1-H21_1-_1A1-H21_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._1A1-H21_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new display method of friction sensation based on tactile stimulation is proposed. In this method, no tangential force on the fingertip is required to represent friction sensation. We focus on stick-slip phenomena when we rub on the surfaces and capture fingerprint in contact area. From the result, stick-slip frequency and appearance rate is different depend on finger velocity and normal contact force. The characteristic of stick-slip was expressed by a single DOF model with Coulomb's friction, which represents the effects of coefficients of dynamic/static friction and hand movements. The sensory magnitudes of the perceived friction by the proposed method were evaluated in contrast with a force display. The experimental results showed that the perceived friction proposed had high correlation with that of the force display in regard to the increase tendency toward static friction coefficients. The sensory magnitudes of the tactile perceived friction were about one-seventh smaller than that of the force display.

  543. 1P1-I12 指先操作型触覚インタフェースを用いた仮想能動触の実現(触覚と力覚)

    山内 敬大, 昆陽 雅司, 岡本 正吾, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _1P1-I12_1-_1P1-I12_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._1P1-I12_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We aim at development of tactile interfaces which can be attached to mobile terminal devices. We focus on two points in this paper. Firstly, a touch motion is very important to acquire tactile information of an object. However, it is difficult to secure space for touch motion on the mobile device. We propose a hypothesis that touch motion is not always necessary on condition that tactile stimulation which accompanies the movement of the cursor is effectively presented. We verify the possibility of conveying texture information without real touch motions. Secondly, when a object which is bigger than the screen is displayed, the object must be resized. A guidance of generating tactile stimulation not to lose texture information is important. We propose a guidance of generating tactile stimulation in the case of resized objects and verify its effectiveness.

  544. 2P2-C01 小型三次元スキャナーを搭載したクローラロボットによる仙台地下鉄の三次元地図構築(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築)

    大野 和則, 河原 豊和, 田所 諭, 永谷 圭司, 小柳 栄次, 吉田 智章

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _2P2-C01_1-_2P2-C01_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._2P2-C01_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We aim at development of a search robot in confined space. The authors are developing Kenaf that is 6D0F tracked vehicle with flippers for the purpose. One of main tasks for Kenaf is an accurate 3D map construction in the confined space. In this paper, the authors will explain our approach for the 3D map construction, and will show the experimental result in Sendai Subway, Dec. 2007. For the 3D map construction in Sendai Subway, we needed to satisfy followings three requirements: 1. small size crawler robot that can get over steps, 2. small-size 3D scanner that can measure uniform and wide area's shape, 3. ad-hoc networks that can cover wide area. We satisfied these three requirements using Kenaf, TK Scanner and Wireless LAN respectively. Contribution of this paper is that we used our proposed method in the real environment and built a 3D map of Sendai Subway.

  545. 2P2-A03 環境の形状計測に基づく高速クローラロボットの速度制御(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    鈴木 志穂子, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _2P2-A03_1-_2P2-A03_3 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._2P2-A03_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Our research group has developed a tracked mobile robot "kenaf' for high-speed exploration of the confined space such as the underground cities. The kenaf can move about 3 km/h and can get over about 40 cm step. However, it is difficult to pass through the steps and the narrow spaces quickly by remote control. The authors propose an autonomous speed adjustment system based on measurement of environmental shapes. The system limits the maximum speed of the robot when the obstacles are detected within the kinematics-based ellipsoidal areas. The system also limits the speed when the environmental shape ahead is the steps or the slope. The distances of the obstacles were measured by using the laser range sensor. The environmental shape ahead was obtained by using the range image sensor. The validity of the system was experimentally evaluated in a narrow space and a step.

  546. 2P2-A12 フリッパを有するクローラロボットのためのロール方向の転倒判定と転倒回避動作の提案(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    湯沢 友豪, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _2P2-A12_1-_2P2-A12_2 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._2P2-A12_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We aim at development of semi-autonomous control system for getting over unknown 3D rough terrain, and used Aladdin that is a 6DOF tracked vehicle with four flippers. In our previous researches, a sensor reflexive approach was used for the semi-autonomous control because a rubble environment shape suddenly changes. In this paper, the authors will propose a method of rollover avoidance for the tracked vehicle with nippers. The rollover avoidance composes of a prediction phase and a motion generation face. In the prediction phase, it is necessary to consider the crawler contact condition, four flipper s angles and the robot posture. The authors will use normalized stability margin from these sensor data for the judgment. In the motion generation, flippers will are controlled according to the flipper contact condition.

  547. 2P2-B04 小型マルチカメラシステムを用いたロボットの全周囲映像提示のためのオンラインシミュレーション開発(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    緑川 直樹, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _2P2-B04_1-_2P2-B04_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._2P2-B04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    IRS Soryu is multi trucks robot used for victim search in narrow area. It's difficult for an operator to control the robot using limited field of view image. Authors solve the problem using multi camera images. We developed the multi camera system and achieved the display of detailed and wide field of view image using multi camera image. However, much information is too difficult for human to understand intuitively. Therefore we need the simulator for changing some settings and verifying the method of display repeatedly. We developed the online simulation system which has following requirements; a. Online simulator of multi trucks robot, which considers its dynamics, b. Software frame works for getting multi camera images and transmitting them via socket communication in the simulator, c. Easiness to change some detail settings. Finally, we constructed the graphical user interface that enable human to observe detailed and wide field of view image in surroundings of IRS Soryu.

  548. 2P2-A04 フリッパアームを有するクローラ型ロボットの遠隔操縦支援 : 分布接触センサを用いた転倒回避戦略(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    井上 大輔, 大野 和則, 中村 信介, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 _2P2-A04_1-_2P2-A04_4 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2008._2P2-A04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim at development of a rescue crawler robot to search for victims in rubble environment. A tracked robot with flippers "Sinbad" was built for the purpose. The robot has 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) for getting over the rubble. However, it is too hard for an operator at the remote place to control these multi degrees of freedom. In this paper, the authors will explain our approach of the remote control support for the crawler robot with flipper arms. Especially, the authors will explain about our developed distributed touch sensors for the crawler robot, and propose a method of rollover avoidance based on the distributed touch sensor.

  549. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第5報:RTK-GPSを用いた仮想軌道走行のためのRTC

    前田弘文, 高森年, 大坪義一, 五百井清, 田所論, 松野文俊, 金城隆也, 五十嵐広希

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 26th 2008年

  550. F06(1) レスキューロボティクス(F06 ブレイクスルーを生み出す次世代アクチュエータ,先端技術フォーラム,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)

    田所 諭

    年次大会講演資料集 2008 (9) 119-120 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjsm.2008.9.0_119  

  551. レスキューロボットシステム開発最前線とレスキュー隊員による想定訓練 (特集 レスキュー用ロボットの現状と将来展望)

    松野 文俊, 田所 諭

    金属 77 (5) 477-482 2007年5月



  552. 社会に貢献するRT

    田所 諭, 淺間 一, 城間 直司

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 25 (1) 42-46 2007年1月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.25.42  


  553. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動スコープカメラの開発

    昆陽雅司, 畑崎計成, 伊崎和也, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 2007年


  554. フリッパ付きクローラロボットのための分布的接触センサの開発と接触力検出性能の評価

    中村信介, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 25th 2007年

  555. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動索状体の開発-第5報:分布的な推進力をもつ索状体のモデリング-

    昆陽雅司, 伊崎和也, 畑崎計成, 田所諭, 武村史朗

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 25th 2007年

  556. 移動障害物の存在する環境下で静止物体の密な三次元形状を短時間に計測可能な三次元スキャナの開発

    河原豊和, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 25th 2007年

  557. クローラ型ロボットのための分布触覚センサ 第5報:センサの校正と段差接触位置の計測

    井上大輔, 昆陽雅司, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 25th 2007年

  558. 皮膚感覚呈示における時間遅れの検知限の同定

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 嵯峨智, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 12th 2007年


  559. 反射像を利用した触覚センサの高速化

    嵯峨智, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 12th 2007年


  560. 波長の実時間推定による能動触のための粗さ感伝達システム

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 2007年


  561. 振動刺激を用いた摩擦感呈示法

    山田浩史, 昆陽雅司, 岡本正吾, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 12th 2007年


  562. 1P1-K04 HELIOSキャリアを俯瞰視点で遠隔操縦するための3次元操縦インタフェースの開発(3次元計測/センサフュージョン)

    河原 豊和, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _1P1-K04_1-_1P1-K04_2 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._1P1-K04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Our research objective is construction of 3D map and development of its practical applications. As an application, the authors had proposed 3D control interface for an operator who controls remote control robot. It is well know that an operator can control a robot easily using bird's-eye view. Using 3D control interface, an operator can control the robot at bird's-eye view. The bird's-eye view is constructed from 3D map and robot model. The operator can recognize relationship between the robot and the environment from 3D map and robot model following real robot motion. In this paper, we will describe 3D control interface and its implementation for HELIOS carrier. We will show an experimental result of 3D control interface. From result, we confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  563. 2P1-L05 フリッパ付きクローラロボットの半自律に向けた接触センシングの構想(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    中村 信介, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _2P1-L05_1-_2P1-L05_3 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._2P1-L05_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim at development of semi-autonomous control system for crawler robot. We had proposed a sensor reflective method in 2D steps environments. We confirmed that the proposed method worked well in unknown steps environments. In this method, contact between the crawler robot and ground was detected by using torque of the flipper's motor. The authors will extend it into 3D steps environment. In 3D environment, it is necessary to measure distribution of contact position and its force for evaluation of stability margin. We will develop a distributed touch sensor which can be supplied for the crawler robot. In this paper, the authors describe a strategy for installation of the distributed touch sensor into the crawler robot, and show the details of these touch sensors.

  564. 1P1-A08 超音波振動を用いた触覚インターフェースの開発 : 第2報 : ピンアレイの共振を利用した小型圧電振動子の開発(触覚と力覚)

    元木 陽平, 山田 浩史, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 前野 隆司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _1P1-A08_1-_1P1-A08_4 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._1P1-A08_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We developed a small piezoelectric vibrator using an ultrasonic resonance of a pin-array. The ultrasonic vibrator consists of a single piezoelectric ceramics and a elastic metal. Tactile stimulation is generated by amplitude modulations of an ultrasonic vibration. In order to make large generative force and vibration amplitude, the ultrasonic vibrator was designed by finite element analysis. The theory of dynamic damper was applied between a pin-array and a bottom plate of vibrator, could get the large vibration amplitude and arranged the vibratory distribution of a pin-array. Finally, we made a prototype of an ultrasonic vibrator and evaluate it.

  565. 1P1-K03 2次元測域センサを用いた広範囲の密な形状計測のための3次元スキャナーの開発(3次元計測/センサフュージョン)

    河原 豊和, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _1P1-K03_1-_1P1-K03_4 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._1P1-K03_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Our research objective is construction of 3D map and development of 3D control interface. It is necessary to measure correct 3D environment shape. We had developed 3D scanners for the measurement. In these researches, 3D shape was measured by rotating a 2D laser range finder. These scanners could measure correct 3D shape in static environment. However, these scanners did not measure correct 3D shape when there were moving objects. Moreover, density of 3D shape was not uniform. In this paper, the authors will propose new scanning method which can solve these problems. We will show a design of this new scanner.

  566. 1P1-A09 クローラ型ロボットのための分布触覚センサ : 第4報 : 走行時の履板傾斜分布の計測(触覚と力覚)

    井上 大輔, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _1P1-A09_1-_1P1-A09_4 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._1P1-A09_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We proposed the "Tactile Crawler", it is optical distributed tactile sensor system suited to crawler vehicle robots. To apply a number of tactile sensors to the crawler track, an electric wiring is a big problem because it rotates continuously. The Tactile Crawler senses inclination distribution of shoes by the pairs of a LED and a photo detector attached ou the iuside frame, and estimates contact locations and tangential forces of the crawler. It realizes evaluation of attitude stability and slip rate of crawler on unknown off-road, e.g. rubbles. It also estimates contact shapes and frictional information of its running surface by using kinetic information together. We performed the easy experiment to acquire contact location of the crawler on a step using the Tactile Crawler of prototype, and the availability of the Tactile Crawler was confirmed.

  567. 2P1-L03 クローラの半自律不整地踏破のための実時間三次元地形計測に基づくフリッパ制御則の検討(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    湯沢 友豪, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _2P1-L03_1-_2P1-L03_3 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._2P1-L03_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We aim at development of semi-autonomous control system for a crawler robot which has flippers at the front and the rear. We had proposed a sensor reflective method in 2D steps environment. In this method, an operator only specifies a moving direction to the robot. The robot automatically controls these flippers for getting over a bump. The proposed method worked well in 2D steps environment. However, these front flippers sometimes caught upward step which was located after downward steps when the robot descended these steps. In this paper, the authors will propose a method for flipper's collision avoidance using real-time 3D range camera. Moving trajectory of front flipper is estimated considering robot's velocity, flipper's angular velocity and flipper's position. The collision is detected by comparing the ground shape with the trajectory. The flipper's position is changed to new angle without the collision.

  568. 2P1-L04 繊毛振動駆動機構を用いた能動スコープカメラの開発 : 第2報 : レスキュー用スコープカメラへの機構の搭載と性能評価(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    畑崎 計成, 伊崎 和也, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 _2P1-L04_1-_2P1-L04_4 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2007._2P1-L04_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have developed an active scopecamera driven by cilia vibration mechanism. Such an active scopecamera can be applied for search and rescue activities in disaster fields. In this paper, we designed a new active scopecamera system that can be applied for a practical use. Several effects on driven speed according to shapes and materials of cilia were investigated. Finally, we evaluated the performance of the developed active scopecamera for rescue activities.

  569. Preface

    Kwang J. Kim, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications: Artificial Muscles and Sensors 2007年

    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-372-7  

  570. 人工触感の呈示とf-MRI画像デコーディングに関する基礎検討

    才脇直樹, 谷口まき, 内田肇, 神谷之康, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM) 2007 ROMBUNNO.2134 2007年


  571. 1-05-02 パラレル配置した圧電バイモルフの共振を利用した触覚インターフェースの開発(バルク波デバイス)

    元木 陽平, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 前野 隆司

    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演論文集 28 (28) 149-150 2007年

    出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 超音波エレクトロニクス協会

    DOI: 10.24492/use.28.0_149  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We developed an ultrasonic vibrator for a tactile interface using ultrasonic resonance of piezoelectric bimorphs arranged in parallel. The vibrator is required for a compact in order to attach it to a pointing device. This vibrator has mechanism that amplifies vibration amplitude using resonance of piezoelectric bimorphs, which are combined in a cross shape. The vibrator consists of eight piezoelectric elements, a shim, jigs and a contactor of an elastic metal. Tactile stimulation is generated by amplitude modulations of an ultrasonic vibration. In order to make large generative force and vibration amplitude, the ultrasonic vibrator was designed by finite element analysis. We confirmed analytically that the vibrator could generate a vibration amplitude of more than tens of micro meters.

  572. 第11回大会報告

    鈴木 陽一, 吉澤 誠, 櫻井 研三, 藤代 一成, 西村 竜一, 野間 春生, 北崎 充晃, 妻木 勇一, 遠藤 恵一, 岩谷 幸雄, 昆陽 雅司, 大内 誠, 田所 諭, 高橋 信, 杉田 典大, 茅原 拓朗, 松永 忠雄, 山口 隆美, 田中 明, 坂本 修一, 阿部 亨, 薮上 信, 寺島 賢紀

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 = Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan 11 (4) 234-241 2006年12月25日


  573. ケーブル駆動型バルーン・ロボットの開発

    武村 史朗, 前田 潔, 田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 24 (8) 931-931 2006年11月15日


  574. Rescue MIKE : 災害シミュレーション実況システム : version 0 の設計と実装

    久保 長徳, 森下 卓哉, 下羅 弘樹, 河原林 友美, 小高 知宏, 小倉 久和, 小倉 久和, 田中 久美子, 田所 諭, 松原 仁

    人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI 21 (4) 388-397 2006年11月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 人工知能学会

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.21.388  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We designed the system, Rescue-MIKE, and implemented to the RoboCup Rescue Simulation System. The Rescue MIKE system aims to communicate with large numbers of relief workers and controllers working in a rescue domain. The system has an ability to report the situation of the domain like a newscaster. Our system consists of multiple agents. The system collects information from a simulated disaster scenario, and then produces a dialogue that fits to the actions of the agents in the domain. We described the design policy, implementation of our system, and Rescue-MIKE's facility. Rescue-MIKE initial version can provide aural information that helps to explain the unfolding scenarios to onlookers. We discussed the future applications of our system, including knowledge elicitation about disaster relief control methods, automated relief support systems, and public education about the dangers of large natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or volcanic eruptions.

  575. 探査クローラーロボット Ali-Baba による三次元地図構築

    大野 和則, 田所 諭

    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence 16 243-246 2006年9月25日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Our research objective is 3D map construction by a teleoperated crawler robot "Ali-Baba". 3D map construction requires correct estimation of robot's position and posture. However, as "Ali-Baba" is a crawler robot, it is hard to estimate robot's position and posture based on motion model and inner sensor. Besides, "Ali-Baba" has a crawler with wheel and changes driving mode (crawler or wheel) according to environments, which makes more difficult to estimate robot's position and posture based on motion model and inner sensor. The authors proposed a method for position estimation and map construction based on environment shape matching. Robot's position could be estimated by the proposed method switching two models according to the driving mode.

  576. マスタ・スレーブ型触感伝達システムの開発-第2報:物理パラメータに基づく触感呈示-

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 24th 2006年

  577. 非接地型力覚呈示装置を用いた遠隔操縦者への探査ロボットの姿勢情報呈示

    中村信介, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 11th 2006年


  578. 自然に対する安全 災害情報収集ロボット


    日本機械学会誌 109 (1048) 2006年


  579. 遠隔操縦による移動マニピュレータを用いた未知環境における物体の引きずりに関する研究

    林俊輔, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 24th 2006年

  580. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動索状体の開発

    伊崎和也, 新妻あきら, 昆陽雅司, 武村史朗, 田所論

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 11th 2006年


  581. スキャンマッチングにもとづく環境地図構築のためのスキャンデータの歪み補正と評価

    河原豊和, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 24th 2006年

  582. 災害時におけるケーブル駆動型バルーンロボットとレスキュー用知的データキャリアの連携による情報収集

    武村 史朗, 前田 潔, 羽田 靖史, 川端 邦明, 田所 諭

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集 49 571-571 2006年


    DOI: 10.11511/jacc.49.0.571.0  

  583. 小型三次元スキャナーを用いた三次元地図構築

    大野和則, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 11th 2006年


  584. 人工触感ディスプレイ開発とユーザインタフェース評価

    東和田恵理子, 才脇直樹, 永尾千絵, 谷口まき, 吉田晃典, 田所諭

    電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2006 2006年

  585. 通信遅延を考慮した粗さ感伝達システム

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 11th 2006年


  586. 低周波振動刺激を用いた圧覚ディスプレイの開発

    横田求, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 11th 2006年


  587. バルーン-ケーブル駆動ロボットシステムの姿勢安定性の検討

    前田潔, 武村史朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2006 2006年


  588. 1P1-E10 水平分散アーキテクチャFDNetによる模倣動作生成

    小西 薫, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _1P1-E10_1-_1P1-E10_2 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._1P1-E10_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper deals with the generating imitated motion by using FDNet. Imitation is effective solution for some robot working in complicated situation. Because it is impossible to predict all situation and impliment robot all the motion. FDNet features a "relation network" which describes the robot system. We suggest the "Feature Network" for skill imitation and implement it by using FDNet .

  589. 2P2-D02 遠隔操縦における錯視による誤認識回避のための傾き情報の呈示

    中村 信介, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _2P2-D02_1-_2P2-D02_3 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._2P2-D02_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A remote controlled robot is developed to search a victim in devastated area. Our research objective is the robot's postural information display to operator who controls it at remote place. Although the rescue robot is controlled by using camera image, it is hard for operator to recognize the correct robot's situation in the remote place. Especially, optic illusion causes misrecognition of the robot's postural information. In this paper, the authors describe our developed mobile controller equipped with postural information display. We examined its ability and confirmed that misrecognition in the illusion was reduced by the use of the display.

  590. 2P2-B12 クローラー用触覚分布センサの開発

    井上 大輔, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _2P2-B12_1-_2P2-B12_4 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._2P2-B12_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a distributed tactile sensor for crawler mechanism. To crawler wear tactile sensor, wiring is the problem because crawler surface moves. The proposed sensor convert tactile informations to angle of reflector on the reverse side of the crawler surface, and detect angle of the reflector using LED and photo-transistor on the bearing frame of the crawler Robot. The reflector can get necessary performance for the proposed sensor, using Retro-reflector and View control film.

  591. 2P1-C30 二次元レーザースキャナーを用いた高速移動体の自己位置推定と環境地図の構築

    河原 豊和, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _2P1-C30_1-_2P1-C30_3 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._2P1-C30_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Our research objective is localization and mapping for rescue crawler robot in unknown environment. The problem is well known as SLAM problem. For solving the problem, the robot position and environment shape are measured by odometry and LRF respectively. Odometry's error is corrected by matching these shape data. Map is constructed from these shapes and the modified robot position. However, odometry can not be used for measurement of our crawler robot's position because the crawler has crawlers and wheels as locomotion. In this paper, the authors present our approach for measurement of its position and construction of the map. Concretely, the authors measure its position by matching 2D scan data measured at different points. Moreover, we correct the scan's distortion caused by robot movement.

  592. 2P2-D16 クローラ型レスキューロボットの半自律制御システムの開発 : 上り段差におけるフリッパアーム制御則の検討

    森村 章一, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _2P2-D16_1-_2P2-D16_4 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._2P2-D16_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The authors aim at development of a remote controlled robot system for victim search in collapsed environment. For this purpose, we are developing a crawler robot which has flipper crawler. Although the crawler robot can get over steps and obstacles, it is hard for the operator at remote place to control the flipper arm. For decreasing operator's labor, it is necessary to control it for semi-autonomy. Our research objective is semi-autonomous control of a crawler robot which has flipper crawler. In this paper, the authors explain our rule based approach for climbing an bump in semi-autonomous.

  593. マスタ・スレーブ型触感伝達システムの開発-第一報 ヒト指模倣型触感センサを用いた触感因子の実時間抽出法-

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 向坊由佳, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2006 2006年


  594. 2P2-B30 低周波振動刺激を用いた圧覚ディスプレイの開発 : 振動子形状の影響の評価

    横田 求, 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _2P2-B30_1-_2P2-B30_2 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._2P2-B30_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We found that vibratory stimuli at very low frequency can generate static pressure sensation without vibratory feeling. This phenomenon is very useful for realizing cutaneous pressure display by the ultrasonic vibrator. In this paper, shape effects of vibrator were evaluated by calculating tactile receptor activities based on contact analysis with several shape of vibrators using a finite element model of human finger.

  595. 1P1-C29 FDNet-HIによるレスキューロボットの基本設計とその評価

    山本 延寿, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 安田 一則

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 _1P1-C29_1-_1P1-C29_2 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2006._1P1-C29_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We are developing FDNet to create an imitation robot and implementing it on the quadruped rescue robot, RoQ. In FDNet, an information unit and a process unit are modularized respectively, and we design robot by connecting them in relation network. This paper reports availability of FDNet-HI through basic design of rescue robots by using FDNet-HI.

  596. 広域災害情報収集のためのインフラストラクチャ

    淺間 一, 畑山 満則, 松野 文俊, 田所 諭, 羽田 靖史, 川端 邦明, 野田 五十樹, 滝澤 修, 目黒 淳一, 石川 貴一朗, 橋詰 匠, 大鋸 朋生

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集 49 (0) 505-505 2006年


    DOI: 10.11511/jacc.49.0.505.0  

  597. 災害情報収集ロボット(<メカライフ特集>安全・安心)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 109 (1048) 168-169 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.109.1048_168  


  598. ICPFアクチュエータを用いたヒト指腹部への分布振動刺激に基づく把持力調整反射の誘発(「触・力覚情報の処理と呈示」特集)

    昆陽 雅司, 中本 雅崇, 前野 隆司, 田所 諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 11 (1) 3-10 2006年

    出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会

    DOI: 10.18974/tvrsj.11.1_3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A method is proposed to control human grasping force unconsciously by generating small distributed vibration stimuli on a finger based on a human reflex action against detection of partial slippage of contact. Human beings can increase grasping force before the grasped object slips off the fingers based on afferent signals from tactile receptors that detect the expansion of the partial slippage area. We assumed that vibration stimuli that have an appropriate frequency and distribution generate a virtual sensation of partial slippages and induce a reflective grasping force increase. Grasping experiments with minute distributed vibration stimuli using ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer gel Film) actuators were performed. Experiments results showed that the effective vibratory frequency was 30 Hz, which is the most sensitive range for Meissner's corpuscles that are closely related to detection of partial slippage. We also found that distribution of vibration stimuli were important to produce human grasping force increase.

  599. 505 ヒト指腹部有限要素モデルを用いた触覚受容器の神経活動の推定(ロボットと計算力学(2),OS14 ロボットと計算力学)

    昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 前野 隆司

    計算力学講演会講演論文集 2006 (19) 239-240 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmecmd.2006.19.239  


  600. レスキューシステムにおけるシステムインテグレーション

    田所 諭

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 44 (11) 765-770 2005年11月10日

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.11499/sicejl1962.44.765  


  601. 人工触感呈示システムを用いた触感認知に関する基礎研究

    才脇 直樹, 谷口 まき, 吉田 晃典, 田所 諭

    情報処理学会研究報告 = IPSJ SIG technical reports 2005 (95) 29-32 2005年9月30日



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  602. 文部科学省大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト : レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 23 (5) 541-543 2005年7月15日


    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.23.541  


  603. ロボカップレスキュー (特集 災害対応ロボット)

    田所 諭, 綿末 太郎

    ロボット (164) 14-20 2005年5月



  604. 布形状シミュレータに演出機能を付加した3DCGアニメーションシステムの開発 -パラメータの時空的制御による演出効果の強化-

    河辺 郁, 高森 年, 田所 諭

    第67回全国大会講演論文集 2005 (1) 165-166 2005年3月2日

  605. 荷重中心検出を目的とするFSRを用いた足裏感圧センサの精度向上のための構成論

    岡本正吾, 徳田献一, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2005年

  606. ファイバースコープのための振動駆動型繊毛移動機構の開発

    新妻あきら, 武村史朗, 伊崎和也, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2005年

  607. 人間との共通認知モデルを介した異構造ロボットの模倣システム

    徳田献一, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2005年

  608. 瓦れき内探査ロボットMOIRA 2

    原口林太郎, 大須賀公一, 牧田忍, 田所諭

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 10th 2005年


  609. 情報収集を行うための上空移動バルーン・ケーブル駆動ロボットの提案

    武村史朗, 榎本正也, 田中琢磨, 出納和也, 小林靖幸, 田所諭

    フルードパワーシステム講演会講演論文集 2005 2005年

  610. レスキューロボットを対象とした組み込みビジョンシステムの開発

    見延壮希, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 23rd 2005年

  611. 触感に関する脳活動の分析

    谷口まき, 吉田晃典, 才脇直樹, 田所諭

    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 15th 2005年

  612. 呈示感覚増強のための触感ディスプレイの改良

    吉田晃典, 谷口まき, 才脇直樹, 田所諭

    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 15th 2005年

  613. ロボット最適化設計における統一的評価法の開発

    倉拓海, 徳田献一, 田所諭, 安田一則

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 2005年


  614. 動作プリミティブ集合を対象とした模倣動作学習

    徳田献一, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 2005年


  615. 瓦れき環境移動ロボットのための3次元視覚の開発

    横田求, 見延壮希, 牧田忍, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 2005年


  616. バルーン・ケーブル駆動ロボットを用いたり災者位置推定システムの開発

    小林靖幸, 榎本正也, 田中琢磨, 出納和也, 武村史朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 2005年


  617. 模倣ロボットのための人間の足探り動作解析-ファジィ推論によるスキルパターンの記述-

    武吉紀文, 徳田献一, 延広秀之, 小西薫, 田所諭, 安田一則

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 2005年


  618. 屋外環境における三次元地図構築の試行

    大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2005 2005年


  619. ご挨拶

    小菅 一弘, 田所 諭, 坪内 孝司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 iii-iv 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.iii  

  620. ALL-N-009 瓦礫内探索ロボットMOIRA2の開発と実験(NEDO次世代ロボット実用化プロジェクト(プロトタイプ開発支援事業),生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    大須 賀公一, 原口 林太郎, 牧田 忍, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 7-7 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.7_1  

  621. 1A1-S-077 ロボット最適化設計における統一的な評価方法の開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学1,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    倉 拓海, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 安田 一則

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 48-48 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.48_4  

  622. 1A1-S-092 レスキューロボットのための足裏感圧センサの開発 : センサ評価とキャリブレーション手法(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学1,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    川口 容毅, 徳田 献一, 小西 薫, 田所 諭, 安田 一則

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 50-50 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.50_3  


  623. 1A1-S-093 レスキューロボットのための水平分散アーキテクチャFDNet : 第7報 異構造ロボットを対象としたFDNet設計インタフェースの開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学1,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    山本 延寿, Delange Fabien, Purnelle Paul-emile, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 安田 一則

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 50-50 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.50_4  


  624. 1A1-S-096 四足歩行ロボットでCOFを用いた駆動足首機構の不整地への足沿わせ(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学1,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    岡本 正吾, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 51-51 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.51_3  


  625. 1P1-N-100 分布型振動刺激を用いた局所滑り覚呈示による無意識下の把持力制御(触覚と力覚2,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    中本 雅崇, 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 67-67 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.67_4  

  626. 1P2-S-095 災害時に情報収集を行うためのバルーンーケーブル駆動ロボットシステムの構築(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学3,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    榎本 正也, 出納 和也, 田中 琢磨, 小林 靖幸, 田所 諭, 武村 史朗, 森園 哲也, 木野 仁

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 138-138 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.138_2  


  627. 2A1-N-041 異構造ロボットによる模倣動作学習 : 動作プリミティブ集合を介した模倣(認知ロボティクス1,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    徳田 献一, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 142-142 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.142_3  

  628. 2A1-S-073 ファイバースコープのための振動駆動型繊毛移動機構の開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学4,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    新妻 翔, 武村 史朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 179-179 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.179_2  


  629. 2A1-S-074 レスキューロボットのためのヒューマンインタフェースの開発 : バルーン・ケーブル駆動ロボットへの適用(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学4,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    田中 琢磨, 武村 史朗, 榎本 正也, 出納 和也, 小林 靖幸, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 179-179 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.179_3  


  630. 2A1-S-075 バルーン・ケーブル駆動ロボットを用いた罹災者推定同定システムの開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学4,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    小林 靖幸, 武村 史朗, 榎本 正也, 田中 琢磨, 出納 和也, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 179-179 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.179_4  

  631. 2P1-N-040 模倣ロボットのための足探り動作解析 : ファジィ推論による特徴量ネットワークの構築(認知ロボティクス2,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    武吉 紀文, 徳田 献一, 延広 秀之, 小西 薫, 田所 諭, 安田 一則

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 186-186 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.186_3  

  632. 2P1-N-042 共通認知モデルを介した動作スキルの模倣 : イベントによる動作の抑制(認知ロボティクス2,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    延廣 秀之, 徳田 献一, 小西 薫, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 187-187 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.187_1  


  633. 2P1-S-075 瓦礫環境移動ロボットのための3次元視覚の開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学5,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    横田 求, 見延 壮希, 牧田 忍, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 222-222 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.222_3  

  634. 2P1-S-092 社会インフラ研究プラットフォーム「レスキュー・コミュニケータ」の開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学5,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    羽田 靖史, 畑山 満則, 大鋸 朋生, 小林 重樹, 栄野 隼一, 橋詰 匠, 淺間 一, 野田 五十樹, 滝澤 修, 田所 諭, 中込 宏, 川端 邦明, 滝田 謙介, 松野 文俊

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 224-224 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2005.224_4  


  635. 国際コンプレックス構想 : 神奈川県におけるRTを起爆剤とした企業化・産業活性化

    松野 文俊, 石黒 周, 山本 長史, 田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 22 (7) 829-832 2004年10月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.22.829  


  636. レスキューロボティクス総論

    田所 諭

    フルードパワーシステム : 日本フルードパワーシステム学会誌 : journal of the Japan Fluid Power System Society 35 (4) 221-225 2004年7月15日



  637. 大大特プロジェクトの目的と概要

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 22 (5) 544-545 2004年7月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.22.544  


  638. レスキューロボット実用化のためのテストフィールド : 大大特IRS神戸ラボの紹介

    綿末 太郎, 小野里 雅彦, 田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 22 (5) 572-573 2004年7月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.22.572  


  639. 災害現場における情報収集のためのケーブル駆動ロボットの開発

    武村史朗, ZWIERS U, 田所諭, 榎本正也, 出納和也

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 9th 2004年


  640. 布の触感ディスプレイ開発のための感覚計測

    新宅加奈子, 才脇直樹, 昆陽雅司, 赤沢和伸, 吉田晃典, 田所諭

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 48th 2004年

  641. 電波到来方向探知器を搭載したケーブル駆動ロボットを用いた携帯端末位置計測システムの提案

    出納和也, 榎本正也, 田中琢磨, ZWIERS U, 田所諭, 武村史明, ERBATUR K

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2004 2004年


  642. レスキューロボットと地理情報システム (小特集 三次元GIS--応用事例編) -- (三次元GISの応用事例)

    松野 文俊, 田所 諭

    写真測量とリモートセンシング 43 (2) 32-35 2004年



  643. ロボカップレスキュー (特集:先端ロボットの動向)

    田所 諭

    設計工学 39 (1) 2-6 2004年1月



  644. レスキューロボットのためのヒューマンインタフェースの開発 : ケーブル駆動ロボットTAGUANへの適用(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学1)

    田中 琢磨, 榎本 正也, 出納 和也, 武村 史朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 3-3 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.3_2  


  645. がれき内での情報収集を目的とした複眼型全方位ビジョンセンサの開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学1)

    岸間 匠, 見延 壮希, 田所 諭, 牧田 忍

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 4-5 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.4_4  

  646. 上空から情報収集を行うためのバルーンーケーブル駆動ロボットの開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学2)

    榎本 正也, 出納 和也, 田中 琢磨, 武村 史朗, 森園 哲也, 木野 仁, Ulrike ZWIERS, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 40-40 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.40_1  


  647. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 : 第9報:触運動に応じたテクスチャ感の呈示手法(ハプティックインタフェース2)

    昆陽 雅司, 赤澤 和伸, 吉田 晃典, 新宅 加奈子, 才脇 直樹, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 46-46 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.46_2  


  648. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 : 第10報:3Dバーチャルオブジェクトの手ざわりを表現するアプリケーション(ハプティックインタフェース2)

    吉田 晃典, 昆陽 雅司, 赤澤 和伸, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 46-46 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.46_3  


  649. レスキューロボットのための水平分散アーキテクチャFDNet : 第5報ネットワーク動的再構成のためのインタフェイス設計(オープン化を指向したロボットコントローラアーキテクチャ2)

    糀 幸久, 徳田 献一, Jadoulle Jerome, Achbany Yousse, Lambot Nicolas, 田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 73-74 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.73_4  


  650. 模倣ロボットのための特徴量ネットワーク設計 : 不整地歩行のための足探り動作の生成(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学3)

    延廣 秀之, 田所 諭, 徳田 献一, 糀 幸久, 小西 薫, 昆陽 雅司, 高森 年, 上原 邦昭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 78-78 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.78_1  


  651. レスキューロボットRoQによる瓦礫踏破模倣 : 瓦礫の足探りシミュレーションによる模倣動作生成(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学3)

    小西 薫, 徳田 献一, 綿末 太郎, 糀 幸久, 延広 秀之, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 78-78 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.78_2  


  652. がれき内探索用小型移動機構の開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学4)

    小西 芳樹, 牧田 忍, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 122-122 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.122_2  


  653. 瓦礫内探索ロボットMOIRA2の開発(レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学4)

    原口 林太郎, 大須賀 公一, 牧田 忍, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 123-123 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.123_4  


  654. 上空からの携帯端末位置計測システムの提案(ワイヤ駆動系の機構と制御)

    出納 和也, 榎本 正也, 田中 琢磨, Zwiers Ulrike, 田所 諭, 武村 史朗, Kemalettin Erbatur

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 197-197 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2004.197_2  

  655. 18・3 レスキューシステム(18.ロボティクス・メカトロニクス,<特集>機械工学年鑑)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 107 (1029) 648-649 2004年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.107.1029_648_3  


  656. 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイによる手触りの柔らかさの呈示

    赤澤 和伸, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan annual conference 8 221-224 2003年9月17日



  657. 地震災害被害を軽減するためのRT(ロボットテクノロジー)

    田所 諭

    地震ジャ-ナル (35) 28-35 2003年6月



  658. ロボット競技デモ : ロボカップサッカー・ロボカップレスキュー・レスキューロボットコンテスト

    升谷 保博, 田所 諭, 大須賀 公一

    日本ロボット学会誌 21 (2) 145-146 2003年3月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.21.145  


  659. 2P1-3F-E4 FDNET Module Development for an Extensible Architecture

    Pujol A., Koji Y., Tadokoro S., Tokuda K., Toda T., Nobuhiro H., Konyo M.

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 112-113 2003年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The presentation introduces concepts and methods used in the design of several modules for the FDNET architecture. In particular it focuses on the implementation and calculation methods used to adapt to an extensible architecture : it describes how object oriented implementation was used to reproduce the architecture of the robot.

  660. レスキューロボットの評価に関する一考察


    SI2003講演論文集 2003年

  661. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト

    田所 諭

    自動制御連合講演会講演論文集 46 (CD-ROM) 1074-1075 2003年


    DOI: 10.11511/jacc.46.0.1074.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  662. 高分子アクチュエータ


    次世代アクチュエータ技術の予測調査研究 平成14年度 No.14605004 2003年

  663. レスキューロボットのためのヒューマンインタフェース~被災害探索のための情報提示~

    田中琢麿, 田所諭, こうじ幸久, 高森年, 高島雅之, 池内彰博, 高島志郎

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 47th 2003年

  664. ICPFセンサに関する研究 第3報:触覚センサによる速度ベクトルの推定

    小西芳樹, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  665. がれき内での情報収集を目的とした全方位複眼ビジョンの開発

    岸間匠, 田所諭, 見延壮希, 牧田忍, WILLAME Y, JULIEN S

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  666. 模倣動作生成のための動作特徴量の抽出と環境特徴量の推定

    延広秀之, 田所諭, 徳田献一, こうじ幸久, 昆陽雅司, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  667. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 第8報:柔らかさの呈示手法の検討

    昆陽雅司, 赤沢和伸, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  668. レスキューロボットのための足裏感圧センサによる不整地推定

    徳田献一, 戸田崇文, こうじ幸久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  669. 上空からの情報収集を目的としたケーブルロボットの開発と情報収集方法の一提案

    武村史朗, ERBATUR K, ZWIERS U, 田所諭, 榎本正也, 出納和也

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  670. レスキューロボットのための水平分散アーキテクチャFDNet-第二報:時系列処理のための仕様と実装-

    こうじ幸久, PUJOL A, 田所諭, 徳田献一, 延広秀之, 昆陽雅司, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  671. レスキューロボットのためのヒューマンインタフェース-ヒューマンインタフェースのシステム-

    田中琢磨, 田所諭, 牧田忍, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 21st 2003年

  672. レスキューロボットのコンテスト(<特集>災害対応のためのロボティクス)

    大須賀 公一, 高橋 友一, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 106 (1019) 790-793 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.106.1019_790  


  673. An Overview of RoboCup-2002 Fukuoka/Busan.

    Minoru Asada, Oliver Obst, Daniel Polani, Brett Browning, Andrea Bonarini, Masahiro Fujita, Thomas Christaller, Tomoichi Takahashi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Elizabeth Sklar, Gal A. Kaminka

    AI Mag. 24 (2) 21-40 2003年

    DOI: 10.1609/aimag.v24i2.1700  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This article reports on the Sixth Robot World Cup Competition and Conference (RoboCup-2002) Fukuoka/Busan, which took place from 19 to 25 June in Fukuoka, Japan. It was the largest RoboCup since 1997 and held the first humanoid league competition in the world. Further, the first ROBOTREX (robot trade and exhibitions) was held with about 50 companies, universities, and institutes represented. A total of 117,000 spectators witnessed this marvelous event, To the best of our knowledge, this was the largest robotic event in history.

  674. 1A1-2F-E8 ICPF アクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 : 第 7 報 : 触運動に応じた機械刺激の呈示条件について

    赤澤 和伸, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 21-21 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.21_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    これまでに本研究では, 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた能動的触運動可能なウェアラブルディスプレイを開発した。また触運動の速度・加速度に応じた受容器の選択的な刺激手法を提案した。触運動の方向を水平に変更し, 心理物理実験により自然な手触り感を生成する刺激条件を求める。

  675. 1A1-3F-B7 ICPF を用いた触感センサの研究

    小西 芳樹, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 26-26 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.26_3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究では, 材質や触り心地をセンシングする触感センサの開発を目標としている。柔軟かつ比較的加工が容易であるICPF(イオン導電性高分子ゲル膜)をセンサとして用いるて, 触感センサを開発した。

  676. 1P1-2F-B5 がれき内での情報収集を目的としたインテリジェントセンサヘッドの開発

    岸間 匠, 田所 諭, Willame Yannick, Julien Stouffs

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 45-45 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.45_2  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    がれき内での情報収集手段として, オプティカルファイバースコープやサーチカムが消防の現場等で使われ活躍している。しかしこれらはいくつかの問題点を持っている。これらの問題点を解決することを目的として本センサヘッドを開発する。

  677. 1P1-2F-B6 レスキューロボット RoQ を用いた模倣動作生成に関する研究

    戸田 崇文, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 糀 幸久, 延広 秀之

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 45-45 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.45_3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    災害現場でロボット自身が人間行動観察を行い, そのスキルを模倣できれば, 予測できない未知環境下でも対応できると考えられる。本報告ではロボットが人間のスキルを解釈して模倣を行うシステムについて述べる。

  678. 1P1-2F-F5 ICPF アクチュエータの特性とモデル化 : 第 16 報 : Nafion-Au 型アクチュエータモデルの評価

    前羽 陽介, 田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 50-50 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.50_5  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ICPFアクチュエータは実用に近い高分子ゲルアクチュエータとして注目を集めている。本報では, 前報で提案したNafion-An型アクチュエータモデルに対して様々な入力波形を与え, モデルの評価を行う。

  679. 1P1-3F-C3 人間とロボットの共通認知モデルを介したアクティブタッチの模倣システム

    昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 糀 幸久, 徳田 献一, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 54-55 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.54_6  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ロボットアームを用いて人間の能動的な触運動を模倣するシステムを構築する。人間とロボットに共通する認知モデルを用いて, 感覚と運動が統合された特徴量を自己組織的に抽出し, 運動を生成する方法を提案する。

  680. 2P1-2F-B3 上空からの情報収集のためのポータブルケーブルロボットの開発

    武村 史朗, Erbatur Kemalettin, Zweirs Ulrike, 田所 諭, 高山 達郎, 岸間 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 99-99 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.99_5  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    災害時において, 家屋・建物の倒壊などによる人的被害は後を絶たない。このような場合, 上空からスキャンすることによる情報の収集が効果的である。本研究では上空から吊り下げられるセンサ搭載可能なケーブル駆動ロボットの研究開発を行う。

  681. 2P1-3F-E2 レスキューロボットのための水平分散アーキテクチャ FDNet とその実装

    糀 幸久, 田所 諭, 徳田 献一, Pujol Alain, 戸田 崇文, 延広 秀之, 昆陽 雅司, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 112-112 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.112_5  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    我々はレスキューロボットのためのソフトウェアアーキテクチャについて水平分散アーキテクチャFDNetを提案, 実装した。今回はその概要と, それを用いたシステムについて報告する。

  682. 2P2-2F-A8 レスキューロボットのためのヒューマンインタフェース : 被災者探索のための情報提示

    田中 琢磨, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 糀 幸久

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2003 127-127 2003年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2003.127_3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    レスキューロボットにより被災者を探索する際, どのような情報を提示しどのような操作方法にすれば操作者にとってよいのかを研究する。

  683. システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI 2002) 開催報告

    田所 諭, 神徳 徹雄

    計測と制御 42 (4) 352-352 2003年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会

    DOI: 10.11499/sicejl1962.42.352  


  684. 災害に対応するロボット--NYテロ現場へ出動、被災者を発見 (特集 ロボットの今 ここまで進化)

    田所 諭

    エネルギ-レビュ- 22 (12) 14-18 2002年12月



  685. 大規模災害救助シミュレータを対象としたリアルタイム実況の自動生成

    松原 仁, 田中 久美子, Frank Ian, 田所 諭

    人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI 17 (2) 177-180 2002年11月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 人工知能学会

    DOI: 10.1527/tjsai.17.177  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We address the problem of information flow in disaster relief scenarios by presenting an architecture for generating natural language dialogue between large numbers of agents. This architecture is the first step towards real-time support systems for relief workers and their controllers. Our work demonstrates how natural generation techniques from the MIKE commentary system for RoboCup soccer can be carried over to that of RoboCup Rescue. Thanks to this background, the initial product of our research is a system that explains a RoboCup Rescue simulation not to the agents in the domain themselves but to a watching audience. This &rdquo;commentary&rdquo; is produced by recreating the actual dialogues most likely be occurring in the domain: walkie-talkie-conversations.

  686. 能動触を考慮した装着型ICPF触感ディスプレイの研究

    昆陽 雅司, 赤澤 和伸, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan annual conference 7 445-448 2002年9月18日



  687. Preface

    TADOKORO Satoshi, AMANO Hisanori

    Advanced robotics : the international journal of the Robotics Society of Japan 16 (6) 475-476 2002年8月14日


  688. インフラ未来形--ロボカップレスキューの可能性 (特集 笑え!ロボット)

    田所 諭

    ディーバ (3) 70-77 2002年6月


  689. 災害救助のゲーミング - ロボカップレスキュープロジェクト

    松原 仁, 田所 諭

    情報処理 43 (5) 531-536 2002年5月15日



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  690. ロボカップレスキュー

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 20 (1) 20-23 2002年1月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.20.20  


  691. レスキューロボットのための水平分散型アーキテクチャ

    こうじ幸久, 田所諭, 徳田献一, 戸田崇文, 昆陽雅史, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 20th 2002年

  692. ロボカップレスキュー(<特集>自律分散型サッカーロボット)

    田所 諭, 高橋 友一

    日本ファジィ学会誌 14 (6) 593-601 2002年


    DOI: 10.3156/jfuzzy.14.6_593  


  693. 震災におけるレスキューロボットの作業についての考察-模倣ロボットによるレスキュー作業の取り組み-

    徳田献一, 田所諭, 昆陽雅司, 戸田崇文, こうじ幸久

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 20th 2002年

  694. ICPFセンサに関する研究 第2報:触覚センサとしての応用

    昆陽雅司, 岸間匠, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 20th 2002年

  695. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第15報:Nafion-Au型アクチュエータのモデリングとパラメータ同定

    前羽陽介, 田所諭, 昆陽雅司, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 20th 2002年

  696. レスキューロボットのための足裏感圧センサの開発

    戸田崇文, 徳田献一, 田所諭, 昆陽雅司, こうじ幸久, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 20th 2002年

  697. レスキュー用協調動作ウィンチの開発 ウィンチユニットの制御と通信

    都甲大輔, 小林滋, 田所諭

    日本機械学会関西学生会卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集 2002 2002年

  698. レスキュー作業を目的としたロボティックプラットフォームRoQのアーキテクチャ

    徳田献一, 田所諭, 昆陽雅司, 戸田崇文, こうじ幸久, 渡部景子

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 46th 2002年

  699. 災害救助シミュレータ実況システム第0版

    松原 仁, 田中 久美子, イアン フランク, 田所 諭, 中西 智也, 田中 莞爾

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集 2 94-94 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 人工知能学会

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI02.0.94.0  

  700. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 第6報:装着型刺激デバイスによる振動刺激の振幅と粗さ感の関係

    赤沢和伸, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 20th 2002年

  701. Preface

    Andreas Birk, Silvia Coradeschi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2377 LNAI 2002年



  702. A portable parallel motion platform for urban search and surveillance in disasters.

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shigeru Kobayashi

    Adv. Robotics 16 (6) 537-540 2002年

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1163/156855302320535917  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Investigation of Kobe earthquake revealed that search and surveillance of victims is one of the most important processes of urban search and rescue (USAR) in disasters. The development of technologies to effectively support the search process by a portable multi-degree-of-freedom (d.o.f) motion platform is outlined.

  703. RoboCupRescue international research project.

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Adv. Robotics 16 (6) 569-572 2002年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/156855302320535999  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    RoboCupRescue started as an international cooperative search project that aims at giving effective solutions from robotics and IT to the urban search and rescue problems in large-scale disasters. The final goal of the project is the proposition of desirable social infrastructure for the next generation that is empowered by robotics. At present, two projects are going forward, namely, RoboCupRescue Robot Project and RoboCupRescue Simulation Project.

  704. 1P1-J06 ICPF センサに関する研究 : 第 1 報 : 速度センシングのための基礎特性

    岸間 匠, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.2) 55-55 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.55_5  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    これまでアクチュエータとしての側面から数々のアプローチがなされてきた高分子ゲル材料の一種であるICPFアクチュエータがセンサとしての特性も擁する。本研究の目的はこの柔らかいICPFをアクチュエータとしてではなくセンサとしての側面を追求しその特性を明らかにする。本稿ではICPFセンサの周波数応答, 屈曲速度と出力電圧の関係を計測し, 速度センシングの可能性を探る。

  705. 2A1-K12 模倣ロボットのための能動的触覚行為の認知モデル

    昆陽 雅司, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.3) 79-79 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.79_2  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ロボットが人の行動を模倣することによって, スキルをもった動作を獲得するためには, その行為を意図や目的などの意味レベルで理解するモデルが必要である。そのためには人間の身体性を伴った認知モデルを求め, ロボットに同じ機能をもたせることが重要である。本研究では, 人の能動的な触運動に着目し, 運動と感覚が統合された認知モデルを求める。人間の触受容の応答特性に基づき, 手指の運動情報や筋電信号などの低次元特徴量を定義し, 自己組織化によって特徴パターンを形成する。この特徴パターンの時系列データからスキルに関連する特徴量を抽出できるモデルを提案する。

  706. 2P1-A04 レスキューロボットシステムソフトウエアの水平分散アーキテクチャに関する研究

    糀 幸久, 田所 諭, 徳田 献一, 戸田 崇文, 昆陽 雅司, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.4) 82-82 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.82_4  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    レスキューの現場において, 個々のロボットがより有効に働くためには, 周囲の動的で且つ複雑な状況を認識し, それを行動に生かさなければならない。そのためにも, ロボットには, 状況に応じたセンサヤアクチュエータを選択でき, また, 周囲に存在する何らかのセンサの持つ情報を自分のものとして認識できるシステムや, 状況に応じて機能を獲得したり, 機能を切替えたりできるシステムが求められる。このようなシステムを実現するために, 我々は, レスキューロボットのシステムソフトウエアに水平分散アーキテクチャを適用した。本報告ではこのソフトウエアシステムの構成について述べる。

  707. 2P1-A09 レスキュー用協調動作ウィンチの開発 : 操作システムの構築

    都甲 大輔, 小林 滋, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.4) 83-83 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.83_3  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    震災などの災害時において, 大量配備が可能である救助用機器として, 閉じ込められている被救助者を探索, 救出するために瓦礫などの移動, 除去することを目的としたレスキュー用協調動作ウィンチを提案し, その開発を行っている。本報では特に, 各ウィンチのワイヤの終端に取り付けられている手先効果器を見ながら, 操作者が手元で動かせるようにしたので, その操作システムについて述べ, それらを用いた実験について報告する。

  708. 2P1-A11 レスキューロボットのための足裏感圧センサの開発

    戸田 崇文, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 糀 幸久, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.4) 83-83 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.83_5  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    震災等の災害現場でレスキューロボットを用いた救助活動を行う際, 瓦礫や段差の踏破が必要不可欠である。4足歩行ロボットを用いてこのような不整地を歩行させるにはロボットの重心位置を計算して, 倒れない事を保証しなければならない。また人間との協調作業を行うには模倣, 例えば地面の足探りといった行動が必要になってくる。本報告ではこの為の足裏感圧センサを新たに作成したのでそれについて述べる。

  709. 2P1-H06 ICPF アクチュエータの特性とモデル化 : 第 14 報 : 不水和水分子移動モデルの導入

    前羽 陽介, 田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.4) 94-94 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.94_5  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ICPFアクチュエータを用いた樣々なアプリケーションを開発するに当たり, アクチュエータの特性をモデル化し開発環境を整えることが重要である。我々は, 膜内部の物質移動を考慮した屈曲メカニズムの仮説に基づくモデルを提案してきたが, 本論文では不水和水分子移動モデルを導入する。さらに物質移動の結果発生する含水率の変化によるひずみ, および陽極側の固定電荷と陽極との間に働く圧縮力によるひずみについて述べると共にパラメータ同定を行う。

  710. 2P2-A08 レスキューのためのロボティックプラットフォーム RoQ

    徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 戸田 崇文, 糀 幸久, 渡部 景子

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.5) 105-105 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.105_2  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    震災のような災害発生時に救助活動を行うレスキューロボットは, その災害の種類や救助段階に応じて活動内容が動的に変化することにより, 求められる移動能力やセンサ, 使用する工具は多種多様である。それに対して, 従来開発が進められているレスキューロボットは, 目的に応じて, 使用するセンサや工具, 肢体が設計時に予め限定されているが多い。これに対し, 我々は多様なセンサや工具, 肢体に対応するロボットの共通部分を取り出したロボティックプラットフォームRoQの開発を行っている, 本報告ではこのRoQの構成について述べる。

  711. 2P2-E07 ICPF アクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 : 第 5 報 : 触運動可能な装着型刺激デバイスの開発

    赤澤 和伸, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2002 (Pt.5) 111-111 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2002.111_3  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究の目的は, 高分子ゲル材料のICPFアクチュエータを用い, 布地などを触ったときの微妙な材質感や触り心地, 触感を仮想的に呈示することである。人は触対象の触感を確かめる際, 意図や目的によって能動的に手を動かし触運動を変えながら触感を受容している。本稿では, ICPFアクチユエータを用いた繊毛デバイスを小型化して手に装着可能にし, 触運動に合わせた刺激を発生するデバイスを開発した。

  712. ロボカップレスキュープロジェクト

    田所 諭

    社会・経済システム 21 (21) 34-42 2002年


    DOI: 10.20795/jasess.21.22.0_34  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    RoboCupRescue is an international cooperative research project aiming at proposal of a new paradigm of social infrastructure against emergency disasters as an application of multi-agent technology and robotics. RoboCupRescue Simulation Project considers an artificial disaster society by computer simulation. A distributed simulation method integrates disaster simulators, and in the future, realworld interfaces and human interfaces. Intelligent behavioral agents make disaster response activities in this virtual world with intelligent civilian agents creating a synthetic virtual disaster field. It contributes virtual disaster experience, city planning, realtime disaster response, and standardization of infrastructures. Simulation results and experiments by a prototype system demonstrated its effectiveness in evaluating disaster response strategies.

  713. NY世界貿易センタービル事件におけるロボティクスの貢献(ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門ニュースレター)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 105 (1002) 374-374 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.105.1002_374  


  714. 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた布の手触り感覚を呈示する触感ディスプレイ

    昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 小黒 啓介, 徳田 献一

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan 6 (4) 323-328 2001年12月31日



  715. 身体運動データを作成・加工するためのコンピュータ内での動作記述方法

    服部 元史, 北田 晋一郎, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    じんもんこん2001論文集 2001 (2001) 89-96 2001年12月14日


  716. レスキューロボット

    田所 諭, 大須賀 公一, 天野 久徳

    日本ロボット学会誌 19 (6) 685-688 2001年9月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.19.685  


  717. フィールドロボティクス


    日本機械学会誌 558-560 2001年8月

  718. RoboCup-Rescue : 近未来防災科学技術への挑戦

    田所 諭, 高橋 宏直

    土木学会誌 86 (7) 68-70 2001年7月15日



  719. ロボカップレスキュー

    田所 諭

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 40 (6) 473-473 2001年6月10日


  720. パラレルケーブル駆動アーキテクチャによるモーションベースの提案

    田所 諭, 村田 理絵, 松島 俊之, 村尾 良男, 甲川 秀明, HILLER Manfred

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan 6 (1) 57-64 2001年3月31日



  721. RoboCup-2000: The Fourth Robotic Soccer World Championships

    P. Stone, M. Asada, T. Balch, R. D'Andrea, M. Fujita, B. Hengst, G. Kraetzschmar, P. Lima, N. Lau, H. Lund, D. Polani, P. Scerri, S. Tadokoro, T. Weigel, G. Wyeth

    AI Magazine 22 (1) 11-38 2001年3月


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Fourth Robotic Soccer World Championships (RoboCup-2000) was held from 27 August to 3 September 2000 at the Melbourne Exhibition Center in Melbourne, Australia. In total, 83 teams, consisting of about 500 people, participated in RoboCup-2000, and about 5000 spectators watched the events. RoboCup-2000 showed dramatic improvement over past years in each of the existing robotic soccer leagues (legged, small size, mid size, and simulation) and introduced RoboCup Jr. competitions and RoboCup Rescue and Humanoid demonstration events. The RoboCup Workshop, held in conjunction with the championships, provided a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences among the different leagues. This article summarizes the advances seen at RoboCup-2000, including reports from the championship teams and overviews of all the RoboCup events.

  722. Nafion-Au型ICPFアクチュエータの製造条件最適化

    大原猛史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  723. RoboCup-Rescueプロジェクト (日本地震工学会S)

    田所諭, 松野文俊

    第一回日本地震工学研究発表・討論会梗概集 平成13年 2001年

  724. 災害救助に対するエージェント技術の適用

    伊藤暢浩, 太田正幸, 高橋友一, 田所諭, 和田幸一, CHEN W

    日本ME学会大会論文集 40th 2001年

  725. 触運動に着目した能動的知覚行為の解析

    昆陽雅司, 徳田献一, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  726. 4脚歩行ロボットの3次元瓦れき上での人間追尾

    徳田献一, 田所諭, 昆陽雅司

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  727. Motion captured dataからデジタル舞踊譜(Continuous Labanotation)への変換

    北田晋一郎, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  728. 21世紀を展望する 6 RoboCup-Rescue

    北野宏明, 田所諭

    電子情報通信学会誌 84 (1) 2001年


  729. 舞踊譜Labanotationに基づくコンピュータ内での身体運動の記述方法

    服部元史, 北田晋一郎, 田所諭, 高森年

    計測自動制御学会関西支部シンポジウム講演論文集 2001 2001年

  730. 4脚歩行ロボットの3次元瓦れき上での人間追尾

    徳田献一, 田所諭, 昆陽雅司

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  731. Motion captured dataからデジタル舞踊譜(Continuous Labanotation)への変換

    北田晋一郎, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  732. Nafion-Au型ICPFアクチュエータの製造条件最適化

    大原猛史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  733. パラレルケーブル駆動モーションベースの設計

    田所諭, 村田理絵, 松島俊之, 村尾良男, 甲川秀明

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 6th 2001年


  734. 大規模災害救助シミュレータを対象としたリアルタイム実況の自動生成

    松原 仁, 田中 久美子, フランク イアン, 田所 諭

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集 1 (Vol.1) 83-83 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 人工知能学会

    DOI: 10.11517/pjsai.JSAI01.0.83.0  

  735. 触運動に着目した能動的知覚行為の解析

    昆陽雅司, 徳田献一, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 19th 2001年

  736. ロボカップレスキュー:緊急大規模災害救助への挑戦 (高度防災情報通信システムの構築プロジェクト)

    田所 諭, 徳丸 正孝, 村中 徳明

    関西大学学術フロンティア・センター研究成果報告書 2001 309-316 2001年


  737. 1A1-G7 パラレルワイヤアーキテクチャによる絶叫体感マシンの軌道生成に関する研究(22. アミューズメントロボットII)

    松島 俊之, 田所 諭, 村尾 良男, 甲川 秀明

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2001 (Pt.1) 12-12 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2001.12_7  

  738. 1A1-M9 ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 : 第13報 屈曲メカニズムの仮説に基づく2次元モデル(43. アクチュエータの機構と制御)

    福原 将彦, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2001 (Pt.1) 17-17 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2001.17_6  

  739. 1P1-D9 舞踊譜Labanotationの連続表現による文楽人形の動作の記述(77. 情緒・感性・身体性)

    服部 元史, 西澤 俊, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2001 23-23 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2001.23_7  

  740. 1P1-E1 レスキューロボットCUL : 人間追随型4脚歩行ロボットの追従性能についての考察(5. レスキューシステム・レスキュー工学II)

    徳田 献一, 矢野 真介, 和田 光代, 大須賀 公一, 小野 敏郎, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2001 (Pt.2) 24-24 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2001.24_1  

  741. 2P2-C1 ICPFアクチュエータを用いたマイクロマニピュレータに関する研究 : 第4報 Nafion-金型ICPFアクチュエータの製造条件最適化(58. マイクロ・ナノ作業II)

    大原 猛史, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2001 (Pt.5) 69-69 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2001.69_9  

  742. 2P2-N1 ICPFアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 : 第4報 触運動の解析(33. VRとインターフェース)

    昆陽 雅司, 徳田 献一, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2001 (Pt.5) 79-79 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2001.79_9  

  743. レスキュー工学の構築に向けて(システム/制御/情報の最前線-研究交流会トピックス特集号)

    大須賀 公一, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    システム/制御/情報 45 (7) 360-367 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会

    DOI: 10.11509/isciesci.45.7_360  


  744. 18.2 フィールドロボティクス(18.ロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    田所 諭

    日本機械学会誌 104 (993) 558-558 2001年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.104.993_558_2  


  745. 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究

    昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan annual conference 5 311-314 2000年9月18日



  746. ロボカップレスキュープロジェクト: - マルチエージェントシステム研究の大規模災害救助への応用を目指して

    松原 仁, 田所 諭, 北野 宏明, 竹内 郁雄, 高橋 友一, 神成 敦司, 野田 五十樹, Hitoshi Matsubara, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano, Ikuo Takeuchi, Yuichi Takahashi, Atsushi Shinjo, Itsuki Noda, ERATO北野プロジェクト:ソニーCSL, ERATO Kitano Project:SONY CSL., University of Electro-Communications.

    コンピュータソフトウェア 17 (5) 18-26 2000年9月18日


    DOI: 10.11309/jssst.17.426  


  747. ロボカップレスキュープロジェクト

    田所 諭, 高橋 友一, 高橋 宏直, 畑山 満則, 松野 文俊, 太田 正幸, 小藤 哲彦, 竹内 郁雄, 松井 武史, 桑田 喜隆, 兼田 敏之, 渥美 雅保, 野邊 潤, 北野 宏明, Satoshi Tadokoro, Tomoichi Takahashi, Hironao Takahashi, Michinori Hatayama, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Masayuki Ohta, Tetsuhiko Koto, Ikuo Takeuchi, Takeshi Matsui, Yoshitaka Kuwata, Toshiyuki Kaneda, Masayasu Atsumi, Jun Nobe, Hiroaki Kitano

    人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 15 (5) 798-806 2000年9月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 人工知能学会

    DOI: 10.11517/jjsai.15.5_798  


  748. 座談会 : ロボカップレスキュー:緊急大規模災害救助への挑戦

    田所 諭, 天野 久徳, 桑田 喜隆, 北野 宏明, 竹内 郁雄, 高橋 友一, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hisanori Amono, Yoshitaka Kuwata, Hiroaki Kitano, Ikuo Takeuchi, Tomoichi Takahashi

    人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 15 (5) 807-812 2000年9月1日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 人工知能学会

    DOI: 10.11517/jjsai.15.5_807  


  749. ロボカップレスキュー:情報科学の緊急災害対応問題への挑戦


    情報処理 41 (5) 2000年8月

  750. 動作軸の位相・振幅要素に注目した文楽人形の演技動作の解析

    服部 元史, 古田 智, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    情報処理学会研究報告. CH,[人文科学とコンピュータ] 46 (49) 31-38 2000年5月31日



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  751. 2000-CH-46-5 / 2000-MUS-35-5 動作軸の位相・振幅要素に注目した文楽人形の演技動作の解析

    服部 元史, 古田 智, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    情報処理学会研究報告. [音楽情報科学] 2000 (49) 31-38 2000年5月31日



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  752. RoboCup - Rescue:情報科学の緊急災害対応問題への挑戦

    田所 諭, 北野 宏明, 高橋 友一, 松野 文俊, 竹内 郁雄, RoboCup Rescue技術委員会

    情報処理 41 (4) 412-418 2000年4月15日



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  753. RoboCup-Rescue(最終回)ロボティクスが創る新しい社会インフラ

    大須賀 公一, 田所 諭, RoboCuPRescue技術委員会

    Bit 32 (4) 49-56 2000年4月



  754. RoboCup-Rescue(2)シミュレータの構成

    高橋 友一, 松野 文俊, 田所 諭

    Bit 32 (3) 37-42 2000年3月



  755. パラレルケーブル駆動アーキテクチャによるモーションベースの提案


    日本機械学会年次大会講演会論文集, 2000 467-458 2000年

  756. 意志決定支援のための統合的被災シミュレータの開発 RoboCup-Rescueプロジェクト (第14報)

    高橋宏直, 松野文俊, 畑山満則, 松井武史, 兼田敏之, 田所諭, 高橋友一, 竹内郁雄, 北野宏明

    リアルタイム地震防災シンポジウム論文集 2nd 2000年

  757. RoboCup-Rescue 第1回 プロジェクト構想

    北野宏明, 田所諭

    BIT (Tokyo) 32 (2) 2000年


  758. RoboCup-Rescue 第2回 シミュレータの構成

    高橋友一, 松野文俊, 田所諭

    BIT (Tokyo) 32 (3) 2000年


  759. PVA-DMSOゲルアクチュエータに関する研究 第一報 進行波を利用した駆動

    永留浩, 田所諭, 平井利博, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 18th 2000年

  760. 1A1-06-015 RoboCup-Rescue プロジェクト : 第 13 報シミュレーションプロジェクトのアーキテクチャ

    田所 諭, 高橋 友一, Robo Cup-Rescue技術委員会

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2000 (Pt.1) 32-32 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2000.32_6  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本講演では, RoboCup-Rescueプロジェクトのアーキテクチャについて述べ, リアルワールドインタフェースについて考察を行う。

  761. ライフライン・都市の防災 RoboCup-Rescueプロジェクト


    日本地震あれからこれから 2000年

  762. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第12報 屈曲メカニズムの仮説に基づくモデルのパラメータ同定

    福原将彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 18th 2000年

  763. 緊急災害対策問題への分散ネットワークロボティクスの適用

    田所諭, 大須賀公一, 北野宏明

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 44th 2000年

  764. ロボカップレスキュープロジェクト(第12報)RoboCup-Rescueの戦略と展開

    北野宏明, 高橋友一, 田所諭

    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 60th (4) 2000年

  765. ロボカップレスキュープロジェクト(第1報)緊急対応問題へのAIとロボティクスのチャレンジ

    田所諭, 北野宏明

    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 60th (4) 2000年

  766. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 第3報 触感の定量的評価

    昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 18th 2000年

  767. RoboCup-Rescue project: a robotic approach to the disaster mitigation problem 査読有り

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano, Tomoichi Takahashi, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi Matsubara, Atsushi Shinjoh, Tetsuo Koto, Ikuo Takeuchi, Hironao Takahashi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Mitsunori Hatayama, Jun Nobe, Susumu Shimada

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 4 4089-4094 2000年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper introduces the RoboCup-Rescue Simulation Project, a contribution to the disaster mitigation, search and rescue problem. A comprehensive urban disaster simulator is constructed on distributed computers. Heterogeneous intelligent agents such as fire fighters, victims and volunteers conduct search and rescue activities in this virtual disaster world. A real world interface integrates various sensor systems and controllers of infrastructures in the real cities with the virtual world. Real-time simulation is synchronized with actual disasters, computing complex relationship between various damage factors and agent behaviors. A mission-critical man-machine interface provides portability and robustness of disaster mitigation centers, and augmented-reality interfaces for rescue parties in real disasters. It also provides a virtual-reality training function for the public. This diverse spectrum of RoboCup-Rescue contributes to the creation of the safer social system.

  768. ロボカップレスキュープロジェクト

    田所諭, 高橋友一, 高橋宏直, 畑山満則, 松野文俊, 小藤哲彦, 松井武史, 桑田喜隆, 北野宏明

    人工知能学会誌 15 (5) 1-9 2000年


  769. 1A1-36-051 ICPF アクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 : 第 2 報 : 視覚情報との統合

    昆陽 雅司, 平 真希子, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2000 (Pt.1) 36-37 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2000.36_9  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究の目的は, 機械デバイスを用いて布地の繊細な手触り感を呈示することである。前年, ICPFアクチュエータを利用した繊毛デバイスを開発し, 布地の表面のような触感を呈示することに成功したが, それは本物の素材の触感に比べ曖昧であった。本稿では, この触感をより明確するために視覚情報を加え, どのような視覚情報がその素材感を最も表しているかを調べる。それを基に触感の呈示実験を行ない, 視覚情報の有無, 種類が触感の評価にどのような影響を与えるのかを考察する。

  770. 1A1-80-117 連続 Labanotation による文楽人形の演技動作の解析

    西澤 俊, 服部 元史, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2000 (Pt.1) 44-44 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2000.44_7  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究では情緒表現を伴った動作を解析し, ロボットに情緒表現を伴った動作をさせることを目的としている。人間と比べて自由度が少ないながらも情緒をよく表現している文楽人形の演技動作を測定し, 解析を行う。測定によって得られた動作時系列のデータは物体の大きさに依存したものであるので, 得られた知見をもとにロボットに動作を生成させるには不適切である。そこで動作を動作譜を用いて記述し, また連続量を表示することで細かな動作までを動作譜で表現することを提案した。

  771. 1A1-80-118 文楽人形の演技動作の動作軸の位相・振幅要素の解析

    服部 元史, 古田 智, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2000 (Pt.1) 44-45 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2000.44_8  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    人間型ロボットやCG内の人物の動作を簡単に設計するために, 身体の慣性主軸の動きの設計を最初に行い, 次に慣性主軸に対する相対動作を設計する方法を提案している。そのために, 文楽人形の演技動作の慣性主軸の動きの動作の情緒に依存した変化が, 位相要素と振幅要素に基づいて説明できることを示して, そのような知見による動作の設計方法を提案し, 設計された動作の具体例を考察する。

  772. 1P1-63-097 光造形法を用いたマイクロアクチュエータの開発

    有澤 大治郎, 大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2000 (Pt.2) 57-57 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmermd.2000.57_1  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究では光造形法に注目し, 静電型3自由度マイクロアクチュエータの開発を行った。アクチュエータの製作には, 光造形法により鋳型を作製し電鋳をすることで金属構造体を得る方法を用いた。製作したアクチュエータは2×2mmの上部極板と4分割された下部電極から構成され, 上部電極は4本の梁によって支持されている。下部電極に印加する電圧のパターンを変化させることで3自由度の動作を実現できる。

  773. 人間型ロボットの動作生成において情緒を強調する一手法 初期時刻を変化させたKM2O‐Langevin方程式を用いた文楽人形の演技動作の解析

    服部 元史, 辻 誠彦, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    日本機械学会論文集C編 66 (644) 1236-1242 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.1236  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Amusement robots and entertainment robots must have actions with fertile emosions. New systematic methods to design their actions are desired. For this reason, the authors analyze the actions of a Bunraku puppet. Bunraku is a classical puppet show in Japan and typical emotional actions are expressed by experts of puppet manipulation. The actions of a Bunraku puppet which is manipulated by the experts are observed and analysed. The emotional factor of the actions are extracted and the authors propose a method to design actions by emphasizing these extracted emotional factors.

  774. 文楽人形演技の動作軸の位相要素の解析 人間型アミューズメント・ロボットの情緒豊かな動作生成を目指して

    服部 元史, 中坊 保則, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    日本機械学会論文集C編 66 (644) 1243-1249 2000年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.1243  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to establish method to design humanoid robots' motions with fertile emotions, the authors are analysing the Bunraku puppet's motions which are generated by the experts of puppet's manupulation. The many puppet's motions with some functions and with some emotions are observed. To simplify the observed puppet's motions, each puppet's motions are divided into the motion of the puppet's axes(the main part of the motion)and the relative motion(accompaniment). In this paper, the motions of the puppet's axes are analysed. The graphs of the motions of the puppet's axes consist of same factors if the motions have the same functions even though they have the different emotions. The graphs of the same factors have similar forms, but their time length and amplitudes differ, if they have the different emotions. The above factors are computed from the data of the motions of the axes based on the wavelet coefficients of the data which express the local forms of the graphs. The authors analyse how the time length and the amplitude of the factor changes as its emotion changes. This knowledge is applied to generate humanoid robots' motions with fertile emotions from their motions with no emotion.

  775. 冗長ケーブル駆動ロボットのケーブル配置の基本設計に関する研究

    田所諭, 西岡伸介, 木村哲也, 服部元史, 高森年, 前田潔

    日本機械学会論文集 C編 66 (647) 2247-2254 2000年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.66.2247  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Cable-driven parallel architecture is a new robot mechanism which is suitable especially for high-speed transfer of lightweight objects. In this paper, the optimal cable configurations are derived within a class of mechanisms redundantly driven by 8 cables from the viewpoint of working space. The working space is determined by conditions that the traveling plate must be able to receive arbitrary force and moment and that the cables must not contact. Heuristics on cable configurations were obtained through optimizing and analyzing isotropic configurations of actuator units. Classification an...

  776. ロボカップレスキューチャレンジ

    田所 諭

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 13 59-60 1999年6月15日


  777. 光ファイバを用いた平面露光型光造形装置の開発

    大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    電気学会論文誌. E, センサ・マイクロマシン準部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. A publication of Sensors and Micromachines Society 119 (4) 247-253 1999年4月

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 電気学会

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejsmas.119.247  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The conventional stereolithography method has a weak point which is necessary to long time to fabricate because of exposing resin along the each point of the structure. New type micro stereolithography equipment, which is plane irradiation type micro stereolithography with optical fibers, has been developed in order to overcome this problem. The developed system consists of ultraviolet light source, shutters and five optical fibers in a line arrangement as a variable shape mask. The variable shape mask is enable to copy desired shape on the resin. This paper describes the design of the mask using simulation analysis of light power distribution from optical fiber and confirmation of availability of this equipment from curing experiments of resin. As a result of the curing experiment, the time required to fabricate a shape of star structure in the proposed method is two times as fast as the conventional method.

  778. ICPFアクチュエータを用いたマイクロマニピュレータに関する研究 第3報 マイクロマニピュレータシステムの構築

    福原将彦, 山上真司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1999 (Pt.1) 1999年

  779. ICPFアクチュエータによる多自由度柔軟マイクロマニピュレーションデバイスの開発

    田所諭, 山上真司, 小沢昌弘, 木村哲也, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 4th 1999年


  780. 可搬型レスキューマニピュレータと不定環境に設置するための運動学的同定問題

    田所諭, 高森年, VERHOEVEN R, HILLER M

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 4th 1999年


  781. RoboCup-Rescueプロジェクト RoboCupの大規模災害救助への挑戦

    田所諭, 北野宏明, 野口和彦, 高橋宏直, 高橋友一, 野田五十樹, 神成淳司, 兼田敏之, 浅間一

    人工知能学会AIチャレンジ研究会 8th 1999年

  782. 惑星探査車ローバーのビジュアルウィンドウのためのダストリムーバの研究 ICPFアクチュエータの運動シミュレーション

    福原将彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 17th 1999年

  783. ロボカップジャパンオープン ロボカップレスキューの提案


    人工知能学会AIチャレンジ研究会 5th 1999年

  784. レスキューロボットコンテストの提案

    升谷保博, 金田忠裕, 田所諭, 永井清, 関森大介, 大須賀公一, 平井慎一, 鈴木昭二, 浅田稔

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 17th 1999年

  785. ロボカップレスキューチャレンジ


    人工知能学会全国大会論文集 13th 1999年

  786. ロボカップレスキューシミュレータについて

    高橋友一, 野田五十樹, 大谷優一, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 17th 1999年

  787. 水上ロボット競技アクロカップの提案

    永井清, 浅田稔, 升谷保博, 田所諭, 平井慎一, 鈴木昭二, 大須賀公一, 金田忠裕, 関森大介

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 17th 1999年

  788. 冗長ワイヤ駆動ロボットWARPの開発 第4報 機構パラメータのキャリブレーション (2)

    前田潔, 田所諭, 高森年, 服部元史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1999 (Pt.2) 1999年

  789. 可搬型レスキューマニピュレータ

    田所諭, 小林滋, 前田潔, VERHOEVEN R, HILLER M

    JSMEロボメカ・シンポジア講演論文集 4th 1999年

  790. レスキューロボットコンテスト用ロボットの試作

    金田忠裕, 升谷保博, 田所諭, 永井清, 関森大介, 大須賀公一, 鈴木昭二, 小野里雅彦, 浅田稔

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 17th 1999年

  791. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第11報 屈曲メカニズムの仮説に基づくモデル

    山上真司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1999 (Pt.1) 1999年

  792. レスキュー技術を題材にしたロボットコンテストの提案

    関森大介, 升谷保博, 田所諭, 永井清, 金田忠裕, 大須賀公一

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1999 (Pt.3) 1999年

  793. 簡易印章作成機を用いた平面露光型光造形装置の開発 (第2報) 照度分布のシミュレーション

    秋山聡太郎, 大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1999 (Pt.2) 1999年

  794. 災害救出用可搬型パラレルマニピューレータの研究 第3報 システムの試作

    田所諭, 小林滋, 前田潔, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1999 (Pt.3) 1999年

  795. 動作軸の位相対応を用いた文楽人形の動作解析

    服部元史, 中坊保則, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1999 (Pt.3) 1999年

  796. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた触感ディスプレイの研究 第1報 デバイスの試作

    昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 17th 1999年

  797. 簡易印章作成機を用いた平面露光型光造形装置の開発

    秋山聡太郎, 大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1998 1998年

  798. 動作軸に注目した文楽人形の演技解析 ホームロボットの情緒豊かな動作生成に向けて

    中坊保則, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 16th 1998年

  799. 災害救出用可搬型パラレルマニピュレータの研究 第2報 アクチュエータユニットの自己位置同定

    田所諭, 前田潔, 小林滋, 高森年, HILLER M

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 16th 1998年

  800. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第10報 線形近似モデルの問題点と膜内イオン移動モデル

    山上真司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 16th 1998年

  801. 高分子ゲル材料による多自由度アクチュエータ


    日本機械学会全国大会講演論文集 76th (Vol.6) 1998年

  802. 光造形法を利用した高アスペクト比金属構造体の作成法の検討

    有沢大治郎, 大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 16th 1998年

  803. 文楽人形の動作時系列の標準化

    服部元史, 北川智宏, 辻誠彦, 田所諭, 高森年, 山田和人

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.1) 1998年

  804. ICPFを用いた面形アクチュエータの開発 第3報 モデル化と任意形状の実現

    伏見光暁, 山上真司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.2) 1998年

  805. 冗長ワイヤ駆動ロボットWARPの開発 第2報 作業領域の導出

    前田潔, 門真理子, 田所諭, 木村哲也, 高森年, 服部元史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.2) 1998年

  806. 人間型ロボットの情緒豊かな動作生成

    高森年, 田所諭, 服部元史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.1) 1998年

  807. 人間の行動を理解し予測する機械

    高森年, 田所諭, 服部元史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.1) 1998年

  808. 冗長ワイヤ駆動ロボットWARPの開発 第3報 機構パラメータのキャリブレーション

    前田潔, 田所諭, 高森年, 服部元史

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 16th 1998年

  809. ICPFアクチュエータを用いたマイクロマニピュレータに関する研究 第2報 3DOFデバイスの線形近似モデリング

    山上真司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.2) 1998年

  810. 災害救出用可搬型パラレルマニピュレータの研究 第1報 求められる要件とコンセプトの提案

    田所諭, 前田潔, 高森年, HILLER M

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.4) 1998年

  811. 光造形法を用いたマイクロアクチュエータの製作

    宮田博, 大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1998 (Pt.2) 1998年

  812. 光造形法を用いた微小立体構造物の製作 (第1報) 内部硬化式光造形法の提案と樹脂の硬化形状のシミュレーション

    大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    精密工学会誌 64 (8) 1181-1185 1998年


    DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.64.1181  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes that a new type unconstrained surface method for micro stereolithography which can harden ultraviolet solidified resins selectivity by gathering ultraviolet rays under the surface of resins is proposed. The stereolithography method is roughly classified in two methods; one is a constrained surface method, the other is an unconstrained surface method. The constrained surface method has been used to fabricate microstructures using stereolithography because it is easy to obtain high accuracy microstructures than the unconstrained surface method. The proposed method has adv...

  813. バイメタル素子を用いた光アクチュエータの研究 第1報 基礎特性の解析と線形近似モデル

    劉 端鵬, 三明 暢生, 中川 裕一, 服部 元史, 木村 哲也, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集C編 64 (624) 3062-3068 1998年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.64.3062  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new type of optical actuator using bimetal element is presented, which consists of a bimorph structure of the high expansion coefficent material (Ni-Cr-Fe) and the low expansion coefficent material (36Ni-Fe). The fundamental characteristics of the bimetal were investigated experimentally and theoretically, which are of temperature and of displacement versus laser optical beam heating. The experimental setup consists of a laser diode as optical source, a thermocouple and a laser displacement sensor to measure temperature and displacement. The mathematical model of the actuator was also derived. In order to identify some parameters in the system, the finite element method (FEM) was adopted, which analyzes heat trasfer and thermal stress in the actuator. Comparing with the experimental results under various conditions, the simulation by FEM was carried out, and the good agreement with experimental results was obtained. Fainally, the application of linear approximate model with 1st-order lag factor was examined.

  814. 柔らかいアクチュエータ

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 15 (3) 318-322 1997年4月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.15.318  


  815. 光ファイバを用いた光造形装置の開発 -(第2報)光ファイバを用いた光造形装置の製作-

    小林 智文, 大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 高森 年, 田所 諭

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1997 (1) 761-762 1997年3月1日

  816. 光造形法を用いたマイクロアクチュエータの製作

    宮田博, 大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 15th 1997年

  817. ICPFを用いた面形アクチュエータの開発 第2報 空間周波数の異なる入力による応答

    伏見光暁, 菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1997 (Vol.A) 1997年

  818. ICPFアクチュエータを用いたマイクロマニピュレータに関する研究 第1報 3D-EFDアクチュエータエレメントの適応可能性に関する検討

    山上真司, 菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1997 (Vol.A) 1997年

  819. ICPFを用いたEFDアクチュエータエレメントの開発と応用 第7報 分布型EFDデバイスの試作

    藤智史, 菅野隆, 伏見光暁, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1997 (Vol.A) 1997年

  820. 地震災害におけるレスキューロボット機器について (文部省S)


    都市直下の地震による災害の防止に関する基礎研究 平成8年度 No.08248113 1997年

  821. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた人工繊毛の開発

    浜口良彦, 菅野隆, 山上真司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1997 (Vol.A) 1997年

  822. 冗長ワイヤロボットWARPの開発

    前田潔, 千葉喜代司, 田所諭, 木村哲也, 服部元史, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1997 (Vol.A) 1997年

  823. 光造形法を用いたマイクロアクチュエータの製作

    大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    計測自動制御学会関西支部シンポジウム講演論文集 1997 1997年

  824. レスキューロボットに求められるもの 第5報 消防の救助活動を通して

    木村哲也, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1997 (Vol.A) 1997年

  825. 人間のハンドリングに関するディスカッション報告

    田所論, 木村哲也

    JSMEロボメカ・シンポジア講演論文集 2nd 1997年

  826. 人間と共存協調するロボットのための回避行動の生成 第2報 移動ロボットの移動障害物回避

    田所 諭, 林 真樹, 真部 靖弘, 中見 至宏, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集C編 63 (606) 499-505 1997年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.63.499  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents a trajectory planning method by which human cooperative mobile robots can avoid collision with human bodies. Indefinite human motion is predicted using a stochastic predictor. Evaluation of collision risk and efficiency of trajectory are taken in account in an evaluating function. Optimization using a genetic algorithm gives the robot trajectory. The mobile robots move so as to maximize safety taking into account every possible human motion. Simulation results showed that the robot could determine appropriate trajectories avoiding danger and that reasonable trajectories were generated even if human motion unexpectedly changed.

  827. 文楽人形の演技動作における確率的要素の解析:ホームロボットの情緒豊かな行動生成を目指して

    服部 元史, 辻 誠彦, 中坊 保則, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 山田 和人

    電気学会論文誌. C 117 (5) 540-547 1997年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 電気学会

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss1987.117.5_540  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Robots have played mainly important roles in factries up to the present and will be active in our daily life in future in a house. These are home robots or service robots. In order to cooperate with human being, these robots must act with fertile emotions. In order to clarify the actions with emotion, the actions of a Bunraku puppet were analyzed. Bunraku is a classical puppet entertainment in Japan. In this show, the puppets express the exaggerated human actions with fertile emotions. In this analysis, the puppet actions are modeled by stochastic processes. We present a hypothesis that &ldquo;the action is decomposed into three factors: (1) the functional factor, (2) the emotional factor and (3) the stochastic factor&rdquo;. We measured the real actions of a Bunraku puppet and obtained the experimental data (time series). From these time series, the above three factors were computed, based on the above hypothesis. In order to examine the validity of the above computation (signal processing), the power spectra of the stochastic factors were analyzed.

  828. ペトリネットによる人間の行動パターンモデルと行動予測 行動予測に基づくホームロボットの運動生成を目指して

    真部 靖弘, 服部 元史, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集C編 63 (609) 1693-1700 1997年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.63.1693  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A home robot (a robot used in the home) must recognize the intention of a person in the home, in order to support that person. It is important to construct intelligence with which a robot can predict the person's next act and help him or her if required. In this paper, a robust system which predicts vague human actions is proposed. Human actions can be modeled by a stochastic process in digital time and discrete states: this stochastic process is visualized using a Petri net. A series of human actions is a chain of states and acts. A human state is expressed as a place, and a human act as a transition. A stochastic act is described as a predicting transition, and transition probability to plural states is given. If the system makes a wrong prediction, the transition probability is renewed. As time progresses, the level of this intelligence increases, and the prediction will be accurate with high probalility.

  829. ICPF(イオン導電性高分子ゲル膜)アクチュエータのモデル化 第3報 応力発生特性と線形近似アクチュエータモデル

    菅野 隆, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 小黒 啓介

    日本機械学会論文集C編 63 (611) 2345-2350 1997年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.63.2345  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, an approximately linear dynamic model of the ICPF actuator is proposed. According to the strategy in the last paper, linear modeling was carried out. A source of the internal stress for bending is the internal current since the speeds of both the bending and the internal current were the same. Moreover the magnitudes of both curvatures and simulational current were also in agreement with each other. The further the distance from the base was, the larger the curvature and the current were. To model bending motion to the cathode under a step input, an approximation that the internal current is differentiated with time before transferring to generarive stress was taken with a 2nd-order delay. The simulation results obtained using the above model agreed with the experimental results.

  830. 先端負荷を持つ一様でない柔軟構造物への直接歪みフィードバック制御の拡張-A-dependent Operatorの新例

    服部 元史, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    システム制御情報学会論文誌 9 (12) 606-608 1996年12月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会

    DOI: 10.5687/iscie.9.606  


  831. 人間と共存協調するロボットのための回避行動の生成(第1報,人間の運動の確率的予測とマニピュレータの回避計画)

    田所 諭, 石川 裕, 武部 智全, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集. C編 62 (598) 2329-2336 1996年6月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.62.2329  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper proposes a control model for safety of human cooperative robots. Human motion is stochastically predicted by a Markov process model. Simulation results of the prediction corresponded to real human motion. Future dangerousness is estimated by using the predicted motion. Robot speed is changed in order to minimize the danger. Simulation results of the avoidance revealed that this control model is effective especially because prediction errors cannot cause extremely dangerous condition unlike by algorithms based on deterministic prediction.

  832. 光ファイバを用いた光造形装置の開発 -(第1報)光強度分布と樹脂の硬化特性-

    小林 智文, 大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1996 (1) 983-984 1996年3月1日

  833. 光造形法を用いた微小立体構造物の製作に関する研究 -(第1報)樹脂の硬化形状のシミュレーションと検討-

    庄 浩司, 大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1996 (1) 1121-1122 1996年3月1日

  834. ICPFを用いたEFDアクチュエータエレメントの開発と応用 第5報: 3D EFDアクチュエータエレメントの開発

    山上真司, 菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol B) 1996年

  835. 人間の行動予測に基づく移動ロボットの運動計画 人間の行動予測に基づくホームロボットの運動生成 ペトリネットによる人間の行動パターンモデルと行動予測 (文部省S)

    高森年, 真部靖弘, 服部元史, 田所諭

    感覚と行動の統合による機械知能の発現機構の研究 平成7年度 1996年

  836. バイメタルを用いた光アクチュエータ 基礎実験に基づくパラメータ同定とシミュレーション

    LIU R, 三明暢生, 中川裕一, 服部元史, 木村哲也, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol B) 1996年

  837. ICPFを用いたEFDアクチュエータエレメントの開発と応用 第6報: 多数のエレメントによる水中物体搬送システムの提案

    藤智史, 菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 14th (3) 1996年

  838. ICPFを用いたEFDアクチュエータエレメントの開発と応用 第4報: 設計パラメータが楕円運動に与える影響

    伏見光暁, 菅野隆, 藤智史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol B) 1996年

  839. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第8報 ICPFアクチュエータの非線形性

    菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本機械学会全国大会講演論文集 74th (Vol 4) 1996年

  840. 災害救助ロボットに求められるもの 阪神淡路大震災の現場より

    田所諭, 高森年

    JSMEロボメカ・シンポジア講演論文集 1st 1996年

  841. 冗長ワイヤロボットWARPの設計について 第2報 プロトタイプの試作

    前田潔, 千葉喜代司, 田所諭, 木村哲也, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 14th (2) 1996年

  842. レスキューロボットに求められるもの 第4報 自衛隊の救援活動を通して

    田所諭, 高森年, 木村哲也, 服部元史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol A) 1996年

  843. 光造形法を用いた微小立体構造物の製作に関する研究 (第2報) 最適硬化エネルギーと樹脂の硬化形状

    庄浩司, 大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所論, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 14th (1) 1996年

  844. 機械の常識を変えるパラレルメカニズムの機構設計入門 パラレルメカニズムの応用設計 6自由度ダイレクトドライブ手首関節


    機械設計 40 (10) 1996年


  845. 機械の常識を変えるパラレルメカニズムの機構設計入門 パラレルメカニズムの機構と制御を理解するための基礎理論・手法〔力学関係〕 冗長駆動系の動力学


    機械設計 40 (10) 1996年


  846. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第9報 分布的特性の計測と考察

    菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 14th (3) 1996年

  847. 機械の常識を変えるパラレルメカニズムの機構設計の入門 パラレルメカニズムの機構と制御を理解するための基礎理論・手法〔力学関係〕 ロボットの力学


    機械設計 40 (10) 1996年


  848. 人間の行動予測に基づくホームロボットの運動生成ペトリネットによる人間の行動パターンモデルと行動予測 (文部省S)

    高森年, 真部靖弘, 服部元史, 田所諭

    第1回重点領域研究「知能ロボット」シンポジウム予稿集 平成7年度 感覚と行動の統合による機械知能の発現機構の研究 1996年

  849. 冗長ワイヤ駆動ロボットのワイヤ配置問題 第3報: 基本構造の概念設計

    西岡伸介, 田所諭, 木村哲也, 高森年, 前田潔, 服部元史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol B) 1996年

  850. レスキューロボットに求められるもの 第2報 鷹取東地区:野田北部の救助活動をとおして

    大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol A) 1996年

  851. LCPFを用いた面形アクチュエータの開発 第1報: 格子構造による試作

    伏見光暁, 松浦義朗, 菅野隆, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 14th (3) 1996年

  852. 冗長ワイヤロボット・WARPの設計について 第1報: 可動範囲を考慮した設計問題

    西岡伸介, 前田潔, 田所諭, 木村哲也, 高森年, 服部元史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol B) 1996年

  853. レスキューロボットに求められるもの 第3報: がれきの中から救助されて

    藤智史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1996 (Vol A) 1996年

  854. 分散型ペトリネットによるFMSのモデリングとスケジューリング

    前川岳彦, 田所諭, 高森年, 服部元史

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 40th 1996年

  855. 自由液面法によるマイクロ構造物の製作

    あべ松由雄, 庄浩司, 大坪義一, 山本昌彦, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 6th 1996年


  856. ICPF(イオン導電性高分子ゲル膜)アクチュエータのモデル化 (第1報 基礎的特性とブラックボックスモデリング)

    菅野 隆, 田所 諭, 服部 元史, 高森 年, 小黒 啓介

    日本機械学会論文集C編 62 (598) 2299-2305 1996年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.62.2299  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An ionic conducting polymer gel film (ICPF) atuator is a composite of a perfluoro-sulfonic acid membrane sandwiched between platinum layers. Bending motion is induced by applying voltage between the surfaces in water or in wet conditions. This phenomenon was discovered in 1992. After reaching the maximum displacement toward the anode immediately, the actuator bent back to the cathode side, and approached the initial position gradually when a step voltage was applied. Current through the actuator decreased exponentially. The maximum displacement was proportional to the magnitude of the step voltage. Motion induced by a step current was almost the same as that induced by a step voltage but was slower. Voltage induced by the current increased gradually and reached a certain value, then increased once more to a steady voltage. The motion did not depend on the direction on the surface. The bending occured in all directions. Larger displacement was observed near the electrode. Dynamics of the actuator was expressed in terms of a 4th-degree transfer function by black-box linear modeling. Simulation results were in good agrrement with the experimental results.

  857. 6自由度手首関節機構の受動的インピ-ダンスの解析

    前田 潔, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    海技大学校研究報告 (38) 35-41 1995年3月



  858. SICE標準マニピュレータの動的制御

    田所諭, 宮崎友宏

    計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集 34th (Domestic Session Vol 2) 1995年

  859. レスキューロボットに求められるもの 第1報 阪神淡路大震災における学生の体験より

    田所諭, 高森年, 藤智史, 大坪義一

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 13th (3) 1995年

  860. ICPFを用いたEFDアクチュエータエレメントの開発と応用 第2報 動作特性実験と回転型モータへの応用

    村上貴彦, 菅野隆, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1995-A 1995年

  861. 魚眼レンズを用いた両眼立体視による動物体認識

    中見至宏, 森隆哉, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1995-B 1995年

  862. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第5報 応力発生機構と機械的特性

    菅野隆, 田所諭, 服部元史, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本機械学会全国大会講演論文集 73rd (Vol 5) 1995年

  863. 外乱オブザーバを用いた空気圧アクチュエータの制御 H<sup>∞</sup>最適設計

    田所諭, 高森年, LIN H-N

    日本機械学会関西支部定時総会講演会講演論文集 70th (Pt 3) 1995年

  864. 直接フィードバックによる減衰のない柔軟構造物の漸近安定化

    服部元史, 武内智弘, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1995-A 1995年

  865. 冗長ワイヤ駆動ロボットのワイヤ配置問題 第2報 ワイヤの絡まりを考慮に入れた可動範囲による設計

    西岡伸介, 田所諭, 服部元史, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 13th (1) 1995年

  866. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第4報 物理モデルの構築とそのパラメータ同定

    菅野隆, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1995-A 1995年

  867. タイム・ディレイ・コントロールを使用した6自由度手首関節機構の位置制御

    前田 潔, 矢坂 功, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    日本機械学会論文集C編 61 (584) 1543-1549 1995年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.61.1543  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A 6-DOF direct-drive wrist joint with the mechanism of a Stewart platform which is driven by pneumatic actuators is controlled by using time delay control (to be referred as TDC). TDC is based on the idea that modeling error and disturbance are estimated and compensated for by algebraic computation. A reference model was made according to a linearized approximation model. Time delay and entimated value of input gain of the plant, which are parameters in TDC design, were determined to satisfy conditions of tracking and stability. Experimental results showed that TDC compensated changes of parameters by nonlinearity of pneumatic actuators, changes of inertia and gravity terms by platform motion, and dynamic interference between actuators. Good trajectories were achieved with TDC.

  868. 学習による溶接ロボットのウィービング動作の改善に関する実験的研究 第2報: 学習効率の改善

    田所諭, 小林直人, 宮崎典明, 高森年

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1994 (Spring 1) 1994年

  869. 冗長ワイヤ駆動ロボットのワイヤ配置問題

    西岡伸介, 萩原健二, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 12th (3) 1994年

  870. H<sup>∞</sup>最適制御による空気圧アクチュエータの高次元外乱オブザーバの設計法

    LIN H-N, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1994-B 1994年

  871. 魚眼レンズを用いた全方位3次元視覚システムの提案

    中見至宏, 真部靖弘, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 12th (2) 1994年

  872. 行動予測に基づく人間と共存協調するロボットの動作生成

    田所諭, 武部智全, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1994-B 1994年

  873. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第2報 周波数特性

    菅野隆, 倉田敦夫, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1994-B 1994年

  874. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化 第3報 電気的特性のモデル化

    菅野隆, 福永憲一, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 12th (3) 1994年

  875. 外乱オブザーバを用いた空気圧アクチュエータのロバスト制御 線形近似モデルに基づくオブザーバの構成と制御

    前川岳彦, LIN H N, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1994-B 1994年

  876. 柔軟ロボットアームの漸近安定化と無限次元オブザーバの構成

    服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    自動制御連合講演会前刷 37th 1994年

  877. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた進行波駆動モータの開発

    村上貴彦, 清水祐介, 菅野隆, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 12th (1) 1994年

  878. H<sup>∞</sup>最適制御による高次元外乱オブザーバの設計法

    LIN H-N, 田所諭, 高森年

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 38th 1994年

  879. 無限次元オブザーバによる柔軟構造物の状態推定

    服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    計測自動制御学会関西支部シンポジウム講演論文集 1994 1994年

  880. 人間の行動予測に基づく移動ロボットの運動計画

    真部靖弘, 林真樹, 服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 12th (2) 1994年

  881. 特集 ロボットメカニズム パラレルロボット


    設計工学 29 (5) 155-160 1994年


  882. ロボットマニピュレータの動作の性質を考慮した可操作性の評価法

    田所 諭, 高森 年

    計測自動制御学会論文集 29 (6) 668-676 1993年6月30日


    DOI: 10.9746/sicetr1965.29.668  


  883. マニピュレータ動作の加速度の偏りを考慮した動的可操作性の評価法

    田所 諭, 高森 年

    計測自動制御学会論文集 29 (4) 419-428 1993年4月30日


    DOI: 10.9746/sicetr1965.29.419  


  884. ロボットマニピュレータの動作の性質を考慮した可操作性の評価法


    計測自動制御学会論文集 29-6 1993年

  885. 学習による溶接ロボットのウィービング動作の改善に関する実験的研究

    田所諭, 小林直人, 川崎暢一, 宮崎典明, 高森年

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1993 (Autumn 3) 1993年

  886. マイクロマシニングによる静電型リニアアクチュエータの開発 (第2報) 有限要素法による電界計算に基づくシミュレーション

    大坪義一, 橋寺晋, 田所諭, 高森年

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1993 (Spring 2) 1993年

  887. マイクロマシニングによる静電型リニアアクチュエータの開発 (第1報) アクチュエータの試作

    大坪義一, 田尻和弘, 田所諭, 高森年

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1993 (Spring 2) 1993年

  888. タイム・ディレイ・コントロールを使用した6自由度手首関節機構の位置制御

    前田潔, 矢坂功, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1993 1993年

  889. 人間との協調作業を行うロボットのための人間の行動予測


    日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会'93講演論文集 1993 586-589 1993年

  890. ICPFアクチュエータの特性とモデル化

    菅野隆, 広門郁哉, 倉田敦夫, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 11th (2) 1993年

  891. タイム・ディレイ・コントロールによる6自由度パラレル手首関節の制御

    前田潔, 矢坂功, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 11th (3) 1993年

  892. 無限次元Observerによる柔軟構造物の状態推定

    服部元史, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1993 1993年

  893. A 6 d.o.f. parallel robot wrist joint by a pneumatic actuator drive.

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Adv. Robotics 8 (6) 603-603 1993年

    出版者・発行元:VSP BV

    DOI: 10.1163/156855394X00301  



  894. Control of parallel mechanisms.

    Satoshi Tadokoro

    Adv. Robotics 8 (6) 559-571 1993年

    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    DOI: 10.1163/156855394X00257  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    There is a great deal of research on control of parallel mechanisms that considers their characteristics or how they may be made best use of. In this review, a dynamic control method by Uecker is introduced. As to force control, it explains effectiveness of parallel mechanisms and a hybrid control scheme by Nguyen. Merits of redundant actuation are discussed. Minimization of actuation torque by Ropponen, singularity avoidance by Kumar, direct compliance control by Yokoi and relation of internal force to stiffness by Hanafusa are introduced. © 1993, VSP. All rights reserved.

  895. パラレルマニピュレータは産業用ロボットとなりうるか

    田所 諭, 阿部 充孝, 杉本 浩一, 高岡 大造, 中嶋 勝己, 松日 楽信人, 本村 士郎, 吉灘 裕

    日本ロボット学会誌 10 (6) 764-768 1992年10月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.10.764  


  896. パラレルメカニズムの制御

    田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会誌 10 (6) 721-726 1992年10月15日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会

    DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.10.721  


  897. 直動型空気圧アクチュエ-タのタイム・ディレイ・コントロ-ル

    藤本 憲司, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    油圧と空気圧 23 (4) p412-419 1992年7月


    DOI: 10.5739/jfps1970.23.412  


  898. 6自由度手首関節機構の受動的インピーダンスの解析とその応用

    前田潔, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 10th (2) 1992年

  899. 6自由度手首関節機構の受動的インピーダンスの解析

    前田潔, 藤本憲治, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1992-A 1992年

  900. マニピュレータ動作の確率的解釈に基づく動的操作性の一評価法

    田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1990-B 1990年

  901. 6 自由度ダイレクト駆動関節の開発 第4報 タイム・ディレイ・コントロールによる空気圧アクチュエータの位置制御

    藤本憲司, 田所論, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1990-A 1990年

  902. 上肢運動の動作解析に関する研究 手首位置と肩の回転角との関係について:手首位置と肩の回転角との関係について

    田所 諭, 相川 誠, 市道 和廣

    人間工学 26 (1) 41-47 1990年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本人間工学会

    DOI: 10.5100/jje.26.41  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    人間の腕は機構的冗長性をもつため, 手の位置・方向だけでは一意に姿勢が定まらない. ところが, 人間は日常生活においてある程度決まった上肢姿勢をとっている. このことは人間が無意識下に姿勢を決定する基準を有していると解釈できる. 著者らは, 5名の被験者の9種類の上肢動作を計測・解析し, 手首位置と肩のある回転角との間に成立する関係式を見いだすことができた. この関係は, 任意の手首位置に対する腕姿勢は一意に決まることを意味しており, 人間の上肢姿勢がもつ法則性を定式化したものであるといえる. この関係式は動作の種類や被験者が変わった場合でも成立し, 人間らしい腕姿勢の生成を可能とする.

  903. 6自由度ダイレクト駆動関節の開発 II 関節機構のモデリング及び位置制御

    藤本憲司, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1989 1989年

  904. ロボット環境の安全性向上に関する研究 第2報:人間の位置を検出するためのセンサシステム

    田中猛, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 7th (1) 1989年

  905. 6自由度ダイレクト駆動関節の開発 第3報, ヤコビアンによる重力項変化の解析と設計への応用

    藤本憲司, 田所論, 高森年, 関谷一郎

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 7th (2) 1989年

  906. マニピュレータ動作の確率的解釈に基づく可操作性の一評価法

    田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年

    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 33rd 1989年

  907. ロボット環境の安全性向上に関する研究 第3報:危険回避システムの構想とシミュレーション

    鬼追雅年, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 7th (1) 1989年

  908. ベローズ式MHアクチュエータの力制御

    後輝行, 田所論, 木村一郎, 高森年, 村尾良男, 小黒啓介

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 7th (2) 1989年

  909. ベローズ式MHアクチュエータの応答速度の改善

    後輝行, 田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年, 村尾良男, 小黒啓介

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集 1989 1989年

  910. 関節変形モデルに基づくマニピュレータの振動シミュレーション

    田所 諭, 木村 一郎, 高森 年

    システム制御情報学会論文誌 2 (2) 46-53 1989年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会

    DOI: 10.5687/iscie.2.46  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A dynamic simulation method to estimate vibration and positioning error of industrial manipulators is proposed. This method has the merit that it needs only the same amount of calculation time as simulation methods ignoring elasticity, although it considers joint deformation. By some simulation experiments, the following facts are found : <BR>(1) The proposed method can calculate vibration, positioning error and actuator torques at the stage of off-line teaching. <BR>(2) The positioning error which cannot be measured by angular position sensors fixed at actuators can be large. <BR>(3) By the effect of flexibility of joints, actuator torques of manipulators can be larger than the calculation results ignoring elasticity of joints. <BR>(4) Selection of gears is important because backlashes at joints affect the characteristics of vibration and positioning error. The proposed method would be useful in the stages of the off-line teaching and the design of manipulators.

  911. マニピュレータの確率的可操作度

    田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年

    自動制御連合講演会前刷 31st 1988年

  912. 6自由度ダイレクト駆動関節の開発 I 関節機構の構成とモデリング

    藤本憲司, 田所諭, 高森年, 村尾良夫

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 6th 1988年

  913. マニピュレータの特異姿勢の定量的評価法

    田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 6th 1988年

  914. ロボット環境の安全性向上に関する研究 I 力制御のためのセンサの製作と制御シミュレーション

    鬼追雅年, 田所諭, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 6th 1988年

  915. 関節変形モデルに基づく閉リンクマニピュレータの振動シミュレーション法

    田所諭, 木村一郎, 高森年

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 5th 1987年

  916. 人間の上肢運動における動作規範に関する研究 手首位置と腕姿勢の一般的関係

    市道和広, 相川誠, 田所諭, 高森年

    バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集 8th 1987年

  917. ゲートアレイ自動レイアウトシステム LOP ARP2

    小田原豪太郎, 田所諭, 正木宏

    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 28th (3) 1984年

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

書籍等出版物 25

  1. Disaster robotics : results from the ImPACT tough robotics challenge

    田所, 諭

    Springer 2019年

    ISBN: 9783030053208

  2. Field and service robotics : results of the 8th International Conference

    International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR), Yoshida, Kazuya, 田所, 諭

    Springer 2014年

    ISBN: 9783642406850

  3. Next-generation actuators leading breakthroughs

    樋口, 俊郎, 鈴森, 康一, 田所, 諭

    Springer 2010年

    ISBN: 9781848829909

  4. Electroactive polymers for robotic applications : artificial muscles and sensors

    Kim, Kwang Jin, 田所, 諭

    Springer 2010年

    ISBN: 9781849965903

  5. Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs

    Toshiro Higuchi, Suzumori, Satoshi Tadokoro Ed

    Springer 2010年

  6. 東北地域におけるロボット技術を活用した産業振興方策に関する調査報告書



  7. Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs、Toshiro Higuchi, Koichi Suzumori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Ed.

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Springer 2010年

  8. 日本ロボット学会教育専門委員会報告書



  9. IPMC Based Tactile Displays for Pressure and Texture Presentation on a Human Finger, Biomedical Applications of Electroactive Polymer Actuators

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009年4月

  10. Rescue Robotics - DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue

    Satoshi Tadokoro Ed


  11. Springer Handbook of Robotics

    Robin Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro, Daniele Nardi, Adam Jacoff, Paolo Fiorini, Howie Choset, Aydan Erkmen

    Springer 2008年

  12. Electroactive Polymers for Robotics Applications Artificial Muscles and Sensors

    Kwang J. Kim, Satoshi, Tadokoro Editors

    Spreinger 2007年2月

  13. 知能ロボットによる模倣の構成論的研究

    佐藤, 知正, 稲葉, 雅幸, 国吉, 康夫, 田所, 諭, 森, 武俊, 稲邑, 哲也, 明和, 政子, 原田, 達也, 岡田, 慧, 中村, 衛, 徳田, 献一

    佐藤知正 2006年6月

  14. 制御用アクチュエータの基礎

    川村, 貞夫, 野方, 誠, 田所, 諭, 早川, 恭弘, 松浦, 貞裕

    コロナ社 2006年4月

    ISBN: 4339045241

  15. ロボティクスシリーズ13 制御用アクチュエータの基礎

    川村貞夫, 野方誠, 田所諭, 早川恭弘, 松浦貞裕

    株式会社 コロナ社 2006年4月

  16. 人工知能学会編,人工知能学事典


    共立出版 2005年

  17. アクチュエータシステム技術企画委員会編,アクチュエータ工学


    養賢堂 2004年1月

  18. Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles, Reality, Potential, and Challenges, 2nd Issue

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masashi Konyo, Keisuke Oguro

    Ed. Yoseph Bar-Cohen, SPIE 2004年1月

  19. RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V

    A. Birk, S. Coradeschi, S. Tadokoro

    Springer 2002年7月

  20. ナノ・マイクロマシン技術総覧


    産業技術サービスセンター 2001年1月

  21. Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles, Reality, Potential, and Challenges

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    SPIE 2001年1月

  22. ロボカップレスキュー : 緊急大規模災害救助への挑戦

    RoboCup‐Rescue技術委員会 The RoboCup Federation, ロボカップ日本委員会, 田所, 諭, 北野, 宏明

    共立出版 2000年5月

    ISBN: 4320029755

  23. ロボカップレスキュー ─緊急大規模災害救助への挑戦─

    田所諭, 北野宏明監修, RoboCup-Rescue技術委員会, The RoboCup Federation, ロボカップ日本委員会

    共立出版 2000年5月

  24. ロボット制御の実際

    小林尚登, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会 1997年11月

  25. エキスパートシステム、その最新ツールと事例集

    久保博司, 田中克己, 田所諭,他

    日本工業技術センター 1986年6月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

講演・口頭発表等 515

  1. Real-time Display of Onboard Spherical Images That Synchronizes Head Pose of Operator for Robotic Search 国際会議

    Yoshito Okada, Takumi Fujinami, Shotaro Kojima, Takuma Ishii, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics(SSRR2016) 2016年10月23日

  2. Use of Active Scope Camera in the Kumamoto Earthquake to Investigate Collapsed Houses 国際会議

    Yuichi Ambe, Tomonari Yamamoto, Shotaro Kojima, Eri Takane, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics(SSRR2016) 2016年10月23日

  3. Two Axes Orthogonal Drive Transmission for Omnidirectional Crawler with Surface Contact 国際会議

    Eri TAKANE, Kenjiro TADAKUMA, Masahiro FUJITA, Hirone KOMATSU, Akito NOMURA, Tomoya ICHIMURA, Tomonari YAMAMOTO, Yuich AMBE, Masashi KONYO, Satoshi TADOKORO

    The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics(SSRR2016) 2016年10月23日

  4. Variable Inner Volume Mechanism for Soft and Robust Gripping ― Improvement of Gripping Performance for Large-Object Gripping ― 国際会議

    Masahiro Fujita, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Eri Takane, Tomoya Ichimura, Hirone Komatsu, Akito Nomura, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics(SSRR2016) 2016年10月23日

  5. 3D Graph Based Stairway Detection and Localization for Mobile Robots 国際会議

    Westfechtel Thomas, Ohno Kazunori, Mertsching Bärbel, Nickchen Daniel, Kojima Shotaro, Tadokoro Satoshi

    The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) 2016年10月9日

  6. Visuo-Haptic Transmission of Contact Information Improve Operation of Active Scope Camera 国際会議

    FunamizuTakahito, NaganoHikaru, KonyoMasashi, TadokoroSatoshi

    The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) 2016年10月9日

  7. Development of a Spherical Tether-Handling Device with a Coupled Differential Mechanism for Tethered Teleoperated Robots 国際会議

    Ichimura Tomoya, Tadakuma Kenjiro, Takane Eri, Konyo Masashi, Tadokoro Satoshi

    The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) 2016年10月9日

  8. Improvement of UAV's Flight Performance by Reducing the Drag Force of Spherical Shell 国際会議

    Salaan Carl John, Okada Yoshito, Hozumi Koichi, Ohno Kazunori, Tadokoro Satoshi

    The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) 2016年10月9日

  9. Real-Time Restoration of Aerial Inspection Images by Recognizing and Removing Passive Rotating Shell of a UAV 国際会議

    Okada Yoshito, Ishii Takuma, Ohno Kazunori, Tadokoro Satoshi

    The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) 2016年10月9日

  10. Motion Control of Tracked Vehicle Based on Contact Force Model 国際会議

    Kojima Shotaro, Ohno Kazunori, Suzuki Takahiro, Westfechtel Thomas, Okada Yoshito, Tadokoro Satoshi

    The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) 2016年10月9日

  11. 触感通信に向けた多次元空間での触感評価

    永野 光, 曹 南, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第21回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2016年9月14日

  12. ワイヤーを用いた受動平行機構による 空気噴射型能動スコープカメラの先端浮上の安定化

    神尾 柊太, 安部 祐一, 安藤 久人, 県ハイテクプラザ, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 圓山 重直, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  13. 双リング式全方向車輪機構における軸受内蔵モデルの具現化と基礎実験

    小松 洋音, 髙根 英里, 藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 多田隈 建二郎, 多田隈 理一郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  14. セルフロック型配管内保持力発生機構の弾性特性を用いた印加圧力の決定

    山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  15. ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジの概要

    田所 諭, 内薗 豊仁

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  16. 可食アクチュエータ

    小松 洋音, 髙根 英里, 藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  17. 変分ベイズ多チャネル RNMF に基づく柔軟索状レスキューロボットのための音声強調

    坂東 宜昭, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 中臺 一博, HRI-JP, 吉井 和佳, 奥乃 博

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  18. 面状全方向クローラ移動体 “Omni-Board”

    髙根 英里, 藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 山本 知生, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  19. 索状ロボット(細径)の概要

    田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  20. 救助犬行動の自動アノテーションの試み

    濱田 龍之介, 大野 和則, 山口 竣平, 星 達也, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  21. 触覚呈示による建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援 第2報:グリッパ操作時の振動を利用した触覚呈示の検討

    竹之内栄人, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  22. スクリュー式差動回転機構

    野村 陽人, 髙根 英里, 藤田 政宏, 小松 洋音, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  23. 柔軟索状体の先端浮上安定化方法の提案

    安部 祐一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  24. 内体積可変メカニズムを有するトーラス袋状グリッパ機構

    藤田 政宏, 髙根 英里, 野村 陽人, 多田隈 建二郎, 小松 洋音, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第34回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2016年9月7日

  25. Can Haptic Feedback Improve Gesture Recognition in 3D Handwriting Systems?

    Dennis Babu, Seoghwan Kim, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications 2016年8月22日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ICIRA2016 Best Student Paper Award 受賞

  26. Multipoint Vibrotactile Stimuli Based on Vibration Propagation Enhance Collision Sensation

    Shunya Sakata, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Euro Haptics2016 2016年7月4日

  27. セルフロック現象を用いた配管内ロボットのための大保持力発生機構

    山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  28. 人体下肢振動を利用した歩行者の自己位置推定の補正

    加藤佳大, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  29. 外部支持シャフトを有するオフセット球状全方向車輪機構

    多田隈建二郎, 嵜山勢士, 高根英里, 多田隈理一郎, 山形, 小島匠太郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  30. Vibrotactile Representation of Mobile Robot Collisions Using Differences in Stimulus Duration

    Daniel Gongora Flores, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  31. 狭隘路におけるクローラロボットの走行制御

    小島 匠太郎, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  32. Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge タスク開発の概要

    木村哲也, 国際レスキューシステム研究機構, 長岡技術科学, 大金 一二, 奥川 雅之, 鈴木 壮一郎, 清水 優, 大坪 義一, 高橋 友一, 田所 論

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  33. 飛行体を保護する受動回転球殻の空撮画像への写り込みの認識と除去による被写体明瞭化

    石井 拓麻, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  34. 外部アクセス性を有する分割受動回転球殻機構― Omni-Copter: 飛行体への適用例として ―

    多田隈 建二郎, Carl John Salaan, 髙根 英里, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  35. 連結差動切り替え機構を有する球形ケーブル移動体の開発 ―第2 報:動力切り替え特性評価及び基本走行実験―

    市村友哉, 多田隈建二郎, 高根英里, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  36. 空気噴射による能動スコープカメラの段差乗り越え動作の検討

    神尾柊太, 安藤久人, 昆陽雅司, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭, 圓山重直

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  37. 水噴射による索状体の能動化装置及び手法の開発

    安藤久人, 神尾柊太, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 圓山重直

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  38. 皮膚吸引圧刺激と筋バイアスを用いた道具を介した外力知覚メカニズムの検証

    牧角将, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  39. 接触情報の視触覚提示による能動スコープカメラの操作性向上

    船水貴仁, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  40. A New Approach for Realistic Vibrotactile Friction Feedback for Midair Writing Systems.

    Dennis Babu, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  41. 後続車との衝突を回避するための判定手法の検討

    松山 昂平, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  42. 柔軟索状レスキューロボットのためのマイクロホン・加速度センサアレイを用いた3 次元姿勢推定

    坂東宜昭, 糸山克寿, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 東北, 中臺一博, 工大, ホンダ RI-J, 吉井和佳, 乃博

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  43. 触覚呈示による建設ロボットの遠隔操縦支援 第1報:車体振動計測システムの開発と接触対象物の振動情報調査

    竹之内栄人, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  44. 犬の歩容を利用した階段や瓦礫上の速度推定の高精度化

    大野 和則, 藤枝 卓明, 古森 雄一, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  45. 1 自由度多変形グリッパ機構 受動式内体積可変メカニズムの導入

    多田隈建二郎, 高根英里, 山本知生, 西田健, 九工大, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  46. 面状全方向駆動クローラ機構

    高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  47. 双リング式全方向車輪機構

    多田隈建二郎, 高根英里, 多田隈理一郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  48. 面状全方向クローラにおける動力伝達機構の実験的検討

    高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  49. Indirect Contact Detection by Sensing High-frequency Vibration through a Timing Belt to Drive an Arm Joint for Disaster Response Robots

    Wenchao Gu, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  50. 携帯電話網とクラウドサービスを利用した災害救助犬の探査活動の共有

    山口 竣平, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016 2016年6月8日

  51. A Novel Vibrotactile Feedback Assisted Mid Air Writing

    Dennis Babu, Hikaru Nagano, Massashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Haptics Symposium 2016 2016年4月8日

  52. A New Approach for Realistic Vibrotactile Friction Feedback for Midair Writing Systems.

    Dennis Babu, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Haptics Symposium 2016 2016年4月8日

  53. 吸着力を調整できる永電磁式小型軽量吸着機構の開発とマルチコプタ搭載評価

    小浦慧視, 岡田佳都, カールジョンオーサラーン, 大野和則, 多田隈建二郎, 田所諭

    第21回ロボティクスシンポジア 2016年3月17日

  54. 高臨場感を有する衝突感提示のための前腕の振動伝播特性の計測

    坂田峻也, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  55. 飛行ロボットによる橋梁近接目視点検のためのカメラシステムの開発と実用性能の定量評価

    岡田 佳都, 石井 拓麻, Carl John, O. Salaan, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  56. 能動スコープカメラより伝達される振動情報が接触状態知覚に及ぼす影響の調査

    船水貴仁, 永野 光, 昆陽 雅司, 田所諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  57. 全方向面状クローラ機構 “Omni-Board” ―動力伝達方式の提案と横方向移動ユニットの第一次試作―

    高根英里, 多田隈建二郎, 嵜山勢士, 山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  58. 皮膚吸引圧刺激を用いた道具に加わる外力の知覚メカニズムの調査

    牧角将, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  59. 全方向なじみ変形グリッパ機構

    嵜山勢士, 多田隈建二郎, 高根英里, 山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    SI2015優秀講演賞 受賞

  60. 距離画像センサを搭載した移動ロボットによる金属壁形状点検手法の提案と試行

    小島 匠太郎, 神尾 柊太, 髙根 英里, 勝田 貴大, 多田隈 建二郎, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  61. 連結差動切り替え機構を有する球形ケーブル移動体の開発

    市村友哉, 多田隈建二郎, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  62. 形状マッチングによる配管計測における移動量推定の高精度化に関する検討

    髙野 一輝, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2015年12月14日

  63. Path Planning with Observation Prediction to Avoid Collisions with Unknown Dynamic Obstacles

    Eijiro Takeuchi, Naoki Sugawara, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2015 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration 2015年12月11日

  64. HelloHapticWorld: A Haptics Educational Kit for Interacting with Robots

    Dennis Babu, Daniel Gongora, Sakata, Seonghwan Kim, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2015 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration 2015年12月11日

  65. Path-creation Method to Search for Persons using a Flying Robot 国際会議

    Toru Yonezawa, Eijirou Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2015年12月6日

  66. Omnidirectional Curving Arm Mechanism with Passive Touch Detection 国際会議

    Eri Takane, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Seiji Sakiyama, Tomonari Yamamoto, Kazunori Ohno, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015) 2015年12月5日

  67. Measurements of Vibration Propagation on a Forearm during Tennis Shot for Realistic Tactile Displays

    Shunya Sakata, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015) 2015年12月5日

  68. Rolling Resistance between Roller and Flexible Tube of Pneumatic Hollow-shaft Actuator

    Tomonari Yamamoto, Masashi Konyo, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015) 2015年12月5日

  69. Haptic 3D canvas: haptic assistance of 3d writing and drawing with vibrotactile feedback for gesture interfaces 国際会議

    S. Kim, H Nagano, M Konyo, S Tadokoro

    SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Haptic Media and Contents Design 2015年11月2日

  70. Human-Voice Enhancement based on Online RPCA for a Hose-shaped Rescue Robot with a Microphone Array 国際会議

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshi, Hiroshi G. Okuno

    2015 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 2015年10月18日

  71. A hose-shaped rescue robot with a microphone array – sound-based posture estimation and human-voice enhancement – 国際会議

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshi, Hiroshi G. Okuno

    the IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2015) 2015年10月18日

  72. Appearance-based Person Identification Algorithm to Search for Persons using a Flying Robot 国際会議

    Toru Yonezawa, Eijirou Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2015 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 2015年10月18日

  73. Environmental Sensing using Millimeter Wave Sensor for Extreme Conditions 国際会議

    Shakeel Muhammad, Kazunori Ohno, Daniele Nardi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2015 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 2015年10月18日

  74. Proposal of Inspection and Rescue Tasks for Tunnel Disasters - Task Development of Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge 国際会議

    M. Okugawa, K. Oogane, M. Shimizu, Y. Ohtsubo, T. Kimura, T. Takahashi, S. Tadokoro

    2015 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 2015年10月18日

  75. Evaluating Human Motor Function of Lower Limbs in Periodic Motion During Pedaling Exercise 国際会議

    Tomohiro Miyazaki, Fumi Seto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2015年9月28日

  76. A High-Speed Locomotion Mechanism Using Pneumatic Hollow-Shaft Actuators for In-Pipe Robots 国際会議

    Tomonari Yamamoto, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2015年9月28日

  77. Detection of Continuous Barking Actions from Search and Rescue Dogs’ Activities Data 国際会議

    Yuichi KOMORI, Kazuaki OHNO, Takuaki FUJIEDA, Takahiro SUZUKI, Satoshi TADOKORO

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2015年9月28日

  78. Microphone-accelerometer based 3D posture estimation for a hose-shaped rescue robot 国際会議

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshi, Hiroshi G. Okuno

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2015年9月28日

  79. Proposal and Experimental Validation of a Design Strategy for a UAV with a Passive Rotating Spherical Shell 国際会議

    Shoma Mizutani, Yoshito Okada, Carl John Salaan, Takuma Ishii, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2015年9月28日

  80. テニスの打撃感を伝える触感提示手法の提案 ―第 2 報:スイング速度に応じた振動刺激の生成―

    坂田峻也, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第20回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2015年9月9日

  81. 触覚フィードバックを有する自然な空中手書き入力インタフェース ―触覚情報提示タイミングを決める文字入力状態判別特徴量―

    金勝煥, 永野光, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第20回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2015年9月9日

  82. 地下埋設配管の3次元形状計測にジャイロの誤差が与える影響

    髙野一輝, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  83. 筋活動の能動性が知覚された力覚の大きさに及ぼす影響の調査

    牧角 将, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  84. 永久磁石と電磁石を併用したマルチコプター用吸着装置の単体性能評価

    小浦慧視, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  85. 音声と慣性センサに基づく災害救助犬の吠え検出

    古森雄一, 藤枝卓明, 大野和則, 鈴木高宏, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  86. 空気圧アクチュエータを用いた高速配管内推進機構の開発

    山本知生, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  87. 自動運転のための道路上の積雪の認識に関する研究

    北畑 裕貴, 大野 和則, 鈴木 高宏, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  88. 3D Mapping in Petrochemical Complexes for Fire Fighter Robot's Autonomous Navigation

    Abu Ubaidah, bin Shamsudin, Kazunori Ohno, Takahiro Suzuki, Satoshi Tadokoro

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  89. 応答特性の異なる 2 種類の振動子を用いた触刺激に対する反応時間の改善

    船水貴仁, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  90. 飛行体の機上カメラを用いた受動回転球殻の状態推定に関する研究

    石井 拓麻, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  91. 瓦礫や階段上の犬の移動速度の高精度化に向けた歩容解析

    藤枝 卓明, 大野 和則, 古森 雄一, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  92. ペダリング運動中における負荷変化提示による下肢運動機能評価

    宮崎 友裕, 瀬戸 文美, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  93. テニスの打撃感を伝える触感提示手法の提案 第1報:実測値を基にした振動刺激の生成と評価

    坂田 峻也, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  94. 有線遠隔操作ロボットのためのケーブル移動機構の開発 第1報: 移動機構の試作と検討

    市村友哉, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015 2015年5月17日

  95. 歩行時の下肢に伝播する振動を用いた踵接地とつま先離地の検出

    門谷 周平, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  96. クアッドコプターと目視点検用ロボットを用いた橋面下点検法の提案

    小浦 慧視, 髙野 一輝, 牧角 将, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  97. ペダリング運動時の姿勢変化による下肢インピーダンスの推定

    宮崎 友裕, 瀬戸 文美, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  98. 空気噴射機構を搭載した能動スコープカメラの開発

    福田 潤一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  99. 異方性摩擦調節機構を用いたカタストロフィー構造を持つ空気圧アクチュエータの開発

    華 曄, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  100. 受動回転球殻UAVの汎用的設計法の提案と実験的検証

    水谷 将馬, 矢野 浩史, 柳村 一成, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  101. TAKO-Pen:皮膚への吸引圧刺激を用いたペン型疑似力覚インタフェース, 第4報:疑似トルク呈示法の提案と評価

    前森 大貴, Lope Ben Porquis, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  102. 空中手書き文字入力の触覚サポート

    金 勝煥, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  103. スパイダーコプタ:複数の吸着機構を有するマルチコプタ

    柳村一成, 大野和則, 岡田佳都, 水谷将馬, 矢野浩史, 田所諭

    第15回測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2014) 2014年12月15日

  104. 吸着巻取り機構を有するマルチコプタの開発

    柳村一成, 大野和則, 岡田佳都, 水谷将馬, 矢野浩史, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会 東北支部50周年記念学術講演会 2014年12月11日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    計測自動制御学会 東北支部50周年記念学術講演会 優秀発表奨励賞

  105. マルチコプタを用いた打音検査のための装置の研究

    矢野浩史, 岡田佳都, 大野和則, 柳村一成, 水谷将馬, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会 東北支部50周年記念学術講演会 2014年12月11日

  106. 観測の尤度分布を利用した屋外自律搬送車両の位置推定のランドマーク配置の評価

    北畑裕貴, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    第12回ITSシンポジウム2014 2014年12月4日

  107. 公道走行可能な自動運転機能を有する小型電気自動車の開発

    大野和則, 柴田充晴, 北畑裕貴, 鎌田浩一郎, 田所諭

    第12回ITSシンポジウム2014 2014年12月4日

  108. Haptic Assistance of Spatial Pointing with Simple Vibrotactile Feedback for Gesture Interfaces 国際会議

    Seonghwan Kim, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    AsiaHaptics2014 2014年11月18日

  109. Pseudo-Haptic Interface Using Multipoint Suction Pressures and Vibrotactile Stimuli 国際会議

    Daiki Maemori, LopeBen Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    AsiaHaptics2014 2014年11月18日

  110. 災害ロボットが実現する安全安心の革命と破壊的イノベーション

    ロボット革命実現会議 2014年11月17日

  111. A Sound-based Online Method for Estimating the Time-Varying Posture of a Hose-shaped Robot 国際会議

    Yoshiaki Bando, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiroshi G. Okuno

    IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR-2014) 2014年10月27日

  112. 災害対応ロボットの最新研究

    三菱電機先端技術総合研究所講演会 2014年9月26日

  113. Remote Vertical Exploration by Active Scope Camera into Collapsed Buildings 国際会議

    Junichi Fukuda, Masashi Konyo, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2014) 2014年9月14日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    IROS2014 Best Paper Award Finalist

  114. Remote Vertical Exploration by Active Scope Camera into Collapsed Buildings 国際会議

    Fukuda Junichi, Masashi Konyo, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2014) 2014年9月14日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  115. Estimation of Ground Surface Radiation Sources from Dose Map Measured by Moving Dosimeter and 3-D Map 国際会議

    Gaku Minamoto, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2014) 2014年9月14日

  116. COCN WG1の活動について

    COCNオープンフォーラム 2014年9月6日

  117. マイクロホンアレイを用いた駆動機構付ホース型ロボットの姿勢推定

    坂東 宜昭, 糸山 克寿, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 中臺 一博, 吉井 和佳, 奥乃 博

    日本ロボット学会第32回学術講演会 2014年9月4日

  118. 犬の研究のすすめ

    大野 和則, 古森 雄一, 田所 諭

    第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2014年9月4日

  119. 異方性摩擦機構を用いたカタストロフィー構造をもつ空気圧アクチュエータの開発

    華 曄, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本ロボット学会第32回学術講演会 2014年9月4日

  120. 片付け作業における物体の置き場の決定方法

    高住 裕紀, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2014年9月4日

  121. A Multi-DOF Haptic Representation Using Suction Pressure Stimuli on Finger Pads 国際会議

    Daiki Maemori, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Eurohaptics 2014 2014年6月24日

  122. A Precise Gait Phase Detection Based on High-Frequency Vibration on Lower Limbs 国際会議

    Shuhei Kadoya, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2014) 2014年5月31日

  123. Hovering of MAV by using magnetic adhesion and winch mechanism 国際会議

    Kazuaki Yanagimura, Kazunori Ohno, Yoshito Okada, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2014) 2014年5月31日

  124. TAKO-Pen:皮膚への吸引圧刺激を用いたペン型疑似力覚インタフェース, 第3報:複数の皮膚刺激を用いた全方位力覚表現

    前森 大貴, Lope Ben Porquis, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  125. ジェスチャインタフェースのための触覚フィードバックによる空間指示能力の向上

    金 勝煥, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  126. 人体モデルを用いたペダリング運動時の下肢インピーダンス推定

    宮崎 友裕, 瀬戸 文美, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  127. 吸着機構を搭載したMAVの吸着性能の評価

    柳村一成, 大野和則, 岡田佳都, 水谷将馬, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  128. 能動スコープカメラの空気噴射機構による進路方向制御の検討

    福田 潤一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  129. 配管検査のための能動スコープカメラの挿通引抜性能の向上

    金谷 泰隆, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 岡村 栄二, 今野 実, 綱崎 勝, 齋藤 良裕, 和田 弘之, 枇杷友 啓郎

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  130. カタストロフィー構造を持つ空気圧アクチュエータの開発

    華 曄, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  131. 被災者発見につながる災害救助犬の動作計測

    古森雄一, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  132. 錯雑した構造体中での飛行が可能な回転球殻を有するクアッドロータ

    水谷将馬, 大野和則, 柳村一成, 岡田佳都, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  133. スリップせずに自動路肩停車するための高速軌道生成

    柴田充晴, 大野和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  134. マルチコプタを用いた打音検査の試行

    矢野浩史, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2014 2014年5月25日

  135. Disaster response robot Quince and lessons at Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident 国際会議

    1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE 2014), 2014年4月13日

  136. Presenting Virtual Stiffness by Modulating the Perceived Force Profile with Suction Pressure 国際会議

    Lope Ben Porquis, Daiki Maemori, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2014 IEEE Haptics Symposium 2014年2月23日

  137. 災害対応ロボットの事業化について

    災害対応ロボット技術交流会 2014年1月24日

  138. 鉛直降下型能動スコープカメラの接触状態が運動に及ぼす影響の評価

    福田 潤一, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  139. 自動車のための路肩自動停車システムの開発

    柴田充晴, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  140. 航空測量地図を用いたGNSSの可視性判別に基づく移動体の位置推定

    荒川尚吾, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  141. MAVの空中静止のための吸着巻取り機構

    柳村一成, 大野和則, 戸塚雄介, 竹内栄二朗, 田所 諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  142. 犬の歩容の特徴に着目した速度推定の精度評価

    坂口尚己, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  143. つくばチャレンジ2013に向けた東北大学田所研究室の自律移動ロボットの開発

    荒川尚吾, 菅原直樹, 矢野浩史, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  144. UAVによる配管・煙突空撮支援のための測域センサによる円柱状構造物の認識

    戸塚雄介, 柳村一成, 大野和則, 岡田佳都, 田所諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  145. 振動刺激を用いた空中に浮かぶ表面形状の呈示

    伊藤 純平, キム スンファン, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  146. 下肢への振動呈示による歩行サポートに関する研究 第2報:歩行時の下肢振動呈示による歩容への影響の調査

    大竹 達也, Lope Ben Porquis, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  147. 計測範囲外の動的障害物に対する衝突リスクを軽減するための観測動作を含む経路計画

    菅原直樹, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  148. ペダリング運動を用いた人体下肢のインピーダンス調整機能の評価 第5報 集中定数モデルによる足先インピーダンス特性の推定

    瀬戸 文美, 渡邊 高広, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第14回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2013) 2013年12月18日

  149. Precise Velocity Estimation for Dog using its Gait 国際会議

    Naoki Sakaguchi, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The 9th Conference on Field and Service Robotics 2013 2013年12月9日

  150. Haptic Cue of Force on Tools: Investigation of Multi-point Cutaneous Activities on the Skin using Suction Pressure Stimuli 国際会議

    Lope Ben Porquis, Daiki Maemori, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013) 2013年11月3日

  151. Priority Issues of Disaster Robotics Related to Decommissioning of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 国際会議

    Robotics and Automation in Nuclear Facilities 2013年11月3日

  152. 空間操作型インタフェースを用いた仮想柔軟物体との疑似力覚インタラクション

    宮崎 友裕, 金 勝煥, 伊藤 純平, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第18回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2013年9月18日

  153. 空間操作型インタフェースを用いた仮想柔軟物体との疑似力覚インタラクション

    宮崎 友裕, 金 勝煥, 伊藤 純平, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第18回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2013年9月18日

  154. Presenting augmented force on a pen-type interface by multipoint skin stimuli

    ポルキス ロペ・ベン, 前森 大貴, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第18回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2013年9月18日

  155. ペン把持時の皮膚接触面における圧力分布を考慮した疑似力覚呈示手法

    前森 大貴, ポルキス ロペベン, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第18回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2013年9月18日

  156. ペン把持時の皮膚接触面における圧力分布を考慮した疑似力覚呈示手法

    前森 大貴, ポルキス ロペベン, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第18回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2013年9月18日

  157. 片付けロボットのための属性情報を用いた物の置き場所の推定

    高住 裕紀, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    第31回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2013年9月4日

  158. 3次元GISに統合可能な埋設下水管の形状計測

    新井 智博, 大野 和則, 田所諭, 東北大, 宮崎 幸, 上道 司, 小阪 健次(アス, 番上 勝久(アス

    第31回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2013年9月4日

  159. Priority issues of disaster robotics in Japan 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shuji Seki, Hajime Asama

    IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2013 2013年8月26日

  160. OCN (Council on Competitiveness-Nippon) project on robot technology development and management for disaster response 国際会議

    Hajime Asama, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hideo Setoya

    IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2013 2013年8月26日

  161. Disaster response robot Quince and lessons at Fukushima-daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident 国際会議

    IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2013 2013年8月26日

  162. Research on stardization, safety standards and competitiveness enhancement of special environment robots in Japan 国際会議

    Tetsuya Kimura, Makiko Okamoto, Koji Oga, Shinji Okuda, Toshihiro Matsuda, Tsutomu Nagi, Shoichi Hamada, Yoshitada Hata, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2013 2013年8月26日

  163. An introduction to Japanese R&D activity and political direction on special environment robots 国際会議

    Yushi Segawa, Yasuyuki Nanamori, Shinichiro Sanji, Takayoshi Kitada, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2013 2013年8月26日

  164. 鉛直降下探査のための能動スコープカメラの開発

    福田潤一, 竹内栄二朗, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 山崎忍, 廣瀬豊, 青木滋, 金森洋史

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  165. TAKO-Pen:皮膚への吸引圧刺激を用いたペン型疑似力覚インタフェース第2 報:ペン把持部への外力負荷時の指腹部変形解析

    前森大貴, Lope Ben Porquis, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  166. 3次元形状と空間線量マップからの放射線減衰特性に基づいた地物表面放射線源分布推定

    皆本岳, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  167. クアッドロータに搭載可能な磁石を用いた吸着機構の研究開発

    柳村一成, 大野和則, 戸塚雄介, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  168. 災害救助犬が長時間装着可能な探査記録装置の開発

    坂口尚己, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 永谷直久, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  169. 動的環境における既観測領域の変化の予測に基づく移動ロボットの動作計画 - 動的環境における衝突リスクの検討 -

    菅原直樹, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  170. 身体伝播振動を用いた歩行周期推定手法の提案

    門谷周平, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  171. 航空測量地図を用いたGPS衛星の可視性に基づく車輌の位置推定 - 計測車輌の開発 -

    荒川尚吾, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  172. クローラロボット側面の接触を計測可能な可動バンパー式接触センサの開発

    大野和則, 東和幸, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  173. TAKO-Pen: Pen-type Psuedo Haptic Interface using Suction Pressure on the Skin -First Report: Perceiving External Force by Multipoint Suction Pressure Stimuli-

    Lope Ben PORQUIS, Daiki MAEMORI, Naohisa NAGAYA, Masashi KONYO, Satoshi TADOKORO

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  174. 下肢への振動呈示による歩行サポートに関する研究 第1報:歩行時における下肢伝搬振動の計測・再生装置の開発

    大竹達也, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  175. 空間操作型インタフェースを用いた表面形状呈示

    伊藤純平, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2013 2013年5月23日

  176. Pneumatic Flexible Hollow Shaft Actuator with High Speed and Long Stroke Motion 国際会議

    Kazuhito Wakana, Hiroaki Namari, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2013) 2013年5月6日

  177. レーザスキャナで計測した3次元点群から霧によって生じた計測点の除去

    鈴木貴広, 大野和則, 東和幸, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    第18回ロボティクスシンポジア 2013年3月14日

  178. 三次元地図を用いたGPS衛星可視性に基づく複数測位解生成による移動体の位置推定

    荒川尚吾, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第18回ロボティクスシンポジア 2013年3月14日

  179. 計測範囲の限られた移動ロボットのための走行予定経路を観測可能な経路計画

    菅原直樹, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第18回ロボティクスシンポジア 2013年3月14日

  180. Marriage of Disaster Robotics to Business 国際会議

    Hajime Asama, Yasuharu Kunii, Tim Lueth, Raj Madhavan, T.-J. Tarn, Satoshi Tadokoro

    International Workshop on Robotics: Past, Present and Future, 2013 2013年1月

  181. Rescue robots nurtured by standard test method 国際会議

    ASTM Winter Conference, 2013. 2013年1月

  182. Rescue and Disaster Robotics 国際会議

    Robotics in Extreme and Uncertain Environments: From Search-and-Rescue to Human-Robot Interaction 2012年12月27日

  183. Rescue Robotics for the Future - By International Collaboration - 国際会議

    2012 SICE/IEEE International Symposium on System Integration, International Workshop for Development and Management of Rescue System Technology for Safe and Resilient Society 2012年12月19日

  184. 振動刺激によるマスキングが上肢の打撃力調整タスクに及ぼす影響 第2報:振動提示部位の影響の評価

    藤田 晴千, 永谷 直久, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第13回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2012年12月18日

  185. レスキュー探査のためのチューブ型能動スコープカメラシステムの開発

    鉛 博瑛, 福田 潤一, 若菜 和仁, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第13回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2012年12月18日

  186. ペダリング運動を用いた人体下肢のインピーダンス調整機能の評価 第4報:タスクを付与したペダリング運動中のペダル踏力計測

    渡邊 高広, 昆陽 雅司, 永谷 直久, 田所 諭

    第13回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2012年12月18日

  187. 振動刺激の重畳を用いた鮮明な触刺激に関する研究

    櫻井 達馬, 篠田 裕之, 昆陽 雅司

    第13回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2012年12月18日

  188. 空気圧柔軟中空シャフトアクチュエータの柔軟索状ロボットへの応用

    若菜 和仁, 鉛 搏瑛, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第13回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2012年12月18日

  189. 歩行時の人体下肢関節部における振動伝播の計測

    永谷直久, 深澤洸貴, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第33回バイオメカニズム学術講演会(SOBIM2012) 2012年12月15日

  190. Disaster Response Robot Quince and Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident 国際会議

    DARPA Robotics Challenge Kickoff Meeting 2012年12月14日

  191. Rescue Robotics in Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident 国際会議

    Italy-Japan Workshop 2012年12月3日

  192. RoboCupRescue Dream 国際会議

    IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics(SSRR2012) 2012年11月8日

  193. Rescue Robots Used in 2011 and 2012 国際会議

    IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics(SSRR2012) 2012年11月8日

  194. Flexible Cable Shape Estimation 国際会議

    Michihisa Ishikura, Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012) 2012年10月7日

  195. Tube-type Active Scope Camera with High Mobility and Practical Functionality 国際会議

    Hiroaki Namari, Kazuhito Wakana, Michihisa Ishikura, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012) 2012年10月7日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award(学生鉛博瑛が受賞)

  196. Presenting Sharp Surface Shapes Using Overlapped Vibrotactile Stimuli 国際会議

    Tatsuma Sakurai, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012) 2012年10月7日

  197. ペダリング運動を用いた人体下肢のインピーダンス調整機能の評価

    渡邊高広, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会 第30回記念 学術講演会 2012年9月17日

  198. 空気圧柔軟中空シャフトアクチュエータの発生力解析と応用

    若菜和仁, 鉛搏瑛, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本ロボット学会 第30回記念 学術講演会 2012年9月17日

  199. 足裏部から全身への振動伝搬特性に関する研究

    永谷直久, 深澤洸貴, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第17回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2012年9月12日

  200. 振動刺激による触覚マスキング効果が打撃タスクに及ぼす影響

    藤田晴千, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第17回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2012年9月12日

  201. 歩行時の下肢関節部への振動刺激が歩容調整に与える影響の予備的調査

    大竹達也, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第17回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2012年9月12日

  202. ポインティングスティック型インタフェースのための疑似形状呈示法

    伊藤純平, 大竹達也, 前森大貴, 門谷周平, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第17回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2012年9月12日

  203. 歩行時の人体下肢関節部における振動伝播の比較

    深澤洸貴, 永谷直久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第17回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2012年9月12日

  204. Improvements to the rescue robot Quince - Toward future indoor surveillance missions in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant - 国際会議

    Tomoaki Yoshida, Keiji Nagatani, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Nishimura, Eiji Koyanagi

    the 8th International Conference on Field Robotics(FSR2012) 2012年7月16日

  205. Classificationof 3-D point cloud data that includes line and frame objects on the basis of geometrical features and the pass rate of laser rays 国際会議

    Kazunori Ohno, Takahiro Suzuki, Kazuyuki Higashi, Masanobu Tsubota, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    the 8th International Conference on Field Robotics(FSR2012) 2012年7月16日

  206. Collaborative mapping of an earthquake-damaged building via ground and aerial robots 国際会議

    Nathan Michael, Shaojie Shen, Kartik Mohta, Vijay Kumar, Keiji Nagatani, Yoshito Okada, Seiga Kiribayashi, Kazuki Otake, Kazuya Yoshida, Kazunori Ohno, Eijiro Takeuchi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    the 8th International Conference on Field Robotics(FSR2012) 2012年7月16日

  207. Disaster Response Robot Quince and Lessons at Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident 国際会議

    Workshop on Intelligent Human-Machine Collaboration, The National Academy of Sciences 2012年6月14日

  208. Multi-contact Vacuum-Driven Tactile Display for Representing Force Vectors Applied on Grasped Objects 国際会議

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Naohisa Nagaya, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Haptics:Perception,Devices,Mobility, and Communication International Conference, EuroHaptics2012 2012年6月12日

  209. Quinceによる福島第一原発対応

    テレイグジスタンスシンポジウム 2012年6月5日

  210. 人体振動伝播に基づくインピーダンス知覚仮説

    大竹達也, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012 2012年5月27日

  211. 擬似筋骨格機構を用いたインピーダンス調整評価法の提案

    藤田晴千, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012 2012年5月27日

  212. 人体下肢の振動伝播に基づくインピーダンス知覚仮説

    深澤洸貴, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012 2012年5月27日

  213. ペダリング運動を用いた人体下肢のインピーダンス調整機能の評価

    渡邊高広, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012 2012年5月27日

  214. 大ストロークかつ高速運動可能な柔軟空気圧リニアアクチュエータの開発

    若菜和仁, 鉛博瑛, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012 2012年5月27日

  215. 高走行性と実用的機能を搭載したチューブ型能動スコープカメラの開発

    鉛博瑛, 若菜和仁, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012 2012年5月27日

  216. 福島第一原発事故への対応

    システム制御情報学会学術講演会,パネル討論 2012年5月22日

  217. Logical Windowing Methods from Multiple Identification Candidates Using Corresponding Appearance Identification Results in Time-series 国際会議

    Kazushi Tanaka, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toru Yonezawa

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2012) 2012年5月14日

  218. Development of flexible pneumatic actuator for Active Scope Camera 国際会議

    Kazuhito Wakana, Michihisa Ishikura, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2012) 2012年5月14日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award(学生 若菜和仁が受賞)

  219. 震災に挑む

    ロボカップレスキュージャパンオープンシンポジウム 2012年5月3日

  220. Points to be Researched 国際会議

    National Science Foundation/CCC Meeting 2012年4月23日

  221. Decommissioning of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 国際会議

    International Experts’ Workshop and International Symposium on the Decommissioning of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1-4 2012年3月13日

  222. レスキューロボットの東日本大震災対応-福島第一原子力発電所事故対応を中心として-

    制御部門大会ワークショップ「レスキューロボットの活躍と今後の研究」 2012年3月13日

  223. Quinceによる福島第一原子力発電所事故対応

    東日本大震災一年目シンポジウム 2012年3月12日

  224. Tactile-based torque illusion controlled by strain distributions on multi-finger contact 国際会議

    Lope Ben, C. Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS) 2012年3月4日

  225. 災害対応ロボット

    日本機械学会東海支部講習会 2012年1月26日

  226. レスキューロボットの研究開発の現状と展望-福島第一原子力発電所事故対応を中心として-

    日本学術振興会第133委員会 2012年1月20日

  227. 分布姿勢センサを持つ柔軟索状体の動力学モデルを用いた状態推定

    石倉 路久, 竹内栄二朗, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第12回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2011) 2011年12月23日

  228. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTC の開発

    竹内 栄二朗, 田中一志, 廣 信利, 福井 貴久, 李昭曈, 菅原 直樹, 荒川 尚吾, 大野 和則, 田所 諭, 斎藤 俊久, 五十嵐広希, 松野 文俊, 高森 年

    第12回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2011) 2011年12月23日

  229. ペダリング運動を用いた人体下肢のインピーダンス調整機能の評価

    渡邉高広, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第12回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2011) 2011年12月23日

  230. 疑似筋骨格機構を用いたインピーダンス知覚評価法

    藤田晴千, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第12回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2011) 2011年12月23日

  231. 配管検査のための高挿入性を有する能動スコープカメラの開発

    鉛博瑛, 若菜和仁, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第12回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2011) 2011年12月23日

  232. 振動刺激の重畳を用いた表面形状呈示

    櫻井達馬, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第12回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2011) 2011年12月23日

  233. 人体の振動伝播に基づくインピーダンス知覚仮説

    深澤洸貴, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第12回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2011) 2011年12月23日

  234. Robotic Response in Great Eastern Japan Earthquake 国際会議

    IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration 2011年12月20日

  235. 想定外を想定するレスキューロボット

    View2011パネルディスカッション 2011年12月9日

  236. レスキューロボットとその技術課題-福島第一原子力発電所事故対応を中心として-

    View2011 2011年12月9日

  237. Transparent Object Detection Using Color Image and Laser Reflectance Image for Mobile Manipulator 国際会議

    Zhong LEI, Kazunori OHNO, Masanobu TSUBOTA, Eijiro TAKEUCHI, Satoshi TADOKORO

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011) 2011年12月7日

  238. Unknown Object Modeling on the Basis of Vision and Pushing Manipulation 国際会議

    Kazunori Ohno, Kurose Kensuke, Eijiro Takeuchi, Lei Zhong, Masanobu Tsubota, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011) 2011年12月7日

  239. GPS Measurement Model with Satellite Visibility using 3D Map for Particle Filter 国際会議

    Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Yamazaki, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011) 2011年12月7日

  240. Rescue robots in Great Eastern Japan Earthquake 国際会議

    2011 International Conference on Service and Interactive Robotics 2011年11月26日

  241. Rescue robotics in action 国際会議

    The 1st Korea-Japan Workshop on Firefighting and Disaster Prevention Robots 2011年11月23日

  242. Rescue robotics in action, 国際会議

    Texas A&M University Seminar 2011年11月16日

  243. Rescue robotics in action 国際会議

    Carnegie Mellon University Seminar, 2011年11月16日

  244. Rescue robotics in action, 国際会議

    NIST/ASTM Response Robot Exercise 2011年11月14日

  245. Rescue robotics in action 国際会議

    The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2011年11月4日

  246. Gamma-ray irradiation test of electric components of rescue mobile robot Quince 国際会議

    Keiji Nagatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Yoshito Okada, Kazuki Otake, Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Nishimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Mineo Fukushima, Shinji Kawatsuma

    IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011) 2011年11月1日

  247. Use of remotely operated marine vehicles at Minamisanriku and Rikuentakata Japan for disaster recovery 国際会議

    Robin R. Murphy, Karen L. Dreger, Sean Newsome, Jesse Rodocker, Eric Steimle, Tetsuya Kimura, Kenichi Makabe, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Kazuyuki Kon

    IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011) 2011年11月1日

  248. Robotic control vehicle for measuring radiation in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 国際会議

    Kazunori Ohno, Shinji Kawatsuma, Takashi Okada, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazuyuki Higashi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011) 2011年11月1日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    SSRR2011 Best Paper Finalist受賞

  249. Redesign of rescue mobile robot Quince 国際会議

    Keiji Nagatani, Seiga Kiribayashi, Yoshito Okada, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takeshi Nishimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi, Yasushi Hada

    IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011) 2011年11月1日

  250. Japan-Italy collaboration in rescue robotics 国際会議

    Italy-Japan Business Group Meeting 2011年10月4日

  251. Enhancement of Human Force Perception by Multi-Point Tactile Stimulation 国際会議

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ Internaional Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS2011), 2011年9月25日

  252. Enhancement of Vibrotactile Sensitivity:Effects of Stationary Boundary Contacts 国際会議

    Tatsuma Sakurai, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ Internaional Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS2011), 2011年9月25日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award

  253. Multi-contact Vacuum Pressure Stimulation Enhances Force Perception

    Lope Ben PORQUIS, Masashi KONYO, Satoshi TADOKORO

    第16回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2011年9月20日

  254. 静止面と振動面の同時接触がヒトの振動知覚を向上するメカニズムの解明

    櫻井達馬, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第16回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2011年9月20日

  255. 疑似力覚を用いた情報の重みの呈示:携帯端末のための視覚に頼らない操作手法の提案

    大竹 達也, 樋口 篤史, 櫻井 達馬, Porquis Lope Ben, 昆陽 雅司, 田所諭

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2011 2011年9月13日

  256. 災害対応ロボット最前線

    センサ&アクチュエータ技術シンポジウム 2011年9月12日

  257. 生活環境走行のための観測動作計画

    竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会 2011年度年次大会 2011年9月11日

  258. 複数人物見守りのための移動ロボットの観測計画

    田中 一志, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会 2011年度年次大会 2011年9月11日

  259. クローラの摩擦とグローサの力学モデルにもとづく転倒や滑落防止を目的とした階段踏破動作の考察

    宮原直紀, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 田所諭

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2011) 2011年9月7日

  260. Response of IRS at East Japan Earthquake 国際会議

    AUVSI's Unmanned Systems North America 2011 2011年8月16日

  261. Running Performance Evaluation of Inchworm Drive and Vibration Drive for Active Scope Camera 国際会議

    Michihisa Ishikura, Kazuhito Wakana, Eijiro Takeuchi, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2011年7月3日

  262. ロボットによる震災対応

    東北大学震災3ヶ月講演会 2011年6月10日

  263. 3 次元地図を用いた回折波を考慮したGPS 衛星の可視性判別

    竹内 栄二朗, 山崎 将史, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  264. 能動スコープカメラのためのインチウォーム駆動と振動駆動の走行性能評価

    石倉 路久, 竹内 栄二朗, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  265. 振動刺激を用いた弾性感呈示に関する研究

    樋口篤史, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  266. VibTouch: 指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション 第5報:物理接触モデルを考慮した表面形状の呈示

    土屋翔, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  267. Vib-Touch: 指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション 第6報: 疑似力覚を用いた情報の重みの表現

    大竹達也, 荒川尚吾, 樋口篤史, 櫻井達馬, Lope Ben Porquis, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  268. 東日本大震災における国際レスキューシステム研究機構の活動

    ROBOMEC2011公開シンポジウム 2011年5月26日

  269. クローラロボットの動力学モデルを用いた不整地における状態推定

    東 和幸, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  270. 能動スコープカメラのための柔軟性を有する直動アクチュエータの開発

    若菜和仁, 石倉路久, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  271. サブクローラの動力伝達系モデルを用いた柔らかい接触の実現

    宮原 直紀, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  272. Transparent Object Detection Using Color Image and Laser Reflectance Image for Mobile Manipulator

    Lei Zhong, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  273. 回転脚機構と柔軟ボディを用いた新型移動ロボットの開発

    菅原 直樹, 坂口 尚己, 戸塚 雄介, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  274. 歩行支援のための下肢関節部振動伝播の計測

    深澤洸貴, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  275. 静止面と振動面の同時接触によるヒトの振動知覚向上に関する研究

    櫻井達馬, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMEC2011), 2011年5月26日

  276. Representation of softness sensation using vibrotactile stimuli under amplitude control 国際会議

    Lope Ben Porquis, Masashi konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011) 2011年5月9日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    2011 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award

  277. Disaster response of robotics - IRS activities and Fukushima response -, Forum - Preliminary Report on the Disaster and Robotics in Japan 国際会議

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2011年5月9日

  278. 災害救助用ロボットシステムの研究課題と社会システムのありかた

    人工知能学会AI Challenge 2011年5月4日

  279. 国際レスキューシステム研究機構の活動

    ROBOTADシンポジウム 2011年5月2日

  280. 災害対応ロボット

    日本生体医工学会パネル緊急医療・救助のための生体医工学 2011年5月1日

  281. 力の錯覚:指腹への振動刺激による質量・粘性知覚のバイアス

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第16回ロボティクスシンポジア 2011年3月14日

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  282. 被災建造物内移動RTシステム,閉鎖空間内高速走行探査群ロボット

    NEDO戦略的ロボット要素技術開発研究成果発表会 2011年2月28日

  283. ASTM test facility in Kobe, Japan 国際会議

    ASTM International Committee on Homeland Security Applications; Operational Equipment; Robots (E54.08.01) 2011年2月2日

  284. レスキューロボットの評価について考える -JST-NSF Workshopより-

    JST-NSF Workshop 2011年1月14日

  285. 3次元環境地図を用いたロバストな自己位置推定による自律移動

    竹内栄二朗, 山﨑 将史, 田中 一志, 大野和則, 田所諭

    つくばチャレンジ2010シンポジウム 2011年1月8日

  286. 閉鎖空間内探査ロボットのための遠隔操縦システムの開発

    石井 良典, 大坪 義一, 小林 滋, 小林 泰弘, 梅田 栄, 海藻 敬之, 山本 祥弘, 前田 弘文, 高森 年, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  287. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第20報確率的自己位置推定と速度制約を考慮した軌道生成法

    金 兌炫, 後藤 清宏, 五十嵐 広希, 根 和幸, 佐藤 徳孝, 松野文俊, 田所 諭, 高森 年, 齋藤 俊久

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  288. 自律と操縦に対応した移動ロボット用RTCの開発 第21報:RT-Middlewareを用いた屋外自律移動システムの複数PCによる分散処理

    竹内 栄二朗, 山﨑 将史, 田中 一志, 大野 和則, 田所 諭, 斎藤 俊久, 五十嵐 広希, 松野 文俊, 高森 年

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  289. 振動刺激を用いた摩擦感呈示法 動摩擦の速度依存性に基づく摩擦振動モデル

    石井 優希, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  290. 動力伝達系の摩擦モデルに基づくサブクローラ機構への接触力の推定 摩擦モデル内の未知パラメータ同定方法と評価

    宮原 直紀, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  291. 把持力調整反射の誘発手法に関する研究

    櫻井 達馬, 昆陽 雅司, 岡本 正吾, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  292. 閉鎖空間探査ロボットQuinecの遠隔操縦型地図構築システム

    大野 和則, 櫻田 健, 畠 彰彦, 竹内 栄二朗, Eric Rohmer, 永谷 圭司, 吉田 智章, 小柳 栄次, 羽田 靖史, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  293. 能動スコープカメラを用いた配管内検査

    澤田 雅俊, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  294. 屋外自律移動のための移動物体検知モジュール群

    田中 一志, 山﨑 将史, 竹内 栄二朗, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  295. Vib-Touch:指先による仮想能動触を利用した触力覚インタラクション第4報:弾性感の提示

    樋口 篤史, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  296. 能動スコープカメラ用小型情報収集システムの構築

    石倉 路久, 澤田 雅俊, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

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  297. 不可視衛星を考慮したGPSによる位置推定RT-Componentの開発

    山崎 将史, 竹内 栄二朗, 田中 一志, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2010) 2010年12月23日

  298. レスキューロボットの挑戦!安全/安心の街作りの実現に向けて

    神戸ロボット工房オープニングセレモニー 2010年12月6日

  299. Rescue Robotics and Its Applications 国際会議

    The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI2010) 2010年11月24日

  300. 世界に誇るレスキューロボット技術は高齢障害者の生き甲斐を作るか?

    足こぎ車いす研究会 2010年11月23日

  301. Italy-Japan Cooperation in Disaster Response Robotics 国際会議

    Daniele Nardi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Italy-Japan Business Group Meeting 2010年10月28日

  302. Rescue Robotics Challenge 国際会議

    2010 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO2010) 2010年10月26日

  303. CBRNE対応ロボットの研究開発と米国での評価標準化(調達基準策定)の動向

    テロ対策特殊装備展 2010年10月6日

  304. 把持力調整反射を誘発する触刺激条件に関する研究

    櫻井達馬, 昆陽雅司, 岡本正吾, 田所諭

    第15回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2010年9月15日

  305. Vib-Touch:仮想能動触を利用した直感的操作

    樋口篤史, 櫻井達馬, 土屋翔, 石井優希, Lope Ben Porquis, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第15回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2010年9月15日

  306. Representation of Softness Sensation using Vibrotactile Stimuli under Amplitude Control

    LopeBen PORQUIS, Masashi KONYO, Satoshi Tadokoro

    第15回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 2010年9月15日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  307. 災害対応のためのレスキューロボット技術

    福岡県救急の日のつどい 2010年9月5日

  308. レスキューロボットの研究開発

    ナガセ大学学部研究会 2010年8月26日

  309. 東北地域におけるロボット技術を活用した産業振興方策に関する調査

    東北活性化研究センター調査研究報告会 2010年7月16日

  310. 実用夏期を迎えつつあるレスキューロボット

    旭川市科学館セミナー 2010年6月13日

  311. レスキューロボット

    宮城県沖シンポジウム 2010年4月26日

  312. Rescue Robotics Challenge 国際会議

    Workshop on Intelligent Systems, A Festschrift for Richard Voltz, 2010年4月9日

  313. Robotics Challenge to Heterogeneous Problem of Search and Rescue 国際会議

    Texas A&M University Seminar 2010年4月9日

  314. 3次元環境地図を用いた自由空間観測モデルによる未知物体にロバストな自己位置推定

    竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第15回ロボティクスシンポジア 2010年3月15日

  315. サブクローラを有するクローラロボットのモーションモデルと地形情報を利用した位置修正

    櫻田健, 竹内栄二朗, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第15回ロボティクスシンポジア 2010年3月15日

  316. 複数の触感因子を伝えるマスタ・スレーブ型触力覚伝達システム

    昆陽雅司, 山内敬大, 岡本正吾, 日高佑輔, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    第15回ロボティクスシンポジア 2010年3月15日

  317. 防災とロボットの役割

    危機管理フォーラム 2010年3月10日

  318. Robotics Challenge to Heterogeneous Problems of Search and Rescue 国際会議

    NSF-JST-NIST Workshop 2010年3月8日

  319. Rescue Robotics in Japan 国際会議

    TSWG Meeting 2010年3月2日

  320. レスキュー工学とロボティクス

    大阪電気通信大学メカトロ研究会 2010年2月26日

  321. 災害対応のためのレスキューロボット技術

    日本集団災害医学会総会 2010年2月12日

  322. レスキューロボット

    東京工業高等専門学校研究会 2010年1月28日

  323. Actuation of Long Flexible Cables Using Ciliary Vibration Drive 国際会議

    The 3rd Actuator Symposium 2010年1月25日

  324. 被災建造物内高速探査ロボット

    災害対応ロボティクスシンポジウム 2010年1月15日

  325. 能動スコープカメラの実用化のための改良開発と実地試験

    田所諭, 昆陽雅司, 澤田一奈, 澤田雅俊, 石倉路久

    第10回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2009年12月24日

  326. レスキューロボット

    東北地区高専ロボコン研究会 2009年12月19日

  327. Rescue Robotics Challenge 国際会議

    Cerebrating 50 Years of Robotics 2009年12月11日

  328. レスキューロボットとその技術

    道路建設機械メカニズム研究会 2009年11月17日

  329. 能動スコープカメラ

    田所諭, 昆陽雅司, 澤田一奈

    第27回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2009年9月15日

  330. レスキューロボットに関するアクチュエータ技術

    (社)日本機械学会 2009年度年次大会 2009年9月13日

  331. 実用化を迎えつつあるレスキューロボット

    産業フロンティアメッセ 2009年9月3日

  332. レスキューロボットの現状と将来

    平成21年度全国電子機械研究会総会並びに研究協議会 2009年8月20日

  333. Rescue Robotics and Its Application 国際会議

    ICCAS-SICE 2009 Introductory Lecture 2009年8月18日

  334. Active Scope Camera and a High Mobility UGV, Kenaf 国際会議

    Fourth International Workshop on Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to Mitigate Earthquake Disaster (SRMED 2009) 2009年7月6日

  335. レスキューロボット

    IEEE Sendai Chapter総会,IEEE Fellow就任記念講演会 2009年6月12日

  336. High-mobility Rescue Robot: Kenaf 国際会議

    Eiji Koyanagi, Satoshi Tadokoro

    2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2009), Workshop on Robotics for Disaster Response 2009年5月13日

  337. フリッパを有するクローラロボットのロール方向の転倒回避動作を含む不整地踏破手法の開発

    湯沢友豪, 大野和則, 竹内栄二朗, 小柳栄次, 吉田智章, 田所諭

    第14回ロボティクスシンポジア 2009年3月16日

  338. 実用化間近!レスキューロボット最前線

    ロボット・フェスタ2009 2009年2月9日

  339. 能動スコープカメラ

    今年のロボット」大賞受賞講演 2008年12月19日

  340. 実用化が近づくレスキューロボット

    ICRT国際次世代ロボットフェア 2008年11月28日

  341. Rescue Robotics in Japan 国際会議

    Workshop in Texas A&M University 2008年11月17日

  342. レスキューロボット最前線!

    片平地区安全安心まちづくり講座 2008年10月4日

  343. Challenge of Rescue Robotics 国際会議

    Third Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics (AISM2008) 2008年8月27日

  344. レスキューロボティクス

    機械学会年次大会先端技術フォーラム 2008年8月4日

  345. 安全・安心で豊かな社会を実現するロボット技術を目指して

    宮城県ロボットビジネスセミナー 2008年7月30日

  346. レスキューロボット最前線

    東北大学サイエンスカフェ 2008年6月20日

  347. レスキューロボットの最新技術とビジネス化への展望

    東京国際消防防災展2008消防防災セミナー 2008年6月5日

  348. メカノケミカルアクチュエータ

    機械学会講習会 2008年5月30日

  349. レスキューロボットの開発の現状と将来

    精密工学会東北支部総会 2008年4月18日

  350. Rescue Robotics in Japan 国際会議

    Annual DHS University Network Summit 2008年3月19日

  351. クローラロボットの履板の傾斜を利用した段差接触位置の検出

    井上大輔, 大野和則, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第13回ロボティクスシンポジア 2008年3月16日

  352. 二次元測域センサを用いた動的環境下における静止物体の密な三次元計測

    河原豊和, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第13回ロボティクスシンポジア 2008年3月16日

  353. 実時間3次元地形計測に基づくフリッパの引っかかり回避を含むクローラロボットのための半自律3次元未知不整地踏破

    湯沢友豪, 大野和則, 田所諭, 小柳栄次, 吉田智章

    第13回ロボティクスシンポジア 2008年3月16日

  354. 皮膚感覚呈示における時間遅れの影響調査と検知限の同定

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 嵯峨智, 田所諭

    第13回ロボティクスシンポジア 2008年3月16日

  355. Rescue Robotics in Japan 国際会議

    Workshop with FBI 2008年2月

  356. Rescue Robotics 国際会議

    Special RT Symposium 2008年1月30日

  357. Rescue Robotics 国際会議

    Workshop in National Chung Hsing University 2008年1月8日

  358. 超音波振動を用いた触覚インターフェースのための小型振動子の開発

    元木陽平, 山田浩史, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 前野隆司

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア 2007年12月

  359. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクトの成果と今後の展望

    田所諭, 松野文俊, 大須賀公一, 淺間一, 小野里雅彦

    SI2007 2007年12月

  360. Active Flexible Cables by Ciliary Vibration Drive

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masashi Konyo, Kazunari Hatazaki, Kazuya Isaki, Fumiaki Takemura

    第4回アクチュエータシンポジウム,2007 2007年11月19日

  361. Information Infrastructure for Rescue Systems 国際会議

    Hajime Asama, Yasushi Hada, Kuniaki Kawabata, Itsuki Noda, Osamu Takizawa, Junichi Meguro, Kiichiro Ishikawa, Takumi Hashizume, Tomowo Ohga, Kensuke, Takita, Michinori Hatayama, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Todokoro

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), 2007年10月

  362. DDT Project: Background and Overview, Proc. Workshop on Rescue Robotics - DDT Project on Urban Search and Rescue 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Masahiko Onosato, Koichi Osuka, Tomoharu Doi, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Itsuki Noda, Koichi Suzumori, Toshi Takamori, Takashi Tsubouchi, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Mika Murata

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), 2007年10月

  363. Disaster Information Gathering by Aerial Robot Systems 国際会議

    Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Kenzo Nonami, Kuniaki Kawabata, Yasushi Hada, Hajime Asama, Fumiaki Takemura, Kiyoshi Maeda, Kenichiro Miura, Atsushi Yamashita

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), 2007年10月

  364. In-Rubble Robot System for USAR Under Debris 国際会議

    Koichi Osuka, Tomoharu Doi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Naoji Shiroma, Takashi Tsubouchi, Hideyuki Tsukagoshi, Shigeo Hirose, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Takumi Hashizume, Masamitsu Kurisu, Hiroyuki Kuwahara, Toshi Takamori, Yasuyoshi Yokokoji, Shugen Ma, Tatsuo Arai, Koichi Suzumori

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), 2007年10月

  365. On-Rubble Robot System in DDT Project 国際会議

    Fumitoshi Matsuno, Takashi Tsubouchi, Shigeo Hirose, Iwaki Akiyama, Takao Inoh, Michele Guarnieri, Kenji Kawashima, Takahiro Sasaki, Naoji Shiroma, Tetsushi Kamegawa, Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro, et

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), 2007年10月

  366. Guidelines of Human Interface Design for Rescue Robots 国際会議

    Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Satoshi Tadokoro,etc

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), 2007年10月

  367. Experiments with First Responders -- Demonstrative Experiments and Trainings for Rescue Activities 国際会議

    Takashi Tsubouchi, Koichi Osuka, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Satoshi Tadokoro, et

    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), 2007年10月

  368. 石油掘削問題へのRTの適用可能性

    石油天然ガス探鉱開発長期的技術動向研究会 2007年4月

  369. 我が国のロボット開発の現状と今後の展望

    産業技術振興講演会 2007年4月

  370. レスキューロボット

    思考展開フォーラム 2007年4月

  371. 国際レスキューシステム研究機構の活動とこれからの展望

    消防救急救助研究会 2007年4月

  372. 救助用ロボット開発の現状

    化学災害技術研究会 2007年4月

  373. 救助用ロボット開発の現状

    消防救急救助研究会 2007年4月

  374. 表面波長の実時間推定に基づく粗さ感伝達システムの研究

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア 2007年3月

  375. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動ファイバースコープの開発

    昆陽雅司, 畑崎計成, 伊崎和也, 田所諭

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア 2007年3月

  376. 被災地探査用クローラAli-Babaと遠隔操縦技術の開発

    大野和則, 小柳栄次, 吉田智, 田所諭

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア 2007年3月

  377. フリッパを有するクローラ型レスキューロボットによる未知段差の半自律踏破

    森村章一, 大野和則, 小柳栄次, 吉田智章, 田所諭

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア 2007年3月

  378. 遠隔操作型の移動マニピュレータによる物体の引きずりに関する研究

    林俊輔, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第12回ロボティクスシンポジア 2007年3月

  379. Active Flexible Cables by Ciliary Vibration Drive 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Akira Niitsuma, Kazuya Isaki, Masashi Konyo, Fumiaki Takemura

    Actuator International Symposium, 2006 2006年12月

  380. 小型マルチカメラを用いたヘビ型探査ロボットのための 広視野映像呈示システムの開発

    大野和則, 緑川直樹, 見延壮希, 桑原裕之, 田所諭

    第7回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 2006年12月

  381. クローラ型ロボットのための分布触覚センサ

    井上大輔, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第7回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 2006年12月

  382. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動索状体の開発 第4報: 駆動メカニズムの解析

    伊崎和也, 畑崎計成, 昆陽雅司, 武村史朗, 田所 諭

    第7回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 2006年12月

  383. 超音波振動子を用いた触覚インターフェースの開発,

    山田浩史, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 前野隆司

    第7回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 2006年12月

  384. 2連結クローラ車両HELIOS Carriersの走行制御システム開発

    竹内崇英, 井上慶重, 城間直司, 伊能崇雄, 亀川哲志, 佐藤徳孝, 滝田謙介, 大野和則, Guarnieri Michele, 田所諭, 広瀬茂男, 坪内孝司, 松野文俊

    第7回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 2006年12月

  385. HELIOS Carrier連結用受動関節アームの開発

    井上慶重, 竹内崇英, 伊能崇雄, 佐々木高宙, 城間直司, 亀川哲志, 佐藤徳孝, Guarnieri Michele, 滝田謙介, 大野和則, 川嶋健嗣, 田所諭, 広瀬茂男, 坪内孝司, 松野文俊

    第7回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 2006年12月

  386. A Summary of Development of Advanced Robots and Information Systems for Disaster Response 国際会議

    NSF/DARPA Workshop on Robotics in Japan 2006年12月

  387. Open Problems of RT for Disaster Response 国際会議

    Rescue Robotics Camp, 2006 2006年11月

  388. ヒト指腹部有限要素モデルを用いた触覚受容器の神経活動の推定

    昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 前野隆司

    日本機械学会第19回計算力学講演会 2006年11月

  389. Roughness Feeling Telepresence System with Communication Time-Delay 国際会議

    S. Okamoto, M. Konyo, T. Maeno, S. Tadokoro

    The Second Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interface for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (World Haptics 2007) 2006年11月

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    (Best Poster Award受賞)

  390. Open problems of RT for disaster response -- state of art and future roadmap in Japan 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shiro Fujita, Hideo Tanaka

    IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2006) 2006年11月

  391. An Overview of Japan National Project on Rescue Robotics 国際会議

    2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics 2006年11月

  392. Attitude Stability of a Cable Driven Balloon Robot 国際会議

    Fumiaki Takemura, Kiyoshi Maeda, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2006) 2006年10月

  393. DDT Project on rescue robots and systems 国際会議

    SICE-ICCAS 2006 2006年10月

  394. Real-time Estimation of Touch Feeling Factors Using Human Finger Mimetic Tactile Sensors 国際会議

    Shogo Okamoto, Masashi Konyo, Yuka Mukaibo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2006) 2006年10月

  395. Guidelines for Human Interface Design of Rescue Robots 国際会議

    Y. Yokokohji, T. Tsubouchi, A. Tanaka, T. Yoshida, E. Koyanagi, F. Matsuno, S. Hirose, H. Kuwahara, F. Takemura, T. Ino, K. Takita, N. Shiroma, T. Kamegawa, Y. Hada, K. Osuka, T. Watasue, T. Kimura, H. Nakanishi, Y. Horiguchi, S. Tadokoro, K. Ohno

    SICE-ICCAS 2006年10月

  396. Development of an Active Flexible Cable by Ciliary Vibration Drive for Scope Camera 国際会議

    Kazuya Isaki, Akira Niitsuma, Masashi Konyo, Fumiaki Takemura, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2006) 2006年10月

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    (IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award受賞)

  397. Real-time Robot Trajectory Estimation and 3D Map Construction Using 3D Camera 国際会議

    Kazunori Ohno, Takafumi Nomura, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2006) 2006年10月

  398. Distributed Tactile Sensors for Tracked Vehicles 国際会議

    Daisuke Inoue, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    SENSORS 2006 2006年10月

  399. 繊毛振動駆動機構を用いた能動スコープカメラの開発

    畑崎計成, 伊崎和也, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2006年9月

  400. 探査クローラーロボットAli-Babaによる三次元地図構築

    大野和則, 田所諭

    第16回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム 2006年9月

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  401. スキャンマッチングにもとづく環境地図構築のためのスキャンデータの歪み補正と評価

    河原豊和, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2006年9月

  402. 低周波振動刺激を用いた圧覚ディスプレイの開発

    横田求, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第11回大会 2006年9月

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  403. 通信遅延を考慮した粗さ感伝達システム

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第11回大会 2006年9月

  404. 遠隔操縦による移動マニピュレータを用いた未知環境における物体の引きずりに 関する研究

    林俊輔, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2006年9月

  405. クローラ型レスキューロボットの半自律制御システムの開発

    森村章一, 大野和則, 田所諭

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2006年9月

  406. マスタ・スレーブ型触感伝達システムの研究-第2報:物理パラメータ推定に基づく触感呈示-

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2006年9月

  407. 非接地型力覚呈示装置を用いた遠隔操縦者への探査ロボットの姿勢情報呈示

    中村信介, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第11回大会 2006年9月

  408. クローラ型ロボットのための分布触覚センサの開発

    井上大輔, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2006年9月

  409. Adaptation to rough terrain by using COF estimation on a quadruped vehicle, Springer Tracts in Advanced RoboticsAdaptation to rough terrain by using COF estimation on a quadruped vehicle, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 国際会議

    Shogo Okamoto, Kaoru konishi, Kenichi Tokuda, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 5th International Conference 2006年7月

  410. Development of an Active Flexible Cable Driven By Ciliary Vibration Mechanism 国際会議

    K. Isaki, A. Niitsuma, M. Konyo, F. Takemura, S. Tadokoro

    10th International Conference on New Actuators 2006年6月14日

  411. Development of an Active Flexible Cable Driven by Ciliary Vibration Mechanism 国際会議

    K. Isaki, A. Niitsuma, M. Konyo, F. Takemura, S. Tadokoro

    10th International Conference on New Actuators (ACTUATOR 2006) 2006年6月

  412. 低周波振動刺激を用いた圧覚ディスプレイの開発 -振動子形状の影響の評価-

    横田求, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月26日

  413. マスタ・スレーブ型触感伝達システムの開発 -第一報ヒト指模倣型触感センサを用いた触感因子の実時間抽出法-

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 向坊由佳, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月26日

  414. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動索状体の開発 -繊毛のモデリング-

    伊崎和也, 新妻翔, 昆陽雅司, 武村史朗, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月26日

  415. クローラー用触覚分布センサの開発

    井上大輔, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月26日

  416. Reflective Grasp Force Control of Humans Induced by Distributed Vibration Stimuli on Finger Skin with ICPF Actuators 国際会議

    Nakamoto Masataka, Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2006) 2006年5月15日

  417. 二次元レーザースキャナーを用いた高速移動体の自己位置推定と環境地図の構築

    河原豊和, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月

  418. クローラ型レスキューロボットの半自律制御システムの開発 -上り段差におけるフリッパアーム制御則の検討-

    森村 章一, 大野 和則, 田所 諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月

  419. 低周波振動刺激を用いた圧覚ディスプレイの開発

    横田求, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月

  420. 遠隔操縦における錯視による誤認識回避のための傾き情報の呈示

    中村信介, 大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06 2006年5月

  421. どのような閾下分布触覚刺激がヒト指の把持力調整反射を誘発するのか?

    前野隆司, 昆陽雅司, 中本雅崇, 田所諭

    第11回ロボティク スシンポジア 2006年3月16日

  422. 繊毛振動によって駆動する能動索状体の開発

    伊崎和也, 新妻翔, 昆陽雅司, 武村史朗, 田所諭

    第11回ロボティク スシンポジア 2006年3月16日

  423. ヒト指模倣型触覚センサを用いた触感因子の実時間抽出法

    岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 向坊由佳, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    第11回ロボティク スシンポジア 2006年3月16日

  424. 高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた皮膚表面刺激による3次元オブジェクトの手触りの呈示

    昆陽雅司, 吉田晃典, 田所諭

    第11回ロボティク スシンポジア 2006年3月16日

  425. 低周波振動刺激によって起こる静的圧 覚の呈示条件

    昆陽雅司, 横田求, 前野隆司, 田所諭

    第11回ロボティク スシンポジア 2006年3月16日

  426. 小型三次元スキャナーを用いた三次元地図構築

    大野和則, 田所諭

    第11回ロボティク スシンポジア 2006年3月16日

  427. Field and Evaluation Task Force 国際会議

    International Rescue System Institute The 4th International Symposium 2006年1月13日

  428. レスキュー技術の現状と展望

    とちぎロボットテクノロジー研究会 2005年12月20日

  429. レスキューロボットRoQによる瓦礫上歩行 COFを用いた足場形状推定

    藤本浩之, 徳田献一, 田所諭, 安田一則

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  430. 三次元スキャナーの開発と三次元地図の構築

    大野和則, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  431. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト,概要とこれまでの成果

    田所諭, 松野文俊, 大須賀公一, 淺間一, 小野里雅彦

    第6回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  432. 導電性高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた多指呈示型触感ディスプレイ

    吉田晃典, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  433. スコープカメラのための振動駆動型繊毛移動機構の開発 スコープカメラへの適用

    新妻翔, 武村史朗, 伊崎和也, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  434. FDNetによる模倣ロボットシステムの構成

    徳田献一, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  435. ディジタルがれきモデルの構築拡張個別要素法による木造家屋倒壊シミュレーション

    綿末太郎, 伊崎和也, 田所諭, 小野里雅彦

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  436. レスキューロボットのための水平分散アーキテクチャFDNet第8報:FDNet-HIによるレスキューロボットの基本設計と評価

    山本延寿, 徳田献一, 小西薫, 田所諭, 安田一則

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  437. レスキューロボットRoQによる瓦礫踏破模倣FDNetによる模倣動作生成

    小西薫, 徳田献一, 山本延寿, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  438. 探査用レスキューロボットを用いたオンライン三次元地図作成

    野村孝文, 大野和則, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  439. レスキューロボットによる組込み複眼ビジョンシステムの実装

    見延壮希, 田所諭

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2005年12月16日

  440. レスキューロボットと日中連携への期待

    日中産学官交流フォーラム 2005年12月1日

  441. DDT Project – An Overview 国際会議

    2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence 2005年11月2日

  442. An Overview of Japan National Project on Rescue Robotics 国際会議

    Robotics Camp 2005年10月29日

  443. レスキューロボットの研究開発の現状と将来

    日本フルードパワー学会オータムセミナー 2005年10月7日

  444. ファイバースコープのための振動駆動型繊毛移動機構の開発

    新妻翔, 武村史朗, 伊崎和也, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2005年9月15日

  445. 荷重中心検出を目的とするFSRを用いた足裏感圧センサの精度向上のための構成論

    岡本正吾, 徳田献一, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2005年9月15日

  446. 人間との共通認知モデルを介した異構造ロボットの模倣システム

    徳田献一, 田所諭

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2005年9月15日

  447. レスキューロボットを対象とした組み込みビジョンシステムの開発

    見延壮希, 田所諭

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 2005年9月15日

  448. An Overview of Japan National Project on Rescue Robotics 国際会議

    Shenyang Institute of Automation, Japan-China Joint Research Center Opening Ceremony 2005年9月12日

  449. 地震災害救助ロボットの現状と展望

    全国消防救急救助研究会 2005年8月27日

  450. A tactile synthesis method using multiple frequency vibration for representing virtual touch 国際会議

    Masashi Konyo, Akira Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro, Naoki Saiwaki

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2005) 2005年8月2日

  451. Dense 3D map building based on LRF data and color image fusion 国際会議

    Kazunori Ohno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2005) 2005年8月2日

  452. Adaptation to rough terrain by using COF estimation on a quadruped vehicle 国際会議

    Shogo Okamoto, Kaoru konishi, kenichi Tokuda, Satoshi Tadokoro

    Field and Service Robotics 2005 (FSR2005) 2005年7月29日

  453. Artificial Tactile Feel Display for Textile Fablics 国際会議

    Naoki Saiwaki, Akinori Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro, Maki Taniguchi

    International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2005年7月22日

  454. レスキューロボットプロジェクト

    日本原子力学会ヒューマンマシンシステム部会夏期セミナー 2005年7月22日

  455. ロボカップレスキュー:ロボカップの緊急災害問題への挑戦

    大阪港開港100周年記念式典 2005年7月15日

  456. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト,III. 被害者救助等の災害対応戦略の最適化,4. レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発

    関西次世代ロボットフォーラム 2005年7月13日

  457. Development of Advanced Robots for Disaster Response 国際会議

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2005 (ROBIO2005) 2005年6月29日

  458. Development of advanced robots and information systems for disaster response 国際会議

    Kobe University COE International Symposium 2005年6月25日

  459. Unconscious Control of Grasping Force by Displaying Partial Slip with Distributed Vibration Stimulus 国際会議

    M. Nakamoto, T. Maeno, M. Konyo, S. Tadokoro

    The 1st International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology 2005年6月23日

  460. 災害用レスキューロボット

    電子情報通信学会センサネットワーク 2005年6月16日

  461. レスキューロボット研究の現状と将来

    電子情報通信学会センサネットワーク研究会 2005年6月16日

  462. Special project on development of advanced robots for disaster reponse (DDT Project) 国際会議

    IEEE Workshop on Advance Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO'05) 2005年6月12日

  463. 屋外環境における三次元地図構築の試行

    大野和則, 田所諭

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'05 2005年6月9日

  464. Robot description ontology and bases for surface locomotion evaluation 国際会議

    Ranajit Chatterjee, Inoh Takao, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Workshop on Safety,Security and Rescue Robotics 2005年6月6日

  465. メカノケミカルアクチュエータ

    日本機械学会講習会高分子アクチュエータ 2005年5月20日

  466. Roughness Sense Display Representing Temporal Frequency Changes of Tactile Information in Response to Hand Movements 国際会議

    Masashi Konyo, Takashi Maeno, Akinori Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro

    The First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interface for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (World Haptic Conference 2005) 2005年3月18日

  467. レスキューロボットの研究開発の現状と将来

    宮崎大学災害医療従事者研修会 2005年3月12日

  468. A challenge of rescue robotics 国際会議

    The 6th EAJ Symposium 2004年10月

  469. An overview of Japan national project (DDT Project) on rescue robotics 国際会議

    Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems 2004年8月

  470. Rescue robots and systems in Japan 国際会議

    Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2004年8月

  471. Problem domain of Japan National Project (DDT Project) on rescue robotics 国際会議

    IEEE Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics 2004年5月

  472. 災害現場における情報収集のためのケーブル駆動ロボットの開発

    武村史朗, Kamelettin Erbatur, Ulrike Zwiers, 田所諭, 榎本正也, 出納和也

    第9回ロボティクスシンポジア 2004年3月

  473. Development of velocity sensor using ionic polymer-metal composites 国際会議

    Masashi Konyo, Yoshiki Koishi, Satoshi Tadokoro, Takumi Kishima

    SPIE Smart Structure and Materials 2004, Conference on Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices 2004年3月

  474. Wearable Tactile Display in Response to Human Active Touch 国際会議

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Workshop on Touch and Haptics 2004年1月

  475. Robotic Applications of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites: Multiple-DOF Devices Using Soft Actuators and Sensors 国際会議

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2004年1月

  476. An overview of Japan National Project on Rescue Robotics 国際会議

    Incontro di Lavoro del progetto, Sistemi di simulazione e robotici per l'intervento in scenari di emergenza, Instituto Superiore Antincendi 2003年12月

  477. An overview of Japan National Special Project DaiDaiToku (DDT) for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Urban Areas 国際会議

    IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, Workshop on Advanced Robots and Information Systems for Disaster Response 2003年7月

  478. IPMC-based artificial tactile feel display for virtual reality human interface 国際会議

    Artificial Muscle Conference 2002年12月

  479. RoboCupRescue: A Proposal of Next-Generation “Preparedness” as Social Infrastructure of Urban Cities 国際会議

    International Workshop and Project Presentation, Real-time Planning and Monitoring for Search and Rescue Operations in Large-Scale Disasters 2002年10月

  480. RoboCupRescue: A Proposal of Next-Generation “Preparedness” as Social Infrastructure of Urban Cities 国際会議

    Sistemi Informatici e Robotici per i soccorsi in emergenza sismica 2002年10月

  481. A virtual tactile feel display using ICPF actuators 国際会議

    US/Japan Workshop on Exoskeleton Technologies and EHPA Program Review 2001年11月28日

  482. The description of Bunraku puppet's motion in computer based on labanotation 国際会議

    Motofumi Hattori, Syun Nishizawa, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication 2001年9月

  483. RoboCup-Rescue as a challenge of multi-agent technology to emergency response problems in disaster 国際会議

    The Eighth International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages 2001年8月

  484. RoboCup Rescue Challenge 国際会議

    4th Pacific Rim Workshop on Multi-Agents 2001年7月

  485. The RoboCup-Rescue Project 国際会議

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop on Distributed Robotics and Automation 2001年5月

  486. EAP application to artificial tactile feel display of virtual reality 国際会議

    Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    SPIE's 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Conference on Electro-Active Polymer Actuators and Devices 2001年3月

  487. パラレルケーブル駆動モーションベースの設計

    田所諭, 村田理絵, 松島俊之, 村田良男, 甲川秀明, Manfred Hiller

    第6回ロボティクスシンポジア 2001年3月

  488. Robotics and AI for emergency response problems in large scale disaster 国際会議

    2nd International Workshop on Human Friendly Welfare Robotic Systems 2001年1月

  489. Progress in RoboCup Soccer Research in 2000 国際会議

    M. Asada, A. Birk, E. Pagello, M. Fujita, I. Noda, S. Tadokoro, D. Duhaut, P. Stone, M. Veloso, T. Balch, H. Kitano, B. Thomas

    2000 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics 2000年12月

  490. The RoboCup-Rescue Project: An Approach of AI and Robotics to the Emergency Response Problem in Disaster 国際会議

    S.Tadokoro, H.Kitano, T.Takahashi, I.Noda, H.Matsubara, A.Shinjoh, T.Koto, I.Takeuchi, H.Takahashi, F.Matsuno, M.Hatayama, M.Tayama, T.Matsui, T.Kaneda, R.Chiba, K.Takeuchi, J.Nobe, K.Noguchi, Y.Kuwata, RoboCup-Rescue Technical Committee

    4th International Conference on MultiAgent Systems, RoboCup-Rescue Workshop 2000年7月

  491. RoboCup-Rescue Disaster Simulator Architecture 国際会議

    Tomoichi Takahashi, Ikuo Takeuchi, Tetsuhitko Koto, Satoshi Tadokoro, Itsuki Noda

    4th International Conference on MultiAgent Systems, RoboCup-Rescue Workshop 2000年7月

  492. The RoboCup-Rescue: An International Cooperative Research Project of Robotics and AI for the Disaster Mitigation Problem 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Kitano, Tomoichi, Takahashi, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi, Matsubara, Asushi Shinjoh, Tetsuo Koto, Ikuo Takeuchi, Hironao Takahashi, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Mitsunori Hatayama, Jun Nobe, Susumu Shimada

    SPIE 14th Annual International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls (AeroSense), Conference on Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology II 2000年4月

  493. The Outline of the International Robot Games Festival 国際会議

    Eiji Nakano, Minoru Asada, Satoshi Tadokoro, Koichi Osuka, Kiyoshi Nagai, Yasuhiro Masutani, Hiroaki Kitano

    2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2000年4月

  494. 布の手触り感覚を対象とした触感ディスプレイの研究

    昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    第5回ロボティクスシンポジア 2000年3月

  495. Modeling of Nafion-Pt Composite Actuators (ICPF) by Ionic Motion 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    SPIE 7th International Symposium on Smart Stuctures, Conference on Electro-Active Polymer Actuators and Devices 2000年3月

  496. A CAE Approach in Application of Nafion-Pt Composite (ICPF) Actuators:Analysis for Surface Wipers of NASA MUSES-CN Nanorovers 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Fukuhara, Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Keisuke Oguro, Toshi Takamori

    SPIE 7th International Symposium on Smart Stuctures, Conference on Electro-Active Polymer Actuators and Devices 2000年3月

  497. Challenges to the Application of IPMC as Actuators of Planetary Mechanisms 国際会議

    Yoseph Bar-Cohen, S.P. Leary, K. Oguro, S. Tadokoro, J.Harrison, J.Smith, J. Su

    SPIE 7th International Symposium on Smart Stuctures, Conference on Electro-Active Polymer Actuators and Devices 2000年3月

  498. RoboCup Rescue: Searh and Rescue in Large-Scale Disasters as a Domain for Autonomous Agents Research 国際会議

    Hiroaki Kitano, Satoshi Tadokoro, Itsuki Noda, Hitoshi Matsubara, Tomoichi Takahashi, Atsushi Shinjoh, Susumu Shimada

    1999 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1999年10月

  499. An analysis of the Bunraku puppet's motions based on the phase correspondence of the puppet's motion axis -- For the generation of humanoid robots' motions with fertile emotions -- 国際会議

    Motofumi Hattori, Yasunori nakabo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Kazuhito Yamada

    1999 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems Man and Cybenetics 1999年10月

  500. Multi-degree-of-freedom micromotion device 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Fukuhara, Shinji Yamagami, Toshi Takamori

    6th SPIE Intl. Conf. on Smart Materials and Structures 1999年3月

  501. 可搬型レスキューマニピュレータと不定環境に設置するための運動学的同定問題

    田所諭, 高森年、Richard Verhoeven, Manfred Hiller

    第4回ロボティクスシンポジア 1999年3月

  502. ICPFアクチュエータによる多自由度柔軟マイクロマニピュレーションデバイスの開発

    田所諭, 山上真司, 小沢昌弘, 木村哲也, 高森年, 小黒啓介

    第4回ロボティクスシンポジア 1999年3月

  503. Workspace of tendon-driven Stewart platforms: basics, classification, details on the planar 2-DOF class 国際会議

    Richard Verhoeven, Manfred Hiller, Satoshi Tadokoro

    MOVIC98 1998年8月

  504. A generalization of direct strain feedback control for flexible structures with spatially varying parameters and a tip body (a new example of the A-dependent operator) 国際会議

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    American Control Conference 1997年6月

  505. A Study on Optical Micro-Actuator Using Bimetal Element 国際会議

    R.Liu, T.Kimura, M.Miaki, Y.Nakagawa, M.Hattori, S.Tadokoro, T.Takamori

    Control of Industrial Systems 1997年5月

  506. 3-Dimensional Dynamic Modeling of ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer Gel Film) Actuator 国際会議

    Ryu Kanno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Motofumi Hattori, Keisuke Oguro, Toshi Takamori

    1996 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1996年10月

  507. Motion Planner of Mobile Robots which Avoid Moving Human Obstacles on the Basis of Stochastic Prediction 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Masaki Hayashi, Yasuhiro Manabe, Yoshihiro Nakami, Toshi Takamori

    1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1995年10月

  508. Dynamic Model of ICPF (Ionic Conducting Polymer Gel Film) Actuator 国際会議

    Ryu Kanno, Satoshi Tadokoro, Motofumi Hattori, Toshi Takamori, Michel Cotsaftis, Keisuke Oguro

    1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1995年10月

  509. Static Output Feedback Control of Flexible Structures subject to Random Disturbances 国際会議

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori

    The 17th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic System Theory and its Applications 1995年1月

  510. Control of Human Cooperative Robots Based on Stochastic Prediction of Human Motion 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Yutaka Ishikawa, Tomoaki Takebe, Toshi Takamori

    2nd IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication , RO-MAN '93 1993年11月

  511. Stochastic Prediction of Human Motion and Control of Robots in the Service of Human 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Yutaka Ishikawa, Tomoaki Takebe, Toshi Takamori

    1993 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1993年10月

  512. Omnidirectional Visual Sensor Using Fish-Eye Lens for a Mobile in the Precincts 国際会議

    Junichi Kurata, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, T. Tanaka

    IMACS/SICE International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems '92 1992年9月

  513. A State Estimator for Distributed Parameter Systems 国際会議

    Motofumi Hattori, Satoshi Tadokoro, Tosh Takamori

    IMACS/SICE International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems '92 1992年9月

  514. Soft micromanipulation devices with multiple degrees of freedom consisting of high polymer gel actuators 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shinji Yamagami, Masahiro Ozawa, Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro

    12th IEEE International Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference 1991年1月

  515. An Efficient Simulation Method for Vibration of Manipulators Including Closed-Link Mechanisms 国際会議

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Ichiro Kimura, Toshi Takamori

    20th International Conference on Industrial Robots 1989年10月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

産業財産権 44

  1. 全方向回転駆動機構および移動体

    多田隈 建二郎, ▲高▼根 英里, 藤田 政宏, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  2. 飛行体離着陸システム、飛行体用離着陸装置および飛行体

    多田隈 建二郎, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 渡辺 将広, 藤倉 大貴, 高森 年


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  3. 吸着力推定方法および吸着力推定装置

    岡田 佳都, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 多田隈 建二郎


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  4. 移動式流体噴射装置

    田所 諭, 圓山 重直, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 安藤 久人


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  5. 作業ロボット

    田所 諭, 大野 和則, 多田隈 建二郎, 岡田 佳都, 矢野 隆


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  6. 人物認証装置、人物認証システム及び人物認証方法

    米澤 亨, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  7. 犬用ベスト

    大野 和則, 田所 諭


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  8. 埋設管路の計測装置、及び、埋設管路の計測方法

    宮崎 幸, 上道 司, 山根 俊男, 小阪 健次, 番上 勝久, 番上 正人, 田所 諭, 大野 和則


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  9. 画像照合処理装置、画像照合処理方法及び画像照合処理プログラム

    米澤 亨, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  10. 力覚提示方法および力覚提示装置

    昆陽 雅司, 岡本 正吾, 田所 諭


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  11. 自走式ケーブル装置

    田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 嵯峨 智, 畑崎 計成, 武村 史朗, 新妻 翔


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  12. 複数の体節ユニットを備えた移動体、および複数の体節ユニットを連結した被駆動体を駆動するためのアクチュエータ

    大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 高森 年, 田所 諭


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  13. 積層造形装置

    大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 秋山 聡太郎, 高森 年, 田所 諭


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  14. 光造形装置

    大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦, 秋山 聡太郎, 高森 年, 田所 諭


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  15. 自走式エレベータ装置

    長瀬 厚史, 奈良 俊彦, 大迫 昭一, 田所 俊之, 山本 諭, 吉田 勲, 竹井 日出雄, 福田 治彦, 有賀 正記


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  16. 6自由度運動の駆動方法及び体感装置

    村尾 良男, 河渕 健司, 田所 諭


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  17. 移動装置、及び、移動装置の移動方法

    小林 英一, 平田 康夫, 田所 諭, 山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  18. 回転伝達装置

    多田隈 建二郎, ▲高▼根 英里, 渡辺 将広, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  19. 表面循環装置

    渡辺 将広, 林 聡輔, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  20. アクチュエータ

    渡辺 将広, 清水 杜織, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  21. 循環機構、移動体及び移送機構

    多田隈 建二郎, 林 聡輔, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 長井 弘明

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  22. 磁気吸着装置

    清水 杜織, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  23. 変位-力変換装置およびグリッパ装置

    藤本 敏彰, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  24. 移動体

    多田隈 建二郎, 岡田 佳都, 大野 和則, 岡谷 貴之, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  25. 移動装置

    平田 康夫, 坂本 哲幸, 小林 英一, 田所 諭, 山本 知生, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  26. 線状変形装置およびグリッパ装置

    藤本 敏彰, 多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  27. 交差型歯車および交差型歯車駆動機構

    多田隈 建二郎, 藤田 政宏, 小松 洋音, ▲高▼根 英里, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  28. ロボット及び回転体装置

    矢野 隆, 長井 弘明, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 多田隈 建二郎, 岡田 佳都

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  29. 行動誘導システム及び行動誘導方法

    大野 和則, 濱田 龍之介, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  30. 全方向駆動車輪および全方向移動体

    多田隈 建二郎, 藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 小松 洋音, ▲高▼根 英里, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  31. 軸方向移動車輪および全方向移動車両

    多田隈 建二郎, 藤田 政宏, 野村 陽人, 小松 洋音, ▲高▼根 英里, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  32. ジョイント部材、ガード部材及びドローン装置

    大野 和則, 岡田 佳都, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  33. クローラ式全方向駆動体

    多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, ▲高▼根 英里, 山本 知生

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  34. 長尺体支持装置

    多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  35. 変形装置

    多田隈 建二郎, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, ▲高▼根 英里, 山本 知生

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  36. 全方向車輪および全方向移動体

    多田隈 建二郎, ▲高▼根 英里, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  37. グリッパ装置

    多田隈 建二郎, ▲高▼根 英里, 藤田 政宏, 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  38. 人物認証装置及び人物認証方法

    米澤 亨, 田所 諭, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  39. 管内自走装置および配管検査装置

    今野 実, 綱崎 勝, 中島 達朗, 川村 剛朗, 和田 弘之, 枇杷友 啓郎, 岡村 栄二, 田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  40. 飛行装置

    大野 和則, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  41. 回転走行球体

    熱田 稔雄, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  42. 室内空間搬送システム

    田所 諭, 熱田 稔雄, 鶴井 孝文

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  43. 移動する索条の支持装置

    村尾 良男, 河渕 健司, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  44. パラレルケーブル駆動システム

    熱田 稔雄, 村尾 良男, 田所 諭

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 32

  1. バーチャルリアリティ 競争的資金

    制度名:The Other Research Programs

    1999年9月 ~ 継続中

  2. レスキューロボット 競争的資金

    制度名:The Other Research Programs

    1995年1月 ~ 継続中

  3. アクチュエータ 競争的資金

    制度名:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    1990年4月 ~ 継続中

  4. 流体を噴射して閉鎖空間を飛行する索状ロボットの研究

    田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 多田隈 建二郎, 安部 祐一

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2019年4月1日 ~ 2022年3月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究では,流体を噴射して閉鎖空間を飛行するホースロボットの研究開発を目指しており,ホースロボットを長尺化するために必要なそれぞれの要素技術の研究を行った. 長尺なホースの高次モードの動的安定性の確保を目標に,これまで提案してきた制振機構による振動の安定化が可能であることをシミュレーションで確認することを目指した.具体的には,受動制振機構と,複数の噴射ノズルを持つ長尺なホースロボット(3.6m)を,剛体多リンク系を用いてモデル化した.動力学シミュレーションを構築し,ロボットの平衡点における安定解析を行った.結果,制振機構により制振時間を最大3分の1程度に抑えることが可能であることを確認し,また深刻な高次モードの振動は確認されなかった.本結果はロボット分野のトップカンファレンスの一つである査読付き国際学会IROS2019にて国際発表を行った. 並行して,実機検証を進めるために,信頼性を考慮したホースロボット(4m)の開発を行った.本ロボットは水を噴射して空中に浮上するため,軽量化はもちろんのこと,暴走しないために各種アクチュエータ,センサには防水性など高い信頼性を付与する必要がある.軽量で水漏れのない圧損を考慮したノズル流路設計,小型モータの防水設計,姿勢センサの防水設計,軽量合金による高剛性かつ軽量なノズル設計等を行い,信頼性を向上したホースロボットを製作し,ハードウェアを完成させた.本ロボットを用いて来年度に実験を行う予定である.

  5. ロボット聴覚の実環境理解に向けた多面的展開

    奥乃 博, 中臺 一博, 公文 誠, 糸山 克寿, 吉井 和佳, 佐々木 洋子, 昆陽 雅司, 合原 一究, 鈴木 麗璽, 加賀美 聡, 田所 諭

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

    2012年5月31日 ~ 2017年3月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究では,ロボット聴覚ソフトHARKの「聞き分ける技術」を基に,自然環境・災害現場でも通用するように,豊富な機能拡充・高性能化と応用に取り組んだ.HARKはWindows版提供により9万件弱のダウンロードがあった.多人数インタラクション,音楽共演ロボットの可能性を示し, iGSVD-MUSICの開発によるUAV用音源定位の頑健化,索状ロボット用に姿勢推定・音声強調の開発により,レスキューロボットへの音利用の可能性を示し,さらに,カエルの合唱の解明,野鳥の鳴交解析のためのHARKBirdの開発と実地検証により音響生態学への可能性を実証し,ロボット聴覚の多面的展開のための基礎技術が確立できた.

  6. カタストロフィー構造を持つ非線形アクチュエータによる能動索状体の分布駆動と制御

    田所 諭

    2013年4月1日 ~ 2015年3月31日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    本研究は,カタストロフィー構造を持つ非線形流体アクチュエータによるエネルギーの瞬発的放散,および,流体の慣性による衝撃力及び衝撃波を活用する方式により,能動索状体の励振力・駆動力を飛躍的に向上させる方法を開発する.また,素子の非線形特性を活用することによって,複雑な配線無しに多数の素子を多自由度に駆動し,かつ,索状体上での駆動力の分布を制御することを可能にすることを目的としている. 平成26年度は,ImPACT PM就任のため,年度途中で中断を余儀なくされたが,下記の研究成果を上げた. (1) カタストロフィー構造を持った超小型非線形流体アクチュエータの研究開発:効率的に大きな衝撃力を発生できるアクチュエータ素子の新しい3次元機械構造の研究を行い,弾性エネルギー・慣性エネルギーを緩慢に蓄積し,急激に放散する過程を繰り返すことができる構造について,最適設計を行った.シミュレーション及び試作機構による実験によりその効果を確認した. (2) 衝撃力と慣性力の活用法の研究:衝撃力や慣性力を推進させたい方向への駆動力に効率的に変換し,索状体の運動に変換するメカニズムを研究した.その結果,衝撃力を使って平面を効率的に前進し,また,直管を垂直上昇できる機構を試作し,性能の評価を行った. (3) 多数の素子の駆動分布の制御:年度途中で中断したため,多数の素子や分布素子の駆動制御の研究まで進めることはできなかった.

  7. モーションステレオと分布センサによる柔軟索状ロボットの形状と運動の推定と制御

    田所 諭, 竹内 栄二朗, 昆陽 雅司, 大野 和則

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2009年 ~ 2011年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    能動スコープカメラの内界センサを用いた運動と形状の推定の研究を行った.カメラ映像と運動センサのみによる方法では, 室内等では6自由度運動推定が可能だが, 瓦礫内では照明の移動などによって推定が困難となることがわかった.ANCFによる柔軟ケーブル力学モデルにアンセンティッドカルマンフィルタを用いることによって, センサ密度が低い場合や外乱ノイズが大きい場合の形状推定精度を向上させることができた.

  8. 能動索状体のアクチュエーションに関する研究

    田所 諭, 昆陽 雅司, 大野 和則, 竹内 栄二朗, 武村 史朗, 嵯峨 智, 徳田 献一, 牧田 忍, 武村 史郎

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas

    2004年 ~ 2008年

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  9. 脳機能計測に基づく触感シミュレータの開発

    才脇 直樹, 田所 諭, 池上 高志

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Nara Women's University

    2005年 ~ 2007年

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    我々はデニムやタオルなどの布地を撫でたときのような触感に注目し、仮想呈示を実現するための基礎研究としての感覚計測と仮想触感呈示装置の開発に取り組んできた。現在、形状や力のフィードバックについては盛んに研究されているが、布のような非剛体における繊細な材質感や触り心地といった「質的情報」を含んだ触感に関しては、質の違いを表現するために制御されるべきパラメータやそれらの相互関係について、まだ十分明らかにされているとはいいがたい。最近では、視覚や聴覚に対しては非常にリアルな仮想現実を呈示できるようになったが、人間は五感を統合的に活用しており、よりリアリティを増すためには触感の表現が必要不可欠である。例えば、触感を呈示できるようになる事でインターネットや仮想空間に触感を加えたよりリアルなバーチャルリアリティシステムの構築や、視覚障害者の利用を考慮したユニバーサルなコミュニケーションツールの提案なども可能になる。 以上のような研究背景にもとづき、仮想触感呈示装置を用いて触感に関する感じ方と脳機能の計測に取り組んだ。これまでは,脳における触感認知に関する研究例は視覚などの他感覚と比べて少なく,特に制御可能な人工触感呈示装置を使用したさわり心地の分析に関する報告例はほとんどない。平成17年度には、恐らく世界で初めての取り組みとして、人工触感呈示装置をMRI内に持ち込み、刺激時の脳活動の様子を計測できる可能性を示すことができた。 また、平成18年度、19年度で脳における触感認知モデルを複雑系に基づいて構築し、我々が開発した人工触感呈示アクチュエータから被験者が受ける触感をリアルタイムにGAを用いて進化学習させることで、アクチュエータから発生させる人工触感のパラメータチューニングを行い、また仮想触感呈示装置の改良をすすめた。 最終的に、以上の成果を報告書としてまとめ、研究活動の総括を行った。

  10. 知能ロボットによる模倣の構成論的研究

    佐藤 知正, 稲葉 雅幸, 國吉 康夫, 田所 諭, 森 武俊, 稲邑 哲也, 原田 達也

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research

    研究機関:The University of Tokyo

    2001年 ~ 2005年

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    模倣機能に関して、以下の成果を得た。 (1)行動観察・認識システム:マルチセンサ型人間日常生活行動計測システムとその統一的計測データ管理機構を実現した。さらに、大量の人間観察データからの統計的機械学習による時系列解析モデルに基づく典型行動パターンの抽出手法や、動作の識別や予測における人間の定性的な事前知識の組み込みが容易でかつ結果として推定精度を向上させうる解析手法を構築した。 (2)行動生成・修正システム:複雑な身体を持つヒューマノイドロボット自身が試行を繰り返して実現する行動修正法と、ヒューマノイドの複雑な動作を人間がその場の状況に応じて容易に教示する行動修正システムを構築した。さらに行動プランナと空間プランナを統合、それらを並列かつ相互依存的に実行する模倣システムを実現した。 (3)人間の模倣機能解明とモデル:認知心理学で「真の模倣」、「擬似模倣」として別個に扱われて来た模倣様の行動を統合し、模倣に関連する認知機能要素や脳機能と対応づけた、模倣の統合的機能マップを構築した。また、全身動作の模倣に関する身体性の情報構造理論や大域動力学構造モデル、認識・行動・概念形成・文脈処理などの脳機能に基づく行為文脈の自己組織学習と認識のニューラルネットワーク計算モデル、さらに模倣能力の創発・学習・発達モデル、を構築し実験的に検証した。 (4)行動模倣学習システム:生活支援ルーム型行動模倣学習システムを実現し、同じ目的に対して複数の手法がある場合でも、それらを学習し、状況に合わせて選択することで人間と同様の効果をもつ作業実行が可能なことを実証するとともに、等身大ヒューマノイド行動模倣統合システムを構築し、道具の形状とその柔軟な利用方法の獲得や道具利用による対象物体変形からの道具使用の意味理解ができることを実証、ロボティクスによる人の行動・作業の目的レベルでの模倣の実現可能性を示した。

  11. 大規模災害救助の状況を対象としたリアルタイム実況自動生成の研究

    松原 仁, 大沢 英一, 田中 久美子, 田所 諭, 田中 莞爾, IAN Frank

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


    2001年 ~ 2002年

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  12. 布の手触り感覚を対象とした仮想触感ディスプレイの研究

    田所 諭, 服部 元史, 小黒 啓介, 高森 年, 徳田 献一, 山崎 義治

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    2000年 ~ 2002年

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    布の繊細な手触りのような「質的情報」まで含めた触感を仮想現実としてディスプレイすることを目的とする.イオン導電性高分子ゲルアクチュエータを利用することによって,これまで問題であった高い柔軟性,高い運動自由度,微小な分布力の制御,皮膚刺激方向の制御を可能にした.それによって,触運動に応じて,布のような微妙な手触りを仮想呈示するシステムを開発した。 成果は次のようにまとめられる。 1.ICPFアクチュエータを用いた装着型刺激発生デバイスの開発 微小分布構造をもち,多自由度の刺激を発生する繊毛状の刺激発生デバイスを,ICPFアクチュエータを用いて開発した。また,刺激デバイスを小型軽量化し,手指に装着可能な刺激デバイスを開発し,手先位置を測定して触運動に応じた刺激を呈示するシステムを開発した. 2.複雑な触感を作り出す刺激発生手法の開発 1.のデバイスを低周波と高周波の合成波によって,複数の受容器を一度に刺激し,布のような複雑な触感を生成する手法を開発した。実素材との比較によって,布素材の微妙な触感の違いを呈示可能であることを示した。また,タオルやデニムのような触感を約半数の被験者に呈示できた。 3.触運動に応じた刺激法の開発 機械受容単位の応答特性を考慮し,触運動の速度,加速度に応じた触感を呈示する手法を提案し,触感評価実験により,自然な手触りを呈示できることを確認した. 4.ICPF内の物質移動に基づくモデリング デバイスの設計・制御のためにICPFアクチュエータの動作原理に基づくモデリングをおこなった。 5.視覚情報と統合したマルチモーダルな刺激の評価 視覚情報と統合したディスプレイにより,視覚が触感に与える影響を定量的に評価した。 以上のように,3年間の研究によって,本研究の目的である布の手触りを呈示する触感ディスプレイの基盤を作ることができた.

  13. 物質移動に基づくイオン導電性ゲルアクチュエータのモデリングと分布的内部応力制御

    田所 諭, 小黒 啓介, 服部 元史, 高森 年, 大坪 義一, 山崎 義治

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    2000年 ~ 2001年

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    本研究では、イオン導電性高分子ゲルアクチュエータに関して、(1)イオン移動に基づく,設計制御のためのモデリング(電界によるイオン移動,水分子の移動・拡散、慣性力,水分による膨潤収縮,静電力,横ひずみ,コンフォメーション変化などによる分布的内部応力の発生をモデリング),(2)電界パターンの設計(電界パターンの設計と内部応力の分布的制御),を目的として研究を行い,下記の成果を得た. 1.ナトリウムイオン移動,水移動・拡散の電気化学的モデリング 2.慣性力,水による膨潤・収縮,静電力,コンフォメーション変化のモデリング 3.粘弾性特性の有限要素法によるモデリング 4.スルホン酸基の偏在による横ひずみに関する電気化学的,材料力学的モデリング 5.差分法による理論式の安定な数値解法 6.シミュレーションプログラムの作成と有限要素解析ソフトへの組み込み 7.実験による粘弾性パラメータ,水による膨張率の同定 8.実験によるモデルの検証:実験とシミュレーション結果とを比較した結果,本モデルが定性的にアクチュェータの現象モデルとして妥当に機能することが確認された. 9.PVA-DMSOゲルアクチュエータによる,進行波を発生させるための電界パターン,電極配置の設計 10.ICPF表面にマスキングによって電極パターンを製作する技術の開発 11.PVA-DMSOについて,電界パターンによって内部応力の分布的制御を行い,進行波を発生させることに成功

  14. LIGAによる微細構造能動膜の生成とその駆動特性の解明

    高森 年, 山崎 義治, 服部 元史, 田所 諭, 大坪 義一, 山本 昌彦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1998年 ~ 1999年

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    この研究は、メカトロニクスの分野における新しい機能性素材の開発を目指すもので、LIGA(高輝度光リソグラフィ)微細加工技術と高分子材コーティング技術によって、金属(Ni)微細構造を芯組成として持つ、厚さ数百μmの比較的厚い高分子材被服能動膜の生成とその駆動(能動)特性を明らかにすることを目的とした。以下、2年間の研究成果の概要について述べる。 (1)心組成微細構造の形状設計と駆動機能のシミュレーション:微細構造の1メッシュ要素について、出力仕事(力×変位)が最大となる形状を求め、その拡張により全体形状を決定した。(2)LIGAによる微細構造生成プロセスの設計:サブストレート材、レジスト材、電気メッキ材、バネ材についての選定、および成膜、メッキプロセス、マスクアライメント、露光制御等、微細構造生成プロセスにおける各工程および全工程の詳細設計を行った。(3)マスク設計と電子線描画装置用データの生成:プロセス設計に基づき、LIGA用マスクと薄膜リソグラフ用マスクを完成させた。(4)LIGAによる微細構造の試作:ニュースバル立ち上げの大幅な遅れのため、高輝度X線露光に至らなかった。約60〜70℃で数十時間の現像・Niメッキに耐えられるガラス基盤へのPMMA接合の新技法の開発と100μmΦで穴開けされたPMMA板(疑似LIGAプロセス)の接合とNiメッキの実行により、メッキの条件出しをした。(5)微細構造の静電力駆動実験と考察:微細構造膜の代替としてミリサイズ構造膜を別に製作し、高電圧駆動部とコンデンサ型変位センサ部とを組み込んだ回路により静電力駆動実験を行い、電圧条件・膜の減衰特性を求めた。このタイプの能動膜は減衰特性が問題となることを明らかにした。 シンクロトロン放射光装置ニュースバルの高輝度X線露光調整作業の失敗により、未だに所要のエネルギーをもった光の放射に至らず、最悪の状況下で研究を進めざる得なかったことは極めて遺憾であった。以上のような状況であるため、研究発表が遅れているが、現在、PMMA接合と駆動実験の成果に対し投稿準備中である。

  15. パラレルワイヤ機構によるリコンフィギュラブルマシンの研究

    田所 諭, 服部 元史, 木村 哲也, 高森 年, 山崎 義治, 前田 潔

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1998年 ~ 1999年

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    本研究は、パラレルワイヤメカニズムにより構造を自由に再構成できるマニピュレータ機構を開発することを目的としている。すなわち、オンサイトで作業に適する構造に迅速に組み立て、作業進行に伴ってその都度構造を最適なものに変更でき、不要時には迅速に撤去できることが従来のマニピュレータに対する新規な点である。これらの特長は、老人ケア、運輸現場、災害救助など、従来型のマニピュレータの適用が困難なフィールドのロボット化に結び付くと考えている。 研究期間内に、主として次の研究成果が得られた。 1.多くのワイヤパラレル機構を統一的に力学表現できる方法を考案した。 統一的表現によって、構成方程式と2つの制約方程式により一般表現できることが明らかになった。 2.一般構造に対する最適構成への再構成の方法を考案した。 ポテンシャルを用いた釣り合い位置、安定性、発生力、剛性に関する解析を行った。それに基づき、再構成のための最適変更法を計算する方法を明らかにした。 3.一般構造に対する制御法の検討を行った。 非拘束系と拘束系の間でのシステムの挙動の違いを明らかにし、完全拘束系でも非拘束状態になりうることを示した。それに基づき、非拘束系におけるポテンシャルをベースとした制御法、拘束系における張力をベースとした制御法を提案した。 4.自己構造同定法 オンサイトで迅速にアクチュエータウィンチユニットの位置を同定できる手法を開発し、シミュレーションで有効性を確認した。また、誤差解析を行い、誤差の推定アルゴリズムを考案した。 5.アクチュエータウィンチユニットの設計と試作を行った。 CPUを持つ可搬型のアクチュエータユニットを設計、試作、実験した。

  16. ICPFアクチュエータによる6自由度パラレルマイクロマニピュレータに関する研究

    服部 元史, 木村 哲也, 田所 諭, 山崎 義治, 大坪 義一, 木村 哲也, 高森 年, 田所 諭, 服部 元史

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1996年 ~ 1998年

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    新しい高分子膜アクチュエータであるICPFアクチュエータは、水中にて低電圧駆動で大変位が得られるという特性を活かして、水中微細ハンドリング、生体内手術等への応用が期待される。 これらの応用に向けて、本研究ではパラレル構造によるマイクロモーションメカニズムを開発することを目的として研究を行った。3年間の研究活動で以下にまとめる成果をあげることができ、研究目的を達成することができた。 1. ICPFアクチュエータの粘弾性特性、非線型特性の同定とモデリング 2. ICPFアクチュエータの計算機モデルの改良と運動予測の高精度化 3. 3自由度機構の最適設計と試作、改良 4. 6自由度機構の最適設計と試作、改良 5. 力学的干渉、運動伝達特性のモデリングと解析 6. 冗長機構の解析と冗長駆動制御 7. マイクロ両眼立体視によるテレマイクロマニピュレーションシステムの構築 8. 学習制御による静止時の操作性の向上 9. 総合評価のためのマイクロマニピュレーションの実証実験 最終的に開発、改良されたマイクロマニピュレータについて、総合評価を行った結果は次の通りであった。 1. 3自由度マニピュレータについて 変位は2mmと小さいものの、実用周波数域が13Hzであり、高速な運動指令に対してよく追従する。それに対して3sec以上の停止は困難であり、運動状態を主とするマイクロマニピュレーションに適している。 2. 6自由度マニピュレータについて 変位は0.4mm、回転は2degと小さく、実用周波数域は3Hzであり、今後の材料サイドからの改良が望まれる。

  17. ICPFアクチュエータを用いた進行波駆動機構に関する基礎的研究

    高森 年, 山崎 義治, 服部 元史, 田所 諭

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1995年 ~ 1997年

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    本研究の目的は、高分子ゲル膜アクチュエータICPFの屈曲運動を利用した高性能なアクチュエータを開発する基礎研究として、この膜による進行波発生駆動機構と発生原理について明らかにすることである。3年間の研究活動で以下にまとめる成果をあげることができ、研究目的を達成することができた。 ・PFS膜の両面に種々の白金パターンを化学メッキする方法の確立 マスキングをもちいて任意の白金パターンを得ることに成功し、任意形状のアクチュエータを形成することができるようになった。 ・2次元平面上の膜の屈曲運動の実験と解析 アクチュエータのグレイ/ホワイトボックスモデリングを行った。その結果、ICPFアクチュエータの運動を有限要素シミュレーションにより予測することが可能となった。 ・膜の2次元および曲面進行波の実験と解析 アーチ状に保持された膜について、2つを組み合わせた構造を採用することにより、2次元の進行波を生成することができた。メッシュ形状を持つ膜について、実験をとおして曲面進行波の制御が可能であることが示された。 ・進行波駆動機構の最適化 アーチ状に保持された膜について、アクチュエータ幅等の影響を解析的、実験的に調べた。その結果、最適設計制御パラメータを得ることができた。 ・実験による評価 アーチ状に保持された膜を回転型モータ、分布型駆動装置に適用し、この方法の有効性を示した。 メッシュ形状の膜については、制約があり変位は小さいものの、任意の進行波を生成することができた。

  18. 人間の行動予測に基づく移動ロボットの運動計画

    高森 年, 山崎 義治, 服部 元史, 田所 諭

    1996年 ~ 1996年

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    (1)人間型ロボットの情緒豊かな行動生成に関する研究 人間型ロボットに情緒豊かな行動を生成させるための基礎的な知見を得るために、文楽人形の動作を解析している。様々な機能と情緒の行動を文楽協会の人形遣いに生成して頂き、人形の各部の各時刻での位置と姿勢を計測した。これによって得られた時系列達を解析し、任意の機能と任意の情緒を有する行動時系列を生成することのできる時間発展の方程式を導こうとしている。 具体的な成果としては、外生入力(source)を有する時変係数の確率的な時間発展の方程式(KM20-Langevin方程式)で文楽人形の行動時系列をmodelingし、時変係数とsource達を同定するalgorithmを理論的に導いた。またそのalgorithmに基づいて、文楽人形の行動時系列を特徴付ける時変の伝達関数や機能のsource,情緒のsource,確率的な揺らぎのsourceを同定するprogramを開発した。 (2)画像情報に基づく人間の行動理解に関する研究 ロボットが人間の行動を理解できるようにその視覚システムの開発を行った。2値化した人間の画像の時系列データから、その人間の行動を判断するシステムが開発された。昨年度に開発された「ペトリネットモデルによる人間の行動予測システム」を実環境で使用するための基盤が得られた事になる。 具体的には、まずカメラによって撮像される領域を8個の部分領域に分割し、それぞれの部分領域中に人間が占める部分の重心に注目する。8個の部分領域の各時刻の重心からなる8本の時系列の組に注目するのである。種々の人間の行動を撮像し、種々の行動に対応する時系列の組を前もって求めておき、これらをテンプレートとする。未知の行動が撮像されたとき、これの時系列の組に上記のテンプレート達をあてはめ、行動の長さや開始時刻のばらつきまで考慮して、行動の内容を判断する。

  19. レスキュー機器の研究開発のための阪神淡路大震災における人命救助の実態調査研究

    田所 諭, 山崎 義治, 服部 元史, 大坪 義一, 木村 哲也, 高森 年

    1996年 ~ 1996年

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    阪神淡路大震災において,数時間以内の救助が可能であれば多くの人命が救われたことは間違いない.そのためには,災害救助のためのレスキュー機器が極めて重要である. ロボット・メカトロニクスの技術はこのような機器の効率を飛躍的に向上させることは間違いない.ところが,研究者の間にレスキュー活動に関する情報が提供されておらず,また,機器開発に充分な調査も行われていない.そのため,機能や仕様の詳細が検討されていないのが現状であった. 以上の背景を踏まえ,日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門内レスキューロボット機器研究会にて,次の活動を行った. 1.救助に関わった学生,民間人,消防,自衛隊,救助された学生,防災関係の研究者に聞き取り調査を行った. 2.それに基づき,一般的な法則性・問題点などを明らかにした. 3.調査結果に基づき、ロボティクス・メカトロニクス分野の研究者でディスカッションを行い、人命救助を支援するロボット・メカトロニクス機器に求められる機能・仕様を明らかにするとともに、その実現の可能性について検討を行った。 4.研究成果を各種学会の場で発表するとともに、報告書及びコンピュータネットワーク上のwwwの形で公開した。

  20. ICPFによる分布型アクチュエーションに関する基礎研究

    田所 諭

    1996年 ~ 1996年

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    ICPFアクチュエータは分布的な力を発生できるという特長を持つ高分子ゲル膜アクチュエータである。この特長はロボットハンドなどに応用した場合、対象物に対して超冗長なアクチュエーションを行えることを意味している。 本研究ではこのような分布型アクチュエーションにより駆動のロバスト性を確保することを目的として基礎研究を行い、次の成果が得られた. 1.分布アクチュエーションを可能とするアクチュエータ機構の開発研究 (1)ICPFの製造加工法の確立.Nafion膜の表面処理、Pt膜形成の安定化、給電方法の最適化、高精度切断技術について実験を繰り返し,改善を見た. (2)分布変位が得られ、分布力を有効に発生・伝達できる機構の試作.繊毛型機構と面型機構について試作を繰り返し,分布力の発生が可能な機構を開発した. (3)試作機構のモデリング.計算機上で運動・力発生のシミュレーションが可能なモデルを開発した. (4)アクチュエータパラメータの同定.実験により同定した. (5)分布変位の計測.変位を計測し,試作機構の評価を行った. 2.超冗長駆動制御法 冗長駆動法に関する理論的な検討を行った.機構の試作に時間を要したため,実験による評価が残されているが,今後研究を進める予定である.

  21. 人間の行動予測に基づく移動ロボットの運動計画

    高森 年, 山崎 義治, 服部 元史, 田所 諭

    1995年 ~ 1995年

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    本研究では、人間の日常生活を支援したり、病人を介護したりするホームロボットの開発を目指して、人間と協調する移動ロボットを扱っている。人間とロボットの協調の形態にはさまざまな種類やレベルがあるが、最終的には「人間の意図をくみとり、積極的に行動する」という非常に高度なレベルが実現されなければならない。 そのためには人間の行動の意図を推察したり、将来の行動を予測できる機能が必要である。その第一段階として、ロボットには、あいまいな人間の行動パターンから次の行動を予測するシステムが必要であると考える。なぜなら、人間の目的や心理状態などの様々な要因がわかっていて、その時の人間の行動パターンが解明されていれば、ロボットは人間の行動を理解して支援することが可能となるからである。 そこで、不確定な人間の行動パターンを予測するためのロバストな人間の行動予測システムを提案した。あいまい性を持った人間の動きに対応するために、人間の将来の行動を確率を用いて表現した。 まず、人間の行動パターンに対しその行動予測の基本構造として人間の行動の仕組みについて考察を行った。人間の行為は状態と行動に分類することができ、行動を確定行動と確率行動に分類した。次に、状態をプレースに行動をトランジションに置き換え、ペトリネットを用いた一般的なモデル生成法を提案した。その際、不確定な人間の行動をモデル化するために予測トランジションを設けた。 以上の方法により人間の行動をモデル化することが可能となった。また、人間の将来の行動の予測に対して、はずれた時のリカバリーとして修正ネットを提案した。修正ネットは、人間の行動モデルネットの下位層に設け、予測があたれば動作せず、はずれればリカバー動作を行なう。さらに、人間の行動予測に関しては、過去の履歴行動に基く条件つき確率を用いて表現し、学習を行なった。 最後に、本手法の有効性を示すために、ある一人の学生の起床から登校までの行動をもとにペトリネットを用いてモデル化し、データに基づく学習結果を示し本システムの有効性を検証した。

  22. ワイヤ駆動型超高速パラレルメカニズムの冗長機構の最適化と冗長制御

    田所 諭

    1995年 ~ 1995年

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    本研究は、力学的に冗長な本数のワイヤを用い、エンドエフェクタを四方八方から引っ張ることによって駆動する新しいパラレルロボットメカニズムの設計と制御に関する研究である。本研究は次の成果を得た。 1.本メカニズムの運動学的・力学的定式化・モデル化を行った。エンドエフェクタを6自由度拘束でき、構造的に安定になる構造安定条件を運動学方程式・静力学・動力学方程式から導出した。ワイヤ同士、ワイヤとエンドエフェクタ・ワークとが干渉しない条件を運動学方程式から導出した。構造安定条件、非干渉条件を満足し、特異点を除く連続した作業領域を算出するアルゴリズムを開発した。確率的可操作度を拡張することにより、可操作性、力操作性、動的操作性の評価法を提案した。簡単な模型による実験と計算機シミュレーションによって、これらの解析の結果が妥当であることを検証した。 2.上記の構造安定条件、干渉しない条件を満足し、連続した作業領域ができるだけ大きくなり、操作性がなるべく高くなるような機構設計を行った。等方的な設計において、干渉条件を考慮しない場合の作業空間が最適となる2つの基本設計を得ることができた。対照的な設計において、干渉条件とトルクの大きさの制約を考慮し、並進と回転の範囲が大きくなる2種類のワイヤ配置を得ることができた。なお、冗長駆動によって作業空間中心部における特異点はほとんどの場合において存在しないことが明らかになった。 3.冗長制御法に関して検討を行った。片側拘束下における最適化問題として定式化できることが明らかになった。 4.ワイヤの駆動法によって精度の低下や自励振動などを回避する設計について検討を行い、実験用ロボットの試作を行った。 5.本研究荷関連する資料収集を行った。

  23. イオン導電性高分子膜アクチュエータの非線形モデリングと制御

    田所 諭

    1994年 ~ 1994年

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    ICPFアクチュエータ(Ionic Conducting Polymer Film)はPFS膜表面に白金メッキを施した高分子ゲルアクチュエータであり、1991年に発見された。本研究は、このアクチュエータのモデリングを行い、制御に結びつけることを目的としている。 本研究では,変位の発生機構は次の3つの部分から成ると考えた。アクチュエータに電圧を印加すると,その内部に分布的な電流が流れる(電気的特性)。それぞれの微小部分では,電流によりゲル膜内部に内部応力が発生する(エネルギー変換特性)。ここには化学変化を含む未知の動作機構が関与している。発生した応力は膜の機械的性質により歪みに変換される(機械的特性)。ここには高分子膜特有の粘弾性やヒステリシス特性が関係している。微小歪みが平面的に分布してアクチュエータ全体の機械的な変位を生じる。 電圧が低いときの電気的特性は線形近似できた。白金メッキ層の表面抵抗と膜と浸透水の抵抗に加えてエネルギー変換に関わる特性をRC回路に近似し、これが分布定数系を構成しているというモデルにより実験結果と良好な対応を得ることができた。 機械的特性には高分子膜特有の粘弾性が大きく関与していることがシミュレーションにより確認された。エネルギー変換特性に関しては。電流に比例した応力が生じると現段階では考えているが、確証を得るまでには至っていない。 ICPFアクチュエータをU字形に接合することで先端が楕円運動するエレメントを試作した。エレメントを並べることにより送り機構に応用できた。

  24. ロボットと人間の協調作業を目的とした人間動作の計測とその予測モデルに関する研究

    田所 諭

    1992年 ~ 1992年

  25. 時空関画像相関法に基づく流れ場の3次元速度ベクトル分布計測に関する研究

    木村 一郎, 山崎 義治, 田所 諭, 高森 年

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1991年 ~ 1992年

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    流れ場における複雑な流動現象を解析するために、3次元速度ベクトル分布計測システムの開発が望まれている。従来の流れ場の3次元速度ベクトル計測の手法は基本的にはトレーサ粒子追跡法を用いている。2台以上のTVカメラで撮影されたトレーサ画像からステレオ画像による位置計測の原理で個々のトレーサ粒子の絶対座標を計算することにより、3次元空間でのトレーサ粒子の移動を追跡する。この場合、時間の異なる画像間に加えて、数台のTVカメラの数画像間での、数百個に及ぶトレーサ粒子各々の時間および空間対応付けの複雑な処理が必要となる。また、それらの対応づけのためには、流れ場の平均速度分布などの既知情報を必要とするとともに流れ場におけるトレーサの数や画像間の時間間隔が制約を受ける。さらに、トレーサ粒子追跡法では、原理的にトレーサ粒子は画素分解能より十分大きいことが必要である。そのため原理的に空間密度の高い速度ベクトル分布を得ることは難しいと考えられる。 本研究では、画像内の個々のトレーサ粒子を追跡せず、トレーサ粒子を含む画像を空間的濃度パターンとして捉え、2次元速度ベクトル分布を求める相関法の原理を3次元に拡張した時空間相関法による3次元速度ベクトル分布計測システムを開発した。この方法は空間相関に基づく2次元速度情報に加え、空間的に異なる場の2つのトレーサ画像の時間相関に基づく1次元速度情報を得て、3次元速度ベクトルを求める方法である。この方法は原理的に空間密度の高い速度ベクトル計測が可能であり、またトレーサ粒子追跡法ほど流れ場の既知情報を必要としない特長がある。この方法を矩形水路の一様流れならびに逆流を持つ流れに適用するとともに、不確かさ解析の手法を用いて本計測システムの精度の評価を試みた。その結果、本計測システムの有用性を実証した。

  26. ロボットと人間の協調作業を目的とした人間行動予測モデルに関する研究

    田所 諭

    1991年 ~ 1991年

  27. 人間の脳血管回路網の解析と4次元画像化による血流態予測システムに関する研究

    高森 年, 木村 充, 松本 悟, 田所 諭, 木村 一郎

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1989年 ~ 1991年

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    研究代表者らは、1974年頃より、主として空気を媒体とする流体回路網の解析ならびに設計問題について研究をすすめ、この分野に関する充分な実績を上げた。その後、その応用研究として「心臓・血管系の血圧調整作用のシミュレ-ション」を行い、これを通じて工学における流体回路網の考えが充分生体においても生かし得ることが理解できた。一方、画像処理に関しては、本研究室において1985年頃より行っている流動現象の画像計測に関する研究を通じて実績を得てきた。医学系の研究分担者のグル-プでは、永年猫、兎を対象としたクモ膜下出血の治療に関する実験および、ヒトの脳血管系における臨床例として、脳血管映像写真、血圧変化測定デ-タ、血流量測定デ-タなどの蓄積が抱負であった。 以上のような基盤的背景のもとで、本研究が始められた。本研究では、最近わが国において脳血管の外科手術を必要とする疾患が増大しつつあることに着目し、脳外科手術においてもっとも危険な操作である、止血操作における判断と実行を容易にするためのシステムとして、標記のシステムの開発を目指した。 すなわち、脳血管系を一種の流体回路として捉え、これをモデル化し、血管系各部における状態量(血流量、血圧)を解析する。この解析モデルを基にして、血流状態の予測システムを構造する。最終的に、時間的に変化する血流状態を脳血管立体画像中に表示するいわゆる4次元画像化を達成した。 ここに、以上の研究成果を報告するとともに、本研究を遂行するに当り、多大なご協力ならびにご支援を頂きました関係各位に深く感謝の意を表します。

  28. 冗長マニピュレータの制御を目的とした人間の上肢姿勢決定規範に関する研究

    田所 諭

    1990年 ~ 1990年

  29. マニピュレータの定量的特異姿勢評価と特異点を利用した軌道計画問題に関する研究

    田所 諭

    1989年 ~ 1989年

  30. ロボットの動力学問題に関する基礎的研究

    田所 諭

    1988年 ~ 1988年

  31. 金属水素化物アクチュエータによるロボット用ダイレクト駆動6自由度関節の試作研究

    高森 年, 村尾 良男, 山崎 義治, 田所 諭, 木村 一郎

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1987年 ~ 1988年

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    関節機構の設計は、当初計画に従ってN本の直進運動型アクチュエータの組合わせ系を仮定して行った。この場合、各要素が各々静的特性を満足するものとし、計算機上で関節機構の可動範囲のシミュレーションを行ない、構造の簡素化と可動範囲の広さを評価値としてディメンジョンの決定を行なった。すなわち、6自由度の運動機能を満たすためには、N=6以上が必要となるが、上記の評価値と制御性の問題の両者を考慮しN=6および8の場合について検討することが必要となった。その結果、N=6,8の両者の場合について可動範囲と制御性共に相違がないことがと明らかとなり、結局、構造が簡素であるN=6に決定した。次に、この関節に関し、関節部の位置・姿勢から各アクチュエータ長を算出する順運動学的解析およびアクチュエータ長の変化から位置・姿勢を求める逆運動学的解析を行なうことにより、関節機構を制御するために必要となるソフトウェアの基本的な場合についての計画を完全に終了した。 関節機構の製作は、昭和63年度実績報告において述べた理由により、空気圧アクチュエータで代替することとなった。その制御系として、PWM方式でかつPID方式を採用した。また、システムモデルは信号処理と物理モデルの両方向から行なった。以上の6自由度関節システムに対し、位置制御を行なった結果、以上の成果を得た。 (1)各アクチュエータにおいて相互干渉の影響がみられるが、各々の自由度の位置制御が、正確に、かつ1秒程度の応答時間で実行出来た。 (2)PID制御における、I要素のワインドアップ対策により、オーバーシュートが減少し、制御特性を改善することが出来た。なお、制御上の今後の課題として、各アクチュエータ間の非干渉化の問題各種非線形要素の補償の問題がある。

  32. カラー画像情報に基づく非定常流動現象の実時間計測に関する研究

    高森 年, 山崎 義治, 田所 諭, 木村 一郎

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Kobe University

    1986年 ~ 1987年

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    この研究では, カラー画像情報に基づく非定常流動現象の実時間計測として, 当初, 計測精度の向上およびモアレ法によるポテンショル場とトレーサ法による速度ベクトル場の同時計測を目標とした. しかし, 同時計測においては, 検討の結果, モアレ干渉縞パターン画像とトレーサ画像を同時に得る可視化手法は技術的に非常に困難であることが明らかとなったため, 温度場とそれによって生じる弱い流れ場が共存する自然対流に注目し, それを感温液晶粒子懸濁法によって可視化し, 温度と速度の同時計測を試みた. また, カラー画像分離による3次元流れ場の速度分布計測システムを開発した. 以下に, それぞれについて得られた新たな知見, 成果を要約する. 1.相関法による速度ベクトル分布の画像計測システムの確立 相関法は, 流れ場全域の格子点速度ベクトル分布が求められ, 非定常流に対しても有効であるなど大きな利点を持つことが明らかとなった. また, 過誤の速度ベクトルの補正処理アルゴリズムを確立した. 2.カラー画像分離による3次元流れ場の速度分布計測システムの開発 深さ方向2ヶ所での2次元速度ベクトル分布を同時に計測することができた. 3.カラー画像情報に基づく流れ場と温度場の同時計測 2次元温度分布と2次元速度ベクトル分布の時間的変化の様子を同時計測することができた. しかし, このアルゴリズムでは色計測の分解能がまだ低いので, 今後色識別アルゴリズムの開発, ならびに温度と色との厳密な対応関係等についての詳細な検討が必要であると思われる.

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

社会貢献活動 106

  1. 平成18年度高大連携事業・東北大学公開講座

    2006年8月5日 ~ 2006年8月6日

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  2. 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 企画 講習会

    2006年7月6日 ~ 2006年7月7日

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  3. 日本原子力学会ヒューマンマシンシステム部会夏期セミナー

    2005年7月22日 ~ 2005年7月23日

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  4. 研究成果、広く社会に

    2013年1月31日 ~

  5. 東北活性研ユニバーサイエンス

    2012年12月13日 ~

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  6. 香川大学特別講演会

    2012年12月3日 ~

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  7. AEM学会特別講演

    2012年11月21日 ~

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  8. 旭川あすなろ会講演会

    2012年11月19日 ~

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  9. 玉川大学特別講演会

    2012年11月11日 ~

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  10. 関西電力全社技術研究発表会特別講演

    2012年10月23日 ~

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  11. 福井原子力対応支援機関検討準備会

    2012年9月11日 ~

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  12. 東北地方放送技術報告会

    2012年5月11日 ~

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  13. 山形産官学講演会

    2012年3月3日 ~

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  14. 東北×中部次世代モビリティビジネス創出に向けた産学官連携交流会in仙台

    2012年2月27日 ~

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    招待講演「レスキューロボットと自動車-Embedded Robotics for Future Automobile-」

  15. 東北工業大学講演会

    2012年2月16日 ~

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  16. あいち次世代ロボットフェスタ

    2011年12月23日 ~

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  17. 愛光学園講演会

    2011年12月19日 ~

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  18. 福島高専GP講演会

    2011年12月17日 ~

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  19. IEEE Sendai Chapter講演会

    2011年11月29日 ~

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  20. 人に代わって大活躍

    2011年11月12日 ~

  21. ロボットビジネスフォーラム

    2011年11月9日 ~

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  22. IRSセミナー

    2011年10月24日 ~

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  23. レスキューロボット先端技術セミナー

    2011年9月13日 ~

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  24. 学士会夕食会

    2011年9月9日 ~

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  25. 科学技術と経済の会FF会

    2011年8月26日 ~

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  26. ナガセ大学学部研究会

    2011年8月18日 ~

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  27. 国産災害ロボ発信

    2011年8月4日 ~

  28. IEEEメディアセミナー

    2011年8月4日 ~

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  29. 次世代センサシステム研究会

    2011年7月19日 ~

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  30. 情報処理学会自然言語処理研究会

    2011年7月16日 ~

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  31. Robotech

    2011年7月13日 ~

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  32. 日本国際問題研究所ロボット有効活用に関する研究会

    2011年7月12日 ~

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  33. 日本ロボット学会ネットワーク

    2011年6月29日 ~

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  34. 講演会

    2011年6月21日 ~

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  35. 震災復興にむけてロボット技術のいま

    2011年6月12日 ~

  36. 東北大学震災3ヶ月講演会

    2011年6月10日 ~

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  37. 国産ロボットクインス

    2011年6月10日 ~

  38. 国産ロボ福島投入

    2011年6月9日 ~

  39. タフな国産ロボ出動

    2011年6月9日 ~

  40. 東北大など国産ロボ派遣へ

    2011年6月9日 ~

  41. 「ロボット大国日本」の虚実

    2011年5月16日 ~

  42. RoboCup Japan Open Opening Ceremony

    2011年5月4日 ~

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  43. 高専ロボコンフォーラム

    2011年2月26日 ~

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  44. 市民政策調査会ミヤギ市民フォーラム

    2011年2月12日 ~

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  45. NICHeセミナー

    2011年1月25日 ~

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  46. ㈱インテリジェント・コスモス研究機構

    2010年11月11日 ~

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  47. 研究がすすむ災害救助ロボット

    2010年9月 ~

  48. 「市場性+実用性+新規性」で上位の主な成果

    2010年7月8日 ~

  49. 救助活動、二次災害リスク低減

    2010年7月2日 ~

  50. IRS、千葉工大、東北大が共同開発 災害対応支援ロボット「Quince」を公開

    2010年6月12日 ~

  51. 未来型モーターカーは交通事故ゼロ目指す

    2010年5月 ~

  52. (独)仙台高等専門学校

    2009年12月19日 ~

  53. 平成21年度全国電子機械研究会総会並びに研究協議会記念講演

    2009年8月20日 ~

  54. 2011年度からの実用化目指した「被災建造物内移動RTシステム」

    2009年3月15日 ~

  55. 先端ロボ要素技術開発支援 東北大など6件決定NEDO

    2009年2月16日 ~

  56. 被災現場ロボが情報収集

    2009年2月16日 ~

  57. 救助ロボ実用化へ

    2009年2月14日 ~

  58. がれきの中被災者捜索

    2009年2月14日 ~

  59. 「将来のロボ」決定

    2009年2月14日 ~

  60. 優秀賞に8件経産省「今年のロボット」

    2008年11月25日 ~

  61. 優秀賞に8件経産省「今年のロボット」

    2008年11月24日 ~

  62. Emergency Response Robots primed for disaster operations

    2008年11月 ~

  63. 宮城県主催:ロボットビジネスセミナー

    2008年7月30日 ~

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    ロボットビジネスセミナー講師として講演を行う。 講演テーマ「安全・安心で豊かな社会を実現するロボット技術を目指して」

  64. 防災ロボコン最優秀賞受賞 東北大開発能動カメラ

    2008年6月28日 ~

  65. アトムが助けに来る日

    2008年6月17日 ~

  66. 優秀賞に8件経産省「今年のロボット」

    2008年1月24日 ~

  67. 経済産業省受託事業「平成19年度ものづくり人材育成のための専門高校・地域産業連携事業

    2007年12月17日 ~

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  68. 仙台工業高校クラフトマン21講演会

    2007年12月17日 ~

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  69. 「レスキューロボ参加 電車火災の災害訓練に 阪神三宮」

    2007年12月9日 ~

  70. 東北大学機械系オープン講義

    2007年9月 ~

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  71. 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクトIII-4レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発,研究プロジェクト事後評価

    2007年7月18日 ~

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  72. RoboCup 2007 (6 of 15: Target in Sight)

    2007年7月12日 ~

  73. 羽田空港保安事業センター研究会

    2007年6月29日 ~

  74. 日本機械学会講習会

    2007年6月28日 ~

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  75. In Disaster City, calamity robots put to the test

    2007年6月26日 ~

  76. Flexible and Fearless, Seeking Rescue Work

    2007年6月25日 ~

  77. 消防救急救助研究会

    2007年5月 ~

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  78. 科学警察研究所研究会

    2007年4月18日 ~

  79. 思考展開フォーラム

    2007年4月 ~

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  80. 産業技術振興講演会

    2007年4月 ~

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  81. 消防救急救助研究会

    2007年4月 ~

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  82. 化学災害技術研究会

    2007年4月 ~

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  83. 筑波大学UTARCセミナー

    2007年4月 ~

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  84. 石油天然ガス探鉱開発長期的技術動向研究会

    2007年4月 ~

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  85. レスキューロボット「Ali-baba」写真掲載・「防災用インテリジェントエアロロボット」写真掲載

    2007年3月31日 ~

  86. 大日本スクリーン製造株式会社

    2007年1月31日 ~

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  87. 宮城工業高等専門学校

    2007年1月11日 ~

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    宮城高専機械工学科3,4,5年生を対象とした特別教養講座において 講演を行う。

  88. 「くねくね道も自由自在 自走式スコープカメラ開発」

    2007年1月9日 ~

  89. 「”毛虫型”スコープを開発 繊毛で自走、災害に威力」

    2007年1月9日 ~

  90. 「『毛虫型』スコープ開発 川崎のNPO」

    2007年1月9日 ~

  91. 「ゆめへの挑戦 輝く未来 神奈川県が未来を変える FUTURE05 レスキュー隊員はロボット」

    2007年1月1日 ~

  92. 「さあロボット社会へ」

    2007年1月1日 ~

  93. 「神戸の救急救助最前線!」

    2006年12月9日 ~

  94. 「神戸の救急救助最前線!」

    2006年12月6日 ~

  95. 「救助ロボ、開発着々 実用化へ 東北大の研究者ら」

    2006年12月6日 ~

  96. 「『国際次世代ロボットフェアIRTJAPAN2006』レポート」

    2006年12月5日 ~

  97. 「ものづくり万華鏡『人が行けずともロボットならば』」

    2006年12月1日 ~

  98. 「国際次世代ロボットフェア」

    2006年12月1日 ~

  99. 国土交通省国土技術政策総合研究所

    2006年2月23日 ~

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  100. 全国消防救急救助研究会

    2005年8月27日 ~

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  101. 弁天町市民センター市民フォーラム

    2005年7月23日 ~

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  102. 大阪港開港100周年記念式典

    2005年7月15日 ~

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  103. 関西次世代ロボットフォーラム

    2005年7月13日 ~

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    招待講演「大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト,III. 被害者救助等の災害対応戦略の最適化,4. レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発」

  104. 日本機械学会 機素潤滑設計部門 企画 講習会

    2005年5月20日 ~

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  105. 近未来のレスキューシステムを見学しよう

    2005年3月28日 ~

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    http://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/j/friendship/event/2005/0328 _01.html

  106. がれきの山もへっちゃら!?災害救助ロボット開発着々神戸大と神戸高専

    2002年7月13日 ~

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

メディア報道 364

  1. レスキューロボット活用元年



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  2. 福島原発建屋で活躍する「Qunice(クインス)」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  3. 競基弘賞に6団体



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  4. 被災建造物内移動RTシステム閉鎖空間内高速走行探査群ロボット「Quince」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  5. 原発に投入されたロボットを開発した



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  6. 災害対応のためのロボティクスー想定外の想定は、日本再起のきっかけ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  7. なぜ、国産ロボットは3.11に稼働しなかったのか



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  8. 東日本大震災・福島原子力災害に対するロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  9. 原発災害対応ロボットを開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  10. 国産「Quince」原発投入 真価発揮に期待!



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  11. 「ロボット大国」の名が泣く原発作業は米欧頼み



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  12. 災害救助ロボット実用化向け着々進化



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  13. レスキューロボットの世界

    OHM(Origiality Humanily Mobility)


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  14. レスキューロボットの世界

    OHM(Origiality Humanily Mobility)


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  15. レスキューロボットの世界

    OHM(Origiality Humanily Mobility)


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

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  16. 役に立つという目的が必要



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  17. レスキューロボット「ケナフ」、国際部隊へ出動。「ロボカップ2009世界大会」で総合部門世界第2位!世界各国の精鋭チームを制して、他部門においても栄冠を手に。



    メディア報道種別: その他

  18. レスキューロボットの最新動向

    OHM(Origiality Humanily Mobility)


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  19. レスキューロボットの現状と将来



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  20. 特集ーNEDOプロジェクトから生まれた人に役立つロボットたち



    メディア報道種別: その他

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  21. 認識の溝を埋め、救助を考える



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  22. RTスピリッツ



    メディア報道種別: その他

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    人に役立つロボット技術を開発する 第一章社会に役立つロボットを生み出す開発者たち

  23. がれき下8メートルまで探査OK 災害ロボ世界が注目



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  24. へび型ロボ実用めど



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  25. 育てロボット産業



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  26. ホース状「捜索ロボ」 繊毛で全身、段差越え



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  27. ホース状の災害現場探索ロボ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  28. がれきの下行く捜索隊 レスキューロボット最前線



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  29. RT研究の最前線から生まれる頼れるレスキューロボットたち



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  30. 「The Japan Journal: Rescue Robots」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  31. 国内外の危機管理に関する製品・技術・サービスが集結!

    Imperss Robot Watch(web)


    メディア報道種別: その他

  32. 危機管理産業展2007-レスキューから警備まで、ロボットが展示



    メディア報道種別: その他

  33. ガードロボ、ムラタセイサク君、マイクロロボットなど~「CEATEC JAPAN 2007」のロボットたち

    Imperss Robot Watch(web)


    メディア報道種別: その他

  34. 活躍する災害救助ロボ 新潟工科大に集結



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  35. 研究室紹介



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  36. コラム「ロボットの活用」



    メディア報道種別: その他

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    日本災害情報学会・ニュースレター No.30

  37. 管制塔「セキュリティ分野での活用が期待されるロボット」

    Security Specialist Association


    メディア報道種別: その他

  38. 管制塔「セキュリティ分野での活用が期待されるロボット」

    Security Specialist Association月刊セキュリティ研究 6月号P.3


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  39. ビデオスコープがれき、詰まらず前進 東北大 段差に強い駆動機構

    日経産業新聞 5月15日 10面


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  40. 特集「レスキュー用ロボットの現状と将来展望」レスキューロボットシステム開発最前線とレスキュー隊員による想定訓練



    メディア報道種別: その他

  41. 救助ロボット:



    メディア報道種別: その他

  42. 多田しげおの気分爽快!内「情報サプリメントコーナー」



    メディア報道種別: その他

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  43. 最新瓦礫の中から要救助者を見つけ出せ!出動 レスキューロボット」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  44. レスキューロボット 実用化へ着々 県内外消防職員チーム 訓練に使用 実証重ね操作性向上

    神奈川新聞 1月22日(月) 29面


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  45. 「NHKおはよう日本」能動スコープカメラについて



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  46. 「災害救助用のロボット続々」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  47. 「”毛虫型”の動くスコープカメラ開発/川崎」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  48. ”毛虫型”で発見 川崎NPO救助用スコープ開発

    神奈川新聞 1月16日(火) 18面


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  49. 能動スコープについて



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  50. 「”毛虫型”スコープを開発 繊毛で自走、災害に威力」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  51. 震度7からの伝言② 23歳の死救助ロボ生む

    朝日新聞 1月5日夕刊1面


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  52. 特集1震災・防災対策の最前線は今 レスキューロボットシステム開発最前線とレスキュー隊員による想定訓練

    (財)東京消防協会 東京消防 1月号 P.40~45


    メディア報道種別: その他

  53. 「大大特総括シンポジウム『レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発』レポート」

    Impress Watch Robot Watch


    メディア報道種別: その他

  54. 進化する災害救助ロボ 東北大・田所教授、他大学などと共同研究

    朝日新聞(宮城版)12月21日(木) 34面


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  55. 救助ロボ開発着々 東北大・田所教授らのNPO「阪神」機に研究者結集 実用化へ手応え

    河北新報 12月6日夕刊1面


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  56. 「人命救助の道具としてのレスキューロボット(研究室便り-3-)田所諭さん」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  57. メタルカラー烈伝 温暖化クライシス



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  58. レスキューロボット開発の現在

    株式会社オーム社 ロボコンマガジンNo.46


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  59. 民間国際ロボット救助隊を創ろう:実現するかサンダーバード



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  60. 「レスキューロボットを使った災害救助 IRSによる災害現場からの救助想定訓練」紹介



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  61. 特別対談「サイエンスに魅せられて」瀬名秀明×田所諭

    別冊東北学編集室 仙台学VOL.2


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  62. 「未来をひらく夢への挑戦 地震災害を究明せよ」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  63. 国際緊急援助隊



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  64. レスキューロボット研究への道ー阪神・淡路大震災を経験して

    (株)ロボット科学教育 クレファスジャーナル


    メディア報道種別: その他

  65. 最先端技術で産業生み出せ 災害救助やイベントにも



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  66. (遊歩道)がれきの下の被災者 飛行船で情報収集



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  67. (遊歩道) 救助される ロボット開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  68. 防犯の最新技術が一同に会する"セキュリティーショー"開催



    メディア報道種別: その他

  69. (遊歩道) 出動レスキューロボ 瞬時に立体地図作成 国連防災会議で披露



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  70. 5種類のレスキューロボットでデモ、国際レスキュー研究機構

    Nikkeibp.jp 機械・車


    メディア報道種別: その他

  71. きょうからSECURITY SHOW 狭いすき間も探索 災害救助ロボに注目



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  72. (遊歩道)出動レスキューロボ 「ヘビ型」実用目前 がれきの下で捜索



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  73. 「減災の切り札-救助ロボット開発進む」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  74. 関西えひめ人 国際レスキューシステム研究機構会長 田所諭さん 救助用ロボット研究



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  75. リモコンで動くヘビ型救助用ロボットを出展



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  76. 国連防災世界会議でレスキューロボットのデモンストレーション



    メディア報道種別: その他

  77. 最先端の救助活動、グッズも紹介



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  78. 蛇型「救助ロボ」登場 大規模災害想定し実演



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  79. 救助ロボ出動 実用化に期待高まる



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  80. 人命救助ロボ 世界に向け発信



    メディア報道種別: その他

  81. 防災世界会議第4日ダイジェスト ヘビ型救助ロボ登場 人が入れないがれきの中へ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  82. 国連防災世界会議 人命救助ロボ公開 大規模災害で活躍期待



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  83. 災害で人命救助 ロボットを公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  84. 人命救助は任せて 神戸 レスキューロボット公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  85. 大規模災害に活用 人命救助ロボ公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  86. レスキューロボ 神戸国際展示場で実演



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  87. レスキューロボ始動 神戸国際展示場で実演



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  88. 『ニュースでEyeランド』



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  89. 人命救助ロボット公開 大規模災害で活躍

    Yahoo News Japan


    メディア報道種別: その他

  90. 人命救助ロボット 大規模災害で活躍

    Sankei Web


    メディア報道種別: その他

  91. 人命救助ロボット公開ー大規模災害で活躍

    Nikkei Net


    メディア報道種別: その他

  92. 神戸で人命救助ロボットのデモ 国連防災世界会議の関連行事



    メディア報道種別: その他

  93. レスキューロボ研究 中国科学院とIRSが連携



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  94. 災害現場を目指せ 救助ロボットの今



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  95. 「災害現場を目指せ 救助ロボットの今」

    四国放送 『おはようとくしま』


    メディア報道種別: その他

  96. ヘビ型ロボ、被災者救え NPO、神戸で実演会



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  97. レスキューロボ、NPOが実演、国連会議に合わせ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  98. (国連防災世界会議よりライブ中継)



    メディア報道種別: その他

  99. 「防災会議でレスキューロボット実演」

    NHK 『総合テレビニュース』


    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  100. 救助ロボ公開実験 センサーやカメラ搭載



    メディア報道種別: その他

  101. 1/18・人命救助システムの若手開発者を表彰



    メディア報道種別: その他

  102. 救助ロボ公開実験センサーで捜索



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  103. 人命救助システム 研究者の遺志継ぎ賞創設



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  104. 「災害時大活躍? 救助ロボット」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  105. 震災で死亡、神戸大院生の情熱継ぎ救助ロボ新設



    メディア報道種別: その他

  106. 癒しロボット若き遺志継ぐ賞 震災死院生の名冠し



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  107. 防災ロボット開発へ"競さん賞" きょう設立



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  108. 災害現場で役立つロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  109. 被災院生の遺志受け継ぐ 救助ロボットの研究者支援



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  110. ロボット開発の遺志継承 震災犠牲院生の名、賞に



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  111. レスキューロボ世界にアピール 国連防災会議に出展



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  112. 飛行船で被災者捜せ 家にマイク 声拾う実験



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  113. 阪神大震災10年 復興その先に(中) 売れる救助ロボ着々と



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  114. FMわぃわぃ



    メディア報道種別: その他

  115. ハイテク駆使 減らせ震災被害 ヘビ型ロボ現場で活躍



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  116. 減らせ災害の危機 被災者探すヘビ型ロボ 新潟で初の現場投入



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  117. 世界最先端の技術駆使 様変り地震防災の今



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  118. 最先端技術で地震被害防げ ロボットで被災者探索 揺れ探知ー警戒システムも



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  119. 「減らせ災害の危険」研究を防災に生かす レスキューロボ"出動" 目標は国際救助隊



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  120. ハイテク駆使し減災へ レスキューロボや早期察知



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  121. ハイテク駆使震災被害減へ 捜索ロボット、早期察知システム、目標は「サンダーバード」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  122. 救助ロボット、ハイテク使い地震対策、がれきの奥まで捜索



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  123. 地震列島日本 減らせ災害の危険 立ち向かうハイテク



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  124. 競さんの遺志継いで 救助ロボ賞創設

    神戸大学ネットニュース UNN学生報道連盟


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  125. 地震に挑むハイテクロボットで被災者救え



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  126. 減らせ震災被害 被災者捜索にハイテクロボ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  127. 2段の無限軌道で推進力ー神戸大 ヘビ型救助支援ロボ 垂直にも動く



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  128. 視点 救助ロボ、実用化の条件



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  129. 回顧2004年(1)ーロボット研究「災害救助向けや新歩行制御進む」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  130. 『おはよう日本』



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  131. NHK首都圏ネットワーク



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  132. 「Access: ロボット最前線」

    NHK 『What's on Japan』


    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  133. 「機動警察パトレイバーの源泉展」fa ロボット 談義IN神戸



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  134. 迫る巨大地震(下) 第3部防災・減災



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  135. 「ロボットはパートナー」

    テレビ東京 『ガイアの夜明け』


    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  136. 「かながわサイエンスサマー」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  137. 『ネットワーク1・17』



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  138. 地震:日本如何面対



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  139. 救助ロボットスタンバイ がれきの中から被災者迅速探索



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  140. 災害現場の救助ロボ 母船開発へ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  141. 日本発の"サンダーバード"を育てるリアルな倒壊家屋



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  142. 「KOBE未来工房ーロボットづくりの現場から5」「急こう配も平気 被災地に体感の場」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  143. 「KOBE未来工房ーロボットづくりの現場から3」 「二次災害防ぐ"先遣隊"がれきの中も探索」



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  144. 「救助ロボ」実験施設がオープン 神戸



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  145. 救助ロボット、「現場」で開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  146. 多彩な顔ぶれレスキューロボット

    情報誌 Regional Futures


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  147. 救助ロボ勇ましく 神戸実験施設関係者に公開

    神戸新聞 WEB NEWS


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  148. 神戸で救助ロボットを公開 災害研究のNPO法人

    Yahoo News Japan


    メディア報道種別: その他

  149. 救助ロボ一般公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  150. 神戸で救助ロボットを公開

    NIKKEI NET、デイリースポーツonline、岐阜新聞、宮崎日日新聞


    メディア報道種別: その他

  151. 救助ロボ勇ましく っくべ実験施設報道陣に公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  152. 救助ロボ実験 地震で倒壊の家屋再現



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  153. 震災時の現場再現



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  154. 川崎ラボ 救助ロボ拠点に



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  155. 災害救助ロボ特訓に被災地再現 NPO、神戸に実験施設

    Yomiuri on - line 関西


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  156. 「進化する救助ロボット」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  157. ロボット時代がやってきた!? 次世代型実用化へ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  158. 災害救助ロボ、現場で特訓中 NPO、神戸に実験施設



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  159. 『Japan & The World 44 Minites』, 「Snake-like Rescue Robot」

    NHKラジオ, NHK国際放送


    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  160. すすめ!ロボットきゅうじょたい

    学研 科学と学習増刊「話のびくり箱2年」


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  161. 「災害救助ロボット」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  162. ー先端技術ー 21世紀の気鋭 レスキューロボけん引



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  163. 「ロボカップ イン ポルトガル」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  164. レスキューロボットいざ出動



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  165. 災害救助ロボ 出動せよ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  166. 「ロボット最前線」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  167. ヘビ型救助ロボット本格走行



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  168. 地震災害軽減の研究施設を公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  169. 目指せ、国際救助隊!

    月刊「子供の科学」 5月号


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  170. 『アクセスかわさき930』 「ロボットと市民防災のふれあいフェスティバル」の案内



    メディア報道種別: その他

  171. 創造工房・レスキューロボット工作教室



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  172. 巣立ちの街から 教え子の遺志継ぎ救助ロボ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  173. Quake Snake to the Rescue

    Science & Spirit


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  174. イラン地震調査支援 通総研、研究機材を提供



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  175. 震災対策技術展・レスキューシステム・跳躍するロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  176. 油圧ショベルの遠隔操縦可能



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  177. ゴムの人工筋で動き軽やかに



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  178. 人工筋肉使い人間らしい動作



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  179. 震災対策技術展・救助ロボットも登場



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  180. 「震災対策技術展・救助ロボットも登場」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  181. 神戸で開発 レスキューロボット「発信」せよ!



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  182. 次世代に無限の可能性 「脱・産業用」ロボ開発始動



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  183. 阪神淡路大震災後の神戸の活動



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  184. 次代開くロボット・医療災害救助で活躍期待



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  185. レーザー ロボットが身近に



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  186. レスキューロボット・国際シンポジウム開催案内



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  187. 「スーパーニュースほっとかんさい 最新レスキューロボ&支える人々」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  188. 「おはよう日本 神戸震災後の今」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  189. 「神戸震災後の今」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  190. 次世代ロボ、関西で生もう 介護や災害救助



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  191. 新年号 ロボット特集



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  192. 開発進む救助ロボット 東京国際消防防災展に出品



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  193. 神戸でレスキューロボの実演会

    神戸新聞 Web News


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  194. 開発進む防災新技術



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  195. 災害対応ロボットの未来展望



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  196. 災害救助ロボの役割考える 大学が開発したロボットも



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  197. 救助ロボットテーマにシンポ 神戸で6日開催



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  198. 「ウォッチ!」(2003東京国際消防防災展)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  199. 「ズームイン!スーパー」(2003東京国際消防防災展)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  200. 「17:48~ FNNスーパーニュース」(2003東京国際消防防災展)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  201. 2003国際ロボット展開幕



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  202. 2003東京国際消防防災展



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  203. 03秋季展見てある記 国際ロボット展 ビジネス色一段と強まる



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  204. 「15:11~ NHKニュース」(2003東京国際消防防災展)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  205. ロボット&レスキューシステム逆見本市 レスキューに応用可能な技術の商談



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  206. ロボット 石橋たたき歩行 神戸大が技術開発災害救助用狙う



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  207. 見てある記 国際フロンティア産業メッセ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  208. 目指すは国際救助隊ーレスキューロボット研究の今ー



    メディア報道種別: その他

  209. 神戸大学工学部田所研究室とIRSの挑戦



    メディア報道種別: その他

  210. 技術立国日本の逆襲 4本脚、蛇型・・・災害時の実用化へ態勢整う



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  211. 神奈川県、ロボット産業育成を支援



    メディア報道種別: その他

  212. 災害救助ロボ商談会



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  213. 災害救助ロボ神戸に実験場 国際レスキュー研



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  214. 災害現場でロボットが活躍する日 始動し出したレスキューロボットー 田所諭



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  215. 神戸の技術士が来年セミナー 市の構想を応援開発技術普及へ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  216. レスキューロボット訓練 研究者ら実際に操作



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  217. テクナビ レスキューロボットの開発



    メディア報道種別: その他

  218. Snake Robots Designed for Earthquake Rescue

    The Impact Lab at the Da Vinci Institute


    メディア報道種別: その他

  219. Online Insights: Snake Robots Being Developed for Earthquake Rescue



    メディア報道種別: その他

  220. e-tomorrow捜査隊 IT災害救助で人命は守れるか



    メディア報道種別: その他

  221. がんばれ!ロボット救助隊

    学研 3年の科学 10月号


    メディア報道種別: その他

  222. ロボット最前線・レスキューロボット出動せよ!

    学研 6年の科学 10月号


    メディア報道種別: その他

  223. 最新ロボットニュース レスキューロボットただ今研究中!

    学研 4年の科学 10月号


    メディア報道種別: その他

  224. 災害救助ロボ出動 がれきを前に遠隔操作学ぶ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  225. 災害救助ロボ訓練ばっちり



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  226. レスキュー最前線 被災者を探せ がれき進むヘビ型ロボ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  227. レスキューロボ開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  228. 夢はサンダーバード!! ロボットレスキュー隊は実現する!!

    学研 Kids新聞号外


    メディア報道種別: その他

  229. レスキューロボットの現状と未来



    メディア報道種別: その他

  230. 神奈川ニュース(県内34映画館にて上映)「レスキューロボット出動!」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  231. New Media FRONT ロボットベンチャー企業の入居施設「THINK 未来工房」開設



    メディア報道種別: その他

  232. 「防災特別番組」(レスキューロボット・川崎テストフィールドにてデモ走行)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  233. 救速発信 ITで人命を救え!!防災・救助情報システム動向



    メディア報道種別: その他

  234. 「震災メッセージ ~語り継ぐあの日~ vol.2」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  235. 「先進救助」世界に発信



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  236. IT大捜査線 レスキューロボットが世界を救う

    Web magazine COMZINE


    メディア報道種別: その他

  237. 災害救助ロボコンテスト、広大チームが最高賞



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  238. 防災フォトニュース



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  239. 二つの地震の災害の状況と救助活動に関するシンポジウム



    メディア報道種別: その他

  240. 災害「救助」ロボコンで工学大賞/広島大



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  241. The Latest Science and Technology Used to Reduce Damage from Large-scale Disasters

    Kanagawa Business Newsletter


    メディア報道種別: その他

  242. 出動!レスキューロボ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  243. 新アイデアが意欲的に盛り込まれた第3回レスキューロボットコンテスト



    メディア報道種別: その他

  244. 科学・いま&未来 阪神大震災後開発進む"レスキューロボ"



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  245. 災害救助ロボ・顔ぶれ多彩



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  246. 8分の1の災害現場で活躍、大阪でレスキューロボット大会



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  247. 日本SGIと電気通信大学、ヘビ型レスキューロボットを開発



    メディア報道種別: その他

  248. 鉄腕アトムの子供たち



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  249. 触覚付き5本指ロボや非常時通信システム CRL一般公開

    Mainichi INTERACTIVE


    メディア報道種別: その他

  250. 1`7kmの長距離無線LANからロボットハンドまで、CRLが研究施設を一般公開

    INTERNET Watch


    メディア報道種別: その他

  251. ミニシンポジウム「アルジェリア地震、三陸南部地震、災害の状況と救助活動」の御案内



    メディア報道種別: その他

  252. レスキューロボット・電通大松野研究室



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  253. 地震・災害に活躍ヘビ型レスキューロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  254. VIP神奈川印象派・夢は"国際救助隊"の創設



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  255. レスキューロボット開発 災害時、情報を収集



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  256. 遠隔操作のレスキューロボ 神戸大など共同開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  257. 災害時に活躍・多彩なレスキューロボがずらり



    メディア報道種別: その他

  258. ロボットがわが家にやってくる 5 レスキュー 空中漂い被災者を発見



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  259. 救助ロボット関西に可能性 国際レスキューシステム研究機構会長田所諭さん



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  260. 「16:00 MBSニュースワイド」(レスキューロボット・デモンストレーション)



    メディア報道種別: その他

  261. 災害救助ロボ"出動" 神戸で披露 産学連携し開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  262. レスキューロボット 05年世界大会大阪市で開催



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  263. 神戸の被災企業ら参画 救助ロボット開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  264. 携帯ピッ 被災者見ツケタ 産学連携救助ロボ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  265. 被災者SOS受信するロボ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  266. 2005年、 大阪市でロボット世界大会



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  267. レスキューロボ試作機お披露目 神戸大など



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  268. 災害救助ロボット公開



    メディア報道種別: その他

  269. 夕方関西版 (神戸大高森研究室レスキューロボットデモ)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  270. 1日で都市立体景観 アジア航測広域画像も簡単に



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  271. 大規模災害時の救助ロボ 実用化へ開発本格化



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  272. 災害救助ロボット公開 神戸大 隠れた被災者を電波探知



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  273. 「NS」(神戸大高森研究室レスキューロボットデモ)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  274. 「PM9:30 ニュースEyeランド」(神戸大高森研究室レスキューロボットデモ)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  275. 災害救助ロボを公開 消防関係者らに



    メディア報道種別: その他

  276. 研究進む救助ロボット 災害現場での活躍期待



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  277. 倒壊家屋から被災者を発見



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  278. 地震災害救助ロボット



    メディア報道種別: その他

  279. 本番さながら災害救助ロボットコンテスト控え披露



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  280. 転んでも起きる脚反転ロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  281. News: アンカーデスク 頼れるヤツやこんなヤツーヘビ型・クモ型・ジャンプに変形・・・

    IT media News


    メディア報道種別: その他

  282. 「11:30 FNNニュース」(レスキューロボット・デモンストレーション)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  283. 「WORLD NEWS」(レスキューロボット・デモンストレーション&松野研究室)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  284. 空気圧を利用 人工筋肉伸縮



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  285. 「5:00地域情報番組」(レスキューロボット・デモンストレーション)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  286. 救助ロボ50種公開・被害者確認、がれき除去



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  287. いざという時、頼りになる"彼ら"ーレスキューロボット大集合



    メディア報道種別: その他

  288. 災害救助 任せて



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  289. レスキューロボ・川崎でデモ公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  290. 災害のときにはロボにお任せ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  291. 未来のレスキュー隊



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  292. 最新鋭の救助ロボ公開



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  293. 救援用ヘビ型ロボ開発・頭持ち上げ被災者捜索


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  294. 救助ロボ一堂に・研究成果の展示会



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  295. レスキューロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  296. 国際レスキューシステム研究機構、 レスキューロボが一堂に会するデモを開催



    メディア報道種別: その他

  297. ロボット開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  298. 「6:00ニュース」(レスキューロボット・デモンストレーション)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  299. 「6:00ニュース」「9:30ニュース」(レスキューロボット・デモンストレーション)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  300. 救援用ヘビ型ロボット開発 (日本SGI・電通大松野研究室共同開発)



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  301. 日本SGIが電気通信大学と共同でヘビ型レスキューロボットを開発



    メディア報道種別: その他

  302. 「震災メッセージ ~語り継ぐあの日~」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  303. メタルカラーの時代 災害から人命を守るレスキューロボット最前線

    週刊ポストVol.35 No.23


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  304. 減災ー大地震に備える(6) レスキューロボ開発

    Yomiuri On-Line


    メディア報道種別: その他

  305. 地震災害被害を軽減するためのRT(ロボットテクノロジー)



    メディア報道種別: その他

  306. 「ニュースKOBE発 震災メッセージ 田所諭さん(国際レスキューシステム研究機構)」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  307. News in Science - The robots are coming, say Japanese engineers

    ANB Online


    メディア報道種別: その他

  308. 地方経済に救世主?地方都市がロボット産業に注目



    メディア報道種別: その他

  309. ロボカップジャパンオープン 2003 観戦記

    ZDNet News


    メディア報道種別: その他

  310. ロボカップジャパンオープン2003新潟開催ー史上初!の人間対ロボットのPK戦も



    メディア報道種別: その他

  311. Japan's Underlying Strength: The Future as Created by Robots

    Journal of Japanese Trade Industry


    メディア報道種別: その他

  312. 日本SGI、「ロボカップジャパンオープン 2003 新潟」レスキューロボットリーグに出場



    メディア報道種別: その他

  313. 川崎ラボラトリー災害救援ロボ実演 頼れる技術に期待集中



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  314. 「ごめんやす馬場章夫です 復興の槌音99 レスキューロボット」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  315. 防災ロボットの共同研究プロジェクト発足、セレモニーで実演も

    JIJweb 日本工業新聞


    メディア報道種別: その他

  316. 災害時用飛行船が登場



    メディア報道種別: その他

  317. がれき内探索ロボット開発へ



    メディア報道種別: その他

  318. 関西ロボット新事情「王国」めざす神戸ー重厚長大に技術蓄積



    メディア報道種別: その他

  319. ITで変わる防災対策 被害把握、復旧も早く



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  320. レスキューロボットの使命 ~ ロボットが世界を救う

    IT media NEWS


    メディア報道種別: その他

  321. 原発事故対応ロボ公開 川崎のNPOなど 共同研究チーム発足

    Chunichi Web Press


    メディア報道種別: その他

  322. レスキューロボットいざ出動!長岡技術科学大学に突激取材!」

    Safety見附 No.27


    メディア報道種別: その他

  323. 川崎ラボラトリ 最新鋭4ロボット転入



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  324. 「関西トピックス」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  325. 「HOT ZONE おはようKRY」内「若井典子のオメン!ドー!コテ!」



    メディア報道種別: その他

  326. 震災用探索ロボット 京都大が開発に成功



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  327. 大震災の教訓が生んだ蛇型怪ロボットの値段



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  328. 「らぶかん」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  329. がれきの中進む探索用ロボット 京大助教授開発



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  330. 災害時 がれき広げて進む探索ロボ 大震災を機に開発中



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  331. Reportage Kobe



    メディア報道種別: その他

  332. 夢追い続ける"科学少年"



    メディア報道種別: その他

  333. 親の目 子の目 「ロボット大好き!!」-人の役に立つロボットを作りたい-



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  334. 「クローズアップ現代」 「ロボットで人命を救え」



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  335. 災害救助兼用ジャッキ

    D&M no.579


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  336. Technology for the Front Lines

    J@pan Inc.


    メディア報道種別: その他

  337. 双方向共同研究、先端商品産む 持続的な関係模索



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  338. エムティーラボ 介護用ロボ 重量 1/5 東工大と開発 駆動装置にゴム



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  339. 「スタジオパークから今日は」「くらしの中のニュース解説」 レスキューロボット開発の情報



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  340. リトルガリバー



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  341. ニュースアイランド



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  342. お昼ニュース



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  343. 災害時の活躍期待救助ロボット 研究拠点オープン



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  344. 救援ロボデモ走行 震災教訓、神戸に研究所



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  345. ニュースかんさい発5:45pm



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  346. 鉄腕アトムが歩き出す 災害救助、留守番、ペット・・実用型は街へ家へ



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  347. 「サンダーバード」のように"役立つ"ロボットを作るエンジニア集団

    Robot Journal


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  348. 救助ロボット出動迫る



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  349. 「いきいきワイド」 (三度の飯より研究が好き!‐東工大キャンパス探検-)



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  350. わずか1cmの瓦礫のすき間から被災者救助



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  351. 救助・地雷撤去ロボットと近未来ロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  352. ロボットレスキュー隊



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  353. ロボカップに災害救助部門、新技術普及目指す、2020年までに実用ロボット



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  354. ロボカップに災害救助部門



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  355. 阪神大震災の経験生かせ! レスキューロボコン、ロボ工学研究者が提案、被災者の探索・発見など、危機管理を啓もう、来月採否を決定



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  356. Robots, computers to take quake-relief test

    Daily Yomiuri


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  357. 災害救助ロボコン、阪大グループなどが2001年国際大会申請



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  358. 災害救助ロボット、生存者を早期に探索、現場の役割分担不可欠



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  359. 災害救助ロボット、危険な場所もOK、遠隔操作で人に代る



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  360. 救助ロボ多彩なタイプを、捜索/がれき掘削/応急治療、日本機械学会来年度から、開発へ2か年計画



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  361. ロボットで人命救いたい



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  362. 微小部品の光造形速く、神戸大と近畿大、面状照射の技術



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  363. 近大と神戸大、光造形法を改良、簡単工程で微小部品加工



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

  364. アクチュエータ、厚さ14ミクロン試作



    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

その他 17

  1. JST

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  2. 高所狭あい空間調査のための遠隔技術及び環境

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  3. ロボットデモンストレーション(招待)

  4. 移動知能(社会・生活分野)の開発,自律と操縦が融合したインテリジェント立ち乗り電動モビリティシステム

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  5. 被災構造物内移動RTシステム(特殊環境用ロボット分野),閉鎖空間内高速走行探査群ロボット

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  6. 安全と共生の都市空間デザイン戦略

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  7. 被害者救助等の災害対応戦略の最適化,4. レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    被害者救助等の災害対応戦略の最適化,4. レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発

  8. 模倣の工学--行動の観察と理解および模倣行動の実現と学習

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  9. 知能エージェントによる防災啓蒙と防災技術の高度化に関する研究

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  10. 大規模都市災害を対象としたネットワーク分散エージェントシミュレーション&ゲーミングに関する調査研究

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  11. ロボカップレスキュー

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  12. ケーブル駆動パラレル機構の設計、解析、シミュレーション、制御

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  13. 気刺激性ソフトゲルアクチュエータ材料の応用に関する研究--微小柔軟対象のマニピュレーション--

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  14. Nafion-Pt膜高分子アクチュエータの基礎特性のモデル化と制御

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  15. パラレルロボットマニピュレータのタイムディレイコントロールに関する研究

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  16. Nafion-Pt高分子膜を用いた高分子アクチュエータの基礎特性のモデリングと制御に関する研究

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  17. パラレル冗長ワイヤ駆動による超高速マニピュレータの研究

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示