
ハシダ トシユキ
橋田 俊之
Toshiyuki Hashida
未来科学技術共同研究センター 開発研究部 強靭化と高容量化を両立させた環境配慮型蓄電体の開発に関する研究
  • 工学博士(東北大学)

経歴 7

  • 1999年4月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学 教授 (工学研究科) 大学院重点化による配置換

  • 1998年6月 ~ 1999年3月
    東北大学 教授 (工学部)

  • 1991年1月 ~ 1998年5月
    東北大学 助教授 (工学部)

  • 1991年4月 ~ 1992年9月
    米国ミシガン大学 客員研究員

  • 1989年4月 ~ 1990年12月
    東北大学 講師 (工学部)

  • 1985年4月 ~ 1989年3月
    東北大学 助手 (工学部)

  • 1986年12月 ~ 1987年3月
    航空宇宙技術研究所 客員研究員

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学歴 2

  • 東北大学大学院 工学研究科 機械工学

    ~ 1985年3月26日

  • 東北大学 工学部

    ~ 1980年3月

委員歴 58

  • 日本ファインセラミックス協会「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の特性試験方法」委員会 委員

    2011年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本ファインセラミックス協会「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の特性試験方法」委員会 委員

    2011年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 財団法人大阪科学技術センター付属ニューマテリアルセンター 耐熱コーティングの特性評価試験法の標準化本委員会 委員

    2006年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 財団法人大阪科学技術センター付属ニューマテリアルセンター 耐熱コーティングの特性評価試験法の標準化本委員会 委員

    2006年4月 ~ 継続中

  • The ISRM Committee on Core-based Mode II Fracture Toughness Testing Methods Working Group Organizer

    2005年4月 ~ 継続中

  • The ISRM Committee on Core-based Mode II Fracture Toughness Testing Methods 作業部会委員長

    2005年4月 ~ 継続中

  • The ASTM Subcommittee on Advanced Ceramics Applications Scientific Committee Member

    2004年12月 ~ 継続中

  • The ASTM Subcommittee on Advanced Ceramics Applications 技術委員会委員

    2004年12月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本機械学会 (年次大会 燃料電池・二次電池とナノ・マイクロ現象セッション) セッションオーガナイザー

    2021年9月 ~ 2021年9月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等国際標準開発平成27年度「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の 界面強度に関する国際標準化」委員会 界面強度評価試験法委員会(WG1)委員

    2017年4月 ~ 2018年2月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等国際標準開発平成27年度「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の 界面強度に関する国際標準化」委員会 界面強度評価試験法委員会(WG1)委員

    2017年4月 ~ 2018年2月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等国際標準開発平成27年度「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の 界面強度に関する国際標準化」委員会 界面強度評価試験法委員会(WG1)委員

    2016年4月 ~ 2017年2月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等国際標準開発平成27年度「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の 界面強度に関する国際標準化」委員会 界面強度評価試験法委員会(WG1)委員

    2016年4月 ~ 2017年2月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等国際標準開発平成27年度「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の 界面強度に関する国際標準化」委員会 界面強度評価試験法委員会(WG1)委員

    2015年5月 ~ 2016年2月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等国際標準開発平成27年度「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の 界面強度に関する国際標準化」委員会 界面強度評価試験法委員会(WG1)委員

    2015年5月 ~ 2016年2月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等共通基盤整備促進事業平成25年度「新エネルギー等の基盤整備に係る技術開発/燃料電池のシステム及びセル用材料の品質評価手法・特性評価方法・基準の開発」委員会 強度試験方法WG委員

    2013年9月 ~ 2014年3月

  • 一般社団法人 日本ファインセラミックス協会 新エネルギー等共通基盤整備促進事業平成25年度「新エネルギー等の基盤整備に係る技術開発/燃料電池のシステム及びセル用材料の品質評価手法・特性評価方法・基準の開発」委員会 強度試験方法WG委員

    2013年9月 ~ 2014年3月

  • 日本機械学会 校閲委員

    2012年4月 ~ 2013年3月

  • 日本機械学会 校閲委員

    2012年4月 ~ 2013年3月

  • 日本機械学会論文集編集委員会(第89期) 校閲委員

    2011年4月 ~ 2012年3月

  • 日本機械学会論文集編集委員会(第89期) 校閲委員

    2011年4月 ~ 2012年3月

  • 日本機械学会 日本機械学会 第87期評議員

    2009年4月 ~ 2010年3月

  • 日本機械学会 日本機械学会 第87期評議員

    2009年4月 ~ 2010年3月

  • 日本機械学会東北支部 日本機械学会東北支部 第45期 商議員

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • The 10th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials, Organized by Functionally Graded Materials Forum/Japan organizing committe member

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • 日本機械学会東北支部 日本機械学会東北支部 第45期 商議員

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • The 10th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials, Organized by Functionally Graded Materials Forum/Japan organizing committe member

    2008年4月 ~ 2009年3月

  • 日本鉄鋼協会 学会部門学術部会社会鉄鋼工学部会「水熱合成による製鉄プロセス副生物の利材化研究会」 委員

    2004年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 日本鉄鋼協会 学会部門学術部会社会鉄鋼工学部会「水熱合成による製鉄プロセス副生物の利材化研究会」 委員

    2004年4月 ~ 2008年3月

  • 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会 専門委員

    2004年8月 ~ 2007年7月

  • 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会 専門委員

    2004年8月 ~ 2007年7月

  • 日本機械学会 第84期論文集編集委員会 校閲委員

    2006年4月 ~ 2007年3月

  • 日本機械学会 第84期論文集編集委員会 校閲委員

    2006年4月 ~ 2007年3月

  • 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会 専門委員

    2004年8月 ~ 2006年7月

  • 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会 専門委員

    2004年8月 ~ 2006年7月

  • 日本機械学会 第83期論文集編集委員会 校閲委員

    2005年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 日本機械学会 第83期論文集編集委員会 校閲委員

    2005年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  • 日本機械学会 東北支部 第40期商議員

    2004年3月 ~ 2005年2月

  • 日本機械学会 東北支部 第40期商議員

    2004年3月 ~ 2005年2月

  • Fifth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics for Concrete Structures (Vail, Colorado April 12-16, 2004) Advisory Board Committee Member

    2003年3月 ~ 2004年5月

  • Fifth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics for Concrete Structures (Vail, Colorado April 12-16, 2004) アドバイザリー委員会委員

    2003年3月 ~ 2004年5月

  • 日本機械学会 材料力学部門 第81期運営委員

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 日本機械学会 材料力学部門 第81期運営委員

    2003年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合研究機構 技術委員

    2002年9月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合研究機構 技術委員

    2002年9月 ~ 2004年3月

  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Techinical Committee (Publication) Chairman

    2002年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 日本機械学会 第80および第81期材料力学部門 第9技術委員会(年鑑・出版)委員長

    2002年4月 ~ 2004年3月

  • 日本機械学会 第80期論文集編集委員会 校閲委員

    2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • 日本機械学会 第80期論文集編集委員会 校閲委員

    2002年4月 ~ 2003年3月

  • 2013年度日本機械学会年次大会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2013年9月 ~

  • 2013年度日本機械学会年次大会 座長

    2013年9月 ~

  • 2013年度日本機械学会年次大会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2013年9月 ~

  • 2013年度日本機械学会年次大会 座長

    2013年9月 ~

  • 2012年度日本機械学会年次大会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2012年9月 ~

  • 2012年度日本機械学会年次大会 座長

    2012年9月 ~

  • 2012年度日本機械学会年次大会 セッションオーガナイザー

    2012年9月 ~

  • 2012年度日本機械学会年次大会 座長

    2012年9月 ~

  • 日本ファインセラミックス協会 「固体酸化物形燃料電池セル用セラミックス材料の弾性率試験方法と構造評価法に関する国際標準化」ワーキンググループ委員

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 5

  • 日本MRS

  • 日本セラミックス協会

  • 日本地熱学会

  • 日本資源・素材学会

  • 日本機械学会

研究キーワード 5

  • 複合材料

  • エネルギー変換機器

  • 地熱エネルギー

  • 破壊力学

  • 材料強度学

研究分野 1

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 材料力学、機械材料 /

受賞 13

  1. High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Subhash Singhal Award

    2023年5月 The Electrochemical Society

  2. 2015 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Hot Paper

    2015年3月 Journal of Materials Chemistry A

  3. 日本粉末冶金工業会 第7回PM研究促進展奨励賞

    2009年10月27日 日本粉末冶金工業会

  4. 日本機械学会フェロー

    2007年3月22日 日本機械学会

  5. Best Paper Award

    2006年11月10日 Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing 2006 (ASMP 2006) A New Method for Evaluating Degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Under Operating Conditions by Combining the Electrochemical Measurement with Non-destructive Test

  6. Best Poster Award

    2006年11月10日 The Sixth Asian Bioceramics Symposium 2006 (ABC 2006) Optimization of Reaction Time for Bonding Hydroxyapatite Ceramics and Titanium by Hydrothermal Hot-pressing

  7. ポスター賞・ゴールド賞

    2003年12月6日 材料技術研究協会 SOFC用電解質の機械的特性および電気的特性評価に関する研究

  8. 傾斜機能材料に関する優秀研究提案

    2003年3月15日 航空宇宙技術振興財団 傾斜接合カーボンナノチューブバルク固化体の創成

  9. GRC優秀論文賞

    2001年9月26日 Geothermal Resources Council Fracture generation and water-rock interaction processes in supercritical Deep-Seated Geothermal Reservoirs

  10. ASTM最優秀論文賞

    2001年3月9日 American Society for Testing and Materials Development of Small Punch Tests for Creep Property Measurement of W Alloyed 9%Cr Ferritic Steels

  11. Excellent treatise award on the Conference of Mechanics 2000

    2000年8月24日 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 遮熱セラミックスコーティングの破壊プロセスに関する研究

  12. Sigma Xi

    1992年11月5日 The Scientific Research Society, USA 短繊維複合による強靭化に関する研究

  13. 日本機械学会賞(奨励賞)

    1991年4月1日 日本機械学会 岩石破壊靭性評価に関する研究

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 616

  1. Automated parameter estimation for geothermal reservoir modeling using machine learning 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Shuokun Shi, Taro Sakai, Ken-ichi Fukui, Shinya Onodera, Junichi Ishizaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Renewable Energy 224 120243-120243 2024年4月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2024.120243  


  2. <i>n</i>-type semiconductor with energy storage made from chitosan 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomonori Yokotsuka, Shunsuke Kayamori, Akira Isogai, Toshiyuki Hashida

    AIP Advances 14 (3) 2024年3月1日

    出版者・発行元:AIP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1063/5.0188917  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Chitosan, obtained from crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp, has been mainly used in medicine; however, no studies on its use in electronic applications with semiconducting and large storage properties have been reported. Here, we report an n-type semiconducting biomaterial with energy storage properties of 694.4 mJ/m2 consisting of a chitosan nanofiber (ChNF) film with N-type negative resistance. The ChNF generates an alternative-current wave with a frequency of 7.8 MHz at a threshold voltage of 187 MV/m from a direct-current voltage source, with the switching effect of a third-order resistance change. This is due to the Gunn effect, caused by the repeated voltage-induced generation of a strong electric field domain (electric double layer) at the cathode and its disappearance at the anode of the ChNF device. Electron spin resonance spectral analysis showed that conducting electrons of the ChNF were identified as radicals on the aminyl radical, N·H. Paper electronics made from marine products are a great boon to a renewable society.

  3. From Electrochemical to Mechanical Modeling of SOFCs and Their Experimental Validation 査読有り

    Tatsuya Kawada, Satoshi Watanabe, Riyan Achmad Budiman, Keiji Yashiro, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yuta Kimura, Takashi Nakamura, Koji Amezawa, Masami Sato, Reika Nomura, Mayu Muramatsu, Kenjiro Terada, Masami Sato

    ECS Transactions 111 (6) 35-46 2023年5月19日

    出版者・発行元:The Electrochemical Society

    DOI: 10.1149/11106.0035ecst  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Tohoku University has been conducting research on the mechanical reliability of SOFCs under the financial support by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial technology Development Organization, Japan). Both numerical and experimental approaches have been taken at various levels, from electrochemical to structural analyses. An in-house code, SIMUDEL, was developed to simulate oxygen potential distribution inside the constituent materials in order to account for the chemical strain in cell/stack analyses. Non-linear stress-strain behaviors and inelastic deformation of the materials were characterized to improve the accuracy of the simulation. Predicting actual cell behavior, however, is still difficult, as unexpected factors often remain for each specific case. It is thus important to have in-situ or operando tools to observe the behavior of cells, such as deformation and stress generation. For that purpose, laser profilometer and X-ray stress analyzer were employed with a specially designed cell holder. Methods for evaluating local current density was also proposed. Currently, we are developing a protocol for testing robustness of planar SOFCs. Severe condition tests will be performed, and the results will be analyzed with the above-mentioned simulation.

  4. テラヘルツ波によるSOFC 内部微小欠陥評価技術 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 橋田俊之

    セラミックス 58 (2) 87-90 2023年5月

  5. Amorphous alumina supercapacitors with voltage-charging performance 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomonori Yokotsuka, Toshiyuki Hashida, Koji Yamaguchi, Nobuhisa Fujima

    Europhysics Letters 141 (3) 36003-36003 2023年2月1日

    出版者・発行元:IOP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/acb2f5  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract The electric storage effect of fast charging by voltage application for amorphous alumina (cAAO) supercapacitors fabricated using a crystalline aluminum alloy was investigated in terms of charging/discharging behaviors and AC impedance. The mechanism for the electrical storage of a cAAO supercapacitor was proposed based on the coupling of electrons on Al atoms and positively charged holes in Al vacancies, using an electric double-layer model containing an electrolyte with an electrical resistivity of 6.3 × 10<sup>5</sup>Ωcm. The supercapacitor demonstrated fast charging at a voltage application of up to 500 V.

  6. A novel n-type semiconducting biomaterial

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomonori Yokotsuka, Toshiyuki Hashida, Fumio Ogawa, Tadashi Sakamoto, Mitsuhiro Takeda, Susumu Arai

    Scientific Reports 12 (1) 2022年12月19日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26582-4  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract There has been no research conducted thus far on the semiconducting behaviour of biomaterials. In this study, we present an n-type semiconducting biomaterial composed of amorphous kenaf cellulose fibre (AKCF) paper with a voltage-controlled N-type negative resistance. The AKCF generates an alternating-current wave with a frequency of 40.6 MHz from a direct-current voltage source at its threshold voltage (electric field of 5.26 kV/m), which is accompanied by a switching effect with a four-order resistance change at 293 K. This effect is attributed to the voltage-induced occurrence of strong field domains (electric double layers) at the cathode and depletion at the anode of the AKCF device. The proposed AKCF material presents considerable potential for applications in flexible/paper electronic devices such as high frequency power sources and switching effect devices.

  7. Deformation mechanism of Ni(O) –yttria-stabilized zirconia upon reduction and it s effect on cell stress evolution in solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    Junya Tanaka, Kazuhisa Sato, Keiji Yashiro, Tatsuya Kawada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Journal of Power Sources 550 (1) 232116-232124 2022年12月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2022.232116  

  8. Amorphous cellulose nanofiber supercapacitors with voltage-charging performance

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomonori Yokotsuka, Toshiyuki Hashida, Tamon Miwa, Nobuhisa Fujima, Masahiro Morita, Takeshi Nakatani, Fuminari Nonomura

    Scientific Reports 12 (1) 2022年12月

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-09649-0  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract The electric charge storage properties of amorphous cellulose nanofiber (ACF) supercapacitors with different metal carboxylate radicals (COOM; M: Na(I), Ca(II), Al(III)) was investigated in terms of charging/discharging behaviours, alternating current impedance analysis, and plane-wave-based first-principles density functional calculations. Na-ACF exhibited a higher storage effect than Ca- and Al-ACFs. The charge storage mechanism for an Na-ACF supercapacitor was proposed using an electric double layer model in a C<sub>12</sub>H<sub>17</sub>O<sub>11</sub>Na electrolyte with an electrical resistivity of 6.8 × 10<sup>3</sup> Ω cm, based on the migration of protonic soliton. The supercapacitor, which demonstrated fast charging upon voltage application, could illuminate a white LED for 7 s after charging with 10 mA at 18.5 V.

  9. Estimation of flow-channel structures with uncertainty quantification: Validation by 3D-printed fractures and field application

    Anna Suzuki, Elvar K. Bjarkason, Aoi Yamaguchi, Adam J. Hawkins, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Geothermics 105 102480-102480 2022年11月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2022.102480  


  10. Effects of temperature and hydrogen concentration during reduction on deformation behavior of NiO- yttria stabilized zirconia used in solid oxide fuel cells

    Junya Tanaka, Kazuhisa Sato, Keiji Yashiro, Tatsuya Kawada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Journal of Power Sources 535 231384-231384 2022年7月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2022.231384  


  11. Data-Driven Geothermal Reservoir Modeling: Estimating Permeability Distributions by Machine Learning 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Ken-ichi Fukui, Shinya Onodera, Junichi Ishizaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Geosciences 12 (3) 130-130 2022年3月11日

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences12030130  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Numerical modeling for geothermal reservoir engineering is a crucial process to evaluate the performance of the reservoir and to develop strategies for the future development. The governing equations in the geothermal reservoir models consist of several constitutive parameters, and each parameter is given to a large number of simulation grids. Thus, the combinations of parameters we need to estimate are almost limitless. Although several inverse analysis algorithms have been developed, determining the constitutive parameters in the reservoir model is still a matter of trial-and-error estimation in actual practice, and is largely based on the experience of the analyst. There are several parameters which control the hydrothermal processes in the geothermal reservoir modeling. In this study, as an initial challenge, we focus on permeability, which is one of the most important parameters for the modeling. We propose a machine-learning-based method to estimate permeability distributions using measurable data. A large number of learning data were prepared by a geothermal reservoir simulator capable of calculating pressure and temperature distributions in the natural state with different permeability distributions. Several machine learning algorithms (i.e., linear regression, ridge regression, Lasso regression, support vector regression (SVR), multilayer perceptron (MLP), random forest, gradient boosting, and the k-nearest neighbor algorithm) were applied to learn the relationship between the permeability and the pressure and temperature distributions. By comparing the feature importance and the scores of estimations, random forest using pressure differences as feature variables provided the best estimation (the training score of 0.979 and the test score of 0.789). Since it was learned independently of the grids and locations, this model is expected to be generalized. It was also found that estimation is possible to some extent, even for different heat source conditions. This study is a successful demonstration of the first step in achieving the goal of new data-driven geothermal reservoir engineering, which will be developed and enhanced with the knowledge of information science.

  12. Radial growth kinetics of epitaxial pyrolytic carbon layers deposited on carbon nanotube surfaces by non-catalytic pyrolysis 査読有り

    Fan Liu, Naoto Nishioka, Fumio Ogawa, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Diamond & Related Materials 123 108857 2022年1月

  13. Epitaxial pyrolytic carbon coatings templated with defective carbon nanotube cores for structural annealing and tensile property improvement 査読有り

    Fan Liu, Keiichi Shirasu, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Journal of Materials Science 2021年9月17日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-021-06523-8  



  14. Effect of pinholes in electrolyte on re‐oxidation tolerance of anode‐supported solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    Keigo Kumada, Kazuhisa Sato, Tatsuya Kawada, Hirofumi Sumi, Hiroyuki Shimada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Fuel Cells 21 (4) 398-407 2021年8月


    DOI: 10.1002/fuce.202000062  



  15. Extension of Fracture Lifetime of Silicon Scanning Micromirror by Coating with Atomic Layer Deposited Alumina Thin Film 査読有り

    Yuuki Fujita, Takashi Sasaki, Kohichi Fukuda, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Fumio Ogawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuhiro Hane

    Transducers 2021 Virtual Conference: Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems 549-552 2021年6月

  16. Study on the mechanical and electrical properties of twisted CNT yarns fabricated from CNTs with various diameters 査読有り

    Yoku Inoue, Kohei Hayashi, Motoyuki Karita, Takayuki Nakano, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Carbon 176 400-410 2021年5月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.01.139  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2021 Elsevier Ltd The mechanical and electrical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) yarns with a wide variety of MWCNT diameters were studied to understand the relationship between the microscopic structures of MWCNTs and the load/charge transport properties of macroscopic MWCNT assemblies. The MWCNT diameters were varied from 14.6 nm to 41.6 nm by varying the amount of catalyst loaded in the synthesis by the chloride-mediated chemical vapor deposition method. We found a drastic change in the tensile behavior of twisted yarns from nonlinear deformation to elastic manner associated with the increases in the tensile strength, Young's modulus, and electrical conductivity of the twisted MWCNT yarns for smaller-diameter MWCNTs. These improvements are due to the increase in the surface area of MWCNTs in the yarn structure. We also carried out microscopic direct tensile tests on the MWCNTs in a scanning electron microscope to investigate the tensile properties of the individual MWCNTs. The in situ experiments revealed that the obtained high value of the Young's modulus of the yarn originated from that of the individual MWCNTs.

  17. Ultrasonic properties of amorphous TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Fumihiko Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Hashida

    MRS Communications 2021年4月14日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1557/s43579-021-00036-w  



  18. Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Theoretical Model for Engineering Tensile Properties of Single-and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Shunsuke Kitayama, Fan Liu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Nanomaterials 11 (3) 795-795 2021年3月19日

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/nano11030795  


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    To apply carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as reinforcing agents in next-generation composites, it is essential to improve their nominal strength. However, since it is difficult to completely remove the defects, the synthesis guideline for improving nominal strength is still unclear, i.e., the effective strength and the number of nanotube layers required to improve the nominal strength has been undermined. In this study, molecular dynamics simulations were used to elucidate the effects of vacancies on the mechanical properties of CNTs. Additionally, the relationships between the number of layers and effective and nominal strengths of CNTs were discussed theoretically. The presence of extensive vacancies provides a possible explanation for the low nominal strengths obtained in previous experimental measurements of CNTs. This study indicates that the nominal strength can be increased from the experimentally obtained values of 10 GPa to approximately 20 GPa by using six to nine nanotube layers, even if the increase in effective strength of each layer is small. This has advantages over double-walled CNTs, because the effective strength of such CNTs must be approximately 60 GPa to achieve a nominal strength of 20 GPa.

  19. Amorphous cellulose nanofiber supercapacitors 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomoyuki Kuroda, Fumihiko Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mitsuhiro Takeda, Nobuhisa Fujima, Masahiro Morita, Takeshi Nakatani

    Scientific Reports 11 (1) 2021年3月19日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85901-3  


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    <title>Abstract</title>Despite the intense interest in cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) for biomedical and engineering applications, no research findings about the electrical energy storage of CNF have been reported yet. Here, we present the first electroadsorption effects of an amorphous cellulose nanofiber (ACF) supercapacitor, which can store a large amount of electricity (221 mJm<sup>−2</sup>, 13.1 Wkg<sup>−1</sup>). The electric storage can be attributed to the entirely enhanced electroadsorption owing to a quantum-size effect by convexity of 17.9 nm, an offset effect caused by positive polar C<sub>6</sub>=O<sub>6</sub> radicles, and an electrostatic effect by appearance of the localised electrons near the Na ions. The supercapacitor also captures both positive and negative electricity from the atmosphere and in vacuum. The supercapacitor could illuminate a red LED for 1 s after charging it with 2 mA at 10 V. Further gains might be attained by integrating CNF specimens with a nano-electromechanical system (NEMS).

  20. AlO6 clusters’ electric storage effect in amorphous alumina supercapacitors 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomoyuki Kuroda, Fumihiko Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mitsuhiro Takeda, Kazuya Konno, Nobuhisa Fujima

    Scientific Reports 11 (1) 2021年1月18日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-81483-2  


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    <title>Abstract</title>In this study, the electric storage effect of AlO<sub>6</sub> clusters in amorphous alumina (AAO) supercapacitors was investigated in terms of cluster morphologies under electron-beam irradiation. Based on first-principles density functional calculation, the optimised structure of AlO<sub>6</sub> clusters around an O-vacancy is characterised by a large vacant space created by the absence of an O atom and its neighbouring Al atom. The localised electrons present near the two-atomic vacancies induce positive charges on the inside of the insulating oxide surface, ensuring the adsorption of many electrons on the surface. Electron-beam irradiation (adsorption) from 100 to 180 keV causes the lengths of the Al–O bonds of the cluster to shrink, but then return to the original length with decreasing voltage energy, indicating a rocking-chair-type charge-breathing effect accompanied by a volume expansion of approximately 4%. The <italic>I–V</italic> and <italic>I–R</italic> characteristics depicted Coulomb blockade for the switching effect of both the negative and positive potentials. The Ragone plot of the AAO supercapacitor is located at capability area of the second cell.

  21. Development of dental inspection method: Nondestructive evaluation of an adhesive interface by ACTIVE acoustic emission 査読有り

    Ryoma Ezaki, Atsushi Mine, Kazuhisa Sato, Ken-ichi Fukui, Keigo Kumada, Masahiro Yumitate, Shintaro Ban, Azusa Yamanaka, Mariko Matsumoto, Bart Van Meerbeek, Hirokazu Moriya, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hirofumi Yatani

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Prosthodontic Society

    DOI: 10.2186/jpr.jpr_d_20_00260  



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    PURPOSE: The state of adhesion between root dentin and a resin composite core material was inspected using acoustic emission (AE). METHODS: A total of 14 human incisors and premolars were used to prepare "no-adhesive group" and "adhesive group" specimens. For "adhesive group" specimens, a bonding agent was applied to root canal dentin. The entire post space was subsequently filled with a resin composite for both specimen groups. The prepared specimens were fixed onto a jig on which an AE sensor was installed. A zirconia ball was used for the impact test, and a vibration wave generated by the collision was measured by the system using an AE sensor. The obtained data were subjected to time-frequency analysis using analysis software (LabVIEW), and the relationship between the amplitude indicating the loudness and the frequency indicating the sound component was analyzed. RESULTS: Zirconia-ball collision tests using AE revealed differences between the groups with respect to the waveform of vibration waves transmitted to the root dentin through the root dentin-resin interface. The time-frequency analysis of the obtained data confirmed that multiple peaks were observed for each specimen in the no-adhesive group, whereas a single characteristic vibration peak was observed for all specimens in the adhesive group. CONCLUSIONS: The state of the adhesive interface was successfully evaluated by AE. This demonstration is expected to lead to the development of a device that can detect problems at the bonding interface between the prostheses and tooth substances.

  22. Development of dental inspection method: nondestructive evaluation of a dentin–adhesive interface by acoustic emission 査読有り

    Ryoma Ezaki, Atsushi Mine, Kazuhisa Sato, Ken-ichi Fukui, Keigo Kumada, Masahiro Yumitate, Shintaro Ban, Azusa Yamanaka, Mariko Matsumoto, Bart Van Meerbeek, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hirofumi Yatani

    Journal of Prosthodontic Research 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Prosthodontic Society

    DOI: 10.2186/jpr.jpr_d_20_00135  



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    PURPOSE: The state of adhesion between root dentin and a resin composite core material was inspected using acoustic emission (AE). METHODS: A total of 14 human incisors and premolars were used to prepare "no-adhesive group" and "adhesive group" specimens. For "adhesive group" specimens, a bonding agent was applied to root canal dentin. The entire post space was subsequently filled with a resin composite for both specimen groups. The prepared specimens were fixed onto a jig on which an AE sensor was installed. A zirconia ball was used for the impact test, and a vibration wave generated by the collision was measured by the system using an AE sensor. The obtained data were subjected to time-frequency analysis using analysis software (LabVIEW), and the relationship between the amplitude indicating the loudness and the frequency indicating the sound component was analyzed. RESULTS: Zirconia-ball collision tests using AE revealed differences between the groups with respect to the waveform of vibration waves transmitted to the root dentin through the root dentin-resin interface. The time-frequency analysis of the obtained data confirmed that multiple peaks were observed for each specimen in the no-adhesive group, whereas a single characteristic vibration peak was observed for all specimens in the adhesive group. CONCLUSIONS: The state of the adhesive interface was successfully evaluated by AE. This demonstration is expected to lead to the development of a device that can detect problems at the bonding interface between the prostheses and tooth substances.

  23. Liquid-Phase Assisted Engineering of Highly Strong SiC Composite Reinforced by Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

    Yuchi Fan, Erhong Song, Tufail Mustafa, Ruicong Liu, Pengpeng Qiu, Weiwei Zhou, Zhenxing Zhou, Akira Kawasaki, Keiichi Shirasu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Jianjun Liu, Lianjun Wang, Wan Jiang, Wei Luo

    Advanced Science 7 (21) 2020年11月1日

    DOI: 10.1002/advs.202002225  


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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH Despite the ultrahigh intrinsic strength of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), the strengthening effect on ceramic matrix composite remains far from expectation mainly due to the weak load transfer between the reinforcement and ceramic matrix. With the assistance of the in situ pullout test, it is revealed that the liquid-phase sintering (LPS) can serve as a novel strategy to achieve effective load transfer in MWCNT reinforced ceramic matrix composites. The YAlO3 formed liquid phase during spark plasma sintering of SiC composite greatly facilitates radical elastic deformation of MWCNT, leading to highly increased interfacial shear strength (IFSS) as well as interlayer shear resistance (ISR) of nested walls. The liquid phase with superior wettability can even penetrate into the defects of MWCNT, which further increases the ISR of MWCNT. Moreover, the first-principles calculation indicates that the oxygen terminated YAlO3 phase displays much stronger bonding compared with SiC matrix, which is also responsible for the large IFSS in the composite. As a result, as high as 30% improvement of bending strength is achieved in the composite with only 3 wt% MWCNT in comparison to the monolithic ceramic, manifesting the unprecedented strengthening effect of MWCNT assisted by LPS.

  24. Evaluation of Initial Mechanical and Electrochemical Degradations in Amorphous Silicon Anode for Lithium-Ion Secondary Battery Using AE Method 査読有り

    Naoki YOSHIDA, Kazuhisa SATO, Naoaki KUWATA, Junichi KAWAMURA, Tadashi SAKAMOTO, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan 69 (7) 547-554 2020年7月15日

    出版者・発行元:Society of Materials Science, Japan

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.69.547  



  25. Influences of Ni content and porosity on mechanical properties of Ni–YSZ composites under solid oxide fuel cell operating conditions 査読有り

    Satoshi Watanabe, Shinji Sukino, Taihei Miyasaka, Kazuhisa Sato, Keiji Yashiro, Tatsuya Kawada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Journal of Materials Science 55 (20) 8679-8693 2020年7月1日

    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-020-04624-4  



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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Mechanical properties of nickel and yttria-stabilized zirconia (Ni–YSZ) anodes of solid oxide fuel cells undergo changes not only because of extrinsic conditions but also because of Ni, YSZ and pore proportions. In this study, elastic modulus and fracture behavior of Ni(NiO)–YSZ composites are investigated with changing Ni and pore volume fractions as the main parameters. NiO–YSZ composite stiffness at 800 °C monotonically increases with increasing NiO. However, the reduced form of Ni–YSZ shows drastic changes in elastic modulus and strength around 30 vol% Ni where the deformation behavior and fracture made transition from brittle-like to ductile. Both stiffness and strength show linear decreases with porosity, of which the degree of deterioration at 800 °C was duller than at room temperature. The influences of Ni content and porosity on elasticity are quantified using multiple-linear regression analysis. Pore volume fraction shows large negative effects on elasticity at room temperature in air. However, at 800 °C, Ni volume shows larger negative effects than pore volume under reducing atmospheres.

  26. Amorphous titanium-oxide supercapacitors with high capacitance 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomoyuki Kuroda, Fumihiko Hasegawa, Yasuyuki Shirai, Tomoyuki Suwa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Masahiko Nishijima

    EPL (Europhysics Letters) 128 (5) 58001-p1-58001-p5 2020年2月4日

    出版者・発行元:IOP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/128/58001  


  27. Surface analyses of amorphous aluminum oxides with AlO6 clusters 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomoyuki Kuroda, Fumihiko Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hotaka Yagyu, Kazuya Konno, Masahiko Nishijima, Eunsang Kwon

    MRS Communications 10 (4) 1-6 2020年

    出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    DOI: 10.1557/mrc.2020.82  



  28. Enhanced tribological performance of alumina composites reinforced with acid-treated carbon nanotubes under water lubrication 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Takuto Miyaura, Go Yamamoto, Takaharu Suzuki, Kimiyoshi Naito, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Diamond and Related Materials 101 2020年1月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2019.107657  


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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Alumina composites reinforced with acid-treated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are prepared, and the tribological properties of the composite are investigated under water-lubricated conditions using a ball-on-disk technique against an alumina ball. The coefficient of friction (COF) in the steady-state region of the composite with acid-treated MWCNTs is found to be 0.06, which is 32–37% lower than that of the monolithic alumina and the composite with pristine MWCNTs. Microstructural observations and in-depth Raman spectroscopy analyses of the disk samples and counterparts before and after the friction tests reveal that the MWCNTs located in pits on the disk surface pull-out and that the resultant MWCNT fragments adhere to the friction surface of the counterparts. The enhanced tribological performance shown in the composite with acid-treated MWCNTs is mainly because the negatively charged functional groups adsorbed on the MWCNTs participate in the hydrogen-bond network of the hydrodynamic lubrication film and lead to acceleration of the transformation from a boundary lubrication regime to a mixed lubrication regime.

  29. Stack-coating of multishell carbon layers templated with carbon nanotubes 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Miho Asaoka, Takamichi Miyazaki, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Materials Today Communications 21 100608 2019年12月

  30. Estimations of heat transfer area using tracer and temperature data in geothermal fields 査読有り

    Suzuki Anna, Ikhwanda Fuad, Yamaguchi Aoi, Hashida Toshiyuki

    Geosciences 9 (10) 2019年10月

    DOI: 10.3390/geosciences9100425  

  31. Effects of temperatures and carbon dioxide nanobubbles on superior electric storage for anodically oxidized films of AlY10 amorphous alloy 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomoyuki Kuroda, Fumihiko Hasegawa, Masayoshi Takahashi, Tomoyuki Suwa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuhisa Sato, Masahiko Nishijima, K. Konno

    AIP Advances 9 095202 2019年9月

    DOI: 10.1063/1.5102082  

  32. Evaluation Method of Current Distribution in SOFC in Operation 査読有り

    ECS Transactions 91 (1) 579-588 2019年9月

    DOI: 10.1149/09101.0579ecst  

  33. How do the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes increase? An experimental evaluation and modeling of the engineering tensile strength of individual carbon nanotubes 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Materials Research Express 6 (5) 055047 2019年5月

  34. Anodic oxidization of Al-Y amorphous alloy ribbons and their capacitive properties 査読有り

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 776 757-762 2019年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.10.346  



  35. Effects of high-temperature thermal annealing on properties of aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube sheets and their composites 査読有り

    Tran Huu Nam, Ken Goto, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Go Yamamoto, Keiichi Shirasu, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Composite Interfaces 2019年

  36. Mechanical and thermal expansion properties of aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Itaru Tamaki, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Mechanical Engineering Journal 2019年

  37. Evaluation of Creep Properties in Anode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Using Small Punch Testing Method 査読有り

    Yihui Huang, Kazuhisa Sato, Keigo Kumada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ECS Transactions Volume 91 (1) 761-769 2019年

    DOI: 10.1149/09101.0761ecst  

  38. Proposal of a Modified Four-Point Bending Method for Determining Interfacial Fracture Energy at Electrode/Electrolyte Interfaces in SOFCs 査読有り

    Keigo Kumada, Kazuhisa Sato, Yuki Asoh, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ECS Transactions volume 91 (1) 825-835 2019年

    DOI: 10.1149/09101.0825ecst  

  39. 無撚カーボンナノチューブ糸の機械的特性に及ぼす黒鉛化の影響と強度発現機構 査読有り

    金太成, 林晏理, 二川秀史, 白須圭一, 山本剛, 橋田俊之, 細井厚志, 川田宏之

    日本機械学会論文集 84 (860) 17-00585-00585-17-00585 2018年4月

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.17-00585  

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    <p>Carbon nanotube yarn, which is an aggregation of Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), enables CNTs to be used on macro scale. However, tensile strength of the CNT yarn is much lower than CNT itself, and improvement of the mechanical properties is a challenge for practical application of the yarns. CNTs composing the yarns include some defect structures and impure materials, and their presence can cause a decrease in tensile strength of the yarn. In this study, untwisted CNT yarns were fabricated by dry spun method and graphitized at a temperature of 2800°C for the purpose of improving mechanical properties. Additionally, strength of a CNT composing the yarn and interactive force between the CNTs were evaluated to clarify strength development mechanism of the graphitized CNT yarn. Crystallinity of the CNT yarn was improved more than ten times, and defect structures and impure materials was removed by the graphitization treatment. As a result of single fiber tensile tests, strength of the yarn was increased by 20~35% after the graphitization. On the other hand, strength of the CNT composing the yarn was decreased. The breaking form of the CNT yarn was changed from pulling out of CNT bundles to rapture of the bundles by the graphitization, indicating an increase of interactive force between the bundles. In addition, as a result of pulling out simulations by molecular dynamics method, it was indicated that the pulling out of the CNT bundles were suppressed by increase in van der Waals force. Consequently, the improvement of mechanical properties of the untwisted CNT yarns was not due to the change in the strength of the CNT in the yarns but the main cause was the increase in the interactive force between the CNTs.</p>

  40. Mathematical modeling of non-Fickian diffusional mass exchange of radioactive contaminants in geological disposal formations 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Water (Switzerland) 10 (2) 123-133 2018年1月29日

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/w10020123  


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    Deep geological repositories for nuclear wastes consist of both engineered and natural geologic barriers to isolate the radioactive material from the human environment. Inappropriate repositories of nuclear waste would cause severe contamination to nearby aquifers. In this complex environment, mass transport of radioactive contaminants displays anomalous behaviors and often produces power-law tails in breakthrough curves due to spatial heterogeneities in fractured rocks, velocity dispersion, adsorption, and decay of contaminants, which requires more sophisticated models beyond the typical advection-dispersion equation. In this paper, accounting for the mass exchange between a fracture and a porous matrix of complex geometry, the universal equation of mass transport within a fracture is derived. This equation represents the generalization of the previously used models and accounts for anomalous mass exchange between a fracture and porous blocks through the introduction of the integral term of convolution type and fractional derivatives. This equation can be applied for the variety of processes taking place in the complex fractured porous medium, including the transport of radioactive elements. The Laplace transform method was used to obtain the solution of the fractional diffusion equation with a time-dependent source of radioactive contaminant.

  41. Development of Numerical Methods for Estimating Fluid Flow Path in Fractured Geothermal Reservoir 査読有り

    Proceedings of the 43rd Stanford Geothermal Workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018, STG-TR-213 in CD ROM 2018年

  42. Dry-out phenomenon and flow behavior in rocks for CO2 geological storage, 査読有り

    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, November 7-9, 2018, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan in CD ROM 2018年

  43. Amorphous aluminum-oxide supercapacitors 査読有り

    Mikio Fukuhara, Tomoyuki Kuroda, Fumihiko Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Eunsang Kwon, Kazuya Konno

    EuroPhysics Letters (EPL) 123 58004-p1-58004-p5 2018年

    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/123/58004  

  44. Development of large-movements and high-force electrothermal bimorph actuators based on aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Yoku Inoue, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Toshiyuki Hashida

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 267 455-463 2017年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2017.10.051  


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    By using aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced epoxy composites possessing a negative coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) as well as high Young's modulus and aluminum foils, novel electrothermal bimorph actuators are fabricated. U-shaped bimorph actuators are formed by cutting out the middle part of the composite/aluminum laminates, where the MWCNT-aligned direction is parallel to the length direction of the U-shaped bimorph actuators. We demonstrate that the bimorph actuators with a free length of 16 mm show a large bending displacement and force output, and their values are 7.6-10.0 mm and 0.8-7.8 mN under a DC voltage of 5.2-6.0 V. Based on these results, the bending displacement and force output of the bimorph actuator are modeled by combining strength-of-materials theories and rule of mixtures (Voigt model and Turner's model). By using these models, we indicate contributions from two sources toward the increased bending displacement and force output in the bimorph actuator: (i) designing the Young's modulus and negative CTE of the composite layer by controlling the MWCNT volume fraction and the dimensional parameters (especially thickness) of the bimorph actuator; (ii) selecting materials having a high Young's modulus as well as a large CTE as the second layer. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  45. Parallel Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation Opens New Perspective to Clarify the Effect of a Porous Structure on the Sintering Process of Ni/YSZ Multiparticles 査読有り

    Jingxiang Xu, Yuji Higuchi, Nobuki Ozawa, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Momoji Kubo

    ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 9 (37) 31816-31824 2017年9月


    DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b07737  


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    Ni sintering in the Ni/YSZ porous anode of a solid oxide fuel cell changes the porous structure, leading to degradation. Preventing sintering and degradation during operation is a great challenge. Usually, a sintering molecular dynamics (MD) simulation model consisting of two particles on a substrate is used; however, the model cannot reflect the porous structure effect on sintering. In our previous study, a multi-nanoparticle sintering modeling method with tens of thousands of atoms revealed the effect of the particle framework and porosity on sintering. However, the method cannot reveal the effect of the particle size on sintering and the effect of sintering on the change in the porous structure. In the present study, we report a strategy to reveal them in the porous structure by using our multi-nanoparticle modeling method and a parallel large-scale multimillion-atom MD simulator. We used this method to investigate the effect of YSZ particle size and tortuosity on sintering and degradation in the Ni/YSZ anodes. Our parallel large-scale MD simulation showed that the sintering degree decreased as the YSZ particle size decreased. The gas fuel diffusion path, which reflects the overpotential, was blocked by pore coalescence during sintering. The degradation of gas diffusion performance increased as the YSZ particle size increased. Furthermore, the gas diffusion performance was quantified by a tortuosity parameter and an optimal YSZ particle size, which is equal to that of Ni, was found for good diffusion after sintering. These findings cannot be obtained by previous MD sintering studies with tens of thousands of atoms. The present parallel large-scale multimillion-atom MD simulation makes it possible to clarify the effects of the particle size and tortuosity on sintering and degradation.

  46. Friction and wear properties of carbon nanotube/alumina composites under water lubricated conditions 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Takuto Miyaura, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Composite Materials, (2017), in CD ROM 2017年8月

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    21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi’an, China, August 21-25, 2017

  47. Key factors limiting carbon nanotube strength: Structural characterization and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Itaru Tamaki, Takamichi Miyazaki, Go Yamamoto, Raman Bekarevich, Kaori Hirahara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Mechanical Engineering Journal, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 4 (5) 2017年6月21日


    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.17-00029  


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    ONLINE ISSN: 2187-9745

  48. Evaluation of Mechanical Damages in SOFCs during Start/Stop Operation by Using Acoustic Emission Technique 査読有り

    Keigo Kumada, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ECS Transactions 78 (1) 2355-2363 2017年5月30日

    出版者・発行元:The Electrochemical Society

    DOI: 10.1149/07801.2355ecst  



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    Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XV), July 23-28, 2017, Hollywood, Florida, USA, Diplomat Resort &amp; Spa, pp. 2355-2363, 180 (Poster presentation)

  49. Materials properties for the simulation of electro-chemo-mechanical coupling behavior of SOFC 査読有り

    K. Yashiro, T. Kawada, S. Watanabe, M. Muramatsu, T. Sakamoto, S. I. Hashimoto, K. Terada, M. Sato, T. Hashida, K. Sato, F. Iguchi, H. Yugami, K. Amezawa, T. Nakamura, Y. Kimura, A. Unemoto

    ECS Transactions 78 (1) 2309-2316 2017年5月30日

    出版者・発行元:Electrochemical Society Inc.

    DOI: 10.1149/07801.2309ecst  

    ISSN:1938-6737 1938-5862


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    Long-term reliability and durability are of great importance for the commercialization of SOFCs. Mechanical behaviors of ceramic components, including cell fracture, are necessary to be understood in order to ensure stability of SOFCs. For the multiscale simulation of the thermo-chemo-mechanical behavior, various related materials properties are indispensable. This paper reports the evaluation procedure of material properties for comprehensive analysis of chemically- and thermally induced mechanical behavior of SOFCs.

  50. Evaluation of Mechanical Damages in SOFCs during Start/Stop Operation by Using Acoustic Emission Technique 査読有り

    Keigo Kumada, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ECS Transactions 78 (1) 2355-2363 2017年5月30日

    出版者・発行元:The Electrochemical Society

    DOI: 10.1149/07801.2355ecst  



  51. Potential use of CNTs for production of zero thermal expansion coefficient composite materials: An experimental evaluation of axial thermal expansion coefficient of CNTs using a combination of thermal expansion and uniaxial tensile tests 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Akihiro Nakamura, Go Yamamoto, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Toshiyuki Hashida


    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.12.027  



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    Feasibility of using multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) for the control of coefficients of thermal expansion (CTEs) of composite materials was evaluated, based on experimental data of CTEs and Young's modulus newly obtained using a combined testing procedure. The axial CTE of the MWCNTs were evaluated over the temperature range -5 degrees C to 85 degrees C by using the MWCNT's Young's modulus and CTE of the aligned MWCNT reinforced epoxy composites in Turner's model. The Young's moduli of the MWCNTs were calculated by using Voigt model and the composite Young's modulus measured by tensile tests. The MWCNTs were shown to possess negative CTEs, and the nanotube CTEs tended to become less negative with increasing temperature. Owing to their large Young's modulus, aspect ratio and negative CTEs, the use of MWCNTs aligned axially was shown to be effective at controlling the CTE of polymer composites at lower volume fractions compared to conventional negative CTE materials. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  52. Is the tensile strength of carbon nanotubes enhanced by supported materials? : Effect of supported amorphous alumina nanoparticles on the tensile strength of carbon nanotubes 査読有り

    Tatsuhito Kimura, Hideaki Suzuki, Mei Zhang, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kenichi Motomiya, Kazuyuki Tohji, Yoshinori Sato

    Carbon 118 339-342 2017年3月27日


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.03.057  


  53. 多層カーボンナノチューブの強度・破壊特性評価と構造欠陥の影響に関する研究 査読有り

    玉木格, 白須圭一, 宮崎孝道, 山本剛, Raman Bekarevich, 平原佳織, 島村佳伸, 井上翼, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集 83 (847) 16-00283-16-00283 2017年

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00283  


  54. Mechanical strength evaluation of YSZ, GDC and LSCF under SOFC operating condition 査読有り

    S.Watanabe, K.Sato, F.Iguchi, K.Yashiro, T.Hashida, T.Kawada

    ECS Transactions 78 (1) 2181-2190 2017年

  55. Sensing Fluid Pressure With Co Rich Fe-Co System Magnetostrictive Alloy Tube 査読有り

    Proc. of The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, October 24-27, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, in CD ROM 2017年

  56. Influence of supported PtPd nanoparticles on the tensile strength of individual multi-walled carbon nanotubes: strength decrease by the interaction of metal and nanotube 査読有り

    Hideaki Suzuki, Tatsuhito Kimura, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kenichi Motomiya, Kazuyuki Tohji, Yoshinori Sato

    RSC ADVANCES 7 (79) 49917-49922 2017年


    DOI: 10.1039/c7ra09340c  


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    The interface bonding strength between carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and the metal matrix in CNT/metal composites can be increased by depositing metal particles onto the CNT surface. However, theoretical calculations have revealed that metals having an affinity with CNTs formed bonds between the metal and carbon atoms, such that the tensile strength of the CNTs was decreased. Here, we investigated the influence of supported PtPd nanoparticles on the tensile strength of individual multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) in situ by scanning electron microscopy. The obtained results revealed that the average tensile strength of individual MWCNTs with deposited PtPd nanoparticles was slightly lower than that of the as-grown MWCNTs. Since X-ray photoelectron and Raman scattering spectroscopic data showed bonds between the PtPd nanoparticles and the MWCNTs, the slight decrease in the tensile strength observed for the PtPd nanoparticle-supported individual MWCNTs can be attributed to the induction of local distortions in the nanotube structure caused by the covalent bonds between the nanoparticles and the CNT basal plane.

  57. 多層カーボンナノチューブにおける軸方向線膨張係数の温度依存性に関する研究 (配向カーボンナノチューブ/エポキシ複合材料の線膨張測定に基づく手法) 査読有り

    白須 圭一, 中村 彰宏, 山本 剛, 小笠原 俊夫, 島村 佳伸, 井上 翼, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会論文集 82 (844) 1-13 2016年12月25日

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00228  

  58. Estimation of micro-size defects in electrolyte thin-film by X-ray stress measurement for anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    Hirofumi Sumi, Hiroyuki Shimada, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Mechanical Engineering Journal 3 (6) Online 2016年12月15日

    DOI: 10.1299/mej.16-00177  

  59. Fractional diffusion modeling of heat transfer in porous and fractured media 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Sergei A. Fomin, Vladimir A. Chugunov, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.08.002  



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    Fracture matrix interactions strongly affect anomalous heat transfer in geological sites. This study investigates effects of the interactions between fractures and rock matrix by using the method of multiple interacting continua (MINC). The MINC generates different temperature histories for varied fracture spacings. Two analytical solutions of each porous model and fracture model are used to fit the numerical results for temperature histories due to cold-water injection. The porous model is good agreement with the result for small fracture spacing, while a solution of the fracture model fits the result for large fracture spacing. The MINC yields intermediate behaviors in between a porous medium and a single fracture. A fractional heat transfer equation (fHTE) has been developed to describe anomalous thermal diffusion in a fractured reservoir. The fHTE accounts for heat flux from fracture into matrix by using a temporal fractional derivative. The fHTE can capture numerical results for temperature histories with different fracture spacings. The fracture spacing has correlations to the fHTE best-fit parameters (i.e., the orders of fractional derivatives and the retardation parameters). The fHTE with varying time fractional derivatives can cover descriptions of subdiffusion, Fickian diffusion, and superdiffusion. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  60. Experimental tests of truncated diffusion in fault damage zones 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kewen Li, Roland N. Horne

    WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 52 (11) 8578-8589 2016年11月


    DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019017  



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    Fault zones affect the flow paths of fluids in groundwater aquifers and geological reservoirs. Fault-related fracture damage decreases to background levels with increasing distance from the fault core according to a power law. This study investigated mass transport in such a fault-related structure using nonlocal models. A column flow experiment is conducted to create a permeability distribution that varies with distance from a main conduit. The experimental tracer response curve is preasymptotic and implies subdiffusive transport, which is slower than the normal Fickian diffusion. If the surrounding area is a finite domain, an upper truncated behavior in tracer response (i.e., exponential decline at late times) is observed. The tempered anomalous diffusion (TAD) model captures the transition from subdiffusive to Fickian transport, which is characterized by a smooth transition from power-law to an exponential decline in the late-time breakthrough curves.

  61. In-situ characterization of interfacial shear strength in multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites 査読有り

    Weiwei Zhou, Go Yamamoto, Yuchi Fan, Hansang Kwon, Toshiyuki Hashida, Akira Kawasaki

    CARBON 106 37-47 2016年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.05.015  



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    Quantitative characterization of interfacial shear strength (IFSS), in multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)-reinforced Al matrix composites, has been carried out using an in-situ pull-out technique. The end of an MWCNT protruding out of the tensile fracture surface of the composite was bonded to the tip of an atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever using an electron-beam-induced deposition method. The MWCNT was pulled out from the Al matrix using a nanomanipulator system installed inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The effective embedded length of the MWCNT incorporated in the Al matrix was evaluated by observing the pulled out MWCNT under high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Valid results were obtained for six MWCNTs with straight, visibly damage-free embedded parts nearly perpendicular to the fracture surface. The IFSS between the MWCNT and the Al matrix was 24.8 +/- 3.2 MPa. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the MWCNT/Al composites is in good agreement with that estimated by the shear lag model using these IFSS values, resulting in the realization of 60% load transfer efficiency at the directly contacted MWCNT-Al interface in the MWCNT/Al composites. No MWCNT failure was observed during the pullout in this study. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  62. Preparation and performance evaluation of electrothermal actuators using aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Akihiro Nakamura, Go Yamamoto, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Mechanical Engineering Journal 3 (4) 15-00607-15-00607 2016年1月21日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/mej.15-00607  

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    ONLINE ISSN: 2187-9745

  63. In situ Evaluation of Mechanical and Electrochemical Degradation in Silicon Negative Electrode for Lithium-Ion Secondary Batteries 査読有り

    Naoki Yoshida, Tadashi Sakamoto, Naoaki Kuwata, Junichi Kawamura, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1109/NANO.2016.7751563  

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    Silicon is a promising anode material for lithium-ion battery application due to its high specific capacity. Unfortunately, silicon undergoes a volume expansion of 300 similar to 400% full lithiation and suffers from severe capacity fade, which limit its successful application in commercial cells. In this study, we used in situ acoustic emission and laser microscope observation method for detecting the volume change in silicon negative electrodes. It was shown that the long-term performance of the silicon negative electrode was dictated by its spallation during the discharge steps, while only the first lithiation caused its delamination and spoliation in the charge step. This strongly indicates that the energy of emission, and hence the amount of damage, is related to capacity loss. This study demonstrate that AE is a powerful tool to survey the real-time mechanical damage and electrochemical degradation in the electrode.

  64. Investigation of Mechanical Damage of SOFC caused by Electrochemical Oxidation Using In-Situ Acoustic Emission and Electrochemical Technique 査読有り

    Keigo Kumada, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1109/NANO.2016.7751562  

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    This paper presents the experimental results of the investigation of mechanical damage in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) under fuel starvation conditions using in-situ Acoustic Emission (AE) and electrochemical technique. The cell was oxidized electrochemically and AE signal has begun to be detected when the oxidation spread from anode/electrolyte interface to anode substrate after Ni/NiO equilibrium. The hydrogen was supplied again and AE signal detection was stopped. Before and after Redox cycling, OCV showed the same value, but the maximum power density decreased by 50 %. After experiment, there was delamination in anode/electrolyte interface, but there was not electrolyte cracking in active cell area. In this experiment, the decrease of maximum power density is thought to be due to causing delamination in anode/electrolyte caused by electrochemical oxidation.

  65. Electrochemical degradation caused by mechanical damage in silicon negative electrodes 査読有り

    N. Yoshida, T. Sakamoto, N. Kuwata, J. Kawamura, K. Sato, T. Hashida

    ECS Transactions 75 (20) 31-37 2016年

    出版者・発行元:Electrochemical Society Inc.

    DOI: 10.1149/07520.0031ecst  

    ISSN:1938-5862 1938-6737

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Silicon is a promising anode material for lithium ion batteries application due to its high electrochemical capacity. Unfortunately, silicon undergoes a volume expansion of 300∼400% under the full lithiation condition and suffers from severe capacity fade, which limits its successful application in commercial cells. In this study, we used in situ acoustic emission method for detecting mechanical damage in the silicon electrode. The present study revealed the mechanism of degradation in a silicon electrode of the lithium ion batteries. It was shown that the long-term performance of silicon electrode was dictated by its spallation during the discharge processes. This study demonstrated that the AE method developed was a powerful tool to examine the mechanical damage and electrochemical degradation in lithium ion battery electrodes.

  66. Preparation and electrochemical evaluation of LiCoO2 film prepared with cold spraying for development of lithium-ion battery 査読有り

    Kohei Okuyama, Naoki Yoshida, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ECS Transactions 75 (20) 191-199 2016年

    出版者・発行元:Electrochemical Society Inc.

    DOI: 10.1149/07520.0191ecst  

    ISSN:1938-5862 1938-6737

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Compared with liquid organic electrolytes, lithium ion conductive solid electrolytes offer improved safety, reliability and leakage-free properties, as well as the advantageous wider electrochemical voltage ranges and the possibility for structural batteries. For this reason, all-solid-state Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs) have attracted great interest in recent years. In this regard, electrode deposition technology is expected to play an important role in the development of all-solid-state LIBs. We propose a new method for preparing a cathode film using a cold spray technique. In this study, LiCoO2 films were deposited using a cold spray technique. From SEM observations, the average thickness of the LiCoO2 films was estimated to be approximately 20 micrometers. Cyclic voltammetry showed the LiCoO2 film prepared with cold spraying to be electrochemically active. While the electric capacity of the LiCoO2 cathode film decreased monotonically until 70th cycle, it tended to give a relatively constant value after the 70th cycle. The cold spraying method may provide a useful route for the development of all-solid-state LIBs.

  67. Fractional Dynamics in Fault Structures 査読有り

    Proceedings of the 41st Stanford Geothermal Workshop, February 22-24, 2016, Stanford, California 705-715 2016年

  68. Mathematical Modeling of the Anomalous Transport of Radioactive Materials in a Porous Medium 査読有り

    The 12th International Heat Transfer Conference (HEFAT2016) Transaction 1399-1403 2016年

  69. Characterization of 3D Printed Fracture Networks 査読有り

    Proceedings of the 41st Stanford Geothermal Workshop, February 22-24, 2016, Stanford, California, SGP-TR-209 424-438 2016年

  70. Evaluation of Tensile Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition 査読有り

    Proc. of Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2016 (APCFS2016) 2016年

  71. Negative axial thermal expansion coefficient of carbon nanotubes: Experimental determination based on measurements of coefficient of thermal expansion for aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Itaru Tamaki, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Toshiyuki Hashida

    CARBON 95 904-909 2015年12月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.09.026  



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    Due to their superior material properties, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have many potential applications such as actuators, composites and electronic components. These CNT-based devices may experience high temperature during manufacture and operation. This leads to thermal expansion and residual stress in devices, and affects the device reliability. Therefore, the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of CNTs is an important property for CNT-based devices. Although the CTE in radial direction of CNTs have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, there is no experimental determination for the axial CTE of CNTs and only numerical and theoretical predictions exit. Here, we investigated the CTE of aligned multi-walled CNT (MWCNT) reinforced epoxy composites in the MWCNT alignment direction in the temperature range of 30-60 degrees C. We demonstrated that the CTE of the composites in the MWCNT alignment direction became negative by addition of more than 10.4 vol.% MWCNTs, and the axial CTE of MWCNTs was deduced to be -1.2 x 10(-5) K-1 using the rule of mixtures. In addition, the thermal contraction phenomenon was observed in thin sheets of MWCNTs alone. The negative CTE may be explained by out-ofplane atomic vibrations predicted by theoretical and numerical studies. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  72. Effects of processing conditions on microstructure, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of MWCNT/alumina composites prepared by flocculation 査読有り

    Weili Wang, Go Yamamoto, Keiichi Shirasu, Yo Nozaka, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 35 (14) 3903-3908 2015年11月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2015.06.027  



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    MWCNT/alumina composites were prepared by a flocculation method combined with acid treatment of the MWCNTs and spark plasma sintering. The effects of varying the processing conditions, namely the acid treatment temperature (50-80 degrees C), MWCNT content (0-10 vol.%) and sintering temperature (1200-1600 degrees C) on the composites' microstructure, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties were investigated. This found that flocculation processing brings about a good dispersibility of the MWCNTs, especially with higher acid treatment temperature, which enhances their reinforcing and grain refining effect. When combined with a low sintering temperature, this significantly improves the mechanical properties of the composites.As a result, a composite prepared using a sintering temperature of 1200 degrees C and an acid treatment temperature of 80 degrees C exhibited a fracture toughness greater than that of a monolithic alumina, even with a MWCNT content as high as 10 vol.%. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  73. Relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties in acid-treated carbon nanotube-reinforced alumina composites 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Yo Nozaka, Weili Wang, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 50 (20) 6688-6699 2015年10月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-015-9223-6  



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    Alumina composites reinforced with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) at up to 3.7 vol% are prepared by a precursor method followed by a spark plasma sintering. We systematically and quantitatively investigate the effects of acid-treatment time of the MWCNTs on not only bending strength and fracture toughness of the composites but also on the mechanical strength and dispersibility of the MWCNTs, the grain size of the alumina matrix, and the interfacial strength between MWCNT and alumina. The main objective of this study is to evaluate how these parameters influence the mechanical properties with the aid of multiple regression analysis. We demonstrate that the matrix grain size, the mechanical strength of the MWCNTs, and the interfacial strength have little impact on the mechanical properties for the composites prepared in this study. On the other hand, the dispersibility of MWCNTs has the significant influence on the mechanical properties. Both the dispersibility of the MWCNTs and the mechanical properties of the composites increase as the acid-treatment time increases up to 2 h at low MWCNT content (0.9 vol%). Conversely, at a higher amount of MWCNTs, the degradation in the mechanical properties is shown to be associated with the deterioration of MWCNTs' dispersibility. As MWCNT agglomerates are anticipated to act as imperfections, they may override the effects of the strength of MWCNTs, matrix grain size, and interfacial strength. By means of the multiple regression analysis, we quantitatively show that improving MWCNTs' dispersibility is one of the most important factors in enhancing the mechanical properties of MWCNT/alumina composites.

  74. Indentation strength of silicon nitride ceramics processed by spark plasma sintering technique 査読有り

    N. Azeggagh, L. Joly-Pottuz, J. Chevalier, M. Omori, T. Hashida, D. Nelias



    DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2015.07.053  



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    We investigated the influence of the microstructure on the true stress-strain curve of silicon nitride based ceramics. The materials were processed by spark plasma sintering technique. Si3N4 with fine, average and coarse microstructures were obtained. Load versus displacement curves (P-h) were obtained by means of instrumented indentation technique using diamond coni-spherical tip. The experimental data were coupled with a minimization method based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the non-linear part of the mechanical response was identified. Based on the obtained stress-strain curves, rolling contact simulations were performed. In addition, the nature of Hertzian contact damage was examined in the material with coarse microstructure using diamond indenters of radii 0.2 and 1 mm. The surface damage was observed under optical microscopy while Focused Ion Beam Sectioning technique permitted to image the subsurface damage. An evident size effect was noticed: fracture consisting of classical ring cracks dominated at large scale while distributed microcracks beneath the indent dominated at small scale. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  75. Prediction of reinjection effects in fault-related subsidiary structures by using fractional derivative-based mathematical models for sustainable design of geothermal reservoirs 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Yuichi Niibori, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    GEOTHERMICS 57 196-204 2015年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2015.04.001  



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    This study provides a method to evaluate the effects of cold-water injection into an advection-dominated geothermal reservoir. A fractional advection-dispersion equation (fADE) and a fractional heat transfer equation (fHTE) are applied to fault-related structures in geothermal areas where the fracture density is described by a power-law model. Synthetic production data generated by a numerical reservoir simulator reveal that the fADE and the fHTE are in reasonable agreement with the tracer responses and temperature change in a fault zone. Tracer analysis based on the fADE has potential to elucidate fault-related structures and to predict premature thermal breakthroughs quickly and efficiently. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  76. Hertzian contact damage in silicon nitride ceramics with different porosity contents 査読有り

    N. Azeggagh, L. Joly-Pottuz, D. Nelias, J. Chevalier, M. Omori, T. Hashida

    JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 35 (8) 2269-2276 2015年8月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2015.01.031  



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    This work investigates the Hertzian contact damage in Si3N4 ceramics with 3 and 18% porosity processed by spark plasma sintering technique. Low densification was achieved by sintering at pressures lower than needed for a full density. The indentation tests were performed using diamond spheres of various sizes to evaluate the Hertzian contact damage at different scales. Surface damage was observed under electron microscopy while subsurface damage was examined using focused ion beam sectioning technique. Different failure modes were noticed, depending on the size of the volume solicited and the porosity content. At small scale, short cracks initiate from the existing pores then coalesce leading to a quasi-plastic failure mode. At larger scale and for high porosity content, surface ring and radial cracks usually observed for dense brittle materials vanish; the damage mode is mostly related to the fragile rupture of bridges between collapsed pores. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  77. Microstructuring of carbon nanotubes-nickel nanocomposite 査読有り

    Zhonglie An, Liang He, Masaya Toda, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    Nanotechnology 26 (19) 195601-195608 2015年5月15日

    DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/19/195601  



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    © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd. In this paper, we develop a novel electroplating method for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-nickel (Ni) nanocomposite, and present the fabrication of a silicon micromirror with the CNTs-Ni nanocomposite beams to evaluate the mechanical stability of the micromirror in terms of resonant frequency. CNTs are pretreated to have positive charges on their surface and added into a Ni electroplating solution to form a CNTs-Ni nanocomposite electroplating suspension. The weight fraction of the CNTs in the electroplated nanocomposite is 2.4 wt%, and the ultramicroindentation hardness is 18.6 GPa. The mechanical strengthening phenomenon is found in the nanocomposite in comparison with a Ni film. Moreover, the addition of CNTs in the nanocomposite beams effectively increases the shear modulus compared with the pure Ni. The maximum variation of the resonant frequency of the micromirror during a long-term stability test is approximately 0.25%, and its scanning angle is approximately 20. It shows the potential suitability of the CNTs-Ni nanocomposite with proper design for micromechanical element applications.

  78. Synthesis of carbon nanotubes-Ni composite for micromechanical elements application 査読有り

    Zhonglie An, Masaya Toda, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 2015-February (February) 401-404 2015年2月26日

    DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2015.7050974  


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    © 2015 IEEE. We present the fabrication and characterization of a silicon micromirror with carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-nickel (Ni) composite beams, and evaluate the mechanical stability of the micromirror in terms of resonant frequency. A novel electroplating method is developed for the synthesis of the CNTs-Ni composite. The weight fraction of the CNTs in the electroplated composite is 2.6 wt%, and the ultramicroindentation hardness of the composite is 18.6 GPa. The maximum variation of the resonant frequency of the fabricated micromirror during a long term stability test is approximately 0.25%, and its scanning angle is approximately 20°. It shows the potential ability of the CNTs-Ni composite for micromechanical elements application.

  79. Anomalous solute and heat diffusion in fault structures

    Suzuki Anna, Hashida Toshiyuki, Li Kewen, Horne Ronald

    Proceedings of the 40th Stanford Geothermal Workshop 2015年2月

  80. Analysis of Water Injection in Fractured Reservoirs Using a Fractional-Derivative-Based Mass and Heat Transfer Model 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Yuichi Niibori, Sergei A. Fomin, Vladimir A. Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES 47 (1) 31-49 2015年1月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11004-014-9522-5  



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    This research proposes a numerical scheme for evaluating the effect of cold-water injection into a geothermal reservoir. A fractional heat transfer equation (fHTE) is derived based on the fractional advection-dispersion equation (fADE) that describes non-Fickian dispersion in a fractured reservoir. Numerical simulations are conducted to examine the applicability of the fADE and the fHTE in interpreting tracer and thermal responses in a fault-related subsidiary structure associated with fractal geometry. A double-peak is exhibited when the surrounding rocks have a constant permeability. On the other hand, the peak in the tracer response gradually decreases when the permeability varies with distance from the fault zone according to a power law, which can be described by the fADE. The temperature decline is more gradual when the permeability of surrounding rocks varies spatially than when they have a constant permeability. The fHTE demonstrates good agreement with the temperature profiles for the different permeabilities of surrounding rocks. The retardation parameters in the fADE and the fHTE increase with the permeability of the surrounding rocks. The orders of the temporal fractional derivatives in the fADE and the fHTE vary with the permeability patterns.

  81. Fractional derivative-based tracer analysis method for the characterization of mass transport in fractured geothermal reservoirs 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Yuichi Niibori, Sergei A. Fomin, Vladimir A. Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    GEOTHERMICS 53 125-132 2015年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2014.05.003  



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    The fractional advection-dispersion equation (fADE) has been proposed to describe mass transport in a fractured reservoir. This study develops a finite discrete method to solve the fADE and tests its accuracy against analytical solutions. Tracer simulation uses a three-dimensional simulation of flow analysis (FRACSIM-3D). The solution to the fADE incorporating a spatial fractional derivative shows reasonable agreement with the tracer response from FRACSIM-3D, which shows highly anomalous behaviors such as a long tail. The prediction by the fADE model is reasonably similar to those of FRACSIM-3D irrespective of differing well intervals. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  82. Multi-nanoparticle model simulations of the porosity effect on sintering processes in Ni/YSZ and Ni/ScSZ by the molecular dynamics method 査読有り

    Jingxiang Xu, Shandan Bai, Yuji Higuchi, Nobuki Ozawa, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Momoji Kubo

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 3 (43) 21518-21527 2015年


    DOI: 10.1039/c5ta05575j  



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    Understanding the sintering mechanism in porous anodes is necessary for developing durable anodes suitable for use in solid oxide fuel cells. A multi-nanoparticle sintering simulation method based on molecular dynamics (MD) calculation was developed for this purpose [J. Xu et al., J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 9663-96721. The method can be used to calculate the effect of the porous structure properties, such as the porosity and framework structure, on the sintering, unlike previous sintering simulations with conventional nanoparticle models. We revealed that, in a Ni/YSZ porous anode, the YSZ nanoparticle framework suppresses sintering of Ni nanoparticles by disrupting the growth of the neck between two Ni nanoparticles. In this paper, we used our method to reveal the effect of ceramic type on the sintering processes. We investigated the difference between the sintering and degradation processes in Ni/YSZ and Ni/ScSZ anodes. In the simulation, the degree of sintering of the Ni nanoparticles in Ni! ScSZ was smaller than that in Ni/YSZ. The stronger adhesion of Ni to ScSZ nanoparticles than to YSZ nanoparticles prevented the Ni nanoparticles from approaching each other in the Ni/ScSZ anode, inhibiting sintering. Our multi-nanoparticle sintering MD simulations revealed the different sintering processes for Ni nanoparticles in Ni/YSZ and Ni/ScSZ anodes. We also investigated the effect of sintering on degradation. The hydrogen adsorption sites and electrochemical reaction sites of the hydrogen oxidation decreased as the degree of sintering increased. A low degradation of the Ni/ScSZ anode relative to that of the Ni/YSZ anode was observed. Furthermore, we showed the effect of porosity on degradation induced by sintering in Ni/YSZ and Ni/ScSZ, and found an optimal porosity. These findings cannot be obtained by conventional two- or three-nanoparticle sintering MD simulations. Our multi-nanoparticle sintering simulation method is useful for revealing the types of ceramics suitable for inhibiting sintering and degradation in anodes, and can be used to design durable anodes.

  83. High temperature strength and elastic properties of doped ceria under various oxygen partial pressures 査読有り

    T. Taguchi, S. Watanabe, K. Sato, T. Hashida

    ECS Transactions 68 (1) 375-385 2015年

    出版者・発行元:Electrochemical Society Inc.

    DOI: 10.1149/06801.0375ecst  

    ISSN:1938-6737 1938-5862

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Fracture strength and Young's modulus of ceria doped with 10 mol.% Gd and 10, 20 and 30 mol.% Y were investigated by means of small punch testing method under controlled temperature (1073 K) and oxygen partial pressure (log((p(O&lt inf&gt 2&lt /inf&gt )/atm)= -1.1, 17.5, -21.4, -22.0). Under the reducing conditions, the color of fractured doped ceria specimen changed from pale yellow to gray it is therefore indicated that oxygen nonstoichiometry affects mechanical properties of the doped ceria. Under low oxygen partial pressure, Young's modulus of all specimens decreased monotonically. The fracture strength, by contrast, increased at log(p(O&lt inf&gt 2&lt /inf&gt )/atm) = -17.5, and lower oxygen partial pressures each yttria doped ceria with different Y content showed different variation trends. The oxygen partial pressure dependence of the fracture strength of doped ceria could be arranged as a function of the reduction expansion of the lattice constant a/a&lt inf&gt 0&lt /inf&gt .

  84. Characterization of mass/heat transfer in fractured geothermal reservoirs by means of mathematical model for complex systems 査読有り

    Proceedings of World Geothermal Congress, April 16-24, 2015, Australia-New Zealand in CD ROM 2015年

  85. 非整数階微分を含む移流分散方程式を用いたトレーサー解析によるき裂構造推定に関する研究 査読有り

    蒔田浩士, 鈴木杏奈, 岩垣 巧, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    Journal of MMIJ, The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan 131 (1) 1-8 2015年

  86. Inclined slit-based pullout method for determining interfacial strength of multi-walled carbon nanotube-alumina composites 査読有り

    Yo Nozaka, Weili Wang, Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    CARBON 78 439-445 2014年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2014.07.024  



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    This paper describes a testing method which enables us to determine experimentally the interfacial strength between multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and ceramic matrix in MWCNT/ceramic composites. The testing method developed in this research, named "Inclined slit-based pullout method", includes a single nanotube pullout technique and a focused ion beam (FIB) technique, which enables MWCNTs to be pulled out from the ceramic matrix during the pullout tests. Single MWCNTs embedded in a fracture surface of an alumina matrix composite are pulled out using a nanomanipulator system in a scanning electron microscope. Embedded lengths of the MWCNTs are controlled by using the FIB technique, i.e., by making an inclined through-slit near the fracture surface of the composite. The average interfacial strength between the MWCNTs and alumina matrix is evaluated to be 19.2 +/- 6.6 MPa for 3 MWCNTs tested in this research. This value is found to be approximately close to that estimated from pullout lengths of the MWCNTs on the fracture surface of the composite, supporting the validity of the testing methods developed in this research. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  87. Microstructure–property relationships in pressureless-sintered carbon nanotube/alumina composites 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Keiichi Shirasu, Yo Nozaka, Weili Wang, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Materials Science & Engineering 617 (3) 179-186 2014年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.08.068  



  88. Development of mathematical heat transfer model toward design of reinjection for sustainable geothermal extraction 査読有り

    Suzuki Anna, Niibori Yuichi, Fomin Sergei A, Chugunov Vladimir A, Hashida Toshiyuki

    Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014 International Conference and Exhibition 2014年8月

  89. Resonant Silicon Micromirror with Electrophated Carbon Nanotubes-Nickel Composite Beams for MEMS Application

    Ahonglie An, Masaya Toda, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    The IEEE International Nanoelectonics Conference 6 173 2014年7月28日

  90. Tensile mechanical properties of carbon nanotube/epoxy composite fabricated by pultrusion of carbon nanotube spun yarn preform 査読有り

    Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kahori Oshima, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Ken Goto, Toshio Ogasawara, Kimiyoshi Naito, Takayuki Nakano, Yoku Inoue


    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2014.03.011  



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    In order to achieve a sufficiently high volume fraction and the preferred alignment of long carbon nanotubes (CNTs), CNT spun yarns were used as preforms for fabricating epoxy-based composite materials with excellent mechanical properties using the pultrusion technique. Epoxy resin was well impregnated into the preforms, resulting in better load transfer from the resin to the CNTs. By using CNT spun yarn as the preform, the Young's modulus and tensile strength were improved by up to 15 times and 7 times over those of the epoxy resin, respectively. SEM observation suggested that the dominant fracture mode of the composite was fiber breakage of the CNTs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  91. Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of Ethylenediaminated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Prepared from Fluorinated SWCNTs 査読有り

    Kohei Bushimata, Shin-ichi Ogino, Kazutaka Hirano, Tatsuhiro Yabune, Kenta Sato, Takashi Itoh, Kenichi Motomiya, Koji Yokoyama, Daiki Mabuchi, Hikaru Nishizaka, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuyuki Tohji, Yoshinori Sato

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 118 (27) 14948-14956 2014年7月


    DOI: 10.1021/jp503124n  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We prepared ethylenediaminated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) from fluorinated SWCNTs by substituting fluorine groups with ethylenediamine groups. The ethylenediaminated SWCNTs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Raman scattering spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area measurement by nitrogen adsorption, contact angle measurement, zeta potential analysis, and thermogravimetry. In addition, the properties of 30 wt % sulfuric acid aqueous electrolyte-based electric double-layer supercapacitors (EDLSCs) with free-standing ethylenediaminated SWCNT electrodes were investigated. The degree of ethylenediamine functionalization was 0.603 mmol/g and 1.46 mu mol/m(2), and the specific surface area was similar to 413.3 m(2)/g. From HRTEM observation, isolated nanotubes disentangled from the bundled SWCNTs were present in many observed areas, and the structures retained a nanotube skeleton. The properties of the EDLSCs with the ethylenediaminated SWCNT electrodes included an average specific capacitance of 94 F/g at a low scan rate of 10 mV/s and an energy density of 2.6 Wh/kg at a power density of 0.24 kW/kg. The EDLSCs exhibited an average specific capacitance of 67 F/g at a high scan rate of 1000 mV/s and an energy density of 1.3 Wh/kg at a power density of 24 kW/kg, values that were superior to those of carboxylated SWCNT electrodes.

  92. Shytheisis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube-Nickel Composite with High Content of Carbon Nanotubes

    Zhonglie An, Masaya Toda, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    The Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies 7 14-5 2014年6月29日

  93. Communication: Different behavior of Young's modulus and fracture strength of CeO2: Density functional theory calculations 査読有り

    Ryota Sakanoi, Tomomi Shimazaki, Jingxiang Xu, Yuji Higuchi, Nobuki Ozawa, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Momoji Kubo

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 140 (12) 140-143 2014年3月


    DOI: 10.1063/1.4869515  



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    In this Communication, we use density functional theory (DFT) to examine the fracture properties of ceria (CeO2), which is a promising electrolyte material for lowering the working temperature of solid oxide fuel cells. We estimate the stress-strain curve by fitting the energy density calculated by DFT. The calculated Young's modulus of 221.8 GPa is of the same order as the experimental value, whereas the fracture strength of 22.7 GPa is two orders of magnitude larger than the experimental value. Next, we combine DFT and Griffith theory to estimate the fracture strength as a function of a crack length. This method produces an estimated fracture strength of 0.467 GPa, which is of the same order as the experimental value. Therefore, the fracture strength is very sensitive to the crack length, whereas the Young's modulus is not. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

  94. Fabrication of CNT-carbon composite microstructures using Si micromolding and pyrolysis 査読有り

    Liang He, Masaya Toda, Yusuke Kawai, Hidetoshi Miyashita, Mamoru Omori, Toshiyuki Hashida, Rüdiger Berger, Takahito Ono

    Microsystem Technologies 20 (2) 201-208 2014年2月

    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-013-1771-6  


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    A fabrication method of carbon nanotube (CNT)-carbon composite microstructures has been developed. CNT-carbon composite microstructures with dimensions from 10 micrometers to several hundred micrometers have been fabricated by pyrolysis process from the patterned SU-8 photoresist mixed with 1 wt% of CNTs at temperature of ~600 C under inert atmosphere. The resulting composite microstructures with a high aspect ratio of ~34 can be successfully fabricated by this novel fabrication method. This research provides a simple approach that is compatible with microfabrication technology and is capable of fabricating composite microstructures with reproducible shape and dimensions, at desired locations. This approach has potential for the further exploring of applications of composite micro/nano structures as functional units in various microdevices. Also the ultramicroindentation hardness of the CNT-carbon composite films was investigated by nanoindentation measurement. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

  95. Structure-property relationships in thermally-annealed multi-walled carbon nanotubes 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Keiichi Shirasu, Yo Nozaka, Yoshinori Sato, Toshiyuki Takagi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    CARBON 66 219-226 2014年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.08.061  



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    The mechanical properties of individual multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) synthesized by a catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method followed by a series of high temperature annealing steps at 1200, 1800, 2200 and 2600 degrees C are investigated by a manipulator tool operated inside a scanning electron microscope. To investigate the relationship between the MWCNT structure and mechanical properties, such MWCNTs with a significantly different nanostructure are separately tested in tension, and subsequently observed their nanostructure and fracture morphology by a transmission electron microscope. The results show that the thermal annealing is effective for improving both the strength and modulus of the catalytic CVD-grown MWCNTs. The MWCNTs annealed at 1800, 2200 and 2600 degrees C display enhancements to their strengths by factors of similar to 5.4, similar to 5.1 and similar to 15.6, and moduli by factors of similar to 5.9, similar to 13.2 and similar to 18.9, respectively, compared to the MWCNTs annealed at 1200 degrees C. This effect is associated with the degree of waviness of the graphitic planes, along the nanotube axis as well as the degree of crystallinity of the MWCNTs: the strength and modulus of the MWCNTs increases with a higher degree of orientation of the 002 graphitic planes and with a lower degree of defect concentration in the MWCNT structure. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  96. A simple 3-D thermoplastic model for assessment of the long-term performance of the Hijiori deep geothermal reservoir 査読有り

    Yani Jing, Zhenzi Jing, Jonathan Willis-Richards, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.10.012  



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    In order to assess the thermoelastic influence on the long-term performance of hot dry rock (HDR) reservoirs, a simple three-dimensional (3-D) thermoelastic model has been developed based on an assumption of a spherically symmetric volume of cooled rock within reservoir. This model has been incorporated into a 3-D stochastic network model, FRACSIM-3D, which incorporates a fracture network designed to mimic natural fracture distributions as well as stimulation and circulation. The model has been used to evaluate the possible long-term performance of the deep HDR reservoir at Hijiori, Japan. Simulation results showed that thermoelasticity could exert a significant influence on production temperature, injection pressure and water loss. For a multi-well geothermal system, thermoelasticity seemed to have a potential to cause the development of high flow rate/rapidly cooling flow paths (thermal short circuits). (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  97. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Alumina Composites Prepared By A Novel Flocculation Method 査読有り

    W.L. Wang, G. Yamamoto, K. Shirasu, Y. Nozaka, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of 16TH European Conference On Composite Materials (ECCM16), Seville, Spain, 22-26 June 2014 in CD ROM 2014年

  98. Fabrication And Mechanical Evaluatuion Of Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Sheet/Alumina Laminated Ceramic Composites 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, K. Shirasu, Y. Nozaka, Y. Shimamura, Y. Inoue, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of 16TH European Conference On Composite Materials (ECCM16), Seville, Spain, 22-26 June 2014 in CD ROM 2014年

  99. Characterization of Mass / Heat Transfer in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs Using Mathematical Model of Complex Dynamical System 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Yuichi Niibori, Sergei A Fomin, Vladimir A Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of 39th Stanford Geothermal Workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202 1-9 2014年

  100. Mechanical Analysis to Improve Reliability and Durability of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Materials Science Forum 783-786 1704-1707 2014年

    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.783-786.170  

  101. Analysis of Confining Pressure Dependency of Apparent Fracture Toughness of Rock Based on Cohesive Crack Model 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on In-situ Rock Stress (ISRM Specialized Conference 2013), August 20-22, 2013, Sendai, Japan, in CD ROM 2013年8月20日

  102. Development of Pressureless Sintering Method for Carbon Nanotube/Alumina Composites and Their Microstructure-Property Relationships 査読有り


    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 7 (3) 394-402 2013年5月

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.7.394  


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    Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/alumina composites with different amounts of MWCNTs were prepared by a simple mechanical mixing method followed by a pressureless sintering. The effects of microstructures including grain size, MWCNT location, fracture patterns of the matrix and dispersibility of MWCNTs on the mechanical properties of the resultant composites were investigated. It was demonstrated from microstructural observations and fracture tests of the composites that grain size, MWCNT location and fracture patterns had no significant impact on the mechanical properties of the composites prepared under the processing conditions used in this research. In contrast, the state of MWCNT dispersion within the composites was shown to be one of the important factors affecting the strength and toughness enhancement in our composites. The dispersibility of MWCNTs decreased monotonically as a function of MWCNT volume fraction. The degradation in the mechanical properties observed for the composites with a higher amount of MWCNTs was shown to be associated with the dispersibility of MWCNTs, and a MWCNT agglomerate was anticipated to act as imperfections and led to a reduction of mechanical properties.

  103. Pull-out simulations of a capped carbon nanotube in carbon nanotube-reinforced nanocomposites 査読有り

    Y. Li, S. Liu, N. Hu, X. Han, L. Zhou, H. Ning, L. Wu, Alamusi, G. Yamamoto, C. Chang, T. Hashida, S. Atobe, H. Fukunaga

    Journal of Applied Physics 113 (14) 144304-1-144304-7 2013年4月14日

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4800110  


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    Systematic atomic simulations based on molecular mechanics were conducted to investigate the pull-out behavior of a capped carbon nanotube (CNT) in CNT-reinforced nanocomposites. Two common cases were studied: the pull-out of a complete CNT from a polymer matrix in a CNT/polymer nanocomposite and the pull-out of the broken outer walls of a CNT from the intact inner walls (i.e., the sword-in-sheath mode) in a CNT/alumina nanocomposite. By analyzing the obtained relationship between the energy increment (i.e., the difference in the potential energy between two consecutive pull-out steps) and the pull-out displacement, a set of simple empirical formulas based on the nanotube diameter was developed to predict the corresponding pull-out force. The predictions from these formulas are quite consistent with the experimental results. Moreover, the much higher pull-out force for a capped CNT than that of the corresponding open-ended CNT implies a significant contribution from the CNT cap to the interfacial properties of the CNT-reinforced nanocomposites. This finding provides a valuable insight for designing nanocomposites with desirable mechanical properties. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

  104. Water saturation dependence on CO2 sorption capacity of sandstones 査読有り

    Takashi Fujii, Kaori Endo, Satomi Nakagawa, Yoshiyuki Sato, Hiroshi Inomata, Shinsuke Nakao, Toshiyuki Hashida

    GHGT-11 37 5360-5366 2013年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.454  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The purpose of this study is to examine the CO2 sorption amount for Kimachi sandstone and Berea sandstone in water-saturated and air-dry states using the pressure decay method (manometric method) at 50 degrees C and pressures of up to 20 MPa and to provide useful information for assessing the effect of water saturation state on sorption behavior of CO2 in host reservoir rocks. (c) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  105. 固体酸化物形燃料電池材料の機械的特性のin situ測定 招待有り 査読有り

    雨澤 浩史, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 川田 達也

    Netsu Sokutei 40 1-7 2013年

  106. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ni Nanoparticles Sintering Process in Ni/YSZ Multi-Nanoparticle System 査読有り

    J. Xu, R. Sakanoi, Y. Higuchi, N. Ozawa, K. Sato, T. Hashida, M. Kubo

    J. Phys. Chem. C 117 9663-9672 2013年

    DOI: 10.1021/jp310920d  

  107. SOFCの耐久性・信頼性向上のための構成材料の機械的基礎物性研究 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 渡辺 智, 雨澤浩史, 川田達也, 橋田俊之

    セラミックス 48 (3) 159-164 2013年

  108. 完全固体電池開発のための人工知能技術の必要性 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 福井健一, 高藤 淳, 橋田俊之, 水崎純一郎

    人工知能学会誌 28 (4) 529-534 2013年

  109. 超臨界CO2注入に伴う来待砂岩および飯館花崗岩の浸透率の変化 査読有り

    藤井孝志, 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, 橋田俊之, 當舎利行, 中尾信典

    Journal of The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (Journal of MMIJ) 129 (12) 701-706 2013年

    出版者・発行元:The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan

    DOI: 10.2473/journalofmmij.129.701  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Understanding of interfacial interactions among supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> (scCO<sub>2</sub>), water, and mineral phase is necessary for a precisely prediction of CO<sub>2</sub> migration into aquifers. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of scCO<sub>2</sub> on flow property of Kimachi sandstone and Iidate granite in a CO<sub>2</sub> rich dense phase i.e., the condition of which scCO<sub>2</sub> is expected to displace formation water in the course of CO<sub>2</sub> injection. In this experiment, the permeability test for CO<sub>2</sub> gas was conducted before and after a CO<sub>2</sub> saturation procedure that is filled with scCO<sub>2</sub> in pores of rocks. To investigate a mechanical property of rock specimen in the presence of scCO<sub>2</sub>, the axial strain was also measured using a laser displacement sensor during scCO<sub>2</sub> saturation processes. Our results showed that both Kimachi sandstone and Iidate granite samples tested have a more or less decreasing trend of gas permeability with increasing exposure time to scCO<sub>2</sub>. It was further shown that the axial strain of Kimachi sandstone and Iidate granite increased as scCO<sub>2</sub>-exposure time increased. Additionally, increases in masses and dimensions of test samples before and after scCO<sub>2</sub> saturation processes were clearly observed under atmospheric pressure conditions. It can, therefore be said that Kimachi sandstone and Iidate granite could be capable of swelling and permeability change accompanied by CO<sub>2</sub> sorption into their internal structures in the presence of scCO<sub>2</sub>. Furthermore, the observed significant reduction in permeability cannot fully be explained by two model predictions based on Kozeney-Carman equation and Hagen-Poiseuille law, considering CO<sub>2</sub> sorption onto mineral phases. The present results pointed out that CO<sub>2</sub> sorption on rocks under geological CO<sub>2</sub> storage conditions could have a significantly impact on flow property of rocks during CO<sub>2</sub> injection and storage processes.

  110. Multimodal Assessment of Durability and Reliability of Flattened Tubular SIS Stacks 査読有り

    Y. Matsuzaki, K. Nakamura, T. Somekawa, K. Fujita, T. Horita, K. Yamaji, H. Kishimoto, M. Yoshikawa, T. Yamamoto, Y. Mugikura, H. Yokokawa, N. Shikazono, K. Eguchi, T. Matsui, S. Watanabe, K. Sato, T. Hashida, T. Kawada, K. Sasaki, S. Taniguchi

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 13 (SOFC-XIII) 57 (1) 325-333 2013年


    DOI: 10.1149/05701.0325ecst  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The durability and reliability of segmented-in-series (SIS) type cells-stack was investigated by multimodal assessment in which Tokyo Gas collaborated with research institutes under NEDO project, "Development of system and elemental technology on SOFCs". The SIS cells-stack, developed by Tokyo Gas in cooperation with Kyocera, has many advantages such as reduced temperature operation, high-voltage/low-current power generation, and lower in material cost of electrical insulating substrate compared to Ni based substrates for anode-supported cells. Another key advantage is that there is no need for alloy interconnects. This would make the cell-stack more durable than other types of cell-stacks having metallic interconnects. Durability of the stacks was investigated by the operations in electric furnaces at Tokyo Gas, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), and Kyushu University. After the operations post analyses were conducted by the research institutes, such as National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tohoku University, Kyoto University, The University Tokyo, and Kyushu University. Through the multimodal assessment durability and reliability of the SIS stacks for long-term operation and thermal cycles have been shown to be high enough for 40,000 h life and more.

  111. Intelligent Analysis for Evaluating Physical Degradation using Acoustic Emission 査読有り

    K. Fukui, K. Sato, T. Hashida, J. Mizusaki, M. Numao

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 13 (SOFC-XIII) 57 (1) 571-580 2013年


    DOI: 10.1149/05701.0571ecst  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We previously developed a technique by which to measure the mechanical damage of SOFC using the acoustic emission (AE) method. In the present paper, we applied an adapted Self-Organizing Map (SOM), which is an artificial neural network model, to produce a cluster map reflecting the similarity of AE events. The obtained map visualized the change in occurrence patterns of similar AE events, revealing six phases of damage progress. Moreover, we inferred mechanical interactions among components of SOFC from a series of AE events by our proposed data mining method called co-occurring cluster mining. Our methods provide a common foundation for a comprehensive damage evaluation system and a damage monitoring system.

  112. Evaluation of Elastic and Strength Properties of Ni-YSZ Cermets for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells under Redox Cycling 査読有り

    K. Sato, T. Miyasaka, S. Watanabe, T. Hashida

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 13 (SOFC-XIII) 57 (1) 753-762 2013年


    DOI: 10.1149/05701.0753ecst  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The effects of pore volume in Ni-YSZ cermets on their mechanical properties under redox cycling were examined using a small punch (SP) testing method. The volume fractions of pores Vp in as-sintered NiO-YSZ specimens were in the range of 0-30%, and with the Ni/YSZ mixture ratio of 50:50%. All the measurements were conducted at 800 C. For Vp&gt;20%, the measured Young's modulus and strength of re-oxidized NiO-YSZ cermets were almost close to those of the as-sintered cermets. The experimental result indicates that the appropriate selection of Vp is necessary for ensuring the mechanical properties during redox cycling.

  113. Identification of Ni-YSZ Anode Creep Property Using PSO for Multiscale Simulation 査読有り

    S. Watanabe, F. Iguchi, K. Sato, K. Yamamoto, T. Hashida, K. Terada, T. Kawada

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 13 (SOFC-XIII) 57 (1) 1379-1386 2013年


    DOI: 10.1149/05701.1379ecst  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Our group has attempted to construct an SOFC multiscale model which can simulate inelastic deformation under operating conditions. In this study, we have focused on mechanical properties of Ni-YSZ anode and aimed to identify creep parameter which is a key factor of inelastic deformation. Measurements were performed at elevated temperatures under controlled oxygen partial pressures using in-situ mechanical testing equipment. Creep parameters of Ni-YSZ anode were optimized to have least difference between the result of numerical material test and experiment, using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm of the approximate optimization techniques based on behavior of self-organized system. As a result, we could confirm transit creep on Ni-YSZ cermet, and identify parameters of it. Simulated creep curves showed good fitting to experimental curves at applied stress up to 5MPa, but deviated at higher applied stresses.

  114. Theoretical Study on the Effect of Three-Dimensional Porous Structure on the Sintering of Nickel Nanoparticles in the Ni/YSZ Anode 査読有り

    Jingxiang Xu, Yuji Higuchi, Nobuki Ozawa, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Momoji Kubo

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 13 (SOFC-XIII) 57 (1) 2459-2464 2013年


    DOI: 10.1149/05701.2459ecst  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Understanding of the sintering mechanism of nickel nanoparticles in the Ni/YSZ anode is requested for long-term durability of solid oxide fuel cell. To elucidate the effects of a porous structure of the Ni/YSZ anode on the sintering, we investigated the sintering process in the Ni/YSZ anodes with different porosities by using our developed multi-nanoparticle molecular dynamics simulation method. We found that the nickel nanoparticle size significantly increased although the YSZ nanoparticles showed little change during the sintering in all the Ni/YSZ models. Since the decrease in the porosity leads to the decrease in the pore size of the YSZ framework, the sintering of the nickel nanoparticles in the Ni/YSZ model with the less porosity is more prevented by suppressing the neck growth in the small pore. On the other hand, the excessively large porosity increases the distance between the nickel nanoparticles and prevents the nickel nanoparticles from contacting.

  115. 非整数階微分を含む物質移動モデルを用いた坑井間距離の異なるトレーサー応答推定の検証 査読有り

    鈴木杏奈, 蒔田浩士, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会誌 35 (4) 149-161 2013年


    DOI: 10.11367/grsj.35.149  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Use of fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation (fADE) has been proposed to describe mass transport in a fractured reservoir. In this study, a finite discrete method to solve the fADE is developed and its accuracy is tested against analytical solutions.<br>Tracer simulation is carried out using a 3D simulation code for flow analysis (FRACSIM-3D). The fADE mathematical model is applied to fit the numerical tracer results, which show highly anomalous behaviors such as a long tail. The solution to the fADE including a spatial fractional derivative is shown to be in reasonable agreement with the tracer response produced by FRACSIM-3D. The fitting parameters of the fADE equation obtained for well interval of 50 m are used to make predictions of tracer responses for well intervals of 100 m - 500 m. It has been shown that the tracer responses predicted by the fADE model are reasonable close to those obtained by FRACSIM-3D irrespective of the different well intervals. This study demonstrates that the fADE offers a method for predicting tracer responses in a fractured reservoir.

  116. Development of Fractional Derivative-Based Mass and Heat Transport Model 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Rol, N. Horne, Hiroshi Makita, Yuichi Niibori, Sergei A. Fomin, Vladimir A. Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of Thirty-Eight Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, SGP-TR-198 in CD ROM 2013年

  117. 固体酸化物燃料電池の機械的特性のin situ測定 査読有り

    雨澤浩史, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 川田達也

    熱測定 40 (1) 23-29 2013年1月

  118. カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の破壊特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブのアニール処理の影響 査読有り

    白須圭一, 山本剛, 野坂陽, 大森守, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 79 (802) 706-710 2013年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.79.706  


  119. 常圧焼成法により作製したカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の機械的特性および微細組織評価に関する研究 査読有り

    野坂陽, 山本剛, 白須圭一, 大森守, 高木敏行, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 79 (802) 764-768 2013年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.79.764  


  120. SOFC構成材料の物理化学的・機械的特性とセル・スタックの信頼性

    川田達也, 渡辺智, 坂本正, 尾澤伸樹, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 宇根本篤, 八代圭司, 雨澤浩史, 水崎純一郎, 井口史匡, 橋本真一, 湯上浩雄, 寺田賢二郎

    第21回SOFC研究発表会予稿集 28-34 2012年12月

  121. Effects of Redox Cycling on the Mechanical Properties of Ni-YSZ Cermets for SOFC Anodes as a Function of Porosity 査読有り

    Taihei Miyasaka, Shinji Sukinou, Satoshi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Sato, Tatsuya Kawada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, September 19-21, 2012, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, (2012) 556-557 2012年9月19日

  122. Characterization of Fluid Flow in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs based on Fractional Derivative Mathematical Model 査読有り

    Hiroshi Makita, Anna Suzuki, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, September 19-21, 2012, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, (2012), 664-665 664-665 2012年9月19日

  123. Prediction of pull-out force of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) in sword-in-sheath mode 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Sen Liu, Ning Hu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yaolu Liu, Cheng Yan, Yuan Li, Hao Cui, Huiming Ning, Liangke Wu



    DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.03.016  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The pull-out force of some outer walls against other inner walls in multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) was systematically studied by molecular mechanics simulations. The obtained results reveal that the pull-out force is proportional to the square of the diameter of the immediate outer wall on the sliding interface, which highlights the primary contribution of the capped section of MWCNT to the pull-out force. A simple empirical formula was proposed based on the numerical results to predict the pull-out force for an arbitrary pull-out in a given MWCNT directly from the diameter of the immediate outer wall on the sliding interface. Moreover, tensile tests for MWCNTs with and without acid-treatment were performed with a nanomanipulator inside a vacuum chamber of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to validate the present empirical formula. It was found that the theoretical pull-out forces agree with the present and some previous experimental results very well. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  124. Fabrication and Evaluation of Carbon Nanotube/Alumina Composites By Precursor Method 査読有り

    K. Shirasu, G. Yamamoto, Y. Nozaka, M. Omori, T. Hashida

    15TH European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 15), Venice, Italy, 24-28, June 2012, (2012), in CDROM. 2012年6月

  125. Measurements of Carbon Nanotube Tensile Strength and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nantube/Alumina Composites Prepared by Pressureless Sintering 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, K. Shirasu, Y. Nozaka, T. Takagi, T. Hashida

    15TH European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 15), Venice, Italy, 24-28, June 2012, (2012), in CDROM. 2012年6月

  126. Study on Durability of Flattened Tubular Segmented-in-Series Type SOFC Stacks 査読有り

    Kazuo Nakamura, Takaaki Somekawa, Kenjiro Fujita, Kenji Horiuchi, Yoshio Matsuzaki, Satoshi Yamashita, Harumi Yokokawa, Teruhisa Horita, Katsuhiko Yamaji, Haruo Kishimoto, Masahiro Yoshikawa, Tohru Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Mugikura, Satoshi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Tatsuya Kawada, Nobuhide Kasagi, Naoki Shikazono, Koichi Eguchi, Toshiaki Matsui, Kazunari Sasaki, Yusuke Shiratori

    10th European SOFC Forum 2012, 26 – 29 June 2012, Lucerne Switzerland, A1206, (2012), in CDROM. 2012年6月

  127. SOFCの信頼性と構成材料の物理化学的・機械的特性 招待有り 査読有り

    川田達也, 渡辺智, 坂本正, 井口史匡, 佐藤一永, 橋本真一, 小澤伸樹, 島崎智実, 寺田賢二郎, 八代圭司, 雨澤浩史, 橋田俊之, 久保百司, 湯上浩雄, 水崎純一郎

    水素エネルギーシステム 37 (2) 101-106 2012年2月


    Maribel L. Saucedo-Munoz, Toshiyuki Hashida, Victor M. Lopez-Hirata


    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Small-punch tests and determination of fracture toughness J(IC) were conducted at 4 and 77 K on new cryogenic JN1, JJ1 and JK2 austenitic stainless steels, after isothermal aging. Equivalent fracture strain epsilon(qf) was determined by measuring the reduction of thickness in the small-punch test specimen. A linear dependence of J(IC) on epsilon(qf) was found in these new materials. Regression analysis of experimental data produced the following linear relation J(IC) = 1304.1 epsilon(qf) + 8.09 [kJm(-2)]. An analysis of present work relation was pursued on the basis of material properties and evaluation method of J(IC). Results showed that the slope value has a strong dependence on material yield strength and J(IC) evaluation method. This linear relation is useful for the evaluation of fracture toughness J(IC), measuring the equivalent fracture strain epsilon(qf) by means of small-punch test. Thus it can be useful for assessing the degradation of fracture toughness in small areas such as, the heat-affected zone in welded components.

  129. Fractional derivative–based mass and heat transport model for evaluation of the effect of water injection in geothermal reservoirs

    Suzuki Anna, Makita Hiroshi, Niibori Yuichi, Hashida Toshiyuki

    Proceedings of the 13th Korea-Japan Students Symposium 2012年

  130. Fabrication of a Si-PZT hybrid XY-microstage with CNT-carbon hinges,

    Liang He, Masaya Toda, Yusuke Kawai, Mohd Faizul Sarbi, Mamoru Omori, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    電気学会論文誌E 132 (11) 425-426 2012年

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejsmas.132.425  



  131. Young’s modulus of MWCNT-Carbon cantilevered microstructure

    Liang He, Masaya Toda, Yusuke Kawai, Mamoru Omori, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    Proceeding of international Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering 173-173 2012年1月

  132. Influence of the structure of the nanotube on the mechanical properties of binder-free multi-walled carbon nanotube solids 査読有り

    Yoshinori Sato, Hikaru Nishizaka, Shunichi Sawano, Atsushi Yoshinaka, Kazutaka Hirano, Shinji Hashiguchi, Takayuki Arie, Seiji Akita, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hisamichi Kimura, Kenichi Motomiya, Kazuyuki Tohji

    CARBON 50 (1) 34-39 2012年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2011.07.047  


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    We prepared and characterized multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) solids by de-fluorination of fluorinated MWCNTs using spark plasma sintering. In order to investigate the influence of the structure of MWCNT on the mechanical strength of the resulting solids, MWCNTs used in this experiment were as-defected MWCNTs modified by nitric acid and as-purified ones as non-defected nanotubes by comparison. The bend strength and modulus of the resulting solids were lower than those of de-fluorinated MWCNT solids derived from as-purified MWCNTs. The mechanical properties of the resulting MWCNT solids were found to be strongly dependent on the structure of the MWCNT. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  133. Water Saturation Dependence on CO2 Sorption Potential of Sandstones 査読有り

    Takashi Fujii, Kaori Endo, Satomi Nakagawa, Yoshiyuki Sato, Hiroshi Inomata, Shinsuke Nakao, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Natural Resources 3 (2) 48-55 2012年

    DOI: 10.4236/nr.2012.32008  

  134. Characterization of Tracer Responses Using Fractional Derivative-Based Mathematical Model and Its Application to Prediction of Mass Transport in Fractured Reservoirs 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Hiroshi Makita, Yuichi Niibori, Sergei A. Fomin, Vladimir A. Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 36 1391-1396 2012年

  135. A comparative study of NiO–Ce<SUB>0.9</SUB>Gd<SUB>0.1</SUB>O<SUB>1.95</SUB> nanocomposite powders synthesized by hydroxide and oxalate co-precipitation methods 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Kazuhisa Sato, Junichiro Mizusaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Ceramic International 38 (1) 85-92 2012年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2011.06.041  


  136. SOFC動作環境中における燃料極Ni-YSZサーメットの機械特性評価 査読有り

    渡辺 智, 佐藤一永, 鋤納伸治, 井口史匡, 八代圭司, 雨澤浩史, 湯上浩雄, 橋田俊之, 水崎純一郎, 川田達也

    日本機械学会論文集A編 78 (787) 349-360 2012年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.78.349  


  137. カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の機械的特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブ表面修飾の影響に関する研究 査読有り

    山本 剛, 白須圭一, 野坂 陽, 大森 守, 高木敏行, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 78 (790) 843-854 2012年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.78.843  



    S. Hashimoto, H. Watanabe, T. Sakamoto, T. Kawada, K. Yashiro, J. Mizusaki, K. Kumada, D. Changsheng, K. Sato, T. Hashida



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, a redox evaluation system for anode supported SOFCs using in-situ acoustic emission (AE) and electrochemical technique has been developed. The system consists of a gas blending unit, moisture controlling unit, AE cell evaluation probe, gas cooling exhaust, electrochemical cell test system and AE signal measurement system. The anode supported coin cells, which have the same thickness dimension as practical SOFCs have, can be evaluated under temperature and atmosphere controlled conditions. The oxygen partial pressure in the anodic atmospheres can be gradually controlled from air to reducing atmosphere using the gas blending unit which is connected to 6 gas cylinders. Humidity in the anodic atmospheres can be controlled by moisture controlling unit which consists of 2 bubblers form 0.86% (5 degrees C saturation) up to 80% (94 degrees C saturation). Redox process of the anode can be simulated in this system by controlled three oxidation modes, i.e. O-2 gas oxidation, steam oxidation and electrochemical oxidation, which correspond to actual troubles, i.e. gas leakage, degradation of downstream and fuel depletion, respectively. An AE transducer can monitor the cell condition via an inner tube for a guide of exhaust from the cathode. Redox cell test for the anode supported coin cell has been examined at 770 degrees C using this system. After the reduction of the anode substrate in moist H-2, current 0.5Acm(-2) loaded to the cell. And then H-2 gas concentration had been reduced by stages. The cell voltage was down to below -6V after H-2 gas concentration was reduced to p(H2)=2%. This drastic cell voltage drop and AE signal generation occurred at the same time. It is considered that Ni re-oxidation with fracture started at this time. Local delamination between anode and electrolyte, and also cracks at the electrolyte and cathode were observed after redox test. It was confirmed that AE sensing is effective for redox evaluation.

  139. SOFCの機械的信頼性・耐久性向上に向けたその場観察手法開発

    井口史匡, 佐藤一永, 島崎知実, 尾澤伸樹, 寺田賢二郎, 橋田俊之, 湯上浩雄, 八代圭司, 坂本正, 宇根本篤, 水崎純一郎, 橋本真一, 渡辺智, 雨澤浩史, 川田達也

    第20回SOFC研究発表会予稿集 144-147 2011年12月

  140. Nanotube fracture during the failure of carbon nanotube/alumina composites 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Keiichi Shirasu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Toshiyuki Takagi, Ji Won Suk, Jinho An, Richard D. Piner, Rodney S. Ruoff

    CARBON 49 (12) 3709-3716 2011年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2011.04.022  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) underwent failure during crack opening in a MWCNT/alumina composite. Transmission electron microscope observations and single nanotube pullout tests revealed that the MWCNTs, rather than pulling out from the alumina matrix, broke in the outer shells and then the inner core was pulled away, leaving fragments of the outer shells in the matrix (i.e., they underwent failure in a "sword-in-sheath" fracture mode, as observed for MWCNTs under tensile loading). Some MWCNTs failed leaving either a very short sword-in-sheath failure or a clean break. Theoretical predictions based on the MWCNT failure and pullout models suggested that the use of MWCNTs having a much higher load carrying capacity may lead to composites with a higher fracture toughness. These results may provide new insight into the fracture mechanisms and suggest a new design methodology for MWCNT-based ceramic composites, leading to improved fracture toughness. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  141. Synthesis of La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3 Nanopowders and Their Application in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF FUEL CELL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 8 (5) 132002-1-132002-14 2011年10月


    DOI: 10.1115/1.4004176  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3 (LSCF) nanopowders, which are being investigated as a promising cathode material for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), were synthesized by citric acid gel combustion method. The LSCF nanopowders synthesized at 700 degrees C are single perovskite phases and have an average particle size of less than 30 nm. In order to evaluate the use of the synthesized LSCF nanopowders as cathode material of low-temperature SOFCs, anode-supported SOFCs were fabricated from the synthesized LSCF nanopowders and tested in the conditions of humidified hydrogen for anode and oxygen for cathode. The anode-supported single cell with the LSCF cathode sintered at 700 degrees C showed high electrical performance with the maximum power density of 771 mW cm(-2) at 600 degrees C. The results show that the synthesized LSCF nanopowders are suitable to be applied as cathode material for low-temperature SOFCs. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004176]

  142. Synthesis of La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3 Nanopowders and Their Application in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF FUEL CELL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 8 (5) 051016-1-051016-4 2011年10月


    DOI: 10.1115/1.4004176  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3 (LSCF) nanopowders, which are being investigated as a promising cathode material for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), were synthesized by citric acid gel combustion method. The LSCF nanopowders synthesized at 700 degrees C are single perovskite phases and have an average particle size of less than 30 nm. In order to evaluate the use of the synthesized LSCF nanopowders as cathode material of low-temperature SOFCs, anode-supported SOFCs were fabricated from the synthesized LSCF nanopowders and tested in the conditions of humidified hydrogen for anode and oxygen for cathode. The anode-supported single cell with the LSCF cathode sintered at 700 degrees C showed high electrical performance with the maximum power density of 771 mW cm(-2) at 600 degrees C. The results show that the synthesized LSCF nanopowders are suitable to be applied as cathode material for low-temperature SOFCs. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004176]

  143. High Aspect Ratio Carbon Nanotube-Carbon Composite Microstructures Fabricated by Silicon Molding Technique 査読有り

    Liang He, Masaya Toda, Yusuke Kawai, Mamoru Omori, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 28 371-374 2011年9月26日

  144. High Aspect Ratio Carbon Nanotube-Carbon Composite Microstructures

    Liang He, Masaya Toda, Yusuke Kawai, Mamoru Omori, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム 28 134-137 2011年9月

  145. Investigation on CNT/alumina interface properties using molecular mechanics simulations 査読有り

    Sen Liu, Ning Hu, Go Yamamoto, Yindi Cai, Yajun Zhang, Yaolu Liu, Yuan Li, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hisao Fukunaga

    CARBON 49 (11) 3701-3704 2011年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2011.04.059  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The pull-out of a carbon nanotube (CNT) from an alumina (alpha-Al(2)O(3)) matrix was investigated using molecular mechanics simulations to study the interfacial properties due to van der Waals and electrostatic Coulombic interactions. The pull-out force of the CNT was found to be proportional to its diameter, but independent of its length and alumina grain boundary type. A theory was proposed to predict the force for an arbitrary pull-out of a CNT from the alumina matrix using the outermost wall diameter of CNT. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  146. Measurements of the phase transition and the average length of the density fluctuation under supercritical fluid using micromechanical resonators 査読有り

    Masaya Toda, Takashi Fujii, Atsushi Yoshida, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    Applied Physics Letters 99 (7) 074101-1-074101-3 2011年8月15日

    DOI: 10.1063/1.3610942  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents an original method to measure the phase transition and macroscopic density fluctuation of supercritical carbon dioxide using a resonant microcantilever beam. There is a significant reduction of the resonant frequency near the phase transition point where the density and viscosity of carbon dioxide exhibit large variations, while the vibration amplitude of the micromechanical resonator displayed a large shift up due to generation of microscopic density fluctuation. The average length of the density fluctuation of supercritical fluid could be calculated from this large shift of the vibration amplitude and the value is in the range of millimeter. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

  147. Boron-Assisted Transformation to Rod-Like Graphitic Carbons from Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Boron-Mixed Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids 査読有り

    Yoshinori Sato, Hikaru Nishizaka, Kenichi Motomiya, Go Yamamoto, Akira Okubo, Hisamichi Kimura, Mikio Ishikuro, Kazuaki Wagatsuma, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuyuki Tohji

    ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 3 (7) 2431-2439 2011年7月


    DOI: 10.1021/am200335n  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We produced boron-mixed multi-walled carbon nanotube solids (B-mixed MWCNT solids) by heating and pressing the powder of purified MWCNTs mixed with 1, 5, and 10 wt % boron in the temperature range 1400-1800 degrees C every 200 degrees C under a constant pressure of 20 MPa in vacuo, and investigated the influence of boron addition on nanotube structure and the mechanical and electrical properties of the resulting B-mixed MWCNT solids. The structure of the prepared material was characterized by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy-electron energy loss spectroscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction, and their mechanical properties and conductivity were measured using a mechanical and Vickers indentation tester and an electric resistor, respectively. It is notable that part of the nanotubes in the B-mixed MWCNT solids solidified at 1800 C had dramatically changed into rod-like graphitic carbons (RLGCs). The occupancy distribution of RLGCs increased with increasing boron contents. However, boron was not detected in the energy-loss near-edge structure spectrum of RLGCs. Furthermore, RLGCs were not observed in the boron-unmixed sample treated with the same solidified condition, indicating that adding boron causes a remarkable ability to transform the phase of MWCNT. Transformation from MWCNTs to RLGCs resulted in increased specific bending strength and modulus, Vickers hardness, and electrical conductivity of B-mixed MWCNT solids with increasing boron content and solidified temperature.


    Liang He, Masaya Toda, Yusuke Kawai, Hidetoshi Miyashita, Chuanyu Shao, Mamoru Omori, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems 16 2331-2334 2011年6月

    DOI: 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969549  

  149. Synthesis and evaluation of NiO-Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 nanocomposite powders for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.02.073  


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    In this study, NiO-Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 (SDC) nanocomposite powders with NiO content of 40-60 mass% were successfully synthesized by hydroxide co-precipitation method. The effect of NiO content on crystal phase, crystallite size, average particle size and particle size distribution of the NiO SDC nanocomposite powders was investigated. The average particle size of the NiO SDC nanocomposite powders increased and the particle size distribution became wider with an increase in the NiO content. Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) were fabricated from the NiO SDC nanocomposite powders with different NiO content and electrochemical performance was tested at 500-650 degrees C using humidified hydrogen as fuel. Results showed that the NiO SDC nanocomposite powders were suitable to be applied as anode materials for low-temperature SOFCs. The anode-supported SOFC fabricated from the NiO SDC nanocomposite powders with 50 mass% NiO demonstrated the highest electrical performance among the anode-supported SOFCs fabricated from the NiO SDC nanocomposite powders with the NiO content of 40-60 mass%. Copyright (C) 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  150. Ionic Conductivity in Uniaxial Micro Strain/Stress Fields of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Ken Suzuki, Ryo Narumi, Keiji Yashiro, Toshiyuki Hashida, Junichiro Mizusaki

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 50 (5) 055803-1-055803-5 2011年5月


    DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.50.055803  


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    The influence of uniaxial compressive strain/stress on the O2- ion conductivity of an yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) sample was investigated by using electrochemical measurement. The conductivity was investigated by the AC four-probe method and molecular dynamics simulation. The applied compressive strain/stress ranged from 0 to 0.0003 (stress: 1.5-55 MPa) for the specimen in air at 873, 973, and 1073 K. To clarify the reason for the phenomenon of the decline in conductivity, the relaxation time for the conductivity after the application of strain/stresses was measured. The experimental result revealed that as the applied compressive strain/stress increases, the carrier concentration remains steady, whereas the mobility decreases. The conductivity was decreased with increasing compressive strain, and this trend agreed with that of the simulation results. Therefore, the decrease in mobility was considered to be the reason for the decline in conductivity under compressive strain/stress conditions. (C) 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

  151. Co-Precipitation Synthesis and Characterization of NiO-Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 Nanocomposite Powders: Effect of Precipitation Agents 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2011.3122  


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    NiO-Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 (NiO-SDC) nanocomposite powders applied as promising anode material for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) were synthesized by hydroxide co-precipitation method using NH3 center dot H2O, NaOH and NH3 center dot H2O+NaOH as precipitation agents. The crystal phases, morphologies and sintering behavior of the synthesized NiO-SDC nanocomposite powders were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and sintering experiments. The effect of precipitation agents on the synthesis of the NiO-SDC nanocomposite powders was discussed. Results show that different precipitation agents influence greatly the synthesis and characteristics of the NiO-SDC nanocomposite powders. The NiO-SDC nanocomposite powders synthesized with NH3 center dot H2O deviate from the original composition due to the loss of Ni. The loss of Ni is avoided and nano-sized NiO-SDC composite powders are synthesized, when NaOH and NH3 center dot H2O+NaOH are used as precipitation agents. The NiO-SDC nanocomposite powders can be synthesized at relatively low temperature using NH3 center dot H2O+NaOH as precipitation agent, and the synthesized NiO-SDC nanocomposite powders show good sintering characteristics.

  152. Non-Fickian mass transport in fractured porous media 査読有り

    Sergei A. Fomin, Vladimir A. Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES 34 (2) 205-214 2011年2月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.11.002  



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    The paper provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of mathematical modeling of mass transport in fractured porous heterogeneous rocks. Keeping aside many important factors that can affect mass transport in subsurface, our main concern is the multi-scale character of the rock formation, which is constituted by porous domains dissected by the network of fractures. Taking into account the well-documented fact that porous rocks can be considered as a fractal medium and assuming that sizes of pores vary significantly (i.e. have different characteristic scales), the fractional-order differential equations that model the anomalous diffusive mass transport in such type of domains are derived and justified analytically. Analytical solutions of some particular problems of anomalous diffusion in the fractal media of various geometries are obtained. Extending this approach to more complex situation when diffusion is accompanied by advection, solute transport in a fractured porous medium is modeled by the advection-dispersion equation with fractional time derivative. In the case of confined fractured porous aquifer, accounting for anomalous non-Fickian diffusion in the surrounding rock mass, the adopted approach leads to introduction of an additional fractional time derivative in the equation for solute transport. The closed-form solutions for concentrations in the aquifer and surrounding rocks are obtained for the arbitrary time-dependent source of contamination located in the inlet of the aquifer. Based on these solutions, different regimes of contamination of the aquifers with different physical properties can be readily modeled and analyzed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  153. Synthesis of La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe 0.2O3 nanopowders and their application in solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 2011年

    DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/18/13/132002  

    ISSN:1757-8981 1757-899X

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    In this study, we synthesized La0.8Sr0.2Co 0.8Fe0.2O3 (LSCF) nanopowders by citric acid gel combustion method. The single perovskite phases LSCF nanopowders with an average particle size of less than 30 nm could be synthesized at 700 °C. In order to evaluate the use of the synthesized LSCF nanopowders as cathode material of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), anode-supported SOFCs were fabricated from the synthesized LSCF nanopowders and tested in the conditions of 3%H2O-H2 for anode and oxygen for cathode. The anode-supported single cell with the LSCF cathode sintered at 700 °C showed the maximum power density of 771 mW/cm2 at 600 °C. This means that the synthesized LSCF nanopowders are suitable to be applied as cathode material for low-temperature SOFCs. © 2011 Ceramic Society of Japan.


    Maribel L-Saucedo-Munoz, Shin-Ichi Komazaki, Toshiyuki Hashida, Victor M. Lopez-Hirata

    EPD CONGRESS 2011 127-134 2011年

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS

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    Small-punch tests were conducted at 4, 77 and 293 K on three types of austenitic stainless steels JN1, JJ1 and JK2, which were solution treated, water-quenched and then aged at 923, 973, 1023 and 1073 K for 5 h. Small-punch test energy was employed for the evaluation of the aging-induced embrittlement behavior in these materials. Fracture surface of small punch test specimen for the solution treated steels exhibited a ductile fracture, showing the highest SP test energy values. The presence of intergranular brittle fracture was observed in aged specimens. Small-punch test energy decreased significantly as the aging process progressed. The highest and lowest decrease in small-punch test energy with aging temperature occurred in JN1 and JK2 steels, respectively. The decrease in small-punch test energy showed to examine appropriately the aging-induced embrittlement in these materials. The difference in aging-induced embrittlement behavior for these steels was explained based on the volume fraction of intergranular precipitates in aged samples.

  155. Mechanical Properties of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-d under Various Temperatures and Oxygen Partial Pressures 査読有り

    Y. Kimura, T. Kushi, S. Hashimoto, S. Watanabe, K. Amezawa, T. Kawada, Y. Fukuda, A. Unemoto, K. Sato, K. Yashiro, J. Mizusaki, T. Hashida

    Electrochemical Society Transactions, 35 (1) 2429-2934 2011年

  156. カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の作製と破壊機構の解明に関する研究 査読有り

    白須圭一, 山本剛, 大森守, 高木敏行, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集A編 77 (779) 1041-1045 2011年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.77.1041  


  157. 単繊維引抜き試験によるカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料のクラックブリッジング挙動特性評価 査読有り

    山本剛, 白須圭一, 高木敏行, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集A編 77 (777) 779-783 2011年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.77.779  


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    The crack bridging behavior of multi-walled carbon nanotube-reinforced alumina matrix composites has been investigated using a single fiber pullout testing method. Contradictory to the conventional understanding (which have reported that pullout phenomena evidently occurred in the bulk nanotube-reinforced alumina composites), the pullout experiments using an in situ SEM method with a nanomanipulator system demonstrated that strong load transfer was revealed, and no pullout behavior was observed for all 15 MWCNTs. The MWCNTs, rather than pulling out from the alumina matrix, broke in the outer-shells and the inner section was pulled away, leaving the outer-shells of the fragment in the matrix. This implies that tougher ceramics with MWCNT can be obtained by creating the appropriate interaction between the matrix and MWCNT: not too week but also not too strong to permit an adequate load transfer between the two parts and thus a consequent pulling out without breakage of MWCNT. Our finding suggests important implications for the design of tougher ceramic composites with MWCNTs. The important factor for such tougher ceramic composites will thus be the use of 'strong' MWCNTs having higher mechanical performance (as well as a good dispersion in the matrix).

  158. カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の強度特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブ表面修飾の影響と破壊過程に関する研究 査読有り

    白須圭一, 山本剛, 大森守, 相沢養市, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集A編 77 (777) 774-778 2011年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.77.774  


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    We report the mechanical properties and microstructures of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/alumina composites made with MWCNTs that absorb negatively charged functional groups at the MWCNT ends and along their length from an acid treatment. We conducted the fracture surface observations of the composites, in order to evaluate the effects of the acid treatment conditions of MWCNTs on the mechanical properties of the composites and the microstructures such as dispersibility and protrusion length of MWCNTs. According to the SEM observations, it was found that the dispersibility of MWCNTs affected the mechanical properties of the composites, and the protrusion length of MWCNTs decreased with increasing of the acid treatment time of MWCNTs. These observations revealed that the high structural homogeneity rather than pullout behavior of MWCNTs leads to an increase in the mechanical properties of the MWCNT/alumina composite. There is an optimal acid treatment time for improving the mechanical properties of the composites. The dispersibility of the MWCNTs and mechanical properties of the composites was increased by the acid treatment with treated for 2 hours compared to the pristine MWCNTs and acid treatment MWCNTs with treated for 0, 0.5, 1, 3 and 4 hours.

  159. Simple and rapid preparation of Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 electrolyte films for anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 205 (8-9) 2813-2817 2011年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.10.051  


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    Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) have attracted much attention in recent years because of their lower operating temperature. For the preparation of anode-supported SOFCs, one of the key steps is the production of dense electrolyte films on the porous anode substrate. In this study, Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (GDC) electrolyte films with the thickness range of 1-75 mu m are successfully prepared on porous NiO-GDC substrates by simple, rapid and cost-effective methods: dry co-pressing method and spray dry co-pressing method. The open porosity of the NiO-GDC substrates is approximately 23%, and the porosity including closed pores of the GDC electrolyte films is less than 2.6%. The prepared GDC electrolyte films are homogenous, dense and well adhered to the porous NiO-GDC substrates, without cracks and connecting pores observed. The results of helium gas permeability tests show that the prepared GDC electrolyte films are gas-tight. Therefore, it is expected that the developed method for thin electrolyte films provides a simple and useful technique for producing electrolytes for anode-supported SOFCs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  160. Mechanical Properties of La<SUB>0.6</SUB>Sr<SUB>0.4</SUB>Co<SUB>1-y</SUB>Fe<SUB>y</SUB>O<SUB>3-δ</SUB> under Various Temperatures and Oxygen Partial Pressures 査読有り

    Y. Kimura, T. Kushi, S. Hashimoto, S. Watanabe, K. Amezawa, T. Kawada, Y. Fukuda, A. Unemoto, K. Sato, K. Yashiro, J. Miuzusaki, T. Hashida

    ECS Transactions 35 (1) 2429-2434 2011年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.3570240  


  161. Multiscale Simulation of Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling Behavior of PEN Structure under SOFC Operation 査読有り

    K. Terada, T. Kawada, K. Sato, F. Iguchi, K. Yashiro, K. Amezawa, M. Kubo, H. Yugami, T. Hashida, J. Mizusaki, H. Watanabe, T. Sasagawa, H. Aoyagi

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 12 (SOFC XII) 35 (1) 923-933 2011年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.3570073  


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    Numerical simulations are performed to characterize the micro- and macro-scale aspects of the electro-chemo-mechanical coupling behavior of a positive-electrolyte-negative (PEN) structure under SOFC operation. The mathematical homogenization method is applied to evaluate the macroscopic material properties of porous electrodes by performing the corresponding microscopic analyses. In particular, the potential transfer conditions at pore surfaces and triple-phase boundaries are homogenized to be source terms in the macroscopic electron-ion coupled transport problem. A case study is conducted to identify the major source of generation and evolution of cracks running through a disc-shaped cell. In this context, we are concerned especially with the effects of the radius of the cell, the thickness of the electrolyte and the profile of temperature's in-plane distribution on the macroscopic tensile circumferential stress distributions.

  162. Effect of Redox Cycling on Mechanical Properties of Ni-YSZ Cermets for SOFC Anodes 査読有り

    S. Sukino, S. Watanabe, K. Sato, F. Iguchi, H. Yugami, T. Kawada, J. Mizusaki, T. Hashida

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 12 (SOFC XII) 35 (1) 1473-1482 2011年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.3570133  


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    Effects of redox cycling on the mechanical properties of Ni-YSZ cermets were investigated by using an in-situ small punch (SP) testing method. The Ni contents in the Ni-YSZ cermets tested in this study were 0, 15, 30 and 50 vol.%. Electrical conductivity measurements suggested that Ni particles formed a network-like structure at Ni contents greater than 20 vol.%. Experimental results obtained from the in-situ SP tests at 800 degrees C demonstrated that ductile-like deformation was induced under reducing environment (at an oxygen partial pressure of 10(-18) atm) for the Ni contents of 30 and 50 vol.%. The ductile-like behavior was attributable to the formation of Ni network. The first complete re-oxidation of Ni-YSZ cermets then caused critical damage and resulted in drastic strength reduction, probably due to Ni agglomeration. This study revealed the first evidence for the presence of potential plastic deformation capacity in Ni-YSZ cermets under reducing environments.

  163. In situ Observation of the Deformation and Mechanical Damage of SOFC Cell/Stack 査読有り

    K. Sato, T. Sakamoto, A. Kaimai, K. Yashiro, K. Amezawa, T. Hashida, J. Mizusaki, T. Kawada

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 12 (SOFC XII) 35 (1) 225-229 2011年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.3569997  


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    Deformation and mechanical damage measurement techniques were developed in order to investigate the degradation process of SOFC cell/stack and module under SOFC operation. In this study, the deformation and mechanical damage test was applied to simulated cell and stack. The deformation, microcrack and delamination in the cell and stack were detected by displacement gauge and acoustic emission (AE) method. The observation method determined location of signal and mechanism of the deformation and microcrack in the SOFC cell/stack. By using this method, it was possible to show the possibility that the detailed deterioration process can be evaluated, visually, and in real-time, even when applied to cell and stack at the actual equipment level.

  164. Cooperative Investigations on Degradation of Cathode Materials in Segment-in-Series Cells by MHI 査読有り

    Harumi Yokokawa, Haruo Kishimoto, Katsuhiko Yamaji, Teruhisa Horita, Takao Watanabe, Tohru Yamamoto, Koichi Eguchi, Toshiaki Matsui, Kazunari Sasaki, Yusuke Shiratori, Tatsuya Kawada, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Atsushi Unemoto, Tatsuo Kabata, Kazuo Tomida

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 12 (SOFC XII) 35 (1) 2191-2200 2011年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.3570212  


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    Segment-in-series cell fabricated by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have been investigated from various experimental approaches. Examined samples are type 1 cells which were operated for up to 10,000 h by CRIEPI. Analyses were made by AIST on materials transport with dynamic SIMS, by CRIEPI on microstructure observation with EPMA, by Kyoto University on microstructure change with FIB-SEM, by Kyushu University on chemical states with S-TEM, and by Tohoku University on mechanical properties in the microscopic zone with micro indentation technique. On the bases of accumulated knowledge on these samples, the materials deterioration model has been established with a focus on the movement of the Ca component in the cathode layers. The degradation rate observed in the analyses by CRIEPI can be interpreted in terms of the Cr deposited on the three phase boundaries and also of the change in microstructure.

  165. 高温・酸化/還元環境下における機械的特性評価法の開発 査読有り

    渡辺 智, 佐藤一永, 武山陽平, 井口史匡, 八代圭司, 雨澤浩史, 湯上浩雄, 橋田俊之, 水崎純一郎, 川田達也

    日本機械学会論文集A編 77 (780) 1357-1366 2011年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.77.1357  


  166. Mathematical Modeling of Anomalous Diffusion in Porous Media 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Fractional Differential Calculus 1 (1) 1-28 2011年

  167. Effect of thickness of Gd0.1Ce0.9O1.95 electrolyte films on electrical performance of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Koji Amezawa, Tatsuya Kawada, Junichiro Mizusaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 195 (17) 5487-5492 2010年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.03.075  



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    In the present paper, we investigated the electrical performance of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) composed of Gd0.1Ce0.9O1.95 (GDC) electrolyte films of 1-75 mu m in thickness prepared by simple and cost-effective methods (dry co-pressing process and spray dry co-pressing process), and discussed the effect of thickness of the GDC electrolyte films on the electrical performance of the anode-supported SOFCs. It was shown that reducing the thickness of the GDC electrolyte films could increase the maximum power densities of the anode-supported SOFCs. The increase of the maximum power densities was attributed to the decrease of the electrolyte resistance with reducing the electrolyte thickness. However, when the thickness of the GDC electrolyte films was less than a certain value (approximately 5 mu m in this study), the maximum power densities decreased with the decrease in the thickness of the GDC electrolyte films. The calculated electron fluxes through the GDC electrolyte films increased obviously with reducing the thickness of the GDC electrolyte films, which was the reason why the maximum power densities decreased. Therefore, for anode-supported SOFCs based on electrolytes with mixed electronic-ionic conductivity, there was an optimum electrolyte thickness for obtaining higher electrical performance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  168. Fracture process of nonstoichiometric oxide based solid oxide fuel cell under oxidizing/reducing gradient conditions 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Keiji Yashiro, Tatsuya Kawada, Hiroo Yugami, Toshiyuki Hashida, Junichiro Mizusaki

    JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 195 (17) 5481-5486 2010年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.03.077  


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    The influence of chemically induced expansion on the fracture damage of a nonstoichiometric oxide (ceria) based solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) single cell laminate was investigated by using numerical stress analyses under oxidizing/reducing gradient condition. The single cell examined in this study was composed of electrolyte (Ce(0.8)Sm(0.2)O(2-delta)), anode (Cermets of Ni-Ce(0.8)Sm(0.2)O(2-delta)). and cathode (La(0.6)Sr(0.4)Co(0.2)Fe(0.8)O(3-delta)), respectively. The finite element method (FEM) was employed to calculate the residual stress, thermal stresses, and chemically induced expansion stresses for the single cell. The residual and thermal stresses were calculated touch smaller than the fracture strength of the individual components of the single cell. On the other hand, the chemically induced expansion stresses were shown to remarkably increase for the temperature range greater than 973 K and accounted their magnitude for primary part of the induced stress. It was shown from the FEM that the maximum circumferential stress induced in the single cell exceeded the fracture strength of the individual components at the onset of the fracture damage detect by acoustic emission (AE) method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  169. Improvement of electrochemical performance of anode-supported SOFCs by NiO-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 nanocomposite powders 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Tatsuya Kawada, Junichiro Mizusaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    SOLID STATE IONICS 181 (25-26) 1238-1243 2010年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2010.06.037  


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    In this study, NiO-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (NiO-GDC) nanocomposite powders were synthesized by hydroxide co-precipitation method, and applied to improve the microstructure of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) anodes. The NiO-GDC anodes prepared from the NiO-GDC nanocomposite powders showed uniform microstructure with uniform distribution of NiO and GDC phases. Due to the uniform phase distribution, the Ni-GDC anodes prepared from the NiO-GDC nanocomposite powders had longer triple phase boundary (TPB), which resulted in enhanced electrochemical reactions. The anode-supported SOFC fabricated from the co-precipitated NiO-GDC nanocomposite powders exhibited higher electrochemical performance than the anode-supported SOFC fabricated from the mechanically mixed NiO-GDC nanopowders. The experimental results show that the use of the Ni-GDC anodes with uniform microstructure can effectively improve the electrochemical performance of anode-supported SOFC. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  170. Molecular mechanics simulation of the sliding behavior between nested walls in a multi-walled carbon nanotube 査読有り

    Yuan Li, Ning Hu, Go Yamamoto, Zhongchang Wang, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hiroshi Asanuma, Chensong Dong, Tomonaga Okabe, Masahiro Arai, Hisao Fukunaga

    CARBON 48 (10) 2934-2940 2010年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2010.04.031  


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    The clarification of the sliding behavior between nested walls in a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) is crucial for its applications in nano-electro-mechanical systems. The pull-out processes of some outer walls against other inner walls in MWCNTs are studied by molecular mechanics simulations to investigate this sliding behavior between nested walls. The pull-out force for both double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) and MWCNTwith more than two walls is found to be proportional to the diameter of the critical wall (i.e., the immediate outer wall at the sliding surface), and independent of nanotube length and chirality. The underlined mechanism for this phenomenon is systematically explored by investigating the interfacial shear stress during the pull-out and the corresponding surface energy density. The importance and necessity of considering MWCNTs with more than two walls are indicated from their higher surface energy densities than that of DWCNT. Furthermore, the obtained result demonstrates that the conventional definition of the interfacial shear strength is inappropriate for the sliding behavior between nested walls in MWCNTs. Finally, a simple universal theory is proposed for the first time to predict the pull-out force for an arbitrary sliding in a given MWCNT, directly from the diameter of the critical wall. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  171. The influence of nanoscale defects on the fracture of multi-walled carbon nanotubes under tensile loading 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Ji Won Suk, Jinho An, Richard D. Piner, Toshiyuki Hashida, Toshiyuki Takagi, Rodney S. Ruoff

    DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 19 (7-9) 748-751 2010年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2010.01.045  


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    We report the mechanical behavior of a unique type of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and an acid-treated version of this MWCNT type that have nanoscale defects on their surfaces from the acid treatment. These defects, from scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) imaging have a &apos;channel-like&apos; appearance, as if a ring of material was cut away from the MWCNT around the circumference. The mechanical properties of individual MwCNTs have been experimentally shown to strongly depend on their structure and structural disorder can drastically reduce the mechanical properties. Tensile-loading experiments using a nanomanipulator tool operated inside a SEM revealed that the tensile strengths of 10 pristine MWCNTs ranged from similar to 2 to similar to 48 GPa (mean 20 GPa). For 10 acid-treated MWCNTs with channel-like defects, tensile strengths ranged from similar to 1 to similar to 18 GPa (mean 6 GPa, thus roughly 70% lower than those of the pristine MWCNTs). Microstructural observations revealed that the fracture of the acid-treated MWCNTs occurred at a channel-like defect region in 8 of the 10 samples. This indicates that the channel-like defects associated with the acid etching are typically going to be the weakest points in the acid-treated MWCNT structure and that stress concentration is present at the defect region. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.

  172. The influence of nanoscale defects on the fracture of multi-walled carbon nanotubes under tensile loading 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Ji Won Suk, Jinho An, Richard D. Piner, Toshiyuki Hashida, Toshiyuki Takagi, Rodney S. Ruoff

    DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 19 (7-9) 748-751 2010年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2010.01.045  


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    We report the mechanical behavior of a unique type of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and an acid-treated version of this MWCNT type that have nanoscale defects on their surfaces from the acid treatment. These defects, from scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) imaging have a &apos;channel-like&apos; appearance, as if a ring of material was cut away from the MWCNT around the circumference. The mechanical properties of individual MwCNTs have been experimentally shown to strongly depend on their structure and structural disorder can drastically reduce the mechanical properties. Tensile-loading experiments using a nanomanipulator tool operated inside a SEM revealed that the tensile strengths of 10 pristine MWCNTs ranged from similar to 2 to similar to 48 GPa (mean 20 GPa). For 10 acid-treated MWCNTs with channel-like defects, tensile strengths ranged from similar to 1 to similar to 18 GPa (mean 6 GPa, thus roughly 70% lower than those of the pristine MWCNTs). Microstructural observations revealed that the fracture of the acid-treated MWCNTs occurred at a channel-like defect region in 8 of the 10 samples. This indicates that the channel-like defects associated with the acid etching are typically going to be the weakest points in the acid-treated MWCNT structure and that stress concentration is present at the defect region. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.

  173. Effects of titanium surface treatment on adhesive properties of hydroxyapatite ceramics coating to titanium substrates by double layered capsule hydrothermal hot-pressing 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Tomoaki Kuno, Atsushi Nakahira, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 118 (1378) 530-534 2010年6月


    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj2.118.530  



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    This report described the effects of Ti surface modification with NaOH hydrothermal solution on adhesion strength of HA coating produced by newly developed hydrothermal (DC-HHP) method. 2 kinds of surface layer (containing anatase-type TiO2 or not) were formed on Ti surface by immersing to 5 mol/L NaOH solution before HA coating process. Pull out tests were conducted to obtain an estimate for the adhesion properties of the HA coating. Shear strength of specimens with 5 mol/L NaOH treated at 423 K for 2 hours was estimated in the range of 4.1-5.7 MPa. The enhancement of the HA adhesive properties as well as more than three times values was achieved, in comparison to the specimens without the surface layer (approximate 1.5 MPa). It was demonstrated that 423 K hydrothermal treatment with 5 mol/l NaOH solution on Ti surfaces is significantly effective to enhancing adhesion strength of the HA coating produced by the DC-HHP method. (C) 2010 The Ceramic Society of Japan. All rights reserved.

  174. A simple, rapid spray method for preparing anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells with GDC electrolyte thin films 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 350 (1-2) 1-4 2010年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2009.12.013  


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    A simple, rapid and cost-effective technique, spray dry co-pressing process, was developed to prepare dense electrolyte thin films on porous anode substrates. Gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) electrolyte thin film with the thickness of 4 mu m was prepared successfully on porous NiO-GDC anode substrate by the spray dry co-pressing process. The GDC electrolyte thin film was dense and uniform, and was well bonded to the porous NiO-GDC anode substrate. An anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with 4 mu m GDC electrolyte thin film was fabricated and its performance was evaluated at 400-600 degrees C with humidified hydrogen (3 vol.% H(2)O) as the fuel. The single cell showed an open circuit voltage (OCV) of 0.91 V and maximum power density of 771 mW cm(-2) at 600 degrees C. The results demonstrate that the dense GDC thin films prepared by the spray dry co-pressing process are suitable for low-temperature anode-supported SOFC applications. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  175. J0802-4-4 SOFC構成要素評価のための雰囲気制御型材料試験装置の開発([J0802-4]SOFC,PV,キャパシタ)

    渡辺 智, 佐藤 一永, 武山 陽平, 鋤納 伸治, 雨澤 浩史, 橋田 俊之, 川田 達也

    年次大会講演論文集 2010 235-236 2010年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.7.0_235  

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    The objective of this work is to study relationship between oxygen potential and mechanical properties of an oxygen nonstoichiometric compound with Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<2-δ> Under high temperatures and reducing conditions, oxygen content in Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<2-δ> changes and oxygen defects are generated. Therefore Mechanical properties of Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>0_<2-δ> can change under such conditions. In this study, we developed a new testing apparatus for small punch test, which is able to measure mechanical properties under high temperatures and controlled atmospheric conditions. The fracture stress Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<2-δ> was almost constant regardless of oxygen partial pressure, while elastic modulus decreased with decreasing oxygen partial pressure in reducing atmospheres. Elastic modulus relates oxygen vacancy concentration.

  176. J0802-4-3 高温制御雰囲気下におけるLa_<0.6>Sr_<0.4>Co_<0.2>Fe_<0.8>O_<3-δ>の機械的特性評価([J0802-4]SOFC,PV,キャパシタ)

    木村 勇太, 櫛 拓人, 渡辺 智, 佐藤 一永, 宇根本 篤, 雨澤 浩史, 橋田 俊之, 川田 達也

    年次大会講演論文集 2010 233-234 2010年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.7.0_233  

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    This paper examined mechanical properties, Young's modulus, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and internal friction, of La_<0.6>Sr_<0.4>Co_<0.2>Fe_<0.8>O_<3-δ> in the temperature range between 298 and 1173 K, and the oxygen partial pressure (P(O_2)) range between 0.1 and 10^<-4> bar by using resonance method. The Young's modulus of La_<0.6>Sr_<0.4>Co_<0.2>Fe_<0.8>O_<3-δ> gradually decreased in the temperature range between 298 and 823 K and then drastically increased above 873 K. P(0_2) dependencies of Young's modulus showed different trends depending on temperature. At 1173K, Young's modulus decreased with decreasing P(O_2), while increased down to 5.0×10^<-3> bar and then decreased with decreasing P(O_2) at 1073K. At 973K, it monotonically increased with decreasing P(O_2), and at 873K, slightly increased with decreasing P(O_2).

  177. J0802-4-5 SOFC燃料極用Ni-YSZの強度特性に及ぼすRedoxサイクルの影響([J0802-4]SOFC,PV,キャパシタ)

    鋤納 伸治, 丁 常勝, 渡辺 智, 佐藤 一永, 川田 達也, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会講演論文集 2010 237-238 2010年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2010.7.0_237  

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    Effects of redox cycling on the mechanical properties of Ni-YSZ composites were investigated by using a Small Punch(SP) testing method. The compositions of the Ni-YSZ composites tested in this study were 0:100 vol. %, 15:85 vol. %, 30:70vol. %, and 50:50 vol. %. Electrical conductivity measurements suggested that the Ni particles formed a network-like structure at the Ni content greater than 30 vol. %. Experimental results obtained from the SP tests demonstrated that ductile-like deformation was induced under a reducing environment (at oxygen partial pressure 1 × 10^<-18>atm) for the Ni contents of 30 and 50 vol. %. The ductile-like behavior could be attributed to the formation of Ni network. The first complete re-oxidation of Ni-YSZ composites then caused critical damage and resulted in a drastic strength reduction, probably due to Ni agglomeration. This study revealed the first evidence for the presence of potential plastic deformation capacity in Ni-YSZ composites under reducing environment.

  178. Anode-supported SOFCs with Electrolyte Thin Films Prepared by Spray Coating 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Mabito Iguchi, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.631-632.319  


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    Dense gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) electrolyte thin films were prepared on porous NiO-GDC substrates by spray coating process. Microstructure of the GDC thin films and effect of preparation process on the microstructure were examined. SEM results show that uniform and dense GDC thin films with a thickness of approximately 1 mu m were successfully prepared on porous NiO-GDC anodes. Anode-supported single cell with the thin GDC electrolyte film was tested using humidified hydrogen as a fuel, and exhibited relatively high electrical performance at low operating temperature (the maximum power density of 135 mW/cm(2) at 600 degrees C). This means that the thin GDC film may be applicable to an electrolyte for anode-supported SOFCs. The experimental results suggest that the spray coating method developed in this study may offer a useful route for preparing thin and dense electrolytes of SOFCs.

  179. Reinforcement of Alumina with Surface Modified Carbon Nanotubes 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mamoru Omori, Hisamichi Kimura



    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.631-632.231  


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    Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced alumina composites were prepared by spark plasma sintering using pristine MWCNTs and acid-treated MWCNTs. The effect of acid treatment on the structure and surface potential of the MWCNTs was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and zeta potential analyzer. It is demonstrated that with the acid treatment of the MWCNTs, we have deliberately introduced nanoscale defects and negatively charged functional groups on the surface of the MWCNTs. The average depths of the defects are typically 4.8-10.8 nm. Mechanical measurements revealed that surface modification of the MWCNTs is effective in improvement of bending strength and fracture toughness of the MWCNT/alumina composites. Only 0.9 vol.% acid-treated MWCNT addition results in 27% and 25% simultaneous increases in bending strength (689.6 MPa) and fracture toughness (5.90 MPa m(1/2)), respectively.

  180. Reinforcement of Alumina with Surface Modified Carbon Nanotubes 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mamoru Omori, Hisamichi Kimura



    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.631-632.231  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced alumina composites were prepared by spark plasma sintering using pristine MWCNTs and acid-treated MWCNTs. The effect of acid treatment on the structure and surface potential of the MWCNTs was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and zeta potential analyzer. It is demonstrated that with the acid treatment of the MWCNTs, we have deliberately introduced nanoscale defects and negatively charged functional groups on the surface of the MWCNTs. The average depths of the defects are typically 4.8-10.8 nm. Mechanical measurements revealed that surface modification of the MWCNTs is effective in improvement of bending strength and fracture toughness of the MWCNT/alumina composites. Only 0.9 vol.% acid-treated MWCNT addition results in 27% and 25% simultaneous increases in bending strength (689.6 MPa) and fracture toughness (5.90 MPa m(1/2)), respectively.

  181. Application of Fractional Differential Equations for Modeling the Anomalous Diffusion of Contaminant from Fracture into Porous Rock Matrix with Bordering Alteration Zone 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA 81 (2) 187-205 2010年1月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11242-009-9393-2  



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    Solute diffusion from a fracture into a porous rock with an altered zone bordering the fracture is modeled by a system of two diffusion equations (one for the altered zone and another for the intact porous matrix) with different coefficients of effective diffusivity. Since experimental studies of diffusion into rock samples with altered zones indicate that mathematical models of diffusion based on Fick's law do not adequately describe the concentration field in a sample, fractional order diffusion equations are chosen in this study for modeling the anomalous mass transport in the rocks. In the case of significantly higher porosity of the altered zone (e.g., this is typical for carbonates) the effective diffusivity here can be much higher than the effective diffusivity of non-altered rocks. By introducing a small parameter that is the ratio of effective diffusivities in the non-altered and altered regions and applying the technique of perturbations, approximate analytical solutions for concentrations in the altered zone bordering the fracture and in the intact surrounding rocks are obtained. Based on these solutions, different regimes of diffusion into the rocks with different physical properties are modeled and analyzed. It is shown that, using experimentally obtained data, the orders of the fractional derivatives in the differential equations can be readily calibrated for the every specific rock.

  182. A novel structure for carbon nanotube reinforced alumina composites effects of sintering additives on the mechanical properties 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Mamoru Omori, Yoichi Aizawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Toshiyuki Takagi

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, A Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A 76 (764) 416-418 2010年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.76.416  


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    We report the mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/alumina composites made with a pristine MWCNT and an acid-treated version that have nanoscale defects on their surfaces from an acid treatment. In order to evaluate the effects of sintering additives on the mechanical properties of the composites, we employed three sets of the composites having different sintering additives. Mechanical properties of the MWCNT-based alumina composites were dependent mostly on the type of sintering additives. The composites with magnesia sintering additive, having 0.9 vol.% acid-treated MWCNT, showed a higher bending strength (689.6MPa) and fracture toughness (5.90 MPa·m1/2), than those of the composites with silica sintering additive.

  183. Low-Temperature Anode-Supported SOFC with Ultra-Thin Ceria-Based Electrolytes Prepared by Modified Sol-Gel Route 査読有り

    Hongfei Lin, Changsheng Ding, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 4 (2) 335-343 2010年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.4.335  


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    The utilization of anode-supported electrolytes is a very promising strategy to improve the electrical performance in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) application, because it is possible to decrease considerably the electrolytes thickness. In this paper, ultra-thin ceria-based electrolyte films were successfully prepared on porous NiO/GDC anode support. The electrolyte films with thickness of 0.5-1 µm were deposited by a novel citrate sol-gel route combined with a suspension spray coating technique. The characterization and microstructure of the ultra-thin films were investigated by DTA/TGA, XRD and FE-SEM. The results showed that ceria-based films prepared were pure fluorite type nanocrystalline, homogenous and almost fully dense. Electrochemical performance of single cells based on the ultra-thin electrolyte films was also tested. The single cell with electrolyte thickness of 1 µm provided an OCV of 0.832 V at 500 °C which was close to that of the reported single cell with thicker ceria-based electrolyte film of 10 µm, and maximum power densities of 59.6, 121.9 and 133.8 mW/cm<SUP>2</SUP> at 500, 600, and 700 °C, respectively. These ultra-thin electrolyte films showed good combination with the porous NiO/GDC anode supports, and good insulating ability for inactive electron migration at temperatures less than 600 °C.

  184. Preparation and Characterization of Ce<SUB>0.9</SUB>Gd<SUB>0.1</SUB>O<SUB>1.95</SUB> Electrolyte Films by Spray Coating Process 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Mabito Iguchi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 4 (2) 325-333 2010年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.4.325  


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    Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) have attracted extensive attention due to low operating temperatures and high electrical performance. In the anodesupported SOFCs, the key is to prepare dense electrolyte films on porous anode substrates. In this study, a simple and cost-effective technique, spray coating process, is introduced to prepare dense electrolyte films. In the spray coating process, the preparation of powder suspension is very important, which affects the quality of resulting electrolyte films. A well-dispersed Ce<SUB>0.9</SUB>Gd<SUB>0.1</SUB>O<SUB>1.95</SUB> (GDC) suspension were prepared in isopropyl alcohol by adding 2 mass% surfactant. Using the well-dispersed GDC suspension, dense and crack-free GDC electrolyte films with thickness of 2-10 µm were successfully prepared on porous NiO-GDC anode substrates by the spray coating process. In order to evaluate the GDC electrolyte film as electrolyte for SOFC, anode-supported SOFC was fabricated and its electrical performance was measured. Results show that the GDC electrolyte film prepared by the spray coating process can be used as electrolyte of SOFC. The GDC electrolyte film is well adhered to the anode substrate, and there is no crack and delamination observed after electrical performance test.

  185. Effects of Sintering Additive on Mechanical Properties of Alumina Matrix Composites Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, T. Hashida, H. Kimura, T. Takagi

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 4 (3) 460-469 2010年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.4.460  


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    Carbon nanotube is nature's smallest fiber and predicted to have a range of unusual mechanical and electrical properties. One possible route to harnessing these properties for applications would be to incorporate nanotubes in a composite material. Here, we report the mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced alumina composites made with a pristine MWCNT and an acid-treated version that have nanoscale defects on their surfaces from an acid treatment. It was demonstrated that surface modification of the MWCNT is effective in improvement of bending strength and fracture toughness of the MWCNT-reinforced alumina composites. On the basis of the results, we also prepared three sets of the acid-treated MWCNT-reinforced alumina composites having different sintering additives, in order to investigate the effects of sintering additives on their microstructures and mechanical properties. Mechanical properties of the composites were dependent mostly on the type of sintering additives and amount of MWCNT. The 0.9 vol.% acid-treated MWCNT-reinforced alumina composites with MgO sintering additive gave the highest bending strength (689.6 ± 29.1 MPa) and fracture toughness (5.90 ± 0.27 MPa·m<SUP>1/2</SUP>), respectively.

  186. CO<SUB>2</SUB>地下貯留のための岩石へのCO<SUB>2</SUB>収着挙動に関する研究 査読有り

    藤井孝志, 林 宏飛, 佐藤善之, 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, 猪股 宏, 橋田俊之

    資源・素材学会誌 126 (3) 84-94 2010年

    出版者・発行元:The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan

    DOI: 10.2473/journalofmmij.126.84  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Sorption isotherms, which describe CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage capacity of rocks, are important for estimating CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration potential of geological reservoirs. This study examined CO<SUB>2</SUB> sorption capacity of Kimachi sandstone and Iidate granite in the CO<SUB>2</SUB> rich dense phase, the condition of which is expected to occur mostly in the course of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection into geological reservoirs because of the displacement of formation water by CO<SUB>2</SUB> pressurization in geological reservoirs as storing CO<SUB>2</SUB> into aquifers, at geological temperature and pressure. CO<SUB>2</SUB> sorption measurements were conducted using both volumetric and gravimetric methods at temperatures of 33∼200°C and pressures up to 20MPa. It was found that Kimachi sandstone and Iidate granite were capable of sorbing CO<SUB>2</SUB> into their internal structures. At 50°C, the amount of CO<SUB>2</SUB> sorption reached the maximum value of 1.4 mmol/g (= 31.4 scc/g) for Kimachi sandstone and 0.7 mmol/g (=15.7 scc/g) for Iidate granite, respectively. Comparison among model predictions (monolayer adsorption, solubility and pore-filling) suggests that the sorption of CO<SUB>2</SUB> onto rock minerals may contribute to a significant portion of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage capacity in the course of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection. <BR>This investigation points out the significance of CO<SUB>2</SUB> sorption onto rock minerals for the possible mechanism in CO<SUB>2</SUB> geological storage.

  187. CO<SUB>2</SUB>掃攻環境に着目した岩石・鉱物のCO<SUB>2</SUB>収着挙動に関する研究 査読有り

    藤井孝志, 中川智未, 佐藤善之, 猪股 宏, 橋田俊之

    資源・素材学会誌 126 (10) 554-559 2010年

    出版者・発行元:The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan

    DOI: 10.2473/journalofmmij.126.554  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Evaluation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage capacity in water saturated reservoir rocks is very complex because various trapping mechanisms that act at different rates are involved and, at times, all mechanisms may be operating simultaneously. Thus, in terms of the water saturated reservoir rocks, a reliable estimate of CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage capacity requires a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of CO<SUB>2</SUB> trapping in this system.<BR>The objective of this study is to provide a fundamental knowledge about interactions among CO<SUB>2</SUB>, water and rock, and contributes to development of standards for CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage capacity estimation in the water saturated reservoir rocks. In this experiment, CO<SUB>2</SUB> sorption was measured for rock samples (quartzose arenite, greywacke, shale, granite and serpentine) , and mineral samples (quartz and albite) in a CO<SUB>2</SUB> rich dense phase at 50ºC and 100ºC, and pressures up to 20MPa, the condition of which is expected to occur mostly during CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection into pores of the water saturated reservoir rocks. The result obtained from the experiment exhibited a significant sorption capacity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on all of the samples. At 50ºC and 100ºC, quartzose arenite indicated largest sorption capacity among the other samples in higher pressures (>10 MPa) . Furthermore, comparison with model prediction based on the pore filling model, which assumed that pores of the rocks and minerals will be filled with CO<SUB>2</SUB>, suggested the importance of the sorption mechanism in the CO<SUB>2</SUB> geological storage in addition to the pore-filling mechanism.<BR>The present results indicate that the sorption process may have significant and meaningful effect on the assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage capacity in geological media.

  188. CO<SUB>2</SUB> sorption characteristics of rocks and minerals in storing CO<SUB>2</SUB> processes 査読有り

    T. Fujii, S. Nakagawa, Y. Sato, H. Inomata, T. Hashida

    Natural Resources 1 1-10 2010年

  189. High performance anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell based on thin-film electrolyte and nanostructured cathode 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 3 (11) 1729-1731 2010年


    DOI: 10.1039/c0ee00255k  


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    An anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with a thin Gd(0.1)Ce(0.9)O(1.95) (GDC) electrolyte film of 3 mu m in thickness and nanostructured La(0.8)Sr(0.2)Co(0.8)Fe(0.2)O(3) (LSCF) cathode showed high electrochemical performance at low operating temperatures, with a maximum power density of 0.99 W cm(-2) at 600 degrees C using hydrogen as fuel.

  190. Anode-supported SOFCs with Electrolyte Thin Films Prepared by Spray Coating 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Mabito Iguchi, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.631-632.319  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Dense gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) electrolyte thin films were prepared on porous NiO-GDC substrates by spray coating process. Microstructure of the GDC thin films and effect of preparation process on the microstructure were examined. SEM results show that uniform and dense GDC thin films with a thickness of approximately 1 mu m were successfully prepared on porous NiO-GDC anodes. Anode-supported single cell with the thin GDC electrolyte film was tested using humidified hydrogen as a fuel, and exhibited relatively high electrical performance at low operating temperature (the maximum power density of 135 mW/cm(2) at 600 degrees C). This means that the thin GDC film may be applicable to an electrolyte for anode-supported SOFCs. The experimental results suggest that the spray coating method developed in this study may offer a useful route for preparing thin and dense electrolytes of SOFCs.

  191. Characterizing Non-Fickian Transport in Fractured Rock Masses Using Fractional Derivative-Based Mathematical Model 査読有り

    Anna Suzuki, Ryuichi Chiba, Takashi Okaze, Yuichi Niibori, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugnov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    GRC Transactions 34 1179-1184 2010年


    Satoshi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Sato, Yohei Takeyama, Fumitada Iguchi, Keiji Yashiro, Toshiyuki Hashida, Junichiro Mizusaki, Tatsuya Kawada



    DOI: 10.1115/FuelCell2010-33294  

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    For the commercialization of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), in addition to the electrical reliability, it is also important to ensure the mechanical reliability of SOFC. Thus, the establishment of a suitable mechanical testing method under various temperatures and oxygen partial pressure conditions is a prerequisite for the development of reliable SOFCs. This paper presents the experimental results of the investigation of elastic modulus and fracture strength on the SOFC components under reducing conditions. An in-situ mechanical testing method was developed in order to investigate the elastic modulus and fracture strength of solid oxide fuel cells components under high oxidizing/reducing environments. The elastic modulus was shown to change under reducing condition, and the behavior was most likely due to non-stoichiometry. It was demonstrated that the in-situ mechanical testing method enabled us to estimate the internal stress in the SOFC cell and stack.

  193. Development of fractional derivative–based mass transport model for evaluation of complex crustal fluid flow 査読有り

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Renewable Energy 2010 in CD ROM 2010年

  194. Effect of Y2O3 addition on the conductivity and elastic modulus of (CeO2)(1-x)(YO1.5)(x) 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Ken Suzuki, Keiji Yashiro, Tatsuya Kawada, Hiroo Yugami, Toshiyuki Hashida, Alan Atkinson, Junichiro Mizusaki

    SOLID STATE IONICS 180 (20-22) 1220-1225 2009年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2009.06.003  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The conductivity and elastic modulus Of (CeO2)(1 - x)(YO1.5)(x) for x values of 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40 were investigated by experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. The calculated conductivity exhibited a maximum value at approximately 15 mol% Y2O3: this trend agreed with that of the experimental results. In order to clarify the reason for the occurrence of the maximum conductivity. the paths for the transfer of oxygen vacancies were counted. The numerical result revealed that as the content Of Y2O3 dopant increases, the number of paths for the transfer of oxygen vacancies decreases, whereas the number of oxygen vacancies for conductivity increases. Thus, the trade-off between the increase in the number of vacancy sites and the decrease in the vacancy transfer was considered to be the reason for the maximum conductivity occurring at the Y2O3 dopant content of approximately 15 mol%. The calculated elastic modulus also exhibited a minimum value at approximately 20 mol% Y2O3, which also agreed with the experimental results. It was shown that the Y-O-Y bonding energy increased with the increasing content of Y2O3 dopant. Thus, the trade-off between the increase in the number of vacancy sites and that in the Y-O-Y bonding energy was considered to be the reason for the minimum elastic modulus occurring at the Y2O3 dopant content of approximately 20 mol%. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  195. Preparation and characterization of lanthanum carbide encapsulated carbon nanocapsule/lanthanum hexaboride nanocomposites 査読有り

    Masaru Namura, Ippei Waki, Yoshinori Sato, Go Yamamoto, Akira Okubo, Hisamichi Kimura, Naohisa Osaka, Kenichi Motomiya, Toshiyuki Hashida, Balachandran Jeyadevan, Kazuyuki Tohji

    MATERIALS LETTERS 63 (15) 1307-1310 2009年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2009.03.006  


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    LaC(2)@CNC/LaB(6) nanocomposites were prepared using a spark plasma sintering system. and their mechanical properties and the intensity of characteristic La X-rays from the composites were characterized for application as X-ray target material. Using LaB(6) as a binder, we succeeded in producing LaC(2)@CNC/LaB(6) nanocomposites with a bulk density (2.91 g/cm(3)) and specific electric resistance (3.12 x 10(-4) Omega cm) through solidification at 2123 K. The fracture bending strength of LaC2@CNC/LaB6 nanocomposites (224 MPa) was 1.5 times larger than that observed for graphite/LaB(6) composites. The most emitted characteristic La La X-ray from LaC(2)@CNC/LaB(6) nanocomposites was 7743 counts/mm(2)/s in comparison with 6372 counts/mm(2)/s for graphite/LaB(6) composites. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  196. Synthesis of Dense and Pinhole-free Y-zeolite for Separation Membrane Using a Modified Hydrothermal Method 査読有り

    Atsushi Nakahira, Hidezumi Nagata, Takamasa Onoki, Yuki Yamasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 38 (6) 608-609 2009年6月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2009.608  



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    Dense zeolite membrane without defects such as pinholes and cracks was synthesized on a porous alumina support by a newly modified hydrothermal technique, i.e., double-layered capsule hydrothermal method.

  197. Preparation and characterization of lanthanum carbide encapsulated carbon nanocapsule/lanthanum hexaboride nanocomposites 査読有り

    Masaru Namura, Ippei Waki, Yoshinori Sato, Go Yamamoto, Akira Okubo, Hisamichi Kimura, Naohisa Osaka, Kenichi Motomiya, Toshiyuki Hashida, Balachandran Jeyadevan, Kazuyuki Tohji

    MATERIALS LETTERS 63 (15) 1307-1310 2009年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2009.03.006  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    LaC(2)@CNC/LaB(6) nanocomposites were prepared using a spark plasma sintering system. and their mechanical properties and the intensity of characteristic La X-rays from the composites were characterized for application as X-ray target material. Using LaB(6) as a binder, we succeeded in producing LaC(2)@CNC/LaB(6) nanocomposites with a bulk density (2.91 g/cm(3)) and specific electric resistance (3.12 x 10(-4) Omega cm) through solidification at 2123 K. The fracture bending strength of LaC2@CNC/LaB6 nanocomposites (224 MPa) was 1.5 times larger than that observed for graphite/LaB(6) composites. The most emitted characteristic La La X-ray from LaC(2)@CNC/LaB(6) nanocomposites was 7743 counts/mm(2)/s in comparison with 6372 counts/mm(2)/s for graphite/LaB(6) composites. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  198. Synthesis of NiO-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 nanocomposite powders for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cell anodes by co-precipitation 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 60 (4) 254-256 2009年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2008.10.020  


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    Homogenous NiO-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (GDC) nanocomposite powders were successfully synthesized by a hydroxide co-precipitation method. The synthesized powders consist of NiO and GDC double phases, and the average particle size is in the range of 10-40 nm. A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with anode prepared from the synthesized NiO-GDC nanocomposite powders shows high electrical performance at low operating temperatures. Results indicate that the synthesized NiO-GDC nanocomposite powders are suitable anode materials for low-temperature SOFCs. (C) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  199. S0305-2-5 AE法と電気化学的手法を併用した固体酸化物燃料電池の劣化挙動評価(SOFC構成材料の信頼性(2))

    佐藤 一永, 熊田 圭吾, 橋田 俊之, 水崎 純一郎

    年次大会講演論文集 2009 231-232 2009年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.1.0_231  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    SOFCs are a next-generation power generating technology employing hydrogen, and improving their reliability is the most important issue for achieving practical use. In this research, we are conducting studies to ensure overall long-term reliability by examining the interaction of mechanical, electrochemical factors in SOFC in a simulated operating environment. Especially the establishment of a suitable in-situ mechanical damage testing method is a pre-requisite for the development of reliable SOFCs. This paper presents the experimental results of the investigation of mechanical damage under redox cycle conditions.

  200. S0305-3-4 SOFC構成セラミックスの機械的特性に及ぼす酸素ポテンシャルの影響に関する研究(SOFC構成材料の信頼性(3))

    武山 陽平, 佐藤 一永, 川田 達也, 橋田 俊之, 水崎 純一郎

    年次大会講演論文集 2009 239-240 2009年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.1.0_239  

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    The objective of this work is to study relationship between oxygen potential and mechanical properties of oxygen nonstoichiometric compound with Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<2-x>. Under high temperature and reducing conditions, oxygen content in Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<2-x> changes and oxygen defect is generated. Therefore Mechanical properties of Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<2-x> can change under such conditions. In our study, we developed new test apparatus for small punch test, which is able to measure mechanical properties under high temperature and reducing conditions. And several tests ran already with this new test apparatus. Advanced investigation would explain how mechanical properties behave in these conditions.

  201. S0305-3-3 SOFC構成材料における不定比性と機械特性の相関(SOFC構成材料の信頼性(3))

    中村 崇司, 武山 陽平, 福田 泰広, 中山 翔太, 八代 圭司, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 水崎 純一郎

    年次大会講演論文集 2009 237-238 2009年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.1.0_237  

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    In this study, Crystal structure and mechanical properties of K_2NiF_4 type oxides were measured by high temperature X-ray diffractometry and in-situ small punch test as a function of oxygen partial pressure, P(O_2) and temperature. Chemically induced volume change was evaluated by nonstoichiometric data and the variation of the lattice constants with P(O_2). The elastic modulus and the fracture strength become larger at higher P(O_2) condition. This may be caused by the structural change due to the variation of oxygen content.

  202. Mathematical modeling of non-Fickian mass transport in fractured porous media 査読有り

    Sergei A. Fomin, Vladimir A. Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7377 2009年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.837011  


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    The paper provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of mathematical modeling of mass transport in fractured porous heterogeneous rocks. Keeping aside many important factors that can affect mass transport in subsurface, our main concern is the multi-scale character of the rock formation, which is constituted by porous domains dissected by the network of fractures. Taking into account the well documented fact that porous rocks can be considered as a fractal medium and assuming that sizes of pores vary significantly (i.e. have different characteristic scales), the fractional order differential equations that model the anomalous diffusive mass transport in such type of domains are derived and justified analytically. Analytical solutions of some particular problems of sub-diffusion and super-diffusion in the fractal media of various geometries are obtained by the method of Laplace transformations. Extending this approach to more complex situation when diffusion is accompanied by advection, solute transport in a fractured porous medium is modeled by the advection-dispersion equation with fractional time derivative. In the case of confined fractured porous aquifer, accounting for anomalous non-Fickian diffusion in the surrounding rock mass, the adopted approach leads to introduction of an additional fractional time derivative in the equation for solute transport. The closed-form solutions for concentrations in the aquifer and surrounding rocks are obtained for the arbitrary time-dependent source of contamination located in the inlet of the aquifer. Based on these solutions, different regimes of contamination of the aquifers with different physical properties can be readily modeled and analyzed. © 2009 SPIE.


    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida



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    Utilizing the double-porosity approach it is assumed that porous medium Is constituted by two groups of pores in such way that major mass transport takes place mostly along the network of larger pores (group 1) and these larger (stern) pores are Surrounded by the medium formed by the dead-end porous of fractal geometry (group 2). Solving analytically equation for the stern pore from the group I and accounting for the mass exchange with pores from the group 2, it is proved that diffusion in a stern pore should be described by the fractional differential equation. Based on this result. equation of mass flux that models non-Fickian diffusion in complex fractal medium is proposed. Applying this generalized form of mass transfer equation for modeling the contaminant transport in fractured porous aquifer leads to a fractional order differential equation, where mass exchange between blocks and fractures is modeled by the temporal fractional derivatives. This equation is solved analytically.

  204. Derivation of fractional differential equations for modeling diffusion in porous media of fractal geometry 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings 10 1041-1046 2009年

    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2008-68499  

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    Utilizing the double-porosity approach it is assumed that porous medium is constituted by two groups of pores in such way that major mass transport takes place mostly along the network of larger pores (group 1) and these larger (stem) pores are surrounded by the medium formed by the dead-end porous of fractal geometry (group 2). Solving analytically equation for the stem pore from the group 1 and accounting for the mass exchange with pores from the group 2, it is proved that diffusion in a stem pore should be described by the fractional differential equation. Based on this result, equation of mass flux that models non-Fickian diffusion in complex fractal medium is proposed. Applying this generalized form of mass transfer equation for modeling the contaminant transport in fractured porous aquifer leads to a fractional order differential equation, where mass exchange between blocks and fractures is modeled by the temporal fractional derivatives. This equation is solved analytically. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.

  205. Preparation of Doped Ceria Electrolyte Films for SOFCs by Spray Coating Method 査読有り

    Changsheng Ding, Hongfei Lin, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Hiromichi Ohtaki, Mabito Iguchi, Chiharu Wada, Toshiyuki Hashida


    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC

    DOI: 10.1080/01932690802501709  


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    Spray coating method is a cost-effective technique suitable for the preparation of uniform and large-area thin films. This article presents findings on the preparation of dense electrolyte thin films by spray coating method. Dense, crack-free Gd-doped CeO2 (GDC) thin films with a thickness of approximately 2m were successfully prepared on porous NiO-GDC substrates. The influence of the dispersion of GDC nanopowders in susupension on the microstructure of the thin films was investigated. Results show that agglomeration of GDC nanopowders in suspension resulted in a porous microstructure and a densely packed microstructure was obtained for the film prepared from a well-dispersed suspension.

  206. Preparation and microstructure of carbon nanotube-toughened alumina composites 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mamoru Omori, Hisamichi Kimura

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 3 (2) 85-95 2009年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.3.85  


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    Engineering ceramics have high stiffness, excellent thermostability and relatively low density, but their brittleness impedes their use as structural materials. Incorporating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into a brittle ceramic might be expected to produce CNT/ceramic composites with both high toughness and high temperature stability. Until now, however, materials fabrication difficulties have limited research on CNT/ceramic composites. The mechanical failure of CNT/ceramic composites reported previously is primarily attributed to poor CNTs-matrix connectivity and severe phase segregation. The connectivity with, and uniform distribution within the matrix are essential structural requirements for the stronger and tougher CNT/ceramic composites. Here we show that a novel processing approach based on the precursor method for synthesis of Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and acid-treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can diminish the phase segregation, and render MWCNT/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> composites highly homogeneous. Combined with mechanical interlock induced by the chemically modified MWCNTs, this approach leads to improved mechanical properties. Direct toughness measurements, using the single edge notched beam method, reveal that only 0.9 vol.% acid-treated MWCNT addition results in 25% increases in fracture toughness (5.90±0.27 MPa·m<sup>1/2</sup>).

  207. Deformation and Fracture Characteristics of Zirconia and Ceria-Based Electrolytes for SOFCs under Reducing Atmospheres 査読有り

    T. Hashida, K. Sato, Y. Takeyama, T. Kawada, J. Mizusaki

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 11 (SOFC-XI) 25 (2) 1565-1572 2009年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.3205692  


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    In this paper, we discuss the effects of different oxygen partial pressures on the elastic modulus and fracture strength of 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) and 10 mol% gadolinia doped ceria (10GDC). The specimens of 8YSZ and 10GDC prepared by a sintering process were treated at 800 degrees C under different oxygen partial pressures in the range of 0.2 to 10(-22) atm for 1 hour. The treated specimens were then fast cooled down to a room temperature, and their mechanical properties were measured under an atmospheric pressure condition by using the small-punch testing method. The experimental results revealed that both the elastic modulus and fracture strength of the 10GDC decreased drastically when the oxygen partial pressure of the treatment was less than 10(-15) atm, whereas no significant variation in both the mechanical properties was observed for the 8YSZ.

  208. Oxygen nonstoichiometry, crystal structure and mechanical properties of La2NiO4+δ 査読有り

    T. Nakamura, Y. Takeyama, S. Watanabe, K. Yashiro, K. Sato, T. Hashida, J. Mizusaki

    ECS Transactions 25 (2) 2573-2580 2009年

    DOI: 10.1149/1.3205814  

    ISSN:1938-5862 1938-6737

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    Crystal structure and mechanical properties of La2NiO 4+δ were measured by high temperature X-ray diffractometry and in-situ small punch test as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure. As P(O2) increases, the lattice parameter perpendicular to the perovskite layer increases and that parallel to the layer slightly decreases, and the lattice volume slightly increases. Apparent and true thermal expansion coefficients were calculated from the variation of the lattice constants. The elastic modulus and the fracture strength become larger at higher P(O2) condition. This may be caused by the structural change due to excess oxygen. ©The Electrochemical Society.

  209. Classification of Mechanical Failures of SOFC and Strategy for Evaluation of the Operational Margins 査読有り

    T. Kawada, S. Watanabe, S. Hashimoto, T. Sakamoto, A. Unemoto, M. Kurumatani, K. Sato, F. Iguchi, K. Yashiro, K. Amezawa, K. Terada, M. Kubo, H. Yugami, T. Hashida, J. Mizusaki

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 11 (SOFC-XI) 25 (2) 467-472 2009年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.3205556  


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    Mechanical damages and their formation mechanisms in SOFC were investigated. Generalized schemes of the occurrence of mechanical failures were summarized, and among them, common features in various cell designs were extracted. They were discussed in three categories of (a) deformation of a cell due to its asymmetry, (b) propagation of mechanical defects, and (c) effects of irregular operations. Prototype-cell experiments were designed to reproduce the key features, and to develop a quantitative evaluation scheme of operational margins for prediction of the short and long term reliability of a specific cell design. Numerical calculation tools based on finite element method and homogenization method are designed. Experimental methods were developed to acquire high-temperature mechanical behaviors of the materials and cell stacks.

  210. Preparation and Microstructure of Carbon Nanotube-Toughened Alumina Composites 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, T. Hashida, M. Omori, H. Kimura

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 3 (2) 85-95 2009年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.3.85  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Engineering ceramics have high stiffness, excellent thermostability and relatively low density, but their brittleness impedes their use as structural materials. Incorporating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into a brittle ceramic might be expected to produce CNT/ceramic composites with both high toughness and high temperature stability. Until now, however, materials fabrication difficulties have limited research on CNT/ceramic composites. The mechanical failure of CNT/ceramic composites reported previously is primarily attributed to poor CNTs-matrix connectivity and severe phase segregation. The connectivity with, and uniform distribution within the matrix are essential structural requirements for the stronger and tougher CNT/ceramic composites. Here we show that a novel processing approach based on the precursor method for synthesis of Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and acid-treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can diminish the phase segregation, and render MWCNT/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> composites highly homogeneous. Combined with mechanical interlock induced by the chemically modified MWCNTs, this approach leads to improved mechanical properties. Direct toughness measurements, using the single edge notched beam method, reveal that only 0.9 vol.% acid-treated MWCNT addition results in 25% increases in fracture toughness (5.90±0.27 MPa·m<sup>1/2</sup>).

  211. Evaluation of CO2 sorption capacity of rocks using a gravimetric method for CO2 geological sequestration 査読有り

    Takashi Fujii, Yoshiyuki Sato, Hongfei Lin, Hiroshi Inomata, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.171  


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    Sorption isotherms, which describe CO2 storage capacity of the host rock, are important for estimating the CO2 sequestration potential of geological formations. In this study, the sorption capacity of a sandstone and granite were evaluated experimentally by using a gravimetric method, and the experimental data corrected for the volume of sorbed CO2 phase were compared with storage models (adsorption monolayer, solubility and pore-filling models). The sorption measurement results indicated that CO2 sorption behavior could take place onto silica minerals in CO2-water-rock system, and it further indicated that CO2 sorption onto rocks may play an important role in storing CO2 in subsurface rock masses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

  212. Measurements of CO2 sorption on rocks using a volumetric technique for CO2 geological storage 査読有り

    Takashi Fujii, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.170  


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    In order to predict CO2 storage potential of candidate geological reservoirs, this study investigated the CO2 sorption capacity of sandstone and granite under air-dry and water-saturated conditions using a volumetric technique, at temperatures of 33, 40, and 50 degrees C and pressures up to 20MPa. The sandstone and granite have the potential to sorb CO2 under the both conditions. A comparison with model predictions (monolayer adsorption, solubility and pore-filling models) indicated that the sorption of CO2 onto rock minerals offers an important mechanism for the CO2-rock interactions which may take place in the course of CO2 injection. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


    Toshiyuki Hashida, Yohei Takeyama, Kazuhisa Sato



    DOI: 10.1115/FuelCell2009-85241  

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    In this paper, we discuss the effects of different oxygen partial pressures on the deformation property and fracture characteristics of representative constituent materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). The elastic modulus and fracture strength of 8 mol% yittria stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) and 10 mol% gadolinia doped ceria (10GDC) treated under different oxygen partial pressures were evaluated using the small-punch testing method in this study. The specimens of 8YSZ and 10GDC prepared by a sintering process were treated at 800 C under an oxygen partial pressure in the range of 0.21 to 10(-22) atm for 1 hour. The treated specimens were then fast cooled down to a room temperature, and their mechanical properties were measured under an atmospheric pressure condition by using the small-punch testing method. The experimental results revealed that both the elastic modulus and fracture strength of the 10GDC decreased drastically when the oxygen partial pressure of the treatment was less than 10-15 atm, whereas no significant variation in both the mechanical properties was observed for the 8YSZ. The elastic modulus and fracture strength of 10GDC for the treatment under 10(-22) atm was reduced down to 10-20 % of those treated under the atmospheric pressure. SEM observations revealed that the fracture surface of the 10GDC specimens was changed from transgranular mode to intergranular mode when the oxygen partial pressure was reduced, whereas the fracture surface of the 8YSZ specimens was transgranular regardless of the different oxygen partial pressures.

  214. Development of fractional derivative–based mass transport model for evaluation of complex crustal fluid flow 査読有り

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, November 4-6, 2009, Sendai, Japan in CD ROM 2009年

  215. Classification of Mechanical Failure in SOFC and Strategy for Evaluation of Operational Margin 査読有り

    Electrochemical Society Transactions 25 (2) 467-472 2009年

  216. A novel structure for carbon nanotube reinforced alumina composites with improved mechanical properties 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, T. Hashida, H. Kimura

    NANOTECHNOLOGY 19 (31) 315708-315714 2008年8月


    DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/19/31/315708  


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    Engineering ceramics have high stiffness, excellent thermostability, and relatively low density, but their brittleness impedes their use as structural materials. Incorporating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into a brittle ceramic might be expected to provide CNT/ceramic composites with both high toughness and high temperature stability. Until now, however, materials fabrication difficulties have limited research on CNT/ceramic composites. The mechanical failure of CNT/ceramic composites reported previously is primarily attributed to poor CNT -matrix connectivity and severe phase segregation. Here we show that a novel processing approach based on the precursor method can diminish the phase segregation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and render MWCNT/alumina composites highly homogeneous. The MWCNTs used in this study are modified with an acid treatment. Combined with a mechanical interlock induced by the chemically modified MWCNTs, this approach leads to improved mechanical properties. Mechanical measurements reveal that only 0.9 vol% acid-treated MWCNT addition results in 27% and 25% simultaneous increases in bending strength (689.6 +/- 29.1 MPa) and fracture toughness (5.90 +/- 0.27 MPa m(1/2)), respectively.

  217. Influence of additions of coal fly ash and quartz on hydrothermal solidification of blast furnace slag 査読有り

    Z. Jing, F. Jin, T. Hashida, N. Yamasaki, Emile H. Ishida

    CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 38 (7) 976-982 2008年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2008.01.017  


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    Blast furnace water-cooled slag (BFWS) has been solidified hydrothermally with tobermorite formation. The experimental results showed that the addition of fly ash and quartz was favorable to the formation of tobermorite, and the strength development of solidified body depended on both of the tobermorite formation and filling degree of formed tobermorite in the spaces between BFWS particles. The fly ash added appeared to have a higher reactivity than the quartz used during the initial hydrothermal processing due to the higher solubility of glassy phase in fly ash. The tobermorite formation seemed to be very sensitive to the fly ash content, e.g., the addition of fly ash 10-20 mass% was favorable to tobermorite formation, while the excessive addition of fly ash (&gt; 20 mass%) appeared to impede the tobermorite formation. The excessive addition of quartz was also shown to exert a negative effect on the tobermorite formation, which causes strength deduction. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  218. Mechanical properties and structural characterization of carbon nanotube/alumina composites prepared by precursor method 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Mamoru Omori, Kenji Yokomizo, Toshiyuki Hashida

    DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 17 (7-10) 1554-1557 2008年7月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2008.01.059  


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    Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/alumina composites were prepared by precursor method. Here, the distilled water with a small amount of surfactant (2,2,2-nitrilotriethanol) was used as a dispersing agent for MWCNTs. In order to evaluate the effects of MWCNT addition on mechanical properties and micro/narrostructure of the resultant composites, we employed two sets of the composites having different sintering additives (silica and magnesia). XRD analysis revealed that MWCNT/alumina composites were successfully synthesized by the dehydration of aluminum hydroxide-MWCNTs mixture at 1500 degrees C during spark plasma sintering. However, fracture property tests have shown that no improvement of the bending strength and fracture toughness of both the composites was achieved by addition of MWCNTs. According to the fracture property tests and SEM data, in conjunction with the relationship between porosity and bending strength, the MWCNT aggregate in the matrix may possess no load-carry ability. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  219. Tribological properties of single-walled carbon nanotube solids 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Koshi Adachi, Toshiyuki Takagj



    DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2008.295  


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    Binder-free single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) solids were evaluated for solid lubrication applications. The steady-state friction coefficients (mu) for the SWCNT solids were found to reach values as low as 0.22-0.24, according to unidirectional sliding friction tests using Si3N4 counterparts in air. The values were slightly higher than that of bulk graphite material (mu = 0.20). SEM and Raman analyses showed that most SWCNTs that existed in the friction surface transformed into SWCNT-derived transferred film made up of amorphous carbon during sliding. The resultant friction behavior may be related to the smearing of transferred film over the contact area, which was expected to permit easy shear and then help to achieve a lubricating effect during sliding.

  220. The electrical properties of polymer nanocomposites with carbon nanotube fillers 査読有り

    Ning Hu, Zen Masuda, Cheng Yan, Go Yamamoto, Hisao Fukunaga, Toshiyuki Hashida

    NANOTECHNOLOGY 19 (21) 215701-215710 2008年5月


    DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/19/21/215701  



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    The electrical properties of polymer nanocomposites containing a small amount of carbon nanotube (CNT) are remarkably superior to those of conventional electronic composites. Based on three-dimensional (3D) statistical percolation and 3D resistor network modeling, the electrical properties of CNT nanocomposites, at and after percolation, were successfully predicted in this work. The numerical analysis was also extended to investigate the effects of the aspect ratio, the electrical conductivity, the aggregation and the shape of CNTs on the electrical properties of the nanocomposites. A simple empirical model was also established based on present numerical simulations to predict the electrical conductivity in several electronic composites with various fillers. This investigation further highlighted the importance of theoretical and numerical analyses in the exploration of basic physical phenomena, such as percolation and conductivity in novel nanocomposites.

  221. The Electrical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites with Carbon Nanotube Fillers 査読有り

    N. Hu, Z. Masuda, C. Yan, G. Yamamoto, H. Fukunaga, T. Hashida

    Nanotechnology 19 (215701) 1-10 2008年4月

  222. Experimental evaluation of interactions in supercritical CO(2)/water/rock minerals system under geologic CO(2) sequestration conditions 査読有り

    Hongfei Lin, Takashi Fujii, Reisuke Takisawa, Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 43 (7) 2307-2315 2008年4月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-007-2029-4  


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    The hydrothermal autoclave experiments were conducted to simulate the interactions in the scCO(2)/water/rock minerals (quartz, biotite and granite) reaction systems using a Hastelloy C reaction cell at 100 degrees C. The dissolution characteristics of rock minerals and their surface texture alternation after hydrothermal treatment were examined by ICP-AES and SEM/EDX investigation, respectively. The results suggested that the hydrolysis of plagioclase phase should be mainly responsible for the elements dissolved from the Iidate granite samples. The dissolution was encouraged by the introduction of CO(2) in the water/granite system, and generated an unknown aluminosilicate. No distinct chemical alternations occurred in the water-free scCO(2)/granite system, which indicated that rock minerals should be chemically stable in the water-free scCO(2) fluids under the current mild experimental conditions. Both the highest concentration of Ca existing in the scCO(2)/vapor/granite system and the SEM observation results of calcite deposit, suggested that a meaningful CO(2) minerals trapping process should be potential in the CO(2)-rich field during a short physicochemical interaction period.

  223. Influence of tobermorite formation on mechanical properties of hydrothermally solidified blast furnace slag 査読有り

    Zhenzi Jing, F. Jin, T. Hashida, N. Yamasaki, Emile H. Ishida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 43 (7) 2356-2361 2008年4月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-007-2025-8  


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    A hydrothermal processing method has been used to solidify blast furnace water-cooled slag (BFWS), in which the BFWS could be solidified in an autoclave under saturated steam pressure (1.56 MPa) at 200 degrees C for 12 h by the additions of quartz or coal fly ash. The experimental results showed that the addition of the quartz or fly ash was favorable to the formation of tobermorite, and the tobermorite formation in turn exerted a signifiant influence on tensile strength. The strength development depended on both tobermorite formation and the density of the tobermorite formed. The excessive addition of quartz appeared to cause strength deterioration due to the fact that the residual quartz affected the formation of tobermorite in the solidified specimens. Fly ash could be used as an additive for the hydrothermal solidification of BFWS, which may offer both energy saving and cost reduction.

  224. Effects of titanium surface modifications on bonding behavior of hydroxyapatite ceramics and titanium by hydrothermal hot-pressing 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Tornoaki Watanabe, Eiichi Yasuda, Masahiro Yoshimura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2006.12.002  


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    In order to improve the interface strength in the bonded body of hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics and Ti disks prepared by a hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method, the effects of Ti surface modification on the bonding behavior were investigated. The reaction layer composed of titanium dioxide and sodium titanate was formed on the Ti surface using a 5 M NaOH solution with the objective of increasing the interface strength between the Ti substrate and HA ceramics to be formed by the HHP method. Three conditions with different temperature and treatment times were tested to modify the Ti surface. A mixture of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate and calcium hydroxide was used as a starting powder material for solidifying HA. Solidification of HA and its bonding with Ti were achieved simultaneously by using the HHP method at the low temperature as low as 323 K. 3-point bending tests were conducted to obtain an estimate of the interface fracture toughness of HA/Ti. The Ti surface modification conducted at 323 K for 2 h using the hydrothermal NaOH solution was shown to be most effective among the three conditions tested. The hydrothermal Ti surface modification enabled us to increase significantly the interface fracture toughness. The enhancement of the interface fracture toughness was possibly due to the presence of anatase formed on the Ti surface and the good adhesion in the bioactive layer. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  225. Effects of titanium surface modifications on bonding behavior of hydroxyapatite ceramics and titanium by hydrothermal hot-pressing 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Tornoaki Watanabe, Eiichi Yasuda, Masahiro Yoshimura



    DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2006.12.002  


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    In order to improve the interface strength in the bonded body of hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics and Ti disks prepared by a hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method, the effects of Ti surface modification on the bonding behavior were investigated. The reaction layer composed of titanium dioxide and sodium titanate was formed on the Ti surface using a 5 M NaOH solution with the objective of increasing the interface strength between the Ti substrate and HA ceramics to be formed by the HHP method. Three conditions with different temperature and treatment times were tested to modify the Ti surface. A mixture of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate and calcium hydroxide was used as a starting powder material for solidifying HA. Solidification of HA and its bonding with Ti were achieved simultaneously by using the HHP method at the low temperature as low as 323 K. 3-point bending tests were conducted to obtain an estimate of the interface fracture toughness of HA/Ti. The Ti surface modification conducted at 323 K for 2 h using the hydrothermal NaOH solution was shown to be most effective among the three conditions tested. The hydrothermal Ti surface modification enabled us to increase significantly the interface fracture toughness. The enhancement of the interface fracture toughness was possibly due to the presence of anatase formed on the Ti surface and the good adhesion in the bioactive layer. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  226. Novel selective dyeing method for chrysotile asbestos detection in concrete materials 査読有り

    Yoshihiko Oke, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Go Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Sasaki, Naomi Maeta, Hirokazu Fujimaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 42 (5) 1638-1642 2008年3月


    DOI: 10.1021/es071805a  


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    There are a tremendous number of asbestos-containing buildings without any surveys on the presence of asbestos because of the difficulty to detect asbestos in building materials simply and quickly, although a great deal of worldwide effort was put into removing asbestos of which inhalation causes serious diseases. In this study, we newly developed a simple dyeing method to detect chrysotile asbestos, the most commonly used type of asbestos, in asbestos-cement composite materials using magnesium-chelating organic dyes. As an essential process for selective dyeing of chrysotile asbestos, special pretreatment with a calcium-chelating agent was developed to prevent the dyes from reacting with calcium, which is the major component of concrete materials. Our developed selective dyeing method was shown to possess sufficient sensitivity for detecting chrysotile asbestos in an amount greater than 0.1 mass% in concrete specimens, and there was an approximately linear relationship between the area fraction of dyed spots and the mass fraction of chrysotile asbestos. Our results may provide a basis for further development of a simple on-site detection method for chrysotile asbestos in building materials and may facilitate the progress of control and removal of asbestos in the environment.

  227. Super-robust, lightweight, conducting carbon nanotube blocks cross-linked by de-fluorination 査読有り

    Yoshinori Sato, Makoto Ootsubo, Go Yamamoto, Gregory Van Lier, Mauricio Terrones, Shinji Hashiguchi, Hisamichi Kimura, Akira Okubo, Kenichi Motomiya, Balachandran Jeyadevan, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuyuki Tohji

    ACS NANO 2 (2) 348-356 2008年2月


    DOI: 10.1021/nn700324z  


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    We produced large binder-free multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) blocks from fluorinated MWNTs using thermal heating and a compressing method in vacuo. This technique resulted in the formation of covalent MWNT networks generated by the introduction of Sp(3)-hybridized carbon atoms that cross-link between nanotubes upon de-fluorination. The resulting carbon nanotube blocks are lighter than graphite, can be machined and polished, and possess average bending strengths of 102.2 MPa, a bending modulus of 15.4 GPa, and an electrical conductivity of 2.1 X 10(2) S/cm. Although each nanotube exhibits a random structure in these blocks, the mechanical properties are 3 times higher than those obtained for commercial graphite. On the basis of theoretical molecular dynamics simulations, a model is presented for the nanotube interconnecting mechanism upon de-fluorination.

  228. Preparation of SDC electrolyte thin films on dense and porous substrates by modified sol–gel route 査読有り

    Hongfei Lin, Changsheng Ding, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Hiromichi Ohtaki, Mabito Iguchi, Chiharu Wada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Materials Science and Engineering B 148 (1-3) 73-76 2008年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2007.09.039  


  229. Structural characterization and frictional properties of carbon nanotube/alumina composites prepared by precursor method 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Mamoru Omori, Kenji Yokomizo, Toshiyuki Hashida, Koshi Adachi



    DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2007.09.013  


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    Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/Al2O3 Composites with MWCNTs content up to 10 mass% were prepared by precursor method. XRD analysis revealed that MWCNT/Al2O3 composites were successfully synthesized by the dehydration of aluminum hydroxide-MWCNTs mixture at 1500 degrees C in vacuum. The steady-state friction coefficient (mu) of the composites decreased with increasing up to 4 mass% MWCNT and stayed constant (mu = 0.33) with further addition of MWCNT, which value was substantially lower than that of MWCNT-free monolithic Al2O3 (mu = 0.57). Microstructural observations showed that resultant friction behavior may be related to the smearing of transferred film over the contact area, which was expected to permit easy shear and then help to achieve a lubricating effect during sliding. However, fracture property tests have shown that no improvement of the fracture strength and fracture toughness of the composites was achieved by addition of MWCNTs. It may be mainly due to the agglomeration of MWCNTs and the weak interface between MWCNTs and the Al2O3 matrix. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  230. 2608 CO_2地下貯留のための変容法を用いた岩石のCO_2収着挙動評価に関する研究(S31-2 温室効果ガス排出抑制技術(2),21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)

    藤井 孝志, 菅井 裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会講演論文集 2008 175-176 2008年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2008.3.0_175  

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    It is an important step to understand the capacity of host reservoir rocks for CO_2 storage in order to assess the potential of CO_2 geological sequestration. In this study, CO_2 sorption capacity of rocks (granite and sandstone) under air dry and water saturated conditions was evaluated experimentally at temperatures of 33, 40 and 50℃, and pressures up to 20 MPa using a volumetric method. As a result, sorption isotherms for CO_2 showed that the CO_2 sorption capacity of both the rocks increased with the increasing CO_2 pressure, and decreased with the increasing temperature under both the air dry and water saturated conditions. The amount of CO_2 sorption are significantly larger than theoretical value based on a solubility model, which assumes that CO_2 injected within water-filled reservoir will dissolve into pore water. These CO_2 sorption capacities could not fully be explained by CO_2 dissolution in water alone. Furthermore, it has been shown very interestingly that the amount of CO_2 sorption measured for the air dry condition was close to that obtained for water saturated condition. The amount of CO_2 sorption for the sandstone is approximately two times larger than that of the granite. This investigation may point out the significance of CO_2 sorption onto rock minerals for the possible mechanism in CO_2 geological sequestration.

  231. 1242 パウダージェットデポジッション法による機能性酸化物の成膜とその物性(J11-1 粒子付着・成膜プロセスと膜の機械的特性(1) コールドスプレー皮膜の諸特性,ジョイントセッション,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)

    佐藤 一永, 曽根 達也, 八代 圭司, 小川 和洋, 川田 達也, 厨川 常元, 橋田 俊之, 水崎 純一郎

    年次大会講演論文集 2008 329-330 2008年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2008.6.0_329  

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    Powder Jet Deposition (PJD) method is one of the film forming technique& Ceramics films can be fabricated by this method Ytariastabilized zirconia (YSZ) thin films were deposited on various substrates by PJD method YSZ thin film was fabricated in systemically changed substrates, particle sizes and carrier gas pressures. The microstructures of YSZ films were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). From this study results, the amount of deposition rate by PJD method varies according to substrate hardness and powder size. Similarly, the film structures are affected by substrate and powder size. Additionally, the electrical conductivity of YSZ film on Al_2O_3 substrate was measured as a function of temperature using impedance and two-probe A.C. method From this measurement, the amount of this film's electrical conductivity is good agreement from other studies of YSZ bulks. This result shows probability of application to high temperature ceramics devices such as Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), gas sensors.

  232. Preparation of carbon nanotube - Toughened alumina composites 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 83-+ 2008年



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    With multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as reinforcement, MWCNT/alumina composites were prepared at the MWCNTs mass% of 0.5. A flexural strength of 572.1 +/- 28.3 MPa and fracture toughness of 4.80 +/- 0.42 MPa.m(1/2), 1.2 times that of MWCNT-free monolithic alumina prepared under the same processing condition, was achieved. Experimental results showed that the dispersibility of the MWCNTs in the composite was crucially important in order to improve the mechanical properties of the MWCNT/alumina composite material.

  233. 固体酸化物燃料電池の損傷に及ぼす化学膨張の影響 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 八代圭司, 橋田俊之, 川田達也, 湯上浩雄, 水崎純一郎

    日本機械学会論文集(A編), 74 (737) 68-74 2008年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.74.68  


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    The influence of chemically-induced expansion on the fracture damage of a ceria based solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) was investigated by using numerical stress analyses. The single cell examined in this study was composed of electrolyte [(CeO<SUB>2</SUB>) <SUB>0.8</SUB> (SmO<SUB>1.5</SUB>) <SUB>0.2</SUB>], anode (Cermets of NiO-20 SDC), and cathode (La<SUB>0.6</SUB>Sr<SUB>0.4</SUB>Co<SUB>0.2</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.8</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>), respectively. The finite element method was employed to calculate the residual stress, thermal stresses, and chemically-induced expansion stresses for the single cell. The residual and thermal stresses were calculated much smaller than the fracture strength of the individual components of the single cell. On the other hand, the chemically-induced expansion stresses were shown to remarkably increase for the temperature range greater than 973 K and accounted their magnitude for the primary part of the induced stress. It was shown from the stress analysis that the maximum stress induced in the single cell exceeded the fracture strength of the individual components at the onset of the fracture damage detect by acoustic emission method. The above-mentioned calculation results suggest that the chemically-induced expansion should be taken into account for the use of ceria based ceramics materials in SOFCs.

  234. Numerical simulation of supercritical CO2 injection into subsurface rock masses 査読有り

    Kenta Sasaki, Takashi Fujii, Yuichi Nilbori, Takatoshi Ito, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2007.05.015  


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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered to be one of the greenhouse gases that may contribute most to global warming on the earth. Disposal of CO2 from stationary sources into subsurface structures has been suggested as a possible means for reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. However, much remains to be done in the issues regarding the safety and reliability of CO2 geological sequestration. In this study, we have developed a simulation code by using the mathematical model of two phase flow in porous media to analyze the flow dynamics in the subsurface. The equation of state for CO2 covering the fluid region from the triple point to the supercritical region is employed to model the states of CO2 gas, liquid and supercritical state. The correct understanding of the CO2 state under the geological formation condition is an important factor to predict the injection pressure and CO2 fluid permeation because the fluid density has a great effect on the injection behavior. The numerical simulation was implemented under several geological conditions including gas, liquid and supercritical states to examine the optimal injection condition. Comparing the numerical results obtained using the equation of state for CO2 with those obtained using the ideal gas equation, it has been shown that the difference in the injection pressure appears to be significant near the condition of the critical point of CO2 and the phase equilibrium curves between the gas and liquid states. The numerical simulation has been implemented to examine the effect of the reservoir condition on the injection behavior. The injection pressure is decreased at the lower reservoir temperature and higher hydrostatic pressure condition. The CO2 permeation is also strongly affected by the reservoir condition, and the spatial CO2 saturation becomes higher with increasing reservoir temperature. It has been demonstrated that the simulation code developed in this study may be useful to provide knowledge required to select the reservoir condition for CO2 geological sequestration. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  235. Synthesis of NiO-Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 composite nanopowders for solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    C. Ding, H. Lin, K. Sato, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 30-+ 2008年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2896972  


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    NiO-Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 (SDC) composite nanopowders, which are being investigated as a promising anode material for intermediate-low temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), were successfully synthesized by hydroxide co-precipitation method. The effects of calcination temperature and time on crystal phase, crystallite size, average particle size and particle size distribution of the synthesized powders were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD analysis showed that the synthesized powders consisted of two phases, NiO and SDC, without any other noticeable phase. The NiO and SDC phases were formed after calcining at 500 degrees C. The calcination temperature is the most important factor which affects the crystal phase, particle size and particle size distribution. With an increase in the calcination temperature, the average particle size of the synthesized powders increased and the particle size distribution became wider. The average particle size of the powders calcined at 600-900 degrees C was in the range of 9.8-39 nm according to the TEM analysis.

  236. Synthesis and characterization of La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3 nanoparticles for intermediate-low temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes 査読有り

    C. Ding, H. Lin, K. Sato, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 35-+ 2008年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2896973  


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    Nanoparticles of La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3, which are being investigated as cathode materials for intermediate-low temperature solid oxide fuel cells, were successfully synthesized by a novel sol-gel process. The thermal decomposition behavior of gel precursor was examined using TG/DTA analysis. Development of crystalline phases in the powders calcined at various temperatures was monitored by x-ray diffraction. Single phase La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3 could be obtained after calcining at 800 degrees C. A small amount of impurity phase existed in the powders calcined at the temperature below 700 degrees C. Morphological analysis of the powders calcined at various temperatures was done by scanning electron microscopy. The synthesized powders had an average particle size of 30 similar to 90 nm at 600 similar to 1100 degrees C. The average particle size of the powders increased with increase in calcination temperature. Noticeable changes occurred at temperature above 800 degrees C, and the coarse particles existed in the powders calcined at high temperatures.

  237. Ni-GDC anode-supported ceria electrolyte film and its application in solid oxide fuel cells 査読有り

    H. Lin, C. Ding, K. Kumada, K. Sato, Y. Tsutai, C. Wada, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 54-+ 2008年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2896978  


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    In this paper, 10-20% samaria-doped ceria (10SDC and 20 SDC) electrolyte films were successfully prepared by a citrate sot-gel route combined with a sot suspension spray coating technique. The characterization and microstructure of the thin film were investigated by XRD and FE-SEM. The results show that the SDC film prepared was pure fluorite type nanocrystalline, homogenous and almost fully dense, as well as indicate the flexibility of adjustable SDC chemical compositions. Electrochemical performance of a single cell based on the thin 20SDC film with thickness of 500 nm and La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta (LSCF) as cathode material was examined. The cell provided an OCV of 0.83 V at 600 degrees C which was close to that of the thicker ceria cell (10 mu m) and maximum power densities of 41, 90, 78, 32 mW.cm(2) at 600, 700, 800 and 900 degrees C, respectively. It was demonstrated that the thin SDC film less than several mu m showed a good combination with the porous Ni-GDC anode substrate and good insulating ability for electrons migration at temperatures less than 700 degrees C. The thin ceria electrolyte prepared was potential to use for the IT-SOFCs.

  238. Further development of selective dyeing method for detecting chrysotile asbestos in building materials 査読有り

    Y. Oke, N. Yamasaki, N. Maeta, H. Fujimaki, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 58-+ 2008年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2896979  


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    Extensive usage of chrysotile asbestos has resulted in the remains of large numbers of chrysotile asbestos-containing buildings to be surveyed. We have recently developed a simple dyeing method for detecting chrysotile asbestos in building materials, which involves pretreatment with calcium-chelating agent and dyeing treatment with magnesium-chelating organic dyes. In this study, we further developed a method which eliminates dyed asbestos substitutes containing magnesium, potentially present in building materials. In the new method, post-treatment with formic acid was conducted to dissolve the non-chrysotile asbestos materials in order to delineate dyed chrysotile asbestos. The calcium-masking process was also shown to be an essential process even when the post-treatment was conducted. It was shown that the new method developed in this study may enable us to dye chrysotile asbestos only without detecting asbestos substitutes in building materials.

  239. Possibility of shear type fracture in viscoplastic material under confining pressures 査読有り

    H. Yamaguchi, K. Sakaguchi, K. Sato, K. Matsuki, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 79-+ 2008年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2896985  


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    Transition from opening-mode wing crack growth to shear type fracture has been investigated by conducting triaxial compression tests under confining pressures, using epoxy resin cylindrical specimens. The epoxy resin used exhibited viscoplastic deformation characteristics under confining pressures, which is expected to simulate the nonlinear deformation observed commonly for rocks at great depths and to provide useful insight in understanding of the fracture transition in rocks. Under the range of confining pressures, 10 MPa-30 MPa, an array of opening-mode wing cracks were initiated from a preexisting inclined penny-shaped crack, as the axial stress was increased. Only the extension of a wing crack was observed to take place under no confining pressure condition. It was shown that the growth of the wing cracks were suppressed when higher confining pressures were applied and shear type fracture consisting of several wing cracks was induced as the deformation progressed. The experimental observation suggests the possibility of occurrence of shear type fracture in such a homogeneous material under higher confining pressures, and the mechanical interaction between cracks plays a crucial role in the generation of shear type fracture rather than the inhomogeneity of rocks.

  240. Preparation of carbon nanotube - Toughened alumina composites 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, T. Hashida

    AIP Conference Proceedings 987 83-85 2008年

    DOI: 10.1063/1.2896986  

    ISSN:0094-243X 1551-7616

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    With multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as reinforcement, MWCNT/alumina composites were prepared at the MWCNTs mass% of 0.5. A flexural strength of 572.1±28.3MPa and fracture toughness of 4.80±0.42MPam 1/2, 1.2 times that of MWCNT-free monolithic alumina prepared under the same processing condition, was achieved. Experimental results showed that the dispersibility of the MWCNTs in the composite was crucially important in order to improve the mechanical properties of the MWCNT/alumina composite material. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.

  241. Application of AE technique on properties evaluation of anode-supported ceria electrolyte thin film-based SOFCs 査読有り

    H. Lin, C. Ding, K. Kumada, K. Sato, Y. Tsutai, C. Wada, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 987 163-+ 2008年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2896966  


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    In this study, Ni-Gd0.1Ce0.9O1.95 (GDC) anode-supported ceria electrolyte film was prepared by a citrate so]gel route. A simulated environment testing method which was combined with acoustic emission (AE) monitoring was developed to investigate the electrochemical performance and fracture process of a fuel cell Ni-GDC/Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (20SDC)/La0.6Sr0.4CO0.2Fe0.8O3-delta (LSCF) based on this thin film with thickness of 500 nm. The damage testing method was applied o anode-supported thin creia electrolyte single cells. The results showed that the AE monitoring detected the fracture process at cell performance temperatures of 700-900 degrees C, which showed the delamination of LSCF cathode from the SDC electrolyte film, which presented a drastic decrease of electrical performance. It was demonstrated that the AE monitoring conducted in this study was useful to detect and analyze the fracture process of the single cell with the electrochemical measurement.

  242. Numerical Simulations of the Anomalous Solute Transport in a Fractured Porous Aquifer 査読有り

    Ryuichi Chiba, Takashi Okaze, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Yuichi Niibori, Hisao Fukunaga, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 32 441-443 2008年

  243. Mathematical Modeling of Non-Fickian Diffusion in Complex Media: From Microscale to Mesoscale and Macroscale 招待有り 査読有り

    S. Fomin, V. Chugnov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of I2th International Workshop on New Approaches to HIGH.TECH., Nano-Design, Technology, Computer Simulations (NDTCS ’08), (June 23-27, 2008, Minsk, Belarus) 199-203 2008年

  244. Synthesis of perovskite LSCF powders by citrate gel-combusion for SOFCs applications 査読有り

    Hongfei Lin, Changsheng Ding, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Mabito Iguchi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    World Journal of Engineering 5 344-345 2008年

  245. Fabrication of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films Under Room Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure Conditions 査読有り

    Tatsuya Sone, Kazuhisa Sato, Keiji Yashiro, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Tatuya Kawada, Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Junichiro Mizusaki

    Proceedings of the 3rd JSME/ASME International Conference on Material and Processing, ICM&P 2008, in CD ROM 2008年

  246. Effect of fabrication process on electrical properties of polymer/multi-wall carbon nanotube nanocomposites 査読有り

    Ning Hu, Zen Masuda, Go Yamamoto, Hisao Fukunaga, Toshiyuki Hashida, Jinghao Qiu


    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2008.01.002  


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    Polymer/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites were fabricated by an in situ polymerization process using multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) as filler in an epoxy polymer. Effects of curing process, mixing speed, mixing time, addition of ethanol, timing of hardener addition, etc., in the fabrication process on the electrical properties of nanocomposites have been investigated. In the fabrication process, the effective formation of macroscopic conducting network in matrix is most important to enhance the electrical properties of nanocomposites. It was found that the curing temperature and the mixing conditions are key factors in the fabrication process, which influence the formation of conducting network significantly. Therefore, careful design of these factors in the fabrication process is required to achieve high electrical performances of nanocomposites. The experimental percolation threshold of the resultant nanocomposites was around 0.1 wt%. Moreover, a statistical percolation model was built up to numerically investigate the percolation threshold. The experimental electrical conductivity increases from the percolation threshold following a percolation-like power law with the identified critical exponent t as 1.75. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


    Hiroo Yugami, Fumitada Iguchi, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1115/FuelCell2008-65206  

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    The fracture strength and creep rate of rear earth (Y and Gd) doped ceria are systematically studied from the viewpoints of dopant concentration, oxygen partial pressure and temperature dependences. Fracture strength and creep rate are measured by modified small punch test and four point bending method, respectively. From results of fracture test, the highest fracture strength is obtained on the samples sintered at 1600 degrees C for Y and Gd-doped CeO(2). The unique temperature dependence of fracture strength on doped CeO(2) is observed. It shows the local minimal value at around 600 degrees C and the fracture strength increases with increasing temperature. The fracture surface structure drastically changes with changing temperature observed by SEM. Since we observed the close coincidence between the fracture strength and the ratio of transcrystalline fracture surface for all samples, it is concluded that the increase of fracture strength at high temperature in doped CeO(2) can be attributed to the temperature dependence of transcrystalline fracture strength. Typical creep curves of 2, 5, 10 and 20 YDC were measured under constant load in air. The creep rate decreases with increasing the dopant concentration. From the analysis of creep properties, the creep is controlled by cerium vacancy diffusion and change of ceria vacancy concentration decreases creep rate.

  248. Conductivity variation of yttria-stabilized zirconia under stress 査読有り

    T. Izumi, R. Narumi, K. Sato, K. Suzuki, K. Yashiro, T. Hashida, J. Mizusaki

    ECS Transactions 16 (51) 125-132 2008年

    DOI: 10.1149/1.3242227  

    ISSN:1938-5862 1938-6737

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    Electrical conductivity of 10 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia (10YSZ) and YBa2Qi307-s (YBCO) under stress were measured in the temperature range from 600°C to 800°C for 10YSZ and at 600°C for YBCO. It was observed that conductivity under stress slightly decreased for 10YSZ and increased for YBCO. In the case of 10YSZ, the conductivity change was caused by the change in mobility. In the case of YBCO, the conductivity change was caused by the change in mobility and change in carrier concentration. ©The Electrochemical Society.

  249. Hydrothermal solidification of blast furnace slag by formation of tobermorite 査読有り

    Zhenzi Jing, F. Jin, T. Hashida, N. Yamasaki, H. Ishida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 42 (19) 8236-8241 2007年10月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-007-1726-3  


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    Blast furnace water-cooled slag (BFWS) has been solidified using a hydrothermal processing method, in which the BFWS could be solidified in an autoclave under saturated steam pressure (1.56 MPa) at 200 degrees C for 12 h by the additions of quartz or coal flyash. The tensile strength development was shown to depend on the formation of tobermorite and the packing state of the formed tobermorite in the solidified bodies. The additions of quartz or fly ash were proved to be favorable not only to the formation of tobermorite but also to the transformation of hibschite, the former improving the strength, and the latter deteriorating the strength. The excessive addition of quartz appeared to cause strength deterioration due to the fact that the residual quartz affected the formation of tobermorite in the solidified bodies.

  250. Simulation of contaminant transport in a fractured porous aquifer 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida



    DOI: 10.1115/1.2754327  


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    Solute transport in the fractured porous confined aquifer is modeled by the advection-dispersion equation with fractional time derivative of order gamma, which may vary from 0 to 1. Accounting for diffusion in the surrounding rock mass leads to the introduction of an additional fractional time derivative of order 1/2 in the equation for solute transport. The closed-form solutions for concentrations in the aquifer and surrounding rocks are obtained for the arbitrary time-dependent source of contamination located in the inlet of the aquifer. Based on these solutions, different regimes of contamination of the aquifers with different physical properties are modeled and analyzed.

  251. Preparation of hydroxyapatite ceramics by hydrothermal hot-pressing method at 300 degrees C 査読有り

    Junguo Li, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 42 (13) 5013-5019 2007年7月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-006-061-3-7  


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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics were prepared by a hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method at a low temperature (300 degrees C). DCPD (CaHPO4 center dot 2H(2)O) + Ca(OH)(2), OCP (Ca8H2(PO4)(6)center dot 5H(2)O) + Ca (OH)(2), DCPD + NH3 center dot H2O, OCP + NH3 center dot H2O or alpha-TCP (Ca-3(PO4)(2)) + NH3 center dot H2O were used as the precursors. The mixture was treated by HHP under a condition of 300 degrees C/40 MPa. In sample DCPD + Ca (OH)(2) and OCP + Ca(OH)(2), the HA ceramics obtained showed a porous and homogenous microstructure, and the bending strength were 9.9 MPa and 10.9 MPa, respectively. In sample alpha-TCP+NH3 center dot H2O, rod-like HA crystals produced. When the starting materials were DCPD + NH3 center dot H2O, OCP + NH3 center dot H2O, the HA particles produced exhibited plate-like features. It appeared that the plate-like HA particles stacked into a lamellar structure. Tie formation of the lamellar structure leads to a noticeable improvement in fracture property of the HA ceramic. The bending strength and the fracture toughness of the sample prepared from OCP and ammonia water reach 90 MPa and 2.3 MPam(1/2), respectively.

  252. Polycarbosilane-derived SiC/single-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Kenji Yokomizo, Mamoru Omori, Yoshinori Sato, Balachandran Jeyadevan, Kenichi Motomiya, Toshiyuki Hashida, Toru Takahashi, Akira Okubo, Kazuyuki Tohji

    NANOTECHNOLOGY 18 (14) 2007年4月


    DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/18/14/145614  


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    One of the key issues for the development of high toughness carbon nanotube ( CNT) reinforced composites is the control of the interfacial bond between the CNT and the matrix. Here, we introduce a novel technique to facilitate the homogeneous coating of single-walled carbon nanotube ( SWCNT) bundles with polycarbosilane ( PCS)-derived SiC nanoparticles. The PCS dissolved in n-hexane was used as a precursor for SiC nanoparticles. The results obtained from XRD, TEM and EDXS analyses confirmed the formation of beta-SiC nanoparticles of about 20 nm in diameter, which possessed a relatively homogeneous distribution on the SWCNT bundles. It was shown that the number of SiC nanoparticles per unit of SWCNT surface area could be adjusted by changing the weight ratio of PCS and SWCNTs. This approach may provide a useful route for the preparation of SiC/SWCNT nanocomposites that have a tunable interface property with the matrix and potentially with an enhanced anchor effect, which may have potential applications as a reinforcing element in CNT/ceramic composites.

  253. 0542 CO_2地中貯留固定化に関連した岩石のCO_2収着量に関する評価(S52-2 温室効果ガス排出抑制技術(2),S52 温室効果ガス排出抑制技術)

    藤井 孝志, 佐藤 善之, 林 宏飛, 佐々木 健太, 高橋 亨, 猪俣 宏, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会講演論文集 2007 113-114 2007年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2007.3.0_113  

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    Anthropogenic effects on the climate can be mitigated through various artificial measures. Amongst others CO_2 sequestration on geological reservoirs including deep saline aquifers, depleted oil/gas reservoirs, and coal seams is expected to provide a powerful means for drastically reducing emissions of CO_2 to the atmospheric. It may be an important step to understand the capacity of the host reservoir rock for CO_2 storage in order to assess the potential of CO_2 geological sequestration. In this study, CO_2 sorption capacity of rocks (granite, sandstone and natural quartz) under air dry condition was evaluated experimentally at temperatures of 50 and 100℃, and pressures up to 20MPa using a magnetic suspension balance (MSB), which allows us to measure the rock weight under the presence of supercritical CO_2. The CO_2 sorption isotherms of the rocks obtained showed that the CO_2 sorption capacity increased with the increasing pressure and decreased with the increasing temperature. Especially, the CO_2 sorption isotherms of the natural quartz were nearly the same as that of the granite. The present experimental results obtained from the weight measurements suggest that the sorption of CO_2 onto silica minerals may be the important mechanism for the CO_2 storage in reservoir rocks.

  254. Initial behavior of granite in response to injection of CO2-saturated fluid 査読有り

    Yuko Suto, Lihui Liu, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY 22 (1) 202-218 2007年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2006.09.005  


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    To understand the initial reactions of granite in a CO2-saturated hydrothermal system, experiments were conducted using a batch-type autoclave over a temperature range of 100-350 degrees C at up to 250 bar and numerical computations of phase equilibria based on the experimental results were carried out. The experiments showed that the dissolution of granite and the deposition of secondary minerals were encouraged by the addition of CO2. Solution chemistry and examination of the granite's surface texture suggested that its initial dissolution is characterized by the release of Na and Ca (from the dissolution of plagioclase) and that initial precipitation occurs by deposition of some secondary minerals on to plagioclase and/or biotite in the CO2-saturated system. However, the effect of CO2 was small at 350 degrees C owing to the low activity of H2CO3. According to EDX analysis and numerical phase equilibrium calculations, the secondary minerals formed might be kaolinite, muscovite, smectite and calcite. That is, the granite as a whole might have the potential to take-up dissolved CO2. The results suggest that the alteration of granite under CO2-saturated hydrothermal conditions has the potential to capture CO2 when it is injected at moderate temperatures (150-250 degrees C) into granite-hosted rock masses. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  255. Effect of precipitation on cryogenic toughness in N-containing austenitic stainless steels 査読有り

    M. L. Saucedo-Munoz, T. Hashida, Y. Watanabe, T. Shoji, V. M. Lopez-Hirata

    THERMEC 2006, PTS 1-5 539-543 4914-+ 2007年



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    Three types of austenitic stainless steels JK2, JJ1 and JN1 were isothermally aged at temperatures from 600 to 900 degrees C for 10 to 1000 minutes in order to study the microstructural evolution and its effect on the fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures. The Charpy V-Notch fracture energy at 77 K showed a significant decrease with aging time in JJ1 and JN1 steels because of their higher contents of C and N. In contrast, the fracture energy corresponding to the aged JK2 steel decreased gradually with aging time. The abundant intergranular precipitation of carbides and nitrides seems to be the responsible for the fracture toughness deterioration in the aged JJ1 and JN1 steels. On the other hand, the intergranular precipitation of carbides was less abundant in the aged JK2 steel. The scanning electron microscope fractographs of the CVN test specimens corresponding to the aged JJ1 and JN1 steels showed mainly an intergranular brittle fracture and its fraction increased with aging time and temperature. In general, the presence of a more abundant intergranular precipitation resulted in a more rapid decrease in toughness with aging time.

  256. Tribological Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Koshi Adachi, Toshiyuki Takagi

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8 1-6 2007年

    DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2008.295  

  257. Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Yoshinori Sato, Toru Takahashi, Mamoru Omori, Kazuyuki Tohji, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering 1 (7) 854-863 2007年

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jmmp.1.854  


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    In this paper, a spark plasma sintering (SPS) method was employed to solidify single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) only, and the effect of processing conditions on the mechanical properties of the SWCNT solids were examined using a small punch (SP) testing method. The sintering temperatures used was in the range of 600∼1400°C, and the sintering pressures used was 40 MPa and 120 MPa. It was demonstrated that the SPS method allowed SWCNTs to be solidified, without any additives. The experimental results showed that the purification of raw soot was critically importance. The SWCNT solids prepared from purified raw soot showed significant non-linear deformation response, producing quasi-ductile fracture behavior. In contrast, raw soot produced brittle solids. The Young's modulus, fracture strength and work of fracture increased with the increasing sintering temperature and pressure. The Raman and SEM analyses showed that the amount of the graphite-like materials were observed to increase with the increasing temperature and pressure, which indicate that the structure of the SWCNTs was changed partially into the graphite-like materials. The formation of graphite-like materials increased tendency of brittle fracture in the SWCNT solids. TEM observations revealed that the fracture surfaces of the SWCNT solids were characterized by pull out of SWCNT bundles. This observation suggests that it may be possible to improve the mechanical properties of SWCNT solids by increasing the cohesion between SWCNTs.

  258. Evaluation of tribological properties of binder-free single-walled carbon nanotube solids for solid lubrication applications 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, T. Hashida, K. Adachi, Y. Sato, K. Tohji

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 130-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721263  


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    Binder-free single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) solids were evaluated for solid lubrication applications. The steady-state friction coefficient (p) for the SWCNT solids were found to reach values as low as 0.22-0.24, according to unidirectional sliding friction tests using Si3N4 counterpart in air, which values were slightly higher than that of bulk graphite material ( mu=0.20). SEM and Raman analyses showed that most of SWCNTs that existed in the friction surface transformed into SWCNT-derived transferred film made up of amorphous carbon during sliding. The resultant friction behavior may be related to the smearing of transferred film over the contact area, which was expected to permit easy shear and then help to achieve a lubricating effect during sliding.

  259. Tribological and strength properties of alumina/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, K. Yokomizo, M. Omori, Y. Aizawa, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 154-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721269  


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    The Al2O3/MWCNT composites with MWCNT content up to 10 mass% have been prepared by spark plasma sintering. The effect of MWCNT addition on the tribological and strength properties was investigated, The experimental results revealed that the steady-state friction coefficient (mu) of the composites decreased with increasing up to 4 mass% MWCNT and stayed constant (mu=0.33) with further addition of MWCNT, which value was substantially lower than that of MWCNT-free monolithic Al2O3 (g=0.57). These properties seem to be related to the formation of MWCNT-derived transferred film made up of carbonaceous material during sliding. However, it has not been demonstrated that the presence of MWCNTs improves the fracture strength and fracture toughness of the composites. It is mainly due to the agglomeration of M`WCNTs and the weak interface between MWCNTs and the Al2O3 matrix.

  260. Estimation of the number of cross-links of multi-walled carbon nanotube films formed by a dehydration condensation reaction 査読有り

    S. Ogino, Y. Sato, G. Yamamoto, K. Sasamori, H. Kimura, T. Hashida, K. Motomiiya, B. Jeyadevan, K. Tohji

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 175-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721274  


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    Preparation procedure of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MW CNT) films shows as follows. First, as-grown MWCNTs heated in the air and treated with hydrochloric acid to remove amorphous carbon and catalytic metal particles respectively. Then, the o1btained MWCNT samples were treated with nitric acid at 373K to add carboxylic acid and hydroxyl groups on their surface. Finally, MWCNT films were prepared by employing a condensation reaction utilizing 1,3-dicyclohexylearbodiimide (DCC) to cross-link each MWCNT with chemical bonds. Morphological changes in the resultant MWCNT films were monitored using scanning electron microscopy, and showed that the MWCNTs were randomly intertwined in the films. The prepared MWCNT films were 17mm in diameter and 20 mu m in thickness, and the apparent density was 0.59 g/cm(3). Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy confirmed that each MWCNT modified with carboxylic acid and hydroxyl groups was cross-linked through the ester bond. It was found that the ratio of the number of ester cross-links and carbon atoms of the nanotubes per unit apparent volume (cm) of condensed-MWCNT films was 5.23x10(-3) using TGA. The tensile strength and Vickers hardness of condensed-MWCNT films achieved an average of 15MPa and 9.2MPa, respectively, and was greater than those of free-standing MWCNT films without ester bond.

  261. Investigation of interactions in a simulated geologic CO2/rock minerals system for CO2 underground sequestration 査読有り

    H. Lin, T. Fujii, R. Takisawa, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 17-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721242  


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    In this study, laboratory supercritical fluid CO2-rock interactions experiments were conducted in a Hastelloy C-276 hydrothennal autoclave apparatus at 100 degrees C and a CO2 pressure of 10 MPa. The dissolution characteristics of rock minerals and their surface texture alternation after CO2 treatment were carefully examined by ICP-AES, CrC/MASS and SEM/EDX investigation, respectively. The results showed that Si element was present in the treated scCO(2) fluid, and its concentration increased with the increasing reaction time. In addition, a high C content film deposit-like carbon was found to be present on the treated quartz surface. These suggested that a minute quantity of water in the form of porewater or vapor and reactive Hastelloy C in the autoclave should be mainly responsible for the dissolution of quartz into scCO(2) fluid and the formation of carbon deposit on the quartz surface. High catalysis of Hastelloy C also contributed to a significant reduction among CO2, H2O and rock minerals to produce some organics, such as some organic silicon compounds that could dissolve in the sCO(2) fluids. Consequently, a long-term investigation on the interactions between CO2 and rock minerals should be requisite for evaluation of safety and feasibility of geologic CO2 sequestration.

  262. Numerical simulation of injection for CO2 geological sequestration with a treatment of CO2 dissolution into water 査読有り

    K. Sasaki, T. Fujii, Y. Niibori, T. Ito, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 45-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721247  


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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered to be one of the greenhouse gases that may most contributes to global warming on the earth. Disposal CO2 from stationary sources into subsurface has been suggested as a possible means for reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. However, much remains to be done in the issues regarding the safety and reliability Of CO2 sequestration. In this study, we have developed a simulation code by using the mathematical model of multi-phase multi-component flow in porous media to analyze the flow dynamics in the subsurface. The equation of state for CO2 covering the fluid region from the triple point to supercritical region is employed to model the state of CO2 gas, liquid and supercritical state. The effect of CO2 dissolution in water on the injection behavior is taken into account by using Henry's law extended to CO2/water system. The simulation was implemented under several geological conditions inelliding gas, liquid and supercritical state to analyze optimal injection condition. The injection pressure is lowered at the lower temperature condition and the higher hydrostatic pressure condition. The lower injection pressure inav prevent the fracturing of the injection well and excessive permeation of CO2 in the reservoir. The CO2 dissolution is slightly lowefing the injection pressure and the effect on the injection pressure is negligible under the realistic hydrostatic pressure and temperature condition. It has been demonstrated that the simulation code developed in this study may be useful to provide fundamental knowledge required for the design of CO2 injection.

  263. Numerical model of fluid flow through heterogeneous rock for high level radioactive waste disposal 査読有り

    M. Shirai, R. Chiba, S. Fomin, V. Chugunov, T. Takahashi, Y. Niibori, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 57-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721249  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An international consensus has emerged that deep geological disposal on land is one of the most appropriate means for high level radioactive wastes (HLW). The fluid transport is slow and radioactive elements are dangerous, so it's impossible to experiment over thousands of years. Instead, numerical model in such natural barrier as fractured underground needs to be considered. Field observations reveal that the equation with fractional derivative is more appropriate for describing physical phenomena than the equation which is based on the Fick's law. Thus, non-Fickian diffusion into inhomogeneous underground appears to be important in the assessment of HLW disposal. A solute transport equation with fractional derivative has been suggested and discussed in literature. However, no attempts' were made to apply this equation for modeling of HLW disposal with account for the radioactive decay. In this study, we suggest the use of a novel fractional advection-diffusion equation which accounts for the effect of radioactive disintegration and for interactions between major, macro pores and fractal micro pores. This model is fundamentally different from previous proposed model of HLW, particularly in utilizing fractional derivative. Breakthrough curves numerically obtained by the present model are presented for a variety of rock types with respect to some important nuclides. Results of the calculation showed that for longer distance our model tends to be more conservative than the conventional Fickian model, therefore our model can be said to be safer.

  264. Numerical simulation of non-fickian diffusion and advection in a fractured porous aquifer 査読有り

    R. Chiba, S. Fomin, V. Chugunov, Y. Niibori, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 75-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721253  


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    A computer program, which enables us the calculation of the non-Fickian diffusion in a fractured porous media, has been developed. The conventional mathematical model of solute transport in a rock is based on the Fick's law. In general, rock masses contain a number of preexisting fractures. In the fractured porous media, the conventional model tends to predict smaller solute travel distance than that in the actual transport process. In contrast, the non-Fickian diffusion model, which is described as a fractional advection-dispersion equation, can provide realistic representation of actual fluid flow in the heterogeneous media. We provide a numerical solution of the fractional advection-dispersion equation by using implicit-finite difference method. The numerical results obtained for one dimensional fractional advection-dispersion equation using the computer program was shown to be in a good agreement with the analytical solution.

  265. Evaluation of CO2 sorption capacity of granite for CO2 geological sequestration 査読有り

    T. Fujii, Y. Sato, H. Lin, K. Sasaki, T. Takahashi, H. Inoniatat, T. Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 898 79-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2721254  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Anthropogenic effects on climate can be mitigated through various measures. Among them being CO2 sequestration into geological reservoirs including deep saline aquifers, depleted oil/gas reservoirs and coal seams are interested in a powerful means for drastically reducing emissions of CO2- When CO2 would be injected into geological reservoir, it should be necessary to know the potential of CO2 storing into the reservoir. In this study, amount of CO2 sorption of granite was to evaluate experimentally at temperatures 50, 70, 100 and 200 degrees C and pressure up to 20 MPa using a magnetic suspension balance (MSB), which allows to measure under supercritical condition. As a result,we confirmed that the granite have the potential of CO2 sorption. Sorption isotherms obtained from the MSB experiment showed that amount of CO2 sorption increased with the increasing pressure and decreased with the increasing temperature for all experimental conditions. Especially, amount of CO2 sorption at 50 degrees C compared with that at other temperatures (70, 100 and 200 degrees C) increased rapidly in the vicinity of the critical state. In addition, the granite showed a maximum of CO2 sorption into granite could reach up to about 1.0% by weight at 50 degrees C and 14.4NMa. The present results may provide a fundamental knowledge for the development of CO2 geological sequestration technology.

  266. Tribological Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids 査読有り

    Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Koshi Adachi, Toshiyuki Takagi

    Proceedings of The Seventh International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information and The Fourth International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Fluid Integration, (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, December 14-15, 2007) 122-125 2007年

  267. Modeling of Fluid Flow in Complex Fracture Systems for Sustainable Subsurface Utilization 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 97-102 2007年

  268. The development of a novel immersion dyeing method for chrysotile asbestos in building materials 査読有り

    Yoshihiko Oke, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Go Yamamoto, Naomi Maeta, Hirokazu Fujimaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 115-118 2007年

  269. Alteration of asbestos under acidic hydrothermal conditions 査読有り

    J.Nakanishi, T.Wada, K.Yokosawa, T.Kori, N.Yamasaki, T.Hashida

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 255-258 2007年

  270. Synthesis of kaolinite from chrysotile 査読有り

    J.Nakanishi, T.Wada, K.Yokosawa, T.Kori, N.Yamasaki, T.Hashida

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 259-261 2007年

  271. Autocombustion synthesis of La<SUB>0.6</SUB>Sr<SUB>0.4</SUB>Co<SUB>0.2</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.8</SUB>O<SUB>3-δ</SUB>(LSCF) perovskite nanosized powder via modified sol-gel route 査読有り

    Hongfei Lin, Changsheng Ding, Kazuhisa Sato, Yoshifumi Tsutai, Chiharu Wada, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 297-302 2007年

  272. Laboratory Study of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping Behavior in Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> / vapor / granite System for Geological Storage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> 査読有り

    Hongfei LIN, Takashi FUJII, Reisuke TAKISAWA, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 303-308 2007年

  273. Numerical Solutions of the Anomalous Contaminant Transport in a Heterogeneous Aquifer 査読有り

    Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 349-352 2007年

  274. Hydrothermal Treatment on Titanium Metal for Improving Adhesive Properties of Hydroxyapatite Ceramics Coating 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Atsushi Nakahira, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 353-356 2007年

  275. Synthesis of Magnesite under Hydrothermal Conditions 査読有り

    Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Yoshihiko Oke, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of 1st Int. Sympo. on Aqua Science, Water Resource and Innovation Development of Countryside, (Sakawa, Kochi, Japan, November 26-30, 2007) 383-388 2007年

  276. Reliability Evaluation of SOFC under Simulated Operating Condition 査読有り

    K. Sato, N. Imanaka, K. Fukui, M. Numao, S. Kyotani, K. Yashiro, T. Kawada, T. Hashida, J. Mizusaki

    SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS 10 (SOFC-X), PTS 1 AND 2 7 (1) 455-+ 2007年


    DOI: 10.1149/1.2729123  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Self-Organizing Map (SOM) method was developed in order to investigate the fracture process of SOFC module under operating environments. The damage testing method was applied to ceria electrolyte-supported single cells. The vertical crack in the electrolyte and crack in the glass seal were detected by AE method. The SOM method identified two types of damage. By using this method, it was possible to show the possibility that the detailed deterioration process can be evaluated visually and in real-time, even when applied to modules at the actual equipment level.

  277. Municipal incineration bottom ash treatment using hydrothermal solidification 査読有り

    Zhenzi Jing, Norihisa Matsuoka, Fangming Jin, Toshiyuki Hashida, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    WASTE MANAGEMENT 27 (2) 287-293 2007年


    DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2006.01.015  


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    Solidification of municipal incineration bottom ash (MIBA) has been carried out using a hydrothermal processing method, in which the MIBA was first compacted in a mold at 5-20 MPa, and then hydrothermally cured in an autoclave under saturated steam pressure at 150-250 degrees C for 10-72 h. Experimental results showed that the tensile strength of the solidified body was greatly influenced by the addition of NaOH solution and fresh cement in the MIBA. The hydrothermal curing temperature and time exerted a significant influence on the development of tensile strength of solidified body. The strength development is speculated to be due primarily to the formation of 1.1 nm tobermorite. Laboratory leaching tests were conducted to determine the amount of heavy metals dissolved from the solidified bodies and the results showed that under the hydrothermal conditions of this study the leaching of heavy metals was very low. As such, the hydrothermal processing method may have a high potential for recycling MIBA. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Takamasa Onoki, Tomoaki Watanabe, Eiichi Yasuda, Masahiro Yoshimura, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yasuhiro Tanabe


    出版者・発行元:AMER CERAMIC SOC


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    Solidificatioin of hydroxyapatite (HA:Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)), and its bonding with titanium (Ti) was achieved simultaneously by using a hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method with no special surface treatment of the Ti. In this study, the relationship between the HA/Ti bonding properties and the the HHP processing temperature is examined. Mixed powders of calcium hydrogen phosphate dehydrate and calcium hydroxide were used as the starting material for the HA ceramics. The powder mixture and the Ti disk were put into an autoclave for the HHP process. The applied pressure was maintained at 40 MPa. The autoclave was heated up to 373 - 573K at a heating rate of 10K/min., and then the temperature was held constant for 2 hours. The optimal operating temperature was 423K. The bonding of HA to Ti was not achieved at temperatures over 423K.

  279. Dissolution and deposition behavior of granite and calc-silicate rock in CO2-saturated hydrothermal system 査読有り

    Y. Suto, N. Tsuchiya, T. Hashida


    出版者・発行元:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To investigate the possibility of fixing CO2 as carbonates in high temperature formations, hydrothermal reaction experiments were conducted in CO2-saturated fluid at 200 and 300 degrees C. Numerical computations of phase equilibria based on the experimental results were carried out. The experiments with granite and calc-silicate rock showed that the dissolution of Ca-bearing minerals and the deposition of secondary minerals were encouraged in CO2-saturated system. According to EDX analysis and numerical phase equilibrium calculations, the secondary minerals formed might be diaspore, kaolinite, clay minerals (such as smectite, muscovite), Ca-alminosilicates (such as clinozoisite, laumontite, prehnite, wairakite) and calcite. However, there was no direct evidence for the formation of calcite. It is implied that the precipitation rate of calcite is relatively slow and the formation of Ca-alminosilicates occur much easily than calcite even if solution is supersaturated with respect to calcite.

  280. 結合力モデルに基づく岩石の線形破壊力学パラメータの封圧依存性に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一志, 橋田俊之

    材料 55 (12) 1067-1072 2006年12月

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.55.1067  


  281. Relation of the number of cross-links and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube films formed by a dehydration condensation reaction 査読有り

    Shin-ichi Ogino, Yoshinori Sato, Go Yamamoto, Kenichiro Sasamori, Hisamichi Kimura, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kenichi Motomiya, Balachandran Jeyadevan, Kazuyuki Tohji

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 110 (46) 23159-23163 2006年11月


    DOI: 10.1021/jp0642387  


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    Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) films were prepared by employing a condensation reaction utilizing 1,3-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) to cross-link each MWCNT with carboxylic acid and hydroxyl groups. Morphological changes in the resultant MWCNT films were monitored using scanning electron microscopy and showed that the MWCNTs were randomly intertwined in the films. The prepared MWCNT films were 17 mm in diameter and 20 Am in thickness, and the apparent density was 0.59 g/cm(3). Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy confirmed that each MWCNT modified with carboxylic acid and hydroxyl groups was cross-linked through the ester bond. It was found that the ratio of the number of ester cross-links and carbon atoms of the nanotubes per unit apparent volume (cm(3)) of condensed-MWCNT films was 5.27 x 10(-3) using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The tensile strength and Vickers hardness of condensed-MWCNT films achieved an average of 15 and 9.2 MPa, respectively, and were greater than those of free-standing MWCNT films without ester bond.

  282. In situ formation of hydroxyapatite-whisker ceramics by hydrothermal hot-pressing method 査読有り

    Jun-Guo Li, Toshiyuki Hashida

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 89 (11) 3544-3546 2006年11月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1552-2916.2006.01149.x  


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    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics have been prepared from alpha-tricalcium phosphate (alpha-TCP) with addition of water or ammonia water by hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method under a condition of 300 degrees C/40 MPa/2 h. When the additive is water, it appears that the HAp grains produced show whisker-like and plate-like features. The bending strength of the HAp ceramic obtained is measured to be 24.5 MPa. When the additive is ammonia water, the obtained HAp ceramic consists of HAp-whiskers only. The bending strength and fracture toughness reach 56 MPa and 1.52 MPa.m(1/2), respectively. Treating alpha-TCP with addition of ammonia water by the HHP method is thus a useful method for in situ fabrication of HAp-whisker ceramics.

  283. Relation of the Number of Cross-links and Mechanical Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films Formed by a Dehydration Condensation Reaction 査読有り

    S. Ogino, Y. Sato, G. Yamamoto, K. Sasamori, H. Kimura, T. Hashida, K. Motomiya, B. Jeyadevan, K. Tohji

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 10 (46) 23159-23163 2006年11月

    DOI: 10.1021/jp0642387  

  284. Effects of Thermal Stresses on Rock Permeability with Application to the Thermal Extraction from Supercritical Rock Masses

    Chiba, R, Takashima Y, Takahashi, T, Ito, T, Hayashi, K, Hashida, T

    Proc. Renewable Energy 2006 – Advanced Technology Paths to Global Sustainability – 1575-1577 2006年10月9日

  285. Influence of quartz particle size on hydrothermal solidification of blast furnace slag 査読有り

    Zhenzi Jing, Emile Hideki Ishida, Fangming Jin, Toshiyuki Hashida, Nakamichi Yamasaki



    DOI: 10.1021/ie060461e  


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    Solidification of blast furnace water-cooled slag ( BFWS) has been carried out using a hydrothermal processing method, in which the BFWS could be solidified in an autoclave under saturated steam pressure ( 1.56 MPa) at 473 K for 12 h by the addition of quartz. Experimental results showed that the strength development of the solidified specimen was significantly affected by the curing time and quartz particle size. With increasing curing time, the amount of tobermorite increased, and the formed tobermorite, in turn, enhanced the tensile strength. The particle size of the quartz added exerted a significant influence on the strength development, and the optimal quartz content for the strength development appeared to depend on the quartz particle size. The results also suggested utilization of finer quartz had the advantage of reducing the addition of quartz.

  286. New method for hydroxyapatite coating of titanium by the hydrothermal hot isostatic pressing technique 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 200 (24) 6801-6807 2006年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.10.016  


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    A new hydrothermal method is proposed, which enables us to prepare thin hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramic coatings on Ti substrates with a curved surface at low temperatures. The method uses double layered capsules in order to produce a suitable hydrothermal condition; the inner capsule encapsulates the coating materials and a Ti substrate, and the outer capsule is subjected to isostatic pressing under the hydrothermal condition. In this study, it is demonstrated that a pure HA ceramic layer with the thickness of 50 gm could be coated to a Ti cylindrical rod at the low temperature as low as 135 degrees C under the confining pressure of 40 MPa. The HA coating layer had a porous microstructure with the relative density of approximately 60%. Pull-out tests were conducted to obtain an estimate for the adhesion properties of the HA coating prepared by the double capsule method. The shear strength obtained from the pull-out tests was in the range of 4.0-5.5 MPa. It was also shown that the crack propagation occurred within the HA coating layer, not along the HAM interface in the pull-out tests. This observation suggests that the fracture property of the HAM interface was close to or higher than that of the HA ceramics only. It is expected that the low temperature double capsule method may provide a useful method for producing bioactive HA ceramic coatings on curved prostheses surfaces. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  287. Single-walled carbon nanotube-derived novel structural material 査読有り

    G Yamamoto, Y Sato, T Takahashi, M Omori, T Hashida, A Okubo, K Tohji

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 21 (6) 1537-1542 2006年6月


    DOI: 10.1557/JMR.2006.0186  


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    Binder-free macroscopic single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) solids were prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) of purified SWCNTs. The effects of processing temperatures and pressures on the mechanical properties of the SWCNT solids and structural change of SWCNTs in the SWCNT solids were investigated. Transmission electron microscope observation of the SWCNT solids revealed that the high-temperature treatment has transformed some part of the SWCNTs into amorphous-like structure and the rest of the SWCNTs remained buried into the above structure. The mechanical properties of the SWCNT solids increased with the increasing processing temperature, probably reflecting the improvement of interfacial strength between SWCNTs and disordered structure of carbon due to the spark plasma generated in the SPS process.

  288. Cohesive crack analysis of toughness increase due to confining pressure 査読有り

    K Sato, T Hashida

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 163 (5-6) 1059-1072 2006年6月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-006-0060-2  


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    Apparent fracture toughness in Mode I of microcracking materials such as rocks under confining pressure is analyzed based on a cohesive crack model. In rocks, the apparent fracture toughness for crack propagation varies with the confining pressure. This study provides analytical solutions for the apparent fracture toughness using a cohesive crack model, which is a model for the fracture process zone. The problem analyzed in this study is a fluid-driven fracture of a two-dimensional crack with a cohesive zone under confining pressure. The size of the cohesive zone is assumed to be negligibly small in comparison to the crack length. The analyses are performed for two types of cohesive stress distribution, namely the constant cohesive stress (Dugdale model) and the linearly decreasing cohesive stress. Furthermore, the problem for a more general cohesive stress distribution is analyzed based on the fracture energy concept. The analytical solutions are confirmed by comparing them with the results of numerical computations performed using the body force method. The analytical solution suggests a substantial increase in the apparent fracture toughness due to increased confining pressures, even if the size of the fracture process zone is small.

  289. Fracture toughness evaluation based on tension-softening model and its application to hydraulic fracturing 査読有り

    K Sato, T Hashida

    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 163 (5-6) 1073-1089 2006年6月


    DOI: 10.1007/s00024-006-0066-6  


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    This paper discusses the applicability of the tension-softening model in the determination of the fracture toughness of rocks, where the fracture toughness evaluated based on the tension-softening model is compared with the crack growth resistance deduced from laboratory-scale hydraulic fracturing tests. It is generally accepted that the fracture process is dominated by the growth of a fracture process zone for most types of rocks. In this study, the J-integral based technique is employed to determine the fracture toughness of Iidate granite on the basis of the tension-softening model, where compact tension specimens of different dimensions were tested in order to examine the specimen size effect on the measured fracture toughness. It was shown that the tension-softening relation deduced from the J-integral based technique allowed us to determine the specimen size independent fracture toughness K-c of Iidate granite. Laboratory-scale hydraulic fracturing tests were performed on cubic specimens (up to a 10 m sized specimen), where cyclic pressurization was conducted using a rubber-made straddle packer to observe the extent of the hydraulically induced crack. The experimental results of pressure and crack length were then used to construct the crack growth resistance curve based on the stress intensity factor K. The crack growth resistance obtained from the hydraulic fracturing tests was observed to initially increase and then level off, giving a constant K value for a long crack extension stage. The plateau K value in the crack growth resistance curve was found to be in reasonable agreement with the fracture toughness K-c deduced from the tension-softening relation. It was demonstrated that the tension-softening model provides a useful tool to determine the appropriate fracture toughness of rocks, which may be applicable for the analysis of the process of large-scale crack extension in rock masses.

  290. Tracking the onset of damage mechanism in ceria-based solid oxide fuel cells under simulated operating conditions 査読有り

    K Sato, H Omura, T Hashida, K Yashiro, H Yugami, T Kawada, J Mizusaki

    JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 34 (3) 246-250 2006年5月



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    A simple mechanical damage testing method, combined with Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring was developed in order to investigate the mechanical performance of solid oxide fuel cells under simulated environments. The damage testing method was applied to ceria electrolyte-supported single cells. The damage process was shown to involve vertical cracking and delamination in the cathode, and vertical cracking in the electrolyte, and the fracture damage was most likely due to chemical expansion-induced stresses. It was demonstrated that the AE method enabled us to detect the above-mentioned damage process and to determine the condition for the onset of the damage in the single cell.

  291. き裂のせん断すべりを考慮した水圧破砕き裂進展挙動の数値シミュレーション

    内潟 充, 板岡 幹世, 佐藤 一志, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会論文集. A編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A 72 (716) 419-424 2006年4月25日


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.72.419  


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    Geothermal energy is one of the most enviroment-conscious resources among the natural resources. In developing an enhanced geothermal energy extraction system, a hydraulic fracturing is the key technology to emerge an efficient geothermal reservoir. The formation of the geothermal reservoir induced by the hydraulic fracturing has to be predicted to design the geothermal energy extraction system. In this study, crack propagation induced by the hydraulic fracturing of an inclined crack is numerically analyzed. In the numerical model, shear slip deformation is taken into account. When the fluid pressure acts on the inclined crak, shear slip deformation is takes place prior to crack opening due to the pressure that overcomes the normal stress acting on the crack plane. Furthermore, the numerical results suggest that the crack can be propagated by a critical fluid pressure less than the minimum tectonic stress under typical tectonic stress condition, since the stress state at the crack tip is intensified by shear slip deformation. Therefore, the critical fluid pressure for the inclined crack is characterized by the effective shear stress that indicates shear slip condition of the crack.

  292. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analyses of Ni species trapped in graphene sheet of carbon nanofibers 査読有り

    Y. Sato, M. Ohtsubo, B. Jeyadevan, K. Tohji, K. Motomiya, R. Hatakeyama, G. Yamamoto, M. Omori, T. Hashida, K. Tamura, T. Akasaka, M. Uo, A. Yokoyama, F. Watari

    Physical Review B (73) 144103-1-144103-11 2006年4月

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.144103  

  293. Assessment of stimulated area growth during high-pressure hydraulic stimulation of fractured subsurface reservoir 査読有り

    S Fomin, Chugunov, V, T Hashida

    TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA 63 (1) 99-125 2006年4月


    DOI: 10.1007/s11242-005-3326-5  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Hydraulic stimulation is performed by high-pressure fluid injection, which permanently increases the permeability of a volume of rock, typically transforming it from the microdarcy into the millidarcy range. After a period of stimulation, fluid injection and recovery boreholes are introduced into the stimulated rock volume, and heat is extracted by water circulation. In the present study a simplified mathematical model of non steady-state hydraulic stimulation is proposed and analyzed. Fluid flow is assumed to be radial, injected flow rate constant; and fluid density, rock porosity, and permeability depend on fluid pressure. The conventional boundary of the growing stimulated rock volume is introduced as a surface where the porosity and permeability of the stimulated rock exhibit a sharp decline and remain constant within the undisturbed area. The problem is solved analytically by a modified method of integral correlations. As a result, approximate close-form solutions for pressure distributions in the stimulated and nonstimulated (undisturbed) areas are obtained, and an equation for the moving boundary of the stimulated volume is derived. The correctness of the approximate solution is validated by comparison to an exact self-similar solution of the problem obtained for the particular case when the well's radius is assumed to be equal to zero.

  294. Solidification of coal fly ash using hydrothermal processing method 査読有り

    Z Jing, N Matsuoka, F Jin, N Yamasaki, K Suzuki, T Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 41 (5) 1579-1584 2006年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-006-4648-6  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solidification of Coal Fly-ash (CFA) has been carried out using a hydrothermal processing method. In the hydrothermal processing, the CFA was first compacted in a mold at 20 - 50 MPa, and then hydrothermally cured in an autoclave. The hydrothermal curing was performed at 150 - 250 degrees C for 15 - 60 h. The experimental results showed that NaOH solution, Ca(OH)(2) content, compaction pressure, autoclave curing temperature and time significantly affected the strength of solidified bodies. The most important strength-producing constituent in the solidified bodies produced with CFA was tobermorite, or tobermorite-like calcium silicate hydrate. When the CaO/SiO2 ratio of the starting material was close to 0.83, tobermorite readily formed and the formed tobermorite enhanced the strength of solidified bodies. The tensile strength determined by the Brazilian test reached more than 10 MPa under the hydrothermal processing. As such, the hydrothermal processing method may provide a high potential for recycling CFA on a large scale. (c) 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

  295. Solidification of coal fly ash using hydrothermal processing method 査読有り

    Z Jing, N Matsuoka, F Jin, N Yamasaki, K Suzuki, T Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 41 (5) 1579-1584 2006年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-006-4648-6  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solidification of Coal Fly-ash (CFA) has been carried out using a hydrothermal processing method. In the hydrothermal processing, the CFA was first compacted in a mold at 20 - 50 MPa, and then hydrothermally cured in an autoclave. The hydrothermal curing was performed at 150 - 250 degrees C for 15 - 60 h. The experimental results showed that NaOH solution, Ca(OH)(2) content, compaction pressure, autoclave curing temperature and time significantly affected the strength of solidified bodies. The most important strength-producing constituent in the solidified bodies produced with CFA was tobermorite, or tobermorite-like calcium silicate hydrate. When the CaO/SiO2 ratio of the starting material was close to 0.83, tobermorite readily formed and the formed tobermorite enhanced the strength of solidified bodies. The tensile strength determined by the Brazilian test reached more than 10 MPa under the hydrothermal processing. As such, the hydrothermal processing method may provide a high potential for recycling CFA on a large scale. (c) 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

  296. Hydrothermal dynamics on environmental problems using the aspect of earth science 査読有り

    N Yamasaki, Y Yamasaki, K Tohji, N Tsuchiya, T Hashida, K Ioku

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 41 (5) 1599-1604 2006年3月


    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-006-4654-8  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to establish a sustainable society, with practical material recycling, it is appropriate to focus on a range of guiding "Earth Principles", including the character and application of hydrothermal processes. In this paper, it is demonstrated that information obtained from the study of fundamental Earth Principles can be used to inspire the development of new methods for material recycling, such as the following: (1) Hydrothermal hot-pressing processes, simulating the formation of sedimentary rock sequences, can be used for the solidification of toxic and hazardous materials. (2) Organic materials could be formed from CO2 under hydrothermal conditions (using Fe and Ni metals, and low valence Fe oxides), at temperature and pressure conditions consistent with a subduction (tectonic) setting, such as (under Japan) where the Pacific Plate sinks beneath the (Eurasian) continental plate. (3) Diamond-structured carbon may be formed from toxic chlorinated hydrocarbon, in very high pressure regions of the Earth, and at high alkaline hydrothermal conditions, where magma formation may occur. (4) High temperature dry steam in rock fractures (at near critical conditions - i.e. below saturated vapor pressure, but relatively high pressure) is not only a source/carrier of noble metals, including gold, silver and copper, but also ceramic materials, silica and alumina. Its laboratory simulation may also be a guide for the formation of thin layer silicate ceramics on metal plates (e.g. SUS-304 nickel alloy). (5) To design an underground boiler in hot dry rock, non-equilibrium dissolution and deposition hydrothermal processes may be studied using a tube reactor, which simulates fluid flow and temperature gradients in fractured hot rock. (c) 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

  297. SPクリープ試験法による低放射化フェライト鋼のクリープ特性評価 査読有り

    中田隼矢, 駒崎慎一, 幸野豊, 芝清之, 香山晃, 橋田俊之

    日本金属学会誌 70 (2) 130-133 2006年2月


    DOI: 10.2320/jinstmet.70.130  



  298. Application of fractional derivatives for simulating diffusion into porous matrix in mathematical modeling of the contaminant transport in a confined fractured porous aquifer 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED 2006年

    出版者・発行元:American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2006-16138  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solute transport in the fractured porous confined aquifer is modeled by the advection-dispersion equation with fractional time derivative of order γ, which may vary from 0 to 1. Accounting for diffusion in the surrounding rock mass leads to the introduction of an additional fractional time derivative of order 1/2 in the equation for solute transport. The closed-form solutions for concentrations in the aquifer and surrounding rocks are obtained for the arbitrary time-dependent source of contamination located in the inlet of the aquifer. Based on these solutions, different regimes of contamination of the aquifers with different physical properties are modeled and analyzed. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.

  299. Mechanical properties of binder-free single-walled carbon nanotube solids 査読有り

    G Yamamoto, Y Sato, T Takahashi, M Omori, A Okubo, K Tohji, T Hashida

    SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 54 (2) 299-303 2006年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2005.03.053  


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    Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were successfully solidified without any additives using a spark plasma method. Purification of raw soot was crucially important in order to improve the mechanical properties of the SWCNT solid, which exhibited a significant nonlinear deformation response in contrast with brittle fracture of an unpurified SWCNT solid. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  300. Low temperature synthesis of hydroxyapatite from CaHPO4 center dot 2H(2)O and Ca(OH)(2) based on effect of the spark plasma system (SPS) 査読有り

    Mamoru Omori, Takamasa Onoki, Toshiyuki Hashida, Akira Okubo, Yoshihiro Murakami

    CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 32 (6) 617-621 2006年

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2005.04.021  


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    A mixture of 6 mol of CaHPO4 center dot 2H(2)O and 4 mol of Ca(OH)(2) was reacted to produce hydroxyapatite (HA) by spark plasma system (SPS). The reaction was carried out at 300-1200 degrees C under pressure of 20-670 MPa for 10 min in a vacuum. HA formation started at 300 degrees C at 600 MPa and was completed at 500 degrees C at 670 MPa, the same product being obtained at 1200 degrees C in air using a furnace. The temperature of the HA formation increased with decreasing pressure and was 1150 degrees C under 20 MPa. There was a linear relationship between the reaction temperature and pressure. The crystal size of the HA prepared at 500 degrees C at 670 MPa and that at 600 degrees C at 600 MPa by SPS were less than 1 and 2 mu m, respectively. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.

  301. Route to the synthesis of binder-free SWCNT solids with enhanced mechanical properties 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, Y. Sato, M. Omori, K. Yokomizo, T. Hashida, T. Takahashi, A. Okubo, S. Watanabe, K. Tohji

    FLOW DYNAMICS 832 425-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2204535  


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    Binder-free macroscopic single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) solids were prepared by the hot-pressing and the spark plasma sintering (SPS) of purified SWCNTs at temperatures of 1000, 1400 and 1800 degrees C under a pressure of 120 MPa. The effects of processing conditions of the SWCNT solids on mechanical properties and microstructures were investigated. The SPS method was useful to increase the Young's modulus and fracture strength of the SWCNT solid with respect to the hot-pressing method. The mechanical properties of the SWCNT solids prepared by SPS were always higher than those of the SWCNT solids prepared by hot-pressing under the identical processing temperature. The maximum value for the average Young's modulus and fracture strength were 25.1 GPa and 106.8 MPa, respectively. TEM observation revealed that the high temperature treatment has converted some part of the SWCNTs into graphite-like materials and the rest of the SWCNTs remained buried into the above structure. The mechanical properties of the SWCNT solids were increased with the increasing processing temperature, reflecting probably the improvement of interfacial strength between SWCNTs and graphite-like materials.

  302. Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes/hydroxyapatite composites prepared by spark plasma sintering 査読有り

    Masa-aki Tanaka, Takamasa Onoki, Mamoru Omori, Akira Okubo, Toshiyuki Hashida

    FLOW DYNAMICS 832 430-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2204536  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs)/Hydroxylapatite (HAp) composites were made to improve mechanical properties by using Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) method. Slurry 6 mol of CaBPO(4)(.)2H(2)O (DCPD), 4 mol calcium hydroxide and MWCNTs were mixed and sintered by using SPS at 5-120 Wa pressure, 1200-1250 degrees C and in vacuum or N-2 atmosphere. The fracture toughness of sintered MWCNTs/HAp composites was increased.

  303. Numerical simulation of flow dynamics for CO2 injection into rock masses 査読有り

    Kenta Sasaki, Takashi Fujii, Toshiyuki Hashida

    FLOW DYNAMICS 832 433-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2204537  


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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered to be one of the greenhouse gases that may most contributes to global warming on earth. Disposal Of CO2 from stationary sources into subsurface has been suggested as a possible means for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. However, much remains to be done in the issues regarding the safety and reliability Of CO2 sequestration. In this study, we have developed a simulation code by using the mathematical model of two-phase flow in porous media to analyze the flow dynamics in the subsurface. The effect Of CO2 dissolution in water on the injection behavior is taken into account by using Henry's law. The CO2 solubility in water has been shown to be an important factor which affects the pressure distribution and the migration of the CO2 front. It has been demonstrated that the simulation code developed in this study may be useful to provide fundamental knowledge required for design Of CO2 injection.

  304. Effects of NaOH concentration on CO2 reduction via hydrothermal water 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Hiro Takahashi, Toshinari Kori, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 833 61-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2207074  


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    The reductions of CO2 under hydrothermal conditions were investigated by using the micro autoclave (45cm(3)) lined with Hastelloy-C alloy. Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) was used as a starting material. H-2 gas was used as reducing agents. NaHCO3 powder, H2 gas and water put into the autoclave simultaneously. The autoclave was heated upto, 300 degrees C by induction heater. In this study, effects of pH value of the NaOH solution in the autoclave are investigated. Reaction products were analyzed with gas chromatographs (GC), liquid chromatographs (LC), X-ray diffractometor (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The following things were showed in this research: CO2 was reducted to HCOO- and CH4 at high conversion ratio under hydrothermal conditions. HCOO- was formed at high selectivity using Hastelloy-C reactor in the alkaline solution with Raney Ni catalyst. Raney Ni was exellent methanation catalyst, and CH4 formation progressed via HCO3-, not via CO. It is cleared that the NaOH solution in the autoclave should be kept pH value 11.0 for the highest conversion ratio from CO2 to useful carbonic compounds (CH4, HCOO-).

  305. Effects of pressure and reaction time on bonding of hydroxyapatite ceramics and titanium by hydrothermal hot-pressing 査読有り

    Masa-aki Tanaka, Takamasa Onoki, Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 833 82-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2207080  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solidification of hydroxyapatite (HA) and its bonding with titanium (Ti) was achieved simultaneously by using a hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method at the low temperature as low as 150 degrees C. A mixture of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate(DCPD) and calcium hydroxide was used as a starting powder material for solidifying HA. 3-point bending tests were conducted to obtain an estimate of the fracture toughness for the HA/Ti interface. Application of pressures greater than 20MPa was necessary for bonding, and the interface strength increased with the increasing applied pressure. However, the degree of HA formation was lower when the pressure was increased. Excessively long term HHP treatment was shown to be ineffective for the bonding and there was an optimal treatment time. The optimal pressure and treatment time for bonding were estimated to be 40MPa and 12hrs, respectively.

  306. Synthesis and characterization of single-walled carbon nanotube/silicon carbide composites 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, K. Yokomizo, M. Omori, Y. Sato, T. Takahashi, T. Hashida, K. Motomiya, A. Okubo, S. Watanabe, K. Tohji

    WATER DYNAMICS 833 94-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2207083  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT)/SiC composites were successfully prepared by direct thermal decomposition of polycarbosilane (PCS) precursor. The SWCNT/SiC composites were prepared by the hot-pressing the SWCNTs-PCS (7:3 mass%) mixture at temperatures of 1000, 1400 and 1800 degrees C under a pressure of 120 MPa. The effects of SiC synthesis and processing temperatures on the mechanical properties of the resultant composites were investigated by comparing the experimental data obtained from the SWCNT/SiC composites and the binder-free SWCNT solids. The XRD and TEM-EDS analyses revealed that the P-SiC was successfully prepared through direct thermal decomposition of PCS precursor. The specific modulus and strength of the SWCNT/SiC composites were always about 8 GPa/Mg/m(3) and 20 MPa/Mg/m(3) higher than those of the binder-free SWCNT solid under identical processing temperatures. Such remarkable stiffening and strengthening by SiC synthesis may be due to the load-transfer efficiency of SWCNTs in the SWCNT/SiC composites.

  307. Effects of water location in starting materials on bonding behavior of hydroxyapatite and titanium via hydrothermal hot-pressing 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 833 112-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2207087  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solidification of hydroxyapatite (HA:Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)) and its bonding with titanium (Ti) was achieved simultaneously by using the hydrothermal hot-pressing method at temperatures as low as 150 degrees C with no special surface treatment of Ti. A mixture of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate and calcium hydroxide was used as the starting powder material for solidifying HA. Three point bending tests were conducted to obtain an estimate of the fracture toughness for the HA/Ti interface as well as for the HA ceramics only. The fracture toughness tests showed that the induced crack from the pre-crack tip deviated from the HA/Ti interface and propagated into the HA. It is cleared that water in starting materials must be crystallized in starting materials in order to achieve the bonding HA ceramics and Ti by the HHP method. The fracture toughness determined on the bonded HA/Ti specimen was close to that of the HA ceramics only (approximate 0.3 Mpam(1/2)).

  308. Numerical simulation for non-Fickian diffusion into fractured porous rock 査読有り

    Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toru Takahashi, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida

    WATER DYNAMICS 833 133-+ 2006年


    DOI: 10.1063/1.2207091  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A computer program has been developed which enables us to calculate the non-Fickian diffusion equations based on the Caputo fractional derivative. In recent years, the geological disposal method is, among to others, one of the most promising ways to dispose high-level radioactive wastes. It is therefore necessary to develop models for predicting solute transport in subsurface rock masses in order to assess and ensure the reliability for the geological disposal method. The conventional mathematical model of solute transport in rock masses is based on the Fick's law. However, because of existing complex fractures in the rock matrix, the conventional model tends to predict smaller solute travel distance than that in the actual transport process. The deficiency in the conventional model calls for the necessity of a more quantitative model which is applicable to the fractured porous media. In contrast, the non-Fickian diffusion model can provide realistic representation of actual fluid flow in the heterogeneous media. In the non-Fickian diffusion, the diffusion equation is described by fractional-in-space derivative of order a, which may vary from 0 to 1. In this study, we take advantage of the Caputo fractional derivative equation in order to develop a numerical method for analyzing the non-Fickian diffusion. We provide a numerical solution of the fractional derivative equation using implicit-finite difference method. The numerical result obtained for one dimensional diffusion equation using the computer program was shown to be in a good agreement with the analytical solution. The numerical method developed in this study was also verified with the result of laboratory experiment, in which a thermoluminescence technique was employed to trace the solute transport front in a granite sample. It has been shown that the numerical method based on the non-Fickian diffusion equation provides a better characterization of the experimental result, compared with the conventional diffusion equation.

  309. Novel method for hydroxyapatite coating by hydrothermal hot-pressing via double layered capsule 査読有り

    T Onoki, T Hashida

    BIOCERAMICS 18, PTS 1 AND 2 309-311 647-650 2006年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new hydrothermal method is proposed which enables us to prepare thin hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramic coatings on Ti substrates with a curved surface at low temperatures. The method uses double layered capsules in order to produce a suitable hydrothermal condition; the inner capsule encapsulates the coating materials and a Ti substrate, and the outer capsule is subjected to isostatic pressing under the hydrothermal condition. In this study, it is demonstrated that a pure HA ceramic layer with the thickness of 50 mu m could be coated to a Ti cylindrical rod at the low temperature as low as 135 degrees C under the confining pressure of 40 MPa. Pull-out tests were conducted to obtain an estimate for the adhesion properties of the HA coating prepared by the double layered capsule method. The shear strength obtained from the pull-out tests was in the range of 4.0-5.5 MPa. It was also shown that the crack propagation occurred within the HA coating layer, not along the HA/Ti interface in the pull-out tests.

  310. Characterization of Damage and Fracture Process of Solid oxide Fuel Cells Under Simulated Operating Conditions by Using AE Method 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hiroo Yugami, Keiji Yashiro, Tatsuya Kawada, Junichiro Mizusaki

    Progress in Acoustic Emission XIII, The Japanese Society for NDI 269-276 2006年

  311. Characteristics of Damage and Fracture Process of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Under Simulated Operating Conditions By Using AE Method 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hiroo Yugami, Kenji Yashiro, Tatsuya Kawada, Junichiro Mizusaki

    Journal of Acoustic Emission 24 215-221 2006年

  312. Effect of Mechanical Load on the Electrical Property of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia, Electrochemistry and Thermodynamics on Materials Processing for Sustainable Production 査読有り

    K. Sato, R.Narumi, K.Yashiro, T.Kawada, H.Yugami, T.Hashida, J.Mizusaki

    Masko Symposium 823-827 2006年

  313. A New Method for Evaluating Degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell under Operating Conditions by Combining the Electrochemical Measurement with Non-Destructive Test 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Shintaro Kyotani, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hirokazu Moriya, Tatsuya Kawada, Keiji Yashiro, Takashi Nakamura, Hiroo Yugami, Junichiro Mizusaki

    Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing 2006 2006 132-136 2006年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The purpose of present research is to estimate the degradation mechanism of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) by using combining non-destructive test and electrochemical measurement during loading test Mechanical degradation and chemically degradation were investigated by acoustic emission (AE) measurement system and electrochemical measurement,respectively. In the investigation of fracture process with AE amplitude distributions, high amplitude signal, middle amplitude signal and low amplitude signal correspond to vertical craking, delamination in the cathode, and vertical cracking in the elctrolyte respectively. It was demonstrated that the AE method enabled us to detect the above-mentioned mechanical damage and to determine the condition for the onset of the damage in the single cell.

  314. Influences of microstructure on the mechanical behaviour in proton conductor based on BaZrO3/BaCeO3 査読有り

    N. Yu, H. Yugami, K. Sato, T. Hashida

    13th Solid State Proton Conductors Conference (SSPC-13) 2006年

  315. (CeO2) 1-x (SmO1.5) x電解質を用いた積層型燃料電池単セルの破壊挙動の評価に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 八代圭司, 湯上浩雄, 川田達也, 水崎純一郎

    粉体および粉末冶金 52 (11) 836-839 2005年11月

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.52.836  


  316. (CeO2) 1-x (YO1.5) xの合成と弾性特性の評価に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 鈴木研, 湯上浩雄, 川田達也, 水崎純一郎

    粉体および粉末冶金 52 (11) 840-844 2005年11月

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.52.840  


  317. リン酸水素カルシウム二水和物と水酸化カルシウムを出発原料とした水熱法によるハイドロキシアパタイトセラミックスコーティング 査読有り

    小野木伯薫, 田中雅明, 橋田俊之

    粉体および粉末冶金 52 (11) 861-864 2005年11月

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.52.861  


  318. 単層および多層カーボンナノチューブ固化体の作製と機械的特性の評価 査読有り

    山本 剛, 佐藤義倫, 大坪 誠, 高橋 亨, 大森 守, 大久保 昭, 田路和幸, 橋田俊之

    粉体および粉末冶金 52 (11) 831-835 2005年11月

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.52.831  


  319. 放電プラズマ焼結法により作製した単層カーボンナノチューブ固化体の機械的特性評価 査読有り

    山本 剛, 佐藤義倫, 高橋 亨, 大森 守, 大久保 昭, 田路和幸, 橋田俊之

    粉体および粉末冶金 52 (11) 826-830 2005年11月

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.52.826  


  320. Effects of polycarbosilane addition on the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube solids 査読有り

    G Yamamoto, M Omori, Y Sato, T Takahashi, K Tohji, T Hashida




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are often produced in a form of bundles during their synthesis process. However, the bundles could slide easily on each other as they are held together by a weak van der Waals interaction. This weak cohesion is one of the major obstacles in the preparation of strong macroscopic solid structures composed of SWCNTs. Here, we have attempted to improve the stability of the links between SWCNTs within and between the bundles by introducing polycarbosilane (PCS) (10 mass%) to purified SWCNTs. Then, the SWCNT-PCS composite was prepared by the hot-pressing the SWCNT-PCS mixture at temperatures between 1000 and 1800 degrees C under a pressure of 120 MPa. The effect of processing temperatures on the mechanical properties of the composites was examined by conducting three-point bending tests. For comparison, SWCNT solids were also prepared without addition of PCS. In the case of the SWCNT-PCS composite prepared at 1000 degrees C, the specific strength and specific modulus were about two and four times higher than that of the binder-free SWCNT solid, respectively. The reason for the increment is believed due to the stable PCS links formed between SWCNTs within and between the bundles.

  321. Effects of polycarbosilane addition on the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube solids 査読有り

    G Yamamoto, M Omori, Y Sato, T Takahashi, K Tohji, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1299/jsmea.48.189  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are often produced in a form of bundles during their synthesis process. However, the bundles could slide easily on each other as they are held together by a weak van der Waals interaction. This weak cohesion is one of the major obstacles in the preparation of strong macroscopic solid structures composed of SWCNTs. Here, we have attempted to improve the stability of the links between SWCNTs within and between the bundles by introducing polycarbosilane (PCS) (10 mass%) to purified SWCNTs. Then, the SWCNT-PCS composite was prepared by the hot-pressing the SWCNT-PCS mixture at temperatures between 1000 and 1800 degrees C under a pressure of 120 MPa. The effect of processing temperatures on the mechanical properties of the composites was examined by conducting three-point bending tests. For comparison, SWCNT solids were also prepared without addition of PCS. In the case of the SWCNT-PCS composite prepared at 1000 degrees C, the specific strength and specific modulus were about two and four times higher than that of the binder-free SWCNT solid, respectively. The reason for the increment is believed due to the stable PCS links formed between SWCNTs within and between the bundles.

  322. Preparation of single-walled carbon nanotube solids and their mechanical properties 査読有り

    G Yamamoto, Y Sato, T Takahashi, M Omori, T Hashida, A Okubo, S Watanabe, K Tohji

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 20 (10) 2609-2612 2005年10月


    DOI: 10.1557/JMR.2005.0345  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were successfully solidified without any additives by hot-pressing and spark plasma sintering (SPS). The elastic modulus and fracture strength of the SWCNT solid prepared by the SPS method were about three and two times higher than that of the hot-pressed SWCNT solid prepared under the same processing condition. The enhancement of the mechanical properties of the SPS specimen may be due to the formation of comparatively stronger bond between SWCNTs, which is possibly brought about by the spark plasma generated in the SPS process.

  323. Fracture properties of (CeO<SUB>2</SUB>)<SUB>1-x</SUB>(RO<SUB>1.5</SUB>)<SUB>x</SUB> (R = Y, Gd, and Sm; x = 0.02–0.20) ceramics 査読有り

    T. Ishida, F. Iguchi, K. Sato, T. Hashida, H. Yugami

    Solid State Ionics 176 (31-34) 2417-2421 2005年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2005.06.031  



  324. The effect of non-Fickian diffusion into surrounding rocks on contaminant transport in a fractured porous aquifer 査読有り

    S Fomin, Chugunov, V, T Hashida


    出版者・発行元:ROYAL SOCIETY

    DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2005.1487  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solute transport in a fractured porous confined aquifer is modelled by using an equation with a fractional-in-time derivative of order gamma, which may vary from 0 to 1. Accounting for non-Fickian diffusion into the surrounding rock mass, which is modelled by a fractional spatial derivative of order alpha, leads to the introduction of an additional fractional-in-time derivative of order alpha/(1+alpha) in the equation for solute transport. Closed-form solutions for solute concentrations in the aquifer and surrounding rocks are obtained for an arbitrary time-dependent source of contamination located at the inlet of the aquifer. Based on these solutions, different regimes of contaminant transport in aquifers with various physical properties are modelled and analysed.

  325. Mechanical damage evaluation of solid oxide fuel cells under simulated operating conditions 査読有り

    K Sato, T Hashida, K Yashiro, H Yugami, T Kawada, J Mizusaki

    JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 113 (1320) 562-564 2005年8月


    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.113.562  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A simple fracture testing method, combined with acoustic-emission (AE) monitoring was developed in order to investigate the mechanical performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) under simulated environment. The fracture testing method was applied to ceria electrolyte-supported single cells. The fracture damage process was shown to involve vertical cracking and delamination in the cathode, and vertical cracking in the electrolyte, and the fracture damages were most likely due to chemical expansion induced stresses. It was demonstrated that the AE method may enable one to detect the above-mentioned fracture process and to determine the onset condition for fracture damage in the single cell.

  326. Development of high-sensitivity ultrasonic transducer in air with nanofoam material 査読有り

    H Nagahara, T Hashida, M Suzuki, M Hashimoto



    DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.44.44851  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    For a high-sensitivity ultrasonic transducer in air, it was considered that nanofoam be applied to its acoustic matching layer. Nanofoam is a porous material that is made by the sol-gel process. Since nanofoam has an extremely low acoustic impedance, it is effective for the acoustic matching layer of an ultrasonic transducer in air. In this study, we have fabricated an ultrasonic transducer that had two acoustic matching layers and estimated its acoustic properties. The two matching layers were made of silica nanofoam and porous ceramic. The sensitivity of the developed ultrasonic transducer was about twenty times higher than that of a conventional ultrasonic transducer in air.

  327. Fabrication of porous hydroxyapatite using hydrothermal hot pressing and post-sintering 査読有り

    A Nakahira, T Murakami, T Onoki, T Hashida, K Hosoi

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 88 (5) 1334-1336 2005年5月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00238.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the present study, a hydrothermal hot pressing (HHP) method was used to fabricate porous hydroxyapatites with high strength. In particular, an interconnected matrix of hydroxyapatite was achieved by solution precipitation and the application of compressive stress during HHP. Hydroxyapatite samples post-sintered after this HHP treatment had a lower relative density and higher open porosity than those prepared by normal sintering. An examination of the pore characteristics suggested that the samples after HHP treatment and post-sintering had a high amount of open pores with a large and round morphology, whereas the samples prepared by normal sintering showed a denser microstructure, with a sharp-edged-pore morphology.

  328. New technique for bonding hydroxyapatite ceramics and titanium by the hydrothermal hot-pressing method 査読有り

    T Onoki, K Hosoi, T Hashida

    SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 52 (8) 767-770 2005年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2004.12.011  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solidification of hydroxyapatite (HA:Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)) and its bonding with titanium (Ti) was achieved simultaneously by using the hydrothermal hot-pressing method at temperatures as low as 150degreesC with no special surface treatment of Ti. A mixture of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate and calcium hydroxide was used as the starting powder material for solidifying HA. Three-point bending tests were conducted to obtain an estimate of the fracture toughness for the HAM interface as well as for the HA ceramics only. The fracture toughness tests showed that the induced crack from the pre-crack tip deviated from the HAM interface and propagated into the HA. The fracture toughness determined on the bonded HAM specimen was close to that of the HA ceramics only (similar to0.30 MPa m(1/2)). (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  329. Preparation and Biocompatibility of Sintered Carbon Nanotube Disk 招待有り

    M. Ohtsubo, Y. Sato, B. Jeyadevan, K. Tohji, R. Hatakeyama, G. Yamamoto, M. Ohmori, T. Hashida, K. Tamura, T. Akasaka, M. Uo, A. Yokoyama, F. Watari

    Fullerenes and Nanotubes –Materials for the New Chemical Frontier-Fullerenes (The Electrochemical Society, Inc.) PV2004-12 243-248 2005年3月1日

  330. 模擬還元雰囲気下におけるセリア系固体酸化物型燃料電池の破壊挙動に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 八代圭司, 大村肇, 橋田俊之, 水崎純一郎

    2004年度傾斜機能材料論文集(FGM2004) 144-149 2005年3月

  331. 高温環境下におけるセリア系セラミックスの破壊特性に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 鈴木研, 橋田俊之, 水崎純一郎

    2004年度傾斜機能材料論文集(FGM2004) 139-143 2005年3月

  332. 水熱法によるハイドロキシアパタイトセラミックスコーティング作製 査読有り

    小野木伯薫, 田中雅明, 細井和幸, 橋田俊之

    2004年度傾斜機能材料論文集(FGM2004) 97-102 2005年3月

  333. カーボンナノチューブ固化体の作製と機械的特性の評価 査読有り

    山本 剛, 大坪 誠, 佐藤義倫, 高橋 亨, 大森 守, 田路和幸, 橋田俊之

    2004年度傾斜機能材料論文集(FGM2004) 25-30 2005年3月

  334. 三点曲げ試験法による単層カーボンナノチューブ固化体の機械的特性評価 査読有り

    山本 剛, 佐藤義倫, 高橋 亨, 大森 守, 田路和幸, 橋田俊之

    2004年度傾斜機能材料論文集(FGM2004) 31-36 2005年3月

  335. Advances in mathematical modeling of hydraulic stimulation of a subterranean fractured reservoir 査読有り

    S Fomin, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1117/12.619674  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Hydraulic stimulation is performed by a high-pressure fluid injection, which leads to a permanent increase in permeability of a volume of rock, typically transforming it from the microdarcy into the millidarcy range. The present paper provides an overview of the recent results in mathematical modeling of this process obtained at Tohoku University, Japan. Several mathematical models are proposed and realized. Within the steady-state approach, the geothermal reservoirs are characterized by parameters measured from field data and the model incorporates the approximations of the fracture mechanical behavior and fluid dynamics in fractured media. Along with the fractal-type distribution of the fracture lengths, the fracture surfaces are also assumed to follow fractal geometry. The latter allows numerical simulation of the natural rock fracture dilation caused by fracture shear offset. Recently, a new simplified non-steady mathematical model of the stimulation process was proposed. This model can be used for assessing the rate of the stimulated volume growth subject to injection pressure and flow rate and for approximate calculation of time required for creating the specified size of the stimulated region.

  336. A borehole temperature during drilling in a fractured rock formation 査読有り

    S Fomin, T Hashida, Chugunov, V, AV Kuznestov



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.07.042  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Drilling in brittle crystalline rocks is often accompanied by a fluid loss through the finite number of the major fractures intercepting the borehole. These fractures affect the flow regime and temperature distributions in the borehole and rock formation. In this study, the problem of borehole temperature variation during drilling of the fractured rock is analyzed analytically by applying the approximate generalized integral-balance method. The model accounts for different flow regimes in the borehole, for different drilling velocities, for different locations of the major fractures intersecting the borehole, and for the thermal history of the borehole exploitation, which may include a finite number of circulation and shut-in periods. Normally the temperature fields in the well and surrounding rocks are calculated numerically by the finite difference and finite element methods or analytically, utilizing the Laplace-transform method. The formulae obtained by the Laplace-transform method are usually complex and require tedious numerical evaluations. Moreover, in the previous research the heat interactions of circulating fluid with the rock formation were treated assuming constant bore-face temperatures. In the present study the temperature field in the formation disturbed by the heat flow from the borehole is modeled by the heat conduction equation. The thermal interaction of the circulating fluid with the formation is approximated by utilizing the Newton law of cooling at the bore-face. The discrete sinks of fluid on the bore-face model the fluid loss in the borehole through the fractures. The heat conduction problem in the rock is solved analytically by the heat balance integral method. It can be proved theoretically that the approximate solution found by this method is accurate enough to model thermal interactions between the borehole fluid and the surrounding rocks. Due to its simplicity and accuracy, the derived solution is convenient for the geophysical practitioners and can be readily used, for instance, for predicting the equilibrium formation temperatures. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  337. 放電プラズマ焼結法により作製した単層カーボンナノチューブバルク固化体の機械的特性 査読有り

    山本剛, 佐藤義倫, 高橋亨, 大森守, 田路和幸, 橋田俊之

    日本機会学会論文集(A編) 71 (702) 330-337 2005年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.71.330  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, a spark plasma sintering (SPS) method was employed to solidify single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) only, and the effect of sintering conditions on the mechenical properties of the SWCNT solids were examined using a small punch (SP) testing method. The sintering temperature used in the range of 600-1 400°C, and the sintering pressure used 40 MPa and 120 MPa. It was demonstrated that the SPS method allowed SWCNTs to be solidified, without any additives. The experimental results showed that the purification of raw soot was critically importance. The SWCNT solid prepared from purified raw soot showed significant non-linear deformation response, producing quasi-ductile fracture behavior. In contrast, unpurified raw soot produced brittle SWCNT solids. The Young's modulus, fracture strength and work of fracture increased with increasing sintering temperature and pressure. The Raman scattering and SEM observations showed that the amount of the graphite-like materials were observed to increase with the increasing temperature and pressure, which indicate that the structure of the SWCNTs was changed partially into the graphite-like materials. The formation of graphite-like materials increased tendency of brittle fracture in the SWCNT solids. TEM observations revealed that the fracture surfaces of SWCNT solids were characterized by pull out of SWCNT bundles. This observation suggests that it may be possible to improve the mechanical properties of SWCNT solids by increasing the cohesion between SWCNTs.

  338. Preparation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids and Their Mechanical Properties 査読有り

    G. Yamamoto, Y. Sato, T. Takahashi, M. Omori, T. Hashida, A. Okubo, S. Watanabe, K. Tohji

    Extended Abstracts of International Symposium on ScoTopia Science 2005 (ISETS05), (Nagoya University, Japan, August 8-9, 2005) 265-268 2005年

  339. Toughening of Hydroxyapatite by Multi-Walled Carbon Nantube 査読有り

    M. Omori, T. Watanabe, M. Tanaka, A. Okubo, H. Kimura, T. Hashida

    Extended Abstracts of International Symposium on ScoTopia Science 2005 (ISETS05), (Nagoya University, Japan, August 8-9, 2005) 269-270 2005年

  340. Preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotube compact by the Spark Plasma System (SPS) 査読有り

    Mamoru Omori, Akira Okubo, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuyuki Tohji

    Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy 52 (2) 115-119 2005年

    出版者・発行元:Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.52.115  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) was not consolidated without additives by the spark plasma system (SPS). The phenol resin of 33 wt% was added to promote the consolidation. The MWNTs were aligned perpendicular to pressing direction of SPS in the consolidated compact. Bulk density and Young's modulus were more than 1.7 g/cm3 and 10 GPa for the MWNT consolidated at 120MPa at 1200°C and 1400°C. The fracture behavior on bending test was a kind of quasiplastic deformation and was based on pull out of the MWNTs.

  341. Preparation of Hydroxyapatite at Low Temperatures by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) 査読有り

    Mamoru Omori, Akira Okubo, Yoshihiro Murakami, Takamasa Onoki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Archives of BioCeramics Research 5 134-137 2005年

  342. Evaluation on small punch creep test by finite element method 査読有り

    PC Zhai, G Chen, T Hashida, QJ Zhang

    ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND STRENGTH, PTS 1- 4 297-300 377-383 2005年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Small Punch Creep Tests (SP-C tests) are simulated by a Finite Element Method (FEM). The objective of the present study is to establish a foundation for the SP-C test method by investigating the deformation and stress state of the SP-C test specimen. The emphasis is placed on the dependence relation of the creep strain and the stress on the measurable quantities, such as applied loads and the central deflections. Simulation works are conducted for two different materials, one is the tungsten-alloyed 9% Cr ferritic steel and the other is 12Cr1MoV steel. The numerical results for the central deflection versus time curves are quantitatively similar to the experimental results obtained on tungsten-alloyed 9% Cr ferritic steels. From the numerical results, the relationship between the central deflection and the equivalent creep strain is approximately independent of load, temperature, and material properties. The magnitude of the equivalent stress in the central region of the SP-C specimen shows no significant change with respect to time at the secondary creep stage, an approximate equation is proposed for the assessment of the equivalent stress in the SP-C specimen. As a farther result, the high temperature creep properties of the 12Cr1 MoV steel and tungsten-alloyed 9% Cr ferritic steel are appraised by numerical simulation. The results are in good agreement with the results from the standard test method. The results indicate that the small punch test technique is an effective method for the evaluation of the high-temperature creep properties of materials.


    G. Yamamoto, Y. Sato, T. Takahashi, M. Omori, K. Tohji, T. Hashida

    2nd Int. Workshop on Water Dynamics 261-265 2004年11月

  344. Effect of rare-earth oxides on fracture properties of ceria ceramics 査読有り

    K Sato, H Yugami, T Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 39 (18) 5765-5770 2004年9月


    DOI: 10.1023/B:JMSC.0000040087.37727.cd  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The influences of the sintering additive content of rare-earth oxide (Y2O3, Gd2O3, Sm2O3) on microstructure and mechanical properties of ceria ceramics were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and small specimen technique. A small punch testing method was employed to determine the elastic modulus and biaxial fracture stress of the ceria-based ceramics, and the fracture toughness was estimated by Vickers indentation method. Grain growth in the rare-earth oxides doped ceria ceramics was significantly suppressed, compared to the pure ceria ceramics. However, the elastic modulus, fracture stress and fracture toughness were decreased significantly with increasing additive content of the rare-earth oxides, possibly due to the oxygen vacancies induced by the rare earth oxides doping. The experimental results suggest that the change in the mechanical properties should be taken into account in the use of ceria-based ceramics for solid oxide fuel cells, in addition to the improvement of oxygen ion conductivity. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  345. Numerical analysis for small punch creep tests by finite-element method 査読有り

    PC Zhai, T Hashida, S Komazaki, QJ Zhang

    JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 32 (4) 298-303 2004年7月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A numerical study is presented that simulates small punch creep (SP-C) tests using a finite-element method (FEM). The objective of the present study is to develop a miniaturized testing methodology for high-temperature creep properties. The numerical simulations have been shown to produce deflection versus time curves that are quantitatively similar to the experimental results obtained on tungsten-alloyed 9 % Cr ferritic steels. It is also demonstrated that the numerically predicted curves show the steady state (secondary) creep stage. Furthermore, the numerical simulations reveal that the magnitude of the equivalent stress in the central region of the SP-C specimen shows no significant change with respect to time at the secondary creep stage, supporting the use of the present SP-C testing method to characterize the secondary creep deformation rate. Finally, an approximate equation is proposed for the assessment of the equivalent stress in the SP-C specimen in terms of the load and testing parameters.

  346. 水熱ホットプレス法によるチタンとハイドロキシアパタイトセラミックス接合に及ぼす圧力,反応時間の影響 査読有り

    小野木伯薫, 田中雅明, 細井和幸, 橋田俊之

    2003年度傾斜機能材料論文集 1-7 2004年7月

  347. カーボンナノチューブの固化とハイドロキシアパタイト被覆 査読有り

    大森 守, 大久保昭, 大坪 誠, 田路和幸, 橋田俊之

    2003年度傾斜機能材料論文集 10-15 2004年7月

  348. 単層カーボンナノチューブ焼結体の機械的特性に及ぼす不純物の影響 査読有り

    山本 剛, 大坪 誠, 佐藤義倫, 高橋 亨, 大森 守, 田路和幸, 橋田俊之

    2003年度傾斜機能材料論文集 157-162 2004年7月

  349. Effect of Perlite Addition on Fracture Properties of Discontinuous Fiber-reinforced Cementitious Composites Manufactured by Extrusion Molding 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Takashima, Hideaki Nishimatsu, Kiyotaka Miyagai, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Edited by V.C. Li et al. 1029-1036 2004年4月

  350. Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Ccarbon Nanotube Solid Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Method

    G. Yamamoto, Y. Sato, T. Takahashi, M. Omori, K. Tohji, T. Hashida

    1st International Workshop on WATER DYNAMICS 1 33-36 2004年3月17日

  351. Rimming flow of non-Newtonian fluids 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Toshiyuki Hashida

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED 260 871-874 2004年

    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2004-61443  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The present study is related to the rimming flow of non-Newtonian fluid on the inner surface of a horizontal rotating cylinder. Using a scale analysis, the main characteristic scales and non-dimensional parameters, which describe the principal features of the process, are found. Exploiting the fact that one of the parameters is very small, an approximate asymptotic mathematical model of the process is developed and justified. For a wide range of fluids, a general constitutive law can be presented by a single function relating shear stress and shear rate that corresponds to a generalized Newtonian model. For this case, the run-off condition for rimming flow is derived. Provided the run-off condition is satisfied, the existence of a steady-state solution is proved. Within the bounds stipulated by this condition, film thickness admits a continuous solution, which corresponds to subcritical and critical flow regimes. It is proved that for the critical regime solution has a corner on the rising wall of the cylinder. In the supercritical flow regime, a discontinuous solution is possible and a hydraulic jump may occur. It is shown that straightforward leading order steady-state theory can work well to study the shock location and height. For the particular case of a power-law model, the analytical solution of steady-state equation for the fluid film thickness is found in explicit form. More complex rheological models, which show linear Newtonian behavior at low shear rates with transition to power-law at moderate shear rates, are also considered. In particular, numerical computations were carried out for Ellis model. For this model, some analytical asymptotic solutions have been also obtained in explicit form and compared with the results of numerical computations. Based on these solutions, the optimal values of parameters, which should be used in the Ellis equation for correct simulation of coating flows, are determined the criteria that guarantee the steady-state continuous solutions are defined the size and location of the stationary hydraulic jumps, which form when the flow is in the supercritical state, are obtained for the different flow parameters. Copyright © 2004 by ASME.

  352. Consolidation of multi-walled carbon nanotube and hydroxyapatite coating by the spark plasma system (SPS) 査読有り

    M Omori, A Okubo, M Otsubo, T Hashida, K Tohji

    BIOCERAMICS 16 254-2 395-398 2004年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) was mixed with phenol resin and consolidated by the spark plasma system (SPS). Properties of the MWNT consolidated at 1200degreesC at 120 MPa were as follows: bulk density was 1.74 g/cm(3); apparent porosity was 16.3%; Young's modulus was 11.1 GPa. Hydroxyapatite was coated on the consolidated MANT at 1000degreesC and 120 MPa by SPS, using the suspension prepared from 6 moles of CaHPO(4)(.)2H(2)O and 4 moles of Ca(OH)(2).

  353. 小型試験法を用いたセリア系セラミックスの破壊特性の及ぼす希土類酸化物添加の影響評価 査読有り

    佐藤一永, 湯上浩雄, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 70 (690) 321-326 2004年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.70.321  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The influences of the sintering additive content of rare-earth oxide (Y<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>, Gd<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>, Sm<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>) on microstructure and mechanical properties of ceria ceramics were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and small specimen technique. A small punch testing method was employed to detemine the elastic modulus and biaxial fracture stress of the ceria-based ceramics, and the fracture toughness was estimated by vickers indentation method. Rare-earth oxides doped ceria powders with a composition of (CeO<SUB>2</SUB>) <SUB>1-x</SUB> (RO<SUB>1.5</SUB>) <SUB>x</SUB> (R=Y, Gd, Sm and x=0, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 1.00) were prepared by a coprecipitation method. The powders were compacted by die pressing (50 MPa) followed by cold isostatic pressing (120 MPa), and sintered at 1 500°C in air for 5h. Grain growth in the rare-earth oxides doped ceria ceramics were significantly suppressed, compared to the pure ceria ceramics. However, the elastic modulus, fracture stress and fracture toughness were decreased significantly with increasing additive content of the rare-earth oxides, possibly due to the oxygen vacancies induced by the rare-earth oxides doping. The experimental results suggest that the change in the mechanical properties should be taken into account in the use of ceria-based ceramics for solid oxide fuel cells, in addition to the improvement of oxygen ion conductivity.

  354. Fracture simulation of randomly cracked material with various crack length distributions 査読有り

    K Sato, T Hashida




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, cracking behavior of distributed microcracks is discussed using a numerical simulation. The microcracks are initially distributed in a rectangle region. The directions and locations of the cracks are chosen at random. Three kinds of length distributions are used, such as a uniform length, a random length distribution and a fractal length distribution. The crack propagations from the initially distributed cracks are analyzed under a uniaxial tensile load using liner elastic fracture mechanics. The global behaviors of various crack distribution are studied. Results obtained from the numerical calculations indicate that the effect of the crack length distribution is minor in term of the macroscopic behavior of the cracked body.

  355. 核融合炉超伝導マグネット構造材JN1鋼の極低温破壊靱性に及ぼす加熱時効の影響 査読有り

    駒崎慎一, 劉 世程, 権 一賢, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 中嶋秀夫

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 70 (690) 273-280 2004年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.70.273  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Elastic-plastic fracture toughness tests were conducted at 77K and 4K to examine an influence of thermal aging on fracture properties of an austenitic stainless steel JN 1 at cryogenic temperature, which is a candidate material for superconducting magnet structures of fusion reactors. The tests were applied to solution-treated material and materials aged at 923-1073 K for 5 h. The experimental results showed that the fracture toughness <I>J<SUB>IC</SUB></I> measured on the thermally aged materials were smaller than that on the solution-treated material and decreased with increasing aging temperature. This decrease in fracture toughness due to thermal aging was caused by precipitation and coarsening of grain boundary M<SUB>23</SUB>C<SUB>6</SUB> carbides. Additionally, small punch (SP) tests were conducted at cryogenic temperatures to investigate the relationship between the obtained <I>J<SUB>IC</SUB></I> and SP properties. It was found that the equivalent fracture strain ε<SUB>qf</SUB> in SP specimens was linearly correlated with <I>J<SUB>IC</SUB></I> irrespective of testing temperature. This correlation suggests that the SP testing technique provides a useful tool for evaluating <I>J<SUB>IC</SUB></I> at cryogenic temperature.

  356. 極低温小形パンチ試験によるオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼JN1, JJ1およびJK2の熱時効脆化評価 査読有り

    劉 世程, 駒崎慎一, 権 一賢, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 中嶋秀夫

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 70 (692) 628-635 2004年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.70.628  


  357. Advances in Mathematical Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation of a Subterranean Fractured Reservoir 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on Strength Problems (SPAS) 8 8-11 2004年

  358. Three regimes of a steady-state rimming flow of the liquid polymers 査読有り

    S Fomin, T Hashida




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Rimming flow on the inner surface of a horizontal rotating cylinder is investigated. Simple lubrication theory is applied since the Reynolds number is small and liquid film thin. Since the Deborah number is very small the flow is viscometric. A general constitutive law for this kind of flow requires only a single function relating shear stress and shear rate that corresponds to a generalized Newtonian liquid. For this case the run-off condition for rimming flow is derived. Provided the run-off condition is satisfied, the existence of a steady-state solution is proved. In the bounds implied by this condition film thickness admits a continuous solution, which corresponds to subcritical and critical flow regimes. In the supercritical case when the mass of liquid polymer exceeds a certain value or the speed of rotation is less than an indicated limit, a discontinuous solution is possible and a hydraulic jump may occur. As an example, the location and height of the hydraulic jump is determined numerically for Ellis model.

  359. Dynamics in a complex-fracture-subterranean-system with application to HDR geothermal reservoirs 査読有り

    K Yoshida, S Fomin, ZZ Jing, T Hashida




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Hydraulic fracturing or hydraulic stimulation is one of the most effective methods of enhancing hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal system productivity. In the present study, network models of "fractal geometry" approximate a 31) structure of fractured rocks. The fracture network models are generated by distributing fractures randomly in space and assuming the fractal equation correlating the number of fractures and fracture lengths. Based on this approach, a mathematical model of hydraulic rock fracturing is proposed. The model incorporates approximations of the fracture mechanical behavior drawn from the rock mechanics literature, a very simplified analysis of the operative physical processes, and mapping of the connectivity of fracture network to a cubic regular grid. It is assumed that the flow properties of a stochastic fracture network depend on the fluid pressure. Along with the fractal-type distribution of the fracture lengths, the fracture surfaces are also assumed to follow fractal geometry. The latter allows numerical simulation of the natural rock fracture dilation caused by fracture shear offset. On of the problems that can be resolved by fracture surface modeling is the apparent limitation on the number of fractures that can be analyzed experimentally. In this respect, the suggested mathematical model can be used to simulate fractal surfaces identical to fractures found in the natural rocks. Taken together, these approaches permit the approximate engineering resolution of the multiparametric, highly complex mechanical problem.

  360. 高温・高圧水環境下における花崗岩のせん断破壊とすべり軟化挙動 査読有り

    高橋 亨, 橋田俊之

    材料 53 (8) 889-893 2004年


    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.53.889  


  361. 岩石の開口型き裂進展の評価 査読有り

    佐藤一志, 橋田俊之

    材料 53 (8) 894-899 2004年


    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.53.894  


  362. Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Rare-earth Doped Ceria Ceramics for SOFC Electrolyte 査読有り

    Kazuhisa Sato, Hiroo Yugami, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 29 (4) 1471-1474 2004年

  363. Novel Techniques of Hydroxyapatite Coating on Titanium Utilizing Hydrothermal Hot-pressing 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 29 (6) 2675-2678 2004年

  364. GD-OES Analysis of the Interface Between Titanium and Hydroxyapatite Ceramics Produced by Hydrothermal Hot-pressing Method 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 29 (6) 2929-2932 2004年

  365. Hydrothermal Solidification of Municipal Incineration Bottom Ash 査読有り

    Zhenzi Jing, Norihisa Matsuoka, Fangming Jin, Koichi Suzuki, Toshiyuki Hashida, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    Water, Steam, and Aqueous Solutions for Electric Power, Advances in Science and Technology, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Properties of Water and System, (Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, August 29-September 3, 335-340 2004年

  366. Simulation of Transport Phenomena in Fractured RocksWith Application to Hot-Dry-Rock Geothermal Systems 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Zhenzi Jing, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Water, Steam, and Aqueous Solutions for Electric Power, Advances in Science and Technology, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Properties of Water and System, (Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, August 29-September 3, 707-712 2004年

  367. Flow Analysis for Laboratory Permeability Testing of Rocks Under Supercritical Water Conditions 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Shin-ichi Takizawa, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Water, Steam, and Aqueous Solutions for Electric Power, Advances in Science and Technology, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Properties of Water and System, (Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, August 29-September 3, 713-717 2004年

  368. The effect of thermal, chemical, hydrological, and mechanical factors on water/rock interaction in hdr geothermal systems 査読有り

    S. Fomin, Z. Jing, T. Hashida

    Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series 2 (C) 649-654 2004年

    DOI: 10.1016/S1571-9960(04)80113-7  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The numerical model FRACSIM developed by the research group in Tohoku University for the hot-dry-rock (HDR) geothermal reservoir is proved to be an appropriate approximate model capable to address simultaneously the problems associated with hydraulic stimulation, fluid circulation and heat extraction. The structure of the fractured rock is approximated with the network models of "fractal geometry". The adopted procedure makes it possible to characterize geothermal reservoirs by parameters measured from the field data. As is proved both theoretically and experimentally for the fluid flows in the fractured and porous media with relatively high fluid velocities, the values of the effective thermal conductivities in the longitudinal and transverse to the flow directions are directly proportional to the values of the fluid velocity. The water/rock chemical interaction (WRCI) is the other factor that inevitably exerts an influence on the permeability of the high temperature deep HDR circulating system. In the present study the mathematical model, which accounts for the effects of thermal dispersion and WRCI (in terms rock chemical dissolution and precipitation), is proposed. The numerical analysis based on the 3D model of the reacting fluid flow within the fractured media proves the importance of the thermal dispersion and WRCI factors for the assessment of the overall reservoir thermal and hydraulic performance. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  369. Supercritical water/rock interactions and generation of artificial geothermal reservoirs in deep-seated high temperature rock masses 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Toru Takahashi

    Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series 2 (C) 661-666 2004年

    DOI: 10.1016/S1571-9960(04)80115-0  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Laboratory results from simulated hydraulic stimulation tests on granite are presented where fracture and fluid flow behavior were examined under temperatures up to 600 °C and confining pressures up to 100 MPa at various injection rates. The results show that under high temperatures, fluid flow dominant behavior occurs for relatively lower injection rates, whereas macroscopic fracture tends to takes place at higher injection rates. Continuous injection tests under supercritical water conditions reveal that the fluid flow dominant behavior is due to the generation of a grain-scale extensive microcracks induced by the interaction between supercritical water and rock-forming minerals. It is proposed to utilize the discovered supercritical water-induced microcracking phenomenon in order to create an artificial reservoir in deep-seated rock masses whose temperature and pressure conditions exceed the critical point of water. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  370. Microcrack formation and fracture characteristics in granite under supercritical water conditions 査読有り

    Toru Takahashj, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series 2 (C) 685-690 2004年

    DOI: 10.1016/S1571-9960(04)80119-8  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, the triaxial compression experiments were conducted to investigate the temperature and pore pressure effects on fracture strength of a granite. The experiments were conducted at temperatures and pressures up to 600°C and 150MPa both under water (supercritical) and air-dry environment. Experimental results show that the strength of the granite under air-dry conditions is temperature insensitive within the temperature range of this study. The strength of the granite was also nearly constant up to 350°C under water-saturated conditions. In contrast, under temperatures above the critical point of water (374°C and 22MPa or more temperature and pressure), the strength decreases rapidly with increasing temperature. We observed the micro-structural change around fracture surface using l00gm thick thin section of granite samples. Optical observation results around the fracture surface revealed that the crack density gave a higher value in supercritical water condition than in sub-critical water conditions. It was shown that the strength decrease under supercritical water conditions was due to the formation of micro-fractures induced by the effect of supercritical water as well as the stress effect, which may be referred to as supercritical water enhanced stress corrosion cracking. These experimental results suggest that it may be possible to generate a volume-like (microcrack predominant) reservoir in supercritical rock masses utilizing the stress corrosion cracking phenomena under supercritical water conditions, which is more advantageous to extract the heat energy compared with a crack-like reservoir. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  371. Mathematical modelling of borehole grouting in permafrost 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series 2 (C) 773-778 2004年

    DOI: 10.1016/S1571-9960(04)80132-0  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The process of borehole grouting in the regions of permafrost is more complicated than in normal climatic conditions due to the possible thawing of the frozen rock, which can be induced by the heat produced during cement hydration. In order to prevent thawing of the surrounding formation, the main conditions that should be imposed on the grouting off technology and properties of the cementing slurries are rapid cement hydration and low heat generation during chemical reaction. Mathematical model of the grouting off process in permafrost, presented in this study, accounts for heat transferred from the borehole circulating mud and heat generated due to cement hydration. The problem is solved analytically by the approximate integral-heat-balance method. As a result, the close-form solutions for the temperature field in the cemented region and surrounding formation are obtained. On the basis of these analytical solutions, analytical criteria for the borehole grouting off regimes that take place without thawing of the frozen rock are proposed. These criteria can be readily used for assessing physical and chemical properties of the cement slurries and their suitability for grouting off the borehole in permafrost. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  372. Creep and fracture strength of rare earth doped ceria 査読有り

    F Iguchi, Y Endo, T Ishida, K Sato, T Hashida, H Yugami



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Mechanical properties of creep rate and fracture strength were investigated on rare earth doped ceria. The samples were prepared by coprecipitation method. and relative density was over 90% for each composition. Creep test of yttria doped ceria (Ce(1-x)Y(x)O(2-x/2)x=0 similar to 0.2) was performed using 4-point bending method under a cons ant load at temperature range of 1050-1125 degrees C. applied stress of 20 similar to 50 MPa and oxygen partial pressure of P(O-2)=0.21-10(-) (15.2) atm. The testing conditions were decided taking into the operating conditions of SOFC. Steady state strain rate calculated from creep curve showed clear oxygen partial pressure dependence. The creep rate increased as decreasing P(O-2) and showed a peak at P(O-2)= 10(-) (13.6) atm. The activation energy of creep was increased from 264kJmol(-1) to 333kJmol(-1) in accordance with P(O-2) decreasing. The activation energy was much higher than reported activation energy of anion diffusion in ceria. So it is concluded that creep control species is cation in air and reduction atmosphere. Since the electrical conductivity and nonstichiometry of this material show similar P(O-2) dependence. the results obtained this work suggest the coincidence between cation and anion diffusion processes in this material. 11 is also found that the creep mechanism of Ce0.8Y0.2O1.9 changed from Nabarro-Heriing creep to grain boundary sliding in reduction atmosphere which P(O-2) was lower than 10(-14.5) atm. Fracture strength of rare earth doped ceria (Ce1-xRxO2-x/2,R=Y,Sm,Gd,x=0 similar to 0.2) was measured by small punch testing method. Test was performed in air at room temperature. Fracture strength showed significant dependence on dopant density, and had a minimum value at x=0.05 and a maximum value at x=0.1. The paper will discuss between the relationship between the mechanical properties and electrical properties on doped ceria.

  373. Consolidation of multi-walled carbon nanotube and hydroxyapatite coating by the spark plasma system (SPS) 査読有り

    M Omori, A Okubo, M Otsubo, T Hashida, K Tohji

    BIOCERAMICS 16 254-2 395-398 2004年


    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.254-256.395  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) was mixed with phenol resin and consolidated by the spark plasma system (SPS). Properties of the MWNT consolidated at 1200degreesC at 120 MPa were as follows: bulk density was 1.74 g/cm(3); apparent porosity was 16.3%; Young's modulus was 11.1 GPa. Hydroxyapatite was coated on the consolidated MANT at 1000degreesC and 120 MPa by SPS, using the suspension prepared from 6 moles of CaHPO(4)(.)2H(2)O and 4 moles of Ca(OH)(2).

  374. 水圧破砕き裂進展における分散型微視き裂領域形成の数値シミュレーションに関する研究 査読有り

    板岡幹世, 佐藤一志, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 70 (689) 114-119 2004年1月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.70.114  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A number of rock types exhibit a nonlinear deformation induced by distributed microcracking, followed by a post-peak softening behavior due to grain bridging action, when subjected to a uniform tension. Numerical analyses of hydraulically induced geothermal reservoirs at great depths conducted to date neglect the effect of the distributed microcracking. In this paper, the formation of the distributed microcracking is studied using a numerical technique in order to characterize the growth of artificial subsurface cracks by hydraulic fracturing. A numerical fracture model based on a finite element method is developed. The progressive nonlinear deformation is analyzed on the basis of the Rankine criterion. A cohesive crack model is adopted to analyze the crack growth. In the numerical simulation, the crack is represented using an embedded crack element. The results obtained by numerical analyses show that the distributed microcrack zone induced by hydraulic fracturing at great depth conditions is significantly suppressed by tectonic stress. An energy consumption of the distributed microcrack zone is much smaller than that of the bridging zone.

  375. Biocompatibility of carbon nanotube disk 査読有り

    Y Sato, M Ohtsubo, B Jeyadevan, K Tohji, K Motomiya, R Hatakeyama, G Yamamoto, M Omori, T Hashida, K Tamura, T Akasaka, M Uo, A Yokoyama, F Watari



    DOI: 10.1117/12.579687  


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    We report the preparation, properties and biocompatibility of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) disk. Sintered Multi-walled carbon nanotube disk was fabricated by spark plasma sintering the MWCNT and phenol resin mixture by using the Spark Plasma System (SPS) under 1273 K and 80 MPa in vacuum. As the concentration of phenol resin in the sintered MWCNT disk increases, the bending strength and Young's modulus increased. However, the inflammatory response was observed in the tissue exposed to the surface of the sintered MWCNT disk. This was believed due to the residual phenol resin in the disk. The result indicates that the disk has to be annealed at higher temperatures under inert gas atmosphere to perfectly convert phenol resin to graphitic materials.

  376. High-pressure hydraulic stimulation of geothermal reservoir 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Toshiyuki Hashida, Vladimir Chugunov

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED 260 687-693 2004年

    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2004-61444  


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    Hydraulic stimulation is performed by high-pressure fluid injection, which permanently increases the permeability of a volume of rock, typically transforming it from the microdarcy into the millidarcy range. After a period of stimulation, fluid injection and recovery boreholes are introduced into the stimulated rock volume, and heat is extracted by water circulation. In the present study a simplified mathematical model of non-steady-state hydraulic stimulation is proposed and analyzed. Fluid flow is assumed to be radial, injected flow rate constant and fluid density, rock porosity, and permeability depend on fluid pressure. The conventional boundary of the growing stimulated rock volume is introduced as a surface where the porosity and permeability of the stimulated rock exhibit a sharp decline and remain constant within the undisturbed area. The problem is solved analytically by a modified method of integral correlations. As a result, approximate close-form solutions for pressure distributions in the stimulated and non-stimulated (undisturbed) areas are obtained, and an equation for the moving boundary of the stimulated volume is derived. The correctness of the approximate solution is validated by comparison to an exact self-similar solution of the problem obtained for the particular case when the well's radius is assumed to be equal to zero. Copyright © 2004 by ASME.

  377. Heat flow rate at a bore-face and temperature in the multi-layer media surrounding a borehole 査読有り

    Chugunov, V, S Fomin, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(03)00335-1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Assessment of the heat either delivered from high temperature rocks to the borehole or transmitted to the rock formation from circulating fluid is of crucial importance for a number of technological processes related to borehole drilling and exploitation. Normally the temperature fields in the well and surrounding rocks are calculated numerically by finite difference method or analytically by applying the Laplace-transform method. The former approach requires tedious and, in certain cases, non-trivial numerical computations. The latter method leads to rather bulky formulae that are inconvenient for further numerical evaluation. Moreover, in previous studies where the solution is obtained analytically, the heat interaction of the circulating fluid with the formation was treated on the condition of constant boreface temperature. In the present study the temperature field in the rock formation disturbed by the heat flow from the borehole is modeled by a heat conduction equation, assuming the Newton model for the convective heat transfer on the bore-face, with boundary conditions that account for the thermal history of the borehole exploitation. The problem is solved analytically by the generalized heat balance integral method. Within this method the approximate solution of the heat conduction problem is sought in the form of a finite sum of functions that belong to a complete set of linearly independent functions defined at the finite interval bounded by the radius of thermal influence and that satisfy the homogeneous boundary conditions on the bore-face. In the present study first and second order approximations are obtained for the composite multi-layer domain. The numerical results illustrate that the second approximation is in a good agreement with the exact solution. The only disadvantage of this solution is that it depends on the radius of thermal influence, which is an implicit function of time and can only be found numerically by iterative algorithms. In order to eliminate this complication, in this study an approximate explicit formula for the radius of thermal influence and new close-form approximate solution are proposed on the basis of the approximate solution obtained by the integral-balance method. Employing the non-liner regression method the coefficients for this simplified solution are obtained. The accuracy of the approximate solution is validated by comparison with the exact analytical solution found by Carslaw and Jaeger for the homogeneous domain. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  378. ポリビニルアルコール繊維複合セメント系押出成形材料のマルチプルクラック発生条件に関する破壊力学的研究 査読有り

    高島博之, 西松英明, 宮外清貴, 橋田俊之

    高靱性セメント複合材料に関するシンポジウム論文集 23-30 2003年12月

  379. Analytical modelling of the formation temperature stabilization during the borehole shut-in period 査読有り

    S Fomin, Chugunov, V, T Hashida

    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 155 (2) 469-478 2003年11月


    DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-246X.2003.02054.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The problem of formation temperature stabilization during the shut-in period is solved analytically by the approximate generalized integral-balance method. The model accounts for the thermal history of the borehole exploitation, which may include a finite number of circulation and shut-in periods, and different flow regimes during circulation periods. The latter is determined by the temperatures of the circulating fluid and different Biot numbers that depend on intensity of the heat transfer on the bore-face. Normally the temperature fields in the well and surrounding rocks are calculated numerically by the finite-difference and finite-element methods or analytically, by applying the Laplace-transform method. Formulae, analytically obtained by Laplace transform, are rather bulky and require tedious non-trivial numerical evaluations. Moreover, in previous research the heat interactions of the circulating fluid with formation were treated under the condition of constant bore-face temperatures. In the present study the temperature field in the formation disturbed by the heat flow from the borehole is modelled by the heat conduction equation and thermal interaction of the circulating fluid with formation is approximated by the Newton relationship on the bore-face. The problem for circulation and shut-in periods is solved analytically using the heat balance integral method, where the radius of thermal influence, which defines the thermally disturbed domain, is a function of time, which satisfies the algebraic equation. Within this method, the approximate solution of the heat conduction problem is sought in the form of a finite sum of functions which belong to a complete set of the linearly independent functions defined on the finite interval bounded by the radius of thermal influence and satisfy the homogeneous boundary condition on the bore-face. It can be proved theoretically that the approximate solution found by this method converges to the exact one. Numerical results illustrate quite good agreement between the approximate and exact solutions. As a result of its simplicity and accuracy, the derived solution is convenient for geophysical practitioners and can be readily used, for instance, for predicting equilibrium formation temperatures.

  380. Fractal concept in numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing of the hot dry rock geothermal reservoir 査読有り

    S Fomin, T Hashida, A Shimizu, K Matsuki, K Sakaguchi

    HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 17 (14) 2975-2989 2003年10月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD

    DOI: 10.1002/hyp.1445  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Hydraulic fracturing or hydraulic stimulation is one of the most effective methods of enhancing hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal system productivity. The 3D structure of the fractured rock is approximated by the network models of 'fractal geometry'. The models of fracture networks are generated by distributing fractures randomly in space and assuming the fractal correlation N-r = Cr-D that incorporates the number of fractures N-r, fractal length r, fractal dimension D and fracture density within the rock mass C. This procedure makes it possible to characterize the geothermal reservoirs using parameters measured from field data. Based on this approach, a mathematical model of the hydraulic rock fracturing is proposed. The model incorporates approximations of the fracture mechanical behaviour drawn from the rock mechanics literature, a very simplified analysis of the operative physical processes and mapping of the connectivity of fracture network to a cubic regular grid. Along with the fractal-type distribution of the fracture lengths, the fracture surfaces are also assumed to follow fractal geometry. The latter allows numerical simulation of the natural rock fracture dilation caused by fracture shear offset. The other problem that can be resolved by fracture surface modelling is the apparent limitation on the number of fractures that can be analysed experimentally. In this respect, the suggested mathematical model can be used to simulate fractal surfaces identical to fractures found in the natural rocks. Taken together, these tools permit the approximate engineering resolution of the multi-parametric, highly complex mechanical problem. The reliability of the developed model was validated by comparisons with the experimentally determined data for the Hijiori deep reservoir. This implicitly justifies the numerical results and conclusions drawn in the present research. In particular, a series of computations indicate that the connectivity of the fracture network is greatly affected by the fractal dimension of the fracture network. The strong effect of the fractal dimension on the reservoir's size is also observed. The numerical results illustrate the controlling effect of the pressure and flow rate in the stimulating well for reservoir growth. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.

  381. Chemical, Hydrogical, and Mechanical factors on Water/Rock Interaction in HDR Geothermal Systems 査読有り

    Fomin, Z. Jing, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C Processes in Geo-systems: Fundamentals, Modelling, Experiments & Applications 647-652 2003年10月

  382. Supercritical Water/Rock Interactions and Generation of Artificial Geothermal Reservoirs in Deep-Seated High Temperature Rock Masses 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Toru Takahashi

    Proceedings of International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C Processes in Geo-systems: Fundamentals, Modelling, Experiments & Applications 659-664 2003年10月

  383. Microcrack Formation and Fracture Characteristics in Granite Under Supercritical Water Conditions 査読有り

    Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C Processes in Geo-systems: Fundamentals, Modelling, Experiments & Applications 683-688 2003年10月

  384. Mathematical Modelling of Borehole Grouting in Permafrost 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C Processes in Geo-systems: Fundamentals, Modelling, Experiments & Applications 769-774 2003年10月

  385. CO2 injection to granite and sandstone in experimental rock/hot water systems 査読有り

    LH Liu, Y Suto, G Bignall, N Yamasaki, T Hashida

    ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 44 (9) 1399-1410 2003年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0196-8904(02)00160-7  


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    Experiments were conducted using a batch type micro-autoclave over a temperature range of 100-350 degreesC to understand granite and sandstone reactions in hot water in the absence or presence of excess CO2. Our experiments, for one-week duration, show that the dissolution of granite and sandstone, and the deposition of secondary minerals, is enhanced by the presence Of excess CO2. Major element concentrations of the residual solution from the batch autoclave experiments were higher for the rock (granite or sandstone)/H2O/CO2 system, than in the rock (granite or sandstone)/H2O system, but the sample weight loss was lower in the rock/H2O/CO2 system than in the rock/H2O system. Changes in sample weight and CO2-gas volume content concur with the deposition of aluminium silicate and calcium-aluminosilicate secondary minerals, which indicate fixation Of CO2 in the rock. Our results suggest that it may be possible for granite and/or sandstone to 'capture' CO2, at hydrothermal conditions, and that underground disposal may be a feasible solution to reducing atmospheric emission Of CO2. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  386. A design approach for the mechanical properties of polypropylene discontinuous fiber reinforced cementitious composites by extrusion molding 査読有り

    H Takashima, K Miyagai, T Hashida, VC Li

    ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 70 (7-8) 853-870 2003年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0013-7944(02)00154-6  


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    Polypropylene discontinuous fiber reinforced cementitious composites were prepared by extrusion molding and tested in uniaxial tension to determine the mechanical properties such as ultimate composite strength and strain, and the critical volume fraction for multiple cracking. It was shown that the experimentally determined critical fiber volume fraction reasonably agreed with the theoretical value predicted by a micromechanics model. The extruded fiber composites yielded the ultimate composite strength of 9.0 MPa and composite strain of 0.55% at the fiber volume fraction of 7.4%. Our experimental results suggest that there is an optimal fiber aspect ratio and fiber volume fraction for enhancing the fracture properties. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  387. Development of a method for CO2 solidification of glass and concrete waste composites 査読有り

    LH Liu, T Hashida, S Teramura, K Karino

    JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 111 (5) 357-361 2003年5月


    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.111.357  



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    Composite materials heve been prepared using a CO2 solidification process from milling dust of autoclaved lightweight concrete (ALC; as matrix material), reinforced by addition of crushed glass (bottle) waste. The effect of varying glass collet size (0.08-5 mm) and glass volume (10-30%) on the fracture properties in the glass/ALC composite was examined by four point bending tests. For the glass/ALC composite cured under atmospheric conditions, we show, by conducting CO2 solidification experiments at different CO2 gas pressures (atmospheric, and 4-10 MPa), that the rate of reaction at the sample surface is faster under pressure, than under atmospheric conditions. At 4-10 MPa experimental conditions, a solidified 'reaction rim' is formed away from the sample surface characterized by the deposition of calcite, and a long internal fracture is created inside the sample, which reduces bending strength, although these characteristic features are not evident in samples cured at atmospheric conditions. Creation of the 'reaction rim' impedes further diffusion of CO2 into the sample. Our results indicated that the CO2 solidification of glass/ALC composite materials is best advanced under atmospheric conditions. The result also indicated that for &lt;0.5 nun cullet size, the bending strength is enhanced, without being detrimental to fracture characteristics. However, increasing size of the crushed glass cullet (0.5 mm-5 mm) reduced the strength of the solidified composite. The interface between the ALC powder matrix and glass cullet was weak, and a fraction glass cullets 0.08-0.5 mm size may be incorporated in the waste concrete matrix by as much as 30 vol%.

  388. Determination of interface fracture toughness in thermal barrier coating system by blister tests 査読有り

    YC Zhou, T Hashida, CY Jian



    DOI: 10.1115/1.1555658  


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    The theoretical model for the blister test method was used to analyze the interface fracture toughness of zirconia coating deposited on an SUS304 stainless steel substrate by a plasma-spraying method The elastic parameters of the debonded coating were determined by testing the oil pressure q and maximum deflection w(0). SEM observation, compliance method and ultrasonic detection were used to determine the radius of the debonded coating. The three methods gave the same results for the debonded coating radius. Micro-observations showed that the interfacial crack propagates by the growth of voids or microcracks ahead of the main crack and coalescence with the main crack. The energy release rate Go with phase angle psi = 0 for type A coating and type B coating was, respectively, 14.54similar to25.88 J/m(2) and 11.88-16.21 J/m(2). The corresponding interface fracture toughness for type A TBC coating and for type B TBC coating is, respectively, 0.77 similar to 1.02 MPa . m(1/2) and 0.52similar to0.61 MPa.m(1/2). The stable phase angle was approximately -31.5degrees and -30.2degrees for coating A and coating B, respectively.

  389. Fundamentals of steady-state non-Newtonian rimming flow 査読有り

    S Fomin, T Hashida, J Watterson



    DOI: 10.1016/S0377-0257(03)00010-7  


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    Rimming flow on the inner surface of a horizontal rotating cylinder is investigated. Using a scale analysis, a theoretical description is obtained for steady-state non-Newtonian flow. Simple lubrication theory is applied since the Reynolds number is small and the liquid film is thin. Since the Deborah number is very small the flow is viscometric. The shear-thinning number, which characterizes the shear-thinning effect, may be small or large. A general constitutive law for this kind of flow requires only a single function relating shear stress and shear rate that corresponds to a generalized Newtonian liquid. For this case the run-off condition for rimming flow is derived. Provided the run-off condition is satisfied, the existence of a continuous steady-state solution is proved. The rheological models, which show Newtonian behavior at low shear rates with transition to power-law shear thinning at moderate shear rates, are considered. Numerical results are carried out for the Carreau and Ellis models, which exhibit Newtonian behavior near the free surface and power-law behavior near the wall of the rotating cylinder. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  390. Numerical Model for the Fracture Type Geothermal Reservoir with the Multi-Borehole System 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Kei Yoshida, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of The 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference 2003 (6) 69-69 2003年3月


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    An improved three-dimensional simulating model (FRACSIM-3D) for heat and fluid flow within a geothermal reservoir is presented. The model effectively simulates two main stages of the geothermal reservoir exploitation, namely, the hydraulic stimulation of the existing natural fracture of the Hot Dry Rock (HDR) reservoir and the forced convection through the fracture media when the filtrating fluid extracts the heat from the hot rock and delivers it to the production wells. Modeling of the first stage incorporates the mechanical rock-fluid interaction during hydraulic stimulation and quantitatively predicts the 3D reservoir growth behavior. In this model the pre-existing fractures are generated stochastically. The fractal size distribution of the penny-shaped fractures with random orientation is assumed. The fractal fracture radius γ distribution is modeled by equation γ_α=((1-α)γ^<-D>_<min>+αγ^<-D>_<max>)^<-1/D>; where α is a random parameter in the interval [0,1]; γ_<min> and γ_<max> are the lower and upper fracture radius limits, respectively; D is fractal dimension of the fracture length (radius) distribution. Thus, for the purpose of simulation, it is necessary to specify the length of the smallest and largest fractures, as well as fractal dimension D. The fluid flow is approximated by the Darcy law equation. Pressure distribution within the fracture rock is used for calculating the growth of the cracks apertures and shear displacements. This requires several iterations; solving the complete flow model simulating the fracture system anew each time and recalculating the shear displacement using the inner fracture pressure from the previous iteration. The heat extraction stage of the reservoir exploitation is simulated by the unsteady energy conservation equation. Since the flow rate within the reservoir is relatively high, the mathematical model accounts for the effect of thermal dispersion. Since the heat accumulated by the fluid within the system of injection boreholes can constitute the substantial fraction of the total thermal output of the geothermal power plant, the model of heat and mass transfer in the fractured media at the heat extraction stage should be coupled with the equations which describe the heat transport in the system of injection and production wells. Mathematical model of heat flow within the multi-borehole circulating system is proposed in this study. The schematic sketch of the multi-borehole system under consideration, which has a number of injection wells and one production well, is presented in figure below. [figure] On the basis of this model the major parameters that affects the thermal productivity of the geothermal power plant are analyzed. The effective regimes of the fluid circulation and optimal geometry of the multi-borehole system are proposed.

  391. Mathematical Modelling of the Heat Transfer Between the well and Surrounding Rocks 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida, Seiji Saito, Yuko Suto

    Proceedings of The 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference TED-AJ03-203 (6) 230-230 2003年3月


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    Assessment of the heat either delivered from the high temperature rocks to the borehole or transmitted to the formation from the circulating fluid is of crucial importance for a number of technological processes related to borehole drilling or exploitation. Normally the temperature fields in the well and surrounding rocks are calculated numerically by the finite difference method or analytically, applying the Laplace-transform method. The obtained formulae are rather bulky and require tedious non-trivial numerical evaluations. Moreover, in the publications where the solution is obtained analytically heat interactions of circulating fluid and with formation was treated under condition of constant bore-face temperature. In the present study the temperature field in the formation disturbed by the heat flow from the borehole is modeled by the heat conduction equation and thermal interaction of the circulating fluid with formation is approximated by the Newton relationship on the bore-face. The problem is solved analytically by the heat balance integral method, where the radius of thermal influence, which defines the thermally disturbed domain, is function of time that can be found from the algebraic equation. Within this method the approximate solution of the heat conduction problem is sought in the form of a finite sum of functions which belong to a complete set of the linearly independent functions defined on the finite interval bounded by the radius of thermal influence and satisfy the homogeneous boundary condition on the bore-face. It can be proved theoretically that the approximate solution found by this method converges to the exact one. In the present study the first and the second order approximations are obtained. Numerical results illustrates that second approximation is in a quite good agreement with the exact solution. The only one shortcoming of this solution is that it depends on the radius of thermal influence, which is the implicit function or time determined by the algebraic equation. In order to eliminate this complication, in this study on the basis of the approximate solution the new approximate formulae for the radius of thermal influence, which asymptotically coincides with the implicit one, is proposed as l(Fo)&ap;1+A(Bi)√<Fo>, where Bi=h_wr_w/k_S, Fo=τD_S/(r_w)^2,τ is time D_S is heat diffusivity of the formation, r_w is radius of the borehole, k_S is heat conductivity of the formation, h_w is heat transfer coefficient on the bore-face. The behavior of parameter A versus Bi is found comparing the approximate solution with the exact one and employing the non-linear regression method. The latter leads to A(Bi)=(2.084+0.704Bi)/(1.554+0.407Bi). For the constant temperature on the bore-face the heat flux on the bore-face can be computed with an approximate formula q^^&acd;(Fo)&ap;1/{1+Biln[1+A(Bi)√<Fo>]}. The correctness of this approximate solution is validated by comparison with an exact analytical solution found by Carslaw and Jaeger. Due to the Duhamel theorem for the arbitrary temperature on the bore-face the heat flux and bore-face temperature can be presented respectively as q_w=T_L(z, Fo)+∫^^<Fo>__0T_L(z, p)∂/(∂Fo)q^^&acd;(Fo-p)dp and T|_<r=1>=-∫^^<Fo>__0T_L(z, p)∂/(∂Fo)q^^&acd;(r, Fo-p)dp , where T_L(z, Fo) accounts for the thermal history of the formation temperature and possible axial (along the vertical axis z) variation of generally unsteady temperature in the borehole.

  392. Development of a method for CO2 solidification of glass and concrete waste composites 査読有り

    Lihui Liu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Satoshi Teramura, Kimitoshi Karino

    Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 111 (1293) 357-361 2003年

    出版者・発行元:Ceramic Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.111.357  


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    Composite materials heve been prepared using a CO2 solidification process from milling dust of autoclaved lightweight concrete (ALC as matrix material), reinforced by addition of crushed glass (bottle) waste. The effect of varying glass collet size (0.08-5 mm) and glass volume (10-30%) on the fracture properties in the glass/ALC composite was examined by four point bending tests. For the glass/ALC composite cured under atmospheric conditions, we show, by conducting CO2 solidification experiments at different CO2 gas pressures (atmospheric, and 4-10 MPa), that the rate of reaction at the sample surface is faster under pressure, than under atmospheric conditions. At 4-10 MPa experimental conditions, a solidified 'reaction rim' is formed away from the sample surface characterized by the deposition of calcite, and a long internal fracture is created inside the sample, which reduces bending strength, although these characteristic features are not evident in samples cured at atmospheric conditions. Creation of the 'reaction rim' impedes further diffusion of CO2 into the sample. Our results indicated that the CO2 solidification of glass/ALC composite materials is best advanced under atmospheric conditions. The result also indicated that for &lt 0.5 mm cullet size, the bending strength is enhanced, without being detrimental to fracture characteristics. However, increasing size of the crushed glass cullet (0.5 mm-5 mm) reduced the strength of the solidified composite. The interface between the ALC powder matrix and glass cullet was weak, and a fraction glass cullets 0.08-0.5 mm size may be incorporated in the waste concrete matrix by as much as 30 vol%.

  393. Computer simulation of fluid flow in fractured media. Effect of thermal dispersion 査読有り

    K Yoshida, A Shimizu, S Fomin, T Hashida




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    The numerical model FRACSIM developed by the research group in Tohoku University is proved to be an appropriate approximate model of the hot-dry-rock geothermal reservoir capable to address simultaneously the problems associated with hydraulic stimulation, fluid circulation and heat extraction. The structure of the fractured rock is approximated with the network model of fractal geometry. The adopted procedure makes possible to characterize the geothermal reservoirs by parameters measured from the field data. In the present study an improved mathematical model, which accounts for the effect of thermal dispersion on forced convection during the geothermal energy extraction, is proposed. Since the typical flow rate in the fractured reservoir is relatively high, the values of the effective thermal conductivities in the longitudinal and transverse directions are taken to be directly proportional to the values of the fluid velocity. The importance of the thermal dispersion factor for assessment of the total thermal output of the geothermal reservoir is proved.

  394. Simulation of the fracture shear dilation 査読有り

    S Fomin, A Shimizu, K Matsuki, K Sakaguchi, T Hashida




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    The changes of the stress regime in the natural rocks often cause the fracture shear displacements, which lead (due to fracture surface roughness) to fracture dilation. The simple approach for simulating this natural process is proposed. The method incorporates the experimental measuring of the real fracture surface topography, mathematical modeling of the synthetic fracture surfaces that share the same physical properties as real fracture, and numerical simulation of the fracture dilation due to fracture lateral slipping (shear dilation). Mathematical model is based on the spectral synthesis method and accounts for the fractal nature of the fracture surfaces. It is shown that the topography of the lengthy fracture surfaces in the natural rocks can be properly characterized with the data obtained from the small fragments of these surfaces. The algorithm for computing and predicting the fracture dilation and shear dilation angles in the natural rocks as functions of shear offset is proposed.

  395. Joining hydroxyapatite ceramics and titanium alloys by hydrothermal method 査読有り

    T Onoki, K Hosoi, T Hashida

    BIOCERAMICS 15 240-2 571-574 2003年



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    Solidificatioin of hydroxyapatite (HA) and its bonding with titanium (Ti) alloys was achieved simultaneously by using a hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method. The reaction temperature used for the HHP treatment was as low as 150 degreesC. Two types of Ti alloys; Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al and Ti-6Al-2Nb-1Ta were tested to examine the effect of NaOH hydrothermal treatment. The NaOH treatment was shown to be useful to enhance the interface fracture property in the bonded HAM body for both Ti alloys. The use of Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al was more effective in the NaOH treatment and the bonded HAM body provided approximately three times higher interface toughness compared with that for the non-treated Ti alloy.

  396. Permeability enhancement by microfracturing in granite under supercritical water conditions 査読有り

    T Takahashi, K Tanifuji, C Stafford, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1299/jsmea.46.24  


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    This paper discusses the generation of micro-fractures in a granite under super critical water environment. In order to create an artificial pathway of water in geothermal reservoir with limited permeability, hydraulic stimulation technology is commonly employed. In this study, simulated hydraulic stimulation tests were performed using thick-walled cylindrical specimens of 45 mm outer diameter, under temperatures up to 600degreesC and confining pressures up to 100 MPa. The experimental results of simulated hydraulic stimulations showed that no macroscopic fracturing took place and predominant fluid flow occurred at high temperature regime. The permeability of the granite was also measured using the same cylindrical specimen configuration as used in the simulated hydraulic stimulation tests. The permeability test results showed that the permeability of the granite was enhanced drastically when the temperature exceeded the critical point of water, whilst no significant increase in the permeability was observed under the subcritical water condition. Optical microscopy of the microstructural change revealed that the enhanced permeability was due to the formation of micro-fractures under the supercritical water environment. This laboratory-scale test result suggests that it may be possible to generate a micro-fracture network by injecting water into a high temperature rock mass whose conditions exceed the critical point of water and to extract the heat energy through the generated fracture network from the supercritical rock mass.

  397. 超高温岩体からの抽熱の可能性 査読有り


    地熱エネルギー 28 (1) 67-80 2003年

  398. Energy release rate of functionally graded materials with interface edge-cracks under uniform temperature change 査読有り

    PC Zhai, T Hashida, QJ Zhang




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    Elastic analysis has been used to estimate the driving force for interface edge-crack growth in TBC system with layered FGM coat under an uniform change in temperature. According to some simplified assumptions, closed-form solutions of thermal stresses are obtained and the energy release rates are estimated. For the case of layered FGM, the energy release rate is a function of the geometry parameters of the layers and thermo-mechanical properties of each layer. In addition, the FGM coating system is designed for the purpose of minimizing the energy release rate.

  399. 熱遮蔽コーティングの界面はく離挙動に及ぼす熱時効処理の影響 査読有り

    小野木伯薫, 主森哲朗, 小川和洋, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 円山政秀, 富樫博之, 鳥越泰治

    材料 52 (7) 807-814 2003年


    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.52.807  


  400. セメント系繊維複合押出成形材料の破壊特性に及ぼすパーライト添加の影響 査読有り

    高島博之, 西松英明, 宮外清貴, 橋田俊之

    コンクリート工学年次論文集 25 (1) 239-244 2003年



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  401. Numerical Simulation of the Large-Scale Geothermal Reservoir With Multiple-Borehole-Circulation System 査読有り

    K. Yoshida, S. Fomin, T. Hashida

    Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 27 747-751 2003年

  402. 骨置換材料のための水熱ホットプレス法によるハイドロキシアパタイトセラミックス-チタン接合体の作製 査読有り

    小野木伯薫, 橋田俊之, 細井和之

    日本生体電気刺激研究会誌 17 21-23 2003年

  403. HApセラミックの層状構造形成に及ぼすNH<SUP>4+</SUP>の役割 査読有り

    李俊国, 小野木伯薫, 劉麗輝, 橋田俊之

    日本生体電気刺激研究会誌 17 27-33 2003年

  404. Numerical Simulation of the Fracture Type Reservoir Growth During Hydraulic Fracturing 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Ayumu Shimizu, Toshiyuki Hashida

    International Journal of Strength 1 (2) 69-77 2003年

  405. Numerical Simulation of Crack Propagation and Coalescence in Randomly Distributed Crack System 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Akihide Saimoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yasufumu Imai

    Strength, Fracture and Complexity 1 (4) 205-213 2003年

  406. Simulation of the compressive fracture of brittle and disordered solids 査読有り

    A Saimoto, Y Imai, T Hashida, H Nisitani




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    The mechanism of initiation and propagation of wing crack emanating from the tips of closed flaw under compressive stresses is discussed. The approximate expression of stress intensity factor for relatively long wing crack was derived and was found to agree well with the detailed numerical result. A wing crack extends stably where mode-I stress intensity factor decreases with the extension of crack. Wing crack propagation in an infinite domain as well as wing crack propagation in a semi-finite and finite regions were treated. Deflection of the surrounding boundaries was found to accelerate the growth of wing crack.

  407. Joining hydroxyapatite ceramics and titanium alloys by hydrothermal method 査読有り

    T Onoki, K Hosoi, T Hashida

    BIOCERAMICS 15 240-2 571-574 2003年



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    Solidificatioin of hydroxyapatite (HA) and its bonding with titanium (Ti) alloys was achieved simultaneously by using a hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method. The reaction temperature used for the HHP treatment was as low as 150 degreesC. Two types of Ti alloys; Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al and Ti-6Al-2Nb-1Ta were tested to examine the effect of NaOH hydrothermal treatment. The NaOH treatment was shown to be useful to enhance the interface fracture property in the bonded HAM body for both Ti alloys. The use of Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al was more effective in the NaOH treatment and the bonded HAM body provided approximately three times higher interface toughness compared with that for the non-treated Ti alloy.

  408. The genesis of echelon-mode-I cracks in the neighbourhood of a mode-II-crack tip under uniaxial compression 査読有り

    A Saimoto, Y Imai, T Hashida




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    The mechanical background why the compressed brittle material fails in a shear mode is studied. Compression-induced shear fracture was experienced in a standard compression test of cylindrical mortar sample whereas a mode I crack branching almost parallel to compression was dominant in a cracked specimen. In a uniaxial compression test of artificially-flawed PMMA plate, formation of a number of minute-surface cracks (en echelon cracks) as well as growth of wing cracks emanated from the artificial flaw tips were observed. The damage zone composed by en echelon-mode-I cracks can be considered as a possible source of the macroscopic shear faulting. The relevance between the genesis of en echelon cracks and the compression-induced shear failure is discussed based on experimental observations and numerical analyses.

  409. Delamination cracking in thermal barrier coating system 査読有り

    YC Zhou, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1115/1.1477194  


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    Delamination cracking in thermal barrier coating (TBC) system is studied with the newly developed theoretical model. A semi-infinite long interface crack is pre-existing. The thermal stress and temperature gradient in TBC system are designated by a membrane stress P and a bending moment M. In this case, the effects of plastic deformation, creep of ceramic coating, as well as thermal growth oxidation and temperature gradient in TBC system are considered in the model due to the fact that these effects are considered in the calculation of thermal stress. The energy release rate, mode I and mode H stress intensity factors, as well as mode mixed measure psi, are derived. The emphatic discussion about PSZ/Ni-alloy reveals that the TBC system may not fail in the form of coating delamination during the period of heat hold. However the failure may be in the form of coating delamination during cooling or in the heating period during the second cycle or later cycles. The conclusion is consistent with the experimental observations. The delamination of ceramic coating is induced by the compressive load in the coating.

  410. Contact melting inside an elastic capsule 査読有り

    AV Wilchinsky, SA Fomin, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(02)00121-7  



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    An approximate mathematical model of contact melting of an unfixed material in elastic cylindrical and spherical capsules is developed. Since the density of the solid is higher than that of the melt, the melting solid resides at the bottom supported by a thin layer of the generated, convecting, melt, and the capsule swells. The main characteristic scales and non-dimensional parameters, which describe the principal features of the melting process and the liquid flow, are found. Linearisation with regard to the Stefan number as well as the small difference between the densities of the solid and liquid enables us to derive a closed-form evolution equation for the motion of the solid, which also determines the melting rate, Numerical solution of the evolution equation shows that the swelling of the capsule during melting, which is caused by the decrease of the density during phase transition, leads to slowing down of the melting process. This effect is due to flattening of the lower surface of the capsule, which entails fall of the pressure along with thickening of the molten layer. The latter determines the decrease of the melting rate. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

  411. Creep property measurement of service-exposed SUS 316 austenitic stainless steel by the small-punch creep-testing technique 査読有り

    ML Saucedo-Munoz, S Komazaki, T Takahashi, T Hashida, T Shoji

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 17 (8) 1945-1953 2002年8月



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    The creep properties for SUS 316 HTB austenitic stainless steel were evaluated by using the small-punch creep test at 650 degreesC for loads of 234, 286, 338, 408, and 478 N and at 700 degreesC for loads of 199 and 234 N. The creep curves, determined by means of the small-punch creep test, were similar to those obtained from a conventional uniaxial creep test. That is, they exhibited clearly the three creep stages. The width of secondary creep stage and rupture time t(r) decreased with the increase in testing load level. The creep rupture strength for the service-exposed material was lower than that of the as-received material at high testing loads. However, the creep resistance behavior was opposite at relatively low load levels. This difference in creep resistance was explained on the basis of the difference in the creep deformation and microstructural evolution during tests. It was also found that the ratio between the load of small-punch creep test and the stress of uniaxial creep test was about I for having the same value of creep rupture life.

  412. Fracture characteristics of thermal barrier coatings after tensile and bending tests 査読有り

    YC Zhou, T Tonomori, A Yoshida, L Liu, G Bignall, T Hashida

    SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 157 (2-3) 118-127 2002年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0257-8972(02)00154-8  


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    Uniaxial tension and four-point bending tests were conducted on two-layer (non-function ally graded material) plasma-sprayed rectangular specimens, boasting a new, functionally graded material (FGM) layer. The top coat layer was composed of stabilized yttria-zirconia (YSZ), and the bond coat layer was NiCrAlY. The FGM was composed of five layers: 100% YSZ; 80% YSZ+ 20% NiCrAlY; 60% YSZ + 40% NiCrAlY, 40% YSZ + 60% NiCrAlY; and 20% YSZ + 80% NiCrAlY. Fracture in the thermal barrier coating (TBC) system was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which showed that vertical multiple cracking first occurred in the top coat, followed by propagation of interface cracking between the top and bond coats. Spallation of non-FGM coating occurred in tensile/bending experiments, but not for the FGM-coated specimens, with only localized delamination observed along the interface between FGM layers and the substrate. For specimens prepared with a gun-substrate distance of approximately 120 turn and gun operating power of approximately 32.5 kW, the interface fracture toughness, evaluated by a shear lag model for the uniaxial tensile test, was 0.94 and 0.67 MPa m(1/2) for type-A and -13 coatings, respectively. Here, types A and B correspond to an average roughness of the bond coat surface of 12.8 mum and 6.8 mum, respectively. The interface fracture toughness evaluated by the Suo-Hutchinson model was 1.05-1.27 and 1.0-1.17 MPa m(1/2) for type-A and -B coatings, respectively. The results are very close to data obtained by the blister test method. For specimens prepared with a gun-substrate distance of 125-130 mm and gun operating power of approximately 38.5 kW, the interface fracture toughness, evaluated by the Suo-Hutchinson model for four-point bending, was 4.26-7.21 MPa m(1/2). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  413. Examination of solidified waste glass powder after hydrothermal hot pressing 査読有り

    N Yamasaki, A Shirakawa, N Hirano, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1023/A:1015785021932  


  414. Lithiation reactions of Zn- and Li-birnessites in non-aqueous solutions and their stabilities 査読有り

    LH Liu, Q Feng, K Yanagisawa, G Bignall, T Hashida

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 37 (7) 1315-1320 2002年4月


    DOI: 10.1023/A:1014504125281  


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    Zn- and Li-birnessites were synthesized from Na-birnessite by ion-exchange reactions. The ion-exchange reaction, chemical lithiation reaction in non-aqueous solution, and stability for these birnessites were investigated by XRD, TG-DTA, and chemical analyses. The Zn-birnessite showed greater thermal stability than Li-birnessite. The Zn- and Li-birnessites can be lithiated up to Li/Mn molar ratios of 0.45 and 1.08, respectively, by reaction in a LiI-acetonitrile solution. The lithiation of Zn-birnessite progressed by a redox topotactic reaction, but the Li-birnessite was unstable during the lithiation reaction. The lithiated Zn-birnessite showed greater thermal stability than lithiated Li-birnessite. The Zn species in the interlayer space of lithiated Zn-birnessite acts as a pillar for the stabilization of the layered structure. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  415. Evaluation of thermal aging embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels JN1, JJ1, and JK2 by cryogenic small-punch testing 査読有り

    ML Saucedo-Munoz, SC Liu, SI Komazaki, IH Kwon, T Hashida, H Takahashi, H Nakajima

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 17 (4) 852-860 2002年4月


    DOI: 10.1557/JMR.2002.0124  


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    Small-punch tests were conducted at 4, 77, and 293 K on three newly developed cryogenic austenitic stainless steels, JN1, JJ1, and JK2, which were solution treated, water-quenched, and then aged at 923, 973, 1023, and 1073 K for 5 h. Small-punch test energy was employed for the evaluation of the aging-induced embrittlement behavior in these materials. An SEM analysis of the fracture surface for the solution-treated steel specimens indicated a ductile fracture, having the highest SP test energy values. On the contrary, intergranular brittle fracture was observed in aged specimens. The small-punch test energy of materials decreased significantly as the aging process progressed. The highest and lowest decrease in small-punch test energy with aging temperature occurred in JN1 and JK2 steels, respectively. The decrease in small-punch test energy was shown to follow appropriately the aging-induced embrittlement in these materials. The difference in aging-induced embrittlement behavior for these steels was explained on the basis of the volume fraction of intergranular precipitates in aged samples.

  416. A 3-D water/rock chemical interaction model for prediction of HDR/HWR geothermal reservoir performance 査読有り

    ZZ Jing, K Watanabe, J Willis-Richards, T Hashida

    GEOTHERMICS 31 (1) 1-28 2002年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0375-6505(00)00059-6  


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    A three-dimensional (3-D) water/rock chemical interaction model has been developed to examine the effect of water/rock chemical interaction (WRCI) on the long-term performance of hot dry rock and hot wet rock (HDR/HWR) reservoirs. The model, which integrates many field observations and thus generates a fracture network, very similar to the natural fracture distribution in the reservoir, can predict the influence of WRCI on the overall fractured reservoir. Factors affecting WRCI and the effect of WRCI on long-term performance of Hijiori deep reservoir (Japan) have been modelled, Simulated results show that fluid chemistry, initial rock temperature, magnitude of flow rate and well spacing have a major effect on WRCI, and for such a multi-well Hijiori geothermal system, WRCI seems to make the flow distribution tend towards uniformity. The model described deals solely with chemical interactions as a function of flow rate and temperature, and takes no account of aperture variation as a result of thermoelastic effects. It is only a partial model, though it could form an important module of a coupled model. (C) 2002 CNR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  417. Thermal fatigue failure induced by delamination in thermal barrier coating 査読有り

    YC Zhou, T Hashida

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 24 (2-4) 407-417 2002年2月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/S0142-1123(01)00096-2  


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    The paper presents the experimental and theoretical investigation on the thermal fatigue failure induced by delamination in thermal barrier coating system. Laser heating method was used to simulate the operating state of TBC (thermal barrier coating) system. The non-destructive evaluation such as acoustic emission (AE) detect was used to study the evolution of TBC system damage. Micro-observation and AE detect both revealed that fatigue crack was in two forms: surface crack and interface delamination. It was found that interface delamination took place in the period of cooling or heating. Heating or cooling rate and temperature gradient had an important effect on interface delamination cracking propagation. A theoretical model on interface delamination cracking in TBC system at operating state is proposed. In the model, a membrane stress P and a bending moment M are designated the thermal loads of the thermal stress and temperature gradient in TBC system. In this case, the coupled effect of plastic deformation, creep of ceramic coating as well as thermal growth oxidation (TGO) and temperature gradient in TBC system was considered in the model. The thermal stress intensity factors (TSIFs) in non-FGM (functional gradient material) thermal barrier coating system is analytical obtained. The numerical results of TSIFs reveal some same results as obtained in experimental test. The model is based on fracture mechanics theory about heterogeneous materials and it gives a rigorous explanation of delaminations in TBC system loaded by thermal fatigue, Both theoretical analysis and experimental observation reveal an important fact: delaminations are fatigue cracks which grow during thermal shocks due to compressive stresses in the loading, this loads the delaminations cracks in mixed I and II mode. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  418. Mathematical modeling of the geothermal reservoir with multi-borehole circulating system 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Kei Yoshida, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD 372 (6) 247-254 2002年

    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2002-33895  


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    A three-dimensional model (FRACSIM-3D) developed in Tohoku University for numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow within the fractured media is used in the analysis of geothermal reservoir performance. The model effectively simulates two main stages of the geothermal reservoir exploitation, namely, (i) hydraulic stimulation of the existing natural fractures within the Hot Dry Rock (HDR) reservoir and (ii) forced convection through the fractured media when the filtrating fluid extracts the heat from the hot rock and delivers it to the production well. Since the heat accumulated by the fluid within the system of injection boreholes can constitute a substantial fraction of the total thermal output of the geothermal power plant, the model of heat and mass transfer in the fractured media at the heat extraction stage should be coupled with the equations which describe the heat transport in the system of injection and production wells. Mathematical modeling of heat flow within the multi-borehole circulating system is proposed in this study. On the basis of this model the major parameters that affect the thermal productivity of the geothermal power plant are analyzed. The effective regimes of the fluid circulation and optimal geometry of the multi-borehole system are proposed.

  419. Thermal fatigue in thermal barrier coating 査読有り

    YC Zhou, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1299/jsmea.45.57  


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    This paper presents an experimental investigation on the thermal fatigue failure in thermal barrier coating (TBC) system at high temperature. The thermal fatigue failure was induced by temperature gradient along TBC system thickness direction and oxidation between TBC and bond coat. Laser heating method was employed to simulate the operating state of TBC system. The non-destructive evaluation methods such as acoustic emission (AE) and impedance spectroscopy (IS) were used to examine the evolution of TBC system damage. Both micro-observation and acoustic emission (AE) detection revealed that the fatigue damage consisted of vertical crack in the top coat layer and interface delamination between the top and bond coat. The life of thermal fatigue was shown to be reduced by the formation of alumina at interface. It was also found that the temperature gradient between the inner and outer surface of specimen accelerated the growth of alumina layer.

  420. 模擬地熱貯留層環境下における花崗岩の溶解速度の温度・流速依存性 査読有り

    須藤祐子, 谷藤浩二, 渡邊公雄, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 高橋秀明

    日本地熱学会誌 24 (1) 47-56 2002年

    DOI: 10.11367/grsj1979.24.47  

    ISSN:1883-5775 0388-6735

  421. Mathematical Modeling of Convection Heat Transfer in a Geothermal Reservoir of Fractal Geometry 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Ayumu Shimizu, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the Twelfth International Heat Transfer Conference, August 18-23, 2002, Grenoble, France, Edited by Jean Taine, Elsevier SAS 809-814 2002年

  422. Bonding property of Hydroxyapatite and Titanium Treated with Hydrothermal Alkali Solution 査読有り

    T. Onoki, K. Hosoi, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 22-26, 2002, East Brunswick Hilton, East Brunswick, NJ), Edited by Richard E. Riman 250-253 2002年

  423. Fracture Properties of Discontinuous Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Manufactured by Extrusion Molding 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Takashima, Kiyotaka Miyagai, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the JCI International Workshop on Ductile Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites 社Application and Evaluation- (October 21-22, 2002, Takayama, Japan) 75-83 2002年

  424. Numerical Simulation of Geothermal Reservoir Formation Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing at Great Depth 査読有り

    Mikiyo Itaoka, Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 26 297-302 2002年

  425. Analysis of Thermal Effectiveness of Geothermal Multi-Borehole Circulating System 査読有り

    S. Fomin, K. Yoshida, T. Hashida

    Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 26 279-283 2002年

  426. Heat Flux on the Bore-Face and Temperature Distribution in the Formation 査読有り

    Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Toshiyuki Hashida, Seiji Saito, Yuko Suto

    Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 26 803-807 2002年

  427. 押出成形によるポリプロピレン短繊維補強セメント系複合材料のマルチプルクラック発生条件に関する破壊力学的研究 査読有り

    高島博之, 宮外清貴, 橋田俊之, Victor C. Li

    コンクリート工学論文集 13 (1) 1-11 2002年1月


    DOI: 10.3151/crt1990.13.1_1  


  428. FEM Simulation of Mixed Mode Crack Propagation Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Mikio Itaoka, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Fracture, (December 2-6, 2001, Honolulu), (CD-ROM) 2001年12月

  429. Thermal Failure of Thermal Barrier Ceramic Coating 査読有り

    Y.C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Fracture, (December 2-6, 2001, Honolulu), (CD-ROM) 2001年12月

  430. Fundamental Research for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection into Granite and Sandstone, in Experimental Hot Water Systems 査読有り

    L. Liu, Y. Suto, G. Bignall, N. Yamasaki, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of the 23rd New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, (November 7-9, 2001, The University of Auckland, New Zealand) 21-26 2001年11月

  431. Fracture Generation in Artificial Geothermal Reservoirs Under Supercritical Water Conditions 査読有り

    Toru Takahashi, Koji Tanifuji, Catherine Stafford, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the 23rd New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, (November 7-9, 2001, The University of Auckland, New Zealand) 63-67 2001年11月

  432. Correlationship between J(IC) and equivalent fracture strain determined by small-punch tests in JN1, JJ1 and JK2 austenitic stainless steels 査読有り

    ML Saucedo-Munoz, SC Liu, T Hashida, H Takahashi, H Nakajima

    CRYOGENICS 41 (10) 713-719 2001年10月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/S0011-2275(01)00135-7  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Small-punch (SP) and fracture toughness tests were conducted at 4 and 77 K on newly developed cryogenic austenitic stainless steels after isothermal aging. Equivalent fracture strain epsilon(qf) was determined by measuring the reduction in thickness of SP specimens. A linear dependence of J(IC) on epsilon(qf) was found for these new materials. Regression analysis of experimental data produced the linear relation: J(IC) = 1304.1epsilon(qf) + 8.09 (kJ m(-2)). An analysis of the correlation was pursued on the basis of material properties and evaluation method of J(IC). The results Showed that the slope value was influenced by the J(IC) evaluation method. This linear relation enables the prediction of J(IC) to be made from the equivalent fracture strain epsilon(qf) by conducting small punch tests. Thus, it is expected that the SP testing method provides a useful basis for assessing the degradation of fracture toughness in small areas, such as heataffected zones in welded components. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  433. Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite Ceramics by Hydrothermal Hot Pressing at Low Temperature 査読有り

    Jungo Li, Takamasa Onoki, Lihui Liu, Atsushi Nakahira, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 2 1068-1073 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics were prepared by hydrothermal hot pressing (HHP) processes through the reaction between octacalcium phosphate (OCP) and ammonia water, at 300℃. When the amount of ammonia was over the chemical stechiometric ratio, pure HAp ceramics was obtained. The high concentration of ammonia water was advantageous for the solidification of the HAp ceramics. The appropriate amount of water improved the toughness, but greatly reduced the tensile strength. With addition of 10% high concentration ammonia water, HAp ceramic was achieved at 300℃ by HHP method. The density, fracture toughness, and tensile strength of the ceramics reached 2.82g/cm^3, 1.07MPam^<1/2>, and 18.2MPa, respectively. The present study demonstrated that the HHP method was a useful method for preparing HAp ceramics at low temperature.

  434. Small Punch Creep Behavior of Service-Exposed SUS316HTB Superheater Tubes of Fossil Boilers 査読有り

    Shin-ichi Komazaki, Maribel L. Saucedo-Munoz, Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Tetsuo Shoji

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 316-321 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A small punch creep testing technique using miniaturized specimen with a dimension of 10 × 10 × 0.3^t mm has been demonstrated for evaluating change in creep property of high temperature components due to long-term service operation. This technique was applied to SUS 316 HTB secondary superheater boiler tube actually used for 100,600 h in a fossil power plant. The overall shapes of the creep curves determined by the small punch creep test were similar to those obtained from a conventional uniaxial creep test. That is, they exhibited clearly three creep stages. The extent of secondary creep stage and rupture time t_r decreased with a increase of testing load level. The creep rupture life of the service-exposed tube was shorter than that of the unexposed tube at a temperature of 650℃ and at high load levels, i.e. 338 N and 408 N. However, to the contrary, the former became longer than the latter at relatively low load levels, i.e. 234 N and 286 N. The difference in rupture life between them had a tendency to increase with a decrease of testing load level. These small punch creep behaviors of SUS 316 HTB superheater boiler tubes have been examined from a metallographic point of view.

  435. Crack Healing and Micro-crack Formation in Granite under the Presence of High Temperature and Pressurized Water 査読有り

    Yasushi Fujii, Koji Tanifuji, Catherine Stafford, Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 2 1041-1046 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    As a part of a research programme investigating the geothermal reservoir potential of deep-seated high-temperature rock masses, experiments have been undertaken to determine the crack behaviour induced by hot-rock/water interaction. Cylindrical specimens of Iidate Granite were heated, whilst subject to static water conditions, under some confining pressure. The effect of temperatures of up to 600℃ was investigated, whilst the pore fluid and confining pressures were maintained at 50 and 100 MPa respectively. The time-dependence of the water/rock interaction, under these conditions, was also determined, with experiments ranging in duration from 0.5 to 96 hours. Experiments to date, have investigated the quartz constituent of the Iidate Granite samples and results show that crack healing in quartz grains is significant at temperatures of 330℃ and above. This temperature effect is also enhanced with increasing time. No crack healing in quartz is observed at temperatures of 250℃. Additional experiments, using the indentation fracture method, show that these healed cracks recover strength to that of the matrix quartz grains. Although these results might appear to indicate that significant permeability enhancement should not be expected in a supercritical geothermal reservoir, micro-structural data show that significant intragranular micro-cracking also occurs at the temperatures greater than 400℃ due to the water/rock interaction. This micro-cracking phenomenon results in an overall increase in the permeability of the granite. This research presents important results which require due consideration in the potential development of a supercritical deep-seated geothermal reservoir.

  436. Numerical Analysis of Crack Growth Behavior Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing at Great Depth 査読有り

    Mikiyo Itaoka, Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 523-528 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Geothermal energy is one of the most environment-conscious resources among the natural resources. Recently, the development of a supercritical geothermal system at great depth has been proposed to enhance the geothermal heat extraction. In order to design the supercritical geothermal reservoir whose temperature and pressure conditions exceed the critical point of water, the formation behavior of the geothermal reservoir under the great depth conditions has to be examined. In this study, we develop a new numerical analysis code for analyzing the hydraulic fracturing behavior in deep-seated rock mass. This code consists of two parts: "flow analysis" which computes the pressure distribution in the induced crack, and "crack propagation analysis". The former is based on a finite difference method. The later is based on a finite element method with embedded crack element. In the "crack propagation analysis", the mixed-mode fracture behavior with process zone formation is modeled. A shear dilation is accounted for in the fracture model. The numerical results show that the crack growth behavior, i.e. the mode of crack propagation depends on the depth. Under a typical tectonic stress condition, the crack growth mode is dominated by the opening fracture mode above the depth of 4 - 5 km, whereas the influence of the shear fracture mode increases with increasing the depth. This result may suggest that the current target of supercritical geothermal reservoirs may be formed mainly under the opening fracture mode.

  437. Simulation of Complexity in Failure Process of Rock under Biaxial Compression 査読有り

    Akihide Saimoto, Yasufumi Imai, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 551-556 2001年10月

  438. Fracture Behavior of a Hydroxyapatite-Metal Interface Jointed by Hydrothermal Hot-pressing Method 査読有り

    Takamasa Onoki, Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 511-516 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Solidificatioin of hydroxyapatite (HAp) and its bonding with titanium (Ti) was achieved simultaneously by using a hydrothermal hot-pressing method at the low temparaure as low as 150℃. A mixture of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate and calcium hydroxide was used as a starting powder material for solidifying HAp. The joining behavior of HAp and Ti depended on the surface finishing condition of the titanium. From Raman spectroscopy of the Ti surfaces, it was found that TiO_2 formed at the Ti surface affected the bonding characteristics of the HAp/Ti interface. 3-point bending tests were conducted to obtain an estimate of the fracture toughness for the HAp/Ti interface as well as for the HAp ceramics only. Core-based specimens were used for the fracture toughness tests and a pre-crack was introduced along the HAp/Ti interface of the bonded specimens. The fracture toughness tests showed that the induced crack from the pre-crack tip deviated from the HAp/Ti interface and propagated into the HAp. The fracture toughness determined on the HAp/Ti specimen was closed to that of the HAp ceramics only (〜0.30MPa).

  439. Permeability Enhancement by Microfracturing in Granite under Supercritical Water Conditions 査読有り

    Toru Takahashi, Kenji Hashimoto, Koji Tanifuki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 547-550 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A prediction of host rock permeability in the deep seated geothermal reservoir is essential for the assessment of a potential geothermal energy extraction system. In order to test the permeability of granite under high temperature and high pressure conditions, experiments were undertaken using thick-walled cylindrical specimen of 45 mm outer diameter and 5 mm inner diameter. The permeability of the sample specimen was estimated from flow rate, and the pressure difference between borehole pressure (internal pressure) and confining pressure, based on Darcy's law. Permeability tests were conducted at temperatures of up to 600 ℃ and confining pressures of up to 100 MPa. Experimental results show that the permeability of granite increased with increasing temperature, particularly above 350 ℃. Examination of microcracks, by optical microscopy, showed that crack density in granite, after experiments at 600 ℃, and confining pressures of both 25 MPa and 100 MPa, was larger than at a confining pressure of 20 MPa. This indicates that water-rock interaction processes at supercritical conditions directly affect micro-cracking of granite. In addition, it was noted that hydrothermal cracking occurs at a temperature above 400 ℃ and a pore pressure above 25 MPa, This result indicates that it may be possible to increase granite permeability and to create a porous type reservoir in a supercritical rock mass, by hydrothermal cracking.

  440. Numerical Simulation of the Hijiori Geothermal Reservoir Hydraulic Stimulation 査読有り

    Ayumu Shimizu, Sergei Fomin, Kimio Watanabe, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 540-546 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper an improved three-dimensional simulation model (FRACSIM-3D) is presented. It incorporates the mechanical rock-fluid interaction during hydraulic stimulation in more rigorous way than the existing two-dimensional model FRACSIM-2D and quantitatively predicts the 3D reservoir growth behavior. In this model the pre-existing fractures are generated stochastically. The fractal size distribution of the penny-shaped fractures with random orientation is assumed. The fluid flow through the discrete fracture network is simulated by mapping the connectivity of the fractured rock to a regular cubic grid under condition of constant injection pressure. The fluid flow is approximated by the Darcy law equation. Pressure distribution within the fractured rock is used for calculating the growth of the cracks apertures and shear displacements. This requires several iterations; solving the complete flow model simulating the fracture system anew each time and recalculating the shear displacement using the inner fracture pressure from the previous iteration. The results of this numerical solution for hydraulic stimulation are in good agreement with the existing field data collected at the Hijiori hot-dry-rock (HDR) reservoir.

  441. Fracture Characteristic of Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating in Tension and Bending Test 査読有り

    Tetsuro Tonomori, Akira Yoshida, Yichun Zhou, Lihui Liu, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 2 1057-1062 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the present paper, a method for determining the fracture characteristic of the ceramic coat layer/bond coat interface was developed. The uniaxial tension and four point bending tests were conducted on plasma-sprayed rectangular specimens of two-layer system and functionally gradient material (FGM) layer. The top coat layer was yttria-partially-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and the bond coat layer was MCrAlY, both of which were deposited by plasma-spraying technique. FGM consisted of 5 layers: 100% YSZ, 80%YSZ+20%NiCrAlY, 60%YSZ+40%NiCrAlY, 40%YSZ+60%NiCrAlY, 20%YSZ+80%NiCrAlY. The detailed fracture process in the thermal barrier coating system was examined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was shown that vertical multiple cracking preceded in the top coat followed by the propagation of interface crack between top coat and bond coat. A shear lag model was used to evaluate the interface strength. The experimental results show that FGM specimens have higher interface strength than non-FGM specimens.

  442. Crack Growth of Non-Coplanar Parallel Crack Array and Tension-Softening Model 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Akihide Saimoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Yasufumi Imai

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 157-161 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

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    It is well known that the tension-softening model can describe the macroscopic fracture behavior of quasi-brittle materials containing pre-existing microcracks such as rocks, ceramics and concretes. The problem studied in this paper is a tension-softening behavior in brittle materials based on the growth of a non-coplanar parallel crack array. Crack growth analyses are performed numerically using the body force method. The problem calculated is a non-coplanar crack array subjected to uniform tensile stress at infinity. The plane strain condition is assumed. The maximum principal stress criterion is employed to determine the each crack growth direction and the global stress required for crack propagation. The tension-softening behavior is studied from the remote tensile stress and deformation of the numerical result. The deduced tension-softening curve is consistent with experimental data obtained for granites. This evidence revealed that the overlapping of non-coplanar cracks, i.e. the ligamentary bridging, is the main source of the tension-softening behavior of granites.

  443. Failure Characteristics of Thermal Barrier Ceramic Coating at High Temperature 査読有り

    Y.C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 292-296 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The paper presents the experimental investigation on the fracture of thermal barrier ceramic coating (TBC) at high temperature. The fracture was induced by temperature gradient along TBC system thickness direction and oxidation between TBC and bond coat. Laser heating method was used to simulate the operating state of TBC system. Both micro-observation and acoustic emission (AE) detection revealed that fatigue crack was in two forms: surface crack and interface delamination. One can understand the failure mechanism from the plane of TBC surface temperature and substrate surface temperature. It was found that the life of thermal fatigue was reduced by the formation of alumina at interface. On the other hand, it was found that the temperature gradient between inner and outer surface of specimen accelerated the growth of alumina layer.

  444. Residual Stress in PZT Thin Film Determined by Indentation Fracture Method 査読有り

    Y.C. Zhou, Z.Y. Yang, X.J. Zheng, T. Hashida, J.Y. Li

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 2 (1) 988-993 2001年10月


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the investigation, the piezoelectric thin film Pb(Zr_xTi_<1-x>)O_3(PZT) was prepared by a pulse laser deposition method. The properties of PZT films were strongly dependent on substrate temperature and oxygen pressures. The residual stress in piezoelectric thin film was tested by indentation fracture method. The relation of properties such as microstructures, piezoelectric response with residual stress was investigated. A theoretical model for the formation of residual stress is proposed. The model is based on the combined effects of the difference of thermal mismatch between substrate and thin film, the phase transformation and the different of lattice constant between thin film and substrate.

  445. New Technique Development of High Temperature Creep Evaluation by Small Punch-Creep Test 査読有り

    Seung-Se Baek, Song-In Lee, I1-Hyun Kwon, Hyo-Sun Yu, Eui-Gyun Na, Jeong-Soo Ha, T. Hashida, Se-Hi Chung

    Proc. of Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength '01 and Int. Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics '01, (October 20-22, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1 309-315 2001年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeatemapcfs.  

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    A small punch creep(SP-Creep) test using miniaturized specimen(10×10×0.5mm) has been described for the development of the new creep test method for structural components operated at high-temperature and pressure. The SP-Creep test technique has been applied to 9CrlMoVNb steel used as valve material in boiler components. The creep test temperatures were varied at 575℃〜625℃, and the applied loads at 40kg〜100kg. The overall deformations of SP-Creep curve were definitely depended on creep test conditions and showed the creep behaviors of three regions like those of conventional uniaxial tensile creep curve. The steady state creep rate (ε^・_<qf-ss>) in SP-Creep test increased with increase of applied load and creep temperature. Furthermore, the power law's exponent decreased with increase of creep temperature, and the activation energy(Q_<SPC>) obtained from SP-Creep test decreased as applied load increases. These behaviors were similar to those of conventional uniaxial creep test. Also, a predicting equation of SP-Creep rate was suggested and a good agreement between experimental and calculated values was shown. And several creep results of 9CrlMoVNb steel were compared with those of 2.25Cr-1Mo and 1Cr-0.5Mo steels that has been widely used as boiler tube and header materials, respectively.

  446. Thermal Failure Mechanism of Thermal Barrier Ceramic Coating at High Temperature 査読有り

    Y. C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Thermal Stresses, (June 8-11, 2001, Osaka, Japan) 567-570 2001年8月

  447. Fracture Generation and Water-Rock Interaction Processes in Supercritical Deep-Seated Geothermal Reservoirs 査読有り

    T. Hashida, G. Bignall, N. Tsuchiya, T. Takahashi, K. Tanifuji

    Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 25 225-229 2001年8月

  448. Thermal damage in particulate-reinforced metal matrix composites 査読有り

    Y. C. Zhou, S. G. Long, Z. P. Duan, T. Hashida

    Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME 123 (3) 251-260 2001年7月

    DOI: 10.1115/1.1362675  


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    Thermal damage of SiC particulate-reinforced aluminum composites (MMCs) caused by laser thermal shock was investigated. The damage was induced by a combination of laser beam thermal shock and mechanical loads. The MMCs have two kinds of particle distributions, one is uniform and another is heterogeneous. The damage initiation, crack propagation, as well as the failure evolution, were observed. A damage parameter was defined and it was tested. One found that the damage mechanism was very different for crack initiation and crack propagation and for MMCs with different spatial particle distributions. The mechanism of MMCs failure is discussed by the ideas of shear stress transfer between matrix and reinforcement. The discussion can explain the distinct mechanism of damage and failure in SiC particulate-reinforced aluminum composites.

  449. き裂要素を用いた混合モ-ドき裂進展解析のための破壊判定法 査読有り

    板岡幹世, 佐藤一志, 橋田俊之

    計算数理工学論文集 1 67-70 2001年7月

  450. Coupled effects of temperature gradient and oxidation on thermal stress in thermal barrier coating system 査読有り

    YC Zhou, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7683(00)00309-7  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The thermal stress fields in thermal barrier coating (TBC) system are studied in the present paper. The thermal stress fields are induced by the non-linear coupled effect of temperature gradient, oxidation, thermal fatigue, creep, morphology of TBC system as well as cooling rate. TBC system is assumed to be partially stabilized ZrO(2) by 8 wt.% Y(2)O(3) (PSZ) or mullite over a NiCrAlY bond coat sprayed on nickel superalloy or steel substrate. The TBC system is a composite medium with four layers in cylindrical coordinate system. The temperature fields for the non-homogeneous problem with energy generation in medium are analytical solved by using Taylor transformation and Green&apos;s function approach. The analytical solutions for thermal stress fields in composite medium are obtained when eigenstrain rate is taken into consideration. The constitutive equations, such as the creep of ceramic coating (PSZ and mullite) and substrate (Ni-superalloy), plasticity of bond coat are given by a general formula. Thermal growth oxidation (TGO) and the temperature dependence of thermal-mechanical parameters are taken into consideration. The calculated results of temperature fields and thermal stresses fields are given and the related results are discussed. TGO does not affect the temperature fields in PSZ coating systems. But it has influence on temperature fields in mullite coating systems. The residual stress with TGO considered is larger than that with TGO non-considered, It is very interesting to have the conclusion that TGO may make the residual tangent stress from tensile to compressive. The characterization of thermal stresses in PSZ coating system is very different from that in mullite coating system. It may be due to the difference of mechanical behavior such as creep, thermal mismatch as well as mechanical mismatch which is reflected by Dundurs&apos; parameters a and B. The geometrical radius not only affects the quantum of thermal stress but also affects the characterization of thermal stress. The effect of cooling rate on residual stress is due to the high creep rate of ceramic coating operating at high temperature. The effect of cooling rate on residual stress is not large for system operating at relative low temperature. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  451. Thermal Fatigue in Thermal Barrier Coating 査読有り

    Y. C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Creep and Fatigue at Elevated Temperatures, (June 3-8, 2001, Tsukuba, Japan) 641-646 2001年6月

  452. Determination of Interface Fracture Toughness by Blister Tests: Theoretical Model 査読有り

    Y. C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture, (June 25-28, 2001, Lisboa, Portugal) 355-362 2001年6月

  453. Fracture of Thermal Barrier Ceramic Coating at High Temperature 査読有り

    Y. C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture, (June 25-28, 2001, Lisboa, Portugal) 967-974 2001年6月

  454. 455 大深部岩体における水圧破砕き裂進展プロセスの数値シミュレーションに関する研究(GS-12 き裂(3))

    板岡 幹世, 佐藤 一志, 橋田 俊之

    材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2001 461-462 2001年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2001.0_461  

  455. 460 花こう岩の透水特性に及ぼす超臨界水誘起微視き裂の影響に関する研究(GS-13 き裂(4))

    高橋 亨, 谷藤 浩二, 橋田 俊之

    材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2001 471-472 2001年


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmezairiki.2001.0_471  

  456. Degradation of yttria stabilized zirconia at 370 K under a low applied stress 査読有り

    JG Li, LM Zhang, Q Shen, T Hashida



    DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5093(00)01276-4  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation in ZrO2-3mol.%Y2O3 containing 0-5% Al2O3 during aging in hot water (370 K) under 100 MPa stress is investigated. It is found that while a small tensile stress accelerates the degradation, a compressive stress has little affect on the degradation. The degradation of PSZ under tensile stress is considered to be caused by the reaction between Y2O3 and H2O. Small amount of Al2O3 addition does not change the degradation mechanism of PSZ, but it prevents further continuation of degradation when the transformed volume reaches a certain value. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  457. Design for the mechanical properties of polypropylene discontinuous fiber-reinforced cementitious composites manufactured by extrusion molding 査読有り

    H Takashima, K Miyagai, T Hashida, VC Li



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Polypropylene discontinuous fiber reinforced cementitious composites were prepared by extrusion molding and tested in uniaxial tension to determine the mechanical properties such as ultimate composite strength and strain, and the critical volume fi-action for multiple cracking. It was shown that the experimentally determined critical fiber volume fraction reasonablely agreed with theoretical value predicted by a micromechanics model conducted in this study. The extruded fiber composites are yielded the ultimate composite strength of 8.9MPa and the composite strain of 0.55% at the Fiber volume fraction of 7.4%. Our experimental results suggest that there is the apparent bound for suitable fiber volume fraction.

  458. 大深部岩体における水圧破砕き裂進展挙動の数値シミュレ-ション法に関する研究 査読有り

    板岡幹世, 佐藤一志, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 67 (661) 119-126 2001年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.67.1527  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Geothermal energy is one of the most environment-conscious resources among the natural resources. Recently, the development of a supercritical geothermal system has been proposed to enhance the geothermal heat extraction. In order to design the supercritical geothermal reservoir whose temperature and pressure conditions exceed the critical point of water, the formation behavior of the geothermal reservoir under the great depth condition has to be examined. In this study, we develop a new numerical analysis code for analyzing the hydraulic fracturing behavior in deep-seated rock mass. This code consists of two parts : "flow analysis" which computes the pressure distribution in the induced crack, and "crack propagation analysis". The former is based on FDM. The later is based on FEM with embedded crack element. In the "crack propagation analysis", the mixed-mode fracture behavior with process zone formation is modeled. A shear dilation is accounted for in the fracture model. The numerical result shows that the crack growth behavior, i.e. the mode of crack propagation changes from mode I to mode II as the depth increases. Under a typical tectonic stress condition, the crack growth mode is dominated by the mode I component above 4-5 km depth, whereas the influence of mode II component increases with increasing the depth. This result may suggest that the current target of supercritical geothermal reservoirs may be formed mainly under the mode I fracture.

  459. Microcrack Generation and Microcrack Healing Behaviour in Granite under Supercritical Water Conditions 査読有り

    K. Tanifuji, Y. Fujii, T. Takashima, T. Takahashi, C. Stafford, T. Hashida

    Proc. of Workshop on Potential Thermal Extraction From Deep-Seated Rock Masses, (October 25-26, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 1-10 2001年

  460. Numerical Simulation of Geothermal Reservoir Formation Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing at Great Depth 査読有り

    K. Sato, M. Itaoka, T. Hashida

    Proc. of Workshop on Potential Thermal Extraction From Deep-Seated Rock Masses, (October 25-26, 2001, Sendai, Japan) 21-26 2001年

  461. A New 3-D Stochastic Model for HDR Geothermal Reservoir in Fractured Crystalline Rock 査読有り

    Z. Jing, J. Willis-Richards, K. Watanabe, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of International Conference 4th HDR Forum, (Strasbourg, September 28-30, 1998), Edited by R. Baria, J. Baumgartner, A. Gerard and R. Jung 323-330 2001年

  462. Fracture Mechanics Study on Formation Process of Artificial Geothermal Reservoirs under Supercritical Water Conditions 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, T. Takahashi, Kazushi Sato, Katsuto Nakatsuka

    Proceedings of International Conference 4th HDR Forum, (Strasbourg, September 28-30, 1998), Edited by R. Baria, J. Baumgartner, A. Gerard and R. Jung 419-425 2001年

  463. Experimental study of rock/water/CO<SUB>2</SUB> interaction at temperatures of 100-350 °C 査読有り

    Y. Suto, L. Liu, T. Hashida, N. Tsuchiya, N. Yamasaki

    Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction (July 10-15, 2001, Villasimius, Italy) 1 341-344 2001年


  464. Application of a mechanochemical method for recycling waste glass with CO2 solidification 査読有り

    LH Liu, T Hashida, S Teramura


    出版者・発行元:SCIENCE PRESS

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A mechanochemical method for treatment of powdered (recycled) waste glass and calcium hydroxide is combined with a CO2 solidification process for strength development of solidified products. Our work has potential for reducing CO2 emission, which has been identified as a major cause of global warming. Poorly crystalline pre-pulverized waste glass cullet and calcium hydroxide powder was mixed with similar to70 wt % water and cured at room temperature, prior to CO2 carbonation, to produce a solidified sample. Solidified samples were heated to examine phase transformations. Sample density, Vickers hardness and flexural strength were determined. Effect of grinding time, Ca/Si ratio and water content on the mechanical properties was investigated. The mechanochemical reaction has a strong influence on the hardening process, due to formation of calcium carbonate. TG-DTA results show that the decomposition temperature of the glass/calcium hydroxide mixture is decreased after mechanochemical treatment, indicating enhanced reactivity of the mixture. Vickers hardness is increased after CO2 solidification. Our method is effective for the production of various building materials.

  465. Development of design methodology for deep-seated geothermal energy extraction systems 査読有り

    T Hashida, A Shimizu, T Takahashi, K Tanifuji


    出版者・発行元:SCIENCE PRESS

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Recent research directed toward the development of a computer simulation model for fractured type geothermal reservoirs and a research project aimed at aiding the development of "supercritical" geothermal reservoir system at Tohoku University is briefly described. Outline of a numerical model (Fracsim-3D) developed for designing hydraulically induced fracture type geothermal reservoirs is presented. Then, the potential of creating microcrack network in supercritical rock masses is demonstrated for the energy extraction from deep-seated rock masses.

  466. Low temperature synthesis of hydroxyapatite ceramics from octacalcium phosphate by hydrothermal hot pressing 査読有り

    JG Li, T Onoki, LH Liu, A Nakahira, T Hashida


    出版者・発行元:SCIENCE PRESS

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study is to utilize a hydrothermal hot-pressing technique and prepare hydroxyapatite ceramics. The starting powder OCP (Ca8H2(PO4)(6).5H(2)O) and ammonia water were heated to 300degreesC at a rate of 10degreesC/min, and sintered under 40MPa for 2h. The effects of the amount and concentration of ammonia water were investigated. The results show that OCP reacted with NH4OH and produced HAp; the high concentration of ammonia water is advantageous for the solidification of the ceramics. The density, fracture toughness, and tensile strength of the ceramics that prepared with 10% high concentration ammonia water reach 2.82g/cm(3), 1.07MPam(1/2), and 18.2MPa, respectively.

  467. Thermal failure of thermal barrier coating for gas turbine blades by laser heating method 査読有り

    YC Zhou, T Hashida


    出版者・発行元:SCIENCE PRESS

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Thermal failure of thermal barrier coating (TBC) was investigated. The fracture was induced by temperature gradient along TBC system thickness direction and oxidation between TBC and bond coat. Laser heating method was used to simulate the operating state of TBC system. Micro-observation and acoustic emission (AE) detect both revealed that fatigue crack was in two forms: surface crack and interface delamination. One can understand the failure mechanism from the plane of TBC surface temperature and substrate surface temperature. It was found that the life of thermal fatigue was reduced by the formation of alumina at interface. On the other hand, it was found that the temperature gradient between inner and outer surface of specimen accelerates the growth of alumina layer.

  468. Development of a CO2 solidification method for recycling autoclaved lightweight concrete waste 査読有り

    L Liu, J Ha, T Hashida, S Teramura

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 20 (19) 1791-1794 2001年


    DOI: 10.1023/A:1012591318077  


  469. Guest editorial 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Takeshi Mitsuda

    Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 12 (4) 281 2000年11月1日

    DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(2000)12:4(281)  


  470. A three-dimensional stochastic rock mechanics model of engineered geothermal systems in fractured crystalline rock 査読有り

    Z Jing, J Willis-Richards, K Watanabe, T Hashida

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 105 (B10) 23663-23679 2000年10月


    DOI: 10.1029/2000JB900202  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A three-dimensional (3-D) stochastic network model for simulating a hot dry rack (HDR) or hot wet rock (HWR) engineered geothermal system formed in fractured crystalline rock is presented. The model addresses the problems of fracture network characterization from in situ field data, such as fracture orientation, size, spacing, and other mechanical properties. The model can simulate the changes that occur within the rock mass during stimulation (i.e., large volume fluid injection at pressures sufficient to allow shear slip on natural fractures). It can also be used to simulate steady state circulation of the heat exchange system thus created and includes provision for predicting tracer response curves and heat extraction history. The model has been applied to data gathered during the stimulation and circulation of a 2.2-km-deep HDR reservoir at Hijiori, Japan. The predicted shape of the stimulated and shear-propped fractures closely matched the distribution of seismic source distribution of acoustic emission (AE), regardless of realization of the fracture network, suggesting that the geometry of the stimulated volume can be robustly predicted from knowledge of the fracture population and in situ stresses. However, hydraulic behavior and tracer tests during the circulation could only be satisfactorily simultaneously reproduced by a small subset of realizations. These selected realizations, obtained by matching initial circulation and tracer data, are considered to give the best prospect of satisfactory long-term thermal modeling. The success in simultaneously modeling diverse data (hydraulic, microseismic, and tracer) lends confidence to the thermal predictions. The results indicate that a large improvement in the long-term thermal performance of the Hijiori reservoir could result from increasing well spacing from 100 to 150 m without major degradation of the hydraulic performance.

  471. Development of a multiple linear regression model to estimate the ductile-brittle transition temperature of ferritic low-alloy steels based on the relationship between small punch and Charpy V-notch tests 査読有り

    ML Saucedo-Munoz, T Matsushita, T Hashida, T Shoji, H Takahashi

    JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 28 (5) 352-358 2000年9月




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The transition temperatures of Cr-0.5Mo, Cr-Mo, and Cr-Mo-V steels were determined using the Charpy V-notch (CVN) and the small punch (SP) tests. It was confirmed that there was a linear correlation between the transition temperature of ductile-brittle behavior determined by the Charpy V-notch test and that obtained from the small punch test. However, the estimation of CVN transition temperature by means of this linear equation is not completely reliable because of the large experimental scatter of data. In order to improve the reliability of the transition temperature estimation, a multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis was conducted to evaluate the effect of different variables of the manufacturing process and service conditions. This analysis permitted the determination of the following regression equation: CVNDBTT = 1.35 SPDBTT - 0.84 x 10(3) d(-1/2) + 326. This equation enables one to assess more accurately the transition temperature corresponding to the Charpy V-notch test using that of the small punch test and the austenitic grain size, expressed by d(-1/2).


    Hashida T, Tsuchiya N, Bignall G, Nakatsuka N

    Abstract of iavcei GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2000 283 2000年7月

  473. Development of small punch tests for creep property measurement of tungsten-alloyed 9%Cr ferritic steels 査読有り

    S Komazai, T Hashida, T Shoji, K Suzuki

    JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 28 (4) 249-256 2000年7月


    DOI: 10.1520/JTE12102J  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A small punch creep (SP-C) testing technique using miniaturized specimens has been demonstrated for evaluating creep properties and material deterioration due to thermal aging. This technique has been applied to tungsten-alloyed 9%Cr ferritic steels. Experimental results revealed that the overall shapes of the creep curves obtained from the SP-C tests were qualitatively similar to those obtained from conventional uniaxial creep tests and reflected closely the degradation of creep rupture strength of the materials. A correlation with uniaxial creep was also determined in terms of stress (load) exponent and apparent activation energy for creep deformation. The correlation suggests that the SP-C testing technique may provide a useful tool for evaluating degradation of creep properties for structural components in-service.

  474. Review of Progress Toward the Development of Geothermal Reactor 査読有り

    T. Hashida, K. Nakatsuka

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) 268-273 2000年7月

  475. Numerical Modelling of Water/Rock Chemical Interaction in HDR/HWR Geothermal Reservoirs 査読有り

    Z. Jing, T. Hashida, K. Watanabe

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) 290-293 2000年7月

  476. Water-Rock Interaction in a Flow-Through Experimental System, with Application to the Development of Deep-Seated Geothermal Resources 査読有り

    G. Bignall, N. Tsuchiya, N. Hirano, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) 294-297 2000年7月

  477. Low-Temperature Solidifying Method of Fibrous Composite and Its Application 査読有り

    K. Sato, Y. Ohtani, T. Hashida, T. Shoji, N. Yamasaki

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) 415-418 2000年7月

  478. Measurement of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility in Simulated Underground Water at Depth for the Carbon Dioxide Sequestration 査読有り

    Yuko Suto, Lihiu Liu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) 309-312 2000年7月

  479. New Method for Bonding Hydroxyapatite and Metal by Hydrothermal Hot-pressing 査読有り

    T. Onoki, K. Hosoi, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) 549-552 2000年7月

  480. Waste Treatment Process by Solidifying Cementitious Materials Using Hydrothermal Hot-pressing 査読有り

    Y. Matsumoto, T. Kamakura, N. Yamasaki, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) 215-218 2000年7月

  481. Investigation of Heat Extraction from Supercritical Geothermal Reservoirs 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuo Hayashi, Hiroaki Niitsuma, Koji Matsuki, Noriyoshi Tsuchiya, Katsuto Nakatsuka

    Proc. of World Geothermal Congress 2000, (May 28-June 10, 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan) 3725-3730 2000年

  482. Development of Numerical Simulation Code for Hydraulic Fracturing Using Embedded Crack Element 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of World Geothermal Congress 2000, (May 28-June 10, 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan) 3865-3870 2000年

  483. Numerical Study on Heat Extraction from Supercritical Geothermal Reservoir 査読有り

    Kimio Watanabe, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of World Geothermal Congress 2000, (May 28-June 10, 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan) 3957-3961 2000年

  484. Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Water/Rock Chemical Interactions in Geothermal Reservoir Environment 査読有り

    Yuko Suto, Yuki Yamasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    Proc. of World Geothermal Congress 2000, (May 28-June 10, 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan) 3901-3906 2000年

  485. Laboratory Simulation of Granite-Fluid Interactions up to Supercritical Conditions 査読有り

    Greg Bignall, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of World Geothermal Congress 2000, (May 28-June 10, 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan) 3671-3676 2000年

  486. A Newly Developed Flow-Reactor Autoclave, with pH Measurement System, for Laboratory Simulation of Chemical Interaction Processes 査読有り

    Greg Bignall, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of World Geothermal Congress 2000, (May 28-June 10, 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan) 3665-3670 2000年

  487. New Development of 3-D Stochastic Model for Design of HDR/HWR Geothermal Reservoir System 査読有り

    Ayumu Shimizu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Kimio Watanabe, Jonathan Willis-Richards

    Proc. of World Geothermal Congress 2000, (May 28-June 10, 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan) 3877-3882 2000年

  488. Combined Effects of Temperature Gradient and Oxidation on Thermal Barrier Coating Failure 査読有り

    Y. C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Life Assessment of Hot Section Gas Turbine Components (Proceedings of a Conference Held at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 5-7 October 1999), Edited by R. Townsend et al. 155-172 2000年

  489. The thermal-mechanical coupled failure mechanism of thermal barrier ceramic coating 招待有り 査読有り

    Y. C. Zhou, T. Hashida

    Mechanics 2000 , edited by Y. L. Bai and W. Yang, Meteorological Press 600-601 2000年

  490. Attenuation behaviour of tuffaceous sandstone and granite during microfracturing 査読有り

    AM Wulff, T Hashida, K Watanabe, H Takahashi

    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 139 (2) 395-409 1999年11月


    DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-246X.1999.00943.x  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Laboratory measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation in tuffaceous Sandstone (Kimachi, Japan) and granite (Iidate, Japan) were performed during increasing fracturing of the samples. The fracturing was achieved by unconfined uniaxial compression up to and beyond the point of macrofracture of the specimen using a constant low strain rate. The observed variation of wave velocity (up to 40 per cent) due to the development of micro- and macrofractures in the rock is interpreted by rock models relating velocity changes to damage and crack density. The calculated density of the newly formed cracks reaches higher values for the sandstone than for the granite.:Using the estimated crack densities, the attenuation behaviour is interpreted in terms of different attenuation mechanisms; that is, friction and scattering. Rayleigh scattering as described by the model of Hudson (1981) may explain the attenuation qualitatively if the largest plausible crack dimensions are assumed in modelling.

  491. Stress and rock mechanics issues of relevance to HDR/HWR engineered geothermal systems: review of developments during the past 15 years 査読有り

    KF Evans, FH Cornet, T Hashida, K Hayashi, T Ito, K Matsuki, T Wallroth

    GEOTHERMICS 28 (4-5) 455-474 1999年8月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0375-6505(99)00023-1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports the findings of the Stress and rock mechanics working group of the Academic Review of Hot Dry Rock/Hot Wet Rock (HDR/HWR) Engineered Geothermal Systems convened in Sendai, Japan in 1997. Key developments in the fields of stress and rock mechanics that are relevant to the development of HDR/HWR systems and that have occurred since the last Academic Review in 1982 are described. Rock mechanics is here taken to include basic studies of fluid flow through fractures. Key unresolved issues that are important for HDR/HWR systems are also discussed. (C) 1999 CNR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  492. 鋼板の引張特性におよぼす溶接線の影響 査読有り

    長尾 護, 杵渕雅男, 櫛部淳道, 小川孝寿, 金子洋文, 劉 世程, 橋田俊之

    日本建築学会構造系論文集 517 (517) 17-22 1999年3月


    DOI: 10.3130/aijs.64.17_1  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We investigated the failure types of 50mm thick structural steel plates (SN490) including a weld bead line by conducting tensile tests. The testing temperature, -40℃, was selected in order to simulate the high strain rate. When the weld line made a right angle with the tensile axis, a usual ductile fracture occurred. On the other hand, when a bead line was parallel to the tension axis, brittle fracture occurred. Having a slit in the backing strip in the latter condition, the fracture stress was reduced to a yield strength level. The brittle fracture stress in the slit specimen was estimated by a simple fracture mechanics approach based on the measured fracture toughness K_<IC> (50MPa m^<1/2>), the initial crack size (6.4mm) as determined from SEM observation, and the estimate of residual stress along the weld line.

  493. Relationship Between Fractal Dimension of Multiple Microcracks and Fracture Energy in Rocks 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi, Toru Takahashi

    Geothermal Science and Technology 6 1-23 1999年

  494. Analysis of Long-term Performance of Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy Extraction Systems Based on Fractal Fracture Network Model 査読有り

    Kimio Watanabe, Nobutsugu Chigira, Jonathan Willis-Richards, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi

    Geothermal Science and Technology 6 223-243 1999年

  495. Recycling of Glass and Concrete Wastes by Carbonation Method 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Toshiyuki Murohashi, Kimitoshi Karino, Satoshi Teramura

    Proceedings of the Fouth International Conference on Ecomaterials, (November 10th-12th , 1999, Gifu, Japan) 241-244 1999年

  496. Laboratory Experiment and Numerical Simulations on Formation Process of Supercritical Goethermal Reservoir

    Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of International Workshop on Rock Fracture and Water-Rock Interactions at High Temperatures, (November 9th, 1998, Sendai, Japan) 1-6 1998年11月

  497. A study on fractography in the low-temperature brittle fracture of an 18Cr-18Mn-0.7N austenitic steel 査読有り

    SC Liu, T Hashida, H Takahashi, H Kuwano, Y Hamaguchi




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The fracture mode and crack propagation behavior of brittle fracture at 77 and 4 K in an 18Cr-18Mn-0.7N austenitic stainless steel were investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The fracture path was examined by observing the side surface in a partially ruptured specimen. The relationship of the fracture facets to the microstructures was established by observing the fracture surface and the adjacent side surface simultaneously. Three kinds of fracture facets were identified at either temperature. The first is a smoothly curved intergranular fracture facet with characteristic parallel lines on it. The second is a fairly planar facet formed by parting along an annealing twin boundary, a real {111} plane. There are three sets of parallel lines on the facet and the lines in different sets intersect at 60 deg. The third is a lamellar transgranular fracture facet with sets of parallel steps on it. Fracture propagated by the formation of microcracks on a grain boundary, annealing twin boundary, and coalescence of these cracks. The observation suggests that the ease of crack initiation and propagation along the grain boundary and the annealing twin boundary may be the main reason for the low-temperature brittleness of this steel. A mechanism for grain boundary cracking, including annealing twin boundary parting, has been discussed based on the stress concentration induced by impinging planar deformation structures on the grain boundaries.

  498. New Synthesis Technique for Making Hydroxyapatite Ceramics Using Hydrothermal Hot-Pressing 査読有り

    T. Korenaga, T. Hashida, H. Takahashi, N. Yamasaki, K. Hosoi

    Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu 7 1405-1407 1998年

    DOI: 10.4131/jshpreview.7.1405  

    ISSN:1348-1940 0917-639X

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new synthesis technique for making hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics has been developed using hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method at relatively low temperature below 150¸C. Powder mixture of dibasic calcium phosphate dihydrate and calcium hydroxide with the Ca/P ratio of 1.67 was treated at 150¸C and 40MPa. The resulted solidified body could be identified as HAp by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Moreover we tried to prepare Chitosan-HAp composite for practical utilization of low-temperature-process. Chitosan-HAp composite was improved the tensile strength twice times and over up as compared with plain HAp ceramics. © 1998, The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

  499. 二酸化炭素を用いたスギ材の乾燥技術の開発 査読有り

    河野 敏夫, 篠原 速都, 山崎 仲道, 橋田 俊之, 庄子 哲雄

    ウェイスト・リソース 35 5-13 1997年10月

  500. Development of high strength calcium aluminate-phosphate cement by hydrothermal hot-pressing 査読有り

    K Sato, T Hashida, H Takahashi, N Yamasaki

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 16 (17) 1464-1468 1997年9月

    出版者・発行元:CHAPMAN HALL LTD

    DOI: 10.1023/A:1018546318785  


  501. Development of environmentally-friendly processing methods for cementitious material

    Jechang Ha, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Solvothermal & Hydrothermal Processes, (September 1-3, 1997, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan) 54-55 1997年9月

  502. 水熱ホットプレス法よるアルミナセメント-リン酸塩結合固化体の合成 査読有り

    佐藤和彦, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 山崎仲道

    日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 105 (5) 424-427 1997年5月


    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.105.424  



  503. AE計測に基づく岩石の微視的強度分布評価に関する研究 査読有り

    高橋亨, 佐藤一志, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 63 (609) 908-913 1997年5月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.63.908  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A method for determining microscopic strength distribution in rocks using an acoustic emission (AE) technique is proposed. The principle of the method is based on a statistical model for fracture analysis of quasi-brittle materials which has been developed by McClintock et al. [Int. J. Fract., 15 2 (1979), 107-118]. The statistical model assumes an inhomogeneous strength distribution of the material which is dictated by the fracture probability with Weibull distribution. Firstly, the principle of the statistical method is verfied by performing numerical simulations using a network model. Secondly, the method is applied to experimental results of uniaxial tension tests and AE measurements conducted on granite and marble. It is demonstrated that the numerical and experimental results support the validity of the proposed method for determining the microscopic strength distribution in rocks.

  504. 水熱ホットプレス法を用いた廃コンクリ-ト固化体のスラグ添加による高強度化 査読有り

    佐藤和彦, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 山崎仲道

    日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 105 (3) 262-264 1997年3月


    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.105.262  



  505. Solidification behaviour of calcium carbonate via aragonite-calcite wet transformation with hydrothermal hot pressing 査読有り

    K Hosoi, T Hashida, H Takahashi, N Yamasaki, T Korenaga


    出版者・発行元:CHAPMAN HALL LTD

    DOI: 10.1023/A:1018506714049  


  506. 水熱条件下での木口加圧法による含浸前処理技術(第1報) 査読有り

    篠原 速都, 河野 敏夫, 山崎 仲道, 高橋 秀明, 橋田 俊之, 庄子 哲雄

    木材工業 52 (2) 61-66 1997年2月



  507. Solidification method for phosphate bonded alumina cement by hydrothermal hot-pressing 査読有り

    Kazuhiko Satoh, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 105 (1221) 424-427 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Ceramic Soc of Japan

    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.105.424  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The hydrothermal hot-pressing method is a very useful technique for solidifying various inorganic materials. The authors have tried to apply some cementitious materials to this process. A commercially available alumina cement is used and the effects of addition of sodium phosphate and silica fume are examined to increase the strength of solidified alumina cement. The reaction temperature is 250 °C, and the reaction time is 60 min. The maximum tensile strength of the solidified bodies reached at about 24 MPa when alumina cement is replaced by 2.5 mass% of silica fume and modified with 10 mass% of sodium metaphosphate.

  508. Strengthening of hydrothermal hot-pressed concrete waste by the addition of slag 査読有り

    Kazuhiko Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 105 (1219) 262-264 1997年

    出版者・発行元:Ceramic Soc of Japan

    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.105.262  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper discusses the effect of addition of granulated blast furnace slag on the tensile strength of solidified concrete wastes using a hydrothermal hot-pressing method. Blast furnace slag of 0-100 mass% was added to the concrete waste and NaOH solution was used as alkali-activator. Hydrothermal hot-pressing tests were carried out at 250 °C with the water content of 10-30 mass% under the pressure of 20 MPa. The tensile strength of solidified bodies was determined by Brazilian test. It was shown that the formation of tobermorite and C-S-H compound improved the strength. The tensile strength reached at 13 MPa under, the following conditions slag content: 50 mass%, water content: 20 mass%, NaOH addition: 1.75 mass%.

  509. 木口含浸水熱法による含浸前処理技術 査読有り

    篠原 速都, 河野 敏夫, 山崎 仲道, 橋田 俊之, 庄子 哲雄

    ウェイスト・リソース 35 14-22 1997年

  510. 小型パンチ試験法を用いたオ-ステナイト系ステンレス鋼JN1の溶接部及び熱処理材の極低温破壊評価 査読有り

    権 一賢, 劉 世程, Maribel L. SAUCEDO, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 63 (605) 61-67 1997年1月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.63.61  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Fracture characteristics of a TIG welded joint and heat treated materials of JNI, which is an austenitic stainless steel recently developed for use as a cryogenic structural material, were evaluated by the small punch (SP) testing method using miniaturized specimens at 77K and 4K. The area under the load displacement curve up to the maximum load was defined as the SP energy to evaluate the fracture characteristics of the materials in SP tests. Fracture surfaces were also observed using a scanning clectron microscope. Solution-treated JN1 steel showed ductile fracture behavior with a high SP energy value even at 4K, and serrations were observed in the load displacement curve at 4K, In the weld metal and fusion line specimens of the TIG welded joint, serrations also occured at 4K, but the fusion line specimens showed lower SP energy values than weld metal and solutiontremed JN1 steel at 77K and 4K. In addition, the fusion line specimens showed pop in behavior at 4K, that is, cracks approximately 0.1-1mm long were induced by pop-in in the vicinity of the fusion line at the early stage of loading. JN1 materials heat treated under the conditions of 650°C 5h and 700°C In showed similar fracture characteristics to those of the fusion line specimens at 77 K and 4 K except for the cracks induced by pop-in. With increasing temperature and time of heat treatment, SP energy decreased significantly, and the fracture surface showed a transition from ductile dimple to brittle intergranular cracking. It is shown that the SP testing method is useful for evaluating the fracture behaviors of microscopic regions such as the fusion lines of welds at cryogenic temperatures.

  511. Development of a Cut End Air Pressurization under Hydrothermal Conditions and Penetration Characteristics 査読有り

    Hayato SHINOHRA, Toshio KONO, Nakamichi YAMASAKI, Hideaki TAKAHASHI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Tetsuo SHOJI

    Proc. of The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions,Japan 18-20 1996年12月

  512. Development of a CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Solidification Method for Recycling Concrete Wastes,Materials for the New Millennium 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Satoshi Teramura, J.C. Ha, Hideaki Takahashi

    Proceedings of the Fourth Materials Engineering Conference ,Washington 674-683 1996年11月

  513. Low Temperature Solidification of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> using Hydrothermal Hot-Pressing 査読有り

    Kazuyuki Hosoi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi, Nakamichi Yamasaki, Takashi Korenaga

    Proceedings of the Fourth Materials Engineering Conference ,Washington 694-703 1996年11月

  514. Development of a Solidification Method for Pulverized Concrete Waste by Hydrothermal Hot-pressing and Fiber Reinforcement 査読有り

    Kazuhiko Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    Proceedings of the Fourth Materials Engineering Conference, Washington 684-693 1996年11月

  515. Strengthening and Toughening in Hydrothermal Hot-Pressed CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> Composite 査読有り

    K. Hosoi, T. Korenaga, T. Hashida, H. Takahashi, N. Yamasaki

    Proc. of The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions, (December 18-20, 1996, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan) 85-88 1996年11月

  516. Solidification Method for Calcium Aluminate-Phosphate Cement by Hydrothermal Hot-pressing and Fiber Reinforcement 査読有り

    K. Sato, T. Hashida, H. Takahashi, N.Yamasaki

    Proc. of The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions, (December 18-20, 1996, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan) 89-92 1996年11月

  517. Development of Solvothermal Methods for Recycling Concrete Wastes 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi

    Proc. of The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions, (December 18-20, 1996, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan) 152-155 1996年11月

  518. New processing technique for hydroxyapatite ceramics by the hydrothermal hot-pressing method 査読有り

    K Hosoi, T Hashida, H Takahashi, N Yamasaki, T Korenaga

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 79 (10) 2771-2774 1996年10月

    出版者・発行元:AMER CERAMIC SOC


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new processing technique for preparing hyroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics has been developed using the hydrothermal hot-pressing (HHP) method, powder mixed dibasic calcium phosphate dihydrate and calcium hydroxide mixed with a Ca/P ratio of 1.67 was treated at 150 degrees C and 40 MPa. The HHP method with the selection of the powder enabled the HAp to be solidified at the low temperature, The resulting HAp ceramics had a tensile strength of approximately 10 MPa, Furthermore, the HAp ceramics possessed a lamellar microstructure and high porosity.


    Shi Cheng LIU, Masahiro SAITO, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Hideaki TAKAHASHI

    Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength '96,Korea 813-817 1996年7月

  520. Mechanical Behavior of Ceramics Prepared by Means of Spark Plasma Sintering Method 査読有り

    J.C.Rendon-Angeles, T.Nishikawa, M.Saito, T.Hashida, H.Takahashi

    Proceddings of Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength '96,Korea 693-697 1996年7月

  521. 岩石のき裂進展とAE放出挙動のフラクタル性に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤 一志, 樋村 直人, 橋田 俊之, 高橋 秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 62 (598) 1333-1339 1996年6月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.62.1333  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, the fractal nature of crack propagation in rocks is demonstrated by means of acoustic emission (AE) method. AE behavior is monitored during fracture toughness tests conducted on compact tension specimens of three types of rocks. It is shown that the microcrack fracture process zone proceeds the macroscopic crack extension, resulting in nonlinear fracture behavior. Iidate granite, Tohoku marble and Akiyoshi limestone were used. In Iidate granite, the fracture process zone grows in narrow region. Tohoku marble shows that the fracture process zone consists of distributed microcracks surrounding the marcroscopic crack. In Akiyoshi limestone which is preheat treated, extensive crack branching is observed. The AE behavior is characterized by a fractal dimension b which is the slope of the log-log frequency and AE energy distribution. The trend in variation of b-value is shown to correspond to the crack propagation bahavior. In addition, it is found that the fluctuation of b-value can also be characterized by fractal. This observation implies that the self-similarity lies in the rock fracture process.

  522. Low temperature solidification of calcium carbonate through vaterite-calcite wet transformation 査読有り

    K Hosoi, T Hashida, H Takahashi, N Yamasaki, T Korenaga


    出版者・発行元:CHAPMAN HALL LTD

    DOI: 10.1007/BF00274614  


  523. マルチプルクラックによる短繊維ゾノトライト複合材料の高靭化 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 蔦森正憲, 高橋秀明, 和田千春

    無機マテリアル 3 (262) 203-211 1996年

    DOI: 10.11451/mukimate1994.3.203  

  524. 小型パンチ試験法によるジルコニア/NiCrAlY系プラズマ溶射コ-ティング部材の機械的特性評価 査読有り

    金 淵稙, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 藤井弘二, 金澤 基

    日本溶射協会誌 33 (2) 1-8 1996年



  525. 岩石の微視的強度分布と破壊プロセスゾ-ン形成に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一志, 飛奈督, 樋村直人, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 62 (603) 2547-2552 1996年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.62.2547  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, the growth behavior of fracture process zone in rock is examined from the viewpoint of the microscopic strength distribution. Numerical calculations were performed using a network model in order to analyze the microcracking behavior which is accompanied with the crack extension. CT specimen configuration was used in the network model analysis. The network model is composed of brittle stick elements, and microscopic inhomogeneity is represented by the strength distribution of the stick elements. The calculation results show that the microcracking behavior depends on the microscopic strength distribution. The geometrical characteristic of the fracture process zone is observed to change from a distributed microcrack zone type to a localized zone type, depending on the microscopic strength distribution.

  526. Application of Acoustic Emission Technique for Optimization of Wood Drying Method by Use of Carbon Dioxide 査読有り

    Toshio KONO, Hayato SHINOHARA, Nakamichi YAMASAKI, Hideaki TAKAHASHI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Kinji TAMAKAWA, Tetsuo SHOJI

    Progress in Acoustic Emission VIII,JSNDI 327-332 1996年

  527. Tensile behavior of cement-based composites with random discontinuous steel fibers 査読有り

    VC Li, HC Wu, M Maalej, DK Mishra, T Hashida


    出版者・発行元:AMER CERAMIC SOC

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1996.tb07882.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, the tensile properties of cement-based composites containing random discontinuous steel fibers are reported. Direct tensile tests were performed to study the effects of fiber length (hence fiber aspect ratio)? interfacial bonding, and processing conditions on composite properties. Composite tensile strength and ductility are highlighted and discussed.

  528. Study on Evaluation of the Solidified Granitic Rock by Hydrothermal Hot Press Method and AE Characteristics 査読有り

    Na Eui Gyun, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Korean Journal of Materials Research 6 (3) 145-252 1996年

  529. き裂進展開始破壊靭性を有する花こう岩の引張軟化曲線の決定と破壊評価に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一志, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 62 (603) 2541-2546 1996年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.62.2541  

  530. The Effect of Water/Rock Interaction on the Permeability of HDR Geothermal Reservoir 査読有り

    Z.Jing, J.Willis-Richards, K.Watanabe, T.Hashida

    Proc. of The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions,Japan 169-172 1996年

  531. Hydrothermal solidification of calcium carbonate and strength evaluation of solidified body 査読有り


    Proc. of Workshop on Solvothermal & Hydrothermal Reactions ,Japan 127-130 1996年1月

  532. Hydrothermal Hotpressing for Composites 査読有り

    Hideaki Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. of Workshop on Solvothermal & Hydropthermal Reactions ,Japan 62-66 1996年1月

  533. Effect of fiber volume fraction on the off-crack-plane fracture energy in strain-hardening engineered cementitious composites 査読有り

    M Maalej, T Hashida, VC Li

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 78 (12) 3369-3375 1995年12月


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1995.tb07979.x  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this paper, the results of an experimental study on the effect of fiber volume fraction on the off-crack-plane fracture energy in a strain-hardening engineered cementitious composite (ECC) are presented. Unlike the well-known quasi-brittle behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete, ECC exhibits quasi-ductile response by developing a large damage zone prior to fracture localization. In the damage zone, the material is microcracked but continues to strain-harden locally. The areal dimension of the damage zone has been observed to be on the order of 1000 cm(2) in double cantilever beam specimens. The energy absorption of the off-crack-plane inelastic deformation process has been measured to be more than 50% of the total fracture energy of up to 34 kJ/m(2). This magnitude of fracture energy is the highest ever reported for a fiber cementitious composite.





    DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1995)121:8(903)  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A probabilistic-based micromechanical model has been developed for the postcracking behavior of a brittle matrix reinforced with short, randomly distributed fibers. The model that predicts the composite bridging stress crack-opening displacement (GOD) relationship, accounts for fiber pullout, fiber tensile rupture, and a local frictional effect called snubbing, However, it does not account for fiber bending rupture, and the possible effect of matrix spalling at the exit points of inclined fibers from the matrix. The model assumes a fiber/matrix interface that is controlled by a constant frictional bond stress. The model is used to predict the composite tensile strength and fracture energy. Comparisons of model-predicted bridging stress-GOD relationship with experimental data, where fiber rupture has occurred, show reasonable agreement supporting the validity of the proposed model. The model is then used to perform a parametric study to evaluate the effect of the micromechanical parameters on the composite tensile strength and fracture energy. The study suggests that this model can be used to design the composite for optimum performance.

  535. 水熱ホットプレス法を用いた廃コンクリ-ト固化体のフレッシュセメント添加による高強度化 査読有り

    中根裕司, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 山崎仲道

    日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 103 (5) 511-514 1995年5月


    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.103.511  



  536. Acoustic Emission Study of Process Zone Growth in Granite and Tension-Softening Model 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi

    Rock and Soil Mechanics 19 81-95 1995年

    出版者・発行元:Trans Tech Publications

  537. An Accelerated Testing Method of ZrO2-Based FGM Coating for Gas Turbine Blades 査読有り

    C. Y. Jian, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi, Nobuyuki Shimoda, Masahiro Saito

    Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Structural and Functional Gradient Materials 419-424 1995年



    COMPOSITES ENGINEERING 5 (7) 879-889 1995年



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents results of thermal shock and fatigue tests conducted on ZrO2-based thermal barrier coating systems under the temperature environments for advanced gas turbines. A CO2 laser heating method was employed to heat two types of cylindrical specimens with conventional two-layer coating and functionally graded coating. Acoustic emission (AE) signals and temperatures were monitored to detect the fracture process of the coating systems. The measurements of AE signals and temperatures were correlated with the growth of coating delamination. In order to investigate the effects of heating rate and cooling rate on the coating fracture, four different heating/cooling thermal cycles were used in the thermal shock and fatigue tests. Using the AE and temperature results, the fracture process of the coating systems is examined, and the delamination growth rate during fatigue tests is determined. Based on the results, a suitable thermal cycle is determined for an accelerated testing method of the ZrO2-based coating systems. Finally, usefulness of application of functionally graded coating systems is discussed.

  539. Development of Short-Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites by CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Hardening Method for Recycling Concrete Wastes 査読有り

    J. C. Ha, K. Hojo, T. Hashida, H. Takahashi, S. Teramura

    Proc. 4th Japan International SAMPE Symp. 1413-1418 1995年

  540. Development of Thermal Shock and Fatigue Tests of Ceramic Coatings for Gas Turbine Blades by AE Technique 査読有り

    C. Y. Jian, Tatsuya Shimizu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi, Masahiro Saito

    Journal of Acoustic Emission 13 (3-4) 68-74 1995年

  541. Future Target for Geothermal Development: Fractal Fracture Mechanics and Its Application to Conceptual HDR Design

    H. Takahashi, K. Watanabe, T. Hashida

    Proc. 20th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering 20 167-174 1995年

  542. Development of Thermal Shock and Fatigue Tests of Ceramic Coatings for Gas Turbine Blades by AE Technique

    C. Y. Jian, T. Shimizu, T. Hashida, H. Takahashi, M. Saito

    Proc. of the 12th Int. Acoustic Emission Symposium 12 369-374 1994年10月

  543. Evaluation of Fracture Toughness and Micro-Fracture Mechanism of Porous Glass Composite by Using Acoustic Emission

    H. D. Jeong, Y. G. Kweon, T. Hashida, H. Takahashi, S. Ohmi

    Proc. of the 12th Int. Acoustic Emission Symposium 12 451-456 1994年10月

  544. A Study on Thermal Resistanve Evaluation of FGM by AE Method

    J. Lim, J. Song, H. Takahashi, T. Hashida, K. Fujii, M. Kanazawa

    Proc. of the 12th Int. Acoustic Emission Symposium 12 217-223 1994年10月

  545. Thermal Fracture Evaluation of Foam Glass Panels by Lamp/AE Method

    S. Ohmi, M. Ohgoshi, T. Hashida, H. Takahashi

    Proc. of the 12th Int. Acoustic Emission Symposium 12 277-281 1994年10月

  546. Numerical Analysis of the J-Based Fracture Testing Technique for Brittle Matrix Composites

    K. Sato, T. Hashida, V. C. Li, H. Takahashi

    Proc. Int. Symp. on Brittle Matrix Composites 209-218 1994年9月



    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 77 (6) 1553-1561 1994年6月

    出版者・発行元:AMER CERAMIC SOC

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1994.tb09756.x  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The J-based fracture testing technique is newly extended to experimentally determine the tension-softening (sigma-delta) relations in ceramic-matrix composites. The J-based technique originally proposed for concrete has been well established for quasi-brittle materials where the fracture process is primarily dominated by the formation of a fracture process zone and the contribution of the crack tip toughness is negligibly small. In this study, the J-based technique is further developed to cover a more general case, i.e., a material in which the crack tip stress singularity coexists with the fracture process zone. This is the case, in particular, for modern fiber-reinforced ceramic composites and coarse-grained ceramics. The newly derived testing technique has been applied to foam glass composites reinforced with SiC and stainless steel short fibers. The validity of the deduced tension-softening relations has been examined by microscopy observations and by comparing with other conventional testing methods: the fracture energy method and the R-curve approach. It is suggested that the J-based fracture testing technique can provide reasonable tension-softening relationships and fracture parameters in modern ceramics and ceramic-matrix composites.



    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 29 (10) 2719-2724 1994年5月

    出版者・発行元:CHAPMAN HALL LTD


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A J-based-fracture-testing method is presented for determining the bridging-stress-crack-opening-displacement (sigma-delta) relationship in fibre-reinforced composites where the crack-tip toughness is not negligible. The J-based technique originally proposed for concrete has been well-established for cementitious composites where the fracture process is primarily dominated by the formation of a fracture-process zone and the contribution of the crack-tip toughness is negligibly small. In this study, the J-based technique is further extended to cover materials for which the crack-tip stress singularity coexists with the fracture-process zone. This extended version of the J-based technique explicitly accounts for the crack-tip singularity while considering the fracture-process zone. This newly derived testing technique has been applied to a high-strength-mortar (HSM) reinforced with carbon and steel fibres where the fibre-bridging toughness can be of the same order of magnitude as the crack-tip toughness. The validity of the sigma-delta relationships deduced has been examined by comparing with results obtained from direct uniaxial tension tests. It is suggested that the J-based-fracture-testing technique can provide reasonable sigma-delta relationships and fracture parameters in a fibre-reinforced HSM.

  549. 水熱ホットプレス法によるコンクリ-ト廃材の固化体合成技術の開発と評価に関する研究 査読有り

    中根裕司, 佐藤一志, 高橋秀明, 山崎仲道, 橋田俊之

    セラミック 102 (4) 405-407 1994年4月


    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.102.405  


  550. 熱応力と耐熱衝撃性 査読有り

    高橋秀明, 橋田俊之

    セラミックス 29 (7) 603-610 1994年



    ADVANCED MATERIALS '93, III - A & B 16 (A & B) 1291-1294 1994年




    ADVANCED MATERIALS '93, III - A & B 16 (A & B) 1295-1298 1994年


  553. Numerical Analysis of the J-Based Fracture Testing Technique for Brittle Matrix Composites 査読有り

    Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Victor C. Li, Hideaki Takahashi

    Proc. Int. Symp. on Brittle Matrix Composites, Edited by A.M. Brandt, V.C. Li and I.H. Marshall, (Warsaw, September 13-15, 1994) 209-218 1994年



    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 12 (12) 898-901 1993年6月

    出版者・発行元:CHAPMAN HALL LTD

    DOI: 10.1007/BF00455611  




    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE 59 (3) 227-244 1993年2月


    DOI: 10.1007/BF02555185  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The use of the tension-softening model for analyzing fracture processes of rock is examined with special reference to the effect of confining pressure on the fracture extension. Tension-softening curves are measured by means of the J-based technique from unconfined tests performed on compact tension (CT) specimens of granite. On the basis of the determined tension-softening relation, numerical analyses are executed using a boundary element method (BEM) to simulate fracture of the granite under confining pressures. Numerical results are compared to the experimental results of two series of tests for which CT specimens and thick-walled cylindrical specimens were loaded to failure under confining pressures ranging from 0 to 26.5 MPa. It is shown that the BEM analyses can predict the observed fracture behavior. Based on the results, it is demonstrated that the tension-softening relation provides a suitable model to analyze the fracture process in the rock. The source mechanism for the pressure sensitive fracture is discussed by examining the growth of the fracture process zone.





    DOI: 10.1016/0148-9062(93)90176-E  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Recently, a pair of ''Suggested Methods for determining the fracture toughness of rock '' have been proposed by the ISRM. The fracture testing methods specify two chevron-notched specimens, the chevron bend (CB) and the short rod (SR). In this study, fracture toughness tests according to the Suggested Testing Methods were conducted on CB and SR specimens of a granite. In addition to these specimens, straight-notched core specimens with three different geometries were tested, using the J-integral approach combined with an acoustic emission technique to determine the fracture toughness. Results from the two testing methods were compared with special reference to specimen geometry compatibility. The fracture toughness determined hy the ISRM Suggested Methods showed a specimen geometry effect, and a possible reason for this result was discussed. In contrast, it was shown that the J-integral/AE method as applied to the straight-notched specimens provides a suitable evaluation procedure for core -based fracture toughness testing of rock.





    DOI: 10.1016/0148-9062(93)90175-D  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes results of experimental research in which the fracture toughness of a granite is determined by means of the J-integral approach and an acoustic-emission (AE) technique. Compact tension specimens and three-point bend specimens of various sizes were tested, and the effects of specimen size and loading condition on the fracture toughness were examined. Concurrently with the fracture toughness tests, AE monitoring was conducted, and the relation between the AE characteristics and fracture behavior was examined. Energy measurements of AE signals and frequency spectral analyses were made to characterize the AE signals. The AE measurements were used to determine a fracture toughness evaluation point and to obtain the critical J-integral value, denoted by J(iAE). It is demonstrated that the J(iAE) value is reasonably constant for a wide range of specimen sizes and specimen types. Based on the result, the fracture toughness of the granite K(Ic) was then computed from the J(iAE) Value using the conversion equation under the assumption of linear elastic response. A comparison of linear elastic fracture toughness values with K(Ic) showed that the J-integral approach combined with the AE technique can be applied to determine a valid fracture toughness of the granite. Finally, a reason for the specimen size dependency observed in the linear elastic toughness value is discussed on the basis of the experimental results.








    出版者・発行元:A A BALKEMA

  560. Significance of Crack Opening Monitoring for Determining the Growth Behavior of Hydrofractures

    T. Hashida, K. Sato, H. Takahashi

    Proc. of Eighteenth Workshop Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, (Stanford, Jan. 26-28, 1993) 79-84 1993年1月



    JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 20 (5) 336-342 1992年9月



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The small punch fracture stress sigma(f(SP)) and fracture toughness K(Ic) of embrittled turbine rotor steels have been evaluated at temperatures corresponding to the lower shelf regime. The lower bound values of sigma(f(SP)), determined by statistically analyzing the data, are found to be relatively independent of test temperature range from - 196 to - 170-degrees-C for rotor M steel and from - 196 to - 150-degrees-C for rotor T steel. The relationship of sigma(f(SP)) to fractographic features was also investigated. The lower bound values of sigma(f(SP)) were found to be comparable with values of the microscopic fracture stress sigma(f)*. This result indicates that small punch tests might be used successfully to measure sigma(f)* of materials at lower shelf temperatures.

  562. 水圧破砕き裂開口変位計測とき裂進展挙動に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一志, 五十嵐_崇, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 58 (552) 1519-1523 1992年8月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.58.1519  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The measurement of the crack opening displacement during a hydraulic fracturing test is examined to estimate the crack propagation behavior. Hydraulic fracturing tests in granite were carried out under no confining pressure in the laboratory. During the test, the borehole deformation was measured by the clip-gauge-type sensor installed on the center of the injection unit. Three sensors were used to measure the deformation of three different orientations aroulld a borehole at the same time. The pressure-displacement curve indicates the proportional relation initially, and abrupt increase in the deformation is observed at the breakdown. The elastic modulus is estimated from the initial tangent of the pressure-displacement curve. The crack opening displacement, when the fluid pressure starts to act to the fracture surface, is determined from the deformation behavior. The results of the measurements of the displacements in different orientations around the borehole indicate the direction of the crack propagation induced by the hydraulic pressure. Finally, using the measured crack opening displacement, the final crack size is estimated approximately based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics.

  563. 小型パンチ試験におけるタ-ビンロ-タ-鋼の延性-脆性遷移挙動に及ぼす変形速度効果 査読有り

    周_永漢, 下村慶一, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    鉄と鋼 78 (3) 485-492 1992年3月


    DOI: 10.2355/tetsutohagane1955.78.3_485  


  564. 水圧破砕時の圧力-時間曲線とき裂の開口・進展挙動に関する研究 査読有り

    小島隆, 中川康彦, 松木浩二, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会誌 14 (3) 237-251 1992年

    DOI: 10.11367/grsj1979.14.237  

    ISSN:1883-5775 0388-6735

  565. Does the process zone control crack growth? 査読有り

    H. Ab⃩, M. Saka, S. Ohba, T. Hashida

    Applied Mechanics Reviews 45 (8) 367-376 1992年

    DOI: 10.1115/1.3119765  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Fracture toughness tests were carried out by using small compact tension specimens of Westerly granite. Relation between the load-line displacement and the initial crack-tip separation changed from linear to nonlinear and then to linear again with increasing loading. The onset of the main crack growth was found to occur in a loading level at which the relation was nonlinear. This result disclosed that the onset of main crack growth in granite occurred without experience of the complete area under the tension-softening curve. The critical value of the initial crack-tip separation for onset of the main crack growth was obtained independently of the initial notch length. Also monitoring of the growth of the fracture process zone by ultrasonic technique showed that its length related with the crack-tip separation independently of the initial notch length. By combining the results just mentioned, it was concluded that the fracture process zone controlled the onset of the main crack growth. © 1992 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  566. Optimization of Discontinuous Fiber Composites 査読有り

    V. C. Li, M. Maalej, T. Hashida

    Proc. of the Ninth Engineering Mechanics Conference,eds. by L.D.Lutes and J.Niedzwecki,America Society of Civil Engineers 1000-1003 1992年





  568. ガスタ-ビン翼用耐熱セラミックコ-ティングのレ-ザ熱衝撃/疲労評価法の開発 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 石川幹, 戸邊務, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 58 (545) 15-19 1992年1月

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.58.15  






    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A dynamic small punch test technique is demonstrated for measuring the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of aged Cr-Mo-V turbine rotor steels. Based on fracture energy measurements and fracture surface observations it is shown that the dynamic small punch test specimens exhibit a clear ductile-brittle transition behavior. The DBTT can be determined reliably by statistically analyzing the scatter in the fracture energy data and by defining the fracture appearance transition temperature. The measured values of DBTT are compared with those obtained from Charpy impact tests.

  570. 動的小型パンチ試験法の開発と延性-脆性遷移温度の予測 査読有り

    時津 和博, 周 永漢, 根井 敏明, 下村 慶一, 橋田 俊之, 高橋 秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 57 (544) 2911-2915 1991年12月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.57.2911  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A dynamic small punch (DSP) tester has been developed. DSP specimens are dynamically loaded by hitting an input bar through a striker bar which is accelerated by an air gun. The maximum speed of the striker bar is 13 m/s. Load and deflection are measured with two foil strain gages attached to the input bar and the deflection sensor, respectively. The fracture energy of the DSP test is determined from the total area under the load versus deflection curve up to the maximum load point. The ductile-brittle transition behavior of turbine rotor steels has been investigated by means of the DSP tester. The ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) is determined on he basis of the variation of the DSP energy with testing temperatures. SEM observations of fractured surfaced have shown that the fracture mode transition and the DSP energy transition are consistent. The effect of strain rate on the DBTT is also examined. Based on these results, the relationship between the DBTT obtained from the DSP tests and that from the Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact tests is discussed as a function of strain rate.

  571. レ-ザ加熱法によるガスタ-ビン動翼ジルコニアコ-ティングの耐熱衝撃評価 査読有り

    石川幹, 戸邊務, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    溶射 28 (4) 1-6 1991年12月

  572. ISRM法による岩石の破壊靭性自動評価システムの開発 査読有り

    多田 周二, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 57 (542) 2373-2377 1991年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.57.2373  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A computer-aided analyzing methed was developed for determining the fracture toughness of rock by means of ISRM methods. Fracture toughness tests were conducted on Westerly granite using the short-rod (SR) specimens, and the results were evaluated, utilizing the program. A comparison indicated that the fracture toughness value determined by the computer-aided system agrees well with that obtained from handwork. Based on the crack growth resistance curve, the fracture toughness considering its nonlinearity was successfully determined.

  573. 傾斜機能材料の組成分布の熱応力緩和特性に及ぼす影響 査読有り

    加藤真一郎, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 57 (542) 2427-2431 1991年10月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.57.2427  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents some results of transient heat-transfer and thermal-stress analyses of functionally gradient materials (FGMs) subject to rapid heating. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of changing compositional distribution profiles in FGMs on the transient thermal stresses. Finite-element analysis are conducted on FGMs which posess different compositional gradients with varying mixture ratios of ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> and NiCrAIY deposited on a copper substrfte. The thermal boundary conditions used for the analysis simulate the thermal load encountered in the thrust chamber of a rocket engine. A two-dimensional, axisymmetric model is used for the numerical computations, where the outer ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> surface is subject to a heat flux and the inner copper surface temperature is kept at 0°C. It is shown that the hoop and axial stress in the FGMs are compressive, and the maximum tensile stress is the radial direction is induced at the interface between the coating layer and substrate, regardless of the different compositional profiles. It is further demonstrated that the gradient composition cas mitigate both the in-plane compressive stresses and interfacial radial tensile stress which are responsible for the cracking and delamination of the coating layers.

  574. Development of Dynamic Small Punch Tests for Evaluating Material Degradation of Structural Steels 査読有り

    Yeong-han Joo, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi

    SMiRT 11 Transactions, Tokyo, Japan (G) 119-124 1991年8月

  575. 傾斜機能材料開発のための小型パンチ試験法に関する研究 査読有り

    奥田 誠一, 斎藤 雅弘, 橋田 俊之, 高橋 秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 57 (536) 940-945 1991年4月

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.57.940  

  576. 引張軟化モデルに基づく花こう岩の封圧依存破壊挙動の数値シミュレ-ションと実験的検証 査読有り

    荻窪裕樹, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 高橋秀明

    資源と素材 4 (107) 195-200 1991年4月

    DOI: 10.2473/shigentosozai.107.195  



    FRACTURE AND STRENGTH 90 51-2 477-482 1991年


  578. 傾斜機能材料の評価 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本複合材料学会誌 17 (3) 89-97 1991年


    DOI: 10.6089/jscm.17.89  




    FRACTURE AND STRENGTH 90 51-2 477-482 1991年




    CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 20 (5) 687-701 1990年9月


    DOI: 10.1016/0008-8846(90)90003-G  


  581. プラズマ溶射耐熱コ-ティング材料のレ-ザ法による熱衝撃破壊評価 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 若菜健司, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 56 (529) 1952-1956 1990年9月

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.1952  

  582. レ-ザ-局所加熱試験による傾斜機能材料の熱衝撃破壊及び熱応力緩和特性評価に関する研究 査読有り

    宮脇和彦, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    粉体および粉末冶金 37 (7) 957-961 1990年9月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.37.957  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents some results of transient thermal transfer and thermal stress analyses of thermal barrier coatings subject to rapid heating. The objective of this study is to develop a laser heating test for evaluating the thermal shock resistance of functionally gradient materials (FGMs). The numerical calculations are conducted on plasma-sprayed single-layer ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> (stabilized with 8% Y<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>), and FGM which consists of multilayer with varying mixture ratios of ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> and NiCrAIY deposited on a stainless steel substrate. The thermal barrier coatings with temperature dependent thermal and mechanical properties are heated by laser impingement. The transient thermal stress distribution is determined based on temperature profile using a finite element method. The intensity distribution within laser beam is taken into account. Based on the numerical results, the effect of the gradient composition in the FGM on the thermal shock resistance is examined. It is shown that the numerical analysis can provide a quantitative description of the enhanced thermal shock resistance of the FGM.

  583. AE法による高温環境化での炭化ケイ素の破壊特性評価に関する研究 査読有り

    斎藤雅弘, 高橋秀明, 橋田俊之, 佐々木真, 平井敏雄

    粉体および粉末冶金 37 (7) 951-956 1990年9月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.37.951  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Modified Small Punch(MSP) Test using Acoustic Emission (AE) technique was examined on silicon carbide (SiC), pre-paring by sintering or chemical vapor deposition (CVD), from room temperature to very high tenperatures. MSP testing method based on miniaturized test technique was developed to evaluate the each fracture property from once a test, and is effective especially for the material evaluation at the initial developed stage on new materials such as Functionally Gradient Materials (FGMs). From these results, the change of mechanical properties with the difference of crystal structure and fabrication method on ceramics was examined. Furthermore, micro fracture process for ceramics at high temperature environment was evaluated by AE data and the cause for the strength degradation of ceramics at very high tertperatures was also discussed. The proposed simultaneous use of MSP test and AE method could provide a great deal of the useful information on the microscopic fracture mechanism in siticon carbide ceramics at very high temperatures.

  584. 花こう岩の水圧破砕き裂発生クライテリオンに関する研究 査読有り


    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 56 (528) 1730-1735 1990年8月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.1730  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Laboratory hydraulic fracturing experiments were conducted on uniaxially loaded cubic specimens of anisotropic granite to investigate the effect of anisotropy on the hydraulic fracture, and to exploit a method for predicting the breakdown pressure based on uniaxial tensile strength. Based on uniaxial tensile strength data, the results of the hydraulic fracturing experiments were analyzed with respect to the fracture angle and breakdown pressure. It was shown that the concept of a critical tensile stress at a characteristic distance, modified to account for the anisotropy of tensile strength, was able to explain the observed extension behaviours of hydraulic fractures.






    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A national project for the development of functionally gradient materials (FGMs), which is directed toward exploiting basic technologies required for the development of super-heat-resistant materials capable of space plane applications, is in progress. The FGM is a new composite material whose composition and microstructure vary continuously from place to place in ways designed to provide it with the maximum function of mitigating the induced thermal stress. The research activities of the program are divided among three groups: the Material Design Group, Material Synthesis Group, and Material Evaluation Group. This paper presents an overview of the current status of the FGM program with special focus on the research activities in the Material Evaluation Group. In order to provide material design data and evaluate the mechanical and thermal barrier functions of FGMs supplied from the Material Synthesis Group, the following testing methods are being developed: (1) small punch test, (2) laser heating thermal shock test, (3) thermal shielding performance test. Brief descriptions for these testing procedures and the experimental results obtained to date are given. Finally, the significance of the standardization of the testing procedures and the establishment of a material property data base are discussed for the interdisciplinary interaction among the three research groups.

  586. 花崗岩のひずみ軟化則の測定と破壊靭性評価に関する研究 査読有り

    佐藤一志, 粟山仁, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 56 (526) 1400-1405 1990年6月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.1400  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The J-integral-based technique for measuring strain-softening curves is applied to determine the fracture toughness of granite. The measuring method has been recently proposed by Li for concrete. This method provides information on the fracture process zone formation and can be used for fracture toughness determination in strain-softening materials. CT specimens of three different sizes, 1.5inch, 2.5inch and 6inch CT were tested to examine the specimen size effect of measured strain-softening curves. Strain-softening curves measured on 2.5inch CT specimens are shown to be in good agreement with that determined from 6 inch CT specimens, indicating the possibility of determining the valid fracture toughness value by means of the J-integral-based technique. The test results for 1.5inch CT specimens, however, yield a lower fracture toughness value than that obtained on the other specimen sizes, suggesting the need of detailed investigations on specimen size requirements for the reliable use of subsized specimens. Finally, the strain-softening curves obtained by the J-based technique are compared with existing data determined by uniaxial tensile tests on several types of granite.

  587. 花崗岩の引張軟化モデルに基づく破壊挙動の数値シミュレ-ション 査読有り

    佐藤一志, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 56 (525) 1183-1188 1990年5月


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.1183  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Applicability of the tension-softening model to characterize the fracture behavior of rock is examined. Tension-softening-curve measurements were made on three kinds of granite by employing Li's proposed J-integral-based technique, where the specimen-size effect on measured tension-softening curves was examined by testing CT specimens of several sizes (1.5inch∼6inchCT). The J-based measuring method is shown to be able to determine the size-independent tension-softening curve by use of laboratory-sized fracture-toughness specimens, providing that the specimen satisfies a minimum size requirement. A series of analyses of fracture-toughness tests on the granites are performed using the tension-softening law determined above, where the boundary-element method is used to simulate the overall fracture behaviors and fracture process zone growth. It is demonstrated that the load-displacement curves simulated for various sized CT and three-point bend specimens compare well with the experimental results, indicating the usefulness of the tension-softening model. These calculations are also used to propose a minimum size requirement for determining a valid tension-softening curve.

  588. 傾斜機能材料の破壊強度評価-熱応力緩和のための傾斜機能材料開発に関連して 査読有り

    高橋秀明, 橋田俊之

    材料科学 2 (27) 68-74 1990年

  589. 傾斜機能材料開発のための小型パンチ試験法に関する研究 査読有り

    奥田誠一, 斉藤雅弘, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 57 (536) 940-945 1990年

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.57.940  

  590. 超音波法による花こう岩の破壊プロセスゾ-ンのモニタリングと破壊靭性評価に関する研究 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 上田剛, 伊達和博, 高橋秀明, 阿部博之

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 56 (525) 1177-1182 1990年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.56.1177  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A microcracking fracture process zone is known to accompany tensile macrocrack propagation in rocks. The fracture process zone with nonnegligible length is suggested to be largely responsible for the dependence of fracture mechanics data on the specimen size and geometry. In this paper, an ultrasonic timing method is employed to detect the extent of the fracture process zone (FPZ) during fracture toughness tests of granite, where the travel time of longitudinal waves propagating through fractures is monitored using 500-kHz transducers with commercially available equipment. It is demonstrated that the travel time technique can locate the tip of the FPZ continuously during fracture experiments. The growth behavior of the FPZ observed by the ultrasonic method is shown to agree with the previously published results of numerical analysis that is based on the tension-softening model. Finally, a method is developed for determining the critical J-integral value, J<SUB>C</SUB> on the basis of the length of the FPZ, and the measured J<SUB>c</SUB> values are compared with those obtained by Li's proposed multiple-specimen technique. It is shown that the present method permits a valid fracture-toughness value to be evaluated by use of a single fracture specimen.

  591. CVD・SiC-C傾斜機能材料の合成と耐熱衝撃性 査読有り

    佐々木真, Yucong Wang, 大久保昭, 平井敏雄, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    粉体および粉末冶金 37 (2) 271-274 1990年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.37.271  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Thermal stress calculated in SiC/C⋅FGM was considerably smaller than that of SiC monolith. The preparation of SiC/C⋅FGM, having the graded concentration predicted from the calculation, was tried by using CVD technique under the following conditions; a SiCl<SUB>4</SUB>-CH<SUB>4</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB> system, a deposition temperature of 1773K, total gas pressure of 1.3kPa. The film(thickness of 0.4mm) having a compositional gradient from C to SiC was obtained on a graphite substrate by changing the Si/C ratio in the gas phase during the deposition. Many small pores were observed in the range of 40-60 mol%C. SiC/C⋅FGM was not broken under cyclic high temperature heat flow conditions (heat flux=0.7MW⋅m<SUP>-2</SUP>), but SiC monolith was broken under the same conditions.

  592. 傾斜機能材料の耐熱衝撃特性評価に関する研究 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 宮脇和彦

    粉体および粉末冶金 37 (2) 307-312 1990年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.37.307  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper presents some results of laser heating thermal shock tests performed on plasmasprayed thermal barrier coatings. The coatings tested were single-layer ZrO<SUB>2</SUB> (stabilized with 8% Y<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>), and Functionally Gradient Materials (FGMs) which consisted of multi-layer with varying mixture ratios of Zr<SUB>O2</SUB> and Ni-based superalloy (NiCrAlY). FGMs are recently proposed coating materials which are aimed at mitigating thermally induced stresses in the coating. A CO<SUB>2</SUB> laser was used for the thermal shock tests, where a laser beam with a preset spot size, duration and intensity was irradiated onto the coating surfaces. Concurrently with the laser experiments acoustic-emission (AE) monitoring was made to defect the onset of the thermal shock fracture. In order to evaluate the stress state of coatings induced by the laser heating and to discuss the fracture process, numerical computations of transient thermal stresses was made using the finite element method. Based on the results, critical laser power density at the onset of coating failure was defined in order to characterize the thermal shock resistance of the coatings. It was shown that the critical power density of the FGMs is significantly higher than that of the single-layer coating, indicating the effectiveness of the FGMs to reduce the thermal expansion mismatch stress.

  593. Standardization Program for Fracture Evaluation of Functionally Gradient Material (FGM) of Very High Temperature Application 査読有り

    Hideaki Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Masayuki Niino

    Proc. ESA Symp. on Space Applications on Advanced Structural Materials, Noordwijk 331-337 1990年





  595. Laser/AE Technique for Evaluating the Thermal Shock Resistance of Functionally Gradient Materials 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi

    Proc. of the 10th International Acoustic Emission Symposium, Sendai 66-74 1990年

  596. Laser Irradiation Thermal Shock and Thermal Fatigue Test Procedure 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Hideaki Takahashi

    Proc. of the First International Symposium on Functionally Gradient Materials, Sendai 365-373 1990年

  597. CVD法により作成したSiC/C傾斜機能材料の耐熱衝撃性 査読有り

    佐々木真, 平井敏雄, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    粉体および粉末冶金 37 (7) 966-967 1990年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

    DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.37.966  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Deposits having a compositional distribution from C to SiC were fabricated on a graphite substrate by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The thickness of the SiC/C FGM are 0.8 mm and 1.8 mm. Under local heat con-ditions (heat flux, 5.8 MWm<SUP>-2</SUP>), SiC Non FGM(NFGM) suffered cracking under the same conditions and vertical cracking was observed out of heating zone. SiC/C functionally gradient material (FGM) did not suffer cracking and was shown to be superior in thermal shock resistance. The cracking was considered to be due to the hoop tensile stress generated on un-heated surface of the specimen.





  599. Characterization of crack-tip strain singularity in brittle-microcracking materials by means of the photoelastic-coating method 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida

    Experimental Mechanics 29 (3) 307-311 1989年9月

    出版者・発行元:Kluwer Academic Publishers

    DOI: 10.1007/BF02321413  

    ISSN:0014-4851 1741-2765

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The strain fields ahead of crack tips in rock, mortar, and graphite were measured using a photoelastic coating method. A transparent ferroelectric ceramic was used as a coating material to observe the photoelastic fringe pattern. A coating plate of 110-150 μm thick was placed on single-edge-notch specimens, and photoelasticity experiments were conducted in three-point bending under a polarizing microscope. The results show that the principal-strain difference ahead of the crack tip is given by {Mathematical expression} where σult is the ultimate tensile strength, r is the distance from the crack tip, and 9e{open}o and m are material constants. Based on this observation, the use of the JIc concept in determining the fracture toughness of brittle-microcracking materials is discussed. © 1989 Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.

  600. 花こう岩の高温高圧水中応力腐食割れ挙動と時間依存型き裂進展抵抗 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 平野明彦, 庄子哲雄, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A) 55 (#N512) 837-842 1989年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.55.837  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the development of design and control methodolgy for hot, dry rock (HDR) geothermal reservoir cracks, a full understanding of the environmentally assisted cracking behaviors of rock under the reservoir conditions is a prerequisite. In this stdy, the significance of time-dependent material degradation is demonstrated, which is induced by the water-rock interactions. In a 350°C, 18 MPa water environment, pre-immersion of 2 inch CT specimens of granite is given for different periods using an autoclave, after which the ultrasonic wave velocity measurements and fracture toughness tests are performed. The results show that the hydrothermal environment causes the time-dependent material degradation throughout the specimens tested, and that the crack propagation resistance of the granite is also time-dependent and decreases with increasing immersion time. Based on the experimental results, an immersion time-dependent crack growth model is proposed and applied to simulate the stress corrosion cracking test which has been conducted in the 350°C, 18 MPa water. It is shown that the proposed model allows us to predict the stress corrosion cracking behaviors under the pressurized high-temperature water environments.

  601. AE法を併用したISRMコア試験法による高温ガス炉用黒鉛の破壊靭性の評価 査読有り

    奥_達雄, 石山新太郎, 高橋秀明, 深沢孝幸, 橋田俊之

    炭素 1989 (#N139) 175-181 1989年


    DOI: 10.7209/tanso.1989.175  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The fracture toughness test together with the acoustic emission method (AE) was conducted on a fine-grained isotropic graphite (IG-11) and a coarse-grained near isotropic graphite (PGX) for the core components of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors. Three different kinds of specimens were used: a cylindrical three point bending, a short rod and a round compact tension specimens.<BR>These cylindrical specimens were proposed as the standard fracture toughness test method at the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM).<BR>We have used the J-integral as a parameter of the fracture mechanics, taking into consideration non-linearity of deformation observed in the graphites used here. The J-integral value (J<SUB>iAE</SUB>) which was evaluated by AE method was constant independent of specimen shapes. On the basis of the results, the fracture toughness values K<SUB>IC</SUB> of the graphites were evaluated: 1.04 MPa√m for IG-11 and 0.77 MPa√m for PGX . In addition, the effect of specimen size on the J<SUB>iAE</SUB> values was examined.

  602. Observation of Crack Tip Strain Field in Quasi- Brittle Materials by Means of Photoelastic Coating Method 査読有り

    T. Hashida

    Proc. or MRS Int. Meeting on Advanced Materials, eds. by M.Doyama, S.Somiya and R.P.Chang 5 443-448 1989年

  603. Studies on Crack Propagation Resistance of Rocks Based on Hydrofrac Data of Large Specimens 査読有り

    H. Abé, K. Hayashi, T. Hashida

    Proceedings of the SEM/RILEM Int. Conf. on Fracture of Concrete and Rock, Houston, June 1987, Springer, eds. S.P. Shah and S.E. Swaltz 354-361 1989年

  604. Tension-Softening Curve Measurements for Fracture Toughness Determination in Granite 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. International Workshop on Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy-Test Methods for Concrete and Rock, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam 47-55 1989年

  605. Studies on Crack Propagation Resistance of Rocks Based on Hydrofrac Data of Large Specimens 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Abé, Kazuo Hayashi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proc. SEM/RILEM Int. Conf. on Fracture of Concrete and Rock, Houston, June 1987, Springer, eds. S.P.Shah and S.E.Swaltz 354-361 1989年

  606. コ-クスの引張試験法の開発 査読有り

    深井潤, 橋田俊之, 鈴木和哉, 三浦隆利, 大谷茂盛

    鉄と鋼 74 (11) 2209-2211 1988年11月



  607. 光弾性皮膜法による脆性材料のき裂端プロセスゾ-ンの観察と非線形破壊力学. 査読有り

    深沢 孝幸, 橋田 俊之, 高橋 秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 54 (504) 1553-1558 1988年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.54.1553  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Granite, grahite and mortar are typical brittle materials. Recently, for evaluating the strength of these materials, a study based on fracture mechanics has been suggested. In general a microcrack process zone at the rack tip of brittle materials is created, which may determine the fracture process. So using the photoelastic coating method with a PLZT (transparent dielectric ceramics) plate (100-200 μm thickness), the strain field at the crack tip was directly measured. As a result, it was found that the strain field did not show the singularity of γ<SUP>-1/2</SUP>, (γ=a distance from crack tip), as the strain field of linear elastic materials. When the strain distributions are normalized by J integral and the tensile stress σ<SUB>ult</SUB>, they were expressed by a form of Δε=Δε<SUB>0</SUB>((J/ σ<SUB>ult</SUB>)/γ)<SUP>m</SUP> : thus it is found that the strain field within the process zone can be described by the J integral, where Δε and m are material constants, and m is near 1. The strain field at the crack tip of the brittle materials is proportional to approximately γ<SUP>-1</SUP>. The extension of the process zone, denoted by ω, is closely related to the J integral. The relationship between ω and the J integral can be expressed as a bilinear line. It is shown that the J integral at the knee point is equal to the critical J integral, value determined by AE technique. Thus the J integral can be an important parameter to evaluate the fracture behavior of brittle materials.

  608. 花こう岩の混合モ-ドき裂進展挙動に及ぼす異方性の影響 査読有り

    村田裕之, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 53 (489) 894-898 1987年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.53.894  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes an experimental investigation of the effect anisotropy on mixed mode crack propagation in granite by the use of asymmetric three-point bend specimens. Acoustic emission techniques were employed during the fracture tests to detect the onset of kinked crack extension. In order to characterize the fracture strength anisotropy, uniaxial tension tests and Brazilian tests were conducted, and fracture strength was measured as a function of direction with respect to the anisotropy. Based on the fracture strength data, the results of the mixed mode fracture tests were analyzed with regard to the fracture angle by means of linear elastic fracture mechanics. It is shown that the concept of a critical tensile stress at a characteristic distance, modified to account for the anisotropy of fracture strength, can explain the observed extension behaviors mixed mode cracks.

  609. 脆性材料の小形試験片による破壊靭性評価法 査読有り

    深沢孝幸, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 53 (493) 1786-1792 1987年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.53.1786  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Recently, core based specimens have been proposed for standard fracture toughness testing rock, in a draft of the testing standard of the International society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), which recommends two chevron-notched specimens. In this study, fracture toughness tests, according to the recommended testing procedure, were conducted on chevron-notched core based specimens of granite. In addition to these specimens, straight-notched core specimens with three different geometries were also tested, where the J-integral approach and AE technique were used to determine fracture toughness and the effect of specimen geometry on fracture toughness was examined. As a result it was found that the ISRM test method yields inconsistent fracture toughness values depending on the specimen geometry. Finally it was shown that the J-integral/AE method as applied to straight-notched specimens provides a suitable evaluation procedure for the fracture toughness testing of rock. Furthermore, the test method developed in this study was applied to other brittle materials which were nuclear grade graphites and mortar.

  610. AE法を併用したブレイクオフ法によるコンクレ-トの破壊評価法. 査読有り

    福川 義明, 小林 信一, 高橋 秀明, 橋田 俊之

    セメント技術年報 41 339-342 1987年

  611. Fracture Toughness Determination of Concrete and Reactor Surveillance by Use of Breakoff Tester and Acoustic Emission Technique. 査読有り

    T. Hashida, H. Takahashi

    Trans. the 9th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology,ed.F.H. Wittmann 187-192 1987年

  612. エポキシ樹脂を用いた地下き裂進展挙動のシミュレ-ション 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 村松正浩

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 52 (480) 1906-1912 1986年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.52.1906  


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    The extension behaviour of a hydraulically induced crack under the simplified conditions of tectonic stresses was simulated experimentally by use of brittle epoxy specimens with boreholes. The results were described by means of linear elastic fracture mechanics, where a criterion for the onset of crack extension is a critical tensile stress at a characteristic distance deduced from the experimental results. Based upon the criterion with a maximum stress criterion for fracture angles, a predictive procedure for breakdown pressure and fracture angles during hydraulic fracturing was proposed.






  614. AE法による花こう岩の三点曲げ破壊じん性試験法の提案 査読有り

    高橋 秀明, 橋田 俊之, 玉川 欣治, 湯田 周二, 鈴木 正彦

    日本鉱業会誌 100 (1151) 17-21 1984年


    DOI: 10.2473/shigentosozai1953.100.1151_17  


  615. 小形破壊じん性試験片による延性破壊抵抗の評価 査読有り

    橋田俊之, 坂 真澄, 安斎英哉, 庄子哲雄, 高橋秀明

    日本機械学会論文集(A編) 48 (433) 1111-1119 1982年


    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.48.1111  


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  616. Determination of Fracture Toughness of Granitic Rock by Means of AE Technique. 査読有り

    T. Hashida, S. Yuda, K. Tamakawa, H. Takahashi

    Proc. 6th International Acoustic Emission Symposium, the Japanese Society for Non- Destructive Inspection. 78-89 1982年

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

MISC 144

  1. 水潤滑環境下におけるCNT/アルミナ複合材料の摩擦摩耗特性に及ぼすCNT表面修飾の影響に関する研究 査読有り

    白須 圭一, 宮浦 拓人, 山本 剛, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会第26回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会(M&P2018)講演論文集 2018年11月

  2. Effect of crystallinity on axial thermal expansion coefficient of carbon nanotubes: Experimental and simulation studies 査読有り

    Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Proceedings of the 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing 2018年

  3. 147 リチウムイオン二次電池用負極材料における機械的損傷のその場評価と電気化学的劣化に関する研究

    吉田 尚生, 坂本 正, 桑田 直明, 河村 純一, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2016 (51) 91-92 2016年


  4. 165 地熱開発を目的とした温度・圧力検層データを用いた貯留層内浸透率分布推定法に関する研究

    朝木 美帆, 新堀 雄一, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2016 (51) 127-128 2016年


  5. 142 配向カーボンナノチューブ/エポキシ複合材料の熱膨張特性評価とその応用に関する研究

    中村 彰宏, 白須 圭一, 玉木 格, 山本 剛, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2016 (51) 81-82 2016年


  6. 149 固体酸化物燃料電池の燃料極材料Ni-YSZサーメットの空気酸化および電気化学的酸化の評価に関する基礎的研究

    佐藤 迪凱, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 鷲見 裕史, 坂本 正

    講演論文集 2016 (51) 95-96 2016年


  7. 166 地熱開発を目的としたトレーサー応答に基づく複雑地下き裂分布の推定法に関する研究

    岩垣 巧, 鈴木 杏奈, 橋田 俊之

    東北支部総会・講演会 講演論文集 2016 (0) 129-130 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

  8. GS0608-254 リチウムイオン二次電池電極材料の機械的損傷に伴う電気化学的劣化の評価

    吉田 尚生, 坂本 正, 桑田 直明, 河村 純一, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2015 "GS0608-254-1"-"GS0608-254-3" 2015年11月21日


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    Silicon is a promising anode material for lithium-ion battery application due to its high specific capacity. However, when silicon is lithiated, it can undergo a volume expansion, which leads to an extensive fracturing. This is thought to be a primary cause of the rapid decay in cell capacity routinely observed.. To solve this problem, a more thorough understanding of how the material degrades is necessary to help cycling techniques that may be capable of reduce capacity fading. In this study, we report in situ acoustic emission and laser microscope observation of volume change in Si negative electrodes. The largest number of emissions occurred on the first lithiation and corresponding to volume change of the silicon negative electrode. this study demonstrates that AE and laser microscope observation is a powerful tool to survey the real-time mechanical damage and electrochemical degradation in the electrode.

  9. OS15-2 Determination of Fracture Properties in Ion Conducting Ceramics under Simulated Operating Conditions for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells(Durability and reliability of next-generation energy systems 1,OS15 Durability and reliability of next-generation energy systems,APPLICATIONS)

    Muraoka Ryo, Taguchi Takahiro, Watanabe Satoshi, Sato Kazuhisa, Hashida Toshiyuki

    Abstracts of ATEM : International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics : Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2015 (14) 214-214 2015年10月4日


  10. トレーサー応答に基づく複雑地下き裂分布の推定法に関する研究

    岩垣巧, 鈴木杏奈, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2015 P41 2015年

  11. 地熱開発のための温度・圧力検層データを用いた地下浸透率分布の推定

    近藤早紀, 鈴木杏奈, 岩垣巧, 朝木美帆, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部総会・講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 50th ROMBUNNO.168 2015年

  12. Fabrication and characterization of silicon micromirror with carbon nanotubes-nickel nanocomposite beams

    Zhonglie An, Zhonglie An, Masaya Toda, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Takahito Ono

    Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology 888-892 2014年11月26日

    DOI: 10.1109/NANO.2014.6968008  

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    © 2014 IEEE. In this paper, we present the fabrication and characterization of a silicon micromirror with carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-nickel (Ni) nanocomposite beams, and evaluate the mechanical stability of the micromirror in terms of resonant frequency. A novel electroplating method is developed for synthesis of the CNTs-Ni nanocomposite. CNTs are pretreated to have positive charges on their surface and added into a Ni electroplating solution to form a CNTs-Ni nanocomposite electroplating suspension. The weight fraction of the CNT in the electroplated nanocomposite is 9.1 wt%, and the ultramicroindentation hardness is 13 GPa. The mechanical strengthening improvement is found in the nanocomposite in comparison with a Ni film. The maximum variation of the resonant frequency of the micromirror during a long term stability test is about 0.4%, and its scanning angle is about 11°. It shows the potential ability of the CNTs-Ni nanocomposite with proper design for microstructure application.

  13. J0610206 発電環境下における固体酸化物燃料電池の応力変化([J061-02]燃料電池・二次電池とマイクロ・ナノ現象(2))

    榎本 翔太, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2014 "J0610206-1"-"J0610206-2" 2014年9月7日


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    Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) can realize very high power generation efficiency to convert the chemical energy of H_2 directly into electrical energy. Achieving practical SOFCs will require more than just improvement in power generation performance; ensuring reliability and durability will also be crucial. So, in this study, the influences of chemically induced expansion on the fracture damage of SOFCs were investigated by using numerical stress and deformation analyses under operating condition. The SOFC model cell examined in this study was composed of electrolyte YSZ, GDC, LSGM and LSGMC, respectively. The finite element method (FEM) was employed to calculate the residual stress, thermal stresses, and chemically induced expansion stresses for the single cell.

  14. OS1601 信頼性向上のための全固体電池のその場観察

    佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 桑田 直明, 河村 純一

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2014 "OS1601-1"-"OS1601-2" 2014年7月19日


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    A simple mechanical damage testing method, combined with Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring was developed in order to investigate the mechanical performance of solid state electrochemical devices under operating conditions. The damage testing method was applied to solid oxide fuel cells and lithium ion batteries. The damage process was shown to involve cracking in the electrode and electrolyte, and the fracture damage was most likely due to chemical expansion-induced stresses. It was demonstrated that the AE method enabled us to detect the above-mentioned damage process and to determine the condition for the onset of the damage in the newly electrochemical devices.

  15. OS0525 配向MWCNT/エポキシ複合材料の作製とその機械的特性評価に関する研究

    中村 彰宏, 白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 島村 佳伸, 井上 翼, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2014 "OS0525-1"-"OS0525-3" 2014年7月19日


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    Two types of epoxy composites reinforced with an aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) sheet and its thermal annealed analog were prepared and the effects of thermal annealing on the mechanical properties of the composites were investigated by conducting uniaxial tensile tests. The MWCNTs with lengths exceeding 1 mm were vertically grown on a Si substrate by chemical vapor deposition method, and were converted to horizontally aligned MWCNT sheets by pulling them out. The MWCNT sheets were then thermally-annealed at 2000℃ under Ar + 5% H_2 atmosphere. The composites containing annealed MWCNTs exhibited higher Young's modulus and tensile strength than those of the composites containing as-received MWCNTs. Uniaxial tensile experiments of individual MWCNTs revealed that thermal annealing led to an increase in Young's modulus, suggesting that the improvement in Young's modulus of the composites may be associated with the increase in the mechanical properties of individual MWCNTs. Young's modulus and tensile strength of the composites containing 22 vol.% annealed MWCNTs reached 94 ± 11 GPa and 474.2 ± 57.7 MPa, respectively.

  16. GS21 フロキュレーション法によるカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の作製と摩擦・摩耗特性評価に関する研究

    中村 陽文, 王 偉礼, 白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2014 "GS21-1"-"GS21-3" 2014年7月19日


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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have extremely high tensile strength and elastic modulus, good flexibility and low density. In addition, CNTs are expected to have lubrication properties like other carbon-derived materials including graphite and diamond-like carbon. In this study, alumina ceramics reinforced with multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) were prepared by a flocculation method and the effects of the MWCNT content on mechanical and tribological properties of the composites were investigated. The results showed that the bending strength and fracture toughness simultaneously increased for the composite containing 10.0 vol.% MWCNTs. The friction coefficient of the composites containing 5.5 vol.% MWCNTs was about 0.15, measured by the ball-on-disk wear tests using alumina balls as a counterpart in air. Microstructural observations of the fractured and polished surfaces of the composites implied that the size of a MWCNTs agglomerate is one of the important factors for improving friction properties of the composite. It is suspected that there may be an optimal MWCNTs content for improving the mechanical and friction properties of the composites.

  17. 140 ナノ領域特性評価に基づくカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の破壊機構解明に関する研究

    野坂 陽, 王 偉礼, 白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2014 (49) 81-82 2014年


  18. 120 機械・電気・化学的因子を考慮した固体酸化物形燃料電池の応力解析

    榎本 翔太, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2014 (49) 41-42 2014年


  19. 温度検層データを用いた地下浸透率分布推定法に関する基礎的研究

    近藤早紀, 岩垣巧, 朝木美帆, 鈴木杏奈, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2014 P33 2014年

  20. 非整数階微分を用いたトレーサー解析に基づく地下き裂長さ分布の推定に関する研究

    岩垣巧, 近藤早紀, 鈴木杏奈, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2014 P29 2014年

  21. カーボンナノチューブの機械的特性

    山本剛, 白須圭一, 玉木格, 橋田俊之

    日本複合材料学会誌 40 (6) 255-259 2014年



  22. Modeling mass and heat transfer in geothermal reservoirs using fractional differential equations

    Suzuki Anna, Horne Ronald N, Makita Hiroshi, Niibori Yuichi, Fomin Sergei, Chugunov Vladimir, Hashida Toshiyuki

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2013年11月

  23. J061023 機能性酸化物の酸素不定比性ならびに導電特性変調に対するひずみ効果評価(〔J061-02〕燃料電池・二次電池におけるナノ・マイクロ現象とマクロ性能(2):SOFC内ひずみと水蒸気改質)

    佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2013 "J061023-1"-"J061023-2" 2013年9月8日


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    The influence of uniaxial compressive stress on the oxygen ion and mixed conductivity of Zr_<0.82>Y_<0.18>O_<1.91>, Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<1.95-δ>,Yba_2Cu_3O_<7-δ>,and La_2NiO_<4+δ> were investigated by using AC 4 probe method under controlled oxygen partial pressure condition. The applied compressive stress was ranged from 0 Mpa to 350 MPa for these specimens in air at 600℃. In order to clarify the reason for the phenomenon of conductivity change, the mixed conductivity of Ce_<0.9>Gd_<0.1>O_<1.95-δ> for the application of stresses were measured under reducing conditions. The experimental result revealed that as the application compressive stress increases, the carrier concentration remain steady, whereas the mobility decreases. The conductivity was decreased with increasing compressive strain, this trend agreed with that of the simulation results. Therefore, the decrease of mobility was considered to be the reason for the decline conductivity under compressive strain/stress conditions.

  24. J061012 計算科学シミュレーションによるNi/YSZ電極の劣化プロセスの解明(〔J061-01〕燃料電池・二次電池におけるナノ・マイクロ現象とマクロ性能(1):SOFC内現象)

    許 競翔, 樋口 祐次, 尾澤 伸樹, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 久保 百司

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2013 "J061012-1"-"J061012-3" 2013年9月8日


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    Sintering of nickel nanoparticles during the long-term operation leads to the degradation of the Ni/YSZ anode. To prevent the sintering, understanding of the sintering process in the Ni/YSZ anode with a porous structure is needed. In this work, to investigate the effect of porosity of the Ni/YSZ anode on the sintering, we modeled the Ni/YSZ multi-nanoparticle models with the porosity of 0.25 and 0.45 and simulated the sintering in the models by using our developed multi-nanoparticle molecular dynamics simulation method that can consider the effects of the properties of the porous structure such as porosity and YSZ nanoparticle framework, etc. It was revealed that the YSZ framework prevented the sintering of nickel nanoparticles in the small pore of the YSZ framework. Furthermore, it was found that the degree of sintering of nickel nanoparticles in the Ni/YSZ model with the porosity of 0.25 is smaller than that of 0.45, because the decrease in the porosity leads to the decrease in the pore size of the YSZ framework. Thus, we suggest that decreasing the porosity of Ni/YSZ anode can inhibit the sintering of nickel nanoparticles.

  25. J061011 高温・RedoxサイクルにおけるNi/NiO-YSZ材料の機械的特性評価(〔J061-01〕燃料電池・二次電池におけるナノ・マイクロ現象とマクロ性能(1):SOFC内現象)

    宮坂 泰平, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2013 "J061011-1"-"J061011-2" 2013年9月8日


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    Effects of redox cycling on the mechanical properties of the Ni/NiO-YSZ cermets were investigated by using a Small Punch (SP) testing method. The porosity range in the Ni-YSZ cermets tested in this study was 5-50%. Experimental results obtained from the in-situ SP tests demonstrated that ductile-like fracture under the reduction environment at 800℃ and damage cause by redox cycling degraded the fracture stress of the NiO-YSZ composites at low porosity. This study revealed that porosity makes a key contribution to the durability of Ni-YSZ cermets by the redox cycling.

  26. 130 固体酸化物燃料電池の信頼性・耐久性向上を目的としたRedoxサイクルにおけるNi1NiO-YSZ材料の機械的特性評価(材料力学III,一般講演)

    宮坂 泰平, 鋤納 伸治, 渡辺 智, 八代 圭司, 川田 達也, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2013 (48) 62-63 2013年3月15日


  27. トレーサー応答および地下温度分布を用いた地熱貯留層内き裂分布の推定に関する研究

    蒔田浩士, 近藤早希, 鈴木杏奈, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部総会・講演会講演論文集 48th 168-169 2013年3月

  28. 分子動力学法を用いた固体酸化物形燃料電池アノードにおけるドーパントがシンタリングに及ぼす影響の解析

    XU Jingxiang, 坂之井遼太, 石川岳志, 樋口祐次, 尾澤伸樹, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 久保百司

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集 80th 2013年

  29. 分子動力学法及び密度汎関数法によるSOFC用電解質の亀裂進展メカニズムの解析

    坂之井遼太, XU J., 石川岳志, 樋口祐次, 尾澤伸樹, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 久保百司

    電気化学会大会講演要旨集 80th 2013年

  30. 温度検層データに基づく貯留層浸透率分布の推定法に関する基礎的研究

    近藤早紀, 鈴木杏奈, 蒔田浩士, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2013 46 2013年

  31. 断裂型貯留層における還元に伴う物質移動予測

    鈴木杏奈, 近藤早紀, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2013 72 2013年

  32. SOFCの耐久性・信頼性向上のための構成材料の機械的基礎物性研究

    佐藤一永, 渡辺 智, 雨澤浩史, 川田達也, 橋田俊之

    セラミックス 48 (3) 159-164 2013年

  33. 固体酸化物燃料電池の機械的特性のin situ測定,熱測定

    雨澤浩史, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 川田達也

    熱測定 40 (1) 23-29 2013年

  34. SL10 CNTコンポジットの開発

    山本 剛, 白須 圭一, 野坂 陽, 大森 守, 高木 敏行, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2012 "SL10-1"-"SL10-3" 2012年9月22日


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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted enormous attention from many researchers of material science, and their physical properties have been intensively clarified. The next step of carbon nanotube research should be development of high performance CNT materials with industrial applications. Production of CNT composites represents one of great targets for the application. In this study, alumina has been selected as the matrix of CNT composites because of its low cost and high performance. The final goal is to develop a design-fabrication-evaluation methodology for CNT ceramic matrix composites and to produce high performance composites on the basis of the method to be developed. MWCNT/alumina composites were prepared by a simple mechanical mixing method followed by pressureless sintering. The effects of MWCNT addition on mechanical, tribological and electromagnetic-wave absorption properties of the pressureless sintered-MWCNT/alumina composites will be discussed.

  35. GS37 カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の破壊特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブ単味特性と分散性の影響

    白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 野坂 陽, 大森 守, 高木 敏行, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2012 "GS37-1"-"GS37-3" 2012年9月22日


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    In this research, effects of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) addition on mechanical properties and microstructures of spark plasma-sintered MWCNT/alumina composites were investigated by using four types of MWCNTs that were annealed at different temperatures. The annealing temperatures were 1200, 1800, 2200 and 2600℃. Experimental results showed that bending strength of the composites was increased up to 1800℃, and they were decreased gradually with increasing annealing temperature of MWCNTs. According to the fracture surface observation, dispersibility of the MWCNTs tended to decrease with increasing the annealing temperature of the MWCNTs, and fracture toughness of the composites corresponded to the dispersibility of the MWCNTs. The present study implies that the effectiveness of the use of MWCNTs having a higher load carrying capacity and dispersibility for preparation of stronger and tougher ceramic composites.

  36. GS13 固体酸化物燃料電池燃料極用Ni-YSZを対象とした酸化/還元環境下における機械的特性評価

    宮坂 泰平, 鋤納 伸治, 渡辺 智, 川田 達也, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2012 "GS13-1"-"GS13-3" 2012年9月22日


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    Effects of redox cycling on the mechanical properties of the Ni-YSZ cermets were investigated by using an in-situ small punch (SP) testing method as a function of porosity, and influence of the redox cycling on the volume expansion of Ni-YSZ cermets was examined by using a thermo-mechanical analysis (TMA) as a function of porosity and Ni/YSZ volume ratio. Experimental results obtained from the in-situ SP tests demonstrated that ductile-like fracture took place under the reducing environment at 800℃. It was shown that mechanical degradation due to redox cycling was mitigated for the Ni-YSZ cermets with higher porosities greater than 30 vol. %. Higher porosities and lower Ni content were useful to maintain the dimensional stability of the Ni-YSZ cermets. Based on the experimental results, a quantitative correlation was proposed which predict the volume expansion from porosity volume and Ni content.

  37. J056046 計算科学シミュレーションを用いた固体酸化物形燃料電池用ガドリニアドープセリア電解質の破壊メカニズムの解明

    坂之井 遼太, 許 競翔, 樋口 祐次, 尾澤 伸樹, 島崎 智実, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 久保 百司

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012 "J056046-1"-"J056046-3" 2012年9月9日


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    In this paper, we discuss the fracture properties of gadolinia doped ceria (GDC) electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density functional theory (DFT). The ceria based materials like a GDC are expected as electrolytes to lower the operating temperature, however, the short lifetime of GDC prevents their wide applications. Therefore, we executed the tensile test using the MD simulation and DFT calculation and obtained the Young's modulus and the fracture stress of the GDC. Both indicate phase transition where the oxygen coordination number of Ce^<4+> ions changes from eight to six after the yield point. Furthermore, we calculated the Young's modulus and the fracture stress as functions of oxygen concentration. This result shows that the Young's modulus decreases linearly when the oxygen concentration increases, while the fracture stress is insensitive to the changes. This tendency is in good agreement with experimental data qualitatively. We also discuss the effect of steam condition on the fracture properties of GDC, and find the crack advance of GDC is accelerated by the chemical reaction with H_2O molecules.

  38. S042013 カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の無加圧焼結による作製とカーボンナノチューブ単味における破壊特性の複合材料機械的特性に及ぼす影響評価に関する研究

    山本 剛, 白須 圭一, 野坂 陽, 高木 敏行, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012 "S042013-1"-"S042013-5" 2012年9月9日


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    In this research, the effects of MWCNT addition on mechanical properties and microstructures of pressureless sintered MWCNT/alumina composites were investigated by using four types of MWCNTs having different fracture characteristics and dispersibility. It was demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate MWCNT/alumina composites by pressureless sintering at a temperature of 1400℃. Fracture tests showed that the MWCNTs annealed at 2200℃ was the most effective in improving the mechanical properties of the MWCNT/alumina composites, and 0.9 vol.% MWCNT addition resulted in 25% and 45% simultaneous increase in bending strength (742.6 ± 13.1 MPa) and fracture toughness (5.83 ± 0.19 MPa m^<1/2>), respectively, compared with MWCNT-free sintered bodies. An improvement in the fracture properties may be attributed to the use of the MWCNT having a higher load carrying capacity. For the larger amount of the MWCNTs, strong correlation between mechanical properties of the composites and dispersibility of the MWCNTs was observed, and the degradation of mechanical properties was shown to be primarily attributed to the severe phase segregation. Our finding suggests that the important factor for the preparation of ceramics composites with MWCNT for higher strength and toughness will thus be the use of MWCNT having a much higher load carrying capacity as well as a good dispersion in the matrix.

  39. J056011 固体型電池の信頼性向上のための情報処理技術の活用

    佐藤 一永, 福井 健一, 沼尾 正行, 桑田 直明, 河村 純一, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012 "J056011-1"-"J056011-3" 2012年9月9日


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    New energy conversion systems develop in environmental fields, and make its presence greater and greater. Data mining method was developed in order to investigate the mechanical and electrochemical degradations process of solid electrochemical devices under operating conditions. By using this method, it was possible to show and help the possibility that detailed degradation process can be evaluated visually and in real-time, even when applied to modules at the actual equipment level. On the other hand, as service science intends to scientifically reveal the mechanism and principle in order to create new energy devices, there emerges a lot of interdisciplinary approach of the brand-new field. While traditional marketing theories have provided frameworks of how to grasp, reach, and lure as many customers as possible, none of them can externalize the functional structure of any service knowledge, and offer methodology of handling them on computer. Aiming at computationally utilizing any service knowledge, we discuss service ontology by both analogies with functional ontology on ontology engineering, and by comparison with typical marketing theory. In addition, we introduce case study that are based on ontology, and show how to create knowledge by this theory.

  40. J056044 酸化/還元サイクルにおけるNiO/Ni-YSZ材料の膨張特性評価

    宮坂 泰平, 鋤納 伸治, 八代 圭司, 川田 達也, 水畸 純一郎, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012 "J056044-1"-"J056044-3" 2012年9月9日


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    Effects of of the redox cycling on the volume expansion of Ni-YSZ cermets was investigated as a function of porosity and Ni/YSZ volume ratio by using a thermo-mechanical analysis (TMA). The first re-oxidation tests results obtained from TMA demonstrated that the amount of expansion was decreased and suppressed by lowering the Ni content of the anode and increasing the porosity. However specemen which had the large amount of Ni (50 vol.%) and the high porosity (34%) showed the high dimensional stability after several redox cycls. The large shrinkage upon reduction coused by the large amount of Ni and the low expantion upon oxidation caused by the high porosity enhanced redox reversibility.

  41. J056045 分子動力学シミュレーションによる固体酸化物形燃料電池アノードのシンタリングに及ぼすドーパントの影響

    許 競翔, 坂之井 遼太, 樋口 祐次, 尾澤 伸樹, 島崎 智実, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 久保 百司

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012 "J056045-1"-"J056045-3" 2012年9月9日


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    The dopant effects on the sintering process of nickel nanoparticles in the nickel and doped zirconia cermet anode were investigated by using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. In this study, we unraveled the differences of the sintering process, the surface area of the nickel nanoparticles, and the triple phase boundary (TPB) length between the Ni/YSZ and the Ni/ScSZ systems. According to the simulation results, we observed that the extent of sintering in the Ni/YSZ is larger than that in the Ni/ScSZ due to the dopant effect. These observations revealed that the sintering on the YSZ surface takes place more easily than that on the ScSZ surface. Then, the mechanism of the dopant effect on the sintering of nickel nanoparticles is investigated by using density functional theory (DFT). It was found that the low adsorption energy between the nickel and the doped zirconia decreases the movement of the nickel nanoparticles and inhibits the sintering of the nickel nanoparticles on the doped zirconia surface.

  42. Investigation on CNT/alumina interface properties using molecular mechanics simulations (vol 49, pg 3701, 2011)

    Sen Liu, Ning Hu, Go Yamamoto, Yindi Cai, Yajun Zhang, Yaolu Liu, Yuan Li, Toshiyuki Hashida, Hisao Fukunaga

    CARBON 50 (7) 2677-2677 2012年6月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2012.02.012  


  43. 146 無加圧焼成法により作製したカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の機械的特性評価に関する研究(材料力学II,一般講演)

    山本 剛, 白須 圭一, 野坂 陽, 大森 守, 高木 敏行, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2012 (47) 98-99 2012年3月13日


  44. 178 SOFC燃料極Ni/NiO-YSZの機械的性質に対する温度特性(機械材料・材料加工/材料力学V,一般講演)

    渡辺 智, 宮坂 泰平, 鋤納 伸治, 佐藤 一永, 雨澤 浩史, 橋田 俊之, 川田 達也

    講演論文集 2012 (47) 162-163 2012年3月13日


  45. 214 燃料電池構成材料の酸化,還元サイクルにおける膨張特性評価(学生賞III,一般講演)

    鋤納 伸治, 宮坂 泰平, 佐藤 一永, 八代 圭司, 川田 達也, 水崎 純一郎, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2012 (47) 234-235 2012年3月13日


  46. 215 カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料作製法の開発と機械的特性評価に関する研究(学生賞III,一般講演)

    白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 野坂 陽, 大森 守, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2012 (47) 236-237 2012年3月13日


  47. 断裂型地熱貯留層におけるき裂構造推定のためのトレーサー挙動のキャラクタリゼーション

    鈴木杏奈, 蒔田浩士, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部総会・講演会講演論文集 47th 14‐15 2012年3月

  48. Correlation between small punch and CVN impact tests for evaluation of cryogenic fracture characteristics of isothermally-aged nitrogen-containing austenitic stainless steels 査読有り

    Maribel Leticia, Saucedo-Muñoz, Toshiyuki Hashida, Tetsuo Shoji, Victor Manuel Lopez-Hirata

    Materials Research 15 218-223 2012年3月1日

    DOI: 10.1590/S1516-14392012005000026  


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    The Charpy-V-notch impact test has been used routinely to evaluate the ductile-brittle behavior in steels. Likewise, the Small-Punch test has been applied to evaluate toughness properties in different materials. In this work, both tests were conducted at -196 °C on three types of austenitic stainless steels JN1, JJ1 and JK2, which were solution treated and then aged at temperatures between 700 and 900 °C for 10 and 1000 minutes. The solution treated steels exhibited a ductile fracture with high fracture energy, after testing with both tests. The brittle intergranular fracture was induced by the aging process of specimens and thus the fracture energy of tested specimens decreased dramatically. The highest and lowest decreases in energy with both tests occurred in the aged JN1 and JK2 steels, respectively. The Charpy-v-notch, CVN, test energy and small-punch, SP, test energy at -196 °C was found to follow a linear correlationship equation, CVN Test Energy = 89.7 SP Test Energy-63.0.

  49. トレーサー応答・温度データに基づく貯留層内き裂分布の推定に関する研究

    蒔田浩士, 鈴木杏奈, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2012 18 2012年

  50. 非整数階微分を用いたトレーサー解析による貯留層挙動評価

    鈴木杏奈, 蒔田浩士, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2012 19 2012年

  51. OS2209 Redozサイクル条件下におけるNi-YSZサーメット材料の力学的特性(OS22-3 水素と強度,OS-22 水素環境の材料強度特性への影響)

    宮坂 泰平, 鋤納 伸治, 渡辺 智, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2011 "OS2209-1"-"OS2209-3" 2011年7月16日


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    Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) can generate high efficiency electric power using H_2 and O_2 gases without environmental pollution. SOFC is expected to become a major electric power source in the future. Under normal operating conditions, fuel is supplied at the anode (Ni-YSZ) and Ni is kept in its reduced state. However, the Ni may be re-oxidized due to factors such as high fuel utilization, accidental interruption of fuel gas supply, and leakage of air. Re-oxidation of Ni-YSZ causes a change in the volume of the anode, and this change causes degradation of SOFC. We study the relationship between the porosity and mechanical properties with Ni-YSZ under the reducing environment and the oxidizing environment for reliable SOFCs. We evaluated the mechanical properties of Ni-YSZ by using an in-situ Small Punch (SP) test method. Experimental results obtained from the SP tests demonstrated that there are weak relationship between porosity and mechanical properties with Ni-YSZ under reducing environment (at an oxygen partial pressure of 10^<-2>5atm, 800℃). Then re-oxidation of Ni-YSZ cermets resulted in residual stress in the anode itself. But these stress can be reduced with increasing porosity. It is suggested that higher porosity Ni-YSZ can avoid the degradation of the mechanical properties.

  52. 145 CO_2地中貯留のための岩石へのCO_2収着挙動評価に関する研究(環境工学,一般講演)

    藤井 孝志, 中川 智未, 佐藤 善之, 猪股 宏, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2011 (46) 94-95 2011年3月15日


  53. 191 カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の破壊プロセス観察と機械的特性向上に関する研究(学生賞I,一般講演)

    白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 大森 守, 相沢 養市, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2011 (46) 184-185 2011年3月15日


  54. 地熱貯留層涵養を目的とした複雑き裂システムにおける物質移動モデルに関する研究

    鈴木杏奈, 千葉隆一, 蒔田浩士, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部総会・講演会講演論文集 46th 214-215 2011年3月

  55. 複雑系物質移動モデルに基づくトレーサー解析手法の開発

    蒔田浩士, 鈴木杏奈, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2011 51 2011年

  56. 断裂型貯留層における注水涵養に向けたトレーサー挙動予測

    鈴木杏奈, 蒔田浩士, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2011 77 2011年

  57. 112 カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の作製と破壊機構の解明に関する研究(セラミックス/セラミックス基複合材料(2),ものづくりにおける基礎研究と先端技術の融合)

    白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 大森 守, 高木 敏行, 橋田 俊之

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2010 (18) "112-1"-"112-5" 2010年11月27日


  58. 007 単繊維引抜き試験によるカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料のクラックブリッジング挙動特性評価(GS1-2 一般セッション)

    山本 剛, 白須 圭一, 高木 敏行, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2010 274-276 2010年10月9日


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    The crack bridging behavior of multi-walled carbon nanotube-reinforced alumina matrix composites has been investigated using a single fiber pullout testing method. Contradictory to the conventional understanding (which have reported that pullout phenomena evidently occurred in the bulk nanotube-reinforced alumina composites), the pullout experiments using an in situ SEM method with a nanomanipulator system demonstrated that strong load transfer was revealed, and no pullout behavior was observed for all 15 MWCNTs. The MWCNTs, rather than puffing out from the alumina matrix broke in the outer-shells and the inner section pulled away, leaving the outer-shells of the fragment in the matrix. This implies that tougher ceramics with MWCNT can be obtained by creating the appropriate interaction between the matrix and MWCNT: not too week but also not too strong to permit an adequate load transfer between the two parts and thus a consequent pulling out without breakage of MWCNT. Our finding suggests important implications for design of tougher ceramic with MWCNTs. The important factor for such tougher ceramics will thus be the use of 'strong' NWCNTs having higher mechanical performance (as well as a good dispersion in the matrix).

  59. 008 カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の強度特性に及ぼすカーボンナノチューブ表面修飾の影響と破壊過程に関する研究(GS1-2 一般セッション)

    白須 圭一, 山本 剛, 大森 守, 相沢 養市, 橋田 俊之

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2010 271-273 2010年10月9日


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    We report the mechanical properties and microstructures of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/alumina composites made with MWCNTs that have nanoscale defects on their surfaces from an acid treatment We conducted the fracture surface observations of the composites, in order to evaluate the effects of the acid treatment conditions of MWCNTs on the mechanical properties of the composites and the microstructures such as dispersibility and pullout length of MWCNTs. It was found that the dispersibiity of MWCNTs affected the mechanical properties of the composites. The composites with 0.9 vol.% MWCNTs that were acid-treated for 2 hours showed a higher mechanical properties than those of the composites with identical MWCNTs content that were acid-treated for 0, 0.5, 1, 3 and 4 hours. According to the SEM observations, the pullout length of MWCNTs decreased with increasing of acid treatment time of MWCNTs, and the diameter changed at the tip of some MWCNTs.

  60. J0802-4-2 高温・制御雰囲気下における固体酸化物形燃料電池電解質材料の機械特性評価([J0802-4]SOFC,PV,キャパシタ)

    櫛 拓人, 渡辺 智, 佐藤 一永, 井口 史匡, 宇根本 篤, 雨澤 浩史, 橋田 俊之, 湯上 浩雄, 川田 達也

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 2010 (7) 231-232 2010年9月4日


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    Elastic modulus of typical electrolyte materials for solid oxide fuel cells, (Gd_2O_3)_&lt;0.05&gt;(CeO_2)_&lt;0.9&gt;, (Y_20_3)_&lt;0.08&gt;(Zr0_2)_&lt;0.92&gt;, La_&lt;0.8&gt;Sr_&lt;0.2&gt;Ga_&lt;0.8&gt;Mg_&lt;0.15&gt;Co_&lt;0.05&gt;O_&lt;3-δ&gt;, were evaluated by resonance method, small punch test and 4 point bending test. The measurements were carried out from room temperature to 1273 K under p(O_2)=10^&lt;-4&gt; atm. Elastic modulus of (Y_20_3)_&lt;0.08&gt;(Zr0_2)_&lt;0.92&gt; and La_&lt;0.8&gt;Sr_&lt;0.2&gt;Ga_&lt;0.8&gt;Mg_&lt;0.15&gt;Cp_&lt;0.05&gt;O_&lt;3-δ&gt; drastically decreased in the temperature range between 573 K and 873 K in resonance method. Similar dependencies were seen in 4 point bending test and small punch test. It was found that that elastic modulus by dynamic (resonance method) shows similar temperature dependency as those by static (small punch and 4 point bending tests) measurement techniques, although its absolute values were slightly different. It was demonstrated that the dynamic measurement technique is very useful for evaluating mechanical properties of SOFC materials as well as static measurement techniques.

  61. F203 CO_2地下貯留のための岩石および鉱物のCO_2収着特性に関する研究(OS11 温暖化対策とCO_2削減技術),動力エネルギーシステム部門20周年,次の20年への新展開)

    藤井 孝志, 中川 智未, 佐藤 善之, 猪股 宏, 橋田 俊之

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム 2010 (15) 465-468 2010年6月20日


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    CO_2 sorption experiments for Berea sandstone, Kimachi sandstone, shale, serpentine, granite, quartz, and albite were conducted using the gravimetric method under air dry conditions at 50℃ and 100℃, and pressures up to 20 MPa. In higher pressures (>10 MPa), Berea sandstone has shown a significantly higher sorption capacity compared to the other samples at both 50℃ and 100℃. It is also shown that the major component minerals for the rocks tested in this study (quartz and albite) have a CO_2 sorption behavior. Comparison of model prediction which assumes that the CO_2 storage capacity of the rock mass is equal to the amount of CO_2 used to fill the pore volume in the rock, suggests that the CO_2 sorption is an additional CO_2 storage mechanism in storing CO_2 process. The present results indicate that the CO_2 sorption characteristics may provide a significant and meaningful effect on the assessment of CO_2 storage potential in geological storage.

  62. Small punch creep test of service-exposed SUS 316 HTB superheater tubes of fossil boilers

    Maribel L. Saucedo-Muñoz, Shin Ichi Komazci, Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Tetsuo Shoji, Victor M. Lopez-Hirata

    TMS Annual Meeting 3 729-736 2010年5月21日

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    The creep properties were evaluated in a SUS 316 HTB austenitic stainless steel by using the small-punch creep test. The applied loads were 234, 286. 338, 408 and 478 N at 650 °C, and 199 and 234 N at 700 °C. The creep curves were similar to those obtained from a conventional uniaxial creep test. That is, they exhibited clearly the three creep stages. The width of secondary creep stage and rupture time tr decreased with the increase in testing load level. The creep rupture strength for the service-exposed material was lower than that of the as-received material at high testing loads. While, the creep resistance behavior was opposite at relatively low load levels. This difference in creep resistance was explained based on the difference in the creep deformation and/or fracture mechanism.

  63. 断裂型貯留層を対象とした物質移動におけるNon‐Fickian挙動のキャラクタリゼーション

    鈴木杏奈, 千葉隆一, 蒔田浩士, 新堀雄一, 橋田俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2010 54 2010年

  64. S0305-3-1 雰囲気制御下でのセリア系固体電解質のクリープと電気化学特性(SOFC構成材料の信頼性(3))

    湯上 浩雄, 井口 史匡, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 2009 (1) 233-234 2009年9月12日


    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.1.0_233  

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    A creep test was performed on yttria doped ceria (YDC), which was investigated as an electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The test was performed using a 4-point bending method and with testing conditions including a constant load under a temperature range of 1050-1125℃, an applied stress of 20-50 MPa, and an oxygen partial pressure of P(O_2)=0.21-10^&lt;-15.2&gt; atm. The results showed that the creep rate increased with decreasing P(O_2), and showed a peak at P(O_2)=10^&lt;-13.6&gt; atm. The activation energy for creep was increased from 264 to 333 kJ/mol with decreasing P(O_2) from 0.21 to 10^&lt;-14.5&gt; atm. These values were much higher than the reported activation energy of oxygen anion diffusion in ceria. Thus, it could be suggested that the creep mechanism is controlled by cation diffusion. The creep mechanism changed from Nabarro-Herring creep to grain boundary sliding in a reducing atmosphere when the P(O_2) was lower than 10^&lt;-14.5&gt; atm.

  65. OS0615 ナノ界面制御によるカーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の作製とその機械的特性評価(先進複合材料の強度・特性評価,オーガナイズドセッション)

    山本 剛, 大森 守, 相沢 養一, 橋田 俊之, 高木 敏行

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2009 229-231 2009年7月24日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We report the mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/alumina composites made with a pristine MWCNT and an acid-treated version that have nanoscale defects on their surfaces from the acid treatment. Microstructural observations revealed that a homogeneous distribution of MWCNTs in the alumina matrix was achieved by a novel processing approach based on the precursor method for the synthesis of alumina and acid-treated MWCNTs. An interesting geometric structure was observed between individual MWCNT and alumina matrix. The nanodefect on the acid-treated MWCNT was filled up with alumina crystal, wiuich may be intruding into the nanodefect during grain growth The addition of only 0.9 voL% acid-treated MWCNTs to alumina resulted in 27% and 25% simultaneous increases in bending strength (689.6 ± 29.1 MPa) and fracture toughness (5.90 ± 0.27 MPam^<1/2>), respectively.

  66. 183 燃料極支持型SOFCの性能特性に及ぼすGDC電解質膜厚さの影響(環境工学/動力エネルギーシステム)

    丁 常勝, 傳井 美史, 井口 真仁, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2009 (44) 160-161 2009年3月13日


  67. 106 エポキシ樹脂を用いた封圧下における地下岩体のせん断破壊挙動に関する研究(学生賞I)

    山口 裕之, 坂口 清敏, 佐藤 一志, 松木 浩二, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2009 (44) 12-13 2009年3月13日


  68. き裂の食い違いによる岩石の引張軟化挙動に関する研究

    佐藤 一志, 橋田 俊之

    宮城工業高等専門学校研究紀要 45 9-16 2009年3月



  69. Evaluation Method for Mechanical Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell under Simulated Operating Conditions

    Kazuhisa Sato, Ken-ichi Fukui, Masayuki Numao, Toshiyuki Hashida, Junichiro Mizusaki

    Proc. ASME 7th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference 671-676 2009年

    DOI: 10.1115/FuelCell2009-85238  

  70. Nanocomposite Prepared from Carbon Nanotubes and Hydroxyapatite Precursors

    M. Omori, T. Watanabe, M. Tanaka, A. Okubo, H. Kimura, T. Hashida

    Nano Biomedicine 1 (2) 137-142 2009年

    DOI: 10.11344/nano.1.137  

    ISSN:1883-5198 2185-4734

  71. GS0606 固体酸化物燃料電池用セラミックスの機械的特性に及ぼす還元処理の影響に関する研究(GS06-02 脆性材料・セラミックス2,GS06 脆性材料・セラミックス)

    武山 陽平, 佐藤 一永, 川田 達也, 橋田 俊之, 水崎 純一郎

    M&M材料力学カンファレンス 2008 "GS0606-1"-"GS0606-2" 2008年9月16日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  72. 102 ゲル燃焼法を用いたSOFCs用LSCFパウダーのナノ作製に関する研究(環境工学,環境工学/学生賞I)

    林 宏飛, 丁 常勝, 佐藤 一永, 傳井 美史, 井口 真仁, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2008 (43) 5-6 2008年3月15日


  73. 101 燃料極支持型SOFCs用セリア系電解質薄膜の作製と評価(環境工学,環境工学/学生賞I)

    丁 常勝, 林 宏飛, 佐藤 一永, 傳井 美史, 井口 真仁, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2008 (43) 3-4 2008年3月15日


  74. CNT-セラミックス複合材料

    山本剛, 大森守, 橋田俊之

    工業材料 56 (1) 10-11 2008年

  75. C231 炭酸ガス吸収過程における気-液界面近傍濃度場の不安定性(界面)

    小宮 敦樹, 丸田 薫, 仲野 是克, 橋田 俊之

    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2007 263-264 2007年11月23日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A study on the visualization of the absorption process in the vicinity of the gas-liquid interface was performed. The system in which CO_2 was absorbed into amine solvents and diffused toward the interior of liquid phase was visualized. The interferogram pattern obtained by phase shifting interferometer showed that the increasing of concentration field instability in liquid phase was observed as time advanced or pressure of the gas phase was increased. This was caused by the density increase of the amine absorbing CO_2 and the liquid was affected by the negative buoyant force which generated natural convection locally. Therefore, pseudo diffusion coefficient in this system was determined larger than that of the molecular diffusion system. It was considered that the self-generated instability enhanced the mass transfer of CO_2 in the vicinity of interface and liquid phase.

  76. カーボンナノチューブを利用したセラミックス基複合材料の製造

    山本剛, 大森守, 橋田俊之, 相沢養市, 大久保昭, 木村久道

    ケミカルエンジニアリング 特集=ライセンス技術の開拓と展望 52 (10) 1-5 2007年10月


  77. 110 非整数階微分を利用した地殻内流動の数値シミュレーション法開発(流体II)

    千葉 隆一, FOMIN Sergei, CHUGUNOV Vladimir, 新堀 雄一, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2007 (42) 21-22 2007年3月13日


  78. 195 CO_2地下貯留のためのCO_2圧入挙動の数値シミュレーションに関する研究(学生賞III)

    佐々木 健太, 藤井 孝志, 新堀 雄一, 伊藤 高敏, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2007 (42) 187-188 2007年3月13日


  79. 溶液中への炭酸ガス吸収過程における表面近傍対流の影響(対流(2),一般講演)

    小宮 敦樹, 丸田 薫, 仲野 是克, 橋田 俊之

    日本流体力学会年会講演論文集 2007 175-175 2007年


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The absorption process in the vicinity of the gas-liquid interface was visualized in the system where CO_2 was absorbed into amine solvents and diffused toward the interior of liquid phase. From the interferogram obtained by phase shifting interferometer, the increasing of concentration field instability in the liquid phase was observed as time advanced or pressure of the gas phase was increased. This was because the density of the amine absorbing CO_2 increased and the liquid was affected by the gravitational force. Therefore, pseudo diffusion coefficient was obtained larger than that of the molecular diffusing system. It was considered that the self-generated instability enhanced the mass transfer of CO_2 in the vicinity of interface and liquid phase.

  80. 製品中アスベストの現場簡易判別技術の開発 招待有り

    尾家慶彦, 橋田俊之

    東北大学環境報告書 54-54 2007年

  81. カーボンナノチューブを利用したセラミックス基複合材料の製造

    山本剛, 大森守, 橋田俊之, 相澤養市, 大久保昭, 木村久道

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング,(特集 ライセンス技術の開拓と展望) 52 (10) 743-747 2007年



  82. アスベストの有無を、簡単に、短時間で探知できるオンサイト技術

    尾家慶彦, 前田直己, 橋田俊之

    OHM 10 12-13 2007年

  83. 断裂型岩体を対象としたCO_2地中圧入の数値シミュレーションに関する研究

    佐々木 健太, 藤井 孝志, 新堀 雄一, 橋田 俊之

    春季大会講演集. I, 資源編 18 (2) 3-4 2006年3月27日


  84. 512 CO_2地中貯留・固定化のためのCO_2環境下における岩石鉱物のCO_2溶解特性に関する研究(材料力学I)

    藤井 孝志, 瀧澤 礼介, 林 宏飛, 佐々木 健太, 高橋 亨, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2006 (41) 215-216 2006年3月14日


  85. 121 CO_2地下貯留における流体移動の数値シミュレーションに関する研究(学生賞III)

    佐々木 健太, 藤井 孝志, 新堀 雄一, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2006 (41) 47-48 2006年3月14日


  86. 518 多層カーボンナノチューブ/SiC複合材料の作製およびその機械的特性評価(材料力学III)

    横溝 健児, 山本 剛, 大森 守, 高橋 亨, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2006 (41) 227-228 2006年3月14日


  87. PMC-10: Effects of Polycarbosilane Addition on the Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids(PMC-II: POLYMERS AND POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES)


    JSME Materials and Processing Conference (M&P) 2005 5-6 2005年6月19日


  88. 209 地殻エネルギー抽出設計のための水圧破砕貯留層進展の簡易予測モデルに関する研究(材料力学 II,2.学術講演)

    吉田 敬, FOMIN Sergei, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2005 (40) 68-69 2005年3月15日


  89. 213 模擬作動環境下におけるセリア系固体酸化物型燃料電池の破壊挙動に関する研究(材料力学 III,2.学術講演)

    大村 肇, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之, 湯上 浩雄, 八代 圭司, 川田 達也, 水崎 純一郎

    講演論文集 2005 (40) 76-77 2005年3月15日


  90. 214 分子動力学法を用いたSOFC用セリア系複合酸化物の縦弾性係数予測に関する研究(材料力学 III,2.学術講演)

    佐藤 一永, 鈴木 研, 橋田 俊之, 湯上 浩雄, 川田 達也, 水崎 純一郎

    講演論文集 2005 (40) 78-79 2005年3月15日


  91. Mechanical Damage Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells under Simulated Operationing Conditions

    Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, Keiji Yashiro, Hiroo Yugami, Tatsuya Kawada, Junichiro Mizusaki

    Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan 113 (1320) 562-564 2005年

    DOI: 10.2109/jcersj.113.562  

    ISSN:0914-5400 1882-1022

  92. Development of performance evaluation testing method for SOFC

    K. Sato, H. Omura, T. Hashida, K. Yashiro, T. Kawada, J. Mizusaki, H. Yugami, A. Atkinson

    Proceedings - Electrochemical Society PV 2004-16 170-176 2004年12月1日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A simple fracture testing method, which was combined with acoustic-emission(AE) monitoring, was developed in order to investigate the mechanical performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) under simulated environments. The fracture testing method was applied to ceria electrolyte-supported single cells. The fracture damage process was shown to involve vertical cracking and delamination in the cathode, and vertical cracking in the electrolyte. The fracture damages were most likely due to the chemical expansion induced stresses. It was demonstrated that the AE method enabled the detection of the fracture process and determine the condition for the onset of the fracture damage in the single cell.

  93. 花崗岩の透水挙動の時間依存性と超臨界水誘起微視き裂の影響

    高橋 亨, 滝沢 真一, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2004 A23 2004年11月20日

  94. 水圧破砕による人工貯留層の非定常進展挙動に関する数値解析

    吉田 敬, フォミン セルゲイ, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2004 A24 2004年11月20日

  95. 固体電解質の破壊およびクリープ特性と欠陥構造に関する研究(材料力学II-1)

    石田 友孝, 井口 史匡, 湯上 浩雄, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部秋季講演会講演論文集 2004 (40) 37-38 2004年9月17日


  96. 小型試験法によるセリア系セラミックスの高温破壊特性評価に関する研究(材料力学II-1)

    森藤 陽, 大村 肇, 佐藤 一永, 湯上 浩雄, 大森 守, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部秋季講演会講演論文集 2004 (40) 39-40 2004年9月17日


  97. 216 放電プラズマ焼結法により作製した単層カーボンナノチューブ焼結体の機械的特性(材料力学III)

    山本 剛, 佐藤 義倫, 高橋 亨, 大森 守, 田路 和幸, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2004 (39) 76-77 2004年3月13日


  98. 213 高温環境下における固体酸化物型燃料電池用セリア系電解質の機械および電気的特性評価(材料力学III)

    佐藤 一永, 湯上 浩雄, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2004 (39) 70-71 2004年3月13日


  99. 217 セリア系酸化物の破壊およびクリープ特性と欠陥構造に関する研究(材料力学III)

    石田 友孝, 井口 史匡, 湯上 浩雄, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2004 (39) 78-79 2004年3月13日


  100. 地熱エネルギー

    橋田 俊之

    日本機械学會誌 107 (1023) 110-112 2004年2月5日



  101. ナノチューブ,ナノ微粒子,マイクロ微粒子の組織反応性とバイオ応用 カーボンナノチューブの生体材料への応用 in vitroおよびin vivoでのカーボンナノチューブに対する反応

    横山敦郎, 山本悟, 赤坂司, 古月文志, 佐藤義倫, 田路和幸, 小野木伯薫, 橋田俊之, 大森守

    ナノチューブ、ナノ微粒子、マイクロ微粒子の組織反応性とバイオ応用 平成15年度 総括・分担研究報告書 2004年

  102. 高温・高圧水環境下における岩石中への水圧注入挙動の評価に関する研究

    千葉 隆一, 高嶋 洋平, 伊藤 高敏, 林 一夫, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2003 P03 2003年11月20日

  103. 熱水誘起微視割れと透水挙動の温度・花こう岩種依存性

    滝沢 真一, 高橋 亨, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2003 89-89 2003年11月20日

  104. マルチボアホールからなる地殻エネルギー抽出システムの数値シミュレーションに関する研究

    吉田 敬, フォミン セルゲイ, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2003 92-92 2003年11月20日

  105. 601 SPS 法によるハイドロキシアパタイトの低温合成

    大森 守, 大久保 昭, 橋田 俊之, 小野木 伯薫

    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2003 (11) 361-362 2003年10月17日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Hydroxyapatite (Ca_<10>(PO_4_6(OH_2,HA) is a bioactive material and is synthesized by four kinds of methods. The spark plasma system (SPS) is a promising method to produce advanced materials. Sintering and some chemical reactions are enhanced by SPS. This paper is concerned about the HA synthesis from the mixture of 6CaHPO_42H_2O and 4Ca(OH)_2by SPS. These two compounds are dehydrated under 600℃ and the mixture is turned into the composition of HA. Small crystals of HA were prepared without pressure at 600℃ by heating, but they were decomposed at this temperature for extended times or at higher temperatures. On the other hand, SPS enabled to form stable HA crystals at 600℃, and this growth was based on an effect of SPS. The HA formation was performed at 1000℃ at the high pressure such as 120 MPa. The high pressure of SPS could promote the crystal growth and the stability of HA compared with the decomposition products of HA.

  106. Application of the small-punch test on the evaluation of cryogenic toughness of isothermally aged austenitic stainless steels

    M. L. Saucedo-Muñoz, M. L, Saucedo-Muñoz, S. I. Komazaki, T. Hashida, T. Shoji, V. M. López-Hirata

    Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid) 39 378-386 2003年9月1日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Two types of austenitic stainless steels JJ1 and JN1 were isothermally aged at temperatures from 873 to 1173 K for 10 to 1000 min in order to study the microstructural evolution and its effect on fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures. The Charpy V-Notch (CVN) and Small-Punch (SP) Testing methods were conducted at 77 K to evaluate the toughness of both solution treated and aged specimens. The fracture energy at 77 K determined for both methods showed a significant decrease with aging time for both steels. A linear correlation between the fracture energies of both methods was found. The intergranular precipitation of carbides and nitrides was responsible for the fracture toughness deterioration. The scanning electron microscope fractographs showed an intergranular brittle fracture and its fraction also increased with aging time and temperature. The presence of a more abundant intergranular precipitation resulted in a more rapid decrease in fracture toughness with aging time in JN1 steel due to its higher content of C and N, compared to that of JJ1 steel.

  107. 218 超臨界水環境下における花こう岩の破壊特性と水圧破砕挙動に関する研究

    橋本 健嗣, 高橋 亨, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2002 (37) 84-85 2002年3月16日


  108. 219 大深度地殻エネルギー抽出のための花こう岩と超臨界水との相互作用に関する研究

    藤井 康, 谷藤 浩二, 滝沢 真一, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2002 (37) 86-87 2002年3月16日


  109. 221 き裂要素を用いた圧縮応力下における岩石のき裂進展挙動に関する数値シミュレーション

    板岡 幹世, 佐藤 一志, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2002 (37) 90-91 2002年3月16日


  110. 306 リン酸八カルシウムを出発原料とした水熱ホットプレス法による層状組織を有するハイドロキシアパタイトセラミックスの合成と評価

    李 俊国, 小野木 伯薫, 劉 麗輝, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2002 (37) 102-103 2002年3月16日


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, we prepared hydroxyapatite ceramics at 300℃ by hydrothermal hot pressing using octacalcium phosphate as the starting material. The phase and microstructure of the solidified body were determined by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The Vickers's hardness, bending strength and fracture toughness were measured by micro-hardness test and 3-point-bending test, respectively. The results show that c axis of hydroxyapatite crystal points to the direction normal to the load that applied during hydrothermal hot pressing. The grains are sheet and stack up to a clamshell structure along the direction the load direction. According to the microstructure, the mechanical properties of the HAp ceramics appear strong anisotropy. The bending strength and fracture toughness tested on the side normal to the load direction reach 39.6MPa and 1.34MPam^<1/2>, respectively.

  111. 310 水熱ホットプレス法によるハイドロキシアパタイトセラミックス-金属接合強度に及ぼすアルカリ溶液添加効果

    小野木 伯薫, 細井 和幸, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2002 (37) 110-111 2002年3月16日


  112. 311 先進ガスタービン用熱遮蔽コーティングの密着性評価に関する研究

    主森 哲朗, 吉田 晃, 橋田 俊之

    講演論文集 2002 (37) 112-113 2002年3月16日


  113. 608 熱遮蔽セラミックコーティングの界面はく離挙動に及ぼす熱時効処理の影響

    小野木 伯薫, 主森 哲郎, 小川 和洋, 橋田 俊之, 庄子 哲雄, 円山 政秀, 富樫 博之, 鳥越 泰治

    年次大会講演論文集 2002 (0) 225-226 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2002.2.0_225  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Knowledge of the degradation mode in thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) is a prerequisite for the prediction of their remaining life of gas turbine blades. This paper describes the effects of thermal aging on the microstructure in a YSZ-based thermal barrier coating system deposited on Ni based superalloy substrates. The heat treatment of the TBC specimens were conducted at 1373K for 100h, 500h and 1000h in air for thermal aging. The thermally aged coating system had thermally grown oxide (TGO) layer between the substrate and the TBC. TGO consisted of not only alumina but also other oxides. This oxide layer that named mixed oxides (MO) is composed of Ni, Co, Cr and O. 4 point bending tests were carried out in order to evaluate the TBC/substrate interface strength. The interface strength depended on the period of thermal aging in both type of tests. The interface strength increased initially up to the aging time of 100h, and then decreased drastically for the longer aging time. In 4 point bending tests, crack propagated along the interface between TBC and substrate. These results suggested that the interface strength depended on not only the formation of oxides but also the fracture properties of the top coatings.

  114. マルチボアホールからなる人工貯留層の抽熱性能予測のための数値シミュレーションに関する研究

    吉田 敬, 清水 歩, フォミン セルゲイ, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2001 A47 2001年12月1日

  115. 超臨界水環境下における花こう岩の微視割れと透水特性に関する研究

    谷藤 浩二, 高橋 亨, 藤井 康, 高嶋 洋平, スタッフォード キャサリン, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2001 A46 2001年12月1日

  116. 水熱ホットプレス法による低温焼結成型の可能性

    白川昭裕, 関根孝太郎, 細井和幸, 平野伸夫, 小田幸人, 土屋範義, 橋田俊之, 中塚勝人, 山崎仲道

    日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会講演論文集 45th 163-164 2001年9月18日

  117. 水熱法による二酸化炭素からの有機化合物への直接合成

    山崎 仲道, 橋田 俊之, 劉 麗輝, 鎌倉 高広

    一般発表(研究・業績発表)講演要旨集 2001 (2) 136-137 2001年3月1日


  118. 大深部岩体における水圧破砕き裂進展挙動の数値シミュレーションに関する研究

    板岡 幹世, 佐藤 一志, 橋田 俊之

    資源・素材 2000 (1) 121-122 2000年10月3日


  119. 超臨界水環境下における花こう岩ののせん断破壞挙動に関する研究

    高橋 亨, 橋本 健嗣, 橋田 俊之

    資源・素材 2000 (1) 142-143 2000年10月3日


  120. 超臨界水環境下における花こう岩の透水特性

    高橋 亨, 谷藤 浩二, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2000 2000年1月20日

  121. 大深部岩体における水圧破砕き裂進展プロセスの数値シミュレーション

    板岡 幹世, 佐藤 一志, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2000 2000年1月20日

  122. 水圧破砕による断裂型地熱貯留層の拡大と抽熱量の増大に関する数値シミュレーション

    清水 歩, 渡邊 公雄, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集 2000 2000年1月20日

  123. 小型パンチ試験法によるボイラ用耐熱鋼のクリープ特性劣化計測

    駒崎慎一, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 鈴木康吏

    高温強度シンポジウム前刷集 37th 76-80 1999年12月2日

  124. 熱遮へいコーティング劣化機構の検討

    小川和洋, 庄子哲雄, 橋田俊之, 青木久彦, 藤田範生, 鳥越泰治

    日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 1999 559-560 1999年10月5日

  125. 水圧破砕による断裂型地熱貯留層の拡大に関する研究

    清水 歩, 渡辺 公雄, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会誌 21 (1) 52-52 1999年1月25日


  126. 遮熱セラミックコーティングの界面破壊特性に及ぼす高温酸化の影響に関する研究

    HA J, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 河合久孝, 佐藤実, 橋本英雄

    日本機械学会通常総会講演会講演論文集 75th (2) 652-653 1998年3月

  127. 短繊維強化複合材料の破壊挙動に及ぼすマルチプルクラックの影響

    佐藤 一志, 高橋 亭, 橋田 俊之

    宮城工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (34) 1-6 1998年



  128. Application of Pressurized Carbon Dioxide to Drying Process of Wood

    T. Kono, H. Shinohara, H. Takahashi, T. Shoji, T. Hashida, N. Yamasaki

    Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu 7 1420-1422 1998年1月1日

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology

    DOI: 10.4131/jshpreview.7.1420  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new process using pressurized carbon dioxide was investigated in order to minimize the carrying cost of wood. This process was performed using the following steps: (1)Firstly, woods were placed in a pressure vessel, (2) Secondly, the vessel was pressurized with carbon dioxide, (3) Thirdly, the pressurized state was held for a certain period and the pressure was then released suddenly. Experimental results obtained from this study were as follows; The carbon dioxide drying process could easily reduce one half of the moisture content ratio of woods. The higher pressure of carbon dioxide gave the more effective drying of woods. © 1998, The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

  129. 木口含浸水熱法によるスギ着色材の官能評価

    篠原速都, 河野敏夫, 山崎仲道, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄

    水熱化学実験所報告 8 (14/17) 71-78 1997年12月



  130. 水熱ホットプレス法を用いた炭酸カルシウム複合体の低温固化技術の開発とその高機能化

    細井 和幸, 橋田 俊之, 庄子 哲雄

    水熱化学実験所報告 8 (14) 91-106 1997年12月



  131. HWR地熱貯留層の3次元フラクチャーネットワークモデル

    景 鎮子, WILLIS-RICHARDS J., 渡辺 公雄, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会誌 19 (2) 128-128 1997年4月25日


  132. フラクタルき裂ネットワークに基づく地殻エネルギー抽出性能評価

    千木良 宣嗣, WILLIS-RICHARDS J., 渡辺 公雄, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会誌 19 (2) 141-141 1997年4月25日


  133. フラクタル幾何学に基づく断裂型地熱貯留層のキャラクタリゼーションに関する研究

    清水 歩, 渡辺 公雄, 舘野 正之, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会誌 19 (2) 140-141 1997年4月25日


  134. 地熱環境下における岩石熱水相互作用の温度・流速効果に関する研究

    谷藤 浩二, 須藤 祐子, 渡辺 公雄, 橋田 俊之

    日本地熱学会誌 19 (2) 140-140 1997年4月25日


  135. 木口含浸水熱法によるスギ材の着色

    篠原速都, 河野敏夫, 山崎仲道, 庄子哲雄, 橋田俊之

    日本木材学会大会研究発表要旨集 47th 313 1997年3月


  136. AE計測による岩石の微視き裂分散型破壊挙動の評価に関する研究

    高橋亨, 佐藤一志, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 庄子哲雄

    日本機械学会東北支部総会・講演会講演論文集 32nd 157-158 1997年2月

  137. 軽量コンクリート廃材の炭酸ガス固化とその短繊維強化に関する研究

    HA J, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 庄子哲雄, 寺村敏史

    日本機械学会東北支部総会・講演会講演論文集 32nd 161-162 1997年2月

  138. ガスタービン翼用セラミックコーティングの熱疲労特性評価に関する研究

    里見嘉保, 橋田俊之, 高橋秀明, 庄子哲雄

    日本機械学会東北支部総会・講演会講演論文集 32nd 159-160 1997年2月

  139. 327 高圧下での炭酸硬化反応による木材と炭酸カルシウムの複合化

    河野 敏夫, 篠原 速都, 山崎 仲道, 高橋 秀明, 庄子 哲雄, 橋田 俊之, 吉永 秀人

    学術講演会講演論文集 45 185-186 1996年


  140. 岩石の破壊靭性評価システムの開発

    多田 周二, 橋田 俊之

    東北工業技術試験所報告 (24) p43-48 1991年2月



  141. 1045 ブレイクオフ法によるモルタルの破壊靱性評価

    福川 義明, 小林 信一, 高橋 秀明, 橋田 俊之

    学術講演梗概集. A, 材料・施工,防火,海洋,電算利用 62 89-90 1987年8月25日



  142. Simulation of the Extension Behavior of a Hydraulically Induced Crack by Use of Brittle Epoxy Specimens

    HASHIDA Toshiyuki, SHOJI Tetsuo, MURAMATSU Masahiro

    JSME international journal : bulletin of the JSME 30 (262) 682-682 1987年4月



  143. 花こう岩の混合負荷(開口型およびせん断型)における破壊発生条件

    和田千春, 橋田俊之, 庄子哲雄, 玉川きん治, 高橋秀明

    日本鉱業会研究業績発表講演会講演要旨集 1982 121-122 1982年4月

  144. 花こう岩の高温高圧水中における溶解挙動

    橋田俊之, 池谷利彦, 庄子哲雄, 高橋秀明

    日本鉱業会研究業績発表講演会講演要旨集 1982 105-106 1982年4月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

書籍等出版物 17

  1. セルロースナノファイバー(CNF)による蓄電体の開発 -アモルファスセルロースナノファイバーを利用して創成した 物理(量子)的蓄電体-

    福原幹夫, 長谷川史彦, 橋田俊之, 藤間信久, 武田光博, 中谷丈史, 森田昌浩

    株式会社 シーエムシー出版 2022年3月

  2. 全固体電池の界面抵抗低減と作製プロセス、評価技術

    佐藤一永, 橋田俊之

    技術情報協会 2020年3月

    ISBN: 9784861047800

  3. Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Chapter 6 of Carbon Nantubes

    IntechOpen 2018年4月

    ISBN: 9781789230536

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Chapter 6 of Carbon Nantubes, edited by Mohammes Muzibur Rahman

  4. Topical Themes in Energy and Resources, A Cross-Disciplinary Education and Training Program for Environmental Leaders

    T. Hashida

    Springer 2015年

  5. 高分子における劣化・破壊現象の写 真・データ事例集~原因特定と対策のために~

    山本剛, 白須圭一, 野坂陽, 橋田俊之

    技術情報協会 2014年

  6. エレクトロニクス用途におけるコンポジット材料の混練・コンパウンド技術と分散・界面制御

    山本剛, 白須圭一, 橋田俊之

    技術情報協会 2013年4月

  7. Composites and Their Properties

    Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    InTech 2012年

    DOI: 10.5772/48667  

    ISBN: 9789535107118

  8. Mega-scale fluid flow in complex subsurface systems, in Nano-Mega Scale Flow Dynamics in Energy Systems, The 21st Century COE Program International COE of Flow Dynamics Lecture Series, Volume 9

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin

    Tohoku University Press 2008年4月

    ISBN: 9784861630941

  9. Mathematical Modeling of Mass Transport in Complex Media, The 21st Century COE Program International COE of Flow Dynamics Lecture Series, Volume 7

    Shigenao Maruyama, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Tohoku University Press 2008年4月

    ISBN: 9784861630798

  10. The Earth Simulator, The 21st Century COE Program International COE of Flow Dynamics Lecture Series, Volume 8

    Shigenao Maruyama, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Tohoku University Press 2008年4月

    ISBN: 9784861630804

  11. 水 その不思議な世界 –私たちの星を守るために-

    橋田 俊之

    高知新聞社 2007年11月23日

  12. 機械工学便覧基礎編α3「材料力学」


    日本機械学会編 2005年4月25日

  13. 水熱化学ハンドブック

    Toshiyuki Hashida


  14. 金属デ-タブック 改訂3版

    Toshiyuki Hashida


  15. 傾斜機能材料

    高橋 秀明, 橋田 俊之


  16. 傾斜機能材料

    庄子哲雄, 高橋秀明, 橋田俊之他


  17. 岩石破壊力学とその応用



︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

講演・口頭発表等 81

  1. Radial growth kinetics of epitaxial pyrolytic carbon layers on carbon nanotube surfaces by non-catalytic pyrolysis

    Fan Liu, Naoto Nishioka, Keiichi Shirasu, Fumio Ogawa, Toshiyuki Hashida

    31st International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials 2021年9月7日

  2. 酸化物型全固体電池の正極構成材料を目的とした作製と評価

    柳田航輝, 吉田 尚生, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会 2021年度年次大会 2021年9月7日

  3. 持続的地熱開発のための還元に伴う温度履歴を活用した貯留層評価に関する基礎的研究

    山口 碧, 鈴木 杏奈, Elvar K. Bjarkason, 今野 恵, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第56期総会・講演会 2021年3月12日

  4. 窒化ケイ素セラミックスの開発を目的とした非酸化物焼結助剤の創製と焼結体の評価

    鈴木 貴晴, 奥山 千雅, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第56期総会・講演会 2021年3月12日

  5. 非酸化物焼結助剤の創成と窒化ケイ素セラミックスの機械的特性に及ぼす影響に関する研究

    奥山 千雅, 鈴木 貴晴, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第51回卒業研究発表講演会 2021年3月9日

  6. CNT紡績糸の作製とその特性評価に関する研究

    土井 慎平, 小川 文男, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第51回卒業研究発表講演会 2021年3月9日

  7. 多層カーボンナノチューブの炭素含浸/アニール処理と構造・特性評価に関する研究

    西岡 尚人, 劉 凡, 小川 文男, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第51回卒業研究発表講演会 2021年3月9日

  8. 多層カーボンナノチューブのナノ構造制御を目的とした作製と評価に 関する研究

    高橋 良典, 白須 圭一, 高橋 和彦, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北学生会第50回卒業研究発表講演会 2021年3月6日

  9. 薄膜型全固体リチウムイオン電池の創製を目的とした酸化物固体電解質の作製と評価に関する研究

    大内 康弘, 吉田 尚生, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第55期総会・講演会 2020年3月13日

  10. テラヘルツ分光法と機械学習を組み合わせた全固体酸化物電池の内部損傷可視化法の開発

    薮田 佳絵, 佐藤 一永, 金森 義明, 福井 健一, 沼尾 正行, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第55期総会・講演会 2020年3月13日

  11. 改良4点曲げ試験法を用いた模擬作動環境下におけるSOFC電極/電解質間の界面破壊特性評価

    NAJMAN HELMI BIN JAAFAR, 熊田 圭悟, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北学生会第50回卒業研究発表講演会 2020年3月6日

  12. 分子動力学シミュレーションを用いた多層カーボンナノチューブの変形・強度特性評価に関する研究

    日本機械学会東北学生会第50回卒業研究発表講演会 2020年3月6日

  13. スモールパンチ法を用いた固体酸化物年長電池構成材料のクリープ特性評価に関する研究

    進藤 有悟, 黄 怡暉, 熊田 圭悟, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北学生会第50回卒業研究発表講演会 2020年3月6日

  14. 酸化物型全固体電池における正極特性の向上を目的とした作製・評価に関する研究

    柳田 航輝, 吉田 尚生, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北学生会第50回卒業研究発表講演会 2020年3月6日

  15. Cosα法を用いた燃料極支持型固体酸化物燃料電池の電解質薄膜内残留応力の評価

    熊田 圭悟, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会2019年度年次大会 2019年9月10日

  16. 全固体リチウムイオン電池の創成を目的とした固体電解質の作製と評価に関する研究

    大内 康弘, 吉田 尚生, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会2019年度年次大会 2019年9月10日

  17. テラヘルツ分光法に基づく固体酸化物燃料電池の自動非破壊検査システム開発に関する研究

    薮田 佳絵, 福井 健一, 沼尾 正行, 佐藤 一永, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会2019年度年次大会 2019年9月10日

  18. 水潤滑環境下におけるCNT/アルミナ複合材料の摩擦摩耗特性に及ぼすCNT表面修飾の影響に関する研究

    白須 圭一, 宮浦 拓人, 山本 剛, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会第26回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会(M&P2018 2018年11月3日

  19. Significance of Nano-Scale Experimental Techniques for Development of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Ceramics Matrix Composites 国際会議

    8th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, 2013年11月3日

  20. カーボンナノチュブを用いたセラミックス基複合材料の開発と応用展開

    山本剛, 白須圭一, 野坂陽, 橋田俊之

    第1回カーボンナノチューブコンポジットワークショップ(主催:JST 先端的低炭素化技術開発「現実的CNTアプリケーション技術による革新的超軽量強化複合材料量産化技術の開発」プロジェクト) 2013年8月29日

  21. カーボンナノチューブ/アルミナ複合材料の作製とその機械・電気的特性評価

    橋田俊之, 山本剛, 白須圭一, 大森守, 小野崇人, 高木敏行

    平成25年度 第1回 カーボンナノ材料研究会(主催:(財)大阪科学技術センター) 2013年6月5日

  22. Investigation of Fracture Mechanism in Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Alumina Composites and Its Relation with Nanostructure 国際会議

    Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, You Nozaka, Mamoru Omori, Toshiyuki Takagi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2011) 2011年11月9日

  23. Effect of carbon nanotube addition on tribological behavior of carbon nanotube/alumina composites in dry and humid conditions 国際会議

    G. Yamamoto, K. Shirasu, T. Takagi, T. Hashida

    22nd European Conference on Diamond, Diamond‐Like Materials,Carbon Nanotubes and Nitrides 2011年9月4日

  24. Carbon Nantube-Alumina Composite in Total Joint Replacement 国際会議

    Mamoru Omori, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida

    The 3rd International Symposium on Surface and Interface of Biomaterials in conjunction with The 5th Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Society 2011年7月12日

  25. Fabrication of Yttria-stabilized Zirconia Film Under Room Temperature Condition 国際会議

    Kazuhisa Sato, Keiji Yashiro, Junichiro Mizusaki, Toshiyuki Hashida

    ICMAT 2011 2011年6月26日

  26. In situ Observation of Deformation and Mechanical damage of SOFC Cell/stack 国際会議

    Kazuhisa Sato, Tadashi Sakamoto, Atsushi Kaimai, Keiji Yashiro, Koji Amezawa, Toshiyuki Hashida, Junichiro Mizusaki, Tastuya Kawada

    219th ECS meeting 2011年6月1日

  27. The Effects of Oxygen Vacancy Concentration on the Mechanical Properties of Zirconia and Ceria-Based Electrolytes for SOFCs 国際会議

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Yohei Takeyama, Kazuhisa Sato

    The 7th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology -FUELCELL2009 2009年6月8日

  28. SOFCの信頼性向上のための材料強度学的研究

    第51回固体イオニクス研究会 (固体イオニクス学会 主催) 2009年3月19日

  29. Evaluation of CO2 sorption capacity of rocks using a gravimetric method for CO2 geological sequestration 国際会議

    Takashi Fujii, Yoshiyuki Sato, Hongfei Lin, Hiroshi Inomata, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Th e 9 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n G r e e n h o u s e G a s C o n t r o l T e c h n o l o g i e s ( G H G T - 9 ) 2008年11月16日

  30. Numerical solution of fractional advection-dispersion equation into fractured porous aquifer 国際会議

    Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida

    5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference 2007年7月30日

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    Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida, Numerical solution of fractional advection-dispersion equation into fractured porous aquifer, 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, (San Diego, California, USA, July 30 - August 2, 2007), Presentation No. FEDSM2007-37692 (2007).

  31. CO2地下貯留のためのCO2圧入挙動の数値シミュレーションに関する研究

    佐々木 健太, 藤井 孝志, 新堀雄一, 伊藤高敏, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部第42期総会・講演会 2007年3月13日

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    佐々木 健太,藤井 孝志,新堀雄一,伊藤高敏,橋田 俊之, CO2地下貯留のためのCO2圧入挙動の数値シミュレーションに関する研究, 日本機械学会東北支部第42期総会・講演会 講演論文集No. 2007-1(平成19年3月13日,東北大学工学部青葉記念会館),(2007),pp.187-188. Kenta SASAKI, Takashi FUJII, Yuuichi NIIBORI, Takatoshi ITO, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Numerical simulation of CO2 injection for CO2 geological sequestration, Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of JSME Tohoku Regional Division, 2007-1, (March 13th, 2007, Tohoku University, Sendai), (2007), pp.187-188.

  32. 非整数階微分を利用した地殻内流動の数値シミュレーション法開発

    千葉隆一, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, 新堀雄一, 橋田 俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部第42期総会・講演会 2007年3月13日

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    千葉隆一,Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov,新堀雄一,橋田 俊之,非整数階微分を利用した地殻内流動の数値シミュレーション法開発,日本機械学会東北支部第42期総会・講演会 講演論文集No. 2007-1(平成19年3月13日,東北大学工学部青葉記念会館),(2007), pp.21-22. Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugunov, Yuichi Niibori, and Toshiyuki Hashida, Numerical Simulation of Non-Fickian Diffusion in a Fractured Porous Aquifer, Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of JSME Tohoku Regional Division, 2007-1, (March 13th, 2007, Tohoku University, Sendai), (2007), pp. 21-22.

  33. 急速起動可能な固体酸化物燃料電池の概念設計と試作

    熊田圭悟, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 水崎純一郎

    日本機械学会東北支部 第37回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 2007年3月5日

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    熊田圭悟,佐藤一永,橋田俊之,水崎純一郎,急速起動可能な固体酸化物燃料電池の概念設計と試作,日本機械学会東北支部 第37回学生員卒業研究発表講演会,(2007年3月5日,弘前大学), (2007),pp.33-34 (講演番号203). Keigo Kumada, Kazuhisa Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida, and Junichiro Mizusaki, Conceptual Design and Fbrication of Quich Start-up Solid Fuel Cells, Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of JSME Tohoku Regional Student Division, March 5, 2007, Hirosaki University, (2007), pp.33-34 (Presentation No. 203).

  34. 人工地熱貯留層からの抽熱性能に及ぼす天然き裂密度の影響に関する研究

    千坂恒浩, 吉田 敬, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第37回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 2007年3月5日

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    千坂恒浩,吉田 敬,橋田俊之,人工地熱貯留層からの抽熱性能に及ぼす天然き裂密度の影響に関する研究,日本機械学会東北支部 第37回学生員卒業研究発表講演会,(2007年3月5日,弘前大学), (2007),pp.35-36 (講演番号204). Tsunehiro Chisaka, Kei Yoshida, and Toshiyuki Hashida, Effetcs of Natural Fracture Densities on the Thermal Extraction Performance of Engineered Geothermal Reservoirs, Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of JSME Tohoku Regional Student Division, March 5, 2007, Hirosaki University, (2007), pp.35-36 (Presentation No.204).

  35. 封圧下における脆性材料の混合モードき裂進展挙動に関する研究

    山口裕之, 欅田雄輝, 高橋 亨, 坂口清敏, 佐藤一志, 松木浩二, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第37回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 2007年3月5日

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    山口裕之,欅田雄輝,高橋 亨,坂口清敏,佐藤一志,松木浩二,橋田俊之,封圧下における脆性材料の混合モードき裂進展挙動に関する研究,日本機械学会東北支部 第37回学生員卒業研究発表講演会,(2007年3月5日,弘前大学), (2007),pp. 37-38 (講演番号205). Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Kunigida Yuki, Toru Takahashi, Kiyotoshi Sakaguchi, Kazushi Sato, Koji Matsuki, and Toshiyuki Hashida, Mixed Mode Crack Growth in Brittle Materials under Confining Pressures, Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of JSME Tohoku Regional Student Division, March 5, 2007, Hirosaki University, (2007), pp.37-38 (Presentation No.205).

  36. 自己組織化マッピング手法を用いたSOFCの損傷可視化に関する研究

    佐藤一永, 今中規景, 福井健一, 八代圭司, 沼尾正行, 川田達也, 湯上浩雄, 橋田俊之, 水崎純一郎

    第15回SOFC研究発表会 2006年12月5日

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    佐藤一永,今中規景,福井健一,八代圭司,沼尾正行,川田達也,湯上浩雄, 橋田俊之,水崎純一郎,自己組織化マッピング手法を用いたSOFCの損傷可視化に関する研究,SOFC研究発表会

  37. Effects of Thermal Stresses on Rock Permeability with Application to the Thermal Extraction from Supercritical Rock Masses 国際会議

    Ryuichi Chiba, Yohei Takashima, Toru Takahashi, Takatoshi Ito, Kazuo Hayashi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    International Conference on Renewable Energy 2006 2006年10月9日

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    Ryuichi Chiba,Yohei Takashima, Toru Takahashi, Takatoshi Ito, Kazuo Hayashi and Toshiyuki Hashida, Effects of Thermal Stresses on Rock Permeability with Application to the Thermal Extraction from Supercritical Rock Masses, Abstracts of International Conference on Renewable Energy 2006, 9-13 October 2006, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, O-G-4-2, (2006), p. 52.

  38. Numerical Solution of Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation for Non-Fickian Diffusion in Fractional Porous Aquifer 国際会議

    Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugnov, Yuichi Niibori, Toshiyuki Hashida

    International Conference on Renewable Energy 2006 2006年10月9日

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    Ryuichi Chiba, Sergei Fomin, Vladimir Chugnov, Yuichi Niibori and Toshiyuki Hashida, Numerical Solution of Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation for Non-Fickian Diffusion in Fractional Porous Aquifer, Abstracts of International Conference on Renewable Energy 2006, 9-13 October 2006, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, P-G-11, (2006), p. 113.

  39. イットリア安定化ジルコニアの電気特性に及ぼす力学的負荷の影響に関する研究

    鳴海涼, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 川田達也, 八代圭司, 湯上浩雄, 水崎純一郎

    2006年電気化学秋季大会 2006年9月14日

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    鳴海涼, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之, 川田達也, 八代圭司, 湯上浩雄, 水崎純一郎, イットリア安定化ジルコニアの電気特性に及ぼす力学的負荷の影響に関する研究,2006年電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集,平成18年9月14-15日,同志社大学工学部,2F28 (2006), p. 160. R. Narumi, K. Sato, T. Hashida, T. Kawada, K. Yashiro, H. Yugami, J. Mizusaki, Effect of mechanical load on electrical property of yttria-stabilized zirconia, Proceedings of 2006 Autumn Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, 14th-15th September 2006, Doshisha University, 2F28 (2006), p. 160.

  40. 断裂型岩体を対象としたCO<SUB>2</SUB>地中圧入の数値シミュレーションに関する研究

    佐々木 健太, 藤井 孝志, 新堀雄一, 橋田 俊之

    資源・素材学会 2006年9月

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    佐々木 健太,藤井 孝志,新堀雄一,橋田 俊之, 断裂型岩体を対象としたCO2地中圧入の数値シミュレーションに関する研究, 資源・素材学会 ?????,平成年月日,,(2006), . Kenta SASAKI, Takashi FUJII, Yuuichi NIIBORI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Numerical simulation of CO2 injection into fractured type rock masses, ????? (2005), 9-10.

  41. Influence of formation tobermorite on mechanical properties of hydrothermally solidified blast furnace slag 国際会議

    Zhenzi Jing, Emile Hideki Ishida, Fangming Jin, Toshiyuki Hashida, Nakamichi Yamasaki

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Zhenzi Jing, Emile Hideki Ishida, Fangming Jin, Toshiyuki Hashida and Nakamichi Yamasaki, Influence of formation tobermorite on mechanical properties of hydrothermally solidified blast furnace slag, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp88, OC-2-06

  42. Numerical Solution of Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation for Fractured Porous Aquifer 国際会議

    Ryuichi CHIBA, Sergei FOMIN, Vladimir CHUGUNOV, Yuichi NIIBORI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Ryuichi CHIBA, Sergei FOMIN, Vladimir CHUGUNOV, Yuichi NIIBORI and Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Numerical Solution of Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation for Fractured Porous Aquifer, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp89, OC-2-10

  43. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection into Fractured Type Rock 国際会議

    Kenta SASAKI, Takashi FUJII, Yuichi NIIBORI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Kenta SASAKI, Takashi FUJII, Yuichi NIIBORI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in CO2Å@Injection into Fractured Type Rock, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp89, OC-2-11

  44. Numerical Model of Nuclide Transport in Fractured Porous Medium with a Treatment of Radioactive Disintegration 国際会議

    Mioo SHIRAI, Ryuichi CHIBA, Sergei FOMIN, Vladimir CHUGUNOV, Toru TAKAHASHI, Yuichi NIIBORI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Mioo SHIRAI, Ryuichi CHIBA, Sergei FOMIN, Vladimir CHUGUNOV, Toru TAKAHASHI, Yuichi NIIBORI, and Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Numerical Model of Nuclide Transport in Fractured Porous Medium with a Treatment of Radioactive Disintegration, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp90, OC-2-12

  45. Experimental valuation of interaction in supercritical CO2/water/rock minerals system under sequestration conditions 国際会議

    Hongfei Lin, Takashi Fujii, Reisuke Takisawa, Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Hongfei Lin, Takashi Fujii, Reisuke Takisawa, Toru Takahashi and Toshiyuki Hashida, Experimental valuation of interaction in supercritical CO2/water/rock minerals system under sequestration conditions, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp103, P-033

  46. Optimization of pH Value of Water Media for CO2 Reduction via Hydrothermal Process 国際会議

    Takamasa ONOKI, Hiro TAKAHASHI, Toshinari KORI, Nakamichi YAMASAKI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Takamasa ONOKI, Hiro TAKAHASHI, Toshinari KORI, Nakamichi YAMASAKI and Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Optimization of pH Value of Water Media for CO2 Reduction via Hydrothermal Process, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp106, P-048

  47. Numerical Analysis of Effects of Natural Crack Density on HDR Geothermal Energy Extraction 国際会議

    Kei YOSHIDA, Sergei FOMIN, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Kei YOSHIDA, Sergei FOMIN, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Numerical Analysis of Effects of Natural Crack Density on HDR Geothermal Energy Extraction, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp107, P-050

  48. Synthesis and Characterization of Nanometer NiO-SDC Composite Powders for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 国際会議

    Changsheng DING, Hajime OOMURA, Kazuhisa SATO, Toshiyuki HASHIDA

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Changsheng DING, Hajime OOMURA, Kazuhisa SATO, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, Synthesis and Characterization of Nanometer NiO-SDC Composite Powders for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp124, P-117

  49. Effects of Titanium Surface Modification on adhesive properties of Hydroxyapatite Coating by Double Layered Capsule Hydrothermal Hot-pressing method 国際会議

    Takamasa ONOKI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, EIICHI YASUDA, Yasuhiro TANABE

    Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006) 2006年8月5日

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    Takamasa ONOKI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA, EIICHI YASUDA and Yasuhiro TANABE, Effects of Titanium Surface Modification on adhesive properties of Hydroxyapatite Coating by Double Layered Capsule Hydrothermal Hot-pressing method, Abstracts of Joint Conference of 8th Int. Sympo. On Hydrothermal Reactions and 7th Int. Conf.on Solvo-Thermal Reactions (ISHR&ICSTR 2006),August 5-9, 2006,Sendai, Japan, (2006), pp134, P-160

  50. カーボンナノチューブとセラミックスとの生体適用と生体材料

    大森守, 橋田俊之, 木村久道, 大久保昭

    第2回「ナノトキシコロジーアセスと微粒子・ナノチューブのバイオ応用」研究会 2006年6月22日

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    大森守, 橋田俊之, 木村久道, 大久保昭, カーボンナノチューブとセラミックスとの生体適用と生体材料, 第2回「ナノトキシコロジーアセスと微粒子・ナノチューブのバイオ応用」研究会,平成18年6月22日-23日, 北海道大学学術交流会館, (2006).

  51. Tribological Properties of Binder-Free Single-Walled Carbon Solids 国際会議

    Go Yamamoto, Koshi Adachi, Yoshinori Sato, Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mamoru Omori, Akira Okubo, Kazuyuki Tohji

    7th International Conference on The Science and Application of Nanotubes 2006年6月18日

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    Go Yamamoto, Koshi Adachi, Yoshinori Sato, Toru Takahashi, Toshiyuki Hashida, Mamoru Omori, Akira Okubo, and Kazuyuki Tohji, Tribological Properties of Binder-Free Single-Walled Carbon Solids, Abstracts & Program of 7th International Conference on The Science and Application of Nanotubes, (June 18-23, 2006, Nagano, Japan), Contribution E. 019-Thursday, June 22, (2006), p.298.

  52. Synthesis and Characretization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Carbide Nanocomposites 国際会議

    Toru Takahashi, Go Yamamoto, Mamoru Omori, Yoshinori Sato, Kenji Yokomizo, Toshiyuki Hashida, Akira Okubo, Kazuyuki Tohji

    7th International Conference on The Science and Application of Nanotubes 2006年6月18日

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    Toru Takahashi, Go Yamamoto, Mamoru Omori, Yoshinori Sato, Kenji Yokomizo, Toshiyuki Hashida, Akira Okubo, and Kazuyuki Tohji, Synthesis and Characretization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Carbide Nanocomposites, Abstracts & Program of 7th International Conference on The Science and Application of Nanotubes, (June 18-23, 2006, Nagano, Japan), Contribution E. 023-Thursday, June 22, (2006), p.302.

  53. Development of Mechanical Design Methodology for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 国際会議

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazuhisa Sato, Tatsuya Kawada, Junichiro Mizusaki, Hiroo Yugami

    International Conference For Mechanical and Automotive Technologies 2006 (ICMATE 2006) 2006年4月26日

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    New University for Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education, (Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, Korea, April 26-28, 2006), pp.39-55

  54. 支持膜型固体酸化物燃料電池の製作と評価に関する研究

    京谷真太郎, 大村肇, 佐藤一永, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第36回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 2006年3月4日

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    京谷真太郎,大村肇,佐藤一永,橋田俊之,支持膜型固体酸化物燃料電池の製作と評価に関する研究,日本機械学会東北支部 第36回学生員卒業研究発表講演会,(2006年3月4日,いわき明星大学), (2006), 講演番号411. Sintaro Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of JSME Tohoku Regional Student Division, March 4, 2006, Iwaki Meisei University, (2006), Presentation No. 411.

  55. CO<SUB>2</SUB>地下貯留のための岩石と超臨界CO<SUB>2</SUB>との相互作用に関する研究

    瀧澤礼介, 藤井 孝志, 林宏飛, 高橋亨, 橋田俊之

    日本機械学会東北支部 第36回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 2006年3月4日

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    瀧澤礼介,藤井 孝志,林宏飛,高橋亨,橋田俊之,CO2地下貯留のための岩石と超臨界CO2との相互作用に関する研究,日本機械学会東北支部 第36回学生員卒業研究発表講演会,(2006年3月4日,いわき明星大学), (2006), 講演番号412 Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of JSME Tohoku Regional Student Division, March 4, 2006, Iwaki Meisei University, (2005), Presentation No.412.

  56. Damage Mechanism in Ceria-Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells under Simulated Operating Conditions 国際会議

    2005 Taiwan-Japan Joint Conference on SOFC 2005年12月19日

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    National Central University, Taoyuan County, Taiwan, December 19-20, 2005 (2005), 161-182.

  57. Development of Evaluation Methods for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 国際会議

    The 5th Korea-Japan Students’ Symposium –Fast Ion Transport in Solids and Through Interfaces; The Related Materials and Phenomena- 2004年10月27日

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    October 27-30,2004, Research Institute for Advanced Materials, Seoul National University, Korea, (2004).

  58. Development of Evaluation Methods for Ceria-Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 国際会議

    Kazushi Sato, Toshiyuki Hashida

    21COE Joint Workshop on Nano Science in Energy Technology, with Emphasis on Transport and Reactions in or on Solids 2004年9月27日

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    September 27-28, 2004, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, Program and Abstract, K-06.

  59. Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments and Rock Fracture Mechanics 国際会議

    Toshiyuki Hashida, Kazushi Sato

    International Workshop on Rock Fracture Mechanics 2004年9月24日

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    September 24, 2004, GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam

  60. Advances in Mathematical Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation of a Subterranean Fractured Reservoir 国際会議

    Sergei Fomin, Toshiyuki Hashida

    8th International Workshop on New Approches to High-Tech: Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering 2004年6月7日

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    June 7-13, 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia, Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on Strength Problems (SPAS), Vol. 8 (2004), 8-11.

  61. 超臨界水と岩石の相互作用を利用した地熱貯留層形成の可能性

    橋田俊之, 高橋亨

    第52期第1回日本材料学会高温強度部門委員会 2003年7月4日

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    第52期第1回日本材料学会高温強度部門委員会 講演会資料(日本材料学会会議室、京都、平成15年7月4日)、pp. 1-6.

  62. 地殻エネルギー抽出のための複雑き裂システムの制御

    第107回 日本材料学会破壊力学部門委員会 2002年11月15日

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    第107回 破壊力学部門委員会講演会資料, 日本材料学会(平成14年11月15日、仙台市), Vol. 51, No. 3 (2002), pp. 61-65.

  63. Development of Design Methodology for Deep-seated Geothermal Energy Extraction Systems 国際会議

    International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments 2001年8月11日

  64. 超臨界岩体からの地殻エネルギー抽出の可能性

    東京地学協会 地学クラブ講演会 2001年7月19日

  65. コンクリート廃材およびガラス廃材の再利用に向けて

    資源素材学会東北支部春季大会 2001年6月20日

  66. Review of Progress Toward the Development of Geothermal Reactor 国際会議

    The Joint 6th Int. Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions and 4th Int. Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions 2000年7月25日

  67. 次世代型地熱開発

    平成12年度地熱研究会 2000年7月19日

  68. 未来型地殻エネルギー抽出

    日本学術会議 地球・エネルギー・資源 -近未来技術の展望に関するシンポジュウム 2000年6月30日

  69. Session 6A: Fracture Parameter (II) 国際会議

    Third International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concerete Structures 1998年10月12日

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    (プロシーディング) Proc. of Third International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concerete Structures 1998

  70. セッション:材料力学 環境工学

    日本機械学会、第76期全国大会 1998年10月3日

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    (プロシーディング) 1998

  71. 特別企画フォーラム 高効率ガスタービンの現状と将来

    日本機械学会、第76期全国大会 1998年10月3日

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    (プロシーディング) 1998

  72. Development of environmentally-friendly processing methods for cementitious material 国際会議

    International Symposium on Solvethermal & Hydrothermal Processes 1997年9月1日

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    (プロシーディング) 1997 54 55

  73. セッション:学生賞セッション

    日本機械学会 東北支部第32期総会・講演会 1997年3月8日

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    (プロシーディング) 1997

  74. Development of Solvothermal Methods for Recycling Concrete Wastes 国際会議

    The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions 1996年12月18日

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    (プロシーディング) Proc. of The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions 1996

  75. Development of Solvothermal Methods for Recycling Concerete Wastes 国際会議

    The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions 1996年12月18日

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    (プロシーディング) Proc. of The Second International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions 1996

  76. セッション:貯留層5

    日本地熱学会 平成8年学術講演会 1996年12月8日

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    (プロシーディング) 1996

  77. Session: Eco-Cementitious Composites II 国際会議

    The Fourth Materials Engineering Conference 1996年11月10日

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    (プロシーディング) Proc. of The Fourth Materials Engineering Conference 1996

  78. 水熱ホットプレス法による繊維複合材料の開発

    財団法人四国産業・技術振興センター主催 平成7年度高温高圧流体反応に関する技術セミナー 1996年3月31日

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    (プロシーディング) 1996

  79. 水熱ホットプレス法による繊維複合材料の開発

    高温高圧流体反応 平成7年度技術セミナー(財)四国産業・技術振興センター 1996年3月11日

  80. Ductile Fracture in Cementitious Materials? 国際会議

    First International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures 1992年6月1日

  81. Concrete 国際会議

    The 10th International Acoustic Emission Symposium 1990年10月22日

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

産業財産権 10

  1. セメント系繊維複合材料 Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites

    橋田俊之, 宮外清貴, 高島博之

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  2. ハイドロキシアパタイト多孔質焼結体の製造方法 Production Method for Sintered Porous Hydroxyapatite Ceramics

    中平 敦, 村上隆幸, 橋田俊之, 細井和幸, 小野木伯薫

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  3. 軽量なセメント系電波吸収体およびその製造方法 Lightweight Electric Wave Absorbing Solids and Their Manufacturing Method

    橋田俊之, 佐藤源之, 宮外清貴, 高島博之

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  4. 短繊維複合セメント系押出成形材料とその製造方法 Extrusion Molded Cementitious Composites by Discontinuous Fibers and Their Manufacturing Method

    橋田俊之, 宮外清貴, 高島博之

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  5. 短繊維補強セメント系押出成形材料 Discontinuous Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Manufactured by Extrusion Molding

    橋田俊之, 宮外清貴, 高島博之

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  6. 短繊維補強セメント系押出成形材料 Discontinuous Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Manufactured by Extrusion Molding

    橋田俊之, 宮外清貴, 高島博之

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  7. 蓄電材料及びウルトラ蓄電体

    福原幹夫, 長谷川史彦, 黒田共之, 伊藤修, 橋田俊之, 中谷丈史, 森田昌浩


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  8. 蓄電材料及びウルトラ蓄電体

    福原幹夫, 黒田共之, 長谷川史彦, 伊藤修, 橋田俊之, 中谷丈史, 森田昌浩

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  9. 学習装置,浸透率推定システム,学習方法及びプログラム

    小野寺真也, 橋田俊之, 鈴木杏奈

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  10. ウルトラキャパシタ材料およびウルトラキャパシタ

    福原幹夫, 長谷川史彦, 黒田共之, 橋田俊之

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 33

  1. 超臨界岩体からの地殻エネルギー抽出に関する研究 競争的資金

    1997年9月 ~ 継続中

  2. マイクロメカニックスに基づく繊維複合材料の開発 競争的資金

    1989年4月 ~ 継続中

  3. セラミックコーティングの耐熱衝撃・疲労性能評価に関する研究 競争的資金

    1986年4月 ~ 継続中

  4. セルロースナノファイバーを用いた量子的固体蓄電体の開発と持続可能社会創成への貢献

    橋田 俊之, 小川 文男, 福原 幹夫

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2022年4月1日 ~ 2025年3月31日

  5. 超臨界CO2フラクチャリングによる新たな地熱開発の展開

    鈴木 杏奈, 橋田 俊之

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2020年4月1日 ~ 2024年3月31日

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  6. ナノ凹凸構造を利用した物理的固体蓄電体の創製と環境調和型エネルギー開発への貢献

    橋田 俊之, 福原 幹夫, 佐藤 一永, 今野 一弥

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2019年4月1日 ~ 2022年3月31日

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    (1)ナノ寸法の凹凸表面による蓄電現象:種々の方法で陽極酸化した試料に対して、高精度AFMを用いて凸径d、凹径c、凸径/凹径比d/c及び凸頂点から凹底点までの深さhを計測し、各々の試料の蓄電特性を測定した。その結果、蓄電量はd、h、d/h比の減少に伴って増大し、d/c=1の時、最大となった。等径の凹凸で深さが浅い形状が蓄電性にとって最適であることがわかり,蓄電現象が量子ナノサイズ効果による並列コンデンサーの分布定数回路でモデル化できることを示している。 試料表面をフーリエ赤外線(FT-IR)解析とミクロレーザーラマンスペクトラム法で測定した。その結果、AlO6クラスターは3505 cm-1のFT-IRピークバンドと1047 cm-1のラマンピークによって特徴づけられることが分かった。Thomas-Fermiによる遮蔽理論に基づく数値的解析では凸径21 nmで約-20 eVの仕事関数値が得られた。Al基アモルファス合金についてのこの値は、アモルファスチタニアやアモルファスポリマーの仕事関数より大きく、電子吸着能が高いことを示している。 (2)リボン蓄電体の集電性能向上:表面ナノ凸点を集電板と連続的に接着させることが蓄電性向上にとって最も重要な1つの課題である。厚さが0.1, 1, 10 μmの金箔を用いて凸面周囲を覆い、ゴムチューブに挿入後脱気し1, 10, 50、100, 200 MPaの静水圧での接着を試みた。0.1μm膜は凹面まで接着し、10 μm膜は接着せず、 1μm膜は一部が接着したのみで安定な電極作成はできなかった。この結果を踏まえて、凸面への垂直Au/Cr蒸着を乾式法により行ったところ、Au/Cr金属により凹面奥底まで蒸着することができた。試料から5度傾斜させたほぼ平行蒸着も行ったものの、蓄電効率は極めて低い結果であった。

  7. 非酸化物焼結助剤による新規な窒化ケイ素セラミックスの創製と構造・機能材料への展開

    橋田 俊之, 山本 剛

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2016年4月1日 ~ 2019年3月31日

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  8. バッテリーセキュリティー社会のための電池内部の見える化技術基盤創成

    橋田 俊之, 佐藤 一永, 鈴木 研, 福井 健一

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2015年4月1日 ~ 2017年3月31日

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    Liイオン2次電池ならびに固体酸化物燃料電池(SOFC)を対象とし,アコースティックエミッション (AE)計測およびレーザー顕微鏡を用いた作動に伴う機械的損傷の非破壊計測に関する研究を行い,バッテリーセキュリティー社会構築のための電池における劣化損傷の見える化技術の構築を行った.Liイオン2次電池においては, 充放電に伴うLiイオンとの合金化によるSi負極の寸法変化,ならびにこれによるSi負極とCu基盤のはく離損傷の検出技術を開発した.また,SOFCにおいては,作動環境における電気化学的酸化による機械的損傷の検出に成功し,損傷の自己組織化マップを提案した.

  9. テンプレート法によるナノ界面制御を用いたCNT複合材料の高機能化と展開応用

    橋田 俊之, WANG Weili

    2012年4月1日 ~ 2015年3月31日

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    多層カーボンナノチューブ(MWCNT)とアルミナからなる複合材料の高機能化と応用展開を目的として、以下の3つの研究を実施した. 研究1:複合材料の破壊特性の支配因子であるMWCNTとアルミナとの界面強度を評価する目的で、埋込長さ傾斜制御型引抜試験法を開発した。MWCNT-アルミナ間の界面強度は19 MPa程度であることを明らかにするとともに、得られた値は理論モデルから予想される界面強度と概ね一致していた。これらの結果は、複合材料のさらなる破壊特性の向上のためには、MWCNT-アルミナ間の界面強度を適切な値まで低減させることが有効であることを示すものである。 研究2:常圧焼成法による複合材料作製技術を確立する目的で、MWCNT/アルミナ複合材料の焼結特性ならびに機械的特性におよぼすMWCNT添加量とMWCNT種の影響を検討した。MWCNT添加量の少ない試料において緻密な組織を有する試料の作製に成功するとともに、適切な表面性状ならびに剛性を有するMWCNTを複合化に使用することで、アルミナ焼結体の強度・靱性特性を超える破壊特性を有する試料の作製に成功した。さらに、常圧焼成法を用いることで大型試料ならびに半球カップ状の試料を作製することが可能となった。 研究3:MWCNT/アルミナ複合材料の摩擦・摩耗特性に関する知見を得ることを目的として、摩擦・摩耗特性に及ぼす作製条件ならびに摩擦環境の影響評価を行った。摺動距離が短い条件において、MWCNT添加量の増加に伴い摩擦係数は低下する傾向が認められた。MWCNTsを5.5 vol.%添加した複合材料の摩擦係数は約0.3であり、この値はアルミナ焼結体と比較して約26%低い値であった。一方、摺動距離の増加に伴い摩擦係数は上昇し、定常状態の摩擦係数はいずれの条件で作製した複合材料においてもアルミナ焼結体と同程度の値(0.4-0.5程度)であった。

  10. カーボンナノチューブ複合材料の設計・合成・評価ループ構築と高機能化に関する研究

    橋田 俊之, 田路 和幸, 高木 敏行, 小野 崇人, 胡 寧, 大森 守, 山本 剛

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2009年5月11日 ~ 2014年3月31日

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  11. 低温動作型SOFCの開発を目指したセル薄膜化とその設計法に関する研究

    橋田 俊之, 水崎 純一郎, 湯上 浩雄, 川田 達也, 佐藤 一永, 高橋 亨

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2006年 ~ 2008年

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    固体酸化物燃料電池(SOFC)の機械的信頼性を向上させることを目的として, スプレー法を用いた電解質の簡易な薄膜化法を開発するとともに, SOFC機器要素の小型パンチ試験法を用いた弾性率や破壊強度などの機械的特性評価法, ならびにAE法を併用したSOFC単セルの信頼性評価法の開発を行い, これらの知見を総合することにより, 比較的低温で高いイオン導電性を示すガドリニアを添加したセリア系セラミックスを電解質とするSOFCを対象として電解質薄膜の厚みを最適にする方法を提案した.

  12. ナノイオニクス構造高機能固体酸化物燃料電池の創製

    水崎 純一郎, 橋田 俊之, 八代 圭司, 佐藤 一永

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2004年 ~ 2008年

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  13. 岩石の超臨界水誘起割れを利用した超臨界貯留層の設計と亜臨界領域との融合

    橋田 俊之, 林 一夫, 土屋 範義, 新堀 雄一, 高橋 亨

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2002年 ~ 2004年

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    深部地殻エネルギー抽出量の増大を目的として,超臨界水と岩石の相互作用を活用するための研究を行い,以下の知見を得た. 1.高温下での岩石の破壊特性評価に関する実験において,超音波法に基づく検討により,封圧の作用は加熱に伴う微視き裂の発生を抑制する上で効果的であることを明らかにした. 2.3種類の露頭花こう岩ならびに葛根田地熱フィールドの深部花こう岩を用いを対象に,透水実験を実施し.岩種によらず水の臨界点を超えた温度条件で微視割れが誘起され透水率が上昇することを示し,超臨界水誘起微視割れが花こう岩一般に観察される現象であることを見出した.ただし,深部花こう岩においては,水の臨界点を超えた条件での透水率は露頭花こう岩に比較すると小さな値であり,今後の重要な課題であることを示した. 3.飯館花こう岩を用いて3軸圧縮試験を行い,せん断破壊のき裂面近傍と遠方領域のき裂密度を測定することにより,超臨界水誘起微視割れに加えて応力作用効果により微視割れが促進される現象のあることを新たに見出している.この化学的ならびに力学的作用の重畳効果は,亜臨界水条件に比較して超臨界水条件で格段に大きいことを明らかにしている.これにより,超臨界水環境下で応力腐食割れが加速される現象が存在することを指摘した. 4.水の超臨界状態を考慮し,さらに超臨界貯留層と亜臨界貯留層の融合効果を検討するために2相流状態における流動を考慮した循環による熱抽出シミュレーションコードを作成した.本解析コードを用いた数値解析を行うことにより,水循環に伴う抽熱に及ぼす岩体温度,循環流速の影響を明らかにしている.これにより,抽熱性能を向上させるための超臨界貯留層条件に関する基礎的な知見を提供している.

  14. 水熱プロセスによる二酸化炭素からの有機化合物の直接合成

    山崎 仲道, 中塚 勝人, 小田 幸人, 後藤 芳彦, 橋田 俊之, 土屋 範芳

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


    2001年 ~ 2002年

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  15. 固体酸化物型燃料電池の設計・作成と機械的特性評価に関する研究 競争的資金

    2001年4月 ~

  16. マルチボアホールからなる地殻エネルギー抽出システムの最適化に関する研究-貯留層拡大と抽熱量の飛躍的向上を目指して-

    橋田 俊之, 新堀 雄一, 松木 浩二, 林 一夫

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2000年 ~ 2001年

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    断裂型貯留層を対象として申請者らが開発したFRACSIM-3Dを用いて、マルチボアホール貯留層システムからの抽熱を最適化するための検討を行った。 研究(1)天然き裂モデル、流体移動モデルの開発と水圧破砕・抽熱解析コードの確立 水圧破砕時に得られる貯留層の進展方向ならびに体積に関する知見を基に、FRACSIM-3Dを用いて妥当な天然き裂分布モデルを決定する方法を考案し、本法をEUのソルツフィールドの水圧破砕実験結果に適用することにより、その有効性を検証した。ボーリングコア中に含まれる天然き裂面のフラクタル特性に基づき、せん断膨張角ならびに透水き裂最大開口量を規定するき裂面粗度を推定する手法を考案した。 天然き裂面上の突起分布の標準偏差と水力学的に有効なき裂間隔の関係を定式化し、簡易な天然き裂面流体移動モデルを構成し、これらの成果を合わせて従来のFRACSIM-3Dのアルゴリズムを移植し、水圧破砕・抽熱解析コードを構成した。 研究(3)マルチボアホール貯留層システムの流体・熱移動解析 1つの注入井と4つの生産井からなる貯留層を抽熱ユニットとし、この抽熱ユニットを正方形型に配置したマルチボアホール貯留層システムを対象にして、水循環時の流体・熱移動解析を行った。マルチボアホール貯留層システムにおける流体の回収率および抽熱量は、単独に抽熱ユニットを同一の数だけ増大させた場合と比較してほぼ同じであることを明らかにし、所要の抽熱量に対して要求される坑井数を大幅に低減できることを示した。 研究(4)マルチボアホール貯留層システムの最適化に関する研究 マルチボアホール貯留層システムの抽熱性能を最適化するための方法論に関する検討を行った。所定の貯留層システムに対して、注入流量を変化させた流体・熱移動解析を行うことにより所要の貯留層寿命に対して総抽熱量を最大にする条件を決定する方法を提案した。

  17. 微小試験片を用いた高温構造材料のクリープ劣化診断技術の開発―新しいSPクリープ試験法の確立とその応用―

    橋田 俊之, 駒崎 慎一, 川崎 亮, 庄子 哲雄, 岡田 郁生

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1999年 ~ 2001年

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    スモールパンチ(SP)クリープ試験により高温構造材料のクリープ劣化診断技術の開発を目的として、ボイラーおよびガスタービン用材料の長期使用材を用いた検討により以下の知見を得た。 研究(1)1500℃級SPクリープ試験装置の開発 温度1500℃,荷重容量500Nの高温SPクリープ試験装置を試作し、10mm×10mm×0.3mmの小型試験片を用いたクリープ試験法を開発することに成功した。特に、真空中で実験を行うことにより、試験片の酸化を抑制した小型試験片による高温クリープ特性評価を実施することを提案している。 研究(2)SPクリープ試験片における変形、破壊挙動 ボイラー用鋼(9Crフェライト鋼、9Cr1MoVNb鋼)ならびにガスタービン用一方向凝固Ni基超合金(CM247LC)を用いて、種々の荷重,温度条件下でSPクリープ試験を実施しすることにより、SPクリープ試験片においては、2軸の張り出し変形が主たる変形モードであること、得られた変異-時間曲線は,一軸クリープ試験と類似の一次から三次クリープ曲線を示すことを明らかにし,さらに二次クリープ変形速度から得られた活性化エネルギーは一軸クリープの値と比較的近いものであることを見出した。 研究(3)実機使用材ならびに人工熱時効材のSPクリープ特性評価 ボイラー用チューブ鋼材として10万時間使用されたSUS316 HTB、ボイラー用バルブ鋼材の9Cr1MoVNb、さらに9Crフェライト鋼の時効劣化材を対象にして、開発したSPクリープ試験法を適用した。ラーソン-ミラーパラメータで整理した実験データを基に、SPクリープ試験により高温劣化がクリープ特性に及ぼす影響を評価しうることを、新材との比較により明らかにした。この知見を基に、SPクリープ試験に基づく高温構造・機器部材におけるクリープ劣化を検出する方法を提案した。

  18. マルチプルクラック先行型材料のせん断型プロセスゾーンに関する破壊力学的研究

    橋田 俊之, 佐藤 一志

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


    1998年 ~ 1999年

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    平成11年度には,以下の研究(I-IV)を行った。 研究(I)破壊のクライテリオンに関する研究 飯館花こう岩の円柱試験片を用いて室温から500℃の温度,150MPaまでの封圧,ならびに50MPaまでの間隙水圧の条件で三軸圧縮試験を行い,せん断軟化則の測定を行った。せん断強度の温度依存性を明らかにし,本実験条件の範囲内ではせん断軟化則は封圧,間隙水圧に依存しないことを示し,深度によらず評価したせん断軟化則をき裂進展のクライテリオンとして採用できることを見出した。 研究(II)模擬水圧破砕実験 円筒内圧試験片を用いて,研究(I)と同じ温度・封圧条件下における模擬水圧破砕実験を実施した。軸応力と封圧の差応力が比較的小さい場合には地下浅部で通常観察される開口型の水圧破砕き裂進展が発生するものの,差応力が比較的大きい場合にはせん断型のき裂進展が観察されることをはじめて見出し,地下深部の水圧破砕では地殻応力場の大きさによってはせん断型破壊の発生する可能性のあることを示した。 研究(III)き裂進展解析コードの作成 平成10年度に作成したき裂要素を適用した水圧破砕の有限要素解析コードに基づき,新しく研究(I)の破壊クライテリオンを組み込み,研究(II)の地殼応力場を仮定し水圧破砕き裂進展解析を行った。本解析コードにより,研究(II)で得られたき裂進展の傾向をほぼ再現できることを示した。 研究(IV)大深度水圧破砕き裂進展の数値解析と貯留層形成プロセス 水圧破砕解析コードを活用し,岩体の自重により誘起される地殼応力場を対象に貯留層形成プロセスを検討することにより,地下浅部の水圧破砕では初期き裂からほぼ開口型でき裂進展し,地下深部(lOkm程度)の水圧破砕では初期にせん断型破壊が発生した後に開口型に遷移することを示した。

  19. ガスタービン用遮熱セラミックコーティングの試作と寿命予測システムの開発

    橋田 俊之, 河合 久孝, 佐藤 一志, 川崎 亮

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1997年 ~ 1998年

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    ガスタービン動翼のリーディングエッジTBCを対象に、以下の研究を実施しTBCの特性評価技術ならびに寿命予測システムの開発を行った。 研究(1) プラズマ溶射法およびEB-PVD法によるTBCの試作 ZrOとNiC_1AIYを各々遮熱層およびボンドコートとするコーティングシステムを対象に、プラズマ溶射法およびEB-PVD法を用いた成膜技術の開発を行った。これにより、Ni合金を基材とし、上述のTBCシステムからなる円筒型試験片を作成した。 研究(2) TBC損傷の界面破壊力学的評価に関する研究 (2-1) レーザ加熱試験による特性評価:動翼リーディングエッジ部を模擬した円筒試験片を用い、レーザ加熱による熱衝撃/熱疲労の加速試験法を開発した。トリップ時の熱衝撃を模擬するために強制冷却サイクルを組み込んだ試験を実施し、AE法を併用した損傷過程、機構を追跡することにより最終的な脱落破壊が遮熱層の座屈に起因して冷却時に生じることを明らかにした。また、高温酸化の影響を温度条件と脱落破壊までの熱サイクル数との関係で示した。 (2-2) 界面き裂進展の数値シュミレーションコードの構成:動翼リーディングエッジ部を模擬した円筒モデルを対象にして、実機の形状と熱的環境を模擬した非定常熱応用力解析に基づく界面はく離き裂進展の有限要素解析コードを構成した。これにより界面き裂応力拡大係数を決定した。 研究(3) TBC寿命予測システムの開発 実験的に決定された界面き裂応力拡大係数と熱応力解析結果に基づき、動翼リーディングエッジ部の実機条件における熱疲労はく離き裂進展挙動の界面破壊力学的評価を行うことにより寿命予測システムを考案した。さらに、本法の妥当性をレーザ加熱法による加速試験結果に適用することにより示した。

  20. 繊維複合による微視き裂分散型材料の高靭化に関する破壊力学的研究

    橋田 俊之, 佐藤 一志

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1996年 ~ 1997年

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    本研究は、繊維、マトリックスの各種複合パラメータと微視き裂分散型プロセスゾーンに吸収される破壊エネルギーとをリンクさせるための破壊力学的解析を行い、さらにこの解析結果を設計モデルとして利用することにより、繊維複合材料の高靭化のための最適化に関する検討を行うことを目的としている。 研究(1)設計モデルの開発研究代表者らがこれまで短繊維のランダム配合を対称として開発したマイクロメカニックスモデルを基礎に、分散型の微視き裂を発生させるための複合パラメータ条件に関する検討を行い、複合パラメータから機械的諸特性を予測する破壊力学的モデルを開発した。ここで、破壊力学的モデルとは繊維パラメータ(寸法、含有率、機械的特性)、マトリックスパラメータ(破壊靭性、ヤング率)ならびに界面強度、スナッピング係数の各複合パラメータに対して、繊維が完全にプルアウトする場合ならびに破断する場合について、裂発生強度や準ひずみ硬化特性を予測するものである。 研究(2)繊維強化複合材料の合成と評価放電プラズマ焼結法を用い、炭素繊維-炭化ケイ素マトリックスならびにSU304製繊維-LAS/ウラストナイトマトリックスの複合材料を試作し、3点曲げ試験法による破壊特製の評価を行った。研究(1)で作成した設計モデルにより試作材料の破壊エネルギーを定量的に予測できること、および後者の試作材では微視き裂分散型の破壊プロセスを誘起しうることを示し、さらにその複合化条件は開発した破壊力学的モデルによる推定結果と調和的であることを明らかにした。 研究(3)複合パラメータの最適化研究(1)の設計モデルを基礎にして、分散型微視き裂発生、繊維の破断ならびに巨視的に均質な繊維の複合化を行うための各条件を図式化した複合材料の設計線図を作成し、これを用いた数値実験を行うことにより高靭化のための最適繊維パラメータを決定する方法を提案した。

  21. 岩石熱水間の力学および化学的相互作用を考慮した断裂型地熱貯留層シミュレータの開発

    橋田 俊之, ウィリ-リチャード ジョナサン, 花野 峰行, 北野 晃一, 渡辺 公雄, 橋田 俊之

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1995年 ~ 1996年

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    次世代の地熱エネルギー利用技術のひとつとして注目されている高温岩体発電システムは、地殻岩体内の天然き裂群および水圧破砕により作成された人工き裂群を熱交換面として利用する。高温岩体からの熱抽出の評価には、このき裂群分布および循環流体の流れの把握およびそれに基づく数値解析が必要である。 本研究では、まず、現在明らかになりつつある地下き裂群のフラクタル的な特徴を調査し、その結果に基づいて高温岩体貯留層の数値モデルを構築した。次に、このモデルを基に、貯留層内の流体および熱移動の解析が可能な数値シミュレーションプログラムを作成した。また、流体の流れを支配するき裂の幅に大きな影響を与えるものとして、岩石熱水間の力学的および化学的相互作用を取り上げ、その影響も組み入れた。力学的相互作用に関しては、岩石力学の基礎理論より、地殻応力とき裂内の流体圧力から各き裂の開口幅およびせん断滑りの計算を可能とした。化学的相互作用に関しては、実際のき裂内での岩石熱水相互作用を模擬できる、高温高圧岩石熱水反応装置を開発し実際に実験を行うことにより、岩石と熱水間の反応法則を求めた。特に、岩石熱水間の反応速度を温度と流速の関数として導き出し、数値シミュレーションプログラムへの組み込みを容易にした。 このシミュレータを用いて、現在(財)電力中央研究所が秋田県雄勝町で実験を行っている高温岩体フィールドの実際の循環試験の評価を行った。この結果、実際に循環試験が行われた150日間の生産熱水の温度変化を良く模擬することができ、確率論的ではあるが約10年間の生産熱水の温度変化を予測することができた。

  22. マルチクラックキャラクタリゼーション

    高安 秀樹, 高橋 秀明, 金子 勝比古, 佐々 宏一, 佐野 雅己, 橋田 俊之, 由佐 悠紀, 高安 秀樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1993年 ~ 1995年

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    各研究者毎の平成5年度-平成7年度までの研究成果概要を以下に列記する. (1)破壊現象の数値シミュレーションを行い,ミクロなモデルの詳細に依存しないユニバーサリティの性質に関して調査し,2次元面上を亀裂が進展する破壊モデルだけでなく,3次元の衝撃破壊の場合にも,強いユニバーサリティが成立していることを証明できた(高安).(2)さまざまな地球科学的データに基づく地熱構造の総合的モデル化が試みられた.地表での放熱・地下温度・比抵抗構造・キュリー点深度・噴気不活性ガス組成に関して,総合化が可能となった.また,中部九州の地熱地域で地震波の明瞭な減衰が検出された(由佐).(3)岩石のマルチクラック破壊挙動をAE放出挙動のフラクタル性を基に実験的に検討し,対応関係を明らかにした.この検討結果に基づいて,岩石のマルチクラック破壊挙動を模議することのできる数値モデルを構築し,ネットワークモデルにより数値解析が可能であることを示した(橋田).(4)準静的に進行するき裂の実験において,単一き裂,複数き裂のそれぞれについてき裂の進展条件,振動不安定条件を無次元化量で決定した(佐野).(5)き裂内に気体を圧入して弾性波によってき裂を検知・モニタリングする方法についてモデル実験及びモデル計算を行い有効性を明らかにした.地震探査反射法データのAVOインバージョン及び深度変換法を開発した.補助電流源を用いた電流集束型比抵抗検層について検討した(佐々).(6)断裂群のフラクタルモデルを提案とするとともに,人工衛星画像を用いたリニアメント解析によりモデル定数を評価する方法を開発した.これらの手法を花崗岩体に適用して,岩体の断裂群を定量化し,地下断裂群の連結性を予測した(金子).(7)天然の断裂系を現地の地質調査で確認し,空中写真,衛星画像による解析結果と比較した.また,放射能探査により現地調査では確認できないリニアメントを追跡した.画像解析手法として教師システムを確立した(高島).(8)6断層群(総計約1500本)の断層について,破砕帯の幅と変位量,サイズ(変位量)分布,断層の位置の空間分布,変位量の空間分布を観察した結果,それぞれがフラクタル分布を示し,フラクタル次元が岩石の延性度と総注入エネルギー密度に依存して変化することが分かった(大槻).(9)地殻の弾性波速度や密度の構造はかなり強い不均質性を持つ.九州・関東2地域の5井における検層データの解析から,ゆらぎのパワースペクトル密度は,速度・密度とも,波長に対して0.2mから数百mの範囲でべき乗則を満たすことを明らかにした(佐藤).(10)熔結凝灰岩の圧裂強度とその破面粗度のフラクタル次元Dは強い負の相関を示し,Dの変化に強度は敏感でありDは有効なパラメータである.一方,CT試験片の場合は予きれつ近傍の巨視的きれつ進展方向の次元Dの変動係数と強い正の相関を示すことがわかった(田野)

  23. クリーン地殻エネルギー抽出法の設計基礎論-フラクタル破壊力学の構築とその応用-

    中塚 勝人, 高橋 秀明, 橋田 俊之, 山崎 仲道, 林 一夫, 高安 秀樹, 由佐 悠紀, 佐々 宏一, 中塚 勝人, 水田 義明

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1993年 ~ 1995年

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    研究目的を達成するために,3つの課題(1)マルチクラックキャラクタリゼーション(AO1班),(2)マルチクラック貯留層制御(AO2班),(3)地殻熱水流動と岩石変質メカニズム(AO3班)を研究の柱として選定した。総括班ではAO1-AO3班の研究成果に基づく熱抽出シミュレーション法の開発に関する研究班横断ワーキンググループを発足させ重点的共同研究を実施した。これにより,マルチクラック型の貯留層からの抽熱性能を予測するための基礎を構築することができた。 本研究領域は我が国の他の地熱開発プロジェクトであるNEDOの肘折フィールドならびに電力中央研究所の雄勝フィールドにおける高温岩体プロジェクトとも連携をとりながら研究を進めてきた。また,支援研究として科研費国際学術研究によりイギリス(ロンドン大学,Meredith教授),ならびにドイツ(ルール大学,Rummel教授)との国際共同研究を実施し,特にフラクタルと破壊,およびボアホールデータに基づくマルチクラックキャラクタリゼーションに関する共同研究を行った。 本総括班においては,年度毎の成果報告会と総括班会議の開催に加えて,研究成果の公表を目的とした公開シンポジュウムならびに公開ワークショップを開催した。平成5年11月16日には,「理学と工学分野におけるフラクタルに関するシンポジウム」を開催した。シンポジウムでは,以下の5名の講演(内外国人講演者3名)を受けフラクタルの基礎的考え方に関する討論を行った。平成6年11月1日には「フラクタル破壊力学に関するシンポジウム」を開催し、4名の招聘講師による講演会を行い,岩石破壊に観察されるフラクタル性,およびこの観察結果を用いた破壊現象のモデル化に関する討論を行った。平成7年11月1日には「クリーン地殻エネルギー抽出法の設計基礎論」を行い、11名の本研究メンバーを講師とする研究成果の公表を行った。計3回の成果報告と公開シンポジュウムの内容はそれぞれ成果報告書ならびにプロシ-ディングとして印刷されている。また,研究班およびワーキンググ-ルプ活動の有機的連携を促進させるために,ニュースレターを定期的に発行することにより,研究成果を速報するとともに各実験フィールドで得られたデータの共有化を図った。ニュースレターの総発刊数は10号であった。

  24. 放電プラズマ法を用いた短繊維複合延セラミックスの設計・合成・評価に関する研究

    橋田 俊之

    1994年 ~ 1994年

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    本研究の目的は、セラミックス系短繊維複合材料を対象に、マイクロメカニックスモデルに基づく材料開発を実施し、マルチプルクラックひずみ硬化特性を有する高靭性セラミックスを創製することである。 1.繊維ブリッジング応力-き裂開口変位の関係に基礎を置く短繊維強化材料設計モデルを構成した。モデルは繊維(寸法,体積含有率,弾性係数),マトリックス(破壊靭性,弾性係数)および界面強度の各パラメータを考慮している。これによりマルチプルクラックの発生条件、ひずみ硬化型材料の応力-ひずみ挙動を推定するモデルを提案した。 2.放電プラズマ法により、以下の4種のセラミックスを燒結した結果、50MPaの加圧力、5minの加熱時間でSiCでは1800℃、ZrO_2,Al_2O_3,Si_3N_4では1600℃の温度で、いずれも燒結助剤を添加することなく、理論密度100%の緻密な固化体を得た。固化体の高温強度評価をスモ-ルパンチ試験法により実施した結果、通常のホットプレス法による燒結で作成した固化体よりも耐熱性に優れていることを見いだした。1500℃で最大2倍程度の強度を保持している。これにより、燒結助剤無添加の高温強度特性に優れたセラミックスの迅速な合成ルートを開発した。 3.金属間化合物繊維の合成を目的に、Ni_3Alの放電プラズマ燒結実験を実施した結果、50MPaの加圧力、10minの加熱時間、1850℃の温度で緻密な固化体を得た。3点曲げ試験により、室温においても延性挙動を呈することを確認し、上記2で作成したセラミックスをマトリックス、本金属間化合物を繊維として複合化できる見通しを得た。今後、設計モデルを基礎に、さらに金属間化合物繊維複合セラミックス材料の完成を目指す。 4.1に記した材料設計モデルの妥当性を検討するために、化学的セラミックの代表例であるケイ酸カルシウム(ゾノトライト)複合材料を水熱ホットプレス低温合成法で製作した。用いた繊維はポリエチレン(アスペクト比:500)である。体積含有率0.7%でマルチプルクラックを誘起することができ、ひずみ硬化型高靭性材料の開発に成功するとともに、構成したモデルの予測と調和的であることを確認した。 本研究により、マルチプルクラックひずみ硬化型高靭性複合材料の設計モデルが開発できたといえる。

  25. マルチプルクラックひずみ硬化挙動を利用した延性セラミック,ガラスの開発

    橋田 俊之

    1993年 ~ 1993年

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    本研究は、短繊維複合によりマトリックスにマルチプルクラックを誘起し、準ひずみ硬化特性を有する素材を開発することが目的であり、素材の合成技術の開発に加えて、特に材料微視組織と巨視的破壊特性をリンクしたマイクロメカニックスに立脚した材料開発手法に関する研究を行った。 破壊力学的結合力モデルに立脚し、繊維ブリッジング応力-き裂開口変位関係に基づく材料設計モデルを鋼製した。これによりマルチプルクラックを誘起するための適切な繊維パラメータ(寸法、剛性、含有率)とマトリックスパラメータ(靱性、剛性)及び界面強度の条件を決定する手法を考案した。本研究では、セラミック、ガラス系マトリックスとして、ゾノトライト、コンクリート、発泡ガラスを対象とした。またゾノトライトには種々のポリマー繊維、コンクリート、発泡ガラスにはスチール製繊維を強化要素として用いた。脱水成形により作成したゾノトライト複合材料、および水熱ホットプレス法によるコンクリート複合材料では、上述の設計モデルで予測される条件を満足する合成技術が開発でき、4点曲げ試験および破壊靱性試験によりマルチプルクラックを誘起することができることを確認した。開発された素材は顕著な延性的挙動を示しマルチプルクラックによるひずみ硬化特性を発現させることができた。本手法により合成した素材は、木材の強度、靱性を越えるものであり、木材代替の計量素材としても期待される。とくに、マルチプルクラックを発生させることで変形性能を格段に向上させ得ることがわかった。発泡ガラスについては、強度はマトリックスの2倍、靱性は300倍まで向上したものの、現在の合成技術によっては用いることのできる繊維アスペクト比、含有率に大きな限界があり、繊維のブリッジングのみによる特性の向上にとどまった。しかしながら、より耐熱性にすぐれた高強度鋼を選択できればマルチプルクラックの誘起が可能であることをモデルにより示し、将来の指針を得た。 本研究の遂行により、短繊維複合による脆性材料の高靱化のための材料開発手法の基礎が構成されたといえる。

  26. フラクタル破壊力学及び地殻応力評価に基づく地下き裂のキャラクタリゼーション

    高橋 秀明, SAMMONDS Pet, GLOVER Paul, 渡辺 公雄, 高安 美佐子, 佐藤 一志, 土屋 範芳, 橋田 俊之, 高安 秀樹, 林 一夫, 松木 浩二, MEREDITH Phi

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey.

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1993年 ~ 1993年

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    本研究は、理学の分野で地球科学への応用として試みられてきたフラクタル幾何学の地下き裂群評価への応用と工学の分野で地熱開発への応用を目指して整備されてきた岩石破壊力学および地殻応力計測学を融合させ、新しい地下き裂群のモデル化手法の開発を目的とする。 研究課題ごとに本年度の研究実績の概要を以下にまとめる。 (1)岩石破壊のフラクタル評価に関する実験的研究 日本側研究グループでは岩石の圧縮破壊試験を行い、破壊過程におけるAEの変化の測定を行った。この実験により、岩石破壊時のAEは応力-ひずみ線図が非線形挙動を示す部分から徐々に増加し、b値は破断直前に急激に小さくなることが明らかとなった。一方、英国側研究グループでは、岩石のダブルトーション破壊試験を大気中および水中で実施し、AEのb値は応力拡大係数に比例することを示した。また、水の存在は応力腐食割れを促進させ、b値を小さくさせることが明らかとなった。さらに、破断後の試験片上のき裂群分布を観測することにより、き裂の大きさ分布のフラクタル次元とAEのb値が比例関係にあるという事実が得られた。 (2)破壊モデルの構築とコンピュータシミュレーション 岩石の不均一性を考慮した平面格子破壊モデルの構築を行った。このモデルを用いて岩石CT試験片の破壊シミュレーションを行った。破壊過程における各要素の破断よりAEの発生を定義し、その測定を行った結果、実際の岩石圧縮試験時に観測されたと同様に、破岩直前でAEのb値は急激に小さくなった。また、各要素の連続的なつながりをき裂の大きさと定義し、破断後のき裂の大きさ分布を観測した結果、フラクタル的な分布であるということが明らかとなった。これらのことより、平面格子モデルは岩石破壊のフラクタル性を模擬できることが実証された。 (3)地下断裂系の三次元モデル化とフィールドにおける検証 地下のき裂群の三次元的な形状は現在のところ知られていない。しかしながら、地下き裂群は様々なフラクタル的な特徴を持つことが明らかとなっている。そこで、フラクタル幾何学を元に、地下き裂群の三次元モデルの構築を行った。具体的には、フラクタル的な大きさ分布を持つ円盤状き裂群を三次元空間に分布させることにより、地下き裂群のフラクタルモデルを作成した。実際に得られるの地下き裂群の情報は一次元的なボアホールデータ、あるいは地表面や坑壁の観測による二次元データである。そこで、三次元フラクタルき裂群モデルに、スッキャンラインおよびスキャンプレーンを定義し、それらから得られる一次元および二次元データを実際のき裂群の観測と比較した。この結果、両者にはよい一致が見られ、三次元フラクタルき裂群モデルの妥当性が証明された。 (4)地殻応力計測 地殻応力下におけるき裂の隙間分布を支配するき裂面の粗さ特性、き裂の接触剛性、滑り変位量およびき裂面に働く有効垂直応力などの関係を実験的に明らかにした。また、き裂の通水特性のその表面形状からの評価を実施した。 (5)地下断裂系の連結性評価 本研究の高温岩体発電への応用を考えた場合、地下き裂群の透水性の評価が極めて重要となってくる。高温岩体発電は2本の坑井を介した流体の循環システムを想定しているため、両坑井間の透水性、すなわち両坑井の地下き裂群による連結性が問題となる。そこで、前述の三次元フラクタルき裂群モデルを用いて2本の坑井の連結性の評価を行った。具体的には乱数の系列を変えた複数個のモデルに対してモンテカルロシミュレーションを実施することにより、2本の坑井の連結確率を求めた。この結果、連結確率は地下のき裂密度の関数として得られ、あるき裂密度に達したときに連結確率は急激に増加することが明らかとなった。

  27. フラクタル幾何学を用いた新しい岩石破壊力学の構築に関する総合的研究

    高橋 秀明, 高安 秀樹, 伊藤 敬祐, 橋田 俊之, 松木 浩二, 阿部 博之, P.MEREDITH, F.OUCHTERLON, 平田 隆幸

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1992年 ~ 1993年

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    本研究は、理学の分野で地球科学への応用として試みられてきたフラクタル幾何学の破壊現象への応用と工学の分野で地熱開発への応用を目指して整備されてきた岩石破壊力学を融合させ、新しい岩盤の破壊現象を取り扱う学問分野の基礎を構築することを目的とする。 研究課題ごとに本年度の研究実績の概要を以下にまとめる。 (1)フラクタル幾何学と地下き裂の三次元モデルとその画像化 昨年度に構築された三次元フラクタルき裂群モデルを用いて、地熱貯留層からの熱抽出特性の評価を行った。この結果、地熱貯留層からの熱抽出量の経時変化が、貯留層規模および貯留層内のき裂密度の関数として予測できるようになった。さらに、熱抽出におよぼすき裂密度の影響を詳しく検討するために貯留層内の任意の断面での温度分布の変化をコンピューターのディスプレイに表示される技術を開発し、地熱貯留層からの熱抽出におけるき裂群の重要性を明らかにした。 (2)岩石の引張軟化剤とフラクタル破壊モデル (3)AE計測によるフラクタル破壊モデルの検証 これらの研究課題についてはお互いに密接に関連しているため会わせて研究を実施した。昨年度の平面格子モデルを格子のモーメントをも考慮したモデルに改良し、本年度はCT試験片モデルを用いて岩石破壊の数値シミュレーションを実施した。また、併せて数種の岩石を用いて岩石破壊実験も行った。AEの放出挙動および破断後のき裂の形状等の観測の結果、数値モデルと実際の実験でよい一致を示し、岩石破壊モデルとしてフラクタル格子モデルが有効であることが示唆された。

  28. フラクタル破壊力学及び地殻応力評価に基づく地下き裂群のキャラクタリゼーション

    高橋 秀明, STUART.C.E., SAMMONDS.P.R, GLOVER.P.W.J, 高安 秀樹, 渡辺 公雄, 佐藤 一志, 土屋 範芳, 橋田 俊之, 林 一夫, 松木 浩二, MEREDITH.P.G

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey.

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1992年 ~ 1992年

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    共同研究の個別課題毎に以下列記する。 (1)岩石破壊のフラクタル評価に関する実験研究 日本側研究者(高橋・松木・渡辺)は,砂岩を用いて岩石の一軸圧縮試験中に発生するAEの測定を行った。その結果,AEのフラクタル性を表わす試験中の特徴的な変化を見つけ出した。これは,岩石の破壊において,最終破断直前にb値が著しく減少するもので,地震の予測などに応用できると期待できる。一方,英国側研究者(Meredith,Sammonds)は,ダブルトーション試験を行い,試験中に計測されるAEのb値と試験後の試験片表面に観測されるき裂群のフラクタル次元の相関関係を導いた。この成果により,水圧破砕時のAEに測定により地下き裂群が特徴づけられる可能性があることが示された。 (2)破壊モデルの構築とコンピュターシミュレーション 岩石のフラクタル破壊モデルの構築を目指して,破壊モデルとして平面格子を用いて岩石の破壊シミュレーションを行った。岩石の破壊試験におけるAE放出挙動とシミュレーション結果を比較することにより,平面格子モデルによって岩石の破壊挙動を模擬できることを示し,負荷の増加に伴う岩石中の損傷過程を調べた。 (3)地下断裂系の三次元モデル化 本年度は,地下き裂群の三次元モデル化を目指し,初めに,二次元平面上にフラクタル分布に従うき裂を分布させる方法を開発した。この手法を三次元に拡張し,寸法がフラクタル分布に従う円盤き裂を三次元空間に分布させフラクタル特性を調べた。これにより,三次元フラクタル分布と,分布空間を横切る二次元平面上に観察されるき裂群の二次元フラクタル分布の関係をあきらかにし,さらに,地熱貯留層のモデル化へ適用し,き裂群を介して熱抽出性能評価を行った。この結果,フラクタル幾可学を用いた地下き裂群モデルにより,より現実的な寿命評価ができるようになった。 (4)地殻応用計測 地殻応用の大きさとその方向が地下き裂群の三次元的分布に極めて強く影響することは明らかであるが,その測定・評価方法の整備が遅れている。日本側(松木・林)は独自で開発した方法の応用を英国側と相談し,その実用化にあたっての基本的問題点を解決した。 (5)地下断裂系の連結性評価 「フラクタル破壊力学」の応用化へのスッテップとしては,き裂の連結性・透水性評価が最も重要である。現在までにフラクタル幾可学に基づく3次元地下き裂のモデル化手法は完成した。このモデルを用いて,連結確率や透水性の計算を行った。この結果,連結確率や透水性が岩体のき裂密度をパラメータとして定量的に評価できるようになった。この成果は平成4年7月に行われた「地下き裂のキャラクタリゼーションワークショップ」で発表された。

  29. 熱応力緩和型耐熱コ-ティング設計のための耐熱衝撃性能評価法の開発

    高橋 秀明, 山崎 仲道, 玉川 欣治, 橋田 俊之, 林 一夫, 庄子 哲雄

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B).

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1989年 ~ 1990年

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  30. 微視き裂先行型材料のプロセスゾ-ンに関する破壊力学的研究

    阿部 博之, 橋田 俊之, 伊達 和博

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    1988年 ~ 1989年

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    本研究の目的は、微視き裂先行型材料の破壊プロセスゾ-ン形成の実験的評価ならびに数値シミュレ-ションを通じて、破壊プロセスゾ-ンに基づくき裂進展の破壊力学モデルに関する検討を行うことである。 微視き裂先行型材料として花こう岩を対象とする。深部地殻熱エネルギ開発を目的とした人工地下き裂の設計においては、花こう岩の破壊特性に関する解明が要求されている。破壊プロセスゾ-ンの実験的検出法として超音波法を採用した。具体的方法は、周波数500kHzの縦波センサ-を用いた透過伝播時間法である。本法を、微視組織が大きく異なる3種類の花こう岩の破壊靱性試験片(CT試験片)に適用することにより、透過伝播時間法による破壊プロセスゾ-ンの成長過程の追跡が可能であることを示した。また、破壊プロセスゾ-ンの長さは、試験片寸法に依存し、試験片寸法が大きくなるとともに増大することを見いだし、プロセスゾ-ンの長さの測定が破壊靱性評価において重要であることを指摘した。 破壊プロセスゾ-ン形成の破壊力学的モデルである引張軟化則に注目し、引張軟化則も基づく数値シミュレ-ションを実施した。Liらにより提案されたJ積分法により引張軟化則を評価した。試験片寸法効果のない引張軟化則曲線を決定できることを示し、これにより境界要素法を用いたプロセスゾ-ン形成の数値シミュレ-ションを行った。数値解析により得られたプロセスゾ-ンの形成過程は、超音波法により実験的に評価された形成過程とよく対応することを示し、プロセスゾ-ンの形成則として引張軟化則を採用しうることを示した。本研究で開発した超音波法によれば、少なくても2個の試験片を要求するLiらの複数試験法に対して、引張軟化則の単一試験により評価が可能となる。

  31. 微小試験片を用いた応力腐食割れ評価手法の開発に関する基礎的研究

    高橋 秀明, 中島 甫, 三沢 俊平, 玉川 欣治, 橋田 俊之, 庄子 哲雄, 三沢 俊平

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research (A)


    1988年 ~ 1989年

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    軽水炉あるいは将来の水冷却型核融合炉において多くの圧力壁は過酷な高温高圧水環境に曝されるため、環境強度の定量的評価が重要であり、その手法の開発が緊急の課題として採り上げられてきている。特に今後重照射を受けた材料の照射誘起応力腐食割れ評価等においては使用可能試験片は極めて小型であることが避けられず、微小試験片を用いた環境強度評価手法の開発が切望されている。 φ3mmTEMディスクおよび10mm角の照射用微小試験片によるSP-SCC感受性評価試験のために、オ-トクレイブ内に小型パンチ(SP)試験治具を備えた試験装置を開発した。この装置により各種構造用鋼のアノ-ド分極曲線を測定し、TEMディスク試験片でも高温高圧水中での耐食性評価が可能であることを実証した。種々の電位をかけた状態でSP試験による破壊エネルギ-を測定し、SCC感受性を有する鋭敏化オ-ステナイトステンレス鋼(Type304鋼)は腐食電位および過不動態域においてSPエネルギ-の著しい減少が認められたことから、割れ電位域を見出すことができた。過不動態電位における破壊エネルギ-はクロスヘッド速度に依存し、2x10^<-5>m/s(歪み速度=8x10^<-13>s^<-1>)において最小となることが明らかになった。この割れ感受性最大速度は、通常の評価試験として用いられるSSRT(低歪み速度)法より3桁程度速い。このことは測定時間の短縮につながり、照射材取り扱いの観点から迅速・簡便な評価法として大変有利である。フェライト系鋼(HT-9鋼)では、SCC感受性が小さいことをSP-SCC法により確かめることができた。他方、SSRT法を照射用微小引張試験片(長さ16mm、平行部5mm)に適用した電気化学的制御SSRT-SCC試験装置を試作開発した。1.5x10^<-6>s^<-1>以下の歪み速度において粒界型SCC現象を発現できた。

  32. エネルギ機器・構造物の寿命評価のための電気化学的非破壊材料劣化診断手法の開発

    庄子 哲雄, 橋田 俊之, 田中 孝, 斉藤 潔, 斎藤 喜久, 奥 達雄, 斉藤 喜久, 中島 甫

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research


    1987年 ~ 1989年

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    エネルギ機器・構造物の長期安定使用に不可欠な高温耐熱材料の経年損傷評価の新しい手法の開発を行った。損傷計測の基本原理は、高温長期使用に伴う微視材料組織変化を電気化学的特性変化として捉えるものであり、具体的には損傷の種類に応じて適切な損傷検出電解液中にてアノ-ド分極曲線の計測及び電極インピ-ダンス計測を行い微視組織変化に対応した代用特性値を見出し、損傷との対応を明らかにした。対象材料としては、最も頻繁に高温で使用されているオ-ステナイト系ステンレス鋼、Cr-Mo-V鋼及びCr-Mo鋼であり、これらはボイラ-の過熱器管、タ-ビンロ-タ及びケ-シング、反応容器、ボイラヘッダ-等に用いられている。以下にそれぞれに対しての検出可能となった損傷形態と検出手法についてまとめて示す。 1.オ-ステナイト系ステンレス鋼321及び316鋼のσ相析出及び炭化物析出による胞化及びクリ-プ抵抗変化をKOH溶液によって検出可能とした。又クリ-プ損傷検出をインピ-ダンス法で開発した。 2.Cr-Mo-V鋼の焼戻し脆化検出のための溶液開発を行い、従来法のピクリン酸素に比べて著しく感度高い検出液を見出した。 3.Cr-Mo鋼については、長時間時効に伴う炭化物析出を、特にM_6Cに着目して検出する溶液の開発を行い、測定電流値と軟化量_△Hv、脆化量_△FATTそして実機の温度推定を可能とするラ-ソン・ミラ-バラメ-タとの対応を明示、確立した。 4.現位置計測・評価のためのジエル電極の開発、小型セルの開発そして超小型携帯用ボテンジョスタットの開発を行い、現位置での計測を数例実施し、損傷の評価を行った。 5.損傷検出手法の標準化と、デ-タ・ベ-スの構築を行った。

  33. 岩石、コンクリート、セラミックスの破壊靭性評価に関する研究 競争的資金

    1985年4月 ~ 1988年3月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

社会貢献活動 35

  1. 文部科学省・先端研究基盤共用・プラットフォーム形成事業「社会の安全・安心のための先端的経年損傷計測・評価と破壊制御」

    2016年4月1日 ~ 2017年3月31日

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  2. 文部科学省・先端研究基盤共用・プラットフォーム形成事業「社会の安全・安心のための先端的経年損傷計測・評価と破壊制御」

    2014年4月25日 ~ 2015年3月31日

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  3. 第11回国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議における展示

    2012年2月15日 ~ 2012年2月17日

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  4. 「第10回国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議」出展

    2011年2月16日 ~ 2011年2月18日

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  5. 仙台市民公開講座

    2010年7月17日 ~ 2010年7月18日

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  6. 公開講座「エネルギー環境学特論」

    2009年8月4日 ~ 2009年8月6日

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    平成21年度公開講座・特論「エネルギー環境学特論」, 東北大学 環境科学研究科主催

  7. 新規開発したSOFC評価試験装置の展示・広報

    2009年2月25日 ~ 2009年2月27日

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    FC EXPO 2009 第5回国際水素・燃料電池展(2009年2月25日−27日,東京ビッグサイト)においてCHINO株式会社と共同開発したSOFC評価試験装置を展示した

  8. 「アスベスト対策環境展(ASBEX)'07'」における展示

    2007年10月17日 ~ 2007年10月19日

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  9. (社)火力原子力発電技術協会 平成18年度 研究発表会

    2006年11月30日 ~ 2006年12月1日

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  10. 産業界主催研究活動紹介

    2017年8月8日 ~

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    株式会社 高純度化学研究所からの依頼を受けて,「準脆性材料の材料強度学的評価と応用に関する研究」を題目とする招待講演を2017年8月8日に行った.

  11. 公開講座「エネルギー資源・環境学」

    2015年8月25日 ~

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  12. 東北大学イノベーションフェア2014

    2014年1月28日 ~

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  13. 公開講座「エネルギー環境学特論」

    2012年8月2日 ~

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  14. 東北大学イノベーションフェア

    2012年3月15日 ~

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  15. 講演会講師

    2010年3月29日 ~

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    ISS産業科学システムズ主催 講演会「材料力学入門」講師

  16. A novel structure for carbon nanotube reinforced alumina composites

    2008年7月17日 ~

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  17. CNTs reinforce alumina composites

    2008年7月17日 ~

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  18. Spying asbestos

    2008年2月23日 ~

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    東北大学の橋田俊之教授らのグループは、建材などが石綿(アスベスト)を含むかどうかを現場で短時間に検査できる試薬を開発したと発表した。 判定に要する時間は1時間ほど。石綿を含むスレートや石こう板などに試薬を付けると、石綿の部分だけが赤か青か黄色に染まる。染まる色は、建材の色と比べて目立つように、3色のなかから1色を選べる。白石綿(クリソタイル)、茶石綿(アモサイト)、クロシドライト(青石綿)と3種類ある石綿のうち、白石綿だけを検知の対象としている。

  19. 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構 新技術説明会 ミナノメカニックスが拓く機能創成と制御-

    2007年6月8日 ~

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    大学初のライセンス可能な特許を発表 「カーボンナノチューブを利用したセラミックス基複合材料の製造方法」

  20. アスベスト簡易染色

    2007年2月27日 ~

  21. Development of On-Site Technology for Quick and Easy Detection of Asbestos Succeeded

    2007年2月25日 ~

  22. アスベストをスピード検出 東北大が新技術 費用も安く

    2007年2月9日 ~

  23. 石綿含有簡単に判別,特殊染料で”赤信号” 東北大グループ検査時間大幅に短縮

    2007年2月9日 ~

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    東北大学大学院工学研究科附属エネルギー安全科学国際研究センター 橋田俊之教授および尾家慶彦助手らの研究グループは,染料を使用して建材等製品中のアスベストを選択的に染色し,アスベスト(石綿)を短時間で簡単に検出できるオンサイト技術を開発した.本技術は,エックス線などを使用する従来の検査方法と比べ,高度な専門技術や高額な機器を必要とせず低コストで検査が可能となり,簡易な講習程度で検査を実施できるため,一般家屋など広範囲にわたるアスベスト使用状況の調査に役立つ技術として期待されている.また,試料の粉砕が必要ないため,アスベスト飛散のリスクが抑えられる上,アスベスト存在位置の確認も可能である.

  24. 石綿の有無を現場で判定、東北大学のグループが試薬を開発

    2007年2月7日 ~

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    東北大学の橋田俊之教授らのグループは、建材などが石綿(アスベスト)を含むかどうかを現場で短時間に検査できる試薬を開発したと発表した。1年以内に携帯用の検知器などの形で製品化することを目指す。 判定に要する時間は1時間ほど。石綿を含むスレートや石こう板などに試薬を付けると、石綿の部分だけが赤か青か黄色に染まる。染まる色は、建材の色と比べて目立つように、3色のなかから1色を選べる。白石綿(クリソタイル)、茶石綿(アモサイト)、クロシドライト(青石綿)と3種類ある石綿のうち、白石綿だけを検知の対象としている。 今後は、建材に含まれる茶石綿と青石綿の検知や、大気中に浮遊する石綿の検知を可能にする技術の開発にも力を注ぐ方針だ。開発を手がけているのは、同大学の大学院工学研究科付属エネルギー安全科学国際研究センターの橋田教授(センター長)と尾家慶彦助手、大学院環境科学研究科の元教授の山崎仲道氏と、マエタテクノ

  25. 曲がるセメント板 高靱性セメント系押出成形材料

    2002年8月1日 ~

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  26. ”曲がる”セメ系押出成形材料 -耐震補強,衝撃吸収部材に-

    2002年6月17日 ~

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  27. 高靱性セメント繊維複合材 中空形状の成型可能 土木,住宅外装材向け

    2002年6月11日 ~

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  28. 強度を維持するセメント系建材

    2002年6月11日 ~

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  29. セメント繊維複合材料 歪み強度が10倍超

    2002年6月11日 ~

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  30. 耐ひずみ性10倍以上 セメント系押出成形材料

    2002年6月11日 ~

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  31. 創造技術 コンクリ,ガラス廃材を建材に 東北大,太平洋セメント子会社などが再利用技術

    2001年8月1日 ~

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  32. 耐熱性高い複合セラミックス開発 加工性に優れ,低い熱膨張係数も兼備

    1997年2月17日 ~

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    優れた低熱膨張性、断熱性、加工性を同時に有するセラミックス「リチウムアルミノケイ酸塩系セラミックスアドセラム-CS」を開発した。 用途には,耐熱衝撃性を生かした熱処理ジグ類や,熱膨張係数がちいさいことから精密成型型やエアスライダなどが検討され,一部採用され始めている.

  33. 熱膨張少なく断熱性 セラミックス複合材開発

    1997年2月14日 ~

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  34. 高断熱で耐熱衝撃性も セラ新素材を開発 半導体・家電に的

    1997年2月13日 ~

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  35. 窒化ケイ素セラミックス耐熱1400℃超を達成ータービン利用に道

    1996年12月20日 ~

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︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

メディア報道 2

  1. 新たなアスベスト探知法開発



    メディア報道種別: テレビ・ラジオ番組

  2. Technology for Reuse of Concrete Debris

    New Technology Japan, Vol. 29, No. 7, October, 2001, p. 38, 日本貿易振興会(JETRO)


    メディア報道種別: 新聞・雑誌

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その他 47

  1. SOFCセルスタック発電時の変形および応力解析技術に関する研究

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  2. 地熱貯留層評価・管理技術開発のための注水涵養に伴う貯留層内変動把握に関する研究

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  3. 固体酸化物燃料電池の機械的特性評価に関する研究

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  4. 固体酸化物型燃料電池の基礎と研究開発に関する学術指導

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  5. 珪酸カルシウム系複合材料の材料強度に関する研究

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  6. 経年火力部材の特性評価に関する研究

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    運転時間が30年を超える火力発電部材においては,室内加速試験に基づく予測結果が必ずしも実時間における損傷度合いを推定できていない場合も経験されており,この乖離については十分検討されていないのが現状である.本研究においては,長期使用された経年火力部材を用いて損傷評価の高度化を目的として,経年損傷メカニズムの解明を行う. 実機から直接抽出した経年火力部材を活用し,材料組織学的調査と材料強度学的調査を組み合わせた検討を行い,現実に発生する経年損傷メカニズムを明らかにするとともに,加速試験法による予測結果との詳細な比較検討を行う.

  7. 経年火力部材の特性評価に関する研究

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    運転時間が30年を超える火力発電部材においては,室内加速試験に基づく予測結果が必ずしも実時間における損傷度合いを推定できていない場合も経験されており,この乖離については十分検討されていないのが現状である.本研究においては,長期使用された経年火力部材を用いて損傷評価の高度化を目的として,経年損傷メカニズムの解明を行う. 実機から直接抽出した経年火力部材を活用し,2009年度には,材料組織学的調査に焦点を当てた検討を行い,現実に発生する経年損傷メカニズムを明らかにする.

  8. ガスタービンTBCシステムの高温損傷発生メカニズムの解明と寿命評価手法の確立

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  9. ガスタービンTBCシステムの高温損傷発生メカニズムの解明と寿命評価手法の確立

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  10. 「固体酸化物形燃料電池システム要素技術開発」耐久性・信頼性向上のための基礎研究 (機械的解析による劣化機構の解明、加速試験方法の確立)

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  11. 薄膜材料・薄膜化技術の開発と固体酸化物燃料電池への応用に関する研究

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  12. 固体酸化物燃料電池の長期信頼性評価に関する研究

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    固体酸化物燃料電池(SOFC)の実用化のためには,長期信頼性の確保が最も重要な検討課題の一つとなっている.そのため,SOFC構成要素・構造の基礎的特性評価法ならびに劣化損傷過程検出法に関する研究を推進し,長期信頼性確保のための学術的基礎を構築する. SP法,インピーダンス法等を有機的に組み合わせたSOFC構成要素・構造の基礎特性評価法,およびAE法等を併用したセル損傷の非破壊検出技術に関する検討を行う.特に,AE法の検討に関しては,セルスタックならびにモジュールへの適用について十分に調査研究を推進する.さらに発生応力解析法の開発と合わせて,劣化メカニズムの解明ならびにこれに基づく長期信頼性評価法の開発を行う.

  13. 金属ガラスとセラミックスの接合とその評価に関する研究

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  14. ボーリングコアを用いたISRMせん断型破壊靭性試験法に関する国際共同研究

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    岩石破壊力学の専門家を結集させ,2007年までに国際岩の力学会(ISRM)岩石せん断型破壊靱性試験法を提案することを目的とした国際共同研究を行う.具体的には,岩石のせん断型破壊靱性試験法として,ボーリングコアに基づくパンチ—スルーせん断型試験片(Punch-Through Shear Specimens ; PTS)を用いた方法を開発し,ISRM推奨試験法として提案するための学術的基盤を構築するとともに,本試験法を組み込み,かつ多数き裂の相互作用を考慮した混合モード下におけるき裂進展則の評価方法をドイツ国との国際共同研究により構築する.

  15. 水溶性塩基染料の吹き付けによるアスベスト有無の簡易判別法

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    本研究テーマでは、建材中の含有アスベストをオンサイトで、簡易、迅速に探知、計測できる技術を開発する。このために、水溶性塩基染料の吹き付けによるアスベスト有無の簡易判別技術を開発する。そのため、下記の研究開発項目を実施する。 (1)建材等中のアスベストを選択的に染色する水溶性塩基性染料の選定 (2)オンサイトで探知・計測するトータルシステムに関する検討 (3)実用化に資する導入シナリオとビジネスモデルの策定

  16. 水熱条件下での二酸化炭素の有機化合物への変換

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  17. 水熱合成による製鉄プロセス副生物の利材化に関する研究

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  18. 超臨界水条件下における岩石の環境助長割れに関する基礎的研究 Environmentally assisted cracking in rocks under supercritical water conditions

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  19. ナノチューブ、ナノ微粒子、マイクロ微粒子の組織反応性とバイオ応用 Tissue Reaction and Biomedical Application of Nanotubes, Nanoparticles and Microparticles

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  20. 二酸化炭素を含む超臨界水環境下におけるNi基圧力容器用鋼の耐久性評価に関する研究 Durability Evaluation of Ni-Based Pressure Vessel Alloys under CO2-Containing Supercritical Water Environments

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  21. 資源開発のための岩盤破砕プロセスの破壊力学的研究 Prediction of Rock Fracture Process Based on Fracture Mechanics

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  22. ごみ焼却灰の固化法の開発と耐久性評価に関する基礎研究 Solidification and Durability Evaluation of Refuse Incineration Ashes

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  23. 加熱炉用セラミックス系複合材料の性能評価に関する研究 Evaluation of High Temperature Performances of Ceramic Fiber Composites for Heating Furnaces

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  24. ごみ焼却灰の固化法の開発とその機械的特性の評価に関する基礎研究 Solidification and Mechanical Evaluation of Refuse Incineration Ashes

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  25. 珪酸カルシウム系複合多結晶体の水熱合成とその利用 Hydrothermal Synthesis of Calcium Silicate Composite Materials and Their Application

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  26. 鉄鋼スラグの固化とその利用に関する研究 Solidification of Steelmaking Slag by Mechanochemical Method and its Application

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  27. 水圧破砕による断裂型地熱貯留層の拡大と性能評価のための数値シュミレーションに関する研究 –Fracsim-3Dの確立- Numerical Simulation of the Fractured Type Reservoir Formation by Hydraulic Stimulation

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    水圧破砕による断裂型地熱貯留層の拡大と性能評価のための数値シュミレーションに関する研究 –Fracsim-3Dの確立-

  28. 自動車部材廃材のマテリアルリサイクル法に関する研究 Development of Recycling Method for Automobile Wastes

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  29. 複雑な地下き裂分布推定のためのコンピュータシミュレーションコードの開発 Development of Numerical Model for Predicting Complex Subsurface Fracture Systems

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  30. 抵抗加熱法によるTBCの剥離・亀裂の破壊力学的評価 Fracture Mechanics Study of Delamination and Spallation in Thermal Barrier Coatings

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  31. 超臨界水環境下における岩石のすべり軟化とクラックシーリングに関する破壊力学的研究 Fracture Mechanics Study of Slip Weakening and Crack Healing in Rocks under Supercritical Water Environments

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  32. 地熱貯留層評価・管理技術に関する研究 Assessment and Management Technology for Geothermal Reservoirs

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  33. コンクリートおよびガラスビン廃材のリサイクルと資源化技術に関する研究

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  34. 廃ガラスの再利用技術の開発と高機能化に関する研究

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  35. 建築用鋼材の局所靭性値の評価法の研究 Study on Evaluation Procedure of Local Fracture Toughness of Steels for Building Construction

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  36. ケイ酸カルシウム系材料ならびにその建材廃材の炭酸硬化技術に関する研究 Study on Carbon Dioxide Technique for Solidifying Concrete Wastes

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  37. 未来開拓学術研究推進事業 「未来型地殻エネルギー抽出の研究」Research for the Future Program Investigation on Design Methodology of Supercritical Subsurface Boiler for Next Generation Geothermal Energy Extraction

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    未来開拓学術研究推進事業 「未来型地殻エネルギー抽出の研究」

  38. 繊維補強セメント系準脆性材料の押出成形技術の開発に関する研究 Investigation on Development of Extrusion Production Method for Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Materials

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  39. 材料強度に関する研究 Study on Materials Strength

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  40. 地熱貯留層評価・管理技術に関する研究 Study on Evaluation and Control of Geothermal Reservoirs

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  41. 無機質複合材料の機械的特性評価に関する研究 Investigation on Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Inorganic Composites

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  42. SP試験法による建築用鋼材の破壊靭性の評価試験 Toughness Evaluation of Steels for Building Construction by SP Method

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  43. 材料強度に関する研究 Study on Materials Strength

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  44. 高効率ガスタービンの寿命評価技術に関する研究 Investigation on Life-Prediction for High Efficiency Gas Turbines

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  45. ポストテンション構造物の緊張材定着部の挙動とその解析および設計に関する研究 Study on Analysis and Design of Joint Parts in Post-Tension Structures

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  46. 珪酸カルシウム系材料の高強度・強靭化 Strengthening and Toughening of Calcium Silicate Materials

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  47. 水熱技術を利用した無機系材料の製造、評価に関する研究 Investigation on Production and Evaluation of Inorganic Materials Using Hydrothermal Technique

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︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示