
ナガイ ヒロキ
永井 大樹
Hiroki Nagai
流体科学研究所 流動創成研究部門 宇宙熱流体システム研究分野
  • 博士(工学)(筑波大学)

  • 修士(工学)(筑波大学)

経歴 7

  • 2016年4月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学 流体科学研究所 教授

  • 2014年10月 ~ 2015年9月
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Visiting Researcher

  • 2008年10月 ~ 2015年3月
    東北大学大学院 工学研究科 准教授

  • 2007年4月 ~ 2008年10月
    東北大学大学院 工学研究科 助教

  • 2004年4月 ~ 2007年3月
    東北大学大学院 工学研究科 助手

  • 2001年4月 ~ 2004年3月
    宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙航空プロジェクト研究員

  • 2000年4月 ~ 2001年3月
    筑波大学 機能工学系 日本学術振興会特別研究員

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

学歴 2

  • 筑波大学 工学研究科 構造工学専攻

    ~ 2000年3月

  • 筑波大学

    ~ 1995年3月24日

委員歴 27

  • 一般社団法人 日本流体力学会 理事

    2022年2月 ~ 継続中

  • 一般社団法人 可視化情報学会 代議員

    2019年6月 ~ 継続中

  • 一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会 宇宙システム・技術部門委員

    2019年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 国立研究開発法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙工学委員会委員

    2019年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会 人材育成委員会 委員

    2017年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学本部 工学委員会

    2011年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 可視化情報学会 PSP/TSP研究会 委員

    2010年10月 ~ 継続中

  • 火星探査航空機WG 副主査

    2010年4月 ~ 継続中

  • 一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会 会誌理事

    2022年4月 ~ 2024年3月

  • 国立研究開発法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙探査イノベーションハブ アドバイザリーボード 専門委員

    2022年1月 ~ 2022年5月

  • 国立研究開発法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙探査イノベーションハブ アドバイザリーボード 専門委員

    2020年7月 ~ 2021年3月

  • 日本混相流学会 評議員

    2019年8月 ~ 2020年8月

  • 一般社団法人 日本流体力学会 代議員

    2018年4月 ~ 2020年3月

  • 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 流体工学部門 運営委員

    2017年4月 ~ 2019年4月

  • 国立研究開発法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構 研究開発部門 客員研究員

    2016年4月 ~ 2017年3月

  • 日本航空宇宙学会 北部支部 幹事

    2007年4月 ~ 2016年3月

  • 日本航空宇宙学会 空力部門委員会 委員

    2010年4月 ~ 2014年3月

  • 日本機械学会 宇宙工学部門 委員

    2009年4月 ~ 2014年3月

  • 可視化情報学会 論文編集委員会 委員

    2011年9月 ~ 2013年9月

  • 日本機械学会 マイクロ気体流れに関する調査研究分科会 委員

    2011年4月 ~ 2013年3月

  • 宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙ミッション本部 客員研究員

    2009年4月 ~ 2011年3月

  • 宇宙航空研究開発機構 総合技術研究本部 客員研究員

    2006年4月 ~ 2011年3月

  • 宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学本部 科学衛星専門委員会 熱制御班 班員

    2005年9月 ~ 2011年3月

  • 日本航空宇宙学会北部支部20周年記念講演会 実行委員

    2006年4月 ~ 2007年3月

  • 第21回航空宇宙試験設備における計測に関する国際会議 企画運営委員会 委員

    2004年10月 ~ 2005年12月

  • 学際領域分子イメージング技術に関する国際ワークショップ 企画運営委員会 委員

    2004年6月 ~ 2004年12月

  • 平成13年度衝撃波シンポジウム 実行委員

    2001年10月 ~ 2002年3月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 7

  • 日本ヒートパイプ協会

    2019年 ~

  • 日本混相流学会

  • (社)可視化情報学会

  • 日本流体力学会

  • 日本機械学会

  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • 日本航空宇宙学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

研究キーワード 15

  • 低レイノルズ数

  • 遷音速

  • 超音速

  • 機能性分子センサ

  • 空力加熱

  • 再突入カプセル

  • 衝撃波

  • 超流動

  • 空気力学

  • 自励振動

  • 熱制御

  • ヒートパイプ

  • 流体力学

  • 感圧・感温塗料

  • 火星飛行機

研究分野 3

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 流体工学 /

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 熱工学 /

  • フロンティア(航空・船舶) / 航空宇宙工学 /

受賞 15

  1. 総長賞

    2023年3月 東北大学

  2. Best Poster Presentation Awasrd

    2023年3月 The 22nd International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information IFS Collaborative Research Forum Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Model for Slender Multibody Wings

  3. 第33期学会賞 奨励賞

    2022年8月 可視化情報学会 PSP/TSP計測とデータ駆動型解析の組合せによる非定常流れ場の解明

  4. Best Presentation Awards

    2022年8月 The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF CARBON-NANOTUBE TEMPERATURE-SENSITIVE PAINT

  5. 独創研究学生賞

    2022年3月 日本機械学会東北支部 遷音速で自由飛行する物体表面の革新的圧力分布計測技術の研究

  6. 第47回可視化情報シンポジウム ベストプレゼンテーション賞

    2021年9月 可視化情報学会 低速風洞での流れ場計測におけるcntTSPの応答性評価

  7. 優秀講演賞

    2021年8月 日本航空宇宙学会 遷音速自由飛行する次世代再突入 カプセルの流れ場と飛行特性

  8. 大学院研究奨励賞

    2021年3月 自動車技術会

  9. 総長賞

    2021年3月 東北大学

  10. 学生プレゼンテーション賞

    2021年3月 日本航空宇宙学会北部支部 低速域における次世代再突入カプセル表面の流れ場の可視化

  11. 第48回可視化情報シンポジウム ベストプレゼンテーション賞

    2020年9月 可視化情報学会 非定常PSP計測における動的モード分解のデータ取得条件の調査

  12. 日本機械学会論文賞

    2017年4月 日本機械学会 マルチエバポレータ型ループヒートパイプの内部流動特性に関する研究(微小重力環境下での蒸発器及び凝縮器の可視化)

  13. Poster Session Second Prize, 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science

    2011年6月11日 International Symposium on Space Technology and Science

  14. 第20期可視化情報学会 学会賞(論文賞)

    2009年7月 (社)可視化情報学会

  15. Student Meritorious Paper Award

    1999年7月13日 Cryogenic Scoiety of USA

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 126

  1. Design optimization and experimental demonstration of a gravity-assisted cryogenic loop heat pipe

    Xinyu Chang, Takeshi Yokouchi, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2024年4月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.125037  

  2. Visualization of thermo-fluid behavior of loop heat pipe with two evaporators and one condenser under various orientations with uneven heat loads 査読有り

    Xinyu Chang, Noriyuki Watanabe, Hiroki Nagai, Hosei Nagano

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 198 123397-123397 2024年4月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.125054  


  3. cntTSP visualization technique for rotating blade surface flow at low Reynolds number

    Tsubasa Ikami, Ren Nishimura, Hiroki Nagai

    Experiments in Fluids 2024年2月

    DOI: 10.1007/s00348-023-03757-x  

  4. Numerical investigation on necessary condition for temperature oscillation in loop heat pipe 査読有り

    Takuya Adachi, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai, Shun Takahashi

    International Journal of Thermal Sciences 196 108704-108704 2024年2月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2023.108704  


  5. Clustering method for time-series images using quantum-inspired digital annealer technology

    Tomoki Inoue, Koyo Kubota, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koichi Kimura, Yu Matsuda

    Communications Engineering 2024年1月10日

    DOI: 10.1038/s44172-023-00158-0  

  6. Dynamic Behavior Measurement of New Sample Return Capsule for Deep Space Exploration using Transonic Wind Tunnel

    Rito Kawano, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Kazuhiko Yamada

    AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum 2024年1月4日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-2147  

  7. Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Wing within Propeller Slipstream at Low-Reynolds-Number 査読有り

    Yoshikatsu FURUSAWA, Keiichi KITAMURA, Tsubasa IKAMI, Hiroki NAGAI, Akira OYAMA


    出版者・発行元:Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

    DOI: 10.2322/tjsass.67.12  



  8. Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic Instability of a Reentry Capsule in Transonic Flow 査読有り

    Seoeum Han, Bok Jik Lee, Michiko Ahn Furudate, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Journal 1-11 2023年11月7日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

    DOI: 10.2514/1.j063428  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This study presents a numerical investigation of transonic flow characteristics over a reentry capsule at Mach 1.05, employing a detached eddy simulation. The simulated flowfields demonstrate that the recompression shock wave oscillates back and forth at a Strouhal number of the order of 0.01. Frequency analysis of fluctuations in the drag coefficient and base pressure reveals that these fluctuations can be predominantly attributed to oscillations in the recompression shock wave. While the recompression shock wave propagates upstream, local shock waves occur alternately in the upper and lower free-shear layers, with a Strouhal number of the order 0.1, due to the instability of free-shear layers. The repeated occurrence of these local shock waves causes the recirculation region to shrink, resulting in a decrease in the base pressure. Conversely, while the recompression shock wave propagates downstream, no local shock wave occurs and the recirculation region expands, leading to an increase in the base pressure. These results suggest that the interactions among the recompression shock wave, local shock wave, and free shear layer give rise to fluctuations in the base pressure of the capsule, which in turn can affect its dynamic instability.

  9. Thermal surrogate model for spacecraft systems using physics-informed machine learning with POD data reduction

    Hiroto Tanaka, Hiroki Nagai

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 213 124336-124336 2023年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.124336  


  10. On the energy harvesting technique using a fluttering PVDF film with flow-induced vibration 査読有り

    Naoyuki TAKEDA, Koki SHIGE, Osamu TERASHIMA, Tsubasa IKAMI, Hiroki NAGAI, Yasufumi KONISHI, Toshihiko KOMATSUZAKI

    Advanced Experimental Mechanics 8 25-31 2023年8月

    DOI: 10.11395/aem.8.0_25  

  11. Data-driven thermal state estimation for in-orbit systems via physics-informed machine learning 査読有り

    Hiroto Tanaka, Hiroki Nagai

    Acta Astronautica 212 316-328 2023年8月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2023.07.039  


  12. Effect of heat load to a capillary starter pump on the thermal characteristics of a 2-m nitrogen cryogenic loop heat pipe

    Kimihide Odagiri, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    Applied Thermal Engineering 121109-121109 2023年7月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.121109  


  13. Data-driven optimal sensor placement for high-dimensional system using annealing machine 査読有り

    Tomoki Inoue, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai, Yasuo Naganuma, Koichi Kimura, Yu Matsuda

    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 188 109957-109957 2023年4月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109957  


  14. Evaluation of the frequency characteristics of cntTSP measurement for unsteady low-speed flow 査読有り

    Tsubasa Ikami, Yasufumi Konishi, Hiroki Nagai

    Measurement Science and Technology 34 (6) 065301-065301 2023年2月3日

    出版者・発行元:IOP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/acb8d0  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Abstract cntTSP is a fluid measurement technology that utilizes temperature-sensitive paint (TSP). It works as an optical temperature sensor, with a thin layer of carbon nanotubes (CNT) to heat the TSP layer. This study investigated the frequency characteristics of cntTSP measurements in low-speed flow. The flow field on the flat plate was periodically changed by introducing intermittent local disturbances to the flat plate in a low-speed wind tunnel test. cntTSP measurement was conducted behind the local disturbance to evaluate changes in the temperature associated with periodic changes in the flow. The amplitude of the temperature change decreased approximately linearly with the frequency in a double-logarithmic graph. Moreover, the temperature amplitude at 25 Hz was 0.0082 K, and it was necessary to detect a very small temperature change to evaluate high-frequency phenomena.

  15. Comparison of heat-transfer performance of a flat-plate pulsating heat pipe based on heating orientation and cross-sectional shape of the pipe

    Yosuke YASUDA, Fumika NABESHIMA, Keisuke HORIUCHI, Hiroki NAGAI

    Mechanical Engineering Journal 2023年2月

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/mej.22-00415  


  16. Numerical analysis of loop heat pipe using nucleate boiling model in evaporator core

    Takuya Adachi, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 195 123207-123207 2022年10月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.123207  


  17. Consistent Strain-Based Multifidelity Modeling for Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Structures 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Otsuka, K, Wang, Y, Fujita, K, Nagai, H, Makihara, K

    Transactions of ASME, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 17 (11) 111003 2022年9月


    DOI: 10.1115/1.4055310  




    T. Ikami, K. Takahashi, Y. Konishi, H. Nagai

    Proceedings of The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月


    T. Inoue, Y. Matsuda, T. Ikami, T. Nonomura, Y. Egami, H. Nagai

    Proceedings of The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月


    Y. Hosono, K. Yomo, K. Takahashi, T. Ogawa, K. Ohtani, H. Nagai

    Proceedings of The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月


    S. Tamakuma, K. Yomo, T. Ogawa, H. Nagai

    Proceedinggs of The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月

  22. Joint Parameters for Strain-Based Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Formulation: Multibody Analysis and Experiment 査読有り

    Keisuke Otsuka, Shuonan Dong, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    Journal of Sound and Vibration 117241-117241 2022年8月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117241  


  23. Thermal Vacuum Testing of Advanced Thermal Control Devices for Flight Demonstration 査読有り

    Satoshi Kajiyiama, Takuji Mizutani, Takuya Ishizaki, Kota Tomioka, Hosei Nagano, Hiroto Tanaka, Hiroki Nagai, Kan Matsumoto, Kenichiro Sawada, Yoshihiro Machida, Kazuaki Matsumoto

    Proceedings of 51th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2022年7月

  24. Evaluation of temperature estimation accuracy using Physics-Informed Neural Network for small satellite model 査読有り

    Hiroto Tanaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of 51th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2022年7月

  25. Supercritical Startup Experiment of Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe for Deep Space Mission 査読有り

    Takeshi Yokouchi, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano

    Proceedings of 51th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2022年7月

  26. Investigation of Formulations on Pyrene-Based Anodized-Aluminum Pressure-Sensitive Paints for Supersonic Phenomena 査読有り

    Kazuma Yomo, Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Sensors 22 (12) 4430-4430 2022年6月11日

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/s22124430  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is an optical sensor that can measure global pressure distribution by using the oxygen quenching of dye molecules. In particular, anodized aluminum pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP) exhibits a fast time response. AA-PSP has been used in unsteady measurements at supersonic and transonic speeds, such as on the surface of a transonic free-flying sphere or the wall of a shock tube when the shock wave passes. To capture such ultrafast phenomena, the frame rate of the camera must be sufficiently fast, and the exposure time must be sufficiently short. Therefore, it is desirable that the AA-PSP exhibits bright luminescence, high-pressure sensitivity, and fast response time. This study focused on pyrene-based AA-PSPs and investigated their characteristics, such as luminescence intensity and pressure sensitivity, at different anodization times, dipping solvents, and dipping concentrations. Furthermore, a time-response test using a shock tube was conducted on the brightest AA-PSP. Consequently, the time for a 90% rise in pressure was 2.2 μs.

  27. Structured light illumination for pressure-sensitive paint measurement under ambient light 国際誌 査読有り

    Yu Matsuda, Satoshi Katayama, Tsubasa Ikami, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai

    Review of Scientific Instruments 93 (5) 055101-055101 2022年5月1日

    出版者・発行元:AIP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1063/5.0089000  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) method under ambient light based on structured light illumination. In the PSP method, pressure is obtained by measuring the variation of the emission light intensity from a PSP coating when it is illuminated by a light source. Since the extraction of the emission light from ambient light is difficult in the conventional PSP method, the existence of ambient light induces a noticeable measurement error. While spatially uniform light is used as illumination light in the conventional PSP method, structured light, the spatial intensity of which is actively controlled, is used in the proposed method. By measuring the PSP emission by varying the spatial pattern of the structured light illumination, one can eliminate ambient light, which is not synchronized with the structured light and can measure pressure without the effect of ambient light. In this study, we demonstrate the pressure measurement under ambient light using structured light with a sinusoidal wave generated by a digital mirror device. The measured pressure agrees well with the pressure measured by a pressure transducer connected to a pressure tap. The proposed method is promising under ambient light conditions.

  28. Visualization of the working fluid in a flat-plate pulsating heat pipe by neutron radiography 査読有り

    Yosuke Yasuda, Fumika Nabeshima, Keisuke Horiuchi, Hiroki Nagai

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 185 122336-122336 2022年4月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.122336  


  29. Numerical Analysis of Wick-Type Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop for Thermal Control of Electric Aircraft Motors 査読有り

    Xinyu Chang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Energies 15 (5) 1800-1800 2022年2月28日

    出版者・発行元:{MDPI} {AG}

    DOI: 10.3390/en15051800  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The development of thermal control systems has become an important issue in next-generation electric aircraft design due to the increase in heat exhausted with electrification. In this paper, a wick-type two-phase mechanically pumped fluid loop system for future electric aircraft was proposed through the investigation of current two-phase flow cooling technology. Taking the experimental electric aircraft X-57 as an example, a wick-type two-phase mechanically pumped fluid loop with four evaporators for transporting 12 kW of waste heat within an 80 °C temperature limit was proposed and its feasibility was confirmed. A numerical model was constructed and validated to predict the operating characteristics of a two-phase mechanically pumped fluid loop. The optimal pump outputs under-even and uneven heat load conditions and was investigated for the first time by considering the vapor-liquid separation conditions in each flow path and the power consumption of the pump. Under the optimal pump output condition, the operating characteristics of the wick-type two-phase mechanically pumped fluid loop system were calculated. The calculation results indicate that the proposed wick-type two-phase mechanically pumped fluid loop is suitable as the thermal control system for an X-57 electric aircraft motor, as the calculation results satisfied the operational requirements of the motor.

  30. Influence of Formulations on Characteristics of Ruthenium-Based Temperature-Sensitive Paints 査読有り

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Sensors 22 (3) 901-901 2022年1月25日

    出版者・発行元:{MDPI} {AG}

    DOI: 10.3390/s22030901  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) can optically measure a global temperature distribution using a thermal quenching of dye molecules. The TSP measurement is often used in wind tunnel tests to measure the temperature and flow fields in the aerodynamic field. The measurement accuracy is affected by the characteristics of TSP, such as temperature sensitivity, pressure dependency, luminescent intensity, photostability, and surface condition. The characteristics depend on the formulation of TSP. This study investigates the characteristics of the TSP using dichlorotris (1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) hydrate (Ru-phen). We compare the characteristics of TSPs using different polymers, solvents, and dye concentrations. The TSPs using polyacrylic acid as a polymer shows linear calibration curves, high luminescent intensity, high photostability, and smooth surface. On the other hand, the TSPs using polymethyl methacrylate have nonlinear calibration curves, low luminescent intensity, strong photodegradation, and a rough surface.


    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami

    Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2021年9月

  32. 数理最適化を用いたPSP画像におけるノイズ除去 査読有り

    井上 智輝, 松田 佑, 伊神 翼, 野々村 拓, 江上 泰広, 永井 大樹

    精密工学会誌 87 (7) 7_610-7_613 2021年7月5日


    DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.87.7_610  



  33. On-orbit demonstration of Advanced Thermal Control Devices using JAXA Rapid Innovative payload demonstration SatellitE-2 (RAISE-2) 査読有り

    Hiroki Nagai, Hiroto Tanaka, Satoshi Kajiyama, Hosei Nagano, Kenichiro Sawada, Kan Matsumoto, Yuya Shimoda

    Proceedings of 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月

  34. Parametric Study for Vapor-Liquid Separation in Evaporator of Two-Phase Mechanical pump Fluid Loop System for Lunar and Planetary Exploration 査読有り

    Rin Asato, Takuya Adachi, Hiroki Nagai, Shun Okazaki, Atsushi Okamoto

    Proceedings of 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems ICES-2021-174 2021年7月

  35. Numerical simulation of heat transport characteristics of CFRP embedded Oscillating Heat Pipes for space application 査読有り

    Kosei Matsubara, Kohei Sone, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月

  36. Development of Cryogenic loop heat pipe for deep space mission 査読有り

    Xinyu Chang, Takuya Adachi, Hiroki Nagai, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    Proceedings of 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems ICES-2021-111 2021年7月

  37. Development of an Advanced Thermal Mathematical Model Construction Method for Spacecraft using Artificial Neural Network 査読有り

    Hiroto Tanaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月

  38. Data-driven approach for noise reduction in pressure-sensitive paint data based on modal expansion and time-series data at optimally placed points 査読有り

    Tomoki Inoue, Yu Matsuda, Tsubasa Ikami, Taku Nonomura, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai

    Physics of Fluids 33 (7) 077105-077105 2021年7月

    出版者・発行元:AIP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1063/5.0049071  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a noise reduction method for unsteady pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) data based on modal expansion, the coefficients of which are determined from time-series data at optimally placed points. In this study, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) mode calculated from the time-series PSP data is used as a modal basis. Based on the POD modes, the points that effectively represent the features of the pressure distribution are optimally placed by the sensor optimization technique. Then, the time-dependent coefficient vector of the POD modes is determined by minimizing the difference between the time-series pressure data and the reconstructed pressure at the optimal points. Here, the coefficient vector is assumed to be a sparse vector. The advantage of the proposed method is a self-contained method, while existing methods use other data, such as pressure tap data for the reduction of the noise. As a demonstration, we applied the proposed method to the PSP data measuring the Kármán vortex street behind a square cylinder. The reconstructed pressure data agreed very well with the pressures independently measured by pressure transducers. This modal-based approach will be applicable not only to PSP data but other types of experimental data.

  39. Measurement of boundary layer transition on oscillating airfoil using cntTSP in low-speed wind tunnel 査読有り

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Daisuke Yorita

    Measurement Science and Technology 32 (7) 075301-075301 2021年7月1日

    出版者・発行元:IOP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/abe2be  



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    Abstract cntTSP is a flow visualization technique that combines temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) and carbon nanotube (CNT). TSP is a sprayable temperature sensor, and CNT is used as a thin inner electric heater for the TSP. The cntTSP technique allows the visualization of the movement of the boundary layer transition on a moving airfoil. In this study, cntTSP was applied to a pitch-oscillating airfoil in a low-speed wind tunnel. Three methods were compared as methods for detecting the boundary layer transition position. The transition position was successfully evaluated using a heat transfer coefficient that was calculated by the surface temperature. Moreover, at a high-reduced frequency, the detected transition positions were different between the pitching-up and pitching-down procedure. Moreover, we observed a hysteresis loop of the transition position.

  40. Start-up and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oscillating Heat Pipe with Different Check Valve Layouts 査読有り

    Makiko Ando, Atsushi Okamoto, Hiroki Nagai

    Applied Thermal Engineering 117286-117286 2021年6月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.117286  


  41. Aeroelastic deformation measurement of Martian airplane for high-altitude flight experiment using stereophotogrammetry 査読有り

    Shuichi Hiramatsu, Masayuki Anyoji, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama, Hiroyuki Kato

    Engineering Research Express 3 (1) 015035-015035 2021年3月1日

    出版者・発行元:IOP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1088/2631-8695/abe920  


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    <title>Abstract</title> A fixed-wing aircraft called Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment −2 (MABE2) developed by the authors was the subject of high-altitude flight demonstration test in this paper, which can simulate the near-actual environment of a Martian atmospheric flight. Although the flight condition is in the low-Reynolds-number region due to low density at high altitude, the wing suffers from aeroelastic deformation given the relatively high dynamic pressure load in the pull-up phase. Stereophotogrammetry was applied in the 6.5 m × 5.5 m low-speed wind tunnel at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), aiming to optically measure MABE2’s aeroelastic deformation under dynamic pressure loads equivalent to high-altitude flight test, with the MABE2’s reinforced structural strength. The results of the accuracy test indicated that stereophotogrammetry measures aeroelastic deformation at high accuracy of ±0.1 mm around the image center and ±0.3 mm around the edge. A slight deflection of up to 4 mm was observed on the main wing, whereas both the main and tail wings were hardly twisted. Compared with flight-simulation-assumed errors, these deformations are extremely small and have a negligible effect on the high-altitude flight test. The study results confirmed the practicality and efficiency of this optical measurement technique in aeroelastic deformation measurement for a real light aircraft.

  42. Ruthenium-based fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint for measuring small pressure fluctuation in low-speed flow field

    Y Egami, Y Hasegawa, A Matsuda, T Ikami, H Nagai

    Measurement Science and Technology 32 (2) 024003-024003 2021年2月1日

    出版者・発行元:IOP Publishing

    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/abb916  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A sprayable fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint (fast-PSP) has been developed to measure time-resolved small pressure fluctuation on model surfaces. To realize PSP with fast response, high robustness, and high luminescence intensity, we have developed a novel ruthenium complex-based fast-PSP. The binder layers of the proposed fast-PSP were prepared by mixing room-temperature-vulcanizing silicone (silicone) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles with different sizes and their effects on the properties including the time response, pressure sensitivity, and luminescence intensity were investigated. The effects of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface treatments of TiO2 particle on the structure and mechanical robustness of the binder layer were also studied. The developed fast-PSP was applied to the flow field measurements behind a square cylinder and was evaluated. We have succeeded in obtaining time-series data of pressure fluctuation with high accuracy even at a mean velocity of 20 m s-1.

  43. Experimental Investigation on Aerodynamic Performance of Coaxial Rotor at Low Reynolds Numbers

    Atsushi Yamaguchi, Raoul S. Golani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-1308  

  44. Permeable membrane wing characteristics at Reynolds number order of 10,000

    Koji Fujita, Koichi Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-1086  

  45. Response Evaluation of cntTSP for Detection of Dynamic Boundary Layer Transition in Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Daisuke Yorita

    AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-0329  

  46. Quantitative density measurement of wake region behind reentry capsule (Improvements in accuracy of 3D reconstruction by evaluating the view-angle of measurement system)

    Masato YAMAGISHI, Yusuke YAHAGI, Masanori OTA, Yusuke HIROSE, Shinsuke UDAGAWA, Tatsuro INAGE, Shigeya KUBOTA, Koji FUJITA, Kiyonobu OHTANI, Hiroki NAGAI

    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology 16 (3) JFST0021-JFST0021 2021年

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2021jfst0021  


  47. 光学式モーションキャプチャ法による慣性センサの精度評価法 査読有り

    藤田昂志, 久保大輔, 大山聖, 永井大樹

    航空宇宙技術 20 101-104 2021年


    DOI: 10.2322/astj.20.101  


  48. 非定常PSP計測における動的モード分解のデータ取得条件の調査 査読有り

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 松田佑, 江上泰宏

    可視化情報学会論文集 41 (6) 11-20 2021年


    DOI: 10.3154/tvsj.41.11  



  49. Assisted Ensemble Kalman Filterを用いた伝熱状態推定手法の提案 査読有り

    田中 寛人, 三坂 孝志, 藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹

    日本機械学会論文集 87 (898) 21-00010 2021年


    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.21-00010  


  50. Supersonic Ejector-Driving System under Low Pressure: A Performance Evaluation 査読有り

    Masayuki ANYOJI, Daiju NUMATA, Hiroki NAGAI, Keisuke ASAI


    出版者・発行元:Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

    DOI: 10.2322/tjsass.64.156  



  51. インフレータブル翼を用いた超小型火星飛行機の初期概念設計

    間宮 一誠, 藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 69 (1) 16-23 2021年


    DOI: 10.2322/jjsass.69.16  



  52. Effects of Propeller Position and Rotation Direction on the Ishii Wing at a Low Reynolds Number

    Koji FUJITA, Kakeru KURANE, Koichi TAKAHASHI, Hiroki NAGAI


    出版者・発行元:Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

    DOI: 10.2322/tjsass.64.22  



  53. Sub-millimeter resolution pressure measurement on free flight model at Mach 1.5 using novel non-intrusive optical technique

    Daiki Kurihara, Joseph P. Gonzales, Steven L. Claucherty, Hideki Kiritani, Koji Fujita, Aleksandar Jemcov, Hiroki Nagai, Hirotaka Sakaue

    Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 120 110243-110243 2021年1月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2020.110243  


  54. Low-Reynolds-Number Flowfield of Wing with Control Surface in Propeller Slipstream 査読有り

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Journal of Aircraft 58 (2) 228-235 2020年11月16日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

    DOI: 10.2514/1.c035880  


  55. Application of pressure-sensitive paint for the characterization of mixing with various gases in T-type micromixers

    Chih-Yung Huang, Yu-Hsiang Hu, Shaw-An Wan, Hiroki Nagai

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 156 119710-119710 2020年8月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119710  


  56. A Feasibility Analysis of Collaborative Mission Using Mars Airplane and Mars Balloon - Mars Aerial-Exploration for Terrestrial and Tropospheric Environment Observation -

    Hiroto TANAKA, Issei MAMIYA, Hideki KIRITANI, Hiroki NAGASAWA, Takumi HIRATA, Tatsuya TONAI, Hiroki NAGAI, Koji FUJITA


    出版者・発行元:Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.18.64  


  57. HFO作動液を封入した自励振動ヒートパイプの伝熱性能 査読有り

    安田 陽介, 鍋島 史花, 舟越 砂穂, 永井 大樹

    日本機械学会論文集 86 (890) 20-00127 2020年


    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.20-00127  


  58. Attitude Estimation using Thermopile Sensors on Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment-1 (MABE-1) 査読有り

    TOKUTAKE Hiroshi, FUJITA Koji, OYAMA Akira, NAGAI Hiroki


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.18.17  

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    <p>In this study,an attitude estimation method for a Mars airplane is proposed.Infrared radiation from the atmosphere and the ground and visible light radiation from the sun were modeled as functions of attitude.The radiation models were provided to an attitude estimation algorithm,where the Euler angles and the uncertain parameters of the radiation model were optimized such that the error between the radiation sensor output and radiation model output is minimized.The method proposed was validated using the data acquired during high-altitude flight experiment on Earth,which was simulating flight on Mars.The estimated results were compared with the integration of the angular velocity sensor output,and the precision was evaluated and discussed.</p>

  59. Numerical study of temperature oscillation in loop heat pipe 査読有り

    Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Applied Thermal Engineering 163 2019年12月25日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.114281  


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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Loop heat pipes are high-efficient heat transfer devices. Many spacecraft have loop heat pipes to control the temperature of equipment precisely. Temperature oscillation, however, sometimes occurs in the loop heat pipe when the external conditions change. Temperature oscillation may impede the temperature-controlling ability of loop heat pipes. Nevertheless, the cause of temperature oscillation has not been understood yet. To understand the internal flow during temperature oscillation, we developed a transient model that can reproduce the fluid condition in the transport lines. In this study, the reservoir temperature, liquid line temperature, and condensation length were focused. Investigating the relation between each parameter, we found that the cause of temperature oscillation is the inflow of two-phase flow into the liquid line, which is caused by decreasing the reservoir temperature. In addition, as the amplitude of the condensation length becomes high, temperature amplitude also becomes high. When the sink temperature is low, the condensation length can barely oscillate, and thus, temperature oscillation is less likely to occur.

  60. Aerodynamic performance of control surfaces on mars airplane balloon experiment two 査読有り

    Masahiro Kanazaki, Kai Tomisawa, Koji Fujita, Akira Oyama, Hiroki Nagai

    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology 14 (3) JFST0017-JFST0017 2019年12月19日

    出版者・発行元:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2019jfst0017  


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    © 2019 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. We redesigned the Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment Two (MABE-2) based on MABE-1 to improve the vehicle's stability and controllability. Following the redesign, the MABE-2 vehicle had a larger horizontal tail volume than that of MABE-1 for improved stability performance. In addition, to further improve the stability and control characteristics, a rectangular planform was employed for the horizontal tail wing; in contrast, MABE-1 had a tapered planform. The vertical tail position of MABE-2 was moved to the end of the horizontal tail wing, because the vertical tail of MABE-1, which was positioned at the mid span of the horizontal tail wing, showed aerodynamic interaction with the horizontal tail wing. In this paper, we discussed the aerodynamic performance of a control surface based on computational fluid dynamics with variation in the deflection angle between the control surface and the horizontal tail (elevator), and we examined the effects of this redesign on longitudinal control characteristics. Numerical investigations confirmed the linear variation in the pitching moment and the aerodynamic force with the changing elevator deflection angle in MABE-2. Surface pressure observations indicated that MABE-2 shows a smooth variation in the pressure distribution with changing elevator deflection angle, while MABE-1 does not. These results demonstrate that the aerodynamic control characteristics of MABE-2 were improved in comparison to those of MABE-1.

  61. The Quantitative Density Measurement of Unsteady Flow around the Projectile 査読有り

    Yusuke Hirose, Kazuki Ishikawa, Yoshiyuki Ishimoto, Takumi Nagashima, Masanori Ota, Shinsuke Udagawa, Tatsuro Inage, Kazuki Fujita, Hideki Kiritani, Koji Fujita, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Hiroki Nagai

    Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization 111-119 2019年7月

    出版者・発行元:Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

    DOI: 10.4236/jfcmv.2019.72009  

  62. Wind Tunnel Test for Videogrammetric Deformation Measurement of UAV for Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment-1 (MABE-1)* 査読有り

    Koji Fujita, Akira Oyama, Daisuke Kubo, Masahiro Kanazaki, Hiroki Nagai

    Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization (7) 87-100 2019年4月4日

    出版者・発行元:Scientific Research Publishing Inc.


  63. Multifidelity modeling of deployable wings: Multibody dynamic simulation and wind tunnel experiment 査読有り

    Keisuke Otsuka, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    AIAA Journal 57 (10) 4300-4311 2019年

    DOI: 10.2514/1.J058676  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2019 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Slender deployable wings have attracted interest for use in Mars, Titan, and high-altitude flights. Such wings are composed of multiple bodies connected by hinge joints and can be deployed or folded spanwise during flight. A deployment simulation model is required for their design. This paper proposes a multifidelity multibody modeling method that uses a new asymmetrically gradient-deficient absolute nodal coordinate beam element. The proposed method addresses the drawbacks of conventional elements, namely, numerical locking and the need for a large number of generalized coordinates, by exploiting a structural characteristic of a slender wing. It enables computationally efficient low-fidelity rigid multibody simulation and more realistic high-fidelity flexible multibody simulation, both accomplished using a consistent modeling process and the same simulation program architecture. Additionally, the low-fidelity and high-fidelity models can be coupled with an aerodynamic model using a consistent coupling methodology. To validate the proposed modeling method, wing deployment experiments were performed in a wind tunnel at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University. The simulation results obtained using the proposed modeling method were found to be in good agreement with those of the wind tunnel experiments, even when the wings experienced large geometrically nonlinear deformations.

  64. Flight Control Parameter Design for Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment-1 (MABE-1) Using Evolutionary Computation 査読有り

    FUJITA Koji, TOKUTAKE Hiroshi, NAGAI Hiroki, OYAMA Akira


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.17.512  

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    <p>Airplanes are paid attention as a new platform for Mars exploration. A high-altitude flight test using balloon was conducted in June 2016 by Japanese working group for Mars exploration aircraft. This paper reports a method of control gain tuning for the flight test using evolutionary computation approach. This method can find optimal robust control gains efficiently and automatically. The combination of the control gains are evaluated by the simulations of a finite number of the dispersion conditions defined by the sensitivity analysis. A summary of a flight test, a control law, an optimization method, a flight simulation method, an evaluation function setting, and an optimization result are described.</p>

  65. 火星飛行機の実現に向けた空力課題への挑戦 査読有り

    永井 大樹, 大山 聖, 安養寺 正之, 岡本 正人, 藤田 昂志, 米本 浩一

    日本航空宇宙学会誌 67 (6) 215-222 2019年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.14822/kjsass.67.6_215  


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    <p>火星探査航空機は,将来の火星表面探査の画期的なシステムとして期待されている.しかしながら,火星の大気密度は地球と比べ1/100程度しかなく,得られる揚力は極端に小さい.そして,その飛行領域は低レイノルズ数環境として知られており,航空機の空力特性は大幅に悪化することが知られている.我々のグループでは,火星探査航空機を実現するために,この低レイノルズ数環境下での様々な空力課題に取り組んでおり,その解決に向けて実験/CFDの両面から取り組んでいる.また,実際に飛行試験機を作製し,大気球による高高度飛行実証試験(Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment-1, MABE-1)を通して,実フライトにおける空力データの取得にも取り組んでいる.本稿では,まずWGで取り組んでいる火星探査航空機の概略と空力課題の例および現状を紹介し,続いて,飛行試験の概要と結果の概略を報告する.</p>

  66. On-orbit demonstration of oscillating heat pipe with check valves for space application 査読有り

    Makiko Ando, Atsushi Okamoto, Kosuke Tanaka, Masakatsu Maeda, Hiroyuki Sugita, Takurou Daimaru, Hiroki Nagai

    Applied Thermal Engineering 130 552-560 2018年2月5日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.11.032  


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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd An Oscillating Heat Pipe (OHP) has high heat transport capability and enables effective heat transport even from narrow spaces, and thus is being targeted for application in the thermal management system of future spacecraft with larger heat dissipation. A Flat-plate Heat Pipe (FHP), which is an OHP with check valves sandwiched between thin aluminum alloy plates, has been developed. For applying FHPs to the thermal management system of spacecraft, the heat transfer characteristics of FHPs under microgravity conditions should first be examined. The on-orbit experiment on the FHP has been conducted since 2012 as one of the Small Demonstration Satellite-4 (SDS-4) missions. The FHP operated successfully on orbit with good heat transfer performance matching that on the ground, and with no degradation being observed for almost four years. Conversely, it was confirmed that the initial vapor-liquid distribution strongly affected the startup characteristics of FHPs, and that certain initial conditions caused startup difficulty. This paper describes the on-orbit experimental results and discusses the vapor-liquid behavior in FHPs based on those experimental results and numerical simulation.

  67. Computational study of aerodynamic characteristics on reentry capsule aft-body shape in transonic flow

    Masayuki Nomura, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2018 (209999) 2018年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-0290  

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    © 2018, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. Pitching moment characteristics and the flow field around blunt-body reentry capsule at transonic speeds were studied by computational simulation using three different model shapes. Dynamic instability such as pitching oscillation greatly influences the flight control and landing accuracy of a capsule, hence understanding the flight characteristics is an important challenge. In this study we focused on the influence of flow reattachment on the aft-body, and performed steady RANS calculations using the fast unstructured-grid flow solver “FaSTAR” developed by JAXA. The effect of aft-body shape was investigated by comparing the resulting differences in pitching moment coefficient and flow field. The results showed that as the pitching moment coefficient trend changed significantly for capsule shapes with shallow aft-bodies. It was possible to see from examining the flow visualization results that there were notable differences in the flow separation and reattachment on the upper side of the capsule, and the upper side of the recirculation region due to the difference in the shape of the aft-body. It is suggested that these differences influenced the pressure distribution and thus the pitching moment characteristics.

  68. Robustness analysis on aerial deployment motion of a Mars aircraft using multibody dynamics simulation: Effects of wing-unfolding torque and timing 査読有り

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Aeronautical Journal 121 (1238) 449-468 2017年4月

    DOI: 10.1017/aer.2016.123  


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    © Copyright Royal Aeronautical Society 2017. This paper investigates the effects of the design variables of an aerial deployment mechanism on the robustness of the aerial deployment through a multibody dynamics simulation. The aircraft is modelled as three joined rigid bodies: a right wing, a left wing and a centre body. A spring-loaded hinge is adopted as an actuator for deployment. The design variables are the hinge torque and the deployment timing. The robustness is evaluated using a sigma level method. The margins for the safe deployment conditions are set for the evaluation functions. The dispersive input variables are the initial drop velocity, the surrounding gust velocity, the initial pitch angle and the initial height. The design point with a deployment torque scale value F of 0.7 and a right-wing deployment delay time TSR of 1.0 s can safely deploy in the low-torque deployment condition. This design point is able to accomplish both a safe deployment and a lightweight deployment mechanism.

  69. Study on thermal cycle in oscillating heat pipes by numerical analysis 査読有り

    Takurou Daimaru, Shuhei Yoshida, Hiroki Nagai

    Applied Thermal Engineering 113 1219-1227 2017年2月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier {BV}

    DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.11.114  


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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd This paper discusses the thermal cycle found within oscillating heat pipes (OHPs). An OHP is a two-phase heat transfer device using self-exited oscillation. Over the past few decades, a considerable number of studies have been conducted to understand the physics of OHP phenomena. However, little is known about the thermal cycle in OHPs. In this study, we developed a one-dimensional slug flow model to reproduce thermal and hydrodynamic phenomena in OHPs. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and cross-correlation analysis were used to process oscillation waveform data. A multi-branch OHP consisting of a stainless steel pipe wall and R134a working fluid was simulated. The numerical results revealed pressure propagation within the OHP. Moreover, the results indicated that the vapor volume oscillated with the same frequency as the pressure. Additionally, the vapor plug obtained energy or performed work depending on the direction of pressure propagation. As a result, the propagation of energy was identified as a reason for pressure propagation within the OHP.

  70. Evaluation of Aerodynamic Performance of Mars Airplane in Scientific Balloon Experiment 査読有り

    Masayuki Anyoji, Masato Okamoto, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    Fluid Mechanics Research International Journal 1 (3) 2017年

    DOI: 10.15406/fmrij.2017.01.00012  

  71. Ultrafast-response anodized-Aluminum pressure-sensitive paints for unsteady flow measurement 査読有り

    Daiju Numata, Shota Fujii, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    AIAA Journal 55 (4) 1118-1125 2017年

    DOI: 10.2514/1.J054886  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    ©2016 by Daiju Numata. To apply pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) to unsteady shock-wave phenomena such as shock-obstacle interactions in shock-Tube experiments, anodized-Aluminum PSP (AA-PSP) with ultrafast response was fabricated and its response time to a step pressure change was evaluated by using a shock tube. Phosphoric acid was used as electrolyte in the anodization process, and the anodic alumina with pore diameter as large as 160 nm was successfully fabricated. This improved AA-PSP achieved a response with the time constant of 0.35 μs. This AA-PSP was applied to interactions of a moving shock wave with a circular cylinder. The results show that the improved AA-PSP can visualize the shock reflections and the shock diffractions with the ever-highest spatial and temporal resolution.

  72. Characterization of frequency response of pressure-sensitive paints 査読有り

    Tamao Sugimoto, Yosuke Sugioka, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    AIAA Journal 55 (4) 1460-1464 2017年

    DOI: 10.2514/1.J054985  


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    Systematic experiments have been carried out for two different types of fast-responding pressure-sensitive paint (PSP): one is polymer/ceramic (PC) PSP, and the other is anodized-aluminum (AA)-PSP. The frequency characteristics of these paints were measured, and their transfer functions were calculated from those data. Two luminophores having different luminescent lifetimes were applied on those PSP samples. The thickness and temperature of the binder were also changed to separate the effects of the photochemical reaction time from those of the oxygen diffusion time. The PSP sample plate was excited by a UV laser with 400 nm wavelength. The emission light of PSP was collected by two lenses and measured by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) with an optical filter suitable for the emission wavelength of the luminophore painted on the sample plate. It was shown that the dominant factor of the frequency characteristics of PC-PSP is the luminescent lifetime and the transfer function of PCPSP is approximated by the first-order system. On the other hand, the frequency characteristics of AA-PSP are more complicated since the system depends on both the luminescent lifetime and the diffusivity of oxygen into the binder. The transfer functions of AA-PSPs with RuDPP and TCPP are approximated by the first-order and ½-order systems, respectively. These differences should be attributed to the difference in the luminescent lifetime of those two luminophores. The results of this study suggest that luminophore molecules are distributed near the surface of PC-PSP and on the other hand are adsorbed inside the pores of AA-PSP.

  73. Comparison between numerical simulation and on-orbit experiment of oscillating heat pipes 査読有り

    Takurou Daimaru, Hiroki Nagai, Makiko Ando, Kosuke Tanaka, Atsushi Okamoto, Hiroyuki Sugita

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 109 791-806 2017年

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.01.078  


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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd This study investigated the startup behavior of Oscillating Heat Pipes (OHPs) by comparing numerical simulation and on-orbit experimental data. Previous studies suggested that initial vapor-liquid distribution affects startup behavior. However, they provided no experimental evidence to validate this hypothesis because experimentally reproducing and specifying initial vapor-liquid distribution in OHPs is virtually impossible. Thus, a numerical approach is necessary to generate the initial vapor-liquid distribution and to understand the internal thermofluid behavior of OHPs. In this study, a one-dimensional numerical model of an OHP with check valves was first developed. Then, the model was compared with data from an on-orbit experiment. Finally, simulation of OHP startup behavior with several types of initial vapor-liquid distributions showed that OHP startup difficulty is due to localization of liquids in the cooling section.

  74. Development of a Cooling System for GAPS using Oscillating Heat Pipe

    Hideyuki FUKE, Takumi ABE, Takuro DAIMARU, Takayoshi INOUE, Akiko KAWACHI, Hiroki KAWAI, Yosuke MASUYAMA, Hiroaki MATSUMIYA, Daishi MATSUMOTO, Yoshiro MIYAZAKI, Junichi MORI, Hiroki NAGAI, Taku NONOMURA, Hiroyuki OGAWA, Shun OKAZAKI, Takuma OKUBO, Shinji OZAKI, Daisuke SATO, Kensei SHIMIZU, Katsumasa TAKAHASHI, Shun TAKAHASHI, Noboru YAMADA, Takanori YOSHIDA


    出版者・発行元:Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.14.pi_17  


  75. Comparing Aerial-Deployment-Mechanism designs for mars airplane 査読有り

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 59 (6) 323-331 2016年


    DOI: 10.2322/tjsass.59.323  


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    © 2016 The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Employing airplanes for Mars exploration will lead to novel scientific discoveries. Airplanes can fly over several hundreds to thousands of kilometers and obtain high-resolution data, which is impossible for rovers and satellites to achieve. Such airplanes would require deployment mechanisms to be compact and produce enough lift force to fly in the thin Martian atmosphere. However, existing conceptual design methods do not consider deployment mechanisms. This paper provides the conceptual design method of an airplane intended for Mars exploration that includes a basic estimation of the specifications related to the aerial deployment mechanisms. This conceptual design method deals with two types of deployment mechanisms: A folding type and an inflatable type. The specifications of the airplanes with different deployment mechanisms are compared. The design results quantitatively show that an inflatable type wing is lighter for short wingspan design and a folding type wing is lighter for long wingspan design. The mass of the inflatable wing increases in long wingspan conditions since the required inflation pressure increases owing to the small spar radius and large bending moment. Finally, feasible specifications of the Mars airplane with deployable wings are proposed as a result of the constructed method.

  76. Operational Characteristics of the Oscillating Heat Pipe with Noncondensable Gas 査読有り

    Takurou Daimaru, Hiroki Nagai

    Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 29 (3) 563-571 2015年7月

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

    DOI: 10.2514/1.t4461  



  77. Pressure-sensitive paint technique for surface pressure measurements in a low-density wind tunnel 査読有り

    M. Anyoji, D. Numata, H. Nagai, K. Asai

    Journal of Visualization 18 (2) 297-309 2015年5月1日

    DOI: 10.1007/s12650-014-0239-9  



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    © 2014, The Author(s). Abstract: A low-density wind tunnel called the Mars wind tunnel, has been developed at Tohoku University that can produce a high subsonic flow at low pressures for aerodynamic measurements of low-Reynolds-number aircraft wings aimed at developing aircraft applicable to the atmosphere on the planet Mars. Accurate surface pressure measurements on the wing are essential for analysis of not only aerodynamic performance, including lift and drag, but also the flow fields around the wing. This paper presents a surface pressure measurement technique using pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) applicable for Mars wind tunnel tests under low-pressure conditions. The results show that a PSP composed of palladium tetra(pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin (PdTFPP) and poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-propyne] [poly(TMSP)] exhibits a high-pressure sensitivity at pressures as low as 1 kPa, and the absolute values of the static pressures measured by the PSP accorded well with the values derived from static pressure sensors used as a reference. A calibration methodology for the non-uniform pressure sensitivity on the test model, including a temperature calibration, is also established. The PSP technique clearly demonstrated pressure sensitivity over a distinctive low-pressure region inside a leading edge separation bubble on a flat plate at low Reynolds numbers.Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

  78. The applications of pressure-sensitive paint in microfluidic systems 査読有り

    Chih Yung Huang, Yu Matsuda, James W. Gregory, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18 (5-6) 739-753 2015年5月1日

    DOI: 10.1007/s10404-014-1510-z  



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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Pressure-sensitive paint is an experimental technique that has been developed for decades and recently applied for microscale measurements to retrieve surface pressure data. Promising results have been reported at various flow regions including transition flow, supersonic flow, and unsteady flow regimes. The experimental results acquired by pressure-sensitive paint have been compared with computational simulation and theoretical analysis, and good agreements have been established. This technique provides not only qualitative information but also quantitative data for the flow field inside microfluidic systems. This paper summarizes the methodology and applications of pressure-sensitive paint in microscale measurements as well as their usage for oxygen detection in several areas. Critical comments and future aspects of the technique have also been provided.

  79. マルチエバポレータ型ループヒートパイプの内部流動特性に関する研究(微小重力環境下での蒸発器及び凝縮器の可視化) 査読有り

    松田 雄太, 長野 方星, 岡崎 峻, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    日本機械学会論文集 81 (827) 15-00104-15-00104 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.15-00104  


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    Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) have been used in thermal control of spacecraft as next generation heat transport devices. Recently, multiple-evaporators LHP (MLHP) is under studied since the MLHP supplies autonomous thermal control function. However, some physical phenomena in the MLHP have not been clarified yet. The purpose of this study is to clarify thermal behavior of the MLHP under the microgravity. The MLHP used in this research has two evaporators and one condenser. Distilled water is used as the working fluid. 40W/40W, 80W/80W, 120W/0W, 0W/120W heat load were applied during the test. This experiment was conducted under microgravity for about 20 seconds, which was realized by parabolic flight. The vapor-liquid distribution in the wick core and the compensation chamber (CC) under the microgravity is presented. The effect of the microgravity for the working the MLHP is also discussed. The heat distributions in the MLHP when one and both evaporators were heated is also clarified

  80. Effects of mach number and specific heat ratio on low-reynolds-number airfoil flows 査読有り

    Masayuki Anyoji, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    AIAA Journal 53 (6) 1640-1654 2015年

    DOI: 10.2514/1.J053468  


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    Copyright © 2014 by Masayuki Anyoji. Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. The effects of Reynolds number, Mach number, and gas species (air andCO2) on aerodynamic characteristics of a thin flat plate and a NACA 0012-34 airfoil were investigated under low-Reynolds-number (Re = 0:43 × 104 to 4.1 × 104) and high-subsonic-flow (M = 0.1 to 0.6) conditions. In addition to lift and drag measurements by a twocomponent balance system, the pressure-sensitive paint technique was applied to measure pressure profiles on the model surface. For the flat plate, the Reynolds number moderately affects the lift and drag characteristics because of a simple behavior of the leading-edge separation bubble; the length of the separation bubble increases as the angle of attack increases. By contrast, the Mach number and specific heat ratio contribute little to the aerodynamic performance. For the NACA 0012-34 airfoil, the lift curves are highly dependent on the Reynolds number because of the formation, shift, and burst of the separation bubble, whereas the compressibility affects only the stall characteristics. The specific heat ratio has little effect on the aerodynamic performance. In common for both airfoils, it was observed that the Mach-number effect allows for the delay of a laminar-turbulent transition and reattachment of the separated shear layer.

  81. Computational and experimental analysis of a high-performance airfoil under low-reynolds-number flow condition 査読有り

    Masayuki Anyoji, Taku Nonomura, Hikaru Aono, Akira Oyama, Kozo Fujii, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Journal of Aircraft 51 (6) 1864-1872 2014年11月1日

    DOI: 10.2514/1.C032553  



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    Copyright © 2013 by Masayuki Anyoji. A high-performance Ishii airfoil was analyzed using both a wind-tunnel and large-eddy simulations at a low- Reynolds-number condition (Re = 23,000). The design guidelines for an airfoil shape with a high lift-to-drag ratio under the aforementioned condition are described by analyses of flowfields and aerodynamic characteristics of the Ishii airfoil. Compared with conventional airfoils, such as the NACA 0012 and NACA 0002, the shape characteristic effects of the Ishii airfoil on its flowfield and aerodynamic characteristics are discussed. The shape on the suction side of the Ishii airfoil can cause delays in the flow separation at low angle of attacks. The separated flow reattaches, and a separation bubble forms even when trailing-edge separation changes to leading-edge separation. The separation bubble contributes to an increase in lift coefficient. In addition, the Ishii airfoil can gain a high positive pressure on the pressure side as compared with the other two symmetric airfoils due to the camber near the trailing edge.Onthe other hand, the pressure drag of the Ishii airfoil, which is a dominant factor of total drag, is considerably smaller than those of the other two airfoils. It was found that the shape on the suction side as well as that on the pressure side (such as the leading-edge roundness and the camber) are very significant in the low-Reynolds-number airfoil with a high lift-todrag ratio.

  82. 火星探査飛行機用プロペラ開発のための翼型に関する研究

    米澤 宏一, 後藤 雄大, 砂田 茂, 林田 高志, 諏訪 哲也, 酒井 宣明, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 辻本 良信

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 62 (1) 24-30 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/jjsass.62.24  


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    Aerodynamic performances of four kinds of airfoils are examined in flows with low-Reynolds number. The aim of the present study is to find the airfoil shape, which provides a large value of a maximum lift-drag ratio in order to develop a high efficiency propeller for the Mars exploration airplane. A triangle airfoil is a base contour of the test airfoils and effects of blunt trailing edges on airfoil characteristics are examined using numerical simulations. Furthermore, a variation of aerodynamic characteristics of one airfoil with a blunt trailing edge due to decreased thickness and increased camber is also examined. The numerical results are verified by experiments. As the trailing edge thickness is increased, the lift-drag ratio becomes larger and values of the lift and the drag forces become smaller at the angle of attack where the lift-drag ratio becomes maximum. By increasing the trailing edge thickness, the boundary layer separation is suppressed and the aerodynamic forces are reduced. The increased camber and decreased thickness yield a significant lift increase of the airfoil with the blunt trailing edge and a small amount of drag increase. As a result, the airfoil with the blunt trailing edge yields large value of the lift-drag ratio in the flows with low-Reynolds numbers.

  83. Control surface effectiveness of low Reynolds number flight vehicles

    ANYOJI Masayuki, OKAMOTO Masato, HIDAKA Hidenori, KONDO Katsutoshi, OYAMA Akira, NAGAI Hiroki, FUJII Kozo

    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology 9 (5) JFST0072-JFST0072 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2014jfst0072  


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    Low-speed wind tunnel tests are carried out to investigate the control surface effectiveness at low Reynolds numbers (<i>Re</i> = 20,000-80,000). A thick airfoil, NACA0012, has a nonlinearity of the control surface effectiveness, which are associated with flow separation both on the upper and lower surfaces and a formation of a laminar separation bubble. Thin airfoils such as NACA0006 and a 3%<i>c</i> flat plate have a much smaller nonlinearity of the control surface effectiveness. These differences in the control surface effectiveness are due to the nonlinearity of the lift curve for each airfoil, and the flow separation behavior has a profound effect on the control surface effectiveness.

  84. Operating characteristics of multiple evaporators and multiple condensers loop heat pipe with polytetrafluoroethylene wicks 査読有り

    Shou Okutani, Hosei Nagano, Shun Okazaki, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hiroki Nagai

    Journal of Electric Cooling and Thermal Control 4 (1) 22-32 2014年

  85. 自励振動ヒートパイプにおける非凝縮ガスの影響 査読有り

    大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹

    航空宇宙技術 13 (0) 17-24 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/astj.13.17  

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    In this study, the effect of Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) in Oscillating Heat Pipe (OHP) was evaluated by using Closed Loop OHP (CLOHP) made of copper capillary tube. The working fluid was ethanol and the NCG was argon. Temperature and pressure were measured over the heat input range from 40 W to 180 W. The temperature amplitude, the thermal resistance, the pressure amplitude and frequency were calculated. From the results, the NCG affects the thermal performance of OHP.

  86. Dynamic Behaviour of Mars Airplane with Folded-Wing Deployment

    FUJITA Koji, MOTODA Toshikazu, NAGAI Hiroki


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.12.Pk_1  


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    An aerial deployment technique is required for the Mars airplane to get a large wing area and compactness. A multibody dynamics simulation program was developed to assess the safety of the dynamic behaviour during aerial deployment. An effect of an initial deployment angle was revealed through the simulation. A pitching moment was generated due to the drag and pitching moment acting on the right and left wings.

  87. Propeller Slipstream Interference with Wing Aerodynamic Characteristics of Mars Airplane at Low Reynolds Number 査読有り

    MAKINO Fumiyasu, NAGAI Hiroki


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.12.Tk_13  

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    A flow condition on the wing of Mars airplane becomes low Reynolds number (10<sup>4</sup> to 10<sup>5</sup>) for a reason of low atmospheric density on the Mars. However an effect of a propeller slipstream for the wing at low Reynolds number is not clear. We measured aerodynamic force on three types of airfoil with/without the propeller, and visualized flow field on the wing surface. From the results of force measurement, aerodynamic characteristics of the flat plate was almost unaffected by propeller stream. However aerodynamic characteristics of the Ishii airfoil and NACA0012 were changed by propeller slipstream. To see the results of visualization, the flow separation was prevented by the effect of propeller slipstream. These results caused the changes in aerodynamic characteristics.

  88. Aerodynamic Characteristics and Effects of Winglets of the Boomless Tapered Supersonic Biplane during the Starting Process

    YAMASHITA Hiroshi, FUJISONO Takashi, TOYODA Atsushi, NAGAI Hiroki, ASAI Keisuke, JEONG Shinkyu, OBAYASHI Shigeru


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.11.17  


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    The aerodynamic characteristics and the effects of tip plates of a tapered supersonic biplane wing during the starting process were investigated by experimental and computational fluid dynamics (EFD/CFD). Three types of wing models were used: one with a tip plate covering only the aft-half of the wing tip (type-A); one with a tip plate covering the entire wing tip (type-B); and one without a tip plate (type-N). Experiments were conducted in a supersonic blowdown wind tunnel 600 &times; 600 mm in cross-section located at the high-speed wind tunnel facility of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS/JAXA). The flow conditions ranged from <i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 1.5 to 1.9 in increments of 0.1. Pressure-sensitive paint was applied to measure the pressure distributions on the wing surface. CFD simulations were conducted for comparison with the experimental results and for detailed investigation of the effects of the Mach number. The tapered biplane wing without a tip plate is found to start between <i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 1.8 and 1.9. The difference in starting Mach number between type-N and type-A is small. On the other hand, the starting Mach number of type-B is approximately 0.05 higher than that of type-N.

  89. Wind Tunnel Testing on Start/Unstart Characteristics of Finite Supersonic Biplane Wing 査読有り

    Hiroshi Yamashita, Naoshi Kuratani, Masahito Yonezawa, Toshihiro Ogawa, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Shigeru Obayashi


    出版者・発行元:HINDAWI LTD

    DOI: 10.1155/2013/231434  



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    This study describes the start/unstart characteristics of a finite and rectangular supersonic biplane wing. Two wing models were tested in wind tunnels with aspect ratios of 0.75 (model A) and 2.5 (model B). The models were composed of a Busemann biplane section. The tests were carried out using supersonic and transonic wind tunnels over a Mach number range of 0.3 <= M-infinity <= 2.3 with angles of attack of 0 degrees, 2 degrees, and 4 degrees. The Schlieren system was used to observe the flow characteristics around the models. The experimental results showed that these models had start/unstart characteristics that differed from those of the Busemann biplane (two dimensional) owing to three-dimensional effects. Models A and B started at lower Mach numbers than the Busemann biplane. The characteristics also varied with aspect ratio: model A (1.3 < M-infinity < 1.5) started at a lower Mach number than model B (1.6 < M-infinity < 1.8) owing to the lower aspect ratio. Model B was located in the double solution domain for the start/unstart characteristics at M-infinity = 1.7, and model B was in either the start or unstart state at M-infinity = 1.7. Once the state was determined, either state was stable.

  90. テーパ型超音速複葉翼の始動特性と翼端板効果

    藤園 崇, 山下 博, 豊田 篤, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 鄭 信圭, 大林 茂

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 60 (1) 1-8 2012年2月5日

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/jjsass.60.1  


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    The aerodynamic characteristics and the effects of winglets of a tapered supersonic biplane during the starting process have been investigated through Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (EFD/CFD). Three types of the tapered biplane model were used: without winglet (type-N); with the winglet which covers only the aft-half of the wing tip (type-A); with the winglet which covers the entire wing tip (type-B). Experiment was conducted in the supersonic blow-down wind tunnel with 600mm &times; 600mm cross section located at the High-speed Wind Tunnel Facility of Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA. The flow conditions covered from <i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 1.5 to 1.9 with increments of 0.1. Pressure-Sensitive Paint was applied to measure pressure distributions on the surface of supersonic biplane models. CFD simulations were conducted to compare with experiment and to investigate effects of the Mach numbers in detail. The tapered biplane without the winglet was found to start between <i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 1.8 and 1.9. The difference of the starting Mach numbers between type-N and type-A was small. On the other hand, the starting Mach number of type-B was about 0.05 higher than that of type-N.

  91. Conceptual Design of Mars Airplane

    FUJITA Koji, LUONG Remi, NAGAI Hiroki, ASAI Keisuke


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.10.Te_5  


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    The presence of an atmosphere on Mars signifies that an aircraft could travel in its atmosphere using the aerodynamic forces of flight. A reconnaissance aircraft offers the possibility to obtain high resolution data on a regional scale of several hundreds to thousands of kilometers, which cannot be achieved with rovers or satellites. However, conventional aircraft design cannot be applied for a Mars Airplane because of the nature of the Martian atmosphere and the constraints from transportation from Earth to Mars. This paper presents the conceptual design of a fixed-wing airplane for Mars, and the design rationale undertaken following the constraints set by the Martian environment. As a result, the main wing area was calculated to be 1.2 m<sup>2</sup>. It was folded using two hinges to be packed into an aeroshell. The proposed Mars Airplane has four notches on its main wing. They make packing easier to keep the wing area maximized, making the Mars Airplane more compact.

  92. Thermal Vacuum Testing of a Small Loop Heat Pipe with a PTFE Wick for Spacecraft Thermal Control

    NAGANO Hosei, NISHIKAWARA Masahito, FUKUYOSHI Fuyuko, NAGAI Hiroki, OGAWA Hiroyuki


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.10.Pc_27  


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    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is a two-phase heat transfer device that utilizes the evaporation and condensation of a working fluid to transfer heat, and the capillary forces developed in fine porous wicks to circulate the fluid. LHPs have been gaining increased acceptance for spacecraft missions, and recently, small LHPs on the order of a few hundred watts have been investigated for this purpose. In this study, a 100W class small LHP with a polytetrafluoroethylene wick as the primary wick was designed and fabricated for thermal vacuum testing. The LHP has a thermoelectric converter (TEC) to control the loop operating temperature. The thermal vacuum test was conducted to evaluate the LHP's thermal performance under a space-simulated environment such as ultra-high-vacuum, and black body radiation, except for a gravitational effect. The loop showed large thermal hysteresis before and after the large and small head loads. The TEC was able to control the loop operating temperature with a small amount of electrical power.

  93. 断層シュリーレン法を用いた超音速複葉翼の内部構造の解明 査読有り

    萩原 真澄, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 60 (3) 142-148 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/jjsass.60.142  


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    The flow field in a three dimensional biplane model is investigated by using a focusing schlieren method which can visualize a density gradient of arbitrary cross sections along a light path. Experiments were conducted in the 60mm&times;60mm indraft supersonic wind tunnel at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University at <i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 1.7. Two test models were used in this experiment: the two-dimensional and three-dimensional models. First of all, the performance of the focusing schlieren system was evaluated by using the two dimensional model. The flow visualization in the three dimensional model is conducted by using the conventional schlieren method and more detail flow visualization by using the focusing schlieren method. Additionally, surface pressure distribution is measured by using the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP). From combined measurements, the flow field in the three dimensional model was discussed. It was found that shock wave structures in the test model vary in the span direction. Additionally, the cause of high pressure regions on the wing surface was understood by comparing with the PSP result.

  94. Development of an experimental small loop heat pipe with polytetrafluoroethylene wicks 査読有り

    Hosei Nagano, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hiroki Nagai

    Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 25 (4) 547-552 2011年10月

    DOI: 10.2514/1.T3614  


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    This paper reports the development of an experimental small loop heat pipe with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) wicks. Three kinds of PTFE porous materials were fabricated, and their wick properties were evaluated. It was clarified that the peak pore radii of the PTFE porous materials ranged from 0.8 to 2.2 μm, and their porosities ranged from 27 to 50%. A small loop heat pipe with PTFE wicks was designed using these properties, and an experimental small loop heat pipe, for which the wick in an evaporator is exchangeable, was fabricated. The experimental loop was tested with 1.2 and 2.2 μmPTFE wicks under atmospheric conditions. The test result with a 2.2 μmPTFE wick showed a high operating temperature, possibly due to vapor leak from the evaporator grooves to the compensation chamber. The test results with the 1.2 μm PTFE wick showed a lower operating temperature, lower thermal resistance, and stable operation of the loop heat pipe. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  95. Surface pressure and flow field behind an oscillating fence submerged in turbulent boundary layer 査読有り

    Manjinder Singh, Jonathan W. Naughton, Taro Yamashita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Experiments in Fluids 50 (3) 701-714 2011年3月

    DOI: 10.1007/s00348-010-0977-y  


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    Phase-locked PSP and PIV measurements were used to study the evolution of three-dimensional disturbances produced by an oscillating fence actuator immersed in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer. For the single fence frequency studied, strong three-dimensionality is observed in the vortical structure that varies along the span of the fence soon after the fence enters the flow. At the midspan, the structure grows, weakens, and convects faster than at other locations. As the fence height increases, the data indicate that the vortical structure terminates near the edge of the fence. In contrast, the vortex structure terminates on the plate surface adjacent to the fence edge as the fence descends, similar to a wake vortex of a stationary obstacle. This study demonstrates that the combined use of surface and flow-field diagnostics provide a link between flow field and surface features, yielding an understanding of the flow that would have not been possible with any one technique. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.

  96. Development of a Low-Density Wind Tunnel for Simulating Martian Atmospheric Flight

    ANYOJI Masayuki, NOSE Kei, IDA Shingo, NUMATA Daiju, NAGAI Hiroki, ASAI Keisuke


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.9.21  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new type of low-density wind tunnel called the &ldquo;Mars Wind Tunnel (MWT)&rdquo; has been developed to simulate airfoil flow in the Mars atmosphere. This paper presents the design features of the MWT and its construction. The results of operational performance tests including the driving performance of a multiple supersonic ejector and calibration tests for evaluating the flow characteristics in the test section are shown. These tests were conducted using air as the working gas. It was found that the ejector is an effective means to induce high subsonic flow even under the condition of a low Reynolds number. The pressure ratio achievable with the ejector is inversely proportional to the total pressure. The MWT can simulate flow in the Reynolds number range from 103 to 105 and Mach number up to 0.74. It is confirmed that the MWT has a flow quality and operational characteristics that are suitable for aerodynamic testing of Mars airplanes.

  97. Multi-objective exploration of the launch condition for a fluctuating punted kick in rugby on the basis of PSP measurement 査読有り

    Kazuya Seo, Daisuke Yorita, Koji Shimoyama, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Procedia Engineering 2 (2) 2499-2504 2010年6月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2010.04.022  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We succeeded in obtaining PSP (Pressure-Sensitive Paint) measurements for a rugby ball. It was found that the seam of the ball is the trigger for initiating low pressure. Therefore, a slower spinning ball fluctuates during flight because of the asymmetrical pressure distribution on the sides of the ball. Based on the results from PSP measurements, multi-objective optimization of the fluctuating punted kick was carried out, and then the trade-offs between the objective functions and the control variables could be visualized using Self-Organizing Maps. It was found that the higher the spin rate at launch the greater the number of fluctuations; however, the hang time becomes shorter.

  98. Simulation of the trajectory of a punted rugby ball taking into account the asymmetrical pressure distribution caused by the seams 査読有り

    Kazuya Seo, Osamu Kobayashi, Masahide Murakami, Daisuke Yorita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Journal of Visualization 13 (2) 97-105 2010年5月

    DOI: 10.1007/s12650-009-0019-0  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes the effect of the seams of a rugby ball on the side force and the flight trajectory of the punted kick. Measurement of the aerodynamic force on a non-spinning rugby ball reveals that the side force coefficient depends on the position of the seam as well as the angle of attack. It was found from pressure-sensitive paint measurements that the seam of the ball is the trigger for initiating low pressure when the seam is situated around 60° from the stagnation point. The flight trajectory of the fluctuating ball can be obtained by numerically integrating the six degree-of-freedom non-linear equations of motion. It was shown that a slower spinning ball fluctuates from side to side during flight because of the asymmetrical pressure distribution on the sides of the ball. © The Visualization Society of Japan 2009.

  99. Oxygen-sensing properties of 5, 10, 15, 20-tetraphenylporphinato platinum(II) and palladium(II) covalently bound on poly(isobutyl-co-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl methacrylate) 査読有り

    Makoto Obata, Noriko Matsuura, Kazunori Mitsuo, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Masafumi Harada, Shiho Hirohara, Masao Tanihara, Shigenobu Yano

    Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 48 (3) 663-670 2010年2月1日

    DOI: 10.1002/pola.23818  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A novel methacrylate monomer bearing 5, 10, 15, 20tetraphenylporphyrinato palladium(II) (PdTPP) (monomer 1a) was synthesized and copolymerized with isobutyl methacrylate (IBM) and 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl methacrylate (TFEM) to give poly (IBM-co-TFEM) bearing PdTPP (copolymer 2a) as a dye-conjugated oxygen-permeable polymer for pressure-sensitive paint applications. The introduction of PdTPP into copolymer 2a was confirmed by UV-vis spectroscopy and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis. The Stern-Volmer plots of the copolymer 2a and a mixture of PdTPP and poly(IBM-co-TFEM) both showed downward curvature, unlike that of the platinum complex analogue (copolymer 2b) previously reported. The plots were successfully fitted with a two-site model to give two distinct Stern-Volmer constants (Ksv1 andKsv2 and the partition ratio f1. Interestingly, the f1 values for the copolymer 2a were almost constant at about 0.98, whereas those of the mixture of PdTPP and poly(IBM-co-TFEM) increased from 0.889 to 0.967 as the temperature was increased. This finding suggests that there are two distinct microheterogeneities, one temperature-dependent and the other temperature-independent, in the mixture of PdTPP and poly(IBM-co-TFEM). The dye-conjugation approach effectively eliminates the temperature-dependent, but not the temperature-independent microheterogeneity. The luminescence decays of copolymers 2a and 2b and the corresponding mixtures in the absence of oxygen indicated that the temperature-dependent microheterogeneity involves an oxygen diffusion process, whereas the temperature-independent one appears to be inherent nature in PdTPP. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  100. Simulation of the trajectory of a punted rugby ball taking into account the asymmetrical pressure distribution caused by the seams 査読有り

    Kazuya Seo, Osamu Kobayashi, Masahide Murakami, Daisuke Yorita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Journal of Visualization 1 449-456 2010年1月

  101. Effect of Amount of Fluid Charge in Thermal Performance of Loop Heat Pipe 査読有り

    Hosei Nagano, Ei Onogawa, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hiroki Nagai

    Heat Transfer- Asian Research 39 (6) 355-364 2010年


    DOI: 10.1002/htj.20306  



  102. ループヒートパイプの熱特性における作動流体封入量の影響

    小野川 英, 長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    Thermal science and engineering 18 (1) 9-15 2010年1月1日

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 日本伝熱学会

    DOI: 10.11368/tse.18.9  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) are two-phase thermal control system, which works only by heat from its cooling target. In order to utilize the LHPs in various fields, it is requested to be smaller, more reliable, and higher performance. In the present study, a miniature LHP has been fabricated, and the effect of amount of working fluid charged on thermal performance of the LHPs has been investigated. Tests were conducted including start-up, power step up, as function of amount of working fluid. The test results showed that under-charging of working fluid caused start-up failure, while over-charging of working fluid made the LHP less stable.

  103. 小型ループヒートパイプのリザーバ制御による動作特性の向上 査読有り

    福吉芙由子, 長野方星, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会誌 2010年

  104. Characteristics of the Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University in CO2 Operation Mode


    48th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2010年1月

  105. Effect of temperature-sensitive-paint thickness on global heat transfer measurement in hypersonic flow 査読有り

    H. Nagai, S. Ohmi, K. Asai, K. Nakakita

    Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 22 (3) 373-381 2008年7月

    DOI: 10.2514/1.34152  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Heat flux measurement in a hypersonic wind tunnel is one of the necessary requirements for designing the nextgeneration reentry vehicle. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in temperature on a model surface. Temperature-sensitive paint provides a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. This technique was applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel test, but there were uncertainties caused by the thickness of the temperature-sensitive-paint layer. In this study, the relationship between the temperature-sensitive-paint layer thickness and the measurement accuracy of heat flux was investigated. The models were tested at Mach 10 in the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's 0.44-m hypersonic shock tunnel and the heat flux, caused by aerodynamic heating on the model surface, was measured. A comparison between temperature-sensitive-paint data and conventional thermocouple data showed that the measurement error changed with the paint layer thickness. Then a three-dimensional wing-body model was tested to demonstrate the validity of temperature-sensitive paint of an optimized thickness, and a complicated heat flux pattern caused by the shock wave/shock-wave interaction was observed. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  106. Pressure-sensitive paint measurement of pressure distribution in a supersonic micronozzle 査読有り

    H. Nagai, R. Naraoka, K. Sawada, K. Asai

    AIAA Journal 46 (1) 215-222 2008年1月

    DOI: 10.2514/1.28371  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Micronozzles have recently commanded considerable attention because of their potential applications, such as in flow control of microspacecraft It is difficult to understand fundamental physical phenomena in microscale flow due to the lack of suitable quantitative measurement tools (pressure and temperature sensors, etc.). Pressure-sensitive paint is one of the most promising options for global distribution measurement in microscale flow. In this paper, pressure distribution in a supersonic micronozzle with a nozzle throat of 250 μm was investigated using pressuresensitive paint, and the experimental results were compared with numerical simulation by Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in three-dimensional space. The pressure-sensitive paint measurement technique demonstrated its validity for quantitative measurement of pressure distribution in microscale flow and revealed that the performance of the present micronozzle is critically affected by the boundary layer along the side wall. Copyright © 2007 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  107. Study on Thermal Performances of a Small Loop Heat Pipe

    NAGANO Hosei, NAGAI Hiroki, FUKUYOSHI Fuyuko, OGAWA Hiroyuki

    Journal of Thermal Science and Technology 3 (2) 355-367 2008年


    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.3.355  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes thermal performance of a small loop heat pipe device in an atmospheric condition. A comprehensive test program including start-up, power step up, power cycle and low power tests was performed. The effects of gravity on start-up and heat transport capability were also evaluated. An analytical model for the loop was developed to predict and evaluate the steady state operating performance. The test results demonstrated the robustness of the LHP. The analytical results showed good agreement with the test results except at the low power region. The feasibility of loop temperature control through compensation chamber temperature control was also experimentally demonstrated.

  108. 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発 査読有り

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会論文集 28 (4) 21-26 2008年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/tvsj.28.21  


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  109. Pressure-sensitive paint measurement of the flow around a simplified car model 査読有り

    T. Yamashita, H. Sugiura, H. Nagai, K. Asai, K. Ishida

    Journal of Visualization 10 (3) 289-298 2007年

    DOI: 10.1007/BF03181696  


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    In applying Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) to low-speed flow wind tunnel testing, it is important to minimize any measurement uncertainties. There are various error sources such as camera noise, misalignment of images due to model displacement and temperature distribution over the model. Among these factors, the effects of temperature distribution change during tests on pressure measurement accuracies were studied in the present paper. Pressure and temperature distributions over a simplified car model (1/10 scale Ahmed model) were measured using PSP and Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP). Sequential images were acquired at the same intervals over the entire test period, including for the conditions before and after the tunnel run. As a result, it was found that the measurement error caused by temperature distribution over the model could be reduced using a single-point temperature measurement. In addition, by measuring surface temperature distributions on the model using TSP, it was proved that the most accurate pressure measurement could be made by rationing the wind-off image acquired immediately after shutting down the tunnel to the wind-on image acquired immediately before shutting down the tunnel. Using the present measurement technique, complicated pressure fields over the Ahmed model were successfully visualized. © 2007 The Visualization Society of Japan.

  110. Evaluation of lifetime-based Pressure-Sensitive Paint measurement in low-speed flow 査読有り

    Taro Yamashita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asa



    DOI: 10.1109/ICIASF.2007.4380884  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The lifetime-based method has been applied to Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) measurement in low-speed flow. Based on theoretical considerations and sample tests, a method to calculate pressure using "a-priori" method was proposed. In this method, pressure is related to the ratio of the luminescent intensity ratios obtained at two different gates between the wind-on and wind-off conditions, multiplied by a temperature correction factor calculated from the single-point measurement of model substrate temperature. The sample tests showed that the effect of temperature as well as non-uniformity of lifetime could be cancelled out by the proposed method. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this method, a simplified car model was tested in a low-speed wind tunnel. The result obtained by the lifetime method was in good agreement with those of pressure taps and the intensity method.

  111. Measurement of oxygen partial pressure distribution in a fuel cell using pressure-sensitive paint 査読有り

    Suguru Inagaki, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007 2 77-83 2007年

    DOI: 10.1115/HT2007-32751  

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    To improve efficiency and service life of a fuel cell, it is important to understand the dynamic behavior of oxygen molecules in the cell. In other words, we need to know the oxygen concentration distribution over electrode planes and inside diffused layers in addition to its time variation. We applied the Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) technique to this problem, attempting to measure distribution of partial pressure oxygen along micro channels of a fuel cell. To prevent the effect of water produced by the power generation process, we developed a water-repellent PSP that can withstand heat and humidity produced by power generation. Using this paint, partial oxygen distribution along the micro channels was successfully visualized, although there were noticeable effects of local temperature distribution on the absolute accuracy for the conditions with higher current densities. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.

  112. Thermal performance of a miniature loop heat pipe for spacecraft thermal control system 査読有り

    Hiroki Nagai, Hosei Nagano, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007 3 721-726 2007年

    DOI: 10.1115/HT2007-32805  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) are robust, self-starting and a passive two-phase thermal control system that uses the latent heat of vaporization of an internal working fluid to transfer heat from an evaporator (the heat source) to a condenser (the heat sink). The circulation of the working fluid is accomplished by capillary pressure gradients in a fine porous wick with very small pores. LHPs are rapidly gaining acceptance in the aerospace community and several terrestrial applications are emerging as well. In the present study, a miniature LHP is investigated the thermal performance for spacecraft thermal control system. Tests will be conducted including start-up, low power, power ramp up, high power, rapid power change, and rapid sink temperature change. Finally, we want to demonstrate the potential of LHP to become the next-generation heat transfer device to cool terrestrial devices such as advanced electronic which have high power dissipations. First of all, this paper presents the influence of the gravitational forces on the LHP performance. The present tests performed under steady state condition with three different orientations (horizontal, gravity-assisted, anti-gravity). Copyright © 2007 by ASME.

  113. Experimental study of lambda-phase transition induced by shock compression 査読有り

    Y Ueta, K Yanaka, M Murakami, H Nagai, HS Yang

    CRYOGENICS 42 (10) 645-651 2002年10月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/S0011-2275(02)00082-6  


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    The lambda-phase transition induced by shock compression was experimentally investigated by using the.superfluid shock tube facility. A compression shock wave is generated in He II by the impingement of a gas dynamic shock wave onto a He II free surface. The shock-compressed He II can be converted to He I crossing the lambda-line in the case of initial He II temperature close to T-lambda. The resultant temperature variation has been measured with in-house-made superconductive temperature sensors. Furthermore, the visualization photographs were taken by a digital still camera with the Schlieren optical method. it is found that the magnitude of the entropy production Deltas induced by shock compression process highly depends on the temperature difference between the temperature in the shock compressed state and the lambda temperature as well as on the shock strength. In particular, Deltas becomes extremely large in the case where the lambda-phase transition is induced. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  114. Experiments of highly transient thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena in HeII induced by gas dynamic shock wave impingement 査読有り

    H Nagai, HS Yang, Y Ueta, K Yanaka, M Murakami




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    Compression and thermal shock waves are generated in the superfluid shock tube facility by the impingement of a gas-dynamic shock wave propagating through helium vapor onto a lie If free surface. He II can be shock-compressed to convert to He I across the.-line in the case of He II initially at temperatures rather close to the k-temperature. The phenomena realized in the shock tube are extremely rapid ones with a characteristic time of the order of a few microseconds. Accordingly, some advanced experimental technology is required for the measurement, and thus piezo-type pressure transducers and a superconductive temperature sensor are used for the measurement of the transient behavior. Visualization of both shock waves is successfully carried out by using an ultra-high-speed video camera with Schlieren optics. It is found from the mass velocity of bulk He II derived from a series of video images that an high Reynolds number flow, about 1.2 x 10(7), can be realized behind a compression shock wave in a very short duration. It is also an objective of the present research to make a successful transfer of experimental techniques developed in conventional thermo-fluid dynamics to cryogenic researches.

  115. Study of thermal shock wave in shock-compressed HeII induced by gas dynamic shock wave impingement 査読有り

    HS Yang, Y Ueta, H Nagai, M Murakami, K Yanaka




    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Strong thermal shock waves induced by the impingement of a gas dynamic shock wave onto a He II free surface in the superfluid shock tube facility were investigated by measuring temperature variation with superconductive temperature sensors and by Schlieren visualization method with an ultra high-speed video camera (40,500 pictures/sec). The heat transfer from shock-compressed high temperature vapor to He H forming a thermal shock wave is considered. The temperature rise ratio of an induced thermal shock to that of an incident gas dynamic shock wave was found to be very small, as small as 0.003 at 1.80K. It is seen that the most part of the heat do not be transmitted into bulk He II because a high density quantized vortex layer is rapidly developed in a thermal boundary layer in the immediate vicinity of the vapor-He II interface. The existence of a thermal boundary layer with a large temperature gradient in which the physical state varies from supercritical helium to He II temperature and the rapid growth up to about 1mm in thickness of the layer with such as thermal conduction process are measured with the temperature measurements. Besides, it is also found that high compressibility of He II results in formation of a dark zone near the interface region that is extended toward bulk He II.

  116. 微小重力下における液量計測技術に関する研究

    中納 暁洋, 武藤 美希, 藤山 純一, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀

    JASMA : Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application 18 (4) 263-268 2001年10月1日



  117. Application of superfluid shock tube facility to experiments of highly transient low-temperature thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena 査読有り

    H Nagai, HS Yang, Y Ueta, M Murakami, N Takano, K Yanaka

    CRYOGENICS 41 (5-6) 421-428 2001年5月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/S0011-2275(01)00109-6  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The superfluid shock tube facility has been developed as a versatile tool for experimental research on thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena of superfluid helium. The shock tube is designed to operate with the He II-filled test section, which is immersed in superfluid helium. The primary research targets are two modes of shock wave propagation and the shock compressed phase transitions (He II to He I, He It to Solid He). The phenomena realized in the shock tube are high-speed ones with a characteristic time of the order of a few microseconds. As some advanced experimental technologies are required for the measurement, piezo-type pressure transducers and high-response superconductive temperature sensors are used for the measurements of the transient variations in the pressure and temperature. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  118. 気体力学的衝撃波の入射により超流動ヘリウム中に誘起された衝撃波における温度計測実験

    梁 炯皙, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀, 上田 康裕

    低温工学 36 (1) 2-9 2001年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会)

    DOI: 10.2221/jcsj.36.2  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Two modes of shock waves propagating in He II, that is, a compression and a thermal shock waves, were investigated by a measurement of temperature and pressure with superconductive temperature sensors and pressure transducers and by visualization. We adopted the experimental method in which a gas dynamic shock wave impinged onto a He II-free surface by a newly developed superfluid shock tube facility. It was found that the temperature sharply drops as a result of compression by a compression shock wave. However, the temperature drop turns to a rise when the phase of liquid helium changes from He II to He I by shock compression. It was also found that in the immediate vicinity of the vapor-He II interface, no thermal shock wave is excited, where a thermal boundary layer with a large temperature gradient in which the physical state changes from supercritical helium to He II via He I is formed with a thickness of several mm. The temperature profile of a thermal shock wave was found to be a single triangular waveform similar to that of a thermal shock wave generated by large heat flux by a planar heater with a long heating time.

  119. Study of Shock Waves and Phase Transition in He II by using Superfluid Shock Tube Facility 査読有り


    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 45 1049-1056 2000年

  120. Experimental Investigation of Thermal Shock Wave induced by Gas Dynamic Shock Wave Impingement 査読有り


    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 45 1057-1064 2000年

  121. Investigation of two modes of shock wave in He II by using newly developed superfluid shock tube facility 査読有り

    H Nagai, H Yang, N Takano, M Murakami



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Two modes of shock waves in He II, a compression and a thermal shock waves, have been experimentally investigated by applying the newly developed superfluid shock tube facility. They are generated by impingement of a gas dynamic shock wave onto He II free surface. The transient variations of the pressure and the temperature are measured by piezo-type pressure transducers and high response superconductive temperature sensor. It is found that the compression shock wave propagates at the shock Mach number about 1.05 similar to 1.15, which indicates they are rather strong shock waves in liquids, and the wave form of the thermal shock wave is a single peak shape similar to the thermal shock generated by pulsative strong heating from a planar heater in He II.

  122. Visualization study of phase transitions of He II induced by shock wave compression 査読有り

    N Takano, H Nagai, H Yang, M Murakami



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The phase transition phenomena of He IT caused by shock wave compression in the superfluid shock tube facility have been studied experimentally The primary objective of the present study is to investigate the lambda-transition from He II to He I. In addition, other phase transition phenomena around a He II free surface upon the impingement of a gas dynamic shock wave are also investigated. The experimental evidence of the lambda-transition as a result of shock compression of He Il is given by the sign of the temperature variation. It is found that lambda-transition can be really caused in a very rapid process by shock wave compression Time series of visualization photos indicate that strong evaporation and condensation occur at a He II free surface upon the impingement of a gas dynamic shock.

  123. Development of superfluid shock tube facility 査読有り

    H Nagai, M Murakami, H Yang, N Takano, S Teraoka




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    The superfluid shock tube facility has been developed as a versatile tool for general researches in low-temperature thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena. The shock tube was designed to be operated with the He II-filled test section immersed in superfluid helium. A special feature of the facility is that the gas dynamic shock tube is driven and controlled with a quick-opening valve (MO-valve). It enables a synchronized discharge of a shock wave with other target transient phenomena. Some wave phenomena such as a thermal shock and a compression shock waves in superfluid helium, and phase transition phenomena across the lambda-line (He I-He II) and across the He II-solid helium phase boundary can be investigated by impinging a gas dynamic shock wave onto a vapor-He II free surface in the test section. The target physical phenomena in He II are measured by pressure transducers and superconductive temperature sensors, by applying laser beam refraction method, and with the aid of some optical visualization methods. In the present study, the general thermo-fluid dynamic performance are investigated to verify the validity in wide range of experimental researches.

  124. 超流動衝撃波管装置の開発及びその動作特性試験結果

    永井 大樹, YANG HyungSuk, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学 33 (6) 403-409 1998年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会)

    DOI: 10.2221/jcsj.33.403  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The superfluid shock-tube facility has been developed as a versatile tool for general research of low-temperature thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena. The shock tube was designed to be operated with the He II-filled test section immersed in superfluid helium. A gasdynamic shock wave impinging onto a He II-free surface generates a transmitted compression shock wave (of first sound origin) and thermal shock wave (of second sound origin) as the genuine temperature wave in He II. The target physical phenomena in the He II are measured using pressure transducers and superconductive temperature sensors, by applying a laser beam refraction method and with the aid of some optical visualization methods. In this study, the general superfluid thermodynamic performance of shock waves in the facility is investigated to verify the validity of the facility under a wide range of experimental conditions.

  125. Visualization study on the thermohydrodynamic phenomena induced by pulsative heating in He II by the use of a laser holographic interferometer 査読有り

    T Iida, M Murakami, T Shimazaki, H Nagai

    CRYOGENICS 36 (11) 943-949 1996年11月


    DOI: 10.1016/S0011-2275(96)00075-6  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A visualization method for cryogenic thermo-hydrodynamic phenomena is established by using a laser holographic interferometer. The technique is applied to the study of some transient heat transfer, that is the thermal shock wave propagation and onset of boiling in He II. All these phenomena are induced by a pulsative heating from a thin-film planar heater. The evolution of an initial trapezoidal thermal pulse into a thermal shock wave and the subsequent propagation is visualized at various temperatures. The temperature rise due to diffusive process caused by the action of high density vortices, that is the formation of a thermal boundary layer adjacent to the heater, and subsequent boiling are observed. The finite-amplitude pressure wave is found to be generated in response to the onset of pulsative heating. Further, a visualization of evaporation from an He II free surface caused by the incidence of a thermal shock wave is made and the propagating speed of the vapor front is measured from visualization photos. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Limited

  126. Visualization study of highly transient thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena in He II 査読有り

    T Iida, M Murakami, T Shimazaki, H Nagai, T Furukawa



︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

MISC 486

  1. 感圧塗料法とスパースセンシングの融合による気体流計測法

    田中利旺, 伊神翼, 江上泰広, 永井大樹, 松田佑

    第 66 回自動制御連合講演会論文集 914-915 2023年10月

  2. 極低温ループヒートパイプ内部の気液二相熱流動現象の包括的理解

    小田切公秀, 永井大樹, 小川博之, 常新雨, 横内岳史

    東北大学流体科学研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点流体科学国際研究教育拠点活動報告書(CD-ROM) 2022 2023年

  3. 弾道飛行装置を用いた再突入カプセル周りの密度場計測

    山岸雅人, 廣瀬裕介, 太田匡則, 細野陽太, 大谷清伸, 永井大樹

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2022 2023年

  4. 極低温ループヒートパイプ内部の気液二相熱流動現象の包括的理解—Comprehensive Study on Two-phase Thermo-fluid Phenomena in Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe

    小田切 公秀, 永井 大樹, 小川 博之, 常 新雨, 横内 岳史

    共同利用・共同研究拠点「流体科学国際研究教育拠点」活動報告書 = Activity report Joint Usage/Research Center "Fluid Science Global Research and Education Hub" 141-143 2022年

    出版者・発行元:[仙台] : 東北大学流体科学研究所

  5. 再突入カプセル形状模型まわりの非定常流れ場に対する定量的密度計測

    片桐優太郎, 高坂菜央, 楢山仁, 山岸雅人, 廣瀬祐介, 太田匡則, 野村将之, 藤田昂志, 大谷清伸, 永井大樹

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2021 2022年

  6. Experimental Investigation on Aerodynamic Performance of Coaxial Rotor at Low Reynolds Numbers

    Atsushi Yamaguchi, Raoul S. Golani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-1308  

  7. Validation of Sub-millimeter Resolution Pressure Measurement on Free Flight Model Mach 1.5

    Joseph Gonzales, Daiki Kurihara, Hiroki Nagai, Hirotaka Sakaue, Aleksandar Jemcov

    AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-0871  

  8. Permeable membrane wing characteristics at Reynolds number order of 10,000

    Koji Fujita, Koichi Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-1086  

  9. Response Evaluation of cntTSP for Detection of Dynamic Boundary Layer Transition in Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Daisuke Yorita

    AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

    出版者・発行元:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-0329  

  10. 低温度感度高速応答PSPの低速流れへの適用とその評価

    江上泰広, 山崎遊野, 松田佑, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    東北大学流体科学研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点流体科学国際研究教育拠点活動報告書 2019 (CD-ROM) 2021年

  11. 植物の微小重力下における太陽光影響評価に向けたISS曝露部搭載型植物培養器(Plant-BioCube Unit)の開発に関する進捗状況

    日出間 純, 愿山(岡本) 郁, 笠羽 康正, 桒原 聡文, 久米 篤, 永井 大樹, 橋本 博文, 稲富 裕光, HIDEMA Jun, YOSHIYAMA Kaoru, KASABA Yasumasa, KUWAHARA Yoshinori, KUME Atsushi, NAGAI Hiroki, HASHIMOTO Hirofumi, INATOMI Yuko

    宇宙環境利用シンポジウム 第35回: 令和二年度 = Space Utilization Research, Vol. 35 2020: Proceedings of The Thirty-fifth Space Utilization Symposium (35) 2021年1月


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    第35回宇宙環境利用シンポジウム(2021年1月19日-20日. オンライン開催)資料番号: SA6000156006レポート番号: F-05

  12. 第2回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験(MABE2)の準備状況(その2)

    大山 聖, 永井 大樹, 藤田 昂志, 安養寺 正之, 岡本 正人, 金崎 雅博, 高野 敦, 竹内 伸介, 安部 明雄, 佐々 修一, 満武 勝嗣, 得竹 浩, 火星探査航空機リサーチグループ, OYAMA Akira, NAGAI Hiroki, FUJITA Koji, ANYOJI Masayuki, OKAMOTO Masato, KANAZAKI Masahiro, TAKANO Atsushi, TAKEUCHI Shinsuke, ABE Akio, SASA Syuichi, MITSUTAKE Katsushi, TOKUTAKE Hiroshi

    大気球シンポジウム: 2020年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2020 2020年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 2020年度(2020年11月5-6日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 12名資料番号: SA6000151030レポート番号: isas20-sbs-030

  13. 弾道飛行装置実験により自由飛行するカプセルの遷音速域における後流の時空間構造の特徴抽出

    桐谷英樹, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 大谷清伸

    2019年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2020年3月

  14. 非定常PSP計測における固有直行分解と動的モード分解のノイズ除去効果

    森重聡一郎, 山崎遊野, 松田佑, 松田佑, 伊神翼, 永井大樹, 江上泰広

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM) 48th 2020年


  15. ヒートパイプの流動予測に向けた気泡モデルの開発

    高橋俊, 奈良祥太朗, 長島弘明, 竹村薫, 安達拓矢, 永井大樹, 岡崎峻, 福家英之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 57th 2020年


  16. 宇宙線反粒子探索GAPS実験の現状報告-日本チームの進捗を中心として-

    小財正義, 福家英之, 岡崎峻, 小川博之, 西城大, 徳永翔, 吉田哲也, 竹内崇人, 中上裕輔, 吉田篤正, 和田拓也, 清水雄輝, 山田昇, 小池貴久, 加藤千尋, 宗像一起, 永井大樹, 河内明子, 小林聖平, 五味颯雅, 近藤愛実, 高橋俊, 竹村薫, 田邉拓哉, 長島弘明, 水野広基, 井上剛良, HAILEY C.J., PEREZ K., FABRIS L., CRAIG W., ONG R., BOGGS S., DOETINCHEM P.v., BOEZIO M.

    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 75 (1) 2020年


  17. Blade Element Theory Coupled with CFD Applied to Optimal Design of Rotor for Mars Exploration Helicopter

    Kazufumi Uwatoko, Masahiro Kanazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Koji Fujita, Akira Oyama

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-1284  

  18. Deployable Wing Model Using ANCF and UVLM: Multibody Dynamic Simulation and Wind Tunnel Experiment 国際共著

    Keisuke Otsuka, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-1678  

  19. Transonic Flow Field Analysis of a Free Flight Capsule using Ballistic Range

    Hideki Kiritani, Naoki Tanaka, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-1990  

  20. Parametric Study of Mars Helicopter for Pit Crater Exploration 国際共著

    Koji Fujita, Hilal Karaca, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-1734  

  21. Experimental and RANS analysis of full Mars airplane configurations

    Shota Taniguchi, Akira Oyama, M Okamoto, Masato Okamoto, Masayuki Anyoji, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-2224  

  22. 自由飛行するカプセルの遷音速領域における後流の時空間構造の特徴抽出解析


    令和元年度航空宇宙空力シンポジウム講演論文集 2020年1月

  23. 第2回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験(MABE2)の準備状況

    大山 聖, 永井 大樹, 藤田 昂志, 安養寺 正之, 岡本 正人, 江 光希, 谷口 翔太, 田中 寛人, 金崎 雅博, 橘高 洋人, 高野 敦, 水上 諒, 竹内 伸介, 安部 明雄, 佐々 修一, 布田 翼, 満武 勝嗣, 得竹 浩, 火星探査航空機リサーチグループ, Oyama Akira, Nagai Hiroki, Fujita Koji, Anyoji Masayuki, Okamoto Masato, Koh Mitsuki, Taniguchi Shota, Tanaka Hiroto, Kanazaki Masahiro, Kittaka Hiroto, Takano Atsushi, Mizukami Ryo, Takeuchi Shinsuke, Abe Akio, Sasa Shuichi, Futa Tsubasa, Mitsutake Katsushi, Tokutake Hiroshi

    大気球シンポジウム: 2019年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2019 2019年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 2019年度(2019年11月7-8日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 18名資料番号: SA6000140008レポート番号: isas19-sbs-008

  24. 宇宙線反粒子探索GAPS実験計画の(特に日本チームの)現状報告

    福家 英之, 小財 正義, 小川 博之, 岡崎 峻, 西城 大, 徳永 翔, 吉田 哲也, 中上 裕輔, 竹内 崇人, 和田 拓也, 吉田 篤正, 清水 雄輝, 山田 昇, 小池 貴久, 加藤 千尋, 宗像 一起, 永井 大樹, 五味 颯雅, 河内 明子, 小林 聖平, 近藤 愛実, 水野 広基, 長島 弘明, 高橋 俊, 竹村 薫, 田邉 拓哉, 井上 剛良, Hailey Charles, Perez Kerstin, Fabris Lorenzo, Craig William, Ong Rene, Boggs Steven, Doetinchem Philip von, Boezio Mirko, Fuke Hideyuki, Kozai Masayoshi, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Okazaki Shun, Saijo Masaru, Tokunaga Kakeru, Yoshida Tetsuya, Nakagami Yusuke, Takeuchi Shuto, Wada Takuya, Yoshida Atsumasa, Shimizu Yuki, Yamada Noboru, Koike Takahisa, Kato Chihiro, Munakata Kazuoki, Nagai Hiroki, Gomi Soga, Kawachi Akiko, Kobayashi Shohei, Kondo Manami, Mizuno Koki, Nagashima Hiroaki, Takahashi Shun, Takemura Kaoru, Tanabe Takuya, Inoue Takayoshi, Hailey Charles, Perez Kerstin, Fabris Lorenzo, Craig William, Ong Rene, Boggs Steven, Doetinchem Philip von, Boezio Mirko

    大気球シンポジウム: 2019年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2019 2019年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 2019年度(2019年11月7-8日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 35名資料番号: SA6000140039

  25. RSL観測用火星飛行機の初期概念検討

    藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤田和央

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 63rd 2019年


  26. マルチエバポレータ型ループヒートパイプの内部流動特性

    CHANG Xinyu, 渡邉紀志, 永井大樹, 小川博之, 長野方星

    Thermophysical Properties 40th 2019年


  27. 遷音速域における自由飛行カプセルの後流解析

    桐谷英樹, 永田貴之, 永井大樹, 大谷清伸, 小川俊広

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2018 ROMBUNNO.1A3‐2 2019年

  28. Reentry capsule dynamic instability with different aft-body shape in transonic flow

    Masayuki Nomura, Arthur Robbe, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum 2019年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-0018  

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    © 2019, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. The pitching oscillation and the flow field around blunt-body reentry capsule at transonic speeds are studied by transonic wind tunnel experiment using two different model shapes. Dynamic instability such as pitching oscillation greatly influences the flight control and landing accuracy of a capsule, hence understanding the flight characteristics is a significant. In this study, we focus on the influence of flow separation and reattachment on the aft-body, and perform the experiments using a one-degree-of-freedom free-rotation test method. The effect of aft-body shape is investigated by comparing the resulting differences in pitching oscillation tendency and flow field. The results show that dynamic instability is strengthened in a shallower aft-body angle model. It is possible to see from examining the flow field visualization results that there are notable differences on the flow separation and reattachment and its hysteresis. It is speculated that these differences influenced the pitching oscillation in a shallower aft-body angle model.

  29. Development of free flight experimental and analytical procedures for atmospheric entry vehicles

    Olaseinde Jegede, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno

    AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum 2019年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-0019  

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    © 2019, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. We discuss in this paper an effort undertaken to develop experimental and analytical techniques for improved fidelity analysis of capsule flight dynamics. Free flight experimentation is used in order to preserve the capsule motions of interest, beneficial when compared to the norm of wind tunnel tests. Typical drawbacks of free flight test procedures include the cumbersome instrumentation required and the susceptibility to a largely uncontrollable test environment; however, the present research demonstrates that a simple system of only 9 linear accelerometers may be used to successfully obtain capsule body accelerations in free flight. Whereas the acceleration analysis techniques used in the present study are well developed in the fields of Biomechanics and Robotics, the current effort seeks to show their equal applicability for capsule body accelerations and thus determination of key dynamic characteristics indicators such as damping coefficient. For this study a 1:1.6 scale model of the Hayabusa capsule with an internal array of 9 linear accelerometers is released to fall unconstrained from a height of approximately 150 m using a balloon. We proceed to process the free flight data to obtain the body accelerations and subsequently present a suggestion of how the damping coefficient of the capsule may be calculated.

  30. Effects of rib number and rigid trailing edge on flexible-skinned thick wing at low reynolds number

    Koji Fujita, Kenta Uechi, Koichi Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum 2019年1月

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-1893  

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    © 2019 by Timothy K. Minton. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. One of the conventional types of the wing structure is composed of the spars, the ribs, and the flexible membrane skins. A deformation of the membrane affects aerodynamic characteristics of the wing. The deformation state varies depending on the structure of the rigid part of the wing. This study investigates the effects of the shape of the rigid part of the spar-rib-skin structure wing on the aerodynamic characteristics and deformation characteristics. The result of the wind tunnel tests shows that the deformation and change of the aerodynamic characteristics decreased as the number of the ribs increased. The result also suggests that the flexibility of the trailing edge affects the pitching moment characteristics.

  31. Experimental study on high efficiency of aerodynamic performance of rotor blades for mars helicopter

    Kensuke Kanou, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum 2019年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-2160  

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    © 2019 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Aerodynamic performance test of single rotors and coaxial rotors is conducted under the low Reynolds number condition. Conceptual model of a Mars helicopter is designed for an exploration of pit craters. Based on the design, single rotor models with a different airfoil, number of blades, and the aspect ratio are chosen for the aerodynamic performance test. And, the coaxial rotor performance test is also conducted with changing a distance between upper and lower rotors. In conclusion, AR = 6 and 4-blades rotor configuration shows the best performance in the test of the single rotor with flat plate configuration. The better distance between upper and lower rotors is 30% of diameter in coaxial rotor test.

  32. プロペラ後流中にある舵面を持つ翼の流れ場構造

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    飛行機シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.3A11 2019年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-2159  

  33. MABE2: 第2回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験

    大山 聖, 永井 大樹, 藤田 昂志, 安養寺 正之, 岡本 正人, 江 光希, 金崎 雅博, 高野 敦, 水上 諒, 竹内 伸介, 安部 明雄, 佐々 修一, 布田 翼, 満武 勝嗣, 得竹 浩, 火星探査航空機リサーチグループ, Oyama Akira, Nagai Hiroki, Fujita Koji, Anyoji Masayuki, Okamoto Masato, Koh Mitsuki, Kanazaki Masahiro, Takano Atsushi, Mizukami Ryo, Takeuchi Shinsuke, Abe Akio, Sasa Shuichi, Futa Tsubasa, Mitsutake Katsushi, Tokutake Hiroshi

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成30年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2018 2018年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 平成30年度(2018年11月1-2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 15名ほか資料番号: SA6000128031レポート番号: isas18-sbs-031

  34. 低レイノルズ数における柔軟膜翼の風洞試験

    藤田 昂志, 上地 健太, 高橋 幸一, 永井 大樹

    年会講演会講演集 49 5p 2018年4月19日


  35. 数値解析によるバドミントンシャトルコックの高減速特性

    小林 理輝, 長谷川 裕晃, 永井 大樹

    シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2018 (0) C-9 2018年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2018.C-9  

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    <p>A badminton shuttlecock is an airborne projectile with a unique shape. The shuttlecock creates much higher drag, causing it to decelerate more rapidly than a ball. In the previous study, high aerodynamic characteristics of a badminton shuttlecock was examined in a wind tunnel, and it was confirmed that the gaps of shuttlecock were strongly related to high aerodynamic drag. However, it is difficult to investigate the flow through the gaps experimentally. In the present study, the numerical analysis on the flow behavior through the gaps of the shuttlecock with and without gaps is performed by using OpenFOAM method. The calculated drag is in good agreement with the experimental results. For the shuttlecock with gaps, the air flowed through the gaps in the shuttlecock skirt, and flow through the gaps behave like a jet. This flow causes a high drag because the pressure inside of the shuttlecock with gaps becomes lower than that of the shuttlecock with no gaps.</p>

  36. Aerodynamic characteristics of mars airplane airfoils with control surface in propeller slipstream

    Kakeru Kurane, Kenta Uechi, Koichi Takahashi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018 (210059) 2018年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-2058  

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    © 2018, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. Aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils in a propeller slipstream were investigated at low Reynolds number. The effects of a propeller slipstream on control surface effectiveness were clarified by aerodynamic force measurement and the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurement. The tests were conducted using the small low-turbulence wind tunnel in the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, at the chord Reynolds number of 3.0×104. The airfoils tested were the Ishii and T1-2 airfoils, the two main candidates for the Japanese Mars airplane. Two configurations were used in the testing, one configuration with a propeller set in front of the wing and one configuration without a propeller to be used as a baseline. For the case without the propeller, the Ishii airfoil control surface effectiveness increased according to the deflection angle. However, the effectiveness of the T1-2 airfoil did not increase at certain angles of attack. When the propeller was set, the effectiveness increased according to the deflection angle for both airfoils. These results indicate that a propeller would have a positive effect on controllability of a Mars airplane.

  37. Conceptual helicopter design for exploration of pit craters and caves on mars

    Risako Aoki, Akira Oyama, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kensuke Kanou, Nao Inoue, Shu Sokabe, Masahiro Kanazaki, Kai Tomisawa, Kazufumi Uwatoko

    2018 AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 2018年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-5362  

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    © 2018, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. We propose to use a helicopter for exploration of pit craters and caves on Mars. Helicopter does not contaminate inside of pit craters and caves because it does not emit gas including carbon compounds. In addition, a helicopter can explore caves even if the bottom of the caves is covered by rocks. We propose to explore the pit craters found near Elysium Mons because they are suitable for the aerial exploration because (1) there is higher possibility of existence of life and (2) air density is relatively high. We consider two specific missions using a helicopter; one is a mission which explores only a pit crater and the other is a mission which explores both a pit crater and a cave. The present analysis shows both missions are feasible.

  38. Monte-Carlo evaluation of control law for high altitude flight test of Mars airplane

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroshi Tokutake, Akira Oyama

    31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018 2018年

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    © 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018. All rights reserved. A Monte-Carlo simulation is performed to evaluate the success probability of the flight test of the Mars airplane at high altitude atmosphere on Earth. The number of the uncertainty parameters is 136. The simulation result shows that the success probability is 95%. It is clarified that the most severe criterion is a maximum Mach number.

  39. 弾道飛行装置における3次元密度計測の試み

    栗原健, 志田輝一, 石川和樹, 石本祥之, 永島拓己, 稲毛達郎, 太田匡則, 永井大樹

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2017 ROMBUNNO.1A2‐2 2018年

  40. プロペラ後流が火星飛行機主翼に与える影響

    永井大樹, 倉根翔, 上地健太, 高橋幸一, 藤田昂志

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 50th-36th ROMBUNNO.2B12 2018年

  41. 自由落下試験によるはやぶさ・HRVカプセル模型の振動解析の試み

    藤田昂志, JEGEDE Olaseinde, 永井大樹, 丹野英幸

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 50th-36th ROMBUNNO.2C06 2018年

  42. 火星縦穴探査用回転翼機の初期概念検討

    藤田昂志, POMAR Guillaume, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd ROMBUNNO.1C16 2018年


  43. 火星縦穴探査のための同軸反転ローターの性能試験

    加納健佑, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    飛行機シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.3B13 2018年

  44. 逆止弁配置による自励振動型ヒートパイプの起動特性向上に関する研究

    松友瑠以, 安藤麻紀子, 岡本篤, 田中洸輔, 杉田寛之, 五十幡大地, 井上菜生, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd ROMBUNNO.3F07 2018年


  45. 宇宙機の熱・流体制御技術の最前線

    永井大樹, 大丸拓郎, 安達拓矢

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 55th ROMBUNNO.J235 2018年


  46. カプセル後胴部形状が遷音速域での動的不安定性へ及ぼす影響の数値解析

    野村将之, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd ROMBUNNO.2L17 2018年


  47. 再突入カプセルの後胴部形状が動的不安定性へ及ぼす影響の風洞試験による評価

    野村将之, ROBBE Arthur, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    飛行機シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.3A12 2018年

  48. 気球による自由落下試験を利用した再突入カプセルの運動に関する研究

    丹野茉莉枝, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, JEGEDE Olaseinde, 丹野英幸

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd ROMBUNNO.2L20 2018年


  49. 火星飛行機による探査ミッションの概要

    永井大樹, 大山聖

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd ROMBUNNO.1C10 2018年


  50. 宇宙用自励振動ヒートパイプの高信頼性化を目指したスタートアップ特性の改善に関する試み

    井上菜生, 永井大樹, 安藤麻紀子, 松友瑠以, 岡本篤, 杉田寛之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd ROMBUNNO.3F08 2018年


  51. ループヒートパイプの内部流動に基づく温度振動の原因の考察

    安達拓矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 62nd ROMBUNNO.3F05 2018年


  52. カーボンナノチューブTSPを用いた翼のピッチスウィープ試験における境界層遷移の動的可視化

    依田大輔, LEMARECHAL Jonathan, KLEIN Christian, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM) 46th ROMBUNNO.053 2018年


  53. 自励振動ヒートパイプの始動特性改善に関する数値解析

    井上菜生, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(Web) 2018 WEB ONLY 2018年

  54. 自励振動型ヒートパイプの起動特性における逆止弁配置の影響

    安藤麻紀子, 五十幡大地, 松友瑠以, 岡本篤, 田中洸輔, 杉田寛之, 井上菜生, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(Web) 2018 WEB ONLY 2018年

  55. ループヒートパイプにおける温度振動時の凝縮長が及ぼす影響

    安達拓矢, 平田拓巳, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(Web) 2018 WEB ONLY 2018年

  56. 宇宙機の熱・流体制御の最前線 招待有り 査読有り

    永井大樹, 安達拓矢, 大丸拓郎

    伝熱 57 (238) 23‐30 2018年1月1日


  57. 非定常PSP/TSP計測技術 招待有り 査読有り

    中北 和之, 杉岡 洋介, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 38 (148) 3-9 2018年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.38.148_3  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  58. 航空宇宙分野におけるPSP/TSPの応用例と現状 招待有り 査読有り

    永井 大樹, 満尾 和徳, 中北 和之, 杉岡 洋介, 小澤 啓伺, 依田 大輔

    可視化情報学会誌 38 (148) 17-24 2018年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.38.148_17  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p> 感圧塗料(Pressure-Sensitive Paint, PSP)を用いた計測技術は,圧力分布計測における情報量の豊富さからすでに航空機開発における実用風洞試験においても活用されている.同じく感温塗料(Temperature-Sensitive Paint, TSP)においても,PSPの温度補正を行うために,航空宇宙分野で発展するとともに,極超音速で生じる空力加熱率の計測にも適用され,宇宙往還機の設計に資するデータベースへの活用が期待されている.</p><p> 本稿ではこれらPSP/TSP計測技術のstate-of-the-artな実応用を紹介する.また最後にヨーロッパにおけるPSP/TSPの航空宇宙分野における開発動向にも触れる.</p>

  59. 航空宇宙以外の分野における感圧塗料の応用 招待有り 査読有り

    蒲池 利章, 伊藤 栄紘, 永井 大樹, 森 英男, 小栗 一将, 北里 洋, 小幡 誠

    可視化情報学会誌 38 (148) 25-31 2018年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.38.148_25  


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  60. カプセル形状模型を用いた動的安定落下試験

    丹野英幸, 小室智幸, 山田哲哉, 永井伸治, 永井大樹

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2017 ROMBUNNO.S1910101 2017年9月2日

  61. 高温衝撃風洞への適用を目指した遮光層を有する感温塗料を用いた空力加熱計測

    兎内龍也, 長山剛大, 永井大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 37 (Suppl.1(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.F111 2017年7月


  62. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)における機体姿勢の推定

    得竹 浩, 藤田 昂志, 大山 聖, 永井 大樹

    年会講演会講演集 48 4p 2017年4月13日


  63. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)の概要

    大山 聖, 永井 大樹, 得竹 浩, 藤田 昂志, 安養寺 正之, 豊田 裕之, 宮澤 優, 米本 浩一, 岡本 正人, 野々村 拓, 元田 敏和, 竹内 伸介, 鎌田 幸男, 大槻 真嗣, 浅井 圭介, 藤井 孝藏

    年会講演会講演集 48 8p 2017年4月13日


  64. 進化計算に基づく火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)の制御パラメータ最適化

    藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 得竹 浩, 大山 聖

    年会講演会講演集 48 5p 2017年4月13日


  65. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)における空力特性

    安養寺 正之, 岡本 正人, 藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 大山 聖

    年会講演会講演集 48 7p 2017年4月13日


  66. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)における機体システムの熱解析

    永井 大樹, 小田 泰之, 大丸 拓郎, 大山 聖, 藤田 昂志

    年会講演会講演集 48 8p 2017年4月13日


  67. 高高度飛行試験による火星飛行機の空力データの取得

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 豊田裕之, 宮澤優, 米本浩一, 岡本正人, 野々村拓, 野々村拓, 元田敏和, 竹内伸介, 鎌田幸男, 大槻真嗣, 浅井圭介, 藤井孝藏, 藤井孝藏

    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 JAXA-RR-(Web) (16-008) 69‐80 (WEB ONLY) 2017年3月14日


  68. 次世代高温センサ研究会(フェーズ2)

    内一哲也, 坂本敏昭, 三木寛之, 青木孝行, 秋宗淑雄, 小島純一, 荒川敬弘, 山下卓哉, 井元尚充, 古村一朗, 蝦名武雄, 森永雅彦, 米津豊作, 金澤兼治, 永井大樹, 高木敏行, 小助川博之

    東北大学流体科学研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点流体科学研究拠点活動報告書 2015 187‐188 2017年3月

  69. Global heat flux measurement using temperature-sensitive paint in high-enthalpy shock tunnel HIEST 査読有り

    Takehiro Nagayama, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komuro

    AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2017年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2017-1682  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2017 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. A TSP (Temperature-Sensitive Paint) measurement technique was applied to high enthalpy shock tunnel JAXA-HIEST in Japan. Circular cone model with the total length of 1100 mm was used as a test model. The model was equipped with thermocouples, and TSP was painted on the side of the model. Measured heat flux distributions by TSP were compared with that by thermocouples to evaluate TSP measurement in JAXA-HIEST. In this test, TSP heat flux measurement could detect the boundary layer transition, and the heat flux profiles along the centerline from the nosetip to the rear showed almost same tendency by two different measurement techniques. In addition, when in-situ calibration of TSP is employed, heat flux profiles along the model centerline obtained by TSP wan in good agreement with thermocouples quantitatively at low stagnation enthalpy condition of H0 = 4.0 MJ/kg. However, the heat flux measured by TSP with a-priori calibration was made smaller than that of thermocouples due to the self-illumination of test flow. In a test conducted at the stagnation enthalpy of 5.0 MJ/kg, self-illumination of flow become too prominent to carry out quantitative TSP measurement. To achieve accurate quantitative heat flux measurement by TSP in HIEST, development of a measurement system which can remove the illumination from the flow is required.

  70. 逆止弁つき自励振動ヒートパイプの動作特性に関する数値解析

    井上菜生, 安達拓矢, 永井大樹, 岡崎俊, 小川博之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.3F05 2017年


  71. 進化計算に基づく火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE‐1)の制御パラメータ最適化

    藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 得竹浩, 大山聖

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 48th ROMBUNNO.1A16 2017年

  72. 低レイノルズ数におけるプロペラ後流中の舵効きの空力特性

    倉根翔, 上地健太, 高橋幸一, 永井大樹

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 49th-35th ROMBUNNO.2A09 2017年

  73. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE‐1)における機体システムの熱解析

    永井大樹, 小田泰之, 大丸拓郎, 大山聖, 藤田昂志

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 48th ROMBUNNO.1A19 2017年

  74. 逆止弁レイアウトが自励振動型ヒートパイプの起動特性に与える影響評価

    五十幡大地, 森野美樹, 岡本篤, 安藤麻紀子, 田中洸輔, 杉田寛之, 大丸拓郎, 井上菜生, 永井大樹, 松友瑠以

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.3F06 2017年


  75. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE‐1)における空力特性

    安養寺正之, 岡本正人, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 大山聖

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 48th ROMBUNNO.1A17 2017年

  76. 火星探査航空機次期大気球試験機に向けた設計検討とCFDによる基礎空力特性

    富澤海, 藤田昂志, 大山聖, 永井大樹, 金崎雅博

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.2B18 2017年


  77. ループヒートパイプにおける始動時の温度振動の熱解析

    安達拓矢, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.3F01 2017年


  78. 感温塗料を用いた高温衝撃風洞HIESTにおける境界層遷移の可視化

    永井大樹, 長山剛大, 丹野英幸, 小室智幸

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2016 ROMBUNNO.2A1‐4 2017年

  79. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE‐1)の概要

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 豊田裕之, 宮澤優, 米本浩一, 岡本正人, 野々村拓, 野々村拓, 元田敏和, 竹内伸介, 鎌田幸男, 大槻真嗣, 浅井圭介, 藤井孝藏, 藤井孝藏

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 48th ROMBUNNO.1A15 2017年

  80. モンテカルロ法による火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験の制御系評価

    藤田昂志, 大山聖, 得竹浩, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.2B17 2017年


  81. 逆止弁の流動抵抗が自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送性能に及ぼす影響

    井上菜生, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹, 安藤麻紀子, 田中洸輔, 岡本篤, 杉田寛之, 五十幡大地

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2017 ROMBUNNO.E112 2017年

  82. 火星の縦孔探査のためのヘリコプタの概念設計

    青木理紗子, 大山聖, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 加納健佑, 井上菜生, 曽我部崇, 金崎雅博

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.2B12 2017年


  83. 低レイノルズ数における柔軟膜構造翼の空力特性と膜変形の影響

    上地健太, 倉根翔, 高橋幸一, 永井大樹

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 49th-35th ROMBUNNO.2A14 2017年

  84. 翼型の最適化を用いたロータブレードの効率化に関する研究

    加納健佑, 三坂孝志, 永井大樹, 仲野是克, 大林茂, 石川満, 茅沼秀高

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 49th-35th ROMBUNNO.1D02 2017年

  85. 火星の飛行探査の現状について

    永井大樹, 大山聖, 山田和彦

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.2B10 2017年


  86. 火星探査用マルチコプター実現可能性の検討

    野村将之, 安達拓矢, 上地健太, 倉根翔, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 61st ROMBUNNO.2B11 2017年


  87. 強制的にスピン回転を与えたバドミントンシャトルコックの空力特性

    藤澤 勇貴, 沖 大善, 長谷川 裕晃, 村上 正秀, 永井 大樹

    シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2017 (0) B-21 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2017.B-21  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>Badminton is one of the popular sports around the world and is the sport having the fastest initial velocity of a batted ball in all ball games. The initial velocity of the badminton shuttlecock reaches up to 408 km/h (113 m/s) at maximum. A shuttlecock has high deceleration characteristics as an airborne projectile and is extremely aerodynamically stable for the flip movement just after impact. These features of the shuttlecock have been the subject of research from the point of view of aerodynamics. In our previous study, it was confirmed that the air flows through the gaps in the shuttlecock skirt was strongly related to high aerodynamic drag. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of spin on aerodynamic characteristics of a badminton shuttlecock. The aerodynamic forces were measured for the shuttlecock with spin at several rotational speeds using a force balance in a wind tunnel test. The drag of the shuttlecock with spin increases with increasing rotational speed because the expansion of the skirt diameter is promoted due to a large centrifugal force given by the high rotational speed of the shuttlecock, and the drag force generation is not affected by the spin itself.</p>

  88. カプセル形状模型を用いた動的安定落下試験

    丹野 英幸, 小室 智幸, 山田 哲哉, 永井 伸治, 永井 大樹

    年次大会 2017 (0) S1910101 2017年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2017.S1910101  

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    <p>A free-flight drop test is planned to evaluate aerodynamic stability of reentry capsules under subsonic condition. The final goal of the work is to obtain benchmarks of stability characteristics to compare with wind tunnel test results or CFD calculations. The model is a scaled models of a Japanese small reentry capsule, which diameter were 250mm. Nine onboard accelerometer modules are instrumented in the model to determine six-components aerodynamic characteristics. In the pre-drop test, acceleration histories are successfully measured with the onboard instruments, which demonstrates the feasibility of the present measurement scheme.</p>

  89. 南極周回気球による宇宙線反粒子探索実験GAPSの現状報告

    小財 正義, 浅尾 義士, 井上 剛良, 井上 拓哉, 大塚 壮平, 岡崎 峻, 小川 博之, 加藤 千尋, 河内 明子, 小池 貴久, 崎本 一博, 清水 雄輝, 高橋 克征, 高橋 俊, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹, 橋本 岳, 福家 英之, 蓑島 温志, 宗像 一起, 山田 昇, 吉住 雄大, 吉田 篤正, 吉田 哲也, 渡邊 翼, 和田 拓也, Aramaki T., Boggs S., Craig W. W., Doetinch P.v., Fabris R., Gahbauer F., Hailey C.J., Madden N., Mognet S.A.I, Mori K., Ong R., Perez K., Ziock K.P., Zweerink J., Kozai Masayoshi, Asao Yoshito, Inoue Takayoshi, Inoue Takuya, Okazaki Shun, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Kato Chihiro, Kawachi Akiko, Koike T., Sakimoto Kazuhiro, Shimizu Yuki, Takahashi Katsumasa, Takahashi Shun, Daimaru Takuro, Nagai Hiroki, Hashimoto Takeshi, Fuke Hideyuki, Munakata Kazuoki, Yamada Noboru, Yoshida Atsumasa, Yoshida Tetsuya, Wada Takuya, Aramaki T., Boggs S., Craig W. W., Doetinch P.v., Fabris R., Gahbauer F., Hailey C.J., Madden N., Mognet S.A.I, Mori K., Ong R., Perez K., Ziock K.P., Zweerink J.

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成28年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2016 2016年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 平成28年度(2016年11月1-2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 40名資料番号: SA6000057007

  90. セカンダリウィックがLoop Heat Pipeの熱輸送性能に与える影響の簡易数学モデルによる評価

    安達 拓矢, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 6p 2016年9月6日



  91. 逆止弁付き自励振動ヒートパイプ軌道上実証試験における始動特性に関する考察

    大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹, 安藤 麻紀子, 田中 洸輔, 岡本 篤, 杉田 寛之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 6p 2016年9月6日



  92. 将来深宇宙探査用二相流体メカニカルポンプループのシステム検討

    坂元 健一, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹, Sunada Eric, Bhandari Pradeep, Furst Benjamin, Cappucci Stefano

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 6p 2016年9月6日



  93. 高高度飛行試験ミッションにおける火星探査飛行機の温度予測

    小田 泰之, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 6p 2016年9月6日



  94. 高温衝撃風洞HIESTにおける感温塗料計測技術の適用とその評価

    長山剛大, 永井大樹, 丹野英幸, 小室智幸

    可視化情報学会誌 36 (Suppl.1(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.A204 2016年7月


  95. 国外における超音速&極超音速柔軟構造空力減速装置の研究開発の動向について

    永井 大樹

    年会講演会講演集 47 3p 2016年4月14日


  96. 高温衝撃風洞HIESTへの適用を目指した感温塗料(TSP)の改良とその実証試験結果

    長山剛大, 洞桐健人, 永井大樹, 丹野英幸, 小室智幸

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (15-020(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P07 2016年3月


  97. 南極周回気球による宇宙線反粒子探索計画GAPS

    福家 英之, 井上 剛良, 加藤 千尋, 河内 明子, 小池 貴久, 宗像 一起, 永井 大樹, 野々村 拓, 小川 博之, 岡崎 峻, 崎本 一博, 清水 雄輝, 高橋 俊, 山田 昇, 吉田 篤正, 吉田 哲也, Boggs S., Craig W. W., Doetinchem P. v., Fabris R., Hailey C. J., Ong R., Perez K., Fuke Hideyuki, Inoue Takayoshi, Kato Chihiro, Kawachi Akiko, Koike T, Munakata Kazuoki, Nagai Daiki, Nonomura Taku, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Okazaki Shun, Sakimoto Kazuhiro, Shimizu Yuki, Takahashi Shun, Yamada Noboru, Yoshida Atsumasa, Yoshida Tetsuya, Boggs S., Craig W. W., Doetinchem P. v., Fabris R., Hailey C. J., Ong R., Perez K.

    第16回宇宙科学シンポジウム 講演集 = Proceedings of the 16th Space Science Symposium 2016年1月


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    第16回宇宙科学シンポジウム (2016年1月6日-7日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)相模原キャンパス), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 23名資料番号: SA6000046257レポート番号: S5-009

  98. Experimental Study of Effects of Secondary Wick Configuration on Thermal Performance of Loop Heat Pipe

    NAGAI Hiroki, TAKETANI Masahiko, ADACHI Takuya, DAIMARU Takurou


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.14.Pi_7  

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    <p>In this study, we experimentally investigated the effects of the secondary wick configuration on the thermal performance of a loop heat pipe (LHP). The results indicated that two important factors affect the heat transfer characteristics: (1) contact area between the secondary wick and the reservoir, and (2) cross-sectional area of evaporator core. We then propose a desirable secondary wick configuration by considering these two factors.<b><i> </i></b></p>

  99. Development of a Cooling System for GAPS using Oscillating Heat Pipe

    FUKE Hideyuki, MIYAZAKI Yoshiro, MORI Junichi, NAGAI Hiroki, NONOMURA Taku, OGAWA Hiroyuki, OKAZAKI Shun, OKUBO Takuma, OZAKI Shinji, SATO Daisuke, SHIMIZU Kensei, ABE Takumi, TAKAHASHI Katsumasa, TAKAHASHI Shun, YAMADA Noboru, YOSHIDA Takanori, DAIMARU Takuro, INOUE Takayoshi, KAWACHI Akiko, KAWAI Hiroki, MASUYAMA Yosuke, MATSUMIYA Hiroaki, MATSUMOTO Daishi


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.14.Pi_17  

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    <p>A cooling system using oscillating heat pipe (OHP) has been developed for a balloon-borne astrophysics project GAPS (General Anti-Particle Spectrometer). Taking advantages of OHP, such as high conductivity, low-power, and suitability for spread heat source, OHP is planned to be used to cool the GAPS core detectors. OHP is a novel technique and it has never been utilized in practical use neither for a spacecraft nor for a balloon-craft, regardless of its many advantages. In these several years, we have investigated OHP's suitability for GAPS step by step. At first, we have succeeded in developing a scaleddown OHP model with a three-dimensional routing, which can operate in a wide temperature range around between 230 K and 300 K. We also succeeded in the first OHP flight demonstration with a prototype GAPS balloon experiment. Subsequently, we developed actual-sized OHP models with various routings. Numerical simulation models have been developed in parallel to further optimize the OHP design by understanding the OHP performance both macroscopically and microscopically. The design of the OHP check valve has been improved as well. This paper discusses the latest status of the GAPS-OHP development.</p>

  100. A Parametric Study of Mars Airplane Concept for Science Mission on Mars

    FUJITA Koji, NAGAI Hiroki, OYAMA Akira


    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.14.Pk_83  

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    <p>Airplanes have been expected as a new platform for Mars exploration. This paper presents conceptual design results of a Mars airplane for various entry capsule diameters, payload mass, and flight range. The conceptual design method includes considerations of the deployment mechanism using hinges and aerodynamic characteristics at low Reynolds number. The results reveal a relation among total mass of the airplane, entry capsule size, payload mass, and flight range. When the total mass and entry capsule diameter are fixed, the flight range is expressed as a linear function of the payload mass with negative slope. When the entry capsule diameter and the payload mass are fixed, optimal total mass from the viewpoint of the flight range is found for each entry capsule diameter. Finally a specification of the airplane at the optimal total mass is shown. An airplane weighing 34.0 kg shows a maximum range of 370 km under the conditions of an aeroshell diameter of 3 m and a payload mass of 3 kg.</p>

  101. Effect of yaw-tilted hinge axis on deployment robustness of mars airplane 査読有り

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2016 2016年

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    This paper investigates the robustness of the aerial deployment behavior of the foldable-wing airplane for Mars exploration especially focused on the effect of the hinge axis tilting in a yaw direction. This study deals with four dispersive parameters for the robustness evaluation: drop velocity, surrounding gust velocity, initial pitch angle, and height. The robustness of several tilted and non-tilted hinge axis designs are calculated and then compared. The result clearly shows that the tilted hinge axis design can deploy with lower torque than the torque of the non-tilted hinge axis design. The increase of sideslip angle due to the hinge axis tilting suppressed an aerodynamic force on the deploying wing.

  102. Visualization of hypersonic boundary layer transition on elliptic cone in high enthalpy shock tunnel with temperature-sensitive paint 査読有り

    Takehiro Nagayama, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komuro

    54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2016年

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    © 2016, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All Rights Reserved. A flow visualization with TSP (Temperature-sensitive paint) was given on the hypersonic boundary layer transition on an elliptic cone in the High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel JAXA-HIEST. The present study firstly investigated the issue of white basecoat thickness to the luminescent intensity and temperature sensitivity of TSP, which was particularly produced for short duration measurements. It was discovered that the thickness of basecoat does not touch on the characteristic of TSP. Moreover, thickness of 15 μm was found to raise the maximum luminescent intensity of TSP. With the basecoat and the TSP, surface temperature successfully visualized the hypersonic boundary layer transition on a side of the cone at stagnation enthalpy H0 = 3.0 MJ/kg. Accuracy of the present measurement was discussed through the comparison with thermocouple measurements involving surface temperature augmentation due to boundary layer transition.

  103. Development of Japanese mars airplane 査読有り

    Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2016年


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    Copyright © 2016 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. Mars is the next milestone in our exploration of the solar system. The presence of an atmosphere on Mars signifies that an airplane could travel in its atmosphere using the aerodynamic forces of flight. The airplane allows for a platform that can cover a larger area of exploration than is currently available. A reconnaissance airplane offers the possibility to obtain high-resolution data on a regional scale of several hundreds to thousands of kilometers, which cannot be achieved with rovers or satellites. There is an extremely high demand for the exploration of Mars using an airplane that can fly in its atmosphere. One of the big problems for a Mars Airplane is the very low atmospheric density on Mars. So, it is difficult to obtain the required lift, as the wing area required to generate enough lift is inversely proportional to the density. So in order to reduce the required lift, thorough weight reduction is needed. Even so, a Mars Airplane needs a large wing area, which leads to another problem. To transport to Mars, a Mars Airplane must be small and compact. As a way to solve this conflicting problem, the Mars Airplane needs some deployment mechanisms. Various hurdles, including those described above, must be overcome in order to realize the flight exploration of Mars and all of them require innovative technological solutions. Hence, the Mars Airplane Working Group was established in 2010 with the aim of conducting flight technology validations for the MELOS1 mission using a compact airplane in JAXA/ISAS. The working group aims to realize Mars exploration using an airplane for the first time ever. At present, the mission being considered for the Mars exploration plane is "flying over a range of about 100 km to capture ground surface images and observing high-resolution images of residual magnetic fields." Cameras and magnetic field observation equipment are mounted as payloads on the airplane, which is expected to fly over a range of 100 km at a speed of 60 m/s. In the conceptual design, the weight of the airplane is about 4.0 kg, the span length is about 2.5 m, and the total length is about 2.0 m. This paper provides a summary of the Mars airplane development being considered by the working group in Japan and discusses the technical issues addressed in order to realize a Mars airplane.

  104. Robust aerial deployment of mars airplane with tilted folding-axis 査読有り

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 2016年

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    © 2016, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. A folding wing is an effective deployment mechanism for the airplane that is used for Mars exploration. A spring loaded hinge is considered as a deployment actuator for Mars airplane in Japan. A hinge torque is one of the primitive design variables to control the aerial deployment behavior. The required hinge torque for deployment is directly concerned with the deployment mechanism mass. Since the Mars airplane requires thorough mass reduction, it is necessary to reduce the required hinge torque while keeping high robustness for the aerial deployment. This paper investigates the robustness of the aerial deployment behavior especially focused on the effect of the hinge axis tilting. The hinge axis of the non- tilted hinge axis design is defined to be parallel to the X-axis of the center body coordinates. The conditions to judge whether the deployment succeeded or failed are defined for the state of the airplane. The margins of the airplane state for the conditions are set to the evaluation functions of the safety. The robustness of the safety is evaluated using the sigma level where the sigma level is a function of the average and standard deviation of the evaluation functions. For the robustness evaluation, this study deals with four dispersive parameters: drop velocity, surrounding gust velocity, initial pitch angle, and height. The robustness of several tilted and non-tilted hinge axis designs are calculated and then compared. The result clearly shows that the tilted hinge axis design can deploy with lower torque than the torque of the non-tilted hinge axis design. The motions of the individual cases are then studied to reveal the effect of the hinge axis tilting. It is clarified that the tilted hinge axis design is able to set the angle of attack of the outer wing positive under the wide range of conditions. Therefore, the aerodynamic force assists the deployment. In the appropriate condition, the wings deploy without torque of the deployment actuator.

  105. 国外における超音速&極超音速柔軟構造空力減速装置の研究開発の動向について


    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 47th ROMBUNNO.1A2 2016年

  106. 低レイノルズ数においてプロペラ後流の影響を受ける石井翼の空力性能

    倉根翔, 永井大樹

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 48th-34th ROMBUNNO.2A17 2016年

  107. 将来深宇宙探査用二相流体メカニカルポンプループのシステム検討

    坂元健一, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹, SUNADA Eric, BHANDARI Pradeep, FURST Benjamin, CAPPUCCI Stefano

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 60th ROMBUNNO.2K14 2016年


  108. 高高度飛行試験ミッションにおける火星探査飛行機の温度予測

    小田泰之, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 60th ROMBUNNO.4C11 2016年


  109. 複数蒸発器/凝縮器を有するループヒートパイプの熱輸送特性 熱流体物性および周囲熱環境の影響

    CHANG Xinyu, 長野方星, 岡崎峻, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 53rd ROMBUNNO.C121 2016年


  110. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験結果の速報

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 豊田裕之, 宮澤優, 米本浩一, 岡本正人, 野々村拓, 元田敏和, 竹内伸介, 鎌田幸男, 大槻真嗣, 浅井圭介, 藤井孝藏

    飛行機シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 54th ROMBUNNO.3J13 2016年

  111. 圧力振動による自励振動ヒートパイプの内部流動様式の分類

    吉田周平, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2016 ROMBUNNO.F111 2016年

  112. 数値解析モデルによる平板型ヒートパイプ軌道上実験の検証

    大丸拓郎, 永井大樹, 安藤麻紀子, 田中洸輔, 岡本篤, 杉田寛之

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2016 ROMBUNNO.F121 2016年

  113. セカンダリウィックがLoop Heat Pipeの熱輸送性能に与える影響の簡易数学モデルによる評価

    安達拓矢, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 60th ROMBUNNO.2K05 2016年


  114. 火星飛行機に最適化された主翼の空力特性に関する実験的評価

    山原健太朗, 永井大樹, 金崎雅博

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 48th-34th ROMBUNNO.2A08 2016年

  115. 逆止弁付き自励振動ヒートパイプ軌道上実証試験における始動特性に関する考察

    大丸拓郎, 永井大樹, 安藤麻紀子, 田中洸輔, 岡本篤, 杉田寛之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 60th ROMBUNNO.2K08 2016年


  116. 高温衝撃風洞 HIEST における感温塗料計測技術を用いた空力加熱計測技術の現状 査読有り

    永井 大樹, 長山 剛大, 丹野 英幸, 小室 智幸

    年次大会 2016 (0) S1910206 2016年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2016.S1910206  

  117. 火星探査飛行機の高高度飛行試験計画(その4)

    大山 聖, 永井 大樹, 得竹 浩, 竹内 伸介, 豊田 裕之, 宮澤 優, 大槻 真嗣, 元田 敏和, 岡本 正人, 安養寺 正之, 野々村 拓, 鎌田 幸男, 藤田 昂志, 米本 浩一, 浅井 圭介, 藤井 孝藏, 火星探査航空機ワーキンググループ, Oyama Akira, Nagai Hiroki, Tokutake Hiroshi, Takeuchi Shinsuke, Toyota Hiroyuki, Miyazawa Yu, Otsuki Masatsugu, Motoda Toshikazu, Okamoto Masato, Anyoji Masayuki, Nonomura Taku, Kamata Yukio, Fujita Koji, Yonemoto Koichi, Asai Keisuke, Fujii Kozo

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成27年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2015 2015年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 平成27年度(2015年11月5-6日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 16名ほか資料番号: SA6000044002レポート番号: isas15-sbs-002

  118. 数値解析による自励振動ヒートパイプ内の熱サイクルに関する研究

    大丸拓郎, 吉田周平, 永井大樹

    Thermophysical Properties 36th 69‐71 2015年10月19日


  119. 逆止弁付き振動流型ヒートパイプの設計最適化を目指した熱輸送特性評価

    田中洸輔, 安藤麻紀子, 岡本篤, 杉田寛之, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    Thermophysical Properties 36th 66‐68 2015年10月19日


  120. 可視化によるチェックバルブ付き自励振動ヒートパイプの循環流に関する考察

    吉田周平, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹, LIU Tianshu, 沼田大樹, 浅井圭介

    Thermophysical Properties 36th 84‐86 2015年10月19日


  121. 感温塗料計測技術の高温衝撃風洞HIESTへの適用

    永井大樹, 長山剛大, 丹野英幸, 小室智幸

    Thermophysical Properties 36th 63‐65 2015年10月19日


  122. 火星飛行機の空中展開に対するヒンジ軸傾斜の効果

    藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 大山 聖

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 59 6p 2015年10月7日



  123. 先進熱制御デバイスを用いたDESTINY熱設計

    岡崎 峻, 長野 方星, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 59 6p 2015年10月7日



  124. 自励振動ヒートパイプの動作特性における逆止弁の影響

    大丸 拓郎, 吉田 周平, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 59 5p 2015年10月7日



  125. 感温塗料を用いた高温衝撃風洞におけるHIFiRE模型の境界層遷移可視化

    長山剛大, 永井大樹, 丹野英幸, 小室智幸

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2015 ROMBUNNO.S1910301 2015年9月12日

  126. Aerodynamic evaluation of a capsule shaped projectile during free flight testing with ballistic range 査読有り

    Akiho Ishida, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komuro

    53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2015年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-0244  

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    © 2015 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. The HTV Return Vehicle (HRV) has been considered the initial model of the first manned re-entry capsule by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The aerodynamic characteristics must be clarified for stable parachute deployment and landing because the blunt body is generally brought to dynamic instability at transonic and subsonic flows. In this study, free flight tests of an HRV shaped projectile were conducted in a ballistic range owned by JAXA Kakuda Space Center. The projectile motion during free flight was measured by the onboard four accelerometers. From the results, angular rate and angle time history were calculated. A method for constructing the motion model was developed, and we concluded that the projectile was in dynamic instability in some periods. Finally, a method for the rejection of the deceleration effect in free flight testing was proposed.

  127. 低レイノルズ数におけるプロペラ後流の影響を受けた三次元翼空力特性

    永井大樹, 渡辺高太郎

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 47th-33rd ROMBUNNO.2D08 2015年

  128. マルチエバポレータ型ループヒートパイプの内部可視化に基づく熱流動モデルの提案

    木澤雅文, 長野方星, 岡崎峻, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 59th ROMBUNNO.3M15 2015年


  129. 火星飛行機の空中展開に対するヒンジ軸傾斜の効果

    藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 大山聖

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 59th ROMBUNNO.1E07 2015年


  130. Loop Heat Pipeの熱輸送向上を目指したセカンダリウィック最適形状の提案

    安達拓矢, 竹谷雅彦, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 59th ROMBUNNO.3M14 2015年


  131. 自励振動ヒートパイプの動作特性における逆止弁の影響

    大丸拓郎, 吉田周平, 永井大樹, 岡本篤, 安藤麻紀子, 田中洸輔, 杉田寛之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 59th ROMBUNNO.3M12 2015年


  132. 先進熱制御デバイスを用いたDESTINY熱設計

    岡崎峻, 長野方星, 永井大樹, 小川博之, 川勝康弘

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 59th ROMBUNNO.2G06 2015年


  133. S1910301 感温塗料を用いた高温衝撃風洞におけるHIFiRE模型の境界層遷移可視化

    長山 剛大, 永井 大樹, 丹野 英幸, 小室 智幸

    年次大会 2015 (0) _S1910301--_S1910301- 2015年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2015._S1910301-  

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    A visualization experiment of hypersonic boundary layer transition by Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) was performed. The test facility was High-Enthalpy Shock Tunnel (HIEST) at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Kakuda Space Center. An elliptic cone model with a 2:1 aspect ratio, which is a full-scale model of HIFiRE-5, was used as the test model. This study visualized the hypersonic boundary layer transition on the side of the test model. TSP was excited by a Blue-LED and the luminescence from TSP was detected by a high-speed camera. Temperature distribution on the side of the test model was obtained by TSP. Moreover, boundary layer transition along the centerline of the model and in approximately halfway between the centerline and leading edge were visualized. The trend of temperature rise along the centerline is same in TSP and thermocouples, which is inserted on the centerline of the test model.

  134. 高温環境における非破壊検査の現状と展望 次世代高温環境センサの展望と産業応用

    高木敏行, 庄司一夫, 和佐泰宏, 米津豊作, 冨田健夫, 風岡学, 永井大樹, 町島祐一, 内一哲哉

    非破壊検査 63 (12) 604-611 2014年12月1日



  135. 火星探査航空機WGにおける空力研究のこれまでの成果と現状

    永井 大樹, 安養寺 正之, 野々村 拓

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 58 6p 2014年11月12日



  136. 火星着陸探査技術実証機への搭載を目指した火星飛行機の概念設計

    藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 大山 聖

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 58 6p 2014年11月12日



  137. DESTINY応用 : 火星気象衛星と火星航空機によるダスト輸送メカニズムの解明ミッション

    小郷原 一智, 大山 聖, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 58 4p 2014年11月12日



  138. 自励振動ヒートパイプのスタートアップに関する一考察

    大丸 拓郎, 吉田 周平, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 58 5p 2014年11月12日



  139. セカンダリウィックの形状がループヒートパイプの動作に与える影響

    竹谷 政彦, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 58 6p 2014年11月12日



  140. 火星探査飛行機の高々度飛行試験の進捗報告

    大山 聖, 永井 大樹, 得竹 浩, 竹内 伸介, 豊田 裕之, 宮澤 優, 大槻 真嗣, 元田 敏和, 岡本 正人, 安養寺 正之, 野々村 拓, 鎌田 幸男, 藤田 昴志, 平栗 弘貴, 佐々木 岳, 米本 浩一, 浅井 圭介, 藤井 孝藏, 火星探査航空機ワーキンググループ, Oyama Akira, Nagai Hiroki, Tokutake Hiroshi, Takeuchi Shinsuke, Toyota Hiroyuki, Miyazawa Yu, Otsuki Masatsugu, Motoda Toshikazu, Okamoto Masato, Anyoji Masayuki, Nonomura Taku, Kamata Yukio, Fujita Koji, Hiraguri Hirotaka, Sasaki Gaku, Yonemoto Koichi, Asai Keisuke, Fujii Kozo

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成26年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2014 2014年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 平成26年度(2014年11月6-7日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 18名資料番号: SA6000021006レポート番号: isas14-sbs-006

  141. 南極周回気球による宇宙線反粒子探索計画 GAPS

    福家 英之, 野々村 拓, 小川 博之, 岡崎 峻, 田中 結, 吉田 哲也, 安部 拓洋, 井上 剛良, 松宮 宏明, 依田 悠太郎, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹, 河内 明子, 増山 陽介, 清水 憲政, 高橋 俊, 小池 貴久, 宮崎 芳郎, 佐藤 大輔, 高橋 克征, 山田 昇, 吉田 貴則, 荒牧 嗣夫, Gahbauer F., Hailey C. J., Madden N., 森 嘉野, Perez K., Boggs S., Hoberman J., Fuke Hideyuki, Nonomura Taku, Ogawa Hiroyuki, Okazaki Shun, Tanaka Yui, Yoshida Tetsuya, Abe Takumi, Inoue Takayoshi, Matsumiya Hiroaki, Yoda Yutaro, Daimaru Takuro, Nagai Hiroki, Kawachi Akiko, Masuyama Yousuke, Shimizu Kensei, Takahashi Shun, Koike Takahisa, Miyazaki Yoshio, Sato Daisuke, Takahashi Katsumasa, Yamada Noboru, Yoshida Takanori, Aramaki Tsuguo, Gahbauer F., Hailey C. J., Madden N., Mori Kaya, Perez K., Boggs S., Hoberman J.

    大気球シンポジウム: 平成26年度 = Balloon Symposium: 2014 2014年11月


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    大気球シンポジウム 平成26年度(2014年11月6-7日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県著者人数: 37名資料番号: SA6000021002レポート番号: isas14-sbs-002

  142. LPSO型Mg合金を用いた火星探査航空機用軽量翼構造の試作

    竹内伸介, 佐藤英一, 大山聖, 永井大樹

    日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会講演論文集 58th 122-123 2014年10月27日

  143. カプセル形状模型の自由飛行計測における空力特性評価

    石田照歩, 永井大樹, 丹野英幸, 小室智幸

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2014 ROMBUNNO.S1910203 2014年9月6日

  144. 第46回流体力学講演会/第32回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム開催報告(トピックス)

    永井 大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会誌 62 (11) 380-381 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.14822/kjsass.62.11_380  


  145. PSPの低速流れへの応用

    依田 大輔, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 34 (132) 16-21 2014年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.34.132_16  


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    近年,感圧塗料(Pressure-Sensitive Paint,PSP)を用いた可視化計測はさまざまな分野へと広がりを見せている.その1つが低速風洞試験への適用である.PSPは自動車や高速列車の開発ツールとしての利用をはじめ,スポーツ流体工学などの新しい分野にまでその適用先を広げている.しかし,圧力変化の小さな低速流においてPSP計測を定量的に行うことは容易ではない.低速流においてPSP計測を行うためには様々な要因で生じる計測誤差をよく理解し,それらを最小化することが不可欠である.  <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;本稿ではPSPの低マッハ数流れへの応用として,近年の筆者らの取り組みを中心に,定常・非定常の両方の場合について,PSPを低速流体現象に適用するための方法論の提案と風洞試験への適用例を報告する.

  146. 次世代高温環境センサの展望と産業応用 招待有り

    高木敏行, 庄司一夫, 和佐泰宏, 米津豊作, 冨田健夫, 風岡学, 永井大樹, 町島祐一, 内一哲哉

    非破壊検査 63 (12) 1-8 2014年

  147. Development of temperature-sensitive paint with high performance and responsivity for aerodynamic heating measurement 査読有り

    Takehito Horagiri, Hiroki Nagai

    52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2014年

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    © 2014, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. All rights reserved. Heat flux measurement data are indispensable in the design of a heat protection system for the atmospheric re-entry of a spacecraft. One of the instrumentation techniques used to obtain heat flux data is Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP). Shock tubes and shock tunnel are used to simulate re-entry, but the duration of a shock tunnel test is extremely short. In order to apply TSP to high speed phenomena, a new TSP with a large luminescence and high responsivity was developed. In a luminescence test, the luminescent intensity peaked when the mixing ratio was set at 50%, and the intensity was about twice the original one. In a response time evaluation test, the response time was improved by increasing the mixing ratio. When the calcium silicate mixing ratio was set at 50%, the improved TSP achieved a response with a time constant of 0.205ms. We applied this TSP to a high-enthalpy wind tunnel and could obtain the heat flux data.

  148. Propeller slipstream interference with wing aerodynamic characteristics of mars airplane at low reynolds number 査読有り

    Fumiyasu Makino, Hiroki Nagai

    52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2014年

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    © 2015 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. All rights reserved. This study is an investigation of the propeller slipstream interference with wing aerodynamic characteristics at low Reynolds numbers. Wind tunnel testing was performed using a wing model of the NACA0012 airfoil and a two-blade propeller. The propeller was mounted in a tractor configuration. The Reynolds number was set at 4.0 × 10<sup>4</sup>based on the wing chord. Aerodynamic characteristics were measured using a three-component force balance for various propeller rotation speeds. The flow field on the wing surface was visualized by using Temperature-Sensitive Paint. This flow visualization technique is based on the difference between the heat transfer coefficients in laminar and turbulent flows. The results show that the propeller slipstream prevents flow separation. A laminar separation bubble is not formed, and therefore, the lift coefficient changes linearly and the drag coefficient is reduced.

  149. Numerical study of wind-tunnel acoustic resonance induced by two-dimensional airfoil flow at low reynolds number 査読有り

    Tomoaki Ikeda, Takashi Atobe, Yasufumi Konishi, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014 2014年

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    In the aeroacoustic measurements of a windtunnel test, the acoustic resonance should be avoided, associated with the walled test section. The present numerical study of an NACA0012 airfoil focuses on how the wall resonance affects unsteady flow motions via a feedback process, by comparing with the airfoil placed in a free stream. Tonal frequencies observed in the present simulations agree well with our previous wind-tunnel experiments, represented approximately by the discrete resonant modes derived through a simple geometrical relation. More importantly, however, the present results indicate that rather strong wall resonance may alter the hydrodynamic flow measurements as well. The acoustic feedback process stimulates the transitional boundary layer on the suction side, which would increase lift force in the acoustically resonant channel by suppressing trailing-edge separation. At a higher angle of attack, the increment of lift force becomes more significant due to the noticeable size reduction of a separation bubble, understood via the comparison of three-dimensional instantaneous vortical structures.

  150. Propeller slipstream interference with wing aerodynamic characteristics of mars airplane at low reynolds number 査読有り

    Fumiyasu Makino, Hiroki Nagai

    52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, SciTech 2014 2014年

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    This study is an investigation of the propeller slipstream interference with wing aerodynamic characteristics at low Reynolds numbers. Wind tunnel testing was performed using a wing model of the NACA0012 airfoil and a two-blade propeller. The propeller was mounted in a tractor configuration. The Reynolds number was set at 4.0 × 104 based on the wing chord. Aerodynamic characteristics were measured using a three-component force balance for various propeller rotation speeds. The flow field on the wing surface was visualized by using Temperature-Sensitive Paint. This flow visualization technique is based on the difference between the heat transfer coefficients in laminar and turbulent flows. The results show that the propeller slipstream prevents flow separation. A laminar separation bubble is not formed, and therefore, the lift coefficient changes linearly and the drag coefficient is reduced.

  151. Development of temperature-sensitive paint with high performance and responsivity for aerodynamic heating measurement 査読有り

    Takehito Horagiri, Hiroki Nagai

    52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, SciTech 2014 2014年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Heat flux measurement data are indispensable in the design of a heat protection system for the atmospheric re-entry of a spacecraft. One of the instrumentation techniques used to obtain heat flux data is Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP). Shock tubes and shock tunnel are used to simulate re-entry, but the duration of a shock tunnel test is extremely short. In order to apply TSP to high speed phenomena, a new TSP with a large luminescence and high responsivity was developed. In a luminescence test, the luminescent intensity peaked when the mixing ratio was set at 50%, and the intensity was about twice the original one. In a response time evaluation test, the response time was improved by increasing the mixing ratio. When the calcium silicate mixing ratio was set at 50%, the improved TSP achieved a response with a time constant of 0.205ms. We applied this TSP to a high-enthalpy wind tunnel and could obtain the heat flux data.

  152. Numerical analysis for an aerial deployment motion of a folded-wing airplane 査読有り

    Koji Fujita, Toshikazu Motoda, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 2014年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2014-0383  

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    An airplane has been planned to be used for Mars exploration. The wing folding technology for such an airplane has been paid attention to because it offers a large wing area to get enough lift force and compactness for transfer to Mars. In addition, aerial deployment allows for using the initial altitude to its advantage. However, aerial deployment motion is complex and has a possibility of failure. This paper presents the result of a numerical analysis for the aerial deployment motion of a folded-wing airplane. The requirements for successful aerial wing deployment were defined. The sensitivity analysis results are evaluated using the requirements. Successful input range, and lower and upper constraints are revealed. The most sensitive requirement is the hinge reaction moment. Successful combinations among a spring, a damper, and aerodynamic force for the safe aerial deployment were quantitatively obtained.

  153. プロペラ後流が主翼に及ぼす影響―表面流れ場の観測―

    永井大樹, 牧野文康

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 46th-32nd ROMBUNNO.1D09 2014年

  154. 自励振動ヒートパイプの始動特性における初期気液分布の影響

    大丸拓郎, 吉田周平, 永井大樹, 岡本篤, 安藤麻紀子, 杉田寛之

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2014 ROMBUNNO.B113 2014年

  155. DESTINYミッションモジュール熱設計の最適化

    岡崎峻, 吉田周平, 押山大佑, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹, 小川博之, 川勝康弘

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.1B19 2014年


  156. 遷音速自由飛行試験におけるHTV‐Rカプセル模型の運動のモデル化の検討

    石田照歩, 永井大樹, 丹野英幸, 小室智幸

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.2L07 2014年


  157. DESTINY応用:火星気象衛星と火星航空機によるダスト輸送メカニズムの解明ミッション

    小郷原一智, 大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.2B08 2014年


  158. 火星着陸探査技術実証機への搭載を目指した火星飛行機の概念設計

    藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 大山聖

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.1B07 2014年


  159. バリスティックレンジによるカプセル形状模型の自由飛行試験

    丹野英幸, 小室智幸, 石田照歩, 永井大樹

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 46th-32nd ROMBUNNO.2A12 2014年

  160. セカンダリウィックの形状がループヒートパイプの動作に与える影響

    竹谷政彦, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.2E07 2014年


  161. 火星探査航空機WGにおける空力研究のこれまでの成果と現状

    永井大樹, 安養寺正之, 野々村拓, 近藤勝俊, 大山聖, 岡本正人, 佐々木岳, 松本剛明, 米本浩一, 金崎雅博, 砂田茂, 米澤宏一, 小池勝, 藤田昂志, 浅井圭介, 藤井孝藏

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.1B01 2014年


  162. 火星探査航空機の全機空力特性に関する風洞実験および数値解析

    安養寺正之, 岡本正人, 藤岡直也, 野々村拓, 永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤井孝藏, 山本誠

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 46th-32nd ROMBUNNO.1D11 2014年

  163. 微小重力環境下でのマルチエバポレータ型ループヒートパイプの熱流動特性

    長野方星, 松田雄太, 岡崎駿, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2014 ROMBUNNO.B123 2014年

  164. マルチエバポレータ型ループヒートパイプの内部流動特性に関する研究(微小重力環境下での蒸発器及び凝縮器の可視化)

    松田雄太, 長野方星, 岡崎峻, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 51st ROMBUNNO.G324 2014年


  165. 火星探査飛行機用推進装置の研究・開発

    米澤宏一, 砂田茂, 大槻真嗣, 安養寺正之, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 岡本正人

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.1B02 2014年


  166. ステンレスウイックを用いたループヒートパイプの熱輸送性能評価

    岡崎峻, 永井大樹, 長野方星, 小川博之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 51st ROMBUNNO.G323 2014年


  167. 自励振動ヒートパイプの振動形態に関する一考察

    吉田周平, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2014 ROMBUNNO.B111 2014年

  168. 自励振動ヒートパイプのスタートアップに関する一考察

    大丸拓郎, 吉田周平, 永井大樹, 岡本篤, 安藤麻紀子, 杉田寛之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th ROMBUNNO.2E01 2014年


  169. 火星探査航空機実現のための空力課題とその現状


    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 46th-32nd ROMBUNNO.1D12 2014年

  170. 逆止弁付自励振動ヒートパイプの内部流動モデル構築

    大丸拓郎, 吉田周平, 永井大樹, 岡本篤, 安藤麻紀子, 杉田寛之

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2014 ROMBUNNO.F224 2014年

  171. PSPの低速流れへの応用

    依田大輔, 浅井圭介, 永井大樹, 沼田大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 34 (132) 16-21,1(2) 2014年1月1日


  172. F224 逆止弁付自励振動ヒートパイプの内部流動モデル構築

    大丸 拓郎, 吉田 周平, 永井 大樹, 岡本 篤, 安藤 麻紀子, 杉田 寛之

    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2014 (0) _F224-1_-_F224-2_ 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeted.2014._F224-1_  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A mathematical model of Oscillating Heat Pipes (OHPs) with check valves has been constructed. The mathematical model was a one-dimensional slug flow model. Movement of liquid slugs was governed by pressure differences among vapor plugs and by pressure drops in the tubes. Check valves were reproduced by change of liquid slug's momentum. As a result, check valves caused the circulation flow in OHP.

  173. S1910203 カプセル形状模型の自由飛行計測における空力特性評価([S191-02]大気突入・減速技術(2),宇宙工学部門)

    石田 照歩, 永井 大樹, 丹野 英幸, 小室 智幸

    年次大会 2014 (0) _S1910203--_S1910203- 2014年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2014._S1910203-  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The HTV Return Vehicle (HRV) is a re-entry capsule with a blunt body that is being considered by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as a new space vehicle. The aerodynamic characteristics must be clarified for the HRV design and trajectory because of the capsule's dynamic instability at transonic. A single degree-of-freedom free-rotation test method in a wind tunnel was employed in a previous study. In this study, free flight tests of a re-entry lifting capsule were conducted in the JAXA HEK-G Ballistic Range. The motion in free flight was measured by four acceleration sensors for the pitching and yawing directions. The angular acceleration data from the tests under the same conditions are compared and discussed.

  174. ループヒートパイプの熱特性におけるセカンダリウィックの影響

    竹谷 政彦, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 57 6p 2013年10月9日



  175. 火星大気を飛行する航空機の第一次熱設計

    大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 57 6p 2013年10月9日



  176. 大気球を利用した火星探査航空機の高高度飛行実証機に関する熱的検討

    永井 大樹, 大丸 拓郎

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 57 5p 2013年10月9日



  177. 空力加熱計測のための高性能・高応答感温塗料の開発

    洞桐健人, 永井大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 33 (Suppl.1) 493‐498 2013年7月1日


  178. 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉に関する数値解析:スパン幅が流れ場構造に与える影響

    倉本健史, 武藤大貴, 坪井伸幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2012 335-338 2013年3月13日

  179. Characteristics of low-Reynolds number airfoils in a mars wind tunnel 査読有り

    Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Daiju Numata, Tetsuya Suwa, Masayuki Anyoji

    51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013 2013年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The aerodynamic characteristics of thin airfoils at low Reynolds number were investigated in a Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University. The lift and the drag of five airfoils (NACA 0012, 5% flat plate, 1% flat plate, 3% circular arc, 6% circular arc) were investigated by using a two-component balance system at Re=1.1×104 and Mach number about 0.2. Also, Pressure-Sensitive Paint technique was used to measure pressure distributions around the airfoils. The results obtained by the balance system show that The maximum lift to drag ratio of the 3% circular arc is the largest among the airfoils tested in this study. And the results of PSP measurement show that the lift slope becomes large where a bubble with relatively short length appears on the airfoil surface, and the thicker airfoil has longer separation bubble than the thin airfoil at the same angle of attack. Furthermore, the airfoil surface having large curvature, the range of angles of attack where the separation bubble exists becomes narrow because the appearance of a separation bubble by an increase of angle of attack is delayed. © 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  180. Development of ultrafast-response anodized-aluminum pressure-sensitive paints 査読有り

    Shota Fujii, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013 2013年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to apply Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) to unsteady shock-wave phenomena, Anodized-Aluminum PSP (AA-PSP) with ultrafast response was fabricated and its response time to a step pressure change was evaluated by using a shock tube. Phosphoric acid was used as electrolyte in anodization and the anodic alumina with pore diameter as large as 160 nm was successfully fabricated. The improved AA-PSP achieved a response with the time constant of 0.35 μs. This is the fastest PSP ever reported. We applied this AA-PSP to interactions of a moving shock wave with a circular cylinder. The results show that the improved AA-PSP can visualize the shock reflections and the shock diffractions with the ever-highest spatial and temporal resolution. © 2013 by Keisuke Asai.

  181. Preliminary design and thermal analysis of a miniature mars airplane thermal control system 査読有り

    Takurou Daimaru, Hiroki Nagai

    43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2013年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Mars is the next milestone in our exploration of the solar system. The presence of an atmosphere on Mars signifies that an airplane could travel in its atmosphere using the aerodynamic forces of flight. An airplane offers the possibility to obtain high-resolution data on a regional scale of several hundreds to thousands of kilometers, which cannot be achieved with rovers or satellites. A conceptual design of a 3.5 kg fixed-wing, propeller-driven, deployable miniature airplane was developed by Tohoku University and ISAS/JAXA to study the feasibility of a Mars Airplane. This paper will describe the preliminary design and analysis of the Mars Airplane's thermal control system for its flight through the Martian atmosphere. Initial analyses are discussed and results of thermal control development are presented which detail the design process for the thermal control system.

  182. Operational characteristics of the Oscillating Heat Pipe with Non-Condensable Gas 査読有り

    Takurou Daimaru, Hiroki Nagai

    43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2013年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, the effects of Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) on the Oscillating Heat Pipe (OHP) were investigated. The OHP was made of copper capillary tube and the turn number of the OHP was 16. The employed working fluid was ethanol, and argon gas was used as the NCG. Experiments were conducted on 4 different NCG volume conditions. Temperature and inner pressure of OHP was measured over a heat input range from 40W to 180W. The results of this study have suggested that the operating characteristics of OHP were affected by the NCG and the thermal resistance of OHP was increased.

  183. ループヒートパイプの熱特性におけるセカンダリウィックの影響

    竹谷政彦, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 57th ROMBUNNO.2I01 2013年


  184. 低レイノルズ数における音響フィードバック現象解明を目指したNACA0012翼型の後流計測

    永井大樹, 酒井宣明, 浅井圭介, 池田友明, 跡部隆

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 45th-2013 ROMBUNNO.2D12 2013年

  185. 大気球を利用した火星探査航空機の高高度飛行実証試験

    永井大樹, 大山聖, 得竹浩, 竹内伸介, 豊田裕之, 高橋優, 大槻真嗣, 安養寺正之, 岡本正人, 元田敏和, 米本浩一, 浅井圭介, 藤井孝藏

    飛行機シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 51st ROMBUNNO.3D04 2013年

  186. セカンダリウィック付ループヒートパイプの過渡特性解析

    眞籠耕平, 竹谷政彦, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 50th ROMBUNNO.G231 2013年


  187. 大気球を利用した火星探査航空機の高高度飛行実証機に関する熱的検討

    永井大樹, 大丸拓郎

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 57th ROMBUNNO.3C01 2013年


  188. 自励振動ヒートパイプにおける非凝縮ガスの影響

    大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 50th ROMBUNNO.SP36 2013年


  189. 火星大気を飛行する航空機の第一次熱設計

    大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 57th ROMBUNNO.2I10 2013年


  190. 火星着陸探査機の概念設計ベースライン

    藤田和央, 石上玄也, 尾川順子, 畠中龍太, 佐藤毅彦, 山岸明彦, 宮本英昭, 鈴木俊之, 山田和彦, 松本秀一, 豊田裕之, 中塚潤一, 竹内央, 大山聖, 永井大樹, 久保田孝

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 57th ROMBUNNO.2C09 2013年


  191. 低レイノルズ数翼の空力特性に対する圧縮性の効果

    諏訪哲也, 吉野貴保子, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 45th-2013 ROMBUNNO.2D03 2013年

  192. 低レイノルズ数領域でのプロペラ後流における主翼の空力性能

    永井大樹, 牧野文康

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 45th-2013 ROMBUNNO.2D09 2013年

  193. 低Re数領域の平面形空力特性に対するRe数効果

    安養寺正之, 野々村拓, 大山聖, 藤井孝藏, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 57th ROMBUNNO.3C05 2013年


  194. 低圧における感圧塗料の周波数応答特性

    佐々木大介, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (13-002(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P10 2013年


  195. 陽極酸化アルミ皮膜型感圧塗料の細孔構造制御と時間応答性評価

    藤井祥太, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (13-002(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P11 2013年


  196. 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉の数値解析:流れ場の非定常性について

    倉本健史, 武藤大貴, 坪井伸幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 91st ROMBUNNO.0901 2013年


  197. フォスファーを用いた高温領域における温度分布計測技術の開発

    石田照歩, 西潟一樹, 永井大樹

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (13-002(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P04 2013年


  198. 動的風洞試験への適用のための複合感圧塗料開発

    原達矢, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (13-002(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P03 2013年


  199. 感温塗料の応答性評価

    洞桐健人, 永井大樹

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (13-002(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P13 2013年


  200. 0901 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉の数値解析 : 流れ場の非定常性について(OS9-1 超音速流れの基礎と応用,OS9 超音速流れの基礎と応用)

    倉本 健史, 武藤 大貴, 坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2013 (0) _0901-01_-_0901-02_ 2013年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2013._0901-01_  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In hypersonic flow, the shock interactions cause high surface heat flux. Furthermore, the unsteady vortices are generated over a compression corner. Present study investigates the relation between the distribution of the surface heat flux and the unsteady vortices. The flow field over the compression corner with 30 deg. is calculated by the three-dimensional numerical simulations. The heat flux distributions on the model surface show some unsteady longitudinal streaks, because the longitudinal vortices merge and separate cyclically.

  201. 空力加熱計測のための高性能・高応答感温塗料の開発 (第41回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集) -- (オーガナイズドセッション 分子によるセンシングとイメージングⅢ PSP/TSP研究会との合同企画)

    洞桐 健人, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 33 (1) 493-498 2013年



  202. ガスタービンに関連するCFD技術の最前線 実験・計測最新技術

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹, 沼田大樹

    日本ガスタービン学会誌 40 (6) 304-310,257(6) 2012年11月20日


  203. 実験・計測最新技術 (特集 ガスタービンに関連するCFD技術の最前線)

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹

    日本ガスタービン学会誌 40 (6) 304-310,図巻頭1p 2012年11月



  204. 機能性分子センサによる熱流体計測法

    永井 大樹

    機械の研究 64 (11) 929-935 2012年11月



  205. 機能性分子センサによる熱流体計測法


    機械の研究 64 (11) 929-935 2012年11月1日


  206. ファスファーを用いた高温領域における温度場計測技術

    永井大樹, 澤村亮輔, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 32 (Suppl.2) 241‐242 2012年9月15日


  207. サッカーボール表面圧力場のPSP計測

    瀬尾和哉, 依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 浅井武, 伊藤慎一郎

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2012 ROMBUNNO.J052011 2012年9月8日

  208. 自励振動ヒートパイプにおける非凝縮ガスの影響

    大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    日本混相流学会年会講演会講演論文集 2012 236-237 2012年8月

  209. サッカーボールの空力特性に関する実験的研究

    瀬尾和哉, 依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 浅井武, 伊藤慎一郎

    可視化情報学会誌 32 (Suppl.1) 345‐348 2012年7月1日


  210. 感温塗料の応答性評価

    洞桐健人, 西潟一樹, 永井大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 32 (Suppl.1) 285‐288-288 2012年7月1日



  211. 衝撃波干渉空力加熱計測のための背面観測TSP手法の開発

    西潟一樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 32 (Suppl.1) 289‐292-292 2012年7月1日



  212. 断層シュリーレン法を用いた超音速複葉翼の内部構造の解明

    萩原 真澄, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 60 (3) 142-147 2012年6月5日


  213. 文化フォーラム in 仙台 開催報告 : 見えない宇宙をみる科学の眼

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 32 (125) 87-88 2012年4月1日


  214. 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの流れ場の数値解析:平板幅の影響

    倉本健史, 武藤大貴, 坪井伸幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会九州支部講演論文集 65th 289-290 2012年3月16日

  215. 非定常衝撃波現象への適用を目指した超高速応答型感圧塗料の開発

    藤井祥太, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2011 311-312 2012年3月7日

  216. 「風洞」特集にあたって

    森田 潔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 32 (124) 2-2 2012年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.32.124_2  


  217. Planetary Locomotion : 惑星探査の新しい可能性(<特集>先進的空力技術 第1部:プラズマと熱・高速気流 第14回)

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会誌 60 (11) 421-426 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.14822/kjsass.60.11_421  


  218. Characterization of frequency response of pressure-sensitive paints 査読有り

    Tamao Sugimoto, Sakiko Kitashima, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2012年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, the frequency characteristics of fast-responding Pressure-Sensitive Paints(PSP) were evaluated by using a device based on an acoustic tube. The gain and phase characteristics of two different types of fast-responding PSP, Polymer-Ceramic PSP and Anodized-Aluminum PSP, were measured over the frequency range from 0.15 to 10 kHz and their dependence on binder, luminophore and temperature were investigated. From the measured frequency characteristics, the transfer functions were evaluated and the factors governing the time response of each PSP were estimated. The results of this study have suggested that luminophore molecules are distributed near the surface of PC-PSP and on the other hand are adsorbed inside the pores of AA-PSP. © 2012 by Keisuke Asai.

  219. Conceptual design of a miniature, propeller-driven airplane for mars 査読有り

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2012年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-847  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Mars is the next milestone in our exploration of the solar system. The presence of an atmosphere on Mars signifies that an airplane could travel in its atmosphere using the aerodynamic forces of flight. The airplane allows for a platform that can cover a larger area of exploration than is currently available. A reconnaissance airplane offers the possibility to obtain high-resolution data on a regional scale of several hundreds to thousands of kilometers, which cannot be achieved with rovers or satellites. However, conventional airplanes cannot fly in Martian atmosphere due to its environment and constraints from transport to Mars. A conceptual design was developed by Tohoku University to study the feasibility of a Mars Airplane. This paper discusses the design rationale undertaken at Tohoku University to develop a conceptual design of a 3.5 kg fixed-wing, propeller-driven, deployable airplane for the Mars exploration, following a predetermined set of requirements and constraints tailored for a small scale scientific mission to Mars. The design process includes the optimization of the geometry of the airplane for cruising performance, a total mass build-up, 3-D CAD modeling, and trade-off studies. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  220. Compressibility effects on airfoil aerodynamics at low Reynolds number 査読有り

    Tetsuya Suwa, Kei Nose, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2012 1571-1583 2012年

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-3029  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The objective of this study is to clarify the Mach number effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils at low Reynolds number. In this study, we conducted airfoil tests using a flat plate and a triangular airfoil in the Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University. Reynolds number was set at 3,000 and 10,000 and Mach number at 0.15, 0.5 and 0.7. Aerodynamic force and pressure distributions on the models were measured using a force balance and Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP). The results show that the compressibility effect has an effect to move the flow separation point backward and to delay a reattachment of separated shear layer on the airfoil. These effects reduce the lift and the maximum lift-drag ratio. © 2012 by Keisuke Asai.

  221. 翼面上の2次元摩擦応力分布の光学的測定法

    中村勘太, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 44th-2012 ROMBUNNO.2D13 2012年

  222. 低レイノルズ数翼に生じる音響フィードバックの実験的研究

    野瀬慶, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 池田友明, 跡部隆

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 44th-2012 ROMBUNNO.2E19 2012年

  223. 火星飛行機のプロペラ後流の流れが翼性能に及ぼす影響の調査

    牧野文康, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.2E07 2012年


  224. セカンダリウィック付ループヒートパイプの過渡特性解析

    眞籠耕平, 竹谷政彦, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.1N02 2012年


  225. 自励振動ヒートパイプにおける非凝縮ガスの影響

    大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.1N01 2012年


  226. 火星飛行機の全機特性

    安養寺正之, 永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤井孝藏

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.2E03 2012年


  227. 火星飛行機の空中翼展開時における動的挙動の計測と評価

    藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.2E05 2012年


  228. PTFE多孔体を用いた宇宙用小型ループヒートパイプの性能評価

    西川原理仁, 長野方星, 岡崎峻, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.1N03 2012年


  229. 火星探査航空機にむけた高高度飛行試験の飛行経路検討

    元田敏和, 大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.2E02 2012年


  230. MELOS1にむけた火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験計画

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩, 竹内伸介, 豊田裕之, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 元田敏和, 米本浩一, 浅井圭介, 藤井孝藏

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th ROMBUNNO.2E01 2012年


  231. 火星探査航空機の地上における高高度飛行実証試験

    永井大樹, 大山聖, 得竹浩, 竹内伸介, 安養寺正之

    飛行機シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 50th ROMBUNNO.1C09 2012年

  232. 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉に関する数値解析:熱流束に与える影響

    倉本健史, 坪井伸幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2012 ROMBUNNO.JSASS-2012-S010 2012年

  233. 非定常感圧塗料計測の動的風洞試験への適用

    原達矢, 阿部弘之, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (12-001(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P08 2012年


  234. PTFEウィックを用いたマルチエバポレータ/コンデンサ型ループヒートパイプの動作特性

    奥谷翔, 長野方星, 岡崎俊, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 49th ROMBUNNO.E224 2012年


  235. 高速非定常流体現象解明のための超高速応答型感圧塗料の開発

    藤井祥太, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (12-001(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P16 2012年


  236. 812 桎超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの流れ場の数値解析:平板幅の影響(0S.2 圧縮性流れの基礎と応用3)

    倉本 健史, 武藤 大貴, 坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    日本機械学会九州支部講演論文集 2012 (0) 289-290 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmekyushu.2012.65.289  

  237. J052011 サッカーボール表面圧力場のPSP計測

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 浅井 武, 伊藤 慎一郎

    年次大会 2012 (0) _J052011-1-_J052011-3 2012年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecj.2012._J052011-1  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    PSP measurement of a non-spinning soccer ball has been carried out. It is found that the seam of the ball is the trigger for initiating low pressure. The depth of the seam on the ball was measured. It is found that the depth of the seam on the ball affects the critical Reynolds number. The deeper the depth is designed, the smaller the critical Reynolds number is achieved.

  238. サッカーボールの空力特性に関する実験的研究 (第40回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集) -- (オーガナイズドセッション サイエンティフィックアート&スポーツⅠ)

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 32 (1) 345-348 2012年



  239. 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉に関する数値解析 : 熱流束に与える影響

    倉本 健史, 坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会講演集 4p 2012年


  240. バルク超伝導体を利用した小型磁場発生装置の開発

    安部隆士, 山田和彦, 新倉脩平, 服部盛正, 永井大樹, 淡路智

    東北大学金属材料研究所強磁場超伝導材料研究センター年次報告 2010 177-180 2011年8月

  241. ループヒートパイプの作動特性に対する重力加速度の影響

    永井大樹, 玉村大道, 真籠耕平, 長野方星, 小川博之

    日本混相流学会年会講演会講演論文集 2011 126-127 2011年8月

  242. 感圧塗料を用いた非定常空気力計測

    依田大輔, 山崎真一, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 31 (Suppl.1) 277-280 2011年7月1日



  243. 感温塗料による空力加熱計測手法の高精度化

    西潟一樹, 澤村亮輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 31 (Suppl.1) 269-272 2011年7月1日


  244. 極低温キャビテーション試験に適用可能な感温塗料の開発と評価

    藤井祥太, 新井山一樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 31 (Suppl.1) 273-276 2011年7月1日


  245. Development of a small He II cryostat with optical windows for a microgravity experiment

    N. Kimura, S. Takada, S. Gotoh, H. Kawamata, M. Iida, M. Murakami, H. Nagai, M. Mamiya

    CRYOGENICS 51 (1) 74-78 2011年1月

    出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2010.10.008  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to study film-boiling phenomena in saturated superfluid helium (He us) under a microgravity environment, a very compact visualization setup was designed and fabricated at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). It consists of a cryostat, a vacuum pump, a high-speed video camera and electrical circuits for measurement. The cryostat in the setup is equipped with optical windows for the visualization of film boiling in He IIs. The setup was tested to verify its thermal and safety performance under a microgravity environment using a 10 m free-drop tower at the Hokkaido Center of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Successful system operation from 1.94 to 2.05 K under microgravity conditions below 1 x 10(-3) g was confirmed. The design and test results are described in this technical note. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  246. Supersonic wind tunnel experiment on aerodynamic characteristics and winglets effects of the tapered supersonic biplane 査読有り

    Takashi Fujisono, Hiroshi Yamashita, Atsushi Toyoda, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Takashi Matsuno, Hiromitsu Kawazoe, Shinkyu Jeong, Shigeru Obayashi

    ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK 2011 1 (PARTS A, B, C, D) 3431-3440 2011年

    DOI: 10.1115/AJK2011-15015  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The aerodynamic characteristics and the effects of tip plates of a tapered supersonic biplane wing during the starting process have been investigated through Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (EFD/CFD). Three types of the wing model were used: without tip plate (type-N); with the tip plate which covers only the aft-half of the wing tip (type-A); with the tip plate which covers the entire wing tip (type-B). Experiment was conducted in the supersonic blowdown wind tunnel with 600 mm × 600 mm cross section located at the High-speed Wind Tunnel Facility of Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS/JAXA). The flow conditions covered from M∞ = 1.5 to 1.9 with increments of 0.1. Pressure-Sensitive Paint was applied to measure pressure distributions on the surface of the wing. CFD simulations were conducted to compare with experiments and to investigate effects of the Mach numbers in detail. The tapered biplane wing without the tip plate was found to start between M∞ =1.8 and 1.9. The difference of the starting Mach numbers between type-N and type-A was small. On the other hand, the starting Mach number of type-B was about 0.05 higher than that of type-N. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.

  247. Planetary Locomotion‐惑星探査の新しい可能性

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 42nd ROMBUNNO.B04 2011年

  248. 火星大気風洞を用いた空力実験

    安養寺正之, 野瀬慶, 伊田真悟, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 42nd ROMBUNNO.B05 2011年

  249. Phosphorを用いた高温測定用感温塗料の評価

    澤村亮輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (11-001(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P05 2011年


  250. 火星大気中のはく離制御へのプラズマアクチュエータ適用

    田中慎一, 安養寺正之, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2011-12th 201-206 2011年

  251. 火星探査航空機の空力性能

    永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 大山聖, 野々村拓, 安養寺正之, 藤井孝藏, 米本浩一, 越智廣志, 小池勝, 岡本正人

    飛行機シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 49th ROMBUNNO.3F2 2011年

  252. 低レイノルズ数・高亜音速における三角翼型の空力特性の評価

    諏訪哲也, 野瀬慶, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 43rd-2011 ROMBUNNO.1D09 2011年

  253. 角柱と壁面の非定常空力干渉に関する実験的研究

    山崎真一, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2011-12th 191-194 2011年

  254. 火星探査用小型飛行機の検討

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 竹内伸介, 豊田裕之, 砂田茂, 得竹浩, 小川博之, 戸田和朗, 小池勝, 元田敏和, 藤田和央

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 42nd ROMBUNNO.B03 2011年

  255. 蛍光油膜法による翼面はく離流れのイメージング

    荻田力, 中村勘太, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 43rd-2011 ROMBUNNO.2B09 2011年

  256. 時系列画像を用いた非定常圧力場の感圧塗料計測

    依田大輔, 山崎真一, 杉本珠生, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (11-001(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P11 2011年


  257. 感圧塗料を用いた低レイノルズ数・高亜音速領域における翼面圧力分布計測

    野瀬慶, 安養寺正之, 伊田真悟, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (11-001(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.P20 2011年


  258. 火星大気風洞を用いた低レイノルズ数領域における薄翼の空力特性の研究

    永井大樹, 伊田真悟, 野瀬慶, 安養寺正之, 沼田大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 55th ROMBUNNO.2G08 2011年


  259. セカンダリウィック形状によるループヒートパイプ性能への影響

    眞籠耕平, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 55th ROMBUNNO.2G13 2011年


  260. 低レイノルズ数領域における石井翼の空力特性評価

    安養寺正之, 野々村拓, 大山聖, 藤井孝藏, 野瀬慶, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 55th ROMBUNNO.2G07 2011年


  261. 火星探査飛行機の多目的設計探査

    大山聖, 米本浩一, 竹内伸介, 得竹浩, 永井大樹, 砂田茂, 大槻真嗣

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 55th ROMBUNNO.2G01 2011年


  262. 感温塗料による空力加熱計測手法の高精度化

    西潟 一樹, 澤村 亮輔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 31 (1) 269-272 2011年



  263. 極低温キャビテーション試験に適用可能な感温塗料の開発と評価

    藤井 祥太, 新井山 一樹, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 31 (1) 273-276 2011年



  264. 高速列車模型に誘起された非定常圧力場の感圧塗料計測

    依田大輔, 山崎真一, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 森田潔, 阿部行伸

    可視化情報学会誌 30 (Suppl.2) 85-86 2010年10月15日


  265. 機能性分子センサーを用いた極限環境下における熱流体計測法


    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2010 (Vol.9) 159-160 2010年9月4日

  266. フォスファーとセラミック化合物による高温測定用感温塗料の試作と評価

    澤村亮輔, 永井大樹, 沼田大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 30 (Suppl.1) 173-176 2010年7月1日


  267. 高応答型感圧塗料の周波数特性

    杉本珠生, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 30 (Suppl.1) 177-180 2010年7月1日



  268. 寿命法による圧力・温度同時計測光ファイバーセンサーの開発

    須貝直之, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 30 (Suppl.1) 195-200 2010年7月1日


  269. 低レイノルズ数領域における翼面圧力分布の感圧塗料計測

    野瀬慶, 小野直志, 安養寺正之, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 30 (Suppl.1) 201-206 2010年7月1日



  270. 感温塗料を用いた極超音速流れにおける圧縮コーナー模型表面の温度分布計測

    永井大樹, HA Seungwoh, 澤村亮輔, 浅井圭介

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2009 53-56 2010年3月17日

  271. 断層シュリーレン法と感圧塗料の複合計測による超音速複葉翼の3次元内部構造の可視化計測

    萩原真澄, 永井大樹, 沼田大樹, 浅井圭介

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2009 29-32 2010年3月17日

  272. Development of an experimental small loop heat pipe with PTFE wick 査読有り

    Hosei Nagano, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hiroki Nagai

    40th International Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES 2010 2010年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports development of an experimental small LHP with PTFE wick. PTFE porous materials with 0.8 - 2.2 μm pore radius were fabricated and the basic properties were evaluated. An experimental small LHP with the PTFE wicks was designed and tested in an atmospheric condition. A PTFE wick with 1.2 μm pore radius was used to demonstrate the loop performance. The test results showed excellent operating characteristics of the LHP. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  273. Low Reynolds number airfoil testing in a Mars Wind Tunnel 査読有り

    Masayuki Anyoji, Kei Nose, Shingo Ida, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference 2010年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The aerodynamic characteristics of a 5% flat plate and NACA0012-34 airfoil in low Reynolds number (Re=0.43×104∼4.1×10 4) and high subsonic flow (M=0.1∼0.6) were investigated in the Mars Wind Tunnel (MWT) at Tohoku University. A two-component balance system and Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) technique have been developed to measure the lift and drag forces and pressure profiles on the model. For the flat plate, Mach number effect does not have much effect on its aerodynamic performance while Reynolds number affects the lift slope and the drag characteristics. On the contrary, for NACA0012-34 airfoil, both Reynolds and Mach number effects become more prominent. The lift curves are highly nonlinear and the drag polars are affected by behaviors of a laminar separation bubble in trans-critical condition. A comparison of the results obtained at different Mach numbers has suggested that the compressibility has an effect to stabilize separated shear layer. It has been verified by this experiment that the MWT can offer a unique capability to investigate airfoil performance in low Reynolds number and high Mach number flow. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  274. Unsteady PSP technique for measuring naturally-disturbed periodic phenomena 査読有り

    D. Yorita, H. Nagai, K. Asai, T. Narumi

    48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2010年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To understand unsteady flow phenomena, it is important to measure time-resolved pressure variations with high spatial resolution. Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) has a capability of providing high-resolution pressure images, but the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is not high enough to analyze unsteady flow structures in low-speed flow. The phase-lock method is often applied to PSP measurement of periodic flow phenomena, but it is difficult to apply this technique to unsteady flow containing natural disturbances in amplitude and phase. To solve this problem, we propose a new type of phase-lock method in which images of unsteady pressure field are phase-locked using a trigger signal processed with signal conditioning techniques such as band-pass filtering and signal differentiation. The effectiveness of this method was verified using simulated signal and applied to low-speed wind tunnel testing of a 3-D square cylinder model. As a result, we could obtain time-resolved unsteady pressure field on the side of the square cylinder due to periodic Karman vortex shedding. The fluctuating pressures were found to be high at the lower part of the side wall, that is in good agreement with the pressure transducers data. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  275. Experimental study on dynamic instability of re-entry capsule-shaped body using pressure sensitive paint 査読有り

    Daisuke Sugimoto, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Koju Hiraki

    48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2010年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Re-entry capsule with flat body shapes tends to be dynamically unstable in the transonic speed range, and sometimes fall into self-exited pitching oscillation. In this study, the Phase Lock Method with a fast-responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) has been employed to visualize unsteady pressure distribution on a capsule model undergoing the pitching motion. In addition, the pressure fluctuation was measured using time-series high-speed camera PSP images. Analysis of the PSP results together with pitch angle measurement has revealed that the phase delay of the base surface pressure acts as dynamically unstable moment in the low pitch angles. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  276. Characteristics of the Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University in CO <inf>2</inf> operation mode 査読有り

    M. Anyoji, S. Ida, K. Nose, D. Numata, H. Nagai, K. Asai

    48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2010年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University is a low-density tunnel that can simulate Martian atmospheric flight condition. Up to the present, this tunnel has been operated using air as the working gas. To expand the capability of this tunnel and to study the effects of compressibility on airfoil performance at low Reynolds number, a modification has been made to allow the tunnel to be operated using CO2, that is the main constituent of the Martian atmosphere. In this study, the operational characteristics as well as the flow quality in the test section are investigated in CO2 mode and compared with the results obtained in air mode. It is found that a higher Mach number can be achieved in CO2 mode than in air mode as the speed of sound decreases with the molecular weight. No negative effect of CO2 such as freezing inside the ejector nozzles has been observed over the entire operational conditions of the tunnel. Mach number profile is found to be uniform over a wide range of Reynolds number except inside the boundary layers on the walls. The static pressure gradient along the test section is almost zero at the total pressure of lkPa. These results prove that the Mars Wind Tunnel has a capability to simulate the real Martian atmospheric condition.

  277. 断層シュリーレン法を用いた超音速複葉翼の内部構造の解明

    萩原真澄, 永井大樹, 沼田大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2010-11th 162-167 2010年

  278. 火星大気風洞のCO<sub>2</sub>モード運転と測定部気流特性の評価

    野瀬慶, 安養寺正之, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2010-11th 211-216 2010年

  279. 火星大気風洞における低レイノルズ数翼型実験

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹, 沼田大樹, 安養寺正之, 伊田真悟, 野瀬慶

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 54th ROMBUNNO.3F06 2010年


  280. 寿命法による圧力・温度同時計測光ファイバーセンサーの開発

    須貝直之, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (10-001(CD-ROM)) JUMYOHONIYORU 2010年


  281. 火星大気風洞に適用可能な感圧塗料の開発と評価

    小野直志, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (10-001(CD-ROM)) KASEITAIKIFUDONITEKIYOKANONA 2010年


  282. 蛍光油膜を用いた鈍頭物体周りの摩擦応力面分布計測

    角田智哉, 小山敦史, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (10-001(CD-ROM)) KEIKOYUMAKUOMOCHIITA 2010年


  283. 小型ループヒートパイプの始動特性(シンク温度,重力方向の影響について)

    玉村大道, 永井大樹, 真籠耕平, 長野方星, 小川博之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 54th ROMBUNNO.2J02 2010年


  284. 航空宇宙分野における高温領域への適用を目指した感温塗料の開発

    澤村亮輔, HA Seungwon, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 垣花眞人

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2010-11th 81-86 2010年

  285. 時系列画像処理による感圧塗料の非定常流計測

    依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 42nd-2010 ROMBUNNO.2C6 2010年

  286. 音響共鳴管を用いた感圧塗料の周波数応答性評価

    杉本珠生, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2010-11th 101-104 2010年

  287. 東北大学における低速・非定常感圧塗料計測の現状と今後の展望

    依田大輔, 杉本珠生, 鳴海智博, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (10-001(CD-ROM)) TOHOKUDAIGAKUNIOKERU 2010年


  288. フォスファーを用いたロケットエンジン内温度分布計測技術の開発

    澤村亮輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 54th ROMBUNNO.3B02 2010年


  289. 蛍光油膜を用いた二次元翼における摩擦応力分布のイメージング計測

    小山敦史, 角田智哉, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2010-11th 91-94 2010年

  290. PTFE多孔質を用いた小型ループヒートパイプの基本特性および温度制御性

    福吉芙由子, 長野方星, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 47th ROMBUNNO.I214 2010年


  291. 感圧塗料を用いた再突入カプセル型物体の遷音速領域における圧力分布計測―背圧変動分布と位相遅れ―

    永井大樹, 杉本大輔, 浅井圭介, 平木講儒

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 41st ROMBUNNO.A31 2010年

  292. 低圧環境下における熱線流速計の感度特性

    沼田大樹, 杉野泰啓, 安養寺正之, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 42nd-2010 ROMBUNNO.2C13 2010年

  293. 火星大気風洞の動作特性評価―現状と計画―

    安養寺正之, 野瀬慶, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会年会講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 41st ROMBUNNO.C07 2010年

  294. カルマン渦が誘起する非定常圧力場の感圧塗料計測

    依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 88th ROMBUNNO.1501 2010年


  295. 小型ループヒートパイプのリザーバ制御による動作特性の向上

    福吉 芙由子, 長野 方星, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    航空宇宙技術 9 (9) 49-55 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会

    DOI: 10.2322/astj.9.49  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper reports test results of active control of heat transfer performance of a small loop heat pipe (LHP) with a thermoelectric converter (TEC) in an atmospheric condition. The TEC is attached to a reservoir of the LHP to control the operating temperature by heating and cooling using a bipolar power supply. Tests were conducted by varying the evaporator power, the reservoir set point temperature, and the condenser sink temperature. The test results showed that the TEC is able to control the LHP operating with small electric power. The test results also demonstrated enhancement of the start-up success by maintaining a constant reservoir temperature during the start-up process. Forced shut-off of the loop operation by rapid heating of the reservoir was also demonstrated.

  296. W0503-(2) 機能性分子センサーを用いた極限環境下における熱流体計測法(【W0503】EFDワークショップ『PSPによる表面情報の可視化計測』,ワークショップ)

    永井 大樹

    年次大会講演資料集 2010 (0) 159-160 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjsm.2010.9.0_159  

  297. 1501 カルマン渦が誘起する非定常圧力場の感圧塗料計測(OS15-1 先端的熱流体計測法,オーガナイズドセッション)

    依田 大輔, 沼田 大樹, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2010 (0) 435-436 2010年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2010.435  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To understand unsteady flow phenomena around a body, it is important to measure time-resolved surface pressure distributions with high spatial resolution. Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) has a capability of providing high-resolution pressure images. In this study, we propose a new PSP technique to obtain time-resolved surface pressure distributions by using conditional sampling of time-series PSP images. To obtain high SNR data, the high-speed camera images are phase-averaged after image acquisition, using a simultaneously-measured pressure transducer data to detect a phase of each image. This method allows us to obtain high SNR images at arbitrary phase of the periodic phenomena using a simplify measurement system and image processing. The effectiveness of the present method was evaluated by applying it to a 3-D square cylinder in low-speed wind tunnel testing. As a result of this experiment, we could obtain time-resolved unsteady pressure images around the square cylinder caused by periodic vortex shedding.

  298. PTFE多孔質を用いた小型ループヒートパイプの基本特性および温度制御性

    福吉 芙由子, 長野 方星, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2010 (0) 239-239 2010年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 日本伝熱学会

    DOI: 10.11368/nhts.2010.0.239.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  299. フォスファーとセラミック化合物による高温測定用感温塗料の試作と評価 (第38回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集) -- (オーガナイズドセッション 分子によるセンシングとイメージング(1))

    澤村 亮輔, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 30 (0) 173-176 2010年



  300. 再突入カプセル型物体周りの圧力分布と動的不安定現象との関係

    杉本大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 平木講儒

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2009 (Vol.5) 285-286 2009年9月12日

  301. 溝付き楕円球のPSP計測―表面圧力場に及ぼす溝の効果―

    瀬尾和哉, 依田大輔, 永井大樹, 白石菜々, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2009 (Vol.2) 273-274 2009年9月12日

  302. 感温塗料を用いた極超音速流中の熱流束計測技術の研究開発

    永井大樹, HA Seungwon, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2009 (Vol.5) 295-296 2009年9月12日

  303. 高熱輸送小型ループヒートパイプの設計および実験的検証

    長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本混相流学会年会講演会講演論文集 2009 62-63 2009年8月

  304. 火星大気風洞に適用可能な感圧塗料の開発と評価

    小野直志, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 29 (Suppl.1) 275-278 2009年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.29.275  


  305. 低速流における感圧塗料計測の計測誤差とその精度評価

    依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 田中真悟, 石田圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌 29 (Suppl.1) 269-274 2009年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.29.269  


  306. ラグビーボール表面圧力場のPSP計測と揺れるハイパントの最適蹴りだし条件の可視化

    瀬尾和哉, 依田大輔, 永井大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 29 (Suppl.1) 357-362 2009年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.29.357  


  307. 低速流における感圧塗料計測の計測誤差とその精度評価

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 田中 真悟, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 29 (1) 269-274 2009年7月1日



  308. 火星大気風洞に適用可能な感圧塗料の開発と評価

    小野 直志, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 29 (1) 275-278 2009年7月1日



  309. ラグビーボール表面圧力場のPSP計測と揺れるハイパントの最適蹴りだし条件の可視化

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 29 (1) 357-362 2009年7月1日



  310. 光を発する塗料「感圧塗料」光る色素で圧力をはかる

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹

    化学と教育 57 (3) 128-129 2009年3月20日

    DOI: 10.20665/kakyoshi.57.3_128  


  311. 超音速複葉翼の始動過程に対する3次元性の影響

    大山創史, 藤園崇, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 大林茂

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2008 269-272 2009年3月17日

  312. 極超音速流中のエアロスパイク模型周りの衝撃波構造と熱流束との関係について

    HA Seungwon, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 中北和之, 坪井伸幸

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2008 385-388 2009年3月17日

  313. 実験/計算融合によるソニックブーム推定方法の高精度化

    大林茂, 浅井圭介, 永井大樹, 小川俊広, 倉谷尚志

    宇宙航空研究開発機構契約報告 JAXA-CR- (08-002) 7-17 2009年2月27日


  314. Visualization study of film boiling in saturated He II under low gravity environment

    N. Kimura, S. Takada, S. Gotoh, H. Kawamata, M. Iida, M. Murakami, H. Nakai, H. Nagai, M. Mamiya

    Proc. of ICEC 22 377-382 2009年

  315. Development of low density wind tunnel to simulate atmospheric flight on Mars 査読有り

    M. Anyoji, H. Nagai, K. Asai

    47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2009年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new type of wind tunnel that can simulate airfoil flow in the Mars atmosphere has been designed and constructed at Tohoku University. This wind tunnel is driven by ejector and designed to simulate low-density Martian atmosphere consisting of CO2. The preliminary performance tests were conducted using air to investigate the operating envelop of the tunnel. It was demonstrated that this wind tunnel could cover the Reynolds number range from 104 to 105 and the Mach number range up to 0.71, allowing us to simulate low Reynolds number and high subsonic flow on Mars airplanes. Calibration tests were also conducted to investigate the flow characteristics in the test section. It was confirmed that the flow was kept uniform in the test section even when the total pressure was 1 kPa. There were significant effects of the boundary layer development on static pressure gradient along the test section. It was found that these effects of boundary layers could be corrected by inclining both the upper and lower walls of the test section. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  316. Heat flux measurement techniques over the protuberance at the hypersonic flow of Mach 7 査読有り

    Hyoung Jin Lee, In Seuck Jeung, Bok Jik Lee, Seong Lyong Kim, Insun Kim, Osamu Imamura, Kojiro Suzuki, Koji Okamoto, Seungwon Ha, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference 2009年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An experimental investigation has been conducted on the aerodynamic heating caused by an object protruding from a flat plate at hypersonic flows of Mach 7. Three different experimental techniques are applied to measure the heat flux and temperature over the protuberance, using two types of hypersonic wind tunnels, namely, blowdown and impulse types. This paper presents the experimental techniques needed for use in hypersonic tunnels focusing on issues such as heat flux measurement techniques, as well as the measurement of detailed experimental data. It was confirmed that the data set agree well through the comparison of data results. A large separation region is observed in front of the protuberance with that region being very sensitive to the height of the protuberance and the length of the flat plate. These flow features affect the aerodynamic heating over the protuberance. Basically, the measured heat flux is large when the height of the protuberance is large and the length of the flat plate is long. Also, the heat flux measurements at the upper positions are larger than at the lower positions. For high protuberances, a severe jump in the heat flux is observed, from about 0.6∼0.7 of the height of the protuberances. However, when the protuberance is sufficiently short, a rise in the heat flux is rarely observed as the protuberance is submerged totally under the separation region upstream from the protuberance. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  317. 東北大火星大気風洞の開発と性能試験

    安養寺正之, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 1G11 2009年


  318. 宇宙用小型ループヒートパイプの開発

    岡本篤, 小川博之, 長野方星, 永井大樹, 村上正秀

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 2J07 2009年


  319. 角柱側面に生じる非定常圧力変動のPSP計測

    依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 鳴海智博

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 41st-2009 203-206 2009年

  320. 超音速複葉翼の始動過程に対する3次元性の影響

    藤園崇, 大山創史, 永井大樹, 大林茂, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2009-10th 52-57 2009年

  321. 感温塗料とCFD計算の融合による極超音速流中の空力加熱予測

    永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 坪井伸幸

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 41st-2009 103-106 2009年

  322. リザーバ能動制御によるループヒートパイプの熱制御性向上に関する研究

    福吉芙由子, 小川博之, 長野方星, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2009-10th 247-249 2009年

  323. 火星大気風洞の測定部気流特性について(第一報)

    安養寺正之, 伊田真悟, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 41st-2009 211-214 2009年

  324. 小型ループヒートパイプの重力効果による熱輸送特性評価

    永井大樹, 長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 46th ROMBUNNO.G-333 2009年


  325. 熱電変換モジュールを用いたループヒートパイプ動作特性のアクティブ制御

    福吉芙由子, 長野方星, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 46th ROMBUNNO.G-321 2009年


  326. トンネル内を走行する高速列車に生じる振動現象

    小寺健幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 寺島修

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 41st-2009 107-110 2009年

  327. 低圧下におけるDBDプラズマアクチュエータの作動特性

    高垣雅彦, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 41st-2009 285-288 2009年

  328. ループヒートパイプの熱特性における作動流体封入量の影響

    小野川英, 長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 46th ROMBUNNO.G-312 2009年


  329. 月面長期滞在に向けた高性能ループヒートパイプの研究

    長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2009-10th 239-242 2009年

  330. 感圧塗料を用いた再突入カプセル型物体の動的不安定現象解明

    杉本大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 平木講儒

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会ならびに再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム講演論文集 2009-10th 118-123 2009年

  331. 極超音速流中のエアロスパイク付き鈍頭物体の表面熱流束における3次元効果

    坪井伸幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 87th ROMBUNNO.0604 2009年


  332. 0604 極超音速流中のエアロスパイク付き鈍頭物体の表面熱流束における3次元効果(OS6-1 超音速流と衝撃波,オーガナイズドセッション)

    坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2009 (0) 253-254 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2009.253  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A blunt body in hypersonic flow is subjected to severe aerodynamic heating and drag. This is one of the most critical problems of designing the hypersonic vehicles such as Reusable Launch Vehicles(RLV). It is well known that the spiked-nose(aerospike)concept is effective to reduce aerodynamic drag on asymmetric blunt bodies in hypersonic flow. In this study, we investigated the heat flux distribution on a blunt-nosed body with an aerospike in hypersonic flow. The flow field around a blunt-nosed body is calculated by the full Navier-Stokes simulations to compare with the experimental data such as Schlieren photographs and TSP(Temperature Sensitive Paint)images. It was found that the heat flux distributions changes widely with the angle of attack. Moreover, the correlation between heat flux and the flow and the flow field exists due to the shock/shock interaction patterns for various angle-of-attacks.

  333. S0506-1-1 溝付き楕円球のPSP計測 : 表面圧力場に及ぼす溝の効果(スポーツ流体工学(1))

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 白石 菜々, 浅井 圭介

    年次大会講演論文集 2009 (0) 273-274 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.2.0_273  

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    In this paper, the effect of the seams of a rugby ball on the side force is described in order to show why the punted kick fluctuates during the flight. Measurement of the aerodynamic force on a non-spinning rugby ball reveals that the side force depends on the position of the seam as well as the angle of attack. It was found from PSP measurements that the seam of the ball is the trigger for initiating low pressure. The seam of the ball produces an asymmetrical pressure distribution on the sides. Therefore, a slower spinning ball fluctuates during flight.

  334. S1904-1-1 再突入カプセル型物体周りの圧力分布と動的不安定現象との関係(大気突入・減速技術(1))

    杉本 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 平木 講儒

    年次大会講演論文集 2009 (0) 285-286 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.5.0_285  

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    A fast responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) using polymer/ceramic binder and image capturing technique called Phase Lock Method were used to visualize the unsteady pressure distributions on a capsule-shaped body undergoing the pitching motion. In addition, schlieren visualization using high-speed video camera was used to take a picture around the flowfield of the model, together with pitch angle measurement using a potentiometer. As a result, the strength and the location of vortices behind the capsule varies depending on the direction of the oscillating motion, and the base pressure distributions are related to the dynamic motion of the vortices from the edge of the capsule.

  335. S1904-2-1 感温塗料を用いた極超音速流中の熱流束計測技術の研究開発(大気突入・減速技術(2))

    永井 大樹, 河 勝元, 浅井 圭介

    年次大会講演論文集 2009 (0) 295-296 2009年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2009.5.0_295  

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    Heat flux measurement in a hypersonic wind tunnel is one of indispensable requirements for designing the next generation re-entry vehicle. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in temperature on the model surface. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. In this study, TSP technique was applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel test and the measurement accuracy was investigated with a different TSP thickness. From that result, the optimum thickness of TSP was found to be 0.2μm. Then, the heat flux distribution of a blunt-nosed body with an aerospike was investigated by an optimized TSP thickness

  336. 「感圧塗料」光る色素で圧力をはかる(ヘッドライン:光を発する塗料)

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹

    化学と教育 57 (3) 128-129 2009年

    出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本化学会

    DOI: 10.20665/kakyoshi.57.3_128  


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  337. 低速流における感圧塗料計測の計測誤差とその精度評価

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 田中 真悟, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌 29 (1) 269-269 2009年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.29.269  


  338. 火星大気風洞に適用可能な感圧塗料の開発と評価

    小野 直志, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 29 (1) 275-275 2009年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.29.275  


  339. ラグビーボール表面圧力場のP S P計測と揺れるハイパン卜の最適蹴りだし条件の可視化

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 29 (1) 357-357 2009年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.29.357  


  340. ループヒートパイプの熱特性における作動流体封入量の影響

    小野川 英, 長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2009 (0) 348-348 2009年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 日本伝熱学会

    DOI: 10.11368/nhts.2009.0.348.0  

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  341. 熱電変換モジュールを用いたループヒートパイプ動作特性のアクティブ制御

    福吉 芙由子, 長野 方星, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2009 (0) 351-351 2009年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 日本伝熱学会

    DOI: 10.11368/nhts.2009.0.351.0  

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    海外において次世代のスタンダードな熱制御技術として毛細管駆動型二相流体ループ(ループヒートパイプ)の研究開発が進められており、本研究では日本の将来の宇宙ミッションを見据え,100W級の小型ループヒートパイプに着目し研究を行っている。今回、ループヒートパイプのリザーバ/補償チャンバー(Compensation Chamber, CC)の温度制御に熱電交換モジュールを用いて、ループヒートパイプの動作特性について実験および評価を行ったので報告する。

  342. 小型ループヒートパイプの重力効果による熱輸送特性評価

    永井 大樹, 長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2009 (0) 356-356 2009年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 日本伝熱学会

    DOI: 10.11368/nhts.2009.0.356.0  

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  343. 高速車両に作用する流体力評価手法の検討

    寺島修, 阿部行伸, 小寺健幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 17th 61-64 2008年12月9日

  344. Flow-induced Vibration of a High-speed Train Running in a Tunnel 査読有り

    Takeyuki KODERA, Hiroki NAGAI, Keisuke-ASAI, Osamu Terashima

    Proceedings of KSAS-JSASS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering 267-272 2008年11月

  345. 小型ループヒートパイプの熱流動解析モデルの構築と実験的検証

    長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本混相流学会年会講演会講演論文集 2008 132-133 2008年8月

  346. 偏揺角のついた単純自動車模型の風下側圧力分布のPSP計測

    依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 田中真悟, 石田圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌 28 (Suppl.1) 97-100 2008年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.28.97  


  347. 偏揺角のついた単純自動車模型の風下側圧力分布のPSP計測

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 田中 真悟, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 28 (1) 97-100 2008年7月1日



  348. 極超音速流中のエアロスパイク模型に流入する熱流束分布の可視化

    HA Seungwon, 三浦悠佑, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 中北和之

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2007 349-352 2008年3月17日

  349. 超音速複葉翼の衝撃波干渉流れに関する可視化研究

    大山創史, 永井大樹, 倉谷尚志, 小川俊広, 浅井圭介

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2007 219-220 2008年3月17日

  350. 感温塗料を用いた空力加熱計測手法の東大柏極超音速風洞への適用

    永井大樹, HA SeungWon, 三浦悠佑, 浅井圭介

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2007 357-360 2008年3月17日

  351. 超音速複葉翼の干渉流れに関する実験的研究

    永井大樹, 齋藤賢一, 小川俊広, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (07-016) 22-27 2008年2月29日


  352. Study on Thermal Performances of a Small Loop Heat Pipe 査読有り

    Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Hiroyuki Ogawa



    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.3.355  


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    This paper describes thermal performance of a small loop heat pipe device in an atmospheric condition. A comprehensive test program including start-up, power step up, power cycle and low power tests was performed. The effects of gravity on start-up and heat transport capability were also evaluated. An analytical model for the loop was developed to predict and evaluate the steady state operating performance. The test results demonstrated the robustness of the LHP. The analytical results showed good agreement with the test results except at the low power region. The feasibility of loop temperature control through compensation chamber temperature control was also experimentally demonstrated.

  353. Evaluation of plasma actuator performance in Martian atmosphere for applications to Mars airplanes 査読有り

    Masahiko Takagaki, Susumu Isono, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    4th AIAA Flow Control Conference 2008年

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    The plasma actuator is considered as a promising control device for Mars airplanes. The Martian atmosphere is very thin and its major constituent is CO2. Therefore, we need to evaluate the plasma actuator performance under these conditions. In this study, the flow velocity field and the thrust produced by the plasma actuator were measured for various pressures and gas species. For this purpose, we applied the smoke wire method and calculated the induced flow velocity and the thrust using the image analysis method by Liu and Shen. It is found that the plasma actuator can induce the flow in CO2 at 1kPa which is condition of Mars atmosphere. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  354. Surface pressure and flow field behind an oscillating fence submerged in turbulent boundary layer 査読有り

    Manjinder S. Saini, Jonathan W. Naughton, Taro Yamashita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    4th AIAA Flow Control Conference 2008年

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    Multiple flow diagnostic techniques have been used for better understanding of a complex unsteady flow. In particular, phase-locked PSP and PIV measurements have been used to study the evolution of three-dimensional disturbances produced by an oscillating fence actuator that is immersed in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer. Finite fence effects, introduced due to reducing aspect ratio of the fence during its oscillations, appear to be the reason for the strong three dimensionality and non-uniform growth of the structure across the span. Strong suction pressures are observed on the surface due to an intense vortex closer to the edge of the fence. At the midspan, the structure grows rapidly and weakens, limiting the magnitude of low pressure region. Additionally, strong suction pressures were observed when the vortex stays closer to the plate surface, which occurs for a longer time period near the side edge of the fence. The use of multiple diagnostics provided a link between flow field and surface pressure footprints, yielding an understanding of the flow that would have not been possible with any one technique. Copyright © 2008 by Jonathan W. Naughton.

  355. Enhancement of pressure-sensitive paint emission using localized surface plasmon resonance for shock tunnel applications 査読有り

    Y. Miura, H. Nagai, K. Asai, K. Nakakita

    46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 2008年

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    To apply Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) to unsteady or short-duration tests like hypersonic shock tunnels, we need to solve the two fundamental problems. First, polymer-based PSP shows slow time response so that the thickness of PSP film must be reduced to a submicron range. However, such a thin paint film displays a very low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) because the number of photons detected by a camera is reduced with film thickness. To solve these conflicting problems, it is required to develop a new PSP that emits strong luminescence even though its film thickness is thin enough for unsteady measurements. In this study, systematic experiments were conducted to explore the potential of using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) of silver (Ag) nanoparticles to enhance the luminescent emission of polymer-based PSP. PSP coupons containing Ag nanoparticles of different sizes and concentrations were prepared and their luminescent intensities were compared. It was found that the luminescent intensity of PSP sample was enhanced about 3-fold by the addition of 35-nm Ag nanoparticles. The same principle was applied to a 0.3-μm thick of Poly(TMSP)-based PSP and the advantage of nanoparticle addition was evaluated in a shock tunnel. It was confirmed that the SNR could be enhanced 1.6-fold using LSPR excitation. Copyright © 2008 by Yusuke Miura.

  356. Experimental study on interference flow of a supersonic busemann biplane using pressure-sensitive paint technique 査読有り

    Hiroki Nagai, Soshi Oyama, Toshiyuki Ogawa, Naoshi Kuratani, Keisuke Asai

    ICAS Secretariat - 26th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2008, ICAS 2008 2 3060-3068 2008年

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    Using Pressure Sensitive Paint, the pressure distributions on thin wings of the Busemann biplane model were measured in the small supersonic indraft wind tunnel. The observed phenomenon is so complicated that it is completely different from the prediction of the simple two-dimensional theory. Referring to Schlieren photograph and CFD analysis, it is found that these complex pressure fields are caused by the shock wave generated downstream just behind the wing ridge line. The results of this experiment show that the interference between Busemann biplane wings is sensitive to a small change in flow condition. A care must be taken in a wind tunnel test to realize the design condition of Busemann biplane where the shock waves are completely cancelled with each other.

  357. 感圧塗料技術を用いた振動フェンスアクチュエータ背後の非定常圧力場の計測

    永井大樹, 山下太郎, 浅井圭介, SINGH Manjinder

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 40th-2008 373-376 2008年

  358. 宇宙機搭載を目指した小型ループヒートパイプの性能評価試験

    永井大樹, 長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2008 205-209 2008年

  359. 火星大気環境下に適用可能な感圧塗料の開発

    小野直志, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (08-012(CD-ROM)) KASEITAIKIKANKYOKA 2008年


  360. 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉に関する数値解析:衝撃波構造と熱流束について

    坪井伸幸, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 大門優, 嶋田徹

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 40th-2008 291-294 2008年

  361. 火星大気におけるプラズマアクチュエータの有効性

    磯野晋, 高垣雅彦, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2008 61-66 2008年

  362. デルタ翼Wing Rock現象の受動制御

    西村洋介, 杉本大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2008 119-124 2008年

  363. 火星大気飛行を模擬する低密度風洞の設計開発

    佐藤武志, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2008 67-72 2008年

  364. 機能性分子センサーを用いたマイクロスラスター内部流れの研究

    倉科大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2008 7-12 2008年

  365. 動的風洞試験におけるEFD/CFD融合の可能性―デルタ翼ウイングロックを例として―

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹, 宮路幸二

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 40th-2008 145-148 2008年

  366. 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発と応用

    依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (08-012(CD-ROM)) TAKOSHITSUMAKUOMOCHIITA 2008年


  367. 宇宙機搭載を目指した小型ループヒートパイプの熱輸送特性

    永井大樹, 長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 45th A132 2008年


  368. 3306 高速車両に作用する流体力評価手法の検討(OS1-3 高速化技術,OS1 交通・物流システムの高速化,利便性,快適性の向上,オーガナイズド・セッション)

    寺島 修, 阿部 行伸, 小寺 健幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 2008 (0) 61-64 2008年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmetld.2008.17.61  

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    One of the aerodynamic issues affecting high-speed trains is the flow-induced vibration of the tail car when cruising through a tunnel, which results in reduced passenger comfort. The objective of this study is to develop a method to evaluate the fluid force acting on high-speed trains. We conducted wind tunnel tests of a simplified train model using a flat plate to simulate the effect of the tunnel wall. Pressure transducers were used to measure unsteady pressure fluctuations on the tunnel wall, and Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) was applied to measure time-averaged surface pressure distribution on the train model. We also conducted Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for the same model and test conditions. The results indicated that by applying LES, we were also to reconstruct the spectrum of pressure fluctuation on the tunnel wall that we observed in the wind tunnel experiment.

  369. 宇宙機搭載を目指した小型ループヒートパイプの熱輸送特性

    永井 大樹, 長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2008 (0) 8-8 2008年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 日本伝熱学会

    DOI: 10.11368/nhts.2008.0.8.0  

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  370. 小型ループヒートパイプの研究(リザーバ制御による動作特性向上)

    長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2007 381-382 2007年11月23日

  371. 感圧・感温センシングのための色素連結型酸素透過性高分子の開発

    小幡誠, 満尾和徳, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 矢野重信

    酸化反応討論会講演要旨集 40th 149-151 2007年11月16日

  372. 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発

    依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 27 (Suppl.1) 27-28 2007年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.27.Supplement1_27  


  373. 感圧塗料による高速列車の後尾部流れの可視化

    小寺健幸, 山下太郎, 浅井圭介, 永井大樹, 森田潔

    可視化情報学会誌 27 (Suppl.1) 13-16 2007年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.27.Supplement1_13  


  374. 感圧塗料による高速列車の後尾部流れの可視化

    小寺 健幸, 山下 太郎, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 森田 潔

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 27 13-16 2007年7月1日



  375. 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 27 27-28 2007年7月1日


  376. 感温塗料を用いたエアロスパイクによる極超音速空力加熱の可視化実験

    HA Seungwon, 石黒雄一, 三浦悠佑, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 中北和之

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2006 131-134 2007年3月15日

  377. 極超音速空力加熱に対する衝撃波干渉の影響

    石黒雄一, 三浦悠佑, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 中北和之

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2006 121-124 2007年3月15日

  378. Visualization of hypersonic compression corner flows using temperature- And pressure-sensitive paints 査読有り

    Y. Ishiguro, H. Nagai, K. Asai, K. Nakakita

    Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2 1331-1342 2007年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    When a winged reentry vehicle like the Space Shuttle reenters the atmosphere, its external surfaces are exposed to intense aerodynamic heating. This is one of the most critical problems of designing the reentry vehicle. In this study, we investigated aerodynamic heating phenomena on a compression corner model that simulated a body flap of a reentry vehicle exposed in hypersonic airflow. The tests were conducted at Mach 10 in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating on the model surface was measured by using Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP), which is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. In the present study, we succeeded in getting quantitatively heat flux distribution mages caused by aerodynamic heating of the hypersonic flow. It is found that the heat flux distribution on the model are caused by shock/shock and shock/boundary layer interaction, and the magnitude of the heat flux changes significantly depending on types of shock interactions for various angles of attack.

  379. Unsteady flow measurements of a slender delta wing in wing rock motion 査読有り

    Yuichi Hirose, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2 1401-1412 2007年

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    A delta wing sets up self-excited rolling oscillation known as "wing rock" when it is placed in flow at high angles of attack. In this study, wind-tunnel tests of a slender-delta wing with 80-deg sweep angle at subsonic speeds were conducted. The phase-lock technique with a fast-responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) has been employed to visualize unsteady pressure distribution on the oscillating model during the entire wing-rock cycle. Analysis of the PSP results together with roll angle measurement and high-speed Schlieren images has revealed that the lag in the leading-edge vortex displacement and the delay of vortex breakdown play an important role in rocking motion of the delta wing. In the present experiment, PSP has proved to be a powerful tool to study the interaction of vortices with a model in rocking motion. This technique will be used to analyze the driving mechanism of the wing rock and its controlin details.

  380. Development of pressure-sensitive paint technique in a supersonic indraft wind tunnel and its application to a busemann biplane 査読有り

    K. Saito, H. Nagai, T. Ogawa, K. Asai

    ICIASF Record, International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities 2007年

    DOI: 10.1109/ICIASF.2007.4380886  


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    Using Pressure Sensitive Paint, the pressure distributions on thin wings of the Busemann biplane model were measured in the small supersonic indraft wind tunnel. The observed phenomenon is so complicated that it is completely different from the prediction of the simple 2-D theory. Referring to Schlieren picture and CFD analysis, it is found that these complex pressure fields are caused by the shock wave generated downstream just behind the wing ridge line. The results of this experiment show that the interference between Busemann biplane wings is sensitive to a small change in flow condition. A care must be taken in a wind tunnel test to realize the design condition of Busemann biplane where the shock waves are completely cancelled with each other. © 2007 IEEE.

  381. 小型ループヒートパイプの伝熱流動特性(第一報 起動特性および熱輸送特性評価)

    福吉芙由子, 長野方星, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 51st 3J15 2007年


  382. 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発

    依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (07-024(CD-ROM)) TAKOSHITSUMAKUOMOCHIITA 2007年


  383. 機能性分子センサーの燃料電池開発への応用

    稲垣俊, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (07-024(CD-ROM)) KINOSEIBUNSHISENSA 2007年


  384. 超音速複葉翼の干渉流れに関する実験的研究

    齋藤賢一, 小川俊広, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集 39th-2007 13-14 2007年

  385. 小型ループヒートパイプの伝熱流動特性(第二報 重力加速度の影響とその性能評価)

    永井大樹, 長野方星, 福吉芙由子, 小川博之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 51st 3J16 2007年


  386. プラズモン励起感圧・感温塗料の開発と高速流動現象への適用

    三浦悠佑, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (07-024(CD-ROM)) PURAZUMONREIKIKAN'ATSU 2007年


  387. A102 寿命法による感圧塗料計測の低速流への適用と評価

    山下 太郎, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 27 (1) 17-18 2007年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.27.Supplement1_17  


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    The lifetime-based method has been applied to Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) measurement in low-speed flow. Based on theoretical considerations and sample tests, a method to calculate pressure using "a-priori" method was proposed. In this method, pressure is related to the ratio of the luminescent intensity ratios obtained at two different gates between the wind-on and wind-off conditions, multiplied by a correction factor calculated from the single-point measurement of model substrate temperature. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this method, a simplified car model was tested in a low-speed wind tunnel. It was shown that the effects of non-uniform distributions of lifetime and temperature could be cancelled out by the present method. The result obtained by the lifetime method was in good agreement with those of pressure taps and the intensity method.

  388. F231 小型ループヒートパイプの研究 : リザーバ制御による動作特性向上(ヒートパイプ)

    長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2007 (0) 381-382 2007年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeted.2007.381  

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    This paper presents an experimental study to investigate the effectiveness of using a thermoelectric converter to control the loop heat pipe operating temperature. The compensation chamber (CC) was controlled at the set point temperature by cooling and heating the TEC module, of which one side is attached to the CC and the other side is connected to the evaporator through a thermal strap. The test results show that the TEC can control the operating temperature to the set point temperature. The power saving by using the TEC was also demonstrated.

  389. 感圧塗料による高速列車の後尾部流れの可視化

    小寺 健幸, 山下 太郎, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 森田 潔

    可視化情報学会誌 27 (1) 13-16 2007年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.27.Supplement1_13  


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    Optimizing the performance and increasing the comfort of high-speed trains require the knowledge of aerodynamic effects of a train shape. One of the most critical problems is a compression wave caused by a train entering a tunnel. This noise mainly depends on the cross-sectional area distribution of a train nose. On the other hand, the aerodynamic drag, the stability for side wind, and the low-frequency vibration are attributed to tail shapes. In this study, we studied the effects of train tail shapes on the flow field experimentally. Two models having the same cross-sectional area distribution but with different tail shapes were tested in a low-speed wind tunnel. To analysis the flow field around the model, we used pressure sensitive paint and oil flow techniques. As a result, we could identify the effects of tail shapes for pressure drag and cross wind stability.

  390. A107 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 27 (1) 27-28 2007年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.27.Supplement1_27  


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    Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) is applied to various wind tunnel tests as a useful technique to measure pressure distribution on model surfaces. PSP is inherently an absolute pressure sensor so that it is difficult to use this technique in low-speed flow where pressure change on a model is very small. To measure pressure with a high degree of accuracy at low speeds, we have developed a new type of PSP that responds to differential pressure rather than absolute pressure. This novel technique uses porous membrane through which gas containing no oxygen (e.g. nitrogen) is transported from the backside to the front side by pressure difference between the two. The transported gas purges oxygen near the surface and luminescence of PSP is enhanced. The results of sample tests show that the pressure sensitivity of the new PSP is higher than that of the current PSP by a factor of 100 times or more. In addition, the response of this sensor to differential pressure is almost linear and highly reproducible.

  391. 極超音速空力加熱率計測におけるTSP皮膜の影響

    永井大樹, 近江俊輔, 浅井圭介, 中北和之

    可視化情報学会誌 26 (Suppl.1) 201-204 2006年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.26.Supplement1_201  


  392. 単純自動車形状まわりの流れの感圧塗料による可視化計測

    山下 太郎, 杉浦 光, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 26 (1) 197-200 2006年7月1日



  393. 極超音速空力加熱率計測におけるTSP皮膜の影響

    永井 大樹, 近江 俊輔, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 26 (1) 201-204 2006年7月1日



  394. 感温塗料を用いた衝撃波干渉による三次元渦構造の可視化

    石黒雄一, 近江俊輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 中北和之

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2005 79-82 2006年3月16日

  395. ブラスト波が誘起する非定常圧力場の画像計測に関する研究

    三浦悠佑, 石黒雄一, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 佐宗章弘

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2005 71-72 2006年3月16日

  396. Cryogenic infrared mission "jAXA/SPICA" with advanced cryocoolers 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Sugita, Takao Nakagawa, Hiroshi Murakami, Atsushi Okamoto, Hiroki Nagai, Masahide Murakami, Katsuhiro Narasaki, Masayuki Hirabayashi

    Cryogenics 46 (2-3) 149-157 2006年2月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2005.11.017  


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    Since the next cryogenic infrared mission "JAXA/SPICA" employs advanced mechanical cryocoolers with effective radiant cooling in place of cryogen, the primary mirror, 3.5 m in diameter, and the optical bench can be maintained at 4.5 K for at least 5 years. First, the feasibility of the thermal design of the cryogenic system is presented. A 20 K-class Stirling cryocooler was then improved in cooling capacity and reliability for the mission, and the effects of contaminated working gas or new regenerator materials on cooling performance were investigated. Development of a new 3He-JT (Joule-Thomson) cryocooler for use at 1.7 K is also described, along with the successful results of a cooling capacity higher than the required 10 mW. A 4 K-class cryocooler was modified and developed for higher reliability over a five-year operational life and a higher cooling capacity exceeding the current 30 mW. Finally, we discuss a system for heat rejection from cryocoolers using thermal control devices. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  397. Molecular sensors in microturbine measurement 査読有り

    Chihyung Huang, James W. Gregory, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, John P. Sullivan

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems Division, (Publications) MEMS 2006年

    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2006-13814  


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    Microturbines have been studied for use in micro size engines as a fuel cell for power generation. These micro engines are designed to offer power output around a couple watts with a very small, compact size. However, there are a lot of difficulties for these small size turbines such as high friction, unstable rotor movement etc, that make the microturbines break down much earlier in their life cycle. These problems needed to be solved in order to improve the efficiency of microturbines. However, it is difficult to install micro sensors in the microturbine device for measurement. A novel technique of molecular sensor, known as pressure-sensitive paint and temperature-sensitive paint (PSP/TSP) has been developed to obtain the pressure and temperature field inside the microturbine device. The PSP sensors used in the experiments are PtTFPP/PolyTMSP for time-averaged pressure measurement, and PtTFPP/TMSP for phase-averaged pressure measurement. The TSP sensor of Ru(phen)3+/Polyacrylic is used for the temperature measurement. The PSP/TSP sensor is coated on glass slides and the glass slide is used as cover glass for the microturbine device. Pressure and temperature distributions inside the microturbine device have been successfully obtained with PSP and TSP sensors. The rotation speed for the microturbine varies from 1300 to 4000 rpm for different flow rates from 5 to 15 L/min for the time-averaged experiments. Phase-averaged results have been obtained with a laser triggering system at a rotation speed of 1400 rpm and volume flow rate of 17 L/min. The temperature map inside the microturbine has been acquired with the TSP sensor with a rotation speed from 1300 to 4000 rpm and flow rates from 5 to 15 L/min. The PSP/TSP sensor has been demonstrated with the feasibility of measuring the pressure and temperature field inside the microturbine device with high spatial resolution, both in time-averaged and phase-averaged measurements. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.

  398. PSP measurement of pressure distribution in a supersonic micronozzle 査読有り

    H. Nagai, R. Naraoka, K. Sawada, K. Asai

    Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 17 12552-12561 2006年

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    In recent years, an interest in micro devices and systems has increased rapidly, and this trend is expected to continue for years to come. Gaseous flow through and within such devices is a principal consideration in many applications, and its understanding can be crucial for optimization of performance. Detailed understanding of fundamental physical processes on these small scales is hampered by the lack of suitable quantitative measurement tools (pressure and temperature sensors, etc.). Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is one of the options for global distribution measurement in MEMS devices. PSP is a "molecular sensor," and has an enough resolution for MEMS. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of PSP for quantitative measurement of pressure distribution in supersonic micronozzles of the nozzle throat 250μm, such as those that might be employed for flow control and/or small satellite orbit maintenance. And we compare the experimental result with numerical simulation by the conventional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in the three-dimensional space.

  399. Effect of TSP layer thickness on global heat transfer measurement in hypersonic flow 査読有り

    Shunsuke Ohmi, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Kazuyuki Nakakita

    Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 17 12570-12583 2006年

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    Heat flux measurement in a hypersonic wind tunnel is one of indispensable requirements for designing the next generation re-entry vehicle. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in temperature on the model surface. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. This technique was applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel, but there existed uncertainties caused by TSP layer thickness. In this study, the relationship between TSP layer thickness and measurement accuracy in heat flux was studied by experiment. TSP composed of Ru(phen) 32+ as luminophore and polyacrylic acid as binder was applied on a cylinder model made of glass ceramics. The thickness of TSP layer was varied from 0.2 to 3 μm. The models were tested at Mach 10 in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating on the model surface was measured. A comparison between TSP data and conventional thermocouple data showed that the measurement error changed with the layer thickness In nonlinear fashion. In addition, the difference between TSP and thermocouple measurement was larger than theoretical prediction. For TSP layer thickness less than 0.5μm, the accuracy in heat flux measurement by TSP was within the uncertainty of conventional thin thermocouple measurement. To demonstrate the capability of TSP with the optimized thickness, tests using a 3-dimensional wing-body model have been conducted and the complicated heat flux pattern caused by shock-wave/shock-wave interaction has been observed.

  400. Application of lifetime PSP imaging method to a cryogenic wind tunnel 査読有り

    Toshiyuki Kojima, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Kazunori Mitsuo, Yoshimi Iijima, Hirotaka Sakaue

    Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 17 12527-12540 2006年

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    The intensity-based method is a most common technique to convert Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) images to surface pressure. However, this method is not suitable for a cryogenic wind tunnel because the thermal equilibrium condition cannot be achieved when the tunnel is stopped to take the wind-off reference image. In the present study, we applied the lifetimebased PSP imaging method to a cryogenic wind tunnel. Using this method, surface pressure can be calculated from two images obtained at the wind-on condition. In this experiment, a circular-arc bump model coated with PtTFPP/PTMSP paint was tested in the JAXA 0.1-m Cryogenic Transonic Wind Tunnel and PSP images were acquired using a UV-LED pulse illuminator and a multi-gated CCD camera. As a result, we succeeded in visualizing surface pressure distribution induced by a shock wave on the model by using lifetime imaging technique. However, nonnegligible deviation from pressure tap data was observed for the lifetime-based PSP data in the region of the model leading- and trailing- edges. Also the lifetime-based PSP data showed relatively rapid deterioration. These anomalies were not observed in the intensity-based PSP data in the same experiment. To use lifetime PSP imaging method for quantitative pressure measurement, photo-physical mechanism behind these anomalies should be clarified.

  401. 感圧塗料を用いた単純自動車模型まわりの流れ場計測

    杉浦光, 山下太郎, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 石田圭太郎

    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 84th ROMBUNNO.G303 2006年


  402. 微小流動研究のためのマイクロ超音速風洞の開発

    倉科大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2006 95-96 2006年

  403. 感圧塗料による燃料電池内の酸素分圧分布測定

    稲垣俊, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 84th ROMBUNNO.G302 2006年


  404. 感圧塗料による燃料電池内の酸素分圧分布測定

    稲垣俊, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (06-017(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.2 1 2006年


  405. 金属ポルフィリンを連結した酸素透過性ポリマー膜の感圧特性

    小幡誠, 松浦徳子, 矢野重信, 満尾和徳, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (06-017(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.2 8 2006年


  406. デルタ翼Wing Rock現象の非定常可視化実験

    廣瀬悠一, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2006 85-90 2006年

  407. マイクロスケールデバイス周りの流れ場診断技術

    倉科大輔, 奈良岡亮太, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (06-017(CD-ROM)) ROMBUNNO.2 2 2006年


  408. 超音速マイクロノズルの気流診断技術に関する研究

    奈良岡亮太, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部講演会講演論文集 2006 91-94 2006年

  409. C208 単純自動車形状まわりの流れの感圧塗料による可視化計測

    山下 太郎, 杉浦 光, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌 26 (1) 197-200 2006年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.26.Supplement1_197  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In applying Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) to low-speed wind tunnel testing, it is important to minimize the measurement uncertainties. There are various noise sources such as camera noise, misalignment of images due to model displacement, and temperature distribution over a model. Among these factors, we studied the effects of temperature distribution change during tests on pressure measurement accuracy. Pressure and temperature distributions over a simplified car model (Ahmed model) were measured using biluminophore paint. Sequential images were acquired at the same interval over the entire test period including the conditions before or after the tunnel run. As a result, it was found that, the most accurate result was obtained by ratioing wind-on image with the wind-off image having similar temperature distribution. In these cases, we could correct the effect of temperature distribution using a single-point measurement of model surface temperature.

  410. G302 感圧塗料による燃料電池内の酸素分圧分布測定(1)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    稲垣 俊, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006 (0) _G302-a_ 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2006._G302-a_  


  411. G302 感圧塗料による燃料電池内の酸素分圧分布測定(2)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    稲垣 俊, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006 (0) _G302-1_-_G302-4_ 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2006._G302-1_  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To improve efficiency and service life of a fuel cell, it is important to understand dynamic behavior of oxygen molecules in the cell. In other words, we need to know oxygen concentration distribution over electrode planes and inside diffused layers and its time variation. We applied Pressure-Sensitive Paint technique to this problem, attempting to measure distribution of partial pressure of oxygen along micro channels of a fuel cell. To prevent the effect of water produced by power generation process, we developed a water-repellant PSP that can withstand heat and humidity produced by power generation. Using this paint, partial oxygen distributions along the micro channels were successfully visualized, although there were noticeable effects of local temperature distribution on the absolute accuracy for the conditions with higher current densities.

  412. G303 感圧塗料を用いた単純自動車まわりの流れ場計測(1)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    杉浦 光, 山下 太郎, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 石田 圭太郎

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006 (0) _G303-a_ 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2006._G303-a_  


  413. G303 感圧塗料を用いた単純自動車模型まわりの流れ場計測(2)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    杉浦 光, 山下 太郎, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 石田 圭太郎

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006 (0) _G303-1_-_G303-4_ 2006年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本機械学会

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2006._G303-1_  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Yawing moment and side force affect behavior of an automobile in crosswind. In wind tunnel testing, these aerodynamic forces are usually measured using a strain-gage balance. However, using Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP), we can measure surface pressure and obtain the force acting on each surface. In the present study, pressure distribution on top and four side surfaces of a simplified car model (1/10 scale Ahmed model) was measured using PSP at yaw angle ψ= 0 and 20[deg]. As a result, we could correlate the negative pressure regions appeared in the PSP images with separated regions and vortices shown in oil flow. In the case of ψ= 20[deg], it was shown that pressure difference between the leeward side and the windward side produced unstable yawing moment.

  414. C209 極超音速空力加熱率計測におけるTSP皮膜の影響

    永井 大樹, 近江 俊輔, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌 26 (1) 201-204 2006年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.26.Supplement1_201  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Heat flux measurement in a hypersonic wind tunnel is one of indispensable requirements for designing the next generation re-entry vehicle. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in temperature on the model surface. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. This technique was applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel test, but there existed uncertainties caused by TSP layer thickness. In this study, the relationship between TSP layer thickness and measurement accuracy in heat flux was investigated by experiment. The models were tested at Mach 10 in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating on the model surface was measured. A comparison between TSP data and conventional thermocouple data showed that the measurement error changed with the layer thickness in nonlinear fashion. To demonstrate the capability of TSP with the optimized thickness, tests using a 3-dimensional wing-body model have been conducted and the complicated heat flux pattern caused by shock-wave/shock-wave interaction has been observed.

  415. 超音速マイクロノズル内のPSPによる圧力分布

    永井大樹, 奈良岡亮太, 浅井圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 25 (Suppl.1) 331-332 2005年7月1日

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.25.Supplement1_331  


  416. 低温風洞への Lifetime Imaging 法の適用可能性

    小嶋 俊之, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 満尾 和徳, 飯島 由美, 坂上 博隆

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 25 (1) 339-342 2005年3月15日

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.25.Supplement1_339  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The intensity-based method is a most common technique by which Pressure-Sensitive Paint images can be converted to the surface pressure. However, this method cannot be applied to a cryogenic wind tunnel because the thermal equilibrium condition cannot be achieved when stopping the tunnel to take the wind-off reference image. In the present experiment, we applied the lifetime-based method to a cryogenic wind tunnel to calculate surface pressure from two images obtained during the wind-on condition. In this experiment, the circular-arc bump model sprayed with PtTFPP/PTMSP paint was tested at the JAXA 0.1m Cryogenic Transonic Wind Tunnel using a UV-LED pulse illuminator and a multi-gated CCD camera. As a result, we could succeed in visualizing surface pressure distribution induced by a shock wave on the model by using lifetime PSP imaging method. This result has demonstrated a feasibility of using lifetime imaging method to a cryogenic wind tunnel.

  417. 超音速マイクロノズル内のPSPによる圧力分布

    永井 大樹, 奈良岡 亮太, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 25 (1) 331-332 2005年3月15日


  418. 低温風洞への Lifetime Imaging 法の適用可能性

    小嶋 俊之, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 満尾 和徳, 飯島 由美, 坂上 博隆

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 25 (1) 339-342 2005年3月15日

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The intensity-based method is a most common technique by which Pressure-Sensitive Paint images can be converted to the surface pressure. However, this method cannot be applied to a cryogenic wind tunnel because the thermal equilibrium condition cannot be achieved when stopping the tunnel to take the wind-off reference image. In the present experiment, we applied the lifetime-based method to a cryogenic wind tunnel to calculate surface pressure from two images obtained during the wind-on condition. In this experiment, the circular-arc bump model sprayed with PtTFPP/PTMSP paint was tested at the JAXA 0.1m Cryogenic Transonic Wind Tunnel using a UV-LED pulse illuminator and a multi-gated CCD camera. As a result, we could succeed in visualizing surface pressure distribution induced by a shock wave on the model by using lifetime PSP imaging method. This result has demonstrated a feasibility of using lifetime imaging method to a cryogenic wind tunnel.

  419. TSP空力加熱計測における膜厚の影響

    近江 俊輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 25 (1) 343-346 2005年3月15日



  420. 新世代ヒートパイプLoop Heat Pipe

    上野 史郎, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 509-512 2005年1月6日


  421. Innovative cryogenic system for Japanese infrared astronomical mission "spica" 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Sugita, Takao Nakagawa, Hiroshi Murakami, Toshio Matsumoto, Hiroki Nagai, Masahide Murakami, Katsuhiro Narasaki, Masayuki Hirabayashi

    International Astronautical Federation - 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005 1 633-641 2005年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Since the next cryogenic infrared mission "JAXA-SPICA" employs advanced mechanical cryocoolers with effective radiant cooling in place of cryogen, the primary mirror, 3.5 m in diameter, and the optical bench can be maintained at 4.5 K for at least 5 years. First, the feasibility of the thermal design of the cryogenic system is presented. A 20K-class Stirling cryocooler was then improved in cooling capacity and reliability for the mission, and the effects of contaminated working gas or new regenerator materials on cooling performance were investigated. Development of a new 3He-JT (Joule-Thomson) cryocooler for use at 1.7 K is also described, along with the successful results of a cooling capacity higher than the required 10 mW. A 4K-class cryocooler was modified and developed for higher reliability over a five-year operational life and a higher cooling capacity exceeding the current 30 mW. Finally, we discuss a system for heat rejection from cryocoolers using thermal control devices.

  422. Thermal performance verification for the JEM MAXI loop heat pipe and radiator system 査読有り

    Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno

    International Astronautical Federation - 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005 3 1913-1920 2005年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The thermal performance of the Loop Heat Pipe and Radiator System (LHPRS) has been verified in the thermal vacuum testing. LHPRS is used as the heat transport system to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHPRS was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it has two-condensers in parallel connected to a common evaporator. Since it is possible that the heat transportation deviates to one condenser only, it had to be investigated how the double condensers affect the LHPRS performance under various conditions. Thermal vacuum testing was conducted for the engineering model of the MAXI/LHPRS. In this paper, the test result and performance verification of the MAXI/LHPRS are described.

  423. Start-up behavior of double-condenser loop heat pipe 査読有り

    H. Nagai, M. Muto, M. Murakami, S. Ueno

    38th AIAA Thermophysics Conference 2005年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is used as the heat transport device to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) [1]. Since this LHP was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it is different from conventional LHPs [2-4] in the configuration that it has two-condensers connected in parallel to a common evaporator. Each of the radiators has different radiation area and thus the different pipe length of the condenser. It is anticipated that the thermal condition of each condenser may be independent of each other because they point toward different directions. We experimentally investigated the effects of the particular design of this LHP on the heat transfer performance on the ground. Especially, we focus on the start-up behavior from a low power state that might be one of the technical concerns for the LHP. © 2005 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  424. Performance evaluation of double-condenser loop heat pipe onboard monitor of all-sky x-ray image (MAXI) in thermal vacuum testing

    Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno

    SAE Technical Papers 2005年

    DOI: 10.4271/2005-01-2939  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The thermal performance of the Loop Heat Pipe Radiator System (LHPRS) has been verified in the thermal vacuum testing. LHPRS is used as the heat transport system to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHPRS was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it has two-condensers in parallel connected to a common evaporator. Since it is possible that the heat transportation deviates to one condenser only, it had to be investigated how the double condensers affect the LHPRS performance under various conditions. Thermal vacuum testing was conducted for the engineering model of the MAXI/LHPRS. In this paper, the test result and performance verification of the MAXI/LHPRS are described. Copyright © 2005 SAE International.

  425. 次期赤外線天文衛星SPICAのミッション部冷却システムの設計検討

    杉田寛之, 岡本篤, 中川貴雄, 村上浩, 永井大樹, 村上正秀, 楢崎勝弘, 平林誠之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 49th 2G04 2005年


  426. MAXI/LHPの起動特性試験

    永井大樹, 武藤美樹, 村上正秀, 上野史郎

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 49th 1E01 2005年


  427. 11-26-53C11-06 体育授業が生徒にどの様な学習効果をあたえるか : 「模擬授業」の実践が体育・教育系大学進学を目指す高校生の意識に与える影響(11 体育科教育,一般研究発表)

    永島 昇太郎, 永井 大樹, 本間 啓二

    日本体育学会大会予稿集 56 (0) 396-396 2005年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本体育学会

    DOI: 10.20693/jspehss.56.396_3  

  428. B308 超音速マイクロノズル内のPSPによる圧力分布

    永井 大樹, 奈良岡 亮太, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 25 (1) 331-332 2005年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.25.Supplement1_331  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In recent years, the interest in microdevices and systems has increased rapidly. Gaseous flow through and within such devices is a principal consideration in many applications, and its understanding can be crucial for optimization of performance. Most of the sensors applied to MEMS devices measurement have limited resolution restricted by the sensor size and device geometry. Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is one of the options for global distribution measurement in MEMS devices. PSP is a "molecular sensor, " and has an enough resolution for MEMS. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of PSP for quantitative measurement of pressure distribution in a supersonic micronozzle of the nozzle throat 250&mu;m, such as those that might be employed for flow control and/or small satellite orbit maintenance.

  429. B312 TSP空力加熱計測における膜厚の影響

    近江 俊輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌 25 (1) 343-346 2005年

    出版者・発行元:社団法人 可視化情報学会

    DOI: 10.3154/jvs.25.Supplement1_343  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Heat flux measurement in a wind tunnel is an indispensable requirement for the next generation re-entry vehicle design. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in surface temperature. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. This technique has been already applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel, but poses some problems caused by TSP layer thickness. In this paper, the relationship between TSP layer thickness and measurement accuracy in heat flux was studied systematically. A test model is made of engineering ceramic, which coated with TSP composed of Ru(phen)<SUP> 3+</SUP> as luminophore and polyacrylic acid as binder. The layer thickness was varied from 1 to 9 micro meters. Wind tunnel tests were conducted in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel. The model was tested in Mach 10 hypersonic flow and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating was measured. A comparison between TSP data and conventional thermocouple data showed that the relationship between the layer thickness and the temperature error is not a simple liner relationship predicted by the theory. The deviation from the theory is significant particularly for the cases with very thin coatings.

  430. 振動流型ヒートパイプの中性子ラジオグラフィによる可視化実験

    遠山伸一, 二俣亮介, 永井大樹, 松林政仁

    日本原子力研究所JAERI-Review 379-380 2004年8月

  431. 超流動ヘリウム中の衝撃波によって誘起される熱流体現象の研究

    二谷有香, 村上正秀, 永井大樹

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2003 199-200 2004年3月18日

  432. 次期赤外線天文衛星SPICAの冷却系開発

    杉田 寛之, 永井 大樹, 中川 貴雄

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 4 295-298 2004年1月8日


  433. JEM/MAXI冷却システム用ループヒートパイプの評価試験

    永井 大樹, 上野 史郎, 松岡 勝

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 4 511-514 2004年1月8日


  434. Space cryogenic system for SPICA mission 査読有り

    Hiroyuki Sugita, Hiroki Nagai, Takao Nakagawa, Hiroshi Murakami, Toshio Matsumoto, Masahide Murakami, Katsuhiro Narasaki, Masayuki Hirabayashi

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5487 (PART 3) 1625-1633 2004年

    DOI: 10.1117/12.551173  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This paper describes that the feasibility of the next Japanese infrared astronomical SPICA mission is verified in thermal design by numerical analyses and developed technologies. In this advanced cryogenic mission, in order to cool the large primary mirror and focal plane instruments down to 4.5 K for 5 years or longer without cryogen, the mechanical cooling is employed with effective radiant cooling, which compensates the limited cooling capacity of the JT cryocooler for 4.5 K upgraded from that developed for the "JEM/SMILES" mission on the International Space Station. First, thermal design of the telescope is numerically discussed with thermal mathematical models. Some configurations of radiators, shields and solar-array paddles are investigated and compared in technical and mission feasibilities. Next, the development status of the 3He-JT circuit with the Stirling cryocooler for one detector operated at the lowest temperature of 1.7 K is reported. The recent results of experiments give that the breadboard model of the 1.7 K cryocooler successfully exceeds the required cooling capacity of 10mW at 1.7K with small power consumption. Finally, the heat rejection system from those cryocoolers is discussed. As a promising candidate, the loop heat pipe is chosen and suitably designed.

  435. 全天X線監視装置(MAXI)開発の現状

    森井幹雄, 松岡勝, 上野史郎, 冨田洋, 磯部直樹, 片山晴善, 横田孝夫, 倉又尚之, 永井大樹, 三原建弘, 小浜光洋, 桜井郁也, 常深博, 宮田恵美, 河合誠之, 片岡淳, 吉田篤正, 山岡和貴, 根来均

    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2004 256 2004年


  436. 振動流型ヒートパイプの中性子ラジオグラフィによる可視化実験

    遠山伸一, 二俣亮介, 永井大樹, 岡本篤, 松林政仁

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 47th 343-345 2003年11月17日


  437. 振動流型ヒート・パイプの熱輸送特性実験

    岡本篤, 二俣亮介, 永井大樹, 遠山伸一

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 47th 346-350 2003年11月17日


  438. 小型ループヒートパイプの設計解析および試作開発


    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 47th 339-342 2003年11月17日


  439. ヘリウム中の衝撃波による熱流動現象に関する実験的研究

    二谷有香, 谷中一喜, 永井大樹, 村上正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 68th 64 2003年5月21日


  440. ヘリウム中の衝撃波による熱流動現象に関する実験的研究

    二谷 有香, 谷中 一喜, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 68 64-64 2003年5月21日


  441. 全天X線監視装置(MAXI)搭載CCDカメラ冷却用ループヒートパイプ(LHP)のEM熱真空性能試験

    永井大樹, 上野史郎, 富田洋, 磯部直樹, 松岡勝

    宇宙ステーション講演会,有人宇宙飛行技術シンポジウム講演集 19th-16th 43-44 2003年4月25日

  442. He II中を伝播する衝撃波背後の圧力変動

    二谷有香, 谷中一喜, 永井大樹, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2002 155-158 2003年3月13日

  443. 全天X線監視装置(MAXI)搭載CCDカメラ冷却用ループヒートパイプ(LHP)の伝熱特性に関する地上実験

    永井 大樹, 上野 史郎, 松岡 勝

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 3 353-356 2003年1月9日


  444. Steady and transient behavior of a double-condenser design LHP for MAXI 査読有り

    Hiroki Nagai, Miki Muto, Masahide Murakami, Shiro Ueno, Masaru Matsuoka

    36th AIAA Thermophysics Conference 2003年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is used as the heat transport device to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHP was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it is different from conventional LHPs in configuration, a double-condenser design. We experimentally investigated the effects of the particular design of this LHP on the heat transfer performance by using the LHP Ground Test Unit (GTU) on the ground. The steady heating experiment was carried out to investigate the steady state performance of LHP. When the two condensers were cooled at different temperatures under a steady heating condition, a quasi-periodic temperature oscillation was observed in the evaporator and accumulator area. We experimentally investigated the cause and mechanism of the temperature oscillation.

  445. 全天X線監視装置(MAXI)搭載CCDカメラ冷却用ループヒートパイプ(LHP)の伝熱特性に関する地上実験

    永井大樹, 武藤美希, 村上正秀, 上野史郎, 松岡勝

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 平成14年度 第3回 353-356 2003年

  446. ISS搭載MAXI冷却システム用ループヒートパイプ(LHP)の伝熱特性に関する地上実験

    永井大樹, 武藤美希, 村上正秀, 上野史郎, 松岡勝

    宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 平成14年度 147-150 2003年

  447. 衝撃圧縮により誘起されるHe II‐He I間のλ‐相転移

    谷中一喜, 上田康裕, 村上正秀, 永井大樹, YANG H S

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 66th 41 2002年5月18日


  448. 衝撃圧縮により誘起されるHe II-He I間のλ-相転移

    谷中 一喜, 上田 康裕, 村上 正秀, 永井 大樹, YANG HyungSuk

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 66 41-41 2002年5月18日


  449. ISS軌道上熱環境を模擬したMAXI搭載用ループ・ヒートパイプ(LHP)の伝熱特性に関する地上実験

    永井大樹, 武藤美希, 村上正秀, 上野史郎, 松岡勝

    宇宙ステーション講演会,有人宇宙飛行技術シンポジウム講演集 18th-15th 15-16 2002年4月25日

  450. 衝撃圧縮によって誘起されるHe II‐He I間のλ‐相転移に関する温度測定

    上田康裕, 谷中一喜, 村上正秀, 永井大樹, YANG H S

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2001 645-648 2002年3月14日

  451. Thermal behavior of a double-condenser design LHP for Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image

    Miki Muto, Masahide Murakami, Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno, Masaru Matsuoka

    SAE Technical Papers 2002年

    DOI: 10.4271/2002-01-2505  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is used as the heat transport device to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHP was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it is different from conventional LHPs in configuration, a double-condenser design. We experimentally investigated the effects of the particular design of this LHP on the heat transfer performance by using the LHP Ground Test Unit (GTU) on the ground. The steady heating experiment was carried out to investigate the effective thermal conductance through the comparison with the prediction. When the two condensers were cooled at different temperatures under a steady heating condition, a quasi-periodic temperature oscillation was observed in the evaporator and accumulator area. Copyright © 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

  452. MAXI冷却システム用ループヒートパイプの伝熱性能―(2)

    永井大樹, 武藤美希, 村上正秀, 上野史郎, 松岡勝

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 46th (Pt.3) 864-867 2002年

  453. 「つばさ」軌道上システム熱解析(軌道上評価)

    永井大樹, 二俣亮介

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 46th (Pt.3) 1041-1046 2002年

  454. MAXI冷却システム用ループヒートパイプの伝熱性能―(1)

    武藤美希, 村上正秀, 永井大樹, 上野史郎, 松岡勝

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 46th (Pt.3) 858-863 2002年

  455. 宇宙機搭載用小型・軽量ループヒートパイプ(LHP)の試作開発

    永井大樹, 望月正孝, 川原洋司

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 46th (Pt.3) 868-872 2002年

  456. CADシステム利用熱解析手法と予測精度

    永井 大樹, 二俣 亮介

    日本応用数理学会年会予稿集 2002 (0) 172-172 2002年

    出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本応用数理学会

    DOI: 10.11540/pjsiam.2002.0.172.0  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  457. 全天X線監視装置搭載用LHPの非定常伝熱特性に関する地上実験

    武藤美希, 村上正秀, 永井大樹, 上野史郎, 松岡勝

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 45th 1303-1308 2001年10月17日

  458. 衝撃圧縮によって誘起された He II 中における圧縮衝撃波の伝播

    村上 正秀, 上田 康裕, 谷中 一喜, 永井 大樹, YANG HungSuk

    日本流体力学会年会講演論文集 = Proceedings, ... meeting of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics 2001 577-578 2001年7月1日



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The propagation of a compression shock wave in superfluid helium (He II) was experimentally investigated by using the superfluid shock tube facility. A shock wave is generated in He II by the impingement of a gas dynamic shock wave onto vapor-He II interface. In fact, upon the impingement two modes of shock waves, a compression and a thermal shock waves, are induced in He II. Here, we are only interested in the former. One of our research target is the shock-compressed phase transition (He II to He I). The λ-phase transition is successfully caused in such a very rapid process as shock wave compression. The shock wave propagation properties are measured by piezo-type pressure transducers and in-house-made superconductive temperature sensors. Schlieren visualization method is also adopted with an ultra-high-speed video recorder (40,500 pictures/s).

  459. 超流動衝撃波管装置を用いた超高レイノルズ流れ研究への応用可能性

    谷中 一喜, YANG HyungSuk, 上田 康裕, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 64 152-152 2001年5月16日


  460. 全天X線監視装置搭載用Loop Heat Pipeの作動特性試験

    永井大樹, 武藤美希, 村上正秀, 上野史郎, 松岡勝

    宇宙ステーション講演会,有人宇宙飛行技術シンポジウム講演集 17th-14th 51-52 2001年4月19日

  461. 衝撃波背後に誘起されたHe II流れの高レイノルズ流れ実験への応用

    上田康裕, 永井大樹, YANG H S, 谷中一喜, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2000 109-112 2001年3月8日

  462. 衝撃圧縮により誘起されるHe IIの高度に非定常な相転移現象の研究

    永井大樹, YANG H S, 上田康裕, 谷中一喜, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 2000 125-128 2001年3月8日

  463. 微小重力下における液量計測技術に関する研究

    中納暁洋, 武藤美希, 藤山純一, 永井大樹, 村上正秀

    日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 18 (4) 263-268 2001年


  464. 衝撃波圧縮によるHe II - He Iラムダ相転移の実験的検証

    永井 大樹, YANG HyungSuk, 上田 康裕, 佐藤 隆司, 村上 正秀, 谷中 一喜

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 63 54-54 2000年10月31日


  465. 衝撃圧縮によって誘起されたHe II自由界面近傍での温度境界層の形成と発達

    上田 康裕, YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 63 55-55 2000年10月31日


  466. 衝撃波圧縮による超流動ヘリウムのラムダ相転移

    永井大樹, YANG H S, 上田康裕, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 1999 477-480 2000年3月16日

  467. 気体力学衝撃波の入射による熱衝撃波の誘起

    YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 上田 康裕, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 61 237-237 1999年11月10日


  468. 衝撃圧縮によるHe IIの非定常相変化

    永井大樹, 高野奈穂子, YANG H S, 村上正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 60th 274 1999年6月7日


  469. 衝撃圧縮によるHe IIの非定常相変化

    永井 大樹, 高野 奈穂子, YANG HyungSuk, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 60 274-274 1999年6月7日


  470. 超流動ヘリウム中の衝撃波によって誘起された温度変化

    YANG H S, 永井大樹, 高野奈穂子, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 1998 317-320 1999年3月19日

  471. 衝撃波の自由界面入射により誘起される超流動ヘリウム中の衝撃波および非定常相変化の研究

    永井大樹, YANG H S, 高野奈穂子, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 1998 321-324 1999年3月19日

  472. 超流動ヘリウム中を伝播する二種類の衝撃波の伝播特性

    永井 大樹, ヤン ヒヨンソク, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 58 228-228 1998年5月20日


  473. He II中の衝撃波まわりの温度構造

    YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 58 229-229 1998年5月20日


  474. He II中の衝撃波まわりの温度構造

    YANG H, 永井大樹, 高野奈穂子, 村上正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 58th 229 1998年5月


  475. 超流動ヘリウム中を伝播する二種類の衝撃波の伝播特性

    永井大樹, YANG H S, 高野奈穂子, 村上正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 58th 228 1998年5月


  476. 気体力学的衝撃波のHe II自由界面入射により誘起される二種類の異なる衝撃波

    永井大樹, YANG H S, 高野奈穂子, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 1997 575-578 1998年3月

  477. He II中を伝播する衝撃波によって誘起される相変化の研究

    高野奈穂子, 永井大樹, YANG H, 村上正秀

    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集 1997 369-372 1998年3月

  478. 超流動ヘリウム中を伝播する衝撃波の挙動解明

    永井大樹, 高野奈穂子, YANG H S, 村上正秀

    流体力学講演会講演集 30th 1-4 1998年

  479. 超流動衝撃波管装置の開発

    永井 大樹, YANG HyungSuk, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 57 146-146 1997年11月18日


  480. 気体力学的衝撃波の入射による超流動ヘリウム中で波動現象の解明

    YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 57 147-147 1997年11月18日


  481. 超流動衝撃波管装置の開発

    永井大樹, YANG H S, 高野奈穂子, 村上正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 57th 146 1997年11月


  482. 気体力学的衝撃波の入射による超流動ヘリウム中で波動現象の解明

    YANG H S, 永井大樹, 高野奈穂子, 村上正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 57th 147 1997年11月


  483. 超流動ヘリウム気液自由界面における第2音波の反射

    古川 徹, 村上 正秀, 永井 大樹

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 55 250-250 1996年11月6日


  484. 超流動ヘリウム気液自由界面における第2音波の反射

    古川徹, 村上正秀, 永井大樹

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 55th 250 1996年11月


  485. レーザーホログラフィー干渉計有限干渉縞法によるHe II中の熱流体現象の可視化

    飯田 光人, 村上 正秀, 島崎 毅, 永井 大樹

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 53 121-121 1995年5月17日


  486. レーザーホログラフィー干渉計有限干渉縞法によるHe II中の熱流体現象の可視化

    飯倒光人, 村上正秀, 島崎毅, 永井大樹

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 53rd 121 1995年5月


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

書籍等出版物 5

  1. 電子機器の放熱・冷却技術と部材の開発


    技術情報協会 2021年7月

    ISBN: 9784861048524

  2. 未利用熱エネルギー活用の新開発と【採算性を重視した】熱省エネ新素材・新製品設計/採用のポイント


    株式会社 技術情報協会 2014年

  3. Nano-mega Scale Flow Dynamics for Advanced Aerospace

    Keisuke Asai, Hiroki Nagai

    Tohoku University Press 2007年

  4. MEMS/NEMS工学大全

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹

    エヌティーエス株式会社 2007年

  5. 機能性色素の合成と応用技術

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹

    シーエムシー出版 2007年

講演・口頭発表等 717

  1. 低レイノルズ数中領域でホバリングする回転翼の設計手法の提案とその評価

    三瀬律紀, 西村練, 大川真生, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第63回航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会/北部支部2024年講演会 ならびに第5解再使用型宇宙輸送系シンポジウム 2024年3月15日

  2. 低レイノルズ数中のプロペラ-固定翼系におけるプロペラ新効率と空力特性に関する研究

    大川真生, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第63回航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会/北部支部2024年講演会 ならびに第5解再使用型宇宙輸送系シンポジウム 2024年3月15日

  3. データ駆動を用いた宇宙機熱設計解析の非定常サロゲートモデルの提案

    山下大智, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第63回航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会/北部支部2024年講演会 ならびに第5解再使用型宇宙輸送系シンポジウム 2024年3月14日

  4. 火星飛行機の第2回高高度飛行試験報告

    永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤田昂志, 金崎雅博, 高野敦, 安部明雄

    第63回航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会/北部支部2024年講演会 ならびに第5解再使用型宇宙輸送系シンポジウム 2024年3月14日

  5. 遷音速域における再突入カプセル模型まわりの非定常流れ場に対する定量密度計測

    井川将大, 高坂菜央, 猪狩優斗, 山岸雅人, 太田匡則, 稲毛達朗, 川野理人, 大谷清伸, 永井大樹

    2023年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2024年3月6日

  6. マイクロ秒以下の超高速応答性を持つAA-TSPの開発

    阿部淳之介, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    2023年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2024年3月6日

  7. 弾道飛行装置を用いたはやぶさカプセル模型周りの3次元密度場と模型迎角の同時計測

    山岸雅人, 高坂菜央, 廣瀬裕介, 稲毛達朗, 宇田川真介, 太田匡則, 滝川侑弥, 大谷清伸, 永井大樹

    年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2024年3月6日

  8. 再突入型カプセルの超音速域における動的不安定性の数値解析

    岡野泰人, 佐藤慎太郎, 大西直文, 永井大樹

    2023年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2024年3月6日

  9. 展開膜翼に対する空力-構造連成計算と超小型火星探査航空機翼設計への応用

    金崎雅博, 中井寛太, 永井大樹, 伊神翼, 大山聖, 玉置義治, 今村太郎

    令和5年度 航空宇宙空力シンポジウム 2024年1月19日

  10. Mars Shot Plus -超小型火星飛行機による新しい探査手法の提案-


    令和5年度 航空宇宙空力シンポジウム 2024年1月19日

  11. 第2回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験(MABE-2)の結果速報

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 金崎雅博, 高野敦, 安部明雄, 満武勝嗣, 得竹浩, 伊神翼

    令和5年度 航空宇宙空力シンポジウム 2024年1月19日

  12. 弾道飛行装置における3次元,4次元密度計測の現状について

    太田匡則, 山岸雅人, 高坂菜央, 佐藤翔嬉, 野木住隆, 滝川侑弥, 大谷清伸, 永井大樹

    令和5年度 航空宇宙空力シンポジウム 2024年1月19日

  13. Dynamic Behavior Measurement of New Sample Return Capsule for Deep Space Exploration using Transonic Wind Tunnel

    Rito Kawano, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Kazuhiko Yamada

    AIAA SciTech Forum 2024 2024年1月11日

  14. Surface Flow Measurement in Low-Rotational-Speed Rotor using cntTSP

    Ren Nishimura, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA SciTech Forum 2024 2024年1月9日

  15. 局在表面プラズモン共鳴を利用した超高輝度感圧塗料の設計

    大川真生, 伊神翼, 渡部花奈子, 永井大樹

    第19回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2023年12月22日

  16. AA-TSPの極低温二相流可視化計測への適応

    横内岳史, 常新雨, 小田切公秀, 小川博之, 長野方星, 永井大樹

    第19回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2023年12月22日

  17. PSP計測データのテンソル分解を利用した低ランク近似手法の開発

    小久保琉史, 窪田航陽, 都木誠, 伊神翼, 江上泰広, 永井大樹, 松田佑

    第19回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2023年12月22日

  18. cntTSPを用いた回転翼における表面摩擦応力場の計測

    伊神翼, 西村練, 永井大樹

    第19回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2023年12月22日

  19. 同軸反転ロータの低Re数空力振動の数値解析

    坂爪峻哉, 北村圭一, 西村練, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第61回飛行機シンポジウム 2023年11月15日

  20. CLHPの凝縮現象解明に向けたあ極低温二相流の気液界面・温度分布同時計測手法の提案

    横内岳史, 常新雨, 小田切公秀, 長野方星, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    令和5年度 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2023年12月12日

  21. 逆止弁が自励振動ヒートパイプの動作特性に与える影響(第ニ報:逆方向取り付け)

    笹岡佑全, 川口歩夢, 安藤麻紀子, 岡本篤, 永井大樹

    令和5年度 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2023年12月12日

  22. 逆止弁が自励振動ヒートパイプの動作特性に与える影響(第一報:順方向取り付け)

    川口歩夢, 笹岡佑全, 安藤麻紀子, 岡本篤, 永井大樹

    令和5年度 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2023年12月12日

  23. 新型大気圏再突入カプセルにおいて背面形状が動的特性に与える影響

    川野理人, 伊神翼, 高橋幸一, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    令和5年度 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2023年12月11日

  24. 揚力型再突入カプセルの超音速域における動的不安定性の数値解析

    岡野泰人, 佐藤慎太郎, 大西直文, 永井大樹

    令和5年度 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2023年12月11日

  25. 火星飛行機におけるプロペラ進行率が固定翼の空力性能に与える影響の調査

    大川真生, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    令和5年度 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2023年12月11日

  26. 第2回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験(MABE-2)の結果報告

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 金崎雅博, 高野敦, 安部明雄, 満武勝嗣, 得竹浩, 伊神翼

    令和5年度 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2023年12月11日

  27. Three-deminsinal Density Measurement of Wake Region behind Re-entry Capsule Model to Clarify the Mechanism of its Dynamic Instability

    Shoki Sato, Sumitaka Nogi, Nao Kosaka, Masato Yamagishi, Masanori Ota, Yota Hosono, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Hiroki Nagai

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月7日

  28. Visualization of Leading Edge Vortex in Low Reynolds Number Rotor by cntTSP

    Ren Nishimura, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月6日

  29. Heat Transfer Limit Evaluation of Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe

    Takeshi Yokouchi, Xinyu Chang, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月7日

  30. Visualization Study of Hysteresis Phenomena in a Multi-evaporator Loop Heat Pipe

    Xinyu Chang, Noriyuki Watanabe, Hiroki Nagai, Hosei Nagano

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月7日

  31. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 金崎雅博, 高野敦, 光武勝嗣, 得竹浩, 伊神翼

    第32回スペース。エンジニアリング・コンファレンス 2023年11月24日

  32. 頂点効果によるロータ推力変動の評価

    赤羽峻瑛, 原大生, 大塚光, 得竹浩, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第61回飛行機シンポジウム 2023年11月15日

  33. cntTSPを用いた低レイノルズ数中回転翼に生じる前縁剝離渦の可視化

    西村練, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第61回飛行機シンポジウム 2023年11月16日

  34. Study on Two-phase Thermo-fluid Phenomena in a 2-m Nitrogen Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe

    Kimihide Odagiri, Xinyu Chang, Takeshi Yokouchi, Atsuhiro, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月8日

  35. Aeroelastic Simulation Framework for Membrane Wings

    Keisuke Otsuka, Shuonan Dong, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月8日

  36. On the Reduction of the Flow-induced Noise using Bio-inspired Porus Material with Low Acoustic Transmission Loss

    Naoyuki Takeda, Koki Shige, Osamu Terashima, Yasufumi Konishi, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Toshihiko Komatsuzaki

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月7日

  37. Application of Post-Processing Method Using Digital Annealer tp PSP Measurement Data

    Koyo Kubota, Tomoki Inoue, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Takahiro Kashigawa, Koichi Kimura, Yu Matsuda

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月7日

  38. Computational and Experimental Study of Unsteady Flowfield around Flexible-membrane Wing at Low Reynolds Number toward Mars Airplane

    Daisuke Sasaki, Kosei Funada, Koji Fujita, Yuki Kawamoto, Shun Takahashi, TsubasaIkami, Haruka Kurahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月7日

  39. Simulation of Fountain Flow Development in Quadrotor Wake with Smmetry Boundary Condition

    Hikaru Otsuka, Taisei Hara, Hiroshi Tokutake, Hiroki Ngaai

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月7日

  40. High-speed Plasma Flow Simulation on Spacecraft and Propulsion Systems

    Masayuki Takahashi, Soichiro Suzuki, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Koki Ito, Hiroki Nagai

    the Twenty-third International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information 2023年11月7日

  41. Study on Combining Method of Time Series Flow Fields with Different Phases around Airfoil for Unsteady PIV

    Haruka Kurahashi, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月7日

  42. Influence of Propeller Wake on Mars Airplane Wing Geometry

    Nana Hasegawa, Masahiro Kanazaki, Hiroki Nagai

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月7日

  43. Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Instability at Transonic Speeds of Thin-aeroshell Reentry Capsule

    Rito Kawano, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Kazuhiko Yamada

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月7日

  44. Effects of Propeller Rotation Speed on Aerodynamic Performance of Wing in Tractor-Configuration

    Masaki Okawa, Ren Nishimura, Haruka Kurahashi, Tsunasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月6日

  45. Sonic Boom Distribution Measurement of Supersonic Projectile in Ballistic Range

    Junnosuke Abe, Toshiro Ogawa, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Shun Takahiashi

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月6日

  46. Development of Pressure Distribution Measurement Technique Using AA-PSP at Transonic Free-Flight

    Yukiya Takikawa, Koichi Takahashi, Toshiro Ogawa, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Daiki Kurihiara, Joseph. P. Gonzales, Hirotaka Sakaue

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月6日

  47. Visualization of Low Mass Flux Nitrogen Condensate Flow Inside a Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe

    Atsuhiro Gomi, Kimihide Odagiri, Yuki Sakamoto, Shun Okazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月7日

  48. Numerical Analysis on the Heat Transport Performance of Oscillating Heat Pipe with Different Heating

    Ayumu Kawaguchi, Takeshi Yokouchi, Makiko Ando, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月7日

  49. Compressibility Effects around Propeller on Propeller-Wing Aerodynamic Interaction for Mars Airplane

    Yoshikatsu Furusawa, Keiichi Kitamura, Tsubasa Ikami, Masaki Okawa, Hiroki Nagai

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2023年11月8日

  50. ゴム気球を用いた火星飛行機用プロペラの高高度試験(HIGHPER)


    2023年度大気球シンポジウム 2023年10月23日

  51. 新型カプセルにおける遷音速動的不安定性現象の形状依存性評価

    川野理人, 伊神翼, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2023年10月18日

  52. ドローンからの自由落下による新型再突入カプセルの空力安定性評価

    伊神翼, 川野理人, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2023年10月18日

  53. 火星飛行機におけるプロペラ後流中の主翼翼型に対する影響調査

    長谷川奈南, 金崎雅博, 永井大樹

    第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2023年10月17日

  54. 火星ヘリコプタに学ぶ竹とんぼの設計手法の提案

    伊神翼, 大川真生, 西村練, 永井大樹

    第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2023年10月17日

  55. ゴム気球を用いた火星飛行機用プロペラの高高度試験(HIGHPER)の概要と結果速報

    大川真生, 三瀬律紀, 山下大智, 西村練, 伊神翼, 大塚光, 得竹浩, 大山聖, 永井大樹

    第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2023年10月17日

  56. 火星の飛行探査に関する研究開発の現状

    大山聖, 永井大樹

    第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2023年10月17日

  57. Japanese Mars Airplane-Creation of new vehicles for planetary exploration-

    Hiroki Nagai

    Joint Conference of APCATS, AJSAE & AAME 2023 2023年10月11日

  58. 低レイノルズ数回転翼に生じる前縁剝離渦のcntTSPによる可視化ーアスペクト比の効果ー

    伊神翼, 西村練, 永井大樹

    日本流体力学会 年会2023 2023年9月20日

  59. Ballistic Range Experiment for Space Exploration in Tohoku University

    Hiroki Nagai, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Toshiro Ogawa

    72nd Aeroballistic Range Association Meeting 2023年9月12日

  60. 火星飛行の高高度飛行実証試験(MABE-2)の概要


    航空宇宙流体科学サマースクール2023 2023年9月7日

  61. 低乱風洞の改修について


    東北大-JAXA連携協力(航空・流体科学系) 令和4年度 共同研究報告会 2023年9月4日

  62. ALFLEX形状を用いた磁力支持風洞の静的および動的特性取得性能評価研究について


    東北大-JAXA連携協力(航空・流体科学系) 令和4年度 共同研究報告会 2023年9月4日

  63. 極低温における熱制御技術


    東北大-JAXA連携協力(航空・流体科学系) 令和4年度 共同研究報告会 2023年9月4日

  64. 深宇宙サンプルリターン計画に向けた先進的サンプルリターンカプセル技術に関する研究


    東北大-JAXA連携協力(航空・流体科学系) 令和4年度 共同研究報告会 2023年9月4日

  65. Aerial Exploration using Mars Airplane

    Hiroki Nagai

    ISAS惑星探査ワークショップ 2023年8月28日

  66. 極低温ループヒートパイプ内部における低質量流束窒素凝縮の可視観察

    五味篤大, 小田切公秀, 坂本勇樹, 岡崎峻, 永井大樹, 小川博之

    混相流シンポジウム2023 2023年8月24日

  67. 充填圧の違いが極低温ループヒートパイプの温度振動に与える影響

    横内岳史, 常新雨, 小田切公秀, 小川博之, 長野方星, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム2023 2023年8月24日

  68. 加熱部配置が自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に与える影響

    川口歩夢, 横内岳史, 安藤麻紀子, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム2023 2023年8月24日

  69. 逆止弁の向きが自励振動型ヒートパイプの動作特性に及ぼす影響

    安藤麻紀子, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム2023 2023年8月24日

  70. 周波数領域におけるPOD基底を用いた非定常PSPデータのノイズ低減

    伊神翼, 永井大樹, 松田佑, 江上泰広

    第51回可視化情報シンポジウム 2023年8月10日

  71. デジタルアニーラを用いた熱流動場のモデリング手法の提案

    窪田航陽, 井上智輝, 伊神翼, 江上泰広, 永井大樹, 柏川貴弘, 木村浩一, 松田佑

    第51回可視化情報シンポジウム 2023年8月10日

  72. 非定常PIVによる翼周りの位相の異なる時系列流れ場の結合手法の提案

    倉橋晴香, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第51回可視化情報シンポジウム 2023年8月9日

  73. Development of Pressure Distribution Measurement Technique on Free-Flight Object Surface at Transonic Speed

    Yukiya Takikawa, Yota Hosono, Toshiro Ogawa, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Joseph. P. Gonzales, Daiki Kurihara, Hirotaka Sakaue

    The 34th International Symposium on Shock Wave 2023年7月18日

  74. Unsteady Force Measurement on Cylinder Surface Using Anodized Aluminum Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    Junnosuke Abe, Shintaro Tamakuma, Toshiro Ogawa, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Shun Takahashi

    The 34th International Symposium on Shock Wave 2023年7月21日

  75. Operating Characteristics of Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipes at Different Filling Pressures

    Takeshi Yokouchi, Xinyu Chang, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai

    52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2023年7月16日

  76. Operating Characteristics of Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipes at Different Filling Pressures

    Yasuhito Okano, Shintaro Sato, Naofumi Ohnishi, Hiroki Nagai

    The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023年6月6日

  77. Visualization and Void Fraction Measurement of Condensation Flow in Nitrogen-Charged Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipes

    Atsuhiro Gomi, Kimihide Odagiri, Yuki Sakamoto, Shun Okazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023年6月7日

  78. Propeller Scale Effect on Fixed Wing within Propeller Slipstream at Low Reynolds Number

    Yoshikatsu Furusawa, Keiichi Kitamura, Tsubasa Ikami, Masaki Okawa, Hiroki Nagai

    The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023年6月8日

  79. Uncertainty Quantification of Thermal Analysis using POD-PIML Thermal Surrogate Model

    Hiroto Tanaka, Daichi Yamashita, Hiroki Nagai

    The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023年6月7日

  80. Thermal Design of a Small Re-entry Capsule during Re-entry

    Takeshi Yokouchi, Masaki Okawa, Hiroki Nagai, Toshinori Kuwahara, Nobuo Sugiura, Yuji Saito, Ryoutarou Murakami

    The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2023年6月7日

  81. 抗重力条件下における2m級窒素ループヒートパイプの熱輸送特性

    小田切公秀, 常新雨, 永井大樹, 小川博之

    第60回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2023年5月26日

  82. 炭素繊維の配向性がCFRP埋込自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送性能に与える影響

    松原幸世, 安藤麻紀子, 永井大樹

    第60回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2023年5月26日

  83. 逆止弁付き自励振動ヒートパイプの動作特性における逆止弁流動抵抗の影響

    安藤麻紀子, 永井大樹

    第60回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2023年5月26日

  84. OpenFOAMによるウィック構造内部の熱および物質移動に関する数値解析

    張 展鵬, SHEN Biao, 渡邊健斗, 松原幸世, 常新雨, 永井大樹

    第60回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2023年5月26日

  85. 揚力型再突入カプセルの遷音速自励振動に関する一自由度運動数値解析

    岡野泰人, 佐藤慎太郎, 大西直文, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会 第54期 年会講演会 2023年4月13日

  86. Physics Informed Machine Learningを用いた宇宙機の熱サロゲートモデル

    田中寛人, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会 第54期 年会講演会 2023年4月14日

  87. cntTSPを用いた前進飛行するロータの非定常流れ場構造の可視化

    伊神翼, 西村練, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会 第54期 年会講演会 2023年4月13日

  88. 火星における飛行探査の可能性

    永井大樹, 大山聖

    日本航空宇宙学会 第54期 年会講演会 2023年4月13日

  89. 低高度からの自由落下試験による新型カプセルの空力安定性評価

    永田麻王, 川野理人, 伊神翼, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    日本航空宇宙学会 第54期 年会講演会 2023年4月13日

  90. 揚力型再突入カプセルの遷音速動的不安定性に関する一自由度運動数値解析

    岡野 泰人, 佐藤 慎太郎, 大西 直文, 永井 大 樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2023年講演会 ならびに 第4回再使用型宇宙輸送系シンポジウム 2023年3月22日

  91. High-efficiency Thermal Control System for Electric Aircraft using Vapor-Liquid Two-phase Thermal Control Technology 国際会議

    Hiroki Nagai, Xinyu Chang

    The 11th Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2023年3月16日

  92. 陽極酸化アルミ被膜型感圧塗料(AA-PSP)を 用いたソニックブームの可視化計測

    阿部淳之介, 小川俊 広, 永井大樹

    2022年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2023年3月9日

  93. 陽極酸化アルミ被膜型感圧塗料を用いた衝 撃波通過時の物体にかかる非定常力計測

    玉熊慎太郎, 小川俊広, 永井大樹

    2022年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2023年3月9日

  94. 再突入カプセル模型周りの非定常流れ場に 対する 定量的可視化計測

    片桐優太郎, 猪狩優斗, 高坂菜央, 山岸雅 人, 太田匡則, 川野理人, 永井大樹

    2022年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2023年3月9日

  95. 弾道飛行装置を用いた再突入カプセル模型 周りの密度場計測

    山岸雅人, 廣瀬裕介, 太田匡則, 細野陽太, 大谷清伸, 永井大樹

    2022年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2023年3月9日

  96. 陽極酸化アルミ被膜型感圧塗料(AA-PSP)を用いた超音速で自由飛行する物体の表面圧力測定

    滝川侑弥, 細野陽太, 小川俊広, 高橋幸一, 永井大樹

    2022年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2023年3月9日

  97. Numerical Study on Suppression of Reentry Capsule Dynamic Instability in Transonic Flow 国際会議

    Yasuhito Okano, Shintaro Sato, Naofumi Ohnishi, Hiroki Nagai

    2023 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2023年1月24日

  98. Aspect Ratio Effect of Coaxial Rotor in Low Reynolds Number Condition 国際会議

    Ren Nishimura, Masaki Okawa, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    2023 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2023年1月26日

  99. Unsteady Interference between Propeller Slipstream and Flow Field around NACA0012 under Low Reynolds Number Condition 国際会議

    Masaki Okawa, Ren Nishimura, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    2023 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2023年1月26日

  100. 平面衝撃波が様々な姿勢の円柱に及ぼす非定常流体力の研究

    高橋俊, 玉熊慎太郎, 永井大樹

    日本機械学会 第35回計算力学会講演会 2022年11月16日

  101. Proposal of PSP Measurement Method Under Ambient Light

    R. Tanaka, S. Katayama, T. Ikami, Y. Egami, H. Nagai, Y. Matsuda

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  102. Development of Pressure Distribution Measurement Technique for Free Flight Next-Generation Re-Entry Capsule (2)

    H. Nagai, Y. Hosono, D. Kurihara, H. Sakaue

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  103. Development and Application of Ultra-Fast Pressure Sensitive Paint Technology

    H. Nagai, S. Tamakuma, T. Ikami, S. Takahashi

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  104. Quantitative Density Measurement of Wake Region Behind Re-Entry Capsule: Improvement of the BOS Measurement System

    M. Shirato, S. Nogi, S. Sato, M. Yamagishi, M. Ota, Y. Hosono, K. Ohtani, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  105. Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of a 2 M Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe with a Passive Capillary Starter Pump

    K. Odagiri, X. Chang, H. Nagai, H. Ogawa

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  106. Postprocessing Method for Pressure-Sensitive Paint Data Based on Mathematical Optimization

    K. Kubota, T. Inoue, T. Ikami, Y. Egami, H. Nagai, Y. Matsuda

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  107. Propeller-Slipstream/Main-Wing Aerodynamic Interaction for Mars Airplane, Part II

    K. Kitamura, Y. Furusawa, T. Ikami, M. Okawa, K. Fujita, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  108. Numerical Simulation of 3-DOF Motion of a Return Capsule in Transonic Flow

    S. Han, B. J. Lee, M. Ahn Furudate, K. Yomo, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  109. Propeller Wake Influence on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Mars Airplane in Preliminary Design

    H. Nakamura, S. Horie, M. Kanazaki, K. Fujita, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  110. Analysis of High-Speed Plasma Flow on Space Transportation System

    M. Takahashi, N. Tsunezawa, S. Suzuki, H. Sato, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  111. Computational and Experimental Study of Unsteady Flowfield Around Flexible-Membrane Wing at Low Reynolds Number Toward Mars Airplane

    D. Sasaki, A. Nakaya, M. Okamoto, T. Akasaka, K. Fujita, S. Takahashi, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  112. Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Model for Slender Multibody Wings

    K. Otsuka, Y. Wang, K. Cheng, S. Dong, K. Fujita, R. Palacios, H. Nagai, K. Makihara

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  113. Preliminary Study on Quadrotor Wake in Ground Effect Using Symmetry Walls

    T. Hara, H. Otsuka, H. Tokutake, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  114. Simulation in Micro EHD Conduction Pump with Asymmetric Flush Electrode

    T. Ueda, M. Nishikawara, H. Yanada, H. Yokoyama, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  115. Study of Heat and Mass Transport in Evaporation inside Porous Media

    Z. Zhang, B. Shen, K. Watanabe, K. Matsubara, X. Chang, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  116. Clean Energy Power Generation Using Flow-Induced Self-Excited Vibration of an Elastic Body

    K. Shige, N. Takeda, M. Okuno, T. Ikami, T. Kobayashi, O. Terashima, Y. Konishi, H. Nagai, T. Komatsuzaki

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  117. Unsteady Force Measurement on Cylinder Surface Using Anodized Aluminum Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    S. Tamakuma, K. Yomo, T. Ogawa, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  118. Dynamic Stability Characteristics of Next Generation Re-entry Capsule at Transonic Speeds

    R. Kawano, Y. Hamashima, M. Nagata, K. Takahashi, H. Nagai, K. Yamada

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  119. Free-fall Experiment of a New Re-entry Capsule Using Drone in Low-speed Region

    M. Nagata, R. Kawano, K. Takahashi, K. Fujita, H. Nagai, K. Yamada

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  120. Pressure-sensitive Paint Technique on Free-flight Object Surface Using a Set of Pseudo-reference Images

    Y. Hosono, K. Yomo, D. Kurihara, J. Gonzales, H. Sakaue, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  121. Unsteady Characteristics of Membrane Wing Applied Dielectric Elastomer Actuator

    T. Kobayashi, K. Fujita, K. Otsuka, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  122. Effects of Oscillation of Flexible-membrane Wing on Flow Field at Low Reynolds Number

    H. Kurahashi, K. Yamamoto, M. Okawa, T. Ikami, K. Takahashi, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  123. Time Response of Anodized Aluminum Pressure-Sensitive Paint for Supersonic Phenomena

    S. Tamakuma, J. Abe, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  124. Numerical Study on Propeller Scale Effect on Flow Field around Blade

    Y. Furusawa, K. Kitamura, T. Ikami, M. Okawa, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  125. Visualization of Coaxial Rotor at Low Reynolds Number Condition

    R. Nishimura, M. Okawa, T. Ikami, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  126. Stall Delay in Propeller Slipstream at Low Reynolds Number

    M. Okawa, R. Nishimura, T. Ikami, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  127. Visualization of Rotor Surface Flow in Hovering by cntTSP

    T. Ikami, R. Nishimura, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  128. Experimental Study on Thermal Performance of CFRP-embedded Oscillating Heat Pipe

    K. Matsubara, K. Sone, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  129. Numerical Analysis of Oscillating Heat Pipe with Dynamic Liquid Film Model

    A. Kawaguchi, K. Sone, K. Matsubara, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月9日

  130. Data-Driven Thermal Analysis for Spacecraft Systems -Evaluation of Temperature Estimation by Physics-Informed Neural Networks-

    H. Tanaka, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  131. Design Study of Loop Heat Pipe for kW-class Heat Transfer Applications

    X. Chang, T. Tada, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月11日

  132. A Study of Surface Pressure Variation Induced by Planar Shock Wave Impinging on a Circular Cylinder from Various Angles

    S. Takahashi, S. Tamakuma, T. Ikami, H. Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月11日

  133. Flow Field and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Next- generation Re-entry Capsules of Different Shapes at Transonic Free Flight

    Y. Takikawa, Y. Hosono, K. Takahashi, T. Ogawa, H. Nagai, K. Yamada

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月11日

  134. Experimental Study on Operating Characteristics of Gravity-Assisted Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe

    Takeshi Yokouchi, Xinyu Chang, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai

    19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2022年11月10日

  135. 数理最適化を用いた感圧塗料計測データの処理手法

    窪田航陽, 井上智輝, 伊神翼, 江上泰広, 永井大樹, 松田佑

    第50回 可視化情報シンポジウム 2022年8月8日


    S. Tamakuma, K. Yomo, T. Ogawa, H. Nagai

    The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月7日


    Y. Hosono, K. Yomo, K. Takahashi, T. Ogawa, K. Ohtani, H. Nagai

    The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月7日


    T. Inoue, Y. Matsuda, T. Ikami, T. Nonomura, Y. Egami, H. Nagai

    The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月7日


    T. Ikami, K. Takahashi, Y. Konishi, H. Nagai

    The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2022年8月7日

  140. Supercritical Startup Experiment of Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe for Deep Space Mission 国際会議

    Takeshi Yokouchi, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano

    51th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2022年7月10日

  141. Evaluation of temperature estimation accuracy using Physics-Informed Neural Network for small satellite model 国際会議

    Hiroto Tanaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    51th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2022年7月10日

  142. Thermal Vacuum Testing of Advanced Thermal Control Devices for Flight Demonstration 国際会議

    Satoshi Kajiyiama, Takuji Mizutani, Takuya Ishizaki, Kota Tomioka, Hosei Nagano, Hiroto Tanaka, Hiroki Nagai, Kan Matsumoto, Kenichiro Sawada, Yoshihiro Machida, Kazuaki Matsumoto

    51th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2022年7月9日

  143. 低レイノルズ数における柔軟膜翼の非定常流れ場解析

    永井大樹, 山本健太郎, 伊神翼, 大川真生, 藤田昂志

    第54回流体力学講演会/第40回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2022年6月29日

  144. カーボンナノチューブ感温塗料の周波数応答

    伊神翼, 高橋幸一, 小⻄康郁, 永井 大樹

    第54回流体力学講演会/第40回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2022年6月29日

  145. 誘電エラストマーアクチュエータ型柔 軟膜翼における予ひずみと膜厚の空力特性への影響

    小林達矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第54回流体力学講演会/第40回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2022年6月29日

  146. 低レイノルズ数において後縁剥離を伴う翼周り流れ場とプロペラ後流の非定常干渉

    大川 真生, 伊神 翼, 藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹

    第54回流体力学講演会/第40回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2022年6月29日

  147. 低レイノルズ数条件下における同軸反転ロータのアスペクト比の違いによる性能調査

    西村 練, 大川 真生, 伊神 翼, 藤田 昂 志, 永井 大樹

    第54回流体力学講演会/第40回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2022年6月29日

  148. Unsteady Flow Field on Wing Surface in Propeller Slipstream at Low Reynolds Number

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    2022 AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2022年6月27日

  149. 動的液膜モデルを付加した自励振動ヒートパイプの数値解析

    曽根 航平, 松原 幸世, 永井 大樹

    第 59 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2022年5月19日

  150. マルチエバポレータ型極低温ループヒートパイプの熱輸送モデル構築と特性評価

    小田切 公秀, 常 新雨, 永井 大樹, 小川 博之

    第 59 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2022年5月19日

  151. 宇宙機の高精度温度制御に向けたループヒートパイプの蒸発器コアにおける沸騰の影響に関する数値解析

    安達 拓矢, 常 新雨, 永井 大樹

    第 59 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2022年5月19日

  152. 宇宙用観測機器の冷却を目指した極低温ループヒートパイプに関する研究

    横内 岳史, 常 新雨, 小田切 公秀, 長野 方星, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    第59伝熱シンポジウム 2022年5月19日

  153. 宇宙機のラジエータパネルへの適用を目指したCFRP埋込自励振動ヒートパイプに関する研究

    松原 幸世, 曽根 航平, 永井 大樹

    第 59 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2022年5月19日

  154. 宇宙機熱制御への適用を目指した逆止弁付き自励振動型ヒートパイプの循環流化に関する一考察

    安藤 麻紀子, 曽根 航平, 永井 大樹

    第 59 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2022年5月19日

  155. Sensor Selection Algorithm for Post Processing of PSP Data using Digital Annealer 国際会議

    Tomoki Inoue, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai, Yasuhiro Egami, Yasuo Naganuma, Koichi Kimura, Yu Matsuda


  156. Methodology of Reliable Startup of Oscillation Heat Pipe 国際会議

    Hiroki Nagai


  157. 次世代再突入カプセルの自由落下挙動計測の試み

    永田麻生, 濱島優大, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 高橋幸一, 山田和彦

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2022年講演会 2022年3月17日

  158. 火星ヘリコプタ用同軸反転ロータの後流流れ場構造の解明

    西村練, 大川真生, 伊神翼, 藤田昂生, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2022年講演会 2022年3月17日

  159. 遷音速で自由飛行する物体表面の革新的圧力分布計測技術の研究

    四方一真, 田中直樹, 高橋幸一, 小川俊広, 大谷清伸, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    日本機械学会東北支部 第57回総会・講演会 2022年3月11日

  160. 陽極酸化アルミ被膜型感圧塗料を用いた 衝撃波通過時の円柱表面の非定常圧力分布計測

    玉熊慎太郎, 四方一真, 小川俊広, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    2021年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2022年3月10日

  161. 低レイノルズ数におけるプロペラ後流中の翼面上非定常流れ場の調査

    大川真生, 伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    東北学生会 第52回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 2022年3月8日

  162. Deployable Micro-Mars Airplane Stowed in 1U Cubesat 国際会議

    Hiroto Tanaka, Tsubasa Ikami, Kohei Sone, Yudai Hamashima, Kohei Takeda, Kento Kaneko, Kazuma Yomo, Kose Matsubara, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Maki Okawa, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2022年3月2日

  163. A New Way to Explore Mars with a Micro-size Airplane in the Sky -Mars Shot PLUS- 国際会議

    Hiroki Nagai

    33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2022年3月2日

  164. Development of Multibody Dynamics Formulation Based on Canonical Theory 国際会議 国際共著

    Shuonan Dong, Keisuke Otsuka, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2022年3月2日

  165. 軽量・無電力型高機能熱制御デバイス(Advanced Thermal Control Device, ATCD)の軌道上実証状況 招待有り

    永井大樹, 田中寛人, 梶山聡史, 水谷琢志, 石崎拓也, 冨岡孝太, 長野方星, 松本貫, 下田優弥, 澤田健一郎, 町田洋弘, 松本一昭

    革新的衛星技術実証ワークショップ2022 2022年2月17日

  166. 植物の微小重力下における太陽光影響評価に向けた ISS 曝露部搭載型植物培養器(Plant-BioCube Unit)の開発に関する進捗状況 2021

    日出間純, 愿山郁, 桒原聡文, 笠羽康正, 久米篤, 永井大樹, 橋本博文, 稲富裕光

    第 36回 宇宙環境利用シンポジウム 2022年1月18日

  167. Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis Coupling Unsteady Vortex Lattice Method and Strain-Based Beam Formulation 国際会議 国際共著

    Keisuke Otsuka, Shuonan Dong, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  168. Two-Phase Flow Simulation of Heat Pipe Using Sharp-Interface Level Set Method with Phase Change 国際会議

    Yuki Kawamoto, Shun Takahashi, Shuusuke Kawamata, Shotaro Nara, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  169. Quantitative Density Measurement of Wake Region behind reentry capsule 国際会議

    M. Yamagishi, J. Narayama, S. Sato, M. Ota, Y. Hirose, K. Yomo, K. Fujita, K. Ohtani, H. Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  170. Numerical Investigation: Influence of Propeller Wake on Mars Exploration Airplane’s Stability 国際会議

    H. Nakamura, S. Horie, M. Kanazaki, K. Fujita, H. Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  171. Numerical simulation of flowfields over Mars entry capsules III 国際会議 国際共著

    Michiko Ahn Furudate, Minji Jo, Bok Jik Lee, Kazuma Yimo, Yudai Hamashima, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  172. Numerical Study on Transonic Flow Characteristics over Return Capsules 国際会議 国際共著

    Seoeum Han, Bok Jik Lee, Michiko Ahn Furudate, Kazuma Yomo, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  173. Development of a thermal-vacuum chamber for study on cryogenic heat transfer device 国際会議

    Kimihide Odagiri, Masaru Saijo, Kenichiro Sawada, Tomihiro Kinjo, Yuki Akizuki, Keisuke Shinozaki, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hosei Nagano, Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  174. Establishment of High-accuracy Analysis Method of Spacecraft Thermal System using Data Assimilation (3) 国際会議

    Hiroki Nagai, Hiroto Tanaka, Takashi Misaka

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  175. Development of pressure distribution measurement technique for free flight next generation re-entry capsule 国際会議 国際共著

    H. Nagai, K. Yomo, K. Fujita, D. Kurihara, J. Gonzales, H. Sakaue

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  176. Proposal of a Noise Reduction Method for Pressure-Sensitive Paint Data Using Mathematical Optimization 国際会議

    Tomoki Inoue, Yu Matsuda, Tsubasa Ikami, Taku Nonomura, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  177. Thermal state estimation via artificial neural network for spacecraft systems 国際会議

    Hiroto Tanaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  178. Effect of Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of CFRP on Heat Transport Performance of Oscillating Heat Pipe 国際会議

    Kosei Matsubara, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  179. Low-speed aerodynamic testing of next-generation re-entry capsule for deep space exploration 国際会議

    Yudai Hamashima, Tsubasa Ikami, Koich Takahashi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kazuhiko Yamada

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  180. Aerodynamic Characteristics and Flow Field of Free-flight Re-entry Capsules 国際会議

    Kazuma Yomo, Naoki Tanaka, Koichi Takahashi, Toshihiro Ogawa, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kazuhiko Yamada

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  181. Start-up Characteristics of Oscillating Heat Pipes with Hydrophobic Channel 国際会議

    Kento Watanabe, Kohei Sone, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  182. Effect of the Number of turns in Closed-End Oscillating Heat Pipe 国際会議

    Kohei Sone, Kosei Matsubara, Kento Watanebe, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  183. Understanding of Flow-Field of Pitching Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number 国際会議

    Yuko Yoshizane, Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  184. Consideration of Suppression of Self-excited Oscillation by Different Re-entry Capsule Shapes 国際会議

    Masayuki Nomura, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  185. Unsteady Flow Field around Flexible-membrane Wing at Low Reynolds Number 国際会議

    Kentaro Yamamoto, Tsubasa Ikami, KoichiTakahashi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  186. Numerical Study on Mach Number Effects of Propeller on Propeller-Wing Interaction 国際会議

    Yoshikatsu Furusawa, Keiich Kitamura, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  187. Numerical Analysis of Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop for Thermal Control of Electric Aircraft Motors 国際会議

    Xinyu Chang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日

  188. Propeller Slipstream /Main Wing Aerodynamic Interaction for Mars Airplane 国際会議

    Keiich Kitamura, Yoshikatsu Furusawa, Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2021年10月27日


    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami

    The 19th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2021年9月16日

  190. PSP denoising method based on POD and LASSO regression

    Tomoki Inoue, Yu Matsuda, Tsubasa Ikami, Taku Nonomura, Yasuhiro Egami, Hiroki Nagai

    The 19th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2021年9月14日

  191. Comparison between closed-end oscillating heat pipe and closed-loop oscillating heat pipe by numerical calculation 国際会議

    Kohei Sone, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Joint 20th International Heat Pipe Conference and 14th International Heat Pipe Symposium 2021年9月7日

  192. 人工ニューラルネットワークを用いた熱システム状態推定におけるセンサ配置評価

    田中寛人, 藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹

    日本機械学会2021年度年次大会 2021年9月6日

  193. 扁平管往復曲げ構造を有する自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送性能に関する数値解析

    松原幸世, 曽根航平, 永井大樹, 安田陽介, 鍋島史花

    混相流シンポジウム 2021 2021年8月23日

  194. 管断面形状の違いによる自励振動ヒートパイプの性能に関する数値解析

    曽根航平, 松原幸世, 安田陽介, 鍋島史花, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム 2021 2021年8月23日

  195. 中性子ラジオグラフィによる自励振動ヒートパイプ内部の作動液挙動の可視化

    安田陽介, 鍋島史花, 堀内敬介, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム 2021 2021年8月23日

  196. Development of an Advanced Thermal Mathematical Model Construction Method for Spacecraft using Artificial Neural Network

    Hiroto Tanaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月15日

  197. Development of Cryogenic loop heat pipe for deep space mission

    Xinyu Chang, Takuya Adachi, Hiroki Nagai, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月14日

  198. Numerical simulation of heat transport characteristics of CFRP embedded Oscillating Heat Pipes for space application

    Kosei Matsubara, Kohei Sone, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月14日

  199. Parametric Study for Vapor-Liquid Separation in Evaporator of Two-Phase Mechanical pump Fluid Loop System for Lunar and Planetary Exploration

    Rin Asato, Takuya Adachi, Hiroki Nagai, Shun Okazaki, Atsushi Okamoto

    50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月14日

  200. On-orbit demonstration of Advanced Thermal Control Devices using JAXA Rapid Innovative payload demonstration SatellitE-2 (RAISE-2)

    Hiroki Nagai, Hiroto Tanaka, Satoshi Kajiyama, Hosei Nagano, Kenichiro Sawada, Kan Matsumoto, Yuya Shimoda

    50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2021年7月14日

  201. プロペラ駆動小型無人機の設計検討技法の確立を目指した空力・推進・構造の実機丸ごと統合シミュレーション

    金崎雅博, 永井大樹

    JHPCN: 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点 第13回 シンポジウム 2021年7月9日

  202. 遷音速での自励振動を軽減する再 突入カプセルの実験的評価

    野村将之, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2021年6月30日

  203. 遷音速自由飛行する次世代再突入 カプセルの流れ場と飛行特性

    四方一真, 伊田中直樹, 高橋幸一, 小川俊宏, 大谷清伸, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2021年6月30日

  204. 次世代再突入カプセルの低速飛行時の空力特性とその流れ場

    濱島優大, 伊神翼, 高橋幸一, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2021年6月30日

  205. 低レイノルズ数における同軸反転 ロータの空力性能に対するアスペクト比とレイノルズ数の影響

    山口敦士, 藤田昂志, 高橋幸一, 永井大樹

    第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2021年6月30日

  206. 低レイノルズ数下でのプロペラ後流中における主翼表面上の非定常流れ場の解明

    伊神翼, 林孝亮, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2021年6月30日

  207. 低レイノルズ数における柔軟膜翼の非定常流れ場のPIV解析

    山本健太郎, 伊神翼, 高橋幸一, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第53回流体力学講演会/第39回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2021年6月30日

  208. 液膜内部伝熱解析に向けたレベルセット法に基づく相変化解析手法の開発

    川本裕樹, 奈良祥太朗, 高橋俊, 永井大樹

    第 58 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2021年5月26日

  209. 数値計算による非ループ型自励振動ヒートパイプのターン数による影響の調査

    曽根航平, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第 58 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2021年5月26日

  210. 自励振動ヒートパイプの流路断面形状による伝熱性能比較

    安田陽介, 鍋島史花, 堀内敬介, 永井大樹

    第 58 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2021年5月26日

  211. CFRP 埋込型自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送性能に関 する数値シミュレーション

    松原幸世, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第 58 回日本伝熱シンポジウムプログラム 2021年5月26日

  212. 宇宙機用極低温ループヒートパイプの設計試作とその評価

    常新雨, 小田切公秀, 安達拓矢, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    第 58 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2021年5月26日

  213. 火星の空を翔る超小型飛行機による 新たな探査手段の提案 −マーズショット PLUS −

    永井 大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2021年講演会 2021年3月18日

  214. 誘電エラストマアクチュエータを用いた膜翼による空力特性の向上に関する基礎研究

    小林達矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2021年講演会 2021年3月19日

  215. 展開式膜翼を用いた超小型火星飛行機の概念検討

    李本茂, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2021年講演会 2021年3月18日

  216. 再突入カプセル形状の違いが動特性に及ぼす影響の風洞試験による評価

    野村 将之, 藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2021年講演会 2021年3月18日

  217. Deep Neural Network を用いた熱数学モデルの コリレーション

    田中寛人, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2021年講演会 2021年3月18日

  218. 次世代再突入カプセルの弾道飛行装置を用いた自由飛行試験

    四方一真, 田中直樹, 高橋幸一, 小川俊広, 大谷清伸, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    2020年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2021年3月3日

  219. 火星の空を翔る超小型飛行機による 新たな探査手段の提案 -マーズショットPLUS-

    永井 大樹

    超小型探査機を用いた月以遠深宇宙探査に関する研究会 2021年2月8日

  220. Response Evaluation of cntTSP for Detection of Dynamic Boundary Layer Transition in Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Daisuke Yorita

    AIAA SciTech 2021 Forum 2021年1月11日

  221. Experimental Investigation on Aerodynamic Performance of Coaxial Rotor at Low Reynolds Numbers

    Atsushi Yamaguchi, Raoul Sunil Golani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA SciTech 2021 Forum 2021年1月15日

  222. Permeable membrane wing characteristics at Reynolds number order of 10,000

    Koji Fujita, Koichi Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA SciTech 2021 Forum 2021年1月14日

  223. 植物の微小重力下における太陽光影響評価に向けた ISS 曝露部搭載型植物培養器 (Plant-BioCube Unit)の開発に関する進捗状況

    日出間純, 愿山(岡本)郁, 笠羽康正, 桒原聡文, 久米篤, 永井大樹, 橋本博文, 稲富裕光

    第21回宇宙科学シンポジウム 2021年1月6日

  224. 宇宙線反粒子探索GAPS実験計画の近況報告

    福家英之, 小財正義, 小川博之, 岡崎峻, 西城大, 徳永翔, 山谷昌大, 吉田哲也, 中上裕輔, 和田拓也, 吉田篤正, 今村光拓, 清水雄輝, 山田昇, 小池貴久, 加藤千尋, 宗像一起, 永井大樹, 今西優香, 河内明子, 小林聖平, 本木誠人, 奈良祥太朗, 高橋俊, 竹村薫, 井上剛良, Hailey Charles, Perez Kerstin, Fabris Lorenzo, Craig William, Ong Rene, Boggs Steven, Doetinchem Philip von, Boezio Mirko

    第21回宇宙科学シンポジウム 2021年1月6日

  225. 極低温熱制御デバイスの開発

    永井大樹, 常新雨, 安達拓矢, 小田切公秀, 西城大, 澤田健一郎, 金城富宏, 秋月祐樹, 篠崎慶亮, 小川博之, 上野藍, 長野方星

    第21回宇宙科学シンポジウム 2021年1月6日

  226. 火星希薄大気を模擬した低レイノルズ数領域におけるピッチ振動する翼の空力特性

    吉實優子, 伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月14日

  227. 深宇宙からのサンプルリターンに向けた次世代再突入カプセルの低速域における空力特性

    濱島優大, 伊神翼, 高橋幸一, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月14日

  228. CFRP埋込型自励振動ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性に関する数値シミュレーション

    松原幸世, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月15日

  229. 宇宙機の極低温ミッション用 ループヒートパイプの設計検討

    常新雨, 小田切公秀, 安達拓也, 小川博之, 永井大樹

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月15日

  230. 月惑星探査のための二相メカニカルポンプループシステム蒸発器における気液分離試験結果

    安里輪, 安達拓矢, 常新雨, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 岡崎峻, 岡本篤

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月15日

  231. ループヒートパイプの蒸発器コア内における相変化現象の数値解析

    安達拓矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月15日

  232. 深宇宙からのサンプルリターンに向けた次世代再突入カプセルの弾道飛行装置を用いた自由飛行試験

    四方一真, 田中直樹, 高橋幸一, 小川俊広, 大谷清伸, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 山田和彦

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月14日

  233. Deep Neural Networkを用いた宇宙機システムの熱コンダクタンス推定

    田中 寛人, 永井 大樹, 藤田 昂志, 小川 博之

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月15日

  234. 再突入カプセルの自励振動を軽減する形状の風洞試験における評価

    野村将之, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月14日

  235. マーズショットPLUS ー超小型火星飛行機による火星探査ー


    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月14日

  236. 第二回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験へ向けた空力モデルの構築

    谷口翔太, 橘高洋人, 金崎雅博, 永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 岡本正人

    令和2年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2020年12月15日

  237. 非定常cntTSP計測における 迎角振動翼での境界層遷移位置評価手法の比較

    伊神 翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第58回飛行機シンポジウム 2020年11月26日

  238. 電動航空機モーターの熱制御を目指した 2相メカニカルポンプループの熱解析モデルの構築

    常新雨, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第58回飛行機シンポジウム 2020年11月26日

  239. 非定常PSP 計測でのデータ取得条件が動的モード分解に与える影響の調査

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 松田佑, 江上泰広

    第16回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2020年11月19日

  240. 構造化照明を用いた感圧塗料計測実験の提案

    片山哲, 松田祐, 江上泰広, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    第16回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2020年11月19日

  241. ピッチスイープする翼を用いたcntTSPの時間応答性の調査

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第16回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2020年11月19日

  242. 第 2 回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験 (MABE2) の準備状況 (その 2)

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 岡本正人, 金崎雅博, 高野敦, 竹内伸介, 安部明雄, 佐々修一, 満武勝嗣, 得竹浩

    2020年度大気球シンポジウム 2020年11月6日

  243. Numerical Investigation on Three-Dimensional Flow Structure over Fixed Wing within Propeller Slipstream

    Yoshikatsu Furusawa, Keiichi Kitamura, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  244. Flexible Wing Fluid-Structure Interaction Model Coupling Unsteady Vortex Lattice Method and Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation

    Keisuke Otsuka, Shuonan Dong, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  245. Numerical Study on Transonic Flow Characteristics over Return Capsules

    Seoeum Han, Bok Jik Lee, Michiko Ahn Furudate, Nomura Masayuki, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  246. Development of PSP Measurement Technique Using Structured Illumination

    Satoshi Katayama, Yu Matsuda, Yasuhiro Egami, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  247. Numerical simulation of flowfields over Mars entry capsules II

    Michiko Ahn Furudate, Dongoh Seo, Bok Jik Lee, Nomura Masayuki, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  248. Qualitative Density Measurement of Wake Region behind re-entry capsule: Improvements in Accuracy of 3D Reconstruction by Evaluating the View-Angle of Measurement System

    Masato Yamagishi, Yusuke Yahagi, Masanori Ota, Yusuke Hirose, Shinsuke Udagawa, Tatsuro Inage, Shigeya Kubota, Koji Fujita, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  249. Efficient Flight Simulation of MABE-2 Toward Global Trajectory Optimization

    Masahiro Kanazaki, Hiroto Kittaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  250. Study of Coaxial Inversion Rotor Aimed at Realizing Mars Helicopter (3)

    Hiroki Nagai, Koji Fujita, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Akira Oyama, Kouichi Yonezawa, Keiichi Kitamura, Yoshikatsu Furusawa, Makoto Sato, Masahiro Kanazaki

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  251. Establishment of High-accuracy Analysis Method of Spacecraft Thermal System Using Data Assimilation (2)

    Hiroki Nagai, Hiroto Tanaka, Takashi Misaka

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  252. Surface Pressure Measurements using Two-Color PSP over a Free Flight Object in a Ballistic Range Facility -2

    Daiki Kurihara, Joseph Gonzales, Hirotaka Sakaue, Naoki Tanaka, Kazuma Yomo, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  253. Preliminary Evaluation of Permeability Effect on Membrane Wing at Low Reynolds Number

    Koji Fujita, Koichi Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  254. Numerical Study of Compressibility of Airfoil Characteristics in Low Reynolds Number Flow

    Yuko Yoshizane, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  255. System Analysis of a Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop with a Heat Pump for Spacecraft

    Rin Asato, Takuya Adachi, Xinyu Chang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  256. Sensitivity Analysis of Observation Point for Data Assimilation : Application to Thermal Analysis of Pseudo Small Satellite

    Hiroto Tanaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  257. An Attempt to Measure Pressure Distribution on a Free-Flight Object

    Naoki Tanaka, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  258. Evaluation of Boundary Layer Transition Positions on Pitching Airfoil for Unsteady cntTSP Measurement

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  259. Experimental Investigation on Rotor Performance of Mars Helicopter for Pit Crater Exploration

    Atsushi Yamaguchi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  260. Characteristics of Flexible Membrane Wing for Micro Mars Airplane

    Benmao Lee, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  261. Investigation of the Effect of Propeller Thickness-wise Position on Aerodynamic Performance in Fixed Wing at Low Reynolds Number

    Kosuke Hayashi, Koichi Takahashi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  262. Effect of Wettability on Start-up Characteristic of OHP

    Kento Watanabe, Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  263. Gravity Effect on Operating Characteristics of CEOHP by Numerical Simulation

    Kohei Sone, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  264. Design study of cryogenic loop heat pipe for space application

    Xinyu Chang, Takuya Adachi, Kimihide Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hiroki Nagai

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  265. A Parametric Study for Avoiding Temperature Oscillation of a Loop Heat Pipe

    Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Shun Takahashi

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月28日

  266. 軽量・無電力型高機能熱制御デバイスの軌道上実証 (2)

    永井大樹, 長野方星, 澤田健一郎, 松本貫

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  267. 大気球試験機の空力―飛行シミュレーションに基づく大域的飛行・空力制御の最適化

    橘高洋人, 金崎雅博, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  268. 進行率が異なる場合のプロペラ後流が固定翼に与え る影響の変化に関する数値解析

    古澤善克, 北村圭一, 永井大樹, 大山 聖

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  269. MABE2における空力モデルの構築

    谷口翔太, 橘高洋人, 金崎雅博, 永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 岡本正人

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  270. 大気球を利用した火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験 MABE2

    大山聖, 永井大樹

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  271. マーズショット PLUS −火星の空を翔る超小型飛行機による新たな探査手段の提案−


    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  272. 展開式膜翼を用いた超小型火星飛行機の概念設計

    李本茂, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  273. 火星ヘリコプタ実現に向けた同軸反転ロータの空力性能に対する翼型の影響

    山口敦士, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  274. 火星飛行機の高高度実証試験(MABE-2)における機体システムの熱解析

    田中寛人, 藤田昂志, 大山聖, 永井大樹

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  275. 光学式モーションキャプチャによる慣性センサの精度評価

    藤田昂志, 大山聖, 久保大輔, 永井大樹

    第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2020年10月27日

  276. Development of Prediction Model for Heat Pipe Performance Using One Dimensional Discrete Bubble Model

    Kaoru Takemura, Shotaro Nara, Shun Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai, Takuya Adachi

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2020年10月29日

  277. 通気性を有する膜翼のレイノルズ数10,000オーダーにおける空力特性

    藤田昂志, 高橋幸一, 永井大樹

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2020オンライン 2020年9月30日

  278. ルテニウム型高速応答感圧塗料を用いた低速流れ場の微小圧力変動計測

    江上泰広, 長谷川敦也, 松田佑, 伊神翼, 永井大樹

    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2020オンライン 2020年9月28日

  279. 非定常PSP計測における固有直行分解と動的モード分解のノイズ除去効果

    森重聡一郎, 山﨑遊野, 松田佑, 伊神翼, 永井大樹, 江上泰広

    第48回可視化情報シンポジウム 2020年9月24日

  280. 非定常PSP計測における動的モード分解のデータ取得条件の調査

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 松田佑, 山崎遊野, 江上泰広

    第48回可視化情報シンポジウム 2020年9月24日

  281. 自励振動ヒートパイプのターン数と内部流動との関係

    渡邊健斗, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム 2020 2020年8月23日

  282. ループ型および非ループ型自励振動ヒートパイプの内部特性調査

    曽根航平, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム 2020 2020年8月23日

  283. ループヒートパイプにおける温度振動の発生条件解明に向けた数値解析

    安達拓矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 高橋俊

    混相流シンポジウム 2020 2020年8月23日

  284. Design for Large Isothermal Evaporator Mounted on Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop

    Hiroki Nagai, Takumi Hirata, Koji Fujita, Shun Okazaki, Atsushi Okamoto

    50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2020年7月13日

  285. Data Assimilation Applied Thermal Analysis of Mars Airplane for High-Altitude Flight Test (MABE2)

    Hiroto Tanaka, Takashi Misaka, Hiroki Nagai

    50th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2020年7月13日

  286. ターン数の違いによる自励振動ヒートパイプの性能評価

    永井大樹, 長澤滉生, 渡邊健斗, 曽根航平

    第 57 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2020年6月3日

  287. 数値計算による非ループ型と閉ループ型自励振動ヒートパイプの比較

    曽根航平, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第 57 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2020年6月3日

  288. ヒートパイプの流動予測に向けた気泡モデルの開発

    高橋 俊, 奈良祥太朗, 長島弘明, 竹村薫, 安達拓矢, 永井大樹, 岡崎峻, 福家英之

    第 57 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2020年6月3日

  289. ループヒートパイプにおける凝縮を伴う二相流の非定常解析

    安達拓矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 高橋俊

    第 57 回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2020年6月3日

  290. 弾道飛行装置実験により自由飛行するカプセルの遷音速域における後流の時空間構造の特徴抽出

    桐谷英樹, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 大谷清伸

    2019年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2020年3月5日

  291. 自由飛行するカプセルの遷音速領域における後流の時空間構造の特徴抽出解析


    令和元年度航空宇宙空力シンポジウム 2020年1月25日

  292. Detection Methods in a Pitch-sweep Test by means of TSP using Lifetime and Intensity Measurements

    Daisuke Yorita, Jonathan Lemarechal, Christian Klein, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum 2020年1月6日

  293. Measurement of Boundary Layer Transition on Oscillating Airfoil using cntTSP in Low Speed Wind Tunnel

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Daisuke Yorita

    AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum 2020年1月6日

  294. Surface Pressure Measurements over a Free Flight Object in a Ballistic Range Facility using Two-Color Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    Daiki Kurihara, Steve Claucherty, Joe Gonzales, Hirotaka Sakaue, Hideki Kiritani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum 2020年1月6日

  295. Experimental and RANS analysis of Full Mars Airplane Configurations

    Shota Taniguchi, Akira Oyama, Masato Okamoto, Masayuki Anyoji, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum 2020年1月10日

  296. Parametric Study on Mars Helicopter for Pit Crater Exploration

    Koji Fujita, Hilal Karaca, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum 2020年1月10日

  297. Wing Model Using ANCF and UVLM: Multibody Dynamic Simulation and Wind Tunnel Experiment

    Keisuke Otsuka, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum 2020年1月9日

  298. Surface Pressure Measurements over a Free Flight Object in a Ballistic Range Facility using Two- Color Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    Daiki Kurihara, Steven Claucherty, Joseph Gonzales, Hirotaka Sakaue, Hideki Kiritani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月6日

  299. Experimental and RANS analysis of full Mars airplane configurations

    Shota Taniguchi, Akira Oyama, M Okamoto, Masato Okamoto, Masayuki Anyoji, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月10日

  300. Parametric Study of Mars Helicopter for Pit Crater Exploration

    Koji Fujita, Hilal Karaca, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月9日

  301. Deployable Wing Model Using ANCF and UVLM: Multibody Dynamic Simulation and Wind Tunnel Experiment

    Keisuke Otsuka, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月9日

  302. Blade Element Theory Coupled with CFD Applied to Optimal Design of Rotor for Mars Exploration Helicopter

    Kazufumi Uwatoko, Masahiro Kanazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Koji Fujita, Akira Oyama

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月8日

  303. Transition Detection Methods in a Pitch-sweep Test by means of TSP using Lifetime and Intensity Measurements

    Daisuke Yorita, Jonathan Lemarechal, Christian Klein, Koji Fujita, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月6日

  304. Experimental Studies on Effects of Mach Number and Specific Heat Ratio on Low-Reynolds-Number Airfoils 招待有り

    Masayuki Anyoji, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月6日

  305. Transonic Flow Field Analysis of a Free Flight Capsule using Ballistic Range

    Hideki Kiritani, Naoki Tanaka, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月10日

  306. Measurement of Boundary Layer Transition on Oscillating Airfoil using cntTSP in Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Daisuke Yorita

    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年1月6日

  307. MACO計画における飛行機を用いたRSL観測の可能性

    藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤田和央

    第20回宇宙科学シンポジウム 2020年1月8日

  308. 将来ミッションに向けた高性能熱制御デバイスの研究

    柴野靖子, 澤田健一郎, 西城大, 金城富宏, 小田切公秀, 小川博之, 長野方星, 永井大樹

    第20回宇宙科学シンポジウム 2020年1月8日

  309. 宇宙飛行体周りの流れ場の可視化 ―高速・高温流れの可視化計測― 招待有り


    東海大学総合科学技術研究所 2019年度シンポジウム 2019年12月20日

  310. Influence of Vapor-Liquid Distribution on Startup Characteristics in a Loop Heat Pipe

    Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    The 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference 2019年12月14日

  311. Numerical Simulation of Internal Flow in Large Isothermal Evaporator of Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop

    Takumi Hirata, Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    The 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference 2019年12月15日

  312. Study on Influence of Hydrophobic Surface on Startup Characteristics of Oscillating Heat Pipe

    Hiroki Nagasawa, Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    The 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference 2019年12月14日

  313. cntTSPを用いたピッチ振動翼上の非定常流れ場構造の調査

    伊神翼, 依田大輔, Christian Klein, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    第15回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2019年12月12日

  314. カプセル肩部周りの形状がピッチング振動へ及ぼす影響の風洞試験による評価

    野村将之, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月10日

  315. データ同化手法を用いた宇宙機熱状態推定手法の提案

    田中寛人, 永井大樹, 三坂孝志

    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月9日

  316. 遷音速域において自由飛行するはやぶさカプセルの後流解析

    桐谷英樹, 田中直樹, 藤田昂志, 小川俊広, 大谷清伸, 永井大樹

    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月10日

  317. CubeSatへの搭載を想定した超小型火星飛行機の空力性能評価

    間宮一誠, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月9日

  318. 宇宙で確実に始動し;持続的に作動する自励振動ヒートパイプに対する一考察


    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月9日

  319. 深宇宙探査などの極限環境下における熱制御システムとしての二相メカニカルポンプループシステムの提案


    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月9日

  320. 宇宙機の熱流体システムに関する研究 招待有り


    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月10日

  321. ループヒートパイプ起動時の輸送管内における流れの数値解析

    安達拓矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 高橋俊

    令和元年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2019年12月9日

  322. Aeroelastic Deformation Measurement of Mars Airplane for High-Altitude Flight Experiment Using Stereo Photogrammetry Technique

    Shuichi Hiramatsu, Masayuki Anyoji, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama, Hiroyuki Kato

    The 11th International Meeting on Advances in Thermofluids 2019年11月7日

  323. Visualization study of multi-evaporators loop heat pipe under different heating conditions

    Xinyu Chang, Hiroki Nagai, Noriyuki Watanabe, Hosei Nagano, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月8日

  324. Study on Effect of Vapor Flow Path Shape in Large Isothermal Evaporator of Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop

    Takumi Hirata, Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  325. Study on Start-up Characteristics of the Hydrophobized OHP

    Hiroki Nagasawa, Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  326. Surface Pressure Measurements using Two-Color PSP over a Free Flight Object in a Ballistic Range Facility

    Daiki Kurihara, Steven Claucherty, Joseph Gonzales, Hirotaka Sakaue, Hideki Kiritani, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  327. Numerical Simulation of Flowfields Over Mars Entry Capsules

    Michiko Ahn Furudate, Bok Jik Lee, Nomura Masayuki, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  328. Investigation of a Time Response of cntTSP Sensor for a Dynamic Visualization of the Laminar-to-turbulent Boundary Layer Transition

    Daisuke Yorita, Jonathan Lemarechal, Christian Klein, Koji Fujita, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  329. Establishment of High-accuracy Analysis Method of Spacecraft Thermal System using Data Assimilation

    Hiroki Nagai, Hiroto Tanaka, Takashi Misaka

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  330. Study of Coaxial Inversion Rotor Aimed at Realizing Mars Helicopter

    Hiroki Nagai, Koji Fujita, Akira Oyama, Kouichi Yonezawa

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  331. Triple-phase Contact Line Dynamics of Sticky and Slippery Surfaces

    Raza Gulfam, Peng Zhang, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  332. Application of Two-phase Thermo-fluid Simulation for Accurate Design of Oscillating Heat Pipe

    Kaoru Takemura, Yuki Kawamoto, Shun Takahashi, Hiroaki Nagashima, Takuya Adachi, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  333. Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Derivatives for Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment-2 (MABE-2)

    Masahiro Kanazaki, Hiroto Kittaka, Akira Oyama, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  334. Validation of Fast‐Pressure‐Sensitive Paint for Measuring Small Pressure Fluctuation

    Yasuhiro Egami, Yuya Yamazaki, Yu Matsuda, Tsubasa Ikami, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  335. Comparison of 2D and 3D Simulation Models for Deployable Wing

    Keisuke Otsuka, Takahiro Suzaki, Yinan Wang, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Kanjuro Makihara

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  336. Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft using Data Assimilation

    Hiroto Tanaka, Hiroki Nagai, Takashi Misaka

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  337. Aerodynamic Design of Micro-size Mars Airplane

    Issei Mamiya, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月6日

  338. PIV Measurement of Oscillating Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月6日

  339. Free-Flight Test of Different Re-Entry Capsule Shapes at Transonic Speed

    Hideki Kiritani, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月6日

  340. 第2回火星飛行機高高度飛行試験(MABE2)の準備状況

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 岡本正人, 金崎雅博, 安部明雄, 佐々修一, 得竹浩, 高野敦, 満武勝嗣

    2019年度大気球シンポジウム 2019年11月

  341. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験計画MABE2の概要

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 岡本正人, 金崎雅博, 安部明雄, 佐々修一, 得竹浩, 高野敦, 満武勝嗣

    第63回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2019年11月

  342. 軽量・無電力型高機能熱制御デバイスの軌道上実証

    永井大樹, 長野方星, 澤田健一郎, 松本貫, 野田香菜子, 秋月祐樹, 石崎拓也, 冨岡孝太, 水谷琢志, 小嶋涼太

    第63回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2019年11月

  343. RSL観測用火星飛行機の初期概念検討

    藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 大山聖, 藤田和央

    第63回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2019年11月

  344. 低速流れでの動的な境界層遷移計測におけるcntTSPの時間応答性の調査

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 依田大輔, Christian Klein

    第57回飛行機シンポジウム 2019年11月

  345. Classification of Internal Flow Pattern of Oscillating Heat Pipe by Pressure Variation

    Hiroki Nagai, Nao Inoue

    1st International Symposium on Oscillating/Pulsating Heat Pipes (ISOPHP 2019) 2019年9月27日

  346. Numerical Simulation of Oscillating/Pulsating Heat Pipe to understand Internal Flow 招待有り

    Hiroki Nagai

    International Symposium on Oscillating/Pulsating Heat Pipes (ISOPHP 2019) 2019年9月27日

  347. Reliable Startup of Oscillating Heat Pipe for Space Application

    Hiroki Nagai, Nao Inoue, Hiroki Nagasawa, Makiko Andoh, Rui Matsutomo, Atsushi Okamoto, Hiroyuki Sugita

    1st International Symposium on Oscillating/Pulsating Heat Pipes (ISOPHP 2019) 2019年9月27日

  348. Experimental study on Start-up characteristics of Oscillating heat pipe with check valves

    Makiko Ando, Atsushi Okamoto, Kousuke Tanaka, Rui Matsumoto, Nao Inoue, Hiroki Nagasawa, Hiroki Nagai

    1st International Symposium on Oscillating/Pulsating Heat Pipes (ISOPHP 2019) 2019年9月26日

  349. 超小型火星飛行機を用いた火星探査ミッションの検討と設計

    間宮一誠, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    日本機械学会 第29回設計工学・システム部門講演会 2019年9月26日

  350. Surface Pressure Measurement of Free-Flight Sphere Using Motion-Capturing PSP Method

    Naoki Tanaka, Hiroki Nagai, Hideki Kiritani, Daiki Kurihara, Joseph Gonzales, Hirotaka Sakaue

    7th Japanese-German Joint Seminar -Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research- 2019年9月17日

  351. Evaluation of cntTSP for Boundary Layer Transition Detection in Low Speed Flow

    Tsubasa Ikami, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Daisuke Yorita, Christian Klein

    7th Japanese-German Joint Seminar -Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research- 2019年9月17日

  352. Thermal Analysis of Spacecraft using Data Assimilation

    Hiroto Tanaka, Hiroki Nagai, Takashi Misaka

    Thermal & Fluid Analysis Workshop 2019 2019年8月29日

  353. Numerical Simulation of Transient Behavior of Vapor-Liquid Distribution in a Loop Heat Pipe

    Takuya Adachi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    Thermal & Fluid Analysis Workshop 2019 2019年8月27日

  354. 気液二相流体メカニカルポンプループに搭載した大面積等温蒸発器における非等温現象の解明

    平田拓巳, 安達拓矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム2019 2019年8月6日

  355. ループヒートパイプの起動特性に対する気液分布の影響

    安達拓矢, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹

    混相流シンポジウム2019 2019年8月6日

  356. Non-linear Effects of Pressure Disturbances on Sharp Cone Measured in High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel

    Tatsuya Tonai, Katsuhiro Ito, Hideyuki Tanno, Hiroki Nagai

    The 32nd International Symposia on Shock Waves 2019年7月18日

  357. An Experimental Attempt to Improve Start-up Characteristics of Oscillating Heat Pipe with Check Valves

    Makiko Ando, Atsushi Okamoto, Kousuke Tanaka, Rui Matsumoto, Nao Inoue, Hiroki Nagasawa, Hiroki Nagai

    49th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2019年7月7日

  358. カーボンナノチューブ感温塗料を利用した低速流れにおけるNACA0012翼の動的境界層遷移計測

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 依田大輔, Christian Klein

    第51回流体力学講演会/第37回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム 2019年7月1日

  359. Quantitative Density Measurement of Unsteady Flow Field around A Sphere in The Ballistic Range

    Masanori Ota, Yusuke Hirose, Kazuki Ishikawa, Yoshiyuki Ishimoto, Takumi Nagashima, Shinsuke Udagawa, Tatsuro Inage, Kazuki Fujita, Hideki Kiritani, Koji Fujita, Kiyonobu Ohtani, Hiroki Nagai

    The 32nd International Symposia on Shock Waves 2019年7月

  360. Numerical Study for Reliable Start-up of Oscillating Heat Pipe with Surface Roughness

    Hiroki Nagai, Nao Inoue, Hiroki Nagasawa, Makiko Ando, Rui Matsumoto, Atsushi Okamoto, Hiroyuki Sugita

    32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2019年6月20日

  361. Research on Improving Performance of Coaxial Rotor of Mars Helicopter for Vertical Hole Exploration on Mars

    Koji Fujita, Kensuke Kanou, Koichi Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2019年6月20日

  362. A Feasibility Analysis of Collaborative Mission Using Mars Airplane and Mars Balloon - Mars aerial-Exploration for Terrestrial and Tropospheric Environment Observation -

    Hiroto Tanaka, Issei Mamiya, Hideki Kiritani, Hiroki Nagasawa, Takumi Hirata, Tatsuya Tonai, Hiroki Nagai, Koji Fujita

    32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2019年6月20日

  363. 表面特性に着目した自励振動ヒートパイプの始動特性改善

    永井大樹, 井上菜生, 長澤滉生

    第56回伝熱シンポジウム 2019年5月30日

  364. Experimental Investigation of Propeller Slipstream Effect on Membrane-Skin Wing at Low Reynolds Number

    Koji Fujita, Kechacoop Kanbodin, Koichi Takahashi, Hiroki Nagai

    16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2019年11月7日

  365. 低速風洞での流れ場計測におけるcntTSPの応答性評価

    伊神翼, 藤田昂志, 永井大樹, 依田大輔, Christian Klein

    第47回可視化情報シンポジウム 2019年7月26日

  366. Aerodynamic characteristics of mars airplane airfoils with control surface in propeller slipstream

    Kakeru Kurane, Kenta Uechi, Koichi Takahashi, Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018 2018年1月1日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    © 2018, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. Aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils in a propeller slipstream were investigated at low Reynolds number. The effects of a propeller slipstream on control surface effectiveness were clarified by aerodynamic force measurement and the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurement. The tests were conducted using the small low-turbulence wind tunnel in the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, at the chord Reynolds number of 3.0×10 4 . The airfoils tested were the Ishii and T1-2 airfoils, the two main candidates for the Japanese Mars airplane. Two configurations were used in the testing, one configuration with a propeller set in front of the wing and one configuration without a propeller to be used as a baseline. For the case without the propeller, the Ishii airfoil control surface effectiveness increased according to the deflection angle. However, the effectiveness of the T1-2 airfoil did not increase at certain angles of attack. When the propeller was set, the effectiveness increased according to the deflection angle for both airfoils. These results indicate that a propeller would have a positive effect on controllability of a Mars airplane.

  367. 火星飛行機の実現に向けた空力課題への挑戦

    永井 大樹, 大山 聖, 安養寺 正之, 岡本 正人, 藤田 昂志, 米本 浩一

    年会講演会講演集 2017年4月13日

  368. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)の概要

    大山 聖, 永井 大樹, 得竹 浩, 藤田 昂志, 安養寺 正之, 豊田 裕之, 宮澤 優, 米本 浩一, 岡本 正人, 野々村 拓, 元田 敏和, 竹内 伸介, 鎌田 幸男, 大槻 真嗣, 浅井 圭介, 藤井 孝藏

    年会講演会講演集 2017年4月13日

  369. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)における機体姿勢の推定

    得竹 浩, 藤田 昂志, 大山 聖, 永井 大樹

    年会講演会講演集 2017年4月13日

  370. 進化計算に基づく火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)の制御パラメータ最適化

    藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 得竹 浩, 大山 聖

    年会講演会講演集 2017年4月13日

  371. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)における空力特性

    安養寺 正之, 岡本 正人, 藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 大山 聖

    年会講演会講演集 2017年4月13日

  372. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験(MABE-1)における機体システムの熱解析

    永井 大樹, 小田 泰之, 大丸 拓郎, 大山 聖, 藤田 昂志

    年会講演会講演集 2017年4月13日

  373. Operating Characteristics of Loop Heat Pipe With Two Evaporators and Two Condensers under atmospheric condition

    X. Chang, H. Nagano, S. Okazaki, H. Ogawa, H. Nagai

    Proceedings of Asian Conference on Thermal Science 2017 2017年3月

  374. Global Heat Flux Measurement Using Temperature-Sensitive Paint in High-Enthalpy Shock Tunnel HIEST

    T. Nagayama, H. Nagai, H. Tanno, T. Komuro

    Proceedings of AIAA SciTech2017 2017年1月

  375. カプセル形状模型を用いた動的安定落下試験

    丹野 英幸, 小室 智幸, 山田 哲哉, 永井 伸治, 永井 大樹

    年次大会 2017年

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    <p>A free-flight drop test is planned to evaluate aerodynamic stability of reentry capsules under subsonic condition. The final goal of the work is to obtain benchmarks of stability characteristics to compare with wind tunnel test results or CFD calculations. The model is a scaled models of a Japanese small reentry capsule, which diameter were 250mm. Nine onboard accelerometer modules are instrumented in the model to determine six-components aerodynamic characteristics. In the pre-drop test, acceleration histories are successfully measured with the onboard instruments, which demonstrates the feasibility of the present measurement scheme.</p>

  376. プロペラ設置位置による火星飛行機の空力性能向上について

    平成28年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2016年12月

  377. 火星飛行機の熱設計における不確定パラメータ推定への適用検討

    平成28年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2016年12月

  378. 数値解析を用いた自励振動ヒートパイプの逆止弁流動抵抗感度解析

    平成28年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2016年12月

  379. 大面積等温蒸発部を搭載した気液二相流体メカニカ ルポンプループの設計検討

    平成28年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2016年12月

  380. 非定常内部流動モデルによるループヒートパイプのスタートアップ現象の解明

    平成28年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2016年12月

  381. Evaluation of the Thermal Analysis for Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment-1 国際会議

    4th International Forum on Heat Transfer 2016年11月

  382. Operating Characteristics of a Loop Heat Pipe with Two Evaporators and Two Condensers, Experiment Result and Mathematical Model under Thermal Vacuum Condition 国際会議

    4th International Forum on Heat Transfer 2016年11月

  383. 高温衝撃風洞HIESTにおける空力加熱率計測の定量的評価

    第12回「学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム」 2016年11月

  384. 高高度飛行試験における火星飛行機の空力データ取得

    平成28年度大気球シンポジウム 2016年11月

  385. 高高度飛行試験における火星飛行機の空力データ取得

    平成28年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2016年11月

  386. 南極周回気球による宇宙線反粒子探索実験GAPSの現状報告

    平成28年度大気球シンポジウム 2016年11月

  387. Effect of Propeller Positions and Rotation Directions on Wing at Low Reynolds Number 国際会議

    13th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2016年10月

  388. Effect of Propeller Positions and Rotation Directions on Wing at Low Reynolds Number 国際会議

    The 2016 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology 2016年10月

  389. Evaluation of Effect of a Secondary Wick on Thermal Performance of a Loop Heat Pipe Using Simple Mathematical Model 国際会議

    13th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2016年10月

  390. Evaluation of Heat Flux Measurement Using Temperature-Sensitive Paint in High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel 国際会議

    13th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2016年10月

  391. Temperature Prediction of Mars Airplane Balloon Experiment-1 国際会議

    13th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2016年10月

  392. 火星飛行機の高高度飛行試験結果の速報

    第54回飛行機シンポジウム 2016年10月

  393. 逆止弁付き自励振動ヒートパイプ軌道上実証試験における始動特性に関する考察

    大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹, 安藤 麻紀子, 田中 洸輔, 岡本 篤, 杉田 寛之

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2016年9月6日

  394. セカンダリウィックがLoop Heat Pipe の熱輸送性能に与える影響の簡易数学モデルによる評価

    安達 拓矢, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹

    第60回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2016年9月6日

  395. 高高度飛行試験ミッションにおける火星探査飛行機の温度予測

    小田 泰之, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹

    第60回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2016年9月6日

  396. 将来深宇宙探査用 二相流体メカニカルポンプループ の システム検討

    坂元 健一, 大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹, Sunada Eric, Bhandari Pradeep, Furst Benjamin, Cappucci Stefano

    第60回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2016年9月6日

  397. Development of Japanese Mars Airplane 国際会議

    67th International Astronautical Congress 2016年9月

  398. Effect of Yaw-tilted Hinge Axis on Deployment Robustness of Mars Airplane 国際会議

    30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2016年9月

  399. 高温衝撃風洞HIESTにおける感温塗料技術を用いた空力加熱計測技術の現状

    一般社団法人日本機械学会 2016年度年次大会 2016年9月

  400. System trade-off analysis of two-phase mechanically pumped fluid loop for thermal control of future deep space missions 国際会議

    Thermal & Fluids Analysis Workshop TFAWS 2016 2016年8月

  401. 圧力振動による自励振動ヒートパイプの内部流動様式の分類

    日本混相流シンポジウム2016 2016年8月

  402. 数値解析による平板型ヒートパイプ軌道上実験の検証

    日本混相流シンポジウム2016 2016年8月

  403. A Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop for Thermal Control of Deep Space Science Missions 国際会議

    46th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2016年7月

  404. Comparison between Numerical Simulation and On-orbit Experiment of Oscillating Heat Pipes 国際会議

    46th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2016年7月

  405. 火星飛行機に最適化された主翼の空力特性に関する実験的評価

    第48回流力講演会 2016年7月

  406. 低レイノルズ数におけるプロペラ後流の影響を受ける石井翼の空力性能

    第48回流力講演会 2016年7月

  407. A study on circulation flow of Oscillating Heat Pipe with check valves by visualization 国際会議

    Joint 18th International Heat Pipe Conference and 12th International Heat Pipe Symposium 2016年6月

  408. 高温衝撃風洞HIESTにおける感温塗料技術の適用とその評価

    第44回可視化情報シンポジウム 2016年6月

  409. 国外における超音速&極超音速柔軟構造空力減速装置の研究開発の動向について

    永井 大樹

    年会講演会講演集 2016年4月14日

  410. 国外における超音&極超音 柔軟構空力減装置の研究開発の動向について

    一般社団法人日本航空宇宙学会第47期年会講演会 2016年4月

  411. バリスティックレンジを用いたカプセル形状模型空力安定性評価

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2016年講演会ならびに第17回再使用型宇宙推進系シンポジウム 2016年3月

  412. Development of Japanese mars airplane

    Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2016年1月

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    Copyright © 2016 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. Mars is the next milestone in our exploration of the solar system. The presence of an atmosphere on Mars signifies that an airplane could travel in its atmosphere using the aerodynamic forces of flight. The airplane allows for a platform that can cover a larger area of exploration than is currently available. A reconnaissance airplane offers the possibility to obtain high-resolution data on a regional scale of several hundreds to thousands of kilometers, which cannot be achieved with rovers or satellites. There is an extremely high demand for the exploration of Mars using an airplane that can fly in its atmosphere. One of the big problems for a Mars Airplane is the very low atmospheric density on Mars. So, it is difficult to obtain the required lift, as the wing area required to generate enough lift is inversely proportional to the density. So in order to reduce the required lift, thorough weight reduction is needed. Even so, a Mars Airplane needs a large wing area, which leads to another problem. To transport to Mars, a Mars Airplane must be small and compact. As a way to solve this conflicting problem, the Mars Airplane needs some deployment mechanisms. Various hurdles, including those described above, must be overcome in order to realize the flight exploration of Mars and all of them require innovative technological solutions. Hence, the Mars Airplane Working Group was established in 2010 with the aim of conducting flight technology validations for the MELOS1 mission using a compact airplane in JAXA/ISAS. The working group aims to realize Mars exploration using an airplane for the first time ever. At present, the mission being considered for the Mars exploration plane is "flying over a range of about 100 km to capture ground surface images and observing high-resolution images of residual magnetic fields." Cameras and magnetic field observation equipment are mounted as payloads on the airplane, which is expected to fly over a range of 100 km at a speed of 60 m/s. In the conceptual design, the weight of the airplane is about 4.0 kg, the span length is about 2.5 m, and the total length is about 2.0 m. This paper provides a summary of the Mars airplane development being considered by the working group in Japan and discusses the technical issues addressed in order to realize a Mars airplane.

  413. Effect of yaw-tilted hinge axis on deployment robustness of mars airplane

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2016 2016年1月

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    This paper investigates the robustness of the aerial deployment behavior of the foldable-wing airplane for Mars exploration especially focused on the effect of the hinge axis tilting in a yaw direction. This study deals with four dispersive parameters for the robustness evaluation: drop velocity, surrounding gust velocity, initial pitch angle, and height. The robustness of several tilted and non-tilted hinge axis designs are calculated and then compared. The result clearly shows that the tilted hinge axis design can deploy with lower torque than the torque of the non-tilted hinge axis design. The increase of sideslip angle due to the hinge axis tilting suppressed an aerodynamic force on the deploying wing.

  414. GAPS用大型自励振動ヒートパイプの開発

    平成27年度宇宙科学シンポジウム 2016年1月

  415. Robust Aerial Deployment of Mars Airplane with Tilted Folding-Axis 国際会議

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    AIAA SciTech2016 2016年1月1日

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    © 2016, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. A folding wing is an effective deployment mechanism for the airplane that is used for Mars exploration. A spring loaded hinge is considered as a deployment actuator for Mars airplane in Japan. A hinge torque is one of the primitive design variables to control the aerial deployment behavior. The required hinge torque for deployment is directly concerned with the deployment mechanism mass. Since the Mars airplane requires thorough mass reduction, it is necessary to reduce the required hinge torque while keeping high robustness for the aerial deployment. This paper investigates the robustness of the aerial deployment behavior especially focused on the effect of the hinge axis tilting. The hinge axis of the non- tilted hinge axis design is defined to be parallel to the X-axis of the center body coordinates. The conditions to judge whether the deployment succeeded or failed are defined for the state of the airplane. The margins of the airplane state for the conditions are set to the evaluation functions of the safety. The robustness of the safety is evaluated using the sigma level where the sigma level is a function of the average and standard deviation of the evaluation functions. For the robustness evaluation, this study deals with four dispersive parameters: drop velocity, surrounding gust velocity, initial pitch angle, and height. The robustness of several tilted and non-tilted hinge axis designs are calculated and then compared. The result clearly shows that the tilted hinge axis design can deploy with lower torque than the torque of the non-tilted hinge axis design. The motions of the individual cases are then studied to reveal the effect of the hinge axis tilting. It is clarified that the tilted hinge axis design is able to set the angle of attack of the outer wing positive under the wide range of conditions. Therefore, the aerodynamic force assists the deployment. In the appropriate condition, the wings deploy without torque of the deployment actuator.

  416. Visualization of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition on Elliptic Cone in High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel with Temperature-Sensitive Paint 国際会議

    Takehiro Nagayama, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komuro

    AIAA SciTech2016 2016年1月1日

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    © 2016, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All Rights Reserved. A flow visualization with TSP (Temperature-sensitive paint) was given on the hypersonic boundary layer transition on an elliptic cone in the High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel JAXA-HIEST. The present study firstly investigated the issue of white basecoat thickness to the luminescent intensity and temperature sensitivity of TSP, which was particularly produced for short duration measurements. It was discovered that the thickness of basecoat does not touch on the characteristic of TSP. Moreover, thickness of 15 μm was found to raise the maximum luminescent intensity of TSP. With the basecoat and the TSP, surface temperature successfully visualized the hypersonic boundary layer transition on a side of the cone at stagnation enthalpy H 0 = 3.0 MJ/kg. Accuracy of the present measurement was discussed through the comparison with thermocouple measurements involving surface temperature augmentation due to boundary layer transition.

  417. 高温衝撃風洞HIESTにおける極超音速飛行体の 境界層遷移可視化

    平成 27年度 航空宇宙空力シンポジウム 2016年1月

  418. 将来宇宙機に適用する熱制御技術の開発

    平成27年度宇宙科学シンポジウム 2016年1月

  419. 南極周回気球による宇宙線反粒子探索計画GAPS

    平成27年度宇宙科学シンポジウム 2016年1月

  420. 南極周回気球による宇宙線反粒子探索計画GAPSの近況報告

    日本物理学会 第71回年次大会(2016年) 2016年1月

  421. Effects of Check Valves on Thermal and Flow Characteristics of Oscillating Heat Pipes

    Takurou Daimaru, Shuhei Yoshida, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2015年11月

  422. Flow Visualization of Oscillating Heat Pipe by X-ray Imaging Method

    Shuhei Yoshida, Takurou Daimaru, Masahiro Kawaji, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2015年11月

  423. Application of Temperature-Sensitive Paint to High-Enthalpy Shock Tunnel for Visualization of Boundary Layer Transition

    Takehito Nagayama, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komuro

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2015年11月

  424. Development of the Makita-Type Active Turbulence Grid for 03-m Wind Tunnel

    Satoru Hatori, Hiroki Nagai, Daiju Numata, Keisuke Asai

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2015年11月

  425. Evaluation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Optimized Airfoil for Mars Airplane

    Kentarou Yamahara, Daisuke Oshiyama, Hiroki Nagai, Masahiro Kanazaki, Daiju Numata, Keisuke Asai

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2015年11月

  426. 火星飛行機の空中展開に対するヒンジ軸傾斜の効果

    藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 大山 聖

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2015年10月7日

  427. 先進熱制御デバイスを用いたDESTINY熱設計

    岡崎 峻, 長野 方星, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2015年10月7日

  428. 自励振動ヒートパイプの動作特性における逆止弁の影響

    大丸 拓郎, 吉田 周平, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2015年10月7日

  429. S1910301 感温塗料を用いた高温衝撃風洞におけるHIFiRE模型の境界層遷移可視化

    長山 剛大, 永井 大樹, 丹野 英幸, 小室 智幸

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2015年9月13日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A visualization experiment of hypersonic boundary layer transition by Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) was performed. The test facility was High-Enthalpy Shock Tunnel (HIEST) at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Kakuda Space Center. An elliptic cone model with a 2:1 aspect ratio, which is a full-scale model of HIFiRE-5, was used as the test model. This study visualized the hypersonic boundary layer transition on the side of the test model. TSP was excited by a Blue-LED and the luminescence from TSP was detected by a high-speed camera. Temperature distribution on the side of the test model was obtained by TSP. Moreover, boundary layer transition along the centerline of the model and in approximately halfway between the centerline and leading edge were visualized. The trend of temperature rise along the centerline is same in TSP and thermocouples, which is inserted on the centerline of the test model.

  430. Visualization of Loop Heat Pipe with Multiple Evaporators under Microgravity

    Hosei Nagano, Yuta Matsuda, Shun Okazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems 2015年7月

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    Paper No.ICES-2015-329

  431. Parametric Study of Oscillating Heat Pipes by using Mathematical Model for Practical Use in Spacecraft

    Takurou Daimaru, Shuhei Yoshida, Hiroki Nagai, Atsushi Okamoto, Makiko Ando, Hiroyuki Sugita

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  432. Experimental Study in Effects of Secondary Wick Configuration on Thermal Performance of a Loop Heat Pipe

    Masahiko Taketani, Takuya Adachi, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  433. Conceptual Design Study of Oscillating Heat Pipe System for GAPS

    Shun Okazaki, Hideyuki Fuke, Takayoshi Inoue, Akiko Kawachi, Daisuke Matsumoto, Yoshiro Miyazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Taku Nonomura, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Naoki Yamada

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  434. Development of an Oscillating Heat Pipe Cooling System for GAPS

    Hideyuki Fuke, Takayoshi Inoue, Akiko Kawachi, Daisuke Matsumoto, Yoshiro Miyazaki, Hiroki Nagai, Taku Nonomura, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Naoki Yamada

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  435. A Parametric Study of Mars Airplane Concept for Science Mission on Mars

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  436. Development of Mars Exploration Aerial Vehicle in Japan

    Hiroki Nagai, Akira Oyama, Mars Airplane WG

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  437. Aerodynamic Challenge to Realize Mars Airplane

    Hiroki Nagai, Masayuki Anyoji, Taku Nonomura, Akira Oyama, Masato Okamoto, Gaku Sasaki, Takaaki Matsumoto, Kouichi Yonemoto, Kasahiro Kanazaki, Shigeru Sunada, Koichi Yonezawa, Masaru Koike, Koji Fujita, Keisuke Asai, Kozo Fujii

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  438. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils with Different Aspect Ratio behind Propeller Slipstream in Low Reynolds Number Condition

    Hiroki Nagai, Kotaro Watanabe, Koji Fujita

    Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2015年6月

  439. Aerodynamic Evaluation of a Capsule Shaped Projectile during Free Flight Testing with Ballistic Range

    Akiho Ishida, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komoro

    AIAA SciTech 2015 2015年1月

  440. 火星着陸探査技術実証機への搭載を目指した火星飛行機の概念設計

    藤田 昂志, 永井 大樹, 大山 聖

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2014年11月12日

  441. 火星探査航空機WGにおける空力研究のこれまでの成果と現状

    永井 大樹, 安養寺 正之, 野々村 拓

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2014年11月12日

  442. セカンダリウィックの形状がループヒートパイプの動作に与える影響

    竹谷 政彦, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2014年11月12日

  443. 自励振動ヒートパイプのスタートアップに関する一考察

    大丸 拓郎, 吉田 周平, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2014年11月12日

  444. DESTINY応用 : 火星気象衛星と火星航空機によるダスト輸送メカニズムの解明ミッション

    小郷原 一智, 大山 聖, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2014年11月12日

  445. F224 逆止弁付自励振動ヒートパイプの内部流動モデル構築

    大丸 拓郎, 吉田 周平, 永井 大樹, 岡本 篤, 安藤 麻紀子, 杉田 寛之

    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2014年11月8日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A mathematical model of Oscillating Heat Pipes (OHPs) with check valves has been constructed. The mathematical model was a one-dimensional slug flow model. Movement of liquid slugs was governed by pressure differences among vapor plugs and by pressure drops in the tubes. Check valves were reproduced by change of liquid slug's momentum. As a result, check valves caused the circulation flow in OHP.

  446. Visualization of Laminar to Turbulent Transition on Re-entry Capsule using TSP in High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel

    Takehiro Nagayama, Takehito Horagiri, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komuro

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2014年10月

  447. Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Initial Liquid-Vapor Distribution in Oscillating Heat Pipes

    Takurou Daimaru, Shuhei Yoshida, Hiroki Nagai, Atsushi Okamoto, Makiko Ando, Hiroyuki Sugita

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2014年10月

  448. Study of Motion Modeling for a Capsule Shaped Projectile in Free flight Testing at Transonic

    Akiho Ishida, Hiroki Nagai, Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komoro

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2014年10月

  449. Improvement of Startup Characteristics of a Loop Heat Pipe using Secondary Wicks

    Masahiko Taketani, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2014年10月

  450. Effect of blade wake by means of interference with propeller slipstream on low Reynolds number condition

    Satoru Hattori, Kotaro Watanabe, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2014年10月

  451. Aerodynamic performance of optimized airfoil for Mars Airplane using Multi-objective generic algorithm

    Kentaro Yamahara, Hiroki Nagai, Takaya Sato, Masahiro Kanazaki

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2014年10月

  452. S1910203 カプセル形状模型の自由飛行計測における空力特性評価([S191-02]大気突入・減速技術(2),宇宙工学部門)

    石田 照歩, 永井 大樹, 丹野 英幸, 小室 智幸

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2014年9月7日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    The HTV Return Vehicle (HRV) is a re-entry capsule with a blunt body that is being considered by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as a new space vehicle. The aerodynamic characteristics must be clarified for the HRV design and trajectory because of the capsule's dynamic instability at transonic. A single degree-of-freedom free-rotation test method in a wind tunnel was employed in a previous study. In this study, free flight tests of a re-entry lifting capsule were conducted in the JAXA HEK-G Ballistic Range. The motion in free flight was measured by four acceleration sensors for the pitching and yawing directions. The angular acceleration data from the tests under the same conditions are compared and discussed.

  453. Numerical Study of Wind-Tunnel Acoustic Resonance induced by Two-Dimensional Airfoil Flow at Low Reynolds Number

    Tomoaki Ikeda, Takashi Atobe, Yasuhiro Konishi, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Science 2014年9月

  454. Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Oscillating Heat Pipes

    Takurou Daimaru, Shuhei Yoshida, Hiroki Nagai, Atsushi Okamoto, Makiko Ando, Hiroyuki Sugita

    Proceedings of 44rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2014年7月

  455. Operation Characteristics of Loop Heat Pipes with PTEF and SUS wicks

    Shun Okazaki, Hosei Nagano, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    Proceedings of 44rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2014年7月

  456. Effects of Secondary Wicks on the Thermal Performance of a Loop Heat Pipe

    Masahiko Taketani, Hiroki Nagai

    Proceedings of 44rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2014年7月

  457. Visualization of a Re-entry Vehicle in Hypersonic Flow using Temperature-Sensitive Paint

    Hiroki Nagai, Takehito Horagiri, Hideyuki Tannno, Tomoyuki Komuro

    Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2014年6月

  458. Numerical analysis for an aerial deployment motion of a folded-wing airplane

    Koji Fujita, Koji Fujita, Toshikazu Motoda, Toshikazu Motoda, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroki Nagai

    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 2014年2月28日

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    An airplane has been planned to be used for Mars exploration. The wing folding technology for such an airplane has been paid attention to because it offers a large wing area to get enough lift force and compactness for transfer to Mars. In addition, aerial deployment allows for using the initial altitude to its advantage. However, aerial deployment motion is complex and has a possibility of failure. This paper presents the result of a numerical analysis for the aerial deployment motion of a folded-wing airplane. The requirements for successful aerial wing deployment were defined. The sensitivity analysis results are evaluated using the requirements. Successful input range, and lower and upper constraints are revealed. The most sensitive requirement is the hinge reaction moment. Successful combinations among a spring, a damper, and aerodynamic force for the safe aerial deployment were quantitatively obtained.

  459. Numerical Analysis for an Aerial Deployment Motion of a Folded-Wing Airplane

    Fujita, K, Motoda, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of AIAA SciTech2014 2014年1月

  460. Development of Temperature-Sensitive Paint with High Performance and Responsivity for Aerodynamic Heating Measurement

    Horagiri, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of AIAA SciTech2014 2014年1月

  461. Propeller Slipstream Interference with Wing Aerodynamic Characteristics of Mars Airplane at Low Reynolds Number

    Makino, F, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of AIAA SciTech2014 2014年1月

  462. Numerical study of wind-tunnel acoustic resonance induced by two-dimensional airfoil flow at low reynolds number

    Tomoaki Ikeda, Takashi Atobe, Yasufumi Konishi, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014 2014年1月

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    In the aeroacoustic measurements of a windtunnel test, the acoustic resonance should be avoided, associated with the walled test section. The present numerical study of an NACA0012 airfoil focuses on how the wall resonance affects unsteady flow motions via a feedback process, by comparing with the airfoil placed in a free stream. Tonal frequencies observed in the present simulations agree well with our previous wind-tunnel experiments, represented approximately by the discrete resonant modes derived through a simple geometrical relation. More importantly, however, the present results indicate that rather strong wall resonance may alter the hydrodynamic flow measurements as well. The acoustic feedback process stimulates the transitional boundary layer on the suction side, which would increase lift force in the acoustically resonant channel by suppressing trailing-edge separation. At a higher angle of attack, the increment of lift force becomes more significant due to the noticeable size reduction of a separation bubble, understood via the comparison of three-dimensional instantaneous vortical structures.

  463. Flow-Coupled Multibody Dynamics Simulation for an Aerial Deployment of a Folded Wing

    Fujita, K, Motoda, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics 2013年11月25日

  464. Aerodynamic Influence of a Propeller Wake on NACA0012 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number

    Makino. F, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics 2013年11月25日

  465. Effect of Secondary Wick on Startup Process of Loop Heat Pipe

    Taketani. M, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics 2013年11月25日

  466. Development of Phosphor-TSP for High-Temperature Distribution Measurement

    Ishida, A, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics 2013年11月25日

  467. Development of High-Performance TSP by Mixing Fine Particle

    Horagiri, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics 2013年11月25日

  468. 0901 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉の数値解析 : 流れ場の非定常性について(OS9-1 超音速流れの基礎と応用,OS9 超音速流れの基礎と応用)

    倉本 健史, 武藤 大貴, 坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2013年11月9日

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    In hypersonic flow, the shock interactions cause high surface heat flux. Furthermore, the unsteady vortices are generated over a compression corner. Present study investigates the relation between the distribution of the surface heat flux and the unsteady vortices. The flow field over the compression corner with 30 deg. is calculated by the three-dimensional numerical simulations. The heat flux distributions on the model surface show some unsteady longitudinal streaks, because the longitudinal vortices merge and separate cyclically.

  469. Mission Scenario of Mars Exploration by Airplane

    Nagai, H, Oyama, A

    Proceedings of The 2013 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology 2013年11月

  470. Aerial-Wing-Deployment Simulation of the Folded-Wing Airplane with Individual Aerodynamic Characteristics

    Fujita, K, Motoda, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of The 2013 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology 2013年11月

  471. 火星大気を飛行する航空機の第一次熱設計

    大丸 拓郎, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2013年10月9日

  472. ループヒートパイプの熱特性におけるセカンダリウィックの影響

    竹谷 政彦, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2013年10月9日

  473. 大気球を利用した火星探査航空機の高高度飛行実証機に関する熱的検討

    永井 大樹, 大丸 拓郎

    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 2013年10月9日

  474. Experimental Study on Startup Behavior considering Gravity Effect of a Miniature Loop Heat Pipe

    Nagai, H, Tamamura, H, Nagano, H, Ogawa. H

    Proceedings of The 17th International Heat Pipe Conference 2013年10月

  475. Operational characteristics of the Oscillating Heat Pipe with Non-Condensable Gas

    Takurou Daimaru, Hiroki Nagai

    43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2013年9月

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    In this study, the effects of Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) on the Oscillating Heat Pipe (OHP) were investigated. The OHP was made of copper capillary tube and the turn number of the OHP was 16. The employed working fluid was ethanol, and argon gas was used as the NCG. Experiments were conducted on 4 different NCG volume conditions. Temperature and inner pressure of OHP was measured over a heat input range from 40W to 180W. The results of this study have suggested that the operating characteristics of OHP were affected by the NCG and the thermal resistance of OHP was increased.

  476. Preliminary design and thermal analysis of a miniature mars airplane thermal control system

    Takurou Daimaru, Hiroki Nagai

    43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2013年9月

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    Mars is the next milestone in our exploration of the solar system. The presence of an atmosphere on Mars signifies that an airplane could travel in its atmosphere using the aerodynamic forces of flight. An airplane offers the possibility to obtain high-resolution data on a regional scale of several hundreds to thousands of kilometers, which cannot be achieved with rovers or satellites. A conceptual design of a 3.5 kg fixed-wing, propeller-driven, deployable miniature airplane was developed by Tohoku University and ISAS/JAXA to study the feasibility of a Mars Airplane. This paper will describe the preliminary design and analysis of the Mars Airplane's thermal control system for its flight through the Martian atmosphere. Initial analyses are discussed and results of thermal control development are presented which detail the design process for the thermal control system.

  477. Characteristics of low-Reynolds number airfoils in a mars wind tunnel

    Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Daiju Numata, Tetsuya Suwa, Masayuki Anyoji

    51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013 2013年8月19日

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    The aerodynamic characteristics of thin airfoils at low Reynolds number were investigated in a Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University. The lift and the drag of five airfoils (NACA 0012, 5% flat plate, 1% flat plate, 3% circular arc, 6% circular arc) were investigated by using a two-component balance system at Re=1.1×10 4 and Mach number about 0.2. Also, Pressure-Sensitive Paint technique was used to measure pressure distributions around the airfoils. The results obtained by the balance system show that The maximum lift to drag ratio of the 3% circular arc is the largest among the airfoils tested in this study. And the results of PSP measurement show that the lift slope becomes large where a bubble with relatively short length appears on the airfoil surface, and the thicker airfoil has longer separation bubble than the thin airfoil at the same angle of attack. Furthermore, the airfoil surface having large curvature, the range of angles of attack where the separation bubble exists becomes narrow because the appearance of a separation bubble by an increase of angle of attack is delayed. © 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  478. Development of ultrafast-response anodized-aluminum pressure-sensitive paints

    Shota Fujii, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013 2013年8月19日

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    In order to apply Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) to unsteady shock-wave phenomena, Anodized-Aluminum PSP (AA-PSP) with ultrafast response was fabricated and its response time to a step pressure change was evaluated by using a shock tube. Phosphoric acid was used as electrolyte in anodization and the anodic alumina with pore diameter as large as 160 nm was successfully fabricated. The improved AA-PSP achieved a response with the time constant of 0.35 μs. This is the fastest PSP ever reported. We applied this AA-PSP to interactions of a moving shock wave with a circular cylinder. The results show that the improved AA-PSP can visualize the shock reflections and the shock diffractions with the ever-highest spatial and temporal resolution. © 2013 by Keisuke Asai.

  479. Non-Condensable Gas effect in Oscillating Heat Pipe

    Daimaru, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2013年7月

  480. Numerical Study on Shock Wave Interaction over Compression Corner with 30 deg. in Hypersonic Flow

    Kuramoto, T, Tsuboi, N, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves 2013年7月

  481. Operational characteristics of the Oscillating Heat Pipe with non-condensable gas

    Daimaru, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2013年7月

  482. Preliminary design and thermal analysis of a miniature Mars airplane thermal control system

    Daimaru, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 43rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 2013年7月

  483. Experimental Investigation of Non-condensable Gas effects on the Oscillating Heat Pipe

    Daimaru, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2013年6月4日

  484. Dynamic Behaviour of Mars Airplane with Folded-Wing Deployment

    Fujita, K, Motoda, Y, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2013年6月4日

  485. Propeller Slipstream Interference with Wing Aerodynamic Characteristics of Mars Airplane at Low Reynolds Number

    Makino, F, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2013年6月4日

  486. Numerical Simulation of Startup Behavior of Loop Heat Pipes with Secondary Wick

    Magome, K, Taketani, M, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2013年6月

  487. Development of Ultrafast Response Anodized Aluminum Pressure-Sensitive Paints

    Fujii, S, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013年1月7日

  488. Characteristics of Low-Reynolds Number Airfoils in a Mars Wind Tunnel

    Nagai, H, Asai, K, Numata, D, Suwa, T, Anyoji, M

    Proceedings of 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013年1月7日

  489. Heat Transfer Performance of Oscillating Heat Pipe by Difference of Surface Characteristics

    Hiroki Nagai, Takamu Kanayama, Takurou Daimaru

    Proceedings of the 17th International Heat Pipe Conference 2013年

  490. 空力加熱計測のための高性能・高応答感温塗料の開発 (第41回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集) -- (オーガナイズドセッション 分子によるセンシングとイメージングⅢ PSP/TSP研究会との合同企画)

    洞桐 健人, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 = ournal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2013年

  491. Compressibility effects on airfoil aerodynamics at low Reynolds number

    Tetsuya Suwa, Kei Nose, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2012 2012年12月1日

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    The objective of this study is to clarify the Mach number effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils at low Reynolds number. In this study, we conducted airfoil tests using a flat plate and a triangular airfoil in the Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University. Reynolds number was set at 3,000 and 10,000 and Mach number at 0.15, 0.5 and 0.7. Aerodynamic force and pressure distributions on the models were measured using a force balance and Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP). The results show that the compressibility effect has an effect to move the flow separation point backward and to delay a reattachment of separated shear layer on the airfoil. These effects reduce the lift and the maximum lift-drag ratio. © 2012 by Keisuke Asai.

  492. Conceptual design of a miniature, propeller-driven airplane for mars

    Koji Fujita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2012年12月1日

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    Mars is the next milestone in our exploration of the solar system. The presence of an atmosphere on Mars signifies that an airplane could travel in its atmosphere using the aerodynamic forces of flight. The airplane allows for a platform that can cover a larger area of exploration than is currently available. A reconnaissance airplane offers the possibility to obtain high-resolution data on a regional scale of several hundreds to thousands of kilometers, which cannot be achieved with rovers or satellites. However, conventional airplanes cannot fly in Martian atmosphere due to its environment and constraints from transport to Mars. A conceptual design was developed by Tohoku University to study the feasibility of a Mars Airplane. This paper discusses the design rationale undertaken at Tohoku University to develop a conceptual design of a 3.5 kg fixed-wing, propeller-driven, deployable airplane for the Mars exploration, following a predetermined set of requirements and constraints tailored for a small scale scientific mission to Mars. The design process includes the optimization of the geometry of the airplane for cruising performance, a total mass build-up, 3-D CAD modeling, and trade-off studies. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  493. Conceptual Design with Aerial Deployment Mechanisms of Airplane for Mars

    Fujita, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of 2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology 2012年11月13日

  494. Heat Transfer Performance of Oscillating Heat Pipe by Difference of Surface Characteristics

    Nagai, H, Kanayama, T, Daimaru, T

    Proceedings of The 17th International Heat Pipe Conference 2012年10月

  495. Experiment verification of Acoustic Feedback Loop around NACA0012 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number

    Sakai, N, Nagai, H, Asai, K, Ikeda, T, Atobe, T

    Proceedings of 9th International Conference Fluid Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  496. Development of Ultrafast Time Response Pressure-Sensitive Paint for Visualization of Shock Wave Phenomena

    Fujii, S, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of 9th International Conference Fluid Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  497. Transient Analysis of Loop Heat Pipes with Secondary Wick

    Magome, K, Taketani, M, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 9th International Conference Fluid Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  498. Development of Back Surface TSP Measurement Technique for Shock Interaction Aerodynamic Heating in High Enthalpy Flow

    Nishigata, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of 9th International Conference Fluid Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  499. Non-Condensable Gas effect in Oscillating Heat Pipe

    Daimaru, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 9th International Conference Fluid Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  500. Response Time Evaluation of Temperature-Sensitive Paint

    Horagiri, T, Nagai, H

    Proceedings of 9th International Conference Fluid Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  501. Compressibility Effect on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low Reynolds Number Airfoils

    Suwa, T, Numata, D, Nagai H, Asai K

    Proceedings of 9th International Conference Fluid Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  502. Conceptual Design Method for a Mars Airplane: Formulation of Aerodynamic Characteristics at Low Reynolds Numbers

    Fujita, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2012年9月19日

  503. J052011 サッカーボール表面圧力場のPSP計測

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 浅井 武, 伊藤 慎一郎

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012年9月9日

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    PSP measurement of a non-spinning soccer ball has been carried out. It is found that the seam of the ball is the trigger for initiating low pressure. The depth of the seam on the ball was measured. It is found that the depth of the seam on the ball affects the critical Reynolds number. The deeper the depth is designed, the smaller the critical Reynolds number is achieved.

  504. Compressibility Effect on Airfoil Aerodynamics at Low Reynolds Number

    Suwa, T, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of AIAA Fluid Dynamics and Co-located Conferences and Exhibit 2012年6月25日

  505. Characterization of frequency response of pressure-sensitive paints

    Tamao Sugimoto, Sakiko Kitashima, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2012年6月20日

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    In this study, the frequency characteristics of fast-responding Pressure-Sensitive Paints(PSP) were evaluated by using a device based on an acoustic tube. The gain and phase characteristics of two different types of fast-responding PSP, Polymer-Ceramic PSP and Anodized-Aluminum PSP, were measured over the frequency range from 0.15 to 10 kHz and their dependence on binder, luminophore and temperature were investigated. From the measured frequency characteristics, the transfer functions were evaluated and the factors governing the time response of each PSP were estimated. The results of this study have suggested that luminophore molecules are distributed near the surface of PC-PSP and on the other hand are adsorbed inside the pores of AA-PSP. © 2012 by Keisuke Asai.

  506. 断層シュリーレン法を用いた超音速複葉翼の内部構造の解明

    萩原 真澄, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 2012年6月5日

  507. 812 桎超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの流れ場の数値解析:平板幅の影響(0S.2 圧縮性流れの基礎と応用3)

    倉本 健史, 武藤 大貴, 坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    日本機械学会九州支部講演論文集 2012年3月16日

  508. Characterization of Frequency Response of Pressure-Sensitive Paints 国際会議

    Sugimoto, T, Kitashima, S, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2012年1月9日

  509. Conceptual Design of a Miniature, Propeller-Driven Airplane for Mars 国際会議

    Fujita, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2012年1月9日

  510. 先進型熱制御デバイス ループヒートパイプの研究開発

    岡本篤, 畠中龍太, 川崎春夫, 杉田寛之, 小川博之, 長野方星, 大串哲朗, 村上正秀, 永井大樹

    第12回宇宙科学シンポジウム 2012年1月6日

  511. 火星表面探査用航空機の研究開発

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 竹内伸介, 得竹浩, 山田和彦, 豊田裕之, 砂田茂, 小川博之, 戸田和朗, 元田敏和, 藤田和央, 安部隆士, 米本浩一, 藤井孝藏, 浅井 圭介, 火星探査航空機

    第12回宇宙科学シンポジウム 2012年1月6日

  512. 低Re数翼の空力特性に対する乱流装置の効果

    中村勘太, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会北部支部2012年講演会 2012年1月6日

  513. サッカーボールの空力特性に関する実験的研究 (第40回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集) -- (オーガナイズドセッション サイエンティフィックアート&スポーツⅠ)

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 = ournal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2012年

  514. 極超音速流れにおける30°ランプ周りの衝撃波干渉に関する数値解析 : 熱流束に与える影響

    倉本 健史, 坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会講演集 2012年

  515. MELOS1に向けた火星探査飛行機の多目的設計探査

    大山 聖, 米本浩一, 竹内伸介, 得竹浩, 永井大樹, 砂田茂, 大槻真嗣

    平成23年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2011年12月19日

  516. テフロンウィックを用いたマルチエバポレータ・マルチコンデンサ型ループヒートパイプの設計および評価

    奥谷翔, 長野方星, 小川博之, 岡崎俊, 永井大樹

    平成23年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2011年12月19日

  517. セカンダリウィック形状によるループヒートパイプ性能への影響

    眞籠耕平, 永井大樹

    平成23年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2011年12月19日

  518. 表面特性の違いによる自励振動ヒートパイプの高性能化への実験的研究

    金山貴夢, 大丸拓郎, 永井大樹

    平成23年度宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム 2011年12月19日

  519. 飛行機で見る火星の世界

    文化フォーラム in 仙台「見えない宇宙をみる科学の眼」 2011年12月18日

  520. Supersonic wind tunnel experiment on aerodynamic characteristics and winglets effects of the tapered supersonic biplane

    Takashi Fujisono, Hiroshi Yamashita, Atsushi Toyoda, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Takashi Matsuno, Hiromitsu Kawazoe, Shinkyu Jeong, Shigeru Obayashi

    ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK 2011 2011年12月

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    The aerodynamic characteristics and the effects of tip plates of a tapered supersonic biplane wing during the starting process have been investigated through Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (EFD/CFD). Three types of the wing model were used: without tip plate (type-N); with the tip plate which covers only the aft-half of the wing tip (type-A); with the tip plate which covers the entire wing tip (type-B). Experiment was conducted in the supersonic blowdown wind tunnel with 600 mm × 600 mm cross section located at the High-speed Wind Tunnel Facility of Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS/JAXA). The flow conditions covered from M ∞ = 1.5 to 1.9 with increments of 0.1. Pressure-Sensitive Paint was applied to measure pressure distributions on the surface of the wing. CFD simulations were conducted to compare with experiments and to investigate effects of the Mach numbers in detail. The tapered biplane wing without the tip plate was found to start between M ∞ =1.8 and 1.9. The difference of the starting Mach numbers between type-N and type-A was small. On the other hand, the starting Mach number of type-B was about 0.05 higher than that of type-N. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.

  521. 低レイノルズ数領域における石井翼の空力特性評価

    安養寺正之, 野々村拓, 大山聖, 藤井孝藏, 野瀬慶, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    第55回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2011年12月1日

  522. 火星大気風洞を用いた低レイノルズ数領域における薄翼の空力特性の研究

    永井大樹, 伊田真悟, 野瀬慶, 安養寺正之, 沼田大樹, 浅井圭介

    第55回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2011年12月1日

  523. セカンダリウィック形状によるループヒートパイプ性能への影響

    眞籠耕平, 永井大樹

    第55回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 2011年12月1日

  524. Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oscillating Heat Pipe by Difference of Surface Characteristic

    Kanayama, T, Daimaru, T, Nagai, H, Ogawa, H

    Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  525. Secondary Wick Effect for Performance of Loop Heat Pipes 国際会議

    Magome, K, Nagai, H

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  526. Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oscillating Heat Pipe by Difference of Surface Characteristics 国際会議

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  527. Development of Temperature-Sensitive Paint for High-Temperature Measurement 国際会議

    Sawamura, R, Nishigata, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  528. High-accuracy Calculation for Aerodynamic Heating Using Temperature-Sensitive Paint 国際会議

    Nishigata, K, Sawamura, R, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  529. Unsteady Aerodynamic Experiment of NACA0012 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number 国際会議

    Nose, K, Sakai, N, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K, Ikeda, T, Atobe, T

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  530. Aerial Deployment Test of a Small UAV for Mars Exploration Flight 国際会議

    Fujita, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K, Tokutake, H

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  531. Conceptual Examination of a Small UAV for Mars Exploration Flight 国際会議

    Fujita, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  532. Evaluation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Triangular Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number and High-Subsonic Mach Number 国際会議

    Suwa, T, Nose, K, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai K

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  533. Comparison of Aerodynamic Data of a Wing Tested in Wind Tunnels at Low Reynolds Numbers 国際会議

    Koike, M, Nagai, H, Yonemoto, K, Asai, K

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  534. Design of A Propeller of An Airplane on Mars 国際会議

    Hayashida, T, Sunada, S, Ishida, R, Kaneko, K, Suwa, T, Nagai, H, Asai, K, Goto, Y, Yonezawa, K, Tsujimoto, Y

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  535. Aerodynamics Characteristics of Ishi Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers 国際会議

    Anyoji, M, Nonomura, T, Oyama, A, Fujii, K, Nose, K, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  536. Experimental Study of Low-Reynolds-Number Aerodynamic Characteristics of Thin Airfoils in a Mars Wind Tunnel 国際会議

    Nagai, H, Ida, S, Nose, K, Anyoji, M, Numata, D, Asai, K

    Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2011年11月9日

  537. ”世界初”の飛行機による火星探査の実現に向けて!

    第14回新生流体科学セミナー 2011年11月4日

  538. 非定常感圧塗料計測の動的風洞試験への適用

    原達矢, 阿部弘之, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    第7回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2011年11月2日

  539. 高速非定常流体現象解明のための超高速応答型感圧塗料の開発

    藤井祥太, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    第7回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 2011年11月2日

  540. 火星探査航空機の空力性能

    永井大樹, 浅井圭介, 大山聖, 野々村拓, 藤井孝藏, 米本浩一, 越智廣志, 小池勝, 岡本正人, 安養寺正之

    第49回飛行機シンポジウム 2011年10月27日

  541. 火星探査飛行機の高々度飛行試験計画

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩, 竹内伸介, 豊田裕之, 藤田昴志, 安養寺正之, 元田敏和, 米本浩一, 浅井圭介, 藤井孝藏, 火星探査航空機WG

    2011年度大気球シンポジウム 2011年10月6日

  542. 火星に飛行機を飛ばそう

    第19回科学講演会 2011年9月4日

  543. ループヒートパイプの作動特性に対する重力加速度の影響

    永井大樹, 玉村大道, 真籠耕平, 長野方星, 小川博之

    日本混相流学会年会講演会2011 2011年8月6日


    Fujisono, T, Yamashita, H, Toyoda, A, Nagai, H, Asai, K, Matsuno, T, Kawazoe, H, Jeong, S, Obayashi, S

    AJK2011-15015, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011, AJK2011-FED 2011年7月24日

  545. 感圧塗料を用いた非定常空気力計測

    依田大輔, 山﨑真一, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    第39回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2011年7月18日

  546. 感温塗料による空力加熱計測手法の高精度化

    西潟一樹, 澤村亮輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    第39回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2011年7月18日

  547. 極低温キャビテーション試験に適用可能な感温塗料の開発と評価

    藤井祥太, 新井山一樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    第39回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2011年7月18日

  548. 蛍光油膜法による翼面はく離流れのイメージング

    荻田力, 中村勘太, 依田大輔, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会 第43回流体力学講演会 2011年7月7日

  549. 低レイノルズ数・高亜音速領域における三角翼型の空力特性の評価

    諏訪哲也, 野瀬慶, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会 第43回流体力学講演会 2011年7月7日

  550. Thermal vacuum testing of a small loop heat pipe with a PTFE wick for spacecraft thermal control 国際会議

    The 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2011年6月7日

  551. Conceptual Design of Mars Airplane 国際会議

    The 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2011年6月7日

  552. PSP Measurement of Pressure Distribution on a Cambered Airfoil for Mars Exploration Airplane 国際会議

    The 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization 2011年6月6日

  553. Evaluation of Temperature-Sensitive Paint using Thermographic Phosphor by Hypersonic Aerodynamic Heating 国際会議

    The 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization 2011年6月6日

  554. Evaluation of Transfer Function of Pressure-Sensitive Paint for Unsteady Flow Measurement 国際会議

    The 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization 2011年6月6日

  555. Evaluation of Transfer Function of Pressure-Sensitive Paint for Unsteady Flow Measurement

    T. Sugimoto, D. Yorita, D. Numata, H. Nagai, K. Asai

    Proceedings of the 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization 2011年6月4日

  556. Evaluation of Temperature-Sensitive Paint using Thermographic Phosphor by Hypersonic Aerodynamic Heating

    Sawamura, R, Nishigata, K, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of the 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization 2011年6月4日

  557. PSP Measurement of Pressure Distribution on a Cambered Airfoil for Mars Exploration Airplane

    Nose, K, Anyoji, M, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    Proceedings of the 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization 2011年6月4日

  558. 火星探査用小型飛行機の検討

    大山聖, 永井大樹, 竹内伸介, 豊田裕之, 砂田茂, 得竹浩, 小川博之, 戸田和朗, 小池勝, 元田敏和, 藤田和央, 火星探査航空機

    日本航空宇宙学会第42期年会講演会 2011年4月14日

  559. Planetary Locomotion-惑星探査の新しい可能性

    浅井圭介, 永井大樹

    日本航空宇宙学会第42期年会講演会 2011年4月14日

  560. 火星大気風洞を用いた空力実験

    安養寺正之, 野瀬慶, 伊田真悟, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    日本航空宇宙学会第42期年会講演会 2011年4月14日

  561. 非定常衝撃波現象への適用を目指した超高速応答型感圧塗料の開発

    藤井祥太, 沼田大樹, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    平成23年度衝撃波シンポジウム 2011年3月7日

  562. Experimental study on dynamic instability of re-entry capsule-shaped body using pressure sensitive paint

    Daisuke Sugimoto, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Koju Hiraki

    48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2010年12月13日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Re-entry capsule with flat body shapes tends to be dynamically unstable in the transonic speed range, and sometimes fall into self-exited pitching oscillation. In this study, the Phase Lock Method with a fast-responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) has been employed to visualize unsteady pressure distribution on a capsule model undergoing the pitching motion. In addition, the pressure fluctuation was measured using time-series high-speed camera PSP images. Analysis of the PSP results together with pitch angle measurement has revealed that the phase delay of the base surface pressure acts as dynamically unstable moment in the low pitch angles. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  563. Characteristics of the Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University in CO <inf>2</inf> operation mode

    M. Anyoji, S. Ida, K. Nose, D. Numata, H. Nagai, K. Asai

    48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2010年12月13日

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    The Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University is a low-density tunnel that can simulate Martian atmospheric flight condition. Up to the present, this tunnel has been operated using air as the working gas. To expand the capability of this tunnel and to study the effects of compressibility on airfoil performance at low Reynolds number, a modification has been made to allow the tunnel to be operated using CO 2 , that is the main constituent of the Martian atmosphere. In this study, the operational characteristics as well as the flow quality in the test section are investigated in CO 2 mode and compared with the results obtained in air mode. It is found that a higher Mach number can be achieved in CO 2 mode than in air mode as the speed of sound decreases with the molecular weight. No negative effect of CO 2 such as freezing inside the ejector nozzles has been observed over the entire operational conditions of the tunnel. Mach number profile is found to be uniform over a wide range of Reynolds number except inside the boundary layers on the walls. The static pressure gradient along the test section is almost zero at the total pressure of lkPa. These results prove that the Mars Wind Tunnel has a capability to simulate the real Martian atmospheric condition.

  564. Unsteady PSP technique for measuring naturally-disturbed periodic phenomena

    D. Yorita, H. Nagai, K. Asai, T. Narumi

    48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2010年12月13日

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    To understand unsteady flow phenomena, it is important to measure time-resolved pressure variations with high spatial resolution. Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) has a capability of providing high-resolution pressure images, but the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is not high enough to analyze unsteady flow structures in low-speed flow. The phase-lock method is often applied to PSP measurement of periodic flow phenomena, but it is difficult to apply this technique to unsteady flow containing natural disturbances in amplitude and phase. To solve this problem, we propose a new type of phase-lock method in which images of unsteady pressure field are phase-locked using a trigger signal processed with signal conditioning techniques such as band-pass filtering and signal differentiation. The effectiveness of this method was verified using simulated signal and applied to low-speed wind tunnel testing of a 3-D square cylinder model. As a result, we could obtain time-resolved unsteady pressure field on the side of the square cylinder due to periodic Karman vortex shedding. The fluctuating pressures were found to be high at the lower part of the side wall, that is in good agreement with the pressure transducers data. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  565. Low Reynolds number airfoil testing in a Mars Wind Tunnel

    Masayuki Anyoji, Kei Nose, Shingo Ida, Daiju Numata, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference 2010年12月2日

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    The aerodynamic characteristics of a 5% flat plate and NACA0012-34 airfoil in low Reynolds number (Re=0.43×10 4 ∼4.1×10 4 ) and high subsonic flow (M=0.1∼0.6) were investigated in the Mars Wind Tunnel (MWT) at Tohoku University. A two-component balance system and Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) technique have been developed to measure the lift and drag forces and pressure profiles on the model. For the flat plate, Mach number effect does not have much effect on its aerodynamic performance while Reynolds number affects the lift slope and the drag characteristics. On the contrary, for NACA0012-34 airfoil, both Reynolds and Mach number effects become more prominent. The lift curves are highly nonlinear and the drag polars are affected by behaviors of a laminar separation bubble in trans-critical condition. A comparison of the results obtained at different Mach numbers has suggested that the compressibility has an effect to stabilize separated shear layer. It has been verified by this experiment that the MWT can offer a unique capability to investigate airfoil performance in low Reynolds number and high Mach number flow. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  566. Development of an experimental small loop heat pipe with PTFE wick

    Hosei Nagano, Hosei Nagano, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroki Nagai

    40th International Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES 2010 2010年12月

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    This paper reports development of an experimental small LHP with PTFE wick. PTFE porous materials with 0.8 - 2.2 μm pore radius were fabricated and the basic properties were evaluated. An experimental small LHP with the PTFE wicks was designed and tested in an atmospheric condition. A PTFE wick with 1.2 μm pore radius was used to demonstrate the loop performance. The test results showed excellent operating characteristics of the LHP. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  567. 1501 カルマン渦が誘起する非定常圧力場の感圧塗料計測(OS15-1 先端的熱流体計測法,オーガナイズドセッション)

    依田 大輔, 沼田 大樹, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2010年10月29日

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    To understand unsteady flow phenomena around a body, it is important to measure time-resolved surface pressure distributions with high spatial resolution. Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) has a capability of providing high-resolution pressure images. In this study, we propose a new PSP technique to obtain time-resolved surface pressure distributions by using conditional sampling of time-series PSP images. To obtain high SNR data, the high-speed camera images are phase-averaged after image acquisition, using a simultaneously-measured pressure transducer data to detect a phase of each image. This method allows us to obtain high SNR images at arbitrary phase of the periodic phenomena using a simplify measurement system and image processing. The effectiveness of the present method was evaluated by applying it to a 3-D square cylinder in low-speed wind tunnel testing. As a result of this experiment, we could obtain time-resolved unsteady pressure images around the square cylinder caused by periodic vortex shedding.

  568. Measuring Unsteady Low-Speed Flow Phenomena by Using a Time-Series Analysis of Pressure-Sensitive Paint Images

    Yorita, D, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2010年6月

  569. Development of Aerodynamic Heating Measurement Technique Using Temperaturesensitive Paint in Hypersonic Flow

    Ha, S, Sawamura, R, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2010年6月

  570. Visualization of a Three-Dimensional Shock-Wave Structures in a Supersonic Busemann Biplane by Sharp Focusing Schlieren System and PSP Measurement

    Hagiwara, M, Nagai, H, Numata, D, Asai, K

    The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2010年6月

  571. Imaging Measurement of Skin Friction Field around Bluff Body Using Luminescent Oil Film Technique

    Kakuta, T, Koyama, A, Yorita, D, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K, Woodiga, S.A, Liu, T

    The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2010年6月

  572. Development of Pressure-Sensitive Paint Technique for Surface Pressure Measurement in a Mars Wind Tunnel

    Ono, T, Anyoji, M, Ida, S, Nose, K, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2010年6月

  573. Characteristics of Thermal Anemometers at Low-Pressure Condition in a Mars Wind Tunnel

    D. Numata, M. Anyoji, Y. Sugino, H. NAGAI, K. ASAI

    49th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2010年1月

  574. Aerodynamic Measurements in the Mars Wind Tunnel at Tohoku University

    M. Anyoji, K. Nose, S. Ida, D. Numata, H. Nagai, K. Asai

    49th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2010年1月

  575. Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Measurement using Temperature-Sensitive Paint for High-Temperature Application in Hypersonic Flow

    Hiroki Nagai, Ryosuke Sawamura, Keisuke Asai

    49th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2010年1月

  576. Experimental Study on Dynamic Instability of Re- Entry Capsule-Shaped Body using Pressure- Sensitive Paint


    48th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2010年1月

  577. Unsteady PSP Technique for Measuring Naturally-Disturbed Periodic Phenomena


    48th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2010年1月

  578. フォスファーとセラミック化合物による高温測定用感温塗料の試作と評価 (第38回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集) -- (オーガナイズドセッション 分子によるセンシングとイメージング(1))

    澤村 亮輔, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 2010年

  579. PTFE多孔質を用いた小型ループヒートパイプの基本特性および温度制御性

    福吉 芙由子, 長野 方星, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2010年

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  580. W0503-(2) 機能性分子センサーを用いた極限環境下における熱流体計測法(【W0503】EFDワークショップ『PSPによる表面情報の可視化計測』,ワークショップ)

    永井 大樹

    年次大会講演資料集 2010年

  581. Development of low density wind tunnel to simulate atmospheric flight on Mars

    M. Anyoji, H. Nagai, K. Asai

    47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2009年12月1日

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    A new type of wind tunnel that can simulate airfoil flow in the Mars atmosphere has been designed and constructed at Tohoku University. This wind tunnel is driven by ejector and designed to simulate low-density Martian atmosphere consisting of CO 2 . The preliminary performance tests were conducted using air to investigate the operating envelop of the tunnel. It was demonstrated that this wind tunnel could cover the Reynolds number range from 10 4 to 10 5 and the Mach number range up to 0.71, allowing us to simulate low Reynolds number and high subsonic flow on Mars airplanes. Calibration tests were also conducted to investigate the flow characteristics in the test section. It was confirmed that the flow was kept uniform in the test section even when the total pressure was 1 kPa. There were significant effects of the boundary layer development on static pressure gradient along the test section. It was found that these effects of boundary layers could be corrected by inclining both the upper and lower walls of the test section. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  582. Heat flux measurement techniques over the protuberance at the hypersonic flow of Mach 7

    Hyoung Jin Lee, In Seuck Jeung, Bok Jik Lee, Seong Lyong Kim, Insun Kim, Osamu Imamura, Kojiro Suzuki, Koji Okamoto, Seungwon Ha, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference 2009年12月1日

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    An experimental investigation has been conducted on the aerodynamic heating caused by an object protruding from a flat plate at hypersonic flows of Mach 7. Three different experimental techniques are applied to measure the heat flux and temperature over the protuberance, using two types of hypersonic wind tunnels, namely, blowdown and impulse types. This paper presents the experimental techniques needed for use in hypersonic tunnels focusing on issues such as heat flux measurement techniques, as well as the measurement of detailed experimental data. It was confirmed that the data set agree well through the comparison of data results. A large separation region is observed in front of the protuberance with that region being very sensitive to the height of the protuberance and the length of the flat plate. These flow features affect the aerodynamic heating over the protuberance. Basically, the measured heat flux is large when the height of the protuberance is large and the length of the flat plate is long. Also, the heat flux measurements at the upper positions are larger than at the lower positions. For high protuberances, a severe jump in the heat flux is observed, from about 0.6∼0.7 of the height of the protuberances. However, when the protuberance is sufficiently short, a rise in the heat flux is rarely observed as the protuberance is submerged totally under the separation region upstream from the protuberance. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  583. 0604 極超音速流中のエアロスパイク付き鈍頭物体の表面熱流束における3次元効果(OS6-1 超音速流と衝撃波,オーガナイズドセッション)

    坪井 伸幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2009年11月6日

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    A blunt body in hypersonic flow is subjected to severe aerodynamic heating and drag. This is one of the most critical problems of designing the hypersonic vehicles such as Reusable Launch Vehicles(RLV). It is well known that the spiked-nose(aerospike)concept is effective to reduce aerodynamic drag on asymmetric blunt bodies in hypersonic flow. In this study, we investigated the heat flux distribution on a blunt-nosed body with an aerospike in hypersonic flow. The flow field around a blunt-nosed body is calculated by the full Navier-Stokes simulations to compare with the experimental data such as Schlieren photographs and TSP(Temperature Sensitive Paint)images. It was found that the heat flux distributions changes widely with the angle of attack. Moreover, the correlation between heat flux and the flow and the flow field exists due to the shock/shock interaction patterns for various angle-of-attacks.

  584. Unsteady Pressure Distribution Measurement on a Square Cylinder using Pressure-Sensitive Paint


    6th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2009年11月

  585. Skin-Friction Measurement of Flow around Bluff Body Using Luminescent Oil-Film Technique


    6th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2009年11月

  586. Analysis of Shock-wave Structures in a Supersonic Busemann Biplane by Sharp Focusing Schlieren System


    6th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2009年11月

  587. Application of Temperature-Sensitive Paint to Heat Flux Measurement in High Temperature Gas Flow


    6th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2009年11月

  588. Optical Fiber Sensor Capable of Measuring Pressure and Temperature from Luminescent Lifetime

    Sugai, N, Yorita, D, Numata, D, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    6th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2009年11月

  589. Evaluation of Supersonic Ejector Driving Performance under Low Pressure


    6th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2009年11月

  590. Experimental Study on the Thermal Performance of a Miniature Loop Heat Pipe with Different Orientations


    27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2009年7月

  591. Surface heat flux visualization on a blunt-nosed body with an aerospike in hypersonic flow using Temperature-Sensitive Paint


    27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2009年7月

  592. Three dimensional effect of a supersonic busemann biplane on start process


    27th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2009年7月

  593. ラグビーボール表面圧力場のPSP計測と揺れるハイパントの最適蹴りだし条件の可視化

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2009年7月1日

  594. 火星大気風洞に適用可能な感圧塗料の開発と評価

    小野 直志, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2009年7月1日

  595. 低速流における感圧塗料計測の計測誤差とその精度評価

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 田中 真悟, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2009年7月1日

  596. Development of Low Density Wind Tunnel to Simulate Atmospheric Flight on Mars


    47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2009年1月

  597. 「感圧塗料」光る色素で圧力をはかる(ヘッドライン:光を発する塗料) 招待有り

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹

    化学と教育 2009年

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  598. 低速流における感圧塗料計測の計測誤差とその精度評価

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 田中 真悟, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌 2009年

  599. 火星大気風洞に適用可能な感圧塗料の開発と評価

    小野 直志, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 2009年

  600. ラグビーボール表面圧力場のP S P計測と揺れるハイパン卜の最適蹴りだし条件の可視化

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹

    可視化情報学会誌 2009年

  601. ループヒートパイプの熱特性における作動流体封入量の影響

    小野川 英, 長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2009年

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  602. 熱電変換モジュールを用いたループヒートパイプ動作特性のアクティブ制御

    福吉 芙由子, 長野 方星, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2009年

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    海外において次世代のスタンダードな熱制御技術として毛細管駆動型二相流体ループ(ループヒートパイプ)の研究開発が進められており、本研究では日本の将来の宇宙ミッションを見据え,100W級の小型ループヒートパイプに着目し研究を行っている。今回、ループヒートパイプのリザーバ/補償チャンバー(Compensation Chamber, CC)の温度制御に熱電交換モジュールを用いて、ループヒートパイプの動作特性について実験および評価を行ったので報告する。

  603. 小型ループヒートパイプの重力効果による熱輸送特性評価

    永井 大樹, 長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2009年

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  604. S0506-1-1 溝付き楕円球のPSP計測 : 表面圧力場に及ぼす溝の効果(スポーツ流体工学(1))

    瀬尾 和哉, 依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 白石 菜々, 浅井 圭介

    年次大会講演論文集 2009年

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    In this paper, the effect of the seams of a rugby ball on the side force is described in order to show why the punted kick fluctuates during the flight. Measurement of the aerodynamic force on a non-spinning rugby ball reveals that the side force depends on the position of the seam as well as the angle of attack. It was found from PSP measurements that the seam of the ball is the trigger for initiating low pressure. The seam of the ball produces an asymmetrical pressure distribution on the sides. Therefore, a slower spinning ball fluctuates during flight.

  605. S1904-2-1 感温塗料を用いた極超音速流中の熱流束計測技術の研究開発(大気突入・減速技術(2))

    永井 大樹, 河 勝元, 浅井 圭介

    年次大会講演論文集 2009年

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    Heat flux measurement in a hypersonic wind tunnel is one of indispensable requirements for designing the next generation re-entry vehicle. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in temperature on the model surface. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. In this study, TSP technique was applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel test and the measurement accuracy was investigated with a different TSP thickness. From that result, the optimum thickness of TSP was found to be 0.2μm. Then, the heat flux distribution of a blunt-nosed body with an aerospike was investigated by an optimized TSP thickness

  606. S1904-1-1 再突入カプセル型物体周りの圧力分布と動的不安定現象との関係(大気突入・減速技術(1))

    杉本 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 平木 講儒

    年次大会講演論文集 2009年

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    A fast responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) using polymer/ceramic binder and image capturing technique called Phase Lock Method were used to visualize the unsteady pressure distributions on a capsule-shaped body undergoing the pitching motion. In addition, schlieren visualization using high-speed video camera was used to take a picture around the flowfield of the model, together with pitch angle measurement using a potentiometer. As a result, the strength and the location of vortices behind the capsule varies depending on the direction of the oscillating motion, and the base pressure distributions are related to the dynamic motion of the vortices from the edge of the capsule.

  607. 3306 高速車両に作用する流体力評価手法の検討(OS1-3 高速化技術,OS1 交通・物流システムの高速化,利便性,快適性の向上,オーガナイズド・セッション)

    寺島 修, 阿部 行伸, 小寺 健幸, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 2008年12月9日

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    One of the aerodynamic issues affecting high-speed trains is the flow-induced vibration of the tail car when cruising through a tunnel, which results in reduced passenger comfort. The objective of this study is to develop a method to evaluate the fluid force acting on high-speed trains. We conducted wind tunnel tests of a simplified train model using a flat plate to simulate the effect of the tunnel wall. Pressure transducers were used to measure unsteady pressure fluctuations on the tunnel wall, and Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) was applied to measure time-averaged surface pressure distribution on the train model. We also conducted Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for the same model and test conditions. The results indicated that by applying LES, we were also to reconstruct the spectrum of pressure fluctuation on the tunnel wall that we observed in the wind tunnel experiment.

  608. Evaluation of plasma actuator performance in Martian atmosphere for applications to Mars airplanes

    Masahiko Takagaki, Susumu Isono, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    4th AIAA Flow Control Conference 2008年12月1日

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    The plasma actuator is considered as a promising control device for Mars airplanes. The Martian atmosphere is very thin and its major constituent is CO2. Therefore, we need to evaluate the plasma actuator performance under these conditions. In this study, the flow velocity field and the thrust produced by the plasma actuator were measured for various pressures and gas species. For this purpose, we applied the smoke wire method and calculated the induced flow velocity and the thrust using the image analysis method by Liu and Shen. It is found that the plasma actuator can induce the flow in CO2 at 1kPa which is condition of Mars atmosphere. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

  609. Enhancement of pressure-sensitive paint emission using localized surface plasmon resonance for shock tunnel applications

    Y. Miura, H. Nagai, K. Asai, K. Nakakita

    46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 2008年12月1日

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    To apply Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) to unsteady or short-duration tests like hypersonic shock tunnels, we need to solve the two fundamental problems. First, polymer-based PSP shows slow time response so that the thickness of PSP film must be reduced to a submicron range. However, such a thin paint film displays a very low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) because the number of photons detected by a camera is reduced with film thickness. To solve these conflicting problems, it is required to develop a new PSP that emits strong luminescence even though its film thickness is thin enough for unsteady measurements. In this study, systematic experiments were conducted to explore the potential of using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) of silver (Ag) nanoparticles to enhance the luminescent emission of polymer-based PSP. PSP coupons containing Ag nanoparticles of different sizes and concentrations were prepared and their luminescent intensities were compared. It was found that the luminescent intensity of PSP sample was enhanced about 3-fold by the addition of 35-nm Ag nanoparticles. The same principle was applied to a 0.3-μm thick of Poly(TMSP)-based PSP and the advantage of nanoparticle addition was evaluated in a shock tunnel. It was confirmed that the SNR could be enhanced 1.6-fold using LSPR excitation. Copyright © 2008 by Yusuke Miura.

  610. Experimental study on interference flow of a supersonic busemann biplane using pressure-sensitive paint technique

    Hiroki Nagai, Soshi Oyama, Toshiyuki Ogawa, Naoshi Kuratani, Keisuke Asai

    ICAS Secretariat - 26th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2008, ICAS 2008 2008年12月

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    Using Pressure Sensitive Paint, the pressure distributions on thin wings of the Busemann biplane model were measured in the small supersonic indraft wind tunnel. The observed phenomenon is so complicated that it is completely different from the prediction of the simple two-dimensional theory. Referring to Schlieren photograph and CFD analysis, it is found that these complex pressure fields are caused by the shock wave generated downstream just behind the wing ridge line. The results of this experiment show that the interference between Busemann biplane wings is sensitive to a small change in flow condition. A care must be taken in a wind tunnel test to realize the design condition of Busemann biplane where the shock waves are completely cancelled with each other.

  611. Surface pressure and flow field behind an oscillating fence submerged in turbulent boundary layer

    Manjinder S. Saini, Jonathan, W. Naughton, Taro Yamashita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    4th AIAA Flow Control Conference 2008年12月1日

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    Multiple flow diagnostic techniques have been used for better understanding of a complex unsteady flow. In particular, phase-locked PSP and PIV measurements have been used to study the evolution of three-dimensional disturbances produced by an oscillating fence actuator that is immersed in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer. Finite fence effects, introduced due to reducing aspect ratio of the fence during its oscillations, appear to be the reason for the strong three dimensionality and non-uniform growth of the structure across the span. Strong suction pressures are observed on the surface due to an intense vortex closer to the edge of the fence. At the midspan, the structure grows rapidly and weakens, limiting the magnitude of low pressure region. Additionally, strong suction pressures were observed when the vortex stays closer to the plate surface, which occurs for a longer time period near the side edge of the fence. The use of multiple diagnostics provided a link between flow field and surface pressure footprints, yielding an understanding of the flow that would have not been possible with any one technique. Copyright © 2008 by Jonathan W. Naughton.

  612. Experimental study on three-dimensional shock interference flow of a supersonic Busemann Biplane


    KSAS/JSASS Joint Int'l Symposium on Aerospace Engineering 2008 2008年11月

  613. Flow-induced vibration of a High-speed Train Running in a Tunnel


    KSAS/JSASS Joint Int'l Symposium on Aerospace Engineering 2008 2008年11月

  614. Visualization of the heat flux distribution on a blunt-nosed body with an aerospike in hypersonic flow


    KSAS/JSASS Joint Int'l Symposium on Aerospace Engineering 2008 2008年11月

  615. An experimental study of plasma actuator performance in martian atmospher


    5th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2008年11月

  616. Design and construction of Mars Wind Tunnel for simulating atmospheric flight on Mars


    5th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2008年11月

  617. PSP measurement of the leeward-side pressure distribution of a simplified car model in yaw


    5th International Conference on Flow Dynamics 2008年11月

  618. Luminescent Differential-Pressure Sensor Based on Gas Transfer through Porous Membrane


    13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2008年7月

  619. Pressure-Sensitive Paint Measurement of Unsteady Pressure Field behind an Oscillating Fence Actuator


    13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2008年7月

  620. Visualization of Interacting Flow Field between Busemann's Biplane in Supersonic Flow


    13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2008年7月

  621. Experimental Study on Interference Flow of a Supersonic Busemann Biplane using Pressure-Sensitive Paint Technique


    International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2008 2008年7月

  622. 偏揺角のついた単純自動車模型の風下側圧力分布のPSP計測

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 田中 真悟, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 2008年7月1日

  623. Surface Pressure and Flow Field Behind an Oscillating Fence Submerged in Turbulent Boundary Layer


    26th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference 2008年6月

  624. Evaluation of Plasma Actuator Performance in Martian Atmosphere for Applications to Mars Airplane


    38th Fluid Dynamics Conference 2008年6月

  625. 宇宙機搭載を目指した小型ループヒートパイプの熱輸送特性

    永井 大樹, 長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之

    日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集 2008年

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  626. Evaluation of lifetime-based pressure-sensitive paint measurement in low-speed flow

    Taro Yamashita, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    ICIASF Record, International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities 2007年12月1日

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    The lifetime-based method has been applied to Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) measurement in low-speed flow. Based on theoretical considerations and sample tests, a method to calculate pressure using "a-priori" method was proposed. In this method, pressure is related to the ratio of the luminescent intensity ratios obtained at two different gates between the windon and wind-off conditions, multiplied by a temperature correction factor calculated from the single-point measurement of model substrate temperature. The sample tests showed that the effect of temperature as well as non-uniformity of lifetime could be cancelled out by the proposed method. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this method, a simplified car model was tested in a low-speed wind tunnel. The result obtained by the lifetime method was in good agreement with those of pressure taps and the intensity method. © 2007 IEEE.

  627. Development of pressure-sensitive paint technique in a supersonic indraft wind tunnel and its application to a busemann biplane

    K. Saito, H. Nagai, T. Ogawa, K. Asai

    ICIASF Record, International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities 2007年12月1日

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    Using Pressure Sensitive Paint, the pressure distributions on thin wings of the Busemann biplane model were measured in the small supersonic indraft wind tunnel. The observed phenomenon is so complicated that it is completely different from the prediction of the simple 2-D theory. Referring to Schlieren picture and CFD analysis, it is found that these complex pressure fields are caused by the shock wave generated downstream just behind the wing ridge line. The results of this experiment show that the interference between Busemann biplane wings is sensitive to a small change in flow condition. A care must be taken in a wind tunnel test to realize the design condition of Busemann biplane where the shock waves are completely cancelled with each other. © 2007 IEEE.

  628. Thermal performance of a miniature loop heat pipe for spacecraft thermal control system

    Hiroki Nagai, Hosei Nagano, Fuyuko Fukuyoshi, Hiroyuki Ogawa

    2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007 2007年12月

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    The Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) are robust, self-starting and a passive two-phase thermal control system that uses the latent heat of vaporization of an internal working fluid to transfer heat from an evaporator (the heat source) to a condenser (the heat sink). The circulation of the working fluid is accomplished by capillary pressure gradients in a fine porous wick with very small pores. LHPs are rapidly gaining acceptance in the aerospace community and several terrestrial applications are emerging as well. In the present study, a miniature LHP is investigated the thermal performance for spacecraft thermal control system. Tests will be conducted including start-up, low power, power ramp up, high power, rapid power change, and rapid sink temperature change. Finally, we want to demonstrate the potential of LHP to become the next-generation heat transfer device to cool terrestrial devices such as advanced electronic which have high power dissipations. First of all, this paper presents the influence of the gravitational forces on the LHP performance. The present tests performed under steady state condition with three different orientations (horizontal, gravity-assisted, anti-gravity). Copyright © 2007 by ASME.

  629. Measurement of oxygen partial pressure distribution in a fuel cell using pressure-sensitive paint

    Suguru Inagaki, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai

    2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007 2007年12月

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    To improve efficiency and service life of a fuel cell, it is important to understand the dynamic behavior of oxygen molecules in the cell. In other words, we need to know the oxygen concentration distribution over electrode planes and inside diffused layers in addition to its time variation. We applied the Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) technique to this problem, attempting to measure distribution of partial pressure oxygen along micro channels of a fuel cell. To prevent the effect of water produced by the power generation process, we developed a water-repellent PSP that can withstand heat and humidity produced by power generation. Using this paint, partial oxygen distribution along the micro channels was successfully visualized, although there were noticeable effects of local temperature distribution on the absolute accuracy for the conditions with higher current densities. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.

  630. F231 小型ループヒートパイプの研究 : リザーバ制御による動作特性向上(ヒートパイプ)

    長野 方星, 福吉 芙由子, 小川 博之, 永井 大樹

    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2007年11月23日

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    This paper presents an experimental study to investigate the effectiveness of using a thermoelectric converter to control the loop heat pipe operating temperature. The compensation chamber (CC) was controlled at the set point temperature by cooling and heating the TEC module, of which one side is attached to the CC and the other side is connected to the evaporator through a thermal strap. The test results show that the TEC can control the operating temperature to the set point temperature. The power saving by using the TEC was also demonstrated.

  631. Visualization of hypersonic compression corner flows using temperature- And pressure-sensitive paints

    Y. Ishiguro, Y. Ishiguro, H. Nagai, H. Nagai, K. Asai, K. Asai, K. Nakakita, K. Nakakita

    Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2007年7月2日

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    When a winged reentry vehicle like the Space Shuttle reenters the atmosphere, its external surfaces are exposed to intense aerodynamic heating. This is one of the most critical problems of designing the reentry vehicle. In this study, we investigated aerodynamic heating phenomena on a compression corner model that simulated a body flap of a reentry vehicle exposed in hypersonic airflow. The tests were conducted at Mach 10 in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating on the model surface was measured by using Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP), which is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. In the present study, we succeeded in getting quantitatively heat flux distribution mages caused by aerodynamic heating of the hypersonic flow. It is found that the heat flux distribution on the model are caused by shock/shock and shock/boundary layer interaction, and the magnitude of the heat flux changes significantly depending on types of shock interactions for various angles of attack.

  632. Unsteady flow measurements of a slender delta wing in wing rock motion

    Yuichi Hirose, Yuichi Hirose, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Keisuke Asai

    Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2007年7月2日

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    A delta wing sets up self-excited rolling oscillation known as "wing rock" when it is placed in flow at high angles of attack. In this study, wind-tunnel tests of a slender-delta wing with 80-deg sweep angle at subsonic speeds were conducted. The phase-lock technique with a fast-responding Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) has been employed to visualize unsteady pressure distribution on the oscillating model during the entire wing-rock cycle. Analysis of the PSP results together with roll angle measurement and high-speed Schlieren images has revealed that the lag in the leading-edge vortex displacement and the delay of vortex breakdown play an important role in rocking motion of the delta wing. In the present experiment, PSP has proved to be a powerful tool to study the interaction of vortices with a model in rocking motion. This technique will be used to analyze the driving mechanism of the wing rock and its controlin details.

  633. Measurement of Oxygen Partial Pressure Distribution in Fuel Cell using Pressure-Sensitive Paint

    Inagaki, S, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference 2007年7月

  634. Thermal Performance of a Miniature Loop Heat Pipe for spacecraft thermal control system

    Nagai, H, Nagano, H, Fukuyoshi, F, Ogawa, H

    2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference 2007年7月

  635. 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2007年7月1日

  636. 寿命法による感圧塗料計測の低速流への適用と評価

    山下 太郎, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2007年7月1日

  637. 感圧塗料による高速列車の後尾部流れの可視化

    小寺 健幸, 山下 太郎, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 森田 潔

    可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 2007年7月1日

  638. Development of Pressure-Sensitive Paint Technique in a Supersonic Blowdown Wind Tunnel and its Application to a Busemann Biplane

    Saito, K, Ogawa, T, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    22nd International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities 2007年6月

  639. Evaluation of Lifetime-based Pressure-Sensitive Paint Measurement in Low-speed Flow

    Yamashita, T, Nagai, H, Asai, K

    22nd International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities 2007年6月

  640. Unsteady Flow Measurements of a Slender Delta Wing in Wing Rock Motion


    45th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2007年1月

  641. Visualization of Hypersonic Compression Corner Flows Using Temperature- and Pressure- Sensitive Paints


    45th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2007年1月

  642. A107 多孔質膜を用いた差圧応答型PSPの開発

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 2007年

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    Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) is applied to various wind tunnel tests as a useful technique to measure pressure distribution on model surfaces. PSP is inherently an absolute pressure sensor so that it is difficult to use this technique in low-speed flow where pressure change on a model is very small. To measure pressure with a high degree of accuracy at low speeds, we have developed a new type of PSP that responds to differential pressure rather than absolute pressure. This novel technique uses porous membrane through which gas containing no oxygen (e.g. nitrogen) is transported from the backside to the front side by pressure difference between the two. The transported gas purges oxygen near the surface and luminescence of PSP is enhanced. The results of sample tests show that the pressure sensitivity of the new PSP is higher than that of the current PSP by a factor of 100 times or more. In addition, the response of this sensor to differential pressure is almost linear and highly reproducible.

  643. 感圧塗料による高速列車の後尾部流れの可視化

    小寺 健幸, 山下 太郎, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 森田 潔

    可視化情報学会誌 2007年

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    Optimizing the performance and increasing the comfort of high-speed trains require the knowledge of aerodynamic effects of a train shape. One of the most critical problems is a compression wave caused by a train entering a tunnel. This noise mainly depends on the cross-sectional area distribution of a train nose. On the other hand, the aerodynamic drag, the stability for side wind, and the low-frequency vibration are attributed to tail shapes. In this study, we studied the effects of train tail shapes on the flow field experimentally. Two models having the same cross-sectional area distribution but with different tail shapes were tested in a low-speed wind tunnel. To analysis the flow field around the model, we used pressure sensitive paint and oil flow techniques. As a result, we could identify the effects of tail shapes for pressure drag and cross wind stability.

  644. Application of lifetime PSP imaging method to a cryogenic wind tunnel

    Toshiyuki Kojima, Toshiyuki Kojima, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Keisuke Asai, Kazunori Mitsuo, Yoshimi Iijima, Hirotaka Sakaue, Hirotaka Sakaue

    Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2006年12月1日

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    The intensity-based method is a most common technique to convert Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) images to surface pressure. However, this method is not suitable for a cryogenic wind tunnel because the thermal equilibrium condition cannot be achieved when the tunnel is stopped to take the wind-off reference image. In the present study, we applied the lifetimebased PSP imaging method to a cryogenic wind tunnel. Using this method, surface pressure can be calculated from two images obtained at the wind-on condition. In this experiment, a circular-arc bump model coated with PtTFPP/PTMSP paint was tested in the JAXA 0.1-m Cryogenic Transonic Wind Tunnel and PSP images were acquired using a UV-LED pulse illuminator and a multi-gated CCD camera. As a result, we succeeded in visualizing surface pressure distribution induced by a shock wave on the model by using lifetime imaging technique. However, nonnegligible deviation from pressure tap data was observed for the lifetime-based PSP data in the region of the model leading- and trailing- edges. Also the lifetime-based PSP data showed relatively rapid deterioration. These anomalies were not observed in the intensity-based PSP data in the same experiment. To use lifetime PSP imaging method for quantitative pressure measurement, photo-physical mechanism behind these anomalies should be clarified.

  645. PSP measurement of pressure distribution in a supersonic micronozzle

    H. Nagai, H. Nagai, R. Naraoka, R. Naraoka, K. Sawada, K. Sawada, K. Asai, K. Asai

    Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2006年12月1日

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    In recent years, an interest in micro devices and systems has increased rapidly, and this trend is expected to continue for years to come. Gaseous flow through and within such devices is a principal consideration in many applications, and its understanding can be crucial for optimization of performance. Detailed understanding of fundamental physical processes on these small scales is hampered by the lack of suitable quantitative measurement tools (pressure and temperature sensors, etc.). Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is one of the options for global distribution measurement in MEMS devices. PSP is a "molecular sensor," and has an enough resolution for MEMS. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of PSP for quantitative measurement of pressure distribution in supersonic micronozzles of the nozzle throat 250μm, such as those that might be employed for flow control and/or small satellite orbit maintenance. And we compare the experimental result with numerical simulation by the conventional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in the three-dimensional space.

  646. Effect of TSP layer thickness on global heat transfer measurement in hypersonic flow

    Shunsuke Ohmi, Shunsuke Ohmi, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, Keisuke Asai, Kazuyuki Nakakita, Kazuyuki Nakakita

    Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2006年12月1日

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    Heat flux measurement in a hypersonic wind tunnel is one of indispensable requirements for designing the next generation re-entry vehicle. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in temperature on the model surface. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. This technique was applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel, but there existed uncertainties caused by TSP layer thickness. In this study, the relationship between TSP layer thickness and measurement accuracy in heat flux was studied by experiment. TSP composed of Ru(phen) 3 2+ as luminophore and polyacrylic acid as binder was applied on a cylinder model made of glass ceramics. The thickness of TSP layer was varied from 0.2 to 3 μm. The models were tested at Mach 10 in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating on the model surface was measured. A comparison between TSP data and conventional thermocouple data showed that the measurement error changed with the layer thickness In nonlinear fashion. In addition, the difference between TSP and thermocouple measurement was larger than theoretical prediction. For TSP layer thickness less than 0.5μm, the accuracy in heat flux measurement by TSP was within the uncertainty of conventional thin thermocouple measurement. To demonstrate the capability of TSP with the optimized thickness, tests using a 3-dimensional wing-body model have been conducted and the complicated heat flux pattern caused by shock-wave/shock-wave interaction has been observed.

  647. Molecular Sensors in Microturbine Measurement

    HUANG, C.Y, Gregory, J. W, NAGAI, H, ASAI,K, Sullivan, J. P

    Proceedings of 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2006年11月

  648. G303 感圧塗料を用いた単純自動車模型まわりの流れ場計測(2)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    杉浦 光, 山下 太郎, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 石田 圭太郎

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006年10月28日

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    Yawing moment and side force affect behavior of an automobile in crosswind. In wind tunnel testing, these aerodynamic forces are usually measured using a strain-gage balance. However, using Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP), we can measure surface pressure and obtain the force acting on each surface. In the present study, pressure distribution on top and four side surfaces of a simplified car model (1/10 scale Ahmed model) was measured using PSP at yaw angle ψ= 0 and 20[deg]. As a result, we could correlate the negative pressure regions appeared in the PSP images with separated regions and vortices shown in oil flow. In the case of ψ= 20[deg], it was shown that pressure difference between the leeward side and the windward side produced unstable yawing moment.

  649. G303 感圧塗料を用いた単純自動車まわりの流れ場計測(1)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    杉浦 光, 山下 太郎, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 石田 圭太郎

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006年10月28日

  650. G302 感圧塗料による燃料電池内の酸素分圧分布測定(2)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    稲垣 俊, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006年10月28日

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    To improve efficiency and service life of a fuel cell, it is important to understand dynamic behavior of oxygen molecules in the cell. In other words, we need to know oxygen concentration distribution over electrode planes and inside diffused layers and its time variation. We applied Pressure-Sensitive Paint technique to this problem, attempting to measure distribution of partial pressure of oxygen along micro channels of a fuel cell. To prevent the effect of water produced by power generation process, we developed a water-repellant PSP that can withstand heat and humidity produced by power generation. Using this paint, partial oxygen distributions along the micro channels were successfully visualized, although there were noticeable effects of local temperature distribution on the absolute accuracy for the conditions with higher current densities.

  651. G302 感圧塗料による燃料電池内の酸素分圧分布測定(1)(GS-3 流体計測,一般セッション)

    稲垣 俊, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2006年10月28日

  652. Application of Luminophore-Pendant Pressure-Sensitive Paint to Fluid Dynamic Measurements


    Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2006年9月

  653. PSP Measurement of the Flow around a Simplified Car Model

    Yamashita,T, Sugiura, H, Nagai, H, Asai, K, Ishida, K

    Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2006年9月

  654. Flow Diagnostic using PSP and TSP technique in a Supersonic Micronozzle


    Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization 2006年9月

  655. 極超音速空力加熱率計測におけるTSP皮膜の影響

    永井 大樹, 近江 俊輔, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 2006年7月1日

  656. 単純自動車形状まわりの流れの感圧塗料による可視化計測

    山下 太郎, 杉浦 光, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 石田 圭太郎

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 2006年7月1日

  657. Cryogenic Infrared Mission “JAXA/SPICA” with Advanced Cryocoolers

    H.Sugita, T. Nakagawa, H. Murakami, A. Okamoto, H. Nagai, M. Murakami, K. Narasaki, M. Hirabayashi, SPICA Working Group

    Cryogenics 2006年

  658. PSP measurement of Pressure Distribution in a Supersonic Micronozzle


    44th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2006年1月

  659. Application of Lifetime Imaging Method to a Cryogenic Wind Tunnel


    44th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2006年1月

  660. Effect of TSP Layer Thickness on Global Heat Transfer Measurement in Hypersonic Flow


    44th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit 2006年1月

  661. C209 極超音速空力加熱率計測におけるTSP皮膜の影響

    永井 大樹, 近江 俊輔, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌 2006年

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    Heat flux measurement in a hypersonic wind tunnel is one of indispensable requirements for designing the next generation re-entry vehicle. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in temperature on the model surface. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. This technique was applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel test, but there existed uncertainties caused by TSP layer thickness. In this study, the relationship between TSP layer thickness and measurement accuracy in heat flux was investigated by experiment. The models were tested at Mach 10 in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating on the model surface was measured. A comparison between TSP data and conventional thermocouple data showed that the measurement error changed with the layer thickness in nonlinear fashion. To demonstrate the capability of TSP with the optimized thickness, tests using a 3-dimensional wing-body model have been conducted and the complicated heat flux pattern caused by shock-wave/shock-wave interaction has been observed.

  662. Molecular sensors in microturbine measurement

    Chihyung Huang, James W. Gregory, Hiroki Nagai, Keisuke Asai, John, P. Sullivan

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems Division, (Publications) MEMS 2006年1月1日

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    Microturbines have been studied for use in micro size engines as a fuel cell for power generation. These micro engines are designed to offer power output around a couple watts with a very small, compact size. However, there are a lot of difficulties for these small size turbines such as high friction, unstable rotor movement etc, that make the microturbines break down much earlier in their life cycle. These problems needed to be solved in order to improve the efficiency of microturbines. However, it is difficult to install micro sensors in the microturbine device for measurement. A novel technique of molecular sensor, known as pressure-sensitive paint and temperature-sensitive paint (PSP/TSP) has been developed to obtain the pressure and temperature field inside the microturbine device. The PSP sensors used in the experiments are PtTFPP/PolyTMSP for time-averaged pressure measurement, and PtTFPP/TMSP for phase-averaged pressure measurement. The TSP sensor of Ru(phen)3+/Polyacrylic is used for the temperature measurement. The PSP/TSP sensor is coated on glass slides and the glass slide is used as cover glass for the microturbine device. Pressure and temperature distributions inside the microturbine device have been successfully obtained with PSP and TSP sensors. The rotation speed for the microturbine varies from 1300 to 4000 rpm for different flow rates from 5 to 15 L/min for the time-averaged experiments. Phase-averaged results have been obtained with a laser triggering system at a rotation speed of 1400 rpm and volume flow rate of 17 L/min. The temperature map inside the microturbine has been acquired with the TSP sensor with a rotation speed from 1300 to 4000 rpm and flow rates from 5 to 15 L/min. The PSP/TSP sensor has been demonstrated with the feasibility of measuring the pressure and temperature field inside the microturbine device with high spatial resolution, both in time-averaged and phase-averaged measurements. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.

  663. Performance evaluation of double-condenser loop heat pipe onboard monitor of all-sky x-ray image (MAXI) in thermal vacuum testing

    Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno

    SAE Technical Papers 2005年12月

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    The thermal performance of the Loop Heat Pipe Radiator System (LHPRS) has been verified in the thermal vacuum testing. LHPRS is used as the heat transport system to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHPRS was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it has two-condensers in parallel connected to a common evaporator. Since it is possible that the heat transportation deviates to one condenser only, it had to be investigated how the double condensers affect the LHPRS performance under various conditions. Thermal vacuum testing was conducted for the engineering model of the MAXI/LHPRS. In this paper, the test result and performance verification of the MAXI/LHPRS are described. Copyright © 2005 SAE International.

  664. Innovative cryogenic system for Japanese infrared astronomical mission "spica"

    Hiroyuki Sugita, Takao Nakagawa, Hiroshi Murakami, Toshio Matsumoto, Hiroki Nagai, Masahide Murakami, Katsuhiro Narasaki, Masayuki Hirabayashi

    International Astronautical Federation - 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005 2005年12月

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    Since the next cryogenic infrared mission "JAXA-SPICA" employs advanced mechanical cryocoolers with effective radiant cooling in place of cryogen, the primary mirror, 3.5 m in diameter, and the optical bench can be maintained at 4.5 K for at least 5 years. First, the feasibility of the thermal design of the cryogenic system is presented. A 20K-class Stirling cryocooler was then improved in cooling capacity and reliability for the mission, and the effects of contaminated working gas or new regenerator materials on cooling performance were investigated. Development of a new 3 He-JT (Joule-Thomson) cryocooler for use at 1.7 K is also described, along with the successful results of a cooling capacity higher than the required 10 mW. A 4K-class cryocooler was modified and developed for higher reliability over a five-year operational life and a higher cooling capacity exceeding the current 30 mW. Finally, we discuss a system for heat rejection from cryocoolers using thermal control devices.

  665. Thermal performance verification for the JEM MAXI loop heat pipe and radiator system

    Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno

    International Astronautical Federation - 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005 2005年12月1日

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    The thermal performance of the Loop Heat Pipe and Radiator System (LHPRS) has been verified in the thermal vacuum testing. LHPRS is used as the heat transport system to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHPRS was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it has two-condensers in parallel connected to a common evaporator. Since it is possible that the heat transportation deviates to one condenser only, it had to be investigated how the double condensers affect the LHPRS performance under various conditions. Thermal vacuum testing was conducted for the engineering model of the MAXI/LHPRS. In this paper, the test result and performance verification of the MAXI/LHPRS are described.

  666. Start-up behavior of double-condenser loop heat pipe

    H. Nagai, M. Muto, M. Murakami, S. Ueno

    38th AIAA Thermophysics Conference 2005年12月1日

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    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is used as the heat transport device to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) [1]. Since this LHP was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it is different from conventional LHPs [2-4] in the configuration that it has two-condensers connected in parallel to a common evaporator. Each of the radiators has different radiation area and thus the different pipe length of the condenser. It is anticipated that the thermal condition of each condenser may be independent of each other because they point toward different directions. We experimentally investigated the effects of the particular design of this LHP on the heat transfer performance on the ground. Especially, we focus on the start-up behavior from a low power state that might be one of the technical concerns for the LHP. © 2005 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

  667. Thermal performance verification for the JEM MAXI Loop Heat Pipe and Radiator System

    Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno

    Proceedings of 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005年10月

  668. Innovative Cryogenic System for Japanese Infrared Astronomical Mission “SPICA”

    H. Sugita, T. Nakagawa, H. Murakami, T Matsumoto, H. Nagai, M. Murakami, K. Narasaki, M. Hirabayashi

    Proceedings of 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005年10月

  669. Performance Evaluation of Double-condenser Loop Heat Pipe onboard Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) in Thermal Vacuum Testing

    Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno

    Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Environmental 2005年7月

  670. Start-up Behavior of Double-condenser Loop Heat Pipe


    Proceedings of 38th AIAA Thermophysics Conference 2005年6月

  671. Self-induced Temperature Oscillation of Double Condenser Design Loop Heat Pipe


    Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics 2005 2005年4月

  672. TSP空力加熱計測における膜厚の影響

    近江 俊輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 2005年3月15日

  673. 低温風洞への Lifetime Imaging 法の適用可能性

    小嶋 俊之, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 満尾 和徳, 飯島 由美, 坂上 博隆

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 2005年3月15日

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    The intensity-based method is a most common technique by which Pressure-Sensitive Paint images can be converted to the surface pressure. However, this method cannot be applied to a cryogenic wind tunnel because the thermal equilibrium condition cannot be achieved when stopping the tunnel to take the wind-off reference image. In the present experiment, we applied the lifetime-based method to a cryogenic wind tunnel to calculate surface pressure from two images obtained during the wind-on condition. In this experiment, the circular-arc bump model sprayed with PtTFPP/PTMSP paint was tested at the JAXA 0.1m Cryogenic Transonic Wind Tunnel using a UV-LED pulse illuminator and a multi-gated CCD camera. As a result, we could succeed in visualizing surface pressure distribution induced by a shock wave on the model by using lifetime PSP imaging method. This result has demonstrated a feasibility of using lifetime imaging method to a cryogenic wind tunnel.

  674. 超音速マイクロノズル内のPSPによる圧力分布

    永井 大樹, 奈良岡 亮太, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌. Suppl. 2005年3月15日

  675. 新世代ヒートパイプLoop Heat Pipe

    上野 史郎, 永井 大樹

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 2005年1月6日

  676. B312 TSP空力加熱計測における膜厚の影響

    近江 俊輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介, 中北 和之

    可視化情報学会誌 2005年

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    Heat flux measurement in a wind tunnel is an indispensable requirement for the next generation re-entry vehicle design. Heat flux is usually calculated from a temporal change in surface temperature. Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) is a global temperature measurement technique based on photochemical reaction. This technique has been already applied to a hypersonic shock tunnel, but poses some problems caused by TSP layer thickness. In this paper, the relationship between TSP layer thickness and measurement accuracy in heat flux was studied systematically. A test model is made of engineering ceramic, which coated with TSP composed of Ru(phen)<SUP> 3+</SUP> as luminophore and polyacrylic acid as binder. The layer thickness was varied from 1 to 9 micro meters. Wind tunnel tests were conducted in the JAXA 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel. The model was tested in Mach 10 hypersonic flow and heat flux caused by aerodynamic heating was measured. A comparison between TSP data and conventional thermocouple data showed that the relationship between the layer thickness and the temperature error is not a simple liner relationship predicted by the theory. The deviation from the theory is significant particularly for the cases with very thin coatings.

  677. B308 超音速マイクロノズル内のPSPによる圧力分布

    永井 大樹, 奈良岡 亮太, 浅井 圭介

    可視化情報学会誌 2005年

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    In recent years, the interest in microdevices and systems has increased rapidly. Gaseous flow through and within such devices is a principal consideration in many applications, and its understanding can be crucial for optimization of performance. Most of the sensors applied to MEMS devices measurement have limited resolution restricted by the sensor size and device geometry. Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is one of the options for global distribution measurement in MEMS devices. PSP is a "molecular sensor, " and has an enough resolution for MEMS. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of PSP for quantitative measurement of pressure distribution in a supersonic micronozzle of the nozzle throat 250μm, such as those that might be employed for flow control and/or small satellite orbit maintenance.

  678. Space cryogenic system for SPICA mission

    Hiroyuki Sugita, Hiroki Nagai, Takao Nakagawa, Hiroshi Murakami, Toshio Matsumoto, Masahide Murakami, Katsuhiro Narasaki, Masayuki Hirabayashi

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2004年12月20日

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    This paper describes that the feasibility of the next Japanese infrared astronomical SPICA mission is verified in thermal design by numerical analyses and developed technologies. In this advanced cryogenic mission, in order to cool the large primary mirror and focal plane instruments down to 4.5 K for 5 years or longer without cryogen, the mechanical cooling is employed with effective radiant cooling, which compensates the limited cooling capacity of the JT cryocooler for 4.5 K upgraded from that developed for the "JEM/SMILES" mission on the International Space Station. First, thermal design of the telescope is numerically discussed with thermal mathematical models. Some configurations of radiators, shields and solar-array paddles are investigated and compared in technical and mission feasibilities. Next, the development status of the 3 He-JT circuit with the Stirling cryocooler for one detector operated at the lowest temperature of 1.7 K is reported. The recent results of experiments give that the breadboard model of the 1.7 K cryocooler successfully exceeds the required cooling capacity of 10mW at 1.7K with small power consumption. Finally, the heat rejection system from those cryocoolers is discussed. As a promising candidate, the loop heat pipe is chosen and suitably designed.

  679. Development of Porous Aluminum by Metal Injection Moulding


    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys 2004年8月

  680. Space Cryogenic System for SPICA Mission

    H. Sugita, H. Nagai, T. Nakagawa, H. Murakami, T. Matsumoto, M. Murakami, K. Narasaki, M. Hirabayashi

    Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2004年6月

  681. JEM/MAXI冷却システム用ループヒートパイプの評価試験

    永井 大樹, 上野 史郎, 松岡 勝

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 2004年1月8日

  682. 次期赤外線天文衛星SPICAの冷却系開発

    杉田 寛之, 永井 大樹, 中川 貴雄

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 2004年1月8日

  683. Steady and transient behavior of a double-condenser design LHP for MAXI

    Hiroki Nagai, Miki Muto, Masahide Murakami, Shiro Ueno, Masaru Matsuoka

    36th AIAA Thermophysics Conference 2003年12月1日

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    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is used as the heat transport device to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHP was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it is different from conventional LHPs in configuration, a double-condenser design. We experimentally investigated the effects of the particular design of this LHP on the heat transfer performance by using the LHP Ground Test Unit (GTU) on the ground. The steady heating experiment was carried out to investigate the steady state performance of LHP. When the two condensers were cooled at different temperatures under a steady heating condition, a quasi-periodic temperature oscillation was observed in the evaporator and accumulator area. We experimentally investigated the cause and mechanism of the temperature oscillation.

  684. Transient and Start-up Behavior of a Double-Condenser Design LHP for Monitor of All Sky X-ray Image (MAXI)


    Proceedings of the 7th International Heat Pipe Symposium 2003年10月

  685. Steady and Transient Behavior of a Double-Condenser Design LHP for MAXI


    Proceedings of 36th AIAA Thermophysics Conference 2003年6月

  686. ヘリウム中の衝撃波による熱流動現象に関する実験的研究

    二谷 有香, 谷中 一喜, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2003年5月21日

  687. 全天X線監視装置(MAXI)搭載CCDカメラ冷却用ループヒートパイプ(LHP)の伝熱特性に関する地上実験

    永井 大樹, 上野 史郎, 松岡 勝

    宇宙科学シンポジウム 2003年1月9日

  688. Thermal behavior of a double-condenser design LHP for Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image

    Miki Muto, Masahide Murakami, Hiroki Nagai, Shiro Ueno, Masaru Matsuoka

    SAE Technical Papers 2002年12月

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    A loop heat pipe (LHP) is used as the heat transport device to reject heat from the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Since this LHP was designed exclusively for the MAXI system, it is different from conventional LHPs in configuration, a double-condenser design. We experimentally investigated the effects of the particular design of this LHP on the heat transfer performance by using the LHP Ground Test Unit (GTU) on the ground. The steady heating experiment was carried out to investigate the effective thermal conductance through the comparison with the prediction. When the two condensers were cooled at different temperatures under a steady heating condition, a quasi-periodic temperature oscillation was observed in the evaporator and accumulator area. Copyright © 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

  689. Thermal Behavior of a Double-Condenser Design LHP for Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image


    Proceedings of the 32th International Conference on Environmental 2002年7月

  690. Thermal Shock Wave in He II induced by Gasdynamic Shock Wave Impingement onto He II Free Surface


    Proceedings of 19th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2002年7月

  691. 衝撃圧縮により誘起されるHe II-He I間のλ-相転移

    谷中 一喜, 上田 康裕, 村上 正秀, 永井 大樹, YANG HyungSuk

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2002年5月18日

  692. Experimental Study for shock wave propagation of He II with Lambda Phase Transition


    Proceedings of 19th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2002年

  693. Experiments of Highly Transient Thermo-fluid dynamic Phenomena in He II induced by Gas Dynamic Shock wave Impingement


    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 2002年

  694. CADシステム利用熱解析手法と予測精度

    永井 大樹, 二俣 亮介

    日本応用数理学会年会予稿集 2002年

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  695. Propagation of a compression shock wave in He II induced by gasdynamic shock wave impingement onto He II free surface


    Proceedings of the 23rd International Synposium on Shock Wave 2001年7月

  696. Experimental Study of Thermal Shock Wave in Superfluid Shock Tube Facility


    Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Shock Wave 2001年7月

  697. 超流動衝撃波管装置を用いた超高レイノルズ流れ研究への応用可能性

    谷中 一喜, YANG HyungSuk, 上田 康裕, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2001年5月16日

  698. Experimental Study of Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Phenomena in Superfluid Helium by using Superfluid Shock Tube Facility

    NAGAI, H, UETA, Y, YANG, H.S, Murakami, M, YANAKA, K

    Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics 2001 2001年

  699. F343 衝撃圧縮によって誘起された He II 中における圧縮衝撃波の伝播

    村上 正秀, 上田 康裕, 谷中 一喜, 永井 大樹, YANG Hung Suk

    日本流体力学会年会講演論文集 2001年

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    The propagation of a compression shock wave in superfluid helium (He II) was experimentally investigated by using the superfluid shock tube facility. A shock wave is generated in He II by the impingement of a gas dynamic shock wave onto vapor-He II interface. In fact, upon the impingement two modes of shock waves, a compression and a thermal shock waves, are induced in He II. Here, we are only interested in the former. One of our research target is the shock-compressed phase transition (He II to He I). The λ-phase transition is successfully caused in such a very rapid process as shock wave compression. The shock wave propagation properties are measured by piezo-type pressure transducers and in-house-made superconductive temperature sensors. Schlieren visualization method is also adopted with an ultra-high-speed video recorder (40,500 pictures/s).

  700. 衝撃圧縮によって誘起されたHe II自由界面近傍での温度境界層の形成と発達

    上田 康裕, YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2000年10月31日

  701. 衝撃波圧縮によるHe II - He Iラムダ相転移の実験的検証

    永井 大樹, YANG HyungSuk, 上田 康裕, 佐藤 隆司, 村上 正秀, 谷中 一喜

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2000年10月31日

  702. Experimental Study on Shock Wave Phenomena in Superfluid Helium


    Proceedings of the 3rd Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science 2000年10月

  703. Propagation of Thermal Shock Wave in Compressed He II induced by a Gasdynamic Shock Wave Impingement


    Proceedings of 18th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2000年2月

  704. Experimental Study of Shock Waves in Superfluid Helium induced by a Gasdynamic Shock Wave Impingement


    Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics 2000年2月

  705. 気体力学衝撃波の入射による熱衝撃波の誘起

    YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 上田 康裕, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1999年11月10日

  706. Study of two modes of shock waves and Lambda-transition in He II induced by shock compression


    Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Shock Waves 1999年7月

  707. 衝撃圧縮によるHe IIの非定常相変化

    永井 大樹, 高野 奈穂子, YANG HyungSuk, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1999年6月7日

  708. Visualization Study of Phase Transitions of He II induced by Shock Wave Compression


    Proceedings of 17th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 1998年7月

  709. Investigation of Two Modes of Shock Wave in He II by Using Newly developed Superfluid Shock Tube Facility


    Proceedings of 17th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 1998年7月

  710. He II中の衝撃波まわりの温度構造

    YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1998年5月20日

  711. 超流動ヘリウム中を伝播する二種類の衝撃波の伝播特性

    永井 大樹, ヤン ヒヨンソク, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1998年5月20日

  712. 気体力学的衝撃波の入射による超流動ヘリウム中で波動現象の解明

    YANG HyungSuk, 永井 大樹, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1997年11月18日

  713. 超流動衝撃波管装置の開発

    永井 大樹, YANG HyungSuk, 高野 奈穂子, 村上 正秀

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1997年11月18日

  714. 超流動ヘリウム気液自由界面における第2音波の反射

    古川 徹, 村上 正秀, 永井 大樹

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1996年11月6日

  715. Transient Evaporation Phenomena in a Pure Vapour-Liquid System


    Proceedings of the 5th International Heat Pipe Symposium 1996年11月

  716. レーザーホログラフィー干渉計有限干渉縞法によるHe II中の熱流体現象の可視化

    飯田 光人, 村上 正秀, 島崎 毅, 永井 大樹

    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1995年5月17日

  717. ikami


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

産業財産権 12

  1. 変動画像解析方法および変動画像解析システム

    依田大輔, 永井大樹, 浅井圭介

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  2. 変動画像解析方法および変動画像解析システム

    依田 大輔, 永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  3. 光学的差圧計測手法および光学的差圧センサー

    永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  4. 光学的差圧計測手法および光学的差圧センサー

    永井 大樹, 浅井 圭介


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  5. ガス流可視化方法及び装置

    箱崎 譲優, 鎌田 慎矢, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  6. 酸素消光性塗料及び酸素濃度計測装置

    箱崎 譲優, 鎌田 慎矢, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  7. 酸素消光性塗料及び酸素濃度計測装置

    箱崎 譲優, 鎌田 慎矢, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  8. 燃料電池の酸素分圧分布等の計測方法とその装置等並びに燃料電池

    箱崎 譲優, 鎌田 慎矢, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 宮下 徳治, 三ツ石 方也

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  9. 固体高分子型燃料電池の酸素分圧分布等の計測方法とその装置、並びに固体高分子型燃料電池の制御方法と制御装置

    箱崎 譲優, 鎌田 慎矢, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 宮下 徳治, 三ツ石 方也


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  10. ループ型ヒートパイプ

    望月 正孝, 川原 洋司, 古川 正夫, 永井 大樹

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  11. ループ型ヒートパイプ

    望月 正孝, 川原 洋司, 古川 正夫, 永井 大樹


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権


    Scot N.Roberts, Arthur J.Mastropietro, Benjamin I.Furst, Eric T.Sunada, Jordan Mizerak, Hiroki Nagai, Stefano Cappucci

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 37

  1. データ同化による風洞実験デジタルツイン

    大林 茂, 焼野 藍子, 野々村 拓, 奥泉 寛之, 永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2021年4月 ~ 2025年3月

  2. 新規理論【ベクトル・回転正準変換】で打破する構造解析と機構解析を分かつ壁

    槙原 幹十朗, 大塚 啓介, 永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2022年6月30日 ~ 2024年3月31日

  3. 自励振動型ヒートパイプの流動様式決定機構の解明とその制御による熱輸送特性向上

    安藤 麻紀子, 永井 大樹

    2021年4月1日 ~ 2024年3月31日

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    自励振動型ヒートパイプ(Oscillating Heat Pipe, OHP)は、内部で循環流が生じている際に高い熱輸送性能が得られる。本研究の最終目的はOHP内の流れが循環流化するメカニズムの解明と,より簡易に循環流を実現する方法の提案である。 循環流化に大きく影響する因子として,本研究では特に流動抵抗に着目した。逆止弁付きOHPは順方向と逆方向で極端に流動抵抗差を設けることで,一方向循環流を実現する方法として先行研究にて実証済みである。初年度の活動では逆止弁を前提とし,逆止弁の順方向/逆方向の流動抵抗がOHPの内部流動及び熱輸送性能にどのように影響するかを,数値解析によって明らかにした。 まず,逆方向流は完全封止できると仮定し,順方向流動抵抗が及ぼす影響について調べた。順方向流動抵抗が小さい場合は,OHPの蒸発部を液体スラグが高速で流れることで高い熱輸送性能が得られるのに対し,順方向流動抵抗の増加に伴い,液体スラグがOHPの凝縮部に滞留しつつ,少しずつ蒸発部へ液体を供給する様態に変化し,熱輸送性能は低下することがわかった。一方,順方向流動抵抗が増加してもスタートアップ特性への影響は殆ど無いことが確認できた。また,逆止弁をOHPの全ターンではなく間引いて設置した場合にも安定動作はするものの,逆止弁から離れたターンでは得られる整流効果が減少し,流速低下あるいは短期的な逆流が発生することが確認され,十分な循環流化効果を得るためには,全ターンに逆止弁を設けることが有効であると言える。 次に,逆方向流の封止性に着目した数値解析を行ったところ,逆方向流動抵抗が順方向流動抵抗の50倍以下になると蒸発部での沸騰回数が明らかに減少し,熱輸送性能が低下する傾向があることがわかった。以上のように,循環流化と高い熱輸送性能の実現に必要な流動抵抗条件を数値解析により明らかにした。

  4. 低レイノルズ数においてcntTSPを用いた運動する物体表面上の流れ場計測の研究

    永井 大樹, 藤田 昂志

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2021年4月 ~ 2024年3月

  5. 生物を模擬したフレキシブルかつ折りたたみ可能な展開式火星飛行機の研究

    永井 大樹, 藤田 昂志

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2021年7月 ~ 2023年3月

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    本提案では,世界初の超小型の飛行機による火星飛行探査を目指し,生物を模倣したフレキシブルかつ折り畳み可能な展開式火星飛行機の研究・開発を行うことを目的とする. この火星飛行機の開発には既存の航空機開発技術の先にあるものではなく,全く別次元の革新的な翼の開発が求められる.火星の大気密度は地球と比較して1/100程度であるため,流体力学的な観点からの流れ場は,低レイノルズ数流れとなる.この低レイノルズ数環境下での飛行は,流れ場の突然の変化(層流剥離泡,失速)により揚抗比(飛行性能)が急激に悪化することがよく知られており,飛行機の設計を困難にしている.これに対して,昆虫や鳥などは,同等のレイノルズ数環境下で容易に飛行しており,その飛行性能も十分高い.また通常は翼を収納することでコンパクトになっており,これらの条件は火星で飛行させる超小型飛行機の要求(大面積,超軽量および折り畳み翼)と重なる.本提案では,この生物を模倣した翼の研究開発を行うことを目的とし,さらに翼面上の流れ場を制御することにより,より高次元の性能を有する飛行機(羽ばたき翼ではなく,固定翼の飛行機)の開発を目指している. 今年度は,上記の目的のために2つのことを実施した.1つは柔軟膜を用いた翼を作製し,風速(動圧)による膜の変形が空力特性に及ぼす影響を非定常流れ場を可視化することで調査した.その結果,膜の変形により,はく離が抑えられること,さらに膜が振動ことではく離が抑えられることが分かった.もう一つは誘電エラストマーによる柔軟膜のアクティブ制御である.こちらは,実験装置の立ち上げを行い,柔軟膜翼の変形量をデジタル画像相関法を用いて計測する手法の確立を行った.今後はこの計測技術を用いて非定常流れ場と非定常3次元変形量計測の両面から柔軟膜制御に最適な条件を見出すこととする.

  6. 革新概念「内部変形制御」で乗り越える可変翼航空機モデリングのフィデリティの谷

    槙原 幹十朗, 亀山 正樹, 永井 大樹, 川畑 成之

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2020年7月30日 ~ 2022年3月31日

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    革新概念【内部変形制御】により,可変翼機の構造モデルの忠実度・詳細度(フィデリティ)を意のままに変えられる構造解析法を確立して,フィデリティの谷を解決した.国際共同研究と大型風洞実験を通して,理論解析と実証実験の両面から,提案手法の有効性を明らかにした 挑戦的研究としての意義は,①前例研究が少なく知見が乏しい研究分野で,新規アイデアに基づいて【フィデリティの谷】に挑む萌芽的要素があること,②新規【内部変形制御】と国際協力と大型風洞実験をフルに活用して「真のマルチフィデリティの実現」に果敢に挑戦することである.

  7. 非定常3次元渦流れの計測融合シミュレーション法の開発

    大林 茂, 三坂 孝志, 浅井 圭介, 野々村 拓, 奥泉 寛之, 永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2018年4月1日 ~ 2021年3月31日

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    今年度は,鈍頭物体の流体力学的性質を理解するため,気流に対して平行に配置された低細長比円柱の空力特性と後流場の関係を,磁力支持を用いた風洞試験と数値流体解析により調査した.円柱の細長比とは,断面直径と全長の比であり,円柱の空力特性を決定する形状パラメータである. 風洞試験では,細長比0.3-0.5円柱模型に対して空気力計測と粒子画像流速測定法(PIV)を用いた後流速度場計測を実施した.レイノルズ数条件は2.0×104-8×104の範囲に設定した.細長比0.3-0.5の抵抗係数は約1.18-1.20の範囲で一定となることが明らかになった.また円柱後流における再循環Bubbleに関しては,細長比の減少に伴い,円柱中心軸上での再循環領域長さが単調増加する一方で,Bubble内部の逆流速はおおよそ一定となることが確認された.非定常空力特性は高速フーリエ変換を用いた周波数解析により,抗力成分にはストローハル数でSt=0.03-0.05の低周波数変動が発生し,モーメント成分にはSt=0.03-0.05とSt=0.155の特徴的変動が現れることが確認された. 数値解析では,Implicit Large Eddy Simulationを用い,レイノルズ数を4.0×104と設定し,また細長比は,磁力支持天秤装置を用いて調査できなかった細長比0.3以下も含めた細長比0.1-1.0と定めた.細長比0.1-0.5の抵抗係数は約1.18-1.20で一定値をとり,風洞計測値と良く一致することが確認された.細長比0.5以下では円柱の抵抗係数は漸近収束することが新たに明らかになった.非定常空力特性では,横力・ヨーイングモーメント係数の周波数解析を実施した.細長比0.1, 0.5, 1.0円柱では細長比によらず,横力・ヨーイングモーメントにSt=0.11-0.14の変動が発生することが明らかになった.

  8. 新規概念「局所ジョイント座標」で打ち破る柔軟展開翼モデルの2次元と3次元間の壁

    槙原 幹十朗, 亀山 正樹, 永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2018年6月29日 ~ 2020年3月31日

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  9. 機能性分子センサを用いた高温衝撃風洞における空力加熱計測手法の確立

    永井 大樹, 大西 直文, 丹野 英幸

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2017年4月1日 ~ 2020年3月31日

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    本研究は,宇宙飛行体が大気再突入時に晒される高温・高圧環境から受ける空力加熱(物体に侵入する熱流束)分布を,非接触でかつ定量的に計測する光学計測手法を開発することである.特に従来の感温塗料を用いた計測技術に新たな発想(背面観測,遮光層の導入)を加えることにより,高エンタルピ流れにおける空力加熱の定量的な計測に取り組んだ. さらに,遮光層を有する感温塗料に用いた技術を応用して,低速流れでの境界層遷移位置の可視化も実施し,その位置検出の高精度推算に適用可能であることを示した.

  10. 逆止弁付き自励振動型ヒートパイプのスタートアップ特性向上

    安藤 麻紀子, 永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Japan Aerospace EXploration Agency

    2017年4月1日 ~ 2020年3月31日

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  11. 非定常特性を考慮に入れた低レイノルズ数翼の最適設計の研究

    池田 友明, 跡部 隆, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 小西 康郁

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    研究機関:Japan Aerospace EXploration Agency

    2013年4月1日 ~ 2016年3月31日

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  12. 世界初の火星飛行探査実現に向けた基盤研究と高高度飛行試験

    永井 大樹, 大山 聖, 得竹 浩, 竹内 伸介, 豊田 裕之, 大槻 真嗣, 野々村 拓, 安養寺 正之, 米本 浩一, 藤井 孝藏, 浅井 圭介

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2012年4月1日 ~ 2015年3月31日

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  13. 革新的ソニックブーム低減技術の地上実証研究

    大林 茂, 小林 秀昭, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 小川 俊広, 斎藤 務, 川添 博光, 千葉 一永, 沼田 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2011年4月1日 ~ 2015年3月31日

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  14. 仮想飛行試験の実現に向けた次世代動的風洞実験の基盤構築

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 沼田 大樹, 姜 欣, 近野 敦, 中北 和之, 近野 敦

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2010年 ~ 2012年

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  15. 火星探査航空機の研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Cooperative Research

    2009年4月 ~

  16. 非定常圧力場可視化計測のための超高感度感圧分子センサの開発

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹

    2008年 ~ 2009年

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    従来の圧力計測技術の限界を打ち破る革新的な手法として,1)信号処理や画像処理を利用した非定常計測手法と 2)ナノ多孔質膜を用いた感圧分子センサの開発に取り組んだ.今年度は感圧塗料計測の適用範囲を低速・非定常現象に拡大することを目的に,非定常計測手法として信号処理を利用したPhase-lock法および周波数解析を利用した手法の開発と高度化を,また多孔質アルミナを利用した差圧型感圧分子センサ膜の流れ場への適用を行った.合わせて感圧塗料による低速現象計測に対して理論誤差解析を行い,主要な誤差要因の特定および改善を行った.その結果以下に示す成果が得られた. ・角柱側面に周期的に生じる"ゆらぎ"をもった非定常圧力変動を基準現象として,信号処理を利用したPhase-lock法および周波数解析を利用した手法の開発と高度化を行った.その結果,これらの技術により角柱側面でピーク周波数150Hzで変動する圧力分布を振幅0.1~0.3kPaで正弦振動する圧力変動を捉えられることがわかった.加えて,低速現象計測に最適な感圧塗料の選定および信号・画像処理手法の改良を行うことで両手法の圧力計測精度や空間・位相分解能を大きく改善させ,より微小かつ高速な非定常現象への適用可能性を示した. ・流れ場中における多孔質アルミナを用いた差圧応答型PSPの特性を調べた.開発した差圧応答型PSPは,流れ場中において従来のPSPの数倍程度の圧力感度を持つことがわかった.ただし,PSPの発光は圧力に加え流速にも依存し,圧力を正確に測定するためには2つのパラメータを分離する機構やデータ処理手法を開発する必要があることがわかった.

  17. 背面観測型感温塗料と逆解法による高エンタルピ流による空力加熱率の高精度推算

    永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2008年 ~ 2009年

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  18. 超音速複葉翼理論に基づくサイレント超音速機の基盤研究 競争的資金

    大林 茂, 浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 佐宗 章弘, 川添 博光, 松野 隆, 中橋 和博, 松島 紀佐, 鄭 信圭, 坪井 伸幸, 中村 佳朗, 宮路 幸二, 佐藤 哲也, 松尾 亜紀子, 澤井 秀次郎, 藤田 和央, 小林 弘明, 田口 秀之, 倉谷 尚志, 藤田 和央

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2007年 ~ 2009年

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  19. 惑星大気圏飛行のための実気流風洞試験技術の研究開発 競争的資金

    浅井 圭介, 永井 大樹, 澤田 恵介, 澤田 秀夫, 澤田 恵介, 澤田 秀夫

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2006年 ~ 2008年

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    本研究では火星大気中における翼周りの流れ場を模擬する特殊風洞(火星大気風洞)の設計製作と計測技術の開発に取り組んだ. この風洞は真空チャンバとその中に設置された吸込式風洞,内圧調整用のバッファタンクからなり,超音速エジェクターで駆動される. 検定試験の結果,チャンバ内部の圧力を調整することで10^4から10^5までの広い範囲のレイノルズ数を模擬可能なこと, 1kPaの低圧で最高マッハ数0.7の高速を達成できることを確認した. 合わせて, 火星大気環境下で使用できる速度場,圧力場の計測技術を開発し, JAXAが検討を進めている火星飛行機の翼性能試験にこれらの風洞技術が有用であることを実証した.

  20. 感温塗料を用いた空力加熱計測 競争的資金

    制度名:Cooperative Research

    2007年11月 ~

  21. 実験/計算融合によるソニックブーム推定方法の高精度化 競争的資金

    制度名:Contract Research

    2007年4月 ~

  22. 感圧塗料を用いた表面圧力分布計測技術 競争的資金

    制度名:Contract Research

    2006年10月 ~

  23. 感圧塗料による酸素分圧分布可視化計測技術の開発 競争的資金

    制度名:Contract Research

    2006年6月 ~

  24. 先端技術を用いた風洞実験手法の研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Cooperative Research

    2006年4月 ~

  25. 感圧・感温センシングのための色素連結型酸素透過性高分子の開発 競争的資金

    2006年4月 ~

  26. 機能性分子センサの低温及び高速流体への適用に関する共同研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Cooperative Research

    2004年4月 ~ 2006年3月

  27. 宇宙機搭載を目指した超伝導電磁石の冷却技術の研究

    仲井 浩孝, 木村 誠宏, 槙田 康博, 永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    2004年 ~ 2006年

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    超伝導電磁石を冷却する際に観測される超流動ヘリウムの沸騰現象を、光学窓付きクライオスタットと高速度カメラで可視化し、広範囲な圧力と温度の領域での膜沸騰モードや熱伝達率の変化を測定をした。これらの測定結果の解析から、宇宙空間のような微小重力下では、発熱体表面上に重力場と同量の飽和超流動ヘリウムが存在しても、飽和超流動ヘリウム固有の沸騰現象であるノイジー膜沸騰が発生しないことや、蒸気相の急速な成長に伴って"viscous fingering"現象を形成し、混相挙動の効果によって高い熱伝導が得られる可能性が明らかとなった。また、膜沸騰による圧力振動を高速フーリエ変換して解析し、膜沸騰モードを気液界面の安定性・不安定性の観点から議論した。 冷却系の排熱システムの研究では、大量の熱輸送が可能であり、軽量かつ信頼性の高い熱制御デバイスであるループヒートパイプを提案し、微小重力下での起動特性や作動特性に関する実験を行った。トップヒートおよびボトムヒートでは、ある熱入力以上では一旦起動してしまえば水平時と変わらない熱輸送能力を示し、安定した動作が確認されたが、ボトムヒートでは、低熱入力時に不安定な動作を示す場合も観測された。起動時に蒸発器出口に液が溜まって蒸気の流路を塞いでいるためであると考えられる。したがって、微小重力下におけるループヒートパイプの起動は液体の初期分布に大きく依存していることを示している。今後は、リザーバーの温度制御によって液体の初期分布に拘らず、確実な起動ができるように試みる。 超伝導電磁石と超流動ヘリウムとの熱伝達特性に影響を及ぼすカピッツァ抵抗を測定するための実験装置およびデータ収集システムを構築し、データの蓄積を図っている。また、超流動ヘリウムで冷却される超伝導電磁石を励磁するために、高温超伝導体で電流リードを製作し、超伝導電磁石の冷却システムの評価の際に使用する。

  28. 感圧塗料の応用に関する研究・調査 競争的資金

    制度名:Contract Research

    2005年6月 ~

  29. 低速領域における感圧塗料の計測法の共同研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Contract Research

    2005年4月 ~

  30. PSP実験によるデルタ翼Wing Rock現象の解明 競争的資金

    制度名:Cooperative Research

    2005年4月 ~

  31. 将来型宇宙機搭載用LHPRSの研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Cooperative Research

    2005年4月 ~

  32. ループヒートパイプ排熱システムの研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Cooperative Research

    2005年4月 ~

  33. 微小空力要素研究のためのマイクロ風洞試験技術の開発 競争的資金

    浅井 圭介, 福西 祐, 永井 大樹

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2004年 ~ 2005年

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    本基盤研究では、マイクロメートルからミリメートルサイズの微小流体要素の熱空力特性を調べるための装置と、それを用いたマイクロ空力要素の風洞試験技術の開発に取り組んだ。風速域を大きく2つに分け、音速以上の速度が出せる超音速マイクロ風洞と低速実験を行うためのマイクロ流路を試作開発し、これらの風洞(流路)で使用する気流診断技術を開発した。開発した超音速マイクロ風洞は、吸込み式で測定部の大きさが10mmである。超音速ノズルの設計には特性曲線法とNavier Stokesコードを用いた。このような微小サイズの風洞の検定には従来のセンサは適用できず、本研究では。感圧塗料(PSP)・感温塗料(TSP)など発光色素センサを利用した。測定部の圧力場と温度場の計測により、設計通り一様な超音速流れが成立していることを確認した。また、測定部に1mm以下の微小物体をおいた実験を行い、これらの計測技術が微小空力要素研究の道具として有効であることを確認した。この技術の応用として、設計Mach数4.0、スロート幅250μmのマイクロノズルを製作し、内部流れを観測する実験を行った。上流部の圧力を減圧することで、これまで実験データが存在しない低Reynolds数のデータを取得した。その結果、スロート上流部で流れが減速するなど、通常の寸法の流路では見られない特異な現象の観測に成功した。解析の結果、これらの現象がRe数の低下とともに急激に発達する境界層の影響で生じていることが明らかになった。一方、低速域における流体微小要素の研究については、PC制御したシンリンジポンプによって駆動される流路幅1mmのマイクロチャネルを製作し2流体混合現象の実験を行った。色素トレース法を用いた観測と格子ボルツマン法による計算により、混合レベルの定量評価法の妥当性を確認した。あわせて、PSP・TSP技術の基盤的な研究を実施した。

  34. 極低温領域で使用可能な小型軽量ループ・ヒートパイプ・システムの試作開発および研究 競争的資金

    永井 大樹

    制度名:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    2003年 ~ 2005年

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    従来の科学衛星などの低温要求ミッションの多くでは、超流動ヘリウム等による寒剤冷却方式が用いられてきたが、最近では寒剤の質量/体積および保持期間に起因する観測上の制約を克服するため、寒剤冷却に依らない放射冷却構造と機械式冷凍機システムの効果的な組み合わせによる冷却方式に移行しようとしている。このような中、冷凍機コンプレッサ自身からの発熱や振動などのセンサに対する影響も考慮しなければならないという新しい問題にも直面している。これらを解決するために、冷凍機とセンサ、もしくは、冷凍機コンプレッサとラジエータを高効率で結ぶ伝熱素子が望まれてきている。そのような要求を満たすものとして、実績のあるヒートパイプが挙げられるが、現在の複雑化した衛星内部の配置制約に対しては、可撓性や輸送距離の面で役不足である。それに対して、LHPは、ヒートパイプ同様に熱伝達の効率が非常に優れており、可撓性はもちろん、長距離輸送能力も優れているため、低温ミッション(80K〜190K)における排熱システムとして非常に期待されている。また、民生技術として地上転用を考慮した場合でも、高温超電導電子デバイスと冷凍機との間の伝熱素子として考えることが可能である。これは、社会の高度化に伴い超電導応用技術が重要な位置を占める場合に高信頼性伝熱素子として必須の技術になると考える。 そこで、本研究では、極低温領域で使用可能な小型LHPの試作を行い、まず予備動作特性試験を実施した。現段階では、LHPシステムの設計検証のため、常温にて試験を実施したが、今後は、さらに実験を重ね、低温への適用化へ向けて改良を実施していく。

  35. マイクロ流路内現象解明技術の研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Contract Research

    2004年6月 ~

  36. 宇宙機搭載を目指した超伝導電磁石の冷却技術の研究 競争的資金

    制度名:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    2003年4月 ~

  37. 衝撃圧縮によって誘起される超流動ヘリウム中の2種類の衝撃波及び非定常相転移の研究

    永井 大樹

    1999年 ~ 2000年

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

担当経験のある科目(授業) 10

  1. 衛星工学 東北大学

  2. 基盤流体力学 東北大学

  3. 流体力学I 東北大学

  4. 宇宙流体工学特論 東北大学

  5. 機械知能・航空研修I, II 東北大学

  6. 衝撃波の科学 東北大学

  7. 飛行力学 東北大学

  8. 数学物理学演習II 東北大学

  9. 航空宇宙流体力学 東北大学

  10. 機械知能・航空実験I,II 東北大学

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

社会貢献活動 5

  1. 文化フォーラム in 仙台「見えない宇宙をみる科学の眼」

    2011年12月18日 ~

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    講演会の主催 一般の人に宇宙とその可視化について分かり易く講演する.

  2. 第18回科学講演会

    2011年9月4日 ~

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    科学講演会の主催 ・ペットボトルロケットの製作・打ち上げ

  3. 第16回科学講演会

    2009年9月5日 ~

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    科学講演会の主催 ・ペットボトルロケットの製作・打ち上げ

  4. 第15回科学講演会

    2008年9月7日 ~

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    科学講演会の主催 ・ペットボトルロケットの製作・打ち上げ

  5. 第14回科学講演会

    2007年9月2日 ~

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    科学講演会の主催 ・ペットボトルロケットの製作・打ち上げ

その他 3

  1. バリスティックレンジ試験委託

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  2. バドミントンシャトルコックの飛翔特性の解明と航空工学分野への応用

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  3. 揚力装置組込み翼の試作と風洞試験における空力データ取得

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    本課題の試験研究実施責任者らは、流体における境界層のはく離を防止する制御システムを開発し、特許登録を受けている。この技術を航空機の翼に応用すれば、高揚力装置組込み翼の開発が可能となるが、どの程度の効果があるかは実証されてはいなかった。 そこで、開発した制御システムを組み込んだ翼模型を試作するとともに、風洞試験により翼性能を取得し、開発した装置の効果を定量的に示すことを目的とする。得られた具体的なデータをもとに、航空機メーカーに特許のライセンスを試みる。