
イノ コウスケ
伊野 浩介
Kosuke Ino
大学院工学研究科 バイオ工学専攻 生体分子化学講座(生物電気化学分野)
  • 博士(工学)(名古屋大学)

  • 修士(工学)(名古屋大学)

経歴 5

  • 2020年4月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学 ディスティングイッシュトリサーチャー

  • 2017年10月 ~ 継続中
    東北大学 准教授

  • 2008年4月 ~ 2017年9月
    東北大学 助教

  • 2014年7月 ~ 2014年10月
    ハーバード大学医学大学院 客員研究員

  • 2006年4月 ~ 2008年3月
    日本学術振興会 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1

学歴 3

  • 名古屋大学 工学研究科 化学・生物工学専攻

    ~ 2008年3月25日

  • 名古屋大学 工学研究科 化学・生物工学専攻

    ~ 2006年3月27日

  • 名古屋大学 工学部 化学・生物工学科

    ~ 2004年3月25日

委員歴 18

  • Micromachines Editorial Board Member

    2019年5月 ~ 継続中

  • 日本分析化学会東北支部 幹事

    2017年3月 ~ 継続中

  • 公益社団法人電気化学会 東北支部 幹事

    2011年4月 ~ 継続中

  • R031ハイブリッド量子ナノ技術委員会 委員

    2021年4月 ~ 2026年3月

  • 日本分析化学会東北支部庶務幹事 庶務幹事

    2024年2月 ~ 2026年2月

  • Analytical Sciences 編集委員

    2022年3月 ~ 2026年2月

  • Electrochemical Science Advances Editorial Advisory Board

    2021年2月 ~ 2023年12月

  • 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第47回研究会(CHEMINAS 47) 実行委員長

    2023年5月 ~ 2023年5月

  • 電気化学会 編集委員

    2020年3月 ~ 2022年2月

  • Sensors Editorial Board Member

    2018年10月 ~ 2022年1月

  • 日本化学会 東北支部 幹事長

    2020年1月 ~ 2020年12月

  • 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測センター 専門調査員

    2019年6月 ~ 2020年3月

  • Frontiers in Chemistry Topic Editors of Frontiers in Chemistry

    2019年 ~ 2019年

  • Sensors Guest Editor for Special Issue "Sensors for Cell Analysis"

    2018年 ~ 2018年

  • 日本分析化学会東北支部 会計幹事

    2015年3月 ~ 2017年2月

  • 公益社団法人日本生物工学会 セルプロセッシング計測評価研究部会 幹事

    2014年10月 ~

  • 一般社団法人電気学会 材料から革新するバイオマイクロシステム調査専門委員会 委員

    2014年10月 ~

  • 一般社団法人電気学会・論文委員会(Eグループ) 委員

    2014年4月 ~

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

所属学協会 6

  • 公益社団法人日本生化学会

    2024年2月 ~ 継続中

  • International Society of Electrochemistry

  • 公益社団法人 日本化学会

  • 公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

  • 公益社団法人 電気化学会

  • 一般社団法人 化学とマイクロナノシステム学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

研究キーワード 3

  • 生体模倣システム

  • 電気化学

  • バイオMEMS

研究分野 3

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / バイオ機能応用、バイオプロセス工学 /

  • ナノテク・材料 / 分析化学 / 電気化学

  • ナノテク・材料 / ナノマイクロシステム / バイオMEMS

受賞 35

  1. Lab on a Chip outstanding research award


  2. Top Downloaded Article, Electroanalysis

    2023年3月 Wiley

  3. 東北分析化学賞

    2022年12月 日本分析化学会東北支部

  4. 奨励賞

    2022年5月 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会

  5. 第10回新化学技術研究奨励賞

    2021年6月 新化学技術推進協会

  6. Top 10% most downloaded papers 2018-2019 in Electroanalysis

    2020年4月 Wiley

  7. 中谷賞(奨励賞)

    2020年2月 中谷医工計測技術振興財団

  8. 文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞

    2019年4月 文部科学省

  9. Excellence in Reviewing for Biosensors and Bioelectronics

    2019年2月 Elsevier

  10. Outstanding reviewer for Chemical Physics Letters

    2018年8月 Elsevier

  11. Outstanding reviewer for Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering

    2018年4月 Elsevier

  12. Outstanding reviewer for Biosensors & Bioelectronics

    2018年1月 Elsevier

  13. Outstanding reviewer for Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

    2017年6月 Elsevier

  14. 優秀講演賞(学術)(日本化学会第97春季年会2017)

    2017年3月30日 日本化学会

  15. Outstanding reviewer for Synthetic Metals

    2017年3月 Elsevier

  16. 若い世代の特別講演会(第31回)、日本化学会 第97春季年会 (2017)

    2017年3月 日本化学会

  17. Outstanding Reviewer for Lab on a Chip in 2016

    2017年2月 Lab on a Chip, The Royal Society of Chemistry

  18. 第29回安藤博記念学術奨励賞

    2016年6月 一般財団法人安藤研究所

  19. Early Career Analytical Electrochemistry Prize of ISE Division 1

    2016年6月 International Society of Electrochemistry

  20. 第15回インテリジェント・コスモス奨励賞

    2016年5月 インテリジェント・コスモス学術振興財団

  21. 2015年度化学・生物素材研究開発奨励賞

    2015年10月 一般財団法人バイオインダストリー協会

  22. 平成27年度 電気化学会進歩賞・佐野賞

    2015年3月 公益社団法人電気化学会

  23. 2014年度日本分析化学会奨励賞

    2014年9月 公益社団法人日本分析化学会

  24. 第54回原田研究奨励賞

    2014年7月 公益財団法人本多記念会

  25. 平成26年度電気化学会論文賞

    2014年3月 公益社団法人電気化学会 Electrochemical Device with Interdigitated Ring Array Electrodes for Investigating the Relationship between Cardiomyocyte Differentiation from Embryonic Stem Cells and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity

  26. 平成25年度トーキン科学技術賞

    2014年3月 公益財団法人トーキン科学技術振興財団

  27. 平成24年度化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会若手優秀賞

    2013年5月 一般社団法人化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会

  28. 第18回青葉工学研究奨励賞

    2012年12月 青葉工学振興会

  29. Best Presentation Award SSAS 2012

    2012年11月 Sendai Sympojium on Analytical Sciences 2012 Organizing Committee

  30. RSC Best Poster Presentation Award

    2012年9月 RSC Publishing

  31. Outstanding Paper Award of 2007

    2008年5月 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan

  32. Nature COE若手研究奨励賞

    2007年1月 名古屋大学 21世紀COE「自然に学ぶ材料プロセッシングの創製」 研究活動

  33. Best Ph. D. Student Oral Presentation Award

    2006年11月 The 12th Symposium of Young Asia Biochemical Engineers' Community

  34. Nature COE若手研究奨励賞

    2006年1月 名古屋大学 21世紀COE「自然に学ぶ材料プロセッシングの創製」 研究活動

  35. 第37回秋季大会優秀ポスター発表賞

    2005年9月 社団法人化学工学会

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

論文 139

  1. Scanning electrochemical microscopy for determining oxygen consumption rates of cells in hydrogel fibers fabricated using an extrusion 3D bioprinter 国際誌 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Mana Wachi, Yoshinobu Utagawa, An Konno, Masahiro Takinoue, Hiroya Abe, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytica Chimica Acta 1304 342539-342539 2024年5月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2024.342539  


  2. Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell spheroids: A microfluidic device and electrochemiluminescence imaging study 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, An Konno, Yuji Nashimoto, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    144291-144291 2024年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2024.144291  


  3. Comprehensive cell adhesion analysis using electrochemiluminescence imaging and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Kimiharu Oba, Kosuke Ino, Yoshinobu Utagawa, Hiroya Abe, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochemistry 92 (2) 022009 2024年2月


    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.23-68109  



  4. Microfluidic vascular formation model for assessing angiogenic capacities of single islets 国際誌 査読有り

    Yuji Nashimoto, An Konno, Takuto Imaizumi, Kaori Nishikawa, Kosuke Ino, Takeshi Hori, Hirokazu Kaji, Hirofumi Shintaku, Masafumi Goto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Biotechnology and Bioengineering 121 (3) 1050-1059 2024年


    DOI: 10.1002/bit.28631  



  5. Vasculature-on-a-chip with a porous membrane electrode for in situ electrochemical detection of nitric oxide released from endothelial cells 国際誌 査読有り

    Yoshinobu Utagawa, Kosuke Ino, Kaoru Hiramoto, Kazuyuki Iwase, Yuji Nashimoto, Itaru Honma, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical Chemistry 95 (49) 18158-18165 2023年11月28日


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03684  



  6. Effect of valinomycin on the respiration activity of zebrafish embryos using a large-scale-integration-based multiple amperometric biosensor 国際誌 査読有り

    Kazuki Terao, Masato Suzuki, Ryota Kunikata, Atsushi Suda, Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Tomoyuki Yasukawa

    Sensors and Materials 35 (10) 4781-4781 2023年10月25日


    DOI: 10.18494/sam4493  



  7. Fabrication and cell culture applications of core‐shell hydrogel fibers composed of chitosan/DNA interfacial polyelectrolyte complexation and calcium alginate: straight and beaded core variations 国際誌 査読有り

    Yoshinobu Utagawa, Kosuke Ino, Masahiro Takinoue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (31) 2302011 2023年8月3日


    DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202302011  



  8. Evaluation of respiratory and secretory activities of multicellular spheroids via electrochemiluminescence imaging 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, Keika Komatsu, Ryota Shikuwa, An Konno, Yusuke Sato, Ayumi Hirano-Iwata, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochimica Acta 458 142507 2023年8月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2023.142507  

  9. Topographical evaluation of human mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic differentiation using scanning ion conductance microscopy 国際誌 査読有り

    Kota Nozawa, Xuyang Zhang, Takuo Nakamura, Yuji Nashimoto, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochimica Acta 449 142192 2023年5月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2023.142192  

  10. Simple, rapid, and large‐scale fabrication of multi‐branched hydrogels based on viscous fingering for cell culture applications 国際誌 査読有り

    Yoshinobu Utagawa, Kosuke Ino, Kaoru Hiramoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (9) 2300069 2023年4月22日


    DOI: 10.1002/mabi.202300069  



  11. ガラスナノキャピラリーを用いるイオン電流整流作用におけるイオン濃度の影響の調査 査読有り

    伊藤千聖, 伊野浩介, 平本薫, 梨本裕司, 珠玖仁

    分析化学 72 (3) 117-123 2023年3月

    DOI: 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.72.117  

  12. Droplet-free digital immunoassay based on electrochemiluminescence 査読有り

    Kentaro Ito, Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X 100312 2023年2月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.biosx.2023.100312  


  13. Oxygen metabolism analysis of a single organoid toward the noninvasive discrimination of cancer subpopulations with different growth capabilities 国際誌 査読有り

    Yuji Nashimoto, Shotaro Shishido, Kunishige Onuma, Kosuke Ino, Masahiro Inoue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 11 1184325-1184325 2023年

    DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1184325  

  14. Highly sensitive electrochemical endotoxin sensor based on redox cycling using an interdigitated array electrode device 査読有り

    Kentaro Ito, Kumi Y. Inoue, Takahiro Ito-Sasaki, Miho Ikegawa, Shinichiro Takano, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Micromachines 14 (2) 327 2023年1月

    DOI: 10.3390/mi14020327  

  15. Electrochemical sensing of oxygen metabolism for a three-dimensional cultured model with biomimetic vascular flow 国際誌 査読有り

    Yuji Nashimoto, Rei Mukomoto, Takuto Imaizumi, Takato Terai, Shotaro Shishido, Kosuke Ino, Ryuji Yokokawa, Takashi Miura, Kunishige Onuma, Masahiro Inoue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 219 114808-114808 2023年1月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2022.114808  


  16. High-sensitivity amperometric dual immunoassay using two cascade reactions with signal amplification of redox cycling in nanoscale gap 国際誌 査読有り

    Kentaro Ito, Kumi Y Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical Chemistry 94 (47) 16451-16460 2022年11月4日


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c03921  



  17. Highly sensitive electrochemical immunoassay using signal amplification of the coagulation cascade 国際誌 査読有り

    Kentaro Ito, Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical Chemistry 94 (36) 12427-12434 2022年8月26日


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02241  



  18. Electrochemical microwell sensor with Fe-N co-doped carbon catalyst to monitor nitric oxide release from endothelial cell spheroids 国際誌 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, Kazuyuki Iwase, Yoshinobu Utagawa, Yuji Nashimoto, Itaru Honma, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical Sciences 38 1297-1304 2022年7月


    DOI: 10.1007/s44211-022-00160-0  



  19. Electrochemiluminescence imaging of cellular adhesion in vascular endothelial cells during tube formation on hydrogel scaffolds 国際誌 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Keika Komatsu, Kaoru Hiramoto, Yoshinobu Utagawa, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochimica Acta 415 140240 2022年3月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2022.140240  

  20. Electrochemical glue for binding chitosan/alginate hydrogel fibers for cell culture 国際誌 査読有り

    Yoshinobu Utagawa, Kosuke Ino, Tatsuki Kumagai, Kaoru Hiramoto, Masahiro Takinoue, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Micromachines 13 (3) 420 2022年3月

    DOI: 10.3390/mi13030420  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Selected as Feature Paper by Editor-in-Chief

  21. Electrochemiluminescence imaging based on bipolar electrochemistry using commercially available anisotropic conductive films 国際誌 査読有り

    Rise Akasaka, Kosuke Ino, Tomoki Iwama, Kumi Y. Inoue, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Sensors and Materials 34 (8) 3113-3122 2022年1月

    DOI: 10.18494/SAM3745  

  22. Ion conductance-based perfusability assay of vascular vessel models in microfluidic devices 国際誌 査読有り

    Rise Akasaka, Masashi Ozawa, Yuji Nashimoto, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Micromachines 12 (12) 1491 2021年12月

    DOI: 10.3390/mi12121491  

  23. Electrochemical imaging of endothelial permeability using a large-scale integration-based device 国際誌 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Hao-Jen Pai, Kaoru Hiramoto, Yoshinobu Utagawa, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    ACS Omega 6 (51) 35476-35483 2021年12月

    DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c04931  

  24. Electrochemical immunoassay with dual-signal amplification for redox cycling within a nanoscale gap 国際誌 国際共著 査読有り

    Kentaro Ito, Kumi Y. Inoue, Takahiro Ito-Sasaki, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (11) 12393-12400 2021年10月22日


    DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c02837  



  25. 多点電気化学測定によるゼブラフィッシュ胚の 酸素消費量と運動の同時リアルタイム評価 査読有り

    鈴木雅登, 岩木ゆか, 寺尾和輝, 國方亮太, 須田篤史, 井上(安田)久美, 伊野浩介, 末永智一, 安川智之

    分析化学 70 (9) 535-540 2021年9月

  26. Topography and permeability analyses of vasculature-on-a-chip using scanning probe microscopies 国際誌

    Yuji Nashimoto, Minori Abe, Ryota Fujii, Noriko Taira, Hiroki Ida, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Javier Ramon-Azcon, Hitoshi Shiku

    Advanced Healthcare Materials e2101186 2021年8月19日

    DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202101186  

  27. Electrochemiluminescence imaging of respiratory activity of cellular spheroids using sequential potential steps 国際誌 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, Kosuke Ino, Keika Komatsu, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 181 113123 2021年6月1日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2021.113123  

  28. Micropipette-based navigation in a microvascular model for imaging endothelial cell topography using scanning ion conductance microscopy 査読有り

    Taira, Noriko, Nashimoto, Yuji, Ino, Kosuke, Ida, Hiroki, Imaizumi, Takuto, Kumatani, Akichika, Takahashi, Yasufumi, Shiku, Hitoshi

    Analytical Chemistry 93 (11) 4902-4908 2021年3月

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c05174  

  29. 多点液滴デバイスを用いたレドックスサイクリングによる メチレンブルーの電気化学計測 査読有り

    平本薫, 小松慶佳, 山田祐大, 梨本裕司, 末永智一, 伊野浩介, 珠玖仁

    分析化学 70 (3) 183-189 2021年3月

  30. Electrodeposition of thiolated polymer-based hydrogels via disulfide formation using electrogenerated benzoquinone 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Ayako Tamura, Kaoru Hiramoto, Mika T. Fukuda, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Chemistry Letters 50 (2) 256-259 2021年2月5日


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.200732  



  31. Fabrication of three-dimensional calcium alginate hydrogels using sacrificial templates of sugar 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Mika T Fukuda, Kaoru Hiramoto, Noriko Taira, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 130 (5) 539-544 2020年8月2日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2020.06.014  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Hydrogels are receiving increasing attention in bioapplications. Among hydrogels, calcium alginate (Ca-alginate) hydrogels are widely used for their biocompatibility, low toxicity, low cost, and rapid fabrication by simple mixing of Ca2+ and sodium alginate (Na-alginate). For bioapplications using hydrogels, it is necessary to construct designed hydrogel structures. Although several methods have been proposed for fabricating designed hydrogels, a simple and low-cost method is desirable. Therefore, we developed a new method using sacrificial templates of sugar structures to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) designed Ca-alginate hydrogels. In this method, Na-alginate solution is mixed with molten sugar, and the resulting highly viscous material used to mold 3D sugar structures as sacrificial templates. Since sugar constructs are easily handled compared to hydrogels, sugar templates are useful for preparing 3D constructs. Finally, the sugar and Na-alginate structure is immersed in a CaCl2 solution to simultaneously dissolve the template and form the Ca-alginate hydrogel. The resulting hydrogel takes the shape of the sugar template. By stacking and fusing various sugar structures, such as fibers and blocks, 3D designed Ca-alginate hydrogels can be successfully fabricated. This simple and low-cost method shows excellent potential for application to a variety of bioapplications.

  32. Oxygen consumption rate of tumour spheroids during necrotic-like core formation 国際誌 査読有り

    Rei Mukomoto, Yuji Nashimoto, Takato Terai, Takuto Imaizumi, Kaoru Hiramoto, Kosuke Ino, Ryuji Yokokawa, Takashi Miura, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analyst 145 6342-6348 2020年7月


    DOI: 10.1039/d0an00979b  



  33. Electrochemical measurement of respiratory activity for evaluation of fibroblast spheroids containing endothelial cell networks 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, Hao-Jen Pai, Kosuke Ino, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochimica Acta 340 135979 2020年4月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.135979  

  34. Closed Bipolar Electrode Array for On-Chip Analysis of Cellular Respiration by Cell Aggregates 国際誌 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Ryosuke Yaegaki, Kaoru Hiramoto, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    ACS Sensors 5 (3) 740-745 2020年3月27日

    出版者・発行元:American Chemical Society (ACS)

    DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.9b02061  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Selected as a supplementary cover

  35. Real-time imaging of photosynthetic oxygen evolution from spinach using LSI-based biosensor 査読有り

    Shigenobu Kasai, Yamato Sugiura, Ankush Prasad, Kumi Y. Inoue, Teruya Sato, Tomohiro Honmo, Aditya Kumar, Pavel Pospíšil, Kosuke Ino, Yuka Hashi, Yoko Furubayashi, Masahki Matsudaira, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Tomokazu Matsue

    Scientific Reports 9 12234 2019年8月

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-48561-y  

  36. Genipin crosslinking of electrodeposited chitosan/gelatin hydrogels for cell culture 査読有り

    Ayako Tamura, Kaoru Hiramoto, Kosuke Ino, Noriko Taira, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Chemistry Letters 48 (10) 1178-1180 2019年7月

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.190466  

  37. Site-specific cytosol sampling from a single cell in an intact tumor spheroid using an electrochemical syringe 査読有り

    Yuji Nashimoto, Masakuni Echigo, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical Chemistry 91 (14) 8772-8776 2019年6月

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02062  

  38. Electrodeposition-based rapid bioprinting of 3D-designed hydrogels with a pin art device 査読有り

    Noriko Taira, Kosuke Ino, Hiroki Ida, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Biofabrication 11 035018 2019年5月

    DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/ab166e  

  39. Electrochemical fabrication of fibrin gels via cascade reaction for cell culture 査読有り

    Noriko Taira, Kosuke Ino, Tatsuki Kumagai, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Chemical Communications 55 5335-5338 2019年5月

    DOI: 10.1039/C9CC01576K  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Selected as a back cover

  40. A highly sensitive endotoxin sensor based on redox cycling in a nanocavity 査読有り

    Kentaro Ito, Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analyst 144 (11) 3659-3667 2019年4月


    DOI: 10.1039/C9AN00478E  



  41. Combination of double-mediator system with large-scale integration-based amperometric devices for detecting NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 activity of cancer cell aggregates 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Takehiro Onodera, Mika T. Fukuda, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    ACS Sensors 4 (6) 1619-1625 2019年4月

    DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.9b00344  

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    Selected as a supplementary cover.

  42. Electrochemical imaging of cell activity in hydrogels embedded in grid-shaped polycaprolactone scaffolds using a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric device 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yuki Yokokawa, Noriko Taira, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Yuji Nashimoto, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical Sciences 35 (1) 39-43 2019年1月

    DOI: 10.2116/analsci.18SDP01  

  43. Differential electrochemicolor imaging using LSI-based device for simultaneous detection of multiple analytes 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Takehiro Onodera, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Sensors and Materials 31 (1) 13-22 2019年1月

    DOI: 10.18494/SAM.2019.2035  

  44. Simultaneous and selective imaging of dopamine and glutamate using an enzyme-modified large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric electrochemical device 査読有り

    Hiroya Abe, Tomoki Iwama, Hiroshi Yabu, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electroanalysis 30 2841-2846 2018年9月

    DOI: 10.1002/elan.201800386  

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    Selected as a cover picture

  45. Electrochemical printing of calcium alginate/gelatin hydrogel 査読有り

    Noriko Taira, Kosuke Ino, Jordan Robert, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochimica Acta 281 429-436 2018年8月10日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2018.05.124  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Here, we report the electrochemical printing of calcium-alginate (Ca-alginate)/gelatin hydrogel. The printing process involves placing an electrode within or above a gelatin hydrogel containing sodium alginate and CaCO3 particles. Owing to acidification resulting from water electrolysis at the electrode, Ca2+ is released from the CaCO3 particles, resulting in the formation of a Ca-alginate hydrogel within the gelatin. By scanning a probe electrode or by placing patterned electrodes in the desired locations, the hydrogel formation reaction could be made to occur at any location, with the formed Ca-alginate hydrogel being trapped within the gelatin, which acted as a supporting scaffold. Upon heating, the untreated gelatin melted, yielding patterned Ca-alginate/gelatin hydrogels. In addition, mammalian cells could be cultured successfully within the hydrogel. Finally, by stacking layers of the patterned hydrogel sequentially, three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel printing could be achieved. This method of electrochemical hydrogel printing has significant potential for use in the construction of 3D tissue organs.

  46. Local hydrogel fabrication based on electrodeposition with a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric device 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Mayuko Terauchi, Mai Gakumasawa, Noriko Taira, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 277 95-101 2018年8月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2018.08.135  

  47. Hydrogel electrodeposition based on bipolar electrochemistry 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Tomoaki Matsumoto, Noriko Taira, Tatsuki Kumagai, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Lab on a Chip 18 2425-2432 2018年6月

    出版者・発行元:Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})

    DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00465J  

  48. Electrochemicolor imaging of endogenous alkaline phosphatase and respiratory activities of mesenchymal stem cell aggregates in early-stage osteodifferentiation 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Takehiro Onodera, Yusuke Kanno, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochimica Acta 268 554-561 2018年4月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier Ltd

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2018.02.094  


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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received great attention for tissue engineering. In the present study, the early stage of osteogenesis of MSC aggregates was monitored by electrochemicolor imaging using an electrode array device that can simultaneously detect multiple redox species. Electrochemicolor imaging was used to evaluate the cells’ endogenous alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and respiratory activities. High ALP activity was observed in the aggregates after osteomedium (OM) treatment, with hydroxyapatite addition inducing early-stage osteogenesis in large aggregates. In small aggregates, OM treatment decreased the respiratory activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to use electrochemical imaging of ALP and respiratory activities to evaluate osteogenesis in MSC aggregates.

  49. Micropatterning of nafion membranes on an electrode array using photolithographic and lift-off techniques for selective electrochemical detection and signal accumulation 査読有り

    Mayuko Terauchi, Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Shunsuke Imai, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Chemistry Letters 47 (2) 204-206 2018年

    出版者・発行元:Chemical Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.171031  

    ISSN:1348-0715 0366-7022

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Herein, we present the fabrication of micropatterned Nafion membranes on an electrode array using a combination of photolithographic and lift-off techniques. The Nafion-modified electrodes were applied for selective assays based on the charges of redox compounds. In addition, redox compounds with positive charges were successfully accumulated on the Nafion layers, so that redox signals were improved with the anodic stripping. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on micropatterning of Nafion membranes using photolithographic and lift-off techniques.

  50. Electrochemicolor Imaging Using an LSI-Based Device for Multiplexed Cell Assays 査読有り

    Yusuke Kanno, Kosuke Ino, Hiroya Abe, Chika Sakamoto, Takehiro Onodera, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 89 (23) 12778-12786 2017年12月


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b03042  



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    Multiplexed bioimaging systems have triggered the development of effective assays, contributing new biological information. Although electrochemical imaging is beneficial for quantitative analysis in real time, monitoring multiple cell functions is difficult. We have developed a novel electrochemical imaging system, herein, using a large-scale integration (LSI)based amperometric device for detecting multiple biomolecules simultaneously. This system is designated as an electrochemicolor imaging system in which the current signals from two different types of biomolecules are depicted as a multicolor electrochemical image. The mode-selectable function of the 400-electrode device enables the imaging system and two different potentials can be independently applied to the selected electrodes. The imaging system is successfully applied for detecting multiple cell functions of the embryonic stem (ES) cell and the rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cell aggregates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a real-time electrochemical mapping technique for multiple electroactive species, simultaneously, has been reported. The imaging system is a promising bioanalytical method for exploring complex biological phenomena.

  51. Development of Oxygen Consumption Analysis with an on-Chip Electrochemical Device and Simulation 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, Masahiro Yasumi, Hiroshi Ushio, Atsushi Shunori, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 89 (19) 10303-10310 2017年10月


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b02074  



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    The O-2 consumption rate of embryos has been attracting much attention as a key indicator of cell metabolisms and development. In this study, we propose an on-chip device that enables the accurate, easy, and noninvasive measurement of O-2 consumption rates of single embryos. Pt electrodes and micropits for embryo settlement were fabricated on Si chips via microfabrication techniques. The configuration of the device enables the detection of O-2 concentration profiles surrounding the embryos by settling embryos into the pits with a mouth pipet. Moreover, as the detection is based on an electrochemical method, the influence of O-2 consumption on the electrodes was also considered. By using a simulator (COMSOL Multiphysics), we estimated the O2 concentration profiles in the device with and without the effects of the electrodes. Based on the simulation results, we developed a normalization process to calculate the precise O-2 consumption rate of the sample. Finally, using both the measurement system and the algorithm for the analysis, the respiratory activities of mouse embryos were successfully measured.

  52. Electrochemical Motion Tracking of Microorganisms Using a Large-Scale-Integration-Based Amperometric Device 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue



    DOI: 10.1002/anie.201701541  



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    Motion tracking of microorganisms is useful to investigate the effects of chemical or physical stimulation on their biological functions. Herein, we describe a novel electrochemical imaging method for motion tracking of microorganisms using a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric device. The device consists of 400 electrochemical sensors with a pitch of 250 mm. A convection flow caused by the motion of microorganisms supplies redox species to the sensors and increases their electrochemical responses. Thus, the flow is converted to electrochemical signals, enabling the electrochemical motion tracking of the microorganisms. As a proof of concept, capillary vibration was monitored. Finally, the method was applied to monitoring the motion of Daphnia magna. The motions of these microorganisms were clearly tracked based on the electrochemical oxidation of [Fe(CN)(6)](4-) and reduction of O-2.

  53. Cell Sheet Fabrication Using RGD Peptide-coupled Alginate Hydrogels Fabricated by an Electrodeposition Method 査読有り

    Fumisato Ozawa, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 46 (4) 605-608 2017年4月


    DOI: 10.1246/cl.170003  



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    A novel and simple method for constructing cell sheets is described in which culture surfaces were modified with RGD peptide-coupled alginate hydrogels using an electrodeposition method. Cells were cultured on the hydrogels to form a contiguous cell sheet-like structure. Then, the hydrogels were dissolved by addition of an EDTA solution and the cell sheets rapidly detached from the surface. This is the first report of the fabrication of cell sheets on RGD peptide-coupled alginate hydrogels using an electrodeposition method. We believe the technique is useful for cell sheet engineering.

  54. Binary-number-based digital electrochemical detection using a single working electrode with multiple sensors 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Yuta Yamada, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue



    DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2017.02.016  



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    While digital detection improves the sensitivity of electrochemical analysis, adapting it for array-based high throughput assays has been challenging. The reason is that when integrating many electrochemical sensors in a small chip device, there may not be sufficient space for multiple lead connections to the external equipment. Here, we propose a new approach to prepare multiple sensors on one working electrode, and use the device for simultaneous digital electrochemical detection of droplet arrays. Based on the binary number system, sensor electrodes 4,2, and 1 mm2 in size are prepared on a single working electrode, and droplets with or without a target redox compound are placed on each sensor. The total signal from the working electrodes is converted to a three-digit binary number that specifies the presence or absence of the analyte at each position. Therefore, the droplets can be monitored simultaneously via a single line. This new concept allows us to prepare multiple electrochemical sensors on a small device for digital detection and digital imaging. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  55. Amperometric detection of apoptosis by using p-methoxyaniline-conjugated substrate for caspase-3 査読有り

    Sun Sixiang, Kumi Y. Inoue, Shusaku Shiomoto, Shinichiro Takano, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ChemElectroChem 4 (4) 941-946 2017年3月16日

    DOI: 10.1002/celc.201600700  

  56. Continuous collection and simultaneous detection of picoliter volume of nucleic acid samples using a mille-feuille probe 査読有り

    Hidenori Ito, Motoki Tanaka, Yuanshu Zhou, Yuji Nashimoto, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 409 (4) 961-969 2017年2月

    DOI: 10.1007/s00216-016-0006-y  

  57. Molecular electrochemical switching element based on diffusive molecular competition for multipoint electrochemical detection of respiration activity of cell aggregates 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yuta Yamada, Yusuke Kanno, Shunsuke Imai, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 234 201-208 2016年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.04.160  


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    Electrochemical techniques have been widely utilized for evaluation of oxygen consumption of cells. For high throughput cell analysis and imaging, several electrode-array devices have been developed. However, it is difficult to incorporate many sensors into a small area using a simple arrangement. In the present study, we developed a novel molecular electrochemical switching element for the incorporation of many sensors for detection of oxygen consumption of cells. The switching element is based on the competition of molecular consumption at an electrode pair. The switching elements are incorporated into an electrochemical imaging device, so that n(2) electrochemical sensors are prepared with only 2n connector pads. The device was then applied to evaluate the respiratory activity of cell aggregates. The detection system is a useful tool for the electrochemical imaging of cell respiratory activity without any damage to samples.(C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  58. A new in vitro co-culture model using magnetic force-based nanotechnology 査読有り

    Hiroki Takanari, Keiko Miwa, XianMing Fu, Junichi Nakai, Akira Ito, Kousuke Ino, Hiroyuki Honda, Wataru Tonomura, Satoshi Konishi, Tobias Opthof, Marcel AG van, der Heyden, Itsuo Kodama, Jong-Kook

    Journal of Cellular Physiology 231 (10) 2249-2256 2016年10月

    DOI: 10.1002/jcp.25342  

  59. Electrochemical Hydrogel Lithography of Calcium-Alginate Hydrogels for Cell Culture 査読有り

    Fumisato Ozawa, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    MATERIALS 9 (9) 744 2016年9月

    出版者・発行元:MDPI AG

    DOI: 10.3390/ma9090744  


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    Here we propose a novel electrochemical lithography methodology for fabricating calcium-alginate hydrogels having controlled shapes. We separated the chambers for Ca2+ production and gel formation with alginate with a semipermeable membrane. Ca2+ formed in the production chamber permeated through the membrane to fabricate a gel structure on the membrane in the gel formation chamber. When the calcium-alginate hydrogels were modified with collagen, HepG2 cells proliferated on the hydrogels. These results show that electrochemical hydrogel lithography is useful for cell culture.

  60. Evaluation of mRNA localization using double barrel scanning ion conductance microscopy 査読有り

    Yuji Nashimoto, Yasufumi Takahashi, Yuanshu Zhou, Hidenori Ito, Hiroki Ida, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    ACS Nano 10 (7) 6915-6922 2016年7月26日

    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b02753  

  61. Imaging of enzyme activity using bio-LSI system enables simultaneous immunosensing of different analytes in multiple specimens 査読有り

    Toshiki Hokuto, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Ryota Kunikata, Atsushi Suda, Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Fumio Mizutani

    Biotechnology Journal 11 (6) 838-842 2016年6月

    DOI: 10.1002/biot.201500559  

  62. Sequential monitoring of oxygen consumption rate of mouse embryo bodies in glucose-depleted solution 査読有り

    Hitoshi Shiku, Nana Aoki, Toshiharu Arai, Yuanshu Zhou, Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electrochemistry 84 (5) 302-304 2016年5月5日

    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.84.302  

  63. Redox Cycling-based Electrochemical Reporter Gene Assay for Single Cells Using a Scanning Electrochemical Microscope-microwell System 査読有り

    Hiroki Ida, Kosuke Ino, Junya Suzuki, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ELECTROCHEMISTRY 84 (5) 308-311 2016年5月


    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.84.308  


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    Single-cell analyses are important for providing new insights into cellular biology. Here we report an electrochemical reporter gene assay for single cells using a scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM)-microwell system. Each microwell trapped a single cell that synthesized a reporter protein, secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP). The SEAP catalyzed the hydrolysis of p-aminophenyl phosphate to p-aminophenol (PAP). A disk electrode in the SECM was positioned above the microwell and monitored the oxidation currents of PAP derived from SEAP. In addition, ring electrodes were prepared on the microwell device to induce redox cycling between the ring and disk electrodes, thus amplifying the electrochemical signals from the reporter protein. The redox cycling-based electrochemical reporter gene assay is useful for single-cell analyses. (C) The Electrochemical Society of Japan, All rights reserved.

  64. Electrochemical Imaging for Single-cell Analysis of Cell Adhesion Using a Collagen-coated Large-scale Integration (LSI)-based Amperometric Device 査読有り

    Hiroya Abe, Yusuke Kanno, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ELECTROCHEMISTRY 84 (5) 364-367 2016年5月


    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.84.364  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We here report the electrochemical imaging of cell adhesion using a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric device, called a Bio-LSI device. The device consists of 400 sensor electrodes arranged with a pitch of 250 pm. The device surface was modified with collagen to assist in the culture of MCF-7 cells and promote their adhesion. The cells disturb the electrochemical reaction of redox mediators, allowing the electrochemical signal to be used to evaluate cell adhesion at the single-cell level. This approach was applied to a cell detachment test. The results show that the Bio-LSI device is a promising tool for single-cell analysis. (C) The Electrochemical Society of Japan, All rights reserved.

  65. Potentiometric bioimaging with a large-scale integration (LSI)-based electrochemical device for detection of enzyme activity 査読有り

    Yusuke Kanno, Kosuke Ino, Chika Sakamoto, Kumi Y. Inoue, Masahki Matsudaira, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Hiroya Abe, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 77 709-714 2016年3月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.021  



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    This paper describes potentiometric bioimaging for enzyme activity using a large-scale integration (LSI)-based electrochemical device with 400 sensors. Potentiometric detection is useful for bioimaging because redox species are not consumed or produced during the detection process; therefore, there is no effect on cell activity and the detectable signal is sustained. In this study, the potentiometer mode of the LSI-based device was applied for the detection of glucose oxidase (GOx) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. The enzyme activities were quantitatively detected within the concentration ranges of 25-250 mu g/mL and 0.10-5.0 ng/mL. In addition, GOx activity in hydrogels and the ALP activity of embryoid bodies (EBs) from embryonic stem (ES) cells were successfully imaged based on detection of the open circuit potentials of individual sensors in real time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of potentiometric imaging using LSI-based electrochemical arrays to detect enzyme activity in ES cells. The LSI-based device is thus demonstrated to be a promising tool for bioimaging of enzyme activity. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  66. Liquid-junction-free system for substitutional stripping voltammetry using a closed bipolar electrode system 査読有り

    Shinichiro Takano, Kumi Y. Inoue, Miho Ikegawa, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electrochemistry Communications 66 34-37 2016年2月27日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2016.02.014  

  67. Localized gene expression analysis during sprouting angiogenesis in mouse embryoid bodies using a double barrel carbon probe 査読有り

    Hidenori Ito, Yuji Nashimoto, Yuanshu Zhou, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical Chemistry 88 (1) 610-613 2016年1月5日

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04338  

  68. Evaluation of senescence in individual MCF-7 spheroids based on electrochemical measurement of senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity 査読有り

    Yuanshu Zhou, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electrochimica Acta 186 449-454 2015年12月20日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2015.10.115  

  69. Metabolic suppression during mesodermal differentiation of embryonic stem cells identified by single-cell comprehensive gene expression analysis 査読有り

    Yuanshu Zhou, Ikuma Fujisawa, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Molecular BioSystems 11 2560-2567 2015年7月13日

    DOI: 10.1039/C5MB00340G  

  70. Simulation Analysis of Positional Relationship between Embryoid Bodies and Sensors on an LSI-based Amperometric Device for Electrochemical Imaging of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity 査読有り

    Yusuke Kanno, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 31 (7) 715-719 2015年7月


    DOI: 10.2116/analsci.31.715  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In the present study, we monitored the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of embryoid bodies (EBs) of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells using a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric device with 400 sensors and a pitch of 250 p.m. In addition, a simulation analysis was performed to reveal the positional relationship between the EBs and the sensor electrodes toward more precise measurements. The study shows that simulation analysis can be applied for precise electrochemical imaging of three-dimensionally cultured cells by normalization of the current signals.

  71. Electrochemical Imaging of Dopamine Release from Three-Dimensional-Cultured PC12 Cells Using Large-Scale Integration-Based Amperometric Sensors 査読有り

    Hiroya Abe, Kosuke Ino, Chen-Zhong Li, Yusuke Kanno, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 87 (12) 6364-6370 2015年6月


    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01307  



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    In the present study, we used a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric sensor array system, designated Bio-LSI, to image dopamine release from three-dimensional (3D)-cultured PC12 cells (PC12 spheroids). The Bio-LSI device consists of 400 sensor electrodes with a pitch of 250 mu m for rapid electroehemical imaging of large, areas. PC12 spheroids were stimulated with K+ to release dopamine. Poststimulation dopai-nine release fibril the PC12 spheroids was electrochemically imaged using the Bio-LSI device. Bia-LSI clearly showed the effects of the dopaminergic drugs L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and reserpine on K+-stimulated dopamine release from PC12 spheroids. Out results demonstrate that dopamine release from PC12 spheroids can be monitored using the device, suggesting that the Bio-LSI is a promising tool for use in evaluating 3D-cultured dopaminergic cells and the effects of dopaminergic drugs. To the best of our knowledge, this report is the first to describe electrochemical imaging of dopamine release by PC12 spheroids using LSI-based amperometric sensors.

  72. Feedback mode-based electrochemical imaging of conductivity and topography for large substrate surfaces using an LSI-based amperometric chip device with 400 sensors 査読有り

    Yusuke Kanno, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Mustafa Sen, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Hiroya Abe, Chen-Zhong Li, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2015.01.020  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Feedback mode-based electrochemical imaging of conductivity and topography for large substrate surfaces is presented using a large-scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric chip device with 400 sensors at a pitch of 250 lam. The LSI-based chip device has enabled rapid electrochemical imaging of large substrate surfaces, compared to scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM). Substrates modified with conductive and insulating materials were placed onto the device to acquire electrochemical signals from the substrate surface using positive and negative feedback signals. The conductivity and topography of the substrate were successfully imaged, indicating that the feedback mode-based electrochemical imaging with such a device is useful to characterize large-area substrate surfaces. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  73. Improving the electrochemical imaging sensitivity of scanning electrochemical microscopy-scanning ion conductance microscopy by using electrochemical Pt deposition 査読有り

    Mustafa Şen, Yasufumi Takahashi, Yoshiharu Matsumae, Yoshiko Horiguchi, Akichika Kumatani, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical Chemistry 87 (6) 3484-3489 2015年2月9日

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00027  

  74. Nanoscale imaging of an unlabeled secretory protein in living cells using scanning ion conductance microscopy 査読有り

    Yuji Nashimoto, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hiroki Ida, Yoshiharu Matsumae, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical Chemistry 87 (5) 2542-2545 2015年2月3日

    DOI: 10.1021/ac5046388  

  75. Advanced LSI-based amperometric sensor array with light-shielding structure for effective removal of photocurrent and mode selectable function for individual operation of 400 electrodes 査読有り

    Kumi Y. Inoue, Masahki Matsudaira, Masanori Nakano, Kosuke Ino, Chika Sakamoto, Yusuke Kanno, Reyushi Kubo, Ryota Kunikata, Atsushi Kira, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Tsurumi, Toshihito Shioya, Shinya Yoshida, Masanori Muroyama, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Hitoshi Shiku, Shiro Satoh, Masayoshi Esashi, Tomokazu Matsue

    Lab on a Chip 15 848-856 2015年1月22日

    DOI: 10.1039/C4LC01099J  

  76. A local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip device with nanocavities for multi-electrochemical evaluation of embryoid bodies 査読有り

    Yusuke Kanno, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    LAB ON A CHIP 15 (23) 4404-4414 2015年


    DOI: 10.1039/c5lc01016k  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An electrochemical device, which consists of electrode arrays, nanocavities, and microwells, was developed for multi-electrochemical detection with high sensitivity. A local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) system was used for multi-electrochemical detection and signal amplification. The LRC-EC system consists of n(2) sensors with only 2n bonding pads for external connection. The nanocavities fabricated in the sensor microwells enable significant improvement of the signal amplification compared with the previous devices we have developed. The present device was successfully applied for evaluation of embryoid bodies (EBs) from embryonic stem (ES) cells via electrochemical measurements of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in the EBs. In addition, the EBs were successfully trapped in the sensor microwells of the device using dielectrophoresis (DEP) manipulation, which led to high-throughput cell analysis. This device is considered to be useful for multi-electrochemical detection and imaging for bioassays including cell analysis.

  77. Nanoscale visualization of redox activity at lithium-ion battery cathodes 査読有り

    Yasufumi Takahashi, Akichika Kumatani, Hirokazu Munakata, Hirotaka Inomata, Komachi Ito, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Patrick R. Unwin, Yuri E. Korchev, Kiyoshi Kanamura, Tomokazu Matsue

    Nature Communications 5 5450 2014年11月17日

    DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6450  

  78. Electrochemical sensor with substitutional stripping voltammetry for highly sensitive endotoxin assay 査読有り

    Shinichiro Takano, Kumi Y. Inoue, Satoko Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analyst 139 (19) 5001-5006 2014年10月7日

    DOI: 10.1039/C4AN00510D  

  79. Rapid and high-throughput formation of 3D embryoid bodies in hydrogels using the dielectrophoresis technique 査読有り

    Samad Ahadian, Shukuyo Yamada, Javier Ramón-Azcón, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Ali Khademhosseini Tomokazu Matsue

    Lab on a Chip 14 (19) 3690-4-3694 2014年10月7日

    DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00479E  

  80. Electrochemical monitoring of intracellular enzyme activity of single living mammalian cells by using a double-mediator system 査読有り

    Yoshiharu Matsumae, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytica Chimica Acta 842 20-26 2014年9月9日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2014.06.047  

  81. Electrochemical evaluation of sarcomeric α-actinin in embryoid bodies after gene silencing using an LSI-based amperometric sensor array 査読有り

    Mustafa Şen, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical Methods 6 (16) 6337-6342 2014年8月


    DOI: 10.1039/c4ay00791c  



  82. Immuno nanoparticles integrated electrical control of targeted cancer cell development using whole cell bioelectronic device 査読有り

    Evangelia Hondroulis, Rui Zhang, Chengxiao Zhang, Chunying Chen, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Chen-Zhong Li

    Theranostics 4 (9) 919-930 2014年7月13日

    DOI: 10.7150/thno.8575  

  83. Electrochemical approach for the development of a simple method for detecting cell apoptosis based on caspase-3 activity 査読有り

    Shinichiro Takano, Shusaku Shiomoto, Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical Chemistry 86 (10) 4723-8-4728 2014年5月20日

    DOI: 10.1021/ac403394z  

  84. Nanoscale cell surface topography imaging using scanning ion conductance microscopy 査読有り

    Yasufumi Takahashi, Komachi Ito, Xiongwei Wang, Yoshiharu Matsumae, Hirokazu Komaki, Akichika Kumatani, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electrochemistry 82 (5) 331-334 2014年5月5日

    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.82.331  

  85. Densified Electrochemical Sensors Based on Local Redox Cycling between Vertically Separated Electrodes in Substrate Generation/Chip Collection and Extended Feedback Modes 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Taku Nishijo, Hirokazu Komaki, Yuta Yamada, Shinya Yoshida, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 86 (8) 4016-4023 2014年4月


    DOI: 10.1021/ac500435d  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) device integrated with many electrochemical sensors has been developed into a small chip device. The LRC-EC chip device was successfully applied for detection of alkaline phosphatase and horseradish peroxidase activity in substrate generation/chip collection (SG/CC) and extended feedback modes, respectively. The new imaging approach with extended feedback mode was particularly effective for sharpening of the image, because this mode uses feedback signals and minimizes the undesired influence of diffusion. The LRC-EC chip device is considered to be a useful tool for bioanalysis.

  86. SU-8-based Flexible Amperometric Device with IDA Electrodes to Regenerate Redox Species in Small Spaces 査読有り

    Yusuke Kanno, Takehito Goto, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 30 (2) 305-309 2014年2月


    DOI: 10.2116/analsci.30.305  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A flexible sensor based on SU-8 photoresist was fabricated and its electrochemical performance was investigated using cyclic voltammetry. The device consisted of interdigitated array (IDA) electrodes on an SU-8 layer. It exhibited a clear electrochemical response during redox cycling of ferrocenemethanol at the IDA electrodes. Since the device was flexible, it could be inserted into a narrow bent space to monitor electrochemical responses. The observed electrochemical behavior was found to be consistent with that predicted by simulations based on redox compound diffusion.

  87. Isolation and quantification of messenger RNA from tissue models by using a double-barrel carbon probe 査読有り

    Yuji Nashimoto, Yasufumi Takahashi, Ryosuke Takano, Kosuke Miyashita, Shukuyo Yamada, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406 (1) 275-282 2014年1月

    DOI: 10.1007/s00216-013-7430-z  

  88. Droplet array on local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) chip device 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Takehito Goto, Yusuke Kanno, Kumi Y. Inoue, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    LAB ON A CHIP 14 (4) 787-794 2014年


    DOI: 10.1039/c3lc51156a  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have previously reported a local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) system for the incorporation of many electrochemical sensors into a small chip device. In the present study, a new type of LRC-EC chip device was fabricated for the detection of a droplet array. To detect electrochemically redox compounds in droplets, Pt pseudo-reference/counter electrodes were incorporated into the individual sensors of the LRC-EC chip device. Cyclic voltammetry for the LRC-EC chip device with internal Pt pseudo-reference electrodes indicated well-defined voltammograms based on redox cycling for the individual sensor points. The device was successfully applied to the addressable detection of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of HeLa cells in single droplets on the sensor points. Therefore, the LRC-EC chip device is considered to be a useful device for the bioanalysis of droplet systems.

  89. A screen-printed endotoxin sensor based on amperometry using novel p-aminophenol conjugated substrate for Limulus amebocyte lysate protease reaction 査読有り

    Kumi Y. Inoue, Shinichiro Takano, Satoko Takahashi, Yosuke Ishida, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shikuabc, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analyst 138 (21) 6523-6531 2013年11月7日

    DOI: 10.1039/c3an01202f  

  90. Noninvasive measurement of respiratory activity of mouse embryoid bodies and its correlation with mRNA levels of undifferentiation/differentiation markers 査読有り

    Hitoshi Shiku, Toshiharu Arai, Yuanshu Zhou, Nana Aoki, Taku Nishijo, Yoshiko Horiguchi, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue

    Molecular BioSystems 9 (11) 2701-2711 2013年11月

    DOI: 10.1039/c3mb70223e  

  91. Non-invasive measurement of alkaline phosphatase activity in embryoid bodies and co-culture spheroids with scanning electrochemical microscopy 査読有り

    Toshiharu Arai, Taku Nishijo, Yoshiharu Matsumae, Yuanshu Zhou, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical Chemistry 85 (20) 9647-9654 2013年10月15日

    DOI: 10.1021/ac401824q  

  92. LSI-based amperometric sensor for real-time monitoring of embryoid bodies 査読有り

    Mustafa Sen, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Toshiharu Arai, Taku Nishijo, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 48 12-18 2013年10月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.03.069  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A large scale integration (LSI)-based amperometric sensor is used for electrochemical evaluation and real-time monitoring of the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of mouse embryoid bodies (EBs). EBs were prepared by the hanging drop culture of embryonic stem (ES) cells. The ALP activity of EBs with various sizes was electrochemically detected at 400 measurement points on a Bio-LSI chip. The electrochemical measurements revealed that the relative ALP activity was low for large EBs and decreased with progress of the differentiation level of the ES cells. The ALP activity of the EBs was successfully monitored in real time for 3.5 h, and their ALP activity in a glucose-free buffer decreased after 2 h. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the application of an LSI-based amperometric sensor for real-time cell monitoring over 3 h. The chip is expected to be useful for the evaluation of cell activities. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  93. Electrochemical device with interdigitated ring array electrodes for investigating the relationship between cardiomyocyte differentiation from embryonic stem cells and alkaline phosphatase activity 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Taku Nishijo, Yusuke Kanno, Fumisato Ozawa, Toshiharu Arai, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electrochemistry 81 (9) 682-687 2013年9月

    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.81.682  

    ISSN:1344-3542 2186-2451

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) chip device was used to investigate the relationship between cardiomyocyte differentiation from embryonic stem (ES) cells and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. In the LRC-EC chip device, ring-type interdigitated array electrodes were incorporated at n × n measurement points with only 2n bonding pads for external connection. Microwells were also fabricated at each measurement point to trap cell aggregates. To differentiate ES cells into cardiomyocytes, ES cells were three-dimensionally cultured to form simple and cystic embryoid bodies (EBs). ALP activity of these EBs was then detected using the LRC-EC chip device. The electrochemical responses for ALP activity decreased concurrently with the differentiation of ES cells into cardiomyocytes, indicating that an LRC-EC chip device is useful for evaluating cell differentiation. © 2013 The Electrochemical Society of Japan, All rights reserved.

  94. Evaluation of the differentiation status of single embryonic stem cells by using scanning electrochemical microscopy 査読有り

    Yoshiharu Matsumae, Toshiharu Arai, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Chemical Communications 49 (58) 6498-6500 2013年7月25日

    DOI: 10.1039/c3cc43126f  

  95. Multiparameter analyses of three-dimensionally cultured tumor spheroids based on respiratory activity and comprehensive gene-expression profiles 査読有り

    Yuanshu Zhou, Toshiharu Arai, Yoshiko Horiguchi, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    Analytical Biochemistry 439 (2) 187-193 2013年4月27日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2013.04.020  

  96. Carbon-Ag/AgCl probes for detection of cell activity in droplets 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Kaoru Ono, Toshiharu Arai, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analytical Chemistry 85 (8) 3832-3835 2013年4月16日

    DOI: 10.1021/ac303569t  

    ISSN:0003-2700 1520-6882

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, we fabricated a probe consisting of a carbon nanoelectrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode for detecting the activity of cells in single droplets. HeLa cells were confined into a single droplet, and the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of the cells was electrochemically measured using the probe inserted into the droplet. The ALP of the confined cells catalyzed the hydrolysis of p-aminophenyl phosphate (PAPP) to yield p-aminophenol (PAP) that gave electrochemical responses. Since the tip of the carbon-Ag/AgCl probe is very small, it is useful for electrochemical analysis of cells using droplets. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

  97. Electrodeposition of alginate gels for construction of vascular-like structures 査読有り

    Fumisato Ozawa, Kosuke Ino, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 115 (4) 459-461 2013年4月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2012.10.014  

  98. A contactless electrical stimulator: application to fabricate functional skeletal muscle tissue 査読有り

    Samad Ahadian, Javier Ramón-Azcón, Serge Ostrovidov, Gulden Camci-Unal, Hirokazu Kaji, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Ali Khademhosseini, Tomokazu Matsue

    Biomedical Microdevices 15 (1) 109-115 2013年2月

    DOI: 10.1007/s10544-012-9692-1  

  99. Alginate gel microwell arrays using electrodeposition for three-dimensional cell culture 査読有り

    Fumisato Ozawa, Kosuke Ino, Toshiharu Arai, Javier Ramon-Azcon, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    LAB ON A CHIP 13 (15) 3128-3135 2013年


    DOI: 10.1039/c3lc50455g  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, we developed a novel method for fabricating microwell arrays constructed from alginate gels, and the alginate gel microwells were used for three-dimensional (3D) cell culture. The alginate gel microwells were fabricated on a patterned ITO electrode using alginate gel electrodeposition. Embryonic stem (ES) cells or hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) were cultured in the alginate gel microwells containing 3T3 cells. During the culture, embryoid bodies (EBs) or HepG2 spheroids were successfully fabricated in the alginate gel microwells. The oxygen consumption of the EBs indicated that they were successfully cultured. Liver-specific gene expressions of the HepG2 spheroids apparently increased by performing 3D co-culture in the microwell arrays with 3T3 cells. These results show that the alginate gel microwells are a useful 3D culture system.

  100. Cell pairing using a dielectrophoresis-based device with interdigitated array electrodes 査読有り

    Mustafa Sen, Kosuke Ino, Javier Ramon-Azcon, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    LAB ON A CHIP 13 (18) 3650-3652 2013年


    DOI: 10.1039/c3lc50561h  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We present a chip device with an array of 900 gourd-shaped microwells designed to pair single cells of different types. The device consists of interdigitated array (IDA) electrodes and uses positive dielectrophoresis to trap cells within the microwells. Each side of a microwell is on a different comb of the IDA, so that cells of different types are trapped on opposite sides of the microwells, leading to close cell pairing. Using this device, a large number of cell pairs can be formed easily and rapidly, making it a highly attractive tool for controllable cell pairing in a range of biological applications.

  101. Real-time monitoring biomarker expression of carcinoma cells by surface plasmon resonance biosensors 査読有り

    Chang Liu, Tingjun Lei, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Nongjian Tao, Chen-Zhong Li

    Chemical Communications 48 (84) 10389-10391 2012年10月28日

    DOI: 10.1039/c2cc34853e  

  102. LSI-based amperometric sensor for bio-imaging and multi-point biosensing 査読有り

    Kumi Y. Inoue, Masahki Matsudaira, Reyushi Kubo, Masanori Nakano, Shinya Yoshida, Sakae Matsuzaki, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Tatsuo Kimura, Ryota Tsurumi, Toshihito Shioya, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Shiro Satoh, Masayoshi Esashi, Tomokazu Matsue

    Lab on a Chip 12 (18) 3481-3490 2012年9月21日

    DOI: 10.1039/c2lc40323d  

  103. Interdigitated array of Pt electrodes for electrical stimulation and engineering of aligned muscle tissue 査読有り

    Samad Ahadian, Javier Ramón-Azcón, Serge Ostrovidov, Gulden Camci-Unal, Vahid Hosseini, Hirokazu Kaji, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Ali Khademhosseini, Tomokazu Matsue

    Lab on a Chip 12 (18) 3491-3503 2012年9月21日

    DOI: 10.1039/c2lc40479f  

  104. Novel Electrochemical Methodology for Activity Estimation of Alkaline Phosphatase Based on Solubility Difference 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Toshiharu Arai, Kumi Y. Inoue, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 84 (18) 7593-7598 2012年9月


    DOI: 10.1021/ac301429n  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We propose a novel electrochemical detection system for alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity using the difference in water and oil solubilities between the substrate, ferrocene ethyl phosphate ester (FcEtOPO(3)(2-)), and the enzymatic product, ferroceneethanol (FcEtOH). In this system, water droplets containing ALP and FcEtOPO(3)(2-) were placed on a Pt disk microelectrode and surrounded by a mineral oil. By the ALP-catalyzed reaction, FcEtOPO(3)(2-) was converted to FcEtOH, which was then transferred to the mineral oil from the water droplets with FcEtOPO(3)(2-) remaining in the water droplets. After partitioning FcEtOH from the water droplets, FcEtOPO(3)(2-) was detected at the Pt disk microelectrode to estimate the ALP activity. Using this novel system, the ALP activity of embryoid bodies was successfully detected. We believe that the present system will be widely applicable to ALP-based bioassays.

  105. Gelatin methacrylate as a promising hydrogel for 3D microscale organization and proliferation of dielectrophoretically patterned cells 査読有り

    Javier Ramón-Azcón, Samad Ahadian, Raquel Obregón, Gulden Camci-Unal, Serge Ostrovidov, Vahid Hosseini, Hirokazu Kaji, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Ali Khademhosseini, Tomokazu Matsue

    Lab on a Chip 12 (16) 2959-2969 2012年8月21日

    DOI: 10.1039/c2lc40213k  

  106. A new electrochemical assay method for gene expression using hela cells with a secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) reporter system 査読有り

    Mustafa Sen, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 109 (8) 2163-2167 2012年8月


    DOI: 10.1002/bit.24461  



    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A new electrochemical assay for the detection of secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) from transfectant HeLa cells is proposed using a microarray device and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). The assay consists of two steps: the first is the incubation of a transfected cell in a microarray culture device covered with a substrate modified with anti-SEAP under physiological conditions without any additives. The array device consists of a 4?x?4 array of microwells having a size of 100?mu m?x?100?mu m (diameter?x?depth). The second step is SECM measurement of secreted SEAP at the antibody-immobilized substrate. This assay ensures accuracy and intactness because the undesired influence of endogeneous ALP is eliminated and the transfected cells are incubated in a culture device under suitable conditions. We successfully detected the expression of SEAP from intact cells at the single-cell level using this assay. The system is useful as a cell-based gene-expression assay. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109:21632167. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  107. A Pt layer/Pt disk electrode configuration to evaluate respiration and alkaline phosphatase activities of mouse embryoid bodies 査読有り

    Raquel Obregon, Yoshiko Horiguchi, Toshiharu Arai, Shihomi Abe, Yuanshu Zhou, RyosukeTakahashi, Akiko Hisada, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Talanta 94 30-35 2012年5月30日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2012.01.059  

  108. Development of an electrochemical Limulus amebocyte lysate assay technique for portable and highly sensitive endotoxin sensor 査読有り

    Kumi Y Inoue, Satoko Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Innate Immunity 18 (2) 343-349 2012年4月1日

    DOI: 10.1177/1753425911410337  

  109. Microfluidic heavy metal immunoassay based on absorbance measurement 査読有り

    Yasumoto Datea, Shingo Terakado, Kazuhiro Sasaki, Arata Aota, Norio Matsumoto, Hitoshi Shiku Kosuke Ino, Yoshitomo Watanabe, Tomokazu Matsue, Naoya Ohmura

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 1 (15) 106-112 2012年3月15日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2011.12.030  

  110. Local Redox-Cycling-Based Electrochemical Chip Device with Deep Microwells for Evaluation of Embryoid Bodies 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Taku Nishijo, Toshiharu Arai, Yusuke Kanno, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue



    DOI: 10.1002/anie.201201602  


  111. Electrochemical detection for dynamic analyses of a redox component in droplets using a local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) chip device 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Taku Nishijo, Takehito Goto, Toshiharu Arai, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 48 (68) 8505-8507 2012年


    DOI: 10.1039/c2cc34264b  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This report describes the electrochemical detection of a redox component in droplets using a local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) chip device consisting of 256 sensors. The time-course analyses showed that the redox compound in the droplet was dynamically changed during droplet evaporation or mass transfer through a water/oil interface.

  112. Accumulation and detection of secreted proteins from single cells for reporter gene assays using a local redox cycling-based electrochemical (LRC-EC) chip device 査読有り

    Mustafa Sen, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    LAB ON A CHIP 12 (21) 4328-4335 2012年


    DOI: 10.1039/c2lc40674h  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    A lab-on-a-chip device is described for the electrochemical detection of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) secreted by transformed single HeLa cells. Detection on the chip device is based on local redox cycling at 256 individually addressable sensor points. Ring-disk electrodes (generator/collector) are arranged at individual sensor points to amplify the signal due to redox-cycling with only 32 connector pads. The surface of each sensor point is modified with antibodies for secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) immobilization, which facilitates separation and detection of SEAP. Separation of SEAP from HeLa cells enables elimination of endogenous ALP and prevents HeLa cells from damage due to exposure to high level pH used during electrochemical detection. The large number of sensor points enables the simultaneous analysis of a large amount of single cells using the chip. The system is useful for gene reporter assays and for the detection of several types of secreted proteins.

  113. Amperometric detection of DNA hybridization using a multi-point, addressable electrochemical device 査読有り

    Xi Zhu, Kosuke Ino, Zhenyu Lin, Hitoshi Shiku, Guonan Chena, Tomokazu Matsue

    Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 160 (1) 923-928 2011年12月15日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2011.09.004  

  114. Monitoring oxygen consumption of single mouse embryos using an integrated electrochemical microdevice 査読有り

    Yasumoto Date, Shinichiro Takano, Hitoshi Shiku, Kosuke Ino, Takahiro Ito-Sakaki, Masaki Yokoo, Hiroyuki Abe, Tomokazu Matsue

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 30 (1) 100-106 2011年12月15日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2011.08.037  

  115. Electrochemical chip integrating scalable ring-ring electrode array to detect secreted alkaline phosphatase 査読有り

    Michiaki Takeda, Hitoshi Shiku, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analyst 136 (23) 4991-4996 2011年10月6日

    DOI: 10.1039/c1an15620a  

  116. Electrochemical detection of receptor-mediated endocytosis by scanning electrochemical microscopy 査読有り

    Yasufumi Takahashi, Takeshi Miyamoto, Hitoshi Shiku, Kosuke Ino, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Ryutaro Asano, Izumi Kumagai, Tomokazu Matsue

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (37) 16569-16573 2011年8月17日

    DOI: 10.1039/c1cp21886g  

  117. Electrorotation chip consisting of three-dimensional interdigitated array electrodes 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Atsuko Ishida, Kumi Y. Inoue, Masato Suzuki, Masahiro Koide, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Hitoshi Shikua, Tomokazu Matsue

    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 153 (2) 468-473 2011年4月


    DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2010.11.012  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    We have developed an electrorotation (ER) chip that has a sandwich structure in which interdigitated array (IDA) electrodes are arranged face-to-face. These IDA electrodes on the top and bottom of the chip were orthogonally arranged to form over 2000 square regions having rotating electric fields between the IDA electrodes. Since rotating electric fields can be generated by arranging the electrical connections to produce a pi/2 phase difference between adjacent electrodes, a large number of measurement areas for ER were incorporated within a single ER chip. The ER properties of glass microrods at the individual measurement areas were investigated using this ER chip. The present ER chip was found to be a useful tool for performing high-throughput assays to analyze the dielectric properties of microparticles. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  118. Influence of tip size on single yeast cell imaging using scanning electrochemical microscopy 査読有り

    Kuniaki Nagamine, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electroanalysis 23 (5) 1168-1174 2011年3月18日

    DOI: 10.1002/elan.201000595  

  119. Addressable electrode array device with IDA electrodes for high-throughput detection 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Wataru Saito, Masahiro Koide, Taizo Umemura, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    LAB ON A CHIP 11 (3) 385-388 2011年


    DOI: 10.1039/c0lc00437e  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    An electrochemical device is proposed for high-throughput electrochemical detection that consists of 32 row and 32 column electrodes on a single glass substrate. The row and column electrodes are connected to interdigitated array (IDA) electrodes to form 1024 (32 x 32) addressable sensor points in the device. Electrochemical responses from each of the 1024 sensors were successfully acquired on the device within 1 min using redox cycling at individual IDA electrodes, which ensures application of the device to comprehensive, high-throughput electrochemical detection for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reporter gene assay for monitoring gene expressions, and DNA analysis.

  120. Chronoamperometric characterization of secreted alkaline phosphatase from single-cell entrapped in a poly(dimethylsiloxisane) microwell 査読有り

    Hitoshi Shiku, Junya Suzuki, Tatsuya Murata, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electrochimica Acta 27 (30) 8263-8267 2010年11月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2010.04.011  

  121. Reporter gene expression at single-cell level characterized with real-time RT-PCR, chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and electrochemical imaging 査読有り

    Hitoshi Shiku, Daisuke Okazaki, Junya Suzuki, Yasufumi Takahashi, Tatsuya Murata, Hidetaka Akita, Hideyoshi Harashima, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue

    FEBS letters 584 (18) 4000-4008 2010年9月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2010.08.008  

  122. Electrochemical detection of endotoxin using recombinant factor C zymogen 査読有り

    Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Electrochemistry Communications 12 (8) 1066-1069 2010年8月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2010.05.028  

  123. Rapid and simple immunosensing system for simultaneous detection of tumor markers based on negative-dielectrophoretic manipulation of microparticles 査読有り

    Hyun Jung Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Javier Ramón-Azcón, Fumio Mizutani, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Talanta 81 (1-2) 657-663 2010年4月15日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2009.12.058  

  124. Electrochemical monitoring of hydrogen peroxide released from leucocytes on horseradish peroxidase redox polymer coated electrode chip 査読有り

    Kumi Y. Inoue, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Shigenobu Kasai, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Fumio Mizutani, Tomokazu Matsue

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25 (7) 1723-1728 2010年3月15日

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2009.12.014  

  125. Magnetic manipulation device for the optimization of cell processing conditions 招待有り 査読有り

    Hiroshi Ito, Ryuji Kato, Kosuke Ino, Hiroyuki Honda

    Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 109 (2) 182-188 2010年2月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2009.07.006  

  126. Electrochemical topography of a cell monolayer with an addressable microelectrode array 査読有り

    Zhenyu Lin, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Chemical Communications 46 (4) 559-561 2010年1月

    DOI: 10.1039/b915212a  

  127. Addressable electrochemiluminescence detection system based on redox-cycling of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) 査読有り

    Zhenyu Lin, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue, Guonan Chen

    Chemical Communications 46 243-245 2010年1月

    DOI: 10.1039/b915871e  

  128. Manipulation of Microparticles for Construction of Array Patterns by Negative Dielectrophoresis Using Multilayered Array and Grid Electrodes 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Fumisato Ozawa, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Tomokazu Matsue

    BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 104 (4) 709-718 2009年11月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC

    DOI: 10.1002/bit.22445  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, a useful method was developed to fabricate array patterns of microparticles not on electrode surfaces, but on arbitrary surfaces, using negative-dielectrophoresis (n-DEP). First, electrodes were designed and electric field simulations were performed to manipulate microparticles toward target areas. Based on the simulation results, multilayered array and grid (MLAG) electrodes, consisting of array electrodes surrounded by insulated regions and a grid electrode, were fabricated for the formation of localized, non-uniform electric fields. The MLAG electrode was mounted to a target substrate in a face-to-face configuration with a spacer. When an AC voltage (4.60 V(rms) and 1 MHz) was applied to the MLAG electrode, array patterns of 6 and 20 mu m diameter microparticles were rapidly fabricated on the target substrate with ease. The results suggest that MLAG electrodes can be widely applied for the fabrication of biochips including cell arrays. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;104: 709-718. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  129. Microfluid-assisted dielectrophoretic alignment and device characterization of single ZnO wires 招待有り 査読有り

    Sang Hyun Lee, Hyun Jung Lee, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Takafumi Yao, Tomokazu Matsue

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (45) 19376-19381 2009年10月20日

    DOI: 10.1021/jp908161v  

  130. Detection of hormone active chemicals using genetically engineered yeast cells and microfluidic devices with interdigitated array electrodes 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kitagawa, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Hitoshi Shiku, Masahiro Koide, Tomoaki Itayama, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Tomokazu Matsue

    ELECTROPHORESIS 30 (19) 3406-3412 2009年10月


    DOI: 10.1002/elps.200900244  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Endocrine disruptors that act like hormones in the endocrine system might have toxic effects. Therefore, it is important to develop a portable device that can detect hormone active chemicals in samples rapidly and easily. in this study, a microfluidic device was developed for the detection of hormone active chemicals using genetically engineered yeast cells. The yeast cells were used as biosensors since they were genetically engineered to respond to the presence of hormone active chemicals by synthesizing beta-galactosidase (beta-gal). For achieving further sensitivity, we incorporated interdigitated array (IDA) electrodes (width, 1.2 mu m; gap, 0.8 mu m) with 40 electrode fingers into the analytical chamber of the microfluidic device. The yeast cells precultured with a hormone active chemical, 17 beta-estradiol (E2), were trapped from the main channel of the device to the analytical camber by electrophoresis. After trapping in the analytical chamber, we performed electrochemical detection of beta-gal induced in the yeast cells with the IDA electrodes. Actually, electrochemical detection was performed on p-aminophenol that was converted from p-aminophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside with beta-gal. The electrochemical signals from the yeast cells precultured with 17 beta-estradiol were successfully detected with the device. Furthermore, the inhibitory effects of antagonists such as tamoxifen were also detected electrochemically by using the device. Thus, the present microfluidic device can be used for highly sensitive detection of hormone active chemicals.

  131. Electrochemical gene-function analysis for single cells with addressable microelectrode/microwell arrays 査読有り

    Zhenyu Lin, Yasufumi Takahashi, Tatsuya Murata, Michiaki Takeda, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2009年2月

    DOI: 10.1002/anie.200805743  

  132. Application of Magnetic Force-Based Cell Patterning for Controlling Cell-Cell Interactions in Angiogenesis 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Mina Okochi, Hiroyuki Honda

    BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 102 (3) 882-890 2009年2月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC

    DOI: 10.1002/bit.22104  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    To investigate the effects of cell-cell interactions on cellular function, the microenvironment surrounding cells should be precisely controlled. Here, we describe a cell patterning technique, which Utilizes magnetic force and magnetite nanoparticles. This method was used to develop cell culture arrays for investigation of cell behaviors in angiogenesis. Pin holder devices that contain more than 6,000 pillars on the surface are used for fabricating the cell culture arrays by setting it on a magnet. The magnetically labeled cells were arranged by magnetic distribution. When the human umbilical vein endothelial cells are arranged at 250 mu m intervals (5.9 cells/spot), the cells spread toward other cell cluster on adjacent spots in 4.5 h, and formed cord-like structures in 8.5 It. It was shown that cell-cell interactions were successfully investigated using magnetic cell arrangement.

  133. Plasmid DNA Transfection using magnetite cationic liposomes for construction of multilayered gene-engineered cell sheet 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Tamayo Kawasumi, Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Honda

    BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 100 (1) 168-176 2008年5月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC

    DOI: 10.1002/bit.21738  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Modification of cellular functions by overexpression of genes is being increasingly practiced for tissue engineering. In the present study, we investigated whether transfection efficiency could be enhanced by magnetofection that involves the use of plasmid DNA (pDNA)/magnetite cationic liposomes (MCLs) complexes (pDNA/MCL) and magnetic force. The transfection efficiencies of the magnetofection technique by pDNA/MCL in fibroblasts and keratinocytes using reporter genes were 36- and 10-fold higher, respectively, than those of a lipofection technique by cationic liposomes. Moreover, in vitro construction of three-dimensional (3D) tissues is an important challenge. We recently proposed a novel technique termed "magnetic force-based tissue engineering" (Mag-TE) to produce 3D tissues. Since the fibroblasts after magnetofection incorporated both magnetite nanoparticles and pDNA, we investigated whether multilayered heterotypic cell sheets expressing transgene could be fabricated by Mag-TE. First, the fibroblasts were seeded onto an ultra-low attachment culture plate. When a magnet was placed under the plate, the cells accumulated at the bottom of the culture plate. After 24 It of culture, the transgene-expressing cells formed a multilayered cell sheet-like structure. These results indicated that MCLs are a potent biomanipulation tool for both gene transfer and 3D tissue construction, suggesting that these techniques are useful for tissue engineering.

  134. Cell culture arrays using magnetic force-based cell patterning for dynamic single cell analysis 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Mina Okochi, Nao Konishi, Masahiro Nakatochi, Rentaro Imai, Mitsuhiro Shikida, Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Honda

    LAB ON A CHIP 8 (1) 134-142 2008年


    DOI: 10.1039/b712330b  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In order to understand the behavior of individual cells, single cell analyses have attracted attention since most cell-based assays provide data with values averaged across a large number of cells. Techniques for the manipulation and analysis of single cells are crucial for understanding the behavior of individual cells. In the present study, we have developed single cell culture arrays using magnetic force and a pin holder, which enables the allocation of the magnetically labeled cells on arrays, and have analyzed their dynamics. The pin holder was made from magnetic soft iron and contained more than 6000 pillars on its surface. The pin holder was placed on a magnet to concentrate the magnetic flux density above the pillars. NIH/3T3 fibroblasts that were labeled with magnetite cationic liposomes (MCLs) were seeded into a culture dish, and the dish was placed over the pin holder with the magnet. The magnetically labeled cells were guided on the surface where the pillars were positioned and allocated on the arrays with a high resolution. Single-cell patterning was achieved by adjusting the number of cells seeded, and the target cell was collected by a micromanipulator after removing the pin holder with the magnet. Furthermore, change in the morphology of magnetically patterned cells was analyzed by microscopic observation, and cell spreading on the array was observed with time duration. Magnetic force-based cell patterning on cell culture arrays would be a suitable technique for the analysis of cell behavior in studies of cell-cell variation and cell-cell interactions.

  135. Application of ultra-water-repellent surface to cell culture 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Akira Ito, Yunying Wu, Nagahiro Saito, Eri Hibino, Osamu Takai, Hiroyuki Honda



    DOI: 10.1263/jbb.104.420  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    In this study, we applied an ultra-water-repellent film to cell culture. We cultured cells in droplets on the film and fabricated cell aggregates. Furthermore, we allocated cells on micropatterned surfaces consisting of ultra-water-repellent regions and cell culture-treated regions. The results show that the material is useful for cell culture.

  136. Cell patterning using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Honda

    BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 97 (5) 1309-1317 2007年8月

    出版者・発行元:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC

    DOI: 10.1002/bit.21322  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Technologies for fabricating functional tissue architectures by patterning cells precisely are highly desirable for tissue engineering. Although several cell patterning methods such as microcontact printing and lithography have been developed, these methods require specialized surfaces to be used as substrates, the fabrication of which is time consuming. In the present study, we demonstrated a simple and rapid cell patterning technique, using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force, which enables us to allocate cells on arbitrary surfaces. Magnetite cationic liposomes (MCLs) developed in our previous study were used to magnetically label the target cells. When steel plates placed on a magnet were positioned under a cell culture surface, the magnetically labeled cells lined on the surface where the steel plate was positioned. Patterned lines of single cells were achieved by adjusting the number of cells seeded, and complex cell patterns (curved, parallel, or crossing patterns) were successfully fabricated. Since cell patterning using magnetic force may not limit the property of culture surfaces, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were patterned on Matrigel, thereby forming patterned capillaries. These results suggest that the novel cell patterning methodology, which uses MCLs, is a promising approach for tissue engineering and studying cell-cell interactions in vitro.

  137. Incorporation of capillary-like structures into dermal cell sheets constructed by magnetic force-based tissue engineering 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Akira Ito, Hirohito Kumazawa, Hideaki Kagami, Minoru Ueda, Hiroyuki Honda



    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.40.51  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    One of the major challenges in tissue engineering remains the construction of vascularized 3D transplants in vitro. We recently proposed novel technologies, termed "magnetic force-based tissue engineering" (Mag-TE), to establish three-dimensional (3D) tissues without using scaffolds. Magnetite cationic liposomes (MCLs), which contain 10-nm magnetite nanoparticles in order to improve accumulation of magnetite nanoparticles in target cells, were used to magnetically label normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDFs). Magnetically labeled NHDFs were seeded onto ultralow-attachment plates. When a magnet was placed under the plate, cells accumulate on the bottom of the well. After a 24-h-incubation period, the cells form a sheet-like structure, which contains the major dermal extracellular matrix (ECM) components (fibronectin and type I collagen) within the NHDF sheet. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were co-cultured with NHDF sheets by two methods: HUVECs and NHDFs were mixed and then allowed to form cell sheets by Mag-TE; or NHDF sheets were constructed by Mag-TE and HUVECs were subsequently seeded onto NHDF sheets. These methods gave tube-like formation of HAECs, resembling early capillaries, within or on the surface NHDF sheets after short-term 3D co-culture, thus suggesting that Mag-TE may be useful for constructing 3D-tissue involving capillaries.

  138. The effect of RGD peptide-conjugated magnetite cationic liposomes on cell growth and cell sheet harvesting 査読有り

    Akira Ito, Kousuke Ino, Takeshi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Honda

    Biomaterials 26 (31) 6185-6193 2005年12月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2005.03.039  

  139. Novel methodology for fabrication of tissue-engineered tubular constructs using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force 査読有り

    Akira Ito, Kousuke Ino, Masao Hayashida, Takeshi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Matsunuma, Hideki Kagami, Minoru Ueda, Hiroyuki Honda

    Tissue Engineering 11 (9-10) 1553-1561 2005年9月

    DOI: 10.1089/ten.2005.11.1553  

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示


  1. 令和5年度化学系学協会東北大会


    化学と工業 77 (3) 233-233 2024年3月

  2. Porous membranes integrated into electrochemical systems for bioanalysis 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yoshinobu Utagawa, Kaoru Hiramoto, Hiroya Abe, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochemical Science Advances 2024年

  3. 第47回研究会報告 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第47回研究会


    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム 22 (2) 18-19 2023年10月

  4. Microarray-based electrochemical biosensing 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yoshinobu Utagawa, Hitoshi Shiku

    Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 2023年6月13日

    出版者・発行元:Springer Berlin Heidelberg

    DOI: 10.1007/10_2023_229  



  5. Recent development of electrochemical devices in analytical chemistry 国際誌

    Kosuke Ino

    Analytical Sciences 39 769-770 2023年6月

    DOI: 10.1007/s44211-023-00300-0  

  6. Electrochemical imaging for cell analysis in microphysiological systems 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    An Konno, Kosuke Ino, Yoshinobu Utagawa, Hitoshi Shiku

    Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 39 101270 2023年6月

    DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2023.101270  

  7. マイクロ・ナノ電気化学におけるバイオ分析とバイオファブリケーションに関する研究 招待有り


    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム 22 (1) 5-6 2023年3月31日

  8. Recent advances in animal cell technologies for industrial and medical applications 国際誌 査読有り

    Masanobu Horie, Noriko Yamano-Adachi, Yoshinori Kawabe, Hidenori Kaneoka, Hideaki Fujita, Eiji Nagamori, Ryosuke Iwai, Yasushi Sato, Kei Kanie, Seiichi Ohta, Masaharu Somiya, Kosuke Ino

    Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 133 (6) 509-514 2022年6月

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier BV

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2022.03.005  


  9. Editorial for the topic on microdevices for biomedical analysis 国際誌 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    Micromachines 13 (4) 570 2022年4月

    DOI: 10.3390/mi13040570  

  10. 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第44回研究会 若手企画開催報告

    伊野浩介, 梨本裕司, 鈴木雅登, 平本薫, 金子完治, 波多美咲

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 会誌 21 (1) 14-15 2022年3月31日

  11. 東北支部便り

    伊野 浩介

    電気化学 90 (1) 66-66 2022年3月5日

    出版者・発行元:The Electrochemical Society of Japan

    DOI: 10.5796/denkikagaku.22-ot0002  



  12. 酵素活性を利用するバイオ計測に向けた電気化学基質とシステム 査読有り

    宇田川喜信, 伊藤健太郎, 井上(安田)久美, 梨本裕司, 伊野浩介, 珠玖仁

    分析化学 2022年3月

    DOI: 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.71.109  

  13. Bipolar-Electrode-Based Electrochromic Devices for Analytical Applications – A Review 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Siti Masturah, binti Fakhruddin, Kosuke Ino, Kumi Y. Inoue, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electroanalysis 34 212-226 2022年


    DOI: 10.1002/elan.202100153  



  14. 電気化学反応を使ったハイドロゲルのバイオファブリケーション 招待有り

    伊野浩介, 宇田川喜信, 梨本裕司, 珠玖仁

    月刊バイオインダストリー 10月号 40-48 2021年10月12日

  15. In vitro electrochemical assays for vascular cells and organs 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Yoshinobu Utagawa, Kaoru Hiramoto, Yuji Nashimoto, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electrochemical Science Advances e2100089 2021年10月

    DOI: 10.1002/elsa.202100089  

  16. バイオファブリケーションによる生体様組織構築


    化学と工業 73 (10) 742-743 2020年10月1日

  17. Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence-based systems for mammalian cell analysis 国際誌 招待有り 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, Elena Villani, Tomoki Iwama, Keika Komatsu, Shinsuke Inagi, Kumi Y. Inoue, Yuji Nashimoto, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    Micromachines 11 (5) 530 2020年5月

    DOI: 10.3390/mi11050530  

  18. Biofabrication using electrochemical devices and systems 国際誌 国際共著 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Fumisato Ozawa, Ning Dang, Kaoru Hiramoto, Shodai Hino, Rise Akasaka, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    Advanced Biosystems 4 1900234 2020年1月29日

    DOI: 10.1002/adbi.201900234  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Selected as a front cover

  19. 走査型イオンコンダクタンス顕微鏡による多項目ナノイメージング 招待有り

    梨本裕司, 平典子, 伊野浩介, 珠玖仁

    高分子 68 658-659 2019年12月

  20. 電気化学計測デバイスを用いた細胞の消費物・分泌物評価 招待有り

    平本薫, 伊野浩介, 梨本裕司, 珠玖仁

    電気化学 87 323-328 2019年12月

    DOI: 10.5796/denkikagaku.19-FE0032  

  21. Electric and electrochemical microfluidic devices for cell analysis 査読有り

    Kaoru Hiramoto, Kosuke Ino, Yuji Nashimoto, Kentaro Ito, Hitoshi Shiku

    Frontiers in Chemistry 7 396 2019年6月

    DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00396  

  22. 第3章 細胞培養に関連した技術研究、第3節 細胞計測技術 招待有り

    梨本裕司, 伊野浩介, 平典子, 珠玖仁

    三次元培養における培養手法と周辺技術動向 83-97 2019年

  23. Intracellular Electrochemical Sensing 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Yuji Nashimoto, Noriko Taira, Javier Ramon Azcon, Hitoshi Shiku

    Electroanalysis 30 (10) 2195-2209 2018年7月


    DOI: 10.1002/elan.201800410  

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Selected as a cover feature

  24. 電気化学1分子計測への挑戦 -ナノ流路電気化学デバイス-


    化学と工業 71 (1) 25-25 2018年1月1日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    解説記事、Division Topics

  25. Micro/nanoelectrochemical probe and chip devices for evaluation of three-dimensional cultured cells 国際誌 国際共著 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Mustafa Sen, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Analyst 142 (23) 4343-4354 2017年12月


    DOI: 10.1039/c7an01442b  



  26. Bioelectrochemical applications of microelectrode arrays in cell analysis and engineering 招待有り 査読有り

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 5 (1) 146-151 2017年10月1日

    出版者・発行元:Elsevier B.V.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2017.08.004  

    ISSN:2451-9111 2451-9103

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    This review summarizes recent advances in cell-related applications of microelectrode arrays. In the review, we discuss devices featuring multiple sensors incorporated into a small chip and demonstrate their applications for the electrochemical evaluation of cell activity and the electrochemical cell engineering as exemplified by their recent use in the fabrication of cell culture arrays and artificial organs. Finally, we show the perspectives of microelectrode array devices for bioelectrochemical applications.

  27. マイクロ・ナノ電気化学デバイスを用いたバイオイメージング 電極アレイデバイスによる細胞評価


    化学と工業 70 (9) 830-831 2017年9月1日

  28. 細胞活性の電気化学イメージング~分子電気化学スイッチング素子の開発~


    バイオサイエンスとインダストリー(B & I) 74 43-45 2016年1月1日

  29. 局所レドックスサイクルを用いた電気化学バイオイメージングシステムの開発

    伊野浩介, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    分析化学 64 (9) 669-678 2015年10月6日

    出版者・発行元:Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

    DOI: 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.64.669  


  30. Microchemistry- and MEMS-based integrated electrochemical devices for bioassay applications

    Kosuke Ino

    Electrochemistry 83 (9) 688-694 2015年9月


    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.83.688  


    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Here, we present an overview of our recent research progress in development of electrochemical devices/systems for bioassays. These devices/systems are based on microchemistry and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) for sophisticated analytical and electrochemical measurements. In particular, we exploit the unique chemical reactions occurring in micrometer-size spaces and/or involving micrometer-size structures for bioassays, including cell analyses. This paper addresses five topics: probe-, chip-, large-scale-integration chip-, and dielectrophoresisbased devices, and electrodeposition of hydrogels for bioassays. (C) The Electrochemical Society of Japan, All rights reserved.

  31. 電気化学的手法を用いた細胞活性評価 招待有り

    伊野浩介, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    生物工学会誌 92 176-179 2014年

  32. 東北大学のMEMS拠点-異分野融合と協働から生まれたバイオLSI

    井上(安田)久美, 伊野浩介, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    Electrochemistry 82 (1) 37-42 2013年12月27日

    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.82.37  

  33. 微小電極を用いた細胞の評価


    生物工学会誌 91 (6) 351-351 2013年

  34. 単一細胞由来mRNA回収プローブの開発

    珠玖仁, 伊野浩介, 末永智一

    シングルセル解析の最前線 223-228 2010年3月28日


  35. 単一細胞由来mRNAの定量解析

    珠玖仁, 伊野浩介, 末永智一

    Electrochemistry 78 (10) 832-836 2010年3月26日

    DOI: 10.5796/electrochemistry.78.832  

  36. 電気化学的多点計測デバイス

    珠玖仁, 伊野浩介, 末永智一

    未来材料 56-61 2009年


  37. "lab on a chip"技術で作製した電気化学的デバイスと組み替え酵母を利用した内分泌攪乱物質の検出

    末永智一, 伊野浩介, 珠玖 仁

    化学センサ 24 (4) 168-173 2008年


  38. 磁性ビーズを利用した細胞シートの創製

    清水一憲, 伊野浩介, 本多裕之, 井藤彰

    未来材料 24-29 2006年10月


  39. 細胞の磁気ラベル・磁気誘導を用いた組織構築

    本多裕之, 井藤彰, 清水一憲, 伊野浩介

    一細胞定量解析の最前線 -ライフサーベイヤ構築に向けて- 164-174 2006年


  40. 磁性ナノ粒子を用いた管状組織の構築

    伊野浩介, 井藤彰, 林田真生, 小林猛, 松沼寛, 各務秀明, 上田実, 本多裕之

    化学シンポジウムシリーズ79 診断・治療システムにおける化学工学 63-67 2005年10月


︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

講演・口頭発表等 127

  1. 生体模倣システムのための 多孔膜電極デバイス

    伊野浩介, 宇田川喜信, 阿部博弥, 珠玖仁

    日本化学会第104春季年会(2024) 2024年3月20日

  2. 生体摸倣モデル評価のための 電気化学計測システム・デバイス 招待有り


    電気化学会第91回大会 2024年3月14日

  3. Electrochemical cell analysis and biofabrication 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    the 2023 Annual Fall Meeting of the Korean BioChip Society 2023年11月16日

  4. 電気化学をベースにしたバイオ分析とバイオファブリケーション 招待有り


    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第48回研究会(CHEMICAS48) 2023年11月8日

  5. 電気化学センシングによるハイドロゲルファイバー内の培養細胞の呼吸活性解析

    伊野浩介, 宇田川喜信, 和知麻奈, 阿部博弥, 珠玖仁

    日本分析化学会 第72年会 2023年9月13日

  6. 電気化学デバイスを用いたバイオイメージングとバイオファブリケーション 招待有り


    第11回Chem Bio Joint Seminar 2023 2023年8月4日

  7. 細胞培養ハイドロゲルファイバーの電気化学接着とバイオ計測 招待有り


    第32回 日本MRS年次大会 2022年12月5日

  8. Electrochemiluminescence Imaging of Respiratory Activity and Cellular Secretion of Three-Dimensional Cultured Cells 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Kaoru Hiramoto, Keika, Komatsu, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    73rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2022年9月15日

  9. マイクロ・ナノ電気化学による バイオ分析とバイオファブリケーションに関する研究 招待有り


    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第45回研究会 2022年5月22日

  10. 培養血管組織の評価に向けた電気化学デバイス・システムの開発

    伊野浩介, 白皓仁, 赤坂理世, 小松慶佳, 梨本裕司, 珠玖仁

    電気化学会第89回大会 2022年3月15日

  11. 電気化学発光を用いた細胞機能計測 招待有り


    第31回日本MRS年次大会 2021年12月13日

  12. Electrochemical sensing of cell activity in micro/nanosystems 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    Sunday Workshop in µTAS 2021 2021年10月10日

  13. Electrochemical chip devices/systems for cell analysis 招待有り


    東北支部化学教育研究協議会東北大会 2021年10月2日

  14. 細胞機能計測に向けた電気化学発光システム

    伊野 浩介, 平本薫, 小松慶佳, 梨本裕司, 珠玖仁

    第82回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2021年9月12日

  15. Electrochemical biofabrication for hydrogels containing cells

    Kosuke Ino

    1st French-Japanese Workshop on Additive Manufacturing 2021年5月11日

  16. 電気化学に基づくハイドロゲル形成と細胞培養への応用 招待有り


    電気化学会第88回大会 2021年3月24日

  17. Integrated electrochemical devices for evaluation of three-dimensional cultured cells 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    Pittcon 2021 2021年3月9日

  18. 培養細胞の評価を可能にする電気化学微小流路デバイス・システム 招待有り


    第30回日本MRS年次大会 2020年12月10日

  19. Cell analysis using integrated electrochemical devices 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    PRiME 2020 2020年10月

  20. 細胞培養での電気刺激による血管網形成の誘導


    電気化学会第87回大会 2020年3月

  21. 電気化学デバイスを用いた3 次元培養細胞の評価とバイオファブ リケーション 招待有り


    日本化学会第100春季年会(2020) 2020年3月

  22. Electrochemical hydrogel printing for cell culture using integrated devices 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    10th Workshop on SECM Recent Advances and Applications 2019年10月2日

  23. バイポーラ電気化学デバイスを用いた細 胞活性評価

    伊野浩介, 八重垣稜佑, 梨本裕司, 珠玖仁

    日本分析化学会 第68年会 2019年9月12日

  24. Electrodeposition of 3D hydrogels using 3D electrode arrays in applications of cell culture 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Noriko Taira, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    The 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2019年8月7日

  25. Electrochemical analysis of three-dimensional cultured cells using bipolar array devices 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Ryosuke Yaegaki, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    The 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2019年8月5日

  26. Electrochemical imaging using redox mediators for cell activity of three-dimensional cultured cells 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino, Takehiro Onodera, Mika T. Fukuda, Yuji Nashimoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    SPIE 2019年4月15日

  27. Integrated electrochemical device for bioapplications 招待有り


    第28回日本MRS年次大会 2018年12月18日

  28. Electrochemical detection in micro/nano-systems: from cell analysis to characterization of energy materials 国際会議 招待有り


    Sunday Workshop in µTAS 2018 2018年11月11日

  29. 電気化学デバイスを用いたハイドロゲル電解析出と細胞培養への応用

    伊野浩介, 平 典子, 梨本裕司, 珠玖仁

    2018年電気化学秋季大会 2018年9月26日

  30. 電気化学デバイスを用いたハイドロゲルの電解析出

    伊野浩介, 平典子, 珠玖仁

    第12回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム 2018年9月9日

  31. Electrochemical devices for evaluation of three-dimensional cultured cells 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    第4回アジア分析科学シンポジウム 2018年9月

  32. Hydrogel fabrication on bipolar electrodes 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Tomoaki Matsumoto, Hitoshi Shiku

    69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2018年9月

  33. Electrochemicolor imaging for simultaneous detection of multiple analytes using large scale integration (LSI) devices 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Takehiro Onodera, Mayuko Terauchi, Hitoshi Shiku

    69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2018年9月

  34. Electrodeposition of patterned hydrogels using an LSI-based electrochemical devices for biosensing and cell culture 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Mayuko Terauchi, Mai Gakumasawa, Hitoshi Shiku

    22nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2018年4月

  35. Integrated electrode array device for cell analysis 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    日本化学会第98春季年会(アジア国際シンポジウム) 2018年3月22日

  36. 集積化した電気化学センサデバイスによるバイオ計測 招待有り


    H29年度 第3回 信州MEMS研究会 2017年12月8日

  37. 3次元培養細胞の評価に向けた電気化学デバイスの開発 招待有り


    第5回細胞凝集研究会 2017年11月17日

  38. LSI-based electrochemical device for evaluation of respiratory activity of three-dimensional cultured cells 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Takehiro Onodera, Hitoshi Shiku

    The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017) 2017年10月22日

  39. チップデバイスへの多数の電気化学センサの組み込みに関する戦略

    伊野浩介, 末永智一, 珠玖 仁

    バイオ・マイクロシステム研究会 2017年10月4日

  40. Electrode array devices for evaluation of three-dimensional cultured cells 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    The International Workshp: New Electroanalytical Techniques and Their Emerging Applications 2017年9月24日

  41. 電気化学カラーイメージングによる細胞呼吸活性、分泌活性、酵素活性評価

    伊野浩介, 菅野佑介, 小野寺岳大, 須田篤史, 國方亮太, 末永智一, 珠玖仁

    第11回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム 2017年9月7日

  42. Integrated electrochemical devices based on micro/nano-chemistry for bioassays 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino

    68th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2017年8月27日

  43. Hydrogel fabrication based on electrodeposition using electrochemical devices 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Mayuko Terauchi, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Tomokazu Matsue, Hitoshi Shiku

    68th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2017年8月27日

  44. マイクロ・ナノ電気化学デバイスによる細胞活性イメージング 招待有り


    平成29年度 第1回研究会(マルチモーダルバイオイメージセンサ研究会) 2017年5月25日

  45. Electrochemicolor imaging for cell analysis

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    日本化学会第97春季年会(2017) 2017年3月16日

  46. Micro/nano electrochemical device for bioassays

    Kosuke Ino

    日本化学会第97春季年会(2017) 2017年3月16日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる


  47. バイオLSIを用いたバイオ計測


    マイクロシステム融合研究開発センターシンポジウム 文部科学省先端融合領域イノベーション創出拠点形成プログラム マイクロシステム融合研究開発拠点成果最終報告会 2017年3月13日

  48. Multi-electrode array device for electrochemical imaging of cell activity 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Pittcon 2017 2017年3月5日

  49. バイオイメージングに向けた電気化学デバイスの開発


    第3回学産交流ポスターセッション「エレクトロニクスの未来を支える新規素材・技術・プロセス」 2016年12月14日

  50. Digital electrochemical array detection on a single 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2016) 2016年10月9日

  51. アルギン酸カルシウム犠牲層を用いたゼラチンハイドロゲルの3次元構築

    伊野浩介, 横川裕紀, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第68回日本生物工学会大会 2016年9月28日

  52. Integrated electrochemical imaging device for cell analysis 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    第3回アジア分析科学シンポジウム 2016年9月15日

  53. Colorization of electrochemical imaging for cell analysis using a large-scale integration (LSI) device 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Kumi Y. Inoue, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Masahki Matsudaira, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2016年8月21日

  54. Molecular electrochemical switching with nano- and microstructures 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2016年8月21日

  55. マイクロ・ナノ電気化学に基づくバイオイメージングデバイス


    2016年度第1回界面ナノ科学研究会 2016年7月4日

  56. Electrochemical imaging for respiration activity and dopamine release of spheroids using a color amperometric device 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM2016) 2016年5月30日

  57. マイクロ・ナノ化学に基づく電気化学バイオイメージングデバイス

    伊野浩介, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    バイオ・マイクロシステム研究会 2016年4月27日

  58. 電気化学バイオイメージングのカラー化に向けたLSIデバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 菅野佑介, 須田篤史, 國方亮太, 松平昌昭, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    日本化学会 第96春季年会 (2016) 2016年3月24日

  59. マイクロ・ナノ化学に基づく電気化学イメージングデバイスの開発と細胞解析への応用 招待有り


    日本化学会 第96春季年会 (2016) 2016年3月24日

  60. Molecular diffusion-based switching system using microelectrode array 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yuta Yamada, Hitoshi Shiku

    Pacifichem 2015 2015年12月15日

  61. Electrochemical imaging using molecular consumption-based switching system for evaluation of respiration activity of cell aggregates 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yuta Yamada, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2015) 2015年10月25日

  62. マイクロ・ナノ化学と電気化学の融合による新規バイオ分析法の開発


    2015年度 バイオインダストリー協会賞 発酵と代謝研究奨励賞、化学・生物素材研究開発奨励賞 合同発表会 2015年10月14日

  63. 分子電気化学スイッチングデバイスを用いた3次元培養組織の呼吸活性イメージング

    伊野浩介, 山田祐大, 菅野佑介, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第9回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム ―第30回生体機能関連化学シンポジウム,第18回バイオテクノロジー部会シンポジウム― 2015年9月10日

  64. Large-scale integration (LSI)-based electrochemical chip device for imaging of cell activity in three-dimensional cultured cells 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Kumi Y. Inoue, Masahki Matsudaira, Atsushi Suda, Ryota Kunikata, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    RSC Tokyo International Conference 2015 2015年9月3日

  65. マイクロ・ナノ化学を利用した電気化学バイオ分析 招待有り


    平成27年度日本分析化学会東北支部若手交流会 2015年7月17日

  66. Electrochemical bioimaging using a diffusion control-based electrode array device 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yuta Yamada, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    ISMM2015 2015年6月8日

  67. 分子電気化学スイッチング素子を用いた細胞呼吸活性の電気化学イメージング

    伊野浩介, 山田祐大, 菅野佑介, 珠玖仁, 末永 智一

    第75回分析化学討論会 2015年5月23日

  68. 分子電気化学スイッチング素子の創成と電気化学バイオイメージングへの応用

    伊野浩介, 菅野佑介, 山田祐大, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    日本化学会第95春季年会 2015年3月26日

  69. バイオ分析に向けた電気化学計測システム・デバイスの開発に関する研究


    電気化学会第82回大会 2015年3月15日

  70. Electrodeposited alginate hydrogels for fabrication of cell sheets 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Fumisato Ozawa, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS2014) 2014年10月26日

  71. 細胞解析を指向した電気化学デバイスの開発


    日本分析化学会第63年会 2014年9月19日

  72. Electrochemical devices and systems for bioanalysis 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    Biomedical Engineering Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Lecture Series 2014年9月12日

  73. 細胞培養に向けたハイドロゲル電解析出法の開発

    伊野浩介, 小沢文智, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会第29回研究会 2014年5月22日

  74. 局所レドックスサイクルを用いた多点電気化学測定システム

    伊野浩介, 菅野佑介, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    日本化学会第94春季年会 2014年3月27日

  75. 電気化学的手法を用いたバイオイメージング


    新学術領域研究「天然物ケミカルバイオロジー」地区ミニシンポジウム(東北大学) 2014年3月3日

  76. Densified electrochemical sensor based on vertically separated electrode array for electrochemical imaging 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kanno, Komaki Hirokazu, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS2013) 2013年10月27日

  77. Electrochemical imaging for cell analysis using a high-density sensor array based on local redox cycling 国際会議 招待有り

    Kosuke Ino

    International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan 2013年9月28日

  78. 電解析出アルギン酸ゲルを用いた3次元細胞培養

    伊野浩介, 小沢文智, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第65回日本生物工学会大会 2013年9月18日

  79. 局所レドックスサイクルを用いた網羅的電気化学デバイスによる細胞解析

    伊野浩介, 菅野佑介, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    日本分析化学会 第62年会 2013年9月10日

  80. レドックスサイクルによる高感度・網羅的電気化学チップデバイス の開発


    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会第27回研究会 2013年5月23日

  81. Local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip device for high-throughput cell analysis 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    WPI-AIMR and Fraunhofer ENAS Joint Workshop on Micro Integrated Devices 2013年2月22日

  82. 局所レドックスサイクリングを利用した電気化学多点計測デバイスの開発

    末永智一, 西條拓, Mustafa Şen, 珠玖仁, 伊野浩介

    第58回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 2012年11月26日

  83. Electrochemical imaging device consisting of 256 local redox cycling-based electrochemical sensors for high-throughput cell analysis 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    Sendai Symposium on Analytical Sciences 2012 (SSAS2012) 2012年11月9日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    Invited lecture 東北大学片平キャンパス

  84. Comprehensive electrochemical imaging with local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip device for evaluation of three-dimensional culture cells 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Mustafa Şen, Taku Nishijo, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    23th 2012 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMehatronics and Human Science (MHS2012) 2012年11月4日

  85. 微細ウェルを組み込んだ多点電気化学デバイスによる1細胞からの分泌タンパク質の検出

    伊野浩介, Mustafa Şen, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第26回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会 2012年10月28日

  86. Local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip device for high-throughput assay toward evaluating embryoid bodies 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Taku Nishijo, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS2012) 2012年10月28日

  87. 細胞解析に向けたマイクロ・ナノギャップ電極による網羅的電気化学デバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 菅野佑介, 西條拓, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第64回日本生物工学会大会 2012年10月23日

  88. A high-throughput assay for evaluation of embryoid bodies using local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip device 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Taku Nishijo, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    PRiME 2012 2012年10月7日

  89. Electrochemical imaging device consisting of microelectrode arrays to induce local redox cycling for high-throughput cell analyses 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Taku Nishijo, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    2012 International Conference on. Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2012) 2012年9月25日

  90. Local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip devices containing 256 electrochemical sensors for cell analysis 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Mustafa Şen, Taku Nishijo, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    RSC Tokyo International Conference -Micro/Nano Technologies for Analysis of Human Health and Diagnostics- 2012年9月6日

  91. Local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip device for high-throughput cell analysis 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Mustafa Sen, Taku Nishijo, Yusuke Kanno, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM 2012) 2012年6月10日

  92. 局所レドックスサイクルを用いた網羅的電気化学チップデバイスによる胚性幹細胞の分化評価

    伊野浩介, 西條拓, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第25回 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会 2012年5月17日

  93. 電気化学チップデバイスを用いた1細胞からの分泌タンパク質の検出

    伊野浩介, Mustafa Şen, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    電気化学会第79回大会 2012年3月29日

  94. Addressable electrode array device incorporated with IDA electrodes for biological analyses 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Taku Nishijo, Wataru Saito, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011年10月3日

  95. 細胞イメージングに向けた多点電気デバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 西條拓, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第63回日本生物工学会大会 2011年9月26日

  96. Addressable electrode array device incorporated with IDA electrodes for multi-point detection 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Wataru Saito, Masahiro Koide, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    62th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2011年9月12日

  97. 微小電極を用いた細胞評価


    鉄鋼協会評価分析解析部会自主フォーラム「鉄鋼材料プロセス関連 2011年2月4日

  98. 電気化学イメージングに向けたチップデバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 斉藤航, 小出昌弘, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第22回 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会 2010年11月17日

  99. 酵素イメージングに向けた新規電気化学チップデバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 斉藤航, 小出昌弘, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第62回日本生物工学会大会 2010年10月27日

  100. A multi-point detection system with addressable electrode array device incorporated with IDA electrodes 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Wataru Saito, Masahiro Koide, Taizo Umemura, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue

    The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010年10月3日

  101. 酵素イメージングに向けた多点電気化学デバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 斉藤航, 小出昌弘, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第4回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム 2010年9月24日

  102. 局所レドックスサイクルを用いた多点電気化学デバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 斉藤航, 小出昌弘, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    日本分析化学会第59年会 2010年9月15日

  103. 局所レドックスサイクルによる多点電気化学チップデバイスの開発

    伊野浩介, 斉藤航, 小出昌弘, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第21回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会 2010年6月10日

  104. 格子型電極アレイデバイスを用いたビーズELISAシステムの開発

    伊野浩介, 堀口佳子, 林振宇, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    電気化学会第77回大会 2010年3月29日

  105. 立体格子型電極デバイスを用いた新規多点電気化学検出法の開発

    伊野浩介, 堀口佳子, 林振宇, 高橋康史, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第20回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会 2009年11月7日

  106. A microfludic device with interdigitated array electrodes for detection of hormone active chemicals using genetically-engineered yeast cells 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Yusuke Kitagawa, Hitoshi Shiku, Masahiro Koide, Yoshiko Horiguchi, Tomoaki Itayama, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Tomokazu Matsue

    Micro TAS 2009 (The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences) 2009年11月1日

  107. 微小電極アレイを組み込んだバイオチップデバイスによる新規多点電気化学検出

    伊野浩介, 堀口佳子, 林振字, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    第61回日本生物工学会大会 2009年9月23日

  108. 格子型電極アレイデバイスを用いた目的タンパク質の検出

    伊野浩介, 堀口佳子, 林振宇, 高橋康史, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    2009年電気化学秋季大会 2009年9月10日

  109. Construction of dot arrays of microparticles by negative dielectrophoresis using multilayered electrodes 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku, Fumisato Ozawa, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Tomokazu Matsue

    60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2009年8月16日

  110. Electrochemical gene-function analysis for single cells with addressable microelectrode/microwell arrays 国際会議

    Tomokazu Matsue, Zhenyu Lin, Kosuke Ino, Hitoshi Shiku

    60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2009年8月16日

  111. 誘電泳動を用いた生体微粒子のアレイパターニング

    伊野浩介, 小沢文智, 珠玖仁, 安川智之, 末永智一

    電気化学会第76回大会 2009年3月29日

  112. 細胞アレイ作製に向けた誘電泳動用多層電極の開発

    伊野浩介, 小沢文智, 珠玖仁, 安川智之, 末永智一

    第18回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会 2008年12月8日

  113. 生体微粒子のアレイ状パターニングに向けた誘電泳動用多層電極の開発

    電気化学会東北支部 第22回若手の会 2008年11月28日

  114. 磁力を用いた再生医工学による真皮細胞シートへの毛細血管様組織の構築

    伊野浩介, 井藤彰, 熊澤 寛人, 各務秀明, 上田実, 本多裕之

    化学工学会 第40回秋季大会 2008年9月24日

    詳細を見る 詳細を閉じる

    優秀論文賞の受賞講演 東北大学(川内キャンパス)

  115. 微小電極を用いた誘電詠動による三次元細胞パターニング法の開発

    伊野浩介, 小沢文智, 安川智之, 珠玖仁, 末永智一

    日本生物工学会 60回大会 2008年8月27日

  116. 磁気細胞アレイを用いた1細胞解析

    伊野浩介, 大河内美奈, 小西奈緒, 今井連太郎, 式田光宏, 本多裕之

    化学工学会 第73年会 2008年3月

  117. Magnetic force-based cell patterning for tissue engineering 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Akira Ito, Mina Okochi, Hiroyuki Honda

    International Conference on Cellular & Molecular Bioengineering (ICCMB) 2007年12月

  118. 磁気細胞パターニング法を用いた細胞アレイの作製

    伊野浩介, 大河内美奈, 小西奈緒, 今井連太郎, 式田光宏, 本多裕之

    日本生物工学会 59回大会 2007年9月

  119. 磁力を用いたセルマニピレーションによる細胞パターニング

    伊野浩介, 井藤彰, 大河内美奈, 本多裕之

    化学工学会 第72年会 2007年3月

  120. A novel methodology of cell micropatterning using functional magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Honda

    The 12th Symposium of Young Asia Biochemical Engineers' Community (YABEC) 2006年11月

  121. Cell micropatterning using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force 国際会議

    Kosuke Ino, Kazunori Shimizu, Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Honda

    AIChE Annual Meeting in 2006 2006年11月

  122. 磁力を用いた細胞のマイクロパターニング

    伊野浩介, 井藤彰, 本多裕之

    化学工学会 第38回秋季大会 2006年9月

  123. 磁性ナノ粒子を用いて作製した三次元組織への血管新生の誘導

    伊野浩介, 井藤彰, 熊澤寛人, 各務秀明, 上田実, 本多裕之

    化学工学会 第71年会 2006年3月

  124. 磁性ナノ粒子を用いた毛細血管を含む生体組織の構築

    伊野浩介, 熊澤寛人, 井藤彰, 本多裕之

    日本MRS学術シンポジウム 2005年12月

  125. 磁性ナノ粒子を用いた血管を含む三次元組織の構築

    伊野浩介, 熊澤寛人, 井藤彰, 本多裕之

    化学工学会 第37回秋季大会 2005年9月

  126. 磁性ナノ粒子を用いた管状組織の構築

    伊野浩介, 林田真生, 井藤彰, 小林猛, 松沼寛, 各務秀明, 上田実, 本多裕之

    化学工学会 第70年会 2005年3月

  127. 機能性磁性微粒子を用いた細胞シートの作製

    伊野浩介, 井藤彰, 小林猛, 本多裕之

    日本生物工学会 56回大会 2004年9月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

産業財産権 12

  1. 触媒反応生成物の電気化学的測定方法及びトランスデューサ

    國方亮太, 須田篤史, 林泰之, 伊野浩介, 末永智一


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  2. 触媒反応生成物の電気化学的測定方法、電気化学測定装置及びトランスデューサ

    國方亮太, 須田篤史, 林泰之, 伊野浩介, 末永智一


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  3. ハイドロゲルの電気化学的な作製方法、細胞がパターニングされたハイドロゲルの作製方法、ハイドロゲル作製装置及びトランスデューサ

    伊野浩介, 末永智一, 珠玖仁, 寺内万由子, 平典子, 國方亮太, 須田篤史


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  4. 電気化学イメージング方法、電気化学測定装置及びトランスデューサ

    伊野浩介, 菅野佑介, 末永智一, 井上久美, 國方亮太, 林泰之, 須田篤史


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  5. 電気化学測定装置及びトランスデューサ

    國方亮太, 林泰之, 須田篤史, 伊野浩介, 井上久美, 末永智一


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  6. 電気化学測定方法、電気化学測定装置及びトランスデューサ

    林泰之, 國方亮太, 須田篤史, 伊野浩介, 井上久美, 末永智一


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  7. 電気化学測定方法、電気化学測定装置及びトランスデューサ

    林泰之, 國方亮太, 須田篤史, 伊野浩介, 井上久美, 末永智一


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  8. 電気化学測定方法、電気化学測定装置及びトランスデューサ

    國方亮太, 林泰之, 須田篤史, 伊野浩介, 井上久美, 末永智一


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  9. エンドトキシンの濃度検出方法及びエンドトキシン検出用電極チップ

    末永智一, 井上久美, 伊野浩介, 珠玖仁


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  10. 電気化学計測チップ用電極装置

    須田篤史, 木村龍男, 國方亮太, 伊野浩介, 末永智一


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  11. Electrode device for an electrochemical sensor chip

    Atsushi Suda, Tatsuo Kimura, Ryota Kunikata, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue

    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

  12. 細胞構造体の形成方法

    本多裕之, 井藤彰, 伊野浩介, 児玉逸雄, 李鍾國


    産業財産権の種類: 特許権

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示

共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 16

  1. ハイドロゲル中の培養臓器の評価に向けた電気化学計測システムの開発 競争的資金


    2023年7月 ~ 2025年3月

  2. バイオセンサを配置した多孔膜デバイスの開発と生体模倣評価モデルへの応用


    2022年7月 ~ 2025年3月

  3. 細胞機能・形態を可視化する電気化学発光計測システムの構築

    伊野 浩介

    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    研究機関:Tohoku University

    2022年4月 ~ 2025年3月

  4. 培養細胞スクリーニングに向けたハイスループット電気化学発光計 測バイオチップの開発 競争的資金

    2023年 ~ 2024年3月

  5. ディジタルー分子情報変換によるマクロファージ型分子ロボットの構築と制御


    提供機関:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    制度名:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究種目:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    研究機関:Tokyo Institute of Technology

    2020年4月 ~ 2024年3月

  6. 細胞検出に向けた微小ウェルアレイデバイスの開発と電気化学計測システムの融合

    2021年5月 ~ 2022年3月

  7. 血液脳関門モデル評価のための電気化学センシングデバイス


    2021年 ~ 2021年12月

  8. 上皮・内皮細胞を介した化学物質輸送の評価に向けた電気化学計測システムの開発 競争的資金

    伊野 浩介


    制度名:2019年度 研究開発助成

    2020年2月 ~ 2021年12月

  9. 電気化学発光に基づく細胞分泌物計測法の開発

    2020年6月 ~ 2021年6月

  10. 電気化学デバイスを組み込んだ細胞培養システムの開発

    2020年6月 ~ 2021年3月

  11. 電気化学アレイデバイスの細胞培養プラットフォームへの応用 競争的資金

    伊野 浩介

    2018年4月 ~ 2021年3月

  12. 集積回路を組み込んだスマート細胞培養シャーレの開発 競争的資金

    伊野 浩介

    2018年4月 ~ 2020年3月

  13. Electrochemical hydrogel printing for cell culture using integrated devices 競争的資金

    伊野 浩介

    2019年9月 ~ 2019年10月

  14. Electrochemical analysis of three-dimensional cultured cells busing bipolar array devices 競争的資金

    伊野 浩介

    提供機関:Life Science Foundation of Japan


    2019年8月 ~ 2019年8月

  15. マルチスケール化を実現するハイブリッド電気化学バイオイメージングシステム 競争的資金


    2016年4月 ~ 2019年3月

  16. 分子電気化学スイッチ素子の開発と電気化学バイオイメーイングへの応用 競争的資金

    伊野 浩介

    2015年4月 ~ 2018年3月

︎全件表示 ︎最初の5件までを表示